CONTROL AND COMPUTER CONTROL K’NEX Education Building STEM Solutions STEM Education focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts taught through problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning and critical thinking. It requires students to be active participants in the learning. Dynamic K’NEX models offer hands-on learning opportunities that encourage scientific inquiry, investigation and experimentation. Models are fully-functioning replicas of real-world machines/ structures enabling students to relate the concepts to the world they live in. Color-coded building instructions allow students of varying levels to participate and succeed. K’NEX Education Teacher guides, with inquiry-based lessons, challenge students as they build, investigate, problem solve, discuss, and evaluate scientific and design principles in action. The lessons include objectives, activities, key concepts, journals and worksheets, everything you need to introduce the concepts and assess what the students have learned. All K’NEX Education Teacher guides are aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math standards, including Common Core Mathematics. Visit us at to download sample lesson plans, table of contents and standard alignments for our entire curriculum-supported product line. We are proud to manufacture K’NEX Rods and Connectors in the USA. Table of Contents Control & Computer Control..................................................................................3 Science, Technology, Engineering & Math – Elementary........................................9 Science, Technology, Engineering & Math – Middle/High.....................................14 Math & Science..................................................................................................20 Learning Through Play – Early Learning..............................................................25 Spatial Building...................................................................................................29 CONTROL AND COMPUTER CONTROL Discover Control Builds TM 5 Grades: 2 – 4 Pieces: 336 Item #: 79014 Models An excellent introduction to control systems that challenges students to build, control and explore a series of five K’NEX models. The Control Box enables students to control the models using motors, LEDs, and a buzzer to replicate real world machines, structures and amusement park rides. The Discover Control Software recreates the control experience for students; right on their computer screens using a simple flowchart based programming language that allows students to control the outputs of on-screen K’NEX models. *Computer not included. The Teacher’s Guide outlines a series of 6 comprehensive lessons that introduce students to computer control technology, writing programs to operate models, and rigorous content in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Science process skills, the engineering design process, the core concepts of technology, science inquiry, and the role of invention and innovation in technology will be emphasized throughout the lessons. BUILD, PROGRAM AND CONTROL K’NEX MODELS Tramcar Swing Ride Double Ferris Wheel 3 CONTROL AND COMPUTER CONTROL Discover Control TM (continued) Key Concepts: Grades: 2 – 4 Pieces: 336 Item #: 79014 • Linear thinking and programming • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving • Use logical and sequential thinking to design programs • Forces & Motion software CD included • Design and alter machine operations to meet stated needs • Systems and Organization • Design Process/Engineering Design Process • Troubleshooting • Patterns and Representations • Order objects and extend patterns Spinning Carpet Ride • Optimization • Communicate Mathematical thinking Building Instructions Included Set Details • Builds 5 fully-functioning replicas of realworld machines, one at a time. • Supports 2 – 3 students working as a team. • Discover Control box and software, 2 motors, 2 LEDs, 1 Buzzer, building instructions and teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Learning Tasks: Teacher’s Guide CD included and the K’NEX Swing Ride using both the Swing Ride SCE on the computer the model: for a. Change direction three times and spin 10 seconds in each direction, b. Stop for five seconds between direction • Compatible with interactive whiteboards. • PC Compatible. SWING RIDE Complete these learning tasks model and Control Box. SCE on the these learning tasks using the Swing Ride (Teacher Note: Encourage students to complete Box to operate the K’NEX model.) computer before they program the Control Ride complete the tasks below. Write programs to make the K’NEX Swing to add 3. * * Write a program for the Control Box to make of 1. * Write a program for the Control Box the LED and Buzzer to improve the safety the Swing Ride change direction three times. the ride for the riders and observers. Your Allow the Control Box to repeat your program operate. will ride the how team may decide several times. your Allow the Control Box to repeat (Science and Technology) program several times. to make (Science, Technology, and Engineering) 2. * Write a program for the Control Box • Packaged in a strong storage tub with snap-on lid. Also See: • K’NEX Computer Control – Grades 3 – 5 • STEM Explorations – Grades 5 – 9 changes. c. Repeat your program several times. (Science, Technology, and Mathematics) Challenge Activities: include all of the programs you write. Keep daily notes in your STEM Journal and into different locations output devices may need to be plugged (Teacher Note: Remind students that the on the Control Box for Challenge Activities.) in your STEM Journal. calculations all c. Show Box so: 1. ** Write a single program for the Control tal d. Be prepared to explain your experimen a. The LED shines red when the ride is strategy and to demonstrate how you moving clockwise. arrived at your answer. b. The LED shines green when the ride is (Note: You may place a masking tape flag moving counterclockwise. on one seat of the ride to make counting easier.) (Science and Mathematics) c. Allow the Control Box to repeat your program several times. the ride for several minutes as you Operate * 4. a (Hint: you may need to plug the LED into the motion of the seats. Start and stop observe different location on the Control Box and the ride several times: remove the buzzer.) a. What do you observe about the seats when (Science and Technology) the ride speeds up? the 2. * Determine the speed of the K’NEX Swing b. What do you observe about the seats as Ride in revolutions per minute (rpm). In other ride moves at a constant speed? in words, how many times does the ride spin do you observe about the seats when What c. minute? one the ride slows? (Science and Mathematics) what d. Provide one or more explanations for Swing 3. ** Find the average speed of the K’NEX you observed. a Ride in revolutions per minute (rpm) for (Science, Technology, Engineering and trials. one-minute (4), four of total Mathematics) a. Collect the data and design a data chart to display the data. data. of sets (4) four the of average the b. Find 888-ABC -KNEX 19 back to Table of Contents 2 Motors 1 Buzzer 2 LEDs 1 K’NEX Control Box 4 CONTROL AND COMPUTER CONTROL K’NEX Computer Control Builds TM 5 Grades: 4 – 6 Pieces: 699 Item #: 79018 Models Using the K’NEX Computer Control set, students will assume the role of teams of designers working for an Engineering Design firm. Over the course of the lessons students take on five major projects. The projects each include construction, design, redesign, programming, linear programming challenges, branched logic and programming challenges as well as determining the individual and combined costs of the projects, This is truly an integrated approach to STEM education in the classroom. This Teacher’s Guide outlines a series of 5 comprehensive lessons that introduce students to computer control technology, writing programs to operate models, and rigorous content in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The objectives for each lesson highlight what students will learn and the processes they will use to meet those objectives. Science process skills, the engineering design process, the core concepts of technology, science inquiry, and the role of invention and innovation in technology are emphasized throughout the lessons. *Computer not included. BUILD, PROGRAM AND CONTROL K’NEX MODELS Elevator Oscillating Fan Sliding Door 5 CONTROL AND COMPUTER CONTROL K’NEX Computer Control TM (continued) Key Concepts: Grades: 4 – 6 Pieces: 699 Item #: 79018 • Exploratory and Discovery Learning • Active engagement to find solutions • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving • Systems and Organization • Design and alter machine operations to meet stated needs • Forces, Energy & Motion software CD included • Design Process/Engineering Design Process • Communicate Mathematical thinking • Sequential thinking and patterns • Invention and Innovation • Troubleshooting and Optimization • Testing, evaluating and modifying Set Details • Builds 5 fully-functioning replicas of realworld machines, one at a time. Teacher’s Guide CD included • Supports 2 – 3 students working as a team. • K’NEX Interface and Computer Control Software, 2 motors, 3 LEDs, 1 Buzzer, 2 Push Button Switches, 2 Reed Switch, 4 Magnets, building instructions and a teacher’s guide included. Super Spinner Ride • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Building Instructions Included • P C Compatible. Also See: Learning Tasks: the K’NEX the K’NEX Oscillating Fan SCE on the computer, Complete these learning tasks using both Fan SCE model, and the K’NEX Interface. these learning tasks using the K’NEX Oscillating (Teacher Note: Encourage students to complete Interface.) the model with the K’NEX Computer Control before they program the computer to operate and keep people room a cool to ly automatical operate it will Program the Oscillating Fan model so that comfortable. 3. * Edit the program so the LED shines green 1. * Write a program that makes the model while the fan is spinning. oscillate (slow the oscillation motor to 20% (Science and Technology) power) as the blades spin when the push button is pressed. (Science and Technology) the push 2. * Edit the program to stop the fan when loop button is pressed a second time. Include a on in the program so that the fan can be turned and off over and over again. (Science and Technology) • Compatible with interactive whiteboards. • Discover Control – Grades 2 – 4 • STEM Explorations – Grades 5 – 9 2 Reed Switches Challenge Activities: location of some listed below, you may have to change the As you move through the Challenge Activities process is to the K’NEX Interface. Part of the learning of the components or add additional components make those changes. understanding when, where and how to 3. ** Determine the average number of times fans to related research 1. * Complete some the blades turn in one minute. Express this before continuing with the project. Use the number as a speed with proper units. Run following questions to guide your research four trials as you collect your data. Present and report all of your findings in your STEM your data in a table and calculate the Journal. average speed of the fan blades. a. What is the purpose of a fan? (Science and Mathematics) fan? a of they parts b. What are the different 4. ** Redesign the blades to move air as spin. Cover the blades of the fan using c. What are some of the different types of paper and tape. Run the fan to see if you fans? can feel air moving in front of the blades d. Why do you feel cool when a fan blows or behind the blades. If not, redesign the air over your skin? blades so that a breeze is produced in front to (Teacher Note: Student performance on of the blades as the fan runs. Experiment a this Challenge Activity will be partially see if further design changes will produce dependent on the grade and ability stronger breeze. level of your students. Assess students Engineering) Technology, (Science, accordingly.) (Science, Technology, and and model the 5. ** Change the gear ratio of Engineering) report the effect on the operation of the 2. * Determine the speed of the K’NEX Oscillating fan. Determine the gear ratio of the gear Fan’s blades in revolutions per minute (rpm). system on the fan. Switch the red and blue the do times many how In other words, gears on the model. Does the fan operate blades spin in one minute? differently when you run it after the blades s) (Science and Mathematic have been changed? Describe the difference in operation. Determine the speed of the blades with the new gear configuration (four trials and a computed average). Is the fan now geared up or geared down? Support your answer with data from the experiment back to Table of Contents 16 2 Motors 2 Push Buttons 1 K’NEX Interface 3 LEDs 1 Buzzer 4 Magnets 6 CONTROL AND COMPUTER CONTROL Builds NEW! 9 STEM Explorations TM Models Grades: 5 – 9 Pieces: 822 Item #: 79118 Using the K’NEX Computer Control Software, the Computer Control Interface, various input/output devices, motors, and K’NEX Rods & Connectors, students will experience problem solving in design and automation using programming, construction techniques, and devices to help them understand how to program and operate computer controlled devices. *Computer not included. The teacher’s guide and lessons help to guide students as they learn modeling and apply integrated process skills. Following the basic process of scientific inquiry and engineering design, students are given a specific problem, ask questions and conduct research using fair and consistent testing procedures, chart and analyze their data, refine solutions through feedback from their designs, and communicate their results. Crane BUILD, PROGRAM AND CONTROL K’NEX MODELS Car Spin Ride 7 CONTROL AND COMPUTER CONTROL NEW! STEM Explorations TM Key Concepts (continued) • Exploratory and Discovery Learning Grades: 5 – 9 Pieces: 822 Item #: 79118 • Active engagement to find solutions • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving • Systems and Organization • Design and alter machine operations to meet stated needs • Forces, Energy & Motion Teacher’s Guide CD included • Design Process/Engineering Design Process • Communicate Mathematical thinking • Sequential thinking and patterns • Invention and Innovation • Troubleshooting and Optimization • Testing, evaluating and modifying Set Details Toll Gate • Builds 9 fully-functioning replicas of realworld machines, one at a time. Building Instructions Included • Supports 2 – 3 students working as a team. • K ’NEX Interface and Computer Control Software, 2 motors, 3 LEDs, 1 Buzzer, 2 Push Button Switches, 2 Reed Switch, 4 Magnets, building instructions and a teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. •C ompatible with interactive whiteboards. software CD included since the red down nical ered gea sed mecha is consid s we discus t as the Gear B, it t two lesson l spin twice as fas is driving ce is In the pas to it and wil r r. ed gea gea d, but for ach g att the drivin , the driven ed is reduce the motor as up spe ch , red has mu A wn gea g ½ as If Gear geared do system is r is rotatin system is s to nes. If the driven gea diameter half. If the ple machi in use sim n cut in is tha some th rather advantage but output force Here are r, ly count tee es in diameters. driving gea will actual enc ping, we nor differ doubled. due to mi p from slip ies kee ts: to rac den th ccu stu h the rs use tee also prevents ina cussed wit Since gea is :1 t can be dis ratios. Th aller gear determine ratio examples tha th on sm r r / # of tee sample gea larger gea of teeth on # = io Rat 20 teeth Gear B = 10 teeth Gear A = T / 10 T : 1 20 = Ratio wn will spin , geared do r, Gear B Ratio = 2:1 driving gea ut force. input, or inp A as the times the With Gear vide two pro t bu t, half as fas • P C Compatible. Also See: • Discover Control – Grades 2 – 4 • K’NEX Computer Control – Grades 4 – 6 2 Reed Switches 20 teeth Gear B = 5 teeth Gear A = T / 5T : 1 Ratio = 20 spin , geared up ar A will Ratio = 4:1 g gear, Ge vide 1/4 of ut, or drivin ly pro B as the inp ar B, but will on Ge With Gear n tha faster four times ce. for the input 2 Motors 2 Push Buttons 30 teeth Gear B = 10 teeth Gear A = T / 10 T : 1 30 = Ratio wn will spin , geared do r, Gear B Ratio = 3:1 driving gea ut force. input, or es the inp A as the With Gear t provide three tim bu 1/3 as fast, 15 teeth Gear B = 10 teeth Gear A = T / 10 T : 1 Ratio = 15 up spin :1, geared ar A will Ratio = 1.5 g gear, Ge 2 of ut, or drivin l only provide /3 B as the inp t wil With Gear ter than Gear B, bu fas 1.5 times force. the input 90 1 K’NEX Interface 3 LEDs 1 Buzzer KnexEduc 4 Magnets 8 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH ELEMENTARY Builds Introduction to Simple Machines: Levers & Pulleys 8 TM Models TM Grades: 3 – 5 Pieces: 178 Item #: 78610 Key Concepts • Making work easier The Introduction to Simple Machines: Levers and Pulleys set is designed to introduce students to the scientific concepts associated with levers and pulleys. Students are provided with the opportunity to acquire skills using a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to information and concepts. Working cooperatively, students are encouraged to interact with each other as they build, investigate, discuss, and evaluate scientific principles in action. Wheelbarrow (2nd Class Lever) • W = Fd (Work equals force x distance) • Effort Arm • Resistance (Load) Arm • Fulcrum • Classes of levers • Ideal Mechanical Advantage • Actual Mechanical Advantage • Fixed Pulley • Movable Pulley The Teacher’s Guide provides the information and resources needed to build students’ understanding of scientific concepts and channel their inquiries into active and meaningful learning experiences. Extension activities that can be used to explore the concepts more deeply are also included. • Block and Tackle • Mechanical Systems Set Details Balance (1st Class Lever) • Builds 8 fully-functioning replicas of realworld machines, one at a time. • Supports 2 – 3 students working as a team. • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. INTRODUCTION TO SIMPLE MACHINES example of a simple machine – the lever – to Explain to the students that they will be investigating an definition of a simple machine if the students have not understand how it can help make work easier. Provide a the Guide.) previously been introduced to the concept. (See Page 2 of Also See: known – they were perhaps used in prehistoric times Discuss how levers are probably one of the oldest machines mammoths out of pit traps. Explain that if we know by people wanting to move large boulders or even to get We even have levers in our bodies – our arms and what to look for we will find levers being used everywhere. legs function as levers. Ask if anyone can explain what a lever can do. Demonstrate how a lever can make it easier to lift the lid off a can. Ask the students to carefully describe what happened when the lever was used. Ask them to think about where you exert a force on the machine (the lever) and where the machine exerts a force on the lid. Use the students’ explanation to identify the main parts of the lever: fulcrum, effort, effort arm, resistance/load and resistance arm. Draw a diagram on the board to identify the parts of a lever. push The lever pivots on the rim of the can. Applying effort to one end of the lever downwards results in an upward lid movement at the other end of the lever and this raises the of the can. is The lever is a beam, bar or rod. The pivot point of the lever the called the fulcrum; the part of the lever extending from effort fulcrum to the place where effort is applied is called the the arm; the part of the lever extending from the fulcrum to load is called the resistance arm. Resistance/Load Effort Resistance Arm Effort Arm Building Instructions Included • Introduction to Simple Machines: Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes – Grades 3 – 5 • Introduction to Simple Machines: Gears – Grades 3 – 5 • Simple Machines Deluxe – Grades 3 – 8 • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 The key parts of a Class 1 lever Fulcrum (One is provided on Page 3 of this Guide.) Write their Help the students develop a working definition of a lever. journals, together with the diagram showing the parts definition on the board and ask them to record it in their of a lever. in their daily lives. They will probably suggest crowbars Ask the students to think of examples of the use of levers Ask them what they are reminded of when they look at and bottle top openers. Probe for less obvious examples. or balance.) Have available real examples, and/or the diagram they have just drawn in their journals. (See-saw in our daily lives. The following items, for example, pictures, to demonstrate the range of levers that we use a stapler, a hole-punch, a door, and a pair of should be readily available in the classroom: a pair of scissors, of pliers, and a hammer. Students should record tweezers. You could also demonstrate a nutcracker, a pair journals. their in examples L ©2007 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit #96391 share the common components of a rigid rod or Explain that there are 3 different types of levers. They all positions of the fulcrum, effort and resistance beam, fulcrum, effort and load. They differ only in the relative levers. Explain that they will investigate each of (load). They are known as 1st Class, 2nd Class and 3rd Class these different types of levers. 14 LEVERS AND PULLEYS S DUCTION T TRO O IN ERSCH&ER’SPGUUI LLEY DE EV TEA Sailboat (Block & Tackle) Teacher’s Guide CD included 9 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH ELEMENTARY Introduction to Simple Machines: Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes Builds 7 Steering Wheel (Wheel & Axle) Models TM Key Concepts Grades: 3 – 5 Pieces: 221 Item #: 78620 • Making work easier • W = Fd (Work equals force x distance) The Introduction to Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes set introduces students to the scientific concepts associated with Wheels & Axles, and Inclined Planes. Students build, investigate, and evaluate scientific principles in action. • Effort Arm • Resistance (Load) Arm • Fulcrum • Classes of levers • Ideal Mechanical Advantage The Teacher’s Guide provides the information and resources needed to build students’ understanding of scientific concepts and channel their inquiries into active and meaningful learning experiences. • Actual Mechanical Advantage • Fixed Pulley • Movable Pulley • Block and Tackle Short Ramp (Inclined Plane) • Mechanical Systems Set Details • Builds 7 fully-functioning replicas of real-world machines, one at a time. • S upports 2 – 3 students working as a team. Hand Drill (Screw) •B uilding instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. INTRODUCTION TO SIMPLE MACHINES Ask the students to think about places where they have seen inclined planes (ramps) used to move a person or an object to a higher position. Ramps in the sidewalk for wheelchairs; ramps to load heavy objects onto trucks; ramps between levels in a mall or sports stadium. ramps and possibly a ramp at a loading dock. The school building should provide examples of wheelchair note the steepness of the ramp; suggest reasons If possible, take the children to investigate them. They should that, whether they step up onto the curb why the ramp was used in that particular location; and understand arrived at the same place. Ramps simply make it (or steps), or use the ramp, they have moved vertically and easier to get to that place. investigate how inclined planes are used. (For example: Encourage the students to use the library or Internet to Macaulay, D. The Way Things Work. Or visit http://www.profe Building Activity Distribute the K’NEX Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes building set to each group. booklet and construct the models of the Ask them to turn to Pages 9, 10 & 11 of the building instructions should build the Steep Ramp and the other, the STEEP RAMP and the LONG RAMP. One team member Long Ramp. section of the ramp over the yellow connectors, Building Tip for Step 7 for the LONG RAMP: Slide the first section of ramp. Finally slide the second section of THEN slip in the white joining plate to the end of the first joining plate. Slide it over the joining plate to close ramp over the yellow connectors until it meets the white the gap and complete the entire length of ramp. Also See: • Introduction to Simple Machines: Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes – Grades 3 – 5 • Introduction to Simple Machines: Gears – Grades 3 – 5 • Simple Machines Deluxe – Grades 3 – 8 • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 the bottom end of the black plastic ramp touches NOTE: Make sure that both models are constructed so that through the same vertical distance and to ensure the desktop. Both ramps are designed to move an object this, correct positioning on the support structure is essential. make work easier? Inquiry Activity: How does the inclined plane help Long Ramps by pulling different objects up them. Explain that they will be investigating the K’NEX Steep and (ramp) is to make work easier by reducing the Remind the students that the purpose of the inclined plane amount of force needed to move an object. of (a) Measure the heights of the two ramps and the lengths (b) Draw diagrams in your journals to represent the ramps and record your measurements on them. 2. their sloping sides. What do you notice? W 1. ramps Students should notice that the vertical height of the two is the same, but the length of the sloping side of one is longer than that of the other. ©2007 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit #96391 object,) and a 4-6 inch (10-15 cms.) length of (a) Give each group 3 rolls of pennies (or another weighted bands, make sure the students understand that heavy rubber band. (NOTE: Before distributing the rubber control; they need to be very careful. See Safety over-extending them can result in a snap back or loss of Information at the beginning of the Guide.) there is a length for you to hold. One member of (b) Tie the rubber band to the weight, making sure that the weight vertically so that it is level with the group should hold this end of the rubber band and lift the top of the ramps. Notice how it feels to lift the weight. 28 DUCTION T O TRO IN ELS & AXLES A N HE CLINCEHEDR’SPGULIDANE D E S N TEA I Steps WHEELS & AXLES AND INCLINED PLANES Building Instructions Included Teacher’s Guide CD included 10 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH ELEMENTARY Builds Introduction to Simple Machines: Gears 7 Stationary Bike TM (Geared Chain Drive) Grades: 3 – 5 Pieces: 198 Item #: 78630 Models Key Concepts The Introduction to Simple Machines: Gears set introduces students to the scientific concepts associated with gears. Working cooperatively, students are provided with the opportunity to acquire skills using a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to information and concepts as they build, investigate, discuss, and evaluate scientific principles in action. • Making work easier • W = Fd (Work equals force x distance) • Ideal Mechanical Advantage • Actual Mechanical Advantage • Gear Ratios • Spur Gears The Teacher’s Guide provides the information and resources needed to build students’ understanding of scientific concepts and channel their inquiries into active and meaningful learning experiences. Extension activities to explore the concepts more deeply are also included. • Crown Gears • Mechanical Systems • Energy Transfer • Chain Driven Systems Set Details • Builds 7 fully-functioning replicas of real-world machines, one at a time. Crank Fan (Spur Gear) • S upports 2 – 3 students working as a team. •B uilding instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Chainsaw (Spur Gear & Geared Chain Drive) Also See: • Introduction to Simple Machines: Levers & Pulleys – Grades 3 – 5 • Introduction to Simple Machines: Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes – Grades 3 – 5 Building Instructions Included • Simple Machines Deluxe – Grades 3–8 • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 DUCTION T TRO O IN GCEHEAR’SRGUSI TEA DE ©2007 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit #96391 Eggbeater (Crown Gears) Teacher’s Guide CD included 11 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH ELEMENTARY Simple Machines Deluxe Builds TM 60 Grades: 3 – 9 Pieces: 3447 Item #: 79520 Models Exciting STEM Set! The K’NEX® Education Simple Machines Deluxe set is designed to introduce students to the scientific concepts associated with simple machines – Levers, Pulleys, Wheel & Axles, Inclined Planes, including Wedge and Screw, and Gears – as they build, investigate, discuss and evaluate scientific principles in action. Key Concepts • Levers, pulleys, inclined planes, wedge, screw, wheel and axle and gears 5’ The teacher’s guide provides an overview of the concepts associated with the different simple machines, identifies student objectives for each investigation and includes a glossary of key terms and definitions. Student Activity and Reference Sheets include definitions, real-world examples and challenge activities for your students. • Energy Transfer • W=Fd (computation of work input and work output) • Effort and Resistance Forces • Classes of levers • Mechanical Advantage • Experimental Design • Technological Design Process • Science and Technology in Society • Motion and Forces Big Ball Factory • Systems Set Details • Builds 60 simple machine models! • Supports 10 - 15 students working in teams. • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included Balance • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. (1st Class Lever) w Connector L2= Left 2 yello L1= Left 1 nector yellow Con C= Center 1 t Righ = R1 R1 R2= Right 2 Also See: es iv Object ns tensio x E e c Balan the Balance eriments with • Conduct exp class and function to differentiate (resistance) load and rt rum, effo • Identify fulc Balance configurations rt anding of effo in different dify underst force and soli • Identify, rein ce arms lts for and resistan ance and resu trast perform con and nce • Compare s of the Bala of the h lever class each lever clas ance for eac force and dist • Measure efficiency Balance ge and work anta Adv Mechanical • Calculate r classes for the leve R2 E • Introduction to Simple Machines: Levers & Pulleys – Grades 3 – 5 Lawnmower (Spur Gear) C L1 F L2 R Balance e K’NEX : es using th lever class of the Balance the al Activiti the Addition different ways to change nge their position from s to cha Balance re are two 1st-Class L2 L1 C F R1 R2 R E 2nd-Class L2 L1 C R1 F R2 The gray Rod e of the load on the from the bas the top (1) slide the the whole arm yellow Connectors on disconnect of rum. fulcrum; (2) the other sets nt of the fulc into one of the placeme and snap it nge cha to ws you Balances bar. This allo 3rd-Class st, 2nd & Label the e Force: 1 in Position L2. Feeling th the Balance fulcrum on the Set a. ce. 1. left side load on the 1 fulcrum and the resistan arm and Tire large Hub entire hanging tor. Add the nge Connec b. Remove the ghts on the , up to the ora as extra wei of the Balance r small Hubs and Tires o the yellow ont arm fou right hanging 2nd-class photo) and Tire and arm. Snap the (see right hanging er arm of the Balance. of the arm. und opposite end Rods of the explain effort to the Record and by applying load the ? Why? ly the effort? Lift c. n do you app of lever is the Balance now ctio dire t s In wha long arm. ns.Which clas the of atio erv end obs your rt at the explain and lying the effo ord app by ? Rec d. Lift the load n was the effort applied to the previous test lts ctio In what dire pare these resu ations. Com your observ . what you find ? Why? now and explain nce Bala stance move? of lever is the s clas ich does the resi e. Wh ch direction the forces and tests, in whi le to measure f. For both Sca d Ban EX Rubber . g. Use the K’N lts. Explain your findings e goes up. the resistanc resu r and you arm ify the force. the ver direction of osite end of R E 3rd- Class 18 Graphics cour on the opp changes the pulling [Push down a 1st-class lever which the effort by is when applying up.This The Balance -class lever e also goes becomes a 2nd long arm.The resistanc tance arm.] The Balance of the than the resis er end long the is up effort arm or pushing e because the takes less forc knexeduc ation 0 Incredible Art® 65,00 tesy of Click TM Image Pak T/Maker ; ©1996-97, Co. .com • Introduction to Simple Machines: Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes – Grades 3 – 5 • Introduction to Simple Machines: Gears – Grades 3 – 5 • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 LE MACHIN MP ELUXE ES SI D TM ©2010 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 United States 1-888-ABC-KNEX Te ac Building Instructions Included h e r’s G u ide Teacher’s Guide CD included 12 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH ELEMENTARY Introduction to Structures: Bridges Builds 13 TM Models Grades: 3 – 6 Pieces: 207 Item #: 78640 No more toothpicks and glue! The K’NEX® Education Introduction to Structures: Bridges set is designed to introduce students to the history, function, structural design, geometry and strength of bridges while providing opportunities for them to acquire skills using a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to information and concepts. The Teacher’s Guide provides the information and resources required to build your students’ understanding of scientific, technical and design concepts and to channel their inquiries into active and meaningful learning experiences. Key Concepts • Levers, pulleys, inclined planes, wedge, screw, wheel and axle and gears RODUCTIO INTO BRIDGES N T CHER’S GUID TEA E ©2007 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit #96391 • Design Process • Compression • Tension Teacher’s Guide CD included • Load (Dead and Live) • Force • Stress • Cantilever Construction • Suspension Technology • Keystone • Abutments and Anchorages Set Details Suspension • Builds 13 fully-functioning replicas of real-world structures, one at a time. • Supports 2 – 3 students working as a team. • Building instructions and teacher’s guide included Baltimore Truss • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Also See: • Real Bridge Building – Grades 5 – 9 TEACHER’S GUIDE Inquiry Activities NOTE to the Teacher: MATERIALS and SHAPES are provided in the Information and suggested classroom activities for FORCES, focusing on bridge LOADS can be found in the lesson Key Concepts section on Pages 5-17 of this Guide. An activity Guide. entitled, “Are All Bridges the Same?” on Page 25-28 of this a ‘Forces Lab’ that demonstrates the effects of The web site provides MATERIALS, SHAPES and LOADS. It uses simple, clear FORCES on different shapes, as well as addressing building and your students explore the resources offered at this site. graphics and animations. We highly recommend that you You may want to discuss, for example, the forces that act on structures: Squeezing/compression Stretching/tension Twisting/torsion Sliding/shear You may also want to explore the following with the students: some of the characteristic features of different types of building materials at All of these concepts are clearly and simply demonstrated the web site we have referenced above. Building Instructions Included the ways in which different shapes respond to different forces the loads that structures are required to bear SUGGESTED STEPS that engineers must consider as they develop their designs. Explain to the class that they will explore some of the factors the factors identified below. If they were not If they appeared as responses in the earlier discussion, highlight 1. from the children and add them to the list/map: mentioned earlier, use questioning techniques to elicit them FORCES acting on the structure MATERIALS used for the structure SHAPES used in the structure 2. 20 LOADS to be carried by the structure to the activities described in the Quick Guide To introduce your students to these concepts please refer for these activities are listed above on Page 22. The section on Page 5-11 of this Guide. Resource materials activities you may want them to undertake could include: rubber or visiting the Forces Lab at Demonstrating the effects of forces using a piece of foam of materials can be changed, using sheets of Activities demonstrating the ways in which the properties paper. 11” x 8.5” Rods and Connectors. Investigating the strength of various shapes using K’NEX to investigate ways to strengthen Using the Forces Lab at shapes used in structures. Through Arch INTRO TO STRUCTURES 13 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH Middle/High Builds Real Bridge Building TM 7 Grades: 5 – 8 Pieces: 2282 Item #: 78680 Models The Real Bridge Building set is designed to assist students in their study of the history, function, structural design, geometry and strength of bridges. They will also investigate concepts related to the physical properties of materials and their application in the placement, design, and construction of bridges. Key Concepts • Design Process • Compression – Tension – Stress – Strain – Elastic Limit • Load (Dead and Live) • Force • Stress/Strain Curves The Teacher’s Guide offers a wide choice of activities and extensive background information provided to assist the teacher as they present the materials and answer student questions. Each lesson includes background Information, Student Objectives, Student Inquiry Sheets, Glossary of Key Terms, Journaling Opportunities, and Skill Builder Activities. • Young’s Modulus • Cantilever Construction • Suspension Technology • Materials Applications • Materials Limitations Set Details • Builds 7, five to six foot long K’NEX® Bridge models, two at a time. • Support 6 – 8 students working in teams. 20.75” • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Golden Gate (Suspension) Also See: • Introduction to Simple Structures: Bridges – Grades 3 – 6 5’ 16” Sydney Harbour (Arch) 5’ Building Instructions Included L BRIDG REA ILDING E BU CHE TEA R’S GUID E ©2011 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit 6’ Firth of Forth (Cantilever) Teacher’s Guide CD included 14 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH Middle/High Renewable Energy Builds TM Water Powered Grist Mill Grades: 5 – 8 Pieces: 583 Item #: 78976 Go green and bring STEM concepts to life with the K’NEX® Education Renewable Energy Set! Designed to address critical science, technology and engineering concepts in the middle school classroom and provide instructional models that will enhance students’ understanding of these important concepts. Using K’NEX® and the lessons provided in the teacher guide enables you to offer students a program of study that uses hands-on exploration in conjunction with an engaging inquirybased approach to learning. As students work cooperatively they are encouraged to work together as they build, investigate, discuss and evaluate concepts, ideas and designs. 9 Models Key Concepts • Key Concepts • Renewable Energy • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission • Solar, Wind and Hydro Powe • Energy; Radiant, Mechanical, Electrical • Energy Storage • Reducing Dependence on Foreign Energy EWAB REN ERGY LE EN TM CHER’S GUIDE TEA ©2010 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit #17897604 • Electrical Energy Generation • Conservation of Energy • Hydroelectric Energy Generation • Kinetic and Potential Energy Windmill Mechanical System Teacher’s Guide CD included • Energy Efficient Technologies • Innovation and Invention • Green Energy/Clean Energy • Mechanical and Electrical Systems Building Instructions Included • Force, Motion, Work and Power • Newton’s Laws Solar Powered Crank Man Set Details • Builds 9 renewable energy models, three at a time. • Supports 6 – 12 students working in teams. • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Also See: • Forces, Energy & Motion – Grades 5 – 9 • Energy, Motion & Aeronautics – Grades 5 – 9 • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 • Amusement Park Experience – Grades 5 – 9 Solar Powered Car 15 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH Middle/High Forces, Energy & Motion Builds TM INCLUDES SPRING, FLYWHEEL & BATTERY MOTORS TM Grades: 5 – 8 Pieces: 442 Item #: 78790 Off to the races with K’NEX® Education! The K’NEX® Education Forces, Energy & Motion set has been designed for students to investigate a variety of concepts related to forces, energy, and motion. These concepts are fashioned around rigorous STEM content and national standards in science, technology, engineering and math. 11 Models Key Concepts • Student Designed Experiments • Energy Transfer • Potential Energy Wind Racer As students engage in the activities, they will be learning, practicing, and applying integrated process skills. Students will be expected to craft fair test procedures, create meaningful data displays, make reasonable and data supported reports, and analyze their collected data in light of the problem at hand. • Kinetic Energy • Newton’s Laws • Velocity and Acceleration • Graphing • Mechanical Systems • Motions and Forces • The Mathematics of Motion • Abilities of Technological Design • Design Challenges • Applied Simple Machine Technology • Systems, order, and organization Set Details ENERGY ES AN RC MOTION O D F TM ©2010 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 United States 1-888-ABC-KNEX Tea cher’s Guide Three Wheel Spring Racer Teacher’s Guide CD included • Builds 11 vehicles, up to four at a time. • Supports 12 – 16 students working in teams. • Battery, Spring and Fly-wheel motors, building instructions comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Also See: • Renewable Energy – Grades 5 – 9 • Energy, Motion & Aeronautics – Grades 5 – 9 Building Instructions Included • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 • Amusement Park Experience – Grades 5 – 9 Rubber Band Racer 16 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH Middle/High Builds Exploring Machines TM 30 Scissors Grades: 5 – 8 Pieces: 1432 Item #: 78600 Models (First Class Levers) The Exploring Machines set is designed to expand upon middle school students’ knowledge of simple machines concepts. Students investigate, explore and experiment with the K’NEX® simple machine models as they analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. Key Concepts • Levers and pulleys • Technological Design Process The Teacher’s guide includes Student Inquiry Sheets and Worksheets for the models highlighted. Student Worksheets ask questions about the machine being investigated and present challenges to help students think more deeply about the concepts involved. • Inclined planes • Motion and Forces • Wedge, screw, wheel & axle • Systems • Gears Carousel (Crown Gear System) • W=Fd (computation of work input and work output) PLORIN EX CHINE G S MA TM • Energy Transfer ©2010 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 United States 1-888-ABC-KNEX Te ac h e r’s G ui d • Effort and Resistance Forces e • Classes of levers • Mechanical Advantage • Experimental Design Teacher’s Guide CD included • Science & Technology in Society Building Instructions Included Set Details • Builds 30 fully-functioning replicas of real-world machines, up to four at a time! • Supports 8-12 students working in teams. • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Also See: • Introduction to Simple Machines: Levers & Pulleys – Grades 3 – 5 • Introduction to Simple Machines: Wheels & Axles and Inclined Planes – Grades 3 – 5 • Introduction to Simple Machines: Gears – Grades 3 – 5 Elevator • Simple Machines Deluxe – Grades 3 – 9 (Fixed & Movable Pulley) Paddle Boat (Wheel & Axle) 17 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH Middle/High Energy, Motion & Aeronautics Builds TM 9 Grades: 5 – 9 Pieces: 1430 Item #: 79621 Models The K’NEX Education Energy, Motion & Aeronautics allows students to investigate a variety of concepts related to Newton’s Laws and aeronautics. These concepts include aeronautics as it applies to force and motion as well as the effects on individuals who work and live in space. The teacher’s guide follows a modified version of the 5E instructional model – Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. Students will use the Scientific Inquiry and the Engineering Design Processes extensively throughout the lessons as they explore, create, invent, and innovate. Lessons include worksheets, key terms, design briefs, design challenges, research and design logs, and rubrics. Key Concepts • Problem Solving and Experimentation • Data collection, graphing and analysis Forces, Energy and Motion • Newton’s Laws Ratios and Proportions • The Design Process/Engineering Design Measurement Parachute • Systems and Organization Models and Prototypes • Testing, Evaluating and Modifying Set Details • Builds 9 K’NEX Models, up to three at a time! Centrifuge • Supports 6 – 9 students working in teams. Building Instructions Included Balloon Car • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Also See: • Renewable Energy – Grades 5 – 9 • Forces, Energy & Motion – Grades 5 – 9 Process Engagement Dragster. Exploration research and g of Newton’s Second Law of Motion through 1. Students will develop an understandin Powered Dragster model. experiments using the K’NEX Rubber Band 45 Response g Newton’s Second Law of Motion Student LESSON #2: a. Students will complete the Understandin x4 and vocabulary presented in the information to demonstrate an understanding of the Sheet STER NEWTON’S DRAG own research. Engagement section of this lesson and their Powered Dragster using the building instructions the K’NEX Rubber Band will construct b. Students Dragster Powered of various design changes on the Model: K’NEX Rubber Bandprovided. They will use the model to explore the impact Evaluation the Vehicle Performance of their vehicle and report their findings on performance of Main Concepts: require that each team be given fresh sets Student Response Sheet. This activity will ion. • Science un-stretched rubber bands for experimentat previously of Motion – Newton’s Second Lawfindings to leading a class discussion of the prior group a as c. Have the students discuss their learned during this lesson during have they vocabulary the use to Engineering Encourage&students findings. • Technology the class –discussion. Engineering Design Process • Mathematics heycomplete dalterationstotheirK’NEXDragsterast •Studentswillberequiredtomakespecifie bands and Response Sheets (i.e., number of rubber the Vehicle Performance Evaluation Student other changes they feel will improve performance; changes in mass). Some students may suggest on the Vehicle Performance outlined changes those make only to however they should be instructed Sheet. Evaluations Student Response potentialfor duringthisactivityasrubberbandshave •Studentsshouldwearprotectiveeyewear breakage. Optional Materials: ctstudents Required Materials: tobreakageandunsafeconditions.Instru Objectives: •Over-windingoftherubberbandswilllead bands. of the hazards of over-winding the rubber •Cardstockpaper,foilor Teacher will need: s. to Student will be able to: 2to4student for modifications cardboard eamsizeforthisactivityis •Theoptimumt d •K’NEXRubberBandPowere the vehicle mass holder •Demonstrateunderstanding Dragster model the that an object’s acceleration Design Brief. Discuss the Design Brief and Challengeerialsatthe •Additionalmat a Newton’s Dragster is directly proportional to the 2. Students will complete with students. discretion of the teacher need: willchallenge for the Students force acting on it and inversely criteria Challenge Design Brief. Review ith Dragster computersw entitled Newton’s Sheet •Graphpaperor Response inginstruction the Student proportional to it’s mass. artsandbuild •PIntroduce a. software students. spreadsheet the Band Rubber in detail with K’NEX Brief Design thethe •Describethedifferencebetween for tional)that they will use the Design Process Powered Dragster students. Explain alculators(Op •Cto potential and kinetic energy. b. Introduce the Design Process Guide the Newton’s Dragster Challenge. alance(s) to direct their activities while working on •BGuide •Demonstrateunderstanding Newton’s Dragster Challenge by completing will demonstrate their understanding of the that mathematics is integral topwatches Students c.•S responses to ensure they clearly the Design Process Guide. Review each team’s to Engineering Design and first page oftapes the etersticksor •M before allowing the team to continue. Scientific Inquiry understand the challenge and the criteria •MassSets and Design Log sheet •Identifythesimilarities d. Have students complete a Daily Research •Protectiveeyewear and differences between Engineering Design and •Fresh,un-stretchedrubber Scientific Inquiry. bands (# 32 size) •Demonstratetheabilitytolist, •CopiesofallStudentResponse describe, and apply the steps Sheets and forms for inclusion of the Engineering Design in the students’ Design Journals Process. • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 NEWTON’S DRAGSTER other available with the students using their textbooks or 1. Review Newton’s three Laws of Motion resources. Powered Law of Motion using the K’NEX Rubber Band 2. Introduce and demonstrate Newton’s Second • Amusement Park Experience – Grades 5 – 9 TEACHER’S NOTES: – Measurement, Data Collection, & Probability 888-ABC- KNEX back to Table of Contents 34 back to Table of Contents MOTION RGY AUTIC AND NE EROCN S A TEA HER’S GUIDE E TM ©2011 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit Airplane with Controls Teacher’s Guide CD included 35 KnexEduc 18 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH Middle/High Builds Amusement Park Experience 13 TM Models Grades: 5 – 9 Pieces: 2264 Item #: 78890 Key Concepts The K’NEX® Education Amusement Park Experience Set provides an opportunity to combine real-world applications with STEM concepts in a middle school classroom environment. Students will be engaged and energized as they experience the interrelationships and further their knowledge and understanding of the science, technology, engineering and math concepts associated with amusement park rides. • Relationship between Speed, Distance, and Time • Applied Mathematics • Relationship between Mass and Speed • Variables in an experiment • Mass, Motion, and Energy Loss • Transfer of energy The Teacher’s Guide offers a teaching approach that challenges students to take an active role in constructing their own knowledge by engaging in hands-on, inquiry-based learning, and by interacting and collaborating with other students while discussing ideas and concepts, informs the activities associated with the Amusement Park set. • Slope as a rate of change • Displacement • Period of a Pendulum System • Prediction of Patterns • Understanding Patterns, relations, and functions • Mechanical Systems • Formulate questions • Gather, analyze, and interpret data • Mathematics as an investigative tool Half Pipe Set Details • Builds 13 Amusement Park Rides, including 2 Roller Coasters! Builds up to 2 models at a time. Building Instructions Included 16” • Support 6 – 8 students working as teams. • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. 14” Also See: • Renewable Energy – Grades 5 – 9 • Forces, Energy & Motion – Grades 5 – 9 Swing Ride 37” MENT USE IEN PARK CE AM EXPEHR E R ’S G U C TEA • Exploring Machines – Grades 5 – 9 • Amusement Park Experience – Grades 5 – 9 • Roller Coaster Physics – Grades 11 – 12 IDE ©2011 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit Teacher’s Guide CD included 67” Roller Coaster 19 MATH & SCIENCE Builds Elementary Math & Geometry 38 TM Models Grades: 1 – 3 Pieces: 142 Item #: 78720 Key Concepts The Elementary Math & Geometry set allows students to build, investigate and explore geometry concepts, vocabulary, and structures in a 2-D and 3-D world. The students live in a 3-D world, so it makes sense for them to connect with geometry on a 3-D level. K’NEX allows them do just that! • Line, Segment and Ray • 2-D Geometry Fractions/Percents • 3-D Geometry • Patterns • Fractions The teacher’s guide, designed as a resource, provides a glossary of key terms and definitions and includes Vocabulary Card masters to support instruction and understanding. The activities are standards based and designed around best practices in mathematics instruction. They build upon one another as they lead students towards a greater understanding of mathematics and geometric concepts. • Symmetry • Geometry Vocabulary • Transformations • Spatial Reasoning Research has shown that the use of manipulatives to develop mathematics concepts has many benefits. It allows students to improve their conceptual understanding, achievement and problem solving skills; it encourages student reflections on retaining the information; it promotes a positive attitude toward mathematics; and it develops more selfconfidence in students. Rectangular Prism Square Pyramid Set Details Quadrilateral • Builds 38 K’NEX Math models, one at a time. • Support 3 – 4 students working as a team. square shapes their drawings. cards at this 4. You may want to introduce the vocabulary this is an time, along with the journal. Alternatively, because for another time. introductory lesson, you may want to save these Time 45 minutes – 1 hour • Develop vocabulary to describe the shapes Introduction • Draw the shapes using the constructed K’NEX models • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. Line Materials Each group of students will need from their K’NEX Math and Geometry set: • 24 white Connectors • All the Rods in the set: 12 each of the red, blue and white Rods, 8 yellow Rods, 1 gray Rod • Construct as many different shapes as possible using the K’NEX pieces have collectively 5. Review the shapes that the students may can be made constructed and identified. The following shapes rectangle, from the Connectors and Rods: triangle, square, , pentagon, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, quadrilateral hexagon, and octagon. Each student will need: • Sheets of 8.5" x 11" paper • Ruler and pencil • Student Journals (optional) • Teacher’s guide aligned to National standards and Common Core Mathematics. Ray Also See: You will need: • 1 roll of butcher paper • Vocabulary cards (optional) • Intermediate Math & Geometry – Grades 4 – 6 Segment Vocabulary octagon , trapezoid, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram • Middle School Math – Grades 5 – 9 Procedure: Teacher’s Notes: Only 1 square, rectangle, rhombus, etc. should be made by each group, even though a number of different sized squares, rectangles, rhombi, etc. can be made from the materials. angles 6 90° ENTARY MA EM OMET TH EL & GEACHER’S GUIDERY TE ©2007 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 triangle w w w. k n e x e d each shape using the 2. Once constructed, students should draw following process: and hold it firmly • Place the shape on a blank sheet of paper in place. each white • Place a pencil point into the center hole of Connector and make a mark. • Remove the K’NEX shape from the paper. shape on paper. • Using a ruler, connect the dots to create the pyramid You may want each member of the group to have his/her own set of shapes drawn on paper; alternatively there can be one set of drawings per group. If you decide on a group set of shapes, make sure that group members take turns recording the shapes on u c paper. 24 white 1. Have each group of students arrange the their desk/working Connectors and all the Rods from their set on of K’NEX to make area. Instruct the students to use the pieces can. they as shapes 2-D closed, different as many t-square Some of the figures that the children construct may be too large for a standard 8.5" x 11" piece of paper. Have a roll of butcher paper available for the students to use for these larger figures. p a t t e r n line Lesson 1: rectangle Introductory Activity Teacher’s Notes: There may be different sizes of many of the same figures represented in the children’s drawings. drawings can be Objectives These be able to: willwhen a later time at students used The and using figures shapes you classify • Explore congruence discuss pieces when you K’NEX selected and similarity. can start to 3. Once the shapes are recorded, the students for the identify them. They may draw on their past experience some of the names, but be prepared to help students identify will then label shapes they have constructed. The students Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit #96391 7 symmetry Teacher’s Guide CD included BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS included 20 MATH & SCIENCE Builds Intermediate Math & Geometry TM 95 Grades: 3 – 5 Pieces: 920 Item #: 79028A Models The Intermediate Math & Geometry set is designed to address critical mathematics concepts in the upper elementary school classroom and provide instructional models that will enhance students’ understanding of important concepts and algorithms. Key Concepts • 2-D Geometry Concave Pentagon K’NEX® Rods and Connectors and the included teacher’s guide allow you to easily and effectively offer students a program of study that uses hands-on exploration in conjunction with an engaging inquiry-based approach to learning. Students work cooperatively and are encouraged to interact with each other as they build, investigate, discuss and evaluate mathematical concepts, ideas and models. • 3-D Geometry • Congruence • Similarity • Sequencing and Patterning • Transformations • Symmetry • Translations • Rotational Symmetry in 3-D Hexagonal Prism • Reflections • Money Octahedron • Rotations • Estimation • Perimeter Research has shown that the use of manipulatives to develop mathematics concepts has many benefits. It allows students to improve their conceptual understanding, achievement and problem solving skills; it encourages student reflections on retaining the information; it promotes a positive attitude toward mathematics; and it develops more selfconfidence in students. Equilateral Triangle Area Concepts: Polygons LESSON 9 - 1 rectangle with two sides of b and two sides of 3r • Area = 8 blue squares 1. Instruct students to place all the rectangles that their - 1 rectangle with two sides of r and paper. group has constructed on a single sheet of chart two sides of 2r of 2. Ask students to work as a group to transfer all - 1 rectangle with two sides of b and their polygons to the paper using pencils or crayons two sides of 4 r and rulers. Students should use a blue crayon/pencil Let your imagination and the skill level of your to draw the blue rods and a red crayon/pencil to area any other appropriate and determine t, Computing students Measuremen Lesson Topics: The draw the red rods. to use. challenges Reporting of the Area of Polygons Using K’NEX. CAUTION FOR STUDENTS: for 9. Provide area challenges of irregular polygons Complete the drawing of each polygon before to solve. - minutes 60students make easy toLength: Lesson moving on to the next. It is very • Find the area of the L - shaped polygon in blue drawing errors when facing a sheet of 20 or 30 Booklet): Instructions squares (on page 13 of the vertices [points] and not being able to remember Materials and Equipment: 2 - Solution: A = 3b Student Objectives: which ones go with which rectangle. area of each will:model • Find the area of the L - shaped polygon in blue ➤ K’NEX Intermediate 3. Instruct students to discuss the Students Math & Geometry set and 14 of the Instructions Booklet): square page symbols. math squares using(on area of polygons themodel and to use a pencil or possibly a•blue Describe 2 they have Instructions Booklets - Solution: of area. A = 4b to determine the area of the rectangles and explore the concept • Investigate squares in each created. List the number of blue Determine area of the cross-shaped polygon in white of polygons. • Find areathe and describe the • ➤ Chart paper model to the side of the shape. squares (on page 13 of the Instructions Booklet): (one sheet per group) and ask groups for Instruction: - Solution: A = 5w 2 Grouping 4. Use a round-robin-response format and to describe each for building models. different ➤ Pencils to hold up one of their polygons • Four groups of 3 – 4 students Ask each group to make models of three a listing and sides, These its area orally. labeling squares. models, blue 9 of drawing for area an students have that Individual • figures or crayons TEACHER NOTES: representation of area measurements. figures may be either rectangles or irregular polygons. ➤ Colored pencils to paper by sketching for performance assessment the models and written to transfer assessment Reinforce students’ oral information Instruct students • Individual students ➤ Journals and drawing paper response on each figure and writing the student’s and show the area for each by drawing in the 9 blue activities. the chalk board or white board. squares using a blue crayon or blue pencil. of 5. Ask the other groups to verify their understanding TEACHER NOTES: the information provided by each group. Based on the abilities that your students Background Information: groups Lesson: demonstrate, you may use all of the challenges the various of 6. Continue taking responses fromOverview draw, ➤ Students should have had exposure investigate, build,may providing challenges are materials students that K’NEX select individual use dent will confi • Students above orto you until you are an both polygons. of demonstrate the basics of length measurement and to some area that the describe responses and for your students. You may also choose to use informed of assessment description they as proper a performance and for conventions area of challenges mathematics these understanding concepts they investigated in Lessons #3 • Students will use K’NEX of test. or quiz a on polygons. of questions area values expressed in blue squares. describe the area and #4. They will use a non-standard concave activity, to the this of with construct model they the comfortable polygons the to construct Ask students 7. When students seem • Individual students will10.transfer measurement system to describe the area and a rectangle the Instructions Booklet. of appropriate page 13with of theseonpolygons hexagon provide them with the area of paper and describe the area Actual number values may of polygons. a to match their individual to see if they can discover the students to demonstrate see if they are able to build a rectangle mathematics terminologyChallenge to the length of the various blue models, students transfer of that shapebein attached the area findK’NEX they canthe way thatbetween the given area. This requires that understanding of the relationship andline segments in future years after new a to explore to them practiced for and time learned ample have K’NEX Provide they areas. squares. what drawings and their . complete encouragement provide to area groups and the drawings about move learning situation. The ability to successfully polygon the students have internalized a working will include representative • Students useful diagnostic create. with the challenge, difficulty their classmates these activities will provide very solutions they orexperience • If students of measurement and area for a variety of models understanding that data that you can use to determine the level of ask them if there are any rods in the shape concepts. rods. blue your students’ understanding. with replace they can you that answers) (with 2 by areas replaced be suggested can are 8. Here - Yes! The red rods can provide to the students when you ask them to blue rods with a connector in between. make a model that matches the given information. the shape this space is measured by the number of to place blue rods andin that • Also, is it possible : gure. A – Motivation and Introduction to break it down into smaller units? square units that are needed to cover the fi Possible Questions and Answers: of at least collection a be discuss how they might express the 1. Ask student groups to prepare - Yes, students 2 blue rods and 1 connector 4. Have can • Area = 4 blue squares (multiple answers) the using shapes thatrectangles that they have made. Ask four two-dimensional rectangular area of the used to connect the green connectors - 1 red square use can students describe activity, this would blue and red rods. (For form two of the vertices. several groups to share how they - 1 rectangle with two b sides andgreen, yellow, or white connectors.) red, students of a given rectangle. Lead students to helparea shouldthe • A bit more experimentation two sides of 2r exploration with the that they can express the area of each of their with either: 2. Provide time for creative to see that they can fill the shape inrealize four with • Area = 6 blue squares one-colored rectangles with square stay rectangles rectangles. Do students only - 8 triangles that are ½ blue squares eachby how many r and - 1 rectangle with two sides ofrod blue sides are needed to cover a given rectangle to make squares that are also rectangles? Do or a two sides of r + b that they have made. Have students call this unit they connect blue rods to red rods to make larger have they they do rectangle how so, If smallest the squares? and not “blue square” rectangles that are made would be a blue square, so its area would be sequence them? How many different rectangles have 35 with familiar are m students your (If classroom? square. the in blue KnexEdu one been created square using of exponents, they may express one blue 3. Lead students to realize that one characteristic 2 K’NEX conventions with the term b .) their rectangle is area, the space within the figure B – Development (including discussion points and feedback): LESSON 9 Pentagonal Prism Area Concepts: Polygons 34 Education ™ ©2009 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 #779028A Set Details • Builds 95 K’NEX Math and Geometry models. Builds up to four models simultaneously. • Support 12 – 16 students working as teams. Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit Teacher’s Guide INTERMEDIATE MATH & GEOMETRY TM Teacher’s Guide CD included • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s guide aligned to National Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Also See: • Intermediate Math & Geometry – Grades 4 – 6 • Middle School Math – Grades 5 – 9 Building Instructions Included 888-ABC-KNEX 21 MATH & SCIENCE Builds Middle School Math TM 115 Grades: 6 – 8 Pieces: 1245 Item #: 79025 Models The K’NEX® Middle School Math & Geometry set is designed to address critical mathematics concepts in the middle school classroom and to provide instructional models that will enhance students’ understanding of important concepts and algorithms. Key Concepts • Congruence and Similarity • Polyhedra and Euler’s Formula Volume Challenge • Pascal’s Triangle • Surface Area and Volume With direction provided by the teacher’s guide and the materials provided in this set you will be able to offer students a program of study that uses hands-on exploration in conjunction with an inquirybased approach to learning. The guide also includes additional information that teachers will find to be invaluable as they seek to motivate students to explore, experience and learn mathematics. • Fractions and Integers • Polynomials • Linear Patterns and Equations • Sierpinski Triangles Set Details Oblique Rectangular Prism • Builds 115 Math & Geometry models using K’NEX®! Builds up to four models simultaneously. • Supports 12 – 16 students working in teams. • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s guide aligned to National Standards and Common Core Mathematics included. Fractions/Percents Building Instructions Included Education ™ ©2009 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 #779025 Also See: • Elementary Math & Geometry – Grades 1 – 3 • Intermediate Math & Geometry – Grades 4 – 6 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit Teacher’s Guide MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH TM Teacher’s Guide CD included Area Challenge Sierpinski Triangle 22 MATH & SCIENCE Builds TM DNA, Replication & Transcription 19 TM Models Grades: 5 – 12 Pieces: 521 Item #: 78780 The K’NEX® DNA, Replication and Transcription set is designed to aid in teaching the structure and function of the nucleic acid molecules that make up DNA (deoxyribonucleic acids) and RNA (ribonucleic acids). Key Concepts • Molecular basis of heredity • Chemistry of DNA • DNA Structure The Teacher’s Guide provides lessons designed to take students through three instructional modules: • The Double Helix I. DNA Structure • Semi conservative Replication of DNA II. Replication & Transcription • Transcription and mRNA Production III. Coding, Translation, and Mutations • Translation of the DNA Code Excellent demonstration tool at the elementary school level. The curriculum is aligned to National Science Education standards for grades 5 – 12. Helix on stand • Enzymatic Control of DNA Processes • Deletion, Substitution, and Insertion Mutations • Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Processes of DNA Set Details • Builds 19 DNA and mRNA models, up to two at a time! • Supports 2 – 3 students working as a team. • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s guide aligned to National Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Replication Fork ET REPLICATIO A, CRIPTIO N & DNANSTEACHER’S GUIDE N S TR mRNA Strand ©2007 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit #96391 Building Instructions Included Teacher’s Guide CD included 23 MATH & SCIENCE Builds Roller Coaster Physics TM 11 Grades: 10 – 12 Pieces: 2039 Item #: 78880 Models This set is designed to help students as they design and conduct scientific investigations, identify variables of the problem and select appropriate independent and dependent variables for investigations. They will determine the steps necessary to control a variable, observe and record the response, and interpret the results. They will measure, record, and analyze the data for patterns, construct scatter plots or histograms as a graphic representation of the data, and mathematically interpret those graphs Key Concepts • Measurement in 3-D (Trigonometry) • Time-of Flight • Uniform Acceleration • Designing Experiments • Elastic Collisions in 2-Dimensions • Projectile Motion • Centripetal Force and Acceleration • Centripetal Force in a Vertical Direction • Weightiness and Weightlessness • The Physics of the Clothoid Loop The Teacher’s Guide offers nine lab exercises that outline ways to use the models to study physics, and in particular mechanics. The studies adopt a hands-on, student-inquiry based approach. • Collecting, Charting, and reporting experimental results Set Details • Builds 11 roller coasters, inclined planes, and loop systems using K’NEX®! Builds up to two lab stations at a time. • Supports 6 – 8 students working in teams. 27” Ramp with Circular loop Building Instructions Included • Building instructions and comprehensive teacher’s guide included. • Teacher’s Guide aligned to National Science and Math Standards and Common Core Mathematics. Also See: • Amusement Park Experience – Grades 5 – 9 30” COASTE LLER RO PHYSICS R CHE TEA R’S GUID E ©2011 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 Call 1-888-ABC-KNEX or visit Teacher’s Guide CD included 40” Roller Coaster 67” Double Hill Ramp System 73” 24 LEARNING THROUGH PLAY NEW! *TINKERTOY® Transit Building Set Helicopter TM Grades: Pre K – 2nd Grade Item #: 56539 Pieces: 150 • Includes spools, rods, wheels, eyes, buildable figures and more! • Building and creating with Tinkertoy sets strengthens hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, imaginative play and language stills. • Reinforces color and shape recognition, sorting and patterning, problem solving skills • Supports 2 – 3 students building together. Sailboat Racecar NEW! *LINCOLN LOGS® Shady Pines Homestead TM Grades: Pre K – 2nd Grade Item #: 00877 Pieces: 120 • Lincoln Logs – Just like you remember – Made with Real Wood. • When your students are building with Lincoln Logs, they are doing more than just building cabins — they’re also building: – Fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination, cognitive skills as they make decisions and solve problems – Creativity and social skills as they build and play with classmates. – Includes real wood logs and fun, colorful accessories including figures, roofs and window and door frames Licensed by HASBRO®. HASBRO and its logo, LINCOLN LOGS and TINKERTOY are trademarks of HASBRO and are used with permission. *Requires Section 105 WARNING on Web Advertising: WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - SMALL PARTS. Not for children under 3 years. 25 LEARNING THROUGH PLAY Builds *KID K’NEX® Organisms and Lifecycles 18 TM Models Mouse Grades: Pre-K to 2 Pieces: 198 Item #: 79580 • Perfect for young builders. Set includes 8 two-sided 1:1 correspondence building cards • Includes 198 KID K’NEX Rods and Connectors and fins, tentacles, beaks and eyes. • Supports 14+ students building simultaneously. • The perfect addition to support science, nature, life cycle, or creature curricular needs. Ant Dragonfly Flower 1:1 Correspondence Cards Spider Bird Snake *Requires Section 105 WARNING on Web Advertising: WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - SMALL PARTS. Not for children under 3 years. 26 LEARNING THROUGH PLAY Builds *KID K’NEX® Transportation 13 TM TM Models Grades: Pre-K to 2 Pieces: 229 Item #: 78830 • Encourage students to build and learn with KID K’NEX. Models are easily assembled and stay together during play. • Includes 229 KID K’NEX Rods, Connectors and Wheels plus building cards. • Build 13 models, up to 9 simultaneously. Helicopter • The perfect addition to support a unit on transportation. Sailboat 1:1 Correspondence Cards Dune Buggy *Requires Section 105 WARNING on Web Advertising: WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - SMALL PARTS. Not for children under 3 years. 27 LEARNING THROUGH PLAY Builds *KID K’NEX® Classroom Collection TM 23 Butterfly Models Grades: Pre-K to 2 Pieces: 267 Item #: 78690A • Perfect well-rounded building and playing experience for kids ages 3+ • Includes 267 KID K’NEX Rods, Connectors and Blocks. • Builds 23 models, up to 8 at a time. Includes 1:1 correspondence cards. Patterning • Reinforces color and shape recognition, sorting and patterning, problem solving skills Triangle Elephant 1:1 Correspondence Cards *KID K’NEX® Group Set Caterpillar TM Builds 8 Grades: Pre-K to 2 Pieces: 131 Item #: 78750 Models • Perfect building experience for kids ages 3+ • Big, soft, chunky pieces can be used by children with varying manipulative skills. Dog • Includes 131 KID K’NEX parts, including eyes, ears/wings. • Builds 8 models, 4 at a time! Includes 1:1 correspondence cards. Spider 1:1 Correspondence Cards *Requires Section 105 WARNING on Web Advertising: WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - SMALL PARTS. Not for children under 3 years. Lamb Firefly 28 SPATIAL BUILDING Builds K’NEX 50 Model Building Set 50 Hot Air Balloon TM Models Grades: 1+ Pieces: 700 Item #: 12211 • Build anything you can imagine with the K’NEX Classic 50 Model Building Set! • Loaded with 700 Classic K’NEX parts for lots of open building fun! • Supports 8 – 12 students working in teams. • Building Instructions included. Biplane 4 Wheel Drive Truck K-8 Construction Set TM Grades: 1+ Pieces: 1313 Item #: 79818 Builds 80 Ferris Wheel Models • Builds 80 models of varying difficulty. Multiple models can be built simultaneously. • Includes spring motor and battery motor. • Supports 8 – 12 students working in teams. • Packaged in a strong storage tub with snap-on lid. Building Instructions Included Helicopter *Requires Section 105 WARNING on Web Advertising: WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - SMALL PARTS. Not for children under 3 years. Race Car 29 SPATIAL BUILDING *Elementary Construction TM Builds 20 Big Tow Truck Grades: 1+ Pieces: 1200 Item #: 78980 Models • Includes 1200 K’NEX Rods, Connectors and Bricks • Builds 20 models of varying difficulty; at least 3 at a time • Building instructions included. Building Instruction Cards Included Bob Cat Earthmover Snowmobile *Requires Section 105 WARNING on Web Advertising: WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - SMALL PARTS. Not for children under 3 years. Motor Pack Grades: 1 – 6 Pieces: 2 Motors Item #: 78910 • 2 Battery Motors (AA batteries not included) • Use to motorize your K’NEX creations. Perfect addition to any K’NEX Education set. For downloadable lesson plans and State and National standard alignments visit ©2011 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group P.O. Box 700 Hatfield, PA 19440-0700 e-mail for extra brochures and information K’NEX and KID K’NEX are Registered Trademarks of K’NEX Limited Partnership Group 888-ABC-KNEX Part # 93069 30
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