HeadMouse - Techcess


HeadMouse - Techcess
EyEgaZE & oTHEr
accESS producTS
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• Ademonstrationvisitisfreeofcharge.
To order call us on
01476 512881 email sales@techcess.co.uk or visit www.techcess.co.uk
Control your Tellus Communication Aid or PC by eye gaze!
The EyeTech TM4 eye tracker is a tool that allows control of
a Windows based PC via mouse emulation by eye movement
alone. This may be suitable for individuals with poor motor
control & are therefore very slow switch users or for individuals
who are locked in but, have eye control. The TM4 is now
powered by USB with lower power consumption than the TM3.
• Inordertoassistinyourdecision
• Ademonstrationvisitisfreeofcharge.
To arrangE a
dEMonSTraTion or a
frEE loan conTacT:
Martin Green
• 01476512881
• martin@techcess.co.uk
The EyeTech TM4 can be paired with the Tellus 4 communication aid using our specially
designed mounting plate giving an EyeTech accessible communication system that can
be mounted either on a Daessy deskmount or Daessy wheelchair mount. The EyeTech
TM4 may be easily detached from the Tellus to aid control of another PC.
Calibration of the EyeTech system is achieved by following some simple on screen
prompts. To achieve best results the EyeTech TM4’s camera tracks both eyes. It is
possible for the EyeTech TM4 to track one eye only where the eyes differ in shape or
focus. There is a floating menu offering left click, right click, double click etc. Dwell
selection may also be used. Once an individual has been calibrated to use the EyeTech
system, their results may be saved & next time the Tellus-EyeTech combination
switches on, the user is ready to communicate. If a user finds that the calibration is
drifting, they may re-calibrate at any time using the quick calibrate option available
from the floating menu. Use of the special zoom feature allows a user to magnify small
targets in a Windows screen, magnification automatically switches off when a selection
has been made.
To order call us on
01476 512881 email sales@techcess.co.uk or visit www.techcess.co.uk
Mobi 2 & Tobii Eye-tracker
MOBi specifications:
The perfect portable eye gaze solution. Combining the Tobii
Eye-tracker unit with the Mobi 2 makes for a discrete, portable
and wheelchair mountable eye gaze solution. The Eye-tracker
is powered directly from the Mobi 2.
Fast and simple, one-time calibration
• Windows 7 Pro
• 80Gb solid state hard disk
• 12” XGA (1024 x 768 pixels)
• Wide-view, high-bright LED display
• Enhanced outdoor view
Calibration of the Tobii Eye-tracker eye control unit, typically takes between 5-20
seconds to complete and automatically provides visual feedback on the quality
of calibration. Furthermore, calibration is one-time, meaning you can turn off your
computer or leave the eye control tracking unit without loosing your personal settings.
• Passively cooled (no noisy fans)
Bright & Dark Pupil tracking
• WiFi (Wlan module)
Advanced eye tracking technology ensures that over 95% of users will be able to eye
control regardless of your eye color, lighting conditions, head movements, glasses or
contact lenses.
• IR remote control (GEWA Linked)
• 2 programmable buttons
Optional Extras
• Integrated GSM mobile phone
• Integrated web cam for use as camera
A large track box
With one of the largest track boxes on the market, Tobii Eye-tracker eye control unit
supports a wide range of movement, including involuntary head movement without
loosing accuracy, or interrupting the eye control (tracking) session.
Mobi 2 colour options - base & lid combinations
Tobii Eye-tracker
• Working distance 50 - 80 cm
To order call us on
01476 512881 email sales@techcess.co.uk or visit www.techcess.co.uk
HeadMouse™ Extreme
HeadMouse Extreme replaces a standard computer mouse for
people who cannot use their hands. It operates from the top of
a computer monitor, laptop or AAC Device and measures the
user’s head movements.
• Pocket Size: 3.7² x 2.2² x 0.5²
(9.5 x 5.5 x 1.3cm)
• Very light weight: 3.5 oz (100g)
• Bus powered: No power cable needed
• Operating wave band: Near infrared
• Standard Target: Paper Thin, 0.25 inch
Diameter, with Adhesive Backing
The wireless sensing technology employs near-infrared light to track a small disposable
target that is placed on the user’s forehead or glasses.
• Wired Switch Interface: 1/8” (3.5 mm)
Microphone Jacks
HeadMouse Extreme provides a wide field of view and superior precision, supporting
even graphics-intensive applications like drawing and computer-aided design.
When this capability is combined with an on-screen keyboard, such as SofType, the
HeadMouse can completely replace the functions of a conventional keyboard providing
head-controlled access to a range of computer applications including internet access.
• No software required, uses standard
USB Mouse Interface
HeadMouse Extreme bundle includes:
HeadMouse Extreme package as above plus SofType including Dragger
HeadMouse Extreme
Package is supplied with:
• HeadMouse Extreme
• Notebook mounting bracket
• Dual-lock mounting kit (used to attach
HeadMouse Extreme to a monitor)
• Right-angle 6’ and straight 3’ USB cables
• 50 target dots
Turn over for details
of softype & dragger...
To order call us on
• 2-year limited warranty
01476 512881 email sales@techcess.co.uk or visit www.techcess.co.uk
Features include:
SofType is a software utility, which replaces the functionality of a
standard keyboard with a full featured on-screen keyboard. SofType
can be accessed using a mouse emulator such as the HeadMouse®.
• Predictive Word Completion
SofType is compatible with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. SofType
works by generating an image of a keyboard on the screen. When a key
is selected, the character represented by that key is sent to the active
Windows application.
• Variety of Keyboard Layouts
• Macro capability
• Abbreviation Expansion
• Auto-click (dwell selector)
• Dragger (on-screen mouse function selector)
Features include:
Dragger™ is a utility for manipulating the left and right mouse buttons
of a standard mouse or mouse emulator like the HeadMouse®. Four
sizes are available for the toolbar and they are selected using the
• Single click control of most mouse functions
configuration menu.
Dragger for kids
Dragger for Kids is just Dragger using the simplified toolbar. This
reduced functionality toolbar is designed for young children or people
with limited cognitive ability.
• Can be performed in any windows environment
• Time selection/activation adjustment
• Jitter Box adjustment to compensate for user instability
• Auto-click (dwell selector)
• HotZones™ allow Dragger™ buttons to be hidden
by full windows applications (eg. games).
The configuration menu is still accessible by clicking the Dragger icon
in the Windows System Tray. The Dragger for Kids toolbar and buttons
can be displayed in four different sizes just like the regular Dragger toolbar.
To order call us on
01476 512881 email sales@techcess.co.uk or visit www.techcess.co.uk