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marginalia - Collections
Bulletin bibliographique des études sur les littératures et le film populaires n° 77
Juin 2013
Marginalia est publié 4 fois par an par
565, rue de Provence, Longueuil, J4H 3R3 (Québec/Canada)
mass magazine market geared to women, and
shaping new middle-class identity.
(eds.), Popular Culture in the Middle East
and North Africa : A Postcolonial Outlook,
New York, Routledge, 2013, 281 pages.
This book explores the body and the production
process of popular culture in, and on, the
Middle East and North Africa, Turkey, and Iran
in the first decade of the 21st century, and up
to the current historical moment. Essays
consider gender, racial, political, and cultural
issues in film, cartoons, music, dance, phototattoos, graphic novels, fiction, and
advertisements. Contributors to the volume
span an array of specializations ranging across
literary, postcolonial, gender, media, and
Middle Eastern studies and contextualize their
views within a larger historical and political
moment, analyzing the emergence of a popular
expression in the Middle East and North Africa
region in recent years, and drawing conclusions
pertaining to the direction of popular culture
within a geopolitical context.
Rappel : la rubrique intitulée « Généralités » présente des ouvrages dans
lesquels on mélange les genres, les
inclassables, les études sur le roman et le
film d’aventures, l’humour et le comique,
la culture populaire en général, ainsi que
certaines « curiosités » éditoriales...
ANGENOT, Marc, Les Dehors de la littérature. Du roman populaire à la sciencef i c t i o n , Paris, Champion, (UnichampEssentiel), 2013, 264 pages.
Les études littéraires sont le seul domaine des
ainsi nommées "sciences humaines" qui
commence en écartant - sans jamais
s'interroger sur cette mise à l'écart préjudicielle
- quatre-vingt-dix pour cent et plus de ce qui
peut sembler son objet naturel. Dans les deux
siècles modernes, l'écrasante majorité de ce
qui s'est donné pour des "romans", ne serait-ce
que par cette mention sur la page de titre, de
même que les textes versifiés en leur masse se
trouvent exclus de toute prise en considération
avant de commencer. Il en va de même pour
une part plus massive encore du texte
dramatique, de Pixérécourt et du mélodrame
romantique au théâtre de boulevard. Marc
Angenot explore ici certains secteurs de ces
dehors de la littérature canonique en
recueillant divers essais qui portent sur les
genres, les thématiques et les formes les plus
dévalués de ce Grand Déchet. Il se place sous
l'invocation d'un personnage benjaminien, celui
qui va chercher du récupérable, du " gaspillé "
dans les gravats et les champs d'épandage : le
FORNI, Kathleen,
Chaucer’s Afterlife :
Adaptations in Recent Popular Culture,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 176 pages.
This study explores Chaucer’s present-day
cultural reputation by way of popular culture.
In just the past two decades his texts have
been adapted to a wide variety of popular
genres, including television, stage, comic book,
hip-hop, science fiction, horror, romance, and
crime fiction.
FUNG, Anthony Y. H. (ed.), Asian Popular
Culture : The Global (Dis)Continuity, New
York, Routledge, 2013, 288 pages.
Introduction : Asian popular culture, the global
(dis)continuity / Anthony Y.H. Fung -- One
region, two modernities : Disneyland in Tokyo
and Hong Kong / Micky Lee and Anthony Y.H.
Fung -- Comic travels : Disney publishing in the
People’s Republic of China / Jennifer Altehenger
-- When Chinese youth meet Harry Potter :
translating consumption and middle class
identification / John Nguyet Erni -- New forms
of transborder visuality in urban China : saving
face for magazine covers / Eric Kit-Wai Ma -Cultural consumption and masculinity : a case
study of GQ magazine covers in Taiwan /
Hong-Chi Shiau -- An unlocalized and
unglobalized subculture : English language
independent music in Singapore / Kai Khiun
Liew and Shzr Ee Tan -- The localized
production of Jamaican music in Thailand /
Viriya Sawangchot -- Consuming online games
BIRTE, Christ, Modern Domestic Fiction :
Popular Feminism, Mass-Market Magazines, and Middle-Class Culture, 19051925, Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, (American
Studies, 229), 2012, xvi, 370 pages.
The nineteenth-century genre of domestic
fiction continues to perform important cultural
work for women readers in the early twentieth
century – this is the argument of ‘Modern
Domestic Fiction’. Discussing texts by Dorothy
Canfield, Zona Gale, and Inez Haynes Irwin,
this study demonstrates how between 1905
and 1925 domestic fiction took a central role in
promulgating popular feminist ideas, creating a
in Taiwan : global games and local market /
Lai-Chi Chen -- The rise of the Korean cinema
in inbound and outbound globalization / Shin
Dong Kim -- Pocket capitalism and virtual
intimacy : pokeÌ_mon as a symptom of postindustrial youth culture / Anne Allison -Playing the global game : Japan brand and
globalization / Kukhee Choo -- China’s new
creative strategy : the utilization of cultural
soft power and new markets / Michael Keane
and Bonnie Liu -- Renationalizing Hong Kong
cinema : the gathering force of the mainland
market / Michael Curtin.
Giulio Leoni
Le presenze (palesi o occulte) di elementi
salgariani in alcuni scrittori italiani di genere
Rosa Maria Grillo
Questioni di genere in Salgari e nella
letteratura contemporanea per adolescenti
Corrado Farina
Nostalgia, parodia e ironia
HOPKINS, Jerry, Romancing the East : A
Literary Odyssey from The Heart of
D a r k n e s s to the River Kwai, North
Clarendon (VT), Tuttle Publishing,2013, 288
However soaked in blood its history and no
matter how unsettling its social conditions and
poverty, Asia has never lost its irresistible
attraction or mystic. It has long been an
inspiration for Western novelists, so much so
that more than 5000 novels have been set in
Asia in the English language alone. Storied
names like Rudyard Kipling, Joseph Conrad,
Pearl S. Buck, George Orwell, Graham Greene,
E.M. Forster and many more have used their
experiences in Asia as a vibrant backdrop for
some of the world's most famous works of
Gabriella DIONISI (dir.), Riletture Salgariane, Pesaro, Metauro Edizioni, 2012, 297
I parte: Lo sguardo di Emilio Salgari
Paola Irene Galli Mastrodonato
Dalle steppe alle giungle: il favoloso mondo di
Michelguglielmo Torri
L’India e gli indiani nell’opera di Emilio Salgari
Alfredo Luzi
La Montagna di Luce: diamanti, pantere, fakiri
Felice Pozzo
Kammamuri come 007: dall’India con amore
Nicoletta Gruppi
La rivincita di Yanez? Analisi di un problema
Maria Gabriella Dionisi
In viaggio per l’Ispano-America con il Capitano
Claudia Borri
Scenari sudamericani: l’indigeno nella narrativa
Ilaria Magnani
Salgari e il cono sud americano tra esotismo e
Nicola Bottiglieri
Un triangolo amoroso alla fine del mondo
Susanna Nanni
Esotismi linguistici tra i pirati delle Antille
II parte: Il nostro sguardo su Emilio Salgari
Claudio Gallo
Impegno politico e impegno letterario nel
giovane Salgari
Maria Luisa Longo
Verso l’India: radicalità e profondità
in Octavio Paz e Emilio Salgari
Simona Sugoni
Omaggio a Surama
Alberto Brambilla
Una sfida al Polo fra Salgari e lo sport
Mario Tropea
Donne in guerra (nelle guerre, nella guerriglia),
in copertina e nei romanzi
HUNTER, Nick, Popular Culture : 2000 and
B e y o n d , Chicago, Heinemann Library, (A
History of Popular Culture), 2013, 64 pages.
KHLOPINA, Oxana, Moravagine, de Blaise
Cendrars, Bienne, ACEL, 2012, (Le Cippe –
études littéraires), 119 pages.
PINSON, Guillaume, L’imaginaire médiatique : histoire et fiction du journal au XIXe
siècle, Paris, Classiques Garnier, (Études
romantiques et dix-neuvièmistes), 2013, 272
Cet ouvrage propose une histoire de
l'imaginaire du journal, des années 1830 à
1914, en se fondant sur l'étude du premier
grand récit de l'information en France à travers
des sources variées : romans, essais,
historiographies, recueils de souvenirs,
SAMIN, Richard (dir.),
Rudyard Kipling,
Pondichérry, Ed. Kailash, & Paris, Kama, (Les
Cahiers de SIELEC, no 8), 2012, 247 pages.
SCHWEIZER, Bernard & Robert A. SEGAL
(eds.), The Hero’s Quest, Ipswich, Salem
Press, (Critical Insights), 2013, xi, 280 pages.
Odysseus, Gilgamesh, even The Hobbitt's' Bilbo their stories thrill us with their adventure and
classic quest themes. Throughout their
journeys, they discover amazing new lands,
strange and captivating people and beasts, and
even, sometimes, a deeper understanding of
themselves. Perhaps because of their
excitement and clear progression towards a
greater good, stories of a hero's quest remain
as compelling and classic today as they were in
ancient times. Works discussed include The
Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Inferno, Gulliver's Travels, Moby
Dick, His Dark Materials, and Heart of Darkness.
La version électronique du bulletin est
désormais disponible à l’adresse
suivante : TADIÉ, Jean-Yves, Le Roman d’aventures,
Paris, Gallimard, (Collection Tel, 396), 2013,
219 pages.[réédition, 1996]
WILLBERN, David, The American Popular
Novel after World War II : A Study of 25
Best-Sellers, 1947-2000, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2013, 264 pages.
Through the perspectives of selected bestselling novels from the end of World War II to
the end of the 20th century--including T h e
Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, The
Godfather, Jaws, Beloved, The Silence of the
Lambs, and Jurassic Park--this book examines
the crucial issues the U.S. was experiencing
during those decades. These novels represent
the voices of popular conversations, as
Americans considered issues of family, class,
racism and sexism, feminism, economic
ambition, sexual violence, war, law, religion
and science.
TROMP, Marlene, Maria BACHMAN & Heidi
KAUFMAN (eds.), Fear and Loathing and
Victorian Xenophobia, Colombus State
University Press, 2013, 440 pages.
Coming to terms with xenophobia : fear and
loathing in nineteenth-century England /
Marlene Tromp, Maria Bachman, and Heidi
Kaufman -- The pollution of the East :
economic contamination and xenophobia in
Little Dorrit and The mystery of Edwin Drood /
Marlene Tromp -- Victorian quarantines :
holding the borders against "fevered" Italian
masculinity in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s "St.
Agnes of intercession" / Jay D. Sloan -Contracting xenophobia : etiology, inoculation,
and the limits of British imperialism / Rajani
Sudan -- Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and
the perils of imagined others / Maria K.
Bachman -- Maudlin profanity and midnight
debauchery : infanticide and the angelito /
Jennifer Hayward -- Food, famine, and the
abjection of Irish identity in Victorian
representation / Charlotte Boyce -- "Wot is to
be" : the visual construction of empire at the
Crystal Palace exhibition, London, 1851 / Joy
Sperling -- Terrible Turks : Victorian
xenophobia and the Ottoman empire / Patrick
Brantlinger -- Ethnicity as marker in Henry
Mayhew’s London labour and the London poor /
Thomas Prasch -- Jewish space and the English
foreigner in George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda /
Heidi Kaufman -- Exile London : anarchism,
immigration, and xenophobia in late-Victorian
literature / Elizabeth Carolyn Miller -Xenophobia on the streets of London : Punch’s
campaign against Italian organ-grinders, 18541864 / Annmarie McCallister -- "You know not
of what you speak" : language, identity, and
xenophobia in Richard Marsh’s The beetle : a
mystery (1897) / Minna Vuohelainen -Dracula’s blood of many brave races / Thomas
McLean -- Fear and loathing : Victorian
xenophobia / Anne J. Kershen
ALLISON, Deborah, The Cinema of Michael
Winterbottom, Lanham, Lexington Books,
2013, xi, 224 pages.
Introduction -- Butterfly kiss: the road movie -Jude: the heritage film -- Welcome to
Sarajevo: war cinema -- Wonderland: social
realist drama -- The claim: the western -- Code
46: science fiction -- The road to Guantanamo:
docudrama -- The killer inside me: neo-noir -Conclusion.
ARCHER, Neil, The French Roadmovie :
Space, Mobility, Identity, New York,
Berghahn Books, 2013, xi, 192 pages.
(eds.),Popular Italian Cinema New York,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, xiii, 249 pages.
Sergio Rigoletto and Louis Bayman: The fair
and the museum: framing the popular -Christopher Wagstaff: Italian cinema, popular?
-- Rosalind Galt: The prettiness of Italian
cinema -- Richard Dyer: The pervasiveness of
song in Italian cinema -- Louis Bayman:
Melodrama as seriousness -- Tamao Nakahara:
Moving masculinity: incest narratives in Italian
sex comedies -- Sergio Rigoletto: Laughter in
Lina Wertmüller's The seduction of Mimì -- Alex
Marlow-Mann: Strategies of tension: towards a
re-interpretation of Enzo G. Castellari's The big
racket and the Italian crime film -- Irene
Lottini: "Il delirio del lungo metraggio: cinema
as mass phenomenon in early twentieth
tentury Italian cinema -- Reka Buckley:
Dressing the part: "made in Italy" goes to the
movies with Lucia Bosé in Chronicle of a love
affair -- Daniel O'Brien: Hercules versus
Hercules: variation and continuation in two
generations of heroic masculinity -- Alan
O'Leary: On the complexity of cinepanettone -Francesca Piredda: Cinema and popular
preaching: the Italian missionary film and
fiamme -- Mark Goodall: The Italian mondo
documentary film.
“The Greatest Mass Murderer Since Adolf
Hitler”: Nuclear War and the Nazi Past in Dr.
Strangelove / Peter Krämer
Queering Disaster: Recategorising Life and
Death in Torchwood: Miracle Day
Rhys Owain Thomas
Post-Apocalyptic Narrative and Environmental
Documentary: The Case of Life After People
Christine Cornea
DUPONT, Sébastien & Hugues PARIS (dir.),
L’Adolescente et le cinéma : de Lolita à
Twilight, Toulouse, Éditions Érès,(La Vie de
l’enfant), 2013, 357 pages.
FEASEY, Rebecca, From Happy Homemaker
to Desperate Housewives : Motherhood
and Popular Television, London, Anthem
Press, 2012, 213 pages.
FEVRY, Sébastien, La Comédie cinématographique à l’épreuve de l’Histoire, Paris,
L’Harmattan, (Champs visuels), 2012, 277
McHUGH, Place, Television and the Real
Orange Country, Suttgart, Franz Steiner
verlag, 2012, 144 pages.
GHOSH, Tapan Kumar, Bollywood Baddies :
Villains, Vamps, and Henchmen in Hindi
Cinema, New Dehli, Thousand Oaks, SAGE
Publications, 2013, 232 pages.
GIACOVELLI, Enrico, Tartes à la crème et
coups de pied aux fesses : le cinéma
comique américain : Vol. 1 ; les années
flamboyantes, Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon, Gremese International., 2012, 160 pages.
BOWMAN, Paul, The Treasures of Bruce
Lee : The Official Story of the Legendary
Martial Artist, Milwaukee (WI), Applause
Theatre and Cinema Books, 2013, 96 pages.
préface/foreword : Shannon Lee.
CORNEA, Christine & Owain Thomas RHYS
(eds.), Dramatising Disaster : Character,
Event, Representation, Newcastle upon
Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, vi,
173 pages.
Introduction : Discourses of Disaster
Christine Cornea
Part I: Personal Identity, Trauma and
Diagnosis Disaster: Cultural Narratives of
Cancer and Femininity
in Stepmom and The Family Stone/ Liz Powell
Trauma and the Technological Accident in Atom
Egoyan’sThe Sweet Hereafter / Rob Bullard
“High School is a Battlefield for your Heart”:
Teen Networks’ Obsession with Apocalyptic
Drama / Hannah Ellison
Part II: Representing the Aftermath: New
York and New Orleans
Re-constructing “Le Coup”: Man on Wire,
Derrida’s Event, and Cinematic Representation
Ruth Mackay and Stephen Mitchell
“Catastrophic Beauty”: New York City as a Site
of Urban Warfare in Contemporary Video
Games / Sophie Halliday
After the Deluge: Everyday Tactics and
Representational Strategies in a Time of Crisis
Nina Mickwitz
Duelling and Jamming: Hurricane Katrina,
Everyday New Orleans, and the Satisfactions of
Treme / Ed Clough
Part III: End Times: The Politics of
GLEVAREC, Hervé, La Sériephilie : sociologie d’un attachement culturel et place de
la fiction dans la vie des jeunes adultes,
Paris, Ellipses, (Culture Pop), 2012, 152 pages.
Que se passe-t-il donc de si nouveau depuis les
années 1990 du côté des séries télévisées ? À
partir d'entretiens avec une trentaine
d'amateurs, corpus dont le noyau dur est
constitué d'une population de jeunes adultes,
cet ouvrage rend compte des raisons d'une
passion qui met en avant la valeur des
personnages, aux personnalités fouillées,
fréquemment traversés par des questions
existentielles et pourvus de talents ignorés,
mais aussi des univers narratifs troublants par
leur rapport aux sentiments, au quotidien et
aux faits du monde, ce qui en fait des sortes de
contemporaines sont des séries à hypothèses.
Elles offrent un espace de questionnement et
de projection à des jeunes adultes notamment,
individus en devenir et aux identités plus
labiles qu'auparavant.
Robert A. RUSHING (eds.), Mad Men, Mad
World : Sex, Politics, Style, and the 1960s,
Durham, Duke University Press, 2013, x, 421
Since the show's debut in 2007, Mad Men has
invited viewers to immerse themselves in the
lush period settings, ruthless Madison Avenue
advertising culture, and arresting characters at
the center of its 1960s fictional world. Mad Men,
Mad World is a comprehensive analysis of this
groundbreaking TV series. Scholars from across
the humanities consider the AMC drama from a
fascinating array of perspectives, including
fashion, history, architecture, civil rights,
feminism, consumerism, art, cinema, and the
serial format, as well as through theoretical
frames such as critical race theory, gender,
McCABE, Janet & Kim AKASS (eds.), TV’s
Betty Goes Global : from Telenovela to
International Brand, London & New York, I.
B. Tauris, 2013, xv, 259 pages.
Premiering in 2006, the stylish and award
winning US hit show Ugly Betty, about kindhearted ugly duckling Betty Suarez (America
Ferrera), is the latest incarnation of a truly
global phenomenon that started life as a
Colombian telenovela, Yo soy Betty, la fea,
back in 1999. The tale has since taken an
extraordinary journey around the globe, from
the original Colombian Beatriz, Indian Jassi,
Chinese Wudi and Israeli Esti to the Flemish
Sara, Spanish Bea, Greek Maria and Dutch
Lotte as well as Czech Katka, Russian Katka
and Turkish Gönül. This groundbreaking book
about how television formats go global asks
what the Betty phenomenon can tell us about
the international circulation of locally produced
TV fictions as the Latin American telenovela is
sold to, and/or re-made for, different national
GOSLING, Jonathan & Peter VILLIERS (ed.),
Fictional Leaders : Heroes, Villains and
Absent Friends, New York, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013, xi, 261 pages.
GREENBERG, James, Roman Polanski : A
Retrospective, New York, Abrams, 2013, 288
HORTON, Andrew S.(ed.), A Companion to
Film Comedy, Malden (MA), Wiley Blackwell,
2013, xii, 571 pages.
McKAY, James, The Films of Victor Mature,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 213 pages.
With his rugged features and earthy sex
appeal, Victor Mature ushered in a new breed
of postwar Hollywood actor, far removed from
the debonair matinee idols of the 1930s.
Following success as an upbeat leading man in
the early 1940s Fox musicals, opposite the
likes of Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth, he
went on deliver two of his most powerful
performances in My Darling Clementine (1946)
and Kiss of Death (1947). But it was in the
biblical epics such as Samson and Delilah
(1949), The Robe (1953) and Demetrius and
the Gladiators (1954) that his heartfelt acting
and statuesque, larger than life screen
presence finally secured his place as a
Hollywood icon. Beginning with a concise
biography, this work covers Mature’s film
career in its entirety, featuring synopses,
anecdotes from cast and crew, and review
KENNEDY-KARPAT, Colleen, Rogues, Romances and Exoticism in French Cinema of the
1930s, Madison, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Press, 2013, 215 pages.
Many popular French films of the 1930s
captured the world and brought it into
neighborhood cinemas for filmgoers who
craved adventure. These films often served as
visual postcards from the French empire, which
enjoyed an unprecedented visibility in domestic
popular culture between the world wars. But
the public appetite for the exotic also
transcended imperial borders. Exoticist films
displayed landscapes and different that lay
beyond the metropole, many of which were not
subject to European rule.
Rogues, Romance, and Exoticism in French
Cinema of the 1930s proposes a critical
framework for exoticist cinema that includes
and exceeds the limits of empire. From rogue
colons to the métisse in love, from the deserts
of North Africa to the streets of Shanghai, this
book identifies and analyzes recurring figures,
common settings, major stars, plot devices,
and narrative outcomes that dominated
exoticist cinema at its popular peak.
MILBERG, Doris, The Art of the Screwball
Comedy : Madcap Entertainment from the
1930s to Today, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
2013, 200 pages.
Part One of this entertaining exploration of
screwball comedies and their later offspring
begins in the mid-1930s discussing the careers
of popular stars such as Cary Grant and Carole
Lombard and well-known supporting players
like Walter Connally and Ralph Bellamy (also
Asta the dog, top animal star of the 1930s!).
Writers and directors are given their due: Frank
Capra, Howard Hawks and Preston Sturges,
just to name a few.__Part Two, the meat of the
book, takes an in depth look at the films, from
the genre’s inception (1934’s It Happened One
Night) to the recent 2003 Down with Love, and
the stars that appear in them--Clark Gable,
Claudette Colbert, Julia Roberts, Richard Gere-ending with some thoughts about the future.
La Case de l’oncle Tom de 1903, Naissance
d’une nation de D.W. Griffith et Autant en
emporte le vent jusqu’à La Couleur des
sentiments et Les Bêtes du Sud sauvage. Cette
lignée de Sudistes compte nombre de
personnages remarquables incarnés par Bette
Davis, Vivien Leigh, Hattie McDaniel, Shirley
Temple, Elizabeth Taylor, Louise Beavers, Ethel
Waters, Jennifer Jones, Theresa Harris, Fredi
Washington… À travers elles, Taïna Tuhkunen
montre qu’il existe un genre southern à part
entière, aux multiples ramifications et tensions.
L’imaginaire sudiste dépasse les limites des
genres en même temps que les frontières
géographiques, transgresse les codes en
engageant l’Amérique tout entière – le dernier
avatar en la matière est Django Unchained de
Quentin Tarantino. Multiple et impur, car nourri
à la manière des vampires de True Blood du
réel et du faux, de vrai sang et de sang
synthétique, le southern interdit son intégration
à un seul projet idéologique ou artistique. Les
figures féminines, abondantes, fortes et
variées, sont là pour en dire la vitalité, ouvrant
aux grandes fictions, aux mélodrames
intimistes, aux chroniques épiques et réalistes
ou aux cauchemars plus fantastiques.
NEOFETOU, Daniel, Good Day Today : David
Lynch Destabilises the Spectator,
Winchester, Zero Books, 2012, , 93 pages.
NOLLEN, Scott Allen, Three Bad Men : John
Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond, Jefferson
(NC), McFarland, 2013, 408 pages.
PURSE, Linda, Digital Imaging in Popular
Cinema, Edinburgh University Press, 2013,
208 pages.
ROTHEMUND, Kathrin, Komplexe Welten :
Narrative Strategien in US-Amerikanischen Fersehserien, Berlin, Bertz &
Fischer, (Deep Focus, 15), 2013, 264 pages.
RUIZ, Manuela,
Hollywood Romantic
Comedies of the Fifties : A Critical Study of
a Film Genre, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press,
2013, v, 404 pages. Préface/Foreword :
Celestino Deleyto.
SAUVAGE, Célia, Critiquer Quentin Tarantino est-il raisonnable ?, Paris, J, Vrin,
(Philosophie et cinéma), 2013, 120 pages.
Comment expliquer tout à la fois la
fétichisation du cinéaste américain, Quentin
Tarantino, et la polémique qui entoure la sortie
de chacun de ses films ? La réception très
passionnée de son cinéma invite à se poser la
question : critiquer Quentin Tarantino est-il
raisonnable ? La qualité de ses films ne peut
suffire à expliquer à elle seule les réactions
diverses, contradictoires et polémiques. Le
traitement de faveur tout comme la
dépréciation systématique du cinéma de
Tarantino méritent ainsi d’être réinterrogés.
Ses films apparaissent cependant indissociables
de la construction personnelle de sa figure
publique, de ses discours médiatiques, de son
activité cinéphilique, autant d’éléments qui
contaminent toujours l’interprétation de ses
films et participent à l’explication du
« phénomène Tarantino ».
WINCKLER, Martin, Dr. House, l’esprit du
shaman, Montréal, Boréal, (Liberté grande),
2013, 168 pages.
Médecin, écrivain, spécialiste des séries
télévisées, il n’en fallait pas plus pour que
Martin Winckler, le romancier de La maladie de
Sachs, se penche sur le cas du Dr House qui, à
téléspectateurs scotchés à leurs petits écrans
durant huit saisons, a pratiqué au service
(selon le jargon du métier) des « moutons à
cinq pattes », chez les patients au diagnostic
difficile. Mal rasé, boîteux, misanthrope,
cynique, inspiré et désemparant, ce
personnage est livré à l’examen analytique,
éthique et spirituel du Dr Winkler qui, tout
écrivain qu’il est, envisage et situe son sujet
d’étude dans la lignée des héros (un Sherlock
Holmes, par exemple) que la fiction offre à nos
passions de lecteurs.
WOOD, Ed, Comment réussir (ou presque)
à Hollywood : les conseils du plus mauvais
cinéaste de l’histoire, Nantes, Cappricci, (La
première collection), 2013, 180 pages.
Edward D. Wood Jr. (1924-1978) est célèbre
pour avoir réalisé « le plus mauvais film de
l’histoire du cinéma », l’improbable Plan 9 From
Outer Space (1959). Tim Burton et Johnny
Depp lui ont consacré un film en 1994, qui rend
TUHKUNEN, Taïna, Demain sera un autre
jour : Le Sud et ses héroïnes à l’écran,
Perthuis, Rouge Profond, (Raccords), 2013,
352 pages.
Richement illustré, ce livre d’histoire, d’analyse
des formes et des genres se focalise sur les
figures féminines dans le cinéma américain.
Particulièrement les héroïnes sudistes, depuis
approximative, son amour du cinéma et sa
passion des pulls angora.
Écrit en 1965, Comment réussir (ou presque) à
Hollywood (The Hollywood Rat Race) révèle
encore une autre facette du personnage.
S’adressant notamment aux apprentis acteurs
et scénaristes, Ed Wood donne des conseils
précis et documentés : dans quelle pension
descendre, comment trouver un agent,
comment survivre aux désillusions… Tout y
passe : les photos promotionnelles, les
attachés de presse…
Le ton est féroce, l’ironie aussi savoureuse que
paradoxale. Par quel miracle l’homme dont la
carrière fut un échec peut-il s’ériger en guide ?
C’est tout le sel de cet « Hollywood pour les
Nuls » unique en son genre.
ZARZOSA, Agustin, Refiguring Melodrama
in Film and Television : Captive Affects,
Elastic Sufferings, Vicarious Objects,
Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, 173 pages.
Double Agents :
Espionage, Literature, and Liminal Citizen,
New York, Columbia University Press, 352
Why were white bourgeois gay male writers so
interested in spies, espionage, and treason in
the twentieth century? Erin G. Carlston believes
such figures and themes were critical to
exploring citizenship and its limits,
requirements, and possibilities in the modern
Western state. Through close readings of
Marcel Proust's novels, W. H. Auden's poetry,
and Tony Kushner's play Angels in America, which
all reference real-life espionaage cases
involving Jews, homosexuals, or Communists,
Carlston connects gay men's fascination with
spying to larger debates about the making and
contestation of social identity.
ZERNIK, Clélia, Les Sept Samouraïs, de
Akira Kurosowa : Chorégraphies, Crisnée,
Yellow Now, (Côté film), 2013, 110 pages.
Les sept samouraïs d’Akira Kurosawa est
d’abord un film d’action. Mais derrière les
questions de pouvoir et de survie se joue avant
tout un art de la mise en scène des corps :
corps souffrants, fébriles, humiliés, mais aussi
corps qui s’éduquent et s’articulent avec un
groupe. Brisant la bidimensionnalité de l’écran
cinématographique, Kurosawa inscrit la tension
des muscles, le surplus de la chair et du
physiologique au coeur de l’image et donne à
voir l’engendrement du corps social à partir de
la diversité des corps physiques. Avec une
grande économie de mots, il construit une
allégorie de l’institution sociale et politique qui
fait varier très subtilement les relations
interindividuelles uniquement par le traitement
de l’espace et des corps. Les Sept Samouraïs
est un film chorégraphique.
Secret Service : Jahrbuch
2013, Messkirch, Gmeiner Verlag, 2013, 310
pages. Publié par : Syndikat, Autorengruppe
deutschsprachige Kriminallieratur AIEP/IACW.
UNVERZICHTBAR! Secret Service bietet eine
bunte Mischung aus interessanten Informationen, tiefgründigen und augen-zwinkernden
Betrachtungen sowie kurzweiliger Unterhaltung
rund um das Genre Krimi. Das nun bereits zum
sechsten Mal erschienene Jahrbuch des
SYNDIKATs, der Autorengruppe deutschsprachige Kriminal-literatur, lässt wieder keine
Wünsche echter Krimifans offen.Die neueste
Ausgabe des Secret Service ist auch 2013
wieder ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter in
Krimifragen. Mit einem Exklusivinterview mit
Tatort-Kommissar Miroslav Nemec!
ZUCKER, Carole, Neil Jordan : Interviews,
Jackson, University Press of Mississippi,
(Conversations with Filmmakers), 2013, 192
Avis important
Vous avez publié récemment ? Envoyez-nous
un petit mot pour nous en informer
COLOMBI. Matteo (dir.), Stadt – Mord –
Ordnung : urbane Topographien des
Verbrechens in der Kriminalliteratur aus
Ost- und Mitteleuropa, Bielefeld, transcript
Verlag, 2012, 307 pages.
Auch für den Krimi gilt: Der Westen Europas
kennt den Osten selten gut – dennoch ist er
von ihm fasziniert. Neben westlichen Krimis
werden immer mehr Geschichten aus dem
Osten gelesen, die ›dort‹ oder ›hier‹
geschrieben werden. Breslau, Budapest, Kiew,
Moskau, Prag, Triest und Zagreb werden zu
Krimi-Schauplätzen. Für jede dieser Städte
wird eine spezifische Topographie des
Verbrechens produziert, die zwischen
historischer, mythischer und touristischer
Darstellung schwankt.
Oklahoman de la ville d’Oklahoma City. Elles
sont reproduites dans ce volume.
GUÉRIF, François, Du polar – Entretiens
avec Philippe Blanchet, Paris, Rivages,
(Manuels Payot), 2013, 320 pages.
Auteur de plusieurs ouvrages de référence sur
le cinéma américain, et notamment le film noir,
fondateur de la revue Polar, lauréat du Ellery
Queen Award en 1997 et surtout éditeur des
auteurs les plus prestigieux du genre
aux Éditions Rivages, François Guérif est
aujourd'hui sans doute l'un des plus grands
spécialistes français du roman policier.
Au fil de ces entretiens à bâtons rompus avec
le journaliste Philippe Blanchet, François Guérif
revient sur la genèse du polar, de Conan Doyle
à Agatha Christie, sur les premiers classiques
modernes (de Dashiell Hammett à Raymond
Chandler) et sur les grands auteurs actuels.
Tout au long de ce livre à la fois érudit et
passionné, il analyse les principales étapes du
genre. Évoque sa carrière, ses coups de coeur
(David Goodis, James Cain, Jim Thompson),
ses amitiés (Léo Malet, Jean-Patrick Manchette,
Robin Cook, James Ellroy...), ses souvenirs et
ses livres de chevet.
COLLOVALD, Annie & Erik NEVEU, Lire le noir
– Enquête sur les lecteurs de récits
policiers, Rennes, Presses universitaires de
Rennes, (Essais), 2013, 296 pages.
[Réédition : 2004, BPI du Centre Pompidou].
DRALYUK, Boris, Western Crime Fiction
Goes East : The Russian Pinkerton Craze,
1 9 0 7 - 1 0 3 4 , Leiden, Brill, 2012, (Russian
History and Culture), xiv, 182 pages.
This book examines the staggering popularity
of early-twentieth-century Russian detective
“Pinkertonovshchina,” these appropriations of
American and British detective stories featuring
Nat Pinkerton, Nick Carter, Sherlock Holmes,
Ethel King, and scores of other sleuths swept
the Russian reading market in successive
waves between 1907 and 1917, and famously
experienced a “red” resurgence in the 1920s
under the aegis of Nikolai Bukharin. The book
“Pinkertonovshchina” as a phenomenon, and
produces a working model of cross-cultural
appropriation and reception. The “red
Pinkerton” emerges as a vital “missing link”
between pre- and post-Revolutionary popular
literature, and marks the fitful start of a
decades-long negotiation between the regime,
the author, and the reading masses.
NDLR : l’ouvrage est passionnant mais...
comment un spécialiste comme Guérif peut-il
commettre l’erreur suivante : il affirme que Per
Wahlöö était flic (page 291) ! Flic ? Walhöö ?
Bigre...Maj Sjöwall n’aurait jamais épousé un
policier ! Le gars a été reporter criminel !
Nuances ! Elle me paraît de taille. Mais bon...
HENRY, Dorothée, Arsène Lupin et Cie ; les
gentlemen cambrioleurs, Turquant, L’Apart
éditions, 2012, 185 pages. Préface de JeanLouis Touchant.
Arsène Lupin, le gentleman cambrioleur, est
universellement connu. Archétype de l'élégance
et de la séduction, voleur et chevalier servant,
homme aux mille visages, audacieux et
mystérieux, sa silhouette mondaine continue
de hanter la littérature mondiale, et l'on n'en
finit pas de le redécouvrir, au cinéma comme
en littérature ou en bande dessinée. Bien sûr,
avant Lupin, il y avait déjà toute une tradition
de personnages, réels ou imaginaires,
d'escrocs, de bandits au grand coeur ou de
génies du mal. De Renart à Rocambole, en
passant par Robin des Bois ou Cartouche, le
voleur, le brigand, l'aigrefin était déjà célébré
par les écrivains. Au tournant du xixe et du xxe
siècle, il n'est pas non plus le premier - avant
lui il y avait Simon Carne, Arthur J. Raffles,
Georges Randal...- mais une chose est sûre,
Maurice Leblanc a donné naissance à un
DION, Michel, L’Être et le crime : cinq
romans-phares : Fedor Dostoïevski, Oscar
Wilde, William Faulkner, Truman Capote,
Paul Auster, Québec, Éditions Nota Bene,
(Sciences humaines), 2013, 167 pages.
EVAN, Curtis, Clues and Corpses : The
Detective Fiction and Mystery Criticism of
Todd Downing, Greenville (OH), Coachwhip,
2013, 426 pages.
Entre 1930 et 1937, l’écrivain de polars Todd
Downing (1902-1974), auteur de neuf romans
policiers classiques (1933-1941) a publié près
de 300 comptes rendus critiques dans le Daily
personnage qui devait demeurer.
R. King : Sue Sorensen
Murder Mystery and Mysteries in Charles
Williams' War in Heaven : Charles Franklyn
KURLAND, Michael, It’s a Mystery to Me :
The Craft of the Mystery Story Revealed,
Createspace, 2012, 161 pages.
O’BRIEN, James F., The Scientific Sherlock
Holmes : Cracking the Case with Science
and Forensics, New York, Oxford University
Press, 2013, 175 pages.
MESPLÈDE, Claude, Chroniques, fictions,
entretiens, essais : trente ans d’écrits sur
le polar, 1982-2012, vol. 1, Bihorel,
Krakoen, 2013, 372 pages.
Le Polar est aujourd'hui le genre le plus vendu
et le plus lu en France ! Il n'en fut pas toujours
ainsi car dès sa naissance, ce genre issu du
roman populaire, a rassemblé contre lui de
nombreuses voix. Lecteur éclectique et
boulimique dès l'âge de dix ans, devenu
critique littéraire au début des années 1980,
j'ai pu, à mon tour, défendre ce genre littéraire
selon l'aphorisme bien connu : « Il n'y a pas de
mauvais genres, il n'y a que de mauvais
écrivains ». En trente ans, en dehors d'une
quinzaine d'ouvrages allant d'une Souris noire
d'une douzaine de pages à un dictionnaire
mondial du genre qui en compte 2 200, j'ai
publié des kilomètres d'articles sur ce genre
que nous sommes nombreux à aimer. Compte
tenu de tous ces nouveaux lecteurs qui
découvrent chaque jour cette littérature, j'ai
pensé qu'une sélection de mes articles pourrait
les intéresser. J'ai prévu trois volumes. Voici le
SCHAUB, Melissa, Middlebrow Feminism in
Classic British Detective Fiction : The
Female Gentleman, New York, Palgrave
Macmillan, (Crime Files), 2013, 176 pages.
This is a feminist study of a recurring character
type in classic British detective fiction by
women - a woman who behaves like a Victorian
gentleman. Exploring this character type leads
to a new evaluation of the politics of classic
detective fiction and the middlebrow novel as a
AHLQUIST, Dale, The Complete Thinker :
The Marvelous Mind of G.K. Chesterton,
San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2012, 261
ALDER, Bill, Maigret, Simenon and France,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 220 pages.
Préface/Foreword : Stephen Knight.
This book examines the importance of social
class and social change in the Maigret stories,
giving a particular emphasis to the early
formative novels and the development of plot,
characterization and setting. The author seeks
to establish the extent to which Simenon’s
portrait of French society is historically
accurate and the nature of the influence of the
author’s own class position and ideology on his
MORLAN, Anya (ed.), Christianity and the
Detective Story, Newcastle, Cambridge
Scholars, 2013, 226 pages.
The Art of Murder: G.K. Chesterton and the
Detective Story : Ahlquist, President American
Chesterton Society
Anya Morlan and Walter Raubicheck
Is a "Christian" Mystery Story Possible?:
Charles Williams'
War in Heaven as a Generic Case Study
Ngaio Marsh's Innocent Vicarage: Character,
Religion and Performance in Overture to Death
Angelika Zirker
and the Detective Story: Holmes, Hauerwas,
and Auster : Eric Biddy
Chapter FOUR 47
Locked Mysteries: From the Book of Daniel to
Fantômas ! Biographie d’un criminel
imaginaire, Paris, Les Prairies Ordinaires,
2013. Parution : 14 juin.-13
Fantômas ! Le nom du « Génie du crime » a
traversé tout le XXe siècle. À bien des égards,
Pierre Souvestre et Marcel Allain ont enfanté en
1911 une œuvre monstre. Fantômas, revers
obscur et grimaçant de notre monde, y
invente, page après page, une violence sans
visage, sans motivations et sans signification
apparente. La série des Fantômas a fasciné les
avant-gardes des années 1920-1930, qui en
ont loué le génie créatif et la puissance
subversive. Le mythe du criminel voleur
d’identités, tueur cruel, virtuose de la mise en
scène morbide, a inspiré tableaux, films
polémiques. Nourri par un travail de collecte
inédit, cet ouvrage propose de relire Fantômas
à la lumière des travaux qui ont questionné la
place des fictions dans les sociétés
contemporaines. La trajectoire du protagoniste
éclaire l’organisation du champ littéraire,
partagé entre littérature légitime et productions
de grande consommation. Consacrant la toutepuissance de l’information et des faits divers,
l’œuvre apparaît bien comme « l’Énéide des
temps modernes », selon la formule de Blaise
Cendrars. La modernité du XXe siècle naissant
y est, il est vrai, partout : grands magasins,
chirurgie plastique, nouvelles techniques
policières… En subvertissant les logiques
classiques du detective novel où la raison et la
progression de l’enquête priment sur le crime,
Fantômas questionne les identités sociales, le
maintien de l’Ordre et la répression des
Simenon, comme Pierre Assouline, Michel
Lemoine ou Jacques Dubois – chacun d’eux
présentant aux lecteurs à la fois une synthèse
des travaux déjà réalisés et une série d’apports
nouveaux. En outre, d’autres critiques se
joignent à ces spécialistes reconnus et portent
un regard neuf sur le vaste continent
simenonien._Après ces études, une deuxième
partie contient quelques grands articles
historiques sur Simenon, que ce dernier a pu
découvrir de son vivant – articles pour la
plupart devenus introuvables aujourd’hui.
Suivent des extraits de correspondances : le
lecteur retrouvera là quelques lettres
importantes comme celles que Gide ou Fellini
ont adressées au père de Maigret, mais aussi
des lettres tout à fait inédites, signées Cocteau,
Henry Miller ou Anaïs Nin._Aux dialogues d’hier
succède un dialogue entre passé et présent :
une section est en effet consacrée à des
entretiens réalisés par Laurent Demoulin au
sujet de Simenon avec de grands romanciers
d’aujourd’hui, comme Emmanuel Carrère,
Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Eugène Savitzkaya,
Philippe Claudel ou Philippe Delerm._La parole
est ensuite donnée à Simenon lui-même, à
travers deux grands entretiens : le plus
mémorables d’entre eux a eu lieu lors de
l’émission Apostrophes de Bernard Pivot le 27
novembre 1981, l’autre, tout à fait inédit, voit
l’écrivain dialoguer avec son ami le professeur
Maurice Piron les 20 et 21 septembre 1982._La
dernière partie est composée d’une série de
textes très rares ou d’inédits de Simenon luimême, qu’il s’agisse de contes écrits durant sa
jeunesse et publiés par Colette ; de réponses à
des questionnaires ; d’une lettre adressée par
l’écrivain à… son personnage Maigret ; d’un
extrait d’une adaptation théâtrale réalisée avec
la complicité de Frédéric Dard ; d’un récit de
souvenirs ou d’un appel que l’écrivain nous
lance, puisqu’il y apostrophe le XXIe siècle…
NDLR : Les deux auteurs proposent aussi la
réédition en deux volumes, chez Robert Laffont
(Omnibus) de l’intégrale des aventures de
AUSTER, Paul, Chronique d’hiver, Arles/
Montréal, Leméac/Actes Sud, 2013, 252 pages.
À travers cette Chronique d’hiver plus proche
de l’autoportrait ou du journal que du récit
autobiographique classique, Paul Auster
propose une méditation sur la fuite du temps et
invite le lecteur à partager l’aventure de
l’existence telle qu’il l’a vécue, en homme
comme en écrivain, au fil des sensations, des
émotions, des rencontres et des lieux ayant
marqué son itinéraire personnel.
DEMOULIN, Laurent (dir.), Georges Simenon, Paris, Cahiers de l’Herne, no 102, 2013,
285 pages.
La vie et l’oeuvre de Simenon ont déjà fait
couler beaucoup d’encre, tant de la part des
critiques littéraires que des journalistes de la
presse people. C’est dans ce contexte que les
Cahiers de L’Herne consacre un numéro au
père de Maigret qui se veut à la fois généraliste
et particulier : sa diversité et sa richesse sont
de nature à combler à la fois les spécialistes de
l’oeuvre et ceux qui veulent la découvrir, les
habitués et les nouveaux venus…_Une
première partie est composée d’études
rigoureuses. Nombre de celles-ci sont signées
par les plus grands commentateurs de
Hommage à Driss
C h r a ï b i , Paris, L’Harmattan, (Approches
littéraires), 2013, 150 pages.
GAUYAT, Pierre, Jean Meckert, dit Jean
Amila : du roman prolétarien au roman
noir contemporain, Amiens, Encrage
(Travaux, 56), 2013, 351 pages.
KING, Donna & Carrie Lee SMITH (edS.), Men
who Hate Women and Women who Kick
their Asses : Stieg Larsson’s Millenium
Trilogy in Feminist Perspective, Nashville
(Tenn.), Vanderbilt University Press, 2012, 211
Donna King and Carrie Lee Smith
Misogyny and Mayhem
Always Ambivalent: Why Media Is Never Just
Entertainment : Abby Ferber
Kick-Ass Feminism: Violence, Resistance, and
Feminist Avengers in Larsson's Trilogy
Kristine De Welde
Lisbeth Salander as the "Final Girl" in the
Swedish "Girl Who" Films : Karen Ritzenhoff
Accounts of Violence against Women: The
Potential of Realistic Fiction :Roberta Villalon
State Complicity in Men's Violence against
Women : Patricia Yancey Martin
Gender and Power in the New Millennium
The Gender Ambiguity of Lisbeth Salander:
Third-Wave Feminist Hero? : Judith Lorber
Third-Wave Rebels in a Second-Wave World:
Polyamory, Gender, and Power : Mimi
Men Who Love Women: Pro-feminist
Masculinities in the Millennium Trilogy : Michael
Tiny, Tattooed, and Tough as Nails:
Representations of Lisbeth Salander's Body
Catherine (Kay) G. Valentine
Hacker Republic: Cyberspace and the Feminist
Appropriation of Technology : Sophie Statzel
Is This What Equality Looks Like? Working
Women in the Millennium Trilogy : Diane Levy
Swedish Perspectives
Corporations, the Welfare State, and Covert
Misogyny in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Anna Westerstahl Stenport and Cecilia
Ovesdotter Alm
Lisbeth Salander and Her Swedish Crime
Fiction "Sisters": Stieg Larsson's Hero in a
Genre Context : Kerstin Bergman
Is Mikael Blomkvist the Man of the Millennium?
Sara Karrholm
Readers' Responses
An Open Letter to the Next Stieg Larsson
LeeAnn Kriegh
Pippi and Lisbeth: Fictional Heroes across
Generations : Meika Loe
Feminist Bloggers Kick Larsson's Ass: Reading
Resistance Online : Jessie Daniels
Feminist Avenger or Male Fantasy? Reading the
Reception of the Millennium Trilogy : Caryn
Kästner – so noch nicht lesen : Impulse
und Perspektiven, Marburg, Tectum Verlag,
(Erich Kästner Studien, 1), 2012, 403 pages.
BISSLER, Denise L. & Joan L. CONNERS (ed.),
The Harms of Crime Media : Essays on the
Perpetuation of Racism, Sexism and Class
Stereotypes, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013,
262 pages.
A scan of today's television programming
reveals numerous media stories, factual and
fictional, featuring some aspect of crime. These
depictions can stray far from reality, with the
effect of creating and reinforcing distorted
impressions. This collection offers a sociological
analysis of race, class, and gender stereotypes
within crime media. Essays discuss particular
examples of inequalities and stereotypes,
consider the implications of such portrayals,
and demonstrate how they influence the
public's expectations and beliefs about realworld crime.
BELL, James (ed.), 39 Steps to the Genius
of Hitchcock, London BFI, (A BFI Compedium), 2012, 148 pages.
BOUTET, Marjolaine, Cold Case : la mélodie
du passé, Paris, Presses Universitaires de
France, 2013, 160 pages.
Malgré un succès d’audience partout dans le
monde, cette série historico-policière de sept
saisons et 156 épisodes ne fait pas l’objet
d’une édition DVD en raison du coût des droits
musicaux de sa très riche bande originale. Le
but de ce livre est de l’analyser sous un angle
historique et de contribuer à lui donner une
place dans la mémoire des sériephiles. Inspirés
par des faits réels et appuyés sur des
connaissances historiques précises, les crimes
résolus par les policiers de Cold Case proposent
un portrait « en coupe » – fictif et néanmoins
contemporaine, avec un traitement tout
particulier de l’histoire des femmes et des
minorités. Il s’agit aussi de montrer que le
propos développé par les scénaristes de cette
série policière diffusée sur la chaîne hertzienne
conservatrice CBS est profondément « de
gauche » (la gauche américaine) et
progressiste. Enfin, en tant que série des
années 2000, Cold Case est bien sûr marquée
par les attentats du 11 Septembre et les deux
guerres (Afghanistan et Irak) que les ÉtatsUnis ont menées pendant sa diffusion.
NEVINS, Francis M., Ellery Queen : The Art
of Detection, Charleston (SC), Perfect Crime,
2013, iii, 350 pages.
PARENTE, Audrey, Pulpmaster : The Theodore Roscoe Story, Boston, Altus, 2012, vi,
158 pages. Préface Theodore Roscoe.
Introduction : William B. Hart. [Réédition Starmont/ Borgo Press:1992]
BURDEAU, Emmanuel & Nicolas VIEILLESCAZES (dir.), Quentin Tarantino : un cinéaste déchaîné, Nantes, Capprici,, & Paris, les
Prairies ordinaires, 2012, 154 pages.
DELL, Matthias, « Herrlich inkorrekt » Die
Thiel-Boerne – Tatorte. (Ermittlungen in
Sachen Tatort 2), Berlin, Bertz & Fischer,
2013, 136 pages.
DeMICHAEL, James Bond FAQ : All That’s
Left to Know about Everyone’ Favorite
Superspy, Montclair (NJ), Applause Theatre &
Cinema Books, 2013, 400 pages.
DOSSIER, 007 : La Bible ultime James
Bond. Les Films, les acteurs, les girls, les
méchants, numéro Hors Série de Studio Ciné
Live, 2012, no 21, 84 pages.
HOGAN, David J., Film Noir FAQ : All that’s
Left to Know about Hollywood’s Golden
Age of Dames, Detectives, and Danger,
Montclair (NJ), Applause Books, 2013, 400
KEAZOR, Henry (ed.), Hitchcock und die
Künste, Marburg, Schüren, 2013, 224 pages.
KOSTER, Serge, Les Blondes flashantes
d’Alfred Hitchcock, Paris, L. Scheer, 2013, 89
Hitchcock et la
production, Saint-Denis, Edilivre, 2012, 46
MAKKAI, Katalin (ed.), V e r t i g o , London,
Routledge, 2013, 240 pages.
Released in 1958, Vertigo is widely regarded as
Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece and one of the
greatest films of all time. This is the first book
devoted to exploring the philosophical aspects
of Vertigo. Following an introduction by the
editor that places the film in context, each
chapter reflects upon Hitchcock’s film from a
philosophical perspective.
DU PELOUX, Renaud, Sons of Anarchy : la
guerre perpétuelle, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2013, 102 pages.
Les Sons of Anarchy sont une bande de
motards du fin fond de la Californie qui ont
décidé de faire sécession avec l'autorité
publique. Leur business est illégal bien sûr et
leurs manières, peu courtoises. Ils chevauchent
leurs Harleys comme des destriers de l'enfer et
sur leurs blousons de cuir est cousu : « Ceux
du Chaos ». Les Sons sont en guerre. De leur
mode de vie atypique jusqu'à une critique de
fond de la puissance publique, la série offre un
bel aperçu de la figure de l'anarchiste.
En quoi notre monde, que l'on peut dire libre
au sens où nous vivons dans une démocratie ,
peut-il leur paraître oppressant, coercitif ? La
manière dont la puissance publique réagit face
à ces ploucs du désert qui n'aspirent à rien
d'autre qu'à vivre seuls suggère que notre
liberté est peut-être moins réelle qu'il n'y
paraît. Convoquant les plus grands penseurs
anarchistes, cet ouvrage a l'ambition de
montrer comment la série est à l'origine d'une
réflexion philosophique sur la morale, la justice
et la liberté.
MARTIN, Brett, Difficult Men : Behind the
Scenes of a Creative Revolution : from
The Sopranos and The Wire to Bad Men
and Breaking Bad, New York, The Penguin
Press, 2013, 320 pages.
McCABE, Janet, The West Wing, Detroit,
Wayne State University Press, 2013, viii, 133
Introduction: politics of quality U.S. tv: all the
president's men and a few good women -Politics of quality primetime tv: network politics
and broadcasting context -- Politics of
storytelling and the tv auteur: authorship,
performance, and narrative -- Politics of the
televisual form: aesthetics and sounds of power
-- "Modern history is another name for
television": representing historical relevancy
and cultural memory -- Conclusion: "we had it
good there for a while": The west wing legacy.
GREVEN, David,
Psycho-sexual : Male
Desire in Hitchcock, De Palma, Scorcese
and Friedkin, Austin, University of Texas
Press, 2013, xi, 297 pages.
Introduction: Hitchcock, gender, and the new
Hollywood -- Cruising, hysteria, knowledge:
The man who knew too much -- "You are alone
here, aren't you?": Psycho's doubles -- Blank
screens: Psycho and the pornographic gaze -Misfortune and men's eyes: three early De
Palma comedies -- A sense of Vertigo: Taxi
driver -- Mirror shades: Cruising -- The gender
museum: Dressed to kill -- Coda: ideology at
an impasse.
OFNER, Astrid Joanna (dir.), Fritz Lang : eine
Retrospektive des Viennale und des
Österreichischen Filmmuseum,
Vienna International Film festival, 2012, 206
Girls with Guns :
Rape & Revenge Movies : Radikalfeministische Ermächtigungsfantasien ?, Berlin,
Bertz & Fischer, 2013, 115 pages.
RYBIN, Steven,
Michael Mann : Crime
Auteur, Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow Press,
2013, 318 pages.
In Michael Mann: Crime Auteur, Steven Rybin
looks at the television programs and films that
Mann has stamped with his personal signature.
This book closely examines the themes and
techniques used in films such as Manhunter,
Heat, The Insider, and Collateral and connects
these elements to his work on the non-genre
films The Last of the Mohicans and Ali. A
revised and significantly expanded edition of
The Cinema of Michael Mann (2007), this book
includes new chapters on Public Enemies and
the big screen version of Miami Vice, as well as
Mann’s work on the shows Crime Story and
Luck. Covering Mann’s entire career, this book
will be of interest to fans of the
writer/director’s body of work as well as to
scholars of both film and television.
several awards and has been described by
critics as the best show on television. In this
volume, author Sherryl Vint takes a close look
at several episodes of The Wire to argue that
the series challenges our understanding of the
relationship between entertainment and social
critique. Informed by recent work on race,
poverty, and the transformation of the
American inner city through neoliberalism, Vint
provides a compelling analysis of The Wire in
four chapters. First, she examines the season 1
episode "The Buys" as an example of the ways
in which The Wire diverges from the police
procedural format. She continues by
considering season 2's "All's Prologue" and
season 3's "Middle Ground" to explore in more
detail The Wire's critique of the exclusions of
the capitalist economy. In the final two
chapters, she looks at "Final Grades," the
fourth season finale, to highlight the problems
with institutional inertia and show both the
need for and barriers to reform, and uses the
season 5 episode "Clarifications" to consider
the failure of the media to adequately reflect
the social issues depicted in The Wire. One of
the landmark series of recent television history,
The Wire is ripe for research and discussion.
Fans of the series and those interested in social
commentary and the media will appreciate
Vint's new analysis in this volume.
SORRENTO, Matthew, The New American
Crime Film, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013,
222 pages. Préface de Stuart Gordon.
The most pervasive genre in contemporary
cinema, the American crime film has recently
enjoyed a new surge of popularity and
proliferation. Though these innovative films
now tackle topical issues, they continue to
reference the classic narratives and archetypes
established in the great crime pictures of past
decades. The titles explored in this critical
survey span many themes that have fused with
other genres to create fascinating filmic
hybrids. Focusing on character and plot
construction, the author highlights the gangster
and film noir traditions that still run strongly
through recent American cinema.
Among the many filmmakers analyzed within
these pages are David Lynch, Gus Van Sant,
David Mamet, Werner Herzog, Sam Raimi,
David Cronenberg and the Coen Brothers.
Stuart Gordon, director of the cult classic ReA n i m a t o r , provides the lively and incisive
SPICER, Andrew & Helen HANSON (eds.), A
Companion to Film Noir, Malden, WileyBlackwell, 2013, 573 pages.
VINT, Sherryl, The Wire, Detroit, Wayne
State University Press, (TV Milestones), 2013,
136 pages.
Frequently described by creator David Simon
as a novel for television, The Wire redefined
the police serial format by unfolding its
narrative across many episodes, constructing
themes for each of its seasons, and refusing to
portray individual crimes outside of their social
context. While it never achieved spectacular
ratings or won an Emmy during its 2002-2008
run on HBO, the show was honored with
ABRAHAM, Ulf, Fantastik in Literatur und
Film : eine Einführung für Schule und
Hochschule, Berlin, Shmidt, 2012, 256 pages.
ABDELOUAHAB, Farid, Voyages imaginaires : de Jules Verne à James Cameron,
Paris, Arthuaud, 2012, 207 pages.
Plus de 50 voyages extraordinaires dans
l'imaginaire des plus grands auteurs et
réalisateurs : Edgar Poe, Georges Méliès, David
Cronenberg ou James Cameron. Mondes
fantastiques et rêvés, périples dans le temps,
l'espace, sous les océans ou au centre de la
terre... les Voyages imaginaires, du cinéma et
de la littérature, nous entraînent au coeur
d'univers aussi fabuleux qu'effrayants. Tantôt
ébahis, tantôt apeurés, nous voilà projetés
dans un ouvrage en forme d'hommage aux
génies visionnaires et aux grands créateurs.
Des épopées mythiques des héros antiques aux
mondes virtuels du cinéma, sans oublier les
romans d'aventure des grands maîtres du
genre tels Jules Verne et ses Voyages
extraordinaires, en passant par quelques
trésors injustement oubliés comme Le Voyage
d'Urien d'André Gide ou le Voyage vers la lune
de Cyrano de Bergerac...
Maze; Robert W. Cape, Jr. _11. "Everything is
always changing": Autism, Normalcy, and
Progress in Elizabeth Moon's The Speed of Dark
and Nancy Fulda's "Movement;" Christy Tidwell
_12. Life without Hope? Huntington's Disease
and Genetic Futurity; Gerry Canavan.
(eds.), Parabolas of Science Fiction,
Middleton (Conn.), Wesleyan University Press,
2013, 280 pages.
The fourteen original essays in this collection
explore how the field of science fiction has
developed as a complex of repetitions,
conversations. This particular feature of the
genre has been the source of much critical
commentary, most notably through growing
interest in the “sf megatext,” a continually
expanding archive of shared images, situations,
plots, characters, settings, and themes found in
science fiction across media. Contributors
include Jane Donawerth, Terry Dowling, L.
Timmel Duchamp, Rachel Haywood Ferreira,
Pawe Frelik, David M. Higgins, Amy J. Ransom,
John Rieder, Nicholas Ruddick, Graham Sleight,
Gary K. Wolfe, and Lisa Yaszek.
ALLAN, Kathryn (ed.), Disability in Science
Fiction : Representations of Technology as
Cure, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013,
256 pages.
Introduction: Reading Disability in Science
Fiction; Kathryn Allan _PART I: THEORIZING
Help You Think: Intersections between
Disability Studies and the Writings of Samuel
R. Delany; Joanne Woiak and Hioni Karamanos
_2. The Metamorphic Body in Science Fiction:
From Prosthetic Correction to Utopian
Enhancement; António Fernando Cascais _3.
Freaks and Extraordinary Bodies: Disability as
Generic Marker in John Varley's "Tango Charlie
and Foxtrot Romeo;" Ria Cheyne _4. The Many
Representation of Intellectual Disability in
Daniel Keyes's Flowers for Algernon; Howard Sklar
PROSTHETIC BODIES_5. Prosthetic Bodies: The
Convergence of Disability, Technology and
Capital in Peter Watts' Blindsight and Ian
McDonald's River of Gods; Netty Matar _6. The
Bionic Woman: Machine or Human?; Donna Binns
_7. Star Wars, Limb-loss, and What it Means to
be Human; Ralph Covino _8. Animal and Alien
Bodies as Prostheses: Reframing Disability in
A v a t a r and How to Train Your Dragon; Leigha
Dinosaurs": The Disabled Body in the
Posthuman World; Brent Walter Cline_10.
Disabled Hero, Sick Society: Sophocles'
Philoctetes and Robert Silverberg's The Man in the
TRON (dir.), Imaginaires scientifiques &
hard science-fiction, Villefranche-sur-Mer,
Éditions du Somnium, (Sciences et Fictions à
Peyresq), 2012, 286 pages.
Hommage à Roland C. Wagner
Introduction : La science-fiction a-t-elle un cœur
dur ? par Éric Picholle
Article : Toutes sortes de hard par Pascal J.
I.SESSION : La hard SF, aux marges de la
spéculation ou de la vulgarisation ?
(modération : Claude Ecken)
Article : La Hard science, science-fiction des
origines par Claude Ecken
II. SESSION : Science, songes et littérature à la
renaissance (modération : Jean Dhombres)
Article : Des météores de Tishtar aux
technocrates : science et science-fiction
dans la littérature iranienne par Maedeh
III. SESSION : Construction et déconstruction de
la science en littérature (modération : Irène
Article : Trois fonctions littéraires de la hard SF :
rupture, transmission et création par Éric
IV. SESSION : Images et mots de la science dans
la science-fiction (modération : Jean-Jacques
Article : Des images pour stimuler l’imaginaire
scientifique ? par Estelle Blanquet
Article : La hard SF, du paradoxe littéraire à
l’objet esthétique par Samuel Minne
Préambule Séance V : Les deux infinis
par Jean-Claude Dunyach
V. SESSION : Les deux infinis, hard SF vs. space
opera (modération : Jean-Claude Dunyach)
VI Vers des sciences sociales dures ? (modération
: Bernard Convert)
Article : Hard science wars
par Jean-Luc Gautero
VII SESSION Comment créer un désir de
science chez les jeunes ? (modération : Estelle
Addendum : De la grande section au professeur
émérite, un même enthousiasme par Estelle
VIII. SESSION : Technoscience-fiction
(modération : Pascal J. Thomas)
Article : Origine et illustration sciencefictionnelles de la notion de « technoscience »
par Gilbert Hottois
IX. SESSION : Fictions quantiques (modération :
Éric Picholle)
1.À propos d’une couverture déviante...
Romanticism, Medicine and the Natural Supernatural
explores the relationship between the Romantic
preoccupation with visionary kinds of
experience and early nineteenth-century
medical theories of hallucination and the
nerves, placing it in the context of accounts of
perception in philosophical empiricism. Starting
with an examination of Ann Radcliffe's Gothic
narrative, and the canonical Romanticism of
Wordsworth and Coleridge, the book goes on to
examine the persistence of this medical topos
of hallucination and the visionary in mid
nineteenth-century writers influenced by
Romanticism, such as Harriet Martineau and
Harriet Beecher Stowe. The book concludes
with a discussion of how the pathological
language employed in early debates about PreRaphaelite painting reflects this Romantic
conception of the interrelationship between
nervous strain, hallucination and vision.
BRODMAN, Barbara & James E. Doan (eds.),
The Universal Vampire : Origins and
Evolution of a Legend, Madison, Fairleigh
Dickinson University Press, 2013, 262 pages.
A major question exists within vampire
scholarship: to what extent is this creature a
product of European cultural forms, or is the
vampire indeed a universal, perhaps even
archetypal figure? In this collection of sixteen
original essays, the editors shed light on this
question. One essay traces the origins of the
legend to the early medieval Norse draugr, an
“undead” creature who reflects the
underpinnings of Dracula, the latter first
appearing as a vampire in Anglo-Irish Bram
Stoker’s novel, Dracula, published in 1897.
In addition to these investigations of the
Western mythic, literary and historic traditions,
other essays in this volume move outside
Europe to explore vampire figures in Native
American and Mesoamerican myth and ritual,
as well as the existence of similar vampiric
traditions in Japanese, Russian and Latin
American art, theatre, literature, film and other
cultural productions.
CROSBY, Janice C., Cauldron of Changes :
Feminist Spirituality in Fantastic Fiction,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 215 pages.
The spiritual dimensions in the fantastic works
of both firmly established and newer writers-including such talents as Marion Zimmer
Bradley, Alice Walker, Patricia Kennealy,
Octavia Butler, Toni Morrison and Ntozake
Shange--are examined in this book.
BUSTOS, Carlos, La espina del mal : nueve
invenciones sobre la figura del demonio,
Mexico, Editorial Terracota, 2012, 105 pages.
CLARK, David, Gender, Violence, and the
Past in Edda and saga, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2012, 182 pages.
DE BENI, Matteo, Lo fantastico en escena :
formas de lo imposible en el teatro
contemporaneo, Pontevedra,
Academia del Hispanismo, 2012, 275 pages.
Préface de Paola Abrosi & Jeus Rubio Jimenez.
This book explores the fantastic in the
panorama of contemporary Spanish theater
from Ramon del Valle-Inclan until today. In
trying to label criticism as slick as "fantastic",
we should clarify that sense applies to that
end: this is the purpose of the first chapter,
which defines this category as a literary form
and not as a genre, and outlines besides its
host (or rather, its rejection) in the intellectual
and literary environment of nineteenth-century
BUDGE, Gavin, Romanticism, Medicine and
the Natural Supernatural : Transcendent
Vision and Bodily Spectres, 1789-1852,
New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 295
DEBUS, Allen A., Dinosaurs in Fantastic
Fiction : A Thematic Survey, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2013, 230 pages. Préface de Donald
F. Glut & Mark F. Berry.
From the first illustrated edition of Jules
Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth in
1867, dinosaurs and prehistory have fascinated
readers. Writers would time and again come
back to dinosaurs as an element of fantastic
fiction, often using these creatures--through
the venue of the written word--to reflect the
world of the writers’ own time.__This literary
survey examines how "paleoliterature"
originated, developed and matured to the
present day. Also discussed are the ways in
which dinosaur fiction mirrors contemporary
ideas about subjects such as geology, the Cold
War, environmentalism, time travel, evolution
and bioengineering.__Featured authors include
Ray Bradbury, H.G. Wells, and Poul Anderson,
among others. In select cases, the
novelizations of movie scripts are also
examined. An appendix provides brief
summaries of deserving dinosaur texts.
Gothic and the new: the Trollopes’ wild West,
Tamara Wagner; Frontier bloodlust in England:
American captivity narratives and Stoker’s
Dracula, Roland Finger. Part 2 Gothic
Catholicism: Demonizing the Catholic other:
religion and the secularization process in Gothic
literature, Diane Long Hoeveler; A woman with
a cross: the transgressive, transnational nun in
anti-Catholic fiction, Nancy F. Sweet; The
paradox of Catholicism in New England
women’s Gothic, Monika Elbert. Part 3 AngloAmerican Genre Exchanges: Beyond the Novel:
The haunted transatlantic libertine: Edmund
Kean’s American tour, Melissa Wehler; Gothic
prosody: monkish perversity and the poetics of
weird form, Daniel Robinson; Transnational war
Gothic from the American Civil War to World
War I, Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet. Part 4 Social
Anxieties and Hauntings: ‘At rest now’: child
ghosts and social justice in 19th-century
women’s writing, Roxanne Harde; All this
difficult darkness: lynching and the exorcism of
the Black other in Theodore Dreiser’s ‘Nigger
Jeff’, Keith B. Mitchell; ‘Duppy know who fi
frighten': laying ghosts in Jamaican fiction,
Candace Ward; Stranger fiction: the Asian
ghost tales of Rudyard Kipling and Lafcadio
Hearn, Mary Goodwin; Index.
DOS SANTOS MARTIN, Eunice, La Réutilisation des contes, mythes et légendes en
fantasy jeunesse : essai, Villeneuve-le-Roi,
E. dos Santos Martins, 2012, 72-24 pages.
DOUTHWAITE, Julia V., The Frankenstein of
1790 and other Lost Chapters from
Revolutionary France, Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 2012, 317 pages.
The French Revolution brings to mind violent
mobs, the guillotine, and Madame Defarge, but
it was also a publishing revolution: more than
1,200 novels were published between 1789 and
1804, when Napoleon declared the Revolution
at an end. In this book, Julia V. Douthwaite
explores how the works within this enormous
corpus announced the new shapes of literature
to come and reveals that vestiges of these
stories can be found in novels by the likes of
Mary Shelley, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Honoré de
Balzac, Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, and
L. Frank Baum.
ERIKSON, Steven, Alex BLEDSOE & Jennifer
BROZEK, Writing Fantasy Heroes : Powerful Advice from the Pros, Milwaukee (WI),
Rogue Blades Entertainment, 2013, 216 pages.
FERGUSON, Trish (ed.), Victorian Time :
Technologies, Standardizations, Catastrophes, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013,
219 pages.
Introduction; T.Ferguson _The Best of Time,
The Worst of Time: Temporal Consciousness in
Dickens; D.Downes _Emptying Time in Anthony
Trollope's The Warden; K.Killeen _Hardy's
Wessex and the Birth of Industrial Subjectivity;
T.Ferguson_'You Are Too Slow': Jules Verne's
Around the World in 80 Days; J.S.Carroll_'Brave New
Worlds': Samuel Butler's Erewhon, Settler
Colonialism and New Zealand Mean Time;
J.McDonnell_'Primitive Man' and Media Time in
H.M. Stanley's Through the Dark Continent;
B.H.Murray _'The Honest Application of the
Obvious': The Scientific Futurity of H.G.Wells;
M.Link_'The End of Time': M.P. Shiel and the
'Apocalyptic Imaginary'; A. Bulfin _'Gone Into
Mourning...For the Death of the Sun':
Victorians at the End of Time; D.Jones
DUCRET, Alix, Le Moyen Âge fantastique ou
la petite histoire du merveilleux, Dinan,
Terre de brume, 2012, 181 pages.
ELBERT, Monika & Bridget M. MARSHALL (ed.),
Transnational Gothic : Literary and Social
Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century
Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, x, 269 pages.
Introduction, Bridget M. Marshall and Monika
Elbert; Part 1 Old World Gothic and the New
World Frontier: A transnational perspective on
American Gothic criticism, Siân Silyn Roberts;
The transatlantic Gothic of Isaac Mitchell’s
Alonzo and Melissa as an early example of
popular culture, Christian Knirsch; The old
GUNN, James E., Paratexts : Introductions
to Science Fiction and Fantasy, Lanham
(MD), The Scarecrow Press, 2013, 242 pages.
In the mid-1980s, Easton Press began
publishing a series of leather-bound collector
editions called “Masterpieces of Science Fiction”
and “Masterpieces of Fantasy,” which featured
some of the most important works in these
genres. James Gunn was commissioned to
write introductions to these works, which
allowed him to pay tribute to many authors
who inspired and influenced his own work.
In Paratexts: Introductions to Science Fiction
and Fantasy, Gunn has collected the most
significant essays produced for the Easton
series, along with prefaces he wrote for
reprints of his own novels. Cited here are some
of the most significant works of 19th and 20th
century science fiction and fantasy, such as
The Island of Dr. Moreau, 1984, Stranger in a
Strange Land, A Clockwork Orange, Speaker
for the Dead, The Postman, Do Androids Dream
of Electric Sheep?, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to
the Universe, The Dead Zone, The Mists of
Avalon, Dragon’s Eye, Nine Princes in Amber,
Blue Mars, The Last Unicorn, and The Lord of
the Rings.
KING, Edward, Science Fiction and Digital
Technologies in Argentine and Brazilian
Culture, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013,
256 pages.
1. Espiritismo Digital in Cyberfiction from
Brazil_2. Race and the Digital Body in
Cyberfiction from Brazil_3. Cruz diablo:
Cyberspace as Frontier_4. Distributed Agency
in Marcelo Cohen's Casa de Ottro_5. Memory
and Affective Technologies in the Argentine
Comic Book Series Cybersix _6. Prosthetic
Memory and the Disruption of Affective Control
in the Graphic Fiction of Lourenço Mutarelli.
KNOST, Michael (ed.), Writers Workshop of
Science Fiction & Fantasy, Lexington (KY),
Seventh Star Press, 2013, 276 pages.
LAIGLE, Jean-Pierre, Planètes pilleuses et
autres thématiques de la science-fiction,
Paris, L’Oeil du Sphinx, (Les études du Docteur
Armitage, vol. 1), 2013. 284 pages.
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HORSTMANN, Ulrich, Abschreckungskunst :
zur Ehrenrettung der apokalyptische
Phantasie, München, Paderborn, Fink, 2012,
196 pages.
JESCHKE, Wolfgang, Sebastian PIRLING &
Sascha MAMCZAK, Das Science Fiction Jahr
2 0 1 3 , München, Heyne Verlag, 2013, 994
JOSHI, S. T., Unutterable Horror : A History of Supernatural Fiction, Hornsea, East
Yorkshire, 2012, (2 volumes, 1, 357 pages, 2,
422 pages).
KERR, Greg, Dream Cities : Utopias and
Prose by Poets in Nineteenth-Century
France, London, Legenda, (Legenda Main
Series), 2013, 250 pages.
To a backdrop of dizzying urbanization, French
utopian thinkers of the nineteenth century set
out to explore the transformative possibilities
of the modern metropolis. Linking literary
analyses with diverse strands of cultural and
intellectual history, this study considers how
the utopian vision of the city in turn came to
impinge on prose writing by poets: in SaintSimonian literature, and in texts by Théophile
Gautier, Charles Baudelaire and Arthur
Rimbaud. At points steeped in the hyperbolic
rhetoric of utopian projects, these texts
nonetheless wear away at the internal
coherence of that rhetoric and the idealizing
meanings it supports.
Von monströsen
Helden und heldenhaften Monstern : zur
Darstellung und Funktion des Fremden in
den originalen Riddarasögur, Tübingen, A.
Francke Verlag, 2013, 260 pages.
LEVINA, Marina & Diem-My T. BUI (Eds.),
Monster Culture in the 21st Century : A
Reader, New York, Bloomsbury Academic,
2013, 344 pages.
Introduction: Toward a Comprehensive Monster
Theory in the 21st Century by Marina Levina
and Diem My Bui_1. Ontology and Monstrosity
by Amit S. Rai__Part I: Monstrous Identities
_2. Heading Towards the Past: The Twilight
Vampire Figure as Surveillance Metaphor by
Florian Grandena_3. Playing Alien in PostRacial Times by Susana Loza_4. Battling
Monsters and Becoming Monstrous: Human
Devolution in The Walking Dead by Kyle W.
Bishop_5. The Monster in the Mirror: Reflecting
and Deflecting the Mobility of Gendered
Violence Onscreen by Megan Foley_6.
Intersectionality Bites: Metaphors of Race and
Sexuality in HBO’s True Blood by Peter
Campbell_7. Gendering the Monster Within:
Biological Essentialism, Sexual Difference, and
Changing Symbolic Functions of the Monster in
Popular Werewolf Texts by Rosalind
Sibielski__Part II: Monstrous Technologies _8.
Biopolitics and Zombies by Sherryl Vint _9.
Monstrous Technologies and the Telepathology
of Everyday Life by Jeremy Biles_10.
Monstrous Citizenships: Coercion, Submission,
and the Possibilities of Resistance in Never Let Me
Go and Cloud Atlas by Roy Osamu Kamada_11.
On the Frontlines of the Zombie War in the
Congo: Digital Technology, the Trade in Conflict
Minerals, and Zombification by Jeffrey W.
Mantz_12. Monsters by the Numbers:
Controlling Monstrosity in Video Games by
Jaroslav _velch_13. Killing Whiteness:The
Critical Positioning of Zombie Walk Brides in
Internet Settings by Michele White__Part III:
Monstrous Territories _14. Zombinations:
Reading the undead as debt and guilt in the
national imaginary by Michael S. Drake_15.
The Monster Within: Post-9/11 Narratives of
Threat and the U.S. Shifting Terrain of Terror
by Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo and Carmen R.
Lugo-Lugo_16. The Heartland Under Siege:
Undead in the West by Cynthia J. Miller and A.
Bowdoin Van Riper_17. When Matter Becomes
an Active Agent: The Incorporeal Monstrosity of
Threat in Lost by Enrica Picarelli_18. Monstrous
Capital: Frankenstein Derivatives, Financial
Wizards, and the Spectral Economy by Ryan
Gillespie_19. Domesticating the Monstrous in
Harford_About the Contributors.
Bleiler, ed.)
2. Fictions of the Feminist Future (Kate
Macdonald, ed.)
3. Speculative Fiction and Imperialism in
Africa (Stephen Donovan, ed.)
MACHINAL , Hélène (dir.), Le Savant fou,
Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes,
(Interférences), 2013, 516 pages.
Le savant fou, tel le Victor Frankenstein de
Mary Shelley ne se lasse pas de resurgir dans
les représentations imaginaires et fictives.
Figure mythique moderne, il renvoie à une
opposition remontant à l’Antiquité qui perçoit
folie et génie comme deux notions
complémentaires. Cet ouvrage fournit
l’occasion d’explorer les avatars contemporains
du savant fou ainsi que la spécificité des
questionnements qu’il met en jeu dans le
roman et les arts visuels de la fin du XXe siècle
et du début du XXIe siècle.
MAIRBÄURL, Gunda (dir.), Kinderliterarische Mythen-Translation : zur Konstruktion
phantastischer Welten bei Tove Jansson,
C. S. Lewis und J. R . R. Tolkien, Wien, Praesens Verlag & Chronos Verlag, 2013, 310
MEILLASSOUX, Quentin, Métaphysique et
fiction des mondes hors-science suivi de
La Boule de billard d’Isaac Asimov, Paris, les
Éditions aux Forges de Vulcain, (Essais), 2013,
107 pages.
MILLER, Gerald Ava, Exploring the Limits of
the Human Through Science Fiction, New
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, x, 238 pages.
Introduction The Genre of the Non-Place:
Science Fiction as Critical Theory_1. Variables
of the Human: Gender and the Programmable
Subject in Samuel R. Delany's Triton_2. The
Human as Desiring Machine: Anime
Evolution_3. The Eversion of the Virtual:
Postmodernity and Control Societies in William
Gibson's Science Fictions of the Present_4. The
Spectacle of Memory: Realism, Narrative, and
Time Travel Cinema_Conclusion Beyond the
Human: Ontogenesis, Technology, and the
Posthuman in Kubrick and Clarke's 2001.
MILNER, Andrew, Locating Science Fiction,
Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, (Liverpool
Science Fiction Texts and Studies), 2012, 244
In Locating Science Fiction, Andrew Milner looks at
science fiction within the context of a host of
other genres—including fantasy, romance, and
the thriller—and explores the historical and
MACDONALD, Kate (General editor), Political
Future : Speculative and Counter-Factual
Politics in Edwardian Fiction, London,
Pickering & Chatto, 2013. Trois volumes :
1 . The Empire of the Future (Richard
geographic contexts of science fiction’s
emergence and development. Bringing in
Raymond Williams’s cultural materialism, Pierre
Bourdieu’s sociology of culture, and Franco
Moretti’s application of world systems to
literary studies, he offers a persuasive,
synthetic, and ultimately new mode of science
fiction analysis that will become essential
"new wave in science fiction." Critics called it
"dangerous nonsense" and labeled its fans the
lunatic fringe. Whatever else the Shaver
Mystery was, it became a worldwide sensation
between 1945 and 1948, one of the greatest
controversies to hit the science fiction genre.
Today these stories of the remnants of a
sinister ancient civilization living in caverns
under the Earth are an all but forgotten sidebar
to the historical record. The Shaver Mystery
began as a series of science fiction yarns in
Amazing Stories nearly 70 years ago. The men
behind it, Ray Palmer and Richard Shaver,
were derided and seldom understood by a
fandom that did its best to sweep them under
the carpet of history. Though Ray Palmer was
one of the earliest and biggest names in SF
fandom, credited with many firsts in his field,
his fannish brethren have roundly ignored him,
thanks to the Shaver Mystery. What is the
truth behind these men and their "mystery"?
This is the question writers and editors that
promoted the Shaver Mystery try to answer as
they reveal the behind-the-scenes story of the
phenomenon known as "Shaverism."
NEWMAN, Judie,
Utopia and Terror in
Contemporary American Fiction, New York,
Routledge, 2013, xii, 181 pages.
Rotten with perfection : Kim Edwards, The
secrets of a fire king -- Fiction and the
Unabomber : Susan Choi, A person of interest - Blowback : André Dubus III, House of sand
and fog -- Falling woman : André Dubus III,
The garden of last days -- Pictures from a
revolution : Dalia Sofer, The Septembers of
Shiraz -- Updike's many worlds : local and
global in Toward the end of time -- The Black
Atlantic as dystopia : Bernardine Evaristo,
Blonde roots -- Disaster utopias : Chitra
Divakaruni, One amazing thing.
NADIS, Fred, The Man from Mars : Ray
Palmer’s Amazing Pulp Journey, New York,
Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2013, 304 pages.
The rollicking true story of the legendary writer
and editor who ruled over America’s fantasy
and supernatural pulp journals in the midtwentieth century, and shaped today’s UFO and
sci-fi cultures: Ray Palmer.Meet Ray Palmer. A
hustler, a trickster, and a visionary. The
hunchbacked Palmer, who stood at just over
four feet tall, was nevertheless an indomitable
force, the ruler of his own bizarre sector of the
universe. Armed with only his typewriter,
Palmer changed the world as we know it –
jumpstarting the flying saucer craze;
frightening hundreds of thousands of
Americans with “true” stories of evil denizens
of inner earth; and reporting on cover-ups
involving extraterrestrials, the paranormal, and
secret government agencies.
PARIS, Vincent, Zombies : Sociologie des
m o r t s - v i v a n t s , Montréal, XYZ, (Hors
Collection), 2013, 155 pages.
Que cela vous plaise ou pas, les zombies sont
parmi nous. Ils font partie de notre «culture
populaire». Ils ont envahi les écrans, les jeux
vidéo et même les bandes dessinées. Les
classiques de la littérature n’ont pas échappé à
la contamination par le virus: Orgueil et
préjugés et zombies, parodie du célèbre roman
de Jane Austen, a été un best-seller. Taper le
mot «zombie» dans Google devrait finalement
vous convaincre de l’ampleur du phénomène,
qui méritait bien un ouvrage.
Qu’est-ce qu’un zombie? D’où vient le
phénomène? Pourquoi le zombie est-il si
populaire et fascine-t-il autant de nos jours? Si
TORONTO, Richard, War over Lemuria :
Richard Shaver and the Strangest Chapter
of 1940s Science Fiction, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2013, 264 pages.
Life magazine described the Shaver Mystery as
"the most celebrated rumpus that rocked the
science fiction world." Its creators said it was a
l’épidémie se produisait vraiment, quelles
seraient les conséquences sur le plan
REBHANN, Anja, Von Aussen – und Innenräumen : eine Analyse zeitgenössicher
deutschsprachigen Science-Fiction Literatur, Bielefeld, Aisthesis Verlag, 2013, 221
REEDS, Kenneth, What is Magical Realism ?
An Explanation of a Literary Style,
Lewiston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, vii,
299 pages. Foreword by Stephen M. Hart.
PÉPIN, Amélie, Zombie : le mort-vivant
autopsié, Montréal, les Intouchables, 2013,
122 pages.
Le zombie n’est pas une mode. Créé par
l’homme pour être d’abord son esclave, ensuite
le reflet de ses peurs les plus sombres, il vit
enfoui au plus profond de chacun. Au fil du
temps, il est parvenu à se libérer des chaînes
qui le liaient à son créateur. Il parade
maintenant dans les rues, crève les écrans de
cinéma, se cache dans les pages de livres et de
bandes-dessinées exposant, de ce fait, cette
crainte viscérale que chaque homme a de luimême.__De White Zombie à 28 Days Later en
passant par Dawn of the Dead, Zombie_: le
mort-vivant autopsié dépeint le portrait de ce
mort qui, par-delà la fin du monde, nous
ROPER, Lyndal,
The Witch in Western
Imagination, Charlottesville, University of
Virginia Press, (Richard Lectures), 2012, 256
SANDERS, Hans, Lebenswelten : Imaginationsraüme der europäischen Literatur,
Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 326 pages.
SANDIN, Lyn Di lorio & Richard PEREZ (eds.),
Moments of Magical Realism in US Ethnic
Literature, New York, Palgrave Macmillan,
2013, 279 pages.
SEGAL, Howard P., Utopias : A Brief History
from Ancient Writings to Virtual
Communities, Chichester, Wiley-Backwell,
2012, 280 pages.
SIKORSKA, Liliana (ed.), Eyes Deep with
Unfathomable Histories : The Poetics and
Politics of Magic Realism Today and in the
Past, Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2012, 162 pages.
SIPE, Daniel, Text, Image, and the Problem
with Perfection in Nineteenth-Century
France : Utopia and its Afterlives, Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, 190 pages.
PIOFFET, Marie-Christine (dir.), Dictionnaire
analytique des toponymes imaginaires
dans la littérature narrative de langue
française (1605-1711), Paris, Hermann,
(République des Lettres), 2013, 612 pages.
Le XVIIe siècle donne naissance à une
prolifération de lieux imaginaires. De
nombreuses cartes allégoriques, utopies et
dystopies y voient le jour. Mais les romans, les
contes de fées, les pamphlets, les chroniques
mondaines et même les récits de voyages n’
échappent pas à cette vogue, à tel point qu’on
peut appréhender la topographie fictive comme
un mode d’ expression privilégié du Grand
Siècle._Le présent recueil se veut un guide des
espaces sans référent, de leur configuration et
de leurs enjeux symboliques ou idéologiques. Il
permettra au lecteur de revisiter des lieux
célèbres comme le pays de Tendre ou la
mythique Terre Australe, ainsi que des
territoires méconnus mais particulièrement
riches de signification. La topographie
métaphorique a également alimenté de
nombreux débats. Les violentes polémiques
suscitées autour de la publication_de la
Nouvelle allegorique ou Histoire des derniers
troubles arrivez au Royaume d’Eloquence
(1658) d’ Antoine Furetière et de la Carte de
Tendre (1654) esquissée par Madeleine de
Scudéry montrent à quel point les
représentations de pays imaginaires cristallisaient les passions. S’ensuivirent également
plusieurs discussions théoriques.
The Modern
Literary Werewolf : A Critical Study of the
Mutable Motif, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
2013, 228 pages.
Throughout history, from at least as far back as
the Epic of Gilgamesh, mankind has shown a
fascination with physical transformation-especially that of humans into animals. Tales of
such transformations appear in every culture
across the course of history. They have been
featured in the Western world in the work of
such authors as Ovid, Petronius, Marie de
France, Saint Augustine, Jack Williamson,
Charles de Lint, Charaline Harris, Terry
Pratchett, and J. K. Rowling.
TAYLOR, Anthony, London’s Burning : Pulp
Fiction, The Politics of Terrorism and The
Destruction of the Capital in British
Popular Culture, 1840-2005, London,
Continuum, 2012, 257 pages.
TEARLE, Oliver, Bewilderments of Vision :
Hallucination and Literature, 1880-1914,
Brighton & Portland (OR), Sussex Academic
Press, 2013, vi, 207 pages.
THURSTON, Luke, Literary Ghosts from the
Victorians to Modernism : The Haunting
Interval, New York, Routledge, 2012, 186
This book resituates the ghost story as a
matter of literary hospitality and as part of a
vital prehistory of modernism, seeing it not as
a quaint neo-gothic ornament, but as a
powerful literary response to the technological
and psychological disturbances that marked the
end of the Victorian era. Linking little-studied
authors like M. R. James and May Sinclair to
such canonical figures as Dickens, Henry
James, Woolf, and Joyce, Thurston argues that
the literary ghost should be seen as no mere
relic of gothic style but as a portal of discovery,
an opening onto the central modernist problem
of how to write ‘life itself.’ Ghost stories are
split between an ironic, often parodic reference
to Gothic style and an evocation of ‘life itself,’
an implicit repudiation of all literary style.
Reading the ghost story as both a guest and a
host story, this book traces the ghost as a
disruptive figure in the ‘hospitable’ space of
narrative from Maturin, Poe and Dickens to the
fin de siècle, and then on into the twentieth
The book covers work by well-known time
travel writers such as H. G. Wells, Edward
Bellamy, Robert Heinlein, Samuel Delany, and
Harlan Ellison, as well as pulp fiction writers of
the 1920s through the 1940s, popular and
avant-garde postwar science fiction, television
shows such as The Twilight Zone and Star Trek, and
current cinema. Literature, film and TV are
read alongside theoretical work ranging from
Einstein, Schrödinger, and Hawking to Gérard
Genette, David Lewis, and Gilles Deleuze.
Wittenberg argues that even the most
mainstream audiences of popular time travel
fiction and cinema are vigorously engaged with
many of the same questions about temporality,
identity, and history that concern literary
theorists, media and film scholars, and
WRIGHT, Angela, Britain, France and the
Gothic, 1764-1820 : The Import of Terror,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013,
231 pages.
In describing his proto-Gothic fiction, The
Castle of Otranto (1764), as a translation,
Horace Walpole was deliberately playing on
national anxieties concerning the importation of
war, fashion and literature from France in the
aftermath of the Seven Years' War. In the last
decade of the eighteenth century, as Britain
went to war again with France, this time in the
wake of revolution, the continuing connections
between Gothic literature and France through
the realms of translation, adaptation and
unacknowledged borrowing led to strong
suspicions of Gothic literature taking on a
subversive role in diminishing British
patriotism. Angela Wright explores the
development of Gothic literature in Britain in
the context of the fraught relationship between
Britain and France, offering fresh perspectives
on the works of Walpole, Radcliffe, 'Monk'
Lewis and their contemporaries.
Wonderbook : The
Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative
Fiction, New York, Abrams Image, 2013, 352
WAGNER, Sven, The Scientit as God : A
Typological Study of a Literary Motif, 1818
to the Present, Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag
Winter, 2012, 263 pages.
WILLIAMS, Rosalind H., The Triumph of
Human Empire : Verne, Morris, and
Stevenson at the End of the World,
Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2013, 416
Preface: An Event of Consciousness -- The Rise
of Human Empire -- Part One: Jules Verne -Life on the Loire -- The Empire of Paris -Inventing the Geographic Romance -- The End
of the World -- Part Two: William Morris -- Life
on the Thames -- Pilgrimage to a Holy Land -A River of Fire -- From Romance to Fantasy -Part Three: Robert Louis Stevenson -Romantic Engineering and Engineering
Romance -- Two Voyages: Inland Waterways
and High Seas -- Worlds of Wonder and
Problematic Shores -- The Romance of Destiny
-- Afterword: A Rolling Apocalypse.
WYATT, John,
The Use of Imaginary,
Historical and Actual Maps in Literature :
How British and Irish Authors Created
Imaginary Worlds to Tell Their Stories,
Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, 386
In this text, the author highlights unrecorded
discoveries about how maps and literature are
associated. Not only do maps give us a tool by
which to understand a physical reality as it
actually exists, but maps can support the realm
of literary fiction – such as Tolkien’s Middle
Earth, or Stevenson’s Treasure Island. There
are also maps that try to catch a certain
historical moment like an urban space at a
Time Travel : The
Popular Philosophy of Narrative, New York,
Fordham University Press, 2013, ix, 306 pages.
particular time period, or a rural environment.
While maps had historically guided travel, in
literature they provide an escape mechanism
that transports the audience to an unfamiliar
place. Maps can create images that color the
contours of the reader’s imagination, thereby
fortifying the creativity of the story being told.
Is there a verisimilitude where the authors are
trying to realistically depict a scene as it
actually exists, or does the story try to create a
magical fantasy world conjured up out of thin
air? The use of maps gives an array of options,
and the story can hinge on what kind of setting
the author creates through their employment.
Revue en ligne sous la direction d’Irène
Printemps-été 2013
SF, Fantastique et polar du Canada
Dossier - SF, fantastique et polar du
Canada français
Sophie Beaulé et Amy J. Ransom : Présentation
du dossier
Jean-Louis Trudel : Une littérature de passage.
La science-fiction et le fantastique francoontariens de 1885 à nos jours
Jean Levasseur : De la fantasmagorie à la
physique quantique. Un revenant de Rémi
Benoit Doyon-Gosselin et Simon LachancePaquet : Du post-exotisme avant la lettre. Le
Scalpel ininterrompu. Journal du docteur Jan
von Fries de l’Acadien Ronald Després
Michel Lord, Le fantastique au temps de la
Révolution tranquille. Claude Mathieu, La Mort
Amy J. Ransom : La gamme du fantastique.
L’éclatement des genres et l’écriture migrante
haïtiano-québécoise (1979-2001)
Simone Grossman, Le réalisme magique dans
les récits d’Ook Chung
Sébastien Sacré : Fantastique, merveilleux et
fantasmatique dans Quand vient la nuit de
Daniel Sernine. La perméabilité des genres
Nicholas Serruys, De la métaphore globale à
l’allégorie locale dans La Suite du temps de
Daniel Sernine
Sharon C. Taylor : L’utopie critique et
« l’identité sexuale » chez Élisabeth Vonarburg
Philippe Clermont : Les univers d’Élisabeth
Vonarburg (1992-2007). Entre fantasy et
Sophie Beaulé : La plaie et le couteau. Formes
du pouvoir et de la violence dans l’univers de
Suprématie de Laurent McAllister
Clotilde Landais : Aliss de Patrick Senécal. La
métalepse ontologique comme instrument du
Estelle Girard : Patrick Senécal (1995-2007).
De la normalité à la déviance, de la lucidité à la
folie, de l’inaccessible sens à l’absurde
monstruosité du non-sens
Kathleen Kellett-Betsos : Maud Graham et
l’affaire de la mauvaise mère. Le polar
féministe chez Chrystine Brouillet (1987-2007)
Arnaud Genon : Du corps monstrueux au
fantôme du corps. Pudeur et impudeur comme
ZIEGLER, Robert,
Satanism, Magic and
Mysticism in fin-de-siècle France, New
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 229 pages.
An interdisciplinary study of the supernatural
and the occult in fin-de-siècle France (18701914), the present volume examines the
explosion of interest in devil-worship, magic
and mysticism both from a historical
perspective and through analysis of key literary
works of the period.
no 2,2013
La science-fiction, rue d’Ulm
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J!u!l!i!e! !S!c!h!u!t!z! !-! !L’!I!m!a!g!i!n!a!i!r!e! !d!u! !t!e!m!p!s! !d!a!n!s! !l!e!
!f!a!n!t!a!s!t!i!q!u!e! !e!t! !l!a! !s!c!i!e!n!c!e!-!f!i!c!t!i!o!n! !(!2!0!1!1!)
modalités de construction d'un corps politique
chez Hervé Guibert
Manon Delcour : Son nom d’avant d’Hélène
Lenoir. Les malaises du chez-soi
Thomas Carrier-Lafleur : Fictions du vide.
Scénario pour une enquête cinématographique
et littéraire
Comptes rendus
Geneviève Lafrance : Marc André Bernier (dir.),
La Raison exaltée. Études sur De la littérature
de Madame de Staël
Sébastien Côté : Andreas Motsch et Grégoire
Holtz (dir.), Éditer la Nouvelle-France
Thomas Carrier-Lafleur : Jean-Yves Tadié, Le
Lac inconnu. Entre Proust et Freud
Désirée Lamoureux : Yannick Malgouzou, Les
Camps nazis. Réflexions sur la réception
littéraire française
Sylvie Lannegrand : Paul Dirkx et Pascal
Mougin (dir.), Claude Simon : situations
Adina Balint-Babos : Kenneth Meadwell,
Narrativité et voix de l’altérité. Figurations et
configurations de l’altérité dans le roman
canadien d’expression française
Cosmin Toma : Vincent Kaufmann, La Faute à
Mallarmé. L’aventure de la théorie littéraire
Nos félicitations à Natacha Vays-Dereys
qui a remporté le Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire
pour Ces Français qui ont écrit demain,
présenté dans ces pages (no 74, septembre 72,
page 20). Un honneur bien mérité !
Eric B. Henriet nous signale la mise en
place, par Bertrand Campeis, du site
uchronews : tout ce qui touche à l’uchronie.
Si vous désirez consulter, informer, participer :
Parution chez L’Oeil du Sphinx du deuxième
numéro de la revue
Wendigo, no 2,
Fantastique et horreur, de l’ami Richard D.
Nolane, 178 pages. Détails ici :
ANDERSON, Melanie,
Spectrality in the
Novels of Toni Morrison, Knoxville (TN),
University of Tennessee Press, 2013, 204
ASHCRAFT, Donna Musialowski,
Deconstructing Twilight : Psychological and
Feminist Perspectives on the Series, New
York, Peter Lang, 2013, xi, 247 pages.
Using feminist and psychological theory,
Deconstructing Twilight examines the behavior,
relationships, and gender roles depicted in the
popular Twilight series. Using perspectives
from both fans and detractors of the series, it
discusses whether the character of Bella, and
the series in general, is antifeminist or an
example of modern feminism, and whether the
relationship between Bella and Edward is
healthy or maladjusted.
Bernard Goorden nous informe que :
Après avoir mis en valeur dans « IDES … ET
AUTRES » hors commerce la revue belge
« ANTICIPATIONS », éditée à Bruxelles en
1945-1946, notre Centre de Documentation de
l’Etrange ou CDE a numérisé intégralement,
afin de la faire redécouvrir et lui rendre
hommage, « ATLANTA », une revue belge
semi-professionnelle, éditée dans la province
de Liège.
Michaël Grayn, (décédé en 1997), directeur des
Editions de l'A.E.L.P. (ou Association
européenne des littératures parallèles), en fut
le fondateur, d’abord sous la forme de fanzine
(voir des éléments sur cette première période à
l’adresse suivante
n.asp?numcollection=1975551057 ), en 19641965. Une revue bimestrielle, quasi professionnelle, devait lui succéder à partir de 1966.
Le petit guide à
trimballer de Philip K. Dick, Chambéry,
ActuSF, (Les trois souhaits), 2012, 181 pages.
BARON, Anne-Marie,
Balzac occulte –
Alchimie, magnétisme, sociétés secrètes,
Lausanne, L’Âge d’homme, (Océan noir), 2013,
326 pages. Préface d’Antoine Faivre.
BOUSON, J. Brooks (ed.), Margaret Atwood,
Ipswich (MA), Salem Press, 2013, xx, 391
BUSE, Ionel, Mythes populaires dans la
prose fantastique de Mircea Eliade, Paris,
L’Harmattan, (Ouverture philosophique), 2013,
236 pages. Préface de Jean-Jacques
Guy Astic lance une campagne de
souscription pour :
ANDREVON, Jean-Pierre, 100 ans et plus de
cinéma fantastique et de science-fiction,
parution septembre 2013. Prix proposé : 59
euros (au lieu de 69, plus sexy, certes, mais
plus cher !)
Rouge Profond, 881, route de la Bonde, 84120
CALLAGHAN, Gavin, H. P. Lovecraft’s Dark
Arcadia, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 288
reassessment of the controversial works and
life of American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft.
Ignoring secondary accounts and various
received truths, Gavin Callaghan goes back to
the weird texts themselves, and follows where
Lovecraft leads him: into an arcane world of
parental giganticism and inverted classicism, in
which Lovecraft’s parental obsessions were
twisted into the all-powerful cosmic monsters
of his imaginary cosmology.
AARP-Centre Rocambole, (Bibliothèque du
Rocambole. Magasin du Club Verne, 2), 2012,
153 pages.
Entre la rédaction de Vingt mille lieues sous les mers
et Autour de la Lune, Jules Verne avait été sollicité
par son éditeur Hetzel pour remanier un livre
écrit par le romancier et journaliste anglais
James Greenwood (1832-1929) et illustré par
le Français Ernest _Griset (1843-1907), dont
les aventures débridées paraissaient à
première vue bien compatibles avec celles des
« Voyages extraordinaires ». Mais l’éditeur
Hetzel s’était trompé : les changements
proposés par Verne étaient si radicaux qu’il
recula devant leur réalisation.
L’édition établie par Volker Dehs d’après
l’original conservé aux Bibliothèques d’Amiens
Métropole permet d’apprécier — simultanément
ou l’une après l’autre — la version originale des
Aventures surprenantes de trois vieux marins (1866) et
la version que Jules Verne aurait voulu en faire
en 1869. L’introduction présente J. Greenwood,
un des protagonistes les plus singuliers du
journalisme anglais, indûment oublié de nos
jours, et retrace la curieuse destinée de ce livre
dont l’humour caustique peut encore
aujourd’hui déconcerter comme lors de sa
première parution.
CARD, Orson Scott (ed.), Ender’s World :
Fresh Perspectives on the SF Classic
Ender’s Game, Dallas (TX), Smart Pop (Be
Bella Books), 2013, xv, 286 pages.
CASILLO, Inès, La ironia en los cuentos
fantasticos de Adolfo Bioy Casares,
Hamburg, Kova, 2013, 249 pages.
CHASSAGNE, Jean-Pierre, Leo Perutz et le
scepticisme viennois : l’ébauche d’une
éthique du désenchantement, SaintÉtienne, Publications de l’université de SaintÉtienne, (Les scripturales), 2012, 248 pages.
COLEBROOK, Martyn & Katharine COX (eds.),
The Transgressive Iain Banks : Essays on
a Writer Beyond Borders, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2013, 275 pages.
This collection of 12 new essays draws together
prominent literary experts to explore the
importance of Scottish writer Iain (M.) Banks,
both his mainstream and science fiction work.
The book considers Banks as an habitual
border crosser who makes things fresh and
new by subversive and transgressive
strategies. The essays are divided into four
thematic areas: the Scottish context, the
geographies of his writing, the impact of genre,
and a combined focus on gender, games and
Et puisqu’il est question de Jules Verne,
signalons aussi la parution du Bulletin de la
Société Jules Verne, no 182, « Spécial : Tour
du monde en 80 jours ».
DIAZ, Hernan, Borges, Between History
and Eternity, London, Continuum, 2012, 176
GARCIN, Jean-Claude,
Pour une lecture
historique des Mille et une nuits : essai sur
l’édition de Bulaq, 1835, Arles, SindbadArles Sud, (La bibliothèque arabe. Hommes et
sociétés), 2013, 804 pages.
HARMAN, Graham,
Weird Realism :
Lovecraft and Philosophy, Winchester Zero
Books, 2012, 268 pages.
Lovecraft was one of the brightest stars of the
horror and science fiction magazines, but died
in poverty and relative obscurity in the 1930s.
In 2005 he was finally elevated from pulp
status to the classical literary canon with the
release of a Library of America volume
dedicated to his work. The impact of Lovecraft
on philosophy has been building for more than
a decade. Initially championed by shadowy
guru Nick Land at Warwick during the 1990s,
he was later discovered to be an object of
private fascination for all four original members
of the twenty-first century Speculative Realist
CORDA, Tiziana, E.T.A. Hoffmann und Carlo
Gozzi : der Einfluss der Commedia
dell’Arte und der Fiabe Teatrali in
Hoffmann’s Werk, Würzburg, Königshausen &
Neumann, 2012, 495 pages.
CURTRIGHT, Travis, The One Thomas More,
Washington (DC), Catholic University of
America Press, 2012, 231 pages.
DEHS, Volker, Les Ciseaux de Jules Verne :
Aventures surprenantes de trois vieux
marins, de James Greenwood, Amiens,
movement. In this book, Graham Harman
extracts the basic philosophical concepts
underlying the work of Lovecraft, yielding a
weird realism capable of freeing continental
philosophy from its current soul-crushing
impasse. Abandoning pious references by
Heidegger to Hölderlin and the Greeks, Harman
develops a new philosophical mythology
centered in such Lovecraftian figures as
Cthulhu, Wilbur Whately, and the rat-like
monstrosity Brown Jenkin. The Miskatonic River
replaces the Rhine and the Ister, while
Hölderlin's Caucasus gives way to Lovecraft's
Antarctic mountains of madness.
RICHARDSON, Bill, Borges and Space, New
York, et al., Peter Lang, (Hispanic Studies :
Cultures and Ideas, vol. 41), 2012, 256 pages.
RIORDAN, Rick (ed.) [with Leah WILSON],
Demigods and Monsters : Your Favorite
Authors on Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson
and the Olympians Series, Dallas (TX),
Borders, 2013, 196 pages.
ROWE, John Carlos & Eric HARALSON (eds.), A
Historical Guide to Henry James, Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2012, vi, 271 pages.
SALU, Mary & Robert T. FARRELL (eds.),
J.R.R. Tolkien, Scholar and Storyteller :
Essays in Memoriam, Ithaca (NY), Cornell
University Press, 2013, 328 pages.Rééd. :
Calvino e il cinema,
Macerata, Quodlibet, 2012, 130 pages. Préface
de Pasquale Voza.
HOLDEN, Rebecca & Nisi SHAWL (eds.),
Strange Matings : Science Fiction,
Feminism, African American Voices, and
Octavia E. Butler, Seattle (WA), Aqueduct
Press, 2013, 328 pages.
KRAUSE, Arnulf, Die wirkliche Mittelerde :
Tolkien’s Mythologie und ihre Wurzeln im
Mittelalter, Suttgart, Theiss, 2012, 229 pages.
LLANAS, Sheila Griffin, How to Analyze the
Works of Suzanne Collins, Minneapolis,
ABDO Pub., 2013, 112 pages.
MACOR, Laura Anna, Harry Potter und die
Heiligtümer der Philosophie : Nahkampf
mit dem Tod, Würzburg, Königshausen und
Neumann, 2013, 131 pages.
Potocki : pérégrinations, Toulouse, Presses
universitaires du Mirail, 2013, 206 pages.
MUELLER, Stefanie, The Presence of the
Past in the Novels of Toni Morrison,
Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, 2013, 135 pages.
NAHL, Alexander von, Snorri Sturlusons
Mythologie und die mittelalterliche
Theologie, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013, 239
PARISOT, Fabrice (Dir.), Alejo Carpentier à
l’aube du XXe siècle, Paris, L’Harmattan,
(Recherches Amériques Latines) 2012, 121
SCHNABEL, William,
Lovecraft et ses
doubles, Brixney-aux Chanoines, Le Diable
ermite, 2013, 135 pages. [en collaboration
avec Fabienne Dujet].
Avec ce nouvel ouvrage consacré à H.P.
Lovecraft, William Schnabel, professeur des
universités, spécialiste en culture et littérature
américaines, nous livre un regard original sur
l’écrivain légendaire du fantastique. Lovecraft
et ses doubles met à la disposition des
amateurs de l’étrange une lecture nouvelle de
cet auteur en nous dévoilant des doubles
dissimulés mais toujours omniprésents dans sa
SHERMAN, Fraser A., The Wizard of Oz
Catalog : L. Frank Baum’s Novel, its
Sequels and their Adaptations for Stage,
Television. Movies, Radio, Music Videos,
Comic Books, Commercial and More,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 286 pages.
SIMMONS, David (ed.), New Critical Essays
on H.P. Lovecraft, New York, Palgrave, 2013,
288 pages.
Foreword by S.T. Joshi_Introduction_PART I:
Resemblance': Africa as Abjection Within and
Without in H.P. Lovecraft's Short Fiction; David
Simmons _2. 'Spawn of the pit': Lavinia,
Marceline, Medusa and all Things Foul: HP
Lovecraft's Liminal Women; Gina Wisker _3.
'The infinitude of the shrieking abysses':
Rooms, Wombs, Tombs and the Hysterical
Female Gothic in "The Dreams in the WitchHouse"; Sara Williams _4. Slime and Western
Man: H. P. Lovecraft in the Time of Modernism;
Gerry Carlin and Nicola Allen _5. Looming at
the Mountains of Madness: Lovecraft's Mirages;
PEZEU-MASSABUAU, Jacques, Jules Verne :
un art d’habiter la Terre, Paris, L’Harmattan,
(Espaces littéraires), 2013, 177 pages.
On peut aborder de multiples façons les
soixante-deux romans des Voyages extraordinaires.
Les grandes figures de Phileas Fogg, Michel
Strogoff ou du capitaine Nemo illustrent le
thème du héros tandis que leur histoire
développe celui de l'aventure sous ses diverses
facettes. Mais c'est dans le voyage que l'auteur
les fait vivre et accomplir leurs exploits :
chaque récit promènera le lecteur dans un pays
différent, dont la nature et les hommes seront
décrits avec soin.
Robert Waugh _6. On 'The Dunwich Horror';
HIS INFLUENCE_7. The Shadow Over Derleth:
Disseminating the Mythos in The Trail of Cthulhu;
J. S. Mackley _8. From the Library of America
to the Mountains of Madness: Recent Discourse
on H.P. Lovecraft; Steffen Hantke _9. Co(s)mic
Horror; Chris Murray and Kevin Corstorphine
_10. 'Sounds which filled me with an
indefinable dread': The Cthulhu Mythopoeia of
H.P. Lovecraft in 'Extreme' Metal'; J o s e p h
Norman _11. 'Comrades in Tentacles': H.P.
Lovecraft and China Mieville; Martyn Colebrook
_12. Tentacles and Teeth: The Lovecraftian
Being in Popular Culture; Mark Jones.
K. A. Laity 124_The Hulking Hyde: How the
Incredible Hulk Reinvented the Modern Jekyll
Lance Eaton
138_Critical Thinking on the Dark Side_
Lisa Marie Miller 156_"Inside..._Doesn’t
Matter": Responding to American Psycho and
Its Dantean Agenda_
Miles Tittle 179_In
the Dark of Your Own Psyche: Jungian Theory
and Horror_
J. A. White 200_Skins and
Bones: The Horror of the Real_
Edward Martin 224_The Pedagogical Value of
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in Teaching
Adaptation Studies_
Ben Kooyman 245.
ARNOLD, Sarah, Maternal Horror Film :
Melodrama and Motherhood, New York,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 216 pages.
Horror film is particularly prone to articulating
fears and tensions about maternal figures, and
reflects cultural apprehensions concerning the
changing nature of motherhood. Via
predominantly US and European case studies,
Maternal Horror Film: Melodrama and Motherhood
establishes a framework for understanding two
dominant representations of motherhood: selfsacrificing and demonic. Building on this,
Arnold investigates how discourses of
motherhood exist within East Asian horror texts
using popular recent horror films to illustrate.
Historical and contemporary case studies
include Psycho (1960), Poltergeist (1985), Invasion
(2007), Ringu (1998), The Others (2001), Dark
Water (2003), and The Seventh Sign (1988).
Who Was Dracula ?
Bram Stoker’s Trail of Blood, New York,
Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2013, 336 pages.
TURLIN, Jean-Rodolphe,
Promenades au
pays des Hobbits : itinéraires à travers la
Comté de J.R.R. Tolkien, Dinan, Terre de
Brume, 2012, 197 pages.
VAN ZEE, Amy, How to Analyze the Works
of C.S.Lewis, Minneapolis, ABDO Pub., 2013,
112 pages.
VINCENT, Bev, The Dark Tower Companion : A Guide to Stephen King’s Epic
Fantasy, New York, New American Library,
2013, ix, 498 pages.
WEBER, David :
House of Steel : The
Honorverse Companion, New York, Baen
Books, 2013, 576 pages.
BENNETT, Tara, Fringe : September’s
Notebook, San Rafael, Insight Editions, 2013,
192 pages.
Delve into television’s most otherworldly
phenomenon! Fringe: September’s Notebook is a
uniquely in-world collection that explores the
intricate destinies of Walter Bishop, Peter
Bishop, and Olivia Dunham. Gathered by the
Observer known only as “September,” these
pages reveal new truths about the Fringe
Division and Massive Dynamic. The book also
closely examines the Amber timeline and the
alternate universe “Over There.”
Packed with concept art, exclusive photos, and
intriguing ephemera, September’s Notebook will
satisfy every serious fan’s hunger for details
about the Observers, quirks and little-known
facts about each character, insight into Fringe
Science, and much more. “Easter eggs”
throughout build on the many symbols and
codes woven into the show’s fabric, uncovering
truths never before revealed.
AHMAD, Alyad & Sean MORELAND (eds.), Fear
and Learning : Essays on the Pedagogy of
Horror, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 284
Foreword by Glen Hirshberg 1_Introduction:
Horror in the Classroom_
Aalya Ahmad and
Sean Moreland 5_Postmodernism with Sam
Raimi (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying
About Theory and Love Evil Dead)_
Andrew Weinstock 19_Towards a Monster
Pedagogy: Reclaiming the Classroom for the
John Edgar Browning 40_When the
Women Think: Teaching Horror in Women’s
and Gender Studies_
Aalya Ahmad 56_Acts
of Re-Possession: Bollywood’s Re-Inventions of
the Occult _Possession Film_
Moreland and Summer Pervez 75_Beyond the
Lure: Teaching Horror, Teaching Theory_
Brian Johnson 95_A Raven’s Eye View:
Teaching Scopophilia with Dario Argento_
COLLECTIF, Star Wars : le Livre des Sith,
Paris, Larousse, 2013, 160 pages.
Doctor Who Character
Encyclopedia, New York, DK Publishing, 2013,
208 pages.
COLLECTIF, Star Trek : The Visual Diction a r y , New York, DK Publishing, 2013, 96
DIAZ-ZAMBRANA, Rosana & Patricia TOMÉ
(dir.), Horrofilmico : aproximaciones al
cine de terror en Latinoamerica y el
Caribe, San Juan (Puerto Rico), Editorial Isla
Negra, 2012, 463 pages.
Breve preámbulo sobre el significado del terror/
Pedro Cabiya -- Introducción : horrografías :
rutas transcontinentales del miedo / Rosana
Díaz-Zambrana -- Monstruos neoliberales :
capitalismo y terror en Cronos y Somos lo que
hay / Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado -- Terror,
transnacionalización y taquilla : fantasmas y
reivindicaciones en el cine latinoamericano
contemporáneo, el caso de El espinazo del
diablo de Guillermo del Toro / Jorge González
del Pozo -- Las multitudes no-muertas :
alegorías del neoliberalismo en Plaga zombie y
Plaga zombie : zona mutante / Jonathan Risner
-- Panorama histórico del horror en el cine
brasileño / Laura Loguercio Cánepa -- Carlos
Hugo Christensen : sombras del miedo en
Sudamérica / Carlos Primati -- La invasión
zombi en el cine de terror independiente
latinoamericano / Alfredo Suppia y Lúcio Reis
"tropicalización" en tres películas de horror
colombianas / Gabriel Andrés Eljaiek Rodríguez
-- De Transilvania a Ayacucho : historias de
vampiros y qarqachas / José Carlos Cano López
-- Cine de terror ecuatoriano : un acercamiento
al gótico andino / Gabriela Alemán -- Zombis y
chupanalgas en la Isla del Espanto : la comedia
de horror en el cine de culto puertorriqueño /
Rosana Díaz-Zambrana -- De los Cárpatos a la
Patagonia o la mudanza de los vampiros :
gótico y exploitation cinema en Argentina /
Nadina Olmedo -- Cine de terror en Chile
(2000-2011) : la figura del zombi en el
imaginario cultural de la posdictadura chilena /
Vania Barraza Toledo -- Horror o política : el
selectivo anclaje de los fantasmas del pasado a
ambos lados del Atlántico / Álvaro Fernández -La Violencia y su sombra : asomos al género
del horror en el cine colombiano : Vallejo,
Mayolo, Ospina / Felipe Gómez Gutiérrez -Miedos infantiles, adolescencias transgresoras :
religión, política y sexualidad en el campo del
horror dominicano / Patricia Tomé -- Consumo
y producción de terror trash en Brasil :
reciclaje cultural, distinción y sociabilidad /
Mayka Castellano -- El problema del estilo en
José Mojica Marins / Rodrigo Carreiro -- Entre
la carencia y el exceso : la construcción de una
industria del cine de horror en Chile / Lucía
Reinaga -- La casa muda (2010) : 'miedo real
en tiempo real' / Victoria Ruétalo -- Fábulas del
desencanto : horrores y distopías en el
audiovisual cubano contemporáneo / Dean Luis
Reyes -- Reflexiones sobre lo femenino y lo
COMER, Todd A. & Lloyd Isaac VAYO (eds.),
Terror and the Cinematic Sublime : Essays
on Violence and the Unpresentable in
post-9/11 Films, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
2013, vi, 208 pages.
Preface and Acknowledgments 1 Introduction:
Terror and the (Post)Cinematic Sublime Todd
A. Comer and Lloyd Isaac Vayo 5_Hits and
9/11_Plummeting to the Pavement: The Fall of
the Body in _ Spider-Man Kartik Nair
15_When Does the Hurting Stop? Cloverfield
and the _ (Re)Enabling of Fantasy in the
Post-9/11 City Scott Wilson
Terror Alive: The Political Economy of Visibility
_ in Inside Man Sven Cvek
42_Pushing the
Freedom_Aronofsky’s Cinematic Vision and the
Ethical Meaning of _ Freedom as the Sublime
Horizon of Amor Fati Donald Callen 57_The
Apocalyptic Sublime: Hollywood Disaster Films
and _ Donnie Darko Seung-hoon Jeong
72_History Is Always Virgin: Quentin
Tarantino’s Inglourious _ Basterds and the
Lyotardian Sublime Marco Grosoli 88_Tarrying
with Sublimity: The Limits of Cinematic Form in
_ Duncan Jones’ Source Code Michael J.
103_Communique-tion Breakdown:
(Post)Cinematic Interruptions_Pleasure and
Pain: Post-Cinematic Remakes Holly Willis
119_Watching the World Burn: Intensity,
Absurdity and Echoes _ of the Sublime in
Contemporary Science Fiction Destruction John
P. Warton
134_The AIllusion: Intelligent
Machines, Jacques Derrida’s "Ethical _ Turn"
and Oren Peli’s Paranormal Activity Larrie
Dudenhoeffer 150_The Indigestibility of the
World: Birthing the Posthuman in _
165_Afterword: Afterwards Patrick Fuery 181.
COTTA VAZ, Mark, Sublimes créatures : le
guide officiel du film, Paris, Hachette, 2013,
142 pages.
CURTIS, Grant, The Art of Oz the Great and
Powerful, New York, Disney Editions, 2013,
256 pages.
DEVITO, Carlo, Star Trek Classic Quotes :
The Next Generation, Kennebunkport, Cider
Mill Press, 2013, 96 pages.
sobrenatural en las películas de horror de
Carlos Enrique Taboada / Beatriz Saldanha -Cine de terror argentino : historia, temas y
estética de un género en el período clásico /
Fernando Pagnoni Berns -- Entrevista : Benicio
del Toro y el cine de horror / Rosana DíazZambrana.
(1960) is investigated as the watershed
moment when the genre opened its doors to
the possibility that any horror movie--classic,
modern, B-movie, and more--might be remade
for contemporary audiences.__Staple horror
franchises--Halloween (1978), Friday the 13th
(1980), and A Nightmare on Elm Street
(1984)--are highlighted along with their
remake counterparts in order to illustrate how
the genre has embraced a phenomenon of
remake productions and what the future of
horror holds for American cinema. More than
25 original films, their remakes, and the
movies they influenced are presented in
detailed discussions throughout the text.
DONNELLY K. J. & Philip HAYWARD (eds.),
Music in Science Fiction Television : Tuned
to the Future, New York, Routledge, 2013,
xviii, 228 pages.
Music in The twilight zone / James Wierzbicki -Time warp : sonic retro-futurism in The Jetsons
/ Rebecca Coyle and Alex Mesker -- John
Williams’ music to Lost in space : the
monumental, the profound, and the hyperbolic
/ Ron Rodman -- Hearing the boldly goings :
tracking the title themes of the Star Trek
television franchise, 1966-2005 / Neil Lerner -Whimsical complexity : music and sound design
in The Clangers / Philip Hayward -Schizophrenic chords and warm shivers in the
stomach : the "new astronautic sound" of
Raumpatrouille / Guido Heldt -- Television’s
musical imagination : Space: 1999 / K.J.
Donnelly -- The sound of civilization : music in
Terry Nation’s Survivors / Derek Johnston -Rematerialization : musical engagements with
the British TV series Doctor Who / Philip
Hayward and Jon Fitzgerald -- Babylon 5 :
science fiction, melodrama and musical style /
Louis Niebur -- The work of music in The age of
steel : themes, leitmotifs and stock music in
the new Doctor Who / David Butler -- Lost in
music : Heidegger, the glissando and otherness
/ Isabella van Elferen -- Visual effects in
Sanctuary : the reparative function of sound in
low budget science fiction series / Lisa
FRANKHAM-ALLEN, Andy, Companions : Fifty
Years of Doctor Who Assistants : An
Unofficial Guide, Cardiff, Candy Jar Books,
2013, 344 pages.
FREEMAN, Brian James, Hans-ake Lilja, Kevin
QUIGLEY, The Illustrated Stephen King
Movie Trivia Book, Forest Hill (Md), Cemetery
Dance Publications, 2013, 476 pages.
Illustrations : Glenn CHADBOURNE.
GARCIA, Frank & Mark PHILLIPS, Science
Fiction Television Series, 1990-2004 :
Histories, Casts, Credits for 58 Shows,
Jefferson (NC), MacFarland, 2013, 431 pages.
New Vampire Cinema,
London, BFI, 2012, ix, 155 pages.
Vampire films have always gone to outlying
regions: not Transylvania any more (although
this remains a 'magical' point of reference), but
Mexico, the suburbs of Stockholm, a remote
town in Alaska, the forests of the United
States, Australia, Korea, Japan, New Zealand.
New Vampire Cinema examines forty modern
classic vampire films from 1992 to the present
day, responding to this remarkably long-lasting
example of genre cinema.
ELLIS, Sigrid & Michael damian THOMAS,
Queers Dig Time Lords : A Celebration of
Doctor Who by the LGBTQ Fans who Love
it, Des Moines (Iowa), Mad Norvegian Press,
2013, 240 pages.
FLOTMANN, Christina, Ambiguity in S t a r
W a r s and
Harry Potter : A (post)
Structuralist Reading of Two Popular
Myths, Bielfeld, transcript Verlag, 2013, 393
FRANCIS, James Jr., Remaking Horror :
Hollywood’s New Reliance on Scares of
Old, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, vii, 214
This book chronicles the American horror film
genre in its development of remakes from the
1930s into the 21st century. Gus Van Sant’s
1998 remake of Alfred Hitchcock’s P s y c h o
GERANI, Gary (ed.), Top 100 Fantasy Films,
San Diego (CA), IDW Publ. Fantastic Press,
2012, 200 pages.
GINN, Sherry, Power and Control in the
Television Worlds of Joss Whedon,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 198 pages.
This study explores the myriad natural and
supernatural methods Whedon’s characters use
to achieve power and control over unsuspecting
friends and foes, including witchcraft and other
paranormal means, love, aggression, and
scientific devices such as psychosurgery and
psychopharmacology. A catalog of characters
and a complete list of episodes for each series
completes this valuable addition to the growing
GRANT, Robert, Writing the Science Fiction
F i l m , Studio City (CA), Michael Wiese
Productions,2013, 250 pages.
Drittenin David Cronenbergs SHIVERS
Von Julia Köhne
Bluten, Häuten, Fragmentieren 96
Der Splatterfilm als Schwellenraum am Beispiel
Von Gabriele Dietze
Arbeit am Trauma 109
Wes Cravens SCREAM-Trilogie
Von Elisabeth Bronfen
Neo-Splatter 120
BRIDE OF CHUCKY und der Horror der
Heteronormativität Von Judith Halberstam
III. Blick und Ökonomie 133
Vorbemerkung von Ralph Kuschke
Einblicke 137
Neugier auf das »Innere des Anderen«
Von Marcus Stiglegger
Ausrinnen als Einübung 151
Der Splatterfi lm als Perspektive auf fl
exibilisierte medienkulturelle Subjektivität
Von Drehli Robnik
Terrorema 164
Von Schlachtbildern und Bilderschlachten
Von Ralph Kuschke
IV. Splatterwerkstatt Deutschland 178
Vorbemerkung von Thomas Groh
Maßnahmen gegen die Gewalt. 183
Der TANZ DER TEUFEL und die Würde des
Aspekte der Gewaltdebatte im Zusammenhang
mit Sam Raimis THE EVIL DEAD Von Manfred
Interview mit Jörg Buttgereit 205
Von Stefan Höltgen und Julia Köhne
Interview mit Christoph Schlingensief 225
Von Gerburg Treusch-Dieter
Der Splatter-Kanon. 50 wichtige Splatterfilme.
HUSS, John (ed.), Planet of the Apes and
Philosophy : Great Apes Think Alike,
Chicago (IL), Open Court, (Popular Culture and
Philosophy), 2013, 288 pages.
The first Planet of the Apes movie appeared in
1968, based on the novel by Pierre Boulle. Now
a popular and expanding franchise, the everinventive sequels and prequels raise important
philosophical questions about animal rights,
genetic engineering, race relations, time travel,
and our place in the cosmos. In Planet of the
Apes and Philosophy: Great Apes Think Alike,
twenty-three philosophers provide varied
viewpoints on this impressive phenomenon of
popular culture.
KIRBY, David A., Lab Coats in Hollywood :
Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2013, 280 pages.
Rééd. : 2011.
KNIGHT, Peter, Le Secret des Envahisseurs, Saint-Zénon, Éditions Louise Courteau,
2013, 540 pages.
La célébre télésérie contiendrait des « codes
secrets » d’une caste venue d’un autre monde
et qui s’apprêterait à nous faire des trucs pas
catholiques ! Pour mémoire...
Splatter Movies : Essays zum
modernen Horrorfilm, Berlin, Bertz &
Fischer, 2012, 261 pages.
Vorwort 7 Von Thomas Macho
Einleitung 9
Von Julia Köhne, Ralph Kuschke, Arno Meteling
I. Medien und Ästhetik 17
Vorbemerkung von Arno Meteling
Take a Closer Look 21
Filmische Strategien der Annäherung des Blicks
an die Wunde Von Stefan Höltgen
Profane Apokalypse 30
George A. Romeros DAWN OF THE DEAD
Von James McFarland
Endspiele 51
Erhabene Groteske in BRAINDEAD, KOROSHIYA
und HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES Von Arno
II. Psychoanalyse und Gender 67
Vorbemerkung von Julia Köhne
Männliche Schwangerschaft und 72
weibliche Penetration
Transmutationen, Shifts und die Figur des
LEITCH, Gillian I., (ed.), Doctor Who in
Space and Time : Essays on Themes,
Characters, History and Fandom, Jefferson
(NC), McFarland, 2013, 300 pages.
Introduction (Gillian I. Leitch) 1_ 1. Event TV:
Fan Consumption of Televised Doctor Who in
Britain (1963-Present) (Andrew O’Day) 7_ 2.
Social Spaces: British Fandom to the Present
(Andrew O’Day) 25_ 3. Don’t Call It a
Comeback (Aaron Gulyas) 44_ 4. Whose
Doctor? (J.M. Frey) 64_ 5. In and Out of
Time: Memory and Chronology (Kieran Tranter)
82_ 6. Effecting the Cause: Time Travel
Narratives (Paul Booth) 97_ 7. Narrative
Conflict and the Portrayal of Media, Public
Relations and _Marketing in the New Doctor
Who (Racheline Maltese) 112_ 8. Nostalgia for
Empire, 1963-1974 (Maura Grady and Cassie
Hemstrom) 125_ 9. A Needle Through the
Heart: Violence and Tragedy as a Narrative
Device (Lindsay Coleman) 142_10. Everything
Dies: The Message of Mortality in the Eccleston
and Tennant Years (Kristine Larsen) 157_11.
"Ready to outsit eternity": Human Responses
to the Apocalypse (Andrew Crome) 175_12. A
Country Made from Metal? The "Britishness" of
Human-Machine _Marriage in Series 31 (Kate
Flynn) 195_13. "Whatever you do, don’t
blink!" Gothic Horror and the Weeping Angels
Trilogy (David Whitt) 213_14. Doctor Who’s
Women and His Little Blue Box: Time Travel as
a Heroic Journey of Self-Discovery for Rose
Tyler, Martha Jones and Donna Noble
(Antoinette F. Winstead) 227_15. Spoiled for
Another Life: Sarah Jane Smith’s Adventures
with and Without Doctor Who (Sherry Ginn)
242_16. Chasing Amy: The Evolution of the
Doctor’s Female Companion in the New Who
(Lynnette Porter) 253.
REGAZZI, Jean, L’Enfance de la peur : dans
le hors-champ de Bob Clark, Jack Clayton
& Richard Loncraine, Paris, L’Harmattan,
2013, 224 pages.
Full Circle de Richard Loncraine, The innocents de
Jack Clayton et Black Christmas de Bob Clark :
trois films de peur des années soixante et
soixante-dix où l'enfance est centrale. Cet essai
revient sur ces films pour mieux cerner ce qui
gît de peur et d'enfance au coeur du cinéma.
SALISBURY, Mark, Frankenweenie : The
Visual Companion, New York, Disney
Editions, 2013, 208 pages.
SÉRISIER, Pierre, Le Prisonnier : sommesnous tous des numéros ?, Paris, Presses
universitaires de France, 2013, 144 pages.
Le Prisonnier est d'abord l'oeuvre d'un homme,
Patrick McGoohan, qui livre à la postérité un
chef d'oeuvre inégalé. Jamais une fiction
télévisée n'a été à ce point étudiée, disséquée
et documentée depuis l'apparition du petit
écran. Acteur, réalisateur, scénariste,
producteur, directeur de casting et finalement
maître d'oeuvre habité par une ambition,
McGoohan a tenté un pari que l'on peut juger
fou et livré en seulement 17 épisodes une
contribution majeure à la culture populaire.
Le Prisonnier est également une série inscrite
dans le temps. Elle est à la fois le témoin de
son époque, la fin des années 60, et
prophétique par bien des aspects en dénonçant
l'aliénation de la société de consommation, la
tyrannie du pouvoir, la fascination pour la
médecine, la surveillance croissante de
l'individu et la perte des repères de l'identité de
chacun d'entre nous dans un phénomène
croissant d'isolement.
MAYO, Mike, The Horror Show Guide : The
Ultimate Frightfest of Movies, Canton (Mi),
Visible Ink Press, 2013, xvii, 477 pages.
Fantasy Film
Post 9/11, New York, Palgrave Macmillan,
2013, 224 pages.
Settings, Spectacle, and the Other: Picturing
Disgust in Jackson's The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
_2. Bewitching, Abject, Uncanny: Magical
Spectacle in the Harry Potter Films_3. Pirate
Politics and the Spectacle of the Other: Pirates of
the Caribbean _4. Resurrection, Anthropomorphism, and Cold War Echoes in Adamson's
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the
W a r d r o b e _5. The Aesthetics of Trauma:
Temporality and Multidirectional Memory in
Pan's Labyrinth_6. Reframing the Cold War in the
Twenty-First Century: Action, Nostalgia, and
Nuclear Holocaust in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom
of the Crystal Skull_7. The Ecstasy of Chaos:
Mediating 9/11, Terrorism, and Trauma in The
Dark Knight _8. Wounding, Morality, and Torture:
Reflections of the War on Terror in Iron Man and
Iron Man 2_9. Shock and Awe: Terror,
Technology, and the Sublime Nature of
Cameron's Avatar.
SCOTT, Cavan & Mark WRIGHT, Who-ology :
Doctor Who : The Official Miscellany,
London, BBC Books, 2013, 384 pages.
TARKOSKIJ Andrej A. Jun. (dir.),
Tarkovskij : Leben und Werk, Schriften,
Stills & Polaroids, München, Schirmer/Mosel,
2012, 319 pages. Mit einem Essay von HansJoachim Schlegel.
URBANSKI, Heather, The Science Fiction
Reboot : Canon, Innovation and Fandom in
Refashioned Franchise, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2013, 240 pages.
This analysis examines several recent
reimagined science fiction franchises (S t a r
Trek, Battlestar Galactica, V, and Star Wars) in
order to capture how "reboots" work from a fan
perspective. Previous encounters with these
stories make the reboot experience distinct for
PAIK, Karen, The Art of Monster University
San Francisco (CA), Chronicle Books, 2013,
172 pages. Préface de Dan Scanlon. Introduction par John Lasseter & Pete Docter.
PIROT, Stéphane (dir.), Le Cinéma ruiné de
F. W. Murnau. I : les films perdus ,
Allemagne, 1919-1923, Veigné, Éditions du
Pingouin masqué, (Collection des films
invisibles), 2012, 71 pages.
fan-viewers, who bring with them a set of
expectations and knowledge, often tied to
franchise canon that cannot be separated from
the new film or television series.
and inclusive aspects of American culture.
Arnaudo asserts that, amidst the exciting
action, tender love stories, and tales of selfsacrifice, superheroes are role models for
tolerance and moral decision making.
Translated for the first time into English, The
Myth of the Superhero looks beyond the cape, the
mask, and the superpowers, presenting a
serious study of the genre and its place in a
broader cultural context.
Masters of the
Grotesque : The Cinema of Tim Burton,
Terry Gilliam, The Coen Brothers and
David Lynch, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
2012, 211 pages.
WESTFAHL, Gary, A Sense-of-Wonderful
Century : Explorations of Science Fiction
and Fantasy Films, San Bernardino, Borgo
Press, (Malcolm Hulke Studies in Cinema and
Television, 3), 2012, 340 pages.
ARNDT, Richard J., Horror Comics in Black
and White : A History and Catalog, 19642004, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, vii,
289 pages.
BERNDT, Jaqueline & Bettina KÜLMERLINGMEIBAUER (eds.), Manga’s Cultural Crossroads, New York, Routledge, 2013, 282 pages.
BUCHAN, Suzanne (ed.), Pervasive Animation, New York, Routledge, 2013, 384 pages.
BUÉNO, Antoine, Le Petit livre bleu : les
Schtroumpfs sont-ils mysogines, communistes ou nazis ?, Paris, Pocket, 2013, 187
pages. Postface inédite de l’auteur.
CAVALLARO, Dani, Japanese Aesthetics and
Anime : The Influence of Tradition,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, vii, 199
CHEU, Johnson, Diversity in Disney Films :
Critical Essays on Race, Ethnicity, gender,
Sexuality and Disability, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2013, viii, 307 pages.
DITTMER, Jason, Captain America and the
Nationalist Superhero : Metaphors, Narratives and Geopolitics, Philadelphia, Temple
University Press, 2013, 242 pages.
Entretiens avec
Joann Sfarr, Bruxelles, les Impressions
Nouvelles, (Réflexions faites), 2013, 288 p.
APOSTOLIDÈS, Jean-Marie, Lettre à Hergé,
Bruxelles, Les Impressions Nouvelles, (Réflexions faites), 2013, 176 pages.
HOWARD, Sheena C. & Ronald L. JACKSON II,
(Eds.), Black Comics : Politics of Race and
R e p r e s e n t a t i o n , New York, Bloomsbury
Academic, 2013, 288 pages.
Foreword, William Foster III \ Introduction,
Sheena Howard and Ronald L. Jackson II \
Part I: Comics Then & Now \ 1. Brief History
of The Black Comic Strip: Past and Present,
Sheena C. Howard \ 2. The Trouble With
Romance in Jackie Ormes's Comics, N a n c y
Goldstein \ 3. Contemporary Representations of
Black Females in Newspaper Comic Strips, Tia
C. M. Tyree \ 4. Black Comics and Social Media,
Derek Lackaff and Michael Sales \ 5. Beyond
B&W? The Global Manga of Felipe Smith, Casey
Brienza \ Part II: Representing Race &
G e n d e r \ 6. Studying Black Comic Strips:
Popular Culture, African American Repertoire,
and Discourses of Race, Angela M. Nelson \ 7.
The Myth of the
Superhero, Baltimore (MD), Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2012, 216 pages.
A refugee from his broken planet who saves
earth (more than once), Superman was sent to
America as his father’s final act before dying.
Does this make him the ultimate immigrant
success story? Disillusioned with a crime-filled
world, Bruce Wayne seeks guidance from a
shaman and transforms himself into the
flawlessly moral Batman. Through a series of
close readings of DC and Marvel comics, Marco
Arnaudo explores the influence of religion and
myth on superhero stories as well as their
relationship to the classical epic and baroque
style.Superheroes embody the most positive
Blowing Flames into the Souls of Black Folk:
Ollie Harrington and his Bombs from Berlin to
Harlem, Christian Davenport \ 8. Panthers and
Vixens: Black Superheroines and Sexuality in
Contemporary Comic Books, Jeffrey A. Brown \
9. Gender, Race and The Boondocks, Sheena C.
H o w a r d \ 10. From Sexual Siren to Race
Traitor: Condoleeza Rice in Political Cartoons,
Clariza Ruiz De Castilla and Zazil Reyes Garcia
\ Part III: Comics as Political Commentary
\ 11. "There's a Revolutionary Messiah in Our
Mist": A Pentadic Analysis of Birth of a Nation:
A Comic Novel , Carlos D. Morrison and Ronald
L. Jackson II \ 12. Inappropriate Political
Content: Serialized Comic Strips at the
Intersection of Visual Rhetoric and the Rhetoric
of Humor, Elizabeth Sills \ 13. Will the "Real"
Black Super Heroes Please Stand Up?!,
Kenneth Ghee \ 14. Culturally Gatekeeping the
Black Comic Strip, David DeIuliis \ Afterword,
Jeet Heer \ Bibliography \ Index.
PFEFFER, Melina, Anthropomorphisierung
im Animationsfilm, München, Utz, 2012, 347
PHILLIPS, Nickie D. & Staci STROBL, Comic
Book Crime : Truth, Justice and the
W a y , New York, New York
University Press, 2013, 320 pages.
Through an analysis of approximately 200
comic books sold from 2002 to 2010, as well as
several years of immersion in comic book fan
culture, Phillips and Strobl reveal the kinds of
themes and plots popular comics feature in a
post-9/11 context. They discuss heroes’
calculations of “deathworthiness,” or who
should be killed in meting out justice, and how
these judgments have as much to do with the
hero’s character as they do with the actions of
the villains. This fascinating volume also
analyzes how class, race, ethnicity, gender,
and sexual orientation are used to construct
difference for both the heroes and the villains
in ways that are both conservative and
progressive. Engaging, sharp, and insightful,
Comic Book Crime is a fresh take on the very
meaning of truth, justice, and the American
KORTEL, Steven, DC Super-Pets Character
E n c y c l o p e d i a , North Mankato (MN),
Capstone/Picture Window Books, 2013, 128
KRAFT, David Anthony, Comics Interview :
the Complete Collection, Philadelphia (NJ),
CO@ Comics, 2013, 680 pages.
Enter the Superheroes. American Values,
Culture, and the Canon of Superhero
Literature, Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow
Press, 2013, 256 pages.
In Enter the Superheroes: American Values, Culture, and
the Canon of Superhero Literature, Alex S. Romagnoli
and Gian S. Pagnucci argue that superheroes
merit serious study, both within the academy
and beyond. By examining the kinds of graphic
novels that are embraced by the academy, this
book explains how superhero stories are just as
significant. Structured around key themes
within superhero literature, the book delves
into the features that make superhero stories a
unique genre. The book also draws upon
examples in comics and other media to
illustrate the sociohistorical importance of
superheroes—from the interplay of fans and
creators to unique narrative elements that are
brought to their richest fulfillment within the
world of superheroes. A list of noteworthy
superhero texts that readers can look to for
future study is also provided.
McKINNEY, Mark, Redrawing French Empire
in Comics, Columbus, Ohio State University
Press, (Studies in Comics and Cartoons), 2013,
304 pages.
Redrawing French Empire in Comics by Mark
McKinney investigates how comics have
represented the colonization and liberation of
Algeria and Indochina. It focuses on the
conquest and colonization of Algeria (from
1830), the French war in Indochina
(1946–1954), and the Algerian War
(1954–1962). Imperialism and colonialism
already featured prominently in nineteenthcentury French-language comics and cartoons
by Töpffer, Cham, and Petit. Redrawing French
Empire in Comics shows how contemporary
cartoonists such as Alagbé, Baloup, Boudjellal,
Ferrandez, and Sfar have staked out different,
sometimes conflicting, positions on French
colonial history.
MÉRAND, Patrick, Les Langues étrangères
dans l’oeuvre d’Hergé, Saint-Maur des
Fossés, Éditions Sépia, 2013, 67 pages.
MIODRAG, Hannah, Comics and Language :
Reimagining Critical Discourse on the
Form, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi,
2013, 240 pages.
USCHAN, Michael V., Comic Art, Detroit,
Lucent Books, 2013, 112 pages.
avec plus de 900 nouvelles entrées.
STASI, Paul & Jennifer GREIMAN (eds.), The
Last Western : Deadwood and the End of
American Empire, New York, Blommsbury,
2013, x, 288 pages.
BRODE, Douglas, Dream West : Politics and
Religion in Cowboy Movies, Austin,
University of Texas Press, 2013, 362 pages.
Examining dozens of Westerns, including
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, Red River, 3:10 to Yuma
(old and new), The Wild Ones, High Noon, My
Darling Clementine, The Alamo, and No Country for Old
Men, Brode demonstrates that the genre (with
notable exceptions that he fully covers) was
the product of Hollywood liberals who used it to
project a progressive agenda on issues such as
gun control, environmental protection, respect
for non-Christian belief systems, and
individualism. Challenging us to rethink
everything we thought we knew about the
genre, Brode argues that the Western stands
for precisely the opposite of what most people
today—whether they love it or hate it—believe
to be the essential premise of “the only truly,
authentically, and uniquely American narrative
SAGALA, Sandra K., Buffalo Bill on the
Silver Screen : The Films of William F.
Cody, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press,
2013, 232 pages.
DUBOIS, Guy, La Conquête de l’Ouest en
chansons : étude sociohistorique des
chants de soldats, de hors-la-loi, de
chercheurs d’or, de mineurs, de mormons
et de fermiers américains du XIXe siècle,
1840-1910, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011, 455
GRAULICH, Melody & Nicolas S. WITSCHI
Dirty Words in Deadwood :
Literature and the Postwestern, Lincoln,
University Of Nebraska Press, (Postwestern
Horizons), 2013, 360 pages.
For more than thirty years, William F. “Buffalo
Bill” Cody entertained audiences across the
United States and Europe with his Wild West
show. Scores of books have been written about
Cody’s fabled career as a showman, but his
involvement in the film industry—following the
dissolution of his traveling show—is less well
known. In Buffalo Bill on the Silver Screen, Sandra K.
Sagala chronicles the fascinating story of
Cody’s venture into filmmaking during the early
cinema period.
HERMANSSON, Casie, How to Analyze the
Films of Clint Eastwood, Minneapolis (MN),
ABDO Pub., 2013, 112 pages.
HEARNE, Joanna,
Native Recognition :
Indigenous Cinema and the Western,
Alabany, SUNY Press, 2012, xx, 408 pages.
HOWE, LeAnne, Seeing Red : Hollywood’s
Pixeled Skins. American Indians and Film,
East Lansing, Michigan State University Press,
(American Indian Studies), 2013, 180 pages.
KAPSIS, Robert E. (ed.), Clint Eastwood :
I n t e r v i e w s , Jackson, University Pres of
Mississippi, (Conversations with Filmmakers
Series), 2013, 275 pages.
PITTS, Michael R.,
Western Movies : A
Guide to 5,105 Feature Films, Jefferson
(NC), McFarland, 2012, vii, 475 pages. Reéd.
BOGUTA-MARCHEL, Hanna, The Evil, The
Fated, The Biblical : The Latent Metaphysics of Cormac McCarthy, Newcastle
upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2012, xx, 189
CREMEAN, David (ed.), Cormac McCarthy,
Ipswich (MA), Salem Press, 2013, 329 pages.
JOSYPH, Peter, Cormac McCarthy’s House :
Reading McCarthy Without Walls, Austin,
University of Texas Press, 2013, 304 pages.
Crane, John Buchan, Robert Louis Stevenson,
Joseph Conrad, Tim O’Brien and Kurt Vonnegut
are featured.
Récits de guerre
KELLEY, Beverly Merrill, Reelpolitik Ideologies in American Political Film, Lanham,
Lexington Books, 2012, viii, 263 pages.
Each chapter includes a case study which
provides an in-depth analysis of the single film
that best illustrates the ideology at hand,
including: The Candidate (populism), Wall
Street (elitism), The Godfather (fascism), All
the President's Men (anti-fascism), Patton
(interventionism), and M*A*S*H (isolationism).
BÄCHLER, Maja, Inszenierte Bedrohung :
Folter im US-amerikanischen Kriegsfilms,
1979-2009, Frankfurt & New York, Campus
Verlag, 2013, 399 pages.
BOSWELL, Matthew, Holocaust Impiety in
Literature, Popular Music and Film, new
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 2012, viii 211
Holocaust Impiety in Literature, Popular Music and Film
is an account of provocative and controversial
representations of the Holocaust. Many wellknown artists have attracted criticism for
approaching the Nazi genocide in ways that
have been deemed ill-conceived or offensive.
Examples include Sylvia Plath's notorious claim
that 'Every woman adores a Fascist' in her
poem 'Daddy' and songs such as 'Belsen Was a
Gas' by the Sex Pistols. The Holocaust has
even provided material for stand-up comedy
and gory Hollywood blockbusters such as
Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds.
LÜKE, Martina G, Worte wie Waffe : Krieg
und Romantik, Göttingen, V & R Unipress,
(Schriften des Erich Maria Remarque-Archivs,
27), 2013, 371 pages.
SANBORN, Wallis R., The American Novel of
War : A Critical Analysis and Classification
System, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 232
This innovative work establishes the American
novel of war as its own sub-genre within
American war literature, creating standards by
which such works can be classified and critically
and popularly analyzed. Each chapter identifies
a defining characteristic, analyzes existing
criticism, and explores the characteristic in
American war novels of record. Topics include
violence, war rhetoric, the death of
noncombatants, and terrain as an enemy.
CHONG, Sylvia Shin Huey,
The Oriental
Obscene : Violence and Racial Fantasies in
the Vietnam Era, Durham, Duke University
Press, 2012, xiii, 364 pages.
Introduction : specters of Vietnam -- Bringing
the war home : spectacles of violence and
rebellion in the American 1968 -- Reporting the
war : ethical crises of action in the movementimage of Vietnam -- Restaging the war :
fantasizing defeat in Hollywood's Vietnam -Kung Fu fighting : pacifying and mastering the
martial body -- Being Bruce Lee : death and
the limits of the movement-image of martial
arts -- Conclusion : returning to 'Nam : the
Vietnam veteran's orientalized body.
SEESSLEN, Georg, Das Zweite Leben des
Dritten Reichs : (Post)nazismus und
populäre Kultur, teil 1, Berlin, Bertz &
Fischer, 2013, 232 pages.
DOHERTY, Thomas, Hollywood and Hitler,
1933-1939, New York, Columbia University
Press, 2013, 429 pages.
GALLAGHER, Gary W., Causes Won, Lost,
and Forgotten : How Hollywood and
Popular Culture Art Shape What We Know
about the Civil War, Chapel Hill, The
University of North Carolina Press, 288 pages.
BROMLEY, James M. & Will STOCKTON (eds.),
Sex Before Sex : Figuring the Act in Early
Modern Britain, Minneapolis, University of
Minnesota Press, 2013, vii, 329 pages.
Drawing attention to overlooked forms of
sexual activity in early modern culture, from
anilingus and interspecies sex to “chinchucking” and convivial drinking, Sex before Sex
offers a multifaceted view of what sex looked
like before the term entered history. Through
incisive interpretations of a wide range of
literary texts, including Romeo and Juliet, The
Comedy of Errors, Paradise Lost, the figure of
Lucretia, and pornographic poetry, this
JONES, Charles A., More Than Just a War :
Narratives of the Just War and Military
Life, New York, Routledge, 2013, 224 pages.
Works by William Shakespeare, Sir Walter
Scott, James Fennimore Cooper, Stephen
collection queries what might constitute sex in
the absence of a widely accepted definition and
how a historicized concept of sex affects the
kinds of arguments that can be made about
early modern sexualities.Contributors: Holly
Dugan, George Washington U; Will Fisher,
CUNY–Lehman College; Stephen Guy-Bray, U
of British Columbia; Melissa J. Jones, Eastern
Michigan U; Thomas H. Luxon, Dartmouth
College; Nicholas F. Radel, Furman U; Kathryn
Schwarz, Vanderbilt U; Christine Varnado, U of
LUBEY, Kathleen, Excitable Imaginations :
Eroticism and Reading in Britain, 16601760, Lewisburg, Bucknell University Press &
Lanham (MD), The Rowman Littlefield Pub.
Group, 2012, xi, 273 pages.
Eroticism and the eighteenth-century
imagination -- Imperfect enjoyments: errors of
the imagination in Restoration England -- "Too
great warmth": Joseph Addison, Eliza
Haywood, and the pleasures of reading -"Something greatly awful": what sex does in
early novels -- Sex as form: the aesthetic
pedagogies of John Cleland and William
Hogarth -- Coda philosophy's erotic forms.
CYRINO, Monica S.(ed.), Screening Love and
Sex in the Ancient World, New York,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 278 pages.
Introduction: Screening Love & Sex in the
Ancient World; M.S.Cyrino_PART I: SCREENING
LITERATURE _G. W. Pabst's Hesiodic Myth of
Sex in Die Büchse der Pandora (1929); L.F.Garcia,
J r . _ Kiss Me Deadly (1955): Pandora and
Prometheus in Robert Aldrich's Cinematic
Subversion of Spillane; P.James_Perversions of
the Phaeacians: The Gothic Odyssey of Angels &
Insects (1996); M.Safran_Woman Trouble: True
Love and Homecoming in Pedro Almodóvar's
Volver (2006); C.Pache_Sappho and Pocahontas
in Terrence Malick's The New World (2005);
S.Easton_Soul Fuck: Possession and the
Female Body in Antiquity and in Cinema;
K.Day_Ancient Allusions and Modern Anxieties
in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ( 1 9 5 4 ) ;
Limits of Liberation in Zack Snyder's 3 0 0
(2006); V.Tomasso_Oliver Stone's Unmanning
of Alexander the Great in Alexander (2004);
J.B.Pierce_The Order of Orgies: Sex and the
Cinematic Roman; S.Raucci_Partnership and
Love in Spartacus: Blood and Sand ( 2 0 1 0 ) ;
A.Augoustakis_Objects of Desire: Female
Gazes and Male Bodies in Spartacus: Blood and Sand
(2010); A.K.Strong_Glenn Close Channels
Theda Bara in Maxie (1985): A Chapter in the
G.N.Daugherty_Virility and Licentiousness in
Rome's Mark Antony (2005-07); R.Kelly_Love,
Rebellion, and Cleavage: Boadicea's Hammered
Breastplate in The Viking Queen (1967);
A.Futrell_Subverting Sex and Love in Alejandro
Amenábar's Agora (2009); J.Paul.
MIRABEL, Vincent (dir.), Les 200 plus belles
déclarations d’amour du cinéma, Paris,
First, (Le petit Livre de : culture générale),
2013, 159 pages.
MANKEKAR, Purnima & Louisa SCHIEN (eds.),
Media, Erotics, and Transnational Asia,
Durham (NC), Duke University Press, 2012, xi,
374 pages.
Wayward erotics : mediating queer diasporic
return / Martin F. Manalansan -- For your
reading pleasure : self-health ("ziwo baojian")
information in 1990s Beijing / Judith Farquhar - Zines and zones of desire : mass-mediated
love, national romance, and sexual citizenship
in gay Indonesia / Tom Boellstorf -Correspondence marriages, imagined virtual
communities, and counter-erotics on the
Internet / Nicole Constable -- Flows between
the media and the clinic : desiring production
and social production in urban Beijing / Everett
Yuehong Zhang -- Dangerous desires :
television and erotics in late twentieth-century
India / Purnima Mankekar -- Homeland beauty
: transnational longing and Hmong American
video / Louisa Schein -- Another kind of love?
Debating homosexuality and same-sex
intimacy through Taiwanese and Chinese film
reception / Sara L. Friedman -- Born under
Western eyes : the politics and erotics of the
documentary gaze in Born into brothels /
Heather Dell -- American geishas and
Oriental/ist fantasies / Anne Allison
LENNE, Gérard, Et mes seins, tu les aimes ?
50 fantasmes cinématographiques, Paris, la
Musardine, 2013, 187 pages.
PURCELL, Natalie,
Violence and the
Pornographic Imagination : The Politics of
Sex, Gender, and Agression in Pornographic Fantasy, New York, Routledge, 2012,
xiii, 246 pages.
"Just fantasy" : rethinking the pornographic, the
DESNOS, Robert, De l’érotisme : considéré
dans ses manifestations écrites et du
point de vue de l’esprit moderne, Paris,
Gallimard, (L’Imaginaire), 2013, 115 pages.
fantastic, and the real -- Golden-age assaults :
heat and hostility in 1970s pornography -Romance and rebellion : the two faces of 1980s
pornography -- Expressive bodies, intense
encounters : realism in 1990s pornography -Banal brutality : in search of extremes in 2000s
pornography -- Sex, gender, and power :
aesthetics of arousal in contemporary
pornography -- Body and soul : pleasure, pain,
and self-revelation in today's hardcore -Afterword : pornography, feminism, and
tomorrow's sexual politics.
Haggerty -- Sex, sodomy, and death sentences
in the long eighteenth century / Ian
littérature -cinéma
CAMERON, John (ed.),
Narrative is the
Essence of History : Essays on the
Historical Novel, Newcastle upon Tyne,
Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2013, 151 pages.
Part I: The Historical Novel and Narratology
Chapter One.
Reading Romola and George Eliot’s
“Conscientious Reproductions”of History
Zhanshu Liu
Chapter Two
L’Education Sentimentale: Passivity and Violence
Rebecca Powers
Chapter Three
1-2-3-4, How Do We Write War: The 42nd Parallel
Patrick O’Donnell
Part II: The Historical Novel and the Line between Fact
and Fiction
Chapter Four
‘Playing’ with Time: Remembering to Forget the
Past in Sir Walter
Scott’s Ivanhoe : Darren J. Dyck
Chapter Five .
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun,
Allegorical Aesthetics and Georg Lukács’ Theory
of Realism : Hamish Dalley
Chapter Six .
Not so blurry after all: The Boundary between
History and Fiction in John Fowles’s The French
Lieutenant’s Woman : Michelle Phillips-Buchberger
Part III: The Historical Novel and a Nation’s Past
Chapter Seven
Cooper, Doctorow, and American
Exceptionalism; or, Why We Love
Historical Fiction : James J. Donahue
Chapter Eight
“Believe me, boys; take my word for it”:
William Faulkner and the Historical/Trauma
Novel : Daniel Irving
Chapter Nine
Jason Aaron’s Scalped, Historiographic
Metafiction and of Authenticity
Katharine Polak MacDonald
Part IV: The Historical Novel, its Present and its Future
Chapter Ten
Contemporary Responses to the Traditional
American Historical Novel : Kate Kirwan
Chapter Eleven
REDDY, William M., The Making of Romantic
Love : Longing and Sexuality in Europe,
South Asia, and Japan, 900-1200, Chicago,
The University of Chicago Press, 2012, x, 439
Future Sex in
Queertopia : Sex-Fantasies in the Hightech-Welt, Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, 2013, 212
SAINT-MARTIN, Lori, Rose-Marie FOURNIERGUILLEMETTE & Marie-Noëlle HUET (dir.),
Entre plaisir et pouvoir : lectures contemporaines de l’érotisme, Québec, Nota Bene,
(Séminaires, no 21), 2012, 276 pages.
TAORMINO, Tristan (ed. et al), The Feminist
Porn Book : The Politics of Producing
Pleasure, New York, Feminist Press, 2013,
432 pages.
ZIGAROVICH, Jolene (ed.) Sex and Death in
Eighteen-Century Literature, New York,
Routledge, 2013, 328 pages.
The wages of sanctity : fatal consequences of
marriage and motherhood in the eighteenthcentury gothic novel / Ruth Bienstock Anolik -Corkscrews and courtesans : sex and death in
circulation novels / Bonnie Blackwell -Courting death : necrophilia in Samuel
Richardson’s Clarissa / Jolene Zigarovich -Venus dissected : the visual blazon of mid-18th
century medical atlases / Marcia Nichols -- The
temptation of Alexander Pope : materialism
and sexual fantasy in Eloisa to Abelard / James
Steintrager -- Trading sex for secrets in Eliza
Haywood’s Love in excess / Scott Black -- Sex,
madness and suicide in sir herbert croft’s love
and madness / Maximillian Novak -- Erotic
death machines : sex and execution in James
Boswell’s writing / Katherine Ellison -- Between
life and death : representing necrophilia,
medicine, and the figure of the intercessor in
M.G. Lewis’s The monk / Laura Miller -- Out of
tune : sex, death, and gothic disharmony in
eighteenth-century Scotland / Hamish Mathison
-- Psychodrama : hypertheatricality and sexual
excess on the gothic stage / George E.
The New Historical Fiction: Between Tradition
and Innovation
Ina Bergmann
Archaeological Landscapes: Re- Presenting
Ireland’s Heritage_(MANJREE KHAJANCHI)
HISTORY_Palimpsests of History in Sebastian
Barry’s The Secret Scripture_ ( G U L D E N
153_Interpreting the
Vietnam War from a Vietnamese American
Perspective_(YUKI OBAYASHI)
161_ReInscribing Sovereignty: History, Adaptation,
and Medicine in the Poetry of Deborah
171_ Recuperating, Re- Membering and Resurrecting the
Old South: Historical Adaptation in Caroline
Gordon’s P e n h a l l y and None Shall Look
Beyond the Moving Moments: Adaptation,
Digitization and Amateur Film Footage as Visual
196_Recasting the Past in the Personal
Present: History, Film, and Adaptation_
JOHNSTON, Andrew James, Robin Hood :
Geschichte einer Legende, München, Beck,
2013, 128 pages.
MACRONE, John, The Life of Sir Walter
Scott, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press,
2013, 156 pages. Introd. by Daniel Grader.
NORRIS, Stephen M., Blockbuster History in
the New Russia : Movies, Memory, and
Patriotism, Bloomington, Indiana University
Press, 2012, xv, 385 pages.
Introduction: multiplexing Russia -- The Russia
that we lost. The first blockbuster of the new
nation -- Terrorism then and now -- Wars and
gambits -- A requiem for communism -- The
price of war. Mirror of war -- Playing with
history -- Back in the USSR. The blessed
blockbuster -- The Soviet horror show -- Fantasy
pop history. Animating the past -- The look of
fantasy -- The business of patriotism -- The
production of the past -- Conclusion: packaging
the past.
REY, Jean-Michel, Histoires d’Escrocs. T 1 :
La vengeance par le crédit ou MonteCristo, Paris, Éditions de l’Olivier, (Penser/
Rêver), 2013, 182 pages.
Ce premier volume, consacré à l'étude du
roman«Le comte de Monte-Cristo»d'A. Dumas,
analyse les rapports entre le banquier Danglars
et le comte. Il montre comment ce dernier, en
brillant économiste et redoutable homme
d'affaires, se venge et ruine son adversaire.
L'auteur apporte un nouvel éclairage sur cette
oeuvre et sur les rouages de la finance
RAW, Laurence & Defne Ersin TUTAN (eds.),
The Adaptation of History : Essays on
Ways of Telling the Past, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2013, viii, 233 pages.
Foreword: Adapting Cinema + History (=
Cinematic History?)_(JAMES M. WELSH)
1_Introduction: What Does "Adapting" History
American Girl": Adapting an Icon_(CYNTHIA J.
25_ Adapting Dachau: Intertexuality and Martin Scorsese’s S h u t t e r
42_ The GDR
Founding Myth: Adapted History in Children’s
and Young Adults’ Fiction of Post- War
Germany and the GDR_(ANNE KLAUS)
55_Kneehigh Theatre’s Brief Encounter: "Live
66_The Worst of Youth: Mario
Martone’s Noi Credevamo as a Contested
Historical Adaptation_(MARCO GROSOLI)
79_Cinematic Reinventions of the 1825
Decembrist Uprising in Post- Revolutionary
Soviet Russia_(DUNJA DOGO)
Physicists Have Known Sin": Hollywood’s
Depictions of the Manhattan Project, 19451995_(A. BOWDOIN VAN RIPER)
97_Adapting History and the History of
Adaptation_(CLARE FOSTER)
117_The Crisis
of Adapting History in Zimbabwe_(SABELO J.
SANTAS, Constantine, The Epic Films of
David Lean, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press,
2012, xli, 197 pages.
That’s All, Folks !