The Desert Messenger - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
The Desert Messenger - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
The Desert Messenger “Behold, I send My messenger before Your Face, who shall prepare Your way...” (Matthew 11:10) Volume 10, Issue 5 St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Las Vegas, NV From Father John May 2012 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ~ John 1:5 Beloved in Christ: Χριστος Ανεστη! Christ is Risen! By the grace and good will of our saving God, we again reached the pinnacle of not only the Great 40-Day Fast, but moreover the entire year – the Feast of all feasts, Great and Holy Pascha. Once more, we ended at the same place where we started the Holy Fast . . . that is, at the grave. We began our journey into the spiritual wilderness with the awareness that we have been exiled from Paradise together with Adam and Eve, and consigned to the grave because of our sinful rebelliousness against our Creator. Throughout the long fast, if we approached it prayerfully and thoughtfully, we became cognizant of our own need for repentance, and hopefully made the steps to return to our Lord and Master Who patiently awaits us. With Pascha, however, our encounter with death is not filled with the despair, grief or mourning that we experienced in the past. Together with the Myrrh-Bearing Women, we now approach the Tomb of our King, only to find it empty – signifying that the grave is no longer a place of repulsion, but of sweetness; or a reason for lamenting, but rather of rejoicing; and that death is no longer a condition of darkness, but instead, a radiant passage to eternal communion with Christ our God, Who is the Divine Light. Again this year, we the faithful entered the darkened Church at the midnight hour in anticipation of receiving the Light of Christ in our lives . . . with assurance that not only the Church in which we gathered, but all of creation as well would bask in the Light of God’s love and mercy . . . and with profound thanksgiving, because we were fully aware that God’s forgiveness dawns from the tomb, although we have done nothing to merit this. Like the Holy Apostles, we witnessed our Lord freely enduring extreme humiliation, so that, according to His will, He might put our sinfulness to death on the Cross and vanquish the sting of death by His Glorious Bodily Resurrection on the third day. During this joyful Paschal Season, let us eagerly embrace these words of St. Gregory the Theologian as our own: “Yesterday I was crucified with Him, today I live with Him; yesterday I was buried with Him, today I rise with Him.” Beloved, we received the Holy Light of our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Pascha not only to brighten the darkened Church, but more importantly, as both our personal and community commitment to spiritual renewal – to illumine from this point on our darkened souls. Receiving the Light must be equivalent to setting our hearts and minds ablaze with a genuine love for God and, equally so, for one another. In taking our Light home, we were reminded that we must “walk as children of light” and, therefore, to “try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:8, 10) Let us, as bearers of the Holy Light of Christ, let our light so shine before all people and indeed the world, that all may see our good works and give glory to our Heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16). With love in the Risen Lord, The Desert Messenger WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays: 8:45 am Orthros ~ 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Church School follows Holy Communion Sunday, May 6/4th Sunday of Pascha/ Sunday, May 20/6th Sunday of Pascha/ Sunday of the Paralytic Sunday of the Blind Man Orthros: Tone Three Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): Luke 24:13-35 Epistle: Acts 9:32-42 Gospel: John 5:1-15 Parish Assembly follows Liturgy Orthros: Tone Five (First Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 20:11-18 Epistle: Acts 16:16-34 Gospel: John 9:1-38 Monday, May 21/Ss. Constantine and Helen, Wednesday, May 9/Mid Pentecost/ Holy Martyr Christopher 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Acts 14:6-18 Gospel: John 7:14-30 Equal to the Apostles 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Acts 26:1, 12-20 Gospel: John 10:1-9 Wednesday, May 23 5:00 pm Orthros ~ 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy (Holy Ascension of Our Lord) Sunday, May 13/5th Sunday of Pascha/ Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Orthros: Tone Four Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 20:1-10 Epistle: Acts 11:19-30 Gospel: John 4:5-42 Happy Mothers Day! Epistle: Acts 1:1-12 Gospel: Luke 24:36-53 Thursday, May 24/Holy Ascension Liturgy Celebrated on Wednesday Evening Sunday, May 27/7th Sunday of Pascha/ Christ is Risen from the dead by death trampling down upon death and to those in the tombs He has granted life! The Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council Orthros: Tone Six (Second Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 21:1-14 Epistle: Acts 20:16-18, 28-36 Gospel: John 17:1-13 His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos made his annual pilgrimage to our parish on Palm Sunday weekend. 2 The Desert Messenger Parish Council Report Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ of St. John the Baptist Church, Xristos Anesti! Christ Is Risen! This is an especially happy and sacred time of the year for all Orthodox Christians. Thank you to all the ministries and volunteers that worked especially hard throughout this special celebration. Thanks to our wonderful Clergy, Altar Servers, Chanters, Adult and Youth Choirs for focusing and enhancing our spiritual attention to prayer. His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos was very impressed with the reverence and hospitality that was demonstrated by all of our faithful during his visit with the new Chancellor, Father Apostolos Koufallakis, and visiting Psalti, Sotiris Vlavianos. A special “thank you” to Jim and Julie Monoyudis for hosting the Welcome Dinner at the Tahiti Village. Only St. John the Baptist Church knows how to make everyone feel loved. I would be remiss if I did not mention our entire behind-the-scene workers: The Forerunners, AHEPAans, GOYAns and Philoptochos are to be recognized for their ongoing participation, from assisting in Church to the preparation of some fantastic meals. I am very grateful to God for blessing me with an extraordinarily active Parish Council. They certainly were visible in their attentiveness and heartfelt work ethic. From early morning Church services to extended evening hours they were always there ready to assist in every capacity. I think we can all agree that the Palm Sunday Luncheon and Agape Picnic were well attended. Congratulations to all who made these events successful. Finally, a special “thank you” to our talented folk dancers for providing great entertainment, with Steve Likourinou providing the sound. Once again, St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church Parishioners showed the community how a vibrant and spiritual family endures – through love, worship and respect for one another. Alithos Anesti! Truly He Is Risen! May God Continue to Bless Our Church. John Fotopoulos, Parish Council President Jesus said to the paralytic, “Rise, take up your pallet, and walk.” ~John 5:8 SUNDAY SCHEDULE May 6 Ushers: Tami Stefanatos, Demetrious Asim, Darrick Cole, George Bochanis, Adam Bieker and Spiros Filios Memorial: Mary Bartsas and Departed Family and Friends; Domna Kalfas (1 year); George Kostopoulos (4 years) Fellowship: Philoptochos, in Memory of Mary Bartsas May 13 ~ Happy Mothers Day! Ushers: Paula Kelesis, Stephanie Demoleas, Ramona Tasios, Stacy Mavrantonis, John Fotopoulos and Jim Monoyudis Fellowship: Orthodox Family Fellowship May 20 Ushers: Adam Bieker, Spiros Filios, Demetrious Asim, Darrick Cole, Tami Stefanatos and Jim Monoyudis Memorial: John Zarkos (40 days) Fellowship: AHEPA May 27 Ushers: John Fotopoulos, George Bochanis, Paula Kelesis, Stephanie Demoleas, Ramona Tasios and Stacy Mavrantonis Memorial: Emmanoul Zervos (1 year) Fellowship: Forerunners, Seniors of St. John the Baptist 3 The Desert Messenger Philoptochos News Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen! April has been a busy month for the Philoptochos Society and we want to thank everyone who volunteered for all of the Lenten events from Palm Sunday . . . to the dying of the red eggs for Pascha . . . to the decorating of the Epitaphion . . . to helping with Holy Week services and the Agape Picnic. Once again, everything you do is greatly appreciated. Many thanks go to the entire Parish, which generously donated for the flowers for the Epitaphion. On Sunday, May 6 we will host the Fellowship in honor of the memory of our benefactress, Mary Bartsas: May her memory be eternal. All members of our Philoptochos are invited to join us on Tuesday, May 8 at 6:30 pm in the Panos Hall Foyer. Instead of a General Meeting, we will have a fun-filled evening, which we are sure everyone will enjoy. Please RSVP to Georgia Kostopoulos at (702) 263-6108 or Geri Kypreos at (702) 378-7900. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there. Your Sisters in Christ, Geri Kypreos and the Panagia Board of Philoptochos Forerunners ~ The Seniors of St. John the Baptist We hope all of our members had a holy and blessed Pascha. Thanks to those members who helped cook and serve for the Agape Picnic; your cooperation is always appreciated. Since we did not meet in April, we look forward to a good turnout for our next gathering, which will be on Monday, May 14, at 11:30 am, in Panos Hall. It will be an enjoyable event! Please remember that we will host the Fellowship after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 27; please bring your “goodies” before Liturgy, so that we have time to present them appropriately. Now that the weather is warming up, please remember your sun block and keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water! Keep Safe! Yours in Christ, Ruth Plentzas Christ is Risen! Notes from the Loft Christos Anesti! Thank you for your hard work during the Lenten and Paschal season! The services were beautiful and prayerful. A special “thank you” goes to our dedicated organist, George Bosnos, for the devotion of his time and talent! We will take a short break from rehearsals during the month of May. Athena Mertes, Choir Director Notice of Parish Assembly Sunday, May 6, 2012 ~ Following Liturgy AGENDA: Call to Order/Opening Prayer Election of Assembly Chair Approval of Minutes (November 6, 2011) Financial Report Stewardship 2012 Report Building and Maintenance Report Greek Food Festival Report Election of 2 Delegates for National Clergy-Laity Congress Closing Prayer/Adjournment Adult Study with Father John: “The Sunday Orthros Resurrection Gospel Readings” The Minutes will be made available via email or at the Church Office. You must be a 2012 Steward in Good Standing to participate and vote. Stewardship Pledge Cards can be obtained by calling the Church Office at (702) 221-8245. Starting Wednesdays, May 2 at 7:00 pm in Kokkos Hall Bibles available for purchase in our Bookstore 4 The Desert Messenger 5 The Desert Messenger “Where Does It Say That in the Bible?” How many times have we heard this question, or perhaps even asked it ourselves? Either way, “Where does it say that in the Bible?” always seems to be the phrase that comes to mind when our conscience is provoked regarding our faith and how we live it. With this being said, in the recent past I mentioned that we will learn about giving of ourselves as “True Christian Stewards” by referencing the Scriptures. But, before we do so, I would like to share an interesting explanation to this question asked by many of us “skeptics,” by doing precisely this . . . referencing, in this instance, the New Testament Gospel of St. John: “But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” (John 21:25) Through the work of the Holy Spirit placed upon the Apostles and subsequently the Holy Fathers of the Church, we understand that all of the Commandments of Christ could not fit in the compiled Bible, but whether written or handed down through Holy Tradition, His Teachings are still to be applied to our lives – upheld and respected by the Faithful. As we consider how our Lord’s Commands apply to True Christian Stewardship, we need only to share one other passage, which is an abundance of knowledge, and coming from the Gospel of St. Mark: “And a poor widow came, and put in two copper coins, which make a penny. And He called His disciples to Him and said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For they contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living.’” (Mark 12:42-44) May we all consider this wonderful example from Christ's Teachings as a cheerful call for each of us; not misunderstanding it as your parish asking us again to give money, but instead, considering it a calling to give of ourselves wholeheartedly, just as the poor widow did. The Community Outreach/Stewardship Committee really desires to connect with every one of you, so please give your best effort to do the same. Also, if you personally have a need, or have a loved one who is sick, in the hospital, or home-bound we will gladly make a visit. My contact information is If you do not have e-mail, please contact Karen at the Church Office (702) 221-8245, and she will notify me. Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti! Jennia (Justina) Szukiewicz, Stewardship Committee Chairperson Kokkos Scholarship The Scholarship Committee for the Kokkos Scholarship Fund is pleased to announce that applications are currently available at the Church Office. If you wish to receive your application via email, please contact Karen at The applications must be returned on or before Friday, May 25. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered. The eligibility requirements were established by Fofo Kokkos in her Last Will and Testament. The Scholarship Committee for the Kokkos Scholarship Fund administers this program under the guidance of Father John Hondros. The Kokkos Will stipulates that two high school graduates of Greek descent within the St. John Community be selected, who are enrolled for higher education to a college or university. The students must have an outstanding scholastic record and be in financial need. Also, parish involvement by the students at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church was important to Fofo Kokkos; therefore this is also a factor in evaluating the applicants. Please contact the Church Office for more information at (702) 221-8245. Please remember Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in your will and estate planning. 6 The Desert Messenger Our Community Registry ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Baptized into Christ: Na Mas Zisoun! 5300 S. El Camino Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 Gianna, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Lagomarsino, on March 31, 2012. Godparent: Panayiota Lieblein. Rev. Father John Hondros Alexander, son of Danny and Danielle Kalkas, on April 22, 2012. Godparent: Voula Konstantarakis. Chrismation Kristin Marsala on April 1, 2012. Sponsors: Gary and Susan Waters. Karen Rawlinson Administrative Assistant Maria Kakavulias Business Administrator Sheryl Lujan Facilities and Catering Manager Office Hours Marriage: Na Zisete! Brandon Rudolph and Christina Kordogiannis on April 21, 2012. Koumbaros: George Peek. Fallen Asleep in the Lord: Eternal Memory Gust Birtas on March 23, 2012. Funeral on March 30. Mary Lambros on March 30, 2012. Funeral on April 4. Patricia Irvin (daughter of Katherine Andrews) on April 2, 2012. John Zarkos on April 13, 2012. Funeral on April 17. Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Telephone: (702) 221-8245 FAX: (702) 221-9167 E-mail: Website: Parish Council: John Fotopoulos Philoptochos: Geri Kypreos Choir: Athena Mertes Chanters/Youth Choir: Presvytera Maria Hondros Church School: Eileen Koutsulis Orthodox Connection Las Vegas Altar Servers: Alex Szukiewicz Xristos Anesti! “The One Isaiah proclaimed the Lamb comes willingly to the slaughter. He bares His back to the lash, His cheeks to the strikes. Spat upon, He does not turn away from the humiliation. Willingly the sinless One endures all, that to all He may grant resurrection from the dead.” (Hymn from Holy Thursday Morning) Each year at the end of Lent and Holy Week, we are able to reflect on one service or event that stands out for us above all others. For me this year, Christ’s humility was what truly had my attention. In reflecting on the above hymn, we are reminded that the One who created everything and has power to do anything, humbled Himself to allow such disrespect and humiliation so that we may learn what it is to be humble Christians. When we are faced with a difficult situation, such as an irritating coworker, a bad driver on the road, or a disobedient child, we should think back to this hymn and remember that if Christ put Himself last and endured all for us . . . how can we do any less to others? Thank you to all the members of OCLV who attended and volunteered at the Agape Picnic. As members of a ministry, it is imperative that we support our Church and Her functions. Only through your help and support can our events be successful. For the month of May we will have a fellowship night of bowling at the Orleans Casino Bowling Alley on Friday, May 18 at 7:00 pm. Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 15, so lanes may be reserved. In Christ, Adam Bieker 7 Stewardship Committee: Jennia Szukiewicz Hellenic Historical Society: Nitsa Filios GOYA: Effie Lekar Tammy Chomakos HOPE and JOY: Sharon Katsaros Orthodox Family Fellowship: Amy & Jeremy Bauck Youth Ministries: Eileen Koutsulis Orthodox Connection Las Vegas: Adam Bieker Adult Basketball: Panagiote Tsolis Forerunners: Marie & Gary Setian Greek Folk Dance: Tina Liaos, Chair Bryan Taxopoulos, Director Greek School: Paula Kelesis Orthodox Bookstore: Matthew Castillo Bill Andrews Library: Spero Demoleas The Desert Messenger Youth Ministries Church School Christos Anesti! What a great year we have had in Church School. We have closed our enrollment this year. Starting in August, you may register your children for the 2012-2013 Church School year. I would like to thank all our teachers for their hard work this year. Their dedication and commitment to our program is what makes it successful. I would also like to thank Father John for his support; all of us appreciate everything that he does for us. Our Commencement is on Pentecost Sunday, June 3. We will have our ceremony, along with honoring our High School Seniors after Divine Liturgy and Kneeling Vespers. Afterward, we will have a celebration in Panos Hall with pizza and cake. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. In Christ, Eileen Koutsulis, Church School Director (702) 521-6516 or Youth Choir News Christos Anesti! Kudos to the Youth Choir, including all our new members, who chanted the services for Lent and Holy Week BEAUTIFULLY! The group was superb and the congregation loved you. We will chant the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 13 for Mothers Day. It will be extra special for our Moms, Yiayias, Nounas and Theias to hear your wonderful voices. Please arrive early at 9:40 am in the front right side. Thank you! Love, Presvytera Maria Greek Folk Dance HOREPSE 2012 ~ GREEK DANCE SEMINAR The Folk Dance Ministry of St. John Church is proud to announce the 4th Annual Horepse Dance Seminar, taking place on June 8-10 at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church. We will be bringing instructors and musicians from Greece for a fun-filled weekend of traditional song and dance. Joining us will be Christos Papakostas displaying dances from Serres, Macedonia and Angelos Nikolaidis teaching dances from his village in Evros, Thrace. The weekend will consist of several workshops, dance classes and will include a Glendi Saturday evening with LIVE Greek music from regions all over Greece! There are packages for the entire weekend, individual days or individual events. If you cannot attend the entire weekend, please join us at the Glendi! Tickets for the Glendi are only $40 for adults and $20 for children under 12. There will be great music, great food and great dancing! Please help us welcome our attendees and instructors and show them what our Vegas Greek hospitality is all about. For more information, you can visit our website at http:// or contact Bessie Stavropoulos at (702) 326-1522 with any questions. Please mark your calendars and we hope to see you all there! Tina Liaos and the Greek Folk Dance Board HOPE and JOY Please note the date change: Our Red Rock Canyon Hike is now scheduled for Saturday, May 19. We will meet at 12:00 noon at the Chevron Station at Town Center and Charleston. Please RSVP with Sharon at (702) 292-0850. Your Sister in Christ, Sharon Katsaros 8 The Desert Messenger GOYA Christ is Risen! We had a glorious Holy Week, which began with the youth gathering that we fully enjoyed with His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos on Palm Sunday weekend. We once again had the opportunity to ask questions pertaining to our Faith, and as a result of this dialogue we felt a closer bond with His Eminence. Now that we have completed our Lenten journey to Christ’s Holy Resurrection, let us also prepare for our Lord’s Holy Ascension on Thursday, May 24 and Holy Pentecost on Sunday, Our Annual Lenten Orthodox Teen Retreat was a June 3. Please look to the worship schedule and success with 35 participants, and included youth from our sister parish of St. Paul Church. join us for these special services during the months of May and June. Please remember that we sing “Christ is Risen” for 40 days and we do not kneel at any Divine Liturgy for 50 days, to acknowledge the new life we share in our Resurrected Lord. On Saturday, May 12, we will have a Picnic Fun Day from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Mountain’s Edge Exploration Park (9275 S. Buffalo, Las Vegas, NV 89178 ~ Blue Diamond and Buffalo). Please bring your outdoor sports gear, sunscreen, water, sack lunch, something to get wet in, a towel, a change of clothes, and sneakers for a small hike! This is an amazing park that everyone will enjoy! All teens are invited to join us each Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:00 pm for “Sports Night.” If you would like to participate on the St. John the Baptist Church team at the GOYA Volleyball Tournament on the weekend of May 19-20, at St. Anthony Church in Pasadena, CA, please contact one of the advisors! Please also remember our Relay for Life on June 1 from 6:00 pm to June 2 at 6:00 am and help us raise funds for the fight against cancer! GOYA is a youth ministry for 6th-12th graders. Please contact Effie or Tammy with any questions. Love in Our Risen Lord, Your GOYA Advisors, Effie Lekar (702) 768-5500 and Tammy Chomakos (702) 338-4671 Orthodox Family Fellowship Christos Anesti! We are looking forward to getting together in May! Now that it is warming up, we are planning on gathering on the Church grounds to enjoy the spring weather on Saturday, May 12 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm. There will be plenty of activities to keep everyone in the family busy, from football and kickball to hula hoops and bubbles. We are planning to BBQ, so please plan on bringing a side dish (meat for BBQing will be provided). Feel free to bring family and friends ~ the more the merrier! Please RSVP to Amy Bauck at (702) 250-5064 or via email at See you on the 12th! Jeremy and Amy Bauck, OFF Directors Attention, Graduates! We want to share your good news in the June issue of The Desert Messenger! If you will be graduating soon from High School or University, please email by May 15: ▪ School from which you are graduating ▪ The degree you will receive, including honors ▪ What your plans are, and what you will study if pursuing further education ▪ And most importantly, a photo of you in JPG format! 9 The Desert Messenger Memories of Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Pascha 2012 10 The Desert Messenger With gratitude to our contributing photographers: Amy Bauck, Stephen Carabas, Tammy Chomakos, David Collins and Marissa Hondros 11 The Desert Messenger Financial Status for Month of March 2012 Bank Accounts General Operating Building/Maintenance Community/Education Ctr Construction (Loan Paymts) Food Festival Icon Money Market Library Checking On-Line Donations Bookstore Checking Beginning Balance as of 2.29.12 Income $13,426.83 $33,528.99 $3,845.56 $705.22 $7,832.39 $23,070.00 $42,691.85 $1,455.00 $4,636.50 $360.34 $15,143.21 $1.12 $1,200.09 $1,623.90 $488.00 Construction Loan Revolving Line of Credit Term Loan (5 year loan) $572,871.99 $28,000.00 $0.00 Expenses $47,599.34 $2,466.00 $8,010.71 $5,498.30 $41.98 $1,746.40 Internal Bank Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out $1,774.83 Balances as of 3.31.12 -$643.52 $2,084.78 $22,891.68 $37,193.55 $1,413.02 $3,250.44 $15,144.33 $1,200.09 $337.07 $570,679.66 $28,000.00 $0.00 Orthodox Bookstore Christos Anesti! We just began this greeting with one another, and before we know it, we will soon prepare for the celebration of Our Lord’s Ascension. Lent flew by us, and now the Paschal season will draw to a close by the end of this month. Though the time flies by us daily, remember that the Lord’s promise and relationship with us is eternal. From the Paralytic, to the Samaritan Woman, the Blind Man, and the Church Fathers . . . the Lord makes no distinction of class and holds all in His Hands. For Father John’s Adult Study we will begin studying “The Sunday Orthros Resurrection Gospel Readings.” The New Oxford Annotated RSV Bible is available in the Bookstore and more copies will be ordered shortly. See you in the Bookstore! Matthew Castillo, Director Greek Language Class News Tuesday, May 15 will be the last day of class for students in the pilot program that rekindled the Greek Language Ministry, sponsored by the Alea Chapter of the Pan Arcadian Federation of America. This summer a task force will develop plans to expand this program with classes beginning in September. Watch for more information, including teacher applications, class levels and schedules, as well as student enrollment forms. If you have any questions you may contact Paula Kelesis, Teacher and Class Coordinator, or Dean Cero, Advisor. 12 The Desert Messenger 2012 Stewards and Contributors: “I Am the Vine ~ You are the Branches” Abernathy, Akaterine and Gordon Adamy, Marina Agnos, Dimitrios and Angeline Agnos, Mary Agnos, Peter Alcala, Phil and Georgia Alex, Jim and Renee Anastasakis, Mark and Elaine Anastasiou, Andrew and Kathleen Andraktos, Manuel Andrews, Catherine Anthony, Stavros and Bernadette Aristides, George and Diana Assefa, Sara Bacon, Ken and Dianne Balodimas, James Bartzos, Sam and Eugenia Bassounas, Penny Bauck, Jeremy and Amy Berendji, Jim and Vivian Berta, Irene Bicos, Andriana Bieker, Adam Bingham, Robert and Melissa Birtas, Ann Birtas, Helen Bochanis, George Borzekas, Stephen Bratta, Georgene Britten, Ronald and Carol Brown, Faye Buckalew, Cassandre Bucy, Brent and Elaine Capre, Julio and Betty Carabas, Stephen and Linda Carabas, Thymios and Sotiroulla Caras, Louis Caredis, Jon and Marjorie Carrico, William and Alexandra Carter, Maria Cero, Dean Chachas, Bessie Chachas, James Chandrinos, Alexia Chandrinos, Peter Chanos, George Chilaras, Panagiotis Chomakos, Dean and Tammy Chomakos, George and Nikki Chomakos, Jeremy and Romina Chondrakis, Dimos and Kaaren Kragerud Christopoulos, Ann Christou, Andreas and Toni Chumas, Russell and Stella Ciprian, Laura Cole, Darrick and Carla Collins, David Collins, Dean Cominos, Ted Conger, William and Alexia Conklin, Demetra Constantine, Bill Costacos, John Costuros, George and Marsha Cosulas, Fr. Basil and Pres. Samantha Cotsilis, Jenny Coutris, Angela Dalacas, Eugenia Dalacas, Eleni Dalacas, Nick and Georgia Dangard, Vasso Davis, Ivan Dawood, Evon Delalis, Dina Delia, Joel and Scarlet DeMangus, Joanne Demetriou, Demetrios and Bessie Demolas, Ilias and Jodi Demoleas, Helen Demoleas, Spero and Grace Demoleas, Stephanie Demopoulos, Tommy and Vasiliki DeWindt, Dennis and Susan Diamantis, Filippos Doering, Bruce and Lynn Dominguez, Eric and Amalia Doskas, Athanasios and Anastasia Eliades, Aristotelis and Caroline Eliades, Artemis Eliades, Eleni Eliades, Harry and Agapi Eliades, Katerina Eliakis, Peter and Glenda Eliakis, Varthie and Lee Ann Eliopulos, Goldie English, Marika Exarhos, Nick and Sharon Eyler, John and Elizabeth Eyler, Fr. Paul and Pres. Ilean Failla, Jon and Jennifer Farren, Anthony and Maritsa Filios, George and Nitsa Filios, Spiridon and Eleni Flangas, Bill and Marilyn Flangas, Gary and Amanda Foskaris, Thomas and Iryina Fotopoulos, John and Barbara Frangakis, Constantine Frangakis, John Franzi, Jack Fronimos, John and Margaret Ganatsios, Nikolaos and Melpo George, Angela George, Pete and Georgia +Georgiou, Trula Georgis, John and Kaliopi Gialketsis, Barbara Giouzelis, Anastasia Goddard, Elizabeth Goldrick, Ethan and Robyn Gordon, Victor and Demetria Gousdovas, Nikos Gousias, Elias and Maria Grillas, Roula Grisson, Tony and Georgeea Gruber, Ernest and Zoe Gulling, April Hadzoglon, Christos and Barbara Hallis, Louis and Betty Hamilton, Mary Hamilton, Paul and Brandi Hanna, Adnan Harris, Melty and Angeline Hart, Dora Hastings, Audra Hastings, Teri Hemmers, Oliver and Pantelas, Anne Heretakis, Paul and Francine Hetzel, David Hondros, Catherine Hondros, Christina Hondros, Fr. John and Pres. Maria Hoover, Patrick and Pauline Hristopoulou, Spiridoula Kachikis, Paul and Ernestine Kachnik, Alison Kakavulias, Christina Kakavulias, George and Helen Kakavulias, John Kakavulias, Maria Kalkas, Danny and Danielle Kalkas, John and Irene Kambouris, Nicholas and Evangelia Kane, Larry and Irene Kanellis, Ann Kanoles, Helene Kanoles, Konstantine Karacostas, Alice Karalias, Petros and Constance Karalis, Gianni and April Karas, James Karas, John and Marcie Karas, Vasiliki Karvounidis, Nick and Alexandra Katris, Nick and Kathryn Katsaros, Thomas and Sharon Katsikakis, Evangelos Kelesis, Dina Kelesis, Paula Khoury, Ray and Nicole Kilgore, Richard and Eleni Kleanthis, George and Zanetta Kokenes, Katherine Kolokithas, Tom and Vangie Konstantarakis, Voula Kontos, Spero and Diana Kotonias, George and Patricia Kountanis, Pat Kourlos, Georgia Koutsulis, John and Eileen Koutsulis, Sam and Effie Kratky, Frank and Constance Kratsas, Chris and Barbeau, Marjorie Kuntelos, Simon and Sophia Kypreos, Peter and Geri Kyprianou, Gilbert and Alexis Lagomarsino, Andre and Elizabeth Lakis, Antoinette Lamancusa, Lisa Lambros, Mary Latelle, Penny 13 Lazarakis, John and Panagiota Lekar, Michael and Effie Lemelson, Carolyn Lemelson, Katerina Leonis, Nick and Sophia Leonis, Tishe Leventis, Nicholas and Christina Lewis, Foula Liaos, James and Tina Liaos, Steven and Francine Liaos, William and Irene Lieblin, Yota Likourinou, Angie Likourinou, Steve and June Lymberopoulos, Mary Maddox, Thomas and Maria Malamatos, Kindina Malpee, Mack and Kalliope Mamasis, Dena Mamasis, Tessie Maniatakos, Ted and Maria Manolakos, John and Jennifer Manos, Patricia Mansour, Muna Manteris, Art and Sue Margaretis, John and Lucila Matsis, John and Rebecca Matsis, Mike and Marsala, Kristin Mavrantonis, Kiki and Stacy Mavros, Michael and Debbie McNear, Elizabeth +Mezilson, Evangeline Mikelis, Peter Millet, Jennie Miner, George and Loreane Mirich, Kyle Moffett, Todd and Eliopulos, Tina Monoyudis, Jim and Julie Morgan, Brian and Adrienne Murnane, Sharon Murphy, Terry and Karen Nadzan, Don and Athena Neocleous, Plato Nicholas, John and Estella Nichols, Georgia Nichols, Mary Nickolson, Chloe Nikitas, Rigas and Aphrodite Nikolopoulos, Nick and Demetra Nixon, John A. O’Brien, William and Chris Olmsted, Travis and Marilyn Orlando, Alleck and Jennifer Osborn, Pearl Ostis, Sotirios Oustian, Arart and Juliette Pallis, Paul and Sandra Pandelis, Cheryl Panos, William and Jeanne Pantos, James Papadatos, Dimitra and Geary, Ted Papas, Christian and Nicole Papas, Louis and Magaly Papas, Peter and Rita The Desert Messenger 2012 Stewards and Contributors: “I Am the Vine ~ You are the Branches” Pappas, Adrian and Diane Pappas, Antonia Pappas, Constantine and Karina Pappas, Peter and Libby Pappas, Rita Payan, Luis and Eleni Pearson, Jeff and Adrienne Peek, George Pelletier, Michael Pendleton, Tricia Pentogenis, Michael and Katherine Peterson, Barbara Petratos, Angeline Petro, Aleko and Georgia Philippou, Demetrios and Luanne Platis, Anna Plentzas, Spiros and Ruth Polimerou, Angeline Poulos, Christine Pouridis, Kouli and Para Prokopis, Chris and Ritsa Prud’homme, Edwin and Pennye Punsalan, Basil and Sophie Radosta, Athena Raptis, Fr. Dean and Pres. Evonne Rifakes, John and Carol Rigas, Anthony and Mary Rodis, Dimitri and Jennifer Rodis, Sophia Ross, John and Georgia Rudolph, Brandon and Christina Rouvas, John and Keri Ruffner, Skip and Kathy Salvarlis, Thomas and Joyce Serpetini, Athanasia Setian, Gary and Marie Shiferaw, Dereje Simos, Tony Sirhan, Michael Skalkotos, Nikolas and Georgia Skandros, Georgia Skarlatos, Kostas and Frangopulu, Hristina Skerbetz, Frank and Sophia Smith, Kathleen Snow, Clifford and Christina Snow, Stephanie Snowden, Robert and Niki Soper, Robert and Maria Sotira, George Soursos, Harry Soursos, Savvas and Helene Sparangis, Spyro and Helen Sparkuhl, Alex and Antoinette Stavropoulos, Terry and Niki Stefanatos, Michael and Tami Stefanatos-Hetzel, Joanne Stenos, Louis and Litsa Stergiou, Peter Stika, Arthur and Melinda Stock, Helen Struzas, Maria Szukiewicz, Joe Szukiewicz, Joseph and Jennia Tafoya, Steven and Irene Tahiraj, Mirella Takas, Andrea Tasios, Pete and Ramona Taxiarchos, Andrew and Alexandra Taylor, Katherine Teed, Charles Theros, James Thomas, Angie Thompson, Maggy Tohme, Tony and May Touroutoglou, Nick Tringas, Chris Tsarouhas, Maria Tsiralidis, Kosmas and Katerina Tsolis, Christos and Panagioula Tsolis, Panagiote Tzelalis, Steve Tzortzis, Vassilios and Maria Varinos, Nick and Kiki Vassiliadis, Athena Vassiliadis, Spiros and Shiona Vavoukakis, Penelope Vergos, Charles and Eve Vervilos, James and Anna Walter, Vernon and Alice Walters, Lane and Mary Waterhouse, David Waters, Gary and Susan Weisman, Phil and Diane White, William Wilkerson, Chuck and Kristina Wilson, Steven and Cleo Womack, Karl Womack, Kimberly Wronski, Chuck Xikis, Victoria Zaferatos, Ted and Marinella Zander, Becky and Yialouris, Paul Zapata, Cesar and Smith, Litsa Zarras, Nick and Chery Zimmerman, Paul and Angela Zoumboulis, Tina Stewardship Report: “I Am the Vine ~ You are the Branches” Pledge Range $1-$999 $1,000-$2,499 $2,500-$4,999 $5,000-$9,999 $10,000-$14,999 Stewards Pledged* Gifts Pledged Gifts Received Average Pledge Number of Families 272 71 12 5 0 2011 372 $270,544 $116,026 $727 $ of Gifts Pledged $84,823 $91,200 $41,200 $27,720 $0.00 2012 363 $243,743 $108,118 $671 Difference -9 -$26,801 -$7,908 -$56 *Based on Stewardship Pledge Cards received 2012 Stewardship Status (April 10, 2012): Stewardship Families Pledged 363 Stewardship Gifts Received $108,118 Average Stewardship Pledge $671 Stewardship Target – 2012 Stewardship Gifts Pledged Current Stewardship Deficit Percentage of Goal Achieved $325,000 $243,743 $81,257 75% Please consider donating to St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church your automobile, truck, motorcycle, boat, aircraft, recreational vehicle, construction equipment, etc. Please contact the Church Office at (702) 221-8245. 14 7 Monday 15 7:00 pm Adult Study 7:30 pm GOYA Sports 31 30 29 8:45 am Orthros 7:30 pm Adult 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Basketball 28 27 17 24 Holy Ascension of 5:00 pm Orthros Our Lord 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy (Celebrated on 5/23) (Holy Ascension) 7:30 pm Adult Study 7:00 pm Adult Study 10 3 Thursday 23 16 4:30 pm Last Greek School 8-10 year olds 6:00 pm Last Greek School 5-7 year olds 6:00 pm Parish Council 7:30 pm GOYA Sports St. Christopher 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Adult Study 9 Mid-Pentecost/ 15 Greek School 8-10 year olds 6:00 pm Greek School 5-7 year olds 7:00 pm Philoptochos Party in Panos Foyer 7:30 pm GOYA Sports 7:00 pm Adult Study with Fr. John: Sunday Orthros Resurrection Gospel Readings 8 4:30 pm 2 4:30 pm Greek School 8-10 year olds 6:00 pm Greek School 5-7 year olds 7:30 pm GOYA Sports Wednesday 1 Tuesday 21 Ss. Constantine 22 8:45 am Orthros and Helen 7:30 pm GOYA Sports 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 7:30 pm Adult Basketball 20 Mothers Day 14 8:45 am Orthros 11:30 am Forerunners 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Luncheon in Panos 7:30 pm Adult Youth Choir Chants Basketball 13 7:30 pm Adult 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Basketball Parish Assembly 6 Sunday 25 7:00 pm OCLV at Orleans Bowling Alley 18 11 4 Friday MAY 2012 - IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD 26 GOYA Volleyball Tourney in Pasadena 5/19-20 HOPE & JOY Hike at Red Rock Canyon 19 12:00 pm Tour Taping 10:00 am GOYA at Mountain’s Edge Park 3:00 pm OFF BBQ/ Sports Day at Church 12 10:00 am Church 5 Saturday The Desert Messenger The Desert Messenger St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church 5300 South El Camino Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89118-1922 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED POSTMASTER : DATED MATERIAL - PLEASE EXPEDITE The Desert Messenger The Way of the Lord “Jesus said to His Disciples, ‘It is not for you to know the times or seasons which the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.’ And when He had said this, as they were looking on, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as He went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said,, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, Who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven.’” ~Acts1:7-11 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS NV PERMIT NO. 98
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