xlear - Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Health
xlear - Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Health
Page 1 of _1_ "XLEAR' " THE XYLITOl EXPERTS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Controlled Product Yes 0 No0 SECTION 1 • IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANYIUNDERTAKING Material Name Material Use Manufactured by Spry® Chewing Gum with Xylitol Sugar free chewing gum; Support oral health Date 7-May-13 Emergency Contact Prepared by: Amy Willman EC Representative XlearInc. P.O. Box 1421 American Fork, UT 84003 USA 1-877-599-5327 or + 1-801-492-2100 (outside USA) SECTION 2· COMPOSITIONIINFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Xylitol Active Ingredients Approximate Concentation (Current FCC & USP) 720 mg per piece LDsofLC50 - Specify Species and Route LD50 16,500 rug/kg CAS Number or UN Number Rat- Oral 87-99-0 SECTION 3 • HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Adverse Human Effects and Symptoms May cause transitory diarrhea when dosage of xylitol exceeds 60 grams per day. Effect is temporary and subsides as body becomes accustomed to higher dosages. 60 grams is equal to approximately 90 pieces of gum a day. SECTION 4 . FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation None Eye Contact None Skin Contact None Ingestion Can be safely ingested SECTION 5 • FIRE·FIGHTING MEASURES Flammability If Yes, Under Which Conditions Yes 0 No "" Means of Extinction Water; standard extinguishing methods Protective Equipment for FireFighters Standard equipment SECTION 6 • ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SECTION 7 • HANDLING AND STORAGE Personal & Environmental None Precautions Methods for Standard cleaning methods Cleaning Handling Precautions Storage Requirements None Store in a cool, dry place. SECTIONS· EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Respiratory Protection Hand Protection Eye Protection Skin Protection None None None None SECTION 9 . PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Odor Taste White, rectangular shaped chiclet. see packaging for flavor 1~lubilityin Water pH Value I~elting PoinURange Not applicable Not applicable Other Data SECTION 10· STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical Stability I~onditions and Yes "" No 0 Materials to Avoid IIHazardOUSDecomposition Products None defined None known SECTION 11· TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Route of Entrv o Skin Contact Effects and Symptoms None of Short-Tenn Exoosure Chronic Effects and Symptoms None of Lone-Tenn Exoosure Sensitization DSkin Absorotion None known DEve Contact Dlnhalation Acute Irritancy of Product Dlnhalation Chronic Non-irritant SECTION 12· ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION SECTION 13· DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Biodegradability Further Details Method of Waste Disposal biodegradable 01naestion No special handling required SECTION 14· TRANSPORT INFORMATION SECTION 15· REGULATORY INFORMATION Non-hazardous material No special requirements - Open sale SECTION 16· OTHER INFORMATION The above information and recommendations are taken from sources (raw material MSDS(s) and manufacturer's knowledge) believed to be accurate; however, Xlear Inc. makes no warranty with respect to the accuracy ofthe information or the suitability of the recommentations and assumes no liability to any user thereof. Each user should review these recommentations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate. MSDS Spry Gum Rev C May 13
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