Summer 2016 - St Vincent College


Summer 2016 - St Vincent College
St Vincent College Celebrates
‘Good News’ from Ofsted.............2
What Ofsted said.............................3
Careers Team Celebrate
Double Success ................................6
Hard Work with Personal
Statements Pays Off........................6
Students Win Debating
Competition .....................................7
Fair Attracts Students.....................7
Award for Partnership Work........7
Murder Mystery solved by
School Pupils......................................8
National Flash Fiction Youth
A Level History Students
meet Cathedral Chancellor...........9
Taster of IT and Media
for Brune Park Students.................9
A Musical High!.................................9
Sport and Public Services
Airsofting Trip 2016.......................10
National Citizen Service...............10
Massage Course.............................. 11
Dodgeball and Basketball Teams.11
Vaulting Display............................... 11
Sport Relief 2016............................ 11
‘Access’ the Key to Success.........12
NEW YORK! NEW YORK!........12
ood teaching with
utstanding areas
ffer opportunities for
evelopment in
education and careers
Twitter @stvincent6FC
2 0 1 6
St Vincent College Celebrates
‘Good News’ from Ofsted
Staff and students have been
celebrating the recognition of much
hard work by achieving a rating of
‘Good’ in all areas of its latest Ofsted
Good leadership and management,
good outcomes for learners and
good quality of teaching with areas
of ‘outstanding’ are just some of the
headlines in the most positive Ofsted
report St Vincent College in Gosport
has received in recent years.
The inspection, which took place
at the start of the year, cited the
College as being ‘strongly focused
on successfully developing students
to achieve their best’ with a high
proportion of making good or better
progress in their studies and going on
to complete qualifications successfully.
‘I know I speak for
everyone at St Vincent
College when I say
how delighted and
proud we are with
such a positive
report that highlights
how our students
thrive and achieve
success in a variety
of A Levels and vocational courses,’ said
Matt Atkinson, Principal of St Vincent
‘This report is the culmination of a great
deal of hard work and dedication to
improvement at the College and I am
so proud of what the staff and students
here have all achieved. With our teaching
being declared ‘good’ with ‘outstanding’
areas, the whole report paints a picture
of confident students participating in
lively lessons provided by skilled teachers
setting high standards and expectations.’
Ofsted inspectors praised the
College for creating a safe, respectful
environment for its students and
providing effective careers guidance
for successful progression to higher
education or employment.
With this new step up in its provision,
St Vincent College now takes pride of
place amongst neighbouring colleges
and schools in the region who have
the same grading.
Effectiveness of leadership
and management GOOD
Quality of teaching learning
and assessment
Personal development,
behaviour and welfare GOOD
Outcomes for
16 to 19 study
Provision for learners
with high needs
‘We are very grateful for the best
wishes and congratulations we have
received from parents, colleagues and
our educational partners throughout the
region. This marks a new chapter and a
bright future for St Vincent College as we
now focus on becoming an ‘outstanding’
Sixth Form College for Gosport, Fareham
and beyond.’
St Vincent Newsletter
What Ofsted said.....
...on Culture:
‘Strongly focused on successfully
developing students to achieve
their best.’
‘A strong and wellestablished work
‘Students thrive
at college; they
feel safe and
‘Students take pride
in their work.
...on Achievement:
...on Teaching:
...on Support:
‘Support for students is particularly
well coordinated and highly effective.’
‘Staff encourage students to set
ambitious targets for academic
performance and support them very
successfully to meet these.’
‘Students value highly and
overwhelmingly benefit from very
effective pastoral, academic and
additional learning support.’
‘Standards of teaching, learning
and assessment are good and
much improved since the previous
‘The quality of teaching, learning and
assessment is outstanding in sports
and public services.’
‘Students often combine vocational,
AS and A Level subjects’ and ‘carefully
match their programme to their skills
and aspirations.’
‘The proportion of students making
good or better progress and
completing their main qualification
successfully has improved over the
past three years and is now high.’
‘Students achieving more than their
initial target grades has steadily
improved and is now good.’
‘Most successfully progress to higher
education or employment.’
...on Careers:
‘Students benefit from high-quality
careers advice and guidance’
‘Careers advice and guidance are
effective in enabling students to make
the right choices.’
‘The majority of students on study
programmes benefit from useful work
To read the full report Ofsted
report visit http://reports.ofsted. and search for St Vincent
Summer Term 2016
ood teaching with
‘This result has been the culmination
of three years of incredibly hard
work from a team of people who are
committed to taking this college on
a journey to become an outstanding
centre of excellence.’
Stuart Noss, Learning Area Manager for Business,
Humanities and Health & Human Sciences
utstanding areas which
ffer opportunities for
evelopment in
education and careers
‘This news gives me more
confidence for what I choose to do
after college. It is better to say that
I studied at a good college.’
Emily Winter, 16, studying Ancient History, English and
Psychology A Levels and a Diploma in Criminology
‘It does feel better to be learning at
a good college. My family came to
St Vincent College, it was the closest
place to where I lived that offered
A-level courses and I have been really
proud of my work, but some people
still questioned my choice. I can now show them proof
that college is as good as I knew it was.’
Kaylee Bishop, 17, studying Criminology, English,
Creative Writing and Photography A Levels
‘I started working at St Vincent
College six months ago when
I moved to the area from The
New Forest. The drive towards
improvement was very clear from
my first interview and I could see
both standards and the expectations of students
were high. I feel fortunate to be joining the College
at this time because this Ofsted inspection is good
news for everyone – the people who work here, the
students who study with us and those who will come
in the future.’
Ian Blows, Teacher of Sociology
‘I came to St Vincent College
‘Looking back on the 10
because it was local. I wasn’t
years I have worked here,
worried about the reputation of the
I think the Ofsted report
College because I knew it ran the
is recognition of how
course I needed to join the police
our new structure, new
and that is what I came here to do.
attitudes and new quality standards
Having said that, I am having a good time and the
have refreshed and invigorated St Vincent
Ofsted result is definitely helpful for all of us.’
College. It supports and reaffirms our
Phil McCulloch, 17, studying Public Services Level 3
Mission, Vision and Values, especially the
fundamental principle that ‘we act on behalf of
our students.’
Daniel Mann, Learning Area Manager for
Creative Arts, Engineering and IT
‘It’s good news. This is my local
college and I did have some concerns
about its reputation in the past, but
this has given me peace of mind.’
James Clements, 16, studying Public
Services Level 3
St Vincent Newsletter
‘As a Student Ambassador,
I was part of the team
that welcomed the Ofsted
inspectors, so I knew it
was important. St Vincent
College is the closest college to
where I live and I like the fact that it is warm,
friendly and there is a good mix of people
here. I am pleased we are now seen as a ‘good
college’ – I think it’s great for everyone.’
Elliot Beeby, 18, studying Business, Law
and Criminology BTECs with an A Level in
Communication & Culture
‘I am thrilled that Ofsted has judged
St Vincent College as ‘good with
outstanding features’ and believe
it reflects a whole new culture
throughout the College where all
our staff are dedicated to supporting
each and every student in achieving their very best.’
Sarat Jones, Assistant Principal
‘My Mum wanted me to come to
St Vincent College to get the full
college experience like she did.
I knew she really enjoyed it, so I
wasn’t worried about what other
people said, but I am pleased the
College has been recognised as ‘good’. I think it
makes everyone feel more positive.’
Aidan Forde, 18, studying Communications & Culture,
Media Studies, English and Creative Writing A Levels
‘It was never a concern
before, as St Vincent
College offered the courses
I wanted to do, but this
result has given me extra
confidence that I will pass my exams
and go on to study Law at university’
Rory Cathcart, 18, studying Psychology,
Sociology and Film Studies A Levels and Law BTEC
Summer Term 2016
‘I live north of Fareham and didn’t
like the environment of any of the
colleges I visited until I came to
St Vincent College. Everyone was
so friendly and nice that I knew this
was the place for me to make a fresh
start and begin a new chapter. The Ofsted grading
never bothered me before, but I am really pleased we
are now called a ‘good’ college, because that really is
what it is like here.’
Robyn Davies, 16, studying Philosophy, Psychology and
Sociology A-Levels and a Diploma in Health & Social Care.
‘I recently moved into the area and came from
a school that was also ‘in need of improvement’
according to Ofsted, so the grading of St Vincent
College at the time I was looking didn’t bother me. I
knew that education depends on what you make of it.
I looked at other places, but found them too formal.
I felt I was ready to study at a place that respected
individuality and gave students independence and
personal responsibility and this is what I found
at St Vincent College. Of course, the new ‘good’
grading is great news and I feel it is a more accurate
representation of my experience here.’
Lucy Austin, 17, studying Communication & Culture,
English, Philosophy and Psychology A Levels
‘The Ofsted report represents all
the hard work that has been going
on within the curriculum, pastoral
care and the close relationship
between the two in order to put
individual students at the heart of
everything we do. I knew we were good, but this
result gives comfort and security to the hearts and
minds of everyone connected and involved with
St Vincent College.’
Clare Powell, Student Support Manager
Careers Update...
Careers Team
Double Success
Careers guidance was identified as a
key strength during the recent Ofsted
inspection with the inspection team
commenting that: ‘Careers advice
and guidance are effective in enabling
students to make the right choices.’
They also stated: ‘Students benefit
from high-quality careers advice and
guidance, and a good proportion
progress from the College to
university or higher-level study.’
Less than two weeks after the Ofsted
inspection the Careers team were
once again subject to an external
inspection on their work, this time
from Assessors from the Matrix
Standard, a national Quality Mark
awarded to organisations meeting
rigid assessment criteria in the
delivery of Information, Advice &
Staff, students and external partners
were interviewed over two days and
the team were delighted with the
outcome. Assessors identified 12
areas of strength, double what was
achieved in the inspection three years
Hard Work
with Personal
Pays Off
Having to write a 47 line statement on
why a university should choose you
has often been cited as the ‘worse
thing’ about the application process by
students. For some after a couple of
drafts it’s done but for others it can
take seven or more drafts before they
are confident they have produced the
best statement they can.
For many competitive courses the
personal statement forms an integral
part of the assessment process
and feedback can highlight one of
s Principal Matt Atkinson congratulates Careers & HE Manager Alistair Lambon and
Careers Assistant Libby Moore on achieving the Matrix Quality Award
previously and a personal record for
Alistair Lambon the Careers & HE
Manager, who has been involved in
five Matrix inspections over the years.
Alistair said: ‘It’s been a busy fortnight
with having two inspections in two
weeks but I could not be more pleased
with both results. Both inspections
highlighted the importance that providing
outstanding careers guidance is pivotal
in supporting student progression in
whatever next step they take’.
Assistant Principal Andy Grant said:
‘Alistair and his team should be rightly
proud of this double success. The College
has a reputation for being a lead in
Careers Guidance provision within the
County and this has been confirmed by
these excellent results.’
the reasons for rejection was the
personal statement not being strong
enough. The College UCAS Tutor
Team spend a great deal of time with
their students supporting them on
this main part of the application form.
The College has a successful record
of ensuring students get the offers
they need and this year has been no
exception. Careers & HE Manager,
Alistair Lambon explains: ‘One of the
things I monitor at this point in the cycle
is the number of students who have
failed to receive any offers and as such
become eligible for UCAS Extra. We are
really pleased that this figure is only two
and is evidence that students are making
strong applications attracting interest
from their choices. We look forward to
these offers being confirmed following
results day.’
s ‘Five out of Five’ Student Eleanor
Brooks-Harding applied to five
universities and received five offers
St Vincent Newsletter
Students Win Debating Competition
Members of the College Sixth
Form Academy were celebrating
after winning a prestigious debating
competition organised by Gosport &
Fareham Friends of the Earth.
The Wendy Burkett Memorial
Debating Competition saw college
teams from Fareham, Havant and St
Vincent debate topics on air pollution,
UK Energy demand and food waste.
Winning all their heats Team Captain,
Megan Bourne said: ‘It’s been a
fantastic experience and we are already
looking forward to defending our trophy
next year!’
Careers & HE Manager, Alistair
Lambon said: ‘This is a great example
of what our students who belong to the
Sixth Form Academy can experience.
They have all learnt a variety of new skills
s Winning team celebrate their Success
and watching them I was particularly
proud of their teamwork. Everyone
supported each other, not just at the
event but in all the preparations we
Fair Attracts
Students from across the College
had the opportunity to meet
employers and organisations to find
out more about the world of work,
apprenticeships and volunteering.
The Apprenticeship, Employment and
Volunteering Fair attracted students
from across the College who could
talk direct to representatives and
recruiters from a wide range of
occupational areas. College careers
staff and advisers from the local Job
Centre were also on hand to offer
tips and advice on preparing students
for these next steps.
s Careers Assistant Libby Moore
‘Signposting’ the way to the Fair
Summer Term 2016
Gosport Volunteering Bureau and
representatives from Gap Year
organisations offered advice on these
popular opportunities to gain valuable
experience. Libby Moore, Careers
Assistant, produced a useful Guide
Book that was given to all students
to help them get the best from the
event along with all the promotional
materials including an innovative
‘signpost’ located in the LRC.
Careers & HE Manager, Alistair
Lambon said: ‘Libby has done a
fantastic job planning this event and I
am particularly pleased that we have
attracted a diverse range of organisations
giving our students valuable advice
and information to help them make an
informed decision on their next steps.’
Libby Moore said: ‘The event has gone
really well and we have already had
confirmation from many of the exhibitors
that they would be more than happy
to support the event next year. Student
feedback has also been very positive with
some students having further meetings
planned with some of the exhibitors.’
did prior to the competition. Individual
members carried out detailed research
on particular topics and this hard work
paid off on the night.’
Award for
Public Services and Careers staff
were delighted to receive the RAF
Platinum Partnership Award in
recognition of many years successfully
supporting students with information,
advice and guidance on careers in the
RAF, with many students successfully
achieving selection into the Service.
With RAF staff from the local Armed
Forces Careers Office attending the
recent Employment Fair, it provided
the ideal opportunity to collect the
plaque. On behalf of the teams Public
Services teacher, John Woodman,
accepted the award which was
particularly pleasing for John as he is
from an Armed Forces background.
The Psychology, Health and Care, and
Science Departments at St Vincent
Sixth Form College once again
stepped in to the world of crime
this week when they ran the annual
Murder Mystery evening. It was an
evening of intrigue and deception
with some of the finest minds from
the local Fareham, Gosport and
Portsmouth schools taking up the
challenge to solve the crime.
Students were taught a range of
skills that included criminal profiling,
crime scene analysis and forensic
skills in order to be prepared for
the tantalising details that were left
behind by the criminal mastermind.
The students worked diligently during
National Flash
Fiction Youth
solved by
We are very proud
School Pupils toafterannounce
an early evening set of workshops
and then were able to formulate their
conclusions over a working dinner.
The time came for each of the teams
to feedback their findings to the
group of renowned experts in a
specially selected panel. Presentations
and theories were well thought out
and no avenue was left unexplored.
However, finally the perpetrator to
these crimes was found and his guilt
was proven beyond a shadow of a
In a surprise twist to events it was
revealed that undercover CID were
already working at the scene and so
a swift arrest and effective resolution
was achieved to the evening.
So once again thanks to the diligence
and acumen of local students and the
hard work of the staff of St Vincent
College the streets of our local area
are safe once more.
Until next year,
“Keep ‘em peeled”
their short
stories in the
National Flash
Fiction Youth
three students
received awards
in the Highly
The annual competition, founded in
2013, is organized by the Department
of English, University of Chester
and the International Flash Fiction
Association (IFFA). The winning story
is published in Flash: The International
Short-Short Story Magazine.
The students receiving the awards
•Rachel Casson
for ‘Black Trap’
studying A Levels
in Creative
Writing, Film
Studies and English
Literature and
•Ben Ive for
‘Nobody Builds Walls
Better Than Me’
studying A Level
in Creative
Writing and
BTECs in Advancing
Acting and Performing
•Lucy Spicer
for ‘Adam’s Secret
studying A Levels
in Creative
Writing, Media
Studies and
BTECs in Performing
Arts and Advanced Acting
St Vincent Newsletter
Taster of IT and Media
for Brune Park Students
A visit by a very enthusiastic group
of Year 9 students from Brune
Park School to our IT and Media
Departments proved a great success
and one which we hope to repeat
many times in the future with Brune
Park and other local schools.
The first half of the day was spent
within the IT Department learning
Macromedia Flash© where
the students learnt how
to create interactive
animations using
tweening methods
and behaviours.
Many thanks to the four Year 2
students from IT: Jenna Akehurst,
Jack Palmer, Sophie Metcalfe and
James Morrissey who were great
ambassadors for the subject, helping
the students get the most from their
taster sessions.
Kieron Duffield were on hand to
provide help to edit the material.
After lunch the students joined
the Media Department working in
small groups to film material for a
music video inspired by the White
Stripes video “The Hardest Button
to Button”, which uses jump cut
techniques to create an effect similar
to stop motion animation.
In the words of their teacher, Mr
Martin Barratt, Subject Leader for
ICT & Computing at Brune Park: ‘The
students found the experience rewarding,
inspiring and engaging. I think it will help
to motivate them during Key Stage 4 as
they have a better understanding of what
could lie beyond.’
Media teacher Rob Hind said: ‘All the
Brune Park students were really engaged
in the task and very creative with their
use of the camera. It’s fantastic that they
managed to create a full 3-minute music
video by the end of the day.’
Several students from the AS Level
Moving Image course, Richie Vale,
Rhiannon Vears, Rob Hicks and
A Level History Students meet
Cathedral Chancellor
Macromedia Flash is a
copyright of Adobe Systems Inc.
A Musical High!
Chichester Cathedral was the focus of
a recent visit by the A Level History
students to the historic city.
The students were treated to
a specialised tour around the
cathedral which included talks on
the Reformation and its impact
on the people of Chichester. This
was followed by a lecture and
Q&A session with the Cathedral
Chancellor, Canon Dr Anthony Cane.
This visit was particularly fitting as the studies on the Reformation and the
reign of Elizabeth I.
students are currently focusing their
A celebration of songs from some
of our best loved musicals by our
Performing Arts students. Why not
come along and be entertained?
For further information or
tickets please contact:
Summer Term 2016
Sport and Public Services Airsofting Trip 2016
The Sport and Public Services
students recently competed in their
annual combat event. Outdoor and
adventurous activities are a large
part of both the Sport and Public
Services BTEC courses. This year, the
department decided to try Airsofting,
instead of the usual Paintballing.
Although it was a wet and windy day
the students and staff thoroughly
enjoyed themselves. They spent the
day competing in a range of different
scenarios including “King of the Fort”.
The eventual overall winners were
the Year 2 group. Well done to all
those who took part.
The National Citizen Service (NCS)
is a flagship government initiative
that offers a unique opportunity for
students aged 16 and 17. As one of
the biggest events held at St Vincent
Sixth Form College, our students will
come together, once in their lives to
learn, develop and act as one in their
communities. As part of this event
the students involved will have the
amazing experience of working as a
team and to show their potential to
make an impact in the world and their
local community.
80 Sport, Public Services and Health
and Social Care students travelled
to Croyde in North Devon with
three PE staff for their NCS trip. The
students stayed at the Ultimate High
Adventure Centre in either log cabins
or large tents, which for some of our
students was the first time they had
ever gone camping or lived away from
Each day consisted of two activities
and included surfing, coasteering,
mountain boarding laser quest,
high ropes and total wipeout. The
activities were fully engaging and
helped the students to develop their
confidence as well as communication,
leadership and teamwork skills.
After the three days spent at Croyde,
all the students and staff travelled to
Norman Court School in Salisbury.
Students took part in a range of
activities tailored to their relevant
subjects at College, as well as working
with the local community.
On returning to College each
department worked on the planning
and delivery of a community project.
This involved the students working
as a team to raise money for a local
charity or organisation as well as
doing some voluntary hours.
After the charitable events have
taken place our students are
The quality of
teaching, learning
and assessment is
outstanding in Sport
and Public Services
Ofsted Report, 2016
congratulated for their efforts as
part of a national celebration. The
students receive a certificate signed
by the Prime Minister and are given
the opportunity to be recognised
for the impact they have made on
the community. The transformation
we see in young people through
the NCS programmes is incredible.
It provides young people with the
tools, skills and belief to unlock their
potential and make a positive impact
in their communities, whatever their
background and whatever their
St Vincent Newsletter
As part of the BTEC Extended
Diploma in Sport the Year 2 students
did an intensive study of sports
and exercise massage. Some of the
students were very nervous to begin
with but they all enjoyed the week
and benefited from both performing
and receiving massage. Here are the
thoughts of student, Sam George:
‘The massage course that we did was
better than I thought it would be. At
first I was a little nervous because I was
Congratulations to the Sport Level 3
students who won the Recreational
Dodgeball Tournament held at South
Downs College. They won all of their
matches, competing against four
other colleges
for the trophy.
Also very
well done to
our Men’s
Basketball team
who played
their first
fixture this
year against
Portsmouth College. Narrowly losing
to Portsmouth 44-39 the St Vincent
team put in a valiant effort showing
great character throughout.
worried that people would find it difficult
or awkward to massage each other but
after the first massage that all went
away. Once you know what you are doing
it is easy to complete and much more
relaxing than you think.’
Yet again our Sports Department were
at the forefront of our fundraising
efforts for Sports Relief this year. Here
are some of the highlights:
• A 10 hour Sport/Activity
Marathon including Benchball,
Dodgeball, Volleyball and Mat
Rounders. Our Community Sports
Leader students took part for the
majority of the time and did most
of the fundraising, so an excellent
effort from them.
• Table Tennis was also available
for staff and students to play and
raise money during break time and
lunchtime. They had some highly
competitive games between some
staff members!
The total raised for the Sport
Relief event was £186.92
• …….and after months of
organising by the Higher Sports
Leaders and the PE Department
the main event, a sponsored
run with approximately 1500
participants from eight schools in
Gosport taking part.
St Vincent Sixth Form College Higher
Sports Leader students, in partnership
with Bay House School Community
Sports Leaders, ran for Sports Relief
raising money and awareness with
local Junior and Primary Schools.
The young Leaders left St Vincent
College through the Clocktower,
in the first event ever of its kind
Summer Term 2016
The Year 2 BTEC National Diploma
Sports students put on a Vaulting
Display as part of Unit 9 (Individual
Practical Sport). This annual event
was an impressive display of strength,
timing and teamwork. As well as
an audience of governors, staff and
parents, local schools were invited to
watch this exciting display.
visiting Newtown Primary School,
Haselworth Primary, Leesland Junior,
Alverstoke Junior in the morning
where pupils at each school joined in
to “run a mile”.
St Vincent and Brune Park Leaders
teamed up for the afternoon leg
running to the rest of the participating
schools in Gosport, starting at
Brockhurst Infants, who annually run
“the mile”, and this year were joined
by Brockhurst Juniors. Elson Junior
was the next stop, they really enjoy
running having recently won medals
at a cross country competition. The
last school of the day was St John’s
The whole event finished late in the
afternoon as the runners from Brune
Park and St Vincent crossed the finish
line through the Clocktower once
again at 3.30pm!
‘Access’ the Key to Success
Our Access to Higher Education
programme has, yet again, proved
itself to be the gateway for learners
aged 19 and over to secure an offer
to study at university. The current
cohort will be going on to higher
academic studies in a number of
disciplines, including:
• Adult Nursing/Midwifery/
Psychology (University of
Studies/Childhood and Youth
Studies/Human Physiology
(University of Portsmouth)
• Adult Nursing (University of
• Psychology (University of Sussex)
• Politics and International Relations
(University of Exeter)
• Sports, Health and Physical
Education (Bangor University)
• Primary Teaching (University of
As you can see, the range of destinations
and courses that our learners aspire
to are varied. Feedback from our
students suggests they appreciate our
new approach to delivery that enables a
typical full-time learner to work with us
for two full days during a teaching week.
Our timetable has been designed to
accommodate people with childcare and
work commitments, with the teaching
day starting at 9.30 am and finishing at
3.30 pm.
Should you wish to find out more or
arrange an appointment please call
02392 583 890 or email
You can also find us on Facebook:
(the link to the page is available via the
College website).
Access to Higher Education diplomas
provide people who do not have the
traditional qualifications that they
need to study at university with a
recognised and accredited alternative.
We offer diplomas in:
• Nursing and Health Care
• Health Studies and Social Care
• Social Science
In addition, we are delighted to
announce that we are launching a
diploma in Education Studies, with
first teaching due to take place in
September 2016.
To find out more, please contact
us via
Law students recently spent a week in
one of the most exciting cities in the
world - NEW YORK!
They had an extremely hectic
schedule which included a tour of
the UN Headquarters where they
could see first-hand the impact of
international policy on English Law.
This was followed by a visit to the
Empire State Building, the Statue of
Liberty and of course there was also
time for some shopping!
The students are still buzzing about
the trip and the year one students are
determined to go again next year!
Outside the UN Headquarters p
St Vincent College
Mill Lane, Gosport
Hampshire PO12 4QA
Tel: (023) 9258 8311
Fax: (023) 9251 1186
St Vincent Newsletter