2011-2012 Product Directory - ASHRAE® Central Florida Chapter
2011-2012 Product Directory - ASHRAE® Central Florida Chapter
20112012 ASHRAE Product Directory Manufacturers Representatives Consulting Engineers Mechanical Contractors CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 2011-2012 Page 1 FOREWORD This FY 2011-2012 Directory of the Manufacturers’ Representatives was prepared by the Central Florida Chapter of ASHRAE to foster better communications between all segments of the local industry. Listings are not limited to ASHRAE members. THE DIRECTORY IS NOT ADVERTISEMENT NOR CONSTITUTES ANY ENDORSEMENT OF ANY PRODUCT OR COMPANY BY ASHRAE. The information herein was furnished by listing firms, and is edited to give as much conformity to basic information as possible. The Chapter cannot be responsible for errors or inaccuracies that might occur. A committee consisting of ASHRAE members prepared the Directory. Firms not listed that would like to be included in future annual issues should contact one of the BOARD OF GOVERNORS listed in the proceeding pages. Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................... 3 OBJECTIVES OF ASHRAE ............................................................................................................................... 5 THE ADVANTAGES OF MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................................... 6 REGION 12 LEADERSHIP .............................................................................................................................. 7 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER LEADERSHIP ............................................................................................. 8 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER - MEETING DATES ....................................................................................... 9 IN THE BEGINNING ...................................................................................................................................... 10 FROM THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT ............................................................................................................... 11 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER – PAST PRESIDENTS ................................................................................. 12 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER - CHARTER MEMBERS .............................................................................. 13 PRODUCT TO MANUFACTURER CROSS REFERENCE .............................................................................. 14 MANUFACTURER TO VENDOR CROSS REFERENCE ................................................................................ 42 ACCUAIR, INC ................................................................................................................................................ 54 ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP ........................................................................................................... 55 AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA INC ..................................................................................................... 56 THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION ............................................................................................................ 58 CARRIER ........................................................................................................................................................ 59 CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC....................................................................................................................... 60 CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC .................................................................................................................. 63 CUNNINGHAM SALES, INC ........................................................................................................................... 64 DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY ..................................................................................................................... 65 DNL Hydronics, Inc.......................................................................................................................................... 66 DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC .................................................................................................................. 67 ENGINEERED AIR .......................................................................................................................................... 69 FLORIDA AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS............................................................................................ 70 FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC........................................................................................................................... 72 FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC ........................................................................................ 74 GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC ....................................................................................................................... 75 HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC ............................................................................................................................... 77 INNOVATIVE SUPPORT SYSTEMS, INC ....................................................................................................... 79 JOHNSON CONTROLS .................................................................................................................................. 80 LUVATA ELECTROFIN ................................................................................................................................... 81 LORENZE & ASSOCIATES, INC .................................................................................................................... 82 MSI SUPPLY INC ............................................................................................................................................ 83 S & R SALES, INC .......................................................................................................................................... 84 SENSIBLE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC ...................................................................................................... 86 Page 3 STAN WEAVER & COMPANY ........................................................................................................................ 87 STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC .................................................................................................................. 92 THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC .................................................................................................... 95 THERMAL TECH, INC..................................................................................................................................... 97 TOM BARROW COMPANY............................................................................................................................. 99 THE TRANE COMPANY ............................................................................................................................... 104 VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA ....................................................................................... 106 VCS DIRECT (Division of VC Systems & Controls ........................................................................................ 107 VICKERY & COMPANY ................................................................................................................................ 109 BASIC EQUATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 110 CONSULTING ENGINEERING FIRMS ......................................................................................................... 111 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS................................................................................................................... 114 Page 4 OBJECTIVES OF ASHRAE The object of the Society is to advance the arts and sciences of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning, and the allied arts and sciences, for the benefit of the general public by: 1. Stimulating technological progress for the good of mankind. 2. Maintaining a high professional standing among its members. 3. Encouraging the continuing education and professional advancement of its members. 4. Providing educational opportunities through its publications, research, seminars, chapter scholarships and national, chapter and regional meetings. 5. Conducting a program of basic and applied research through grants -in-aid to colleges and laboratories. 6. Developing codes and standards and by co-operating with other organizations in development of standards. 7. Encouraging fellowship among engineers and industry leaders. Page 5 THE ADVANTAGES OF MEMBERSHIP 1. You are kept informed of new developments of technical and professional interest. 2. You receive, regularly, as a part of the services available to you for payment of dues... (a) ASHRAE JOURNAL, the Society’s monthly publication and the most authoritative periodical on research, design, development, engineering and news in our fields; plus... (b) ASHRAE HANDBOOK & PRODUCTS DIRECTORY, a three volume series constituting a complete reference of current data in Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Ventilating. Each year, a member receives a new volume on Applications, Equipment or Systems. The cycle continues every three years. (c) Plus...ASHRAE HANDBOOK OF FUNDAMENTALS, invaluable to the Society members, to the industry, and to the students and teachers as a basic reference in theory, terminology and general engineering data. (d) You may purchase, at a nominal cost, all other ASHRAE Publications such as TRANSACTIONS, our annual compilation of technical papers and discussions, presented at national meetings of the Society; ENGINEERING STANDARDS RESEARCH REPORTS, SYMPOSIUM BULLETINS, RE-PRINTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS. 3. Provided you meet the particular requirements, you are eligible for membership on any of the Society’s administrative or general committees or on the 60 technical committees and nine task groups, which direct ASHRAE’s Research and Technical activities. 4. You have access to and may borrow from the Engineering Society’s Library, the world’s largest engineering library. 5. Most important of all, you have the opportunity to help yourself, your industry, and your profession, by expanding your own knowledge and helping to support the valuable work of ASHRAE. OBJECTIVE Page 6 REGION 12 LEADERSHIP – http://ashraeregion12.org DIRECTOR AND REGION CHAIRMAN Bill Malphus Phone: (239) 872-1415 E-Mail: bmalphus@earthlink.net REGION REFRIGERATION CHAIR Oswaldo Bueno Phone: E-Mail: oswaldo@bueno.eng.br NOMINATING COMMITTEE/MEMBER Wade Conlan, PE Phone: (407) 660-0088 E-Mail: wade.conlan@exp.com REGION TREASURER/Alt-DRC Rob Risley Phone: (239) 850-1212 E-Mail: rrisley@fpl.com NOMINATING COMMITTEE/ALTERNATE Rob Risley Phone: (239) 850-1212 Email: rrisley@fpl.com REGION HISTORIAN Oswaldo Bueno Phone: E-Mail: oswaldo@bueno.eng.br CHAPTER TECH TRANSFER COMMITTEE John Pennington, PE Phone: (239) 633-8197 E-Mail: john@boyd-hvac.com REGION WEB MASTER/ECC Ricardo Esbri Phone: (787) 258-1679 E-Mail: esbri@hotmail.com REGION MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION Florentino Roson Rodriguez Phone: E-Mail: f.roson@supercontrols.com.ar REGION PROGRAM CHAIR Richard King, P.E. Phone: (407) 246-1688 E-Mail: rking@peifla.com REGION STUDENT ACTIVITIES J. Todd Moore Phone: (407) 551-1124 E-Mail: toddmoore@trane.com YEA REGIONAL COORDINATOR Megan Tosh, P.E. Phone: (407) 581-6940 E-Mail: mtosh@stanweaver.com REGION RESEARCH PROMOTION Rick Ellison Phone: (954) 492-1166 rick@diversifiedfluidcontrols.com ASSISTANT REGION CHAIR Jennifer Isenbeck, PE Phone: (813) 731-2203 E-Mail: JIsenbeck@admin.usf.edu REGION HONORS & AWARDS REGION NOMINATING ALT Ricardo Esbri Phone: (787) 258-1679 E-Mail: esbri@hotmail.com Ted Hanson Phone: (813) 241-6488 Email: ted.hansen@kpiengineering.com Page 7 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER LEADERSHIP – www.ashrae-cfl.org PRESIDENT – John Miller, PE Phone: (407) 246-1688 E-Mail: jmiller@peifla.com HISTORIAN – Donia Bessa Phone: (407) 841-9050 E-Mail: donia.bessa@tlc-eng.com PRESIDENT ELECT – Megan Tosh, PE Phone: (407) 581-6940 E-Mail: mtosh@stanweaver.com DEWPOINT EDITOR – Nate Boyd Phone: (407) 246-2302 E-Mail: Nathaniel.coyd@cityoforlando.net VICE PRESIDENT – Anik Patel Phone: (407) 782-7495 E-Mail: anikppatel@gmail.com CHAPTER WEB SITE – John Miller, PE Phone: (407) 246-1688 E-Mail: jmiller@peifla.com TREASURER – Malia Powers Phone: (813) 220-5508 E-Mail: malia.powers@gmail.com YEA CHAIR – Paul Albers Phone: (407) 246-1688 E-Mail: palbers@peifla.com SECRETARY – Nathaniel Boyd Phone: (407) 246-2302 Nathaniel.boyd@cityoforlando UCF INITIATIVE – Nate Boyd Phone: (407) 246-2302 E-Mail: Nathaniel.coyd@cityoforlando.net CALLING COMMITTEE – Anik Patel Phone: (407) 782-7495 E-Mail: anikppatel@gmail.com WELCOMING – Anik Patel Phone: (407) 782-7495 E-Mail: anikppatel@gmail.com MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION – Anik Patel Phone: (407) 782-7495 E-Mail: anikppatel@gmail.com PRODUCT DIRECTORY - Tom Edwards Phone: (407) 581-6940 E-Mail: tedwards@stanweaver.com CTTC – John Davant Phone: (407) 924-7730 E-Mail: jdavant@mci2inc.net GOLF TOURNAMENT - Firouz Keikavousi Phone: (407) 405-3429 E-Mail: firouzk@gmail.com STUDENT ACTIVITIES – Amy Weaver, PE Phone: (407) 323-7007 E-Mail: amy.weaver@harperlimbach.com REFRIGERATION CHAIR – Josepth de Armas Phone: (407) 660-0088 E-Mail: josepth.dearmas@exp.com RESEARCH PROMOTION – Ian LaHiff Phone: (727) 487-3097 E-Mail: ian.lahiff@exp.com HONORS & AWARDS – Firouz Keikavousi Phone: (407) 405-3429 E-Mail: firouzk@gmail.com SHRIMP BOIL CHAIR – Dan Cross, PE Phone: (407) 701-2384 E-Mail: dacross@rimcus.com PAST PRESIDENT – Jason Aphoonso, PE Governor : Firouz Keikavousi Governor : Richard King, PE Governor : Wade Conlan, PE Governor : Bill Dillard GOV’T ACTIVITIES – Tracey Whaley, PE Phone: (407) 622-2050 E-Mail: twhaley@hanson-inc.com Page 8 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER - MEETING DATES CHAPTER MEETINGS THE TAP ROOM AT DUBSDREAD (549 West Par Street, Orlando, FL 32804) 4:30 PM Board of Governors Meeting 6:00 PM Cocktails & Fellowship 7:00 PM Dinner and Program Second Thursday of every month except March, June, July & August September 8, 2011 Sustaining ASHRAE through Leadership October 13, 2011 OUC Programs November 10, 2011 TBD December 8, 2011 BIM for Mechanical Engineering Disciplines January 12, 2012 TBD February 9, 2012 TBD April 12, 2012 TBD May 10, 2012 TBD GOLF OUTINGS September 30, 2011, Forest Lake April, 2012 – Sanctuary Ridge Golf Course SHRIMP BOIL March 8, 2010 – 10th Annual Shrimp Boil – Winter Park Farmer’s Market CHAPTERS REGIONAL CONFERENCE (CRC) August, 10-12, 2011 San Jose, Costa Rica August, 2012 Miami, Florida Page 9 IN THE BEGINNING…. If you had been a member of ASHRAE in 1960 and wished to participate in and receive the benefits of Chapter activities, once a month around 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon, you would meet some like-minded friends at some convenient place, get into as few cars as possible, and head for Tampa. After a couple of years of doing that, it would get pretty old; so on the long ride back and forth you start thinking about all the people in Central Florida who are in this business and asking why can’t we have a chapter in Orlando, and do them and us a favor. That’s what four of the first five past presidents listed on the next page, and a few other civic-minded individuals did. They started talking to their friends and competitors. They wrote to Society headquarters and were told that within the geographic boundaries from Ormond Beach to Vero Beach on the East Coast and from Leesburg to Lakeland on the western side of the state, there were already 50-60 known members. As a result of their efforts, a charter was granted and the Central Florida Chapter of ASHRAE started meeting in the fall of 1962, with 70 area assigned members. Due to the perennial Florida problem of retirees, they struggled to get twenty active participants; but they persisted, and thanks to their efforts and those of a lot of people who followed them, the Chapter has grown and flourished to what it is today. Today the chapter has over 324 area assigned members and typically 50-80 people regularly attend monthly meetings. John Simmonds (and others) Page 10 FROM THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT The Central Florida Chapter of ASHRAE is pleased to once again offer the 2011-2012 Roster and Product Directory. This booklet is very informative piece of literature, which has been compiled by our hardworking roster and product directory chairperson, Tom Edwards and co-chair, Gary Carver. This directory includes a listing of Central Florida manufacturer’s representatives, consulting engineers, mechanical contractors and a listing of our local members As a consulting engineer, I can assure all of our vendors out there that I continue to turn to my directory several times a week when looking up product representation and I know that I am not alone. Thank you to all of the vendors, engineers and contractors who have already signed up for inclusion in this year’s edition of our product directory. If you have not had the opportunity to sign up for the directory, now is your chance. Please contact Tom Edwards (tedwards@stanweaver.com) or Gary Carver (Carver2@earthlink.net) for information on how to be a part of this excellent informational and marketing tool ASHRAE Central Florida is proud to provide to our members every year. On behalf of the ASHRAE Central Florida Executive Committee, Board of Governors and Committee Chairs I would like to thank all of our engineer, contractor and vendor friends for their support of our Roster and Product Directory. Without this support our directory would not continue to be a success. Here’s to a successful 2011-2012 ASHRAE year. I hope to see everyone at our first local meeting on September 8th, 2011 at Dubsdread. Come on out and support your local Central Florida Chapter of ASHRAE. John Miller, P.E. 2011-2012 ASHRAE Central Florida Chapter President Page 11 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER – PAST PRESIDENTS PRESIDENT YEAR James A. Oberlin ......................................... 1962-63 James A. Driver ........................................... 1963-64 Warren L. Chase ......................................... 1964-65 Kenneth E. Hayes ....................................... 1965-66 Lloyd H. Boissoneault .................................. 1966-67 William C. Denson, PE ................................ 1967-68 Maynard D. Reese....................................... 1968-69 William R. Penn ........................................... 1969-70 Theodore H. Brooks .................................... 1970-71 J. Wesley Floreth ......................................... 1971-72 Wiley M. Cauthen ........................................ 1972-73 Edwin C. Pratt ............................................. 1973-74 Lyle M. Houser, Jr., PE ................................ 1974-75 Hal A. Head, PE .......................................... 1975-76 Garth E. Tristram ......................................... 1976-77 Raymond E. Davis ....................................... 1977-78 W. Hugh Wilson, Jr. ..................................... 1978-79 William M. Dillard ......................................... 1979-80 John D. Simmonds, PE ............................... 1980-81 Joseph K. McCarthy .................................... 1981-82 DeWayne Lorenze ....................................... 1982-83 David Wassman, PE.................................... 1983-84 David Krause ............................................... 1984-85 Bill Watford .................................................. 1985-86 John J. Asendorf, PE ................................... 1986-87 Melvin Borczynski ........................................ 1987-88 Jack Zelsman .............................................. 1988-89 Kenneth L. Eiermann, PE ............................ 1989-90 Kevin K. McKenzie, PE ................................ 1990-91 Todd S. Morgan, ......................................... 1991-92 Firouz Keikavousi ........................................ 1992-93 John Elsea .................................................. 1993-94 Bernard Horne ............................................. 1994-95 Mark Lanier ................................................. 1995-96 Larry Snyder ................................................ 1996-97 Bill Leaton ................................................... 1997-98 Hossein Dayi, PE ........................................ 1998-99 Gary Carver, PE .......................................... 1999-00 Michael Sheerin, PE .................................... 2000-01 Traci Just, PE .............................................. 2001-02 Chris Bradford ............................................. 2002-03 Dan Cross, PE............................................. 2003-04 Damon Lynn, PE ......................................... 2004-05 Todd Moore, PE .......................................... 2005-06 Tim Citek ..................................................... 2006-07 Mike Dillard ................................................. 2007-08 Wade Conlan, PE ........................................ 2008-09 Richard King, PE ......................................... 2009-10 Jason Aphonso, PE ..................................... 2010-11 John Miller, PE ............................................ 2011-12 Page 12 CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER - CHARTER MEMBERS The following is a list of the charter members as recalled by some of the early charter members. Our apologies to any member overlooked in this list. Anyone having additional information on the charter year is encouraged to contact the Chapter Historian. CHARTER MEMBERS James A. Oberlin, Charter President James Driver, Charter Vice President William Vincent, Charter Secretary Lloyd Bossoneault Warren Chase, PE Robert Collie William C. Denson, PE James L. Gay, PE James Grinnan Kenneth Hayes Hugh Martin William Penn Edmund P. Senk Page 13 PRODUCT TO MANUFACTURER CROSS REFERENCE Editor’s note: a few products may indicate more than one sales representative. This is due to regional offices, which represent different product lines in our distribution area. Please be sure to contact your local representative that serves your area. “B” VENT STACKS ACCESS DOORS ACCESS PANELS ACTUATORS AIR CLEANERS AIR CONDITIONERS AIR DISTRIBUTION AIR-JET AMPCO CLEAVER-BROOKS CO. PROTECH MG-DURAVENT SELKIRK METALBESTOS BABCOCK-DAVIS CESCO FLEXMASTER KEES NAILOR INDUSTRIES NYSTROM PREFCO VENT PRODUCTS BABCOCK-DAVIS MILCOR BELIMO BIOCLIMATIC COSATRON GLOBAL PLASMA SOLUTIONS TRION DANTHERM A. J. MANUFACTURING ACUTHERM AIR CONCEPTS AIR FACTORS AIR GUIDE AIR RESEARCH DIFFUSER ANEMOSTAT PRODUCTS ARCHITECTURAL GRILLE CARRIER DONCO AIR PRODUCTS DOWCO PRODUCTS DUCTSOX J & J REGISTERS KEES KRUEGER METAL*AIRE NAILOR INDUSTRIES PRECISION AIR PRODUCTS PRICE INDUSTRIES REGGIO Page 14 AIR DISTRIBUTION AIR DOORS AIR ELIMINATION AIR FLOW MANAGEMENT AIR HANDLING UNITS RELIABLE METAL PRODUCTS RICKARDS THERMAL PRODUCTS SEIHO UNITED ENERTECH TITUS TROX BERNER DYNAFORCE MARS POWERED AIRE RAYWALL RUSKIN SPIROTHERM AIRCUITY AIR MONITOR CORPORATION PARAGON CONTROLS TEK-AIR AAON ADDISON AIRTHERM MFG. CO. AIRWISE SALES, INC. AIRZONE ALLIANCE AIR ASP BUFFALO AIR HANDLING CARRIER CHANGE’AIR CLIMATE CRAFT DAIKIN DECTRON DUNHAM BUSH ENERGY LABS ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY FIRST COMPANY FRIEDRICH GOVERNAIR GREENHECK HAAKON INDUSTRIES HUNTAIR ICE IGENIA INNOVENT INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LG Page 15 AIR HANDLING UNITS AIR HANDLING UNITS (WSHP) AIR PRESSURE SWITCHES AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEMS AIR RECEIVERS AIR SEPARATORS MAGIC AIRE MAMMOTH, INC. MARCRAFT McQUAY PETRA REFPLUS SAMSUNG THERMAL CORP TEMSPEC TEMTROL THERMO PLUS AIR THYBAR TRANE UNITED COOL AIR VALENT VENMAR VENTILATION VENTROL WEBCO WILLIAMS COMFORT PRODUCTS XPEDIAIR YORK YORK/JCI ADDISON AAON CLIMATE-MASTER DAIKIN A/C FLORIDA HEAT PUMPS ICE AIR ISLAND AIRE LG MAMMOTH, INC. McQUAY RITTLING SAMSUNG THERMO PLUS AIR TRANE WAHLEN COMPANY AJ ANTUNES GENESIS AIR TIGG CORPORATION WESSELS COMPANY AURORA PUMP COMPANY BELL & GOSSETT ELBI OF AMERICA JOHN WOOD COMPANY Page 16 AIR SEPARATORS AIR VALVES AIR VENTS BACKFLOW PREVENTORS BAG-IN/BAG-OUT FILTER HOUSINGS BAS ROUTERS BASINS BELTS BOILERS BOILERS, ACCESSORIES BOILERS, SPECIALTIES BOILERS, STACKS BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEMS BURNERS CHEMICAL FEEDERS TACO THRUSH PUMP COMPANY WESSELS COMPANY WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS FLOW CONTROL INDUSTRIES PHOENIX CONTROLS TEK AIR TRIATEK ELBI OF AMERICA MAID-O-MIST SPIRAX/SARCO, INC. WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS WATTS WILKINS (Division of Zurn) CAMFIL FARR FLANDERS FILTERS CONTEMPORARY CONTROLS HALLIDAY PRODUCTS TOPPS INDUSTRIES GOODYEAR BELTS CEMLINE CORP. CLEAVER-BROOKS CO. EPSILON INDUSTRIES GREEN BOILER TECHNOLOGIES HYDRO-THERM LAARS LATTNER PATTERSON-KELLEY RBI SUSSMAN ELECTRIC BOILERS SELLERS J.L. WINGERT McDONNELL & MILLER SELLERS SPIRAX/SARCO, INC. AMPCO SCHEBLER AIC WIRELESS AUTOMATION SYSTEMS CARRIER JCI SIEMENS CB PROFIRE CLEAVER-BROOKS J.L. WINGERT Page 17 CHEMICALS CHILLED BEAMS CHILLERS CIRCUIT SETTERS CLASSROOM UNIT VENTILATORS CLEAN ROOM PRODUCTS CLOSED CIRCUIT COOLERS CO2 SENSORS VECTOR COMPANY DOW CHEMICAL SPECIALTY CHEMICALS DADANCO PRICE AAON CANARIIS CARRIER CLIMACOOL CORPORATION DRAKE DUNHAM BUSH ENVIROSEP EPSILON INDUSTRIES FEDDERS FILTRINE LIEBERT McQUAY MULTI AQUA MULTISTACK PETRA STELLAR SMARDT CHILLERS TRANE WATERFURNACE YORK YORK/JCI BELL & GOSSETT TACO, INC. THRUSH PUMP COMPANY AIREDALE GREENHECK McQUAY CAMFIL FARR CRI ENVIRCO FLANDERS FILTERS HUNT AIR PHOENIX CONTROLS PRICE INDUSTRIES EVAPCO RECOLD AIRCUITY, INC. BRASCH MANUFACTURING ENGLEHARD SENSOR TECH ENGWALD CORPORATION Page 18 COATINGS COATINGS COILS COMBUSTION & AIR QUALITY TOOLS COMMUNICATION ROOM UNITS COMPUTER ROOM UNITS CONDENSATE PUMPS CONTROLS MONOXIVENT MSA CONTROLLED RELEASE FACD SERVICES ULTRAGUARD LUVATA – ELECTRO - FIN COIL MASTER ENERGY LABS GREENHECK PRECISION COILS RAE COILS TEMTROL YORK/JCI AEROFIN CORP TESTO BARD DANTHERM AIRZONE BARD COMPUAIRE DANTHERM DATA AIRE LIEBERT PETRA ALYAN PUMP COMPANY AURORA PUMP COMPANY DAIKIN FEDERAL PUMP SHIPCO SPIRAX/SARCO, INC. ACI BARBER-COLMAN CO. CARRIER CSI CONTROLS DANFOSS DURA DRIVE ERIE (Hydronic Controls) GANGA HAYS CLEVELAND HONEYWELL INVENSYS CONTROLS UNI-LINE JOHNSON CONTROLS KRUETER PARAGON CONTROLS RANCO (Refrigeration Controls) Page 19 CONTROLS CONTROLS, BALANCING VALVES CONTROLS, FUME HOOD CONTROLS, POOL HEATING CONTROLS, REFRIGERANT CONTROLS, WATER FLOW COOLING TOWER, ACCESSORIES COOLING TOWER, FILTRATION COOLING TOWERS CURBS RAYWALL ROBERT SHAW SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SIEMENS SYSTECON VICONICS ULTRASMART TREND TEKMAR TRANE VENSTAR WATTSTOPPER FLO-PAC INDUSTRIES PHOENIX CONTROLS TEK-AIR TRIATEK LAARS RBI SERESCO TEKMAR DAIKIN LG MITSUBISHI SAMSUNG HAYS FLUID CONTROLS McDONNELL & MILLER J. L. WINGERT GRISWOLD J.L. WINGERT PEP PUROFLUX BALTIMORE AIR COIL CERAMIC COOLING TOWER COMPOSITE COOLING SOLUTIONS DELTA TOWERS EVAPCO, INC. EVAPTECH MARLEY COOLING TOWER RECOLD REYMSA SPX THE COOLING TOWER COMPANY TOWER ENGINEERING TRI-THERMAL CREATIVE METALS Page 20 CURBS CUSTOM HVAC SYSTEMS DAMPERS DAMPERS, GREASE DAMPERS, OPERATORS, REMOTE DEAERATORS DEFROST TIMERS DEHUMIDIFICATION UNITS CURBS PLUS GREENHECK KCC LOREN COOK NCA PATE CURBS ROOF PRODUCTS SYSTEMS THYBAR THYCURB UNITED ENERTECH JOHNSON AIR ROTATION AIR BALANCE CESCO CREATIVE METALS GREENHECK LEADER INDUSTRIES M.K. PLASTICS METROPOLITAN AIR TECH NAILOR INDUSTRIES NCA PHL PREFCO ROTOTWIST RUSKIN MFG SWARTWOUT UNITED ENERTECH YOUNG REGULATOR POTTORF HALTON METROPOLITAN AIR (Rototwist) GREENHECK UNITED ENERTECH YOUNG REGULATOR ZIP GROUP SHIPCO INTERMATIC CIRCUL-AIRE AAON DECTRON, INC. DEHUMIDIFIER CORP DES CHAMPS HAAKON INDUSTRIES HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY IAQ SYSTEMS INNOVENT Page 21 DHUMIDIFICATIONS UNITS DESICCANT UNITS DIFFUSERS, VAV DIRT ELIMINATORS DISCONNECT SWITCHES DRAIN PAN TREATMENT DUCT HEATERS DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS DUCT, FLEX DUCT, GREASE DUCT,FLEX DUCTLESS SPLIT SYSTEMS MUNTERS NOVEL-AIRE TECHNOLOGY POOLPAK INTERNATIONAL RENEWAIRE REZNOR SERESCO THERMO PLUS AIR TRICOIL VALENT VITAL TECHNOLOGIES CIRCUL-AIRE DES CHAMPS TECH. DRI (Desiccant Rotors International) GREENHECK MUNTERS DRYCOOL NOVEL-AIRE TECHNOLOGY THERMAL RPODUCTS SPIROTHERM, INC THRUSH PUMP COMPANY SQUARE D CONTROLLED RELEASE SPECIALTY CHEMICALS BRASCH MANUFACTURING, INC. BTU INDEECO RAYWALL REDD-I REZNOR TUTCO WARREN SYSTEM SENSOR ATCO SCHEBLER SELKIRK METALBESTOS CLEVAFLEX FLEXMASTER T-FIN THERMAL FLEX DAIKIN FRIEDRICH LG MITSUBISHI MULTIAQUA SAMSUNG SANYO Page 22 DUCTS DUCTS DUPLEX CONTROL PANELS DUST COLLECTION DX EQUIPMENT ATCO CLEVAFLEX DUCTSOX EASTERN SHEET METAL EHG FABRIC AIR FAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY FLEXMASTER AQC BLUE DUCT HAMLIN M.K. PLASTICS PERRY FIBERGLASS Q-SOX SCHEBLER SELKIRK METALBESTOS SPUNSTAND T-FIN THERMAL FLEX CSI CONTROLS SYNCROFLO SYSTEMS CAMFIL-FARR FISHER-KLOSTERMAN MONOXIVENT NATIONAL SYSTEM OF GARAGE VENTILATION STERNVENT COMPANY, INC. AAON ADDISION AIRWISE AIRZONE CARRIER CONSERV/DAIS ANALYTIC DAIKIN DATA AIRE ENERGY LABS ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES FIRST COMPANY FRIEDRICH GOVERNAIR GREENHECK LG MAGIC AIRE MAMMOTH MCQUAY MITSUBISHI MULTIAQUA Page 23 ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANERS ENERGY RECOVERY UNITS ETHERNET SWITCHES EVAPORATIVE CONDENSERS EVAPORATIVE COOLERS EXHAUST FANS NOVEL-AIRE REZNOR SAMSUNG TEMTROL TRANE VENMAR XPEDIAIR YORK YORK/JCI BIOCLIMATIC COSATRON GLOBAL PLASMA SOLUTIONS TRION BERNER ENERGY RECOVERY CIRCUL-AIRE CONSERV/DAIS ANALYTIC AAON DES CHAMPS DRI (Desiccant Rotors International) ENERGY LABS E-TECH GREENHECK HAAKON INDUSTRIES HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY AMERICAN ALDES INNOVENT MICROMETL MUNTERS NAUTICA AIR SYSTEMS NOVEL-AIRE PENN/BARRY RENEW AIRE REZNOR THYBAR TRICOIL VALENT VENMAR VENTILATION WEBCO CONTEMPORARY CONTROLS BALTIMORE AIR COIL EVAPCO RECOLD ENERGY LABS PHOENIX MFG REVERSOMATIC Page 24 EXPANSION JOINTS EXPANSION TANKS EXPANSION TANKS FAN COIL UNITS FANS API INTERNATIONAL BELL & GOSSETT ENGINEERED FLEXIBLE PRODUCTS FLEXONICS, INC GENERAL RUBBER CORP. METRAFLEX SOUTH EASTERN HOSE TWIN CITY HOSE AURORA PUMP COMPANY ELBI OF AMERICA JOHN WOOD COMPANY THRUSH PRODUCTS WESSEL TANK COMPANY WESSELS COMPANY WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS TACO AIRTHERM MFG. CO. ASP CARRIER ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES FIRST COMPANY GREENHECK HYDRO-AIR ICE AIR INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL JCI MAGIC AIRE McQUAY MULTI AQUA PETRA RITTLING TEMSPEC THERMO PLUS AIR TITUS TRANE WAHLEN COMPANY WATERFURNACE WILLIAMS COMFORT PRODUCTS XPEDIAIR YORK ACME MANUFACTURING & ENG. AEROLATOR AMERICAN ALDES AMERICAN COOLAIR/ILG BARRY Page 25 FANS FIBERGLASS TANKS FILTERS FILTERS, ACCESSORIES BIG ASS FANS BRIDERT-JEN FAN BROAN/NUTONE BUFFALO/HOWDEN FANS CAPTIVE-AIRE COMPOSITE FAN TECHNOLOGY DELHI ENERVEX (EXHAUSTO) FAN EQUIPMENT CO. FANTECH FLO AIRE GREASEMASTER GREENHECK JENN FAN KEES LOREN COOK M. K. PLASTICS PANASONIC PATTON PENN VENTILATION CO. STROBIC AIR CORP S&P SUPREME FAN PRODUCTS SWARTWOUT TCF CLARAGE TWIN CITY FAN & BLOWER CO. WOODS FANS YORK/JCI XERXES CORPORATION AMERICAN AIR FILTER AN-CELL BIOCLIMATIC CAMERON YAKIMA CAMFIL FARR CONTAMINATION TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLED RELEASE CRI CTC EVERPURE FGI FLANDERS FILTERS KOCH FILTER CORP RESEARCH PRODUCTS DWYER INSTRUMENTS RESEARCH PRODUCTS Page 26 FILTERS, CARBON FILTERS, GREASE FILTERS, WATER FIRE COATING FIRE PUMP ASSEMBLIES FIRE PUMP ASSEMBLIES FLAME RODS FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS FLASH TANKS FLEX CONNECTORS FLOOR WARMERS FLOW METERS FREEZE PROTECTION FUME EXHAUST FUME HOOD CONTROLS GAS BURNERS GAS DETECTION BIOCLIMATIC CAMERON YAKIMA CAMFIL-FARR RESEARCH PRODUCTS ATB SYSTEMS WATER TECHNOLOGY FILTRINE GRISWOLD FILTRATION J.L. WINGERT PEP FILTERS PUROFLUX UNITED FIRESPRAY ITT A-C FIRE PUMP PEERLESS PUMPS SYNCROFLO, INC. VC SYSTEMS & CONTROLS, INC. AUBURN/CHAMPION FIREYE JOHN WOOD COMPANY SHIPCO ENGINEERED FLEXIBLE PRODUCTS FLEXONICS, INC. METRAFLEX SOUTHEASTERN HOSE, INC. TWIN CITY HOSE WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS HEATWEAVE FLO PAC KOBOLD PRESO INDUSTRIES RACINE FEDERATED TACO THERM-O-TECH CARMON TJERNLUND EXHAUSTO MONOXIVENT NATIONAL SYSTEM OF GARAGE VEN. PARAGON VENTAIRE PHOENIX CONTROLS TEK-AIR MAXON AIRCUITY BRASCH MANUFACTURING CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL TECH. Page 27 GAS METERS GAS PRESSURE SWITCHES GAS REGULATORS GAUGES GAUGES GENERATORS GREASE DUCTS, ZERO CLEARANCE GREASE INTERCEPTOR GROOVED FITTINGS HEALTHCARE UNITS W/WASH DOWN HEAT EXCHANGERS HEAT PIPES ENGWALD CORPORATION MONOXIVENT MSA VULCAIN AMERICAN METER SENSUS AJ ANTUNES ACTARIS (Schlumberger) AMERICAN METER MAXITROL PIETRO FIORENTINI SENSUS CONBRACO DWYER TRERICE WEISS INSTRUMENTS WEKSLER INSTRUMENTATION WINTER INSTRUMENTS RECO INDUSTRIES SCHEBLER SELKIRK METALBESTOS GREEN TURTLE GRINNELL MECHANICAL HAAKON INDUSTRIES ALFA LAVAL APV ARMSTRONG PUMPS AURORA PUMP COMPANY BELL & GOSSETT CEMLINE CORP DANTHERM DES CHAMPS TECH. ENVIROSEP FLUID & HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS MUELLER MUNTERS NAUTICA AIR SYSTEMS PATTERSON PUMPS PATTERSON-KELLEY CO. PAUL MUELLER CO. TACO THRUSH PRODUCTS TRANTER PHE, INC. WAHLEN HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY MUNTERS Page 28 HEAT PIPES HEAT TRANSFER FLUID HEATERS VENMAR VENTILATION ADDISON AAON AIREDALE CARRIER CLIMATE MASTER DAIKIN FLORIDA HEAT PUMP ICE AIR INNOVENT ISLAND AIRE LG MAMMOTH, INC MCQUAY MITSUBISHI MULTISTACK PETRA SAMSUNG SANYO THERMO PLUS AIR TRANE WAHLEN COMPANY WATERFURNACE YORK/JCI DOW CHEMICAL AIRTHERM BERKO BRASCH BROAN BTU DIMPLEX INDEECO ISLAND AIRE MARKEL PATTON Q-MARK RAYWALL REDD-I REZNOR ROBERTS GORDON RUFF NECK SPACE-RAY STERLING TRANE TUTCO Page 29 HEATERS, INFRA-RED HEPA FILTER MODULES HOODS, FUME HOODS, KITCHEN HOODS, KITCHEN HOSE KITS HOT WATER SPECIALTIES HOT WATER TANKS HUMIDIFIERS HUMIDITY CONTROL HUMIDITY TRANSMITTERS HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES IGNITERS INDUCTION DIFFUSERS WARREN RAYWALL REZNOR ROBERTS GORDON SPACE-RAY CAMFIL FARR ENVIRCO FLANDERS TEK-AIRE TRIATEK PHOENIX CONTROLS AEROLATOR CAPTIVE-AIRE GREASEMASTER GREENHECK HALTON KEES, INC. ENGINEERED FLEXIBLE PRODUCTS FLO-PAC INDUSTRIES FLOW DESIGN HAYS FLUID CONTROLS SOUTH EASTERN HOSE HOFFMAN SPECIALTY CEMLINE CORPORATION WENDLAND MANUFACTURING DRI-STEEM HERRMIDIFIER CO. NORTEC PURE SPIRAX/SARCO, INC HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY TRICOIL GE ARMSTRONG AURORA PUMPS BELL & GOSSETT ELBI OF AMERICA ERIE FLOW CONTROL INDUSTRIES PACO PUMPS PATTERSON PUMPS SPIROTHERM THRUSH PUMP COMPANY AUBURN/CHAMPION DADANCO Page 30 INSTRUMENTS INTERCEPTORS, GREASE, OIL, SOLIDS IONIZATION UNITS LAB CONTROL SYSTEMS LEVEL MEASUREMENT LIGHTING CONTROLS LIQUID LEVEL ELECTRODES LOUVERS MAKE UP AIR UNITS MEASUREMENT, AIR METERS MIXING VALVES MOTOR CONTROLS MOTORS NATATORIUM UNITS NOISE CONTROL DWYER WINTERS INSTRUMENTS GREEN TURTLE BIOCLIMATIC PLASMA AIR AIRCUITY CRITICAL ROOM CONTROL PARAGON CONTROLS, INC. PHOENIX CONTROLS TEK AIR TRIATEK KOBOLD WATTSTOPPER AUBURN/CHAMPION AIR BALANCE AMERICAN WARMING & VENTILATING CESCO PRODUCTS DOWCO PRODUCTS GREENHECK LEADER INDUSTRIES NCA POTTORF RELIABLE METAL PRODUCTS RUSKIN MFG SWARTWOUT UNITED ENERTECH POOL PAK INTERNATIONAL AAON REZNOR AIR MONITOR CORPORATION AIRCUTIY, INC. PARAGON CONTROLS TEK-AIR ELSTER AMCO (ABB METERS) SENSUS TERM-O-TECH SPERECHER & SCHUH SIEMENS SQUARE D TECO-WESTINGHOUSE INNOVENT AEROSONICS KINETICS NOISE CONTROL PRICE INDUSTRIES VAW SYSTEMS Page 31 ODOR CONTROL OIL BURNERS OIL INTERCEPTOR OIL METERS OUTSIDE AIR UNITS OUTSIDE AIR UNITS PACKAGED A/C UNITS VIBRO ACOUSTICS BIOCLIMATIC MAXON GREEN TURTLE ELSTER AMCO (ABB METERS) ADDISON AAON BERNER DAIKIN DECTRON DES CHAMPS TECH. FLORIDA HEAT PUMP GREENHECK INNOVENT MCQUAY MUNTERS PETRA POOL PAK INTERNATIONAL REFPLUS RENEWAIRE REZNOR THERM-AIR TRICOIL ULTRADRY UNITED COOL AIR VALENT AAON ADDISON AIREDALE ALLIANCE AIR BERNER CARRIER DATA AIRE ENERGY LABS EUBANK FRIEDRICH GREENHECK INNOVENT JCI LIEBERT MAMMOTH McQUAY REZNOR SERESCO TRANE Page 32 PENTHOUSES PIPE PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDES PIPE PORTALS PIPE REPAIR KITS PIPE, HANGERS PIPE, PRE-INSULATED PIPE, SPIRAL PIPE, SUPPORTS PIPING PACKAGES PISTON SNUBBERS PLENUMS POLYETHYLENE TUBING POOL CONDITIONING UNITS POWER CONDITIONING PRESSURE GAUGES ULTRADRY VALENT VENMAR YORK UNITED ENERTECH PERRY PIPE THERMACOR TURNKEY FLEXONICS, INC. CURBS PLUS PORTALS PLUS ROOF PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS POW-R WRAP GRIPPLE VIBRATION ISOLATION CO. VIBRO ACOUSTICS THERMACOR THERMAL PIPE SYSTEMS EASTERN SHEET METAL EHG HAMLIN PERFORMANCE DUCT SPECIALIST KWIK BLOCK PATE ROOF CURBS ROOF PRODUCTS FLO PAC NEXUS VLAVE WEKSLER INSTRUMENTATION CURBS PLUS DONCO JER-AIR NAILOR PRICE TITUS WATTS RADIANT DECTRON DEHUMIDIFIER CORPORATION POOL PAK INTERNATIONAL SERESCO VITAL TECHNOLOGIES LIEBERT DWYER KOBOLD TRERICE WEISS INSTRUMENTS Page 33 PRESSURE SWITCHES PTAC PUMP PUMPS PUMP CONNECTORS PUMP, CONDENSATE WEKSLER GLASS THERMOMETER CORP. WINTERS INSTRUMENTS AJ ANTUNES CARRIER FRIEDRICH ICE AIR TRANE YORK/JCI ALYAN PUMP ARMSTRONG PUMPS AURORA PUMPS BELL & GOSSETT BUFFALO PUMPS ENVIROSEP FLUID & HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS FEDERAL PUMP GOULDS PUMPS GRUNDFOS PUMPS HOFFMAN SPECIALTY CO. ITT DOMESTIC PUMP ITT GOULDS PUMP KADENT JOHNSON PACO PUMPS PATTERSON PUMPS PEDROLLO PEERLESS PUMPS RED JACKET WATER PRODUCTS SHIPCO SPIRAX/SARCO SYNCROFLO, INC. SYSTECON FIGER FLOW TACO, INC. THRUSH PRODUCTS VC SYSTEMS & CONTROLS, INC. VERTIFLO PUMPS WEIL PUMP COMPANY ZOELLER COMPANY SOUTHEASTERN HOSE, INC ALYAN AURORA PUMP COMPANY DAIKIN FEDERAL ITT DOMESTIC PUMP SHIPCO SPIRAX/SARCO Page 34 PUMP, GLYCOL RADIANT HYDRONIC HEATING RAIN COLLECTION RECEIVERS RED HAT SOLENOID VALVES REFRIGERANT CONTROLS RELAYS REVERSE OSMOSIS ROOF HATCHES ROOM PRESSURIZATION ROOM PRESSURIZATION ROTARY MECHANICAL JOINTS RTD’s SAND FILTERS SCRUBBERS SEALS, PIPE PENETRATION SECURITY GRILLES SEPARATORS SEWAGE BASINS SHEET METAL FITTINGS SHOT FEEDERS J. L. WINGERT WATTS RADIANT RAIN-CCLER SYSTEMS WESSELS COMPANY ASCO MSA RANCO RAWAL DEVICES FUNCTIONAL DEVICES GRUNDFOS PUMP COMPANY BABCOCK-DAVIS DUR RED MILCOR NYSTROM WESTERN CANWELL CRITICAL ROOM CONTROL PARAGON CONTROLS TEK-AIR WADDELL ENGINEERING KADENT JOHNSON PYROMATION GRISWOLD PEP PUROFLUX CIRCUL-AIRE FISHER-KLOSTERMAN LINK SEAL ANEMOSTAT KEES, INC. PRICE TITUS GRISWOLD FILTRATION J.L. WINGERT PEP PUROFLUX WESSELS COMPANY HALLIDAY PRODUCTS TOPPS INDUSTRIES FLEXMASTER JER-AIR R & J MANUFACTURING RELIABLE METAL PRODUCTS GRISWOLD CONTROLS J.L. WINGERTS VECTOR INDUSTRIES Page 35 SLEEVES, WALL SMOKE DETECTORS SMOKE VENTS SNAP LOCK PIPE SOFTWARE SOLENOID VALVES SOLIDS INTERCEPTOR SOUND CONTROL SOUND CONTROLS STARTERS STEAM GENERATORS STEAM SPECIALTIES STEAM TRACING STEAM TRAPS STORAGE TANKS STRAINERS SUCTION DIFFUSER LINK SEAL SYSTEM SENSOR BABCOCK DAVIS DUR RED MILCOR NYSTROM THYCURB WESTERN CANWELL AIR-JET CARRIER TRANE ASCO DANFOSS J.D. GOULD COMPANY GREEN TURTLE AEROSONICS DYNASONICS ENGINEERED ACOUSTICS INDUSTRIAL ACOUSTICS CO. (IAC) PRICE INDUSTRIES RUSKIN SOUND CONTROL VAW SYSTEMS VIBRO ACOUSTICS SQUARE D LATTNER PATTERSON-KELLEY HOFFMAN SPECIALTY THERM-O-TECH HOFFMAN SPECIALTY SPIRAX/SARCO, INC STERLING, INC. RECO INDUSTRIES WENDLAND MANUFACTURING CLA-VAL CONTROL VALVES KECKLEY CO. METRAFLEX MUELLER STEAM SPECIALTY PRODUCTS SPIRAX/SARCO, INC WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS AURORA PUMP COMPANY BELL & GOSSETT ELBI OF AMERICA MUELLER STEAM SPECIALTY PRODUCTS PACO PUMPS PATTERSON PUMPS Page 36 SUMP BASINS SUN SHADES SWITCHES TANKS TEMPERATURE CONTROLS TEMPERATURE CONTROLS TERMINAL BOXES TEST & MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS TEST PORTS THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE THERMOCOUPLES THERMOMETERS THERMOSTATS PEERLESS TACO WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS HALLIDAY PRODUCTS TOPPS INDUSTRIES DOWCO PRODUCTS GREENHECK NSi ELBI OF AMERICA GREEN BOILER TECHNOLOGIES LAARS PATTERSON-KELLEY CO. RBI TIGG CORPORATION WENDLAND MANUFACTURING WESSELS COMPANY WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS XERXES CORPORATION KOBOLD STERLING, INC (STERLCO) THERM-O-TECH CARRIER ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES KRUEGER NAILOR INDUSTRIES PRICE INDUSTRIES TITUS TRANE WARREN YORK/JCI UEi SISCO WEISS INSTRUMENTS BALTIMORE AIR COIL CALMAC DUNHAM BUSH FAFCO, INC. PYROMATION THERM-O-TECH TRERICE WEISS INSTRUMENTS WEKSLER INSTRUMENTATION WINTERS INSTRUMENTS HONEYWELL RAYWALL Page 37 TIME CONTROLS TRANSDUCERS TRANSFORMERS TRANSMITTERS TRIPLE DUTY VALVES UNDERFLOOR AIR DISTRIBUTION UNDERFLOOR AIR DISTRIBUTION UNFIRED PACKAGED GENERATORS UNIT HEATERS UPS UV LIGHTS VACUUM BREAKERS VALVES VENSTAR INTERMATIC ADVANCE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY GREYSTONE ENERGY SYSTEMS DONGAN ACI GE GREYSTONE ENERGY SYSTEMS AURORA BELL & GOSSETT ELBI OF AMERICA PATTERSON PUMPS PEERLESS PUMPS TACO WHEATLEY HVAC PRODUCTS AIRSIDE CARRIER PRICE INDUSTRIES TROX YORK/JCI RECO INDUSTRIES AIRTHERM MFG. CO. BRASCH MANUFACTURING CO. BTU MARKEL Q-MARK RAYWALL REDD-I REZNOR RUFF NECK LIEBERT BIOCLIMATIC CIRCUL-AIRE LUMALIER UV RESOURCES UVDI KADENT JOHNSON SPIRAX/SARCO API INTERNATIONAL AURORA PUMPS BARBER-COLEMAN BRAY INTERNATIONAL CLA-VAL COMPANY CONBRACO DANFOSS Page 38 VALVES VALVES, VENTURI VARIABLE FREQ DRIVES FLO-PAC INDUSTRIES FLOW CONTROL INDUSTRIES FLOW DESIGN GC VALVES HAYS FLUID CONTROLS HOFFMAN SPECIALTY CO. HOLBY VALVE CO. KECKLEY CO. KUNKLE VALVE CO. MAXON McDONNELL & MILLER METREX MILWAUKEE VALVE MUELLER STEAM SPECIALTY PRODUCTS NEXUS VALVE PATTERSON PUMPS PEERLESS ROBERT SHAW SPIRAX/SARCO TACO THERM-O-TECH TRERICE WARREN CONTROLS WATTS WEISS INSTRUMENTS WHEATLEY HVAC PRODUCTS WHITE-RODGERS WILKINS (Division of Zurn) ZOELLER COMPANY FLOW DESIGN PHOENIX CONTROLS TEK-AIR TRIATEK WADDELL ENGINEERING AC TECH ASEA BROWN BOVERI (ABB) CERUS INDUSTRIES DANFOSS GRAHAM EMERSON HONEYWELL ITT GOULDS/G & l PUMPS MITSUBISHI SIEMENS TECO-WESTINGHOUSE TOSHIBA Page 39 VACONT TRANE YASKAWA YORK/JCI VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW DAIKIN LG MITSUBISHI SAMSUNG SANYO VARIABLE SPEED PUMPING SYSTEMS ARMSTRONG PUMPS ENVIROSEP FLUID & HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS PATTERSON PUMPS SYNCROFLO SYSTEMS SYSTECON VAV BOXES AIRWISE CARRIER ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES JCI KRUEGER McQUAY VAV B OXES METAL*AIRE NAILOR INDUSTRIES PRICE REDD-I TITUS TRANE WARREN YORK VAV DIFFUSERS ACUTHERM PRICE INDUSTRIES RICKARDS TITUS WARREN VEHICLE EXHAUST SYSTEMS CARMON ENGWALD CORPORATION MONOXIVENT NAT’L SYSTEM OF GARAGE VENT VENTAIRE VULCAIN VENTS AIR-JET MAID-O-MIST PROTECH SPIRAX/SARCO VIBRATION CONTROL KINETICS NOISE CONTROL MASON INDUSTRIES Page 40 WARMING MATS WATER BOOSTER SYSTEMS WATER COOLERS WATER FILTRATION WATER FLOW SWITCHES WATER HEATERS WATER SOLUBLE FLUX WATER SOLUBLE FLUX WATER TREATMENT WELDING SMOKE CAPTURE WIRE WIRE CONNECTORS VIBRATION ELIMINATORS VIBRATION ISOLATION CO. VIBRATION MOUNTINGS & CONTROL VIBRO ACOUSTICS HEATWEAVE ALYAN PUMP COMPANY CANARIIS CORP. FEDERAL SYNCROFLO PUMPING SOLUTIONS FILTRINE EVERPURE PEP MCDONNELL MILLER CEMLINE CORP GREEN BOILER TECHNOLOGIES LAARS PATTERSON-KELLEY CO. RBI SELLERS ELSTER AMCO (ABB METERS) EVERFLUX PUROFLUX GRISWOLD FILTRATION CARMON ENGWALD CORPORATION MONOXIVENT NATIONAL SYSTEM OF GARAGE VENTILATION CONNECT-AIR NSi Page 41 MANUFACTURER TO VENDOR CROSS REFERENCE A.J. MANUFACTURING CO AAON AC TECH ACI ACME MANUFACTURING ACTARIS (Schlumberger) ACUTHERM ADDISON, CO ADVANCE CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES AEROFIN CORPORATION AEROLATOR AEROSONICS AIC WIRELESS AIR BALANCE AIR CONCEPTS AIR FACTORS AIR GUIDE AIR MONITOR CORP AIR RESEARCH PRODUCTS AIRCUITY, INC AIREDALE AIR-JET AIRTHERM MFG. CO AJ ANTUNES ALFA LAVAL ALLIANCE AIR ALYAN PUMP COMPANY AMERICAN ALDES AMERICAN METER AMERICAN TURBINE AMERICAN WARMING AMPCO AN-CELL ANEMOSTAT SECURITY PRODUCTS API INTERNATIONAL APV HEAT EXCHANGERS AQC BLUE DUCT ARCHITECTURAL GRILLE S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. LORENZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS THERMAL TECH, INC. HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. TOM BARROW COMPANY FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY Page 42 ARMSTRONG PUMPS ASCO ASEA BROWN BOVERI (ABB) ASP ATCO AUBURN/CHAMPION AURORA PUMP BABCOCK DAVIS BALTIMORE AIRCOIL BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY BARD BELIMO BELL & GOSSETT – ITT BERKO BERNER AIR DOORS BERNER ENERGY RECOVERY, INC BIG ASS FANS BRASCH MANUFACTURING, INC BRAY INTERNATIONAL BROAN / NUTONE BROAN MANUFACTURING BTU (Bel Thermal Units, Inc) BUFFALO AIR HANDLING BUFFALO PUMPS CALMAC CAMERON YAKIMA CAMFIL/FARR AIR FILTERS CANARIIS CANATAL CAPTIVE AIRE CARMON CARRIER CARROLL MANUFACTURING CB PROFIRE CEMLINE CORPORATION CERUS CHANGE’AIR CIRCUL-AIRE CLA-VAL COMPANY AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. VICKERY & COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. ACCUAIR, INC. S & R SALES, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY SENSIBLE EQUIPMENT COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC STAN WEAVER & COMPANY VCS DIRECT HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC S & R SALES, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY TRANE COMPANY ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY MSI SUPPLY INC. TRANE COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY S&R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY CARRIER CENTRAL FLORIDA STAN WEAVER & COMPANY THERMAL TECH, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC LORENZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. MSI SUPPLY INC. Page 43 CLEAVER-BROOKS COMPANY CLEVAFLEX CLIMACOOL CORPORATION CLIMATE MASTER COIL MASTER COMPOSITE COOLING SOLUTIONS COMPOSITE FAN TECHNOLOGY COMPUAIRE CONBRACO CONNECT-AIR CONSERV/DAIS ANALYTIC CONTEMPORARY CONTROLS CONTROL RELEASE CRI CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL TECH CRITICAL ROOM CONTROL CSI CONTROLS CURBS PLUS, INC DADANCO DAIKIN AIR CONDITIONING DANFOS DANFOSS-GRAHAM COMPANY DANTHERM DATA AIRE DECTRON, INC DEHUMIDIFIER CORP DELHI DELTA TOWERS DES CHAMPS LABORATORIES DIMPLEX DONGAN DOW CHEMICAL DOWCO PRODUCTS DRAKE REFRIGERATION DRI (Desiccant Rotors International) DRI-STEEM DUCTSOX VCS DIRECT VICKERY & COMPANY THERMAL TECH, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. TRANE COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. TOM BARROW COMPANY FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC ACCUAIR, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY LORENZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS TRANE COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY Page 44 DUR-RED DWYER INSTRUMENTS DYNAFORCE DYNASONICS EASTERN SHEET METAL EHG SPIRAL DUCT ELBI OF AMERICA ELSTER AMCO (ABB METERS) EMCO EMERSON INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION ENERGY LABS ENERVEX ENGINEERED ACCOUSTICS ENGINEERED FLEXIBLE PRODUCTS ENGWALD CORP ENVIRCO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES ENVIROSEP EPSILON INDUSTRIES E-TECH EUBANK EVAPCO, INC EVAPTECH (EVAPCO) EVERFLUX E FABRIC AIR FAFCO FAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY FANTECH FEDERAL PUMP CORP FGI FILTRINE FIREYE FIRST CO FISHER-KLOSTERMAN FLANDERS FILTERS, INC FLANDERS/CSC FLANDERS/PRECISIONAIRE FLEXMASTER FLEXONICS, INC FLO AIRE FLO-PAC INDUSTRIES S & R SALES, INC. ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY MSI SUPPLY INC. VCS DIRECT STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC STAN WEAVER & COMPANY VICKERY & COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. CUNNINGHAM SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC THERMAL TECH, INC. ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. TRANE COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. S & R SALES. INC. VICKERY & COMPANY Page 45 FLORIDA HEAT PUMP FLOW CONTROL INDUSTRIES FLOW DESIGN FLUID POWER ENERGY, INC. FRIEDRICH FUNCTIONAL DEVICES GC VALVES GE GENERAL RUBBER CORP GENESIS AIR GOODYEAR BELTS GOULDS PUMPS (G&L) GOVERNAIR GPS GREASEMASTER GREEN BOILER TECHNOLOGIES GREEN TURTLE GREENHECK GREYSTONE ENERGY SYSTEMS GRISWOLD FILTRATION GRUNDFOS PUMP CO HAAKON INDUSTRIES HALLIDAY PRODUCTS HALTON HAMLIN HARSCO INDUSTRIAL-PATTERSON-KELLY HAYS CLEVELAND HAYS FLUID CONTROLS HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY HEATWEAVE HERRMIDIFIER CO HO TRERICE HOFFMAN SPECIALTY CO. -ITT HOLBY VALVE CO HONEYWELL, INC HUNT AIR ICE ICE AIR INDEECO INDUSTRIAL ACOUSTICS CO INGENIA THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC DNL HYDRONICS, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. TRANE COMPANY ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC VICKERY & COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION VCS DIRECT VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA VCS DIRECT TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY THERMAL TECH, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. TRANE COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC Page 46 INNOVENT INOVATIVE AIR TECHNOLOGIES INTERMATIC INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL (IEC) INVENSYS CONTROLS UNI-LINE ISLAND AIRE ITT A-C FIRE PUMP ITT DOMESTIC PUMP ITT GOULDS PUMP J & J REGISTERS J.D. GOULD COMPANY J.L WINGERT JENN FAN JER-AIR JOHN WOOD COMPANY JOHNSON AIR ROTATION JOHNSON CONTROLS KADENT JOHNSON KCC KECKLEY KEES, INC KINETICS NOISE CONTROL KOBOLD KOCH FILTER CORP KRUEGER KRUETER KUNKLE VALVE CO KWIK BLOCK LAARS LATTNER LEADER INDUSTRIES LG LIEBERT CORPORATION LOREN COOK CO LUMALIER M.K. PLASTICS MAGIC AIRE VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. DNL HYDRONICS, INC. MSI SUPPLY INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR. INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR. INC. MSI SUPPLY INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION VICKERY & COMPANY THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY DNL HYDRONICS, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY JOHNSON CONTROLS STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. TRANE COMPANY FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY DNL HYDRONICS, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. S & R SALES, INC. CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC STAN WEAVER & COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS STAN WEAVER & COMPANY INNOVATIVE SUPPORT SYSTEMS TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS TOM BARROW COMPANY Page 47 MAID-O-MIST MAMMOTH MARKEL MARLEY COOLING TOWER CO MARS / DYNAFORCE MARS AIR DOORS MASON INDUSTRIES, INC MAXITROL MAXON MCDONNELL & MILLER MCQUAY INTERNATIONAL METAL*AIRE METRAFLEX METREX MG-DURAVENT MICROMETL MILCOR MILWAUKEE VALVE CO. MITSUBISHI MONOXIVENT MSA MUELLER MUELLER STEAM PRODUCTS MULTIAQUA MULTISTACK MUNTERS NAILOR INDUSTRIES NATIONAL SYSTEM OF GARAGE VENT NAUTICA AIR SYSTEMS NCA NORTEC NOVEL-AIRE TECHNOLOGIES Nsi NYSTROM PACO PUMP PANASONIC PANASONIC PATE CURBS PATTERSON PUMPS FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC S & R SALES, INC. HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY CUNNINGHAM SALES, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC TOM BARROW COMPANY GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR. INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. TRANE COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. DNL HYDRONICS, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS TRANE COMPANY TRANE COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY VCS DIRECT S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC DNL HYDRONICS, INC. Page 48 PATTON PAUL MUELLER CO. PEDROLLO PEERLESS PUMP PENN VENTILATOR COMPANY PEP PERRY FIBERGLASS PERRY PIPE PETRA PHL PHOENIX CONTROLS CORP PIETRO FIORENTINI PLASMA AIR PMI POOL PAK INTERNATIONAL PORTALS PLUS POTTORF POWERED AIRE POW-R WRAP PRECISION AIR PRODUCTS PRECISION COILS PREFCO PRESO PRESO INDUSTRIES PRICE PURE HUMIDIFIERS PUROFLUX PYROMATION Q-MARK Q-SOX R & J MANUFACTURING RACINE FEDERATED RAE COILS RAIN-CYCLER SYSTEMS RAWAL DEVICES, INC RBI RECO INDUSTRIES RECOLD RED JACKET WATER PRODUCTS REDD-I S & R SALES, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION VCS DIRECT S & R SALES, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC STAN WEAVER & COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS S & R SALES, INC. FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TRANE COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY MSI SUPPLY INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC VICKERY & COMPANY MSI SUPPLY INC. AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC MSI SUPPLY INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY Page 49 REFPLUS REGGIO RELIABLE METAL PRODUCTS RENEW AIRE RESEARCH PRODUCTS REVERSOMATIC REYMSA REZNOR RITTLING ROBERT SHAW CONTROLS ROBERTS GORDON ROOF PROD. & SYSTEMS, CORP ROOF PRODUCT SYSTEMS ROTOTWIST (METROPOLITAN AIR) RUFF NECK RUSKIN MFG. CO RUSKIN SOUND CONTROL S&P SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SEIHO SELKIRK SELKIRK METALBESTOS SELLERS SEMCO SENSUS (Rockwell/Equimeter) SERESCO SHIPCO SIEMENS SISCO SMARDT CHILLERS SOUTHEASTERN HOSE, INC SPACE-RAY SPECIALTY CHEMICALS SPIRAX / SARCO SPIROTHERM, INC SPRECHER & SCHUH SPUNSTAND LORENZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS TOM BARROW COMPANY ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY CUNNINGHAM SALES, INC. S & R SALES, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC VICKERY & COMPANY CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS DNL HYDRONICS, INC. THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY Page 50 SQUARE D STELLAR STERLING STERLING, INC. (STERLCO) STERNVENT COMPANY, INC STROBIC AIR CORP SUPREME FAN PRODUCTS SUSSMAN ELECTRIC BOILERS SWARTWOUT SYNCROFLO, INC SYSTECON SYSTEM SENSOR TACO, INC TCF CLARAGE TECO-WESTINGHOUSE TEK-AIR TEKMAR TEMSPEC TEMTROL, INC TESTO THERMACOR THERMAL CORP THERMAL FLEX THERMAL PRODUCTS THERMO PLUS AIR THERM-O-TECH THRUSH COMPANY THRUSH PRODUCTS THYBAR THYCURB TIGER FLOW TIGG CORPORATION TITUS TJERNLUND TOPPS INDUSTRIES TOSHIBA TOWER ENGINEERING TOWER TECH TOWER-FLO TRANE TRANTER PHE, INC TREND TRICOIL TRION TRI-THERMAL THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS STAN WEAVER & COMPANY THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION TOM BARROW COMPANY FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC S & R SALES, INC. THERMAL TECH, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY VICKERY & COMPANY CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC TOM BARROW COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC LORENZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION MSI SUPPLY INC. VICKERY & COMPANY TRANE COMPANY S & R SALES, INC. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. VCS DIRECT TOM BARROW COMPANY CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. VCS DIRECT THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY VCS DIRECT AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC TRANE COMPANY VICKERY & COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS SENSIBLE EQUIPMENT COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY Page 51 TROX TURNKEY TUTCO ELECTRIC HEATERS, INC TWIN CITY FAN & BLOWER COMPANY TWIN CITY FAN & BLOWER COMPANY TWIN CITY HOSE Uei ULTRADRY ULTRAGUARD ULTRASMART UNITED COOL AIR UNITED ENERTECH UNITED FIRESPRAY UV RESOURCES UVDI VACON VALENT VAW SYSTEMS VCS SYSTEMS & CONTROLS VECTOR CO VENMAR VENTILATION VENSTAR VENTAIRE, INC VENTROL VERIS VERTIFLO VIBRATION ELIMINATORS CO VIBRATION MOUNTINGS & CONTROLS VIBRO ACOUSTICS VICONICS VULCAIN WADDELL ENGINEERING WARREN WARREN CONTROLS WARREN MFG WARREN TECHNOLOGY WATERFURNACE WATTS RADIANT TOM BARROW COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC TOM BARROW COMPANY DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. VCS DIRECT STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC S & R SALES, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY TOM BARROW COMPANY ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC TOM BARROW COMPANY VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY VCS DIRECT GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. S & R SALES, INC. VICKERY & COMPANY GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC TOM BARROW COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. TOM BARROW COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC STAN WEAVER & COMPANY FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. Page 52 WATTS REGULATOR CO WATTSTOPPER WEIL PUMP COMPANY WEISS INSTRUMENTS WEKSLER INSTRUMENTATION WESSEL COMPANY WESSEL TANK COMPANY WESTERN CANWELL WHEATLY HVAC PRODUCTS WHITE-RODGERS WILLIAMS COMFORT PRODUCTS WINTER INSTRUMENTATIONS XERXES CORPORATION XPEDIAR YORK YOUNG REGULATOR ZANDAIR ZIP GROUP ZOELLER COMPANY FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. VICKERY & COMPANY GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. DNL HYDRONICS, INC. MSI SUPPLY INC. VCS DIRECT VICKERY & COMPANY GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. STAN WEAVER & COMPANY VCS DIRECT STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC VICKERY & COMPANY MSI SUPPLY INC. FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS FL AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS JOHNSON CONTROLS VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA TOM BARROW COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY STAN WEAVER & COMPANY VCS DIRECT Page 53 ACCUAIR, INC. 2317 Griffin Road, Leesburg, FL 34748 Phone: (877) 322-2824 Fax: (352) 787-0096 Web: www.accuaironline.com Penny Anderson Greg Duggan Candice Johnson penny.anderson@accuaironline.com greg.duggan@accuaironline.com candice.johnson@accuaironline.com Dantherm Air Handling www.dantherm-air-handling.com Air Conditioners, heat exchangers, ventilation/free cooling, ecoCooling Combo units, cooling for Communication Enclosures. Bard Manufacturing www.bardhvac.com Telecommunications HVAC units & products and ventilation free cooling. Page 54 ANDREWS FILTER & SUPPLY CORP. 2309 Coolidge Avenue, Orlando, FL 32804 Phone: (407) 423-3310 Fax: (407) 422-3710 Toll Free: (800) 422-2309 Web: www.andrewsfilter.com Lee Andrews Mark Andrews Vernon Hargrave Ed Schierholzer Filtration & Technology for Clean Air Andrews Filter & Supply (Manufacturer) AN-CELL TM Custom size low efficient filters CAMFIL FARR Authorized Distributor for Florida Pleats, Bags, Box, HEPA, Bag-In/Bag-Out, Clean Room Andrews Filter is the exclusive Aftermarket Housing, Dust Collection CAMERON YAKIMA Activated granular carbon CRI Clean room products EVERPURE Commercial Cartridge and Water Filtration FGI Polyester filter media FLANDERS/PRECISIONAIRE Pleats, Bags, Box, HEPA, Bag-In/Bag-Out, Clean Room CONTROLLED RELEASE Algae guard drain pan treatment, AHU coatings DWYER INSTRUMENTS Air filter gauges, switches, controls RESEARCH PRODUCTS Paint arrestor pads, rolls, grease filters SPECIALTY CHEMICALS HVAC chemicals UV RESOURCES UV Lights GOODYEAR BELTS HVAC blower belts 42 Page 55 AQUA AIR PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA INC . 5462 Lake Howell Road, Winter Park, FL 32792 Phone: (407) 671-3739 Fax: (407) 671-3743 Web: www.aquaairfl.com Tim Citek Nathan Butler Teresa Vilanova tim.citek@aquaairfl.com nathan.butler@aquaairfl.com teresa.vilanova@aquaairfl.com AMERICAN TURBINE Vertical turbine Pumps – Energy efficient turbine pumps and submersible turbine pumps. Open sump pumping for cooling towers and “Canned” turbine pumps for HVAC/Plumbing applications. Turbine REPAIR – Any Brand APV Heat Exchangers: www.apv.com ParaFlow plate and frame heat exchangers, ParaBrazed and Hybrid Heat Exchangers for all types of HVAC or Industrial Heat transfer Applications. ARMSTRONG PUMPS: www.armstrongpumps.com Intelligent Sensor-less Variable Speed Pumping Systems, and Design Envelope Pump Systems, Ultra Efficient Chilled Water Integrated Plant Packages, Vertical, Inline and DualArm Pumps, Hydronic Specialties, Shell and Tube and Plate Type Heat Exchangers and Heat Transfer Packages. GRISWOLD FILTRATION: www.griswoldfiltration.com Non Chemical water treatment systems, solids from liquids filtration and cooling tower basin cleaning Sweepers, for HVAC condenser water systems. EMERSON Industrial Automation: www.hvacr-drives.com Building Automation HVAC Variable Frequency Drives. The Emerson Affinity VFD Drive is Built for HVAC Applications with the Flexibility and Performance to Work Flawlessly with all Major Building Management Systems. Smart Card Parameter Copy Device, Plug in Control Terminals, Built in PLC and Plain Text LCD Keypad. MARLEY Cooling Towers www.spxcooling.com Packaged and Field Erected Steel, Stainless Steel, Fiberglass & Wood Cooling Towers, to meet Florida Hurricane and Wind Load Requirements. HVAC and industrial applications. Factory Reconstruction and Repair and Services. PRO HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES Flow Balancing – World class packaged coil balancing kits – automatic and manual venture type. Factory assembled and leak tested 2-way and 3-way kits. Automatic pressure independent flow limiting. WSHP hose kits, capped hose end drain valves, pressure temperature ports RECOLD: Induced draft and forced draft closed circuit fluid coolers with copper coils www.spxcooling.com/en/brands/coolomgtowers/recold Continued on next page. . Page 56 Aqua Air Products of Central Florida, Inc TOWER-FLOW WILLIAMS COMFORT PRODUCTS: www.williamsapplied.com Complete, skid mounted, permanent media, automatic backwashing filter systems for control of suspended solids in cooling water High Quality Fan coil units, Modular Hi-Rise Fan Coil Systems and Belt drive Air Handlers. The Williams Applied Products Group pledge is to provide timely support for completion of construction projects. Page 57 THE BLUMENAUER CORPORATION 2708 Rew Circle, Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone: (407) 656-7575 Fax: (407) 656-8589 Web: www.pumpsetc.com E-mail: info@pumpsetc.com Ray Quevedo Rob Barthalomew Herbert Blanchard Justin Savala Joseph Savala John Mendez Kristy Hudson Wesley Blumenauer Daniel Merizalde CSI CONTROLS* www.chandlersystemsinc.com Simplex and duplex control panels and alarms EVERFLUX www.wisemangroup.co.uk/html/everflux.html Water soluble flux GOULDS PUMPS (G&L)* www.goulds.com Stainless steel base mounted and close coupled pumps, sump, effluent and sewage pumps and accessories GRUNDFOS PUMP COMPANY* www.grundfos.com/web/homeus.nsf Stainless steel circulators, boiler feed pumps, reverse osmosis, pumps, jockey pumps and sewage and sump effluent pumps J.D. GOULD COMPANY* www.gouldvalve.com Solenoid valves PEDROLLO* www.pedrollousa.com Stainless steel centrifugal, multi-stage, sump, effluent, and sewage pumps POW-R WRAP www.accessabletech.com Pipe repair kits SOUTHEASTERN HOSE, INC* www.sehose.com Stainless steel & rubber pump connectors STERLING, INC (STERLCO)* www.sterlco.com Steam traps, temperature controls THERM-O-TECH* www.thermomegatech.com Temperature control, freeze protection, steam tracing, mixing valves TRERICE* www.trerice.com Thermometers, pressure gauges, control valves *Stocked in Ocoee Page 58 CARRIER 2000 Parks Oaks Avenue, Orlando, FL 32808 www.commercial.carrier.com CARRIER BUILDING SYSTEMS AND SERVICES (30 tons and over) Phone: (407) 521-2218 Fax: (407) 532-7083 Florida Market Manager – Dave Goerke Commercial Market Sales Manager - Dwight Abel Controls Manager – Chuck Boynton EQUIPMENT SALES Chris Bradford, Sales Engineer Kenneth White, Sales Engineer Ed Vazquez, Inside Sales Engineer SERVICE and CONTROL SALES Bob Jackman, Senior Sales Representative Mike McLaughlin, Senior Sales Representative Rhett Rockefeller, Senior Sales Representative CARRIER ENTERPRISE, LLC (25 tons and under) Phone: (888) 827-3352 (Option 2, Option 2) Fax: (407) 532-7087 Central and North Florida Market and Commercial Sales Manager – Mark Lanier EQUIPMENT SALES Chris Miller, Sales Laura McNeal, Inside Sales Barbara Aswegan, Inside Sales CARRIER Chillers: Air Cooled and Water Cooled CARRIER Air Handling Units, Fan Coil Units, Variable Air Volume Boxes, Underfloor Air Distribution CARRIER Residential & Commercial Unitary Split Systems and Package Units CARRIER Energy Management, Building Automation Systems, DDC Controls CARRIER Service for HVAC Products, Rental Systems CARRIER Engineering Software for Load Estimating, Duct Sizing, Energy Analysis, etc Page 59 CARROLL AIR SYSTEMS, INC. 1005 Orienta Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone: (407) 831-4880 Fax: (407) 260-9171 Web: www.carrollair.com E-Mail: cas-orl@carrollair.com J. Chris Mills, Sales Manager Kenneth Cash, Sales Bruce Tindle, Sales H. Bruce Hawkins, Sales Matt Szczepaniec, Inside Sales Gordon Houston, Application Engineer Mark Cartmell, Parts Manager Chris Tobias, Warranty Parts & Service Linda Bloodsworth, Admin Assistant Laura Taylor, Inside Sales ALFA LAVAL www.alfalaval.com Gasketed Plate Frame Heat Exchangers with cleanable, removable, stainless steel plates. BRASCH MANUFACTURING www.braschmfg.com Electric Duct Heaters and Unit Heaters, Gas Detectors (CO2, O2, CO and refrigerants) BTU (Bel Thermal Units, Inc) www.belthermal.com Electric Duct Heaters and Unit Heaters with load carrying manual reset(s) for vertical or horizontal duct systems. CHANGE’AIR www.changeair.com Industrial Grade Custom Engineered Air Handling Units for virtually any application. DAIKIN AC, INC. VRV III Multi-FCU Air Cooled Heat Pump Systems Air Cooled Heat Pump Condensing Unit (0.6-20 Ton) Up to 41 Fan Coil Units on Air Cooled Heat Pump Unit Refrigeration System VRV-WIII Multi-FCU Water Cooled Systems Water Cooled Heat Pump Condensing Unit (5-21 Ton) Up to 32 Fan Coil Units on Water Cooled Heat Pump Unit refrig Systems Single FCU Split / Quaternity Heat Pump Systems Heat Pump Condensing Unit (0.75-2 Ton) Std. Eff. (13.0 SEER) / High Eff. (16.0 SEER) Single FCU SkyAir Heat Pump Systems Heat Pump Condensing Unit (1.5-3.5 Ton) Standard Efficiency (13.0 SEER) Multi-FCU Split Heat Pump Systems Heat Pump Condensing Unit (0.75-2.5 Ton) Suitable For Qty of 2, 3 and 4 Indoor Unit Connection Application DANFOSS-GRAHAM www.danfoss.com Variable Frequency Drivers (Inverters) Continued on next page. Page 60 Carroll Air Systems, Inc ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES www.enviro-tec.com Fan Powered VAV & Constant Air Volume Terminals, Variable Air Volume & Constant Air Volume Terminals, Chilled Water and Direct Expansion Belt Drive Air Handling Units with Hot Water and Electric Heating coils (800-10,000 CFM), Vertical and Horizontal Direct Drive DX and Chilled Water Fan Coil/AHU Units, Vertical Hi-Rise Stacked Fan coil Units (400-2,000 CFM), DDC Electronic Control Systems. EVAPCO www.evapco.com Counterflow Induced and Forced Draft Cooling Towers, Closed Circuit Coolers and Evaporative Condensers, Stainless Steel Construction of Cooling Towers, Coolers, and Condensers EVAPTECH (EVAPCO) New and Replacement Cooling Towers, Reconstruction, Parts and Components for Field Erected Towers FAFCO Thermal Storage Systems, Static Ice Builder-Galvanized Steel Tanks ADDISON CO. www.addison-hvac.com 100% Outside Air (Air cooled) Package Rooftop and Split System Air Conditioning Equipment (400-5,000 CFM), Split System (Air Cooled) Condensing Units, Air Handlers and Reverse Cycle (Heat Pump) Units (3.5-50 tons), Packaged Indoor Air Cooled Air Conditioning Units (3-25 tons), Packaged Rooftop Conditioning Units (3-25 tons), Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioning and Reverse Cycle (Heat Pump) Units (3-45 tons), Packaged Indoor Air Cooled Self Contained Direct Expansion Air Conditioning Units – Horizontal (2-10 tons) and vertical (3-25 tons), Water Source Indoor Heat Pumps – Horizontal (1-6 tons) and Vertical (8-30 tons), Water Source Rooftop Heat Pumps (3-45 tons), Water Source Self Contained Indoor Air Conditioners (3-10 tons), Water Source Cooling/Heating/Heat Pump Water chillers (up to 5 tons Cooling) FRIEDRICH AIR CONDITIONING CO www.friedrich.com High Efficiency PTAC Air Conditioning Units, Vertical Package and Split System. Units for hotels, multi-family, health care and schools. INGENIA Custom Air Handling Units www.ingeniatechnologies.com . Continued on next page Page 61 Carroll Air Systems, Inc McQUAY INTERNATIONAL www.mcquay.com Air Cooled Condensers and Condensing Units, Air Cooled Rotary Scroll and Rotary Screw Compressor, Air Cooled Scroll Chillers (15-130 tons) utilizing HCFC-22, Air Cooled Screw Chillers (110-450 tons) utilizing HFC-134a Water Cooled Centrifugal Water Chillers (150 to 2,300 tons) Utilizing HFC-134a,Water Cooled Screw Utilizing HFC-134a and Reciprocating Compressor Chillers utilizing HCFC-22, Magnetic Bearing Compressor Chillers (125-175 tons) utilizing HFC-134a, Vision Air Handling Units with I.A.Q. features (800-50,000 CFM), Roof Mounted Air Handling Units (800-55,000 CFM), Commercial Split. Systems (10-150 tons), Fan Coil units to 3,000 CFM, Gas Fired Absorption Chillers (Sanyo/McQuay), Heat Recovery Equipment, Rooftop Commercial & Applied Type Package Units (18-135 tons), Templifiers (Temperature Amplifiers), Self Contained VAV Vertical Water cooled Units (20-100 tons), Water Source Heat Pumps (1-25 tons), Unit Ventilators (AAF-Herman Nelson) PEP FILTERS Water Filtering Equipment for Protection of Water Cooled Condensers and Cooling Towers, including Back Washable Disc Filtration RAWAL DEVICES (APR Control) DX Coil, Refrigerant Control Devices, Allows Cont. System Dehumidification & Avoids Cycling. SERESCO www.seresco.net Microprocessor controlled indoor pool dehumidifiers and combination pool dehumidifiers/pool heaters. Offered in either split-systems with remote Condensers or packaged roof top units. SYSTECON www.systecon.com Packaged Variable Speed Chilled Water, Hot Water, Primary, Secondary Condenser Water Pumping Systems; DDC Factory Packaged Controls Wire to Water Control Efficiency Systems UNITED COOL AIR www.unitedcoolair.com 100% Outside Air HVAC Equipment, Specialty HVAC Equipment UVDI www.uvdi.com Ultra Violet Light Systems VIBRATION MOUNTINGS AND CONTROLS www.vmc-kdc.com Isolators: Floor, Hanging & Neoprene Pad PARTS For all manufacturers listed plus inactive manufacturers parts: Airtemp Climate Control, ITT Nesbitt, Remington, Singer, and others. Page 62 CONSERVATION SYSTEMS, INC. 7121 Grand National Drive, Suite 108, Orlando, FL 32819-8387 Phone: (407) 351-9121 Fax: (407) 352-6391 Web: www.csiworldwide.com E-Mail: csiweb@csiworldwide.com AIR-JET Snap Lock, UL approved type “B” Vent Stacks To 32” diameter and 2100o, all fuel chimneys to 10” diameter. (We stock 3”-14”) TJERNLUND Induced draft fans and systems to solve most combustion and exhaust problems HEATWEAVE Electric floor warming mats (for new tile, stone and masonry floors) and sub floor mats (for exiting floors) eliminates cold floors in bathrooms and kitchens LAARS Gas fired, copper finned tube design, atmospheric water heaters for domestic hydronic and pool heating. Units are available from 175 MBH to 5,000 MBH. Indoor and outdoor. Sealed combustion, gas or oil fired low mass water heaters and boilers. Condensing water heaters and boilers to 96% efficiency from 550 MBH to 2500 MBH. Units can be used in modular installations. Custom storage tanks and standard 82, 120 and 200 gallon tanks available. LATTNER Electric hot water and steam boilers, gas fired vertical tubeless boilers, and spa steam generators. MG-DURAVENT FasNSeal silicone-free AI29-C stainless steel gas venting for category II, III & IV heating equipment and Ventinox VG A129-4C acid-resistant stainless steel chimney liner for gas or oil-burning appliances. UL Listed. SELKIRK Insulated, double wall, positive pressure stack systems, and zero clearance grease ducts. UL Listed. SELLERS Gas-fired, fire tube boilers and water heaters and immersion fired boilers and water heaters from 10HP to 700 HP including boiler feed systems and accessories. TEKMAR Superior controls for domestic, hydronic and pool heating. Especially suited for modular staged heating systems. WATTS RADIANT Onix, E-PexB and WaterPEX polyethylene tubing, fittings and pre-assembled hydro controls for radiant hydronic heating systems and portable water systems. Page 63 CUNNINGHAM SALES, INC. Orlando Office 601 N. Orlando Avenue, Suite 107 Maitland, FL 32751 Phone: (407) 478-3721 Fax: (407) 478-3723 E-Mail: bcunningham13@cfl.rr.com Bob Cunningham Tampa Office PO Box 2531 Riverview, FL 33568 (813) 781-1245 (813) 464-7899 rich.barcia@gmail.com Rich Barcia Jacksonville Office PO Box 23187 Jacksonville, FL 32241 (904) 683-4846 (904) 683-7151 neffj6305@yahoo.com Jared Neff MASON INDUSTRIES, INC 350 Rabro Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 www.mason-ind.com Vibration Isolation & Noise Control Products (Orlando Stock) Seismic Restraint Design and Sales ROOF PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS Commercial Products Group 484 N. Thomas Drive Bensenville, IL 60106 www.rpscurbs.com Roof Curbs, & Pipe Portals (Orlando Stock) THE ENGWALD CORPORATION 125 Sheridan Blvd Inwood, NY 11096 www.engwald.com Automotive Exhaust Systems, Welding Booths & CO2 Detection Systems 51 Page 64 DEREK EMBODY & COMPANY 13902 N. Dale Mabry Highway Suite 131, Tampa, FL 33618-2428 Phone: (813) 960-2270 Fax: (813) 960-2298 Orlando Fax: (407) 264-6694 Derek Embody Cell# 813-390-4277 dsembody@aol.com Gary Schumacher (Orlando) (407) 803-3100 cell issgary1@yahoo.com ASEA BROWN BOVERI (ABB) www.abb.us/drives A/C Variable Frequency Drives for High Performance Control of Motors on AHU’s, Pumps, Fans and Cooling Towers AEROFIN CORPORATION www.aerofin.com Steam and Water Coils for Cooling and Heating in the HVAC and Industrial Markets. BUFFALO AIR HANDLING www.buffaloair.com Custom Air Handling Units for the Commercial and Industrial Markets. BUFFALO PUMPS Complete Line of Centrifugal Pumps Serving the Paper and Power Industries And Refrigeration Market Handling Ammonia. COMPOSITE FAN TECH Complete Line of Industrial FRP Centrifugal and Axial Flow Fans. FAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY Custom Designed and Engineered Heavy Duct FRP and Special Metal Centrifugal Fans for Industrial Applications. FISHER-KLOSTERMAN Environmental Pollution Control Systems Including Design and Fabrication of Odor Control Scrubbers, dust collectors and cyclones. TCF CLARAGE Custom Designed and Engineered Heavy Duty Centrifugal Fans for Process, Power, Cement and Industrial Applications. Complete Aftermarket Services Available Including Repair / Rebuild / Performance and Material Upgrades. TWIN CITY FAN & BLOWER COMPANY www.twincityfan.com A Complete Line of Centrifugal and Axial Flow Fans for the Commercial and Industrial Markets. VAW SYSTEMS www.vawsystems.com Commercial and Industrial Silencers for Fan and Air Handling Units Sound Attenuation. Page 65 DNL Hydronics, Inc. PO Box 953605 Lake Mary, FL 32795 Phone: (407) 468-8391 Fax: (407) 322-2128 David Lerch 407) 468-8391 E-Mail: davidlerch@bellsouth.net Patterson Pumps HVAC pumps, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers, Thermal Expansion Equipment, Hydronic specialties, Balancing valves, Packaged Skid mounted Variable Primary, Variable Secondary and Heat Transfer systems Patterson Pumps Flo-Pac & Aqua Flo-Pac Packaged booster plumbing systems, pre engineered plumbing packages duplex & triplex systems. Aqua FloPak TDH model designed for higher pressures, variable speed packages, split base skid packages to fit thru 36” doors Flow Design Automatic (AutoFlow) and Manual (FlowSet) flow Balancing Valves, Flow Venturis, prefabricated Coil Connection packages, VersaFlow Heat Pump Hose Kits, Hydronic accessories and Pressure Independent Control Valves South Eastern Hose Stainless Steel Braided Connectors, Bronze Braided Connectors, Tie Rod Bellows Connectors, Expansion/Compression Compensators, Flex-Rubber Expansion Joints, Heat Pump Connectors, Heavy Duty Pipe Guides and Molded Teflon Connectors The John Wood Co ASME Tangential Air Separators, In-line Air Purgers, Bladder Expansion Tanks (Non-Potable and Potable applications), Chilled Water Buffer Tanks, Vertical and Horizontal Flash Tanks and ASME Expansion and Compression Tanks (Carbon Steel and Galvanized) Mueller Steam Specialty Products Grooved and Flanged Suction Diffusers, Y-Strainers, Simplex and Duplex Basket Strainers, Double Disk Wafer type Check Valve, Silent Check Valves and Center Guided Check Valves Weksler/Dresser Instrumentation: Adjustable Angle Thermometers (Spirit Filled), By-Metal Thermometers, Contractor Gauges, Process Gauges, Thermometer Wells, Piston Snubbers and Gauge Acc Kinetics Noise Controls Free-standing isolators, restrained spring isolators, seismic restraint isolators, and snubbers, seismic cable restraints, housed spring isolators, isolation hangers, thrust restraints, air mounts, fiberglass isolators, neoprene isolators, isolation bases, rooftop isolation curbs IslandAire Thru-Wall Replacement Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps, Water Source Heat Pumps and Gas Fired Heating Units Page 66 DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. Three Offices in Central FL: Port Orange Office: 6101 Sabal Hammock Circle Port Orange, FL 32128 Phone: (386) 235-4744 Fax: (386) 760-0578 Contact: Todd Curlee E-Mail: curleeman@drifl.com Orlando Office: PO Box 782065 Orlando, FL 32828 (407) 375-7835 (407) 658-1462 Kevin Kelly kevink@drifl.com Orlando Office: PO Box 680218 Orlando, FL 32868 (407) 402-5820 (407) 393-5759 Nick Bontz nickb@drifl.com AAON www.aaon.com 100% outdoor air DX packaged units, High % outdoor air DX packaged units, Packaged DX RTU (2-235 tons), Split systems, Packaged water chillers (40-365 tons), Evap condensed RTU’s and Chillers. AIREDALE Airedaleusa.com Classroom Unit Ventilators, Packaged DX, air cooled, water cooled, air cooled heat pumps, water source heat pumps AIR RESEARCH DIFFUSER PRODUCTS Low temperature air diffusers & Indoor air quality diffusers. CLIMACOOL Modular Chillers, Water Cooled and Air Cooled. GOVERNAIR www.ces-group.com Custom Packaged DX RTU’s, custom AHU’s, Penthouse AHU’s. HUNT AIR FAN WALL www.ces-group.com Clean Room Units, Fan Wall Technology Units. Custom packaged DX rooftop units, custom penthouse units, water source Heat pumps, V-cube floor by floor water cooled units, direct replacement multi-zone units. Clean Suite, surgical suites, overhead air flow and equipment grids TEMTROL www.ces-group.com Custom indoor and outdoor air handling units. Replacement indoor and outdoor Air handling units. Replacement coils. UV RESOURCES uvresources.com Ultra-Violet Lighting Systems for HVAC VENMAR VENTILATION www.ces-group.com Energy Recovery Heat Wheel Units. Energy Recovery air to air (ces-group.com) heat recovery units. Packaged DX and CHW energy recovery units. Energy recovery heat pipes. Packaged DX units and packaged DX make-up air units. Vertical style inroomair handling units and ERU’s. Continued on next page Page 67 DYNATHERM RESOURCES, INC. VENTROL (ventrol.com) www.ces-group.com Custom indoor and outdoor air handling units. Direct replacement indoor and outdoor air handling units. Welded floors, drainable floors. Stainless steel and aluminum construction. Knockdown construction ahu’s for retrofit applications Mammoth www.ces-group.com Packaged DX RTU’s, chiller plants with pumping packages, water source heat pumps. YASKAWA (drives.com) www.yaskawa.com Variable frequency drives . Page 68 ENGINEERED AIR 251 Plaza Drive Suite A, Oviedo, FL 32765 Phone: (407) 671-4988 Fax: (407) 671-5988 Web: www.enginnered air.com Email: orlando@engineeredair.com Wesley Patterson, Division Manager Jim Van Etten, Sales Engineer Bill Carlock, Sales Engineer Denise Kollman, Admin Alnoor Premji, Warranty & Service Brian Bosch, Parts CUSTOM AIR HANDLING Custom size, configuration & material. New, Replacement, Breakdown. Dehumidification. Custom Unit Ventilators, Vain Axial Fans, Fan Array, Super Sound Deadening. CUSTOM DX COOLING SYSTEMS Constant, Variable Volume. Multizone, New & Replacement. 0-100% Outside Air. Low dew-point DX HEATING Custom High Efficient Gas, Direct, Indirect and Electric HEAT RECOVERY Total Energy Wheel, Heat Pipes, Plate Exchangers, Glycol Run Around UNIT VENTILATORS, CHW & DX CERTICAL PACKAGE INDOOR Water Cooled & Air Cooled CLEAN ROOM Modular, Vertical, Integrated Ceiling Grid Systems Clean Room Fan Filter Units CHILLERS Modular Stack, Custom INDOOR AIR QUALITY ASHRAE IAQ Controls, Ultra Violet, Plasma Generating Ionizers, Oder Control, Bio effluence Eliminators RADIANT HEATING/COOLING Heat and cooling with no air movement CHILLED BEAMS POOL UNITS (Natatoriums) CUSTOM CONDENSING UNITS, FLUID COOLERS, EVAPORATIVE COOLERS Page 69 FLORIDA AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS ORLANDO HUB OFFICE 7500 Southland Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: (407) 850-0147 Fax: (407) 240-7083 Web: www.fldist.com Bayardo Abaunza, General Manager Gregory Horman, Sales Engineer Kevin Messer, Sales Engineer Chuck Danielson, Inside Sales/Estimating FACD SERVICES 10 Locations in the state of Florida, Crane Trucks, Sprinter Trucks, DEC Modification, Coating and turnkey control shop at Orlando HUB AIRZONE Custom CW or DX Air Units Including Raised Floor, Overhead Distribution, Compact, Modular, Redundant Fan, Computer Room, Rooftop and Interior Hospital Grade. ALLIANCE AIR Custom Air Handling Units and Package Units ASP Commercial Chill Water Fan Coils and Air Handlers COMPUAIRE Specialized computer room air conditioning equipment for facilities with sensitive temperature and humidity needs DELTA TOWERS Non-Corroding Engineered Polyethylene Cooling Towers DRAKE REFRIGERATION Air Cooled and Water Cooled Chillers (1-100 Tons) EUBANK High Efficiency Wall Mounted Package Units FIRST COMPANY Chill Water, DX and indoor double wall Fan Coil Units FRIEDRICH Ductless Split Systems, PTAC and Vertical Package AC Units LG Single zone and multi-zone duct free mini splits, PTACs and Room Air Conditioners MAGIC AIRE Chilled Water, DX and Rooftop Fan Coil Units MICROMETL Energy Recovery Ventilators with EZ-ERV Technology, Rooftop Accessories MULTIAQUA Air Cooled Chillers (3-10 Tons), Chill Water and DX Fan Coils, Chiller Water and DX Ductless Split Fan Coils PETRA Complete Line of Custom Products – Air Cooled Chillers (2-500 Tons), Water Cooled Chillers (2-1450 Tons), Central Station Air Handlers (1200-45000 CFM) 100% Outside Air Package Units (15-160 tons), Fan Coils, Water source Heat Pumps, Unitary Split Systems, Computer Room Units, Shelter Units, V W V Systems, ESC Systems and Dry Coolers. Continued on next page Page 70 Florida Air Conditioning Distributors APR Control Devices, Hot Gas Modulating Capacity Control to Prevent cycling of equipment and allows for continuous dehumidification RAWAL DEVICES RENEWAIRE REZNOR Fixed Plate Core Energy Recovery Ventilators and Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems. Make-Up Air, Duct Heaters and 100% Outside Air DX Equipment TREND Web-based communicating controls systems with integration using a variety of communication protocols SMARDT CHILLERS Turbocor oil-free centrifugal compressor chillers. Water cooled and air cooled chillers (60-1200 tons) STELLAR Modular Central Station Chiller Plants (300-6000 Tons) ULTRADRY 100% Outside Air Solutions for Package Units and Split Systems ULTRAGUARD Corrosion Protection Coating for HVAC Equipment ULTRASMART Direct digital controls using configurable controllers and systems software to control HVAC systems VICONICS BACNet Communicating control systems with wired or wireless controllers VENSTAR Thermostats and Control Systems WARREN Electric Heat Kits for HVAC Equipment, Electric Duct Heaters VAV Terminal Units and Fan Powered Boxes WATERFURNACE Water source and Geothermal Heat Pumps, Water Cooled Chillers (up to 50 Tons) and Chilled Water Fan Coils XPEDIAIR Chilled Water or DX Fan Coils and indoor double wall Air Handlers YORK Complete Line of Residential and Commercial Unitary HVAC Equipment Residential Products (1-5 Tons), Commercial Products (5-65 Tons), Energy Recovery Ventilators, Indoor Self Contained Package Units, Unitary Network and Zoning Control Systems, Indoor Air Quality Products Page 71 FLORIDA HYDRONICS, INC. 766 Big Tree Drive, Suite 100 Longwood, FL 32750 Phone: (407) 834-9600 Fax: (407) 834-5699 Mobile: (321) 689-7210 Website: www.flhydronics.com Larry Snyder, President – Email: lsnyder@flhydronics.com Becci Blankenship, Branch Manager – Email: Beccifhi@aol.com Ron Mauldin, Sales – Email: Ronfhi@aol.com Bill Dalhoff, Sales Engineer – Email: Bdalhoff@flhydronics.com Chris Snyder, Sales – Email: chris@flhydronics.com API INTERNATIONAL www.apiint.com Butterfly valves, check valves, rubber expansion joints DRI-STEEM www.dristeem.com Steam to steam humidifiers, electric steam humidifiers, gas fired humidifiers ENGINEERED FLEXIBLE PRODUCTS www.engineeredflex.com Flexible connectors, expansion joints, flexible hoses FLEXONICS, INC. www.flexonics.com Flexible Connectors, Expansion Joints, Expansion Compensators, Pipe alignment Guides GENERAL RUBBER CORP* www.generalrubber.com Rubber Expansion Joints KECKLEY www.keckley.com Y-strainers, basket strainers LINK SEAL www.linkseal.com Pipe Penetration Sealing, Wall Sleeves & Modular Seals MAID-O-MIST Automatic Air Vents MILWAUKEE VALVE, CO www.milwaukeevalves.com Butterfly valves, ball valves, gate valves, check valves NEXUS VALVE www.nexusvalve.com Automatic flow Control Valves, Coil Piping Packages, Chemical Shot Feeders, Cooling Tower Filter Systems PEERLESS PUMPS www.peerlesspumps.com Pumps, end suction, split case, vertical turbine, suction diffusers, and triple duty valves SHIPCO www.shipcopumps.com Condensate pumps, flash tanks, chemical shot feeders Continued on next page. Page 72 Florida Hydronics Inc. SISCO* www.siscomfg.com Pressure/Temperature Test Plugs, P/T test kits SPIRAX/SARCO www.spiraxsarco.com Steam traps, steam PRV, controls, regulators TACO, INC. www.taco-hvac.com HW and CHW Specialties, In-line Pumps, Close Coupled End Suction Pumps, Base Mounted End Suction Pumps, Double Suction Horizontal Split Case Pumps, Heat Exchangers, Air Separators, Expansion Tanks (Conventional & Diaphragm Type),Pitot Tube Flow Meters, Circuit Setters, Suction Diffusers, Multi-Purpose Valves, vertical turbine pumps, plate & frame heat exchangers, variable frequency drives H.O. TRERICE www.trerice.com Thermometers, pressure gauges, temperature control valves TIGER FLOW www.tigerflow.com Pressure booster packages, variable speed pump systems, packaged pump systems. www.tigerflow.com TWIN CITY HOSE www.twincityhose.com Flexible connectors, rubber and metal expansion joints VIBRATION ELIMINATOR CO www.veco-ny.com Spring isolators, pump intertie bases WATTS REGULATOR CO. www.watts.com Backflow Preventers, Pressure Relief Valves, and Pressure Reducing Valves ADDITIONAL OFFICES: 2929 Edison Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32254 Phone: (904) 389-1322 Fax: (904) 389-1324 Tampa Contact Info: Phone: (813) 651-4181 Fax: (813) 532-2536 Page 73 FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LLC 3104 Cherry Palm Drive, #250 Tampa, FL 33619 Phone: (813) 623-3444 Fax: (813) 623-5444 Website: www.flowcontroltechnology.com E-Mail: danfctc@verizon.net Dan Rogers, PE Gene Rogers, PE AIRCUITY, INC. www.aircuity.com Ernest Ramos Jason Gardner Danny Celis, PE Bob Symmes, PE Robert Symmes, PE Melanie Alfonso Opi-Net facility multi-parameter monitoring system. Multi-plexed measurement of critical environmental and outdoor conditions at centralized sensors suites fitted with an array of high quality, robust sensors for CO2, CO, small particles, TVOC’s, dew point. Data uploads to web based. Aircuity advisor knowledge center for evaluation, reporting, and assurance of results-based maintenance. CRITICAL ROOM CONTROL www.criticalroom.com Critical Room Control is your single source design and manufacturer of superior airflow and pressure monitoring systems for Research, Laboratory, and Medical applications. FLOW CONTROL INDUSTRIES www.flowcontrol.com Delta “P” Valve, Pressure Independent Flow Control Valves for Hydronic Systems; Valves may be fitted with electric/pneumatic operators for automatic modulating control service or locking quadrant for manual control. PHOENIX CONTROLS www.phoenixcontrols.com Precision airflow control systems for laboratory/fume hoods, Vivarium, animal holding facilities, clean rooms, critical spaces pressure control, isolation rooms, operating rooms and other hospital applications. STROBIC AIR CORPORATION www.strobicair.com Tri-Stack Lab Exhaust Systems and Bisected High Temperature Fans, Diesel Exhaust Systems. Only requires maintenance every 18 months!!! NAUTICA AIR SYSTEMS by MSP® Technology www.nauticadehumid.com Nautica licenses the patented Multiple Small Plate (MSP®) heat transfer technology, the heart of the super-efficient dehumidifiers. Utilizing the remarkable MSP technology, Nautica offers flexible alternatives for dehumidification systems including modules with or without air handling, configured for rooftop or floor-standing installations. Page 74 GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. 7575 Kingspointe Pkwy, #16 Orlando, FL 32819 Phone: (407) 423-5078 Fax: (407) 423-0918 Web: www.georgeaisraelinc.com Gene Breeze – Email: Geneb@gaiinc.com Frank Lackovic – Email: Frankl@gaiinc.com Paul Boe – Email: paulb@gaiinc.com AC TECH Variable Speed AC Motor Drives AMPCO Stacks, breeching & exhaust system BELL & GOSSETT – ITT Hydronic specialties, centrifugal and vertical turbine pumps, heat exchangers, packaged systems and variable speed pumping packages, coil piping kits. CEMLINE CORPORATION Cement lined storage tanks, heat exchanger tube bundles CHW buffer tanks, packaged water heaters DANFOSS Heating & cooling temperature controls, solenoid valves DOW CHEMICAL Glycol heat transfer fluids EPSILON INDUSTRIES Factory built mechanical systems (chillers, boilers in a box) GREEN BOILER TECH Gas Fired Water Heaters, Boilers & Tanks. HERRMIDIFIER CO. Humidification equipment HOFFMAN SPECIALTY COMPANY – ITT Steam and hot water specialties, steam traps, regulating valves, condensate and heating vacuum pumps HOLBY VALVE CO. Thermostatic tempering valves ITT DOMESTIC PUMP Condensate return and boiler feed pumps ITT GOULDS PUMP G&L stainless steel & cast iron pumps, sump & sewage pumps Self priming, multistage pumps, & packaged pump systems KADENT JOHNSON Pressure Powered Pumps, Steam Vacuum Breakers, Rotary Mechanical Joints. KECKLEY Float valves and strainers KUNKLE VALVE CO. Pressure relief and safety valves McDONNELL & MILLER ITT Boiler water feeders, low water fuel cut-offs, pump controllers, relief valves, flow switches, liquid level controls, UL Listed flow switches for fire protection service METRAFLEX Continued on next page Flex connectors, expansion joint and loops, penetration seals Page 75 GEORGE A. ISRAEL, JR., INC. MILWAUKEE VALVE Ball, butterfly, gate and check valves PRESO INDUSTRIES Venturi flow meters, annular flow meters, and ultrasonic air flow meters, FM approved annular and venturi flow meters for fire protection applications RACINE FEDERATED Ultra Sonic, Magnetic & Vortex Flow Meters VECTOR CO. Chemical filter and shot feeders VERTIFLO PUMPS Industrial wet pit and centrifugal pumps VIBRATION ISOLATION COMPANY Inertia bases, isolation mounts, hangers and pads WEISS INSTRUMENTS Pressure gauges and thermometers, test plugs WESSEL TANK COMPANY Expansion and bladder tanks, custom tanks, air purgers Page 76 HVAC ASSOCIATES, INC. PO Box 1355 Pompano Beach, FL 33061 Phone: (407) 339-2930 Toll Free: (866) 339-2930 Fax: (407) 249-5810 E-Mail: info@hvacfl.com Web: www.hvacfl.com Mark Vigarino, President Dorothy Cade – Sales Steven Fulton, Engineer Gordon Cade – Estimator ACME MANUFACTURING & ENGINEERING NOA rated roof fans, wall prop fans, Ceiling Fans, Industrial Blower, Smoke Exhaust Fans, Kitchen Grease Exhaust & Supply, Inline Fans AMERICAN ALDES Inducer / Dryer Exhaust Fans BROAN / NUTONE Toilet Exhaust Fans, Ceiling Fans AMERICAN WARMING & VENTILATION Dade County Approved Outside Air Louvers DONCO AIR PRODUCTS Air Bars, Tee Bar, Luminaires, Light Troffer and Linear Diffusers DOWCO PRODUCTS ENGINEERED ACOUSTICS Air Bars, Tee Bar Diffusers, Architectural Ceiling Diffusers, Architectural Louvers and Sun Shades Sound attenuators FANTECH Plastic Fume Hood Fans KEES Security Grilles, Architectural Stamped Grilles, Gym & Floor Grilles, Stainless Steel Registers & Grilles, kitchen hoods MARS Air Curtains NAILOR INDUSTRIES Grilles & Registers, Ceiling Diffusers, Linear Diffusers, Plenum Slot Diffusers, Fire Rated Assemblies. Single Duct, Dual Duct, Fan Powered, Bypass, Retrofit, Control Dampers, Fire Dampers, Ceiling Dampers, Smoke Dampers, Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers, Access Doors. PATE CURBS Curbs, Rails & Equipment Supports TURNKEY Spiral, Flat Oval & PVC Coated Pipe PERRY PIPE Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Pipe RAYWALL Unit Heaters, Cabinet Heaters, Duct Heaters, Convection Heaters, ASI Convection Heaters, Radiant & Infrared Heaters, Ceiling Heaters, Wall Heaters, Specialty, Baseboard, Portable Heaters, Air Curtains, Controls & Thermostats Continued on next page. Page 77 HVAC Associates AMERICAN ALDES Energy Recovery Units REYMSA Fiberglass Cooling Towers, CTI Certified, Non-Corrosive, 42 Standard Sizes 24 tons to 3000 tons, Wind Load Certified. REVERSOMATIC Dryer, toilets and ventilation fans THERMAL PRODUCTS Self-Contained Variable Air Volume Diffusers TWIN CITY FAN CO Industrial and Commercial Fan, Van Axial, Fiberglass, Fume Hood, Smoke & Heat Fans, NOA rated roof fans THERMAL CORP Custom air handlers and fans coil units VENTAIRE Systems and Components for Ventilating Noxious Fume and Gasses in Commercial and Industrial Applications WARREN MFG. Slip-in Electric Duct Heaters Stocking Warehouse Location: HVAC Associates, Inc. 100 SW 5th Court, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Products In Stock: Air Devices, Dampers and VAV’s by Nailor Brick Vents and Dade County approved louvers by AWU Ceiling Fans by Broan and Reversomatic Hurricane roof fans and curbs by ACME Page 78 INNOVATIVE SUPPORT SYSTEMS, INC. 401 S. State Road 434 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: (407) 682-7570 Fax: (407) 682-0024 E-Mail: wbreazeale@issifl.com Woody Breazeale DeWayne Lorenze Eric Peterson Tom Welsh Peter Gibiser LIEBERT CORPORATION Precision air conditioning units for computer rooms and other ENVIRONMENTAL demanding applications. Air cooled, water cooled, chilled water & glycol systems from 1 to 60 tons. Chillers for water cooled main frames. Air cooled condensers & dry coolers. Total computer room monitoring & control. Industrial and telecommunication cooling units. MRI chillers. LIEBERT CORPORATION Datawave magnetic synthesizer 3 phase power conditioner. POWER CONDITIONING Power distribution centers with built-in cables. Connectors and panel boards. NEMA-1 computer grade double shielded isolation transformer with surge and spike suppression. Power product sizes 3 KVA through 225 KVA. LIEBERT CORPORATION On-line uninterruptible power systems, 10VA through 1000 KVA, UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEMS 60 Hz or 50 Hz. Rack mounted batteries and battery (UPS) cabinets. Custom switchgear. Factory start-up and service programs. Single phase UPS units, 300 VA through 18 KVA. LIEBERT CORPORATION “Foundation”; A unique packaged vertical enclosure for PC INTEGRATED SYSTEMS computers, networks, telecommunications, etc. The enclosure provides air conditioning, battery backup power (UPS), surge protection, power distribution strip, key lock security. LIEBERT CORPORATION DC power for telecom applications, battery back-up DC power ASTEC systems, 48V DC, + 24V DC, rack mount and packaged systems, 1750 Watts through 1200 Amps LIEBERT CORPORATION Remote monitoring system. SiteScan System for total computer MONITORING SYSTEMS room monitoring. Direct read water detection systems and all purpose auto change over and general monitoring panels. Page 79 JOHNSON CONTROLS 47 Skyline Drive, Suite 1025 Lake Mary, FL 32746 Phone: (407) 444-2261 Fax: (407) 444-6098 Russell Garofalo Austin Creel Brian Hacker Omar Feliciano -Branch Sales Manger –Branch Installation Manager –Account Executive –Project Engineer Lenny Joseph-Systems Branch Manager Mark Frame –Controls Project Manager Mark Boggs –Account Executive YORK CHILLERS Scroll Chillers Air Cooled (10-175 tons) R-410A Water Cooled (50-200 tons) R-410A Screw Chillers Air Cooled (150-515 tons), R-134A Water Cooled (115-430 tons) R-410A Centrifugal Chillers (250-8500 tons) R-134A Variable Speed direct drive Chillers Magnetic (oil less bearing Technology) Steam Turbine and Gas Driven Centrifugal Chillers (700-8500 tons) R-134A Absorption Chillers Low Pressure Steam (120-1400 tons) High Pressure Steam (300-1500 tons) Direct Fired (200-1000 tons) YORK AIRSIDE Solution Custom Air Handling Units Custom Pace/Miller Picking Chem-Bio AHUs Chilled and Hot Water Coils FlexSys Underfloor Air Systems Fan Coil and Blower Coil Units VAV Boxes – Single Duct, Series/Parallel Fan Powered Unit Ventilators DX Packaged Rooftop Units (3-130 tons) DX Split Systems (7.5 – 130 tons) Water Source Heat Pumps Air and Water Cooled Self Contained Units VARIABLE REFRIGERANT Variable refrigerant flow AC and controls – Heat pump and concurrent systems CONTROLS Metasys Building Automation Systems Wireless Field Buses and Sensors VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES VSD Retrofits for chillers, VSD for fans and pumps DRIVELINE RETROFIT For all low and high pressure OEM models including Trane, Carrier and York SERVICE Full maintenance service on all makes of HVAC and refrigeration equipment. Stocked parts. Refrigerant Conservation/Conversion Services Page 80 LUVATA ELECTROFIN 10225 Elizabeth place Tampa, FL 33619 Phone: (813) 220-5508 Malia Powers mailia.powers@luvata.com LUVATA ELECTROFIN ElectroFin® E-coat is a water-based, flexible epoxy polymer coating process engineered specifically for HVAC/R heat transfer coils. ElectroFin® uses a PPG POWERCRON® e-coat formulation specifically designed to provide excellent edge coverage of fins with a unique polymer that controls the flow characteristics of the coating. Page 81 LORENZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 401 South State Road 434 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: (407) 682-7570 Fax: (407) 682-0024 E-Mail: dlorenze@lorenzeinc.com DeWayne E. Lorenze Peter Gibiser AIRTHERM MFG. CO. www.airthermhvac.com Fan coil units – all configurations, custom fan coil units, coils, convectors, unit heaters, cabinet unit heaters CIRCUL-AIRE www.circul-aire.com Multi-Mix Gas phase filter media. “CLEAN AIRE” Media last 100% Longer than other gas phase media. Side access housings, air purification Systems. High density and deep bed scrubbers. Total filtration units with UVGI lamps. “TECH-CHECK” media testing laboratory for state of the Art testing. DECTRON, INC www.dectron.com Complete line of 100% OA/make-up air units; rooftop and split systems. Dehumidification units for various applications including: Ice rinks, water treatment plants, industrial, commercial and residential projects. Energy recycling dehumidifiers and pool water heaters for indoor pools and whirlpools, with microprocessor controls. REFPLUS www.refplus.com Indoor and Outdoor Central Station Air Handling Units, custom air handling Units, air cooled condensers and dry coolers, condensing units, Refrigeration products, coils. THERMO PLUS AIR www.thermoplus.com Water cooled A/C units, water source heat pump units, ice rink de-foggers, Portable spot coolers, portable dehumidifiers belt drive fan coil units, Central station air handling units. MISC Electric duct heaters, new or replacement coils, etc. Page 82 MSI SUPPLY INC. 4411 Bee Ridge Road, #439 Sarasota, FL 34233 Phone: (941) 371-7745 Fax: (941) 379-4112 E-Mail: msi.florida@verizon.net Web: www.msisupplyinc.com Larry Woldman ITT A-C FIRE PUMP Fire Pumps & Controllers CANARIIS CORP. Packaged Domestic Water Booster Systems CLA-VAL COMPANY Automatic Control Valves ELBI OF AMERICA Domestic Water Tanks & ASME Hydronic Specialties ENGINEERED FLEXIBLE PRODUCTS INC. Flexible Connectors & Expansion Products ITT GOULDS/G&L PUMPS Centrifugal Pumps & Variable Speed Controls RAIN-CYCLER SYSTEMS Systems integrator of rain water collection RED JACKET WATER PRODUCTS Effluent, Sump & Sewage Pumps RECO INDUSTRIES Storage Tanks & Unfired Packaged Generators THRUSH COMPANY Centrifugal pumps, expansion tanks, heat exchangers, replacement tube bundles, hydronic specialties, domestic water booster packages WEKSLER GLASS THERMOMETER CORP. Thermometers, Pressure Gauges & Accessories XERXES CORPORATION Fiberglass Tanks for Green Building Applications Page 83 S & R SALES, INC. 822 Mary’s Park Place Winter Garden, FL 34787 Phone: (407) 877-7000 Fax: (407) 877-8691 Web: www.srsalesinc.com Ray Williams Dick Hartman Dean Pieper Brian Delker Delpha Black Marsha Baker Sharon Williams AEROLATOR Kitchen hood systems, make-up air fans AIR BALANCE Louvers, manual, fire/smoke, fire dampers AIR FACTORS Architectural air bar & linear diffusers AIR GUIDE Grilles and diffusers A-J MANUFACTURING Architectural grilles CAPTIVE-AIRE Kitchen hood systems, make up air fans BABCOCK DAVIS Access panels, roof hatches, floor hatches, smoke vents BELIMO Actuators BERKO Electric heating products BIG ASS FANS High volume, low speed fans BROAN MANUFACTURING Fans and heaters CURBS PLUS, INC. Curbs DELHI Fans & ventilators DONCO Plenums, boot diffusers and troffers DUR RED UL/FM fire/smoke vents/hatches FLO AIRE Fans, vents, ventilating equipment INDEECO Electric duct heaters INDUSTRIAL ACOUSTICS Sound attenuators Continued on next page. Page 84 S & R SALES, INC. JER-AIR Metal fittings and plenums KWIK BLOCK Fastening systems and pipe supports KRUEGER Grilles, registers, diffusers and terminal units MARS/DYNAFORCE Air Doors MILCOR Fire/smoke hatches and roof hatches boxes NATIONAL SYSTEM OF GARAGE VENTILATION Garage vent, systems & accessories PANASONIC Bathroom fans PATTON Fans and heaters PENN/BARRY Fans, blowers, ventilating equipment & ERV’s PHL Backdraft dampers POTTORF Fire, fire/smoke, radiation dampers, louvers RELIABLE Extractors and metal fittings Q-MARK Heating products Q-SOX Fabric Duct Systems R & J MANUFACTURING Extractors and metal fittings REZNOR Gas fired duct furnaces, unit & radiant heaters ROOF PRODUCT SYSTEMS Curbs, pipe portals, equipment supports RUFF NECK Heavy duty unit heaters S&P Ventilation, fans and vents SUPREME FAN PRODUCTS Restaurant ventilation THYCURB Custom curbs and smoke vents UNITED ENERTECH Louvers and dampers VIBRATION ELIMINATORS Vibration isolation Page 85 SENSIBLE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. PO Box 669 Goldenrod, FL 32733 Phone: (407) 296-8068 Fax: (407) 296-7420 E-Mail: kle@tricoil.com Web site: www.tricoil.com Ken Eiermann, PE TRICOIL www.tricoil.com Recuperative heat recovery – similar to a heat pipe system but uses water instead of refrigerant for heat transfer. Provides a cost effective, reliable and easily maintained method of air conditioning with enhanced dehumidification Dedicated outside air systems (DOAS) Recirculation air systems (any percentage of outside air) Relief air heat recovery Multiple zone systems Low dew point applications (to 38 degrees F) Units can be fully pre-piped and pre-wired unit or systems can be made of kits and modules for field installation using many of the major air handling unit Manufacturer’s standard components. Recent Applications include indoor shooting range ventilation, 100% OA For Laboratory Facility, Nursing Home, Hotel Corridor Make-Up Air, Classroom Air Conditioning, Plastic Pipe Manufacturing Plant. BERNER ENERGY RECOVERY, INC www.bernerenergy.com Package energy recovery ventilators with optional post heading and/or post cooling. Stand-alone and module units available including factory piped and wired TRICOIL® units with optional enthalpy wheels TRICOIL® pump packs Page 86 STAN WEAVER & COMPANY Tampa Office 4607 N. Cortez Avenue Tampa, FL 33614 Phone: (813) 879-0383 Fax: (813) 878-2932 Web: www.stanweaver.com Orlando Office 3663 All American Blvd. Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 581-6940 (407) 581-6950 Jacksonville Office 4255 Emerson Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 (904) 398-9933 (904) 398-9922 Tampa Office: Stan Weaver, Mark Streicher, Lance Wooles, Don Reagan, Greg Long, Philippe Jean, Pablo Reina, Dave Crane, Stacy Paree, Debi Clark, Deena Paree-Fowler, Tiffany Paree, Russell Purner, Randy Johnson, Katie Maquet, Chuck Bruskin, Jackie Johnson, Amanda Roberts, Gary Benas, Sharon Tormey, Derrick Roberts, Carol Roberts Orlando Office: Brian White, Tom Edwards, Shelby James, John Mills, Josh Blanton, Megan Tosh, Karen Bittengle, Jason Blanton, Chris Krall, Trish Dietrich, Bruce Klawinski Jacksonville Office: Bruce Gates, Erik Wright, Myrna Vazquez, Sarah Baggott, Lance Renton, George Elian, Dustin Yoder AEROSONICS www.aerosonics.com Sound Control Products AIR MONITOR CORP www.airmonitor.com Air Flow Measuring Devices & Controls A.J. MANUFACTURING www.ajmfg.com Stainless Steel Air Distribution ATCO www.atcoflex.com Flexible Duct and Greenguard Flex BERNER www.berner.com Air Doors BRASCH www.braschmfg.com Wall, Baseboard, Ceiling, Duct Heaters CAMFIL / FARR www.camfilfarr.com/cou_us Air Filtration Equipment, Dust Collection Equipment CANATAL www.canatal.com Data center cooling solutions CARROL MANUFACTURING www.carrollmi.com Commercial kitchen ventilation systems and odor removal systems CERUS www.cerusingd.com/aboutus..asp Variable frequency drives, motor starters and motor controls CLEVAFLEX www.clevaflex.com Specialty Flexible Duct for Clean Rooms and Hospital Applications Page 87 Continued on next page. Stan Weaver & Company CLIMA-COOL www.climacoolcorp.com Modular Chillers CLIMATE MASTER www.climatemaster.com Water Source Heat Pumps CURBS PLUS www.curbs-plus.com Custom Roof Curbs for Traditional and Metal Roofs, Pipe Portals DEHUMIDIFIER CORP www.dehumidifiercorp.com Make-Up Air, Pool and Natatorium Dehumidification DIMPLEX www.dimplex.co.uk HazMat, Cabinet, Pump Hose and Kick Space Heaters DONCO www.raymon-hvac.com Linear Slot and Plenum Diffusers DYNAFORCE www.marsair.com/dynafrce Air Curtains DYNASONICS www.dynasonics-acoustics.com Sound Attenuators, Sound Panels, STC Walls, Acoustical Panels EHG DUCT www.ehgduct.com Spiral Duct Systems ENERGY LABS Custom air handling, direct expansion (DX) DX refrigeration, indirect and direct evaporative cooling systems www.energylabs.com/web2/index.html FABRIC AIR www.fabricair.com/net Fabric Duct Systems FLEXMASTER www.flexmasterusa.com Flexible Duct and Access Doors GPS Bipolar ionization air purification units. Controls odors, kills airborne microorganisms and neutralizes static charges www.globalplasmasolutions.com GREENHECK www.greenheck.com HAMLIN SHEET METAL www.hamlincos.com Fans, Ventilators, Centrifugal & Vane Axial Fans, Kitchen Hoods, Dampers, Louvers, Outside Air and Energy Recovery Units Spiral Duct – Round & Oval, Galvanized, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, PVC Coated Continued on next page. Page 88 Stan Weaver & Company HEAT PIPE TECHNOLOGY www.heatpipe.com Dehumidifiers and Heat Pipes IAC www.industrialacoustics.com Sound Control Products ICE http://ice-ww.com Custom Air Handling Equipment INNOVATIVE AIR TECHNOLOGIES www.dehumidifiers.com Desiccant dehumidifiers KEES Design Specialties, Air Distribution, Access Doors, and Security Grilles www.kees.com KOCH FILTER CORP www.kochfilter.com HVAC Filter Media LEADER INDUSTRIES www.leaderindustries.com Dampers, Louvers and Hurricane Enclosures LG www.lg-vrf.com Variable Refrigerant A/C Systems and Controls. MARS www.marsair.com Air Curtains MONOXIVENT www.monoxivent.com Portable, Overhead & Underground Fume Exhaust Systems MSA www.msanorthamerica.com Gas & Refrigerant Detection NATIONAL SYSTEM OF Carbon Monoxide Exhaust Systems, Weld Hood, Dust Collection Systems GARAGE VENTILATION www.nsgv.com NORTEC www.humidity.com Humidifiers NYSTROM www.nystrom.com Access Doors, Roof Hatches, Smoke Vents PERRY FIBERGLASS www.perryfiberglass.com Fiberglass Ductwork Continued on next page. Page 89 Stan Weaver & Company PMI www.evapcool.com Evaporative Coolers PRECISION COILS www.precision-coils.com HVAC Coils and Tube Bundles PRICE www.price-hvac.com Air Distribution, VAV Boxes, Sound Attenuators Q-SOX www.qsox.com Fabric Duct Systems REDD-I www.tpicorp.com Electric Unit Heaters, Duct Heaters, VAV Boxes REZNOR www.rezspec.com Infrared, Electric & Gas Heaters, Make-Up Air RITTLING www.rittling.com Fan Coil Units ROBERTS GORDON www.rg-inc.com Gas Fired Infrared Heaters ROTOTWIST (METROPOLITAN AIR) www.rototwist.com Cable Operated Damper Systems SEMCO Acoustical products, chilled beams, duct products and energy recovery products www.semcohvac.com STERLING www.sterlinghvac.com Gas Fired and Hydronic Heating Equipment TEK-AIR Flow Control Valves, Air Flow Measurement, Room Pressurization Control www.tek-air.com TOWER ENGINEERING www.tei-usa.com Ceramic Tile Cooling Towers TRI-THERMAL Stainless Steel Cooling Towers VITAL TECHNOLOGIES www.vital-air.com Pool & Commercial Dehumidification WARREN TECHNOLOGY www.warrenhvac.com Electric Duct Heaters, Terminal Units, Custom Heaters Continued on next page Page 90 Stan Weaver & Company WESTERN CANWELL www.westerncanwell.com Ridge Vents, Smoke Vents, Roof Hatches ZANDAIR www.zandair.com Photo-catalytic air purification systems and filtration systems ZIP GROUP www.zipset.net Remote Power Balancing System 77 Page 91 STROMQUIST & COMPANY, INC. 5125 Adanson Street, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32804 Phone: (407) 299-7070 Toll Free: (800) 638-7828 Fax: (407) 296-9848 Web Site: www.stromquist.com E-Mail: florida@stromquist.com Paul N. Eskin Bob Rogers Mark Gerety Stephen Rybka Patrick T. Marley John A. Moore Bill Jones Jeff Nowlin ACI Sensors, transmitters & meters ACTARIS (Schlumberger) Gas Regulators ADVANCE CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES Signal Conditioners, Pneumatic Transducers, LonWorks Nodes AIC WIRELESS Wireless Solutions for Building Automation AJ ANTUNES Air & Gas Pressure Switches AMERICAN METER Gas Regulators & Meters ASCO Red Hat Solenoid Valves, General Controls AUBURN/CHAMPION Flame Rods & Igniters, Liquid Level Electrodes BELIMO Actuators & Valves CONBRACO Gauges & Valves CONNECT AIR Wire CONTEMPORARY CONTROLS BAS Routers, Ethernet Switches DONGAN Transformers DWYER Pressure gauges, Mercoid Switches & Manometers ELSTER AMCO (ABB METERS) Water & Oil Meters FIREYE Flame Safeguard Controls FUNCTIONAL DEVICES RIB (Relay in a Box), Relays, Current Sensors GC VALVES General Purpose Solenoid Valves Continued on next page Page 92 Stromquist & Company GE Humidity Transmitters GREYSTONE Sensors, transmitters, & transducers HONEYWELL Home & Building Controls, Electric, Electronic & Pneumatic Controls, Flame Safeguard Controls HONEYWELL IAC Transmitters, Controllers & Recorders, Analytical Products Gas Sensors HONEYWELL – GENESIS CABLE Wire INTERMATIC Time Controls & Defrost Timers INVENSYS CONTROLS UNI-LINE Robertshaw, Ranco (Refrigeration Controls) Paragon (Time & Energy Controls) JOHNSON CONTROLS PENN/Baso, Electric, Electronic & Pneumatic Controls Heating & Refrigeration Products KREUTER (KMC) Electric, electronic, pneumatic controls KOBOLD Flow, Pressure, Level & Temperature Measurement MAXITROL Gas Regulators MAXON Gas & Oil Burners & Valves McDONNELL & MILLER Boiler Controls & Flow Switches METREX Valves NSi Switches & Wire Connectors PIETRO FIORENTINI Gas Regulators PRESO Flow Meters PYROMATION Thermocouples & RTD’s SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Barber Colman, Robertshaw Pneumatics, Erie (Hydronic Controls), Dura Drive SENSUS (Rockwell/Equimeter) Gas Regulators & Meters SIEMENS Building Technologies, Energy and Automation, Electric Electronic & Pneumatic Controls, Starters & Contactors SPACE-RAY Infrared Gas Heaters & Space Heaters Continued on next page Page 93 Stromquist & Company SYSTEM SENSOR Duct smoke detectors & Accessories TECO-WESTINGHOUSE VFD’s & Motors TESTO Combustion & Air Quality Tools UEi Test & Measurement Instruments VERIS Temperature & Humidity Sensors WARREN CONTROLS Control Valves WATTSTOPPER Lighting Controls WEISS Thermometers and pressure gauges WHITE-RODGERS HVAC/R Controls, Valves We offer custom temperature control systems, engineering and layout, as well as panel design and fabrication. Panels available in both UL and Non-UL configuration. Page 94 THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. 14365 E. Colonial Drive, Suite B-3 Orlando, FL 32826 Phone: (407) 381-1616 Fax: (407) 381-1595 Web Site: www.tesi-fla.com Randy Weir Rob Williams Kelley Graham Erin Attaway Judy Griffin randy@tesi-fla.com rob@tesi-fla.com kelley@tesi-fla.com erin@tesi-fla.com judy@tesi-fla.com Cell: (407) 222-1818 Cell: (407) 222-7109 Cell: (407) 247-6391 BALTIMORE AIR COIL www.baltimoreaircoil.com Factory assembled, cross flow induced draft and counter flow forced draft cooling towers. Industrial fluid coolers, and evaporative condensers. Industrial modular steel cooling towers. Modular ice on coil thermal storage units as internal or external melt systems. COMPOSITE COOLING SOLUTIONS www.compositecooling.com Pultruded fiberglass structured and/or concrete structure field erected cooling towers. Hurricane resistant and Factory Mutual Approved cooling towers. Retrofit/repair or replacement of existing cooling towers. FLORIDA HEAT PUMP www.fhp-mfg.com Water source heat pumps, outside air units, hot gas reheat units, Water cooled packages to 60 tons. INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL www.iec-okc.com Vertical and horizontal fan coil units, modular stacked hi-rise fan coils, high performance and belt drive units MUELLER HEAT EXCHANGERS www.muel.com Stainless steel plate and frame heat exchangers, brazed plate and double wall heat exchangers. PUROFLUX www.puroflux.com Centrifugal solids from liquid separators, sand filters, cooling tower basin cleaning or total systems filtration, and cooling tower control panels. SQUARE D www.schneider-electric.us Motor Starters and Disconnects. THERMACOR www.thermacor.com Pre-insulated piping systems for above or below ground, chilled water, hot water, steam, condensate and containment factory fabricated piping systems with available leak detection. TOSHIBA www.toshiba.com/ind Variable speed drives and inverter rated motor packages, programmable logic controllers and VFD start-up services. JENN FAN www.jencofan.com Complete line of QUICKSHIP exhaust and supply fans, gravity vents and utility blowers. WARREN TECHNOLOGY www.warrenhvac.com Electric Duct Heaters, VAV Diffusers Continued on Next Page. Page 95 THERMAL EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. COOLING TOWER PARTS AND REFURBISHMENT (All Brands) Replacement Gear Boxes, Drive Shafts, Motors, Sheaves, Belts, Fill, Fans, Bearings and all other cooling tower materials Sold separately or installed. Page 96 THERMAL TECH, INC. 5141 Forsyth Commerce Road Orlando, FL 32807 Phone: (407) 373-0042 Fax: (407) 373-0043 Web Site: www.thermal-techinc.com E-mail: infor@thermal-techhnic.com Hugh Wilson, Sales Jose Aponte, Sales Leo Rocha, Sales Larry Brake, Service Manager Orlando Maria Gamble, Office Administrator Deron Keiter, Sales William Gilbert, Sales Ed Doyle, Parts Manager Fred Bingham, General Service Manager ALYAN PUMP CO. Simplex and duplex condensate return units, domestic booster systems, sump and sewage lift pumps CLEAVER-BROOKS CO. Firetube boilers, watertube boilers, condensing boilers, boiler feed systems, boiler room energy management systems, deaerators, water softeners, dealkalizers, chemical feed systems , economizers, alternate fuel, low NOx burners, heat recovery, electric boilers – steam and hot water, boiler stacks EMCO Vortex, turbine, electromagnetic, Doppler ultrasonic, transit time ultrasonic flow meters. Technologies for numerous applications. Including liquid, gas, and steam applications in line sizes from 1/16” to over 100” FEDERAL PUMP Sump pumps, sewage lift stations, boiler feed units, condensate pumps, horizontal split case, end suction centrifugal, in-line centrifugal, pressure booster packages FLUID POWER ENERGY Thermostatic control valves for controlling liquid inlet temperature to boilers and internal combustion engines ENERGY, INC HAYS CLEVELAND HVAC Control/Solutions for boiler plants CB PROFIRE Multi-fuel burners, low emission burners, burner conversions Continued on next page Page 97 THERMAL TECH, INC HARSCO INDUSTRIAL PATTERSON-KELLEY CO. PAUL MUELLER CO. Heat exchangers, converters, domestic water heaters, ASME storage water heaters, Modufire hot water boilers, MACH condensing hot water boilers. Process stainless steel heat exchangers, Accu-Therm plate & frame Temp-Plate custom brazed exchangers. . RENTAL BOILERS Mobile Boiler Rooms - steam and hot water BOILER SERVICE 24 Hour Service, Factory Authorized, Pressure Vessel Repair, Refractory, Controls, PM Service Contracts, ASME Piping SPIRAX/SARCO Non-electric pressure condensate pumps, steam traps, steam pressure regulators, strainers, humidifiers, water blender, air vents, self-contained temperature controls, vacuum breakers, pneumatic control valves, relief valves SPIROTHERM, INC. Air and Dirt eliminators for hydronic systems SUSSMAN ELECTRIC BOILERS Steam and hot water boilers SHIPCO Deaerators, condensate return units, stainless steel tanks, condensate pumps. Page 98 TOM BARROW COMPANY 1958 West New Hampshire Orlando, FL 32804 Phone: (407) 291-0961 Fax: (407) 295-8849 Web: www.tombarrow.com Tom Barrow Florida offices: Orlando, Jacksonville, Pensacola, Tampa, Ft. Myers Tom Barrow Georgia offices: Atlanta, Albany, Norcross, Savannah. Tom Barrow Tennessee offices: Nashville, Memphis Mike King, Branch Manager Elizabeth Edwards, Office Administrator Terry Seymour, VP Sales Alex Vecchiolla, Sales Assistant David Hanington, Sales Engineer Jackie Lehman, Sales Assistant Mike Todd, Sales Engineer Kerry Hodgetts, Sales Assistant Phil Kruse, Sales Engineer Lisa Taylor, Sales Assistant James Armstrong, Estimating Michael Ingram, Estimating Carmen Richards, Receptionist & Accounting A. J. MANUFACTURING Door Grilles and Lattice Grilles AIR CONCEPTS Specialty Air Distribution Devices ACUTHERM VAV Diffusers and Building Automation Systems AIR GUIDE Air Distribution Devices ANEMOSTAT SECURITY PRODUCTS Security Grilles & Diffusers and Security Bars AQC BLUE DUCT Direct-bury underground HDPE up to 48” OD. Duct wall rated to R-10 insulation and water tight to 48”wg positive and 10”wg negative. ARCHITECTURAL GRILLE Custom designed bar grilles and perforated grilles ATCO Flexible duct and accessories BABCOCK-DAVIS Access doors, floor hatches, roof hatches and smoke vents CARMON Custom air pollution control systems, vehicle exhaust, welding fumes and particulate removal. COIL MASTER Replacement Coils CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL TECH Hazardous gas detection sensors, controllers and alarms. IAQ monitors. CURBS PLUS Curbs, Pipe Penetration Curbs, Plenum Diffusers Continued on next page. Page 99 Tom Barrow Company DATA AIRE Complete line of floor and ceiling mounted Computer Room AC (CRAC) units. DX packaged and split systems with R407C and R410A, CW, glycol and combination systems. Fluid coolers and pump packages. DUCTSOX Fabric duct and air distribution systems EASTERN SHEET METAL Spiral and Rectangular Duct ENVIRCO Clean room environment products, MAC10 HEPA/ULPA, glove boxes, laminar workstations, portable clean environmental systems. E-TECH Heat pump water heater energy recovery AHU systems ENERVEX (formerly Exhausto) Mechanical venting and exhaust systems for high-rise buildings. Clothes dryer, kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans, PID and VFD controllers. FLANDERS FILTERS, INC Complete Line of Commercial and Industrial Air Filtration Including Filters, Housings, and Clean Room Filtration. FLANDERS/CSC Air Filters and Containment Housings for Bag-In/Bag-Out Applications. FLEXMASTER Flexible Duct, Access Doors, and Fittings GREASEMASTER U.L. Approved Kitchen Ventilation Systems; Filtered Make-up Air Units; Rooftop Fan Packages HALTON Grease Hoods and Grease Dampers, Displacement Diffusers HAYS FLUID CONTROLS Valves, hose kits and control packages. ICE AIR Water source heat pumps, PTAC’s and fan coil units. J AND J REGISTERS Air Distribution JER-AIR Square to Round Adapters, & Spin-in Fittings JOHNSON AIR ROTATION Founded in 1921, JAR builds custom HVAC systems for cooling and heating large open spaces such as warehoused, stadiums and manufacturing plant. Savings from 30-70% in performance over conventional AHUs. Control a 150,000 sq ft building with one unit (6,250 MBH and 170,000 CFM) KEES Design Specialties, Air Distribution, Access Doors and Security Grilles, etc. LOREN COOK CO. Complete line of centrifugal, mixed flow, propeller fans. ERV's, Vari-Plume lab exhaust. Miami-Dade Hurricane and Florida Product approved rooftop fans. LUMALIER UVc for Air Handling Systems, upper air, and TRU-D automated disinfection systems for hospitals Continued on next page. Page 100 Tom Barrow Company MAGIC AIRE Horizontal and Vertical Fan Coils, Light Duty Air Handlers and Coils MARKEL Electric Heating Products MARCRAFT True custom air handler designs up to 200,000 CFM, energy recovery systems, fan arrays. MARS AIR DOORS Air Curtain Fans METAL*AIRE Air Distribution and VAV’s M.K. PLASTICS Custom steel and fiberglass high plume fan systems for removal of lab air, corrosive and explosive exhaust fumes. Custom FRP corrosive air control dampers. MILCOR Metal access panels, UL approved smoke hatches. NCA Fire and smoke dampers, control dampers, radiation dampers, back draft dampers, louvers architectural screens, penthouses and roof curbs. NOVEL-AIRE TECHNOLOGIES ARI Certified energy recovery and desiccant dehumidification wheels. 100% OSA make-up AHU uses combination Wheel/DX system that recovers waste heat of compression to regenerate desiccant. PANASONIC BUILDING SOLUTIONS Energy-Star rated bathroom exhaust fans, efficient variable speed DC motors with optional integrated motion sensor and compact fluorescent lights PLASMA AIR Duct mounted IAQ ionization purification systems. PORTALS PLUS Pipe Boots, Portal Systems POWERED AIRE Stainless Steel Air Doors PRECISION AIR PRODUCTS Custom designed and manufactured clean environment systems. Engineering consultation from concept through commissioning for surgical suites and clean rooms. PREFCO Fire and smoke dampers, control dampers, radiation dampers, back draft dampers, access doors. PURE HUMIDIFIERS Steam, electric and gas-fired humidifiers and control packages for duct and wall mounted humidity control. Q-MARK Electric Unit Heaters, Radiant Panels, Baseboard Heaters RAE COILS Custom replacement coils for CW/HW/DX REGGIO Specialty Cast Grilles and Registers Continued on next page Page 101 Tom Barrow Company RELIABLE METAL PRODUCTS Air Distribution, Louvers REZNOR 100% Outside Air Rooftop Units, Gas Fired Duct Furnaces, Unit & Radiant Heaters. RENEW AIRE Indoor and rooftop AHRI-rated static plate core ERVs up to 20,000 CFM RUSKIN SOUND CONTROL Sound Attenuators, Acoustical Panels, etc. RUSKIN MFG. CO. Fire and smoke dampers, radiation dampers, control dampers, back draft dampers, industrial dampers, smoke hatches, airflow stations / controls, MiamiDade and Florida Product approved louvers and penthouses, architectural screens, air doors, ERVs. SEIHO Specialty Air Distribution SPRECHER & SCHUH Motor controls and protection SPUNSTAND FRP Duct Systems STERNVENT COMPANY Dust Collecting Systems SWARTWOUT Industrial Fiberglass Products, Dampers, Louvers & Fans TEMSPEC Fan Coil Units and Classroom Unit Ventilators THERMAL FLEX Flexible Duct TITUS Air Distribution, VAV Boxes, Fan Powered Induction Units, Fan Coil Units TRION Air purification systems for grease and smoke laden air; Air-BossTM TROX USA Chilled Beam space conditioning, displacement air systems, under floor air distribution TUTCO ELECTRIC Electric Duct Heaters UNITED ENERTECH Miami-Dade approved louvers, penthouses and curbs. UNITED FIRESPRAY Approved for installations as grease duct and fire-rated shaft enclosures up to 4 hours. ASTM E-2336, NFPA 96 and UL 1978 approved spray coatings for Flanged 20 Ga galvanized duct. VACON Variable frequency drives Continued on next page. Page 102 Tom Barrow Company VIBRO ACOUSTICS Complete integrated systems approach to noise and vibration control. Complementary acoustical design analysis with performance guarantee includes duct sound attenuation, inertia bases, floating floors, seismic control, spring isolators, hangers and acoustic panels WADDELL ENGINEERING Laboratory Fume Hood Venturi Valves and Room Pressurization Equipment YOUNG REGULATOR Remote Damper Operators, Position Indicators & Accessories Page 103 THE TRANE COMPANY 2301 Lucien Way, Suite 430 Maitland, FL 32751 Phone: (407) 660-1111 Fax: (407) 660-0303 Jim Melillo – Controls Sales Leader Randy Proudfit, Sales Engineer Pete McDonough, Sales Engineer Kelly Stokes, Sales Engineer Erik G. Smedal, Sales Manager J. Tyler Gesse, Sales Engineer Bob Hyttel, Sales Engineer Ben Cherry, Sales Engineer TRANE CHILLERS CenTraVacTM Water Chillers Rotary Screw Water Chillers Scroll Water Chillers TRANE CLIMATE CHANGER AIR HANDLING UNITS Performance Climate ChangerTM Custom Climate ChangerTM TRANE PACKAGED UNITS PrecedentTM 3-10 Tons VoyagerTM 12.5-50 Tons IntellipakTM 20-150 Tons Trane 100% outside air units TRANE VARIABLE AIR VOLUME VariTraneTM VAV Boxes VariTraneTM Fan Powered Boxes VariTracTM Light Commercial VAV Boxes TRANE TERMINAL DEVICES UnitraneTM Fan Coil Units 200-1200 CFM Force-FloTM Cabinet Heaters Blower Coil 400-3,000 CFM TRANE WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Horizontal and Vertical WSHP TRANE SPLIT SYSTEMS Model TWA/TWE 7.5-20 Tons Model RAUJ 20-120 Tons TRANE BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEMS Trane Energy Management Systems BACnet and LONTALK TRANE VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE Pulse width modulated motor controllers CALMAC MANUFACTURING Thermal Storage Systems CANARIIS Packaged chiller plants, Packaged HVAC pumping systems, variable Speed or constant speed systems, hot water systems, condenser water Systems, factory test stand Continued on next page. Page 104 The Trane Company CONSERV/DAIS ANALYTIC Total Enthalpy Plate to Plate Heat Recovery Systems Indoor and Outdoor Units. DES CHAMPS TECHNOLOGIES Modular outside air conditioning systems 1,000-10,000 SCFM, energy recovery and humidity control, plate and frame heat exchangers, heat pipe heat exchangers, desiccant dehumidification FILTRINE Process liquid chillers, drinking water systems GENESIS AIR Photocatalytic air purification systems INDEECO Open coil duct heaters, finned tubular duct heaters, explosion proof duct heaters KCC Roof curb adapters MITSUBISHI CityMultiTM Variable Refrigerant Flow Zoning Systems (VRFZ) Mr. SlimTM ductless split systems. MULTISTACK Air and water cooled modular chiller systems, dedicated heat Recovery chillers, heat pump chillers, magnetic bearing compressor Technology. MUNTERS Modular outside air conditioning systems 1,000-10,000 SCFM, energy recovery and humidity control, plate and frame heat exchangers, heat pipe heat exchangers, desiccant dehumidification POOL PAK INTERNATIONAL Indoor pool/natatorium heat recovery systems for temperature and humidity control, 100% outside air heating and dehumidification units THYBAR Engineered HVAC equipment modification for special applications, energy recovery ventilators, custom roof curbs Page 105 VALIDATED CUSTOM SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA 5415 Lake Howell Road, Suite 137 Winter Park, Florida 32792 Phone: (407) 495-8628 Web Site: www.vc-solutions.com Ron Proden Sales (407) 495-8628 Royce Traylor Sales (407) 790-9847 Bob Egan Sales (407) 374-3426 Dan Fillenwarth Sales (407) 566-8512 HAAKON INDUSTRIES www.haakon.com rproden@vc-solutions.com royce@vc-solutions.com bob@vc-solutions.com dan@vc-solutions.com Premium custom air handling units Healthcare Units Complete with Wash Down Liner Various Energy Recovery and Dehumidification Options Full Factory Witness Testing on Air Leakage, Deflection and Sound YORK www.york.com Commercial and Industrial HVAC Equipment Air and Water Cooled Chillers (Scroll, Screw, and Centrifugal) Custom & Cataloged Central Station Air Handling Units (Indoor/Outdoor) Packaged and Split System D/X Units. Air Distribution including Fan Coil Units, Terminal Units & Underfloor Air INNOVENT www.innoventair.com Custom D/X, Chilled Water and Heat Pump Air Handling Units High Percentage OSA Make-Up Air Units and Natatorium Units Various Energy Recovery and Dehumidification Options Large Built-up Packaged Mechanical Systems VALENT www.valentair.com Premium High Quality High Percentage Packaged OSA Units Energy Efficient Packaged D/X, Heat Pump and Water Cooled Units Various Energy Recovery and Dehumidification Options Tonnage Ranges 5-80 Tons ENVIROSEP www.envirosep.com Pre-Engineered & Custom Packaged Pumping & Central Plant Systems Integrated Fluid Handling Systems Including Factory Installed Controls Factory System Operating and Performance Testing Modular or Pre-Engineered Chiller, Pumping and Hot Water Boiler Plants DADANCO www.dadanco.com Active Chilled Beams Induction Diffusers DRI www.drirotors.com Desiccant Rotors International Largest Global Producer of Energy Wheels ARI Certified Desiccant and Enthalpy Rotors Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV’s) AEROFIN www.aerofin.com Coils for Chilled/Hot Water, Steam and D/X Applications Custom Engineered Coils Integral Face & Bypass Coils Page 106 VCS DIRECT (Division of VC Systems & Controls) 8811 Venture Cove Tampa, Florida 33637 Phone: (813) 987‐2151 Toll Free: (800) 881‐3123 Fax: (813) 985‐6536 Web Site: www.vcsystems.net Henry Vickery Sales Carlos Rivera Sales Jon Vickery Sales Victor Cropp Sales Katherine Suits Administrative Mike Trautman Tech. Service henry@vcsystems.net carlos@vcsystems.net jon@vcsystems.net victor@vcsystems.net kate@vcsystems.net mike@vcsystems.net Grundfos CBS www.grundfos.com (commercial Building Services) In-line HW recirculation pumps, vertical inline circulating pump, vertical and horizontal multistage pumps, end suction centrifugal & variable speed domestic booster pumps, and BoosterpaQ advanced package pumping systems PACO Pump Full line HVAC Pumps: End suction centrifugal (close coupled & base mounted), Vertical inline, Horizontal split case, condensate return units, wet pit column pumps, submersible sump and sewage pumps, suction diffusers, TDV & Hydronic specialties www.pacopumps.com Peerless Pump www.peerlesspumps.com VC Systems & Controls, Inc. www.vcsystems.net Full line HVAC Pumps: End suction centrifugal (close coupled & base mounted), Vertical inline, Horizontal split case, condensate return units, wet pit column pumps, submersible sewage pumps, flush clean clog proof systems, UL & FM Fire pumps and Systems Custom packaged pumping systems for Domestic Water Boosters, HVAC circulation, UL & FM Fire Pump Systems, Rain water collection systems, & Packaged lift stations TOWER TECH COOLING TOWERS www.towertechinc.com Fiberglass, TTXL series forced draft, counter-flow cooling towers, modular design, fully enclosed, flow through basin design, variable flwo rate rotary spray nozzle, bottom mounted (dry) fans Zoeller Company Full line manufacturer of submersible water and waste water submersible pumps and systems, with guide rail systems, valves, accessories & prepackaged systems. www.zoeller.com Continued on next page Page 107 VCS DIRECT (Division of VC Systems & Controls CLA‐VAL Control Valves www.cla‐val.com Topps Industries www.toppindustries.com Halliday Products www.hallidayproducts.com Wheatly HVAC Products www.wheatleyhvac.com Wessels Company www.westank.com TIGG Corporation www.westank.com Automatic Control Valves for Pressure reducing, Flow Control, Solenoid, Pilot operated check valve, Pilot operated relief valves, strainers, and Tank level & fill control. Complete line of polyethylene and fiberglass sump and sewage basins with custom steel, fiberglass and aluminum covers and hatches. Complete line of polyethylene and fiberglass sump and sewage basins with custom steel, fiberglass and aluminum covers and hatches. HVAC specialties products: Triple duty valves, Suction diverters, ASME & NonCode expansion tanks, ASME Air separators, Strainers, Flexible Connectors & Air Vents Manufacturer of ASME & non‐ASME certified pressure vessels for expansion tanks, air separators, bladder tanks, stainless tanks, & packaged glycol make up systems. Custom Manufacturer of steel tanks and pressure vessels. Large volume steel ASME & non‐ASME, tanks and air receivers. Custom & potable water linings as required. . Twin City Hose www.twincityhose.com Bray International www.bray.com Manufacturer of rubber and and metal hose flexible pipe connectors and expansion joints, for the HVAC, Plumbing and Industrial market and Custom Fabrication. Manufacturer of quality flow control products, including Bray Butterfly valves and actuators, FlowTek Ball Valves & Ritepro Check valves to 60" ‐ ANSI Class 150‐600 Page 108 VICKERY & COMPANY 8935 Maislin Drive Tampa, FL 33637 Phone: (813) 987-2100 Fax: (813) 987-2112 Web: www.vickerycompany.com Dennis Barber, CEO Steve McNutt, President Rick Wright, Senior Project Engineer Marian Key, After-market sales AURORA PUMPS Pumps, end suction, split case, vertical turbine, variable speed, suction diffusers, triple duty valves, and hydronic accessories CLA-VAL COMPANY Clayton automatic control valves J.L. WINGERT Cooling tower accessories, glycol feed systems, boiler accessories, solid separators THRUSH PRODUCTS Hydronic pumps, air elimination, expansion tanks, heat exchangers, pumping systems SYNCROFLO PUMPING SOLUTIONS Domestic booster systems, UL & ETL Listed custom pumping packages (Plumbing, Fire & HVAC) WEIL PUMP COMPANY Vertical enclosed shaft, submersible and dry pit sewage pumps and sump pumps, explosion proof pumps TRANTER PHE, INC Plate & frame heat exchangers VIBRATION ELIMINATOR COMPANY Pump inertia bases, piping spring hangers, spring mounted & neoprene rubber isolators WINTER INSTRUMENTS Complete line of gauges, thermometers and instrumentation WESSELS COMPANY Expansion, flash and blow down tanks, ASME bladder tanks, air separators, air receivers FLO-PAC INDUSTRIES Automatic and manual balancing valves with coil Pac options, heat pump hose kits SELKIRK METALBESTOS Single and double wall B-vent, zero clearance grease duct, positive pressure stack RBI Commercial copper boiler, domestic water heaters and pool heaters, storage tanks and accessories91 EXHAUSTO Venting Design Solutions, Fan Assisted Draft Reducers GREEN TURTLE ProceptorTM = Grease, Oil & Solids Interceptors Page 109 BASIC EQUATIONS Air Q sensible (BTH) = CFM x 1.1x ΔT (˚F), moist air, for dry air use 1.08 Q total (BTH) = CFM x 4.5 x Δh, 4.5 = .075 #/cf x 60 min/hr Q latent (BTU) = CFM x 4840 x (w1 –w2) gr/gr; =CFM x .68 x (w1 – w2) #/# h(wbt) = 10.12924 + .000357914 (wbt)^2.6213 MAT = (% OA x OAT) + (% RA x RAT) Velocity pressure = (V/4005)2 % outside air = (MAT-RAT)/(RAT-OAT) MAT – mixed air temp, RAT – return air temp, OAT – outside air temp OA – CFM outside air, RA – CFM return air Air Handling Unit BHP = (CFM x SP”)/(6356 x eff) BHP = (RLA – .5 x NLA)/( FLA - .5 x NLA) x HP(nameplate) NLA – no load amps, RLA – run load amps, FLA – full load amps TLDB = TEDB – (SHC/(1.1xCFM)), TLDB = temp leaving coil, TEDB = temp entering hL = hE – (THC/(4.5xCFM)), hL = enthalpy leaving, hE = temp entering, THC = total cooling capacity MBH CFMa = CFMb x (RPMa/RPMb) SPa = SPb x (RPMa/RPMb)2 HPa = HPb x (RPMa/RPMb)3 Pump BHP = ( GPM x TDH)/ ( 3962 x eff) GPMa = GPMb x (RPMa/RPMb) HEADa = HEADb x (RPMa/RPMb)2 BHPa = BHPb x (RPMa/RPMb)3 Water Hv (ft) = (Vo2 – Vi2)/(2 x g) Vo – outlet velocity in fps Vi – inlet velocity in fps V = .408 x GPM / (D2) BTU/Hr = GPM x 500 x ΔT 500 = 8.33 #/gal x 60 min/hr GPM = Cv √ΔP (∆P in PSI) TONS = GPM x ΔT / 24 Refrigeration HP/ton = 4.71/COP USEFUL EQUATIONS Energy KW/ton = 12/EER KW/ton = 12/(COP x 3.413) KW = VOLTS X AMPS X PF X √(PHASE)/1000 Water Coils ∆T(air) = 927 x MBH(coil)/CFM ∆T(water) = 2.04 x MBH(coil)/GPM Page 110 FIRMS CONSULTING ENGINEERING FIRMS Firm/Consultant Address City FL Zip Phone Fax ACE Agile Engineering AJT Associates Architectural Concepts Barnhart Engineering Bobes Associates Boyle Engineering, Corp. BRPH Architects & Engineers 1700 Bomi Circle 976 Lake Baldwin Lane, #103 8910 Astronaut Blvd. 1130 Kewannee Trail 3175 S. Peninsula Drive 150 Circle Drive 320 E. South St. Winter Park Orlando Cape Canaveral Maitland Daytona Beach Maitland Orlando FL FL FL FL FL FL FL 32792 32814 32920 32751 32118 32751 32801 407-678-4402 407-574-6350 321-783-7989 407-629-1009 386-756-7632 407-628-0882 407-425-1100 321-251-5290 407-574-2326 321-783-3515 407-629-1011 386-756-0538 407-628-7024 407-422-3866 5700 North Harbor City Blvd, Suite 400. Melbourne FL 32940 407-254-7600 321-254-7666 407-259-4703 321-259-4703 Camp Dresser & McKee 2301 Maitland Center Pkwy, Suite 300 Maitland FL 32751 407-660-6496 407-660-1243 CDE Company CEG 191 Center Street, Suite 201 2651 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Suite A Cape Canaveral Melbourne FL FL 32920 32935 321-799-2970 321-253-1221 321-799-0375 321-253-3123 CHPA 1051 Winderly Place, Suite 101 Maitland FL 32751 407-660-9099 407-660-8702 Cosentini & Associates Cuhaci & Peterson Curtis Williams Engineering 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 900 1925 Prospect Ave. 505 East New York Ave., Suite #6 Orlando Orlando Deland FL FL FL 32801 32814 32724 407-999-8990 407-661-9100 386-734-7683 407-999-8967 407-661-9101 386-734-6014 Dan Coppens, LLC DDC Engineering Design Plus, Inc 2600 Cole Road 571 Haverty Court, Unit #U 664 Oak Hollow Way Orlando Rockledge Altamonte Springs FL FL FL 32803 32955 32714 407-362-7851 321-633-4522 407-435-9393 407-574-4337 321-633-4528 Disney Imagineering 3401 Vista Blvd. Lake Buena Vista FL 32830 407-934-6954 407-828-1393 Don Wilson Associates Eiermann Engineering, Inc. EMI Energy Systems Design Engitech 6106 Cheshire Lane 1015 Webster Ave. Orlando Orlando FL FL 32819 32804 407-876-0037 407-296-6991 407-876-6036 407-296-7420 2238 Westbourne Drive 250 S. Beach Street, #20 768 Lake Howell Road Oviedo Daytona Beach Maitland FL FL FL 32765 32114 32751 407-359-0747 386-252-6703 407-740-4184 407-359-0748 386-252-6703 407-740-4183 Exp Engineering Professional Svcs. 2601 Westhall Lane 1 Purlieu Place, Suite 124 Maitland Winter Park FL FL 32751 32792 407-660-0088 407-657-6616 407-660-1655 407-657-2262 Fairbrother Engineering Gast Engineering GRAEF Maitland Orlando Maitland FL FL FL 32751 32839 32751 407-260-1680 407-996-2188 407-659-0553 407-996-6188 407-659-0609 Halliwell Engineering Hanson Engineering 973 Stonewood Lane 1724 33rd Street, Suite 200 1059 Maitland Center Commons Blvd 4209 Vineland Rd, Suite J9 720 N. Maitland Ave., Suite #102 Orlando Maitland FL FL 32811 32751 407-648-2295 407-622-2050 407-648-2295 407-622-2051 Hartley Engineering Healey Engineering 430 State Road 436, Suite 200 120 Venetian Way, Suite 16 Casselberry Merritt Island FL FL 32707 32953 407-695-7790 321-452-2173 407-695-7799 321-452-2173 Heery Design 4700 Millenia Blvd, Suite 550, Orlando FL 32839 407-992-6300 407-992-6399 Millenia Lakes One Page 111 Hurricane Engineering 1105 Kensington Park Drive Altamonte Springs FL 32716 407-774-0032 407-774-8477 IMDC Engineering 1060 Maitland Center Commons, Maitland FL 32751 407-645-4049 407-645-1230 Orlando FL 32814 407-398-6007 407-398-6003 Orlando FL 32810 407-645-5008 407-629-9124 Suite 300 Ingenuity Engineers 4798 New Broad Street Suite 300 Interplan Practice, LTD 933 Lee Rd, Suite 120 Jacobs Facilities, Inc. 5750 Major Blvd, Suite 500 Orlando FL 32818 407-903-5262 407-903-5190 Jerry’s Drafting 5730 Barna Ave. Titusville FL 32780 321-268-1445 321-268-1445 John J. Christy & Assoc 1079 W. Morse Blvd., Suite C Winter Park FL 32789 407-645-5522 407-645-5577 Jones Edmunds Assoc 3910 S. Washington Ave., Suite Titusville FL 32780 321-269-2950 321-269-2951 Orlando FL 32817 407-830-6622 407-830-6836 Altamonte Springs FL 32714 407-834-7900 407-834-9686 #210 KLG Orlando, Inc. 11486 Corporate Blvd., #120 KTD Consulting 237 S. Westmonte Drive, Suite Engineers 300 L.C. Lipps Consulting 35322 S. Lake Unity Rd. Fruitland Park FL 34731 352-787-8359 352-787-8359 5401 Benchmark Lane Sanford FL 32773 407-321-8100 407-323-7007 7575 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 200 Orlando FL 32819 407-352-3300 407-352-3301 130 Candace Drive Maitland FL 32751 407-740-5020 407-740-0365 MEP Engineering 600 S. Northlake Blvd, #180 Altamonte Springs FL 32701 407-260-9855 407-260-5908 MG Engineering 299 Loraine Drive, Suite #2004 Altamonte Springs FL 32714 407-786-4811 407-786-0866 Engi-neer, Inc Limbach Engineering and Design Services (LEDS) Maida Engineering Matern Professional Engineering Milan Engineering 925 South Semoran Blvd., #100 Winter Park FL 32792 407-678-2055 407-678-2088 Millward Engineering 3602 S. Magnolia Ave. Orlando FL 32801 407-857-1831 407-857-1832 National Engineering 220 Live Oak Blvd Casselberry FL 32707 407-539-3400 407-539-2500 Nechsys Engineering 1144 Hollow Pine Drive Oviedo FL 32765 407-366-3505 407-366-3505 Altamonte Springs FL 32701 407-332-5110 407-332-7704 OCI Associates, Inc. 427 CenterPointe Circle, Suite 1825 PBS&J 482 S. Keller Road Orlando FL 32810 407-647-7275 407-647-8903 Peninsula Engineering, 2016 Alden Rd. Orlando FL 32803 407-246-1688 407-246-1664 2235 N. Courtenay Pkwy, Suite Merritt Island FL 32953 321-454-6132 321-453-0223 P.O. Box 730 Winter Park FL 32790 407-647-1039 407-629-9409 1086 Cavern Drive Apopka FL 32712 407-884-0955 407-814-0897 SGM Engineering 851 Outer Road Orlando FL 32814 407-767-5188 407-767-5772 Sims Wilkerson Cartier 12124 High Tech Avenue, Suite Orlando FL 32817 407-380-0400 407-380-5900 Engineering 200 Sklow & Runkel 2289 W. Eau Gallie Blvd Melbourne FL 32935 321-253-0333 321-253-0379 1501 Fullers Cross Road Winter Garden FL 34787 407-905-5051 407-905-5061 Inc Reynolds, Smith & Hills C Rogers Lovelock & Fritz, Inc. Sabiston Engineering Group, Inc. Engineers T.G. Albers Associates T.M. Love & Associates P.O. Box 915523 Longwood FL 32791 407-830-7683 407-830-7685 Thompson Company 1305 E. Robinson Street Orlando FL 32801 407-438-1860 407-438-1872 Orlando FL 32801 407-841-9050 407-425-7367 TLC Engineering 255 South Orange Ave., Suite 1600 Page 112 TLC Engineering 874 Dixon Blvd. Cocoa FL 32922 321-636-0274 321-639-8986 Page 113 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Firm Address City Zip Phone Fax Orlando FL FL ACR Sales 3509 All American Blvd Air Mechanical 325 Anchor Road 32810 407-299-9190 407-299-9339 Casselberry FL 32707 407-699-0454 407-699-0690 Air Pak Services, Inc. 6966 Venture Circle Orlando FL 32807 407-678-1819 407-679-5655 Anderson Tech 333 W. Marion Ave., Unit 11 Edgewater FL 32132 386-423-2500 386-423-0045 409 Center Street Cocoa Beach FL 32922 321-632-0276 321-632-2638 Systems Atlantic Air BCI Mechanical 145 East Drive Melbourne FL 32904 321-726-8000 321-723-8479 Britt’s Air Conditioning 655 Childre Ave Titusville FL 32796 321-267-6370 321-383-3146 Celsius Contractors 8 Dope Drive, P.O. Box 22168 Lake Buena Vista FL 32830 407-827-4392 407-828-8154 Central Florida H-A 856 Sunshine Lane Altamonte Springs FL 32714 407-862-7788 407-862-8068 Ocoee FL 34761 407-654-3828 407-654-2125 Classic Sheet Metal 328 McQuire Road Climatic Refrigeration 6950 Vickie Circle Melbourne FL 32904 321-725-2430 321-724-5725 Coast to Coast Piping 4450 Parkbreeze Court, Suite B Orlando FL 32808 407-298-7114 407-298-7115 Coastal Mechanical 394 East Drive Melbourne FL 32904 321-725-3061 321-984-0718 Cocoa Heating & AC 395 Williams Point Blvd. Cocoa FL 32927 321-639-3227 321-636-8498 777 Bennett Drive Longwood FL 32750 407-682-1313 407-682-5166 Coolway 1844 Longwood Lk Mary Rd Longwood FL 32750 407-830-7117 407-830-8829 Deck Air 2213 Highland Ave Melbourne FL 32935 321-255-2633 321-253-9634 Comprehensive Energy Services Del-Air 531 Codisco Way Sanford FL 32771 407-831-2665 407-333-3853 D.G. Meyer 345 or 402 Madison Avenue Daytona Bch FL 32114 386-253-7774 386-255-9431 Draper AC 1525 Old Eustis Road Mt. Dora FL 32757 352-383-8859 352-385-2667 Duct Shop 31703 Progress Avenue Leesburg FL 34748 352-326-8707 352-326-8711 Ellis Mechanical Corp 765 Big Tree Drive Longwood FL 32750 407-834-9990 407-834-7772 Energy Air, Inc. 5401 Energy Air Court Orlando FL 32810 407-886-3729 407-884-0155 Enthalpy Engineering 5011 Batten Place Orlando FL 32809 407-857-7016 407-850-0600 Ferran - Daytona 4420 Eastport Parkway Port Orange FL 32127 386-252-1528 386-322-2259 530 Grand St. Orlando FL 32805 407-422-3551 407-648-0961 Florida Mechanical 5600 Carder Road Orlando FL 32810 407-445-2433 407-445-2064 Four Seasons 7110 Overland Road Orlando FL 32810 407-295-9231 407-298-4730 Ferran Engineering Group, Inc Gembecki Mechanical 1311 Seminola Blvd Casselberry FL 32707 407-695-6646 Harper Limbach 5401 Benchmark Lane Sanford FL 32773 407-321-8100 407-696-0003 407-323-7007 Irvine Mechanical, Inc. 1500 N. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL 32804 407-839-3630 407-839-3643 Winter Garden FL 32861 407-298-0970 407-298-1081 Keystone Mechanical 3550 Old Winter Garden Rd., P.O. Box 616623 Lake Mechanical 343 N. Bay Street Eustis FL 32736 352-357-3136 352-483-2713 Lapin S-M 3825 Gardenia Avenue Orlando FL 32839 407-423-9897 407-423-2661 McDonald Air 2730 Eunice Avenue Orlando FL 32808 407-295-0220 407-291-1243 Mechanical Services 9820 Satellite Blvd Orlando FL 32837 407-857-3510 407-855-7585 Medic Air Systems 700 Glades Court Port Orange FL 32127 386-760-2356 386-760-1201 Merritt Island Air 625 Cypress Street Merritt Island FL 32952 321-452-5665 321-453-4745 32750 407-332-8727 407-332-8788 34785 352-787-7741 352-689-0167 Milestone Mechanical 466 SR 434 Ste. 120A Longwood FL Munn’s AC 9025 CR 128C Wildwood FL Page 114 Nash Mechanical PO Box 98 Coleman FL 33521 352-748-1454 352-748-2990 Normax Mechanical 1150 Elboc Way Winter Garden FL 34787 407-656-8222 407-656-0232 Pipeline Mechanical 1211 Robie Avenue Mt. Dora FL 32757 352-669-8683 352-669-2362 Precision A-C 505 Canaveral Groves Blvd. Cocoa FL 32926 321-617-6902 321-617-6904 Pro Tech 2425 Silver Star Road Orlando FL 32804 407-291-1642 407-522-0445 R & R Industries 500 Carswell Avenue Holly Hill FL 32117 386-253-7627 386-255-1470 R & R Mechanical 780 Deltona Blvd. Ste 102 Deltona FL 32725 386-574-8600 386-574-0909 Randall Mechanical 4105 St. Johns Pkwy Sanford FL 32771 407-321-9299 407-323-6792 1372 N. Goldenrod Rd, #22 Orlando FL 32807 407-281-7620 407-281-7615 799 Bennett Drive, P.O. Box Longwood FL 32752 407-830-5000 407-830-4430 Rose Mechanical Contractor S.I. Goldman Company 526100 Sauer Mechanical, Inc. 6880 Lake Ellenor Dr. Orlando FL 32803 407-859-1545 407-896-1480 Schwenn Mechanical 11710 Sadler Court Winter Garden FL 34787 407-895-7550 407-895-7556 Shaw Mechanical 4506 Parkbreeze Court Orlando FL 32808 407-835-7880 407-835-3399 Shumate Mechanical 150 Hope Street - Ste. 1016 Longwood FL 32750 407-265-0777 407-265-0770 South Seminole S-M 3307 S. Clarcona Road Apopka FL 32703 407-464-7776 407-464-7770 Taylor Mechanical PO Box 974 Apopka FL 32704 407-886-8700 407-886-0600 Titan Mechanical 144 Baywood Avenue Longwood FL 32750 407-339-1010 407-339-1016 Tri Tech 1041 Seminola Blvd Casselberry FL 32707 407-673-1090 407-673-2866 Village Air & Heat 8279 N. US Hwy 301 Wildwood FL 34785 352-748-5744 352--748-0547 Vines Mechanical 825 N. Lake Pleasant Road Apopka FL 32712 407-822-4272 407-822-4278 3220 39th St. Orlando FL 32839 407-841-4670 407-648-1875 660 Jackson St Winter Park FL 32789 407-644-5061 407-644-9113 Westbrook Air Condi- 1411 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32855 407-841-3310 407-425-1835 tioning P.O. Box 555459 W W Gay Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Watts Air Conditioning & Heating Page 115
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