pdf 1 - Exhibitions International


pdf 1 - Exhibitions International
a r t
i l l u s t r a t e d
b o o k s
Art, p. 4
Archaeology, p. 27
Antiques & Collectables, p. 28
Reference & Science, p. 29
Photography, p. 30
Food, p.38
Drinks, p. 40
Floral art, p. 41
Architecture, p. 42
Design, p. 49
Fashion, p. 51
Popular Culture, p. 55
Lifestyle & Glamour, p. 58
DIY, p. 59
Comics, p. 60
Graphic art & design, p. 61
Cinema, p.64
Music, p. 67
Literature, p. 69
Heritage & Local Interest, p.70
Kids, p. 71
Gifts, p. 78
Totes & T-shirts, p. 83
Expo: 13/2/2016 ‐ 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, ’s‐Hertogenbosch
Matthijs Ilsink & Jos Koldeweij
Paperback | NL ed. 270 x 225 mm 192 p | 140 col.ill. € 24,95 | Jan. 2016
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462301160 (NL)
Kenmerkend voor Bosch zijn de beroemde monsters, duivelse figuren,
engelen en heiligen die zijn tekeningen en panelen bevolken. Zijn
karakteristieke werk, vol illusies en hallucinaties, wonderlijke gedrochten en
nachtmerries, verbeeldt onnavolgbaar de grote thema's van zijn tijd:
verleiding, zonde en rekenschap. Werkend rond 1500, de overgang tussen
middeleeuwen en renaissance, weerspiegelen zijn schilderijen en
tekeningen op raadselachtige wijze de relatie tussen de mens, zijn
omgeving en zijn schepper.
ISBN 9789462301177 (F) ISBN 9789462301184 (E) ISBN 9789462301191 (G)
Jheronimus Bosch
Visioenen van een genie
Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk & Luuk Hoogstede
Hardback | NL ed. 325 x 240 mm 500 p | 450 col.ill. € 99,95 | Jan. 2016
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462301115 (NL)
ISBN 9789462301122 (F) ISBN 9789462301139 (E)
Vijfhonderd jaar na de dood van de kunstenaar verschijnt de nieuwe en
definitieve catalogus van al zijn bewaard gebleven schilderijen en
tekeningen. De ongelooflijke creativiteit van deze laatmiddeleeuwse
kunstenaar die in ontelbare details tot uiting komt, wordt hier voor het eerst
uitvoerig toegelicht. Er wordt speciale aandacht besteed aan Bosch als
inventor, als geraffineerd tekenaar en als vrijmoedig schilder.
Jheronimus Bosch
Schilder en tekenaar
Luuk Hoogstede, Ron Spronk, Matthijs Ilsink & Jos Koldeweij. Met Robert G. Erdmann & Rik Klein Gotink
Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 240 mm 500 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 120,00 | Jan. 2016
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462301153 (E)
In het verleden hebben de kunsthistorici zich vooral toegespitst op de
onderwerpen en betekenissen van Bosch' werken, terwijl aan aspecten als
schildertechniek, de medewerking van een atelier en de bewaringstoestand
van de nog bestaande schilderijen aanzienlijk minder aandacht werd
besteed. Sinds 2010 bestudeert het Bosch Research and Conservation
Project de werken aan de hand van moderne onderzoeksmethoden. Hun
bevindingen worden in dit buitengewone boek voor het eerst gepubliceerd.
Hieronymus Bosch
Painter and Draughtsman - Technical Studies
Expo: 11/9/2015 ‐ 25/1/2016, Musée Jacquemart‐André, Paris
Carlo Falciani
Hardback | French ed. 290 x 240 mm 208 p | 120 col.ill. € 44,95 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300774 (F)
Pour la première fois en France, ce catalogue d'exposition offrira un
panorama de l'art du portrait florentin au XVIe siècle, à travers ses grands
thèmes et ses principales mutations esthétiques, du style sobre et austère
des portraits de la République jusqu'aux représentations de la société
florentine de la fin du XVIe siècle. Elle présentera d'abord les ouvres
d'inspiration classique du début du siècle.
Florence, portraits à la cour des
Bronzino, Salviati, Pontormo
Expo: 13/11/2015 ‐ 14/2/2016, Queen's Gallery, London ‐ 15/9/2016 ‐ 15/12/2016, Mauritshuis, Den Haag
Ennifer Scott and Desmond Shawe‐Taylor
Hardback | NL ed. 289 x 233 mm 176 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 39,95 | Nov. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462301030 (NL)
Dit werk is een must voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de Hollandse
Gouden Eeuw of de 17e-eeuwse kunst in het algemeen. Individuele essays
gewijd aan elk van de schilderijen, close-upfoto's die belangrijke details aan
het licht brengen, en een selectie van vergelijkbare werken verhelderen de
context en maken van dit boek een des te waardevoller werk.
Exhibitions: London, Queen's Gallery, 13/11/15-14/2/16 - Edinburgh,
Queen's Gallery, 11/3/16 - 17/7/16 -Den Haag, Mauritshuis, 15 /9/16 15/12/16
ISBN 9781909741195 (E)
Vermeer en zijn tijdgenoten
Hollandse genrestukken uit de Royal Collection
Expo: 10/10/2015 ‐ 28/02/2016, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent
Jos De Meyere
Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 220 mm 336 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612656 (NL)
Het Gentse Museum voor Schone Kunsten bezit ruim zestig Hollandse
schilderijen uit de 17de eeuw, de zogenaamde 'Gouden Eeuw' van het
Noorden. Niet alleen een indrukwekkend geheel, maar ook een van de
meest opmerkelijke collecties Hollandse schilderkunst buiten Nederland. Ze
omvat werk van meesters als Frans Hals, Jan van Goyen, Willem Claes.
Heda, Albert Cuyp en Roelant Savery.
Een Curieuze Collectie
Hollandse schilderkunst uit de 17de eeuw
Expo: 20/01/16 ‐ 15/05/2016, K.M.SK, Brussel
Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 235 mm 224 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | Jan. 2016
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612694 (NL)
ISBN 9789461612700 (F) ISBN 9789461612717 (E)
Naast fraaie ontwerpschetsen voor prenten, schilderijen, glasramen en
wandtapijten van vooraanstaande meesters zoals Frans Floris en Peter
Paul Rubens, schitteren zelfstandige kunstwerken zoals de sublieme
figuurstudies van Hendrick Goltzius en Cornelis De Vos of de puntgaaf
verzorgde landschappen van Pieter Stevens en Adriaen Frans Boudewijns.
Veel van de tekeningen zijn nooit eerder aan het publiek voorgesteld.
Van Floris tot Rubens
Meestertekeningen uit een Belgische privéverzameling
Expo: 19/9/2015 ‐ 31/1/2016, Catharijneconvent, Utrecht ‐ 25/2/2016 ‐ 26/6/2016, Sint‐Janshospitaal, Brugge
Renilde Vervoort
Paperback | NL ed. 290 x 210 mm 136 p | throughout col.ill. € 19,95 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Van de Wiele
ISBN: 9789076297590 (NL)
In 1565 bracht de Antwerpse uitgever Hieronymus Cock twee gravures uit
die het beeld dat wij ons van heksen hebben gevormd voor altijd heeft
bepaald. De prenten waren ontworpen door Pieter Bruegel de Oude en
kenden een ruime verspreiding bin. Aan de hand van schilderijen, prenten
en tekeningen, eigentijdse nieuwsbrieven en literaire bronnen maar ook
processtukken en handboeken van heksenvervolgers schetst Renilde
Vervoort, die in 2011 promoveerde op dit onderwerp, een spannend beeld
van de heks in de kunst.
ISBN 9789076297606 (E)
De heksen van Bruegel
Hekserijvoorstellingen in de Lage Landen tussen 1450 en 1700
Expo: 10/10/2015 ‐ 17/1/2016, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
Peter van der Coelen, Friso Lammertse (red.), Matthias Ubl, Alexandra Gaba‐van Dongen, Lucinda Timmermans
Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 225 mm 296 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 34,95 | Oct. 2015
[NL] Boijmans van Beuningen
ISBN: 9789069182889 (NL)
De tentoonstelling 'Van Bosch tot Bruegel' bevat een selectie van politiek
incorrecte schilder- en prentkunst van het hoogste niveau. Zo'n veertig
zestiende-eeuwse schilderijen en eenzelfde aantal prenten worden uit
belangwekkende particuliere en museale collecties naar Rotterdam gehaald
voor deze tentoonstelling over zestiende-eeuwse genreschilderkunst, een
nieuw thema in die periode. Schilderkunst werd voor het eerst losgekoppeld
van religie of portretten.
De ontdekking van het dagelijks leven
Van Bosch tot Bruegel
Nous sommes heureux de vous faire découvrir ce peintre, membre éminent
du mouvement académique, très célèbre et apprécié de son vivant, et
pourtant tombé dans l'oubli la fin du XIXème siècle. Son grand talent de
dessinateur et l'originalité de ses compositions le firent rechercher pour le
décor des hôtels particuliers, salles de spectacle et monuments officiels et
pour les modèles de tapisserie qu'il fournit aux Gobelins et à Aubusson.
Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle
Peintre décorateur du XIXème siècle
Renowned during the eighteenth century for his exquisite portraits and
works in pastel, Jean-Etienne Liotard painted some of the most significant
rulers and aristocrats in Europe, including the entire British Royal Family,
during his lifetime. This volume, accompanying the first exhibition of his
works to be shown in the United Kingdom, illuminates the career of this
unique but now little-known artist, showcasing a variety of his extraordinary
Jean-Etienne Liotard
Expo : 04/07/2015 13/09/2015, La Piscine Roubaix
Paperback | French ed. | 280 x 250 mm | 264 p | € 35,00 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612427 (F)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Expo: 24/10/2015 31/1/2016, Royal Academy
of Arts, London
Christopher Baker and Duncan Bull
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 240 mm | 208 p | € 56,50 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9781907533990 (E)
[UK] Royal Academy
Now available in a new edition, this celebration of the life and art of the
Renaissance genius presents Sandro Botticelli's complete paintings and
offers a comprehensive and thoroughly up-to-date study of his work
Franz Zöllner
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 222 mm | 320 p | € 45,50 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783791381930 (E)
[UK] Prestel +
L'exposition de l'été 2015 au Louvre-Lens met en lumière la richesse des
échanges artistiques entre la capitale du royaume de France et l'actuelle
Toscane dans la seconde moitié du 13e siècle. L'exposition lève le voile sur
les relations entre les grands foyers de création artistique que sont à
l'époque Paris d'un côté, Florence, Sienne et Pise de l'autre. Plus de 125
œuvres d'un grand raffinement sont ainsi rassemblées.
D’Or et d’Ivoire
Paris, Florence, Sienne 1250-1320
Expo : 27/05/2015 28/09/2015, Musée du
Xavier Dectot ‐ Directeur du musée du Louvre‐Lens, Maris‐Lys Marguerite ‐ Directrice des musées de Saint‐Omer, …
Hardback | French ed. | 290 x 230 mm | 352 p | € 39,00 | May 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612281 (F)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Autour d'un ensemble prestigieux de peintures et de dessins d'Antoine
Watteau, des oeuvres des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles montreront
comment ce peintre des songes puisa dans la culture artistique européenne
et ouvrit la voie à une nouvelle école de paysag. À partir des rêveries
italiennes d'Antoine Watteau, l'exposition valenciennoise éclairera ainsi
sous un jour nouveau la fécondité d'un modèle artistique qui, bien au-delà
d'une iconographie séduisante, mena à l'éclosion du Romantisme.
Rêveries italiennes
Antoine Watteau et les peintres français de paysage
Expo: 25/09/2015 17/01/2016, Musée des
Beaux Arts, Valenciennes
Paperback | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 200 p | € 29,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612397 (F)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Expo : 18/10/2015 ‐ 17/01/2016, MAC's, Grand‐Hornu
O.l.v. Laurent Busine & Manfred Sellink
Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm 304 p | 250 col.ill. € 44,95 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300743 (NL)
Deze tentoonstellingscatalogus illustreert de grote iconografische
verscheidenheid van het thema van Sint-Joris en de draak via teksten en
talrijke platen. Sint-Joris wordt zowat overal in de christelijke wereld
vereerd. Hij is het embleem van tal van Europese landen en regio's,
waaronder Engeland, Portugal, Catalonië en Aragón.
ISBN 9789462300750 (F) ISBN 9789462300767 (E)
De glorie van Sint-Joris
De man, de draak en de dood
Expo: 16/10/2015 ‐ 5/2/2016, Bonnefanten, Maastricht. Travelling to Maison Rouge, Paris and La Cité de la Céramique, Sèvres
Camille Morineau, Lucia Pesapane et al.
Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 240 mm 280 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612502 (NL)
CERAMIX vertelt aan de hand van meer dan 200 kunstwerken het verhaal
van de keramische kunst vanaf het begin van de vorige eeuw tot heden,
met ruime aandacht voor de naoorlogse artistieke keramiek productie en
hedendaagse kunst in Europa, Noord-Amerika en Azië. Er zijn kunstenaars
geselecteerd die in uiteenlopende vormen het materiaal hebben gebruikt,
van schilderijen en sculpturen tot installaties in gemengde techniek. De
opstelling van de tentoonstelling is zowel chronologisch als thematisch.
ISBN 9789461612359 (F) ISBN 9789461612519 (E)
Keramiek en kunst van Rodin tot Schütte
Expo: 29/10/2015 ‐ 13/3/2016, Hôtel de Caumont, Aix‐en‐Provence
S.l.d. Johann Kräftner
Hardback | French ed. 300 x 245 mm 160 p | 114 col.ill. € 39,95 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300996 (F)
Une exposition de prestige! Les collections du Prince de Liechtenstein sont
l’une des plus importantes conservées actuellement en mains privées, et
c’est aussi l’une des plus vivantes puisque le prince régnant actuel,
Hans-Adam II, poursuit une politique d’acquisitions régulières. La sélection
présentée à Caumont Centre d'Art permettra d’appréhender le goût de cette
famille princière, avec un ensemble d’œuvres du 14e au 19e siècle.
Les collections du Prince de
Cranach, Raphaël, Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Hubert
Robert, Vigée-Le Brun…
De Galerie du Temps vormt het hart van dit nieuwe museum, ingericht door
Studio Adrien Gardère. Hier zijn, in chronologische volgorde, in één ruimte
205 kunstwerken uit alle afdelingen van het Louvre tentoongesteld. In deze
museumgids van het Louvre-Lens zijn illustraties van alle tentoongestelde
werken uit de Galerie du Temps opgenomen, voorzien van uitgebreid
commentaar, zodat u deze visuele, artistieke en historische ontmoetingen
kunt herbeleven en zich erdoor kunt laten verrijken.
Coédition musée du Louvre‐Lens / Somogy éditions d'Art
Sous la direction de Jean‐Luc Martinez, Xavier Dectot et Vincent Pomarède
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 296 p | € 19,00 | Dec. 2015 |
ISBN: 9782757210192 (NL)
Museumgids 2016
[F] Somogy
Suite à l'ouverture du Japon sur le Monde à la fin du 19e siècle, plusieurs
Européens se sont passionnés pour le bouddhisme nippon et son art, dans
une démarche comparable à celle du japonisme pour les Beaux-Arts.
L'exposition «Le bouddhisme de Madame Butterfly» au Musée
d'ethnographie de Genève évoque le regard réciproque que se sont porté
ces deux cultures et la découverte de l'Extrême-Orient par l'Europe.
Le bouddhisme de Madame Butterfly
Le japonisme bouddhique
Since its founding in 1929, The Museum of Modern Art has brought the
history of modern and contemporary art to vivid life through its extraordinary
collection. Modern Painting and Sculpture provides a fresh look at the
Museums collection of Painting and Sculpture as it stands in 2015.
MoMA Masterpieces
Expo: Du 9/9/2015 10/1/2016, Musée
d'ethnographie, Genève
Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 176 p | € 35,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9788836631346 (F)
[IT] Silvana
M.O.M.A., New York
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 267 x 229 mm | 248 p | € 56,50 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9780500239421 (E)
Painting and Sculpture
[UK] T & H, Distributed
This bestselling and comprehensive introductory book uses a four-part
structure to cover all aspects of the visual arts. This is a beautifully
illustrated, dynamic and accessible book that emphasizes the astonishing
diversity of art in all its forms. It will appeal as
much to the art lover as to those looking for an outstanding educational
Thames & Hudson Introduction to Art
La collection Lee Ufan, en effet - la seule hors de Corée - témoigne d'une
société qui se « coréanise », sur fond de bouddhisme ou bien de
shamanisme : une société confucéenne qui fait siens les codes du palais,
tout en cherchant sa propre voie vers la modernité, se démarquant de la
Chine, tout en s'y référant
Tigres de papier
By Debra J. DeWitte, Ralph M. Larmann and M. Kathryn Shields
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 215 mm | 624 p | € 64,50 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780500239438 (E)
[UK] T & H
Expo: 21/10/15 - 22/02/2016,
Musée national des arts
asiatiques Guimet, Paris
Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 290 x 230 mm | 352 p | € 39,00 | Oct 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612557 (F)
Cinq siècles de peinture en Corée
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Expo: 04/09/2011 ‐ 31/12/2017, Felixartmuseum, Drogenbos
Hardback | NL ed. 220 x 230 mm 144 p | 75 col.ill. € 24,50 | Sept. 2015
ISBN: 9789085867128 (NL)
ISBN 9789085867135 (E)
Deze publicatie biedt een blik op de bruisende kunstwereld tijdens het
Interbellum, van post-impressionisme over abstractie en expressionisme tot
de mengvormen typisch voor die periode, met werk van Jules
Schmalzigaug, Marthe Donas, Oscar en Floris Jespers, Edmond Van
Dooren, Jozef Peeters, Felix De Boeck, Jan Kiemeneij, Jos Leonard, Paul
Joostens, Prosper De Troyer, Marcel-Louis Baugniet en Ossip Zadkine.
Moderne kunst uit het interbellum
Collectie van het K.M.S.K.A
Expo : 16/06/2015 ‐ 30/08/2015, Singer Museum, Laren
Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 220 mm 96 p | 90 col. & bw ill € 17,90 | June 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461611802 (NL)
ISBN 9789461612403 (F)
Belgische schone. Ensor tot Magritte is een ode aan de Belgische klassiek
moderne kunst. Deze publicatie toont hoogtepunten uit de collectie van het
Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Gent, één van de oudste musea van
België. De belangrijkste ontwikkelingen van de moderne kunst in België in
de periode 1880-1940 komen aan bod, van symbolisme naar
impressionisme tot surrealisme. Enkele Nederlandse werken illustreren de
wederzijdse beïnvloeding tussen de kunstenaars uit beide landen.
Belgische Schone
Ensor tot Magritte
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 297 x 245 mm 200 p | 720 col.ill. € 49,00 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Pandora
ISBN: 9789053253892 (E/ F/ NL)
Na de oeuvrecatalogus van het houtsnijwerk heeft Ludo Raskin, nu alle
tekeningen en schilderijen van Henri Van Straten voor het eerst
samengebracht. Henri van Straten is vooral gekend als houtsnijder. Hij was
de vaste boekillustrator van Willem Elsschot en vormde, met Masereel,
Jan-Frans en Jozef Cantré en Minne, de bekende Vijf, die na WOI de
Vlaamse houtsnijkunst renoveerden. Henri van Straten was echter ook een
begenadigd tekenaar en schilder, dit boek brengt dit minder gekende aspect
van deze kunstenaar
Henri Van Straten
Drawings and Paintings
Expo: 18/2/2016 ‐ 15/5/2016, Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki
Gabriel P. Weisberg & Anna‐Maria von Bonsdorff
Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 238 mm 256 p | 170 col.ill. | 100 bw ill.
€ 44,95 | Jan. 2016
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462301214 (E)
In dit lijvige boek wordt die invloed voor het eerst grondig bestudeerd. Het
beschrijft hoe de belangstelling voor de Japanse esthetiek in de noordelijke
landen aanleiding gaf tot nieuwe ideeën over een fundamentele eenheid
tussen de kunsten. Het japonisme was ook een belangrijke factor in de
ontwikkeling van een nieuw visueel vocabularium waarmee de natuur en de
mens op harmonische wijze konden worden weergegeven. Met werk van oa
Hokusai en Hiroshige, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Felix Bracquemond, ...
Japanomania in the Nordic Countries
Expo: 3/10/2015 ‐ 17/1/2016, Munch Museet, Oslo
By Trine Otte Bak Nielsen
Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 220 mm 304 p | 150 col.ill. € 49,95 | Oct.2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300989 (E)
For the first time a major dual exhibition will be devoted to two giants in the
history of Norwegian art, Edvard Munch and Gustav Vigeland. Their work,
development and ambitions have many interesting traits in common, which
will provide the public with an opportunity to discover new connections
between the two artists.
Edvard Munch (1863-1944) and Gustav Vigeland (1869-1943) worked
during the same period. One primarily as a painter and printmaker, the other
as a sculptor.
Vigeland + Munch.
Behind The Myths
Expo: 24/9/2015 ‐ 17/1/2016, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Previously in Munch Museet, Oslo ( 7/5/2015 ‐ 06/9/2015)
o.l.v. de Magne Bruteig and Maité Van Dijk
Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 245 mm 256 p | 170 col.ill. € 39,95 | May 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300798 (NL)
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) en Edvard Munch (1863-1944) zijn beroemd
om hun emotioneel beladen schilderijen en tekeningen, hun persoonlijke en
vernieuwende stijl, en hun doornige levenspad. Zij streefden beiden naar
een moderne uitdrukkingswijze in de kunsten, door existentiële en
universele thema's in een expressieve picturale taal te behandelen.
ISBN 9789462300804 (F) ISBN 9789462300811 (E)
Munch - Van Gogh
By Christopher Lloyd
Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 152 mm 320 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 40,50 | Aug. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500093870 (E)
ISBN 9780500511169 (Schiele)
Drawing was central to Cézannes indefatigable search for solutions to the
problems posed by the depiction of reality. Many of his watercolours are
equal to his paintings, and he himself made no real distinction between
painting and drawing. In the Introduction, as well as throughout the book,
Lloyd sets the drawings and watercolours in the context of Cézannes life
and overall artistic development. The result is a greater understanding of the
process that led to some of the most absorbing art ever produced.
Paul Cézanne
Drawings and Watercolours
Expo: Reopening of the, Musée Rodin, Paris
Hardback | Eng. ed. 255 x 197 mm 248 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[F] Flammarion (Eng)
ISBN: 9782080202390 (E)
This definitive monograph from the Musée Rodin in Paris on the pioneering
artist who paved the way for modern sculpture is now available in an
affordable compact format. Revered today as the greatest sculptor of all
time, whose expressive style prefigured that of the modernist movement
and abstract sculpture, Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) stirred up much
controversy during his lifetime, and his sculptures often met with hostility
and incomprehension from his peers.
Susie Hodge
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 193 mm 144 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 21,95 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Prestel +
A new edition to Prestel's popular "50s" series, this collection of the finest
examples of Art Nouveau showing how the movement impacted every
artistic discipline.
ISBN: 9783791381282 (E)
Art Nouveau
50 Works of Art You Should Know
This highly accessible overview of Art Deco, embraces nearly every artistic
medium-offering paintings and photography to furnishings and film-through
fifty superb examples of Art Deco style that reveal the period's richness and
[UK] Prestel +
ISBN: 9783791381688 (E)
Art Deco
50 Works of Art You Should Know
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 193 mm 144 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 21,95 | Sept. 2015
Deze publicatie neemt de bezoeker mee op een wandeling langs de
Belgische kunst die meteen na de oorlog begint, de Golden Sixties
doorloopt en stilstaat bij tal van hoogtepunten. De tentoonstelling toont werk
van 30 verschillende kunstenaars o.a. Willequet, Serge Vandercam,
Burssens, Tapta, Mortier, Pol Mara, René Guiette, Jo Delahaut, Van
Hoeydonck, Gaston Bertrand, Pierre Alechinsky, Mark Verstockt, Luc Peire,
André Bogaert, Camiel van Breedam, Vic Gentils,….
Connexions One
Belgische kunst tussen 1945 en 1975
Expo: najaar 2015, Maurice
Verbaet Art Center (mvAc),
Camille Brasseur, wetenschappelijk directeur Maurice Verbaet Art Center
Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 220 mm | 408 p | € 49,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789053253946 (NL)
ISBN 9789053253960 (F)
[BE] Pandora
Dit boek werpt een nieuw licht op de contacten van René Magritte met de
Verenigde Staten, vanaf het aarzelende begin in 1936 tot het steeds
groeiende succes met de tentoonstelling in het MoMa in 1965 als onbetwist
hoogtepunt. Het laat zien wat Magritte verwachtte van Amerika alsook hoe
hij zich aan zijn nieuwe publiek aanpaste. Rode draad in dit verhaal is de
uitgebreide briefwisseling die hij tussen 1956 en 1966 voerde met twee
Amerikaanse verzamelaars.
An American connection
Brieven van René Magritte aan William Copley en
Barnet Hodes
l'Espace de l'Art Concret, centre d'art contemporain situé dans le sud de la
France et dépositaire d'une collection d'État, organise une importante
exposition sur l'art construit belge . L'exposition permettra d'offrir un large
panorama de l'évolution de l'art géométrique belge des années vingt à nos
jours en présentant des travaux d'artistes contemporains qui continuent
d'explorer certaines voies initiées par leurs aînés.
L’abstraction géométrique belge
Claude Goormans ‐ Musées royaux des Beaux‐Arts de Belgique
Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 192 p | € 25,00 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612489 (NL)
ISBN 9789461612410 (F) ISBN 9789461612496 (E)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Expo : 28/06/2015 25/10/2015, Espace de l’Art
Concret, Centre d’art
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 104 p | € 22,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612373 (E/ F/ NL)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
De oase van Matisse biedt u een unieke kans om meer dan 100 werken van
Henri Matisse (1869-1954) te bekijken. Geniet thuis na van de veelzijdige
en inspirerende reis door het oeuvre van Matisse, en lees meer over de
belangrijkste thema's en beslissende momenten in zijn leven en werk.
Met een voorwoord van Beatrix Ruf, een introductie door curatoren Bart
Rutten en Geurt Imanse, en essays van experts Patrice Deparpe en
Maurice Rummens.
De oase van Matisse
Herdruk. Eerste druk: April
2015 - Expo: 27/3/2015 16/8/2015, Stedelijk
Museum, Amsterdam. Co-ed
Verlag der Buchhandlung
Walther König,
Vormgeving: Mevis & Van Deursen
Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 235 mm | 288 p | € 45,00 | May 2015 ‐ R/P |
ISBN: 9783863357283 (NL)
ISBN 9783863357269 (E)
[NL] Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 340 x 280 mm | 272 p | € 73,50 | Sept. 2015 |
Reflecting the most recent research on this groundbreaking artistic
movement, this lavishly illustrated and comprehensive book examines
Impressionism on a global scale, from its iconic French masterpieces to less
familiar works by Scandinavian, German, British and North American artists.
ISBN: 9783791349787 (E)
[UK] Prestel +
Reimagining Art
This beautiful book highlights female portraits and nudes, mothers and
children and couples by the three most outstanding painters of Viennese
The Women of Klimt, Schiele and
Expo: Oct 2015 - February
2016, Belvedere, Vienna
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 240 p | € 58,50 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783791354941 (E)
[UK] Prestel +
A la recherche d'authenticité dans la couleur et la matière, l'imaginaire du
peintre Marc Chagall a exploré tous les registres de la création plastique. La
puissance expressive de son oeuvre, habité par un sens inné de la
composition et une profonde liberté narrative, s'est remarquablement
adaptée à une grande diversité de langages artistiques et d'échelles
Expo - 24/10/2015 31/01/2015, Muba,
Nouvelle édition
Paperback | French ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 264 p | € 28,00 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612595 (F)
de la palette au métier
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Frank Auerbach (b.1931, Berlin) has made some of the most resonant,
inventive and perpetually alive paintings, both of people and of the urban
landscapes near his studio in Camden Town, London. This publication will
accompany a retrospective of Auerbach's work at Tate Britain and the Bonn
Kunstmuseum in 2015. The exhibition will provide a wholly fresh survey of
Auerbach's career. This book will be the only accessible, affordable survey
of Auerbach's work on the market.
Expo: 9/10/2015- 13/3/2016,
Tate Modern, London ~
4/6/2015 -15/9/2015,
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 225 mm |
160 p | € 39,95 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9781849762717 (E)
Frank Auerbach
ISBN 9781849763936 (Hb)
[UK] Tate
Expo: 15/10/2015 ‐ 24/1/2016, ING Art Center, Brussel
O.l.v. / S.l.d. Carl Jacobs
Paperback | NL/ Fr ed. 260 x 210 mm 240 p | 150 col.ill. € 39,95 | Oct.2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462301016 (NL/ F)
I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART
« Pop Art in Belgium ! ». Een onderdompeling in de Pop-golf die Europa
tijdens de sixties overspoelde en diep doordrong in de wereld van de
Belgische kunst!
Een verwonderlijke tentoonstelling waarin voor het eerst iconische
kunstwerken van de grote internationale pop art sterren (Warhol,
Lichtenstein, Rosenquist, Wesselmann enz.) te zien zullen zijn naast onze
Belgische kunstenaars uit die periode (Evelyne Axell, Pol Mara, Marcel
Broodthaers, Panamarenko enz.).
Pop Art in Belgium !
Een blikseminslag | Un coup de foudre
Expo: 17/9/2015 ‐ 24/1/2016
Jessica Morgan, Flavia Frigeri
Paperback | Eng. ed. 290 x 218 mm 288 p | 265 col.ill. € 40,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Tate
ISBN: 9781849762700 (E)
ISBN 9781849763462 (Hb)
I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART
The World Goes Pop explores the contemporaneous engagements with a
spirit of pop throughout the globe, concentrating not only on the relatively
well-covered activity in the US, UK and France but also on developments
throughout Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa and the
Middle East. From the late 1950s onwards, numerous artists and
movements with a Pop aesthetic developed throughout these continents,
including Nouveau realisme.
The World Goes Pop
Expo: 11/4/2015 ‐ 29/8/2015, Walker Art Center, N.Y.
By Darsie Alexander and Bartholomew Ryan
Hardback | Eng. ed. 298 x 228 mm 352 p € 88,95 | Aug. 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9781935963080 (E)
This dynamic new volume is the first major survey to chronicle the
emergence and migration of Pop art from an international perspective,
focusing on the period from the 1950s through the early 1970s. It provides
important new scholarship on the period, examining production by artists
across the globe who were simultaneously confronting radical cultural and
political developments that would lay the foundation for the emergence of an
art form embracing figuration.
Published by D.A.P. / Walker Art Center
International Pop
Adrian David
Hardback | NL ed. 260 x 220 mm 112 p | 80 col.ill. € 24,00 | Nov. 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612670 (NL)
ISBN 9789461612687 (F)
I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART
Platinablond haar, een bril met een brede montuur, zwart jasje, strakke
jeans, losse das, bleek gezicht, aarzelende glimlach … Andy Warhol.
Grondlegger van een nieuwe traditie, schepper van een eigen universum
met eigen wetten en regels, radicaal verschillend van alles wat er aan
voorafging. Als geen ander registreerde hij het banale en het alledaagse:
soepblikken, bankbiljetten, publiciteit, portretten van koninginnen,
popsterren, seksgodinnen.
Het brein Andy Warhol
Danilo Eccher
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 272 p | 300 col.ill. € 64,50 | Nov. 2015
[UK] Skira
ISBN: 9788857226941 (E)
I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART
"Drawing is the basis of my art. It is where my thinking takes place. It is a
big part of my painting. The paintings are always the same, only larger. But
they may not get at all better. I am not thinking it up while I am actually
doing the painting. A certain spontaneity is lost. Drawing has more
interesting traces . . ." R. L.
The first complete catalogue of the artist’s works on paper to date, this
volume will appeal to Lichtenstein fans, critics, dealers, and anyone
interested in contemporary art.
Roy Lichtenstein
Drawing First
Expo: 19/9/2015 ‐ 7/2/2016, ĞKunsthal, Rotterdam
Dieter Buchhart, Julian Cox, Robert Farris Thompson, Julian Myers‐Szupinska (Ed)
Hardback | NL ed. 305 x 255 mm 256 p | 150 col.ill. € 34,50 | Aug. 2015
[UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791354620 (NL)
Van straatkunstenaar groeit Haring uit tot maatschappelijk zeer betrokken
kunstenaar en protegé van Andy Warhol. Het genie van Keith Haring is te
begrijpen in de context van de roemruchte jaren tachtig. Hij tekent en
schildert het liefst in aanwezigheid van anderen, waarbij hij - op muziek en
heel geconcentreerd als ware het een performance - zijn muurschilderingen
maakt. Haring gelooft in de bevrijdende kracht van kunst en werkt bij
voorkeur in publieke instellingen als scholen, ziekenhuizen enzomeer.
Keith Haring
The Political Line
ISBN 9783791354101 (E)
I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART
Lucian Freud (1922 - 2011) was one of the most influential artists of his
generation. Hailed as the 'greatest living realist painter', Freud's
commitment to realism, and particularly to the human figure, was often
controversial. Always creating debate, Freud consistently addressed
questions of human existence and perception, testing, through a sustained
practice of looking, the possibility of knowing and recording human
Virginia Button
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 246 x 189 mm | 96 p | € 27,50 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781849763141 (E)
[UK] Tate
Lucian Freud
(British Artists Series)
À travers les contributions des directions des plus grandes collections d'Art
Brut européennes? cet ouvrage propose une approche historique et critique
de l'Art Brut et « outsider » ainsi qu'un large choix d'oeuvres emblématiques
et originales. La première partie du livre, L'Art Brut hier et aujourd'hui
retrace l'évolution du « sens » conféré(s) au fil du temps aux créations
issues des marges. Le second volet , « Interaction » , réunit les réalisations
issues d'un processus créatif...
Expo: Mons 2015, 20/6/15 6/9/2015, BAM, Mons
Carine Fol (s.l.d.)
Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 224 p | € 39,00 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9782875720122 (E/ F)
L'Art Brut en question
Outsider Art in Question (Collection Strates)
À l'occasion de ses vingt ans, l'Office d'Art Contemporain à Bruxelles
présente une rétrospective des expositions d'artistes belges et
internationaux accueillis à ses cimaises, ainsi que hors les murs, depuis sa
création. Parmi celles-ci l'exposition « L'union fait la forme » au Palais des
Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles (Bozar), en 2009, proposant à des artistes
d'intervenir sur les trois couleurs du drapeau national belge, est certes
emblématique des engagements de son directeur-fondateur, Jean-Marie
[BE] CFC‐Éditions
Expo: 22/10/2015 05/12/2015, l'Office d'Art
Claude Lorent et de Christine Rigaux
Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 208 p | € 39,00 | Oct 2015 |
ISBN: 9782875720146 (E/ F)
Collection Bernstein suite
Un choix de Jean-Marie Stroobants (Collection
[BE] CFC‐Éditions
Expo: 11/9/2015 ‐ 17/1/2016, K.M.S.K.B., Brussel
Jacques Attali, Michel Draguet, Pierre‐Yves Desaive, Jennifer Beauloye
Hardback | NL ed. 285 x 245 mm 240 p | 85 col.ill. | 196 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | Sept 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612526 (NL)
De Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België en het Louvre
organiseren samen een exclusief en innovatief project, geïnspireerd door
het werk van Jacques Attali Een korte geschiedenis van de toekomst. Het
project bestaat uit twee onafhankelijke doch complementaire
tentoonstellingen met hetzelfde uitgangspunt:de dynamiek die onze
maatschappij vorm geeft sinds het ontstaan. Met werk van van
hedendaagse internationale kunstenaars zoals Sugimoto, Boetti, Kingelez,
Warhol, LaChapelle, Gursky, Op de Beeck,
ISBN 9789461612472 (F) ISBN 9789461612540 (E)
Een korte geschiedenis van de toekomst
Expo: 9/10/2015 ‐ 31/1/2016, SMAK, Gent
O.l.v. Martin Germann, Elsy Lahner & Philippe Van Cauteren
Swiss binding | NL ed. 305 x 228 mm 256 p | 220 col.ill. € 49,95 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300958 (NL)
ISBN 9789462300965 (E)
Drawing. The Bottom Line stelt een reeks van met de tekenkunst
gerelateerde werken van 54 internationale kunstenaars voor. De tekenkunst
is er altijd geweest en zal er altijd zijn, zeker in tijden van crisis. De
tekenkunst, ooit beschreven als “de moeder van alle kunsten”, is het
fundament van alle artistieke activiteiten. De vrijheid van de kunst schuilt in
de tekenkunst.
The Bottom Line
Expo: 31/10/2015 ‐ 14/2/2016, SMAK, Gent ‐ Europalia Turkije
Guillaume Desanges, Jan Verwoert, Philippe Van Cauteren
Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. 275 x 210 mm 280 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 20,00 | 2015
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
ISBN: 9789492321053 (E/ NL)
Ayse Erkmen (°1949, Istanbul) and Ann Veronica Janssens (°1956,
Folkestone) are sculptors of roughly the same generation. In both their
cases, sculpture is a concept that goes far beyond the three-dimensional
nature of the work of art and the spatial relationship between the work and
the viewer. In 2016 they will each be installing a permanent sculpture on the
Korenmarkt. The S.M.A.K. takes the opportunity to set the designs in the
broader context of the two artists' oeuvres.
Ayse Erkmen & Anne Veronica
Belgian artist David Claerbout is known for investigating the conceptual
impact of the passage of time through his use of video and digital
photography. His work skillfully interrogates both moving and still imagery to
suggest an otherworldly level of existence, something that might refer to a
specific place or event, but the timeline of which is not clear, oscillating
between both past and present.
David Claerbout
Expo: 10/6/2015 - 13/9/2015,
MAMCO, Geneva
Sean Kelly
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 295 mm | 264 p | € 45,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783775740265 (E)
Drawings and Studies
[G] Hatje Cantz
Michaël Borremans: Black Mould documents the artist's first exhibition at
David Zwirner, London in 2015 and his first solo presentation in the city in
ten years. This intimately scaled catalogue, which has been designed by the
artist in collaboration with Kim Beirnaert, includes thirty-two small- and
large-scale paintings from his new series, most of which feature
anonymous, black-robed characters. Alone or in groups, they perform
mysterious acts within monochromatic spaces.
Michaël Borremans
Black Mould
David Zwirner Books
Design: Michaël Borremans, in collaboration with Kim Beirnaert
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 241 x 165 mm | 48 p | € 35,50 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781941701164 (E)
[UK] T & H, Distributed
In het kader van deze tentoonstelling geven S.M.A.K. en Mu.ZEE een
publicatie uit over Lili Dujouries werk. De publicatie bestaat uit twee delen:
een eerste deel – met bijdragen in het Nederlands van Philippe Van
Cauteren, Phillip Van den Bossche, Sabine Folie, Martin Germann en
gedichten Peter Verhelst – is nu beschikbaar. Een tweede, omvangrijker
deel is vanaf september te verkrijgen, met de teksten in het Engels en
zaalzichten van beide tentoonstellingsluiken.
Lili Dujourie. Teksten van: Philippe Van Cauteren, Martin Germann, Phillip Van den Bossche, Sabine Folie en Peter Verhelst
Paperback | NL ed. | 270 x 180 mm | 55 p | € 18,00 | |
Lili Dujourie
ISBN: 9789074694148 (NL)
Plooien in de tijd
[BE] S.M.A.K., Gent
What would it mean for choreography to perform as an exhibition? That is
the question at the origin of Work/Travail/Arbeid, a newly commissioned
project by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. In response, the legendary
Belgian dancer-choreographer takes her stage piece Vortex Temporum,
choreographed to the eponymous music of composer Gérard Grisey, and
reimagines it for the radically different temporal, spatial, and perceptual
conditions of an art space.
Photography: Babette
Mangolte & Anne Van
Aerschot & Herman
Sorgeloos, Wiels, Brussel.
Will be on show in Paris,
Tate London, MOMA N.Y.....
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Work/Travail/Arbeid-box (box 4 vol)
O.l.v. Elena Filipovic. Bijdragen van Bojana Cvejic, Douglas Crimp, Brian Dillon, Elena Filipovic & Catherine Wood.
4 Pb vol. in box | Eng. ed. | 243 x 150 mm | 288 p | € 49,95 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789462300880 (E)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
Hervé Martijn's years of experience as a painter drive him to the extremes
of his technical ability and question the nature of the true-to-life reality that
he allows to appear on the canvas. Giving shape to a painted reality forces
him to constantly make artistic choices. Martijn's lifelike translation consists
of a painted diversity of reproductive possibilities with an inexhaustible and
multipliable creative interpretation of an emotionally charged reality.
Hervé Martijn
Hervé Martijn
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | € 34,00 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9789491775871 (E/ NL)
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
Like the landscape painters of the 1900s, Sofie Van der Linden (°Turnhout,
1986) draws the surroundings of Genk in Coin Perdu.
The publication Coin Perdu was set up as a road atlas. A series of ten
drawings were printed life-size, folded and cut. The drawings were realized
during a work residency at FLACC in Genk. Cornel Bierens wrote a text to
accompany the drawings by Sofie Van der Linden.
Sofie Van der Linden
Cornel Bieren
Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. | 340 x 245 mm | 80 p | € 25,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789491775994 (E/ NL)
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
Coin Perdu
Overzichtswerk met werken geëxposeerd in 2013 en 2014, tijdens 4
projecten (met werk van oa Franz West, Daniel Buren, De Keyser, Honoré
dO, Willy De Sauter, Jef Gheys, AV Janssens, Sol LeWitt, Richter, Warhol,
van Severen, Marthe Wér, Lawrence Wiener, en zoveel meer gecureerd
door Philippe Van Cauteren, Nicolas Setari en Luk Lambrecht.
Het boek toont de werking van deze samenwerking tussen 2013 en 2014. er
wordt geput uit de rijke collectie van het SMAK, en privécollecties.
Museum Strombeek
MER, SMAK & CC Strombeek
Luk Lambrecht, Roland Jooris, Wim Van Mulders, Nicola Setari, Frederik Leen, Christel Stalpaert, Patrick Van Rossem, Rik Pinxten, Ulrich Loock, Silvano Manganar
Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. | 279 x 216 mm | 384 p | € 39,00 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789492321008 (E/ NL)
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
De vzw Middelheim Promotors werd in 1965 opgericht met het doel het
Middelheimmuseum te ondersteunen. Via de aankoop van kunstwerken, het
uitgeven van edities en het organiseren van culturele activiteiten zorgt dit
modern mecenaat tot op vandaag voor een dynamisch klimaat. In dit boek
worden de historiek en de actualiteit van de Middelheim Promotors belicht
aan de hand van getuigenissen van de oprichters en een compleet
overzicht van alle kunstwerken die door of met steun werden verworven.
A Walk in the Park
Tekst van Johan Pas, voorwoord Luc Betrand, voorzitter Middelheimpromotors en Philip Heylen, Schepen voor Cultuur Stad Antwerpen
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 250 x 250 mm | 184 p | € 34,95 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789053253922 (E/ NL)
50 jaar/50 years Middelheimpromotors
[BE] Pandora
Nicolodi's first monograph will not only provide an overview of 10 years of
artistic practice, but will also bring seven tributes to sources of inspiration.
The voluminous book is designed by Onno Hesselink. Because the square
is an important constant in Nicolodi's work, the book too has that shape and
contains four texts by writers from different fields. It is an 'encounter'
between the artist and Dutch architect Wim van den Bergh, philosopher B.
Overlaet, psychologist J. Késenne and art historian Gildemyn
Renato Nicolodi
Wim van den Bergh, Ben Overlaet, Joannes Késenne, Marie‐Pascale Gildemyn. Design: Onno Hesselink
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 245 x 245 mm | 324 p | € 45,00 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789491775925 (E/ NL)
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
The Importance of Being...is an exhibition on contemporary Belgian art
taking place in several locations throughout 2015 - 2016. With the work of
artists such as Marcel Broodthaers, Michaël Borremans, Wim Delvoye,
Berlinde De Bruyckere, Francis Alÿs, Carld De Keyzer, Jan Fabre, Koen
Vanmechelen, Hans Op de Beeck, and many others. Special attention is
paid to the distinction between identity and otherness, the notions of space
and time, the shifting boundaries between the inside and the outside.
2 editions: NL/F/E and SP/ Port/Eng. Expo: travelling exhibition
Texts: Hans Theys, Christophe Van Gerrewey,..
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 290 x 230 mm | 400 p | € 59,95 | Sept. 2015 |
The Importance of Being
ISBN: 9789077207260 (E/ F/ NL)
A Panorama of Belgian Contemporary Art
ISBN 9789077207284 (E/SP/ P)
[BE] Stockmans ‐ Devos
Expo: 14/03/2015 ‐ 30/08/2015, Musée F. Rops, Namur ‐ Mons 2015
Joanna De Vos
Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 240 mm 280 p | 170 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | April 2015
[F] Somogy
Namen, partner van Mons 2015, nodigt Jan Fabre uit voor een postume
ontmoeting met Félicien Rops: een ongezien parcours langs musea en in
de openlucht voert u mee op ontdekking in de gedurfde en begeesterende
werelden van deze twee Belgische kunstenaars. De fictieve dialoog tussen
Rops en Fabre zal de tijd uitdragen, bevragen en uitdagen.
ISBN: 9782757209400 (NL)
ISBN 9782757209660 (E)
Rops | Fabre
Facing Time
EXPO: Onthulling 19 november 2015
Met bijdragen van Mgr. Johan Bonny, Bart Paepen, Paul Huvenne, Kathy De Keteleer & Joanna De Vos
Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 96 p | 30 col.ill. € 24,95 | Nov. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462301085 (NL)
In november 2015 zal de Antwerpse kathedraal een kunstwerk rijker zijn:
Jan Fabre's bronzen sculptuur De man die het kruis draagt (2015) krijgt
dankzij een mecenas een vaste plaats in de kathedraal.
Fabre beschrijft zich als een spiritual sceptic. In zijn oeuvre boort Jan Fabre
bronnen uit de christelijke en andere religieuze tradities aan. Zoals zovelen
van onze tijdgenoten bouwt hij tegelijk een zekere afstand in, blijft hij de
scepticus die in vraag stelt en twijfelt.
ISBN 9789462301092 (F) ISBN 9789462301108 (E)
Jan Fabre
De man die het kruis draagt
L'Homme qui porte la croix
The man who bears the cross
Expo: 11/11/2015 ‐ 3/4/2016, Tate Modern, London
Achim Borchardt‐Hume
Paperback | Eng. ed. 275 x 220 mm 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 40,50 | Nov. 2015
[UK] Tate
ISBN: 9781849763448 (E)
ISBN 9781849763967 (Hb)
The first major retrospective of the work of Alexander Calder (1898-1976) in
the UK for twenty years opens at Tate Modern in November 2015. Calder
was one of the best loved American artists of the 20th century. Alexander
Calder: Performing Sculpture will explore the notion of performance as a
driving force in Calder's sculpture and his use of other media including
drawing, design, film and theatre.
Alexander Calder
Performing Sculpture
In de jaren 50 en 60 van de twintigste eeuw experimenteerde de
kunstenaarsgroep ZERO met de meest innovatieve materialen en media.
Na de zware oorlogsjaren en de schrale periode van wederopbouw, wilden
de aan dit internationale netwerk verbonden kunstenaars de kunst een
nieuwe toekomst geven. Met werk van onder meer Herman de Vries,
Armando, Henk Peeters, Jan Schoonhoven, Jan Henderikse, Piero
Manzoni, Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, Jean Tinguely en Yayoi Kusama.
Let us explore the stars
paperback in rode pvc
cassette . Expo: 4/7/15 8/11/15, Stedelijk Museum,
Amsterdam (co-ed Walther
König Verlag)
Eds: Dirk Pörschmann, Margriet Schavemaker. Graphic design: Mevis &
Van Deursen
Paperback | NL ed. | 250 x 250 mm | 560 p | € 45,00 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9783863356989 (NL)
ISBN 9783863356972 (E)
[NL] Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Between the late 50s and the mid-60s, a new artistic movement emerged in
Europe that came to be known under the name of ZERO, as artists from
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Switzerland sought
new ways to collaborate and create new platforms for their art. In a cultural
landscape bereft of conventional networks and opportunities, many
avant-garde artists of postwar Europe took it upon themselves to function as
the managers and editors of their own exhibitions, events, and publications.
Previously announced
Tiziana Caianiello & Mattijs Visser (eds.), with Dirk Pörschmann, Johan Pas, Stephan Geiger, Beate Kemfert et al.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 200 x 210 mm | 512 p | € 45,00 | Sept. 2015 |
Zero 5. The Artist as Curator
ISBN: 9789491775680 (E)
Initiatives in the international ZERO movement, 1957
- 1967
By Charlotte Mullins
In Picturing People Charlotte Mullins explores the reasons behind the
resurgence of figurative art and considers what the figure means to the
artists who use it in their practice. This accessible introduction is a
companion to Mullins’s hugely popular
book Painting People.
ISBN: 9780500239384 (E)
Picturing People
[UK] T & H
The New State of the Art
Het werk van ARPAÏS du bois (1973) , dat in een sfeer van donkere
lichtheid gedompeld is, wordt wereldwijd erkend en gewaardeerd.
Dit boek bundelt driehonderd recente tekeningen en vormt zo een
bloemlezing van haar dagelijkse tekenpraktijk, die zowel reflecteert over het
eigen intieme artistieke universum als over de wereld buiten haar atelier.
Arpaïs du BOIS
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 230 mm | 192 p | € 40,50 | Sept. 2015 |
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 250 x 190 mm | 350 p | € 47,50 | Dec. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789492081568 (E/ F/ NL)
[BE] Uitgeverij Hannibal
Tout droit vers la fin en sifflotant
Kati Heck wordt beschouwd als een erfgename van het Duitse
expressionisme. Haar werk doet denken aan de bar, dansers en acteurs
van Otto Dix en George Grosz, net als aan de oude meesters. Ze
synthetiseert stijlen en is net zo goed een abstracte expressionist als een
realist. Delen van haar schilderijen zijn minutieus weergegeven op gestikte
doeken, met een unieke virtuositeit en acute aandacht voor detail, terwijl
andere delen abstracter weergegeven of zelfs gebeeldhouwd worden.
ISBN: 9789492081544 (NL/ F)
Engels‐Duitstalige editie bij Hatje Cantz
[BE] Uitgeverij Hannibal
Kati Heck
In samenwerking met Tim Van Laere Gallery.
Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 290 x 270 mm | 144 p | € 39,95 | Dec. 2015 |
John Baldessari is an important American conceptual artists and the last
member of the American postwar avant-garde. His large collages, created
for the Frankfurt exhibition, draw on masterpieces at the Städel, from Lucas
Cranach the Elder to Maria Lassnig. A multifaceted opposition and
juxtaposition of old and new art is revealed by the texts and photographs.
John Baldessari
Expo: 5/11/2015 - 24/1/2016,
Städel Museum, Frankfurt
Martin Engler
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 280 x 280 mm | 200 p | € 52,50 | Dec. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783777424491 (E/ G)
The Städel Paintings
[G] Hirmer
The publication focuses on a series of 12 key works by Jean-Michel
Basquiat (1960-1988), created in the spring of 1983. The series draws on
the subjects most important in Basquiats oeuvre: from music, anatomy,
sports and comics via work, the economy, becoming and decaying, to the
history of African Americans and the history of art. The book revolves
around a series of 12 key works by Jean-Michel Basquiat, created in the
spring of 1983 at the time when the artists oeuvre was at its most complex.
by Dieter Buchhart, Anna Karina Hofbauer
Hb with slip case | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed.
| 315 x 310 mm | 116 p | € 49,50 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783777424545 (E/ F/ G)
[G] Hirmer
Museum Security
Drawing is back! The publication "Drawing Now" presents approximately 40
international works of art that represent drawing today and take it in new
directions. The works of art are no longer limited to pencil, ink and paper. A
multitude of subjects and forms invite the reader to discover new aspects of
this genre. Works include those by Silvia Bächli, Michaël Borremans, Toba
Khedoori, Paul Noble, Robin Rhode, David Shrigley, Sandra Vásquez de la
Horra and Jorinde Voigt.
Expo: 22.05 - 22.09.2015,
Vienna | Albertina
Albertina Museum, Vienna
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 232 p | € 52,50 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9783777424347 (E)
Drawing Now
[G] Hirmer
Expo: 11/7/2015 ‐ 15/11/2015, Beauté Congo 1926 – 2015 Congo Kitoko, Fondation Cartier, Paris
Michaël De Plaen
Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 49,00 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Prisme
ISBN: 9782930451183 (E/ F)
Jan Hoet, conservateur du S.M.A.K. à Gand, disait de Mode Muntu qu'il
serait le peintre du XXIe siècle Mode Muntu, l'Homme Modeste… Cette
monographie inédite révèle un peintre dont l'humilité ne parvint pas à brider
l'oeuvre inclassable. Hors de toute forme de conformisme, dans le contexte
mouvant de la République Démocratique du Congo du milieu du XXe siècle,
Mode Muntu a ouvert la voie à un art pictural original au fondement de sa
Mode Muntu
For forty years, Andy Goldsworthy has worked with an extraordinary range
of natural materials, often at their source. Out of earth, rocks, leaves, ice,
snow, rain, sunlight and shadow he makes artworks that exist briefly before
they are altered and erased by natural processes. They are documented in
his photographs, and their larger meanings are bound up with the
conditions, forces and processes that they embody: materiality, temporality,
growth, vitality, permanence, decay, chance, labour and memory.
Andy Goldsworthy
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 356 x 279 mm | 368 p | € 76,80 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781419717796 (E)
[US] Abrams
Andy Goldsworthy
Ephemeral Works. 2004-2014
Harada werkte lange tijd monochroom tot op een bepaalde dag een
uitbarsting van kleur verscheen in zijn zwart-witte wereld. Het sprankelende
geel is kenmerkend in vele van zijn werken. Dit levendige kleurenpalet
bevestigt dat Harada in wezen altijd op zoek is geweest naar een manier
om uitdrukking te geven aan innerlijk geluk, spiritualiteit en joie de vivre. Het
werk van Hiroshi Harada is niet onder één noemer te vangen. Hij is modern,
ook in de manier waarop hij ons raakt en overweldigt.
Tin De Backker
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 265 mm | 112 p | € 35,00 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789058565389 (E)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
Hiroshi Harada
De ingetogenheid van kleur
Contrary to the expectations of 20th-century rationalists, religion has not
faded away in the 21st century, but roared back onto the scene with
renewed vitality. This survey shows how religious themes and images
continue to permeate the work of contemporary artists from across the
globe. Some exploit the shock potential of religious imagery, but many also
reflect deeply on spiritual matters. Art & Religion in the 21st Century is
essential reading for anyone interested in contemporary art and culture.
By Aaron Rosen
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 226 mm | 256 p | € 51,80 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780500239315 (E)
[UK] T & H
Art + Religion in the 21st Century
Artist, designer, architect, author, publisher and curator: Ai Weiwei HON RA
is a truly twenty-first-century creative, influential across a variety of media.
He has come to be regarded as a contemporary artist of global stature, and
his strong social conscience has galvanised a generation of artists. With
convictions that touch on topics such as imprisonment, borders and
disaster, Ai has often found himself in contention with the Chinese
Ai Weiwei
Expo: 19/9/2015 13/12/2015, Royal Academy
of Arts, London
by Time Marlow, John Tancock
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 280 mm | 240 p | € 77,50 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781910350164 (E)
[UK] Royal Academy
Expo: 24/9/2015 ‐ 31/1/2016, British Museum, London
Julia Farley and Fraser Hunter
Paperback | Eng. ed. 250 x 220 mm 288 p € 40,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] British Museum
The real and imagined legacy of the ancient Celts has shaped modern
identities across the British Isles and retains a powerful hold over the
popular imagination. Furthermore, Celtic art is one of Europes great artistic
traditions, with the skills of Celtic craftspeople standing alongside the best of
the ancient and medieval worlds. But who were the Celts? Recent research
and new archaeological discoveries are continuing to transform our
understanding of the idea of the Celts.
ISBN: 9780714128368 (E)
ISBN 9780714128351 (Hb/box)
Art and Identity
Expo: 29/10/2015 ‐ 14/2/2016, British Museum, London
by Elizabeth O'Connell, Caecilia Fluck
Paperback | Eng. ed. 270 x 240 mm 288 p | 300 col.ill. € 40,50 | Oct. 2015
[UK] British Museum
ISBN: 9780714151144 (E)
The first millennium in Egypt saw a transition from an ancient pantheon of
pagan gods to the one God of the three Abrahamic faiths. Jewish, Christian
and Muslim communities were established in succession and peacefully
co-existed for long periods of time periodically interrupted by conflict and
violence, each faith responding to pre-existing traditions by either rejecting
earlier artistic ideas or by adapting and assimilating them.
Egypt: faith after the pharaohs
Abraham's Legacy on the Nile
Expo : 12/06/2015 ‐ 31/12/2015, Musée archéologique de Jublains
Paperback with flaps | French ed. 260 x 200 mm 200 p | 200 col.ill. | 200 col. & bw ill € 22,00 | June 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612267 (F)
Le musée archéologique départemental de Jublains présente désormais les
époques gauloise et gallo- romaine à travers l'ensemble du département.
Le musée proposera aux visiteurs une exposition du 12 juin au 31
décembre 2015. Cette exposition a pour objectif principal de présenter les
collections de sculptures et céramiques grecques et romaines du musée de
Château-Gontier. Cette collection exceptionnelle d'environ 200 pièces n'est
que rarement montrée au public.
Corps et âmes
Sculpter l’Homme et les dieux dans l’Antiquité
Le Domaine départemental de la Vallée-aux-Loups - Maison de
Chateaubriand propose de faire découvrir à travers cet ouvrage une
cinquantaine des plus belles pièces réunies par le collectionneur Vincent
Boirel, autant de témoignages de l'excellence du travail des artisans d'art,
tabletiers, menuisiers…et d'un certain art de vivre à la française. Témoin
privilégié du goût de la haute bourgeoisie parisienne au temps de Charles X
et de Louis-Philippe, la boîte dite romantique reflète un monde révolu.
Paperback with flaps | Russ. ed | ϮϵϬx 230 mm | 56 p | € 15,00 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9788836631353 (R)
[IT] Silvana
Boîtes et coffrets romantiques
Un art de vivre à la française
Miller's Antiques Handbook & Price Guide remains the essential and trusted
guide to the antiques market. Compiled by Judith Miller, world-renowned
antiques expert, the guide has earned the reputation of being the book no
dealer, collector or auctioneer should ever be without.
The 8,000-plus images in the guide are changed every edition to keep the
book up to date with collecting and buying trends. The antiques are shown
in full colour with detailed descriptions and a current price range.
General editor Judith Miller
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 194 mm | 648 p | € 49,95 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781784720292 (E)
[UK] M. Beazley
Miller’s Antiques Handbook & Price
This book offers a fascinating journey through the history and culture of
textiles in Africa drawn from the private collection of Karun Thakar, widely
considered to be one of the best in the world.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 240 mm | 272 p | € 77,50 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783791381633 (E)
African Textiles
The Karun Thakar Collection
[UK] Prestel
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 240 mm |
144 p | € 30,95 | Sept. 2015 |
These radiant images from the renowned 19th-century biologist and
illustrator Ernst Haeckel, featuring marine microorganisms, will enthrall fans
of his previous collections and garner-renewed attention for Haeckel's
unparalleled artistry.
ISBN: 9783791381411 (E)
Art Forms from the Abyss
[UK] Prestel
Ernst Haeckel's Images from the HMS Challenger
This sumptuous book is a wide-ranging yet accessible overview of the
making, design, and use of textiles from the Indian subcontinent. Focusing
on individual objects, it explores in great detail the materials and techniques
used in their manufacture and discusses centres of production, patronage,
markets and designs. It is the first truly comprehensive book on the subject,
featuring lavishly illustrated chapters interspersed with analysis of 18 unique
objects of world-historical importance
Expo : 3/10/2015-16/01/2016,
V&A, London
Edited by Rosemary Crill
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 287 x 247 mm | 240 p | € 53,50 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781851778539 (E)
The Fabric of India
[UK] V & A Museum
By Steve Parker
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 245 x 172 mm 576 p € 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291733 (E)
Evolution: The Whole Story presents a thorough survey of how each of the
major groups of living things - earliest life, plants, invertebrates, fish and
amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals - evolved through time. Each
chapter takes a major living group and presents thematic essays discussing
the evolution of particular subgroups as they appeared on Earth with
reference to detailed comparative anatomy, evolutionary legacies and the
breakthrough theories of eminent scientists.
The Whole Story
By Richard Barnett
Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 256 p | 350 col. & bw ill € 32,50 | Oct. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500518106 (E)
The 19th century saw a complete transformation of the practice and
reputation of surgery. Crucial Interventions follows its increasingly optimistic
evolution, drawing from the very best examples of rare surgical textbooks
with a focus on the extraordinary visual materials of the mid-19th century.
Unnerving and graphic, yet beautifully rendered, these fascinating
illustrations include step-by-step surgical techniques paired with medical
instruments and painted depictions of operations in progress.
Crucial Interventions
or an Illustrated Treatise on the History of Surgery
Vanaf het ontstaan van de fotografie, halfweg de negentiende eeuw, tot
diep in de twintigste eeuw richtte de psychiatrische fotografie zich op het
portretteren van patiënten. Het doel was de ziektetekenen zorgvuldig vast te
leggen: de ziekte, eerder dan de zieke. Met behulp van deze (voor)beelden
zouden artsen een accuratere diagnose kunnen stellen. In de tweede helft
van de twintigste eeuw kreeg de relatie tussen fotografie en psychiatrie een
heel ander karakter.
Psychiaters Patienten Portretten 1865-2015
Expo: 12/6/2015 11/10/2015, Museum
Guislain, Gent
Onder redactie van Pascal Sienaert, Erik Thys, Patrick Allegaert, Arnout De Cleene, Jürgen De Fruyt
Paperback | NL ed. | 235 x 180 mm | 112 p | € 28,50 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9789057791475 (NL)
Vlaamse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie
[BE] VVP (Vl. Vereniging Psychiatrie)
Jimmy Nelson
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 304 p | 320 col.ill. € 49,90 | Oct. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832733186 (E/ G)
This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With
globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles,
art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our
modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of
customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are
the guardians of a culture that they-and we-hope will be passed on to future
generations in all its glory.
Jimmy Nelson
Before they pass away - Compact edition-
Frank De Mulder
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 370 x 275 mm 168 p | 100 col.ill. € 59,90 | Aug. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732875 (E/ NL)
Frank De Mulder is synonymous with erotic photog-raphy of the highest
caliber. Known as a leader in his field, he endeavors to connect us with
each models unique personality. All his images are both highly original and
sensually compelling. This season marks the publication of the fourth book
of his critically acclaimed and internationally renowned nude photography.
Entitled Heaven, those who browse these pages will certainly enter a
fantastical realm.
Frank De Mulder
Marc Lagrange
Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. 355 x 280 mm 208 p | 120 col.ill. € 79,90 | Sept. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732981 (E/ F/ NL/ G)
The photographer's devoted followers will still find the dream-like eroticism
he is known for, yet, in this work, each photograph is one of a kind, with
Lagrange's hallmark of technical perfection. As one would expect from
Lagrange, each tableau is carefully configured with not a single detail left to
Marc Lagrange
Senza Parole
Hardback | Eng. ed. 440 x 310 mm 200 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 115,00 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565259 (E)
From illustrious superclubs to intimate venues, London has a great range of
glamorous nightspots and exquisite bars on offer. Whether you're after a
hardcore night out, want to pull an all-weekend dance rave or are on the
lookout for something more laid back away from the neonglow and
glitterballs, London city will never disappoint. Many of London's famed party
places started out as illegal venues in abandoned warehouses, railway
arches, derelict market halls or huge deserted factories.
Henk Van Cauwenbergh
Exquisite Venues in London
By Juliet Hacking
Hardback | Eng. ed. 246 x 186 mm 304 p € 45,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500544440 (E)
While certain photographs have become world-famous images indelibly
printed on the cultural consciousness, the stories of those who have taken
them have been all too often distorted, obfuscated or overlooked, the social
and political environments misunderstood or forgotten. By evoking the lives
and backgrounds of the great pioneering photographers, Juliet Hacking
forges a greater understanding of each one and sheds new light on their
Lives of the Great Photographers
Hardback | Eng. ed. 170 x 170 mm 752 p | 365 col. & bw ill € 24,95 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Prestel +
ISBN: 9783791381855 (E)
Now available again in a stunning new format, this generously illustrated
book for lovers of photography includes 365 images from the greatest
photojournalists of today and yesterday.
A Year in Photography
Magnum Archive - Compact edition-
Expo: Fall 2015, Streets of Brussels
Bram Penninckx
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 240 x 240 mm 96 p | 76 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612434 (E/ F/ NL)
Les Bruxellois connaissent-ils bien la ville dans laquelle ils vivent et
travaillent depuis des années ? Pour répondre à cette question, j'ai décidé
en 2009 de partir à la découverte de la capitale, dans laquelle j'habite
également. Sous le titre «Brusselse scenes, Bruxelles en scène », je
présente une série de photos, fruit de mes pérégrinations, prises dans les
19 communes. J'ai photographié les rues, les parcs et les places car ils sont
l'essence même de Bruxelles.
Brusselse scenes - Bruxelles en Scène
- Brussels scenes
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 285 x 220 mm 224 p € 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500292143 (E)
Fr ed by La Martinière
Over three years ago, Yann Arthus-Bertrand set out to have a conversation
with the world. Together with the GoodPlanet Foundation, he conducted
more than 2,000 interviews in seventy countries with people of every stripe,
and took hundreds of portraits and aerial photographs. This book and the
film it accompanies brings together the fruits of this unprecedented
Human. A Portrait of Our World
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Danielle Föllmi & Olivier Föllmi
Hardback | Eng. ed. 110 x 160 mm 288 p | 130 col.ill. € 14,50 | Oct. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500518236 (E)
Each book in the ‘Moments of Mindfulness’ series pairs the wise words of a
great writer, master, philosopher or poet with Olivier Föllmi’s beautiful and
moving photographs. Föllmi travelled far and wide to witness the
celebrations, landscapes, rituals and traditions of cultures all over the world,
discovering new ways of seeing as he sought to understand and capture
through photography the connections linking the people to their ancestral
Moments of Mindfulness: The Wisdom
of Asia
Brigitte Grignet photographie depuis plus de quinze ans, dans un noir et
blanc carré classique et contrasté, aussi bien ses déambulations en voyage
que des sujets de société, des faits d'actualité, des situations humaines
spécifiques. Son approche est à la fois directe et tendre, très sensible, mais
témoigne surtout d'une exigence de regard et d'une qualité d'écriture à
travers la lumière tout à fait reconnaissables et qui sont la signature des tout
grands auteurs en photographie. Faisant la part belle à l'
Brigitte Grignet
Paperback with flaps | Eng./Fr. ed. | 210 x 165 mm | 120 p | € 20,00 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9782873403720 (E/ F)
[BE] Yellow Now
Present Perfect
Côté photo / Angles vifs
Il semble y avoir peu à dire des photographies de Matthieu Marre, qu'elles
ne disent elles-mêmes mieux que les mots. « Ce qu'il y a à dire du
printemps, le printemps le dit », prétendait le poète François Jacqmin.On
songe, parmi les
auteurs déjà publiés chez Yellow Now, à Benoît Richard, à Bernard Plossu,
à Louise Narbo... Une autobiographie ? Mieux et plus que cela : une
histoire. Belle, simple, formidablement touchante.
Côté photo / Angles vifs 20
Paperback | French ed. | 210 x 165 mm | 224 p | € 23,00 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9782873403713 (F)
[BE] Yellow Now
Matthieu Marre
Terribles Enfants dévoile une sélection de photographies de
l'impressionnante collection privée de Véronique Marit. Composée d'images
glanées et chinées, cette collection est dédiée aux photographies trouvées
(albums de famille, photographies anonymes, photos d'amateurs…) prises
entre la fin du XIXe siècle et les années 60. Parmi ces images « de
l'ordinaire » figurent des photos d'enfants espiègles ou fripons ; frondeurs,
rêveurs ou boudeurs ; sur le pot ou dans le bain ; à la mer ou au jardin…
Avant‐propos par Anne‐Marie Garat
Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 170 x 120 mm | 244 p | € 20,00 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9782873403751 (F)
[BE] Yellow Now
Terribles Enfants
Collection : Côté photo / Les carnets Vol 6
Toulouse-Lautrec n’a jamais photographié lui-même, mais il avait, plus
qu’aucun autre artiste de son temps, un “regard photographique”. Les sujets
qu’il a choisis et sa façon de les traiter sont impensables sans la
photographie. Ce fascinant ouvrage éclaire pour la première fois les
relations entre l’œuvre de Lautrec et la photographie de son époque.
Expo: 28/8/2015 13/12/2015, Kunstmuseum,
Rudolf Koella
Hardback | French ed. | 290 x 230 mm | 250 p | € 49,90 | Aug. 2015 |
Et la Photographie
ISBN: 9783777424682 (F)
[G] Hirmer Verlag
Spanning the photographer's full career, a superlative collection of more
than 130 tritone photographs captures the rich and colorful diversity of the
Big Apple with images that include many previously unpublished works from
the 1950s and 1960s.
Yes, we'll always have Paris and who better to capture all its moods than
the inimitable Elliott Erwitt? With a keen eye for the real city, Erwitt sees
beyond the tourist clichés.
"a unique insight into the behaviour of France's most elegant and beautiful
2 Vol./Boxed | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | 288 x 218 mm | 320 p | € 69,90 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783832732776 (E/ F/ G/ SP/ IT)
[G] teNeues
Elliott Erwitt
New York/Paris Box Set
Dogs aren't exactly shy when it comes to expressing their feelings. They do
everything we humans are afraid to: dogs are ecstatic and boisterous,
tactless, openly enthusiastic, take delight in rolling in disgusting things,
sleep when they're tired, and don't care if you snore. Dogs teach us that joy
is a way of life and that it does not depend on what happens each day; they
always assume something fabulous is going to happen today.
For the Love of Dogs
The worldwide recognition he has received attests to the tremendous impact
of his work. This Austrian photographer, who has been shooting primarily,
though not exclusively, in black and white for over 40 years, captures
surreal moments in his photos. Reductions and overexposures help him
discover special elements and draw both technical and substantive
contrasts between the spectacular and the banal. His subjects-everything
from peaceful, expansive Icelandic landscapes that look like paintings...
Katharina von der Leyen
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 203 mm | 160 p | € 24,50 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783832732912 (E)
[G] teNeues
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 300 mm | 224 p | € 79,90 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783832732967 (E)
[G] teNeues
Josef Hoflehner
Retrospective 1975-2015
The female form has been a central theme in art for as long as there has
been some form of artistic expression. This new title is a worthy addition to
that veritable canon that celebrates feminine grace and strength. Compiled
over a period of seven years, this volume of photographs is a visual tribute
to the women of Denmark to their womanly beauty and integrity as
individuals. The subjects come from all walks of life-models, singers, artists,
actresses, artists, and students.
Bjarke Johansen
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 340 x 245 mm | 496 p | € 98,00 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783832732806 (E)
[G] teNeues
Bjarke Johansen
100 Great Danes
Edward Burtynsky's imagery explores the intricate link between industry and
nature, combining the raw elements of mining, quarrying, shipping, oil
production and recycling into eloquent, highly expressive visions that find
beauty and humanity in the most unlikely of places. These images are
metaphors for the dilemma of our modern existence: we are drawn by
desire - the chance at good living, to have all creature comforts - yet we all
know that the world is suffering to meet those demands.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 375 x 295 mm | 152 p | € 71,95 | Nov. 2015 ‐R/P |
ISBN: 9783865211309 (E)
[G] Steidl (tbs)
Burtynsky - China
The Photographs of Edward Burtynsky
Hailed as the most successful exhibition of photography ever assembled,
'The Family of Man' opened at The Museum of Modern Art in January 1955.
Presenting what Edward Steichen referred to as a 'collective portrait' of
humanity, the exhibition featured 503 photographs from 68 countries, 273 of
which were taken by amateur photographers.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 210 mm | 192 p | € 36,50 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781633450011 (E)
Edward Steichen
Family of Man
60th Anniversary Edition,
[UK] T & H, Distributed
This resplendent volume is the most comprehensive study of Walker
Evans’s work ever published, containing masterful images accompanied by
authoritative commentary from leading photography historians,
Walker Evans
Edited by John T. Hill and Heinz Liesbrock
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 255 mm | 408 p | € 84,95 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783791382234 (E)
Depth of Field
[UK] Prestel
"Ryan McGinley" focuses on the work that he has become best known for
since he first rose to prominence ten years ago: the summer road trips.
Since the earliest days of his unparalleled career, every summer McGinley
has gathered up a group of thirty college-age kids, rented a bus, and set out
on a cross-country trip. These trips and the photographs created during
them have established him as the most consequential photographer of his
David Rimanelli
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 292 x 216 mm | 224 p | € 45,00 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780847846917 (E)
[US] Rizzoli +
Ryan McGinley
The Road Trips
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Photography is a landmark publication
that encompasses the history, art and science of photography in a single
volume. It features over 300 iconic photographs and contains more than
1,200 concise yet fully detailed entries on all aspects of the subject. he
culmination of nearly ten years of development and research, this is the
new, relevant and truly definitive reference to photography.
Edited by Nathalie Herschdorfer
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 307 x 202 mm | 448 p | € 104,95 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780500544471 (E)
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of
[UK] T & H
Paparazzi hebben geen manieren. Telelenzen, dat hebben ze. En
informatie waar een keurig mens niet achter komt. Getalenteerde fotografen
zijn het, zeker als je het talent om iemand onbespied gade te slaan meetelt.
In Paparazzo gluurt Filip Naudts als ongegeneerde peeping tom binnen in
de levens van bekende vrouwen en mannen. De foto's maken van ons
voyeurs, spiedend door ramen en gordijnen en zich lavend aan een
nachtelijke blik in een interieur en intimiteit die we eigenlijk niet horen te
Filip Naudts, Geert Stadeus
Paperback | NL ed. | 300 x 210 mm | 48 p | € 18,95 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789058565358 (NL)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
Filip Naudts
Fotofever est née de la volonté de créer une plateforme de, promotion de la
photographie. à travers une sélection pointue, chaque édition porte les
valeurs de Fotofever : audace, passion, et partage. Fotofever explore la
diversité de la photographie d'aujourd'hui en soutenant la jeune génération
et s'engage à développer de nouvelles vocations de collectionneurs.
Fotofever Paris 2015
Expo : 13/11/2015 15/11/2015, Carrousel du
Louvre, Paris
Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. | 210 x 160 mm | 234 p | € 20,00 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612366 (E/ F)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Depuis sa première édition en 1989, le Festival International du
Photojournalisme nous rappelle que, pour une information visuelle juste, le
regard du photojournaliste est indispensable. Les photos reproduites sont
des documents d'archives ou d'actualité. Elles relatent les guerres
ethniques, les conflits, les oubliés de l'histoire. Elles nous parlent de nature
et d'environnement, de peuples, de religions, de faits de société, ou encore
des grands fléaux de notre époque.
Expo: 29/08 - 13/09/2015,
Paperback | Eng./Fr. ed. | 230 x 170 mm | 208 p | € 25,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612342 (E/ F)
Visa pour l’image 2015
International Festival of Photojournalism, Perpignan
Une exposition incontournable qui rend compte de certains moments
historiques et fondamentaux ayant marqué l'année 2014, dont nous
sommes les contemporains et les observateurs.
On découvre l'Ukraine meurtrie de Mauricio Lima, le conflit syrien à travers
la photographie de Baraa Al Halabi, le Kushti d'Alain Schroeder, une forme
traditionnelle indienne de lutte, mais aussi le Triathlon de Gilad Kavalerchik
et ses créatures sous-marines.
Première Biennale des photographes
du Monde Arabe
Cameron was een van de belangrijkste en meest innoverende fotografen
van de negentiende eeuw. Haar krachtige portretten zijn wellicht het meest
bekend. Maar de modellen die ze voor haar liet poseren - vrienden, familie
en bedienden - plaatste ze ook in een Bijbelse, historische en allegorische
context. Haar foto's waren om verschillende redenen baanbrekend. Haar
onconventionele aanpak kwam haar op kritiek te staan, maar de schoonheid
van haar composities en haar toewijding leverden haar ook bewondering
Julia Margaret Cameron
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Expo: 10/11/2015 17/1/2016, Institut du monde
arabe, Paris
Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 260 x 200 mm | 114 p | € 18,00 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612625 (F)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Expo: 14/3/2015 - 14/6/2015,
Museum voor Schone
Kunsten, Gent - 28/11/2015 21/2/2016, V & A Museum,
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 300 x 245 mm | 252 p | € 39,00 | April 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612311 (E/ F/ NL)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Balnéaires est un long fleuve tranquille. Les toutes premières photographies
ont été réalisées l'été 1990, et la forme frontale mise en place dès l'été
1991. Quelques étés à déambuler sur la plage de Bray-Dunes, et un
premier volet de 20 photographies se retrouvent sur quelques cimaises vers
1995. A travers ces images, le corps nu, le corps particulier, loin des canons
esthétiques de la mode, nous montrent avec leurs stigmates les traces de la
vie de ces modèles, les traces de notre propre vie…
Frédéric Cornu
Hardback | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 96 p | € 25,00 | oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612458 (F)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Fragile City revisits Le Corbusier's Voyage d'Orient of 1911 in the
contemporary context of urbanization with essays and work by Elke Krasny,
David Berge and Tulay Atak. It is based on urbancuratorial research by
Krasny and photographic explorations by Berge and Krasny. In dialogue
with local experts in Athens, Belgrade, Istanbul, Rome and Vienna, Le
Corbusier's formative route was re-contextualized in contemporary terms.
Atak's contribution is an essay on Le Corbusier's photographs.
David Bergé, Tülay Atak, Elke Krasny
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 177 x 157 mm |
156 p | € 20,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789491775574 (E)
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
Fragile City
.tiff is het jaarlijkse magazine van het FoMu, voor inspirerende jonge
Belgische fotografen. België barst van het fotografisch talent. De FoMu
curatoren maken een strenge selectie uit wat zich in ons land aandient als
aanstormend talent. .tiff is een magazine in poster formaat dat erom vraagt
uit elkaar gehaald en binnenste buiten gekeerd te worden om zo een eigen
leven te leiden.
TIFF 2015
10 folded A2 posters (62 cm x 43 cm). Annual magazine
Bodson Jean Marc, Elders Zippora, Hobson Greg
Portfolio | Eng. ed. | 750 x 500 mm | 11 p | € 2,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789066251854 (E)
Young Belgian Talent introduced by FoMu
[BE] Fotografiemuseum
Many have tried to convey the true spirit of Africa's animals in words,
photography, or in music. There may be no challenge greater; Africa's fauna
are vast in number and rich in diversity. In this finely crafted collection,
French photographer Laurent Baheux uses the medium of blackand- white
photography to capture the intricate details of both the wondrous beasts and
the magnificent settings in which they dwell. This wide-ranging volume lays
particular emphasis on his subjects' individual spirits.
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 375 x 265 mm | 480 p | € 98,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783832732974 (E/ F/ G)
ISBN 9783832733223 (F)
[G] teNeues
Laurent Baheux
The Family Album of Wild Africa
incl. 4 gatefolds
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 370 x 290 mm | 304 p | € 98,00 | Sept. 2015 |
Few landscapes convey Nature in all of its untamed splendor like the Arctic.
Fewer still conjure respect like the seldom traveled and ethereal North Pole.
Yet, sadly, this largely pristine and mostly misconceived treasure is now in
jeopardy. Sebastian Copeland's noble goal in these pages is to pay homage
to this wonderland, and, in turn, draw awareness to its perilous plight.
ISBN: 9783832732813 (E/ F/ G)
Sebastian Copeland
[G] teNeues
Arctica: The Vanishing North
Roland & Sabrina Michaud
Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 220 mm 406 p | 400 col.ill. € 69,50 | Nov. 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791382159 (E)
Roland and Sabrina Michaud, now in their eighties, have spent most of their
lives together exploring Africa and Asia. Their travels have taken them to
far-flung places, including Yemen, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey.
Throughout their journeys Roland and Sabrina photographed and wrote
about what they saw. This breathtaking account of their travels features
nearly 500 colour images that capture, with sensitivity, curiosity and delight,
the people they met and the landscapes they traversed.
Enchanted Lands
Roland & Sabrina Michaud
Linnen cover
An Bogaerts. Fotografie: Tony Le Duc, Diane Hendrikx
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 240 x 200 mm € 65,00 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Minestrone
Twaalf designers, drie topchefs, een mooie tafel en een lekker diner. De
perfecte ingrediënten voor een inspirerend boek over de drijfveren,
inspiraties en favoriete gerechten van deze creatieve geesten. Sterrenchefs:
Sergio Herman, Peter Goossens en Mark Lapico. Designers: Piet Boon,
Clodette, Nedda El-Asmar, Marie Michielssen, Pascale Naessens, Antonino
Sciortino, Studio Simple, Luca Trazzi, Moniek vanden Berghe, Roos van de
Velde, Kiki Van Eijk en Ann van Hoey
ISBN: 9789490028787 (E/ NL)
Food + Design
gekartoneerd zwart linnen met diepdruk, rood leeslint & goud op snede
Filip Verheyden, Sergio Herman. Photography: Tony Le Duc
Hardback | NL ed. 165 x 125 mm 352 p | throughout col.ill. € 24,50 | Nov. 2015
DE BASIS is een statement: wie wil koken kan niet zonder de basis, wie wil
experimenteren nog minder. In dit boek vindt de lezer 150 basisrecepten die
elke amateurkok bij de hand moet hebben.
Alles waarheidsgetrouw geïllustreerd. Elk basisrecept, hoe eenvoudig ook,
is van een foto voorzien. Nieuwe editie: herwerkt en aangevuld met nieuwe
[BE] Minestrone
ISBN: 9789490028671 (NL)
De Basis
Ellemieke Vermolen. Fotografie: Diane Hendrikx
Hardback | NL ed. 180 x 140 mm 144 p | throughout col.ill. € CA 24,50 | Nov. 2015
[BE] Minestrone
ISBN: 9789490028794 (NL)
Happy Food
Ellemieke Vermolen
Happy Shake is het tweede boek van Ellemieke Vermolen. In Happy Shake
verzamelt Ellemieke al haar kennis: welke groenten en fruit combineer je
het best? Welke shakes helpen je met je weerstand, welke shakes geven je
meer energie of doen je haar glanzen? Welke shakes kun je aan je kinderen
geven? En vooral: hoe maak je shakes lekker?
Ellemieke Vermolen. Diane Hendrikx (fotografie)
Hardback | NL ed. | 180 x 140 mm | 144 p | € 24,50 | Sept. 2015 ‐R/P |
ISBN: 9789490028640 (NL)
Happy Shake
[BE] Minestrone
Recepten voor een gezonde, energieke levensstijl
As the Soviet Union struggled along the path to Communism, food supplies
were often sporadic and shortages commonplace. Day to day living was
hard, and both the authorities and citizens had to apply every ounce of
ingenuity to maximize often inadequate resources. Illustrated using images
sourced from original Soviet recipe books collected by the author, this book
contains over sixty recipes from the Soviet era.
ISBN: 9780993191114 (E)
CCCP Cook Book
[UK] T & H, Distributed
By Pavel Syutkin and Olga Syutkin
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 205 x 125 mm | 192 p | € 30,50 | Sept. 2015 |
True Stories of Soviet Cuisine
Jamie's Everyday Super Food makes eating well exciting, delicious, easy
and fun.
No matter how busy you are, you'll find that healthy eating the Jamie way is
both straightforward and achievable, making it super easy to choose exactly
the kind of meals that suit you.
every tasty meal is nutritionally balanced so that any combination over the
day will bring you in under your recommended daily allowance of calories,
allowing you to enjoy snacks and drinks on the side.
Michael Joseph
by Jamie Oliver
Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 312 p | € 32,95 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780718181239 (E)
[UK] Penguin UK
Everyday Superfood
Jamie Oliver
Whether you re after a late night treat, a sweet snack in front of the TV, or a
super speedy dinner party dessert that will still impress your guests, Mug
Crumbles will have you sorted. With over 30 recipes for delicious crumbles
that require minimal effort and time, all you need is five minutes to spare
and a serious crumble craving!
From your classic apple crumble; and pear and ginger, to flavour
combinations that give your tastebuds a kick, such as rum and raisin
crumble or raspberry and matcha green.
By Christelle Huet‐Gomez
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 190 x 190 mm | 72 p | € 12,20 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781784880224 (E)
[AUS] Hardie Grant
Mug Crumbles
Ready in 5 minutes in the microwave
In TIME OFF, forty eight of the world's top chefs and food writers abandon
the heat of the professional kitchen and share their passion for home
cooking. Revealing the favorite menus they love to cook for family and
friends, they place the emphasis on delicious, straightforward recipes using
ingredients and techniques familiar to the home cook. With 144 recipes,
there is something to suit every mood and every capability level. With:
Heston Blumenthal, Pierre Gagnaire, Nobu Matsuhisa, Jamie Oliver...
David Nicholls
Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 288 p | € 0,00 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780062425638 (E)
[US] Collins US
Time Off
The World's Greatest Chefs Cook at Home
Beautifully illustrated and colourfully written Eat Like A Londoner takes
locals and tourists beyond the obvious guidebook destinations. It highlights
the places that have become iconic destinations for Londoners, the places
that put the city on the culinary map, and the local eateries, neighbourhoods
and markets Londoners love to go to when they’re hungry. Chapters include
Cult Restaurants, Rooms with a View, Special Occasions, Around the World
and Perfect Pitstops among others.
Eat Like a Londoner
An Insider's Guide to Dining Out
Frances Lincoln
Tania Ballantine. Photographs by Kim Lightbody
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 160 x 160 mm |
196 p | € 14,80 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780711236790 (E)
[UK] Quarto
Third edition, revised and updated
Hilde Deweer (ed), Group Van Damme (Photography)
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 170 x 120 mm 1568 p | 1300 col.ill. € 35,00 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565266 (E/ F/ NL)
'Alle Belgische Bieren' biedt een alfabetisch overzicht van alle bieren die
door erkende Belgische (huur)brouwers worden gebrouwen voor het eigen
assortiment of voor dat van bierfirma's. Zoals in de vorige uitgaven wordt elk
bier beknopt beschreven en met het bijhorende glas geportretteerd. Zowel
de bieren van grote concerns als die van artisanale (huis)brouwerijen
komen aan bod, voor zover ze gebotteld zijn en te koop worden
Alle Belgische Bieren |Toutes les Bières
Belges | All Belgian Beers
"België, Wijn" is een boek, een gids, vol adviezen en ideeën over wijn in
België. Deze gids laat u ontdekken waar u de beste wijnkaart vindt, wat de
leukste wijnbars zijn, welke sommeliers het verschil maken, welke
invoerders de mooiste wijnen hebben en wie de echt gepassioneerde
wijnliefhebbers zijn. Voor deze Nederlandstalige uitgave werd de
bespreking van meer dan 150 restaurants en wijnbars herwerkt, met een
persoonlijke benadering, vriendelijk, grappig en elegant.
Promoprijs: nu 8,95 ipv 24,‐ euro !
René Sépul et Cici Olsson
Paperback | NL ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 224 p | € 8,95 | June 2010 |
ISBN: 9789090249575 (NL)
[BE] Sh‐op Editions
België, Wijn
Restaurants, wijnbars, sommeliers, lessen,
liefhebbers, invoerders, en wijnhandels
Natalie Schrauwen, Sarah Schrauwen.
Fotografie: Sarah Schrauwen
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 60 col.ill. € 19,95 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565303 (NL)
Van anti-katerthee, plasticine en snorrenwax tot wc-onstopper: KITCHEN
LAB loodst je langs meer dan 100 haalbare recepten om de producten die
je in en om je huis gebruikt in een handomdraai met ingrediënten uit tuin en
keukenkast zelf te maken. Met natuurlijke producten, zonder additieven en
met veel fun. Niets moeilijks aan. Je hebt echt alles in huis om het zelf te
Kitchen Lab
Handboek voor de thuisdrogist
Karen Tran. Photography: Pam Scott, Joseph Matthew, Anna Kim, Humphrey Creativ, Darin Fong, Stephanie Williams, a.o
Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 240 mm 208 p | 150 col.ill. € 59,90 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green
ISBN: 9789058565372 (E)
Karen Tran Florals and Events is all about the creation of exquisite floral
arrangements to enhance every kind of occasion. With her company based
in Southern California, she enjoys the year-round sunshine and being able
to immerse herself in the natural outdoors that she loves. She has a true
passion for her art form and her clientele are fortunate to have her fantastic
floral sculptures decorating their events.
Florals & Events
Karen Tran
Marcel van Dijk, Patrick van Orsouw, Monique van Dijk
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 330 x 245 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 59,90 | July 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green
ISBN: 9789058565341 (E/ NL)
Met de natuur als uitgangspunt streeft team Oogenlust al 35 jaar lang naar
opwindende bloemencombinaties en verrassende interieurontwerpen. Het
hele spectrum van emoties wordt vakkundig vertaald in sfeervolle
ontwerpen die de zintuigen prikkelen en bijzondere momenten en
evenementen onvergetelijk maken. Passie voor de natuur en de seizoenen
is hun creatieve drijfveer. Oog voor detail is hun kracht. De schoonheid van
plantaardige materialen blijft een onuitputtelijke bron van inspiratie.
A timeless passion for flowers
By Tim Richardson
Hardback | Eng. ed. 220 x 297 mm 320 p € 48,50 | Oct. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500518045 (E)
Garden and landscape designers are adept at interpreting outdoor spaces
and transforming them into creatively conceived environments. Their ideas
rarely come spontaneously: rather, the thoughtful designer considers a
space from different perspectives or for several seasons, working out
spacing, planting, materials and colour schemes in detailed preparatory
Landscape and Garden Design
Expo: 26/6/2015 ‐ 1/11/2015, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 220 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | July 2015
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836630844 (E)
This book will practically recap the complete graphic work by Aldo Rossi:
over 300 prints. Few architects were as intensely occupied with making
architecture itself the subject as Aldo Rossi (1932-1997). Drawing was
second nature to him, as shown by his unending stream of drawings, which
were often very poetic, colourful and humorous, and always recognisable in
a continual interplay of visual analogies.
Aldo Rossi
Graphic Works
Richard Weston
Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 312 p | 400 col.ill. € 40,50 | Aug. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780675725 (E)
Featuring 75 of the world's most influential architects, this book presents the
story of 20th-century architecture through the fascinating personal stories
and significant works that have shaped the field. Arranged in a broadly
chronological order, the book gives the reader a sense of the impact that
inventive individuals have had on the development of architecture and our
built environment. Key dates in the architects' careers are listed in timeline
Architecture Visionaries
By John Zukowsky
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 197 x 140 mm 224 p € 15,95 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291788 (E)
In Why You Can Build It Like That, John Zukowsky examines buildings from
the past seven decades or so that pushed the boundaries of what was
architecturally acceptable when they were built. 100 striking international
examples of modern architecture are categorized into thematic chapters that
reflect form as well as society. Zukowsky explores the history of these
buildings and their makers, presenting relevant biographical factors and
socio-cultural influences that impacted on the distinctive designs.
Why You Can Build it Like That
Modern Architecture Explained
The MAS takes you on a journey through the Bosporus & Golden Horn to
Istanbul, the legendary city in Turkey and a place to stir the imagination.
The exhibition Port City Talks / Istanbul-Antwerp focuses on the decisive
role played by the water in Istanbul's development through centuries to date,
highlighting certain points it has in common with Antwerp.
Port City Talks
Expo: Fall 2015, Mas
Museum, Antwerp Europalia 2015 Turkey
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 290 x 215 mm | 136 p | € 25,00 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789085867142 (E)
Istanbul - Antwerp
3 vol.: book + architectural guide + expo guide
Onderzoekers Els Vervloesem en Barbara Van Dyck maakten samen met
Marie-Françoise Plissart (fotografe) en Joeri De Bruyn (Public Space) een
boek over het fenomeen Campingwonen. Aan de hand van drie
kortverhalen en een reeks beelden nemen zij u mee achter de schermen
van het wonen op campings in de omgeving van Brussel. Via taal en
verbeelding laten zij u kennis maken en stilstaan bij deze spontaan
gegroeide woonvorm en -cultuur, ontstaan in de marge van de formele
planning en huisvesting.
Camping Paradiso
In Via Veritas introduceert een nieuw paradigma voor het denken over
architectuur en stedenbouw. De weg of route (via in het Latijn) laat toe om
op een andere manier naar de ruimte te kijken. Een plek is geen op zichzelf
staand gegeven, maar het resultaat van bewegingen, relaties, stromen en
processen. De route is geen infrastructuur, maar is vooral cultureel,
maatschappelijk, economisch en politiek bepaald. Routes vertellen iets over
het gebruik van een plek. Ze scheppen betekenis en identiteit.
In Via Veritas
Route als paradigma voor ruimtelijk ontwerp
Maurice Sauzet est un architecte du plein et du vide, de la lumière et de
l'ombre, de l'horizontalité et de la verticalité. Diplômé de l'École spéciale
d'architecture, il suit sa femme, styliste, au Japon, et devient collaborateur à
l'agence d'architecture Junzo Sakakura - élève de Le Corbusier et proche
de Charlotte Perriand, qui partira au Japon à son invitation en 1940 -, à
Osaka, de 1959 à 1961. Cette expérience japonaise est déterminante dans
son parcours.
Vol 2 : leporello with 30 postcards by M‐F. Plissart
Els Vervloesem, Barbara Van Dyck. Fotografie: Marie‐Françoise Plissart
Boxed | NL/ Fr ed. | 176 x 125 mm | 142 p | € 15,00 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9789491789076 (NL/ F)
[BE] Public Space
Joeri De Bruyn, Maarten Van Acker, Filip Buyse, Frédéric Rasier, Peter Vanden Abeele
Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 160 mm | 156 p | € 22,00 | June 2015 |
ISBN: 9789491789052 (NL)
ISBN 9789491789069 (E)
[BE] Public Space
Chris Younès
Hardback | French ed. | 305 x 230 mm | 352 p | € 49,00 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9782915542790 (F)
[F] Norma Editions
Maurice Sauzet
Poétique de l'architecture
In this highly acclaimed reference work David Watkin traces the history of
western architecture from the earliest times in Mesopotamia and Egypt to
the eclectic styles of the twenty-first century. The author emphasizes the
ongoing vitality of the Classical language of architecture, underlining the
continuity between, say, the work of Ictinus in fifth-century BC Athens and
that of McKim, Mead and White in twentieth-century New York.
A History of Western Architecture,
David Watkin
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 238 x 190 mm |
736 p | € 41,95 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9781780675978 (E)
[UK] Laurence King
(6th Edition)
This entertaining and informative book explores the world of architecture
through a series of 101 questions and answers that cover a wide range of
issues on its practice and theory. There are historical questions, such as
"Who was the first architect?" and "Are all churches architecture?" as well
as ones that relate to contemporary activity, such as "Have computers
changed architecture?" and "How small can a home get?." There are also
many that are intriguing and irreverent.
Rasmus Waern
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 224 p | € 15,95 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: .9781780676029 (E)
[UK] Laurence King
What is Architecture?
And 100 other questions
Explores various aspects of modern eco design, from its environmental and
economical benefits, to factors considered when choosing materials: how
much energy went into manufacturing the product, whether it is long lasting,
and whether it can be recycled or safely disposed of as it eventually breaks
down. It also examines important details such as climate regulation,
drainage systems, and regional planning. Each of the 35 projects contain
photographs, floor plans and detailed drawings.
Manel Gutierrez
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 241 mm | 192 p | € 41,50 | Nov. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780062395184 (E)
[US] Collins US
New Eco Homes
New Ideas for Sustainable Living
One of the most troubling consequences of the 2008 global financial
collapse was the midstream abandonment of several large-scale
speculative urban and suburban projects. The resulting scars on the
landscape, large subdivisions with only marked-out plots and half-finished
roads, are the subject of The City That Never Was, an eye-opening look at
what happens when development, particularly what the author calls
"speculative urbanism," is out of sync with financial reality.
By Christopher Marcinkoski
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 180 mm |
256 p | € 33,50 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781616893903 (E)
[US] Princeton
The City That Never Was
Reconsidering the Speculative Nature of
Contemporary Urbanization
Here is a beautifully presented set of pop-up notecards with a coolly modern
twist. Presented in an attractive, souvenir box with paper-and-string closure,
each notecard features a different pop-up design of a modern building. A
coloured background adds depth and luminosity to each pop-up. Each card
presents interesting facts about the building on its reverse, making these
cards not just beautiful, but informative as well.
ISBN: 9780500420164 (E)
[UK] T & H
Iconic Buildings
By Corina Fletcher
Cards | Eng. ed. | 150 x 210 mm | 6 p | € 27,50 | Oct. 2015 |
Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | Aug. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732615 (E)
Every once in a while a design firm charts a course that is truly memorable,
a direction that turns heads, and makes an impact. Dutch designers and the
husband-and-wife team of des Bouvrie are one such iconoclastic force.
Their design approach for interiors and exteriors, both residential and
commercial, is risk-taking, thought-provoking, and always forward-looking,
creating a self-contained universe of modernity where bold and noteworthy
art plays a significant role.
Des Bouvrie
Architecture Interior
Marcia Prentice
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 224 p | 250 col.ill. € 39,90 | Sept. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732189 (E)
How We Live is an intimate photographic journal of designers' and artists'
homes and work spaces from around the world, including Mumbai, Beirut,
Marrakech, Reykjavik, Mexico City, and Amsterdam, amongst others.
American photographer Marcia Prentice traveled to each of the international
cities to experience and present 'the soul' of a diverse selection of domestic
spaces, revealing the unique spirit of each creative environment.
How We Live
Lisa Baker
Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 235 mm 304 p | 500 col.ill. € 56,50 | Oct. 2015
[G] Braun
ISBN: 9783037682029 (E)
The "Tiny House Movement" lifestyle trend, which began in the Unites
States, has spread throughout the entire world driven by the construction
and financial crisis. individual solo fighters but also by renowned architects
who take on the simple yet challenging task and develop the enthralling
room concepts and spatial solutions that are presented in this volume.
XS - small houses big time
Scriptum Editions
By Aurélie Drouet and Jérôme Blin
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 237 x 185 mm 192 p € 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9781902686820 (E)
Bookshelves showcase our favourite books and most treasured objects, are
useful and practical - but, far from reducing them to their simplest function,
we love the fact that they reflect our style and individuality, becoming design
features in their own right and, yet, harmoniously fitting into our living
spaces. They are also relatively easy to make and accessible to everyone.
From Salvage to Storage
Erin Boyle
Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 178 mm 176 p € 19,95 | Jan. 2016
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419718632 (E)
In Simple Matters, Erin Boyle shares her philosophy of small-space living
and conscious consumption--values she developed living with her husband
in a 240-square foot apartment for three years. Simple Matters embraces
the notion that "living small" is beneficial and accessible to all of us--whether
we're renting a tiny apartment or puchasing a three-story house. Simple
Matters is a nod to the growing consensus that living simply is not only more
sustainable, but more practical and purposeful.
Simple Matters
Living with Less and Ending Up with More
Ron Broadhurst
Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 229 mm 300 p | 300 col.ill. € 59,80 | Oct. 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847845996 (E)
The most forward-looking spaces designed for rustic living in the twenty-first
century. Across the globe, architects are creating innovative houses for
country living, reimagining the way we escape into the natural world. Some
combine industrial materials like metal and concrete with traditional wood.
Others create sophisticated essays in off-grid living, employing the most
technologically ambitious green-living strategies. Still others place discreet
structures on remote, almost-unbuildable locations.
The Modern House in Nature
By Dominic Bradbury. Photographs by Richard Powers
Hardback | Eng. ed. 215 x 197 mm 256 p € 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500518007 (E)
Waterside settings around the world, from the Mediterranean to the
PacificOcean, the wide beaches of the Caribbean to the tropical idylls of
Southeast Asia, provide glorious views and unforgettable experiences of
nature. Capturing and distilling this essence in the contemporary home can
produce the finest and most desirable forms of residential architecture.
Waterside Modern explores homes that are original, stylish, full of character
and respectful of the landscapes in which they are placed.
Waterside Modern
By Dominic Bradbury
Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 188 mm 432 p € 40,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517871 (E)
This beautifully illustrated book is a style bible for anyone interested in
design and the home. It is arranged into ten distinct chapters, each one
concentrating upon a specific interior style or theme. Each chapter is
illustrated with ten evocative houses or flats, whose aesthetic essence is
captured within an opening double-page spread concentrating on the most
spectacular space in the home.
Interior Design Close Up
A global overview of prevailing trends in office design. At its core are the
100 pioneering projects drawn from practices all over the world, each
extensively illustrated with plans and visuals. Featured offices include ad
agencies, media outfits and technology firms, ranging from compact offices
and design hubs to large workplaces. This luxurious volume is an up-to-date
reference tool for professionals of the commercial architecture and design
community, featuring cutting-edge workplace design.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 240 mm | 480 p | € 69,00 | Dec. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789491727603 (E)
[NL] Frame
The Other Office 2: Creative Worlplace
Creative Workplace Design
What was once considered incomplete and in need of repair, is chic and hip
today. Rough Style presents buildings and spaces by architects and interior
designers who work out expressive and most rigorous design concepts.
Refraining from the accustomed ideals of beauty and perfection is the new
approach. The uncompromising and exciting relationship in the encounter of
innovative design schemes and raw unfinished states or traces of the past
opens up new esthetic horizons, creating new standards of value.
Sibylle Kramer
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 456 p | € 80,80 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783037681954 (E)
[G] Braun
Rough Style
Architecture, Interior, Design
This volume shows examples from around the world that not only
incorporate the defining characteristics of an employer but also apply the
latest findings of workplace research. The results are veritable office
landscapes, ranging from the creatively designed work space of a start-up
via a multi-functional subdivided office without fixed work stations, to
elaborately equipped and prestigious office spaces. All projects contribute to
understanding the future of office life.
Chris van Uffelen
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 456 p | € 80,80 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9783037682036 (E)
[G] Braun
Working in Style: Architecture, Interior,
This charming volume features a dozen interiors which bring together
vintage and modern styles, for the ultimate in French interiors. The homes
represent a diverse range of possibilities for interior style, from the clean
white lines and open floor plan of a barn converted into a modern loft to a
traditional family home filled with antique pieces and Provençal prints. Each
photograph features details that will inspire the home enthusiast.
Sebastien Siraudeau
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 150 x 210 mm | 208 p | € 32,50 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9782080202260 (E)
New Vintage French Interiors
[F] Flammarion (Eng)
The Fundamentals of Interior Architecture (second edition) offers an
introduction to the key elements involved in the creation of aesthetically
appealing and practically appropriate interior architecture. The new material
in this highly illustrated second edition includes interviews with leading
In addition, at the end of each chapter there are new projects to encourage
readers to explore further the creative possibilities of working as an interior
John Coles
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 200 mm |
184 p | € 43,50 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781472524652 (E)
[UK] Bloomsbury Academic
The Fundamentals of Interior
Second Edition
Artists Living with Art is full of fascinating and often surprising revelations
about the artworks a select group of the world's most influential
contemporary artists choose to collect and display in the intimacy of their
own homes. (Just as Andy Warhol famously collected cookie jars, so do
these 25 artists, all living in New York, collect art and in some cases,
mundane objects they cherish as art.) The works they display reflect
remarkably diverse, eclectic and often unexpected tastes.
Stacey Goergen and Amanda Benchley. Photography by Oberto Gili
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 241 mm | 272 p | € 57,50 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781419717826 (E)
Artists Living with Art
[US] Abrams
Perfectly named style maven and City Sage blogger Anne Sage knows a
wise truth: decorating our living spaces for our goals is the first step in
making them happen. In Sage Living, she opens the door to covetable
dwellings designed to boost the dreams of their occupants, from the sunny,
open-air kitchen of a holistic nutritionist to the eclectic living room of a world
traveller ready to put down roots. With page after page of stunning interiors,
engagingly written home stories, and hundreds of design tips.
Anne Sage, photographs by Emily Johnston
Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 208 p | € 28,95 | July 2015 |
ISBN: 9781452140063 (E)
[US] Chronicle Books
Sage Living
Decorate for the Life You Want
Expo: 11/09/2015 ‐ 1/11/2015, Botanique, Brussels
Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 320 x 240 mm 192 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 59,90 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565365 (E/ F)
Hardback with foam
For Xavier Lust, dedication to beauty is the answer to eternity and this
forever is actually built everyday through constant work, research and
curiosity. Always focused on innovation and research, specifically tension
and induced motion, he likes to experiment, explore and discover the
natural transformations of materials. On the strength of his experience with
metal, he challenges all kind of materials, challenging himself too in the
Xavier Lust
Design Stories
Expo: 4/10/2015 ‐ 10/1/2016, Grand Hornu CID
Tim Ingold, Laurence Mauderli, Peter Swinnen
Paperback | Eng./Fr. ed. 230 x 160 mm 210 p € 35,00 | Oct. 2015
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
ISBN: 9789492321046 (E/ F)
For a decade now, Anne Masson and Eric Chevalier have been joining
forces to work together in the field of textiles. They examine design by
adopting an experimental approach to the materials, and not a priori to the
results. Driven by spontaneity and the pleasure of making, they approach
textiles in different contexts, as a medium linked to cultural, collective, and
intimate concerns, and to questions of function and pleasure.
des choses à faire
Chevalier Masson
Patrick Favardin & Guy Bloch‐Champfort
Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 336 p | 380 col. & bw ill € 87,00 | Nov. 2015
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542776 (F)
Les années 60 et 70 sont indissociables dans l'histoire de la décoration et
du mobilier. Elles marquent un tournant radical dans un monde jusqu'alors
confiné à des expressions nationales et élitistes. Tout éclate au début des
années 60. La mode est à la fois d'inspiration anglosaxonne, scandinave,
italienne et française. Les genres se mélangent dans un désir effréné de
vivre en symbiose avec son temps.
Les Décorateurs des Années 60-70
Expo: 23/10/15 ‐ 13/03/2016, Designmuseum, Gent. Previously: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (13/6/2015 ‐ 13/9/2015)
Mienke Simon Thomas, Frank Huygens, Paul Rem, Werner Adriaenssens, Marc Dubois, Fredie Floré, Frederike Huygen, Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a.
Hardback | NL ed. 247 x 185 mm 240 p € 29,95 | June 2015
Deze rijk geïllustreerde publicatie laat aan de hand van talloze bijzondere
objecten zien waartoe de twee landen op het gebied van vormgeving in de
loop van tweehonderd jaar in staat zijn geweest. Variërend van meubelen,
keramiek, glas, textiel, grafisch ontwerp, mode tot huishoudelijke apparaten,
wordt geïllustreerd hoe wooncultuur, economie en politiek het karakter van
de vormgeving voortdurend laten evolueren.
[NL] Boijmans van Beuningen
ISBN: 9789069182858 (NL)
ISBN 9789069182865 (E)
Design Derby
Nederland-België (1815-2015)
Edited by Catherine Ince
Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 240 mm 320 p € 72,80 | Nov. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500518304 (E)
Charles (1907-1978) and Ray (1912-1988) Eames are among the most
important designers of the 20th century, and the story of the Eames Office
embodies the development of visual and material culture of the post-war,
modern period. The World of Charles and Ray Eames charts the history of
their inspiring and prolific world and brings together key works and ideas
explored at the Eames Office throughout its extraordinary history.
The World of Charles and Ray Eames
By Dorothea Gundtoft
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 230 x 177 mm 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 32,50 | Aug. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500518137 (E)
This stylish publication celebrates the impact Nordic design has had
internationally on interiors, furnishings and product design, and seeks out
those designers and makers who are currently making their mark on the
world stage. New Nordic Design builds on the success of the author's earlier
Fashion Scandinavia. On-trend, with a hip and contemporary layout, this
book will be essential reading for anyone interested in interiors, Nordic
design and contemporary culture.
New Nordic Design
12 unieke ontwerpen, 2 patroonvellen inbegrepen
Eva Goris. Fotografie: Diego Franssens
Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 50 col. & bw ill € 24,95 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565310 (NL)
In Urban Style linkt citychick Eva Goris, beter bekend onder haar populaire
online alter ego eva maria (byevamaria.blogspot.be) haar originele
tienerontwerpen telkens aan één van haar favoriete steden. Hippe steden,
van het zwoele Bangkok tot het trendy Stockholm, die haar op de één of
andere manier inspireerden, om uiteindelijk uit te groeien tot deze
avontuurlijke streetstyle collectie.
Urban Style
by Eva Maria
Expo : 12/09/2015 ‐ 13/03/2016, Modemuseum, Hasselt
Eve Demoen, Jo Turney, Emannuelle Dirix, Emanuelle Polle, Romy Cockx
Paperback with flaps | Eng./ NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 136 p | 70 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | sept. 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612533 (E/ NL)
ISBN 9789461612243 (E/F)
Jazz Age nodigt je uit binnen te treden in de magnifieke en tot de
verbeelding sprekende modewereld van de Roaring Twenties. Geen
chronologisch overzicht maar een kennismaking met verschillende thema's
die de boeiende geschiedenis en de context van de mode uit deze
ravissante periode schetsen. Daarnaast hebben boek en tentoonstelling ook
aandacht voor de manier waarop de twenties de hedendaagse mode
Jazz Age
De bruisende jaren 20 - The Roaring 20s
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 220 p | 200 col.ill. € 59,90 | Sept. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732738 (E/ F/ G)
Women love handbags because they are a perfect vehicle-not just for keys,
credit cards, and lipstick, but also their dreams and desires. Luxury labels
made the humble purse into a billion-dollar business in the 20th century.
Because it is constantly being reinvented, it wields a greater influence on
everyday fashion than any hemline or silhouette. from icons like the Kelly
Bag, the first 'must-have' item ever, to popular Paris fashion house labels
and the latest Instagram stars...
For the Love of Bags
Ines de la Fressange
Paperback | Eng. ed. 237 x 155 mm 176 p | 200 col.ill. € 32,50 | Oct. 2015
[F] Flammarion (Eng)
ISBN: 9782080202277 (E)
In this sequel to her New York Times best seller Parisian Chic, Ines de la
Fressange offers a complete guide to mastering the secrets of Parisian
style. ?Ines de la Fressange's personal style is chic yet relaxed in every
situation. While a navy-and-white striped nautical top with slim, cropped
jeans and flats is a classic French look, it's harder to pinpoint how Parisians
unfailingly blend elegance and allure with such ease.
The Secrets of Parisian Chic
Beauty and Fashion Tips
Expo: 11/2/2016‐ 23/5/2016, National Portrait Gallery, London
Robin Muir
Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 254 mm 304 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 64,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] National Portrait Gallery
In more than 2,000 issues, British Vogue magazine has acted as cultural
barometer, putting fashion in the context of the larger world in which we live
– how we dress, how we entertain, what we eat, listen to, watch, who leads
us, excites us and inspires us. Decade by decade, Vogue 100 celebrates
the greatest moments in fashion, beauty and portrait photography.
Illustrated throughout this book focuses on the faces that shaped the
cultural landscape: from Matisse to Bacon, Freud and Hirst, from Dietrich to
ISBN: 9781855145610 (E)
Vogue 100
A Century of Style
(vol. 3)
Scott Schuman
Paperback | Eng. ed. 187 x 129 mm 512 p € 31,50 | Aug. 2015
[UK] Penguin UK
ISBN: 9780141980171 (E)
Scott Schuman is back to complete his trilogy of street-style bibles. With a
vibrant collection of beautiful images of the men and women who have
caught his attention around the world, Schuman remains a thrilling source of
urban and high-end style. From its origins on the streets of New York, his
much-loved blog, thesartorialist.com is a vivid and growing hub of inspiration
for fashion lovers everywhere.
The Sartorialist
Giuseppe Santamaria
Hardback | Eng. ed. 194 x 130 mm 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 19,95 | Oct. 2015
[AUS] Hardie Grant
ISBN: 9781743790205 (E)
Photographer, art director and fashion enthusiast Giuseppe Santamaria
takes us to the streets of six incredible cities to showcase the unique and
stylish women that inhabit these towns. From classic elegance to
menswear-inspired casual, a woman s dress style speaks volumes about
her personality and the city she inhabits. Featuring interviews with the
everyday women whose distinctive styles cut a fine figure in the world of
women s fashion, this striking photographic collection will take you on a
global sart
Women in This Town
New York, Paris, Melbourne, Tokyo, Madrid and London
Laurence Benaim
Hardback | Eng. ed. 267 x 203 mm 152 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 39,95 | July 2015
[US] Rizzoli +
ISBN: 9780847846641 (E)
The first book to focus on Dior's iconic design known as the New Look,
which revolutionized the fashion industry. A must-have for followers and
students of fashion.
The New Look Revolution
Caroline Rennolds Milbank
Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 241 mm 320 p | 700 col. & bw ill € 85,50 | Oct. 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847846023 (E)
This immersive timeline is illustrated by photographs- over 700-that tell the
story of fashion through its changing and multitudinous silhouettes. As the
years advance, we watch crinolines inflate and deflate, the bustle
shape-shift, skirts narrow, and sleeves balloon. The twentieth century opens
with the S-bend corset, puffed at the waist, and as the decades progress,
conformity all but disappears as clothing becomes more casual. In the
twenty-first century, formalwear becomes more elaborate than ever.
A Timeline in Photographs: 1850 to Today
Aileen Ribeiro, Cally Blackman
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm |
288 p | € 40,50 | Oct. 2015 |
Packed with photographs that give additional information and insight into the
clothes worn by sitters in their portraits, and complements by related
material including tailor’s bills and fabric designs, this authoritative guide
looks in detail at one of the most fascinating aspects of the best-known
images of the last 500 years.
ISBN: 9781855145566 (E)
A Portrait of Fashion
[UK] National Portrait Gallery
Six Centuries of Dress at the National Portrait Gallery
An academically rigorous and beautiful new publication on a crucial chapter
in fashion history London Couture is the first book to examine, in detail, the
luxurious garments produced by the rarefied London couture industry - from
lavish ballgowns to sharply tailored suits and spectacular court dress - as
well as the designers who conceived them, their clients and the prestigious
publications that disseminated and promoted the 'London Look' to an
international audience.
London Couture
Edited by Edwina Ehrman and Amy de la Haye
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 287 x 247 mm | 344 p | € 75,95 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781851778508 (E)
[UK] V & A Museum
British Luxury 1923 - 1975
This lavishly illustrated book looks at the history of fashion from 1850 to
2010. Taking a decade-by-decade approach, Daniel James Cole and Nancy
Deihl explore the history of fashion as a lively and dynamic manifestation of
twentieth-century culture. Illustrated with photographs of costume from
museums and images from the fashion press including editorial
photography, illustrations, and advertising, the book will include insights into
icons of fashion and the clothes worn by "real people".
The History of Modern Fashion
The Details identifies the authentic classics amongst men's accessories and
explains how each item has developed. The book tells the stories of their
design; the brand, company, or iconic figure that started it all; and how each
item has shaped the way men dress today. The leather biker boot, as we
know it today, takes its stylistic cues from the toughened boots worn by the
loggers and railway engineers of the American industrial revolution.
The Details
Daniel James Cole
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 480 p | € 80,95 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781780676036 (E)
[UK] Laurence King
Josh Sims
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | Ϯϴϯ͘dž200 mm | 176 p | € 31,95 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781780676098 (E)
[UK] Laurence King
Iconic Men's Accessories
Art & Makeup is a stunning showcase of work created by award-winning
make-up artist, Lan Nguyen-Grealis. The looks created specially for the
book are inspired by the worlds of art, sculpture, cinema and performance
art - references include Picasso, Warhol, Marie Antoinette, Cleopatra, Mad
Men and The Great Gatsby. The book combines inspirational imagery with
step-by-step deconstruction of the techniques, and includes photography
from Rankin
Art & Makeup
Lan Nguyen‐Grealis. Foreword by Rankin
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 283 x 207 mm | 208 p | € 44,95 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781780674858 (E)
[UK] Laurence King
By Anthony Webb
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 210 x 148 mm 272 p | 290 col. & bw ill € 23,95 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500292136 (E)
Here is the ultimate in street style photography. Anthony Webb's
exhilarating portraits capture the highly individual and expressive characters
who bedazzle the East End of London, one of the most creative and
inspiring places in the world. Webb's full-colour shots - framed against raw,
vibrant backdrops - portray hundreds of self-fashioned individuals who have
demanded to be different.
East End Fashionistas
Shawn Dahl and Anya Sacharow. Photographs by Sioux Nesi
Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 160 mm 240 p | 175 col.ill. € 24,50 | Sept. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419717956 (E)
According to the New York Times: "Brooklyn, somehow, against all odds,
became an internationally recognized icon of cool." And so when eyes turn
to New York City for style innovation, the gaze lands on Brooklyn. It's the
place where creative energy continues to generate the most compelling
style stories.
Brooklyn Street Style
Daniele Tamagni, Els van der Plas and Okwui Enwezor
Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 165 mm 292 p € 33,50 | Oct. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419713903 (E)
In Fashion Tribes, Daniele Tamagni has tracked down and recorded some
of the most surprising and colorful international fashion subcultures.
Through documentary shots and staged portraiture, he's captured heavy
metal rockers in Botswana, hipsters in Johannesburg, dandies in the Congo,
female wrestlers in Bolivia, "bling bling" youth in Cuba, and Punks in Burma.
Often marginalised on the fringes of their own societies or just down on their
heels, these people fight back and express their creativity and joy.
Fashion Tribes
Global Street Style
By Anna Felicity Friedman
Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 220 mm 400 p | 750 col. & bw ill € 40,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517864 (E)
The World Atlas of Tattoo is a vibrant and well-informed showcase of the
top 100 tattoo artists at work in the world today, from Nazareno Tubaro in
Buenos Aires to Colin Dale in Copenhagen, and from Susanne 'Susa' König
in Amsterdam to Jill 'Horiyuki' Bonny in California and Steve Ma Ching in
New Zealand. Organized geographically, each section is introduced by a
concise overview of the types of tattooing traditionally practised in that
The World Atlas of Tattoo
By Claudia Walde
Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 260 mm 192 p | 286 col. & bw ill € 40,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500239308 (E)
In its early days, illegal graffiti and street art were of necessity modest in
scale, hastily created in hours or even minutes, and destroyed just as
quickly by authorities, vandals or the elements. Now, however, graffiti
writers and street artists are able to take their work to an entirely new level,
creating carefully planned, permanent works that cover entire buildings and
add a new visual dimension to the world's cities.
Mural XXL
What Graffiti and Street Art Did Next
By Christopher Herwig
Hardback | Eng. ed. 160 x 200 mm 192 p € 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9780993191107 (E)
From the shores of the Black Sea to the endless Kazakh steppe, the bus
stops of the former Soviet Union comprise a varied and exciting
architectural document of an era. Photographer Christopher Herwig has
covered more than 30,000km by car, bike, bus and taxi in thirteen former
Soviet countries discovering and documenting these unexpected treasures
of modern art. The book represents the most comprehensive and diverse
collection of Soviet bus stop design ever assembled.
Soviet Bus Stops
David McComb
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 250 x 195 mm 288 p | 200 col.ill. | 100 bw ill.
€ 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674766 (E)
FR ed: Pyramyd
Over the past century tattoo culture has emerged from the underground and
hit the mainstream. This book reveals the entire history. Combining a wealth
of visual material from across the many cultures and subcultures associated
with tattoos, including fashion, music and art, with examples of some of the
most exquisite tattoos ever inked, the book shows over 400 photographs,
many published for the first time. This visual history forms a unique
examination of the tattoo as a form of personal expression.
100 Years of Tattoos
Nicolas Brulez
Paperback | Eng. ed. 222 x 171 mm 256 p € 24,95 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Octopus
ISBN: 9781784720926 (E)
Once the mark of an underground subculture, tattoos have well and truly
stepped out of the shadows and into the streets. Join photographer Nicolas
Brulez as he searches Paris, Berlin and beyond for the most innovative and
stylish tattoos in the world. Showcasing over 300 photographs of diverse
people and their unique designs, from nautical themes to video game style
and everything in between, this is an inspirational anthology of modern
tattoo culture.
The Tattoorialist
Tattoo Street Style
Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 168 mm 400 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 25,95 | Dec. 2015
[US] Collins US
ISBN: 9780060722715 (E)
Now, for the first time in her Technicolor career, Dita ("Queen of the New
Burlesque") Von Teese divulges all the beauty secrets that have earned her
a frequent spot on international best-dressed lists and high-profile fashion
show rosters in this illustration and photography-filled opus. Her previous
books Burlesque and the Art of the Teese/Fetish and the Art of the Teese
(9780060591670) and Dita: Stripteese (9780061763113) were international
Dita Von Teese. Your Beauty Mark
The Ultimate Guide to Realizing Eccentric Glamour
René Staud
Hardback | Eng./ Germ./ Chinese ed. 370 x 290 mm 304 p | 200 col.ill. € 98,00 | Nov. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732936 (E/ G/ CH)
Nothing says summer like driving a convertible. The car without a roof has
always been a symbol for luxury and laissez-faire. And it still holds true
today: every-body who's anybody drives "topless." The larger four-seater
convertibles in particular have always been highly sought after-but they are
difficult to build andhave usually been made as coupés for this reason.
Mercedes-Benz has always been a pioneer in this area.
The Grand Cabrios and Coupés
Photographs by René Staud
Hardback | Eng/ Fr/ G/ Russ/ Chin. ed 320 x 250 mm 320 p | 225 col.ill. € ϰϵ,ϵ0 | Ocƚ͘2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832733278 (E/ F/ G/Zͬ,Ϳ
The introduction of the Porsche 901 in 1963 marked a milestone in
automotive history. Although the name later had to be changed because
Peugeot had patented having a 0 in the middle of car model numbers, the
911 didn't let anything stand in the way of its becoming an iconic sports car.
For the 50th birthday of the populous 911 family, the famous automotive
photographer René Staud, showcases the most important models-all in his
typically radiant and distinctive style.
The Porsche 911 Book
Compact edition
Edited by Glabert Brunner
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 258 p | 250 col.ill. € 69,90 | Sept. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832798581 (E/ F/ G)
Few objects combine function, elegance, and status as well as a wristwatch.
One's choice of chronograph reveals a great deal because it shows the
value we place on the most precious resource of all-time. A blend of precise
mechanics, craftsmanship, fine materials, and innovation distinguishes the
truly superlative examples. In The Watch Book, readers can feast their eyes
and minds on a magnificently-illustrated and well-documented chronicle of
the world's best timepieces.
The Watch Book
Natalie Schrauwen, Sarah Schrauwen.
Fotografie: Sarah Schrauwen
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 60 col.ill. € 19,95 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565303 (NL)
Van anti-katerthee, plasticine en snorrenwax tot wc-onstopper: KITCHEN
LAB loodst je langs meer dan 100 haalbare recepten om de producten die
je in en om je huis gebruikt in een handomdraai met ingrediënten uit tuin en
keukenkast zelf te maken. Met natuurlijke producten, zonder additieven en
met veel fun. Niets moeilijks aan. Je hebt echt alles in huis om het zelf te
Kitchen Lab
Handboek voor de thuisdrogist
Andy Standing
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 250 col.ill. € 19,95 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565181 (NL)
In Creatief met 1 Plank ging auteur en houtbewerkingsenthousiast Andy
Standing de uitdaging aan om uit één enkele plank telkens een ander leuk
en praktisch item voor in huis te maken. Een gereedschapskist, een
windhaan, een messenblok, laptophouder, een vouwstoel, schoenenrekje.
alle 20 projecten zijn haalbaar, zowel voor professionelen als
amateurhoutbewerkers, en bovendien gemakkelijk uitvoerbaar.
Creatief met 1 plank
Makkelijk en zelf hout bewerken
Vicky Bogaert
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 96 p | 60 col. & bw ill € 17,95 | July 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565297 (NL)
Dit boek helpt je om het beste uit je smartphone-camera te halen. Je leert
niet enkel de camera technisch beter kennen, maar je krijgt ook handige en
praktische tips over hoe je betere foto's maakt. Hoe je je eigen beeldstijl
ontwikkelt, door de compositie maar ook door de nabewerking. Welke zijn
de beste nabewerkingsapps? Welke filter gebruik je best voor welk soort
foto? Waar en hoe kan je je foto's online delen?
Kortom: hoe word je een betere fotograaf en hoe haal je het beste uit je
Iedereen smartphonefotograaf
Gids vol tips & tricks om alles uit je smartphonecamera te halen
By Edward Ross
Paperback | Eng. ed. 170 x 240 mm 192 p € 24,50 | Nov. 2015
[UK] SelfMadeHero
ISBN: 9781910593035 (E)
Edinburgh-based cartoonist Edward Ross uses comics to illuminate the
ideas behind our favourite films. In Filmish, Ross's cartoon alter-ego guides
readers through the annals of cinematic history, introducing us to some of
the strange and fascinating concepts at work in the movies. Each chapter
focuses on a particular theme - the body, architecture, language - and
explores an eclectic mix of cinematic triumphs, from A Trip to the Moon to
A Graphic Journey Through Film
Chip Kidd, by (photographer) Geoff Spear, contributions by Jeannie Schulz
Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 305 mm 304 p | 450 col. & bw ill € 38,50 | Oct. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419716393 (E)
Charles M. Schulz believed that the key to cartooning was to take out the
extraneous details and leave in only what s necessary. For 50 years, from
October 2, 1950, to February 13, 2000, Schulz wrote and illustrated
"Peanuts," the single most popular and influential comic strip in the world. In
all, 17,897 strips were published, making it arguably the longest story ever
told by one human being. "Only What s Necessary "also features exclusive,
rare, and unpublished original art and developmental work.
Only What's Necessary
Charles M. Schulz and the Art of Peanuts
Pierre Sterckx. Translated by Micahel Farr
Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 234 mm 240 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 59,80 | Sept. 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780789329479 (E)
Since he first appeared in Hergé's weekly cartoon strip in "Le Petit
Vingtième "in Paris in 1929, Tintin has become one of the most celebrated
characters in the comic world.
With rarely seen pencil sketches, character drawings, and watercolors
alongside original artwork from the finished stories, the book illuminates
Tintin's progress from whimsical caricature to profound icon and reveals
Hergé's parallel development from cartoonist to artist.
Hergé's Masterpiece
Bob Gordon
Paperback | Eng. ed. 200 x 150 mm 512 p € 23,95 | Oct. 2015
[UK] Ivy Press
ISBN: 9781782402879 (E)
1000 Fonts is the fast and easy way to find the right font, whatever its
purpose. Each typeface is displayed in its entirety with an introduction and
suggestions for use, and there are hundreds of real-world examples of the
fonts in action. Supplemented by an extensive resource section, this
accessible reference offers a myriad options to anyone seeking to make
their words stand out. Invaluable for everyone who wants to look beyond
Times New Roman and Arial.
1000 Fonts
From Albertus to Zupra Sans
Caroline Roberts
Paperback | Eng. ed. 290 x 200 mm 312 p | 340 col.ill. € 40,50 | Aug. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674841 (E)
Featuring 75 of the world's most influential designers, this book presents the
story of graphic design through the fascinating personal stories and
significant works that have shaped the field.
Arranged in chronological order, the book shows the development of design,
from early innovators such as Edward McKnight Kauffer and Alexey
Brodovitch to key figures of mid-century Swiss Design and corporate
American branding. The book profiles masters of typography.
Graphic Design Visionaries
100 full‐colour postcards, lifting ribbon
illustrated by Jessica Hische
Boxed | Eng. ed. 158 x 109 mm 12 p | 100 col.ill. € 22,04 | Aug. 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts
ISBN: 9781452136233 (E)
An A to Z of good design, this alphabetically oriented set of 100 postcards
features the best hand-drawn letters from Daily Drop Cap, Jessica Hische's
popular typography website. Bright colors and highly illustrative letters make
a uniquely personal impression in the mail or on display as miniature
monograms. 50 designs repeating twice.
Drop Caps
100 Postcards
The beloved typewriter - its utilitarian beauty, the pleasing percussive action
of striking its keys, the singularity of the impressed page - is enjoying a
renaissance across the creative industries. In this authoritative publication,
the Sackners apply their experience and expertise to mine the collection
they have created over four decades to present over 550 examples
produced by more than sixty of the world's finest contributors to the genre.
The Art of Typewriting
How Posters Work is more than a standard exhibition catalogue. Conceived
as a useful and illuminating primer in visual thinking, it explores principles of
design through a range of historical and contemporary works, uncovering
ideas relevant not just to the design of posters but to 2D design more
generally. How Posters Work has a unique focus on visual language. Rather
than provide a history of the genre or a compilation of collectibles, the book
is organized around active design principles.
By Marvin and Ruth Sackner
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 315 x 250 mm | 352 p | € 64,50 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780500241493 (E)
[UK] T & H
DAP/Cooper Hewitt
By Ellen Lupton
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 318 x 229 mm | 224 p | € 32,50 | Aug. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780910503822 (E)
How Posters Work
[UK] T & H, Distributed
This little book contains a beautiful and varied collection of typographic
ornaments sourced from specimen books of type foundries, dating from
1700. David Jury explains how the need for typographic ornaments arose
and developed, and sets them in their historical context. The Little Book of
Typographic Ornament will be an invaluable reference for graphic
designers, as well as providing a source of copyright-free images.
David Jury
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 240 p | € 23,95 | Aug. 2015 |
The Little Book of Typographic
Design: The Definitive Visual History is a gorgeous visual celebration of
design across the decades. Find out all about the major design movements
of the last 150 years from Arts and Crafts to Bauhaus and browse through
the beautiful image catalogues of everything from glassware to posters and
typography to chairs.
ISBN: 9781780675893 (E)
[UK] Laurence King
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 301 x 252 mm | 400 p | € 39,95 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9780241185650 (E)
[UK] D. K.
The Definitive Visual History
Frances Lincoln
The Art Nouveau Poster is the most comprehensive survey to date of this
vivid and much loved subject, featuring over 400 illustrations from all of the
major European centres, Britain and the United States, with an informative
and accessible text. A final chapter looks at the revival of interest in the
1960s following major retrospective exhibitions of Alphonse Mucha and
Aubrey Beardsley, and features work from the psychedelic era.
ISBN: 9780711237186 (E)
The Art Nouveau Poster
[UK] Quarto
Alain Weill
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 260 mm | 304 p | € 51,50 | Oct. 2015 |
This 672-page book covers virtually every aspect of Girard's distinctive
career. As one of the most prolific and versatile mid-20th century designers,
Girard's work spanned many disciplines, including textile design, graphic
design, typography, illustration, furniture design, interior design, product
design, exhibit design, and architecture. Exhaustively researched and
lovingly assembled by designer Todd Oldham, this tome is the definitive
must-have book on Girard's oeuvre.
by Todd Oldham & Kiera Coffee
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 216 x 292 mm | 672 p | € 59,95 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781623260729 (E)
[US] Ammo
Alexander Girard
(popular edition)
Celebrated designer Todd Oldham opens another treasure trove of unseen
and unpublished illustrations in the new AMMO Books release, CHARLEY
HARPER'S ANIMAL KINGDOM. Todd has done it again by going deeper
into Charley Harper's extensive archive to create the ultimate companion to
AN ILLUSTRATED LIFE, and presents the absolute best of Charley's
previously hidden illustrations.
Charley Harper's Animal Kingdom
by Todd Oldham
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 190 x 305 mm | 288 p | € 45,00 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781623260699 (E)
[US] Ammo
(popular edition)
For more than four decades, Fili has strolled picturesque Parisian rues and
boulevards with map and camera, cataloging the work of generations of sign
craftsmen. Graphique de la Rue is Fili's photographic diary of hundreds of
Paris's most inventive restaurant, shop, hotel, street, and advertising signs.
Graphique de la Rue
The Signs of Paris
By Louise Fili
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 165 mm | 264 p | € 38,95 | Sept. 2015 |
ISBN: 9781616893132 (E)
[US] Princeton
Expo: until 3/1/2016, Max
Ernst Museum, Brühl.
Travelling to other venues
Achim Sommer
Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 230 x 230 mm 112 p | 90 col.ill. € 24,80 | Aug. 2015
[G] Hatje Cantz
ISBN: 9783775740296
His films are cult: whether Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands,
The Nightmare before Christmas, or Alice in Wonderland. Less
well known, but no less relevant, is the artistic work that Tim
Burton (*1958 in Burbank, California) creates outside of
Hollywood. His drawings and paintings, his poems and short
stories delight his fans just as much as his adventures on the
silver screen. The catalogue affords fascinating insight into the
bizarre, magical imagination of this exceptional multimedia artist.
The World of Tim Burton
On the occ. of release of the new movie by Anton Corbijn (Oct. 2015)
Dennis Stock
Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 230 mm 144 p € 40,50 | Nov. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500544518
In the words of the Life magazine article that accompanied the
first publication of these photographs, James Dean was 'the most
exciting actor to hit Hollywood since Marlon Brando'. Dennis
Stock and James Dean struck up a friendship in 1954–55, and
the idea of a collaboration formed. It was Stock's ambition to
'reveal the environments that affected and shaped the unique
character of James Byron Dean.' And indeed, Stock captures the
essence of James Dean
in a stunning series of images of the actor.
Dennis Stock | James Dean
Expo: 2/7/2015 - 18/10/2015,
National Portrait Gallery,
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 192 p | 145 col. & bw ill € 47,95 | Jul y 2015
[UK] National Portrait Gallery
ISBN: 9781855144972
A rich collection of iconic and rare portraits of one of the world's
most photographed women, international film legend Audrey
Hepburn. During her lifetime, Belgian-born British actress Audrey
Hepburn (1929-1993) was recognized around the world. Here,
Hepburn's career is charted from her early years in London as a
student of ballet and a performer on the West End stage to her
Hollywood heyday to her final years as a special ambassador for
Audrey Hepburn:
Portraits of an Icon
General editor Paul Condon
Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 161 mm 960 p € 32,50 | Oct. 2015
[UK] Cassell
ISBN: 9781844038336
This is the ultimate book for the Netflix and boxset generation,
featuring all the greatest drama series ever broadcast as well as
the weirdest game shows, controversial reality TV experiments
and breathtaking nature documentaries.
It is a must for anyone who wants to know why India's Ramayan
is legendary, why Roots was groundbreaking, or what the ending
of Lost was all about. Reviews TV series from more than 20
countries, highlights classic episodes to watch, provides cast
summaries and production details
1001 TV Series
you mus watch before you die
Steven Jay Schneider
Paperback | Eng. ed. 150 x 116 mm 416 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 14,80 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Quarto
ISBN: 9781845436063
Updated for 2015, this book is a treasure trove of the most
obscure, eccentric, controversial, and downright weird movies
ever made. Steven Jay Schneider has gathered together cult
movie specialists from all over the world to select the very best
cult movies ever made. Every movie in the book is a gem that
every discerning film buff should know about. Although a few
might be familiar— Barbarella, Un Chien Andalou, The Blues
Brothers—most will be unfamiliar, and all will boast a small but
devoted fanb
101 Cult Movies
You Must See Before You Die
Keepsake box with drawer
Lucas Film Ltd. Tm
Boxed | Eng. ed. 254 x 108 mm 100 p € 27,95 | Oct. 2015
[US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
ISBN: 9781419718113
Distilled from the frames hand-selected by George Lucas, these
postcards feature 100 iconic isolated stills from the six Star Wars
films. The individual cards are frame-able and mail-able works of
photography and design and a testament to the hard work,
craftsmanship and dedication evident in every frame of every
film. They are packaged in a deluxe keepsake box (a smaller
interpretation of the slipcase designed for the Frames books).
Star Wars Frames: 100 Postcards
Cinema neorealista
Martin Scorsese
Woody Allen
The splendour of truth in postwar Italy
Martin Scorsese est l'un des metteurs en
scène majeurs de la seconde moitié du
XXème siècle. L'exposition présentée à la
Cinémathèque française et son catalogue,
rendent hommage à la totalité de son
oeuvre et montrent à quel point son
approche artistique a compté pour le
cinéma américain, au point de l'influencer
durablement jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Les actions
de ses films se passent très souvent à New
York, en particulier au coeur de Little Italy, où
Scorsese a grandi.
A Retrospective
edited by Alberto Barbera
70 years after Rossellini's Rome, Open City
made its dazzling appearance, Neorealism
continues to be the best-known and most
beloved season in Italian film. Through
frames, documents, publicity material, texts,
original screenplays, extracts from interviews
and letters, this book traces the fundamental
stages of Neorealism and puts the spotlight
back on that unrepeatable moment which still
today fascinates and moves us, capturing the
reflection of what we were and the presage of
what we were to become.
Museo del Cinema, Torino
[IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | 280 x 230 mm | 192 p | 200 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9788836631308 (E/ IT) | € 34,00 [BE] | Aug. 2015
Expo: 07/10/2015 ‐ 24/06/2016, La Cinémathèque française, Paris
[IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | 280 x 230 mm | 192 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9788836630172 (E) | € 35,00 [BE] | July 2015
By Tom Shone
Woody Allen is a uniquely innovative
performer, writer and director with nearly 50
movies to his credit, from cult slapstick films
and romantic comedies to introspective
character studies and crime thrillers. In this
timely retrospective, Tom Shone reviews
Woody Allen's entire career. Superbly
illustrated with more than 250 key images, this
is a fitting tribute to one of the masters of
modern cinema, published to mark his 80th
[UK] T & H | Hardback | 290 x 250 mm | 288 p | ISBN: 9780500517987 (E) | € 48,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
1001 Movies
The Art of Disney
You Must See Before You Die
The Renaissance and Beyond
General Editor: Steven Jay Schneider
Expert critics in each genre of film, from
romance to horror and sci-fi, have once again
painstakingly revised this list of essential must
see-movies, cut and added films to bring the
must-watch list bang up to date for 2016, from
great classics like The Birth of a Nation and
Gone With the Wind to recent Oscar
nominees like Interstellar, Birdman, Boyhood
and the blockbusters that are Guardians of the
Galaxy and The Grand Budapest Hotel.
This box of 100 postcards representing
Disney's modern classics collects concept
art-many pieces never before published-and
final frames from ten iconic films made since
Disney's renaissance in the 1990s, spanning
from The Little Mermaid in 1989 to Big Hero 6
in 2014.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Boxed | 165 x 109 mm | 100 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452122304 (E) | € 22,04 [BE] | Aug. 2015
[UK] Cassell | Paperback | 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781844038794 (E) | € 32,95 [BE] | Oct. 2015
Charles Pignone. Voorwoord Tony Benett & Steve Wynn / Nawoord Nancy Sinatra, Frank Sinatra Jr., Tina Sinatra
Hardback | French ed. 345 x 275 mm 288 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 49,95 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300897
Le 12 décembre 2015, nous fêterons le 100e anniversaire de la
naissance de Frank Sinatra. Cet ouvrage est la seule publication
officielle - réalisée avec le concours de la famille Sinatra - qui
sera produite au cours de cette année anniversaire. Frank
Sinatra était un « entertainer » absolument fascinant par son
talent, son charisme et son élégance, c'est un artiste qui a connu
un succès commercial phénoménal, un acteur oscarisé qui a
tenu la vedette dans plus de 60 films et une icône culturelle.
Frank Sinatra 100
Le livre officiel du Centenaire
Gillian G. Gaar
Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 283 x 245 mm 64 p | 130 col. & bw ill € 48,50 | Oct. 2015
[UK] Carlton
ISBN: 9781780972848
The Red Hot Chili Peppers tells the incredible story of this epic
band's rise to international fame, with words from acclaimed
music pundit Gillian G.Gaar and a scorching collection of photos
and rare facsimile memorabilia. No die-hard Chilis fan will want
to miss this red-hot volume. Exploding out of the 1980s with an
intoxicating cocktail of funk, punk and hard rock, The Red Hot
Chili Peppers have never turned down the heat and even a
recent two-year hiatus did not diminish their popularity.
Red Hot Chili Pepers
Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 32,50 | Oct. 2015
[UK] Cassell
ISBN: 9781844038800
From Tin Pan Alley to the Brill Building, Bob Dylan to Kurt
Cobain, and Joni Mitchell to Amy Winehouse, gifted songwriters
have crafted a cherished body of music that has become part of
our lives. Updated for 2016, this edition also includes new entries
for songs such as Bowie's 'Where Are We Now?', Pharrell's
'Happy', The War on Drugs' 'Eyes to the Wind' and Taylor Swift's
'Shake It Off', amongst other additions.
1001 Songs
(updated edition)
Shea Serrano
Paperback | Eng. ed. 229 x 191 mm 224 p | 100 col.ill. € 18,50 | Oct. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419718182
The Rap Year Book takes readers on a journey that begins in
1979, widely regarded as the moment rap as a genre became
recognised as part of music's landscape and comes right up to
the present. Shea Serrano deftly pays homage to the most
important song of each year. Serrano also examines the most
important moments that surround the history and culture of rap
music-from artists' backgrounds, to issues of race and safety, to
the rise of hip-hop and the struggles among its major players.
The Rap Year Book
The Most Important Rap Song From Every Year Since
1979, Discussed, Debated, and Deconstructed
Andrew Howick, foreword by Barbara Sinatra
Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 241 mm 224 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 45,95 | Oct. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419717925
Few male stars in any medium have had an impact on our visual
culture like Frank Sinatra, whose centennial falls on December
12, 2015. Of his generation, only John F. Kennedy comes to
mind. Like many of the greatest singers, he possessed an aura
of sexuality, vulnerability, intensity and charm, and all of these
qualities came through in photographs. Beyond that, he had a
style of manhood that defined an ideal in the first two decades
after World War II: cocky, violent, soulful, urbane and irresistible.
The Photographs
Hardback | Eng. ed. 242 x 182 mm 256 p | 400 col.ill. € 32,50 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Cassell
ISBN: 9781844037933 (E)
Why was Thomas Hardy's first novel never published? What happened to
the manuscript of the long-promised magnum opus that Truman Capote
never delivered? These and many other intriguing mysteries are uncovered
in this comprehensive guide to literature's lost and unfinished masterpieces.
Each book, from Karl Marx's comic novel Scorpion and Felix to Stephenie
Meyer's Twilight spin-off Midnight Sun, is examined in-depth, with selected
entries featuring manuscript extracts.
The Greatest Books You’ll Never Read
Unpublished masterpieces by the world’s greatest writers
Bernard Richards
Hardback edition: ISBN 9781594747588
Ransom Riggs
Paperback | Eng. ed. 208 x 132 mm 400 p € 12,95 | Sept. 2015
[US] Quirk
ISBN: 9781594748400 (E)
ISBN 9781594747588 (Hb)
Time is running out for the Peculiar Children. With a dangerous madman on
the loose and their beloved Miss Peregrine still in danger, Jacob Portman
and Emma Bloom are forced to stage the most daring of rescue missions.
They'll travel through a war-torn landscape, meet new allies, and face
greater dangers than ever. . . . Will Jacob come into his own as the hero his
fellow Peculiars know him to be? This action-packed adventure features
more than 50 all-new Peculiar photographs.
Library of Souls
Ransom Riggs
Ransom Riggs
Boxed | Eng. ed. 208 x 132 mm € 37,50 | Oct. 2015
[US] Quirk
ISBN: 9781594748905 (E)
Three-book boxed set of the complete Miss Peregrine trilogy.
Together for the first time, here is the #1 New York Times best seller Miss
Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and its two sequels, Hollow City and
the (newly released) Library of Souls. All three hardcovers are packaged in
a beautifully designed slipcase. Also included: a special collector's envelope
of twelve peculiar photographs, highlighting the most memorable moments
of this extraordinary three-volume fantasy.
Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children
Boxed Set
200 jaar Willem van Oranje, i.s.m. Zwarte doos (stadsarchief Gent)
Marie‐Christine Laleman. Fotografie: Philippe Debeerst
Paperback | NL ed. 225 x 290 mm 256 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | Sept. 2015
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
ISBN: 9789461612649 (NL)
Een zomerse wandeling langs de mooiste plekken van Gent, maar dan 200
jaar geleden. Dat is wat je beleeft bij het doorbladeren van de aquarellen
van Jean-Baptiste Joseph Wynantz. Omstreeks 1820 schilderde deze
kunstenaar-soldaat 74 unieke gezichten van Gent, waarvan vele in
meerdere versies. Zijn kleurrijke, wat naïeve tekeningen portretteren een
vredige, harmonieuze en schijnbaar ongerepte stad. Maar hoe realistisch is
Wynantz' beeld van het 'Hollandse' Gent? En hoe is het stadsbeeld
sindsdien veranderd?
Wynantz en Gent omstreeks 1820
Als de Gentse streektaal niet, zoals de meeste Vlaamse dialecten in
neerwaartse spiraal zit, is dat voor een groot deel te danken aan de actieve
bijdrage van de volksmuziek. Elk jaar ontstaan er nog tientallen nieuwe
liedjes. Freek Neirynck schreef er zelf méér dan honderd… en nu ook dit
na-slagwerk, zowel over zijn illustere voorgangers als zijn nog steeds
creatieve collega's. Van straatlied tot rap.
In de Gensche Voolksmeziek
Romain Deconinck (1915-1994) was lange tijd hét icoon van het Gentse
volkstheater. Vertrekkend van een aantal mondelinge getuigenissen van
medewerkers van Deconinck, schetst dit boek in eerste instantie een
boeiend portret van deze auteur, acteur en theatermaker die vele mensen
decennialang begeesterde. Vanuit deze biografie wordt een analyse
gemaakt van de plaats die Deconinck had in het theaterveld van die tijd en
zijn invloed hierop en op de evolutie van het Gentse dialekt
Na‐slagwerk van Perfesser Gensch Freek Neirynck
Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 256 p | € 19,95 | Oct. 2015 |
ISBN: 9789461612663 (NL)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Björn Rzoska, Johan Taeldeman, Roel vande Winkel, Jaak van Schoor
Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 160 p | € 28,00 | Nov. 2015 ‐R/P | SNOECK
ISBN: 9789461612632 (NL)
Incl cd met klankfragmenten
Romain Deconinck
[BE] Snoeck Publishers
Boekvoorstelling op het Modeste Bier Festival bij Brouwerij De Koninck op 3 en 4 Oktober 2015
Guy Verdonck, Ivan Derycke, Paul Daeleman en Johan Vandijck
Hardback | NL ed. 297 x 245 mm 200 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,95 | Oct. 2015
[BE] Pandora
ISBN: 9789053253953 (NL)
Dat Antwerpen een bierstad is, heeft nu meer te maken met de biercultuur
die er heerst, dan met het grote aantal brouwerijen. Ooit was dat anders.
Tot een heel stuk in de vorige eeuw waren er in Antwerpen stad alleen al
gemiddeld een twintigtal brouwerijen actief. En rond Antwerpen, in de
huidige districten en randgemeenten, werden iconische bieren gebrouwen
zoals Bootje, Duke, Hobsor, Tipsor, Catch of Cheerio. Een verhaal brengt
van meer dan honderd brouwerijen uit de voorbije twee eeuwen.
Antwerpse brouwerijen, vroeger en nu
Sabine Tauber
Paperback | Eng. ed. 270 x 220 mm 16 p € 10,95 | Sept. 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791372419
Certain to provide hours of entertainment whilst also learning
about art, this sticker book features the work of Renaissance
master Hieronymus Bosch and his delightful world of real and
fantastical animals, plants and fruits.
Hieronymus Bosch
Sticker Book
By Lani Yamamoto
Hardback | Eng. ed. 205 x 170 mm 44 p | throughout col.ill. € 18,95 | Sept. 2015
[UK] V & A Museum
ISBN: 9781851778584
Stina does not like the cold. In fact, she will go to any length to
avoid it. Even in summer she will never go out without tights and
socks that cover her knees. When winter comes she retreats
inside, and invents ingenious devices to protect her from the
slightest chill. The temperature drops further and Stina finally
succumbs to the lure of her feather duvet and falls into a deep
and dreamless sleep from which she is woken by a pounding at
her door.
Written by Gloria Fowler, illustrated by Ellen Surrey
Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 241 mm 112 p € 24,95 | Dec. 2015
[US] Ammo
ISBN: 9781623260828
Wit, wisdom, and willfulness abound on page after page of this
vibrant anthology from Gloria Fowler and up-and-coming
illustrator Ellen Surrey. Featuring an unparalleled collection of
real-life heroines of the art, design, and fashion industries,
Mid-Century Modern Women in the Visual Arts is a
celebration of some of the most creative and successful females
of that era and their societal contributions.
Mid-Century Modern Women
Young Charlotte
Miffy the Artist
Where's The Artist?
Lift-the-Flap Book
By Frank Viva. Edited by Chul R. Kim
Dick Bruna
Young Charlotte is a filmmaker who loves
everything thats black and white, including
spiders, penguins and the old movies that she
sees with her dad at the Golden Theatre
(where the floors are sticky). With her camera
at the ready wherever she goes, she finds
inspiration for movies everywhere she looks.
But when her colourful parents and colourful
classmates just dont get her, shes ready to
give up until a lucky encounter with a film
curator at The Museum of Modern Art in New
York changes her perspective.
Ever since Dick Bruna first created Miffy in
1955, she has endeared herself to
generations of young children and has
become one of the best-loved children's
characters of all time. In this charming new
addition to the Miffy story, Miffy takes
inspiration from a visit to an art gallery and
decides to become an artist herself. Looking
at the colour and shapes of the world around
her she discovers what fun it can be to make
pictures of the things she sees.
From Cave to Paintings to Modern Art:
A Look and Find Book
[UK] Tate | Hardback | 240 x 255 mm | 12 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849763950 (E) | € 14,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | 330 x 230 mm | 40 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9780870709500 (E) | € 21,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
The Wing on a Flea
A Book about Shapes
Ed Emberley
THE WING ON A FLEA is the very first book
Ed Emberley wrote and illustrated, published
in 1962. This lovely book of line drawings
about basic shapes and what they could
become foreshadowed his later, well-known
how-to-draw series of books. Upon its release,
THE WING ON A FLEA was named one of
the New York Times ten best illustrated books
of the year, and was an ALA Notable Book.
AMMO is delighted to reissue this classic
Emberley title to a new generation of kids
[US] Ammo | Hb with slip case | 254 x 185 mm | 48 p | ISBN: 9781623260583 (E) | Big Bear Little Chair
Lizi Boyd
In this artful and deceptively simple book,
master book creator Lizi Boyd is at it again.
Using her inimitable style to expand upon a
familiar concept, she has created a
compendium of unexpected opposites that is
also a charming and emotionally warm story
about Big Bear, little bear, and the stories that
bring them together. Plus, this is a
fixed-format version of the book, which looks
nearly identical to the print version.
[US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | 305 x 152 mm | 36 p | ISBN: 9781452144474 (E) | € 16,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Picture Book.Ages 3 to 5
€ 17,95 [BE] | July 2015
Previously announced
Susanne Rebscher, illustrations Annabelle Von
This delightful and engaging introduction to
the history of art for children comes in a
beautiful oversized format and features
intricate illustrations with hidden details.
[UK] Prestel | Hardback | 395 x 285 mm | 32 p | ISBN: 9783791372334 (E) | € 23,50 [BE] | Oct. 2015
Mieke Gerritzen
Boxed | Eng. ed. 145 x 75 mm 50 p | throughout col.ill. € 15,00 | Aug. 2015
[NL] BIS Publishers
ISBN: 9789063693862
Old Masters Memory Game collects the most famous and
beloved portrait painters from the 16th and 17th centuries in one
game that is fun to play, educational, and a feast for the eyes.
The task, as always, is to collect two cards that make one set: in
this case, two portrait paintings by the same painter. The sets
are clearly recognizable by the posture of the figure, facial
expression, the style of painting, and attributes like clothes and
Old Masters
Memory Game
Jason Ford
Paperback | Eng. ed. 150 x 210 mm 60 p | 200 col.ill. € 20,95 | Aug. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780676128
Draw, colour and sticker your very own superhero comic books!
Make your superheroes or even yourself the stars of each super
adventure! The book contains 10 exciting 8-page comics to draw,
colour and complete. Each adventure has super story prompts to
start you off and the rest is up to you! You can even pull them
out, put them together and give them to your friends to read. Also
includes sections on how to create and draw your superheroes
and supervillains, and over 100 fantastic stickers.
The Superhero Comic Kit
Previously announced
Boxed | Eng. ed. 120 x 273 mm p € 19,50 | Aug. 2015
[US] Ammo ‐ Gifts
ISBN: 9781623260569
These three new products celebrate the wonderful, whimsical,
and humorous world of Ed Emberley. Released together with
AMMO's new ED EMBERLEY monograph by Todd Oldham and
Caleb Neelon, The Memory Game, The Domineos/Matching
Game, and the Alphabet Blocks all highlight illustrations from
Emberley's wide repertoire of books. These are a great
companion to Emberley's classic how-todraw books and
AMMO's rereleased selection of vintage Emberley storybooks.
Ed Emberley
Dominoes + Matching Game
by Gloria Fowler (Author), Min Heo (Illustrator)
Boxed | Eng. ed. 195 x 195 mm p € 17,50 | Sept. 2015
[US] Ammo
ISBN: 9781623260491
ISBN 9781623260439 (London)
Featuring hand-drawn, colorful, and graphic illustrations by Min
Heo (the same talented artist who brought the images of Paris to
life) all three titles provide riches of visual enchantment. Children
(and adults!) will enjoy coloring Central Park, finding a matching
pair of Empire State Building illustrations, and reading about
Lady Liberty. Introduce pre-schoolers and early readers to iconic
landmarks, including the towering Brooklyn Bridge and the
beloved Natural History Museum, ...
New York Memory Game
Illustrated by Steve McDonald
Paperback | Eng. ed. 292 x 298 mm 48 p | 58 bw ill. € 16,16 | Aug. 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts
ISBN: 9781452149578
This unique colouring book features immersive aerial views of
real cities from around the world alongside gorgeously illustrated,
Inception-like architectural mandalas. Artist Steve McDonald's
beautifully rendered and detailed line work offers bird's-eye
perspectives of visually arresting global locales from New York,
London, and Paris to Istanbul, Tokyo, and Guadalajara, Rio,
Amsterdam, and many more. The book's distinctive large square
format offers absorbingly complex vistas.
Fantastic Cities
A Coloring Book of Amazing Places Real and Imagined
Boxed | 36 cards
€ 19,95 | Oct. 2015
[US] Gibbs Smith
ISBN: 9781423641148
A delightful game for all ages featuring the colorful artwork and
characters from BabyLit's versions of classic literature. For
younger children, you can play with nine pairs or less. For a
more challenging game for children or adults, play with all 36
pairs. Either way, you're sure to have fun pairing up the brilliant
art of Alison Oliver. For added fun, you can even share your
favorite verses from the classic works.
BabyLit Memory and Matching
Game - Boxed set
Art Deco
Giant Artists' Colouring Books
Giant Artists' Colouring Books
[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | 420 x 300 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9789460098505 (E) | € 19,95 [BE] | Oct. 2015
[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | 420 x 300 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9789460098529 (E) | € 19,95 [BE] | Oct. 2015
180gsm art paper
180gsm art paper
Artforms in Nature (Ernst
Giant Artists' Colouring Books
[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | 420 x 300 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9789460098512 (E) | € 19,95 [BE] | Oct. 2015
180gsm art paper
Dutch Tiles
Art Nouveau Tiles
Artists' Colouring Books - Tile Designs
Artists' Colouring Books - Tile Designs
Artists' Colouring Books - Tile Designs
Pepin Van Rooje
Pepin Van Rooje
Pepin Van Rooje
[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | 150 x 150 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789460096518 (E) ISBN 9789460096549 (BOX 10c) | € 12,50 [BE] | Oct. 2015
[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | 150 x 150 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789460096525 (E) ISBN 9789460096556 (BOX 10c) | € 12,50 [BE] | Oct. 2015
[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | 150 x 150 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789460096501 (E) ISBN 9789460096532 (BOX 10c) | € 12,50 [BE] | Oct. 2015
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper,
printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that,
depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring.
The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications,
including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid
inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.
Barcelona Tiles
Arabian Designs
Op Art
Postcard Colouring Books
Postcard Colouring Books
Pepin van Roojen
Pepin van Roojen
[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Postcardbooks | Paperback | 150 x 105 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789460096259 (E/ F/ NL/ G) | € 9,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Postcardbooks | Paperback | 150 x 105 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789460096228 (E/ F/ NL/ G) | € 9,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Artists' Colouring Books
Chinese Designs
Postcard Colouring Books
Postcard Colouring Books
Pepin van Roojen
Pepin van Roojen
[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Postcardbooks | Paperback | 150 x 105 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789460096235 (E/ F/ NL/ G) | € 9,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Postcardbooks | Paperback | 150 x 105 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789460096242 (E/ F/ NL/ G) | € 9,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16
sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper,
printed with exceptional designs in very light
lines. The printing is done in such a way that,
depending on the techniques used, the
original outline will be hardly visible after
colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is
suitable for a wide range of colouring
applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel,
felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours
and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed
and displayed without risk.
[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | ISBN: 9789460098154 (E) | € 12,95 [BE] | July 2015
Stapled | Eng. ed. 380 x 297 mm 12 p € 16,50 | July 2015
[UK] V&A Museum ‐ Gifts
ISBN: 9781851778607
The V&A has one of the most wide-ranging and comprehensive
public collections of Arts and Crafts in the world, of which
highlights can be seen in the British Galleries. This wall calendar
brings together some of the V&A s finest examples of wallpapers
and textiles by artists including William Morris, C.F.A Voysey and
Lewis F. Day.
Arts and Crafts
2016 Wall Calendar
Paper Zoo
Vintage Paper Toys
Lingo Bingo: The Office
Create Collage Animals
64 French Models to make at home
Stephen Ellcock
By Oscar Sabini
By Franck Friès
This ingenious and charming activity book
makes it possible for anybody, ages three and
up, to create colorful animal collages.
In recent years, papercraft has been making a
comeback, and is flourishing on sites all over
the internet. Both children and adults have fun
making these little paper toys; creating a
smiling robot, comic hero, or an animal. Some
collect them, others use them to decorate their
office, or to give to friends and colleagues.
Paper toys appeal to a wide audience due to
their simplicity, beauty and originality, thus
ensuring their spectacular success worldwide.
[UK] T & H | Hardback | 240 x 320 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9780500650509 (E) | € 24,50 [BE] | Aug. 2015
Scriptum Editions
[UK] T & H, Distributed | Paperback with flaps | 297 x 200 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9781902686837 (E) | € 21,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Vintage Sparkle
1,000 pieces
15 Festive Ornaments to Fold, Fill, and
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts | Boxed | SBN: 9781423640950 (‐) | € 22,51 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts | Boxed | 215 x 215 mm | 368 p | ISBN: 9781856699693 (E) | € 27,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Optical Illusions Game
LoveLit Puzzle - I Heart Books
1000 piece jigsaw puzzle in the design of the I
Love Books badges.
Bored of business jargon? Tired of hearing the
same expressions at meetings and in emails?
This game brings a fresh perspective to the
world of office speak. From more recent
sign-of-the-times expressions such as 'al
desco' and influencer to old favourites like
'blue-sky thinking' (via linguistic gems
including 'entremanure'!), this 'repurposing' of
the classic game of bingo will provide endless
fun for anyone who's ever worked in an office.
Princeton Architectural Press Stuff
Decorate mantel, tree, tabletop, or even
chandelier with these fifteen shimmering
ornaments. Vintage Sparkle updates the
handcrafted aesthetic of traditional paper
holiday ornaments with bold colors, geometric
patterns, and a flash of gold. Display them as
year-round decorations, or fill these fold-up
boxes with trinkets to create unique party
favors. Packaged flat in a brilliant hinged
keepsake box with gold string for hanging.
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts | Boxed | 127 x 230 mm | 12 p | ISBN: 9781616894337 (E) | € 19,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Concept: Paul M. Baars
Optical Illusions Game is a new game that
resembles the memory game, but with three
bonuses: 1. Instead of a set of two the player
has to find a set of four. 2. When the set is
completed, the player has to puzzle the four
cards into one image. 3. Presto: the four cards
form an image of an optical illusion to discover
and marvel at. The goal of the game is to
collect four cards that form one optical illusion.
The player who collects the most optical
illusions wins the game.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Boxed | 140 x 140 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789063693886 (E) | € 15,00 [BE] | Aug. 2015
80 cards in a box
Francesco Marciuliano
Hardback | Eng. ed. 152 x 114 mm 112 p | throughout col.ill. € 13,80 | Sept. 2015
[US] Chronicle Books
ISBN: 9781452138916 (E)
In between naps, cats have realised that we humans could use some catlike
guidance when it comes to handling the ups and downs of life. In this book
they've condescended to share their invaluable wisdom in short advice
columns. the cats in this book will have you relaxed and ready to take on the
world! Just after one more nap.
You Need More Sleep
Advice From Cats
illustrated by Lena Corwin
Hardback | Eng. ed. 222 x 159 mm 160 p € 14,50 | Aug. 2015
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery
ISBN: 9780735344778 (E)
Galison's Indigo Clothbound Journal is a stylish hardcover journal with 160
lined pages and fashionable designs from artist Lena Corwin on its cover
and interior liner. The striking colour and sleek, contemporary style is sure
to attract attention. • Hardcover with cloth spine • 160 lined pages • Size:
15.9 x 22 cm
Indigo Clothbound Journal
Boxed | Eng. ed. 170 x 125 mm 100 p € 22,50 | July 2015
[UK] V&A Museum ‐ Gifts
Packaged in a colourful presentation box, these beautiful, intricate patterns
by visionary designer William Morris and his company offer the perfect
introduction to the V&A's extensive Morris collections. The postcards include
wallpaper, textile and tile designs and are a must-have for design fans.
William Morris
100 Postcards
ISBN: 9781851778492 (E)
Once upon a time I was
Save the Human
Write Nothing in here
The autobiography of: ...
A Sketch and Doodle Book
Lavinia Bakker
By Mieke Gerritzen
By Seema Sharma
This is a guided diary which helps you create
your own autobiography by means of
questions and space for pictures, little
drawings, lists of your favorite things, your
memories and more.
Record the stories of your life - or a loved
one's - in this keepsake that will be cherished
for generations to come! This diary is very
nicely styled and has an attractive fresh
design, which sets it apart from the ordinary,
mainstream look most of these diaries usually
Smart Phones, Healthcare Robots, Wearable
Computers and Self-Driving Cars. They are
arriving or already exist. We are becoming
increasingly intimate with the machines that
constantly count, control and watch the way
we live. How can the growing world population
of more than 7 billion people create a humane
life for everyone? Lets find the errors and the
holes in the technosphere that will give us
space for free and creative thinking.
You want to come up with new ideas. With
things that others havent thought about. There
are a million ways to do so, but the majority of
theories focus on connecting or improving
existing things. Like how to connect a with x or
how to think outside the box. But what if you
dont think in boxes? And what if you dont want
to improve things around you, but really want
to focus on new stuff? Your nose is at the right
place, because this book is about exactly that.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Hardback | 148 x 105 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789063694012 (E) | € 12,95 [BE] | Oct. 2015
[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | 235 x 160 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789063694036 (E) | € 14,95 [BE] | Oct. 2015
The Writing Notebook: City
Home Made Food Notebook
Creatures of Creativeland
The Notebook For Your Next Book
By Yvette van Boven
Collective nouns for the creative
Workforce. A Postcard Guide
[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | 220 x 170 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9789063694210 (E) | € 12,90 [BE] | Sept. 2015
By Shaun Levin
The only way to write a book is to write it. For
writers and explorers of all levels, The Writing
Notebook is both guide and workspace. It
offers writing prompts and activities,
suggestions on structuring your book, and
enough blank pages in which to write it. With
description workouts, list-making exercises, a
reading list, and ideas for cover design, youll
never be at a loss for inspiration wherever you
[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | 210 x 140 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789063693916 (E) ISBN 9789063693930 (Family) ISBN 9789063693923 (Food) | € 14,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Home Made is a unique cookbook that is all
about making everything yourself, as Yvette
van Boven did to make her first book. She
made her own fonts, drew the illustrations,
wrote all the recipes, prepared the food for the
photographs, and designed the book. Now, a
series of award-winning and internationally
successful cookbooks further, she created the
perfect companion to her cookbooks for the
DIY cook and aficionado. That companion is
the Home Made Food Notebook.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | 210 x 160 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789063693978 (E) | € 17,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
flexibound with ribbon and elastic band
By Jana Pejkovska
A murder of crows. A crash of rhinos. Why is it
that animals got all the fun collective nouns?
For too long the humble creative folk of
officeland have sat there silently, letting the
animal world revel in linguistic glory. Well,
enough is enough. At long last we have a
comprehensive taxonomy that does justice to
the various subspecies of the creative
workforce. This postcard book contains 20
cards that visualize the tribes of the creative
[NL] BIS Publishers | Cards | 165 x 120 mm | 20 p | ISBN: 9789063693909 (E) | € 9,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
20 postcards in a book
This is my Berlin
Travel Diary, Activity Book and City
Guide in One
Petra de Hamer & Kim Snijders
These guides are colouring and creative
activity books, travel notebooks, and city
guides in one. Each book contains beautiful
illustrations of the city for you to colour in or
finish, inspirational to-do lists, and fun facts
about the city. But it also leaves plenty of
space for your own stories, drawings, pictures,
tickets, notes, and tips. With this journal you
create your own city guide full of memories
and tips about your trip to Berlin.
[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | 325 x 160 mm | 128 p | ISBN: 9789063693961 (E) ISBN 9789063693947 (Paris) ISBN 9789063693954 (London) | € 14,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
The Circus Illusion - Stationery
I Heart You
10 circus illusion cards with press out
picture discs to spin
I Heart You is a pair of heart shaped fill-in
booklets (inspired by the classic "Best
Friends" half-heart pendants worn by
teenagers). The two booklets, one for you and
one for a loved one, are filled with identical
prompts to help you list the things that you
love about each other. Split the journals up, fill
them out, and exchange them when you are
done (envelopes are included). Designed for
friends OR couples, I Heart You is the perfect
Valentine's Day gift or everyday pick-me-up.
Melvyn Evans
Remember the traditional toy that featured
disks with a picture on each side pictures that
combined into a single image when they were
spun? The Circus Illusion Stationery Box
takes that childhood trick and turns it into the
best-ever stationery set, featuring ten cards
with pop-out disks and coloured elastic bands
to spin them on, all presented in a beautifully
designed box with matching envelopes. There
are two each of five different designs, so you
can send your favorite to a friend and keep a
copy .
[UK] Ivy Press | Boxed | 122 x 153 mm | 10 p | ISBN: 9781782402893 (E) | € 20,95 [BE] | Oct. 2015
The Food Journal
A Scrapbook for Food Lovers
The Food Journal inspires cooks and foodies
to record their experiences, experiments, and
love of all things tasty. Use the journal to store
notes and clippings, write down your favorite
recipes, review restaurants, collect labels and
other souvenirs, and record your cooking
experiments. Keep it in the kitchen for useful
reference information on seasonal foods,
flavors, cooking tips, measurements, and
[UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts | Flexi (Pb luxe) | 240 x 180 mm | 136 p | 7 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781856699778 (E) ISBN 9781856699785 (Baking Journal) | € 19,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
The Baking Journal
A Scrapbook for Bakers
The Baking Journal inspires bakers to record
their experiences, experiments and love of
bread, cake, and pastry. Use the journal to
store notes and clippings, write down your
favorite recipes, review cafés and patisseries,
collect labels and other souvenirs, and record
your baking experiments. Keep it in the
kitchen for useful reference information on
ingredients and techniques, baking tips,
measurements, and conversions.
[UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts | | 240 x 180 mm | 136 p | ISBN: 9781856699785 (E) | € 20,80 [BE] | Sept. 2015
2 Fill-In Books (1 for You, 1 for Me)
[US] Abrams ‐ Gifts | Paperback | 178 x 139 mm | 56 p | ISBN: 9781419718076 (E) | € 11,80 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Two booklets, 56 pages each. Polybagged with a hang tang
Ed Emberley Alphabet Blocks
642 Tiny Things to Write About
Letters to My Love
Illustrated by Ed Emberley
The Grotto and Po Bronson
These three new products celebrate the
wonderful, whimsical, and humorous world of
Ed Emberley. Released together with AMMO's
new ED EMBERLEY monograph by Todd
Oldham and Caleb Neelon, The Memory
Game, The Dominoes/Matching Game, and
the Alphabet Blocks all highlight illustrations
from Emberley's wide repertoire of books.
These are a great companion to Emberley's
classic how-todraw books and AMMO's
rereleased selection of vintage Emberley
A follow-up to the best-selling series,642 Tiny
Things to Write About presents oodles of
delightful and thought-provoking writing
prompts, packaged in an uber-cute, irresistible
and tiny new format. From writing a life story
in five sentences, to elaborating on a tiny
detail, this book will inspire writers to push the
limits of their imaginations. 642 Tiny Things to
Write About makes a perfect gift for the active
author, stumped writer, journaler, or any
creative type in need of a spark of inspiration,
Write Now, Read Later, and Treasure
[US] Ammo ‐ Gifts | Boxed | 120 x 273 mm | 10 blocks p | ISBN: 9781623260576 (E) | € 25,20 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | x mm | 304 p | ISBN: 9781452142173 (E) | € 10,28 [BE] | July 2015
10 blocks total ‐ Previously announced
Lea Redmond
Nothing is more romantic than a handwritten
love letter. Like a dozen grand gestures in
one, this innovative format invites romantics to
declare their affection to their beloved in 12
fold-and-mail letters to be opened in the
future. Ideal for wedding anniversaries,
long-distance relation­ships, or engaged
couples, this paper keepsake captures a
moment in time and serves as an enduring
expression of love.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Hardback | x mm | 12 p | ISBN: 9781452142678 (E) | € 16,16 [BE] | July 2015
12 fold‐and‐mail‐style envelopes bound together, full‐colour sticker sheet
Literary Paper Dolls
Marimekko Pencils
By Kyle Hilton
This stunning set of 10 graphite pencils,
featuring bold designs by legendary
Marimekko designer Maija Isola on their
barrels, brings lively style to every writing
Small Cloth-covered Journal
This petite fabric-wrapped journal pops with
one of Marimekko's most eye-catching
designs-slip it in a bag, tuck it in a pocket, or
proudly display it as a chic desktop accessory.
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Boxed | x mm | 10 p | ISBN: 9781452138770 (E) | € 14,69 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Hardback | 152 x 114 mm | 176 p | ISBN: 9781452138787 (E) | € 16,16 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Experience literary genius first-hand with
these paper doll versions of famous authors.
Great wordsmiths such as William
Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia
Woolf, and more come to life in illustrator Kyle
Hilton's playful style. Bookish trivia and
scholarly accoutrements accompany each
writer. This is literature brought to life!
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | 304 x 228 mm | 34 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452144368 (E) | € 14,69 [BE] | Sept. 2015
includes 16 paper dolls, 16 masters of the literary world
Food Listography
Mid-Century Mod
Floral Trellis
My Delicious Life in Lists
Clothbound Journal
Embroidered Journal
Lisa Nola
Designed by Galison
Designed by Galison
Listography for food enthusiasts! With
colourful illustrations throughout, this journal
includes over 70 entertaining and
thought-provoking list topics on the universally
popular topic of food (and drink). With prompts
ranging from the quintessential (restaurants to
try, memorable meals) to the lovably
idiosyncratic (biggest recipe failures, ultimate
dining playlist) to the downright delicious
(favorite foods, guilty pleasures), this journal
serves as a unique autobiography.
Galison's Mid-Century Mod Clothbound
Journal is an elegant hardcover journal with
160 lined pages and gold foil accents on the
cover. A timeless colour palette and tasteful
design make this journal a remarkable home
for your notes and ideas. • Hardcover with
cloth spine • 160 lined pages • Size: 6.25 x
8.75 inches (15.9 x 22 cm)
The Floral Trellis Embroidered Journal from
Galison features a graceful floral pattern and
one-of-a-kind handmade detailing. Delicate
multicoloured embroidery and screen printing
on the cover provide a luxurious texture, while
120 lined pages of quality paper stock make
this journal as practical as it is lovely. • Trim
size: 7 x 10 inches (17.8 x 25.4 cm) •
Handmade embroidered cover • Recycled
cotton paper with sewn binding • 120 lined
pages, solid colour liner • Polybag packaging •
Made in India
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery | Notebook | 222 x 159 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9780735345003 (E) | € 14,50 [BE] | Aug. 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | 241 x 177 mm | 244 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452142647 (E) | € 19,10 [BE] | Aug. 2015
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery | Notebook | 254 x 178 mm | 120 p | ISBN: 9780735345140 (E) | € 17,50 [BE] | Aug. 2015
ribbon page marker
Password Keeper
I Need To Unplug
Quatre Mots Francais Notecards
Organize from A-Z: usernames,
passwords & websites
Mini Inner-truth Journal
Four French Words
Knock Knock Books
By Louise Fili
Our bestselling Inner-Truth Journals have
birthed a brood of mini-me's. Featuring a
handy pocket-sized format, this smart yet
soothing writing notebook provides the perfect
place to record your analog (or digital)
musings wherever you go.
This collection of notecards by iconic designer
Louise Fili features four popular French words:
Salut, Merci, Plaisir, Bisous (Greetings, Thank
you, Pleasure, Kisses). Each card repeats 3
times. Also includes an artist statement and
[US] Knock Knock ‐ Gifts | Notebook | 146 x 101 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9781601067524 (E) | € 9,95 [BE] | July 2015
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts | Boxed | x mm | 12 p | ISBN: 9781616894108 (E) | € 15,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Designed by Galison
As our digital lives grow more complicated,
sometimes the simplest tools become even
more valuable. Galison's Password Keeper is
a perfectly analog space to store elaborate
logins and hard-to-remember passcodes for
safekeeping. Featuring a discreet design and
a compact portable size, the Password
Keeper delivers much-needed convenience
and peace of mind to the computer age.
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery | Notebook | 127 x 76 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9780735344624 (E) | € 9,95 [BE] | Sept.2015
(160 thumb index pages, elastic closure, card pocket)
Lovelit Tote Bibliophile
LoveLit Tote - Bookstore
Lovelit Tote Read By Example
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts | Tote Bag | 394 x 365 mm | p | ISBN: 9781423641131 (‐) | € 15,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts | Tote Bag | 394 x 365 mm | p | ISBN: 9781423641063 (‐) | € 15,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts | Tote Bag | 394 x 365 mm | p | ISBN: 9781423641124 (‐) | € 15,50 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Carry with Love Totes
So Many Books, So Little Time
Totes for carrying your favourite books. Cool
designs, high quality fabric and finishing.
[G] teNeues | Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm | p | ISBN: 4260416450165 (‐) | € 12,95 [BE] | July2015
Plato. I'm trying to think...
Hamlet. There's nothing either...
T-shirt, L/BLACK
T-shirt, L/BLACK
Classic Premium T-shirts
High quality 180 gr/m² soft textured 100%
combed cotton
Printed with eco-friendly PVC-free colours.
Long-lasting colour luminosity
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
[UK] PUBLIKUM | T‐Shirt | x mm | p | ISBN: 9786082212241 (E) ISBN 9786082212005 (M/BLACK) | € 24,95 [BE] | Sept. 2015
Classic Premium T-shirts
High quality 180 gr/m² soft textured 100%
combed cotton
Printed with eco-friendly PVC-free colours.
Long-lasting colour luminosity
[UK] PUBLIKUM | T‐Shirt | x mm | p | ISBN: 9786082212302 (E) | € 24,95 [BE] | Sept. 2014
Dostoevsky: The greatest
T-shirt, M/BLACK
Classic Premium T-shirts
High quality 180 gr/m² soft textured 100%
combed cotton
Printed with eco-friendly PVC-free colours.
Long-lasting colour luminosity
[UK] PUBLIKUM | T‐Shirt | x mm | p | ISBN: 9786082212159 (E) | € 24,95 [BE] | Oct. 2014
Customer Service/ Klantendienst/ Service clients:
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Sales representatives / 9HUWHJHQZRRUGLJHUV/ Représentants
A&S Books
Africamuseum Tervuren
ARP2 Editions
Facteur Humain
Fondation Roi Baudouin
Fonds Mercator
FOMU Antwerpen
Hannibal (French titles)
K.M.S.K.B., Brussel
Kon. Boudewijnstichting
La Lettre Volée
Mac's Grand Hornu
Marot Éditions
MER. Paper Kunsthalle
M.R.B.A.B, Bruxelles
Musée Royal de Mariemont
Museum M., Leuven
Prisme Éditions
Roberto Polo Gallery
Ronny Van de Velde Gallery
Sh-Op Éditions
Smak, Gent
Snoeck Publishers
Stichting Kunstboek
Van De Wiele Uitgeverij
Yellow Now
WZW Books
Bil Bo K
Flammarion (Eng. titles)
Le Noyer
Norma Éditions
Somogy (NL & E. eds)
Hirmer Verlag
Schirmer Mosel
Silvana Editoriale
Fondation Gianadda
BIS Publishers
Bonnefanten Museum
Frame Publishers
Hermitage Museum
Museum Boijmans van
Nieuwe Kerk
Pepin Press
Scriptum Art Publishers
Stedelijk Museum
Van Gogh Museum
Bloomsbury Academic
British Museum Press
Chris Boot
Egmont (Tintin)
Gibbs Smith
Ivy Press
Laurence King
Moleskine Books
National Portrait Gallery
Penguin UK
Royal Academy
Tate Publishing
Thames & Hudson
T&H distributed
Ammo Books
Harper Collins US
Knock Knock
Monacelli Press
Powerhouse Books
Random House US
Ten Speed Press
Hardie Grant
& several Galeries,
Museums and occasional