Golfing in the - West Coast Winds Demographics


Golfing in the - West Coast Winds Demographics
Keith Baldrey
on Politics
David Suzuki
on Environment
Golfing in the Winds
Quit your
Whining !
Cheers to Motherhood
Kristi Gordon
Senior Meteorologist, Global BC News
Harrison Hot Springs
in the Winds
Spring/Summer 2015
A believe it will catch up to skiing, and eventually surpass it for
ucating mountain bikers about the dangers
of the sport?
A. It probably isn’t that necessary. Most
Q. Why has the mountain bike and regular cycling sport gained people are already aware that there are dangers involved with mountain biking, as the
momentum over the past few years?
A. Cycling has been getting much more main stream. Road bik- dangers are quite obvious. They know, If
ing is already increasing at an exponential rate and will continue to you fall off your bike, it will hurt. It’s not like
do so, as more people realize how great an activity it is. It is an in- skiing where there are forces of nature that
credible, low impact sport that is fun and keeps you healthy.With you need to understand such as avalanches.
rides like the BC Lung Trek, the Ride to Conquer Cancer and the Gran The positives that come from mountain bikpotential dangers and
Fondo, road riding has really takenLuxury
off. Regarding
Hotelsing far outweigh
Canadaprevent serious
In Canada
ing, the growth has been slower, but In
improving every yearInwith
more and more bike parks opening up every summer.
# Robert Venables#is a successful downhill racer,
Q. Are all the new bike lanes in the city and the prospect of more and owner of Dunbar Cycles
bike lanes opening up in the city, creating more interest in cycling
A. All the new bike lanes get people thinking about cycling
for sure. But, I think more importantly, what the bike lanes do is
make drivers more aware that they are sharing the road with cyclists. With more awareness, comes safer routes, and that will get
a lot more people thinking about taking their bike to work instead
of the car.
numbers of participants.
Rob Venables
photo: George Porteous
Q. Is the North Shore and Squamish area becoming somewhat of
a mecca for mountain bikers? Why?
A. The North
for mounTheShore
in. Comeare
see why
tain biking! The
is talking about Victoria BC’s Oak Bay Beach Hotel.
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are world class and with Whistler mountain just an hours drive from
the North Shore, there is no place on earth with as much to offer
mountain bikers!
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Rob Venables, downhill racer and owner of Dunbar Cycles, isn’t eating anyones dust!
Grab your gear and make tracks to Vernon!
photo by Jason Martin
Check in, check it out, choose your days, make your mark, blaze a trail, get up
with the birds, sing a song, play along, mountains perfect for biking, hike to far
reaches, valleys made for cycling, make it yours!
It’s in the
6 Winds Warning
Global Warming Warning
by David Suzuki,
Environmental Analyst
photo: Garrett James
photo: Val Hazelman
7 Facing the Winds
Kristi Gordon Global BC Meteorologist
Weathers The Storm
5 Political Answers n the Winds
What Does Site C Dam Deal
Mean for BC Hydro and Union?
by Keith Baldrey,
Victoria Bureau Chief, Global BC
West Coast Winds Photography
BC’s News - Sports - Destinations Magazine
Kristi Gordon, Senior Meteorologist for Global BC News
survives the storm of controversy.
Golfing in the
12 Winds Swing
Changing The Rules
by Dick Zokol, PGA Champion
8 Business Feature
Women Climb Corporate Ladder
In Hotel Industry
12 Foot Golf Takes Off
13 Pros With Girl Power
9 Dining-Before/After The Game
14 Teeing Off in the Winds
Much More Than a Golf Pro
by Donald Miyazaki,
Exec. Director PGA of BC
Harrison Hot Springs
in the
15 Clubs In Upswing
18 Golf Stars Are Home Grown
19 Golfing Evolution Hits
24 Add Power To You Swing
25 Golfing Above It All
Pages 36 - 48
26 RV’ing & Golfing; a New Sport
27 Chipping and Putting
30 Different Strokes For Different Folks
Tips From The Pros:
Exec. Director PGA of BC
Kayakers on Harrison Lake with Harrison Hot Springs Resort in background.
Olympic View Golf Course
racing the front page of this issue
of the West Coast Winds is
the fun loving and elegant Kristi
Gordon, Senior Meteorologist
for Global BC News. In the
photograph she is laughing
off the venomous emails sent by people
who attacked her pregnancy wardrobe.
LaVerne Procyk,
The message to the people who sent them is
simply “quit your whining”, as Gordon toasts to
motherhood, with a large wine glass filled with milk. After she spoke up
about the malicious emails, her comments went viral around the world,
and she found herself in the eye of a raging storm of controversy. Gordon
handled the entire situation with grace, dignity and professionalism. In
‘Facing the Winds’, she shares her experience with us.
On politics, Keith Baldrey, Legislative Bureau Chief for Global BC, explains
what the deal between BC Hydro and the Building Trades Union is really
all about. On the environment front, David Suzuki, environmental analyst
discusses the increased dangers of global warming.
This issue’s ‘Golfing in the Winds’ section is packed with interesting stories
on the business of golf and informative articles
on how to improve your game. Dick Zokol, PGA
Champion, writes about why the rules of golf
must be changed, and Donald Miyazaki,
Executive Director of the Professional
Golfers Association of BC, writes about the
fact that PGA pros are much more than golf
instructors. You can also read about how golf courses
are getting back into an economic upswing, after
years of experiencing a soft golf market. We are
also profiling two of BC’s talented female golf
pros. Also, read about how RV’ing and golfing
are becoming a popular sport.
In this issue there is also a 13 page section
called ‘Harrison Hot Springs in the Winds’
in which you can read about how the low
Canadian dollar is boosting tourism in the
resort, plus many other interesting articles
on the popular destination town. So read
on, and ‘Get the Drift!’
Political Answers
in the Winds
Keith Baldrey
Storm Winds
John Winters
Winds Warning
David Suzuki
Winds Swing
Dick Zokol
Golf Answers
in the Winds
Doug Ferne
Teeing off
in the Winds
Donald Miyazaki
Wind’s Writers: Tyler Scott, Meriah Jones, Barney Owelle, Windell Montgomery, Marlow Jakins Winds Photographer: Val Hazelman, Contributing
photographers: Garrett James, Bob Huxtable, Bernard Brault / Front Page photo by Garrett James. West Coast Winds Magazine is published
four times annually by LP Communications. The Marine Building, 1000-355 Burrard St., Vancouver BC V6C 2G8 604.974 WIND (9462) Copyright
2015. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission from the publisher. THE VIEWS
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What’s The Site C Dam Deal?
in the
Keith Baldrey
A rendering of the Site C Dam which will start to be built in July.
C hydro and the Building Trades Council reached a deal on
how they are going to govern the labour on the Site C Dam project.
This is a pivotal development because it avoids what could have been
a messy court case and significant construction delays. Both sides
compromised, and now both union and non-union workers can
work on the site.
Q. Will there be a union wage structure for the workers?
A. No there won’t be, which is not what the Building Trades Union
were going for, so that’s what BC Hydro got. They also got a pledge
from the union not to raid or organize workers. In return, the
Building Trades Union did get from BC Hydro, that they will now
use a rated bid structure when they send out tenders for bids. So,
bids that come back with a mixed representation of a strong segment
of Building Trades Union workers will get favoured status, and have
a better chance at being the successful bidder. It will likely mean
that there will be a lot of jobs on this project for the Building Trades
Union, and a lot of jobs for non-union members. There will not be
any strikes or lock-outs for the life of the construction period, which
will be seven years. This is a major hurdle that has now been crossed.
According to the head of the Building Trades Union, the issues were
resolved partly because Premier Christy Clark put pressure on BC
Hydro to make some compromises. He gives her credit for that.
Q. Who came out ahead in this deal, BC Hydro or the Building
Trades Union?
A. I think they both did, equally. The Building Trades Union are
guaranteed a pretty large number of jobs for their members. And BC
Hydro was able to secure a no strike and and no lock-out guarantee.
Also, it will be open shop for both union and non-union people
working there at various wage levels. It’s a win, win situation for
both sides.
Q. How many jobs will be created?
A. It’s several thousands jobs in the construction phase, in terms of
clearing the land and surveying. Remember there will be all
the massive amounts of earth that have to be moved, and then the
construction of generation facilities and the actual Dam itself. So it’s
a lot of work for a lot of people.
Q. When is construction starting and finishing?
A. They are hoping to put shovels in the ground this July, but there is
some skepticism, because there are some court challenges. It’s likely
a six year construction period and a number of years in the budget,
which a few people believe is accurate. This is an 8.8 billion dollar
project, and many people think the cost will be a lot more than that.
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Global Warming Warning
all your eggs in one basket and fail to plan for such contingencies. With
a population and oil-and-gas production profile similar to Alberta,
Europe’s largest petroleum producer, Norway, is also feeling the
impacts. But much higher taxes on industry, majority state ownership
of the country’s largest oil-and-gas company and an approximately
$900 billion sovereign wealth fund built from oil revenues are
cushioning the fall.
David Suzuki
Some see low fuel
prices as good news,
has turned into a big
but there are many
$500 million deficit on
downsides. While
top of a $12 billion debt,
our driving becoming
with predicted revenue
less costly, more cars
losses of $11 billion or
and trucks could be
more over the next three
on the road, which
or four years if prices
is good for the auto
stay low or continue
industry but bad in
to drop as expected.
terms of pollution,
Alberta’s government
climate change and
is talking about service
traffic accidents. And
reductions, public-sector
because the price of
wage and job cuts and
oil is now lower than
even increased or new
the cost to extract
Lower oil prices create more pollution.
taxes on individuals. TD
oilsands bitumen, the
Bank says Canada as a
industry is starting to put the brakes on rapid expansion plans. That’s
whole can expect deficits over the next few years unless Ottawa takes
bad news for workers and businesses in Fort McMurray and those
money from its contingency fund.
heavily invested in the industry, but good news for the planet.
It’s absurd that a lower price on a single commodity could have such
By David Suzuki , Environmental Analyst
a profound economic impact, but that’s what happens when you put
ith oil prices plunging from more than
$100 a barrel last summer to below $50
now, the consequences of a petro-fuelled
economy are hitting home, especially in
Alberta, where experts forecast a recession.
The province’s projected budget surplus
Facing the
Gordon Weathers the Storm
risti Gordon, Senior Meteorologist for Global BC News, found flaunting your pregnancy, and yes we can see that you’re pregnant.”
herself in the eye of a storm of controversy, after she spoke up But I can’t just put away my belly. I got an email from someone
against people who sent her malicious emails about her pregnancy saying, “you should be doing the weather sitting down.” Well, guess
wardrobe. But through it all, Gordon weathered through the hurricane what, I can’t because my job doing the weather is to stand up. If these
of hate with grace, dignity and professionalism. In ‘Facing the Winds’ negative emails come from people who have gone through some bad
she discusses her experience with Publisher LaVerne Procyk.
circumstances, I feel for them, but if they are coming from people
Q Are you proud of yourself for speaking out against the poisonous who are being jerks, that’s what I don’t understand.
email attacks?
Q. Did getting the poisonous emails hurt you and affect your
A. Yes, I’m proud that I said something, but a lot of people would confidence?
have. I don’t think for a second I’m the only woman who has gone A. I’m a fairly confident person, you have to be in this business. But,
through something like this, but I did
when something like this happens,
think it was necessary to talk about
yes it takes a little away from you and
it. I’m surprised it went viral but am
it hurts.
glad it did, because I think it turned
Q. How did your husband react to the
into a positive thing in the long
storm of media attention?
run. There was a voice for pregnant
A. He was quite protective and not
women that went around the world.
wanting me to be a target.
Q. So, you were not just standing
Q. This controversy was ignited by
up for yourself, you were speaking
the attack emails criticizing your
out for all pregnant women who are
pregnancy wardrobe. Do you think
discriminated against?
there a double standard regarding
A. Yes, I guess so. I have received a
how women dress as opposed to men?
lot of emails and tweets from many
A. Absolutely, women are scrutinized
pregnant women who were bugged at
about their looks much more than
work, or had careers and were viewed
men. But, it’s not just coming from
as not being capable anymore.
men, it’s also coming from women
Some women felt their jobs were in
who are sometimes even more
jeopardy because they were going on
judgmental than men are.
maternity leave, and they are in some
Q.Will you tell your children about
circumstances. These are all serious
the controversy when they get older,
concerns for women and it’s not ok.
and, does this incident make you
These days many women are bread
more determined to raise them to be
winners and have to work. Many of
more thoughtful towards others?
them are single mothers.
A. I certainly hope to pass that on
Q. Do you think the hate emails that
as best I can, and I will be more
ignited this controversy are part of a
deliberate about it. And of course,
larger phenomena of discrimination
I’ll tell them about what happened.
against women in general?
All this made me realize generally
A. No I feel the opposite. Although
I’m not a negative person. But I have
it’s sad that there’s a small percentage
been at times. Times when I thought
Kristi Gordon toasts to motherhood.
of people who think this behavior is
for sure the person knows I’m joking.
acceptable or fun, 95 to 98 percent
Or, they know me well enough so I
of people out there are awesome and encouraging. I’ve been can say this. But now, I will think twice prior to saying things.”
overwhelmed by thousands of emails and 24 out of 25 are positive.
Q. Did you ever imagine that you speaking up would go viral to the
Q. Why do you think that this malicious and hurtful behavior is still whole world?
happening in our society?
A. No, it was pretty incredible. Emails and tweets have been coming
A. Because social media and email allows people to send anonymous in hundreds upon hundreds. People were writing to me from every
messages. Even if it isn’t anonymous, sending a hateful email is much corner of the planet. You could see as the articles were being passed
easier than saying it to someone’s face. What I don’t understand, is around the world, I would get a flood of response from Germany,
why these emails are so emotionally charged?
Holland, Venezuela, Africa and other countries. Emails and tweets
Q. Are you surprised that the majority of these hate emails came were sent in languages I couldn’t understand like Chinese and
from women?
Japanese. I did interviews with networks like the BBC and was
A. Yes, it is surprising. It’s about 70% from women to 30% from men. featured on shows like Good Morning America, Inside Edition,
I get frustrated and a bit saddened by the number of these negative Entertainment Tonight, and news stations all across the US and
emails from women, because it seems crazy to me that we wouldn’t several other countries.
be working together, instead of against each other. There tends to be Q. I know you didn’t plan it, but all this publicity has had to help
some kind of funny business between women. It’s too bad, because your career, right?
it’s wasted energy. If some of this negativity is about women who
A. Possibly, and certainly there are those who think getting your
can’t get pregnant, I am sorry. I’m not out on TV to make anyone name publicized around the world is pretty awesome, but that wasn’t
feel badly. I’m just doing my job. But, I get some emails saying, “your the motivation. It was a nice little by-product.
Women Climb Corporate Ladder
in Hotel Industry
he few women in the BC hotel industry who have broken through
the glass ceiling into the male domain of senior management, came
through the ordeal relatively unscathed, with no cuts from the
shattering glass.
Two such women are Theresa Ginter, General Manager at the
Nita Lake Lodge in Whistler, and Tara Ryder, General Manager at
the Harrison Beach Hotel in Harrison Hot Springs. They both admit
that being women, made the climb to success more challenging, and
both concur that females in hotel senior management positions are
few and far between. Ginter points out, “In our hotel association
meetings, I am the only female. Managers from thirteen properties
including the major chain hotels, generally attend those meetings.”
Ryder adds, “at most functions that I attend where there are other
hotel gm’s, the breakdown is about 95% male and 5% female
Strength and determination are two key characteristic traits that
helped pave the road to a career dominated my men. Ginter explains,
“giving up for me was never an option. Very early on I learned that life
can be tough, but it is about learning to adapt and embrace change.
I didn’t expect to be at this level today, but I worked extremely hard
to get here. My focus and resilience to change, and challenge has
helped a lot. When times got challenging, I would spend my time
finding solutions and while others moved on, I stepped up and
found excitement in the fact that we can mold the organization, the
business and see measurable results.”
Climbing the corporate ladder hasn’t been a cake walk for Ryder
Tara Ryder, GM at the Harrison Beach Hotel in Harrison Hot Springs
either. “I worked very hard and tried to prove myself in hopes of
being promoted. I learned everything I could, and always tried to
generate new business. It may be hard for women to break thru the
glass ceiling, but with hard work, dedication and determination, it
can be done.”
When asked, why have so few women working in the hotel
industry risen to senior management jobs, Ryder replied. “ There are
few women who have the confidence to strive to be a leader, mostly
because of the way society has portrayed the stereo typical female
role in the past. Men are generally hired for these positions because
there’s a perception that they have the ability to remain impersonal,
and not get emotionally involved in what they are doing. Women
are perceived to be more emotional, and let their personal feelings
Theresa Ginter, GM at the Nita Lake Lodge in Whistler
affect their job. Men may not see women as leaders because of social
perceptions, and the discrimination of the past. The opportunity for
women to become senior managers is sometimes not available to
them for this reason.”
Ginter agrees that a lack of confidence is a major factor preventing
women from excelling in the hotel industry. “Having a key executive
role in a male dominated industry, can be intimidating. Sometimes
it feels as if you have to work harder to get the same respect. A big
lack of confidence, and fear of making mistakes and failing, can also
prevent women from striving for senior management positions.
Taking on a leadership role as a GM requires you to think on your
feet, and often you are placed in a position where you lead a team in
areas that you may not feel familiar with.”
Ryder adds, she was lucky to have a boss who believed in her
abilities regardless of being a female. “I honestly think that had I
been working for another company, I may not be where I am now.
Our boss, the president of True Key Hotels & Resorts is very open
minded, sees women and men as equals, and gives opportunity
where it is best deserved.”
Ginter also feels fortunate that she reports to some great people.
“The company is owned by open minded people who look at your
accomplishments rather than your gender. It is so critical to be
learning from others and building strong relationships with your
colleagues and the people you work for.”
Does she think that the hotel industry should be encouraging young
women to climb the corporate ladder? The answer is an emphatic,
“absolutely, women are the reason that we have a social structure in
this world. Women build meaningful and strong relationships, often
are very good communicators and allow others to shine.These are
great skills for a leadership position.”
What advice do these successful trail blazers give to young girls
contemplating a senior management career in the hotel industry?
Ryder says, “work hard, maintain a positive attitude, learn everything
you can from your mistakes, always give 100%, but most of all, have
faith in yourself and your abilities, and always believe you can do
Ginter advises, “never give up, embrace change and dare to stand
up and face a challenge head first. It may take some time to get there,
but eventually the hard work will get noticed, and your chance to
shine and step up, will come.”
by Mariah Jones
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in the
Dick Zokol
Changing The Rules
Clubs on the Upswing
Pros With Girl Power
Donald Miyazaki
Much More Than Golf Pros
Home Grown Golf Stars
Chilliwack Becomes
a Golfers Mecca
Lovin’ The Links in:
Metro Vancouver, Lower Mainland,
Chilliwack, Thompson-Okanagan,
Vancouver Island, Kootenays,
and the Pacific Northwest
Above It All In Vernon
Different Strokes
For Different Folks
Olympic View Golf Course
Dick Zokol
Changing the Rules
hat we need to do in the industry, is to inform the new entry level golfer that now, they don’t have to play by
the rules any more. For example, they can anchor their club, or if their ball rolls into a hole, why not just move it
up and tee it up, if they want to? Unless you are playing competition golf at a serious level, you don’t need to play
by the rules of the game. This attitude toward golf was never practiced in the past, but now this is what it should
be all about. Intimidation is preventing the new golfer from playing the game. This relatively new attitude of less
regulation of the greens, will help prevent the dwindling number of golfers. Personally, I would never play that way,
but if it makes people feel better about their game, and makes it more fun for them, then why not? This will likely
get more beginners and women out to enjoy the game.
Dick Zokol is a PGA Champion Tours Member
Foot Golf Takes Off
ver the past few years, it has
been played all through Europe
to rave reviews, and now the new
sport of foot golf has reared its’ head
in Canada and is infiltrating the
Canadian golf industry. Crown Isle
is the first golf course on Vancouver
Island to adopt the sport, which is
played on 18 or 9 hole courses.
Rod Prieto, General Manager
believes the new sport is definitely
taking off. “Foot golf is indeed
gaining popularity in Canada and
is already a popular sport in the US.
When Crown Isle decided to move
forward with our foot golf course last
winter, there were only a handful of
accredited courses doing it.”
This foot golf player is having a ball at Crow n Isle
One of the reasons foot golf has
gained a foot hold in the industry, is because the golf club owners
Another plus, is that the game introduces many people to the
and operators realize that they must diversify their business in order golf course, who other wise wouldn’t be bothered to visit. “We have
to add different streams of cash flow. “Foot golf certainly hasn’t soccer groups, buddies and families visiting our resort. Additionally,
taken over as our number one revenue in golf operations, but it does foot golf is affordable with rates starting at only $12 for juniors. It
help our catering department with post golf functions.” He adds, can be played in less than two hours, and is enjoyed by all, whether
“the game continues to grow in popularity at Crown Isle, and will you are an experienced player or have never played soccer before,”
undoubtedly be an integral part of our overall course revenue.”
explains Prieto.
From a business stand point, adopting the sport has quite a few
Pat Jiggins, owner of the Arrowsmith Golf Club in Qualicum
economic advantages. “We offer foot golf after 4:00 pm daily, which Beach, is interested in the game. “We are seriously looking at foot
is typically a slow time on our tee sheet. It has created an additional golf, and we’re also looking at another sport called disc golf. And
revenue stream during a time when traditional golfers don’t usually because our course is so scenic, we’re thinking about opening up
play,” says Prieto.
the course to walking trails,” adds Jiggins.
by Barney Owelle
Perfect Golf
in Pitt Meadows
Pro Shop: 604.465.4711
Pros with Girl Power
here are just a handful of female golf pros in BC, and one of these
ladies on the links is, Kerri Moffat, CPGA golf pro and Director of
Instruction at GBC Golf Academy at Mayfair Lakes. She started
golfing at five years old, and today her passion for the game is as
strong as ever. Why did she choose a career dominated by such a
strong a male domain? “I chose golf because I wanted to follow my
passion. My mother was a golf shop manager and my dad was a
golf professional. I was incredibly lucky to have a strong female role
model who taught me how to be my own person in this industry.”
So why does she think there are so few female golf professionals?
“It’s hard to answer. I wonder, why we loose girls in sport when they
enter their teenage years, and it’s not unique to golf. Our Professional
Golf Association is one of the best in the world. Women have won
Kerri Moffat, Director of Instruction at Mayfair Lakes loves her job.
CPGA Golf Pro Jodi Reimer, at Riverway is passionate about her profession.
three of the past nine ‘Club Professional Of The Year’ awards. I
was lucky enough to be the recipient of the PGA of BC ‘Teaching
Professional Of The Year’ award in 2011. Steps are being taken in
the right direction, but we can always do better at creating an
environment in which women can thrive.”
What does Moffat think is the most difficult thing about being
a female golf pro? “Contrary to what some may think, my male
counterparts support me. We are family, it’s as simple as that.”
Moffat disagrees that all women feel more comfortable with a
female instructor. “It’s not always the case. I think teaching golf is
about the connection you make with your student. Trust is most
Moffat believes that female golf pros acting as role models, will help
entice more young girls to take up the sport. “Tour players like Lydia
Ko and Michelle Wie are doing amazing things to encourage young
girls to play golf. They are making it fun and relevant to kids from all
walks of life. Some day in the near future, I hope that we can evolve in
a way that allows great athletes to inspire the next generation of great
athletes, regardless of gender.”
Although the tides are gradually turning when it comes to the lack
of females at the professional golf level, Jodi Reimer, PGA of Canada,
Class A Instructor at Riverway Golf Club, agrees that the evolution
of female pros is important. “Golf has been predominantly a
‘gentleman’s game’ and since it’s inception, has not provided as much
opportunity for the female counterpart in the social, competitive or
professional arena.”
When she became an instructor 16 years ago, the links were even
more inundated by men than they are today. But that didn’t stop
Reimer from following her passion. “I didn’t think about it too much
going into the profession. I knew that when I started, there were even
fewer female golf pros. But, that gave us a great opportunity to grow
the game amongst women.”
Reimer believes that women perfecting their game would rather
be taught by a female golf pro, rather than a male instructor. “The
gender of golf pros does come into play. The majority of women I
teach and coach, say they feel more comfortable with a lady pro.
The female anatomy is different for starters, and although we don’t
physically manipulate our students per say, we do work closely with
biomechanics and incorporate physical strengths and limitations
into our lesson plans.”
As the gender barriers continue to diminish, Reimer believes that
more female golf pros working in the industry will entice more
women to hit the greens. “It would absolutely mean more mentors in
the game for up and coming juniors. In turn, that would reach and
draw more ladies into the industry.”
Reimer is an ambassador when it comes to getting juniors involved
in the sport. “Last year, I was selected as the head coach for the Zone
4 Team to compete in the BC Summer Games in Nanaimo, where my
team took the podium with a bronze medal. I assisted at a selection
camp for the Western Canadian Summer Games this year, and I am
passionate about seeing juniors compete at any level.”
So, what does she think needs to be done to educate young girls
about a career in the golf industry? “It all starts with grass roots
programs. The more girls who are given the opportunity to discover
and fall in love with the game, the more passions will be ignited to
pursue golf as a career.”
Because there are different avenues within the industry to
choose from, Reimer thinks that girls contemplating a golf career
should follow the right pathway. “They should choose the one that
best suits their personality and talents. Whether it be business
management, operations, playing as a career, coaching or becoming
a superintendent, golf can provide a very rewarding career.”
by Tyler Scott
Much More Than Golf Pros
GA of BC Golf Professionals have been,
and will continue to become Canada’s most
talented players. Many have gone on to win
National and International Championships,
cementing themselves as some of golf ’s greats
in our country’s rich history. However, their
skills on the golf course is just the tip of the
Donald Miyazaki
iceberg, when it comes to their worth in the
everyday golf industry. It’s important to note
that PGA of BC members are so much more than just players. They
are golf professionals, not professional golfers. These members are
the men and women who are primarily involved with the operations
of a golf facility and are proudly regarded as experts in the game.
While growing communities through leadership, volunteerism, and
charitable events, these dedicated professionals are the foremost
ambassadors of golf in British Columbia.
PGA of BC professionals are available at more than 200 golf
facilities throughout the province, and are a vital resource to the
future of the game in Canada’s golf capital. Being a successful golf
professional demands exceptional qualities and I proudly state that
British Columbia features some of the best in the world. Whether
they are Assistant Professionals at the front of the house or Head
Professionals and General Managers in the heart of the house,
their duties are synonymous with many titles. Instructor, Retailer,
Ambassador, Manager, Leader, Mentor and Junior golf developer
are just a few words that define their endless responsibilities.
Each year, a new crop of prospective members pass a high
standard of rigorous challenges, including extensive education and
playing ability test, in order to become a PGA of BC Candidate for
Membership. Not only do we welcome their new energy, desire
and drive to be leaders in the industry, we are excited to guide
them through their developmental journey in becoming future
community leaders.
Donald Miyazaki, Executive Director of the PGA of BC
Myles Johnson, Head Pro at Spallumcheen Golf works overtime.
Getting High on Golf
The Kootenay Golf Trail represents 8 great 18 hole golf courses in the
West Kootenay area.
The Christina Lake Golf Club is a scenic 18-hole championship course
with elevated tees, strategically bunkered greens and lush fairways and
an RV Park. 1-250-447-9313
Redstone Resort, Architect Les Furber converted the 9 hole Rossland
Course into this championship 18 hole track. 1-250-362-9141 www.
The Birchbank Golf Club, has spectacular views of the Selkirk
Mountains and the Columbia River. The 18hole championship course
is a fully mature classic.1-250-693-2255
The Castlegar Golf Club & RV Park, a 4 star rating from Golf Digest,
is the perfect mix of elevated tee boxes, wide fairways and manicured
greens and an RV Park. 1-800-666-0324
The Granite Pointe Golf Club, which traverses challenging terrain is
surrounded by Kootenay Lake and the famed Kokanee Glacier.
The Balfour Golf Club, has the front nine carved through a forested
region, while the back nine uses the mountains to provide elevation
changes. 1-866-669-4653
At the Kokanee Springs Golf Resort, every hole is framed by panoramic
views of the Kokanee Glacier. 1-800-979-7999
At The Creston Golf Club, with rolling terrain and fast greens you’ll
use every club in your bag on this professionally designed course.
1-888-928-2582 Take a day, or take a week, the
Kootenay Golf Trail has something for every golfer.
Clubs on the Upswing
mixture of historically warm dry weather and an increase in
golfers, creates the perfect medicine for success in the golf industry.
But what else is the driving force behind the recovery of the ailing
golf market that has plagued the industry over the past six years?
According to experts in the golf industry, like various golf
club managers who eat, sleep and breath the business of golf, the
economic healing process of staying in the green has definitely
begun. Because of a specific prescription of golf management
factors that have come into play, many golf club owners and
operators are anticipating a full recovery, from what was recently a
golf industry inflicted with bleeding profits.
“There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. It is reachable
as long as the industry as a whole continues working together to
develop the game, and make golf easily accessible for all who are
interested,” says Randy Frank, General Manager for the Olympic
View Golf Club near Victoria.
According to Frank, there is another reason the previously anemic
golf industry is recovering. The plummeting Canadian dollar is a
shot-in-the-arm for the destination golf courses. “This has been one
of the better years in the last decade on Vancouver Island. Because
of the low Canadian dollar, we are seeing a resurgence of destination
play from the prairies, because golfing is becoming more expensive
in the US. The traveling golfer who was going to the states the last
five years, is now staying in Canada as it becomes more affordable.”
Arbutus Ridge is another golf club on Vancouver Island,
experiencing a healthy increase in business. General Manager, Jason
Lowe although hopeful, believes the industry may not have a speedy
recovery immediately. “We are not out of the woods yet, but there
is some reason to be optimistic. I know the AGA of BC and the
NGCOA has had success to help with macro industry issues.” He
adds,” through careful planning and deliberate action, we’ve been
able to succeed with our own goals and helping with industry issues
at the same time.”
Arbutus Ridge Golf Club is one of many clubs on the upswing.
The Director of Golf at Mayfair Lakes, in Richmond narrows it
down to two main issues that need to be continually addressed. Brian
Coe explains, “If we continually address the areas that the golfers
see as negative, like the pace of play and the cost, then we should
continue to see growth of the game. The industry also needs to
continue to focus on local and national initiatives”.
The recent new owners at the Rise Golf Club in Vernon, are
working diligently to take the club out of an economic comma. Ian
Renton, GM thinks the way to bring the golf industry back to a full
economic recovery, is for the club operators and the players to think
outside of the box and accept change. “In some golf clubs it will work
and in some it won’t. Older courses are finding it difficult to get their
members to think outside of the box.’ Renton adds, “We need to cater
to all markets which are seniors, women and teens. We also need to
work at making rounds quicker and more reasonably priced.”
Golf course operators would be happy if there was one pill they
could swallow to get the industry quickly back on it’s feet, but, if they
continue to provide a good product and cater to a wider market, the
the road to recovery will be a shorter, smoother ride.
by LaVerne Procyk
Which will you play today?
Balfour Golf Course
Birchbank Golf Course
Castlegar Golf Club & RV Park
Christina Lake Golf Club
Creston Golf Club
Granite Pointe Golf Club
Kokanee Springs Golf Resort
Redstone Golf Resort
Metro Vancouver Golfing in the
Marvelous Metro Van
The Riverway Golf Course,
located off Marine Drive in
South Burnaby is a classic
18-hole championship golf
course with challenges and
diverse yardage of 5,400
to 7,000. Its’ imaginatively
designed links-style fairways
are lined by challenging
Riverway Club House sweeping mounds of wild
fescure, and also the fairly
recently built clubhouse is spectacular. The Burnaby Mountain Golf
course, located in North Burnaby boasts 5,800-6,400 yards of natural treelined beauty and gentle rolling terrain, which offers a blend of charm,
character and serenity. The Burnaby Mountain and Riverway driving
ranges are open until 10 pm, with the last balls sold at 9pm. The popular
Central Park and Kensington Pitch and Putts have scenic settings with
outstanding views and playing conditions. Although they are considerably
shorter in length, these courses match regulation golf courses with respect
to offering outstanding value entertainment for the whole family and
players of all abilities.
Tsawwassen Springs offers a whole new golf experience for Lower
Mainland golfers. With a spectacular Clubhouse coming in 2015 featuring
a pro shop, fitness centre, physiotherapy, wellness centre, restaurant and
pub, plus banquet facilities, Tsawwassen Springs is the perfect place to golf
and to reside. This 18-hole par 70 public course is designed by architect Ted
Locke. Tees, fairways and greens are meticulous, and the course showcases
impressive water features, mature trees, abundant wildlife and splendid
mountain views. Just 30 minutes from Vancouver, Tsawwassen boasts twice
the sunshine and half the rainfall of other areas. When it does rain, the
course uses a state-of-the-art water management system, with sandcaping
of up to 14” deep, to quickly shed water from tees, fairways and greens to
give the driest play. Call for tee times (604) 948-GOLF (4653) .
Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course
With the towering beauty of the North Shore Mountains serving as a backdrop, Mayfair Lakes in Richmond is a genuine golf sanctuary, offering a secluded country ambiance that’s just minutes from Vancouver. The intrigue
lies in the abundance of lakes and waterways that come into play on 13 of
the 18 holes, adding as much challenge as aesthetic appeal to the course.
In fact, this 6,641 yard Les Furber design has had the privilege of hosting
many national tour events, and continues to rank as a favorite among tour
Mayfair Lakes Golf Club
Tsawwassen Springs
– Robert Carriere
Play it for yourself.
Play More, Pay Less
With this promotion on our 2015/2016
Springs Golf Card, you can save a lot – and
enjoy all-season golf for a lot less.
$59 loaded on your card and an
Adidas Golf Shirt
Valid April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016
For more details please call
Pro Shop: 604.948.GOLF {4653}
Or visit us online
Show homes open Tuesday-Sunday 12-5pm
The eleventh hole at the new Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course
& Lower Mainland Golf
Peace Portal Golf Club
Located 40 minutes from Vancouver, Peace Portal Golf Course is in sunny
Surrey, minutes from the US border. Established in 1928, Peace Portal is one
of British Columbia’s oldest courses and is a local favorite. A landing area surrounded by water makes for a very intimidating tee shot. Once your drive
has been safely negotiated, you are faced with an approach shot to a raised
green, which always makes club selection difficult. The hole plays only 350
yards from the blue tees, but like most holes at Peace Portal, the emphasis is
on accuracy not length. Bookings can be made online at or by phone 604 538-4818.
The Mylora Sidaway
Golf Course located
on Sidaway Road in
Richmond, minutes
from Vancouver International Airport and
a short drive from
downtown Vancouver, opened in1976. It
Mylora Golf Course
is a challenging par 57
with an 18 hole executive style layout that caters to both public and tournaments at reasonable
rates. The most avid golfers or beginners can enjoyable a round, but still be
challenged and are able to complete the course in a timely manner. E After
your round, relax in the clubhouse or outside on the large patio where you
can choose from a full menu. Book online, or phone in advance.
Pitt Meadows Club House
At Pitt Meadows Golf Club, the beautiful fairways have continued to improve and mature. Changes over the years included a 25,000 square foot
clubhouse, a new pro shop and improved practice facilities. The driving
range consisting of natural greens and artificial teeing areas, is complimented by the 8,000 square foot chipping green and 9,000 square foot putting
green. The Pitt Meadows Golf Club, has the majestic Golden Ears mountains
hovering in the background. For a tee time call 604.465.4711 or visit www.
Play today!
Burnaby Mountain
Golf Course & Driving Range
7600 Halifax Street
Phone: 604-280-7355
Golf Course & Driving Range
9001 Bill Fox Way
Phone: 604-280-4653
Central Park Pitch & Putt
3883 Imperial Street
Phone: 604-434-2727
Kensington Park Pitch & Putt
5889 Curtis Street
Phone: 604-291-9525
Last year at Musqueam Golf & Learning Academy:
• Over 9 million range balls were hit
• Over 550, 000 customers were served
• 37,00 rounds of golf were played
• 8,800 lessons were taught
• 7,900 people joined our Rewards Club Program
• Host to over 60 Golf Tournaments last year
Thanks to our customers, Musqueam Golf & Learning Academy was voted one of the top 100 ranges
in North America for the seventh consecutive year
3904 West 51st Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia Phone (604) 266.2334
Abbotsford Golfing in the
Golf stars are
Home Grown
A Great Place
After Your Golf Game
Stay & Play Rates available from $159 plus
Includes Continental Breakfast
Complimentary High Speed Wireless Internet
Heated Indoor Pool, Jacuzzi & Fitness Centre
Legendary White Spot Restaurant on premises
116 spacious guest rooms
36035 North Parallel Rd., Abbotsford
Reservations: 1-888-411-1070 /
ver the past few years, something more than fruit and vegetables
have been growing in Abbotsford. The region has laid claim to home
grown golf talents like PGA Tour Professionals Nick Taylor and Adam
Hadwin. These PGA Tour Pros grew up playing at the Ledgeview Golf
& Country Club.
Since then, Taylor and Hadwin have both graduated from the WEB.
com to the PGA Tour, and are having great rookie seasons. Taylor won
his first championship at the Sanderson Farms event in Mississippi
and has over $1 million in earnings during his rookie season. He
was the first to win on the
PGA tour in over 5 years.
And Hadwin has two top
ten finishes this year and
over $600,000 in earnings.
Taylor liked playing as
an amateur at Ledgeview.
“The golf course is long
enough for juniors, and is
quite demanding off the
tee. “
Nick Taylor perfected his game at
Ledgeview’s Junior Golf Ledgeview.
Program continues it’s
successful coaching and mentorship of young players, under the
leadership of CPGA certified instructor, Luke Bogdan.
Management at Ledgeview, say the exposure the club is getting
because of Tayor’s and Hadwin’s success has been fantastic, and
golfers are booking tee-times at the ‘Course that breeds champions.’
Castle Fun Park
Year-round excitement awaits the whole family at Castle Fun Park!
This admission-free amusement park is conveniently located just off TransCanada Highway 1 in Abbotsford and has been bringing fun to the Fraser
Valley for over 25 years. Enjoy 3 uniquely themed mini-golf courses, an
800 meter go kart track, batting cages, bumper cars, and over 200 skill
& arcade games! Our Kiddie Courtyard, full of shrunk-to-size games and
mini-rides will keep your little adventurers entertained as well. Visit our
website for more info & join us on facebook to stay connected.
Fun for the Whole Family
3 Uniquely Themed Mini-Golf Course
and more
36165 North Parallel Rd (off Hwy 1) Abbotsford. 604.850.0411
Chilliwack Golfing in the
Golf Evolution Hits
here is a recent evolution going on
in Chilliwack, and it has everything
to do with the regions golf courses.
Golfers from the Vancouver area
and the Lower Mainland are hitting
the links at the many courses in
Chilliwack, which has evolved into an
exciting golf destination for thousands
of players every year.
These golfers infiltrating the
municipality are pumping hundreds
of thousands of dollars into the
tourism economy every year.“The golf
industry certainly provides great value
into Chilliwack’s tourism industry, as
Chilliwack Golf & Country Club attracts many golfers from the Vancouver and Lower Mainland areas.
we have a number of beautiful and
well established golf courses to choose
from,” says Vanessa Oddy, Destination Marketing Manager, for other regions staying with us after a day of golfing, and they also go
tourism Chilliwack. She adds, “The Chilliwack Golf Club is a good out for dinner to one of the local restaurants. Also, during fishing
example of this. They were named the 2013 PGA of BC Golf Facility season, we see a lot of fishermen who travel out this way for the great
of the year. The club hosts a number of events including the Fraser fishing at the Fraser, Vedder and Chilliwack Rivers. There’s no doubt
about it, Chilliwack is a destination for sports enthusiasts.”
Valley Open, scheduled for September 4-6 of this year.”
by Barney Owelle
The influx of golfers to Chilliwack is due to great golf at good
prices, according to Bryan Ewart, General Manager of the Chilliwack
Golf Club, “The Fraser Valley and Chilliwack in particular are quickly
emerging as a destination for Vancouver area and Lower Mainland
golfers. Our close proximity to the city of Vancouver, paired with the
number of quality golf courses offering great value in lower priced
green fees and excellent dining opportunities, makes Chilliwack a
‘must visit’ destination.” He adds, “Compliment that with a variety of
outdoor activities including world class salmon and sturgeon fishing,
hiking, mountain biking, boating and river rafting and you have an
experience that is second to none.”
Another reason golfers are discovering Chilliwack as their golfing
haven is because of the many different levels of golf that are available.
“There is every level of golf from mini golf, a putting course, par
3 courses, executive golf courses, plus full length championship
courses that are public and semi-private,” says Jeff Bahnman, General
Manager for the Cultus Lake Golf Club.
The thousands of dollars spent by the visiting golfers are a real
boom to the economy of Chilliwack. Bahnman adds, “These visitors
do help the local economy as it creates some residual income for our
town. There is so much beauty in this area, our outdoor activities
attract Vancouver area, Lower Mainland and Central Fraser Valley
residents every day.”
Manfred Stenzel, General Manager for the Comfort Inn in
Chilliwack, confirms the fact that the visiting golfers pump extra
revenue into local businesses. “We do get a number of golfers from
The Fraser Valley’s
Premiere Golfing Experience
Chilliwack Golfing in the
Cool Golfing
The Chilliwack Golf Club established in 1958 is a semi-private facility located only 45 minutes from Vancouver. It features magnificent tree laid fairways, a creek that meanders through the back nine and breathtaking mountain vistas in every direction. Members and non members have enjoyed the
Fraser Valley’s most popular golf course for over 50 years. With a reputation
for world class conditions year round, the Golf Club has played host to every
major Provincial Championship and to rave reviews.
Chiliwack Golf Course
Tee for Two
Cheam Mountain Golf Course offers
a challenging yet fun 18 hole executive
golf course that appeals to all caliber
of golfers (beginners to expert)
particularly those who may have a short
game in need of attention. Going into
their second season of managment,
BPS Inc. are continually improving the
facility and course conditions. They
Cheam Mountain Golf Course
are committed to providing a very
fully stocked Pro Shop including a great price match guarantee as well
as club fitting for Callaway and Ping clubs. Then there’s Vincenzo’s on the
Green Restaurant, which is open daily at 9am offering good old fashioned
home cooking with the signature item being the Vincenzo Daily Lunch
Special. The 6.5 acre Driving Range has 26 stalls, new golf balls and mats,
updated yardages and targets. Juniors 12 and under golf for free when
accompanied by an adult. It’s also a great place to host corporate outings,
business meetings or fundraising golf tournaments. A stone’s throw from
downtown Chilliwack, golfers will find this course surprisingly difficult to play.
Two Green Fees Mon. - Fri.
(excl. holidays) $45.
Two Green Fees Weekends &
Holidays $55
Meadowlands Golf Course
47823 Yale Rd., Chilliwack.
Phone 604.792.2276
A Piece of Golf Paradise
In Chilliwack
Meadowlands Golf & Country Club is a beautiful golf course on the east
side of Little Mountain, just two miles from the centre of Chilliwack, 45
minutes from Port Mann Bridge and 25 minutes from Abbotsford regional
airport. Nestled on over 92 acres of land, bordered by Hope River on the east
and along the hills of a housing development on the southwest and a farm
on the north, Meadowlands provides space and place for golfing experience
at its fullest, “superb golfing in a magnificent setting”. Many golfers will now
enjoy the unique new layout with the new par 5 in play on a well manicured
golf course. Majestic maple trees and towering firs, cedars and cotto nwoods
still dotted throughout golf course providing an excellent challenge even for
the experienced golfers.
Good Golf Swing
18 hole par 72 links-style course
Summer Golf Rates
weekdays $35. weekends $45
weekday annual golf pass $1130
every day annual golf pass $1660
Call toll free 1.866.895.7590 or 604.823.GOLF (4653)
Located off freeway #1 41051 Trans Canada Hwy.
For many of my students, one of the first things we work on in their golf
swing is their finish position. There are three elements to the finish that
I like to emphasize. First be sure your lower body is completely turning
through impact and post impact. This rotation and shift of weight to
your lead leg will result in better ball striking, and thus more distance.
The second thing I emphasize is good extension with the arms through
impact. Many amateurs tend to allow their hands to get closer to the
body as they strike the ball. Gravity would actually prefer your arms
completely releasing away from your body through impact. Again, this
will result in more distance. Finally, let the clubface naturally release
through impact. This is something that should happen with gravity, so
you shouldn’t need to force your hands to roll over. In speaking on the
mental game, for many students, a failure to commit to the shot can
result in a poor finished position.
by Jennifer Greggain, Golf professional,
Chilliwack Golf & Country Club
in Chilliwack
Cultus Lake Golf Club is simply a beautiful place to be! Carved from the
dense forest 25 years ago, the course offers unforgettable scenery. Cultus
Lake Golf Club features 18 executive holes, a covered driving range, large
practice area, and a full-service restaurant called Legends Bistro at the Lake.
The restaurant features west coast casual cuisine with a warm, inviting
atmosphere. The staff members are known for their excellent customer
service and strive to make everyone feel at home. The golf course is located
only 10 minutes South of Chilliwack, and 20 minutes East of Abbotsford. Visit Like their page “Cultus Lake Golf Club” on Facebook,
and follow “@CultusLakeGolf” on Twitter to stay updated on promotions,
contests and events going on at the course. At Cultus Lake Golf Club, the
fairways and patios await you!
Cultus Lake Golf Course
Tap-Ins Putting Course at Cultus Lake
Tap-Ins is the only 18-hole, par-70 putting course in the Lower Mainland.
It is four-acres of creatively contoured natural greens and rough, integrated
with rock, sand and water, plus a spectacular view of the Cascade Mountains. All shots are made with your putter. It takes approximately an hour
and a half to play. Tap-Ins is fun for all ages and skill levels, so it’s the perfect
place for beginners new to golf or the seasoned pro looking to lower his
handicap. Tap-Ins has professional sport- lighting for night play. Reduced
rates for seniors and juniors, plus special family and group rates. Putter rental is available.
The Royalwood Golf Course and RV Park is a link-style, par 72 layout
designed by Jim McIntyre, while the new RV Park has full service to 69
available spaces. The golf club is open seven days a week and offers
spectacular golf at an affordable price. The clubhouse offers delightful
entrees for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Royalwood RV Resort it has
a 24 hour common building that houses three stay and play rooms with
complimentary breakfast, full restroom facilities for park guests, a laundry
room with washer and dryer, and a common meeting room where coffee is
always on. Call to book a tee time or to reserve a space in the new RV Resort,
Royalwood Golf Course and RV Park
Cheam Mountain Golf Course and Vincenzo’s on the Green
44610 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack , BC
Pro Shop: 604-858-7991 Restaurant: 604-858-7951
Voted Best Dining
in Chilliwack
Under New Ownership
Apres Golf
The place to relax after a fun game of golf is Jacksons Steak & Grill.
The restaurant which is under new ownership has raised the bar in
terms of more delicious food and better service. It has been voted
the ‘Best Dining’ in Chilliwack for the last five years and is commited to providing superb, high quality cuisine and great service. Try
thier scrumptious steaks and prime rib , plus other tantalizing menu
items. Open for lunch and Dinner. Call 604.858.9070
The Lakeside Beach Club at Cultus Lake is open year round!
Join them on their beautiful patio in the summer and around their
cozy fireplace in the fall. This family friendly restaurant offers a
variety of delicious food ranging from salmon and prawn ceviche
to house made fish and chips, fresh salads, ribs, and more. If it’s a
cocktail you’re after check out our Caesar Bar featuring dill pickle,
blueberry, and classic varieties as well as one that comes with a
feast on top!
Join them in August for their Annual Lobsterfest event where
guests enjoy 1 1/2 lbs. of lobster family style around the table.
They also accept bookings for private events including brunches,
birthdays, retirements, wedding rehearsals, & more!
Everything is freshly made at the Royal Cafe.
Proudly run by Devika Gillette, this downtown
Chilliwack family resataurant offers a wide variety
and a fresh approach. We make our food from
scratch. From our sauces, soups and gravies to our
desserts, Devika prepares it in house.
Even our Pie shells are made in house for our fresh
in-season berry pies, rhubarb, apple (lovingly cut
We will create a meal fresh in our bakery) or whatever strikes her fancy.
Just for You! Our cinamon buns and even the popular PBD
(Peanut Butter Dynamite), a cheesecake made by
Take a night off from cooking!
our daughter Alicia are all made right here!
• Gluten
G ut
uten F
e Di
• Low Carb?
Friday nights see our staff baking bigger than your
• Heart Healthy?
fist yorkshire pudding for our Prime Rib night
• Diabetic?
and Devika prepares our own au-jus! Saturdays
45886 Wellington Avenue,
see Devika's BBQ Sauce on our St Louis Ribs,
Downtown Chilliwack
Sunday - Tuesday • 8 am - 3 pm
Wednesday & Thursday • 8 am - 8 pm
Friday & Saturday • 8 am - 9 pm
A customer favourite is our Fiji rice bowl.
Devika's own coconut curry sauce with choice of
chicken, salmon or prawns. Served with vegetables over rice with naan. Of course, Devika is from Fiji so you know this is done right!
Devika also loves to be creative and Devika's Dynamite Catering is available for events on and off-site. We can handle parties up to 90 in
house and will gladly serve your parties at your venue! Whether it is breakfast, lunch, dinner or a catered event, come see Devika!! 604-392-9355
* 82 rooms incl. guest rooms
to studios & suites
* indoor swimming pool,
hot tub & fitness room
Great Rooms,Great People
* recently renovated
* free wi-fi & parking
* on-site restaurant
45466 Yale Rd. West Chilliwack (off exit 119)
Toll Free 1.800.566.2511 in Chilliwack
After your golf game find superb Italian dining and casual elegance
at the Vitta Bella Bistro. Experience some special and find the taste
of real Italy, right in Chiliwack.
Chef Leo Moschetti has brought the flavors and authenticity of his
southern Italian town of Sammichele to Chiliwack. Fresh basil pesto,
handmade gnudi, house-smoked duck breast with a drizzle of truffle
oil - flavors to tempt. Delicious lunch features are offered daily. Vitta
Bella Bistro is conveniently located only 2 minutes off of Hwy 1 in
Chilliwack, a two hour drive from Vancouver.
A lovely room at the Royal Hotel
At the Royal Hotel, they carry on the tradition of service and
great quality that began over a century ago. Featuring rooms with
authentic period details including hardwood floors, vintage furniture
and clawfoot tubs, complemented by Wi-Fi and flatscreen TVs.
Located near the historic Five Corners in downtown Chilliwack,
the Royal Hotel is surrounded by shops and restaurants that reflect
the heritage of the original city centre. It’s an easy walk to Prospera
Centre, the Law Courts, and more.
The Royal Hotel is more than just a place to sleep. It’s a gateway to
the past, and a place to celebrate the present. It’s a place to be taken
care of by people who truly value your business. Every guest
is special to them,and every stay deserves to be unforgettable.
Phone: 604.792.1210
Sensational Dining
at Cultus Lake
Great Food
Casual Rustic Ambiance
4131 -Located
at theValley
to Cultus
Cultus Lake.
Phone: 604.858.3374
After Your Golf Game,
Relax , Go For Dinner & Stay Overnight
*Continental breakfast serving home made pancakes
* Asian, Italian & Continental restaurants next door
* Located next to Cotton Wood Mall
Reservations call 1.604.858.0636 email:
Located at 45405 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack
Chilliwack Golfing in the
Add Power to Your Swing
his golf tip should help you become consistent and maybe even
add some power in your swing.
I am a big believer in the fundamentals of golf. One of the
fundamentals that I like to emphasis is balance and weight transfer.
Try this next time you are practicing on the driving range. Take a 7
iron, get into your address position, and feel your weight distribution
is as close to 50 -50 on each foot. When you complete the back swing
you should feel more weight on the trail foot. That’s the foot away
from the target. The ratio is around 25% lead foot 75% trail foot.
At impact we reverse that ratio 75% lead foot 25% trail foot. Then
at completion of the golf swing, hold the follow through and try to
feel 90-95% on the lead foot and 5-10% on the trail foot. If you hold
the follow through for a few seconds, it gives you time to assess how
well your balance and weight distribution really is working for you.
Try this out next time you are out at the driving range, I know you
will feel a positive difference.
by Randy Lewsey, Director of Instruction, Cultus Lake Golf Club
Gotta Love Those Hybrids!!
With a hybrid, you’re assured that the ball
will start rolling really quickly, making
it easier to gauge how far the ball will
roll out. The keys to hitting successful
bump-and-run shots are: choke down
on the club, hold the hybrid with a
putting-style grip, emulate a smooth squareto-square putting stroke and limit excessive
wrist movement.
A hybrid has a deeper, wider sole than a putter which
will rest on the grass behind the ball a lot better,
making it easier to make solid contact. Play this shot
as follows: address the ball with a putter-style grip
but don’t choke down as much this time, ball should
be back in your stance, press the hands forward.
Allow your wrists to hinge slightly to help lift the
club away from the collar on the backswing then
swing down smoothly into the ball which will pop
and roll in a hurry, so be sure to read the green!
By Vince Cianfagna
PGA of Canada, Head Golf Professional,
Cheam Mountain Golf Course
modern rooms with fridges
various types of rooms to choose from
many amenities within walking distance
The Vedder River trail is one block away
5788 Vedder Road, Chillwack Phone 604 824 7999
A Putting Paradise
at Cultus Lake
10 AM - 9 PM
Just past Cultus Lake water slides
phone 604.791.7808
The Dreaded Bunker Shot
Above it all
New Ownership | New Adventure
The Rise Golf Course
The most daunting shot for the amateur golfer is the dreaded bunker shot.
While many will try to make a different swing or play the shot in a unique
way, the easiest way to approach this play is to keep it simple. Imagine a $1
dollar bill, or in this case because we are in Canada a $5 bill, placed directly
behind the ball in the sand. Make the same swing you always make, but
plan to swing through the bill instead of the ball. This will simplify the
bunker shot, while creating the perfect amount of sand between the ball
and club face to allow for the ‘splash’ bunker shot we all try to imitate from
watching the pros.
by Rob Gebert, PGA Pro, The Rise Golf Club
- Freddy Couple's signature course
- New golf carts with USB ports for GPS & cell phones
- Luxury clubhouse coming soon
- Wedding & event hosting
8600 Rising View Way, Vernon, BC. |
Toll free: 1.877.243.7417
of North Okanagan
Two Challanges...
• 18 Hole Championship Course (par 71)
• 9 Hole Executive Course (par 35)
Spallumcheen Golf Course
Not only is the Spallumcheen Golf & Country Club in the Vernon region
a spectacular golf course, but it is also the perfect location for wedding
ceremonies on the beautiful, outdoor pond patio that overlooks the 18th.
green.Spallumcheen’s 27 hole facility is the golfing gem of the North
Okanagan. Within 10 minutes of beautiful Vernon, it is your ideal holiday
golfing destination. Located across from the historic O’Keefe Ranch, just
north of Lake Okanagan, Spallumcheen offers two distinct challenges - a
9 hole, par 35 course (2624 yards), and an 18 hole championship layout of
6423 yards. Both feature lush green fairways and colorful flower beds. At par
71 and of intermediate challenge, the championship course can entertain
golfers of any caliber. It has broad, accommodating fairways with an excellent
assortment of hazards. The 9 hole,par 35 course provides an excellent
opportunity to test your short game. After your game, spend some time in
the licensed clubhouse or outside on the patio. Full banquet and tournament
facilities are available.
Thompson-Okanagan Golfing in the
Rv’ing & Golfing; The New Sport
he concept of RV’ing while golfing is gaining momentum right
across Canada. A number of golf clubs have constructed an RV park
hugging their golf course, and it seems to be a growing trend.
The Castlegar, Christina Lake and Princeston Golf Clubs, are
examples of clubs reaping the benefits of an extra stream of revenue.
Brian Miller, Operations Manager at the Castlegar Golf Club says
the economic advantage for the golfers and the golf club owners
is one main reason the correlation between RV’ing and Golfing is
becoming more popular.
“Yes I definitely do think
the reason for this trend
gaining momentum, really
is because this is the revenue
area in which we have seen
growth consistently over the
past few years.”
Retired golfers are one of the
reasons this new sport is in
an upswing. Kevin Maffioli,
GM at Christina Lake Golf
Club explains,” Being on-site
and not having to unhook
and drive to the course
only makes sense. With a
restaurant and amenities, it
can be all encompassing for Princeton Golf Club and RV Park
the traveller. We put an RV
park in to become part of a golf & RV trail on highway 3 connecting
Castlegar, Kettle Valley, Twin Lakes and Princeton Golf Clubs.
Pat Morphy, the GM for Princeton Golf Club, says that the RV
Park does off set a slower golf season, by creating more revenue.
She adds, “ because RV’ing in cheaper than staying in a hotel, it’s
an economical way to have a golfing holiday. RV’ing and golfing is
a great way for friends to get away for a weekend or a few weeks.”
Golfing at its Best!
Tee times preferred, walk-ons welcome
8888 Barnhartvale Rd. Kamloops BC V2C 6W1
Golf course is 9 km south of HWY #1
Pro Shop: 250-573-2453 Fax: 250-573-4810
Dan Ehrenholz, GM for Royal Woods Golf Club adds that quite
a few golfers stay at the RV park for many months. “RV’ing is quite
inexpensive, so a lot of golfers come in the Spring, live in their RV’s
and make Chilliwack their home. They will make car trips to the
interior or Whistler, but rarely move their RV until it’s time to go
south to stay at another golf resort that has an RV park.,”
Miller expects more clubs to follow this trend. “Yes I really think
so. Developing an RV park has been a very positive move for our
club, and will continue to
pay dividends for a long
time to come.”
As a matter of fact, the
new sport of RV’ing and
golfing is becoming so
popular that there are
groups of people joining
networks. “That’s right,
there is actually a network
where RV’ing golfers
can travel from course
to course, staying and
playing. Some RV’ers stay
at the Castlegar Golf Club
RV park, and also play at
the surrounding courses.
The huge possibilities are
endless,” explains Miller.
He points out another advantage to parking your RV next to a
golf course. “It is very convenient if you want to golf late and have
a beverage after. There is no need for a designated driver, because
it’s only a two minute walk to your RV.” Miller adds,We also find
the RV park great for family re-unions, typically with a small golf
tournament involved.
By Meriah Jones
Chipping & Putting
Call or book online 250.765.6890 |
Myles Johnson, PGA of Canada Head professional
Spallumcheen Golf and Country Club
Chipping and Putting are 2 of the simplest strokes in golf, yet I see
plenty of golfers throw away strokes within 20 yards of the hole. One
common mistake I see is golfers taking two big a backswing both
with chipping and putting, causing them to decelerate the clubhead
as it gets to impact. The result is poor contact and difficulty judging
the distance of the shot. To combat this problem, match the length
of your backswing to the length of your follow through and this will
keep the club accelerating through impact. Also try to minimize
your hand action in the stroke, as the small muscles in your hands
are less consistent then turning your shoulders and chest. You will
soon be able to judge the length of your shots by the length of your
backswing and follow through.
15 minutes from
downtown Kelowna
& the Kelowna Airport
Come see why we are
one of the Okanagan’s
favourite golf courses
An exceptional, affordable and memorable golf experience... every time.
Making Good Bunker Shots
Most golfers fear shots that have to be played
out of the bunker, but once the fundamentals of
playing a bunker shot are learned, that fear will
turn to anticipation of hitting a great shot:
1- Ball Position- the ball should be played forward
of center- if the ball is too far back in the stance the
club will dig in to the sand
2- Pretend the ball has a tee under it- When hitting the shot,
try to hit the sand an inch or so behind the ball, and think of
breaking the tee in half. You want to contact the sand first
and the sand pushes the ball out of the bunker
3- Be aggressive- Fear leads to tentative golf swings- and
generally no follow through. It is vital that you swing with
confidence, and transfer your weight through the shot to the
follow through position.
4- PRACTICE!- Use these steps and then PRACTICE YOUR
BUNKER SHOTS! In no time you will be confident in hitting
bunker shots.
by Bruce Vermee PGA of Canada,
Director of Golf Sunset Ranch Golf & Country Club
#1 on TripAdvisor
2011. 2012. 2013. 2014.
Rated best conditioned golf course in the
Okanagan/Shuswap by
Salmon Arm
2 great properties in the Thompson Okanagan/Shuswap
Call Mike: 1-800-797-7713
Contact us today!
Accommodation, tee times & more
Great golf packages starting at $145.00 l
Follow us on:
starting at
These classes
fill up early!
(tax included)
OOur ffullll service
i llicensed
d restaurant is open year round at 7:00am
Tee off before 8am and get
Golf & Breakfast
Call Mike: 1-866-431-3285
Driving Ra
Target greens - Lower
Located in the Mt. Paul Industrial
Park • E-mail:
The Famous
Mt. Paul
Double tiered ra
Come play
Thompson-Okanagan Golfing in the
Terrific Thompson
Established in 1928,
Princeton Golf Club
has developed into one
of BC Interior’s best
hidden secrets. Located
at the Gateway to the
O k a n a g a n b e t we e n
Hope and Penticton, this
Princeton Golf Course
18 hole course has all the
amenities of a resort course with small town friendliness. It’s challenging
terrain among Ponderosa Pines and high elevation views make it a must
play destination for all golfers.
Sunset Ranch Golf & Country Club
Sunset Ranch Golf & Country Club is considered to be among the best
courses in Okanagan golf. Conveniently located just minutes from the
Kelowna BC International Airport, Sunset Ranch's natural beauty is rivaled
only by its exceptional course conditions and playability for golfers of all
skill levels. Stunning vistas, rolling terrain and the ever present Scotty
Creek, contribute to the beauty and challenge of this 'must play' Kelowna
golf course. Come and enjoy Kelowna's best value for championship golf!
Mount Paul Golf Course
Mount Paul located minutes from downtown and easily accessible
from all parts of town make it one of the more popular choices for
golf in Kamloops. It’s easy walking and caters to all levels of golfer. The par 32 executive layout has it all, from the golf course to
the covered driving range and a full serviced licensed restaurant.
Along with a great atmosphere, delicious food and great service,
equipment rentals or lessons, they have everything you need to
enjoy a day of golf. Open year round weather permitting, usually
it’s the first in the area to open for play and the last to close. Next
time in Kamloops check them out, you won’t regret it.
Ca n o e C re e k G o l f
Course is an eighteen
hole Championship
Course in Salmon Arm. It
is Canadian golf legend
Dave Barr’s first course design. Built in the style
of a British links, Canoe
Creek uses the natural
Canoe Creek Golf Course
terrain to make up a
unique blend of open fairways lined with native fescue and elevation’s
change marked with tree lines. Canoe Creek Golf Course is famous for its
pristine course conditions being named BC Golf Guides best conditioned
course in 2011. A beautiful golf shop and Bistro provide guests of Canoe
Creek with all the merchandise and food a golfer visiting Canoe Creek
could want.
Nestled in the hills
above the spectacular
South Thompson River
and carefully carved
into the changing
topography, each hole at
Eaglepoint offers new
exciting challenges
views. Eaglepoint was
designed by architect
Eaglepoint Golf Course
Robert Heaslip. It is a
full championship length 18-hole course featuring five reflecting ponds, a
waterfall and over fifty bunkers. Encompassing 165 acres with a total length
of 6,762 yards,
Kelowna’s best value for
Great Golf • Great Food • Fantastic & Friendly Service
Corporate &
Group Tournament
Play Kelowna’s Best Value for Championship Golf and
see why it was chosen…
- By Golf Digest - Best Places to Play
- Finalist - Best Golf Course 2011, Okanagan Life Magazine
- Finalist - Best Golf Course 2013, Best of Kelowna
5101 UPPER BOOTH ROAD SOUTH • KELOWNA • 250.765.7700 • 1.877.606.7700
The Wooden Dowel
You can improve your chipping technique
with the help of a wooden dowel, a broken
golf shaft or any lightweight stick. Attach
the wooden dowel or stick to one of your
wedges so that it sits 2 to 3 inches above the
Now go ahead and practice your chipping
motion making sure that your left wrist (right
handed golfers) remains rigid as the clubface passes through the impact zone. If your
left wrist breaks down (a common flaw) you
will feel the dowel hit against your left side.
IThe dowel will also help you establish the
proper hands-forward position at address
which is a crucial factor for clean contact.
The dowel will also force you to keep your
hands moving forward through the swing
and swing the club down the target line and
into the follow-through.
by Greg Forbes, Golf Shop Manager,
Black Mountain Golf Country Club
Okanagan Golf
The Nk’Mip Canyon Desert is a full length championship course that has
grown into a world-class facility owned and operated by the Osoyoos Indian
Band. Nk’Mip expanded from a relaxed nine-hole course to a championship
model in 2001.The course has been redesigned to include two new
spectacular holes. The result is a striking blend of natural contrasts divided
into the desert-dominated Canyon Nine, which delights in throwing the
elements at an unwary golfer, and the more laid-back Grove Nine whose
verdant fairways and greens welcome a long drive and a satisfying putt.
NK’MIP Clubhouse
Taking its cue from the natural topography and vegetation of the land, the 6,400 yard
Black Mountain course is dramatically sculpted into the Okanagan landscape, and
island green. We’re not your typical golf course. We have no white glove service at Black
Mountain! When you walk through our doors, you haven’t walked into a Clubhouse,
you’ve walked into our home. Everybody at Black Mountain is family, and we strive to
create the most fun and relaxed golf experience for each and every one of our guests...
every time! Exceptional, Affordable, Memorable Golf Experiences.. every time!
Black Mountain Golf Course
The Rise Golf Course is
located on the edge of
Vernon. Surrounded by
majestic lakes, marvelous
vineyards and magnificent
views, the spectacular golf
course is carved into the
mountainside providing
The Rise Golf Course
beautiful and breathtaking
vistas on every hole. Designed by golf legend Freddy Couples, the course
optimizes the natural beauty of the area while maintaining a professional
edge that can challenge even the most seasoned golfer.Perched 1,000 feet
above Okanagan Lake, this spectacular layout will accommodate golfers of
all abilities.. Each hole is distinct in its character with dramatic elevated tees
and breathtaking views of Okanagan Lake on 12 of our 18 holes.
Summerland Golf Course
Okanagan Valley and Trout Creek
Whether you're a casual golfer
looking for a place to play; an
organizer planning a golf outing
or tournament; or an avid golfer
looking for a great golf club
to join, Summerland is sure to
meet your needs. This SemiPrivate golf club owned by its m
embers, welcomes public play
and its green fee program offers
a variety of competitive rates
depending on when or how
often you play. We look forward
to seeing you soon!
Situated 8 minutes off
Hwy 97, southwest of the
Town of Summerland
on Paradise Flats, this
location offers a pristine
setting fitting of the
Not only is the setting
quiet and free from urban
noise, it offers views of the
Everyone Welcome!
Experience one of the Okanagan’s most enjoyable yet challenging golf courses.
Visit our website for daily fee rates, course flyover, membership offers and directions
SUMMERLAND GOLF CLUB • 2405 Mountain Avenue • 250.494.9554
Vancouver Island Golfing in the
Different Strokes
for Different Folks
A A Great 9 Hole Championship Course
hen it comes to golf, there are indeed different strokes for
different folks. Some novice players and women like the feel of the
less intimidating shorter nine hole or executive style courses. That’s
why these courses are gaining momentum.
A big fan of the executive style links is Dick Zokol, PGA Champion
Tours Member.”Number one, it cuts the cost in half and number two,
it cuts the time in half. I don’t understand why the shorter course
concept has never been promoted more?”
Vancouver Island is home to a number of shorter courses, and one of
them is the Arrowsmith Golf Club is Qualicum. Owner of this scenic
executive style course Patrick Jiggins, agrees that the shorter course
concept is becoming more popular.
“That’s because people want to complete an activity quicker, in order
to get onto the next part of their day.” He adds, “It’s Jack Nicklaus’s
idea to convert golf courses to a 12 hole format, to attract more players
and make the game friendlier.”
General Manager at the Long Beach Golf Club, Devorah Reeves
admits the course is popular, because they charge less making it more
affordable for more golfers to play. “The locals who are invariably
seasonal employees in the hospitality trade, are very conscious of
the price point. Our smaller course does
offer both time and budget cuts to our
In Comox, lies a great little course at the
Comox Golf Club. Jessie Moussa, General
Manager has also seen a spike in interest.
“The shorter courses are attracting more
people who are intimidated by the game,
because they are just learning. As opposed
to other larger courses, the slower pace is
not so much of a problem at our course.”
The Comox Golf Club is a championship
nine hole course located in the heart
of the picturesque town of Comox.
Beautifully conditioned fairways and well
maintained greens, offer both challenge
and reward, an exciting combination for
golfers of all levels. Moussa adds, “Open
year round, it’s the best value golf in
town. Our friendly club is welcoming
new members and is open to the public
for green fee play.”
by Barney Owelle
in Comox Championship 9 Hole Golf Course
Right in the Heart of Comox
1718 Balmoral Ace. Comox Phone: 250.339.4444
Crown Isle Golf Course
Crown Isle is superbly manicured and maintained. Playable for golfers at all
levels, the course is designed in a resort style with a dynamic set of tees to
meet the needs of any guest or member. With 11 lakes, views of the Beaufort
mountain range & Comox glacier, and verdant fairways, this Par 72, 18-hole
course offers a superb driving range with chipping & putting greens, and
practice bunkers. Over 10,000 annuals are planted every year and the landscaping greens team has been successful in achieving a 33% reduction in
water use, while still nurturing the golf course and surrounding landscape.
Qualicum Beach, B.C.
•Host of the 2008 Canadian Men’s Mid-Amateur
•“3 toughest finishing holes in BC” - BCGA
Executive Director 2006
•A par 72,6700 Yard Championship Golf Course
•Walkable through nature, not real estate!
•Exceptional golf, natural beauty, service and
•Leading edge instruction at the Brent Morrison Golf
Academy on the best practice facility in BC.
•18 hole green fee $79
•Group rates: 12 players or more $89 per player,
includes 18 holes, shared golf car and boxed lunch
Vancouver Island Golfing in the
Located in the seaside community of Cobble Hill and only 10 minutes from
the cultural city of Duncan, Arbutus Ridge combines athletic sophistication
with rustic allure. The Satellite Channel flows alongside and Mt. Baker stands
guard over the 18 holes, which offer some of the most spectacular vistas
on Vancouver Island. The genuine service, scenery and outstanding layout
are a few reasons why Arbutus Ridge has earned a Four Star Golf Digest
Rating in 2009. To experience the scenery without the exercise, pay a visit
to the glass-fronted clubhouse and take in the mountain and ocean views at the
Satellite Bar & Grille, or relax on the legendary patio overlooking the 18th hole.
Arbutus Ridge Gol Club
Olympic View always rates among top golf courses on Vancouver Island.
Accentuated by magnificent waterfalls, beautiful mountain views, roaming
deer and soaring eagles you will understand why Olympic View ranked 10th
Best Public Golf Course in BC by Score Golf in 2011. After your outstanding
golf experience visit Forester’s Bistro & Bar to enjoy the fresh locally inspired
menu while soaking up the panoramic views of the eighteenth hole. Olympic View Golf Club always appreciates nature’s beauty that surrounds this
one of a kind golf course and is a proud member of the Audubon Society.
For Tee Time Bookings
call Toll Free 1.866.923.3674
or 250.923.3673
Come enjoy a round in
a relaxing atmosphere
full of fresh air & nature
250.656.4621 • 930 Ardmore Drive, North Saanich
Tee Times: 1.800.567.1320
Island Golf
If you are looking for a great value and quality service in a first class course,
try Glacier Greens. Mature Trees line the fairways and numerous water
hazards and traps will test the skills of the most ardent golfer.Glacier Greens
offers full amenities including driving range, putting green,rentals, online
booking and a fully licensed restaurant with a beautifulpatio overlooking
the 18th green. Whether it's great golf, spectacular views or fabulous food,
you won't be disappointed with Glacier Greens. For more information or
to book a teetime, visit us online at
Glacier Greens Golf Course
Arrowsmith Golf Course
Arrowsmith Golf Course and Micky J’s Bar & Grill now entering their 20th
season, have made an impression on the golf community of Vancouver
Island with a​ challenging, enjoyable, yet faster game that can be played in
3-3 1/2 hours. An executive (par 61) course with big undulating greens, tall
majestic evergreens and a gorgeous view of Mount Arrowsmith. Grade A
practice facilities, including netted Driving Range with grass tees, practice
bunker, chipping green, putting green and even an area to play bocce ball.
Enjoy a fabulous meal on the patio. Open all year round - Family Friendly!
N amed after the Eagles that soar
overhead, Eaglecrest Golf Club is
located in the beautiful oceanside
area of Vancouver Island. Established
in 1971, Eaglecrest is one of the oldest
golf courses in the area. This 18 hole
championship golf course offers lush
fairways and towering evergreen trees.
The layout combines a variety of different
elements to create a uniquely challenging
Eaglecrest Golf Course
course. The first three holes are traditional
links-style holes, while the next nine are tighter. The final six holes are
the golf courses most formidable, especially the 14th and 17th. The par
5 fourteenth hole features lakes on either side as well as a trecherous pot
bunker guarding the large green. The 17th hole is also tricky.
Beautiful Course
Great Golf
at Qualicum Beach
* challenging executive (par 61) course
* grade A practice facilities incl. Netted driving range
* enjoy a delicious meal on the patio overlooking the 18th hole
& Echo Valley.
2250 Fowler Rd., Qualicum
Beach, Van. Island
Pro shop: 250.752.9727
A Piece of Paradise in Qualicum Beach
Great Golf Rate
Phone for tee-times 250-752-6311
Pacific Northwest Golfing in the
Perfect Pacific
Eaglemont is an 18 hole championship quality public golf course and
a world-class events venue, located in the heart of the beau- tiful Skagit
Valley in Mount Vernon, Washington. Combining challenging golf with
spectacular scenery, the course at Eaglemont offers golfers a memorable
experience. Each of our holes is unique and separated from the others (no
up and back golf here) and you will likely hit every club in your bag at least
once during your round. The Clubhouse sits on top of a hill, overlooks a
couple of the signature holes, and in the background, the Puget Sound
and the Olympic Mountains are visible! It was the “10th rated course in
Washington state” by 2011 Golf Digest and had a “4 Star Rating” by Golf Digest. Golf Washington Magazine voted Eaglemont “one of the top 5 public
courses in Washington”.
Eaglemont Golf Course
"4 Star Rating"
Golf Digest Magazine
Shuksan Golf Course
"10th Rated Course in Washington State"
2011 Golf Digest Magazine
(360) 424 0800
4800 Eagltemont Drive
Mount Vernon, Washington
The Shuksan Golf Course located 20 minutes from Bellingham, was designed by Rick Dvorak and opened in the Spring of 1994. The spectacular
course was rated in the Golf Digest 4 Star “Places to Play.” This scenic course
boasts an intriguing layout of 6,742 yards bordered by forested ridges. With
a number of water haz- ards, every hole is unique. The course houses approximately fifty bunkers, as well as tight chipping areas, grass hollows and
swales. The Shuksan Golf course was built to include elevation changes to
make for a more challenging game. Optical illusions are created by the elevation changes, where the exact length of the fairways are camouflaged to
make the targets look closer.
Hit Straighter & Longer
Want to hit the ball straighter
and longer? Work on letting
your arms swing frwee away
from the ball at the start of the
"2015 "
2015 Card NOW Valid Mon-Fri and *Weekends subject to a $10.00 walk/$15.00 ride
surcharge per player. Not Valid US/CDN Holidays - Expires Dec 31st, 2015. Card is nonrefundable and cannot be extended. Golf card valid for primary cardholder and up to
(3) accompanied guests the same day.
Lifting the club becomes a big
problem as it creates tension that
limits the backswing and makes the
swing far too steep.
A shallow swing with driver creates a
better turn and better release. Keep
it low and long and the driver will
give you 20 more yards. Good luck and
wgood golf!
By: Matt Mandell,
PGA Head Professional
Northwest Golf
Canyon Lakes is rated 4.5 stars by Golf Digest and is tied for the top-rated
golf course in Washington State. Northwest Travel Magazine selected
Canyon Lakes as one of the “18 of the Best in the Pacific Northwest.” Driving
range, full practice facility, 18-hole putting course and restaurant. 3700 Canyon Lakes Dr. (509) 582-3736
Canyon Lakes Golf Course
Columbia Point Golf Course
Columbia Point, a James J. Engh design, features rolling fairways and
large undulating greens. Golf enthusiasts named Columbia Point the #3
in Western Golf Alliance’s “Best Places to Rip It” consumer poll. Located
adjacent to the Columbia River with a staff of PGA professionals, driving
range and restaurant.
225 Columbia Point Dr. Richland (509) 946-0710
Sign up for our weekly
events newsletter at
Kennewick • Pasco • Richland
Horn Rapids Golf Course
Horn Rapids offers the ultimate in challenging golf with a course that
winds through sage and sand against desert mountains and the Yakima
River. Featuring a full-service pro shop, two practice greens, driving range,
practice bunker, restaurant and RV hook ups.
2800 Clubhouse Ln. Richland (509) 375-4714 (866) 564-4653 (GOLF)
For a BRIGHTER, BOLDER, BETTER get-away than you’ve ever experienced,
visit Tri-Cities. Experience a variety of world-class golf courses, wineries,
and festivals, and revel in the brilliant colors of our world.
To learn more, visit
Sun Willows Golf Course
Sun Willows, a Robert Muir Graves design, is one of the best golfing values
in the Tri-Cities. Featuring a staff of PGA professionals to assist every golfer,
from beginners to the more advanced player, driving range, pro shop and
full-service bar and grill. 2535 N. 20th Ave.
Pasco (509) 545-3440
Avalon Golf Links
Avalon Golf Links is a beautiful and unique 27-hole champion- ship course
located in Burlington, Washington. Featuring lush, green fairways and
smooth, quick greens, Avalon ranks amongst the finest courses in Washington. Just an hour south of Vancouver, Avalon is the perfect place to spend
the day on the course enjoying picturesque views of the Skagit Valley. Avalon features an extensive practice area with a grass driving range, chipping,
and putting greens. Stop by the Sweet Bite Café for a snack in between nines
or relax after your round with a pint and our signature Avalon burger. Come
see why Avalon is one of the finest golf experiences in the Pacific Northwest!
Harrison Hot Springs
in the
Low Cdn. Dollar
Boosts Tourism
The RV Evolution
More Than a Resort
Playing on the Lake
Stalking Sasquatches
Lakeside Dining
Adventures Around Harrison
Strolin’ Thru The Village
Spring/Summer 2015
Kayakers on Harrison Lake with Harrison Hot Springs Resort in the background.
Low Cdn. Dollar Boosts Tourism
ike migrating geese flying south, the past few years over 300,000
overnight visitors and 300,000 day trippers have flocked into
Harrison Hot Springs every year. The number of tourists to the resort
has steadily increased since the recession of 2008, but since the Canadian
dollar has plummeted, those numbers have risen even more.
The low Canadian dollar has increased the number of tourists
in a couple of ways. Robert Reyerse, Executive Director of Tourism
Harrison Hot Springs explains, “it definitely makes Harrison more
attractive to the US visitor once they are made aware of the low
Canadian dollar. The reality is that the level of the Canadian dollar is
not a reality on the radar of most Americans, so it requires marketing
efforts to get the message out. The result has been an increase in US
visitors, but still well below the peak of 20 years ago.” Reyerse adds,
“the other benefit of the weak Canadian dollar, is that Canadians
stay home. The result is that we have seen a modest increase in both
US and Vancouver based visitors.”
Since the recession hit seven years ago, there was a decline in
tourists, but Ian Maw, Director of Marketing for the Harrison Hot
Springs Resort points out that over the past couple of years, the
tourism landscape for Harrison Hot Springs is currently a rosier
picture than in the past. “Following four years of downward trending
business results, 2013 was the first year we saw an upswing. In 2014
growth was significant, and in 2015 we can say with certainty that
we are back to pre-recession levels.”
Maw explains, that although visitation from Washington State has
increased as the purchasing power of the US dollar has improved,
it is not the key factor that is driving more tourists to the Resort.
“More importantly, with the increased cost of travel to the US, more
Canadians are staying home and traveling within the province. Our
industry generally and the resort specifically are certainly seeing
strong numbers from both markets as a result.”
Meanwhile, Reyerse believes that there is another component of
travelers that is fueling the hike in tourism to Harrison Hot Springs.
“In addition to the American and Canadian visitors, we have seen
a dramatic increase in Asian visitors. Many Asians come from
overseas, but we a seeing new immigrants to Vancouver, who are
now in the process of exploring the region outside of Vancouver.”
By Meriah Jones
Having fun with rentals from Harrison Water Sports.
Mention this ad and receive 15% OFF your
next 2 night stay!*
At the Harrison Beach Hotel, we provide a
combination of luxury accommodations, location,
comfort, and value.
*Based on availability for stays in 2015.
Much More than a Resort
Tourists discover the wonders of Harrison Lake with Shoreline Tours & Charters.
arrison Hot Springs is an ideal holiday spot for Vancouverites,
and is just a short 90 minute drive from the Port Mann Bridge. In
addition to its world famous hot springs Harrison offers top quality
accommodations, great restaurants and a wide variety of outdoor
Hiking is probably the most popular local activity with a wide
variety of trails with varying degrees of difficulty. The Harrison
Grind aka as the Campbell Lake trail starts right in Harrison, and
takes you on a rugged trail to an amazing view of Harrison Lake. But
just be prepared for some serious hiking.
Try biking the local farm country. Agassiz Circle farm tour, is
a self-guided tour through Agassiz’s prime farm land offering a
wonderful bike ride along generally quiet country roads.
Also, the Harrison River offers one of the finest canoe or kayaking
experiences in BC. In addition to all the outdoor activities, Harrison
has great events nearly every weekend during the summer. The
summer kicks off June 27th & 28th with Sasquatch Days, this event
brings the neighbouring First Nation band Sts’ailes to Harrison Hot
Springs for a weekend of War Canoe Races, Salmon Barbeque and
of course displays and talks on the elusive Sasquatch. July 11-19 sees
the 37th annual Harrison Festival of the Arts presenting the best in
Canadian and International performing and visual arts. July 25th
is the Agassiz Farms Cycle Tour, and the September long weekend
closes the summer out with Bands on the Beach, a two-day festival
of the best country western bands in the Valley.
So, whether you’re looking to hike, bike, paddle, stalk the Sasquatch
or just soak in the healing hot springs you can find your adventure,
just up the road in Harrison Hot Springs.
Holiday Trails
Vacation Club
Learn about cabin Camping in RV
resorts as well as international Travel
with this offer at Manning Park.
w w w. h t r. ca
1-800-330-3321 |
includes first morning breakfast
check in on sunday and must attend an informative presentation.
when reserving quote code number Lightening Lakes 061015.
huge change has hit the RV industry.
The popularity in RV’ing has spiked because
vacationers are purchasing RV lots rather than
summer cottages. Mary Smith, the owner of
the Springs RV Resort at Harrison Hot Springs
explains why so many people are switching over.
"RV’ing is like the summer cottage. To purchase
summer property these days is too expense, and
takes too much work for the upkeep. Getting into
an RV lot makes sense, because it's affordable for
younger and older people."
Research indicates that over the past five years
there has been a shift to quality resort destinations.
One of the many luxurious amenities at the Springs RV Resort
"People love to be in a resort type atmosphere
with pools, hot tubs, close to golf courses, fine dining, boating, etc. their leisure time and relax. With the high cost of gas and time
They want to be catered to, just like in a hotel."
wasted, traveling can be problematic. People like to be closer to
Smith adds, "People are searching for places near home to spend home, but still spend every weekend like they are on vacation."
Another reason RV’ing is rapidly evolving, is because the recreation
vehicles are now more sophisticated and user friendly. John J Allen,
owner of the Harrison Country Club RV Park adds, "they are no
longer the lumbering, underpowered beasts holding up traffic. RV's
provide a freedom not found in conventional travel, which is based
on airline or train schedules.They also allow winter escapes to the
US sunbelt, which is only a day or two away."
Allen points out, another reason for the hike in RV popularity is
because people realize the RV is really a luxury vacation condo on
wheels. "You can holiday anywhere you can drive, and you have all
your own clothes, food and drinks handy. You can take kayaks, skis
and bicycles, even a 4x4 towed behind."
RV Sites at Harrison Country Club are becoming more popular.
There are different types of RV’ing. For a more luxurious stay the
ideal spot for your next vacation is the the Springs RV Resort. Nestled between the magnificent Coast Mountains, and only steps from the
historic village of Harrison Hot Springs, the region offers first class amenities and a myriad of recreational activities, from boating, fishing,
hiking, and golfing to dining and shopping. The facilities are exceptional, but it is the community of family and friends that make the Springs
RV Resort special. Reserve a seasonal or overnight site, or consider purchasing your own RV lot. 604.796.9767
by Barney Owelle
The Red Fort serves delicious dishes with a spectacular view.
At the Old Settler Pub enjoy an ice cold drink and mouthwatering food. Relax on their new patio, sip on a delicious glass
of wine with a savory steak cooked to perfection as you watch
the sun set over the mountains.It’s the perfect location for
corporate events, family functions or a gathering of friends. Call
Enjoy great food and friendly service at Old Settler Pub
At the unique Red Fort Restaurant
experience casual dining with a twist
of international flavors. Their menu
blends the world’s finest dishes
through their creative design, quality
and presentation. With two huge
patios over looking the lake. For
groups book your private patio. 604.
Looking for a quick bite or searching
for that really good latte to satisfy your
caffeine fix, then make sure you stop
by Beach Bites Cafe. Relax on the
bamboo furniture while sipping on
Dining with a spectacular view at the Lakeside Cafe, in
your coconut chilled drink, delicious
smoothy or Belgian chocolate dipped
ice cream bar with locally roasted hazelnuts with gluten-free and vegan options available,
this will be your daily stop while in Harrison. Located in the Harrison
Villiage mall behind main street. Check out Chantilly Ice Cream where
they have over 40 flavours of Gelato, Sorbetto, ice Cream and Frozen
Yogurt. With many more on rotation
including sugar-free options you are
sure to find your favourite flavours and
discover many new ones. Stop by for some
free testers. Located right on the main
road towards the Harrison Resort Hotel.
Beach Bites
Chantilly Gelato
Wet you taste buds with Harrison's largest
selection of authentic Italian Gelato,
Sorbetto and delicious Ice Cream.
Also offering great Lattes, Cappuccinos,
Milkshakes, Smoothies and more.
150 Esplanade Ave., Harrison Hot Springs
Phone 604.491.2001
* Organic Expresso Bar
* Delicious Natural Smoothies
* Belgian Chocolate Dipped Ice cream Bars
* Hot Dogs, Wraps,
Personal Pizzas, Panini & more
Gluten- free and Vegan Options Available
196 Esplanade Ave., Harrison Hot Springs | 604.491.2411
Patrons can experience superb Mediterranean
cuisine in the comfort of a small bistro in beautiful
Harrison Hot Springs. Morgan’s Bistro offers a robust
menu that is both elegant yet rustic and a patio with
breathtaking views of Harrison Lake. Morgan’s bistro
usues local and seasonal ingredients. You can expect
every item served served at Morgan’s is made inhouse, organic whenever possible and prepared to
order by a dedicated team. Fresh bread and pastries
are baked daily and a gourmet breakfast is served on
the weekend during the summer. Morgan’s Bistro is
oriented towards modern values of sustainability and
human well being. A place to come together to enjoy
good food, good company and good wine.
Tourists enjoy superb cuisine and view at Morgan’s Bistro.
the Harrison Hot Springs Resort.
Strolling thru the village, you will stumble across
a little piece of authentic Germany, located on the lake front. At the Black Forest
Restaurant, delicious traditional German cuisine is served up with a fantastic view of
Harrison Lake. The newly constructed outdoor patio is quite conceivably the best in the
village. Walking into this cozy restaurant complimented by the authentic Bavarian decor,
you feel like you have stepped into a quaint Bavarian bistro to experience the truly
authentic flavors of German cuisine. Call 604.796.9343
For an authentic Japanese dining experience, walk thru the doors of Yukiya Sushi
Japanese Restaurant. It is recently under new ownership, and the food is, even better
than it was before the new owners took over, and it is quite conceivably the best
Japanese food in Harrison Hot Springs. Phone 604.796.2633.
Patrons dine on authentic German cusine at the Black Forest.
Awarded Certificate of
Excellence 2015 Winner.
Authentic Japanese Cuisine
Best Sushi in Harrison Hot Springs
Teriakii, Tampura, Sushi and more...
Eat In or Take Out
Located on the Beach Front | 140 Esplande, Harrison Hot Springs Phone 604.796.2633 HARRISON HOT SPRINGS IN THE WINDS SPRING/SUMMER 2015 7
Playing On
Harrison Hot Springs is truly one of the most beautiful and spectacular
places to visit in BC., and visiting the resort without experiencing the fun
and excitement of Harrison Lake would almost be a crime.
If you’re looking for fun on the water with spectacular views and sandy
beaches Harrison Water Sports provides a full array of entertainment. The
company operates one of the largest Inflatable Water Parks in the world
and its located just 90 minutes outside of Vancouver BC. It’s Harrison Hot
Springs version of Wipeout on the water and it’s fun for the whole family.
Along with all the inflatable water park toys Harrison Water Sports rents
Sea Doo Watercraft, Bumper Boats with Electric Squirt Guns and also offers
Banana Tube Rides. You can visit our web site at
for further information on the products we have to offer.
A Full Range of Water Activities For All Ages
- Inflatable Water Park
- Sea Doo Rentals
- Blaster Bumper Boats
- Banana Tube Rides
Located in front of the Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa
Phone: 604.796.3513
Tourists having fun on the lake with rentals from Harrison Water Sports.
Killers Cove Boat Rentals offers you a variety of ways to navigate Harrison
Lake and the Harrison River, and to get marine assistance. They offer boat
rentals, boat tours, kayak and canoe rentals, as well as gas delivery, towing
and a water taxi service. They rent top of the line boats ranging from 1214 passenger pontoon boats to pedal boats. Your safety is first, so they
require a 30 to 45 minute safety orientation with every client before going
out onto the water. They are open seven days a week, weather permitting.
Killers Cove Boat Rentals is located on the docks in front of the Harrison Hot
Springs Hotel. Phone 604.819.5398
The Lake
Experience the scenic wonders of Harrison Lake with Shoreline Tours &
Charters from May 1st, to September 30th. Join them on a cruise along the
west side of the Lake, past the mouth of the Harrison River an up around the
far side of Echo Island to view the rock formations and emerald green water
of Echo Bay. From there we cruise to Fossil Bay and then on to Cascade Bay
to experience the Beauty of Rainbow Falls. Keep your eyes peeled for the
Sasquatch as we head back down the east side of the Lake past Sasquatch
Provincial Park. From October 1st. to November 30th., you can enjoy the
Harrison River Tour and discover the pristine, emerald waters of the Harrison
River and view for yourself the many species of Salmon (Coho, Chinook,
Chum, Pink & Sockeye) who arrive from the ocean to spawn each year. The
Harrison River is a great place to view the magnificent North American Bald
Eagle. In the fall they congregate here by the thousands, following the
salmon to the spawning grounds of the upper Harrison River. Seals can also
be seen frolicking and gorging on the abundance of food.
Shoreline Tours
Killer’s Cove Marina
Killer’s Cove Marina is a family owned business located on Harrison Lake
in Harrison Hot Springs. The lake is 45 miles or 65 kilometers long, is glacier
fed, very deep and surrounded by majestic mountains. It is the only marine
fuel station on the lake and is located on the east-side of the south end of
the lake. A variety of slip sizes are available for annual moorage. New rates
are added for daily, weekly and two month periods. The marina has 30 amp
metered power connections and on-site management. There is a sanitary
pump station and boat launch nearby. 604.796.3856,
Join us on a cruise along the west side of the
Lake, past the mouth of the Harrison River and
up around the far side of Echo Island to view
the rock formations and emerald green water
of Echo Bay.From there we cruise to Fossil
Bay and then on to Cascade Bay to experience
the beauty of Rainbow Falls. Keep your eyes
peeled for the Sasquatch as we head back
down the east side of the Lake.
“Bear Rock Formation”
Tel 604-819-3418
Tel 604-796-3123
Discover the pristine, emerald waters of
Harrison River and view for yourself the many
species of Salmon (Coho, Chinook, Chum,
Pink & Sockeye) who arrive from the ocean to
spawn each year. The Harrision River is a great
place to view the magnificent North American
Bald Eagle. In the fall they congregate here
by the thousands, following the salmon to the
spawning grounds of the upper Harrision /river.
Seals can also be seen frolicking and gorging
on the abundance of food.
Playing Around Harrison
In 1808 Simon Fraser
journeyed up and down his
name sake river in search of
a trade route, in his journal
he wrote “We had to travel
where no human being
should venture, for surely
we have encountered the
gates of hell.” Now you
too can see the terrifying
beauty that inspired the
man to pen those words.
With the Hell’s Gate Tram,
you take a scenic tram
ride from the side of the
coastal pacific mountains,
and descend across the
Fraser River, where over
750 million litres of water
pass through. Enjoy gold
panning, their home made
Hells Gate Air Tram over the Fraser River
fudge, fisheries museum
and the new restaurant and pub overlooking the majestic Fraser.
Rafting with Fraser River Raft Expeditions.
Experience the Fraser River’s most significant passage in an exciting and
scenic river journey with Fraser River Raft Expeditions. Rafting through
the Fraser Canyon and Hell’s Gate is an unforgettable experience that is
suitable for almost anyone.Our large power rafts and experienced guides
will take you through BC’s largest commercially rafted whitewater. You
will see rugged scenery, majestic views, wildlife and cultural history on a
diverse and incredible waterway.A delicious, fresh lunch is included to
enjoy riverside partway through the trip. Enjoy the perfect day on the river,
exhilarating whitewater, calm relaxing floating and spectacular scenery.
We also offer paddle rafting on the Thompson, Nahatlatch and Coquihalla
rivers as well as 2,3 and 8 day expeditions.
Inflatable Kayaking offered by Chilliwack River Rafting.
Celebrating 20 years of white water adventures, Chilliwack River Rafting
is Vancouver’s favourite white water adventure resort. Family operated and
open year round they offer paddle rafting adventures for timid first timers
and hard core rafters. Challenge the Chilliwack Canyon’s 14 km of nonstop
action or try the Inflatable Kayak Tour. All raft trips include lunch, day use
of 5 acre riverside property, wetsuits, certified guides and safety kayaker.
Make any of their trips an overnight camping adventure at our riverside
resort and enjoy the tasty meals, views of the Cascade mountains, campfire
and camaraderie. Call 1-800-410-7238 or book online at
Enjoy back country excursions in the eastern wilderness of Harrison
Lake. Cascade Outdoor Adventures offers custom tours in wildlife
viewing, horseback adventures, alpine adventures, hot springs tours and
snowshoeing. The pace is laid back, and they are committed to giving you a
day in the wilderness that will take your mind far away from the hussle and
bustle of the busy city centers.
12 cabins situated on the shore of Harrison
Lake. Seasonal outdoor pool, BBQ facilities,
ice cream shop, video games and more.
For a unique, rustic experience, stay at the Bungalow Motel. The cabins are
located across from Harrison Lake. Amenities include a seasonal out door
pool, BBQ, private sun decks, cable TV plus an ice cream and candy bar.
Cascade Outdoor Adventure's invites
you for a day or weekend of back
country excursions in the eastern
wilderness of Harrison Lake. Book
your tour today!
P.O. Box 377,
Harrison Hot Springs,BC,
Canada V0M 1K0
511 Lillooet Ave
Harrison Hot Springs, BC V0M 1K0
(604) 796-3536
Phone/Fax: 604-796-3536
Stalking Sasquatches
he Harrison Hot Springs
area is known as the home of
the legendary Sasquatch, a very
elusive, giant apelike creature that
has been spotted in numerous
locations around the area. Finding
the Sasquatch is a big challenge.
Luckily there are local Sasquatch
Investigators who will take you
into the back country to track
Big Foot down. Ride along with
Sasquatch Country Adventures
as they take you into Sasquatch
country that so few have ever
experienced. Listen as your guide
talks about the best evidence found
to date pertaining to existence of
the creature known as Sasquatch.
Let them tell you what they
believe the Sasquatch to be, and
how and why it has remained elusive
for so long. Your adventure is sure
to be a most memorable one, filled
with many on location, eyewitness
accounts plus the beautiful scenery.
Experience the six passenger Polaris
Ranger Crew UTV which offers a
safe, smooth, and comfortable ride.
This vehicle, along with your guide,
will expertly and efficiently access
territory that standard vehicles would
have a difficult time maneuvering
over. With their vast knowledge they
ensure the highest level of safety. So
whether you are interested in the
Sasquatch or just want to get out for
an adventurous open-air ride through
splended scenery, Sasquatch Country
Adventures is sure to be a most
Sasquatch Country Adventures guides Thomas Steenburg (L) & Bill
memorable experience for all.
Miller (R) gear up for their next tour.
* 9 Guest Rooms with private Bathrooms
* Salt Water Pool
* Billiards, Games & Meeting Room/
Fireside Lounge downstairs
* Complimentary Breakfast
* Dining for Groups of 6 -20 for
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Visitors experience an adventure with Bear Country Tours
Bear Country Tours is a full service ATV tour company in the Fraser Valley,
which has some of the most rugged and picturesque terrain. The well
trained guides are experienced Canada Safety Council certified trainers.
You will be shown the functional components of the machine, correct body
position and practice time before leaving. They guarantee a safe adventure. Phone:604.796.9798
This 10,000 sq ft restored heritage B & B, originally built as Fenn Lodge in
1903 is located on 87 lovely acres and is owned and operated by Sts’ailes
(meaning “The beating heart,”) the people who’ve called this territory home
for thousands of years. It features 9 guest rooms with private bathrooms,
living room, library, gourmet-style kitchen, billiards table, games room,
meeting rooms, outdoor salt-water swimming pool and free Wi-Fi .
Strollin’ Thru the Village
Owned and operated by artist Errol
Brimacombe, Canwest Art Gallery
on the Lake has been a Harrison Hot
Springs destination for Canadian fine
art and handcrafts since 2000. In our
new location in the Harrison Beach
Hotel, we added a take-out coffee and
tuck shop, offering patio seating with
a fine view of the lake. The Gallery is a
very friendly and social place to browse,
chat and generally “hang out”. We
are worth the 10 steps up. We feature
over 50 Canadian artists and include a
broad selection of excellent handcrafts
and gifts with prices for every budget.
We gift wrap, deliver, ship, share, and
occasionally we ply you with home
baking made by Errol’s wife, Maureen.
Known worldwide for its professional artistry
and small town hospitality, the Harrison
Festival is an internationally acclaimed
celebration of global creativity and diversity.
Set against the majestic mountains and
sandy beaches of Harrison Lake, this nine
day, cross-disciplinary, multicultural art
event has entertained, enlightened and
embraced Festival goers for more than 35
years. Its reputation for excellence and family
atmosphere are why the Harrison Festival is
proclaimed the ‘best little fest in the west’.
Tourists enjoying the Harrision Festival.
The Ranger Station Art Gallery is an ongoing project of the
Kent Harrison Arts Council. The building itself, the original
Ranger Station for the Ministry of Forests for the region, is a
local historical landmark in a beautiful, natural, lakeside setting.
Featuring ten shows annually of fine artwork from local and
Can West Art features Cdn. of Fine Lower Mainland artists, the Ranger Station promotes art in the
Art & Handrafts. Kent Harrison district and supports artists.
View from the Ranger Station
Public Art Gallery.
Harrison Hairstyling & Day
Spa has been established for 26
years. We believe in a healthier
beauty, and take great pride in
using the highest quality natural
and certified organic product
lines. Our specialty is bridal and
Harrison Hairstyling & Day Spa
formal hair/make-up. Also our spa
services are customized to each guest and include waxing, massage, facials,
manicures, pedicures, and eyelash extensions.
At Glencoe Motel and Campground you will find many amenities right at
your doorstep. It’s a short walk to the lake and the resort’s great restaurants,
shopping and public mineral pool. Hiking and biking trails are also near by.
The owners thrive to attain a high standard of cleanliness and maintenance.
The RV campround, which is closest to Harrison also has some tent sites.
Monthly exhibitions
featuring local Fraser Valley and BC artists
Mon - Fri 10 to 4 Sat - Sun 1- 5 98 Rockwell Drive,
Harrison Hot Springs
Kent Harrison Arts Council 60 Lillooet Ave., Harrison Hot Springs.
604.796.3636 |
Glencoe Motel
and Campground
* A 2 min.walk to Harrison Lake beach
* Centrally located to great restaurants &
stores, parks & trails
* Across from the public mineral pool
* Full service RV plus tenting sites available
* Free wifi 259 Hot Springs Rd., Harrison Hot Springs
Ph: 604.796.2574
$5.00 off with this Ad
Playing & Staying
Luxury at its Finest
Harrison Beach Hotel
The Harrison Beach Hotel offers stunning views of Harrison Lake and
mountains, has pet-friendly suites, and every modern convenience you’ll
need. When you’re ready to leave the comfort of your room, you’ll find that
everything you want or need is right outside your door! When you’re done
playing, you can return to your spacious accommodations and the hotel’s
many amenities for the perfect combination of relaxation and comfort. It’s
time to slow down, have a few adventures, and create more memories.
The Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa has 340 guest rooms and cottages
which offer views of gardens, pools, mountains and Harrison Lake. Tourists
enjoy the resort’s five hot pools, and the Healing Springs Spa offers many
services. The Resort Marina offers fishing charters, jet ski and boat rentals,
bumper boats or lake tours. The Resort Golf Course is a player friendly 9
hole course with club and cart rentals. Enjoy casual dining at the Lakeside
Cafe, drinks at Island Bar before dining and dancing in the Copper Room.
Harrison Lakeview Resort is a shining beacon in this quaint little resort
town less than 200 meters from the beach. This beautifully appointed
building serves to enhance your vacation experience. With 20 fully
renovated apartments boasting cozy interiors, innovative architecture and
fantastic views from every suite, Harrison Lake View Resort offers luxury
and comfort at competitive rates. Whether you are a small family seeking
solace from the city or young adults out to enjoy nature, we have it all and
more. Harrison Hot Springs boasts sandy beaches, sparkling waters and
lush greenery. You are steps from Harrison Beach, Harrison Resort Golf
Course, Harrison Hot Springs Spa Resort, local shopping, bistros, coffee
shops and restaurants.
- luxury 2 & 3 bdrm. appartments
- 5 min. walk to Harrison Lake
- large balconies with view
- centrally located to restaurants
& shopping
weekdays 15% off Sun-Thurs
weekends 10% off Fri & Sat
extra 5% off for return customers
298 Lillooet Ave., Harrison Hot SPrings
Toll free 1.855.491.0014 or 604.491.0014
Harrison Lakeview Resort
The Harrison Country Club is a small, family-owned and operated RV
Resort located at the edge of the village core on a six-acre island-like
setting. With its waterfront RV sites, it offers an island of tranquility with
all the conveniences of modern accommodation. The resort has only 75
sites, lots of trees, lawns and facilities and is only a 3-minute stroll from the
beach, restaurants and shops. You don’t have to buy a campsite at HCC
and you will not be sold anything. The annual site rental, which includes
everything, is only $4,038 for 12 months. The HCC motto is ” If we ain’t got
it, you don’t need it!” .
Harrison Country Club RV Resort
*Fully serviced RV sites * 3 min. stroll to beachfront *Cable TV, wifi, laundry, boat storage & more
400 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs
Ph: 604.796.9228