Fairtrade Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths


Fairtrade Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths
Fairtrade Gold
for Goldsmiths
Registration scheme for small jewellers
For Gold and related Precious Metals
Issue 1 – 2014
and precious metals
2 Introduction
Lorem ipsum
The true value of gold
About these
Every day millions of workers enter mines in search of one of our most loved treasures
– gold. This highly sought after precious metal has long stood as a symbol of
innocence, purity and prosperity.
Welcome to the Fairtrade Gold Guidelines
for Goldsmiths; micro jewellers purchasing
Fairtrade certified Gold and Precious Metals
through a Fairtrade Licensee for Gold.
The precious purity of gold and what it signifies is in stark contrast to the harsh and
dangerous conditions artisanal and small scale miners endure every day. The true
value of gold is the chance to transform the livelihoods of communities that have been
negatively affected by the injustices currently at work in the supply chain for gold.
These Guidelines apply to goldsmiths and
to Fairtrade Licensees, who are licensed to
sell Goldsmiths Jewellery Products to small
jewellery businesses buying Fairtrade Gold
at volumes under 500 g gold or platinum or
2 kg of silver per annum. The Guidelines set
the parameters for small jewellers to express
support, off-pack, for Fairtrade artisanal
Fairtrade’s imperative has been to develop the opportunities available to artisanal
miners to the fullest potential. To fulfil that promise, Fairtrade has created more
opportunities for goldsmiths to buy Goldsmiths Jewellery Products; small quantities of
Fairtrade certified Gold and Silver from Fairtrade Licensees for Gold. More availability
means more sales of Fairtrade Gold for miners, helping to change lives.
The Guidelines have been developed in
order to protect the integrity and values
of the FAIRTRADE Gold Mark. Throughout
the Guidelines we refer primarily to the
FAIRTRADE Gold Mark to refer to Gold and
Precious Metals. These Guidelines focus on
jewellery products made with Fairtrade Gold
by small jewellers and give instructions for
promotion to consumers. The instructions
given in these Guidelines must be adhered to.
Fairtrade Gold epitomises an untainted,
hopeful and sustainable future
The FAIRTRADE Gold Mark has been developed to express Fairtrade’s longterm dedication to building up the market for participating miners. The innovative,
independent Mark testifies that Fairtrade Standards have been met, offering
consumers the choice to buy jewellery and express solidarity. The stylish
FAIRTRADE Gold Mark is a powerful expression of Fairtrade’s commitment
to driving ethical change and securing a future of hope for miners.
To be used in a lock-up,
see page 3
FAIRTRADE Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths © Fairtrade International 2014
Note: Small jewellers or goldsmiths
must register with the National Fairtrade
Organization (NFO) relevant to the local
market, or alternatively, with Fairtrade
Find out more
FAIRTRADE for Goldsmiths
3 Fairtrade Gold lock-up
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Gold, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Gold, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
and Statement lock-up
Colour version
and Statement lock-up
Black and white version
The following principles apply for off-pack
communication of Fairtrade Gold by small
jewellers allowing expression of support for
Fairtrade artisanal miners.
The National Fairtrade Organization (NFO)
will provide the registered jeweller with predesigned promotional materials using the
lock-up design of Gold Mark and Statement.
A registered jeweller must only communicate
using the Fairtrade Gold lock-up and the
pre-designed materials supplied as part
of the registration and follow up process.
No other communication is permitted. If in
doubt, check with the Licensee or the NFO.
No other use of the FAIRTRADE Gold Mark
or Fairtrade Statement is permitted.
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Platinum, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
FAIRTRADE Platinum Mark
and Statement lock-up
FAIRTRADE Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths © Fairtrade International 2014
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Silver, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
and Statement lock-up
size Guide
To ensure legibility, care must be taken
when producing the lock-up in small sizes.
As a guide, the Mark should be reproduced
in sizes between 19 mm and 11 mm wide
(width of the Mark, measured from black
edge to black edge) for printed materials and
web use, providing the type is still legible.
FAIRTRADE for Goldsmiths
4 Fairtrade Gold lock-up
Language versions
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Gold, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
UK and English speaking countries
English Mark and Statement lock-up
Fragen Sie nach unserem mit
Fairtrade-Gold hergestellten
Schmuck und leisten Sie einen
Beitrag für eine sichere Zukunft der
Minenarbeiter, ihrer Familien und
Gemeinschaften. www.fairgold.org
Germany and German speaking countries
German Mark and Statement lock-up
Chiedete gioielli realizzati con
Oro Fairtrade, contribuendo
così a un futuro sicuro per
i minatori, le loro famiglie e le
loro comunità. www.fairgold.org
Italian Mark and Statement lock-up
The Fairtrade Statement used in the lockup with the Gold Mark, is translated into a
number of languages, for example, German,
Italian and French.
Lock-up artwork files
The Fairtrade lock-ups for Gold and Precious
Metals are unique pieces of artwork. Only
the files provided by Fairtrade must be
used – they should not ever be changed or
recreated. The FAIRTRADE Gold Mark and
Statement must never be separated.
The lock-ups are available as Illustrator EPS
files in different colour versions: colour and
black and white.
Demandez nos bijoux réalisés
avec de l’Or Fairtrade et
contribuez à sécuriser l’avenir
des mineurs, leurs familles
et leurs communautés.
France, Belgium, Switzerland
French Max Havelaar Mark
and Statement lock-up
Fragen Sie nach unserem mit
Fairtrade-Gold hergestellten
Schmuck und leisten Sie einen
Beitrag für eine sichere Zukunft der
Minenarbeiter, ihrer Familien und
Gemeinschaften. www.fairgold.org
German Max Havelaar Mark
and Statement lock-up
FAIRTRADE Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths © Fairtrade International 2014
Chiedete gioielli realizzati con
Oro Fairtrade, contribuendo
così a un futuro sicuro per
i minatori, le loro famiglie e le
loro comunità. www.fairgold.org
Italian Max Havelaar Mark
and Statement lock-up
Ask the relevant NFO or Fairtrade
International for artwork advice.
These Guidelines for Goldsmiths are
available to support small jewellers’
promotional needs, if they are requested
from NFO or the Fairtrade Licensee for Gold.
FAIRTRADE for Goldsmiths
Promotional items
‘Placeholder’ visual examples only not finished designs.
The NFO will provide finished promotional materials free of charge.
quam et, in eum est
assequibus es.
The illustrations given here are not final
designs. They are design examples to give
an idea of what these might look like.
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Gold, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
The NFO will supply the registered jeweller
with pre-designed in-store promotional
materials, like tent cards, posters and
window stickers, which use the FAIRTRADE
Gold Mark and Fairtrade Statement lock-up.
These pre-designed materials are available
after registration from the NFO. Find out more
at www.fairgold.org/goldsmith-registration/
Fairtrade Gold purchased in 2014 – 2015
Design example: window sticker
Design example: tent card
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Gold, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
Design example: poster
The Fairtrade Gold lock-up and the example
promotional items here are for off-pack
communications only. The jewellery
packaging must not carry the FAIRTRADE
Gold Mark and the Fairtrade Stamp must not
be applied to finished jewellery products.
The Fairtrade lock-up must be used on the
consumer website. Files of the Gold Mark
lock-up will be supplied by the NFO.
Ask for our jewellery made
with Fairtrade Gold, building
a secure future for miners,
their families and communities.
Visit www.fairgold.org
Example photography
FAIRTRADE Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths © Fairtrade International 2014
The lock-up must be placed
on the jewellers’ website
Fairtrade images may be used on the
consumer website. Please contact
Fairtrade International for use of selected
photography. (See contact details on the
last page.) Any photography used must
acknowledge ownership copyright.
Note: Any other proposed use of the
Fairtrade lock-up must be authorised
by Fairtrade International or the NFO.
FAIRTRADE for Goldsmiths
6 Appendix – Glossary of terms
Fairtrade Certified Gold Mined by artisanal
and small-scale mining organizations
meeting the Fairtrade Gold Standards.
Fairtrade International International body
made up of 24 partner organizations
in producer and consumer countries.
Fairtrade International is responsible
for developing Fairtrade Standards and
managing producer services and relations.
FAIRTRADE Gold Mark A registered
trademark of Fairtrade International and
an independent product certification label,
appearing on products meeting Fairtrade
FAIRTRADE Gold Mark Lock-up
A designed and ready-made artwork
format supplied with the Contract with the
FAIRTRADE Gold Mark plus the Fairtrade
Statement side by side. The Gold Mark
Lock-up is available from the NFO, or on
ready-to-use promotional materials.
Fairtrade Marketing Organization (FMO)
Organizations that market and promote
Fairtrade in their country, similar to NFOs,
but Fairtrade International licenses the
FAIRTRADE Mark for use in these countries.
Fairtrade Minimum Price The Fairtrade
Minimum Price, for the pure gold content in
unrefined gold, is set at 95 % of the London
Bullion Market Association’s (LBMA) fixing at
the FOB export point.
License Contract The legal agreement
between a National Fairtrade Organization
and a Licensee, which includes setting out
the conditions for using the FAIRTRADE
Fairtrade Premium in addition to the
Minimum Price, miners receive a Fairtrade
Premium of 10 %, which assists in the social,
environmental and economic development
of their communities. Ecological gold
carries an additional Fairtrade Premium of
5 % of the applicable LBMA fixing on top
of the Fairtrade Premium to recognise the
additional costs involved in maintaining these
environmental controls.
Fairtrade Licensee for Gold A Fairtrade
Licensee for Gold sells Fairtrade certified
Goldsmiths Jewellery Products to small
Fairtrade Statement Ask for our jewellery
made with Fairtrade Gold, building a
secure future for miners, their families and
communities. Visit www.fairgold.org
A company that has signed a License
Contract (Contract) with a National Fairtrade
Organization or Fairtrade International
(in countries with no NFO) is therefore
licensed to apply the FAIRTRADE Mark
to products covered by the Contract.
FAIRTRADE Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths © Fairtrade International 2014
Miner Any person involved in artisanal and
small-scale mining.
National Fairtrade Organizations (NFO)
19 national organizations covering 24
countries that license use of the Mark in their
respective markets and are responsible for
promoting Fairtrade within their countries.
Precious Metal A rare, naturally occurring
metallic chemical element of high economic
value, which is not radioactive. The best
known precious metals are gold, silver and
Promotional Materials Ready-to-use,
in-store promotional materials supplied
by the NFO; tent cards, posters, window
stickers or the jewellers’ website promotion
which must use the FAIRTRADE Mark/
Fairtrade Statement lock-up.
Registered Jeweller Small jewellers who
are registered with Fairtrade but who are
not subject to an audit or required to pay
license fees. These jewellers operate under
the License Contract and terms. They must
not use the FAIRTRADE Gold Mark on
product packaging or the Fairtrade Stamp
on jewellery products. (May use promotional
material with lock-up as above.)
Small Jewellers or Goldsmiths
Jewellery graduates or micro jewellers using
less than 500 grams of Fairtrade certified
Gold or 2 kg of certified Silver who are
registered with Fairtrade, but who are too
small to be Fairtrade Licensees.
FAIRTRADE for Goldsmiths
National Fairtrade
The National Fairtrade Organization’s
contact details can be found at:
The FAIRTRADE Mark is the intellectual
property of Fairtrade International and is
internationally registered as a trademark.
Cover image: April Doubleday
Page 5: Greg Valerio, Eduardo Martino,
CRED Jewellery
Britta Frühling
Copyright © Fairtrade International 2014.
All rights reserved.
FAIRTRADE Gold Guidelines for Goldsmiths © Fairtrade International 2014
Fairtrade International
Bonner Talweg 177
53129 Bonn
Tel +49 (0) 228 949 23 0
Fax +49 (0) 228 242 1713
For more information about
Fairtrade Gold and Precious Metals,
or if you have any questions please contact
the relevant National Fairtrade Organization
or gold@fairtrade.net