PDF - Houston LGBT History
PDF - Houston LGBT History
Super Sunday Sholl Me Lau~i'enTaylor With Special Guests Sweet Savage DonetMcKim and Eureka Phische With"Male Dancers ShowTime· 11:30 '~-~~""g~,- $1.7S wen 9-1 0:30pm Cruisin the Crossroads ' (No cover, 75c well) l from 10:30-1 1pm. $2 well II p-2a; plus $3 domestic longnecks & 7Sc draft all night long." " J"\"'' ' .~ '. "'1 F '."' .. r-.--"·.~ .' '.r .. . '.' j:""1~ . .' :J dlJ/~d' ir,-, II :Ji j)~ "~ (f ' 1) I·'~". .i.::'~. ,,' '1';1 '~} "t!r' ...• ' 1~;' .:'r,r~, ~ r , . ,!,' ',- ,·,".·f".,t,,;.~. A" '.' "'. .,', ' fJ,.. ",I••/~· -' (;{J\ ", · 'v~morge.$IEOJIDlob 3911 Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas 214.559.0650 www.caven.com Valid Texas ID required at all times r: I \.,1 :(~,,1.' $1.75 WELL, $2.25 DOMESTIC BOTTLED BEER; 100% COUNTRY MUSIC; "COWBOY BUTTS DRIVE ME NUTS" CONTEST VOLUME 24, NUMBER 22 JULY 31 • AUGUST 6, 1998 14 SURFING THE NET Astrologers, Shopaholics and Escorts by Chris Gray 23 THEATER Broadway Effects Hit Fort Worth Bass Performance Hall in Phantom of the Opera by Steven Lindsey 26 FRESH BEATS Grace Jones' Hot New Album guest review by Andyman 28 ON OUR COVER Mr. Gay Texas USA, Welton Blaylock photos by Mama's 39 47 49 59 60 63 64 67 69 72 78 85 Boy Photographics CURRENT EVENTS BACKSTAGE Lone Star Comedy Returns to Dallas STARSCOPE Show the World How Beautiful You Are, Inside and Out TEXAS SPORTS TEXAS NEWS RANTING AND RAVING Southpark by Jeff Linthicum THEATER Sweeney Todd, Small Theater - Big Production by Gary Laird LETTERSTO THE EDITOR TEXAS TEA SNAPSHOTS Mr. Gay Texas All-American 1999 CLASSIFIEDS GUIDE TWT(ThIs Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly limes Newspaper Co .. ot 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer in Houston, Texas 770CJ6.Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of Its stoff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWTis not to be construed as any indication of the sex· ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: 579 per year, 540 per half year. Back Issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1998 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWTIsspecifically prohibited by federal statute. .~~1Q~ ~: .. i'i o~,MiN1N~ a COMPANY ~ ~ 3014 THROCK I DALLAS, TEXAS 214.559.0650 WWW.CAVEN.CO THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian DALLAS OFFICE Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Dallas, Texas 75219 Dallas Fax (214)520-8948 EDITOR SEAN CARTER (214)521-0622 E-mail: TWTDallas@aol.com 'COMPTROLLER STEVEMILES 20,000 HOUSTON OFFICE PUBLISHER ALAN GELLMAN 3300 Reagan Street Circulation: 811 Westhelmer, Suite 111 • Houston, Texas 77006 Houston Fax (713)527-8948 (713)527-9111 E-mail: TWTMag@aol.com ART DEPARTMENTRichard Bang, David Parnell, Jeff Linthicum CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSDon Baker, Robert Bois, Mark Deaton, Chris Gray, Phil Johnson, Gary Laird, Jeff Linthicum, C. Lichtenstein, Steven Lindsey, Jimmy Smith STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSJohn Bartiromo, Roy James, A. J. Marroquinez, Robert Miller, Shawn Northcutt, Jerry Stevens, Tlo, Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX (214)520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin- James Frank (512)441-9452 - Houston / Galveston - (713)527-9111 All other Texas cities- Steve Miles (214)521-0622 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING • Dailas-Chase Gutierrez. Houston-Brian Keever I I TWT© 1998 Miles - Gellman Enterprises Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company Represented Notionally by Rivendell Marketing, Inc .• 212-242-6863 Open to all contestants •No preliminary Nl~~ required to enter... ~1D ~ 11fJ)fJ)f!}J lRn{lj(/d(EJ/tnf]; A ONE TIME EVENT • THIS YEAR ONLY•.• 1st Runner-Up becomes Miss Gay Globe Universe 2nd Runner-Up becomes Miss Gay North American Universe 3rd Runner-Up becomes Miss Gay American Universe 4th Runner-Up becomes Miss Gay United States Universe """"" ,. . ..... ,4. __ .~ 'o' ".. UGusr 6 AUGUSI' '1 .~ A.·~· "........" ..' .. ..•.••.. '".. ~......., •••• •••••• •. ,,' Starring The Universe Cast... Miss Gay Universe 1997 TAMISHA !MAN Miss Gay Universe at Large 1997 Sondra Todd Mr. Gay Universe 1997 Ty Nolan and Hostess and Emcee KTITY DIVINO With Special Guests ... Miss Gay USofA 1994 Sweet Savage· Mr. Gay USA Christian Jessica Nolan· Lucia • Vanessa Duvall- Regina Dane - Nikki Lamour Mr. Gay Universe 1996Allan Gibson· Sierra Nicole· C.J. Brooks Mr. Gay Texas All-American Sean Carter and many more! OVER $10~OOOIN PRIZES~ CASO:~ CROWNS ,..AWARDS AND CONTRACfS .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ' Registration at 2pm on ThursdaY7August 6 at . ~(ID~7111mlMl)]])®ID £..~Q IIDmllil~ ~1l4JQ~~(IDQ 1l1l~4J UNIVERSE PAGEANTRY SYSI'EM· 281.339!1013 Universe Pageantry and Miss Gay Universe is a Registered Trademark 01' Global Pageantry Systems, Inc. and is filed in the Trademark Ofl'ice under serial # 75/390,640 and 75/390,628 w@ .""' ti Il t.,.!!UYU} !iJfJ!?o ~CflJ[j TJt~b' Benefiting Steven's House Sunday, August 2nd by Club lnergy _ Registraf::ion 3pm • For IDOni! inIDnnation~ LLW.1:act Craig IleIx:Ierson at 713-944 6716 AlDns!!!iia':-E1::.: \: in 6ahtestDn Wednesdays --!/@~~~inekin, llJursda , ~ g ~ !i' CU!!iitDmer ~ IIfIith AIlE!i,Inc: and Hili ~ night • I/if IIIII!!II and It:Jngnec:Iuii lnergy i!!IIJd AIlJnesia-the bsfiit in Latino I 1 i!!IIJd Dance MUliiic 5750 Chimney Rock • 3 blks. § 01' §W Freeway Hou!!fitDn • 713-666.'7310 i Your Man-To-Man Headquarters Corne Check us out! "; k i-d_ir {,_it :t- IIIrlll-S~ML_± A. IFClDtln:)(IDrnIPIPn ClDU WC6lli BY CHRIS GRAY elcome back to another edition of SURFING THE NET, where we whisk you off on an adventure through the universe of , the world wide web (with gay topics mostly in our orbit). We've been surfing to some great sites this summer, so let's get started with one that's almost out of this world, with TWT'S famed astrologer, Charlene Lichtenstein, at www.AccessNewage. com/stargayzer. Madame Lichtenstein has a section on gay love signs at this site, an astrological interpretation of the Stonewall Riots, astrological terminology and, of course, all those great horoscopes for you. So check it out. Your future may just be revealed. Another revealing site was submitted by a loyal reader, and it's called Muffin's Place, featuring those luscious eastern European Bel Ami Video hunks at http://muffin.hitmen.com.This has both "g" and "x-rated" photos, so make sure you're an adult to enter this site. The links section in this locale is reason enough to surf on over if you're an aficianado of those young "thangs" that appear in the Bel Ami Videos. It has virtually every biography and website there is for the likes of the famous Lukas Ridgston, Johan Paulik and popular favorite, Dano Sulik! Another reader in Austin wanted us to tell you about a website for Adventuring Outdoors, a gay and lesbian organization for the outdoor enthusiast based in Austin. Hike on over to their web address at www.main.org/adventuring. For a familiar Texas face, check out The Billy Stark Page at www.manboy.com/billy_stark. I think this Billy Stark was once a coverman from TWT, but I'm not altogether sure. For you shopaholics, there's plenty on the net and some right here in Texas, such as at Zebraz, www.zebraz.com. that claims to be "the World's Largest Gay & Lesbian Department Store By Mail, via W PAGE 14 §na®~ Online." With over 5,000 items to offer, that's a pretty good sized store to fit inside your computer! And of course, we went to Basic Brothers in Houston during Pride Weekend, and wanted to remind you of their website at www.basicbrothers.com for some of the best clubwear anywhere. They also have some great ideas for Halloween every year, and that's right around the corner. Another gay-friendly Houston business you should be sure to check out is Bruce Godwin's record store the Record Rack, or you can pop in on them at their website at www.recordrack.com that features new releases, their top 10 sellers, dozens of photos of cool groups like Depeche Mode plus you can even buy concert tickets from them or link to Ticketmaster. Thanks for telling us about it Bruce (and I did buy a hard-to-find CD at the store when I was down for the Pride Parade in June!). For even more clubwear (but out of the Texas orbit), try California Muscle's online catalog at www.californiamuscle.com. that features just the most incredibly drop-dead gorgeous hunks modeling skimpy skivvies and more. Surfing even further to one of my favorite places, Amsterdam, try www.gayplanet.nl. They have the best that Amsterdam stores have to offer to the gay shopper, with a huge selection of goodies, from books and videos to items for those who like the scent of leather in the air. Speaking of Amsterdam and leather, Mr. B's leather shop at www.mrb.nl. is a great place to visit while you're moving that mouse around. Be sure to check out Hans and the other staffers at this must-see stopping place in Amsterdam and on the net. Strand Video, offering some of the best small, independent films (with many having gay themes), is up on the web and has an excellent site at www.strandrel.com/ video where you can find out what's coming to your local cinema or purchase videos from previously released movies. We found some great health sites for you, and we'll lead off with one our unoffiTWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 cial medical adviser Rex, the Medicine Woman, told us about. The 12th World AIDS Conference's Official Site is at www.aids98.ch where you can read just about all the information that was discussed at this important conclave held in Geneva, Switzerland throughout the end of June. Next, we spin into the orbit of former Texan Thom Collins' AIDS organization, Open Your Heart, accessed at www.open yourheart.org/thomcollins. This site will inform you about Thom's fight with HIV for over 15 years and the work his organization is doing to help others with this disease. From there you can go to an incredible HIV/AIDS site, www.smartlink.net/ -martinjh which includes extensive links to AIDS information, regional groups, mailing lists, commercial products, clinical trials, medications, social security disability and HIV/AIDS information. It also has alternative medicine links for HIV. It's a huge site that deserves to be looked at if you need info on the subject. Poz Magazine is another great resource for those looking for information on HIV, and you can reach them on the web at www.poz.com. their current issue or for past issues. They also have an excellent links section to helpful organizations dealing with this health crisis. Hungry after surfing so much? Try Texas Cooking Magazine's online website, www.texascooking.com. for great recipes and articles on cooking with that special Texas flare. They also have included reviews of cookbooks, info on Texas wines and a links section in this site. Next, we hit the afterburners, blasted into unchartered web space and landed in what is called a webring that we thought was interesting. All sorts of "rings" have sprung up on the web, and these allow websites of similar interests to link themselves together (leather enthusiasts have one, skinheads have one and so forth), so we naturally had to see where the Escort ring took us. One place we landed was www.pantsdown.com. where escorts from all over the United States advertise in these pages, with some nice pics and everything. This page enables you to surf for almost forever to other escort pages in this country or even internationally. There's also www.vegasmen.com. that lists dozens of porn stars waiting to escort you to your favorite spot. And one spot we liked ending up is Alec Powers' personal web- site, at www.alecpowers.com. A porn star and international playboy and, of course, escort, he has some revealing pies, But will he take a Discover Card? For some great downloading sessions with some hot pies, try these places (and once again, they're adult in nature, so 18 and over please): First, surf on over to www.guyzclub.com/tt. but you'll need Mancheck Adult Verification Service to access this place. If your tastes run south of the border, there are tons of hot looking latino men's pies for you to download at www.lamancha-video.com. For those who like Asian men, OG Magazine is a great place to start, and of course, they're on the net at www.ogusa.com. You can check out their current issue and even click on a few free pics. The home base for American Men's Network at www.ammen. net tells you about the recent Probe Awards (for porn movies). We also jetted over to, where else, The Gay Zone at www.gayzone.nu. where they have tons of sites to link your computer. Some of these are pay sites, so read the fine print boys and girls. "Come one - come all" ii'\ probably the Brotherhood's slogan, a private men's club in Dallas, and Mike wanted us to tell you they're up on the web at www.brohood.com, with some hot-looking models showing you their place and what you can do at it. It has "G" and "X-rated" pics to boot. Next on our world wide journey, we visited statuesque drag diva, Ru Paul, at her official site, www.rupaul.net. where you can find out the skinny on this pop icon. That's all for this issue. If you know of an interesting website, gay or non-gay, email me at ChrisDalas@aol.com, and we may just mention it in our next issue. Til, then, have fun surfing the web! THIS WEEK IN TEXAS assumes that every individual entering an adult website is over 18 and capable of making his or her own choices. Some sites contain nudity, and some of them also lead into pay sites, so make sure you read everything. TWT accepts no responsibility for such fees or for anything else that happens when readers access the sites in question. Also, some Web pages change locations, go down for a time or disappear completely All sites mentioned in this article could be reached as of July 21, 1998. Melrose Plaee 7pm Ally MeBeal 8pm $2 Well Drinks $2 Beer WEDNESDAY THURSDAY "Yes! I want Some Cheezey Poofs!" "Hey big spen d er... " South Park 9pm Show Tunes Night 9pm $2.50 Well Drinks $2.50 Well Drinks $2.50 Beer All Night! $2.50 Beer All Night! LA NoeNE r»E LAS DIVAS '----' ----I The Village SUNDAY SUPER SHOW FROM SAN ANI'ONIO • STARRING KRYSTALKELLY, TERIA MAnHEWS AND EMCEEJENNY KRAlGGG NO COVER 'IlL 11 PM • FROZEN & WELL VODKA DRINKS $1.50 of Palm Springs Welcomes You! , Discover all this great destination has to iloffer, call for our FREE44 page color Visitors Guide along with our Gay Guide to the City of Palm Springs. Together they say itall, from the daytime explorations togreatgay n ightl ife. A man's resort where being gay is a way of life and clothing is always optional. 4 pools, 2 jacuzzi's, plete gymnasium, and a billiard (800)347-7746 cooling mist. comfireplace King size beds, TV!VCR's, Complimentary and happy breakfast, hour are served __ THE CITY OF PALM SPRINGS Division of Tourism To recleve Information on 9ay travel to our city BE SURE TO ASK FOR: Travel pack #22 room. and refrigerators. cheon outdoor steam room, outdoor lun- daily. I N N __ C~~e- For reservations or a color brochure (800)962-0186 (760)327-6413 www.Palm-Springs.org Fax (760)320-5745 www.innexile.com 545 Warm Sands Drive. Palm Springs. CA 92264 The new standard of style in Palm Springs! .Affordable Luxury .The Perfect Escape .Large Sparkling Pool.Natural Sunbathing .Lush Gardens e<:ool Mist System e<:entral NC .TV's .VCR .Walk to Restaurants & Bars .Complimentary Continental Breakfast .Call us about our Great Summer Specials! An Exotic Men's Resort 'EDITOR'S CHOICE AWARD" An award lor excellence and innovation in gay accommodation by Out & About, 1997 'THE MOST ELEGANT GAY RESORT" Genre, 1997 'MOST ATTRACTIVE RESORT" WindyCityTimes, 1997 Clothing optional - 50 ft. pool - 12 man spa Complimentary breakfast, lunch & Gold's Gym passes. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 GRAND SEMI.FINALS FOR TALENT COMPETITION ~IL $500.00 IN PRIZES • NO COVER II PM $1 WELL DRINKS ALL NIGHT LONG • EMCEE - JENNY KRAIGGG THURSDAYS MALE STRIP NIGHT 'IIAPI-CHULO CONlEST" EMCEE MONIQUE JOHNSON 1ST PLACE • $25 2ND PLACE EVERY'WE., NO COVER'1IL II PM $1 FROZEN -'lUTASAND S'lRAWBERRY' DAIQUIRIS ALL NIGHT UNG $100 l~ PO~~~ H For reservations 5322 GLENMONT@ CHIMNEY ROCK HOUSTON 713-688-4892 [II pnmll or a color brochure please call (888)411-4949 (760)323-1402 www.laposada.com 120 W. Vereda Sur. Palm Springs, CA 92262 5~N\' ~&@; PAL M S P R I N G S , ViviBn L,--BiaA THE LAST PRESS Written CONfl;ENC and Performed by MARCY LAFFERTY She was screen and stage royalty O'Hara, Blanche Dubois and 'Lady Lawrence Olivier. She was a legend beauty and talent...yet at war with - Scarlett 0', wife of blessed with the devil. "Lafferty excellently depicts the angel and the demon in Leigh. A MUST SEE." - Press Telegram THEATER LaB HOUSTON Wednesday, August 5th thru Saturday, August 8th at 8:00 PM Sunday, August 9th at 4:00 PM CHARGE BY PHONE (713) 868-7516 1 7 T H e $h75 S 9 A ANYTHIf.!GIIN eSTUNNIN~ THE HOUSE MALE eMlbNIGHT S "A N 411 BONHAM ANTONIO 210-271-3811 DANCE SHOW - • TIL S TEXAS ometimes where you see a musical is as important as what you see - and this holds completely true for Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera at Fort Worth's Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass Performance Hall. Architect David Schwarz mixed several elements of European concert halls when he designed the Bass, making it an ideal match for the grand theatrics of Phantom. Never before have the stagings of the operas-within-the-musical seemed so appropriate. The greatest triumph of this ultra-popular rock opera is that the touring production equals the incredible spectacle of the original Broadway run. Generally, when a show tours, it is altered and simplified to function in the more limited venues around the country. Scene after scene, this show delivers magnificently eye-popping special effects and unbelievable set changes which combine with gorgeous, decadent costumes. Many so-called theatre afficionados often criticize Webber's more commercialized style of musical, but you know what? Whatever he's doinq, it works. If I'm going to pay $50 or so to see a live performance, I want to be dazzled - and Phantom delivers from start to finish. Phantom begins with an auction, at Which the crystal chandelier from the Paris Opera House is being sold. The effects used to carry this chandelier from stage to ceiling grip you from the first scene of this amazing musical. The story then proceeds to the past as the legend of the Phantom Who haunted the halls of the Opera House unfolds. The phantom falls in love with Christine, one of the opera's chorus girls and becomes her "teacher" as he places her under his spell. A story of love and mystery, the musical garnished seven 1988 Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Offering some stellar performances by the lead actors, Phantom proves it has as TiNT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 much to offer artistically as it does visually. In the lead role as the gruesome Phantom of the Paris Opera House, Brad Little demonstrates such versatility and jawdropping vocal range that it's no wonder he makes his captive women swoon. The Brad Little as The Phantom in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom Of The Opera in Fort Worth. Phantom is the kind of over-the-top role that actors would kill to get, and Little does it up big. His greatest numbers include the haunting techno driven "The Phantom of the Opera" and the beautiful "Music of the Night" as he lures the beautiful Christine to his underground labyrinth. As Christine, Amy Jo Arrington brings an exuberant innocence to the role, which really helps the believability in the second PAGE 23 BARDBA"'S8~ SUNDAY AUG 2,1998 Good Luck Pacific Street Terrors in the Atlanta World Series! Join Them on the Patio for: BiZRrRs BRZaRRI The Unusual Fundraiser! Food! Booths! Prizes and Fun! NO COVER 7 - 9! FOLLOWED BY... DALLAS DOES HOUSTON! Porn Star Dallas Taylor Performs *Live* for Your Pleasure! 710 Pacific Street Houston. Tx. act when she's still caught in the Phantom's spell. Her voice is crystal clear and delightfully sweet, note after note. Jason Pebworth portrays Raoul, a suitor from Christine's past who, despite his good looks, still finds it hard to compete with the allure of the masked one. Pebworth also equals Arrington and Little as far as presence, but unfortunately his role isn't quite as meaty as it could be. My personal favorite of the whole musical, however, is Julie Schmidt as Carlotta Giudicelli, the Paris Opera's resident diva. Every scene she's in is punctuated with the kind of sarcastic, bitchy humor that is such a joy to behold! In a more jaded version, Carlotta would be the object of the Phantom's obsession because she could rival him move for move and probably even turn the tables. Alas, that's not the way the world of good guys and bad guys works. Despite the dark theme of the musical, there are a few brighter numbers that keep it from being a non-stop Depressfest. "Masquerade" opens up Act Two as the kind of lavish, grandly choreographed numbers that make me wish people put on parties like this in real life. (Oh, never mind. I forgot about the gay Halloween street carnival in Dallas). "Notes/Prima Donna" also throws in a dash of lightheartedness in the midst of blackmail gone berserk. Overall, there are two things which everyone in the Metroplex should do once before they die: see Phantom of the Opera and attend a show at the phenomenal Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth. So it seems appropriate that you take this opportunity and accomplish both tasks at once. As the Phantom so eloquently beseeches, "That's all I ask of you." Phantom of the Opera, presented by Casa Manana, runs through August 22, Tuesday through Saturday evenings at 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 2 p.m. and Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Additional performances are being held on Thursday, July 23, at 2 p.m., Thursday, August 20, at 2 p.m. and Monday, August 17, at 8 p.m. A special performance has been added for Monday, August 3, at 8 p.rn. benefiting the Actors' Fund of America, which provides financial assistance and social services for all entertainment industry professionals. Tickets for all performances range from $27 to $67 and are available at the Casa Manana Theatre box office, TicketMaster outlets or by calling Metro (972) 647-5700. ..w 713/523-0213 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 Y ((I) is coming to G:alveston A 25 room Guesthouse 31st at Seawall The Island's First Gay Resort Opening Late Summer. To be included in the list of stars call es ladies, for/the first time ifl\ three years Miss /dimmy is taking a 'Week off ... sort of. T~ls week I'm delighted to introduce you to one of my dearest sisters on the planet, th'lil one and only Andy1nan (former Publicity V~e President of~opular Records). Andy has-been in th~business since the early days, i11:lving~beeneditor of a host of music publications (including Dance Music Reporf) as well as writing dozens of album liner notes for everyone from Warner Brothers to Sony. Ever the diva when it comes to musical taste, check out his ever-so fierce review of the ,}Ie' Grace Jones album, and I'll see va' ns week .... (888)899 ..0899 non of quintessential Grace Jones works. All cuts are from the last three albums listed above and were recorded during the almost magical sessions at Island's Compass Point, Bahamas studios. presented here are rare versions: previously unreleased on CD, previously unrelease~Jjits, or ~!JsIY~ leased songs. Yes, two songs by Grace Jones that have never ever been issued: "Ring Of Fire" (a Johnny Cash cover really) and the clever "Man Around The House." Most versions here are Opening In September! Grace Jonas: Madonna who? Precisely. Long before missy skipped over, to The Fun House from her Ave. C dump, Miss Jones ru.led dance floors worldwide. Armed with a' severely singular sense of style and delivery, Grace transcended the world of disco, elevating herself to stardom as her own electrltylnq work of art. And she let the planet have it. From the screw-you glamour of her Richard Bernstein-illustrated disco albums (Portfolio, Muse, Fame) to the paralyzing punch of her early '80's Jean Paul Goude-styled .(eggae-rooted masterpieces (Warm Leatherette, Nightclubbing, Uving My ,\Ufe) , Grace Jones has always - always - served. Now, Island Records has released a double-serving of Grace in the form Of highly collectible Double CD package. Private Ufe: The Compass Point Sessions. Along with two 75+ minute CDs, comes a 22-page booklet which includes fascinating liner notes by Brian Chin and dozens of those famously indelible images. Private Ufe is not a greatest hits collection - that was Island Ufe, nor is it a '98 remix set (thank GOd!). It is rather a glittering collecPAGE 26 s xtend ed (amori'g them "Pars", "The'" Hunter Gets Cap~ur,edby the Game," "L0~e Is The Drug"), inclUding two luxuriously indlJ.lgent dubs th~t ~Iock at 8:00+ ("Private. Cife:' "She's ~o,t Control"). For those Import hags who collected the fabulous African mask 12" yserieS in the late '80's (10 miniphotos/of these sleeves are in the booklet!), ~evJare: many of the very same version~ tp'at sent your panties to the 12" shop floor are here. And for the rest who do~'tlrecall the unnerving brilliance of Grace's reading of Joy Division's "She's 5t Control": do drugs, because she takes ~iOU there. What begins as an inspired rewrite ("she" becomes "I"), like a vise, steadily intensifies into sheer eye-popping madness, as Grace detonates in a crescendo of clawing, shrieking, mindlessly repeating choruses. Very H.P. Lovecraft. And like this collection, very memorable and'\Lery much what Grace Jones has alwayS-been about: art. FiutxiollS 2319 East 2nd St. Odessa, TX 915-580-3411 We care about your health and your financial health it U you are HIV + and considering selling your life insurance policy, consider this ... As one of the oldest and most knowledgeable viatical settlement brokers, we have the experience to get you the highest cash settlement possible through a proven competitive bidding process. We work for you, not the buyer. We are your advocate. M. Bryan Freeman Founder & Chief Client Advocote Return your completed One quick, simple application. * No cost or obligation CONGREGATION BETH EL BINAH ~ELEBRATE ~HABBAT WITH US EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAY NIGHT 8:15 PM AT THE GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY CENTER 2701 * Up to 85% of face value. * Confidentiality, now and always. * May qualify up to 1,000 T-cells. * May be tax-free - ask us. * Free brochure: 14 Questions You Must Ask TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 Exercises for People with HIV by People With HIV. Before Selling Your Life Insurance Policy. * All policies: group (employer or association), individual (term, whole life, universal), FEGU, SGU, VGU and policies less than two years old. == - BENEFITS -- .~~AM:ERICA (214)521-5342 • EXT 463 PAGE 30 a free videotape: time. REAGAN AT BROWN • DALLAS EVERYONE WELCOME application and receive at any 800-777 -8878 www.benefitsomerico.com Always gay owned and operated Member:Viatica!Association of America I iWrJULY 31 _ AUGUST 61998 Benefits America NA,Inc. PAGE 31 dJ]~~ t~~ ANNUAL S{to'tU ~ .se, i' "•• ill I ,re, E'I I MEMBERSHIP ONLY $248! NO MONTHLY DUES. AWESOME NEW EQUIPMENT IMMACULA TELY CLEAN IMPECCABLE Exercise Programs I Neuropathy Personal Trainers I Peer Nutritional Guidance I Workshops Therapy Support SERVICE Massage Therapy 4040 MILAM· HOUSTON (713)524-9932 Mon. - Fri. • 10 pm Sat. & Sun. - 8 am - 8 pm Steroid Education Stress/Pain Therapy I Increase Self Esteem II·CALL 713·349·9750 Tour Club For Details. Some Restrictions A AIDS Patients Suffering from chronic diarrhea are needed for participation in an ongoing clinical trial of an investigational anti-diarrheal drug. Puzzled about your financial future? Subjects must be: • 18 years or older and on a stable medical regimen for at least 4 weeks. • Have at least two weeks of diarrhea or are on anti-diarrheal medication ~ Dedicated puts the pieces together... W;O~:~~~~:=i=~or fll~11 The study requires blood, urine and stool samples as well as a hospital stay. Research subjects will be reimbursed for their time and travel To see if you qualify, contact: DEDICATED·~ RESOURCE, Dr. Gavin Corcoran (Principal Investigator) or Ellen Bystron (Study Coordinator) at The University of Texas Health Science Center Dept. Of Medicine/Infectious Diseases, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antontio, TX 78284 (210) 567-4676 PAGE32 I A VIA TICAL SETTLEMENT PROVIDER Lic. in FL, CA, IL & TX -. Pending Where Necessary 800.677.5026 .•.www.dedicatedresources.com .•. Se Habla Espanal ~I iWr:::::~~~~l<Y~------------------------------------------------P,PA~G~E~3~3 TWT JULY 31 • AUGUST 6 199! JULY 31 . AUGUST 6 1998 If you are living with HIV, Cancer, or another life threatening illness ... "You can become the beneficiary of your own life insurance policy - TODAY!" The Medical Escrow Society We are the nation's oldest and largest advocate for you, the insured. Since 1989, we have helped thousands of people receive up to 85% of the face value of their life insurance policy in cash. Our service is quick, free and totally confidential. All types of policies qualify, and there is never any obligation. Client information kits and applications can be requested 24 hrs. a day by calling: The Medical Escrow Society 1-800-422-1314 OUR INTERNET ADDRESS: WWW.MED-ESCROW.COM "Viatical Settlements provide the freedom to see that wishes and desires are fulfilled and allows a participation in matters that are important with a sense of independence and dignity. " ,roll I. PAGE 34 Selling your life insurance policy shouldn't have a negative effect on your life. • Life May Be A Box of Chocolates. Don't Expect Any Disappointments From Us! * what you see is what you get If you are coping with financial pressures, you know best what you need: the highest amount for your Life Ins~~~ee.: ..Plain and Simple.S?,~r name says it all. We care about the individual,1\§@J~gependent rC;§2!t~~',:~,s}'C!t<l..(ge no fees while we negotiate for you tpe'g; ..}..... "../". Call now All applicants will receive a Free copy of Paul Hampton Crockett's HIV LAW: A Survival Guide to the Legal System for People Living with HIV, Protect yourself with the knowledge you cannot afford to be without! RITCHIE & GLASS ATTORNEYS AT LAW CRIMINAL DEFENSE SEX CASES • DWI • DRUG CASES ASSAULT • ALL CRIMINAL CASES Herb Ritchie MOTION TO REVOKE PROBATION Greg Glass BOARD CERTIFIED, CRIMINAL LAW, TEXAS BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION 1-800-871-9440 Nationwide 24-hour confidential consultation PAGE 36 TWT JULY31 - AUGUST619981 1744 Norfolk Houston iWr JULY31 - AUGUST61998 Phones Answered 24 Hours (713)521-9-216 (800)716-9216 PAGE 37 AUSTIN ledg kn o Protease r Inhibitors fhe United Court of Austin will be hosting "fatally Twisted," a night of music, comedy andentertainment to benefit The Community AIDS Resource and Education Program (CAR.E.). The event will be held at the Rainbow Cattle Company, 303 W. 5th 51.,at 9 p.m. The show will follow a reception for EmperorCandidate, Bob Hemby. DALLAS Timing Pricing SGLl/VGLI Confidentiality Get the facts b~fore seiling your Insurance policy. Call for your Free Guide at 800-932-0050_ Or visit http://www.nvrnvr.com· 4012 Cedar Springs from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. The tests will be free of charge for women whoeither are 35 years and over, don't have I insurance, have health insurance with a i deductible in excess of $100, have not had a mammogram in the past year or are not currently experiencing problems with their breasts. For an appointment, call (214)5280144ext 115. 2 H it is time to sell your life insurance CaD FUNDS FOR LIFE. FUNDS FOR. ~IF~ buyer. Our competitive works for you'f.?t 6)( bidding process ensi1r~s tba\ you receive the most for this VALUABLE ASSEST. FUNDS FOR LIFE ..•. dedicated to serving you .... 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week .... always h~e,., always caring. ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITX" ASSURED. lJJL'tFE "\, l ~ ..1~,8pO~556.0807 ~1\J;~~iit~tr Plans are being finalized for Carnival in Rio - The 23rd Annual Garden Party which is being held this Sunday (August 2) at Rich's, 2401 San Jacinto, from 4 - 9 p.m. Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Tickets may be purchased at Lobo Bookshop, 3939 Montrose Suite 5, and Basic Brothers, 1232 Westheimer. This year's beneficiary is Steven's House. For more information, call Elmer Shehane - President at (713)932-9959. The Leather Nights of Dallas invite everyoneto join them for their annual run, Camelot V - Excalibur Unsheathed, August 7, 8 and 9. The weekend includes cocktail parties, "gaymes,"meals, the "Camp-a-Iot" Show and a private party for run participants. Registrationstarts at 9 p.m. Friday, August 7, at the Dallas Eagle, 2515 Inwood Rd. #107, or you maypre-register by picking up an application at the Eagle or contact Dean at Leather By Boots,(214)528-3865. SAN The Gay and Lesbian Community Center is offering a weekly social mixer for men, women and others who wish to socialize in a safe and accepting setting. Mixers are each Saturday at 7 p.m. at 3126 North 51. Mary's. There is no charge, and refreshments will be provided. HOUSTON Member NAPWA lhe Gay and Lesbian Movie Club meets every Saturday for dinner and the movies. ;:;(81 lWTJULY TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1YT 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 ANTONIO The Gay and Lesbian Community Center, 3126 N. 51. Mary's, hosts Video Potpourri, tonight (July 31). The last Friday of each month, everyone is asked to bring their favorite gay or lesbian oriented film, TV episode, documentary or even home movie. The group will choose which tapes to choose. Showtime is 7:30 p.m., and there is no charge. For more information, call (210)7324300. Freefitness classes are being held five days a week at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center, 2701 Reagan at Brown. The classes Includeyoga, aerobics and strength training. Classes are open to everyone. For more info call(214)528-9254, ex1. 115 or 108. Call Today ••. Enjoy Funds For Life Tomorrow! PAGE 38 The Montrose Clinic will be presenting an HIV Information Seminar on August 10, dealing with special information for persons impacted by HIV. The topic will be "The New Health Insurance Laws" and will be hosted by Mitchell Katine, Attorney and General Counsel for the Montrose Clinic. All workshops are free and will be held at The Montrose Clinic, 215 Westheimer from 7 - 9 p.m. Seating is limited. For reservations or more information, call (713)981-9595. , ••~"MammogramswilibeofferedAugust8.at '------------------------------,.-------1 • Tomorrow (August 1) the group will be seeing The Thirteenth Warrior. For more info, call the hotline at (281)835-5312. 10% Youth will be holding it's weekly meeting atThe Gay and Lesbian Community Center, 2701 Reagan 51. at Brown, this Wednesday (August 5) at 7 p.m. 10% Youth is a support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgenderedand/or youth questioning their sexual orientation between the ages of 13 and 22, promoting the physical, mental and emotionalwell being of sexual minority youth through education and outreach. Its parent group is Foundation for Human Under. . standing. For more Info, call (214)521-5342 ext.274. New Tax Laws WoI7 PAGE 39 "The Problem is - Most Peopll Wait Too Long" -Danna K. Archer Danna K. Archer Bankruptcy (713 )383-0713 1-800-281-2955 1020 HOLCOMBE BLVD Houston Leave the Details to Us. ! il ~ Providing financial support for people facing a life-threatening illness. We can turn your life service. Call your local insurance policy into cash and provide you representative for a free consultation with what you deserve - and start the application confidentiality, personal process today. attention, and fast Leave the details to us. The Choice is Simple Experience, Advocacy and Education. . VLL1tI~~~~,~~,~~~~.~~P~,}~ 800.330.5281 or contact our website: www.liftbmefoctoncom Liullud Founding PAGE 40 Ml'llIbn, in tilt' ilflU ofT~xns Vifllicnl Anociatioll of Amtrica TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61 Bill Sanders, D.V.M. 2525 Wycliff. Suite 10 Dallas. Texas 7521 (214)520·883 Veterinary Hospital & Grooming SaIl • 24 hour phone service • insurance welcome • evenings and weekends available viSA. • II;} 111 •• (I") Help Ensure Your Pet's Saf, Return With n HOME AGAI A Critical link Between Lost & Faun • Free • • Quick Local Southwest Infectious Disease Associates Nicholaos C. Bellos, • M.D. Gay Staffed • Board Certified in Infectious Disease + Internal Medicine Specializing in HIV Illnesses, Infectious Diseases + Tropical Medicine Drug Studies and Counseling 214. Face-to-Face • Confidential 890.7943 Call Jerry today at Phone Answered 24 Hours + House Calls Available Insurance Filed + Most Insurance Accepted 1-800-275-3090 + Visa, Mastercard, Amex I, -;1.•. Gay Owned ~ ri.1ICi 8226 Douglas Avenue, Suite 311 + Dallas, Texas 75225 PAGE 42 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61 LWB Gay Operated 3500 OAK LAWN. SUITE400 • DALLAS 12141523-9678 811 WESlHEIMER • SUITE208 • HOUSTON {713} 528-6777 PAGE 43 The Next Generation For Beautiful Skin' RWRY from Alcohol, Drugs, Depression and Anxiety New Yag Crystal Erbium Laser Back to work in as little as 3 days Acne, Scars, Puffy Skin "Crows Feet", Wrinkles Call For Free Medical Evaluation Apollo / Chamber Hair Restoration And Laser Clinic 3843 N. Braeswood Houston Tx. 77025 (713)669-0031 SINCE 1921 •• JACK ROACH-FORD ~ ~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::.- Alternatives is the nation's onley gay-owned.",andoperateCi alcohol, drug and mental health recovery progliam whose leadership has provided over 25 years of pride and service to the gay and lesbian community. Alternatives specializes in tre'ating HIVIAIDS-related grief and loss. Our HIV specialists are available to ad,dress all medical concerns. ~i.a'terrnati",esinc.com •... Medicare and most insur<lnce.accepted. ' COME VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION! Stephen Rubin Sales & Leasing MON.-FRI. 9:00AM-8:00PM SAT. 9:00AM-6:00PM Hillcroft at the Southwest Freeway 6445 SOUTHWESTFWY.· HOUSTON· (281) 588-5000 FAX: (281) 588-5422· Email: www.jackroach.com PAGE 44 TWT JULY 31. AUGUST 6 19'i8liWT;;;;-;;JU""LY:-:-::-31;-.-A"'U7::G""U"'S::cT'67"7:199=8-------------------------;;-PA:-;G::;E~4;-;5 n Dallas, Lone Star Comedy is returning to Watertower Theatre in Addison, beginingtonight (July 31) and continuing for five oeeks. Made up of some of Dallas' and Fort ~orth'Sfinest actors, this 28-member troupe rotatesout into smaller casts to achieve three differentshows per week. Each show has a eparatefocus under the direction of accomSlishedstage and television director Randy ~ennett.Fridays, Lone Star features Outside Dallas, the troupe's long form improvisation ieceset in a small suburban Texas town and rs based on audience suggestion. Saturdays, thetroupe tackles its most daring comedic challengewith Classical Comedy. The actors pointout their rapier wits at paradigms of 19th centurycomedy beginning with Oscar Wilde's The Necessity of Being Nigel, followed by theirtake on George Feydeau's A Bun in Her oven. Saturday's late show features the Lone StarComedy Revue, an often hilarious mix of character-drivensketches, commercial takeoffs, audience participation and musical improvisation.Showtime is 8 p.m. on Fridays andSaturdays, with a 10 p.m. late show on Saturdays. Tickets are $10 of Fridays, $12 on Saturdays(or $20 for both Saturday shows). Formore information or to charge tickets by phone, call the Watertower Box Office at (972)450-6232.... The West End Players present Death of a Novelty Salesman at Teatro Dallas, 2204 CommerceSt. This new comedy is written directed by gay author Chris-James , Cognetta.The final performances will be held at8 p.m. tonight and tomorrow (July 31 and August1). Tickets are $10. 100% Recycled IC/INI~~\A\I l\\fI~Jllr 2130 SOUTH CONGRESS AUSTIN (512) 442-5719 OPEN 7 DAYS 9:00 AM - 7:00 AM TWO THEATERS ALL MALE THEATERS SUNDAY THROUGH FRIDAY! AUSTIN'S BESTSELECTION VIDEO RENTALS & SALES i~~~~~~~========~land •• Comedy (The Best of the West End Players), willalso be presented both nights at 11 p.m. Tickets are $7. Students with school I.D. receiveY, price tickets. For reservations, call (214)353-9594.... Also in Dallas at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre, Rubber Chicken is being presented throughAugust 15. This is Dallas' most popular (and only) all-improvisational comedy troupe. These incredibly talented loonies have been delighting Dallas area fans for almost ten years, creating wild and crazy Comedybased entirely on audience suggestlons. The show begins at 11:15 p.m. with lOad and beverage service beginning at 10:30.Tickets are $8. The theatre is located at 5400 East Mockingbird, Suite 119. For reservations or more information, call (214)821-1860.... The Fort Worth Theatre presents the final , "....•.~, performancesof Lovers and Other Strangers. , • SSE Z IJionightand tomorrow (July 31 and August 1). A hilarious comedy by the writing team of ••• r -... _IJosePh Bologna and Renee Taylor, Lovers '- C C takes a wry and funny look at relationships. The show is rated PG due to content. Performancesbegin at 8:15 p.m., and tickets 'are $10 for adults and $7 for seniors. Group ••••TI.W~~~.,.~~~~~.u.;~~'~~~~'~lrates are available. For more information, call _._ ....._. __ (817)921-5300.... F. I PAGE 46 IJIJ,,,•• _ •.•• iWr JULY 31- AUGUST 61998 will be holding open the bluegrass/gospel musical comedy written by Connie Ray, August 3 at 7 p.m., with callbacks the following day. For more information, call B.J. Cleveland at (817)275-7661 .... Theater LaB Houston presents Vivien Leigh, The Last Press Conference, created Theatre Arlington auditions for Smoke On the Mountain, Marcy Lafferty creates Vivien Leigh in The Last Press Conference, playing at Theater LaB Houston. and performed by Marcy Lafferty. A onewoman, tour-de-force portrait of Vivien Leigh, the play opens as Leigh sweeps onto the stage for her last press conference and attempts to define herself one last tlrne.wlth three defining roles - Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind, Blanche DuBois in Tennesee William's classic A Streetcar Named Desire, and "Lady 0," the wife of Sir Lawrence Olivier, her story is the the stuff dreams are made of and as bold as any screenplay. Vivien Leigh opens this Wednesday, August 5 with 8 p.m. showings through Saturday, August 8. The final performance will be held Sunday, August 9 at 4 p.m. For more information, call (713)868-7516 ... The Group (Theatre Workshop) has announced a change in the opening of the Houston premier of Sordid Lives. The production will open August 14 at the Actors Workshop, 1009 Chartres (downtown behind the George R. Brown Convention Center). Sordid Lives is the fourth comedy of smalltown Texas life by Del Shores and played to sold-out houses in LA, hitting a nerve with LA's mainstream audience as well as the gay community. Under the direction of Joe Watts, the play will be presented on Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. through September 26 and Sundays at 6 p.m. Tickets are $17. For more information call (713)5222204. ~~-------------::P-:-AG:::-:E=--=47 DIVA VOLLEYBALL DALLAS - The Dallas Independent VolleyballAssociation (DIVA) will be conducting registration for the fall season at Grauwyler recreational Center (located on Harry Hines just south of Regal Row) today (Friday,July 31) from 6 - 8 p.m. for new members and 8 - 11 p.m. for intermediate and tomorrow (Saturday, August 1) from noon 1:30 p.m. for competitive, 1:30 - 3 p.m. for powerand 3 - 4:30 p.m. for recreational. DIVAconsists of four different divisions of play from beginners to advanced. Sign up individually, as teams are selected within membership. Play is held Fridays from August to December. Yearly dues are $15 andfall season fees are $75. Please come to registrationready to play. For more info, call (214)521-5342 ext. 804. Shepherd at US 59. Everyone will meet tomorrow (Saturday, August 1) at 9 a.m. There is usually a great turnout. Food and service are great, and the company is always warm and welcoming. Also, the group has decided that what better way to beat the heat than to spend a weekend at the state's number one water park, Schlitterbahn? Some of the HOUSTON INDEP. BILLIARD LEAGUE r--;Ib;;;;;;;;;;;;;-------------------------....J e _ can b e f0u n d eve n cLose r: • --t"-----------------I We have hundreds of guys daily. And now, so can you. Talk live and confidentially one-on-one brow e h or exc ange messages. Free to Call. 60-Minute ,s Free Trial. Questions? Call 1-888-227-3796.Outside local area code toil charges ma a I Callers are not prescreenedand Gay Live Dallas assumes no liability for who you ma~ niter 18 or older, please.A portion of our proceeds goes towards local AIDS awareness & education. PAGE 58 TWT JULY31 _ AUGUST6 HOUSTON - Tomorrow (Saturday, August 1) is the first registration for the 1998 Fall Seasonof the Independent Billiard League of Houston. It will be held at The Outpost, 1400 RichmondAve., from 2 - 5 p.m. The sponsorship fee is $55 per establishment and is due with player applications. Teams are 3-persons and applications (along with $10 each) are due at registration. Our rules are BCA, ball-in-hand, and the league plays on Thursday nights. The second registration and 8-ball toumaments are Thursday, August 6, at both the Ripcord, 715 Fairview, and the New Barn, 1100Westheimer, from 7 - 9 p.m. Entry is $5, and the bars add $25 to the prize. The final registration and social will be held Sunday, August 9 at the 611 Hyde Park Pub from 1 3 p.m. The organizational. meetinq where team booklets Will be distributed Will be Sunday, August 23, place to be announced. For more information about the league, call John Talcott, League Secretary, at (713)5229178, or check out the League web page at www.geocities.comlWestHollywood/Parkl23 29. ('<~'J; SAN ANTONIO GAY DARTS LEAGUE SAN ANTONIO - The first meeting of San Antonio's Gay Dart League will take place on Tuesday, August 4, at 7 p.m. at Petticoat Junction, 2818 North Main, (210)737 -2344. All members and prospective members are welcome to attend. The purpose will be to invite recipient organizations who will benefit from the proceeds earned during the 1998-99 tournament season and to orient the membership to their organizations and services for consideration as recipients. HOUSTON - The Houston Outdoor Group invites everyone to join Don and Ray for breakfast at Le Peep, located on i99s iWr JULY31 - AUGUST61998 R group will camp out at K&L Ranch Kamp, and others will camp it up in one of the local hotels. The water park is located in New Braunfels on the corner Comal River with the water slides, tube rides and lagoons to lounge. If you are interested in cooling off with the HOGs, call Jim at (713)682-4972. The Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) is a social group for gay men and lesbians who enjoy the outdoors. Activities are organized by HOG members, individually or by the ad hoc groups and are reported in the newsletter. For more info, call the Hogline at (713)KAMP-OUT. HOUSTON OUTDOOR GROUP (214) 200-9136 MC101 , ~ PAGE 59 BARRY MANILOW RAISES $300,000 FORAMFAR Houston Event Brings Four Year Total Close to $2 Million HOUSTON - This past Saturday, July 25, at the Arena Theater in Houston, Barry Manilow captivated a full house at the fourth annual American Foundation for AIDS Research [AmFAR) Concert Gala, Houston and AmFAR - Together in Medical Research IV. The event, which raised $300,000 for AmFAR, brings the total for these sellout galas to almost $2 million. Opening up the evening, acclaimed singer Lois Walden warmed up the Arena Theater creating a fabulous beginning for a grand evening. Former anchorman and President of Stonefilms of Texas, Inc., Ron Stone, kept up with the pace as emcee for the evening. Also on hand for the fundraising gala was special guest, actress Sigourney Weaver. The success of the evening is due to all Houstonians who gave from the heart for the event, but the success can also be attributed to the kind donations of many. Barry Manilow, Lois Whalden and Sigourney Weaver, all provided their appearances at no charge. Arena Theater owners, Barry and Donna Morgan donated, for the fourth year, the use of their facility and overall production of the show. Tony Vallone underwrote the entire post-concert dinner party at his popular restaurant, Tony's, as he has for the past three years. Continental Airlines donated all flight arrangements for the stars and musicians, and the Luxury Hotel donated rooms for the headliners. Houston businesses showed the true spirit of giving as they bent over backwards to make sure the nuch needed funds were raised for such a worthy cause. The American Foundation for AIDS Research [AmFAR) is the nation's leading non-profit organization dedicated to the support of HIV/AIDS research. Funded by private philanthropic contributions, AmFAR has invested over $144 million in support for its programs, primarily through grants to more than 1,700 research teams since its founding in 1985. Some of the groups in Houston who have benefited from AmFAR funding have included Rice University, the Montrose Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Southern University, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital and Houston Institute for the Protection of Youth. For PAGE 60 information AmFAR. about AmFAR, call (800)39. TEXAS TEAMS TRAVEL TO GAY GAMES V Texans Travel to Amsterdam to Compete in the Gay Community's Answer to the Olympics TEXAS - Tomorrow, August 1, memo bers of the Texas gay and lesbian cornmunity will proudly represent this state across in Amsterdam, as the opening ceremonies commence for the fifth Gay Games. Tomorrow night, 15,000 athletes from 64 countries and 55,000 spectators from around the world will crowd themselves into Holland's new Arena Stadium. The mile-long "Parade of Athletes" and entertainers such as Bjorn Again and the Weather Girls promise to make an aweinspiring night. Along with the athletes, singers, dancers (including Pieces Dance Troupe from Dallas), actors, musicians, artists and photographers will join the athletes for the eight day event competing in 29 sports events and 14 cultural events, bringing true meaning to the Games theme: "Friendship Through Culture and Sports." Dallas and Austin make up the largest contingents this year, with San Antonio and Houston being well represented, also. Team Dallas is made up of 55 athletes, and Team Austin has sent the largest team of 69. Texas athletes range in areas including marathon, volleyball, bowling, track and field, bridge, tennis, physique, softball, soccer, cycling and triathlon. Team Austin is also proud to be sending 40-member Row Team Austin [RTA], as this will be the first time that the Gay Games has recognized rowing as an official sport. Already, RTA has garnered sixteen medals in coast to coast races over the last 11 months. ''These guys have TWf JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 trained extremely hard," explained Head coach Matt Diefenbach. "I've enjoyed every minute of working with them." Diefenbach has over 10 years of both collegiate and Olympic coaching experience. Texas teams have been represented in all four past Gay Games, with San Antonio bringing home the first medal, a silver in track, for the state of Texas. Although Dallas was not represented at the Gay Games I in San Francisco, the team has since received the most medals in the state of Texas. Throughout the last three Games, Dallas has proudly accepted 74 medals: 40 gOld, 22 silver and 12 bronze. Texas teams have always made us proud and plan to continue the tradition of excellence as they shine in Amsterdam. TEXAS LOSES FAVORITE COMEDIAN KEVINMAYE Famed Co-Creator of "The Gay Comedy Jam" Succumbs to AIDS HOUSTON - Kevin Wallace, who was known to many fans around the country as comedian Kevin Maye, finally lost his long and courageous battle with AIDS. Surrounded by his family and loved ones, Kevin died at his home in Houston this past Saturday, July 25. Kevin was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1963. He was the youngest child in a family including six sisters. His Catholic upbringing was one of many factors that formed his unique style of humor which was tasteful, sometimes political and always funny. His jokes are published alongside other great comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and David Letterman in the book, That's Funny!, reviewed as "A compendium of over 1,000 great jokes from today's hottest comedians." Although a mid-western boy from the beginning, Kevin relocated to Houston after graduating from high school, and his love for Southern lifestyle took hold. He secured a job at a major oil and gas company where he worked for 12 years and attended college at night. He was soon labeled the "corporate comic" by his coworkers, as his jokes about the boss were appreciated. Comedy had always been a passion for him. Soon he found himself at one of the comedy clubs in Houston doinq "open-mic" TWf JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 nights. After taking the stage one night he knew comedy was the job he wanted.' So In .1993, he boxed up the button-down shirts and neckties and left Corporate America to pursue a full time career as a professional stand-up comedian. His success as a stand-up comedian was apparent as he began touring the mainstream comedy club circuit. In 1994 he and his partner in life, comedian Scott Kennedy, formed The Gay Comedy Jam in an effort to spend more time together. The show allowed them to tour together and fill a void in the gay entertainment community. The Gay Comedy Jam soon became the standard in gay and lesbian entertainment and was the first and only all-gay stand-up comedy show to tour nationally. The success of The Gay Comedy Jam remains untouched, and The Hollywood Reporter named Kevin and Scott "the funniest and most successful gay comedians touring today." In 1996, Kevin decided to go public with the fact that he was HIV positive and was diagnosed with full-blown AIDS two years earlier. While still a sensitive subject even in the gay community, Kevin wanted to express his "out- i '\ , _ positive humor" as a way to show people that he, like so many others, was living with AIDS not dying from it. Kevin was one of only two comics to talk about being HIV positive and was the only comic to record a CD with his HIV positive I material included in The Gay Comedy Jam Live! He was a favorite performer at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas and was the featured guest on many television shows such as The Bradshaw Difference and Network-Q. Kevin is survived by his life partner Scott Kennedy, his mother Ann Wallace, his sisters Christine Grado, Vikki Beaty, Kathy White, Diane Wallace, Sharon Croom, Linda Rosas, brother Louis Wallace and many nieces and nephews. "Kevin signed all his autographs one way .. .'Here's to Life, Love and Laughter!'," explained Kevin's partner, Scott. "I believe he was rich in all three." ~ IS T , PAGE 61 Ranting&. ~/ by Jeffrey L. Unthicum eouth GPa'Ck '.LL,.,w·· VIP Weekend Passes & TICKETSavailable ~GUSr4TH \9I1B- CHECKOUT SPONSORlr: WET DESlGNCOM SOUP• HOTEL & PARTY INFO: 1-B88-558- 1191 IN AUSTIN: 512-418·1191 Austin (NS, Lobo & Sparks) [ Da//as (Union Ja,k) Houston (Lobo) ," WWW.PAIITYAUSTIN.COM DANCE - 1 N8 CAPTAIN MORGAN AMBUSH NAYA MAG 2000 NET.COM lAB As a young man, I was always in a hurry to be a grown-up. My beverage of choice: 7-Up over ice in a highball glass with a splash of Pepsi. (The Kindergartner's scotch and soda.) And, cartoons were never really my bag either. While the neighborhood boys were eating up Speed Racer and Scooby Doo, I prefered to hunker in next to Mom and bite my nails over Perry Mason's latest case or swap tid-bits about Love of Life with her card club friends. So, as an adult, I've enjoyed living out all the simple childhood pleasures I passed on in pursuit of being the Mary Tyler Moore of Horace Mann Elementary School. Thankfully, the creators of South Park have created a charming animated series that satisfies my latent cartoon needs and appeals to my inherent sick and twisted nature. Those of you unfamiliar with the series should make the effort. Set in a small burb in Colorado, the show's feature characters are a clique of insightful school children with foul mouths and a propensity for in sighting chaos and controversy. Recent episodes have tackled illiteracy, beastiality, police brutality, circumcision TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 ~, r ..··/, ' jj.lI··~ , w .;i %,/Y t/ t $) /~:-.. <:(/ and drug abuse (effectively marrying the quaintness of Fat Albert with the production values of Jerry Springer). In fact, I'll go so far as to say that you really haven't lived until you've seen a cartoon which has been bleeped for cussing, embalmed photos: ©Comedy with Worcestershire sauce and/or has adopted an Ethiopian via the US mail and renamed him Starvin' Marvin. Comedy Central airs the series weekly on Wednesday evenings and prefaces each episode with a disclaimer warning consumers to ignore any similarities to actual events. Chances are, you'll not encounter that scenario (unless, of course, your friends are murdered, daily, by sorely unconventional means and your mother appears on the cover of Crack Wh''''e Magazine ...you'll just have to watch). So, this Wednesday, grab the milk and Oreos and settle in for some regressive childhood enjoyment. It sure beats listening to Diane Sawyer's latest Prime Time Live expose on elderly folks who get scammed by vinyl siding contracters. \WI PAGE 63 Cent RA VEN PRODUCTIONS lPll"o1lllJRy ll)ll"esena.sooo Mi§§ Waco freahuoiJtllg ]be Reigll11RJtllg Mllss Waco Jelllae aJtlld Miss Amea°D.ca SL Jaymes Gay K.ofri Tex:as §alblllJrJaY9 A1lllg1LU.§t1 '9l Registration n)m ~ Mi§§ Waco U§ of A feahliring us Waco albrieHe of A 1995 DiamQJl1l aJtlldl Miss Gay US ~as 0 lhi1f:JtlleyPaige §ai1lllJrJaY9 A1lllg1lll§t 7 Registration '9l ]Jllm "":i."~§ 507 Waco PAGE 64 Jefferson at 5th • (254}753-'9l189 twas just about this time last year when a new theater group burst - and I do mean burst - into the Houston scene Masquerade Theatre, that little store-froni on 11th Street in the Heights, got underway with their first musical production, Runaways, and it was a smash in every way. Evident up front was the energy and talents of the entire ensemble, from the cashier to the lights to the producer and director. They pulled out all the stops, and they have scarcely paused for breath since, giving Houston theatergoers Godspell, Torch Song Trilogy, Pterodactyls, Nunsense /I and DA. And all this while including a major move last spring to their new and expanded location at 1537 North Shepherd. Now they're entering their second season with their summer musical, Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, and once again, they've nailed it. This dark musical from Stephen Sondheim, a composer known for this type of musical, is arguably one of the darkest. And musically, it's one of the most difficult. Vocal requirements run the gamut from baritone to coloratura soprano, with every shading in between. This score is not for the fainthearted. And that's what makes it perfect for Masquerade. There are few - very few - small theaters I would trust with this material, but Director Phillip Duggins and Musical Director Andrew Dixon, along with a superb cast, are definitely up to it. The story (briefly) is that of Benjamin Barker, a barber in early nineteenth-century London, whose life and family are ruined by a corrupt judge. Barker is transported to Australia, and returns after years to find his wife gone and his daughter the ward of the very judge who sentenced him. Taking the name of Sweeney Todd, Barker sets out to revenge himself. Back in the old neighborhood, Sweeney hooks up with Mrs. Lovett, the proprietor of Mrs. Lovett's Famous Pies, the worst meat pies in London. Business is bad; times are hard, and together she and Sweeney devise the perfect plan to obtain his revenge and give her business a push at the same time. What follows are plot twists, adventure, romance, comedy and a series of appallingly immoral goings on, all set to the haunting music of Sondheim, and it makes for a riveting evening. Several of the cast you may recognize if you've been a regular of Masquerade, and if you haven't, you should be. Brent Smith I TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 IJNSIJI~i\I{J\ln .l.~i\{~'I'S SIIINI~IN ~1i\S(lIJI~lli\nI~'S ~ln}~~~f 'r(m~ acquits himself admirably as Anthony, suitor to Sweeney's daughter, Johanna. Melissa O'Connell, as the insane Beggar Woman, mixes poignancy with the abandoned lewdness her character requires, and Amy Ross as the boy Tobias is touching and sprightly. Gina Nespoli-Holmes does Mrs. Lovett (a role originated on the Broadway stage by Angela ••••. _ Lansbury) to a turn. I • Making her debut with Masquerade is Sarah Wuensche, as Johanna. With a voice that reaches for the sky, Wuensche plays the somewhat melodramatic Victorian ingenue without a false note. Her blonde frailty makes a perfect picture of the heroine faced with circumstance worse than death. Also new to Masquerade is L. 1< .. ,.,$;:::>;; • L. Jay Meyer, as Sweeney. In L. Jay Meyer as Sweeney addition to a vocally _1i_u'.:....p'_n.}:...demanding role, he must also play that most difficult of heroes, a thoroughly evil man. In the end, the audience, who knows the unspeakable things he has done, has in fact seen him do them, must still care about him. And they do. Rounding out the principals are Jim Williams as Judge Turpin, David W. Jones as The Beadle, Troy Menn as Pirelli, and Jeremy Pierce as Fogg. It's difficult to choose a favorite scene from this production, but if I had to, I'd say it was worth the price for Sweeney's and TWT JULY 31 • AUGUST 6 1998 REVIEWED BY GARY LAIRD Mrs. Lovett's comic duet, "A Little Priest." It's delicious. Musically, Johanna's "Green Finch and Linnet Bird" is marvelous, and then there's the strangely haunting "Pretty Women," an unlikely duet with Sweeney and Judge Turpin. While these titles may not exactly be household words, I think you may recognize them when you hear them. At any rate, once you hear them, you'll remember them. Once again, a small theater has triumphed over space to give the audience a thoroughly satisfying experience. Amy Ross, doubling as set designer, has creat- !, ,,_ I Todd (L) brings his razor down upon Jim Williams (Judge _ ed a remarkable revolvinq set, integral to the play, and costume and makeup are skillfully accomplished. So go spend an evening with Sweeney, Mrs. Lovett and the denizens of Fleet Street. You'll have a disturbingly good time. Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street runs through September 5 at Masquerade Theatre, 1537 North Shepherd, Houston. Reservations are strongly suggested. Call 713/861-7045 for information and tickets. ~ PAGE 65 In this column, readers exchange ideas with other readers and our editor in a public forum. Writers must sign all letters and furnish their full name and address for verification. TWT will withhold name upon request. Please keep letters brief. TWT does not print letters sent to other gay and lesbian publications. Address all letters to LEITERS TO THE EDITOR, THIS WEEK IN TEXAS, 3300 REAGAN ST., DALLAS, TX 75219 or 811 WESTHEIMER ST., SUITE 111, HOUSTON, TX 77006. TH,t;~':NEV\l'~TQIA~.~LE: G~\J;B' FORMERLY 'BILL'S HARD TYMES' COME VISIT AND PARTY WITH NE\,,(OWNERS GREG AND KEITH , WED.-SUN. 9PM-2AM PAGE 66 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 West Texas other crimes out their, not here. Concerns Vince Urias and Jay Combs CO-Owners, Club Fictxions Odessa, TX Dear TWT, At the beginning of this month, Friday night of July Fourth Weekend, patrons of Club Fixtions in Odessa, saw the police force take a strange turn. About 10:30 p.m., with about 10 people in the bar, they came in and said that their search was "just routine." At 1:45 a.m., the police decided to take up camp in an adjacent alley with five police cars. The police started to approach every person that came out of the bar. After getting through with the Friday night drag show, the bar owners explained to the audience that it was safer for everyone not to exit the building until the blockade left. At 2:15 a.m., the police cars were joined by more officers. An informal vote was taken over the microphone in the bar about the city's fireworks display for which the club has allowed its parking lot to be used as the launch site for the past two years. In a tense moment, the bar patrons decided that they did not want their bar used to assist with the city'S fireworks display (which attracts a crowd of an estimated 15,000 people). At almost 2:30 a.m., we met with the police officers and explained to them that they were jeopardizing the place used as the city's fireworks launch site. One officer explained that if we impeded his authority anymore, that we were going to jail. A city police supervisor had to call the police officers away and have them leave their "camp." Saturday, July 4, a fair compromise was reached and the fireworks were launched as planned, but the gay and lesbian community of Odessa woke up. We have had enough, and we are tired. It's bad enough when they come storming into your bar, but when they won't leave the street so they can make their holiday quotas ... enough is enough. There are iVvr JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 AIDS Resource Center Hot Atea/s Program Dear TWT, I have been a client of the Dallas AIDS Resource Center and Hot Meals Program for nearly four years, and I want to commend the staff for all of the hard work and effort they do contributing to our nourishment needs. I know it must be a very difficult and tiring job to cook for the masses on a daily basis. I also, though, want to admonish the clients who go there everyday, pile more food 0;:1 their plate than they can eat and the audacity to come in at the close of serving hour, dawdle over their food and then complain about the quality of the food and the harried staff. They leave the tables in great disarray and treat the dining room as a grocery store taking pockets full of sugar, sweetener, napkins and even some flatware! The people who work there have lives outside of their jobs, and there are several clients who could care less about anyone or anything other than themselves. We have to realize that eating at the Dallas AIDS Resource Center Hot Meals Program is a privilege, and not a Godgiven right. If you don't like the food or the way the establishment is operated, go to a commercial restaurant and pay for your food rather than moan and groan about the free food. Once again, thank you AIDS Resource Center there are those of us who care and appreciate what you do for us. -Name and address withheld by request. ~ PAGE 67 DALLAS TEA - Here's what's happening THIS WEEK IN DAllAS from Big D Hot Tea. Round Up Saloon co-owner Alan Pierce • Contest of the Year Mr. Gay Ft. Worth Promoter-Stuart Michael Winner-Christian (e) Alt.-Ronald Cook (1') 2nd Alt.-ScoItChalaire (1) 1st and Rafael [above, I-r] are just two of the friendly men that keep everything running smoothly day in and day out. You'll find Gary Miller there most of the time too. The Parlor is open daily at 3 p.m. with bartender Steve Preece keeping the mood cool and festive all day long. Make your way to the club for dance lessons every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. This Monday, August 3, former Miss IGRA Miss Tessywill host her own signature version of Buns Contests entitled Tessy'sTush contest at 10 p.m. in The Parlor. Make sure you mark your calendars for Wednesday, August 26 as Alan Gellman presents the 29th annual Miss Gay Dallas Pageant.This pageant began in 1969 and is the oldest title for female impersonators. The formers will be on hand to shine for their annual stellar moment, and you won't want to miss a moment of the fierce competition between all of the contestants. Charity Case will be on hand to crown her successor on the big night in Big D, too. The winner of Miss Gay Dallas will go on to compete at Norma Kristie's 23rd annual Miss Gay Texas Pageant in Houston September 23-24-25 .... This weekend, you can dance the night away at Bamboleo's. They've got music to suit any mood, and the atmosphere is filled with festive party people including customers AI Marin and Carlos Perez [above, l-rJ. Bamboleo's welcomes the Miss Gay Universe 1998 Pageant this coming Thursday and Friday, August 6 and 7 with a TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 galaxy of stars, hostess Kitty Divino and Tamisha Iman heading up the list of luminaries. This pageant is open to all contestants with or without a preliminary and the top five finalists will each receive a national title and share over $10,000 in cash and prizes. Special guests include Miss Gay Universe-at-Large Sondra Todd, Mr. Gay Universe Ty Nolan, Sweet Savage, Mr. USA Christian, Florida's famed fem-mimic Jessica Nolan, Vanessa Duvall, Regina Dane, Nikki Lamour, Alan Gibson, Sierra Nicole, C. J. Brooks, Sean Carter and many more. This national system may be one of the newer kids on the pageant block, but with this much talent and this large prize purse, the battle should be one of the best this season. For information and applications contact Universe Pageantry at (281)339-1 013 .... The Dallas Tavern Guild is having another raffle drawing for a trip for four to Las Vegas. The tickets are only $1, and the proceeds will go toward the Alan RossTexas Freedom Paradeon Sunday, September 27, 1998. The drawing will be held at Lee Park immediately following the Parade.You need not be present to win this fabulous prize. Dallas Tavern Guild raffle tickets are available from your favorite bartender at your favorite DTG member nightclub. Alan RossTexas Freedom Parade applications and information is available at the Dallas Tavern Guild offices, 3300 Reagan Street at North Hall in Oaklawn .... Dallas Eagle bartender Dan Johnston [right] is just one of the reasons the club is always filled with the hottest men. Speaking of hot men, Leather Knights presents Camelot V next weekend. This fifth annual anniversary celebration has a lot of events '" •• planned to make this a most memorable and momentous occasion. The schedule is full of fun activities and entertainment. PrePAGE 69 registration is recommended (but not required) to assure ample quantities for the throng of revelers. Camelot guests fee is $45. Camelot Guest Couple is $80, and LK errant members fee is only $35 for entry to the entire weekend. A special limited edition t-shirt has been created for Camelot V and are available for only $7 each. Registration will be held at the Dallas Eagle at 9 p.m. next Friday, August 7. Don't miss this monumental moment of men and magic at Camelot V.... jR.'s Bar and Grill mixology master james [right] can fix you right up with your favorite cooling concoction during these long hot days of summer. Swing on by any day beginning at 11 a.m. Their lunch time I crowds are a great way to . break up your work day or anytime you need a pick-me-up. Step inside the club that's been everyone's favorite for the past 17 years. They've got lots of room to move and groove with two levels and 10 service wells to help you keep your cool. They've got fabulous views from the balcony which offer spectacular sights in all kinds of weather 365 days a year. Even with this intense triple-digit heat their 115 tons of air conditioning will keep the climate comfortable. The 13,000 watts of amplified sound seeds 38 speakers, and a video system linking 61 monitors makes this Big D landmark a one of a kind expert, ence. This massive expansion was complsj, ed almost a year ago, and the place has been turning out the best music, videos, views, food and cocktails every since. Get on down and congratulate manager Donald Solomon and the staff on their anniversary of the expansion .... Throckmorton Mining Company a.k.a. TMC, is now TMC for "Tuesday Means Country" when they turn the sound system over to 100% country music, drink specials and their notorious Cowboy Butts Drive Me Nuts contest, too. How much fun can a man cram into one night. Manager Frank Thompson and assistant manager Brett Fowler are always on hand to welcome you to their club any night you chose. They've got a fun time for you to enjoy anytime .... Village Station helps you kick off your weekend with their Cruisin' the Crossroads party tonight from 10:30-11 p.m. They offer drastically reduced drink prices and no cover charge to jump start your party tonight. Make your party destination the Village Station tonight. Congratulations to Richard D. Curtain on his promotion to the position of Show Director of the famous Rose Room. Most of you know Richard's stage persona of Edna jean Robinson. Edna jean is active in local charities and AIDS fund-raisers and is producer of the Miss Big Thickette Pageant, in addition to the Edna jean Robinson and Pitiful show on DCTV Channel 15. Best of luck from your friends at TWT. ... Sue Ellen's offers you a great place to spend some time inside, out front and out back. They've got so much to offer you this summer you'll hard pressed to chose what to do first. Kathy jack and the staff have really got it all going on. Make your plans to spend some time with the gang at Sue Ellen's this weekend .... Do you want to sing? Has it been a while? Why not see if you still have what it takes?Auditions for the Women's Chorus of Dallas is coming up on August 17th. For information call (214)520-7828. The Turtle Creek Chorale will hold auditions on August 11. For more information call (214) I.. ··.· ~~ PAGE 70 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 526-3214. Both of these fine groups have many activities throughout the year that are of benefit to the community. They have been growing in numbers gradually over the years and have released numerous recordings as well. ... TARRANT TEA - The Fort Worth Men's Chorus will be holding auditions on Sunday, August 9 at 2 p.m. at Texas Wesleyan University in the Lawsone Auditorium. All are welcome, and they are especially looking for tenor, bass and baritone voices. If you are interested in auditioning, contact Phil at (817)469-1327 or Rudy at (214)526-7671 .... The Imperial Court de Fort Worth! Arlington will hold Investitures for their line of succession at the Lancaster Beach Club, Sunday, August 8 at 9 p.m. Come out and join the new monarchs, jerry and Tiffany begin Reign XX.... Tasha Kohl will make a rare North Texas stage appearance at Magnolia Station during this Sunday's show. The August 2 show also stars the talents of Aretha Wells, Lauren Ie Masters and Charity Case. If you haven't been to the Station in a while, this is the night to catch all of your old friends TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 -Custom Landscape Design and Installation -Lawn Care Maintenance •.Horticultural Services -Problem Solvers Premium Maintenance and lInstallation Houston· 713.864.4040 PAGE 71 and maybe make some new ones during this rare performance by Tasha Kohl. WACO TEA - David's in Waco welcomes Raven Productions for two pageants in the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow night (August 1), Miss Gay Waco America will be held, featuring the reigning Miss Waco America lenae St. Iayrnes. The only categories are evening gown and talent. Registration is at 9 p.m. For more information contact Alberto James at (254)7523121. Next up, is Miss Waco USofA starring Gabrielle Diamond with special guest Whitney Paige.This one will be fierce as one of the last preliminaries to Miss Gay Texas USofA coming up August 20-23 at The Saint in San Antonio. David and Jason are your hosts each night, and they offer you the hottest spot in Central Texas to party these hot summer nights away. HOUSTON TEA - Get those colorful feathers, beads and skimpy costumes ready because this Sunday the 23rd annual Garden Party is taking us to Carnival in Rio. This year's extravaganza at Rich's begins at 4 p.m. with proceeds benefiting Steven's House. Don't miss your chance to join in the fun and be a part of the crossdressing craze that takes over these annual festivities. Last weekend, we found Rich's doorman and popular USA promoter Craig Henderson [above, cl celebrating his 40th birthday with a bevy of lovely ladies that included Lauren Taylor, Lindsy Love, his mother, Kelly Lauren and Simply Divine .... Speaking of Craig Henderson, he will be presenting the Mr. Gay Texas USA Contest this Sunday at Inergy. This megamuscles event will feature the talents of last year's winner and this week's cover man Welton Blaylock, Mr. Gay USA Christian, Lauren Taylor and Simply Divine. Registration is at 3 p.m. Next door at Amnesia, wild Wednesday evenings feature deejay Rocky B. and everything-in-the-house drink specials, while Thursdays are HIV Awareness Nights hosted by AVES.At Inergy and Amnesia, you can have twice the fun with two clubs in one .... Just when you thought that Fridays at JR's couldn't get any better, the friendly folks at the club bring you the New Orleans Happy Hour Getaway. Along with your chance to win a dinner for two, every Friday you can register to win a Crescent City excursion that includes round trip airfare, three nights at the Royal Sonesta Hotel and a jazz brunch at The Court of Two Sisters.All of this, in addition to AIIAmerican happy hour drink specials and gorgeous male dancers, is the perfect ['""(---.." reason to join Oscar, Louis, Roger and Joel [above, l-r] and kick your weekend into high gear with a fabulous Friday at JR's.... New on Wednesdays, Voodoo Lounge presents a Latex Party and dance/talent contest open to males, females, female impersonators and groups and featuring $300 in cash prizes. This evening of high energy excitement kicks off next week (Aug. 5) with deejay Juanito from the LaBoom Club in Cancun and a CD release party and giveaway for Anggun's Snow on the Sahara. See you there .... It was the show that shut down a club. Not really, but the Imperial Court's "Gospel Singing Jubilee" was the last show at Gentry and Pittypat Magnolia Sugarbaker and Crystal Rae Lee Love [right, l-rJ were singing the praises of Gentry's support for community 1..' ...l fund-raising. This Sunday is the club's last day, so stop by and bid a fond farewell to one of our favorite hangouts.... ~G:M At the BRB's annual Denim Party,we focused in on Monty, David, Joanne, Kenneth and Woody [above, l-r] serving up some of those tasty and free hamburgers and hot dogs. A capacity crowd once again filled the club for this party-till-the-cows- come-home event. For the best in C&W dance lessons, variety shows and all night boot-scootin'. the BRB is your Montrose country home .... Anthony, Troy, Ken and Daniel [above, 1r] were on hand for Toyz' Flashlight Party last Friday and we're sure they'll be back for tonight's Ouly 31) premiere edition of La Noche de las Divas, Toyz' new monthly revue starring emcee Cruella Divine and special guests Erica Andrews, Monique Johnson and Vanessa Raye. On the subject of super shows, jenny Kraiggg welcomes Tersa Matthews and Krystal Kelly this Sunday (August 2), the club's Talent Night semi-finals are next Wednesday (August 5) and Monique johnson hosts the Papi Chulo male strip contest every Thursday.... If you can have Christmas in july, you can certainly have New Year's Eve in july, and that's exactly what Pacific Street is doing tonight Ouly 31). Make sure that you're there to ring out the mid-year with party favors, a cash balloon drop, a video countdown and a traditional champagne toast at midnight. This Sunday (August 2), join the P.S.Terrors for Bizarre Bazaar, an unusual fund-raiser to help them on their way to the Gay World Series in Atlanta. To make this event a double delight, the patio party will be followed by a special live performance from porn star Dallas Taylor.... Last Saturday, the CRUISE CAMERA gathered together manager Damion Sondergaard and his Club Houston crew [right] just prior to the start of thei r Vortex '98 • , f ~ Lights Out Party.True to their guarantee, they pulled all of their party patrons through to a new dimension of hot summer fun. Hot men, great music, door prizes, free beverages, a catered buffet and all of the other late night festivities that go on at The Club ... What more could you need for a real good time? SAN ANTONIO TEA - The Saint's military party last weekend brought out throngs of folks in uniform including the camoflauged staff of studs behind the bar. ve what you've been loobng for. I Our CRUISE CAMERA focused in on buff bartenders Hank, juan and Harvey [above,l-r] and delirious door staffer John Chavez [above.front]. join them each Wednesday at The Saint for Shady Lady's Wednesday night revue which stars SA's newest starlet Tersa Matthews, dancing diva Denise Mykels and a drink special that will blow your mind. Incidentally, congrats to Denise who swept the Miss Gay Dallas USofA Pageant last week which qualifies her for the Miss Gay Texas USofA Pageant to be held at the Saint August 20, 21,22 and 23. This weekend's Super PAGE 74 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 Sunday Show will feature Miss Gay Houston USofA Lindsy Love and San Antonio diva jade DeSante plus the fabulous cast.. .. Those of you interested in joining the city-wide, gay dart league- take note: Petticoat junction will host an organizational get together on August 4 at 7 p.m. Current members, prospective members and organizations interested in benefiting from the '98-'99 season proceeds are all invited. For more info call the club at (210)822-8511 .... The San Antonio chapter of the Chain of Command made a splash at Pegasusthis week [above] during a celebratory pool party for it's devoted members. For info on how to join this non-profit organization call (210)493-0049. join the Pegasusstaff every day for happy hour with stunning bartender Arturo from 2-10 p.m. and then stick around for the party every night 'til 2 a.m. You can swim, feel the sand between your toes, suck up an island cocktail, hang out in the South Beach Skylight bar or play some pool, all under one roof, and only at Pegasus.... Stop by Zebra'z this week and peruse the all new 400 volume selection of lush books. Choose from coffee table books to book collections of postcards in every size and shape depicting fabulous male forms, photography and stunning art. 1999 calendars are flooding in as well, from famous image makers like The Phenomenon Factory who make every month a visit to paradise.... If your horoscope predicts running into a tall, dark and mysterious man soon, park yourself front of the Annex's bartending hunk Mario [right] and start praying. You can catch the muscled boy-toy slinging cocktails nightly atThe Annex where everyone is special. ... TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 Encore Video, Zebra'z NE Loop 410 location, offers up over 2,000 Adult Video titles for the incredible low price of just $4.99 per Video, while supplies last. Take advantage of this clearance sale so the staff at Encore can make way for a deluge of all new Videos celebrating the art of erotic film-making!. .. AUSTINteaCIOUS - Dick's Deja Disco is so hot these days the guys are just hanging around in their underwear. There is always a handful of cuties waiting to "'''wmWd soap up and down for your visual entertainment like this shower dancer [left]. Also, they have amateur strip night every Tuesday. With cash prizes to be had, the guys are ready to drop "trou" on the spot. Then there is the festive retro music that greets your ears. Lil' Debi and Warren see to that. If you have a request, they most likely have it. It may be vinyl, or it may be on disc, but you can bet they have your favorite tune to get you on the dance floor .... Over at The Edge, crazy Che Lucci has boy after boy dropping his pants for her amateur strip contest. It is always so cute when they get a slight blush on their cheeks (either set). You can always count on a good time here. Whether you like boys, girls or both, there will be someone here to suit your tastes. This cutie [right] might be one of them. Just to make sure your libidos stay stirred up, the club has dancer boys every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night. Stop in for happy hour and say "hi!" to new employee Miguel. He has all the excellent qualities that I! ' I a man should have: young, cute, gay, single and obviously employed. Tne fabulous Rob is still crooning away every Sunday night at karaoke. From Andrew Lloyd Webber to the Andrew Sisters, he has what you like to sing. So brush up in the car and get down there and sing!. .. Charlie's has been on a kick these days PAGE 75 to prove to you they are the best bar in town. Every Monday, Heather Thomas has guys showing off their drawers. Tuesday night finds Jamie Perry and her amateur strip contest packed to the gills. Both girls offer prizes to the winners, so if you have an exhibitionist streak in you ... come on out. The Thursday Nacha Type Show gives you your mid-week dose of drag, and of course Lauren Taylor is the hostess with the mostess for the Super Sunday Show. Couple all this with great specials all week long, steak night, burgers on Sunday and a friendly staff, and you have a great club .... Entertainer of the Year Pageant last weekend, and the capacity crowd on hand enjoyed knock-out performances by all 11 contestants. Our winner's circle photo FOR SALE FOR RENT included [above,l-rl 1st runner-up Katherine York, winner Laken Edwards, National EOY winner and 1997 Texas EOY Maya Douglas and 2nd runner-up Layla LaRue. Katherine and Laken are on their way to the National EOY Pageant in Louisville, Kentucky, August 13-16 .... Backtracking just a bit, Dallas recently hosted two of its city royalty competitions. . The Forum is your circuit party headquarters. This Friday is the Black Party. Break out your best creative black wear and get ready for glow sticks, black lights and of course, shirtless men. Maybe doorman Chris [above, 11 can talk this studmuffin into taking his shirt off, too. The goddess-like Kelly Kline hosts your Thursday Star Search Competition. With cash prizes, these gals don't hold back. Kelly also hosts the Sunday night Best Chest Contest. All you muscle boys come and show off! It's just like the gym but without the towel. Wednesdays, Heather Thomas hosts the Dating Gayme. Last week, the two that were not chosen decided to go home with each other ... now there's a nice twist of fate. Our local gay and friendly restaurants are furnishing the prizes, so if you're single - sign up time is 11 p.m .... Splash Video Bar has a fun new idea. They are having Melrose Place parties on Mondays and Southpark parties on Wednesdays. Imagine, 40 screen showing Heather Locklear Slap or a "They killed Kenny!" Last Friday's internet party was a huge success. several faces were more than cracked when they realized they had been chatting with someone they already knew. Congratulations to bartender Jonathon who placed fourth at Mr. Gay Texas AIIAmerican. We are all so proud of him. PAGEANT TEA - The Saint in San Antonio proudly hosted the 1998 Texas PAGE 76 Houston. Westchase Townhome. 2/2'1'/2 approx 2,000 sq. feet. Alarm, jacuzzi, very nice. $925. (713)698-1207, (281)373-3029. Houston. Galleria/Afton Oaks. 2-1, wid, new paint, new carpet. $695. Call Jack (713)729-1599. Agent. Houston. Single law office with library, break area, great location and non-smoking environment. $350. Call Debbie at (713)521-9216. Houston. Westbury Square Townhomes. 1,2,3 bedrooms for sale or lease. From $495. Agent (713)729-1599. Live where your lifestyle is appreciated. Carlton Properties. 2 apartment communities in Austin. (512)444-1229. Austin. Free Apartment Locating. 14 years experience - courteous, efficient (512)495-9988. Moving to Austin? (800)807-3065 for relocation packet. Windsor Company. Austin. Pride is where your home is. Nice quiet community, centrally located, large 1 bedroom, cable and gas paid. Lots of amenities. Call Noah (512)451-0118. Austin. ; Dallas. - The Mr. Gay Dallas Contest at Kolors produced a host of handsome hunks that included Mr. Gay Fort Worth All-American Tina Lerma, contest winner Scott Chalaire, Mr. Gay TexasAll-American 1998 Sean Carter, first alternate Robert Garza and Mr. Gay All-American Antonio Edwards [above, l-r]. Scott went on to place as second alternate at last weekend's Mr. Gay TexasAll-American Contest at the Round Up Saloon. For more photos of the state competition, turn to page 68. The Round Up was also the site of the Miss Gay Dallas c. ,#I)5:,§!( :i k,,, 4 .. :W;, L L ' Dallas. THE ESTABLISHMENT APTS. "Quiet Courtyard Living" Unique floor plans Individual heat/air conditioning 2 swimming pools On-site management/maintenance Oak Lawn (214)528-3531 HONDO PARK 2544 Hondo Avenue (214)522-8436 1-1 studios, lofts, flats, bills paid, controlled access, skyline views, pool, spa, quiet lifestyle complex and caring management. Dallas. PRAIRIE HILL CONDO'S $525 plus electric 2 bedroom -access gates mirrored closets/walk-ius-wood burning fireplaces ice rnaker/frost free -washer/dryers in unit disposal-big private patios dishwasher-French doors small 18 unit complex-vaulted ceilings skylights-2 story take Central Expressway exit Fitzhugh. Go east, then hit Capital, make a right and Prairie is First Street on the left, go down a couple of blocks and on the left side of the street. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! (214)357-8322 Dallas. "NOW SHOWING" MELROSE PLACE USafA Pageant.This evening of glitz and glamour produced a winner's circle that included second runner-up Lucia, first runner-up Artesia Waters, lovely winner Denise Mykels and Miss Gay Texas USafA Whitney Paige [above, l-r]. ~ TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 - RICH RANGNOW, DIRECTOR Starting at $450, plus electric Plush new carpet Controlled Access Gate Eff., one and two bedrooms Sparkling water volleyball pool Cute tropical landscaped courtyards Seconds to Cedar Springs, tollway and 1-35 2815 Lucas (214)526-3473 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 Houston. Professionally Serving Our Community Ron Duster ReMax Metro (713)528-1800 (713)529-5026 Houston. ATTENTION BAR OWNERS/MANAGERS Bar equipment, furnitures, supplies, office equipment, desks, cabinets and lockers available for sale on August 3. Contact DEL at GENTRY. (713)5201861 for further information. Houston. Wine bar and bistro for sale. Well located. Great clientele. Good growth potential. For followup, fax contact info to (713)521-7926. ROOMMATES Responsible GM to share townhome. WID, fireplace. $270 + Y, utilities. (817)548-1861. Austin. Windsor Roomates - Results! Since 1989! (512)495-9988. www.io.com/-windsor Dallas. GWM to share 2bedroom/2bath apt. with same. Oak Lawn. $400, bills paid. (214)219-9797. Arlington. We're renovating! eome see our new look! t4 brite new look in our neighborhood! Savannah Heights Jrom $495 2600 t4rroyo • Dallas (214)526-9661 PAGE 77 Houston. Home to share, 1-45 Mt. Houston area. Shaded yard. $400/month, y, utilities. (281)725-6140. Houston. Share home. Heights area. Mature, semiretired type, male. $300. (713)862-3989. HELP WANTED Worth. RU teens - 20's? (817)434-7862. Dallas. Crews Innl Zippers is now hiring bartenders and barbacks. Contact David Moore at (214)8244749. Houston. Help wanted-general labor. (713)9428600. Houston. NIGHTHAWKS is currently accepting applications for all positions. Tues., Wed. and Thurs. afternoons only. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. 2923 Main St. Houston. Licensed Funeral Director needed. New company, great opportunity. Call (713)923-6048. Houston. Maintenance Technician needed and part-time security guard. Apply in person. Midtowne Spa, 3100 Fannin. Arlington/Dallas/Fort Austin. Rick of Asia A wonderful massage (512)342-0768 (MT#8508) Austin. Swedish massage. $40/hr.lin by young, athletic guy! Clark (512)479-8024. (MT7398). Dallas. Houston. Massage Louis (713)529-8808· (281)660-8702· MT#01270 Houston. Strong and Gentle Dave May (214)520-2380 (MT6367) 7 Years experience Dallas. THE ULTIMATE MASSAGE TOTAL RELIEF (214)5~1~1rg6-58 (MrJt!t1792) Dallas. OUT CALLS ONLY Massage done in the comfort of your home No Dallas traffic to STRESS you out STEVE (MT11154) (214)332-4887 Dallas. Swedish Massage By ALEX (214)521-2893 (MT#12185) LICENSED MASSEURS STATE CERTIFICATION POLICY Texas law clearly requires that only bona fide, statecertified masseurs can be listed in this category. Therefore, TWT policy requires that all masseurs must publish their state-certification number within their advertisements and that a photocopy of their state masseur's license be on file at TWT. Houston. Treat yourself to a soothing, relaxing session of bodywork massage. Kevin, (713)603-5081. (MT#7803) Dallas. Swedish Massage deep tissue in/out Oak Lawn location 1 hr $35, 30/90 minutes available Robert (MT#9148), (214)522-6579. Mobile: (214)207-4393 Bill O'Rourke, MT0431 Sensuous AND Therapeutic 2417, Visa/MC/ AmEx . (713)864-2233 Houston. Neuromuscular therapy. Enjoy the best neuromuscular therapy - massage with a healing touch. Now accepting Visa/MC/AmEx. David Rangel. Call (713)523-0738. (MT#8065) (214)754-0021 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. BRANDON PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE AT ITS BEST (MT#7796) Michael (713)410-7689 Houston. Get rubbed the right way with a professional massage. In/out calls. John (713)960-0460. (MT#2198). Blond> Blue· V-Shaped Masculine Body· 6% Body Fat (800)910-6452 Guaranteed Accurate Description Austin. Houston. NIGHT OWL MASSAGE Take flight! Experience the hypnomassage! Longest massage in Dallas! Last call 3 a.m. Outcalls only. Page John at (972)326-2910. Infoline (972)6013967 (MT#12993). Clinical hypnotherapist (CHT 197-040). Dallas. JUST DO IT (214)350-9625 Abner (MT#4397) Fort Worth. Professional Massage 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Richard (817)927-7482. (MT#10531) Ft. Worth/Dallas. Massage by Michael Full-body Swedish Massage Total Relaxtion (817)274-3464 MT#7060 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 Very masculine stud, truly handsome and well built; muscular gym body - 5'10", 1781bs. Victor. pgr (512}908-0031 Michael. (972}902-1262 EURO MASSAGE YOUR BODY FRIEND (713)942-2399 ROLAND NICOLAIDES· (MT15213) Gift Certificates· 7 Days and Eves. Houston. Explore safe alternatives ... ln/outlhotel calls. Call Johnny at (713)88-4998. (MT#4570) Dallas. Houston. Dallas. PAUL RUTLEDGE (MT#012781) (713)592-0444 Dallas. TEXAS-SIZED MAN! 6'8", 250#, well-built, good-looking call(214}522-0897 CHAMPIONS ESCORTS. Accurate description. (214}443-0794. Dallas. Houston. THOM OF HOUSTON (713)523-6577 (MT#4254) Open Sundays MUSCULAR College Jock (214}798-3236 Dallas. Houston. Massage John, (713}520-5206· (MT#4887) Houston. Best body therapy. Tom (713}520-6018 (#4397). BLOND Tall, tan, available anytime. (214}528-0269. Dallas/Fort Massage for Men call Taylor R.M.T.#015640 serving NW Houston Katy, Hwy 6, 1960 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues. - Sat. (281)861-6178 Houston. A Man's Touch. Male Lopez RMT013532. (713}406-1023. San Antonio. 26-year-old great masseur. Edward (210)733-3343. (MT#8930) MODELS I ESCORTS TWT POLICY Because prostitution is illegal in Texas, state law prohibits the placement in this category of any such ads. Therefore, TWT policy stipulates that we will not and cannot knowingly accept any advertisements suggesting solicitation. It's the law. Also, state law prohibits non-licensed massage therapists from using terms such as "massage," "Swedish," "acupressure," "Shiatsu," "reflexology," "body rub," "back rub," "body massage" or any term which indicates bodily contact. TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 Worth. Lance 19 y.o., 5'10",170, br/grn, smooth (972}589-4689 anytime Houston. Dallas. PAGE 78 Austin. Houston. Dallas. HOT DAY RELIEF! COME IN - ZONE OUT! RELAX COMPLETELY! "The Wizard of AHHHHHS" - Will. (MT7414) Worth. Cowboy or collegiate!! (817)434-7862. Austin. Jordan, (512}625-3182. Austin. Daniel. I'm back! (512)450-9405. Austin. Eric. (512)606-9396. Austin. Lance 28y.o., cute, muscular, friendly. pgr. (512)907-5108. Austin. Very masculine, truly handsome and well built muscular gym body. 5'10", 178#. Victor, (512}908-0031. Austin. BICEPS AND INTELLIGENCE. Butch, clean-cut, tight jock body, big fun. Travis (512}624-8287. Arlington/Dallas/Fort Dallas. MAX handsome, masculine, top (214)616-5654 Dallas/Austin. AWESOME (214}885-9642 prompt, return calls 24 hrs. Dallas. Get it pumped! Hot, hard and handsome. 24 ylo, bodybuilder, v-shaped, torso, washboard, abs. packed to satisfy, healthy and discreet, in/out. Hotel calls welcome. Satisfaction guaranteed. Eric (972}498-8908. Dallas. TEMPTATIONS Escorts Where hot, handsome Big guys can be found -Anytime. (214)740-1956. Dallas. BUTCH. Masculine, sexy, hairy, no attitude (800}533-6390. PAGE 79 Dallas. DANIEL Masculine young Hispanic. A number to all your Dallas/Fort Worth/National. DREAMSCAPE questions. (972}589-4471. ESCORTS Dallas. 24 HOURS (972}380-6789 NICK Dallas. 25 y.o., 5'7", 42c, 28w (214}798-3236 Dallas. TY O'BRIEN 26 y/o, 6'2", 175 Ibs. brown/blue Very versatile and talented Will travel (214}502-4641 www.dfwmale.com 26 yo. 6'3" 230 Ibs. 33W, 54C, muscular, blond, blue, cleancut football jock. No attitude, hairy, very well built, great-looking. Out/Hotels. PageriVoice Mail. (214)925-9449 Dallas. Dallas. JERACO Fascinating hot bod, straight from Puerto Rico, physically perfect. Serious calls only. (214}839. Dallas/Ft. Worth. DYLAN 21 yrs. old, 5'7", 130# boy-next-door type Dallas. Lorenzo, attractive, Hispanic male. Safe and fun. (214}899-9521. Dallas/Fort Worth. KIRK 6'2", 210#, 34"w. 52"c hairy chest Dark hair, Colt look pgr. (817}218-1148 TODD (214}599-0529. Dallas. Chad (214}910-8905. CRAIG 25 y.o. drop-dead gorgeous, chiseled hunk 6', 200 Ibs., tan, smooth, friendly (972}273-5155 out only / hotel OK Outcalls only, 24 hrs. (214}836-7362, Pg.Nm. Dallas. Jake Dallas. Rising Star ~~. Micah Blond/Blue/Masculine/Muscular (214}769-7674. Dallas. Dallas. Handsome student Low rates Don (214}828-2197 Dawson. Great personality. pg (214}582- 0112. Dallas. AARON Proven & professional Attractive, Masculine, Muscular Companionship 1-888-593-7141 Dallas/Fort Worth. Rick Sculpted Body Builder 5'10",200#, 48"c, 32"w, 18" biceps Handsome, Masculine. Pager (214}322-9256 Dallas. Manservant (214}320-5995 Dallas. SETH Attractive, Swimmers Build (972}592-3324 Dallas. Rod 5'8" 150lbs Trim Bea~ded Redhead Dominate, friendly bice size Package (214}885-0586 Dallas. TREVOR 27 y.o. discrete military look. Will Travel - 24 hrs. www.txxescort.com.pg (888}604-1875. PAGE 80 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 Houston. Dallas. Dallas/Fort SERVICE ... MAC With a Smile Chris (972)661-8841 Masculine, tall, blond, hairy affectionate (713)523-4645 outcall Houston. Dallas. KARL Guaranteed 24 Hours (972)735-0404 Hot 19-yr. escort, brown hair, green eyes. (214)314-8141. Se habla espafiol. Dallas. Dallas. STEVEN Blond Bodybuilder Huge Arms (972)336-5345 Brian 25 y.o., 5'9", 150 Ibs. 30 W, 42 C, smooth, tan. (972)458-8235. Dallas. Dallas/Metroplex. Handsome, black, muscular, masculine aggressive, sexy guy. GRANT (214)740-1954 Fort Worth/Dallas. MARK 22 y.o., fun, All-American college student. Very attractive, 6'2", 190, brn hair/eyes. Tan, masculine, moderately hairy, hard body. No attitude, pgr (817)833-5967. Houston. Evan Private· Discreet Special daytime and weekend rates Galleria area (713)629-8611. Houston. HOT Gorgeous Italian, masculine, sexy hairy chest. Danny (713)782-3573. Houston. Tall, slender, sexy student. (713)5217016. Houston. DADDY BLADE SM Master OR VANILLA (713)864-2233 2417, Credit Cards Houston. Antonio (713)226-2558 Houston. LANE Young, tall, smooth, fun (713)524-9116 Houston. HUNTER Uninhibited (but safe) (713)666-9373. Houston. GAVIN Sexy 22 y.o., 5'11", 140 Ibs. Brown hair, blue eyes, swimmer's build, discreet Anytime, outcall only (713)866-8814 VM PAGE 82 Houston. Young, MASCULINE, sexy 6', 205 Ibs. Irish American. In or Outcall Brad. pager (713)310-6131 Masculine hotel outcall (713)523-4645. A#1 MOVERS (800)584-5096 Full Service, Friendly Staff, Local and Long Distance, Gay Owned and Operated (TXDOT#522394B) (214)521-6825 Metro: (817)588-0908 Dallas/Fort AREA MOVERS Houston. Back and Better: Nude Dancer Former Chips Dancer 6'2", 215 Ibs. C 50, A 17, W 31\1, No attitude, friendly Justin (713)615-3260 Houston. The Lion's Den Stress Reduction at its best. Daniel and/or David Lions: (713)529-1090 Houston. Pan. Dominant Master. 190 lb. blond, heavily tattooed, seeking submissive males. (713)522-4452. Houston. MARK. 24 hours. (713)697-2178. Houston. Big muscular black man. Handsome and masculine. Great personality. Greg. Pgr (713)5933734. Houston. Trevor 18 y.o., little boy looks and charm (713)392-7926 San Antonio. Absolutely Hot! 26 y.o., blond/blue, muscular build, available for hot fun! Jason pgr. (210)749-3568. San Antonio. Painting, Electrical, Plumbing CLARK'S CONTRACTING (214)766-4393. pager (214)795-8948. Houston. Need a shave? (713)727-6661 Houston. Hate Housework? Let Lavelle (713)5290228. TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 Texas. MEET LOCAL GUYS TODAY! FREE to browse and respond to personal ads. 100% Local system. Austin (512)480-8400 Dallas (972)705-9500 Houston (713)225-5500 Use PUb. 649 (18+) Texas. FREE LIVE CHAT PERSONALS Dallas (972)671-2428 Houston (281)272-8255 Access Code 077895 Houston. GARY BREWTON, M.D. Primary Care for Adults 1745 West Alabama· Houston, Texas 77098 (713)529-9224. facsimile (713)529-9311 Board Certified in Internal Medicine Houston. DETAIL CLEANING SERVICE Residential· Commercial Bonded· Insured (713)869-3195 Pgr. (800)391-8241 Houston. (713)861-1212 Houston. Houston. Texas. BENEFITS AMERICA Gay owned and operated viatical company see our full page display ad or call (800)777-8878 Texas. 24 HOUR MEN! Find locals on Club Voice-MALET" 18+ Browse, Match, Chat FREE! Dallas (214)631-6253 Houston (713)850-7900 Use FREE code 2112 www.voicemale.com FRENCH'S MOVING 20 Years Master Craftsman / Insured Tax returns, audits. (713)680-2870. RAINBOW MOVING CO. "Tender Loving Care" (713)942-2507 Houston. Professional repair plumber, proudly serving our community. Call (713)861-1269. Insured Houston. Hate Housework? I'll Help. (281)894-6639 Trey (210)615-0911. Texas. "Fast Cash" Jewelry, watches, diamonds and computers bought. Peter (214)352-4454 Dallas. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Farmers Insurance Group Dale Englefield: Houston: (713)439-1700, Statewide: (888)439-1700. Texas. Diabetics - with Medicare or Insurance. Save money on diabetic supplies. For more information call 1-800-337-4144. Dallas. Doctor/Hospital PPO Discount Plan. Preexisting accepted. No waiting. (214)348-8016. JEWELRY WANTED! Mel Mitchell and Phil Taylor (214)720-4419 Houston. Jim Sexy, 6',175 Ibs. Hairy chest, tan Masculine, submissive In/Out (888)454-1629 Houston. Ex-college linebacker, stocky, 6'1", 210 Ibs., brn/grn, goatee, 27 y.o. Friendly, masculine, handsome, versatile, outcall only. Scott, Voicemail: (713)569-9542. FREE LIVE HOT GAY CHAT! POWERCRUISE • ORGY ROOMS· MORE! (617)378-1869 (212)796-3365 Only reg. L.D. rates THE HOnEST UNCENSORED PARTY LINES (473)441-1065 (268)404-7440 Only int'l L.D. rates 18+ Texas/Dallas. Worth. MEL'S Houston. Daddy Blade's Full Moon Play Party RSVP by 8/6 (713)864-2233 Houston. Little boy looks, charm and body. (713)727-0743. Jason. Houston. Handsome, hardbody hunk. 6', 187 Ibs. David (713)529-1090. National. Worth. PERSONALS National. HOT TEXAS MEN CALL NOW! MEET HOT TEXAS MEN TONIGHT! Record, listen and respond to ads free Austin (512)478-ACME Houston (713)526-9393 Dallas (214)953-ACME San Antonio (210)614-8833 18+, use free code 9017 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 Texas. HOT SEX ORGY Dirty boy talk $2.50/Min., 18 + (900)745-2463 or (800)721-8664 Dallas. TS/TV relationship wanted by 40-ish WM. (903)455-7402, leave message. Dallas. HOT BUDDYWANTED! For hot, sizzling no-commitment fun. Any hour, Billy (214)358-2969 Dallas. Body shaving. (214)526-2977. Dallas. I LOVE YOU, RICKY - Chris. Houston. XTC Most erotic fullbody relaxtion in town 100% satisfaction (713)392-1172 PAGE 83 Houston. Tanqueray's Texas AIDS Ride Stanley Malbrough, Rider #947 I'm going to do this ride that will challenge me as much as AIDS challenges thousands of people in Texas. If you would like to help by sponsoring me in the ride, please call me at (713)721-0382. Houston. MR. TEXAS USA August 2nd, 1998 Club Inergy For more info call Craig (713)944-6176 David Glenn Priest 1-900-860-8616 Ext. 1927 David passed away Friday, July 24, 1998, from congestive heart disease and complications due to AIDS. David had a deep love of music and the arts. He held his friends close to his heart. His unselfish contributions to his community will be missed. David is survived by his mother Oleta Priest of San Antonio, his father Fred Priest of Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, his sister Diane Marsh and brother Wendell Priest. A memorial will be held Monday, August 3, 1998, at 2609 Hopkins, in Houston from 4 to 6 p.m. $3.99 per min.Must be 18 yrs.Serv-U(619)845-8434 Houston. Distinguished professional GWM desires rewarding arrangement with fit, attractive GWM age 18 to 28. Travel, benefits and more. Leave name, age, phone (281)759-8145. Sadly, gay comic and Texan Keven Maye passed away this weekend. For more information and memorial details, please refer to THIS WEEK IN TEXAS news section. Houston. LIVE PSYCHICS 1-0N-1 Houston. Midtowne Spa '12 price rooms and lockers Monday through Thursday When you mention this ad. Always open ...Always hot.. Houston. Voodoo Lounge. Latex party every Wednesday, no cover, record release give away, $3 u-call it 9 - 11 p.m.• No cover till 11 p.m. Dancers wanted, talent, strip contest, stage, shadow box auditions. Call for info (713)5208636. Leave name and number. Kevin D. Shryock March 10, 1966 - July 24, 1998 Looking for a small business to run? Be the executive producer of your own pageant. Call for franchise info, Universe Pageantry (281)331-0113. Houston. TRAVEL National. ACAPULCO "Las Palmas" Premier Resort, 16 air-conditioned rooms and suties, pool, bar, restaurant, jacuzzi, security. Brochure call 011-52-74 (87-08-43). web: www.acapulco-Iaspalmas.com Hawaii. Hana's Best Gay Guest House, located in Maui. Spacious suites and studio accomodations with ocean and mountain views from $45 to $70 per night. Located on 4 acres of beautiful gardens and a nude beach nearby. Call toll free (808)248-7494, ask for Frank. San Antonio. ROMANTIC GETAWAY The Painted Lady Inn On Broadway Rates from $78/double, includes continental breakfast. Downtown, close to Riverwalk, bars. (210)2201092. PAGE 84 We lost our sweet Kevin at home in Fort Worth during a peaceful sleep on Friday evening at 5:40 p.m., after a lengthy battle with a terminal illness. Kevin had this wonderful way of bringing people together and filling his home with love and laughter. We will never forget the Sunday dinners, holidays and all of the joy he brought to anyone's heart that he touched. Your sweet face and smile will be missed, but never forgotten. You were a gift from heaven, and will always be in our thoughts and in our hearts. Kevin is survived by his parents - Kenneth and Sue, grandmother Hazel and brother Kyle, with aunts, uncles and cousins. His extended family ... his life and love - Robert Raley, Zach B.K. Splawn, Shelly Driscol, Lisa Johnson and Marilyn Collins, along with his many, many friends. Any donations made be made in Kevins name at the AIDS Outreach Center or Cancer Society. TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 A "WEEKLY CITY-BY-CITY LISTING OF T"WT"S SUPPORTERS AND ADVERTISERS ACROSS TEXAS (Unless otherwise indicated, the area code for Dallas listings is 214; the area code for Houston listings is 713.) TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS Byzanline Calholic Church 01America (2101520·8213 (210)946-7052 THRF AIDS Legal Resource Pr~ecl PO. 1626 ................ Auslinfi8767·1626 (800)828·6417 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN AUSTIN (AC: 512) Am~ Inl'l Mbrs lor UG Concems ... 837·159611ax 836·9715 B.O.AT. P.O. 1357178767 472·3333 Ecumenical Calholic Deane~ 01 Texas .. P.O. 10213178766 ......................... 374·4483 Lesbian/Gay Righls Lobby P.O. 2579178768 ..... 474·5475 Log Cabin Republicans 01TX ... P.O. 50484178763 .467·9797 Texas AIDS Nelwork. P.O. 2395178768 . . 447·8887 Texas Freedom Nelwork. .. P.O. 1624178767 .322·0545 Texas Human Righls Found. P.O.16261AuSlinfi8767·1626 ................. (512)479·THRF ..... (800)828·6417 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN DALLAS (AC: 2141972) Lambda Amaleur Radio Club P.O. 35343175235 .522·1458 Texas Republicans lor Equali~ 8 Privacy . .................. P.O. 191033. .. 52Q·6655 TEXAS GROUP BASED IN SAN ANTONIO (AC: 210) Texas Gay Rodeo Inlo 946·7052 COMPUTER BULLETIN BOARDS (modem) Bare Facls (2Q+ linesl28.8k) (Local)8171284·2551 DABBS - HIVIAIDS Inlo Service 214·351·0007 Firsl Time (42 lines) 972·231·5250 Gay Malchmaker (chaV20 lines).. . (Melro)817·355·6600 'lnaer Ci~ Communily (32Iine~chaVI4.4) 214·350·6656 Lasl Call. . 713·523·8366 State TGRA Inlo ABILENE CHURCHES (AC: 915) Covenant of Hope Community Church . 142 Grape SI. 677·7654 Exodus·MCC. . .. P.O. 2473179604. . 672·7922 ABILENE ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) Big Counlry AIDS Resources. .1109 WalnuIIP.O. 1976 ................... 79604 .. 672·3077Ilax 672·3182 T.C.H.D. STOIAIDS Clinic 317 Pecan SI. ............... 676-7825 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 806) MCC 01Amarillo. . . . 372-4557 Panhandle AIDS SuppM Organizalion 372·1050 Texas Gay Rodeo Associalion 355·2666 ANGLETON ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Gull CoaSI Cenler (HIV case manage.) ... 2512 N. Velasco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849·23111(713)489·0545 ARLINGTON CHURCHES (AC: 817) Lutherans Concerned-Fort Worth/Arlinglon. . . . . . . . . . . . 2800 W. Boyce 924·3966 Trinity MCC . . ..... 609 Truman (Melro)265·5454 ARLINGTON CLUB (AC: 817) Arlinglon 651 1851 W. Division. . 275·9651 ARLINGTON ORGAN./HELPLINES (AC: 817) AIDS Oulreach Cenler 401 W. Sanlord, Suile 1100 ... 275·3311 Tarranl Counly Gay Pride Week Assoc. . . . P.O. 3459 .............. Fort Worth, TX 76113 UT Gaylles. Assoc P.O. 19348·77 794·5140 ATHENS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) Parenls, Families 8 Friends 01 Les. 8 Gays ..... 675·8326 AUSTIN ADULT THEATER (AC: 512) Cinema Wesl. ..... 2130 S. Congress.. . .... 442·5719 AUSTIN BUSINESSES (AC: 512) Kalz's Deli 8 Bar. . .618 W. 6Ih.. . 472·2037 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 61998 Lobo 3204·A Guadalupe. . . . 454·5406 Midlowne Spa/Auslin. .5815 Airport Blvd. ................ 302·9696 Top ottne Marc. . . . 618 W. 61h. . .. 479·9849 Zacha~ Scott Thealre. 1510 Toomey. . . .476·0541 AUSTIN CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 512) Affirmation (Melhodisl). . . .... 451·2329 All Saints Ecumenical Catholic Church .... c/o SI. George's ...... 4301 N.IH·35. . .... 374-4483 AIDS Inlertailh Alliance. . . .. 444·0767 Digni~IAuslin. . . P.O. 2666. .467·7908 First Unitarian Church. . . 452·6168 Grace Uniled Melhodisl Church. .. . 205 E. Monroe178704 .442·5944 Integri~ (Episc.).. P.O. 4327 .......... 445·61641478·2494(TIY) Intertailh AIDS Care Teams (InlerACT). . .. 472-4934 The Kingdom Seekers (charismatic) . 1811 A S. Congress ... 443·5940 LCIACHulherans Concerned (David Auslln) .. .832·4159 Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church .. ......... 13276 Research Blvd. 1109 ... 219·9008 MCCA . . 425 Woodward. . . . 708·8002 Mishpachal Am Echad (JewiSh). . P.O. 9591 ........... 451·7018 Open Circle at Universily Baplisl . . .. 478·8559 SI. Andrew's Presb~erian Ch ..... 14311 Wells PorV78728 ... 251·0698 SI. Luke's Uniled Meihodisl Church 1306 W. Lynn .. 476·8164 Texas Regional AIDS Inlertailh Nel. (TRAIN) .... 451·0991 Trini~ United Melhodisl Church. .800 East501h .459·5835 AUSTIN CLUBS (AC: 512) 'Boul Time. .9601 N. 1·35 832·5339 Charlie's 1301 tavaca.. .474·6481 Dick's Deja Disco .. 113 San Jacinto. .457·8010 The Edge. . .. 213 W. 41h 480·8686 The Forum. .408 Congress .476·2900 1920's Club. .. 918 Congress 479·7979 Rainbow Cattle Co.. . 305 W. 51h SI. . 472·5288 Splash Video Bar 406 Brazos 477·6969 AUSTIN FITNESS CENTER (AC: 512) Midlowne Spa ... 5815 Airport Blvd. . . 302·9696 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (AC: 512) AAAustin (Live and Let Live) . .. 2700 w.. Anderson Ln 1412178757 .. 453·1441 Advenluring Outdoors. . . . P.O. 2332178768 .. 445·2870 AIDS Deat T.T.Y 459·DEAF AIDS Legal Resource Projecl. .. 815 Brazos 11000178701 .479·8473 . P.O. 4874178765 AIDS Services of Austin .458·2437 Am~ Inl'l Mbrs tor UG Concerns ... 837·15961lax 836·9715 Austin Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus. . P.O. 822 .474·0750 Austin Latino/a les. & Gay Organ .. .472·2001 ASA Information line. .458·AIDS ASHA (Alive 8 SUNIving With HIVIAIDS) . P.O. 3891178764.. .444·5715 Austin Bahtis! Women 442·6415 Auslin Gay Nudisls.. . .... P.O. 684101178768-4101 NAMES Project. . . PO. 14178767 ... 385·3094 Austin Radical Faeries. . .837-0970 Austin Gay & lesbian Chamber of Commerce ... 472·8299 Austin VD Clinic 15 Waller. . .469-2070 Bisexual Network P.O. 8439178713 371).9573 Blue Collar Gays . . 441·9174 Bound by Desire (women's S8M support group). 339·9213 Capilal Cily Men's Chorus. P.O. 50082 477·7464 . .. 473·CARE ... lax476·0217 Cenlex Rainbow Socie~ 01 Deal P.O. 2555178768 Classic Chassis Car Club P.O. 12553178711 Cornerstone (Iesbiawgaylbi. community center) . ....... 1117 Red River178701 708·1515 Couples·Auslin·Texas P.O. 684413178768 ........... 990-0182 E.C. Wood Foundalion P.O. 608178767·0608 .......... 451·9807 From All Walks 01 Lile 452·WALK FrontRunners.. . 473·8334 Gamblers (bowling) 719·4737 Gay FalhersolAuslin. . 451·5835 Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network .. . P.O. 3803178764 373·1271 Heart 01 Texas Bears. . P.O. 684391178768 . 344·2114 Helping Hands lor Ule, Inc 478·1210 HIV Denial ProjecVSansing Clinic 479·6633 HIV Siudy Group. . 450·1866 HIV Wellness Clr c/o SI. Geerge's Epis. Church .. 4301 IH·35178722 467·0088 Hospice AuSlin 4107 Spicewood Springs Rd . · Suile 100178759 ..... (800)445·3261 Inlorme SIDA ~nlormaci6n sobre AIDS en espaiiol) . ..... 472·2Q01 KO.OP Radio P.O. 2116178768 472·1369 Lesbian/Gay Pride Commission of Austin . . P.O. 402Q64178704 479·9431 Log Cabin Republicans 01 Auslin. . . . P.O. 5232178763 .916·3145 CARE Free HIV Test. . . 1633 E. 2nd. . P.O. 7161178713 Men 01All Colors Togelher .... 928·2590 Nal. Lealher Assoc .. P.O. 49801178765 703·8927 Oul Youlh (gay, les. and biteens) .. 1117 Red RIVer178701 .. 708·1 234lHelpline 477·HELP Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays. . ..... P.O. 9151178766.. .. 302·FLAG People's Communily Clink:. . . 478·8924 Pride Heallh Fesl Club . . 4805 A Teri Rd. .707·9070 Prime Timers PO. 14892178761-4892 282·2861 Pr~cl Transftions, Inc.. . .... P.O. 4826178765 ... 454·8646 David Powell HIV Assessmenl & Treal. Clink: .... 479·6121 Round·Up allhe Ranch. . .. 11900 FM 812 . Del Valle178617. . . .. 243·2608 .323·2476 SapphFire . .440·1494 Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous . .243·1578 Soulhem Counl~ ... P.O. 13151178711. .453·8878 Team Austin .. . P.O. 1511178767 Texas Gay Rodeo Association ... .833·0747 Uniled Court 01Auslin, Inc.. P.O. 150235178715·0235 Waterloo Counseling Center. . 2525 Walling wood . Bldg. 15, Suile 1500178746 329·9922 BASTROP ORGANIZATION (AC: 512) Rural AIDS Servo Pro .. 1002 Clleslnul 303·1403 BEAUMONT CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN. (AC: 409) 2106 Hazel SI. Kindred Spirils (Bible Siudy) . .. 835·4765 Minislers 01 Chari~ Oralory 2247 N. 100h SI., ApI. 316 · 924·9660 S~ndlelop Unilarian Church 1575 Spindlelop Rd. · ..... 7770510136 . . ..... 833·6883 BEAUMONT CLUB (AC: 409) PAGE 85 CrockeH Street Sta .... 497 Crockett. . . .. .. . 833·3989 BEAUMONT ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) Lambda Group AA .... 6300 t)jlege. . . .. 835·1508 Triangle AIDS Network. . . . 2544 BroadwaylTTl02 ........... 832·8338 TAN AIDS Counseling and Testing.. . ... 2532 Broadway ................................... 832·8646 BROWNSVILLE ORGANIZATION (AC: 956) Valley AIDS Council. . .. 668·1155 . AIDS Intormation Line 1·81JO.333·7432 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION RELIGIOUS ORGAN, (AC:409) Rainbow Christians. . 846·8187 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION CLUB (AC: 409) The Club. .. 308 N. Bryan Ave.. .. 823·6767 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION ORGAN, {AC: 409) AIDS Services of Brazos Valley. .1702-8 S. Texas Ave. ...... Suite 202lBryan . .260·AIDS Gay, lesbian and Bisexual Aggies . . 847-0321 Lambda AA . MHMR Coffeehouse IS. Bryan and Sims) 846·3390 Parents, Families & Friends of les. & Gays 694·2617 Planned Parent. {HIV testinglSTD screening). .4001 E. 29th #I031Bryan .... 26().1061 Speakers Bureau. . .847-0321 CARROLLTON CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 972) Cathedrat 01 Light ... 2040 N. Denton. . .245·6520 Sevenlh-Day Adventist Kinship P.O. tl0116175011 ......... 416·1358 COMMERCE ORGANIZATION (AC: 903) ANGLSlAssocialion for the Needs of Gay and Lesbian Stu. at East Texas State Univ. . . 886·5205 CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 512) Metropolitan Community Church of Corpus Christi. ....... 1315 Craig St.178404.. 882·8255 Socie~ 01 Friends {Quakers) P.O. 3298178463 ... 993·1207 CORPUS CHRISTI CLUBS (AC: 512) Club Zodiac 4125 Gollihar. .853·5080 Frenz.. .. 511 Starr St.. .. 882·9727 Hidden Door. 802 S. Staples. . 882·5002 Memheffi On~. . . Ayers. . . . 882·3775 Mingles 512 S. Staples. . 884·8022 Palladium 4706 Corona.. . 225-2979 U.B.U 511 Starr. .882·9693 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 512) Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation 527 Gordon .78404 . . .814·2001 Coastal Bend Gay Pride AII~nce .. 881·81731(800)411·2027 Gays GeHing Tngether . . . P.O. 331394178463·1394 .882·6550 .854·1547 Isla Mujeres . .(Yo). .883·7763 Loving Spoonlul .... P.O. 3534178404 . P.O. 1454178403 The Passage (AIDS care residence) . ...... 887·7042 . P.O. 3882178463 ASIC Texas Riviera Empire. ...... 937·6557 DALLAS ADULT THEATER (AC: 214) Alternat.es. 1720 W Mockingbird 630·7071 DALLAS APARTMENT COMMUNITIES (AC: 214) King's Quarter King's Rd. at Cedar Springs 52t·6881 Melrose Place Apts 2816 Lucas 526·3473 Savannah Apts 2600 Arroyo. . 526·9661 DALLAS ATTORNEYS (AC: 2141972) Kowalsl<i, John. .. 3210 Oak Lawn. . . . ... 526·9699 Stewart, Chartes L. 3500 Oak Lawn #400 ................................. 52t·3804 DALLAS BUSINESSES/SERVICES (AC: 2t4l972) AardvarK, Etc veterinary services/grooming .... 2525 Wycliff, Suite 103 . . .. 520·8835 Crossroads Market. . . 3930 Cedar Springs .521·8919 Eagle Honda (Jack AveriH) 5311 Lemmon Ave. ... 357·0700 Ewing & Assoc. (insurance). . 866·8445 Leather by Boots. 2525 Wycliff, Suite 124 . .528·3865 linked Viatical Beneffs 3500 Oak Lawn #400 ... 523·9678 Oak Lawn Records & CDs 3810 Congress ... 521·0350 Union Jack 3920 Cedar Springs 528·9600 Zebra Printing & Graphics. .4054 McKinney, #103 ........................ 599·9264 DALLAS CHURCHES & RELIG, ORGAN, (AC:2141972) Affirmaloo (Methoci~) 528·4913 Bethany Presbyterian Church 4523 Cedar Springs Rd. PAGE 86 Cathedral 01 Hope MCC. . . .. 5910 Cedar Springs .. 351-1901 Beth EI Binah P.O. 191188175219 .................... (972)497·159t Bethany Presbyterian Church. . . . 528·4084 Galhedral 01 L~hl ... 2040 N. Denton ... Carr~lIon175006 .. (972)245-6520 DignitylDalias (Cathol~ gaySl1esbians) . P.O. 190133175219 .......... 521·5342, ext. 832 Disciples 01 Christ gaynesbian support (GLAD) .. ................ P.O. 1901811752t9 946·2184 First Unitarian Church of DaUas 4015 Normandy .. 528·3990 Friends Full Gospel. . 5427 Phillip Ave 821·4332 Ho~ Trinity Communi~ Church 4402 Roseland .827·5088 Honesty (Baptists).. . ..... P.O. 190869175219 .. 521·5342, ext. 233 MCC in Oak Cliff 3839 W. Kiest Blvd 941·5769 St. Mary, the Holy Theotokos Orthodox Catholic Church. ........ 521·5342, exl. 465 St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church .. .. 6525 Inwood Rd 352·0410 Seventh·Day Adventist Kinship P.O. 38454 ...................................... 416·1358 Un.ersal Crealor's Community Church. . . 691).0883 Wliite Roc!< Communi~ Church . .. .. .. .. . . .. . 722 Tenison Memorial Rd 321).0043 Wliite Roc!< Friends HIV Support 321HJ106 DALLAS CLUBS (AC: 2141972) Bambaleo's.. . 5027LemmonAve. . .. 520·1124 Big Daddy's 4024 Cedar Springs 528·4098 Brick.. .4117 Maple Ave 521·2024 Buddies II. . .4025 Maple Ave 526·0887 Crews Inn. .3215 N. Fitzhugh. .526·9510 Dallas Eagle 2515 Inwood Rd. #107 357-4375 Hidden Door .5025 Bowser.. . .. 526·0620 JR's . . 3923 Cedar Springs. . 559·0650 Jugs. .3810 Congress 521·3474 Kolors 2525 Wycliff . .. 520·2525 Moby Dick. . . 4011 Cedar Springs ..... 520·MOBY Round·Up Saloon .. 3912 Cedar Springs. .522·9611 Sue Ellen's 3903 Cedar Springs 559·0650 TMC. . . . 3014 Throckmorton 559-0650 Trestle 412 S. Haskell 826·9988 Village Station 391 t Cedar Springs 559·0650 Zippers 3333 N. Fitzhugh 526·9519 DALLAS COUNSELING (AC: 2141972) Bedrick, Dianna M. Ph.D., L.P.C 223 S. Montclair Ave. ..... 75208 948·5557 Oak Lawn Communi~ Services. . 4300 MacArthur ................. 520·8108 DALLAS DOCTORS (AC: 2141972) Bellos, N"holaos C., M.D .... 8226 Douglas Ave., Suite 311 .. (24 hours).. .890·7943 Nelson-Iebedo Community Clinic ..... 4012 Cedar Springs ............. P.O. 190869175219·0869 . .528·2336 Swanson, Jan, D.O... 1244 S. Ridge Ct. #103, Hurst ...... (817)268·41 00 DALLAS FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 2141972) The Club 2616 Swiss 821-1990 Midtowne Spa 2509 Pacil" . . 821·8989 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (AC: 2t41972) Addicare Alcohol & Drug Crisis Line 824·6503 Alrican-American HIVIAIDS Support Groop 941·7696 African·American lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Coali~oo . .......... 521·5342, exl828 AIDS ARMS ... 4300 MacArthur It60, LB5 .... 521·5191 AIDS Clinic/Parkland Hospital .. ....... 5201 Harry Hines Blvd. #6B 590·5632 AIDS Fun<Jing Assodaton . . 522·3722 AIDS Hotline. . . 5591243711·8oo·924·AIDS AIDS Inlo Line {24 hrs) 1·800·299·2437 AIDS Intertaith Network (Oak Cliff). . 941·7696 AIDS Mastery. . .. 521·5342, ext. 325 AIDS Prevention Project (Iree and anon.). . . . . 905·2190 AIDS PrngramS/OLCS. .2017 Cedar Springs .. 520·8108 AIDS Resource CenterlFHU . . . .... 2701 Reagan SI. . P.O. 190869175219·0869 ..... 521·5124 AIDS Serv~es 01 DallasIPWACD.. .. P.O. 4338 ....... 941·0523 AIDS Update (ARC newsletter). . .... 521·5342, e~. 220 Alcoholics Anonymouwmbda Group ... 2727 Oak lawn .... 522.£259 Alliance 01 Des~n Prolessionals... . P.O. 565112 ...... 526·2085 ARC Client Services.. .521·5444 Congregatoo ARC fax line .. Asian Gay Males: Dragon Flies . .522·4604 P.O. 1908691752t9 · 521·5342,e~. 852 Assoc. for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Educators ... 824·5924 B~ D Longhorns Square Dance Club .. P.O. 1908691752t9 ...................... 521·5342, e~. 272 Bryan's House. . 559-3946 Buddy Project 521).8108 CallOut teen inlo line 521).7433 Cheer Dallas .... 1317 McAdamsl75224 .. ..922·9229 Classic Chassis Car Club .... P.O. 7703175209 Client Services lax Ime.. 521·3859 Club Fran",is Gai de Dallas 660·0100 Codependents AnonymouslLambda. . 520·8108 Couples/Metro Dallas. P.O. 803156175380 52t·5342,ext.464 Crossdressers (TVs) Helpline .. .264·7103 .264·2449 DIFW Big Man's Club .. P.O. 612813175261 DIFW MAN. (Metro Area Nudists) .. 933·4334 D/FW Young Naturists Club. P.O. 802815175380 Daire Center (adult day care lor PWAs) . . 522·4365 Dal. Co. Deal AIDS Task Force. . . .... P.O. 835546 Richardsonl75083 . ... 516·54421516·5443{TDD) Dallas Bears ... P.O. 191223175219·8223 .521·5342, ext. 880 . P.O. 190712 Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance .. ... 528·4233 Dallas Gay Deutschklub. . . 324·8085 DIVA (volleyball) P.O. 190869175219-0869 · 521·5342, e~. 804 D.I.CD.T. {Dal. InVit. Columbus Day Tm. Bowling Org.) . .240·8351 Dallas Legal Hospice .. 370 W. 7th 941·2600 Dallas Silver Sabres. . 3230 Adbritain Dr.175211 .... 467·3474 . 3300 Aeagan St.175219 Dallas Tavem Guild ........... 521·0638 Deal ActIOn Center.. 521·0407 DIFFA 748·8580 Different Strokes GOIl Assoc. P.O. Box 190869175219·0869 .... (214)521·5342, ext. 886 Eastlield Lambda Student Alliance. . . .. 324·7185 Federal Club P.O. 191153175219 699·5688 Federal GLOBE olTexas, Inc P.O. 50961175250 ...... 264·2600 Firedanoers {lealherl1evi club) .... P.O. t90869175219-o869 Food Pantry. . . 521·3390 Foundation lor Human Understanding 528·0144 Friends Associaling & Relating. . .. 328·6749 Gay and Lesbian Communi~ Center ..... 2701 Reagan SI. .528·9254 Gay & Lesbian Parents Coalition Inlemational-DfFW .. P.O. 190869175219·0869 .521·5342, ext. 808 Gay & Lesbian Switchboard . .528·0022 GaylLesbian Info. Line (OLCS) .. P.O. 191069 .520·8781 GaylLesbian Young Adults. . . 2701 Reagan St. .521·5342, ext. 260 Gay Married Men's Support Group 558·1696 Gaymsters Bridge Club. . ..... P.O. 190856175219·0856 ............ 526·8376 GLAADlDaiias . . P.O. 190869175219-0869 · 521·5342, e~. 26() HIV Anon. Testllg & Counseling.. .921).7916 HIV Testing (AIDS Resource Center) . . .. 528·2336 HIV Testing & Counseling 819·1980 Hands to Hearts (soc~Vsing's). . .. 699·5763 Housing Opportunities lor PWAs (HOPWA) 819·1828 Immunocise (aerobics) 522·0650 Kyro Proj.lnc.{KYRO News). . P.O. 214223 .......................... 526·KYRO (5976) Lambda Amateur Radio Club. .. . P.O. 35343175235 . 522·t458 Lambda Bowling (men and women) .. {Metrol817)267·9055 Lambda Car Club .. P.O. 710271175371 .52J.7309 Lambda Codependents Anonymous. . . . 520·8108 Lambda Meetin!l'Sex & Love Addicts Anon 241·5442 Lambda Overeaters Anonymous _ 488-3301 Lambda Week~ (rad~ prngram) P.O. 35031175235 .823·8930 Lambda AA.. . 2727 Oak Lawn. .. . 522·6259 Leadership Lambda InciToastmasters . ................ P.O. 190226175219 . .. 712·6430 A league 01 Our Own (bowling) 363-9418 Leather Kn~hts .... P.O. 190111175219 521·5342, e~. 871 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 Lesbian Bock Club 331·5513 Lesbian/Gay Political Coalilion 01 Dallas P.O. 227273175222 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 504·6724 Lesbian Moms and Gay Dads . . 526·5088 Lesbian Resource Center.. ..821·3999 Lesbian Visionaries ... P.O. 190712 .. 521·5342, e~. 844 Ule Walk.. .. .. .. .. .. . . 443·WALK Men 01 All COIOffi Together P.O. 190611175219 ........................ 521·4765 Lng CamnlMetroplex Republicans P.O. 191033175219·8033 .. 946·7514 NAMES Project. .. P.O. 190869175219 520·SEWS Narcotics Anonymous (24 hrs.). . . . 699·9306 Nelson-Iebedo Community Clinic ..... 4012 Cedar Springs .528·2336 Nat. Leather Assoc .. . P.O. 7597175209 . 521·5342, ext. 820 North Texas Assoc. 01 Physicians for Human Rights ............ 12222Coit Rd 233·3100 Northern Lights Altematives . .871·1611 Oak Lawn Band _ Sammons Center for the Arts .............. 3630 Harry Hines Blvd 972·497·1458 Oak Lawn Bowling Assocaton (972)285·8842 Oak Lawn Communi~ Serv~es.. .. P.O. 191069175219 ............... 4300 MacArthur 1200 520·8108 Oak lawn Ski Club 521·5342, ext 469 Oak lawn Soccer Club P.O. 190995175219·0995 ............. 941·3566 Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc .. _ . P.O. 224605175222·4605 ......... (972)390·0787 OASIS Recovery Program/OLCS 4300 MacArthur . 972·327·2323 O.U.I{Over & Under Thiity) c/o Gay & Les. Comm. Ctr. ...................... P.O. 190869175219·0869 Parenls, Families & Friends 01 Les. & Gays. .348·1704 Parents Support Group (PWA) .262·8479/248·2721 Pegasus Soltball Assoc. . PO. 191075 .... 972·327·2323 Pentamidine Mist Treatments 528·23361521·5124 People Like Us [PLUS'} 521·5444 Phil Johnson AIDS Research Library. .521·5124 Phil Johnson Gay & Lesbian Library 528·9254 PWA Coalition 01 Dallas. P.O. 4338. .941·0523 P~~e Harassment Reporting. , . . . 528·4233 Positive+Persollals 521·5342, ext 250 Presbyterians lor Lesbian/Gay Conoerns 823·2317 Prime Imers ..... P.O. 19110tl75219 (972)504·8866 Queer Nat~n/Dallas . . P.O. 64091175206 .......... 504-8720 Rainbow F~ers Pilots Assoc P.O. 190990175219 ............................... 521·5342, ext. 840 Rainbow Garden Club P.O. 226811175222·6811 .................................. (972)640·7386 Rainbowlers (Tues. at 8:30). .528·5813 Rainbow SkydIVing Club 357·9880 Respect All Youth (!I'Vb youth) 521·5342, ext. 288 Rice Gay & Lesbian Alumni Assoc.lDFW Chapter ... . 834 S. Montclair Ave.175208·5856 . .. (Michael). ..942·9537 Sin Fronteras (radio prngram). P.O. 190922175219 .826·8869 Stonewall {Narc. Anon.) ..... 5415 Maple, SUile 120175235 Stonewall Democrats.. .331·3949 Sionewall Dive Club .... P.O. 227031175222 Stonewall Prolessional and Business Association. ........ P.O. 1913431752t9 526·6216 Su~~e & Crisis Center. . .. 828·1000 Texas Gay Rodeo Association .... P.O. 191166175219·8168 ... 526-1115 Texas Human Rights Found .. P.O. t6261Dalias 78767·1626 ......... (800)828·64171(512)479·THRF . Team Dallas. . . P.O. 190869175219·0869 ........................... 521·5342, ext. 800 Team Dallas Aquatics.. 333·1465 Texas Fathers lor Equal Rights. P.O. 50052 ...... One Main PI. Stat 741·4800 The Texas Motorcycle Club. . P.O. 9188175209 .528·5692 IR.U.S.I{adolescent children 01 gays and lesbians). . 528·919t Turtle Creek Chorale 526·3214 United Court 01 the Lone Star Empire 712·1810 Women's Health Project.. . 40t2 Cedar Springs ........................ .. 521·5131 Women's Spirituali~ Group . . 5008 Homer St. ................. 826·9213 DENISON CLUB (AC: 903) Good TIme Lounge .. 2520 Hwy 91 N.. . 463·9944 DENTON CLUB (AC: 8t7) TWT JULY 31 • AUGUST 6 1998 Bedo's.. ...1215 E. Universi~.. ... 566·99tO DENTON ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) AIDS Servces 01 Denton 381·1501 CouragelUNT Student Group. . 565·6110 Harvest Metropol~an Community Church. ............ 1·35 at Exit 460 321·2332 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays 387·1491 EL PASO CLUBS (AC: 915) Old P~ntation 30t S. Ochoa 533·6055 San Antonio Mining Company. . . 800 E. San Antonio ... 533·9516 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) AIDS Inlo. . Eng.-543·3574 Span.-543·3575 GLBT Comrmnily Center. 910 N. Mesa (rear) ...... 533·6024 HIV & STD testing ... 222 S. Campbell. . .. 543·3560 Legacy Counseling Cenler . . 4054 McKinney Avenue ..... 520·6308 Legacy Founders Cottage. 941·7373 Lambda Line (helpllnelswitchboarcV24 hrs.) .... 562·GAYS Lambda Services P.O. 31321179931·0321 MCC EI Paso. .9828 Montana 591·4155 National Gay & Les. VICtim Assist Hotline (hate crimes) . .800·259·1536 Southwesl AIDS Comm.. . t505 Mescalero .. 772·3366 ERATH COUNTY ORGANIZATION (AC:817) AIDS Resources 01 Rural Texas . ............ P.O. 17201Weathertord 76086 .. 596·3022 FORT WORTH CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 817) Agape MCC 4615 S.E. Loop 820 . . . 535·5002 Celebration Communi~ Church . . . 1959 Sandy Ln. .................. 695·1792 Fellowship 01 Love .711 Gambrell St. 921·5683 Honesty (Baptists) 924·4159 Special Invitation Ministries. ..1520 Hemphill FORT WORTH CLUBS (AC: 817) Corral Club. .621 Hemphill. . . .335·0196 Crossroads. .515 S. Jennings.. ..332·0071 D.J.'s. .. 1308 SI Louis. .. 927·7321 Lancaster Beach Club. . .... 2620 E. Lancaster at Beach .. 535·4363 Magnol~ Station ... 600 W. Magnolia. . .. 332·0415 The 651 Club. .651 S. Jennings.. ...332·0745 FORT WORTH DOCTORS (AC: 817) Swanson, Jan, D.O.. . .. 1244 S. Ridge Ct.ll03, Hurst .............................. 268·4100 FORT WORTH ORGAN,/HELPLINES (AC: 817) AIDS Awareness Clinic 2825 E. Rosedale .534·CARE AIDS Helpline. .870·7346 AIDS Information Line .336·0066 (outside Tarrant Co.) . 1·800·836·0066 AIDS Interfaith Network ........... 1425 Pennsylvania Ave.176104. .870·4800 AIDS Outreach Center . 1125 W Peter Smith ... 335·1994 AllIance News (TCLGA). . 877·5544 Assoc. 01 GaylLes.lBi. Educators 329·3415 Bridge the Gap, Inc.. . . (HIVIAIDS testing, educ.) ... 2825 E. Aosedale176105 ..... 531·0223 Co-Dependents Anonymous. . 517·5847 Couples w/gay or bisexual partner 338·4551 Cowtown Leathermen . . 536·8051 CrisislSu~ide Intervenlion (24·hr. help) 927·5544 Diversi~. . . 689·7925 Fami~ V~lence Counseling. . 282·22tt Fort Worth Formal. . 877·5544 Fort Worth Gay Pride Week Assoc P.O. 3459176113 Fort Worth Men's Chorus.. .. P.O. 101464 ............ 731·0122 Future Fort Worth·Mngton . . . 5736 Pershing ............ 323·9031 GAIJJGay and Lesbian Assoc. 01 TCJC ... . TCJC Studenl Act. Bldg. . 828 Harwood .. HursV76054 .788·6644 Gay/Lesbian Youth.. . 338·4551 Heallh Dept. STD Inlo .. 871·7357 Health Education Learning Project. . 332·7722 HIV Anonymous Group. .292·9494 Imperial Court de Fort WortlllMngton 654·91t4 Imperial Privy Council. P.O. 365176101 Institute lor Teen AIDS Prevention. P.O. 136118176136 .......... 237·0230 lambdaAA 1700 8th AveJ76110 921·2871 LambdaAlanon. .. 737·7681 teadersho Luncheon Forum. .877·5544 lone Star Bowling League. . . 338·0706 Lone Star Charity Rodeo Assoc.. . . . 336-7927 Longhorn Bowling Assoc. (Tony). . . 283.8295 NAMES Pr~e~ 33.NAMES Over the Hill, Inc. {HIVIAIDS testing center) . .2001 S. Frwy176104 922.9955 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays 498.5607 Respect·TCJC NE Campus. . . . . . . . . . .. . 28J.7880 R~bons 01 Hope . . . 763·8 t 68 Ryan Avenue AA . . .. 3144 Ayan Ave . Samaritan House ... 2200 Ephriham . . . 626·9398 ...... lax 626·8289 Second Saturday (gay male socials).. . 795·1376 Second Tuesday (lesbian socials) . .. 795·1376 Sex Addicts Anonymous , 461·8801 Sexuali~ Education Center. . 338·4551 Spiritual AIDS Ministry. . 535·5002 Survivorsollnces!. 335·4330 Tarrant Coun~ Lesbian/Gay Alliance .. 1219 61h Ave.1761 04 .... 877-554411ax 877·1626 Tarrant County Tavern Guild. . . ..... 877·4419 IC.M.E.R.F. Drug Treatment Ctr. . 900 Southland Ave. TCU Triangle Student Gr 921·71601336·54541 .. 336·1978 HIV clinic 534·2273 Teen Projecl Hotline. . . 332·8382 Texas AIDS Network [Thomas B.) . .. 335·1994 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O. 788176101 ................................... 336·7877 Texas Gay Velerans. . . 877·5544 TVITS Support Group (214)264·7103 Women's Singles.. . 249·1622 GALVESTON CLUB (AC: 409) Kon·TIki . . .315 23rd (Tremont) 763·6264 GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) AIDS Coalition of Coastal Texas, Ine. ..1419 Tremont ........................ 763·AIDS Galveston Tennis Network (Jerry). . . . .. 765·5071 Gull Coast Center (HIV case management) . ............... 1721 Tremont{23rd) 762·5935 Lambda AA.. . 684·21401(713)489·1573 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays . ................ 744·75581765·8640 Sitk Stocking Ball . David Bump, P.O. 5295177554 ... 737·5484 HARLINGEN CLUB (AC: 956) C~ors. .. 703 Ed Carey Dr.. . 440·8663 HOOD COUNTY ORGANIZATION (AC: 817) AIDS Resources of Rural Texas .. ............ P.O. 17201Weathertord 76086 ... 596·3022 HOUSTON ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 7131281) The LoveH Inn 501 LoveH 522·5224 .... {8(0)779'5224 The Montrose Inn .... 408 Avondale. . 520·0206 ..... {8(0)357·1228 HOUSTON ADULT BOOKSTORES (AC: 7131281) Adult Video Megaplexx. . .8100 N. Frwy Alter Dark News.. 1431 W. 18th Big Ci~ News & Video. . 10105 Gull Frwy Gas Light News. . 3519 Bellaire 1·45 North 9924 North Frwy HOUSTON ADULT THEATER (AC: 7131281) French Quarter ..... 3201 Louisiana. . . 527·0782 HOUSTON ATTORNEYS (AC: 713128t) Archer, Danna K. . . . 524·1273 Glass, Howard L.. .. 910·5757 Green, BiII{24 hrs.) 266·1004 Ritchie & Glass (24 hrs.) . ...521·9216 Simon & Knesek . .. 524·6000 Walker, Jim.. ..552·1117 HOUSTON BUSINESSES/SERVICES (AC: 7131281) Bas~ Brothers.. 1232 Wes~eimer. ..522·1626 Black Hawk Leather 2923 Main 520·6224 Clodine Country Store 6511 FM 1464 at Westheimer ... (281)277·9534 Crossroads Market .. 1111 Westheimer . ..942·0147 Dramatika 331 W. 19th St 868·5050 Exposure Prints by Tio. . . 736·8069 Gingiss Formal Wear. Galleria Mallill. .626·3318 Jack Roach Ford ... 6445 S.w.. Frwy .... (281)588'5OO0 Kinetic Sports Clmic. . . 349·9750 Leather by Boots 607 Fairview 526·2668 Linked Viatical Benefits.. ..811 Westheimer, #280 ............................ 528·6777 lobo Bockshop .. 3939 Monlrose, Suite S 522·5156 Mama's Boy Photographics 629·5550 Muscles In A~ion (C.J. Harrington) 965·9917 Record Rack. . .3109 S. Shepherd 524·3602 Rk:e Pharmacy. .. 527·8339 Stat Script Pharmacy. . 4101 Greenbriar #235 .52,.,700 PAGE 87 .3407 Mootrose IA5 . . . 522·7373 . t2t4 W. 43 .. .. 688·3t99 . S. Cherry Pari< . . . 345·8959 Universe Pageantry System. . . . (28t)339·tOt3 . (409)258·3873 USA Pageantry .523·5293 HOUSTON CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN, (AC: 7t3l28t) Bering Memorial United Methodist Church. . 1440 Harold .526·lOt7 City of Refuge Evangelistic Ministry . .... do 9600 Braes Bayou Dr. 172 nJ·2872 Communi~ Gospet. .. 4305 Ullian .. . 660·9235 Community of the Reconciling Servant. (Presb~enanlRelormed). ..462·7154 Covenant Baptist Church 6610 Atder SI. 668·8830 Dawn of Faith Christian Church ... 8405·K Almeda-Genoa .991·6766 1307 Yate, Suite H DignitylHouston . .660·2872 Falh & Hope Fellowship Church. . . 2106 Waugh Dr. .. 520·7847 First Unitarian Church . 5200 Fannin. . . 526·5200 Grace Lutheran Church. . . . 2515 Waugh 526·7708 .529·8225 Hou. Mission Church. 1505 Nevada .. tntegn~ (Episcopalians and Iriends) .. . P.O. 66008177266·6008 528·6771 Jewish Family Services. ..4131 S. Braeswood .... 667·9336 Kingdom Community Church . . .... 4404 Blossom .... 862·7533 Kolbe Project.. ..86,.,800 Lutherans ConcernedlHouston. . . ... 869·4218 MCCR . .1919 Decatur.. ..861·9149 Maranatha Fellowship MCC . 3400 Montrose, #600 . P.O. 667032177266·7032 . .528·6756 Mishpachal Alizim (gay and lesbian Jews) . P.O. 980138177298-0136. ..748·7079 Pentecostal Family 01 Mootrose. . . . 4305 Ullian .880·9235 . 41 Oakdale Presbytery of New Covenant. .. 526·2585 . P.O. 301047177230 Seventh·Day Adventist Kinship. . 1805 W. Alabama SI. Stephen's Episcopal Church .. . 526·5200 Unitarian Men's Group .. HOUSTON CLUBS (AC: 7131281) Brazos River Bottom .. 2400 Brazos. . . .. 528·9192 Briar Patch .. 2294 W. Holcombe at Greenbriar . 665·9678 Bricks II.. . 617Fairview.. . .. 528·8102 Club Metro~ex 2165 POiIsmouth . . .. 520·5000 E1J's. .2517 Ratph . . .. 527·9071 Gentry. . .2303 Richmond. . . . 520·1861 Heaven. . Pacil" at Grant. . . ... 521·9123 Inergy 5750 Chimney Rock .. 666·7310 JR's. .808PacillC. 521·2519 The Mailbox. . .. 4215 Washingtoo. .864·2977 Mary's. . .. 1022 Westheimer . . .. 527·9669 Mootrose Mining Co.. .805 Pacil". . . . . 529·7488 Nigh~awks. . 2923 Main. . . . 522-0000 Outpost.. . .. 1419 Richmond 520·8446 Pacilic Streel.. . ..... 710 Pacil". . . 523·0213 Qrs. .534 Westheimer. . . . .. 529·8813 Rascals 1318 Westheimer . .942·CLUB RICh's. . . . .. 2401 San Jscno .. . ... 759·9606 Ripcord ..... 715 Fairview. . . 521·2792 Santa Fe Bar & Patio .804 Pacil".. . 521·2519 611 Club 611 Hyde Park 526·7070 Spy 112 Travisat Franklin. . .. 228-0007 Toyz 5322 Glenmont.. . . 668·4892 HOUSTON COUNSELING (AC: 7131281) Carroll, Tony, LMSW·ACP . . 522·3045 EdO, Nicholas, Dr., Psy.D. . . .... 493·9984 Montrose Counseling Center . . ... 701 Rk:hmond .. 529·0037 Ostrin, Olivia, M.Ed., LPC. . . .. 493·9984 HOUSTON DOCTORS/DENTISTS (AC: 7131281) Fletcher, Rdlardlchiropractor. . . . 862·3897 OnCol Med.al Group. . 961·7100 Smith, Bruce W., D.D.S.. . .. 529·4364 Southampton Med""t Group. . (713)520·5537 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 7131281) The Club. . 2205 Fannin. . .. 659·4998 Midtowne Spa. ..3100 Fannin. 522·2379 HOUSTON HEALTH CLUBS (AC: 7131281) Fitness Exchange 4040 Milam 1100 . .524·9932 Houston Gym.. . 233 Birdsall 880·9191 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES Tuxedo Gallery... (AC:7131281) Alrican·Amencan LesbianiGayAII~nce P.O. t30818177219 AIDS Alliance of the Bay Area .. .17511 EI Camino Real '107 .... 488·4492 AIDS Foundation Houston. . 3202 Weslayan .. 623·6796 AIDS/HIV Inlo. line (relerrals) .. 902·2231 AIDS Holline (9a·9p) . .524·AIDS AIDS Intertaith Council 01 Houston. . . 682·5995 AIDS Legal Holline. . .528·7702 AIDS Mastery . . ..... 524·AIDS American Civit Uberties Unon .. 942-l1t46 Asians & Friends P.O. 667100177266·7100 626·6300 . 1116 Jackson Blvd. The Assistance Fund. . 529·4788 .7700611210 Astro Rainbow Alliance 01 the Deaf, Inc .. ........ P.O. 66138177266·6136 AVES, Inc ..... 4126 SW. Frwy, Suite 1717 .... 626·2837 AWARE (SW Bell gay emptoyees group) . . .. 235·7929 Bayou Ci~ Boys Club. . P.O. 131284177219 Bering Care Center ... 1440 Harold. . .... 521).7070 Bering Community Service Foundation .. . P.O. 540517177254. . .. 529·6071 Benng Dental Clinic .. 1440 Harold. .524·7933 BiNet Houston .. 467·4380 Body Positlve/Hou.3400 Montrose Suite 610 .. . 524·2374 Buyers Club. . 520·5288 Brotherhood 01 Pain. . . .. P.O. 66524m266·6524 .942·8402 Bunnies on ihe Bayou, Inc.. . P.O. 66832177266 Black & White Men TogetherlMen 01All Colors Together .. .744 E 9th St177OO9 869·2197 Center lor AIDS 1407 Haw1home . .527·8219 Chain Gang Bicycling Club. . 768·8793 Classic Chassis Car Club. . .. PO. 920888177292 ... 960·9613 Coli 45's, IncJAIDS Trouble Fund. . . P.O. 66804177266 ....... 526·8077 Crsis Holline. . . 228·1505 Diana Foundation .. P.O. 66523177266 639·2000 DtFFAlHouston. . . . .... 5120 Woodway, SUite 279 . P.O. 131605177219·1605 . . 552·94451 lax 552·1671 Discrimination·Free Zone Project. . . P.O. 66664177266 .861·8238 .3701 Montrose/77006 DizingerFoundation . .522·8660 Drug Abuse Holline. . 1·800·662·HELP Executive and Professional Association 01 Houston .. ... P.O. 130227177219-0227 Fundaci60 Latino Americana Contra el SIDA, Inc . P.O. 773305177215·3305 782·4380 GAN.G. (Gay Alumni Nooo Group, over 40s) .622·6918 Garden and Yard Socie~ . . .... 661-63781520·1066 Garden Party.. P.O. 66672177266·6693. .932·9959 Gay Fathers/Fathers First 01 Houston (John) P.O. 981053 .861·6181 Gay & Lesbian Heallh Protessonals, . . ... 523·4700 Gay & Lesbian Switchboard P.O. 66469177266·6469 ... 529·3211 Gay, Lesbian and Straight Teachers Nelworl< . .529·4571 GayslLesbians 01 Rice... ..527·8101 Gay Men's Chorus. . .. P.O. 541004177254·1004 Gay Men's Network. 529·3211 Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Alliance at U of H .. . P.O. 314177204·3650. .743·5180 Good Sports (college sports lans) . . .. 523·9000 Greater Houston Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce 1109 Hyde Parl/77006.. .523·7576 Greater Houstoo Pocket Billiards League (PJ) ... 863·8482 Grey Party . P.O. 130773177219 Gull Coast Transgender Communi~ .... P.O. 66643177266 ...... 780·4282 . P.O. 66469177266·6469 Hate Crimes Hotline. .... 529·9615 Heallh Depl. AIDS Holline .794·9020 Heartsong (women's chorus) .... P.O. 980243177098·0243 Herpes HELP. Hotline. .917·4910 HtV Counseling ... 701 Richmond. . . 529·0037 Houston Area Bears. P.O. 66443177226. .. . ... 867·9123 Houston Area Teen Coalition 01 Homosexuals .. 942·7002 Houstoo Back Tie Dinner.. .523·9611 Houston Gay & Lesbian Parents. . . . 284·4939 Houston Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus. PO. 66664177266 .52,.,000 Houston GayJLesbian Pride Week '97 .. 529·6979 P.O. 66071177266·6071 Houston Lesbian and Gay Community Center. . .803 Haw1horneJ77006. . 524·3818 Metropolitan Billiards League. . 299·8969 OUtdoor Group. . KAMP·OUT Pride Band .. 309 Strafford 14 524·0218 Professional Men's Association.. ..977·1957 Tennis Club .. 864·8468 Wednesday Night Mixers Bowling 522·9612 Women's Softball League ..... P.O. 70668177270 . Trish. . . 688·9468 Houstoo Wreslling Ctub.. ..1109 Hyde Park #118177006 .. 453·7406 tmpenat Court 01 the Singte Star .. P.O. 980444177098·0444 ..... 587·5428 Independent Billiard League. . .. . . PO. 66698177266·6696. . .. 524·9261 Inner Loop Sunday Bowling. . .. 522·9612 Integn~ (Episcopalians and Friends).. . ..... 528·6771 Jewish Family Services . . .. 4131 S. Braeswcon .667·9336 Just lor Us (teens with gay/les. parents). . .... 284·4939 Krewe of Otympus/Texas. . . .. P.O. 920794177292 KPFT Radio.. ..419 Iovett.. . .... 526·4000 Lambda Center AA ... t201 W. Ctay ... (ollioo) 52t·1243 . (~bOy) 528·9772 Lambda Rollerskaling Club.. 7414 Puerto VallarteJ77083 LesbJGay StudentslUH Clear Lake .. 2700 Bay AreeJ77058 lesbians in Business. ..529·0077 Lesbians Over Age 50. P.O. 980601 .661-1482 Log Cabin Houston. . . P.O. 131104177219·1104 ...... 529·9100 Lone Star Nudist Group. . .... P.O. 66621177266 ...... 666·8847 Lone Star V~leyball Association. . . . 878·4629 MCC Library (Gay & Lesbian Archives). . . .... 861·9149 MlSlits Houston. . . .. 304 E. 28thl77008 Miss Camp America Foundation ... P.O. 742JBeliaire 77402 .940·STAR Mooday Night Women's Bowlmg. . .. 437·62181862·3630 Montrose Clinic. . . 215 Westheimer. . . 830·3000 Montrose Counseling Center .701 Richmond .. 529·0037 Mootrose tce Picks P.O. 66450177266. . . . .. 426·3652 Montrose Mooday Night Men's Bowfing . . 641·5424 Montrose Softball League.. .. P.O. 541954177254·1954 ......... 867·3913 The Movie Club . . (281)835·5312 NAMES Project. 4617 Montrose 'C·140 .... 52·NAMES usrcorcs Anonymous (24·hr. helpline). . .. 661·4200 Nal. Leather Assoc. . P.O. 66553177266·6553 Neartown Association. . 1413 Westheimerm006 North Montrose Civic Assoc.. . . P.O. 130184177219·0184 Omega House,tnc ... 602 Branard. ..523·1139 Outrage, Inc. . 1436 W. Gray 1278177019.. .706·2508 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays.. . 867·9020 Pet Patrol 522·1954 Presidents Club (HGLPC past. pres].. . P.O. 66844 Prime Timers .. P.O. 980612177098·0612. .867·3903 PWA Coalition .3400 Montrose, Suite 106. .522·5428 Q Patrol. 528·SAFE (7233) Rainbow Fishing Club. . . ... P.O. 66450177266 .... 523·6381 Rainbow Ranglers Dance Club .. 3115 Houston Avefl7009 ... 660·0670 Rice U. Gay and Lesbian Alumni Assoc. (Ree GALA) .... . (Neal Tannahill) 526·6718 Soiree Aubergine. . 524·9304 Southeast Texas Legal Clinic. (HIV/term. ill. legal clinic) .3400 Montrose, Suite 203177006 .. 523·7852 Southern Country Houston ... P.O. 1502177252 SI. Michael's AtDS Support Group. . . 1801 Sage ....... 621·4370 Steven's House. . 522·5757 Stone Soup (AFH) . . . 623·6796 Team Houston.. P.O. 88405177266·6405. . .877·1191 Texas Gay Rodeo Association. . P.O. 130585177219·0585 . (28t)873·0641 Texas Invitational Bowling Tournament .. (Andrea) 447·8133 ... (Tom) 522·9612 Texas Riders·Houston . . ... P.O. 66545177266·6545 TLC House (HIV·positive shefter). .902·2231 TV-TG·TS Helpline. . . . . . . .. . 780·4282 United States Missi"" (res. shelter program) .. 810 Branard ... 942-0355 Vis~ing Nurse Association 520·8115 We<lnesday Night Mixers Bowling (Tom) 522·9612 Women'slnlo. and Relerral. . ... 528·212t Women lor Sobriety (Pat). . . .. 520·1501 Women's Center ... 528·6798 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS(AC: 7131281) Houston Houston Houstoo Houston Houston Houston Houston The Great Caruso .. 10001 Westheimer. .. . ... 780·4900 HUNTSVILLE ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Planned Parenl. (HIV counseling) 2405·C Ave. t .295·6396 IRVING ATTORNEY (AC: 214) Kowalski, John (Metrol214)445·4149 LAREDO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 956) AIDS Gateway Community Health Center .200 W. Lyon .. 718·5780 Ci~ Health Dept. HIV Project 722·2437 LONGVIEW CHURCH (AC: 903) Church With A Visioo . . 420 E. Collon SI. ...................................... 753·150t LONGVIEW CLUBS (AC: 903) Decisions . 2103 E. Marshal. ..757·4884 Ulestyles.. . ..... 446 N. Eastman. . 758·8082 LONGVIEW ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) Special Health Resources/Serv. & 1·800·526·0669 American Red Cross/AIDS support group 753·2091 Lambda AA. . .906 Padon. .236·3974 LUBBOCK CHURCH (AC: 808) MCC Lubbock 4501 Universi~.. . . 792·5562 LUBBOCK CLUB (AC: 806) Captain Hollywood . Main and Ave. X . . .. 740-&142 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 806) GaylLesbian Student Assoc P.O. 4310, SOS 0llice'8 ........... 745·9207 Lambda AA . . .. 828·3316 LUG.A. P.O. 4310179464 766·7184 PFLAG. . P.O. 94493179413·4493 799·5466 South Ptains AIDS Resource Center .4819 Ave. Q ................ P.O. 6948179493 765-0444 LUFKIN ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) EaslTexas AIDS Project. .569·8240 Planned Parenl. (HIV counseling) 1404 Frank ..... 634·8446 McALLEN CLUBS (AC: 956) PBD's Lounge Ware Rd. at Dallodil . . . 682·8019 10th Avenue 1820 10th Ave 682·7131 McALLEN ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 956) Casa de la Merced (HIV support/services) . . . 666·6047 Comlort House (AIDS hospice) 687·7367 Gay & Lesbian Bowfing League. . . 971·8894 Nombres de la Frontera (AIDS Quill) . .............. P.O. Box 720904178504 Proyecto Salud (HIV education) 630·4309 Valley AIDS Council. 668·t155 or 800·333·7432 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCH (AC: 915) Holy Trinity Comm. Church. . . 402 E. Gist .......... 570·HTCC(4822) MINERAL WELLS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 940) AIDS Resources of Rural Texas . ............ P.O. 172ON1eathertord 76086 596·3022 Aura Soc~1 Group 1404 SE 13 St 325·0325 Friends 01Jesus (Quakers) . . .. 325·0325 NACOGDOCHES ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Heallh Horizonsol East Texas. . P.O. 631346 .569·8240.. . .testing/569·2021 ODESSA CLUBS (AC: 915) F.txions. . 409 N. Hancock 581).5449 Miss Lillie's. . . .. 8401 Andrews Hwy 366-6799 PORT ARANSAS ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 512) Sea Horse tnn 1423tllh SI. 749·5221 RIO GRANDE VALLEY ORGANIZATION rest TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 PAGE 88 TWT JULY 31 - AUGUST 6 1998 UT/Pan Amer. Gay and Les. Student Organ. (956)381·2260 SAN ANGELO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) Lambda AA 1121 S. Bryant. 949·0662 San Ange~AIDS Foundation. .. P.O. 62474176906 .......... 658·3634 SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (AC: 210) Encore Video. . 8546 Broadway. . . 821·5345 Encore Video Too 1216 E. Euclid 472·3004 Zebra', (gifts). . .. 1216 E. Euclid 472·2800 SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES & RELfG, ORGAN, (AC:2l0) Digni~/San Anton~. P.O. 12544178212 558·3287 First Unitarian Church. 7150 IH 10 W. . . 344·4695 tnfant Jesus 01 Prague Chapel .. 3442 W. Woodlawnl78228 .432·2510 MCCSA. . . ... 611 E. Myrtle. . . .... 472·3597 Monastery of 51. Jude, Eastern Ortho. Church in Amer ... 123 Yale '1178201. .733·9284 River City living Church. . . 202 Holland .... 822·1121 SI. Sergios & SI. Bacchos Orthodox Mission .. .... P.O. 17232178217 697·3264 SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (AC: 210) The Annex 330 San Pedro 223·6957 Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham. .271·3811 Eagle Mountain .. 1902 McCullough Ave 733·1516 Gracies Nightclub 115 Kruger.. .377-1022 Hollywood's Cat Patch 1011 Avenue B . . 224·5516 MetropoliS 309 W. Market. .527·1707 The Pegasus 1402 N. Main.. . 299-4222 Pettcoat JUn<tion 1818 N. Main 737·2344 The Saint. . 1430 N. Main 225·7330 Silver Dollar 1418 N. Main 227·2623 Sparl<s . . 8011 WebO~s 599·3225 2015. . . . 2015 San Pedro. . . .. 733·3365 SAN ANTONIO DOCTOR (AC: 210) Douglass, Albert H., M.D.. . ..... 5018 San Pedro ............................ 826·2311 SAN ANTONIO FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 210) Executive.. .1121 Basse Rd 732·4433 SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 210) AIDS Inlormation . . 225·4715 AIDS Resource Ctr 800 Lexingtoo 222·2437 A~mo Business Council (profJsocial) P.O. 15481178212 Alamo City Men's Chorale.. . P.O. 120243178212 .495·7464 Bexar Co. Bears. P.O. 17232178217·0232 697·2175 Bexar Men (gay nudist) .. P.O. 12342178212·0342 Bisexual Networl<. P.O. 29023178229·0023 690·7791 Casa Martin. 132 W. Grayson SI.I78212 227·5968 Chain of Command 2814 Whisper Quill .............. San Antonio, TXI7823O 493.flO49 Crisis Helpline (24 hours) 227·4357 Gay & Lesbian Communi~ Center 3126 N. SI. Mary's .732·4300 Happy Foundation. .411 Bonham 227·6451 Hispanic AIDS Commillee ..... 132 W Grayson SI.178212 ............. 224·7330 LambdaAA 923 E. Mistletoe .. 732·4300/oplion 9 Lesbian InloJS.A. . P.O. 12327 828·LlSA Log Cabin Republk;ans.. ..923 E. Mislletoe178212 ........ 828·8899 Men 01All Colors Together. 433 W. Rosewood 11 . 736·3948 . . lax 736-0793 MHMR. 402 Austin.. . 225.4227 Metropolitan Health District 207.2437 NAMES Project.. ..818 E. Graysoo 225.4715 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays 121 W Woodlawrl78212 ..... 822·4135 Prime Timers .. P.O. 13613178213.0613 Rainbow Garden Club. . .... P.O. 15292178212 ...... 733·9086 River Cily Pool League 734.3630 RSI Court 01 the Alamo Empire P.O. 120123178212 ···· 348·8462 Ryan Whle Dental Clinic 818 E. Graysonl78208 ....... 224·8950 San Antonio AIDS Foundation .... 818 E. Graysonl78208 .. 225·4715 San Antonio Equal Rights POlitical Caucus. . P.O. 12571178212 828·2723 San Antonio Gay & Lesbian Youth Panel . . 732·4300 San Antonio Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Vets of America . . P.O. 33397178265·3397 554·9918 San Antonio Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 733·7300 San Antooio Lambda Students Alliance .. P.O. 12715178212 ...................................... 736·4329 San Antonio Men's Chorus ..... 102 Wickes SI. ... 226·2324 San Antonio Tavern Guild . P.O. 12712178212 South Texas Outreach Program lor AIDSIUT Health ScL Cnl. ............. 301 S. Frio '278 270·4621 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoeiaton P.O. 12651 ................. 349·8478 United States Mission of Tx. (res. shelter program) .. ........... 626 E. QuincyI78215 299·1318 Wellness Connection. . . 1424 Fredncksberg Rd. ........................... 732·3111 Young Men's Health Project (YMHP) .. 104 Babcock Rd.178201 736·2244 SAN MARCOS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 512) Lambda/Gay, Lesbian Bi Student Assoc. (SWTU). 396·4317 GLSA 01 GLSA. . . . 754·0948 Rural AIDS Service Program 142 Jackson Ln. . P.O. 748178667·0748. . . . 754·6628 SHERMAN ORGANIZATION (AC: 903) A.R.C.O.l. P.O. 367175091 813·1272 S, PADRE ISLAND ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 210) Upper Deck Hotef/Crews Quarters Bar ..... 120 E. Atai SI. ... 761·5953 TEMPLE CLUB (AC: 254) Bill's Hard Tymes.. .414 S. First SI. . . . 778·9604 TEXARKANA ORGANIZATION (AC: 501) Texarl<ana AIDS Project. .773·1994 TEXAS CITY ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Gulf Coast Center (HIV case manage.) 6510 Memonat . 935·0506 TYLER CHURCH (AC: 903) SI. Gabnel Communi~Church ..... 13904 Cr. '193175703 ...... 581·6923 TYLER/SMITH CO, ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) Planned Parent . 3500·E. S. Broadway 581·8277 WACO CHURCH (AC: 254) MCC 1601 Clay 752·5331 WACO CLUB (AC: 254) David's 507 Jellersoo at 5th 753·9189 WACO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 254) Court of the Central Texas Empire PAGE 89