February 09 SB Newsletter
February 09 SB Newsletter
SHELTER BAY NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY, 2009 We’re Web! We’reOn On The The Web! www.shelterbay.net S H E L T E R B A Y C O M M U N I T Y , I N C . President’s Message Steff Steinhorst Welcome Hostess Shelter Bay now has a “Welcome Hostess” who will be greeting our new residents to Shelter Bay. Lynn McCain (Yep, and she’s married to John McCain) (Nope, not THAT John McCain) will be welcoming new residents with a whole bunch of good stuff including a Welcome Guide, Shelter Bay Map, and a variety of gifts from local businesses. Lynn has already put in hours and hours of work on this project and we couldn’t ask for more. Thanks, Lynn. (If anyone becomes aware of a new resident, please contact the office) Money, Money, Money At the regular meeting we had three ideas proposed for revenue generation. Each proposal will need to be evaluated for its feasibility and general acceptance by the community before any decisions are made. The proposals include: • Jeff and Anya Paxson are interested in opening a “coffee shop” in Shelter Bay – maybe at the rental house at the gate. • Ron Shrigley presented two ideas: 1) A Wall Walk/Run in Shelter Bay for people with real knees, (unlike myself with two artificial ones) and 2) the creation of a Recreational Vehicle Park for visitors up by the storage lot. These are still in the “bright idea” stage but we think they have merit and have asked Jeff and Ron to pursue their concepts in further detail. Anyone else with ideas along this line, please feel free to pipe up and let us know. Lease Task Force Update Tom Ihrig addressed the Company Board on behalf of the Task Force commissioned to work on proposals for securing the 2013 rent adjustment and beyond as well as a way to gain an extension to our master lease. The committee has temporarily recessed because several members have flown south. The Board has not received any specific proposals to report on. I’ll reiterate that no discussions will take place until the back rent is paid and we’re hoping that thanks to all of your efforts and our experts on the Finance Committee that can be done by June 30th of this year. At any rate, the Board has asked the committee to present specific proposals at a Company meeting in April, so stay tuned. And finally, please note this task force does not have the exclusive right for presenting ideas. Anyone who has a great idea should feel free to present it to us. Auditor’s Report Our Auditor, Warren Walz of Williams & Nulle, gave a detailed report on our financials, much of which I couldn’t follow. But here’s the bottom line: Judi Slajer asked him what he thought of our “financial health” – he replied that he was quite impressed with how terrific it was, citing how well we stepped up with the Tribe and how we are paying back rent far ahead of schedule. We have you folks to thank for that and the Board really appreciates all of you! It was a truly successful auditor’s report. The final report will be available for review in the business lobby. February, 2009 Page 2 Judy Grosvenor SHELTER BAY ~MANAGER’S CORNER~ Our unsung heroes…..While everybody had their hands full during the recent snow storms, there were many community residents who took on even more by helping their neighbors during the ordeal. Residents who were able to drive out on the roads picked up necessary supplies and prescriptions for others who couldn’t get out. I want to express my sincere gratitude to Ralph Westover, Andrew Rice and Carolyn Patterson, who called the office to offer their assistance to residents in need. Office staff were able to link these helpers with members of our community who were seeking help. This is the spirit of a real community. All of you known and unknown heroes are to be praised! New water disconnect policy adopted by Board….In its January meeting, the Board of Directors adopted a water disconnect policy for severely delinquent utility accounts. Such an account would have to be more than 90 days delinquent to trigger the water service disconnect/shutoff process. The member will be notified by mail at least 15 days before shutting off the water, and a disconnect notice will be posted on the property indicating the date of service shutoff. Three days prior to shutoff, a second notice will be posted on the front door to the home, as final notification. The policy further stipulates a $25 disconnect fee and a $50 reconnect fee, as appropriate. The policy does not allow service to be stopped for non-payment of dues and other charges. However, when monthly payments are processed, the policy dictates that they will first be applied to interest, legal, and late fees; then to water, sewer, and associated utility taxes; then to the oldest account balance. The complete text of the procedure is contained in the Chapter 60, Financial Management policy; a copy of the policy can be obtained from the business office. Community Census 2009….Surveys were received from 622 members (thank you!), representing 2/3 of the community. From that data, we have analyzed, extrapolated, and summarized the results. Interestingly, the numbers have not changed significantly from the results of 2006, at which time we tallied 1682 residents and 120 youth. The survey also revealed Community Census 2009 Age Group Percentage that 83% of the residents live here full time -10 or more months (up # People from 75% in 2006), and 7% of the homes are occupied by renters 27 0-5 Yrs. (also up from 4% in 2006). For those residents who have not re46 6-12 Yrs. 119 Youth turned the survey, it’s not too late. More returns will further refine 46 13-18 Yrs. 7% the data. 55 209 386 927 1695 19-34 Yrs. 3% 35-54 Yrs. 12% 55-64 Yrs. 23% 65+ Yrs. 55% Total Population What’s happening with the fee simple settlement?….While the settlement terms have been agreed upon in spirit by the plaintiffs and Shelter Bay, the settlement document itself is going through the final dotting of the i’s and crossings of the t’s, as is the case with any legal document. Once the document is analyzed, scrutinized, editized, and finalized, it will be signed by all parties, entered by a judge as a stipulated order and will then become a recorded document. Because of its legal nature, we are not ready to publicize the details until such time we know it has been officially blessed by the powers that be. Contest Photos in the lobby….All of the photo entries are currently displayed in the business office lobby. What a fantastic collection of images! Please feel free to stop by and browse through the interesting perspectives capturing our own Shelter Bay community. Shelter Bay Library The Shelter Bay Library at the annex is open on Monday - Friday 8 – 4:30 and Saturday 11 - 4 . Please come visit and take home some great reading material or choose to “exercise” by doing one of the many jigsaw puzzles. SHELTER BAY Page 3 February, 2009 On the COMPANY Front News of the Shelter Bay Company 45-foot Bayliner sinks in marina…. A 45-foot Bayliner sank in the marina on December 23rd. Fortunately, the incident was called in to 9-1-1 immediately upon discovery, and the 9-1-1 center placed all subsequent calls to the appropriate authorities. The Harbormaster and men from the Shelter Bay maintenance crew placed a boom around the boat, with only a slight sheen occurring. A salvage crew was called in by the owner, and the boat was successfully lifted and towed to dry dock in La Conner for further evaluation. The cause of the sinking boat is still under investigation, and it could be somehow related to the heavy snow loads and freezing temperatures. Back Rent payment made…A quarterly payment on the Back Rent was made to the BIA/Tribe on January 15th. The total payment of $219,501 included $200,750 on the principal, and $18,751 interest for the period 10/1/08 through 1/15/09. To date, $5,149,158 of the original $6,234,158 back rent has been paid, leaving a balance due of $1,085,000. Our goal is to be able to pay off this balance to the Tribe by June 30th of this year. Our ability to pay it off early is dependent on Back Rent payments from members, possibly utilizing some cash funds made available by delaying less critical capital projects of the community, and through other financing arrangements. Work to be done in the Marina…. Carlson Construction will be bringing in their barge and equipment to replace ten deteriorated wood pilings with new metal pilings, located at various slips on docks A through E. Permits from the Army Corps of Engineers and from the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community have been obtained for the work, which must be completed no later than February 15th. Work is scheduled to begin the first week in February and will take about 3 days to complete. The Marina Administrator and Harbormaster are coordinating with affected boats owners, as these boats will need to be temporarily re-located to make room for the workers and equipment. ~ Dock Notes ~ With the snow gone, Brad is back at the mind numbing task of screwing around on the docks. Every now and then he takes a break from screwing and starts “hooping it up” (installing new metal pile hoops with rollers) where the need is the most urgent. He’s half way down C dock at this writing. When it dries out enough to install them, you’ll soon see some new parking lot signs to designate short and long term parking areas. There are also ten new pilings slated for installation in the main marina in the next couple of weeks, so some owners will be contacted to move their boats to assigned temporary moorage to accommodate the piling replacements. Thank you to all of you nice folks who keep us up to date, as this can be a daunting task for the folks in the office. Please be sure the office has current daytime phone numbers where you can be reached. The most recent vessel sinking brought to our attention that we also need current boat registration information (even for documented vessels) and current Certificates of Insurance. Now for the fun stuff: Walking the docks and reading boat names can be quite entertaining. Here are a few of my favorites: Whoppertunity, Twice the Beam, Hawg Wash, Off the Charts, Tangywasser (what is a Tangywasser?), and I’m dying to hear the story behind this one…. “The Butler Did It”. The Wife Page 4 February, 2009 SHELTER BAY Shelter Bay Community, Inc. Board of Directors Action Items from December 2008 and January 2009 Meetings By: Judith Slajer, Board Secretary Special Meeting of December 3 and continued on December 15, 2008 Ratified the Stipulated Settlement Proposal reached in mediation concerning the Fee Simple Lawsuit. Special Meeting of January 21, 2009 (to be continued to January 27, 2009) 1. 2. 3. Tabled the Appeal of Al Foss/Alan Perkes, Lot 222, of a Rules Committee decision to deny an appeal of the Lot Committee’s decision that the view at Lot 222 has been reasonably restored until the Special Meeting is reconvened at 1:00 p.m. on January 27, 2009 when the Board will be able to perform a site visit. Appointed Bob Conrad as an alternate member to Greenbelt Committee. Acknowledged Joey Carpenter’s resignation from the Social and Recreation Committee. Regular Meeting of January 21, 2009 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Presented awards to the Shelter Bay Photo Contest contestants. Acknowledged Lynn McCain as the new Community Hostess to welcome new residents. Acknowledged a presentation by Jeff Paxson concerning opening a coffee house in Shelter Bay and asked him to pursue the proposal. Acknowledged two presentations by Ron Shrigley, Lot 454, 1) a Shelter Bay Run Event and 2) a potential Recreational Vehicle Park in Shelter Bay and forwarded to the appropriate Committees. Acknowledged receipt of the draft audited financials for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Adopted Resolution 09-01 amending Rules and Regulations, Part II, Chapter 60, to provide for a Water Disconnect Policy. Adopted Resolution 09-02 amending Rules and Regulations, Part I, to allow for discretion when applying fines for the unauthorized cutting of trees and clearing of lots. Approved resulting revisions to the Levy of Fine Form. Adopted Resolution 09-03 amending Rules and Regulations, Part II, Chapter 40, to provide a policy concerning the conduct of members while serving on the Board or a Committee. Approved resulting revisions to the Good Faith Conduct Statement Form. Adopted Resolution 09-04 amending Rules and Regulations, Part I, Harbor and Private Dock Rules as recommended by the Harbor Committee to provide simplification and reduce duplication. Approved revisions to the Greenbelt Committee Guidelines, Process and Procedures Section. Approved revisions to the Greenbelt Maintenance Permit Form and Greenbelt Request Form. Approved revisions to the Social and Recreation Committee Event Application Form. Approved revisions to the Lot Committee Request for Lot Committee Action Form and Storage Lot Lease Agreement. Authorized the Board Secretary to add a notation on all appropriate application forms that the applicant is a member in good standing. Adopted a 2009-2010 Budget Development and Spring Election Calendar. Awarded a Greenbelt Fuels Reduction Contract to Eager Beaver in the amount of $5,390 for work to be done along Indian Road at the Community’s perimeter. Awarded a Contract to Continental Utility Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $22,772 for new Utility Billing Software. SHELTER BAY February, 2009 Page 5 Shelter Bay “Blotter” December 20th, thru New Year’s: Snowstorms dropped several inches of snow on the community, making the roads slippery, and in some areas, unpassable. Numerous reports came in of vehicles stuck in ditches, others not being able to maneuver the hills. One vehicle struck the fence at the north end of the golf course when the driver tried to take the curve going up the hill on Swinomish to Shelter Bay Drive. Even the Maintenance Crew smashed a row of mailboxes when their snow plow slipped on the icy condominium driveway. Despite the numerous passes of the plow truck through the main roads, the snow challenged us all. Fortunately for all, there were no reports of injuries. December 21st: The men’s room at the Marina restrooms was vandalized some time during the day. A window was broken, from the outside in, and it looked as if somebody had thrown snowballs at it. Inside, the bathroom floor was covered in shattered glass and lots of water, apparently from the melted snowballs. One other report received on that day indicated that kids were using the marina dock carts on the golf course, probably for moving snow back and forth while making snowmen and snow forts. December 24th: A car belonging to a guest of a resident was vandalized while parked in the resident’s driveway. December 29th: Damage was sustained to a travel trailer in the RV Storage Lot, some time during the snowy, windy weather. A window cover had been dented by some type of object, and the trailer was scratched all along the side. Other reports of collapsed tarps/covers were seen throughout the storage lot, most likely caused by the heavy snow loads. January 10th: Slashed tires found on a resident’s car that was parked in the driveway. The incident was reported to the Tribal Police for further investigation. The resident also reported that 7 of 15 solar lights had been stolen from the front yard. [Manager’s note: The office has been told that there have been other cases of tires being slashed or punctured recently, but no official reports have been filed. Residents should consider parking their cars inside the garage, if possible, as a preventive measure.] Free Workshop - Save the date! Living In Shelter Bay: Protecting Puget Sound Wildlife and Your Property March 7, 9 AM – 3 PM, Shelter Bay Clubhouse Puget Sound communities have long been a magnet for people who want to enjoy the natural beauty, serenity and bounty of the Sound. People who live in these areas know the beauty of Puget Sound and can play an important role in keeping it healthy. You're invited to a FREE workshop featuring presentations by and discussions with, coastal geologists, native plant experts, marine biologists, and more. Come learn how you can protect water quality, Puget Sound marine life and your property! Morning refreshments, lunch, and an informational resource packet will be provided. Registrations are requested so sufficient materials and food can be arranged. Pre-register by February 25th by contacting Adria Banks, WSU Skagit Extension, Beach Watchers and Shore Stewards Coordinator, at abanks@co.skagit.wa.us or 360-428-4270, ext. 223. Sea Scout Open Boat on Smelt Derby Day After extensive work this summer on the La Conner sea scouts 56 ft schooner Rejoice we invite the public to come take a look. When; Sat, Feb 28th from 10-2 during the annual Smelt Derby. Rejoice is located at the south end of town behind the Calico Cupboard restaurant. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in joining the sea scouts to check out the boat and the program. Please come take a look. "A Sea Scout Thank you" The La Conner Sea Scouts would like to thank the Shelter Bay Yacht Club for raising over $1,000 at their Annual Commodores Ball held in December. The funds went towards the final payment to the Northwest School of Wooden Boat building for the extensive transom project that was completed on the Sea Scouts 56 ft schooner Rejoice in early October. February, 2009 Page 6 SHELTER BAY Filing For Board Candidacy And Deadline for Filing Ballot Issues May 2, 2009 Annual Election Deadline for Board Member Candidates filing for Office: Three (3) three-year positions on the Board of Directors will be elected at the May 2, 2009 Annual Election. Candidates must be members in good standing in the Community. Applications for Board positions may be made on a form available in the Community Business Office and must be filed no later than Monday, March 16, 2009, 5:00 p.m. All interested members are urged to complete and file a Declaration of Candidacy form. Deadline for Board Member Candidates declaring themselves as a Write-In Candidate: A member desiring to be a Write-In Candidate must complete and file a Write-In Candidate Form, which is available in the business office. The completed Write –In Candidate Form must be turned in no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 1, 2009 in order to have votes counted. Deadline for Filing Ballot Issues to be placed on the Ballot: Changes in the By-Laws and/or Protective Covenants: Friday, February 27, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. in the office is the filing deadline established by the Board of Directors for all members and committees (except the Rules Committee and Board) for the filing of requests for ballot issues concerning the By-Laws and/or Protective Covenants to be considered for the May 2, 2009 ballot. Requests for changes to the By-Laws will be reviewed by the Rules Committee on Tuesday, March 3rd and forwarded to the Board with a recommendation. Amendments to the Covenants may be proposed by a petition signed by twenty-five (25) or more members in good standing. All proposed amendments to either the By-Laws and/or Protective Covenants must be approved by legal counsel. Notice of Public Budget Work Sessions and Public Input Opportunities on Proposed FY 2009-2010 Operating and Capital Budget Location: Community Clubhouse Wednesday, February 25th at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 4th at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 11th at 7:00 pm Wednesday, March 18th at 7:00 pm Board Budget Work Session* Board Budget Work Session Continued (if necessary)* Town Meeting on Proposed FY 2009-2010 Operating and Capital Budget Public Comments during Regular March Board meeting prior to the Board adopting the Proposed 2009-2010 Operating and Capital Budget Community members are encouraged to become familiar with the proposed FY 2009-10 Operating and Capital Budget which will be available in the Business Office on Wednesday, February 18th. Community members are welcome to attend the scheduled Board Budget Work Session(s) (see above), and members are also welcome to provide their input on the Proposed Budget at the two sessions provided for member input on March 11th and 18th. *The noted Board Budget Work Session(s) are open to the members for informational purposes. Members may comment and make suggestions during the open Town Meeting of March 11th and the Public Comments portion of the Board Meeting of March 18th. Judith A. Slajer Board Secretary SHELTER BAY February, 2009 Page 7 GLORIOUS GERSHWIN! Shelter Bay Chorus Annual Gala February 6 & 7 Shelter Bay Chorus presents the glorious music of George and Ira Gershwin on Friday and Saturday, February 6 & 7, in the Shelter Bay Clubhouse. Doors open at 6:45 and the show begins at 7:15. Ticket price of $15 per person includes the concert, elegant desserts, and champagne or non-alcoholic beverage. Cabaret style seating is reserved. “S’Wonderful!” (Jan O’Leary) “Love is Here to Stay” (Ginny & Dick Houser) or “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off!” (Steinhorst & Sjerven) are sure to bring back memories for many of you. Several songs from Gershwin’s opera “Porgy & Bess” will be featured, including “Summertime” sung by Atje Sliphorst, “I Got Plenty o’ Nuttin” sung by Dick Houser, and a duet to knock your socks off by Carol Holt and Dick Paynter. “By Strauss” will sparkle with soprano Debbie Kumpel’s singing. Don Haas will warm us all with “Love Walked In.” Our own Sarah Willson, Shelter Bay Chorus accompanist, will play an arrangement of “Rhapsody in Blue.” Director, Judy Sjerven, will take a turn at the mike singing the classic “Someone to Watch Over Me.” Master of Ceremonies and song stylist (a la Mel Torme) Gary Bruno, will sing “A Foggy Day.” The Chorus puts a cap on the evening with “Nice Work If You Can Get It,” one of Gershwin’s happiest tunes. Drive away winter blues and support your Shelter Bay Chorus! Don’t miss this wonderful evening of music by one of America’s greatest composers. Tickets are on sale at the Shelter Bay Office. Cabaret style seating is reserved and limited. Coupon valid for Complimentary glass of house wine will full price dinner purchase… Expires….2/28/09 6 1 4 S o u th F ir s t S tr e e t L a C o n n e r W A 9 8 2 5 7 -3 6 0 - 4 6 6 - 4 0 1 4 That’s right back by popular demand…..Early Bird Dinners! Offered Monday-Thursday from 4 pm-6 pm Now serving certified organic Harris Ranch Prime Rib… experience the difference! Come Visit La Conner Retirement Inn & Assisted Living! Let us show you why we are the “Jewell of La Conner”! Take a stroll thru our beautiful home, tours daily, move in specials! The Art of Living Well Everyday! La Conner Retirement Inn & Assisted Living 204 North Fist Street La Conner WA 98257 360 466-5700 www.laconnerretirementinn.com IN MEMORIUM Ann Parker Gordon, December 20, 2008 Page 8 February, 2009 9th Annual La Conner Sea Scout Auction" SHELTER BAY Game Night sponsored by the La Conner Rotary Club This years auction will once again be held at the Swinomish Yacht Club on Saturday March 7th, 2009. Tickets are $30.00 per person and dinner will be catered by Hope Island Inn by the Sea. Door open at 5:30 pm. There will be a silent, dessert and live auction at this years event. A special program has been prepared by D & O Images, to briefly highlight the years activities. We invite you to join us for an evening of fun and surprises. Please contact Elaine Bandazy at 360-540-3338 or Skipper Patsy Good at 360-466-1006 or by e-mail to pagood@fidalgo.net to have an invitation mailed to you, for information or to make a donation. Game night is growing, enough to provide 5 game choices this month. Since it's Valentines week we'll certainly include Hearts, (along with Valentine refreshments). Come join the fun Monday, Feb. 9, 7:00 pm, in the clubhouse. Remember, adult game night is always the second Monday of each month. Questions? Call Don or Barb Henkle 466-5558. Sewing Guild The La Conner Neighborhood Group of the American Sewing Guild will meet on Tuesday, February 10th, 9am in the Shelter Bay Clubhouse. Mary Ann Womac will Shelter Bay Yacht Club give a "hands on" class on making a Gucci purse with lots of "personalized" pockets. If you plan on attending, Hello from the Shelter Bay Yacht Club. We are looking you MUST contact Sue Donaldson in enough time to orfor residents of Shelter Bay who may desire to become der the handles, receive the instructions, and purchase members of our yacht Club. We have a number of asso- your fabric, cut out the pieces, and fuse the bonding to it ciate openings which does not require you own a boat. before the class. Mary Ann Womac provides the hanWe also have a number of openings for boat owners. dles at a cost of $8.50 which is payable to her at the time You must own in Shelter Bay to join. The initiation fee is of the class. $100.00 and annual dues are $60.00. Sue Donaldson 466-3032 or sued4@juno.com Please visit us by clicking on Clubs on the left side of the Shelter Bay main website. You will find enrollment inShelter Bay Book Club formation, cruising information and our schedule of events for 2009. You will also find our current newslet- February 16, Monday, 1:30 p.m., should be marked on ter, the Dolphin, as well as a link to our past issues. your calendar for the next stimulating Shelter Bay Book Club meeting. The group will meet at Judi Slajer's home, We have scheduled events all year long. We have a club- 143 Lummi Drive, 466-0216 with Carolyn Bloye serving house event in each of the months of January, February, as co-hostess. We've been having a good turnout for our March, May, September, October, November and De- wonderful book reviews, so do plan on attending this cember attended by both our associate as well as cruising one, newcomers & guests are most welcome. Peggy members. Duehning will review "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards if she is back from Eastern WA. OtherOur Opening Day is usually celebrated on Saturday on wise, we'll have a round table discussion of our recent the second weekend of May. We have a very colorful reads & recommendations of good books. It will be an ceremony followed by a catered dinner with entertain- interesting afternoon as always. So, remember to join us ment. on Monday, February 16 at 1:30 p.m. If you have any questions, call Georgia Powers, 466-3306. Our cruising seasons starts in April with a short shakedown cruise for a few nights. We have a short cruise in "Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in June. Our longer cruises take place in July and August order that they should see twice as much as they say." with a final short cruise in September. Aphorist Charles Caleb Colton SHELTER BAY February, 2009 Page 9 A U S T I N ’ S In c . W in d o w C le a n in g L ic e n s e d , B o n d e d & In s u r e d • • • • • M u l ti s t o r y S k yl ig h t s & S o l a r i u m s M o s s C o n trol & R e m o v a l G u t t e r C l e a n in g P re s s u re W a s h in g F R E E E S T IM A T E S S k a g it 360 5 4 0 -4 3 3 3 w w w .k le a n w in d o w s .c o m Page 8 February, 2009 SHELTER BAY Territory NW 320 Burlington Blvd. Burlington WA. 98233 Shelter Bay Community, Inc. 1000 Shoshone Drive La Conner WA. 98257 Phone: 360.466.3805 FAX: 360.466.4733 www.shelterbay.net Board of Directors Steff Steinhorst, President Larry Kibbee, Vice-President Jan O’Leary, Treasurer Judi Slajer, Secretary Art Young, Don Haas, Don Moore, Carolyn Patterson, Rod Falor Shelter Bay Manager ~ Judy Grosvenor Executive Secretary:Debbie Byrd Committee Chairpersons: Building: Tom Rosadiuk Lot: Actg: Carolyn Patterson Greenbelt: Jack Withrow Rules: Britt Wisniewski Social and Recreation: Actg: Don Haas Harbor Committee: Barrie Arnett Newsletter Editors Gail Taylor, Editor, Claudia Young, Production Editor SHELTER BAY Page February, 2009 ADVERTISEMENT 1000www. Shoshone Drive sunrisewindows.us sunrisewindows@verizon.net LIZZ & COMPANY Lizz Ewing Owner/Stylist 125 W. Washington Street Box 58, La Conner WA. 98257 360.466.3413 ~ Cell 206.226.2894 "Windermere Real Estate/Anacortes Properties" 9 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAM INC Shelter Bay Community, Inc. 1000 Shoshone Drive La Conner, WA 98257 Phone: 360-466-3805 Fax: 360-466-4733 Your Neighbors. Your Friends. Your Community. We’re On The Web! www.shelterbay.net CALENDAR *Weekly Events in the Clubhouse Fit for Life every Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10:30 AM Tap Classes every Monday at 9:00 AM Camera Club – 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 7:00 PM Clubhouse Chorus every Thursday at 3:00 PM Belly Dancing every Thursday at 5:00 PM Clubhouse Adult Game Night 2nd Monday at 7:00 PM Clubhouse Mixed Poker – 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Clubhouse Piano Lessons every Monday at 1:00 PM Clubhouse February 3 Rules Committee 9:00 AM Clubhouse Meeting Room 4 Building Committee 9:00 AM Clubhouse Meeting Room 4 SRC 6:00 PM Clubhouse Meeting Room 5 Lot Committee 9:00 AM Clubhouse Meeting Room 5 Finance Committee 1:00 PM Clubhouse Meeting Room 5 Safety Committee 5:00 PM Clubhouse Meeting Room 6 Chorus Gala 7:00 PM Clubhouse 7 Chorus Gala 7:00 PM Clubhouse 9 Finance Committee 3:00 PM Clubhouse Meeting Room 10 Finance Committee 9:00 AM clubhouse Meeting Room 10 Harbor Committee 4:30 PM Clubhouse Meeting Room 10 Newsletter Advertising Deadline 12 Greenbelt Committee 9:00 AM Clubhouse Meeting Room 16 Office Closed 17 Foot Clinic 8:00 AM Clubhouse 18 Building Committee 9:00 AM Clubhouse Meeting Room 18 Board Meeting 7:00 PM Clubhouse 19 Lot Committee 9:00 AM Clubhouse Meeting Room 20 Newsletter Articles Noon Deadline 24 Harbor Committee 4:30 PM Clubhouse Meeting Room 26 Greenbelt Committee 9:00 AM Clubhouse Meeting Room March 3 Rules Committee 9:00 AM clubhouse Meeting Room