Public Auction - Fraley Auction
Public Auction - Fraley Auction
Russell Houseknecht Estate Lairdsville, PA ~ 2 days ~ Public Auction 9:00 A.M. each day Saturday, September 2, 2006 9:00 A.M. Over 50 old engines (13 Hit & Miss) Aermotor 1910 hit & miss engine; IH Titan Jr l hp hit & miss; IH Tom Thumb l hp hit & miss; 2-rare Briggs 1/2 hp engines (1 with mag & 1 w/ battery ignition); old Briggs model PB 1/2 hp; Briggs FH (s/ n601); Briggs FI (s/n2636); 2 Domestics 1 1/2 hp (1 with pump); Domestic 3 hp; Delaval milker engine; Maytag engine; Wisc 1935 w/ generator; Maytag Multi motor; Ideal Power Lawn Mower Co Model R; Fairbanks Morse 1 1/2 hp eclipse pump engine; Mec Co. Phila, Pa. 2 cycle engine; St Lawrence Canada engine; following are restorable or for parts: Ottawa 2 hp; 2 Associated Chore Boys; Witte 2 hp headless; IH 1 3/4 hp mogel; 2 other engines; 10 Maytag's: 6 sgl cylinder, 1 upright, 2-2 cylinders; lots of Briggs like FH, FI, Y, PB, etc. Mini's include: model Stuart steam engine; Coreless steam engine; Walking beam steam engine; Auto sparker; mini small generator; small mini homemade gas engine; Governor off steam engine; large quantity of small engine manuals like Wisc, Clinton, Briggs, Lauson, etc. Old Machinery sale manuals & books like JD, McCormick, etc. Lots of old hit & miss manuals; parts books. Very Large Magneto Collection (1200-1500 Mags) Approx 115 mags that have been completely rebuilt like Wico for JD like X, C, J, AP, C, XB, XH, XHD, 4M for Cat,A Wisc, JEM, Fairbanks Morse FMJ, FMX, FMK, RV4, FM, X, J; Edison Splitdorf RM; American Bosch MJC, MJH, MJB, MJC,; IH H4, F6, F4, J4, J; Eisemann RC2H,; Super Chief Sp; Case; Berling; Remy Elec,; National; Vesta; Apollo; etc; 40 plus new/old stock magnetos including American Bosch; Wico, FB Morse, etc. Large volume of new mag parts; Approx 1000 mags of all conditions for rebuilding or for parts. MAG EQUIPMENT: Test bench; 3 magnet chargers; 2 coil testers; 2 condenser testers; Wico EK mag tester; other mag equipment & tools; Storm boring bar w/ accessories & table; Large quantity of factory repair manuals for Mags including Eisemann, Fairbanks Morse, Wico, Splitdorf, American Bosch, Phelon, etc. Spark Plug Collection Very extensive early vintage spark plug collection with names like Blaze, PAF, Express oil, Ward, Sterling, MNG, Firestone, Morgan, Victor, Liberty, Auburn, Bethlehem, Little Giant, Monarch, Splitdorf, FEN, Lloyd, Superior, Long Henry, Sped, TNT, Stayright, Ox Yoke, Red Head, Mosler, Silver Lodge, Champion, Maytag, Eastern States, and many more. Early spark plug sampler kit in box w/ Edison spark plug. Tractor ~ Golf Cart ~ Tools ~ Car Parts 47 GIBSON MODEL G TRACTOR, completely restored; Yamaha gas golf cart w top, very nice; Cushman trail Cycle (restorable); South Bend model 8 metal lathe, 9” swing, 4 1/2’ bed and lots of tooling & extras; Wilton 1/2” freestanding drill press; Shop vac; arbor press; early radial arm saw; 2 boring bars; 2 Machinist chests; large quantity of machinist tools; Sunnon honing machine; vise; old Bonney pullers; Early ECV air station (30’s); 4’ tall cone anvil; other anvil; greasers; trans pump; floor jack; bottle jacks; Reese hitch carrier; vise; battery tester; sand blaster; gas cans; gas tanks; drills; grinders; sanders; bernz o matic torch in box; gasket cutters; metal detector; key machine & key board; 100’s of old keys, some new & blanks; Lots of wrenches & sockets & other mechanical tools; lots & lots of old car parts old & new, carburetors, gaskets, lights, etc etc. Car Memorabilia Early 1900’s Star Speedometer w/ wood display marked Milton, PA; 3 Brass Star speedometers marked Milton & Danville, Pa; Glass advertising plates for Star speedometers for making advertising; old Brass car clock marked Continental Motor Clock; Emblems like Ford, Maxwell, Buick, EMF, etc. Brass accessories spotlight (from teens) marked B&L Auto Lamp Co; Unusual brass car horn w/ serpentine head; Knight radiator cap; Sunoco wire 6 pack oil carrier w/ bottles; Master oil glass jar; National funnel; car banner 1959 marked Antiques Auto Rally Lyc Co Fair; large Brass Dietz car lamp; early hand tire pump; Packard repro thermometer; Chandler Moto-Meter marked Muncy; small brass German lamp for Motorcycle; brass carbide generator for car; Reo watch fob; Excelsior Henderson watch fob medallion; Huber engine fob; Lucky Penny 1906 Niagara Fall Indian head penny; collection of over 15 early marble gear shift knobs; pr. Yellow bud vases for car; Round white glass 16” dia. gas pump globe; Spherical gas pump globe marked Atlantic; Fire Department metal house emblem; Sunoco gas coins. MAYTAG ITEMS: Rare early denim Maytag service coat, size 36 in excellent condition; quart & gallon motor oil cans (some unopened); 2 mixing oil cans; oil measure; small utility oil can; 5 wrenches. (all items are marked MAYTAG) Very large lock collection including Winchester, DM&Co., Belmont, Sargent, RFD, Armor, Reese US, Hurd, Columbia 6 lever, Champion, etc. Motor Home ~ Trailers ~ Equipment 1982 Chevy Motor home w/ 24’ Jamboree camper, awning, generator, auto; IH 5’x10’ tilt bed trailer w/ elec winch; (3500 GVW); Car-Mate 5’x10’ enclosed single axle trailer; 38’ & 36’ enclosed storage van trailers; Cub Cadet 1211 hydro lawn tractor w/ mower deck-700 hrs; Troy-Bilt 21” snow blower-just like new; Kohler 5000 watt 2 cyl generator on cart; Honda 650 Watt gas generator; David Bradley generator; New baseboard heating; 2 Planet Jr hand planters # 25 & # 4. Sunday, September 3, 2006 9:00 A.M. Antiques Wm LowMiller (Boro of Muncy) Lyc. Co. 1839 Red-White-Blue Coverlet, excellent condition, (picture on the front cover); early small sampler coverlet; Stroock buggy robe; Crazy pattern comforter; Beautiful Oak 54” S roll-top desk w/ raised panels-super nice; Oak swivel office chair; flip top desk w/ leaf & pigeon holes; child’s rocker; 2 door bookcase w/ glass door; Sheraton style chest drawers w/ 4 graduated drawer on turned legs; Pine solid end jelly cupboard on bracket feet w/ 2 drawers; Oak bow front & sides china closet; Oak 3 tier stackable sliding door bookcase w/ btm drawer; l drawer solid end cupboard; 2 Oak solid door cupboards; (3) 3 section stackable bookcases; early pigeon hole cupboard w/ red paint; 2 pc. Waterfall bedroom suite; Waterfall dresser w/mirror; waterfall cedar chest; l drawer washstand; maple full size bed; depression style single bed; maple crib; 4 Depression dining room chairs; semi round trunk; Oak stand; Cherry tilt top table; McHenry gallon brown top jug; 3 McHenry Whiskey bottles; AL Hyssong brown crock; small Cowden Wilcox crock jug; 5 gal. Brown top jug; large collection of old German October fest pieces; Blue granite berry pail & pan; kero ped. lamp; early molding plane; Brass buggy bell; brass school bell; 3 large sleigh bells; pocket knife collection cigar cutters; granite coffee pot; Tonka dump truck; Tonka car carrier truck; 1960’s model cars in boxes; US Mail coin bank; Croquet set; old wooden sleds; lanterns; old iron bed; Ink crock; Mr Peanut; Souvenir of Pine Summit Creamer; Standard bottle marked Wmsport; other old bottles; mini trivet; brass trim rulers; Watchcraft mini jeweler’s lathe; Early Campbell soup doll; several early army toys; wooden blocks; Fisher-Price toys; CI thread holder; CI wall flower holder bracket; CI griddle; CI dinner bells; CI gypsy kettle; CI flat top stove; block planes; slaw cutter; several lanterns; hay fork; buck saw; wire egg baskets; first aid kit (Mine type); Green depression Salt & Pepper; 8-10 pocket watches. Unusual large Dietz Pioneer street lantern Advertising & Collector’s Items: 6’ long wooden airplane propeller - marked Sensenig Lititz, Pa; 3 small brass exhaust whistles; Metal double sided Genuine Ford Parts sign; metal double sided flange sign marked Wico Magnetos; Porcelain sign marked Paullus Maytag; large plastic Champion Spark plug sign; cardboard Fairbanks Morse magneto sign; Wico framed magneto sign; early Ford cardboard sign marked Snowdens Garage Hughesville; several other metal signs like Pennzoil; Pedrick; Atlantic gas; Champion spark plugs; etc. JD tractor unbrella; IH tractor unbrella marked Cooper’s Hardware, Turbotville, PA; 1929 Stanley Myers Muncy Valley tin cup; Freezer Auto Parts thermometer (JU4-2102); 1957 Little League pin; 1937 Bloomsburg Fair Concession pass; 1939 NY Worlds Fair Pennants; Frank Bartlow Millville advertising pieces; 1963 Detroit Tigers Banner; 1909 Murad Turkish Cigarette box; Moxie bottle opener; 3 Houseknecht, Hughesville qt. milk bottles; 65 Pontiac Grand Pre car poster; Tin tobacco cans: Camel cigarette box, Prince Albert, Sire Raleigh; Schlitz flash light; Rexall elec clock; 26” girls bike (50’s) w/ light marked Mariel; lots of wooden boxes with names like Haig; Texaco; Winchester; etc. very large collection of Wix collector series toys like banks, cars, trucks, etc. Extensive PA License Plate Collection (700 PLUS PLATES) 1903 leather license plate from Senator Snoden; 65 Pa Porcelain plates complete from 1906 to 1915 including 1906 5 digit near mint; 1906 & 1909 3 digit; 1909 2 digit; 1907 5 digit w/ picture of car; the balance are 3,4,5 digit numbers; collection of plates starting 1916 till the present, (all years) some pairs, mostly in very nice condition. 1 complete set of 10 Chauffeurs drivers badges from 1910-1919; other driver badges; 1968 licensed plate poster in frame; Maryland motorcycle drivers license 1943 & 44 with registration card & ration cards - also 1945 & 56; 1933 Inspection Keystone plate w/ holder; several 1943 license plate tags; also motorboat, motorcycle, snowmobile plates. Old Advertising Cards ~ Magazines ~ Literature {Mostly all of these items are in great shape} Advertising Cards, Magazines, Literature will be sold both days Lion Coffee ad cards; Singer ad card; Chase & Sanborn ad card; Domestic ad cards; old valentine & greeting cards; war ration books; Lairdsville Cent. Books; Old large & small maps; Local Advertising cards: C B Raper & Co. , General Merchandise ad card, Lairdsville, PA; C B Kelly, Hughesville, PA ~ Kelly’s , Hughesville, PA ~ Foucarts’ Millinery Store, Muncy, PA ~ Wm Frantz & Son, Hughesville, PA ~ Malony & Brenholtz, Hughesville, PA. Many local post cards; 1939 Girl Beautiful Magazine; (3) 1955-1958 Lake Radiator Cores Playboy adv. pictures calendar & thermometer; 1918 Motor Car Supplies magazine; 1934 Automobile Topics “Bearings” magazine; 1963 Steam Automobile magazine; 1935 Big Boys Auto Parts Co. (Sunbury) monthly bulletin; 1910 Motor Co directory; 1904 Automobile Review magazine; 1950 Chevy Almanac, Gilbert Bros, Muncy; 1921 Buick bulletin; 1957 to the present AACA magazines; Johnson Carburetor pamphlet; 1917 The Literary Digest, Funk & Wagnall Co. magazine; 1903 Popular Mechanics magazine; 1912 The Sinking of the Titanic book; 1940 Eskimos magazine; 1943 Flying magazine; 1944 Our Army magazine; Barkers “Komic” picture souvenir book; Nash Motor Co. Book “price list for parts”; Chilton Service handbook; 1852-1923 History of the Studebaker Corp book; 1916 Popular Science magazine; Stromberg carburetor parts catalog; 1930 Motor “The Automotive Business Paper magazine; 1937 Official Inspection record book; Collier’s Wonder book; 1959 The Motorage magazine; lots of books including Antiques cars; Repair; Local History; WWII; Magnetos; Gas engines; literature from Glen O Martz - B-26 manufacturer in WWII; Collection of Bible cards & pamphlets; Children’s Books: 1884 Little boys & girls book; 1897 Home Primer book; 1904 The Robins Christmas Eve; 1907 Moving picture dolls book; 1907 Little Soldier’s boys; 1910 Old mother Goose; 1908 Farmyard Favorites; Large & small old tin pictures; other old vintage pictures; old Sun-Gazettes; several 1957 Pa RR calendars; Many more not listed. Guns WWII Italian 6.5 rifle w/ bayonet; Mauser 98 8mm carbine (dated 1916); Chilean 95 8mm mauser rifle; Chilean model 1895 8mm carbine; German bayonet for mauser; Reily 10 ga muzzleloader dbl brl hammer gun; parts of another by wards; old Foreign roll block EP rifle; Mauser military stock; Ithaca 12 ga dbl brl 12 ga, Damascus – hammerless; JC Penny 22 rifle; German pearl handle pistol (32 cal) w/ Nazi holster; 20’s leather case Italian shotgun; 7 gun wall rack; small sword; E Pock & Shone dress sword w/ sheathe; unusual National cap shooter w/ wooden handle; Leather Colt ACP45 holster; 2 45 Colt Shoulder holsters; powder horns; gun books; Monarch shot box; German cleaning kit; old shotgun hand loader for brass; brass shells; early rare leather game bag; Nettar WWII German camera w/ leather case; other old gun items. German parade helmet (pre WWII) Orange Allis Chalmer pith helmet . Real Estate at 1:00 P.M. on Sunday, September 3, 2006 Located at 2258 Old Lairdsville Road, Muncy, PA Sells Absolute ~ No Minimums ~ No Reserves This property consists of a 3+ acre lot erected there on a 1 1/2 story ranch style home w/kitchen (knotty pine cupboards), living room, 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. There is a full concrete basement, oil hot water baseboard heat. septic and well. Hardwood floors w/carpet. A 3 car block garage w/ a basement under 2 bays of garage and an attached storage area. Terms: $7500. Down cash or certified funds day of auction, balance in 45 days. 6% buyers premium to be applied to purchase price. Real Estate taxes prorated day of settlement. Transfer taxes divided equally between buyer & seller. Any testing may be done prior to the Auction at the potential buyers expense. To view this property located in a nice country setting call Russ Houseknecht Jr. at (570) 437-3978 or the Auction Co. Household Items 7 pc. dark maple dining room suite w/windsor style chairs; Whirlpool upright freezer; GE 2 door refrigerator; RCA colored console TV; sofa w/recliners on end; several uph rockers & recliners; office desk & chair; shelf units; small combination floor safe; dresser scarves; doilies; embroided pillow cases; sheets; table cloths; picnic basket; service for 12 dinnerware set; service for 12 SS silverware; other silverware; Christmas decorations; hat boxes; luggage; elec. Roaster; tupperware; fan; crock pots; small appliances; lots of pots and pans; dishes; glassware; etc. Vintage Clothing WWII Complete army uniform w/ hat; 1950’s Lairdsville, Pa Fire Dept parade uniform w/ 2 hats, beret & officer hat; old black top hat; Early (40”s) motorcycle clothes; Pre WWII leather helmets; WWII army helmet w/ liner & canteen; Vintage bonnet; WWII ash tray; Ladies stoles & hats; collection of other old vintage hats; Early goggles; 1968-69 Hughesville wrestling windbreaker jacket; 1964 1969 Hughesville Banner, Hat & Jacket. Directions: Located on premises at 2258 Old Lairdsville Road, Muncy, PA. 5 miles E of Hughesville, 3 miles W of LAIRDSVILLE, just off Rt. 118 Watch for Auction arrows off Rt. 118 (Lycoming County) 25 miles E of Williamsport - 30 miles NW of Bloomsburg Auctioneer Note: This is a once in a lifetime auction of rare and unique items that are in superb condition. Russell was an avid collector and had a passion for engine repair. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to purchase from his personal collection ! The major items listed for each day will be sold that day, with the exception of the literature (to be sold both days). This is a very large 2 day auction, come early & plan to stay late both days. Owner: Russell Houseknecht Estate Co - Executors: Russell B. Houseknecht Jr (570) 437-3978 David W. Houseknecht (703) 779-0241 Terms: Cash or good check day of sale, out of state buyers must have a bank letter of credit addressed to Fraley Auction Co. The FULL-TIME Auctioneers, Dedicated to YOU ! Our Experience Doesn’t Cost You, IT PAYS !
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