1. Fundraising Support Pack
1. Fundraising Support Pack
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Fundraising Support Pack THANK YOU FOR JOINING OUR TEAM We would like to say a huge thank you for your support of The UK Sepsis Trust. Your fundraising not only raises vital money to carry out our ground- breaking work; it is helping us in our mission to save lives and support those affected by Sepsis. We will help change the way the NHS deals with sepsis; we will educate both health professionals and the general public; as well as supporting those who are affected by sepsis. WE CAN ONLY DO THAT WITH YOUR HELP! THE WORK WE DO SAVES LIVES; YOUR FUNDRAISING WILL HELP US SAVE EVEN MORE! Sepsis, or blood poisoning, is a potentially fatal disease that can be triggered by something as simple as a cut, insect bite, or infection. Every year in the UK there are 150,000 cases, resulting in a staggering 44,000 deaths – more than bowel, breast and colon cancer combined. Sepsis is the biggest direct cause of death in pregnancy, and a patient with sepsis is five times more likely to die than someone who has just had a heart attack. 106,000 PEOPLE WHO SURVIVE SEPSIS SUFFER WITH AVOIDABLE LONG-TERM PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS Early detection and treatment of sepsis greatly increases the chance of a patient surviving and reduces the potentially devastating long-term effects – many of the 106,000 people who survive suffer avoidable long-term physical and psychological needs. But despite these statistics, awareness of sepsis amongst healthcare professionals and the public remains alarmingly low. The financial implication of sepsis is also significant, costing the NHS £3 billion per annum. LIFE SAVING FACT The charity doesn’t receive any regular public money so it’s vital that we continue to work together to raise funds and awareness. Every single day we read messages via e-mail and social media, and talk to people on the phone or in person. Every day there is a truly heartbreaking story of how a family’s life has been torn apart by this terrible condition. What makes it so much worse is that sepsis is a condition, which if caught early, is treatable in lots of cases. WE ESTIMATE THAT EVERY £90 WE RAISE SAVES ONE LIFE. WE BELIEVE THIS MAKES THE CASE COMPELLING ILLUSTRATING THE HUGE DIFFERENCE MONEY CAN MAKE! To put it bluntly, without significant funding, we can’t continue. Many of our staff are health care professionals, sepsis survivors or bereaved, and aren't 'used' to asking for money – it really doesn't come naturally as we do what we do, because we want to save lives and help people. But needs must which is why we are appealing for your help on the fundraising side. With the necessary financial resources in place, we will be able to continue our vital and effective drive to stamp out this silent killer. We will be so grateful if you could help in any way, and as soon as you can! WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE Sepsis – a life-threatening illness triggered when an infection causes the body’s immune system to go into overdrive damaging its own organs – it affects 150,000 people every year in the U.K. FACT Each year, 44,000 people die – more lives than are claimed by bowel cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer combined - with over 1,000 of those deaths in children. The Trust works to save lives by designing clinical tools, such as the Sepsis 6 treatment pathway in use in 12 countries worldwide, by educating health professionals and by raising awareness among members of the public so that they access healthcare quickly. In the last 5 years since the Trust started campaigning, survival rates in the UK have improved with an estimated 9,000 more people surviving each year now but still more can be done. Major changes have been seen in the way the NHS and UK government deal with sepsis as a direct result of tireless campaigning. FACT FACT AWARENESS IS THE NUMBER AWARENESS IS THE NUMBER ONE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST ONE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST SEPSIS. SEPSIS. Raising Raising recognition recognition of of the the disease disease and increasing the number of and increasing the number of patients patients treated in the ‘Golden Hour’ treated in the ‘Golden Hour’ is is the the single biggest attempt we can make single biggest attempt we can make to to save lives. save lives. With With public public education, education, better better knowledge and awareness knowledge and awareness among among doctors, nurses and paramedics, doctors, nurses and paramedics, and and by redesigning the way patients with sepsis are treated,, we can save 13,500 more lives per year in the UK and shave £314 million from the NHS budget. IN THE LAST SUPPORT YEAR WE HAVE The UK Sepsis Trust also provides MADE 2 MILLION much needed support to people affected by the condition, including MORE PEOPLE AWARE families who have been bereaved and those who survive, who can be left with OF THE TERM after-effects and wondering ‘why me?'. Support groups are now established in three SEPSIS. cities in the in UK. We have also introduced a vital InTouch service people can speak directly to a person who has has had a similar experience. WHAT WE DO WITH YOUR MONEY? FOR EVERY £100 DONATED, WE CAN EDUCATE 50 MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC SO THEY KNOW WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR FOR £200, WE CAN PUT ON A REGIONAL SUPPORT GROUP EVENT TO HELP THOSE AFFECTED BY THE CONDITION FOR EVERY £1000 DONATED, WE CAN PROVIDE A HOSPITAL WITH A PACK OF EDUCATION AND AWARENESS RESOURCES AND GIVE THEM AN INITIAL TRAINING SESSION IN EVERY £ • 28p is spent on raising public awareness • 23p is spent on health professional education • 17p goes on political lobbying, driving national change • 15p goes to the development of our Support Networks including our InTouch service • 10p is required for our core operations and governance • 7p is re-invested in developing our fundraising strategy Every penny we receive helps save lives. Assuming UKST is responsible for 50% of lives being saved now compared to 2010, it costs the Trust £90 to save a life. WE NEED TO DO MORE! Watch out for our website for key projects we hope to achieve in the coming year... GETTING STARTED RIGHT AWAY This pack will help to make your Fundraising Event a success! Visit our website www.sepsistrust.org for other ideas and planned organised events. These will be constantly updated to, hopefully, keep you, your family, friends and colleagues motivated. WHETHER YOU’RE CLIMBING A MOUNTAIN OR SELLING CUPCAKES, EVERY PENNY YOU RAISE FOR THE UK SEPSIS TRUST IS VITAL! REMEMBER: FUNDRAISING FOR THE UK SEPSIS TRUST IS ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN, RAISING AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU CAN AND ENJOYING YOURSELVES EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! If there’s something you’d like to do which is new and innovative, why don’t you give us a call on 0800 389 6255 or email us on info@sepsistrust.org and we will work with you to help make your the success it deserves to be! The UK Sepsis Trust have various merchandise which we can supply; do contact us and discuss what we've got on offer to support you. THANKS TO ALL YOUR GREAT FUNDRAISING WE REALLY CAN IS THE NUMBER HELP MORE PEOPLEAWARENESS AFFECTED BY SEPSIS! Raising recognition of the disease ‘I had sepsis in October. Was in intensive and increasing the number of patients care. Stayed in hospital for five days thentreated in the ‘Golden Hour’ is the had home care for a week. I’m still single biggest attempt we can make to recovering and I’m so happy to be alive butsave lives. it is hard and there seems to be very little help or support. The UK Sepsis Trust was kind and helpful. My nightmares are quite bad and I’m still constantly ill. Recovery can take a while, and I’ve read 6 months to 2 years which seems like forever. I wish more people knew about sepsis and there was more, help and support’. more lives per year in the UK and shave £170 million from the NHS budget. ‘We'll always be grateful to you for saving our baby’. ‘YOUR COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION TO IMPROVING OUTCOMES FOR SUFFERERS OF SEPSIS IS REMARKABLE. I AM SURE MANY LIVES HAVE BEEN SAVED DUE TO YOUR HARD WORK’ The UK Sepsis Trust also provides much needed support to people affected by the condition, including families who have been bereaved and those who survive, ‘So livesleft saved of your hard work and whomany can be withbecause after-effects dedication, I am‘why oneme?’. of the lucky ones. Thank you’ and wondering This group is now established in three cities in the UK. ‘WE'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO THANK As well as a vital ‘in-touch’ service whereby YOU ENOUGH FOR ALL OF YOUR people can speak directly with a person who HELP AND SUPPORT’ has experienced similar situations to themselves. FACT WHAT’S IT LIKE TO AWARENESS IS THE NUMBER VOLUNTEER FOR ONE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE UKST? SEPSIS. My name is Anna and I’m 25 years old. I Raising have recognition of the disease and increasing the number of patients a 3 year old son called Harry. Last year I went treated through the ordeal of having sepsis at the age in the ‘Golden Hour’ is the single of just 23. This event in my life will stay with me biggest attempt we can make to save lives. forever... I spent 4 days in ICU, but it felt like a lifetime. With public education, better Please read my story on sepsistrust.org. Awareness needs to be raised about this awful disease, which takes so many lives and could have mine. Since Awareness needs totaken be raised of this awful disease, which takes so many lives and recovery I have volunteered many I have volunteered in many areas of the could have taken mine. Sinceinrecovery areas of work; the Trust's work, including Trusts including speaking at Parliament; supporting the inaugural ball, speaking at Parliament, raising awareness at Thesupporting iconic Glastonbury festival; holding coffee mornings at themy inaugural raising awareness to help make people aware of this dreadful work andball, speaking at conferences at the iconic festival, illness. The Glastonbury Trust are fantastic to work with and very supportive. There is no presholding mornings atinvolved my offices sure tocoffee do anything or get in speaking at large events. Its great fun and I andknow speaking conferences to help that itsatworthwhile making people aware of Sepsis. make peopleyou aware of this dreadful Whatever can offer; however small come and join our wonderful team! illness. The Trust are fantastic to work with and very supportive. There's no pressure to do anything or get involved in speaking at large events. It's great fun and I know that it's so worthwhile making people aware of sepsis. WHATEVER YOU CAN OFFER, HOWEVER SMALL, COME AND JOIN OUR WONDERFUL TEAM YOU'RE MUCH NEEDED! Sign up to our volunteer application form available on our website: www.sepsistrust.org FUNDRAISING FOR US IDEAS I Fundraising ideas throughout the year! The world is your oyster when it comes to choosing your fundraising event, be as creative as you'd like to be, remember we're here to support you as much or as little as you wish. We've suggested some ideas below in case that's helpful but please feel free to come up with your own! CALENDAR OF FUNDRAISING EVENTS JJAANNU RYY AR UA • 19 January - National Popcorn Day Host a screening of a classic film, ask people to attend and charge a small fee. Lawrence of Arabia, Wizard of Oz – make it a feel good event and serve cinema classics –choc ices & popcorn, who could resist? • 25 January - Burns Night Not finished the seasonal partying, revellers? Don’t forget the tins, shortcake and one for donations. We can supply the downloads with the very special and memorable Toast to the Haggis. http://www.robertburns.org.uk/Assets/Poems_Songs/ toahaggis.htm ANUARY MARCH • 1st March National Peanut Butter Day KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR DOWNLOADABLE PACKS ON OUR WEBSITE! FEBRUARY • Valentines' Day Download our origami flowers and make someone that special memento – donate what you have saved to be a real Valentine. • Pancake Day Invite friends and family over for pancakes and ask them for a donation. • Chinese New Year Host a Chinese meal complete with fireworks and make it a night to remember it’s the year of the Monkey – so make sure you do - monkey around that is and make money for UKST at the same time. APRIL • Get sporty • Mothers' Day Do something special for your mum – our wonderful new gift shop can complement a celebration of life. Arrange a football / basketball / rounders / cricket game and charge everyone to play – either work colleagues or friends. Turn it into a work social event. • National Coffee Morning • April Fools' Day Invite all your friends and family along for a natter over coffee, tea and cakes, whilst raising awareness for us, we will provide you with leaflets and balloons to make it a fun event. Ask your friends and family for a donation. • 20 March – International Happiness Day Make someone smile • Easter Egg Hunt Host a hunt in your garden, in a park, anywhere really, invite your friends and their children to find the hidden eggs or treats. Request a donation to take part. • Cheltenham Gold Cup Host a racing event – dress up at work, hold a sweepstake. The 2016 Cheltenham Festival will run from 15th to 18th March with the Cheltenham Gold Cup taking place on Friday 18th March. Everyone who breaks the after 12 rule donates a £1. • 13th April National Scrabble Day. • Grand National Host a racing event – dress up at work, hold a sweepstake. • St Georges' Day Host a tea party in your place of work or home – Great British Tea Party. JUNE MAY • May Day Watch out for our fresh and unique planting idea to celebrate life. • Fathers' Day Celebrate the day in style – our wonderful new gift shop can complement celebration of life. • Hanging Basket Competition Are you a keen gardener? Why not hold a local hanging basket competition. • Royal Ascot Host a racing event – dress up at work – ladies' day, hold a sweepstake. • Wimbledon Have a garden party (weather permitting), lwith lots of delicious strawberries and cream on offer! JULY • Hold a house / garden beach party everyone in fancy dress. SEPTEMBER • Kiss Goodbye to Sepsis – watch this space! The campaign will take on a different perspective this year – your help will be immensely appreciated. • Get sporty junior Arrange a sponsored walk, bike ride for your little ones and their friends. • Cycle for Sepsis Watch this space! Cycle for Sepsis is our annual iconic event. This year it will be different! Get training as you won't want to miss this one! NOVEMBER • Bonfire night Bake a potato evening for all the family be creative and seasonal with your fillings and tweet us the best! • Curry and a Quiz night – Host it at home or chose a local venue – we can provide you with the questions. • Euro 2016 Invite your friends over to watch the match. STST GU UU AUAG • Host a Summer garden party or BBQ. OCTOBER • Remembrance and celebration planting! • Halloween Host a Halloween party, play games – ask people to donate on the night, have competitions for best fancy dress costume. . DECEMBER • Mulled wine and Mince pie evening A great chance to get together with all of your friends and family before the festivities descend. There are many more opportunities and ideas to raise funds and awareness. Why don’t you contact us and let us know about yours! info@sepsistrust.org FUNDRAISING IDEAS We want you to choose something you love! BCD FGH IJ K L M NO T R S Q V W U X YZ Abseil Aerobics Auction nditio kking e p x e E ur tr see o Boxing Bag Packing Bake Off Bungie Jump Games Evening Give up A... Go Karting Golf E Fashion Show Fun Run 5k Face Painting Film Evening Friends FUN Dress Up Orange Day Diwali Evening Dance Event Do a Dare Cycle Cook-a-thon Chocolate Sale Chinese New Year Half Marathon Head Shave Hiking £ Juicing Day Juggling Competition Knit-a-thon Local Race (Parkathon) Ice Bucket Challenge Night Run Marathon Mud Assault Course Read-a-thon Run a Marathon (See our thrill seekers page) ta Qui it Hab Be a Super Hero... Underwear over your clothes Give up meat for a week or become a vegetarian Xplain to a wide audience why we need to spread the word about sepsis! P Onesie Day Pledge Pyjama Day Pamper Party Picnic St Patrick’s Day Swim-a-thon Sleep Out Skydive Walk-a-thon World Record Attempt Be the first to participate in an event beginning with ‘Y’ or ‘Z’. Triathalon Three Peaks Challenge WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE PLANNING YOUR EVENT – Whatever the event – the key to making it a success is planning! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Choose an idea that will appeal to your supporters – keep it simple! Find the ideal event space. Think carefully about the sort of space you’ll need. Indoor or outdoor? Big or small? What facilities do you need? And don’t forget to tell the venue it’s for charity – we'd hope you'd be able to negotiate a special rate or even a free space! Make sure you've given yourself plenty of time to get everything sorted, before fixing the date and for people to get it in their diaries. Pick a day that’s easy for people, like the weekend – or a Friday, if you’re doing something at work. Make a budget – work out a simple and realistic budget at the start of your planning, and as it’s a charity event, please do try to keep costs to a minimum. Prepare a detailed list of expenses including printing, promotion, venue, prizes, refreshments and equipment. Local businesses are usually very helpful and will often provide sponsorship or donate prizes. THE MORE PEOPLE WHO Recruit your friends and family to help, remember KNOW ABOUT WHAT you cannot do everything yourself. Anyway, it's more fun to work in a team! YOU ARE DOING, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL RAISE – Set your target and share it! ONCE YOU’VE SET YOUR FUNDRAISING GOAL, TELL EVERYONE! PEOPLE LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT A CHALLENGE AND ARE INSPIRED BY OTHER FUNDRAISERS LIKE YOU! SO SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! MAXIMISE YOUR FUNDRAISING 1 SETTING UP AN ONLINE SPONSORSHIP PAGE IT’S THE EASIEST WAY TO RAISE MONEY Make a page and share it online with your family and friends. Anyone can donate with a credit/debit card from anywhere in the world. Virgin Money Giving and Just Giving send your donations straight to us and reclaims gift aid automatically on our behalf. Create your page. Go to www.virginmoneygiving.co.uk or www.justgiving.com and follow the instructions. (Make sure that you select UK Sepsis Trust as your charity). Go to your account and personalise your page with a message, image and target. Try to update this regularly to let your sponsors know how you are doing. 2 RAISE MONEY BY TEXT USING JUSTTEXTGIVING It's so quick and simple for anyone with a phone to donate. There’s no additional charge on top of the amount your sponsors want to donate to The UK Sepsis Trust who then receives your donation, plus 25% Gift Aid if your sponsors add it. You’re bound to attract more donations using JustTextGiving. All you need to do is set up your unique text code. HOW TO SET UP A UNIQUE TEXT CODE You will need an active JustGiving online page before you can set up your unique text code. If you haven’t got a JustGiving page already you’ll find advice as mentioned in this section on how to do this. Once your page is set up, simply log in to your account at justgiving.com to get started. Once you’ve set up your unique text code, put it on all your fundraising materials such as flyers, t-shirts, posters and on your social media pages. Give it out to everyone you speak to! For more information and to download your free text giving support pack go to justgiving.com/justtextgiving. Keep people updated on your progress – remind them to donate if they haven’t already and to forward your page to their friends. £ G! N I L I M S KEEP ND U O P Y R EVE LPS E H E S I A YOU R FE! SAVE A LI 3 SPONSORSHIP FORMS A sponsorship form is attached to this pack with a gift aid declaration. 4 GIFT AID 5 DOUBLE UP You can increase your donation by 25%. Donating through Gift Aid means charities can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It won’t cost you any extra. Please make sure any UK taxpayers tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsorship form, and include their full name and home address including postcode. We need this information to be able to claim Gift Aid. Lots of companies run a Matched Giving scheme, which could double the amount you raise. Find out if yours is one of them – and if not, why not suggest they do? It’s tax-efficient too, which might help you to convince them! 6 W SEEING HO GRESSING O R P E R ’ U YO EOPLE P E R I P S N I HELPS ROUSLY. E N E G E V I TO G T TER I W T D N A FACEBOOK ITING V N I R O F L ARE IDEA ING AND UPDAT PEOPLE. GET EVENTNOTICED NOTICED. GET YOUR YOUR EVENT Contact and local newspapers or radio stations, start social networking – put your event on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You can make hundreds of people aware of your event at the click of a button. You can also use community notice boards and village hall notice boards as well as local shops. You could also write a blog about your progress. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, it's just another way of keeping your supporters involved and on board! SUPPORT FROM THE UK SEPSIS TRUST We can send you sponsorship forms, letter templates, declaration forms. You may need a letter of authorisation from UKST to provide proof that we are aware you are undertaking an event. gift aid Anything else you need please do ask. We can also supply you with leaflets, T-shirts, vests, badges, wrist bands, keyrings, posters, balloons and other relevant merchandise. For larger events we may be able to arrange for a representative from the UK Sepsis Trust to attend. Get personal advice phone 0800 389 6255 and ask to speak to one of our fund-raisers. Try and keep as close to our corporate branding as possible – if you need any help or advice with this please do ask. We will be able to provide template posters which are super for noticeboards; windows and local shops. Let us know how your fundraising is going so we can share your news and good ideas with other fundraisers. If you've a story to tell and you'd let us use it in the media to spread the word, please email info@sepsistrust.org. We would be really grateful to hear from you, whether it's about your fundraising activities or if you or your family have been affected by sepsis and would like to share your story. We hope this pack inspires and helps you to have a successful and fun experience. If you would prefer to talk to our team, you can always call 0800 389 6255. We are always happy to hear from you! ? QUESTIONS ABOUT SEPSIS? If you have any questions about sepsis or anyone asks you a question during an activity, then phone us on 0800 389 6255 from Monday to Friday between 9am to 5pm, or if out of hours leave a message on the UK Sepsis Trust Facebook site – if we can answer we will. ESSENTIAL INFORMATION There are a few laws that govern fundraising activity – if you have any questions, need any support or want to double check anything, please contact us. COLLECTIONS You may need a license for some collections; it is illegal to carry out house to house or public street collections with out a license from your local council. If the collection is on private property please get permission from the owner. CHILDREN Always make sure children (under 18) never fund-raise alone, always make sure they are accompanied by an adult. You are responsible for the child undertaking the fundraising. Ensure the activity is adequately supervised at all times. DATA PROTECTION Ensure any paper or electronic record you keep about people complies with the Data Protection Act – if you need any information please do ask. FIRST AID Check your event has adequate cover and whether there are any specific requirements. INSURANCE You may need to consider arranging public and product liability cover. Confirm what public liability insurance the venue has; please contact the charity – depending on the event you may well be covered under our own charity policy. LEGAL The UK Sepsis Trust cannot accept liability for any personal or pecuniary loss, damage or injury suffered by yourself or anyone else as a result of taking part in a fundraising event. Please ensure your event is lawful and abides by the laws of the country and the country code. Here’s a link to the Institute of fundraising which provides the expert information in relation to fundraising in this country. http://www.institute-of-fundraising LICENSE & PERMISSION Ensure you have obtained relevant permissions / licenses. Check with your Local Council to see if you need any special licenses, e.g. public entertainment, collections etc. You can always call us to check that you have what is required. RISK ASSESSMENT Ensure an adequate Risk Assessment is carried out – identify any hazards, and evaluate and minimise any potential risks. Please find attached a risk assessment form. PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED: • The fundraising planning calendar • Sponsorship form • Event risk assessment form • Money return form • Fundraising planner THANK YOU Your support is very much appreciated and without your help we would not be able to continue our fight against sepsis. Each year we rely on the generosity of the public to raise much needed funds to carry out our work. Whether you take inspiration from our tried-and-tested fundraising tips or let your imagination run wild, every penny raised counts, and will make a big difference to people. VERY IMPORTANT FACT Your much needed fundraising contributions will help The UK Sepsis Trust continue its vital work in the following key areas: • Providing support groups for those affected by sepsis • Raising public awareness • Educating healthcare professionals • Changing the NHS response to sepsis The UK Sepsis Trust Ltd (UKST). Registered charity number: 1158843 registered company Number: 8644039 Sepsis Enterprises Ltd; trading company of UKST. Company number: 9583335. VAT Registration number: 225570222
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