1 - Heritage Avon Lake
1 - Heritage Avon Lake
/Novomber 16, 1 9 8 3 ^ V AVONvLAKE ' & t h Year, No. & SHEFFIELD 3 CD AVO N y, S H E F Fl E LO LAKE A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN LORAIN COUNTY 2E Avon Election Results Wearsch Is 'Rested And Ready To Go1 By Linda Hawkins Avon's mnyor-oloct Tom Woarach, who has boon on a two-yoar hiatus after serving In city government since 1974, says ho UJH "rested up and is now roudy to go again" in January. Woarsch was an Avon councilman, president of council for two terms and mayor for ono torm, before ho took a broak in 1901 to spond some time with his family, ''You start to wonder If something might be wrong when your kids address you as Mr. Mayor instead of Dad," Wearsch says with a chuckle. Around Our Towns L J A SIGN OF STRENGTH Evory two yours or so rosldonts of Loraln County got bombarded with political advertising. Idoes aro infrequently, unique because just about everything has boon tried. Tho bualc print madia od gets u pho(o..(golln know what ho/sho looks liko], somo -noted points about all tho organizations thoy bolong to and, of course, thoir platform. You might have road how an incumbonl Is still working on a promise from Ilia last election or bow his opponent points out tho promiso was novor kopt, so.iivoto for mo 'causo things will gat dona.. And occasionally you may notice a little mud-dinging and name calling. Those always impress tho public. ' The area of advertising that I really enjoy is tho "POLITICAL SIGNS". You can't drivo up and down any stroet in town without finding the all important "SIGN". You might ovoti loud tho family in tho enr for a Sunday "Let's check out tho sign drive", Kinda liko looking at Christmas decorations in December. Lord knows there is enough to check out. Candidates always do their best to make sure thoy put more signs than the other guy. A sort of...woll...nuclaar arms race only we'll call It the'"political sign race". The more signs you have, tho more strength...right! I don't know If anyone votes for a candidate bacauso of "a lot of signs", but at least they recognize the name. Continued on page 22 Carriers Needed For Avon Lake Press routes in Avon. One route available on Ridgclund Dr.. one route on Jennie, Willo, Trinity Ct. Phono 933-5515. LEFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS But tho vacation is over now, and with a 1,750 to 612 vote victory over Anthony J. Conti, Woarsch is rowing up to bogin implementing the five point program he campaigned on. • "Tho first thing I will do Is rovlow the financial position of tho city and attempt to HtabUfei) it," Woarsch says. "Financial responsibility moons giviry cltlzons as many services as possible fur the tax dollars they invest in the city. I see no need to carry-over vast sums of money from ono your to the next—a small contingency fund Is sufficiunt." • Once he finds out how nvich money Is available, he Gays the next Mop will be to "spend it". One priority will bo expanding the police department by hiring additional personnel and purchasing now equipment—which is badly nooded, according to Wearsch. Tho policy dopurtmont is supported by a 1.5-mlll levy and monies from tho general fund. In his prior administration, considerable tncomu was derivod from Mayor's Court and Wcarsch says ho will continue to opoioto tho court to prosorvo this revenue source. • Another priority for • tho now administration will be Improving storm dralnngu. The city !..ts purchased a large piece of equipment for ditch cleaning, now oil that is needed Is somo Intensive administrative attention to make tho drainage Improvement program work, says Wearsch. •. A road resurfacing program will also got Wearsch's attention in tho noxt two years. Votors approved a renewal of a street repair levy last June, and with cartful budget management Avon's r o a d s s h o u l d begin to shotv improvement. • The fifth priority for the now mayor will be Improving tho 40-acre Schwartz Rd. Park. He says a 50/50 government grant has already been approved for tho park improvements and tho onginoorlng for (ho protect has boon completed. Wearsch says plans call for the park to Include both active and .passive recreation'^ areas— with playing fields for various sports as well as picnic areas and nature trails. "I'm looking forward to getting back on tho Job in January," says' Weorsch, "and working with u\Z and new council members." Tom Wearsch , . "'";;• For the. now term, councll-at-largo seats will he filled by Incumbent.Edward M. Kristowskl, who received 1,001 vpjtes,\ lest week; plus Viow'cnmers Thomaa ;L;' Tomlln (1,638 votesVand Mrs. Mildred Gallagher (089 votes); ,. . . ..'•:.,• Two other candidates, Paul A. HHstoiv und Incumbent ''David . Lawresaiuk, received 622 and 457 votes respectively. Continued on page 22 Issue 1 Had An Impact By Rick Ilommor Every two years Avon Lako residents go to tho polls, cast their votes, 'lion sit back aftor tho votes aro counted, end evoryono usually agrees...ovorylhlng turned out tho way they figured thoy would. Tho last two Avon Lako elections havo been anything but predictable. From tho Mayor's raco to tho various Ward Council and Council-at-Largo sonts not to mention tho School Board, moat will . agree...a few surprises surfaced. Not sinco 1961 whon former Press Editor and still co-publisher Richard ]. Homrnor, Sr., bumpod incumbent J.J. King (now deceased) from his seat on Avon Lako Council by 4 votes has an Avon Lake oloctlon boon so close. Tho unofficial voto tally shows former mayor Richard W. Hausrod just'edging out tho Incumbent Mayor Robert E. Allen by a more 27 votes from over 5500 votos cast. Tho Mayor's raco was a toss-up from the start. No c.;c coultl really predict tho outcome. Sonic said less that 50 votes. After all, Robert Allen did upset Richard Hausrod by 70 votes out of around 4900 cast in 1901. A law more surprises poppud up und grabbed Avon Lako by the ballot. Ncwcomur, 25 year old Vincent Urbin took ihc third council-nt-largc spot nhcad of votnnins Joseph Bush, Robert I..ucu (ind throo nlhor now hopefuls The winners were Lynch, Abram one! Urbin. Urbin campaigned for a new concept of communication with voters instigated from his end rather than from the votors. An approach most valors am going to wnlch" for. State jppucffi, to mist! tho legal drink- ing age to 21, had a part in both Allen's closo rail with victory and Vinco Urbin's surprise win. Tho total voter turnout this year was around 5500 compared to Analysis 4000 in 1981. A good portion of those additional 600 voters were young people concernod with tho outcome of Issue HI, Both Alien and Urbin aro youth oriented and a good portion of those voters wore in thoir cornor. Without Issue fll Urbin wouldn't have done so well and Allen's loss could hove boon by more than 27. Tho dofoat of Joe Bush for Council-atLarge raised a few eyebrows. Dush felt his strong position as the Incumbent in Word II would give him thu necdod baso for o Jump to Council-at-Largo and eventually to Mayor. A gamble that didn't pay off. Hod Bush stayed in Ward II chances are ho would havo won. A big mistake. After nearly 20 years of city service, Bob Luce was also defeated in the AtLargo race. Liko Bush, Luce also jumped from his Ward III scat to the At-large. Luce made the move after nearly losing in Ward III in '81 to Judy Emrick. An important factnr in Luce's loss was his long term relationship with Avon Lake. Tho longer you're in office, tho more cnuinics politicians mnke, Anollior Factor WHS Luce's low profile during tho campaign. Wnrd. ( nnimrlimim Bob Ireland bunt Mark Hurt 724 to 400 with thu third candidtito, Miko Valichnnc. getting less tliun 10D voles. Somo foil Hart had an outside shot to beat Ireland. Tho vote was expected to bo closer. Ward II found two ''gnntlomon" wag- ing a polite battlo of door-knocking. Learwood School teacher, Dale Cracas defeated Dan Lawrence by 819 to 527; Two good candidates. Cracas position as an East and school teacher didn't hurt his chnncer,. iWt'irri " i . As I mentioned, two years ago Judy Emrick noarly ousted Bob Luce from this council seat. Sho lost that race by around 60 votes. This time around Emrick faced two formidable opponents in former councilwoman, Jeanne Bair, and nowcomer Jacob Lundy. Since Emrick's noar victory two years ago her faco has beep a familiar, sight ot' various Council and Committee mqotings. Still, not a big victory though. The final outcome, Emrick473, Bair434, Lundy 412., Wnrd IV. Erma Havorbock ran unopposed. Originally sho had a couple of unannounced opponents. After measuring her strength, thoy decided to run elsewhere, or not run at all. Tho School Board raco had three openings and 5 people running. Aftor tho dust settled, Board President, Linda Moyse was defeated by only 9 votos. Duvo Updegraff, Tim Conway and R. Lynn Bondurant, Jr., worp tho winners. Updograff was tho number one voto receiver on the entire Avon Lako election with Z8U5. The only othur items to gut more votes was tho No column on the ta>. increase an Issue 0 (charter change]. Tim new Avon Lako administration hns its work cut out. Finances, city sorvices, grawth (lock of) now industry plus much more for thu now and old faces which take over January 1. Tho next two years should prove vory interesting. Avon Lako rosidonts will watch closely., if 3HKlOWi1li«ReL,AvonUlui . HhroWid.,NOT.M.JS.W. ; v & The Fresh Food People Your MnnulBcturorn' Coupons nro Worth Doublo at Foilo'ol Lmil 1 coupon Bi"Mo>n L mP| 1 ciitfijn coupon onoMimitwi ID Mimulaeiuinia'couuuriaol &(J"ii vslua or leuo CouponiuyB' 50" milllHiiodoom.dnHflcnvnhHi, Vuu muduui nnsonrodicli«iiiinsiimcilniiJonltiocmi|«n tiimoHo'nauwiBorilT toMnrmlacluiorVcouijonilwilemswocBiryiindNOr lu Fiuio'i. "Frno11, or Ollw* 1 i ' 'ml Sloff coupwia A>noun1 rginnUid caniiol eicnodlHn co<ilot 'ttu Itom A I t i dollar minimum burchata It laqulrajj m q u i l l l j lor rloubl* l a l u i on coupon!. E I I M I K * <hru W«dn«»diy, ND'tmbw S3. |g<3 ont/. Store Hours: Mon. Hov. 21 & Tuec>. Nov. M Frozen Broad Breasted Grade A, Self-Basting Jennie-O 1 Qindo A, Fiotl'i Froien S«vi1t Deep Basted Butterball Turkey A. Fii-sh Frozen DeCD D slml Honeysuckle Turkey Amlsh Farn Bmr,0 Gfnoi! A Fresh Natural Turkey 1-O-Lb. Bag Idaho Potatoes Gold Crown Deluxe Ice Cream Buy I at rig. rtlaii D'lct. g*| 2nd orn FHEE1 Heritage House Golden Roll Butter Tab, Coke or Diet Coke Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese PetRitz Pumpkin Pie PetRitz Pumpkin Custard Pie ''A Judgement Will Be Made..." "A Juilginiitit will IJO iiuulo by ovory child in Iliu CUy of Avon Liiku rotttii'tlitif) tlit! U8« of niiiid-iiltui'hiK drugs" \u a bobklut bolny distributed by Iliu Avun Lnku PTA Council. Tlio Avon Lnko I'TA Council is concornud IIIHHII thu clitiiniciil dupundonci) probtcin ntul I'IIUIM a ruaponsiblllty lo jtrovklu iiifoniKillon to thu community. Thu puiposo of tills luindbouk l.i lo liulp parents lo: Educnlu Ihalr child (11 nuiko (ho right ducisicni; Kocagnixo nlcohol tmd druy obuHo us a truutubltt tllsuusu; Uucognlzo llio signs ttnd Hymptuins in u uhild who FOR EXAMPLE... linn mtidu thu wrung decision; mitt Civo til ruction in corroding an uxisting prublum. lidiicdlion is thu kuystona lo pravoti* ling uhoiniGnl filniHu. Ilu suru (o gut onu ul uithur Lutirvvood Jr. High School's or Avon Luku High School's I'nrunt A 'I'uuchor Con Fu run cos mid road It. Gain us much infurnifition us you cim on this probluin. You may suvu a lovud onu from 1'iu nguny of chomlcnl iibtisu. Dr. Donald R, Rowlus of Iliu Lund Ings Animnl Hottpltnl -.nudo thu printing of this booklul possiblo \vllh ills flnnnciul conlribtitlon, wimom COUPON UNUMITID tOU CIT ONE DOLLAR NIACII4 tVIRT lANCt PIZZA VOUDUVAtONCl "•' ATTHELOVIN OVENS 933-4Z24 or 933-4477 O.K. - Evorv Doy EXPIRE: DEC. 31,1984 WITH COUPON, EVERY DAY, INCLUDING FRIDAY & SATURDAY WITH ONI MORE COUPONS AVAILABLE AT THE STORE COUPON UNLIMrTED BEFORE YOU PAY... ONE DOLLAR tOUCIT Otr OH CACH A LARCt Thanksgiving Service A special Thunksgiving survicu, upon lo tho community, will bo hold on Novombor T,4, lGbJ, ut First Church Christ Sclur.tlfit, Avon Loku. Tho sorvico will bugln nl 10:00 n.m. with o hymn, iind includes Blbtu rondincs rtifloc'tiny the Psiilmlst's gratitude] ovon in tho midst cf his lurbulont oru - "How oxcollont is •' ' -'Ing kindnoss, O God ... (ho chll-' put thuir trust under tho .t t^ wings. Thoy shall bo uL/unduntly sutiaOud with Ihu fntnoss of Iby houso; ond thou shall mako Uiom drink of the rlvor of thy ploasuros." , During thu hour-long sorvico, tho rondings will oxploro tlio Scriptural racord of God's "loving kindness." Eriof corrolativo passages froin tho Christian Scltmco toxtbook, Scionco ond Hoalth with Koy to tho Scriptures by Mury Hnkor Eddy, will also bu road, Including thu following oxcorpl from tlio clioplor on "I'royor": "God Is not inovud by tho hroath of pruiso to do more than I-(r has alroady dono, nor can tho infinite do loss than bostow all good, sincu Ha is unchanging wisdom and Love." Tho; hymns and readings will ulsa highlight thu lovo and comfort God continuully uxtunds to His creation, bringing puuco in timus of troublo. Following (hosu readings, thu Prusidant's Pror.lumrjtion, and Ihu Lord's Prayer, iimo will bo not asido for oxprussionq of gratitude to Cod. All ara wulcomo at tho Thunksgiving survicu. Child enre will bo provided for children too young to attond. PIZZA TOUBUVATONCI TELEPHONE 933-4224 933-4477 933-6708 OPEN! MON.-FHURB. 4-1Z P.M., FBI.-9AT. 4-1 A.M. 1UN. 4-10 P.M. AOOREDBi W5WWALKIB HO.. A.I. (ACROSI FnOM O.F, OUODRICHI Wallpapar Homomodo Quills All Sizes Pillows, Dolls, Oltts LANDINGS 'TURKEY RAFFLE" Ethol Morris NAME „ M.USa.tfttfRiftM H M l M . 0. STREET Apples-Dellclous! CITY _ _ ^ $2.00 per pock Quality Homomade Wlr.u Umpert Fruit Farms .2B0Q3 Dottolt Rd. Westloko, Ohio Phone 933-5212 2l!l?i!?,ourB Call lor TURKEY BASKET Mon.-Frl.9to5 sat. 9 to 12 Cute Turkey Shoped Basket Filled Wllh Flowers To Sit Prettily On Your Thanksgiving Table Furnace Tune-up Special BREAD TRAY A Beautiful Center Piece Arrangement Inside A Real Wood Bread Tray LIMITED TIME OFFER! APPLIES TO ANY MAKE RESIDENTIAL GAS FURNACE S 14 - S 17 - S 19 WE DO ALL THIS TO RESTORE FURNACE cenriFNCY AND PREVENT GREAKDOWNS Cn«cti bknnr boll tensio alignment t (ubo Ctack blower motor ond lubricate Check blowor I of cleanliness TMt (or o»3 Icnk] In I i m e e Tei and adjusl prellu'a wg ilator ay ombly Cheek g i t litlei <sr pilot Clean andad|in) all conl'tHs . Clwck operation at vital) con troll Tost lor combustion leaks Clonn Inldttor ol vosti&'jlo Ooan and l theimoitnl Adjust butnoi 10' $ 17 5 0 89^50 Choc* gnsvnlie urtiBCO opornlion Inspect Wiring on furnace Check itwrmccoupW Chstk hiwt ^hnck drnlt at breaching Check lor cornbuitib'o nulcrul near lurn.ico ACT NOW! Also.,. PEPPER MILL A Real Wood And Porcelain Pepper Mill Filled Wllh Fresh Floweis Cash-N-Carry Specials FallBouq. S 3 Centerpiece X BE READY FOR COLD WEATHER! We Service All Makes, And For Replacement We Carry . flowers * furniture ALL OUR FRESH FLOWERS 1 0 0 ^ G U A R A N T E E D Refrigeration Services, Inc. 311 Avon Belden Road • Avon Lake, Ohio Avon Lake 933-2535 Clave: 835-3369 - Elyria: 305-2100 - _ _ Drawing Suri., Nov. SOth a l OiOO p.m. ' General Practice The Landings Professional Btdg. 32730 WalkerRd., Avon Lake,O. Evo _ : DROP OFF AT ANYONE OF THE PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS ALFONSO 6. GOZARM.D. Ans. Service ATTHELOVIN OVENS 933-4224 or 933-4477 O.K. • EvcrvDnv EXPIRES: DEC. 31,1984 / / • > • : SCANDINAVIA ^ VIKING VACATIONS The The Press Is a Newspaper of General Circulation In Loraln County Rick Hemmer. Editor & Co-Publisher RJ. Hemmer Sr., Co-Publisher Linda M. Hemmor, Advertising Bonnie Horvath, Advertising Linda Hawkins, staff Writer Ann Schneider, Accounting Rita Flalm, News co-Ordlnator Catherine J. Bahen, circulation Manager TELEPHONE 933-5100 Send news articles, advertisements to: Box 163, Avon Lake. 0., 44012 letters To The Editor or tetters in response to other letters must be brief. It's Imporunt they Includeyour name, signature. address and phono number, Alliottcrs are subject to editing. A member of the Photojoi'nal Croup which Includes SUBURBAN PRESS. N<\ I in East Toledo Suburbs WEST LIFE - No. 1 In W jtlake. Bay Village. Rocky River. Falrvlew Ps1: and North Olmstcd. 0. VEflMlUON PHOTOJOURNAL - No. 1 In Vermilion. Ohio • ERIE COUNTY REPORTER - No, 1 in Huron. Ohio NORTH RIDGEVILLE PflESS • No, I in North Ridgsvillo, Ohio •• ; . £ • • ••;> TrovBlmaT-t Copenhagen, Stockholm or Oslo The Landings Now Thru April 24th Include!) air & hotel 933-4161 Clove. B3G-2710 Oollv Oanavsn Manage HoutuMon.^rl. B-0 (6 nights) $75tols ANNUAL OUT OF AREA SUBSCRIPTION $16.00 *"»•"•• - IBBWWHHWH BMWWjjli J 'Beautiful Jewelry.Incomparably Priced'" COMING SOON BLACK HlUS COLD 933-3159 Th« Landing*" AvonLak* wwwmftw^^ Avon Lake JVJfiWSL IBM TYPEWRITERS: % MODEL B . . . . . . $100 "WANTED TO .BUY:, MODEL D . : . . . . $375 : U S E D JBiyi "'••• ,: S E L E C T R I C ' SELECTRIC I I . . . $410 CORRECTING , _ _ „ SELECTRIC II . . . $ 7 7 0 SERVICE AGREEMENTS glFHHA TYPEWRITERS ONLY * 5 9 BO -^^r"'-T i yiar 2nd graders learn about authors with Mrs. Carrlgan. g M95 coRRErTiNo (NOW THRU DECEMBER 31st) Hours: 9-5 Dally, 9-Noon Sat. 934-5356 37321 DETROIT RD., AVON (Just West Of.Route 611)' SCHOOL CALENDAR Wod,, Nov. 16: 3:15 A.F.S. Club - Room 220 7:00 p.m. Fall Sporls Award Program - Auditorium Thurs., Nov. 17: 2:00 - 4:00 Putonl-Tonchor Conforoncos - Early Dismissal, 1:40 n.m. . 7:15 - Moth Science Club Room 264 1 Mon., Nov. 21: GiIlO - 9:30 Parent- Ponchor CoiiforoncD3 - Early Dismissal 1:40 p.m. WATCH CHANNEL 30 - EDUCATIONAL ACCESS FOR THE AVON LAKE CITY SCHOOLS NEWSCAST Wcdnnsday • 12:00 noon, 3:30, 7:00 p.m. SPF.CIAL AREA CLASSES '.i is easy to get caught up in school terminology and arsumu ovoryono knows what is moant. Tlio words, "Si'ECIAL AREA CLASSES" hnvo a dofinito meaning in tho olomontnry schools. Thoy rofer specifically to ART, VOCAL MUSIC, INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, and LIBRARY INSTRUCTION. Tho aroos aro a ma|oi' part of our curriculum and aro considorod very important in terms of helping to moot a child's physical, mental, social, und emotional needs. Some children perform exceptionally well in some "special areas" wliila some do not. Thoy all have tho opportunity, howovor, to participate and be a part of an exciting phaso of school. Tho "special arun" program are a result of many teachers and administrators developing a philosophy, courses of study, and a series of performance objactivos for tho students. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU (Subject to change) Mon., Nov. 21: French Broad Pizza. Vugoluble, Lettuce Wedge, Yellow Cako/Frosting, Milk. Tuos., Nov. 22: Hamburger on a Bun, French Fries, Fruit, Cookie, Milk. Wed., Nov. 23: COOK's CHOICE Thurs ., Nov. 24: THANKSGIVING DAY Fri., Nov. 25: NO SCHOOL ' , : - * • • ' " , ' . • . , • ' * / . • ' > • . . . ' ABOVC TH'eJltST. 933-8888. Redwood Kindergarten students learning a song in Mrs. Price's music class. I/VSTRUMENTALJ PICK YOUR CHOICE HIGHLANDER UUNDROMATfDRY CLEANERS ATTENDANT ON DUTY HOURS: MON.-SAT.9A.M.-8P.M. SUN. 9 A.M.-4 P.M. Mrs. Fadel giving an instrumental lesson to, Lett to right Danny Russell, Travis Thornton, and John Glllenwaters. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Frl. t Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed.9a.rn.-12p.rn. 138 LEAR RD., AVON LAKE PHONE 933-3310 DRYCLEANING ON 3 POUNDS OR MORE . HIGHLANDER LAUNDROMAT ... value I EXPIRES 11-30-83 BUYONE^I S1OFF WASH, GET ONE FREE IMIT ONE TO CUSTOME | on drop-off I laundry service 'RUGS, COMFORTERS,' (LIMIT ONE TO CUSTOMER) I C D D p A n c *S| I GOOD MON. thru FHI. Lyn Wilber displaying her thumb print art to Miss Mizen, art teacher. Melanie BlP^eslee (left) and Tom Carder (right) learning rhythms in Mrs. Price's vocal music class. HIGHLANDER 80° LAUHDROMAT value EXPIRES H-2M3 BAGS HIGHLANDER LAUNDROMAT EXPIRES 11-3 W 3 YOUR NATURAIA KITCHEN \ HOLIDAY HERB& / SPICE / CENTER/: FOUR 'SEASONS I Sporting Goods & Apparel Monogrammlng 'On Any Sweater OrJackolFrorr ' Slorpj STELLA'S 'RESTAURANT! STEPHEN'S STUDIO Christmas Family Portraits... Slop In For Details L HOT CHOCOLATE I THE LANDINGS SHOPPING CENTER SCHEDULE OF EVENTS "TURKEY R A F F L E " Sunday, Nov. 20th Drawing at 5:00 p.n-/. (Look for Coupons in the Avon Lake Presy and in participating Landings stores) •TSS "HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE" Sunday, Nov. 20th • • . 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m. ', • . (Begin extended Holiday .Store Hours) Open Sundays 1:00 p.ni.-5;00 p.m. through Holidays "OLD-RSHIONED CHRISTMAS CELERHATION* Sunday, December 18th 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Tree Trimming Christmas Carolling Guest Choir Visit with Santa Gift of Love Center Brass Ensemble Refreshments 3HSHW j[FamiIie?are asked to bring ornaj^fllgjbr tree Strirmning. Children are ask&dlo bring TjJ homemade ornamenjsjj^^ CHJISTMAS POSTER CgNTlST" -QRIBS | All You Can Eat with Fries, Cole Slaw $495 NFL Football 16n Our Large Screen UNIQUE GIFT ITEMS, ACCESSORIES FOR EVERY OCCASION. Porcelain • Brass • Lampa • Plclurcs; Mirrore (Kindergarten through high school) 3Fl«tsipr' SPECIAL PURCHASE Infants & Toddlers Tops and "lottomsl 2O% THE LANDINGS CORNER OF RT. 83 AND WALKER RD. AVON LAKE, OHIO XMAS OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL Froo Izod Sox with any' Jzod Sweater, .Nov.l7lh- Nov. 20th> J933-4B43, [SELL'S NOW OPEN.. BEVAN'S COUNTRY DOG FOOD & PET SUPPLIES STOP IN FOB FREE nOG THEAT, OFF Purchase of any gift Item In brass or pewter. Free ^carnations to first 100/ customers Sportsman's* Junction Post-Brand Opening Special 20% OFF &S Christmas Gifts At Post Office l'otilhiiiKlxr |ot> Klukullii of Avon l.aUi; says Urn U.S. I'nMul Survkw's tUIKI Coinniciiuiriillvij Mini Slits am! ihn )nU>;;1 nditiun i>l Tlii! l'ostul Survlco Guidu ID U . S . S l u m p c , ti 1'usltil Stnvici! Imok on s l u m p cullm-.l.nu for tilt; niiw i:nllm:tur TIS U'I.'II us lln: oxjmriniicml phlluliillsl. ntu miw nvniltibUi, . 'I'lii! li)»;t llniiimtjiimnilivn Mini Set c o n t a i n s 2(1 i.ssiiits •- I!) .slnt>li! s l u m p s nl .UKI siivi'ii blocks of 11 mr sliiniji-i -* ol '17 'iliiin|)s ami itiitividunl [iliisUi: mmilils which lii'lp |Jin1r!i.l IMCII issue. Tiir Mil lm:!iii[i!'< n block oi lour liiilluon Minmps (i ml Hi ol I lie 1M Olyuipii; Mil in (is. Ksiti'il to cnmmimios'tUi; 11L•: I'lll'l Olympic liuuii'.s, 'I'lii! l!!!t:i Cnriminmnr.nivi' Mini S»rt is tlit! u i r n w l inlillusi oi ;i sm ins ol m i n i m i •*uts I'tilniisiii! by tlut I'osttil Si'rvici! i!iit:li yi'iir prior In llii; holiilny MSUSOII. T h e i;ovi:rolllii!S]Z.r>l) Mini Sri imilinns .illwork minimi lo I In1 iinnitrimnuriitivi! slumps issui!il [luring lUfCt, .Tin; n n w l u l l - c o l o r IIMIIII e d i t i o n nl T I K I 1'iiHlul G u i d e lit U . S . S l u m p s is tin siili! nlul is Ilticml ill $:!.:)<). lln; siillH! US liisl yiMr's Imok. Tim L!'.)li p;ij;i! h o o k pro\liliis jnliii(!stiiiti pliiliilnlii; Lislnriiuilion lor (hij novii;i! ami Hit; iixptM'iimct.'d uolliHilnr, It lm;h]'liis Inlcsl tiinrknl VHIUDS, ciiliilo^UL! iiiitTilx-rs mid a i r r e u l p r i c e s iui sunviMiir pilous and coniiiiDtiuiriilivi! nil index lislinj; ol' nil U.S. Coin- ,,t.ittMiriiHvi! shimiis. n llsllna til Ihu lom. 1 11llMH ,,f I'oslal Si;rvii:i.' l'hllnlnllc ConlUrs . ,„„)• a H|ii!i:i(il s e c t i o n tin Olympic Tin- «'•"'''" f l l r i n w>'Hnli'» '"any iintl sltirliss niluto.l to slnmp niHMsr Kliiknltii ntstj nolud a cil p o p u l a r tupituil s t i x n p collucs prtcurl from S2 • S3 uuch nro Unit i. liiirlt kil lucludiw ii 20 p Hvtif lirr M, :») »tnrn» H . albuni r < j r l . l"-.'ri sl>w * ( 1 IIIHI » bimklol fiiitillucl. InC l l i " An Invitation AM! yrm .i HIHSS pursoi)? || you iin;, ytju will won1.. tn j;o Id tin; Avon LtikoCI-. .ibniry and scsts the tiy i;lass display fnim Lilt: !!!ll) ID I Ins 2Utll ' military jjioviitijtl by tho' VVi.'slorn Kusurvi; Htiijtoy Study Club. .A film on thu ; liiittury of this ruimirkublo Oliio jiliis. vvill bti shown: nl 7:'M on Nov. 15lh. Tho" public is cordially iuvilcd. Birdseed Sale Avon Lake Uoy Scout/r Troop 300 is holding thotr,, yc.'iir-lfJii(} wild bfrdfiood1 atitu. Thin is a duluxu mix oi' sow! which . attracts '.many buautifiil specios of hirtls tivtut* inuurnri!n.To : pluctj your orciur, plooso cull unit of Hut following: , Rich Zullo - 933-4673! Hob Korim - 933-80BB; H u w ii r el P r u s s n c H • • • U33>»2UU. Sited prices are S5.00 for 25 lbs nnd $0.00 for 50 lbs, Losing Weight Now you can do more than just shop when you visit Elyria's Midway Mall..Nowyou can also do your banking. PARDNER - Ehyria Savings' 24 hour banker, is now available to you in Midway Mall's main entrance, located near the center mall area. All you need is a checking or a statement savings account at EST, Lorain County's largest bank, and a 24 hour PARDNER banking card. Doesn't matter if It's 10.00 in the morning, 9;00 at night, Sunday or a holiday. You can do your banking while you do your shopping, • Withdraw Cash • Make Utility Payments • Make Deposits • Make Loan Payments • visa Cash Advance • Account Balance. Inquiry All Day - Everyday. Join us for our lucky 13Pardner 24 Hour Banker jpening & celebration. Stop by any day from November 13th thru'November 20th & November 25th thru' November 27th, Ask for a demonstration on how Pardner can make everyday banking faster and more convenient, and receive a valuable discount coupon good at many of the Mall area merchants Demonstrates Hours Sundays - 12 noon'till 5 ;00 pm Mon., Tue., Wed, Thur. - 3:00 pm'tlll 8:00. pm Fri., Sat. - 1:00 pm'till 9:00 pm PLUS Register for one of certificates to 1 S250 I SI0O 1 S50 10 S25 13 Midway Mall gift be given away. Grand Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Pri2e 4th Prizes Elyria Savings & Trust 1*1* >4-J <ii t P i hc'ifciHC frh>» H . r u i M n f - * ! *t»H Many persons sltirt out with yood intentions In reducing tbolr wolglit • but somcivhcru along thu way grst discouraged and wipo out duys of successful rood intoku. Why wo roncl und tea] ihu way wo do is a dcup und porsonul sublet. T h r o u g h ' ' B .» d y Awarunoss" wii can sort out our probbms with not only Tood but olhnr aspects of our lives. Luarn to chungu bad habits nnd be the happy, hualthy person you wcro moant to bo. "Body Awareness" will provldo t h u I n s i g h t and: motivation. Classes meet ol tho Avon United Methodist Church overy Wodnosdny from 12;30 - 1:30. Call !)34-S00'l for further information. New Service At Library Avon Lake Public Library now has a cableequipped television in tho library conference room for group viowing and discussion of educational programs. The conference room vvill sont groups of up to 25 pooplo and ii availliblo on a reservation basis by cullintc 033-8128. Thu Buard of Trusloos thanks Ualc's TV and Audio Sal«s for providins this lelovision at cost. Code Change Too Late To Prevent Lawsuit Uy L l n d u H a w k i n s UyALlndu HnwkiiiB n u b i l e huurlim w a n hold, mid llio A public Injuring wan hold, mid llui fiiHl rumliiiK of l(!ginliiliui) (ippmvuri by Avon [.uku Clly Council uii a ijru|]<JHU(l olinngo in I ho plnnnliiH iitul mining COCJUH rulnllug lu uccussury biiMdingH at Monday iilylil's rugulur mooting. At liu Hiinm inoulhi};. Ltnv IJlnielur Dolu Uurntird imiiouticud lliu clly mid llio piamiiiiB cuinmissiun niu l>ultig suud by CnrI Muitir |r. in rugnrd lu nil m> cu.iNury building, lluriiiml WIIH voted ti prulimimiry luu of $1,OUU lo di'luml Uio cily iigaiiiHl Idu suit. Hnriuird Biiyj* Muiur bus gonu lo cuuit hucuusu tlio phi nuing i;om mission doniud Ills ruqunsl to build a IU-c;ur1 gorugu lu slom ul&usic •ind iiolluclut volilclus behind his |uycox Kd. hinnu. Counclliniin llob I rotund nskud il' diuro wusn't iiomu uthor woy to sultlu lliu proliloni without noiii|} lo court. Umiiiird snld tbci city clmrlur ofi'urs no appunl procoss for n decision of Ilia planning r.ommissloi'., Tlio proposud cliungoH to tlio planning and zoning code which wore inlruducud Monday night will limit rusldonliul district gnrnyo8 to 15 Fuul In liotishl with spoco Tor Ihruo vuhiclus. All otlmr buildlngu dusigmid mid intondud fur 11c- OTHER ACTION usu muat must nnot oxcuud nlnu nlnu Fo.it FGJI In c c m o r yy usu o t oxcuud in O T H E R ACTION upprovod ihu siuxiiid roading liuiglit huinlit lur u H litil lint roof r o o l our r 11 fuut foot Ib/ii To/ii ynbl ydbl^ c j u n d l i i p p m v o d lliu sm:uml roadiiif uf lu^lsliillun mitllurlzIUK n lulmr n^nn!1 1 1 ud, hip. nmiiHiird - ... t ur gambrul 1....1 rouf, r .md ,,,,! lit lusihliiliuii (iiitllurlzUiK n lulmr nuint holwcun MK> city uml lint 11^11111 iiolico not uxcuud 120 square fuot uf Floor iir«(i on IOIH of 15,000 squuru Fuut or hiss. On lots largur than IS.OUU sutntro lum, ihu lioor iiiuu will bi; alluvvud lo bit unit purconl uF Ihu lol area, but not murt! llum 2'10 stjiinru I'uul. KcqucKts fur ticcussnry bulldinns un land usud Tor agriciilliirnl will n;(|uir(i phinnliig emuniissiuti approval. Ai;cuidlnjj to Councilman Russ Lynch, who sponsorud Ihu litj}iHliilion as cuuncil's ruprusiiiilativo lo iilimniHH cuiiiinlHaion, an important point hi ihiit not mur» limn one eccossury buildingwhethor il IH a ytinifjo ur n sluriign shucl will bo pormltlnd on any ruslduntia! lot, Lynch aald ibis chaugi! in Ihu codu WHS tuicussary to prolunl I ho charactur oi' rusldontlul ureas and their property values. "Wi! hove beon allowing ur,. cossury buildings which aro liiryur than the homos on the lot," Lynch said. "Somu are unsightly, while others dial met From thu noigbborhood jusl bncausu of their size." Mayor Bob Allen commonlud (lint planning commisHion wnntud Ihu new ordinunco lo islimlnnlo prubtoni!; like Ihc suit Hind by Moior. dupiirlmunl. An uxecutivo suasion WILH liuitl following llic council tiumlhiH tu discuss lilts urdiiiancn Furlh"!-. An urdfnaiici'. tu IHHUU $f>.()()() worth ui' lionds lor slruol liylitH on I'urkvknv Dr. ^VHH approved (is nn iiuuiigonny. A cu'iilriici was nwiirduil If) II ghl KIU Kluclric IHC:. of Avon Lake lor ro-lignling uulHultl HI at Uk'Hur Fluid I'urk. Tie $y.475 hid From lh« company was tin lowur ol Iwo bidn ruculvod lor Mm X proji'H. m •o An umurHUiicy ordinance wan alsu m m IJUHHIK] lo raisi) lliu Fees For P"™ H iUin tickets From &:i and $5. lo $5 ami $10. z The mayor nntod lliu nuw waiver loos o< aro in lino with Fees charged in other m a surrounding communities. : * • '-> ! a ' • • ' " ^ ' ; ' ' ' * • • \ y / ' • " V'. v;. THE ELYRIA MEDICL8N1C Urgent Care by Elyria Physicians 'Often evenings. Seven days a week. No appointment necessary offering convenient medical care with a full range of Medical services of a non-life threatening nature, including repair of lacerations (cuts), X-ray, Laboratory and Electrocardiogram. •HOURS* Mon., TUQS.. Thurs., Frl. 6P.M.-11 P.M. Wod. & Sat. M A.M.-11 P.M. Sundays & Holidays 3P.M.-11 P.M. 365 Dayo a Year 252 East Broad Street (between Park 8- Garford Av«s.) 216^323-4224 or 323-1159 Elyria, Ohio 44035 LOSE WEIGHT LOSE INCHES NOW!!! 1 Now All-Natural Weight Loss Program 'Supplies AH Daily Nutrients 1 Effective Weight Loss of 10 to 29 lbs r ar Month •100% Guaranteed • Be Ready for Holidays with k HERBALIFE!! Call 933-22251 •< X AT 33050 Webber Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio (216)933-6666 Hrs: 12-6 Week 9-6 Sat. Salesman 's Sample Sale Men's • W o m e n ' s • Children's • SPORTWEAR AND OUTERWEAR • CHOOSE FROM MANY FAMOUS BRANDS U p To OFF SAVE • SHOP NOW FOR HOLIDAYS Friday, Nov. 18th 10:00-6:00 Saturday, Nov. 19th 10:00-4:00 Avon Lake United Church Of Christ 32801 Electric BK J. Rear Entrance Just West Of Rt. 83 Or sitting on your nightstand. Or desk. Or wherever you have your phone. Because now you can buy the phone you already have in your home. And it will cost you much less than you'd pay for any other phone like it. For as little as $16.85 each, plus tax, you can buy any or all of the phones you lease from us. And you can conveniently bill your purchase through your monthly phone bill. To place your order or for more information call 244-8354. V/atch for details of our new phone repair program with your next telephone bill. ROBERT HART STOTTER Attorney At Law GENERAL LAW PRACTICE INCLUDING • BANKRUPTCY/CHAPTER 13 • PERSONAL INJURY • CORPORATE/BUSINESS • DIVORCE/DISSOLUTION • PROBATE/WILLS • REAL ESTATE • CRIMINAL * ADOPTION • LANDLORD/TENANT INITIAL CONSULTATION NO CHARGE THE LANDINGS-BUILDING H 32730 WALKER RD. AVON LAKE, OHIO 44012 CLEVELAND OFFICE: 75 Public Square • Suite 1200 696-2040 AT NAUTILUS NORTH WE DO ONE THING AND WE DO THAT BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE! ASK OUR MEMBERS... VS. Tlio Press, in cooperation with Convenient Food Mart, wili once again sponsor n Tiirkuy Coloring Contest. Nino lucky children botwoun tlio iigos of 5 & 12 will win n 10-12 Lb. turkey for tlioir coloring efforts. Pulos, regulations mid further information iii'tt found on page b in this Issue of tlio Press. Children entering tliu contest aro urg- About Our Nautilus Training Expertise! A b o u t Our C o m m i t m e n t T o Y o u r Goals! About Privileges For Racquet Ball, Tennis & S w i m m i n g About Our Facility That Is The ONLY COMPLETE Nautilus Training Center In The Area. ud to pay spcciul attnntion to tha^ dnudllno and drop off locations, Avan Luke Convoniont Fuod Mnrt-j Btoro ownora, Tom and Carol Fbwkosi along with Sheffield lako store ownors,; Dennis &. Linda Vollfck, oxprnssod tlioughlt) on tho oxcullont quality of last your*s ontrlos and waro again looking furward to this 4th time around. Interested In Cub Scouting? All boys, agos U to 10. are invited to discovor tho fun of Cub Scouting by Joining Doy Scout by joining Pack 354 in Avon Lako. Mr. Bon Thompson, n Doy Scout District Representative, can take your name for membership simply by calling him ot 033-2014 any day after 0 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 334 in sponsored by Lake Shore United Methodist Church in Avan'Lakc. At tho present tlmo, there are two Dons within the pack, each with weekly meetings filled with fun and educational activities for tho boys. Cubs learn tho fundamentals of Scouting and can earn merit badges as they progress. Paronts aro urged to participate wf'h -GET YOU FIT- v. :> > Convenient Food Mart/Press Annual Turkey Coloring Contest their sons by attending monthly pack moot I tigs in which all dons are represented. Scouting is o good way for the boys to Iporn responsibility and gain a ruspoct. for nature through group interaction Adult supervision is always provided Please consider Scouting and give Mr Thompson a call. Any interostsd boya and their parents are invited to attend the Monday, Nov. 20 Pack Meeting to be held at Lako Shore Church, 33119 Cloctrie Blvd., Avon Lake, at 7:15 p m A Father-Son Cakti Auction will be held during tho meeting along with other activities. , Christmas Boutique Tho ladtos guild or Holy Trinity Church, Avon, will bo holding its annual Chrlstmus Boutique Nov. imh from 2:00-9:00 and Nov. 19th from 11:00 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. II will be hold h, tho church hall located at 2610 Nagol Rd. There will bo 30 tables for doalors to display their largo varlrity of crafts. There will bo many crafts for Christmus find Thanksgiving, homemado baked goods, candios and juma. With Thanksgiving a wook away, the Christmas Eoutlquo will bo a great pldco to purchase your holiday desserts -. Thore will also be items priced especially low for chlkhtm to do tholrn Christmas shopping. , ?J Thero is no admission charge ana refrashmontB and light lunches will ba available . * ' Please come and browse end got «'• head start, on your holiday shopping You won't be disappointed. SO-IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN NAUTILUS TRABNING, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO PAY US A VISIT. For Complimentary Session And Information On Our SPECIAL Rates Call 933-8075 "The Landings" 83 & Walker Rd. A.L. Karl Zimmer Director M WITH 95c DEPOSIT OAT OUR CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT COLLECTION GRANADA RADIANT GAS HEATER BRINGS THE SUN INDOORS! •SAFE • ECONOMICAL 99.9% Efficient. Costs only pennies per hour •ADJUSTABLE 3 Sellings (or lull range comfort. ' EASE OF OPERATION No eleclricily required. Simply, pusn-button ignition. [I . . CDS'Control System assures proper air quality, •VERSATILE Wall-mount or free-standing ONLY • CLEAN No odors, greasy films, or spills. "CERTIFIED American Gas •INSTANTWARMTH S p e c i a l I n t r o d u c t o r y P r i c e Association Meal radiates to you Laboratories. just like (he sun. 2-SxIOs, 3-i>x7s, 15 wallets This plush Christmas stocking measures 15 inches long and beautifully displays your child's wallet-size portrait. list deposit plus $1 iniinit Ire lor earh adilltiuiml subjerl In portiall. One (fee slocking per wil . These Days Only - November: Wed. 16, Thurs. 17, Fri. 18, Sat. 19 DA „, „ 'LY:1Oa.m,8p.m. Walker And Moore Roads, Avon Lake were big on people Erie Shores Camera Clinic Tlio Krlu Slinrus Pliologrnpliy Club Is oliurlng 11 pliulci uomlnur for llio "over forly crowd," Tlio onu-dny clinic will bo hold on Suturduy, Novmnbor 2Glli, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. nt tho Old Firo Houso in Avnn Lnke. Admission to bo Inkuti ill tho door will bu $0.00, wliicli will incliida lunch. 1'ivu ono-bour Hussions uro pinnnud, ooch to bo cliulrud by ono of tho cnmom club momborH who Is nn export In that Hold. Tho subjects to bo covored uro (1) photographic composition, (Z) do'a and don'ts ol good snupshols, (3) closu-up photography, (4) traveling with your camora, and (5) photographing your grandchildren and othar family mombors. A special fonluni of tlio dny will bo furnishutl by employees of Ru'tikor Camoros of Elyria. Tlioir aim-hour session wilt bo Bpnnt In choosing photo equipment and supplies as Christinas gifts. In addition, club members will bo proBonl to discuss your camera problems. The one-day affair Is to bo aimed specifically at retired pooplo, or those who now aro enjoying grandchildren. Howovor, a club Bpokospurson stutod that anyone wishing to shure their photogruphlc questions, and desires, Is welcome. Library Closed A v o n Lake P u b l i c Library will be closed Wodnosduy, November 23 nnd Thursday, November 24 for llie ThankuglvhiH holiday. The library will bu open Friday and Saturday from 0:00 a.m. to 5:0U p.m. insure two and Save If you're a twu-car family, Nationwide con aovo you money on your aulo Insurance. Additional llboiallicd bo no tits are ovallsblo to thoM who quality. Coll a Nationwide tioent tor complolo do tolls. THE $200 0 0 IT'S SO GOOD - THAT IF WE CALCULATED THE PRICE BY THE TASTE IN.EACH BITE, IT COULD, JUST COST YOU $200.00. THIS WEEK OUR $200.00 PIZZAS ARE SELLING FOR ONLY $3.75 (Large Cheese To-Go), Come In As Soon As Possible, Your Taste Will Tell You it's $200.00, But Your Pocketbook Won't. Year-End Tax Saving Strategies Soon - vory soon - it will bo "income lax" lime. Havrt you taken advantage of all of the opportunities Ihoro aro to reduco your lux loadjf It is not loo lute lo holp yoursolf to a smaller Income tax payment. Spend an evening lourning ways to cut your 1033,taxes. This practical somlnor focuses on year-end Investments that suva you tax dollurs, itemized deductions not to overlook, and much moro. This special seminar will bo prasontod by Knthloen Ronayno, a Certified Finan- cial Planner end founder o," the Wustlaku firm of Ronuyno Financial Survicos, n flnanciul planning and tnx [jroparutlon Ttrm. Mrs. Ronayno lias prosonlcd oevorul SRininars hero In Avon Lnko und bus boon very fayorubly received. Tho sumlnnr will bo hold at the Old Flrehouse Civic Center llio ovoiilng of November 29 at 7:30. There will bo un "at-tho-door" registration feo of 50« per person. M94102 6402LafcaRd. SHEFFIELD LAKE AVON LAKE "THE LANDINGS" 933-3801 LARRY VAN DEROORD Roprosontotivo 32254 EidctHc Blvd., P.O. Box 102 Avon Lake, OH. 44012 Phonn: 933-6277 Res.. 833-2595 Invaluable coupons s 100 OFF ; s 100 OFF ny large pizza wi'h one] |Anylargepiz:2awilhonei i or more items in our | or more items in our ' dining room o-to go. dining room "onto go. Nov. 21 it 22 $ Nov. -i £j2?j Attorney. JOHN D. PINCURA —General Practice ol law— 18 years experience Licensed to practice in all Ohio Courts and U.S. Supreme Court • WILLS • DOMESTIC • PERSONAL INJURY • BUSINESS • CRIMINAL \M • TRAFFIC LOCATED at "The Landings" OFFJCE COMPLEX-BLDG. H 32730 Walker Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio Hours By Appointment CALL 933-0674 APPOjNTMENTS AVAILABLE Bob Allen A FULL SERVICE AGENCY SINCE 1952 Auto, Home, Life, Tax Shelters. Annuities. Group. Commercial. Pension. Bonding. Boat. Disability. Hospitalizailon. Motorcycle. INSURANCE BUSINESS AS USUAL! Would you be interested in knowing how a sole proprietor can protect a "one man" bushess through lite insurance? Ask Don at 933-4734. -'^HBHH Bank Can Pr* Get The Best Service Single statement reporting offers Lorain County Bank savers a secure, easy-to-understand method to help manage their financial affairs. The status of the savings account is reported monthly along with checking account information. The status of the checking account, and up to 10 separate savings accounts, can be reported on a sir.Qie statement. Detailed information includes all deposits and withdrawals, interest earned and appropriate balances. •9H-;) M B >\ This simple, easy-to-understand statement presents account information in a logical, useful order. Information concerning checking accounts and individual savings accounts is carefully separated and thoroughly documented. For information about Single Statement Services, sew a customer service representative at anv office of the Lorain County Bank. •s ^ B > •..• K • • ' 4 ' » ^ K ^ H•| H Hi'/; 9:00-5:00 Daily 9:30-12:00 Sat. 444 CENTER RD. AVON LAKE Don Jones „.,.»«. CLEVE. 835-7242 DON JONES Q33J734. BOB ALLEN 933-5223 COUNTM BANK Detroit Road at Rt. 83 'Avon, Ohio 44011 216/934-5277 K MEMBER FDIC H R'i •3H K ©©e©©©©©©©©©e©^^ceeeoecoee?l Mighty Goliath Schedules Meeting Mighty Goliath Productions invilua nil tlioso intoroslad in Ihoalru nrts to otto nil tliolr ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING March 23, 2'), 25 :ind 3(1. 31, liltM. Tryuul dutus tiro scheduled for I'ricJnys: Duo. 2nd and Otli nl 7:00 p.m. in Ihu Lunrwood )r. III. Schl. uudilorlum. So, murk your culuiidnrs, wnrm up tlioso vocnt cords, got oul your dancing shoos and oomu to M.G.IVs oryuniznLlnnal mooting tills Friday, Nov. IBili. SEE YOU T'.'ERE! THIS F R I D A Y , . N D V . 1«, '03 at 7:30 p.m. In llio L u a r w o o d Jr. HI. Sclil. audllprium: 3-10 Luur Rd., Avon Lnku, Director, Loronu CJougliliu nnd Musictil Diroclor, Paul Smith will givo a rundown af par Is & numburs sulocEud from "Guys nnd Dolts*' lo bo slnj^od Holiday Inn Christmas Show Cast Tlio Holiday Inn Dinner Tliuutro announces Ihu cast Tor "Tlio Grout Amorican Ghrisltnas Molodrnmu," writton and directed by David ). Sudy and Shurry Thomas: Snndy Stovons, Tarry Stovcna, Kirk Husunmuollor [Elyria]; Janu Rynn (AmhorstJ; Jonathan Sudy, Juliu Sudy (Avon): Alan Rolctto, Susan Crossn n.nrnlnl' Hnrry Paul Hillock, Dovo Sudy, llDlh Elius (Avon Laku). "The Groat Amorican Christmas Mulodrama" will open Friday, November 25 und run ihrougli January 14, Children and group rates availablo. PLUS a special Now Year's Evo parly! For information and reservations call 233-7291 or 324-5411. 12th Edition Night Club presents. Thompson & McCormlck H'ghlighting Local Wineries Now thru Dec. 3rd It's timo that somebody highlighted ihu groat winarios located In our area! And thanks to Tho Shaft Restaurant, beginning Friday. Novombor 18iii from 5:00 p.m. - 0:00 p.m. ml continuing through the first af tho j a ir [oxcopt holiday weekends) you will to ablo to sample nomo of our area's llr.ost wines. Klingshirn Winery will bo highlighted on Friday, Novombor IHili. This winery is ov\ nod and oporatcd by Allan und Burbnni Klingslifrn and is located at 33050 Wobbor Rood in Avon Lake. "This small, socond generation winery is one of tho few jortof ihu muny tlmt oporalod in tho urea before cnu afler Prohibition. Tl.ey feature olghl difforont table wines made from tho Vitis Lnbrusca varieties that tho Luke Erie region bus lony uocn notod for. Klingshirn provides grape juice for tho mom discimf noting 'do-it-yourself win'Jinakers. Inform til lours arc welcomed when timo permils. More farm nl tours (on a small basis) by appointment." The Shaft will also servo a variety of Almiidcn wines from California. You may sample all of those finn wines for 49c a glass. Complimentary bars d'oeuvroB will ou served. 9:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Saturday, November 19 DICK HAZLEY Hypnotist 4-7 P.M. Sunday thru Friday 216 Miller Road Avon Lake Adults 21 & Over 933-2000 ' f.D.. Required RAMADA I 21,6 Millof Pa , Avon lake • 933-2000 RESORT* •i LOUNGE Avon La lie's Unique Ejtnry "Complete Lunch & Dinner Menu f: %.' 111. 811 WBIIHH, A.OO Lait I'nonn -UJI3/4 Z WKIIDIWI Vit/i, MimtCaldt Amnlctn Fipntii Featuring LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY MUSIC BY PRESENTS APOCALYPSE MARGARITAVILLE 10P.M.TIL2A.M. EVERY SATUHDAY (5-9:30) X YOU CAN EAT $4.9$ FRIDAY FISH FRY W&OVERI TUESDAY DRAFT LAKE ERIE PERCH 0INNER$560 W OR OCEAN PERCH DINNER $395 SUNDAV.AU YOU CAN EAT e - OB BEER BAR-B-Q RIBS , 54»5 NFL Football on our large screen T.V. NIGHT PIZZA-B8Q RIBS SPAGHETTI-CHICKFN Dally LL-nchion Spadtli 5o7o6FF| • . 933-9781 or 933-3318 - THE SH/FT- ,*j Dinner 8 Served .. Till 10 p.m. On second dinnerwh-a ',o(e |ualoi greater value L« >UT ;hased Good Nov. 16. 1 7 , 2 1 . 2 2 DINNER ONLY Live background accoustical artistry; by Thbirpaon & McCormtrk one of the area's'fiiiest "soft Folk rock duos sot the tiood fur a gioat wine tasting^ party.....beginning Friday, Nuvomberrv 18th from 6:00 p.m BOOpm " - If you haven't visited Tho Shaft lately you will find new (attractions including a groat "dart board area Tho Shaft iff"' now tnking names for teams If you re un avid "dart throwor bo sura to sign up soon) If you have always wanted to givo it it try...stop in -inytimo Saturday nights have been designated "Margoritaville" . order all the Mox j lean fond you con cat for only $4 95 Spocialty "Margaritas and MoxiLn.ni beer will also bo available! j Ifyou'veevorwantod to sample a Icoal P ^ wino... If you've boon looking IOC i|s^ something different to do at the end of a long and frustrating work woke Ifybll and your friends nnd co workers oreJ . ^ looking for a great place to got ,fC£S logethor YOU'LL HND II AT THE SHAFT RESTAURANT 445 Avon Boldon Road (the I and ings) Avon Lake Ohio ' ^ ' 33424 Lako Rd., A.L. WEDNESDAY DAVE SAIUCHEZ Spins y*!ur Favorltoi From 50'B & 60't 933-5181 "NEW" ; FRESH DONUTS (Made Dally) FOUR STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM:; Oid Fashioned, Buttermilk, Devils Food Chocolate, And Whole Wheat (Many Combinations of Icing) ' • AVAILABLE BY THE DOZENS • EVERY WED. & FRI. 6QQ1; ALL THE FISH YOU CAN EAT * O WE STILL HA VE OUR DELICIOUS REGULAR MENU ii4i0i4thst.n7a.m.to.11 p.m. ;?HijJ 2*4-6717 Seven Days A Week 933.5181 Vr •','i We ve set up two ways to enjoy the family Day Menu. MIAMI DINING ROOM — Select whal you want from cur special Thanksgiving Daymenn. Great uppetliurs and saluds; enjoy tho traditional roast turkey or choose any one of other main coursus. Starting at $6.95. Children under 12, $4.95. COUNTRY CLUti ROOM - A bountiful buflot of salads, vegetables, roast turkey, roast beet, and ham plus dessert table. All lor $9.95. Children under 12, $4.75. Call now lor reservations. Phone 933-2000 Pat Black as Opal Kronkle and Bill Beeman will appear this weekend in "Everybody Loves Opal" at the Old Firehouse Theatre on the corner of Lake & Center Rds., In Avon Lake. Tickets for Friday night's performance of the comedy, sponsored by the Avon Lake Recreation Dept., are available by calling 934-5111. Tickets for Saturday night's performance are available at 933-5076. Curtain is at 8:P0 p.m. Jr. Women Offer Adult Scholarship .Arc you an Avon Lake woman thinking of going back to school for retraining or for an advanced degroa? Arc you looking for a Httlo help with tuition? To holp answer tho preceding questions, tho Avon Lako Junior Women's Club is offoring a scholarship. An application may bo obtained by calling Pat nt 933-0425 or Poggy at 933-2613. Doadlinu for applications Is November 20, 1003. Tho recipient will bo notified by December 5, 1003. Just in timo for winter quarter. Novelty Musical Instruments' The David VanKoevnring Family, Swiss bell Hngors, and novelty artists of Pinoilas Park, Florida, will bo fouturcd in a Gospel Musical Concert, "Transformed Sounds" on Novombor 16, 1903, at Calvary Baptist Church, 32607 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lako at 7:00 p.m. Nationally known us musical novnlly artists, tho VanKoovorings play many novnl and unique musical instruments as well ns tho more Familiar ones. Musical Rocks is ono of such instrument.-). Being suspended on a framo the rocks arc struck with a hammer to produce unique music. This instrument was designed, tuned and ouilt by David VanKoovorlng. Ho is tho only known builder of rocks in tho world. David lias also iunod for musical purposes and will be playing musical skillets, tuned whiskey, bottles, bike horns, singing musical saw and othor unique and fascinating musical instruments. Nationally known For thoir "concorts extraordinary" as boll rlngors, the Van Kocvotings uso hundreds of bells of different kinds. English hand bells are featured wliorevor thr.y play. One of tho oldest known sols in uso today is the 40 famous Moors Hnndbolls cast in London in 1850. Cow bolls, glolgh bells, 4 in hand bells, ami ono of tho two boll violins in existence are an added delight for the young and old alike. Tho public is invited to attend this outstanding musical presentation. RAMADA' RESORT Looking For A Way To Save?. Our Specials brings down the cost of dining out! SUNDAYS"] PRlONDAyS ' " TUESDAYS S 9S 2Bunttos .Ml You Can Eat at I 3T«« 1 216 Millar Rood, Avon Lake, 44012 Tsco, Burcllo, Rtco * B«.n» THURSDAY 2 Enchltadra 2 CMvichangif S-jfis EocaWi, 1mA, UctlBun FRIDAYS Burrllo Qlganio, Rice S 95 2 949-6107 •or 5300 Lako Rd. € Q 1 *™ Sheffield Uko Your Amtable Hoste David & Joel Arradondo SATURDAYS 2 Tacou, JErijoy the: Bountyof -tK :tfnooseariy oriillof tliesGlGCliojisUsted below (oxjust/ 3177 Elyria Ave., Lorain, O The Perch & Shrimp Specialists! Surf & Turf Special $095 0 Every Wednesday & 1st & 3rd Saturday Of The Month Lake Erie Perch & Ocean Shrimp Fry Every Wednesday &. Friday Serving 11:3011118p.m. CARRY OUTS AVAILABLE >09 WEDNESOAY Imperial Cafe 244-9855 6 Oz. Lobster Tall 10 Oz. Boston Strip Butrilo, ToiUda, Rica Ir Stint 89 RoattTurkey'&SreitlngCranborrVStiuce-i TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO A DELICIOUS FULL COURSE THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER at very reasonable prices. Serving 12-8 p.m. Reservations Requested SUN. t h r u THURS. STEAK SPECIALS J FILET MIGNON BOSTON STRIP 8.95 7.95 S above served with choice ol soup or salari, potatoes, vegetable, roll and bullet. FRIDAY Bread Pudding .<'. \-.-\ B a k e d H i m w( ••; .-• Hoai<on1]rRle«5ilafl U o j i a i T / o m a d q C a k e . . • ItalilnSauca',' ' . . • FraihBakedl-1': m^eeCroamSundaBi * ,; B a k e U S Fried C h i c k e n ' P a r k e r Hotita Rolls • A n o r t e d C f l j i e i * ; -: , B a k e d R t h -, " . ,;', T b M e d S a l a d - . •.' .T • P u d d ! n g i \ •>*••••",%1.'Cahdie'd Y a r n e V- ", •• M a c a r o n i S a l a d . ; ' , ••• C o f f e e :.--, •.'•• :.-!•.• 'MaihodPblatoea''.'C o | e S l a w .. ,•••.'•. •, , ' , T e a *•.'" ";. -.'-,, ., • ,-' . B u t t e r e d C o m " ' . -..-,• ••AppleiauCe '.•'..••: ''Milk 1 .'- -.•/'•• '••.: • • " . ' CreertBerfni: . ; . P o t a t o S ^ l a d •. • ' S o H D r i n k a / ; ' . . ' : D r e i i l n g - ' ••••'.• • .; J e l l o .... :-\'i [ / - . ' v J r u i t D r i n k i V ; . ' . ;•••'.• - T u r f c e y Q I b l B t G u i r y ' - : P u m p k i n Pie ; i " F n i K S o i i p of t h e Day 1 ! p o m B r e a d - " , . ' , - . / S t r a w b e r r y Shortcake'Fr.e»h S a l a d B « .' ;•.;.-, Open i1s;m.-4p.m.' No Resehi$tions Necessary ".:. Gift Certificated Are Now Available N •-' ' '•' .LORAIN , ' .'. • '• '. •V 'IC-Maii P l n i I m.EI7 « F»lrlo»» Or; . FRESH LAKE ERIE PERCH SERVED FAMILY STYLE ' 6 " Per P a n o n Seafood Delight Plotter-Sauteed Scamplas Snow Crab t * g * , & Pickerel S A T U R D A Y PRIME RIB OF -Wlwrf Tt« L«Ir*iiDon'l Coil Eilf.l" BEEFIU)UI King or Queen Size RAINBOW TROUT STUFFED WITH CRABMEAT SUN DAY SWISS STEAK'4" Includes, Soup. Salod. Potato, Broad & Buttor SUNDAY LIQUOR 4798 E. LAKE ROAD SHEFFIELD LAKE, OHIO Open Daily 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Weekdays 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. Noon-9p.m. Sunday 949-7977 •;Pizzfir•Salads • Sandvviches'- .'' I Convention Mews 3PEN 7 DAYS A WEEK OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY BBEAKEASI 2Eggsony8tyla, Ham, Bacon or Sausage, Toasl or 9A.M. Pancakas LUNCH Ho.-nemadt) soup and choice of any sandwich $269 TO 11130 Family Dining With Something For Everyone In The Family SPECIAL CHILDREN'S & SR. Cl ITZENS MENU Each Day Our Chef Prepares A Homemade Soup & Dinner Special FRESH GARDEN SALAD BAR Homo Cooked Meals wllh soup, salad bar, cholco of potato, vog., roll & butter. WEDNESDAY Peppar Slonk II adalphln alp It In Pepper THURSDAY BrnlHcl Sirloin • • * ! Tip! FRIDAY Froati Umkn Eifto Porch • WalUy* • Pike Jumbn Shrimp • Bndnd So rod 1UTUHDAY Qt. Louis Bnr-B-CuB RlbB SUNDAY Vlralill" Bnh»d Ham PRIME RID Aulua 8«rvad FRI.-8AT.-SIUN. IN OUR NEW LO'JWC-E • HORS D'OEUVRE • HAP V HOUH 4-7 P.M. Men.-Social Nil? • %(„ ,-Dratt Nile • Tues.'Men'g Nlte • Thurs.-Ladles' Nlte local council and units at a spucial luiicmmn. Avon Lnko I'TA Council • Goldoii;: Acorn Awaid; tfiislviuw Elamoritari£ PTA - Huckuyu tint! Scnrlol Carnatloii* awards; Wustvimv Elomonlnry PTA... Duckoyo and Scarlol Cant'iUriii awardsj Erievluw Eloinunlory PTA - Scarlet Ciuv nation award; Luurwaod Jr, Hlgh't;' Buckoyo and Scarlot Carnation Qwardrii and A.L.H.S. Scurtul Carnation award,1_ All awards vvoro for significant incroaso^ in momborship. We commond last yoars^'' niumliorslilp ciiuirmon for a job well; donu. Thirteen rosolutions ware passed-^ the convunlfon, doaling with tho fallovVInfj tuples: Estdblisbing crilorln'^friri; uquilablo transportation costs;,Incrptfd*:* cd minimum BtaiiiJards for child' " " 9tofr«; Labtlin(! of clothing For of clumoiitary agQ (in ense of Nuclour Arms awnronoss; and LpCdl? School Dinlricts i\nnuul Roport (to'... l g tax dollars spent for ncn-publlayf| oducutton. Two Avon Lnko rosldoiits atlond tliu 19U3 Ohio PTA Convention in Columbus, Nnimy Cucil, Avon Lnko PTA Council |'r*»'ldont mid Bon Russall, PTA Council Tnifisuror wliicli w'us licltl October 23-25 iti Col linbus. Tlio couvuiltiuu wus (liu 71) nuiiUiil niuotinn of the purutil tuacliur iissa clot ion. They worn among tlio nearly 1000 luctd nnd council loaders roproscnting Ohio PTA's moro limn 1115,000 monibora who mol to duturmlno PTA priorlllus for the coming yoar und uxplor-J curronl tiunds In education, partmtlng and hil? duvolopmanl. Koy liisuus nddrossod in over 20 workshops and presentations included: developing puront teuchmnnd school community pmlnorjjlilps, subslnnco ubuso p r e v o n t i o n , t h e c h m g i ! American family, child ubuso, ussortivu discipline for paronts, 'aluvfsions effects on children, studonta. .ois and suicide, comput'ir oducEition. Mrs. Cecil proudly nccuptod the following marnberslilp uwnrds for DISC JOCKEY NIGHTLY DANCE MUSIC Wi WORKING PERSONS BREAKFAST SPECIAL, M0N.-FR1. 6a.m.-10a.m. THE WEST SIDES FINEST NIGHT SPOT FEATURING OHIO'S TOP ROCK AND BLUES BANDS-LIVE 17 16 DANCER NOVEMBER 15th-19th Come in...: WEDNESDAY - MEN'S NIGHT THURSDAY • LADIES NIGHT FRIDAY AND SATURDY HAPPY HOUR 9:00 p.m.-1Q:30 p.m. bluet bind IS 1» Bill! Dsv« Sanchet *t "•' " f old lot OUi Trotter 1 Ihn ht'jw buriarp WIN£ TASTING PARTY MONDAY NrfEFPOTBA'i. TWO COUNTRY FRESH EGGS* (ANY WAY YOU LIKE? THEMV BACON OR SAUSAGE, REAL HOMEFRIES, & TOAST AND FOR ?0« OUR BOTTOMLESS CUP OF COFFEE - _ •;•'-•'- . -,, -,-^Mi SPECIAL 0003 EHTIBE MOUTH OFMOVEMBEH' ' - FESDAVFISHIFHYr LAKE ERIE PERCH $ f t 9 5 French F'IBS& Cole Slaw , ON OUR LARGE SCREEN f.V. T V •..•. ••:•.';•• MOONSHINE STILL Entertaining Every Frl. &Sl,*.TMlohi During Nc '< FRI., NOV., 18th 00 p.m.-8:00 p.m tTS NOT T JO EARL l ' ^ MAKE YOUR NEW! NERVATIONS W CALL. 9344210 VAPPYHOUR A T O O R ^ S H N1OH.-FRI. 3 : 3 0 4 : 3 0 p.m by Thompson & McCormkk 3704U Detroit Rd. Avon, Ohio Cornor of Rt. 264 K 611 IB a oven PROPER ID REQUIRED ttt. 03 ft WatK*' Rd., A.L. 033-H3T4 W* honor W1«. M M i . Chwo* 4 Amattem a u n u HO COVSD CHAROI Avon Lake Wine Shp LUNCHEON SPECIALS 32457 Lake Rd. Avon Lake, O. 223 MMIer Rd., Avon Lnko, Carry Out 933-2484, Stock Up For Thanksgiving 7 Miller * Since our early specials Mon. til Friday 3:30 to 6p.m. are so well received: We Will Also Offer SATURDAY 4-6 p.m. SUNDAY 12-8 p.m. MRS. SANTA SUGGESTS you visit Earlene's Cird & Gift Shoppe Door Prizes Every Halt Hour 6 10% Discount On All Purchasos During Open House Entree • Soup • Salad • • Potato .or/vegetable " Dessert and of course our Homemade Sticky Buns! Open Thanksgiving Reservations Requested 32045 DETROIT RD.-AVON Avon 937-6864 Cleveland 871-3054^ lay's Potato Chips.... yz OPEN HOUSE TODAY FROM 1-5 P.M. NOV. 20th, SUNDAY $ 50 Open Dolly Except Monday Tuesday thru Thursday . . . . . 11:30-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday .11:30-11 p.m. Sunday Noon-8 p.m. Save O U Y On 16 Oz. 8 Paki Coke • Tab • Sprite 2042 N. Ridge Rd. Selection Rl.2H-EIyil8 (NexttoDog&Sodil a Furniture & Reconditioned Appliances ' Niw Living Room Sultw NswDlnettsSeU Nsw Bedroom Surtet NBW Bimkbodi Color Er Black ErWhlteTVt ALL AT LOW EARLENE'S • Rifitggrstor* (SlnQla & Dbubi* Doorl Gat or Electric Ranjw Automatic Waiheri Qai or Electric Dryri LDta Of Qood. Claan Utad Furnlturn To ChooM From » AppllancinQu»rBntB*ii • W« AooptTr*d»-tfl • CARD and GIFT SHOPPE Detroit and Abbe Roads Quality 934-4074 Opon Daily 9-6 m., Thurs.. Frl. 9-3 - Closed Sum 324-2634 or 277-0345 OLOR ME AND WIN Rules 1. Deadline Friday, Nov. 18th, 5 p.m. 2. All Entries Must Be Personally Dropped Off At One Of The Thee Convenient Food Marts 3. Open To Children Ages 5 to 12 10 Ten Pound Turkeys Will Be Awarded Children Should Receive No Assistance In Coloring l;s'KSSa:SKa i r •^'r?;^Vfs^3)?«*!™ii:;>~•-'^S^S!*?1 l"ia?VS!«1 •isSsfsiSS- S< ."ftsis™ :!;j«s' | !K>!S^rrS^.ii:-'X:r: ?i ADDRESS CITY_ All entries become the property of the Avon Lake Press and Convenient Food Mart" Avon-Chemical People Part II youiigEUurs who Iwvo chemicul problmns. ChoHuiiB" VUi:U communlly club' ta Himd ono of llmlr members to Tliii sucuiul "Ttnvn Mucliiifl". i" Lnkuluml [nslltulo Tor I ruining: eslnblfah Avun, l)ruii({lit out ii Inw muri; concoritnn lnrormiitluii ntmlur [Hot-Lino), (Mr oil panints. !)!i |Hirunts niul a low Krjhnrl Kurinil snltl you nnn cell him HhutunlH Jiltmniml Insi Wmlnosdiiy's nnvliino); (isliiblish by-lnws and iu3oa tnuiillitH of "Thi! Uumiicul i'miplti". tind nijjulullims for this committee Aflur lliu bmmtutisl vvus slimvn. A sluoriiiB cummlltoo WHS fontifld (ind I4i'tiu|j.s woro formed lo nuinu up wllli will moul Ilila wouk. Woilnasdny) lmiiii»torm« find iduns on wtmt etui wu November 10th ut Uiu Christian Horitago du nhoul Iliu ulculiul tint! druB usnyu our Church on Choslor Rd. & Rtn. 03 ot 7:30 ynulli in Avon, Ohio. P.M. The public is invitod. Listed bulmv (in; :i i'yvv or lliu Idoiis Thu comiiiiitco consists of: Robart ouch ymun, in Huniirnl. discussud: Kurnnt. Frnn BockmlHor, Penny Lonurd; sludunls. iiiironls and uoinCeoruo Wright, Dun Mnrsholl, Ruth Ann pi:M toguUiiir youth groups fur O'Urlun, Pol Kolluy, Ulanno Rachor and vvhuru 'io idcohnl nitd/or drugs Cnrol Lndikos. nrt! usud; truin (.nrsuns lo liolp ihoso Tbo purposo or this coinmittoo la to form goiils and structure for tho A TEAM" in Avon, Ohio. Hy: Ciirol I.mliknu Try our delicious Home Baked,... Pumpkin Pies Mincemeat Pies Dinner Roils Variety of Breads Cakes Piece Your Order By Nov. 23rd All Frash 933-6212 All From Scratch Women's League Meets The Only Homo Bakery In Town The Kriu Shorn Cnroorj Womon's LOHKUR moots oiirly this month. Thu I rogulnr Novoniborl mootiiiy will bo hold ut tho Avon Liiko Public Ltbruryj tit 6:30 on November 17th. \ Call 033-3945 or 933-5076 for dinner rogorvnllons. AVON U..*E PASTRY SHOP 33479 Lake Rd., Avon Lake, 0 . PROBLEM WITH YOUR OVEN? Still Time To Have Your Oven Checke IV ITS NOT TOO LATE, ENROLL DECEMBER 31,1983 it'i ifcf/iijlol $roio\n§, lovingnl Out o/ •}• lit km, Ovtr 150,000 mmbm tnjoy .;that txcluiivt bmjiti-. .."'i • Rij/bl (o dofnirr Mmbas Only ;-}: fitfurina -,.'' •AtukaiptitmtatkGOOD^ NEWSLETTER , .. Cold Weather Ahead? Clean Your Outerwear Now!! APPLIANCE SERVICE 33465 LAKE RD. •Anvp&ldiGlfifbytttry . •AptrmMtnlbinan ; . • Prior lo public announmtnts of inUoAudicm anil rtiirtmmls.,MHJ morel All for (IK J (5 annual ntmhmhipftt . (j IT. jo if you lint ONlific i k conlinrnlnl CLEANERS US.) COMPLETE CLEANING SEHVICE • DRAPERV PROCESSORS COMPLCTETAKE DOWN, PROCESS B REHANQ SERVICE •• OFF SEASON GARMENT STORAGE Come and pick up an application! Or call and we'll send one to you. THE VILI AGE SHOP NEXT TO A V O N LAKE, O H I O MON.THRUpSA 7O0I*VMM 9 CLOSED SUNDAY Interest Frl. Special Lake Perch 10 pcs. Shrimp ft? « 2 'YOUCAN CALLUS- OVERHEAD FORD" 39 21 pcs. Shrimp 3 Pieces White Fish Slaw&FF with With the holidays swiftly approaching b? sure & call us for your entertainment needs Party trays starting at S 2 3 5 / person S O 9 9 Cheese trays sterling at $ 1 5 . 0 0 sauce ^ m* 10ChlckenCAQQ Wings *?* . LLOYb'MANWELtFORD Assortment of Appetizers, Salads & Gifts are also available i-v PHONE ORDERS /-.WELCOME !- 3 3 ^ t r U k e Rd, Avon Uke ' • g33-32B1 CIeve.Q7M3B0'. )OPEN 7 DAYS /{ 2% HOURS!! .";:Sy«^i.i,-6:iqq. 933 2420 if Serving* Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Wow Showing I.ZeligpG 2. Frightmare R 3. Richard Pryor "Here & Now" R 4. The Osterman Weekend R ANYTIME GIFT I l l l l l l I • * • • H • • • I I I I • • • • • • • ! • • I l l 1 1 1 1 1 W ••,«. EXf IRES ONE YEAR rflOM PftV fO THE QHDfcHOF. :. l f mmbtnhty wA • CEmboatA 933-6790 19 1983 FORD CLOSEOUTS BEFORE^ ?i PRECIOUS! MOMENTSCOLLECTORS' CLU3 [A Charters \. Vi THIS$25FIGURmE I IS A GIFT TO YOU i ONEV M OVIE- (Tlovie money* HEDEEMAOtE AT THE 8 0 1 OFFICE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS ON THE BACK OF THIS COUPON. i i i i n i i i i ii ii i • 11 • i • • • I Hi i n I • • i • • • I* A-iultu 42.00 L'ntil 6:00 p.m. Mon. Sut. & First Show Or Capacity Sun. & ) Holidays. Tickets Sold 30 Mln. Boforo] Showtime. Phone Loraln, 933-31SS Elyrln, 1-324-2161. 1. 2. 3. 14. Includes: Garlic Bread Wednesday & Friday Special P E R C H 'n5!Lc.oleS,law All you can eat p"£l£ c "' Starts Wed., Nov. 23rd The Golden Seal PG Amityville 3-D R Nate & Hayes PG Cross Creek PG Liver & Onions Clioico of Potalo: vonolnblo. Roll & Butler Buy one get one FREE Starts FrL, Nov. 18th 1. Richard Pryor "Here & Now" R 2. Amityville 3-D R 3. Nate & Hayes PG 4. The Christmas Story PG SAMPLE A N D -€ASH VALUE Daily Specials Shrimp Dinner (coleslaw& e - . £ n fries) SO69 W, Wo Accommodate Banquets, Parties, Buoinau Meetings & Social Clubs Parties From 10 to 200 Coll Today To Reserve Your Party Expanding Chef Henri's Regular Menu Vincent Price Is Upcoming Lecture Guest At LCCC Extruorclinory actur of thuntro, film ond lolovlslon, Vinconl Prlco will bo Lornln County Community Collogu's Pruminunt Americans Locturo Surios" guust Novombor 17. Prico will lucturo on "Tho VilUnns Still Purttuo Mo" at 0 p.m. in Iho Stacker Contur Main Thoatro. With Q enronr which HUH uncotnpussud both Broadway and London theatres, Hollywood films, Amoricon and Uritish radio and television, tho worlds of art, Iticturing, literature and liautti cuisine, thorn's hardly anything thai Prlcu has not dono In his profession. Another uspoct of his career is tho lucturu stage and for some 15 yuars Prico lias crlss- Cuntor Box Oflicu, open from 10 u.m.'Uj 4 p.m. woukduys. Call 305-2211 in Elyrlu, 233-8r.lO in Lorutn, 570-1030 In crossed America to lecture in over 350 cltiUB. Mo also hus narratt'd symphonic works of mujor composers. As an author, Prico has enjoyod nuothur series if succussna. Prico liLs bunn vory actlvo in thu propagation of tho arts und was past chairman of Indian Arts ond Crafts Uoord for the U.S. Dtipartmunt of tho Intorlur, n inumbur of thu Koyal Socioty of Arts and a nminbor of tho Fine Arts Commlituo for thu White Houso. Tickets are $0 to tho public. Discounts are availablo to LCCC fuculty/staff. LCCC students und sonlor citizens. Tickets uro uvallable at tho Stockor Collectors Club To Welcome Kay Klonk Avon Luke urtlst Kay Klunk will discuss Norninn Rockwell's art, muthods, olc, and domonstrato painting techniques ul tho Novombur 17!h muoiing 'f tho Luko Erie Collectors Club. Mamburs und frlends attending are reminded to bring food staples, etc., for the Club's unnuul collodion for Human Resources. If you prefer, you muy bring your food contribution to Tho Villago r *TCT~* 1?^^ SCOl * ^ ^ ETTi^ LLVLI |1 - - - 1 tffl.Ai I*l-'l FRONT ST. - Beroa • W. PLEASANT VALLEY - Parma BROADVIEW AND PEARL • EUCLID AVE. - East Cleveland SNOW RD. — (Across from Brookgate Mall) 1 tBft S <&«si <&&m* TWO PIECES ! r a 8 9 1 Wn OPCHICKEW e i L © W w AMD BISCUIT JJ H 9 0 . • 2 pieces o! Kentucky Fried Chicken' • 1 fresh Buttermilk Biscuit | | n a B (C0UP0tiG0pDF0RUPI0TW00FfEnSAlEt!9EaCHl Gut all this for only SI Z9 iFlerj S169) Limit one coupon per eustotwr 8 B Shop (nuxt to Avon Luko Tlioalor). Your contribution, no matter how small, will bo greatly appreclatud by thu Luke Erie Collectors Club and Huinun Resources. Anyone Interested may attend tho Novombur 17th muotlng without obligation or foe. Join us for a plonsunt evening at EST Community Room, 33455 Lake Roud, Avon Laku on Thursday ut 0:00 p.m. 5 NEW LOCATIONS Instead of the usual grab-bag of noon-time spots, why not try something different? Something that you know so well. Kenny King's, ot course. Kentucky Fried Chicken® that's great for dinner is Just as good for lunch. It's the number one chicken because it's always tender, always Juicy, always delicious. Or you might want to try our great-tasting chicken sandwich. Or mouth-watering fish sandwich. Whatever you have, you'll be glad you're having lunch at Kenny King's. So don't settle for the usual grab-bag. Clip out? ' ^ these coupons T\'i- * fli^* U A 3 and grab something great. Lunch... at KennyI BKing's. ifr.Bii Prrra d C B PUSH UNHSJ fc^^ W3 Ckwulnnil, 774-3300 In Oborlln, und 047-3344 in Wellington. Vlsu and MasterCard uro occopted. • B fl 6 • Coupon (jDOd orily Itn combination while/dark c'Jers fJol vaW ^itli nllwr discount oilers or n lull service testaumnidiimg loams Gnoilonly.il n B B N participating Kenny King's locations EXPIRES Docembci A. 1903 0 B i1 SANDWSCK v~Je&k>W _ SPECIAL 3 pcs. ot Kentucky Frl'jd Chicken' • 1 fresh Buttermilk Biscuit • 1 reg. order ot Kentucky Fries" 1 choice ot salad • 1 Chicken Sandwich or 1 Fish Sandwich • 1 regular order ot Kentucky Fries' 1 medium-sized sott drink OFQHUPt01MOOFFERS MOOE G o y S l q 329B) Limit linn cuuoun [lercustunicit tJul v.ilill with liltiP' rliscomil ultc'i 0' in lull v r w . p T<!MJUT^H! iliisinfl tonnv, Gooi) at parWiiatmn Knniy Kind's IOMIIOIH rxflRcSDJCKtutiei .1 VJIJ3 S THREE PIECE MEAL 1 Get ,n Ihis lor only S? C9 (P.cq S3 39) Limit one coupon per customer G'wrt only ort combination wliilc/dark onJcrs Not valid wiin ottler discount ulfec, of m lull lervicc tusiaurant dinmg roams Good at participating Kenny Kino's locations EXPIRES December A, 1983 n "j Keimy BUSIES j I * our women's s, orts tonm coac i«> wffl He attending a sp'^1«1 spots , odic no clinic sponsored by Dr. Ko czun on prevention. rocoanUiort and Initial/" ment of comn athlolo. Dr. Roso.'iury Roso.'iury Morwossm u. lute. Dr. Hick A t l a n t a w i l l b e i h o guoi inonkor Fo" r Avon Lako girl« S o l e d t o the All-Conferonco ,,t. r S Country Team - MISSY BAIL& LISACLARK, -YVnNMR SAtH,.-.*& KRIS NIEHENKE. - r ^ * Follow Up Meeting Set For § nducation. intonation and proyonpg Task force members aro not trdfik Uy Linda Hawkins chemical abuse counselors, but as M f TliO'conclusion of Iho two-part loloviSurgel said hi iho television progrtra* slon sorles"THE CHEMICAL PEOPLE" aired last Wednesday night. Tho pro- -The- -re all people who care, e n | g forces to combat the problomfl..Jt!f gram has ondad, but hopefully loom upprooch." - I'^I uwuronnss and action aro just beginning Athletic Director Avon Lake is fortunate l o h n y a W for about ISO concornod Avon Luko task forco operating for the .losH$ residents who gathered for n town The JV's wore lod in scoring by DOUG yoars. ALCAT has accompllshed^flrf MISSY RUNS WELL IN COLUMBUS WICHMAN mooting Nov.fl,at Ranmda Aquamurino with 42 points and In project? Including providing fiindsjjg Missy Bailey, a High School Freshman rushing by KEN JOHNSON with 031 Rosort. running sonsallon, "Did hersolf proud" yardB. )OE ZINSMEISTER lod tho chemical intervention Following Iho showing of tho TV protho Saturday as she postud a 10:27, her receivers with 12 catches, while grmii, a mooting was hold to establish school personnel and B ^ ™ best timo of tho yoar, to finish 21al in the WICHMAN throw a record 0 booklet listing chemical -JnTormriL local goals and a doUnitu plan of comState AAA Cross Country Champion- touchdown pusses. This Is tho fourth Dooncles and troatmont contorsaBMffl munity action to hulp combnt tho ship in Columbus. This concludes tho time-In tho last six yours tho JV's havu as opportunity for young L peppfiT disoaso of school-agad chemical uso, season For cross country, an oxcep- won tho mythical SWC titlo. COACH have alternative "highs". .: -.$&» UonuUy flna one for both Missy and hor TOMASZEWSKI stp.tod, "This was a which has roachod epidemic proporTha toam has also worked to eslebL. tions nationwide and In Avon Lako. team. Fortunately, BAILEY, KRIS vory hardworking group. They did r network of concerned poop e m But tharo just wasn't onough timo ol NIEHENKE, JODI SANDVIK, and we asked of thorn and more. ono meeting to accomplish all necessary haveplodged not to servo\yrUtojr* TRACY STADNICAR • all Freshman - ovorything very ctoso-knlt group. It was a use of alcohol at youui.galrtertngia planning, so another mooting has boon and YVONNE SAUL, LISA CLARK, and A pleasure coaching thorn." Much has boon doneln AyoniLa. scheduled for Wednesday, Nov.'30, nt MARCIE McKENNA, - all sophomores - SHORT STUFF 7:30, again In tho Florida Room at the but much mow still needs to be uougB will bo back again noxt yoor in an ateducation, Intervention and #p pre>'on«|J Aquamarine. tompt to Improvo on their second-placo Avon Lako High School's Varsity footThe Community.Action• -"'- w * M * finish in tho SWC and tho possibility of a brill team started the season 1-4,. and Organizers of the two town meetings Stato trip for MISSY and tho entire taam thon wan tho last five in a row to finish aro ploasotl with Iho numher of people your support and input at «»e;,ra^ In 1984. Congratulations to MISSY and JM ovorall and 6-1 In tho Conference. who attended llio ocastons and wW1 tha Nn«- 30; v .",>^l to tho entire girts' cross country squad They woro a young team In torms of ex- concarn expressed. T'nuy r^m^od muni fur a flno yaarl pnrlonco and, as aoon as they got o fow chargalbii residents it's not too Into to still gut in* games under their belts, thoy played in volvod - oven if you didn't maku it to tho Ramada Aquamatliio JV FOOTBALL TEAM FINISHED 8-1 tuno with Avon Lake football tradition previous moetings, you're welcome to two "CHEMICAL a n d U N'D E F.E.A T E D I N "Good, hard-nosod football," Thoy aro attend tho Nov. 30 session. moetlngs, and tho room ,\ SOUTHWESTERN CONFERENCE to tie commended for their spirit, tntonBill Stivos of tha Avon Lako Communidonated for a follow-up i Tho )V football team defeated Fair- s i t y a n d d e s i r e to be s u c ty,Action Team (CATJ says, "This will 30. Avon Lako is.rortunate'tb' viow 14-6 to comploto thotr season cessful Tho annual Fall Sports bo an open mooting far all community kind of'commurilty..inyplvpii__.. undofcutad in tho Conference and fl-1 members. Wo will no receptive to any Awards Night will bo hold tonight generous suppart-from.aloculjbiiai1 ovorall. RUSTY WARD scored Iho first and all comments and suggestions." - in Rocky River •Uiejr^had^Oip''' touclidown on a 43-yard pass from Wednesday, Novombor 16 at 7:00 in the Part two or "THE CHEMICAL PEO.donations at their first towiVmai! DOUG W I C H M A N , and KEN High School Auditorium. Members of PLE" program explained that a task ' pay thol<$200 rental "fees'for,jtetevi JOHNSON plunged ovor from tho 1 for all Fall sports teams will bo recognized. force (called a community action team the second. JOEL REGAN converted 2 A dossort hour will follow Several of in uomo cittoB) works in thrcqr areas — extra points. Avon East Gets Into Books When Richard finishes school (IB would like to bo a nurseryman. Ho works during tho summers at his 'During Children's EpokWoek f -Avpn,East^ parents' nursery. Hn likes driving a tractor the most. ticlpato by engaging in various acUviUosrSuch-aiL Ho also onjoys having and spending the money that he mlnv.ro daily commorci, \ on booka they havo dhj Richard Poruban is this week's "Star of tho Week." makos at his fob ,." • , Richard is an eighth grader at AMS. Ho Is the son of most; treading/book,1 :y- 1 8 a n 1 ^ : f ^ i . O T ' H l r Currently,' R|chi:rd' Is taking "CreoUvo; Writing" at Ann and Floyd Poruban, and the brother of four-yearbookwbrm;-6r. library ^ catr.coloring, hlghltghtti Nova* .He/espBciiriQ enjoys hislt^acheri ;Mr;-Lou old Jenny. ' ' -. • autogra^hed'books1'Arthur's!Thar^glvlngit-M At homo, Richard has'a varloty of interests. Ha Hl-.as .Suaroz. Ho says thfltMr. Suaroz is "witty and kind of ' Brownand.'THd Parade" by.DbnoWXrewrfjJ crazy." This serves.to.make *ho class fun. • ; shared during siory hour: A new-Thanlaglvirig| to colloct and classify fossils. He likos to teko and - Richard hos been In Nova since tho seventh grade* filmstrlp "Tho Meanest Squirrer"will olso t"--" develop pictures. Ho takes many typos of picturos, not 1 •As a seventh grader he took a yoor of Spanish. He onFnvrtng uny particular subject. Ho also enjoys watjoyed this subjecl and still remembers a few words of clung television. Richard likes any typo of show expoct AVON SCHOOLS' NEWS '". ?-, ^, the language. Ho would like to soo chemistry and for soap-operas. micro-biolugy offorad as future Nova coursos. AVON MIDDLE SCHOOL'S SEVENTH K Science is one of Richard's areas of interest. It is his GRADE SCIENCE CLASSES :; favorite subject in school. Ho says ho likes all aspects of the Held. Ho also likes Avon Middle School. He said Mr. Honzo's seventh grade Earth. SclbjiceM that ho <s very satlslfiod with tho extra-curricular achavo boon studying Plate Tectonics. TactonlcsJ tivities currently offorod. Ho has no suggestions for theory that states the crust of the oarch^s., met additioni to be mede to tho program. several moving plains drivon by powcrfql foRg&n Richard jaid that if ho had one wish it would bo, "to the earth. • • ; ••'•'i'i-TV., stop all w.ir and havo everybody fed - nobody Tho science classes havo boon studying-thojjniei hungry." TViis wish shows very much about our star sections of the earth, depth of each,;andante 1 this week - Richard Poruban. 1 Avon School News i. fe1 ft,1" Avon Middle Moots Author COLT TURBO On Wednesday, November 16th, at 9:30 a.m., the fifth and sixth graders will colebrato Children's Book Week by meeting Mrs. Lila McGinnis, author of thiso children's books "Secret of tho Porcelain Cat," "Th<j Ghost Upstnirs," and "Auras and Other Rainbows," onn adult novel "What will Simon Say," and over sixty, magazine articles. She will describe her work as an author and also conduct a discussion period following her presentation. Jazzercise Classes Begin Now is tho timo to reserve a spot at your favorite Jazzorclsr dors and shape up for the Holidays. Now sessiuns CONQUEST are registering now for Avon Lako, 933-4760. Avon, 949-2615, and Lorain, 24-M919. STITCH • JV • KNOT CROSS STITCH SPECIALTY SHOP EFFECTIVE SUN., NOV. 20 - OPEN 1-3 JUST ADD TAX AND TITLE CLASSES AVAILABLE - REGISTER NOW Many New Titles and Supplies In Stock 35104 CENTER RIDGE N. R1DGEVILLE. OHIO 44039 PHONE: 327-4463 Hours: M.-Th. 10-8 T.-W.-F. 10-5 Sat. 10-4 temperature, andTiow each affects what happen tho earth's surface. .'•;-";>/$? Tho classes have also been studying vplcanoeloarthounkes and their effects on the oarthls'surfdj Maps have been drawn to see if any simuttntlea:flx between the two zones of each. News o r l l . 9 ' ^ : ° i ^ earth land disaster have been brought in. ' ' and plotted on tho student maps. SEVENTH GRADE READING. CLASSES. ,-£#£ The students in Mrs. .Reynolds 1 ••seventh reading classes havo written two original poo.-.-.. „ „ have compiled ion of tholr favorite paoms to ™ ™ciuai ed in their personal poetry books. Each ppemaJfSr lustrated with a drawing of their choice; Thesp.pojJ "* books are now on display in Mrs. Reynolds'.1""""1' all to see and enjoy. CHARADES IN ENGLISH CLASS? , , ^™ That Is how Miss Pawlizak's seventh graclo Englu classes orally demonstrated their knowledge ofyorr After an intoiise unit on verbs, the students'ear" participated in a successful game of charades.-v The studonts are currently working on Thanksg projects. The five projects havo a language arts tl and relate directly to our upcoming holiday. -•• OHIO HISTORY ; ,;,, Colonial life In Ohio has boon a topic of studyVTi studonts in Mrs. Blame's seventh grade Ohio Histo' CIUKSOS ot Avon Middlo School. Pupils demonstrate tlioir knowledge of pianeor life and early schools;?, constructing models, dioramas, and charts. The}1 study helped students learn more about how came to, nnd settled, in tho Ohio region. AVON MIDDLE SCHOOL CHEERLEADERS „ Cheerleader tryouts were held at Avon Middl School on Monday. November 7. The following.g wore selected for the 19B3-04 basketball season:.Sb. non Barndlo, Amy Loalhors, Angola Lundborgr>j?^ nifor Thacker, Jillian Thornton, and Tina Tramontane Recognition Dinner Held is what had lad his Interust in writing and as an author of books on camping and outdoor life. The Doy Scouls of Aiuurlca commissioned him to write the most recent handbook for patrol loaders. Tha Boy Scout Handbook, and the Scoutmaster's Handbook. Ho has truvollod and spoken in ull 50 states and In coma 43 foruign countrlos. Ho lias baon honored by , scout associations nround tha world for his work. Many of tho purtlcipunts wera singled out for spoclal recognitions. Tha President's award was prusantad to Mr. Don Pass of Loraln for his Tremendous support of tha scouting program for many years. Unable to bo there, George Approximately 450 acoutora attended tlio firelands arou council annual recognition dlnnor Salurdny ovoning, Novombor B. Tha dinnor meutlna WHS hold at Vormllion High School according to Nancy Scott, Chulrparsan: and according to nor, tho ovonlng was fillud with un oxcollont dlnnor, fellowship, songfost, Inspiration, und recognition. Ono of tha highlights of many was tho inspirational moasaga by William Hillcourt. Mr. HiUcourt related his vast axporlonco in tho scouting movomont over a period of soma 50 yoarB. Ho was born In Donmark; and In his native land advuncod to tho Donluh oquivalont of oaglo scout. According to Hillcourt, this Kuublor, Director of Public Affnliu ut U.S. Sloul accepted un his behalf. M>i. Alico WustOTi prusuntcd tliu OutBlandlng Citizenship Award to Leonard Uohluln, a long-time scoutor In tho Flrolauds Area Council, wlio Is now retired and rusldes in Grufton. Mr. Uohluln is active In scouting in many cupucltles; end is e stuunch supporter of his church and community. Racalvlng Outstanding leadership awards ware: Katy Seward, Sundusky; Rlchurd E. Todd, Wakoiiian; Roborl Wolfbrandt, Castalla; )amoB ]. Tobln, Elyria; Frada Zlckofooso, Vermilion; Richard Maguira, North Ridgevillo; Kunnoth Crane, Monroavllle; Do mild Ray, Elyria; John M. Sloan, Elyrlu; Robert Koran, Avon Lake; Frank Nowbraugh, Loraln; Richard Word, Sandusky; Nancy Smith, Monroovilla; John Sudlvy, Amhorat. Highlight of the Evonlng'a Progrum wus o presentation of tho Sllvar Boavar Award, tho highest award a local council con bestow upon a volunteer. Thaso roclnimits woro: Robori Duskoy, Groanwlqli; Norenu Wittmor, Sandusky; Will In in H. Wuldook, Sandusky. Texas Fruit Sale Avon Lake United Church of Christ Is ugaln sponsoring tho solo of Texas grapefruit and juice oranges Tlio dolivery dato will bo December 3. Why not glva tho ludlos a call at 033-4750 or 033-3431 and remember your ["Hondo with a welcome box of those dalicious fruits. Tho prlcu this yoor 1B $7.00 par box. FRESH U.S. # 1 ALL PURPOSE, GENUINE NOWroRTHANXSGMNG| SPEOALS AVA1UBU! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THRU TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 POUND BAG TUNIS 4S3 AVOH-BELDEN RD. AVOHLAKR GARDEN FRESH BONELESS SOFSfRVKX MEATS 137 LEAR RD. CUSTOM DEU 4786 LAKE RD. (CHOICE) Saf> SERVICE MEATS POUND (BUNCH) WONDER GIANT REGULAR, PEPSI-FREE, SUGAR FREE, DIET PEPSI-COLA SUNSHINE FARMS ICE CREAM SPECIALS "~~ • CHERRY VANILLA • VENETIAN VANILLA • VANILLA • FRENCH; VANILLA 1/2 GALLON CARAMEL, BUTTERSCOTCH,' CHOCOLATE FUDGE, SMUCKER'S PEPSI 16 OUNCE BOTTLES CAWTOPPIMBS PLUS DEPOSIT GINGER ALE/50/50, SQUIRT, QUININE WHITE OR ROSE REGULAR, WAVY, BAR-B-CUE THOMASSON OUNCE LOAF HILL3HIRE i COTTON CLUB 2/ 32 OUNCE -—- ICOUNCE 1 O BAG PLUS DEPOSIT POUND UNIQUE TASTING BELMAR'Vj CUSTOM SLICED SWIFT CHEESE POUND CHICKEN FLAVOR WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS WE REDEEM MANUFACTURERS CC JPONS COLD BEER & WINE AVAILABLE FOR CARRY-OUT B J*.: i-^iLV-L1 '.'*"•*c"' "!'l"-t STOVE TOP POUND POUND SUNSHINE FARMS COTTAGE CHEESE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT PRINTING ERRORS AND TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ADVERTISED ITEMS AVAILABLE I N PARTICIPATING STORES. OPEN 7 DAYS 'TIL MIDNIGHT) 6 - OUNCE C.H CARTON o •i:5 ^TxSr^v^^f^^a^-'ff^^^n^Si-^ni QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED - PRICES GOOD THRU SAT-. NOV. 19, 1983 BOUND S V ROAST UBOA CHOICE B K F L O I N LB SIRLOIN STEAKS USDACHOtCIOMFflOUNDBONEUSB EYE OF ROUND ROAST UBOA CHOICE BGBF LOIN . PORTERHOUSE STEAKS .U, UBDACHOICEBEEPLOIN T-BONE STEAKS • IB. ASOORTSD VABIIT1EB CLAU8SEN PICKLES .Li. IGATABLERITE GRADE"A" ;^i 1 M 'i. w' • • U Q A H D A L E DELUXE •WIT BOILED HARD* SALAMI] i WHOLE OR(S CALIFORNIA PASCAL s t ^ •&•&••• NATURE'S ORQANIC REGULAR OK DIET GRAPES LB SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER YELLOW PEPSI OR PEPSI FREE MEaUlARORUNSCENTEOOILETTEDRYIDEA V * REP EMPEROR COOKING 3 U O N I O N S . ...P.A DEODORANT P O N D 8 COCOA BUTTER HAND LOTION LONG O BEEN £"> ,''• 7Q , 79 i-ot*-! -" BTL. . - _ COTTON CLUB BT£ MIXERS CUCUMBERS --mi PI-US DEPO?JT.fMI °J^ s B -'"I-VJJFJ PLUS DEPOSIT^ VALUABLE COUPON V 6 QT. COVERED SAUCEPOT I ; ' ' ••••: t t% B IGAMILK / ONLY o 2 \ ^. -,-J wnH THIS THIS COUPON COUPON LIMIT: m ONE COUPON PIR CUSTOMER WnH EXPIRES: "«i««ui. EXPIR1 1 M S 8 GOOD ofar AT A PAFTTICIPAIIMGS10BES GOOD 0H1Y JCTJgfeP^tfg^jfi^fflffi^^^ • 1 ! KRAFT PHILADELPHIA BRAND * CREAM CHEESE. PILLBflURVALL-READV PIECRUST... 934-5109" h • aasssasssm mon.-fri. 9a.m. t o 9 p.m. sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. sun. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1. t • ' '. <J ': ' f ' '. • $£69 itreoUALtrv llBQULAROn EXTRA CREAMY OlnO'O EVE $ 4 89 HAM SLICES LD. 1 101. COOL WHIP 5T?.'. MOUNTAINTOPAPPLGUnpUMPKIH J7Oz. t d FROZEN PIES. WP.-.. OREEN aiANTFROZCN UN CHEESE BAUCE) ', '! - flQ 1 »OZ,AAC BROCCOLI OR CAULIFLOWER .W!. 9 9 BIRD'S EYE BACON STICKS ...IHMMsu UOZ. FROZEN SaUASH T:. MRS. PAUL'S FROZEN CANDIED 11OZ. p SWEET POTATOES ROASTING CHICKENS LB «:.. RHODES rROZIN M BREAD DOUOH «*«». MORTON FROZEN 10 0 1 . , p 5,. PIE SHELLS .U8AGE «» " IMADB "ICM'S V its. ^ARK FRANKS noz. COFFEE RICH.... «S:.. CUTCOHN,ORBINPaA8,MIXEDiaAFnOZeN KOZ. VEGETABLES...; «• u, f*?:.; I'.-i HILLS BROS. tH DECAFFEINATED COFFEE .?!!?h 5 F1NE-ME0IUM-WIDE OLD FASHIONED lEESE. $ LB 2! ICNGHORN , ^ MUELLER'S NOODLES CHEESE HEAVY DUTY LB.*2 J7H FT. REYNOLD'S WRAP WITH IN AD COUPON BELOWI IKELLOQQ-8 CROUTETTES AS ADVERTISED ON TVI FLEISCHMANN'S CORN O I L . , , REYNOLDS OVrN LARGE D CT. j COOKING BAGS MARGARINE 1LB. KEEBLERTOWNHOU8E DIAMOND CRACKERS....... ASSORTED VARIETIES KEEBLER • OZ. SNACK CRACKERS ™°. IN-SHELL WALNUTS CUT OR FRENCH STYLE DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS REGULAR OR SELF RISING GOLD MEDAL WHOLEKERNELOn ' CREAM STYLE DEL MOK T GOLDEN CORN DEL MONTE PAM FRUIT COCKTAIL KRAFT REGULAR OR MINIATURE ] MARSHM ALLOWS PRIDE OF SPAIN STUFFED THROWN MANZ. OLIVES IQA BROWN N SERVE BEEF OR CHICKEN COUEQE INN ASSORTEO-INSTANT 1C ROYAL s 0 , PUDDING .;..!*»•. U M I T 1 COUPON PER FAMILY 1. OFFER EXPIRES SAT., NOV. W.1W3 WITH THIS COUPON AT I0A Bllllnehurat & Avon Uhs REOULAR-ADC-ELEC. PERK i HILLS BROS. • COFFEE | 702. ..*?• u £?. UMIT1 COUPON PER FAMILY I. OFFER EXPIREB S A T . ^ O V . 1 ^ W WITH THI* CCUPON AT ISA Bllllnghurit&.Won U k # 8tlIlnghunl6,WDnLBka CHOCOLATE FLAVORED CHIPS ;.««• BAKERS WITH THIS COUPON AT IOA Bllllnghurtt & Avon Laka COTTONELLE BATHIflOORfl,BOU TISSUE »?:.. LIMIT1 COUPON PER FAMILY - B. OFFEW EXPIRtS SAT.. N O V . I B . i m ^ _ ^mi^m—^mm • • • ^m4im ^ ^ ^ » *am ^mm c « 19 ANGEL FLAK? COCOftUTuo* N Oz> • BAG | | WITH THIS COUPON AT IOA Bllllnghurbt 6 Awon Lak< „—"-.„„ WITHTH'B COUrcrj AT IDA Bllllnoht r»t 'a Avon Laks BETTY CR0CKER!5S:SsaSl I BETTY CROCKER B U Y , ANGELFOOD t N O T% 0 9 ! \ PIECRUST n o t , GET1 CAKE MIX .««•... 1 M MIX « ? . FREE I. i IMIT1 roilPOli PER PAMILY CAN BAKERS BROTH WITH THIS COUPON AT IOA Bllltnghurat & Avon Laki ' : 59 SPRAY ON COATING.,. 10HO2. PKO. II UMtT1 COUPON PER FAMILY I I I WITH THIS COUPON AT IQA 0 tiling hunt 6 Avon Laka MARDIGRAS j DECORATEDWCT NAPKINS « ? . SUGAR UMIT1 COUPON PER FAMILY 7. 0FFEP_EjtPIHE8SAT.. NOV. IB. 1WO Vl!: »S«a£5£!5«8iaiAIpSFijjPii^. _i. wKm wam WITH THIS COUPON AT IOA Btlllnghurst & Avon Laka LAYER SI CAKES | | i LIMITI COUPON PER FAMILY 4 ! C ...?.« \ !';- UMtTI COUPON PER FAMILY IBEI AT V 10 > 0FrEH ' $K S9 jjgf *;* ""° - - MON.-FRi8A.M.TO9P-M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. 334' 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. SUNDAYS ,v : i p Thank you from Tom Wearsch I wish all cltlKnnB could bo nworo o tho dedicated ofrorts of Kay Usher and ndd Movso They have dovotod many WI. would Hko to gtvo spucio tlianks to Uw church for allowing us to urn the kirn'and to store our props. 1 hanks also ?« MitrhnU Manthev und Fronton Postlo To tho CltlzoiiB of Avon: h i i » to oTscluA and chM™'«*» Tho election is now ovor und It's time aro tho bailor for It. We will miss horn. lu go forwurd, But, first, may I any ihunk Thank you from Mayor Allen If you uro a punmt of school n«o you for Ihu overwhelming support you 1 would llko to taku this opportunity ta children, pluoso |oln and bucomo uctivo Imvu shown at tho polls. thank all thn pooplu who supported mo in PTA, Attend School Bourd meetings, Ovor tho nuxl two yoars may I provo and a spocinl tliunks lo my Camputgn worthy of that support by administering tho 2nd Tuonduy orooch month, 8 p.m.. Commit too. With an election this close, tho city in such a manner that justifies in tho High Schuol cufotorla. Our Wplng our youth. In. Avon and .ornobody walks away ti wlnnor or a loser. tho vatos lliut were given me. The door Darren R. Ladikos schools nood und benefit from your sup- rounding aroaa. I am proud oftho job I havo do no for tho will always bo open to tho Mayor's OfPro9idonl-Sr. Youth Group port and Input. . past two years, Wo havo turnod tho Ctiy T h n n k y o u fice and you will bo most welcome. If Christopher S. Lodlkou Tim Conway around to tho point whoro Dopurlmotit not a visit, plonso cull as I am sincerely President - Jr. Youth Group Heads are making decisions, und Couninterested In your views. Avon Unitod Methodist Church cil Is doing tholr legislative dutlus accorEditor's Note: Any candidates Wa havo an outstanding community ding to tho Charter. I tool this lypo of and togotlior as ono wo cun make it bat- wishing to have a similar loiter printed gavornmont, will continue in tho futuro ter. Lot us Join togotlior for the common aro urged to hovo them to Tho Pross und that no ono man will bo able to The Art Institute of W«»taiiyh !•• boforo Friday at 4 p.m. goal that I am suro wo all sharo, chnngo who. htis already boon acrleasod to announce Ihnt Kta'Leo Hall Again, thunk you for your support, compllahod, f tho voto romolns this of 37896 Carolyno Dr., Avon Ohio, Sincoroty, close, wo will ixorciao our rights and rerecently made the Dean's List. Ken is Tom Woarsch For the sake of progress quest a rocc jut. Onco again, thank you • mninriPR in Visual Communications. . Moyor-E'oct, City of Avon this has boon ah experience In my lifo An opan letter to tho oloctorato of Avnn mtArt teSSSta-orPittsburgh I . ; . that I will novor forgot. two-yoar commercial design school with Lako: Mayor Robert E. Allan I used to think that simply exorcising 'nValon In Visual Communications. right to voto made mo a bolter voter. h ° : > y / M u l t l - M o d i a , Interior Thank you from Jacob Lundy my Thank you from Mark Hart i had cast a vote over since I was able, Dosign, Fasmon i u u . To Tho Editor: and I was proud, Tho thought had novor Fashion Merchandising. ThajVrt . To Tho Editor: I would Hko to thank my family, entered my mind nbout tho quality of a d i g w - tl a ^pwUdlnd I want to ^ ink all tho residents In friends and neighbors for tholr en- voting. And why should it have? I was itituto offersand is • « ^ r ™ J % » ! A£:; Ward I who vutod for mo. Your support couragement, and to all those who so oxpoa?d to city government at home. Technology at the DOIIB, I believe, Is a clear message graciously gbvi of tholr tlmt to express Yet. with last wook'a election, It's crediting Commission of Uie National:. Association of Trade and Technical;.that work needs to be done in our ward. their confidence in mo at tho polls. bocomo apparent that tho majority of the . . . I want also to wliih our councilman-elect Although I lost my first tlmo out, tho electorate has not been taught to vote Schools. the bost in addressing and resolving oxporlonco was Invaluable and oxcitlng. competently. those problems. Jacob K. Lundy As tho case has been In the past, is Tharikyou, presently, and will bo hi tho future, the , McrkA.Hart majority of those that dttempt to nibui Thank you from Dale Cracas representatives do so with tneir hearts Patricia I. Duda'sh, daughter' of 'Mr. ;.• To The Editor and tho Voters of Ward instead of their mindv. Consequently, and Mrs. Richard G. Dudaah; 122 Foy.., Thank you [from Tim Conway "Mr. or Mrs. Candidate got my vote Two: Ave.( Avon Lako, Ohio 44012 was ',•. All Avon Lake Residents: since we're Involved In the same social among The Ohio State University .CobX I would llko lo thank tho voters of ToThank you for your votes. I am looking activity," or "We neod a change. Mr. or lego of Agriculture and College of Homo ward two for their support in last Tuosforward, to the opportunity, which you Mrs. Candidate is a oew face on the Economics students acknowlwfaed , day's election and Tor their hospitality 1 have provldod me, of serving on the Lot's vote for him/her. ' recently as Honors' Schrilars. Dr. Ma^ : : during the campaign. I would llko to Avon Lako School Board. I will try very scene. With rationalizations such as those, all Lennon, Vico President for Agricultural. thank the people who allowed me to put hard to warrant your confidence and that is evident to me after two years of Admlnistratidn coramended >the^ signs in their yards nnd tho pooplo who deserve tho support you havo shown me. voting Is that apathy Is recognized on fltudenta for thBlr performanie during-: passed ' out literature during ray Many thanks to my family and friends levels. There are thoBO people that the annual Honors Banquet ^iveii for tho1; campaign. for their support and encouragement two don't vote and there are those people students and their parents."'.., . >'-:} ..••'Z' Sincerely throughout the campaign. An especial that don't toko the time to vote comTho Collego' of Agrtoulture and. ^ho;—. . .Dale Cracas thanks to good neighbors like Berneda petently - to understand their canCollege of Homo Economics annually Franson and hor daughters, Jenny and didate's ability to govern. For the soko'of Thank You recognl2oa, Ihrough the Honors Pro^-,: Jody, for distributing campaign progress in Avon Lako, let's go back to from David Updegraff gramjthqao outstanding students who literature. And thanks to all my famiiy the timo when the incompetents ware I would sincerely like to thank have maintained high scholastic;. for their campaign efforts. To those peo- too lazy to vote. Vehemently, , everyone who worked on my campaign achievement In ,thoir .program ;of.stifdy , ple who allowed .me to place signs In . Art infuriated 20-year old at the University. Recognized thlsyearV, for School Board. A'spoc'al appreciation tholr yards, another special thanks. were 157 A g r l n u l t u r t t ; Homo to alL " " Campaign experiences havo lintpress- Thank you, Mark Immelt Economics,' and .Natural'Resources . ; ., David A. Updegruff ,ed me,' evon more, with tho concern, To the Editor: : . ;'. HonorB Program- student*L'/and-^OO =' dedication and desire of bur teachers Thank you from Jim Martin . I Just want iu thank and congratulate students eligible tb entor.'the Honors/, and administrative staff to make Avon Mark Immelt on the outstanding job he To the Citizens of Avon Lake: • Program. ' •••'.'',.' .i.\. •.'' '• , •...':,••;•.:'' '.Lake Schools oven better. I look forward I. would llko to thaifik all the people did with tho Avon Lake Girl's 13 and Tho objective,of the Honors Prog«in. to working with everyone in the systom. who helped me In my campaign and also under Travel Soccer Team. With the and aro threefold: to challonjje ^superior, to the folks who voted for mo. I sincerely of the fall season thoy onjoyed their sestudents with the. most udvonced '. appreciate all of the concorn and supcond straight undofoated reason. The coursowork for which each ia'capable;, port that you gave me. most Impressive part of this team was to provide an opportunity;lor ; clps;q tho fact that the age of the players rangcooporation between students/aadfocW ed from 13 down to ' 9, and the' tv on on individual honors projWt; and ' camaraderie wa>. ^xtromely high with; to provide special rect gnUioti and V the older girls prbvlH'ng positive friendhonors scholarahlps. For G,fistar.dlng-, ship and leadership; * was very' proud to ..''scholasticachievement..' • •{• =-.iN;vVl:Xt:.•.".•;,_ have my daughter play on this team of The HonorB Program recognition ban- J impressive young ladles. Thank' you, quut, Is made .possible--thcbitgkvo;'* Mark, and koop up the good work. genoroUB grant from the Ohio Grain and./ Sincerely, Fend Association, Inc. Tho:firms, R.A. Bobulthski Your Complete Model Train ShoD ^ ^ represented by this Association provide; You Doaerva A most of the hum& necessary for efficient'; HO • AM Flyer *LGD Haunted Bam a success DAY'S EASE agricultural production, as well us per-' We wish to thank tho Jr. High and Sr. Lionel •Williams • rj "L«i out twim halp y o u " form a vital service In the marketing of High Youth Groups for a successful • CtMn your homi* • Plin vour ptrty UudTnlna Bought/Sold/And Repaired '•-'•'• • Ttdy your of flcf • "C«N u« nrat" "Ho anted Barn" again this year. If It Ohio grain crops. 1»C«iondoAw..tanln ' (216) 327-4346 or 234-1799 woua't for those dedicated boys and .288-236^ girls it would not hovo been a SUCCQBS. Dean's List College News THECORNERSTORE h 4 Wr • • • • • •I • • • . • • • " » • • ^ ft ij 198O Dodgo St. Regis 4 Dr. '•<¥&•"*•'. NOW AVAILABLE WALLPAPER Power&tHring AWFM Air PowerBrakM m W l w d CundlOdnlno Powtr Window WWIewato . CLOSE OUT FAFRIC BACKED VINYL roof. » w d cortr* «*wri c m w . 1980 Dodg* CtiaHarnor & • ; S tOMd, >lr conHlonlng. m d «t>Nli. AUFM, £ j Draws, Woggw 1 $459500 ? T. 1074 Dodge D-200 Pick-Up K AutomaUc. fidic. peww Hawing. - Dick Baker Dodge, inc $$SAVE$$ 30% to 50% OFF On WOVEN WOODS • DELLMAR • MINI-BUNDS • VERTICAL BUNDS • LOUVER DRAPES -NLounge Returns To Lakewood 13601 Detroit Ave. (Formerly The Switchboard) New Owners: Fran and Carotyn Longer Watch For Grand Opening A Complete Mixture Of Country Crafts And Quality Miniatures Spiced With A Few Antiques Stop And Browse (216)327-4507 8370 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt. 83) 34299 Center Ridge Rd. North Ridgevilto (Rtnl Plaza) Hrs.: TuCs°,rThuSate 124:00 327-3860 : Jofr Stout, Scott Gravoi MK Jllo Soul, Amy Wagner, Richiu I'olicz, Edgar RadabaupU, Andron Klmar, Annii Spolxhausmi, Andy Stunt], Juliunnu Voss, Wendy Surak, Honthor Muckloroy. Merit Roll: Kim Stevens, Becky Wright. Michelle Davloa, Carolyn Donovan, Sarah Fitch, Dan Jncknon, Jim Olak, Kevin Schmidl, Rebecca Rimur, Shofln Stout, Jeff Bokor, Uucky Kvorott, Wendy Binder. Kolluy FarkuB, Judy Kolty, Calhy Loduo, Ronoo Oberg, Carloon Bush, Sarah Hoguton, Hold! SchnobeHn and Rhonda Tolson. Schools M-'SHBFFIBLD-SHEFFIELD LAKE OITY SCHOOLS &*:-• MENU Monday, Novombor21: Hiiinbursor an Bun, Tulor ots, Apple Sauco, Milk. Tuonday, Novontbor 22: Tacos w/Lotlueo and feCheoso, Breed & Bu'tor, Bukod Beans, Pineapple ^Chunks, Milk. S% Wednesday, Novombor 23: Grilled Choose Sandjft'Wlch, Soup w/Cmckars, Fruit Cocktail, Milk. 3rVThursday, November 24: HAPPY THANKSGIV%INGII NO SCHOOL > • Friday, Novombor 25: THANKSGIVING VACAT I O N - NO SCHOOL COMING EVENTS ^'NOVEMBER $f<;-\- 21 Board of Education Mooting 7:30 p.m. AdTttiinistrativo Ccntor T'24 - 25 THANKSGIVING VACATION - NO 'SCHOOL 26 Varsity Basketball - Koyatono (A) 6:30 E KNOLLWOOD SCHOOL | o Tbantflto avoryono who bakod for our Eloctlon Day s&Bako. SQJDI Our appreciation ts extended to e"oryono | f Who holpoH mnko It a success. Jp^'Rornombor Thanksgiving Vorallon Is Thursdny, ftFNov. 24th and Friday, Novombor 25th. •gtjjyHAVE'A BOUNTIFUL BREAK1 i i n t h o Classroom: •p^'Mrs. "thla rocontly shared a "Computer Touching PLab'V tiii." her husband provided. Tho students woro ©able* to soo tho various parts Inside a computer that pnoke programs work. §$?Her studonto havo spont at least one day a wook lourjj-'riuig'to Idontlfy computer commands and torjpminology. Thoy havo been able to write mini-programs jjtejfttftost their knowlodgi oniieso commuuds too. %Evoryono In hor 4/5th split has had tho opportunity jjtptq'test thoir program and modify It If necessary. It has ^ i p v "very exciting for tho studonts to havB ouch |jiahds on" experience. y arc looking forward to futuro lessons loo! Wfi-~. -KNOLLWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <*$3* HONOR ROLL - NOV. 7th HffHIgH Honor Roll: Ronn Buchanan, Shannon Bound i, Brian Dunstan. ^ nor Roll: Haliinii Arnold, David Bryson, Jonniror iAllen, Dalo Aslakson, Angola Alton, Botsy Barlln, Paul Bird, Robb Broedon, Missy Ellas, Gorri Driver, Roboc. odge, Jonnifor Kordich, Jay Latterly, Hoathor luro.'Kerl Pilger, Jeanotte Price, Allyson Concula, Celeste Easton, Valeritt Gaspar, Robocca Ranson, Jon* ;ftifer Humphrey, Rlchno Kunury, JoLin Sexton, David Vovak, Shawn Easton, Jason Draw, David Rodrlgi'oz, COME IN a REGISTER ii • Mth minimum purchtM) . For This PRECIOUS MOMENTS ; RETIRED FIGURINE ' To B« QIVM Awiy To Somi k P D 2 4 t O S 3 1003 •HAPPY HOLIDAYS- FORESTLAWN ELEMENTARY i-'orostlawn is proud lo prusunt their first ciuartor HONOR ROLL: FIFTH GRADE: HIGH HONOR - Trocoo Hernandoz, Jonnifor Warren. HONOR • Christy Corrivauu, Missy Dalion, Jim Gunl, Amy Harris, Dawn Hutch, Holly Hoppnor, Almeo Meyers, Jonnifor Snundora, Brent Schromp, Tami Spntliaros, Mlchaol Trotla, Donuld Wurfiold, Joe Whitman MERTT • Amy LuSola, Kirk Miller und Stovo Rlstor. FOURTH GRADE: HONOR - Tin Cunan, Angola Harris, Laura McDnvld, Jerry Mlndek, Lisa Patton, Laura Rosao, Ciirrlo Trotta. MERIT - Heidi Cummtns, Frank King, Kristin Kukos, Trad Loo, Guy Maol, Mark Moycro, Micluol Rodrlguoz, Grog Stocker, Donlan Zioglor. THIRD GRAHE: HONOR - Katio Camp, Matt Ouloy, Danny Eddy, Cora Halch, Tom Huthoway, Maureona McCulIough, James Slowart. MERIT Krlsta Anderson, Russoll Bird, Michael Cicerchi, Nicole Fantauzzi, Mlchallo Hum rack, Nicholas Ott, Robnrt Pylon, Grog Smith, Kristin Tamolcoff and Cindy Wouor. In order for a Btudont to achieve tho High Honor Roll he/she must receive all A's; for the Honor Kill WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS FREE: Initial Consultation Includes Claim Review Anti Evaluation CALL: (216) 282-7404 BEN SHEERER Attorney At Law 5300 Baumhart Rd,, Loraln, Ohio twin Ihm*. * M . 1 0 4 p j n . * • • • . W>d. A Sat. 10-SilO p j n . during tho day. This message is brought to you as a public survicc from Dr. Donald J. Poleya, Avon Lake Animal Clinic, Inc., 124 Miller Rd,, Avon Lake. Phono 933-5207. E-aoi i z PewierFlgufJnei-Coebemenn-OIaiiWafe-Thlniblei-HaiicBoiej' f DENTAL NOTES t-\ £•••" • • BY: RobertL. Rassie, D.D.S. ^Children's chipped or f.brokon teeth should be \ treated Immediately ;,since they can abceas. ;;The chipped or cracked ";lOoth can be replaced or '.treated with an Insulated fttllng to prevent •'.cold or hot from causing ppain and f u r t h e r Regeneration e? the fnerve tissue. ';, An x-ray should be taken If the tooth is loose ,.to^check for root fracture. This message Is • brought to you in the Interest of better dental [>calth from the office of Dr. Robert L. Resale. ,"228 Miller Rd., Avon Lake, Phone 933-2549. ARTISTIC UPHOLSTERING We take ppride in our work k pride d in yourf furniture so you can take Remember when you bought that chair? You " s bouuht Quality to last you \\ a Lifetime. If Its fabric is \ starting to show Its age, or B just doesn't fit your new * .decor^ give us a call, w e i are expert upholstery craftsmen who take pride in our w o r k . . A i t like they used to when all furniture was hand made. Wide selection of decorator upholstery fabrics. Quality reupholslery and antique furnllurv reconstruction our firpucialty Top Quality Materials Warranty Work 949-5017 For sho. A'.'i •[ill llil' i <•;: i-'iff..,, INSIGHTS: VISION PROBLEMS: The eye's ulructud is complex,'yet visual difficulties basically Tall Into only two categories. They nrc cither ^plVitcllvc errors or uinocular errors. ' : ' - Usually Refractive errors nre Jicarsiuhtncss, where distant objerta arc blurred, J^rsightricss, where close objects u*c perceived only wjth' difTicuIty, and, .Astiginat'jm, where the image is simply blurred.. A farsignL-d child may prefer tasks he con do a l a r m ' s lengm, rather (hnn close up. Thf*- "oblcm Is difficult t o : delect on school vision tests, . reading disabilities* seen to be more prevalent among tarstghtcd children;-S _ Astigmatism muy occur in both llio ncnrslghledond. fjrsighictl: blurred vision is caused by an uneven curvature of the cornea. . ! •.'••;" •••.; ••:•'• "-^:. ,"-:;v With Binocular errors, the two eyes cannot adjust to the distance of the object viewed and they lack the ability to make both eyes focui on the same object. Both Refractive and Binocular, errors usually can be treated successfully by vision specialists. 32730 Walker Rd. 933-8300 "RETIRED "Come l e t u t Adorn Him" >\:\: ATTHE LANDINGS BARNHART V • Gift Gallery 373 Colorado Ave., Loraln _ , 288-1703 BARR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Diirr Elementary School honor roll for the first grading period: High Honor Roll: Grade 3 - Olivia Curtis, Dawn Juckson, Jenny Tesar, Becky BrozlnskI and Rogor Craig, Grade 4 • Amy Brozinskl and Dinnnn Morris. Crude 5 • Cindy Hontikor, Stephanie Roy und Hmd Surak. Honor Rail: Grade 3 • Juy Click, Duann Daniels, Monica Conznloz, Joy Melbar, Mutiny Suaroz, I^uak Voloz, Sandy Deckor, Ronnie Vanes, Charlie Bollou, Lisa Guurroro, Bob Haruuty, Shannon Johnson, Jon Upchurch, Kirk Klingshlrn, i.nd Stucie Grznor. Grado 4 - / ndrow Controras, Steven Cooper, Wilson Duvis, John Little, John Murrey, Shelly Sugruu, Tom Tosiir, Mark Boalo, Dawn Uoduk. VanosHU Cosuoso, Willlum Flosch, Kon Gilbert, Duvld Jurroll, Becky Puvllch, Duwn Rlggs, Phillip Thompson, and Sophie Tliruslvoulou. Grado 5 - William 'hrcchl, Jill Braclkowskl, Kolly Carpenter, Scott Chrls'Ion.-Erlc Dool, Sundy HnrrInglon, Michelle Renaldo, Dunlse Sorfozo, Karl SHvu. Tony Stonestrtiot, Marty Bishop, Susan Horrington, Chris McKay and CerriB Saitkor. • . . Merit Roll: Grade 3 - David Komlosy, David Smith, Johnny Willis, end Kevin Gorrone. Grade 4 - Josh Anderson, Brett Renaldu and Jeff y Grado 5 - Cindy Romans, Dariono Wojclochowskl, Mellnda Morris and Brian Tackett. Presented In ttiie interest of better ey B care. s Donald J. Peteya — Veterinarian — Birds thai ore given porches wilh d la molars that are too lurge for ihoir feet enn develop sore and calloused foot pnds. This can ovontually lend to o severe lamenass by causing tho foot to "break down". Idunlly, n bird should be provided with several perches of .different c'tnmutors so that he selects tho parch best suitnd for him. This will ulso liolp him exercise his feel und logs bocouso he will be using all Mia por"\ws flt dlfforont times they must rocolve all A's und B'u. On tho Merit Roll tho student must attain il XU averuge. SALONIPERM • vs.: • HOME PERM: CONSIDER-THE FACTS. A perm can change your life! No more nightly setting, no more st'oggiing to build body, no more limp, boring r air. So why nol do il yoursell? Consider Iheie facts first: " -"•Pem chemicals actually break down your hair structure, then put it back together in a new shape. Without training, it's easy to damage your hair. • Setting y jur hair correctly is 50% of how your peirr turns out. Winding the rods loo tightly, toe loosely, or at the wrong angle can ruin the look you want. - The condition of your hair van make or break your perm. Some perms work best on fine hair, some on tinted hair...and some hair shouldn't be permed at all. Do you know enough aboul the different kinds of perms lo make the righl choice? • Only professional hair stylists are trained in the use of perm chemicals, setting tech' niques, and hair analysis. Our stylists know the do's and don'ls of successful perming. And we use scientifically formulated porms from Redken* to give you the best possible results. So. it you wanl lo change your life . wilh a perm, lei us nelp you change ll [or the better. • . ;(••*>* t Around Our Towns Continued from page 1 Soma cttios have sign ordinances. No What does lha cantlidalo do before ordering thu signs? Most Importantly, ytroblom. Uso a car or a van or the old you golla chock tho war chost for Bulck. Tho ordinance doesn't mention money. Thon...haw many signs ahoultl how big tho sign can be If Its on n car. ho/sho order. "Lot's Boc"...says lho cunYard placomont...gel tho high traffic dldato. "I've got 400 locationa so V)\ aroas. Cornor, busy strools, oven a winorder 400 signs...thal will bo..oh..abrjt dow or two. And don't forgot thu 6300.00 or so. But wntt o mlnulol I r.ood citizenry—love those front yards. i Jgn for belli aldns of thu stako. Jatta My favorite Is watching tho jockeying urdor 000 signs. Oh \»J!, I rcal'y wont for position. You havo a husband and lho job. I'll spring for tho $000.00 wife who like both candidates...so.,.both Now, wliat should tho sign say, slgnB. One day candidate "A" is closor If you're going for ro-oloction, always to the sidewalk than candldato "B". And iiiy ro-oloct. Gives you strength as tho tho next day It changes. IOted Incutnbont. Some stroot corners oven look like tho floor of a National Convention only no What if you'vo boon appointed pooplo. t>)causo of a vacancy and now want to 1 > oloctod. Wn'll uso tho words "Rolurn" Some candidatos usod all thoir money c • "Rotaln" (hoping no ono will notice). on signs and forgot tho stakos. No big So many decisions. Colors...rod & btuo deal...we got lots of Irons, i i white curdboerd, or blue on white. Thtm thoro's tho guy who really likes 1 ow big, how many stakos to uso, onn or his candidate. He breaks out all lha dvo Cun'l forgot thu full woathor...lt cor- Xmas lights and puts tho camliduto's t • Inly tukos n toll, Keep some in rosarvo. name on tho front of his house {uctually Building or Remodeling? Let our professionals design your kitchen. happened In Avon Lako). T.iol's dedication. Election tlmo In really o sort of 1 am more popular than you" contest. Who looks Letter, sounds belter, and oven who puts out lho bust or most signs. Wearsch Is Ready To Go Continued from pago 1 In uncontasted racoa, tho following ward candidates were otoctod: Ward I lahn Charles KryBtowski (478); Word II Robert D. Martini (327); Ward III Charles L. Bussor (400); Word IV Lowwanna Mickoy Farmer (380). Krystowski, Buusor and Farmer aro returning Incumbents. In tho board of education raco to olect two members, Norman D. Irwln Is tho only clour winner with 1,300 votes (absontoo ballots oro not reflected In this total.) Incumbent Robort P. DoChont ap- At a regular meeting of tho Avon Board of Education, upproval for employment of Porsonnol was appcovnd. Mr. Dan Novotny, Avon Middle School Art Toachor, will by tho 7th grado boys basketball coach. Approved substitutes for 1903-fl'i school your - Certified - ' irol Ann Myers: Koran Sultzbaugir David Sidonor; fames Scarry. and Molanio Rock. - Nori- 4355 OBERLIN AVE. LORAIN 282-9692 Come we our diiplsy of fin* Wood.Mode cabinetry. Let ui ihow you the milly (lylei, wood*, colon, liand-nibbed finiihet and ipectat (ealurci you can chooie from.. Learn how eaty it cm be lo own • kikhen ai individual at your are, profetiionally deilgned by one of our deiigner*. pears to bo o winner (with 1,154 votes) over Mrs, Donna J. Urig, who gathered 1,148 votes. But, with only olght voles separating tho two candidates Taoforo absentee oallots are added, the decision could still go olther way whon the official results are announced. NOTE—AH vote counts mentioned wero reported by tho Loraln County Board of Elections on Nov. 14, but are still unofficial totals until tho election rosults aro formally corllfiod later this: month. Avon Board Of Education Notes By: Carol Latllkos KITCHEN."1 Oh woll. this election is behind us but t am suro two years will go by real quick...meanwhile, thost old signs aron't thrown away...fust stored. Tho candidatos must always bo proparod. Cortiflod « Carolyn Wltherspqon; and! Cecilia Jonos. , Tho Suporinlondont rscommonded approval of Project CARE .Sarvlco Agrooinont, (offoctlvo 12-1-83). Alsorecommended approval of swimming as • an Interschalastic sport,1 Avon -High School for 1983-84. Mr. David Wossofy, • Coach, Elyria School district .ttachar.. Both racommondutlons wore approved.' by tho Board. • ; ;• ; r , ;. I Cystic Fibrosis Bowl-A-Thon I Approximately one Of ovnry 1,500 babios born in the Unitod States this yoar will havo Cystic Fibrosis. It will cause them much suffering and lieortacho - it will shorten their lives. Cystic Fibrosis does that to children. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Is trying ^. .. • . • I desperately to find'a-'cure for/Cystic^ Fibrosis. Won't you holp? Participate iny' tho Bowl-a-Thon at Aquamarlno Lanes'": In Avon Lako, Noyembor.l2th through''•:.• tho 20th. Entry forms, nrci available alX Aquamarlno Lanes or call 2B8-9348 or'1*202-2303. v . V - •.-'-.. Fresh Fruit Direct To You A 5!fc«__SL one 8top " rewurce for the prof estjonal or the do-ft-yourtelfef Dear Hunters: Rifle Slugs $ 2 * ° Onco again the Avon St. Mary's Holy Name Society is sponsoring an orange and grapefruit salo. The boat part of this fund-raiser is Lho product, troo rlponod oranges and grapefruit fresh plckod by hand at Florida's Indian River fruit groves, then hauled by refrigerated truck direct to St. Mary's Church yard. How's that for freshnofis? Bocouso tho fruit Is tree rlponod and not plckod green. Ilka so much fruit Is today, its flavor Is suporb.,,nono of that sour taste! Also now wo aro offering guardnlood quality. Any spoiled fruit will bo roplacod at no charge! All wo ask What's Optional In Standard Homeowners And Auto Policies Is Standard In PCP Third Quarter Earnings Announced yn • Orange & Grapefruit Sale *replacementcost protection for your property. Wth • tUnOwi) nomoownan imurancs policy, yauf p w i n v l batongingt «n covmad tor Actuil Cash Vslua—meaning a d*Joeuon I M cJtpnrdMlon. » you Mint opVontl full nplKvnwnt Cosl pnloclion, you fiivo la ply an e i l n Ol. you can get Pgrtonal Compn Rtteeiion—PCP . PCR Iron Corimeniil InsurAnn. l i In* Insurmca pat*• g * Vial proiacti youi horn*, car. \ttlx\#f and mo™ In • tin- 9» PM*Y With PCR you automaUealiy gat many c o m a o n Butf a n ootwnf1 w alandard poHcMi. Sodiaaat jmouempiocwmintaii pWaetlon I jr you hwna and moat P«t»onal bakmolngi. -Intlaltort ovard* cowragg (or yout hom» fewma and label a m i tor your e»r And mor*— all mcludtd at no smia Find oul mo™ ibdul PCP today "(buH S4« how you can 0*t batisr proiKlion k» your •niwancs dollar RAYMOND F. BLAKESLEE Ef SONS CO. BJSAvonBaldanRd. Avon Lak*. O. 933-9333 is that you check your fruit when you. receive it and lot us know at that, time., For,,more information you can<caH: 934-5906 or 934-8443. .To order just use1, the clip-out ordor coupon on this page. ^M fruit will bo pio-.iold before tho truck ICBVOS Florida. Doadllne for orders Monday, Nov. 28th. Pick-up will, bo Saturday, Dec. 10th, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at St. Mnry's Avon Church yard. Home delivery avallablo for 50? per crate. Orders f'ji* more than 5 crates will bo delivered free nf charge if you so request. , c/o St. Mary's Holy Name Society 2640 Stoney Ridge Rd., Avon 44011 NAME: Address: ' City: . Navel Oranges _ Navel Oranges, Eating Oranges. Eating Orangus. Rod Grupofruit _ Rod Grapefruit _ Homo Delivery. I'nll boxes < (OO-fla/boxJ Hnlfboxoa@S7.50'nu. (4 (M-I/box) Full IIDXOS ©$12.50/ou. R.J. Fitch, President of Elyria Savings & Trust National Bank, announced a 47.9% increase In earnings for the first nine months of 1983, compared to the same period a year ago. Net incomo roso from $1,605,000 at tho end of September, 1082, to $2,373,000 this year. Earnings par share wero $5.24, compared to $3.55, with total assets reaching an all tlmo reporting high of $339,147,000. "Our sharoholdors should be particularly pleased with our earnings. As a matter of fact, an additional $1.00 par share dividend will bo added to tho normal 35 cunts per share dividends that will bo mailed November 15th," Fitch said. "I'm quite proud of our officers and stnff who have diligently maintained a policy of profitable growth through objective management," ho added. (oa-120/box) UnirboxuH@S0.75/un. (44-an/box) Full boxes® $13.00/(10, H5](!/b()x) Hnirboxos©S7.00/uii. (22-24/bnx) LANDINGS "TURKEY RAFFLE" NAME Hnx«a @ 50C on. Total Bnclosod Pickup is at Avon St. Mary's on Saturday, December 10,1903 botweon 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM DEADLINE FOR ORDERS IS MONDAY, NOV. 28,1903 DROP OFF AT ANYONE I OF THE PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS I D r a w i n g S u n . , Now. 2 O t h a t S:OO p . m . ' ..•.£ !?<••— •••••• Father Turins Celebrates 40th Anniversary fpMarimon Joins Hilltop \k OiGM Hilltop. Kunlturs rucunlty iin•I!SiOtincod tho nppointtituiil ofkabuil ]. ' t n to tlio firm's Avon Ltiku SHIUH #tMr. Murimon uracluutcd from Ohio 1 Itoto Univur.illy with n dugroo in uloc[flcol ongint!tiring, mid, prior to lite ofJjUattoh with HGM Hllltup, wus %nptoyod us Assistant Muntigcr of 'rgnglnooring with 'tho Dnvy McKt^ Corp°rallo|V &jHo-ls a muinbur of tho Kiwunis Club [ferni-lists his lotsure nativities as woodKforking. fishing and stomp colluding. Mr.v Mtti'lmon • raMdos with liia wifo, , in Avon Luko. Robert J. Marimon League Of Women VotersReceives Stocker Grant &.-*:•••:• On December 4(h, Iho members of Holy Trinity Purish, Avon, will join their pus tor, tho Rovorond Joromu Turins, in culabrtiting Iho 4ulh annivorsury of his ordinntlun to 'ho priesthood. Fnthur T u r i n s was urdainud nocombvr iu. 1043 in Si. Juhn Cathedral, Cleveland. Ho Is « niitivo Clovelnnttor, son of Josoph and Caroline Turins. Father Turins was oducntod in Cleveland paiociilal schools and is n yraduato of Cathodral Latin, High Schoul, John C-> roll University, and SI. Mnry Somiriary. Buforo ontoring tho somiriary ho worked for tho Cuyuhoga County Juvonlla Court for Ihroo yours. Sincu his ordination, Father Tariiis has sarvod as an assistant in Holy Rosary, Ascension, and St. Mai parishes in Cleveland; and aa pastor of St. Mary, Uoroa, St. Joseph, Amhorst, and Si. Edwards, Ashland. Ho was welcomed as pdstor of Holy Trinity, Avon, in Juno, 1070. Earlier this year lio spearheaded the celebration of 1the ouo hundrod-fifflolh anniversary ai tho founding of Holy Trinity Parish. Ho ia ospocially recognized hero for hi3 commitment 16 his parish family* ond tbut family unllcipalON a wonderful colubrution in his honor. At 4:00 p.m. Sunday, December 4th. Father Turins will concolobrato » flpocial Mass with hto classmalo, Abbott Joromo Koval, CSB. Another 'cl.issinato, Iho Rovorond Arthur ISgiin, pastor of St. Mary of tho immaculate Conception, Avon, will bo tho hoinoilist, Following tho Mass, parishioners, family and frltmds will |oln Futhor Turins for dinner and good fellowship at Tom's Country Place, Avon. Anyone wishing to make dinner reservations should call Charles Piazza, Avon 937-0083. Cost in $10.00 per person, Tho deadline for making reservations Is, Novombor 20lh. • Pft.Tha Avon Laku Loaguo of Womon iVbfnrs hns "exciting" news to' sharo. d tha th E miirLoaguo and Elyriu Laaguo havu tpcnnlly racoivod a $4,000.00 MAT[CHING grant from Iho Stockor Foundnttlun of Lorain, Ohio, Tor tho publication mttki booklet entitled " v 'now Loruin iCoiloty Government' ^rosenl, thcro [is/iiq such source available). fetoaguo members aro involved In exletislvc research on history, govornniomY, finances, justice, education, and btfenr county services. All information ivill .' be non-partisan, factual, nnd feurroU. League has rocoivod a lax-axutnpl status for this projoct through the League of Womon Voters of Ohio Education Fund. All contributions must be made to this fund, bo designated for this booklet, and arc tax deductible. League is asking for local businesses and individuals to help moat this challenge! Names of alt contributors will bo acknowludgod. "Know I orain County Government" will bo u valuable resource booklet of ALL residents who take pride in Lorain County. To All The Citizens Of Sheffield Lake for your confidence and past and present support in the last; general election. LCCC Holds Open Auditions Ippen auditions will be hold for Loniln bounty1 Community Collego Theatre's Inter" , production of tho 1930's Sierican classic Tho Adding Machino iy.EIrnGr Rico, December 1 and 2 at 7:30 ";m;4_;in the Stockor Contor Studio hootre. 'Auditions will bo for 23 rotas fur men Ind Womon of alt ages. Thoso auditlon"ig^airo encouraged to como prepared itb-B two mlnuto audition pince of any i'tylo.; JSiiript sign outs will be available jbglnnlng Novombor 28 in the office of [bavtd Peck, thontrc instructor [Room 246 of the Stacker Contor). Tho Adding Mpchlno will be staged February 24-20 and March 1-3 in tho Stocker Center Theatre. For more audition information, or if you are intorostod In working in tho technical areas for tho production, including stage managing, sot construction, lighting, muko-up or costumes, contact Mr. Pack (axtonslon 538) at 305-4191 in Elyria, 233-7244 in Lorain, 774-3300 in Oborlln, 647-^344 in Wellington, or 734-48CO in Chvoland (toll froo}. • Mon.-Fri. - 5:30 a.m,-10 p.m. Avon Recreation Dept. ^•'Men's Baskotball - Rosters for Iho Snon's basketball program are 'available iift-Avon City Hall. Eight teams will bo ipbeepted on a first como first nerve '"iasls. Tho twelve member r ster ond J90.00 team'fee Is to bo submitted !o &ypri. City Hall by Monday, November j2S£F6'r all Interested persons, a practice [and • organization session will oc Harry Pfingsten Elected .:• Harry Pfingston, band director at •Avon Lake High School has bcou elected to;the position of district 4 prusidenl•:,eloct of the Ohio Music Education (•Association, according to Loo Suman, president of tho state music teacher's organization. ?. Pflrigston's responsibilities in this ^position include the supervision and "organization of all activities pertaining toI..-QMEA within the district and the current president during y a r term of office. 2>i£A graduate of Miami University and •|Kont State University, Pfingsten Is a Vmombor of tho Ohio Education Associa"alr"' ° ' l i o M u s i c Education Associa|»on,; Music Educintors National ConB'tofroiicb and tho National Band Association;' He has boun a Jennings S(.holar ^nd has appeared as u guest conductor .^at/summer music camps (it Baldwin ^Walluco College, Miami University. ftOhio University and fit Urn Blue Luke pfummer Music Camp, '.^fingstim is a past president of district iA-nnd a past pnjsident of the Ohio ^chapter nf tho National Band Association. , Announcing FARMER DAN'S DONUT & PRODUCE SHOP NOWOPEN Wednesday, November 30, at 6:30 p.m. at Avon East Elementary School. Official games will commenco Wednesday, December 2. For more information call 034-4018. Small Fry Baskotball - This program which is open to third.am! fourth grade students, stresses fundamentals with limited game time. Small Fry Baskotball will begin Saturday, December, 3 at Avon East Elomontury School and run for 10 weeks. Registration will be hold Saturday, November 19 and November 26 from 1:00 • 2:30 p.m. at Avon City Hall. The foe per child is $7.00. For moro information call Marcia Barniclo, 9J4-4818. Bright Ideas C-.b Scout Pack tf300 will hold its November mooting, T h u r s d a y . Novombor 17th at 7 p.m. at Christ Evangelical American Lutheran Church located at tho corner of Lako Road and SR 83. The theme for tho evening will bo BRIGHT IDEAS!!! Skits and crafts which tho cubs havo worked on at their don meetings during tho month, will bo presented at tho pack meeting. A change has been made. Cubinastor Jim Poaso resigned and Ron Smith enmo on board to bo Pack /(300's Cubmastor for tiio rest of tho year. Any Interested Avon Lake boy. from 8 to 10 yrs old and their families aro welcome to attend the mooting and Join 'In Cub Scuutlng. Remember Parents please como with vour boy ond help his don to win tho honor or having Pack »300's Cubby visit liis dor. for the next month. Special Discounts For Organizations, Churches, Parties -5 doz. or more donuts Bagels wdoz. Cream filled Danish Glazed Eclairs Italian Brb Cookies Brownies Pies • Sat. & Sun. - 8 a:m.-6 p.m. FRESH PRODUCE & FRUITS • Lettuce • Celery • Potatoes • Onions • Apples • Banannas • Grapes • variety of nuts • Many other items. • Fresh Eggs - white or brown {Brown whan Available)•Milk • Bulk Spices (sold by the ounce) Ball Park Peanuts 9 9 ° ib. I Beer & Wine Carry-Out 5400 E. take Rd. Sheffield Lake. O. 949-6114 ANNOUNCING ? r The openmg of the 1st Podiatric Sports Medicine Center in Lorain County NORTH COAST CENTER FOR PODIATRIC SPORTS MEDICINE A center for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disorders of the lower extremities of runners and athletes of ail ages. FREE initial examination during the months of November and December 1983 (does not include diagnostic x-rays). In honor of the American Athlete, one dollar will be • contributed to the U.S. Olympics for each patient seen r'*^r aj>~ in Podiatric Sports Medicine from now until January S& f 1st, 1984. Office*: located at ' 32668 Center Ridge Road , „ in the Mills Creek Commons Worth Ridge Hours by Appointment a nubsidiary of r*KTT 00"7 GCAft North Coast Center for Podiatric Medicine I/ALL JZ/-004U and Arnold T. Magy, D.P.M., Inc. Wi Dover Junction - Bay Village - Next to Casey's We fame a>/</«/<> totti/t r'/i/tm. &rx/t <Alt/,t,/,t/m>t/« .fc (imwfc.x <-Ai$. (xt/Zit/ie / .^>rii'ti/i><iiKti>fi, / $h / ((&titn{> { {/>-Wz/rA, A (/// ifi /or t/ntf <$t/n/>h'/tCJf -C<//i/vy/ (• „ (/ft/e (ir &t OtAcr, faaa/iy 0trA<yt Ask About Now Open 7 Days Mon.,Tues., Wed. 9-7 Thurs., Frl. 9-8 Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-3 , Our For The Holidays IT'S HERE K?> SUBARU PROUT CHEVROLET OFFERS: CHRISTMAS CASH... CAMAROS MONTE CARLOS CAVALIERS CITATIONS/ VANS I and A NEW CAR TOO!! CASH REBATES sonnoo *„ sonnnoo Every CarorTruck in ourentire inventory carries an INSTANT CASH Dealer Rebate direct to you on delivery. All new Cars and Trucks are CLEARLY MARKED from »200 to *2000 Instant Dealer Cash Rebate direct to you!! HURRY DON'T MISS THIS!! OFFER EXPIRES 12/23/83 OPEN MON. & THUBS. 'TILL 9 P.M. LORAIN 215-4116 ELYRIA 365-7311 CLEVE. 777-6336 WMMtr no. Sliurflutcl Loku1 Council (11/0/03) dulunlud Mm imuninjj of piupurty n( •101-1 Laku.Kd. from IM RuHldunlinl to B-2 Huulnoss. Tlin oidinnIIen was turned down by n firm U • I votu. Only 1st Ward Coimcilvvoniiiii Joyce Hunks.vulud for II. Council passed an ordinance providing for tliu transfer of ccirlnln funds williin Iliu nnritiul appropriations niul establishing ii certain uccount. Abo ! nssod was Iho ordinance adopting tho regional dwelling houso code for tho cily. Tliu council wont into an oxocutivu suasion which interrupted the rogulur council meeting. It had lo do with negotiations for tho Police Department. Wliun tlio council came back to tho regular council mooting, mci|on progress in salary nogotfutlons with tliu city's full(imu policu officers hnppun an the council compleluly upprovod the ordinanco authorizing the muyor to enter into an agreement with tho Northern Ohio Patrolmen's Bonovolont Association. Law Diructor Timothy Smith said it appeurs thut seltlemont bo nour, but that it must ho upprovod by tho Sheffield Lako Chuptor of tho Association boforo . anything Is flnulizod. Ho said that bot • sides have agrot/d not to release any torms until formal up proval has be-?n given. As there has nover boon a contract between the city and the police, Smith, said that It now appears that thero will be a formal agreement for tho first time. Last yoar after hard fought negotiations tho polico were granted a one time lump sum payment rathor than a salary raise. Whan It is reached, tho agreement will cover all tho city's full tlnio polico, 3 sergaants and five patrolman exception . of tho chief. Tho police dispatchers arc not part of tho%v: .i. Next en mo o • ordinanco which wasn't on tho agenda. An ordinanco creating tho post of assistant to the finance director. It was unanimously approved toward tho ond of tho meeting. A now administrative job in tho city's flnanco department which would oliminato a clerk's post now under union jurisdiction. , Assistant to tho Flnanco Director would ho non-civil sorvlco job. The Council must still establish a writtun jab description and u pay scale for this job. Assistant to tho Finance Director. Purl of tho pracuodt will go to Tommy Grog's Fund. Tobias nro slid iivuilahlo for $10.00. Call for inuro informr.tion 040-0404 or Mark November 27th on. your calondor so you will como to the I'ATCf [WORK BAZAAR. SUPER BOWEL PARTY Slioffiold-Shoffiuld Luke Youth UiiNuball Is sponsoring n Super Bowl Parly with a revorsu rafflo. A $1000 wilt bo given away. U wilt bo hold January 2Zud, 19H4 from 2 p.m. until ? ot Tom's County Placo in Avon. Thoru will bo a Stuak dinner, open bar, card gamus and more raffles. Only 100 tickets will be sold. Donation por person Is $35. For tickets you can contact any hnnrd. mombor or jail 940-2082 or O-'.0-5733. ST. THOMAS PTU'S BAZAAR St. Thomas PTU is holding tholr annual Holly Hurry Bazaar on Frldny, Docomhor 2nd (8 p.m.-lO p.m.) and Saturday, December 3rd (10 a.m.-8 p.m.) . ut St. Thomas School. There will ba Ids _ of crafts, bako goods.and rofroshmor Jt., For information about the Dnzuar cull 949-6311. S.S.L. PUBLICITY '•' Publicity person of Sheffield-Sheffield lako organizations and clubs call or send . you information in by Thursday, or . sooner to Janot Coffoy - 933-9195 •.or ' send to 150.Harvey'Plcwy., Avon LakuV-li Ohio, 44012. REMINDER - BccaUGo of Thruksglving, thut week : only vmy • doadllne will ho Wednesday, November •'.' i 1 i I 23rd. • • • ' •••••:': Fall Rummage Sale;v tho Women's DiviBlcn of 7,ako Shore United Mothodist Church, 33119.Electric Boulevard will hold their Annual Fall Rummaga Sate on November 17,ond. 18. Hours for the salo are Thursday • evening 6 to 9 p.m. and Friday morning9 to \2 noon. - ' - r • • : , •••> Tho sale will include a bake table and coffoo and a Nearly Now Clothossnto;- Gods Of Metal Avon St. Mary's Spiritual'Develop-'; mont Commission in conjunction' with ' the / -on United Mothodist Clmrch'ls; WATER COLOR ART LESSONS piMUd. tn present tho film "Gpus of Sheffield Lako Art Association is Matal". This film, produced by, )rM holding wator color art lossnns which started November 14th from 7:30 p.m. Maryknoi' Order, is about the nucloarV Thoy will be hold at Shoffiald Lako Com- arms race ^nH. the people of faith who. are trying to stop it. Emphasis in the' munity Civic Cenlor. Frod Leach, from film is on what tho proponents of peace Avon Lako, will be the instructor for thip can do to ensure a successful protest.' nlnss. This film WOB. nominated for1 an' RECOGNITION FOR FALL SPORTS Recognition night for Fall Sports Acadomy Award for best documentary'" in 1982. The film will bo screenod at the: (Football & Volleyball) will be held Thursday, November l'/th o» 7 p.m. in Avon United Mothodist Church, Avon, on Sun., Nov. 20, at 0:15 p.m. Optional: "•m tho Sheffield Middlo School Gym. Bring a covored dish and table service. • Aftor the recognition of tho athletics, refreshments will be sorvud in tho Enjoy a pot-luck supper rfith friends and neighbors from Avon before the Cafeteria, film. Tho supper will start at 5:00 p.m. EXERCISE PROGRAM St. Thomas PTU is sponsoring Musically Fit, an exercise and dance program and it will run until May, 1984. It is being hold ovory Tuupday and Thursday from 8 p.m. until 9 p.m. during this tlmo. Wo pre-roRistration needed. Como and pay your dollar at tho door A poster contest for fifth and sixth and than exercise. Come whatever days grade studonts ot all Avon Schools wns you wish. It will be held in St. Thomas sponsored by the Avon Women's Club. School's Cafeteria (Elringor Hall) at 715 The theme was "Takd a Bite Out of Harris Road. For information call Crime -Stop Shoplifters Today". Three 949-6809. winners are being announced and are •M LAST TURKEY SHOOT receiving certificates and monoy awards, Como and win one ot the prizes - at the Novombor 14th WonWs Club Turkeys, Ham3 or Slab Bticon. The next mooting. First Place winner is. Jason Turkey Shoot will bo huld this coming Duckworth from Avon Middlo School. Sunday, November 20th from 3 p.m. un- Elizabeth Flrca of Holy Trinity won setil 6 p.m. at the Sheffield Lake Anivol cond place. Third Place wont to Chad Post 55 locuted at 577 Harris Rd. Cook of Avon Middle. Forty-one You may uso u 22 caliber rfflo bird studonts participated with the winning shot as the shooting is done on an in- poslors being displayed at The Avon Gun and Tack Shop. Tho posters are bedoor runge. ing ontorod in tho Great Lakos District of S.S.L. fAYCEE WOMEN'S BAZAAR WC conlGst w h i c Sheffield-Sheffield Lako Jaycoo " Is co-sponsored Women will hold their Patchwork with .tho Notional Coalition to Provont Bazaar on Sunday, November 27th from Shopliflng, it is a Joint offorl by mor9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at tho Sheffield Lako chants and studonts lo cut crimo. Tho : Community Civic Center. state contest will ho Judged by the Ohio Thuri: will be lots of crafts, bake goods Council or Retail Merchants. Good Luck ond refreshments. Admission is FREE Avon Winners. Winners AT. And Gifted Support Group Meets fc; Don't miss ill If yuu hnvu a child in Ihu pf/icdtlomlcolly Tnluntod Program, bu In jj&tbo Avon Lako High School cafoturin nl 2S7:30 P.M. Thurstluy, Novombur 17. 'I'hrj "J-A.T. and Glftod Local Suppol Group ^mooting Is forlunalu ta have as spoakora g-thtto local school administrators who jftiro closely Involved with tho program. Pi1-" Dr.' Marlonn Kali run, School ^Psychologist and Diroctor of Pupil Pur* j-^Bormol. will prosont an ovorvfuw of HID i$A.T. program. Aloxandur Lute, prinf l of Erioviow and Di.octor of tlomontory Programs, mid Ur. Roburl Hohmnn, AdminiHlrulivu Assistant and Director ol Secondary Programs, will discuss tho A.T. program in thu utaiiiuiilury and uocoitdary schools. A (juuslioi) and answer period will follow. This muDtlnu is a must for all parents or A.T. students. Everyone inlurostod in tlio oducolion «ind oncouragoinont of ucadoinically talontod and gifted children ia welcome to attend. For furthor Information, call Helen Mooru Hl 033-0434. Complete Foot Care - In-Off ice Treatment • • • • Sports Injuries • Bunions Ingrown Toenails • Hammertoes Calluses • Corns Heel Spurs • Warts HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 10 A.M.-6 P.M. 31674 CENTER RIDGE RD. (Wostlake Town Line) D.HANCULAK,D.P.M. 327-0588 566-1653 Bible Week Proclaimed 20 to 27 has boon proclaln.od !>"VBIBLE WEEK" by Avon Lnko Mayor >>?Robort Allon. In a proclamation tho i;i mayor uiges all citizens of Avon Luko to (P''S;U.Tha Layman's National Bibla Commit- w too hus davolopod tho slogan "A mossagu you can't ignore" for Nullonul Diblo Wook, to holp pooplo dlscovir iho rich truths found In tho Biblo. Thoy say in thoso troubled times tho Holy Biblo remains an indostructlbia foundation of truth, a "light unla our font and a lamp unto our palli." Avon Council Notes Order Your THANKSGIVING CENTERPIECE Early -:Dy Carol Ladlkoa « # " • • • • • ' s&?'Avbn City Council passed two rosolujettons ;to advortisa for bids to domolish l^structuros, localod on Cantor Road and SgMporo Road. Tho Building Inspector |fe,Bad inapectod those buildings and slrucStures and found thorn to bo a public g nuisance and unsafo. ig>fV An ordinance was pussad authorizing I tho'.purchase of a ig84 Polico Cruiser. 'Out of all tho bids received, Mike Bass Ford of Loraln, Ohio had boon accepted. The Ford packago uses tho most interior room for tho cruiaor according to Polico Chlof, Roy Drogor, In other business the Mayor appointed Karen Myors as Avon liaison to tlio National Organization on Disability and also appointed hor to complola tho unoxpirod torm of Wllbort W. Zoiso through December 31,1983 to the Planning Commission. And Up with Feathered Turkey or Pilgrim ~ and Candles And Up Fresh or Dried Arrangement in a Keep-Sake Wooden Turkey ; Cash k Carry Spedats*3* Dobosy Appointed Chairman ^,w:-,Mra.' Joseph Dobosy has been ap, pintod Area Chairman for Avon Lakti, ^rAvon, Shoffiold and Shoffiold Luko by '_ ick Coughlin, Chairman of the Loraln £;• County Citizens Committee for Montal ^-Health, to aid In tho promotion and ^passage of tho ono mill levy for mental ^fj:health services to bo included on the ^November 8 ballot. It will bo Issuo No. 4. g&c.'Mrs. Dobosy, who Is well-known In p^tho community throughout a lifatlmo of xl^sorvice in her church, numerous coml^munity organizations, and on tho Avon ^•Lako Board of Education, is also very acUvo in the lcoal mental health organization, Northoastctn Loraln County Human Resources Contor, having served in many capacities In that ':';"organization. '!;<"' Human Rosourcos Contor is located in • •Tho Landings and according to up-to;':• dale statistics, served a total of 308 per•sons during 1003.' Tho diagnosis pattern i indicated that 02% of tho cases wore W seen for an adjustment disorder, or ' symptoms that aru In OXCQSS of a normal and expected reaction to a "stressful" ovont. Mrs. Dobosy heads a committee that has an extensivo spoaking engagement list for local clubs and organizations, that antails also the distribution of a fact sheet explaining the cost of tho levy, which will run for fivo years, and tho determined noods for montal health sorvicos In tho county. It will cost loss than a nickel per day, cr loss than $1.50 per month for the average home owner. Tho montal health system In Loraiu County provldos services through eight direct service agencies throughout the county, serving over 13,000 persons last year. Thoy work in tho fields of counseling, indlvidunl and group; day care for the chronically mentally disabled, helping peopo who are abusing alcohol and drugs, providing programs for the youth of tho county, and montal health provonffon/oducatlon programs. Tho motto of tho campaign is "Helping Pooplo Help Themselves". ; * Up:] ".' "'-• Gobbler Bokay LORRIES FLORAL SHOP 5442ColoradoAve; ~n. - „ - , .Sheffield 934-5216 Befen Miller & Abbe Rd. United Way Endorsed " -The United Way of Grontor Loratn _ County has boen endorsed In a proclamation from Avon Lako Mayor Robert E. At Ion, who hopes that tho citizens of tho community will support this worthwhile cause. The United Way is currently campaigning to ralso money for a broad federation of 38 human sorvfeo agencies which provide ossontiol and critically needed servicos to our families, friends and neighbors. Cooporation and coordination between government and private agencies onhancos tho availability of human service agencies to all residents of Lorain County. r EST Shareholders Approve Merger Shareholders of Elyria Savings & Trust National Bank overwhelmingly approved EST's affiliation with the First Bancorporatlon of Ohio, according to R.J. Fitch, President of Elyria Savings & Trust; and John R. Gulntor, President and Chief Executive Officer of Firs! Bancorporation of Ohio. At a special meeting oF shareholders, held November 2, 1083, shareholders gavo, in person or by proxy, a 89.7% approval of the merger. Shareholders will receive 497,735 shares of First Bancorporation stock and $8,144,748 cash in exchange for EST stock. Tho acquisition of Elyria Savings & Trusl National Bank as a wholly owned subsidiary of First Bancorporation will rosult in total assets of tho holding com- pany in excess of $1.7 billion, as of October 31st, with ovor 70 offices serving Northeastern Ohio. "We're dollghtod with the vote of confidence given by EST shareholders on the merger," Fitch and Guinter commented. "Wo pledge to continue providing tho finest in modorn and expanded banking services to all our present and future customers." "Tho Elyria Savings & Trust National Bank name will remain,,as will the directors, officers and staff," thoy concluded. EST joins with First National Bank of Akron, Old Phoenix National Hank of Medina, and tho Twinslnirg Banking Company, as Firs! Incorporation affiliates. , i»i »,O I H PIZZA 949-5114 Beer & Wine Carry Out Shoreway Shopping Center Sheffield Lake Tues. Thru Thursday 4:00 to 12:00 Fri. & Sat. 4:00 to 1 Sunday 4:00 to 11:00 NO OTHER SPECIALS OR COUPONS APPLY COUPON Two Small (9 inch) 1 Item Pizzas WITH COUPON ANY SUNDAY THRU THURSDAY UNTIL DEC. 1st •I'- New Non-Invasive Procedures Aids In Detection Of Breast Cancer nny imlitiliun uxpuwiru lit Ihu ,._ Nnlhln,; tmichiis I ho pnltonl during tilt; nxaiuiluilinti. which liikus nhrnit 'Ifi iiiinuldii Ui i:uiu])lnti;. Aflur Nlllnji out on Iniunjintlun shout which provldus dnlii about pursniiiil (mil lunilly huiillh hiir.kifrouml llinl could iifiocl bin* rl.sk uviiluotUm. Iliu |][i({(iiil llos on u tubto. A truinud woman loclinlciim HCUIIS both A now, juiiuliiHH mulhixl nl Huluclirtu concur ami olliur dlsunsus of tin) IINMIH) In 1 hnir tmrlitisi Kliimf.s is riuw ovnlliilili! In wi'mcii in iioi'lluiitHluni Olilu. Graphic S truss Tulclhmiiioinuliy (GST) loiilini; Is Inline nHifrncl by S|)(i(;inll/,(jLl Lnhnrntory Suivlcus in Ihu now Wiislltiko Motlicnl I'lnza. 2!) Hid Cutilor Kidgu Koad. Wosiliiko. noxt In St. folin & Wuat Shuro HuHpiltil. "GST uperulus an Ihu priiiciplu llmt dismisud tl.fsuu a in Us moro ltutil Ilitiu tiormat tissue," tixplaliiud Dr. Richard H. Slmrmim, modi tin I di roc tor of llie laboratory. " T h e GST unit rends tomporalurus from nil purls or the breast, thon •„ omparas tliom with a' compuloi'lzed duta bank of known vuluos. The, roBult Is a quanliHtid, obfoctlvo asaossmont of tho putlent's risk factor, Homespun's 8 Ft. Gingerbread Boy logo and friends, Jennifer and Jactynn Ansell and Julio Huerner. ; ' ; . Homespun Fair 1983 ThoV 12th Annual Homespun Crafts Fair is almost hero. Wo liavo over 50 quality craftsman and women exhibitors. . TlioFalr will-bo hold at' Ltmrwood Jr. High School, 340 Lear Rd., Avon Lake on Friday,.November 18th at Q:30:until 10:00 p.m. and on Saturday, Novambor 19th from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m $1.00 donation at the door. hrunsts with u duvlco which ruHomblos thu light pmictls muny slums uso lo rood prlcu Ings. Aftur Iliu first scun thu paMunl inininrsus hur hands in icu walor for n few minulus uflor which tho touhnlclnn ropuol.4 thu scun. Dr. Sherman oxplained (hut thu Ice wtitur lowurs Iliu body lompornturo lo '.poduco n now set of lomporature readings for analysis. A final stop In thu procedure in^ho instruction by thu tuchniuian 16 tlm woman in how to conduct hor own "In other words, thi temperature from broaet solf-oxomination. any, particular spot nn tho broast will let Tho rosulta of oach oxiunlnation aro us know how much of a risk there is of that patient having cancer or some other ovaluntod and intorprutod by a phyBtcian disoaso in that spot. With this informa- on a dally basin. Tho laboratory will tion the patient's physician can ardor notify thu porsonal physician of any paadditional diagnostic tests, such as biop- tiont whoso results aro positive or ovon sy, to confirm tho condition or, if he suspicious. "A woman dons not need to bo referelects, can Initiato treatment. This procedure is oxtremoly sensitive and can, red horo by her own doctor," Dr. Sherman said. "If sho is suapioious of a condatoct problems in tholr very earliest stages when prompt uctlon can havo tho dition in hor braaBt, sha can make an apgreatest benefit. It alco pinpoints loca- pointment, and wo will BOO to it that tho tion to* help mnko the follow-up work results tiro forwardod to her physician more effactlvo. And, it does this without • "• ,. „ . •• '•' ' ' . ' - v . A 1 / • • • , ' • y - . j r V y j promptly. If sho doesn't have a porsoDal« ' phyaicinn, wo huyo a list ofj doctors: In'vii, thu aroa who ard accepting;.Hnow^ pntlonts. •••.• . ••;.:,• f • : ' ! . . ; . i - V . ^ i : ^ "Early detection and trtinlment *of*ijbreast cancor Is th'o greatest single factor;^ in saving a woman's life. W<B;hopo:thia'M.;c; procodura will givo womonjn thoorca^f the extra tltno they nBpd Ho.'offect, aJ.Q. favorable result." ••'• '. ••••\^-=:^TJ:^M TestB at Specialized Laboratory-Ser-Jv; vices aro given dally, hut-oinly;byrap^ij; polntment.The.talbpJiqheinubber'attheMu m. Avon Lake Socqier; The Avon Lake Commander's Crew 13 and undor travel soccer team concluded tho, 1083 fall season in tho American Amateur Soccer League (AASL) with a 5-3 loss to Rocky River. The toumhad a competitive season with the exception of btg lassos to lcogur> loaders Bay Village and North Rldgovitlo, Con*' slstently outstanding ploy was turned in by Marc Tattar, Mlko Dobullnski, Thad : Kacaaudy, and Rock Bain. Matt Frost got a big score in the last gamri, Throo new players, Jennifer Moore, Toby Thogmortln, and Adam 1Virgoi,' developed into solid starters. Other pltiys of the Crow Include foe Poachman, Bill Luroy, Quinn Nciedham, Don Hall, Murk Drano, Pain Smith, Allysa hnmelt, Matt Perry, Todd Krall, Wednesday Night AIR CONDITIONING Jeannle-Brauer of Ely'ria.' 7 : 0 0 20 REGULAR GAMES K OF C HALL 1783 MOORE RD. AVON, OH. BRING IN AP FOR FREE CARP WITH ADMISSION ON 50 SPECIAL JACKPOT *W0000 NUMBERS GUARANTEED JACKPOT *40Q00 November 30,1983 -Weekly $300.00 Shopping Credit at Pot Luck Convenient Food Mart Door Prizes — Turkeys WELCOME WAGON WANTS TO VISIT YOU Just engaged? New parent? Moved? I'd like to visit you. I'll bring useful gifts, information and cards you can redeem (or more gifts at local businesses. All free to you, and Chris; Noble Evoryoao Is on thusiastic: about tho upcoming Indoor travel season and several players wera contacted, about playing for [the AASL Select Toami , The Crewfinished its fall proceedings with h a;galQ got together at Chuckeo Cheaso inNorth Olmsted The mnnagor gave out over 1000 game chipB for the ar cade games.' ., ^ Avon Lako,soccor players aro not,orliy athletes but excellent scholars aa^the chips highlighted report card! grades^ , ''* Any intorosted players from birttiVoflr* j 1970 wlio rhlsaod tryouts for[tho spring *( season should contact Commlnndor Bob ^ Bobullnaki,. coach Q33-47BS. or John' Smith, Travel Team JDirector{933-41B9 j jHam and Egg Breakfast Home Fries, Juice, Coifee . ^ W Avon Loko-Mory Jenn Garrott. 933- B37B Avon Lnko- Darbsta Krabi. 933-BI27 North RidDevlHe-Rose Vopm. 324-7404 Avon-Audray Rocksi. 934-E334 Shottiold-Hllda Von Horn. W9-5472 Shofliold Lako-Raaltiard W l n b u t h . - « i 323-4470 — * * fi We can arrange to get together in your home for a brief visit. ••m per person AvonVFW 36950 Mills Rd. AVON l '^• * Sunday - Nov. 20th a.m.-2 p.m. tm ** «< THE NATURAL KITCHEN * « * « * * £ Nationwide has ways ts save on auto insurance. First, you can raise your deductibtes. Or you con check into our custom-tailored discounts. Such as discounts (or good students. Orfor people who own two or more cars. Look into it. The Natural Kitchen j BULK NATURAL FOOD & Kitchonware COUNSELORS AT LAW t Rt.b3&WalkorRd. The Landings! Avon Lalke M. 933-9032 X m PERSONAL INJURY b ACCIDENT CLAIMS REGISTER FOR FREE DRAWING . Eliminate Tho Probtoms And Protect Your Interests Let Us Handle The Claim NO RECOVERY William H. Bomtnor 934-4610 MtchaalW. Bommer 934-4313 > Nationwide IB on you' sWo (Comer ol Lak«. Mooiv Si Electric) • 36971 Detroit Rd., Avon. 0. Serving The Area Since 1932 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE NO FEE 110 Mooie Road - Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 OFFICE: Mon.,Tues.,Tburs; HOURS: Wed.&Fri. Sal. PHONE: UJ X HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE SUN., NOVEMBER 20,1-5 p.m. 933-3231 3SS-0O92 871-ZZ28 (419)025-1093 •£" 'ECLAIRESFOR 1,000?" NOPROBLEM ESSERT COOKING CLASS Wed., Nov. 30,7:30-9:30 9:OOA.M.-1U:OOP.M. 9:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. •'9:00 A.M.-4:0Q P.M. LORAINi ELYRIA: CI.EVBLAND: SANDUSKY: c BASKET GOURMET COFFEES NOV. 16-23 Call For Reservations MON.-FRI. 10-6 THURS. 10-8, SAT. 10-5 'vk+msmmmz NATURAL KITCHEN<^«I m t. What Exactly Is The Natural Kitchen? dorsumont intundod), you can pick up u botllu of it from Iho sholf in Iho supplomonl conlor. You mi^hl alsu snlucl JiTlio Natural Kit'chon In 'The jJAyon Lnko, is culobniting ii« second an- nlfnlfn, catnip, lunugraak, nralluin - or onu of tho more ordinary products' Ilku •jnivarsary with many in-storo specials., fflV.Bo suro to visit The Natural Kitchen vitumin C - from tlio Kilchun's cnmplutu [between Nov. 113 and Nov. 2'A, and sign llnu of supplements. Tlio sloru has bin aftur bin ofguud-for!&p for a chanco to win a basket of |B89Orted gourmet coffees which will bo, yuu things like nutural flours (soy, given nway in a drawing as part of llie glulon, ryu, semolina and rice to niimo a fow); all kinds of beans and lentils; telebration. ;V/But what oxaclly is Tho Natural Kit- various rices and pasta product;) So mo green noodles - madu from ?" you ask. ,.,_. at It's NOT Is your stereotypical, splnuch I'm told - caugln ...,, .ittuntion li'hoalth food" storo vvhoro an American the first time 1 was In tho store. I think Gothic-typo clerk In sensible shoos they would bo perfect to sorvo with a rates fronch frios and oxtails the vir- nico rod snuco'for Christmas din nor. Or as Mrs. Murray (with hor good sonsu of ;liesof mibloachod flourl (tTho Natural Kitchon offors a wide humor) suggests, "they would bo groat with green ogga and ham" — the onlroo arfoty of "health foods," and lots of ithby items — but tho thing that makos made famous in tho children's book by ti>>:albro special Is tho two Judys (Mur- Dr. Souss, What can you sorvo aftor'a inoal of and Rumsoy) who own and oporatc hearty lentil soup and homomado soy not 'purists,".says Mrs. Mur- flour broad? How. obout some gourmot 1'vo ovon boon known lo take homo coffco or tea. Tho Kitchen has barrels full of coffee of Kentucky friod chicken far tasto such fdlnhpt^when I'm on a,tight schedule." boan.i for tho discriminating 1 *Bbt, when she has li>no sho makos hor as Franch chicory, Konu Hawaiian, Swiss chocolata almond und 'cinnamon Vn;b"rbad, sho adds. jThtirrelaxed attitude and Lumorous Colombian — plus half a dozan decafirsbriatitlos of tho owners makes feinated selections. Numerous vartUos Kfjfltung The Natural Kitchon a plo.'iant of loose tuu are available Including [pxpbrionco. Tho place has an "old conn- jasmin, Trolley horb, chamomilo, Rod jrViStoro" atmosphoro • complolo with a Ztngor, apricot and papaya mint. Many different kinds of caffolno-froo loa arc Tot bolllod stove in tho corner • which also sold In bag form. iticDUranos customers lo spend some <! For thoso pooplo who can't kick tho " "ibrawslng and talking. . .u'stomors seem to like to talk lo mo, "junk food" habit, Iho Kitchen offers a Jmhthoy ovon gel Into conversations largo selection of bettor alternatives liko pith other customars — just liko in the muncliies with no preservatives or salt SlcKcountry stores," soys Mrs. Murray. added; cookies made with honoy and }hp says sometimes customers usk hor carob (a chocolate subslltuLo); various vhat to take to troal arthritis or cancer, driod und raw fruits, and nuts, somo covered with honoy or carob. jiltpf courso sho can't maVo any such Jrocommondnlions. Many of Iho snacks aro sold from bulk ^Although tho Judys won't recommend bins so you can buy a fow to try — and [any, troQtmonl for a medical problam, then cutno back and purchase a bucketjKoyarc familiar with thu many theories full when you sue how lusty they aro. I'^hoolth care and will discuss There's a corner of the store featuring customers. Tho storo also car- jellius, salad dressings and sauces along, |ribs''anumborof books on the subject for with a variety of canned .gourmul and trBforonce. specialty food items. Tho herb ("that's ^iiryou decide that slippery ulm bork pronounced 'urb', Herb," Mrs. Murray holp clear up your cough (no on- points out with n chuckle, liko thu ludy QyLitidu Hawkins Judy Murray and Judy Humsey are always ready with a smile at the Natural Kitchen. did in the old television commercial) your own potpourri.. Or you niay purand apico rack features everything from • chaso a fow buncos of sovcrdl-prd-mlxed ". 1 aniso stars lo wlntargfpnn tnaves, as woll varltios. Be. sure to sniff tho* special as various flavoring oils and extracts; Chrl&tmas blend, it will raally put you in . The itoms for sale at Tho Natural Kltthe mood Tor'holiday preparations.'(It chon aro not only to mako you bottor on smells liko pine troos, fresh-baked, the Inside, but on the outside too. There cookies, corn popping In,tho fireplaco...}. is a wide soloclion of "natural" ThO Natural Kitchen is ;th(jLplace to ; cosmetics — lotions, shampoos, soap, find many unuBUal gift idoas for the per- . toothpaste, etc. (I could hurdly pobS up a son on your Christmas list Who "has bottle of Spouitnlnt Loaf Body Scrub everything." The Judys havb .stocked1'a';' with Ivy Extract.) Tho Judys will ovon variety of specialty Christmns:'Uains — special order your favorite product and food and others, Thpy hayo country • keep a supply on hand for you. crafts for dlrocl sale, and atsa'tako . In addition lo all tho "health" items, orders for othqr items to '.bo)"s^ocially. tho Kitchen carries gourmot cooking made. . .,; . . ' . - . ~; -. . " . | > . . . " •.%',•./ • utensils and kitchen gadgots. Or how about purchasing a aorlos of cooking lessons OB-O unique gift for your If you've boon searching far a zucchini spouse, parent or ovon yourself? Classes coror, lemon zoster, mushroom cleaning are hold Tuesday ovonings at tKe storo.' brush, cannoll farm or a wooden buttor 1 Basic Fronch Cobkihg'classqsihibet In mold, you can find it In tlio gadget dapartmont along with more mundane. February, nnd tho OrionlalSorios, runs Horns like-a grapefruit soctionor or a through tho'orid.of March.,.Moxlcari as' woll 03 Italian Cuisine will bo featured fronch fry culler. in'Aprll^and Culinary HOrb^classbs Will; . Also fur .sale aro scontod oils, myrrh, bo hold In M a y . , :• V ' , f:'-r-/-^ '-•;•:/•': orris root and other exotic spices und (issorlotl ".imclllos". to usuin creating v ; Avon High School Honor Roll ^SPORTSWI PRICES IN EFFECT THRU SAT:, NOV. 26./ *|;Tho following sludonta have qualified for, tho High Honor, or Honor Kail for |mo:ist grading period. ^i"H'-. • • Grade ti HIGH HONORS ^Jacqueline Martin, Uoug Molt, nnd nwClaildino Siogort. ^HONORS l':<^att Abfall, Jill Alston, Carolyn Aviblo, >:;Brian Bliss, Kolly Burgess, Jeannino y-Czarnoy, Eric Dickons, Michelle Elliott, '.Williani Furthofor, Lisa Gon/.aloi-,. Kotrlna Hall, Michael Hassol, Grog Haydon, Stoccy Jomos, Jennifer Jonos, Kim Klmborly, Laurun Logar, David . Marietta, Kaith Paulcholl, Don Perdue, Nick Porrotto, Holly Rak, Kelly Robertson, Ted Ruffner, Ronda Rutkowski, Ed-. •'•>. ward Schober, Natalie Somicok, Cristy V'Sniith, Kathy Tosmor, and Brian Urig. •? Grade 10 : HIGH HONORS - ^Marianne Siogort. HONORS r r-David Bakor, Stovon Balmort, Sarah •Braatz, I.isa Bruonlng, Daniel DoChont, IRoynold DoChant, David Dickons, Jeff " Dlluciano, Ronoo Fabor, Rogor Fisclior, •Andrew Gardner, Dwayno Gray, An.drow Haag, Dobora Hogyi, Ann Hricovoc, Kolli James, Mark Johnson, vLaurcn Kvacli, Brian Lacoy, Joff -Ladogaard, Carol Law, Lisa Lima, [off , Mnrcum, Joni Martinez, Micholo Miller, ' :C6nnlo Murray, [on Onhkor, Laurn /Pqrpz, Lorraino Phillips, Michollo •Pocos, Trucy Robertson, Scott Schnr,:ihann. Bill Shauvor, Slwrry Shuck, Bill Smith, Bonnie SpoiHlo. MeMi Sluuh. Tim .Wojciochow.ski. nnd Mnlisa Workman. Grade 11 HIGH HONORS • Connie DcChanl, Doiina Fisher, Juff Moll, Dorok Urhtin HONORS: Kulby Borns. Chrislophor Hornnrd, Mbnlcn BIISH, Dnnny Bryiml, Becky Burrneistor, Tllorosii Carlson, Christine Cechurn, Christine Chal, Dnria Dolftno, Annottt: Ebrlich, Patrick Flanagan, Carolyn Forthofor, John Kowalski, Thomas Kvach, Kenneth Marlultu, Torri Marshall, Donna Moats. Cynthia Pasli, Joseph Paulchnll, Maxino Payne, Brian Palfrey, Thomas Rak, Susan Rush. Michelle Sclimitz, Vvonno Smith, Kothryn Sokolow, Scott Sommers, Hollo Spatuforo, Jon Spolglo, Both Szabo, Curtis Vigg, Stovo Wharlon, Patricia Zlnn Grade 12 HIGH HONORS Torri Burgoss, Kimberly Jamos, Gina Long, Lynn Perez, Deborah Phillips, Ted Stumphauzor HONORS Dobora Alton, Brian Barnnart, Korla Bliss, William Bommor, Barbara Braatz, Annomario Brudor, John DcChant. Kerry Docker, Vickie Ehrlich, Anno Foroncz, Matthew Hirkala, Stephanie Jones, Tim Lacoy, William Logar, Alan Mallasch, Amy Both Millar, John Morog, Bonnie Noga, Josnph Oliver, Todd Porsino, Karon Plckoring, Christine Quinn, Jody Quisonborry, Frank Root. Angolu Scarbro, Shurry Scliatsi'hnotcliir, Patrick Sclimitz, Julio Shuak. Clifford Siegorl, Janol Szuho. Christopher Urig. Robert Usznk. Susan Varnntloo, Diivid Wunrsch, Cheryl White ; . SPECIAL PURCHASES JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS 3 for* 1 0 Reg. $7.99 each Racquetbatt Jersey Athletic Top Adult-Anvil Adult, 50/&0. coniroalina Irlplo slripes ocora1 anlito Wio-ildor, taglan sleeve , v nock. VVhilc body/Novy i Rod stupes. Llijtit Bluo/Novv & Gold Gl'ipJs, Boiga/Biawn t, Or.ingo slupcs. S.M.L.XL Reg. $7,99 each High action Athletic top anvil Arlud 50/M. ctmirflSIJnn shoulder yoko wtili iiiplo siripos around aim, rnrjlan sloovoa. V'liock. Wliito bodyJNnvy slniuklaf ont( sJccwhWod stripes, Gold/Hoyal/Oranga sffioos. Light DIuo/NavyjOokl UIIQCS. ' S.M.LXL. 4118 E. LAKE RD. SHEFFIELD LAKE SHOREWAY SHOPPING CENTER 949-6107 949.-6106 Family Dentistry (AT "THE LANDINGS") MICHAEL J. KEARNS, D.D.S. JOSEPH E. RUSSELL, D.D.S. INSURANCE ACCEPTED •TOOTH BONDING •DENTURES •ROOTCANAL •PERIODONTAL TREATMENT • MINOR ORTHODONTICS • CROWNS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE SA TURDA Y AND EVENING OFFICE HOURS 871-4678 933-4486 Carl Gobble UD These Deals And THANKSGIVING DINNER IS ONUS!! With Every New or Used Car Purchased. Now Through Nov. 23rd! SPECIAL 1983 DEMO SALE ALL 1983 DEMOS REDUCED 1983 Che vette And Citation Company Cars Save Hundreds! No Hassle Prices On Wlndshlnfds In Tho Shnwreom Trade Your Troubles On A Reconditioned Used Car 1978 Chevy Beauville Van 5 Used Vans In Stock 8 Pass, auto., air, CB, 2 tone Work, Pleasure & Custom 1979 Olds Delta Royale 2 dr. stereo, auto., air 1979 Chrysler Cordoba ' J - £ j ' - . i ~ ' • • • * * • • - • • • ' • • • - • I > Well, U was Tim Day, 11-11-18, us I ruinembor. vviioii tho church bolls woro ringing und sainu uooplo woro singing "Tho wiir is over, thanks ho lo God"' My Father ciimo homo nguln from tliu Russtan battle und my older brother Tony, almost u norvo-write kod man, camu h'omti from tho must horrlblo slaughterhouse on lliu Gorninn-Krunch line; whoro children of God wounded, shot, killed, nltirdorod onu anothur and tho people woro laid U is all lor God and Comilry. Tho morr Frenchmen our soldiors killed, tho nv.ro,reward moduls thoy put on thoir chosts. Of coursb, tho Frenchmen woro rowardod tho stimo and utl woro highly praised by tho church mnn and tho State; while tho slick money men filled thoir bags with blood monoy - and someone had tho nerve to call thnt a Christian religion. I call it tho biggost swindle ovur established by somo wise men - Father Torgivo thorn, for thoy havu no compulsion - only greed. Now our second mooting about "Tho Chomicnl People" at tho Aqua-MwHno was well filled mid hopefully will have good results, as this community problem was and is basically a family problem. It must bo abolished und firmly opposed by loving but stern fathers and mothers who have tho courage to stand on thoir two foot and stop hard on soihoonos toes ill a proper young age, and let them know that as long as thoy htive their foot undor your tablo, thoy follow the safe and wise rulos of your homo Tor thoir own stifo truvol thru Uinr Itfu, and thoy will respect and lovo you Tor huving the courago lo leach mid guide them while 79 Olds Delta Royale auto., air, stereo, lilt wheel, 50/50 seats yol tender & young bo thoy will bo n . and a pride to tho community anywheres on this earlh, Instead of u problem to o u r | no m inn ni ties. Well, "Vo gel valt soo soon, Kcbmart soo lite!" I romuinbor about 2(K't) yours whun somo of slupit) educators? told our folhors and Iinolhors lo bring up thoir littlo ones lin-^ controlled; lot thorn dovolap froo anik| unhindurod; Froo oxprosslons; and somoS inoru of such stupid, plain, senseless dd-| vice. Evon uny unlearned gurdnqr qri,; Farmer know., batter; that as soon as thot^ seed or tender plant is put Into Molhor-yi Eurtli, it lakes u constant cv^Hlvnthia.V'v weeding out tho ovor-presnni; woods, 8t| lots of hoeing so tlto roots got plenty om oxygon, or elso you havo an uncultivated^!* and uncivilized crop or Just a •poor;!' harvest. The root of all evils Is the LOVR'4 af Money, just THINK what tho'alcohora and lobucco Industries contflbutb tqtltej "Government of tho People"; fn/tho| billions of dollars each year for tho Roodl of our natlonul economy - and all'thbMs saloonn and joints to make an easy buii^ - but tho hell with tho national woll-bolrtgi and a healthy & strong human society^ * ; "yVui-Q Up America". •'; i^ Rospectrull^, Carl Meier. A'. Sheffield Lakei • • • , .'•.• ••-••-yiiS Recreation •&&$ There will bo a' roglst. atioii for's-tn^ mens basketball league on Sunday, Ndvi; 20 From 12 Noon-1 p.m. ,at tho-CdraS munity Civic Center. • •'•. •: ;r; Those mon who are 18 yrs.'and; by Nov. 20 and residents of Shofnold'or| Shoffiold Lako, should bring vuriflcaiioria of residence to rcgistraUon.-Advaft.Willj bo bold at 12 Noon oh Nov..20 tb'fo'rr teams. Cost Is $75.00 per team nrid $2,0 por player per week for officials; Fblfl more information or if you would likotof manago a team, call oithor.949-50Q3,0r| 049-6055. Gomes are 'playbd''"'* Brooksfdo High School from 1-5 ';p Sundays, through February..; y. >•• 37160 Detroit Rd. Avon, Ohio 44011 934-6516 p f e r 1-800-562r0431 5 2 dr. stereo, auto., air CALL FOR APPOINTMENT BO Pontiac Grand Prix LI We now have a "NEW" Beecham Stereo, auto., air, power, loaded r K i t (It Covers An Average Of Four Rooms) WE CARRY FLEA KITS 1978 Olds Cutlass 1977 El Cammu Pickup Stereo, auto., air, extra clean Check the back o£your phone book for our savings ... coupon on flea bath & dip. It's a real value. ••,'•'•:. Stereo, aulo., air, sharp Come to us for... JL CHEVROLET Complete Mower & Snowblower Service kerosene Heater sales & service Hrs. Mon.-Sat. 9:00-5:30 690 Avon Balden (Rt. 83) Avon Lake, Ohio JOHN GUGGENB1LLER Owmr 933-4400 1-871-5628 3 LCCC's Special Topics Courses Loraln County Community g spudal tapicy couraos offur you n unique opportunity to pursuo a broud spuctrum of learning uxpuriuncus tlmt nddruss today's concorns mid muol spucinl intorosls, This WinlarQutirtor, LCCC's two now spuciul topics coursaw, WOMEN WRITERS BEFORE 1800 mid EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP will anablu you to discover fascinating facts nbout tlio earliest known woman writers, and will help you develop your leadership skills ana put thorn Into practice. WOMEN WRITERS BEFORE 1U0O (ENG 290-711 will oncompuBs facts about what women woro writing boforo 1300. You'll learn about: the earliest known writor (2300 B.C.) who was a woman; tlio world's first novol and ttio woman who wrota it; women pouts who wrote boforo thu birth of Christ; pluys produced in London In tlio 1000's by o \ women; and many more interesting facts about those oorly women writors. Tho threo credit liour course will meet from 7::tO p.m. In ll):15 p.m.. Tutisdnys beginning January 3. EFFECTIVE. LEADERSHIP (1'A 200-70) Is designed lor the young iidull. llio porson already oslnblishod In inanagomunl, or tiiiyunii wliu wants to apply lundurshlp tiuiilitlus directly to life's ovoryday situations. Through student internet ion, discussion and small group tasks, you will bucomu familiar witli stylus and uffuctivonuss of toadiirshlp and bo ablo to apply thusu concepts to your own personal situations. Tlio threo crodlt hour course will moot from 7:30 p.m. to 10:.15 p.m., Wodnosdnys, beginning January 4. You can rogistur for tlioso spoclal topic courses on u credit or audit busls [to Inkc; tbo-courso for no credit and no grado). Registration continues through December 14 in tlio Admissions Office from 8:30 a.m. to 0:30 p.m.. Monday through Thursday, from 11:30 to 4:30 Friday and from 0 a.m. to noon, Saturday. Candy Wreaths Avun Women's Club Is again milking mid selling dimly Wreaths. Those inaku tilco gifts for vour friends of office. The children will Mku this Christmas (toco rat inn which Ihoy can enl. Em:\\ Avon Schools Menu WED., NOV. 10 - Tncii & Lultucu/Cliooso. Buttered Gr . B oa n s , Braad&Hutter. Diced I'onrs. THURS.. NOV. 17 Salisbury Steak, Mushed I'ot./Cr. Buitorod Mixed Vog. or F r u i t , und Broad/Uullor. FRI., NOV. 10 - Chaesu Pizza. Uuttorod Corn. Fruit Cup, and Cookie. MON., NOV. 21 - Humburger Sund., Uuttorod Gr. Mtmns, Sliced Pouches, Potato Sllx, und Cooklo. TUES., NOV - Sliced Turkey, Mushed Pol./Gr., or Swoel Pat., fluttered Peas, Apple Sauco, I) read/ Hut tor, and Cookie. iHEADaUARTER for " ktratalaungejr VISIT OUR ICOMFOR1 CHAIR CENTER What a wonderful organization. Their only is to be of help to p.m. - Nov. 20, 10(13 - Shotguns only; concern ovorwolght pooplo, on a Nov. 27, 1083 - Opon. physical, and An Avon Lako police officer will bo In spiritual, lovol. Unless those attendance. Please, no one under ID 3mental phases arc practiced wo without an adult. All shooters will be re- will not bo successful. But quired to sign a disclaimer form. For if wo sincerely try ouch any questions contuct Patrolman ]. F. day to pul these stops into Thornton. effect wo will bo amazed al tho results. WE WANT TO HELP YOU. Meetings at 2 Churches, Man. Morn. Lako Shore United Methodist Church, 33119 Electric Blvd., Avon Lnke 0:15 a.m. baby sitting, Thur. Evening Presbyterian, 32340 Electric, Avon Lako, 7:30. ! i { Overeaters Anonymous Attention Shooters & Hunters Tho Avon Lake Police outdoor range will again bo open this yoar for public shooting and sight-In. Tho 100 yard range is located on Roulo 03 just north of the N&W tracks behind tho Avon Lako Sarvic. Department, On the fallowing listed Sundays the range wi!' bo opon from 10 a.m; until 4 wronlh conlnlns two and olio liaif pounds of hard candy. II is available for the siimi) law price of SO.00. Make someone "swuet" for Christmas. Clot ii Candy Wronth by calling Arlent) at 937-0115. * • ! • • Stratolounger Stralo-Gllde 1984 VALLEY VAN CONVERSIONS THE COMPLETE TRAVEL VAN IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Stratoloungor Rocker-Recllner i AT EXCELLENT SELECTION, COMPETITIVE PRICES, QUALITY SERVICE 1984 CHEVETTES 1984 CAVALBERS 1984 CORVETTE IN STOCK FROM IN STOCK FROM STOCK #A-31 STOCK #A-37 IN STOCK 1978 CAPRICE 1978 NOVA • ^v^v m ^r w w m m wi m -^rm w FULL SIZE CARS AND WAGONS IN STOCK! Hi- Stratolounger XP 1982 MONTE CARLO 2-DR..AI VERY CLEAN WAGON, AIR LOW MILES 2-DOOR, 6 CYL AUTOMATIC TILT, CRUISE, STEREO, AIR $ SOLD NEW BY US its SOLD NEW BY US 2395 1977IMPALA 1980 FORD PICKUP WAGON, AUTOMATIC POWER STEERING SOUS NEW BY US 1974 DODGE % TON, 8 CYL. AUTOMATIC PICKUP 8 CYL AUTOMATIC Stratoloungor XP "Close-Up" SOLD NEW BY US 1984 G-20 FULL SIZE SILVERADO 1982 LUV SERIES 12 1979 BUICK REGAL! PICKUP, DIESEL 5-SPEED 2-D00R,'V-6 AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC ALL PRICES PLUS TAX AND FILING, PRICES GOOD THRU NOV. 30,1983 WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF 1983 AND 1984 CHEVROLET CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK. YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRICES, YOU'LL LOVE OUR SERVICE AVON'L-AKE Stratolounger XP w ^LUXURIOUS STRETCH-OU COMFORT S€RV)C£ PARTS CKOJU. MOTOBS PWITS KV1S30N CS3CK23 £KIDKWBn*>*-= •!.. Klingshirn-Spaetzel Engagement Szanto - Jameson Wedding p H/.unlo tnul I,um;u jiimusmi wuru innrriutl Oclob'1; 22iul hi SI. Nicliolns Grook Orlbudox Cluirtili. l'nrunls of Hit) iiuwlywotls iiru Mrs. Toss Szimto. 3(15 liuvood Blvd., Avon •Lako mid Wutlur Szntilo, t()51 Oberlln Avu., Lortiin, mid Mr. and Mrs. Wiiyno Inrnusoi1 30(11 P Dutroll Rd., Avon. Sr.ndni Szunto survud us Mniii uf ii'onur (ind Lydiu Scburry, Mnry Ann Kusli. Ironu Stilvn and Kully Hush us s^ Dovan JamcHoii was flower Birl. Gary (ininiaoii survud tis Host Mini nnd Tom Jnmoson, Juntos Jumoson, Dit;k Mutzlor and Dun Scbnolclur iislicrod. Tbu cuuplu honeymooned in Hawaii. Thu brldo graduated from Avon Lnko High School in 1077 and Is employed by Lorain County Wolfore, Elyrla. Hur husband grudtialod from Avon High School In 1074. Community Cullogo In 1970. and is employed at B.F. Coodrirjh, Avon Laku. Tlioy will muko tlioir homo in Sliuffiuld Uku, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Charltis KliiiKshlrn, 3B00 Cenlur Koad, Avon, aunouncu tho t)iig!if)()int)iit of their tlaughlur, Susan, to Sloven 15. Spaotzul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spaotzul, VMi Drummond, Avon Laku. Miss KlinKshirti is a graduate of Avon High School. Sho is employed by Avon Lako ICA Foodllnur as assistaiit head i:nshior. Hor fiance is a graduate of Avon Luke High Schuol and nltondud thu polico science program at Lorain County Community College. Ho is a grudtirilo of Houston Toxas Polico Academy and Is umployod by tho City of Avon Lake a3 a patrolman. Wuddin« plans aro indafir./fa. Gargas - Marron Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lance Jameson Wetter - Bosshardt Wedding Mtirbarn Wutlur mid Alan C. Hossliardt wuro niarrlnd on October 22 in Florida United Mulhudist Church, Florida, Ohio. Parents of thu mnvlywods oro Mr. and Mrg. Royal Wutlur, 104 South M'jrktil Strool, Florida, Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. Robort C. Bosshardt, 23E) Clon-, view Drivti, Avon Ltiku. .Undn Woltur surved as mtild of honor, William Hnnos, Sylvania, Ohio served as host man nnd Jeff Corrono, Avon Lake ushered. Linda Hosshurtft was Ihu acolylu. The bride graduated from "Napoleon High School in 1977 and Tho Dofioncii College in 1901- Sho Is employed as a kindergarten teacher al The Playhouse School, Torranco, California. Mor husband grcduated from Avon Lnko High School in 1978, atlondou Lorain County Community Colluge and Tho Del'ianco College. Ho graduated from tho Northern Instilutu of Cosmetology, Lorain and the Joe Blasco Makeup Cantor, Hollywood California. He is a solfemploycd makeup artist in Hollywood. Thu couple will reside at 13805 Doty Avenue Apt. 0, Hnwthorno, California. Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Marron Rader - Noss Wedding Judith Ann Rader and Kuril- Noss were married In St. Gregory The Greal Church In South Euclid, Ohio on Octobpr 1, 1DB3. Father George O'Hara officiated at the 1Z p.m. ceremony. The brldo Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Rader oE South Euclid. Ohio. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Noss of Avon Lake, Ohio. Patricia Fortunsto sister of tho bride, served as matron of honrr. Douglas Noss the groom's brother served as bostman. JAMES n • • UNIQUE HOME featuring 3 bedrooms, 1V4 bath ranch with family room, end basement. Located In an excellent neighborhood. A mat must to see. MLS 57931. Prlcod ai $67,900. Cell Jackie Carrawey for o personal tour. VA 7.6% VA 7.SW VA 7.S% You can assumo this VA loan and ho in by the holidays. This East side of Lorain home 'oatures 3 bedrooms, largo kitchen, dining aroa and full basement. Priced at $45,900. For more information call Rich Earls, MLS 59843. EXCEPTIONAL 4 bedroom split with many extras. Built-in bar, 2 car garage. Priced at $56,900. MLS 57855. Call Don or Barbara Purdy for details. CHARMING 3 BEDROOM RANCH In a desirable area of Westlake features dining area, eating spaco in kitchen, breozeway, basement and is situated on a 141 ft. wooded lot. MLS 20074. Priced at $68,500. Call Carol Black to see, TARGETTEP FO.l ISSUE ONE MONEY Two family duplex for sale. First floor is an efficiency opt. There is separate access to each apt. for complete privacy of your tenants. Basement is utilized by first floor tenant and walk-in attic is for storago of second floor tenant. Possible special financing ID available. MLS 57249. Priced at 934,900. Call Bon A. Russell for more information. The wedding reception following tha?| ceremony was held at Villa Dl BoraUy Party Center in W ill o ugh by Huls Ohio A The bride graduated from Brush Hlgl. School and Is currently employed byi Cos-Medic In Cleveland Ohio Horji huuband from Avon Lake High School-in 1974 and attended Lorain Countyj Community College. Karl Is .preBenuyi employed by Ohio Truck In Avon L'alceiJ 1 The.couple will reside in'iAvoriLakel after returning from a . CarrlbeaT Cruise. • •' • •' ' -iV/ -'-vv-i WEED ROOM TO ROAM? . ' i ' ;' i V Then coma sea this 4-5 bedroom home. Boasts 29' kit*; chen and eating space, format dining room, 20x21 farriEf ;.j ly room, bosemant, 2 car garage and much more. In e x 4 cellertt executive area. Priced at $83,900. MLS 58070.:y : CallJackleCarrawaytosoe. , ' -^ MLS CO. 32745 WALKER RD. NATIONAL RELOCATION Avon Lake CENTER Cleveland 933-2500 TRADE IN PROGRAM 871-5255 Tmnara Sue Gargas and Michael Lei Marron were married October 22ntlfli St. Androws,Episcopal Church, Elyrla, Parents of the nowlywods oro Mr- tihdj Mrs. Eugond F. Cargns, 19848 Dlagtifial Rd,,, Wolllngton nnd Mr and Mrs" Eugene L. Marron, 8708 Inwood Rd Baltimore. Md. M Maid of Honor was Kimborly Coojiei; Tho Best Man was Eugene L Marron'i The couilo wont on a Coribboartj crulso aboard tho Norwoigian HNE f( their honeymoon. • ^ The brldo Is a graduate of Koy High School and the Lorain Coupty Joinl Vocational School and Is employed! by Hair Care Harmony at Groat Nor; them Mall.: Her husband a 7^ graduate of, Lynchburg College > chburg, Virginia," Is vice prenidonl fo Erie, Construction Management Inc - BEASMARTSHOPPER ^ 3 bedroom ranch features large eat-in kitchen, 2 car^ garage, fenced yard, and all appliances. 70x100 ft.' tot./''Prlced at $43,900. MLS 53227. Call Rosa Klimkowskf fbrit details. i <;. . • • : m 2 ACRES-AVON LAKE .; 3-4 bedroom ranch features 2 baths, nice family roomVij adjoined by a larqo screened - In porch, woodburnlng r j fireplace, finished roc room, large workshop and 2'car-^J garage. Live In the city and on|oy year round sconory.''."! MLS 58810. Priced at $105,000. Call John Leebu for an ^ appointment today. V EXCELLENT VALUE ' • ^ Two bedroom ranch which Is alum-sided, eat-in kit-:'? 11 chon, large front porch, garaged Fenced yard, Two ex- . : tra lots. Priced right at $30,000. MLS 59687. Call Kaye,;: Stafford for more Information. A real must see. '•.-. ATTRACTJVE INTEREST RATE VA & FH A buyers welcome • This is the home you have been waiting for. Loan n.uy bo assumed at 10%%. 3 bedrooms, 1 !4 baths, eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room and attached 2 car garago. Priced at $63,900. MLS 57224. Call Rich Earls for an appointment to see. CAREFREE LIVING AT IT'S FINEST '<; In this 2 bedroom 114 bath condo. All appliances in-,!', eluding washer, dryer, 1 car garage, balcony withal prlvato entrance. A real must see. Priced at $44,500.vJ MLS 59219. Call Cathy Huglck to see. ' ..•=S^T_ Now Mint tho Spring and Stimmor rush of now homo stilus In Cor[juralu Transl'iircus is ovur ... Kopf Builders unnouncos 11 K|mcifil for Avon Lnko liuiiioownurs during llio month oi' Novombor. Whon you buy ono of our now Energy liHiciont homos ni Groon Poinlo, w« will buy your old liomu lliru our Gtianinlaud Siilo Plan. And bosl of till, wo will hold your cost of moving t|l' to a now Knoryy ElTiniont Kopf Honm to n bnrrj uiiniiuuni. Wo will [irovido you with 11.75% Flxod Rulu Pinnncing with NO POINTS!! (Subjecl To Certain Mortgage Restrictions) WHY NOT MAKE THAT MOVE NOW? CALL JIM JUDGE... 933-6908 You May Wish To Tnko Advantage Of Our 9.75% Variable Ralo Mortgage Which Offers A $2,500.')0 Robatu Savings To You. Call For Gotalls... Nursery School ft Ml MUM t MSCKMTfS Cleveland (216) 835-6500 .-ATTRACnvE MORTGAGE Loraln (216) 933-6550 HHANCIHG AVAILABLE FROM Elyna (216) 323-7525 MEWULLYNCH" Is your four ycur old r^ndy Tor kindurHurton next year? Cousider enrolling (hem in niirsary school. Thoro are openings in tho ni'tornoon session of tho Avon Womon*s Club Nursery School. Call Marge at 937-6616 for more information. Legal Notice GKEbM "OINT AVON LAKE JM5889O-J, Immediate possession. Lovely wooded lot. 4 bedrooms, 2 'A baths. Gas heat, central air. Carol McDonald GREENPOINTE WILLIAMSBURG COLONIAL JM20678-J. Owner transferred. 3 months old, Custom build 2,580 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, '2V4 baths, family room, gourmet kitchen, many extras. Large wooded lot. $147,000. Call for additional info. Carol McDonald JUST LISTED GREEN POINTE COLONIAL $115,000. Four Bedrooms, 2lA Baths, Family Room, Basement 200 ft. deep wooded lot. Call Carol McDonald — LOBAIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CASE NUMBER 92022-83 Hunting Valley Builders, In corporal ml Plaintiff va Don Pelltt Machinery Solos, Incorpomtod, el. al. Defendants Don Politl and Don Pellll Machinery Sales, Incorporated ahull lake notice lhat the plainllfl, Hunting Valley Builders, Incorporated has died a complalnl In tho Lorain County Court ol Common Pleas, Case Number 92022-83. The ob|ect ol tho complaint Is lo recover a money Judgment against Don Pelltl and Don Pelltt Machinery Sales, Incorporated oa n result ol Ihe defendants' failure lo pa/ pialntllf ronl (or premises h>catod a I B2B7 Loar> Nngle Road, North Hldgevilla, Ohio: as a .esult of defendant*' wrongfully converting property belonging to 1 plaintiff to defendants' usn; and es a result ol defendants' (ailing to pay waler bills Incurred by doiendanU. The plaintiff also requests that Don Pelltt and Don Pelltt Machinery Sales, Incorporated be pormanenlly enjoined from entering upon the premises known as 6287 Loar-Nagle Road, North flidgevllle, Ohio. The total amount of monetary damages plaintiff seeks is $38,039.21, logelher with Interest with all costs taxed to Don Patlrt and Don Potllt Machinery Sales, Incorporated. Defendants Oon Pet Jit Machinery Sales, Incorporated and Dart Petltt are required lo onswer ihs complaint within Iwonty-elght (28] days after Iho last day of publication of this notice. This publication shall be . published at least once a week for six (R) successive weeks. KENNETH P, FRANKEL SMITH & SMITH, ATTORNEYS 110 MOORE ROAD AVON LAKE. OHIO 44012 ATTORNEY FOfl PLAINTIFF Published Oct. 28, Nov. 2, 9. 16, 23, 30, Doc. 7, 1903 Lorain, County. Bank;.;; -:;^'^^^ To Establish Holding Gpmpanivi Board of Directors of The Loralrt County Savings & Trust Co. has voted to ask ahareholdors of the bank to approve a ona-bank holding company to' be known an LCB Bancorp, Inc., It was reported today by Robert f, Bowman, proaident of Lorain County Bank. Mr. Bowman said the formation of the holding company wilt in no way constitue a merger or sale. The present shareholders of the bank will be the shareholders of LCB Bancorp, Inc., which in turn will own The Lorain County Savings & Trust Co. LCB Bancorp, Inc. will permit the bank to offer more services to its . cuotomera.Mr. Bowman said, "Recent changes in the law allow bank holding companies to compete in areas such as brokerage, leasing and other nonbanking financial services. These services may not be offered by banks." When approved .by the shareholdersiV' the holding company :Will;-hove^the same Board of Directors andiManage-, ment as presently tlifCcts.the'^ank^Mr.; Bowman aaHl, "Forming'.the ;holding' • company .will 'in nn;'way-affect :the'rln- • dependence of.t-orain County:Bank;.If anything, this move onhahcoa our ability to remain,Indepbndent by'glvIng:tiB the opportunity: to offer,the.broadest possible services to our Rustomera. Also, because of legal ;adyantBges available to the bank holding company, there could; be more stability in-the price of the stock. Generally speaking, a bank ;holding.!company: ;has conBiderably more flexibility than a bonk." The holding company must be approved by the shareholders, the <State Division of Banks, the Federal Reserve, and the Securities and Exchange Com-. mission'. ".. mm •)• i$i•IF' P ''"•'•"..'*• .H ; Cadillacs And OldsmobHes THE PLACE TO SAVE! h 'i . • .'•:•'::•• 26 OFFICES-SERVING ALL OF NORTHEASTERN OHIO AVON LAKE OFFICE 933-6195 QUALITY BUILT i ..368. 4 badroom Split with a waodbiirnlng tlroplaco lo warm tho winter nlflhts and on In-ground swimming pool to cool you on hot summer days. For your yeor round ploosuru 300 and buy this home today. Call today GEORGE or JANICE GOVELOVICH, 933-0196. 1 P f t - . f t i i g COLOM1AL-*B4,90(] :; ; q 3 7 3 with unusually largo bedrooms, first door utility;^ room'aluminum sldod malntonance Jrea exterior andj lovelv landscaped yard. For more details on this B.vatt* ZZZ call KAREN JESENSKY, 83M1M. . ;,• CLE, 071-7273 ELY. 365-3701 TIME TO THINK "TAX DEDUCTIONS" S39W. 'f you neod a tax v.rlte-off lor your 1983 return, ther you must see this lovely 2 bodroom condo with low maintenance feo. Financing package available. Call CAROL R A M A G U , a certified home finance counselor, at 833-6196. COUNTRY ESTATE 5Q966. Put your family In the luxury of this immaculate'^ bedroom brick ond aluminum sided colonial setting on 5% acres of lovely woodland. Call today GEORGE or JANICE GOVELOVICH, 93341BS. SPECIAL FINANCING 55129. All appliances stay (stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer) In this nice clean 2 bedroom home for the first time buyer or ready to rent for the investor., Call JANICE o r GEORGE GOVELOVICH, 933-61BB. " A REAL BUY 59063. Sharp assumoble split with largo country kitchen, 1V4 baths, family room & a real charmer, priced to sell NOW, low 950's. Call for int. rates & special terms. CAROL J . GRESCO, 933-618&. MAHV EXTRAS.•• 59078. Low malntonanCD ranch, living room, • dining^ room end an easy to work I*, kitchen. Rec room ancjj fenced yard. Convenlont to schools, transportBtlnrt anc shopping. Call CAROL RAMAGLJ,93M19H. - ; " ' SUPER BANK FINANCING , ;•;.'. ^ . . - . ^ ^ 57056. You will warm to tho fireplace In thefamilyrqomjj| of this immaculate, 3 bedr« am, 2 bath, split-level." EKtraF room could be 4th bedroom or a den. Cal! JANICE'ori GEORGE GOVELOVICH, 933-0196. . ' : £ t f t £ " " ' & /*•*„ NEW LISTING 00000. Assum&bla VA mortg. Rate for below current rate - this mint condition ranch offers so much, 3 bedrooms, fenced yard with pool, gas grill, storage shed - finished garage 105x123 lot. Excellent Sheff. Lake location. Cell the listers CAROL GREQCO or BETTY LUNDBERG AT 933-0195. r REDUCEDITO •70,000 Lovely Avon home with so muny amenities. Do to health reasons owners'mi.it sacrifice, snuggled on almop*. "A ecre, plenty of room for tha kiddles to play or gaiden. Cell tha lister CAROL J . GRESCO, 933-6105. LAKEFRONT LOT 56183. Build your dreem homo on the lake. For more Information call GEORGE o r JANICE GOVELOVICH, 933-6195. Kocar Accepted The Purdue Univorslty Department of Bands lias n n n o u n c o d t h a t Bob Kocar of Avon Lnku. Ohio hns boon accepted for inomborship in thu Purduu Univorsity Bnnds. Bob played trumpet in the Avon Lnko high school band and Is tho son of Mr. mill Mrs. Robert Kocar. Froshmon accopted Into HUB itrgiinlziition aru st!l(!i:l(!(l »» 'h« dual buses of musical background and aciidemlc u'bilUy. Mun. and women participnU) tvftli the inturnntidiiiilly famous "AllAiiiericiiii" Mtirching Hiind find auxilitiry units during foollinll Thoao who do not elect lo participate In tho marching band play with tho concert units during tho football season. At thu closo of tho marching activities, freshmen nre nuditioned by the band staff and take their ptacr>s with tho uppoiclnssmon in one of .the five concorl organ i/nt ions. Freshmen may also eiuct lo p:irt i c i p a 11! w i l l i I h e American Music Review, \azz Bund. Ihii University Symphony Orchestra, or with thu brass, woodwind, n n d j) (! r c u s s i o n oti5(!iiiblt!S, according to Dime tor (if Blinds. | . Richard Dunsccmib. .LANDINGS CONDOS 19281. Beautifully decorated 2 bedroom townhouse with finished rec room, ber, attic storage, garage - a real show place. $70's. 56059. One floor unit - 2 bedrooms, woodburner, garage. $56,900. Rec. facilities with both! JANE STOCKH AUSEN, 833-618B. AVON LAKE 69911. 3 bedrooms, family room, large country kitchen, attached garage nestled among the trees ond featuring a log cabin. Look this homo is priced to sell ot only $44,900. Call KATHY POCOS, 933-6195 for more information. VA ASSUMABLE-3% a /. A.P.R.-M2,000 y.." : 59107. Or special blended rate financing h available,^, the earniat buyer of this delightful 3 bedroom .ranchjr move-in condition with a 1 car garege. You win.atso.Mi joy working in the bright, now, large kitcheni' OonJ wait, call today & bo in for the holidays, ^KAREN! . JESENSKY. P33-619B. '•£$$& NEW LISTING-$51,900 7 ^ 59909. Keep warm this winter by snugglioi. up !n'thl>_3t bedroom split level with woodburner In famiiy roomandj oxtra insulation to keep heating bills low. Extra largo 2 % car garage is great for Dad's workshop. For appoint-! mont, call K A R E N JESENSKY, 933-6195. ;. SMUGGLERS COVE CONDO 59054. Private end unit Carriage house with spoclal financing rate. 945,900. Call lister, KAREN JESENSKY for more details, 933-6195. NEW LISTING I N QREEN POINTE , o Executive elegancetl Beautifully decorated colonial; > a don on first floor, franch doors leading to a redwoot^ dock, slate foyer and security system. For a paraoriBr, tour call CAROL R A M A G L I , 933-6195. ; -•:•'• SUBURBAN BEAUTY-PRICED RIGHT Immaculate, 3 bedroom ranch, new custom designed bath, basement. New outdoor deck overlooking private back. A pleasure to show. Asking $48,000. MARY VORISEK, 933-B195. " ' J U S T LISTED*1" Impressive Carriage Lane Colonial 1 Features include"; four bedrooms, Jennair grill, bruce finished hardwoadj floors, partially finished rec room, and muchmore.^ Mustseel Call C A R O L R A M A G L I , 933-6196, ^ 04 00 Homes tor bole Lots and Acreage For Sale ONLY I50DO Down fls!i vou 12% I'»uil Inieieil lor 2B yoon, no perils, no closing costs. Your paymonl Is M53 pot month which tn^iudos (DUDS. This 3. bedroom Sheiliold Lake Ranch foHluros aluminum siding, canttsl n'r. gas tvial, I K car garanu, all now carpet, on nn excellent itrsei. A vary nlco'homp. Call 933-2816 svos., or 933-9520 dny*. NtKooltorno'caw. Lot* for Snlo 3 Choice building lots In a very dusiroblo PorMns Township Sub> Division- Ctr"s to Churchas. Schools and shopping. Phono 820-0712 for mom Inlo'maMpn^ Lot lot Snlo Fantastic building lot localnd in Huron Township, This lot is aurroundad on 3 ikleo by wutor - Itia Huron Hlvar on ono sido and tho Hurox Lagoons on tha othei two, Mint bo smin to bn npAVON IAKE, (or »nlu hv onnnr. 5 piocloled. Asking 150,000.00. Phono y x , now, 3 bod'oum ranch, iilumlnum siding, llvlnn. 100m, roc, 6200712 lor moro Inlormatlon. loom, country Wllchon, built-in ii.ic.nnvuvn, disnosiil El di»hwn5h«r, Dfiviim luKced vmd, putlo, grill, !EQ,900 Musi soil, 933BB2J, •ZEFIO DOWN" 11% riXEt" HATE ASSUMADLE LOAN. Sn.l.1,1,1 2 liBilroomCnpoCoilin Autinl.'i ., lull Ihisamenl It lull uipansiun for 2 budrooms mi. Valun ppicuil 01 »56,500. Cull 933-6908 Mcin. |l»u Frl. HEING THAMSFERBEU. Must wll Avun Luke 4 bodmorti, icreoiwd'in poich, diilnchod uarayn with workshop, nuw lumacu tl hot wniflr licnier, refrigerator b stauo will may. dot • B«rvio»? AAvartlma It 547,000. C.ill933 6305. lutba Cluilftod Ada 12 Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN Desionor Jaon and Spoils wont Slora. National Company offers unlquo oppoilunlly •i>tllng nationally advBitlsod biands at tubstantlal savings l a Voui cutlomots. This Is tot tho fashion rnlndnd par no n qualiliod lo own and opmiita this high p'o'lt business. 120.000 Investment Inciudos beginning Inventoiy. flituras, supplies, training, grand opanlnfl and nit faro HI nor son I D corporato training cantat. For Brochure and Information Call 1502.329-8327, AN EXCLUSIVE SHOP. 14 For Rent AVON LAKE STORAOE BliK& 40' on rosidunlial lof, concrete flo Icoin option. H3.000,933^93Kl One bedroom duplex, '. uilllilos paid, pilvBCV, 949-5B33, 943-5971. A.L. SMALL 2 BR hiiuta *lthil mom b notago, nice met. • l l 7 7 ^ i 4 M ' A.L.IakBtronlZhediooms, IM.t Iwge kltehon b living r o o ^ room, »350 por month plu» flM; 93302B6, oves, 933-202B. .. ' SHEFFIELD LAKE Ranch. 3:M tiarnoo, 4350 plus utilities t l deposit. Ayoilolilo 12-1, B liter 8 p.m. HUtiON LIKE NEW DUPLExi " j tiGilroom, alipllancas, carpolfd. utility iloeoratcd, iioiano, ' 4 2S. no P* loom, nunr jlioppWio and iiuuch. 933 8337, '""«' L.josrj. utilities. nccuritV' *2?') ma, Phorai 433 5055, 1.OFrtLE SPACE • Suitn avnllotilti In '•lolirs-lorliii Building. 1000 S a Ft H3,l (131.1 OFFICE 5PACE • Suitu Jivniiabln ,n PioluMiloniil Ditililini). 1000 So Fi 333 4314 . " • '" HILTON HEAD. Soutl (orient. Jon 13-20. 20-27, UJ»uri i'lf (imoniiles. slwups al«." w «««ra t«mch. „„!(,• p OOl . T i m i h a j nor ivcnk. Call'J33 8525nvonlnBJft Jim Miller £r Associates Ron I tors I Thinking Of Selling? 660 Dovor Center Road 27 Dover Junction Mall Bay Village, OH 44140 Clove. Loraln 83B-0600 933-6560 Please feal freo to call Carol Judge For A No Obligation Consultation DOVOUNEEDASTARTHEHE'S AW OPPORTUNITY THE WORK HAS BEEN WELL DOME - »&6,W0 2883. You will appreciate the nowly dono kitchen and I baths, the woodburning fireplace In the knack-out living j room, the nowor concrete driva, and 2 car garage. Owner may help with downpaymont. Carol Judge, 9336550. 59265. $45,900 will buy this flno 3 bedroom bungalow, | with recreation room partially finished plus detached garage in very desirable neighborhood - For help In determining how to purchase this horns call - Carol I Judge, 933-6560. ."^ , • .Hi'- DOLL HOUSEII! - This adorable two bedroom is " " - J years young. LoL, of icum with nlco Ifalflc pattern. Ga -J! Call t o day 9334450 or call Mark Oetllaj at 933-4450. - ,&6067. -LOTS OF ROOM • 59788 & 20216. - U T T L E ' T O MAINTAIN - QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD - NICE NEIGHBORHOOD NICE PRICE $56,^00 - In Avon Lake, call Jeff Sponzer, 933-4450. THIS THREE BEDROOM SPUT HAS IT ALL • 58038 & 19080 - immaculate condition, special financing and priced below comparables In area Family room, bath & a hall, aluminum siding, fenced yard, patio. V.A. Assumption - a real beauty for $45,900.9334450. . \m AVOW LAKE L O M L ' . Y • OWLY 080,900 59626. This three or four bedroom 2 bath professionally landscaped home Is as charming Inside with Its cozy family room and vyoodburning fireplace, bright open feeling and excellent neighborhood. Coll for details on financing. CarolJudgo, 933-0550. A RARE FIND IN AVON • BeaulKul & spacious 3 bedrock ranch, well Insulated, huge.counlry kiichen with bulll-'r. pantry, lull hasemenl, dou k ") oarage with Genie. Owner will assist In financing. Call 93M450. $68,000. . m£1 9 t t ASSUMABLE VA LOAN • Charming decor • v.oodbumer In Family room • 3 bodrroms • huge walk-in attic lor expansion • GAS BUDGET OF $3!) PER MONTH - move In condition • what a deall Call 9334450 or 2B2-3173, annaul percentage rate 9%. FAMILY ROOM AWD 2 FULL BATHS!»52,900 5BB30. Only 4 yrs. old and so well donel You may wish to look at others - you will not find a cloanor house or a better buy, This lonely home is only a short walk to school and Is situated next to a wooded lot. Owner may talp with downpayment. Carol Judge, 933-6650. WEEP HELP W I T H DOWWPAYMEWT7 -»74.900 54509. Here Is a chance to own a lonnly 3 bedroom homo with covered patio off family roit.i with wot bar (and decorativo fireplace. The owner may help the buyer. Call Carol Judge for details. 933-6550. 48 Read and Use The Classifieds Garage SOIQB 46 •20 Help W a r n e d .-•!; JOB OVERSEAS - Big money fast. 120,00 lo (50.000 ptui por yoar. Call 1.710-MZ-POM, EM. 37BB. kJoin A Winnerlf 17 Reasons To Coma On Ovar . to HGM Hilltop 1. boallant Training Program 2. IncMlanl Com piny Reputation 1. largaal lnv*ntory>F«iinr Co-Broktri 4. KnowkdoHbl* Managar 6 Support Panonnal I. High Ethical Bt»rxUrtt •. Z7 Offlea* tn N arlham O hlo 7. Frlindty »nd Prof*HtrnaI8a1*a AMoalatas I. Comb my ftatarral SyiMm With Thin) Party Oily Out* I. No n-Salllng/Lilting Manager ig. Vou Control Vour Own A3 Pragram It. Company Pay* LargaBharaOf Advancing 11.1D0M Sign Call 6 Ad Call Protaetlon 1 J. Canarcua Bofiu* Plan . K.mfcCommlaalonWhanflalllng OwnUittng 1t.M% Uatlno Co mm Iti (on , It. JO* Sailing Cornmluton IT. baallant Working Condition! 933-6195 • 38W7811871.7873 Call P e t e C o r r l g a n For Confidential Meeting DELIVERY PERSON wan lot), mutt hivo rotlabla car. Call 933-5571. 0ABV SITTER needed. Looking foi cipablo, A.L. mom who I* homo with one baby and would like lo watch anothar tor a low houts oech wank, January to April. Detail* nagotlablo. A warm, loving per ton I* tho rnoit Im• portent requ It «ma n I,333-8491, CONVERT vour pick-up truck Inlo a pick-up dump I tuck, also flat bods, etc./ Anasaoo Import Eaport Co., 0633A G. Main St., Roynofdsbutg, Ohio 03068. 0 H - 8 6 3 - 9 « 3 or 774-4529, Anonls wnntcd. . full or pnil-tlmu. . _ _ BABYSITTER noadod. Maturo ChiiiHun woman, Filday £t Saturday uvunInflfcilU-kSL• Coll933-2S17, CARRIERS NEEDED (or Avon Lake Press routes In Avon. One roulo available on flldrjBlnnd Dr., ono toulo on Jannlo, Wlllo, Trinity Ct. Phono 933-.551S. EXCELLENT INCOME* lor port lime homo assembly work. For Informallan COII504-&11-BQ03. Ext. 7498. Read and Use The Classifieds 22 Situations Wanted Will babysit In my homo, Easlvlow arnn.Call933.BB10. PERSONALIZED CHILD CARE, apaclallilng In your child'* needs, hot lunchos, dally planned acllvlllsi & periodic (laid trips, vdiloui aclhillias planned lor your 2 lo 7 yr. old, 3 yt». college aducollon In elementary education, evenings by special arrangement, vary limited cnrollmom 949-6380.. , NUJ1SE-MOTHER, child cats En my homo, hoi lunges, > 'oronces. Coll 934-6205, 40 Mlnnoi Piano Tuning Er Repair, piano loitonk, p roaionablo rates. Call Cop'os mado 20 each, Avon Laks ?.!S!SS']}$*!.'BBLeatRd,, A.L. WEB OFFSET PRINTING 24 Education and Instruction PIANO INSTRUCTION by conssrvaloiy trained, oiparloncod teacher, , Alllaynls.943.2n54. ARTI5T5 SUPPLIES PAINTS-BRUSHES-PAPER SNURR3 HARDWARE , BATON LESSONS • Cor tilled Toachais, baloni. used cos I u mo*. Call Barb or Jonl, 034-0110, 934-CBZ2, PIANO INSTRUCTION • All age*, eli levoli. Grog Henbaroor, 949-7S21, Loom GUITAR tha Fun way. Basic concopt* taught Ihrough Bonus YOU chootel I dear (or older beginners & lunlorkldi,S.'>3'432t. Services Duck's Hardwtra, 37019 Oolroil Rd., Avon. Storm window and scroon '_"&"''; Call 934-6118. FREE LANCE PHOTOGh \PHER • CulDf woddlngt my specially, ^ 3 PIANO Tochnlclnn, Paul C. Jonas, tuning • (spalrlng. rogulallng. Call 933B6 Cotnputaritiid Video Typesetting •Tabloids • Circulars * Newspapers • Magailnos • Newsprint or Otlsot paper " Addressing PHOTOJOURNAL Sonduskv, OH44B7Q 1-419-625-5825 Ed Toomoy A-1 ELECTRICAiTwORK, repalra Et now Inttallatlon*. Phono 933-6004, Wfi fill 26 Public Notice PROPANE TANKS METROPOLITAN UnfvwnlUfo IndMdul RitifWTwnt Account! Low Cost MortfMS* l i w n n n Auto & Horn* iMunnc* CaS C r f Burmotetar 933-3760 32 ^ Personals dmOINAL PAif7fit4GS. motciinl, toducod, 949-29B2. Mastor Moyvor Sorvica. 690 AvonBol-lon. Avon Lako. 933-4400, Mon.-Sal,, 9:00-6:30 p.m. HOUSE CLEANING In tho Landings nroa, roleroncos. Call balwoon 1 Er G, 937-.6943. ; : A.M.F. LAWN Caie & Snow Rsnovol Sorvlcis provided, eommniclal El residential property, fli par Is need. Initjiorl. 13& Parkwood, 933-2012. WE BUV'USED IBM typamrllors. show 34 Lost and Found Missilidi Black col. roconi surgery. Child's n«l. 933SB1B. Inwnod 40 Services MAHV KAV COSMETICS. Oorl» Wohb, IndoponJont Ooauty ConsulInnt, 933-4470._ ^ PEfiSOMAL'or Fornlty Problems? Prolasslonnl Cauniollng Avollablo, Human Resources Conlor, Tho Landings, Avon Lako, Call 933-&022 lor day of ovonlngs oppolntmenls. Stnto nnd county subsideoit 'BUS 1,001 REPLACEMENT BA"R-B-0 GRILL PARTS, SNURR'S HARDWARE. ARTIST'S SUPPLIES - PAINTS. BHUSHES. PAPER. SNURR'S HARDWAnE, _.. CAKES • ail ouCBilon. E.T., Smurf fa any of tha lalosl ihsmos, Wadding Cakei, Wo enn duplieato yaur pa<tv plnte, CollSuo 933;5_754 or 933:4293, Current Interest on Individual Retirement Accounts I.R.A. Roltovors .'.Iso , Earn 12%. Call For Full Details WES ALVEN 933-8875 Alven Insurance Agency HOUSECLEANINC service available, tnlercncfli, 933 -2903, DEER PROCESSING. B34-4977 HANDYMAN, PAINTING • IntDtlot/Enarlor, Light Hauling. 933. 0637^ PERSONALIZED CHILD CARE, spnclolltlng In vour child's nwd«. hot lunch01. dally planned ocllviilat tt parlodlc Hold trips, various activitlos piannad (or yout 2 to 7 yr, old. 3 yrs. collage education In elomantory education, evenings by special arrangement, very llmltnd enrollment, 949-0380. j RON'S TAXIDERMY Service ft Deal Processing, 933-B3B1, AVON LITE ~ ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 446 Center Rd. Avon Lake, O. Sales & Service Of Genie Door Openers • Electric Installations • Ranges* Dryers • Cutlets • New Services Installed 30 Yrs. Experience 933-8539 Rummago Sales RUMMAGE SALE,' Lolia S h o n ' United Molhodlit Church, 33119 Eloc tile Blvd., Thundnv ovonlno, Wovombor 17th, fl to 0 p.m., ond Fil; day morning, Novumber 1Blh, 9 a.m. to Noon. Cokery la bio, colloo, and Nenrly Now dothoi.. WEEK DAYS 11 to 7 SAT 11-5 • SUN 12-4 HALF-PRICE-SALE NOW-GOING ON WE ACCEPT FOR CONSIGNMENT CLOTHING-BABY ITEMS BOOKSHOUSEHOLD ITEMS EVERYDAY-EXCEPT SUNDAYS A M MONDAY AND NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. 48 Garage Sales CHRISTMAS in'williomtbiJtg «Mda program and I lord domonil ration, Sunday Hov. 20lh at 1:30 p.m. Door prims, n)freihttienti,.»3.60 par porlon, advanca fmsTValldn only at Sision't Flows ra, 090 Avon Baidon Hd. int. B3I, Avon Lako, Ohio or coll 333-1263- ' • NOV. 17th. 10-3 p.m. Clolhlng, mans, woman*, children: bedding. miM., 196WltllTT»burnPr.,A.L. GOOD NEIGHBOR THRIFT SHOP. 140 Luar Rd., Avon LakB, 933-6027. 58 Household Goods 0 PC, LIVING ROOM H I . like now, honw dark wood, orange & brown cmhbnt, price, *4?B.00,933-51B4. PENNEY'5 BB»I Humidlllo',' walnut Ilvlnn loom In bin with cuiloin glass lop. Dill 933-3396. 60 Wanted Miscellaneous YOUTH BOOSTER 933-6105. WE WILL CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT FOR SALES MADE AND PAY YOU FOR THEM ON ANY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY OR MONDAY 5404 Lake Rd. Sheffield Lake 949-8676 62 Miscellaneous For Sole DUCKS. Itvo"or dtos»od._933-235?._. . BHOOKSIDE HIGH "SCHOOL winlof (dukol. i l w Medium, 349-M56. SOFA El louo sool, bluo & Inn print, reasonable ultoraccpptfld. 933-0137, TIRED ol Lpilllng oipanslvo oilP Far Instructions on how lo moko a Siiik Ptui oil li'lor, sunrj 11.50 to H.D. Hou«'jn, 177 Pars»nu Dr., Avon Lnku, Oli it) 44012 I far roody made Horn. somJ»3l. _ RUMMAUt SALE. Laka Shore United Mothodilt Church, 33119 Eloc-. Irlc Blvd., Thursday ovenlng, Nonambsr 17th, 6 lo 9 p.m., nnd Frlday morning, Novembur IBth, 9 n.m, to Noon, Bokety tsblo, dolios, and NoolNClth SCHWiNN'SiCVCLES and Luwn (Joy Muv«tr nnd Foci or y I rained servico. Tiailo Im nccoptud. Roflnr tt Wmv'»QavShoppinnCentor, 1-871 2060, -: Musfc Unlimited Disc Jockey Co. " ' Qil' "fcflscolib'ndbiis'*'***1*1'' ' &4" Aii'to'Parl's'S'orvIco For Sale „ Will pick U|i unwoiiloil nmiiuincnfi (t tV'«, minimum 15yrs. old, Q4B-BDO1. ami v ; SNUIIRS HARDWARE '• LIONEL THAJN-5ETS lo. Sola. Sltiit 1 yotir Xmm shoiumiQ early, Many tu ! chmuD l'«">. Hnnsuniihlo prkas. 333j 01(11. cull niter Noon. _ • Mi'iis sKn « Oiown Lo.itimr Com, ! Men, l]ond condition. SW.OO. B33 *, 27G9iiiKir Dp.m. j K.1KE»OSENE,Sm[th;»,O34fr103.' J FIREWOOD lor wilir. 933 HGUt, I CHRISTMAS t'>"WIIIJnmsburn"slldn t piournm anil llorril iiumontiration. : Smidoy. No'.. 20th ol 1.30 p.m. Door I Hit i is, rulrnshmnnts, $3.50 pni par sun. ndv nca rosoivallan only al Slimn FIc AIUS. 050 Avon Boldan Rd. (HI. U.1I. Avon Lflko, Ohio or call D3?32b3 66 Musical Instrurnonts tiALDWIN'Clioriv Soiri'ol Oiflaii"u Ueiich, )DDO, rjood condition. 033G301. 7/ Household Pets All Gisad •loomtiiu. dog I in In inn dills oi pilynto. enlMftM7l1, LOW COST'SPAYING ETNEUTGflING. Coll037-586G, Affordable spnylno end rmutoitnn SPAVCO. Cull034.8510 or |.B(K)Dfi2 FHEElQ(jood hOTTirj, lovable nrsy and whllo loincol, 327-160B. BEAGLE~ PUPPV, Inmalurfipo to Qoo<lhomB, 033 9231. FREE to oood homa, 1 yr. old fonieio rnlmd Ten lor Spuvod h has slials. Hoodwlthkldt. 933-2120 ultorg^iTi^ CALICO CAT, tiae to good homo. Has boon ipuVOS & hns shots. EM9-2ME. GOOD TRUCK Cop lot U l l . told. Holly Hill Fii.'m, Mm. Futllnflni. 333 5335. 2 SNOW TintS. IB". tJO: I roil. Hio. 1!i", (IS: \ snow itm. H " , « G on Otdsfl GMilms. 75iBMuiUloek- 88 Trucks for Solo 'hi CIIEVi Pick.Dii, ilioiol, /B.000, 2 innks u dud tumJIliori, SMOa.00, •JJ3 3il00(i«iirB.U0|i.m. 1li;H DODGE l'ick.,1!) 4 • A mill) n IIIDW. >30tf). <333-2'JA'>- 90 *;AL 9-507A. in FOR A GOOD USED CAR nl u "alt pilco, non ttiLca or Dun ill Gmblck Muiuts, 1000 Calotndo Ava.. Luialu Phono 28a0M0^ 2 Ootlp Dliii "liallv wiiools, 15". 100.U0. Coll033-3333. _ 1377 CHEVv "CONCOURSE."" B<KKI comlitkln, aSHlni] «2000.00. OQ.000 tnllDS, CDII333-31DG. Allut B:Og_ll-™:. •7D CHRYSLER Cordo'boritiliU cundilion, chiumo Bpokod u/lmnla w/now rudials. AM-FM, ciulso. nlr. ulu« oxIrns. ) 3 050,00, mull sell, low mili)a(ju, 277; I4U. . CLEAN 1978 Toyota Cotollo, gon olllclunl. iiood body, lium Noilb CDiollna. ninoitnl of 12300, 233U230 '1972 OLDS, body tt Inlurloi voty liord. ITIUBI »oo, MEO, U37O5O2. 92 Boats & Motors 1378 IB FT. Thompson I.O.. 120 H.P. Mmcuty, BDW Btdflf, E-L Ttnilni, iwcallanl condition. $0400 littn, 1-4b3'S380. Coll allot 5:30 !>•"*• 3 Bedroom Condo - Smugglers Cove 1'/2 baths, 9x17 screened-in porch that faces woods. All kitchen appliances stay. Brass light fixtures. Overall, in excellent condition. Great Starter Home. Call 933-9133 REAL ESTATE APPRAISING Residential - Probate - Divorce Farm And Commercial Reasonable Fees JAMESA. RESAR Real Estate Broker 713 Jaycox Rd., Avon Lake, O. 25 Yrs. Experience «V3*9 OC1C In Loraln County 0OO-O9 IO KEAHNEV CONSTRUCTION Nood on upslaln (Inlshoil adding on a (amity room v gorago? For ma|or or mlrtoi fupolrs, coll lor n I r e * ostimalu. 937-6337 w.t nail Dump Truck, flack Ho«. (J Ooior Work, nomcdailno-ali Typni. SlrtlriB. ConcroH. Work Ucnnnod & \ d Q-»-fl6OB OR 933-B742 HOUSE DOCTOR Inside & Outside House Repairs, Painting, Roofing, Small Construction, Etc. Call House Doctor JACK „ 933-8857 SPECIALIZING IN RESIDENTIAL REMODELING • NEW HOMES • S M A L L REPAIRS •GARAGES •PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • COMPETITIVE PRICES •ESTIMATES STEVE SYLVESTER 933-4539 Insulation Service • Blown Cellulose • Fiberglass 1 0 % Discount through Dec. 17,83 PLASTERING ADDITIONS CEILINGS STUCCO NEWORREPAIR 337-5569 AltTypasbl. Insulation Ihststl 933-I Distressod Pregnancy?/ Birthright aU32 4652 or 244-^8521 Stone, Bflck,flf«ft and CorKraloWmt) NEW und REPAWi HEIST & SON TRUCKING poclaltr.lng in smull oafdontlol loads. Limestone, and, R'nvel, Topaoll ^ DANNYifi GEORGE^ 327-3205 WE CARE PIANO TUNING • • 933-9421^ :\EF.KDA YS AFTER 6 P.M. BUDNAGEL H.D. KOCHENOWER 933-5026 COMPLETE REMODELING StRVICE 3MS MRS. MONA READER 6 ADVISOR CARD READINGS An yN ISMly I* dterMMd) B H thlt nhibli womtn todof, Hdp U (lilt* glvtn on Ml phu« at lilt. SpKUt dltuunt InowHhHilmJ. Don't 1tldlittMtlt«p I W I I . ta-MU I7M North Rldtt Nil. iln.O. »M FAUCLEAt. .REAOV/On WlNTt'fl. .>•-. V CALL JOE i v; Specialising tn BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS Call Goorgoat 933-2207 attar B:M FREE E S T I M A T E S _•' MASONRY & CONCRETE WORK Patio*. BaMrrMtii Wain Repalrad. Additions & Remodeling, Oflvtway-t. Plieplacas Our Spadalty. W.P. CHAPLIN 933-5432 F^ee Estimates Fully Insured Avon Lake Tree Service Lenny's Gloss Service Company CALL 949-5442 ANYTIME Storms-Screens KUNGSHIRN W8NERY Featurins eight outttandlng wines produced on our farm from our own local grnpot TRYTHEM Located Off Rt. S3 at330S0WebbwRd. Avon Lak« Hn.: 12-« Dally; M Sat. »» 110-TFI PA9NTINI INTERIOn/EXTERIOf WALLPAPER FRGE ESTIMATES} y aLRUSSHARKJ . FREY PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. COMPLETE PLUMBING. HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING SERVICE NO JOB TOO SMALL! 937-5826,* MARUNABROS. BODY SHOP Innuranoe Claims, Collision Work, Repair & Ref Irtish 763 Avon Beldon Rd. 933-6988 933-6347 CASE N U M B E R : J07B1-Q2 JEFFREY J . BOWERS, et at DEFENDANT JEFFREY J . BOWERS, whoso last known address Is 32801 Loraln Road, Apt. #134, North Rldgevllle, Ohio 44039. shnll take notice that plaintiffs Kaihloon O'Brlon and Go raid P, O'erlon havo (Ned a complaint In the Loraln County Court ot Common Pleas ogalnst Jeffrey J. Bowers, Bonlto Langham and Michael Langhnm. The objocl of the cor-' lalnt Is to doiermlne who Is rrsponslblo lo the plaintiffs In r onatary damn gas as a result of a 'endanl Joitroy H. Bowora' noyi junco, cr dolondanls Bonlta ni.d Mlcliaol Lnnghnm's noQligonco or i! combination ol all defot*JnMla' nooligonco In Iho opoiollon of Itiulr motor vohlclos on or about Fobrunry 19, 'SHI. i lalniilfg have ur.kod fo' juilgmont OQolnsl tho dofondanls in this suit In trio amount at $20,203 35 plus Interest plus t o si 3. Dafundnnt is horaby nnlifiod that hit Is lequirud ' i nnr.wur |hu compliiint within Iwanly olghl (HO) days • ! Iho la^t puhlicntinii ol this notlco. Tl>ln n'jllto will run (it toast onco n wai>k lot <u (Ei) consuciltivf weeks Mlerifliil M. DjordiDHt Publisliod: Oct. 2G, Nov. ?.. 3, >(i, 23nnd 30. 19U3 44S Q roadway 144-1979 LOistn, DMo :«mprih«nal««PUnoS«nlcaP)u Prompt Service Reasonable Rates IN THE LOHAIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS LORAIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 2nd Street Slytia, Ohio 44035 KATHLEEN O'BRIEN, ot al • Try Bofoto You Duy DRISCOl MUSIC CO. AFTER 4:30 P.M. Lowest Price Around legal Notice BALDWIN PIANOS OR 7/9-7924 24 Hr. Storm Service 5 yrs. new, 3 bedroom ranch, aluminum siding, living room, rec room, country kitchen, butlt-in microwave, disposal and dishwasher, private fenced yard, patio, grill. $56,900. Reduced, Must sell. 933-8827 Dulldlnrj and flamodclliig OaragsB- Roofs and Aluminum Siding CRAIG INSULATIO! FREE ESTIMATES Residential • Commercial - Industrial • Firewood •Splitting - Tree/Stump Removal • T- .lming • Land Clearing • Snow Flowing AVON LAKE • FOR SALE BY OWNER M D Builders CALL 934-4716 „ Autos for Stilo FOR SALE BY OWNER K »' |BASE"iENT REPAIR] •kWork Civ (4;-FlrBplaoBs| Blockwork Slate 01 Art-Sound SyBtom, Compuier Arranged Song List Referencos Good Prices RESIDENTIAL QAM DOOR nEPAIR! Automatic OpenersjiS FREE ESTIMATl CALL GARY 933-2( MARK MILLER PROFESSIONAL PAPERHANGi^lG £r PAINTING 10 YRS. EXPERIENCE nasw ^ UMESTOHE DRIVEWAY S U G | AVOM 937^5362 BOB RICHMOND] PROFESSIONAL PAINTIN? INTERIOR eEXTEFHOB 16Yr8. Experlericol RoforincatUpan ReqtitL ALL WORK GUARANTEED! FREE ESTIMATES'; 949-2687, Geo.J.Gatiti Horns lmprovemen; Rflg^iM Additions^ Garages"^ Pole Bariii^S Free Estimate^ ESTIMATES 933-8528 934- THE AREA'S FINEST AIMD.'S MOST COMPLETE HOME " ^ CONSTRUCTION AND HOMEf IMPROVEMENT WE ARE A SMALL COMPANY THAT TAKES PRIDE M ITS WORKMANSHIP AND WE GUARANTEE IT M WE DO OUR OWN WORK — NClV H ^i;i?'^ UCt 7 , V ^ d d * D n s ' nemodeling, Declncal, PlumWng, FircMacw. Concrete. Hoolit^ owliim. Window rio»l,icijmeiil3. Sluim Window!! Ami Oihw Er.orrjy Sninng ImprovcmortB • • ; i . C 937-6045 SCHLEICHER Masonry All types - Brick. Block, Stono, Repair Work Foundations, Basements, Flreplncas, Etc, Free Eatlmatao - Rofaroncos ,*». , »yOARAQE DOORS h OPERATORS Sine* 1BCS Aftor 5pm Call 933-6020 • " " • Rnaaonabla lotos Fout Sorvloo Ropdlron AtlMokno Qrokan Spring Spnolullots 934-51)07 M 1 • PARTS • OIL • TUNE-UPS • RENTALS •ACCESSORIES • SHARPENING 'PROPANE THE Call Richard - 933-5050 M *7/ MWT Mtmi. CKUA I m , PI H I Mnwtl •o MASTER MOWER SERVICE 090 AVON BELDEN, RT. B3 (NEXTTOSISSON'S) 2.4 HR. SERVICE f GENERAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CO. Professionally installed Full or Part Time • Aluminum • steel • wood HEATING, PLUMBING > SHEET METAL ROOFING & EMERGENCY STORM HEP/,IR OWNER GLENN MILLER 937-6313 iutters And Cleaning Painting, Interior & Exterior Wood, Vinyl, Aluminum Siding & Repairs Call Collect 1-933-5565 SPECIALIZED REPAIR SERVICE (Roofing & Additions •Dishwashers •Dehumldlfers » • •Ranges "Air Conditioners "Disposals "HotWater Tanks Floor Repair (Mechanical Work |IO Years Experience CTnDllJ! ?BLJiHWI SIDOCK 933,^3 ^ LOCKSMITHS KENDERA CONSTRUCTION, INC. 24 HOUR RMEHGENCY SERVn,: RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ALARM SYSTEMS - SAFES AAALL SECURITY CENTER CALL 933-3101 *f?!'° .. •3«»amanti • Floofi * N*w & Rapait BONDED-INSURED 933-8581 • ROBERT4 tJLENW.. SUPERIOR CLEANING CC*. 1 A Sorvlco Company Thot Roally Carom CARPET £r FURNITURE STEAM CLEANED • 1 9 " 1st room any size ' » " , « j y size SOffa Each Addldonal Room Any B I » *i3.i» .-,-(,. , , B . SERVICE & INSTALLATION :EXPERTS-24HR. SERVICE we Specialize In: , Armstrong Floor Coverings • \ o Ceramic Tile • Kitchen Carpeting • • Cory Tile • Bathroom Remodeling •. HOTTER 934-6960 AVON . '35*' sofo tt chair Odor Control. 8»nlltilna f* . Don* tho » m a day Carpat Shlald A v . l l . h l . FurnltUf • nhlald awallabla W* trmat yourcmrpit 6 fumlturu ailtlt W»» oufjawn. • Avon _ •BnckhotRaniul IFNOANS.a33-B80H AVON LAKE, 0 HUTTER 9 3 4 - 6 9 6 0 FREE ESTIMATES CONCRETE-MASONARY * Flrvptacai • S«war 8- Water Unas • OrtvDi 160LEAR RD. Heating, Plumbing& Cooling All Phases Of Home Repair RADIO DISPATCHED DON AMES OWNER SERVICE ALL MAKES Et MODELS!! PARTS DEPT. OPEN SIX DAYS ANDY'S APPLIANCE SERVICE •Refrigerators •Washers •Dryers 933-440a Coll Anytime 10vi S*ntor Cltlxsn blacoun* AvonS37-6482 Ely.368-211B Clavo. 871-7742 « , .'.WE MOVIiTHE FUHNIJUHE • •GUARANTEED OR D.ON'T t?A y 934-6460 J.P.'S HOME & COMMERCIAL CARPET CARE CO. Need your carpet shampooad? SALE!! Wo will shampoo. Scotchguord ft deodorize any 24'x30' room, 421.96. Any 2 rooms, $36.96. Guaranteed to dry tn 1 hour. JEFF OR TERRY MITCHELL 323-5692 ':'•• • ::' A L L T Y P E S :': :•:: O1= P L U M B I N G S E R V I C E S O t Z PRObbCTS- "•.•.STORE CLOSEDt. . -1 IN STOCK ' \ . '" . V 'WEDNESDAYS •.'. . 933-8686 •• CLEVE/PHONE 621-6332 ')'174LEARRD, , ' • AVON LAKE. " SELF STORAGE 998 AVON BELDEN (ROUTE 83) AVON, OHIO 44011 934-6070 or 933-3818 S ft. x S f t B ft. x TO ft 1O ft. x 1O ft l O f t . x IB ft 1O f t . x2O ft 1O f t . x 2 B f t TO f t . x 3O ft RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL OUTSIDE STORAGE AVAILABLE For Mobile Homoo, Bocts, Traitors, ate. Starting at *12.50 FAI^WEATHER ROOFING •HEROOFS* REPAIRS • SEAMLESS QUTTEns El DOWNSPOUTS PLUMBING & HEATING COMPLETE SALES & SERVICE NORTH OLMSTED ROOFING AND REMODELING SPECIALIZING ALL TYPE HOME REPAIRS Phone: 933-2330 • Roofs • Glass * Siding • Insulating Qlusa •Gutters -Storms -Painting • Screens Steel Replacement Doors Eni>r;y Efficient Sliding Doon Fran Estimates Wood Aluminum Clad Replacement Wlndowi 949.5300 Storm Windows and Doon or Over 16 Years Experience 871-0360 ADLER ROOF ING C p l Jim's Maintenance Cleaning, inc. "RESIDENTIAL' COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL : our business Is keeping your business clean, commercial, industrial & Off ice. 33445 LAKE ROAD • AVON LAKE, OHIO 44012 • S L J ' - - : 1 '• ' . T V : ••:•:'... ..;: > • •.-.•••' ..-'•• t f l ^ E GUTTERS'With Complete Roofing, ; special Clean G u t t e t s ^ O n / y / 2 5 ^ -•; Wespecializ&inSlateand WoodShakes ;', <; E'yr!a324f3973E ^^Clavo,734-1811 Ext..3BSS FREE ESTIMATES PHONE: 1-324-5241 CALL 033-U17 OR TOLL FREE 1-€00-261-2617 BUILD-UP ROOFS HOOF MAINTENANCE AFTER S P . M . 033-3817 RICK'S TREE SERVICE 933-4249 or 933-8959 You Can Find Us In The Yellow Pages FULLY Storm Damage - 24 Hr. Service INSURED Lot Clearing & Brush Chipping • Tree Removal • Stump Removal • Trimming . • Firewood 'Topping 'Wood Chips • Cabling 'Root Feeding NOW TAKING CONTRACTS ;• :•' FOR SN'QVV'tiEtilOVAL; ,; ' SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1 V «• z o -. •{ '1 'ffl^<b£UP£R BONUS SAVINGS Q/CQ$ <6/0J BETTY CROCKER SUY1GET1FBEE 39 POTATO BUDS ia% oz. I DEL MONTE CUT OR FRENCH GREEN BEANS leoz. ALL OUR ME AT IS SPMKHEMIL 2/89* U.SOA I CHOICE-)-" SPECIALRETAIL $1.09 SHURFINE GRANULATED $ "I 49 sraraMMSra/i SA.69 CANE SUGAR SLB. A SAVE 4 ZIPLOC LARGE SIZE $ "| 29 SPECIALRETAIL $1.49 FREEZER BAGS is COUNT COUNTRY COUNTER, INC., •: auALITYSERVICESINCjE 195Q ;. ! °* ^ _ _ WE WILL 1 HONEYSUCKLE 1B 24 tB AVERAGE TTTPTTFYQ BUTTERBALL TURKEYS WE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOJ FRESM^mFROZENTURKEY* FOR THEHOLmXYS BONELESS SUPEWORSEASY-CARVE 10-12 LB. AVERAGE 1B-24LB. AVERAGE LB.:... 10-1BLB.AVERAGE Q Q S LB &%Jt * * !UnJ\LIO io.i8LB.AVERAGE »' LARGE 5-7 LB. AVERAGE B ROLLED BOSTON PORK BUTTS .LB. FOR YOIJH THANKSGIVING TURKEY FRESHLEAN HOMEMADE STUFFING BULK ROAST BEEF W P , ORANGE CRUSH, A &W ROOT BEEB, LIKE AND SUGAR FREE LIKE 2HTER POTATO BORDENS 69 GALLON H ...LB. COFFEE 32 OZ. ON SALE THRU SAT.. NOY.Seih" DRESSING ?«§ 1 PEANUT 59 ~ * 20 OZ. BONUS JIF CREAMY & CHUNKY. 39] CRANBERRY SAUGE CASINO CHUNKS, MUENS1 , HILLS BROS. ALL CJRINDS SAVE U? TOSI.50 LIMH WI BLUE BONNET MARGARINEJ ™ ° ^ 2% CHOCOLATE I«L KRAFT CHEESE COTTAGE CHEESE PIE CRUST & " SAVEZ..}>™, i -• .LB. REGULAR OR DIET LAY'S BRAND ALL TYPES £$$$) -. FRESH LEAN CHICKEN ROLL. a u. PORK SAUSAGE WEAVER WHITE MEAT SLICED. LEAN d h| BONELESS HAM ROLLED RUMP ROAST u. ROASTING CHICKENS LB.< ATFACEVAM SHURFINE JELUEn ; ; - •28'0Z.^|f/ir SAVEl* f) / $ 1 | leoz., ,A/::.?Jg' ONSALETHHUSftT..HOV.26th SAVE 20' BREAKSTONE SOUR CREAM LO 39 ORANGE JUICE CONCENTRATE^^ 2 / $ l PUMPKIN PIE MOUNTfi™I°^^.^<!?.'....??..??.-. ? I' POL B C T T ^ " 1 H t 5 SHURFINEHSOWN L 5S' D U VjJTjfiri OR POWDERED :.;«?.«:• r/^TT REYNOLDS SAVE20-U f Will HEAVYDUTY ^ . V " ^ SAVE UP TO $1.65 LAUNDRY DETERGENT 84 OZ. DEL MONTE YELLOW CLING, SLICED OR HALVES CUT CORN, MIlffiD VEGETABLE. IC 10 OZ. PEACHES CUT GREEN BEANS SHURFINE 8OZ. 4 9 ^ £ C R A N B E R R Y OCEAK SPRAY WHIP TOPPING BORDENS 391 COCKTAIL ttGAL. GLACIER CLUB ICE CREAM gELM°NTE N SALE THHU SAT., NOV. i O Y A M S LB * SOUTHERN. CUCUMBERS TOMATOES rjT A D C JrCinltO VINERIPE CALIFORNIA BARTLETT. ^ " ISO SIZE R CRANBERRIES THSL? G R A P E S RED EMPEROR GRAPEFRUIT CARROTS REDORWHITE CRISP CELLO GREEN ONIONS LB. SLB. . 1LB. 17 OZ. WHOLE KERNEL •d! 1 MUSHROOMS ™*.™««; FRENCH FRIED ONIONS -jj^.™™- «« 59« I MINCE MEAT ^M^....^™"" 99e N1CKLES PANCAKE MIX M™. 2/69*l 3/99* I HILL BILLY BREAD 9OZ. 22 OZ.