Agenda Packet - Village of Glencoe
Agenda Packet - Village of Glencoe
VILLAGE OF GLENCOE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, April 15, 2010 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Village Hall Council Chamber 675 Village Court AGENDA The Village of Glencoe is subject to the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the Village of Glencoe at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at (847) 835-4114, or the Illinois Relay Center at (800) 526-0844, to allow the Village of Glencoe to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Honorable Scott M. Feldman, Village President Keki Bhote, Trustee Bruce Cowans, Trustee Joseph Keefe, Trustee Lawrence Levin, Trustee Ellen Shubart, Trustee Joel Solomon, Trustee CONSENT AGENDA 1. CONSIDERATION OF VILLAGE BOARD MINUTES – • • • Executive Session on March 18, 2010 (prior to regular meeting) Regular Meeting on March 18, 2010 Executive Session on March 18, 2010 (following regular meeting) 2. CONSIDERATION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS – • • Treasurer’s Report for March 2010 Golf Club Financial Report for March 2010 3. CONSIDERATION OF DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS – • • • Golf Club Manager’s Report for March 2010 Public Works Department Report for March 2010 Public Safety Department Report for March 2010 4. ADDITIONAL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION • • • • Consideration of a Resolution Appointing the Director and Alternate Director to the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) Board of Directors Consider replacement purchase of two (2) vehicles for the Public Safety Department Consideration of IDOT Resolution for Construction on State Highway Consider a resolution approving the Designation of Delegates for the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA) • Consideration of Construction Engineering Services Agreement for a Chicago Botanic Garden Project NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND VISITORS VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT COMMITTEE REPORTS • • • • • • Plan Commission Golf Advisory Committee Human Relations Forum Golf Course Redevelopment Committee Residential Development Committee Affordable Housing Committee 5. VILLAGE PRESIDENT’S REPORT • • Consider appointment of Christopher Pfaff to the Police Pension Fund Board. Consider a Proclamation declaring April as National Fair Housing Month in Glencoe. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE BEACH ROAD STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT The Board will consider a contract for the 2010 improvement that will replace existing 6-inch storm sewer on Beach Road with 12-inch and 15-inch storm sewer from Greenleaf Avenue through the Sheridan Road intersection to Longwood Avenue where it will tie into previously upgraded sewer main. 7. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 OF THE VILLAGE CODE REGARDING THE OPERATION OF A FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE BOARD The State Legislature modified certain provisions of the original Foreign Fire Insurance Act. The Village Board will consider an ordinance to reflect the changes required to be consistent with the modification in state law. 8. PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE The annual Appropriation Ordinance is required by the Illinois Compiled Statutes and sets forth the maximum spending limits for the current fiscal year. It is based upon the most recent adopted budget. 9. ADJOURNMENT 2 Village of Glencoe Board Agenda Memorandum DATE PREPARED: April 9, 2010 MEETING DATE: April 15, 2010 AGENDA SUBJECT: Consideration of the Consent Agenda RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval The following items are considered routine and are recommended for approval under a single omnibus vote. Any member of the Village Board may request that any item on the consent agenda be discussed and/or voted on separately: 1. Consideration of Village Board Minutes – • • • Executive Session on March 18, 2010 (prior to regular meeting) Regular Meeting on March 18, 2010 Executive Session on March 18, 2010 (following regular meeting) 2. Consideration of Financial Reports • Treasurer’s Report for March 2010 The March 2010 Village Treasurer's Report includes the March 2010 Payroll Report, the March 2010 Bills Report and the Budget Analysis Report for the first month of FY11. As requested by the Village President, the Finance Committee will have reviewed this report in detail and the committee's verbal recommendation will be offered on this report before a vote is taken on the Consent Agenda. • Golf Club Financial Report for March 2010 3. Consideration of Departmental Reports • • • Golf Club Manager’s Report for March 2010 Public Works Department Report for March 2010 Public Safety Department Report for March 2010 4. Additional Consent Agenda Item for Consideration • Consideration of a Resolution Appointing the Director and Alternate Director to the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) Board of Directors As a member of SWANCC, the Village appoints a Director and Alternate Director to the Board of Directors. The resolution appointing the Village President and Village Manager to serve in these capacities for a one-year term (until April 30, 2011) is attached. • Consider replacement of two (2) vehicles for the Public Safety Department The Capital Budget allocates funds for the purchase of replacement vehicles for Public Safety and the Board will consider approval. • Consideration of Resolution for Construction on State Highway The Illinois Department of Transportation requires municipalities to pass a resolution to allow municipal work to be performed on state right-of-way. The Board will consider a resolution to allow the Village to perform construction work on any state right-of-way in the Village’s jurisdiction. • Consider approval of a resolution approving the Designation of Delegates for the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA) In October 2001, the Village Board approved the Village of Glencoe to join the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA). The Board will consider the Designation of Delegates pursuant to the terms of the NIPSTA agreement. • Consideration of Construction Engineering Services Agreement for a Chicago Botanic Garden Project As the Local Agency sponsor to process payments for the federal grant funding for the proposed Children’s Learning Campus Project, the Board will consider approval of the Construction Engineering Agreement for the Garden. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 18, 2010 Page 1 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes Regular Meeting March 18, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Glencoe was called to order by the Village President of the Village of Glencoe, Cook County, Illinois, at 6:00 p.m. on the 18th day of March 2010, in the Village Hall Conference Room. 2. ROLL CALL The following were present: Village President Feldman and Trustees Bhote, Cowans, Keefe, Levin, Shubart and Solomon The following Village staff was present: Paul Harlow, Village Manager David Mau, Director of Public Works Robert Smith, Village Labor Attorney President Feldman noted that an Executive Session was scheduled prior to the regular meeting. Upon motion made and seconded, the Board entered into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Personnel/Employee Matters, OMA Sec. 2 (c) (1) and Personnel/Collective Bargaining, OMA Sec. 2 (c) (2. The motion was unanimously adopted by a roll call vote. Following adjournment of the Executive Session, the regular meeting open session reconvened at 7:06 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Village Hall. At that time, the following Village staff was also present: Vic Filippini, Village Attorney David Clark, Director of Finance Stella Nanos, Golf Club General Manager Mike Volling, Director of Public Safety Allan Kebby, Deputy Director of Public Safety Melinda Formusa, Executive Assistant 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Keefe moved, seconded by Trustee Shubart, to approve the following Consent Agenda items: • • Minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 18, 2010 Minutes of the Executive Sessions on February 18, 2010 Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 18, 2010 • • • • • • • • • Page 2 Village Treasurer's Report for February 2010 Golf Club Financial Report for February 2010 Golf Club Manager’s Report for February 2010 Public Works Department Report for February 2010 Public Safety Department Report for February 2010 Public Hearing date of April 15, 2010 for Appropriation Ordinance Annual Reports for 2009 for Historic Preservation Commission, Human Relations Forum and Public Safety Commission Participation in State of Illinois Bulk Road Salt Purchase As the “Emergency Telephone Systems Board” (ETSB), participation in the Cook County ETSB Surcharge Reallocation Program Two ETSB members, Mike Volling and Allan Kebby, in addition to the Village Board, were present to vote regarding the participation in the Cook County ETSB Surcharge Reallocation Program. Upon a roll call, the motion to approve the Consent Agenda was approved by the following vote: AYES: NO: ABSENT: 4. Bhote, Cowans, Keefe, Levin, Shubart, Solomon, Volling and Kebby (8) None (0) None (0) NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND VISITORS Trustee Bhote commended the Public Safety EMS officers that responded to his recent 911 call for hospital transport and care for his wife. 5. VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT Village Manager Paul Harlow reported that the planters on Vernon Avenue in front of the Village Court Parking Lot were under construction and the paving and final markings of the parking lot were scheduled to be completed in the next 3 weeks. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS • Plan Commission – Trustee Levin said the Plan Commission started its review of the Sustainability Study. • Golf Advisory Committee – Trustee Keefe reported that the committee was scheduled to meet next week. • Human Relations Forum – The Human Relations Forum meeting was cancelled. • Golf Course Development Committee – The committee did not meet. • Residential Development Committee – The committee did not meet. • Affordable Housing Committee – The committee did not meet. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 18, 2010 7. Page 3 VILLAGE PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Feldman announced that the next Village Board meeting would be on Thursday, April 15 and in his absence, the meeting would be chaired by Trustee Shubart. 8. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LANDMARK DESIGNATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 788 GLENCOE DRIVE Community Development Analyst Nathan Parch provided the background and analysis for the consideration of landmark designation for 788 Glencoe Drive. He added that homeowner Joshua Cooper was present at the meeting to offer additional details and that Historic Preservation Commission member Peter Van Vechten was also present. Following the summary by Mr. Parch and additional comments by Mr. Cooper, Trustee Levin moved, seconded by Trustee Shubart, to approve an ordinance designating the property at 788 Glencoe Drive as a Glencoe Designated Landmark. Upon a roll call, the motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: NO: ABSENT: 9. Bhote, Cowans, Keefe, Levin, Shubart and Solomon (6) None (0) None (0) CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN REQUEST FOR PERIMETER FENCE PERMIT VARIANCE Bill Brown, from the Chicago Botanic Garden, provided a follow-up presentation to the February 18 Village Board meeting regarding a fence variance permit request. He recommended that the fence variation request for the Pebblewood and Longmeadow neighborhood areas be deferred for further review. Mr. Brown provided an aerial view of the proposed fence locations for McDonald Woods and said the fence setback along Green Bay Road would be 50 feet and 100 feet along Lake Cook Road to allow for the possible addition of a bike path. In response to previous questions, he said the Garden would be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the fencing as well as the areas on both sides of the fence. He said the recommended color for the fencing was black. Trustee Keefe thought the proposed setback for fencing adjacent to the 5th tee on the golf course may be too close and asked for consideration of a additional set back in that area for possible future construction of the 5th tee. The following residents addressed the Board with their concerns: • • • Jim Walter, 1101 Longmeadow, thought there would be too many deer forced into the neighborhood. Carolyn Winter, Westley Road resident, asked for the consideration of a 100 foot setback on Green Bay Road to be consistent with the setback on Lake Cook Road. Gary Fishkin, 1110 Pebblewood, expressed safety concerns. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 18, 2010 • • • Page 4 Dick Burnstein, south Glencoe resident, said he did not think displaced deer would be a problem. He said the Chicago Botanic Garden had a right to put up a fence to protect a “world-class” garden environment. He said increasing the deer culling program could be an option. Jenny Conviser – 1161 Longmeadow, reaffirmed safety concerns for the neighborhood. Peter Van Vechten, Historic Preservation Commission member, thought the 8foot fence height might set a precedence for other requests. President Feldman pointed out that the Botanic Garden variance request was a specific situation as it was for a unit of local government and no other requests could be applied to this variance as the Zoning Commission did not have the authority to grant a request from a governmental body. • Mark Rice, 546 Westley Road, thought a fence would create a safety hazard and thought the Board was not considerate of neighborhood gardens. Trustee Solomon pointed out that the Botanic Garden was a research/educational institution that was different from a neighborhood. Mr. Harlow summarized the Village deer culling program that had been endorsed by the community in the mid-1990’s. He said the program permits the culling of 15 to 30 deer annually. • Carol Granoff, 1147 Longmeadow, expressed her safety concerns. Trustee Levin said safety issues would exist with the permitted 6-foot fence as much as for an 8-foot fence and the Botanic Garden had a legitimate need for fencing. Following the discussion, Village Attorney Vic Filippini said a motion to approve the fence height variance request could include provisions by the Board. Trustee Shubart moved, seconded by Trustee Keefe, to approve a variation for the Chicago Botanic Garden to install an 8-foot perimeter fence around the Garden property consistent with the application submitted subject to the following conditions: a) Such fencing shall be setback from the property lines of the Botanic Garden in accordance with the aerial plan presented, except that minimum setbacks along Lake Cook and Green Bay Roads shall be 50-feet as measured from the curbline; b) The final locations of fence along the perimeter of the Glencoe Golf Club shall be established in consultation with the Village and Golf Club staff; c) The Botanic Garden shall be required to regularly and reasonably maintain the fencing in a good and safe condition; and d) The variation hereby granted does not include areas along Pebblewood, Longmeadow, and the 17th fairway of the Glencoe Golf Club, which portions of the Botanic Garden application are continued. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 18, 2010 Page 5 Upon a roll call, the motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: NO: ABSENT: 10. Bhote, Cowans, Keefe, Levin, Shubart and Solomon (6) None (0) None (0) CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE VILLAGE CODE TO REGULATE STEEP SLOPE AREAS President Feldman said the consideration of an ordinance regarding the regulation of steep slope areas was deferred until the April 15 Village Board meeting. 11. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT AWARD AND AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PALOS/GREEN BAY BASIN IMPROVEMENTS Director of Public Works David Mau introduced the discussion regarding the construction contract and engineering services for the Palos Road/Green Bay Basin improvements. Mr. Mau said the funding for construction and engineering services was included in the Fiscal Year 2011 budget in the Bond Fund. He said the timeline was to finish the project prior to the Green Bay Road resurfacing project that was scheduled to take place in May. Trustee Keefe recused himself from voting on this agenda item and left the Council Chamber. Trustee Shubart moved, seconded by Trustee Solomon, to execute a contract with DiMeo Brothers for the Palos Road/Green Bay Road Basin Improvements at a cost of $1,603,154, and to approved an agreement with Engineering Resource Associates for construction engineering services for a not-to-exceed fee of $19,634. Upon a roll call, the motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: NO: ABSTAIN: 12. Bhote, Cowans, Levin, Shubart and Solomon (5) None (0) Keefe (1) CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE VILLAGE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 AND CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH AFSCME LOCAL 2324 Following previous review and discussion, Trustee Solomon moved, seconded by Trustee Shubart to approve the Fiscal Year 2011 budget, excluding personnel salary expenditures and to approve the AFSCME Local 2324 3-year agreement. Upon a roll call, the motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: NO: ABSENT: Bhote, Cowans, Levin, Shubart and Solomon (5) None (0) Keefe (1) Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 18, 2010 13. Page 6 CONSIDERATION OF SEWER VACUUM TRUCK REPLACEMENT FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Mr. Mau summarized the sewer vacuum truck replacement purchase for the Public Works Department. Director of Finance David Clark outlined the various payment options that included: • • • • NWMC pricing Installment purchase plan Lease through vendor Cash payment President Feldman asked staff to investigate municipality equipment financing through the larger banks. Following the discussion, Trustee Keefe moved, seconded by Trustee Levin, to approve the purchase of one Vactor 2100 Plus Combination Sewer Truck from Standard Equipment Company through the Northwest Municipal Conference Joint Purchasing Cooperative for a total delivered purchase price, including the trade-in of unit #25, of $298,404, with the financial purchase plan to be determined. Upon a roll call, the motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: NO: ABSENT: 14. Bhote, Cowans, Keefe, Levin, Shubart and Solomon (6) None (0) None (0) EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Levin moved, seconded by Trustee Shubart, that the Village President and Board of Trustees recess into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing Acquisition/Disposition of Property: OMA Sec. 2 (c) (5) and (6), Pending/Threatened Litigation: OMA Sec. 2 (c) (11), Personnel/Employee Matters, OMA Sec. 2 (c) (1) and Personnel/Collective Bargaining, OMA Sec. 2 (c) (2. The motion was unanimously adopted by a roll call vote. The following Village staff was also present: Paul Harlow, Village Manager Vic Filippini, Village Attorney 15. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Trustee Cowans moved, seconded by Trustee Shubart, to return to Open Session at 10:09 p.m. 16. CONSIDERATION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 PERSONNEL BUDGET Following staff’s recommendation, a motion was made and seconded to approve the personnel budget for the Fiscal Year 2011 Village budget. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll call vote. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 18, 2010 17. Page 7 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Village Board, and upon a motion made by Trustee Levin and seconded by Trustee Shubart, the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. VILLAGE OF GLENCOE MEMORANDUM Paul M. Harlow, Village Manager TO: FROM: David A. Clark, Finance Director ~ DATE: AprilS, 2010 SUBJECT: March 2010 Treasurer's Report March 2010 represents the first accounting period of the Fiscal Year 2011. The following is a summary of the more notable aspects of the March 2010 -fmancial activity of the Village. On a percentage basis, we have completed S.33% of the fiscal year. . Revenues General Fund 2,501,874 FYYTD 2,990,189 FYYTD BUD 2,640,000 FYBUD 6,192,246 PROPERTY-GARBAGE 331,962 300,000 687,243 331,962 % of Bud. 48.3% 48.3% PROPERTY/PENSION-POLICE PROPERTY PENSION-FIRE Property Taxes 414,012 466,905 14442 2,930,328 18613 3,807,669 425,000 15000 3,380,000 973,981 52,893 4171 877,341 47.9% 47.6% 48.2% 81,321 12,259 110,897 46,818 78,329 78,053 124,547 (34,503) 66,070 (32,844) 18,524 (2,171) 6.6% 13.6% Source PROPERTY TAXES ( ILLINOIS INCOME TAXES BUILDING PERMITS MUNICIPAL UTILITY - TAXES • MUNICIPAL SALES TAXES TELECOMMUNICATIONS TAXES SEWER CHARGE FEES. VEHICLE LICENSES INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS IMET EARNINGS CABLE TELEVISION REVENUE COMMUTER FEES Selected Item Total Remaini Item Total GENERAL FUND TOTAL pynD 85,000 39100 7,892,570 707,000 575,000 ~ Of Last Yr. 488,315 106,023 46,836 23,589 167,160 4,734 208,594 2,268 25,000 105,000 100,000 50,000 30,000 167,200 4,800 3,781 (3,203) 2,083 25,000 166,345 (6,984) 31993 588593 184612 3703533 33,633 642228 153,740 4603637 32,000 ·601083 162318 4143,401 108000 5215525 1,336858 14444,953 1640 53635 44,665 28,524 808,000 1,414,000 620,600 '513,880 258,400 19,300 4,935 41,434 (2,466) 9.7% 8.8% 7.2010 5.6% 80.7% 11.8% -12.8%. 0.0% 31.1% 12.3% l1.5% 31.9% • The increase in vehicle license revenue year-to- date is due to a substantial overpayment of annual licenses by residents, the discount policy appears to have created some confusion. Refunds to those who overpaid are being processed. 1 Revenue Trend Analysis ( FY11 Bud ill Prj as % of Budget -1.2% 1,878,400 1,888,856 100.6% 737,389 -18.1% 808,000 781,053 96.7% 812,783 529,368 -34.9% 707,000 668,818 94.6% 578,980 601,429 3.9% 620,600 615,265 99.1% 1,611,216 1,449,844 -10.0% 1,414,000 1,438,547 101.7% Though March Item 2009 12 Mo 2010 12 Mo 1,690,081 1,669,254 Utility Tax 900,879 Income Tax Telecommunications Tax . Water Sales Sales Tax FY11 Prj Use Tax Pers. Prop. Replacement 127,810 106,170 -16.9% 113,120 111,589 98.6% 105,506 93,987 -10.9% 78,053 78,053 100.0% Commuter Lot Fees 135,064 114,956 -14.9% 108,000 109,633 101.5% 1,156,414 721,744 -37.6% 575,000 628,329 109.3% Cable TV Tax 155,393 162,236 4.4% 166,345 166,345 100.0% Motor Fuel Tax 230,887 220,431 -4.5% 215,000 212,498 98.8% E911 Surcharge 121,494 105,310 -13.3% 108,000 107,536 99.6% 56,427 50,521 -10.5% 47,000 46,810 99.6% 7,682,934 6,562,639 -14.6% 6,838,518 6,853,332 100.2% Building Permit Fees ( % Change from PY12 Mo. Cellular 911 Surcharge Total Selected Items Note (1) FY11 Projected is year-to-date revenue plus remaining monthly revenue budget. Sales Tax Analysis The detail of the sales tax receipts are. now provided only on a quarterly basis due to the Department ofRevenue changing their policy on providing financial information to local governments. 2 FUND STATEMENTS The following is an entity total statement. The entity total statement includes all the funds listed in summary below plus the debt service fund. ENTITY TOTAL (Includes General, Water, Garbage, Debt,:&!FT, E911 Funds, Bond Construction) PVMo. PVYTD PVBud FYMo. FYYTD FYBud Total Revenue 5,263,774 5,263,774 20,378,274 6,150,923 6,150,923 20,857,645 Total Revenue Less Bond Construction 5,254,724 5,254,724 20,269,274 6,155,752 6,155,752 20,782,645 1;575,875 1,575,875 19,308,627 1,636,395 1,636,395 19,906,069 3 1678 1849 3,678 1849 960 1647 4,519,357 4 1519,357 876,576 TotalCapital Expense 25,467 25,467 4,824,876 91,296 91,296 5,438,814 Total Excess (Deficit) 3,653,382 3,653,382 (3,864,229) 4,428,061 4,428,061 (4,562,238) 3,648 1988 3,648,988 (138,229) 4,524,186 4,524,186 77,576 . Total Operating Expense Operating Excess (DefiCit) . Total Excess (Deficit) Less Bond Construction Total Cash and Unobligated Cash Balance History ( 7,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - .-- ,.... 9... ,.... 9 ::E ::E (Ii > ro ,.... ,.... 0 0 :;• -. 6. (i) (/'1 ,.... 9 > 0 Z ---- -~--------,,--..--~---~-- . 00 0 c: ro -. 00 0I ... (Ii ~ -Total Cash 00 9 > (Ii ~ 00 G 00 2:J 6. QJ -. VI 9 ~ Z -. 00 r5 C: ro m m .:. 9 ~ > ro ~ 0 (Ii m 9 :; -. m m 0 ..... > c: ro -. 90. 9 VI Z ().I 0 I 0 '";' ... <V ~ --Unobligated Cash - - -.... ------~-----. ----~.----.- .. -----~- *Cash balances only include the following funds: General, Water and Garbage Fund. 3 , Below is fund summary for the General Fund, Water Fund, Garbage Fund, MFT Fund and E911 Fund. These summaries are provided in a statement layout. Statement Layout The statement generally follows revenue (all sources) less operating expenses approach. From that formula, operating excess (deficit) is listed. Capital expenses are next listed, and subtracted from the operating excess (deficit) to determine the total excess (deficit). GENERAL FUND. P'lBud FYMo. FYYTD Total Revenue 3,703,533· 3,703,533 13,840,580 4,603,637 4,603,637 EYBud 14,444,953 Total Operating Expense 1,376,483 1,376,483 13,647,002 1,390,233 1,390,233 14,281,196 2!327 1050 2 1327 1050 193!578 3,213,404 3,213,404 163,757 20,811 20,811 231,576 2!306,239 2,306,239 (37,998) pyYTD P'lMo. Operating Excess (Deficit) Total Capital Expense Total Excess (Deficit) ° ° 3,213,404 3,213,404 FYMo. FYYTD 545,000 (381,243) WATER FUND P'lMo. Total Revenue PYYTD P'lBud 96,707 ( Total Operating Expense 96,707 121,964 121,964 " Operating Excess (Deficit) (25 12571 (25,2571 Total Capital Expense Total Excess (Deficit) 1,983,540 1,547,958 114,216 114,216 106,936 106,936 1,972,204 1,586,279 435,582 7 1280 ·7!280 385,925 0 383,300 0 0 50,000 (25,257) 52,282 7 1280 7!280 335,925 0 (25,2571 FYBud GARBAGE FUND P'lMo. P'lYTD P'lBud 314,248 314,248 1,270,020 75,687' 75,687 1,342,400 Total Operating Expense 69,654 69,654 1,170,317 87,990 87,990 1,218,745 Operating Excess (Deficit) 244,594 244,594 99,703 (12,303) (12,3031 1,552 1,552 263,000 1,554 1,554 243,042 243,042 (163,297) (13,857) (13,857) FYMo. Total Revenue Total Capital Expense & Debt Service Total ExCess (Deficit) FYMo. FYYTD EYBud 123,655 51,000 72,655 MFTFUND P'lMo. Total Revenue P'lYTD ( FYBud 215,800 20,448 P'lBud 232,300 2,500 2,500 30,000 2°1448 20,448 232,300 14,136 14 1 136 185 1800 20,448 20,448 232,300 14,136 14,136 185,800 Total Operating Expense Operating Excess (DefiCit) FYYTD 20,448 16,636 16,636 Total Capital Expense Total Excess (DefiCit) 4 E911 FUND ( PYMo. ?YYTD PYBud Total Revenue Total Operating Expense 13,414 13,414 6,109 6,109 Operating Excess (Deficit) 7!305 7!305 FYYTD FYBud 12,447 ·12,447 158,900 12,257 12,257 127,741 190 190 31,159 {13 14411 Total Capital Expense Total Excess (Deficit) FYMo. 167,120 180,561 96,000 130,000 7,305 7 1305 (143,441) 190 '190 (64!841) VWage of Glencoe Cash & Inv. Summary - All Fund For Period Ending 3/31/ 10. Description ASSETS ( FYYTDBal PYBud PETTY CASH 840.32 1,013.41 Total Cash On Hand 840.32 1,013.41 3,882,649.44 999,195.88 CASH - DRUG ABUSE PREVo CASH - FIRE BENEVOLENT FUND 2,861.07 2,870.42 1,186.44 617.71 CASH - PAYROLL 8,138.79 6,845.08 42,018.59 18,621.96 CASH RESERVED FOR BONDS 1,125,074.37 1,290,937.83 CASH-INTEREST BEARING 4,919,161.40 5,147,980.33 Total Cash (Harris Bank) 9,981,090.10 7,467,069.21 11,890.70 23,352.06 1,150.18 1,150.18 13,040.88 24,502.24 4,337,944.59 5,222,841.91 CASH - BOND PROCEEDS / PYYTD Bal CASH - PENSION - FIRE ILLINOIS FUNDS CASH ILLINOIS FUNDS EPAY CASH Totalll1inois Funds IMET 42,673.58 IMET - FIRE PENSION Total IMET Total Cash & Equivalents 4,337,944.59 14,332,915.89 Total Other Investments 800,000.00 Total Cash & Inv. Assets 15,132,915.89 5 5,265,515.49 - 12,758,100.35 - 12,758,100.35 FYBud PROP. TAX RECEIVABLE PROP TAXES-GARBAGE 377,628.62 PROP TAXES-PENSION-FIRE PROP TAXES-PENSION-POLICE 18,054.11 21,172.96 577,107.20 538,740.33 PROPERTYTAXESRECENABLE ~5~,9~0~2~,~75~5~.6~6~~________~4~,8~7~8,=2~14~.~3~8__________ Total Prop~ Tax Receivable ~6~,=49=7"=l':.;.;.9=16=':.;.;.9=7======5iii;l,==8=15iii;l':,;,7,;;56=.=2,;;9===== Total Cash & PT. Receiv. 21,630,832.86 - 18,573,856.64 REVENUE IMET EARNINGS 8,571.90 (9,909.82) 75,000.00 3,655.54 58,749.99 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 10,653.92 270,700.00 Total Interest 19,225.82 270,700.00 (6,254.28) .133,749.99 CD INTEREST 2,666.67 Total CD Interest 2,666.67 UNREALIZED GAIN/ (LOSS) 75,000.00 50,000.00 Total Unrealized Gains 75,000.00 50,000.00 Total Money Market ( Total U.S. Gov't Total Revenue 21,892.49 RATES Cash Interest Rate (Harris) IMET Annualized Rate Illinois Funds Rate. CD Interest Rate (Harris) 1.055% 3.430% 0.464% 4.00% CD Balance (1) 800,000 345,700.00 (6,254.28) 0.690% 1.680% 0.106% 0.00% Note (1) Included in "Total Cash & Inv. Assets". 6 183,749.99 Annualized Rates of Return Since March 2007 ~ ( 9.00 \ S.OO 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 ..... 0 ..... 0 0 0 ~ C:! 0 ..... ~ ~ (") ( 8g B ~ ~ ..... co co co ~ ~ C5 C5 (") - ~ ..... 0 ..... ~ 0 ~ ~ 0> -IMET -HARRIS co 0 0 C:! ..... (") N ..... 0> 0 ~ ..... ~ 0> 0 0 0> 0 0 (") C5 (") O:i g «> ('II 80 C:! ..... ~ ..... 0 ..... 0 C:! ..... (") ~ -ILFUNDS Noteworthv Disbursements I Em1)lo:Y'ee Reimbursements Vendor Amount Descril~tion Thomas Weathers 394.06 Conference Reimbursement Allan Kebby 250.00 Conference Reimbursement Hiroshi Witt 180.00 Mileage Reimbursement David Ryberg 155.69 Reimbursement for Safety Boots i William Embry 95.00 Auto Allowance Reimbursement William Embry 60.00 Anne Kopper 48.65 Training Reimbursement Membership Dues NEHA, IAFP & IEHA Matt Radde 245.00 Abelardo De La Garza Reimbursement for Boots and Uniform Reimbursement for Cleaning Supplies, Shelf and 124.62 Brackets Matt Radde Total Golf Pro Lesson 73.56 1,626.58 7 Table of Contents RevEx Class - General Fund This report is an operating statement of the General Fund that shows summary of the line item detail. Also, this report is summarized to the revenue and expenditure class level (i.e. taxes, interest, permits, etc.). RevEx·Class -- Water Fund Similar to the "RevEx Class - General Fund" report except at detail level. Divisions of Water Production and Water Distribution are combined for an overall enterprise operating statement. RevEx·Class - Garbage Fund Similar to the "RevEx Class - General Fund" report except at detail level for Garbage Fund activity. RevExClass - Debt Service ( Similar to the "RevEx Class - General Fund" report except at detail level for Debt Service Fund activity. Variance Analysis Revenue Variance Analysis* Expenditure Variation Analysis** Check Register Summary Check Register-Village Summary Check Register-Golf *Revenue Variances for accounts with a budget greater than or equal to $10,000 and 10% over (under) year to date percent completed. ** Expenditure Variances for accounts with a budget greater than or equal to $10,000 and 10% over year to date percent completed. 8 --~--- --------- ~--- ~ ---- ~--- ~ ~- ~ -- - ht1p://fi~-;'cials.vog.locaitgIencoeiill!secUrelnniReporthtml?tYPe=liliii..:·- RevEx Class - General Fund ( Village of Glencoe For Period Ending 03/31/2010 PYMonth Amt PYYTDAmt PY Budget FY Month Amt FYYTDAmt FY Budget Revenue -- All Sources Charges for Service Total Charges for Service .29,665.80 29,665.80 599,680.00 33,799.16 33,799.16 672,880.00 Taxes Total Taxes 3,289,128.25 3,289,128.25 10,925,650.00 4,114,020.68 4,114,020.68 11,799,688.00 Interest Total Interest 11,241.52 11,241.52 186,225.00 (870.86) (870.86) 96,065.00 24,933.52 24,933.52 973,250.00 85,664.00 85,664.00 697,720.00 202,485.00 202,485.00 308,075.00 248,915.00 248,915:00 308,000.00 32,253.34 32,253.34 129,250.00 40,526.90 40,526.90 192,750.00 12,618.13 12,618.13 193,000.00 17,677.27 17,677.27 142,350.00 101,207.89 101,207.89 525,450.00 63,904.57 63,904.57 535,500.00 Permits Total Permits ( , Licenses Total Licenses Fees Total Fees Fines &. Forfeits Total Fines & Forfeits Other Revenue Total Other Revenue Total Revenue--AII Sources 3,703,533.45 3,703,533.45 13,840,580.00 4,603,636.72 4,603,636.72 14,444,953.00 Operating Expenditures ( Personnel Expenditures Total Personnel 1,208,814.35 1,208,814.35 10,671,571.00 1,217,979.36 1,217,979.36 11,045,892.00 Costs 9 lof2 4/7/201011:57 A http://financials.vog.localJglencoefinlsecure/runReporlhtm1?type=htm... PY Month Amt PYYTD Amt PY Budget FY Month Amt FYYTD Amt FY Budget (" r\ Services Total Service Costs 98,949.25 98,949.25 1,779,546.00 115,580.68 115,580.68 1,698,210.00 56,327.45 56,327.45 858,750.00 36,817.87 36,817.87 873,979.00 12,392.25 12,392.25 337,135.00 19,854.92 19,854.92 663,115.00 Commodities Total Commodities Other Total Other Expense Total ,Operating 1,376,483.30 1,376,483.30 13,647,002.00 1,390,232.83 1,390,232.83 14,281,196.00 Expense Operating Excess (Deficit) 2,327,050.15 2,327,050.15 193,578.00 3,213A03.89 3,213A03.89 163,757.00 Non-Operating Activity Non-Operating Expense Capital Total Capital Expense 20,810.93 20,810.93 231,576.00 0.00 0.00 545,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,810.93 20,810.93 231,576.00 0.00 0.00 545,000.00 (37,998.00) 3,213A03.89 3,213A03.89 (381,243.00) Debt Service Total Debt Service Total Non-Operating Expense Total Excess (Deficit) 2,306,239.22 2,306,239.22 Total Revenue 3,703,533.45 3,703,533.45 13,840,580.00 4,603,636.72 4,603,636.72 14,444,953.00 Total Expenditure 1,397,294.23 1,397,294.23 13,878,578.00 1,390,232.83 1,390,232.83 14,826,196.00 . Total Excess (Deficit) 2,306,239.22 2,306,239.22 (37,998.00) 3,213,403.89 3,213,403.89 (381,243.00) 10 2of2 41712010 11:57 All ~-- ~-~~~-~----~-~--~~-. - .. -.~ ..- - - ~ -~ ~--~- - - -~ --- ~~-- .. ~--.-~-.--- .. -.~.--- http://financials.vog.locallglencoefin!secure/runReport.htinl?type=htni:: RevEx Class - Water Fund ( Village of Glencoe For Period Ending 03/31/2010 PY Month Amt PYYTD Amt PY Budget FY Month Amt FYVTD Amt FY Budget Revenue -- All Sources Charges for . Service Total Charges for Service 86,341.64 86,341.64 1,892,740..0.0. 10.8,948.52 10.8,948.52 1,90.2,0.0.0..0.0. Taxes Total Taxes 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0.. 5,0.0.0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 2,0.0.0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. . 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. 0..0.0. Total Other Revenue 10.,365.20. 10.,365.20. 85,80.0..0.0. 5,267.94 5,267.94 68, Total Revenue--AII Sources 96,70.6.84 96,70.6.84 1,983,540..0.0. 114,216.46 114,216.46 1,972, Interest Totar Interest / C Permits Total Permits Licenses . Total Licenses Fees Total Fees Fines &. Forfeits Total Fines & Forfeits Other Revenue 11 10f3 4/7/2010 12:02 PN http://financia1s.vog.local/glencoefin/secureirunReport.html?type=htm... PY Budget FY Month Amt 84,723.92 84,723.92 1,033,553.00 84,822.07 84,822.07 1,066,642.00 24,396.27 24,396.27 365,290.00 17,984.38 17,984.38 370,972.00 12,843.33 12,843.33 149,115.00 4,129.33 4,129.33 148,665.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PY Month Amt PYYTD Amt FYYTD Amt FY Budget Operating Expenditures Personnel Expenditures Total Personnel· Costs Services Total Service Costs Commodities Total Commodities Other Total Other Expense ( \ Total Operating 121,963.52 121,963.52 1,547,958.00 106,935.78 106,935.78 1,586,279.00 Expense Operating Excess (Deficit) (25,256.68) (25,256.68) 435,582.00 7,280.68 7,280.68 385,925.00 Non-Operating Activity Non-Operating Expense Capital Total Capital Expense 0.00 0.00 383,300.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 Total Debt Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Non-Operating Expense 0.00 0.00 383,300.00 0.00 0.00 50[000.00 (25,256.68) (25,256.68) 52,282.00 7,280.68 7,280.68 335,925.0.0 Debt Service Total Excess (Deficit) 12 2of3 41712010 12:02 PIv - .. _---- .. ~.-.-.-- ..- - -..- - . - . - -.. ------ -----~~ --- - -~----- ---- --------- ht1p:llfinancials. vog.locallglencoefinlsecure/runReporthtml?type~ ..-~ PY Month Amt ( PYYTD Amt PY Budget FY Month Amt FYYTD Amt FY Budget \ Total Revenue 96,706.84 96,706.84 1,983,540.00 114,216.46 114,216.46 1,972,204.00 Total Expenditure 121,963.52 121,963.52 1,931,258.00 106,935.78 106,935.78 1,636,279.00 Total Excess (Deficit) (25,256.68) (25,256.68) 52,282.00 7,280.68 7,280.68 335,925.00 ( 13 30f3 41712010 12:02 PlY . http://financials.vog.locaUglencoefin/secure/runReport.html?type=htm... 14 10f3 41712010 12:03 PN _M ___ ~·· _ _ _ •• _ _ •• _ _ ~_"_ •• _ M _ _ _ •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M_ ~ _ _ _ ~ •• _ _ ~----~---- ---~ --- http://financials.vog.locaUglencoefinisecure/nmReporthttnl?type=htm-.-. / ( PY Month Amt PYYTD Amt PY Budget FY Month Amt FYYTD Amt FY Budget 46,284.34 46,284.34 612,177.00 44,369.93 44,369.93 623,370.00 20,489.03 20,489.03 435,150.00 37,698.59 37,698.59 482,085.00 2,880:80 2,880.80 122,990.00 5,921.16 5,921.16 113,290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69,654.17 1,170,317.00 87,989.68 Operating Expenditures Personnel Expenditures Total Personnel Costs Services Total Service Costs Commodities Total Commodities Other Total Other Expense "( \, Total Operating Expense 69,654.17 Operating Excess (Deficit) 244,594.07 244,594.07 87,989.68 1,218,745.00 99,703.00 (12,303.14) (12,303.14) 123,655.00 Non-Operating Activity Non-Operating Expense Capital Total Capital Expense 0.00 0.00 . 245,000.00 0.00 0.00 33,000.00 Debt Service Total Debt Service 1,552.26 1,552.26 18,000.00 1,553.60 1,553.60 18,000.00 Total Non-Operati ng Expense 1,552.26 1,552.26 263,000.00 1,553.60 1/553.60 51,000.00 (163,297.00) (13,856.74) (13/856.74) 72,655.00 'Total Excess (DefiCit) 243,041.81 243,041.81 15 20f3 41712010 12:03 PN. - - - - - - --- --~- bttp:llfinancials.vog.locallglencoefinisecurelrunReport.h1:ml?type-'hiiii... PY Month Amt PYYTD Amt· PY Budget FY Month Amt FYYTD Amt FY Budget ( Total Revenue Total Expenditure Total Excess (Deficit) 314,248.24 314,248.24 1,270,020.00 75,686.54 75,686.54 1,342,400.00 71,206.43 1,433,317.00 89,543.28 89,543.28 1,269,745.00 71,206.43 243,041.81 243,041.81 (163,297.00) (13,856.74) (13,856.74) 72,655.00 16 30f3 4/7/2010 12:03 PA< http://financials.vog.local/glencoefinlsecure/runRepoIth1ml?type=btm.. RevEx Debt Service Village of Glencoe For Period Ending 03/31/2010 PYMO PYYTD PYBUD CYMO CYYTD CYBUD REVENUE Total Property Taxes Total Interest Total Other Revenue Total Revenue 1,105,705.52 1,105,705.52 2,742,289.00 1,298,108.49 1,298,108.49 2,642,658.01 667.84 667.84 33,425.00 529.00 529.00 5,729.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,106,373.36 1,106,373.36 2,775,714.00 1,298,637.49 1,298,637.49 2,648,388.00 EXPENSE ( Total Principal 0.00 0.00 2,330,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,325,000.00 Total Interest on Bonds 0.00 0.00 412,289.00 0.00 0.00 317,658.00 Total Admin Fees 112.50 112.50 2,500.00 428.00 428.00 1,450.00 Total Expenditure 112.50 112.50 2,744,789.00 428.00 428.00 2,644,108.00 ;. 17 lof1 417/2010 12:04 PN. - - - - - ( C VARIANCE ANALYSIS REPORT . ! 18 Village of Glencoe Variance Report Revenue For Period Ending 03/31/2010 March 2010 Revenue Variance Report Acct # Description FYYTD FYBud. O/OYTD Reason General Fund 21,000.00 100.52% Per Annual Licensing (March) 12-120-120-31405 LIQUOR LICENSES 21,110.00 12-120-120-31410 VEHICLE 'LICENSES 208,594.00 258,400.00 80.73% Per Annual Licensing (March) 12-120-120-31415 GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSES 14,891.00 22,000.00 67.69% Per Annual Licensing (March) 12-120-120-31113 PROPERTY TAX-GARBAGE 331,962.42 687,243.00 48.30% 1st Installment Taxes (March) 12-120-120-31110 PROPERTY TAX 2,990,189.18 6,192,246.00 48.29% 1st Installment Taxes (March) 12-120-120-31115 PROPERTY TAX - POLICE PENSION . 466,905.03 973,981.00 47.94% 1st Installment Taxes (March) 12-120-120-31117 18,612.54 39,100.00 47.60% 1st Installment Taxes (March) 12-120-120-32460 PROPERTY TAX - FIRE PENSION COMMUTER LOT FEES 33,633.00 108,000.00 31.14% Annual Renewal (March) 12-120-120-32970 LEASE OF VOG PROPERTY 37,575.00 124,935.00 30.08% Includes one annual payment 12-120-120-32985 AT&T CO-LOCATOR REV 3,834.52 15,000.00 12-120-120-31515 SEWER PERMITS 3,000.00 14,000.00 ( I(March) 25.56% Village Share Revenue Prior Lake Shore I(March) 21.43% Permit Repairs of Cell Tower to Sharing with Country Club (MARCH) Debt Service Fund 14-705-710-31110 PROPERTY TAX 14-705-708-31110 PROPERTY TAX 14-705-709-31110 PROPERTY TAX 1,106,531.61 2,252,650.01 49.12% 1st Installment Taxes (March) 110,031.78 224,000.01 49.12% 1st Installment Taxes (March) 81,545.10 166;007.99 49.12% 1st Installment Taxes (March) 19 y'-. "ge of Glencoe l~,bnditure Variance Report For Period Ending 03/31/2010 Mar'ch 2010 Expenditure Variance Report Acct# Water Fund 11-110-370-61210 Description FLOURIDATION CHEMICALS FYYTD 1,787.50 FY Bud. O/OYTD Reason 12,200.00 intermittent. General Fund Village Manager's Office 12-205-208-54105 ' LABOR COUNSEL 10,033.25 30,000.00 33.44% PW Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement. PLANNING COMMISSION 5,608.50 20,000.00 28.04% Steep Slope Consultant Services. OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,013.85 20,650.00 ublic Works Department SALARIES - TEMPORARY 12-305-356-42210 6,050.75 29,700.00 20.37% Seasonal Labor - Snow & Ice Control. 12-305-328-56110 INSURANCE DEDUCfIBLES 6,088.45 30,700.00 19.83% Annual UST coverage; Garage wall repair. 12-305-336-51135 12..305-336-51305 TREE MAINTENANCE TREE PLANTING 1,700.00 10,860.00 10,200.00 72,000.00 16.67% Routine per budget. 15.08% Holdover spring plantings. 12-305-356-61130 STREET STONE MATERIALS 2,747.57 20,000.00 13.74% Routine per budget, 12-305-332-51235 SEWER MAINTENANCE 4,850.00 48,500.00 10.00% Emergency Contract san sewer Repair. 12-205-216-92105 Finance Department 12-210-222-61170 Public Safety Department 12-405-405-55110 IN SERVICE TRAINING PENSION COST - POLICE 12-405-405-46110 12-405-410-55110 IN SERVICE TRAINING 51,565.00 14,877.00 466,912.78 1,734,339.00 5,150.00 ( 20 19,480.00 Vehicle and animal license 24.28% mailing supplies. 28.85% NIPSTA Dues. 26.92% Based on property tax receipts. 26.44% M.A.B.A.S. Annual Dues. Check Register (Village) c) 21 / VILLAGE OF GLENCOE CHECK. REGISTER SUMMARY MARCH 2010 ( Check ( 110469 110461 110881 110824 110887 110780 110851 110877 110812 110434 110425 110783 110828 110443 110455 110861 110845 110846 110451 110873 110785 110900 110814 110464 110821 110895 110441 110776 110768 110850 110465 110781 110816 110430 110813 110679 110823 110830 110767 110468 110473 110789 110866 110886 110774 Vendor PIERCE MANUFACTURING, INC. HNTB CORPORATION SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF NORTHERN COOK COUNTI GROOT INDUSTRIES, INC. TEXOR DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF ILLINOIS MILL CREEK NURSERY SEYFARTH SHAW LLP EXELON ENERGY NIPSTA CORPORATE BENEFIT CONSULTANTS, INC. ADAM & MARTHA METZ HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP 5 ALARM FIRE AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT,· LLC CUSHING TECHNOLOGIES, INC NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYST M.A.B.A.S. DIVISION 3 MARK MEADE EXCAVATORS, INC. CALL ONE ROSEBOROUGH PARTNERS INC AECOM USA INC. WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS FAMILY COUNSELING SERV OF GLENCOE IRMA INTERGOVRNMTL RISK MGMT AGENCY GLENCOE PARK DISTRICT VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT AFLAC MI TE PRINTING GRAPHICS LEADSONLINE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA FMHC CORPORATION HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK FABBRI MASONRY INC NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS GRAPHIC PARTNERS, INC. HYDRITE CHEMICAL COMPANY WIRFS INDUSTRIES INC. NORTHSHORE OMEGA TESKA ASSOCIATES, INC ANN PATRICK O'BRIEN .PARENT PETROLEUM, INC. TESKA ASSOCIATES, INC NEW TRIER FEDERAL CREDIT UNI~ Amount 82,400.00 34,491.74 16,036.31 15,577.64 15,334.21 10,976.87 10,860.00 10,033.25 7,664.25 7,605.00 7,000.00 6,118.00 5,960.00 5,911.67 5,250.00 5,005.00 5,000.00 4,850.00 3,992.80 3,857.00 3,776.00 3,654.99 3,101.42 3,081.47 3,000.00 2,675.21 2,298.48 2,210.63 2,197.98 2,151.00 2,148.00 2,031.24 2,000.00 1,888.79 1,875.00 1,837.02 1,799.17 1,787.50 1,541.66 1,500.00 1,465.00 1,443.75 1,398.62 1,367.50 1,258.00 Date 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/01/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/15/2010 03/31/2010 03/31/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/01/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 03/26/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/02/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/31/2010 Check ( ('. 110439 110822 110674 110803 110857 110820 110795 110884 110840 110450 110458 110466 110449 110681 110889 110452 110826 110764 110809 110798 110802 110792 110811 110760 110800 110818 110871 110878 110426 110862 110808 110817 110779 110796 110799 110431 110868 110788 110453 110875 110843 110839 110860 110833 110888 110790 110858 110471 110432 Vendor NEW TRIER FEDERAL CREDIT UNION GRAINGER PARTS AT&T CONTACT ONE, INC. NCC-PETERSON PRODUCTS GLEASON & ELFERING BON GARDE TAPeO JORDAN B. SCHER BRUCE & DEBORAH COWANS DIRECT RESPONSE RESOURCE MIDWEST TIME RECORDER, INC. AUTUMN TREE CARE EXPERTS, INC VERIZON WIRELESS THE MULCH CENTER CERTIFION CORPORATION D.B.A.ENTERSECT HACH COMPANY NORTH COOK COUNTY SWCD DOUGLAS TRUCK PARTS, INC. CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. COMED AUTUMN TREE CARE EXPERTS, INC EMSED AMERICANEAGLE.COM, INC. CINTAS CORPORATION FRED ALEXANDER RCM DATA CORPORATION SHERIDAN AUTO PARTS GLENCOE PUBLIC LIBRARY NORTHSHORE OMEGA DIRECT RESPONSE RESOURCE FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO BUCK BROS. INC. CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TRUCK HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK PITNEY BOWES AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION . CHRISTINE M VAN DORNICK SAFETY KLEEN CORP LOGSDON OFFICE SUPPLY JENNINGS CHEVROLET NORTH SHORE GAS ILLINOIS 'COFFEE SERVICE, INC. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC. NIPSTA PITNEY BOWES HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANIQ 3 Amount 1,258.00 1,252.28 1,235.39 1,185.00 1,110.76 1,099.91 1,099.00 1,019.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 950.00 928.45 910.30 900.00 862.44 849.00 834.96 806.38 786.88 750.00 750.00 750.00 670.54 670.00 624.07 607.40 606.68 539.35 539.10 538.00 534.84 533.06 521.57 518.81 500.00 498.00 495.00 477.69 477.19 471.43 . 441.84 . 437.03 428.00 425.14 420.00 415.00 403.51 Date 03/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/26/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/26/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/02/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/02/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/06/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 03/12/2010 Check ( C 1 Vendor 110765 PETTY CASH - VILLAGE OF GLENCOE 110890 THOMAS WEATHERS 110678 ICMA MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS 110769 AFSCME COUNCIL 31 110435 AFSCME COUNCIL 31 110470 PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPERS 110770 CREDIT UNION 1 110436 CREDIT UNION 1 110885 TERMINAL SUPPLY COMPANY 110791 AUTO TECH CENTERS, INC. 110797 BUCOM, INC. 110782 5 AlARM FIRE AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT, LLC 110891 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPECTION SERV 110815 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 110460 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY, INC. 110901 ZEP SALES & SERVICE 110775 NIGRO & WESTFALL, P.C. 110440 NIGRO & WESTFALL, P.C. 110778 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 110787 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION 110867 PASQUESI PLUMBING CORP. 110444 ALANKEBBY 110463 ILLINOIS LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 110773 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. (IMRF) 110854 MOTOROLA, INC. 110841 KATHERINE aAZELWOOD 110844 M AND N SUPPLY, INC. 110855 MURPHY & MILLER~ INC. 110771 GLENN STEARNS, CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE 110437 GLENN STEARNS, CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE 110827 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. 110842 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 110838 INTERSTATE BATTERY OF NORTHERN ILL 110880 SKOKIE VALLEY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANER 110472 POSTMASTER 110864 OFFICE DEPOT ·110433 HIROSHI WITT 110898 WILKENS-ANDERSON 110849 MEYER LABORATORY, INC. 110894 VOSS EQUIPMENT INC 110869 PITNEY BOWES INC 110423 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC. 110856 MUTUAL TRUE VALUE HOME CENTER 110806 CURTIS 1000, INC. 110883 SUBURBAN ELEVATOR COMPANY 110677 DAVID RYBERG 110825 GROSSE POINTE TOWING, INC. 110859 NORTH EAST MULTI-REGIONAL TRAINING 110777 UNITED STATES TREASURY 24 Amount 397.18 394.06 378.00 371.83 371.83 365.60 350.00 350.00 331.55 325.20 319.50 300.67 300.00 286.00 279.08 276.69 268.89 268.89 254.62 252.00 251.00 250.00 250.00 224.00 218.76 217.00 216.90 212.00 203.50 203.50 200.00 199.16 195.90 187.35 185.00 180.88 180.00 178.77 178.68 177.63 170.80 167.60 166.44 166.15 158.00 155.69 150.00 150.00 150.00 Date 04/02/2010 04/15/2010 03/26/2010 03/31/2010 03/15/2010 03/19/2010 03/31/2010 03/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 03/31/2010 03/15/2010 03/31/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/31/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/31/2010 03/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 .03/19/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/26/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/31/2010 Check Vendor / ( ( 110457 110442 110897 110852 110847 110805 110819 110676 110853 110698 110543 110585 110641 110659 110671 110882 110766 110657 110428 110829 110810 110699 . 110836 110834 110835 ~10772 ( ". 110715 110740 110745 110491 110522 110523 110555 110600 110601 110602 110622 110626 110628 110629 110650 110669 110456 110438 110427 110794 110467 110899 110539 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESS. REGULA' UNITED STATES TREASURY WAUKEGAN STEEL SALES, INC. MOORE MEDICAL; LLC. MEECHER'S CUSTOM CROSSROADS SOFT CLOTH CAR WASH GALLS INCORPORATED COMED MORTON GROVE AUTOMOTIVE WEST DONALD SCHWARTZ JAMES ESSER MARCIA STEIN ROTHBART CONSTRUCTION/REALTY STEVEN TUMEN WILLARD BORIS STANDARD EQUIPMENT COMPANY THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON STEVEN SCHEYER HARRISTRUSTANDSA~NGSBANK HOME DEPOT CREDIT SER~CES EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC DR. ROBERT BONOW ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ILLINOIS CRIME PREVENTION ASSN ILLINOIS SECTION AWWA HARRIS BANK/GLENCOE - EE BONDS JEFFERY PERELMAN RICHARD ROBBINS ROSS LASER BILL STOTIS GAIL SEIDMAN GARRY W COHEN' JONATHAN FEIG MICHAEL VENDER MIKE' ISAACS MORRIS GOLDNER AND ASSOCIATES RANDY ROCHMAN ROBERT ANOFF ROBERT FOLEY ROBERT FOOTLIK SKOKIE COUNTRY CLUB TOM PARKINS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESS. REGULA' HARRIS BANK/GLENCOE - EE BONDS HANSON ROOFING BEST SANITATION SER~CES NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS WILLIAM EMBRY 25 IRA SCHULMAN Amount 150.00 150.00 149.60 141.89 140.00 138.00 135.98 128.58 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 113.48 112.50 112.50 107.97 107.30 105.49 105.00 102.75 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 97.50 97.49 95.00 95.00 Date 03/19/2010 03/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/26/2010 04/15/2010 03/25/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 04/15/2010 04/02/2010 03/22/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/25/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/31/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/19/2010 03/15/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 03/22/2010 Check ( ~ I .. 110675 110495 110576 110422 110892 110454 110804 110872 110870 110784 110684 110692 110694 110695 110697 110704 110706 110716 110719 110730 110734 110735 110737 110753 110756 110476 110492 110497 110502 110503 110517 110535 110536 110541 110547 110556 110562 110569 110575 110577 110578 110589 110590 110612 110615 110620 110625 110627 110637 Vendor COMCAST CARL BOYAR LAWRENCE ZAGER AN APPLE A DAY UNIFORMITY INC COMCAST CABLE CRAFTWOODLUMBERCOMPANY RED'S GARDEN CENTER, INC. PRIORITY DISPATCH ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. ALLAN REICH CONSTANTINE TRELA DAVID BEIGLER DEAN PAPPAS DONAL SPITZER-COHN FRANK SERINO HARRY LOCHNER JENNY CONVISER JILL OLSWANGER MARC KLEIN MICHAEL EIDELMAN MICHAEL HEINRICH NANCY RANDALL SUSAN HElL TODD LIPPMAN ALBERT ZISOOK BRIAN FELTZIN CHARLES GALLAGHER DALE & CAREN THOMAS DANIA LEEMPUTTE DOUG ROTH HOWARD CHRISMAN HOWARD FRIEND J & S CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT, INC. JEFFREY PICKLIN JOSEPH CAPEZIO JULIE LARSEN KATHLEEN EGAN LAWRENCE LAGROTTERIA . LEO DUKACH LESLIE SPIELBERGER ' MARK SHAPIRO MARK WOLFE PAUL GUTEN PETER RUSNAK RALPH GERBIE RICHARD MANDELL ROBERT APPELBAUM 26 ROGER WEST Amount Date 93.95 03/26/2010 87.50 03/22/2010 87.50 03/22/2010 86.50 03/12/2010 85.85 04/15/2010 84.95 03/19/2010 78.38 04/15/2010 78.25 04/15/2010 78.00 04/15/2010 75.16 04/15/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/25/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 . 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 75.00 03/22/2010 Check ( "- 110643 110647 110848 110429 110876 110701 110748 110475 110544 110616 110617 110621 110638 110661 110474 110874 110786 110831 110896 110893 110447 110863 110763 110680 110685 110686 110689 110690 110691 110700 110705 110708 110709 110710 110712 110713 110714 110722 110725 110726 110727 110728 110731 110732 110733 110736 110738 110739 110742 Vendor SARA A PFAFF SHERWIN ZUCKERMAN MENONI & MOCOGNI, INC. HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK SEWER EQUIPMENT CO. OF AMERICA ELAINE GOTILIEB STEVE SCHWARTZ ALAN WOLF JAY STONE PETER TAYLOR PHILIP BRILLIANT RAND DIAMOND RONHAHAMY SUSAN GOLDSTEIN WILLIAM EMBRY RUSSO'S POWER EQUIPMENT INC. AEREX PEST CONTROL IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. WAREHOUSE DIRECT OFFICE PRODUCTS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE AT&T NORTHWEST POLICE ACADEMY JUAN HERNANDEZ ROBIN SALTZMAN BARTH GOLDBERG BERNARD ALLGAIER CHANDLER PARIS CHRISTOPHER AVERY CHRISTOPHER O'BRIEN EDWARD COHEN . GREG UEBELE HENRY PERRITI HOLLY BURT JACKIE MASIA JANET SCHIFF JAY BERLIN JEFF RUDNICK JOSEPH MALFITANO JVC MANAGEMENT LLC KIM MACPHERSON LAKE SHORE COUNTRY CLUB LINDA SWIMMER MARILYN PERLMAN MARK CIOLEK MARYA MORRIS MIRIAM HALWAX PENELOPE CATE REUBEN BERNICK ROBERT BATES 27 Amount 75.00 ·75.00 72.36 62.97 62.79 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 60.00 59.99 59.00· 58.04 54.40 51.83 50.53 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Date 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 04/15/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/02/2010 0~/26/201O 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 Check ( \, 110743 110744 110747 110749 110750 110751 110752 110754 110755 110759 110477 110480 110482 110485 110486 110487 110489 110493 110496 110499 110500 , 110501 110506 110507 110508 110509 110510 110513 110514 110515 110516 110518 110519 110524 110526 110527 110528 110529 110530 110542 110549 110550 110552 110553 110557 110558 110559 110560 110563 Vendor ROBYN TAVEL ROMA FRANZIA STEVEAISEN STEVEN FLAGEL STUART BROGAN STUART GOLDNER SUSAN COWEN SUSAN MCMILLAN THOMAS BUERGER WILLIAM FRITZ ALEXIS ARMSTRONG ANNA KAPLAN ANTHONY CASCINO BTAKIFF BARRY SCHULTZ BEN RIEFE BETH MACHLIN BRIAN PINSKY CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . CHRIS STOEPEL CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT CRAIG EISNER DAVID FRIEDMAN DAVID GOLDMAN DAVID HANOLD DAVID TALLANT DAVID VITALE DIANE KAHAN DOMINIC M LEE DON TROSSMAN DOUAILLY-BACKMAN HOLDING CORPORATION ED LEON ELIZABETH ROSE GEORGE SANG GREENWOOD GLOBAL, INC. GREG LEDERER GUS RODRIGUEZ HAROLD RAMIS HAROLD SIRKIN JACK LEVY JILLB. PAM JOELDALKIN JOHN CADDEN JON COUTURE JOSEPHINE TEISTER JOSHUA F LOEW JOY FIORINI . JOYCE SUCHSLAND 28 JULIE ROSEN Amount Date 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 . 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/25/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 50.00 03/22/2010 Check ( ( " 110564 1.10566 110567 110571 110583 110587 110591 110594 110595 110596 110597 110599 110606 110611 110631 110632 110634 110639 110644 110645 110648 110652 110653 110656 110658 110663 110667 110670 110672 110673 110462 110459 110761 110762 110723 110865 110446 110484 110540 110546 110551 110608 110646 110651 110668 110448 110793 110807 110837 Vendor JULIETTE ELLIS KAREN MARSHAK KAREN TAMBURRO KRISTIN KELLY LOUISE HART MARGOT PETERS MARTIN F ROBINSON MARY JOSEPHINE KINGSBURY MARY ROWELL MICHAEL COHEN MICHAEL CONWAY MICHAEL REINSDORF NED PFEIFFER PATRICK EDEN ROBERT HARRISON ROBERT KIMBLE ROBERT MAGANUCO RONALD BAYLY SERGEY GRISHAYEV SHARON KATZ SICHO STACY FARRELL STANLEY NITZBERG STEVEN FRADKIN. STEVEN STEIN SUZANNE HEMMER THE FLOWER SHOP IN GLENCOE TRIUMPH BOOKS CORP. WILLIAM KERR WILLIAM RAESE ILLINOIS ASS.OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISS ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY GROUP INC. ANNE KOPPER FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. JOSHUA MILLER PARAGON MICRO INC. ANDERSON PEST SOLUTIONS ARTHUR PANCOE IRENE SNYDER JEFFREY KRAFT JOEL GREENBERG NORMA CAPUTO SHEILA GOLDBERG SOLHARA THOMAS HARNEY AT&T BESS HARDWARE AND SPORTS DELFS JEEP IMPACT NETWORKING LLC 29 Amount 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 49.82 48.65 48.64 41.00 40.44 40.00 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 34.36 29.27 28.40 25.64 Date 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 03/25/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 Check ,. ( ( 110682 110687 110688 110693 110696 110711 110718 110721 110729 . 110746 110757 110478 110483 110498 110511 110512 110520 110521 110525 110534 110537 110538 110545 110554 110568 110572 110573 110574 11,0579 110580 110584 110588 110593 110598 110603 110604 110607 110609 110610 110614 110618 110623 110624 110630 110633 110635 110640 110649 110654 Vendor ABEL BERLAND CAROL & JAMES HADDON CAROLYN COLE DAN BLASKO DELORES KOPPEL JAMES CAULFIELD JESSIE GRIGGS JOHN DANAHER LYLE LEVIN SALLY KELLY WARREN BOGGS AM SHALOM ANTHONY JACOBS CHARLES GATELY DAVID WANGER DENISE SKYLER EMILY BERNSTEIN EUGENE SHAPIRO GRAND FOODS HOLLY HAMMES HOWARD G HAAS IRA P WEINSTEIN JEANNE BISCHOFF JON KOGAN KARL SWARD LAKESHORE CLEANERS LARRY KUGLER LAWRENCE DUBIN LINDA MASTERS LOIS GOULD MACK THORNTON MARIE-ESTER SAINT VICTOR MARYHALABY MICHAEL OWEN MURRAY BECK MURRAY D HARWICH NEW FOUNDATION CENTER PATRICIA MANHARD PATRICIA ULLMAN PEGGY NELSON PHILLIP GOLDSTEIN REGINA SISKE REUBEN MARGOLIASH ROBERT GROSSMAN ROBERT KRUMSTOK ROBERTA PEDO'ITO ROSEANNE CAMPANELLI SIDNEY JARROW STEPHANIE KOHN Amount 30 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25;00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Date 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 Check ( 110655 110660 110662 110664 110665 110666 110505 110582 110832 110445 110801 110683 110702 110703 110707 110717 110720 110724 110741 110758 110479 110481 110488 110490 110494 110504 110531 110532 110533 110548 110561 110565 110570 110581 110586 110592 110605 110613 110619 110636 110642 110879 110424 Vendor Amount STEPHEN KATONA SUSAN ANDREINI SUSAN TENNENBAUM SYBIL C STEWART TJGERAGHTY TEAMWERKS DANIEL STUCKA LORRAINE ROSENBERG ILL DEP OF CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERV AMERICAN MESSAGING COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO. ALEXANDER KNOPFLER ELEANOR SAUNDERS FRANK MILLOY HENRY UUENHEIM JEROME SCHERER JOEL ROSENFELD JOYCE LAMBERSON RITA LOVE WAYNE MORLEY ANN HOENIG ANTHONY BROWN BENJAMIN KATZ BETSY JOHNSTON BURTON WINICK DANIEL SCHECHTER HELEN STRUBE HENRIETA LACEY HERBERT GROSS JEROME GRUNES JUUEBAER KALMAN GOLDBERG KATHLEEN HART LORRAINE MAY MARGERY MICHELL MARVIN STRUNK NANCYZURAW PAUL HOMER RFISHER ROBT H SOLOMON RUSSELL DASHOW SlUE COMCAST ( " 31 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 18.75 18.75 15.00 15.00 12:85 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 10.00 6.30 383,988.82 Date 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 04/15/2010 03/19/2010 04/15/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 03/22/2010 04/15/2010 03/12/2010 ( Check Register (Golf) ( 32 ( \ GLENCOE GOLF CLUB SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER MARCH 2010 Check / ( ( '. 600849 600850 600851 600852 600853 600854 600855 600856 600857 600858 600859 600860 600861 600862 600863 600864· 600865 600866 600867 600868 600869 600870 600871 600872 600873 600874 600875 600876 600877 600878 600879 600880 600881 600882 600883 600884 600885 600886 600887 600888 600889 600890 600891 Vendor HOME DEPOT J. W. TURF INC. LOGSDON OFFICE SUPPLY NIKE USA, INC WILD GOOSE CHASE, INC COSTCO HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK MATT RADDE NEW FINISH ELECTROSTATIC ROSE PEST SOLUTIONS COMCAST CABLE EAGLE ONE GOLF PRODUCTS FOOTJOY, INC. HINCKLEY SPRINGS HOME DEPOT J. W. TURF INC. MI TE PRINTING GRAPHICS NEXTEL TITLEIST ABELARDO DE LA GARZA CALL ONE COMCAST CABLE EASY PICKER GOLF PRODUCTS INC GROWING SOLUTIONS, INC. HOME DEPOT J. W. TURF INC. MATT RADDE MAX'S ON THE GREEN PETTY CASH - GLENCOE GOLF CLUB R&R PRODUCTS, INC. TITLEIST WILSON LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC. MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C ARTHUR CLESEN", INC. BURRIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY CINTAS CORPORATION DELL MARKETING L P EXELON ENERGY INC. GLENBROOK AUTO PARTS, INC. INTERSTATE WRAPPING PRODUCTS LAKELAND COMMUNICATION SERVICE n NIKE USA, INC NORTH SHORE GAS 33 Amount 362:33 1,000.00 17.74 3,408.67 1,425.00 119.49 366.68 245.00 1,950.00 41.00 194.95 427.25 1,576.22 35.97 140.91 46.75 147.00 168.07 1,411.42 73.56 449.87 178.18 10,500.00 1,386.10 1,506.77 28,132.15 124.62 320.22 54.64 546.00 1,343.94 3,706.90 83.92 857.77, 15.10 236.61 2,718.58 2,285.29 376.33 512.21 2,750.00 226.55 885.17 Date 03/12/2010 03/12/2010 03/12/2010 03/12/2010 03/12/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/19/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 03/26/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 . 04/06/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 Check 600892 600893 600894 600895 600896 600897 600898 600899 Vendor NORTH SHORE GAS NORTH SHORE GAS OFFICE DEPOT R&R PRODUCTS, INC. REED IRRIGATION SHERIDAN AUTO PARTS SKOKIE COUNTRY CLUB TOWN & COUNTRY LANDSCAPE SUPPLY ( ( ( 34 Amount 243.42 413.68 40.96 183.99 60.00 89.52 300.00 3,180.76 ' 76,867.26 Date 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 04/15/2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Glencoe Golf Club To: Paul Harlow From: Stella Nanos, General Manager Date: April 9, 2010 Subject: March 2010 Monthly Report Financial Overview: The golf course opened for play on March 17th. Following the opening we were hit with 2.5 inches of snow. The snow then melted but was followed by several nights of deep frost. This resulted in turf damage to low areas in the fairways. The damaged areas have been treated and are expected to regenerate as growing conditions become favorable. Total revenues were $32,289 vs. a budget of $11,835. March Rounds Average Rate FYTD Rounds 2010 Actual 2009 Actual 305 $20.20 305 340 $23.22 340 Departmental Overview: Golf Shop: Green fee and outing revenue was $7,663 vs. a budget of $3,785. Merchandise: Merchandise sales totaled $766 vs. a budget of $700. Driving Range: The driving range revenue was $216 vs. a budget of $500. Rentals: Pull cart rentals totaled $180 vs. a budget of $50; electric carts totaled $356 vs. a budget of $500. Golf Course: Equipment maintenance work continues; all equipment will be serviced by April 1st. All of the wooden tee signs and directional sign have been repaired or replaced. The crew has been working on extensive on course clean-up throughout the month. 2010 Weather: The high temperature for the month was 75 degrees and the low was 18 degrees. The average high was 45 degrees and the average low was 28. Total precipitation was 1.11 inches against an average of 2.50. Marketing Notes: • An email blast was sent out promoting our spring rates, the senior membership program and permanent tee times. • The web banner ad on the CDGA’s (Chicago District Golf Association) home page, promoting permanent tee times along with a link to our website ran the month of February. • Posters were created promoting the CDGA Public Links Championship that will be played at the Club in May. Miscellaneous: • Due to excessive water damage from frozen pipes, the drywall in the kitchen was replaced and repainted. This work was completed by our maintenance staff. • The stairs leading to the practice green were renovated and a new brick landing was installed. This work was completed by our maintenance staff. • Work has begun on renovating the landscape beds in the parking lot. The finished project will feature stone boarders on the landscape beds. The stone will match the previous projects that have been completed on the course. Additional ornamental plantings will also be planted to enhance the Club’s entrance. This work is being completed by our maintenance staff. • Max’s on the Green opened on March 31st, a day early, due to the high volume of play. • Work has begun on renovating the bathrooms on the golf course; they will be completed by mid-April. • The interior of the golf shop was redesigned to facilitate operations. • The 2010 permanent tee time members are signing up for the 2010 season. We currently have 40 foursomes paid out of a budget of 42 foursomes. Sincerely, Stella Nanos General Manager Glencoe Golf Club VILLAGE OF GLENCOE GLENCOE, ILLINOIS April 1, 2010 To: Paul M. Harlow, Village Manager From: David C. Mau, Director of Public Works The following is the Public Works Department monthly report summary for the month of March 2010. Capital Improvements. Village Court Parking Lot Improvements A. Lamp Construction has completed approximately 70% of the total work for the Village Court Parking Lot Improvements. Asphalt paving has been completed to the binder level. During March the raised planter areas were constructed and the brick paver sidewalks completed. ComEd completed the work related to their vault removal during March. Final asphalt surface and permanent striping should be completed in May. The parking lot has been fully accessible since December 2009. Palos Road and Green Bay Road Storm Water Drainage Improvements. DiMeo Brothers, Inc., was the successful low bidder. Construction is expected to begin by late April on Green Bay Road between Washington and Adams. This work is being completed first to be done before the resurfacing work begins on Green Bay Road through this same work zone. Beach Road Storm Sewer Improvement This project was bid on April 7, 2010, and is awaiting Village Board approval. Construction is to begin by early May on this improvement on Beach Road between Greenleaf Avenue and Longwood Avenue. Green Bay Road Resurfacing Project This American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded project will begin in late spring 2010. The project was bid on November 6, 2009, and contract was awarded to Peter Baker and Sons Company. Staff attended the preconstruction meeting in January and learned of the necessary documentation for this for this Federally-funded project. Peter Baker and Sons had successfully completed the 2009 Resurfacing Program. Construction is expected to begin in May. The project involves some spot curb replacement with asphalt grinding and resurfacing. The project limits are from Park Avenue to Scott Avenue. Building/Construction Permits. Four building permits with a value of $1,761,749 were issued in March 2010, compared to no building permits issued in March 2009, and 2 building permits with a value of $15,017,000 in March 2008. In addition, 5 construction permits were issued in March 2010 with a total value of $249,667 compared to 7 permits issued in March 2009 with a value of $248,167 and 13 permits issued in March 2008 with a value of $805,900. Water. Pumpage in March 2010 was 28,475,000 gallons, down from 31,285,000 gallons in March 2009, and down from 35,965,000 gallons in March 2008. Production. Work this month included a new motorized backwash valve on filter #3 and regular maintenance. Distribution. In March, Water Distribution crews repaired two broken water mains, four service leaks and one main line valve. Other activities for the month included 82 meters upgraded to radio read. Refuse/Recycling. Refuse taken to the Wheeling Township Transfer Station (WTTS) in March 2010 was 209 tons. Other Items. • Preliminary spring maintenance of public planting areas was initiated in March. Sincerely, David C. Mau, P.E. Director of Public Works 2010 - 2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS For Period through March 31, 2010 Project Contract: Palos Rd & Green Bay Rd Basin Improvements Locations Budget Amount Low Bid Green Bay east to Sheridan and South Av Amount Spent to Date Percent Complete $1,603,154 Comments Preliminary field layout begun; work to begin in late April Contractor: Di Meo Bros, Inc. Engineer: ERA Inspections: Staff and ERA Contract: Green Bay Road Resurfacing Improvement Green Bay, Park Av to Scott Av Federal Stimulus funding ARRA Beach Rd from Greenleaf to Longwood $80,000 Bond fund sewers Contractor: Peter Baker & Sons Work to begin in early May Engineer: Clark Dietz, Inc. Inspections: Staff & Clark Dietz Contract: Beach Road Storm Sewer Improvement Contractor: Mark Meade Excavator Engineer: Staff Inspections: Staff Village Court Parking Lot Improvement $121,003 Bids opened April 7, 2010; work to begin in May $40,000 Bond fund streets $440,007 $348,633 Contractor: A. Lamp Construction Engineer: HLR Inspections: HLR & staff Compiled and submitted by: Christine Van Dornick, P.E. Village Engineer 70% Asphalt paving completed to binder level. Project completion delayed to spring 2010. VILLAGE OF GLENCOE GLENCOE, ILLINOIS TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES, VILLAGE OF GLENCOE The following building permits were issued during the month of March 2010. 11806 788 Glencoe Rd Bathroom addition Owner: M/M Joshua Cooper Contractor: C & P Remodeling Value: $76,749 11807 11808 370 Washington Av Erect new dwelling on vacant lot Owner: M/M Barry Slotnick Contractor: Scott Simpson Builders Value: $775,000 11809 110 Lakewood Dr Demolish existing house/erect new dwelling Owner: G. R. Development Contractor: Leigh Gignilliat Value: $900,000 477 Woodlawn Av Enlarge enclosed front entry addition Owner: Jae Hwansoo Contractor: Galaxie Construction Value: $10,000 Respectfully submitted, John Houde Building & Zoning Administrator BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SUMMARY MARCH 2008 No. 1 New Dwelling Single Family YEAR TO DATE 2009 Value No. 2010 Value No. 1,200,000 Dwelling Changes Single Family 2008 Value No. 2009 Value No. 2010 Value No. Value 2 1,675,000 4 3,756,094 1 1,500,000 4 4,675,000 2 86,749 3 406,500 1 38,000 3 96,749 1 283,950 8 5,055,699 New Dwelling Multi Family Dwelling Changes Multi Family Business Building Business Building Changes Accessory Building Swimming Pools Public Buildings 1 13,817,000 Miscellaneous 2 TOTAL 15,017,000 0 0 4 1,761,749 1 13,817,000 1 35,255 9 18,014,849 1 114,900 3 1,652,900 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SUMMARY Includes bathroom/kitchen fixture/cabinet replacements, roofs, electrical service upgrades, window replacements, and other minor repairs MARCH 2008 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 No. Value No. Value No. Value No. Value No. Value No. Value 13 805,900 7 248,167 5 249,667 25 1,273,590 16 794,767 13 402,533 BUILDING PERMIT 6 MONTH TIME EXTENSIONS Extension Fee is 1/3 of the original building permit cost. MARCH 2008 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 No. Fee No. Fee No. Fee No. Fee No. Fee No. Fee -- -- -- -- 1 11,000 2 14,094 3 30,046 3 37,455 GLENCOE PUBLIC WORKS MONTHLY REPORT MAR 2009 WATER PRODUCTION/ DISTRIBUTION Total Pumpage Average Day Maximum Day Minimum Day Maximum Rate Precipitation New Service Taps Service Repairs Main Breaks Fire Hydrants Water Meters (million gal) (million gal) (millions gal) (million gal) (mgd) (inches) MAR 2010 YTD 2009 YTD 2010 Repaired Tested Repaired Installed (new) Rebuilt/Radio Upgrades Repaired New Installation 31.285 1.009 1.215 0.770 2.0 2.95 2 1 3 6 0 0 98 0 2 28.475 0.919 1.130 0.730 2.0 0.66 0 4 2 0 0 0 82 0 0 102.127 1.135 1.650 0.770 3.4 6.34 5 4 14 14 2 0 297 0 4 86.409 0.960 1.300 0.730 2.0 1.38 2 5 5 3 0 0 264 0 0 (sq. ft.) (times) (times) (tons) (gals) Repaired (sq. ft.) Plowed (times) Cleaned (ft.) Repaired (ft.) Televised (ft.) Cleaned (ft.) Repaired (ft.) Televised (ft.) Cleaned Repaired (tons) Trimmed Removed 1443 1 1 10 0 2 1 25,541 6 n/a 375 48 n/a 48 133 193 201 6 810 0 0 0 600 0 0 35,634 38 631 265 59 205 119 9 209 252 10 3027 21 20 540 1500 3 20 83,582 6 n/a 1325 60 n/a 242 134 546 345 14 1890 6 11 308 5070 0 8 68,905 56 996 1415 59 455 233 10 587 409 24 (each) (each) (each) (each) (gals) (gals) 18 7 15 0 3196 2057 14 6 11 3 2961 1972 53 21 26 11 9960 8773 41 13 37 7 9116 7958 STREETS, SEWERS, FORESTRY Street: repaired Plowed: Salted: Road Salt Calcium Chloride Sidewalks: Sanitary Sewers: Storm Sewers: Manhole/Catch Basins: Refuse/Landfill Parkway Trees: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Routine Service: Breakdowns Major Breakdowns Minor Outside Repairs Gasoline Used Diesel Used VILLAGE OF GLENCOE RESOLUTION RA RESOLUTION APPOINTING A DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF NORTHERN COOK COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF GLENCOE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The Village of Glencoe is a member of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (“the Agency”) and, pursuant to the Agency Agreement establishing the Agency, is entitled to appoint a Director and one or more Alternate Directors to the Board of Directors in the Agency. SECTION TWO: The President and Board of Trustees appoints SCOTT M. FELDMAN, as the Village’s Director on the Board of Directors of the Agency and appoints PAUL M. HARLOW, Village Manager as its Alternate Director, in each case for a term expiring April 30, 2011, or until his successor is appointed. SECTION THREE: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and approval. PASSED THIS DAY OF 2010. DAY OF 2010. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED THIS Village President ATTEST: Deputy Village Clerk Village of Glencoe Board Agenda Memorandum DATE PREPARED: April 8, 2010 MEETING DATE: April 15, 2010 AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider replacement vehicles for Public Safety Department RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board approve the purchase of two vehicles for the not-to-exceed amount of $54,579. Background: The Fiscal Year 2011 Capital Budget allocates $100,000 for the purchase of a total of three replacement vehicles as outlined in the 10-year vehicle replacement plan. Analysis: For the past ten years, Public Safety has maintained a mixed fleet of sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and sedans. The combination of these types of vehicles has provided many benefits including a longer than average life span. The Sutton Automotive Group in Matteson, Illinois has been awarded the City and Suburban Contract to provide 2010 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol vehicles and 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe Special Service vehicles. The purchase of only one SUV (the Chevrolet Tahoe) would continue the migration of the Public Safety fleet to more eco-friendly vehicles while still allowing the Department at least two vehicles capable of transporting personnel and equipment in severe weather. The Public Safety Department, along with other Village departments, evaluates the vehicle replacements to include new technologies as they become proven and available for Village use. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into contract with the Sutton Auto Group of Matteson, Illinois for the purchase of one 2010 Ford Crown Victoria vehicle for an amount not-to-exceed $22,144 and a 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe for an amount not-toexceed $32,435. 1 FY11 Budgeted $100,000 Motion: Current Balance $100,000 Recommended Expenditure $54,579.00 Balance $45,421 These items are being presented for approval as part of the Consent Agenda. If the Village Board concurs with the recommendations of staff, a Consent Agenda motion would include the following approval: Move that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into contract with Sutton Auto Group of Matteson, Illinois for one (1) 2010 Ford Crown Victoria vehicle for an amount not-to-exceed $22,144 and one 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe for an amount not-toexceed $32,435. 2 03/24/2010 10:02 SUTTON FORD FLEET 7087204305 PAGE ~ LINCOLN 21315 Central Ave., Matteson, 1160443 • 708~720·8000 ~ MERCURY • March 24, 2010 Village of Glencoe . Department of Public Safety 675 Village Court Glencoe, lL 6002.2. Lt. Betsy Seno, For your review: 2010 Chevrolet rahoe 4WD 4dr Special Service Vehicle, as attached • • • Paint; Summit White P265/70R17 On/Off Tires 6 Way Power Seat • Locking Rear Axle • Dual Batteries • • • Flasher System left-hand Spotlight Wiring for Grill Lights/Speakers • Wiring for Horn/Siren , RemoteStart • Daytime R.unning lights !\let: $32,435.00 These vehicles are normally available for prompt delivery. There are approximately 15·20 vehicles available, which are subject to availability. Factory order cutoff is April 2, 2010. ......... Thank you, ~ Louis M. Zager Fleet Manager . 07/20 03f24/2010' 10:02 7087204305 SUI IUN rUKU rL~~1 ~ LINCOJ..N (f) MERCURY 21315 Central Ave., Matteson,lL 60443 • 708·720·8000 • wWw,suttonautoteam.oom March 23, 2010 Village of Glencoe Department of Public Safety 675 Village Cot,Jrt Glencoe,ll60022 Lt Betsy Seno, Please accept the following proposal: One (lJ or More: 2010 Ford Crown Vrctoria Police Interceptor Base UnIt (as attached) • Ignition Controlled trunk Relegse • RadiO Suppression Bonding Straps • .Inoperative Dome lights • Police Pig-tail Wiring Harness $20,990.00 60.00 90.00 20.00 24.00 5.00 • Extra Keys • Traction Control 160.00 • . Power Drivers Seat • Scotch-guard 345.00 • Front and Rear Wig-Wag Lights ~60.00 • Rain Guards/Vent Shades (4 Windows) • • • WhiteClearcoat Paint Chartoellnterior Delivery, Total Each Unit N/C 90.00 N/C NIC N/C $22,144.00 Please note: Plastic seat inserts and "SaUna" partitions should be transferrable from late model Crown Victoria Police Interceptors, Village of Glencoe Board Agenda Memorandum DATE PREPARED: April 8, 2010 MEETING DATE: April 15, 2010 AGENDA SUBJECT: Consideration of an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Resolution for Construction on State Highway RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board Approve the Resolution Background: There are currently three roadways within the Village limits that are under the jurisdiction of the state through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT): Forest Way Drive, Dundee Road west of Forest Way Drive, and Sheridan Road. The state requires municipalities to pass a resolution to allow municipal work to be performed on state right-of-way without the requirement to provide a surety bond that is required for any private contractor. Analysis: The attached resolution would allow the Village of Glencoe to perform construction work in any state right-of-way in the Village’s jurisdiction. The resolution extends this right for a period of two years, and expedites the issuance of permits when required. The Village has water, sanitary and storm sewer utilities located within the IDOT right-of-way on each of the state routes in the Village. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the IDOT Resolution for Construction on State Highways. Motion: This item is being presented for approval as part of the Consent Agenda. If the Village Board concurs with the recommendations of staff, a Consent Agenda motion would include the following approval: Move that the Village President and Board of Trustees approve the Resolution for Construction on State Highways for 2010 and 2011. 1 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Village of Glencoe, hereinafter referred to as MUNICIPALITY, located in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, desires to undertake, in the years 2010 and 2011, the location, construction, operation and maintenance of driveways and street returns, water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, traffic signals, sidewalks, landscaping, etc. on State highways, within said MUNICIPALITY, which by law and/or agreement come under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois hereinafter referred to as DEPARTMENT; and WHEREAS, an individual working permit must be obtained from the DEPARTMENT prior to any of the aforesaid installations being constructed either by the MUNICIPALITY or by a private person or firm under contract and supervision by the MUNICIPALITY. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the MUNICIPALITY: FIRST: That the MUNICIPALITY hereby pledges its good faith and guarantees that all work shall be performed in accordance with conditions of the permit to be granted by the DEPARTMENT, and to hold the State of Illinois harmless during the prosecution of such work, and assume all liability for damages to person or property due to accidents or otherwise by reason of the work that is to be performed under the provision of said permit. SECOND: That all authorized officials of the MUNICIPALITY are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said working permit on behalf of the MUNICIPALITY. Dated this County, Illinois. day of Village President Deputy Village Clerk 2010, at the Village of Glencoe, Cook Illinois Department of ltansportation Division of Highways/Region One I District One 201 WestCenterCourtlSchaumburg, illinois 60196-1096 PERMITS Resolution for Construction on State Highway March 13, 2010 VIU.MK 0/" DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOHKS Mr. Scott M. Feldman Village President Village of Glencoe 675 Village Court Glencoe, IL 60022 Dear Mr. Feldman: Chapter 121 of the Illinois revised statutes requires that any person, firm or corporation desiring to do work on state maintained rights of way must 'first obtain a written permit from the Illinois department of transportation. This includes any emergency work on broken watermains or sewers. A surety bond is required with each permit application to insure that all work is completed in accordance with state specifications and that the right of way is properly restored. For permit work to be performed by employees of a municipality a resolution is acceptable in lieu of the surety bond. This resolution does not relieve contractors hired by the municipality from conforming with the normal bonding requirements nor from obtaining permits. The resolution should be enacted for a period of two years. This procedure will save time and effort as well as reduce the annual paperwork associated with an annual resolution. In order to expedite the issuance of permits to your municipality during the next two calendar years the attached sample resolution should be adopted and a signed and certified copy thereof returned to this office. This resolution does not constitute a blanket permit for work in the State system. A separate application must be made in each instance. In the case of an emergency, verbal authority may be given prior to receipt of the written application. After normal working hours or weekends, this authority can be obtained from our Communications Center at (847)705 4612. March 13, 2010 Page two We would appreciate the cooperation of your community in withholding the issuance of building permits along State highways until the builder shows evidence of a State highway permit having been obtained. Our permit staff would be willing to answer any questions you may have regarding current policies or practices and to work with your planning commission on any new developments within your municipality. Do not hesitate to contact Ms. Beverly Hawley, Office Coordinator at (847) 705-4142. Very truly yours, Diane M. O'Keefe, P.E. Deputy Director of Highways, Region One Engineer J/lt~ )k&-,.i4yt /Jz By: Thomas G. Gallenbach, P.E. Acting Traffic Permits Engineer VILLAGE OF GLENCOE RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING ACADEMY (NIPSTA) WHEREAS, a number of units of local government and public agencies in northeastern Illinois have found a need to provide, jointly and cooperatively, for a public safety training facility to provide instructional training and research programs on public safety issues of mutual concern; and WHEREAS, the Village of Glencoe (the “Village”) has participated in the study of such a joint entity, to be called the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (“NIPSTA”), for determining whether participation by the Village’s Public Safety Department would be in the interest of the Village, its residents and business, and the public; and WHEREAS, the NIPSTA facility is proposed to be located at the former Glenview Naval Air Station pursuant to a lease agreement with the Village of Glenview; and WHEREAS, representatives of the participating units of local government and public agencies have reviewed the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement to establish NIPSTA, which Agreement is attached to and, by this reference, made a part of this Resolution (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Village has the authority to enter into the Agreement pursuant to Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970 and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.; and WHEREAS, the Public Safety Department recommends, and the Village Board has determined, that participation by the Village’s Public Safety Department would be in the interest of the Village, its residents and business, and the public and that entering into the Agreement would be in the best interest of the Village; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF GLENCOE, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION ONE: RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are incorporated in, and made a part of, this Resolution by this reference as findings of the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Glencoe. SECTION TWO: APPROVAL. The Agreement is hereby approved, in substantially the form of Exhibit A hereto, to enable the Village’s Public Safety Department to participate in NIPSTA. SECTION THREE: DESIGNATION OF DELEGATES. Michael Volling is hereby designated as the Village’s delegate to the Board of Directors of NIPSTA pursuant to Article V, Section 1 of the Agreement. Allan Kebby is hereby designated as the Village’s alternate delegate to the Board of Directors of NIPSTA pursuant to Article V, Section 1 of the Agreement. SECTION FOUR: AUTHORIZATION. The Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest the Agreement, and the Village Clerk is hereby authorized to provide a fully executed copy of the Agreement, along with a certified copy of this Resolution, to the officials at NIPSTA. PASSED THIS DAY OF 2010. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2010. Village President ATTEST: Deputy Village Clerk Village of Glencoe Board Agenda Memorandum DATE PREPARED: April 9, 2010 MEETING DATE: April 15, 2010 AGENDA SUBJECT : Consideration of Construction Engineering Services Agreement for Botanic Garden Project RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board Approve the Agreement Background: The Village was contacted in 2008 by the staff at the Chicago Botanic Garden regarding their proposed Children’s Learning Campus Project. The Garden had been awarded federal funding for this project but was informed that they were not eligible to be the local agency sponsor by IDOT who is the federal program administrator. The project was awarded approximately $1.5 million in federal funds and $300,000 in matching grant funds through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). The Garden’s request of the Village was to act as the Local Agency sponsor for the project, with no involvement in the project other than to “pass through” the Garden’s grant funds. The Village agreed to serve this role in June 2008 and approved an agreement in April 2009. The agreement spells out the Garden’s responsibility for advancement of the funds to the Village for payment of project expenses as the Local Agency. Analysis: The initial phase of the Project includes construction of a paved and landscaped entryway to the Children’s Learning Campus at the Chicago Botanic Garden. In addition to a Village/Garden agreement, the Village has executed an Engineering Services Agreement with the Garden’s Engineering Consultant for the design services for the project. HNTB Corporation was selected by the Garden to perform their engineering design for the project. The project is now scheduled to go out to bid, and the State requires approval of an Agreement for Construction Engineering Services. Attached is a Construction Engineering Services 1 Agreement with HNTB Corporation for the Children’s Learning Center Entryway improvement at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Recommendation: Motion: The processing of payment from the Garden to the Village to their consultant has not been problematic to date. Under the terms of the Agreement between the Village and the Chicago Botanic Garden, staff recommends approval of the Construction Engineering Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation for $155,331.80 for construction engineering services for this project. This item is being presented for approval as part of the Consent Agenda. If the Village Board concurs with the recommendations of staff, a Consent Agenda motion would include the following approval: Move that the Village Board authorize the Village President to execute a Construction Engineering Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation for construction services for the Chicago Botanic Garden Children’s Learning Center Entryway project for a total not-to-exceed fee of $155,331.80. 2 Local Agency @111nois De~ Consultant Village of Glencoe Illinois L 0 County C A 0 Address N 111 N. Canal Street Suite 1250 L S U Cook Section 08-QQQ61-QQ-BS Project No. A G E HPP-4071fO01 ) Job No. C-91-102-08 Contact Name/Phone/E-maii Address David Mau, P.E.! (847) 835-4111 N HNTB Corporation of TranspOrtation Construction Engineering Services Agreement For Federal Participation I~ C L City Chicaao State Illinois T A Zip Code N Contact Name/PhonelE-mail Address T Kevin J. Kell, P.E. (312) 930-9119; fiOfiOfi THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2010 between the above Local Agency (LA) and Consultant (ENGINEER) and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the PROJECT described herein. Federal-aid funds allotted to the LA by the state of Illinois under the general supervision of the Illinois Department of Transportation (STATE) will be used entirely or in part to finance engineering services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. WHEREVER IN THIS AGREEMENT the following terms are used, they shall be interpreted to mean: Regional Engineer Resident Engineer Contractor Regional Engineer, Department of Transportation LA Employee directly responsible for construction of the PROJECT Company or Companies to which the construction contract was awarded Project Description Name Children'S Learning Center Entryway ~~~~~~~~~~~~L- Termini _ _ _ __ Route -'-'''-'-___ Length 1.6 Ac. Structure No. N/A Chicago Botanic Garden Description: Provide construction inspection services for a new drive/entryway to the Chilren's Learning Center in the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, Illinois. The project is to be constructed in accordance with the approved contract plans for the project. The project includes excavation, grading, paving, drainage, curb and gutter, landscaping, and other collateral work. Aa:reE!m4ent Provisions I. THE ENGINEER AGREES, To perform or be responsible for the performance of the engineering services for the LA, in connection with the PROJECT hereinbefore described and checked below: [8J a. Proportion concrete according to applicable STATE Bureau of Materials and Physical Research (BMPR) Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) training documents or contract requirements and obtain samples and perform testing as noted below. [8J b. Proportion hot mix asphalt according to applicable STATE BMPR QC/QA training documents and obtain samples and perform testing as noted below. [8J c. For soils, [8J d. For aggregates, to obtain samples and perform testing as noted below. to obtain samples and perform testing as noted below. NOTE: For 1a. through 1d. the ENGINEER is to obtain samples for testing according to the STATE BMPR "Project Procedures Guide", or as indicated in the specifications, or as attached herein by the LA; test according to the STATE BMPR "Manual of Test Procedures for Materials", submit STATE BMPR inspection reports; and verify compliance with contract specifications. e. Inspection of all materials when inspection is not provided at the sources by the STATE BMPR, and submit inspection reports to the LA and the STATE in accordance with the STATE BMPR "Project Procedures Guide" and the policies of the STATE. f. For Quality Assurance services, provide personnel who have completed the appropriate STATE BMPR QC/QA trained technician classes. g. Inspect, document and inform the resident engineer of the adequacy of the establishment and maintenance of the traffic control. Page 1 of 7 Printed on 418/2010 12:23:47 PM BLR 05611 (Rev. 9/06) h. Geometric control including all construction staking and construction layouts. i. Quality control of the construction work in progress and the enforcement of the contract provisions in accordance with the STATE Construction Manual. j. Measurement and computation of pay items. k. Maintain a daily record of the contractor's activities throughout construction including sufficient information to permit verification of the nature and cost of changes in plans and authorized extra work. I. Preparation and submission to the LA by the required form and number of copies, all partial and final payment estimates, change orders, records, documentation and reports required by the LA and the STATE. m. Revision of contract drawings to reflect as built conditions. 2. Engineering services shall include all equipment, instruments, supplies, transportation and personnel required to perform the duties of the ENGINEER in connection with the AGREEMENT. 3. To furnish the services as required herein within twenty-four hours of notification by the resident engineer or authorized representative. 4. To attend meetings and visit the site of the work at any reasonable time when requested to do so by representatives of the LA or STATE. 5. That none of the services to be furnished by the ENGINEER shall be sublet, assigned or transferred to any other party or parties without the written consent of the LA. The consent to sublet, assign or otherwise transfer any portion of the services to be furnished by the ENGINEER shall not be construed to relieve the ENGINEER of any responsibility for the fulfillment of this AGREEMENT. 6. The ENGINEER shall submit invoices, based on the ENGINEER's progress reports, to the resident engineer, no more than once a month for partial payment on account for the ENGINEER's work completed to date. Such invoices shall represent the value, to the LA of the partially completed work, based on the sum of the actual costs incurred, plus a percentage (equal to the percentage of the construction engineering completed) of the fixed fee for the fully completed work. 7. That the ENGINEER is qualified technically and is entirely conversant with the design standards and policies applicable to improvement of the SECTION; and that the ENGINEER has sufficient properly trained, organized and experienced personnel to perform the services enumerated herein. 8. That the ENGINEER shall be responsible for the accuracy of the ENGINEER's work and correction of any errors, omissions or ambiguities due to the ENGINEER'S negligence which may occur either during prosecution or after acceptance by the LA. Should any damage to persons or property result from the ENGINEER's error, omission or negligent act, the ENGINEER shall indemnify the LA, the STATE and their employees from all accrued claims or liability and assume all restitution and repair costs ariSing from such negligence. The ENGINEER shall give immediate attention to any remedial changes so there will be minimal delay to the contractor and prepare such data as necessary to effectuate corrections, in consultation with and without further compensation from the LA. 9. That the ENGINEER will comply with applicable federal statutes, state of Illinois statutes, and local laws or ordinances of the LA. 10. The undersigned certifies neither the ENGINEER nor I have: a) employed or retained for commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee or other considerations, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above ENGINEER) to solicit or secure this AGREEMENT; b) agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this AGREEMENT, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the AGREEMENT or c) paid, or agreed to pay any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above ENGINEER) any fee, contribution, donation or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out the AGREEMENT. d) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; e) have not within a three-year period preceding the AGREEMENT been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (e) of this certification; and f) g) have not within a three-year period preceding this AGREEMENT had one or more public transactions (Federal. State or local) terminated for cause or default. Page 20f7 Printed on 4/8/201012:23:47 PM BLR 05611 (Rev. 9/06) 11. To pay its subconsultants for satisfactory performance no later than 30 days from receipt of each payment from the LA. 12. To submit all invoices to the LA within one year of the completion of the work called for in this AGREEMENT or any subsequent Amendment or Supplement. 13. To submit BLR 05613, Engineering Payment Report, to the STATE upon completion of the work called for in the AGREEMENT. II. THE LA AGREES, 1. To furnish a resident engineer to be in responsible charge of general supervision of the construction. 2. To furnish the necessary plans and specifications. 3. To notify the ENGINEER at least 24 hours in advance of the need for personnel or services. 4. To pay the ENGINEER as compensation for all services rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT, on the basis of the following compensation formulas: Cost Plus Fixed Fee D D CPFF = 14.5%[DL + R(DL) + OH(DL) + IHDC], or CPFF = 14.5%[DL + R(DL) + 1.4(DL) + IHDC], or 1:8] CPFF = 14.5%[(2.3 + R)DL + IHDC] Where: Specific Rate D Lump Sum D DL =Direct Labor IHDC = In House Direct Costs OH = Consultant Firm's Actual Overhead Factor R =Complexity Factor (Pay per element) 5. To pay the ENGINEER using one of the following methods as required by 49 CFR part 26 and 605 ILCS 5/5-409: D a) b) c) With Retainage For the first 50% of completed work, and upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments for the work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to 90% of the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. After 50% of the work is completed, and upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments covering work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to 95% of the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. Final Payment - Upon approval of the work by the LA but not later than 60 days after the work is completed and reports have been made and accepted by the LA and the STATE, a sum of money equal to the basic fee as determined in this AGREEMENT less the total of the amounts of partial payments previously paid to the ENGINEER shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER. 1:8] Without Retainage a) b) For progressive payments - Upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments for the work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. Final Payment - Upon approval of the work by the LA but not later than 60 days after the work is completed and reports have been made and accepted by the LA and STATE, a sum of money equal to the basic fee as determined in this AGREEMENT less the total of the amounts of partial payments previously paid to the ENGINEER shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER. 6. The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of any DOT-assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR part 26. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT assisted contracts. The recipient's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR part 26 and as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient of its failure to carry out its approved program, the Department may impose sanctions as provided for under part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). Page 3 of 7 Printed on 4/8/201012:23:47 PM BLR 05611 (Rev. 9/06) III. It is Mutually Agreed, 1. That the ENGINEER and the ENGINEER's subcontractors will maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to cost incurred and to make such materials available at their respective offices at all reasonable times during the AGREEMENT period and for three years from the date of final payment under this AGREEMENT, for inspection by the STATE, Federal Highway Administration or any authorized representatives of the federal government and copies thereof shall be furnished if requested. 2. That all services are to be furnished as required by construction progress and as determined by the RESIDENT ENGINEER. The ENGINEER shall complete all services specified herein within a time considered reasonable to the LA, after the CONTRACTOR has completed the construction contract 3. That all field notes, test records and reports shall be turned over to and become the property of the LA and that during the performance of the engineering services herein provided for, the ENGINEER shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the documents herein enumerated while they are in the ENGINEER's posseSSion and any such loss or damage shall be restored at the ENGINEER's expense. 4. That this AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon written notice to the ENGINEER, at the ENGINEER's last known address, with the understanding that should the AGREEMENT be terminated by the LA, the ENGINEER shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed. The percentage of the total services which have been rendered by the ENGINEER shall be mutually agreed by the parties hereto. The fixed fee stipulated in numbered paragraph 4d of Section II shall be multiplied by this percentage and added to the ENGINEER's actual costs to obtain the earned value of work performed. All field notes, test records and reports completed or partially completed at the time of termination shall become the property of, and be delivered to, the LA. 5. That any differences between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appOinted by the ENGINEER, one member appOinted by the LA, and a third member appOinted by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final. 6. That in the event the engineering and inspection services to be furnished and performed by the LA (including personnel furnished by the ENGINEER) shall, in the opinion of the STATE be incompetent or inadequate, the STATE shall have the right to supplement the engineering and inspection force or to replace the engineers or inspectors employed on such work at the expense of the LA. 7. That the ENGINEER has not been retained or compensated to provide design and construction review services relating to the contractor's safety precautions, except as provided in numbered paragraph 1f of Section I. 8. This certification is required by the Drug Free Workplace Act (301LCS 580). The Drug Free Workplace Act requires that no grantee or contractor shall receive a grant or be considered for the purpose of being awarded a contract for the procurement of any property or service from the State unless that grantee or contractor will provide a drug free workplace. False certification or violation of the certification may result in sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension of contract or grant payments, termination of a contract or grant and debarment of contracting or grant opportunities with the State for at least one (1) year but no more than five (5) years. For the purpose of this certification, "grantee" or "contractor" means a corporation, partnership or other entity with twenty-five (25) or more employees at the time of issuing the grant, or a department, division or other unit thereof, directly responsible for the specific performance under a contract or grant of $5,000 or more from the State, as defined in the Act. The contractor/grantee certifies and agrees that it will provide a drug free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement: (1) Notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including cannabis, is prohibited in the grantee's or contractor's workplace. (2) Specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (3) Notifying the employee that, as a condition of employment on such contract or grant, the employee will: (A) abide by the terms of the statement; and (8) notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. (b) Establishing a drug free awareness program to inform employees about: (1) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) the grantee's or contractor's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace; (3) any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance program; and (4) the penalties that may be imposed upon an employee for drug violations. Page 4of7 Printed on 4/8/201012:23:47 PM BLR05611 (Rev. 9/06) (c) Providing a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (a) to each employee engaged in the performance of the contract or grant and to post the statement in a prominent place in the workplace. (d) Notifying the contracting or granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice under part (B) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) above from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. (e) Imposing a sanction on, or requiring the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program by, any employee who is convicted, as required by section S of the Drug Free Workplace Act. (f) Assisting employees in selecting a course of action in the event drug counseling, treatment and rehabilitation is required and indicating that a trained referral team is in place. (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug Free Workplace Act. 9. The ENGINEER or subconsultant shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the performance of this AGREEMENT. The ENGINEER shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 26 in the administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the ENGINEER to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this AGREEMENT, which may result in the termination this AGREEMENT or such other remedy as the LA deems appropriate. Agreement Summary Prime Consultant: TIN Number 43-1623092 Sub-ConSUltants: d Material Consultants, Inc. TIN Number 075 Sub-Consultant Total: Prime Consultant Total: Total for all Work: Executed by the LA: Agreement Amount $4,823.00 $4,823.00 $150,508.08 $155,331.80 Village of Glencoe (MunicipalityfTownshiplCounty) ATTEST: By: By: --------------------------- Clerk Title: (SEAL) Executed by the ENGINEER: HNTB Corporation ATTEST: By: By: Title: Title: Page 5 of7 Printed on 4181201012:23:47 PM ------------------------------ Vice President BLR 05611 (Rev. 9106) Exhibit A - Construction Engineering Route: N/A ----~~--~~-----------------Local Agency: Village of Glencoe *Firm's approved rates on file with IDOT'S Bureau of Accounting and Auditing: (MunicipalitylTownship/County) Section: Project: Job No.: 08-00061-00-RS HPP-4071 (001) C-91-102-08 Method of Compensation: Cost Plus Fixed Fee 1 Cost Plus Fixed Fee 2 Cost Plus Fixed Fee 3 Specific Rate Lump Sum ,--~~ ------- Element of Work Construction Eng. o o IXI Overhead Rate (OH) 155.55 % Complexity Factor (R) _0"-...;...00-'-___ Calendar Days _1.:..:7..;:0_ _ 14.5%[DL + R(DL) + OH(DL) + IHDC] 14.5%[DL + R(DL) + 1.4(DL) + IHDC] 14.5%[(2.3 + R)DL + IHDC] D o Cost Estimate of Consultant's Services in Dollars ------ Employee Classification Project Manager Asst. Res. Eng. Const. Technician Landscape Arch. Surveyor/Crew C. Instrumentman Project Admin. ------ ManHours 48.00 820.00 160.00 80.00 48.00 48.00 24.00 Payroll Rate $70.00 $41.00 $31.10 $46.65 $33.60 $21.00 $23.00 Payroll Costs (Dl) $3,360.00 $33,620.00 $4,976.00 $3,732.00 $1,612.80 $1,008.00 $552.00 Overhead* $5,226.48 $52,295.91 $7,740.16 $5,805.12 $2,508.71 $1,567.94 $858.63 Material Testing Direct Costs Totals Page 6 of7 Printed on 4/8/201012:23:47 PM -------- ------ In-House Direct Costs (lHDC) Services by Others $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,823.00 ~~ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,350.00 1228.00 $48860.80 $76002.95 Profit $1,120.56 $11,212.27 $1,659.49 $1,244.62 $537.86 $336.16 $184.09 Total $9,707.04 $97,128.18 $14,375.65 $10,781.74 $4,659.37 $2,912.10 $1,594.72 $4,823.00 $9,350.00 $4823.00_ $9,350.00 __ $16,295.0~ $155,33,\,8 BLR 05611 (Rev. 9/06) ® Exhibit B Illinois Department of ltansportation Engineering Payment Report Prime Consultant Name Address Telephone TIN Number HNTB Corporation 111 N. Canal St., Chicago (312) 930-9119 Project Information Local Agency Section Number Project Number Job Number Village of Glencoe 08-00061-00-RS HPP-4071(001 ) C-91-102-08 This form is to verify the amount paid to the Sub-consultant on the above captioned contract. Under penalty of law for perjury or falsification, the undersigned certifies that work was executed by the Sub-consultant for the amount listed below. Sub-Consultant Name Soil and Material Consultants, Inc. TIN Number Actual Payment from Prime 36-3094075 Sub-Consultant Total: Prime Consultant Total: Total for all Work Completed: Signature and title of Prime Consultant Date Note: The Department of Transportation is requesting disclosure of information that is necessary to accomplish the statutory purpose as outlined under state and federal law. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED and shall be deemed as concurring with the payment amount specified above. Page 7 of 7 Printed on 4/8/2010 12:23:47 PM BLR 05611 (Rev. 9/06) ADDENDUM CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT Entryway to Children's Learning Campus Project No. HPP-4071(OOl) In addition to the Agreement Provisions, the following shall apply and be made part of this AGREEMENT. THE ENGINEER AGREES: Section 1, items a & b: The Engineer's responsibility is limited to processing the contractor's mix design which the contractor is required to supply according to the PROJECT specifications and special provisions. Section 1, item e: revise item e to read as follows: "Upon receipt of written notification from the LA, inspection of materials indicated in such notice when inspection is not being provided at the sources by the STATE BMPR, and submit inspection reports to the LA and the STATE in accordance with the STATE BMPR "Project Procedures Guide" and the policies of the STATE." Section 1, item f: insert the following behind "Quality Assurance": " ... service§, required hereunder ... " Section 1, item g: add at the end of the item " ...based on ENGINEER's professional opinion and experience. " Section 1, item i: add at the end of the item "It is hereby understood and agreed the ENGINEER shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the construction work, since these are solely the construction contractor's responsibility under the construction contract. The ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the construction contractor's schedules or failure to carry out the construction work in accordance with the construction contract." Section 1, item m: delete "Revision of contract" and replace with "Record". Add at the end of the item " ...from "red-lined" plans and/or other Project documentation offield changes provided by the construction contractor but shall have no obligation to verify the accuracy of the changes made by the contractor. Because these Record drawings are based in unverified information provided by other parties which will be assumed reliable, ENGINEER cannot and does not warrant their accuracy." Section 3: revise Section 3 to read "To furnish the services as required herein in accordance with the mutually agreed upon schedule therefore." Section 6: delete Section 6 and replace with "The payment by the LA in accordance with paragraph 5 of Section II will be considered payment in full for all services rendered in accordance with the AGREEMENT. In the event of a dispute between the parties hereto and the parties are unable to reach agreement within thirty (30) days after good faith effort to do so, they may elect to mediate or arbitrate as set forth in paragraph 5 of Section III hereof." Section 7: revise section 7 to read "That the ENGINEER is qualified technically and is conversant with the design standards and policies applicable for the PROJECT; and that the ENGINEER has sufficient properly trained, organized and experienced personnel which shall perfonn services enumerated herein with the same degree of care, and diligence ordinarily possessed by members of its same profession, under similar circumstances and conditions." Section 8: revise Section 8 to read "That the ENGINEER shall be responsible for the accuracy of the ENGINEER's services and correction of any errors, omissions or ambiguities due to the ENGINEER's negligence whether discovered during prosecution or after acceptance by the LA. Should any damage to persons or property result from the ENGINEER's error, omission or negligent act, the ENGINEER shall indemnify the LA, the STATE and their employees from all claims or liability to the extent caused by such negligence; provided, however, In the event judgments, losses, damages, or expenses are caused by the joint or concurrent negligence of LA and ENGINEER, they shall be borne by each party in proportion to its own negligence. To the fullest extent pennitted by law, ENGINEER shall not be liable to LA or the STATE for any consequential damages resulting in any way from the perfonnance of the Services hereunder. The ENGINEER shall give immediate attention to any remedial changes so there will be minimal delay to the contractor and prepare such data as necessary to effectuate corrections, in consultation with and without further compensation from the LA." Section 10: add the following after "The undersigned": " ...,to the best of my knowledge and belief,". THE LA AGREES: Section 2: "LA represents that ENGINEER shall be entitled to reasonably rely on the accuracy and completeness of any documents or other materials provided by LA to ENGINEER. The LA further represents that ENGINEER's use of such documents and material will not infringe upon any third parties' rights and LA will indemnify and protect ENGINEER from any infringement claims arising from ENGINEER's use if such documents or other materials in the perfonnance of its Services hereunder." Section 5, sub-section "Without Retainage", item a): Revise this item to read "For progressive payments Upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereofby the LA, monthly periodic progress payments for the work perfonned shall be due and payable to the engineer within (30) days of receipt. IF LA objects to any invoice submitted by ENGINEER, LA shall so advise ENGINEER in writing giving reasons therefor within seven (7) days of receipt of such invoice and shall pay the remaining amount. If no such objection is made, the invoice will be considered acceptable to LA. Any services requested by the LA outside of those Services outlined herein, shall be mutually agreed upon as to responsibility, compensation and timing thereof by written Amendment to this Agreement executed by both parties, prior to perfonnance by ENGINEER of such Additional Services. Such Additional Services will be invoiced monthly in conjunction with the Services hereunder, due and payable with thirty (30) days of receipt." IT IS MUTALLY AGREED: Section I: add the following at the end of Section I: "Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the AGREEMENT, should the Services hereunder include products or services that are commercially priced by ENGINEER, such guidelines and such commercially products are not subject to audit on the basis of costs incurred and may be governed by separate tenns of use." Section 2: insert in the second sentence after"...within a time" the following: "mutually agreed upon between the parties hereto and ..." Section 3: insert in the first sentence after " of the LA" the following: "upon payment therefore..." Section 4: add to the end of this section the following: " ... , provided, however, ENGINEER shall have the unrestricted right to their use. If the Services hereunder are tenninated prior to completion, ENGINEER is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or workability of any document prepared prior to completion of services contemplated if used, changed or completed by the LA or by another party. The documents supplied during the perfonnance of the Services under this AGREEMENT are instruments of services and not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the LA or others except for the purpose intended, including on modification or extensions of the PROJECT or any other project, and any such reuse will be at the user's sole risk and without liability to ENGINEER. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, any tools, systems or infonnation used by ENGINEER to provide the Services hereunder, including computer software (object code and source code) and derivatives thereof or enhancements thereto, know-how, methodologies, equipment or processes and the intellectual property inherent therein and appurtenant thereto, shall remain the sole and exclusive property of ENGINEER or its supplier. Either party may tenninate this AGREEMENT upon written notice if the other party substantially fails to perfonn its obligations hereunder; provided, however, the nonperfonning party shall have ten (10) days to cure such default prior to tennination. Neither party hereto shall be considered in default under this Agreement for delays due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the nonperfonning party." Section 5: add to the end of Section 5 the following: " ...; provided, however, if the parties are unable to reach agreement to such mediation under tenns reasonably acceptable to both parties, either party may pursue in any court having jurisdiction." EXHIBIT C AGREEMENT BETWEEN HNTB AND CONSULTANT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between HNTB Corporation (HNTB) and Soil and Material Consultants, Inc. (Consultant), for the following reasons: 1. HNTB has entered into an agreement dated (Prime Agreement), with Village of Glencoe (Owner), to perform or provide construction engineering services for the Children's Learning Center Entryway at the Chicago Botanic Garden, identified as HNTB's Project Number 491 05-CN-001 (the Project); and, 2. HNTB requires certain services in connection with the Project (the Services); and, 3. Consultant is prepared to provide the Services. In consideration of the promises contained in this Agreement, HNTB and Consultant agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 - EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement shall be _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ARTICLE 2 - GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State set forth in the Prime Agreement. ARTICLE 3 - SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant shall provide the Services described in Attachment A, Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee. HNTB shall be the general administrator and coordinator of Consultant's services and shall facilitate the exchange of information among the other independent consultants (if any) engaged by HNTB as necessary for the coordination of their services. All Project communications shall be made throl1gh or with the prior written approval of HNTB. Owner and HNTB shall have the right to observe performance of the Services and to review Consultant's files and records relating to the Project. ARTICLE 4 - SCHEDULE Consultant shall provide the Services pursuant to the Schedule set forth in Attachment A, Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee. Consultant recognizes that the services of HNTB and others involved in the Project are dependent upon the complete, accurate and timely performance of Consultant's Services. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall perform such Services in the same character, timing, and sequence as HNTB is required to perform the services under the Prime Agreement. Consultant's failure to so perform shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE 5 - COMPENSATION A. HNTB shall pay Consultant in accordance with Attachment A, Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee. B. Consultant shall submit periodic invoices for Services rendered. At a minimum, all invoices shall include (1) the HNTB Project number, (2) a unique invoice number, (3) an itemized statement of the Services performed for the invoiced period, and (4) a statement of amounts previously invoiced, amount of the current invoice, and total amount billed to date. Consultant is advised that additional documentation may be necessary if required by Owner or HNTB in order to validate invoiced amounts. If HNTB objects to any invoice submitted by Consultant, HNTB shall so advise Consultant in writing giving reasons therefor within fourteen days of receipt of such invoice. If no such objection is made, the invoice will be considered acceptable to HNTB. C. HNTB shall invoice Owner on account of Consultant's Services and shall pay Consultant within fourteen days of the time HNTB receives payment from Owner on account thereof. Invoices must be received prior to HNTB's monthly closing date to be considered with the current month's invoice to the Owner. It is a condition precedent to HNTB's payment to Consultant that HNTB have received corresponding payment from Owner. Payments to Consultant will be reduced by any amounts withheld by Owner. Upon the release to HNTB of any amount which includes payments due Consultant, HNTB will forward to Consultant its portion of such payment. ARTICLE 6 - PRIME AGREEMENT A copy of the Prime Agreement is attached as Attachment B. All portions thereof pertinent to Consultant's responsibilities, compensation, and timing of Services and not in conflict with any provision of this Agreement are incorporated herein and made binding on Consultant. In the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and those of the Prime Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. ARTICLE 7 - QUALITY MANAGEMENT A. Within 30 calendar days of execution of this Agreement, Consultant shall develop and submit to HNTB a draft Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan specifically for this Project. Consultant and HNTB shall HNTB-Sub (Standard).doc 090409 EXHIBITC collaborate to develop a final Consultant QNQC Plan which, upon acceptance by both parties, shall become part of this Agreement. B. The Consultant shall execute the QNQC Plan throughout the course of the Services and provide to HNTB periodic documentation, or other mutually acceptable records, demonstrating Consultant's compliance with the Plan. In addition, Consultant agrees to allow HNTB to conduct a "Quality Management Audit" on Consultant's premises, or other mutually acceptable location, on a periodic basis as may be necessary to ascertain Consultant's compliance with the QNQC plan. Any non-compliance shall be addressed to HNTB's reasonable satisfaction by the Consultant within a mutually agreed upon time period. Consistent non-compliance or any failure to correct non-compliance to HNTB's reasonable satisfaction shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement. C. Neither HNTB's acceptance of the Consultant's QNQC Plan nor any "Quality Management Audit" shall relieve the Consultant of sole responsibility for the professional quality and technical accuracy of all Services under this Agreement. ARTICLE 8 -INDEMNIFICATION A. Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless HNTB and Owner from and against all judgments, losses, damages, and expenses (including attomey fees and defense costs) to the extent such judgments, losses, damages, or expenses are caused by any negligent act, error, or omission of Consultant or any person or organization for whom Consultant is legally liable. B. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this indemnification obligation shall extend to and include any actions brought by, or in the name of, any employee of Consultant or others for whom the Consultant is legally liable. C. The terms and conditions of this Article shall survive completion of all Services, obligations, and duties provided for in this Agreement, or the termination of this Agreement for any reason. ARTICLE 9 -INSURANCE A. During the performance of the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall maintain the following insurance with carriers having a Best's rating of at least B+ and authorized to do business in the state in which the Services are being performed: (1) General Liability Insurance on a coverage form equal to ISO CG 0001, on an occurrence basis, with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate, including a per-project endorsement. (2) Automobile Liability Insurance to include coverage for all hired, owned and non-owned vehicles, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000. (3) Workers' Compensation Insurance, in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Services are being performed, and Employers' Liability Insurance with limits according to such statutory requirements, or $500,000 for each accident, whichever is greater. Where Services fall within the authority of the United States Longshoreman's and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, or the Jones Act, Consultant's insurance shall include such Acts. (4) Professional Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim and annual aggregate. (5) ConSUltant shall provide and maintain the following if applicable to the Services: a. When operations related to the Services hereunder will involve subsurface investigation (such as soil samples, core drilling, test wells, etc.), Consultant, or its subcontractor(s) as applicable, shall maintain Contractor's Pollution Liability Insurance, including bodily injury, property damage and cleanup costs, with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and annual aggregate. b. When necessary for ConSUltant to use watercraft for the performance of the Services under this Agreement, and if excluded by Consultant's General Liability policy, Consultant shall maintain a Watercraft Liability policy with a minimum limit of $1 ,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, including protection & indemnity where applicable. Coverage will apply to owned, non-owned and hired watercraft. c. When necessary for Consultant to use aircraft (fixed-wing or rotary) for the performance of the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall maintain Aircraft Liability with a minimum limit of $1 ,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, including passenger liability. Coverage will apply to owned, non-owned and hired aircraft. B. The policies shall provide, or be endorsed to provide, that: (a) at least thirty (30) days' advance written notice shall be given to HNTB prior to cancellation or non-renewal, (b) HNTB, its parent company, affiliated and subsidiary entities, directors, officers and employees, and the Owner shall be added as additional insureds under policies listed under (1), (2) and (5) above, (c) on those policies where HNTB and the Owner are additional insureds, such insurance shall be primary and any insurance maintained by HNTB or the Owner shall be excess and not contribute with it, and (d) ConSUltant and its insurer(s) waive their rights of subrogation against HNTB and Owner. HNTB-Sub (Standard).doc 2 090409 EXHIBITC C. Consultant shall furnish HNTB certificates of insurance which evidence the requirements of this Article prior to performing any Services under this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file new certificates showing renewal of coverage and limits at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the current policies. Certificates shall include reference to HNTB's Project Number as first stated above. ARTICLE 10 -INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR A. Consultant undertakes performance of the Services as an independent contractor and shall be wholly responsible for the methods of performance. Consultant has complete and sole responsibility for its employees, agents, subcontractors or any other persons or entity that Consultant hires to perform or assist in performing the Services hereunder. B. Consultant is solely responsible for (a) payment of wages, benefits, and other compensation to or for its employees, (b) payment of applicable payroll, unemployment, and other taxes and withholding of applicable social security (FICA) and income taxes with respect to its employees, and (c) compliance with applicable Workers' Compensation laws with respect to maintenance of workers' compensation..and employer's liability insurance coverages. ARTICLE 11 - COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS A. In performance of the Services, Consultant shall comply with applicable regulatory requirements including federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, codes, criteria, and standards. B. When applicable to this Agreement as determined by federal or state laws, or if required by the Prime Agreement, Consultant shall comply with Executive Order 12989 requiring the use of the federal "E-Verify" system to verify its employees' eligibility to work in the United States. C. Consultant shall procure the permits, certificates, and licenses necessary to allow Consultant to perform the Services. Consultant shall not be responsible for procuring permits, certificates, and licenses required for any construction unless such responsibilities are specifically assigned to Consultant in Attachment A, Scope of Services. ARTICLE 12 - HNTB'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. HNTB shall perform the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the Services of Consultant: (1) Provide criteria and information pertinent to Consultant's Services as to Owner's and HNTB's requirements for the Project, including design objectives and constraints, space, capacity, and performance reqUirements, flexibility and expandability, and any budgetary limitations; and furnish copies of all design and construction standards which Owner and HNTB will require to be included in the drawings and specifications to be furnished by Consultant under this Agreement, if any. (2) Make available to Consultant drawings, speCifications, schedules, and other information, interpretations, and data which are prepared by HNTB, or by others, which HNTB knows are reasonably available to HNTB, and which HNTB and Consultant consider pertinent to Consultant's responsibilities hereunder. (3) Request Owner to arrange for access to and to make provisions for Consultant to enter upon public and private property as required for Consultant to perform the Services. (4) Give prompt notice to Consultant whenever HNTB observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of Consultant's Services. B. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, the information and services to be provided by HNTB under this Article will be without cost to Consultant. ARTICLE 13 - OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents, including, but not limited to, drawings, specifications, computer software and other such instruments of service prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement, whether completed or in progress, are the property of HNTB. Ownership shall transfer to Owner if or as required by the Prime Agreement. Intellectual property rights shall assign and transfer to Owner if or as required by the Prime Agreement. Any use except for the specific purpose intended by this Agreement will be at the user's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. ARTICLE 14 - TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. This Agreement will terminate automatically upon termination of the Prime Agreement. HNTB will promptly notify Consultant of such termination. B. HNTB may terminate or suspend performance of all or any part of this Agreement for HNTB's convenience upon written notice to Consultant. Upon receipt of notice, Consultant shall terminate or suspend performance of the Services on a schedule acceptable to HNTB. Consultant's sole remedy shall be payment for Services performed in accordance with this Agreement up to the effective date of termination or suspension. Nothing in this Article shall prohibit or limit HNTB from recovering its costs, losses and damages (direct, indirect, and HNTB-Sub (Standard).doc 3 090409 EXHIBIT C consequential) arising out of or resulting from Services provided by Consultant prior to HNTB's termination or suspension for convenience. C. HNTB may terminate this Agreement upon written notice in the event of substantial failure by Consultant to perform in accordance with this Agreement; provided, however, Consultant shall have 14 calendar days from receipt of the termination notice to cure or to submit a plan for cure reasonably acceptable to HNTB. In the event of such termination, HNTB may complete the Services as HNTB deems appropriate, withholding any further payment to Consultant until the Services have been completed. If the unpaid balance of Consultant's compensation earned to the date of termination exceeds all costs, losses, and damages (direct, indirect, and consequential) sustained by HNTB arising out of or resulting from Consultant's termination and HNTB's completion of the Services, such excess will be paid to Consultant. If such costs, losses, and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Consultant shall pay the difference to HNTB. D. Consultant may terminate this Agreement upon written notice in the event of substantial failure by HNTB to perform in accordance with this Agreement; provided, however, HNTB shall have 14 calendar days from receipt of the termination notice to cure or to submit a plan for cure reasonably acceptable to Consultant. In the event of termination, HNTB will pay Consultant for Services performed in accordance with this Agreement to the date of termination. E. Throughout the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall maintain, in legible and organized form, all information, work papers, and design calculations relating to the Services. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, Consultant will promptly provide same to HNTB, along with all documents or other instruments of service, whether completed or in progress, that have been prepared or furnished by Consultant in the performance of the Services hereunder, and will reasonably cooperate with HNTB and/or any replacement consultant to facilitate transfer of Consultant's responsibilities hereunder. ARTICLE 15 - PROPRIETARY INFORMATION A. Consultant shall treat as proprietary all information provided by HNTB and Owner and all drawings, reports, studies, design calculations, specifications, and other documents or information, in any form or media, resulting from the Consultant's performance of the Services. Consultant shall not publish or disclose proprietary information for any purpose other than the performance of the Services without the prior written authorization of HNTB. B. The preceding restriction shall not apply to information which is in the public domain, was previously known to Consultant, was acquired by Consultant from others who have no confidential relationship to HNTB with respect to same, or which, through no fault of Consultant, comes into the public domain. Consultant shall not be restricted from releasing information, including proprietary information, in response to a subpoena, court order, or other legal process. Consultant shall not be required to resist such subpoena, court order, or legal process, but shall promptly notify HNTB in writing of the demand for information before Consultant responds to such demand. HNTB may, at its sole discretion, seek to quash such demand. ARTICLE 16 - NOTICES A. Any notices required by this Agreement shall be made in writing to the address specified below: HNTB: HNTB Corporation 111 N. Canal Street, Suite 1250 Chicago, IL 60606 Consultant: Soil and Material Consultants, Inc. 8 West College Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 B. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of HNTB and Consultant. ARTICLE 17 - DELAY IN PERFORMANCE A. Neither HNTB nor Consultant shall be considered in default of this Agreement for delays in performance caused by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the nonperforming party. For purposes of this Agreement, such circumstances include, but are not limited to, abnormal weather conditions; floods; earthquakes; fire; epidemics; war, riots, and other civil disturbances; strikes, lockouts, work slowdowns, and other labor disturbances; sabotage; judicial restraint; and delay in or inability to procure permits, licenses, or authorizations from any local, state or federal agency for any of the supplies, materials, accesses, or services required to be provided by either HNTB or Consultant under this Agreement. HNTB-Sub (Slandard).doc 4 090409 EXHIBITC B. Should such circumstances occur, the nonperforming party shall, within a reasonable time of being prevented from performing, give written notice to the other party, describing the circumstances preventil1g continued performance and the efforts being made to resume performance. ARTICLE 18 - DISPUTES A. In the event of a dispute between HNTB and Consultant arising out of or related to this Agreement, the aggrieved party shall notify the other party of the dispute within a reasonable time after such dispute arises. If the parties cannot thereafter resolve the dispute, each party shall nominate a senior officer of its management to meet to resolve the dispute by direct negotiation or mediation. B. Should such negotiation or mediation fail to resolve the dispute, either party may pursue resolution by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association; provided, however, in the event the parties are unable to reach agreement to arbitrate under terms reasonably acceptable to both parties. either party may pursue resolution in any court having jurisdiction. C. During the pendency of any dispute, the parties shall continue diligently to fulfill their respective obligations hereunder. ARTICLE 19 - RECORDS Consultant's records pertaining to compensation and payments under this Agreement shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Such records shall be subject to audit by HNTB, during normal business hours at Consultant's place of business, or Consultant shall provide a copy of same to HNTB at HNTB's expense. Consultant shall not dispose of the originals of such records until after sixty (60) days' prior written notice to HNTB. ARTICLE 20 - EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A. The ConSUltant hereby affirms its support of affirmative action and that it abides by the provisions of the "Equal Opportunity Clause" of Section 202 of Executive Order 11246 and other applicable regulations. B. ConSUltant affirms its policy to recruit and hire employees without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual preference/orientation, marital status, citizen status, national origin or ancestry, presence of a disability or status as a Veteran of the Vietnam era or any other legally protected status. It is Consultant's policy to treat employees equally with respect to compensation, advancement, promotions, transfers and all other terms and conditions of employment. C. Consultant further affirms completion of applicable governmental employer information reports including the EEO-1 and VETS-100 reports, and maintenance of a current Affirmative Action Plan if required by Federal regulations. ARTICLE 21 - WAIVER A waiver by either HNTB or Consultant of any breach of this Agreement shall be in writing. Such a waiver shall not affect the waiving party's rights with respect to any other or further breach. ARTICLE 22 - SEVERABILITY The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if it did not contain the particular portion or provision held to be void. HNTB and Consultant further agree to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this Article shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision which is of the essence of this Agreement be determined void. ARTICLE 23 - INTEGRATION This Agreement, including Attachments A, B, C, and D, and the Consultant's QAlQC Plan, all incorporated by this reference, represents the entire and integrated agreement between HNTB and Consultant. It supersedes all prior and contemporaneous communications, representations, and agreements, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument signed by both HNTB and Consultant. ARTICLE 24 - SUBCONTRACTING Consultant shall not engage independent consultants, associates, or subcontractors to assist in the performance of Consultant's Services without the prior written consent of HNTB. ARTICLE 25 - SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HNTB-Sub (Standard).doc 5 090409 EXHIBIT C HNTB and Consultant each binds itself and its successors, executors, administrators, permitted assigns, legal representatives, and, in the case of a partnership, its partners, to the other party to this Agreement and to the successors, executors, administrators, permitted assigns, legal representatives, and partners of such other party, in respect to all provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 26 - ASSIGNMENTS Neither HNTB nor Consultant shall assign any rights or duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, Consultant may assign its rights to payment without HNTB's consent. Unless otherwise stated in the written consent, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any obligation under this Agreement. ARTICLE 27 - THIRD PARTY RIGHTS The Services provided for in this Agreement are for the sole use and benefit of, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any rights or benefits to, anyone other than Owner, HNTB, and Consultant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HNTB and Consultant have executed this Agreement. The individuals signing this Agreement represent and warrant that they have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement and bind the parties for whom they sign. HNTB Corporation Soil and Material Consultants, Inc. (HNTB) (Consultant) Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fed. Tax 1.0. No. 36.-3094075 HNTB-Sub (Standard).doc 6 090409 EXHIBITC ATTACHMENT A - Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee SOI~ANDMATERIAL office: 1-847-870-0544 fax: 1-847-870-0661 CONSULTANTS, INC. February 11,2010 Proposal No. 11,444 Mr. Kevin J. Kell, P.E. . H NTB Corporation 111 N. Ganal Street, Suite 1250 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Re: Soil and Construction Material Testing CBG - Entryway to Children's Le~rning Center Campus Parking Lot Glencoe, Illinois Dear Mr. Kell: Weare submitting for your consideration our proposal to provide Soil and construction material testing on a will-call basis initiated by your office or representative. Attached are Schedule of Fees for the requested services. It is our understanding that this projectis going to be performed as part oftheI.D.O.T QC/QA program. Therefore we propose to perform the jobsite QA testing only. NoteIhat hourly rates are inclusive of mileage and equipment charges. Based on available information and our experience on similar projects, we estimate a charge of $4,823.00 for the antiCipated services. Actual billing will be on a unit price basis and you will only be billed for those services actually provided. Final billing may be less than or greater thantile estimated charge. Should additional services be requested which are not included within the scope of this proposal, they will be provided at our established unitprices. Thank you for th61opportunity of submitting this proposal, which includes the attached General Conditions~ If acceptable, please sign and return one copy to our office. Also include applicable plans and specifications, if notalready submitted. Very truly yours, 4~IAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ~ J. McKa . . agh,·P.E. Gordon ;it.1f Director of Eng' eering GJM:kg Proposal Accepted By: Client _ _ _--'-_-_________- -___________ Street ,---_ _ _""-"--'-_ _ _..........._ _ _.....,.--------_~--.....-----Town _..,....,.;.--'--.....--c---------'----'----. State _ _ _ Zip Code _ _ __ Phone ( ) _ _ _- - - - -__- Fax ( ) _ _ _ _ _........._ _ _- --------------------"7'--- Position _ _ _ _ _""'-__- - Signature Printed Name Date _ _ _8 WEST COLLEGE DRIVE _ _ _,___ • ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60004 SOIL BORINGS· SITE INVESTIGATIONS • PAVEMENT INVESTIGATIONS • GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING TESTING OF • SOIL· ASPHALT • CONCRETE It MORTAR It STEEL EXHIBITC ATTACHMENT A - Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee Proposal No. 11 ,444 Re: CBG - Entryway to Children's learning Center Campus Parking lot Glencoe, Illinois Page 2 SOllAND MATERIAL CONSUlTANTS,INC. SCHEDULE OF FEES Effective 1-1-10 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE Est. Work Units Field Testing Technician with Nuclear Gauge (1 trip x 8 hrs.) 8 hours $ 85.00 340.00 /hour /day min. $ 680.00 o $ 160.00 each $ 0.00 $ 130.00 /hour $ 130.00 $ 810.00 laboratory Testing Asphalt Content (ignition) each Engineering Senior Engineer (P.E.) - includes project administration, . field/laboratory engineering, mix design review, consultation and report review . 1 hours Estimated Cost: Item Bit. Cone. Surface N50 Bit. Cone. Binder N 50 Total Billing Notes: Ton Est. Contractor Workinq days 20% QA Field days 180 270 Yz Yz Yz 450 1 Hourly Charges: Portal To Portal Weekdays over 8 hours.lday: Hourly Rate x 1.5 I I .Yz 1 Saturdays: Hourly Rate x 1.5 Sundays: Hourly Rate x 2.0 EXHIBITC ATTACHMENT A - Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee Proposal No. 11,444 Re: CBG - EntryWay to Children's Learning Center Campus Parking Lot Glencoe, Illinois Page 3 SOIL AND MATERIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. SCHEDULE OF FEES Effective 1-1-10 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE Fee Est. Work Units Cost Field Testing Technician - includes slump, air and cylinders (1 trip x6 hrs.) 6 hours $ 85.00 340.00 Cylinder Pick-up 1 hours $ 4 each Ihour Iday min. $ 510.00 85.00 Ihour $ 85.00 $ 12.00 each $ 48.00 $ 130.00 Ihour $ 130.00 $ 773.00 Laboratory Testing Cylinder Compressive Strength Engineering Senior Engineer (P.E.) - includes project administration, fieldllaboratory engineering, mix design review, consultation and report review 1 hours Estimated Cost: Item Combined C & G Sidewalk - 5" I ! Quantitv 1683 ft. CY Est. Contractor Working days 94 1 20%UA Field 1 3585 sq.ft. 55 1 -' 2 1 Total: Billing Notes: Hourly Charges: Portal To Portal . Weekdays over 8 hours.lday: Hourly Rate x 1.5 CJLls. 4 4 Saturdays: Hourly Hate x 1.5 Sundays: Hourly Rate x 2.0 EXHIBITC ATTACHMENTA - Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee Proposal No. 11,444 Re: 'CBG - Entryway to Children's Learning Center' Campus Parking Lot Glencoe, Illinois Page 4 SCHEDULE OF FEES SOIL AND MATERIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Effective 1-1·10 AGGREGATE AND SOIL Est. Work Units Field Testing Technician with Nuclear Gauge (4 days x 8 hrs.) $ 85.00 340.00 Ihour Iday min. $ 2,720.00 2 each $ 130.00 each $ 260.00 2 $ 130.00 Ihour $ 260.00 $ 3,240.00 32 hours Laboratorv Testing Standard Proctor Engineering Senior Engineer (P.E.) includes project administrations field/laboratory engineering, consultation and report review hours Estimated Cost: Item Quantity Field Proctor Earth Excavation 2600 cu.yd. 1 day Earth Excavation Special 4830 cu.yd. 2 days 1 Agg. Base Course 2150 sq.yd. 1 day 1 4 days 2 12" Total: Billing Notes: Hourly Charges: Portal To Portal Weekdays over 8 hours.lday: Hourly Rate x 1.5 Saturdays: Hourly Rate x 1.5 Sundays: Hourly Rate x 2.0 EXHIBITC ATTACHMENT A Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee ProposaI No. 11 ,444 Re: CBG - Entryway to Children's Learning Center Campus Parking Lot Glencoe. Illinois Page 5 Soil and Material Consultants, Inc. (SMC) scope of work defined in the proposal was based on information provided by the client. If incomplete, inaccurate or if b================d1.. unexpected site conditions are discovered, the scope of work may change. TERMS AND· CONDITIONS A II GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS TESTING SERVICES Client will furnish SMC with right-of-access to the site. SMC will take reasonable precautions to minimize site. damage due to its operations, but has not included in the fee the cost of restoration of any resulting damage. SMC shall not be liable for damage or Injury due to encountering subsurface structures (pipes, tanks, utilities or others) not called to SMC's attention in writing or are not correctly shown on the drawings furnished by client or client's representative. If the client desires, SMC will restore any damage to the site and add the cost of restoration to the fee. Client shall furnish SMC with at least one working day's notice on any part-time (less than 8 hours/day) job when field personnel are requested. SMC shall make reasonable effort to provide field personnel In a timely manner but reserves the right to schedule field personnel a& deemed appropriate. Minimum charges will be billed when work cancellations are· received after field personnel have left for the project site. Field work, laboratory testing and engineering analysis will be performed in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. Samples are retained in our laboratory for 30 days from date of report and then destroyed unless other disposition is requested. The data reported applies only to the soils sampled and the conditions encountered at each boring location. This Aoes not imply or guarantee that solis between borings identicalln character. Isolated inclusions of better or poorer soils can be found on any site. SMC will not be liable for extra work or other consequences due to changed conditions encountered between borings. Any exploration, testing and analysis associated with the investigation will be performed by SMC for the client's sole use to fulfill the purpose of this Agreement. SMOis not responsible for use or interpretation of the information by others. The client recognizes that subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered in borings or explorations. Information and recommendations developed by SMC are based solely on available information and for the cUlTently proposed improvement. SMC personnel will provide a professional service based on observations and testing of the Work of a contractor, subcontractor, or other service/material provider, as specifically requested. SMC field personnel will look for general conformance with project specifications, plans andior soil report bllt does not accept the responsibility to control or direct the work of others. Discrepancies noted by SMC office or field personnel will be referred to client or clienrs representative. Testing Services furnished by SMC are defined as the taking of sol! and/or material tests at variolls locations and the making ofvisllal observations relating to earthwork:, foundations, andlor materials as specifically requested by the client and agreed to by SMC, and will be limited to those specifically agreed services. Such services will be performed by SMC using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable members of the profession practicing in this or similar localities. Observations and testing of soils and/or materials by SMC in no way implies a guarantee or warranty of the work of the contractor, . subcontractor, or other service/material provider. SMC's work or failure·to perform same shall in no way excuse such contractor, subcontractor or I)ther service/material provider frOm liability in the event of subsequently discovered defects, omissions, errors, deficiencies or failure to perform in accordance with the project plans and speCifications. SMC field personnel shall not be responsible for superintendence of the construction process nor direction of the work of the contractor, subcontractor, or other service/material provider. SMC's work shall not indude determining or implementing the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction. SMC shall not be responsible for evaluating, reporting or . affecting job conditions concerning health, safety or welfare. Documents Including but not limited to technical reports, original boring logs, field data, field notes, laboratory test data, calculations, reports of inspection and testing, geotechnical reports, technical reports, submittals and estimates furnished to the client or Its agents pursuant to this agreement are not intended or represented to be suItable for reuse by the client or others on extensions of this project or on any other project. Any reuse without SMC's written consent will be at user's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to SMC. User shall indemnify and hold harmless SMC from all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney's fees ariSing out of or resulting therefrom. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Client agrees to limit SMC liability for clients' damages to $100,000 or the fee, whichever is greater. This limitation shall apply regardless of the cause of action or legal theory pled or asserted. Soli and Material Consultants, Inc. is a Professional Engineering Corporation. Engineering services are often completed by extension through technical staff. The unit rates presented in this proposal do not reflect charges associated with organized labor. Future agreements, if any, with organized labor will invalidate some of the unit rates presented. Required rate adjustments will be presented to the dient for acceptance prior to providing services at the adjusted rates. . Services ;lire Invoiced monthly for the preceding period. Client agrees to pay each invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt and further agrees to pay interest on all amounts not paid at the rate of 2.0% per month, an annual rate of 24%, from the due date. Client agrees to pay all reasonable costs of collection including staff time, court costs, Attorneys' fees and related expenses, if this account becomes delinquent. Client agrees that reports furnished to the client but not paid for in full remain the sole property of SMC and will not be used for design, construction, permits, licensing, sales or other gain. EXHIBITD WAGE RATE CLASSIFICATION HNTB·CHICAGO JULY 2008 • JULY 2010 HOURLY RATE RANGE Job Title July 2008 to July 2010 $70,00 $70,00 $64,00 $70,00 $54,00 $70,00 Project Manager II $48,00' $70,00 Asst Department Manager, Section Manager $48.00 $70.00 $37.00 $70.00 Engineer III, Senior Transportation Planner $30,00 $62,00 Engineer II, Transportation Planner $26,00 $51.00 Engineer I $23.00 $40.00 Engineer, Asst Transportation Plnr $22.00 $39.00 Intern Engineer $16.00 $27.00 $50.00 $70.00 Senior Resident Engineer, Project Manager $47.00 $70.00 Resident Engineer $41.00 $70.00 Senior Field Representative; Resident Engineer $41.00 $70,00 Field Technical Specialist III $29.00 $50.00 Field Tech SpeCialist II, Senior Inspector $25.00 $47.00 Field Tech Specialist I $22.00 $39.00 Vice President, Project Principle, Project Manager ENGINEERING/DESIGN Director of Operations, Group Director Principal Engineer, Senior Project Manager Department Manager, Senior Technical Advisor Chief Transportation Planner Senior Project Eng/Senior Squad Leader Chief Planner, Project Manager Project Manager I, Senior Staff Engineer Project Engineer/Squad Leader Department Staff Engineer ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Dept Manager, Const Prog Mgmt Construction Project Manager Senior Resident Const Rep, Survey Manager, Project Manager 1of2 EXHIBIT 0 WAGE RATE CLASSIFICATION HNTB·CHICAGO JULY 2008 • JULY 2010 HOURLY RATE RANGE July 2008 to July 2010 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION (Contined) Inspector II. Inspector III. Party Chief $19.00 $42.00 Inspector I. Instrument Technician $15.00 $28.00 Survey Technician $16.00 $22.00 Technician I $12.00 $28.00 Technician II $20.00 $35.00 Technician III $24.00 $40.00 Senior Technician $32.00 $55.00 Technician Specialist $31.00 $54.00 Office Administration Manager $26.00 $45.00 Marketing Team Leader $29.00 $50.00 Senior Marketing Coordinator $27.00 $46.00 Office Administrator $17.00 $30.00 Accounting Supervisor $28.00 $48.00 $15.00 $29.00 Executive Assistant $20.00 $34.00 Senior Accounting Assistant $16.00 $28.00 Accounting Assistant 1 $13.00 $21.00 General Clerk 2 $14.00 $26.00 Receptionist/Switchboard Optr $12.00 $20.00 General Clerk 1 $12.00 $20.00 CADD/TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATION Marketing Coordinator Administrative Assistant Senior Administrative Assistant 2of2 EXJ:IBJT E MAHHOUR ESTIMATE OF CONSUlTANT SERVICES SUMMARY OF DIRECT COSTS HNTB Corporation \tILLAGE OF GLENCOE Ct:!ICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN ENIRYWAY TO CHIlDREIlfS LEARNING CENlER SECTION OO.oooo1-OO-RS PROJECT: HPP-4071(OO1) MANHOUR ESTIMATE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES CONSTRUCTION fJul 2010 thru June 20111 ~Il Jul.10 f'rajecllVl~r 4 69 Ass!. Resident Engiaeer kislEumeAtlnan 4 erojeClAdmioisIrator Sub--Telat 1& t ~eClilHlfic;idI<m 48 100 200 16C 100 sa 82G 20 100 00 23 se 16 4' 4 4' 30& %32 I$ub,.Tolat . LaborC05t 3,360.00' 41.00 $ 33,620.00 1 31.10 $ 4,976.001 $ 3,732.00 46.65 48$ $ 21.00 $ 23.00 $ 39.79 $ 1228$ , $ 60$ 24$ 16' 4 224 1~ 2•• 7a.00 33.60 1 1612.801 1,006.00 i 552.00 i 48 HUll! AlIsumptioM: 1. COIlSII:ucIioo Layout .by Contractor a.. Comfador average worlrnours: 40 bout pel week. Additional manhours will be requiled if actual cooIIac::Ior worIrnours exceeds estimate. SUMMARY OF DIRECT COSTS ,n .Vehicles FiekI QIIk;e SUPIlIies TOTAL 0IREC1' COSTS YllapoJ~ Cllic:ago SGtImic GaRieIl Eatfyway 10 1he Ctlill:Wn~$ LeamiAg Cllflter Camp.,. 80 46 46 16 t& 16 tOO $ 48$ TGllliMallr; 10 46$ 820 $ Jnslrumentman ,Jun.U May-14 II letaI.UAhr AWl. Rata fprojeCl Administrator Apr-n Mar-11 Feb.11 Jim-11 II CONSTRUCTION (Jul 2010 thru June 2011) fprojec!.MaAager AsIII. Residelll Engiaeer ~spectorn Landscape ArchiIecI SUrveyor/Crew Chief Dec-t8 1~ "nMr-""'" Ardliled SulVeyor I Crew Chief Nev.1O a se, .1nspediIr U Qct..tO Sep-18 Aug4G '" 114 24, " 0: (I Il II " U2I ElQiISA"F Project Schedule --'---""Ju"'.""I"'O"" Au. '10 SOD '10 Oct'10 Nov '10 71251 811 ! 818 1811518122181291 915 1911219119191261101311011010117,11J1201101311111711114111211 ""1"0 5I2151!11511615123!5I30! 616 16113!6I2016127! 7/4 9 IYSi ---,_. Mon 6 ~""""""~-oiinageWOik " Undo_ns 10 II 12 13 -"~'--Coi1siiUCijonLayOUl 1=""""",", C"1antr, 14 -~ Pavemem 'Sidewalii"'-"~ ----,,-, ---Topsoil --~I Spriiiflerlnstall8iion" ----Anall.ightirlg filctlJreS'------' . !-; . --'-PrOjed~-"~--"-"-- 40105 CBG" Project Sc~_03252010 Page 1 EXHIBITG Department of Public \Vorks Village ()f Glencoe 675 Village Court FA.X 847.835.4234 Glencoe. lllillOlt' 60022 November 20, 2008 Mr. Christopher J. Holt, P.K Bureau Chief Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Illinois Department of Transportation 201 West Center Court Schaumburg, lL 60196-1096 Attn: Mr. Alex Househ, Field Engineer Re: Chicago Botanic Garden Entlyway to Children's Learning Campus Project No. HPPA071(OOl) Cook County Gentlemen: As you are aware, the proposed improvements to the Chicago Botanic Garden's (CBG) Entryway to Children's Learning Campus, Project No. HPP-4071(OOI}, has been approved as a Categorical Exclusion • Group I project. The Village and the CBG are desirous of moving forward with the preparation of contract plans and construction of the project as quickly as possible. To that end, the Village respectfully requests to forego a formal RFQ process and begin negotiations ~rith HNTB Corporation as a sole source to provide the professional engineering services for the project. HNTB is prequalified with the Illinois Department of Transportation for Highways - Roads and Streets, Special Services - Landscape Architecture, and Construction Inspection and it is very familiar with the Federal process for federally funded projects. More importantly, HNTB has an ongoing relationship with the CBG and has recently completed the design and construction engineering services for the CBG's soundwall and landscaping project. Your timely approval of this request will be appreciated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please call. i <::: -- C. u, P.E. or 0 Public Works cc: Mr. Bill Brawn Vice President of Facilities, CBG Mr..... Gary Brown Brown &, Associates ~. Kevin J. Kell, P,K- HNTB Corporation PROCLAMATION NATIONAL FAIR HOUSING MONTH WHEREAS, the Village of Glencoe finds that decent, safe, and affordable housing is part of the American Dream and a goal of all Illinois residents; and WHEREAS, individuals have the right to choose where to live without discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, gender, familial status, national origin, and/or disability; and WHEREAS, acts of housing discrimination and barriers to equal housing opportunity are repugnant to a common sense of decency and fairness; and WHEREAS, federal and state laws affirm the right of every person to equal housing opportunity; and WHEREAS, fair housing is a positive community good; and WHEREAS, economic stability, community health, and human relations in the State of Illinois are improved by diversity; and WHEREAS, stable, integrated and balanced residential patterns are threatened by discriminatory acts and unlawful housing practices, resulting in segregation of residents and opportunities in our region; and WHEREAS, the talents of grassroots and nonprofit organizations, housing service providers, financial institutions, elected officials, state agencies, and others must be combined to promote and preserve fair housing and equal opportunity. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Glencoe, Illinois, do hereby proclaim April 2010 as NATIONAL FAIR HOUSING MONTH in Glencoe and to establish it as an open and inclusive community committed to fair housing and to promote appropriate activities by private and public entities intended to provide or advocate for equal housing opportunities for all residents and prospective residents of the Village of Glencoe. Dated this day of Village President Deputy Village Clerk 2010, at the Village of Glencoe, Cook County, Illinois. Village of Glencoe Board Agenda Memorandum DATE PREPARED: April 7, 2010 MEETING DATE: April 15, 2010 AGENDA SUBJECT: Consideration of Contract for Beach Road Storm Sewer Improvement RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board Approve the Contract Background: The existing storm sewer on Beach Road consists of parallel 6-inch storm sewers on the north and south sides of the street between Greenleaf Avenue and Longwood Avenue. Several adjacent side street storm systems are tributary to these undersized storm pipes in addition to private property service connections. The combination of a flat street profile on Beach Road, and the undersized storm sewer, results in frequent and severe street and private property flooding throughout the entire Beach Road corridor. The replacement of the storm sewer on Beach Road was included in improvements funded by the referendum approved in 2008. The first phase of this two phase improvement, the upgrade of the outfall sewer at the east end of Beach Road out to the lake, was completed in 2009. The 2010 improvement will replace existing 6-inch storm sewer on Beach Road with 12-inch and 15-inch storm sewer from Greenleaf Avenue through the Sheridan Road intersection to Longwood Avenue where it will tie into previously upgraded sewer main. The new storm sewer through the Sheridan Road intersection will eliminate a long-standing bottleneck and significantly reduce street flooding on Sheridan Road south of Beach Road. Analysis: Plans and specifications for the improvement were prepared in-house. The Village is providing the storm sewer pipe, manhole structures and other appurtenances. Ten proposals were received when bids were opened on April 7, 2010. The bid results were as follows: 1 Mark Meade Excavation Maneval Construction Berger Excavation Lenny Hoffman Excavating Acura, Inc. Elmwood Enterprises, Inc. Bolder Construction, Inc. Dominc Fiordirosa Dupage Topsoil, Inc. Mancini Bros. Construction $121,002.55 $124,842.50 $138,310.00 $142,605.00 $142,900.00 $143,320.00 $146,510.00 $152,870.00 $159,745.20 $212,940.00 Mark Meade Excavating of Grayslake submitted the lowest responsible bid proposal. Meade has performed many water and sewer improvements for the Village during the past 10 years and has proven to be an excellent contractor. Funding for this project is included in the Bond Fund. Work on the storm sewer is anticipated to be completed by the end of May and Beach Road is included in the maintenance resurfacing program scheduled for this summer. Recommendation: Given the competitive bid results and the qualifications of the contractor, staff recommends that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with Mark Meade Excavating of Grayslake for the installation of storm sewer improvements on Beach Road for a not-toexceed cost of $121,002.55. Motion: This item is being presented for approval as part of the Consent Agenda. If the Village Board concurs with the recommendations of staff, a Consent Agenda motion would include the following approval: Move that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with Mark Meade Excavating of Grayslake for the Beach Road Storm Sewer Improvements for a not-to-exceed cost of $121,002.55. 2 Village of Glencoe Board Agenda Memorandum DATE PREPARED: April 8, 2010 MEETING DATE: April 15, 2010 AGENDA SUBJECT: Consideration of an Ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the Glencoe Village Code regarding the Operation of a Foreign Fire Insurance Board RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board approve the Ordinance Background: Illinois Compiled Statutes (65 ILCS 5/11-10-2) provides for the collection and management of Foreign Fire Insurance Taxes and provides for the establishment and operation of a Foreign Fire Insurance Board to manage funds that are collected. The 1995 Statute requires that “..every corporation, company, and association which is not incorporated under the laws of this state and which is engaged in effecting fire insurance in the municipality or fire protection district, shall pay to the foreign fire insurance board or to the secretary of the fire protection district for the maintenance, use, and benefit of the fire department thereof, a sum not exceeding 2% of the gross receipts received from fire insurance upon property situated within the municipality”. Chapter 19 of the Village Code, dealing with Foreign Fire Insurance was adopted by ordinance in 1995. The State Legislature recently enacted PA 96-505 modifying certain provisions of the original Foreign Fire Insurance Act. Analysis: The attached ordinance reflects the changes required to be consistent with the modification in state law. In brief, the most significant changes relate to: • the composition of the FFI Board (increasing the number from four officers to seven trustees), • the means of electing the Board trustees (election of six trustees by the Public Safety Department members, plus the Director of Public Safety), 1 • the means of electing officers (by members of the FFI Board rather than by Public Safety Department members), and • the term of the FFI Board officers (elected from among the FFI Board members annually). In addition, the Village Treasurer is no longer directly involved in the FFI tax collection process. The treasurer of the FFI Board is now required to perform those responsibilities. Recommendation: The Foreign Fire Insurance Fund, as administered under the provisions of Village Code has been an effective funding source for essential tools and equipment needed by the Department of Public Safety in support of the fire services of the Village. The average revenue designated to the Fund is approximately $35,000 per year. Purchases have included upgraded tools and equipment for the department, including essential paramedic equipment. The Fund Board has designated a portion of the acquired funds for the upgrade and replacement of the new fire pumper recently purchased and received. Staff recommends that the Village Board approve an Ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the Glencoe Village Code regarding the operation of a Foreign Fire Insurance Board and regulations relating thereto. Motion: If the Board agrees with the recommendation of staff, a motion may be made as follows: APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 OF THE GLENCOE VILLAGE CODE REGARDING THE OPERATION OF A FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE BOARD AND REGULATIONS RELATING THERETO. 2 THE VILLAGE OF GLENCOE ORDINANCE NO. 10-________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 OF THE GLENCOE VILLAGE CODE REGARDING THE OPERATION OF A FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE BOARD AND REGULATIONS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, Article 11, Division 10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-10-1 et seq., (the "Statute") regulates the collection and management of Foreign Fire Insurance Taxes and provides for the establishment and operation of a Foreign Fire Insurance Board to manage such funds; and WHEREAS, the Village of Glencoe ("Village") currently has established in Chapter 19 of the Village Code a Foreign Fire Insurance Tax and Foreign Fire Insurance Board to manage funds collected under the Statute; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has recently amended the Statute to provide direct payments of Foreign Fire Insurance Tax to, and to alter the composition of, the Foreign Fire Insurance Board, among other changes; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to amend the Village Code to comply with the Statute, as amended; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village have determined it to be in the best interests of the Village and its residents to amend certain provisions of Chapter 19 of the Village Code as hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF GLENCOE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION ONE: Recitals. The foregoing recitals are incorporated herein as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees. SECTION TWO: Amendment to Chapter 19 of the Village Code. Chapter 19 of the Village Code, entitled "Foreign Fire Insurance Tax" shall be, and is hereby, amended in its entirety, so that said Chapter shall hereafter be and read as follows: 1 CHAPTER 19 Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Article I Foreign Fire Insurance Tax. § 19-1. "Foreign fire insurance company" defined. § 19-2. Tax on gross receipts - Levied; amount. § 19-3. Same - Duty of agents to render accounts and make payments. § 19-4. Same - Collection by legal action; chapter not to affect contracts, etc. § 19-5. Companies not complying with chapter - Generally. § 19-6. Same - Brokers not to use. Article II Foreign Fire Insurance Board. § 19-7. Establishment of Foreign Fire Insurance Board § 19-8. Establishment of Foreign Fire Insurance Fund § 19-9. Transfers to Foreign Fire Insurance Fund § 19-10. Election, powers, duties of Foreign Fire Insurance Board § 19-11. Management and Administration Fund Article I FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE TAX Sec. 19-1. "Foreign fire insurance company" defined. As used in this article, the term "foreign fire insurance company" shall mean a fire insurance corporation, company or association not incorporated under the laws of the state and engaged in effecting fire insurance in the village. Sec. 19-2. Tax on gross receipts - Levied; amount. 1 Every foreign fire insurance company shall pay to the village treasurerTreasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board, established in Section 19.7, below, for the maintenance, use and benefit of the fire department of the village, two per cent per annum of the gross receipts received for premiums by all agents of any such company during the year ending on every first day of July, for any insurance affectedeffected or agreed to be effected in the village by or with any such company during such year. Sec. 19-3. Same - Duty of agents to render accounts and make payments. Every person acting in the village as agent, for or on behalf of any foreign fire insurance company shall, on or before the fifteenth day of July of each year, 1 For state law as to authority of village to levy tax on foreign fire insurance companies, see Ill. Rev. Stat. 1963, ch. 24, § 65 ILCS 5/11-10-1. For charter provisions in connection with taxation generally, see Char., art. V, §§ 1 to 8. 2 render to the village treasurerTreasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board a full, true and just account, verified by his oath, of all premiums which, during the year ending the first day of July preceding such report, shall have been received by him, or any other person for him, inon behalf of such company. Such agent shall also at the time of rendering such report pay to the village treasurerTreasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board the sum of money for which such company represented by him is chargeable, by virtue of the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 19-4. Same - Collection by legal action; chapter not to affect contracts, etc. The sum of money for which any foreign fire insurance company is chargeable under section l919-2, may be recovered of it, or of its agents, by an action in the name of and for the use of the village, as for money had and received. Nothing in this chapter shall be held to affect liability on insurance contracts or to exempt any person, from indictment and conviction under the provisions of an act entitled "An act to enable cities, towns and villages, organized under any general or special law, to levy and collect a tax or license fee from foreign insurance companies for the benefit of organized fire departments," in force July l,1, l895. Sec. 19-5. Companies not complying with chapter - Generally. It shall be unlawful for any foreign fire insurance company to engage, in the village, in effecting fire insurance, or to transact any business of fire insurance in the village, while in default by not fully complying with the requirements of this chapter and until such requirements shall have been fully complied with; but this provision shall not relieve any such company from the payment of any risk that may be undertaken in violation of this chapter. Sec. 19-6. Same - Brokers not to use. No insurance broker in the village shall place any insurance with any foreign fire insurance company, which shall be in default for not reporting or making payment provided in this chapter until it shall have complied with all the requirements of this chapter. Article II FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE BOARD Sec. 19-7. Establishment of Foreign Fire Insurance Board. There is hereby established a Foreign Fire Insurance Board, consisting of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, toseven trustees: the Director of Public Safety, who shall hold office by virtue of rank, and six members, who shall be elected at large by the sworn members of the department in accordance with Section 19-10 below. If there is an insufficient number of 3 candidates to fill these positions, the number of board members may be reduced, but not to fewer than three trustees. Sec. 19-8. Establishment of Foreign Fire Insurance Fund. There is hereby established a Foreign Fire Insurance Fund to be managed and administered by the Foreign Fire Insurance Board in accordance with Section 19-11 below. Sec. 19-9. Transfers to Foreign Fire Insurance Fund. Each year, the Village Treasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall collect Foreign Fire Insurance Taxes in the amount prescribed in Article III of this Chapter and shall deposit such taxes into the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund on or before December 31 of such year. Sec. 19-10. Election, Powers, Duties of Foreign Fire Insurance Board. 1. Election of Foreign Fire Insurance Board: The sworn members of the Village Public Safety Department shall elect three of the six members of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board from among themselves at an election called and organized for such purpose by the Village Manager in June of each year. Members shall serve for terms of two years and until their successors have been elected and qualified for office. Any vacancy that may occur shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by appointment of the Director of Public Safety. Following the regular election in June of each year, the members of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall elect which of them will serve as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary. 1. Election of Foreign Fire Insurance Board: The sworn members of the Village Public Safety Department shall elect the officers of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board from among themselves at an election called and organized for such purpose by the Village Manager. All sworn members of the Public Safety Department shall be eligible for election, including the Director of Public Safety, but not including paid-on-call firefighters. The sworn membermembers receiving the most votes in each election for each such office shall be elected to such officethe Foreign Fire Insurance Board. A member of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall be eligible for reelection, but no member shall serve in any officeon the Foreign Fire Insurance Board for more than seven consecutive years. All four officers of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall be elected at an initial election, to be held during the month of June 1996. Upon election, the President and Secretary shall each serve an initial term of three years and the Vice President and Treasurer shall each serve an initial term of two years. Thereafter, the President and Secretary shall be elected in odd years and the Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in even years, each for a term of two years, at elections to be held in the month of 4 June of such years. Members shall serve for their designated terms and until their successors have been elected and qualified for office. Any vacancy that may occur shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by appointment of the Director of Public Safety 2. Treasurer's Bond: The Treasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall give a bond before entering upon the duties of his or her office, in the sum of $50,000. The bond, the form and content of which shall be approved by the Village President, shall be conditioned on the faithful performance by the Treasurer of his or her duties and shall indemnify the Village and the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund for any loss by reason of any neglect of duty or any act of the Treasurer. The cost of such bond shall be paid out of the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund. 3. Powers and Duties of Board. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall manage and administer the money in the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund as required by the provisions of this Article. The PresidentChairman of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board (or, in the PresidentChairman's absence, the Vice PresidentChairman) shall preside over all meetings of such Board. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall have the power to adopt additional rules and regulations for the management and operation of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board and Foreign Fire Insurance Fund not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article; provided that such rules and regulations shall be subject to review by the Village Attorney and approval by the Village Board. In addition, the members of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall have the other responsibilities set forth in this Article. Sec. 19-11. Management and Administration of Fund. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall administer the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund in accordance with the following rules and regulations: 1. Fund Account. All money in the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund shall be kept in a fully insured or collateralized interest-bearing account in a bank or savings and loan located within the Village, designated by Village ordinance as an approved depository of Village funds, and meeting the standards of the Public Funds Investment Act, 30 ILCS 235/0.01 et seq., for deposit of public funds. 2. Restrictions on Use of Fund. Money from the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund may be used for the following purposes and no others: a. Maintenance of existing Public Safety Department firefighting equipment; and b. Purchase of equipment for firefighting purposes. All such equipment shall be purchased in the name of the Village Public Safety Department and shall become the property of the Village. 5 c. No such money shall be used for the personal benefit of any person; for any person, use, or function not directly related to the Public Safety Department; for food or beverages; or for any recreational or entertainment activity. 3. Designation of Uses. a. List of Appropriate Expenditures. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall develop and maintain a list of those items that the Board determines to be appropriate expenditures under Section 11-10-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-10-2, and this Article II. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall update this list at least once each year no later than February 1 of each year. The list shall be a public document. b. Annual Hearing; Notice. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall authorize use of money from the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund by written resolution setting forth with particularity the items on which funds may be expended and the amounts approved for expenditure. Such resolution shall be adopted after an annual public hearing conducted no later than February 1 of each year, at the Village Hall, which public hearing shall be noticed and conducted in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. In addition, notice of said public hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village not less than 10 or more than 30 days prior to the date of the public hearing. c. Recommended Uses. Not less than 30 days prior to the date of the aforesaid public hearing, the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall submit to the Village President and Board of Trustees and make available to the general public a list of items recommended for approval and funding from the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund. d. Necessary Vote. An affirmative vote of at least threea majority of the members of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall be required to authorize any use of money from the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund. 4. Fund Pay Outs. The Treasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall pay out money from the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund only upon the written order of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board and only for maintenance work or purchases authorized by resolution of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board pursuant to Paragraph 3 of this Section. The signatures of both the Treasurer and either the PresidentChairman or Vice PresidentChairman of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall be required on any check, draft or other order drawn on the accounts of the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund. 5. Limitation on Debt and Expenditures. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall not be permitted (a) to incur debt or (b) to enter into any contract or 6 agreement for maintenance of existing equipment or for new equipment in excess of the unencumbered funds currently on deposit in, and authorized for expenditure from, the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund at the time of execution of such contract or agreement. 6. Fund Records; Meeting Minutes. The Treasurer of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall keep accurate and current records of the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund and all accounts maintained thereunder, including all deposits thereto, withdrawals and disbursements therefrom, balances, and the like. The Secretary of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall keep accurate and current minutes of all meetings conducted by the Foreign Fire Insurance Board, including but not limited to the annual public hearing. 7. Annual Report. The Foreign Fire Insurance Board shall, on or before April 30 of each year, make and file with the Village Clerk an annual report of the activities of the Foreign Fire Insurance Board during the prior year ended February 28, including a full and detailed account of all receipts and disbursements made from the Foreign Fire Insurance Fund during the Village's fiscal year ended immediately prior to the filling of such report. The Foreign Fire Insurance Fund and all records relating thereto shall be subject to and part of the annual audit of the Village. SECTION THREE: Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED THIS ____ DAY OF ___________, 2010. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: APPROVED THIS ____ DAY OF __________________, 2010. __________________________ Village President ATTEST: ____________________________ Village Clerk Published in pamphlet form this ____ day of ______________, 2010. 7 __________________________ Village Clerk Posted this _____ day of __________________, 2010. __________________________ Village Clerk Approved as to form. __________________________ Village Attorney # 9133775_v1 8 Village of Glencoe Board Agenda Memorandum DATE PREPARED: April 5, 2010 MEETING DATE: April 15, 2010 AGENDA SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriation Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board conduct the required Public Hearing and adopt the Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriation Ordinance Background: Due to statutory requirements, the Village Board must conduct a Public Hearing before adopting the annual Appropriation Ordinance during the first quarter of each fiscal year. The annual Appropriation Ordinance is required by the Illinois Compiled Statutes and sets forth the maximum spending limits for the fiscal year. Analysis: The Village President will open the Public Hearing and entertain any questions or comments. A copy of the proposed Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriation Ordinance is attached. The appropriation ordinance is based upon the Fiscal Year 2011 budget adopted by the Village Board. Generally, the appropriation authority requested represents the budgeted amount plus 10%. During the course of any budget year, certain categories will be at budget, certain will be below and certain will be over budget. The ordinance proposed would give the Village the ability to spend up to 110% of budget. However, approval of this ordinance does not authorize any expenditure requiring Department Head, Village Manager or Village Board approval. All such purchases require appropriate approval consistent with policy, Village Code and state law. Upon receipt of public comment, the Village President will close the Public Hearing and the Ordinance will be considered for approval. 1 Recommendation: The Village staff recommends that the Village Board conduct the required Public Hearing and adopt the Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriation Ordinance. Motion: If the Board agrees with the recommendation of staff, a motion may be made as follows: Move to adopt the Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriation Ordinance. 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF GLENCOE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MARCH FIRST, 2010 AND ENDING FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH 2011, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF GLENCOE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section I: That this ordinance be and the same is hereby termed "An Ordinance making appropriation for the corporate purposes of the Village of Glencoe for the fiscal year beginning March 1,2010 and ending February 28,2011." Section II: That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes of the Village of Glencoe and for the objects and purposes herein specified for the fiscal year beginning March 1, 2010 and ending February 28, 2011. Section III: That the appropriation herein of amounts for the payment of unpaid bills or contract liabilities shall not be construed as an approval of any of the said bills or contract liabilities by the President and the Board of Trustees, but shall be deemed only as provision of the fund for payment hereof when the said bills have been found to be legal and valid obligations against the Village Glencoe and have been properly vouchered, audited and approved, or when any such contracts have been approved and authorized by the President and the Board of Trustees. Section IV: That the items appropriated and the objects and purposes of the same are as follows: VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE MANAGER Administration Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Debt Management Capital Other Expenses 563,230 75,020 26,765 619,553 82,522 29,442 180,000 198,000 845,015 929,517 23,200 142,000 25,520 156,200 165,200 181,720 8,400 73,935 9,240 81,329 Sub-Total 82,335 90,569 Special Boards Division Other Expenses 42,930 47,223 Sub-Total 42,930 47,223 1,135,480 1,249,028 Sub-Total Legal Services Division Personnel Services Sub-Total Health &; Community Services Division Services Other Expenses TOTAL OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE MANAGER Page 1 of 13 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION FINANCE DEPARTMENT Administration Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Other Expenses 564,951 130,539 12,725 2,250 Sub-Total Support Services Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Other Expenses Sub-Total Risk Management Division Personnel Services Other Expenses Sub-Total TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT Page 2 of 13 621,446 143,593 13,998 2,475 . 710,465 781,512 120,544 58,351 98,950 132,598 64,186 108,845 277,845 305,630 20,000 149,150 350,000 22,000 164,065 385,000 519,150 571,065 1,507,460 1,658,206 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Administration Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital 608,186 151,755 27,300 10,000 669,005 166,931 30,030 11,000 Sub-Total 797,241 876,965 797,344 90,455 81,820 300,000 8,000 877,078 99,501 90,002 330,000 8,800 1,277,619 1,405,381 580,468 150,930 31,975 55,000 638,515 166,023 35,173 60,500 818,373 900,210 113,066 47,785 10,775 124,373 52,564 11,853 171,626 188,789 Sewer Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Other Expenses Sub-Total Forestry Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Sub-Total Municipal Building Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Sub-Total Page 3 of 13 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET Parking & Traffic Control Division Services Commodities Capital 2010-2011 47,100 14,500 51,810 15,950 Sub-Total 61,600 67,760 Community Development Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Other 40,264 12,570 2,650 44,290 13,827 2,915 Sub-Total 55,484 61,032 219,603 36,160 14,290 241,563 39,776 15,719 270,053 297,058 660,618 89,415 251,049 726,680 98,357 276,154 1,001,082 1,101,190 Street Lighting Division Services 96,700 106,370 Sub-Total 96,700 106,370 4,549,778 5,004,756 Municipal Garage Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Sub-Total Street, Sidewalk & Bridge Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Sub-Total TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Page 4 of 13 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT Police Service Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Sub-Total Fire Service Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Other Expense Sub-Total Paramedic Service Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Sub-Total TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT 1GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Page 5 of 13 4,802,077 295,655 200,345 80,000 5,282,285 325,221 220,380 88,000 5,378,077 5,915,885 1,261,711 96,855 80,360 100,000 6,000 1,387,882 106,541 88,396 110,000 6,600 1,544,926 1,699,419 690,430 19,370 20,475 759,473 21,307 22,523 730,275 803,303 7,653,278 8,418,606 14,845,996 16,330,596 1 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET Water Production Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Debt Management Capital Other 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION 617,470 221,967 104,915 679,217 244,164 115,407 20,000 22,000 964,352 1,060,787 449,172 149,005 43,750 30,000 494,089 163,906 48,125 33,000 Sub-Total 671,927 739,120 TOTAL WATER FUND 1,636,279 1,799,907 Sub-Total Water Distribution Division Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital Page 6 of 13 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION GARBAGE FUND Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Debt Management Capital Other Expenses TOTAL GARBAGE FUND Page 7 of 13 623,370 482,085 113,290 18,000 33,000 685,707 530,294 124,619 19,800 36,300 1,269,745 1,396,720 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION DEBT SERVICE FUND 2005 Seroes 224,450 226,695 2009 Series 166,408 168,072 2,253,250 2,275,783 2,644,108 2,670,549 2009A Series TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND Page 8 of 13 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND Services Capital Other Expense TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Page 9 of 13 4,714,814 5,186,295 4,714,814 5,186,295 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Services Capital Other Expense TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Page 10 of 13 30,000 33,000 30,000 33,000 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION ENHANCED 911 SYSTEM FUND 38,661 54,650 34,430 96,000 Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Capital TOTAL ENHANCED 911 SYSTEM FUND Page 11 of 13 223,741 42,527 60,115 37,873 105,600 246,115 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION GLENCOE PUBLIC LIBRARY Salaries & Benefits Services Commodities Debt Management Capital TOTAL GLENCOE PUBLIC LIBRARY Page 12 of 13 1,262,730 439,633 100,400 46,000 164,500 1,389,003 483,596 110,440 50,600 180,950 2,013,263 2,214,589 VILLAGE OF GLENCOE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2010-2011 BUDGET 2010-2011 APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION SUMMARY GENERAL FUND 14,845,996 16,330,596 WATER FUND 1,636,279 1,799,907 GARBAGE FUND 1,269,745 1,396,720 DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,644,108 2,670,549 BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND 4,714,814 5,186,295 30,000 33,000 ENHANCED 911 FUND 223,741 246,115 FIREMAN'S PENSION FUND 115,533 127,086 POLICE PENSION FUND 1,518,637 1,670,501 GLENCOE PUBLIC LIBRARY 2,013,263 2,214,589 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND GRANDTOTAL·ALLFUNDS Page 13 of 13 29,012,116 31 Section V: That any sum of money heretofore appropriated and not expended now in the Treasury of the Village of Glencoe, or that hereafter may come into the Treasury of the Village of Glencoe is hereby re-appropriated by this Ordinance. Section VI: That all unexpended balances of any items of any general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiency in any other item in the same general appropriation made by this Ordinance. Section VII: That any unexpended balance in any of the foregoing item or items of general appropriation may be used and applied toward the payment of any lawful corporate debt or charge of the Village of Glencoe. Section VIII: That the sum of money that the corporate authorities of the Village have approved, or will approve, to satisfy a lawful debt of the Village, and for which money is available in the Treasury at the time of such approval, is hereby appropriated by this Ordinance. Section IX: That if any item or portion thereof of this Appropriation Ordinance is for any reason held invalid such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of such item or the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section X: Pursuant to Section 8-2-9 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the Notice of Hearing on this Appropriation Ordinance was published on March 25, 2010. Pursuant to that notice a hearing was held as required by said Section of the Illinois Municipal Code by the President and Board of Trustees on April 15, 2010. A copy of the proposed Appropriation Ordinance was made conveniently available for public inspection at the Village Hall as required by said Section of the Illinois Municipal Code. Section Xl: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at the expiration of ten (10) days after its passage, approval, posting and publication, according to law. PASSED this _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ 2010. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED this _ day of _ _ _ _ _ 2010. By: ____________________________ Village President ATTEST: Deputy Village Clerk Published in pamphlet form on this __ day of _ _ _ _ _ 2010. Deputy Village Clerk Posted this _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ 2010. Deputy Village Clerk Approved as to form. Village Attorney