Academy Adventures Midtown “Hey, SuperKids,you just aced all


Academy Adventures Midtown “Hey, SuperKids,you just aced all
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Academy Adventures Midtown
3025 N. Winstel Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716
Phone: (520) 777-3757
Fax: (520) 207-6489
Academy Adventures Midtown is the first in a group of K-5 elementary char ter schools to be developed by Ed Ahead, Inc. (a 501c3 non profit
corporation). Over ninety percent of our children qualify for free and
reduced lunch. The educational mission is to provide an environment
where students, parents, and staff learn to recognize and build on their
strengths. Students are challenged to push on their comfor t levels by coming to school ready to practice behavioral and academic discipline while
learning. The rewards for the students are both tangible and intangible.
“Hey, SuperKids,you just aced all your
tests, came to school on time, finished
your homework, cleaned the classrooms,
and practiced outstanding behavior....
What are you gonna do next?”
“We’re going to Disneyland!”
We are asking for your help with a extra
special tangible reward for our students.
We will be taking a trip to Disneyland in January with
all those children who have consistently come to school
and demonstrated behavioral and academic discipline.
Parents, students and staff are engaged in a variety of
fund raising activities to do their part in earning the trip.
Car washes, penny drives, selling cookie dough and
other creative endeavors help us foster a community
feeling of working together to earn this great trip.
And yet even with all this effort we will not have
enough money to make this dream trip happen for our
kids without your help. Please help us put the wheels on
the bus to Disneyland by contributing today.
Make checks payable to Ed Ahead. Or use your
PayPal account or your credit card.
Call Jack Penczar today for more information on how
you can make your donation: (520) 465-1415. Or send an
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