Time to Nominate!


Time to Nominate!
rev up
August - September 2005
The Official Bi-monthly Newsletter of Roar
Time to Nominate!
It’s that time again. Put on your thinking cap and talk to your racing buddies.
Find out who’s ready to be a ROAR Region Director for ODD numbered regions, including
Canada, and Vice President. If you know someone who’s qualified and would be willing
to handle the job talk to them about it and nominate them using the form in this issue of
REVUP (page 3).
NEW ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT for President and Vice President
The President and Vice President must have been a member in good standing for a year prior to
election. Each must have had at least one year experience in one of the following prior to being
nominated for office: Region Director, Class Committee Member, Executive Committee Member.”
2005 ROAR Off Road Stock Nationals to INCLUDE Master’s Truck as a
class for competition. Please ‘write in’ on an available line “MASTERS TRUCK” with your frequency
information. Available classes are: 2wd buggy, 2wd truck, 4wd buggy, Juniors buggy and MASTER’S
TRUCK for this event.
Recently Approved Bodies
1/10 .12 FUEL TOURING Protoform Stratus 3.1
(200mm) #1477—6.30.2008
Recently Approved Motors:
Modified Associated/Reedy Yokomo 111604 Ti
Worlds w/ or w/o SMC, ld br, 5mm blank,
.35 comm.
Fuel ‘Open’ On-Road Nationals
Full Throttle Speedway—Kissimmee, Florida
407.791.2321, defiante9@aol.com
November 3-6, 2005
Modified Associated/Reedy Yokomo 111603 Ti
Worlds w/ or w/o SMC, ld br, 5mm blank,
.35 comm.
Paved On-Road Electric Nationals
Speedline Hobbies—Holiday, Florida
727.536.7223. October 6-9, 2005
Modified Trinity Epic Shock Teardown w/EX
(TM-14A) Blank.
Stock Off-Road Nationals
Scottsdale R/C Speedway—Scottsdale Arizona
480.945.2186, Anfinson1@yahoo.com
www.scottsdalerc.com. October 20-23, 2005
Modified Trinity Epic Shock Teardown w/Torque
(TM-79-8) Blank.
Modified Trinity Epic Shock Teardown w/Tri-Rotor
(TM-67) Blank.
Modified Trinity Epic Shock Teardown w/D2 Blank.
2005 National
Paved Oval Nationals
Blountville Model Speedway—Blountville,
Tennessee. 423.323.1513, drdaleb@charter.net
www.racebms.com. September 29 - October
2, 2005
Fifth Scale Nationals—T.B.D.
InsiDe this issue:
Region 1 .............................................. pg 4
Region 2 ............................................. pg 5
Region 3 .............................................. pg 6
Region 4 .............................................. pg 7
Region 5 .............................................. pg 8
Region 6 .............................................. pg 9
Regions 7, 8 & 9 .................................pg 10
Region 10 ........................................... pg 11
Region 11 ........................................... pg 12
Region 12 ........................................... pg 13
Regions 14 & Canada ........................ pg 16
ROAR Race Flyers ....................pgs 14 & 15
ROAR Income &
Expense Analysis
6 Months 2005
Membership Fees: ..........................$95,842
Nationals Fees: ................................. $2,865
Nationals Deposits: ...........................$1,000
IFMAR Entries: .................................$12,056
Bank Acct. Interest: ............................. $670
Product Approvals: .............................. $200
Less: Refunds & Returned Checks: ...$(435)
TOTAL REVENUE: ...........................$112.198
Administrator: ....................................................$15,000
Region Director Expenses: .................................$3,860
Travel Expense:...................................................$9,825
Worlds Expenses: ..............................................$11,486
Insurance: ......................................................... $34,432
Legal & Accounting: ........................................... $1,000
Office Expenses: ................................................. $3,188
Postage & Mailing:........................................... $10,826
Print Rev-Up Newsletters: ................................ $13,050
Telephone & Fax: ................................................... $472
Website: ................................................................. $769
Promotions—Expenses: ......................................$1,255
TOTAL EXPENSES: ...........................................$105,163
OPERATIONS (NET): ........................ $7,035
JANUARY 1, 2005: ......................... $139,048
OPERATIONS (NET): ........................ $7,035
JULY 1, 2005: ................................. $146,083
Interested in becoming a
Get involved!
sign up at:
officers rEPOrTS
Presidents Column
Administrators Column
Rick Wilson
Fred Hohwart
We are in the middle of our Nationals season and are
seeing places that ROAR can improve for its members. The entire ExCom is in middle of important and
serious discussions about establishing a Nationals
Management Team. This team would take complete
responsibility for the running of the race. No longer
would we have to deal with a lack of consistency in
the management and handling of the event. We the
ROAR officials can be responsible for making consistent and fair judgments for all 10 nationals. We would
be in charge of the teching of the vehicles, scoring
(with our own computer and scoring systems), qualifying, rules judgments and all decisions that could
affect the outcome of the race.
In turn we can make sure the track hosting the race
makes a fair amount of money for having the event.
The track owners and administrators will no longer
have to bear the impact (financial or judgmental)
of hosting the race. ROAR will step up and take the
responsibility to hosting the best nationals profits
will be turned over to the host tracks.
We believe this will provide not only better racing
but make more tracks interested in hosting nationals
for ROAR. This will give us more and better options in
putting the races at the best venues and the ability to
move the Nat’s around the US so all ROAR members
have a chance to attend.
There is also discussion in some sort of qualifying
system or at least mandatory attendance at level 3
events to be able to attend the Nationals. We want
to make sure the racers who attend nationals have a
level of experience to understand the rules and racing experience at a level 4 event.
The nationals need to represent the best ROAR
has to offer. Situations in the past number have years
have exposed the weaker aspects of the current system ROAR is proactively looking to grow from these
experiences and move in the right direction rather
than just more of the same. ROAR is working for you
our members. We want you constructive input. We
want to advance the fun in racing at every level from
you local club races to the Nationals our premier
events. n
We continue to send out renewal notices to remind
you when your membership is expiring. These are
timed to arrive about 2 weeks before your membership is due. Sometimes the post cards get lost in the
mail, so check the address label on your Rev-Up, it
always gives your ROAR number as well as membership expiration date. Send your renewal in directly to
ROAR as soon as you get the reminder, or 2 weeks
before expiration and you won’t have any problem
maintaining continuous membership. Waiting to sign
up at the next race can often delay your membership
60 to 90 days, an inconvenience if you want to race
elsewhere again after that race.
We continue to see the growth of ROAR, both individual memberships and ROAR Club affiliations and
our financial condition continues strong as reflected
by the financial data included in this Rev-Up.
These improvements are a reflection of the
increased interest in competitive racing and the
excellent club insurance program ROAR provides
for those willing to put forth the effort to run a club
race program. It also reflects the time and effort the
Executive Committee and Region Directors have contributed to improve ROAR and make it a success.
Nomination forms are included in this issue for
Vice President and odd numbered Region Directors,
and Canada, to serve 2 years starting in January. A
change to the ROAR By-Laws approved last October
includes the following requirements for eligibility
for the office of President or Vice President: “The
President and Vice President must have been a member in good standing for a year prior to election. Each
must have had at least one year experience in one
of the following prior to being nominated for office:
Region Director, Class Committee Member, Executive
Committee Member.” If you want to nominate someone for one of these positions, make sure they agree
to accept and are willing to devote the necessary
time and effort to the job so we can continue to
travel the successful road of the last several years.
The nominees will appear on the ballot included in
the October-November election issue of Rev-Up and
the results of the election will appear on our website
President: Rick Wilson
535 Crater Camp Dr., Monte Nido, CA 91302
Phone: 818.591.7531; fastracer02@yahoo.com
Track Director: Kenny Bergschultz
2830 South 12th St., Sheboygan, WI 53081
Phone: 920.457.5266; kenny@team1rc.com
Vice President: Mike Queller
9212 Gallant Fox, Austin, TX 78737
Phone: 512.326.8481; spdln@aol.com
Technical Director: Bob Ingersoll
2921 Harlee Dr., Farmers Branch, TX 75234-5007
Phone: 972.620.0407; Roarrhi@aol.com
Secretary / Treasurer: Randy Holst
9400 NE 121st St., Kirkland, WA 98034
Phone: 425.373.4875; randyholst@hotmail.com
Competition Director: David Lee
1280 Timber Creek Ln., Greenwood, IN 46142
Phone: 317.859.0596; LeeDA@Mail.TQCI.net
Promotions Director: Dawn Sanchez
6207 W. Monterey St., Chandler, AZ 85226
Phone: 480.699.4722; roarpromotions@cox.net
ROAR Administrator: (non-voting member)
Fred Hohwart
30872 S. Coast Hwy., #111, Laguna Beach, CA 92651.
Phone: 949.494.0515 FredROAR@aol.com
Current Affiliates continued:
www.roarracing.com, when available, and included
in the December-January Rev-Up. n
Competition Director
David Lee
I want to start by thanking the interested organizations for submitting bids for ROAR National
Championship events for 2006. I received many
submissions directly after my last report, so your
response to my request was very good. The nationals
bid process is functioning as you read this report and
I am confident there will be some great events for
your participation in 2006.
I also have received some interest in change by
the membership. Some have asked for longer races
in electric because the current type of battery has
larger capacity. I have received requests to add new
types of batteries, called LiPoly, to our racing venues.
I have heard discussions from pro drivers that feel
the best thing to do in electric racing is to somehow
slow down the cars. There are some interesting
points to support each of these topics. A comparison
of the pros and cons of all of these points is required
to determine the best direction ROAR should take
regarding each topic.
I will start with the LiPoly battery. ROAR has
received a letter from a product supplier of these batteries, so dialog has now begun to address all of the
issues. Let me list a few of them for you that I am currently aware. First is the discussion of safety related
to our application of the product. The batteries that
I have seen and used consist of a jell contained in a
flexible, possibly fabric, covering. I have personally
learned that overcharging these cells lead to a swelling of the battery, and I am sure that the covering
would eventually rupture. I have been told that the
jell will immediately ignite into fire once exposed to
the atmosphere, so it appears to me that this battery
must be evaluated carefully. We need to determine
if the battery can be safely charged in a way that
supports the need of “quick charging” in preparation
for a race. We also need to determine if the battery
can be supported and protected in the car so that
a driving accident will not puncture or rupture that
covering, exposing the jell to the atmosphere. That is
what I know or have been told so far. There may be
more safety issues like this that will be identified in
the future. But please also consider that the current
round cells and the LiPoly cell do not have the same
voltage rating. It doesn’t appear that combining
these two battery types in the same race is viable.
More later.
The next topic is to consider lengthening the
electric races. There are some good things related to
doing this, but it would also create other problems.
The Competition Director considers what is good for
racing. I have observed and competed in many onroad and oval events and offer this to the discussion.
We can adequately determine a race winner within the
current time frames allowed for each class. As it stands
now, there are only 3 people out of 10 on the same lap
at the end of a stock oval main. We are running 30 laps
in stock touring car on-road mains. That also is enough
time to validate a winner. The other side is that increasing
race lengths produce a time issue for the host to finish
the program. The point here is that all the points must be
considered and compared to establish what is best for all
involved. That includes the drivers, the racing equipment,
the host of the event, and ROAR.
Finally, there are comments that the cars are too fast.
Radar speeds in modified touring and modified 1/12 scale
on carpet with over 70 feet straights are in the mid to high
40 MPH range. Stock speeds in the same tracks are now
at the mid 30 MPH range. I remember the same measurements in 1998 had the modified cars straight lining at the
same speeds currently attained in stock on road racing.
People that I respect have now come out and said this
is too fast. That there are few people in the world that
are capable of consistently controlling their cars at these
speeds. And there isn’t any place for the new, novice, or
junior driver to compete because they are not ready to go
that fast, irregardless of the car. I will be observing this
situation very closely and willing to take opinions from
the membership if this situation is true, if it is an issue,
and what can be done to bring electric on-road racing into
a window of safe, reliable and competitive speeds.
Good luck to all as we move to the last half of the 2005
racing season. I look forward to meeting and conversing
with all members at the upcoming events. n
Ashford Hobby
PO Box 840, Boalsburg PA 16827 USA
robert@ashfordhobby.com; www.ashfordhobby.com
Panther Products, Inc.
1100 Marlborough Ave., Riverside CA 92507 USA
mortanmold@aol.com; www.panther-rc.com
Associated Electrics
3585 Cadillac Ave., Costa Mesa CA 92626 USA
brent@aeteam.net; www.rc10.com
Parma International, Inc.
13927 Progress Pkwy, N. Royalton OH 44133 USA
tech@parmapse.com; www.parmapse.com
BK Racing
10315 Joaquin, Dallas TX 75228 USA
tprat75302@aol.com; www.BKRacingFuel.com
PO Box 456, Beaumont CA 92223 USA
Byron Originals, Inc.
PO Box 279, Ida Grove IA 51445 USA
byromarc@pionet.net; www.byronfuels.com
Castle Creations
402 E. Pendleton, Wellsville KS 66092 USA
shawnp@castlecreations.com; www.castlecreations.com
Hobbies ‘N Stuff
2801-P Eubank NE, Albuquerque NM 87112 USA
info@hobbies-n-stuff.com; www.hobbies-n-stuff.com
Lunsford Industries, Inc.
2500 Three Lakes Rd. #A, Albany OR 97321 USA
sales@lunsfordracing.com; www.lunsfordracing.com
Molzer Mowery Racing
6528 Winsdale St., Golden Valley MN 55427 USA
Robinson Racing Products
4968 Meadow View Drive, Mariposa CA 95336 USA
rrp@yosemite.net; www.robinsonracing.com
Schumacher, Inc.
6302 Benjamin Rd. #404, Tampa FL 33634 USA
info@schumacherusa.net; www.racing-cars.com
Speedline/Racer’s Choice
9212 Gallant Fox, Austin TX 78737 USA
SPDLN@aol.com; www.speedline-rc.com
Stormer Hobbies
PO Box 126, Glasgow MT 59230 USA
sales@stormerhobbies.com; www.stormerhobbies.com
Team Losi
4710 E. Gausti Road, Ontario CA 91761 USA
garyk@teamlosi.com; www.teamlosi.com
Motor Saver Filters
PO Box 9078, Moreno Valley CA 92552 USA
motor.saver@verizon.net; www.motorsaverfilters.com
Tekin, Inc.
PO Box 2189, McCall ID 83638 USA
sup[port@teamtekin.com; www.teamtekin.com
New Era Models
One Cannon Drive, Nashua NH 03062 USA
frankdes@empire.net; www.nemscalecars.com
Think Omnnimedia LLC
2000 S. Grove Ave # A-111, Ontario CA 91761 USA
mikev@rc411.com; www.rc411.com
Nimble Motorsports, LLC
372 Florin Rd. #302, Sacramento CA 95831 USA
W.S. Deans Co.
10875 Portal Drive, Los Alamitos CA 90720 USA
deansco@earthlink.net; www.wsdeans.com
Yokomo USA, Inc.
17951 Skypark Cir #B35-K, Irvine CA 92614 USA
bkroells@yokomousa.com; www.yokomousa.com
Novak Electronics, Inc.
17032 Armstrong Ave., Irvine CA 92614 USA
bob@teamnovak.com; www.teamnovak.com
Do you know someone who can do a good job for ROAR? NOMINATIONS MUST BE IN BY SEPTEMBER 15!
Below is a nomination form for the upcoming ROAR election. Please fill in the nominee for the appropriate position. Once the form has been filled our, mail
it to the ROAR Office. These positions are all on a volunteer basis and are very time consuming. Nominations for Region Directors must be made by ROAR
members within the Region. Nominee must be agreeable to serve, should he/she be elected, in advance of nomination.
Any current member may nominate a candidate for Vice President. Region Director Nominee (odd-numbered Region Directors Only) Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and
ROAR Canada.
Nominee for Vice President:
Nominated by:
Region #: _____________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________
Name of Nominee: ______________________________________________
ROAR #: ______________________________________________________
Nominee’s ROAR #: __________________________ Exp: ______________
Expiration Date: ________________________________________________
Nominee’s Address: _____________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: ___ Zip: _____________
City: _______________________________ State: ___ Zip: _____________
H Phone: _____________________ W Phone: ________________________
H Phone: _____________________ W Phone: ________________________
Background & qualifications of Nominee: ___________________________
Region #: _____________________________________________________
Nominee for Region Director (including ROAR Canada):
Region #: _____________________________________________________
Name of Nominee: ______________________________________________
Nominee’s ROAR #: __________________________ Exp: ______________
Nominee’s Address: _____________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: ___ Zip: _____________
H Phone: _____________________ W Phone: ________________________
Background & qualifications of Nominee: ___________________________
Eligibility requirement for President and Vice President:
The President and Vice President must have been a member in good standing for
a year prior to election. Each must have had at least one year experience in one of
the following prior to being nominated for office: Region Director, Class Committee
Member, Executive Committee Member.”
Send Nominations to:
ROAR Administrator
Fred Hohwart
30872 Coast Highway #111
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
regional reports
Region Director: Chris Raffaelli
chrisraffaelli@optonline; 914.715.5620
White, 4 DNF Dean Isaac, 5 DNF
Alex Frank, 6 DNF Burt Kos., 7 DNF
Clarence Rose, 8 DNF Jimmy Houser,
9 DNF Vidal, 10DNF Quincy Davis.
Area Coordinator:
Jim LaStella
jimlastella@aol.com; 631.667.6599
Connecticut ● Maine ● Massachusett
New Hampshire ● New York ● Rhode Island
On September 1, 2005 I will review all bids received
for the sanctioned events of 2006. If you would like
to host sanctioned events in 2006 please submit
a sanctioning form to me. This will be a first come
first serve. Tracks submitting by September 1st will
have preference. Requests for fuel off-road, electric
off-road and carpet On-road Regional have all been
requested already.
In this issue you should find the nomination ballots for all the odd numbered regions, including
region 1, and the Vice President. Don’t let the election slide by without you voting.
Don’t forget about the calendar at www.localendar.
com/public/region1. The entire schedule in and
around Region 1 is included—well at least the facilities that sent me information. If you would like your
race event or weekly racing included, please drop
me a line. The following is the listing of the ROAR
sanctioned events. For non ROAR sanctioned events,
see the calendar. The schedule is jam packed. If
your event has yet to be scheduled, let me know the
details and I will help promote it, ROAR or not.
New comers to the ROAR on-road racing scene are
www.frracers.com running the club in Floyd Bennet
Field in Brooklyn, NY. There first ever event was on
May 15, 2003. The results are:
Nitro Touring A-Main: 1 69 20:16.87 Jamie Corrado,
2 67 20:08.00 Carl Edwards, 3 62 20:11.26 Robert
Mostaka, 4 60 19:32.77 Wael Zeidan, 5 56 20:00.86
George Martinez, 6 56 20:17.75 Eric Godoy, 7 52
20:13.02 Rick Hill, 8 50 20:06.70 Nelson Morales, 9
DNF Abe Alicea, 10DNF Tiger.
1/8 Scale A-Main: 1 79 20:14.06 Richard Siriano,
2 77 20:03.32 Joseph Wright, 3 75 20:21.10 Pooh
Epic Center Raceway
2793 Wehrle Dr., Williamsville NY 14221
USA 716 565-3742
Fanatic Remote Racerz
4516 Rockaway Beach Blvd.,
Far Rockaway NY 11691 USA
Site: Floyd Bennett Field
646 286-4316. Kcrunchone@aol.com
Fast Traxx R/C Club of Southern ME
93 Old Route 4, Berwick ME 03901 USA
207 384-5287
Hill Top R/C
PO Box 36, Ashuelot NH 03441 USA
Site: 20 Ashuelot Main St.
A-Main 4WD Buggy Modified: 1 Mark Westerfield 18,
2 Jay Livingstone 17, 3 Carissa Figelski 15, 4 Dan
Laurence 14, 5 Scott Robert 13, 6 Kevin Hetmanski
11 , 7 Paul Ethier Jr 8, 8 Ryan Archambault 7, 9 Evan
Shelansky 4, 10 Reinaldo Torres 3.
Their second event was a mammoth turnout on
7/3/05. It rivaled the largest events in the country. It
is clear that the northeast is ready to host racing fuel
on-road events on a national level. Here is a report
provided by the club: The day started out like any
other and turned out to be quite different in deed. As
I arrived to the track roughly 15 tents already set up
and guys working on their cars already greeted me.
The track was set up but just needed to be blown
off and sprayed for traction and give the track a bit
of bite. As the day moved more and more cars truck
vans and all other means of transportation showed
up. We had visitors from Maryland, Virginia, Boston,
and as far as Carolina and a few Floridians. The
day turned out 105 racers for the day and an actual
number of 101 racers. The day was amazing and
turned out to be a scorching day as well as one hell
of a race day. Each and every main seemed to have
an A main quality about it. Even the electric turn out
which is normally very low was a bit better and sustained the same characteristics as the fuel powered
big brothers. The event prename the July 3rd blow
out was more than anyone had expected. We carried
a total of 11 heats in all. So many racers that data
entry was now a fulltime job and took away from
the day’s event but that was the only downside. The
evening topped off by trophy presentations and fire
works over the water as a few of the racers and our
local members stayed and chatted during clean up.
The entire event was a total success for RC, which
is the main reason the club was formed. FANATIC
one serious RC extravaganza and will be doing so
with every event scheduled. Hope to see even more
people at the next blast.
Nitro Touring A-Main: 1 52 15:06.86 Steve Sohl, 2
52 15:14.71 Vincent Jackson, 3 49 15:03.10 Robey
Calloway,4 35 15:11.44 Eric Jones, 5 DNF Craig B, 6
DNF Mikey Mike, 7 DNF Mike Malinconico, 8 DNF
603 239-6111. hilltoprc@netzero.net
Hobby Chamber
743 Boston Post Rd., West Haven CT
06516 USA 203 934-7317
www. hobbychamber.com
K&N RC Speedway LLC
PO Box 64, Stafford Springs CT 06076
USA Site: 55 West St. 860 508-3815.
Keep It Tight
1125 North Ave., Bridgeport CT 06604
USA Site: Alice & Sedgewick
203 258-7334
Richie Torres, 9 DNF Bill Hamlin, 10 DNF Roland
1/8 Scale A-Main: 1 60 15:10.10 Alex Frank, 2
59 15:09.81 Pooh White, 3 57 15:03.14 Charlie
Williams, 4 57 15:06.89 Taureen Bennett, 5 48
15:04.78 Richard Siriano, 6 35 15:13.53 Quincy
Davis, 7 DNF Jamie Coraddo, 8 DNF Joseph Wright,
9 DNF Renato Dias, DNS Vincent Jackson.
RC Madness hosted the Electric Off-road Regionals
on June 25 and 26. As usual, Chris Marcy produced
a flawless event. The track layout was well thought
out. RC Madness is just simply one of the good
places to race. Double A’s were run across the
board. Mark Westerfield is now won 2 consecutive
modified 4WD Regional Championships. Rob Meyer
was a force all weekend and won 3 of the 4 classes
he entered! Some notable people in attendance
were 1/12 National Champion Mark Strasnick, Eric
Desrosiers/AE, Kevin Hetmanski/Car Action, Jason
Brolet/Extreme RC, Todd Anderson/RC Excitement.
Here are the results:
A-Main Stock Truck: 1 Eric Desrosiers 20,2 Scott
Furtado 16, 3 Rob Meyer 15, 4 Mark Strasnick 13,
5 Sean Smith 10, 6 David DeOliveira 8, 7 Steve
O’brian 7, 8 Fast Eddie” Robinson 7, 9 Joe Marino 7,
10 Chris Proctor 7.
A-Main Stock Buggy: 1 Rob Meyer 19, 2 Eric
Desrosiers 19, 3 Scott Furtado 15, 4 Sean Smith
14, 5 Steve O’brian 13, 6 David DeOliveira 9, 7 Joe
Marino 8, 8 Mark Westerfield 5, 9 Nick Lagrega 5,
10 Sean Norgaard 3.
A-Main 4WD Stock Buggy: 1 Evan “Squirrel”
Shelansky 18, 2 Sean Norgaard 18, 3 Cory
Macmaster 18, 4 Mark Barletta 14.
A-Main Modified Buggy: 1 Rob Meyer 19, 2 Max
Kim 17, 3 Sean Smith 15, 4 James Schlick 12, 5 Mark
Westerfield 11, 6 Scott Robert 11, 7 Chris Proctor
8, 8 Jason Brolet 7, 9 Dan Laurence 7, 10 Eric
Desrosiers 3.
Lakes Region R/C Speedway
66 Birchwood Way, Laconia NH 03246
USA Site: 182 Lily Pond, Gilford
603 524-2909. LRRCS@metrocast.net
Maximus Indoor R/C Raceway
12 Raydon Road, York ME 03909 USA
Site: Meadowbrook Plaza, 647 US 1
207 351-1520. info@teammaximus.com
1 Pumpkin St., E. Northport NY
11731 USA Site: Turnpike Office Pk.,
Middlebury. 631 368-4832
ralph@TQRacing.com; www.nercar.com
New Market Off Road Racing
1 Doe Farm Lane, Newmarket NH 03857
USA 603 292-5334
North East Auto Racers
683 Old Shaker Rd., Louden NH
03307 USA Site: Route 106 Racepark,
Pembroke. 603 783-9844
braove67@prodigy.net; www.nearclub.com
On Site Racing
40 Charlotte Ave., Hicksville NY 11801
USA 516 937-1500
R/C Madness Inc.
PO Box 64, Enfield CT 06083 USA
Site: 640 Enfield St., 860 741-6501
A-Main Modified Truck: 1 Rob Meyer 19, 2 James
Schlick 17, 3 Ryan Achambault 13, 4 Sean Smith 12,
5 Eddie Robinson 12, 6 Eric Desrosiers 10, 7 Chris
Proctor 8, 8 David DeOliveira 8, 9 Steve OBrian 7,
Region Director: Carl Giordano
136 Day Court, Mahwah, NJ 07430
201.848.5171-home; 201.788.5525-cell
Off-Road Assistant Director: Craig Rawling,
Delaware ● Maryland ● New Jersey
Pennsylvania ● Washington DC
Virgina ● West Virginia
Region 2 Champions
2004 Champs:
2wd Modified Electric Off-Road: Josh Knight
Modified Electric Truck: Al Ford
1/8 Fuel On-Road: Vincent Jackson
1/10 Fuel Sedan: Eric Jones
1/10 Mod Electric Sedan: Billy Spence
1/10 Stock Electric Sedan: Jeff Cuffs
1/10 Fuel Off-Road Truck: Kevin Ganoe
1/8 Fuel Buggy Off-Road: Jamie Grayek
18th Monster Truck: David Saunders
1/10 Stock Carpet Sedan: Jason Schreffler
1/12 Stock: Mark Unrath
1/12 Modified: Jeff Cuffs
2005 Champs:
1/10 19T Electric Sedan: Craig Xavier
1/10 Stock Electric Sedan: Dan Hartman
1/12 Stock: Heimbert Olmos
4-Cell Stock NASCAR: Bill Osborn
Since our last Rev-Up article there has been 2 Regional
Championship events and the 1st leg of the Fuel Off-Road
Championship Series Regional Event. Steel City Hobbies
hosted the Carpet Oval Regional and the Fastlane R/C
Club hosted the 1/10 Fuel Sedan Regional.
I’m pleased to announce that Craig Rawling has been
appointed the Off-Road Region 2 Director. Craig and I will
work together in coordinating events with Craig focusing
on the off-road venues. Craig is a seasoned R/C enthusiast
and his volunteering for the position is much appreciated.
Both Craig and his dad are committed to maintaining the
highest level of off-road racing throughout the region.
Potential Carpet On-Road National in Region 2
for 2006. The Track in Gaithersburg MD has put in a
request to host the event. Bob VanWagner and Mimi
Wong have prepared a comprehensive and well plan
package to put before the ROAR Nationals committee.
A decision will be made sometime during the fall of
2005, lets keep our fingers crossed.
10 Dan Laurence 4.
Remaining schedule of 2005 events:
September 10-11 2005: ROAR NERCAR Club, Level 1,
September 18 2005: ROAR BARCARC Club, Level 1,
September 29-Octobe 2 2005: ROAR Paved Oval
Nationals, Level 4.
October 1-2 2005: NERCAR Trophy Race, Level 2,
October 9 2005: ROAR BARCARC Club, Level 1,
October 22-23 2005: ROAR NERCAR Club, Level 1,
October 30 2005: ROAR BARCARC Club, Level 1,
November 3-6 2005: ROAR Fuel On Road Open
Nationals, Level 4. n
Race Report: Carpet Oval
On May 22nd, Steel City Hobbies
hosted the 4-Cell Stock NASCAR
Region 2 Carpet Oval Regional. To
enhance the overall turnout Steel
City sponsored other classes of racing
which include, stock mini truck, 19T sedan and modified
stadium truck. 4-Cell Stock NASCAR attracted 3 full heats
of racers. Oval racing, both dirt and carpet is one of the
largest forms of racing throughout the region. Special
thanks to Steel City Hobbies for stepping up this year and
returning a ROAR titled oval event to the Region. Check
out their website to see what upcoming events they have
scheduled. Mike Rooney of Steel City has a great deal of
experience in marketing and promotion outside of the
hobby industry and has incorporated this experience
into further promoting the hobby beyond the walls of his
hobby shop. Wish I lived closer. The results of the event
are as follows:
the series. Well off to round two at the tiltyard. Overall
results after the first leg are as follows:
4 Cell Stock NASCAR A-Main: Bill Osborn, Bobby
Scherff, Adam Martin, Mike O’Brien, Randy Ciccone, Joel
Biro, Matt Kirby, Ronald Housman, Clayton Anderson,
Eric Hutkay.
19 Turn oval 4 Cell A Main: Jeff Carapellatti, Jeff Patch,
Matt Kirby, Danny Demyan, Tim Dilg, Jimmy Daugherty.
Bomber A-Main: Joe Martinez, John Oldfield, Dennis
Maitland, Chris Anderson.
Stock Mini Truck Road A-Main: Janice Himes
19 Turn Sedan A-Main: Frank Dempster, Tony
Palmerine, Rob Walbrown, Mike Rooney, John King,
Nick Eger, Dennis Maitland.
Mod Stadium Truck A-Main: Danny Demyan, Janice
Himes, John Dailey, Tony Palmerine, Josh Davis,
Mike Rooney.
1/10 Gas Truck: Kevin Ganoe 100, Todd Lewis 99, Bob
Moore 98, Brian Miskokzi 97, Dave Mcewwn 96, Tony
West 95, Russell Williams 94, Stephen Warrington 93,
Saint Arpus 92, Binky Griffon 91, Jasen Keller 90.
1st Leg of the Fuel Off-Road Region 2 Championship
Points Series: (Reported by Craig Rawling, Off-Road
Well region 2 is shaping up to be a series to talk about.
Region 2 has the best drivers in the east coast. Pasadena
held the first leg of a three leg series race. Everything went
very smooth and no problems to report. The 10th scale
class was great to watch. Kevin Ganoe again put on a great
show. Todd Lewis was right behind on Kevin’s tail until
he had car troubles. The 1/8 scale racing was very close.
Chris Crews was first and Jamie Grayek was close behind
and shaping up to be a great race. Chris Crews had car
troubles and Jamie went on to a first place finish. Monster
Truck was on fire. Anthony Wilkins drove the pants off of
his Hot Bodies to a first place finish. Want to thank Tony
West and Binky for putting on a great show. Want to also
thank TQ Fuel, Embods and Tony Screws for sponsoring
1/8 Buggy: Jaime Grayek 100, Tony West 99, Binky Griffon
98, Micheal Odonnell 97, Anthony Wilkins 96, Kelpby
Roberts 95, Jason Miller 94, Chris Crews 93, Craig Rawling
92, Brian Miskokzi 91, Vincent Barret 90, Doug Washington
89, Chris Codoley 88, Bob Chartos 87, Antwaan Mosley
86, Wayne Miller 85, Jasen Wyche 84, Mark Christman 83,
John Warrington 82, Chris Perry 81, Chris Gibson 80, Lloyd
Tiger 79, Jay Miller 78, Bubba Lee 77, GT Eddie 76, Rohit
Katwia 75, Jack Honeycutt 74, Warren Govan 73, Russell
Williams 72, Saint Arpus 71, Curtis Benko 70, Tony Delk
69, Jeffrey Kinnamon 68.
Monster Truck: Anthony Wilkins 100, Antwaan Mosley
99, Warren Govan 98, Jasen Wyche 97, Chris Perry 96,
Curtis Benko 95, Kevin Parlet 94, Victor Giardina 93, Craig
Rawling 92, Ryan Mccord 91, Richard Sains 90, Tony Delk
89, John Greer 88, Mike Branham 87.
1/10 Fuel Sedan: Coverage of this event will be included in
the next Rev-up publication and e-mail.
Confirmed Events:
April 2, 2005: Carpet On-Road Regional, RC Track www.
May 22, 2005: Carpet Oval Regional, Steel City Hobbies
June 25-26, 2005: 1/10 Fuel Sedan Regional, Fastlane,
1/8 East Coast Championship www.fastlanerc.com.
July 23-24, 2005: 1/5 Scale Regional, Fastlane www.
August 13, 2005: Electric Asphalt On-Road, Jackson RC
August 13, 2005: 3rd Leg Off-Road Fuel Series, Hobby
August 27-28, 2005: 1/8 Big Apple Super Regional
BARCAR www.barcarc.com.
September 10, 2005: VA State Fuel Championship
PetesRCRaceway www.petesrcraceway.com
Pending Regional host tracks and events:
Tiltyard Electric Off-Road TBD
If you’d like to be added to distribution list, please forward
your e-mail address to carl.giordano@cit.com. n
41 Watchling Plaza #83,
Montclair NJ 07042 USA
Site: Middlesex Cty. College
973 497-9400. isabelinof@aol.com
D R C W Raceway
1828 S. Military Hwy.,
Chesapeake VA 23320 USA
757 361-6681
Fastlane R/C
PO Box 23302,
Washington DC 20026 USA
Site: Perrywood Elementary
301 213-6274. info@fastlanerc.com
Hillhoppers Racing Club
65932 McGregor Hill Rd.,
Bellaire OH 26003 USA
Site: Point Run Rd., Triadelphia.
740 676-5537
Hobby Hut Raceway
609 S. Trooper Rd.,
Audubon PA 19403 USA
610 635-1606. allen@hobbyhut.com
Horsham R/C Racin
935 Horsham Rd. #G,
Horsham PA 19044 USA
215 672-4750
Jackson R/C Racing Assoc.
PO Box 565, Jackson NJ 08527 USA
Site: Columbus Blvd.
908 489-2368
Nuclear RC
4411 North Wood Trail,
Hampstead MD 21074 USA
410 374-2270
Region Director: Mike Russell
PO Box 222, Pine Bluff NC 28373
910.281.5844; MRussell4@NC.RR.com
sandhillsraceway.com; www.ovalmasters.com
Alabama ● Georgia ● North Carolina
South Carolina ● Tennessee
The Paved Oval Nationals are in Region 3 this year
at Blounville Model Speedway in Blountville, TN
on September 30-October 2. Contact Dale Benton
at drdaleb@charter.net or visit their site at www.
Still looking for bids for paved and carpet
on-road and the electric off-road regionals. Any
track interested should contact me as soon as
Badlands R/C Super Cross
13 Smith Blvd.,
Myrtle Beach SC 29588 USA
Site: Socastee Park
843 385-3862
Blountville Model Speedway
204 Christopher Ct.,
Blountville TN 37617 USA
Site: 5237 Hwy. 126
423 323-8349. drdaleb@charter.net
1314 S. Fourth St.,
Hartsville SC 29550 USA
843 383-0017
Pasadena Raceway
4675 Winterberry Ln., Oxen Hill MD
20745 USA Site: Jacobsville Park,
Pasadena. 310 894-4084
Steel City Hobbies
1155 Washington Pike,
Bridgeville PA 15017 USA
412 220-7515
RC Pro Racing
7106 Hayes Shopping Ct.,
Hayes VA 23072 USA
804 642-1114
The Tiltyard
6994 Tiltyard Dr.,
Dayton VA 22821 USA
540 828-3476.
Rhondaveuzz RC Track
10415 Virginia Ave.,
Bassett VA 24055 USA 2
76 629-2413
The Track of USA
16806 Oakmont Ave.,
Gaithersburg MD 20877 USA
301 417-9630
Round Back RC Track
23420 File Rd.,
Bowling Green VA 22427 USA
804 633-0658.
7730 Nathan Lane,
Richmond VA 23235 USA
Site: 360 West Shopping Center
804 276-5756.
Region 3 Champions
Coming up in November
are elections for odd number regions. I am not running
for re-election this time but I do
have a couple of people interested in the position. I still don’t have a firm commitment from either but hope to soon. Anyone else
interested should make sure they are nominated
and get on the ballot. I wish I had more time to
devote to this job but I just don’t. I would however
be interested in remaining as an assistant director
to whoever wins the election.
I would like to welcome RC Motorspotrs as the
newest Region3 sanctioned track. RC Motorsports
is located near Nashville, Tn and have carpet oval,
on-road, and off-road tracks. You can find them on
the web at rcmotorsportsracing.com. n
Grassy Creek R/C Raceway
2170 Weaver Ford Road,
Grassy Creek NC 28631 USA
336 384-4360
Lexington Hobby Raceway
528-D Columbia Ave.,
Lexington SC 29072 USA
Site: 5020 Platt Springs Rd.
803 356-4226. lexhobby@alltel.net
MSRA Mid South Racing Assoc.
6445 Carolot Ln.,
Bartlett TN 38135 USA
Sites: Hobbytown & Midsouth Hobbies.
901 371-8956
Panther R/C Raceway
FASTRACK Racing & Hobbies
2480 Turleymill Rd.,
916 Redbank Rd., Goose Creek SC 29445 Morristown TN 37814 USA
USA 843 553-2002.
Site: 710 Morelock Rd.
423 312-5079. allanc1@msn.com
Paved Oval Modified—Mike Russell
Paved Oval 19turn—Marty Hillman
Paved Oval Stock—Brandon Sutherland
Paved Oval Spec Stock—Barney Bradley
Fuel Offroad 1/10 Truck—Travis Dupree
Fuel Offroad 1/8 Scale—Glen Harrison
2wd Stock Offroad—Rodney West
2wd Modified Offroad—Travis Dupree
4wd Modified Offroad—Steve Beasley
Stock Truck Offroad—Jason Brown
Modified Truck Offroad—Jason Brown
Touring Stock –Carpet—Mike Collins
19Turn Touring-Carpet—Mike Collins
1/12 Stock Onroad Carpet—Michael Skeen
1/12 Mod Onroad Carpet—James Grubbs
Touring Modified Paved—Brandon Melton
Touring Stock Paved—Jimmy Macintyre
Fuel Touring Paved—Thomas Medlin
Pete’s RC Raceway
8105 Spotswood Rd.,
Summerfield NC 27358 USA
Site: 2176 W. Main, Danville VA.
336 362-1730
416 East 61st St.,
Savannah GA 31405 USA
Site: Lake Mayer Park
912 303-9808.
RC Motorsports
404 Keeton Ave.,
Old Hickory TN 37138 USA
Site: 810 Cherokee, Nashville
615 642-5900
Sandhills Raceway
PO Box 222, Pinebluff NC 28373 USA
Site: 4930 US 1 Hwy , Vass
910 281-5844.
Rodslinger RC Raceway
2182 Willaimson/Zebulon Rd.,
Williamson GA 30292 USA
770 567-8693. boyztoyz@peoplepc.com
Rush & Son RC Racing
1000 Guy McAdams Rd.,
Henderson TN 38340 USA
731 989-4340
Spartanburg RC Racing Assoc.
PO Box 462, Inman SC 29349 USA
864 266-1988.
The Proving Grounds
876 West Liberty St.,
Sumter SC 29150 USA
Site: Dillon Park. 803 418-0445
Region Director: Bill Fraden
9711 Sharing Cross Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32257.
904.268.1948, wfraden1@aol.com
Co-Assistant Directors:
Izzy Santiago and John Malin
On-Road Director: John Grant
Off-Road Director: Jeff Keeton
Oval Director: Ken Holmes
Nitro On-Road Director: Jarrod Pilone
It’s Summer time here in Florida and Mother Nature is
rearing her ugly head early. Lucky for us the On-Road
Nationals are being held later in the year than usual.
Something else I’ve noticed in the last 6 months our
Florida ROAR membership is going down from last year.
What I think is the problem is the Oval Series. They are
not a ROAR sanctioned series this year and I doubt they
will. All the other series are affiliated and growing. The
other thing bad right now is the weather and having to
possible canceling a local or state race till later. There
are some that will never do anything with our organization—I just went to his website a few weeks ago and
read the statement. Is it about time to let it go (1986) or
remember 1995?
I’m going to stray a little bit more than usual by bring
up some subjects the On-Road committee has been
discussing for awhile. (factory drivers, 19t motors and
batteries). Before we go further these are my personal
beliefs not ROAR’s. We have been discussing this for
several months.
Factory Drivers: having been around for along time I’ve
seen a lot. Trying to describe a factory driver good luck.
We’ve also got 50% guys and many small R/C companies
and also hobby shop sponsored. How do you get the
list? Are you going to get the complete list- no ringers?
I doubt it. A lot of races I’ve been to they have ringers.
I’d say the 50% guys only get some things at just under
what everyone else can buy them for. Or maybe you
get some stuff free and have to pay 50% for others.
Remember 50% is the suggested retail prices not the
price you can get it on the street. So you can see the
dilemma on trying to come up with a solution.
19T motors: Well one company started the motor- Trinity,
Thank you. Then ROAR made the rules for his motor. To
my knowledge it has never been submitted for approval.
If it was we would not have any problems (but it’s not).
I’m speaking about the on-road/off-road motors with 24
degree fixed timing. Since that time others have come
out with motors with either a different type of wind and
or a regular shaft. What to do? I say by January 1st 2006
Broward County R/C Race Club
13310 Mustang Trail, Sunshine Ranches
FL 33330 USA Site: Mills Pond Pk, Ft.
Lauderdale. 954 525-3304
www.rc-racing.com /Broward conf.
Central FL Racers Assoc.
5600 W. Colonial Dr. #310, Orlando FL 32808
USA 407 295-9256
no motors submitted it can’t be a legal class.
If we need to change the way it’s wound then
lets do it, shorter (regular) shaft again do it.
Just how long does it take to have the manufacturer to submit a motor for approval. It’s
been several years already. You got a solution
let me know.
Batteries: Everyone got new batteries coming out. Our
year process works fine to me—it’s not the battery of
the month. Now everyone complains about the batteries
being bigger and it’s ROAR’s fault. Its our specs—wrong
it an international standard. Look the R/C business is a
lot smaller than the electric tool business. If the batteries
are made for the many electric tools and the batteries
don’t fit there battery holders who fault is that. Who
going to buy the most batteries—electric tools. Are they
going to tell them to re design there tools to fit there
batteries—I doubt it. The Battery company are going to
have to re design them. When I first start racing we were
using 1200’s and now legally there is 3300 in the same
case. With the Li-poly batteries coming just how long is
it going to be before things are really going to get thrown
into a spin?
Who’s coming to Florida- everyone shortly for two of
the biggest ROAR Nationals. Coming up September 3rd
and 4th Speedline is hosting a warm-up race. Then on
October 6th-9th it’s the Nationals at Speedline (Electric
On-road). Coming up in November 3rd-6th is the Fuel
Open On Road Nationals at Kissimmee.
Dateline “The Florida On-Road Gas State Series” has a
new website, http://www.forgass.com. They will also be
celebrating their 30th racing season in September. Last
year was a record breaker for attendance.
The 2005-2006 schedule is as follows:
September 24th-25th—Lakeland
October 29th-30th—Kissimmee
December 10th-11th—Miami
January 14th-15th—Fort Myers
March 4th-5th—Lakeland
April 1st-2nd—Kissimmee
April29th-30th—Fort Myers (Sour Grapes/trophy
Dateline Stricklands (Daytona Beach) for the Florida
State Electric On-Road Series. Where else but the
famous place for speed should the Series celebrate our
25th anniversary. They also started a hall of Fame with
the first 4 members being inducted.
Bill Fraden has been with the series since 1981. In 1995
he won the Digger class and in 1996 the Legends class.
He’s also been the region director for the past 14 years.
Troy Schafer has also been a pioneer with the state
series. In 2000 he was the 19t modified class Champion.
Charlotte R/C Car Club
2106 Winningway St., Port Charlotte FL
33948 USA Site: Charlotte Sport Comples
941 766-1686. Nite_Trax@comcast.net
Coral Springs R/C Racing Club, Inc.
11300 NW 24th St., Coral Springs FL 33065
USA Site: 10050 NW 11th Manor
954 493-7307. gcheck@bellsouth.net
He also been a Class director and the series director.
Bob Hall is a multiple times champion in 1990, 1991,
1992, 1996, 1997 and 1998. He was also the state series
director until 1998.
Our Honorary Member is Eddie Herrmann. He was one
of the first pioneers to help establish this great series.
Back in the beginning he also help save the series
after our big meeting in Orlando. He won the Legends
championship in 2000. He passed away (3 years ago in
September) and left us our dream to continue this great
series. Both his wife Linda and son Butch came down for
the day and accepted his award. Soon we hope Butch
will again be racing in the series.
Something new again to the series was a special race
with the 1/10 pan cars (stock-6 cell). Maybe we’ll see this
class return in 2006?
With the wild weather we have been having lately we
held the induction ceremony around 10:30. About half
way thru it started with the sprinkles from above. That
didn’t last to long about a hour. We got one complete
round in before it started raining again. So we set up
for two qualifiers on Sunday and the mains. Funny thing
happened Sunday morning. Leaving the restaurant at
the hotel and it was pouring. Go down the road to the
track and it’s never rained a drop. Anyway Sunday went
on without a problem. We also picked up a new series
sponsor as they showed up all the way from Atlanta GA
Team Much More. Here are the A main results:
Touring Stock A-Main: Mark Burt, Ben Griffin, Michael
Novice Touring A-Main: Austin Harrison, Kyle Calking,
Larry Marshall.
Touring 19T A-Main: Ben Griffin, Rob Michael, Steve
Touring Mod A-Main: Paul Wynn, Jeff Brown, Greg
Hunsinger Jr.
1/12 19T A-Main: Eddie Shaffer, Charles Bone, Hector
1/10 GTP A-Main: Tony Padilla, Mike Bean, Bill Fraden.
Dateline Ocala: Someone we have not heard from in
a long time ORCCC. It looks like Danny Mayer got the
city/county to give them a section of the Ocala Regional
Sportsplex for there new home. On April 30th they
hosted a free race with 25 old friends coming out to race.
They are presently working on the electrical system to
provide power for everyone. The track also has an irrigation system to help things out. I always enjoy reading the
reports from Bonita Hamilton- keep them coming.
Also In Ocala- Jacks Hobbies will be hosting his last Onroad state race on July 16th-17th. He’s sold the building
and the track. His new shop will not have a track- that’s
ashame. I’ve enjoyed racing at his track these past two
years. Until next time. Have Fun-it’s Racing time. n
DC Off Road R/C Park
3100 Bristol St., Sebring FL 33872 USA
863 386-5084. keilocke@cs.com
Extreme Outdoors
Ortegon St. 468, Rio Grande PR 00745 USA
787 562-5590. gabriel15@caribe.net
Fast ‘n’ Furious R/C
8322 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise FL
33322 USA 954 578-5696
Florida On-Road Gas State Series
4320 NE 12 Terr., Pompano Beach FL 33064
USA Sites: Various
561 644-6610. JPILONE@jpsportspics.com
Florida St. El. Auto Racing Assoc
1561 Ardenwood Ln., Deltona FL 32738 USA
Sites: Various/Series. 386 532-6204
izzy@fseara.org; www.fseara.org
Florida State Off-Road Series
4510 Foxcreek Dr., Mulberry FL 33860 USA
Sites: Various throughout Florida
863 221-0607. www.fsors.com
Lee County R/C Racers
143 SE 19th Lane, Cape Coral FL 33990
USA Site: Amtel Flea Market Mall, Ft.
Myers. 239 772-9023
River City R/C Car Club
Ft. Myers R/C Car Club
MB Racing
2208-B W. 21st St., Jacksonville FL 32209
1454 Cumberland Ct., Ft. Myers FL 33919 835 Dougherty St., New Smyrna Beach FL USA 904 268-1948. wfraden1@aol.com
USA Site: Lee Civic Center
32168 USA Site: Strickland R/C Park
239 936-2516. ricekj@comcast.net
386 427-7416. RCBean2@aol.com
Royal Palm Raceway
10839 Snapper Creek Dr., Miami FL 33173
Hobby World
MDI Racing
USA Site: 14955 SW 192 Ave.
7273 103rd St., Jacksonville FL 32210 USA 10351 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach 786 206-9006. nextedge@bellsouth.net
904 772-9445. hobbyworld@ilnk.com
FL 33411 USA 561 798-2433
Speedline Hobbies
Jack’s Hobbies Raceway
6565 1/2 Ulmerton Rd., Largo FL 33771
1759 NE Jacksonville Rd., Ocala FL 34470 Miami R/C Raceway
USA 727 536-7223
USA 352 351-2224
12260 SW 8 St. #126, Miami FL 33184 USA speedlinehobbies@aol.com
Site: 20800 SW 117th Ave. 305 551-1008
Strickland R/C Park
Jacksonville Sandslingers R/C Club
Minnreg R/C Club
2401 Lipizzan Tr., Ormond Beach FL 32174
933 Millard Ct. E., Jacksonville FL 32225
5941 42 Ave., St. Petersburg FL 33709 USA USA Site: Strickland Park, Daytona Bch.
USA 904 338-6963.
Site: 6340 126th Ave., Largo
386 451-3460. moxnicht@aol.com
727 403-7110. samledford@yahoo.com
Kissimmee RC Raceway
Sunshine Bandits of Central Florida
13127 Zori Ln., Windermere FL 34786 USA New Red Hobbies & Raceway
5022 Cambry Lane, Lakeland FL 33805
Site: Kissimmee Golf Course
609 NW 4th Ave. #C, Ocala FL 34475 USA USA Site:Linder Airport. 863 688-7276
407 924-5529. RafaelAAngulo@gmail.com 352 671-7302. Tom@newredhobbies.com
Superior Hobbies R/C Racing
1436 SR 436 #1040, Casselberry FL
Region Director: John Kohan
Illinois ● Indiana ● Kentucky ● Michigan
Ohio ● Wisconsin
What’s Going On In The Region: Well the
Region continues to grow in membership &
track affiliations. This year we have 4 Regional
races scheduled/run and 2 state races scheduled. I’m currently working in a 5th regional and two
more state races. I want to thank all the members
and track affiliates for their continued support.
Why ROAR: Why ROAR? I get this question almost
every time I’m at the track. It maybe “Why should
I join ROAR”, “What made you want to be Region
Director”, or “What has ROAR done for me”.
Below is a response I made some time ago on
the Internet, with a few edits, and I hope it gives
you an understanding of why all of us should care
about ROAR.
The one question that always comes up is “What
do I get for $30”. If you look at the car/truck/buggy
that you race, you see what you already have. Also
every day you spend at the track you see what you
already have.
The cars/trucks/buggy’s that we race all (99%)
based upon ROAR specifications. This helps level
Ocala Radio Controlled Car Club
PO Box 6932, Ocala FL 34478 USA
Site: 3500 SW 67 Ave. 352 351-5293
staff@orccc.org; www.orccc.org
the playing field so that racing is as
fair and balanced as possible. If you
want to see what could happen to
racing without rules, just look at
the Monster Truck class. It is a fun
and growing class but is no consistent specifications between trucks
or how to race them. (Although
ROAR now has a set of proposed rules
through the help of many knowledgeable racers).
Once you get to the track you benefit from ROAR.
You know the rules (Some call them guidelines) on
track specifications and what is expected of you. I’m
sure you have traveled to race and it is a nice feeling
to know what to expect when you visit a new track
for the first time.
So far you have benefited in equipment and race
day programs and have not spent a dime. Those of
us who do join carry the monetary burden for those
who don’t join. It is not an issue to me to carry this
burden because I fully understand where racing will
be in a very short time without rules.
Once racers understand the greater good that ROAR
is providing, for the most part, they are happy to join
and help this hobby/sport we all enjoy. With the $1000’s
we have invested, not spending $30 to support racing is
loosing focus on what really matters.
I have found that ROAR is what you want to make of
it. If you want ROAR to be a pain, then sit home and
32707 USA 407 834-9299
T.Q. Hobbies & Raceway
541 East SR 434, Longwood FL 32750 USA
407 339-1899. TQHobbies@aol.com
The Swamp
489 Yellowbird St.,
Marco Island FL 34145 USA
Site: Florida Sports Park, Naples
239 394-7330. mfowlerchr@netscape.net
Treasure Coast R/C at Grand Prix
203 Tumblin Kling Rd., Ft. Pierce FL
34982 USA Site: 2551 Peters Rd.
772 216-9701
Triple Nickel Raceway
1812 Farrington Dr., Lakeland FL
33809 USA Site: Bartow Park.
863 860-3620
beheamith@aol.com; www.bartowrc.com
West Coast RC Club
4132 Winding River Way,
LandOLakes FL 34639 USA
Site: Lake Park, Lutz
813 368-4962
stress about every little rule in the book. But if you
want to support the hobby, help build and maintain
a fair set of rules, or you just want to get involved,
then ROAR is there to help & support. It takes
effort but without the people behind the tracks,
the race directors, local clubs, Sanctioning Bodies,
and people that just enjoy helping, we would all be
spending our weekends doing something else.
Race fee $10
Weekly ROAR membership ($30/52) $0.57
Racing with friends all day Priceless
ps, I never even said anything about the ins, rev-up,
or help with sponsorships.
2006 Regional’s:
All right, it’s time to get the 2006 regional races
scheduled. I would like to begin to see the first set
of “Bids” in by November and hope to have races
scheduled Sometime in December.
These races don’t schedule themselves, so please
lets get those bids in. If you don’t run a track, ask
them to hold a regional. Feel free to lean your help if
it will make it easier for them. These are your races
so lets have them were YOU want! Remember ROAR
gets $0 for regional races, the host track keeps 100%
of the entry fees. n
Here are the 2005 scheduled ROAR Region 5 sanctioned events:
Sanction No.
Oval Carpet Regional .............................................................. 05-05-03 .....................................Halo .................................................................... 3/11/2005
Electric Off-road Regional ....................................................... 05-05-01 ......................................CRCRC................................................................. 10/8/2005
Gas Off-Road Regional ........................................................... 05-05-02 .....................................JCP ...................................................................... 8/13/2005
Paved Oval Regional ............................................................... 05-05-04 .....................................Hobby Hub ......................................................... 6/10/2005
Michigan State Championships (Off-Road) ............................ 05-05-05 .....................................Redline Racing ................................................... 9/17/2005
Illinois State Off road ‘Championship (Electric) ..................... 05-05-06 .....................................Redline R/C Raceway & Hobbies ........................ 10/29/2005
1708 Empire Road, Wickliffe OH 44092 USA
Site:Hobbytown, Mentor; Wiseco Piston
440 944-9966. ozzcotool@aol.com
9782 Portage Road, Portage MI 49002 USA
269 323-3686. info@hobby-sports.com
1088 Sunmeadow Cir., Franklin IN 46131 USA
Site: Johnson County Park. 317 501-5254
windellme@yahoo.com; www.jcprc.com
Planet RC Raceway
517 542-3128. kwhamilton@core.com
4375 Sellers St., Lawrence IN 46226 USA
317 377-0690. sburns@planetrcraceway.com The Nitro Farm
N 3268 Schmidt Rd., Jefferson WI 53549
USA 414 405-9110. nitrofarm@WI.rr.com
ABC R/C Inc.
42774 Redfern St., Canton MI 48187 USA
Thunder R.C.
244 W. Main St., Waukesha WI 53186 USA
Site: 12119 Levan, Livonia. 734 765-8870
N. 4268 Hwy H, Elkhorn WI 53121 USA
262 542-1245. help@abcrchobby.com
sales@RCScrewZ; www.RCScrewZ.com
262 723-5793. hunderrctrack@netscape.net
Leisure Hours Hobbies
2712 Plainfield Rd., Joliet IL 60435 USA
Rector’s R/C Raceway
Chicago Radio Car Club
Site: 820 Brian Dr., Crest Hill. 815 439-1477 RR #3 Box 104, Albion IL 62806 USA
Tri-State RC Auto Racers
21520 W. Chestnut Lane, Planfield IL 60544 www.leisurehours.com
618 446-3282. jogma1@yahoo.com
736 E. Epworth, Cincinnati OH 45232 USA
USA Site: 550 Howard Ave., Des Plaines
Site: Joyce Park, Hamilton. 513 608-9693
815 372-0647. jerarg@msn.com
M-40 RC Track
Redline Racing R/C Club
60466 Old 119, Jones MI 49061 USA
4050 Tarabrook Ln., Port Huron MI 48060
Columbus RC Race Club
269 244-5962. lamottal@aol.com
USA Site: Goodells County Park
PO Box 414, Hilliard OH 43026 USA
810 985-5539. GWL4050@aol.com
Vicksburg Off-Road R/C Raceway
Site: Franklin Cty. Fairgrounds
Mentor On-Road Racers
721 Grand St., Portage MI 49024 USA
614 771-0121. Secretary@CRCRC.com
8026 Bellflower Rd., Mentor OH 44060 USA
269 323-7963. timdog792@aol.com
Site: Great Lakes Mall. 440 974-8179
Redline RC Raceway
morronroad@yahoo.com; www.mytsn.com
3000 W. DeYoung, Marion IL 62959 USA
Xtreme RC Sports
Custom Made Raceway
618 997-9755. trent@shawneelink.net
44884 US 20, Oberlin OH 44074 USA
1600 Morningstar Lane, Decatur IN 46733
Monee R/C Raceway
440 775-1300. xrcsports@aol.com
USA 260 724-3040. flopez@onlyinternet.net 755 Ash St., Flossmoor IL 60422 USA
Site: 26049 S. Ridgeland, Monee
Road Runners Racing Club
708 799-5597. rm@moodyauto.com
29 Edgehill Dr., Newark OH 43055 USA
Y-City Hobby and Speedway
Detroit R/C Car Club
Site: 990 E. Main. 740 366-0045
120 South Sixth Street, Zanesville OH 43701
709 Bauman, Royal Oak MI 48073 USA
One-Eighth Racers of Toledo
USA 740 455-3025
248 872-6531. tomwattskelley@yahoo.com 251 Valleywood, Toledo OH 43605 USA
Site: Woodville Mall, Northwood
419 691-4136. Rfrazier@buckeye-Express.com Stateline RC Speedway
Halo Hobbies
7992 N. Silver Rd., Fremont IN 46737 USA
Zingers RC Racing
3725 Williston Rd. #824, Northwood OH
Site: 2962 N. Silver Rd., 260 800-8484
W5594 Muskellunge Lk. Rd., Tomahawk WI
43619 USA 419 693-0253
One Up One Down R/C
info@staelinerc.com; www.statelinerc.com
54487 USA 715 453-6144
12319 Tuscora Ave., Cleveland OH 44108
USA Site: Woods King Armory
216 681-7134. racingrob1@aol.com
10820 Herring Rd., Litchfield MI 49252 USA
Region Director: Ed Hill
P.O. Box 7401, Jackson, MS 39282
Arkansas ● Louisiana ● Mississippi
Well, well, well. It’s time to write another Rev Up report. I
would like to take this opportunity to thank Fred Hohwart
for the little reminders that he sends me. It makes me
look like I can remember EVERYTHING! HA! Thanks Fred.
All Mississippi State Championships were scheduled
in June this year. Small Cars Unlimited Ran its first race
on its first racetrack in June of 1988. Do the math – that’s
17 years! So the State Champs were also an anniversary
celebration. To the racers who have come and gone, and
especially the racers who have never left, THANK YOU
June 11, 2005, The Magnolia (that’s Mississippi to you
Yankees) State ROAR Off Road Championships were held
at Small Cars Unlimited in Jackson Mississippi. It was a
typical Southern Summer day. If you didn’t bring shade
to pit under, you should have brought some sunscreen
(maximum strength).
Race results for this event are as follows:
Stock Truck—TQ, Brenden Nolan; 1st Brenden Nolan;
2nd, Jody Jordan; 3rd, Bret Hemphill.
Modified Truck—TQ Alan Jenkins; 1st, Cliff LeBlanc; 2nd,
Jody Jordan; 3rd Shane Martz.
Stock Buggy—TQ, Terry Vaughn; 1st, Tommy Banes; 2nd,
Brandon Tucker; 3rd, Terry Vaughn.
Modified Buggy—TQ, Terry Vaughn; 1st, Terry Vaughn;
2nd, David Bates; 3rd, Josh Jones.
B N D Raceway
1516 Keyser Ave., Natchitoches LA 71457 USA
318 354-0710
Meridian R/C Speedway
PO Box 229, Meridian MS 39302 USA Site: 1615
Sowashee St., 601 483-7000. bamaal69@aol.com
Red Stick R/C Raceway
7545 Pippen Lane, Greenwell Sprgs LA 70739 USA
Site: 8844 Greenwell Springs Rd., Baton Rouge.
225 261-0855. mpino@cox.net;
Rick’s RC
2353 Airport Rd., Hot Springs AR 71913 USA
501 767-2238. DGale7@cablelynx.com
Small Cars Unlimited
820 Cooper Rd., Jackson MS 39212 USA
601 372-3278. fast@smallcarsunlimited.com
Tri-City RC Racers
1147 Oak Harbor Dr., Morgan City LA 70380 USA
Site: Hwy. 90 E. , Patterson. 985 384-4202
viper@teche.net; www.tricityrc.com
Wolfpack Track & Hobbies
3256 Airport Rd., Pearcy AR 71964 USA 501 760-1739.
ejoslin@yahoo.com; www.wolfpackracetrack.com
Monster Truck—TQ, Mitch Saxton; 1st, Mitch Saxton;
2nd, David Reed; 3rd, David Castle.
1/10 Nitro Truck—TQ, Zachary Harper; 1st, Zachary
Harper; 2nd, Ed Matlage; 3rd, Geremy Jones.
1/8 4WD Nitro Buggy—TQ, David Castle; 1st, Wesley
Harper; 2nd, Daryl Barnes; 3rd. David Castle.
out the awards. I also suggested that everyone look up at
the threatening sky and thank God for letting us finish the
day. GOD GOT A STANDING OVATION. Everybody clapped.
Kool! Five minutes after everything was done (including
emptying the trash cans) the rain came down in buckets.
In Mississippi we call this a “frog drowner”.
June 25, 2005 was the scheduled date for the
Magnolia State ROAR Paved Oval and Paved On Road
Championships. The weatherman said that we were
going to get wet. The day arrived, dark and gloomy. Toni
started cooking breakfast for everyone and we all felt
better. I told everyone, that if all we did was eat, talk
about racing and reschedule the race date, it would still
be a good day. When the time came to start racing, we
were still dry. At the drivers meeting, I said that I would
be pushing everyone to be ready early. If we were to get
rained out, I wanted every racer to get at least one qualifier. After the first qualifier, we tried for a second set and
completed it. When we completed the third qualifier we
were all surprised. We set up for the Mains in record time.
The day looked like night. We even turned on the lights.
When the Mains were complete, I asked everyone to pack
up first, and then come to the store where we would hand
Race results for this event are as follows:
6 Cell Stock Oval—TQ, Jimmy Flack; 1st, Chris Tunstall;
2nd, David Wilson; 3rd, Mike Seymour
Oval Nitro Trucks—TQ, Jody Jordan; 1st, Milton Kelly; 2nd,
Jody Jordan; 3rd, David Castle.
1/12 Stock On Road—TQ, Bret Hemphill; 1st, Bret
Hemphill; 2nd, Mark Cook; 3rd, Chris Cook.
Stock Sedan—TQ, Jason Lutz; 1st, Terry Vaughn; 2nd,
Brandon Tucker; 3rd, David Bates.
Modified Sedan—TQ, David Bates; 1st, David Bates; 2nd,
David Hill; 3rd, Terry Vaughn.
We had so many sedans this year that we may consider
having a Sedan only Championship next year. Let’s just
wait and see. If individual lap times or any other race
details are desired, these can be seen on the
Small Cars Unlimited website. www.smallcar9
sunlimited.com Click on race results and pick the
race you want.
These two events were very special to me. Not
only was the anniversary special, but the fact that
NO ONE GOT UGLY made the day extra special.
In the last Rev-Up issue, I welcomed Rick’s R/C
in Hot Springs Arkansas to our region. Recently,
Rick has had a heart attack. He is on the road to
recovery. I know that we all wish him to get well
quick! On top of his fight to recover, Rick now has
another problem to contend with. Rick’s R/C store
was broken into and burglarized. I understand
that he lost quite a lot. I know the feeling Rick, it
has happened to me. Makes you want to go out
and hurt someone doesn’t it?
I think that someone must have spilled some
“R/C enthusiasm” seeds in Hot Springs Arkansas.
Wolfpack Race Track (named after the local football team) is up and running. These guys really
seem to have it together. They have a great looking track, an auto count system, and a fantastic
gang starting devise. Check out their website.
In the last Rev-Up I warned everyone that I
was going to do some “arm-twisting” in hopes
of having State Championships in Louisiana and
Arkansas. Before I could check with anyone, the
powers to be at the Wolfpack Race Track in Hot
Springs Arkansas submitted their bid for the
Off Road State Championships. The paperwork
Lake Superior RC Car Club
1131 86th Ave. West, Duluth MN 55808 USA Site: Spirit Mountain
218 626-3156. jgutowski@chartermi.net; www.LSRCC.com
4105 Drexel Dr., Sioux Falls SD 57106 USA 605 361-0439
Minnesota ● North Dakota ● South Dakota
Wheels Wings-N-Hobbies
1800 40th Ave. SE, Mandan ND 58554 USA 701 667-7200
jeff@wwnh.net; www.WWNH.net
Action RC Speedway
3616 SE 59th,
Oklahoma City OK 73135 USA
405 670-7770
Competition RC
100 SE 89th St.,
Oklahoma City OK 73149 USA
405 634-0809. comprc1@aol.com
DLA Raceway
7111 Woodland Oaks,
Magnolia TX 77354 USA 281 259-6564
Dunn’s R/C Hobbies
1801 N. Harrison,
Shawnee OK 74804 USA
405 275-2381. ledunn@charter.net
Enid R/C Speedway
1419 W. Maine,
Enid OK 73703 USA
Site: 1817 S. Van Buren.
580 554-9400
select running candidates for region director. After
holding this position for the last 4 years, I am ready
to step aside. I would be willing to continue as an
assistant director if the newly elected director wishes
to have an assistant. I believe our region needs this
because as I live in the northern part of our region, the
Gears R/C Car Club
PO Box 3194, Harlingen TX 78551 USA
Site: 401 Wichata. 956 423-7725
Gulf Coast Raceway
21768 E. Knox Dr.,
Porter TX 77365 USA
281 577-8250.
HobbyTown USA—San Antonio
1201 Austin Hwy. #102, San Antonio TX
78209 USA 210 829-8697
Indy R.C. World
2020 Saturn Road,
Garland TX 75041 USA
972 271-4844.
Liberty RC Raceway
1087 N. 427, Pryor OK 74361 USA
Site: 15956 Hwy. 62, Tahlequah
918 530-1330.
southern most parts of Texas don’t receive the needed
representation they deserve. So racers, select someone
who is a member, is willing to serve, and has the time
to dedicate to the position. So, till next time, see you at
the races! Gary O. n
Mike’s Hobby Shop Superstore
1201 N-I 35 E.,
Carrollton TX 75006 USA
972 242-4930. info@mikeshobbyshop.com
North Houston Speedway
18732 Keenan Cut Off Rd.,
Montgomery TX 77316 USA
Site: 11847 Spears Rd., Houston.
936 449-5059
9212 Gallant Fox,
Austin TX 78737 USA
Site: Texas Events Center.
512 326-8481
RCRC of North Texas
950 Turner Way,
Mansfield TX 76063 USA
Site: Rendon Rd. S of FM1187, Rendon
817 473-1007. arlpaver@flash.net
T & T Racing
3420 Avenue K Ste 154,
Plano TX 75074 USA
972 633-2470
T.O.R.C. Tulsa OK Racing Club
2216 S. Lynn Lane,
Broken Arrow OK 74012 USA
Site: 26th St. S.@ Lynn Ln.
918 853-6805.
Tailgaters R/C Club
1309 N. York,
Muskogee OK 74403 USA
Site: Muskogee Fair Grounds
918 683-8383.
West Odessa RC Raceway
9017 W. 26th,
Odessa TX 79763 USA
Site: 700 Ave. F.
432 556-2427
MidAmerica Hobbies
215 Hwy. 965 #1, North Liberty IA
52317 USA 319 665-9655
Oval Assistant: Phil Beardshear
7602 S 136, Omaha NE 68138. 402.896.5192
Iowa ● Kansas ● Missouri ● Nebraska
Hi Performance Hobbies
2601 E. 4th, Hutchinson KS 67501
USA 620 665-6633
Hobbytown Raceway Park—Lincoln
3120 Pine Lake Rd. #4, Lincoln NE
68516 USA Site: Oak Lake Park
402 434-5040. alex_S@radiks.net
North MO R/C Raceway
200 S. Washington St., Chillicothe MO
64601 USA Site: 223 Graves St.
660 646-1120. billy1@cmuonline.net
Novelty R/C Raceway
RR 1 Box 132, Novelty MO 63460 USA
Site: 6th & Main. 660 739-4530
3307 N 58 St., Omaha NE 68104
USA 402 556-8674. red38@mitec.net
Over The Wall Gang
55192 849th Rd.,
Norfolk NE 68701 USA
Site: Hader Park. 402 644-7922
Ozark Mountain Racing Assoc.
3245 S. Elmira,
Springfield MO 65807 USA
Site: Niel Grubaugh Park, Ozark
417 883-2373.
St. Louis Dirt Burners
PO Box 335, Valley Park MO 63088
USA Site: Greentree Park, Marshal Rd.
314 495-3145.
Region Director: Gary O’Brien
8708 N. McMillan, Oklahoma City OK 73132
405.503.0364 (cell); garyjokc@aol.com
Oklahoma ● Texas
I am still requesting bids on any level 2 or 3 event
for our region. I need bids on all races and scales. If
you wish to submit bids, please do so ASAP. Racers,
talk to your tracks to see if they would be willing to
host an event.
Once again it is time for odd numbered regions to
Region Director: Alex Sturgeon
3211 Gold St., Omaha NE 98105
402.345.7603; tpqlfyer@cox.net
Fastlane Raceway & Hobbies LLC
2850 W. 40 Hwy #F, Blue Springs MO
64015 USA 816 220-0100
Promotions Note: I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ed Hill for wonderful work in region
6 and hoping ROAR never loses such a hardworking contributor again! Dawn n
Gladstone Gassers RC Club
PO Box 127, Gladstone ND 58630 USA 701 483-7071. KevinBook@yahoo.com
Region Director: Rahe Koch
7800 Xerxes Ave. N., Brooklyn Park, MN
55428. 763 315.8700; Rahek@msn.com
Clover Dell Speedway
1512 S. Prospect, Sedalia MO 65301
USA Site: Clover Dell Park
660 827-7386
has been approved and the event is scheduled
for August 20, and 21, 2005 with open practice
on Friday August 19, 2005. This event will be
titled the 2005 ROAR Razorback State Off Road
Track owners BEWARE. I would like to see more
State Championships. Paved Oval? On Road?
Louisiana Off Road? I am still in arm-twisting
mode! Yours in racing, Ed Hill
Hello racers, On May 28th, I ventured south to
the DFW area to watch the running of the 28th
Annual Texas Biggie. The event was held at the
RCRCNT site in Rendon, TX. After driving thru
several rainstorms I arrived
at the track to very few racers
and rainstorms that hadn’t let
up all day. So the first 3 rounds
of qualifying was a wash. Sunday
proved to be very different, with sunny skies and
no rain in sight. After 3 rounds of qualifying, the
tq’s were Mike Swauger in 1/10 sedan and in 1/8
4wd and Heinz Meyer in 1/10 4wd. Monday started
with lower mains and some very intense racing.
But mother nature showed up again, starting with
showers, then the track crew drying the track, and
then she decided that no other races were to be ran
by producing a downpour. Main events up to the b
mains were run by then, but daylight was running
low by then. The A main events were decided by
qualifying order and awards were passed out. With
the level of racing being this good at the Biggie, I
can’t wait to see the Sedan Nats. The racing ought
to be very good.
Region Director: Teresa Mott
8481 West 2700 South, Magna UT 84044.
801.361.4918 (After 6pm)
New Assistant Director: Charlie Perez
Colorado ● New Mexico ● Utah ● Wyoming
Hello Region 10, I have to apology for the Web site
being down. I ran into some trouble with the host site
and hope to have it back up and running by the time
this article is printed.
I have received reports from only 2 Region 10 Tracks. If
you do not see anything about your track and would like
to, ask your track to please send in a report to me. I can
not report what I do not know.
A.R.C.O.R. reports: The 10th Annual Tumbleweed
Albuquerque R/C Off Road
PO Box 21885, Albuquerque NM 87154
USA Site: Tom Tenorio Park
505 237-8915. littlefruog@aol.com
Classic will be held Sept 9-11 at A.R.C.O.R. in
Albuquerque, NM. Sign ups are due by Aug
27th. No entry without payment. $35.00 for
the first class and $15.00 for each additional
class. No 1/8 scale buggy or Monster Truck
will be run this year. For more information
visit our website www.arcorraceway.com or
call Christina at 505-307-2035.
Intermountain R/C Raceway reports: The
Utah State On-Road Championships were held July 16th.
The weather was hot with the track temperature reaching
150 degrees +. The track was hooked up with the new
surface and everything had a fresh coat of paint.
Jeromy and the Track Crew done a fantastic job with the
track and running the races. They deserve a big thanks.
6. Keith Daugherty.
Here are the results
Stock Sedan A-Main: 1. Jim Rose TQ, 2. Bill
Pendleton, 3. Jessie, 4. Jerrit Knight, 5. Carl Hynhman,
19T Sedan A-Main: 1. Carl Hyndman TQ, 2. Skyler Gall, 3.
Ron Reid, 4. Bill Hammond, 5. Owen, 6. Jake Swenson, 7.
Keith Daugherty, 8. Cory BEntly, 9. Steve Duncan. n
209 Auburn Drive, Colorado Springs CO
80909 USA Site: Citadel Mall
Grand Junction R/C
719 578-8467. scdifazio@adelphia.net
222 N. 10th, Grand Junction CO 81503 USA www.marcar.org
Site: 715 33rd St., 970 242-9515
MHOR R/C Raceway
Intermountain R/C Raceway
15540 E. Batavia Dr., Aurora CO 80011 USA
8481 West 2700 South, Magna UT 84044 303 343-0151. mhorrc@aol.com
USA 801 250-8303.
Novice Sedan A-Main: 1. Randy TQ, 2. Joey Norton, 3.
Mike Jensen.
1/12 Scale: 1. Carl Hyndman, 2. Jim Rose TQ, 3. Jim
Hildebrant, 4. Russ Horton, 5. Owen, 6. Cory Bently, 7.
Bill Hammond, 8. Ron Reid, 9. Keith Daugherty.
Nitro Sedan A-Main: 1. Ed, 2. Tony Newland TQ, 3. Steve
Duncan, 4. Bill Pendleton, 5. Bill Hammond, 6. Russ
Horton, 7. Robert Veilleux, 8. Jim Hildebrandt.
Nitro Sedan B-Main: 1. Jim Hildebrandt, 2. Robert
Veilleux, 3. Gus Wood, 4. Jake Swenson, 5. Corndog.
Northern NM R/C Car Club
332 Joy A Loop, Los Alamos NM 87544
USA Site: Overlook RC Park
505 672-9133.
RAT Raceway
3600 Blake St., Denver CO 80205 USA
303 295-RACE.
1306 N. Hudson, Silver City NM 88061
USA Site: 1184 Hwy. 180
505 538-2311. sav-on@zianet.com
Wyoming Modeler’s Park
407 Wagon Circle, Riverton WY 82501 USA
Site: 2675 N. Federal Blvd.,
307 856-9442
Region Director: Mark L. Taylor
2603 SE 138th Ave., Portland, OR 97236
503.720.4891 (c); 503.761.1334 (m)
rcmark@comcast.net; www.roarregion11.com
Region Director: Steve Wang
717 Brea Canyon Rd., #12, Walnut CA 91789
Idaho ● Montana ● Oregon ● Washington
California ● Nevada ● Arizona
On June 24-26; The Region 11 Off-Road Gas
Championships were held in Wenatchee, WA, one
of the premier facilities in the Northwest. Home of
RCCCW, The Radio Control Car Club of Wenatchee.
The Wenatchee area is a great place to hold a
regional event due to its location and weather. The
track is built inside an old bumper boat pool, which
creates a unique and safe racing environment.
Marcus Neuspeed from Spokane, WA. TQ’d Gas
Truck and went on to win the 45 minute main event
followed by Taylor Peterson, Tiffany Dunlap, Randy
Nolan, Jordan Hestness, Chris Hart, Craig Hamilton
(with a JATO!), Jeremy Friesz, Reggie Tongue and
Randy Sides in the A-Main. Jordan Hestness and
Craig Hamilton were the bumps from the B Main,
great job guys!
14521 W. Lake Ridge Dr.,
Anchorage AK 99577 USA
Sites: Fairviw Rec. Ctr./S.Anchorage
Sports Cplx. 907 317-6145.
Magic City RC
3733 Banff Ave., Billings MT 59102
USA Site: Shrine Auditorium
406 652-2524. wwjd@tgrsolution.net
R/C Supercross
3963 Pam St., Eugene OR 97402 USA
Mike Dana TQ’d the 1/8 Scale Buggy Class and
Marcus Neuspeed came through for the win in
another grueling 45 minute A-Main. Mike Stanton
was second, followed by Wade Lammar, Garrett
Smith, George Templeton, Jordan Hestness, Mike
Phillips, Ray Villeneuve, Mike Dana and Randy
Nolan. Mike Phillips and Randy Nolan were the B
Main bumps; Randy Nolan and Chris hart were the
C Main bumps. Great job Randy!
We also ran two exhibition classes; Super
Monster Truck and 1/8 Scale Stadium Truck. Our
Super Monster Truck Class follows the Northwest
Championship tour rules; basically no Truggies
allowed. Ryan McCrery TQ’d and won the 45-minute main event with Roy Pitchlynn, John Collins,
Ron Anderson, Craig Hamilton, Torry Hadley, James
Site: Pleasant Hill. 541 687-8632
Rain City RC Raceway
2006 196 St. SW #119, Lynnwood WA
98036 USA 425 776-8241
RC Car Club of Spokane
PO Box 18656, Spokane WA 99205
USA Site: Sulivian Park
509 995-8851. colin@rcccs.com
Russell, AJ Tubb and Jay Harrison in the A-Main.
In the 1/8 Stadium Truck Class; Mike Dana TQ’d
with Marcus Neuspeed taking the win in another
45 minute main event with George Templeton,
Corey Ecalbarger, John Collins, Mike Dana, Reggie
Tongue and Ron Auger in the A-Main.
Many thanks to Jay Harrison, Corey Ecalbarger,
Jay Campbell and the rest of the RCCCW members
for putting on a great event. Special thanks to Jim
and Kim Dunlap for their assistance all weekend
in the tech tent. Your help was immensely appreciated! Marcus was the man this weekend, three
45-minute A-Main wins! Wow! ■
RC Car Club of Wenatchee
PO Box 2483, Wenatchee WA 98807
USA Site: Douglas County park
509 679-4713. crashin73@msn.com
RC Plus Hobbies Raceway
1685 25th St. SE, Salem OR 97302
USA 503 364-9188
Rose City Scale Racing
c/oChung 20765 SW Gracie St.,
Beaverton OR 97006 USA
4 Aces Racing Association
1523 W. Bradfox Lane,
N. Las Vegas NV 89032 USA
Site: Silverbowl Raceway
702 326-3573.
4 Fun Hobbies & Raceway
15885 Bear Valley Rd.,
Hesperia CA 92345 USA
760 956-6646
Site: Liberty High School, Hillsboro
503 484-8887. dominic@rc-cars.com
16212 178th Pl. NE,
Woodinville WA 98072 USA
Site: Renton Two Place
206 730-6605. blbodine@comcast.net
Timezone Raceway Park
29718 NE 132nd Ave., Battle Ground
WA 98604 USA 360 687-5100
Check the track listings for your Region...
is the track where you race listed?
If you don’t see it remind them to sign up
or renew their affilitation with ROAR for 2005.
Renew your memebership today!
> > > www.ROARracing.com
Dear ROAR Region 12 Tracks owners, Thank you to
those who took used the proper channels in obtaining ROAR sanctioned events. This is my first year so
it took a little longer to get the races scheduled and
for us to get acquainted with each other. There has
been some confusion in the past about the process of
obtaining a regional race, and one thing I would like
Boulder City R/C Speedway
122 Vista Del Lago,
Henderson NV 89015 USA
702 564-7578
Crystal Park Raceway
123 E. Artesia Blvd.,
Compton CA 90220 USA
Site: Crystal Park Casino Parking Lot
310 631-0307. reesso@sbcglobal.net
Cycle Art Raceway
2211 N. Pleasant Way,
Fresno CA 93705 USA 559 233-3665.
Delta R/C Raceway
2017 Kendree St.,
Antioch CA 94509 USA
Site: 1201 W. 10th St.(Fairground)
925 778-2965.
Finishline R/C Raceway
PO Box 751041,
Las Vegas NV 89136 USA
Site: 1000 N. Nellis Blvd
702 408-8621.
Fog Town Frequencies
270 Vista Grande Ave.,
Daly City CA 94014 USA
650 755-8308
High Desert RC
3807 S. Carson St.,
Carson City NV 89701 USA
Site: Eagle Station Shopping Ctr.
775 883-5553.
Hobby World
6901 Monterey Road,
Gilroy CA 95020 USA
408 847-8799
to continue to
emphasize with
the track is if
you’re interested in holding a ROAR Region 12 race,
you must submit the sanction form to me to have it
signed. Without the region director’s signature, technically speaking the race did not happen.
HobbyTown USA—Fremont
39252 Fremont Hub,
Fremont CA 94538 USA 510 796-2744
HobbyTown USA—Fresno
3069 W. Bullard Ave.,
Fresno CA 93711 USA 559 435-3342.
HobbyTown USA—San Jose
638 Blossom Hill Rd.,
San Jose CA 95123 USA
Site: Sunrise Plaza. 408 229-1972
Minature Hot Rod Assoc.
154 W. Foothill Blvd. #A-312,
Upland CA 91786 USA
Site: Rialto Airport Speedway
909 949-2660.
Modesto Hobby Raceway
401 Bang’s Ave. #H,
Modesto CA 95356 USA
209 529-7310
N.C.R.C. Raceway
2411 St. Yorre Ct., Ukiah CA 95482 USA
Site: 12th Dist.Agricultural Assoc.
707 462-9569. ncrcraceway@excite.com
Outer Limits R/C Raceway
HCR 31 Box 311, S
andy Valley NV 89019 USA
2365 Iron Ave., 702 723-5243
Palomar RC Flyers, Inc.
PO Box 141, San Marcos CA 92079 USA
Site: I 15 & Hwy 76, Fallbrook
858 794-4665.
Pegasus Hobbies
5515 Moreno St., Montclair CA 91763 USA
909 931-4872
Pro-Line Racing
PO Box 456, Beaumont CA 92223 USA
Site 201 W. Lincoln, Banning
909 849-9781
We will start scheduling region 12 events a lot earlier for next year.
Starting November 1st, we will start accepting sanction forms for consideration for all Region 12 races
next year (on-road and off-road, nitro and electric) so
track owners and directors, start planning your 2006
calendars now. n
Pure Adrenaline Raceway
659 Sanguinetti Rd., Sonora CA 95370
USA 209 536-6232.
Scottsdale R/C Speedway
3023 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale AZ
85251 USA 480 945-2186
6496 Greatstone Mead. Cir.,
San Jose CA 95120 USA
Site: Mission College, Sta. Clara.
408 927-8276
So Cal R/C Raceway
19118 Brookhurst,
Huntington Beach CA 92646 USA
714 963-7484
240 Folland, American Canyon CA 94503
USA Site: Big K-Mart, Fairfield
707 704-7014. bigmatt@castles.com
Speedworld Raceway
90 Corporation Yard Rd.,
Roseville CA 95678 USA
916 783-8864
Ragged Edge R/C Raceway
227 Vanessa Ave.,
Ridgecrest CA 93555 USA
Site: Desert Empire Fairgrounds
760 384-4556. rsread@ridgenet.net
Stacy Off-Road R/C Club
2046 Zoe Lane,
Manteca CA 95336 USA
Site: Manteca Water Treatment Plant
209 825-2777. shagy05@msn.com
RC Tech
1618 Sullivan Ave. #105,
Daly City CA 94015 USA. 650 992-7600
Stockton RC Raceway
264 E. Churchill St.,
Stockton CA 95204 USA
Site: 1658 S. Airport Way, Stockton
209 481-2879
472 Glenmor Cir.,
Milpitas CA 95035 USA
Site: 2900 Mead, Sta. Clara
408 887-7910. DT408@yahoo.com
Redwood Empire RC Grd. Pounders
714 College Ave. #3,
Santa Rosa CA 95404 USA
Sites: MGM Brakes, Peterson CAT
707 586-3375.
Ripon R/C Speedway
701 N. Acacia Ave.,
Ripon CA 95366 USA
209 599-2769.
Sacramento Red Barons
1911 Douglas, #85, Box 126,
Roseville CA 95661 USA
Site: Athens@ Fiddyment Rd.
916 645-9740.
Santa Cruz Race Club
1435 Eastcrest Ct.,
Santa Cruz CA 95062 USA
Site: 375 Encinal St.
831 477-7097. dstroud@bellsports.com
Sun Valley Speedway
PO Box 785,
Sun Valley CA 91353 USA
Site: 8295 Tujunga Ave. Sun Valley
818 771-1003.
Team Bandit Racing R/C Club
1634 Barston Pl.,
Glendora CA 91740 USA
626 914-5106
Team RCoholic
12 Clement St.
San Francisco CA 94118 USA
Site: Various
415 831-4108
THE DIRT Racepark
140 E. Stetson #300
Hemet CA 92543 USA
Site: 146 S. Santa Fe St.
951 925-7592
regional reports
Big Island R/C Assoc.
1328 Komohana St., Hilo HI 96720 USA
Site: 855 Keaha Kai St., 808 987-0210
Garden Isle RC Racers
5855 Ahakea St., Kapaa HI 96746 USA
Site: Wailua next to Golf Course
808 823-0856. arnoldmorales-58@MSN.net
Region Director: Frank Correa
94-971 Ka’aholo Street Waipahu,
HI 96797. 808.677.9057;
Maui R/C Racing Association
661 Maalahi St., Wailuku HI 96793 USA
Sites: Kahului Library, Punnee Race park
808 283-9436. kennedyg002@hawaii.rr.com
RC Auto Racing Hawaii
2219 Ahe Place, Honolulu HI 96816 USA
Site: H.CC. Aero. Technology. 808 732-7481
Grande Prairie Model Racers Assoc.
9710-66 Ave., Grande Prairie ALB T8W 2W1 CANADA
780 518-2217. bugaring@telus.nret; www.grandeprairieracing.net
Mid-Canada R/C Auto Racing
Box 45, Oakbank MAN R0E 1J0 CANADA
204 444-4230. midcanadarc@mts.net; www.midcanadarcautoracing.com/
Murray’s Off Road
189 Harris Rd., Deleware ONT N0L 1E0 CANADA. 519 652-2421. ennio@hobby-junction.com
Ontario 1/8 On Rd. Racing Club
167 Lighthouse Dr., RR #7 Dunville ONT N1A 2W6 CANADA. Site: 75 Frid Street, Hamilton.
905 701-6255. ontarioonroadracing@swayze.ca; www.swayze.ca/O1-8ORRC
RCXpress/Sammy’s Speedway
16 Roman Cr., London ONT N5V 4W4 CANADA. Site: 1815 Trafalgar St.
519 777-0051. info@Sammysspeedway.com; www.SammysSpeedway.com
Remote Racers of London
37-44 Edgevalley Rd., London ONT N5Y 5P7 CANADA. Site: 758 Third St., London
519 951-9966. info@rrol.ca; www.RROL.ca
Sudbury Organized Auto Racing
1586 Gauthier, Val Therese ONT P3P 1S7 CANADA. 705 969-5280
30872 Coast Hwy., #111
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Canada Director: TBA