Avanish Kumar
Avanish Kumar
Article Review Report Certificate Impact Factor 2.1506 (UIF) RNI: MAHMUL 2011/38595 ISSN 2230-7850 International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal DOI Prefix : 10.9780 ISSN 2230-7850 Impact Factor : 2.1506 (UIF) Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850 Indian Streams Research Journal International Recognize Multidisciplinary Research Journal This is to certify that our Editorial, Advisory, and Review Board Accepted Research Paper of Avanish Kumar. Topic:- Achievement In Social Studies Through Mnemonic Techniques In Relation To Cognitive Styles. College:- S.R.M. College of Education, Vill. Dandrawal, Tehsil Raipur Rani, Dist. Panchkula, Haryana. The Research paper is Original & Innovative it is Done Double Blind Peer Reviewed. Your Article is Published in The Month of August Year 2014. Laxmi Book Publication 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005, Maharashtra, India Contact Detail: +91-0217-2372010 / 9595-359-435 e-Mail: ayisrj2011@gmail.com Website: www.isrj.net Indian Streams Research Journal Authorised Signature Your Article QR Code ORIGINAL ARTICLE Received : 15th July . 2014, Published: 1st August . 2014 Vol. – IV, Issue – VII, August . 2014 ACHIEVEMENT IN SOCIAL STUDIES THROUGH MNEMONIC TECHNIQUES IN RELATION TO COGNITIVE STYLES See your article on Mobile H.N. Jagtap Editor-in-Chief Author’s Profile Avanish Kumar Haryana DRJI ==::Your article is deposited in::= Present Designation: Educations: Assistant Professor , S.R.M. College of Education, Vill. Dandrawal, Tehsil Raipur Rani, Distt Panchkula, Haryana M.A (Economics), M.A. (Psychology), M.Ed., NET (Education), M. Phil. (Education), D.I.T and Ph. D. (Education). Short Profile: Avanish Kumar, M.A (Economics), M.A. (Psychology), M.Ed., NET (Education), M. Phil. (Education), D.I.T and Ph. D. (Education). He is working as Assistant Professor in S.R.M. College of Education, Vill. Dandrawal, Tehsil Raipur Rani, Distt Panchkula, Haryana. He has been having more than 8 years of Teaching Experience in Education Colleges. He has also worked as B.Ed Programme Incharge of Indira Gandhi National Open University. He supervised more than 20 M.Ed. Dissertations and presented more than 25 papers in National and International Seminars & Conferences. His areas of interest are Research Methodology, Educational Measurement and Evaluation and Comparative Education. Contact Us: GO ARTICLE DOAJ ZOTERO (United States) (Sweden) (United States) GOOGLE SCHOLAR (United States) DIGG MENDALEY DELECIOUS FIGSHARE ENDNOTE Easybib.Com (United Kingdom) (United States) (United States) (Ireland) (United States) Correspondence to, Avanish Kumar Assistant Professor , S.R.M. College of Education, Vill. Dandrawal, Tehsil Raipur Rani, Dist. Panchkula, Haryana. Rajani Kota Review Editor 4 MY NET RESEARCH (United States) 258/34m Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005 India Contact: +91-217-2372010 / 9595-359-435 e-Mail: ayisrj2011@gmail.com Website: www.isrj.net Happy Writing..... CITULIKE (United States) (United States) Authorized Signature Laxmi Book Publication (India) Happy Writing..... 1 ABSTRACT: The investigation was carried out as per the requirements of 3*2 factorial design in which the independent variables of Mnemonic Techniques and Cognitive Styles along with the dependent variable of Learning Acquisition were studied on a random sample of 500 students of Grade IX. The study was experimental in nature in which Mnemonic Techniques. Abstract Report: The Title Accurately Said The Study was About. SUMMARY OF ARTICLE Very High High Average Low Very Low 1. Interest of the topic to the readers 2. Originally & Novelty of the ideas 3. Importance of the proposed ideas INTRODUCTION: Achievement has been considered as an important factor in the educational life of the students. It encourages the students to work hard and learn more. It is the status or levels of a person's learning and his ability to apply what they learned. Academic achievement is the core of wider term educational growth and perhaps none would deny the importance of Academic Achievement in child's life. Introduction Report: This Article Include Full Introduction, Methods, Results & Introduction Section. 4. Timelines 5. Sufficient information to support the assertions made & conclusion drawn 6. Quality of writing(Organization, Clarity, Accuracy Grammer) 7. References & Citation(Up-to-date, Appropriate Sufficient) OVERVIEW: This Article is Innovative & Original, No Plagiarism Detected ¬ Mnemonic Techniques ¬ Cognitive Styles ¬ Justification Of the Study ¬ Hypotheses Of the Study ¬ Design Ofthe Study ¬ Development of mnemonic Techniques ¬ Development of achievement test ¬ Analysis And Interpretation ¬ Interaction Effects FUTURE RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS This Article can expand further research for MINOR/MAJOR Research Project at UGC POST PUBLICATION: Your article is published on following sites...you can read it. Overview Report: Figures are Imported to Provide Explanation for Background Information. Conclusion of This Paper Clearly Supported Results. DISCUSSION: The First hypothesis of the study states, “There will be no significant difference on the achievement of field independent and field dependent group of students”. The F- ratio for Cognitive Styles vide is significant at .01 level. This implies that the differences between the Field Independent and Field Dependent groups of Cognitive Styles have significant effect on Achievement. Discussion Report: The Text is Rounded off with a Conclusion that Discusses the Implication of The Findings & Ideas Discussed & Their Impact on Future Research Direction. REFERENCES: Altun, A. & Cakan, M. (2006). Undergraduate Students Academic Achievement Field Dependent / Independent Cognitive Styles and Attitude toward Computers. (EJ836711). Educational Technology & Society. 9, 1, 289- 297. Retrieved from http. // www. eric.ed.gov. Campos, A., Camino, E., Perez, F., & Maria, J. (2011). Using the Keyword Mnemonics Method among Adult Learners (EJ918333). Educational Gerontology. 37, 4, 327-335. Carney, R., & Levin, J. (2012). Facing Facts: Can the Face-Name Mnemonic Strategy Accommodate Additional Factual Information? (EJ975937). Journal of Experimental Education. 80, 4, 386-404. Retrieved from http. // www. eric.ed.gov/search. Reference Report: There are Places where the Author Avanish Kumar Need to Cite a Reference, but Have Not Happy Writing 2 Future Research Planning: 1. INDIAN SUSTAINABILITY CONGRESS BANGALORE, India (http://isustainability.in/) 2. International Education Conference New Delhi, India (http://sassconference.gnbo.com.ng/) 3. A Training program on "Incorporation of Pedagogy in Engineering Education"(http://cce.iisc.ernet.in/Pedagogy1.pdf) 4. Internet Course on Environmental Management (http://cce.iisc.ernet.in/EM_2013.pdf)\ 5. 8 major education projects announced by India, US (http://www.indiaeducationreview.com/news/8-major-education-projects-announced-india-us) 6. Projects - Education (http://www.indiarural.org/projects_education.htm) 7. Education - Real lives (http://www.unicef.org/india/education_204.htm) Happy Writing Avanish Kumar 3 Avanish Kumar