gladstone gladiator news


gladstone gladiator news
Welcome to the November 2014 edition of our regular club Newsletter.
Well it's November already and we are well and truly into the summer swimming season. Liquid
Energy was a huge success and I would personally like to thank everybody for the help in making
our first home competition a success. Without assistance the carnival would not run.
We received some fantastic feedback from many of the clubs who attended. A special thank
you goes to Susan Brown who's assistance in organising the event is invaluable and to Jeanette
Wooding for organising and running the kitchen.
We now start preparations for Harbour City on the Australia Day Weekend and look forward to
having record numbers of swimmers competing from the Gladiators and competing clubs.
For those swimmers who have made state qualifying times, good luck at the state championships
in December. Congratulations to all swimmers selected in the CQ Relay teams.
Pride and Honour
John Tumbers
A number of changes have been put in place since our club restructure, which has ensured our
club is evolving in to a highly competitive structure. As our club is growing, we must continue
developing programmes for our swimmers that will ensure their progress.
Our new programme for swimmers (target squad) is one of the new programmes that will achieve
just that. All target squad swimmers will be exposed to the higher level of training required at
the next step up, and slowly adjust to the demands of swimming at a higher level. This will make
the transition between squads much easier. Our Target Squads will be starting next week. For
more information, check our website. I know that the swimmers selected for these target squads
will benefit from this experience and hope that they will enjoy it.
As The new ERA of Gladstone Swimming Club has begun. Our new structure is in place and most of
the swimmers are getting used to it. The structure is designed so all swimmers have the opportunity
to achieve their goals. The coaching staff and the club committee is committed to deliver the best
service to our members.
Our new timetable is also out and you can see it below.
The future will be filled with exciting ways to keep our swimmers interested in the sport and will
provide a number of activities that will help our swimmers to progress.
We are excited about the future and hope that everyone of you will enjoy the challenges.
Points to remember:
¥ Be on time
¥ Have your training equipment
¥ Challenge your self
¥ Communicate
Training equipment:
Susan Brown have agreed to stock some equipment at her store (Last Wave) Snorkels and paddles
can be purchased there.
Goal setting sessions.
As the season has moved in to winter faze we will start our Goal setting sessions. This may be
something new for our swimmers. However this is something that must be done in order to deliver
the best possible outcome.
The sessions will start soon. More details will be sent out to individual squads.
Communication - Keeping our members informed
Our website ( is the best place to find all club information.
We are updating our website on a regular basis so that the information contained on the website
is current and up to date.
Our Facebook - Gladstone Gladiators Swimming Club - Like us.
This is the fastest way to be informed. We are posting current information daily.
Our Notice Board - located at the pool main entrance. Please check this regularly for current
Liquid Energy Meet
The first meet hosted by our club has been held last weekend. The Liquid Energy Meet has been a
great success for our club. Gladstone Gladiators was represented by 58 swimmers. The team
performed exceptionally well and we witnessed some amazing races. As usual, I like to select a
`swimmer of the meet’. This time it was really easy. The `swimmer of the meet’ is TEAM
GLADIATORS. Well done team!!
From the Kitchen
I just wanted to thank each and every one of you who lent a hand in the kitchen and bbq for our recent
Liquid Energy Swimming Competition. We had a very productive day and our only issues were the
equipment and running short of different foods. I have learnt a thing or two to get us all set for Harbour
City in January… Look forward to the same crew coming on board for our next competition.. Thanks
once again.. And a very special thank you goes out to Nathan Tumbers for his continual help with the
delivering of water and food to all of our crew and the officials.. Thanks you’re a champ !!!.
Jeanette, Kitchen Conveyor..
QLD State Championships 13-19 December 2014
This meet is only for swimmers that swam QLF times. We have three more weeks to achieve the
times if you are planning to attend these championships.
Please contact me asap if you are planning to attend.
Master Pan Pacs Championships
One of our adult swimmers will be attending the Masters Pan Pacs championships at the Gold
Coast. We wish you all the best Richard.
Club Championships #2
Our second club championships will be held early next month. As you know to be eligible to
become club champion you must attend a minimum of 2 out of the 3 club championships. This
time the racing will be done in the 50m pool.
Please check our website for more information about club championships. Also keep your eye on
the flyer as more will be released soon.
How’s this for instantaneous feedback. We’ve just wished him luck, and now we offer our
congratulations to Richard Furnes, our Master swimmer who won gold in the 50m backstroke at
the Pan Pacific games. Well done!
CQ Regional Relay Teams Announced
The first draft of the CQ Regional Relay Team Lists for the Queensland State Championships in
December are available on the CQ Swimming website. Selected swimmers have till 12 November
to withdraw their nomination if needed. Swimmers who are accepting their position on the team
are requested to confirm their availability by emailing CQ Swimming by 12 November.
We’d also like to take the opportunity to thank our wonderful sponsors. Our club would
not be achieving the results it is without your support. THANK YOU!!
Our race nutrition education corner
Smart eating for swimmers on race day.
What do you pack to eat on race day? What’s your nutrition prescription?
Everybody has a different approach when it comes to eating on race day. Having a strategy and an
execution plan can remove doubt and worry about hunger, energy levels, digestive problems, and keep
you focused on the race at hand.
Here are a few guidelines for smart eating and packing up the cooler:
Don’t DQ your day. Breakfast at home or on the road is the metabolism boost every swimmer needs.
Instant oatmeal made with skim or low fat milk, toast with nut butter, dry cereal, yogurt and fruit are
all light options that rev up the body. If you are competing in the morning, be sure to keep it light. Opt
for a heavier breakfast if competition is in the afternoon.
Pack variety. A few options of fruit, vegetables, grain and high quality protein sources should cover the
variable appetite and tummy tolerance you may experience on race day. It’s better to have more food
options than a large quantity of only two or three foods. Don’t make the mistake of relying on a single
food or energy bars to get you through the day. While they can do the job of fuelling your body, they
may not rate in appetite satisfaction. Having a variety of food sources increases the odds of proper
fuelling and healthy eating.
Pack enough. You don’t want to run out of food, and you may want to share with other swimmers (wellfuelled swimmers help the whole team, right?).
Pay attention to temperature. If you are packing perishables, be sure to add an ice pack. It’s no fun to
get tummy cramps before a race because something has spoiled.
Pack in the protein. Protein will be an ally in keeping your blood sugar stable, thus keeping hunger,
energy and mood in check. Nibble on cheese sticks or slices, nuts, peanut or nut butters, deli meat
slices, yogurt or yogurt drinks, boxes of low fat milk, hummus, hard-boiled eggs or edamame.
Don’t forget the Carbohydrate. Your muscles rely on carbs for fuel. Pack easily digestible sources such
as 100% juice, fruit leather, applesauce, fresh or dried fruit, or veggie sticks.Don’t forget the more
complex carbohydrate foods too, such as crackers, unsweetened dry cereal, pita or other breads,
pretzels and graham crackers. Stay away from refined sugars such as soda, candy and desserts on race
Nosh or Nibble? Save “meals” or large quantities of food for big breaks between events. Nibble small
amounts of food before and after events that are closely scheduled. At a minimum, you should be
nibbling to stay energised and keep your muscles fuelled on race day.
Think your drink. Water, 100% fruit juice and sports drinks are appropriate at a swim meet. Plain and
flavoured milk are great recovery drink choices after the meet; they provide protein for muscle repair
and carbohydrate to re-fuel muscles.
Know your eating style on race day. If it is counter-productive to racing, follow these guidelines as a
strategy for optimal eating. Don’t tempt yourself by packing foods or making concession purchases that
you (really) don’t want to be eating.
Fibre Facts. Fibre can be a problem on race day, or not. Fibre is a food component to which each
swimmer has an individual tolerance. Don’t experiment with high fibre foods on race day; sort this out
during training season and avoid tummy trouble when it matters most.