corvette capers - Corvettes of Sonoma County


corvette capers - Corvettes of Sonoma County
October 2012
Karl & Carol’s
1998 Torch Red Convertible
We gratefully acknowledge our Official Club Sponsor
HEALDSBURG, CA 95448-3297
Office: (707)433-3384
Fax: (707) 433-6257
Toll Free: 1-800-775-3384
Cell: (707) 292-6122
Corvettes of Sonoma County Officers
Beverly Christenson
Nancy Guadagno
Peggy Beltzner
Jack Roarick
Public Relations:
Vicki Johnson
Al and Linda Guerra
Wayne O’Connor
Tom Vonderhaar
President Bev Christenson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
MEMBERSHIP: Vicki introduced guest, Arienne, daughter of Dianna Waite.
TREASURER: Jack was not present. Bev gave the treasurer’s report.
VICE PRESIDENT: Nancy passed out flyers for the Installation Dinner. The
dinner will be held at The Villa Restaurant, 3901 Montgomery Dr., Santa
Rosa. The price is $35.00 per person. Mail your check to Jack Roarick. His
address is on the roster. Happy hour is at 5:30 and dinner at 6:30. There will be
a fun run prior to dinner. Meet at 3:15 p.m. at the Park and Ride Lot at the first
Healdsburg exit (northbound) by Georgios. Leave at 3:30. Directions will be given
at that time. Nancy needs a head count for dinner so please contact her and let her
know what your choice for dinner will be out of four entrée’s if you did not fill out
the form at the bottom of the flyer.
McConnell Chevrolet barbecue is Saturday, September 22nd . There will be a fun
run prior to the barbecue. Meet at Oliver’s at 10:00 and leave at 10:15. Frank and
Myra will be leading a run through the River Road area. Bring your walki-talkies.
Directions will be provided. The barbecue is at 11:30 if you choose to go directly
to McConnell’s.
WEB MASTER: Tony was not present.
PUBLICATIONS: Wayne was not present.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Tom will check with McConnell’s to verify the barbecue time.
HISTORIAN: Ralph brought his photo album for all to enjoy.
Minutes continued……
SOCIAL: Al reminded everyone of the fun run to Old Sacramento on October 13 th.
Lunch will be at Joe’s Crab Shack and a stroll. On the return home, a stop will be made
at Fenton’s Ice Cream in Vacaville.
October 6th, Tony and Mary will be leading a fun run to the Jelly Belly Factory.
October 14th, meet at the BR Cohen Winery, 10-4
SUNSHINE: Sue did not have any mail outs this past month. Vicki will be taking Sue’s
position as Sunshine starting next month. Thank you Sue, for a great job!
PROPERTY: Dave brought in all the inventory he had; to be displayed and purchased.
He also provided an inventory list.
OLD BUSINESS: Dottie made a motion for the Club to pay for the pizza provided
last month at the general meeting. Jerry C seconded the motion. The motion was
approved and carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Ed C. made a motion for the Club to pay for the cost of the dinner
for the members who served on the Board for the past year (President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Public Relations, Social, Publication, Web Master,
Member-At-Large, Historian, Sunshine, Property, Drawing). The motion was seconded
by Al G. Motion carried.
SECRETARY: Peggy read the minutes as posted in the newsletter. Jerry made a
motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Al G. Motion carried.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSC had four winners last week at the Fairfield Car Show:
1st place winners were Rich McColgan, Victor Viti, and Frank Bethany. John Yde won
a 2nd place trophy and a trophy for longest distance traveled and a sponsor’s award. Well
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
The raffle money was won by Brenda R and Karl S won the name tag drawing.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy Beltzner, Secretary
Dear Corvette Enthusiast,
It may not be until next year, but before you know it, the 60 th Anniversary of Corvette will be here. We aim
to make certain it is going to be an event worth remembering– so much so, that we’re giving it two full
days of celebration and honor. We know this is going to be something you will want to share with your
club members, so please see the information below for the pertinent details.
Celebrate sixty years of America’s favorite sports
car at the Petersen Automotive Museum
March 1 & 2, 2013
Friday, March 1
Corvette Values Seminar
What’s your Corvette worth in Today’s market, and how will it perform as an investment in the future?
Find out at this seminar from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Ticket price: $25.
Corvette Racing Panel Discussion
Several iconic figures from Corvette racing history will talk about the car’s illustrious racing heritage.
2:00 p.m to 3:30 p.m. Ticket price: $25.
Corvette 60th Anniversary Gala
Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. with cocktails, dinner, memorabilia auction, and a panel discussion with some
of the biggest names in Corvette history. Only 350 tickets to this special event are available.
Ticket price: $125. This event will sell out!
Saturday, March 2
Corvette Day Car Show
In the Petersen Parking Structure from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Space is limited to 500 Corvettes. Register
early to guarantee a spot! Spectator admission to Corvette Day is included with Petersen Automotive Museum admission.
These events have limited tickets available and will sell out! Buy your tickets early. All Corvette Day proceeds benefit the educational programming at the Petersen Automotive Museum Foundation, a 501 (c)(3)
nonprofit educational institution.
Corvette Restoration Seminar
Learn restoration tips and techniques from the pros. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Ticket price: $25.
For tickets, info & registration, please visit
For any questions or additional info, please contact Chris Brown at or
(323) 964-6320
Note from the editor—————
The Petersen Museum is an incredible facility. Bob Kiefer and I attended the 50th
Corvette Anniversary Celebration at the Petersen and in spite of monsoon weather
patterns, a great time was had by all. This would make a great event for the club to make
as a group.
The Villa Restaurant
3901 Montgomery Dr., Santa Rosa, 528-7755
Saturday, November 10th
Arrive (Happy Hour) 5:30
Dinner Served
$35.00 Per Person
Dinner Includes: Salad, Entrée, Desert of Ice Cream, Coffee &
Tea Service, Tax and 18% Gratuity
Menu Choices:
New York Steak (Broiled or Peppercorn. Served with Baked
Potato & Vegetables)
Chicken Piccata (With Capers & Lemon Butter, Served with
Rice and Steamed Vegetables)
Broiled Salmon (Served with Rice & Steamed Vegetables)
Pasta Primavera (Pasta with Seasonal Vegetables in a
Marinara Sauce)
Time: Meet at 3:15p.m.
Leave at 3:30p.m.
Meet at Park & Ride Lot at the first Healdsburg exit by Georgios
Directions: Will be given when we meet.
Please detach this portion and submit with your Payment
Payment must be received by October 17.
No. Attending:
Amount Attached $
New York Steak _____ Chicken Piccata
Broiled Salmon
Pasta Primavera
September’s Name Tag Winner Article
By Karl H. Switak
Carol and I met many moons distant – in the past century to be exact. At that time I was the proud owner of an
almost brand new Cortez Silver 1970 Corvette Convertible and employed by the California Academy of Sciences in
San Francisco. Our first official date took us to the Russian River where a mutual friend owned a lovely cabin in
the quaint community of Camp Meeker. It turned out to be a stellar day, with blue sky reigning from horizon to
horizon and not a cloud to be seen, but a tad on the windy side. Nevertheless, such a combination forced me to
put the top down first thing in the morning. Once on U.S.101 heading north, I put pedal to the metal and raced
along as though shot from a world-class canon. In those days you could still get away with certain infringements
pertaining to speed, loud pipes, and passing cars like they were standing still. And with the price of gas being negligible the Vette’s carburetor inhaled super ethyl like a camel dying of thirst. Unfortunately for Carol, who went
thru great length and expense late the previous day to get her hair just right, her appearance quickly took on the
look of a Fuzzy-Wuzzy (Beja warrior) in pursuit of Kitchener’s army during his desert campaign in the Sudan to
revenge the killing of Charles “Pasha” Gordon. However, all was forgiven once we reached the cabin. Our friends
were ready with a variety of condiments, one of which included enough adult elixir that made the mighty Nile
look more like a trickling creek throughout the dry season.
After five years of extensive travel
that took us to Japan, Kowloon,
Hong Kong, Macau, the entire
length of Baja, and nearly two
months on mainland Mexico, our
paths veered in different directions. I was off to explore Africa,
but Carol much preferred the
cleanliness and modern-day conveniences of the home front. However, we did keep in touch on a
regular basis. More than three decades elapsed before we again decided on joining forces, and again
the Corvette entered the picture,
but not immediately. One afternoon, sitting around and reminiscing over the good old days, I said
somewhat nonchalantly, “I wonder if I can still fit into a Corvette?” It may have started as a mundane comment,
but it took hold and before long I visited Platinum Chevrolet in Santa Rosa and placed myself into the seat of a
new 2010 Velocity Yellow Coupe equipped with the paddle shift transmission. We discussed the price, but I didn’t
take the bait immediately. At least another ten days or more passed before the haggling was over and I signed on
the bottom line. On my way out of the show room a cheerful and courteous lady handed me a business card from
Corvettes of Sonoma County and invited me to attend the next meeting. That was the first time I met Vicki. Of
course I came to the meeting, very much enjoyed meeting fellow Corvette lovers, and from then on Carol also
became part of the monthly gathering. We were voted in as members and ever since tried our best to participate
in the many club functions. Unfortunately our travel schedule is such that we have to take a rain check on many.
The story doesn’t end here. I was nearly paranoid to drive my yellow beauty in fear of getting it dirty, or worse,
have some non-caring individual open their car door into mine or incur a chip in the paint from one of many objects littering our roads. “Maybe I should buy another one, a used one in good condition, just for driving to and
fro?” I suggested to Carol. She was quick to reply. “Karl, it’s only money, and like you always tell me, you can’t
take it with you.” With such positive encouragement I immediately checked the web to see what was available. I
located what looked like the perfect “driver” for me, made a call, liked what I heard, and shortly thereafter found
me driving along Calistoga Road to Epps Chevrolet in St. Helena. The vehicle, a 1998 torch red convertible, was
indeed like new with less than 22,000 original miles and an asking price of $17,985. I never jump into the lake
without first making sure of its depth, meaning Carol and I drove back home to evaluate the deal without a sales
person’s interference. Two days later found us back at Epps, signing the paper work and shortly thereafter driving
my new toy back to Santa Rosa. It was the day prior to my leaving for the mighty Amazon to look for venomous
snakes, irate tree boas, plus hooking a piranha for breakfast.
So what’s next? A good question. Depending on what the C-7 generation Corvette looks like, we are contemplating placing an order for a ZR1 to be picked up at the factory/Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY. However,
and there always seems to be an however, it all depends on the configuration of the vehicle. In the not too distant past we’ve seen images and read short hypotheses pertaining to the C-7 to arrive as a 2014 model. If in fact
the taillights look much like those on a Camaro, and if in fact there is a small second window on each side, we
may just opt for a 2013 “427” instead; the white version with blue striping and blue interior. Unfortunately this
would involve purchasing the unit from a dealer, voiding the factory/museum delivery.
OK then, that’s enough palaver for now. It’s always a pleasure sharing my experiences with fellow club members
and both Carol and I look forward to the next get-together.
Happy Trails dear friends,
Karl and Carol
Subject: Nominating Committee-Slate change
At last nights meeting it was announced that there was a change in the slate so it needs to be
resubmitted to the news letter.
Change: Vicki removes her name from the Membership and Sue removes her name from Sunshine. Vicki will replace Sue on Sunshine.
September Birthdays
Diane Swart
Cathy Fowle
Vickie Johnston
Rose Marshall
Steve Bryan
September Anniversary
Cliff and Vickie Johnston
Have you given us your Birthday
and Wedding Anniversary dates?
If not, email
Corvettes of Sonoma County Clothing
Small—XX $28| XXX $30| 4X+ $32
Racing Trim [Men’s Sizes]
Embroidered left chest $3
Small—XX $29| XXX $31| 4X+ $33
Embroidered left chest $3
Small—XX $35| XXX $37| 4X+ $39
Embroidered left chest $3
With Collar Small—XX $29| XXX $31| 4X+ $33
Without Collar Small—XX $22| XXX $24| 4X+ $26
Small—XX $12| XXX $14| 4X+ $16
Embroidered left chest $3
Small—XX $85| XXX $90| 4X+ $95
[Men’s & Ladies]
Embroidered left chest $3
All Colors
With or without name, all sizes $30
Small—XX $30| XXX $32| 4X+ $34
Embroidered left chest $3
Non-Corvettes of Sonoma County Events
October 6th—West Point, CA—Lumberjack Day Car Show—Bryce (209)293-4266
October 13th—Rohnert Park—Cruisin’ North Cruse-In—2P.M - 5P.M. Straw Hat
October 13th—Rio Vista—65th Annual Bass Derby Car Show and Cruise—
October 13th—Kenwood—Corvettes at the Castle 2012—(650)508-8747 or
October 13th—Oakhurst—Corvettes in the Park—
October 14th—18th Annual Sausalito Classic Car Show (415)332-3321
October 14th—Rohnert Park—Sonoma Mountain Car Show—
April 19-21, 2013—Laughlin, NV—Gambler’s Classic #18—
Future Corvettes of Sonoma County Events
Oct 6th—Fun Run to the Jelly Belly Factory
October 13th—trip to Old Sacramento for lunch at Joe's CrabShack and a stroll. On our return we will stop at Fenton's Ice
cream in Vacaville.
October 14th—Sunday cruise to BR Cohn Winery
October 20th—Team Corvette’s 2012 Walk to End Alzheimer’s
November 10th—CSC Installation Dinner—The Villa (see flyer)
December 1st—Club Progressive Dinner
Please make a point to patronize our advertisers whenever you have a need.
Oct 6th—Fun Run to the Jelly Belly Factory
October 13th—Old Sacramento for lunch at Joe's Crab-Shack
October 14th—Sunday cruise to BR Cohn Winery
October 16th—CSC monthly meeting
October 20th—Team Corvette’s 2012 Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Fun Run Every Sunday—meet at Oliver’s parking lot on Stony Point
at 9:30. Plan to leave at 10:00 to go to ??????
Club meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month—dinner & social 6 pm, meeting 7 pm
At Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Rd. Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Corvettes of Sonoma
P.O. Box 1318
Rohnert Park, CA