CITY UPDATE: JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST UPCOMING EVENTS: ‼ MONDAY, JULY 4TH, CITY HALL WIL BE CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF THE INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY DID YOU KNOW??? According to the 2014 U.S. Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau 61.5% of the City’s occupied housing units were “Owner Occupied”, while 38.5% were “Renter Occupied”. Having a higher percentage of owner occupied housing units is one indicator of a community’s housing and financial strength and the higher the percentage the better. So how do we compare? Not very well. We underperform in this category when compared to every one of our comparables: United States: Illinois: Madison County: St. Clair County: Belleville: Caseyville: Columbia: Dupo: Edwardsville: Fairview Heights: Glen Carbon: Granite City: Highland: Maryville: O’Fallon: Pontoon Beach: Waterloo: 64.4% “Owner Occupied”, 35.6% “Renter Occupied”; 66.9% “Owner Occupied”, 33.1% “Renter Occupied”; 71.4% “Owner Occupied”, 28.6% “Renter Occupied”; 65.5% “Owner Occupied”, 33.5% “Renter Occupied”; 62% “Owner Occupied”, 38% “Renter Occupied”; 78.8% “Owner Occupied”, 21.2% “Renter Occupied”; 78.5% “Owner Occupied”, 21.5% “Renter Occupied”; 79.9% “Owner Occupied”, 20.1% “Renter Occupied”; 68.4% “Owner Occupied”, 31.6% “Renter Occupied”; 75% “Owner Occupied”, 25% “Renter Occupied”; 67.1% “Owner Occupied”, 32.9% “Renter Occupied”; 67.3% “Owner Occupied”, 32.7% “Renter Occupied”; 66.1% “Owner Occupied”, 33.9% “Renter Occupied”; 82.4% “Owner Occupied”, 17.6% “Renter Occupied”; 70.4% “Owner Occupied”, 29.6% “Renter Occupied”; 68.7% “Owner Occupied”, 31.3% “Renter Occupied”; 77.2% “Owner Occupied”, 22.8% “Renter Occupied”; Part of the reason for the higher rate of renter occupied units is that Collinsville has very affordable and older housing units, coupled with the housing market and the recent foreclosure crisis this has made the City very attractive for rental property investment. Factor in that most of the other communities (not all) employ some type of occupancy permitting system that requires the property attain a certain level of maintenance and code compliance before occupancy or tenancy change. This does add small costs to property ownership costs for landlords and not having a program coupled with the other factors makes Collinsville an easy market for rental property proliferation. Many factors influence the occupancy of residential units, but a high level of renter occupied units is an indicator of problems facing a community that will need to be addressed (reduced property values, increased code violations, less sense of community ownership, etc.). Stay tuned for more discussion on this topic. 1 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 POLICE DEPARTMENT: On Monday morning, June 20th, some present CPD Officers met with several retired CPD for the bimonthly retiree breakfast. Thanks to CPD’s FOP Lodge 103 for funding this month’s breakfast. On Tuesday, June 21st, Lt. Eric Herman gave a tour to the Collinsville HTA Martial Arts Academy class consisting of 20 students between 5 and 17 years old. On June 21stth, Officer Josh Fields volunteered at the St. John’s United Church of Christ’s Homework Help & Hoops program by assisting with a Physical Education class for the kids. On June 22nd, Major Wittenauer volunteered at the St. John’s United Church of Christ’s Homework Help & Hoops program by assisting with a Physical Education class for the kids. On Wednesday, June 22nd, Detective Keith Jackson was activated in his role as Traffic Crash Reconstructionist with the Metro East Crash Assistance Team. He assisted the Fairview Heights Police Department with the investigation of a serious crash involving a motorcycle and passenger car. On June 23rd, Administrative Assistant Teresa May volunteered at Homework Help & Hoops by helping children with their reading skills. During the past two weeks, Sgt. Mark Krug and Officer Paul Kilquist have taught portions of the statewide Basic Arson Investigator’s Course. From June 20th - June 24th, CPD sponsored a day camp called PACT (Police and Children Together). This camp (held annually), involving several area police departments, provides at-risk children between 9 and 13 years old an opportunity to become involved in positive summer activities and to promote a positive image of police, community and of themselves. Officer Mark Terveer did a fantastic job of coordinating events with the help of several other officers from the Metro-east. On June 29th, Chief Steve Evans volunteered at the St. John’s United Church of Christ’s Homework Help & Hoops program by assisting with a Physical Education class for the kids. Throughout the weekend (June 24th-26th) our investigators worked around the clock after receiving promising leads in the December, 2015 homicide which occurred at 600 Ostle. Their hard work resulted in the arrest of two individuals believed to be responsible for the horrific act. Both have now been charged with Murder. During the past 2 weeks, the following officers received training: Lt. Chuck Mackin and Detective Keith Jackson attended a two day course, 911 Homicide Call Statement Analysis. Officer Ben Koertge attended a two day course, Criminal Patrol: Conducting Complete Stops. Sgt. Eric Danford, Sgt. Ray Rowland, Officer Paul Kilquist, Officer Jay Edwards, and Officer Mike Bell all attended a one day course, Every Officer is a Leader. Officer Mike Bell attended a one day course, Isil/Islamic State: Global Threats. We’ve recently added two new part-time employees to the CPD family. They are dispatcher Sundi Davis and Civilian Police Aide Anthony Delaney. During the previous fourteen (14) day period, CPD was involved in 1241 incidents. This includes both calls for service and self-initiated activity (summary attached). 2 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 FIRE DEPARTMENT: The fire dept. responded to 98 EMS calls, and 42 fire calls during the weeks of Friday, June 17 through 1700 Thursday June 30. The break down based on time of day shows 33% of the emergency calls occurred between 2100-0600 with a higher percentage of call originating from station one vs. station two, 60% and 38% respectively. Additionally, of the total EMS calls 10% required the use of a third ambulance. Significant ambulance calls include but were not limited to: 3 cardiac arrest, and 2 overdoses which resulted in the death of the patient. Additionally, one other heroin overdose was successfully treated. Of the 42 fire calls, some of the significant calls include: 18 assists to EMS for serious medical patient care or patient movement, the other 24 calls included a fire in an electrical receptacle in a house, a standing 12 foot tree on fire within 8 feet of one house, and 10 feet from another, an air conditioner condenser unit outside of a house that had visible flame when crews arrived, 1 grass fire on interstate, 1 controlled burn and a large propane leak at Amerigas on Vandalia. The fire department also responded to 4 motor vehicle collisions as well, one of which was a new car that drove through the front of Kohl's causing substantial damage. No serious injuries resulted from the Kohl's incident. Lt. Arnold went to hazardous materials validation training at Madison County. FF's Lee and Bassett attended fire apparatus engineer certification class in Romeoville Illinois. Orientation continues with the 3 new firefighters. The new command vehicle is being evaluated for radio and warning light placement/ installation. New Cradle Points (routers for ambulances) to be installed July 5 and 6. All 3 ambulances passed their biannual safety inspection. Engine 1215 was found to have a broken fuel tank strap. It has been repaired and is back in service. Ladder 1234 aerial is out of service for 3 months until the swivel (base of ladder) can be replaced. 1234 is still available as an engine company. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: The 2015 Annual Statements and Interrogatories for the Police Pension Fund and the Fire Pension Fund were submitted to the Illinois Department of Insurance. This will generate the actuarially-determined tax levy for both funds, which will be included in the City’s 2016 property tax levy in December. Bond Continuing Disclosure was published with Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA). This document can be viewed online at Likewise, the Official Statements, Securities, and Trade Activity for all of the City’s bonded debt can be viewed online at submissionId=ER770934. The 2015 Annual Treasurer’s Report was published in the newspaper Wednesday, June 29th and uploaded to the City’s website at:'s%20Report.pdf. The 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) was received from the auditor. Hard copies were distributed as required to bond rating agencies, grant providers, banks, bond insurance, etc. The electronic version is available on the City’s website at http:// An application was submitted to Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) to evaluate the 2015 CAFR for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting . CITY CLERK’S OFFICE: Recorded annexation and plat with Madison County Maps and Plats 3 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Division. Certified and recorded various ordinances, resolutions, annexation agreements and final plat approvals with the Madison County Record’s office. Met with S.S. Peter and Paul picnic representative and Street Dept. Foreman regarding street closure issue. Updated all City agendas to include ADA accommodations request information. Met with representative of Gateway Convention Center regarding hall rental addendum and room set up for June 27 Council meeting. Processed ordinances and resolutions from June 13 Council meeting and emailed signed copies to appropriate staff members as reference. Prepared June 13 Council meeting minutes. Provided one-on-one training to Teresa May, Police Dept. Administrative Assistant, for drafting agenda items in the Legistar system. Prepared Council meeting agenda for 6/27/16 and submitted supporting documents in Legistar. Processed administration mail and pay request forms. Participated in various communications with Lowenbaum Law regarding FOIA. Attended special meeting of the Police Pension Board in order to review and approve Annual Statement and Interrogatories for filing with Illinois Department of Insurance. Prepared bid documents and notification for the Waste Water Dept. 2016 Ford Econoline Commercial Cutaway E-450 (cab and chassis for TV Inspection System), Project #EQP-601-16. Bid documents emailed to vendors. Attended the Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting for Code 3 Spices. Reviewed applications and resumes for Executive Assistant position. First and second publication of public hearing notice for proposed Southwest Corridors Business District completed. Met with inspectors from ATIS and Kone regarding annual chair lift and elevator inspections. Processed applications for Certificate of Operation with the State Fire Marshal. Prepared bid tabulations for EQP-598-16 Fire Dept. Ambulance, EQP-599-16 Waste Water Dept. Multi Conductor TV Inspection System and EQP-600-16 Fire Dept. Chassis and Remount. Assisted in the relocation of the Madison County Circuit Clerk’s office at City Hall and dismantling of the former office and court room. Prepared copies of all the approved TIF expenditure ordinances and applications of FY 2015 for annual TIF reports. Prepared proposed Southwest Corridors TIF and Business District ordinances for review by PGAV, City Manager and Corporate Counsel. Submitted approved ordinances to MuniCode for codification. Reviewed Prevailing Wage Act and discussed proposed new rates ordinance with Illinois Dept. of Labor. 4 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Prepared HPC public hearing notices (Collinsville Memorial Library landmark designation, Blum House landmark designation and Certificate of Appropriateness for City Hall steps/ landscaping). FOIA’s: 9 requests received 12 processed 9 outstanding/ongoing 1 Request for Review received/ processed CITY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATION: FOIA’s BY YEAR COMPARISON YEAR 2016 (Jan. 1 – June 30) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 TOTAL HOURS SPENT AVG. COST (2 HR./REQUEST) ($100/HR.) # 131 140 135 128 138 127 99 262 280 270 256 276 254 198 $26,200 $28,000 $27,000 $25,600 $27,600 $25,400 $19,800 The City is on pace for 262 FOIA requests for 2016. We are committed to open and transparent government and will adhere to Illinois State Statutes when honoring these requests. We are also committed to working on ways to make information more readily available & accessible to the public. The sheer volume of these requests will eventually result in the need to employ additional staff to solely administer FOIA requests. The average rate per hour was derived from the existing hourly total cost (salary & benefits) of the City Clerk ($43.40 ) and the average cost of legal review ($56.60) to aid in compliance. Provided an interview to the Illinois Business Journal regarding the proposed Southwest Corridors TIF/ BD. Attended the Fire Department Ambulance Committee meeting to review and discuss bids as well as the ambulance replacement and maintenance program. This is planned to be presented and discussed at the July 11th City Council Strategic Session. Met regarding departmental roles in the C3 Event (the repurposed, reformatted, and rebranded former First Day Event). This event is no longer a school supply giveaway but focuses students and their families on vocations and the community. Coordinated and attended the pre-collective bargaining session regarding the negotiations for the Local 148 & 148 B (City Hall) & Water Plant) contracts. Coordinated project management meeting with Public Works Director, City Engineer, and Chief Building Official to discuss various issues associated with development projects. Met with legal counsel at Lowenbaum Law to discuss various legal issues. Attended Southwest Corridors TIF/BD project meeting to discuss future steps. Submitted the required annual TIF report. Prepared items for the City Council agenda including the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market rezoning and Preliminary Plat, Collinsville MiniMart rezoning and development agreement, Colton’s Steakhouse rezoning, and Planning Commission enabling ordinance amendment. Met with the developer on Compton Commercial (new Jimmy John’s development) to discuss expansion of project. Tentative items for the July 11th City Council Strategic Session include the MiniMart redevelopment agreement and the Ambulance Committee’s presentation regarding the ambulance program and overview of bids received. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: Set up Madison County Circuit Clerk in Finance. 5 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Worked on implementing the PC replacement program. New auto-attendant recording for Police Department phone. Resolved issue with Crash Report software on Police laptops. Setup AutoCad software for City Engineer. Working with Dell to determine if a tablet solution will work for ambulances. Setting up new wireless access points for the ambulances. These are scheduled to be installed next week. Uptown WiFi equipment has been installed and should be fully functional in the next week. Working to install a camera outside of Community Development which will record the elevator entrance as well as the night drop box. Resolved Backup issues at both City Hall and Police department. Replaced one battery in City Hall server room. Another battery will need to be replaced soon . CABLE/VIDEO PRODUCTION COORDINATOR UPDATE: Ordered sample 2 way – radio phones(Verizon) for shuttle bus operations – these will either supplement or replace cb radio Filmed and editing video for C3 event coming in August. Editing recycling video Finished photos for Hometown Heroes Banners – they sold all 145! Working on ceremony in September. Updated website pages , finance, police/FOIA, FOIA requests, TIF, yard of the month Yard of the month photos Fire Department promotion ceremony – video taped – gave dvds to promoted individuals. Eastport photos Working on new photos/prints for city hall Collins house photos – new light fixtures HUMAN RESOURCES: Hired student employee, paid through the Madison County Government Employment and Training Department, Youth Enhancement Program, to assist in the Street Department. Continue to serve as the city liaison to the C3 event (formerly First Day), which is scheduled for Thursday, August 11 from 5 to 8 pm at the Gateway Center. Continue to participate in union negotiations with 520 and we are beginning negotiations with 148 and 148B. Hired part-time 911 Dispatchers and Kennel Assistant at the Police Department. Hired full-time Deputy Clerk at the Police Department. Fire Chief candidates are down to 4 from 6 and assessments are scheduled July 28. 6 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Reviewing applications for the Director of Community Development and Executive Assistant. Served as liaison to the Civil Service Commission and held 911 Oral Interviews. Participated in online training for IPBC’s new database called Business Solver which streamlines the benefit enrollment process. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Building Permit Information: PERMIT TYPE # OF PERMITS $ VALUE $ FEES Residential U 19 $96,809.72 $950.00 Residential E 4 $9,760.00 $110.00 Residential R 0 $0.00 $0.00 Residential M 1 $3,600.00 $32.40 Residential G 0 $0.00 $0.00 $110,169.72 $1,092.40 $625,000.00 $4,112.00 Residential Totals Commercial B 24 1 Commercial E 0 $0.00 $0.00 Commercial U 0 $0.00 $0.00 Commercial D 0 $0.00 $0.00 1 $625,000.00 $4,112.00 25 $735,169.72 $5,204.40 Commercial Totals Permit Totals Recent Sign Permits: Sloan’s Pub House Gateway RV Lennox MedExpress Lottie’s Café Home Federal Savings & Loan is beginning their remodel. Construction of Woodland Park Apartments has begun. Continuing to research Community Development software to present when a new Community Development Director is selected. Preparing ordinance to adopt current ICC Codes, Illinois State Plumbing Code, National Electrical Code, and Life Safety Codes at the recommendation of the Building Official and Fire Marshal . Code Enforcement: 45 Fence permit inspections – 3 were closed 30 grass mowing inspections 50 code violations written On 8/20/15 George cited 808 St. Louis Rd (across from Sav on Liquor) for an unfinished dormer and on 5/16/16 the contractor came and obtained a permit for $20,000 worth of siding and windows. So this 7 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 homeowner went above and beyond what was asked of them (see attached photos before and after). Looks really nice! Good job George on obtaining compliance above and beyond what the code required! City Attorney Marshall Hilmes and I are still trying to get work done at 1405 W. Main (Rick Atwood residence, also known as the two story garage on the hill). He came in right before court on Tuesday wanting permits to do work and I advised him that no permits would be issued until all of his issues were resolved and fines were paid. He has complied with most of what he was asked to do but these things were not completed until after his court dates, so in a nutshell he was fined $2,250.00 of which he has paid $300. Tuesday was his pay or appear date and he tried to lawyer up once again, but I reminded Marshall that this was his pay or appear date. We made him offers, tried to compromise and he wanted to roll the dice with the judge. The judge ordered him to pay the $2,250.00 by the end of August or he would be spending 22 days in the Madison County Jail. He has 30 days to appeal the order and since then a local attorney has made contact with Hilmes representing Atwood. Atwood was also advised that in order for permits to be issued for work he would need to make an appointment with the Building Official Dan Davis and give detailed information of his plans for the property. Wednesday I received these lovely flowers along with a nice note from a very appreciative citizen that had an ongoing issue with some neighbors that has been resolved for now. Chief Building Official Update: City Hall: Survey of Liebert Server Air-Conditioning systems with company representative. Jack Walker HVAC worked to restart Air-Conditioner after Thunderstorm caused a lockout. Used temporary air-conditioners and portable fans to cool courtroom for last day of Madison County Court. 265 St. Louis Rd Submitted FOI information to City Clerk as requested. Collinsville Community Collaboration – Plans to have activity for middle school and junior high students. Plan to have a giveaway available as part of a building technology display. Site Plan Reviews in Process: Lerch Retail Center Black Friday Liquidators Medical Office Building on Vandalia. Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market. Groundwork continues at: Madison County Housing Authority Replacement Building Site. SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church. Compton Development- Bluff St. (See Photos) Plan Review in process Medical Office Building 8 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Lerch Retail Center. Plans ready to send to B&F Plan review service Submittal and administrative requirements reviewed by staff. Development Meeting Scott Osborn, Osborn Homes, to discuss Sandridge Villas development issues and violations. Stormwater Floodplain Managers informational program attended on June 29, 2016. Improvements complete at California Timbers (see photos). 1700 Golfview Notice of constructing a room in a basement without permit Sleeping rooms in basements must have an egress window. Kohl’s Retail Store – Vehicle Impact with Store Front (see photos). City Vehicles- Logo and Dept. information added to four building and code Vehicles (See photos) Mall Street Trash enclosures requested of businesses along Mall St. Emergency Calls- Daniel Davis to be primary contact for afterhours calls. Mr. Bohnenstiehl will be secondary. Model Building Code Update: Following is the proposed approach and process to updating the City’s building codes: Update all building and fire codes to the 2012 Edition. Illinois Plumbing Code Illinois Energy Code B. Accept codes without amendments except: IRC302.2 Townhomes requiring a fire separation wall assembly. IRC 313.2 One and two family Automatic Fire Sprinklers. IBC 117 Maintenance of Construction Sites a. Dumpsters. b. Rocked Driveways. c. Sanitary Facilities d. Responsibility C. Remove Stormwater from Chapter 15 and insert it into a Public Works chapter “Storm Water Management” D. This building code update does not include a provision for occupancy inspections. General Community Development Updates: Bert’s Chuckwagon received Sign Package approval to install an LED sign as a part of the original 9 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 chuckwagon sign. The Commission wanted to retain the historic look of the sign while incorporating the new LED technology. The sign was installed the week before last. Mary Kruta is working with staff to expand the Kruta’s Bakery building, and has an option to purchase the parking lot at Bond and St. Louis Road (across the alley from Kruta’s—currently being used to park vehicles at Larry’s Automotive) for additional parking. Pat McDill is working on plans to purchase the dilapidated eyesore single family home next door to McDill’s Irish Pub in order to expand his parking lot. This home has been a major code enforcement problem for years; the owner has recently deceased and may eventually have to be taken over by the City and demolished if not purchased by Mr. McDill. The existing Wal-Mart is working on plans to add an online ordering pickup area. Staff has not seen preliminary plans yet; once we know the extent of the construction we will decide how to proceed with approvals. Laura Buick is planning another $2 million expansion of their showroom/office area and the service bays. Sales at Laura Buick are continuing to increase at a dramatic rate with 644 total cars being sold for the month of April 2016 alone. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Directors Office: Director attended American Water Works Association (AWWA) Conference in Chicago, Illinois Received notification from Madison County Highway Department of approximately $500,000 in funding for road projects Participated in conference call regarding Landfill permit reconciliation with consultants and IEPA Reviewed sewer camera bids; met with lower bid representatives Attended C3 Event coordination meeting with Public Works Department Attended update meeting on Biosolids Study with City staff and consultants with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. (CMT) Met with residents regarding the restriction of one-way alley use on Vandalia Director on vacation 6/29 thru 7/1 City Engineer's Office: Met with developer at California Timbers site to discuss construction activity and inspect the site Began Collins Park audit and project management actions. Current status to be determined and reported in mid-July. Worked on 2016 Mill and Overlay bid package Visited Woodlawn Apartment construction site about erosion control Reviewed plans for Cedarhurst Medical Office Building Looked at stormwater issue at 122 Kroener 10 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Attended online continuing education class Attended Wal-Mart Pre-Construction Meeting Attended Wastewater Plant Bio solids Update Meeting Attended Madison County Floodplain Workshop Worked on bid documents and plans for Street Resurfacing projects Inspected erosion control measures at multiple construction sites Worked with the engineer for Keebler Krossing to obtain proper documentation for potential environmental issues. Streets Department: Construction Crew put in 370 tons of Rip Rap on Sugar Loaf sewer line project. Construction Crew straightened and leveled out the dirt hill for more hauling. Construction Crew hauled dirt to the new water plant site. General work orders (37). Inspected (6) drainage and tree issues reported by residence. Performed maintenance on trucks and equipment. Emptied leachate tanks at old landfill as mandated by the IEPA& IPCB. Hot mix patches and road edges in preparation for oil and chipping. Cold mix pot holes and edges. Mowing Crew cutting right-of-ways. Mowing lawns on city owned and nuisance properties. Weed eating and edging sidewalks and curbs. Worked at City Hall on moving desk for court clerk. Set up and remove barricades for S.S. Peter and Paul picnic. Pick up limbs from the storm. Worked on new fuel pumps at the Street department getting them on line. Assisted tree contractor on the tree at Mary St. Started core outs on Greenwood. Dirt work on sidewalk repairs. Replaced 40’ of 10’’ cmp pipe on Winter at Greenwood. Hot mix dip and patch work on Bethel Rd. Hot mix 1003 N. Center St. and Windridge Ct. Inspected 2nd round of oil and chip list for core outs and curb replacement. Culvert Repair on 1003 N. Center St. Installed new delineators on island at Main St. and Combs. 11 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Painting center line and crosswalks. Water Plant: Ran the second half of the Bacterial samples completing all required June samples. We had one intern end his term on Friday and we have another intern starting his term Monday and will be here until July 22. Did the second quarter in house safety inspection. Shut down plant, drained the CO2 basin, hosed it out and got back online. The Treatment Plant produced an average of 2.66 MGD during this period. Water Lines Department: Service Technician had 15 broken arrangements and 51 disconnections for non-payment. Responded to 131 JULIE locates. 2 Meter Readers read District 8 with 1,474 meters and performed maintenance on district. 2 Meter Readers read District 1 with 1,317 meters and performed maintenance on district. Lines Crew repaired 5 water main breaks at 3119 Harvard Pl., 2123 N. Keebler Rd., 4 Bruce St., 804 St Joseph., and Summit Ave at W. Johnson St. 49 Tons of Hot Mix was installed on E. Main St, Garesche St., and Briarcliffe Dr. Retired 550’ of 10” CI water main on Concord St. going south to Cumberland St. for the new Woodland Park Apartments project. Retired 540’ of 6” CI and set a new hydrant for the Woodland Park Apartments project on Claremont Ct Had to issue 2 boil orders this week. One was for a water main break and the other was for a scheduled shut down of a water main. Pot holed 24” steel casing for Hurst-Roche for the new water plant design. One employee out sick all week. Wastewater Plant: Continued routine daily plant operation. Submitted our DNR Quality Assurance-36 laboratory proficiency testing program results. Plant maintenance chief performed regular, routine plant maintenance. Plant maintenance chief replaced 480v, 100a disconnect breaker on #2 filter feed pump. The problem was identified by Thermal Imaging Testing performed that shows potential problems in electrical motor controls. Maintenance chief also performed maintenance on primary, and secondary clarifiers, and also the excess flow clarifier. Operators continued to perform their regular duties in and around the plant. We had two operators on vacation this week, and their shifts were filled by relief operators from the line maintenance crew. A student of the Water Quality Control Operations Program at SIU-E began his 5 week internship at the 12 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 plant Plant maintenance chief performed regular, routine plant maintenance. Plant maintenance chief, batch operator, and line maintenance crew worked on cleaning #2 sludge storage tank. Operators continued to perform their regular duties in and around the plant. We had one operator on vacation this week, and their shift was filled by a relief operator from the line maintenance crew. The Street Department construction crew removed excess soil from west side of the wastewater plant and hauled it to the site of the future water plant. Sewer Lines Department: Performed bi-weekly inspections of all 13 lift stations / read and recorded hour readings. A lightning strike caused damage at the Golfview lift station. Many of the sensitive electrical components that control the wet well level in the station were damaged. Vandevanter Engineering installed the replacements parts on 6/30/2016 (90) JULIE locates completed. Cleaned the 1 million gallon storage tank (tank #2) at the Waste Water plant. A skid loader was used to remove the excess lime stabilized sludge. The sludge was loaded into a dump truck and hauled to the old lagoon at the plant and dumped. In order to help keep the smell (and complaints from passers-by) down the sludge was capped in lifts using lime. The sludge will be left in the lagoon for 3 to 4 weeks to dry out then will be land applied at the Waste Water plant. This process was approved by IEPA. 1 linesman off on workers comp. 2 linesmen filling in for plant operator vacations and also filling in the Thursday day shift. Assisted the Construction Crew with hauling dirt from the Waste Water plant to the new water plant site. Replaced a broken manhole lid on Wadsworth. Cleaned up/power washed all equipment involved with the storage tank clean up. Lines foreman attended bio-solids meeting at the Waste Water plant. 13 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 14 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 15 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 16 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 17 CITY UPDATE - JUNE 18TH - JULY 1ST 2016 Incident Analysis Report Summary By Incident Type Print Date/Time: Login ID: Incident Type: Call Source: 06/30/2016 14:04 srevans All All From Date: 06/16/2016 15:10 To Date: 06/30/2016 14:04 ORI Number: Officer ID: Location: Collinsville PD IL0600300 All All Incident Type Number of Incidents 911 Abandoned 42 911 Misuse 1 Abandoned Vehicle 1 Alarm 25 Animal Cases 29 Assault 2 Assist Other Fire/EMS 5 Assist Other Police 11 Bank Alarm 1 Barking Dog 3 Battery 1 Burglary 6 Burglary Motor Vehicle 7 Business Check Child Custody Dispute Child Other Offenses Involving Civil Case 206 6 2 11 Criminal Trespass 2 Damaged Property 9 Deceased Person 2 Deliver Message 1 Disorderly Conduct 29 Disturbance 10 Dog Bite 1 Domestic Battery 5 Domestic Disturbance 20 Drug Overdose 1 Fight 3 Fire Other 1 Fireworks 5 Found / Recovered Prop Fraud Home Invasion 6 13 1 Illegal Dumping 1 Information Only 37 Juvenile Problem 15 Lock Out 2 Loud Music 8 Page: 1 of 2 Incident Analysis Report Summary By Incident Type Print Date/Time: Login ID: Incident Type: Call Source: 06/30/2016 14:04 srevans All All Incident Type From Date: 06/16/2016 15:10 To Date: 06/30/2016 14:04 ORI Number: Officer ID: Location: Collinsville PD IL0600300 All All Number of Incidents Mental Subject / Transport 2 Missing Person 5 Motorist Assist 10 Neighborhood Dispute 2 New Call 6 Open Door / Unsecure Bldg 2 Order of Protection Violation 5 Ordinance Violations 6 Other Services 28 Patrol Request 22 Peace Officer Pedestrian Check 6 22 Road Party 1 Sex Offender Registration 5 Sex Offenses 2 Shots Fired 1 Solicitor 5 Subdivision Check Suicidal Subject 24 3 Suspicious Activity/Noise 40 Suspicious Vehicle 10 Tavern Check Theft 2 38 Theft of Motor Vehicle 3 Traffic Accident Personal Injury 4 Traffic Accident Prop Damage Traffic Stop 24 304 Unknown Problem/Injury 5 Unwanted Subject 5 Vacation Check 2 Vehicle Check Vehicle Reckless Driving Warrant Arrest / Transport Welfare Check Total: Page: 2 of 2 40 1 45 30 1241 COLLINSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Steve Evans, Chief of Police PRESS RELEASE Major Richard Wittenauer 200 West Clay Street Collinsville, Illinois 62234 618-344-2131, extension 5128 Update On Sunday June 26, 2016 the Madison County States Attorney’s Office issued 3 counts of First Degree Murder, a Class M Felony, and 1 Count of Armed Robbery a Class X Felony on: Jessie James Werley M/W age 34 Park Hills, MO On Monday June 27, 2016 the Madison County States Attorney’s Office issued 3 counts of First Degree Murder, a Class M Felony, and 1 count of Armed Robbery a Class X Felony on: Eva Deann Heisch F/W age 45 Farmington, MO Werley and Heisch are charged in connection with the murder of Daniel A. Taylor M/W DOB 10/08/1947 600 Ostle Dr. Lot # 7 Collinsville, IL 62234 The Major Case Squad of Greater St. Louis was activated on Wednesday 12/9/2015 to assist in the investigation of the murder of Daniel Taylor. By the time the Major Case squad was disbanded on December 13, 2015, Werley and Heisch had emerged as suspects in the case. Investigators from the Collinsville Police Department continued to investigate the case with the assistance of several other agencies and additional evidence was developed which led to these charges. Collinsville Police Department 200 West Clay Street Collinsville, Illinois 62234 618-344-2131, extension 5128 Page 1 The Collinsville Police Department would like to thank the Major Case Squad of Greater St. Louis, the Madison County States Attorney’s Office, the Park Hills Missouri Police Department, the Farmington Missouri Police Department and the St. Francois County Missouri Sheriff’s Department for their assistance in bringing this case to a successful conclusion. California Timbers Stormwater Improvements California Timbers Stormwater Improvements California Timbers Stormwater Improvements California Timbers Stormwater Improvements Junk Vehicles Cause Blight SAFETY BULLENTIN 2016 Swimming Pool Safety VIOLATION! VIOLATION! Pools must be fenced and properly connected to an approved GFCI Receptacle with an all‐weather cover.