Special 2014 - Albany Medical College Alumni Association
Special 2014 - Albany Medical College Alumni Association
Bulletin of the Albany Medical College Alumni Association SPECIAL EDITION Volume 79 Number 2 Summer 2014 Inside Alumni Association Award Recipients Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn Commencement 2014 2013 Contributors Report Images from Albany Medical College 175th Anniversary Celebration, Reunion Weekend 2014 and 2014 Commencement events. Please consider a bequest in support of Albany Medical College. “Gina and I looked at each other and said, ‘We wouldn’t be where we are now if not for Albany Medical College.’ It made this gift an easy decision.” PILLARS societ y Gina and Tom Snyder, M.D. ’69 Vallejo, California The Snyders keep their link to Albany Medical College alive through the Alumni Association. Regular annual gifts and a generous bequest comprise Gina and Tom’s substantial gift to help the next generation of talented physicians. Thank you! Members of the ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE PILLARS SOCIETY have created lasting legacies using their bequests, life income gifts and retirement plans. They provide inspiration to others to do the same. Learn more, contact Laura O’Brien, Assistant Vice President, Gift Planning and Principal Gifts (518) 262-6835 obrienL@mail.amc.edu www.amc.edu/foundation/giftplanning ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS President Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. ’79 President-elect Anthony C. Campagna, M.D. ’85 Immediate Past President Alan M. Sanders, M.D. ’88 Secretary Nancy C. Sapio, M.D. ’85 Bulletin Summer 2014 of the Albany Medical College Alumni Association Treasurer David M. Jones, M.D. ’97 12 Historian Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D. ’68 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS Albert A. Apicelli, M.D. ’65 Mitchell H. Bamberger, M.D. ’82 Stephanie Bull, M.S., P.A. ’09 Christopher L. Campese, M.D. ’90 Jodi Della Rocca, C.R.N.A., M.S. ’02, Ph.D. Clifford A. Erickson, M.D. ’99 Robert J. Hedderman, M.D. ’82 Siobhan M. Kuhar, M.D. ’99, Ph.D. R. Peter Manes, M.D. ’04 Dennis P. McKenna, M.D. ’92 Kathryn T. O’Keeffe, M.D. ’78 Phillip S. Paty, M.D. ’86 Donna M. Pietrocola, M.D. ’75 Mary E. Rappazzo, M.D. ’76 Kevin W. Roberts, M.D. ’77 Gary L. Sutter, M.D. ’76 Gurvinder S. Uppal, M.D. ’86 Peter Vincent, Ph.D. ’89 Bruce White, D.O., J.D., M.S., ’09 Charles L. Poskanzer, M.D. ’45, Emeritus Steven M. Frisch, M.D. ’79, Ex-Officio Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84, Ex-Officio 8 President’s Message 12 2014 Alumni Association Award Recipients 14 20 24 Reunion Weekend 2014 26 28 Commissioning Ceremony 29 44 2013 Contributors Report Dean’s Message Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn Stuart J. Schnitt, M.D. ’79 2014 Distinguished Alumnus College News and Events Albany Medical College 2014 Commencement ALUMNI ASSOCIATION STAFF Maura Mack Hisgen, Executive Director Christine Horigan, Associate Director Alison Lester, Program Manager Jessica Watson, Archivist 5 7 8 10 14 Design: Panarama Design www.panaramadesign.com AMCalumni@mail.amc.edu or (518) 262-5033 24 Pillars Profile: John Wheeler, M.D. ’69 Class Notes 2014 -15 Upcoming Alumni Events alumni.amc.edu/events Regional Receptions Stay connected: please join Dean Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84 and Alumni Association Board President, Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. ’79, at an upcoming alumni event. Dr. Verdile will provide an update on the exciting news and developments at Albany Medical College. 1 Hartford, CT: Thursday, September 18, 2014 1 7 6 4 3 2 San Diego, CA: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 3 Providence, RI: Thursday, October 23, 2014 4 Boston, MA: Thursday, November 20, 2014 5 Naples, FL: Sunday, November 9, 2014 6 San Francisco, CA: Sunday, December 7, 2014 2 7 New York City, NY: Thursday, February 5, 2015. 5 HONORING ’45, ’50, ’55, ’60, ’90,’95,’00,’05,’10 Stay tuned for more 2014-15 regional events to be added. REUNION THE CLASSES OF: WEEKEND ’65, ’70, ’75, ’80, ’85, and The Gold Society 2 15 Friday, April 24- Sunday, April 26 Highlights: • Distinguished Alumnus Lecture • Friday Evening Individual Class Dinners • Dean’s State of the College Address • Awards Luncheon • Reunion Gala • Tours of the College, including the Patient Safety and Clinical Competency Center 4 alumni.amc.edu SPECIAL EDITION President’s Message Dear Fellow Alumni, We had a full and celebratory spring at Albany Medical College— the 175th Anniversary Reception in March, Reunion Weekend 2014 in April and Commencement in May. As your president, it was my privilege to mark the occasion of the College’s milestone anniversary year with fellow alumni, students and faculty at the special gathering. I was also pleased to see so many returning alumni at reunion and was honored to recognize our 2014 Alumni Award recipients at this year’s Luncheon. I enjoyed serving as a volunteer for the Class of 1979’s 35th Reunion along with fellow classmates, Steven Frisch, M.D., Margaret Grogan, M.D., James Horn, M.D. and David Semenoff, M.D. As class agents and class coordinators, we worked together to encourage participation and raise awareness about the importance of reunion giving. I’d like to extend my gratitude, on behalf of the entire Alumni Association, to this year’s reunion class agents and class coordinators for their hard work and dedication. We have set the date for Reunion 2015: Friday, April 24 – Sunday, April 26. Alumni from classes ending in “0” and “5”—mark your calendars today! All alumni—please consider nominating fellow alumni for the 2015 awards for Distinguished Alumnus, Exemplary Support, Honorary Alumni, Humanitarian Alumnus and Meritorious Alumnus. This year’s pre-commencement Awards Ceremony and Commencement Eve Reception were held at the New York State Museum. It was a beautiful May evening and members of the College community, the Class of 2014 and their families enjoyed these special events. I’d like to welcome three new board members: Mitchell Bamberger, M.D. ’82, Dennis McKenna, M.D. ’92, and Gary Sutter, M.D. ’76. We look forward to working with them on important alumni initiatives and engagement. We are most grateful to our retiring board members for their many years of generous and amazing service: John Czajka, M.D. ’77, John Kaplan, Ph.D. ’76, Richard Wilmot, M.D. ’88 and Jitka Zobal-Ratner, M.D. ’88. In closing, please join me in making your gift to the Alumni Annual Fund, if you have not done so, this year. Philanthropic support from our alumni enables us to continue providing critical funding for our teaching programs, financial aid, research and extra-curricular student initiatives. Send your gift to our alma mater today. Thank you. Happy Summer! Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. ’79 Nominate your fellow alumni for the 2015 ALUMNI AWARDS Distinguished Alumnus • Exemplary Support • Honorary Alumni • Humanitarian Alumnus • Meritorious Alumnus Summer 2014 5 Albany Medical College 175th Anniversary Reception On Thursday, March 20, nearly 200 members of the college community—students, faculty, staff and alumni—gathered to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of Albany Medical College at Sixty State Place in Albany. A welcome and champagne toast was led by Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. ’79, president of the Alumni Association, Dean Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84, and CJ Pierce, Class of 2014, Student Council president. Dean Vincent Verdile, M.D. ’84 celebrating with the Class of 2014. To commemorate the College’s 175th anniversary the Archives is putting together a memory CALLING book of anniversary ALL messages and we need your help. ALUMNI Share a memorable part of your medical education, an individual who shaped your career as a physician or a humorous anecdote from your college experience. YOU have a chance to be a part of history! (see link below) I remember Manuel J. “Pearl who was a teacher, mentor and friend. As a 3rd year medical student, Dr. Pearl was influential in my choosing OB-GYN as my specialty. He was a gentle, kind man and a brilliant, astute professor and teacher. He became acting Chair of the department and is fondly remembered by all the OB-GYN residents that were fortunate enough to study under him. ” Albert Apicelli, M.D. ’65 Alumni and students share their fond memories and anniversary wishes for Albany Medical College: to Albany Medical College strictly for its location; “itI applied was the only medical school located close enough to Williamstown, Massachusetts, where my fiancé was on the faculty at Williams College, so that we could get married. I arrived as a first year student, newly wed with a different surname, creating a small uproar at a time when married women were not generally seen as viable students. As it turned out, Albany was a fantastic school, providing me with a wonderful education. As an intern in pediatrics, I was so much better prepared than most of my colleagues both in knowledge and practical experience. Two people stand out in my memory: Richard Beebe for teaching us examination skills, and my classmate, Mary Rappazzo-Hall, the consummate physician. ” Catherine Bartlett, M.D. ’76 Happy Anniversary Albany Med! Thank you for all of your support and providing me “with such an enriching learning experience! Maya Furman, ’15 ” Submit your anniversary message online: alumni.amc.edu/amc175 Rifat Mamun, M.D. ’14, Julia Mayne, M.D. ’14, Shalin Patel, M.D. ’14, and Lindsey Cilia, M.D. ’14 at the 175th Anniversary Reception. Happy Anniversary Albany “Medical College! I am so proud to have attended such a great school that I know has prepared me well for the future. For this, I am forever grateful. ” Karamjit Chela, M.D. ’14 you for giving me “theThankopportunity to change the world. ” Paul Hoerbelt, 2015 Ph.D. Candidate— Neuropharmacology SPECIAL EDITION Dean’s Message In honor of the College’s 175th Anniversary this year, we titled the Medical Center’s Annual Report “History Always in the Making,” designed to reflect both our the historical milestone we have reached, as well as the extraordinary growth and changes we expect to see in the years ahead. I n so many ways, Albany Medical College is poised to begin new chapters in our development. After years of investments, the campus has become a truly modern showcase for our Medical Center, our city and our region. Over the next two years, this growth will continue as new housing and retail structures will continue the evolution of our campus and our neighborhood into a thriving community. Updates to the facilities and labs offer greater opportunities for our researchers and students to perform leading-edge work, as well as to attract a new generation of scientists and practitioners. Our new lab floors and the new Animal Research Facility have created space to perform state of the art work with an emphasis on translational research. These changes and other initiatives will help Albany Medical College shape our region’s economy and our community into the future. For example, one exciting project has been our work in collaboration with the University at Albany and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to strengthen our region’s economy and our scientific and research capabilities. By sharing discoveries through the New York Capital Region Research Alliance (NY Cap), we are identifying opportunities to develop joint proposals for funding, strengthening our life sciences and technical economy, and ultimately creating jobs and building businesses. All of these investments and efforts have enhanced our prestige. For the Class of 2018, we had a record number of applicants, high performing candidates who recognize the unique approach Albany Medical College offers. In this issue, we highlight just one of these initiatives, our Learning to Teach: Teaching to Learn program that helps prepare students for the challenges of teaching they will need regardless of the direction their career takes. Our graduates continue to secure desirable placements within an increasingly competitive environment. At Match Day, Albany Medical College students received placements at hospitals throughout the country including such prestigious institutions as Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and Georgetown University Hospital. The support we get from our alumni is an integral ingredient in ensuring our continued success. More than half of the funds being raised through our current capital campaign, Lifeline: The Campaign for Albany Medical Center, will support initiatives in the College. While we have made tremendous progress towards our goals, continued alumni support is absolutely vital for supporting scholarships and research. Alumni unrestricted funding is always needed to provide enhanced opportunities for both faculty and students, such as the gifts that are helping more than 40 students work on summer research projects at Albany Med and throughout the country. We remain grateful for your support in helping achieve the milestones we have reached, as well as the ones to come over our next 175 years. All the best, Dean Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. ’84 Summer 2014 7 Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn Unique Course Sets Albany Medical College Students Apart 8 alumni.amc.edu William Chang, ’15, Kathleen Ruzzo, ’15, Katharine Halligan, ’15, Ph.D. ’10, M.S. ’08, and Jonathan Rosen, M.D., in the Patient Safety and Clinical Competency Center. When graduate medical program interviewers asked Sarah Dobrzynski, M.D. ’14, what set her apart from other candidates for residency, she knew just how to respond—her teaching skills. “R esidency programs value this skill, since part of your job as a resident is to teach fellow residents and medical students,” says Dobrzynski. “Thanks to my experience at Albany Medical College, I have total confidence that I will be a great teacher.” Dobrzynski, who was accepted into the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s emergency medicine training program, earned her confidence through Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn—a unique fourweek course at Albany Medical College. While a number of medical schools offer formal students-as-teachers (SAT) training programs, Albany Medical College is the only medical school in the country that makes it a requirement for its fourth-year students. Jonathan Rosen, M.D., associate dean for medical education, conceived the course in 1999 after observing fourth-year students teaching clinical skills to first- and second-year students and recognizing a wide variability of teaching ability. “Inevitably, all medical students will have the responsibility to teach at some point in their careers,” explains Rosen, who piloted the program with one student in 2000. In 2001, Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn was integrated into the fourth-year curriculum. “ ‘Teaching’ can mean so many things,” he continues. “It could mean developing a faculty, prioritizing information, or communicating with a patient or patient’s family. It’s an essential skill that we felt was important for our students to learn.” Henry Pohl, M.D., vice dean for academic administration at the Medical College agrees. “Future physicians need to help educate the public for wellness and health care maintenance, and soon after earning their degree, new doctors must teach medical students. Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn achieves both outcomes for our medical education program while also acting as a learning laboratory to refine clinical skills and communication to make Albany Medical College graduates truly patient centered.” To hone their teaching skills, students are required to participate in workshops, teach clinical skills to first- and second-year students, and teach in local schools. At the end of the month-long course, they must conduct a capstone project in which they teach the topic of their choice to a small group of two to three second- or third-year students. “When you’re forced to teach something, you automatically improve your knowledge of it,” says Linnie Newman, associate professor for medical education, who oversees the students’ schedules, helps develop the intern scenarios, and observes and provides feedback. “If you can teach a topic, you probably understand it well.” Intern scenarios conducted with the assistance of the College’s “standardized patients” (but who are not standardized in these cases so that students may experience the unknowns that may arise in true patient encounters) in the College’s Patient Safety and Clinical Competency Center (PSCCC) address difficult situations such as informing a parent that Child Protective Services has been called due to their child’s injuries, informing a spouse of an unexpected death after an auto accident, or asking for a family’s forgiveness after a HIPAA violation. “I remember having to role play that I was asking a man whose wife had died for permission to order an autopsy,” recalls Holly Wagoner, M.D. ’14. “These are difficult situations that you may not be exposed to in medical school, but that you may have to deal with someday, and now I have the confidence that I can do this. It’s an extension of the clinical skills we’ve learned.” In other core workshops, students learn to give effective feedback to their peers in small group sessions and at-the-bedside teaching encounters. They also gain valuable experience practicing sign-out rounds with attendings and residents, and later participate in feedback sessions with faculty about their delivery. Alison Rodriguez, M.D. ’13, now training as a resident at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, says those experiences prepared her to interact with other physicians. “It’s difficult to learn to accept feedback from attendings, especially constructive criticism, but Learning to Teach helped prepare me to take all feedback tactfully and in stride, and to give it to others effectively, as well,” says Rodriguez, who has been recognized for her outstanding teaching skills with several “apple pins” awarded by students. The course also provides a valuable service to the community by sending students to local middle and high schools to help educate young people about various topics important to their age group—like the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Through “Vital Signs,” fourth-year students are required to develop goals, objectives and a lesson plan before teaching Albany High School students. A similar program takes place with other local schools, helping medical students to further hone their teaching skills. Chris Smith, M.D. ’14, summarizes the course well: “You get the chance to teach and give feedback to different people in different settings. You get to discover what works best and what people respond to. It reaffirms for you that you’ve come a long way, and you’re well prepared for what’s next.” It’s an essential skill that we felt was important for our students to learn. Summer 2014 9 REUNION 2 14 WEEKEND Stuart Schnitt, M.D. ’79 receiving the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus Award from Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ’79. 10 alumni.amc.edu Top Breast Pathology Researcher Stuart J. Schnitt, M.D. ’79 Named 2014 Distinguished Alumnus ALUMNI AWARDS Stuart Schnitt, M.D. ’79, Director of the Division of Anatomic Pathology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, credits “serendipity” with putting him on the path to becoming one of the world’s foremost breast pathology experts. “ When I was a resident at Beth Israel Hospital in 1980 one of the attending pathologists asked me if I was interested in getting involved in a research project to review breast cancer cases,” recalls Schnitt. “Those were the early days of breast conserving therapy. We were able to identify a set of microscopic features associated with an increased risk for local recurrence.” That study is viewed as the foundation of much of the subsequent research in the field. “We basically hit a home run on our first study of this subject. It made it seem like research was really easy,” says Schnitt, with a laugh. Today, in addition to his role at BIDMC, Schnitt is a professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School and co-leader of the DanaFarber Harvard Cancer Center Breast Program. He has authored more than 300 original articles, editorials, commentaries, review articles and book chapters; he is the only American editor of the fourth edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of the Breast and a past president of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology. Schnitt is also the author of a popular breast pathology textbook, Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast. Currently in its second edition, it has also been published in Chinese. Albany Medical College Alumni Association named Schnitt its 2014 Distinguished Alumnus, and in April he returned to campus to present the annual Distinguished Alumnus Lecture. His topic was “The Essential Role of the Pathologist in Guiding Management of Patients with Breast Diseases: From Morphology to Molecules.” “Breast cancer used to be considered one cancer with one treatment: mastectomy,” he explains. “We’ve moved from a onesize-fits-all approach to a more personalized approach to treat not only breast cancer but many other cancers as well as noncancerous conditions.” Schnitt discovered his passion for pathology during medical school under the tutelage of Professor R. Foster Scott. “He helped me realize that pathology was the perfect mix of science and clinical medicine and that was exactly what I was looking for,” he says. “Pathologists are often viewed as people who sit in dark rooms with their microscopes. Many people don’t understand the major contributions that pathologists make to patient care and research.” “Having strong mentors throughout my career has been critical to any success I have had,” he continues. “I think all medical students need mentors who can help them find their niche. But, regardless of what field of medicine today’s medical students ultimately choose, an understanding of genetics is essential to really comprehend the risk of diseases, disease treatment and disease outcome.” As a faculty member, Schnitt focuses on educating and training pathologists around the world. In addition to teaching in numerous post-graduate courses, Schnitt’s department supervises approximately 35 pathology residents and 10 fellows each year (including two dedicated breast pathology fellows). An annual two-day post-graduate course, “Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies,” that he launched in 2002 draws more than 200 people each year. Schnitt keeps the contributions he has made in perspective. “You may think you’re making major contributions by publishing research papers,” says Schnitt. “But, in 20 years, people will likely not know what research you did or know what papers you published. In my view, one’s legacy in academic medicine isn’t determined by your research discoveries or by your papers. Your true legacy is your trainees and what they accomplish.” Stuart Schnitt, M.D. ’79 delivering his Distinguished Alumnus Lecture in Huyck Auditorium. Summer 2014 11 REUNION 2 14 WEEKEND Nathaniel Silon, M.D. ’58, with his spouse, Barbara Silon, receiving the 2014 Exemplary Alumni Support Award from Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ’79. Thomas Burke, M.D. ’89 Thomas Snyder, M.D. ’69 12 alumni.amc.edu 2014 Alumni Association Award Recipients The following alumni, faculty and students were recognized at this year’s Alumni Association Awards Luncheon during Reunion, April 25-27: EXEMPLARY ALUMNI SUPPORT AWARD HUMANITARIAN AWARD MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD Nathaniel Silon, M.D. ’58 Thomas F. Burke, M.D. ’89 Thomas L. Snyder, M.D. ’69 The Exemplary Alumni Support Award recognizes an alumnus who has demonstrated extraordinary dedication and philanthropic support of Albany Medical College. Dr. Silon is a dedicated supporter of his alma mater and recently funded a generous merit scholarship program to express his deep gratitude to the College for the opportunity to fulfill a long-standing dream. Dr. Silon remains grateful to Albany Medical College for the confidence placed in him to succeed academically and for enabling him to achieve personal fulfillment. At age 91, he and his wife, Barbara, reside in Florida, where he continues to practice radiation oncology as a substitute physician in several East Coast states. Dr. Burke is chief of the Division of Global Health and Human Rights at the Massachusetts General Hospital and an associate professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School. He has extensive experience in the public health arena as a senior emergency physician, a faculty member and researcher, and as a leader in the nonprofit sector directing overseas health interventions since 1994. Dr. Burke’s efforts have been principally focused on women and children’s health and human rights. Currently, his Division programs in Africa include: communitybased maternal and infant health delivery and human resource development; advanced midwifery training; national maternal and child health strategic planning; and development of service and research capacity. Additionally, the Division is embarking on action-based research on sex trafficking of girls and women on several continents. The Humanitarian Award was created in 1995 to recognize alumni who excel, beyond daily practice, in serving mankind. The Meritorious Service Award recognizes an alumnus who has demonstrated a deep commitment and active participation in the Albany Medical College Alumni Association. Dr. Snyder served on the Alumni Association Board of Directors, is an enthusiastic advocate for the Alumni Association-sponsored Archives, and serves as an active liaison for the Class of 1969 and alumni residing in Northern California. In 2011, he founded the Albany Medical College— Military Affinity Group. “AMCMAG,” with Alumni Association support, sponsoring an annual Medicine in the Military/Family Life in the Military Symposium for current and prospective Health Profession Scholarship Program Students (HPSP), and an Alumni Weekend Sunday Coffee to honor the military service of attending alumni. ALUMNI AWARDS FRANK C. MAXON, JR., M.D. ALUMNI AWARD CJ Pierce, M.D. ’14 Joel Bartfield, M.D. Kevin Kiley, M.D. CJ Pierce, M.D. ’14 Paul Hoerbelt, Ph.D. Candidate HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Honorary Member of the Alumni Association Award recognizes outstanding senior members of the College faculty who have contributed meritoriously to teaching and in furthering the excellence of Albany Medical College. This year, the Alumni Association was proud to induct two members: Joel M. Bartfield, M.D. and Kevin C. Kiley, M.D. Joel M. Bartfield, M.D. Kevin C. Kiley, M.D. Dr. Bartfield has been at Albany Medical Center since 1990, serving as program director in emergency medicine for eight years prior to becoming the associate dean for Graduate Medical Education in 2002. He is immediate past president of the New York State chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians and serves as an oral board examiner for the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Bartfield is a physician role model, residency program director, educator, administrator and associate dean assuring the quality of the residency programs at Albany Medical Center. As an advisor and mentor, Dr. Bartfield demonstrates a strong commitment to helping medical students and residents navigate their way to becoming competent physicians without losing sight of their personal needs. Dr. Kiley is chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Albany Medical Center and Albany Medical College. His wealth of experience reflects his many years of U. S. Army obstetrics and gynecology, including a term as chairman of OB/GYN at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas. After retiring as surgeon general of the Army, he was in practice before the invitation to Albany. Dr. Kiley’s clinical interests are in general gynecology and routine obstetrics, menopausal and adult woman care, with special attention to the emotional component of patient care. After some years as chairman in Albany, Dr. Kiley took on additional responsibilities as director of the College’s busy OB/GYN residency program. Several Albany graduates are residents under Dr. Kiley, or are recent graduates of the program. Appropriately for a retired General, Dr. Kiley takes a special interest in students in military service, and made the commissioning ceremony for newly graduated medical officers a major part of Albany Medical College Commencements. The Frank C. Maxon, Jr., M.D. Alumni Award is given each year to a fourth year medical student who has shown outstanding personal, academic and professional qualities, and who has exhibited an active interest in the projects and programs of the Alumni Association. Clyde James Pierce, known as “CJ,” was elected, in his first year, by his classmates, as a student representative to the Student Council and served for four consecutive years. In his fourth year, CJ was elected as the executive president of Student Council. CJ will pursue his training in internal medicine at the University of Iowa. GRADUATE STUDENT AWARD Paul B. Hoerbelt, Ph.D. candidate The Graduate Student Alumni Award recognizes a graduate student who has exhibited outstanding scholastic ability, and has been actively involved with the Graduate Student Organization (GSO). Paul served as the 2011-2012 president, and sat on two oversight committees: the College Executive Committee and the Graduate Studies Operating Committee. In 2012, Paul was recognized with the annual Richard H. Edmonds Alumni Leadership Award. He has volunteered as a tutor for medical students struggling through first-year neuro, and led grouptutoring sessions for physician assistant students. In recognition of his service, Paul was awarded the 2012 Leonard Procita Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Summer 2014 13 REUNION 2 14 WEEKEND Neil Lempert, M.D. ’58 and Robert Rapoport, M.D. ’88, at the Dean’s State of the College. Guests at the Awards Luncheon at 90 State Street. At the Reunion Gala Jacques Winter, M.D. ’79 and Marlene Winter, Ph.D. dancing at the Gala. Philip Rabinowitz, M.D. ’89 and Sharon Taylor, M.D. ’89 at the Gala. Row 1 (front): Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ’79, Stuart Schnitt, M.D. ’79, Steve Frisch, M.D. ’79, Robert Warner, Jr., M.D. ’79, Margaret Grogan, M.D. ’79. Row 2 (back): Paul Chalmers, M.D. ’79, Rob Mackenzie, M.D. ’79, Laurence Primack, M.D. ’79, Richard Greene, M.D. ’79, Gary Weinstock, M.D. ’79, Ron Musto, M.D. ’79, Isabelle Warner. Dean Verdile, M.D. ’84 delivering the State of the College. Cheryl Zentner, M.D. ’04 and Kathryn Hogan, M.D. ’04 at the Gala. 14 alumni.amc.edu REUNION CLASSES Reunion 2014 Class Photos Gold Society. David Beck, M.D. ’54, John Abbuhl, M.D. ’49, Ron Peets, M.D. ’54, Jay Dewell, Sr., M.D. ’54 Gold Society Class of 1964. Row 1 (seated): Janet Hall, M.D. Row 2 (standing): Lewis Schainuck, M.D., Alan Megibow, M.D., Stephen Chan, M.D. Row 3 (standing): Robert Judson, M.D., Martin Symansky, M.D., Charles “Tom” McHugh, M.D., Larry Sherman, M.D., C. Wendell Wickersham III, M.D., Richard Balsam, M.D. Class of 1964 Class of 1969 Class of 1969. Row 1: William Barry, M.D., Richard Mannal, M.D., William Johnston, Jr., M.D., Thomas Snyder, M.D., John Olichney, M.D., Russell Weed Walker, M.D., Harvey Scherer, M.D., G. Timothy Johnson, M.D., Dennis Norfleet, M.D. Row 2: William Rosen, M.D., Jay Clapp, M.D., John Norton, M.D., J ohn Wheeler, M.D., Fred Schwartz, M.D., Ron Burkman, M.D. Class of 1974 Class of 1974. Row 1: Eloise Aguirregoitia, M.D., Edwarda BudaOkreglak, M.D. Row 2: William Hall, M.D., Mark Goldberg, M.D. Henry Macler, Jr., M.D., Jim Furlong, M.D., Frank Bellino, M.D. Summer 2014 15 Reunion 2014 Class Photos Class of 1979 Class of 1979. Row 1 (seated): Laurence Primack, M.D., Richard Greene, M.D., Stuart Schnitt, M.D., Terri Schnitt, Janet Gargiulo, M.D., James Horn, M.D. Row 2 (standing): Jacques Winter, M.D., Marlene Winter, Ph.D., Phyllis Frisch, Steven Frisch, M.D., Robert Warner, Jr., M.D., Isabelle Warner, Bonnie Weinstock, Gary Weinstock, M.D., Lynn Horn. Class of 1984 Class of 1989 Class of 1984. Row 1 (seated): Mark Milunski, M.D., Jill Braverman-Panza, M.D., Deborah Longley, M.D., Elaine Price-Schwartz, M.D., John O’Reilly, M.D. Row 2: Kirk Wood, M.D., Anthony Ritaccio, M.D., Rhonda Myers, M.D., Diane Gorczyca Patrick, M.D., Catherine Bartholomew, M.D., Amy Bloom, M.D. Row 3: Randy Beatty, M.D., Bill Gooch, M.D., Paul Sklarew, M.D., Mark Slovenkai, M.D., Thomas Peltola, M.D., Peter Cohen, M.D., Ronald Zelnick, M.D., Philip Seibel, M.D., Paul Himelfarb, M.D., Vincent Verdile, M.D., Christopher Baker, M.D. Class of 1989. Row 1 (kneeling): Dane Lacey, M.D., Viral Sheth, M.D., Harjit Singh, M.D., Christopher Asuncion, M.D., Samuel Hakim, M.D. Row 2 (seated): Marjorie Curran, M.D., Karen Tan, M.D., Hilary Kern, M.D., Alyse Bellomo, M.D., Karamjit Singh, M.D., Melanie Kazlas, M.D., Hillary Whonder-Genus, M.D., Sharon Taylor, M.D., Linda Lepik, M.D. Row 3 (standing): Lorraine Marasco-Schratz, M.D., Sharon Tietgens, M.D., Amy Damiani, M.D., Linda Curtin, M.D., Thomas Burke, M.D., Raymond Schultz, M.D., Steven Wolf, M.D., Edward Escott, M.D., Ian Weinstein, M.D., Steven Schulman, M.D., Paolo Trubiano, M.D., Gerardus Jameson, M.D., Philip Rabinowitz, M.D., Mark McDade, M.D., Jeffrey Bennett, M.D., Samuel Kao, M.D. 16 alumni.amc.edu REUNION CLASSES Class of 1994. Row 1 (seated): Elizabeth Kahn, M.D., Emily Etzkorn, M.D., Maria Boulos, M.D., Raveen Saluja, M.D., Mariza Vergara Barbe, M.D. Row 2: Uday Dasika, M.D., Alan Boulos, M.D., Aaron Katz, M.D., James Wilson, III, M.D., Raymond Tan, M.D., Catherine Tan, M.D., Vanisha Patel, M.D. Class of 1999. Siobhan Kuhar, M.D. ’99 and Gordon Kuhar, M.D. ’87. Class of 1994 Class of 1999 Class of 2004. Row 1 (seated): Kathryn Hogan, M.D., Malisa Lahtinen, M.D., Deborah Myers, M.D., Bridget Frawley, M.D., Sarah Preiss-Farzanegan, M.D., Elizabeth Rose, M.D., Adrianna Hekiert, M.D., Makenzi Evangelist, M.D., Lindsay Gennari, M.D., Annette Dorfman, M.D., Chelsea Wicks, M.D., Cheryl Zentner, M.D., Kristina LahtinenAley, M.D. Row 2: Daniel Pauze, M.D., Daniel McLaughlin, M.D., Christopher Freeman, M.D., Colin Failey, M.D., Marc Gordon, M.D., Risheet Patel, M.D., Peter Manes, M.D., Eric Whitman, M.D. Class of 2004 Class of 2009 Class of 2009. Row 1 (seated): Jeff Saperstone, Mariko Yasuda, M.D., Danielle Rooney, M.D., Matthew Zink, Christopher Lackey, Alana Nagle, M.D. Row 2: Melissa Leber, M.D., Jared Kutzin, Heather Prunty, M.D., Stuart Prunty, Joanny Paul, M.D., Tim Caramore, M.D. Summer 2014 17 is wife REUNION WEEKEND GIVING The 2014 Reunion Giving program was a great success. Get Involved: Together alumni celebrating reunion raised more than $1.2 million! Over $500,000 will be designated for scholarship awards, $500,000 will be designated to help fund a faculty chair, and more than $200,000 will support the Alumni Annual Fund. 2 14 PROGR AM Become a Class Agent or a Class Coordinator! Consider becoming a Class Agent or Class Coordinator to help encourage your fellow classmates to support your alma mater. Plans are already underway for 2015 and alumni classes ending in “5” or “0” interested in learning more about these programs should contact: Class Agent Contact: Julie Ruttan, Albany Medical Center Foundation at (518) 262-6806 or by email: ruttanj@mail.amc.edu Class Coordinator Contact: Christine Horigan, Alumni Association Office at (518) 262-5033 email: horigac@mail.amc.edu. We look forward to seeing you in 2015! REUNION 2 15 WEEKEND Friday, April 24 Sunday, April 26 18 alumni.amc.edu We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all of our Class Agent volunteers and alumni donors for making our Reunion Class Gift program a continued success. Whether it is their 10th reunion or your 45th, the Reunion Giving Program and Reunion Weekend celebrations could not happen without our alumni serving in the Class Agent and Class Coordinator role. The Alumni Association and the Albany Medical Center Foundation would like to extend a special thank you to the following Class Coordinators for their assistance planning the weekend, and the Class Agents for making the 2014 reunion giving program such a success through their fundraising efforts: Class Coordinators Class of 1964 Laurence A. Sherman, M.D. Martin R. Symansky, M.D. Class of 1969 G. Timothy Johnson, M.D.* Thomas L. Snyder, M.D.* Class of 1974 James P. Furlong, II, M.D. Henry A. Macler, M.D. Jeffrey R. Stall, M.D. Class of 1979 Steven M. Frisch, M.D.* Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D.* Margaret M. Grogan, M.D. James F. Horn, M.D. David L. Semenoff, M.D.* Class of 1984 Rhonda J. Myers, M.D.* Elaine Price-Schwartz, M.D.* Vincent P. Verdile, M.D.* Class Agents Class of 1989 Amy Damiani, M.D. Class of 1994 Catherine Tan, M.D. Raymond Tan, M.D. Class of 1999 Clifford A. Erickson, M.D.* Siobhan M. Kuhar, M.D.* Class of 2004 R. Peter Manes, M.D.* Kathryn Hogan, M.D. *indicates dual role as class coordinator and class agent Class of 1954 David Beck, M.D. Class of 1964 Charles “Tom” T. McHugh, M.D. Class of 1969 Ronald T. Burkman, M.D. G. Timothy Johnson, M.D. Thomas L. Snyder, M.D. Class of 1979 Steven M. Frisch, M.D. Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. David L. Semenoff, M.D. Class of 1984 Rhonda J. Myers, M.D. Elaine Price-Schwartz, M.D. Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. Class of 1989 Kevin Hill, M.D. Class of 1999 Clifford A. Erickson, M.D. Siobhan M. Kuhar, M.D. Class of 2004 R. Peter Manes, M.D. 2014 Scholarship Celebration was held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Albany, New York on April 24. Erika Wilson, M.D. ’14, this year’s Scholarship Celebration speaker and recipient of the Vera J. and Gary L. Sutter, M.D. ’76 Endowed Scholarship, with Alumni Association Board Member Gary Sutter, M.D. ’76 and his wife, Vera Sutter. Volunteer Recognition Highlighted below are just a few of our wonderful alumni volunteers who shared with us why they chose to dedicate their time and efforts to their reunion: 45th Anniversary 10th Anniversary Class of 1969 Class of 2004 There is no question in my mind that being accepted by AMC When our 10th year reunion came on the horizon, I knew I “into “wanted the class of 1969 dramatically changed the course of my to help make it as special and enjoyable for my class as life - and my financial future. As a result, I have always felt a deep ‘debt of gratitude’ toward AMC. I contribute every year to the annual fund and now I have arranged for a substantial gift in my estate. I love being able to ‘give back.’ G. Timothy Johnson, M.D. ’69 ” (Class Agent and Class Coordinator) I think all of us were impressed by the many changes in the “campus compared to 45 years ago. During the reunion, it was a pleasure to reminisce about our time at Albany Med. Although we all took different pathways subsequently, it was clear from the descriptions of what we had done since graduation that all have been successful in one way or another. I look forward to returning for another update in five years’ time. ” Ronald T. Burkman, M.D. ’69 (Class Agent) First, I seriously appreciate AMC for starting me out on a richly “rewarding career and life journey. Second, inasmuch as we all realize that medical education is immensely expensive, it’s clear that our generous financial support of Albany Med helps assure a healthy future for our chosen art and science. These are the reasons why I devote time and effort to help build strong alumni relations, and why I give financially to the point of feeling just a little ‘discomfort.’ possible. I have so many fond memories of my time at Albany Med, and wanted the chance to help create new memories over reunion weekend. Furthermore, I saw this as an excellent opportunity to support the college and its students financially, by encouraging donations from my fellow classmates. It wasn’t that long ago that we were students, so the memories are fresh. But we now have an opportunity to help current students, and that opportunity motivated my involvement in Reunion 2014. The weekend was a resounding success, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Alumni Association staff, and I am already looking forward to the next one! ” R. Peter Manes, M.D. ’04 (Class Agent and Class Coordinator) By giving me the tools to succeed, Albany Medical College “prepared me for my career in medicine. I view my donation as a symbolic gesture to say that I believe in AMC’s mission and wish to safeguard the future of the College by ensuring an outstanding educational experience for current and prospective students. Kathryn Hogan, M.D. ’04 (Class Coordinator) ” ” Thomas L. Snyder, M.D. ’69 (Class Agent and Class Coordinator) Summer 2014 19 COLLEGE NEWS AND EVENTS ALUMNI On Campus Albany Medical College was pleased to welcome back the following alumni: Eleni A. Tousimis, M.D. ’96 delivered the key address at the American Medical Women’s Medical Association (AMWA) 2014 NY and NJ regional conference Saturday, Jan. 11. On Friday, Jan. 10, prior to the conference, Stephen C. Stain, M.D., Henry and Sally Schaffer chair of the department of surgery at Albany Medical Center, hosted a luncheon for Dr. Tousimis attended by residents and medical students. Dr. Tousimis is the 2013-14 president of AMWA Board of Directors and chief of breast surgery at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital. Mina Sun, M.D, Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ’79, Ursula Matulonis, M.D. ’87, Valerie Brutus, M.D., and Tara Renna, M.D. ’12 at the AMWA Women in Medicine event. Joanne V. Dannenhoffer, M.D. ’13 led a round table discussion, “A day in the life of a family medicine resident” for medical students on Thursday, Jan. 13. Her talk was presented by the Family Medicine Interest Group. Dr. Dannenhoffer is a family medicine resident at the University of Massachusetts in Worcester, MA. Henry Pohl, M.D., Honorary ’01, keynote speaker Leonard Lilly, M.D. ’77 and Neil Lempert, M.D. ’58 at the Jan. 2014 AOA Dinner. Ursula Matulonis, M.D. ’87 and Tara Renna, M.D. ’13 participated in a panel discussion (along with Valerie Brutus, M.D. and Mina Sun, M.D.) at the annual AMWA Women in Medicine dinner on Thursday, March 27 at the Hilton Garden Inn at Albany Medical Center. On Friday, March 28, Dr. Matulonis delivered a Grand Rounds Lecture, entitled, “New Paradigms for the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer” on campus. Dr. Matulonis is Medical Director and Program Leader Gynecologic Oncology Program at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Renna is a resident in OB/GYN at Albany Medical Center and the 2014-2015 AMWA residency division president. Leonard S. Lilly, M.D. ’77 delivered a lecture on Wednesday, Jan. 22 to students, staff and alumni and was the keynote speaker at the Alpha Omega Alpha Dinner on Thursday, Jan. 23. Dr. Lilly is chief of cardiology at Brigham Women’s/Faulkner Hospitals and professor at Harvard Medical School. Jessica Tassinari, AOA Faculty Inductee Robin Tassinari, M.D., Honorary Alumnus ’12, and Cynthia Tassinari at the Jan. 2014 AOA Dinner. 20 alumni.amc.edu Stuart J. Schnitt, M.D. ’79 delivered the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus Lecture, entitled, “The Essential Role of the Pathologist in Guiding Management of Patients with Breast Diseases: From Morphology to Molecules” on Friday, April 25 as part of Reunion Weekend. Dr. Schnitt received the 2014 Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award at the Alumni Association Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 26. Dr. Schnitt is director of the Division of Anatomic Pathology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, co-leader of the Dana Farber Harvard Cancer Breast Program and professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School. (see page 8 for full coverage) Thomas F. Burke, M.D. ’89 led a round table discussion on international humanitarian work on Saturday, April 26, during the morning Academic Sessions at Reunion Weekend. Dr. Burke received the 2014 Alumni Association Humanitarian Award at the annual meeting later that day. Jason Frankel, M.D. ’13 also participated in the discussion. While a student at Albany Medical College, Dr. Frankel accompanied Dr. Burke on an international medical mission trip to Africa. Dr. Burke is chief of the Division of Global Health and Human Rights at the Massachusetts General Hospital and an associate professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Frankel is a resident at the University of Connecticut, pursuing a career in urology. COLLEGE NEWS AND EVENTS AMWA Regional Conference Albany Medical College American Medical Women’s Association Chapter Hosts Regional Conference By Aleena Paul, ‘16 T he Albany Medical College chapter of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) hosted the 2014 AMWA NY and NJ Regional Conference, “Empowering Future Leaders in Medicine,” on Jan. 10 – 11. Eleni Tousimis M.D. ’96, AMWA’s 2013-2014 National President, gave the keynote address at the conference. Dr. Tousimis is a board certified general surgeon who specializes in breast cancer surgery. She recently joined Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center as the Director of the Ourisman Breast Center and Chief of the Division of Breast Surgery. Dr. Tousimis drew on her experiences as a leader in medicine to speak about achieving success in academic medicine and encouraged students to take on leadership roles. She reflected fondly on her time as a medical student at Albany Medical College, and shared the wisdom she had received from her own mentors. The event was organized by Aleena Paul, ’16, who served as AMWA Student Division’s Regional Director for New York and New Jersey during the 2013-2014 academic year. More than 60 medical and pre-medical students from across the region gathered for leadership training and mentorship. Throughout the conference, students had opportunities to network with Deans, faculty and residency coordinators from a variety of specialties. Programming included a poster session for students to showcase their research endeavors; a panel discussion on the changing roles of women in medicine; and clinical skills and professional development workshops covering such diverse topics as intubation, suturing, building a CV, picking a specialty, and developing a social media presence. The conference was made possible with support from the AMWA Regional Event Grant, the Albany Medical College Aleena Paul, ’16, AMWA Region 2 Director, with Eleni Tousimis, M.D. ’96, President of AMWA. Office of the Vice Dean and the Albany Medical College Alumni Association. Albany Medical College alumni Vincent Verdile M.D. ’84, Janet Gargiulo M.D. ’79, Shellie Asher M.D. ’98, Meredith Englander M.D. ’97, Kathryn Hogan M.D. ’04, Dennis McKenna M.D. ’92, Kate Wagner M.D. ’94, and Annette Dorfman M.D. ’04, played key roles in making the conference a great success. The Alumni Association also supported travel costs for medical students to attend the National AMWA Conference in March 2014. During the conference, Albany Medical College students were honored for their work with the organization. Aleena Paul, ’16, was awarded the Anne C. Carter Leadership Award, AMWA’s highest honor for student leadership, for her work as the Regional Director for NY & NJ and as the Chair of the Publications Committee. Vaibhavi Umesh, ’17, was elected to the position of student division global health chair and Analise Peleggi, ’17, was elected to the position of student division regional director for New York and New Jersey. Tara Renna, M.D. ’12, currently a resident in OB/GYN at Albany Medical Center, is the 2014-2015 AMWA residency division president. Albany Medical College Student Wins Fellowship to Research Blindness Prevention Devang Bhoiwala, ’16, has been awarded a $30,000 grant by Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) to study retinal disease at the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Ophthalmology and Scheie Eye Institute. With the RPB Medical Student Fellowship, Bhoiwala will take a year off from medical school to research age-related macular degeneration and the connection between high doses of iron and how this may result in retinal damage. His work has the potential to improve the lives of patients who suffer from “iron-overloaded” conditions, such as hereditary hemochromatosis, as well as individuals with iron-deficiency anemia who receive various forms of supplementation. Summer 2014 21 COLLEGE NEWS AND EVENTS Esteemed Cell Biologist Receives America’s Most Distinguished Prize in Medicine On Wednesday, May 21, Alexander Varshavsky, Ph.D., whose landmark discoveries transformed the understanding of how cell behavior impacts cancer, autoimmune disorders and other diseases, received the prestigious Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research at Albany Medical Center. The Albany Medical Center Prize was established in 2000 by the late Morris “Marty” Silverman, a New York City businessman and philanthropist who grew up in Troy, NY, to honor scientists whose work has demonstrated significant outcomes that offer medical value of national or international importance. For more information: http://www.amc.edu/ Academic/AlbanyPrize Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) Student Gathering On Monday, Jan. 28, a group of military medical students met to share information about the different branches of the armed services and active duty rotations. Recently matched fourth year medical students led the conversation and fielded questions about scheduling, rotations, interview formats, and more. They also took the time to offer their reflections on what these experiences taught them providing valuable insight on the process for students. The event was held in the Alumni Lounge with dinner provided by the Alumni Association and Albany Medical College Military Affinity Group (AMC-MAG). Dr. Stain Chosen to Lead National Surgical Organizations In February, Steven Stain, M.D., Henry and Sally Schaffer chair of the Department of Surgery at Albany Medical Center, was elected to head the governing committee that accredits surgical residency programs in the United States as chair of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Resident Review Committee for Surgery. Dr. Stain was also elected to serve as president of the Western Surgical Association, president of the Society of Surgical Chairs, and as a governor of the American College of Surgeons. In these positions, he works with top surgeons and medical educators throughout the country to set national standards for patient care and medical education for practicing surgeons and surgical residents 22 alumni.amc.edu Stanley D. Glick, Ph.D., M.D. Celebrates his Retirement After 30 years of dedicated service to Albany Medical College, Stanley D. Glick, Ph.D., M.D., professor and director of the Center for Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, retired at the end of June. Back row: Ph.D. Candidates Alan Sanfilippo, Matt Henkel, Brian Franz, Nicole Bowens, Lauren Cowen, Don Steiner, and Carlo Savoia. Front row: Alicia Soucy, Ph.D. Candidate. Dr. Jarvinen-Seppo Presents at American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Conference Kirsi Jarvinen-Seppo, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor in the Center for Immunology and Microbial Disease, presented a paper at the 2014 American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting in San Diego, California in March. Dr. Jarvinen-Seppo spoke on exercise-induced anaphylaxis and food allergy related exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Dr. Burcher Awarded Prestigious Fellowship from MacLean Center In March, Paul Burcher, M.D., Ph.D., ethicist and obstetrician/gynecologist, was accepted as a fellow at the internationally-renowned MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago. Dr. Burcher will conduct research and write on clinical ethical issues while continuing to serve as an associate professor at the Alden March Bioethics Institute (AMBI) and treating patients as an attending physician in the department of obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Burcher has published on the doctorpatient relationship, physician empathy and ethical issues in clinical obstetrics. Graduate Studies Student Research Day Albany Medical College graduate students travelled to the National Institutes of Health in Washington D.C. for an annual career symposium. Albany Medical College Career Night On Tuesday, March 25, Alumni Association Board of Directors Siobhan M. Kuhar, M.D. ’99, Philip S. Paty, M.D. ’86 and Jitka Zobal Ratner, M.D. ’88, participated in the information sharing event for medical students sponsored by the Graduate Medical Education Department. Board members, Albany Medical Center and College medical faculty shared their professional insights with the medical students. On Wednesday, March 12, more than 100 graduate students at Albany Medical College showcased their research endeavors to the Albany Medical College community on Graduate Studies Student Research Day. Graduate students studying to become research scientists, physician assistants and nurse anesthetists presented diverse topics on large-sized posters. Presentations included how Tai Chi helps instability in patients with Parkinson’s disease, the correlation between violent video games and aggressive behavior, new insight into the vascular response to injury, and basic research focused on better understanding of the biology of epilepsy and asthma. Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Update provided by Eric S. Molho, M.D. ’87 and Julie G. Pilitsis, M.D. ’98, Ph.D. to Community In April, Dr. Molho, director of the Parkinson’s disease and Movement Center at Albany Medical Center and Dr. Pilitsis, associate professor of neurosurgery at Albany Medical Center, discussed the latest treatments for Parkinsons Disease on Benita Zahn’s Health Link on the local PBS affiliate in Albany, New York. COLLEGE NEWS AND EVENTS Katherine M. Wagner, M.D. ’94 On Thursday, May 22, Dr. Wagner, associate professor and vice chair of the department of Family and Community Medicine, was inducted into the Sosa Academy of Medical Sciences of Albany Medical College at the College’s 176th Commencement Ceremonies in Saratoga Springs, NY. The Sosa Academy provides advocacy and support for faculty educators, stimulates curriculum development and reform across the continuum of medical education, offers a variety of faculty development activities, emphasizes the patient–doctor relationship; encourages extramural funding for educational activities, and promotes educational scholarship in the form of presentations and publications. Katherine Wagner, M.D. ’94 celebrating being inducted into the Sosa Academy of Medical Sciences at Commencement 2014. As a member of the Academy, Dr. Wagner is being recognized for her outstanding contributions as an educator. Dr. Ingrid Allard Among Top African American Medical Educators In March, Ingrid Allard, M.D., associate dean for Community Outreach and Medical Education, was recognized as one of 15 of America’s Top African American Medical Educators by Black Health Magazine in its February-April Ingrid Allard, M.D., M.S.Ed. 2014 edition. The honorees were selected for their individual accomplishments as well as the contributions they make to improving medicine and their communities. “Since joining our faculty, Dr. Allard has enriched our community outreach efforts with her energy, enthusiasm and many positive contributions, and has helped us fulfill our mission to create a culturally-diverse, communityfocused student body. On behalf of Albany Medical College, I congratulate her on this well-deserved honor,” said Vince Verdile, M.D., dean of Albany Medical College. 2014 Alumni Association Student Award Recipients The following awards were given out by the Alumni Association at the annual Graduate and Medical Student Awards Day this past spring: 2014 Medical Student Awards Academic Excellence Award in Anatomies Michael Lavelle, ’16 Academic Excellence in First Year Michael Lavelle, ’16 Academic Excellence in Second Year Nikolas Raufi, ’15 The Academic Achievement of the Medical Society of Albany County Meredith Lutz, M.D. ’14 The Angelo Pappanikou Award Nora Callinan, M.D. ’14 The Donald P. Swartz, M.D. Award Indira Dhandapani, M.D. ’14 The Dr. Bernard F. Brophey Alumni Memorial Award Sarah Pinney, M.D. ’14 The Dr. David J. Dickerman Alumni Prize Zar Baqai, M.D. ’14 The Dr. James Derham Alumni Award Ekenesenari Omokaro, M.D. ’14 The Frank C. Maxon, Jr., M.D. Alumni Award CJ Pierce, M.D. ’14 The James and Rita Dougherty Alumni Award Elaine Tran, M.D. ’14 The Richard H. Edmonds, Ph.D. Alumni Leadership Award Christopher Lops, M.D. ’14 The Venona Mae Vanornam Mankes Memorial Award Lindsey Cilia, M.D. ’14 2014 Graduate Student Awards The Alumni Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice— Center for Nurse Anesthesiology Glen Cappozzo, M.S. ’14 The Alumni Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice— Center for Physician’s Assistant Jennifer Woodard, M.S. ’14 The Alumni Research Awards Lauren Cowen, Ph.D. Candidate Tiffany Zarrella, Ph.D. Candidate The Richard Miller Alumni Awards for the Most Outstanding Research Presentation First Place: Wilson Yu, Ph.D. Candidate Second Place: Hamayun John Sharifi, Ph.D. Candidate Third Place: Rhiannon Kelsh, Ph.D. Candidate Graduate Student Alumni Award Paul Hoerbelt, Ph.D. Candidate The Richard H. Edmonds, Ph.D. Alumni Leadership Award Carlo Savoia, Ph.D. Candidate Sarah Pinney, M.D. ’14 receiving the Bernard F. Brophey Alumni Memorial Scholarship at Awards Day. Summer 2014 23 Commencement 2014 Albany Medical College commencement ceremonies took place on May 22 at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center The college awarded more than 200 degrees at the ceremony, including medical, Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies, Nurse Anesthesiology and Bioethics, and Master of Science and doctoral degrees in Biomedical Science and Bioethics. This year’s keynote speaker, Solomon Snyder, M.D., was one of the first to identify neurochemical receptors in the brain that control and manage pleasure and pain perceptions. He also identified opiate receptors, which are the targets of morphine and codeine, as well as heroin and other drugs of abuse. The application of Dr. Snyder’s techniques has enhanced the development of new agents in the pharmaceutical industry by enabling rapid screening of large numbers of candidate drugs. Dr. Snyder, who received the 2007 Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research, is the Distinguished Service Professor of Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University. Sheena Gupta, M.D. ’14 with her parents who hooded her, Neelam Gupta, M.D. and Arun Gupta, M.D. 24 alumni.amc.edu Thomas Cacciola, M.D. ’14 is all smiles after Commencement. Senior Class Gift Project Each year, the senior class initiates a fundraising project to leave their legacy at the College. The Class of 2014 raised funds to purchase and install a shuffle board for the student lounge for future medical students to enjoy when taking a study break. “This class gift is our way to say thank you to those mentors and peers who have selflessly given their time and talents to make us better physicians; it is our last chance as students to join together and do something positive for our fellow students and to improve student life; and it will remain here, bearing our class year and our names on the plaque behind it, long after we have left Albany Medical College.” —Steven J. Hannigan, M.D. ’14 Nader Tehrani, M.D. ’14 after receiving his degree. Steven Hannigan, M.D. ’14 celebrating with his sister, Cara Hannigan,’16 at the Commencement Eve Reception. The Alumni Association welcomes members of the Class of 2014 with generational ties to the College and their families. John DeMasi, M.D. ’14 Son of James DeMasi, M.D. ’80 Sarah Dobrzynski, M.D. ’14 Sister of David Dobrzynski, M.D. ’02 Kevin Leadholm, M.D. ’14 Meredith Lutz, M.D. ’14, with her parents, John and Holly, along with Joseph Wayne, M.D. and Margaret Wayne. Anil Akoon, M.D. ’14 with his family. Son of Deborah Sue Leadholm, M.D. ’78 Steven Leung, M.D. ’14 2014 Commencement Eve The Commencement Eve Reception was held at the New York State Museum in Albany, New York on May 21. Brother of Amanda Leung, M.D. ’11 Elaine Tran, M.D. ’14 Sister of Timothy Tran, M.D. ’11 Summer 2014 25 Commencement 2014 Teodora Cartisano, M.D. ’14, Captain, Medical Corps, United States Army, Brian Lerner, M.D. ’14, Captain, Medical Corps, United States Army, Meredith Lutz, M.D. ’14, Lieutenant, Medical Corps, United States Navy, Riley O’Neil, M.D. ’14, Lieutenant, Medical Corps, United States Navy and Christopher Smith M.D. ’14, Captain, Medical Corps, United States Air Force during the Commissioning. New Doctors, New Officers By Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D. ’68 Following conferral of Doctor of Medicine degrees at Commencement and the recitation of the Physicians’ Oath by the graduates, Kevin C. Kiley, M.D., chair of obstetrics and gynecology, retired 41st Surgeon General, United States Army, and Honorary Member of the Alumni Association (elected 2014) approached the podium and spoke: [Thanks to Kevin C. Kiley, M.D., for sharing his text and permitting publication.] 26 alumni.amc.edu “These fine young doctors have just sworn the oath that marks their entry into the profession of medicine. You will now see some of them take another oath, which marks their entry into the profession of arms. Notwithstanding this happy day in Saratoga, the world is still a dangerous place. Just ask the people of Ukraine, Taiwan or anyone in the Middle East within shooting distance of Iran. We are safe because our Army is the best in the world, our Navy is the best in the world, our Air Force is the best in the world, we have the best Marines in the world and they are that way because the members are all volunteers who see service as an affair of the heart. Now we have five volunteers to join those ranks as doctors, to care for soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, families and retirees! I ask Dennis McKenna, M.D. “Raise your right hands and repeat after me: ’92, CAPT, MC, USNR, and “I (state your full name), medical director of Albany having been commissioned an Medical Center Hospital, to officer in the Armed Forces of join me in administering the the United States, do solemnly Officers’ Oath, which is legally swear that I will support and binding under the Uniform defend the Constitution of the Code of Military Justice. United States, against all Dr. Kiley called the officer enemies, foreign and domestic, candidates on stage, each in that I will bear true faith and the dress uniform of the allegiance to the same; that I respective service: take this obligation freely, without mental reservation or Teodora Cartisano, purpose of evasion; and that I Captain, Medical Corps, will well and faithfully execute United States Army the duties of the office upon Brian Lerner, which I am about to enter. So Captain, Medical Corps, help me, God!” United States Army General Kiley and Captain McKenna congratulated the Meredith Lutz, officers, and then Deirdre Lieutenant, Medical Corps, Michael of Albany Medical United States Navy Center Space Management Riley O’Neil, came to the podium. The Lieutenant, Medical Corps, assembly faced the colors, the United States Navy new officers saluted, and Ms. Michael’s voice rang through Christopher Smith, the space with the National Captain, United States Air Anthem. Force Medical Corps Stay connected ALUMNI NETCOMMUNITY Would you like an easy way to get back in touch with your classmates? Check out our new online directory at alumni.amc.edu/directory This resource enables you to connect with fellow alumni and update your current contact information. Please note: You have the option to remove yourself from being listed in the online directory by visiting alumni.amc.edu/directory. Calling All Alumni Humanitarians Albany Medical College alumni have a strong and long standing tradition of giving back. Each year, hundreds of alumni volunteer in their communities and perform critical humanitarian work abroad. The Alumni Association would like to hear from our alumni who have dedicated their time to the service of others. Please share your personal experiences and photos with us: AMCalumni@mail.amc.edu We will share them in the next issue of the Bulletin. Summer 2014 27 PILLARS PROFILE F or more than 40 years, John Wheeler, M.D. ’69, D.M.D., has been tirelessly treating Vermonters in need of reconstructive surgery. The Rutland-based solo plastic surgeon is known in medical circles for his willingness to come to the bedside of patients in emergency rooms throughout southern Vermont any time, day or night. It’s not surprising his selfless nature has turned to helping future physicians. Dr. Wheeler recently celebrated his 45th Reunion and became a Pillars Society member by endowing a scholarship at Albany Medical College with a blended gift of income and retirement assets. “Albany Medical College provided me with a solid foundation which led to a successful career in medicine. I want today’s students to experience what I had the privilege of doing these past many years,” he said. “I know it can be tough to afford medical school and to take on its rigorous schedule. It is certainly John Wheeler, M.D. ’69 worth it, and I am eager to help.” Dr. Wheeler, who is also a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry, established Wheeler Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 1976. By doing so he had become the first plastic surgeon in southern Vermont, following in the footsteps of his father, who was that area’s first trained general surgeon, practicing there for 50 years. Dr. Wheeler has made helping people a priority not only through his practice but with his work as a community educator. After seeing the same preventable injuries time and again, he began making presentations on preventable injuries, first in New England and, eventually, at national and international conferences. “I saw patients who lost eyes and had deep injuries because of improper use of chain saws. I saw hand injuries from snow blowers and facial and head injuries from branches falling on people who were cutting down trees. One time, I saw three people in one week from the same company with the same injuries from the same industrial machine,” he said. “I wanted to spread the word about injury prevention.” Busy, even as he begins retirement, Dr. Wheeler said he was eager to make a gift to the Medical College, and it was easy. He worked through his investment advisor to create the scholarship by combining an outright gift with a rollover from his individual retirement account. As a member of the Vermont Medical Society, his practice aligned with the society’s credo: “not for ourselves do we labor.” He said during his retirement he will continue to give talks and to spend more time with his wife, two siblings, three children and six grandchildren. On a tour of the facility during Reunion weekend, Dr. Wheeler knew he did the right thing. “The school and training programs are just as excellent as I remembered and even better. I was very impressed with the new Patient Pavilion. My gift will help students for years to come. I hope my fellow alumni will consider the idea as well.” 28 alumni.amc.edu PILLARS Helping Others Is His Priority societ y John Wheeler, M.D. ’69 SPECIAL EDITION 2013 Contributors Report On behalf of Albany Medical College and the Albany Medical College Alumni Association, thank you to the following alumni and friends for their support in 2013 through their philanthropy. Class of 1938 Class of 1947 Ethel G. Cermak, M.D. Levon Bedrosian, M.D. Christopher H. Demos, M.D. Julian B. Hyman, M.D. Philip L. Lewis, M.D. Verne M. Marshall, M.D. Nicholas Preston, M.D. Seymour Thickman, M.D. Henry E. Wolfe, Jr., M.D. Class of 1939 Orel Friedman, M.D. Class of 1941 Dominick Mele, M.D. Class of 1943 David Falk, M.D. Class of 1944 Janet G. Gissen, M.D. Class of 1945 William R. Dorrance, M.D. Robert L. Meineker, M.D. Daniel F. O’Keeffe, M.D. Charles L. Poskanzer, M.D. Class of 1946 Herbert E. Gade, M.D. Paul W. Myers, M.D.* Stewart A. Wilber, M.D. Class of 1948 Marie E. Cuadra, M.D. James E. Ryan, M.D.* David L. Sparling, M.D. Irving Van Woert, Jr., M.D. Norman Zheutlin, M.D. Class of 1949 John W. Abbuhl, M.D. Barbara C. Noyes, M.D. Matthew Presti, M.D. Martin C. Wilber, M.D. Class of 1950 Ambrose Alfonsi, M.D. Richard C. Bozian, M.D. John J. Kovaric, M.D. Edward A. Meyers, M.D. Daniel J. Shapiro, M.D. Robert D. Terry, M.D. Byron H. Terk, M.D. Joan P. Treuer, M.D. Class of 1954 Stanley M. Ball, M.D. James Dougherty, M.D. Melvin Horwith, M.D. Evelyn G. Redlich, M.D. Karl R. Sohlberg, M.D. Franklyn H. Ashby, Jr., M.D. David Beck, M.D. Kenneth A. Linstruth, M.D. Richard G. O’Leary, M.D. John R. Payne, M.D. Ronald C. Peets, M.D. Kathaleen C. Perkins, M.D. Dewey Robbiano, Jr., M.D. Class of 1952 Class of 1955 Joseph I. Bernstein, M.D. Lewis E. Patrie, M.D. David C. Rees, M.D. Ann Ruth Turkel, M.D. Joseph L. Belsky, M.D. Richard W. Blide, M.D. Joseph R. Gabriels, M.D. Stafford W. Gedge, M.D. Alfred M. Gomez, M.D. Herbert Kaplan, M.D. John M. Lanigan, M.D. John C. Lathrop, M.D. William Meyer, Jr., M.D. Richard A. Wagner, M.D. Class of 1951 Class of 1953 George P. Boolukos, M.D. John J. Dapolito, Jr., M.D. Aubrey L. Griffith, M.D. William H. Hoffman, M.D. Charles G. Leonhardt, M.D. *Deceased Summer 2014 29 2013 Contributors Report Class of 1956 Class of 1959 John H. Bowker, M.D. Frederick R. Brandlin, M.D. David Corn, M.D. Paul M. Davidson, M.D. T. Donald Eisenstein, M.D. Henry F. Hosley, M.D. Robert P. Newhouse, M.D. William A. Petersen, M.D. Fred A. Phillips, Jr., M.D. David Rosenthal, M.D. Richard O. Schultz, M.D. H. P. Wintrich, M.D. Samuel A. Cassell, M.D. Milton H. Dunsky, M.D. Donald W. Edwards, M.D. Eugene M. Hoenig, M.D. Allen I. Hyman, M.D. Gerardus S. Jameson, M.D. Peter C. Lombardo, M.D. William J. McEntee III, M.D. Wellington J. Pindar, M.D. Russell F. Shaw, M.D. Class of 1957 William A. Africano, M.D. John J. Condemi, M.D. David Pankin, M.D. John A. Poggi, M.D.* Kenneth L. Pratt, M.D. Wilbur C. Rust, M.D. Ernest E. Sponzilli, M.D. Class of 1958 Richard G. Bertini, M.D. Arthur S. Cummins, M.D. John E. Cunningham, Jr., M.D. Michael I. Freilich, M.D. Pasquale J. Fugazzotto, M.D. James M. Gavin, M.D. Terry H. Goff, M.D. Arthur Lehrman, M.D. Neil Lempert, M.D. Walter S. Levitsky, Jr., M.D. Jerome Levy, M.D. Mario B. Lo Monaco, M.D. Joseph C. Loffredo, M.D. Arthur Maron, M.D. Carl A. Paulsen, M.D. Felix E. Schletter, M.D. Nathaniel Silon, M.D. I. Arnold Slowe, M.D. Thomas F. Spath, M.D. S. Richard Spitzer, M.D. *Deceased 30 alumni.amc.edu Class of 1960 Antoine C. Harovas, M.D. Keith A. Horton, M.D. Donald E. Kamm, M.D. Robert Kiesel, M.D. Richard P. Propp, M.D. Robert M. Schwartz, M.D. Merrit F. Spear, M.D. James I. Thompson, M.D. Class of 1961 Anthony J. Bardinelli, M.D. John R. Bosco, M.D.* John P. Carroll, M.D. Ethan T. Colton III, M.D. Anthony J. DeTommasi, M.D. Philip M. Grimley, M.D. M. Edward Keenan, M.D. Leonard J. Kirschner, M.D. Anthony J. Leone, Jr., M.D. Norman B. Pike, M.D. Donald L. Price, M.D. James H. Puleo, M.D. George E. Sims, M.D. Bruno P. Tolge, M.D. Clyde W. Turner, M.D. Class of 1962 Richard W. Brenner, M.D. Elliot Danforth, Jr., M.D. G. Dwight Maud, M.D. Roger L. Miller, M.D. Paul E. Phillips, M.D. J. George Russo, M.D. Edwin C. Shuttleworth, Jr., M.D. Stephen J. Sills, M.D. John R. Soeter, M.D. Jerry C. Worsham, M.D. Class of 1963 Anonymous Ronald J. Anderson, M.D. Irving N. Bachner, M.D. Donald A. Barrett, M.D. John M. Cohen, M.D. Richard S. Fields, M.D. Patricia Gehrt London, M.D. Edward Goldberg, M.D. Edward J. Khantzian, Jr., M.D. John A. Klamar, M.D. John A. Lang II, M.D. Robert K. Leet, M.D. Karl R. Meyers, M.D. Valmore A. Pelletier, Jr., M.D. Roger F. Robison, M.D. Jon E. Rosenblatt, M.D. H. James T. Sears, M.D. James W. Shorey, Jr., M.D. Clara E. Staunton, M.D. James M. Sullivan, M.D. Charles Umansky, M.D. Arthur J. Wallingford, Jr., M.D. Frederick A. Wilson, M.D. Nancy G. Worsham, M.D. Class of 1964 Christopher S. Demtrak, M.D. H. Thomas Dodds, M.D.* John A. Duers, M.D. James R. Ford, M.D. Harold R. Hahn, M.D. Donald R. Kelly, M.D. Robert G. Long, M.D. Charles T. McHugh, M.D. Alan D. Megibow, M.D. Donald D. Pollock, M.D. Lewis I. Schainuck, M.D. Charles P. Shoemaker, Jr., M.D. Sheldon B. Staunton, M.D. George F. Walsh, Jr., M.D. Class of 1965 Albert A. Apicelli, M.D. John Booss, M.D. Warren W. Bovie, M.D. David A. Eppard, M.D. Louis M. Fink, M.D. Mary E. Geiger, M.D. Ralph A. Giannella, M.D. Lawrence A. Holfelder, M.D. Edward A. Iannuccilli, M.D. Kaarina M. Kettunen, M.D. J. Peter Lawler, M.D. Anthony R. London, M.D. Gary D. Miller, M.D. David Nalin, M.D. Donald H. Namm, Ph.D. Robert L. Phyliky, M.D. Douglas W. Rainforth, M.D. George J. Roff, M.D. Alexander B. Snyder, M.D. George Weingarten, M.D. Class of 1966 Dennis A. Brown, M.D. William H. Donovan, M.D. Leonard R. Geiger, M.D. J. Bruce Hagadorn, M.D. Arthur H. Knowlton, M.D. J. Brett Lazar, M.D. Ronald C. Meyer, M.D. Jeffrey Rudnick, M.D. Paul C. Schreiber, M.D. Maureen C.H. Sze, M.D. Robert E. Tank, M.D. J. David Valentine, M.D. Thomas A. Vest, M.D. Betty R. Vohr, M.D. SPECIAL EDITION 2013 Contributors Report Class of 1967 James L. Bernene, M.D. George J. DiDonna, M.D. Matthew A. Farina, M.D. Gault M. Farrell, M.D. Gerald Felsenthal, M.D. Mark D. Groban, M.D. F. Robert Jordan, Jr., M.D. James E. Joy, M.D. Richard E. Lavigne, M.D. Richard G. Masson, M.D. Robert F. Moseley III, M.D. Robert F. Pickels, M.D. A. John Popp, M.D. Richard W. Price, M.D. Laurence Shandler, M.D. Thomas P. Smith, M.D. D. Billings Wheeler, M.D. Class of 1968 Peter T. Burkart, M.D. Charlotte C. Carnes, M.D. Philip F. Corbett, M.D. Edward A. Curran, M.D. James J. Glynn, M.D. Neil E. Green, M.D. Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D. George F. Lee, M.D. Lawrence K. Siegel, M.D. Donald E. Ware, M.D. Stephen D. Wolfe, M.D. L. Thomas Wolff, M.D. Class of 1969 William S. Barry, M.D. William P. Batsford, M.D. David J. Haidak, M.D. L. Nelson Hopkins, M.D. G. Timothy Johnson, M.D. William G. Johnston, Jr., M.D. Gerald M. Lazar, M.D. William H. Montano, M.D. Barbara F. Mufti, M.D. Thomas M. Mulcahy, Jr., M.D. Rebecca F. Nachamie, M.D. William Nemzek, M.D. Dennis P. Norfleet, M.D. John D. Norton, M.D. Seymour J. Rosenbloom, M.D. Harvey D. Scherer, M.D. Fred Schwartz, M.D. Thomas L. Snyder, M.D. David H. Sprague, M.D. John C. Wheeler, D.M.D., M.D. Scott C. Yeaw, M.D. Class of 1970 Edward R. Alexson, M.D. Ann V. Als, M.D. Anita Balodis, M.D. Gary E. Barnett, M.D. James P. Barrett, M.D., Ph.D. William M. Boehme, M.D. Steven J. Burakoff, M.D. Christine L. Burns, M.D. Edward B. Clark, M.D. Donald E. Craven, M.D. Myles R. Desner, M.D. Steven H. Dorfman, M.D. Michael R. Fischetti, Jr., M.D. Paul D. Garson, M.D. Frank J. Gaudiano, Jr., M.D. John J. Geren, M.D. Diane J. Henderson, M.D. Steven M. Litinsky, M.D. Mary Anne MacCaughelty, M.D. Alan H. Markowitz, M.D. Brian L. Sayer, M.D. Daniel L. Scharf, M.D. Edward C. Schmidt, M.D. Class of 1971 Thomas A. Bailey, M.D. Bruce Bienenstock, M.D. John H. Blewett, M.D. Michael A. Boxer, M.D. Victor L. Carpiniello, M.D. Richard M. Dickerman, M.D. Jodi Della Rocca, C.R.N.A., M.S. ’02, Ph.D. Educating for the Future Jodi Della Rocca, C.R.N.A., M.S. ’02, Ph.D., sees her obligation as both an alumnus and educator to ensure students receive the benefit of her knowledge and experience —and also the benefit of her financial support. The assistant professor and associate director of the Center for Nurse Anesthesiology encourages other educators and health care workers to think the same way. “While we give back by teaching and performing well in our profession, it’s also our responsibility to ensure that students are financially able to attend seminars, present their work at national conferences and take part in all of those ‘extras’ that enhance the learning experience,” said Dr. Della Rocca, who has contributed to the Albany Medical College Alumni Annual Fund. Dr. Della Rocca joined Albany Medical Center in 1992 as an intensive care nurse. She credits Lynne Longtin, R.N., then her manager in the Cardio-Pulmonary Surgery Unit (CPS), with encouraging her to continue her education. Taking her mentor’s advice to heart, Dr. Della Rocca went on to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nursing, and most recently a Ph.D. in post-secondary and adult education. “One thing I love about Albany Med is the supportive environment. We are challenged to be the best we can be, and it shows,” she said. *Deceased Summer 2014 31 2013 Contributors Report John E. Dooley, M.D. Ernst R. Dorsch, M.D. Alexander Filipp, M.D. Madeline E. Gerken, M.D. James R. Hengerer, M.D. Thomas Klepetar, M.D. Daniel A. Kramer, M.D. Michael H. Lager, M.D. Charles W. Lasky, Jr., M.D. James C. Leyhane, M.D. Peter D. McGann, M.D. Jerry Meislik, M.D. W. Dale Overfield, D.D.S., M.D. Albina Santilli, M.D. Peter D. Shapiro, M.D. Alan P. Sitron, M.D. John Van Orden, M.D. Neil T. Wolfman, M.D. Stephen A. Youngwirth, M.D. Class of 1972 Allan R. Bernstein, M.D. Edward L. Bove, M.D. Robert Burakoff, M.D. George E. Burns, M.D. Margaret M. Craven Snowden, M.D. W. Jarrard Goodwin, Jr., M.D. David C. Grenoble, M.D. Vincent F. Guida, M.D. Randall S. Krakauer, M.D. John J. LaFerla, M.D., M.P.H. Kevin G. Looser, M.D. Jeffrey Lozman, M.D. Richard T. MacDowell, M.D. James C. MacIntyre, II, M.D. Michael H. Metzler III, M.D. Arthur E. Orlick, M.D. Earl P. Robinson, Jr., M.D. William P. Schecter, M.D. Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. Barry S. Yoss, M.D. Class of 1973 Frederick P. Ambrose, M.D. John F. Assini, M.D. Robert G. Briggs, Ph.D. *Deceased 32 alumni.amc.edu Jonathan C. Britell, M.D. Richard E. Carroll, M.D. David R. Coursin, M.D. Garry B. Gewirtzman, M.D. Richard I. Gracer, M.D. Harry L. Haroutunian, M.D. Douglas J. Ivan, M.D. David S. Jackson, M.D. Michael A. Kieserman, M.D. Steven A. Leveston, M.D. Paul A. Levine, M.D. Frank M. Mroz, M.D.* J. Bryan Murphy, M.D. Winford A. Quick, M.D. Robert B. Rockwell, M.D. William J. Rockwell, M.D. Derace L. Schaffer, M.D. Steven M. Turbiner, M.D. John B. Waldman, M.D. Craig J. Youner, M.D. Class of 1974 Stephen J. Abrams, M.D. Sterling S. Baker, M.D. Michael R. Barnett, M.D. John J. Botti, M.D. William R. Dooley, M.D. John T. Fallon III, M.D. Murray Korc, M.D. Henry H. Macler, Jr., M.D. John W. Malo, M.D. Clifford C. Marr, M.D. Eugene C. Maso, M.D. Kenneth M. Pariser, M.D. Patricia T. Pisciotto, M.D. Ronald S. Scheinzeit, M.D. Paul R. Sherban, M.D. Steven M. Silver, M.D. Jay D. Sprenger, M.D. John R. Warkentin, M.D. Charles H. Weissan, M.D. T. Michael White, M.D. Bruce J. Yee, M.D. Class of 1975 Andrew I. Bressler, M.D. James J. Ciarcia, M.D. George M. Cibik, M.D. James C. Cruickshank, M.D. Richard A. Feit, M.D. Denise B. Finck-Rothman, M.D. Paul A. Forman, M.D. Martin A. Goldsmith, M.D. William R. Kimball, M.D. Alan R. Klibanoff, M.D. Peter J. Koltai, M.D. Robert J. Levai, M.D. Stanley M. Lewis, M.D. Luke K. LiCalzi, M.D. Austin I. Mehrhof, Jr., M.D. Mark J. Mittenthal, M.D. Charles J. Neilson, M.D. Arthur G. Pettygrove, M.D. Donna M. Pietrocola, M.D. Steven Pinheiro, M.D. Deborah Toppmeyer, M.D. ’85 Matching Gift is Twice as Nice Many alumni can double their financial impact on today’s medical students by making a corporate matching gift to Albany Medical College. Many companies nationwide partner with Albany Med to match the philanthropic contributions of their employees and their spouses. That’s how Deborah Toppmeyer, M.D. ’85, is giving back to her alma mater. As a corporate match partner with Albany Med, her husband’s employer, Novartis, matched dollar for dollar Dr. Toppmeyer’s donation to the Alumni Annual Fund. “In my academic journey, Albany Medical College stands out in so many ways. The College provided a broad and sturdy foundation to launch my career in academic medicine. My time to say thank you is long overdue. The ability to partner with Novartis is a wonderful opportunity to maximize our donation to Albany Medical College and our other charities.” Dr. Toppmeyer is professor of Medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and section chief of Solid Tumor Oncology and director of The Stacy Goldstein Breast Center at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. To learn more about corporate gift match, or to see if your employer participates, refer to: http://www.matchinggifts.com/amc/ SPECIAL EDITION 2013 Contributors Report Michael W. Rosenberg, M.D. Glenn S. Shear, M.D. John A. Walsh, M.D. Lawrence D. Weber, M.D. Allen W. Zieker, M.D. Class of 1976 Arthur Altbuch, M.D. Linda Civerchia L. Balent, M.D. Catherine E. Bartlett, M.D. Margaret Block West, M.D. Donna Anne Caniano, M.D. Diane I. Cohen, M.D. Douglas B. Coursin, M.D. John J. Cronan, M.D. Desmond R. Del Giacco, M.D. Ivan A. Friedrich, M.D. Philip J. Gara, Jr., M.D. James S. Gracer, M.D. D. Vernon Holbert, M.D. Dorothea M. Hoover, M.D. Kirk R. Kanter, M.D. John E. Kaplan, Ph.D. John R. Kittredge, M.D. Ralph L. Kramer, M.D. George B. Leber, M.D. Kenneth C. Low, M.D. Scott Maizel, M.D. Catherine M. Mills, M.D. Gary S. Needell, M.D. Daniel J. O’Connell, M.D. Mary E. Rappazzo, M.D. Gary R. Rombough, M.D. John V. Scialli, M.D. Lawrence W. Silvers, M.D. Gary L. Sutter, M.D. George J. Zambetti, Jr., M.D. Class of 1977 Marino Baselice, M.D. Teresa S. Briggs, M.D. Stuart B. Cherney, M.D. Joseph G. Coroso, M.D. John Czajka, M.D. Isabella A. Danel, M.D. Steven P. Dunn, M.D. Ira Esformes, M.D. Carolyn L. Frymoyer, M.D. Paul A. Frymoyer, M.D. James D. Fuchs, M.D. Harold R. Goldberg, M.D. L. Michael Graver, M.D. William E. Greiner, M.D. Peter H. Kelly, M.D. Alan J. Kivitz, M.D. Paul E. Kross, M.D. Leonard S. Lilly, M.D. Woods McCahill, Jr., M.D. John J. Meharg, M.D. David S. Mendelson, M.D. Fred E. Mensch, M.D. John A. Nolan, M.D. Robert J. Panzer, M.D. Mark E. Parker, M.D. Jonathan A. Polikoff, M.D. Kevin W. Roberts, M.D. John F. Schenck, M.D. Donald R. Schoch, M.D. Kenneth A. Sherban, M.D. Vicki M. Sommer, M.D. Theodore B. Swirat, M.D. Toni B. Walzer, M.D. Robert O. Webster, Ph.D. Class of 1978 Anonymous Pamela R. Benitez, M.D. Bruce R. Blazar, M.D. Jeffrey D. Blonstein, M.D. Harry D. Burack, M.D. John J. Byrne, M.D. David A. Collins, M.D. Lorraine E. Davis, M.D. Richard B. Deatsch, M.D. Harry J. DePan, M.D. Dennis D. Dewey, M.D. John P. Donovan, M.D. Amy Ducatman Dunn, M.D. Leigh G. Durlacher, M.D. Hal J. Freiman, M.D. Monte R. Friedman, M.D. Catherine A. Kiley, M.D. Charles Kite, M.D. Janet P. Lord, M.D. Amelia M. Martinko, M.D. Arthur V. McDowell, M.D. Meryl H. Mendelson, M.D. Irving Mizus, M.D. Jeffrey F. Morgan, M.D. Bruce D. Nash, M.D. Kathryn T. O’Keeffe, M.D. Loretta Patton-Greenidge, M.D. Mark D. Perry, M.D. Fredric S. Schoen, M.D. Gary S. Silverstein, M.D. Class of 1979 John J. Cambareri, M.D. Paul C. Chalmers, M.D. John A. Covington, M.D. Maureen Donnelly, M.D. Barbara S. Ducatman, M.D. John M. Eckel, M.D. Paul J. Feustel, Ph.D. Steven M. Frisch, M.D. Janet E. Gargiulo, M.D. Kim Goldenberg, M.D. Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D. Margaret M. Grogan, M.D. Margaret M. Hawn, M.D. James F. Horn, M.D. Steve Z. Mitchell, M.D. Ronald V. Musto, M.D. Laurence A. Primack, M.D. Nanette F. Santoro, M.D. Richard Schreiber, M.D. David L. Semenoff, M.D. Harold M. Sokol, M.D. Neil H. Spitalny, M.D. J. Scott Toder, M.D. John H. Wales, M.D. Gary A. Weinstock, M.D. Claire M. Weitz, M.D. Jacques L. Winter, M.D. Diane D. Wirz, M.D. Samuel H. Zwillich, M.D. Class of 1980 Suzanne M. Ackley, M.D. Edmond N. Amyot, M.D. Roxana F. Barad, M.D. Richard A. Beyer, M.D. Naomi Bloomfield, M.D. Frederick W. Brandt, M.D. Margaret R. Carley Dunn, M.D. Joseph A. Corsetti, M.D. Eileen K. Cutler, M.D. Jeffrey S. Daniels, M.D. Robert L. Dannenhoffer, M.D. Mary Ellen Drislane, M.D. Robert H. Dropkin, M.D. Eric D. Gordon, M.D. Stephen A. Hillman, M.D. Mark M. Hoffman, M.D. Michael J. Horgan, M.D. Jing W. Hsieh, M.D. Patricia L. Hughes, M.D. Ann M. Hughes Daniels, M.D. Donald Jue, M.D. Katherine Karlsrud, M.D. Henry J. Katz, M.D. Theodore N. Keltz, M.D. Stephen S. Kornbluth, M.D. Paul K. Kosty, M.D. Andrew J. Kurman, M.D. Leonard Lefkovic, M.D. Lee R. Lumpkin III, M.D. Anne K. Marthy-Noonan, M.D. Thomas M. Mauri, M.D. James M. Noonan, M.D. Lawrence J. Parsley, Jr., M.D. Sharon Shapiro, M.D. John J. Wasenko, M.D. Estelle I. Yamaki, M.D. John R. Zech, M.D. Class of 1981 Richard H. Alfred, M.D. John A. Arcuri, M.D. David M. Barnert, M.D. Roger A. Barrowman, M.D. Allan P. Baustin, M.D. David A. Bernstein, M.D. Robert F. Dunton, M.D. Mark H. Eckman, M.D. Brenda E. Field, M.D. Robert A. Kaslovsky, M.D. James E. Kolb, M.D. Summer 2014 33 2013 Contributors Report David H. Kuehler, M.D. Arthur J. Matzkowitz, M.D. Ronald L. Moy, M.D. Jean Oakes, M.D. Arthur W. Perry, M.D. Van J. Ritter, M.D. Richard J. Seeger, M.D. Paul Z. Siegel, M.D. Michael P. Sonnekalb, M.D. Jane A. Starr, M.D. Douglas A. Tebor, M.D. Herschel Tress, M.D. Ron K. Wolner, M.D. Class of 1982 Mitchell H. Bamberger, M.D. Curtland C. Brown III, M.D. Michael L. Burke, M.D. Martin J. Cleary, M.D. Michael B. Cohen, M.D. Bruce E. Cooper, M.D. Richard H. Dal Col, M.D. Steven C. Dennis, M.D. David J. Dickoff, M.D. Martin J. Edelman, M.D. William J. Feeney, Jr., M.D. Bradford S. Germain, M.D. Mark N. Hadley, M.D. Robert E. Hawkins, M.D. Robert J. Hedderman, M.D. Kathleen M. Kelly, M.D. E. Michael Kramer, M.D. Christopher Luttmann, M.D. Andrew D. Mann, M.D. Nancy Reisman Mann, M.D. Patrick J. McCreesh, M.D. Brian J. McGrath, M.D. Daniel R. Miller, M.D. Daniel A. Morgenstern, M.D. Patrick G. O’Connor, M.D. Thomas H. Openshaw, M.D. Arnold M. Rosen, M.D. Michael P. Scherl, M.D. Philip E. Shapiro, M.D. Richard P. Silton, M.D. Edward Skwiersky, M.D. 34 alumni.amc.edu Marc A. Swerdloff, M.D. Evan Vosburgh, M.D. Dean E. Wolanyk, M.D. Vincent P. Verdile, M.D. W. Gregory Ward, M.D. Duncan F. Winter, M.D. Class of 1983 Class of 1985 Victoria I. Balkoski, M.D. Susan Castronuovo Feeney, M.D. Daniel Driscoll, M.D. Jeffrey M. Feldman, M.D. Robert T. Grant, M.D. Carol L. Howe, M.D. Thomas M. Hughes, M.D. Anne H. Kalter, M.D. Mitchell E. Kalter, M.D. Karen A. Kennedy, M.D. Thomas M. Kennedy, M.D. Barbara E. Krenzer, M.D. Bruce J. Kriegel, M.D. Jack S. Krushell, M.D. David H. Levoy, M.D. Kai H. Moy, M.D. Kenneth I. Pearlman, M.D. Louis G. Prevosti, M.D. James M. Provenzale, M.D. Edna Anne Pytlak, M.D. Peter J. Robbiano, M.D. Gary K. Schwartz, M.D. Glenn E. Waldman, M.D. Thomas G. Ward, M.D. Barbara W. Wolner, M.D. Robert A. Belgam, M.D. John B. Bennet, II, M.D. Melanie Bone, M.D. Anthony C. Campagna, M.D. Daniel S. Casper, M.D., Ph.D. John P. Daigneault, M.D. Michelle Hansman Whiteman, M.D. William M. Kufs, M.D. Michael S. Lauer, M.D. James J. Litynski, M.D. Frank Lore, M.D. David M. Mastrianni, M.D. Mary Ann McDonald, M.D. William O. McKinley, Jr., M.D. Suzanne M. Murphy, M.D. Joan F. Puglia, M.D. John M. Roehmholdt, M.D. Nancy C. Sapio, M.D. Steven J. Seminer, M.D. Robert E. Shangraw, M.D. Nicholas A. Smyrnios, M.D. Howard S. Snyder, M.D. Robert Sorrentino, M.D. George O. Stasior, M.D. Deborah L. Toppmeyer, M.D. Darrell J. Triulzi, M.D. Laura Weissberg, M.D. Class of 1984 Catherine R. Bartholomew, M.D. Susan T. Crowley, M.D. Vivian M. Gandy, M.D. David M. Jablons, M.D. Alan M. Lessner, M.D. Anita Levin, M.D. Jay R. Lieberman, M.D. William L. Niedrach, M.D. Diane F. Patrick, M.D. Elaine C. Price-Schwartz, M.D. Anthony L. Ritaccio, M.D. Mark P. Slovenkai, M.D. Theodore N. Stein, M.D. Dawn Tranchino Provenzale, M.D. Class of 1986 Anonymous Vincent P. Beltrani, M.D. Laura A. Carinci, M.D. Richard G. Clift, M.D. James W. Doyle, Ph.D. Andrew H. Dubin, M.D. Frederick J. Fletcher, Jr., M.D. William M. Forman, M.D. Marjorie P. Golden, M.D. Robert S. Haber, M.D. Harry L. Haus, Jr., M.D. Katherine M. Hess Tallering, M.D. Michael S. Katz, M.D. Gregory F. Keenan, M.D. Jackson H. Kuan, M.D. Laura Y. Lecours, M.D. Joseph E. Lellman, M.D. Robert D. Lerman, M.D. Marta O. Lopatynsky, M.D. Kevin C. Lunde, M.D. Beth S. Marcus, M.D. Nalin J. Mehta, M.D. Gregg S. Meyer, M.D. Robert N. Moukarzel, M.D. Robert J. Newborn, M.D. Richard P. P. Noonan, M.D. William W. O’Connor, M.D. Mary M. O’Hare, M.D. Philip S. K. Paty, M.D. Pasquale Petrera, M.D. Zorik Spektor, M.D. William R. Tetreault, M.D. Ralph W. Torr, M.D. G. Sunny Uppal, M.D. George A. Vassolas, M.D. Class of 1987 Anonymous Geoffrey W. Bacon, M.D. Donna M. Bhisitkul, M.D. Ellen M. Biggers, M.D. Russ U. Braun, M.D. Randall S. Feingold, M.D. Elizabeth A. Foley, M.D. Elizabeth Garland, M.D. Samuel E. Green, M.D. Aries Liu Helm, M.D. Thomas N. Helm, M.D. Lorna F. Honan, M.D. Vincent J. Honan, M.D. Gordon N. Kuhar, M.D. Ursula A. Matulonis, M.D. Eric S. Molho, M.D. W. Terence Reilly, M.D. Edward Rydzak, M.D. Bradley H. Seely, M.D. Thomas A. Swift, Ph.D. Spiro Theoharakis, M.D. SPECIAL EDITION 2013 Contributors Report Class of 1988 William J. Angelos, M.D. Alan J. Barcomb, M.D. Hannah L. Brooks, M.D. Michael E. Brown, M.D. Christine L. Castano, M.D. James W. Catanese, M.D. Margaret M. Centurioni, M.D. Joseph S. Cirrone, M.D. Karen C. DaSilva, M.D. Stuart V. Demirs, M.D. Conrad T. Fischer, M.D. Neil A. Fisher, M.D. David J. Friedman, M.D. Dasa V. Gangadhar, M.D. Paula M. Goodrich, C.R.N.A., M.S. Jeffrey A. Greenhouse, M.D. Gail A. Herzig, M.D. Theresa Hetzler Denu, M.D. James G. Houle, M.D. Mark D. Jessen, M.D. Nicole Kenney, M.D. Betsy Lantner, M.D. Lawrence S. Lepler, M.D. Douglas A. MacPherson, M.D. Steven O. Marx, M.D. Marcia S. Miller, M.D. Mitchell B. Miller, M.D. Gary B. Nackman, M.D. Teresa Ning, M.D. John C. Notaro, M.D. Julie A. O’Keefe, M.D. Barry J. Perlman, M.D. Murali A. Perumal, M.D. Gerhard L. Perz, M.D. Daniel A. Picard, M.D. Robert J. Rapoport, M.D. Jonathan D. Rotker, M.D. Alan M. Sanders, M.D. In Honor of Their 25th Reunion the Class of 1988 Makes an Impact In 2013, the Class of 1988 endowed a new scholarship to honor their 25th reunion and in memory of four departed classmates: Thomas Brassell, M.D., D. Eric Livingston, M.D., Peter S. Richard, M.D. and John G. Sirois M.D. The fundraising success of this scholarship was led by the three class agents: Alan Sanders, M.D., Lee Schulman, M.D. and Stephen Schutz, M.D. In an astounding six-month time period, the class met the $50,000 endowment goal and exceeded it, raising $75,000. The funds were immediately invested and the income generated will be awarded to the first deserving student in Fall 2014. Lee G. Schulman, M.D. Stephen M. Schutz, M.D. Geoffrey L. Serfilippi, M.D. Scott L. Silliman, M.D. John W. Trudel, M.D. Robert W. Wiltshire, M.D. Michael H. Winston, M.D. Jitka L. Zobal-Ratner, M.D. Class of 1989 Michael C. Ain, M.D. Colleen A. Amato, M.D. Jane P. Balint, M.D. The Class of 1988 at the 2013 Reunion Gala. Row 1: Barry Perlman, M.D., Michel Winston, M.D., Dasa Gangadhar, M.D., Robert Rapoport, M.D., Scott Silliman, M.D., Lawrence Lepler, M.D., Alan Sanders, M.D. Row 2: Lee Schulman, M.D., John Notaro, M.D., Jitka Zobal-Ratner, M.D., Hannah Brooks, M.D., Margaret Mills Centurioni, M.D., Christina Castano, M.D., Karen DaSilva, M.D., John Trudel, M.D., Theresa Hetzler, M.D., Nicole Kenney, M.D, Daniel Picard, M.D., Jack Catanese, M.D., Steven Marx, M.D. Row 3: Stephen Schutz, M.D., Conrad Fischer, M.D., Mark Jesson, M.D., Michael Shivers, M.D., David Friedman, M.D., Robert Wiltshire, M.D. 25th Reunion *Deceased Summer 2014 35 2013 Contributors Report Marjorie Curran, M.D. David Ford, M.D. Kevin Hill, M.D. Edward J. Kaplan, M.D. Melanie Kazlas, M.D. Thomas Q. Kong, Jr., M.D. Keith G. Lowenstein, M.D. Shelley R. Pontier Lowenstein, M.D. Steven D. Schwartz, M.D. Debra L. Sherman, M.D. Karen L. Tan, M.D. Margaret von Mehren, M.D. Steven M. Wolf, M.D. Michael F. Zwicklbauer, M.D. Class of 1990 Anonymous David M. Belcher, M.D. Christopher L. Campese, M.D. Frank A. Catanzaro, M.D. Kathleen M. Crisafulli, M.D. Patrick S. DePippo, M.D. Brian M. Freed, Ph.D. Eric S. Knochenhauer, M.D. Tara A. Lindsley, Ph.D. Joseph Patane, M.D. Thomas Ptak, M.D. Richard D. Siegel, M.D. Anne C. Walsh, Ph.D. Steven B. Weinfeld, M.D. Susan P. Welgrin, M.D. Class of 1991 Cathy J. Berry Lozoponi, M.D. Kimberly A. Davis, M.D. Katherine C. Eisenmenger, M.D. Josephine Gambardella, M.D. Michael W. Graber, M.D. John M. Haworth, M.D. Kevin W. Hulseberg, M.D. Nancy P. Peitavino Young, M.D. James V. Puleo, Jr., M.D. Sujatha S. Reddy, M.D. Naomi Rosenberg, M.D. Sunil Sharma, M.D. *Deceased 36 alumni.amc.edu Kathleen M. Wroblewski, M.D. Peter C. Young, M.D. Class of 1992 Nancy T. Andrea, M.D. Azmi W. Atiya, M.D. Jeffrey Berger, M.D. Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D. Christine C. Dearth, M.D. Theresa DePippo, M.D. Marianne L. Feran, M.D. Cynthia E. Flynn, M.D. Rajesh R. Gandhi, M.D., Ph.D. Charles A. Gatto, M.D. Jean Paul Hafner, M.D. Eric M. Horwitz, M.D. Karim Mansour, M.D. Dennis P. McKenna, M.D. Matthew J. Murnane, M.D. Harpreet K. Pannu, M.D. John S. Pujals, M.D. John D. Sadoff, M.D. Janet L. Scheraga, M.D. Laura E. Staff, M.D. Class of 1993 Lori B. Croft, M.D. Chrystina Czerwinskyj, M.D. Philip J. Hlavac, M.D. Alice W. Huang, M.D. Sheila M. Kelly Lonieski, M.D. Kevin Lau, M.D. Eugene D. Mahaney, M.D. Bernard T. Ng, M.D. Bidyut K. Pramanik, M.D. Irina Tartakovsky, M.D. Class of 1994 Alan S. Boulos, M.D. Maria B. Boulos, M.D. Eric N. Bravin, M.D. Uday Dasika, M.D. Derek L. Eisnor, M.D. Emily Etzkorn, M.D. Kristina D. Hansen, M.D. Gregory Heeb, M.D. Elizabeth Kann, M.D. Sunil K. Khanna, M.D. Robert J. Paeglow, M.D. Vinisha Patel, M.D. Garry H. Schwartz, M.D. Philip Wilken, M.D. Jennifer J. Wu, M.D. Class of 1995 Karen E. Beckman, M.D. Visoth Chhiap, M.D. Harpal S. Khanuja, M.D. Nolawi M. Mengesha, M.D. Craig M. Mines, M.D. Jason Mouzakes, M.D. Laurie Lambert M. Nadal, M.D. Suzanne I. Pastore, M.D. Carol L. Roeder, M.D. Valerie M. Sprenz, M.D. Debra M. Stein, M.D. Class of 1996 Jennifer K. Bogan, M.D. Mary E. Chmura, M.D. Wayne Hioe, M.D. Laura M. Lane, C.R.N.A., M.S. Mary H. Lombardi, M.D. Kimberly Kilby, M.D. ’03 Giving Back and ‘Paying It Forward’ Kimberly Kilby, M.D. ’03 is enjoying a successful career as an assistant dean of undergraduate education and an attending physician in the bariatric surgery program. Like so many others, to get to where she is, Dr. Kilby took out college loans —debt that she is still paying. Despite this, she makes it a point to budget for charitable giving, including to Albany Medical College. “I’m not rich. I live in a modest house, and I am always cognizant of my finances. However, I make room for what is important,” said Dr. Kilby, who contributes to the Alumni Annual Fund. Her reasoning for giving is twofold. She was raised to be charitable, be it donating money or her time as a volunteer. The second reason: she wanted to “pay it forward.” Dr. Kilby has regularly given back to her alma mater, especially since she joined the staff three years ago. “I was supported by scholarships as a medical student, and I greatly appreciate all of the scholarship donors who help students achieve their dreams. Now it’s my turn,” she said. SPECIAL EDITION 2013 Contributors Report Thomas J. Mollen, Jr., M.D. Michelle C. Pena, M.D. Robert M. Schneider, M.D. David E. Seals, M.D. Nilesh B. Shukla, M.D. Class of 1997 Pamela K. Adelstein, M.D. Jess G. Alcid, M.D. Allison R. DeTomasi, M.D. Renu Goel, M.D. Timothy F. Goggins, M.D. David M. Jones, M.D. Christopher B. Nicpon, M.D. John S. Piatkowski, M.D. Michael S. Ross, M.D. Aviva D. Zyskind, M.D. Class of 1998 Shellie Asher, M.D. Alexander C. Brand, M.D. Steven R. Brown, M.D. Kimberley Erbes Culp, M.D. Jonathan S. Halpert, M.D. Jeanette A. Legenza, M.D. Daniel T. Phelan, M.D. Donna Phelan, M.D. Kinga Pluta, M.D. Renee B. RodriguezGoodemote, M.D. Michael J. Zapor, M.D., Ph.D. Class of 1999 Anthony Chang, M.D. Clifford A. Erickson, M.D. Robert W. Giering, M.D. Jacqueline M. Jones, M.D. Suneet Kaur, M.D. Kevin P. Khaw, M.D. Anita R. Kohli-Pamnani, M.D. Siobhan M. Kuhar, M.D. Susan T. Mahan, M.D. Marcus Martinez, M.D. Heather J. Symons, M.D. Class of 2000 Maude E. Dull, M.D. Aradhana Ghosh, M.D. Graham J. Moore, M.D. Mary Ann Randall, C.R.N.A., M.S. Andrew Mend Ropp, M.D. Elizabeth E. Warner, M.D. Frederick Y. Wu, M.D. Class of 2001 Anonymous John J. DeStafeno, M.D. John C. Drygas, M.D. Mineke E. Etienne, M.D. Spencer C. Greene, M.D. Angela A. Hsu, M.D. Stephen Krampert, M.D. Peter Mandwelle, C.R.N.A., M.S. Jordan E. Pinsker, M.D. John Powell, M.D. Stacy Rubtchinsky, M.D. Class of 2002 James E. Boswell, M.D. Jodi M. Della Rocca, C.R.N.A., M.S., Ph.D. Robert A. Eden, M.D. Vanessa Greenwood, M.D. Erin K. McHale, M.D. William T. Murawski, C.R.N.A., M.S. Liza Perpuse, M.D. J. Rafe R. Sales, M.D. Juan Sheng, C.R.N.A., M.S. George Zanaros, M.D. Class of 2003 Rebecca E. Brizzel Rouse, M.D. Michael T. Colon, M.D. Heather M. Engelhart, M.D. Kevin A. Gallagher, M.D. Kimberly A. Kilby, M.D., M.P.H. Paula S. Kue, M.D. Sandra S. Kwak, M.D. Seth O. Mensah, M.D. Michael T. Mulligan, M.D. James L. Mura, M.D. Raina Amrutlal Patel, M.D. Cynthia M. Ritz, C.R.N.A., M.S. Kristina M. Roddy, M.D. Jessica M. Ventimiglia, M.D. Class of 2004 Kelly K. Curtis, M.D. Annette M. Dorfman, M.D. Bridget K. Frawley, M.D. Hosai N. Hesham, M.D. R. Peter Manes, M.D. Deborah E. Myers, M.D. Nestor B. Nestor, M.D. Neeti B. Parikh, M.D. Nidhy S. Paulose Varghese, M.D. Joseph A. Picca, M.D. Mark Preissler, Ph.D. Christine M. Whitman, M.D. Eric J. Whitman, M.D. Tyrone J. Williams, M.D. Class of 2005 Michael P. Beckett, M.D. Maria K. Guyette, M.D. Barry Hatch, C.R.N.A., M.S. Tina M. Latimer, M.D. Matthew L. Monroe, C.R.N.A., M.S. Yen H. Nguyen, M.D. Oteng Walebowa, M.D. Class of 2006 Jonathan F. Cahill, M.D. Michael Guest, C.R.N.A., M.S. Laura J. Hoeksema, M.D. Scott M. Pregont, M.D. Kate A. Tauber, M.D. Class of 2007 Trevor J. Bayliss, M.D. Erick H. Cheung, M.D. Anne M. Gregoire, C.R.N.A., M.S. David M. Tauber, M.D. Class of 2008 Emma E. Bendana, M.D. Kristine Carpenter, M.D. Jamie Chao, M.D. Artur Chernoguz, M.D. Michael Freeman, M.D. Michelle Freeman, M.D. Christina Jenkins, M.D. Melanie Loewenthal, M.D. Paul Pace, M.D. Elizabeth Paddock, M.D. Michael L. Pomerantz, M.D. Kevin Semelrath, M.D. Sal Taliercio, M.D. Jonathan Tomasko, M.D. Victoria Varga Huettner, M.D. Class of 2009 Stephanie Bull, MPAS Kathleen Burroughs Norkun, C.R.N.A., M.S. Tim Caramore, M.D. Michael DeGennaro, C.R.N.A., M.S. Michael DiMaio, M.D. Marc Freiman, M.D. John Hopper, C.R.N.A., M.S. Melissa Leber, M.D. Tara Martin, M.D. Teerin T. Meckmongkol, Ph.D. Bruce D. White, D.O., J.D., M.S. Class of 2010 Christopher D. Brook, M.D. Alexandra L. Chomut, M.D. Michael R. Gooch, M.D. Nicole Lemanski, M.D. Elizabeth H. Ssebayigga, M.D. Lindsey A. Tillack, M.D. Danielle P. Wales, M.D. Class of 2011 Thomas Barrett, M.D. Mark Conroy, M.D. Brett J. Morey, C.R.N.A., M.S. *Deceased Summer 2014 37 2013 Contributors Report Class of 2012 William D. Beighey, C.R.N.A., M.S. David M. Dobrzynski, Jr., M.D. LeeAnn M. Hamilton, R.N., M.S. Patrick G. Marinello, M.D. Arati M. Patil, M.D. Brittany A. Potz, M.D. Aman M. Shah, M.D. Class of 2013 Danielle E. Alexander, M.D. Lisa M. Angotti, M.D. Vidhya T. Aroumougame, M.D. Matthew A. Berk, M.D. Dolores R. Blais, M.D. Michael B. Blazar, M.D. Megan M. Bourdon, M.D. Sean P. Boyle, M.D. Lori A. Brandt, M.D. Nathan Calabro, M.D. Allison M. Caldwell, M.D. Meredith A. Chan, M.D. Tiffany L. Chan, M.D. Alexander A. Chapman, M.D. Anthony G. Conte, M.D. Matthew J. Cummings, M.D. Joanne V. Dannenhoffer, M.D. Ian J. Dempsey, M.D. Jennifer E. Dinnel, M.D. *Deceased 38 alumni.amc.edu Molly Dinnel, M.D. Brian E. Dorsey, M.D. Afari Dwamena, M.D. David Dycus, M.D. Gregory N. Emmanuel, M.D. Judd H. Fastenberg, M.D. Francis Finneran, M.D. Timbrely Fong, M.D. Jason K. Frankel, M.D. Mr. Richard Galarza, M.S. Christine A. Gallati, M.D. John T. Garcia, M.D. Ryan Gill, M.D. Akira W. Gillingham, M.D. Allison M. Glaser, M.D. Swaroop S. Gonchikar, M.D. Andrea M. Goossens, M.D. Kristina D. Gracey, M.D. Ajay Gupta, M.D. Stephen L. Hasak, M.D. Brett L. Hayden, M.D. Everett Hayes, M.D. Zachary Hena, M.D. Michelle L. Hughes, M.D. Shazaan F. Hushmendy, M.D. Amanda M. Jackson, M.D. Amit Jain, M.D. Sidra Javed-Tayyab, M.D. Elan Jenkins, M.D. Justine K. Kang, M.D. Richard B. Katz, M.D. Amy L. Kerfoot, M.D. Edward Kim, M.D. Grace K. Kim, M.D. Dusty L. Kime, M.D. Michael Lao, M.D. Jonathan A. Levy, M.D. Joseph T. Mahon, M.D. Mark S. Malamood, M.D. Christine McGovern, M.S. Kathryn L. Molt, M.D. Eduardo Morales, M.D. Katelyn R. Moretti, M.D. Roshni R. Naik, M.D. Mastoora Nasiri, M.D. Steven A. Nguyen, M.D. Alan S. Nyquist, M.D. Sidney H. Olefson, M.D. Akhila Pamula, M.D. Katie R. Pandolfo, M.D. Jeff M. Papazian, M.D. Jasmine Patel, M.D. Nikhil M. Patel, M.D. Frances Perez, M.D. Jessica B. Poster, M.D. Richard L. Rabin, M.D. Fariha H. Ramay, M.D. Ashish Rastogi, M.D. Andre Rebaza, M.D. Alexandra W. Rehfuss, M.D. Justin Rice, M.D. Chalese Richardson, M.D. David A. Richardson, M.D. Joel N. Roberson, M.D. Alison C. Rodriguez, M.D. Jonathan Schimmel, M.D. Amar S. Shah, M.D. Mauli N. Shah, M.D. Sneha Shahane, M.D. Jenny J. Shim, M.D. Leina Y. Singh, M.D. Zoe G. Smith, M.D. Arjun Sood, M.D. Kayvahn P. Steck-Bayat, M.D. Jeffrey A. Steinberg, M.D. Shana F. Straub, M.D. Corey Tapper, M.D. Tara T. Tenney, M.D. Ali K. Valimahomed, M.D. Monica L. Vielkind, M.D. Thien-Huong Vu, M.D. Christopher Vuong, M.D. Jennifer Walia, M.D. John W. Wax, M.D. Daniel Weinstein, M.D. Julie M. Westberg, M.D. Midhuna M. William, M.D. Timothy M. Wilson-Byrne, M.D. Deborah Wright, M.P.A.S., M.S. Peter A. Zmijewski, M.D. SPECIAL EDITION 2013 Contributors Report Alumni Partners Partners in Leadership are those donors who make gifts totaling $1,000 or more to Albany Medical College in a year. Our Alumni Partners are leaders in helping to secure the future success of the College. Thank you for your generous support. Anonymous Ellen and Edward Alexson, M.D. ’70 Kelly and Richard Alfred, M.D. ’81 Barbara and Ronald Anderson, M.D. ’63 Nancy Andrea, M.D. ’92 Stephanie and William Angelos, M.D. ’88 Susan and Albert Apicelli, M.D. ’65 Molly and Franklyn Ashby, Jr., M.D. ’54 Shellie Asher, M.D. ’98 and Kevin Ware M. Lynn and Thomas A. Bailey, M.D. ’71 Cheryl and Sterling Baker, M.D. ’74 Linda Civerchia Balent, M.D. ’76 Jane Balint, M.D. ’89 and Kenneth Ramsey Victoria Balkoski, M.D. ’83 and Paul Winkeller Edith and Mitchell Bamberger, M.D. ’82, M.B.A. Catherine and Alan Barcomb, M.D. ’88 Grace and Anthony Bardinelli, M.D. ’61 David Barnert, M.D. ’81 P. Gayle and Donald Barrett, M.D. ’63 Irmgard and James P. Barrett, M.D. ’70, Ph.D. Catherine Bartlett, M.D. ’76 and Randall Bartlett Marino Baselice, M.D. ’77 David Beck, M.D. ’54 Mary* and Levon Bedrosian, M.D. ’47 Jane and Joseph Belsky, M.D. ’55 Lois and Richard Bertini, M.D. ’58 Jill and Bruce Bienenstock, M.D. ’71 Marilyn Blewett, R.N. ’68 and John Blewett, M.D. ’71 Patti and Richard Blide, M.D. ‘55 Larry West and Margaret Block West, M.D. ’76 William M. Boehme, M.D. ’70 Diane and John Robert Bosco, M.D. ’61* Maria Boulos, M.D. ’94 and Alan Boulos, M.D. ’94 Linda and Edward Bove, M.D. ’72 Alice and John Bowker, M.D. ’56 Patricia Hughes, M.D. ’80 and Frederick Brandt, M.D. ’80 Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D. ’92 Catherine and Jonathan Britell, M.D. ’73 Donna and Curtland Brown III, M.D. ’82 Jackie and Dennis Brown, M.D. ’66 Suzanne and Steven Burakoff, M.D. ’70 Patricia and Peter Burkart, M.D. ’68 Millie and Ronald Burkman, M.D. ’69 Christine Burns, M.D. ’70 and George Burns, M.D. ’72 Suzanne and Christopher Campese, M.D. ’90 Donna A. Caniano, M.D. ’76 and Richard A. Flores Margaret Carley, M.D. ’80 and Harry Dunn, M.D. Daniel S. Casper, M.D., Ph.D. ’85 Ethel G. Cermak, M.D. ’38 Susan and Paul Chalmers, M.D. ’79 Visoth Chhiap, M.D. ’95 Karen and Joseph Cirrone, M.D. ’88 Bette and John Cohen, M.D. ’63 Rosetta and David Collins, M.D. ’78 Carol and John J. Condemi, M.D. ’57 Martha and Douglas Coursin, M.D. ’76 Claire Weitz, M.D. ’79 and John Covington, M.D. ’79 Edward Curran, M.D. ’68 Karen and John Czajka, M.D. ’77 Lori and John Daigneault, M.D. ’85 Kathleen Ciancetta-Dal Col and Richard Dal Col, M.D. ’82 Ann Hughes Daniels, M.D. ’80 and Jeffrey Daniels, M.D. ’80 Desmond Del Giacco, M.D. ’76 Jennifer and Stuart Demirs, M.D. ’88 Sheila and Steven Dennis, M.D. ’82 Ellen and Harry DePan, M.D. ’78 Theresa DePippo, M.D. ’92 and Patrick DePippo, M.D. ’90 Ronnie and Myles Desner, M.D. ’70 David J. Dickoff, M.D. ’82 Rosemarie Dooley, R.N. ’69 and John Dooley, M.D. ’71 Marion Blakey and William Dooley, M.D. ‘74 Steven Dorfman, M.D. ’70 Patricia and Ernst Dorsch, M.D. ’71 Mary Ellen Drislane, M.D. ’80 and Joseph Baler, M.D. Victoria and John Duers, M.D. ’64 Amy Dunn, M.D. ’78 and Steven Dunn, M.D. ’77 Christine and David Eppard, M.D. ’65 Debbie and Clifford Erickson, M.D. ’99 David Falk, M.D. ’43 Missy and John Fallon III, M.D. ‘74 Nancy and Matthew Farina, M.D. ’67 Sheryl and Randall Feingold, M.D. ’87 Laurie and Richard Feit, M.D. ’75 Debbie Campbell and Conrad Fischer, M.D. ’88 *Deceased Summer 2014 39 2013 Contributors Report Alumni Partners Neil Fisher, M.D. ’88 Cynthia Flynn, M.D. ’92 and Deirdre Boyle, Esq. Gisele and Brian Freed, Ph.D. ’90 Ellen and Hal Freiman, M.D. ’78 Dorie and Ivan Friedrich, M.D. ’76 Phyllis and Steven Frisch, M.D. ’79 Carolyn Frymoyer, M.D. ’77 and Paul Frymoyer, M.D. ’77 Kathryn O’Keeffe, M.D. ’78 and James Fuchs, M.D. ’77 Babette and Herbert Gade, M.D. ’46 Josephine Gambardella, M.D. ’91 Rajesh Ramesh Gandhi, M.D. ’92, Ph.D. ’91, M.S. ’90 Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ‘79 Elizabeth Garland, M.D., M.S. ’87 and Paul Garland Lisa Longworth-Gatto, M.D. and Charles Gatto, M.D. ’92 Nancy Gedge and Stafford Gedge, M.D. ’55 Patricia and Ralph Giannella, M.D. ’65 Janet Gissen, M.D. ’44 Timothy Goggins, M.D. ’97 Shelley and Kim Goldenberg, M.D. ’79 Maureen and Alfred Gomez, M.D. ’55 Derri Shtasel, M.D. and Gary Gottlieb, M.D. ’79 Rabbi Judy Shanks and James Gracer, M.D. ’76 Robert T. Grant, M.D. ’83 Jodi Cohen and L. Michael Graver, M.D. ’77 Lesley and Neil Green, M.D. ’68 Suzanne Steinberg and Samuel Green, M.D. ’87 Carol and David Grenoble, M.D. ’72 Aubrey Griffith, M.D. ’53 Lynne and Mark Groban, M.D. ’67 Maria Guyette, M.D. ’05 and Francis Guyette, M.D. Lori and Mark Hadley, M.D. ’82 Cecily and David Haidak, M.D. ’69 Harry Haus, Jr., M.D. ’86 Linda and Robert Hedderman, M.D. ’82 Diane Henderson, M.D. ’70 Anna and Kevin Hill, M.D. ’89 Judith and Eugene Hoenig, M.D. ’59 Donald Holbert, M.D. ’76 The Honorable Jaclyn Brilling and Michael Horgan, M.D. ’80 Lynn and James Horn, M.D. ’79 James G. Houle, M.D. ’88 Margaret and Thomas Hughes, M.D. ’83 Janet and Kevin Hulseberg, M.D. ’91 Valerie and Allen Hyman, M.D. ’59 Nancy and G. Timothy Johnson, M.D. ’69 Nancy and William Johnston, Jr., M.D. ’69 Glory-Anne and David Jones, M.D. ’97 F. Robert Jordan, Jr., M.D. ’67 James E. Joy, M.D. ’67 Josephine and Kirk Kanter, M.D. ’76 Gail and Norman Kathan, Jr., M.D. ’64 *Deceased 40alumni.amc.edu Melanie Kazlas, M.D. ’89 Matilda Kiesel, R.N. ’59 and Robert Kiesel, M.D. ’60 Linda and William Kimball, M.D. ’75 Vicki Sommer, M.D. ’77 and Alan Kivitz, M.D. ’77 Rita and Peter Koltai, M.D. ’75 Antoinette and Murray Korc, M.D. ’74 Marcia and Randall Krakauer, M.D. ’72 Margaret and E. Michael Kramer, M.D. ’82 Lana and Jackson Kuan, M.D. ’86 Sharon Shapiro, M.D. ’80 and Andrew Kurman, M.D. ’80 John Lathrop, M.D. ’55 Margaret and J. Peter Lawler, M.D. ’65 Beverly and Arthur Lehrman, M.D. ’58 Judith and Neil Lempert, M.D. ’58 Pia and Lawrence Lepler, M.D. ’88 Carolyn Langer, M.D. and Leonard Lilly, M.D. ’77 Peter C. Lombardo, M.D. ’59 Janet Lord, M.D. ’78 Judy and Kenneth C. Low, M.D. ’76 Nancy and Jeffrey Lozman, M.D. ’72 Barbara and Richard MacDowell, M.D. ’72 Susan Mahan, M.D. ’99 and Steven Kirincich John Malo, M.D. ’74 Nancy Reisman Mann, M.D. ’82 and Andrew Mann, M.D. ’82 Engella Mansour, D.D.S. and Karim Mansour, M.D. ’92 Amelia Martinko, M.D. ’78 Carole and Eugene Maso, M.D. ’74 Lucille and David Mastrianni, M.D. ’85 Patrick McCreesh, M.D. ’82 Anne and Charles McHugh, M.D. ’64 Karen and Dennis P. McKenna, M.D. ’92 Gary Miller, M.D. ’65 Mary and Steve Mitchell, M.D. ’79 Deborah Mizus, M.D. and Irving Mizus, M.D. ’78 William Montano, M.D. ’69 Jeffrey Morgan, M.D. ’78 Moriah Moser and Daniel Morgenstern, M.D. ’82 Mary Anne and Robert Moseley III, M.D. ’67 Lisa and Ronald Moy, M.D. ’81 David R. Nalin, M.D. ’65 Donald Namm, Ph.D. ’65 Nancy and Bruce Nash, M.D. ’78 Andrea and Robert Newborn, M.D. ’86 Helen Vu, M.D. and Bernard Ng, M.D. ’93 Donna and John Nolan, M.D. ’77 Doren and Dennis Norfleet, M.D. ’69 Barbara C. Noyes, M.D. ’49 Bonnie and William O’Connor, M.D. ’86 Jean Evans Oakes, M.D. ‘81 and W. Jerry Oakes Alice and Thomas Openshaw, M.D. ’82 W. Dale Overfield, D.D.S., M.D. ’71 and JoAnn R. Overfield SPECIAL EDITION 2013 Contributors Report Alumni Partners Nancy and Robert Panzer, M.D. ’77 Loretta Patton-Greenidge, M.D. ’78 and Roy Greenidge Dawn and Philip S. Paty, M.D. ’86 Sharon and Kenneth Pearlman, M.D. ’83 Kathaleen Perkins, M.D. ’54 Kathy and Pasquale Petrera, M.D. ’86 Leslie and Arthur Pettygrove, M.D. ’75 Donna Phelan, M.D. ’98 and Daniel Phelan, M.D. ’98 Sharon Sullivan and Paul Phillips, M.D. ’62 Nancy and Wellington Pindar, M.D. ’59 Donna Pietrocola, M.D. ’75 and Steven Pinheiro, M.D. ’75 Sherry Hartman-Poggi and John Poggi, M.D. ’57* Margaret Vosburgh and A. John Popp, M.D. ’67 Laura Staff, M.D. ’92 and John Powell, M.D. ’01 Betty and Kenneth Pratt, M.D. ’57 Nicholas Preston, M.D. ’47 Helen and Donald Price, Sr., M.D. ’61 Elaine Price-Schwartz, M.D. ’84 and Joshua Schwartz, M.D. Richard Propp, M.D. ’60 Dawn Tranchino Provenzale, M.D. ’84 and James Provenzale, M.D. ’83 Lucille and James Puleo, Sr., M.D. ’61 Edna Anne Pytlak, M.D. ’83 and Fredrick Pytlak Suzanne and Robert Rapoport, M.D. ’88 Catherine Bartholomew, M.D. ’84 and Anthony Ritaccio, M.D. ’84 Kelly Doyle and Peter Robbiano, M.D. ’83 Judith and Kevin Roberts, M.D. ’77 Cathy and Earl Robinson, Jr., M.D. ’72 Tiiu and Roger Robison, M.D. ’63 Sheliah and John Roehmholdt, M.D. ’85 Mary and George Roff, M.D. ’65 Lisa Rome, M.D. ’80 Kathleen Kelly, M.D. ’82 and Arnold Rosen, M.D. ’82 Seymour Rosenbloom, M.D. ’69 Dikea Roussos-Ross, M.D. and Michael Ross, M.D. ’97 Iris Rotker, M.D. ’88 and Jonathan Rotker, M.D. ’88 Susan and Jeffrey Rudnick, M.D. ’66 Sue and Wilbur Rust, M.D. ’57 James Ryan, M.D. ’48* Judith and Geoffrey Ryder, M.D. ’63 Nancy and Edward Rydzak, M.D. ’87 J. Rafe Sales, M.D. ’02 Leizbeth and Alan Sanders, M.D. ’88 Albina Santilli, M.D. ’71 Nancy C. Sapio, M.D. ’85 and David Taffany Marilyn and Derace Schaffer, M.D. ’73 Miriam and Daniel Scharf, M.D. ’70 Michael Scherl, M.D. ’82 Robert Schneider, M.D. ’96 Merilyn and Paul Schreiber, M.D. ’66 Diane and Richard Schultz, M.D. ’56 Elisa and Stephen Schutz, M.D. ’88 Fred Schwartz, M.D. ’69 Constance Young and Gary Schwartz, M.D. ’83 Maryjane and Geoffrey Serfilippi, M.D. ’88 Patricia and Peter Shapiro, M.D. ’71 Kenneth Sherban, M.D. ’77 Nilesh Shukla, M.D. ’96 Stephen Sills, M.D. ’62 Nathaniel Silon, M.D. ’58 Cheryl and Steven Silver, M.D. ’74 Carla and George Sims, M.D. ’61 Judy and Edward Skwiersky, M.D. ’82 Mark Slovenkai, M.D. ’84 I. Arnold Slowe, M.D. ’58 and Martha Slowe Nancy and Karl Sohlberg, M.D. ’51 Joan and Merritt Spear, M.D. ’60 Clara Staunton, M.D. ’63 Lori and Theodore Stein, M.D. ’84 Gary L. Sutter, M.D. ’76 and Vera J. Sutter Kim and J. Scott Toder, M.D. ’79 Deborah Toppmeyer, M.D. ’85 Joan Treuer, M.D. ’53 and Warren Treuer Irene and Clyde Turner, M.D. ’61 Gurvinder Uppal, M.D. ’86 Lou-Ann and Vincent Verdile, M.D. ’84 Betty Vohr, M.D. ’66 and Thomas Gidley Elizabeth Myers and Evan Vosburgh, M.D. ’82 Graceann and Arthur Wallingford, Jr., M.D. ’63 Stephanie and Gregory Ward, M.D. ’84 John Warkentin, M.D. ’74 Roberta and John Wasenko, M.D. ’80 Tammy and Steven Weinfeld, M.D. ’90 Sarah and D. Billings Wheeler, M.D. ’67 John C. Wheeler, D.M.D., M.D. ’69 Sarah and Bruce White, D.O., J.D., M.S. ’09 Jacquelyn and T. Michael White, M.D. ’74 Robert Wiltshire, M.D. ’88 Delphine and Duncan Winter, M.D. ’84 Marlene Winter, Ph.D. and Jacques Winter, M.D. ’79 Nancy Green Worsham, M.D. ’63 and Jerry C. Worsham, M.D. ’62 Scott Yeaw, M.D. ’69 Vivian and Barry Yoss, M.D. ’72 Eileen Zambetti, M.D. and George Zambetti, Jr., M.D. ’76 Amy and George Zanaros, M.D. ’02 Nancy and Allen Zieker, M.D. ’75 Michael Zwicklbauer, M.D. ’89 *Deceased Summer 2014 41 PILLARS societ y 2013 Contributors Report ALUMNI PILLARS SOCIETY MEMBERS Members of the Albany Medical College Pillars Society have created a lasting legacy using their wills, life income gifts or retirement plans. Anonymous Mary Louise and Anthony Arena, M.D. ’60 M. Lynn and Thomas A. Bailey, M.D. ’71 Lorraine and William Barry, M.D. ’69 David Beck, M.D. ’54 Mary* and Levon Bedrosian, M.D. ’47 William M. Boehme, M.D. ’70 Diane and John Robert Bosco, M.D. ’61* Alice and John Bowker, M.D. ’56 Frederick Brandlin, M.D. ’56 Millie and Ronald T. Burkman, M.D. ’69 Christine Burns, M.D. ’70 and George Burns, M.D. ’72 Donna A. Caniano, M.D. ’76 and Richard A. Flores Margaret and Donald Capuano, M.D. ’68 Carol and Samuel Cassell, M.D. ’59 Claudia and David Chittenden, M.D. ’64 Jeré* and James Claghorn, M.D. ’61 Adrian Dobs, M.D. ’78 and Martin Auster, M.D. James Dougherty, M.D. ’51 Linda Dubins, M.D. ’77 and David Baer, M.D. David Falk, M.D. ’43 Brooke and Michael Freilich, M.D. ’58 Deborah and Pasquale Fugazzotto, M.D. ’58 Babette and Herbert Gade, M.D. ’46 Janet Gargiulo, M.D. ’79 Dante Gismondi, M.D. ’61 Janet Gissen, M.D. ’44 Isabelle Maisonneuve, Ph.D. ’92 and Stanley Glick, M.D., Ph.D. Alan Gulick, M.D. ’78 Jeffrey A. Hirst, M.D. ’80 Judith and Eugene Hoenig, M.D. ’59 Hans Holzapfel, M.D. ’57* Seymour Horwitz, M.D. ’39* and Sylvia Horwitz Nancy and George Howard, M.D. ’59 Julian Hyman, M.D. ’47 Nancy and G. Timothy Johnson, M.D. ’69 Cynthia and Maurice Keenan, M.D. ’61 Matilda Kiesel, R.N. ’59 and Robert Kiesel, M.D. ’60 Catherine Kiley, M.D. ‘78 and Donald Schoch, M.D. ’77 Peggy and Leonard Kirschner, M.D. ’61 Ruth and John Kovaric, M.D. ’50 *Deceased 42 alumni.amc.edu Nancy Carlson and Ralph Kramer, M.D. ’76 John LaFerla, M.D. ’72, MPH John Lathrop, M.D. ’55 Beverly and Arthur Lehrman, M.D. ’58 Evelyn and Charles Leonhardt, M.D. ’53 Leona and Jerome Levy, M.D. ’58 Jerilyn Marr and Clifford Marr, M.D. ’74 Anne and Charles McHugh, M.D. ’64 Robert Meineker, M.D. ’45 Cora and William Meyer, Jr., M.D. ’55 William Montano, M.D. ’69 Moriah Moser and Daniel Morgenstern, M.D. ’82 Paula Mroz, R.N. and Frank Mroz, M.D. ’73* Donald Namm, Ph.D. ’65 Robert Newhouse, M.D. ’56 Barbara C. Noyes, M.D. ’49 Margaret and Mark Ortelee, M.D. ’54 Kathaleen Perkins, M.D. ’54 Harriet and Albert Peters, M.D. ’61 Norma and Fred Phillips, Jr., M.D. ’56 Sharon Sullivan and Paul Phillips, M.D. ’62 Nancy and Wellington Pindar, M.D. ’59 Eleanor and Charles Poskanzer, M.D. ’45 Helen and Matthew Presti, M.D. ’49 Richard Propp, M.D. ’60 Kathleen Riley, M.D. ’90 and Mark Reed Mary and George Roff, M.D. ’65 Elizabeth Randall, Ph.D. and Corky Rosan, M.D. ’57 Sue and Wilbur Rust, M.D. ’57 Suzanne and Martin Schulman, M.D. ’57 John Seaman, M.D. ’56 Thelma and Daniel Shapiro, M.D. ’50 Elbis Shoales, M.D. ’49* Nathaniel Silon, M.D. ’58 Gina and Thomas L. Snyder, M.D. ’69 Barbara and David Sparling, M.D. ’48 Irene and Clyde Turner, M.D. ’61 Roberta and John Wasenko, M.D. ’80 John C. Wheeler, D.M.D., M.D. ’69 Marlene Winter, Ph.D. and Jacques Winter, M.D. ’79 Nancy Green Worsham, M.D. ’63 and Jerry C. Worsham, M.D. ’62 SPECIAL SPECIAL EDITION EDITION Jerilyn and Clifford Marr, M.D. ’74 Partners in Philanthropy “I give Jerilyn the credit,” says Clifford Marr, M.D. ’74 when he reflects on what led him and his wife of 43 years to create an endowed scholarship at Albany Medical College which will be funded with a bequest of IRA assets. Dr. Marr entered the Medical College at the age of 20 in the fall of 1970, just three days after he and Jerilyn were married in New York City. Clifford’s parents happily covered the nearly $3,000 annual tuition, and to make ends meet, his wife, with a master’s degree in biology from Boston College, took a job performing tissue culture research at Albany Med, then later taught anatomy and physiology at Hudson Valley Community College. While Dr. Marr strived to build and sustain a pediatric surgical practice in Sacramento, California starting in 1981, Jerilyn raised their three daughters. The practice is now a part of Sutter Health and serves as the Division of Pediatric Surgery in the Department of Surgery of the UC Davis Health System. Dr. Marr turned 64 this year, and together the pair contemplated the next phase of their lives. According to Dr. Marr, “Jerilyn pointed out that we have been so fortunate in our lives it was now time to give back. We hope other alumni who reach this stage in their careers will also consider a gift to the medical school that helped get them to that point.” Dr. Marr said it was Jerilyn’s idea to create the Marr Endowed Scholarship, derived from retirement assets, that makes Albany Medical College a beneficiary of the couple’s IRAs. Dr. Marr said, “She saw the need to assist students with the high cost of tuition. We both wanted to help increase the medical college’s endowment.” The Marrs learned scholarship is the highest funding priority of Dean Vincent Verdile, M.D. ’84, and also how important charitable gifts are to the continued success of Albany Medical College. Dr. Marr stipulated that their charitable gift would be dedicated in memory of Samuel Powers, M.D., a professor of surgery and his mentor at Albany Med. “Dr. Powers was totally approachable and easy to talk to,” Dr. Marr said. Before medical school, Dr. Marr earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at MIT and he felt a kinship with Dr. Powers, who collaborated with engineering faculty at RPI to better understand the physiologic effects of mechanical ventilation on critically ill trauma patients. “Dr. Powers was at the forefront of the field at the time,” he said. “He made me very excited about surgery.” The way the Marrs structured their charitable donation appealed to her philanthropic nature and his pragmatic side. “It just made good sense to us,” Dr. Marr said. “I felt we were fortunate that we did not have any medical school debt because of the generosity of Clifford’s parents,” said Jerilyn, who earned a second master’s degree in health services administration and worked with non-profit organizations, including teaching English as a Second Language to adults. She continues, “I can’t imagine medical students having to start a career and a family with a large debt. I thought we should try to help. We hope others will join us.” Summer 2014 43 Class NOTES Share Your News! The Alumni Association is happy to pass along your news and messages to fellow classmates and community members. If you would like to share an announcement, news or update regarding your professional and/or personal life, please contact: AMCalumni@mail.amc.edu. CLASS OF 1949 Frederick H. Grabo, M.D. ’49 Dr. Grabo writes, “I was sorry to miss my 65th Reunion this year. I’m in good shape and still gainfully employed. I look forward to next year’s Gold Society dinner.” at the AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago. The awards honor physicians who represent the highest values of altruism, compassion and dedication to patient care. Martin L. Schulman, M.D. ’57 Dr. Schulman was published in the June 7, 2014 issues of Barron’s, the weekly financial newspaper. The title of his piece, “Social Security: Indexing to the Rescue” was printed in the Other Voices section. Special note: The Alumni Office would be pleased to forward a copy of Dr. Schulman’s article to our readers. Send a request to: AMCalumni@mail.amc.edu. In April, Dr. Mizus, received a patent for a slit needle which allows access to patient fluid cavities, arteries, and veins by percutaneous catheter placement and eliminating the need for a wire guide for the purpose of drainage, monitoring and infusion. The slit needle system is sized so that it can be part of an ultrasound guided system, and be removed completely without breaking the circuit after catheter placement. CLASS OF 1981 CLASS OF 1959 David A. Bernstein, M.D. ’81 Samuel A. Cassell, M.D. ’59 In June, the board of directors of the American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation, named Dr. Cassell as the recipient of the Jack B. McConnell, M.D. Award for Excellence in Volunteerism during the 2013 Excellence in Medicine Awards presentation CLASS OF 1956 CLASS OF 1982 Zachary B. Kramer, M.D. ’82 CLASS OF 1978 Irving Mizus, M.D. ’78 CLASS OF 1957 capabilities of medicine today and its limitations, and the social issues that adult Americans face as they age. Dr. Bernstein has written a book entitled, “I’ve Got Some Good News and Some Bad News YOU’RE OLD: Tales of a Geriatrician: What to expect in your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and beyond.” The book explores what happens as we age—physically, mentally, and socially and also examines the tremendous In January, Dr. Kramer joined the United Memorial Medical Cancer and Infusion Center, in Rochester, NY. He is also an attending physician in Rochester General Hospital’s Department of Medicine, and an adjunct staff member of Roswell Park Cancer Institute’s Department of Medicine. Evan Vosburgh, M.D. ’82 Dr. Vosburgh writes, “I had the enjoyable experience of traveling to Florida to play in a Masters Lacrosse Tournament. I was pleased to reunite with my coAMC alum Steve Seminer, Class of 1985, as members of the Elder Statesmen. Our team won the first place trophy in our age group.” Steve Seminer, M.D. ’85 and Evan Vosburgh, M.D. ’82 at the Masters Lacrosse Tournament in Florida. William A. Petersen, M.D. ’56 In February, Dr. Petersen accepted the Starlight Star Award from the Starlight Children’s Foundazation Chapter of Upstate New York on behalf of Shaker Pediatrics of Latham, NY. The Starlight Children’s Foundation partners with experts to improve the life and health of children and families around the world. For the past two years, the physicians at Shaker Pediatrics have been overwhelmingly chosen by families for their dedication and expertise in providing care to children with complex medical conditions. Fellow alumni Sheela S. Graney, M.D. ’94 and David E. Sherwood, M.D. ’97 are colleagues of Dr. Petersen’s at Shaker Pediatrics. 44alumni.amc.edu CLASS OF 1983 Gary K. Schwartz, M.D. ’83 In January, Dr. Schwartz was named New York-Presbyterian/ Columbia University Medical Center’s new chief of the Division of Hematology/ Oncology in the Department of Medicine and associate director for research of its Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center. He joined New York-Presbyterian/Columbia from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where he was chief of the melanoma and sarcoma service. CLASS OF 1991 Anthony M. Szema, M.D. ’91 In February, Dr. Szema appeared in a CBS news story on toxic dust from Iraq. Dr. Szema, an assistant professor at Stony Brook University School of Medicine and chief of allergy and clinical immunology at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Northport, NY has been analyzing dust from the open burn pits at Camp Victory in Iraq and its impact on veterans’ lung function. He also presented the results of his team’s analysis on Camp Victory’s dust to a Pentagon sub-committee. In addition, Dr. Szema’s Iraq dust research was profiled in USA Today. In June, Dr. Szema received the Award of Appreciation for Significant Contribution to Residency Education from the graduating class of 2014 internal medicine residents at Stony Brook University Hospital. The award recognizes excellence in teaching. Class NOTES CLASS OF 1992 CLASS OF 1997 Tyrone G. Bristol, M.D. ’92 Andre M. Nye, M.D. ’97 Dr. Bristol writes, “In May, I joined the Peds faculty at UNCCharlotte/Levine Children’s Hospital. Enjoying settling into the South.” In April, Dr. Nye, a family medicine physician, joined the staff of Providence Medical Group-Seaside in Providence Rhode Island. CLASS OF 1994 Robert J. Paeglow, M.D. ’94 In March, Dr. Paeglow was invited to give the keynote address at CARE: Cultivating Authenticity, Reflection and Empathy in Medicine event, sponsored by the Gold Humanism Honors Society of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health at the Health Sciences Learning Center in Madison, WI. Dr. Paeglow currently serves as the assistant director of Family Medicine Medical Student Education at Albany Medical College. Katherine M. Wagner, M.D. ’94 (see page 23) In May, at Albany Medical College’s Commencement, Dr. Wagner was inducted into the Sosa Academy of Medical Sciences at Albany Medical College. Dr. Wagner is an associate professor and vice chair of the department of Family and Community Medicine at Albany Medical College. Melinda Clark, M.D. ’02 with one of her pediatric patients. Peter T. Skaff, M.D. ’97 In January, Dr. Skaff was elected chairman of the department of medicine for Mercy San Juan Medical Center (M.S.JMC) in Carmichael, CA, a division of the Dignity Health Neurological Institute of Northern California. He is also a neuro-hospitalist at M.S.JMC, tele-stroke neurologist for the Dignity Health Tele-medicine Network and general outpatient neurologist with the Mercy Medical Group of Sacramento, which he joined in 2003. CLASS OF 1998 Steven R. Brown, M.D. ’98 Dr. Brown is program director of the Banner Good Samaritan Family Medicine Residency in Phoenix, Arizona. He joined the Residency after four years in the Indian Health Service in rural Whiteriver, AZ. Dr. Brown currently serves as the 2014 chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians Commission of the Health of the Public and Science. CLASS OF 1984 Anthony L. Ritaccio, M.D. ’84 In January, Dr. Ritaccio and three Albany Medical Center colleagues and epilepsy specialists were among the first in the nation to receive board certification in epilepsy by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, signifying exceptional proficiency in the field. The specialists are the only board certified epileptologists in the Capital Region, and join only nine other New York physicians outside the greater New York City metropolitan area in being certified. CLASS OF 2002 Melinda Clark, M.D. ’02 In May, Dr. Clark, of Albany Medical Center, received a grant from the New York State Health Foundation to expand a children’s oral health pilot program across Upstate New York. She initiated the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Smiles Program two years ago to offer targeted preventive oral health services for Medicaid-eligible children with the goals of promoting oral health for young children and early establishment of the dental home. With the three-year grant, Dr. Clark plans to work with the statewide WIC Program to develop 36 WIC Smiles Program sites—starting with eight locations this year. CLASS OF 2002 Jodi Della Rocca, C.R.N.A., M.S. ’02, Ph.D. Dr. Della Rocca, Alumni Association board director, was awarded a Ph.D. in postsecondary and adult education in 2013 from Capella University. She is an assistant professor and associate director of the Center for Nurse Anesthesiology at Albany Medical Center. CLASS OF 2003 Michael T. Mulligan, M.D. ’03 Dr. Mulligan, associate residency program director in the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at Albany Medical Center, co-authored an article, jointly written by a multidisciplinary team, about painkillers that patients most often ask for and that doctors most often prescribe are generally ineffective for treating chronic pain. The lead author was Richard Uhl, M.D., chief of the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at Albany Medical Center. CLASS OF 2004 Daniel K. Pauze, M.D. ’04 In March, Dr. Pauze and a team of Albany Medical Center physicians and medical students presented a poster on the triggers and treatments of anaphylaxis at the 2014 American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. Summer 2014 45 Class NOTES CLASS OF 2005 Bryan S. Bush, M.D. ’05 In February, Dr. Bush, a cardiothoracic surgeon, joined the Bethesda Heart Hospital in Boyton Beach, FL. Dr. Bush was with the East Carolina Heart Institute in Greenville, NC where he completed a Fellowship in Minimally Invasive & Robotic Cardiac Surgery at the International Robotic Training Center. CLASS OF 2006 Michael M. Van Vliet, M.D. ’06 Dr. Van Vliet has joined the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University of Tennessee (UT) Medical Group in Memphis, Tennessee. He has also been named assistant professor at the UT Health Science Center and been appointed director of burn critical care for the Firefighters Regional Burn Center at The Regional Medical Center in Memphis. CLASS OF 2007 Trevor J. Bayliss, M.D. ’07 In May, Dr. Bayliss was featured in a USA TODAY Sports “Throwback Thursday” piece. The last time Bayliss was profiled, he was running for the Williams College men’s track team at the 1999 NCAA Division III Championships. (In 1994, after feeling fatigued during his freshman year, he was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma. An experimental drug helped treat his specific cancer and Bayliss started training again a year later.) According to the article, Dr. Bayliss’ personal experience with cancer and specifically the physician who treated him motivated him to apply to medical school. “I came out of that thinking ‘Man, I could Trevor Bayliss, M.D. ’07 have done that better and had more compassion than that doctor had in that moment,’” Bayliss said. “It was a crystallizing moment of a lot of experiences I’d had in medicine as a patient. In a lot of areas, they lacked that personal touch and empathy in how huge a doctor’s word can be or lack of words for that matter. I remember thinking if I ever got healthy, I’d like to take care of cancer patients and find ways to do it well and help them through that.” Dr. Bayliss currently works at Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, Massachusetts as an oncologist. CLASS OF 2008 Ann Rutter M.D. ’08 Dr. Rutter, director of medical student education for the Department of Family Medicine was selected by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Foundation (STFM) as one of seven recipients of the 2014 New Faculty Scholars Award. The award is in recognition of outstanding leadership potential and supported her attendance at the 2014 STFM Annual Spring Conference in San Antonio, TX. 2014 Golden Apple Award Recipients Robert D. Wickham, M.D. (departed member of the Class of 1952) and his spouse, Kate Wickham, generously established the Golden Apple Award to honor the College’s commitment to excellence in teaching. The award, stewarded by the Alumni Association, allows the graduating medical students the opportunity to recognize outstanding educators they encountered during their time at the College. This year, the Class of 2014 recognized the following faculty members: Outstanding Pre-Clinical Golden Apple David M. Jones, M.D. ’97 Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Rebecca S. Keller, Ph.D. Assistant Dean for Medical Education and Associate Professor, Center for Cardiovascular Sciences Outstanding Clinical Golden Apple Richard J. Blinkhorn, M.D. Chair, Department of Medicine Outstanding Outpatient Preceptor Golden Apple Joseph T. Wayne, M.D. Associate Professor, Department of Medicine Outstanding Resident Golden Apple Nazeel Qureshi, M.D. Chief Resident, Internal Medicine Richard Pryor, M.D. ’99 and his family send greetings from Sydney, Australia. Trevor Bayliss, M.D. ’07. CLASSES OF 1987, 1990 AND 1994 Vinisha Patel, M.D. ’94, Paul Garland, Steven Weinfeld, M.D. ’90 and Elizabeth Garland, M.D. ’87 at the 2014 Alumni Association reception in New York City, Jan. 23. 46 alumni.amc.edu Class NOTES In Memoriam We mourn the passing of the following classmates: John Beeble, M.D. ’48 Elbis A. Shoales, M.D. ’49 Robert J. Cassidy, M.D. ’53 Edward Attarian, M.D. ’55 Bernhardt W. Hausheer, M.D. ’56 Herbert A. Bartholomew III, M.D. ’57 Leonard S. Lustgarten, M.D. ’57 John A. Poggi, M.D. ’57 Peter Hathaway, M.D. ’60 Victor L. Lawoyin, M.D. ‘64 James T. Casey, M.D. ’65 Michael M. Mc Connell, M.D. ’69 John A. Poggi, M.D. ’57 John A. Poggi, M.D. ’57, (Jack) died on March 11, 2014. After residency at Albany Medical Center, Jack joined Frank C. Maxon, Jr., M.D. ’39, in the practice of pulmonary medicine at Albany Hospital and the College. Medical education in those days was simple and intensive—no simulation, no standard patients, no computer-watching, just a sick person and a student, ideally with a good teacher. Drs. Maxon & Poggi were among the best teachers in the College in the days when senior faculty were few and heavily involved in student teaching. Ten fingers, two eyes and a stethoscope carried the day. Pulmonary rotations were hard work, and uniquely included a mandatory paper which was read, graded and discussed in detail with the student. Pulmonary medicine originated in the treatment of tuberculosis, and that was Jack’s forte. He ran the Albany County TB clinic for years, and was widely sought as a consultant. Active in organized medicine, his good humor and equanimity made him a valued colleague and friend. He is survived by his wife of twenty years, Sherry Hartman Poggi, MLS (former College Librarian and Honorary Member of the Alumni Association, 1997), four children, and a host of grandchildren. —Submitted by Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D. ’68, Historian Edward Attarian, M.D. ’55, FACP Edward Attarian, M.D. ’55, FACP, died in Durham, NC, on March 21, 2014. His interest in medicine began with a sanatorium stay for pulmonary tuberculosis in 1947 (in the infancy of anti-tuberculosis drugs.) He graduated from Albany Medical College in 1955. In 1963, after training in medicine and gastroenterology and an Army hitch in Germany, he opened an office for the practice of gastroenterology at 614 Madison Avenue, and was on the staffs of Albany and St. Peter’s Hospitals and the faculty of the College. He took education of medical students seriously. Dr. Attarian was good-natured, demanding, patient, and always ready with that smile and trademark laugh. For the price of working up Dr. Attarian’s patients carefully, the student could see a master clinician at work. One student, a half century later, recalls the stern look that resulted from having missed a murmur of aortic insufficiency, and the ensuing careful instruction on just where to listen. In 1976, Dr. Attarian moved his office to Vero Beach, Francis J. Fenaughty, M.D. ’81 Donna M. Downing-Anderson, M.D. ’96 Kevin D. Barron, M.D., (Hon.) ’03 Vasudha Koganti, M.D. ’08 Nadia Rossman, C.R.N.A., M.S. ’10 Florida. There he practiced gastroenterology for sixteen years, and later was chairman of the Department of Executive and International Health at Cleveland Clinic Florida. He remained an interested and committed alumnus. —Submitted by Jeffrey D. Hubbard, M.D. ’68, Historian Kevin Delgado Barron, M.D. Honorary Member of the Albany Medical College Alumni Association, 2003 Kevin D. Barron, M.D., professor and chairman-emeritus of neurology at Albany Medical College, died on October 28, 2013, at the age of 84. After attending medical school at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and serving as a ship’s doctor and as an intern and medical resident is Canada, he completed his training in neurology and neuropathology at Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center in New York City. In Dr. Barron’s view, neurology and neuropathology were inseparable, and all of his many trainees had to be very proficient in the diagnosis of nervous system diseases at the bedside and at the microscope. In 1959, Dr. Barron became the Chief of the very large Neurology Service at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Hines, IL, and after a 10-year-period of intense practice, education, and research, he answered the call to become chairman at Albany Medical College. The Chicago tradition of clinical excellence and required scholarly pursuit continued in Albany, and the Department of Neurology grew rapidly. While handling the large administrative, clinical, and teaching obligations of the department, Dr. Barron had sufficient energy to establish research laboratories at the College and the Albany Veterans Affairs Medical Center. All his investigative efforts focused on retrograde and transneuronal atrophy of the central nervous system, and many papers arose from both sides of the street. Dr. Barron and his wife Lisa were most gracious hosts at their home, and all who met him learnt of his devotion to excellent writing. He had a unique highly polished style that reached the complexity of William Faulkner. He guided many of his trainees toward their own career goals, and all of us who worked with him recall with much gratitude that he was so devoted to our own success. —Submitted by Arnulf H. Koeppen, M.D., professor-emeritus of neurology, professor of pathology, Albany Medical College Summer 2014 47 Alumni Office (MC-5) P4800 Albany Medical College 47 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12208 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Albany, NY PERMIT NO. 187 www.facebook.com/amcalumniassociation In honor of the 175th Anniversary please consider making a gift to the Alumni Annual Fund. Unrestricted gifts to the Alumni Annual Fund provide the greatest flexibility for the College to meet its most pressing needs. Please help us close out our 175th anniversary by making a gift today. In doing so, you will put Albany Medical College in a position of strength as we enter our next 175 years! Visit: alumni.amc.edu/amc175, or simply use the enclosed envelope for your convenience.