Summer 2007 - Broadcasters Foundation of America


Summer 2007 - Broadcasters Foundation of America
3rd ual allen
Ann re Ch
On The Air
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Summer 2007
2007 Pioneer Awards
Mission Statement
The mission of the Broadcasters Foundation of America is to improve the quality of
life and maintain the personal dignity of men and women in the radio and television
broadcast profession who find themselves in acute need. The foundation reaches out
across the country to identify and provide an anonymous safety net in cases of critical
illness, advanced age, death of a spouse, accident and other serious misfortune.
Ch lf e
B Go am
Table Of Contents
2007 Pioneer Awards..... 3-16
2007 Pioneer Awards
2007 NAB
Charity Golf...............19-38
2007 Offshore
BFOA Images.............61-62
Message from
the President.................64
On The Air
Volume 11 • Issue 2 • Summer 2007
© On the Air is a free news
and feature publication, offered
to Broadcasters Foundation of
America members and friends
and is published three times a
year by the :
Broadcasters Foundation
of America,
Seven Lincoln Avenue
Second Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830
2007 NAB
Charity Golf
Gordon H. Hastings, Publisher
Jamie Russo, Creative Director
For feature story contributions or
to request another copy of this
publication, please call the
Broadcasters Foundation of
America at 203-862-8577, or you
may email any questions and/or
comments to Gordon H. Hastings
3rd Annual
The 2007
Pioneer Awards
3 On The Air Summer 2007
Thirty Seconds Of Silence Please,
To Remember All Those Who
Helped You Arrive.
4 On The Air Summer 2007
American Broadcast Pioneer Gary Chapman, chair
emeritus of LIN-TV, perhaps spoke for everyone
in the Bellagio Ballroom when, in accepting his
pioneer award, he captured the room by saying,
“Let’s have thirty seconds of silence for each of us
here this morning to remember all of those who
helped us get where we are today.”
The thirteenth annual Pioneer Awards were
presented by foundation Chair Phil Lombardo
on Wednesday morning, April 18 at The Bellagio
Hotel in Las Vegas before a record 250 attendees.
During his opening remarks, Phil made a special
tribute to Tony Malara who had been the master
of ceremonies of the event since 1996.
5 On The Air Summer 2007
Receiving honors as broadcast pioneers were James
G. Babb the retired president & CEO of JeffersonPilot Communications Company, Gary Chapman,
CEO emeritus of LIN TV Corporation, California
radio entrepreneur Bob Fox, Radio Ink Publisher
B. Eric Rhoads, Sorenson Broadcasting President
& CEO Dean Sorenson and California-Oregon
Broadcasters President Patricia C. Smullin.
The National Association of Media Brokers
(NAMB), the Radio Advertising Bureau and
the Television Bureau of Advertising (TVB)
underwrite the annual event.
The 2008 Pioneer Awards will be held on
Wednesday, April 16. The Broadcasters Foundation
of America Board of Directors selects the
honorees each December.
Gary Chapman
Broadcasters Foundation
Chair Phil Lombardo thanks
NAMB President Andy
McClure for the breakfast,
which was jointly sponsored
by TVB, RAB and the NAMB.
Broadcast Pioneer Jim Babb
Eric Rhoads & Phil Lombardo
Ginny Morris, Dean Sorenson and Stanley Hubbard
6 On The Air Summer 2007
Pioneer Bob Fox and
Phil Lombardo
Harold Crump, Ken Elkins and Cecil Walker
Photos by
Las Vegas Photo
Chair Phil with Broadcast Pioneer Patsy Smullin
Gordon Hastings with the NAB’s
Marcellus Alexander
7 On The Air Summer 2007
Gary Chapman
and Phil Lombardo
Lynn Christian and his son Jeff Christian.
Jeff owns and operates Reel Shorts, a TV
production company, in Nashville, Tennessee
Broadcast Pioneer Eric Rhoads with BMI’s, Vice President
Corporate Relations Robin Arhold
Liz and Richard Burns. Liz is a
past Pioneer Award recipient
Gordon Hastings with Broadcast Pioneer Bob Fox
8 On The Air Summer 2007
A family affair! The Dean Sorenson family. Back Row, L-R: Jonathan Herzog,
Bradley Schiel, Rob and Nancy Schiel, Steve Flynn, Mark Lyon.
Front Row, L-R: Dan Sorenson, Dean & Rita Sorenson, Deb Flynn, Darcy Lyon
RAB Chiefs. Retired President & CEO Gary Fries
with newly appointed President & CEO Jeff Haley.
Joe Howard, Editor of Radio Ink, Eric Rhoads, Lois Ann Chooljian, VP/Associate
Publisher Radio Ink, Chuck Renwick, VP National Sales Manager Radio Ink,
Tom Elmo, VP Operations Streamline Publishing, Inc.
9 On The Air Summer 2007
BMI Board
Peter Doyle
with Greg
Johnson of
BIA Capital.
and his
The RAB’s George Hyde with legendary radio
broadcaster Norm Feuer.
Two previously honored Broadcast Pioneers. Harry Pappas,
founder of Pappas Telecasting and Cap Cities-ABC retired
executive Phil Beuth. Beuth is also a Director of the
Broadcasters Foundation of America.
10 On The Air Summer 2007
Art Brooks
with his wife
Buckley Broadcasting
CEO Rick Buckley with
the RAB’s Mary Bennett
Photos by
Las Vegas Photo
Gordon Hastings and
Jim Champlin
Lynn Hastings and Karen Finley
11 On The Air Summer 2007
Phil Lombardo and Larry Patrick
Dennis Lyle of the Illinois Broadcasters with Jeff Haley
Previously honored broadcast pioneer Dick Chapin with Dean Johnson
Cecil Walker and
Stan Hubbard
12 On The Air Summer 2007
Lynn Hastings with previously honored Broadcast
Pioneer Jim Duffy
Diane Sutter of
Shooting Star TV
and Media Services
Group President
George Reed
Tribune’s Shaun Sheehan and
Amador Bustos
2006 Broadcast Pioneer Dwight Case with Bob Fox
Eric Rhoads and Ted Snider
Patsy Smullin and Gordon Hastings
13 On The Air Summer 2007
Lynn Hastings,
Phil Beuth and
honored pioneer
Bill Turner
Daryl Staehle, President, International
Division, Eyewitness Kids News, LLC. and
Kids Eyewitness News Founder Al Primo
Norm Feuer, Hal Gore
and Stan Raymond
Chris Cornellius, COO of Barrington TV and
Vince Pepper of Patrick Communications
Eric Rhoads and
David Reader
Dick Chapin, NRG Media CEO Mary Quass,
NRG COO Chuck DuCoty and Gary Fries
14 On The Air Summer 2007
15 On The Air Summer 2007
16 On The Air Summer 2007
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Your Help
Literally Saves Lives
Still on the air after 52 years.
The career of this legendary broadcaster spans 52 years in a large eastern seaboard
market. From his start as a DJ as a teenager he has been an on air personality of
great distinction.
Now 71 years of age, he is in crisis in both physical health and financial
circumstances. He suffers from advanced Parkinson’s disease, hypertension,
vascular disease, and chronic renal failure as well as a multitude of physical
ailments stemming from each issue. His financial resources have been totally
depleted due to medical costs. His wife died in 2000 and his home was seized by
the mortgage company, forcing him to move to an apartment. He remains active
to a degree, hosting a weekend show at a local station.
The Broadcasters Foundation of America monthly grant, combined with a small
fund set up by local friends provides for his monthly expenses allowing him to
live with dignity.
Thank you for supporting our colleagues in need…
19 On The Air Summer 2007
Golf Futures Star
Shows The Way
At 2007 NAB Charity Golf
20 On The Air Summer 2007
Twenty-year-old Stanford University Student
Media Services Group returned for the sixth
Athlete and Futures of Golf Champion Kim
year as the sponsor of the awards luncheon and
Kouwabunpat displayed her amazing talent
Wide-Orbit sponsored the on course beverage
during the Beat the Pro competition. She stuck
teeshot after teeshot within tap-in range besting
George Reed and Wide-Orbit by Tricia Pahati
the vast majority of competitors at the 13th
and Barb Duval.
Media Services was represented by
annual Broadcasters Foundation of America
NAB Charity Golf Tournament. Kim’s awesome
Harris Optimal Solutions sponsored the annual
talent was one of the many highlights of a
$100,000 Hole in One contest. Arise Air offered
perfect day of golf at the Bali Hai Golf Club in
$25,000 in jet charter for a hole in one on the
Las Vegas, Nevada.
par three sixth hole. Optimal Solutions was
represented by its President & CEO Ed Adams
Kim, from Upland California, was the 2000
and Arise Air by its president Bryan Bellis.
US Amateur Championship Medalist and the
Sorry, no winners in 2007.
Stanford University MVP. She accomplished
four top five NCAA Collegiate finishes. She was
Each player in the tournament received a sleeve
a five-time USGA Junior Girls Championship
of golf balls from Anheuser Busch ( Michelob
Competitor. Kim is now in the process of
Light) and BMI, a divot tool from Stainless
qualifying for the LPGA Tour.
Tower, a “24” messenger bag from Twentieth
Television, plus tees, an office putting cup
Tournament Co-Chairs Meredith Broadcasting
and the official souvenir tournament logo ball.
President & CEO Paul Karpowicz and Clear
Everyone also received the official tournament
Channel Television Chairman Bill Moll saluted
hat from Broadcasting & Cable along with a
Broadcasting & Cable’s Larry Oliver and New
fabulous official tournament duffle bag from
York Life Investment Management’s Gary
both B&C and New York Life.
Faccenda for co-sponsoring the tournament for
the second consecutive year. B&C has been an
The 2008 BFOA Charity Golf tournament at
individual sponsor for six years.
the NAB will be played on Sunday, April 13
again at the Bali –Hai Golf Club.
Foundation Chair Phil Lombardo reminded
all of the participants that because of B&C
and New York Life’s sponsorship, one hundred
percent of the player fees directly support the
mission of the foundation.
21 On The Air Summer 2007
Futures of Golf Champion Kim Kouwabunpat
22 On The Air Summer 2007
Photos by
Las Vegas Photo
Low Gross Champions. Lew
Dickey, Jr., Skip Weller,
Broadcasters Foundation Chair
Phil Lombardo, Mike Mines and
Scott Knobloch
Low Net Champions. The Buckley Broadcasting
foursome won low net. Accepting the trophies
are Arbitron’s Jenny DeCastro who played as
a Buckley guest and Buckley Chief Operating
Officer Joe Bilotta. In the center is Broadcasters’
Foundation of America Chair Phil Lombardo. At
left Futures Golf Champion Kim Kouwabunpat
and at right annual raffle super-model Jennifer
Gagliano. Not shown in the photo were
foursome members Chuck Dreifus and Andy
23 On The Air Summer 2007
Second Low Net Champions. GE’s
Dave Harrington, Phil Lombardo,
Damian Reardon and Brian Lewis
BMI’s Alison Smith and Mary Jo Mennella
surround BFOA President and Tournament
Director Gordon Hastings
Barrington Broadcasting
CEO Jim Yager
BFOA Chair
Phil Lombardo
with McKinnon
Founder and
Chairman Mike
24 On The Air Summer 2007
A welcome
morning Mimosa.
Cambridge Financial President Ernest Liebre bought the winning raffle
ticket for a custom set of Ping Irons from Nisha Sadekar of Play Golf
Designs (center). Also shown Gary Faccenda of NYLIM.
Broadcasting & Cable foursome.
Sean Batting, Jimmy Schaefer,
Louis Hillelson and Dan Burnett
From the Morgan
Murphy Stations,
Neal Oberg,
Teddie Gibbon,
Scott Chorski
and Glenn Kreig.
25 On The Air Summer 2007
Women’s Longest Drive winner Alison Smith of BMI with
Kim Kouwabunpat.
Craig Weakley of 20th Television
received a tournament duffle bag
from volunteer Francia Alverez.
Doc Bodensteiner and Jennifer Gagliano
The New York Life Investment Management foursome.
Buck Bucci, John Elliott, Phil Marco, Scott Freeman
26 On The Air Summer 2007
Wiley Rein foursome. David
Chandler, Ron Lane, John
Matthews and John Soller
Gier Skaaden and Robert Koeoter
Photos by
Las Vegas Photo
Harris-Optimal Solutions Foursome.
Ed Adams, Chris Lennon, Paul
McNeil and Mike Sutton
The Sony foursome. Lyle Banks, Jeffrey Wolf, Doug Ferber and Gary Chapman
27 On The Air Summer 2007
Lin Television. Greg Schmidt, Ed Munson,
Scott Blumenthal and Ron Richter
The GE delegation. Damian Riordan, Brian Lewis
and Dave Harrington
Clear Channel TV’s and USO Chair
Bill Moll with Lynn Hastings
Volunteer Barry O’Brien helps Clarke Wadlow with a tournament
duffle bag.
and Jack
Sander with
28 On The Air Summer 2007
Jim Yager and Jack Sander
BMI’s Jose Gonzalez, Michael Steinberg, Kim Kouwabunpat and Phil Graham
Peter Schruth and
Dennis Williamson
Buckley Broadcasting. Andy Cozewith,
Chuck Dreifus, Jenny DeCastro, Joe Bilotta
29 On The Air Fall 2006
Gordon Hastings and
Liz Burns
& Cable’s
Larry Oliver
and Gordon
Mike McKinnon Jr., Mike McKinnon, Dick Drilling and Jim Gillece
Lew Paper, Colorado Broadcasters
Association chief Marilyn
Hogan, Oregon Association of
Broadcasters Bill Johnstone and
Arizona Broadcasters Association
Art Brooks
30 On The Air Summer 2007
Men’s Longest Drive winner
Dave Harrington with Kim
Jim Beloyianis with Jennifer Gagliano who sold the
tickets for he PING custom irons raffle, which raised
Wide Orbit’s Tricia Pahati and Barb
Duval with Kim Kouwabunpat
The RAB’s Ron Ruth
and Barry O’Brien
Doc Bodensteiner
purchased a Beat
the Pro raffle from
Nisha Sadekar of
Play Golf
31 On The Air Summer 2007
Regent Communications CEO Bill
Stakelin, IBiquity Digital’s Bob
Struble, Gammon Media Brokers
Chris Miller and Columbia
Partners Jason Crist
The NAB foursome. Ted Hearn, John Eggerton, Bob Hamilton and Dennis Wharton
Photos by
Las Vegas Photo
The RAB Foursome Neil
Sargent, Gary Fries, Tom
Buono and Dave Graupner.
Todd Fowler and
Mary-Joe Mennella
32 On The Air Summer 2007
A perfect day at Bali Hai
Gary Fries and Tom Buono of BIA
Katz Media Foursome. Bill Hendrich, Mark Grey, Terry Volbert and Mike Pallad
Tribune Broadcasting. John Vitonovec, Shaun
Sheehan, John Reardon and Clark Wadlow.
33 On The Air Summer 2007
Clear Channel
Television. Doc
Dick Bodorff,
Bill Moll and
Jim Beloyianis
Gary Faccenda and Jennifer
Dow Lohnes. TVB’s Joe Tirinato,
Ardell Hill, Kevin Reed and Media
General’s Jim Conschafter.
Dow Lohnes.
Doug Lowe,
Doug Barker
and John
34 On The Air Summer 2007
Meredith Broadcasting.
Andy Alford, Elden Hale,
Paul Karpowicz and
Kieren Clark
and Liz
Chuck Bolkcom, Tom Bracken,
Dennis Triola and Dana Wagner
NAB President &
CEO David Rehr,
Phil Lombardo
and Ray Cole
Twentieth Television. Jerry Jameson, Paul Franklin, Dave Lougee and Craig Weakley
35 On The Air Summer 2007
Lew Dickey Jr. and Gordon Hastings
Media Services Group: Mike Mines, Skip Weller,
Kim, Lew Dickey, Jr., and Scott Knobloch
Gary Faccenda, Ray
Cole, Phil Lombardo and
Ernest Liebre
Steve Herling, Liz Burns, David Sanks
and George Nelson
Harris Corporation.
Geir Skaaden, Debra
Huttenburg, Robert Koeoter
and Chris Pannella
36 On The Air Summer 2007
A few pointers. Kim and Twentieth
Television’s Jerry Jamieson.
The BMI foursome. Todd Fowler, Alison Smith,
Mary Jo-Mennella and Mike O’Neill
Photos by
Las Vegas Photo
and Bill
Barb Duval of Wide-Orbit, sponsor
of the Beverage Carts.
37 On The Air Summer 2007
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Your Help
Literally Saves Lives
A devastating motorcycle accident
This 39 years old broadcaster was employed as a business manager at a station
in the south. He was involved in a motorcycle accident and is paralyzed from
the waist down with additional injuries to his shoulders and collarbone. His
recuperation, to date, has enabled him to leave the hospital and utilize out
patient rehabilitation services. He continues to work from home as much as he
Prior to his accident, he was the primary care giver for, and living with, his aging
grandmother. Since the accident, he has had to move into an apartment that
offers him wheelchair accessibility, as well as other necessary fundamentals for his
His monthly expenses including medical deductibles now far exceed his income
and the Broadcasters Foundation of America monthly grant is allowing him to
continue rehabilitation while working from home in hopes that he will at some
point be ready to return to full-time work.
Thank you for supporting our colleagues in need…
38 On The Air Summer 2007
40 On The Air Summer 2007
of America
41 On The Air Summer 2007
The Ritz Carlton Hotel and Resort in Key
Biscayne was the site for the Third Annual
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Celebrity Offshore Challenge weekend that
began on Friday, April 27 with a poolside
welcome reception on a starry evening.
President Gordon Hastings welcomed the
62 participants and guests and thanked
sponsors, Media Services Group, ICBC
Broadcast Holdings, the Carter Broadcast
Group, the Georgia Legacy Foundation and
the National Association of Broadcasters.
Chair Phil Lombardo reminded all about the
principal goal of the organization and event,
helping broadcasters in need. Event co-chair
Skip Finley helped highlight the ‘fun’ in
fundraiser and distributed logo vests and hats
to committee members.
The event was decidedly different from 2006
with many participants bringing spouses and
families for what proved to be a sun kissed
weekend. Also new was the dramatic number
of female anglers.
Anglers brought several notables, celebrities
and family guests. Joining in the festivities,
Michael Carter brought his family, wife
Monica Carter, sons Robinson and Alexander
and daughter Caroline. Ray Cole’s wife Susan,
Phil Lombardo’s wife Kim and Dan Gasby’s
wife, radio and TV personality and restaurateur
Barbara (B.) Smith enjoyed the weekend
of activities. Interep’s Lisa Sirotka brought
husband Eric Sonnenklar and sons Harris
and Nicholas. US Trust’s Gina Costello, also
a committee member and Citigroup’s Dick
Risch and Nancy Lambert attended along
with Jacqueline Browne, wife of attorney and
ICBC board member Craig Browne. Floridians
Nick and Bonnie Verbitsky, NFL Hall of
Fame member Nick Buoniconti and his wife
Lynn and radio entrepreneur Tim Pohlman
joined the Challenge for the awards banquet.
At 7:30 AM on Saturday, April 28, 42, anglers
sailed from Crandon Marina on 12 charter
boats under clear, blue skies with a temperature
of 71 degrees. No wind and glass flat water
makes for great boating but not good fishing—
but the professional charter fleet of Key
Biscayne was able to raise fish. In the 8:00a.m.
hour, “Fish On!” was announced and GE
Commercial Credits’ Garret Komjathy led the
way with the first strike in catching a Wahoo
aboard Sonny Boy.
By tournament’s end at 12 noon, over 70
eligible fish were tallied that included 4 Sailfish
(all released),5 Wahoo,1 Black Fin Tuna, 30
Dolphin (or Dorado or Mahi Mahi), 3 King
Mackerel and11 Bonito
Scoring was based on type and number of fish
and for 2007, unlike 2006 when only a few
caught fish in the Bahamas, only one boat was
unlucky enough not to find fish. Unfortunately,
Sea Vous Play was captained by sponsor Media
Services Group’s George Reed whose team
said they had a wonderful day on the water
even though they were disappointed.
Ironically, Sea Vous Play was featured in
episode 3 of the final season of the Sopranos—
so just as Paulie did not die on the boat then,
no fish did in the challenge. We are sure
George and the Media Services Group team,
Eddie Esserman, Bill Whitley and Steve
Sloan will be back next time for retribution.
There are four prizes in the Offshore
Challenge. A grand prize for the individual
with the biggest fish, first prize for the team
with the most points, second prize for the team
with the second most points and third prize for
the team with the most fish caught.
42 On The Air Summer 2007
This year, a scant 6 points separated the 5th
place challenger from the 2007 third place
winner, Lisa L., captained by Interep’s Lisa
Sirotka and her team of Phil Brown, Billy
McEntee and Steve Moore who caught 7 fish,
including a Tuna, 2 Dolphins, 2 Bonito and 2
Keepers for a total of 46 points.
With 76 points and 9 fish, foundation Chair
Phil Lombardo’s team of Ray Cole and Ed
McLaughlin aboard Masita III won second
place with a Sailfish, 3 Dolphin, 1 King
Mackerel, 4 Bonito—and 1 sponge, brought
aboard by former foundation Chair Ed
First place for 2007 was won by ICBC
Chairman/CEO Pepe Sutton aboard Miss Britt
with ICBC Board member Craig Browne and
celebrity charter Captain Buddy Vanderhoop
from Martha’s Vineyard who found a school
of Dolphin and caught 13 with a top score of
117 points. Pepe’s team released four other
Dolphins, having run out of space in the
boats hold. Buddy’s wife Lisa Vanderhoop, a
professional photographer, joined the team and
caught incredible pictures of the action.
The grandprize winner for catching (and
releasing) the biggest fish was foundation
Chairman Phil Lombardo for an 8 ½ foot
Sailfish, Phil’s first and a lifetime memory
difficult to come by.
Many other anglers will enjoy life long
memories. Connecticut School of
Broadcasting's Scott Knight and Northern
Trust’s Bill Stroh aboard Thomas Flyer each
caught their first Sailfish—and Scott’s wife
Sheila almost caught one we understand was
far bigger. The team that also included CSB’s
Brian Stone earned 41 points for four fish that
included a King Mackerel and a Bonito.
Citigroup Captain Nancy Lamberts’ first
43 On The Air Summer 2007
time all women crew that included Beatriz
Pollares and Maureen Perry weighed in with
40 points and four fish, three of which were
the evasive Wahoo. Many of the experienced
anglers were shocked by this feat: Wahoo's
are the second fastest game fish at 47 MPH,
and almost never travel in schools. For
beginners to catch three of these sharp-toothed
speedsters is outstanding. Citigroup was on the
appropriately named Fighting Lady.
Aboard Sonny Boy, GE Commercial Credit
Garret Komjathy’s team had 33 points for
five fish that included his Wahoo, Bob Vail’s
Dolphin and big Amberjacks caught by
Karen Finley (Skip’s wife) and celebrity actor
Deirdre Lorenz. There was universal delight
that new angler Karen was able to beat the
experience of hubby Skip Finley.
Due to an unfortunate combination of
miscommunication and penmanship, 2006 first
place winners Ron Ruth and Dave Graupner
aboard L&H would have been in the win
column for a second year in a row for catching
10 Dolphin (checked on the scorecard as 1)
and 3 fish total that would have earned major
points. They were gracious in saying they were
glad to have won last year and will be back to
collect more trophies in 2008.
Barker Capital’s Captain Jake Barker aboard
Patience with foundation President Gordon
Hastings, Brian Cobb, Arise Air’s Bryan
Ellis and band member Dirk Jenkins, scored a
king-sized King Mackerel and Bonito this year.
Jake’s wife Jennifer Barker who joined the
group says she is fishing the next Challenge to
share in the excitement.
Carter Broadcast Group Chairman/CEO Mike
Carter on Top Hatt with Martha's Vineyard's
Alton Hardaway and celebrity Sammy Blue
was able to catch and release a Sailfish after
an hour and a half battle. Mike’s fish was
estimated to be over seven ½ feet and this was
his fourth lifetime Sailfish.
Event Co-Chair Skip Finley was aboard
Carie Ann with Mercedes Benz TV celebrity
spokesperson Dan Gasby and comedian Peter
Fogel. Dan Gasby was able to land most of
an approximately 6 foot Cobia, eaten on the
way up by a shark that may have been 10-12’.
Peter Fogel hooked up an almost 60-pound
Amberjack and Finley was happy to contribute
a nice sized Wahoo.
On Cutting Edge, 2006 Second Place winner
and event Co-Chair Rick Buckley and his
crew consisting of immediate past RAB Chair
Joe Bilotta, Jerry Levy and Tony Potter were
able to place with a Bonito. Unconfirmed
reports were that Team Buckley Radio brought
more aboard than they took off for 2007.It was
noted with some widespread delight that while
Co-Event Chairs Finley and Buckley registered
catches, they were low in the scoring—this
Following a reception that included celebrities,
guests, anglers and members of the Radio
Advertising Bureau Board of Directors (whose
meeting followed the Challenge), a lavish
sit down Ritz Carlton dinner and sumptuous
dessert were served preceding Co-Chair Skip
Finley’s remarks and the awards of trophies
to the winners of the Third Annual, 2007
Broadcaster’s Foundation of America Celebrity
Offshore Challenge.
Comedian Peter Fogel who has appeared on
Men Behaving Badly, Married with Children,
Whoopi with Whoopi Goldberg, The Comic
Strip Live and Caroline’s entertained. Offshore
Challenge celebrity actress and model Deirdre
Lorenz, who was in the movie Perfect Stranger
with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis and El
Cantante with Jennifer Lopez and Marc
Anthony to be released summer 2007, along
with Peter Fogel, were able to raise additional
funds for the organization with a raffle won
by Bonnie Verbitsky. Mike Carter and the
Carter Broadcast group underwrote Peter
Fogel’s appearance.
Sammy Blue, Crown Prince of the Blues and
his blues band of saxophonist Kenneth Faison,
percussionist Steve Hawkins and bass guitarist
Merrit Smith blew the roof off of the Ritz
Carlton’s Ponce de Leon Ballroom in a close
to one hour private concert. Winners and
guests danced for most of the performance.
A long time Jimi Hendrix fan, Skip Finley
was delighted by Sammy Blue's dedication
of Hendrix’ famous blues song, “Red House”.
Sammy Blue closed the show with Prince’s
“Purple Rain” as the revelers danced and sang
along. ICBC Broadcast Holdings and the
Georgia Legacy Foundation sponsored Sammy
Wonderful accommodations, sunshine and
great weather, delicious food and refreshments,
comedy, music, camaraderie—and world-class
fishing—all for a worthy cause!
The Broadcaster's Foundation of America
thanks the sponsors and guests and hopes to
see you at the Fourth Annual Celebrity Offshore
Challenge in 2008!
44 On The Air Summer 2007
Chair Phil
Sailfish flag flying! Mike Carter landed and released a seven and a half
foot Sailfish following an hour and a half successful battle.
The Interep Crew. Lisa Sirotka
Sonnenklar of course aboard the
Lisa L with her crew Phil Brown,
Bill McEntee and Steve Moore.
The crew took third place in The
Photos by
Alex Gort Photography
Chair Emeritus Ed McLaughlin, Chair Phil Lombardo and Citadel
Communications President Ray Cole aboard the Masita III. Phil Lombardo won
first place catching a releasing an eight foot Sailfish.
45 On The Air Summer 2007
with an
Challenge Co-Chair Skip Finley with “the catch.”
Second overall place trophies won by Ed McLaughlin, Phil Lombardo and Ray Cole
46 On The Air Summer 2007
Karen Finley
with her
Dave Graupner
and Ron Ruth
Scott Knight and U.S.
Trust’s Gina Costello
The Crew of the Patients.
Cobb Corp founder Brian
Cobb, Barker Capital’s
Jacob Barker, Gordon
Hastings, Sammy Blue
band member Dirk Jenkins
and Arise Air’s Bryan Ellis
47 On The Air Summer 2007
Aboard the
Thomas Flyer.
School of
Managing Partner
Scott Knight,
Sheila Knight, Bill
Stroh of Northern
Trust and CSB
President Brian
Pepe Sutton,
J.L. Media’s
Jerry Levy and
Skip Finley
Craig & Jacqueline Browne
Media Services Group’s George Reed and
Bill Wheatley with Denise and Brian Cobb
48 On The Air Summer 2007
Scott Knight,
Angie Lopez,
School of
Miami and
Brian Stone
The Crown Prince of The Blues
Sammy Blue, Alton Hardaway and
Mike Carter with the First Mate of
the Top Hatt
From Interep
Phil Brown, Bill
McEntee and
Steve Moore
Sammy Blue and
Deidre Lorenz
Lisa and Eric Sonnenklar
with their sons Harris
and Nicholas
49 On The Air Summer 2007
Gordon Hastings.
George Reed and
Steve Sloan
Photos by
Alex Gort Photography
The First
place catch
of Buddy
and Lisa
and Pepe
Sutton and
the crew of
the Miss Britt
Gina Costello, Sheila Knight and Karen Finley
A kiss for the fish. U.S. Trust’s Nancy Lambert
Third place trophies Lisa Sirotka Sonnenklar with
Phil Brown, Bill McEntee and Steve Moore
50 On The Air Summer 2007
Jacob and Jenny
Barker with Run Ruth
Sheila Knight with editorial comment as first mate holds Wahoo
caught by Scott Knight as Brian Stone and Bill Stroh look on
Kim Lombardo, Rick Buckley
and Susan Cole
Beatriz Pollares, Maureen Perry,
Alton Hardaway and Citigroup’s
Nancy Lambert at Awards party
51 On The Air Summer 2007
Grand prize
winner for the
biggest fish, an
eight and a half
foot released
Sailfish, Phil
Lombardo with
Skip Finley
Aboard the Carie Ann, comedian Peter
Fogel, Skip Finley and Dan Gasby
GE Commercial Credit’s Bob Vail and Garret Komjathy with Skip Finley
Charter captain holding Bonito with Rick Buckley, Jerry Levy,
Tony Potter and Joe Bilotta
Monica Carter with her
daughter Caroline
At the awards dinner Lynn and Nick Buoniconti with Sheila Knight
52 On The Air Summer 2007
Joe Bilotta,
B. Smith
and Rick
Dancing to Sammy Blue
Bryan Ellis and
Deidre Lorenz
53 On The Air Summer 2007
Steve Sloan and Bill Wheatley
Nancy Lambert
Komjathy, Bob
Vail, Karen
Finley and
Deidre Lorenz
Sammy Blue, Mike Carter and
Alton Hardaway
Photos by
Alex Gort Photography
54 On The Air Summer 2007
Trophy time! Lisa
Sonnenklar and
Skip Finley
Peter Fogel, Skip, Phil
and Tim Pohlman at the
welcoming reception
Nancy Lambert, Skip and Maureen Perry
55 On The Air Summer 2007
Ed McLaughlin,
Ray Cole and
Phil Lombardo
Brian and
Penny Stone
Scott Knight’s Sail Fish
Brian Cobb of Cobb Corp.
Gasby, B
Smith and
56 On The Air Summer 2007
Gina Costello, Bob Vail
and Connecticut School of
Broadcasting’s Angie Lopez
Mike and Monica Carter
Media Services Group’s Eddie Esserman
with his wife Denise and daughter Hanna
57 On The Air Summer 2007
Jay and Dottie Taylor with
Nick and Lynn Buoniconti
Skip Finley and
Dan Gasby
Jerry Levy
and Rick Buckley
Photos by
Alex Gort Photography
Skip and Sammy Blue
Phil Lombardo and
Ed McLaughlin
58 On The Air Summer 2007
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Your Help
Literally Saves Lives
Making the best of a bad situation
At 74 years of age, this broadcasting veteran has been in the industry since 1956.
During his extensive career, he achieved success as an anchor, staff announcer,
reporter, sports announcer and disc jockey.
This grant recipient suffered a blood clot in the brain and underwent successful
surgery. He was discharged to a rehabilitation center with an optimistic prognosis.
When he improved enough, he went to live with his family to continue the
recovery process.
Prior illness, mostly attributable to older age, and this surgery have depleted his
finances and any savings and pension. He has no assets. Since he needs close
medical observance, his family investigated assisted living communities and was
able to gain entrance for him at a local retirement home.
Because his immediate family has extremely limited resources, the Broadcasters
Foundation of America monthly grant has made possible his residence at the
local assisted living facility.
Thank you for supporting our colleagues in need…
BF ag
One Hundred Club
of Boston Founder
Norman Knight with
Peter Smyth.
Greater Media CEO Peter Smyth was presented the 100 Club
of Boston 2007 Humanitarian Award at a May 8 dinner at
Boston's Park Plaza Hotel Peter Smyth, Connecticut School of
Broadcasting's Scott Knight, Scott Knight, Greater Media Boston
Manager Phil Redo and WROR Morning Personality Loren Owens.
Peter is a director of the BFOA.
Nancy Dieterich and
Paul Haley of Citadel
Communications at
the Red Sox versus
Detroit game in May
at Fenway Park in
Boston. Nancy and
Paul were guests of
Sovereign Bank.
A birthday celebration at Le Cirque for Bill O’Shaughnessy.
From left to right, Bill, Matilda Cuomo, Nancy O’ Shaughnessy
and Governor Cuomo
Father Kevin Mackin
of Sienna College
with Joe Reilly at
the dedication of the
Joseph A and Carol M.
Reilly Sienna College
Broadcast Center The Reilly family. Grandson
Joseph A., Andrew,
Joe Reilly, Granddaughter
Caitlin, Daughter in-law
Nancy, Father Mackin and
Son, Jeffrey.
61 On The Air Summer 2007
Dave Denlinger
and Kate
Williams of
Sovereign Bank
A birthday
celebration for Katz
Media Corporation
Chair Emeritus Jim
Greenwald shown
here with his wife
Lee at the Old Oaks
Country Club in
Purchase, NY
The Greenwalk Family. Dereck and Linden Messana,
Lee and Jim Greenwald and Caryn and Thom Greenwald.
WAB ns.
ill Ev
A new ologist B
A book signing party in honor
of the publication of
Television Tightrope written
by Viacom founder Ralph
Baruch was held on May 30,
2007 at the Hearst Tower.
Among those attending were Bruce Paisner
of Hearst Corporation,
Ralph Baruch and
Foundation Chair
Phil Lombardo.
62 On The Air Summer 2007
Message From The President
to Skip
C ongratulations
Finley and Rick Buckley
on the success of the third
Broadcasters’ Foundation of
America Offshore Challenge
held at the Ritz Carlton in Key
Biscayne, Florida on April 27
and 28. Anglers landed a record
number of fish including the
catch and release of six sailfish,
setting an all time record for the
We are indebted to Skip for
making possible the appearance
of the “Crown Prince of Blues”,
Sammy Blue, at the challenge
awards dinner. We are most
appreciative of Sammy and his
band being most generous to the
foundation in their contribution
of talent making the reception
a truly fun filled evening. We
also appreciate Mike Carter
sponsoring the appearance of
comedian Peter Fogel. The
opening reception was cosponsored by Media Services
Group and the NAB.
The foundation’s NAB golf
tournament and the annual
Pioneer Awards have completed
their thirteenth consecutive year.
The Pioneer Award honorees
made particularly poignant
acceptance remarks, leaving
everyone in the room with an
understanding that we were all in
great company. Congratulations
to Jim Babb, Gary Chapman,
Bob Fox, Eric Rhoads, Patsy
Smullin and Dean Sorenson.
The Pioneer Awards attract
a wide cross section of guests
transcending all demographics
and professions from within the
industry. Total attendance has
now reached 250. The 2007
Pioneer Awards provided a great
early morning in Las Vegas. We
are indebted to the NAMB,
RAB and TVB for underwriting
the breakfast. There are no
tickets. The price of admission is
Paul Karpowicz and Bill Moll
are running the risk of being
asked to be NAB Charity Golf
Co-Chairs for life! With these
two men at the helm for the
second consecutive year, the
event was another resounding
success. Thanks, Paul and Bill
and to everyone who served on
the committee. Special thanks
to Larry Oliver of Broadcasting
& Cable and Gary Faccenda
of New York Life Investment
Management for their cosponsorship, which allows the
entire player fees to go directly to
the foundation’s mission.
We look forward to being back at
the Bali Hai golf club in 2008.
The 2007 Celebrity Golf
tournament will be played at
The Wee Burn Golf Club in
Darien on September 17. This
is the ninth annual celebrity
tournament, which has been sold
out, for the past five years. Frank
Comerford of WNBC-TV and
Scott Herman of CBS
Radio are co-chairs of the 2007
tournament. The signature
sponsor for the third consecutive
year is U.S. Trust.
You may have noticed in the
spring issue of On The Air that
we have added descriptions of
the circumstances of some of
the individuals whom we are
assisting. All of our readers and
contributors should understand
the importance and urgency of
the work of the foundation. We
have continued these anonymous
profiles in this issue.
Thanks to legendary broadcaster
Ralph Baruch for donating
part of the proceeds of his
book Television Tightrope to
the Broadcasters Foundation
of America. A reception
celebrating the publication was
held at the new Hearst Tower in
Manhattan on May 30.
The Broadcasters Foundation of
America lost two great friends
this spring, Leavitt Pope and
Jack Valenti. Much has been
written most eloquently about
both of these men and the
purpose of this writing is to
express our appreciation for their
The next issue of On The Air will
be published in November. Enjoy
the summer.
64 On The Air Summer 2007
The National Association
of Media Brokers
Forty-five member companies strong
Proudly supports the mission of the
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Broadcasters Foundation of America Board of Directors
Philip J. Lombardo
Stu Olds
Vice Chair
Gordon H. Hastings
Board of Directors
Edward F. McLaughlin
Chairman Emeritus
Joseph C. Amaturo
The Amaturo Family Foundation, Inc.
David J. Barrett
President/CEO, Hearst-Argyle Television
Richard A. Foreman
Richard A. Foreman Associates
Lawrence Oliver
VP/General Manager,
Reed Television Group
Alan W. Frank
President, Post Newsweek Stations, Inc.
William O’Shaughnessy
Chairman, WVOX/WRTN-Whitney Radio
Gary Fries,
Radio Advertising Bureau, Ret.
Diane Linen Powell
Des Plaines Publishing
Philip R. Beuth
Capital Cities, Ret.
Del R. Bryant
President/CEO, BMI
Ralph Guild
Chairman, Interep
Frances Preston
President Emeritus, BMI
Wade Hargrove, Esq.
Brooks Pierce
McLendon Humphrey & Leonard LLP
John Reardon
President/CEO, Tribune Broadcasting
Paul Karpowicz
Meredith Broadcasting Group
David Rehr
Nat’l Assoc. of Broadcasters
Edward Christian
President/CEO, Saga Communications, Inc.
N. Scott Knight
Managing Partner,
Connecticut School of Broadcasting
Joseph Reilly
President, NYS Broadcasters Association
Erica Farber
Publisher, Radio & Records
Jerry Lee
President, WBEB-FM
Richard Ferguson
Cox Radio, Ret.
Jerry Levy
President, JL Media Inc.
Joseph M. Field
Chairman, Entercom
Stanley H. Moger
President/CEO, SFM Entertainment
Skip Finley
ICBC Broadcast Holdings, Inc.
William G. Moll
Chairman, Clear Channel Television
Richard D. Buckley
Buckley Broadcasting Corp.
Gary R. Chapman
LIN TV Corp., Ret.
Andrew S. Fisher
President, Cox Television, Inc.
Jeffrey H. Smulyan
Chairman/CEO, Emmis Communications
Peter H. Smyth
President/CEO, Greater Media, Inc.
Nicholas J. Verbitsky
United Stations Radio Networks
Martin Eric Weisberg, Esq.
Baker & McKenzie
Corporate Counsel
Deborah Norville
Inside Edition
Chuck Bolkcom
Vice-President, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Deborah Roberts
ABC News
of America
Endowment Fund
Your Opportunity To Give Back
The Broadcasters Foundation of America Endowment Fund was established in 1998 by a resolution of the Broadcasters
Foundation of America Board of Directors.
The fund’s exclusive purpose is to ensure that financial assistance be available in perpetuity to fellow broadcasters who,
through no fault of their own, are in acute personal financial need. The endowment is used exclusively to support the
benevolent outreach of the Broadcasters Foundation of America.
To qualify for help, an individual must go through a detailed application process which includes a financial statement,
income tax returns, reference checks, and a physician’s medical statement, when appropriate. Monthly grants vary in size
depending on individual circumstances. All grants are approved and renewed annually by the Broadcasters Foundation of
America Executive Committee. Grant recipients remain anonymous so as to preserve their dignity.
Endowment Committee
William O’Shaughnessy, Chair
Phil Beuth, ABC/CapCities (Ret.)
Erica Farber, Publisher, Radio & Records
Dick Foreman, Richard A. Foreman Associates
Ed McLaughlin, Foundation Chair Emeritus
Larry Oliver, VP & General Manager, Reed Television Group
Call (203) 862-8577 for more information
20 On The Air Summer 2006
s Fo
The Broadcasters Foundation of America Angel Initiative is entering its fourth year. We are
delighted with the number of radio and television broadcasting companies that have made an
annual commitment to the mission of the foundation by becoming a Corporate Angel.
The 2007 Angel corporate campaign is your company’s opportunity to join those already
making an annual gift to help us insure that no call for help from a fellow broadcaster will go
unanswered. The Angel Initiative is the way our industry can take care of its own people in
their special time of need. It is all about “giving back.”
The number of requests for help made to the foundation is increasing dramatically. We have
no way of accurately predicting what the future demand on our resources will be. The Angel
Annual Corporate Giving Initiative is an essential element in our being able to provide
critical assistance into the future.
We hope that we can count on you becoming an Angel in 2007.
Contact Gordon Hastings at 203.862.8577 for further details.
On behalf of all of those whom we serve, thank you for your support.
JOHNNIE WALKER® BLACK LABEL® Blended Scotch Whisky, 40% Alc./Vol. (80 Proof), ©2004 Diageo North America, Inc., Stamford, CT
On The Air
Broadcasters Foundation of America
Seven Lincoln Avenue
Second Floor
Greenwich, CT 06830
PERMIT No. 102

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