Colorado Springs, CO Denise K. Burns, DO, FAAO, Program Chair


Colorado Springs, CO Denise K. Burns, DO, FAAO, Program Chair
AAO Convocation for Physicians
Trauma: An Integrative Osteopathic Approach
Denise K. Burns, DO, FAAO, Program Chair
March 19-23, 2014
The BroAdmoor
Colorado Springs, CO
New Approach to Osteo-articular
Manipulations: Including the Superior and
Inferior Limbs
March 15-18, 2014
9:00 am - 6:30 pm Saturday through Tuesday
Jean-Pierre Barral, Diplomate in Osteopathic
Medicine, Featured Speaker
Kenneth J. Lossing, DO, Program Chair, Faculty and
AAO President-elect
32 hours of AOA Category 1-A credit are anticipated
Registration Rates
On or before Jan. 15 After Jan. 15
AAO Member
$ 1600.00 $ 1700.00
Member w/Convo Reg.
$ 1440.00
$ 1530.00
$ 1750.00
$ 1850.00
Non-Member w/Convo Reg. $ 1575.00
$ 1665.00
Osteopathic Approach to Common ENT
Complaints of Children
March 17-18, 2014
8:00 am - 5:30 pm Monday and Tuesday
Heather P. Ferrill, DO, Program Chair
Doris B. Newman, DO
16 hours of AOA Category 1-A credit are anticipated
Registration Rates
On or before Jan. 17 After Jan. 17
AAO Member
$ 680.00 $ 780.00
Member w/Convo Reg.
$ 612.00
$ 702.00
$ 780.00
$ 880.00
Non-Member w/Convo Reg. $ 702.00
$ 792.00
An Introduction to the
Fascial Distortion Model
March 17-18, 2014
8:00 am - 5:30 pm Monday and Tuesday
Todd A. Capistrant, DO
16 hours of AOA Category 1-A credit are anticipated
Registration Rates
On or before Jan. 17 After Jan. 17
AAO Member
$ 680.00 $ 780.00
Member w/Convo Reg.
$ 612.00
$ 702.00
$ 780.00
$ 880.00
Non-Member w/Convo Reg. $ 702.00
$ 792.00
*All courses listed will take place at The Broadmoor,
1 Lake Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80906
For program and registration information on these Pre-Convocation courses, e-mail or visit the Academy Web site!
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
Trauma: An Integrative Osteopathic Approach
Denise K. Burns, DO, FAAO, 2014 Convocation Program Chair
The 2014 Convocation is an exciting osteopathic medical program centered around trauma. We
will address the mechanisms associated with trauma, the biodynamics and its effects on the total
body. Participants will learn how to identify and address all the components of trauma that the
osteopathic physician commonly encounters in clinical practice.
Denise K. Burns,
Evening with the FAAOs:
Treating Trauma Osteopathically Through the Experts’ Eyes
Michael P. Rowane, DO, FAAO, Evening with the FAAOs Program Chair
Patients who have undergone trauma are a challenge for even the most seasoned clinicians.
A panel of expert FAAO physicians will share their insights and recommendations for
osteopathically evaluating and treating patients who have experienced trauma.
Michael P. Rowane,
Physician Convocation Week Schedule
Saturday, March 15
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
New Approach to Osteo-articular
Manipulations: Including the Superior and
Inferior Limbs; Jean-Pierre Barral, MROF, PT,
Featured Speaker; Kenneth J. Lossing, DO,
Program Chair, Faculty, AAO President-elect
Separate registration required
Sunday, March 16
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
New Approach to Osteo-articular
Manipulations: Including the Superior and
Inferior Limbs; Jean-Pierre Barral, MROF, PT,
Featured Speaker; Kenneth J. Lossing, DO,
Program Chair, Faculty, AAO President-elect
Separate registration required
Monday, March 17
8:00 am - 5:30 pm 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Osteopathic Approach to Common ENT
Complaints of Children; Heather P. Ferrill, DO,
Program Chair; Doris B. Newman, DO, Faculty
Separate registration required
Introduction to The Fascial Distortion Model;
Todd A. Capistrant, DO, Program Chair
Separate registration required
New Approach to Osteo-articular
Manipulations: Including the Superior and
Inferior Limbs; Jean-Pierre Barral, MROF, PT,
Featured Speaker; Kenneth J. Lossing, DO,
Program Chair, Faculty, AAO President-elect
Separate registration required
Tuesday, March 18
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:30 pm 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Fellowship Committee Meeting/FAAO Exams
Osteopathic Approach to Common ENT
Complaints of Children; Heather P. Ferrill, DO,
Program Chair; Doris B. Newman, DO, Faculty
Separate registration required
Introduction to The Fascial Distortion Model;
Todd A. Capistrant, DO, Program Chair
Separate registration required
Register online at
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
New Approach to Osteo-articular
Manipulations: Including the Superior and
Inferior Limbs; Jean-Pierre Barral, MROF, PT,
Featured Speaker; Kenneth J. Lossing, DO,
Program Chair, Faculty, AAO President-elect
Separate registration required
Education Committee Meeting
Wednesday, March 19
8:00 am - 11:00 am
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
AOBNMM Written Re-Certification Exam
AAO Board of Trustees’ Meeting
Early Convocation Registration
Residents’ In-Service Written Exam
AAO Board of Governors’ Meeting
Residents’ In-Service Practical Exam
PAAO Mixer
Investment Committee Meeting
Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall
Evening with the FAAOs (2 CME):
Treating Trauma Osteopathically Through the
Experts’ Eyes; Michael P. Rowane, DO, MS,
FAAFP, FAAO, Program Chair
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm Evening with the Stars (2 CME)
Thursday, March 20
Morning Lectures
7:30 am - 11:10 am
7:30 am - 4:00 pm Registration Hours
7:30 am - 7:40 am Welcome and Program Overview; Denise K.
Burns, DO, FAAO, Convocation Program
7:40 am - 8:25 am Mechanism of Injury: The Physics of Trauma
and Somatic Dysfunction; Dennis J. Dowling,
8:25 am - 9:10 am An Osteopathic Approach to Cranial Trauma;
Andrew M. Goldman, DO, FAAO
Mountain Time Zone
Physician Information • 3
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:10 am - 9:40 am
9:40 am - 10:25 am
Osteopathic Education Service (OES)
closed 12:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Exhibit Hours
Visit with the Exhibitors
Osteopathy, Brain Trauma and Bimodal
Sympathetic States; Bruno J. Chikly, MD, DO
10:25 am - 11:10 am An Integration of Chinese Energetics with
Osteopathic Theory and Methods: Application to
Trauma; Christopher T. Laseter, DO
12:15 pm - 2:15 pm AAO Annual Business Luncheon/Elections
(Ticket Required)
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
2A: OMT & Physics to Reverse the Damage of Trauma; Dr. Dowling
2B: Palpation and Treating the Brain – Initial Phase: Trauma and
Related Sympathetic States; Dr. Chikly
2C: Practical Procedures for Integrating Chinese Energetics into an
Osteopathic Understanding of Midline Function; Dr. Laseter
2D: Allowing Inherent Forces to Resolve Traumatic Strains;
Dr. Goldman
2E: Treating Injury Shock After Trauma; Maud Haimson
Nerman, DO
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Visit with the Exhibitors
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
3A: OMT & Physics to Reverse the Damage of Trauma; Dr. Dowling
3B: Palpation and Treating the Brain - Initial Phase: Trauma and
Related Sympathetic States; Dr. Chikly
3C: Practical Procedures for Integrating Chinese Energetics into an
Osteopathic Understanding of Midline Function; Dr. Laseter
3D: Allowing Inherent Forces to Resolve Traumatic Strains;
Dr. Goldman
3E: Self-healing for Trauma Using EFT Meridian Tapping;
Kimberly M. D’Eramo, DO
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Gavel Club Reception; Past Presidents (Ticket
Required; No CME)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Pediatric Special Interest Group (No CME)
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Evening with the Stars and Stripes (2 CME)
Friday, March 21
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 8:15 am
8:15 am - 9:00 am
9:00 am - 10:00 am
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Morning Lectures
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Registration Hours
Fluid Dynamics of the Cranium in Traumatic
and Neurodegenerative Processes; Michael L.
Kuchera, DO, FAAO
Impact Injuries: Viscoelastic Change and its
Effect on Tensegrity, Mechanotransduction and
the PRM; Lawrence J. Bellew, DO
Trauma in the Fascia: Undoing the Damage and
Supporting the Healing; Judith A. O’Connell,
Osteopathic Education Service (OES)
closed 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm
Exhibit Hours
Visit with the Exhibitors
4 • Physician Information
10:30 am - 11:15 am Trauma as a Living Process; Stefan L.J.
Hagopian, DO, FAAO
11:15 am - 12:00 pm VSR: Viscero Somatic Release; John P.
Tortu, DO
12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch on Your Own
12:00 pm - 1:45 pm PAAO Business Meeting/Elections
(Ticket Required)
12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Postdoctoral Standards and Evaluation (PSE)
12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Committee Meetings
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
5A: Treating Functionally Persistent Trauma; Dr. Hagopian
5B: Impact Injuries: Description, Diagnosis and Treatment of Four
Common Patterns of Viscoelastic Change; Dr. Bellew
5C: Trauma in the Fascia: Undoing the Damage and Supporting the
Healing; Dr. O’Connell
5D: VSR: Osteopathic Evaluation and Treatment of Lower Extremity
Injuries with Regard to the Urogenital and Hepatic Systems;
Dr. Tortu
5E: Whiplash as a Total Body Injury; Hallie J. Robbins, DO
5F: Component Society Forum; Kenneth J. Lossing, DO
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Visit with the Exhibitors
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
6A: Treating Functionally Persistent Trauma; Dr. Hagopian
6B: Impact Injuries: Description, Diagnosis and Treatment of Four
Common Patterns of Viscoelastic Change; Dr. Bellew
6C: Trauma in the Fascia: Undoing the Damage and Supporting the
Healing; Dr. O’Connell
6D: VSR: Osteopathic Evaluation and Treatment of Lower Extremity
Injuries with Regard to the Urogenital and Hepatic Systems;
Dr. Tortu
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm SAAO Semi-Silent Auction
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm LBORC Research Forum
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Alumni Receptions
8:00 pm - 10:00 pmFellows Dinner (Ticket Required)
Saturday, March 22
Morning Lectures
7:30 am - 11:15 am
Registration Desk is closed today.
7:30 am - 8:00 am Anatomy of Cranial Dural Changes as
Functional Results of Trauma; Dr. Hagopian
8:00 am - 8:45 am Neurophysiology of Head Trauma; Frank H.
Willard, PhD
8:45 am - 9:30 am Precise Facet Activation at Your Fingertips:
Cervical and OA HVLA; Dr. Kuchera
8:00 am- 9:30 am
6E: Magoun Memorial FAAO/NUFA Forum
(restricted to FAAOs/NUFAs)
9:00 am - 12:30 pm Osteopathic Education Service (OES)
9:30 am - 9:45 am Break
9:45 am - 10:45 am Osteopathic Considerations of Obstetrical and
Perinatal Cranial Trauma; Dr. Capobianco
Register online at
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
IMPORTANT: Participants are responsible for placing the respective ticket in the
correct box to verify their attendance at each session eligible for CME credit.
Morning Breakout Sessions
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Precise Facet Activation at Your Fingertips: Cervical and OA
HVLA; Dr. Kuchera
8B/8C: Osteopathic Considerations of Obstetrical and Perinatal
Cranial Trauma; Dr. Capobianco
Faculty Development Workshop 1
The Teaching Identity; Evelyn A. Schwalenberg, DO, MS,
Teaching While Practicing Osteopathic Medicine: Secrets of
Master Teachers; Dr. Rowane
Ariadne’s String in the Rising Labyrinth of Harmonization
After Trauma: An Osteosophical Conceptualization
(How global do you need to go to treat a local trauma?);
Jean Marie A.T. Beuckels, DO, BSc (Hons) Ost. Med., MSc.
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Lunch on Your Own
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm AAO Board of Trustees’ Meeting
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
2:45 pm - 5:00 pm
Precise Facet Activation at Your Fingertips: Cervical and OA
HVLA; Dr. Kuchera
9B/9C: Osteopathic Considerations of Obstetrical and Perinatal
Cranial Trauma; Dr. Capobianco
Faculty Development Workshop 2
Promoting the Osteopathic Concept: Pearls in Research and
Writing a Scientific Paper; Kendi L. Hensel, DO, PhD
Dental Trauma Associated with Tooth Extraction: An
Osteopathic Approach; Sharon Gustowski, DO, and
Patricia M. Meyer, DO
Coding and Reimbursement: Understanding ACOs and Risk
Sharing in the Emerging Market and E&M & OMT Coding
101; Douglas J. Jorgensen, DO, FAAO
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm President’s Reception
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm President’s Banquet
(Ticket not included with registration.)
9:30 pm - 12:00 amEntertainment
Sunday, March 23
Morning Lectures
7:30 am - 12:15 pm
7:30 am - 8:15 am Orthopedics, Sports Injuries and Osteopathy, a
perfect combination?!; Frank Mueller, MD, DO
8:15 am - 9:00 am The Importance of Early, Accurate Diagnosis
for Effective “Hands-on” Management of Sports
Injuries; Wayne R. English, DO
9:00 am - 9:45 am Clinical and Practical Implications of Sports
Related Traumatic Brain Injury; P. Gunnar
Brolinson, DO, FAOASM, FAAFP
9:45 am - 10:00 am Break
10:00 am - 10:45 am An Osteopathic Approach to Facial Trauma;
Dr. Goldman
Register online at
10:45 am - 11:30 am OMM and the Trauma Patient in the Urgent
Care Setting; Ann L. Habenicht, DO, FAAO,
11:30 am - 12:15 pm Military Trauma: An Osteopathic Perspective;
Teodor Huzij, DO
12:15 pm
Convocation Adjourned
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch on your own
1:30 pm - 7:00 pm Residency Program Directors’ Workshop
(5 CME)
CME Hours
The AAO Convocation program anticipates
being approved for up to 36 AOA Category
1-A CME credit hours by the AOA CCME.
Possible Hours
Lectures & Workshops: 25 hours
Evening with the FAAOs: 2 hours
Evening with the Stars (Wednesday): 2 hours
Evening with the Stars and Stripes (Thursday): 2 hours
Program Directors’ Workshop (Sunday): 5 hours
Additional Pre-Convocation Course Hours
New Approach to Osteo-articular Manipulations:
Including the Superior and Inferior Limbs
March 15-18: 32 hours
Osteopathic Approach to Common ENT Complaints of Children
March 17-18: 16 hours
An Introduction to The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM)
March 17-18: 16 hours
Who May Attend?
The primary educational objective of the AAO is to provide programs
aimed to improve understanding of philosophy and diagnostic/
manipulative skills for AAO members, DOs who are not AAO
members, individuals who are licensed for the unlimited scope and
practice of medicine, and those in programs leading to such licensure.
Another educational objective of the AAO is to provide programs
aimed to improve understanding of manual techniques for licensed
health care professionals within their respective scopes of practice.
Enrollment in a class or classes is not a substitute for completion
of education and training in a college of osteopathic medicine, and
simply taking a course or courses in manual techniques does not
provide the necessary training and skills to practice osteopathic
manipulative treatment and/or osteopathic manipulative medicine.
AAO Refund Policy
1. All cancellations must be received in writing by Feb. 20, 2014.
2. An administrative fee of 20 percent of the total registration
fee will be charged for all cancellations made prior to Feb. 20,
3. Any registrant who fails to appear for an AAO program can
transfer up to 50 percent of their registration fee to another
AAO educational program to be held within the next 12 months
if a written and signed explanation is received at the AAO office
within 10 days of the scheduled course he/she was unable to
attend. All other cancellations will receive no refund or transfer
of registration fees.
4. Meal tickets are non-refundable. There is no discount for not
attending pre-paid food functions.
Physician Information • 5
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Thursday, March 20, 2014
2A/3A: OMT & Physics to Reverse the Damage of Trauma;
Dr. Dowling
Description: Patients often present with histories
of trauma that precede their complaints of
neuromusculoskeletal disorder. An additional history and
physical examination, including osteopathic structural
examination, can be utilized to develop treatments to assist in
reversing the condition. The workshop will focus on applying
osteopathic principles by addressing the findings through
a variety of modalities in a synthesizing fashion while also
addressing the other mind and spirit components of the
2B/3B: Palpation and Treating the Brain – Initial Phase:
Trauma and Related Sympathetic States; Dr. Chikly
Description: In this lab we will provide an easy and
effective treatment to regularize tissue response to
trauma, including hyper- and hypoarousal states.
We will review some of the trauma theory and we will
demonstrate an osteopathic application of the polyvagal
theory of Stephen Porges.
2C/3C: Practical Procedures for Integrating Chinese
Energetics into an Osteopathic Understanding of
Midline Function; Dr. Laseter
Description: The Microcosmic Orbit is a classical
understanding of midline function from the Daoist
perspective. It is both a prelude and underpinning of
traditional Chinese medicine. Procedures for accessing the
energetic midline and objective evidence of its utility will be
presented. A new approach to treatment of the thoracolumbar
spine and costal elements will be illustrated. This material can
be integrated into an osteopathic treatment paradigm and is
equally useful as an exercise in patient self-care.
2D/3D: Allowing Inherent Forces to Resolve Traumatic
Strains; Dr. Goldman
Description: W.G. Sutherland has generally been
credited with introducing the osteopathic profession
to techniques related to the cranium. However, Sutherland,
a direct hands-on-hands student of A.T. Still was certain that
Still already understood the role of the cranium within the
osteopathic concept. Sutherland’s life’s work helped him and
those who followed to understand inherent forces within
the patient, which he taught to others so they may better
understand Osteopathy. This lecture will present his approach
to treatment. He said, “the inherent forces within the patient’s
body are more potent and accurate than any force that can
possibly be brought to bear from without.”
= Lecture only
6 • Physician Information
= Hands-on workshop
Treating Injury Shock After Trauma; Dr. Nerman
Description: Trauma disrupts the body in many
ways. It compromises the musculoskeletal, vascular
and lymphatic systems. One of the most devastating
aspects of trauma is how profoundly it disrupts the nervous
system, compromising the autonomic nervous system’s
balance and the cranial rhythmic impulse. I call that
disruption injury shock. Until injury shock is addressed and
the autonomic nervous system returned to balance, the body’s
ability to heal is severely compromised. For me, treating
injury shock is a critical aspect of treating trauma. In these
sessions, I will focus on three to four techniques that I have
found key to releasing injury shock: Dr. Fulford’s abdominal
diaphragm release, rebalancing the ANS by treating the midthoracic, sacrum and OA junction, and calming CNS irritability
through a version of the CV4 that even practitioners not
trained in Cranial Osteopathy can use.
Self-healing for Trauma Using EFT Meridian Tapping; Dr.
Description: As osteopaths, it is incumbent upon us to
learn the science behind how we heal, to incorporate
these principles in our medical practice, and to initiate a
change in the ways we apply the art and science of medicine.
This teaching draws upon the research and work of multiple
other scientists and practitioners in the field of quantum
physics, cell biology, electrophysiology, and neurobiology,
including: Institute for Heart Math; Bruce Lipton, PhD; Joan
Borysenko, MD; Lynne McTaggart and David Hawkins, MD.
Friday, March 21, 2014
5A/6A: Treating Functionally Persistent Trauma;
Dr. Hagopian
Description: There is a reason we call osteopathic
lesions “somatic dysfunctions”—with the emphasis
on the noun “dysfunctions”—rather than “functional dyssomatics.” In osteopathic practice we are ultimately more
concerned with correcting dysfunctions than with changing
or aligning the somatic form alone. Trauma often persists as a
living process. In this lab session, we will examine functional
aspects of trauma as we step beyond protocol-driven care to
build a perception-based methodology for clinical care.
5B/6B: Impact Injuries: Description, Diagnosis and
Treatment of Four Common Patterns of
Viscoelastic Change; Dr. Bellew
Description: The four most common impact injuries
will be described anatomically. Techniques for diagnosing and
treating these utilizing observation, gross motion testing and
the PRM will be discussed and, when possible, demonstrated.
Given the observed incidence of this type of injury (14% ) it
is anticipated that participants will have the opportunity to
observe, if not diagnose and treat, an impact injury in their
colleagues. A well-developed ability to perceive the PRM is
necessary to obtain maximum benefit from this workshop.
Register online at
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
5C/6C: Trauma in the Fascia: Undoing the Damage and
Supporting the Healing; Dr. O’Connell
Description: Trauma causes far-reaching effects
from the intra-cellular to the extra-corporeal. This
workshop will give practical experience in identifying
and alleviating the effects of trauma. Using the fascia as a
portal of entry, participants will identify trauma patterns,
primary dysfunctions, and compensation patterns and
apply techniques to address these issues. Consideration of
complex layered trauma also will be discussed with treatment
strategies developed.
5D/6D: VSR: Osteopathic Evaluation and Treatment of Lower
Extremity Injuries with Regard to the Urogenital and
Hepatic Systems; Dr. Tortu
Description: This workshop deepens the knowledge
gained in the lecture by evaluating the effects
of myriad and common lower extremity injuries as the
fascial origin of dysfunction of certain organs of excretion,
specifically, the kidney and urinary bladder and the
liver and gallbladder. Old, lower extremity injury causes
fascially-mediated restriction and irritation of the end
organ via deposition of shockwave injury patterns along the
associated meridian. This triggers a mechanicotransduction
of increasing fascial tone into increasing afferent CNS tone,
via the viscero somatic reflex arc, triggering the increased
efferent tone responsible for the somatic complaints we
commonly see: somatic dysfunctions of the lower extremity,
pelvis and lumbosacral regions as well as the commonlyknown, autonomically mediated somatic dysfunctions found
along dermatomally connected somatic regions. Osteopathic
evaluation and treatment of these old injury patterns
with respect to the specific organ dysfunction releases the
aberrant, fascially-mediated tone, decreasing afferent CNS
tone and, by reflex, decreases efferent CNS tone, releasing the
somatic complaints associated with the injury pattern and
improving the function of these organs.
Whiplash as a Total Body Injury; Dr. Robbins
Description: Whiplash is a condition commonly
considered to involve only cervical musculoskeletal
injury, but the neck nexus involves multi-region
anatomic derangement and multi-system dysfunction. In this
lecture/workshop we will relate postural compensations
and spinal junction shifts to mechanism of injury and vector
strains in order to provide head-to-foot clinical evaluations
and generate more comprehensive documentation of findings
and treatments. Learn osteopathic techniques (myofascial,
cranial, articulatory, HVLA, muscle energy) and take-home
exercises helpful in whiplash recovery from eyestrain to
5F: Component Society Forum; Dr. Lossing
Description: AAO Component Society leaders are invited
to this unstructured discussion forum with AAO President-elect
Kenneth J. Lossing, DO. The objective is to promote cooperation
and collaboration in an effort to better serve AAO members’
Register online at
Saturday, March 22, 2014
6E: Magoun Memorial FAAO/NUFA Forum
Description: An informal gathering of the FAAOs and
NUFAs. This workshop gives the FAAOs a chance to
mentor the National Undergraduate Fellows who are
attending Convocation. It is an excellent opportunity for them
to share their knowledge and expertise with the students who
wish to follow in their footsteps. If you are a FAAO, please
consider joining this very important workshop.
8A/9A: Precise Facet Activation at Your Fingertips: Cervical
and OA HVLA; Dr. Kuchera
Description: Safety and efficacy in cervical highvelocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) is paramount. This
lecture and workshop is conducted by an FAAO physician
who, in clinical and research settings, has studied “miles and
miles” of cervical structure-function relationships. Specifically
he will focus on specific diagnosis and treatment of cervical
somatic dysfunctions affecting one or both of the facet joints
at each vertebral unit. Fingerpad localization and precise
gliding HVLA activation will be discussed in lecture and
offered in the hands-on lab. This presentation was designed
to review and fine-tune existing technique and provide new
insights in the application of cervical HVLA.
8B/8C & Osteopathic Considerations of Obstetrical
9B/9C: and Perinatal Cranial Trauma;
Dr. Capobianco
Description: Osteopathic manipulative approaches to
address perinatal trauma in patients of all ages.
Faculty Development Workshop 1
The Teaching Identity; Dr. Schwalenberg
Teaching While Practicing Osteopathic Medicine:
Secrets of Master Teachers; Dr. Rowane
Ariadne’s String in the Rising Labyrinth of
Harmonization After Trauma: An Osteosophical
Conceptualization (How global do you need to go to
treat a local trauma?); Dr. Beuckels
Description: A physician is defined as a teacher. It
is a critical role for an Osteopathic physician to be
a teacher, whether they are in an academic setting or in a
community-based practice. The emphasis of these interactive
sessions is to explore the role and identify the desirable
characteristics for being an excellent teaching osteopathic
Description: Dr. Beuckels will discuss the local and
total shift in form and motion after trauma, giving
an overview of the levels of harmonization and how
new harmony transforms interactive “neurological” motion
in one-way traffic. The workshop will cover defascilitation in
the “neurological” girdles, how to bring the patient back to
the neurological neutral before treating the local trauma, an
introduction to defascilitation procedures while discovering
the Ariadne’s string of trauma.
Physician Information • 7
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
Faculty Development Workshop 2
Promoting the Osteopathic Concept: Pearls in
Research and Writing a Scientific Paper; Dr. Hensel
Description: There is a tremendous need to advance
the osteopathic concept through medical literature.
The word research may seem daunting, but simple
strategies will be presented to demystify the process so it can
be accomplished without fear. This hands-on workshop will
assist the osteopathic physician to take an idea through the
steps of writing a manuscript for submission to a journal.
Dental Trauma Associated with Tooth Extraction; An
Osteopathic Approach; Drs. Gustowski and Meyer
Description: This hands-on workshop will present an
efficient yet effective application of OMT for patients
who have head or neck pain following a dental
extraction. Participants will learn how to quickly
transition from osteopathic diagnosis into performing a
treatment. Two intra-oral techniques designed specifically to
address trauma at the extraction site will also be presented.
This workshop welcomes participants of all skill levels
and expertise. Participants who have recently had a dental
extraction are encouraged to attend, although it is not a
9F: Coding and Reimbursement: Understanding ACOs
and Risk Sharing in the Emerging Market and E&M &
OMT Coding 101; Dr. Jorgensen
ACO: Accountable Care Organizations are not just
a buzz word, but a serious reality in the emerging
reimbursement markets, and it’s imperative to understand
the value we bring to the table and the uniqueness of our care
relative to the benefit and cost to our patients and the system.
Attendees will leave with a basis for conceptualizing how
they are being analyzed along with a strategy for “how to play
the game” in their current markets. If you expect to continue
working in the insurance market and being profitable, this
knowledge is critical to your success and your patients’
ability to access your care. Coding 101: It’s back to basics in
this fast-paced, one-hour program presenting Evaluation and
Management (E&M) and Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
(OMT) documentation requirements to the participants.
Examples and Q&A will round out this program and will help
the seasoned and new provider better conceptualize how to
optimize the E&M and OMT coding rules for you and your
Volunteers Needed
for OE Service
(formerly OD&TE)
Reasons for volunteering:
1) CME Credit
2) Chance to win a FREE registration for Convocation in 2015
3) Sharing your expertise with others
4) Giving back to the profession
Dear Academy Members:
The Osteopathic Education Service (OES) will be offered
during Convocation from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 2:30
pm to 4:00 pm on Thursday, March 20; from 9:00 am to
12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Friday, March 21;
and 9:00 am to 12:30 pm on Saturday, March 22. The OES
is provided for educational purposes only and not for
medical treatment. Your friends, colleagues, and students
will appreciate any time you can donate. In addition,
physicians receive a 1/2 Category 1-B AOA CME credit
for each person they treat!
The OES will be available on off hours (as long as the
Exhibit Hall is open) for those who just need a table and
have completed the appropriate paper work.
The OES will have a drawing at noon on Saturday. For
every person a physician treats during OES hours, his/
her name will be added to the drawing (e.g., 25 patients,
25 chances to WIN). The prize is a complimentary
registration for the 2015 Convocation in
Louisville, KY.
We encourage volunteers to invite students to observe
their techniques. However, the decision to allow others to
be present during treatment sessions belongs to you and
your educational subject. As always, thank you for your
participation and support!
With great appreciation,
Clay Walsh, DO, Chairperson
Please note your availability on the form below and
return along with your registration form.
____________ ________________________
____________ Let me know when I am needed!
Cell phone number: _______________________________________
AOA number: _______________________________________________
8 • Physician Information
Register online at
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
Registration and Packet Distribution
If you pre-register for Convocation, your complete
registration packet will be availabe for pickup at the AAO
registration desk beginning at 10:00 am on Wednesday,
March 20. Daily registration hours are from 10:00 am to
7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 19, and from 7:30 am to
4:00 pm Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March 21.
Registration fee includes entrance to the Opening
Reception and (1) Business Meeting Luncheon. Banquet
tickets must be purchased separately. Physicians will
be responsible for their own lunch on Friday and
Saturday; students will be responsible for lunch on
Thursday and Saturday. It is strongly recommended
that you make dinner reservations well in advance of
Convocation if you wish to dine at a specific restaurant
on a specific night. For meals sponsored by the AAO, every
attempt to meet participants’ dietary needs will be made.
However, we cannot guarantee to satisfy all requests.
Become a Mentor Today!
The mission of the American Academy of Osteopathy Mentor
Program (AAO-MP) is to provide guidance and leadership
to Student American Academy of Osteopathy members.
The program was designed to help address the lack of
osteopathic-specific education during clinical years and
beyond by:
• Reaching out to osteopathic medical students early in
their careers and providing a positive influence on their
future as an osteopathic physician; and
• Helping provide educational and career guidance during
the OMS II and OMS III years when choosing hospital
sites for rotations, advice on residency selection and,
ultimately, how the osteopathic philosophy can be
incorporated into all aspects of medicine.
Every osteopathic student and physician is strongly
encouraged to participate in the AAO-MP. This is an excellent
opportunity for students to become active proponents of
Osteopathy and for physicians to contribute to making the
profession stronger.
Please see the Mentor/Protégé portion of the physician
and student online registrations. Contact the AAO for
more information.
Nicholas S. Nicholas Fund
The AAO provides a sizable discount for students each year
to attend Convocation. The Nicholas S. Nicholas Fund was
created to help subsidize student registration fees. Please
consider adding a donation on your registration form today!
Register online at
Classifications & Registration Fees
AAO Members
On or before January 20
Active................................. $665
Associate.......................... $665
Intl Affiliate..................... $665
Supporter........................ $665
Retired.............................. $485
1st Year Practice........... $485
2nd Year Practice......... $485
Intern/Res./NUFA....... $460
PhD..................................... $345
After January 20
(but not on-site)
A $100 late registration
fee will be charged.
On-site registration
(after March 3)
A $150 on-site registration
fee will be charged. On-site
registration is discouraged.
Registration includes one ticket
to the Annual Business Meeting
Lunch on Thursday, March 20.
Admission to the President’s
in registration this year. Tickets
must be purchased separately
AAO Non-Members
$925 on or before January 20
Fee includes one ticket to the Annual Business Meeting
Lunch on Thursday, March 20. Entrance to Saturday Night’s
President’s Banquet is NOT INCLUDED and must be
purchased separately.
After January 20 (but not on-site)
A $100 late registration fee will be charged.
On-site registration (after March 3)
A $150 on-site registration fee will be charged.
On-site registration is discouraged.
If you are an AAO non-member and would like to join the
AAO, a membership application can be found on page 10
of this document.
AAO 2014 Convocation
T-shirts from SAAO
Visit the SAAO booth in
the Exhibit Hall at the
Broadmoor to purchase
yours for only $15.
Physician Information • 9
Membership Application
3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1080 • Indianapolis, Indiana 46268
Phone: (317) 879-1881 • Fax: (317) 879-0563
AOA # ____________
Date of birth ____________
Place of birth (city/state)__________________
Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Gender:
 Male  Female
Office name _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________
Zip ___________
Fax ________________________ Email _____________________________________
By releasing your Fax number/ E-mail address, you have given the AAO permission to send marketing information regarding courses via Fax/E-mail.
Home Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________
Zip ___________
Fax ________________________ Email _____________________________________
By releasing your Fax number/ E-mail address, you have given the AAO permission to send marketing information regarding courses via Fax/E-mail.
Preferred mailing address:  Office
 Home
Preferred e-mail:  Office
 Home
Preferred phone:  Office
 Home
Please indicate where the AAO may publish online your preferred mailing address and telephone number (check all that apply):
Medical Education
Premed College
 Find a physician  Membership directory  Do Not Publish
Year Graduated
__________________________ ____________________ ____________________ ______________
Medical College
____________________ ____________________ ______________
____________________ ____________________ ______________
____________________ ____________________ ______________
Medical Societies
Licensure State/Number _____________________________________
American Osteopathic Association
 Yes  No
International (AAO-approved Registry)  Yes  No
Cranial Academy  Yes  No
Former UAAO member  Yes  No
Former NUFA
Other __________________________________
 Yes  No
Have you ever been denied or expelled from membership in a country/district/state society, or component society of the AOA or AAO?  Yes  No
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or violation of any state or federal narcotics act ?
 Yes  No
Has your license ever been surrendered, suspended, or revoked?
 Yes  No
(If you answered yes to any of the three questions above, please explain on an seperate sheet.)
AAO Sponsor/Reference
(Not required if graduated from an accredited U.S. osteopathic college)
*Membership in the American Academy of Osteopathy® requires membership in the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
Membership Categories (please select one)
Payment by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or personal check in USD only
Please make checks payable to the American Academy of Osteopathy
*1st Year in Practice $98.00
International Affliliate $302.00
Name as it appears on card _________________________________
*2nd Year in Practice $194.00
International Associate $302.00
Card # _________________________________________________
Expiration date _______________3 digit CVV# ___________
Associate (MD)
*Intern/Resident 3 yr. $111.00
*Intern/Resident 4 yr. $139.00
In signing this application form, I certify that the above information is correct and complete, and hereby agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the American
Academy of Osteopathy®. I agree to accept the Board of Trustees of the AAO as the sole and only judge to my qualifications to be and remain a member. I hereby authorize
the American Academy of Osteopathy® to charge the above credit card for the amount of selected membership. I understand that any money submitted will be refunded
if my application is not approved.
Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10 • Physician Information
Register online at
PHYSICIAN Registration Form
2014 AAO Convocation / March19-23, 2014 /The Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO
1. REGISTER ONLINE at or complete ONE form for each registrant. Type or print clearly
within boxes (one character per box please).
2. MAIL completed forms and fee(s) to AAO Convocation, 3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1080, Indianapolis, IN 46268.
3. FAX both pages of completed form with credit card payment to 317-879-0563.
4. QUESTIONS: Call 317-879-1881. For program information, e-mail
5. Complete one form per registrant.
TITLE (DO, MD, PhD ,etc)
Registration Type
Active Member
Associate Member
International Affiliate
1st Year in Practice
2nd Year in Practice
$100 Donation
$50 Donation
(before 1/20)
□ $665
□ $665
□ $665
□ $665
□ $485
□ $485
□ $485
□ $460
□ $345
□ $925
(After 1/20)
(After 3/3)
□ $765
□ $765
□ $765
□ $765
□ $585
□ $585
□ $585
□ $560
□ $445
□ $1,025
$25 Donation
$10 Donation
□ $815
□ $815
□ $815
□ $815
□ $635
□ $635
□ $635
□ $610
□ $495
□ $1,175
Other Amount
□ AAO Board of Trustees Member
□ AAO Board of Governors Member
□ AAO Committee Chair
□ AAO Committee Member
□ Residency Program Director
□ SAAO Chapter Advisor
□ AOA Representative
□ Sign me up as an A. Hollis Wolf judge
□ $50 each
□ $35 each
□ Incl. in Price
Menu: Buffet (vegetarian options) Interns/Residents/Program Directors Only
Fellows Dinner (3/21) FAAOs & Guests #____ □ $100 each
Meal Preference: □ Beef □ Veggie □ Gluten-free (Hotel’s choice)
President’s Banquet (3/22) Not included in registration fee.
Banquet Tickets #____ □ $110 each
Banquet Meal Preference:
□ Beef □ Fish □ Veggie □ Gluten-free (Hotel’s choice)
□ Visa
□ MasterCard
□ Check made payable to the AAO
□ Discover
Specialty (check one) □ NMM □ Ortho □ Surgery □ Peds □ Sports Med □ OB □ IM
Maximum Number of Protégés (Circle One): 1
□ Incl. in Price
□ Incl. in Price
□ Incl. in Price
Meal Preference: □ Chicken □ Vegetable □ Gluten-free (Hotel’s choice)
Extra Lunch Tickets
Gavel Club (3/20) Past Presidents & Guests
Friday PAAO Luncheon (3/21)
I AM A/AN: (check all that apply)
□ AAO President
□ AAO Past President
□ AAO President-elect
□ AAO Sect.-Treasurer
□ 2014 Convo. Speaker
I plan to Attend: (check all that apply)
Evening with the Stars (3/19)
Evening with the Stars and Stripes (3/20)
AAO Annual Business Meeting Lunch (3/20)
□ FP □ EM □ PM&R □ Other: __________
Do you utilize Osteopathy in the Cranial Field in your practice? □ Yes
Register online at
□ No
Physician Information • 11
Name: _______________________________________________________
Physician Lectures & Workshops
Please indicate all lectures you plan to attend.
_______ 1C
_______ 4A Thursday, March 20, 7:30 am - 11:10 am
Friday, March 21, 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
_______2B: OMT & Physics to Reverse the Damage of Trauma;
Dr. Dowling
Palpation and Treating the Brain – Initial Phase:
Trauma and Related Sympathetic States; Dr. Chikly
_______2C: Practical Procedures for Integrating Chinese
Energetics into an Osteopathic Understanding of
Midline Function; Dr. Laseter
_______2D: Allowing Inherent Forces to Resolve Traumatic
Strains; Dr. Goldman
_______2E: Treating Injury Shock After Trauma; Dr. Nerman
Thursday, March 20
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
_______3A: _______3B: OMT & Physics to Reverse the Damage of Trauma;
Dr. Dowling
Palpation and Treating the Brain – Initial Phase:
Trauma and Related Sympathetic States; Dr. Chikly
_______3C: Practical Procedures for Integrating Chinese
Energetics into an Osteopathic Understanding of
Midline Function; Dr. Laseter
_______3D: Allowing Inherent Forces to Resolve Traumatic
Strains; Dr. Goldman
_______3E: Self-healing for Trauma Using EFT Meridian
Tapping; Dr. D’Eramo
Friday, March 21
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Treating Functionally Persistent Trauma;
Dr. Hagopian
Impact Injuries: Description, Diagnosis and
Treatment of Four Common Patterns of Viscoelastic
Change; Dr. Bellew
Trauma in the Fascia: Undoing the Damage and
Supporting the Healing; Dr. O’Connell
VSR: Osteopathic Evaluation and Treatment of Lower
Extremity Injuries with Regard to the Urogenital and
Hepatic Systems; Dr. Tortu
_______ 9H Saturday, March 22, 7:30 am - 11:15 am
Sunday, March 23, 7:30 am - 12:15 pm
Please number your workshop choices from one to three for each session.
Thursday, March 20
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
_______2A: _______ 7A Whiplash as a Total Body Injury; Dr. Robbins
Component Society Forum; Dr. Lossing
Friday, March 21
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Treating Functionally Persistent Trauma;
Dr. Hagopian
12 • Physician Information
Friday, March 21 (cont’d.)
Impact Injuries: Description, Diagnosis and
Treatment of Four Common Patterns of Viscoelastic
Change; Dr. Bellew
Trauma in the Fascia: Undoing the Damage and
Supporting the Healing; Dr. O’Connell
VSR: Osteopathic Evaluation and Treatment of Lower
Extremity Injuries with Regard to the Urogenital and
Hepatic Systems; Dr. Tortu
Saturday, March 22
8:00 am - 9:30 am
Magoun Memorial FAAO/NUFA Forum
Precise Facet Activation at Your Fingertips: Cervical
and OA HVLA; Dr. Kuchera
Osteopathic Considerations of Obstetrical and
Perinatal Cranial Trauma; Dr. Capobianco
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
_______ 8D: Faculty Development Workshop 1
The Teaching Identity; Dr. Schwalenberg
Teaching While Practicing Osteopathic Medicine:
Secrets of Master Teachers; Dr. Rowane
Ariadne’s String in the Rising Labyrinth of
Harmonization After Trauma: An Osteosophical
Conceptualization (How global do you need to go to
treat a local trauma?); Dr. Beuckels
Saturday, March 22
2:45 pm - 5:00 pm
Precise Facet Activation at Your Fingertips: Cervical
and OA HVLA; Dr. Kuchera
Osteopathic Considerations of Obstetrical and
Perinatal Cranial Trauma; Dr. Capobianco
_______ 9D:
Faculty Development Workshop 2
Promoting the Osteopathic Concept: Pearls in
Research and Writing a Scientific Paper; Dr. Hensel
Dental Trauma Associated with Tooth Extraction: An
Osteopathic Approach; Drs. Gustowski and Meyer
Coding and Reimbursement: Understanding ACOs
and Risk Sharing in the Emerging Market and E&M &
OMT Coding 101; Dr. Jorgensen
Sunday, March 23
1:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Residency Program Directors’ Workshop
Register online at
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
Interns & Residents
Join the PAAO!
Postgraduate American Academy
of Osteopathy
Promoting continued education in osteopathic principles
and practices (OPP) in postgraduate training programs;
Providing a network for interns and residents interested
in OPP;
Identifying interns and residents at the annual AAO
Providing a platform for intern and residents issues at the
AAO; and
Providing intern and resident representation at the AAO
and AOA.
A luxurious retreat conveniently located just minutes from
downtown Colorado Springs, The Broadmoor is the pinnacle
of meeting locations in North America. It has 700 rooms
and suites, 185,000 square feet of flexible event space, more
than 10 restaurants, cafés and lounges, three golf courses, a
tennis club and world-class spa. These lush 3,000 acres are
easily accessible, with non-stop flights from Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix directly to
Colorado Springs Airport, or from anywhere in the United
States through Denver International Airport, just 90 minutes
A substantial discount on all AAO educational programs,
including Convocation;
Savings on books and other publications through the AAO
online store;
The AAO Journal and AAO Member Newsletter;
Access to the PAAO Committee, which holds a voting seat
on the AAO Board of Governors, giving the PAAO a greater
voice in policy making for you, the interns and residents;
Access to the PAAO Forum, located on our website.
Look for us in Colorado Springs...
The PAAO will have a booth in the Exhibit Hall, as well as hold
its Business Meeting/Elections on Friday, March 21, 2014, from
12:00 pm to 1:45 pm.
The PAAO is a great way of getting involved. Simply complete
the form below and mail it to: American Academy of Osteopathy,
3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1080, Indianapolis, IN 46268, Attn:
I’m interested in more information about the PAAO
Name _______________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________
Residency Program ________________________________________________
Program Director __________________________________________________
Year in training: PGY1 PGY2 PGY3 PGY4 PGY5
AOA Member: YES / NO (if YES, AOA # ____________________)
AAO Member: YES / NO
Register online at
Room Service
Business Center
Child Care
Gift Shop
Indoor Pool
Meeting Rooms
Conference Center
Internet Access
Children’s Activities
In-room Movies
Mini Bar
Pets Allowed
In-room Safe
Wireless Internet
Fitness Center
Airport Shuttle
Iron/Ironing Board
Outdoor Pool
Opening Windows
Physician Information • 13
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
Colorado Springs...
so much more!
The Broadmoor’s Pikes Peak Cog Railway
The highest train in the United States, and the highest cog railroad in the world, this
114-year-old railway ferries passengers to the 14,110-foot summit of Pikes Peak
year-round. Visit or call (719) 685-5401 for more information.
U.S. Air Force Academy
This premier military academy, located just north of Colorado Springs on I-25, is
open to visitors daily from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Visit or call (710) 3332025 for more information.
The Garden of the Gods
One of the area’s most photographed attractions, this 1300-acre park is a Registered
National Natural Landmark and is open to the public with no entry fee. The Garden
of the Gods is perfect for hiking, biking, horseback riding or, on crisper days, viewing
from the comfort of the indoor cafe. Visit or call (719) 634-6666
for more information.
Fine Arts Center
The Fine Arts Center of Colorado Springs, comprising museum galleries, an art
school, a theater and a cafe, is a perfect way to spend an afternoon. “Reflections of
the Past in Contemporary Native American Art” is a special exhibit until the end
of March 2014, or you may want to see “Agnes of God,” opening March 20 on the
theater’s main stage. Visit or call (719) 634-5583 for more
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
This is America’s only mountain zoo, rising from 6,800 feet at the entrance to nearly
7,000 feet inside. The zoo cares for more than 800 animals from over 200 species,
more than 30 of which are endangered. Visit or call (719) 633-9925 for
more information.
14 • Physician Information
Register online at
Registration Form located on pages 11 & 12
Hotel Reservation Form
Be sure to indicate your participation in the American Academy of Osteopathy
Seven days a week, 7:00 am to 9:00 pm (Mountain Time): (800) 634-7711
Register Online:
Please make your room reservations early in order to protect the AAO’s ability
to block a sufficient number of rooms.
Arrival/Departure Dates
Rooms are not available for check-in until 3:00 pm. Checkout time is 11:00 am. Guests must provide payment information in
order to secure a reservation and will be charged one night’s room and tax deposit immediately. Reservations may be cancelled
or changed up to seven days prior to arrival. Failure to notify the hotel of a cancellation will result in a charge of one night’s
room and tax.
Arrival Date: Departure Date: Credit Card Information
Cardholder Name: Card Type: ________________
Billing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Card Number: Signature: Expiration Date: 3-digit CVV: ______________
Reservation Information
Please Type or Print Legibly
AAO Convocation Rates:
Name: _______________________________________________________________
City: Single/Double–Superior................................................................$225
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Zip: State: __________
Country: _________________________________________
Daytime Phone: ____________________________________________________
Type of Room Preferred: __________________________________________
Special Requirements: _____________________________________________
Sharing room with: ________________________________________________
Daily Resort Fee.................................................................................. $16
Daily Fee for additional person(s)................................ $2.50 each
No charge for children ages 17 and under utilizing existing
bedding. The above room rates are available March 15-24.
Please be sure your reservation reaches the hotel by Feb. 19.
Otherwise, accommodations will be on a space-available basis
only and higher rates may apply.
For room descriptions, please visit
Please note, all credit cards will be charged a minimum of one night’s room and tax deposit immediately. Rates are European-Plan (no meals) and do not
include 9.63% tax or 2.25% public improvement fee (subject to change). Incidental services fees of $16 per room, single or double occupancy, and $2.50 for
each additional person, will be added to the room to include: unlimited access to The Broadmoor Spa Fitness Center, local access and toll-free calls, credit
card calls and collect calls up to one hour in length, all incoming faxes, in-room coffee and tea, daily newspaper, and in-room high speed internet service
both wireless and hardline. The incidental service fee is not included in the room rate and is subject to change.
Register online at
Physician Information • 15
3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1080
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Phone: (317) 879-1881
Fax: (317) 879-0563
It’s Never Too Early to Save the Date for
AAO Convocation 2015...
Plan Ahead to Join us at the
Marriott Hotel in Louisville, KY
March 11-15, 2015!
Life in Motion
Richard L. Schuster, DO, Program Chair