the Guide - Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
the Guide - Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
2016 – 2017 A RELOCATION GUIDE TO FORT MCMURRAY, WOOD BUFFALO RMWB.CA/RELOCATE 2016 – 2017 A RELOCATION GUIDE TO FORT MCMURRAY, WOOD BUFFALO RMWB.CA/RELOCATE Kaabo Sini’e Daniya N’id’a Akwaaba 환영합니다 நல்வரவு Mabuhay willkommen ようこそ Ayubowan Siyakwamukela Pjila’si ласкаво просимо Welcome Home 歡迎 Failte 歓迎 witaj Sannu καλωσόρισμα Selamat datang Bitaemo ਸੁਆਗਤ ਹੈ Nno Evinize hoş geldiniz Welcome On behalf of Regional Council and all residents, I want to welcome you home to Wood Buffalo. In this growing, vibrant community, you will enjoy a diversity of people and cultures, new and ever-expanding neighbourhoods, schools, and infrastructure, and state-of-the-art sports and entertainment facilities. Nestled in the boreal forest, the region is a paradise for activity — and adventure-seekers — with over 130 km of maintained trails, the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers, sand dunes, great skating, skiing, golfing, and so much more! You’re sure to find something for everyone in Wood Buffalo. Our region is home to some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet! This is a community where people from all over the world come in search of unparalleled economic opportunities and find a strong, resilient community with endless social opportunities. This is a place where everyone is included and invited to get involved! In the pages ahead, you’ll learn more about the community as well as local resources, programs and services. This is a valuable tool as you begin to discover how you want to make your mark in Wood Buffalo. For additional useful information about the region, I also encourage you to view the Municipality’s website at and to check us out on social media. You can follow us on Twitter @RMWoodBuffalo, ‘like’ us on Facebook or download the PULSE: Wood Buffalo Pingstreet App to your smartphone or mobile device. If you have any questions regarding municipal services or general information, you can also contact the Municipality directly at (780) 743-7000 or by e-mail at We’re excited to welcome you to the region and thank you for choosing to make your home here. We think you’ll quickly see that its great residents like you who make Wood Buffalo an excellent place to live, work, play and stay. Melissa Blake Mayor FORT CHIPEWYAN CONKLIN THE CHEF’S TABLE BY MITCHELL’S, FORT MCMURRAY TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Government 24 Food Directory 37 Utilities Directory 3 History 33 Pet Services Directory 38 Financial Directory 10 Things to See and Do 34 Media Directory 39 Education Directory 11 Economics 34 Health Services Directory 40 Accommodations Directory 15 Town Map 35 E mployment Services Directory 42 Transportation Directory 17 Birchwood Trail Map 19 Parks & Trails Map 21 Shopping Directory 36 Moving Directory 36 Immigrant Services Directory 44 Faith Organizations Directory 45 Emergency Contacts Directory COMMUNITY POPULATION 125,032 NUMBER OF DWELLINGS 30,882 AVERAGE AGE 25% OF THE POPULATION IS BETWEEN 25 & 34 YEARS OF AGE GENDER DISTRIBUTION 55.4% MALE 44.6 % FEMALE * Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Municipal Census 2015 –1– GOVERNMENT The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo is represented by three levels of government: the local, the provincial and the federal. The municipal government is represented by a mayor and council, while the provincial representatives include two members of legislative assemblies (MLAs), representing the north and south boundaries of the region. The federal Member of Parliament (MP) the northeastern part of the province, encompassing the Wood Buffalo region. While each level of government has some specification in terms of voting rights such as residency, each election requires the voter to be 18-years old. Elections are generally held every four years. FORT FITZGERALD TOTAL AREA: 19.86 KM2 MUNICIPAL FORT CHIPEWYAN The Mayor and 10 councillors for the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) make decisions on the day-to-day activities that impact the citizens of Wood Buffalo, from local roadways, to bus routes, to bylaws, to sanitation and much, much more! TOTAL AREA: 10.34 KM 2 FORT MCKAY TOTAL AREA: 5.17 KM2 FORT MCMURRAY TOTAL AREA: 101.45 KM2 DRAPER TOTAL AREA: NOT AVAILABLE SAPRAE CREEK ESTATES TOTAL AREA: 3.46 KM2 GREGOIRE LAKE ESTATES TOTAL AREA: 0.37 KM KM2 ANZAC In the RMWB, they not only represent the urban centre known as Fort McMurray, but also the rural areas including Fort Fitzgerald, Fort Chipewyan, Fort McKay, Draper, Saprae Creek Estates, Gregoire Lake Estates, Anzac, Janvier and Conklin. For more information on the local municipal government, please visit: PROVINCIAL Two MLAs represent the RMWB’s provincial interests at Alberta’s Legislature. One MLA represents Fort McMurrayConklin boundaries, while the other represents the residents of Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo. Alberta’s legislature represents you as a citizen of Alberta on topics such as highways, health care, child welfare, labour, property, civil rights and education. TOTAL AREA: 7.51 KM2 FEDERAL JANVIER The region’s federal representative is a Member of Parliament (MP). This individual represents not only Wood Buffalo but the entire north-east section of the province of Alberta. TOTAL AREA: 5.91 KM2 CONKLIN TOTAL AREA: 14.74 KM 2 The federal delegates are responsible for: citizenship, foreign policy, currency and banking, national defence and postal service to name a few. –2– 1778 1910 Explorer Peter Pond builds a post on the Athabasca River near Lake Athabasca. Count Alfred Hammerstein forms the Athabasca Oil and Asphalt Company. There is a flurry of speculative activity in the Athabasca region and in the village of Fort McMurray. The first airplane lands on the Snye. 1912 1788 The Hudson’s Bay Company establishes a post at Fort Chipewyan. 1924 The Hudson’s Bay Company post at Fort McMurray is re-opened 1870 The Hudson’s Bay Company establishes a post at the confluence of the Athabasca and Clearwater Rivers and names it Fort McMurray after the firm’s chief factor for the region, William McMurray. The McMurray School District No. 2833 of the Province of Alberta is established. 1913 The Royal Northwest Mounted Police open a detachment in Fort McMurray with one Corporal. 1931 The Snye is an important northern commercial air base. 1925 The Alberta Salt Company begins producing high-grade salt, becoming the first commercial salt plant in Alberta. Transportation problems force it to close in 1927. 1935 St. John’s Roman Catholic School District is created. 17001800 1900 1936 1922 1790 Explorer Alexander Mackenzie provides the first recorded description of the Athabasca oil sands. Both Cree and Chipewyan are trading in the area around the confluence of the Clearwater and Athabasca Rivers. 1899 The Cree of Chipewyan and Fort McMurray sign Treaty 8, surrendering hunting and trapping grounds for reserves, tools and money. 1898 HBC closes the Fort McMurray post due to poor fur returns. It continues as a transportation terminus only. Many prospectors pas through Fort McMurray using the inland route to the Klondike. –3– Entrepreneur Max Ball obtains a six-section lease on Horse River on which he builds an extraction plant. Wood Buffalo National Park is established. 1921 The Alberta and Great Waterways Railroad reaches Draper, Alberta, six kilometres from present-day Waterways. 1927 The Alcan Oil Company becomes the International Bitumen Company, under the control of Robert Fitzsimmons. By 1930, he was operating a hot-water separation plant at Bitumount, approximately 90 kilometres north of Fort McMurray. 1938 1962 St. Gabriel Hospital opens with 16 beds. The Grey Nuns of Montreal ran the hospital until it was closed in 1979. Great Canadian Oil Sands receives government approval to produce 31,500 barrels per day at the Tar Island plant. By 1967, it was built – the legacy of what is today Suncor. 1946 Design of the Bitumount plant begins for Oil Sands Ltd. (formerly the Bitumen Company). THE WOOD BUFFALO TIMELINE - PIECES OF OUR HISTORY 1965 The Grant MacEwan Bridge opens, providing access across the Athabasca River for the Great Canadian Oil Sands project and others to follow. 1947 The settlements of Waterways and Fort McMurray amalgamate as the village of Fort McMurray. 1948 Fort McMurray is incorporated as a town. The Bitumount plant commences operation. 1967 1980 Highway 63 (an all-weather, gravel road to the south) is completed. Fort McMurray is incorporated as a city. 2013 The Hangingstone River floods its banks. 2000 1995 1942 Canadian Pacific Airlines builds a landing strip and log office at the present airport location. Waterways and Fort McMurray become a staging ground for the U.S. military CANOL Project. A pipeline was to be built from the Northwest Territories to Fairbanks, Alaska. Every available boat and barge was used to transport cargo to Norman Wells. 1957 The City of Fort McMurray and Improvement District No. 18 are amalgamated to form the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, the largest land area municipality in North America. The first car trip is made from Fort McMurray to Edmonton. The route followed 447.5 kilometres of winter trail to Slave Lake and 310 kilometres on Highway 2 through Athabasca to Edmonton. It took 18 hours. 2015 1974 Construction begins on the Syncrude plant and is completed in 1978. –4– The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo hosted seven provincial, national or international sporting events, declaring 2015 The Year of Sport. TIMBERLEA, FORT MCMURRAY DID YOU KNOW? Wood Buffalo is a place for families to work, stay and grow. There were over 1,200 births in Wood Buffalo last year. On average, that’s more than three births every day. The largest portion of the population is in the 25 – 34 age range, making up more than 25% the people who live here. The number of children, youth, and seniors living in Wood Buffalo is increasing as more families choose to live here and stay. –5– TIMBERLEA, FORT MCMURRAY STONE CREEK, FORT MCMURRAY CONKLIN EAGLE RIDGE, FORT MCMURRAY –6– SNYE POINT PARK, FORT MCMURRAY DID YOU KNOW? Wood Buffalo is a year-round community, with activities ranging from skiing and hockey to yoga and hiking. There is sure to be something for everyone. Take an art class, learn an instrument, perfect your fishing, join a team or register for an event! In Wood Buffalo it doesn’t matter the time of year, there is always something exciting to do or see. –7– FORT MCMURRAY FORT MCMURRAY FORT MCMURRAY VISTA RIDGE, FORT MCMURRAY –8– FORT CHIPEWYAN FORT MCMURRAY FORT MCMURRAY MISKANAW GOLF CLUB, FORT MCMURRAY OIL BARONS HOCKEY, FORT MCMURRAY MACDONALD ISLAND PARK, FORT MCMURRAY OIL SANDS DISCOVERY CENTRE, FORT MCMURRAY THINGS TO DO AND SEE AROUND YMM MACDONALD ISLAND PARK GIANTS OF MINING MacDonald Island isn’t just the largest recreation centre in Canada, it’s also a highly photogenic one! From the great naturalness of the Miskanaw Golf Club, to the brand new expansion of Shell Place featuring state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor surfaces for sports and recreation. Located at the Oil Sands Discovery Centre, these massive relics showcase the history of oil sands mining. All fully decommissioned, visitors can stand in awe of these huge machines. SEE PAGE 53 SEE PAGE 61 WOOD BISON VIEWPOINT OIL BARONS Located about 35 km north of Fort McMurray, the Wood Bison Viewpoint and its trails is a great natural retreat. Now fully reclaimed after mining operations were finished here, local plants and wildlife now flourish and a herd of wood bison reintroduced into the area has grown to a size of nearly 300 animals. You’re sure to get some great photos here! If you’re wanting some great sports shots, check out the local AJHL team, the Fort McMurray Oil Barons. Located at the Casman Centre, hockey fans can get in on the action, up close and personal! Tickets can be purchased online at or at the Casman Centre box office. – 10 – A MUNICIPALITY THAT IS BIG IN EVERY WAY NEARLY 66% OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVE AN AVERAGE ANNUAL INCOME OF OVER Wood Buffalo is home of the world’s largest industrial development and one of the world’s single largest oil reserves, ranking it among the most exciting jurisdictions in Canada for investment and growth. Wood Buffalo is a place that embraces the bold and innovative, and those who can bring such ventures into the community are guaranteed to find a warm welcome. $100,000 AVERAGE RENTAL RATES IN FORT MCMURRAY Raw statistics cannot truly capture the fresh, optimistic and uplifting spirit of Wood Buffalo. They can, however, offer a sense of the extraordinary investment opportunities Wood Buffalo has to offer. Opportunities that promise certainty in an uncertain world. $1327 $1841 $2209 *Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation Market Report 2015 BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM AVERAGE PRICE OF HOUSING SINGLE DETCHED New residents are drawn to Wood Buffalo by a combination of high-income jobs, an enviable year-round outdoor lifestyle, and a community that embraces newcomers. Bold and innovative investors face a “build it and they will come” scenario. Investment opportunities that will provide local access to products, services and entertainment will not only enhance life for current residents, but entice potential residents, creating growth in both the community and the potential market. Wood Buffalo residents are starting out with a clear advantage: high-income employment that will accelerate their lifestyle goals. With an income 103% higher than the national average and diverse employment opportunities, Wood Buffalo residents enjoy the perks that come with living in a community of rapid growth. $1512 $712875 $563806 DUPLEX $413843 TOWH HOUSE $304936 APARTMENT CONDO $414636 MOBILE WITH LAND *Fort McMurray Real Estate Board 2015 25% OF THE POPULATION IS BETWEEN 25 & 34 YEARS OF AGE 25 % $ INCOMES IN FORT MCMURRAY ARE 103% HIGHER THAN THE CANADIAN NATIONAL AVERAGE. BOLD IS SIMPLY A WAY OF LIFE IN WOOD BUFFALO. – 11 – – 12 – BISON VIEWPOINT, NORTH OF FORT MCMURRAY DID YOU KNOW? ‘Fort McMurray’ is often used to refer to the entire Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. However, Fort McMurray is one of ten communities in the region including Fort Chipewyan and Conklin. Most residents say ‘Wood Buffalo’ to refer to the entire region and all the communities. With 66,361km2 of rich boreal forests, rivers, oil sands and thriving communities, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo is the second largest municipality in Canada. – 13 – CONKLIN FORT CHIPEWYAN FORT CHIPEWYAN FORT MCMURRAY SNYE RIVER, FORT MCMURRAY – 14 – ESCENT Timberlea/ Parsons Creek AN TAIG K EE PA QU IV E E PR DR E M IN IO N DR IVE Holy Trinity Catholic Jr/Sr Timberlea High School Community Park DO DE FE ON C AY NW LOUTIT ROAD I VE E D DR RO AD D RET HE G H AW LOU K St. Anne School ! Fort McMurray Birchwood Trails MAC DONALD Lower Townsite AS AN D R D FR LO AN KL E TI N Composite High School IV R École Boréal E RIE O IN ULEVA RD BO AB Dr. K.A. Father J.A. Turcotte Clark School School ea rw a te rR PR AI ! P Abasand A DRI V E Cl T AV BE RT ST RE E CA AL N UE Trinity Lutheran Church Roman Catholic Parish/St. John Catholic Church G A E ! K IN AB S AR D R IV E ! Fellowship Baptist Church AT H Thickwood LM Clearwater Public Education Centre Markaz Ul Islam McMurray ! Gospel Assembly All Saints Anglican Church St Thomas' Anglican Church Athaba sca Ri v er EA V N ! MO R I M OT O D R I T AD NAL R O ! RE E Thickwood Park SI G ! ! ST Wood Buffalo Park St. Paul Catholic Church ! Snye Park Native Christian Fellowship United Church of Canada L Westview School St. Gabriel School ! Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School MacDonald Island Park DRI VE DE The ! Salvation Army École St. Paul Thickwood Heights School ET E D Alliance Church Birchwood ! Frank School Site Spragins High School ET RIE Westwood Community High School Emmanuel Baptist ! Church IC K TH E ST R OA Evergreen Christian Reformed Church ! VE HA RE IV FO R BOUL EVA RD D R IVE LIN ! ST DR SILI N THICK WO OD LY N E Faith Presbyterian Church ! Sister Mary Phillips School RO SS DR IV E Pentecostal Assembly Of Fort McMurray ER École Dickinsfield Christian Assembly B E TIM V L E R T DR I Blessed (Saint) Kateri Catholic School DR IVE BR ETT D R I V E Timberlea School EG Walter and Gladys Hill Public School RO SS RTE CA T IO RA SPA RR OW RIV E RT IE R EAG LE RIDGE GATE Ecole Mctavish Jr/Sr High School St. Martha School CA PE OS CT DR E IV CR IV DR OW E TT IN B RA Syncrude Athletic Park Taiganova Park VE M DRI NNIU MI E LL O VA CR ive r AV E École Father Beauregard RE LINE C SA R IV E IV D R D EN EK TO L E CO RM K IC E I V Tabernacle Of Praise L E LY H IL ! A N Sitskaw Park (Horse Pasture) E AV NU E BE O AC DR BU DR I VE MC Beacon Hill School Good Shepherd School ! Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Jehovah's Witnesses ! £ ¤63 DR IVE MA CK E AC LE A IE AD RO CK UL BO AY D ESCE NT CR AR EV MA ON CD LD C S C E NT RE NN LE A A N MA NZ MAP OF FORT MCMURRAY M Greg Salin T IRE ! Greely Road School NC RESC EN G REG O AY PAR ENT W Seventh Day Adventist Church M A CAL P INE CR ESCE N T C MA Keyano College – 15 – FORT MCMURRAY goire/ ne Creek D RA PE R ROAD OW SN £ ¤69 EA G IVE L E DR FORT MCMURRAY FORT MCMURRAY BIRCHWOOD TRAILS Wood Buffalo is located in the Boreal Forest and has countless trails to discover, including the extensive Birchwood Trail system. Nestled in the urban centre of Fort McMurray, Birchwood Trails offer a great escape for outdoor enthusiasts to bike, run or walk in the warmer months. The trails are also maintained for cross-country skiing throughout the winter. 0.6 0.2 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.6 Leig h 0.5 0.5 Loutit Trailhead Outdoor Green Gym Sand 0.2 piper 0.7 0.6 – 17 – 0.2 0.9 Louti t Sand 0.7 Sp ar ro w 0.2 Ha wk piper 0.9 x n Ly 0.2 Roller Coaster 0.6 0.7 Horner’s Pass Lyn 0.2 x 0.9 Hells Gate 0.3 Cougar Woodpecker Bridge 0.8 0.9 0.1 Robin 0.6 0.5 Bridge 0.6 Suncor Evergreen 0.3 ine 0.3 rl be Tim – 18 – Taiganova Park Prospect Point Park Timberlea St. Martha School Site Prospect Drive Storm Pond Harpe Way Park Lakewood Park Syncrude Athletic Park Walter and Gladys Hill Public School St. Kateri Catholic School Timberlea School / St. Anne’s School Birchwood Trails MacDonald Island Dickinsfield Birchwood School Site École Dickensfield / Sister Mary Phillips MacDonald Island Park / Miskanaw Golf Course / Shell Place / SMS Stadium Suncor Community Leisure Centre / Fort McMurray Public Library École St. Paul School / Thickwood Heights School Borealis Park Snye Park Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School / Casman Centre Wood Buffalo Clearwater Helen Pacholka Park Westview School St. Gabriel School / Hinge Bay Park Ross A. Henniger Park Lower Townsite Thickwood Wood Buffalo Park Thickwood Park Fort McMurray Boys & Girls Club Simon & Lucas Park r ive A ab thab a asc a R sca ive R r Father J.A. Turcotte School / Dr. Clark School Abasand A th Composite High School/ Keyano College École Father Beauregard / École Boréal Heritage Park Fort McMurray Golf Club Lions Park Grayling Terrace Park J. Howard Pew Park Waterways Park Sitskaw Park (Horse Pasture) Beacon Hill Beacon Hill School Waterways Frank Lacroix Park Legend Trails Road Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Staging Area Sport Fields These areas are intended for OHV users to unload vehicles and directly exit the Urban Service Area. Lookout Golf Course Education Facility Education Facility Community / Recreation Center Gregoire/Moberly Park The operation of Off Highway Vehicles within the Urban Service Area is prohibited by Municipal By-Law #99/028. Baseball Gregoire Museum Community / Recreation Center Greely Road School Natural Area Museum Passive Park Recreation Park Sports Complex Mackenzie Industrial Park Water Feature Recreation Park Sports Complex Water Feature Outdoor Boarded Rink Keyano College Campus Boat Ramp / Dock July 2015 Vista Ridge Ski Hill 25 km Staging Area Prairie Creek – 19 – CD1550 Map produced by the Geographic Information Systems Group on February 12, 2015 DID YOU KNOW? Instead of throwing out your reusable products, there are plenty of opportunities to recycle. The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo runs a curbside pickup program that collects plastic, glass, paper and cardboard materials. There are also seasonal programs such as the curbside garden waste pickup program for grass clippings and other waste. With frequent scheduled pickups, it’s easy to help reduce impacts on the environment. – 20 – DIRECTORIES • SHOPPING SHOPPING DIRECTORY SHOPPING CENTRES Peter Pond Shopping Centre 780 791-4044 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB River City Centre 780 743-1387 501 8600 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Walmart 780 790-6012 2 Hospital St. Fort McMurray, AB SOUVENIR SHOPS Fort McMurray Tourism CHILDREN’S CLOTHING Just Kidding 780 743-4001 Suite 308-9612 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Precious Kids Threads Wear 780 750-6262 502-8600 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Sports Chek 780 747-7010 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Heritage Park Gift Shop 780 791-7575 1 Tolen Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Oil Sands Discovery Gift Shop 780 743-7167 515 MacKenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Sawridge Inn Gifts & Souvenirs 780 791-7900 530 MacKenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Empire Clothing 780 742-0064 405-8706 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Mark’s Work Wearhouse 587 537-9011 108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Hot Gossip 780 750-5610 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB The Children’s Place 780 791-3407 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Leather Mix 780 713-4068 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB MEN’S CLOTHING Lusso 780 790-6668 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB 780 791-4336 515 MacKenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Elite Couture 780 743-5656 103-100 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Atmosphere 780 747-8890 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Bob Barrett Men’s Apparel 780 791-3105 10013 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Bootlegger 780 743-1702 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Campus 780 791-5117 2015-9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB – 21 – Mark’s Work Wearhouse 587 537-9011 108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Mark’s Work Wearhouse 780 791-5151 200-19 Reidel St. Fort McMurray, AB Project Clothing 780 750-5578 21-8102 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Spareparts 587 537-8130 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB DIRECTORIES • SHOPPING Sports Chek 780 747-7010 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Elite Couture 780 743-5656 103-100 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Mark’s Work Wearhouse 587 537-9011 108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Street 780 750-2670 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Foot Locker 780 791-4691 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Mark’s Work Wearhouse 780 791-5151 200-19 Reidel St. Fort McMurray, AB Supreme Apparel 780 743-3886 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Garage 780 743-8886 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Penningtons - Addition Elle 780 799-4540 120-9501 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Volcom 780 276-1557 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Helen Arong Fine Fashion 780 790-0610 C6-131 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Project Clothing 780 750-5578 21-8102 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Wearhouse One 780 743-6362 130-9521 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Hot Gossip 780 750-5610 2030-9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Reitmans 780 791-3830 101 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB WOMEN’S CLOTHING La Senza 780 747-7029 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Reitmans 780 747-3657 19 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Le Chateau 780 791-5740 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Ricki’s 780 747-1636 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Leather Mix 780 713-4068 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Spareparts 587 537-8130 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Lusso 780 790-6668 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Sports Chek 780 747-7010 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Ardene 1 877 606-4233 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Bootlegger 780 743-1702 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Campus 780 791-5117 2015-9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Drop Dead Darlings 780 748-1040 15-36 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB – 22 – DIRECTORIES • SHOPPING Street 780 750-2670 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Canadian Tire 780 791-4000 1 Hospital St. Fort McMurray, AB Grand & Toy - Store 780 743-8566 10020 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Supreme Apparel 780 743-3886 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Habitual Sports 587 276-1097 18-36 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Quilts Etc Ltd 780 743-8838 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Volcom 780 276-1557 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Kazaam Skate & Snow Ltd 780 715-3898 303-9612 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Sleep Country Canada 587 536-7851 112 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Warehouse One The Jean Store 780 743-6362 130-9521 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Sport Chek 780 747-7010 9715 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Staples 780 799-8100 8544 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Yvonne Lauren 780 743-4552 6-122 Millennium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB SPORTS SHOPS Atmosphere 780 747-8890 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB FURNITURE STORES Canadian Tire 780 791-6400 1 Hospital St. Fort McMurray, AB Furniture Plus 780 743-6323 9401 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB The Brick 780 743-5777 110-19 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Timberlea Furniture 780 791-0660 118 Millennium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB United Furniture Warehouse 780 791-1888 441 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB DIRECTORIES • FOOD FOOD DIRECTORY GROCERY & SPECIALTY FOODS A&A Halal Meat 780 780-7773 254 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB African Variety 780 880-8377 8802 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Anzac Grocery 780 334-2700 232 Stony Mountain Rd. Anzac, AB Asian Mini-Mart 780 750-0188 8802 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Extrafoods 780 788-1400 251 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Gregoire Food Store 780 791-6558 226 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB M&M Meats 780 743-2235 213 Timberline Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Mediterranean Groceries 780 791-9536 200A 8706 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Premium Meats 780 748-1497 101-122 Millenium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Premium Meats 780 750-9622 205 8706 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Real Canadian Superstore 780 790-3827 9 Haineault St. Fort McMurray, AB Safeway - Downtown 780 790-1988 9601 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Save on Foods 780 791-3909 131 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Save on Foods 780 743-2251 106-100 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Save on Foods 780 791-4077 8406 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Sobeys - Downtown 780 791-1550 300-19 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Sobeys - Thickwood 780 743-9339 210 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB The Meat Shoppe 780 750-6328 10-700 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB – 24 – RESTAURANTS A&W 780 791-2227 300 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB A&W 780 743-2226 10023 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB A&W 780 791-5098 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Alexander’s Lounge 780 791-3636 8200 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Anzac Pizza & Fast Food 780 334-2500 4-232 Stony Mountain Rd. Anzac, AB Armoury Grill 780 743-2329 9137 Juggard St. Fort McMurray, AB Armoury Grill Food Truck 780 715-8730 Atmosfere Restaurant 780 750-5767 104-9925 Biggs Ave. Fort McMurray, AB B2B Pizza 780 791-6868 10012 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Bailey’s Pub 780 743-3031 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Burger King 780 743-9484 100 Snow Bird Way Fort McMurray, AB Coco Joe’s 780 790-1773 1006 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Black Horse Pub 780 790-0525 8-700 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Cedar Bakery 780 750-6666 8102 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Coffee Connection 780 791-1414 10 Bennett Cres. Fort McMurray, AB Blue Diamond 780 791-1800 Chateau Nova Restaurant 780 791-6682 9 Snow Eagle Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Cora’s 780 750-0395 8528 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Blue Mountain Bistro 587 536-8782 587 536-8783 9909 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Chez Max 587 537-9388 103 MacDonald Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Cosmos Pizza 780 791-1313 10023 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Booster Juice China Bistro Dim Sum 8102 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB 384 Silin Forest Rd. Fort McMurray, AB 780 790-9500 347 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Booster Juice 780 791-4140 9521 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Boston Pizza 780 715-1999 110 Millennium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Boston Pizza 780 743-5056 10202 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Brewskies 780 715-0184 374 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Burger King 780 743-4313 295 Sakitawaw Trail Fort McMurray, AB China Flavour Restaurant 780 750-7789 108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Chocolates & Candlelight 780 743-3878 Bay 4-100 Snow Bird Way Fort McMurray, AB Chocolates & Candlelight 587 537-0111 202-100 Snow Bird Way Fort McMurray, AB Clearwater Cafe 780 790-9739 9725 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Clearwater Coffee Co. 780 799-5553 18-36 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB – 25 – Cosmos Pizza 780 791-6668 9-700 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Creations 780 799-4552 410 TaigaNova Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Dairy Queen 780 743-1307 101 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Denny’s 587 276-1080 321 Sakitawaw Trail Fort McMurray, AB Domino’s Pizza 780 588-0066 110-108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Earls Kitchens and Bar 780 791-3275 9802 Morrison St. Fort McMurray, AB Earls Kitchens and Bar 780 790-1700 100 Snow Bird Way Fort McMurray, AB East Village Pub 587 276-2238 45-8102 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Frontier Dining 780 790-9007 254 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Fuji Japanese Restaurant 780 788-2128 8706 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Jomaa’s Pizza 780 791-9111 8706 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Jomaa’s Pizza 780 790-1500 102 Millennium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Eat Clean Healthy Grill & Juice Bar 780 750-0078 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Grandma’s Sandwich 780 743-1010 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Edo Japan 780 743-2544 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Havana’s Cafe 780 799-6680 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Jugo Juice 1 877 377-5846 100 Snow Bird Way Fort McMurray, AB Extreme Pita 780 715-2413 19 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Hearthstone Grille 780 791-7900 530 MacKenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Jugo Juice 587 276-0906 102-100 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Hong Kong Eatery 780 791-5577 700 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB KFC 780 743-0000 8558 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Hu’s Pizza & Donairs 780 791-5554 10020 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB KFC 780 792-0013 347 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria 587 258-8121 148-100 Snowbird Way Fort McMurray, AB Famous Wok 780 790-9398 2122-9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Fat Burger 587 537-0124 130-8412 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB First Crepe 587 750-2737 8600 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Fox Den Lounge 780 791-0070 151 MacDonald Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Jaguar Lounge 780 747-3628 142 Dickins Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Jomaa’s Pizza 780 791-0880 208 Beacon Hill Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Jomaa’s Pizza 780 791-9191 101 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB – 26 – Jugo Juice 780 750-9337 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Kozy Korner Restaurant 780 743-3268 8802 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Liquid Nutrition 780 792-5705 10006 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Live Bar and Grill 780 743-0161 10006 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB DIRECTORIES • FOOD Live Cafe 780 790-1773 112-108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB McDonald’s 780 743-2380 105-112 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Mr. Sub 780 750-0399 108 Riverstone Ridge. Fort McMurray, AB Marble Slab Creamery 587 537-9900 112-108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB McMurray’s Nufoundlanders Club 780 791-6353 4-36 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Ms. B’s Family Restaurant 780 715-1505 10008 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Mary Brown’s 950 513-0044 100 Snow Bird Way Fort McMurray, AB Mary Brown’s 780 790-6097 330 Parent Way Fort McMurray, AB Mary Brown’s 780 743-9640 3-213 Timberline Dr. Fort McMurray, AB McRay’s Roadhouse Grill 780 790-1688 385 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt 780 790-7125 289 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Mitchell’s in the Park 780 799-8621 160 MacKenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Mucho Burrito 587 258-7766 101-355 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Mucho Burrito 780 750-0437 9910 King St. Fort McMurray, AB Nim’s Tandoor House 780 788-2157 8219 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Mazaj Mediterranean Restaurant 780 791-9200 1-8720 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Mom’s Tasty Kitchen 780 791-1941 8600 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB McDonald’s 780 790-9157 96 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Montana’s Cookhouse 780 715-2751 9705 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB OJ’s Steak & Pizza 780 799-4242 9906 Franklin Dr. Fort McMurray, AB McDonald’s 780 715-2050 2 Hospital St. Fort McMurray, AB Montana’s Cookhouse 587 537-9200 104-112 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Opa of Greece 587 275-2535 103-19 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB McDonald’s 780 790-9101 9608 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Moxie’s Classic Grill 780 791-1996 9521 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB McDonald’s 780 791-0551 450 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Mr. Smoothie 780 748-8727 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Original Joe’s Restaurant & Bar 780 750-6544 8406 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB – 27 – OJ’s Steak & Pizza 780 799-3232 226 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB DIRECTORIES • FOOD Paddy McSwiggins 780 791-7842 320 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB PK’s Pizza & Brewbaker’s Pub 780 713-4000 307 Athabasca Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Panago Pizza 780 310-0001 9913 Franklin St. Fort McMurray, AB Podollan Pub 780 715-0544 10131 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Panago Pizza 780 310-0001 310 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Prime Social Kitchen 780 743-2400 435 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Pizza 73 780 799-7373 9613 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Quiznos 780 750-1000 347 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Pizza 73 780 799-7373 105 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Quiznos 780 790-9574 9914 King St. Fort McMurray, AB Pizza Experts 780 714-6668 254 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Shanghai Kitchen 780 791-9553 105 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Pizza Experts 780 791-3336 142 Dickins Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Sizzler’s Food Truck 780 792-9340 Pizza Hut 780 790-3355 414 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Pizza Hut 780 790-3355 25-8102 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Pizza Prince 780 750-9000 10012 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Smitty’s 780 799-4499 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Sociables 780 750-6780 380 Silin Forest Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Soleilki Japanese Fusion 780 791-2666 330 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB – 28 – Spring Moon 780 790-6628 151 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Spring Moon 587 275-1818 103-8528 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Starbucks 780 791-3995 131 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Starbucks 780 713-2556 8406 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Starbucks 780 743-6331 107-112 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Starbucks 780 790-1988 9601 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Starbucks 1 800 782-7282 100 Snow Bird Way Fort McMurray, AB Subway 587 258-8177 100 Snowbird Way Fort McMurray, AB Subway 587 258-8177 204-115 Snowbird Way Fort McMurray, AB Subway 780 750-1928 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB URBAN MARKET, FORT MCMURRAY FORT MCMURRAY FORT CHIPEWYAN WINTERPLAY FESTIVAL, FORT MCMURRAY DID YOU KNOW? People come to Wood Buffalo from all over Canada and all over the world. The Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo is a great first contact for new residents, especially those coming from other cultures. The Association hosts a variety of informative workshops that help people new to Canada learn about financial awareness, home ownership and maintenance, and cross-cultural parenting. Their website, also has a list of important resources and links related to immigration, health services, language services and much more. – 29 – FORT MCKAY – 30 – Did you know you can catch a ride for as little as $1.25? Get around town, or head to the airport! The Wood Buffalo Transit System has the lowest fairs in North America... It’s a ride worth taking. – 31 – DIRECTORIES • FOOD Subway 780 791-3145 9912 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Tavern On Main 780 791-7006 9708 Main St. Fort McMurray, AB Tim Hortons 780 743-0520 101-375 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Subway 780 743-0833 101 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB The Canadian Brewhouse 780 743-4557 117-108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Townhall Public House 780 750-6672 8104 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Subway 780 748-1141 114 Millennium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB The Chef’s Table by Mitchell’s 780 743-1665 10015 Main St. Fort McMurray, AB Wendy’s 780 743-4483 9701 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Subway 587 537-0090 120-8412 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB The Curry Pot 780 750-1588 151 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Wok Box 780 790-9111 9914 King St. Fort McMurray, AB Supreme Pizza and Donair 780 750-6665 4-8302 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Sweet Basil 780 726-0800 254 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Table 63 Restaurant 780 713-3354 424 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Taco Bell 780 792-0013 347 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Taco Time 780 743-5745 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Taste of the Orient 780 790-1697 8720 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB The Den 780 713-3356 442 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Wood Buffalo Brewing Co. 587 276-0022 9914 Morrison St. Fort McMurray, AB The Fish Place 780 791-4040 412 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Yogen Fruz 780 476-5822 151 MacDonald Dr. Fort McMurray, AB The Keg Steakhouse + Bar 780 791-2540 10006 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Yoshi Japanese Restaurant 780 790-3440 310-9612 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB The Pantry Restaurant 780 791-3694 8200 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Zee Bar & Grill 780 334-0003 240 Stony Mountian Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Tim Hortons 780 743-1240 9701 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Tim Hortons 780 743-4433 105 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB – 32 – DIRECTORIES • PET SERVICES PET SERVICES The Bone and Biscuit 780 715-2225 414 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB The Bone and Biscuit 780 743-8076 8412 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB The Bone and Biscuit 586 537-0599 108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Pet Valu 780 743-3313 9531 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB North Star Pet Centre 780 743-4500 10218 Centennial Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Fort McMurray SPCA 780 743-8997 155 MacAlpine Cres. Fort McMurray, AB Wood Buffalo Small Animal Hospital 780 715-9369 608 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Purrfect at Home Pet Sitting 780 838-4020 – 33 – Uptown Dog Salon 780 750-4504 136 Brett Dr. Fort McMurray, AB MacKenzie Boarding Kennels 780 215-1234 600 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Peticare Dog Grooming 780 791-1483 193 Leigh Cres. Fort McMurray, AB Beauty in the Beast Mobile Grooming 780 972-3649 DIRECTORIES • MEDIA MEDIA DIRECTORY 100.5 Cruz FM 780 791-0103 CONNECT 780 790-6627 Country 93.3 (CJOK) 780 743-2246 Fort McMurray Today 780 743-8186 KAOS 91.1 780 791-5911 McMurray Musings Mix 103.7 780 791-0103 Northword Magazine ROCK 97.9 (CKYX) 780 743-2246 Snapd Wood Buffalo 780 370-7627 YMM (Your McMurray Magazine) 780 972-4757 YMM Podcast Shaw TV 780 714-5355 HEALTH SERVICES Health Link Alberta - 24 hrs 1 866 408-LINK (5465) Northern Lights Regional Health Centre 780 791-6161 Thickwood Family Medical Centre 780 713-2491 200-108 Wolverine Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Helma Medical Clinic 780 747-8703 141-355 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Fort McMurray Public Health 780 791-6247 113 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Franklin Dental Centre 780 790-0088 8706 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Morrison Medical Clinic 780 743-8848 9914 Morrison Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Graystone Dental Clinic 780 743-5958 9714 Main St. Fort McMurray, AB Northside Medical Clinic 780 715-4063 8600 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Eagle Ridge Dental Clinic 780 791-2008 395 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Fort McMurray Dental Centre 780 791-5538 700 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Timberlea Dental Clinic 780 743-1900 289 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB – 34 – EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ALBERTA LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION ALBERTA LEARNING INFORMATION SERVICE (ALIS) A website providing labour market information for people interested in employment and business in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. ALIS the provincial gateway to help Albertans plan and achieve educational and career success. It provides information for career planning, post-secondary education and training, educational funding, job search, labour market trends, and workplace issues. 780 715-0222 1 800 661-3753 CAREERS: THE NEXT GENERATION CHOICES ASSOCIATION OF FORT MCMURRAY Is a unique, non-profit organization raising youth awareness of career options and helping students earn while they learn through internship. 780 791-4893 204-8115 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Provides employment support and expanding opportunities for individuals with disabilities and challenges. Offers career and employment counselling, training and skill enhancement programs and an up-to-date job board, which lists all local opportunities. 780 791-3355 10010 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB FORT MCMURRAY ALBERTA WORKS CENTRE FRANCO JOB Services: • Centre de ressourcesAide à la recherche d’emploi • Rédaction de curriculum vitae • Cours de CSTS & OSSA • Service de traduction Heures d’ouverture: du lundi au vendredi, 8h30 à 16h00 780 791-9779 312 Abasand Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Is a multi-media resource centre offering an extensive range of career and employment related material. You’ll find print and electronic resources and information to help you make career, learning and work decisions. The Fort McMurray Centre also provides career counselling, employment and client support services and contract management. 780 370-2529 Main Floor, Provincial Building, 9915 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB RUPERTSLAND INSTITUTE MÉTIS CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE YMCA EMPLOYMENT LINK Services: linking French speaking Canadians and Immigrants to employment; one on one assistance with resume development, cover letters and job search strategies; International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS); labour market information; workshops; referrals; and professional mentoring program. 780 743-7192 106B, 9816 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Offers labour market programs and services currently available to Métis individuals through the Métis Training to Employment program (MTE). 1 888 486-3847 100B, 9816 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB SERVICE CANADA 1 800 622-6232 8530 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB – 35 – DIRECTORIES • MOVING MOVING DIRECTORY Alberta First Choice Moving Systems Inc 780 743-3700 1 800 676-5212 Mission View Moving & Storage 250 489-8772 Allied Van Lines Canada Agent 780 444-6787 Northern Plains Moving & Transport Ltd 780 790-1336 BC Alberta Movers 1 800 599-2622 Pods 1 877 770-7637 DownHome Movers 1 866 586-2341 G Townsend Moving 780 742-6588 Leduc Truck Service Ltd 780 986-8484 1 866 587-6683 Lo-Cost Moving 780 439-2220 Matco Transportation Systems 1 800 661-3618 780 743-6250 McMurray Relocation Services 780 790-1388 MIB Moving 780 743-1100 Right Move Moving & Storage 587 901-0405 S&M Moving 587 674-0771 Ship-It Moving & Storage 1 888 645-9494 Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Co 1 800 727-6255 Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Co 780 434-4344 1 888 293-5781 Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Co 780 357-7311 U-Haul (Highway 69 RV Storage) 780 791-3775 United Moving & Hauling 780 607-1070 780 607-4655 IMMIGRANTS & NEWCOMERS Centre d’Accueil et d’Etablissement Offers free services and activities in French and English to welcome all newcomers to the Wood Buffalo region and help them settle into our community. 780 750-7779 Suite 100, 312 Abasand Dr. Fort McMurray, AB YMCA Immigrants Settlement Services Offers information, orientation & referral, supportive, solution-based counselling, interpretation & translation, community assess program, community participation & education, and other services designed to assist newcomers to integrate into our community. 780 743-2907 106B, 9816 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB immigrant-services.php – 36 – DIRECTORIES • UTILITIES UTILITIES DIRECTORY FORT MCMURRAY UTILITIES Atco Gas & Electric 780 799-7940 Direct Energy Electric 1 888 420-3181 Direct Energy Gas 1 886 420-3174 Just Energy Natural Gas & Electricity 1 877 430-9310 1 866 587-8674 Wood Buffalo Utilities 780 743-7976 780 799-5823 PHONE PROVIDERS Bell 780 747-8023 19 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Bell 780 747-7014 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Bell 587 537-9229 109-108 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB Rogers 780 714-6150 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Rogers 780 791-1017 200 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Shaw Communications 1 888 472-2222 780 741-5355 200-208 Beacon Hill Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Telus 780 743-4103 1 888 811-2323 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Tridon Communications 780 791-1002 100017 Queen St. Fort McMurray, AB Tridon Communications 780 715-1836 106-19 Riedel St. Fort McMurray, AB Tridon Communications 780 588-2714 137-395 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB INTERNET PROVIDERS Shaw Communications 1 888 472-2222 780 714-5355 2200-208 Beacon Hill Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Telus 780 743-4103 1 888 811-2323 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB CABLE PROVIDER Bell TV 1 888 759-3474 Shaw 1888 472-2222 780 714-5355 200-208 Beacon Hill Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Telus 780 743-4103 1 888 811-2323 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB – 37 – DIRECTORIES • FINANCIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES DIRECTORY ATB Financial - Downtown 780 790-3300 11 Haineault St. Fort McMurray, AB President’s Choice Financial 780 799-7860 9 Haineault St. Fort McMurray, AB Scotiabank - Timberlea 780 588-0134 287 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB ATB Financial - Timberlea 780 588-2588 315 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB RBC Royal Bank - Downtown 780 743-3327 8540 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Service Credit Union Downtown 780 799-7800 9804 Morrison St. Fort McMurray, AB BMO Bank of Montreal Downtown 780 790-6992 9920 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB RBC Royal Bank - Stonecreek 780 792-5468 101-11 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB BMO Bank of Montreal Timberlea 780 762-3500 289 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB CIBC - Downtown 780 743-3312 8553 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB CIBC - Timberlea 780 791-1145 104 Riverstone Ridge Fort McMurray, AB RBC Royal Bank - Timberlea 780 792-5455 106 Millenium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Scotiabank - Downtown 780 743-3386 9541 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Scotiabank - Thickwood 780 743-5838 331 Thickwood Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB FOR ALL YOUR FINANCIAL INFORMATION DIAL 211 – 38 – Service Credit Union Timberlea 780 743-2847 295 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB TD Canada Trust - Downtown 780 743-2261 504-8600 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB TD Canada Trust - Timberlea 780 790-6911 331 Powder Dr. Fort McMurray, AB DIRECTORIES • EDUCATION EDUCATION DIRECTORY École Boréal - Greater North Central Francophone School Board 780 791-0200 Fort McMurray Catholic Schools 780 799-5700 Fort McMurray Public School District 780 799-7900 Keyano College 780 791-4800 FOR ALL YOUR EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION DIAL 211 – 39 – McMurray Montessori 780 750-4668 Northlands School Division No. 61 780 624-2060 DIRECTORIES • ACCOMMODATIONS ACCOMMODATIONS DIRECTORY Ace Inn 780 715-2219 9913 Biggs Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Hilltop Oasis Bed & Breakfast 780 714-5000 159 Alexander Cres. Wood Buffalo, AB Best Canadian Motor Inn 780 743-5990 8538 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Merit Hotel & Suites 780 714-9444 8200 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Best Western Plus Sawridge Suites 780 799-4552 410 TaigaNova Cres. Fort McMurray, AB Nomad Hotel & Suites 780 791-4770 10006 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Chateau Nova 780 791-6682 9 Snow Eagle Dr. Wood Buffalo, AB Chez Dube Country Inn 780 790-2367 10102 Fraser Ave. Wood Buffalo, AB Platnium Hotels 780 747-7878 8530 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Podollan Inn 780 790-2000 10131 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Christina Lake Lodge 780 559-2224 Conklin Dr. Conklin, AB Quality Hotel & Conference Centre 780 791-7200 424 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Clearwater Suite Hotel 1 866 650-3678 4 Haineault St. Fort McMurray, AB Radisson Hotel & Suites Fort McMurray 780 743-2400 435 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB East Village Suites 780 790-660 355 Loutit Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Ramada Conklin 780 559-0040 104 Northland Dr. Conklin, AB Franklin Suite Hotel 780 788-2199 10300 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Ridgewood Inn 780 743-8000 230 Parent Way Fort McMurray, AB – 40 – Rusty’s Best Canadian Motor Inn 780 791-4646 385 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Sawridge Inn & Conference Centre 780 791-7900 530 Mackenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Stonebridge Hotel 780 743-3301 9713 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Super 8 Motel 780 799-8450 321 Sakitawaw Trail Fort McMurray, AB The Bridgeport Inn 780 790-2600 10021 Biggs Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Vantage Inn & Suites 780 713-4111 200 Parent Way Fort McMurray, AB Wood Buffalo Housing & Development Corporation 780 799-4656 185 Parsons Creek Fort McMurray, AB FOR ALL HOSPITALITY INFORMATION DIAL 211 FORT MCMURRAY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DID YOU KNOW? Fort McMurray has a brand new airport. Opened on June 9, 2014, the Fort McMurray International Airport (YMM) is a launching point to exciting adventures in Canada and around the world. Airlines offer opportunities to fly to destinations in Canada and beyond, including five non-stop domestic destinations: Calgary, Edmonton, Fort Chipewyan, Toronto and Vancouver. – 41 – DIRECTORIES • TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORY AIRLINES Air Canada 1 888 247-2262 Fort McMurray Airport YMM 780 790-3910 United Airlines 1 800 864-8331 West Jet Airlines 1 888 937-8538 AIR CHARTER SERVICES Delta Helicopters 780 713-3582 Highland Helicopters 780 791-0039 Lakeshore Helicopters 780 714-3665 McMurray Aviation 1 877 877-2359 NOR-ALTA Aviation 1 866 927-4630 Reliance Airways Ltd. 780 464-7537 (Edmonton) Sun Taxi 780 743-5050 Vortex Helicopters 780 713-2477 United Class Cabs 780 743-1234 Wood Buffalo Helicopters 780 743-5588 Wood Buffalo Co-op Taxi Corporation 780 743-9111 BUS SERVICES AUTO RENTALS Greyhound Bus Line 780 791-3664 Avis Car Rental 780 743-4773 Red Arrow Express 780 791-2990 Specialized Transportation 780 743-7909 Wood Buffalo Transit 780 743-4157 (Transit Dispatch) 780 743-7931 (Transit Services) TAXIS AAA Royal Limousine 780 804-6969 Access Taxi 780 799-3333 Budget Rent A Car 780 799-3975 (Airport) Budget Rent A Car 780 743-8215 (Gregoire Dr.) Discount Car and Truck Rentals 780 743-1759 Driving Force 780 791-0932 780 747-7619 (Airport) Enterprise Rent-A-Car 780 715-5595 (Airport) Citycabs 780 750-1234 Enterprise Rent-A-Car 780 791-2468 (Sawridge Hotel) Northwestern Air 1 877 872-2216 Executive Airport Limousine 780 750-5466 Hertz Rent-a-Car 780 743-2894 (McAlpine Cres.) Phoenix Heli-Flight 780 799-0141 Millennium Shuttle 780 713-7501 National Car Rental Canada 780 715-3655 – 42 – DIRECTORIES • TRANSPORTATION REGISTRY SERVICES Alberta Motor Association 780 743-2433 4 Hospital St. Fort McMurray, AB Fort McMurray Registry 780 790-0416 10003 Biggs Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Timberlea Registry 780 743-0888 118 Millenium Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Service Canada 1 800 622-6232 8530 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB OUT OF PROVINCE VEHICLE INSPECTIONS A 1 Towing Auto Express & Expediting 780 743-1253 330 MacLennan Cres. Fort McMurray, AB Alberta Motor Products (RV) Ltd. 780 743-2871 8324 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Canadian Tire 780 791-6400 1 Hospital St. Fort McMurray, AB Eastern Mechanics 780 791-9444 8119 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Elite Automotive Concepts 780 750-9860 8117 Fraser Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Fountain Tire 780 791-1112 242 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Fountain Tire 780 799-3366 265 Mackenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB Kal Tire 780 791-2575 338 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Legacy Dodge 1 886 611-7815 324 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Manning Muffler 780 743-4194 8102 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Noral Toyota 780 743-5444 10129 MacDonald Ave. Fort McMurray, AB North Star Ford Ltd. 780 791-7911 505 Mackenzie Blvd. Fort McMurray, AB North Star Ford Ltd. 780 791-7911 504 Memorial Drive. Fort McMurray, AB North Star Ford Ltd. 780 791-7911 15B McKay Industrial Park. McKay, AB Ok Tire 780 743-0292 9511 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Ok Tire Truck Centre 780 790-6039 225 MacKay Cres. Fort McMurray, AB FOR ALL YOUR TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DIAL 211 Sun Auto &Repair 780 790-9448 140 Mackenzie King Rd. Fort McMurray, AB – 43 – DIRECTORIES • FAITH FAITH ORGANZATIONS DIRECTORY All Saints’ Anglican Church 780 743-3171 9902 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Family Christian Centre 780 791-3366 160 Dickins Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Jesus is Lord Fort McMurray 780 880-1989 9902 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB 733 Beacon Hill Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Fellowship Baptist Church 780 743-3747 141 Alberta Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Markaz Ul Islam Fort McMurray Islamic Centre 780 791-1602 9904 Gordon Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Baha’i Faith 780 791-1919 110 Eymundson Rd. Fort McMurray, AB First United Church 780 743-8132 10003, Gordon Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Christ the King Lutheran Church 780 743-5055 158 Elmore Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Fort McMurray Alliance Church 780 791-2434 101 Spruce St. Fort McMurray, AB Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 780 791-2191 107 Brett Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Fort City Church 587 674-1533 101 Spruce St. Fort McMurray On Eagles’ Wing 780 743-4634 225 Farrell Cres. Fort McMurray, AB Daystar Chapel, The Redeemed Christian Church of God 780 747-1313 209 Beacon Wood Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Fort McMurray Christian Assembly 780 791-1007 780 791-1709 104 Brett Dr. Fort McMurray Pentecostal Assembly of Fort McMurray 780 791-3366 160 Dickins Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Emmanuel Baptist Church 780 791-5099 108 Cornwall Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Fort McMurray Christian School 780 743-1079 190 Tamarack Way Fort McMurray, AB Apostolic Faith Church 780 750-6856 Evergreen Community Christian Reformed Church 780 743-8989 101 Tundra Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Jehovah’s Witness 780 791-9499 431 Gregoire Dr. Fort McMurray, AB – 44 – McMurray Gospel Assembly 780 743-2446 10110 Main St. Fort McMurray, AB Native Christian Fellowship 780 791-9508 10012 Gordon Ave. Fort McMurray, AB Presbyterian Church (Faith Church) 780 743-5754 221 Rundra Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Seventh Day Adventist Church 780 743-3475 101 Greely Rd. Fort McMurray, AB DIRECTORIES • EMERGENCIES St. John Church 780 743-3980 5 Hospital St. Fort McMurray, AB Tabernacle of Praise Church 780 743-8728 7308 Bulyea Ave. Fort McMurray, AB St. Paul Church 780 791-4304 484 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB The Salvation Army (Fort McMurray Corps) 780 791-3234 125 Elmore Dr. Fort McMurray, AB St. Thomas Anglican Church 780 790-1114 195 Signal Rd. Fort McMurray, AB Trinity Lutheran Church 780 743-3427 1 Alberta Dr. Fort McMurray, AB Willow Lake Baptist Church 780 334-0005 95 Christina Dr. Anzac, AB Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall 780 715-0468 182 Grant Way Fort McMurray, AB EMERGENCY CONTACTS DIRECTORY EMERGENCIES Emergency 9-1-1 Crime Stoppers 1 800 222-8477 Poison Control Centre 1 800 332-1414 PUBLIC UTILITIES AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES Dangerous Goods Incidents - 24 hrs 780 799-8085 Air or Marine Emergency 1 800 267-7270 Emergency Management 780 799-8085 Buried Utilites Locations / Call Before You Dig 1 800 242-3447 Environmental Complaint / Emergency - 24 hrs 1 800 222-6514 FOR ALL YOUR FAITH ORGANIZATION INFORMATION DIAL 211 – 45 – DIRECTORIES • EMERGENCIES ERCB Oil and Gas Field Emergencies - 24 hrs 1 800 222-6514 Forest Fires - 24 hrs Reporting / Emergency Calls Only 310-FIRE (3473) Occupational Health and Safety Contact Centre - 24 hrs 1 866 415-8690 Report a Poacher (Outdoor Observer) 1 800 642-3800 River Break-up Hotline 780 799-8000 Wildlife Help Line 1 888 942-2444 Service Canada 1 800 622-6232 8530 Manning Ave. Fort McMurray, AB WRegion of Wood Buffalo 780 743-7000 9900 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB DISTRESS CENTRES Addiction Services Helpline - 24 hrs 1 866 332-2322 AIDS / HIV / STD Information and Helpline 1 800 772-2437 Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS) 1 866 331-3933 Bullying Help Line 1 888 456-2323 Canadian Red Cross 1 888 418-1111 Child Abuse Hotline - 24hrs 1 800 387-5437 Protection for Persons in Care 1 888 357-9339 Children’s Services Crisis Unit After hrs 1 800 638-0715 Salvation Army Emergency Shelter (Men Only) 780 743-4135 Crisis - Distress Line Conklin / Fort Chipewyan 1 800 565-3801 Crisis - Distress Line Fort Mckay / Fort McMurray 780 743-7357 Family Crisis Society / Unity House Fort McMurray 780 743-1190 Family Violence Information - 24 hrs 310-1818 Gambling Help Line 1 866 332-2322 HIV North Society 780 791-3391 Kids Help Phone 1 800 668-6868 Marshall House (Adults Only) 780 715-1870 Mental Health Crisis Help Line - 24 hrs 1 877 303-2642 Missing Children Society of Canada 1 800 661-6160 Narcotics Anonymous AL-SASK Region 1 877 463-3537 Paspew House Mikisew Cree Nation Fort Chipewyan 780 697-3323 Paspew Place Detox Centre 780 791-2525 – 46 – Sexual Assault Centre / Crisis Line - 24hrs 780 791-6708 Smokers’ Help Line - AADAC 1 886 332-2322 Stepping Stones (Age 12 – 17) 780 750-2252 Victim Services 780 788-4250 Yellow Emergency Shelter for Women 1 800 661-0937 EMERGENCY FOOD SERVICES Fellowship Baptist Church Soup Kitchen 780 743-3747 Salvation Army Soup Kitchen 780 743-4135 Wood Buffalo Food Bank Association 780 743-1125 Directory Disclaimer: We are an ever-changing community, therefore some content in this directory may change after it has been printed. If you notice a change or inaccuracy, please notify us at We will endeavor to keep directory information as accurate and up-to-date as practical in our online version at DID YOU KNOW? Wood Buffalo is home to some of the biggest hearts in Canada. Over the past year, 27,540 people volunteered in Wood Buffalo. With an abundance of activity and diversity in the region, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer and make Wood Buffalo even better. When you volunteer, it’s a great opportunity to meet new people, diversify your life experiences, learn new skills, boost your career options and be a part of a community that cares. Volunteer opportunities can be found through Volunteer Wood Buffalo, Go Volunteer, Fuse Social, YMCA Wood Buffalo and more. – 47 – YMCA OF WOOD BUFFALO COMMUNITY PROGRAMS IMMIGRANT SETTLEMENT SERVICES YMCA YOUTH OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM YMCA Immigrant Settlement Services facilitates the successful settlement and integration of immigrants and newcomers into the economic, social, cultural and political life of Canada. Some of the services we provide are: Located on site at the Westwood Family YMCA, staff and volunteers deliver career and employment services to youth aged 12-24 years. Our community’s youth can benefit from workshops, one-on-one client access, and information sessions such as: resume and cover letter writing, life skills, interview skills, colour spectrum and employment standards. • Information orientation to the community and referral to appropriate services; •S upportive, solutions-based counselling • Interpretation and transportation •O ther services designed to assist newcomers to integration into Canadian society We also have partnerships with local organizations where our outreach worker will help clients out of their locations: •F ort McMurray Public Library every Tuesday from 10 am to 1 pm •K eyano College LINO Program every Thursday from 1 pm to 4:30 pm •H ub Family Resource Centre on the second Saturday of the month from 9 am to 1 pm Location & Hours: 10613-9816 Hardin Street Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4K3 Office: 780 737-2530 Fax: 780 743-4042 Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm (Evening appointments available) All services offered free of charge! YMCA EMPLOYMENT LINK Services we provide: • L inking french speaking Canadians and immigrants to employment • One-on-one assistance with: resume development, cover letters and job search strategies TEMPORARY FOREIGN WORKER PROGRAM •A program designed to assist TFW’s adjusting to the community while they are working in Canada • International qualifications assessment services (IQAS) • Labour market information • Information and referrals •S upportive, solution-based counselling • Workshops • Information & referrals • Professional mentoring program • Legal referrals Location & Hours: Hardin Street Building - Basement Floor 106B - 9816 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB • Community orientation •O ther services designed to assist newcomers to integrate into our community Location & Hours: Hardin Street Building - Basement Floor 106B - 9816 Hardin St. Fort McMurray, AB Office: 780 743-2970 Fax: 780 743-2973 Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm Closed 12pm to 1pm Office: 780 743-2970 Fax: 780 743-2973 Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm Closed 12pm to 1pm YMCA also delivers the following services for clients: 1. Notary public services available on the last Saturday of every month 10am to 12pm 2. Basic computer classes every Saturday from 9am to 12pm YMCA HOUSING FIRST PROGRAM Location & Hours: 10613-9816 Hardin Steet Fort McMurray AB T9H4K3 Centralized INtake 780 742 4003 Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm Closed 12pm to 1pm 3. English conversation circle every Wednesday from 1pm to 2:30pm For more information and updates, please call: 780 743-2970. – 48 – Our offices may close, but we’re always here to help you. Find out everything you need to know about municipal programs at Or call the PULSE: Wood Buffalo Call Line at 780-743-7000 Evenings. Weekends. Holidays. A REAL PERSON. WITH REAL ANSWERS. EVERY TIME. ALL THE TIME. HAVE A QUESTION? CALL 780-743-7000 • HAVE AN EMERGENCY? CALL 911 • RMWB.CA – 49 – ENTREPRENEURIALSPIRIT ENGAGEDTHINKER ETHICALCITIZEN "DoingWhat’s What's Doing Best for for Kids! Kids" Best Entrepreneurial Spirit Engaged Thinker Ethical Citizen Fort McMurray Catholic Schools, your faith based choice in publicly funded education. – 50 – – 51 – 8.5 x 11 inches Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo The Multicultural Association‛s Vision Unity in diversity, is achieved through various programs and activities For more information 780.791.5186 Cultural Competency in the Canada Day Pancake Breakfast Workplace: Attract, retain and After-School Tutorial Program integrate a diverse workforce. Alberta Culture Days: The World Meets on Wood Buffalo dance showcase Multicultural EXPO International Day for theImprove Elimination Racial Discrimination yourofemployees’ knowledge about diverse cultures and religions. Create a more welcoming and Interpretation and Translation Unit inclusive workplace for all. Cultural Competency Training For more information Newcomer Interagency Network Our Cultural(NIN) Competency in the Workplace Training, Collaboration for Religious Inclusiondocuments (CRI) Best Practices and Resources can help. Multicultural Cookery Cross Cultural Parenting Program Human Rights Day Online Newsletter Confluence For more information on this program and other initiatives of the Newcomer Interagency Network contact: 780.791.5186 – 52 – Di D ow – 53 – ? you kn Certify YOUR FUTURE WITH PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES • Asset Planning & Management • Project Management • Supply Management Training and more! SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE FOR FALL. Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) What is LINC? LINC is an English language training program funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada Who can take LINC? Permanant Residents or Convention Refugees who are 18 years or older For more information on our English programming, visit, email or phone 780-792-5706. – 54 – AHS welcomes you to Fort McMurray CENTRE DE RESSOURCES FRANCOPHONES; UN LIEU DE ÉSEAUTAGE ! ACTIVITÉS MENSUELLES : Alberta Health Services (AHS) has a number of programs, services and facilities to help support your health and the health of your loved ones. • Bière & Poutine • Rencontres multiculturelles • Brunch de Noel • Reconnaissance des bénévoles • Lever du Drapeau Have questions about immunizations, school health, oral health, travel health, STI programs, prenatal classes and more? Call Fort McMurray Community Health Services at 780-791-6247. The Northern Lights Regional Health Centre is located at 7 Hospital St. Services provided include 24-hour emergency department, laboratory, X-ray, mental health, general surgery, rehabilitation, continuing and home care, speech language, community health and more. Call 780-791-6161 for more information. GARDERIE CHEZ MADAME PICOLO POUPONNIÈRE Service de garde francophone The Fort McMurray Recovery Centre is a new facility offering both adult day treatment and adult residential services. Call 780-793-8300 for more information. 100-312 Abasand Drive, Fort McMurray, AB, T9J 1B2 T: 780-791-7700 | Have a health question? Call Health Link provides 24/7 telephone nurse advice and general health information for Albertans. Just dial 811. WWW.ACFA.AB.CA/WOODBUFFALO Visit for more information. #initiativeRAC Encourage gathering and dialogue amongst the Aboriginal community and service providers in Wood Buffalo. – 55 – wood buffalo regional library – 56 – Grab food to travel with you. Take your food through security and on your flight! Grab a meal TO-GO and don’t cook! Before Security After Security ON PARKIN G – 57 – Wood Buffalo, go further. 1.800.565.3947 | Northern STRONG! – 58 – – 59 – SEASONAL PROGRAMS at MacDonald Island Park Stay fit & keep the kids entertained all year long! • • • • • • • • Golf Course Arts & Crafts Rock Climbing Dance Academy Sports & Leisure Fitness & Training Squash & Raquetball Swimming & Lifesaving Something for every body! ONE PASS MEMBERS Recieve FREE access & discounts on a selection of leisure, sport & fitness programs register today at – 60 – Rain or any time. Driving Range Tournaments Indoor Golf Simulator 18 Hole Public Golf Course Mens, Ladies & Junior Nights FORT MCMURRAY GOLF CLUB Fort McMurray’s Premier Championship Golf Club – Open to the Public CPGA Professionals on staff Fully Stocked ProShop with the latest Designer Brands Best Restaurant Patio in Town Memberships Available Team Building & Corporate Tournament Bookings Available Mens, Ladies, & Junior Leagues Private, Semi-Private & Group Lessons 27 780-743-5577 ES! HOL 1 Real Martin Drive, Thickwood – 61 – 27,540 Over the past year, people in Wood Buffalo volunteered. 27,540 This means that individuals from diverse backgrounds united to strengthen the community through camaraderie and teamwork. With a number like that, you will likely make connections in Wood Buffalo that will last a lifetime. Volunteer, and get connected. – 62 – Community Guide to Recreation, Culture & Social Support Services Published every April and September, the Community Guide is your directory to Wood Buffalo’s wide range of opportunities, programs and services. Learn about the resources that make Wood Buffalo a year-round community for everyone. RMWB.CA/COMMUNITYGUIDE – 63 – PL AYS • CO N CERTS • FI L MS JA N UA RY 2016 15 16 21 Cheesecake Burlesque - Workshop Cheesecake Burlesque *tiff Feature Film #5 FE BRUA RY 3 11-20 18 Stage 2 – Shangri-La Into the Woods *tiff Feature Film #6 M A R CH 1 1 12 17 Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy: Two Fiddles, Two Pianos Drama Force registration opens The Affair for the Arts *tiff Feature Film #7 A P R IL 1,2 2 6 15 21-23, 27-30 28 Chris Visser Hypnotist Chris Visser Illusionist Show Stage 2 - Real Time Marie-Josée Lord Trio Run For Your Wife *tiff Feature Film #8 M AY 12-14 18 19 Stage 2 - Steel Magnolias Cas Public: Symphonie Dramatique *tiff Feature Film #9 JU NE 16 *tiff Feature Film #10 JU LY 14 - AU GUST 6 Dramaforce Young Actors’ Intensive Program KEYANO BOX OFFICE 8115 FRANKLIN AVE KEYANO.CA/THEATRE 780.791.4990 – 64 – #mcmurrayexperience What’s your McMurray Experience? Book this interactive, multimedia space for a variety of private functions, including birthday parties, film showings, and meetings. Visit for more details. #jubileeplaza Share Your McMurray Experience. Host your next outdoor event in Jubilee Plaza! This versatile space is ideal for everything from concerts to BBQs, to fitness classes. Visit for details and a calendar of events.