Stunning and mythic Big Sur, reached down the coast on a cliffside
Stunning and mythic Big Sur, reached down the coast on a cliffside
Stunning and mythic Big Sur, reached down the coast on a cliffside journey from Carmel via Highway 1, has been described by many as, “the greatest meeting of land and sea.” Photo: Kelli Uldall 120 C ARMEL MAGAZINE•SPRING/SUMMER 2016 The Call of the Wild Exploring Big Sur’s Unique Character B Y TO M B E N T L E Y L N OT E T ’ S G E T O N E T H I N G O U T O F T H E W AY : A N Y D AY I N SUR, BIG W H E T H E R T H E W E AT H E R I S F O G G Y A N D D A M P , O R T H E D E S T I N AT I O N IS TRICKY O R T R A F F I C K Y, I S A TO G O A L L WO O - WO O, B U T BIG SUR GOOD D AY . I S A P L A C E T H AT ’ S B O T H E X T R A O R D I N A R I LY L O V E LY A N D A S TAT E O F M I N D . A N YO N E C A N F E E L T H E D I F F E R E N C E — E V E N I F G O I N G F R O M C O M P A R A B LY APPEALING CARMEL OR MONTEREY—BY S I M P LY S E N S E S TO T H E U N I Q U E C H A R AC T E R O F T H E OPENING BIG SUR THE C O A S T. B U T W H Y S E T T L E F O R T H E E A S Y S C O R E : T H AT M E R E LY P L E A S A N T B I G S U R D AY ? W H Y N O T G O F O R T H E O N E T H AT H A S O O H S , A H H S A N D W O W S N O N S T O P ? T H AT ’ S A S T R A I G H T F O RWA R D G O A L ( T H O U G H I N B I G S U R S O M E T I M E S A H I L LY O N E ) , A N D T H E C H O I C E S A R E M A N Y . T H E F I R S T D E C I S I O N S B E G I N AT H O M E : P A C K S O M E H I K I N G C L O T H E S . B I G S U R C O A S TA L V I S TA S A R E D A Z Z L I N G A N D VA R I E D, A N D E A R N I N G A S T U N N I N G V I E W I S W O RT H A F E W H I L L S . B U T U N L E S S T H O S E H I K I N G TO G S A R E A S T Y L E M AV E N ’ S , B R I N G A C H A N G E O F C L OT H E S A S W E L L , B E C A U S E T H E R E A R E S O M E D I N I N G S P O T S T H AT A R E W O R T H A B U T T O N - D O W N . C ARMEL MAGAZINE•SPRING/SUMMER 2016 121 Andrew ge Bixby B rid Head for the Hills M olera S tate P ar k eiffer McWay Falls, Julia Pf Burns St ate Park Trail/Hidden Trail/River Trail loop, which shifts Or enjoy the quick-but-wondrous Canyon For the sheer variety of hikes, some of which from shady oak glens to a 360-degree view Trail to Canyon Falls view at Julia Pfeiffer Burns are more like strolls, a great place to put legs in from Molera Ridge of canyons and coast and State Park to see that willing water jump from motion is Andrew Molera State Park. There are then back down to the river. cliff to shore. Sit a Spell and Nosh a couple of sweet and easy walks to the beach There’s a bit of climbing over the 3.6-mile alongside a river, and the beach cove is wel- loop, but the hike’s rewarding. Lots of other coming, with its driftwood sculptures and hand- hikes are in the park, but for other fun (and reward that exertion with a lunch bite, but a fine some background hills. shorter) ones outside, try Partington Cove Trail, choice is the Big Sur Roadhouse. It’s a comfort- some miles south of town (“town” being a bit of ably hip spot with locally sourced and carefully an exaggeration). prepared California cuisine, a full bar and a visually But go for the gold: get the map at the entrance station and trek along the Ridge Big Su r R oad house 122 C ARMEL f Big S ur C lif MAGAZINE•SPRING/SUMMER 2016 There are plenty of beguiling places to View f rom N epen the a m V entan View f ro Henry M iller L ibrary Big Su r Coastline intriguing atmosphere. Also consider the River clothing and books, salves and scents and some where if God is in heaven, they’ll have some Inn for its waterside dining and charm- Big Sur kookiness. of their fabulous chocolate cake (earned from ing old-lodge feel. There are great views and good grub from that hike) as well as their stout range of cof- Café Kevah above, and even better (and prici- fee drinks. They have inventive meals for lunch er) views, drinks and dining from historic and dinner too. tially Big Sur is the Phoenix Shop—the breath- Nepenthe restaurant above that. Galleries Galore (But There’s More) taking views of the ocean wiggling far below are Get a Cuppa Spellbound Shopping Above the Sea The merchandiser that seems so quintessen- Coast Galleries is always worth a stop reward plenty, but inside there’s an eclectic Tired from trying to figure out where the when in Big Sur. The setting alone is unique, (and often exceptional) assemblage of hand- Bali curio from Phoenix will fit on the mantle? since the original shops were carved out of crafted jewelry and other artworks, unique Try some bracing joe from the Big Sur Bakery, giant redwood water tanks, placed in a Big S ur River Inn 124 C ARMEL Sierra M ar MAGAZINE•SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Phoen ix S h op Dolores Street between 5th and 6th, Carmel by the Sea ( 8 3 1 ) 2 9 3 - 8 6 3 6 • w w w. r u f f l e m e t o s l e e p . c o m streamside canyon setting. The gallery features lots of American arts and crafts, including sculptures, paintings and jewelry; there’s always something eye-catching and unusual. The Henry Miller Library isn’t really a gallery, though there’s intriguing (and often eccentric) art scattered about its grounds. Miller made Big Sur his home for almost 20 years beginning in the ’40s, and the library (with its vinyl albums and books of Beat Generation and earlier heroes), its performance grounds and its oddball sensibilities are welcoming and uniquely Big Sur. Dining Where the Condors Cruise e, Worth the journey to this frou-frou little stor l. me Car for original sleepwear and robes made in OK, so there’s a day of it in Big Sur, and it’s been dandy. Why leave? Grab that change of clothes and take the road up to the restaurant at Ventana, where the savory food competes with the views from the expansive patio. It boasts a civilized menu, good drinks and attentive service. 126 C ARMEL MAGAZINE•SPRING/SUMMER 2016 But for truly pulling out the stops, go across the street for a meal at Sierra Mar at Post Ranch Inn. By evening, the waves crashing on the cliffs below might be unseen, but the dining room is a fantastic glass-walled experience nonetheless. There’s a four-course prix fixe dinner, but why Anita Dyer, joined in 2013 YOUR CREATIVE not shoot for the stars and go for the ninecourse Taste of Big Sur menu? There won’t be Life. hiking shorts in sight, but nobody’s stuffy here. Big Sur Goes All In The recipe for a perfect day does call for some sun, but if there are a few scudding clouds in the sky, they make for great shadows on those ocean views below. Bring some sunblock, a cam- Anita enjoys all that the coast has to offer and she may even offer you a tour of her weaving studio in downtown Pacific Grove, only a short walk from Canterbury Woods. Entry fees? There are none, and that makes our senior living community surprisingly affordable. To learn more, or for your personal visit, please call 831.657.4195. era and binoculars too—there are several vista pullouts on Highway 1 that are hair-tinglingly beautiful, and many spots in town where sitting a spell and contemplating all that’s good with nature is as fine a gift as can be gotten. Here’s to Big Sur: it conjures up one perfect day after another, without even trying. 651 Sinex Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 A not-for-profit community owned and operated by Episcopal Senior Communities. License No. 270708224 COA #89 EPCW721-01dg 080115 Why Choose Coast Estate as your Property Manager? We have an experienced, well-trained, highly motivated staff. We provide dedicated owner service representatives who are experienced in all facets of long term and vacation rentals. We are always available for you and our guests. Coast Estate: • Employs strict tenant/guest screening processes • Each guest is met at check in • Our homes are inspected after each departure • Strong enforcement of rental contracts and good neighbor policies • All services are performed by licensed & insured contractors • Open 7 days a week and Holidays Coast Estate Real Property Management, Inc. B.R.E. 00482426 Estate Management • Real Property Management • Short and Long Term Rentals Contact MaryJane Caputo-Walters, CEO (831) 521-4345 • C ARMEL MAGAZINE•SPRING/SUMMER 2016 127