

World66's guide to Netherlands
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Netherlands − Getting Around.................................................................................................................2
Netherlands − History..............................................................................................................................2
Netherlands − Getting There....................................................................................................................3
Netherlands − Books................................................................................................................................4
Netherlands − People...............................................................................................................................6
Netherlands − Economy...........................................................................................................................8
Netherlands − Map...................................................................................................................................9
Netherlands − Practical Information........................................................................................................9
Netherlands − Tours and Excursions.....................................................................................................10
Alkmaar − Getting There.......................................................................................................................12
Alkmaar − Internet Cafes.......................................................................................................................12
Almelo − Internet Cafes.........................................................................................................................14
Amersfoort − Getting There..................................................................................................................16
Amersfoort − Nightlife and Entertainment............................................................................................17
Amersfoort − Eating Out.......................................................................................................................17
Amersfoort − Sights...............................................................................................................................18
Amersfoort − Getting Around................................................................................................................20
Amersfoort − Accommodation..............................................................................................................20
Amersfoort − Bars and Cafes.................................................................................................................20
Amersfoort − Internet Cafes..................................................................................................................21
Amsterdam − History.............................................................................................................................22
Amsterdam − Practical Information......................................................................................................23
Amsterdam − Eating Out.......................................................................................................................25
Amsterdam − Accommodation..............................................................................................................33
Amsterdam − Sights...............................................................................................................................51
Amsterdam − Shopping.........................................................................................................................56
Amsterdam − A perfect day in...............................................................................................................59
Amsterdam − Internet Cafes..................................................................................................................60
Amsterdam − Getting Around...............................................................................................................63
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Amsterdam − Getting There..................................................................................................................65
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment............................................................................................65
Amsterdam − Things to do....................................................................................................................75
Amsterdam − Drugs...............................................................................................................................77
Amsterdam − Books..............................................................................................................................80
Amsterdam − Museums.........................................................................................................................82
Apeldoorn − Getting There....................................................................................................................89
Apeldoorn − Sights................................................................................................................................89
Apeldoorn − Accommodation...............................................................................................................91
Apeldoorn − Nightlife and Entertainment.............................................................................................91
Arnhem − Accommodation...................................................................................................................96
Arnhem − Sights....................................................................................................................................99
Arnhem − Getting There......................................................................................................................100
Arnhem − Day Trips............................................................................................................................100
Arnhem − Hotspots..............................................................................................................................101
Arnhem − Internet Cafes......................................................................................................................102
Arnhem − Shopping.............................................................................................................................102
Arnhem − Eating Out...........................................................................................................................102
Arnhem − Nightlife and Entertainment...............................................................................................104
Arnhem − History................................................................................................................................105
Arnhem − People.................................................................................................................................105
Beek − Internet Cafes..........................................................................................................................106
Bloemendaal − Things to do................................................................................................................108
Bloemendaal − Internet Cafes..............................................................................................................108
Breda − Internet Cafes.........................................................................................................................109
Breda − Eating Out..............................................................................................................................109
Breda − Nightlife and Entertainment...................................................................................................110
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
De efteling........................................................................................................................................................113
De efteling − Internet Cafes.................................................................................................................113
De hoge veluwe................................................................................................................................................114
De hoge veluwe − Getting There.........................................................................................................114
De zaanse schans.............................................................................................................................................115
Delft − Getting There...........................................................................................................................116
Delft − Eating Out................................................................................................................................116
Delft − Nightlife and Entertainment....................................................................................................117
Delft − Internet Cafes..........................................................................................................................117
Delft − Accommodation......................................................................................................................117
Den Bosch........................................................................................................................................................120
Den Bosch − Eating Out......................................................................................................................120
Den Bosch − Internet Cafes.................................................................................................................120
Den Bosch − Nightlife and Entertainment...........................................................................................120
Den Bosch − Getting Around..............................................................................................................121
Den Helder.......................................................................................................................................................123
Den Helder − Internet Cafes................................................................................................................123
Deventer − Internet Cafes....................................................................................................................125
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Domburg − Internet Cafes...................................................................................................................127
Dordrecht − Sights...............................................................................................................................128
Dordrecht − Accommodation..............................................................................................................128
Dordrecht − Internet Cafes..................................................................................................................128
Eindhoven − Eating Out......................................................................................................................131
Eindhoven − Accommodation.............................................................................................................132
Eindhoven − Museums........................................................................................................................133
Eindhoven − Getting Around...............................................................................................................134
Eindhoven − Getting There..................................................................................................................134
Eindhoven − Shopping.........................................................................................................................135
Eindhoven − Day Trips........................................................................................................................135
Eindhoven − Internet Cafes.................................................................................................................136
Eindhoven − Nightlife and Entertainment...........................................................................................137
Enkhuizen − Internet Cafes..................................................................................................................139
Enschede − Eating Out........................................................................................................................140
Enschede − Internet Cafes...................................................................................................................140
Enschede − Nightlife and Entertainment.............................................................................................140
Ermelo − Internet Cafes.......................................................................................................................143
Friesland − History..............................................................................................................................144
Friesland − Getting There....................................................................................................................144
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Leeuwarden − Internet Cafes...............................................................................................................154
Sloten − Internet Cafes........................................................................................................................156
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Giethoorn − Accommodation..............................................................................................................161
Gouda − Festivals................................................................................................................................163
Gouda − Eating Out.............................................................................................................................163
Gouda − Internet Cafes........................................................................................................................164
Groningen − Accommodation.............................................................................................................165
Groningen − Eating Out.......................................................................................................................165
Groningen − Sights..............................................................................................................................167
Groningen − Museums.........................................................................................................................168
Groningen − Nightlife and Entertainment...........................................................................................168
Groningen − Internet Cafes..................................................................................................................169
Groningen − Getting There..................................................................................................................170
Haarlem − Sights.................................................................................................................................172
Haarlem − Bars and Cafes...................................................................................................................173
Haarlem − History...............................................................................................................................173
Haarlem − Museums............................................................................................................................174
Haarlem − Internet Cafes.....................................................................................................................174
Haarlem − Accommodation.................................................................................................................175
Haarlem − Eating Out..........................................................................................................................175
Heerde − Internet Cafes.......................................................................................................................177
Heerlen − Internet Cafes......................................................................................................................178
Hellevoetsluis − Internet Cafes............................................................................................................179
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Hengelo − Internet Cafes.....................................................................................................................180
IJmuiden − Accommodation................................................................................................................182
IJmuiden − Eating Out.........................................................................................................................183
IJmuiden − Nightlife and Entertainment.............................................................................................185
IJmuiden − Getting Arround................................................................................................................187
IJmuiden − Practical Information........................................................................................................188
IJmuiden − Things to do......................................................................................................................190
IJmuiden − Shopping...........................................................................................................................191
IJmuiden − Getting There....................................................................................................................192
IJmuiden − Things to do......................................................................................................................192
IJmuiden − Internet Cafes....................................................................................................................192
Keukenhof − Getting There.................................................................................................................193
Keukenhof − Internet Cafes.................................................................................................................193
Laren − Museums................................................................................................................................195
Leiden − Internet Cafes........................................................................................................................196
Leiden − History..................................................................................................................................197
Leiden − Eating Out.............................................................................................................................197
Leiden − Sights....................................................................................................................................198
Leiden − Nightlife and Entertainment.................................................................................................199
Leiden − Festivals................................................................................................................................200
Lochem − Internet Cafes......................................................................................................................201
Maastricht − Accommodation.............................................................................................................202
Maastricht − Sights..............................................................................................................................203
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Maastricht − Getting There..................................................................................................................204
Maastricht − Eating Out.......................................................................................................................204
Maastricht − Internet Cafes..................................................................................................................205
Maastricht − Nightlife and Entertainment...........................................................................................205
Maastricht − Practical Information......................................................................................................205
Marken − Internet Cafes......................................................................................................................207
Meppel − Internet Cafes......................................................................................................................208
Naarden − Internet Cafes.....................................................................................................................210
Nieuw statenzijl...............................................................................................................................................211
Nieuwolda − Sights..............................................................................................................................212
Nijmegen − Internet Cafes...................................................................................................................213
Nijmegen − Eating Out........................................................................................................................213
Nijmegen − Nightlife and Entertainment.............................................................................................213
Noordwijk − Internet Cafes.................................................................................................................217
World66's guide to Netherlands
Table of Contents
Ossendrecht − Internet Cafes...............................................................................................................220
Ouderkerk aan den IJssel..............................................................................................................................221
Purmerend − Internet Cafes.................................................................................................................222
Purmerend − Sights..............................................................................................................................222
Rotterdam − Accommodation..............................................................................................................224
Rotterdam − Sights..............................................................................................................................230
Rotterdam − Internet Cafes..................................................................................................................233
Rotterdam − Eating Out.......................................................................................................................235
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment...........................................................................................237
Rotterdam − Shopping.........................................................................................................................250
Rotterdam − Getting Around...............................................................................................................251
Rotterdam − Getting There..................................................................................................................252
Ruinen − Internet Cafes.......................................................................................................................253
Scheveningen − Internet Cafes............................................................................................................255
The Netherlands is a small monarchy in the Northwest of Europe, between the North Sea, Belgium and
Germany, known for much more than cheese, windmills, tulips.
Its recorded history starts with the Roman invasion halfway the first century A.D. but it had its heydays in the
17th century when it disputed hegemony of the Seven Seas with the English and the Spanish empires. In that
period New York, parts of India, a series of forts along the African Coast and the Colonies in Indonesia
formed part of the vast Dutch Empire.
Though most historic town centers in The Netherlands date back to the Dark Ages, most building was done in
era of oversea expansion and in the nineteenth century when the country finally took the industrial revolution
seriously. In Amsterdam, Leiden or Utrecht you can see the big 17th century mansions once owned by the
commanders of the Dutch fleet and those of the rich merchants who financed the wars with their overseas
gains. They were the Dutch elite by lack of real aristocracy. The preferred small items of great value stashed
away in their mansions over baroque palaces. Though the Dutch never were really extravagant and did not
have a real court like there were in Germany, France and Spain, they were very proud of themselves. This can
still be seen in the countless portrait paintings they commissioned. They also were the patrons of the famous
Dutch painters like Rembrandt, Van Hals or Vermeer.
Apart from the glory days of the 17th century there is much in the Netherlands to attract the present day
visitor. Visitors will find a very open, relaxed and international atmosphere, some great museums with both
modern art and historical chef−d'oeuvres. Due to the bombardment that levelled the city and the reckless
renovations that followed Rotterdam is the only real modern town of The Netherlands (not to mention, the
largest seaport in the world), not counting boring suburbs like Lelystad or Almere. Especially compared to
mega cities like New York, London, Paris or even Cologne, the Dutch cities are all somewhat provincial and
lacking the great gesture. Nonetheless places like Den Bosch ('s Hertogenbosch) and Arnhem are also
certainly worth a visit, with the latter being close to the national park 'Hoge Veluwe'.
Maastricht is the most important city of the South. The atmosphere is quite different from the North. The town
is pretty and is a good base for exploring the countryside as well as making daytrips to Aachen and Liege.
Because of its size and flatness The Netherlands is a great country to explore by bicycle. Public transport is
another good option because parking is problematic in most town centers. Trains and buses provide excellent
transport in the entire country, though in the eastern part it sometimes pays off to rent a car.
Finally, the young mainly visit The Netherlands for two characteristics: the permissive attitude towards sex
(prostitution is legal) and drugs (possession of small quantities of softdrugs for personal use is legal, and
marihuana − in small quantities for personal use − is for sale legally in 'coffee shops' throughout the country).
This, however, does not mean harddrugs are tolerated − nor is illegal prostitution. Both examples of leniency
were instituted to better control these problems. The result is less crime and better working conditions for
legal prositutes − a recipe slowly being picked up by the rest of the world. The Dutch always try to stay one
step ahead though, and for several years now gay couples have been allowed to marry legally and properly,
like any couple.
But Almere is one of the fastest growing "not counting boring suburbs " of the Netherlands and therefore
worth a visit! !
World66's guide to Netherlands
Netherlands − Getting Around
Getting around in the Netherlands is generally easy. The country is not big and the distances are small. A
dense net of trains covers the countries and busses plough the smaller routes. Hitch hiking is another
The train is usually your best bet. Most routes have trains 2 or 4 times an hour, so you don't have to wait very
long. Routes are organized by destination in the stations, which might confuse some vistiors. Train travel is
kilometerwise not exactly cheap, but as the distances are not that big, it will not cost you too much. If you're
going to stay for a longer time and will plan to travel around extensively, you might consider getting your self
a 'kortingskaart' for f99,− a year, or f89,− if you're lucky and there is some kind of action. Available at the
stations. For the double price you get a card valid for two years, but this card is also valid in most musea. You
need a bank account for that though.
Busses are another option, but they are not very popular. Interlines are sort of long distance busses that cover
some of the routes that have no trains. Prices are the same for Interliner busses. In summer you can get a
zomer zwerf kaart, which will allow you to travel unlimited on busses for one day. It's a cheap but not very
fast way of getting around.
Hitch hiking always has it's own risks and the rules are the same in the Netherlands. Avoid travelling alone,
especially if you're female, don't step in a car if you don't feel comfortable. On the other hand, it can be an
excellent way of getting around and talk to the locals. You'll notice though that the Netherlands are a very
densely populated country, which makes the average distance a car travels much shorter then say in Germany.
While you can get lucky, more often then not you'll find that the friendly driver that stopped for you will only
take you for the next 25 kilometers.
Netherlands − History
The Dutch are primarily of Germanic stock with some Gallo−Celtic mixture. Their small homeland frequently
has been threatened with destruction by the North Sea and has often been invaded by the great European
Julius Caesar found the region which is now the Netherlands inhabited by Germanic tribes in the first century
B.C. The western portion was inhabited by the Batavians and became part of a Roman province; the eastern
portion was inhabited by the Frisians. Between the fourth and eighth centuries A.D. most of both portions
were conquered by the Franks. The area later passed into the hands of the House of Burgundy and the
Austrian Hapsburgs. Falling under harsh Spanish rule in the 16th century the Dutch revolted in 1558 under the
leadership of Willem of Orange. By virtue of the Union of Utrecht in 1579 the seven northern Dutch
provinces became the Republic of the United Netherlands.
During the 17th century considered its "golden era the Netherlands became a great sea and colonial power.
Among other achievements, this period saw the emergence of some of painting's Old Masters including
Rembrandt and Hals, whose works−−along with those of later artists such as Mondriaan and Van Gogh−−are
today on display in museums throughout the Netherlands.
Netherlands − Getting Around
World66's guide to Netherlands
The country's importance declined, however, with the gradual loss of Dutch technological superiority and
after wars with Spain, France, and England in the 18th century. The Dutch United Provinces supported the
Americans in the Revolutionary War. In 1795, French troops ousted Willem V of Orange, the Stadhouder
under the Dutch Republic and head of the House of Orange.
Following Napoleon's defeat in 1813, the Netherlands and Belgium became the Kingdom of the United
Netherlands" under King Willem I son of Willem V of Orange. The Belgians withdrew from the union in
1830 to form their own kingdom. King Willem II was largely responsible for the liberalizing revision of the
constitution in 1848.
The Netherlands prospered during the long reign of Willem III (1849−1890). At the time of his death his
daughter Wilhelmina was 10 years old. Her mother Queen Emma reigned as regent until 1898 when
Wilhelmina reached the age of 18 and became the monarch.
The Netherlands proclaimed neutrality at the start of both world wars. Although it escaped occupation in
World War I German troops overran the country in May 1940. Queen Wilhelmina fled to London and
established a government−in−exile. Shortly after the Netherlands was liberated in May 1945 the Queen
returned. Crown Princess Juliana acceded to the throne in 1948 upon her mother's abdication. In April 1980
Queen Juliana abdicated in favor of her daughter now Queen Beatrix. Crown Prince Willem Alexander was
born in 1967.
Elements of the Netherlands' once far−flung empire were granted either full independence or nearly complete
autonomy after World War II. Indonesia formally gained its independence in 1949 and Suriname became
independent in 1975. The five islands of the Netherlands Antilles (Curacao Bonaire Saba St. Eustatius and a
part of St. Maarten) are an integral part of the Netherlands realm but enjoy a large degree of autonomy. Aruba
which had been a part of the Netherlands Antilles was granted in January 1986 a separate status within the
kingdom on par with but apart from the Netherlands Antilles.
Netherlands − Getting There
The Netherlands are well connected by road, rail, boat and air to the rest of the world. Schiphol airport
(Amsterdam) has become one of the busiest airports of Europe but is actually a nice place to arrive. Picking
up relative cheap flights to Amsterdam shouldn't be a problem.
There are direct International trains from Berlin (about every four hours), Belgium (every half hour), Paris
(every three hours, about) and further afield to Prague, Vienna, Basel and Milan. Getting a reservation on the
International trains especially in summer is not a bad idea. A lot of those trains are mostly sleepers, so demand
for seats outstrips supply easily.
There are some excellent long distance busses running from all over Europe into the Netherlands. Eurolines is
where you could check, but also have a look at the small ads in travel sections of newspapers. Bustrips
to/from London or Paris could cost less then f50,−, while even tickets all the way to Istanbul can be had. In
the sixties even tickets upto Delhi could be had, but ever since the Iranian revolution, you have to chance in
Istanbul and then again in Teheran.
Netherlands − History
World66's guide to Netherlands
The most relevant boat connections are with Great Brittan. Numerous Ferry boats do the trip from Hoek van
Holland and there is a twice daily Train/Boat combi that brings you right into London. If you don't bring your
own car, it might work out cheaper to get a bus ticket that includes the ferry (but might you first drive all the
way to France).
Driving into the Netherlands is easy. Good roads cross into Belgium and Germany and nobody at the border
checks cars, so you hardly notice you're in a different country.
Netherlands − Books
The Netherlands have a long tradition in publishing and where a save haven for publishers with critical books
since the seventeenth century. Even today some of the bigger publishing houses of the world are Dutch.
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leiden & the Hague
author: Rod Bolt
isbn: 1860110673
subject: travel
Art and Commerce in the Dutch Golden Age
isbn: 0300081316
subject: history
Rick Steves' France, Belgium and the Netherlands 1999
Rick Steves,Steve
Blue Guide the Netherlands
Netherlands − Getting There
World66's guide to Netherlands
isbn: 0393317994
subject: travel
Art in History History in Art : Studies in Seventeenth−Century Dutch Culture
subject: culture
Van Gogh
subject: culture
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent van
The Anne Frank:The Diary of a Young Girl
author: Anne Frank,B. M. Mooyaart (Translator),Eleano..
subject: history
Netherlands − Books
World66's guide to Netherlands
The Undutchables
A fun book for Dutch people to read and a nice guide for foreigners. It's a bit sinic though....
author: Colin White, Laurie Boucke
subject: The Dutch
Netherlands − People
The Dutch are the tallest people in the world and they still grow. If you walk through cities in the west of the
Netherlands, you tend to think the Dutch are a cosmopolitan people. In the rural areas, however you can easily
distinguish local differences. In the North, you'll still mostly see the silent blue−eyed, blond types, whereas in
the South people tend to be shorter darker and more talkative.
At primary school children used to learn: people above the great rivers that split the country in two are mostly
Protestant; the southern part is dominantly Catholic. But these differences have greatly faded away. To the
trained ear there are some differences in pronunciation between the different regions and the Frisians even
have a language of their own.
The Dutch do appreciate foreign attempts to speak their language, but proud as they are on their alleged
linguistic skills, they usually switch to some sort of English, French or German quite fast.
Population: 16,318,199 (July 2004 est.)
Age structure:
0−14 years: 18.3% (male 1,527,316; female 1,457,192)
15−64 years: 67.8% (male 5,598,706; female 5,459,936)
65 years and over: 13.9% (male 953,370; female 1,321,679) (2004 est.)
Population growth rate: 0.57% (2004 est.)
Birth rate: 11.41 births/1,000 population (2004 est.)
Death rate: 8.67 deaths/1,000 population (2004 est.)
Net migration rate: 2.91 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2004 est.)
Sex ratio:
at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female
Netherlands − People
World66's guide to Netherlands
15−64 years: 1.03 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.72 male(s)/female
total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (2004 est.)
Infant mortality rate:
total: 5.11 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 4.51 deaths/1,000 live births (2004 est.)
male: 5.68 deaths/1,000 live births
Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 78.68 years
male: 76.15 years
female: 81.34 years (2004 est.)
Total fertility rate: 1.66 children born/woman (2004 est.)
noun: Dutchman(men) Dutchwoman(women)
adjective: Dutch
Ethnic groups: Dutch 83%, other 17% (of which 9% are non−Western origin mainly Turks, Moroccans,
Antilleans, Surinamese and Indonesians) (1999 est.)
Religions: Roman Catholic 31%, Protestant 21%, Muslim 4.4%, other 3.6%, unaffiliated 40% (1998)
Languages: Dutch
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 99% (2000 est.)
male: NA%
female: NA%
Netherlands − People
World66's guide to Netherlands
Netherlands − Economy
After years of sluggish growth and high unemployment in the eighties when 'Dutch Disease' was a name for
this kind of economic malaise, the nineties have seen a new sort of economic miracle in the Netherlands,
locally known as the Poldermodel. Government, Unions and Employers have gotten together and lowered
wages, reduced taxes and so increased growth. Unemployment fell to levels not seen since the sixties and
growth kept over 3% for a couple of years.
GDP: purchasing power parity$343.9 billion (1997 est.)
GDPreal growth rate: 3.25% (1997)
GDPper capita: purchasing power parity$22 000 (1997 est.)
GDPcomposition by sector:
agriculture: 4%
industry: 18%
services: 78% (1996)
Inflation rateconsumer price index: 2% (1997)
Labor force:
total: 6.6 million (1997)
by occupation: services 75% manufacturing and construction 23% agriculture 2% (1996)
Unemployment rate: 6.9% (1997)
revenues: $103.4 billion
expenditures: $112.5 billion including capital expenditures of $NA (1998 draft)
Industries: agroindustries metal and engineering products electrical machinery and equipment chemicals
petroleum fishing construction microelectronics
Industrial production growth rate: 3.75% (1997)
Electricitycapacity: 20.09 million kW (1996 est.)
Electricityproduction: 82 billion kWh (1996 est.)
Netherlands − Economy
World66's guide to Netherlands
Electricityconsumption per capita: 4 968 kWh (1996 est.)
Agricultureproducts: grains potatoes sugar beets fruits vegetables; livestock
total value: $203.1 billion (f.o.b. 1997)
commodities: manufactures and machinery chemicals; processed food and tobacco agricultural products
partners: EU 80% (Germany 29% Belgium−Luxembourg 13% UK 10%) Central and Eastern Europe 4% US
3% (1996)
total value: $1.791 trillion (c.i.f. 1997)
commodities: raw materials and semifinished products consumer goods transportation equipment crude oil
food products
partners: EU 64% (Germany 22% Belgium−Luxembourg 11% UK 10%) Central and Eastern Europe 4% US
8% (1996)
Debtexternal: $0
Economic aid:
donor: ODA $2.9 billion (1997)
Currency: 1 Netherlands guilder gulden or florin (f.) = 100 cents
Exchange rates: Netherlands guilders gulden or florins (f.) per US$12.0462 (January 1998) 1.9513 (1997)
1.6859 (1996) 1.6057 (1995) 1.8200 (1994) 1.8573 (1993)
Fiscal year: calendar year
Netherlands − Map
Netherlands − Practical Information
Netherlands − Map
World66's guide to Netherlands
Netherlands − Tours and Excursions
World66 is Open Content. All content is free for everybody to use, but we're also dependent on travelers for
updating our contents. Please use the space below for notes and when you get back home, please take the time
to add your notes to World66 so everybody can profit.
Netherlands − Tours and Excursions
Located practically next door to Schiphol Airport Aalsmeer is where the countrys flower growers hold their
auctions. This corporate floraculture can be seen on tours weekday mornings. In season stroll along elevated
walkways above hundreds of thousands of flowers bundled on large carts. Tons of flowers are auctioned
packed and whisked off to the airport by early afternoon for same−day delivery worldwide.
World66 is Open Content. All content is free for everybody to use, but we're also dependent on travelers for
updating our contents. Please use the space below for notes and when you get back home, please take the time
to add your notes to World66 so everybody can profit.
A visit to a cheese market is a must. Alkmaar, located an hour north of Amsterdam by train where the
specialty is Gouda. The market is held on Friday mornings in the summer beginning literally at the crack of
dawnits all over by noon. Its fun to watch: Hand clapping is an instrumental part of the selling process and
large purchases are sometimes carried off by porters on ornamental carriers.
Some guidebooks will suggest you combine Alkmaar with a visit to the Zaanse Schans. If you came to the
Netherlands for Windmills you sure could do worse than that, but if you hate tourist traps, give it a miss.
Alkmaar − Getting There
Alkmaar is relatively close to Amsterdam and the sights don't really require you to stay the night. A lot of
people will therefore come here during a day trip from Amsterdam. There are frequent trains, about every 15
minutes all day, so this is really your best option.
If you feel like it and the wheather is nice, you could also bike it. It's only about 35 kilometers, so if you're
reasonable fit, you should be able to make it.
Alkmaar − Internet Cafes
The most relaxed and loungeiest internetcafe on the face of the earth.
NLG 0,20 per minute
mon til Sun form 10 till 22
Laat 75
Alkmaar 1811 EC Netherlands
Het Com.municatiepark
17 pc's, 4 gaming, 5 workplaces and 8 internetplaces.
Possibility for scanning, printing (color) and copying
^ 4,50 p/h
072 − 5143035
World66's guide to Netherlands
monday till saturday 10−18, thu −21 in summer 10−22
Koorstraat 33−35, Alkmaar NH, 1811
GM, Netherlands
World66 is Open Content. All content is free for everybody to use, but we're also dependent on travelers for
updating our contents. Please use the space below for notes and when you get back home, please take the time
to add your notes to World66 so everybody can profit.
Alkmaar − Internet Cafes
How did you end up in Almelo at the first place? Mistook the station for that of Enschede, Twente's largest
city? Forgot you're passport so you couldn't continue your journey onwards to Germany? Anyway, Almelo is
mostly known for its history in textiles. These days, it is a not highly remarkable city in the eastern part of the
Netherlands and has only a few interesting sights to offer. In the main shopping street, you can see the 'Old
Waag' (which has been turned into a restaurant) and just off the track is the deer and ducks parks. Continuing
your way, you can walk the long lanes accompanied by high trees that lead up to 'Huize Almelo' (not
accessible to the public) where the count used to live. Actually, this is quite a nice area to walk around wasn't
it for the motorway that separates the mansion from the 'Gravenallee', the former property of the count
existing of outstretching fields, trees and watchman's huts where one used to pay toll in the good old days.
Almelo is trying to compete with its bigger brother and sister when it comes down to shopping and
entertainment, but unfortunately it has failed. The main shopping street and the area around the market place
have had a facelift and you'll find some pubs nearby the 'Grote Kerk' (yes, nearby the church) and at the
beginning of the 'Grote Straat'. For a dazzling nightlife, you definitely have to go to one of the other places,
such as Hengelo or Enschede.
The surroundings lend themselves perfectly for bicycle tours. There are several well−known routes such as
the 'Molen−venroute' (going past mills, creeks and meadows) and you can even follow the Almelo−Nordhorn
canal all the way to...right.
Almelo − Internet Cafes
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World66's guide to Netherlands
Amersfoort is one of The Netherlands best kept secrets. It's a cute little town some half hour by train from
Amsterdam, and only 10 minutes from Utrecht.
Amersfoort has a nice historic centre, where the network of streets and canals is much like it was in the
Middle Ages. Compared to Amsterdam the canals are small quiet and intimate, and bordered by some lovely
gardens. A single big Tower (Lange Jan / Tall John) standing on the market square is the real focal point of
the city. The Joriskerk on the Hof is worth a visit as well. Amersfoort is actually on of the few Dutch cities
that has nice squares. These are best enjoyed during the Amersfoort Jazz festival when there are bands playing
in all of the medieval centre.
On the outer ring of canals around the old city you find Muurhuizen, with very nice mansions and old
monasteries. It is very pleasant to walk around these center or visit the nearby castle and local museums.
Another nice thing to do is to take a boat trip on the canals.
One of the key attractions is the Mondriaan−huis, former home of the famous Dutch painter. The much less
famous modern painter Armando also has a museum dedicated to his person.
For hard core feminists a pilgrimage to see Amersfoorts famous traffic lights is necessary. The only traffic
lights I know of in the whole world that show a woman crossing the street (or waiting to cross).
Amersfoort − Getting There
By Train
Amersfoort is well connected by train to Utrecht, Amsterdam and the northern provinces.
Some international trains to Hannover and Berlin stop in Amersfoort as well.
zipcode: 1188JH
address: kromoord 16
By Car
The A1 connects Amersfoort with Amsterdam. In peak hours there are lots of traffic jams. The A28 takes you
to Utrecht.
World66's guide to Netherlands
Amersfoort − Nightlife and Entertainment
OK Amersfoort may not have a nightlife as sparkling as Amsterdam, but for it's size it's actually not to bad.
Due to the very different backgrounds of the population there's bound to be something of your liking. Maybe a
bit cousious at the beginning, but later at night things do start to move here.
La Viasco
address: H.v Viandenstraat 13−AB
+31 (033) 461 26 54
't Koetje
address: Hof 18
+31 (033) 462 2546
Lazy Louis Jazz Cafe
Nicest place on the Varkensmarkt (the old Pig's market), although there is not a lot of Jazz in thes Jazz Cafe.
The terrace is especially nice in the summer. The beer is a bit on the expensive side @ 1.75 Euro for a small
beer (and in the Netherlands they mean small, when they say small).
address: Varkensmarkt
Amersfoort − Eating Out
Expensive but very good restaurant, located in an old convent. One Michelin star.
address: Kleine Haag 2
+31 (033) 463 2979
zipcode: 3811HE
De Monnick
This is the best looking restaurant of the Netherlands! Located in an old Watergate (a city gate that is built
over a canal) there are only 5 tables here. In summer there is a small terrace. There is no menu, so just let the
cook surprise you. The combinations are unusal but they always taste very well.
Huis in de muur
Very nice place with many vegetarian dishes.
Amersfoort − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Achter de kamp 88
De Mediterraan
Good restaurant with a creative cuisine, many vegetarian dishes too. Closes a bit early, before 22:00 hours.
address: Bloemendalsestraat 5
(033) 475 86 58
This is a pretty nice Chinese/Indonesian restaurant in the centre with real cheap menus. For 10 Euro you can
really fill up here. Pork meat in garlic sauce is fantastic.
address: Zuid Singel (just off Varkensmarkt)
One of the best places in Amersfoort, a bit outside of the center, but within walking distance.
address: Utrechtseweg 42, Amersfoort
(033) 465 17 93
Japanese place on the Stadsring not very fancy, not very good.
address: Stadsring
Amersfoort − Sights
Kattenbroek is a new part of Amersfoort that is very interesting form a Architecural point of view. The
Tourist Board of Amersfoort organizes tours.
City Walls
One of the most pleasant ways to discover Amersfoort is a walk along the old city walls. Large parts of this
16th century defense system are still intact, among which some unique city gates. The walls and towers
display a very interesting and important period in wall development. When cannons came in use for warefare,
the defense answer was to build polygonal towers in stead of round ones.
Traffic Light
Across the street from city hall is the most famous traffic light of the Netherlands: the only traffic light that
does not show a guy crossing the street but a proud woman! The riddle is that no−one knows who put it there.
Amersfoort − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
It was there one morning. The great thing is that the city government decided it could stay, and if you compare
this traffic light with all the others, you must admit it looks a lot more inspiring.
Lange Jan
Just the tower of the old cathedral is left, but on the square you can see the outline of the old cathedral.
address: Lievevrouwe Kerkhof
Former cathedral now a reformed church. The inside is rather austere but there is a very nice carillion
featuring George and the Dragon.
address: Hof
Located in three very nice old mansions, this is quite a good museum, focusing on the history of the city.
address: Westsingel 50
Armando Museum
Armando is a modern artist from the Netherlands, this museum highlights his works.
address: Lange Gracht 36
de Zonnehof
Designed by Dutch architect Gerrit Rietveld, de Zonnehof has modern art exhibits that are worth checking
address: Zonnehof 8
Museum dedicated to the most famous 'son of Amersfoort'.
Cavalery Museum
Amersfoort has always been an important military base, the cavalary museum is a must for those interested in
Dutch military history.
address: Barchman Wuytierslaan 198
Amersfoort − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
Amersfoort − Getting Around
The best way to discover Amersfoort is by foot. This way you can get everywhere without being bothered by
one−way streets or parking problems. A bicycle is a good alternative if you want to see some things of the
surrounding country. You should carefully lock your bike if you park it, for even though Amersfoort is a
provincial town, this does not mean there are no thieves around.
Another good way to be introduced to the city is by a round trip through the canals. The tourist information
office can supply you with all the details. Try to get a free map while youre there.
Amersfoort − Accommodation
The Berghotel Amersfoort is situated on top of the Amersfoortse Berg, one of the foothills of the Utrechtse
Heuvelrug. This characteristic and exclusive hotel combines functional efficiency with the distinctive
character and luxury of a four star hotel.
CostOfDoubleForANight: 105
Book this hotel
Amersfoort − Bars and Cafes
Filmhuis Amersfoort
Nice grand cafe style bar, just behind the Joris church on the Groenmarkt. Life music on this square on
033 4655550
address: Groenmarkt 8
zipcode: 3811 CP
Willys' Bagels
Amersfoort − Getting Around
World66's guide to Netherlands
Best Bagels in town.
zipcode: 3811
Amersfoort − Internet Cafes
Not an internet face, strictly speaking, but a nice place with WIFI access.
address: Winkelpromenade Amicitia
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Amersfoort − Bars and Cafes
Amsterdam is one of the coolest cities in Europe. Beautiful, hip, laid back, lots to do, lots to see, many pubs,
food from all over the world and very friendly people.
A visit to this very beautiful city is sometimes like taking a walk in the 17th century. The center of
Amsterdam has a lot of charming architecture dating from this period. Its an excellent city to tour on foot or
bicycle. However, Amsterdam may boast a lot of 17th century architecture, but that's about all that's old
fashioned about the place.
Amsterdam was originally built on the shores of the saltwater 'Zuiderzee' but as a result of centuries of
land−reclamation projects the city now borders the freshwater of IJsselmeer. The center of Amsterdam is
shaped like a horseshoe, surrounded by four famous canals called the "Singel", "Herengracht",
"Keizersgracht" and "Prinsengracht". These are best to walk along if you want to see the citys beautiful gabled
houses. At the open end of the horseshoe you will find the ornate Central Railway Station, the place where
most of the tourists arrive and depart.
Amsterdam − History
Amsterdam was founded as a fishing village around the thirteenth century. A dam was built on the river
Amstel, hence the name Amstelredam, dam on the river Amstel. Before long the "Amsterdammers"
discovered they had a talent for trade and from the fourteenth century onwords trade with the Hansic cities
Then in the 16th century, the Dutch war of independence began against the Spanish rule. Although originally
on the Spanish side, Amsterdam switched side in 1578. As a result, freedom of religion was reinstated, a very
smart move at the time. Religious wars raged throughout Europe and a lot of people were looking for a place
of refuge where they would not be condemned by their religion. Wealthy Jewish families from Spain and
Portugal came to settle in the Netherlands. Merchants of Antwerp fled the destruction and ransacking of their
city by the Spanish. The "Hugenotes" from France sought refuge in Amsterdam so they could practice their
religion. But in Amsterdam nobody really had a belief, as long as you were willing to pay your taxes and do
your bit for the economy.
The Seventeenth century was Amsterdams Golden Age. Amsterdams ships sailed to Indonesia, Brazil and
Africa, gathering an impressive Empire in the process. This was also the same century as Rembrandt and the
construction of the Canals. Amsterdam became the most important port of the world and an international
center for banking.
The 18th and 19th century saw a decline in the prosperity of Amsterdam. Wars against England and France
took their toile on the city and trade was lost in London. At the end of the 19th century, the Industrial
Revolution reached Amsterdam. Waterways to the sea and to the river Rhine improved communication with
the rest of Europe and the World. Amsterdam got a new lease on life, but never reached the same supremacy
as before.
World66's guide to Netherlands
The First World War did not affect Amsterdam, although trade and industry suffered. During the Second
World War about 100.000 Jewish people were deported from Amsterdam, almost completely wiping out the
Jewish community.
The sixties put Amsterdam back on the map, for reasons other than trade. The tolerance of soft drugs made the
city an ideal place for the hippie generation. Riots and clashes against the police become common, reaching
their high point in 1980 when a battle of protesters against the police fought while Queen Beatrix pledged her
oaths to become the new Queen of The Netherlands.
Nowadays Amsterdam has become more peaceful and has retained its tolerance of soft drugs and also to
social problems.
Amsterdam − Practical Information
The Tourist Information
The VVV is the official tourist information office in Amsterdam. It is efficient and friendly, but can become
very busy especially during the summer and the queues can be quite long.
The VVV has two outlets in Amsterdam, one just opposite the Central Station and one on the corner of
Leidseplein/Leidsestraat. There is also a Buro De Change situated next to the VVV on the Leidseplein. You
can also call the VVV at 0900−4004040, but it costs 0.50 per minute.
Telephone numbers
Emergency: 112
Police: 5599111
Police stations centre:
Beursstraat 33
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 104
Keizerstraat 3
Lost and Foundstation:
Tel: 020 5593005
Stephensonstraat 18, near Amstelstation
Directory Assistance: 0900−8008, for the Netherlands, 0900−8418 International.
Collect Calls: 0800−0410
Amsterdam − History
World66's guide to Netherlands
Public Transport Information: 0900−9292 (75ct/min)
Lost credit cards: Amex: 5058504, Eurocard/Mastercard: 030−2835555, Visa: 6600611
Phone booths are dotted throughout the city, though the wide use of cell phones means they are not used that
much today and the number of them has decreased. Within Central Station, the telephone company, Telfort
has the operational rights over the telephone booths and require Telfort calling cards. Whereas outside the
Central Station KPN public phones are in operation and require KPN telephone cards.
For international calling, dial 00 followed by the country code. If you are going to call for any length of time
to a foreign country, pick up a calling card from one of the 'call centers' scattered around town or from some
of the exchange booths. You have to dial a special number, type a PIN code and you can call for the amount
of money that you have bough the card for allows you too. This is very good deal when compared to calling
If you're going to stay for a while in the Netherlands and you are going to use the phone extensively, you
might consider buying a cell phone. Cell phones with prepaid calling cards start at round 50,− including 25,−
of calling value. Calling costs are 0.10 to 0.50 guilders a minute depending on which phone company you use.
The main post office is at the Singel 250, on the corner with the Raadhuisstraat and can be very efficient
despite the long queues. Just make sure you have the right ticket for the right queue. There are lots of shops
that sell stamps too but they often require you to buy a postcard with it.
The postal address of the main post office is:
Poste Restante,
Hoofdpostkantoor PTT,
Singel 250,
1012 SJ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
You'll need your passport to pick up mail.
Left luggage
You can leave your luggage at Central Station for 4 to 6 guilders a locker, for 24 hours. This is a great service
if you have to check out of your hotel early but still have some time left to explore the city before you depart.
If you don't want to spend your money in Central Station, you can try your luck at any of the big museums or
Amsterdam − Practical Information
World66's guide to Netherlands
with the client service at Bijenkorf department store on Dam square. They wont accept great backpacks or
suitcases though and you have to collect your luggage before closing time.
Finding a place to change money in Amsterdam is easy, but chances are you have to pay a hefty commission.
A lot of places advertise 'no commission', but the small print usually reads that this is only when purchasing
foreign currency only, not if you want guilders.
The best thing is to avoid changing money altogether and get your money from one of the many ATMs
machine. If you have a Euro pass or Cirrus on your bankcard, you can take money from most ATM machine
around the city. It seems that there are never enough machines, cause there are always people waiting in line.
If there are no people waiting, you can bet the machine is out of order. A lot of restaurants around the city
accept credit cards but always carry some cash just in case or ask before ordering. You can also obtain cash
withdrawals from most ATMs with all major credit cards, but this is usually more expensive due to the service
If you do change money, GWK is a good option, right in the middle of Central Station and elsewhere,
especially for smaller amounts. For larger amounts shop around, some of the smaller exchanges have good
There is also a money exchange and transfer center at the corner Leidsestraat/Leidseplein.
Other things
Electricity comes in 50Hz/220 volt, so bring a converter if youre from a country that uses a different voltage.
Business hours are generally 9:00 to 17:00/18:00 during the week and for shops also on Saturday until
16:00/17:00 although since the liberalization of shop opening times it is not as predictable as it used to be.
Public toilets are not very hard to find. You might be struck by the smell of urine sometimes as you walk
about the streets. This is due to the very public, men only urinals situated throughout the streets. Most toilets
have a toilet lady who you have to pay around 25 to 50 cents but it means that the toilets are always clean.
Watch out for pickpockets! It is a great place but keep your wits about you..
Amsterdam − Eating Out
The number of international restaurants in Amsterdam is rather mind−boggling. Name a country and there
will be a restaurant with that specific cuisine (see sublocations). Typically Dutch are the snackbars, where
most Dutch people enjoy the large fries topped with mayonaise (Vlaamse frites) or the famous croquets,
called 'vleeskroketten'. Very Dutch also are the pancake−restaurants, called 'pannenkoekhuizen'. Originally,
Dutch dishes are based on simple ingredients, (boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables, country food) but nowadays
Dutch cuisine is largely influenced by the French.
A good place to start your search for restaurants are the Korte Leidsedwarsstraat and Lange
Leidsedwarsstraat, close to the Leidseplein. If you want to eat something, but if you're not sure what, walk
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
these streets and discover the enormous variety of restaurants. Spuistraat (which runs parallel to Nieuwezijds
Voorburgwal) also has a good selection of more upmarket restaurants.
Dwaze Zaken
Kunst/Lunch Café
Live music on 2nd. 3rd. and 4th friday
1012 Ac
10 euro
Prins Hednrikkade 50
Merel van Dijk : Mooie en knus ingerichte Argentijn met live (gitaar) muziek en mooie foto's van Argentijnse
cultuur goed aan de muur. Argentijnen eten er zelf ook. Erg lekker en voor alle kwaliteit betaal je ook.
address: Lindegracht 152
020 6274149
zipcode: 1015 KK
Argentino Exotica
address: 02044212312
Paastraat 12
zipcode: 1112XC
De Waaghals
A nice vegetarian restaurant near the famous Albert Cuypmarkt.
Frans Halsstraat 29
openinghours: 5 pm − 9:30 pm
Raan Phad Thai
Small, but very nice little Thai restaurant. One of my favourites. Tom Yam Koeng, the famous shrimp soup
with lemon grass, is excellent here.
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
open every day from 13.00−21.00h, from Nov. till Febr. only 15.00−21.00hSytske Geertsma : Ruim
restaurant en zeer populair, want er is zelden plek. Als je van pittig houdt, kun je hier heerlijk eten. Bediening
is Thais en zeer vriendelijk.
zipcode: 1092 HZ Amsterdam
Take Thai
Thai Haute Cuisine, but rather expensive. Nice environment.
address: Utrechtsestraat 87
American Café and Brasserie
Prestigious café and restaurant in the famous American hotel. The interior is lavishly decorated in art−deco
style. The café is famous for its high teas. Veronique : Café en brasserie horen bij het befaamde hotel
American. Het art deco interieur is indrukwekkend. Het café is beroemd om zijn 'high tea' en is het favoriete
stekje van schrijver Harry Mulisch.
De Waag
1017 PN
Arthur : In een sfeer die net zou misstaan in de Middeleeuwen, kun je zo groot en zo klein eten als je wilt,
zowel binnen als buiten. 's Zomers staan buiten lange tafels waar je kunt aanschuiven. Ietsje bourgondisch, al
zou je een wat zwaardere steak verwachten. Hoewel, het gewicht MOET wel kloppen. Het blijft natuurlijk 'De
address: Nieuwmarkt 4
zipcode: 1012 CR
De Rozenboom
A small, three−story restaurant just off the Kalverstraat and near the Spui. Offers LARGE portions of
traditional Dutch food at very reasonable prices. A GREAT VALUE, and very conveniently located in the
center of town. Had we found this restaurant sooner, we would definitely have returned!
Rozenboomsteeg 6
openinghours: Mon. − Sat. from Noon
WIJNBAR Boelen, Janssen & Van Bergen
de Wijnbar is at the moment the most trendy place to go when you don't really want to eat or lounge, but just
want to enjoy good wine and taste some goodies. It might be considered a tapas bar, but not strictly Spanish.
It's cozy, well looked after and not too expensive. It's not cheap either, but if you check before you order and
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
if you don't order extraordinary things you'll be all right even on a smaller budget.
address: 1e van der helststraat
+31 (0)20 6712242
zipcode: 1072NV
Paso Doble
Very busy tapas restaurant where you might want to book a table in advance or just squeeze in with the people
at the big wooden table in the back and make friends for the evening. Great staff, quick service, sizzling pots
and pans and excellent tapas that will finally make that girl keep her mouth shut, if only for a few seconds....
Be aware that you'll always stay longer than you intended and that jugs of Sangria do contain alcohol.
020 421 2670
Original Portuguese restaurant that offers delicious fish and seafood, nice wine selection, good deserts. Open
every day from 1pm to 12pm.
address: Kerkstraat 35, 1017 GB Amsterdam
020 − 625 64 90
Ibis Eetcafe
This restaurant serves Ethiopian food on huge silver plates. Usually you eat with your hand. Kitchen is open
daily from 5 pm − 10 pm. It is located near a stop of the Tram No. 3 or five minutes walk from the Metro
Weesperzijde 43
An Ethiopian restaurant. It is located a bit out of the city−centre on the Amstelveense weg, near the southern
exit of the Vondelpark. This means that it is an option if you are 'doing' the Vondelpark.
Veronique : Een Ethiopische restaurant dat zich net buiten het centrum bevindt bij de zuidelijke uitgang van
het Vondelpark.
richard: They have great coffee!
address: Amstelveense weg 152
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Make sure you make a reservation when you want to enjoy one of the Ethiopian or Eritrean dishes in this
charming little restaurant. Great staff, good prices, don't forget to wash your hands and do take an African
beer (served in a wooden bowl with a slice of lemon) instead of your usual Heineken. Only problem is how to
eat the pieces of oranges that come with the bill without scaring away your table company. : That's really cool
address: Jan Pieter Heijestraat 190hs
Close to the central station, cosy, very tasty, cheap... I go there everytime I'm in Amsterdam and even now
when I write it I start feeling hungry :)
Try sizzling duck − this is my favourite...
Cafe Sem
Lange Niezel 24
+31 (0)20 634 11 37
20 Euro
20 Euro
1012 CT
The place does not Japanese at all, but it is a very nice small bar/cafe and the food is very good. Very friendly
staff. Closed on Saturday!
address: Stadionplein 5
Anthon : Als je beestjes in je sla niet erg vindt is dit een prima plekje.
address: Lange Leidse Dwarsstraat 49 & 51
020 6227434/6268990
zipcode: 1017 NG
A nice small Indian restaurant near the Jordan. Friendly staff. The curries are very nice, although the rice
portions could be larger. On the other hand the prices are rather modest in comparison to other Indian
restaurants in Amsterdam.
address: Harten Straat 29, 1016 CA Amsterdam
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Tex−Mex restaurant near the Leidseplein.
address: Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 105,
Paloma Blanca
Great Moroccan place in the West of Amsterdam.
JP Heijestraat 145
1054 MG
Very hip Moroccan restaurant in the Pijp (not far from Museumplein). You need to reserve.
Quellijnstraat 104,
openinghours: 18:30−22:30
020 − 673 63 61
Good intermational cuisine with a focus on mediterranean food. If the weather is good you can sit outside on
one of the most trendy spots of the Pijp quarter. It is a bit on the expensive side though, with prices of 20 Euro
for a main dish.
address: Saenredamstraat 39 hs
zipcode: 1072 CC
The Febo is the Dutch answer to MacDonalds. Everything is deep fried in oil, most of it can be purchased
'from the wall'. Little windows seperate you from your food. Insert a few guilders and the window opens and
the goodies are yours.
The fried chicken is not to bad though after a night of drinking beer. Note that the one in Leidsestraat becomes
rather crowded at 1:30am when a lot of pubs close and people go for a quick snack. Veronique : Het
Nederlandse antwoord op de MacDonalds. Alles is gefrituurd en het meeste haal je gewoon uit de muur. De
vestiging in de Leidsestraat wordt vooral druk na 01.30, als de meeste cafés in de buurt dichtgaan en mensen
nog even een vette hap komen halen.Anthon : Voor elke Amsterdammer is dit natuurlijk dè plek om een vette
bek te halen. De kwaliteit is niet beter dan andere snackbars, maar nostalgie wil ook wat. In de FErdinant BOl
zit de eerste vandaar de naam. Tegenwoordig zitten ze over de hele stad dus da's makkelijk zat.
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Quite spacious café where you can get all sorts of reasonably priced meals. Probably due to the fact that the
restaurant is part of the Fijnhout theater complex, they know how to serve a meal quickly (but not rushy)
before you have to keep going again. Good option when your in the western part of town. However, we didn't
understand why in the world the waitresses had to drag around the blackboard with the menu on it and almost
lose their lives?
address: Jacob van Lennepkade 334h
1053 NJ
Sandwichshop Sal. Meyer
Arthur : Maurits serveert het heerlijkste koshere ORT broodje van Amsterdam. Altijd druk, altijd gezellig.
Het beste pekelvlees dat je ooit hebt gegeten, de beste sfeer waarin je ooit hebt gezeten. Natuurlijk 's zaterdags
dicht, de rest van de week het omrijden waard. Iets duurder dan andere broodjes zaken.
address: Scheldestraat 45
zipcode: 1078 GG
1e Klas
Wil: This is a really nice place if you have to wait for your train. Do take some time for the service is not that
fast, but the scene itself is marvelous, just like a century ago.Arthur : Dit mag je eigenlijk geen lunchroom
meer noemen, een prachtige locatie midden in het Centraal Station. De kaart is wat beperkt, soms zijn ze
zomaar dicht. Er is in Haarlem eenzelfde etablissement, waar je natuurlijk per trein naar toe kunt. Erg leuk
voor de zondagse brunch.
address: Perron 2, Centraal Station
Zuivere Koffie
A very small and inconspicuous lunchroom squeezed in between the larger restaurants and shops in the
Utrechtse straat. Not a place for claustrophobics, but with a intimate atmosphere.
address: Utrechtse straat 39
+31 (0)20 6249999
New York
This American styled cantina can be really crowded with either school kids or taxi drivers, but thats usually a
good sign for value for money.
address: Kleine Gartman plantsoen 28
+31 (0)20 622 7481
zipcode: 1017RR
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
A modern white lunchroom/lounge, which brings in mind the Milkbar from Kubricks A Clock Work Orange.
They serve extravagant sandwiches and have a really cool 50s espresso machine. Wil: Very hip, but slightly
would be cocktail bar with excellent sandwiches and breakfast served with home made bread. You should try
the date shake, drinking a pint seems a bit out of place here. Unfortunately they have a bit to much staff, at
least when I was there for they hardly let you finish your plate or they take if, for they dont have much to do
otherwise. If you dont like a house beat while you eat this is not your place.
address: Leidsestraat 96
+31 (0)20 624 2941
zipcode: 1017PE
Spek & Boontjes
address: Wyde Heistg 1
+31 (0)20 620 5768
zipcode: 1016AS
address: P C Hooftstr 87
+31 (0)20 670 9944
zipcode: 1071BP Amsterdam
address: Reguliersdwstr 31
+31 (0)20 622 9958
zipcode: 1017BJ
Van Dobben
This is probably the most famous sandwich bar in Amsterdam.
address: K Reguliersdwstr 5
+31 (0)20 624 4200
zipcode: 1017BH
Coffee Connection
address: Nieuwezijds Kolk 33
+31 (0)20 421 8888
zipcode: 1012PV
Trendy sushi−bar overlooking the Amstel river, close to the Munt square. In a cold high−tech interior
Japanese delicacies roll by on a moving belt, in the Yo Sushi formula. Gijs : Hippe tent aan de Amstel. Als je
van sushi houdt, of aan de lijn doet is het wel OK, je moet er op gekleed zijn, wil je je niet ongemakkelijk
Amsterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
gaan voelen. Het is een beetje de vraag of dit soort lopendeband zaken blijft bestaan als de hype voorbij is.
Vaak is het benauwend rustig.
address: Amstel 20
+31 (0)20 3306882
zipcode: 1017 AA
Amsterdam − Accommodation
Amsterdam has a large variety of hotels. From the luxurious Amstel Hotel to the small boat hotels to the run
down places in the red light district. For the cheapies, check out the region around the Warmeostraat, although
some youth hostels are a little further afield. Try to book a place before you arrive because it can be very hard
to find place during the summer and during most other seasons also.
We have put the places to stay in four categories. Probably the cheapest way to stay in Amsterdam is
camping, but this obviously not for all. The cheapest has some the smaller backpack places that could set you
back usually around 50 Euro's for a double room.
Middle places go up all the way to slightly over a hundred and are usually you can book directly over the
Internet. Note that if you show up directly, you usually pay more than if you book ahead. The top hotels are of
course the nicest, but only for those who can afford them.
The Flying Pancake Amsterdam Bed and Breakfast the Business Class Way
The Flying Pancake offers the choice of two spacious suites; bed and breakfast the Business Class way, in a
18th century monumental house in the historic city center of Amsterdam. All modern comfort, including a
network connection for the unlimited use of ADSL (broadband) internet. All major attractions on your
1018 VL
Nieuwe Kerkstraat 153
CostOfDoubleForANight: 135
+31 638305219
Amsterdam Escape Apartments
Amsterdam Escape apartments offer something different, a convenient and fuss−free alternative to hotels:
luxurious apartments in amsterdam all overlooking the famous Amsterdam canals right in the heart of the city
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
geldersekade 106
CostOfDoubleForANight: 159 Euros
+31 203206402
Flying Pig Down Town Hotel
Don't let the name put you off. It's not a bad place. Well situated in the centre.
address: Nieuwendijk 100
+31 20 420 6822
zipcode: 1012 MR Amsterdam
Art Gallery Hotel
Cosy little hotel, opposite the Rijksmuseum, close to the Museumplein and Leidseplein. The hotel has a very
nice roof−terrace with a splendid view over Amsterdam city centre. A daily buffet breakfast is included in the
roomrate. Very good.
zipcode: 1017 RX Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Hotel La Bohème
Hotel La Bohème is a friendly little hotel, only 200 meters from the biggest night live area of Amsterdam, the
Leidseplein. The rooms have just been renewed and our crew is young and flexible. From Schiphol Airport
you can take , the interliner bus 370 directly to our hotel, or you can take tram 1, 2 or 5 from Central Station
to Leidseplein.
address: Marnixstraat 415
Book this hotel
Hotel Abba
Hotel Abba is a friendly and welcoming hotel with comfortable rooms at sensible prices. Hotel Abba is
centrally located to The Leidseplein (nightlife area), Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Stedelijk Museum,
Vondelpark, Jordaan and the main shopping streets and markets.
address: Overtoom 118/122
020 618 30 58
zipcode: 1054 HM Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Hotel Fantasia
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Hotel Fantasía is a friendly family hotel with an outstanding service. The hotel, situated in a canal house from
1733, is located on a very quiet canal in the center of Amsterdam. Many places of interest are on the doorstep.
address: 16 Nieuwe Keizersgracht
Book this hotel
Hotel Asterisk
A friendly familyhotel located in the city center of Amsterdam. The Rijks− & Van Goghmuseum are just
around the corner. The famous Amsterdam nightlife is within walkingdistance. The hotel is located in a
building build in 1892 bus has been completely renovated and equipped with all modern conveniences, but
still retaines its friendly atmosphere
address: Den Texstraat 16
020 626 23 96
zipcode: 1017 ZA Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Armada Hotel
Friendly hotel in the center of Amsterdam near the Rembrandt square. Well known because of the helpfull
receptionists and relaxed atmosphere. Rooms are small but furnished with all requirements. All rooms have
TV, telephone and hairdryer
address: Keizersgracht 713/715
020 623 29 80
zipcode: 1017 DX Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Hotel Engeland
The Hotel Engeland is situated in the heart of Amsterdam, set in beautiful seventeenth and nineteenth century
houses. At this quiet and beautiful location, nearby the shopping and entertainment center (Leidseplein) you
can enjoy the real atmosphere of Amsterdam. There are bars and museums in great numbers around the Hotel
Engeland as well as many galleries, antique and auction houses and of course the numerous canals with
beautiful historic buildings
address: Roemer Visscherstraat 30/A
020 689 23 23
zipcode: 1054 EZ Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Hotel Atlanta
Hotel Atlanta is situated in the centre of Amsterdam overlooking the famous Rembrandtplein. As a guest of
Hotel Atlanta you will be within a few minutes walk of museums, galleries, theatres, cinema's, shops,
restaurants, canals, bars, disco's, nightclubs and casino's. Various attractions will ensure for plenty of
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Rembrandtplein 8
020 625 35 85
zipcode: 1017 CV Amste, rdam
Book this hotel
Hotel Kap
A friendly family hotel, unpretentiously furnished but providing all the comfort you need. Hotel Kap is
situated very conveniently, in the centre of Amsterdam. It's just ten minutes walk from the major museums,
the floating flower market, the Albert Cuyp market with its international range of wares, trendy shopping
centres and, of course, Amsterdam's swinging nightlife. But it's also quiet enough for you to enjoy a perfect
night's sleep, undisturbed by any hustle and bustle of the city
address: Den Texstraat 5/B
020 624 59 08
zipcode: 1017 XW Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Hotel Di−Ann
Hotel DI−ANN is beautiful historic canal house, completely renovated in July 1998. It offers a view along the
charming canals Herengracht and Keizersgracht and is centrally located in historic surroundings next to the
Royal Palace, Westerchurch and the Jordaan
address: Raadhuisstraat 27
020 623 11 37
zipcode: 1016 DC Amsterdam
Book this hotel
France Hotel
The France Hotel is a modern, comfortable 3 star hotel, peacefully situated in the heart of Amsterdam.
Various rooms have a splendid view on one of the canals of Amsterdam. The France Hotel is so central that
you can easily reach every tourist attraction by foot or with public transport. The Amsterdam Central Station
is situated only 100 meters from the hotel
this hotel
Hotel Amsterdam
Hotel Amsterdam is a First Class hotel in the centre of town, in the heart of the business and shopping area,
like department stores De Bijenkorf and Magna Plaza, Madame Tussaud, Anne Frank House, Diamond
Centres and the stock exchange.
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
this hotel
Hotel La Richelle
Hotel La Richelle is situated in the 'Old Chic of Amsterdam, close to the RAI Congress and Exhibition Centre
and the World Trade Centre. The hotel is easily reachable as it is approximately 10 minutes from the city
centre and there is ample parking space available. Hotel La Richelle is situated in an important business area,
whereby our hotel is a worthy exception based on the other hotels in the city.
this hotel
Prinsen Hotel
This completely renovated hotel, which has been enlarged recently, now consists of over 40 rooms and can
accomodate up to 90 guests. All rooms have private bath and/or shower and toilet as well as a telephone and
color TV. The hotel is located in a quiet, residential area, and yet in a stone's throw distance from the buzzling
Leidseplein, Casino, Rijks Museum, Stedelijk Museum, Van Gogh Museum, Concert Gebouw (Concert Hall)
and many other theatres Donna: I thought the staff was very friedly and helpful. The rooms can be small so
ask for one alittle larger. Room #44 was nice.Amsterdam has limited space so don't think you'll get a suite, the
rooms are about 12x15. But what a fun place! Donna: Great location !!
this hotel
The Koopermoolen is a modern, comfortable 3 star hotel, peacefully situated in the heart of Amsterdam. The
Koopermolen is so central that you can easily reach every tourist attraction by foot or with public transport.
The Amsterdam Central Station is situated only 200 meters from the hotel
this hotel
Hotel Sander
We are pleased to welcome you to Amsterdam and to the Sander Hotel. Our three star hotel has 20 clean and
pleasant rooms, all with TV sets, telephone and a safe. Each room has an en−suite bathroom.A traditional
Dutch breakfast is served every morning in our breakfast room
this hotel
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Tulip Inn Amsterdam
The comfortable 3* hotel Tulip Inn Amsterdam, situated in the heart Amsterdam, opened its doors in 1994.
Built around 1920 in the Amsterdam School style, Tulip Inn Amsterdam perfectly represents the atmosphere
of the city. Tulip Inn Amsterdam can easily reached by car and public transportation. There are several tram
stops in front of the hotel. The Amsterdam Circular (A10)offers easy access by car
this hotel
Hotel Toren
We are situated in the heart of the city, around the corner from Anne Frank's House and five minutes walking
from the Damsquare. The Central Railway Station is ten minutes walking from the hotel and Public Transport
to the important museums is only one hundred meters away (one block). The Damsquare with the Royal
Palace, is considered the heart of the city. At and around the Damsquare you will find the shoppingcentres
Bijenkorf, Magna Plaza and Kalvertower.
this hotel
Toro Hotel
this hotel
Golden Tulip Caransa
Golden Tulip Caransa is located in the historic heart of the city on Rembrandtplein (Rembrandt Square).
Department stores, boutiques, museums and canal boats are all within easy walking distance. The staff of
Golden Tulip Caransa is at your service
this hotel
The Grand Sofitel Demeure
The Grand Amsterdam stands in a category of its own. A former 16th century Royal Inn and more recently the
setting for the wedding of Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands in 1966. This magnificently restored historic
building now offers discerning visitors all the features & amenities of a truly world−class hotel.
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
this hotel
Hotel Pulitzer
Twenty−five restored 17th & 18th century canal houses have been harmoniously integrated to create a truly
unique hotel. Located in the heartbeat of the city framed by two of the famous concentric canals, which give
Amsterdam its warm welcome to every visitor. Nearby Dam Square, the Royal Palace, well known museums
and most popular shopping centers. The hotel is situated 20 kilometers from Schiphol Airport
this hotel
Hotel Princess
Hotel Princess is a friendly and comfortable family budget hotel. It is located within walking distance from
Leidseplein, Vondelpark, Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk Museum, and the main shopping streets of Amsterdam.
address: Overtoom 80/1
020 612 29 47
zipcode: 1054 HL Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Hotel Schirmann International
Friendly budget hotel in front of Central Station. 1 to 8 bedded rooms, with private facilities. Easy parking.
Open 24 hours, night porter present Jason Schwechter: Hotel Schirmann is a wonderful economy hotel which
I stayed at on my first visit to the Netherlands. The staff was very friendly, and the housekeeping staff is very
honest. I was fortunate enough to get a twin room even though I had requested a single. The rooms were fairly
small, but what else is new in Europe. There are no phones in the rooms, but there is a payphone downstairs if
needed. The Ideally located, in my opinion, accross the street from Centraal Station. From there, you can
catch a Tram anywhere in the city. It is an Ideal location if you are lazy and can't/won't walk measurable
distances. 24 hour access is always a plus. I should note that a twin room easily can become cluttered with one
person, much less too. There is a wardrobe to put clothes into, although I left mine in my backpack. Also of
note, you cannot open the bathroom door at the same time as the room door. Overall, for the money, it is a
wonderful deal and one could do much worse on a budget. I give it a 3−4 rating out of 5 when you figure in
all the factors.
address: Prins Hendrikkade 23
020 624 19 42
zipcode: 1012 TM Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Hotel Ben
Budget hotel, three minutes walk from Central Station Amsterdam (between Red Light District and Dam
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Beursstraat 21
Book this hotel
Hotel Acacia lies in the heart of the Jordaan, a suburb with a selection of boutiques, trash−and−treasure stores,
restaurants and pubs. Situated within walking distance from numerous places worth seeing such as the Anne
Frank House, the Palace at The Dam and, of course, the famous ring of canals
address: Lindengracht 251
020 622 14 60
zipcode: 1015 KH Amsterdam
Book this hotel
Aadam Hotel Wilhelmina
The Hotel is centrally located within walking distance of main Museums, Concert Hall and the Vondelpark
and near the RAI Exhibition Centre, World Trade and Fashion Centre. The efficient management, inspired by
great hospitality, will do all to enhance the pleasure and comfort of your stay
address: Koninginneweg 167 / 169
020 662 54 67
zipcode: 1075 CN Amsterdam
Book this hotel
The Veteran
Right in the heart of Amsterdam you will find our cosy low budget hostel hotel. The Veteran comprises 12
clean rooms overlooking the canals. The hotel is located on the corner of the Rembrandtplein and the
address: Herengracht 561
Hotel de Admiraal
Small hotel next to Rembrandtplein at the beautiful Herengracht. Take tram No. 4. Reservation recommended.
Herengracht 563, corner Thorbeckeplein, 1017 CD
+31 − 20 − 62 62 150
Amsterdamse Bos
This is pretty brilliant location, in the middle of the Amsterdam Woods that were created as an employment
meassure during the crisis years in the thirties. In summer, you'll find open air theater here and it is generally a
very relaxed place. The campsite is open from April to October and you can get there from the center with
busses 170,171 and 172 or take tramline 5 or 51 and walk a bit. There is no nightbus connection, but walking
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
or taking a taxi from Station Zuid is an option.
address: Kleine Noorddijk 1
This is a a developing place with new options every time you go there. Rather out of the center though, not to
bad if you have a bike or car. Camping is 7.50 a person, plus f5 for a tent. There are also dormbeds and
seperate huts for hire, for those who don't have a tent.
Gaasper Camping Amsterdam
Metro no. 53 Gaasperplas/night bus no. 357. Reception open July−Aug 9am−10pm daily; Sept−May
9am−8pm daily. Rates per person per night 4,50; under−12s 2,00; car 4,00; camper 8,00; caravan 6,00;
motorbike 2,50; tent 5,25−6,25; electrics 3,50; hot showers 0,75; dog 2,50. This campsite is in the South−East
of Amsterdam, easily accessible by either Metro or bus. It's on the edge of the Gaasperplas park, which has a
lake with a watersports centre and facilities for canoeing, swimming (for children, too), rowing and sailing,
plus a surfing school. Ground facilities include a shop, café, bar and restaurant, a terrace, launderette and
service station for fuel Alen McKenzie: Prices are good −− I've vistied in the first 2 weeks of July in
2000,1999,1998 and 1997.... It's located in a country park with a big lake nearby which has sailing and
windsurfing. They have a small shop on−site and a cafe with TV. Also have a laundry which is useful. when
I've visited there's always been plenty space for my tent −− they make you move your tent every 7 days or so
to let the grass recover −− so you can't pitch it on a yellowed bit of grass −− always plenty room round your
tent! Lots of trees around the site and you can go for walks round the lake and in the woods. Kids playpark in
near the lake and a big kids paddling pool. just 300−400metres form the Gassperplas Metro station −− just
turn left as you exit the Metro station and walk past the hotel and the Planetarium veer left and walk aboit
150−200metres thru the carparks to the camp site −− I can provide Photographs if anyone wants to see them
e−mail me at
address: Loosdrechtsdreef 7
020 − 696 7326
Amsterdam Youth Hostel
Nice hotel, conveniently close to the railway station.
address: Kloveniersburgwal 97
zipcode: 1011 KB Amsterdam
Amstel Botel
Fl. 147−157 a double. f129−139 a single. Not to cheap, but really nice. This hotel is a 4 story boad right in
front of the Central Station. Each room has attached bathroom and shower, be it a small one. Make sure to get
a room looking over the water.
address: Oosterdokskade 2−4
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
The Shelter Jordan − Youth Hostel
Cheap hostel in picturesque part of Amsterdam, only 300 meters from the Anne Frank House.
address: Bloemstraat 179, in Jordaan district
+31 20 6244717
The Shelter City − Youth Hostel
Centrally located hostel, an easy 7−minute walk from Central Station.
Barndesteeg 21, Close to Central Station
+31 20 6253230
Tram 3, 6, 9, 10, 14. Metro Weesperplein. F90−F120 a double. Around 90 a single. Key deposit f10. Hotel
services Bar. Currency exchange. Disabled access. Fax. Gift shop. Internet. Lift. Live music. Lobby garden.
Pool table.
More of a youth and tourist culture centre with lodgings than a hotel, the Arena is a great budget option. It's
housed in an old listed convent next to Oosterpark (the Reverend Mother would turn in her grave if she heard
the live music programme going down in the old church), with a swanky restaurant and bar serving good food,
and even an on−site car park. All the rooms and dorms are basic but neat and clean, and, while the Arena isn't
exactly centrally located, the plethora of funky youngsters more than compensates in terms of atmosphere.
There is an on−site club and bar.
address: 's−Gravesandestraat 51
+31 (0)20−6633201
City Hostel Vondelpark
Near Vondelpark. Nice and popular hotel in the middle of Vondelpark, which is a good place to be, especially
in summer. Reservation in recommended.
address: Zandpad 5
020 − 589.89.96
zipcode: 1054 GA Amsterdam
Hotel Imperial
This is a small non−smoking hotel right in the center of Amsterdam. On top of the Reambrandtsplein nightlife
area and on walking distance from the flower market and the Kalverstraat shopping street.
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Thorbeckeplein 9
+31 20 622 00 51
Hotel Linda
Hotel Linda is situated at the Stadhouderskade and opposite De Nederlandse Bank. The hotel comprises 23
rooms and a private parking place. The Rembrandtplein, the Waterlooplein, the Albert Cuypmarkt, and the
musea are at walking distance from the hotel. You can take tram 4 and 20 to the hotel when coming from
Central Station.
address: Stadhouderskade 131
Clemens Hotel
Charming hotel set in Amsterdam center with Budget rooms (shared shower/wc) & DeLuxe rooms (private
shower/wc) All rooms with tv,tel,mini−fridge,in−room safe, hair−dryer. Online reservations. Women friendly
address: 39 Raadhuisstraat
amsterdam hotel kap
A friendly **hotel in the centre of Amsterdam the Netherlands harry: We stayed here twice over the last
year.One personal bussiness trip and one with my family Both times were very pleasant. A very relaxed
atmosphere in a quit street right in the centre. Very friendly service, good breakfast. We felt right at home.
Chose this hotel over any bussiness or other higher star−ranking hotels for this price. You will feel at home as
a foreigner. Sure will return on my next trip. Bruno wouter: Had a great stay here.Very relaxed atmosphere.
large double room ensuite.Nice breakfast and friendly service. Highly recommended!
address: den texstraat 5b
+31 20 6245908
SInt Nicolaas Hotel Amsterdam
Friendly family run Hotel with elevator in Amsterdam city center All room with private bath/shower, wc
Excellant value for money, surperb location, friendly peole
address: Spuisstraat 1
zipcode: 1016 DC
City Hotel Amsterdam
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
City Hotel Amsterdam, a two−star family hotel in a 18th century building. The hotel is located in the centre of
Amsterdam. It is the ideal starting place for your visit and walking distance from the redlight district of
Amsterdam. Rooms from Euro 65
address: Prins Hendrikkade 130, 1011 AP, Amsterdam, Netherlands
+31 20 6230836
Houseboat Experience
The perfect way to experience Amsterdam's unique Houseboat lifestyle It's a comfortable, casual, and quiet
lifestyle living on board this floating home. Built into a Houseboat in the 1960's restored 1939 classic canal
boat Perfect for single, couple, or small family.
address: Flevo Park
+31 65 466 3979
Prinsengracht Hotel
A pleasant 3−star hotel situated on one of the beautiful canals of Amsterdam. All 34 rooms are provided with
shower and toilet, TV and telephone. Very friendly stuff and calm backyard garden.
address: Prinsengracht 1015
+31 − 20 − 623 7779
De La Haye
Hotel De La Haye is a small and cosy hotel located in the city centre of Amsterdam. The rooms are clean and
have recently been redecorated. All major museums (i.e. the Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum) are
located at walking distance from the hotel. Hotel De La Haye is situated next to the Leidseplein, the main
nightlife and entertainment centre. Many pubs and restaurants are situated around this famous square.
address: Leidsegracht 114
Hotel Albert
This family hotel is situated at a beautiful park and is an ideal base for visiting Amsterdam. The hotel
comprises 13 comfortable and well−kept rooms with shower, toilet, TV and telephone. The hotel is easily
accessible by public transport.
address: Sarphatipark 58
Nova Hotel
The Nova Hotel is a friendly, 3−star hotel, located in five beautifully renovated 17th century buildings in the
old heart of Amsterdam. Famous shopping areas as well as many museums and the colorful flowermarket are
nearby. There are numerous excellent restaurants and cafes in the immediate vicinity
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Hotel de Compagnie
Next to Rembrandt− and Muntplein, very central and modern. Facilities: 100 rooms, 3 bars, 6 banquet rooms,
radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar, air conditioning, baby sitter, beauty parlour. Large
Double rooms between 180 and 250 NGL. Sabine Jacobs: New and comfortable, nicest rooms below the
roof, try to negociate about the price, when they are not fully booked. Mario: I´d like to know the availability
for a double room (2 nights) arrival Nov.16/ departure Nov. 18
zipcode: 1017 HE Amsterdam, Netherlands
Falcon Plaza
45 rooms, radio, direct dial, television
Rooms from US$ 53.83 to 127.33 Nett
City center.
address: Valkenburgerstraat 72−74
zipcode: 1011 LZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
50 rooms, hair dryer, direct dial, television, baby sitter
Rooms from US$ 64.33 to 173.53 Nett
City center.
address: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 27
zipcode: 1012 Road Amsterdam, Netherlands
36 rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, television
Rooms from US$ 66.43 to 168.81 Nett
City center.
address: Singel 13
zipcode: 1012 VC Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
36 rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, television
Rooms from US$ 66.43 to 155.16 Nett
City center.
address: Nassaukade 387−390
zipcode: 1054 AE, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mercure Arthur Frommer
90 rooms, 1 bars, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, television, mini bar, air conditioning, baby sitter
Rooms from US$ 69.06 to 154.11 Nett
City center.
address: Noorderstraat 46, NL−1017 TV Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rembrandt Residence
111 rooms, 1 bars, 2 banquet rooms, radio, direct dial, films, television, baby sitter
Rooms from US$ 77.46 to 213.43 Nett
City center.
address: Herengracht 255, NL−1016 BJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Inntel Ams Centre
236 rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar, air conditioning
Rooms from US$ 106.86 to 312.13 Nett
City center.
address: Nieuwezijbs Kolk 19
zipcode: 1012 PV, Amsterdam, Nertherlands
Mercure Aan De Amstel
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
178 rooms, 1 bars, 11 banquet rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar, air conditioning,
sauna, gymnasium
Rooms from US$ 76.41 to 229.18 Nett
Near center.
address: Joan Muyskenweg 10
zipcode: 1096 CJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
57 rooms, hair dryer, direct dial, television, beauty parlour
Rooms from US$ 61.18 to 128.91 Nett
City center.
address: 44 Jan Lyukenstraat
zipcode: 1071 CR Amsterdam, Holland
82 rooms, 4 bars, radio, direct dial, television
Rooms from US$ 63.81 to 147.28 Nett
City center.
address: Beursstr 11−19
zipcode: 1012 JT Amsterdam, Netherlands
Victoria Hotel Amsterdam
Located in the city centre, directly opposite the Central Station and just a stroll away from Dam Square, the
Royal Palace and countless places of interest. Besides the 305 comfortable rooms, the hotel also offers the
Tasman Bar, Seasons Garden Restaurant, covered terrace and 10 fully equipped conference rooms. The hotel's
Active Club has its own indoor heated swimmingpool, solarium, sauna, Turkish steambath, beauty parlor and
a fitness room. Linda Sheehan: Picture of Hotel
Nieuw Slotania
The doors of the comfortable three star Hotel Nieuw Slotania are opened to both tourists and business
travellers. The hotel is located near the A10 highway 'ringway around Amsterdam' (exit S104). The centre of
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Amsterdam is only 15 minutes away by bus or streetcar. Facing the hotel you will find one of the newest
shopping centres in Amsterdam. Schiphol Airport is also close by (15 minutes by car). Ample parking
facilities, also for busses, surround the hotel.
address: Slotermeerlaan 133
Cosy 3*** hotel, 15 rooms only. Borgmann Villa is located right on the border of the Vondelpark in a
residential area. A quiet beautiful place to rest after a long day in the heart of Amsterdam.
address: Koningslaan 48
+31 20 6735252
Swissotel Amsterdam
Behind the historical facade of 19th century buildings, 106 tastefully decorated rooms were built. It is an oasis
amidst the hum of the busy city. Highly recommended.
address: Damrak 96, Amsterdam 1012 LP
+ 31− 20−522 3000
Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel
The very heart of beautiful Amsterdam, between the Dam Square and Central Station, is the home of the
five−star Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel. A deluxe hotel where you will immediately feel at home. One of the
unique characteristics of the Renaissance Hotel is its pleasant, informal atmosphere, while our service will
meet all your expectations. The 17th century domed Koepelchurch, our conference space, is located opposite
the hotel and is connected by means of an underground passage. The historical landmark and eleven other
function rooms are perfect for conventions, product launches and special events for groups of 10 to 700
address: Kattengat 1
Amstel Inter−Continental Amsterdam
Since the opening in 1867, the Amstel Inter−Continental Amsterdam is celebrated as the most beautiful and
luxurious hotel in the Netherlands and ranks with the best hotels in the world. It was recently voted one 99
finest hotels in the world by the Official Hotel Guide Magazine. The stately hotel elegantly dominates a quiet
though central section of the Amstel River bank and is within walking distance of the Dutch capital. The
ambience, in all of the 79 Executive Rooms and suites, breathes the grace and elegance reminiscent of a grand
European estate. More than half of the rooms offer superb views of the Amstel river on which the hotel is
located. The wonderful Michelin awarded restaurant, La Rive, as well as the elegant health center featuring a
magnificent 15 meter heated pool, are both located at the water level.
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Prof.Tulpplein 1
+ 31 20 622 6060
Sheraton Amsterdam Airport
408 rooms, 2 bars, 1 indoor pools, 16 banquet rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar,
air conditioning, baby sitter, heated pools, sauna, gymnasium
Rooms from US$ 115.26 to 337.33 Nett
address: Schiphol Boulevard 101, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Netherlands
100 rooms, 3 bars, 1 indoor pools, 6 banquet rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar,
air conditioning, baby sitter, beauty parlour, golf, heated pools, sauna, gymnasium
Rooms from US$ 144.13 to 193.48 Nett
City center.
address: Leidsekade 97, Nl−1017 Pn Amsterdam, Netherlands
Radisson SAS Hotel
The Radisson SAS Hotel Amsterdam Airport offers 279 air−conditioned rooms and is located at the
Schiphol−Rijk business park, at 4 kilometers from Schiphol Airport, at 1 kilometer from the exit Hoofddorp
on the A4 motorway and at only 20 minutes from the Amsterdam city center.
address: Boeing Avenue 2
Hotel Amsterdam
100 rooms, 3 bars, 1 indoor pools, 6 banquet rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar,
air conditioning, baby sitter, beauty parlour, golf, heated pools, sauna, gymnasium
Rooms from US$ 104.76 to 144.66 Nett
City center.
address: Damrak 93
zipcode: 1012 LP, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Crown Plaza City Centre
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
269 rooms, 2 bars, 1 indoor pools, 4 banquet rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar,
air conditioning, baby sitter, heated pools, sauna, gymnasium
Rooms from US$ 115.26 to 442.86 Nett
City center.
address: Nieuwe Zijds Voorburgwal 5, P.O. Box 2216, NL−1000 CE Amsterdam, Netherlands
86 rooms, 1 bars, 2 banquet rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, films, television, mini bar, air conditioning,
baby sitter, sauna, gymnasium
Rooms from US$ 137.83 to 291.66 Nett
City center.
address: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 67, 1017 KT Amsterdam
Relative expensive, but then, also relative close to the center (walk to the water and take one of the frequent
free boats of the Ij to Central Station). f14.25 per person open from April to end September. They also have
cabins that sleep four persons for 80 guilders, which is a pretty good deal. Alen McKenzie: Haven't stayed
there myself but a friend did.... He said that the tents get put so close to eachother that your guylines get
tangled with the tent next to you. He compared it to Gaasperplas and said just don't go to this one.
Gaasperplas is so much better −− they also don't allow guests past the gate at reception!
address: Meeuwenlaan 138
Emmett Brady
Looking for A romantic place to stay in Amsterdam
Check out AmsterdamSnug
Jolly Carlton Hotel
Euro 159 for 1−2 people
0031 20 320 6402
Euro 159 for 1−2 people
Amsterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
The Jolly Hotel Carlton is an Italian run prestigious 4−star De Luxe Hotel, furnished in the latest elegant
Italian design ambience. All 219 rooms feature colour Television, inhouse movice channel, radio, minibar, air
conditioning, direct dial telephone, trouser press, private bathroom with bath and hairdryer. The Italian
hotel−restaurant "Caruso" located at the flowermarket, offers the best italian and fish specialities, whilst on
the ground floor the bar/coffee shop "Carlton Corner" provides an illustrious venue to meet or just relax, right
in the heart of the city of Amsterdam.
The Jolly Carlton Hotel also has 4 luxury conference rooms ideal for meetings, cocktail parties and private
lunches and dinners. Each room is equipped with its own adjustable heating, air conditioning and direct dial
telephone. All audio visual equipment can be provided.
The Jolly Hotel Carlton is situated next to the famous colourful flower market and surrounded by the most
exclusive shops, bars, restaurants, cinemas and museums. It is only 5 minutes from the Central Station and 25
minutes from Schiphol International Airport.
address: Vijzelstraat 2−18, 1017 HK Amsterdam
+31 − 20 − 62.22.266
Bicycle Hotel
A comfortable hotel, situated approximately 20 minutes walk from the city centre, in a residential area.
Breakfast is included in the price of rooms, and it is possible to rent bikes from the hotel. Free internet access
is available in the hotel and all rooms have a television.
123 Van Ostadestraat, 1072 SV Amsterdam
50 − 75 Euro
0031−20−679 34 52
50 − 75 Euro
Amsterdam − Sights
Amsterdam is home to some of the most beautiful sights in Europe. The canals that flow through the city give
it great character and style and the museums are renowned all over the world.
Amsterdam has several excellent museums and two of the best are next to each other. The Van Gogh Museum
is a must for anyone interested in the artists work. It houses some of his most famous masterpieces beginning
with his time in Holland to the period of his death in France. On the same square is the 250−room
Rijksmuseum, which contains among its treasures a handful of exquisite Vermeers and one of the best
Rembrandt collections in the world. "The Night Watch" is exhibited in the Hall of Honor and is most
definitely a "work of art". Astonishing is only a portion of the original painting which had to be cut down to
fit its intended spot in the citys old town hall. There is a copy of an uncut version of the painting hanging in
the room just before the Hall of Honor.
Amsterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
The excellent Stedelijk Museum displays contemporary art including traveling exhibits from other countries.
Museum Amstelkring also known as "Our Lord in the Attic" is set in a 17th−century merchant house. It
contains a secret Catholic church on the top floor. The house has its original furnishings giving a good idea of
what life at that time was like. [Note: the Stedelijk is currently closed for renovations − February 2004]
If time permits take a look a Rembrandts house near the Waterlooplein (the artist lived there 1639−1657).
And the church where he is buried at the Westerkerk, (youll walk passed it on the way to The Anne Frank
House). Have a look for the crown on top of the church given to Amsterdam by Maximilian I in 1489 and you
can also climb the spire for a great view of the city. There are also a number of other Rembrandt−related sites:
the 13th−century Oudekerk (Amsterdams oldest church), where Rembrandts wife Saskia is buried. The
15th−century Waag (weigh station) where Rembrandt painted "The Anatomy Lesson" (it now houses the
Jewish Historical Museum) and the Zuiderkerk (South Church) where he painted "The Night Watch".
On the spui square you find some of the oldest buildings of Amsterdam. Be sure not the miss the
Begijnhof.Sigourney: Het Spui was in de jaren '60 de verzamelplaats voor de provos die de samenleving
probeerden te ontburgelijken. Nu is het vooral de plaats voor de boekeliefhebber, met een markt op zondag en
de Atheneumboekwinkel nog altijd op de meest prominente plek. Als je een boek gevonden hebt kun je op het
Begijnhof in alle rust gaan lezen, ofop een van de onliggende terrassen. Jerome: The bookmarket helt here is
a great place to find secondhand books about Amsterdam if you want to stay for some time in the city. If
there's no market just go to the Slechte in the Kalverstraat (just arround the corner) you'll probably pay a bit
more, but they do have an extensive collection on Amsterdam.
address: Spui
Totally redesigned in 2000, the Museumplein is more of a park than a square. On the plein you find the Van
Gogh, Stedelijk en Rijksmuseum as well as an Albert Hein shop. Sigourney: Net helemaal opnieuw ingericht,
heeft dit plein het hart van Amsterdam verroverd. In de AH eronder kun je boodschappen doen voor een
picknick in het gras. 's zomers worden hier allerlei culturele evenementen georganieseerd. Als er niets te doen
is kun je pootjebaden in de vijver of kijken naar de halsbrekende toeren van de skaters in de halfpipe. Op dit
plein vindt je ook een van de best geaccorteerde kaartenkraampjes van Amsterdam.
address: Museumplein
Beurs van Berlage
Designed by Berlage, the most famous modern architect of the Netherlands, his Beurs was the starting point
of Dutch Modern architecture.
address: Beursplein 5
Amsterdam's China Town is loacted near the Nieuwmarkt. The Zeedijk is lined with Chinese shops and
Amsterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Zeedijk
Red Light district
The red lights section is located close the central station, between Dam square and Nieuwmarkt. For more info
see the nightlife section.
Sarphati Park
Small park close to Albert Cuyp market. Good place for a picknick after a visit to the market.
address: Sarphatistraat
Amsterdamse Bos
The Dutch call it a wood, but it is closer to a park. Commisioned in the 1930−ies by the Dutch government as
part of a Keynesian attempt to fight unemployment, it is the biggets city park of the Netherlands. In summer
there are free Theater performances (in Dutch).
address: Amstelveenseweg
Artis is the City Zoo of Amsterdam. Very good aquarium in a 19th century classical building by the Architect
Salm. Sigourney: Artis is de stads dierentuin. Het park is voortgekomen uit een 18e eeuwse societeit:Artis
Natura Magistra" Natuur is de meester van de kunst, oftewijl hier kun je inspiratie op komen doen. Artis was
altijd een trieste bedoeling, maar recent is de boel verbouwd en uitgebreid, zodat de dieren menselijker
behandeld kunnen worden.
Plantage Kerklaan 38
openinghours: 9:00−17:00
Hortus Botanicus
Great place to relax. You can have coffee and tea in the Orangerie. Entrance is free if you have a student card.
Sigourney: De hortus is een prettig en rustig parkje met een oranjerie waar je lekker kunt eten. Als je op het
gras wil zitten kun je echter beter naar het Wertheim plansoen er tegenover gaan. Voor exotica ben je hier wel
aan het goede adres. De kassen zijn spectaculair en dan heb ik het niet alleen over de planten.
Plantage Middenlaan 2
9:00−17:00 weekdays, 11:00−17:00 weekend, closes at 16:00 in
The vondelpark is one of the nicest parks in the world and should not be missed. It is perfect to walk, to cycle
or to skate. You can rent inlines at the far end. Designed in English Landscape style at the end of the 19−th
century. It runs roughly speaking from Leidseplein to the Amstelveense weg. There are several sculpures and
temporary art rojects to be discovered. In the park you can find a Picasso sculpture (which is also a gay
rendezvous) , a Rietveld building, and a beautiful crowd of people sunbathing, playin soccer or reading (in
summer) and spitting lama's (all year round). vandana malhotra: Yes it's really great. A must for anyone who
visits. Erika Morales : This was the most elegant place in Amsterdam. My complements ...René Mans: This
Amsterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
is the place to be in the summertime, check out "het Blauwe Theehuis" for cold drinks and good sandwiches.
Every Sunday at the ''Spui'' in Amsterdam there is an exhibition in the open air with recent work of sixty
Dutch and international professional artists.(in his 13th year) All techniques are present: paintings in oil and
acrylics, watercolors, graphic arts, sculpture, ceramics and jewellery. Thanks to the rotating system, original
work of 25 different participants is to be seen every Sunday, while the harp/guitar duo ''Sunflower'' is playing
music that fits the atmosphere. Art Plein Spui offers a unique opportunity to buy directly from the artists
without the involvement of galleries or museums, and to communicate with the makers themselves in
picturesque surroundings. Art Plein Spui, in the hart of old Amsterdam, near the beautiful Begijnhof and the
Historical Museum, is open every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Take a look at our
openinghours: sunday's 10−18
Leidseplein is one of the most busy places in Amsterdam. There are many pubs around it that have nice lights
at night on thier facade. In winter there is a skating ring, in summer there is a big terrace. Sigourney: Het
Leidse plein is nu opgebroken, maar meestal een van de drukste en gezelligste pleinen van Amsterdam, zeker
's avonds. Met Discotheek Cash en Eijders als uitersten is hier voor iedereen wel een leuke tent te vinden.
Steve: The Leidseplein is a great area. There are many good value priced resturants in the area. Great area for
watching street perfomers and people in general.
address: Leidseplein
You easily miss it but there is a statue of Rembrandt on the Rembrandtplein. All around are pubs, disco's and
some sleazy bars.
Jerome: Rembrandt became the most important painter in the beginning of the 19th century when Belgiun
separated itself from the Netherlands and claimed Rubens as their national painter. The statue on the
Rembrand plein, wich used to be called buttermarket, was meant to be cast in bronze, but typically Dutch it
was cast in iron to keep costs as low as possible. Sigourney: The statue of Rembrandt is made of cast iron
because bronze was too expensive.
address: Rembrandtplein
Today the Waag (Weigh House) is a restaurant cum Cybercafe. The Weigh House at the Nieuwmarkt is the
oldest secular public building in Amsterdam. It was designed as a city gate (Sint Antoniespoort, 1488) and as
such it formed part of the medieval defences.
address: Nieuwmarkt
Royal Palace
Amsterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
The Royal Palace (1648−1665) was designed as the most prestigious town hall of its time. It is justly famous
for being a large and important cultural and historic building of 17th century Amsterdam.
At the northernmost end of the Jordaan, the Noorderkerk is an impressive building, overlooking the
In 1620 an important decision was made. The northern part of the Jordaan area was to have a church of its
own. The Westerkerk, proved too far away in more sense than one. Hendrick de Keyser designed the
Noorderkerk, built between 1620 and 1623. On June 15, 1620 the foundation stone was laid and as early as
Easter 1623 the church opened its gates. When Hendrick died in 1621 his son Pieter took over and supervised
the final phases of the construction process together with Hendrick Jacobsz Staets, the town carpenter, and
Cornelis Danckerts, the city stone mason. Staets certainly managed to leave his mark on the building. The
wooden vault and the elegant little tower, marking the central part of the church, demonstrate his excellent
Oude Kerk
Right in the middle of the Red Light district, the Oude Kerk (Old Church) is the oldest building in
Amsterdam. Although there is no absolute certainty, the church was probably consecrated in 1306 by Guy of
Avennes, bishop of Utrecht. St. Nicholas of Myra was the obvious choice when it came to selecting a patron
Wester Kerk
Overlooking the Jordaan, the Westerkerk and its Tower is one of the symbols of Amsterdam.
The necessity to undertake the construction of additional churches was the inevitable result of the 1613 urban
expansion project. In 1620, therefore, a decision was made to build two churches, the Noorderkerk and the
Westerkerk. The Westerkerk was planned as a large church catering for the religious needs of the inhabitants
of the northern part of the ring of canals. A smaller church, the Noorderkerk, was designed for church−goers
in the Jordaan area, a far less prestigious neighbourhood just outside the ring of canals. On September 9, 1620
the foundation stone for the Westerkerk was laid.
Zuider Kerk
Close to the Waterloo plein, this 17th century church is now surrounded by '70 city renewal architecture. The
design was like the Wester, Noorder and Ooster Kerk made by the city's Architect Hendrikck de Keyser.
Inside you'll find the informationcenter for city planning.
St. Nicolaaskerk
The new church of St. Nicholas is among the better known of the new Amsterdam churches. The tall and
spacious building occupies a prominent place in the city centre, opposite the Central Station and is a rare
example of the neo−Baroque style. Most new Roman Catholic Churches, in Holland as well as in other
European countries, were built in the neo−Gothic style promoted by Viollet−le−Duc in France, Pugin in
England and Cuypers in Holland. Neo−Gothic architecture referred back to the heyday of medieval French
Catholicism and its world−famous cathedrals. Therefore, it is all the more remarkable that the architects of the
church of St. Nicholas based themselves largely on the international Baroque style.
Our lord in the attic
Amsterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
This marvellous catholic church, hidden into the attic of an old 17th century house, is part of the Amstelkring
Museum. The history of this church dates back to 1661 when a wealthy merchant, Jan Hartman, bought a
house on Oudezijds Voorburgwal. He and his family lived on the first two floors, while the attic was turned
into a catholic church betwen 1661 and 1663. To be continued.
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 40
Mon−Sat: 10am−5pm, Sun: 1pm−5pm
020 6246604
1012 GE
Amsterdam − Shopping
Amsterdam is no fashion capital like Paris or Duesseldorf. It is more of a place to hunt for bargains and feel
comfortable in what ever you wear. Prices are relatively low, compared with other European capitals and has
a wide selection to offer. Most shops close at 18:00 and on Thursday nights most shops are open until 21:00.
Shops in the center are open on Sunday, usually between 12:00 and 17:00. The shopping streets get extremely
crowded on Sundays as alot of people from around Amsterdam pour in to do their shopping. So your have
been warned.
A definitely recommend checking out H&M for bargains and the Waterlooplein market for a wide selection of
classy second hand goodies.
Albert Cuyp Market
The Albert Cuypmarket has more then 400 stalls selling local and exotic foodstuffs, spices and teas, clothing
new and second hand and thousands of different odds and ends. You can wander around, sampling the
offerings, or look at the public: On this market you notice how international Amsterdam is. People from half
of all countries shop and sell here.
The market runs daily between van Woustraat and de Ferdinand Bol (not on sunday). Get there with tram
16,24,25 or 4 from Central Station. The market is within walking distance from Leidseplein.
The Bloemenmarkt or flowermarket in on the Singel has a wide selection of flowers, plants and herbs for
home, garden or balcony. Though not extremely cheap, it is nice to look around and check out the great
selection. You might consider picking up a sack of seeds to grow those wonderfull Dutch flowers at home.
The time you could buy Marihana seeds here seems to have gone though. : This is really a nice site to just
walk past. You don't have to buy flowers to enjoy them. You can also just sit on one of the terracces and just
marvel the colors for a while. Just beautifull colors all around you!
Maison de Bonneterie
Amsterdam − Shopping
World66's guide to Netherlands
Old and very luxurious warehouse with wooden galleries and an old exciting elevator. They sell mainly
clothes and sportswear. If you like the English style to dress or if you are interested in architecture you should
enter. Take the elevator to the upper floor to the golf shop, there you can hit some balls .
address: Rokin 140 − 142
openings: every sunday from 12.00 till 17.30.
020 − 531 34 00
zipcode: 1012 LE Amsterdam
Pj. Hajenius
The best cigar shop of Amsterdam, located on the Rokin, close to the Dam square. Great choice and very nice
Though no longer the Diamond capital of the world, Amsterdam is still one of the major centers for Diamond
cutting. The largest diamond ever discovered, the Star of Africa, was cut in Amsterdam and even if your
budget doesn't allow for the picking a gem or two, it is still interesting to visit in the Amsterdam Diamond
Center near Dam Square.
Department Stores
Amsterdams oldest and grandest, if not cheapest, department store is the Bijenkorf, overlooking Damsquare at
Damrak 90. But like the Amsterdammers say: you shop at Bijenkorf but you buy at the HEMA, the much
cheaper little sister of the Bijenkorf. There is a Hema on the Haarlemmerdijk and one in the Kalvertoren, near
Another option is the V&D, also near Muntplein, on the Kalverstraat, with a great selection and relatively low
Hart's Wijnhandel Amsterdam
Great choice of port and new world wines. Very nice atmosphere. The owners offer every now and then wine
tasting days (minimal charge, great choice of wines). Tel. 020 − 623 83 50, Fax 020 − 624 95 48. Mail
address: Vijzelgracht 27
zipcode: 1017 HN Amsterdam
Wijnwinkel Quinta
The Wijnwinkel Quinta (wine shop) is of course not a reason to visit Amsterdam, but once you are already
here and you like for example portwine, well, then you should not miss this little shop. Vintage and Tawnies
back till the 40s − a great choice!
The house brand is Quinta do Castelhino, I have tried the 10 year aged tawny − really remarkable!
Niuwe Leliestraat 4
1015 SP Amsterdam (center)
Amsterdam − Shopping
World66's guide to Netherlands
on the corner to Prinsengracht
tel: +31 20 42 70 226 Hans: Too expensive!! Joey: Maybe Hans is right, but where can you get a 50 year old
vintage cheaper???
Wijn Antiquariat
It is very easy to oversee, in that corner behind the bookstore, but you should not miss this shop if you are
anyhow interested in wine! Here you can buy wine, dating back long as 1895! And there are always some
good bottles opened for tastings...
So far, the shop has been opened only on Saturday (12 − 5 pm) but as far as I know it is now open from
Monday till Friday, too.
Nederlands Wijn Antiquariat
Buying and selling of old wines and Port.
1e Weteringsdwarsstraat 2A
1017 TN Amsterdam
tel: +31−20−422 9315
Antique Wines
Cave Rokin
Located on the Rokin, just off Dam Square, the Cave (located, as its name suggests, in a cellar) stocks a good
range of European and New World wines at very reasonable prices. The staff are knowledgeable and very
helpful, and wine tasting can be arranged for larger parties.
address: Rokin 60
020 625 0628
zipcode: 1012 KV
Spiegelkwartier, world of fine art and antiques
Spiegelkwartier is an area close to the Rijksmuseum with many antique shops and art galeries. From old
masters, silver, delfts blauw, prints, modern art, art deco, archeology, precolombian, asian you name it, they
sell it.
Frozen Fountain
A very cool interior design shop on the Prinsengracht, next to the library. They don't really sell souvenirs,
but the do have some small thingies that could serve as such.
indian rose jeans
address: leidsestrat 56
Amsterdam − Shopping
World66's guide to Netherlands
02 420 30 94
zipcode: 1017 PC amsterdm
Jolanda en Fred de Leeuw
Butchershop De Leeuw (Utrechtsestraat 92) presents a wide variety of red and white meats, delicacies,
truffles, pâtés, mushrooms. Top quality, ditto prices.
None of the cheaper Supermarkets have dependances in the center of Amsterdam, but you could do worse
then to visit Albert Heijn on the Nieuwezijdsvoorburgwal opposite Damsquare. Centrally located, this
supermarket has a superb selection and is open from 9am−10pm daily, except sunday, when it closes at 7pm.
A similar Albert Heijn is situated at Koningsplein.
Another good option is the Albert Heijn on the Museumplein. It is located underground and the biggest
supermarket in town.
On the Spui, right in the center of town, Atheneum has morebooks than you can imagine to fit in this
characteristic Amsterdam house. Great selection of magazines as well.
Scheltema Holkema Vermeulen
Best bookshop in Amsterdam. Good section of English books. On the Koningsplein at the end of the
Amsterdam − A perfect day in
Start your perfect day in Amsterdam at the Spui, which is located half way through the Kalverstraat. Pick up
some bread rolls at Broodje van Kootje, buy a newspaper from the Atheneaum magazine shop take a seat, if
the weather is good .If it happens to be a rainy day there are lots of very nice coffee bars situated around the
Spui also.
After having a hearty breakfast we are ready for some serious stuff. If we jump on a tram 2 or 5, these pass
through the Spui regularly, we can make our way to the Museumplein. Here you are spoiled for choice with
all the different kinds of museums. Firstly, there is The Van Gogh Museum, which holds a lot of Van Gogh
greatest works, and also works from various other acclaimed artists. Just next to the Van Gogh there is the
Stadelijk Museum. This houses a collect of modern art and has numerous expeditions throughout the year.
Leaving these museums behind us we make our way towards our last museum, The Rijks Museum. This is
quite a large museum and could take some time to get around, but it is worth it. Art dates from the 12th
century and has a superb collection of Dutch masters, including the Nachtwacht, by Rembrandt.
Lunchtime. One of the best spots to have lunch is on top of the old shopping building Metz in the
Leidsestraat. If we take a tram from the Museumplein it is not far, it is also not far to walk. You can take the
elevator to the top floor where the restaurant is, here you can get a birds eye view of Amsterdam. If you want
to try something Dutch try the selection of various Dutch meats and cheeses with mustard called
bittergarnituur. Very nice or lekker as they say in Dutch.
Amsterdam − A perfect day in
World66's guide to Netherlands
After lunch a good place to check out is the Albert Cyup Market. The best way to get there is to walk, so if
you walk through the Leidseplein and go to your right in the direction in which the trams run. If you walk
along the Weteringsschans for about 10 minutes it will bring to the Heinekenplein, turn to you right at the
roundabout, go pass the Heineken Museum and this will bring you o the Albert Cyup Market. The Cuyp is a
great place to shop for clothes and fresh food and also a great way to see the real international Amsterdam.
When you're tired of shopping, it's time to relax If we make our way back to the Heinekenplein and visit one
of the two supermarkets, the Albert Hein or the Dirk Van Den Broek. Dirk is very cheap and has a good
selection of goodies and the Albert is a little more expensive but it has better quality products. A good idea is
to get a picnic together and take it to the local Vondelpark, its situated near the Leidseplein and is nice and
chilled out on a fine day. There are plenty activities going on with a lot of rollerbladers, musicans and plenty
of soccer games been played. It really is one of the best ways to sit back and watch the world go by. At night,
a nice way to explore the canals a little more without having to use your feet is to take a diner cruise. Youll
will be served top class cuisine and you can enjoy the beauty of the canals a night. It can be a little expensive
but is definitly the perfect way to eat good food and enjoy the beauty of Amsterdam.
When you're back on the shore again, the time has come to hit the city. A good idea might be to first go to the
Jordaan, the neighbourhood around the Westerkerk. Here you'll find lots of nice and cosy bars perfect for
starting the evenings drinking. Afterwards possibly the best place to go to is the Leidseplein. In the summer
the square is one big terrace and you can sit there until late in the night and watch the numerous attractions
that are going on. It is definitely very entertaining and there is never a dull moment. A nice bar we would like
to recommend is the Spuyt in the Korte Leidse Dwarsstraat, its a nice quite place to relax after a long day.
Most pubs close at 1am during the week and 3am during weekends, but that doesn't mean it is time to go
home. But first you will want to eat something. The Febo on Leidsestraat caters for those who cant resist some
greasy food after a few beers. Finally, one of the best places you can visit the 'Bourbon Street' in the Leidse
Kruisstraat. This is a blues/jazz like club with live music. It usually stays open until 05:00. After that if youre
not too tired and your ready to handle breakfast you be glad know that the bakeries will be starting to open
around this time. This will bring to an end your perfect day in Amsterdam and I think now your ready for a
well deserved sleep. I hope you enjoyed our way to having a perfect day in Amsterdam. ...
Amsterdam − Internet Cafes
Cyber cafés are found all over the city, with most coffee shop's having at least one computer with Internet
access, and some even give access for free!
Cyber cafés come in all sizes. The easyEverything is situated on the Reguliersbreestraat and is the largest
Internet Cafe in the world with 300 computers. It is also relatively cheap but can be just a bit to busy if you
just want to relax and send a few emails. The Pink Floyd on the other hand, is relaxed and chilled out, were
you can enjoy some good music also.
De Balie
Amsterdam − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
Near the Leidse plein they offer free internet to go with a beverage or snack. In a former prison building this
café is also a central place to meet your friends for a night on the town.
address: Kleine Gartman Plantsoen 10
020 553 5151
zipcode: 1017 RR
The Cyberc@fe
Very close to the central station Nancy Fintzy: I tried to use this facility, but it was not open in the mornings
when I would head to Centraal Station. −Nevertheless, it has an excellent atmosphere with shisha all around
the place. Under floor heating, as well as speakers−for that added vibratory−bass−effect! Huge front
sash−window that opens up during warm weather−definetly the best place to check your mail, then relax
with a beer and a smoke!
Is no longer called Cybercafe. New owners I guess. It has a couple of shishas but they are inexperienced in
their use and upkeep. Very disappointing... they have one computer terminal only.
address: Nieuwendijk 19
Blue Velvet
Blue Velvet on the Haarlemmerdijk not the only Internet 'Coffeeshop' where you can blow and surf at the
same time but convenient close to Central Station.
address: Haarlemmerdijk
JoHo Cybercafes
Try surfing on a Mac. Actualy this is a shop, but you can surf, mail and chat for free.
address: Taksteeg 8
(+31) 020 47 15 094
La Bastille Internetcafe
With 37 terminals modern times have entered this 17th century canal side house near the Leidse plein.
Surfingtime and consumptions are stored on a smartcart, so you only pay once you leave.
address: Lijnbaansgracht 246
(+31) 020 62 35 604
Pink Floyd Coffeeshop
Amsterdam − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
A Coffeeshop with just tree screens to check your mail. The also offer sandwiches and smokes.
address: Haarlemmerstraat 44
The MAD Processor
Open from 2.00pm till midnight except on Monday, but then you'll need to recover from the weekend
anyway. Not just to check you e−mail but also to enter different network competitions.
address: Bloemgracht 82
(+31) 020 4211 482
At three locations, within shops for books, CD's, etc.; the largest has 276 terminals; no−nonsense internet
places without any personnel (shop personnel tells you when it is closing time, that is all) and without diskette
or CD facilities; there are vending machines for tickets, drinks and snacks. The less crowded it is, the cheaper.
A typical price is 1.75 euro per hour. Day and month passes have been available also, but not currently.
Nancy Fintzy: I used two of these cafes in Amsterdam during May, 2001. GREAT availability, especially at
the Rembrandtsplein location. And GREAT price − it was 8 times more expensive to use the computer
provided at my hotel! Although I had to buy at least one hour (for about $2), you could establish a password
and return to use more time within 28 days. I was able to access all my Email, and was pleased to see that the
machine was rebooted when I logged off from the service. The coffee was pretty good, but I really liked that
terminals were always available when I was in the area − and visitors to Amsterdam, like myself, are
frequently near the store on the Damrak − just down from Centraal Station. I recommend these centers!
address: Regulierstraat 22
address: rootstraat98
Broadband internet connection up to 16 Mbps!
Eight business−class workstations with 15 TFT screens and comfortable leather chairs decorate our lounge.
Price including access to floppy−disk drives, CD−ROM drives and headphones with microphones!
Three laptop stations, at which you can conveniently connect your notebook/laptop to our high−speed
Wifi (wireless technology) coming soon.
Amsterdam − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
Extra services such as printing, fax, scanning, download/upload memory cards from digital cameras and so
price: 3.25 per hour, members: 1.50 per hour
hours: Mo.10:00am − 7:30pm Tue. − Fri. 09.00am − 7.30pm Sat. 10:00am − 6.00pm
address: Elandsgracht 144 1016 VC AMSTERDAM
zipcode: 8 workstations + 3 laptops
't Nes−cafe
't Nes−cafe is a bar sitauted in the center of
Amsterdam. It's a bar/coffeeshop and Poolbar.
price: FREE
+31 020 6234250
email: info@nes−
hours: Tuesday till Sunday
address: nes 33
White Elephant Thai Restaurant
Exclusive Thai restaurant located just at the
outskirts of the centrum of Amsterdam. Smaller lunch−/dinnerdishes
available. After 1800 restaurant only.
+3120 6795556
Van Woustraat 3
Amsterdam − Getting Around
Amsterdam is a compact city; most distances can be walked, if they can't be walked they can be biked. Bikes
are therefore the most effective way of getting around Amsterdam. If you walk through the city, you see as
many as 700,000 bikes, all seem to be worn down, half broken and protected with enough locks to guard Fort
Knox. Nevertheless, about 100,000 bikes are stolen each year in this city.
Amsterdam − Getting Around
World66's guide to Netherlands
If you stay longer than a week in the city, you might consider buying your own bike, otherwise rent it from
one of the many places. A good second hand bike should cost you about 70 Euros. People in the street will
approach you sometimes offering bikes for sale from around 4,5 Euros. One of those 100,000. bikes. Get
yourself at least two good locks and make sure it's tied to something secure.
Public Transport
Public transport, especially if you stick to the center, is excellent in Amsterdam. Trams have many routes and
tend to be as frequency as 5 to 10 times an hour. Busses tend to deal with less accessable destinations of the
way places in the city. At night (after 01:00 Am), night busses take over so you can always get around but
they are not as freguent as the trams. There is even a subway or metro but this is only of much use to people
who live in the suburbs of the city.
Key to this travelling on all these public transports is the strippenkaart, a longish piece of paper with 2, 3, 8,
15 or 45 strippen. If you board the tram, bus or metro, you stamp from the top the number of zones you are
going to travel plus one. After that you can change within those zones for up to an hour, also you can 1, 2 or 3
day passes which works out even cheaper.
Tram 20, the circle tram, makes it's way through the center, passing most of the tourist sites and Central
Station. Getting a day card and sticking to the line 20, might be a good start to getting a grip on the city, if you
don't want to walk or bike it.
Taxis are rather expensive in Amsterdam and you're not supposed to hail them down, but find a taxi stand and
call from there. They are not very cheap and sometimes they take you the long way to a destination so it cost
you even more money, if nessecary avoid taking taxis. Late at the night the Taxi queues can be very long and
you can be waiting for up to 30−40 mins for a cab.
Don't bring your car into the city if you can avoid it. Getting around it usually slower than on bicycle or a
tram/bus and certainly more expensive with all the parking fees. In the centre you have to pay until 11pm,
even on Sundays. If you do bring your car, pay the parking fee. Leave your car alone for 5 minutes and you
might find an additional feature on your car: the Wielklem, a yellow wheelblocking device. And no, you won't
be able to get rid off it yourself. Getting one costs approximately 70 Euros. When your car gets towed away,
it'll cost you nearly 230 Euros and is rather time consuming. You need to go to one of the four 'servicepunten'
of Stadstoezicht, pay the fine and wait at your car 30−45 min, till the wheel clamp will be removed. Most cars
are brought to the Daniel Goekoopstraat near metro station Spaklerweg.
Getting to and from the airport is easy. Trains run from Central Station every 15 minutes and there are also
trains from other stations, like Zuid. The train trip from Central Station to the airport will take you about 20
minutes. A taxi will set you back about 30 Euros, the train more like 4 Euros.
Amsterdam − Getting Around
World66's guide to Netherlands
For taxis, TCA Tel. 6777777 is the old monopolist. Taxi Direct is the new competitor and slightly cheaper:
Bike Hire
There are numerous places to hire bikes from. Some recommended include:
Damstraat rent−a−bikeDamstraat 20−22, near Dam square. Tel. 020−6255029, 7 euro a day, 31 per week.
Locks included.
MacBike, Marnixstraat 220, Tel. 020−6266964, not far from Leidseplein, F12.50 for the first day, going down
to F5 after a week or so.
Amsterdam − Getting There
Amsterdam is easily accessable by rail, bus, boat, car and air depending on which country you are travelling
from. Travel is relatively cheap and frequent.
For train travel, visit the website of the Dutch Railways:
Cheap flights are available to and from Amsterdam. In the UK, I recommend Cheap Flights Online, especially
for some good lastminute deals.
If you want to travel by bus which is very cheap, check out Eurolines
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
Amsterdam is the perfect place to party! Most clubs open at 10 pm and stay open until 4 or 5 am. However,
usually things only get going after midnight, so try and keep yourself awake. Sometimes the bouncers say you
have to be a member of the club, but a little negotiating you can sometimes win them round. Some clubs like
the Melkweg offer one night memberships for a few euro. At is worth it.
Amsterdam offers a wide range of music venues. Try to catch a performance of the Netherlands Philharmonic
Orchestra that performs in the Beurs, a turn−of−the−century stock exchange. In June the city hosts the
Holland Festivalopera, orchestra and dance performances.
Cafe 1820 is called after the housenumbers of the two houses on Ferdinant Bolstraat where the pub is located.
It's a reasonably big place. Hip and trendy. It's in at Heinekenplein, the heart of Amsterdam's new hip nightlife
center: the Pijp.
Amsterdam − Getting There
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Ferdinant Bolstraat 18−20
Aura Escorts
Amsterdam Escorts Models For Quality Entertainment and Sensual Erotism.
openinghours: 24/7
ClosingTime: 24/7
closingtime: 24/7
Joseph Lam Jazz Club
Dixieland and 1950s jazz classics at this traditional jazz club in the warehouse shipping district west of
Central Station. Open weekends only. Sun free Jam sessions.
address: Van Diemenstraat 8
020 622 8086
Kale de Grote
Nice place on Heinekenpein. It's got a big terrace with sun until late if the weather helps a bit.
address: Heinekenplein
Sylvia Geytenbeek : K2, laat je hooooooren! Dit is een van de meest gehoorde kreten in de k2, waarop
iedereen dan ook spontaan in oordovend lawaai uitbarst. Kortom, een ga uit je dak apres ski kroeg met voor
elk wat wils.
address: Paardenstraat 2
zipcode: 1017 CX
Merel van Dijk : Voor de echte alto's een ideale plek om zichzelf te zijn. Dit honk van krakers is alleen maar
voor mensen die niet gek opkijken van de meest excentrieke types. Qua openings tijden redelijk
onbetrouwbaar, zo sta je wel eens voor een dichte deur. Voor goede gesprekken is het zeker geweldig.
address: Spuistraat 216
zipcode: 1012 VT
De Balie
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
Merel van Dijk : Het geweldige van De Balie is, dat het niet onder te brengen is in één rubriek. Alle soorten
media zijn er te vinden. Van twee computers tot een eigen theaterzaal en dan ook nog een restaurant en ieder
jaar het Cinekid festival! Verder ook vaak debatten en bijeenkomsten. Voor elk wat wils dus en een mooi
address: Kleine Gartman Plantsoen 10
020 553 5151
zipcode: 1017 RR
Eik en Linde
A bit off center but with a great 50s interior.
address: Plantage Middenlaan 22
+31 (0)20 622 5716
zipcode: 1018DE Amsterdam
This place is almost to small to hold all the different types of beer they offer. A very good place to start your
education on the difference between one beer and the other.
address: Raamsteeg 4
+31 (0)20 626 6645
zipcode: 1012VZ Amsterdam
A bit rundown, but usually not to crowded. On the first floor you can shoot pool on two crappy tables. The do
have a tendency to overexpose their customers to the favorite music of the bartender.
address: Voetboogstr 22−24
+31 (0)20 638 5953
zipcode: 1012XL Amsterdam
De Heeren van Aemstel
A typical brown café and a second home to many students.
address: Thorbeckeplein 5
+31 (0)20 620 2173
zipcode: 1017CS Amsterdam
1091ER Amsterdam This café is a favorite of many journalists. Anthon : Een welkome afwisseling voor de
bedrijfs recepties van Volkskrant en Parool. Favoriet van veel schrijvers en journalisten, die hier eens niet
boven op het nieuws zitten. Je vindt hier altijd wel iemand voor een ouwehoer gesprek. Ook voor al uw
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
feesten en partijen. Merel van Dijk : Het terras is geweldig, het uitzicht nog mooier! De stoelen zitten lekker
en het is er niet duur. Voor een cola betaal je maar 3,25! Alleen kan het zo zijn dat de bediening je vergeet of
er gewoon niet is (lijkt het).
address: Weesperzyde 130
+31 (0)20 665 1202
address: Weteringschans 267
+31 (0)20 622 6363
zipcode: 1017XJ Amsterdam
De Karpershoek
One of the oldest cafés in Amsterdam, conveniently close to the Central Station
address: Martelaarsgracht 2
+31 (0)20 624 7886
zipcode: 1012TP Amsterdam
Ter Kuile
address: Torensteeg 4−8
+31 (0)20 639 1055
zipcode: 1012TH Amsterdam
t Loosje
address: Nieuwmarkt 32/34
+31 (0)20 627 2635
zipcode: 1012CS Amsterdam
De Bierelier
address: Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 14
020 638 16 87
zipcode: 1017 RC
De Beiaard
address: Spui 30
+31 (0)20 622 5110
zipcode: 1012XA Amsterdam
La Bastille
address: Lynbaansgr 245
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
+31 (0)20 320 9801
zipcode: 1017RK AMSTERDAM
De Beetles
address: L Leidsedwstr 81hs
+31 (0)20 625 9588
zipcode: 1017NH AMSTERDAM
Het Beurscafé
address: Beurspln 5
+31 (0)20 422 7274
zipcode: 1012JW Amsterdam
De Blaffende Vis
address: Westerstr 118
+31 (0)20 625 1721
zipcode: 1015MN Amsterdam
Bolle Jan
address: K Reguliersdwstr 3
+31 (0)20 625 9376
zipcode: 1017BH Amsterdam
Bourbon Street
address: Leidsekruisstr 6
+31 (0)20 623 3440
zipcode: 1017RH Amsterdam
Ter Brugge
address: Overtoom 578
+31 (0)20 612 9983
zipcode: 1054LN
De Buurvrouw
address: St Pietersp stg 29
+31 (0)20 625 9654
zipcode: 1012HM Amsterdam
A new, scale smoking coffee shop with pool hall upstairs. Open daily 10am to 1,2 or 3 am. Veronique : Pool
heeft het tafelvoetbal in de meeste coffeeshops helaas vervangen. Maar het toch ook wel een leuk spel en een
stuk relaxter.
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Oudezijds Voorburgwal 163
020 − 625 2891
The Tara
This is actually a huge place, but by subdividing it in separate rooms, it's still quite cozy. It looks a bit
rundown, but thats what atmospheres all about. Downstairs you can play pool, but you have to get in early to
get to play. Its always crowded. The bars can cope rather well, but sometimes you have to wait here as well.
As with most Irish pubs you have to order in English. Veronique : Een grote pub tussen Rokin en Nes, deze
twee ingangen maakt het afspreken ietwat gecompliceerder. Spreek bijvoorbeeld af naast de pooltafels. Door
een onderverdeling in kamertjes en verschillende niveaus is The Tara erg onoverzichtelijk, maar wel intiem.
Café De Kroon
This café was originally opened in 1898 (the year Queen Wilhelmina ascended the Dutch throne, hence the
name 'The Crown'). Back in the 1930s, Café De Kroon was the location of a group of artists weekly meetings
on Monday mornings.
With this historical perspective in mind, Café De Kroon was successfully restored and reopened in the late
1980s. The landmark building was entirely remodeled − inside and outside as well. The interior now features
a blend of different styles, giving Café De Kroon a very distinct character. : Café de Kroon is vooral in de
zomer een absolute aanrader. Als op zwoele zomeravonden de glazen panelen van het balkon geopend
worden, is er op het Rembrandt plein geen relaxtere plek te vinden om van je koele drankje te genieten.
address: Rembrandtplein 171
De Jaren
One of the nicest Grand Cafes, and really quite Grand. On the first floor there is a restaurant and there are two
terraces with a great view over the Amstel.Ijoya van Gemert : Amsterdam op zijn best door de perfecte
locatie aan het water wat een heerlijk ruimtelijke effect geeft. Uniek door de aanleg stijger voor de voorbij
varende bootjes. Gezellig, sfeervol en afwisselend grand café. Grote leestafel binnen.
<Peer Schouten:> A swell place garned with a terrace from which one has a beautiful, spacial view on
Amsterdam's previous main route over the water: the Amstel river. Small as well as large boats pass by and
stop at the cafe's private dock. But not only the outside is spacial: the high ceiling and the seemingly randomly
spread sitting−corners make it a comfortable place to enjoy a Pernod along with a newspaper. greetings to
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 20−22
ClosingTime: differs day to day
closingtime: differs day to day
1012 CP
Hard Rock Cafe
If you don't want any surprises: the Amsterdam Hard Rock Cafe is just like any other Hard Rock Cafe
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
anywhere in the world.
address: Max Euweplein 59
Club Arena (Salsa Lounge)
On the last Sunday the best Latin party takes place on two floors at the Club Arena. The so−called Salsa
Lounge is a must for every Salsa and Samba friend. It starts at 6 pm. but becomes crowded at 8 pm. There is a
small Salsa work shop and a Samba during the early hours. Especially the Samba work−shop is great fun. In
the Samba hall a DJ plays Latin Hip Hop and more while the Salsa crowd goes crazy on the first floor in the
exotic environment of a former monastery.
address: ´s−Gravesandestraat 51
(020) 6222510
De Badcuyp
The Badcuyp is located close to the Albert Cuyp Market. It's a 'buurthuis'−cafe with salsa on Wednesdays.
The Wednesday Salsa evening has been taking place for years. For further info call 020−6759669.
address: 1e Sweelinckstraat 10
El Centro
El Centro is a place dedicated to salsa, with salsa nights on Thursday, Friday, Saturday , and Sunday. The
place is located at the Borgerstreet close to the Kinkerstraat. Friday and Sunday are the recommend days to go
Carels Eetcafe
Next to Carel's Cafe is Carel's eetcafe, where many students from the Pijp come to eat. It's not really cheap but
the atmosphere is great. Opposite is Carel's nacht cafe which stays open until 3 AM. It only gets crowded after
address: Frans Halsstraat 78
020 662 24 90
The place for students and yups to be seen drinking beer.Merel van Dijk : Mooie locatie, jonge bediening en
een lekker terras waar het binnen flink druk kan zijn. Geld wisselen voor de parkeermeter was geen probleem
na een drankje. De tafels waren schoon en de de drankjes vrij prijzig.
address: Roelof Hartplein 1
zipcode: 1071 TR
De groene olifant
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
Nice "bruin cafe" between Artis and Tropenmuseum, perfect to sit outside and watch people passing by in
summer. Always crowded in the evening.
address: Sarphatistraat 510
+31 (0)20 − 620 49 04
Although NOA stands for Noodles of Asia and you can have tasty noodles, soups and snacks at the big table
bar in the back, it is an inviting place to 'relax' with a cocktail if you please and preferably on the big white
couch in front of the fire place. Good music, friendly staff, silverly atmosphere with a touch of the 70s and
some people who think they're all that much of course.
020 626 0802
Restaurant and loungeclub. In the restaurant the guests lay on white beds as roman emperors. Food is good but
expensive. After dinner you can dance on the music of national and international deejays. This is one of the
most trendy places of Amsterdam.Odile : Stylish loungen, heerlijke altijd veranderende keuken, bekende
nederlanders, relaxte dj's wat wil je nog meer de Supperclub is nogsteeds de meest vooraanstaande
Jonge Roelensteeg 21 1021 PL Amsterdam
openinghours: 19:00 − 03:00
020 63 80 513
Seymour Likely 2
Alas, the Seymore Likely is no longer. The venue hash been renamed to The Getaway, losing the seedy
underground designer appeal.
address: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 161
+31 (0)20 − 420 50 62
De Kroeg
Crowded club with a black hole of an interior, cutting−edge music. Take trams 7, 10, 13, 14 or 17 to
Marnixplein. Open daily till 2 or 3 am.
+31 (0)20 420 0232
address: Lijnbaansgracht 163
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
G Force
S&M Bar for Ladies and Gents, mostly thursdays live sessions.
address: Oudezijds Armsteeg 7
This alternative stage originated from the squat scene features performances, theme parties, discussions and
special children matinees.
address: Overtoom 301
+31 (0)20 7794913
Kapitein Zeppos
This cafe with its small podium is hard to find if you don't know the way. The streets name "prayer without
end" very well fits this small alley. The stage offers a place for people to practice their poetry or their musical
address: Gebed Zonder End 3−hs
+31 (0)20 6242057
The famous pop temple based in an old church. Best known from the Roling Stones Videoclip Not Fade
Away. After the concerts you can dance to the latest hits played by local and international deejays. Their
special Rocked Cinema features DJ's spinning to classic movie pictures.
address: Weteringschans 6−8
+31 (0)20 626 45 21
De Badcuyp
Located in a former public bathhouse, this cultural center features both pop, rock and world music. Check out
their agenda to see what's playing. It's also a good place to get something to eat if you're in the
neighbourhood. Especially after visiting the Albert Cuyp market you can crash here on the terrace and enjoy
the show inside when it gets to cold to sit outside on the terrace.
address: 1th Sweelinkstraat 10
+31 (0)20 6759669
In this UEVA five stars stadium you can see the greats performe, next to the football matches of the
Amsterdam Admirals and soccer by Ajax.
Alsmost every night there's life music from different (Irish) groups that are stahed away on the small podium
next to the entrance. Not very practical. A good thing is: your never more than two steps away from the bar.
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
At the back there's some sort split−level thing that gives a good view. If it's really crowded there's a small
second floor above the stage, but the staircase just right next to the entrance makes it hard to get a drink.
address: Amstel 100
+31 (0)20 6221330
Cafe De Koe
Live music bar focussed on Soul, kitchen open til 11pm.
Marnixstraat 381
openinghours: 2pm−1pm (3am weekends).
(020)625 44 82
Café G−Force
S&M Bar for Ladies and Gents, mostly thursdays live sessions.
address: Oudezijds Armsteeg 7
Holland Casino / Lido
The Holland Casino offers French and American Roulette, Black Jack, Carribean Stud Poker, Sic Bo, Big
Wheel, Poker en Punto Banco in a great stylish environment.
Additionally you will find there four international bars, the Vondel Restaurant and a lunchroom.
You can find the casino near Leidseplein, just across the entrance to the Vondel Park.
Max Euweplein 62
+31−20−52 11 111
1017 NB Amsterdam
Very close to the office where World66 is located. A nice pub with a very attractive decoration.
address: Overtoom 52, 1054HK Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 689 1218
La Pachanga
The best place in Greater Amsterdam for dancing on a Thursday. At 11 o'clock the places starts to get
crowded. Also a possible choice on Saturdays, but not as great as on a Thursday. Jost Wagner: On Thursday
the best dancers meet here, but on most other days you can give this place a miss.
address: Jan van Galenstraat 24 inside Ram's Party Center
06 53428376
Amsterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
Amsterdam − Things to do
Amsterdam offers a lot of things to do other than museums and canal tours. Amsterdam is a city where you
can try nearly every kind of sport you might think of. Check out the sections to find more details.
This should be a subsection entitled "Canal Fishing" but I cannot find a way to add subsections. (help?) Don't
let the title fool you, canal fishing has nothing to do with fish, but you will use a length of line/rope and a
hook of some fashion. Canal fishing is usually born of desperation, the desperation that comes with having
your bike (fiets) stolen for the umpteenth time. Many of these stolen bikes find there way into canals for some
reason or another and unless they are "fished" out will remain there in an ignoble grave. To begin, gather the
necessary equipment (as described above) and walk the older canals slowly, peering over the side for the
perfect fiets habitat. When you happen upon a likely spot (preferrably out of plain site) toss out your hook and
drag it accross the bottom of the canal. If your aim is true, or your luck is phenominal you may well land a
fiets; if you are really lucky it will be an omafiets − then your riding in style. I don't think this is illegal, but if
it is don't blame me :−)
Openbare Golfbaan Spaarnwoude
The golfcourse Spaarnwoude, 25 min by car from city center, is a public course, also open for non−members
and partly open even for absolute beginners.
Even though the course can be overcrowded on weekend, the atmosphere is more relaxed than on many other
Over all Spaarnwoude offers six 9−holes courses of which 3 are open for beginners. Even advanced players
will find a challange on the championship courses.
Openbare Golfbaan Spaarnwoude
Het Hoge Land 2
1982 LT Velsen−Zuid
Telefoon: +31−23−5385599
Spaarnwoude info (Dutch only)
Golf Course "De Hoge Dijk"
"De Hoge Dijk" is an 18−hole competition course (PAR 71, 5755 meters), designed by the renowned golf
course architect Joan Dudok van Heel. The first nine holes were inaugurated in 1990; the second nine holes
have been ready for play since 1995.
The golf course is open to all golfers against payment of a green fee providing he/she has an official handicap.
Amsterdam − Things to do
World66's guide to Netherlands
The facilities consist of a driving range with 32 tees, a large putting green, a chipping and pitching green and
two practice bunkers. Use of these facilities is free.
46 Abcouderstraatweg
1105 AA Amsterdam
tel: +31−294−281241
De Hoge Dijk
Klimmuur Centraal
Near the Central Station, walk in the direction of the Bote (East) then it's between the tracks. Since the other
climbing halls are located outside of the center, I would recommend this one. You can hire your gear here.
you can also buy great food; try the BLT, for instance.
De Ruyterkade 160, 1011 Amsterdam
tel: +31−20−427 57 77
THEA is in the west of Amsterdam in an old Church. The name actually means between Heaven and Earth.
You can rent equipment.
Frans Otten
The place where the pros meet. Outside of the center near the Olympic Stadium.
SC Leidseplein
Right in the center, just 100 meters off Leidseplein, this is a great place to play; incl. Sauna. Pretty crowded,
therefore a reservation is recommended.
tel: +31−20−620 66 31
Squash City
Great court. Also fitness club. Taking a sauna after the match is included. A ten minute walk from the Central
station, near the Haarlemmerdijk.
tel: +31−20−626 78 83
address: Ketelmakerstraat 6
Borchland Amstelborgh
Lots of pretty good squash courts, as well as in− and outdoor tennis. It's cool to hit some balls at the (golf)
driving range behind behind the building before squashing!
Borchlandweg 6−12
Amsterdam − Things to do
World66's guide to Netherlands
1099 CT Amsterdam (near the Ajax Arena)
tel: +31−20−5633333
Roada: It's a good place to sport, but they don't offer a sauna for the squash and tennis players ... that's a bit
Turkish bath with full service, massage, peeling, olive soap, towel, tea room, snacks, ...
Monday 16:00−22:00h for men,
Tuesday till Sunday for women (12:00 to 20:00h)
Zaanstraat 88
1013 RW Amsterdam
+31−20−681 48 18
address: amsterdam
Amstelborgh/Borchland B.V.
The golf course has several advantages that might be disadvantages for others: Amstelborgh/Borchland is very
easy to reach, by car 10−15 min. from the city center into direction Utrecht. Or by public transport to the
stadium (Arena).
Prices are modest, the driving range is free(!) and balls are cheap. There are several chipping and pitching
greens, not very big and − esp. on the weekend − a bit crowded.
The course has 9 holes (par 3 − total length 863 meter) and is open to everybody, not only for members.
Equipment can be hired but the choice is not really great, esp. not for left−handers (halfset for 6.5 $ a day).
Greenfee between 9 and 22 $ (over the week and weekend).
Borchlandweg 6−12
+31 (0)20−56 333 33
1099 CT Amsterdam/Duivendrecht
Amsterdam − Drugs
A lot of people come to Amsterdam for a little drug experimentation. Contrary to what most visitors seem to
think, drugs are far from legal in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam − Drugs
World66's guide to Netherlands
In the Netherlands theres a distinction made between so−called soft drugs and hard drugs. Hard drugs are
Cocaine and Heroine, LSD Ecstasy etc. Possession and use is strictly forbidden. Soft drugs basically mean
Hash and Marihuana. There are strict rules concerning possession and marketing of these soft drugs.
Buying drugs on the street is about the biggest tourist traps in Amsterdam. From the first step out of the
central station you will be offered drugs. Dont buy it, the stuff you get offered can contain anything from
vitamin c to washing powder or Rat poison. Also often the costumer gets robbed or harassed.
If youre over 18 you can visit a coffee shop to buy a small amount of soft drugs for your own personal
use(you may buy max 5 gram, and you may posses 30 grams max). Youre not allowed to enter if youre under
aged. Here, the people behind the bar can give you advice and answer your questions. Dont feel ashamed to
ask them. Here you can also experiment a little. Dont smoke marihuana in ordinary bars or other public
places. Most people are offended by it.
Drugs consumption is not without risk. If youre feeling sick after eating space cake or smoking, drink lots of
water with sugar. Something sweet will straighten you out in most cases. Be very careful mixing drugs with
other drugs like alcohol.
Most coffee shops are easily recognized by their green leaf symbols or anything reggae−like, or by their name
like the Rookies, De Dampkring or The Grasshopper. Apart from all the exotic Marihuana combinations, there
is quite a lot of homegrown stuff around, or like the locals call it: 'Nederwiet'. The combination of drug
tolerance and a strong tradition in plant improvement have led to some very strong versions of Marihuana.
Take care.
For more info check the Amsterdam Coffeeshop Directory
I have had several excellent 'lost' weekends in Amsterdam and it highly.
Amnesia Dreams
You got to check out Amnesia Dreams. This is the best stuff you can get in Amsterdam. Only natural stuff, no
chemicals. One of the best is the Amnesia Dreams, the namesake of the shop. It is located at Herengracht 133,
which is in the area of the Anne Frank House.
address: Herengracht 133
Do not miss this spot! You may have noticed (how could you miss it?) that there seems to be 2 types of
coffeeshops − those that are opened strictly to make money and those that are born out of their owners desire
to create a truly wonderful environment in which to 'travel'! ABRAXAS coffeeshop is one of the latter. What
could be more enticing than a comfortable, well−lit, space in which most (if not all!) of your senses are
stimulated? Music, art, furniture, overall ambience, and of course some solid ganja to bring it all together. The
owners of this place (I don't know them) have obviously spent a lot of time in putting this multi−level place
together. Comprised of 4 floors of various rooms, it is a joy to wander around checking out the place and
deciding in which environment you'd like to sort yourself out in and fly away. Internet access, fun cameras
Amsterdam − Drugs
World66's guide to Netherlands
trained on the lower−level, beautiful lighting, a grow−and−show attic lounge, great munchies bar and decent
trees make ABRAXAS a really special place. Don't miss it and have fun.
Greenhouse Tolstraat
THIS is one of the best if not the best in ADam. In the "old south" lower part of the city, it has the best
atmosphere, best hashish, a full bar, a friendly helpful staff, and for my money the best ambience of all coffee
shops. I went to many of the others listed as well, but this is always my favorite. Much mellower than Grey
Area, and the dope is just as good.hendrickx :
A wonderful coffeeshop just minutes away from Centraal Station. The vaporisers are the best in the city. And
the herbs are way up there. A++++
The upstairs at any Anyday is now open. It provides a relaxed atmosphere to relax with your traveling
companions. Also it more then doubled the seating,,,,,,
Coffeeshop Anyday
This fabulous coffeeshop probably has the best enviroment of them all. The staff are extremely friendly and
helpful. They will help find what your looking for. The vaporiser there is bar none the best design I have ever
seen. The shop is small, but there was plans to open a second floor. I will find out soon, but until then this is a
FIVE STAR place. Highly recomended
De Tweede Kamer
Tweede Kamer is one of forerunners in the scene. Some years ago they opened De Dampkring, which is more
widely known. Bigger doesn't really mean better, they sell the same stuff, but the Tweede Kamer is more
intimate and more in crowd.
De Tweede Kamer means something like second room, but by some strange coincidence this is also the name
of the Dutch parliament.Guss : This is a really nice joint, not dark and obscure, but more like a snall
grandcafe in a sort of alternative fashion. When it's warm you can also sit on one of the benches on the Spui.
address: Heisteeg 6
+31 (0)20 4222236
The Rookies
The Rookies, close to the Leidseplein, is a perfect mixture between a coffeshop and a bar. Here you can just
sit on the terrace or shoot some pool if you feel like it, or smoke some grass if you feel like something else.
Cannabis is not a hot thing, which makes it very relaxed.Anthon : Geen donker hol met wat lowlifes in een
hoekje, wat sommige mensen nog steeds denken dat een coffeeshop is, maar meer een zonnig cafe. Een hoop
incrowd maar ook veel touristen uit het bijbehorend hotel, dus lekker gemengd. Je kunt hier ook prima op het
terras zitten of poolen zonder dat je rookt!
address: Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 145−147
+31 (0)20 6266422
zipcode: 1017 PZ
The Greenhouse Effect
Amsterdam − Drugs
World66's guide to Netherlands
Little and cosy, with an excelent selection of different kinds, available pre−rolled. They sell also seeds, if you
want to try something at home (but be sure to realize any legal consequences). Tarina: Stayed in hotel right
across the street. Favorite spot to go. Great selection, friendlist service and atmosphere!! Loved it and will
return in April 01'. Happy 420! :
address: Warmoestraat 53−55
De Grasshopper
Don't go here to meet the locals. This is definitely a tourist place. On the other hand, they're very much used
to tourists, so you might feel more comfortable here then in one the smaller hidden away establishments. bob
orange: i found this place sells very tasty cakes
address: Oudebrugsteeg 16
De Dampkring
De Dampkring is really a sight to see. If youre not sure you want to smoke, and just want to observe a coffee
shop form inside, this is one of the most interesting places to go to, though far from average. Painted in bright
colors and overall sculptured, you easily get the impression youve left Amsterdam for more oriental regions.
If you enter this place, you might think you'd smoked enough, with all the different colors and the Ali−Baba
look of it. Dampkring means atmosphere, but also something like smokers cirkel.
They won the 1997 Canabis Cup, so if you like awarded shit, don't miss it.
Open Sun−Thu 10:00−01:00, Fri & Sat 10:00−02:00
address: Handboogstraat 29
Smartshop in the Toldwarsstraat, no 24, in the South of Amsterdam.
La Canna
Smartshop on the Nieuwendijk, no 123, right in the center of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam − Books
Amsterdam has many good bookshops. The biggest one is Scheltema which is located at the Koningsplein. In
the Kalverstraat you can find English books at WH Smith and The American Bookstore.
The selection of books presented here is a personal choice. If you're thinking of experimenting with
marihuana or hash, I would recommend of picking up the book 'hashish'. It contains alot of information and is
very well written.
Get Lost! The Cool Guide to Amsterdam
Amsterdam − Books
World66's guide to Netherlands
author: Joe Pauker
isbn: 9080256102
subject: travel guide
Marijuana : Not Guilty As Charged
David R
subject: drugs
Eyewitness Travel Guide: Amsterdam
subject: travel guide
Lonely Planet Amsterdam : City Guide
Rob van
travel guide
author: Robert C Clark
subject: drugs
Amsterdam − Books
World66's guide to Netherlands
Anne Frank Diary
author: Anne Frank
isbn: 8401422663
subject: history
Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts
A Review Of The Scientific Evidence
subject: drugs
a nose for shops sights and restaurants ...
a nose for shops sights and restaurants in amsterdam.
A great guide for Amsterdam with fun shops, great walking tours, restaurants with character. It had great
reviews in the Wallpaper January issue 2001.
subject: amsterdam guide
Amsterdam − Museums
Amsterdam has several excellent museums and two of the best are next to each other. The Van Gogh Museum
is a must for anyone interested in the artists work. It houses some of his most famous masterpieces beginning
with his time in Holland to the period of his death in France. On the same square is the 250−room
Rijksmuseum, which contains among its treasures a handful of exquisite Vermeers and one of the best
Rembrandt collections in the world. "The Night Watch" is exhibited in the Hall of Honor and is most
definitely a "work of art". Astonishing is only a portion of the original painting which had to be cut down to
fit its intended spot in the citys old town hall. There is a copy of an uncut version of the painting hanging in
the room just before the Hall of Honor.
The excellent Stedelijk Museum displays contemporary art including traveling exhibits from other countries.
Amsterdam − Museums
World66's guide to Netherlands
Museum Amstelkring also known as "Our Lord in the Attic" is set in a 17th−century merchant house. It
contains a secret Catholic church on the top floor. The house has its original furnishings giving a good idea of
what life at that time was like. [Note: the Stedelijk is currently closed for renovations − February 2004]
If time permits take a look a Rembrandts house near the Waterlooplein (the artist lived there 1639−1657).
And the church where he is buried at the Westerkerk, (youll walk passed it on the way to The Anne Frank
House). Have a look for the crown on top of the church given to Amsterdam by Maximilian I in 1489 and you
can also climb the spire for a great view of the city. There are also a number of other Rembrandt−related sites:
the 13th−century Oudekerk (Amsterdams oldest church), where Rembrandts wife Saskia is buried. The
15th−century Waag (weigh station) where Rembrandt painted "The Anatomy Lesson" (it now houses the
Jewish Historical Museum) and the Zuiderkerk (South Church) where he painted "The Night Watch".
Renzo Piano build this great green building right on the entrance of the IJ−tunnel (near the Central Station) to
house a museum for technology. Most people see just the bowlike form of the building, but is can also be
conceived as a theater. The cityside of the building is one giant staircase which is free accessible. On a sunny
day this is the perfect place for a picknick.
Open every day from 10am to 5pm. Closed on Monday (except during national school holidays), on
Christmas day, on 1st January and on Queen's day (30th April)
Tickets: 11 euro. Children below 4 are allowed to enter for free.
address: Oosterdok 2, Amsterdam
09009191100 ( 0,35)
zipcode: 1000 AK
Rembrandt House
The 17th century house in which Rembrandt lived and worked from 1639 till 1658 is today still to be found in
the Jodenbreestraat in Amsterdam. The house in which his son titus was born and his wife Saskia prematurely
died is also the place where he painted and made his prints. In 1911 Rembrandt's house became a museum and
it now owns and houses almost all of Rembrandt's etchings ( 250 in total). It is unique to see these exhibited in
the very same surroundings in which they where created. Also to be found in the museum are a small number
of his drawings as well as paintings by his pupils and his teacher (Pieter Lastman) Sigourney: Het 17e eeuwse
huis waar Rembrandt heeft gewoont, met zijn vrouw Saskia bestaat nog steeds en kan bezocht worden. De
collectie werken van de meester is misschien een beetje teleurstellend, maar het is wel erg leuk om te zien hoe
hij zijn schilderijen maakte en welke hulpmiddelen daarvoor nodig waren.
address: Jodenbreestraat 4−6
Van Gogh
Amsterdam − Museums
World66's guide to Netherlands
This is one the most popular museums in Amsterdam and not for nothing. It really is a nice museum. The
paintings tell the story of Van Goghs tragic life, from his start in the Netherlands to his brilliant time in
The Van Gogh Museum first opened its doors in 1973. The building, designed by Dutch architect Gerrit
Rietveld, houses the world's largest collection of works by Vincent van Gogh: some 200 paintings, 500
drawings and 700 letters, as well as the artist's own collection of Japanese prints.
The collection originally belonged to Theo van Gogh (1857−1891), Vincent's younger brother. Following
Theo's death, it passed to his widow, Johanna van Gogh−Bonger (1862−1925). Although a number of works
were sold, she retained a major group, representing all phases of Van Gogh's oeuvre. On her death in 1925,
her son, Vincent Willem van Gogh (1890−1978), inherited the collection. In 1962, on the initiative of the
Dutch state, he transferred the works to the Vincent van Gogh Foundation. They are now on permanent loan
to the Van Gogh Museum and form the nucleus of its collection.
The museum also has a large collection of works by other 19th−century artists: contemporaries and friends of
Van Gogh's − among them Paul Gauguin and Henri de Toulouse−Lautrec − as well as a number of older
artists whom he admired, such as Léon Lhermitte and Jean−François Millet. A great many of these works
were collected by the Van Gogh brothers. Their original collection has been complemented through
acquisitions and long−term loans from other institutions.
The Van Gogh Museum is located on the Museumplein in Amsterdam, between the Rijksmuseum and the
Stedelijk Museum. The entrance to the Van Gogh Museum is at Paulus Potterstraat, number 7 The museum
can be reached with trams 2 and 5 from Central Station. The museum is easily accessible for the disabled. All
floors can be reached by lift; wheelchairs and buggies are available free of charge. Sigourney: Dit is absoluut
het populairste museum van Amsterdam, maar vooral bij de touristen. Het museum toont niet alleen werk van
Van Gogh, maar concentreert zich ook op tijdgenoten als Paul Gauguin and Henri de Toulouse−Lautrec,
Breitner e.t.c. en in een steeds ruimer verband schilders en kunstenaars die een band met Van Gogh hebben.
De oorsprong van de collectie ligt bij Theo van Gogh, Vincents jongere broer Samen met het Kroller Muller
museum bezit het Van Gogh de belangrijkste werken van deze schilder.
address: Paulus Potterstraat 7
Anne Frank House
Justine Trout: The most dramatic and powerful attraction in Amsterdam is the Anne Frank hiding place. As
you climb the stairs to their little attic, each step becomes heavier and heavier with the realization of what
transpired in the middle of this beautiful tranquil city. People from all over the world stand in line in cold and
rain to see where a young girl touched the heart of the world with the diary that has been translated into more
languages than any other book, except the Bible.
openinghours: 9.00 − 19.00 until 21:00 in summer. Closed Yom Kippur
Hermitage Amsterdam
From february 2004 on Amsterdam will have its own Hermitage:
Amsterdam − Museums
World66's guide to Netherlands
The first phase of the Hermitage Amsterdam will open to the public on 28 February 2004. Small temporary
exhibitions drawn from the rich collection of The State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg will be presented
in six rooms. Each exhibition will be on view for around 5 months. For the inaugural exhibition the finest
Greek gold jewellery from the treasure rooms of the Hermitage will be coming to Amsterdam. This Greek
gold was found during various expeditions to the Black Sea, where there were Greek colonies. This
spectacular jewellery dates from the 6th to the 2nd century BC. In the Olympic year 2004 more than 100
precious items from the rich treasury of the Hermitage will be on view in Amsterdam. They are examples of
fine craftsmanship executed in bracelets, earrings, necklaces and spectacular golden wreaths. Later in 2004
there will be an exhibition on the life and the collections of the last Tsar and Tsarina, Nicholas and Alexandra,
followed in 2005 by an exhibition on Venetian painting with masterpieces by Tintoretto, Guardi, Canaletto
and Tiepolo. The exhibitions in Hermitage Amsterdam will explore the themes of anthropology, history and
The Neerlandia Building is the first phase of the master plan for the Hermitage Amsterdam. By the end of
2007 the whole Amstelhof will be in use by the Hermitage Amsterdam, with a total exhibition floor space of
over 4,000 m². The cost of renovating the Neerlandia Building will be 4 million euro, and the whole plan has a
building budget of 39 million euro. The costs will be met with the aid of the sponsor, the Sponsor Loterij, and
the subsidising bodies, the Province of North Holland, the City of Amsterdam and the W.E. Jansen Fund.
address: amstelhof
Ajax Museum
A bit of a rip off. Displays different things from the history of Ajax but you have to be a big fan to think its
worth you money and time. The stadium istelf is quite nice, though.
Sigourney says: The stadium is impressive, but the museum is just for real fans. I thought it was a rip−off.
address: Amsterdam Arena
Allard Pierson Museum
Good museum of Antiquities, collections of Egyptina, Etruskan, and Near Eastern artefacts. An important part
of the collection was donated from the private collection of the Royal family. The museum is located in an old
Bank Building dating from the mid 19th century. Jerome: It's a great museum if you happen to like plaster,
there are few large statues, lots of small stuff and a great plaster collection from the 19th century. Admission
is free if you have a students card. Sigourney: Misschien doet dit musseum een beetje stoffig aan, het is
beslist een bezoekje waard. Het Allard Pierson richt zich voor een belangrijk deel op studenten scholieren, dus
de wisselende tentoonstellingen zijn makkelijk te volgen, zonder de kwaliteit uit het oog te verliezen. Op
zolder wordt een 19e eeuwse gipscollectie bewaard, met afgietsels van de meest beroemde klassieke beelden.
openinghours: Closed on mondays
Amsterdams Historisch Museum
Situated in a former monastary this museum tells the story of the city of Amsterdam. You will be fascinated
by the interactive tools and all the daily stuff of Amsterdam people of the last centuries. Discover how they
build ships or how flats looked like 200 or 300 years ago. The museum has the only museumstreet in the
world, which is made for people passing by during their shoppings: a street connecting the inner court of the
museum with the court of the adjacent begijnhof. On the walls of this street there are 17th century paintings
Amsterdam − Museums
World66's guide to Netherlands
for witch you do not have to pay to see them. Okee, there not as fine as the ones you can see in the
Rijksmuseum, but what can you expect?
There's also a really fine restaurant with a statuegroup of David and Goliath. The origin of this group is still a
mystery. Sigourney: In het voormalig burger weeshuis vertelt dit museum de geschiedenis van de stad. Hier
vindt je de enige museumstraat ter wereld, een stukje straat met 17e eeuwse meesters aan de muur. Het
museum ligt tussen de Nieuwezijds en de Kalverstraat dus perfect als je aan het sjoppen bent. De binnenplaats
is verbonden met het Begijnhof, ook even langslopen! In het restaurant 'David en Goliath' staat levens groot
de gelijknamige beeldengroep waarvan de oorsprong nog steeds onduidelijk is.hendrickx :
address: Kalverstraat 92
Jewish Historical
Open daily 11am−5 pm, closed on Yom Kippur. The Jewish Historical musuem is located near the
Waterlooplein and offers a good introduction into the history of Jews in the Netherlands. Housed in an old
synagogue. In this old synagoge, the last peace of the railway track to the Westerborg concentration camp is
still embedded in the street.
Jonas Daniël Meijerplein 2−4
openinghours: 11.00 − 17.00, closed Yom Kippu
Maritime Museum
On the Kattenburgplein (east from the central station, visible over the water). Entry fee is fl. 14,50, the
Museum is open tues−sun 10 am−5 pm all year round, from June to September also on Mondays. Gives good
insight ionto teh Maritime history of the Netherlands. Sigourney: Het voormalig magazijn van de VOC doet
nu dienst als een museum voor de handel en scheepvaart die lang de voornaamste bron van welvaart voor
Nederland is geweest. Hier vindt je niet alleen schilderijen en schaalmodellen,maar er liggen echte schepen
binnen. Een van de pronkstukken is de konningssloep. Ook erg aanschouwelijk is de replica van de
"Amsterdam" ooit het vlaggeschip van de Nederlandse Admiraliteit.
openinghours: tues−sun 10 am−5 pm
Museum Amstelkring
also known as "Our Lord in the Attic" is set in a 17th−century merchant house. It contains a secret Catholic
church on the top floor. The house has its original furnishings giving a good idea of what life at that time was
like. Sigourney: Dit 17e eeuwse herenhuis geeft een goed idee van hoe men in de gouden eeuw leefde. Op
zolder is een schuilkerk gesitueerd. Tot de Franse tijd was het Katholiek geloof in Nederland verboden. De
gebruikten de gelovigen "geheime" plaatsten om samen te komen.
address: Oudezijds Voorburgwal
This is the number one museum in the city. Located in a majestic 1885 building designed by Pierre Cuypers
who also designed the Stadsschouwburg and the Central Station.
Amsterdam − Museums
World66's guide to Netherlands
Why is the Rijksmuseum the number one museum in Amsterdam (in the Netherlands)? For one, this is where
Rembrandts most famous work, the Nightwatch, is displayed along with a lot of other Rembrandt pictures.
But the other 17th masters are also present. Vermeers milkmaid can be found here along with pictures by Jan
Steen, Frans Hals and Breughel.
Van Gogh? No, although the museum has a couple of van Goghs in it's collection, for the real thing you
should visit the van Gogh museum just around the corner.
The museum is undergoing some big construction works at the moment but the masterpieces are still
Please note:
From 11 en 15 it often crowded. We suggest if possible to come after 16.00.
address: Stadhouderskade 42
openings: Daily from 9.00 to 18.00 (closed on 1 January).
+31 (0)20 6747047
zipcode: 1071 ZD Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
The Stedelijk Museum is one of Europe's most important museums for modern and contemporary art. It is a
dynamic museum that closely follows developments in art, particularly those of the second half of the 20th
century, with a comprehensive exhibition programme. The collection of paintings and sculptures, drawings,
prints, photography, graphic design, applied arts and new media is world−renowned. Erika Morales : this was
an awsome place for those people who are looking for a great and unusual place.
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World66's guide to Netherlands
By the turn of the 19th to 20th century Apeldoorn was not more than a village, on the edge of the Veluwe. It
has now rapidly grown to be a modern city but you can still recognize the different villages it originated from.
Its a fairly large city with a relatively small center.
Apeldoorn is surrounded by beautiful woods which are very suitable for a nice walk or cycle tour. Alongside
the Hoofdstraat you find a new shoppingmall called 'Oranjerie' and around it all the further stores you're
looking for. Attracted to the surrounding forest and heath lands there are a lot of senior citizens and the
average age is quite high. Still this does not mean Apeldoorn is a dull and sleepy city. Theres a lot of culture
to experience and in November 2004 the local concert and theatre building was re−opened to be one of the
biggest facilities of this kind in the Netherlands. The Jazz (street) festival held each June is famous.
For some relaxation bring a visit to the Caterplein (walk down the Hoofdstraat in Northern direction towards
the "Loolaan") in the center where you can take a bite to eat and a drink. For a delicious lunch, tea or meal
you can choose from the many cafés and restaurants at the marktplein (oppposite the town hall) and in the
small side streets of the Hoofdstraat. For artlovers there's art−cafe Sam Sam in the Van Kinsbergenstraat, also
a side street of the Hoofdstraat.
The main attraction in this town in central Netherlands is the 'Apenheul' primate park, which attracts over
500.000 visitors each year, in the Berg and Bos Park. The surrounding trees almost make a natural enviroment
for over 35 species of monkeys, apes and lemurs. Aso the Loo palace, built in the 17th century for William III
of Orange, is well worth a visit. The nearby Veluwe once the hunting grounds for Willem III now provide a
beautifull terrain to walk or cycle. For the youngsters theres the Julianatoren attraction park, build around a
tower from the first decenium of the last century.
Apeldoorn is about 50 mi/80 km east of Amsterdam.
Apeldoorn − Getting There
Apeldoorn can be conveniently reached by railway. There are direct lines running each hour from Utrecht,
Amsterdam, Enschede, Groningen and Leeuwarden. Theres also a line with one change each hour.
By car there are two freeways, the A1 running east from Amsterdam and the A50 southward bound from
Groningen to Arnhem.
Apeldoorn − Sights
Koningin Julianatoren
Julianatoren, is a great family playground, with all sorts of attractions, from a giant slide, flying elephants and
World66's guide to Netherlands
a watchtower build in 1910 and also a cool VEKOMA rollercoaster!!!.
address: Amersfoortsewg 35
+31 (0)55 355 3265
Stichting Apenheul
Apenheul Primate Park is one of the nicest zoos in the world. Hundreds of primates − 35 species of monkeys,
apes and lemurs − live in great freedom in the forest at Apeldoorn (near National Park de Hoge Veluwe).
Most of the animals are free roaming and can mingle with the visitors. One of the worlds largest gorillatroops
(currently 18) live on a large wooded island. Also we house a group of bonobo's and many other interesting
primate species (golden lion tamarins, yellowbreasted capuchins, woolly monkeys, spider monkeys etc etc).
J.C. Wilslaan
+31 (0)55 3575757
Paleis Het Loo
Het Loo Palace, in the woodland setting of Apeldoorn in the heart of the Netherlands, was the favourite
summer residence of the Stadholders and Royal Family of the Netherlands from 1686 to 1975. Shortly before
he was to ascend to the throne of England Scotland and Ireland, William III commissioned the construction of
a new palace next to the Medieval castle of the "Old Loo". The newly build palace was designed in 1685 by
Daniel Marot. Though its much smaller, it reminds one to the Versailles palace, to which it was a deliberate
reference. The gardens were however according explicitly Dutch, and intimate in contrast to the huge baroque
gardens of Versailles.
The palace was turned into a museum dedicated to the House of Orange−Nassau, after the Royal family
moved out in 1975. You can visit all sorts of rooms redecorated to the stile of different eras in the history of
the palace dating from King−Stadtholder William III and Queen Mary II up to the reign of Queen
Wilhelmina. They reflect the lifestyles of the members of the family of the Dutch Royal Family over three
centuries. The present day gardens are an awkward mix between the original design and the 19th century
landscape garden that replaced this. Also they are considerably reduced in size, so most of the sight lines have
Koninklijk Park 1
Tue − Sun: 10.00 − 17.00 hrs
+31 (0)55 5772400
Apeldoorn − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
Apeldoorn − Accommodation
Hotel De Paris
address: Raadhuisplein 5
+31 (0)55 522 1822
zipcode: 7311LJ
Berg en Bos
address: Aquamarynstraat 58
+31 (0)55 355 2352
zipcode: 7314HZ
address: B Backerlaan 12−14
+31 (0)55 522 3022
zipcode: 7316DZ
address: Loolaan 556
+31 (0)55 521 4141
zipcode: 7315AG
address: Canadalaan 26
+31 (0)55 522 2433
zipcode: 7316BX
De Keizerskroon
96 rooms, 2 bars, 1 indoor pools, 5 banquet rooms, radio, hair dryer, direct dial, television, mini bar, baby
sitter, sauna, gymnasium.
Koningstraat 7
+31 (0)55 521 7744
Apeldoorn − Nightlife and Entertainment
Apeldoorn − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Hoofdstraat 167
+31 (0)55 521 7390
zipcode: 7311AX
address: Hoofdstraat 171a
+31 (0)55 522 5786
zipcode: 7311AZ
address: Hoofdstraat 171b
+31 (0)55 522 2312
zipcode: 7311AZ
La Cave
address: Hoofdstraat 169
+31 (0)55 521 7569
zipcode: 7311AZ
address: Hoofdstraat 166
+31 (0)55 378 2171
zipcode: 7311BC
address: Hoofdstraat 162
+31 (0)55 521 1865
zipcode: 7311BC
De Tapperij
address: Hoofdstraat 190
+31 (0)55 522 5194
zipcode: 7311BD
De Bobbel
address: Hoofdstraat 194
+31 (0)55 578 8975
zipcode: 7311BE
Apeldoorn − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Hoofdstraat 202
+31 (0)55 521 8131
zipcode: 7311BE
address: Hoofdstraat 192
+31 (0)55 521 7199
zipcode: 7311BE
Den Olifant
address: Kapelstraat 9
+31 (0)55 521 5663
zipcode: 7311BK
Five Café
address: Kapelstraat 5
+31 (0)55 578 7650
zipcode: 7311BK
Coming Out
address: v Kinsbergenstraat 11
+31 (0)55 521 7630
zipcode: 7311BL
address: Nieuwstraat 74
+31 (0)55 578 5014
zipcode: 7311BT
Funky and Soul
address: Beekpark 17
+31 (0)55 521 5698
zipcode: 7311BZ
address: Beekpark 10
+31 (0)55 521 4193
zipcode: 7311BZ
Nieuws van Apeldoorn
address: Leienplein 12
+31 (0)55 522 0566
Apeldoorn − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
zipcode: 7311EE
address: Marktplein 15
+31 (0)55 521 3871
zipcode: 7311LJ
Het Oude Loo
address: P Joubertstraat 14
+31 (0)55 521 5531
zipcode: 7315AV
Het Country Café
address: de Heze 37
+31 (0)55 542 0545
zipcode: 7335BA
Da Groove
address: P Krugerstraat 6
+31 (0)6 5163 5538
zipcode: 7311AP
Plaza Di Christo
address: Hoofdstraat 186−188
+31 (0)55 521 2156
zipcode: 7311BD
De Flierefluiter
address: Marktstraat 22
+31 (0)55 521 5371
zipcode: 7311LH
Up and Down
address: Beekpark 13
+31 (0)55 521 6592
zipcode: 7311BZ
Old Chap
address: Nieuwstraat 64c
+31 (0)55 521 8899
zipcode: 7311BT
Apeldoorn − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: v Kinsbergenstraat 8
+31 (0)55 521 2890
zipcode: 7311BM
address: Hoofdstraat 176
+31 (0)55 576 8630
zipcode: 7311BD
The Black Horse
address: Hoofdstraat 190c
+31 (0)55 522 0161
zipcode: 7311BD
address: Hoofdstraat 196
+31 (0)55 522 1159
zipcode: 7311BE
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Arnhem (pop. 135 000) called the Garden City on the Rhine is better known to World War II veterans as the
city of A Bridge Too Far (British paratroopers tried and failed to gain a foothold across the Rhine there). A
unique thing in this so−called Garden city are the trolley busses; they use electricity−wires instead of benzine
and are thus very environment−friendly.
While in town see the Dutch Open Air Museuma collection of buildings and costumes from throughout the
Netherlands and take a look at Burger's Zoo as well. This petting zoo is located on the same street as
Arnhem's most famous Museums.
Arnhem rates a half−day visit when you want to enjoy the sights near the center but add more time if you
want to see the Airborne Museum in nearby Grote Hartensteyn or medieval Doorwerth Castle. Art lovers will
want to visit Otterloo and its collection of van Goghs at the Kroller Muller Museum. When you're planning to
stay the night in Arnhem it's real good fun to stroll the lively squares, especially the Hotspots full of bars,
pubs, cafes, restaurants and big disco's.
Arnhem − Accommodation
In Arnhem you can find many hotels and pensions. You can book them all on the same site at vvv arnhem
Near Arnhem you can also decide to stay on a camping−site when the weather is not too bad or choose for a
bungalowpark to play it safe.
Pension Warnsborn
single room: f. 55
double room: f. 85
address: Schelmseweg 1
+31 (026) 4425994
zipcode: 6816 PA
Landzaad & van Steenbergen
Bed & Breakfast
double room: f. 80
address: Frombergstraat 37
+31 (026) 3516287
zipcode: 6814 EB
World66's guide to Netherlands
Bed & Breakfast Mrs Oostendorp
single room: f. 50
double room: f. 80
zipcode: 6824 NS
Landal Greenpark Coldenhove
In the near surroundings of Arnhem is a beautiful bungalowpark called Coldenhove. It is owned by Landal
Greenparks where you can go for your reservations. At this park there also is a camping−site.
url: http:
Hotel Pension Parkzicht
single room: f. 52,50
double room: f. 95
address: Apeldoornsestraat 16
zipcode: 6826 AB
Landgoed hotel Groot Warnsborn
single room: f. 140
double room: f. 220
address: Bakenbergseweg 277
zipcode: 6816 VP
Best Western Hotel Haarhuis
single room: f. 175
double room: f. 240
address: Stationsplein 1
zipcode: 6811 KG
Hotel Molendal
Arnhem − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
single room: f. 125
double room: f. 150
address: Cronjéstraat 15
+31 (026) 4424858
zipcode: 6814 AG
Old Dutch
single room: f. 115
double room: f. 185
address: Stationsplein 8
+31 (026) 4420792
zipcode: 6811 KG
Hotel blanc
single room: f. 145
double room: f. 190
address: Coehoornstraat 4
zipcode: 6815 AH
Mercure Hotel postiljon Arnhem
single room: f. 139
double room: f. 165
address: Europalaan 25
+31 (026) 3573333
zipcode: 6816 SL
single room: f. 50
double room: f. 90
address: Paterstraat 1−3
+31 (026) 4420153
zipcode: 6826 AG
Tulip Rijnhotel
Arnhem − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
single room: f. 245
double room: f. 310
address: Onderlangs 10
+31 (026) 4434642
zipcode: 6812 CG
Bed and Breakfast Immerloo
Bed & Breakfast Guesthouse − Overnachting met ontbijt − Übernachtung mit Frühstück − Hébergement avec
petit déjeuner
28,− single room incl. breakfast
25,− single room excl. breakfast
Eimerssingel Oost 25
0031 26 321 83 53
Arnhem − Sights
Sonsbeek Art & Design
address: Tellegenlaan 3
+31 (0)26 351 22 55
Museum for modern art
address: Utrechtseweg 87
+31 (0)26 351 24 31
Nederlands Openlucht museum
You really gonna believe that you're walking in a 19th century Dutch village while visiting the beautiful
Nederlands Openlucht museum in Arnhem. You can see examples of every type of Dutch windmill,
farmhouses, a variety of bridges and several working craft shops here. Try a fresh 'rozijnenbol' (raisin roll) at
the bakery and see how they make paper in the old−fashioned way at the watermill.
Arnhem − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
The museum is opened from April−-Oct at Mon-−Fri 9am-−5pm, and Sat & Sun 10am−-5pm and costs 16
guilders per person.
It can be reached all year by bus #3 (direction Alteveer) or in July and August by special bus #13.
address: Schelmseweg
Historical Museum
There are more historical remains to admire in the Historical Museum at the Bovenbeeksestraat 21.
Koninklijk Tehuis voor Oud−Militairen en Museum
address: Velperweg 147
(+31) (0)26 384 08 40
Airborne Museum
In Oosterbeek you'll find the Airborne Museum, which is a reminder of the Battle of Arnhem (September
1944). Evidence of the fighting is shown in photos, films, equipment and weapons from both the allied and
the German side.
TV Toys Museum
In Dieren, near Arnhem there's the TV Toys Museum where you can see toys and other articles made in
connection with TV series or films.
Middachten Castle
The castle is one of the few "complete" castles because it is furnished in a completely authentic style. The
castle lies in beautiful formal gardens.
Rosendael Castle
Historical country house with a tower from middle ages.
Arnhem − Getting There
Arnhem is located in the Eastern part of Holland nearby the German boarders. When traveling by plane you
will probably arrive at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. From here it doesn't take long to reach Arnhem (1,5 hrs).
When you took the bus to Arnhem you are likely to arrive at Arnhems Central Station and from here the
city−centre is only 5 minutes away.
The last option is that you come by car and the distances within Holland are never that long (maximum of 3,5
Arnhem − Day Trips
In Arnhem there's a lot to see and to do. You can't miss the beautiful parks and gardens in this city. Outside
Arnhem you find the Burgers' zoo and National Park de Hoge Veluwe.
Arnhem − Getting There
World66's guide to Netherlands
National Park De Hoge Veluwe
Address Apeldoornseweg 250 City 7351 TA Hoenderloo Phone (+31) (0)318 59 16 27 Fax (+31) (0)55 378
81 19 E−mail
Burgers' Zoo
Outside Arnhem you find the Burgers' zoo. Besides hundred animal species there are some really good
projects in this zoo. On of them is a new project about marine life ('Burgers' Ocean') in tropical oceans and its
nearing its final stages. Burgers' bush, another must−see project is the Burgers' bush; it looks and feels (even
smells) like a real tropical rainforest and you here you see beautiful birds, waterfalls, tropical plants and rocks.
Also worth seeing is Burgers' Desert−project that simulates a desert−environment. For more information surf
to the Burgers' Zoo website
Schelmseweg 85
6816 SH Arnhem
the Netherlands
telephone: 031 26 4424534 or 031 26 4450373
fax: 031 26 4430776
Arnhem − Hotspots
The Korenmarkt offers everything for an nice evening in Arnhem. The rather small square and the streets
around it contain more nice places than you might think in the first place.
A nice, cool glass of beer you can't expect in the cafe where they only serve beer in wired bottles called a
'Beugel'. Cafe de Beugel is a real dutch pub, or 'bruin cafe' in Dutch.
For some dance and swing music go to the trendy partycafe Bloopers at the corner of the
When you're getting a bit hungry try the restaurant Pinoccio which offers you a wide range of Italian cuisine.
Sateh lovers go to the Sate plaza. All dishes are served in the shape of sateh here.
Arnhem − Day Trips
World66's guide to Netherlands
After a bite to eat you can take a chance in the Manhattan disco for some real good dance music. The Opera
offers you music ranging from Top 40 to Dance−Classics and Mellow to Commercial House.
Arnhem − Internet Cafes
Arnhem − Shopping
While shopping in Arnhem, you might start in the Jansstraat (get out of the bus/trolley−bus at
Willemsplein)and walk out of this street (cross the Ketelstraat) where you find three extraordinary shops for
the more alternative people in the Weverstraat(Deal; mainly second−hand clothing, Britain; clothes for
rappers and hiphopfans and Soul; expensive clothes especially from the seventies). The Jansstraat itself hasn't
much to offer apart from a nice treacle−wafer and some bakeries.
The second choice is that you head for the Ketelstraat and the Vijzelstraat. The first one cross the Jansstraat
and the Vijzelstraat is a lengtheling of this street. The Ketelstraat is the largest shoppingstreet in Arnhem and
the stores vary from drugsstore to shops with the latest fashion (Forecast, Sting etc) and from lunchrooms to
Also of great interest for the shopfreaks is the Bijenkorf (although rather expensive), the biggest department
store in town. When you go there don't forget to visit the 'Chill out' zone (in the basement). They have the
strangest presents and the trendiest clothes. Another big departmentstore is Vroom en Dreesmann at the
Velperplein. When you heading for this store stop at the snackcorner 'Tsjakka'in the Roggestraat where you
can eat snacks for the lowest prices. I recommend you try a real Dutch 'kroket' for a change.
Around the Ketelstraat and the Vijzelstraat are a lot of other streets you can't miss, like 'Dille&Kamille' in the
Koningsstraat and when you come on Saturday you can also stroll down the market (walk down the
Koningsstraat until you reach the Market square).
Arnhem − Eating Out
Kohinoor of India
Good indian restaurant where you can get a decent meal for 10 EURO. Good option for vegetarians as well.
address: Oude Oeverstraat 7
(026) 351 45 13
Nicely located on the quiet Jansplein where you can have a good meal for an excellent prize and still be able
to have a normal conversation with it (as opposed to most terraces on the Korenmarkt). Besides Mexican
dishes also a very good rotating tapas plate according to the chef's choice which will undoubtedly be your
Arnhem − Hotspots
World66's guide to Netherlands
choice as well.
Jansplein 49
openinghours: 17:00 − 22:00
026 4432963
Good place for lunch and dinner. Besides Surinamese dishes also tasty dishes from the Antilles.
address: Hommelstraat 46−48
026 3517651
zipcode: 6828 AK
What's in a name? Probably the best known branch of Argentinian restaurants. Original music and a
three−meal course for round and about 50 guilders.
Jansplaats 13a
openinghours: 17:00−23:00
026 4434121
Queen of Sheba
Nice Ethiopian restaurants. Finally a restaurant where you are allowed, even encouraged, to eat with your
hands. Many vegetarian dishes as well (Orthodox ethiopians don't eat meat on wednesdays and fridays).
Markt 20
openinghours: 17:00 to 23:00 closed mondays
(026) 443 35 90
Enig Alternatief
Small and cozy vegetarian restaurant. It fills up fast so come early.
(026) 445 76 26
address: Nieuwe Plein 36
zipcode: 6811 KR
Arnhem − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Arnhem − Nightlife and Entertainment
¡YA Salsa!
¡YA Salsa! is
− not only salsa lessons but also:
− styling, technique, fun, passion
− clear explanation of the steps for men ánd women
− personal attention
Yolanthe has been dancing, teaching and choreographing to almost any kind of music, Argentinean tango,
early dance, ballet, until she fell in love.with salsa. She lost her heart to the music, rhythm and dance of the
Caribbean. Apart from her activities as a salsateacher and dancer, Yolanthe also is a freelance copywriter and
Astrids mum once said about her daughter: this baby started dancing while she was still in my womb! So
when Astrid discovered salsa dancing, it was no surprise that a new salsaholic was born. Besides her dancing
talent, Astrid is also a freelance designer
Both ladies decided to join forces and start their own salsadanceschool: ¡YA Salsa! Music, dance, show, we
are practically breathing, eating and sleeping salsa +31(0)622 − 98 98 87
031(0)622 98 9 887
Live music three nights a week with on Sundays excellent jazz performances.
address: Roermondsplein 31
026 445 9224
zipcode: 6811 JN
Besides a disco, also a nice café and regular events.
Arnhem − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Sw de Landasstraat 65
026 4450652
zipcode: 6814 DB
Recently opened gay café. Good atmosphere and nice music.
address: Nieuwstraat 66
zipcode: 6811 HX
Arnhem − History
Arnhem − People
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Arnhem − History
Beek − Internet Cafes
Jade Online Internet Caf?
Described by the dutch magazine as the best in the Netherlands, certainly the
friendliest and the most helpful. Not the biggest, not the cheapest, but here
you can do almost anything, inclucing cd burning, and webcams.
14,00 guilders
00 31 46 4377535
Monday 18.00 to 01.00 Tuesday − Sunday 12.00 − 03.00
Caf? 't Gevelke, Pr. Mauritslaan 4
Beek, Limburg 6191EG Netherlands
La Bastille
It's a three−in−one shop. Downstairs you have a bookshop, and a cd−rom room.
Upstairs there is a very nice coffeecorner and a place to get on the net. There
are 5 pc's available.
Internet cafe located in the heart of the Jordaan, near the Pulitze
10Hfl per Hour
Internet Cafe, Amsterdam
Internet Cafe
Korte Nieuwendijk 30
It's an initiative of the Dutch Internet provider Euronet and Patrick of the
Internet Cafe.
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Beek − Internet Cafes
Bloemendaal is a popular seaside resort about 30 km from Amsterdam. The beach is pretty much the same as
in Zandvoort but there are more popular beach clubs in Bloemendaal. The disadvantage of Bloemendaal is
that you can't get there by direct train from Amsterdam, so you have to take the bus.
Bloemendaal − Things to do
Nice place. Dancing every sunday. gre: rger
Coolest place, dj's on thursday. Jost Wagner: It is a nice place to party. Sometimes live music. The
consumption of Barcardi Breezers is incredible on a hot day. ...
Bloemendaal − Internet Cafes
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Breda is a quiet student town in the south of the Netherlands, halfway between Rotterdam and Antwerp. The
town is the Dutch version of Ancient Troy; het Turfschip van Breda helped the Dutch army conquer the city
from the Spaniards in pretty much the same way as the Trojan Horse helped the Greeks.
Breda shows many signs of its past. Monuments, references and memorials. Pieced together they give you an
idea of how it might have been.Take a walk along the Historical Mile and you'll find yourself passing through
the oldest part of Breda .
And every Tuesday morning (as it still is today) you can visit the weekly market, which has been in existence
since 1321. The majpor landmark in the historic centre is the tower of the Grote or Onze Lieve Vrouwe Kerk
(the Church of Our Lady). It dominates almost the whole of Breda. It took 125 years in all to build. It is richly
decorated on the outside, and despite the effects of the Reformation in 1566 it still has a remarkable interior.
Nightlife and eating out in Breda are no problem. There are many restaurants, bar and pubs to spend the
evening. The atmosphere is so warm, that some people describe Breda as 'the most northern city of Southern
Europe'. Well....
Breda − Internet Cafes
Breda − Eating Out
Ristorante Da Nino
address: Vlaszak 2
zipcode: 4811GR
Los Rancheros
Besides being the place if you want to throw a big party with a lot of meat, ideal spot for a tasty lunch or
address: Dr. Lelykade 17
070 350 14 70
zipcode: 2583 CL
The 'rijsttafel' is huge and almost too big for the small tables. Nice setting and good atmosphere.
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Markendaalseweg 68
076 521 32 06
zipcode: 4811 KD
Not strictly vegetarian, but that's good if one of you wants some meet, but still a very good and reasonably
priced vegetarian restaurant in the centre.
address: Markt 8
(076) 514 63 93
Breda − Nightlife and Entertainment
casper mol : Café Zottekot is als een oase van gezelligheid met een wat jonge uitstraling en enorm veel
address: Visserstraat 24
076 5209202
zipcode: 4811 WE
De Apres−ski hut
Iris van der Leij : Lekkere muziek en een goeie sfeer. Echt een plek om lekker gek te doen. Dansen kan
overal en iedereen gaat z'n gang. De drank gaat als water over de toonbank en smaakt nog goed ook.
address: Reigerstraat
mij onbekend!
zipcode: let ik nie
Bredance −Sounds Of The City
De Bredase partyorganisatie Bredance is terug ! Na een afwezigheid van 2 jaar ,is de Bredase
partyorganisatie Bredance weer helemaal Back To The Front. De bekende formule word weer opgepakt.
Kansen voor regionaal talent in een mix met gevestigde orde, gaan en mixtpubliek van jong en oudere
jongeren weer oorstrelend verwennen. De 4 seizoen's partys van Bredance zijn dus weer helemaal terug,elk
seizoen weer zijn eigen Bredancefeest We trappen weer af Vrijdag 8 okt 2004. ( herfst editie ) Vanuit de
Boulevard St.Janstraat 3a Breda (centrum) Met de hardstyl − tranceparty, "Sounds Of The City" Voor
meer informatie over Bredance en de line−up check de grote partyagendas, spot de media, of bezoek
St.Janstraat 3a breda
Breda − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
ClosingTime: 02.00h
closingtime: 02.00h
De Apres−ski hut
Austrian style ski hut cafe in the center of Breda
address: Reigerstraat
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Breda − Nightlife and Entertainment
Brunsumm is a small coal mining village about 30 minute drive from Heerlen.
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De efteling
With over 2 million visitors a year, De Efteling is the Netherlands favourite amusement park. Originally it
was a big Sprookjesbos (Fairytale Forrest) designed by Anton Pieck in the 50−ies, with very cosy built small
houses in it, each representing a famous fairytale. In the 80−ies it has added a lot of modern attractions like a
rollercoaster (the Python) which changed the outlook of the park a bit, but in recent years the park has gone
back to its roots a bit. The latest additions are all tasty, and have to do with fairytales. Quite a few of the
attractions are in Dutch, but there is enough to enjoy for foreigners, especially if you have children.
The efteling is best reached from
Tilburg or Den Bosch.
De efteling − Internet Cafes
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De efteling
De hoge veluwe
This 130 000−acre/53 000−hectare nature reserve has lakes, heather deer, wild pigs etc. It's perfect for some
walking−tours. The Kroller−Muller Museum (located inside the park) has a fine collection including works by
van Gogh and Rodin and is a real must−see in the Netherlands. You can reach the park easily by bus from
Apeldoorn or Arnhem.40 mi/65 km east of Amsterdam.
De hoge veluwe − Getting There
If you do not have a car, the best way to get to The Hoge Veluwe is taking a train to station Ede Wageningen
or Arnhem and rent a bike at the station. The bikes are not very expensive and buses are not very frequent and
do not always drop you of exactly where you want. Within the park there are free bikes, you can use for the
period of your visit.
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De hoge veluwe
De zaanse schans
Your traditional daytrip from Amsterdam. Just 30 minutes away, you find windmills, old shops, cobbly streets
etc. Perfect to take your kids, but if you like to do the untouristy thing, you can give it a miss.
Highlights include the Albert Hein shop (Duth 7−11, now one of the biggest retailers in the world, owns shops
in Sweden, US, Portugal etc.) and the shop where they make wooden shoes.
~ The area was named 'De Zaanse Schans' after an entrenchment which was erected in 1574 to hold back
Spanish troops at the beginning of the Eighty Years War between the Netherlands and Spain. People work and
live in the Zaanse Schans: they feel at home in the area and keep alive the glory which this industrial district
saw in the golden age. Visiting the Zaanse Schans, you will see a situation characteristic of the landscape of
that district until late in the nineteenth century. The dikes were probably built as early as the thirteenth
century, the first villages were built along these at a later date. Until late in the last century these were typical
'dike−villages'. Highly recommend visiting this place, its only 8 miles from Amsterdam and perfect for
biking. There is an "outdoor" muesum displaying a typical working farm along with windmills and barn
animals, definetly worth the time spent.
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De zaanse schans
Delft is a nice old garrison town halfway between Rotterdam and The Hague . The name Delft actually means
The center of the town has a few nice canals, you can wander along, and some good museums. Delft is a
university town, with a renowned technical university, so there are always many young people around and the
atmosphere is pleasant enough. The only drawback: most students are male, and there is some shortage of
young women.
Delft is of course also famous for Delftware, blue and white ceramics. They are on offer in all the tourist
shops. The Porcelijne Fles (address: Rotterdamseweg 196) is a factory where you can see how they are
The main attractions include: Markt (central market place), Nieuwe Kerk (New Church on the Markt) and
"het Stadhuis" (Cityhall, also on the Markt). Further on, the Wijnhaven is a nice canal, the Prinsenhof
(nowadays a museum, but in history the place where Willem of Orange lived and is murdered), the Oude Kerk
(Old Church) and "het Legermuseum" (the Royal Weapon Museum).
The Nieuwe Kerk is the place where the Royal Family is buried. October 2002 was the last burial, His Royal
Highness Prince Claus, the husband of our Queen Beatrix.
Every Thursday there is a large market on "de Markt" with vegetables, fruit, fish, cloth, bakkery and all kinds
of other things.
Every Saturday there is a little market on the Brabantse Turfmarkt and Burgwal, nearby the central market
place. There is also on saturday an antique market on the Hyppolytusbuurt, but only during summertime
(approximately april−september).
More information about Delft, you can find on the website
If you are visiting Delft there is a tourist office at the Hippolytusbuurt, a street between the Oude Kerk en the
Nieuwe Kerk.
Hope you enjoy your visit to this beautiful small city.
Delft − Getting There
Delft − Eating Out
De Koornbeurs
World66's guide to Netherlands
Place where you get good cheap food, student ambiance.
address: Kornmarkt 50−52
Willem van Orange
Does good Uitsmijters (ham, chees & fried egg sandwitches). You can sit outisde in summer.
address: Markt
De Wijnhaven
Located on the Wijnhaven in the old center of Delft, the Wijnhaven is a cozy bar and does good meals
(upstairs). Good sate (peanut sauce).
Delft − Nightlife and Entertainment
Delft − Internet Cafes
Gateaway Internetcafe
It is a nice internet cafe next to Delft Station. It offers customers to relax and drink at the bar and as well as
provides a fast internet connection. Anyone visiting Delft should definatly drob in once. We have
international people working and the language used is English.
address: Vanleuwenhoeksingel 55
hours: 12:00Am−24:00 PM
zipcode: Delft
Delft − Accommodation
Hotel Restaurant Johannes Vermeer
Hotel Johannes Vermeer is a new hotel with 24 luxurious rooms and a weddingsuite. All rooms are equipped
with colour television, telephone with datalink, bathroom with shower and toilet. The hotel is situated in an
old sigarfactory in the sparkling centre of Delft with its many cultural sights and shops. Our delicious
breakfast is served in one of the pleasing rooms of our Restaurant/Grand Cafe Johannes Vermeer, which also
offers a sublime restaurant with a lovely garden.
address: Molslaan 18−22
Delft − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Delft Museumhotel − Best Western
on the oldest canal of Delft, that's where this hotel is located, it offers nice rooms with TV, phone and private
For detailed information send a mail or check the Webpage
address: Oude Delft 189, 2611 HD Delft
+31 (0)15 − 214 09 30
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Delft − Accommodation
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Den Bosch
Historically Den Bosch is one of the most important towns of the south of the Netherlands. In the Middle
Ages it was a major religious and political centre but after the reformation it lost some of its economic
importance to the cities in Holland.
The Cathedral is one of the main attractions of the city. The area around the cathedral has many old houses
and small streets lined with shops, restaurants and bars. This is the best area to spend your time.
Den Bosch − Eating Out
address: Vughterstraat 161
073 6125122
De Rode Pimpernel
Nice place with goodservice. Not too expensive. Best seats are in the back.
address: Hinthamerstraat 109
zipcode: 5211 MH
Den Bosch − Internet Cafes
Den Bosch − Nightlife and Entertainment
Willem van Breugel : Goeie disco waar allemaal gezellige mensen komen met een minimum leeftijd van 18
jaar. De muziek verschild maar over het algemeen dance muziek.
zipcode: 5211 GA
Den Bosch
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: vughterstraat 99A
de Tijd
address: Snellestraat 50
zipcode: 5211 EN
In de Kleine Werelt
je−mie yan : Centraal gelegen, gezellige muziek en sfeer. Perfect om na het winkelen wat te drinken en een
hapje te eten.
address: Markt 16
zipcode: 5211 JX
Den Bosch − Getting Around
Den Bosch really is a very nice town. You can walk the heart of the city in just 5 minutes. That's because the
city was protected by walls. The St. John's Cathedral is typical for the Brabant Gothic style of building. Den
Bosch is the city of Jeroen Bosch, the famous medieval painter. If you see his work in the "Brabants Museum"
you'll be struck by the way his unknown work hits you right in the heart. You immediately fall in love with it.
;) Den Bosch is also a town with a lot of nice places to wine and dine. The province of Brabant is well known
for the "good way of living".
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Den Bosch − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
Den Helder
Den Helder − Internet Cafes
Cafe Tweeduizendvijf (Netsh@ck)
Internetcaf? Den
Elandstraat 48
tel: 2513 GT Den Haag
Denneweg 7f
Den Haag
tel: 070 364 4094
url: 070−36.36.286
Internetcafe in the middle of the City Den Helder. You can relax get a
non−alcoholic drink and you will be entertained by our barkeeper Roy Toy. Don't
be shocked.
Friday to 8pm
FL5,− 30 min
Breewaterstraat 12
Den Helder 1781 Netherlands
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Den Helder
World66's guide to Netherlands
Deventer − Internet Cafes
Muziek Cafe The Jams
A nice brown music cafe with free internet.
Monday Closed
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Didam is a small city in Gelderland
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Best and most beautiful beaches in the Netherlands. Island of walcheren arcadian! Lots to see and explore in
historic towns Veere, Middelburg , Vlissingen and even the historic towns in Belgium are nearby!
Domburg − Internet Cafes
galerie pop
A small art−galery with fine modern paintings and
ceramic. Fair−trade−Coffee!
0031 118 584334
email: 9.00 −21.00
hours: Euro 5
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Dordrecht is one of the oldest citys in Holland.
It is a very nice tourist visiting city.
There are man yold buildigs to visit.
Such as the church. (Grote Kerk).
Dordrecht − Sights
Dordrecht is the oldest city in the Netherlands, but this does not mean the sights to visit are all archeological
sites. There's also a lot to see for those who like modern architecture or arts.
Dordrecht − Accommodation
Dordrecht has some wonderful hotels located right in the middle of the old town.
Dordrecht − Internet Cafes
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World66's guide to Netherlands
Edam is a cute little town juts north of Amsterdam. It has some very nice canals, and it is a nice place to rent a
boat and go boating on the IJsselmeer.
Edam gave its name to the Edam cheese, the small ropund one with the red outside, but in town there is not
much to remind you of this fact.
Edam is a nice daytrip from Amsterdam, and can be combined with either Volendam, Alkmaar or Hoorn.
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When you know Philips there's no doubt you also know it's 'birth−city' Eindhoven, by the locals known as the
'City of Light' at least with those that never made it to Paris. There's more about this city than the Philips bulb
museum, though very little that's not connected in some way to this multinational.
The internationally known soccer club PSV originated from this company and is still sponsered by Philips.
After an exciting soccergame you can relax in one of the nice cafés and bars or maybe a disco. Take a look at
Eindhovens diverse nightlife.
During the day there will be many things left to see and to do, for some ideas take a look at museums and
Eindhoven − Eating Out
address: Stationsplein 3a
040 2450298
zipcode: 5611 AB
Sala Thai
Great staff and excellent food (though not the cheapest).
address: Staringstraat 31
0040 2434101
zipcode: 5615 HC
Oriental Greenhouse
Just about everything is perfect. The ambiance, the staff, the cook and especially the food. A must when your
into Japanese food.
address: Aalsterweg 281
040 293 05 20
zipcode: 5644 RD
Het Lachende Varken
Not typical African restaurant, but veggie café with tasty African dishes. Inexpensive. Might be a good idea to
make reservations.
address: Dr. Zamenhofstraat
World66's guide to Netherlands
010 411 61 48
zipcode: 3061 SH
Small vegetarian restuarant that also publishes vegetarian cooking books.
Voorterweg 168
openinghours: thur − sat 17.00 − 21.30
(040) 212 34 66
Eindhoven − Accommodation
Probably the only time you ever needed a reservation was during the Euro 2000 soccer games, but it may get
crowded when PSV plays at home or at the Dynamo Open Air festival. If the city's booked up, try to book
accommodation in another village near Eindhoven (Best, Geldrop, Mierlo or Veldhoven).
In this cities you'll find several hotels and campsites. Besides you can also try a bungalow.
Tulip Inn (Best)
address: De Maas 2
Hotel Tulip Inn
address: Markt 35
Dorint Hotel
address: Vestdijk 47
Holiday Inn Veld
address: Montgomerylaan 1
Mandarin Park Plaza
Novotel Eindhoven
Eindhoven − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Ant. Fokkerweg 101
Hotel Pierre
Hotel Campanile
address: N−Brabantlaan 309
Centerparcs Kempervennen
The Kempervennen is a bungalowpark (bungalows from 2 to 10 persons) situated in one of the most beautiful
nature areas in Holland 'de Malpie'. You'll find it at 11 km. from Eindhoven in Westerhoven.
address: Kempervennendreef 8, Westerhoven
040−208 33 33
Herberg Oud Eindhoven
address: Stratumseind 63
Golden Tulip Geldrop
address: Bogardeind 219, Geldrop
Carlton De Brug
address: Arkweg 3−17, Mierlo
address: Locht 117 , Veldhoven
Eindhoven − Museums
There are a couple of interesting museums in Eindhoven that are worth a visit. Take a look at the ones
mentioned below.
Prehistoric open−air museum Eindhoven
Eindhoven − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
For lots of crafts and archeological foundings go to this beautiful museum at the Boutenslaan 161b, (+31)
(0)40 252 22 81
Klompenmuseum de Platijn
When your interested in the real Dutch wooden shoes, see how they are made in this museum which is
situated in Best.
address: Broekdijk 12, Best
tel.: (+31) (0)499 37 12 47
DAF Museum
Interesting museum for DAF−lovers. You can see cars/motorbikes and scooters of this Dutch brand.
address: Tongelresestraat 27
tel.: (+31) (0)40 244 43 64
Van Abbemuseum entr'acte
This is one of the leading museum for modern art. Here you can admire the works of Picasso, Chagall,
Kandinsky, El Lissitzky, Theo van Doesburg, Mondriaan and Appel and more famous artists.
address: Vonderweg 1
tel.: 040 − 2755275
Museum Kempenland
Eindhoven is situated in the district Kempenland. To get to know some of its history pay a visit to the
Kempenland Museum in the 'steentjeskerk'. This museum is a great place to spend a few hours.
Philips first bulb factory
The city of Eindhoven got most of its fame from the Philips factory which you really should visit.
Eindhoven − Getting Around
To find your way around in Eindhoven you can choose between the bus, a (rental) car, or a taxi. The first
option is probably the cheapest one which also solves your problem to find a place to park your car (this is
rather expensive here, the prices are 0,50 cents per 12 minutes with a maximum of 6,− a day). The city−centre
has about 20 car parks
Taxi's are the most expensive means of transport to get a taxi call (040) 2481199.
Eindhoven − Getting There
Eindhoven − Museums
World66's guide to Netherlands
The easiest way to reach Eindhoven is to take the plane directly to Eindhoven Airport. Since not much flights
land in this city, you will probably travel from Amsterdam's airport Schiphol or Rotterdam's airport.
First one is about 3 hours drive from Eindhoven. By train you have to take the one heading for
Amersfoort/Enschede and then get out at Duivendrecht. Here you continue your journey with the train to
Utrecht CS/Eindhoven or Utrecht CS/Maastricht (total traveltime is 2,5 hrs).
When arriving at Rotterdam you can take the train in direction Gouda/Utrecht and get out at Utrecht. The
trains you then can take to Eindhoven are the ones to Hertogenbosch/Eindhoven, Hertogenbosch/Maastricht,
Dordrecht/Venlo or Dordrecht/Heerlen (about 1,5 hrs).
Tour buses will probably arrive at the central station in Eindhoven which is very close to its city−centre.
Eindhoven − Shopping
The shops in Eindhoven are very diverse and numerous. Besides strolling several interesting shoppingstreets
like Demer, Rechtestraat, Hermanus Boexstraat and Vrijstraat you can also visit the two main shopping
Indoor shopping centre that has various shops like H&M, Perry Sport, Zara and more...
The Bijenkorf
This is the biggest (also rather expensive) department store in Eindhoven and it's situated next to the central
train station.
For some strange gifts try the Chill Out here.
The Heuvel Galerie
This luxury shopping centre you'll find near The Markt
De Bergen
In this area you can take a look in antique shops, galleries and unique specialist stores situated in picturesque
pre−war buildings.
Eindhoven − Day Trips
When you have seen all the museums, sights and shops, try some other cities or attractions near Eindhoven.
Eindhoven − Getting There
World66's guide to Netherlands
Carfreaks can have the day of their life in Autotron Rosmalen with 115 years of car history. Also of interest is
the 'house of the future' with all kinds of technical gadgets which you can also find in this park. For more info:
+31 73 5233300.
Safari Beekse Bergen
Im Hilvarenbeek you will find one of the world largest zoological gardens where you can go on a safari safari
walk, in a safari bus or boot or by your own car and explore the 1000 animals that live here. Information 0900
The Land van Ooit
When you have children, don't forget to visit this fun fair in Drunen, because here they make the rules! This
world of theatre and fantasy is a dream come true for your kids. For more info dial +31 416 377775.
The Efteling
The Efteling is the biggest amusementpark in Holland and it is a real must−see. There are many breathtaking
attractions like the 'Land van Laaf' and the impressive 'Droomvlucht' . For dare−devils some challenges are
the 'Vogel Rok' and the 'Python' which you can't miss.
Situated in Kaatsheuvel, tel.: +31 41 6273535
Eindhoven − Internet Cafes
Monday − Saturday: 16.00 − 02.00 (Kitchen: 17.30 − 24.00)
Sunday: 17.00 − 24.00 (Kitchen: 17.30 − 22.00)
Music, food, drinks, it looks like fun ! There seems to be a connection to the
Eindhoven Digital City. trafalgar@iaehv.n
wed.−sun. 14:00−02:00
Trafalgar Pub
Trafalgar Pub
Dommelstraat 21
address: Het Internetcafé in Laser Quest Eindhoven
Oude Stadsgracht 15, (midden op het Stratumseind)
Phone/fax: 040−2443131
leenderweg 65a
Eindhoven 5614HL Netherlands
Eindhoven − Day Trips
World66's guide to Netherlands
A relax internethouse with 35 PC's with lounche corner,
E−shop en lots of other features.
Eindhoven − Nightlife and Entertainment
Eindhoven offers you lots of good disco's, bars and cafe's. There are seven areas to be discovered each
discussed below.
De Markt
De Markt has several grand cafes and terraces and even a Casino (Holland Casino).
Walk from de Markt to the Stationskwartier and enjoy the cafes and restaurants here. You can't miss the
Danssalon; one of the most famous Dutch danceclubs.
Near the Stationskwartier you'll see the Dommelstraat packed with little cafes and restaurants. At the end you
will run into the club the liquid.
Eindhovens place to be at night is the Stratumseind with many cafés, various places to eat and good pubs.
At this square surrounded by cafés you can often enjoy live perfomances.
De Bergen
Walk down the Wilheminaplein to the narrow street of the Kleine Berg and visit a nice dinner cafe or the
Berlage grand cafe.
Lokaal 28
Eindhoven − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
Max : In Lokaal 28 is het eten super! Van Thaise Wonton soep tot tapas. Er is een avond kaart maar ook een
nacht kaart. Tot 4:00 in de nacht kan je hier in je lounge stoel een hapje eten.
address: Stratumseind
zipcode: 5600 xx
One of the best shops in eindhoven
ClosingTime: 10:00 − 23:45
closingtime: 10:00 − 23:45
Bier café de Belg
Mark Luijbregts : Het is een kleine gezellige kroeg waar je een potje kunt darten en een goed biertje kunt
drinken met een vriend of een (nog) onbekende.
address: Dommelstraat
zipcode: ?
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Eindhoven − Nightlife and Entertainment
Enkhuizen is a very nice town on the shores of the IJsselmeer. It is a good place to go if you consider sailing
on one of the old big brown sailing boats used in earlier days. The center is preety and the Zuiderzee museum,
open air museum with old houses and traditional trades, is nice to visit. Near the harbour you will find the big
monument of the town, the Dromedaris, a big old lighthouse.
You can go to Enkhuizen by train from Amsterdam. The trip takes about an hour and passes by Hoorn.
Enkhuizen − Internet Cafes
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It depends on where you're coming from, but when you're arriving from the western part of the Netherlands,
the first thing you want to do is probably get out of that train where you've been seated in for over two hours.
The city centre of this student town of the east, is from a walkable distance of the train station.
As a result of its young population and being the main city of Twente, the old heart still beats vividly at the
'Oude Markt'. This square is packed with terraces during summer−time and transforms into a busy nightlife
area at night where there is always a 'bruin cafe', such as 'de Kater', where you can have your beer, an 'eetcafe'
to have a tasty dish of the day and a disco where you can dance the night away until the early hours. From the
Oude Markt, you can set off for one of the many shopping streets that surround the church at the main square.
For those interested in Dutch paintings, the Rijksmuseum has an interesting and elaborate collection of Dutch
On the 13th of May 2000, one of Enschede's residential quarters vanished as a result of a fireworks'
Enschede − Eating Out
Leon Koesoemowidjojo : In het centrum naast de Oude markt en daardoor prima te combineren met een café−
of bioscoop bezoek. Reken op gemiddels 40 piek voor een drie gangen menu. Tevens ook uitstekende wijnen
verkrijgbaar en een afhaal service.
address: Marktstraat 2
zipcode: 7511 GD
Enschede − Internet Cafes
Enschede − Nightlife and Entertainment
apres ski club
It's not a club (like disco) it is a café
World66's guide to Netherlands
gRight in the center − can be pretty crowded.
address: Getfertwg 134
+31 (0)53 430 1106
zipcode: 7512BE
Bolwerk, Het
address: Stadsgravenstr 21
+31 (0)53 431 8746
zipcode: 7511EP
Middelpunt, 't
address: T de Keyserstr 4
+31 (0)53 431 7020
zipcode: 7545BK
Geveltje, Het
address: Gronausestr 1214
+31 (0)53 461 6105
zipcode: 7534AT
address: Poolmansweg 71
+31 (0)53 432 4259
zipcode: 7545LM
Hardick & Landewe BV
address: Gronausestr 124
+31 (0)53 432 0048
zipcode: 7533BR
address: Oosterstr 136
+31 (0)53 435 5738
zipcode: 7531TL
Sprakel café
address: Dorpsstr 137
+31 (0)53 433 4340
zipcode: 7524CH
Nationaal Café Biljart
Enschede − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Heldersplein 20
+31 (0)53 461 1338
zipcode: 7532AN
address: Hofstr 3
+31 (0)53 430 9609
zipcode: 7511HD
address: Langestr 50a
053 432 95 95
zipcode: 7511 HC
Heer Bommel eetcafé
address: Weerseloseweg 370
+31 (0)53 435 2565
zipcode: 7522PT
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Ermelo − Internet Cafes
Internetcaf.Pinel is a iniative of volunteers in
Ermelo. Several people are helping and guiding others to find there way on
the world.wide.web. Low cost (only 0,50 p/hour), max fun!
0031 341 55 48 51
email: Tuesday: 13.30 − 17.00 hour
hours: EURO 0,50 p/hour
0031 341 55 48 43
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Friesland (or Frisia) is the Netherlands northernmost province with a distinct character. The Frisians actually
go back a long time and speak their own language, have their own culture and their own names. Male frisian
forenames tend to end on an 'e', while family names tend to end on 'ga'.
Nowadays people come to Friesland for the countryside and the watersports. There are lots of lakes with lots
of sailingboats and lots of little houses on the water (usually owned by Germans). While traveling around in
Friesland, you'll no doubt see lots of Frisian cows, the normal black and white variety. Fries Stamboek was
the first try at scientific cow improvement.
Speed scating is big in Friesland. Scaters are heroes and if you happen to be in Thialf (Heerenveen) during a
championship, go there and be amazed by the sheer fanaticism this sport elicits in the public.
Friesland − History
Friesland − Getting There
The normal options apply here, which basically means that taking a train is your best option. There are
frequent trains from Amsterdam or Rotterdam with connections every half hour and a possible change of
trains in Amersfoort. It is also possible to take a train over Groningen, directly into Germany.
Although originally it was planned that a railroad track was going to be laid over the Afsluitdijk, the dam that
connects Friesland with Holland, in the end the government decided for a highway. If you want to travel over
the Afsluitdijk, you will either have to go by bus, from Alkmaar, get your own wheels, or bike. Biking is an
option, especially if the wind comes from the right direction.
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World66's guide to Netherlands
Bolsward is one of the eleven cities of Friesland. It is located close to the beginning of the Afsluitdijk, the
dyke that connects Friesland with North Holland.
The inner city houses over 80 official monuments. The city hall is one of them. Other sights include the
Broerekerk, the Martinikerk and the Oudheidskamer (chamber of antiquities).
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Located in the north east corner of Friesland, close to Groningen, Dokkum is famous for the fact that Irish
born monk Boniface was killed here when he tried to cut down a holy oak. This was back in 754 − now the
inhabitants are wlecoming and friendly to foreigners, and they have are protestant Christians.
Sights include the Admiraliteitshuis. A trip to Anjum with the wind mill museum (De Eendracht) is also
worth your while. Moddergat is also nearby.
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Franeker is located in the north of Friesland. It houses one unique site which is worth the detour: the planetary
of Eise Eisinga, a 17−th century scholar who built a complete planetary in his living room. His wife didn't
quite like it, though.
A great time to visit is when the PC (Permamente Commissie) is held, a Kaatsen (local sport, sort of hand
tennis), on the fifth wednesday after the last day of june. The tonw is full of aficionados of the sport.
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Harlingen (Harns in Frisian) is located on the coast of the Wadden Sea and provides a good starting point for
visiting the Wadden islands.
There is a small museum called the Hannema museum with changing exhibitions.
Best time to visit is during the Fleet Days − in april normally.
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Heerenveen is the Mecca of speed skating. Although it is one of the bigger towns in Friesland, it is not a city,
where Sloten with only 500 inhabitants is.
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In steady decline since the 17−th century, Hindeloopen (Hylpen in Frisian) is a treaser trove on the IJsselmeer.
Small cobble stone streets, old houses and the waterfront. One of the major sights is the Hidde Nijland
museum housed in the fromer town hall, with a survey of 18 and 19−th century Hindeloopen culture.
Hindeloopen is also a good place to go for watersports on the IJsselmeer
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Located in the north of Friesland, Holwerd is an excellent base for Wadlopen, crossing the Wadden Sea by
foot during low tide. From Holwerd you can reach Ameland in three hours.
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Although IJlst is almost part of Sneek it is a different city with it's onw city rights. The old center is cute, there
is a wood sawing mill. IJlst was a center of the skating producing industry, but now it is mostly a touristic
center for watersports.
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Capital of Friesland. Best sight is the satue of Us Mem, meaning our mother. It's a cow, mind you.
Leeuwarden − Internet Cafes
A nice big internet/game−Cafe situated in the heart of Friesland, Leeuwarden. With 30 computers running on
Windows or Linux, Microsoft Office, printing and scanning abilities.
GroteHoogstraat 24
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Located on the IJsselmeer, Lemmer is a main water sport center.
Ther major sight is the Wouda gemaal, used in the 20 the century for regulating the water levels in the region.
It is on the UNESCO world heritage list so it must be worth a look.
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If you want to know waht Amsterdam looked like before it became an important city, visit Sloten (Sleat in
Frisian). It's one of the cutest towns in Friesland with old houses along a canal and a canon that is still used
every now and then.
Sloten − Internet Cafes
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One of the bigger towns in Friesland Sneek, or Snits as the Friesians call it, is an excellent place for
watersports. The old town is cute with an 18−th century watergate as one of the highlights.
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With only 995 inhabitants Stavoren (Staveren or Starum in Frisian) is small but it is still the oldest city of
Friesland. Located on the shores of the IIsselmeer, it received city rights in 1118.
Around the old harbor there are a few cute streets where you can wander around and feel like you are back in
the 17−th century.
Stavoren is connected with Enkhuizen on the other side of the lake by a ferry service.
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One of the eleven Friesian cities. There is one good museum with paintings of a local celebrity, Jopie
Huismans, who does very realisic still lives.
It is also a good base for watersports.
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In the heart of the lake region of Friesland, Woudsend is also the tonw where the Osinga family stems from.
The town itself is cute and there are some nice options for accommodation, eating out and even nightlife. In
the center there is a very steep bridge.
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Giethoorn is often referred to as the Venice of the North. This quiet little town in the North East of the
Netherlands is certainly charming and worth a daytrip, but it's not Venice. It is too much a village, and not a
big city.
The main attraction is the fact that there all canals all over the place and they have typical Giethoorn boats that
go underneath. Since it is quite a touristy thing to go here, there are a few restaurants where you can eat or
drink coffee.
Giethoorn − Accommodation
Hotel Prinsenije
Hotel Prinsenije is situated in the Waterpark Beulaeke Haven, with harbours and recreational lakes in the
immediate neighbourhood, near the well−known village Giethoorn. The hotel has 15 modern rooms, all
equipped with telephone, TV and a luxurious bathroom. The indoor swimming pool is decorated in
Greek−Roman style with sauna, whirlpool and solarium. The excellent restaurant is decorated as 'The
drowned village' according to the social legend. There are several conference rooms in the hotel, also suitable
for (dinner) parties.
address: Veneweg 294
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World66's guide to Netherlands
Gouda is 25 kilometers northeast of Rotterdam. The town is mostly famous because it has given its name to
the best known kind of cheese from the Netherlands, but the town itself is definitely worth a visit. It has a lot
of charm and a lot of old buildings.
The best places to visit are without a doubt the Markt (cheese market on thursdays, which you can't miss) with
right on the middle the Gothic city hall, of which you can find a copy in Japan in Holland village. Also on the
markt is the Waag. The St. Janskerk is the big church and famous for its glass stained windows.
Gouda is also famous for its ceramic festival, traditional pipes and candles. There are also some decent
restaurants and cafes.
Gouda − Festivals
Gouda Pottery Festival
A very nice event, the festival is the occasion for ceramic makers from all over Europe and further to meet
and compete in a good ambiance. If the weather is good, it is certainly a must see, as the market place is
covered with stands full of colorfull ceramic creations of all sizes and styles. There are also animations for
children as well as adults.
20−21 may 2004
+31.180 − 32.21.47
Gouda − Eating Out
Eetcafé de Zalm
Dutch food. Decent prices.
address: Marktplein
World66's guide to Netherlands
Gouda − Internet Cafes
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Gouda − Internet Cafes
Groningen is located in the North of the Netherlands. It is quite a charming city, although many the historic
centre was scarred both in the second World War and in the rebuilding process that followed the war.
The Grote Markt is the heart of the centre. The Martinikerk with its famous tower dates from the 12−th
century but most of what you see now is from the 16−th century. Another big attraction in Groningen is the
Groningen Museum a spectacular example of modern Dutch architecture with a good collection of 17−th
century paintings. The Adoration of the Magi by Rubens is the museums masterpiece.
One of the best things of Groningen is its nightlife. Groningen is an important university town and the
presence of many students makes sure there is always something going on. On the Grote Markt, in the
Peperstraat and the Poelestraat you'll find many watering holes and small student restaurants.
Groningen − Accommodation
Tulip Inn Groningen
Tulip Inn Groningen comprises 104 rooms and 2 meetingrooms with a spectacular view. The hotel is situated
opposite the AZG Hospital just outside the lively city centre of Groningen. The heart of town with its cosy
pubs, restaurants, shopping area, museums, cinemas and theatre, is only 5 minutes away. All facilities within
Groningen − Eating Out
Most cheap student places are around the Poelestraat.
De Kostery hahahahahahahaha
Kim Bakker : Dit kleine lunch cafeetje moet het vooral hebben van het terras, maar dat is dan ook perfect. De
hele dag schijnt de zon en er staat een windscherm zodat het er al snel aangenaam warm is om een lekkere
lunch te verorberen of gewoon om een biertje te drinken in de namiddag.
address: Martinikerkhof 2
zipcode: 9712 JG
Time Out
Kim Bakker : Eettent waar je echt zelf de sfeer moet maken. De bediening geeft je het gevoel dat je in de weg
zit en de sla bij het eten is niet zo vers meer. Als je zin hebt om een avondje kritiek te leveren moet je zeker
World66's guide to Netherlands
naar de Time Out gaan.
address: Poelestraat 34
050 3131535
zipcode: 9712 KB
De Eerste Kamer
Kim Bakker : De Eerste Kamer is een klein restaurant waar het altijd erg druk is. Als je niet gereserveerd hebt
dan kun je in cafe 't Pleidooi een drankje drinken en wanneer er een tafel vrij is, wordt er gebeld. Een lekkere
daghap is fl 12,50 en na het eten kun je nog rustig napraten aan de bar.
zipcode: 9711 PC
de Zevende Hemel
address: Zuiderkerkstraat 7
zipcode: 9712 PZ
Gedempte Zuiderdiep 15, popular student place.
't Pakhuis
Nice building, good cafe and restaurant.
address: Peperstraat 8
Der Witz
Popular cafe that also does food. In summer you can sit on the terrace.
address: Grote Markt 47
For a midnight snack, or even afterwards until 4 am, this is the place to go.
address: Grote Markt 42
Hotel Herberg Het Witte Paard
Hotel Herberg Het Witte Paard is situated in Oostwold, a 10 minute drive southwest of the city of Groningen.
Het Witte Paard offers comfortable and spacious hotelrooms, a hotelbar and lounge and an excellent
restaurant. In summer one can dine outside with a beautiful view over the meadows with only a couple of
church towers on the horizon.
Groningen − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Hoofdstraat 217
9828 PB Oostwold
Simple interior but charming, occasional live music and inexpensive.
address: Uurwerkersgang 24/7
050 3180209
Warung Jawa
Combi of food from Surinam and Java.
address: Gedempte Zuiderdiep 110
050 3122911
Café Boven Jan
Prices are average, the menu is limited but there's always plenty of food on your plate and it's quite tasty.
They also serve a great lunch. I recommend this one!
Grote Markt (east side)
13 − 17
13 − 17
Groningen − Sights
These are the main sights
Martini Toren
The main sight is without a doubt the Martini Toren and the Church that belongs to it. They date back to the
11−th century, although the present construction is mostly form the 16−th. Open from noon−5pm from
Tuesday to Saturday. The Martini Toren is located on the Grote Markt.
Grote Markt
The old town square is not as pretty as it used to be. The reconstruction after WW II was not a big success.
Groningen − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
Groningen − Museums
Noordelijk Scheepvaart Museum
For anyone with an interest in maritime history, this is a must see. In the same building you can find the
Tobacco Museum.Closed on monday. Open from 10am to 5 pm.
address: Brugstraat 24
Niemeyer Tobacco Museum
As the mae suggests this is all about tobacco. Adress: Brugstraat 24
Groningen Museum
Your best bet. The building itself is most spectacular. Just accross from the railway station. Mostly focusses
on Dutch painting , 17−th century artists being the highlight. Closed on mondays.
Groningen − Nightlife and Entertainment
The best street to head for at night is the Peperstraat. Many places where you can listen to life music.
The site is the most complete site for salsa and other latin music in the city of Groningen and
other cities of the North of the Netherlands. It includes an event calendar and a photo gallery.
het feest
Debbie Nauta : Een danscafé waar echt alles mogelijk is! De opzwepende muziek, bruisende cocktails,
magische shooters en adem benemende barmannen brengen je in extase.
address: peperstraat
zipcode: 97
Het Feest
Jan−willem Navis : Mooi tropisch ingericht café dat furore maakt met skihut muziek en toeters en bellen. Op
donderdag en zaterdag stampvol en dus gezellig. Ga achterin de draaibar voorbij en zoek naar het kleine
barretje dat hier verscholen ligt. Een van Groningen's betere kroegen in zijn soort en een enorme versierplek.
address: peperstraat
Groningen − Museums
World66's guide to Netherlands
Iris Djordjevic : Kleine en gezellige bar met twee etages waar de muziek uiteen loopt van hard core tot
smartlap en van r&b tot trance. Jan−willem Navis : Een waardeloze kleine dertien in een dozijn disco vol met
pubers. Inrichting is kaal en saai en doet vergeten dat hier vroeger een berucht kunstenaars café zat. Hier kun
je beter voorbij lopen.
address: Peperstraat
Index is a large disco where you can dance and swing. Mostly students.
De Spieghel
Live jazz music in the weekend.
address: Peperstraat 11
Groningen − Internet Cafes
Internetcaf Groningen
A Grandcafe style internetcafe with bar and
price: 3.60
(+ 31) (0)50 3113090
email: info@internetcafe−
hours: 12 until 01:00
address: Turfsingel 94
Internetcafe Groningen
It's a real cafe with 16 PC's. You can organize LAN−Party's (with diner), surf
the net, burn cd's etc. Good atmosphere !!!
Dfl. 7,50 (EU 3.40)
Groningen − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
7 days a week 12:00 − 0:100
Turfsingel 94
Groningen 9711 VX Netherlands
The Callshop internetcafe
State of the art internetcafe with 24 pc's running on XP proffesional, 17 inch flatscreens, MSN hotmail and
Yahoo webcam messenger, XPoffice 2003 package, printing, scanning, downloading from USB and digicam.
Billing per 10 minutes, 2,50 euro per hour.
Also we offer cheap international calling in one of our 8 phonebooths.
Nieuwe Ebbingestraat 80
daily from 11.00 untill 23.00 hours
2,50 euro per hour
Groningen − Getting There
The most convenient way of getting in Groningen is by train. There is a direct train connection from / to
Schiphol Amsterdam Airport.
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Groningen − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
Not only has this 900−year−old town an historic center full of beautiful medieval houses, a 13th−century city
hall and the oldest museum of the Netherlands, the Teylers Museum (science
technology and Dutch art), but it is also the home town of the author.
The main square, called de Grote Markt, is on mondays and saturdays still home of a very lively market,
where one can buy flowers, textiles and those delicious stroopwafels (A delicious molasses wafer) and much
more...yes I almost forgot the fresh herring!
If that's not enough to satisfy your appetite, you can continue with the Nieuwe Kerk, the Frans Hals Museum
(Dutch Masters) and the St. Bavo church.
Not only has Haarlem itself lots to offer, it also makes a nice stop on your way to Zandvoort, the beach resort
closest to Amsterdam.
Haarlem − Sights
Haarlem has a very cute old center, with a few nice canals, narrow streets, one of the oldest city woods in the
Netherlands, where you can make nice walks.
St. Bavo
The St. Bavo or Oude Kerk is located on the Grote Markt. You'll see (and maybe hear) Holland's greatest pipe
organ (regular free concerts mid−May through mid−October on Tuesdays at 20:15 and additional concerts in
July−August on Thursdays at 15:00; confirm schedule at TI). The church is open and worth a look, if only to
see its Oz−like organ (f2.50, Monday−Saturday 10:00−16:00; closes at 15:00 in winter). To enter the church,
look for the small entrance marked "Entree" behind the church, kitty−corner from La Plume restaurant. (There
is a handy public WC in the east end of the church.)
Coorie ten Boom house
As many Americans (but few Dutch) know, Haarlem is also home to Corrie Ten Boom (popularized by The
Hiding Place, an inspirational book and movie about the Ten Boom family's experience hiding Jews from the
Nazis). The Ten Boom House, at Barteljorisstraat 19, is open for 45−minute English tours (donation
requested; Tuesday−Friday 10:00−16:00, Saturday until 15:30; November through April 11:00−15:00
Monday−Saturday; only one tour/day off−season; tel. 023/531−0823). Some of the guides do more preaching
than teaching.
Red Light distrcit
The Begijnehof, close to the Grote Markt is the cutest red light district of the Netherlands. The atmosphere is
cozy and it is not scary at all to walk around.
World66's guide to Netherlands
Haarlem − Bars and Cafes
Most of the pubs of Haarlem are located on or near the Grote Markt, in the center of town. A few of the ones
on the Grote Markt have terraces where you can sit outside and enjoy the sight of the St.Bavo, the old city hall
and the people walking by.
De blauwe druif
In former days the inhabitants of Haarlem did not have shops to buy liquor, as a supermarket or licensed
victualler's shop, in these days you went to a so called "proeflokaal". Here people could taste (the Dutch word
is proeven or proef) the liquor or wine they wanted to buy.
Nowadays these locals are pubs, while the interior is still the same as 100 years ago. Here people meet from
all ranks, the business men, the carpenter and even the local politicians. You can drink a beer or whatever you
like and talk the day away. The Proeflokaal De Blauwe Druif is the most famous of them all and known all
over The Netherlands.
In august the Proeflokaal is one of the centres where jazz bands are playing (see events). Opening hours: from
Cafe 1900
Café 1900 is one of the most popualr places in the center.
Address: Barteljorisstraat 10ZW, 2011 RB Haarlem Tel. 023 − 5318283
Haarlem − History
Haarlem is a relative old city in Holland. First settled in the tenth century, it was called Harulahem, meaning
something as the place build on sand. Back then, Holland was far more watery then it is now and Haarlem was
positioned on a strategic place between mores and streams that would someday form the haarlemmermeer,
now a polder.
From the eleventh century till the thirteenth century, Haarlem was the seat of Government of the graaf (duke)
of Holland. Haarlemn got City rights in 1245 and is after Dordrecht the oldest city in Holland proper. In these
times the mythical war between Amsterdam and Haarlem is placed, that is described by Vondel in his
Gijsbrechts, losely based on the battle of Troy.
When the Dutch rose against the Spansish, Haarlem took the site of the Geuzen. After a month like siege, the
city fell to the Spanish in 1573. Over 2000 civilians, soldiers and protestant clergy where drowned in the
Haarlem − Bars and Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
In the seventeenth century, Haarlem became a center of Art, with painters like Frans Hals, Jacob van
Ruisdael, Philps Wouverman, Adriaen van Ostade and the architect Lieven de Key, who build a lot of
buildings here. As metropole Haarlem had since long lost its leading role to Amsterdam. During the French
occupation, it was briefly the capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, but this could not stop its relative
Because Haarlem missed out on most of the industrial innovations of the 19th and 20th centuries, it kept a lot
of character and is a very nice city to walk around and spent some time.
Haarlem − Museums
Haarlem does maybe not have as many important museums as Amsterdam, but it does have a fair share.
Teyler Museum
The Teyler museum is one of the oldest museums in the Netherlands and started out as collection of Pieter
Teyler a rich trader in Silk. He was very much interested in Art and Sciences and collected to give average
people a chance to marvel at the miracles of modern science. After his death, he left his estate to further this
The museum shows these early examples of science in action, all set in a very 18th century athmosphere. In a
way it is more a museum about museums then a museum about science, but the exhibits are excellent.
Frans Hals Museum
Frans Hals museum has a very good collection of paintings from the 17−th century. Haarlem born painter
Frans Hals has a prominent place (and deserves it).
(Monday−Saturday 11:00−17:00, Sunday 13:00−17:00, tel. 023/516−4200).
Haarlem − Internet Cafes
In the center of Haarlem with a wide range of Internet services.Were just a 10 minute walk from Haarlem
train station. At just
4,60 Euro p/ hour, it's the best deal around. Our computers are connected to our
Grote Markt 10 (2nd
Floor), Haarlem
Cybercafmadeus Haarlem
Haarlem − History
World66's guide to Netherlands
4,60 Euro per hour
Opening Times Every Day: 8am to 8pm
Grote Markt 10,
address: Haarlem, 2011RD,
The Netherlands
Haarlem − Accommodation
There's a bit more choice in Zandvoort, but there are a few nice places to stay in Haarlem as well.
Right on the best spot in Haarlem, the Grote Markt. Nice hotel and not too expensive.
address: Grote Markt 10
023−532 4530
Centrally located and quite affordable. Good option.
address: Grote Markt 4
023 − 531 0591
Haarlem − Eating Out
There are many small restaurants in the center of Haarlem. Just browsing through the old center you are sure
to run into a restaurant you won\t find here which is good and interesting just the same.
Het Goede Uur
Specializes in cheese fondue.
address: Korte Houststraat
Asian wok specialities. Good price quality ratio.
Haarlem − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Fonteinlaan1
De Bokkedoorns
Two michelin star restaurant − one of the best in the whole of the Netherlands.
address: Zeeweg 53, Overveen
023 − 5263600
One of the nicest French style restuarants in the center. On fridays you should reserve.
address: Kleine houtstraat 44
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Haarlem − Eating Out
Heerde − Internet Cafes
openbare bibliotheek
14.00−17.00 fri 14.00−17.00 18.30−20.30 during summer: only mon 18.30−20.30 thu
10.00−12.00 fri 14.00−17.00/18.30−20.30
It is not a caf?, it is a public library We have two
Internet computers.
email: mo 18.30−20.30 tue 14.00−17.00 wed 14.00−17.00 thu 10.00−12.00
hours: fl 5
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Heerlen − Internet Cafes
Internetcafe Byte−IT
1024 kb/s fast adsl connection, pepsi, print service, cd
burning, hardware, cool stuff,
?3,60 1 hour 0,06 c/pm
045 5712102
monday 13:00−18:00 tue−fri 09:30−18:00 thu 09:30−21:00 saturday
akerstraat 66, Heerlen, 6411 HC,
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Hellevoetsluis − Internet Cafes
+31 181 336236
MO−FRI 11.00−21.00 SA 11.00−18.00 SU 11.00−18.00
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Hengelo is a nice middle size city in the east of the Netherland.
Hengelo − Internet Cafes
Coffeeshop−Internetcafe ROKADE
Surf, smoke and chill and good music, that's what
Rokade is all about.
2,50 / 1 hour
(+)3174 2502377
Daily from 12:00 − 23:00
Deldenerstraat 14
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For kilometers around, the Hilversum broadcasting tower is visible, marking the town as the center of Dutch
electronic media. Also home to major offices of several multinationals (Nike, Lucent, Phillips, etc),
Hilversum is an odd mix of small−town Netherlands and international influence. The town center is mostly
bland euromodern, with all the typical Dutch stores, although the Chestnut Tree−lined Groest (a five−min
walk straight out from the Central train station) is home to a number of pleasant cafes and pubs, with outdoor
seating when the weather is good. The real treat in Hilversum is the 'Goois Naturreservaat' − a nature preserve
on the northern and southern ends of town. The southern reserve in particular covers a large (by Dutch
standards) area of forest, and of moors, which in summer are filled with purple flowers. Crossed by bike and
walking paths, the Naturreservaat is an unusually dry and (comparatively) hilly area, and makes a great
afternoon's outing.
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Till recently IJmuiden was not a real tourist destination, it was a busy industrial harbor with its steel and fish
industries. These industries are still the main source of income wich makes IJmuiden a double faced and
interesting place to visit. There's the industrial part of a real harbor, there's a marina and plenty of seaside
activity and surrounding all this are some of the most beautiful Dutch landscape sceneries very much like
those that already inspired 17th century landscape painters.
IJmuiden is a fairly new town, that only came into existence in 1870 when the North Sea Canal was dug,
connecting the Amsterdam harbors to the open sea. Till this time the area where IJmuiden now is located was
known as "De Breesaap", a desolate plain where only a hand full of farmers tried to make a living. In 1851 the
whole area was sold to the entrepreneurs Bik and Arnold, which finally set into motion the plans that had been
drawn up already in 1626. The first spade hit the ground on the 8th of April 1865.
The "Noordzeekanaal" connects the North Sea with the IJ in Amsterdam. The IJmuiden name literally means
'mouth of the IJ', which is a hint to the importance the town has for the Amsterdam harbor. In 1890 it had
about 1500 inhabitants, but boomed when the iron mill industry Hoogovens steelworks settled here.
The town is part of the municipality of Velsen and suffered heavy damage and demolition in the war years
because of its maritime importance. Already in the Roman era this Velsen was inhabited and archeological
finds indicate there was a North Sea port built of regional importance.
Important sights are the municipal hall designed by the famous architect Dudok and the North Sea locks. The
later are among the largest in the world and one set is able to close off a shipping lane of 50 meters wide and
12 meters deep. There are however plans to enlarge or build a new set to facilitate even larger vessels.
IJmuiden − Accommodation
Jac Aardenburg
address: Stetweg 4, Wijk Aan Zee
+31 (0251) 374372
De Duindoorn
address: Badweg 40, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 510773
address: Oranjestr 98
+31 (0255) 514217
Holiday Inn
World66's guide to Netherlands
email: info@holidayinn−
address: Kennemerboulev 250
+31 (0255) 566999
address: Kennemerln 116−118
+31 (0255) 515368
address: Houtmanstr 2−4
+31 (0255) 533807
IJmuiden − Eating Out
address: Kennemerstrand 172
+31 (0255) 514222
address: Kennemerstrand 178
+31 (0255) 514004
address: Kennemerstrand 180
+31 (0255) 514056
Chi−Ling vof
address: Kennemerboulev 300
+31 (0255) 51 2879
Hong Kong
address: Kennemerln 9
+31 (0255) 51 4645
IJmuiden − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Betelgeuzestraat 1
+31 (0255) 52 1460
Mona Lisa
address: Houtmanstraat 37
+31 (0255) 51 0351
Mamma Mia
address: L Nieuwstraat 183
+31 (0255) 54 0424
De Kajuit
address: Marktplein 60
+31 (0255) 51 3500
address: Seinpostweg 40
+31 (0255) 51 3536
De Tuin
address: Grote Beerstraat 20
+31 (0255) 54 6180
De Brug
address: Kennemerlaan 34
+31 (0255) 51 6616
De Vissershaven
address: Halkade 29
+31 (0255) 51 7766
't Vlaggeschip
address: Kennemerboulev 430
+31 (0255) 51 9002
De Meerplaats
address: Trawlerkade 80
+31 (0255) 51 0806
Kop van de Haven
address: Sluisplein 80
+31 (0255) 53 4818
IJmuiden − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Probably the best seafood restaurant in the Netherlands. Close to the fish auction, so it's garanteed fresh.
address: Halkade 9c
+31 (0255) 51 7526
French cuisine served in an ambiance from the twenties.
address: Oranjestraat 98
+31 (0255) 51 4217
Grand Café La Belle
address: Zeeweg 115
+31 (0255) 537137
Koffiehuis Bar Saloon
address: Piet Heinstraat 58
+31 (0255) 517971
address: Kennemerboulevard 510
+31 (0255) 560307
IJmuiden − Nightlife and Entertainment
Bar Café The Pioneer
address: Breesaapstraat 54
+31 (0255) 533573
Bar De Jutter
address: Wijk Aan Zeeerweg 22
+31 (0255) 536928
address: Kanaalstraat 65
+31 (0255) 514496
Café 't Centrum
IJmuiden − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Kennemerlaan 124
+31 (0255) 514878
Café 911
address: IJmuiderslag 9
+31 (0255) 531081
Café Bar De Trawler
address: Trawlerkade 16
+31 (0255) 515585
Café Bar De Witte Orca
address: Wijk Aan Zeeerweg 29
+31 (0255) 515768
Café Bellevue
address: Koningin Wilhelminakade 1
+31 (0255) 515465
Café Cheers
address: Kennemerlaan 93
+31 (0255) 535566
Café De Brug
address: Kennemerlaan 34
+31 (0255) 516616
Café De Griffioen
address: Frans Naereboutstraat 9
+31 (0255) 514902
Café Dinges
address: Kennemerlaan 24
+31 (0255) 515704
Café IJmuiden
address: W Barendszstraat 21
+31 (0255) 516295
Café Kamperduin
address: Bik En Arnoldkade 12
+31 (0255) 534213
Café Willem Barentsz
IJmuiden − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Kanaalstraat 40
+31 (0255) 515502
De Bruinvis
address: Visseringstraat 1
+31 (0255) 515579
Old Captain Inn
address: Eenhoornstraat 133
+31 (0255) 535050
Seasons Café
address: Kennemerlaan 93b
+31 (0255) 534294
Café Bar Savage
address: Wijk Aan Zeeerweg 31
+31 (0255) 533801
Zeewegbar Centraal
address: Zeeweg 149
+31 (0255) 515250
Bar De Bascule
address: Kennemerlaan 44
+31 (0255) 520753
City Theater
address: Kennemerlaan 89−91
+31 (0255) 514307
IJmuiden − Getting Arround
Centrum Tax Bv
address: Bik En Arnoldkade 24
+31 (0255) 524249
Taxi 16000
address: Bik En Arnoldkade 24
+31 (0255) 516000
IJmuiden − Getting Arround
World66's guide to Netherlands
Autorent Koning
address: Vechtstraat 2
+31 (0255) 511001
Autoverhuurbedrijf A.J.M. Braam
address: Eikenstraat 26
+31 (0255) 536929
Bv Het Motorhuis IJmond
address: Wijk Aan Zeeerweg 107
+31 (0255) 523450
Meijer Parkeerbeheer Kennemerstrand
address: Zeeweg 171
+31 (0255) 531319
IJmuiden − Practical Information
General emergency phonenumber 112
Apotheek Velsen Noord
address: Wijkerstraatweg 171, Velsen−Noord
+31 (0251) 223883
Apotheek De Willemsbeek
address: Willemsbeekweg 88, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 515030
Apotheek Kuijlman
address: Lange Nieuwstraat 403, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 514204
Apotheek Pleyler
address: Planetenweg 52, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 515348
A.B. Van Oudvorst
address: Burg. Rothestraat 104, Wijk Aan Zee
+31 (0251) 375972
IJmuiden − Practical Information
World66's guide to Netherlands
F. Van Venetien
address: Zeeweg 266, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 510035
F. Vollebergh
address: Zeeweg 278, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 514290
Huisartsenpraktijk E.P. De Weerdt
address: Oosterduinweg 8, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 516158
Tandartsenpraktijk Hartmann
address: Breesaperhof 35, Velsen−Noord
+31 (0251) 227463
A.E. Rijkoort
address: Wijk Aan Zeeerweg 4, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 532517
Carbotech Inter
address: Bik En Arnoldkade 34, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 523704
G. Raaff Tandarts
address: Moerbergplantsoen 65, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 534068
Brandwondencentrum Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis
address: Vondellaan 13, Beverwijk
+31 (0251) 265555
Kennemer Gasthuis Locatie Zeeweg
address: Zeeweg 168, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 575232
Brandweer Beverwijk
Brandweer Velsen
address: 's Gravenlust 35, Velsen−Zuid
+31 (0255) 532324
Reddingsbrigades Nederland
IJmuiden − Practical Information
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Dokweg 149, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 545858
VVV IJmuiden
address: Zeeweg 189
+31 (0255) 515611
Politie Kennemerland
address: Laan Der Nederlanden 102, Beverwijk
+31 (0251) 207811
Regiopolitie Kennemerland District IJmond
address: Tiberiusplein 1, IJmuiden
+31 (0255) 547611
IJmuiden − Things to do
IJmuider Zeezeilers
Sailing school
address: Ingenieur J. Dirksstraat 12
+31 (0255) 524440
Stern rowing club
address: Orionweg 109
+31 (0255) 517667
IJmuiden Seaport Beach Holiday Inn
address: Kennemerboulevard 250
+31 (0255) 566999
La Difference
Beautyfarms & sauna
address: Oosterduinweg 8
+31 (0255) 533979
Aerobic & Fitness Factory
address: Marktplein 35
+31 (0255) 516483
IJmuiden − Things to do
World66's guide to Netherlands
Dolfijn Sport
address: Edisonstraat 14
+31 (0255) 538034
Jan Diroe
address: Roerstraat 73
+31 (0255) 518262
P. Van Deudekom
address: Radarstraat 108
+31 (0255) 536561
address: Reaumurstraat 4
+31 (0255) 517725
Tenniscentrum IJmuiden
address: Dokweg 43
+31 (0255) 522057
De Heerenduinen
address: Heerenduinweg 12
+31 (0255) 537044
Tennis school
address: Dokweg 43
+31 (0255) 522053
IJmuiden − Shopping
Tazing Tattoo's
address: V. Wassenaerstraat 7
+31 (0255) 531552
IJmuiden − Shopping
World66's guide to Netherlands
IJmuiden − Getting There
IJmuiden is at approximately 30 minutes from Amsterdam, and easily reachable by bus, car or boat.
A special attraction is to take the ferry service behind Amsterdam central station. Fast Flying Ferries operates
a half hour service with old Russian carrierwing−ships along the North Sea Canal. The arrival is unfortunately
at the Amsterdam side of IJmuiden so from there you have to walk or arrange alternative ways of transport
(p.e. bus)
There's no railroad connection to IJmuiden, but the Connexxion busservice is a good alternative. It operates
twice per hour from the central bus station at the Marnixstraat in Amsterdam and also stops at Sloterdijk
station. They also run a service from the district capital Haarlem. Good place to be..
IJmuiden − Things to do
IJmuiden − Internet Cafes
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IJmuiden − Getting There
Anyone with an interest for flowers who is visiting the Netherlands in spring should visit the Keukenhof.
Open from March to May, this is where you can find an amazing 6 million flowers! The Keukenhof is easy to
reach by bus from Haarlem and Leiden .
Keukenhof − Getting There
Keukenhof is situated in a place called Lisse, which is between Haarlem and Leiden.
By car:
Coming from Haarlem you can take the "Herenweg" in direction of Leiden.
Coming from the Hague by the A44 you can eiher take the exit near "Sassenheim" that also indicates "Lisse"
and "Keukenhof follow signs Lisse", or drive on and take the N...
Coming from Amsterdam or the Hague by the A4, you can take the exit for "Lisse", "Nieuw−Vennep" wich is
the N...
Parking: in the keukenhof season there are extra parking area's in the fields around keukenhof.
Keukenhof − Internet Cafes
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World66's guide to Netherlands
Laren is a small, pretty town about halfway between Amersfoort and Amsterdam. The main attraction to come
here is the excellent Singer museum which focuses on sculpture. In the recent past they have done very good
expositions on Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin. The garden of the museum is a haven of piece and is a
great place to have a tea.
Accross the street from the museum there are a few pretty good restaurants.
Laren − Museums
Singer Museum
Good, small museum that focuses on plastic arts. The gardens with sculptures is a treat.
address: Oude Drift 1
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Leiden is a very charming university town, halfway between Amsterdam and The Hague. It's a very lively
place, with good nightlife and many nice restaurants.
Main attractions are the Museum of Antiquities with an excellent collection of artifacts from Egypt, Greece
and Rome, the Hortus Botanicus one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, planted in 1578 and the
Pieterskerk with the tomb of John Robinson, leader of the Pilgrim Fathers. Most of the sights are very close to
each other, on or near the Rapenburg, a major canal in the centre.
Leiden − Internet Cafes
5 Mei Online Internet Center
11.00−22.00 fri.11.00−22.00 11.00−22.00 sat.11.00−22.00
Play netgames Internetaccess Print, scan en Fax
facilities. Sale of coffee, softdrinks and candy bars.
We Also have a Computershop for all your software and Hardware
2,50 €/Hour
mon.11.00−22.00 tue.11.00−22.00 wed.11.00−22.00 thu.11.00−22.00
5 Meiplein 15, Leiden, Zuid−holland, 2321BN
, Nederland
JoHo Cybercafé
fl. 2,50 / 15 min (dutch guilders)
combined study, travel &
daily (except sunday) 10:00−18:00
De Boortoren
Koninginneweg 44
1211 AS Hilversum Phone: 035 − 6215 841
World66's guide to Netherlands
Stille Rijn 8
Leiden 2312 DE Netherlands
Public Library Leiden
fl. 5,− / 30 min.
mon.13.00−17.00 19.00−21.00 tue.11.00−17.00 wed.11.00−17.00 19.00−21.00
hours: thu.11.00−17.00 19.00−21.00 fri.11.00−17.00 sat.11.00−17.00
From october−april: sun.13.00−17.00
Nieuwstraat 4
2312 KB Leiden, The Netherlands
Leiden − History
Leiden is one of the old cities of Holland proper and rose to industrial importance during the sixteenth and
seventeenth century. Leidens finest hour was during the monthlong Spanish Siege at the end of the sixteenth
Legend has it that after the Leidenaren ate the dogs, cats and rats, they went to their mayor and said that there
was no food anymore, so they should give in to the spanish. The mayor replied that they could first eat him
and then give in to the Spanish. The crowd went home and after two more weeks, the geuzen tore down the
dikes and flooded the country side. The Spanish fled and the beginning of the victory of William of Orange
was there.
Leiden − Eating Out
Leiden is a popular student city with lots of cheap places to eat out for those not into cooking. The best is to
walk around and find your own favourites.
M'n Broer
Popular with the locals, especially for lunch.
Every Sunday and Monday Thai menu. Reservation is recommended.
Tel. +31 (0)71 512 5370
Leiden − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
Leonie van Krimpen : Een leuk restaurantje op een leuke lokatie in het centrum van Leiden dat helaas wel
vaak onverwachts dicht kan zijn. Het eten is wat je verwacht bij goed Grieks eten, veel vlees en veel knoflook.
address: Vrouwensteeg 16
zipcode: 2311 EB
Malle Jan
Cafe Barrera
Barrera, the place in leiden on the beatifull Rapenburg canal for a lunch or a drink. Visit us at our site:
PriceOfMenu: 5 euro's
Rapenburg 56
0031 (0) 71 5146631
priceofmenu: 5 euro's
Restaurant La Gare
I always eat with great pleasure at La Gare. They have a good variety of meat/fish & vegetarian dishes on
their menu and the atmosphere is nice. It's not only a place to go for lunch/brunch or dinner.... it also a nice
place to enjoy a coffee or tea with friends and family.
address: Stationsweg 7−9
zipcode: 2312 AS
Leiden − Sights
Quite a bit of the sights in Leiden have to do with the fact that the oldest Dutch university was founded here
(in 1575). Soon afterwards, Leiden became a european center of learning with visiting lecturers from all over
the continent.
Rijksmuseum van oudheden
Packed with Egyptian, Greek and Roman finds, this archeological museum does not really compare with its
counterparts in London, Paris or Berlin but is certainly worth visiting. *Section:Cyber Cafes
Leiden − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
Leiden − Nightlife and Entertainment
Het Feestpaleis
Leonie van Krimpen : Niemand die op je let dus je kan lekker je gang gaan op Nederpop en dans muziek met
live optredens. Fles Flugel erbij en het feest kan beginnen. Trek alleen geen nieuwe schoenen of nieuwe broek
aan, want je schrikt je een ongeluk de volgende ochtend (of middag).
address: 2e Binnenvestgracht 15
zipcode: 2312 BZ
Café Re−Spons
Leonie van Krimpen : Leuk als je stamgast bent of veel stamgasten kent of je moet er zelf met een groep heen
gaan. Een mooi terras met veel en lang zon, biljart, flipper− en gok kasten. Vriendelijk personeel. Lekkere
nootjes en olijven! Als het geen terras weer is, is het vaak erg rustig.
address: Korte Mare 4
zipcode: 2312 NN
Koffiebar 'de koffie is bruin'
Sander Jonker : Toch wel een beetje bruin café waar je heerlijk kan genieten van de zon met een heerlijk
bakkie koffie of een koud glas bier. De koffie staat elke dag bruin vanaf 07:00. Gelegen op de hoek van de Jan
Vossensteeg achter de Haarlemmerstraat.
address: Hoek Janvossensteeg/ van de Werfstraat
zipcode: 2312 VW
Café XL
Leonie van Krimpen : Lekker aan de bar hangen of helemaal uit je dak gaan met de danspaal en zelf gekozen
muziek uit de jukebox? Een kopje thee of maak je je keuze uit 35 soorten Vodka? Alles kan en mag in deze
mass y mass
abdelghani beraich : Plek waar je makkelijk in contact kan komen met de meest uit een lopende mensen.
address: hogewoerd
Leiden − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
Cafe l'Esperance
Just an easy cafe to chill out and drink a bear
Keizerstraat 1
Leiden − Festivals
The 3rd of October
Every year on the third of October the end of the Leiden's siege by the Spannish is celebrated. There is a
lunapark and a lot of bands and DJs performing live on stages all over the town.
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Leiden − Festivals
Lochem is in the East of the Netherlands. It is nicely situated between the woods. Lochem conains a couple of
nice hotels and some bungalow parks where the Dutch spend their long weekends.
Lochem − Internet Cafes
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Maastricht is located in the south of the Netherlands, close to Liege and Aachen. It has a more southern,
relaxed atmosphere than other parts of The Netherlands, and attracts many international tourists not only for
its rich history (founded by the Romans) but also for its beauty. The city center is split in two by the river
Maas, with the train station located in the smaller part of the center.
The history of Maastricht goes back to c. 50 B.C., when the Romans built a settlement by the main road, near
a ford in the river. The city's name is derived from the Latin 'Mosae Trajectum', the site where the river Maas
could be crossed. This settlement grew to become a walled castellum, which was abandoned towards the end
of the fourth century A.D. Maastricht had its first outer walls built in 1229. Before long the town was felt to
be too cramped, and at the beginning of the 14th century construction work on a new series of walls was
commenced. The city was important strategically, and had to withstand many attacks during its history.
The centre of the city is especially attractive, due to its wealth of historic buildings; some 1450 monuments
are protected by law. Care is taken that both new and renovated buildings maintain the period atmosphere of
their surroundings. Because of its heritage value, the whole of Maastricht city centre has been declared a
'protected area'.
Visit the main square (Vrijthof) or the Market, and admire the beautiful Basilica of Saint Servatius, Basilica of
Our Beloved Lady, O.L. Vrouweplein or the famous 'St. Pietersberg' caves, which are the result of centuries
of excavation of marl, a building stone, resulting in an enormous labyrinth of more than 20,000 passages.
Visit the VVV tourist office for guided tours − even tours by boat through these enormous caves are possible.
of course, there are many opportunities to just relax, shop in one of many small streets with nice tourist shops
and little pubs. No other Dutch city has so many bars per square kilometer!
Maastricht − Accommodation
International Guesthouse Services
IGS is the short− and mediumterm housing specialist in Maastricht. We offer businesspeople and expatriates
an excellent opportunity to rent comfortable accommodation on a very flexible basis. Tourists (especialy
small groups and families) can book fully furnished and equipped apartments or houses for one or several
days. IGS has accommodations in the beautiful old center of aswell as in the countryside surrounding
Maastricht. All contracts, whether made for one day, a week, a month or any other given period of time, are
tailor−made. Star rate *** to ***** Prices from $ 85.= (room ensuite) to $ 210 (4 bedroom apartment).
Kapoenstraat 28
+31 (0)43 351 2266
6211 KW
World66's guide to Netherlands
Hotel La Colombe
Hotel La Colombe is a cosy family hotel with friendly room rates, situated at the Markt in the centre of
Maastricht. The 3−story hotel comprises 19 rooms and is situated in a monumental 300 year old building.
address: Markt 30
Bastion Hotel Maastricht
The modern 4**** Bastion Hotel Maastricht / Centrum is situated at 2 minutes walking distance from the
ciy's historic heart, and within easy reach of the A2 (Eindhoven/Amsterdam) and the E25
(Heerlen/Aachen/Liege) motorways. The hotel has 116 rooms including twins, family− and non smoking
rooms, as well as facilities for disabled guests. All rooms have private bath, shower, TV (cable and pay), hair
dryer, trouser press, safe and minibar. Laundry service is available from Monday to Friday. There is 24 hours
Front Office service. The bar, lounge and restaurant are located on the ground flour. Parking facilities
available for up to 60 cars, upon request (paid parking).
address: Boschstraat 27
Hotels with a lot of ambiance
address: Lenculenstraat 18
+31 (0) 3217400
zipcode: 6211 KR Maastricht
Kasteel Vaeshartelt
Vaeshartelt is an exceptional castle located in Maastricht. It is set in seven hectares of magnificent parkland
graced by quiet ponds and ancient trees. Its elegant drive is lined with lime trees. King William II of the
Netherlands was once the proud owner of this estate and endowed the castle with royal glamour. Veashartelt
castle is known today for its unique style, which combines historical elements and modern architecture. It is
pleasingly different, striking and full of character. Guests' wishes are paramount here, with attention to detail,
proffessionalism and continious innovation defining our approach. Whether you are here for business, leisure
or for a party, Vaeshartelt is the right choice.
address: Weert 9
Maastricht − Sights
When comming from the railwaystation you walk straight into the faubourg of Wyck. On Saturday mornings
there is a 2nd hand market opposite the station, good for local nitty gritty of the past 100 years, books, records
and pubsigns. If you continue your walk you pass a roundabout with a statue of the 4 Bischops Maastricht had
Maastricht − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
in the 6th and 7th century. On the righthand side (next to McDonalds) you'll find Venezia, the best icecream
shop in town. Opposite is Patiserie Royale, where you can taste the wonderfull delicatessen of this region the
Limburgse Vlaai. If we walk towards the river we pass the pub Gijs (Spirit) where you can have a light lunch
and play pool. To the left it is worth to walk through the Rechtstraat, with its galeries and second hand
bookstores. At the end of this street we enter the Ceramique development area. This architectural challenging
new place is also the location of the Centre Ceramique (the city library) and the Bonnefanten museum (the
famous museum designed by Aldo Rossi)
If we cross the old Saint Servaas bridge, we enter the real city of Maastricht. Walking on the bridge we see the
Saint Pieter Hill on the left, this hill (or mountain as it is called by the Dutch) is a maze of tunnels and can be
visited. Very interesting by the way. It were the Romans who first started the excavation of mergel and started
the underground network. Digging tunnels went on untinn the beginning of the 20th century when they started
using the hills' mergel for making cement;hence the smoking chimney to your left. Up ruver to the south is the
city of Liege (cannot be seen). To the right we see the Maastricht waterfront with the pottery factory and the
paper mill. On the Maastricht side we immediately enter the pedestrian shopping area, at the end of which is
the Vrijthof square.
Maastricht − Getting There
Maastricht has very good train and road connections. It is 2.5 h by (direct)train from Amsterdam or The
Hague. The Motorway A2 conects Maastricht to the north. By the way allong the A2 at the Geuselt football
stadium there is a special hitchhiking place if you travel to the north. From Maastricht you can make
excursions (by train) to Aachen in Germany or Liege in Belgium (where there is a connection to the TGV to
Paris. Maastricht also has a small airport with regular flights to and from Amsterdam, London and Dusseldorf.
sport shop
Maastricht − Eating Out
Le Bon Vivant
address: capucijnenstraat 91
zipcode: 6211 RP
Restaurant Intermezzo
address: Tongersestraat 5
043 325 78 66
zipcode: 6211 LL
Maastricht − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
Maastricht − Internet Cafes
Price is included scanning, cd burn, cardreader
for digital camera's
Windows xp and a lot of office, drawing, software. download no filter
price: 5.−
+31(0)43 363 14 10
email: marco@info−en−
hours: mon to sat
address: mariastraat 19
Internetcafe easylink
Scharnerweg 44
,6224 JH
Maastricht − Nightlife and Entertainment
edwin willems : Op de bovenste verdieping draaien ze r&b en trance en in de kelder techno in deze niet al te
drukke disco.
address: Kesselskade 62
043 3261700
zipcode: 6211 EN
Maastricht − Practical Information
There is a site with all kind of usefull/es info in English on Maastricht, and you can add and change
everything tourself too, the address is
Maastricht − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
Wikkmaas, the Maastricht' Alternative Guide
All sorts of information for non−conformist visitors of Maastricht.
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Maastricht − Practical Information
Marken is a small island community in the Ijsselmeer. It is easy to reach from Amsterdam (via Volendam)
and is a nice daytrip if you want to see a traditional Dutch fisher village. If you visit as a daytrip from
Amsterdam you will feel you are in a different world and century.
Marken is most noticeable for its green painted houses on the Dyke, its religious fanatism, its strong football
team and its expensive tourist shops.
If you are making a sailing trip on the IJsselmeer, marken is definately worth a stop.
Marken − Internet Cafes
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The sity of MSC
Meppel − Internet Cafes
Cafe Clouso is een ll
Zuideinde 25,
email: tja ...
We offer you 30 computers to access the internet, scan, e−mail, print, downloaden and burn cd's. A
hours: small drink or food is possible.
A nice music loving pub in a small town in the Netherlands called Meppel.
address: Open from 10.00 am till 9.00 pm every daySunday 2 pm till 9 pm
www.bestat niet meer
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Middelburg is the capital of Zeeland, once one of the most important provinces of the Netherlands, which
gave its name to New Zealand and was home to Admiral De Ruyter who sailed its fleet up the river Thames.
Now the province is one of the calmer areas of the Netherlands, with great beaches and watersport facilities
and cozy little towns with cobbly streets.
In Middelburg you will find a good base to explore the nearby treasures. The town itself has very nice
historical canals with old houses on them.
Middelburg is a bit hard to reach from the rest of the Netherlands, the best way to do it is probably by train
from Rotterdam (just over one hour, sometimes you need to change trains in Rosendaal). It is possible to go
straight from Brugge in Belgium, by bus and boat and this is a very nice trip.
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Naarden is a walled city just south of Amsterdam. It is a bit posh, but very nice. There are many expensive
shops with a focus on fashion and design.
Naarden is less than half an hour away from Amsterdam by train.
With Easter there is always a special performance of the Mattheus Passion In Naarden which is worth to go to.
It is sold out in advance on most occasions though.
Naarden − Internet Cafes
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Nieuw statenzijl
Small village in the north−east corner of The Netherlands.
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Nieuw statenzijl
Niewolda is located in the north of the Netherlands. Fo there for a (ver) quiet holiday and nothing else.
Nieuwolda − Sights
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Nijmegen is one of the cities that claims to be the oldest city in The Netherlands and was already of some
importance in the Roman era, when a fortress occupied this site. Still, its main monument, the Valkhof is
medieval, build after the Charlemagnes Paltz chapel in Achen as a symbol of the importance of this city as
one of the principal seats of the administration of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1155 the complex was rebuild
by Barbarossa. Today theres a debate going what to do with the ruin. Other sites are the weighing house and
the St. Stephen church. This city on the Waal is a regional centre. It has a small but lively center with lots of
shops. At night the students make it their town.
Nijmegen − Internet Cafes
Nijmegen − Eating Out
Nijmegen − Nightlife and Entertainment
Nijmegen has a varied offering of bars and clubs. Most are packed with students. Beware that due to
municipal regulations it is normally impossible to enter a club after 4:00h.
Karlijn van der Boon : Eenmaal voorbij de brede uitsmijters kom je in een club vol dubieuze mannen die
constant met te oude dames, die te jong proberen te lijken, contact aan het maken zijn. De wenteltrap naar
beneden leidt naar een oude rock kelder vol wazige figuren met een leuke sfeer.
address: Grotestraat 11
zipcode: 6511 VB
Karlijn van der Boon : In Doornroosje is de sfeer altijd goed. Er is van alles te doen, zoals vaak gratis films
en goede concerten. Er is een keer per maand een jungle galaxy met de betere DJ's.
address: Groenewoudseweg 322
zipcode: 6525 EL
Café de Fiets
World66's guide to Netherlands
Besides several locals, this is also a popular hang−out for students and their sports mates.
address: Grotestraat 8
024 322 49 82
zipcode: 6511 VD
De Nieuwe Maan
Good place to go to when you want to have a beer and play a game of chess or darts with your friends.
zipcode: 6511 VD
Karlijn van der Boon : In de Bijstand kun je zitten als je gewoon zin hebt om lekker te zitten. Meestal
gezellig druk. Je kunt er biervilt−art doen, een joint roken, gewoon zitten of darten. Iedereen is welkom.
address: Van Welderenstr 104
zipcode: 6511 MS
De Mythe
Karlijn van der Boon : Leuke club met een goede sfeer waar iedereen normaal doet. Publiek bestaat met
name uit jongens.
address: Platenmakerstraat 3
zipcode: 6511 TZ
The Q
Karlijn van der Boon : Dit is een gay café en disco met mensen die je een beetje vanuit de hoogte aankijken.
Een deel van het arrogante publiek staat duidelijk niet open voor nieuwe ideeën. Mocht je je niet welkom
voelen, gay café de Mythe is er recht tegenover.
address: Grotestraat
zipcode: 6511
Sportcafe de Veldschuur
Karlijn van der Boon : Je komt er nooit natuurlijk, behalve na het sporten in Malden, maar dan zit je er ook
goed. Er is vooral ook erg leuk personeel. Alleen wel een beetje duur.
address: Veldsingel 29
Nijmegen − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
024 − 3581852
zipcode: 6581 TC
dave : Elke zaterdag avond wel een goede techno party. Andere dagen verschillende muziek en thema's.
address: Groenwoudseweg 322
zipcode: 6525 EL
sharmila oemardien : De beste hiphop en soul vind je in deze kleine maar mooi ingerichte disco bar. Dansen
op het podium of lekker mensen bekijken vanuit de zithoek.
address: amsterdam
Dio is a student club. Normally you need a student card to enter.
ClosingTime: 05:00h or 06:00h
closingtime: 05:00h or 06:00h
Live rock music
Every Monday this restaurant turns itself into a smokey jazz bar, where musicians come to play Real Book
songs. The place attracts lots of foreigners.
ClosingTime: 03:00h
closingtime: 03:00h
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World66's guide to Netherlands
Noordwijk − Internet Cafes
Cafe de Wels Noordwijk
Cafe de Wels is a nice pub and cybercafe in Noordwijk. You can drink, eat and
surf over the net.
email: 12.00 − 2.00
hours: 2.5
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Onstwedde is a place about 30 kilometers south−east of Groningen. It is more than 1100 years old. It was
called Uneswido at that time, and can be found in old documents.
It is famous for its "Juffertoren", a tower, and the church to which it is connected. The Juffertoren is about 700
years old, and was built by one of three sisters,who after a life of luxury and pleasure wanted to do something
for her salvation.
The church is about 500 years old. It is dedicated to St. Nicholas. It contains a very specuial font of
Bentheimer sandstone. After the reformation it was removed from the church, being a symbol of Roman
Catholicism. It was used for feeding cattle. But in 1989 it was replaced in the church.
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Oss is a town in Noord−Oost Brabant.
Population: 65.000
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There is no real reason for travelers to come here.
Ossendrecht − Internet Cafes
Internetcaf Osstgendrecht
Whatever you want to do: check your email, take a
drink, a presentation, join a LAN−Party or just surf on the web. It's all
possible on the 11 state−of−the−art computers in Internetcaf Ossendrecht!
6 p/h (=$6 p/h)
(+31) 164−674831
mon: 13:00 − 18:00
Zuster Marie Adolphinestraat 12
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Ouderkerk aan den IJssel
Ouderkerk aan den IJssel is situated between Krimpen aan den IJssel and Gouda.
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Ouderkerk aan den IJssel
Purmerend − Internet Cafes
RoseGarden Internet−Meetingpoint
Sunday 12.00−19.00 Monday − closed
Full access to internet
Dfl. 12.50
Tuesday−Thursday 11.00−21.00 Friday 11.00−23.00 Saturday 12.00−23.00
Tramplein 3
Purmerend 1441 GP The Netherlands
Purmerend − Sights
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World66's guide to Netherlands
This large and modern port city has risen phoenixlike from the ashes of World War II. In 1940 the Germans
bombed the city to force a fast surrender of the Netherlands. Most demolition was actually done in the process
or rebuilding the city to modern standards. Only three large buildings in the center have survived
miraculously: the city hall, the St. Laurence church and the White House.
Today Rotterdams the most modern city in the Netherlands, with the high rising towers of company buildings
in the center. Some people think it became a playground for architects trying their theories and thus making
Rotterdam one giant wind tunnel, but you can really feel things are happening here if you are interested in
architecture. However, don't expect this to be the place for a decent night out. Though Rotown has decent,
though small acts and is well−known internationally, Nighttown is the place to be for dance and house, and
De Doelen is a wonderful venue for classical music, ttheatre is sorely missed. Not even the city theatre and the
Luxor theatre can compensate, as the programming there is uninspired and only aimed at the Dutch.
Symbol of Rotterdam is the Euromast Space Tower, 605−ft−/184−m−tall that had to be extended several
times to keep its leading position as highest building of the Meuse city. From this tower with its revolving
sit−down elevator you have an excellent over the city and the surrounding industrial harbour landscape. The
harbour is one of the busiest in the world is a draw in itself and still the largest one if you count by pure
A city like this cant do without Museums. A collection of painting, sculpture and design worth seeing is
displayed at the Boymans−van−Beuningen Museum. Half a day in Rotterdam is really sufficient for most, but
you can also spend several days if you want to see it all. The Dutch institutes of photography and of
architecture are located right near the center, and there are lots of galleries. In February theres always the Film
festival and every other year theres a photo biennale. The Kunsthal, designed by the famous architect Rem
Koolhaas, has changing exhibitions on all sorts of expressions of art and culture.
The people, though claiming to be one of the friendliest of Holland, are actually fairly prejudiced towards
foreigners − a fact clearly demonstrated by the 2004 city laws to forbid people from poorer families to settle
in the city. This law came to be, when all other recources were depleted to stop poverty from becoming ever
more popular. It is therefore no surprise Rotterdam was also the home of the ultra right wing politician Pim
Fortuyn, who became the first victim ever of political assassination in The Netherlands when he was killed on
May 6th, 2002. There is a statue you can visit, which still regularly has flowers put underneath it.
Do come to Rotterdam − for the architecture, the museums, the music or just some shopping.
Rotterdam − Accommodation
Hotel Baan
The Baan Hotel is an excellent place to stay. It is splendid situated at a small harbour. The hotel is nearby the
turbulent centre of Rotterdam as well as the Erasmus University and several museums. A marvelous breakfast
World66's guide to Netherlands
is served every day
this hotel
Maritime Hotel Rotterdam / Zeemanshuis Rotterdam
The Maritime Hotel is located in the centre of Rotterdam in the beautiful district near the waterfront. Opposite
the famous Erasmusbridge you'll find a comfortable place for your stay in Rotterdam. The Maritime Hotel is a
low budget hotel on a top location. The hotel provides 24 hour−reception service, a recreation lounge with
billiards, snooker, satellite TV/video, shop etc
this hotel
River House Hotel
A cosey family hotel maintained in Old Dutch Style. Situated on the river IJssel in Moordrecht, a small
village close to the important motorways leading to Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Amsterdam and Schiphol
Airport. All within 40 minutes distance. You will be surrounded by tranquil country side. The River House
Hotel has several spacious and elegant rooms, suitable for business people and tourists
this hotel
Hotel Van Walsum
Hotel van Walsum is situated on a pleasant tree lined avenue in a quiet surrounding, yet close to the heart of
Rotterdam. Local attractions include Euromast, Musea, Zoo, the port, colourful Delfshaven and the Doelen
(congressand music centre). All within walking distance. Our hotel with its cosy Dutch atmosphere has an
attractive meeting area and bar, separate lounge with tv, lift, also a secluded terraced garden and a parking.
Rooms include private bath or shower, telephone and colour TV
this hotel
Bastion Hotel Rotterdam / Barendrecht
this hotel
Bastion Hotel Rotterdam / Brielle − Europoort
this hotel
Rotterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Bastion Hotel Rotterdam / Capelle
this hotel
Bastion Hotel Rotterdam / Rhoon
Bastion Hotel Rotterdam / Rhoon aims at guests who are looking for personal hospitality, a pleasant
atmosphere and comfort, at a friendly price. The hotel is situated just of the A15 motorway, exit 19, direction
Charlois / Rhoon
this hotel
Resort Citta Romana
After an energetic day in the rush of business activities, seeking a restful lodging location with all the
comforts of home? Citta Romana is such a first class hotel resort, not only for the tourist, but for the business
traveller as well. Nestled in the country side of Hellevoetsluis and a mere 30 minute drive from Rotterdam, 10
minutes from Europoort, Citta Romana offers spacious and luxurious villa's.
this hotel
Tulip Inn Rotterdam
Tulip Inn Rotterdam is situated in a lovely part of Rotterdam, on the banks of the Maas River in the vicinity of
the harbour area. The hotel has become a meeting point for both leisure and corporate guests. The hotel
benefits from its optimal location on the river directly next to the Erasmus bridge. The rooms offer spectacular
views of the bridge and river, yet the city centre is within walking distance
this hotel
Hotel − Restaurant De Hoogt
Hotel de Hoogt is located next to the waterway known as Binnenmaas, set in a polder landscape, between the
south of Rotterdam and Dordrecht. Excellent base for cycling trips in the polders or along the banks of the
Oude Maas. The Binnenmaas is ideal for short boat trips, sailing, windsurfing or fishing. Our guests often tell
us our cooking is why they stay the night.
this hotel
Eden Savoy Hotel
Rotterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
A very comfortable hotel in the centre of the city with an old−fashioned, personal service. On walking
distance of the 'Old Harbour', a centre with many restaurants, pubs and disco's
this hotel
Eurohotel Centrum
Eurohotel Centrum is a completely new hotel that has been opened at the end of May 2000.Eurohotel Centrum
is located in the centre of Rotterdam, near many restaurants, pubs and only 2 minutes walk to the shopping
centre and the World Trade Centre. The underground station is located within 3 minutes walk. The hotel
provides 24−hour reception−service. All rooms have private shower and toilet and are well furnished
this hotel
Ibis Rotterdam / Vlaardingen
Hotel Restaurant Ibis Rotterdam / Vlaardingen is situated at exit 8 from the A20 from Utrecht to Hoek van
Holland. We are within 10 minutes drive from the centre of Rotterdam, 15 minutes from the high speed ferry
to England, which leaves at Hoek van Holland and 5 minutes from Rotterdam International Airport. We have
90 recently renovated rooms with bath, TV and telephone
this hotel
Novotel Rotterdam Brainpark
The Novotel Rotterdam Brainpark is a comfortable, modern hotel in the exclusive Brainpark business park,
conveniently located on the A16 motorway. Novotel features 202 rooms, including 2 for handicapped guests.
Novotel Rotterdam Brainpark also features an extensive breakfast buffet, excellent restaurant, 24−hour food
service, the Brainpark bar and 27 multi−functional meeting rooms
this hotel
Hotel De Beer Europoort
The hotel is located in Europoort, on the A15, on the waterfront of the famous Brielse Maas with a beatiful
view over the hartelcanal, with quick access to the highway. The attractions of Zeeland (Neeltje Jans, Veere)
and Rotterdam, The Hague, Delft, Kinderdijk and Keukenhof are nearby. The hotel has an indoor
swimmingpool, tenniscourts and a minigolf in the garden, on the border of the Hartelkanaal. All free for
this hotel
Rotterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Carlton Oasis
Centrally located to the southwest of Rotterdam. All 139 rooms have airconditioning and are tastefully
decorated and completely up to the standards of today. 8 Meetingrooms, 1 large and round room and an Enlish
pub. Free parking and no city−tax
this hotel
Delta Hotel
Firmly anchored in the water. Vessels from all over the world sail past this international oriented
accommodation, day and night. Large container ships, drilling rigs and submarines constitute the
ever−changing decor of the Waterweg. The Delta Hotel, set in the city limits by the peaceful, open expanse of
water, is an unique spot in the world's largest harbour city
this hotel
Rotterdam Airport Hotel
Rotterdam Airport Hotel is a 4−star business hotel at a top location; just a quarter of an hour from the bustling
centre of world port Rotterdam and situated right on the A13 in the direction of such tourist attractions as
Delft, The Hague and Amsterdam. Many family gatherings, weddings and theme parties are held in the
attractively decorated function rooms
this hotel
Best Western Hotel Pax
A completely renovated 4 star hotel known for its friendly atmosphere and personalised service. Centrally
located, only a 5−10 min. walk to the shopping centre, theatres, cinemas, World Trade Centre, City Hall, 'De
Doelen' Concert− and Congress−hall and numerous excellent restaurants.
Address: Schiekade 658
3032 AK Rotterdam
Tel. +31 (0)10 − 466 33 44
Fax: +31 (0)10 − 467 52 78
this hotel
Rotterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Novotel Rotterdam / Schiedam
Novotel Rotterdam−Schiedam is conveniently located on the motorway A20, in a very natural, green
environment with a superb garden with outdoor swimming pool. Novotel is close to the Rotterdam airport, all
harbours and a lot of big companies like Shell, Air Products and Esso. Novotel is easily accessible by public
transport, located only a 10 minutes drive from Rotterdam's city centre
this hotel
Hotel Inntel Rotterdam Centre
Hotel Inntel Rotterdam Centre is a 4*, 10−years old, recently renovated (1997) with restaurant (with extensive
international breakfast buffet, excellent lunch and dining possibilities), roof−top bar, congress and party
facilities and 150 comfortable, modern rooms with all modern facilities such as personal safe, pay−tv, cable
tv, hairdryer (non−smoking rooms available).
this hotel
Holiday Inn Rotterdam City Centre
The Holiday Inn Rotterdam City Centre is located at the heart of this dynamic city. Congress Centre De
Doelen, WTC, theatres, musea, restaurants and shops are all next door. Rotterdam Central Station at 300
metres, offers frequent direct connections with Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and all major cities in the
Netherlands. Rotterdam Airport is only 20 minutes by car.
this hotel
Hotel Benelux
In our small family hotel we do not serve strong alcohol. Daily we serve one meal
this hotel
Golden Tulip Capelle Rotterdam
Golden Tulip Capelle is a luxury 4 star hotel conveniently located just outside the well known harbour city of
Rotterdam, near the A−20 motorway, only a ten minute drive for the Centre of Rotterdam and Rotterdam
Airport. Even driving to The Hague takes you only 20 minutes
this hotel
Rotterdam − Accommodation
World66's guide to Netherlands
Golden Tulip Rotterdam
You'll find the Golden Tulip Rotterdam Hotel accommodated in a monumental building in the very heart of
Rotterdam. The hotel emanates a truly authentic atmosphere with its splendid marble floors, Art Deco
elements and chandeliers. The 215 beautiful renovated rooms have every convenience you can imagine
this hotel
Bilderberg Parkhotel Rotterdam
The four−star Bilderberg Parkhotel Rotterdam is situated on one of the most beautiful canals in the heart of
Rotterdam, in the tranquil surroundings of Museum Park. The business, theatre and shopping areas are just a
stroll away, as are congress venues and the World Trade Centre. Access to the harbours is quick and
this hotel
Hotel Emma
Hotel Emma is well situated in the dynamic centre of Rotterdam. The hotel was build in 1979: 3 floors with
elevator and comfortable single, double, triple and fourbedded rooms. Furthermore there is a roof−terrace
with a sky−line view of the city, a breakfast room, an entresol and a lounge with international magazines
Rotterdam − Sights
Spido harbourtrips
To take a real close look at the biggest port of the world go on a Spido boattrip and see the busy river and sea
traffic from close by. An ocean liner or cargo carrier may be an impressive sight standing ashore, see how it
looks from a relatively small ship.
address: Willemsplein 85
For a tropical dive go to the Tropicana swimming pool where you are surrounded by palms and banana trees.
Its the best way to rinse of all the impressions made by this city.
address: Maasboulevard 100
Rotterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
Laurens kerk
The St Laurence church is one of few buildings in the centre of Rotterdam that survived the WO−II
bombardment. It suffered severe damage and had to be partly rebuild, but its still standing. This rebuilding
was finished in 1968. The church dates back to the first half of the 16th century (1525) and replaces an earlier
church. Its build in a typically Dutch fashion with gothic shapes made in brick. Just the top of the 64 meters
rising tower and the window and doorframing are made of stone. The place is near the origin of the town
Rotterdam. The dam build in the river Rotte, which gave its name to the city, once was were the "Hoogstraat"
crosses the "Binnerotte".
The black blocks to the northern side of the church were added between 1976 and 1981. But are still topic of
discussion. They are by W.G. Quist,the architect who designed the Cities Theater. Their dimensions represent
the same masurements on what basis the church was build.
The church is now also used for concerts, lectures and exhibitions.
address: Grote kerkplein 3
Arboretum Trompenburg
This is a unique botanical garden in the heart of Rotterdam since 1820 and it's the best place to enjoy the
nature and tranquility in the noisy Dutch city.
You will see beautiful plants and trees from all around the world for only 5 guilders.
Honingerdijk 86
Show cube
Near subway Blaak you'll find the most striking houses of Rotterdam; the cube houses. One of them is open to
the public. Take a look inside and see the fully furnished interior.
address: Overblaak 70
IMAX Rotterdam
In the IMAX theatre you can experience movies like you never did before. Surrounded by a huge screen (17
by 23 metres) and a crystal clear sound you can even feel make you believe that you're in the film too. Call for
reservations and programme information.
address: Leuvehaven 77
++31 (0)900 − 2354629
The Euromast is a 185m high reminder for the flower fair, the Floriade held in 1960. Its the symbol of
Rotterdams erection from the ashes of the bombardment and the modern future the city awaits. H.A. Maaskant
was the name of the designer, witch translates as Side of the Meuse. The original tower reached 100 meter
into the air. At a height of 60 meter it has a panoramic restaurant from were you have a beautiful view over
Rotterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
Rotterdam. It was to be the tallest building in the Netherlands, but just ten years later found itself beaten by
new arrivals. This is why it was extended by a second tower, which supports a revolving elevator. If the
restaurant is not yet high enough you can take this Space−Cabin and experience the sensation of a rocket start,
slowly turning in orbit to the highest point of Rotterdam.
address: Parkhaven 20
+31−010−− 4364811
Blijdorp Zoo
The Blijdorp Zoo is very popular due to its many different animal species that live in imitation surroundings:
a Gorilla island, Malayan 'forest rim', a widely varied Asian area with many unique animals like bantengs and
babirussa. The newly build Oceanium is a real sight. Here you can experience walking beneath the sea
surrounded by tons of fish.
address: Van Aerssenlaan 49
+31−010−− 4431431
Small institute with changing exhibitions.Guss : It's a bit tricky what they offer here. Sometimes I get really
amazed at what they dare to exhibit, but then somtimes I also really get inspired or moved by some excellent
pictures. It's almost alway a supprise.
Witte de Withstraat 63
openinghours: 11 − 5
+31 (0)10 2132011
Maritiem Buitenmuseum
The Maritiem Buitenmuseum is a so−called working museum, which you find in the city−centre of
Rotterdam. The collection gives a good impression of the huge habour and of the Dutch naval hisory.
You can see all sorts of ships, some of them are floating. In the summer it's possible to make a trip on an old
steam ship. The highlight of the collection is the steam battering ship De Buffel wich you can see afloat in
front of the museum. Jerome: The nice thing about this museum is that you can though most items on display.
Its orientated on visiting school classes and very educational.
address: Leuvehaven 50−72
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
This museum offers an extensive collection ranging from medieval religious painting to modern Italian
design. Theres a lovely collection of late nineteenth and early twentieth century furniture, some excellent
glasswork and really interesting modern art of the seventies and eighties. Special interest also deserves the
collection of modern photography with a work by Jeff Wall as a highlight. From the renewed pavilion by the
architect Hubert Jan Henket you have a great view at the garden with sculptures.
Rotterdam − Sights
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Museumpark 18−20
The Kunsthal
The Kunsthal Rotterdam is a notably exposition−building where annually about 25 expositions are held. You
can enjoy all sorts of art, design and photography. Lancia, Leonardo da Vinci, M.C. Escher and Picasso are
some of the names you can run into during your visit. The Kunsthal does not have a collection of its own, so
check out the exhibition agenda.
The building was designed by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) architects Rem Koolhaas and
Fuminori Hoshino. Basically its a big box with a passage through it. Inside a sloping path mirrors this
passage. The whole building is conceived as a transition between park and motorway. On the roof theres a
surreal Japanese garden with a sculpture by Henk Visch. Just like the pavilion by Hubert Jan Henket at the
Boymans van Beuningen museum on the other side of the park, the Kunsthal also draws heavy on the Neue
Galerie by Mies van der Rohe in Berlin. Jerome: The Kunsthal is one of the most innovating platforms of art
in Rotterdam; they dare to exhibit collections that are not yet accepted as art. Some collections will always be
trash, the kunsthal just raisses the question.
address: Westzeedijk 341,
zipcode: 3015 AA
Toy−Toy Museum
The large collection of antique toys is brought together in a monumental house dating from 1927 and is
situated in Rotterdam Kralingen. Here you can take a look at the rare samples of famous toy−factories from
West−Europe, like Bing, Steiner, Bugatti, Queen Anne etc. The toys date from 1700 to 1940.
address: Groene Wetering 41
zipcode: 3062 PB
Rotterdam − Internet Cafes
CAT@Zine Internet Corner
A unique Internet location in the World Open since 1997 In the Centre of Rotterdam on the main boulevard
the Coolsingel , Located in "coffeecup" of The Mall so they open and close with the shops, its in the Virgin
Megastore so theres some music.
address: Passage 1
zipcode: 3011 AE
CAT@Zine Internet Room
The highest internet room in the Netherlands is open seven days a week
Rotterdam − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Parkhaven 20
Public Library
Probably the cheapest way to get to the screen, but you may have to stand in line and the apparatus is not state
of the art. Well, its free!
address: Hoogstraat 110
zipcode: 3011PV
Easy Everything
It's hardly to believe, but with 350 computers available this is just the little brother of the cafe in Amsterdam.
It's still amazing! Jerome: This is really just a place you go if you're desperate or in a hurry. It's not a place to
go for some comfort.Johan Trip: Erg goedkoop, computers zijn makkelijk te bedienen en de internet snelheid
is perfect dus een goeie plek om even je mail te checken. Weinig sfeer wat met name komt door de sobere
inrichting en de zelf bediening. Koffie is geen aanrader.
address: Stadhuisplein 16−18
JoHo Cybercafes
Not really a cafe, more like a shop, very buzznesslike, but you can check mail and tell folks back home you're
doing fine.
address: Goudsesingel 47−49a
zipcode: 3031 ED
A bit like an office, but they also sell coffee, candybars and coca cola. Very friendly staff and good
computers. Also on−line gaming!
address: Stadhuisplein 32
zipcode: 3012AS
Café De Unie
Surf in style in a former union building build by the famous architect J.J.P. Oud. The also serve some of the
best cappuccinos in Rotterdam. Jerome: Next to the internet stuff they are also a podium for al kinds of
performances and lectures.
Rotterdam − Internet Cafes
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Mauritsweg 34
Overschie Digitaal
address: Ameidestraat 186c
zipcode: 3042 DA
Het CAT@Zine Internet Huis
the first company in Rotterdam with a internet
cafe. Still we run the best internet cafe in town.
EURO 2 per hour
mo − thu 10.00−23.00
Westewagenstraat 70
Rotterdam − Eating Out
Eating out is not a problem in Rotterdam, that is, if you know what you want or how to choose from the
hundreds of restaurants in the city. One way to do this is by going to the Lijnbaan and just pick one from the
Eetcafé or Fast−food outlets around. There are also a lot of restaurants on Mauritsweg or Westersingel, strait
in front of the central train station. The Westkruiskade is the best street to go (from the station second right) to
have a cheap exotic meal either in Indonesian Thai or Surinam Style. As Rotterdam is a real metropolis you
can find about any flavor in choice of restaurants from Italian and Mexican to Ethiopian. Most restaurants do
serve some Vegetarian dishes, but there are also restaurants who have specialized in this.
The Pancake Boat
On the Pancake Boat you can eat one of the many delicious pancakes (you can eat as much as you want!) as
well as enjoy the boattrip itself. Try the 3 hrs Pancake cruise on Saturday
departures: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday: 13:30, 15.00, 16:30 and 18.00 hrs Friday: 16:30 and 18.00 hrs
Veronique : Wat is er mooier dan pannekoekenetend door de haven van Rotterdam te tuffen? Het kan
moeilijk Hollandser. Op woensdag en in het weekend vaart de bood drie keer par dag een rondje. De
woensdag middag is wel een beetje het kinderuurtje, u is gewaarschuwd.Johan Trip: Leuke plek om even wat
te eten. Zorg wel dat je binnen een uur je pannekoeken op hebt want hij vaart maar 1 uur. Bediening en
snelheid is redelijk en de kosten zijn laag. Leuk als begin van een mooie avond uit.
Rotterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Parkhaven across the Euromast
Kantjil & De Tijger
If you want to, you can furnish your own rice table with the different dishes on the menu, but the selected rice
tables are very tasty as well and a good way to learn your way around the Indonesian kitchen. The view across
the Maas is well worth the climb on the old−fashioned staircase. Veronique : Als je er zin in hebt dan kan je
je eigen rijsttafel versieren met de verschillend gerechten die op het menu staan. De geselecteerde rijsttafels
zijn echer ook erg smakelijk en een goede manier om met de Indonesische keuken bekend te raken. Het
uitzicht over de Maas is de klim van de ouderwetse trap meer dan waard.
address: Haringvliet 76
3011 TG
Raden Mas
joana : Een hoogstandje op Indonesisch gebied. Zeker lekker kruidig en erg veel gevarieerde maaltijden. Wel
genoeg cash meenemen!
address: Kruiskade 72
010 4117244
zipcode: 3012 EH
Traditional classical Japanese dinners served by Japanese ladies in original kimono's.
address: Kruiskade 26
joana : Gezellig studenten café waar de muziek voor elk wat wils is, maar met de nadruk op top 40. Alleen
mannen betalen entree en er staat buiten een vracht wagen die dienst doet als garderobe. De ruimte is lang,
vrij smal en met een hoog plafond. In het eerste deel kan je dansen, in het tweede praten. Druk in het
address: Haringvliet 100
010 404 9092
zipcode: 3011 TH
joana : Erg lekker voor mensen die van grote brokken vlees houden. De menu kaart is helaas vrij beperkt en
soms moet je net iets te lang wachten op je gerecht. Niet echt goedkoop, behalve het menu van de maand en
de spareribs.
Rotterdam − Eating Out
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Aert van Nesstraat 99
zipcode: 3012 CA
Nice café where you can have a tasty Indian meal, whether this is the dish of the day or a four courses menu.
Also a good place to go to when you're a veggie.
address: Oudedijk 152
010 411 85 87
zipcode: 3061 AP
Doubble Diamond
miranda moonen : In Doubble word altijd goeie muziek gedraaid, de mensen zijn aardig evenals het
personeel. Jammer dat het zo klein is.
address: Voorstraat
Known for its tapas and fairly inexpensive. Besides that, exhibition space for modern art.
address: Aelbrechtskolk 51
010 477 4141
zipcode: 3025 HB
Warung Mini
Simple interior and excellent food, that's Warung Mini. Besides Surinamese also Chinese dishes.
address: Witte de Withstraat 47
010 404 75 56
zipcode: 3012 BM
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
Alpha Blondy
Sweet club.
Nw Binnenweg 144b
ClosingTime: 02:00
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
closingtime: 02:00
3015 BC
Lo Maximo
jennifer : Goeie plek om te swingen en vlakbij station Blaak.
address: Boompjeskade 12
zipcode: 1311 XE
joana : De voormalige Jam R 'n B Club is een salsa club geworden.
address: Schiekade 205
+31 (0)10 413 5220
zipcode: 3013 BR
address: Leuvehaven 56
+31 (0)10 411 6253
zipcode: 3011EA
Loge 90
address: Schiedamsedk 4a
+31 (0)10 414 9745
zipcode: 3011EB
address: Botersloot 44a
+31 (0)10 213 0778
zipcode: 3011HH
Oppert 1
+31 (0)10 412 2613
address: Meent 46−48
+31 (0)10 411 2335
zipcode: 3011JM
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Pannekoekstraat 97
+31 (0)10 413 7782
zipcode: 3011LD
De Tros
address: Pannekoekstraat 87a
+31 (0)10 414 3289
zipcode: 3011LD
address: Spaansekade 62
+31 (0)10 413 0910
zipcode: 3011ML
't Dik
address: Hoogstraat 110
+31 (0)10 413 9823
zipcode: 3011PV
Big Ben
address: Stadhuisplaan 3
+31 (0)10 414 9992
zipcode: 3012AR
Grolls Inn
address: W Kruiskade 17
+31 (0)10 414 2460
zipcode: 3014AJ
Will'ns & Wetens
address: Nieuwe Binnenweg 111a
+31 (0)10 436 6655
zipcode: 3014GH
Cocktails and Dreams
address: Scheepstimmerman laan 29a
+31 (0)10 436 9460
zipcode: 3016AD
De Baggerbig
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Pannekoekstraat 40a
+31 (0)10 411 3035
zipcode: 3011LH
address: Coolsingel 8
+31 (0)10 411 7772
zipcode: 3011AD
The Grapevine
address: Westewagenstraat 52
+31 (0)10 412 9511
zipcode: 3011AT
Haagse Bluf
Special beers
address: Haagseveer 90
+31 (0)10 433 1405
zipcode: 3011DA
Paddy Murphy's
A very nice pub in the centre, with live music, excellent ambiance and amazing decoration. Beer is good and
there is regularly some sport on tv screens in the backroom.
+31 10 − 411 00 78
address: Rodezand 15
zipcode: 3011AM
't Kont van het Paard
tim verkerk : De perfecte kruising tussen bruin café en grand café waar jong en oud elkaar tegen komen om in
een goeie sfeer een lekker biertje te drinken. Goeie achtergrond muziek.
address: Kaatsbaan 1−3
zipcode: 3082 DP
address: Nieuwe Binnenweg 154
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
+31 (0)10 436 9081
zipcode: 3015BG
address: Van Speykstraat 194
+31 (0)10−4363492
zipcode: 3014VS
De Kleine Ondeugd
Daily changing Thai menu for 20 Dutch Guilders
address: Oostzeedijk 348
+31 (0)10−2130718
De Nieuwe Wet
address: Nieuw Binnenweg 154a
+31 (0)10−4363548
zipcode: 3015BG
The Reefer
Vincent Hamersma : Goeie kwaliteit en zeker een bezoekje waard voor mensen die vaker blowen en voor het
eerst in R'dam komen.
address: Oppert 1
+31 (0)10−4122613
De Poel
address: Eendrachtsweg 29
+31 (0)10−4121708
zipcode: 3012LB
De Drie Musketiers
address: Bergstraat 9A
+31 (0)10 265 4355
zipcode: 3035TA
Mon Camarade
It's a rip−off.
address: 1e Middellandstr 10A
+31 (0)10 436 7540
zipcode: 3014BD
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Bas Jungeriusstraat 161
+31 (0)10 486 2212
zipcode: 3081VB
Café 'Spot the Loony'
address: Beijerlandselaan 33a
+31 (0)10 423 0265
zipcode: 3074EB
address: Bergsingel 228
+31 (0)10 466 3079
zipcode: 3035ER
address: Carnisselaan 20a
+31 (0)10 480 2333
zipcode: 3083HJ
De Poel
address: Eendrachtsweg 29
+31 (0)10 412 1708
zipcode: 3012LB
address: G.J.Mulderstraat 16b
+31 (0)10 476 3732
zipcode: 3023RE
De Koffieshop
address: Halstraat 10a
+31 (0)10 411 1076
zipcode: 3011LA
Sensi Smile
address: Henegouwerlaan 73
+31 (0)10 476 3252
zipcode: 3021CT
Koos En Toos
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Motorstraat 2
+31 (0)10 486 4507
zipcode: 3083AP
address: Nassauhaven 387
+31 (0)10 486 2994
zipcode: 3071JJ
Out Of Time
address: Nieuwe Binnenweg 363a
+31 (0)10 478 0859
zipcode: 3023EK
Out Of Time
address: Wolphaertsbocht 298
+31 (0)10 485 0822
zipcode: 3081KR
Sky High
address: Nieuwe Binnenweg 59
+31 (0)10 436 6523
zipcode: 3014GD
't Kabinet
address: Noordsingel 61
+31 (0)10 466 8533
De Puck
address: Sandelingplein 2
+31 (0)10 484 0636
zipcode: 3073AL
address: Strevelseweg 37
+31 (0)10 484 7773
zipcode: 3073DS
address: Groene Kruiswg 19
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
+31 (0)181 60 2044
zipcode: 3202ST
Bioscooplijn Nationale
address: Postbus 81018
+31 (0)900 503 2000
zipcode: 3009GA
Cinerama 1−5
A characteristic cinema, complete with the thick red carpet. Located near the city centre. Contrary to the
commercial cinemas of Pathé, Cinerama also shows smaller producitons, which are not guaranteed
address: Westblaak 18
+31 (0)10 411 5300
zipcode: 3012KL
address: Gouvernestr 133
+31 (0)10 277 2266
zipcode: 3014PM
Pathé Schouwburgplein
address: Schouwburgpln 101
+31 (0)900 1458
zipcode: 3012CL
Ministry of dance
simon Kooi : Hier draaien de beste dance DJ's, is het beste geluid en hangt de beste sfeer. Alleen jammer dat
ze maar tot 06:00 uur open zijn.Bjorn Noordzij : Vier etages met puur dance genot. Afwisselende DJ's zorgen
voor een lekkere beat waarop je lekker uit je dak kan gaan.
address: Prins Alexanderlaan 37
+31 (0)10 220 2727
zipcode: 3068PN
address: boompjeskade 10
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
joana : Buiten is het een apart decor en van binnen staat de dansvloer net onder het waterpeil, je ziet het water
dus tegen de raam aan klotsen! Van bovenaf heb je overzicht over het hele dansvloer. En niet te vergeten zijn
Asian parties eens per maand op vrijdag.
address: Boompjes 751
010 4134091
zipcode: 3011 XZ
joana : Entree kost fl 12,50, beginnend met een strandbal gevolgd door lach spiegels. Tropische sfeer met
muziek vanuit een 8 meter lange speedboot. Prachtige muurschilderingen en strandspulletjes van beroemde
stranden over de hele wereld. Entertainment verzorgd door Baja beach boys en girls.
address: K Doormanstraat 10
zipcode: 3012 GJ
Hollywood Music Hall
joana : Vijf grote zalen met verschillende muziek stijlen zoals R&B, mellow, nederpop en dance. Donderdag
avond is studenten avond met gratis toegang.
address: Delftsestraat 15
zipcode: 3013 AC
Beach Club Y−Land
email: y−
address: Noordkade 17
zipcode: 3201AZ
address: Mauritsweg 46b
+31 (0)10 414 1513
zipcode: 3012JV
Podium Gallery X
address: Wilhelminahaven NZ 2
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
+31 (0)10 234 0708
zipcode: 3134KE
address: Wilhelminahaven NZ 1
+31 (0)10 434 9445
zipcode: 3134KE
De Après Skihut
address: Delftsestraat 23
+31 (0)10 413 7108
zipcode: 3013AD
joana : Binnen is alles nog hetzelfde inclusief de grote Romeinse zuilen van toen het nog de Experience was.
Grote glazen ramen zodat je uitzicht op zowel de Maas als de dansvloer hebt, waar je ook van boven een blik
op kan werpen.
address: Maasboulevard 100
+31 (0)10 402 0728
zipcode: 3063 NS
address: Stadhuisplein 43
+31 (0)10 414 6400
zipcode: 3012AR
address: Westblaak 80
+31 (0)10 414 3867
zipcode: 3012KM
Gay Palace
address: Schiedamsesingel 139
+31 (0)10 414 1486
zipcode: 3012BA
address: C de Vrieselaan 113
+31 (0)10 476 1222
zipcode: 3021JH
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Gasthuisstraat 1
+31 (0)181 41 2984
zipcode: 3231XG
address: Opweg 2−4
+31 (0)182 38 6724
zipcode: 2871NA
address: Kerkstraat 59
+31 (0)78 674 3933
zipcode: 3291AK
City Life
address: Nieuwdorperweg 44
+31 (0)182 39 2516
zipcode: 2811LD
maaike : Disco waar je na het dansen even op adem kan komen met een goeie snack in een heuse 'Titanic' of
een autobus.
address: ?
zipcode: ?
Ministry of Dance
Prins Alexanderlaan 37
+31 (0)10 220 2727
address: S Gravendykwal 130
+31 (0)10 265 6991
zipcode: 3015CC
address: S Gravendykwal 124
+31 (0)10 436 2260
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
zipcode: 3014EL
address: Mathenesserln 471
+31 (0)10 425 4155
zipcode: 3023GL
Yab Yum
address: Crooswyksesingel 33
+31 (0)10 433 4342
zipcode: 3034CJ
address: S Gravendykwal 115
+31 (0)10 476 0979
zipcode: 3021EJ
The Embassy Club
address: S Gravendykwal 100
+31 (0)10 436 4948
zipcode: 3014EJ
'l Ambassadeur
address: S Gravendykwal 149−151
+31 (0)10 477 5603
zipcode: 3021EM
Porno Bioscoop
address: 1e Middellandstr 115
+31 (0)10 477 2793
zipcode: 3021BD
Fun 4 Two
address: Middelweg 18
+31 (0)182 37 8724
zipcode: 2841LA
The best place to go on a sunny day in a harbour city like Rotterdam is of course aboard a real ship. OK, it
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
does not sail, but from the rear deck you can imagen it does.
address: Wijnhaven t.o. nr.101
+31 (0)10 4045457
zipcode: 3011 WN Rotterdam
Hoofdstuk II
address: Oostmolenwerf 14−24
+31 (0)10 4148222
zipcode: 3011 TL Rotterdam
Conveniently close to the Central station this '50s styled café is an ideal meeting point.
address: Stationsplein 45
+31 (0)10 4119550
zipcode: 3001 GA
address: van Vollenhovenstraat 56
+31 (0)10 2134464
zipcode: 3016 BK
A small grand café with a huge terrace that makes an excellent place to wait for friends, with or without
appointment. Try a cheese dip for lunch.
address: Museumpark 25
+31 (0)10 4361952
zipcode: 3015 CB
de Unie
Reconstruction of the demolished Union building by the famous modern architect J.J.P. Oud. Originally this
building stood at the coolsingel but it was destroyed in the Second World War bombing.
address: Mauritsweg 35
+31 (0)10 4141666
zipcode: 3012 JT
Dansclub Tropicana
joana : Tikje Romeins en origineel ingericht met een prachtig uitzicht op zee door grote raam. Op de dans
vloer staat de DJ haast pal naast je, dus verzoek nummers zijn geen probleem.
Rotterdam − Nightlife and Entertainment
World66's guide to Netherlands
address: Maasboulevard
zipcode: 3063 NS
Ministry of Dance
The most spectacular floor of this arena is the Dance Temple: At the rooftop you can see Rotterdam uncer a
nightly sky while under your feed you can see the clubbers on the main dancefloor through the glaze floor
youre dancing on yourself. Music ranges from classics and easy groove to hardhouse. Veronique : De meest
spectaculaire dansvloer van Rotterdam is de Dancetemple. Onder je voeten de heb je uitzicht op de vloer een
verdieping lager, boven je de nachtelijke hemel en overal muziek. Op verschillende niveaus draait men classic
en easygroove tot hardhouse.Johan Trip: Drie grote zalen met verschillende muziek stijlen waar de nadruk
ligt op dance. De sfeer is perfect, het publiek is 21+, de bediening en keuze is goed maar alles is redelijk duur.
Ook de bereikbaarheid is 's nachts matig, maar eenmaal binnen...
zipcode: 3068 PN
't Gelagh
joana : Gezellig, klein en donker met leuk personeel. Op de bar branden leuke kaarsjes en staan lekkere
nootjes. Aan de muur hangen originele schilderijtjes en elke zaterdag is er een live jazz band.
address: Witte de Withstraat 40
zipcode: 3012 BR
good stuff
1e Middenlandstr
ClosingTime: 02:00
closingtime: 02:00
Rotterdam − Shopping
the best area of rotterdam to buy luxury products.
The Centrummarket
Rotterdam − Shopping
World66's guide to Netherlands
This market is one of the biggest in Holland and is held on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Take a look at the stands
(there are about 500 of them!) where you definetely will find what you're looking for.
The Beurstraverse (koopgoot)
The people from Rotterdam call it the 'koopgoot', this partly indoor shopping area is packed with all sorts of
shops and has a real good architectonical style.
Alexandrium I, II and III
an indoor shoppingmall (I), a shoppingstreet with mega−stores (II), and 60.000m2 ideas for domestic
decoration (III). You can easily reach this by bus.
The Vrij Entrepot Rotterdam
An area in development, try it in summer 2005, it will be reopend and renewed
The Lijnbaan
Europe's first pedestrian shopping streets, it's one of Rotterdams typical shaped streets.
Really nice street in North part of Rotterdam.
A 2 km long shopping street with hundreds of shops in the southern part of Rotterdam.
Market Zuid
At this market (Wednesdays and Saturdays) there are sold several products and it's held on the
Rotterdam − Getting Around
In the plans for the rebuilding of Rotterdam there's been a lot of attention for transport. Rotterdam was to be a
city with separated areas for offices, industry and living. The plan therefore incorporated broad motorways,
bicycle paths and pedestrian areas. Even today the centre is good accessible, though parkingspace is becoming
more and more a problem. There are three ways of public transport: trams, busses and subways. A taxicab can
be hailed if the sign is not lit or at a taxistand.
For a taxi you can call the Rotterdamse Taxi Centrale RTC. You can also hail a taxi when the sign on the roof
is lit. Most cafés and restaurants will be happy to call you a cab when you're leaving, just ask.
tel: ++31 (0)10−4626060
Rotterdam − Getting Around
World66's guide to Netherlands
The Busstation In Rotterdam is opposite the Central Trainstation. From here there are leaving many buses
within Rotterdam and to the places around this city. Kippers
The best means of transport are the tram and the metro in Rotterdam. General info can be found at the info
stand in the central station. Most trams have their startingpoint here as well.
There are several boatcompanies in Rotterdam which you can find at the port. They can take you for a
roundabout through the harbour.
When you are visiting Rotterdam you can also choose to travel by car, although it isn't a very fast way of
traveling here. You are likely to get in a traffic jam because the roads are often busy, especially around the
Rotterdam − Getting There
There are many ways to reach Rotterdam. You can chose between the following options:
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Rotterdam − Getting There
Brink village near Staphorst. It has one hotel and a couple of bugalow parks.
It's got a couple of restaurants including a pancake farm.
Ruinen − Internet Cafes
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World66 is Open Content. All content is free for everybody to use, but we're also dependent on travelers for
updating our contents. Please use the space below for notes and when you get back home, please take the time
to add your notes to World66 so everybody can profit.
Scheveningen − Internet Cafes
The CAT@Zine Internet Club
NLG 2,50 per 30 minutes
mondag thru friday 09.00 − 24.00 hrs Saturday & Sunday 10.00 − 24.00
Caf? De Unie, Rotterdam
Caf? De Unie
Mauritsweg 34
tel: 010 4117394
Virgin Megastore, The Mall, Rotterdam
Passage 1, 3011 AG Rotterdam
Goudsesingel 47a
Rotterdam 3031 ED Netherlands