Addenda to Item 7
Addenda to Item 7
Page 1 of 33 Appendices 36 | P a g e April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 2 of 33 Appendix A RFP Addendums 1 through 5 37 | P a g e April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 3 of 33 This page left blank for double sided printing. 38 | P a g e April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 4 of 33 Addendum #1, Request for Proposals, Transportation and Disposal Services Date: November 5, 2013 To: All Prospective Proposers From: Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) Re: Addendum #1: Mandatory Site Meeting, November 15, 2013, Change of Venue ************************************************************************************* This addendum #1 provides further information and clarification regarding the mandatory meeting and site visits to the Transfer Stations, scheduled for November 15, 2013. In the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Transportation and Disposal Services released on November 1, 2013 by HWMA, it was stated on page 48 that, “The Authority will hold a mandatory PROPOSERS' meeting and site visit to the Hawthorne Street Transfer Station and at the two Satellite Transfer Station Facilities on November 15, 2013 to view the transfer stations, discuss the Agreement conditions and scope of services, and other operational requirements. Questions provided in writing in advance of the meeting, as well as questions raised at the time of the meeting, will be answered to the extent possible. The meeting and site visits are scheduled from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the date above. The PROPOSERS' meeting will be held first at the Hawthorne Street facility, then proceed to the McKinleyville Transfer Station and end at the ERD Fortuna Transfer Station. Transportation to and from the sites must be provided by the PROPOSER. All PROPOSERS are permitted to have up to two (2) persons participate in the transfer facility site visits.” The HWMA provides the following clarification to the above statement, as the location of the mandatory PROPOSERS’ meeting has changed, along with the sequence of site visits for the day. “The Authority shall hold a mandatory PROPOSERS' meeting and site visit on November 15, 2013. PROPOSERS shall meet first at the McKinleyville Community Services District Conference Room 1 (McKinleyville CSD) located at 1656 Sutter Road, McKinleyville, CA beginning at 10:00 a.m. As previously stated in the RFP, questions provided in writing in advance of the meeting, as well as questions raised at the time of the meeting, will be answered to the extent possible. From the McKinleyville CSD, PROPOSERS shall proceed to the Humboldt Sanitation Transfer Station located at 2585 Central Avenue, McKinleyville for a site tour of that Satellite facility. Then, the tour shall 1 The McKinleyville CSD administrative office is located on Sutter Road, about 50 yards east of Central Avenue in McKinleyville. Best way to get there for those coming from the north is to take the School Road exit off Hwy 101, go east to Central Ave, and turn left on Central Ave, go one block north on Central Ave to Sutter Road (Chevron Station is on the corner), and make a right onto Sutter Road, and the McKinleyville CSD office is on the right. Alternatively, if you’re travelling from the south, you can take the Central Ave exit off of Hwy 101, and stay on Central until you reach Sutter Road (the third light in McKinleyville as you’re going north on Central), then make a right on Sutter Road (Chevron Station is on the corner), and the CSD office will be on the right. 1|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 5 of 33 proceed to the Hawthorne Street Transfer Station and finish at the Eel River Disposal Transfer Station located at 965 Riverwalk Drive, Fortuna. Transportation to and from the sites must be provided by the PROPOSER. All PROPOSERS are permitted to have up to two (2) persons participate in the Transfer Station facilities site visit.” The tentative timeline for the day is: 10:00 a.m. – McKinleyville Community Services District office (conference room), 1656 Sutter Road, McKinleyville – meet as a group, lay out ground rules for tour, go over general questions. 11:00 a.m. – Humboldt Sanitation Transfer Station, 2685 Central Ave, McKinleyville – facility tour. 12:00 p.m. – HWMA Hawthorne Street Transfer Station, 1059 W Hawthorne Street, Eureka – facility tour. 1:00 p.m. – Eel River Disposal Transfer Station, 965 Riverwalk Drive, Fortuna –facility tour, and end tour between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. ********** If PROPOSERS have any questions regarding the meeting or tour of the Transfer Station facilities, please feel free to contact the Authority’s consultant, Bruce Murphy, IntelliWaste by email at, or by phone at (415) 898-6121. 2|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 6 of 33 Addendum #2 Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) Revision to RFP Schedule December 5, 2013 Important Notice to All PROPOSERS “Section 1.7, Procurement Process and Schedule” of the RFP has been revised as follows. The HWMA has revised the milestone dates and activities during the proposal process as shown below. The previous date changed is strikethrough and the new date is in bold and double undelined. Authority Board approved development of an RFP on June 30, 2013. Authority releases RFP on November 1, 2013. RFP and Proposed Agreement will be listed on Authority website at Conduct interactive communications between the Authority and respondents, including one official, mandatory site visit to the Hawthorne Street Transfer Station and Satellite Transfer Stations for all PROPOSERS on November 15, 2013. Written question and answer period during the proposal preparation period (November 2 to December 6, 2013 January 3, 2014). Deadline for written questions from PROPOSERS to IntelliWaste at their email address by 5:00 P.M. on December 6, 2013 December 20, 2013. Amendment(s) to the RFP and Responses to Questions will be issued no later than December 11, 2013 December 20, 2013. PROPOSERS submit proposals to Humboldt Waste Management Authority, Attn: Ms. Jill Duffy by 3:00 P.M, December 20, 2013 January 3, 2014. Potential PROPOSERS interviews before the RFP Evaluation Committee during January/February 2014. Panel Evaluation and ranking of all proposals to be completed by February 14, 2014. Authority Board discussion of proposals at March 13, 2014 board meeting and further discussion and announcement of recommended Contractor(s) by Authority Board on April 10, 2014 . Approximately 21 days to resolve any Agreement issues and sign an Agreement by May 1, 2014. Authority Board approval of Agreement(s) on May 8, 2014. PROPOSER commences service on June 1, 2014. April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 7 of 33 Addendum #3 Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) Responses to RFP Questions from Proposers December 10, 2013 NOTE: any words added or removed by HWMA from submitted questions are indicated by brackets [ ]. In some cases words were added to make a given question clearer, and in other cases, proposer-specific information was removed, to help protect the identity of potential proposers. Question #1: Section 1.1 page 1 fifth paragraph and Section 3.4.2 page 31, second sentence: Will the Authority be obligated to deliver all waste under its control or authority that has not been recycled, composted or removed from the waste steam to reach AB939, AB 341 or its 75% recovery goals? HWMA Response: HWMA is willing to obligate, for delivery to the selected proposer/contractor(s), all or a portion of the solid waste under its control that has not otherwise been diverted for a legitimate nondisposal use (such as re-use, recycling, composting or anaerobic digestion). See RFP page 2, paragraph 3: “…the Authority may, at its sole discretion, select and enter into Agreements with one or more Contractors for all or a portion of the transportation and disposal of the Permitted Solid Waste. Likewise, the Authority, at its sole discretion, may select and enter into separate Agreements with one or more transportation companies, and one or more disposal companies.” Question #2: Section 3.1 page 26 second paragraph: This statement appears to ask for scope of work and rates be provided for both Anderson and Dry Creek landfill. What if the proposer wants to use just one landfill in their proposal, are they required to propose using both locations? HWMA Response: Section 3.1 of the RFP is intended to provide instructions to transportation-only proposers. Transportation-only proposers are required, at a minimum, to provide a rate to both Anderson and Dry Creek landfills, in addition to any other desired/identified location(s). Proposers who propose a disposal-only option or a combined transportation and disposal option are not obligated to provide transportation and/or disposal costs to Dry Creek or Anderson Landfills. Question #3: Section 3.1 page 26 third paragraph: If the proposer isn’t the operator of any of these transfer facilities how will they be able to provide weight slips on trailers loaded for transport to the disposal facility? HWMA Response: For purposes of this RFP, assume that weight slips will be available for all loaded trailers at HWMA transfer facilities, including satellite facilities. Question #4: Section 5.2.4 page 37: The authority in the bullets 3 and 4 are asking for information on the financial information. It appears that proposers can do one or the other to meet this requirement, is that a correct interpretation? 1|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 8 of 33 HWMA Response: Yes Question #5: Section 5.2 Company Description and Qualifications, contains several sub-sections (5.2.1 through 5.2.7) that seek information on the proposer. Although the sections generally seek information about the proposer (singular), many sections use the wording “Company(ies),” which may be plural. This makes it unclear as to how to properly respond if a sole company is going to respond to and use sub-contractor(s) for certain aspects of the Agreement. Is it correct to answer sections 5.2.1 through 5.2.6 in the singular as the sole company that is going to sign the Agreement and identify the subcontractors in its response to section 5.2.7? HWMA Response: If a single company is proposing, that company needs to provide a description of their qualifications. If a company proposes to utilize a subcontractor (e.g., for transportation services), then the information requested in Sections 5.2.1 through 5.2.7 of the RFP should also be submitted for that subcontractor . Question #6: Section 5.2.4 page 37: If a proposer plans to engage a CPA to provide the ratios asked for in Section 5.2.4 (instead of providing financial statements), then Proposer and the HWMA need to sign a CPA-prepared Agreed-upon Procedures engagement letter (as required by the AICPA, AT Section 201). HWMA Response: Based on our interpretation of AICPA, AT Section 201, in the case of a proposer who hires a CPA to provide financial ratios in lieu of presenting financial statements, as specified in Section 5.2.4 of the RFP, HMWA would not be considered as the engaged practitioner/CPA’s “client,” but as a “specified party.” Furthermore, per AT Section 201.07, “…if the practitioner is not able to communicate directly with all of the specified parties, the practitioner may satisfy these requirements by applying any one or more of the following or similar procedures. • Compare the procedures to be applied to written requirements of the specified parties… “ Given the fact that HWMA as a “specified party” will not be able to communicate directly with a CPA who may be hired by a proposer to provide financial ratios prior to submittal of a proposal response, HWMA recommends that a CPA engaged in this process refer to HWMA’s written requirements in the RFP document, found in Section 5.2.4 of the RFP. Question #7: Does HWMA prefer to sign the engagement letter before the response is due so it will have the information available or sign after a proposer has been short-listed (meaning it will not have this information in the original response)? Will the Proposer be responsible for all the costs associated with the CPA report? HWMA Response: As stated in the answer to Question #6, the engagement letter is an agreement between the CPA and the proposer. Proposers who do not provide all information (such as financial ratios and/or financial statements) requested in the RFP may be disqualified, at the sole discretion of HWMA. All proposal preparation costs are to be borne solely by the proposer without exception (see Section 1.5, Proposal Costs in the RFP). 2|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 9 of 33 Question #8: Section 5.4 page 40, second paragraph: Will HWMA provide a sample report or what they would like to receive for monthly and/or annual reporting requirements. HWMA Response: The HWMA will work with the selected contractor during the Agreement negotiation period to establish the monthly and/or annual reporting requirements. Question #9: Section 5.5.1 page 40: It isn’t clear if the Performance Bond required is for one year which renews every year or for a bond for the entire 10 years of the contract. A 10 year bond is problematic since Surety’s will only provide annual bonds. HWMA Response: The performance bond shall be renewed annually. Question #10: Because the exposure decreases with time will the Authority consider reducing the value of the bond as time goes on? HWMA Response: No. Question #11: Could you please provide the current hauling costs per ton or load from Bettendorf from (a) Hawthorne Transfer Station, and (b) Humboldt Sanitation’s Transfer Station-to Dry Creek Landfill and to Anderson Landfill. A breakdown of the fee by haul and fuel charge will be appreciated. HWMA Response: Current hauling costs from Bettendorf Trucking per load are: 1) Hawthorne Street to Anderson Landfill - straight haul, $714.36 per load, with a 9.59% fuel surcharge (fuel surcharge as of the 2nd half of November 2013) 2) Hawthorne Street to Anderson Landfill, with back haul, $661.04 per load, with a 5.27% fuel surcharge (fuel surcharge as of the 2nd half of November 2013) 3) Hawthorne Street to Dry Creek Landfill - straight haul, $745.03 per load, with a 9.6% fuel surcharge (as of the 2nd half of November 2013) 4) Hawthorne Street to Dry Creek Landfill – with back haul, $592.00 per load, with a 6.93% fuel surcharge (as of the 2nd half of November 2013) 5) Humboldt Sanitation Transfer Station (McKinleyville) to Anderson Landfill – straight haul, $688.86 per load, with a 10.49% fuel surcharge (as of the 2nd half of August 2013) 6) Humboldt Sanitation Transfer Station (McKinleyville) to Anderson Landfill – with back haul, $638.82 per load, with a 5.46% fuel surcharge (as of the 2nd half of November 2013) Question #12: Could you please provide the current hauling costs per ton or load from Eel River Disposal from Eel River Transfer Station to Anderson Landfill, a breakdown of the fee by haul and fuel charge, thanks. HWMA Response: Current hauling costs per ton from Eel River Disposal’s Fortuna Transfer Station to the Anderson Landfill are $45.14, based on a $28.34 per ton base operations rate, and a $16.80 per ton fuel surcharge, as of October 2013 3|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 10 of 33 Question #13: Could you please provide the current hauling costs per ton or load from Humboldt Sanitation from Humboldt Sanitation’s Transfer Station to Dry Creek Landfill and to Anderson Landfill. A breakdown of the fee by haul and fuel charge. HWMA Response: See answers provided to Question 11. Question #14: Could you please provide the current tipping fee per ton at the Dry Creek Landfill and Anderson Landfill? HWMA Response: HWMA’s current tip fee at the Dry Creek Landfill, inclusive of all available discounts, as of November 1, 2013, is $26.08 per ton. HWMA’s current tip fee at the Anderson Landfill, effective January 1, 2013 through June 1, 2014, is $20.75 per ton. Question #15: What are the current disposal fees charged to the Authority by Anderson and Dry Creek landfills? HWMA Response: See answers to Question 14. Question #16: The RFP states, “…the Agreement assigns the Contractor(s) the right to transport and dispose the Authority’s Permitted Solid Waste during the Term of the Agreement, or for a ten (10) year period with up to one (1) five (5) year Extension.“ The draft transfer/disposal contract is clear that there is no minimum tonnage commitment. The reluctance to enter into another put or pay agreement is understandable. Also, we understand that there may be additional resource recovery programs that could reduce the amount of material available for disposal. However, the contract does not give the contractor a clear right to transport and dispose of any of the Authority’s Permitted Solid Waste. Would the Authority consider adding language to the contract that would commit all of the Authority’s Permitted Solid Waste delivered to the Transfer Stations in excess of the current commitment of tonnage to Dry Creek from June 1, 2014 to October 31, 2016 and all of the Authority’s Permitted Solid Waste delivered to the Transfer Stations beginning November 1, 2016 through the end of the contract? HWMA Response: Yes. Also, refer to response to Question # 1. Also, as stated in Section 4 of the RFP, “Agreement(s) for Transportation and Disposal Services”: “The Authority is interested in selecting a PROPOSER that is prepared to accept the provisions of the Agreement in its existing form. PROPOSER may propose exceptions to the provisions. Exceptions must be accompanied by recommended alternative language. If the exceptions to the Authority’s Agreement are not acceptable to the Authority, the Authority may reject the proposal regardless of its other merits. At the sole discretion of the Authority, all negotiations with a particular PROPOSER may be limited to the PROPOSER’S exceptions and recommended alternative Agreement language contained in its proposal”. Question #17: The draft transfer/disposal contract defines Fuel Price Index as the lesser of the Contractor’s average diesel fuel for the prior month or the average Fuel Price Index for California. This 4|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 11 of 33 seems unnecessarily complicated as one month you may be using the Contractor’s average as the index and the next month the California index is used. Using the “lesser of” approach could under represent the change in the Contractor’s actual cost. Additionally, the Contractor would have to produce documentation of its fuel invoices. It is our experience that the index fairly represents the percentage price changes month to month. The EIA also produces an average index for the month which would eliminate the need for a calculation of the average of the last four indexes in the month. Instead of using the “lesser of” approach would the Authority consider selecting one, either the Contractor’s average cost or the monthly index? HWMA Response: Yes. Proposers may propose alternate fuel price indices or fuel price adjustment mechanisms to what is requested in the RFP. However, proposers should keep in mind that the number and materiality of proposed exceptions to the draft agreement(s) may result in a lower ranking of a given proposal. Also, refer to HWMA responses to questions 32 and 33. Question #18: The definition of Uncontrollable Circumstances in the draft transfer/disposal contract references Section 9.6. Should the proper reference be to Section 9.8? HWMA Response: Yes. Question #19: Section 4.1.a of the draft transfer/disposal contract gives the Authority the exclusive right to renew the contract for an additional 5 years. It is not clear whether the Contractor would have any right to decline the extension. If the annual CPI adjustments do not keep pace with the Contractor’s actual cost, the Contractor could be incurring losses at the time of the extension. To be fair, the extension should be by mutual consent. Would the Authority consider modifying the language to make it clear that the Contractor has the right to refuse the extension? HWMA Response: Yes, HWMA is willing to consider alternate contract extension language. However, HWMA recommends that proposers also respond to the scenario provided in the RFP: a 10 year contract term with 5 additional years at HWMA’s sole discretion, to avoid a potential reduction in the proposer’s score. Question #20: Section 7.3 of the draft transfer/disposal contract limits an annual rate adjustment to the Base Transportation Operations Rate equal to 75% of CPI and limits the adjustment to 3% with no floor. It is not clear whether any excess over the 3% could be carried over to succeeding years. The reduction to 75% of CPI seems arbitrary. How was this percentage determined? It is our experience in recent years that the CPI percentage increases did not keep pace with our actual operating expense increases. Limiting the percentage increase to 3% may affect the financial viability of the Contractor’s operation. Would the Authority consider allowing the Contractor to propose the percent of CPI and the percentage cap in the RFP? HWMA Response: Yes, HWMA is willing to consider alternate CPI adjustment methodologies. However, to avoid a reduction in the proposer’s score, HWMA recommends that proposers also respond to the 5|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 12 of 33 scenario provided in the RFP: annual adjustment to the Base Transportation Operation Rate of 75% of CPI with a 3% maximum annual adjustment. Question #21: In several places in the draft transfer/disposal contract Designated Disposal Facility is used as a defined term. There is no definition of Designated Disposal Facility in this draft. The Contractor’s facility should be designated as the disposal facility for all solid waste coming from the three transfer stations. HWMA Response: Comment noted - the term “Designated Disposal Facility” was not defined. The term was an artifact of a previous draft of the agreement. Question #22: Within RFP §5, Table 6 includes an entry for “Signed Addenda”, following “Executive Summary”. What is the Authority’s expectation in differentiating the content of this proposal section from the content of Proposal Form 2 – Addenda Receipt? HWMA Response: Proposers are to fill and sign Addenda Form #2 and place it in their proposal, as shown in Table 6. Question #23: Would the Authority be interested in reviewing combined bids for transportation and disposal services to other landfills besides Andersen and Dry Creek? If so, is the proposer required to provide a quote for transportation and disposal to Andersen and Dry Creek, or can the bid consist solely of transportation and disposal at a third site? HWMA Response: Yes - refer to the Authority’s response to Question #2. Proposers submitting a combined transportation and disposal proposal are under no obligation to propose services to Anderson and Dry Creek landfills. Question #24: Our Surety Company is confused by the Financial Guaranty Agreement within the Agreement (Section 7.6) and Section 7.4, Bonds and Surety Instrument. She has not come across a Financial Guaranty Agreement. Doesn’t the surety bonds provide a financial guaranty? Could you please define the difference and the reasons why a Company should sign a Financial Guaranty Agreement? HWMA Response: The Financial Guaranty Agreement is commonly used when procuring for long-term solid waste management services. The requirement exists as a back stop in the event the company defaults and the bonding company defaults. The proposer would provide further corporate surety in such an event. Question #25: The Performance Bond form (Form 1) is inconsistent with the Draft (Transportation) Agreement Bonds and Surety Instrument Section 7.4 on page 18. In this section, an annually renewable bond will be acceptable; however, Form 1 does not address that language. We would therefore want to use the surety company’s Annually Renewable bond form. This would be consistent with the bond section language and surety industry standard for long term contracts. Please confirm with the Authority prior to the RFP due date that this is acceptable. 6|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 13 of 33 HWMA Response: In the event of inconsistent language between the RFP and agreement, proposers should default to the agreement language, found in Section 7.4 of the Transportation Agreement (or Section 7.4 of the Disposal Agreement or Section 8.4 of Transportation and Disposal Agreement). Question #26: As a result, if performance bonding will be required for a limited transportation segment, may a corporate surety bond in the form usually used by the issuing company for this kind of matter be acceptable in the place of your attached form? How will acceptability of an alternative form of bond be determined? HWMA Response: See the Authority’s response to Question #25. Question #27: In the award of a Transportation Contract under what circumstances would the Financial Guaranty Agreement that is Exhibit 3 to the proposed contract be required? HWMA Response: The Financial Guaranty, Exhibit 3, is required to be in force during the contract period and any extension. Question #28: The RFP calls for the Fuel Price Index to be determined based on the lesser of the Contractor’s actual cost for diesel or the Department of Energy California wide average cost. The {company name removed} is currently providing {company service reference removed} from {company name removed} Transfer station with a Fuel Price Index based on its actual cost within Humboldt County. Generally speaking, all energy costs in general, and diesel fuel costs in particular, in Humboldt County exceed state and national averages and are generally some of the highest to be found. As a result, this provision would cause the Fuel Rate reimbursement to almost always run below actual costs since as a practical matter fuel is purchased where it is used. As a result, the index would not operate as an intended adjustment to cover cost increases to hold the party’s relationship in place but would function to slowing reduce the service provider’s returns. This may then require a proposer to make an increase in the proposed base transportation rate to account for these not to be compensated for fuel increases just to stay in the same place. Given the problems and unfairness that the reference to a state wide average creates, will you eliminate the reference to the statewide average? HWMA Response: Refer to the Authority’s response to Question #17. Question #29: The RFP requires a transportation only performance bond of $700,000. However, this appears to apply to a proposal to transport all or any portion of the solid waste. In a proposal concerning just the transportation out of (for example) the Fortuna satellite transfer station, this is only for about 12% of total volume and amounts to an estimated one trailer per day compared to the system wide total of 10 and ½ per day. Clearly, risk is proportional to the size of the transportation commitment. {Company Name Removed} has since 2006 provided all transportation service {Company Name Removed} without the necessity of any performance bonding. At this point, {Company Name Removed} is still seeking a quote for performance bonding of the required amount, however, it is anticipated that the cost will be significant. Since the new cost of performance bonding may well need to be added to increase the current Base Transportation Rate, would you eliminate this requirement for 7|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 14 of 33 a proposal from just a satellite transfer station based on the limited size of the service to be provided or reduce it to some proportional level to the amount of service being provided? HWMA Response: A lesser bond amount will be considered for limited transportation-only proposals. Question #30: {Company Name Removed} current contract for transportation from the {Company Name Removed}, {Company Name Removed} is required to have liability insurance limits of $3,000,000. It appears that the cost of taking that coverage up to $10,000,000 with be about {number removed} per year. Since the new cost of additional insurance may well end up being added to the current Base Transportation Rate just to remain in the same place, would you keep the current $3,000,000 insurance amount or otherwise make the amount of required liability insurance proposal from just a satellite transfer station at some reduced and proportional level to the amount of service being provided? HWMA Response: Similar to the response to question 29, lesser liability insurance limits will be considered for limited transportation-only proposals. Question #31: Part 5.6 d) of the sample contract says, “Transfer Trailer Container Loading: Satellite Transfer Stations. By third party arrangements made with Satellite Transfer Station owners, the Authority will arrange for the loading and weighing of Containers at Satellite Transfer Stations.” How will this be accomplished and what is the nature of the anticipated third party arrangement? HWMA Response: In that situation, a separate Agreement shall be made with the Satellite Transfer Station owner. Question #32: How will the Authority determine the best transportation component since different companies may assume a different base rate of dollars per gallon? For example, if transportation company A provides a fuel component based on a rate $3.90 per gallon and Transportation Company B provides a fuel component based on $4.00 per gallon, will the Authority adjust the rates for equal comparison and if so, how? HWMA Response: As described in Section 6.2 of the RFP, proposed rates are one of several criteria by which proposals will be evaluated. Also, refer to the answer to Question #33 for adjustments made prior to the commencement of the agreement. Question #33: Since the bids are due in December 2013, but the Agreement would not be effective until June 2014, will the Authority allow a fuel adjustment on the first day of the Agreement or does the transportation company need to take the risk of fuel price changes from December until June 2014? HWMA Response: To protect proposers from fuel price changes after the proposal due date, the fuel cost per gallon that a proposer submits in their rate proposal will be adjusted by HWMA according to the change in the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s California weekly diesel fuel price index for the time period between when proposals are due (i.e., January 3, 2014) and the commencement of the agreement (i.e., June 1, 2014 or subsequent date). 8|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 15 of 33 Question #34: In the case of a proposer proposing transportation only and however is partnered with a proposer for transportation and disposal, would the transportation only proposer still be required to propose a quote to that same destination? HWMA Response: Yes. Also, see answer to Question #2. Question #35: In addendum #2, the 4th bullet, there are two dates listed, first January 1, 2014 and second, December 20, 2013. Shouldn’t both of these be the December 20th date? HWMA Response: The first sentence refers to the entire proposal preparation period (11/2/13 01/03/14). The second sentence refers to the deadline for questions (12/20/13). 9|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 16 of 33 Addendum #4 Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) Revision to RFP Schedule December 11, 2013 Important Notice to All PROPOSERS “Section 1.7, Procurement Process and Schedule” of the RFP has been revised as follows. The HWMA has revised the milestone dates and activities during the proposal process as shown below. The revised date is in bold. Deadline for written questions from PROPOSERS to IntelliWaste at their email address by 5:00 P.M. on December 13, 2013 Amendment(s) to the RFP and Responses to Questions from PROPOSERS will be issued by the HWMA no later than December 20, 2013. Revision to Addendum #3, Question #11. The HWMA has revised the table in Question #11 as follows. Question #11: Could you please provide the current hauling costs per ton or load from Bettendorf from (a) Hawthorne Transfer Station, and (b) Humboldt Sanitation’s Transfer Station‐to Dry Creek Landfill and to Anderson Landfill. A breakdown of the fee by haul and fuel charge will be appreciated. HWMA Response: Please refer to the following table for current hauling costs per load (fuel surcharge rates are indicated in parenthesis, and are based on November 2013 Indexes): Anderson Landfill HWMA Humboldt Sanitation Dry Creek Landfill Straight Haul Back Haul Straight Haul Back Haul $711.36 (+$66.92) $688.86 (+$72.26) $661.04 (+$32.52) $638.82 (+$34.88) $745.03 (+$66.70) $592.00 ($+38.25) per ALF rate* per ALF rate* *Due to current contractual obligations, Humboldt Sanitation loads are almost exclusively shipped to Anderson Landfill. In those instances where tonnage from Humboldt Sanitation must be shipped to Dry Creek Landfill, the costs are similar to those for Anderson Landfill and therefore the rate remains unchanged. April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 17 of 33 Addendum #5 Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) December 20, 2013 Important Notice to All PROPOSERS 1) Correction to Addendum No. 3 and 2) Responses to Additional Questions Notation/Clarification to Addendum No. 3, Question #33 has been revised as shown below. The word “percentage” change was left out of the original response and is shown below and double underlined. Question #33: Since the bids are due in December 2013, but the Agreement would not be effective until June 2014, will the Authority allow a fuel adjustment on the first day of the Agreement or does the transportation company need to take the risk of fuel price changes from December until June 2014? HWMA Response (Revised): To protect proposers from fuel price changes after the proposal due date, the fuel cost per gallon that a proposer submits in their rate proposal will be adjusted by HWMA according to the percentage (%) change in the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s California weekly diesel fuel price index for the time period between when proposals are due (i.e., January 3, 2014) and the commencement of the agreement (i.e., June 1, 2014 or subsequent date). New Questions Received By Friday, December 13, 2013 Deadline Question #36: Pages 63 through 68 of the RFP contain “Appendix C” Transportation and Disposal Rate Forms.” Page 65 contains the Transportation Rate Form, and Page 67 contains the Disposal Rate Form. Also contained at the bottom of page 67 is a place to fill in the “Initial Diesel Fuel Price per Gallon.” A similar statement is not contained on the Transportation Rate Form on page 65. Are all proposers who propose either transportation or transportation and disposal combined supposed to fill out the initial diesel fuel price per gallon on page 67? HWMA Response: Proposers who submit proposals for Transportation-Only and/or combined Transportation and Disposal Services must fill out the line documenting their initial price for diesel fuel used to complete the required Rate Form(s). Proposers who submit a Disposal-only proposal are not required to disclose their initial diesel fuel cost since this metric applies to transportation related services only. Questions #37 & #38: HWMA’s Addendum #3, Questions 32 and 33 may need further clarification. Although there will likely be small fuel purchase price differences between potential transportation companies, it will likely not be significant. However, there may be large differences between the potential transportation companies’ proposals based on the initial fuel price assumed/contained in their proposal. For example, Transportation Company A 1|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 18 of 33 (“TCA”) may use a $3.00 cost of fuel and rely upon an initial large adjustment (or fuel surcharge) prior to the start of the contract in June (per Addendum #3, question 33 response), while Transportation Company B (“TCB”) may use a more-current $4.00 cost of fuel. Using the fuel prices of TCA and TCB, the transportation bids could be significantly different and hard to evaluate. To illustrate, assuming 5 MPG and a distance of 350 miles, TCA would include a fuel charge of $210 (350/5*$3.00), while TCB would include $280 (350/5*$4.00) in their proposals. However, at the beginning of the contract, both would be paid the same, even though TCA's proposal appears to be 33% less than TCB. This issue would be eliminated if each hauler were to assume the same fuel purchase price. HWMA Response: Please refer to our response to revised Question #33 above. Question 39: When HWMA evaluates the proposals, how will it equalize the assumed fuel purchase price between transportation companies? HWMA Response: Please refer to our response to revised Question #33 above. Question 40: Will HWMA publish a standard fuel price (e.g. November 2013 price) for all transportation companies to use in their proposal such that the proposals will reflect similar fuel rate assumptions and the adjustment at the beginning of the contract will be equal? HWMA Response: Please refer to our response to revised Question #33 above. Question 41: “Since the Contractor will be the Corporation and the surety company will be providing a surety bond, who is the Guarantor, the Corporation or the executive (person) of the Corporation, such as a personal guarantee?” HWMA Response: In the case of the Performance Bond and Financial Guarantee Agreement, the Corporation is the Guarantor. 2|Page April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 19 of 33 This page left blank for double sided printing. April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 20 of 33 Appendix B Proposer Response to Subcommittee Questions 39 | P a g e April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 21 of 33 This page left blank for double sided printing. 40 | P a g e April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 22 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 23 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 24 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 25 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 26 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 27 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 28 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 29 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 30 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 31 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 32 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda Page 33 of 33 April 10, 2014 Printed on Recycled Paper Item 7) Addenda