Permanent Makeup Masters - Permanent Makeup Master


Permanent Makeup Masters - Permanent Makeup Master
Permanent Makeup Masters
Master The Latest Techniques in
The Hand Method of Permanent Make-up
U n d e r t he D i r e c t i o n o f
Anita J. Smith
6 0 2 . 8 1 8 . 1 2 0 2
7 1 0 2 E Ac o m a D r i v e | S c ot t s d a l e , A r i z o na , 8 5 2 5 4
Permanent Makeup Mast ers o ffer s in ten siv e h ands -on trainin g
tha t fully pr ep ar es you fo r a su ccessful car eer in Perman en t
Ma ke-u p .
trainin g
tea ch es yo u
ho w
enh ance
wo ma n’ s fa cial fea tu res and a mpli fy h er na tur al b eau ty .
Our p rogra m i s a ffor dabl e an d in sur abl e.
We u se 100%
di spo sabl e steril e impl emen ts —NO MACH INES .
Th e pro cedur e
i s vir tu ally p ainl ess, p rovidin g th e mo st n atur al loo kin g r esul ts.
More than 60 hours of extensive hands-on training
Support materials
Color Theory/Proper application
You receive one or more Permanent Make-Up
procedures (valued up to $575)
Complete kit to service first
(valued up to $4000 in services)
Lunch every day
Certificate of completion
Continuing education
When con siderin g a ca reer in p er ma n en t make -up , th e mo st
i mpor tan t fa ctor s to su ccess ar e the trai nin g, tech niqu e, an d
pi gmen t sy stems tha t y ou
choo se. Wi th thi s ar senal a s th e fou nda tion o f your bu si ness, you ca n begin a
lu cra tiv e and fl exibl e car eer wi th th e
con fid en ce tha t you ar e p rovidin g you r
cli en ts wi th th e b est po ssibl e resu lts.
Th e a rtisti c ha nd method o f appl yin g
p er man en t ma ke-u p is a ccura te an d
pr eci se.
Thi s techniqu e i s gen tl e an d
sa fe, u sin g sp ecially desi gn ed needles to a ssur e co mfor t for clien ts an d con trol for techni cian s. Training for thi s method ensur es exp er t techniqu e in a vari ety o f p erman en t co smetic pro cedur es in cludi ng ey eb ro w enh ancemen t, ey elin er , blu sh , full
lip colo r an d scar ca mou fla ge. You will receiv e ov er 60 hour s
o f exten siv e hands -on traini ng on a ctual model s. On ce you ar e
r ea dy to b egin your car eer a s a professional p er ma nent
ma ke-up ar ti st, r est a ssur ed th at the trainin g you receiv ed wil l
pu t y ou far ah ead o f the co mp eti tion .
The best investment is the investment
we make in ourselves!
Classes are limited to f our student s and are booked on a
first-come first- served b asis. T he cost of the class is $5,450 w it h
Final p ayment is d ue 7 d ays before class beg ins.
ca shiers check, money ord er or credit ca rd s.
For more information or reservations, call Anita J. Smith at 602.818.1202
Anita Sm ith has l ed a successful career
providing perm anent m ake -up services
in Scottsdal e, Arizona, since 1992 and
has been a l icensed cosm etol ogist and
aesthetician since 1983.
Anita has
perfected her m ethods and techniques
in the hand m ethod of perm anent
m ake-up appl ication, knowing the safety
and com fort, as well as the soft and
natural resul ts, are critical not onl y to her
cl ient’s happiness but to the success of her thriving
business. Her career com bines 25 years of com prehensive
teaching in all facets of aesthetics incl uding m icro
pigm entation, col or and perm anent make -up design.
Anita Sm ith has perform ed thousands of perm anent
procedures and has trained over 200 peopl e across the
United States in her special ized and successful hand
m ethod of perm anent m ake -up appl ication. Anita has
been associated with Ronal d J. Canigl ia, M.D., F.A.C.S.
since 1994 at the Canigl ia Center located within the
prestigious Kierl and comm unity.
Ronal d J. Canigl ia, M.D., is board certified by the Am erican Board of Facial Pl astic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Dr. Canigl ia is a nationall y recognized l eader in the area
of l aser eyel id surgery and l aser skin resurfacing and serves
as a national instructor of other physicians in l aser surgery.
The Canigl ia Center prides itsel f on offering a wide spectrum of services incl uding the Hand Method Appl ication of
Perm anent M ake -up. Dr. Canigl ia feels the hand m ethod
is the safest and m ost natural l ooking perm anent m ake -up
offered. Anita Sm ith works in conjunction with Dr. Canigl ia
to provide the patient with the best overall resul ts.
“ I have had the opportunity to oversee many different methods of
permanent make-up, and Permanent Make-up Masters offers the best
training and safest method available today.”
-Dr. Caniglia, M.D.
―After getting permanent makeup by Anita, I was inspired to take
her class. Learning this technique I have found more free time in
my life while still maintaining a high income. Anita’s expertise and
gentle demeanor provided a comfortable learning environment
– I felt confident that this was the right course for me, and I would
recommend it to anyone.―
—Britney Williford
―Anita’s permanent makeup training has given my life a whole new
direction. It feels great to be able to provide my clients with the best
and most natural permanent makeup possible, while being able to
make a great and rewarding career for myself. The consistent hands
on training really gave me the experience and confidence I needed to start my own business the day I graduated school, not to mention the great pictures I already had for an entire portfolio. Anita’s
gentle hand method and specific color formulations have proven to be the
safest, most effective, and most beautiful results, all of which I am able to
replicate and offer to a variety of clients.―
—Jeslyn Davis
―Permanent Makeup Masters has changed my life. As a busy mom,
I am able to make more working three hours a day than I made
working fulltime at my previous career. The classes offered by Permanent Makeup Masters were invaluable. While challenging, the
hours I put in to learn this technique were fun and filled with industry-leading information. Anita’s years of experience and expertise
in the field assured that I was getting the absolute best education available.
Her method, needles, pigment formulas and gentleness combine to produce
the best results out there – and that is a fact!‖
—Rachel Luman
―I completed my Permanent Makeup Masters under the direction of
Anita Smith in September of 2009 and could not have been more
happy with all of the knowledge and techniques that I left with.
Anita is very detailed in her training and does not rush any of her
students. I felt like I had more than enough hands on experience
with live models to get me ready for opening day of my very own
permanent makeup company. Anita has also been at my fingertips
ever since leaving my training, if I have any questions at all she is always there to
answer my calls and always has an answer for what I need help with.
I have heard horror stories about some of these other training facilities and I
have to say...I am so LUCKY that I found Permanent Makeup Masters and Anita
Smith. I wouldn't be in the business still today if it weren't for all of the hands on
assistance I have gotten during my training and now while I am off on my own.
I would recommend Permanent Makeup Masters to everyone interested in this
—Margaux McHose