December 2014 - The Vegas Voice


December 2014 - The Vegas Voice
Oct. 20122014
today’s active
Santa earns
enough miles
to fly1st Class!
All events
Pgs 16 -17
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From Dream to Nightmare
“The doctor said I fractured my shoulder and need surgery immediately.”
As the tears rolled down my Rana’s face,
I looked at her in total disbelief. What the..?
We were on the Royal Caribbean Serenade of the Seas (at most) 20 minutes. We
never even saw our cabin. Rather, we were
informed by the ship’s doctor that there
would be no cruising for us.
faithful Vegas Voice
doubt you read
Stu’s monthly
articles regarding the “Publisher’s Cruise.”
It was to be a
seven day dream
vacation of a
lifetime - visiting Rome, Nice,
Corsica and Barcelona.
Feeling like a
kid in a candy
store, I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was. The planning and anticipation
reminded me when I was in middle school
counting down the days until the final bell
announcing that summer has arrived.
Even worse, I admit that I obsessively
drove everyone crazy making sure last
month’s edition would be completed, printed and distributed before we began our trip.
I was a madman, barking out instructions
and warning all that I needed their stuff by
the final, “I-am-not-kidding-and-don’tmess-with-me” deadline.
I left tons of notes for my Vegas Voice
partner Ray, reminding him to make sure
of this or that. I covered all the bases and
in sheer exhaustion (and exhilaration) we
boarded the flight to Europe.
Thankfully, Rana and I had two days
prior to the cruise to sightsee Rome. By
the way, the Coliseum was an unbelievable
historical structure and the Vatican was a
spiritual, awe-inspiring experience for this
Jewish kid from the Bronx.
I was beyond fascinated and impressed
with everything - from the glorious Sistine
Chapel to St. Peter’s Square. So help me, if
the Pope would have stopped by to say “hello” I would have dropped to my knees and
december 14
Roberts Rules
Dan Roberts
converted right then and there.
And after happily posing for our initial
ship photo with Vegas Voice Project Director Bill Caserta and his Barbara, we were
informed that our room was not yet ready
and should visit the Windjammer Deck for
Long story short: As my Ladylove surveyed the terrific buffet, Bill and I saved
“stronger” language for his doings and
Once again, (and oh, so gratefully) without even telling me, he hit my credit card
for travel insurance. Stu’s done this previously and despite my loud objections, he always ignores me, stating that “one day, you
just might need it.”
Not only was he right, but to see him and
the table. With a selection that made Rana
smile, she was walking back to us when
some schmuck sitting at the next table had
his foot in the aisle and bam!
Food went one way, the plate another, and
Rana landed directly on her shoulder.
To their credit, the medical personnel did
a superb job in handling everything - but
after a quick x-ray, the diagnosis was clear.
Her right shoulder was fractured in two
The doctor advised Rana that he was making arrangements for a hospital in Rome to
perform surgery that afternoon. She made it
clear however, that any medical procedure
would be by her physicians in Vegas.
Either way - the cruise was over. The
dream vacation became a nightmare journey.
As we sat there, I held her hand and looking into her water-filled eyes, gently whispered: “You want me to go with you?”
Yes, I was kidding, but for that one moment, Rana felt no pain – however, if looks
could kill...
One more thing. As many of you are
aware, travel editor Stu and I go back nearly
40 years. In that time period, I have never
hesitated to scream and (at times) use even
his Sharon help us answer the question:
“Now what?” was truly amazing.
And while it pains me to no end to admit
this, (especially in writing) they did a magnificent job in mapping out a game plan
to get us from Rome to home immediately.
They were fantastic in restoring order from
And for my “I now have a personal story
to back up my claim” endorsement and
recommendation, allow me to boast that
our Vegas Voyagers Travel Club (and anybody else looking for travel and/or vacation
plans) are in excellent hands when Stu and
Sharon are in charge.
As for my Rana, there are not enough
pills and/or medication to ease the
stabbing pain whenever she moves.
To add insult to
injury, her doctor refused my
(and once again,
if looks could
kill) “request” to
place her in an
induced coma
during the next
few weeks.
The good news
though is that
there was no need
for surgery. The bad news is that, if all goes
well, she will need six months of rehab.
Despite this temporary setback and with
Rana by my (left) side, we, along with our
entire Vegas Voice family wish you and
yours a very joyous holiday season and a
very happy and healthy New Year.
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Marty Allen
Hello Dere
Marty’s Top Ten
1. The little kid said to Santa
Claus: “I want a baby brother.” Santa replied, “Send me your mother!”
2. Have you noticed that the
Christmas season is
starting to last longer than the football season?
3. Card playing can be
expensive but so can
any game
where you
“holding hands.”
4. My friend Herbie said his wife
is truly electric. In fact, ever ything
she owns is charged!
5. Some women can take a man
to the cleaners as soon as they spot
6. Some men don’t give women a
second thought. The first one covers ever ything.
7. A “kiss” is simply an application for a better position.
8. Most young couples
today hold off their
ceremony until
they can afford a baby
9. Definition of a voluptuous
woman: One who has cur ves in
places where some girls don’t even
have places!
10. Tommy: “My dad ran for the
Senate.” Eddie replied, “Wow! What
does he do?” Tommy answered:
Nothing! He got elected!”
For over the past decade, Marty Allen has performed with his on and off stage
singing partner Karon Kate Blackwell.
w w w. t h eve g a s vo i c e . n e t
10 6 24 S . E a s t e r n Av e . S u i t e A – 2 5 0
Henderson, Nevada 89052
P h o n e 7 0 2 . 2 51. 4 4 41 . F a x 7 0 2 . 6 6 6 - 0 4 27
V o l u m e 11, I s s u e 10
PRESIDENT . Ray Sarbacker
THEATRE editor . Jarvis Marlow
NIGHT LIFE editor . Sam Wagmeister
travel editor . Stu Cooper
RADIO HOST . Rich Natole
graphics editor . Michael Roberts
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE . Joshua Keith, Kathy Sasser
SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR . Chris Abraham, Ross Roberts
Marty Allen
Adrea Barrera
Barbara Brighton
Yvonne Cloutier
Dianne Davis
Jan Fair
Tiffany Fairfax
Francine Fields
Myra Gouger
Ali Guggenheim
Sydney Ingram
Kathy Manney
Kyo Mitchell
Mary Richard
Ken Richardson
John Rothman
Crystal Sarbacker
Richard Warren
Beverly Washburn
Devon Wickens
Wes Winters
Vicki Wentz
James White
The Vegas Voice is mailed/delivered to every residence in:
Anthem Country Club
Country Club Senior Apts.
Destinations Centers
Horizon Pines
Las Vegas Meadows
Quail Estates
Seven Hills
Solera @ Anthem
Solera @ Stallion Mtn.
Spanish Trail
Sun City Anthem
Sun City Aliante
Sun City MacDonald Ranch
Sun City Summerlin
Tropical Palms
Whispering Palms Apts.
The Vegas Voice is also distributed throughout the Vegas Valley;
from North Las Vegas to Boulder City - including select local
casinos, bookstores, coffee shops, and all libraries and community
What Do You Think?
Do you agree with our columnists? Did anyone get you angry, make you
think or simply put a smile on your face?
Please tell us by forwarding your comments, thoughts or suggestions to
Publisher Dan at:
And whatever you do, don’t forget our website. Read about the latest information about us grown-ups so you can keep up to date with everything
going on.
You can also hear our great radio interviews. Check out all our good stuff
Adrea Nairne-Barrera
Hey Santa! I’m Over Here!
So now we’re all grown up and live in the
real world. Imaginary fairies and elves don’t
peer from behind doorways or fly overhead. Or
do they?
As I get older, I see things changed around
in my house all the time. I know I had nothing
to do with it.
The dogs are too short to do table arrangements, but somehow all these festive things
start showing up around the end of October.
It’s really very nice.
I realize as I clean the closets and continue
to sort out 50 years of stuff, everything is new
again. Putting out figurines, doilies, handmade wreaths, ornaments, turkeys, etc. brings
up all sorts of feelings from holidays past.
I look at them all differently now and smile
a lot. At dusk, it’s easy to see images of the kids
when they were young peeking around the
Even the dog sleeping next to my feet is outlined before me. And the train set that circled
the tree still trips me up in my imagination,
even though I don’t set it out these days.
Certain ornaments are keepsakes and others are fashion statements. The years when you
december 14
60’s to 60
they are in direct conflict with their own traditions and we are guests.
the dogs. Shiny, light-catching
The role play switch is here. We show up
objects that break are just too bearing gifts, offer to help with the dishes and
secretly hope they’ll tell us to sit down and enWhatever your faith, there’s joy the day.
bound to be a holiday tradition
We also bring our special holiday dish to the
in there somewhere between Hal- house, try not to get our feathers ruffled when
loween and New Year’s Eve. Nota- another guest brings the same thing, and all
bly it will also involve a candle.
around, there’s a joy and sadness that the chaCandles are great little addi- os is in someone else’s home.
tions to the spirit of any season.
So Santa, when you’re on your rounds, don’t
They provide dim, romantic light, forget the empty-nesters who championed for
good smells, work well in the you and brought a little magic to the party.
guest bathroom and makes your Some of us don’t travel much anymore.
living room smell like an apple
We still have decorations in the house and a
pie every day!
little something is always a joy. Whatever way
By January, you don’t care if you celebrate, pass the word.
you ever see or smell an apple pie
With a little sadness for holidays gone by
for at least another year.
and lost loved ones, I’m also filled with appreNow I’m living in an age re- ciation for the spirit of giving and sharing as
decorated in monotones were a real challenge.
The years of plaids and wood made every- stricted community and the kids are parents always. Treasure the moments and make new
one seem “a little bit country.” We had holi- with children of their own. They are creating memories!
days in marshmallow colored bows and icicles
- others in bright red and a few very traditional Adrea Narine-Barrera’s writing focus these days are on observations,
celebrations and complaints about life in the 60’s to being in your 60’s. She
years of popcorn strings.
We stopped using glass ornaments because welcomes comments, stories and feedback to:
Yvonne Cloutier
White Christmas
Who would have thought that a song written in the southwest, with the verse about orange and palm trees, would become one of the
greatest hits of all times?
Well, that is what happened with a song
called White Christmas. It was written in
1941-- words and music by none other than
Irving Berlin.
It was the highest grossing hit for almost 60
years, won him an Oscar for best song of 1942,
and is a perennial best seller during the holiday season, always topping the holiday season
charts. According to NPR’s best 100 hits, it
ranks second only to Over the Rainbow written by Harold Arlen and E.Y.Harburg.
Actually Berlin didn’t like the Christmas
holiday season because it reminded him of
his first and only son, who died at 24 days old
on a December 1st. But songwriters are always
looking for that special song that will become
a standard, and that was what Berlin was looking for and created.
Berlin wrote the lyrics first, as he usually
did with his songs, and then could pick out
Berlin mostly wrote at night - sometimes ally thought it an “okay” song the first time he
working all night. He said that song writing heard it. Berlin first envisioned it as a “throwwas hard work and it took a great deal of time away song.”
to get it to his satisfaction.
Bing sang it in the 1942 movie Holiday
Victor Herbert said that though Berlin’s mu- Inn with Marjorie Reynolds, not Rosemary
sic theory was very limited, when it came to Clooney as some people think. Marjorie, unstyle of the song, there were no qualms about able to sing well, lip-synced Martha Mear’s
its correctness. He had a natural intuitive har- voice.
monic sense, well-crafted and simple; as if one
Some refer to holiday song hits such
could talk it.
as White Christmas as secular hymns. White
Berlin felt that the lyrics made a song a hit, Christmas is a nostalgic song, with a feeling
and the tune made it last. Al Jolson, though, of something lost, perhaps - the good old days.
said the singer has much to do with a hit song.
Berlin was asked to write holidays anthems,
Bing Crosby was the engine behind White so he also wrote Easter Parade and Happy
Christmas bringing it to the 50,000,000 mark, Holidays; both big hits.
the melody on his piano, which he had fixed when it was released.
Irving Berlin, a creative Russian Jewish
to play in any key, but only on the black keys.
He first sang it on his radio show The Kraft American genius, whose songs will live on forHowever, he needed someone to write the har- Music Hall on Christmas Day, 1941. He actuever, died in 1989 at age 101 of natural causes.
mony or accompaniment.
This was done by his musical secretary,
Helmy Kresna. With White Christmas, he told Yvonne Cloutier, a former teacher/principal, with a music background, specializes
her to: “Grab your pen and take down this in ragtime piano. She is an author and has written an easy-to-read book on Scott
song. I just wrote the best song I’ve ever writ- Joplin. She reports about music on Alive! You can contact her
ten - heck, I just wrote the best song that any- at
body’s ever written!”
Wes Winters
The Holiday Music
‘Tis the season of holidays in our Las Vegas
town. So much shopping, cooking and parties…Good Lord!
I’m at my piano rehearsing, since I’ve totally forgot this “once-yearly” music. With holiday shows piling up in December I of course,
have to remember these seasonal songs!
The words and the counts and key changes are dim. I’ve played these for years, why
don’t I remember them?
The dogs lie and listen with sympathy,
a-wonder why their human sings half a
song…then a sigh. Politely, they wait while
I struggle to recall. They’d much rather have
a snack or be chasing a ball.
So on through the list of this music I
forge, demanding my brain to recall it, by
George! Then what to my wandering ears
should I hear, but that suddenly my fingers’
memory appears!
While not thinking so hard about what
keys to play next, my fingers just know…
as if they were hexed! As a child does awake
Musical Moments
nice and slow from a dream, my hands
play the music like a well ordered team.
Then lo and behold as the music plays
out, the words all come back and I sing with
a shout! Like holiday dawn creeps across
desert sand, this once yearly music is suddenly at hand!
Fun holiday verbiage…desert sand, you
know? But hey, it’s Vegas and we don’t get
much snow.
Back Stage Pass
Now back to this holiday musical thing, with seasonal songs
we all love and sing. The relief
now unfurls that I remembered
again, all this “once-yearly” music only played now and then.
With voice full of joy and heart
full of song, this holiday season
rolls musically along. As we celebrate and share all of our festive
cheer, I’ll close the chapter on my
musical year.
Then I lay down my head, and
laugh with chagrin, and remember I have this to do all over next
year again!
**Join me NEW YEAR’S EVE at the South
Point Hotel and Casino! I’ll be in the Grandview Lounge from 5-7pm to get things started.
At 8pm I’ll kick off our NEW YEAR’S EVE
HEADLINER GALA in the Grand Ballroom,
performing for dinner and dancing as the
opening act for Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin
Brothers! This ticketed New Year’s Eve Gala
includes a spectacular gourmet dinner, open
bar, party favors, champagne NYE toast, Larry
Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers at 10:3pm, and
me 8-10:15pm.
For tickets and info call 702-792-7111 or
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the Rampart Casino at Summerlin 6-9pm
every TUESDAY in January! Drinks, Dancing
and Great Music! For more info call 702507-5900 or visit
Every FRIDAY and SATURDAY-Wes Winters lights up the Grandview Lounge inside the South Point Hotel - 6-9pm! For
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december 14
Vicki’s Voice
Vicki Wentz
Joy To The World & Please Pass the Wassail
I love being a teacher. Well, not every second of every day, but still, I mostly love being
a teacher.
One of the biggest reasons is the week before
Christmas break. This week, in any school, is
such a trip.
All of a sudden, there is spasmodic giggling
and unrest in the classroom, whining in the
office, and a general who-gives-a-partridgein-a-pear-tree attitude towards work of any
kind...and, the students are almost as bad.
Don’t bother asking the kids to use their
brains this week, because their brains have already left for Aspen, and have no return tickets
until January.
So, we teachers, in our never-ending quest
to torture children, usually give assignments
like: “Write two paragraphs on what you want
for Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever,
followed by two paragraphs on what you DESERVE for Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa/
Whatever.” Or, “Compute the distance from
your house to the North Pole – in miles, liters,
and milligrams.”
Naturally, there are some teachers who give
actual, grade-able assignments and even tests
this last week, but they are likely
to be the brand new, just-outof-college teachers, with
all of their ideas
and ideals still
intact, and
looking so
young, that the
security guards keep
asking them for
their hall passes.
And now, in
keeping with
my yearly
- ok, one
year - tradition, here
is the quick
version of what’s
going on at school
this week. Enjoy –
and say a quiet prayer of thanks that you have
already graduated.
’Twas the week before Christmas, and all
through the schools, The students were antsy
and acting like
The teachers
were sick of
e n fo rc i n g
the rules,
The week
Christmas, in
all of our
holiday artwork
walls, With cotton ball snow
scenes and gingerbread
dolls, And candy canes crunch underfoot
in the halls, The week before Christmas is really a ball.
And, often, the students give presents quite
dear, To teachers they like – or to teachers
they fear,
In hopes that those teachers will pass them
this year. The week before Christmas, the
kiss-ups are clear.
The apple-scent lotions, the apple-print
sheets, The apple-charm bracelet so shiny
and sweet,
The sweatshirt with apples across it is neat,
The week before Christmas is always a treat.
And, giving is what it’s about, as you
know. So, when for a teacher it’s shopping
you go, Remember the gift that will give us
a glow: This week before Christmas, no cookies - just dough!
Ohhh, Vicki!, I hear you moaning. I can’t
believe you would suggest that your students
give you money for Christmas. Of course not!
Nothing could be further from my mind! It
just “worked” with the poem...jeez, get a grip!
As we all know, Christmas isn’t about spending – or receiving... money (although someone should whisper that to the federal government, which is running around spending
more money than presently exists in, like, the
cosmos, on things that are, to say the least, INSANE! the study of methane gas “emissions” from dairy cows?!
And, for Christmas, they’ve decided to use
“stimulus funds” to throw a huge party at the
White House for all the elites, where they will
serve a bowl of elite-type wassail the size of a
Cadillac Escalade…not that anyone actually
knows what wassail is.)
Anyway, because the rest of us non-elites
have no money left, I would never propose that
students give their teachers money for Christmas. Honestly, I’ve always been against giving
money to anyone for Christmas - a stance my
children have consistently, vehemently and
vigorously protested.
But, it really is the thought that counts,
and a wad of cash - while it does go with everything - shows no thought at all. Whereas,
a nice bottle of apple-flavored wassail? Now,
there’s a thought...
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Sam Wagmeister
Pia’s Son Provides Tots Theme
For over 30 years, Piero’s Italian Cuisine, has
quietly served as a hideaway where Movers and
Shakers meet to conceive deals, reach agreements
and wind down after an evening of headlining on
The Strip.
It has provided refuge for two presidents, Bush
Senior and Bill Clinton; the Rolling Stones; athletes Michael Jordan and Larry Bird. The history
of Las Vegas has dined there: the Rat Pack, Phyllis
McGuire, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Jerry
Lewis and more.
Recently a plan was hatched there…a Big
Plan…maybe the Biggest Plan Ever. Not in terms
of $$$, but in terms of impact on more than 2,500
Las Vegas kids Christmas morning.
Plans began for the 2014 Toys for Tots Spectacular when one of the show’s Executive Producer,
Jonathan Scott, visited Piero’s. Toys for Tots veteran and Piero’s headliner Pia Zadora, the same Pia
Zadora who toured and opened for Sinatra…yes,
that Sinatra… entertained at the crowded venue.
Zadora’s teenage son, himself a behind-thescenes Toys for Tots veteran, suggested to Scott,
“Pop music. Everybody loves pop music.” After
People & Places
Smith, Jasmine Trias and partner Party. Admission is complimentary.
The US Marine’s Toys for Tots show has generBen Stone; Anne Martinez, Eric
Jordan Young, Maren Wade, Jason ated over 2000 Christmas morning gifts for area
Tenner; comedians Dennis Blair and children. Admission to the event is an unwrapped
Robert Nash; violinist Lydia Ansel toys valued at $20 or more. Last year, Harness
and actor Adrian Zmed.
estimates, the event generated $202,000 in merMy fellow Vegas Voice columnist, chandise and donations; “this year our goals is
Wes Winter, will provide his Liberace- $300,000.”
style of pre-show entertainment.
Show attendees may bring toys to the perforThe shows concluding 20 minutes mance or may pick up a ticket from Harness at
will be “Rob Garret’s American Tril- Cadillac of Las Vegas, 5185 W. Charleston. The
ogy with the hit songs tof Sinatra, dealership joins Stoli Vodka as a principle sponsor
Jonathan Scott, LJ Harness and members of the US Marine
Elvis and Neil Diamond saluting the for the 6th consecutive year.
Corps Reserve at the Toys 4 Tots event
troops. This show is songs that everyScott emphasizes, “Our goal is that every child
conferring with co-Executive producer LJ Harness,
one loves,” adds the Cadillac of Las in Las Vegas will have a new toy on Christmas
the young man’s suggestion was adopted.
Vegas’ spokesperson and part time percussionist. morning. Everything that’s collected in Las Vegas
Saturday, December 13, the 8 pm curtain raises
The evening concludes with an open invitation stays in Las Vegas.”
on Toys for Tots’ Pop Goes Las Vegas, Las Vegas to attendees to join the show’s performers and
Tickets are also available at the Westgate ticket
Goes Pop – Popular Music Performed by Vegas Lisa Gay, Tony Drake and the Gentlemen of Thrill office, 3000 Paradise Road. Showtime is 8 pm
Stars. For the third year, Zowie Bowie’s Chris Phil- band in the Tempo Lounge for an open mic After with the Red Carpet at 6:30.
lips will be Master of Ceremonies and Pop Evolution’s David Perrico Musical Director.
Sam Wagmeister, a local Realtor specializing in Las Vegas senior communities, covers
Among those scheduled to appear (subject the hidden gems of Las Vegas Entertainment for The Vegas Voice. He would love to
to change) are vocalists Pia Zadora, Savannah hear what you think. Contact Sam at: or (702) 245-6556
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december 14
Vegas Voice 5x5.5_WC_4C.indd 2
9/19/14 10:59 AM
Rich Natole
Aaron Caruso - Classical Tenor
For those of you who have been
reading my column, and on behalf
of all the performers I’ve featured, I
would like to say thank you.
I’m dedicating my articles to talented entertainers - Las Vegas locals
who are in need of exposure. With
your support, together we can help get
these individuals get the recognition
they deserve in this very competitive
This month, I would like to shine
the spotlight on a remarkable performer I’ve had the pleasure of getting
to know. He’s classical tenor Aaron Caruso - and yes, that’s his real name!
A perfect name for this extraordinary talent. His gifted singing style
has been described as a combination
of Andrea Bochelli meets Michael
To hear his voice live is nothing
short of spectacular! Recently, I had
the opportunity of performing on the
Las Vegas Rocks TV show with Aaron.
Barbara Brighton
The Next Generation
folks divorced when I
Interview with Steve Marchwas two and a half years
old, and I was brought
Barbara: You were dreamup by Hal March, a
ing of playing for the Yankees
Broadway actor and the
as a child, when you discovered
host of the $64,000.00
your love for music, and you
question. I used the hycertainly have a great backphen to honor the two of
ground in jazz. What hapthem.
pened to the dream of becomBarbara:
ing a baseball player?
nice! If your Dad was the
Steve: Well, I am kind of
“Velvet Fog”, what do we
getting to live out both. I realcall you?
ized when I was younger that I
had a much better shot at being Lena Prima Steve: Someone once said, how about
the “Satin Mist?” I laughed and said Steve is
a singer than getting into the
good enough.
major leagues.
Interview with Lena Prima
I got to play in Israel and got two gold medBarbara: Your Dad was a tremendous icon
als in the Maccabee games. I still take batting
practice with a couple of leagues around here, in Vegas and somebody that I loved watching.
so I get to practice and I got the best of both What did it feel like as a child, seeing him perform and watching his antics?
Lena: Super exciting. He was bigger than
Barbara: Why do you have a hyphen in
life, so charismatic, funny and amazing. your name?
Steve: My real dad was Mel Torme, but my Barbara: Have you ever thought about going
His powerful voice rocked the house!
Originally from New York, Aaron received
his operatic vocal training from Rome’s
Maestro Veccia; studying in both Italy and
New York. Recently he was chosen by film
producer Sonny Grosso and 15 time Grammy award winner Phil Ramone, to sing the
role of Mario Lanza.
These days he takes his talent all over the
world. Aaron performed his tribute to Mario
Lanza to sold out crowds at the famed Carnegie Hall as well as St Patrick’s Cathedral.
Aaron has entertained at numerous Performing Arts Theaters and Casinos across
the United States - including those in Reno
and Atlantic City. He’s also a favorite headliner at Italian Festivals across the country.
Aaron’s multifaceted talents include playing both piano and trombone and being able
to sing fluently in four languages. Needless
to say, there’s something for everyone in his
While attending an Aaron Caruso concert,
you will quickly realize you’re experiencing
something very special. You can expect to
see the audience on their feet several times
during the performance. His show is a real
crowd pleaser and is truly both entertaining
and moving.
Singer legend Tony Bennett told him,
“You sing like Mario Lanza, I want to see
you in the movies.” Jerry Vale commented,
“This kid’s amazing!”
With testimonials like that, he is sure to
get the recognition he deserves. Look for
Aaron Caruso in a venue near you and witnesses greatness in the making.
You’ll be able to say “ I knew him
when!” For more information visit www.
Rich Natole is a comic/impressionist headlining entertainer & host of The Vegas Voice
Radio Show. For more information visit: You can also contact
Rich at:
Buzzing with Barbara
in another direction - whether show biz or not?
Lena: This is what I have always done, even
as a kid. As soon as I was out of high school, I
started working professionally as a singer. I am
branching out into other areas; like speaking
to women and speaking in a positive way.
Barbara: Where is your favorite place to
Lena: I don’t have a favorite. Each place is
about the people and using my gift and bringing happiness to other people -whether it’s my
father’s music or my music.
Interview with Ricci Martin
Barbara: I heard you had a big bar in your
home growing up. Any good stories to tell?
Ricci: One day, Marilyn Monroe was sitting
at the bar and I was mesmerized. That’s the day
I became a “man.”
Barbara: Did she speak with that breathy
Ricci: Yes, it was uncanny. The other moment was when Stewart Granger walked
through the door. He had “star” written all
over him.
Mom threw one Christmas party a year,
and that was it - other than small parties, but
you didn’t see Frank, Sammy, or Joey Bishop
wandering around the house. Frank and Sammy were like my uncles and so it didn’t impress
me that much. When you got older, I realized what they
meant to other people as “stars” but to me,
they were also friends.
Barbara: How did your dad influence you?
Ricci: Well, he really didn’t influence me
as such. Mom would not play Dad’s records at
the house, except for a Christmas album. She
would play everybody else.
Barbara Brighton is a multi-talented performer - singer, comedienne, talk show
host and tribute artist for the late, great Joan Rivers. Visit her website at: www. Contact her:
Fri., Jan. 23rd, 2015
Gary Anthony
Sun City
MacDonald Ranch
Community Center
Visit us online at:
december 14
Doors open at 6 pm
Musical variety show
Mark OToole
Add some
spice to your
Tickets: $ 20. in advance
$25 at the door
Beverly Washburn
Oh, Mr. Grant…
Hollywood Memories
First of all, I’d like to wish
all of you a safe, warm and
blessed Holiday Season.
I thought I’d write this
month about Ed Asner
who, although has done
countless films and TV,
is probably best known
for his role as Lou Grant
on the 70’s sitcom “The
Mary Tyler Moore Show.”
He was born in 1929 and
at the age of 85, is still a
working actor today. He’s
been nominated 20 times
for the coveted Emmy
award , seven of which was for the Mary Tyler
Moore Show and three of which he won for
that same show. After the MTM show was cancelled, Ed went
on to star in his own show simply titled “Lou
Grant” which was a dramatic show. In fact, he
is the only actor to win an Emmy for a sitcom
ed to meet him as I had always been a fan.
As you can see by the photo, I had short
blonde hair at the time. He was very nice
to work with and I was so happy to have
met him.
Fast forward to October, 2014. I was at a
wedding in Los Angeles and Mr. Asner was
also there. I wasn’t sure he would remember me as seven years had gone by, not to
mention I now have red hair.
I walked up to him and before I could introduce myself, he gave me a big hug and
said “Beverly, love the red hair!” I was so
thrilled that he would remember me as
Courtesy of Randy Carlson
well as pose for a picture with me.
How blessed I am to know him. He is
called “Hard Four” which was in reference to
and a drama for the same role.
one very nice, special man.
He was also president of the Screen Actors
next time, remember wherever there
Guild for five years. And in 2001, was the tourist who loses all her money playing the
being or an animal, there is an
recipient of the SAG Lifetime Achievement slot machines.
Now there’s a concept for ya! I was delight- opportunity for kindness.
I had the privilege of working with him in
2007 in a little, low budget independent film Beverly Washburn graced the silver screen as a child actress and is the author of Reel
Tears which can be bought online at or ordered through Barnes &
Noble bookstores. You can contact Beverly at: Check out her
awesome, new website:
A couple (Greg & Nancy) were Christmas member the jewelry store we went into five
years ago where you fell in love with that
shopping at the mall on Christmas Eve
diamond necklace that we could not afand the mall was packed.
ford and I told you that I would get it
Walking through the mall, the surfor you one day?”
prised Nancy looked up and noticed
With tears in her eyes, Nancy
Greg was nowhere around and she
answered: “Yes, I remember that
was very upset because they had a
jewelry store.”
lot to do. She used her cell phone
He said: “Well I’m in the bar
to call Greg to ask him where he was.
right next to it...”
Greg, in a calm voice said: “Honey, re-
A Christmas Tale
Let us handle
the hassle for you.
Whether you’ve
lost a loved one or
you’re just down
sizing, K & D Estate
Sale is here for you.
Give us a call at:
Ali Guggenheim
Psychic Phenomenon
Body, Mind, Spirit and
Beyond - My New Book
“Temperament lies behind mood. Will experience infinite levels of transformation
lies behind the fate of character. Behind in every aspect of your life. Though it may
both lies the influence of family and take lifetimes to achieve, it’s important to
the tyranny of culture, and finally, the remember that every journey begins with a
power of climate and environment. We single step.
The Universal Mind, in its infinite enare free, only to the extent we rise above
tirety is simultaneously all powerful, all
these.” - John Burroughs
Since the beginning of human existence, knowing, all creative and ever present. It
is up to each and
mankind has been
every one of us to
seeking a better
find a way to conunderstanding of
nect with our true
the mysteries of
nature and invest
the universe and
in a quest for spirthe invisible force
itual expansion.
of energy that
Like a bicycle
governs it. The
wheel with many
common link of
spokes that are
these explorations
coninto ancient mysnected, it doesn’t
tical, esoteric and
secret teachings,
spoke you use to
that date back
get to the center,
over 5,000 years,
as long as you get
has lead to the fact
there. Every living
that the Universe
thing is an extenexists by virtue of
sion of the Universeven laws which My new book - Now Available on Amazon.
sal consciousness,
are held together
therefore, you need not seek perfection, but
by its framework.
The word Meta-physics, meaning beyond rather, unveil and reprogram the blocks
the physical and has been defined as, “the you have built that keep you from living it.
“One does not have to be a concert
philosophical study of that which cannot
be perceived with the five, physical human pianist to enjoy classical music, nor a
senses.” This concept seems to explain physicist to appreciate the beauty of the
C.J. Lewis’s claim that, “We are souls with natural physical laws that art of everya body, not a body with a soul.” Even the day life” - Phil Johnson.
My mission was, and continues to be, to
Bible tells us that God is not physical, and
yet we are told, that we were created in his write an exciting and informative column
about uncharted topics that would proimage.
“Know thyself and thou shalt know all voke people’s interest. It is my hope that,
the mysteries of the gods and the uni- in the process, I am able to dispel some of
verse,” is the inscription on the Ancient the irrational fears that stemmed from the
Greek Temple of Apollo in Delphi. Ulti- myths and mysteries surrounding them.
Lastly, it is with great eagerness and gratmately, when the Universal Laws are understood, applied, and aligned with these itude for my life altering lessons, (includUniversal truths, you can become the mas- ing my healing of a variety of health issues
without medication), that compel me to
ter of your thoughts and your destiny.
Then, and only then, will you be able to wish the same for you.
Ali Guggenheim was brought to Las Vegas as the resident Spiritualist/Psychic for the
House of Blues Foundation Room when it was a private club to the stars.Feeling lost
and confused about decisions, relationships, career, finances, etc. No issues or events
are too big or too small.
For info about Ali’s fun and unique readings, groups, workshops, events, classes or
spiritual gatherings, call: Ali: 702/202-1888.
december 14
Geoff Scott
Watch Out for the Bad
Guy, (Part 1)
Senior citizens are prime targets for who perpetrate these crimes against the elscammers. Financial scams targeting se- derly. According to the National Council on
Aging, 90% of all reported
niors have become so
elder abuse is committed
prevalent that they are
by a loved one - most ofnow considered “the
ten being their adult chilcrime of the 21st cendren.
This is due to the perAccording to the FBI,
ception that seniors are
the Top Five scams targetassumed to have a “nest
ing seniors are:
egg” to own their own
1.Health Care/Medihome and/or to have ex- The good guys: Senior
care/Health Insurance
cellent credit. These fac- Bodyguard Geoff Scott with
tors make them especial- comedian Louie Anderson
2. Counterfeit Prescriply attractive to con artists.
tion Drugs
Additionally, people who were raised in
3. Funeral and Cemetery Scams
the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s were generally
4. Fraudulent Anti-Aging Products
taught to be polite and trusting. They are
5. Telemarketing
less likely to say “no” or to hang up on a
In next month’s article, we’ll discuss the
smooth-talking telemarketer.
first scam listed, and ways to prevent this
Even if seniors eventually realize they scam from happening to you. Just rememhave been scammed, they are likely to be ber that the bad guys are out there, but this
unsure how to report it, or to whom.
Senior Bodyguard is committed to serving
Unfortunately, it is not always strangers and to protecting you and your loved ones.
Learn how to recognize
scams, frauds, &
Know how to choose
what is best for you
when it comes to your
health care.
On KLAV 1230 AM Radio
Weekday Mornings
7 8
I Know a Place
Evan Davis
December Activities
By the time this article comes out I will have
spent 27 out of 31 nights during the month of
October checking out the local entertainment
and looking to repeat for November. But because of the Holiday, I think I’ll only be able
to check out the local scene 18 evenings this
Let me tell you a few of the events I’ve been
to and a few of the happenings that will be
coming up in December and worth the price
of admission.
I spent 90 minutes watching some guy
playing the piano. Well Philip Fortenberry
isn’t just some guy, he’s a genius with magical
hands. I guess you could say he was a child
At the age of 4, and never having touched a
key on the piano, he ran from his chores in the
fields of a farm in Mississippi and sat down at
the piano and played everything he had heard
in church and on the radio. Flawless of course.
And that’s how it all started.
His credits and resume extend worldwide
Dianne Davis
Phillip Fortenberry and are way too long
to list here. His concert
“The Man at The Piano” was an hour and a
half of pure delight. You can catch him performing his Christmas show called “Holiday
from the Heart” at Cabaret Jazz in the Smith
Center on December 13th.
He will be accompanied by Kristen Hertzenberg who played Christine in Phantom.
That Saturday, there will be two shows - 2 and
I was privileged to be invited to the open-
ing of a new show at Planet Hollywood called
“Shakin.” Eric Jordan Young, a two-time
Broadway World Award winner, launched this
energetic production that features stunning
choreography with a vibrant live band.
Eric brings classic entertainment with a
modern twist to the Las Vegas Strip with his
singing, dancing and acting abilities at the
Sin City Theatre in Planet Hollywood. You can
catch Eric Jordan Young 5 nights a week,
Saturday – Wednesday at 5:30pm. It’s Classic
Vegas Remixed With A Twist.
Other shows in December that might be of
interest would be “Lisa Gay, Tony Drake
and The Gentlemen of Thrill” at the Italian American Club on Thursday December 4th
at 7pm in the main Showroom. Lisa is accompanied by 5 of the most amazing musi-
cians in town.
Another great music venue would be in the
Cabaret Jazz a Club at The Smith Center on
December 5-7. Clint Holmes, who is the resident artist at Cabaret Jazz, performs his Holiday show. Getting to see a headliner in an intimate setting is one of the best values in the city.
You can also check on an all new Jazz Quintet headed up by Gary Anderson opening in
December for a new music venue downtown
at Scullery Bar. And let’s not forget that Jazz is
alive and well on the patio at Brio’s in Tivoli
Village as Jeff Davis takes his trio there every
Tuesday night starting at 5pm.
Well I hope I’ve given you something to do
before the New Year is here. You can catch a
complete listing of local entertainment at
Evan Davis is the entertainment editor of The Vegas Voice. You can
read his entertainment blog and sign up to receive his free email weekly
Calendar of Events at You can also email
him at:
That’s Entertainment
LV Entertainers Donate Their Talents for Worthy Causes
Tis the season to help others. Las Vegas entertainers have some special charitable events
in December. Many other entertainers lend their
talents for the good of others.
*The Toys4Tots Concert on Saturday
evening, December 13 at the Westgate is
sure to be an audience pleaser. Last year, the
organization distributed more than $200,000
worth of toys with the help of the US Marine
Corps Reserve.
The event, produced by Jonathan Scott and L.
J. Harness and sponsored by Cadillac of Las Vegas invites active and retired military and their
families to attend at no charge. Admission is
$20 or an unwrapped toy valued at $20 or more.
Tickets are available at the Westgate box office. The Red Carpet begins at 6:30 pm and the
show starts at 8 pm.
The event, hosted by Zowie Bowie with musical direction of David Perrico - Pop Evolution,
includes Naomi Mauro, BBR with Anne Martinez and Savanah Smith, Comedians Dennis
Blair and Robert Nash, Singer Ben Stone and
American Idol star Jasmine Trias, Lydia Ansel,
Nieve Malandra, Pia Zadora with Vinnie Fal14
of strip shows.
eligible charities to bolster the LV community
*AWE Andy Walmsley, Emmy award win- organizations through entertainment.
ning producer/designer has supported the Make
*Celebrity magician Murray SawA Wish Foundation and The Miracle of League chuck holds an Annual Show and Golf Tourof Las Vegas through his roasts and his recent
nament with all proceeds going to the Humane
ENTSpeaks: Entertainers You Think You Society - Know,” production.
He also lends his talents to support Opportu*Producer Paul Stone through Show- nity Village - “Magical Forest” with a MURRAY
stoppers presented a Tribute to 98 year old Celebrity Magician Tree decorated for the holiCircus Legend Tihany this past fall. The audi- days, as well as the Wounded Warriors, National
Jeff Civillico of Win-Win Entertainment
ence was a “who’s who” of magic, including Center for Missing and Exploited Children and
Siegfried and Roy. Funds raised supported the Solid Rock Foundation.
cone, Maren Wade, American Trilogy with Rob Heaven Can Wait Animal Society.
These are just a few of the many entertainers
G, Jason Tambor, Gary Anthony, cast of Purple
*Win-Win Entertainment, established who support charity in their local community
Reign, Adrian Zmed, Lyssa Lynn, and Vince Neil. by Jeff Civillico matches professional entertain- and beyond. Support them and their charities
*Mondays Dark, a monthly charity event ers willing to donate their time and talent with during this holiday season.
co-produced by Rock of Ages star Mark Shunock and Cheryl Daro has raised over $100,000
In addition to The Vegas Voice, Dianne Davis is a reporter for Sun City Anthem
for local charities in the past 13 months. On
December 15, the community is invited to its Television (SCA-TV) specializing in entertainment. She is the Las Vegas Editor of and writes a column for
One Year Bash at 7 pm in the Joint.
In her spare time, she bowls, hikes and scuba dives with Burt, her husband of 51
Twenty-four charities will benefit from this
show. Past performers included Clint Holmes,
And if that isn’t enough, she is also a sit-down comedienne. She says at her age, she
Pia Zadora, Tara Palsha, Robert Torti, Geechy
Guy, Jeff Leibow, as well as other cast members shouldn’t have to stand that long.
Nevada Conservatory
As You Like It
By William Shakespeare
Black Box Theatre
Dec. 5, - 14, 2014
A witty and joyous romantic
comedy about the excitement of
falling in love and finding one’s
way in the world.
WOW! Half
Half Season-Half
Season-Half price!
Six Characters Looking for an Author
that explores
what is
real, and
By: Luigi Pirandello
Adaptation By: David Harrower
Feb. 20, - Feb. 22 & Mar. 1, 2015
Judy Bayley Theatre
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
By Rachel Sheinkin & William Finn
May 1,- 10, 2015
in F
By David Ives
Black Box Theatre
NCT Collaboration with the
Cockroach Theatre
Black Box: Mar. 19, - 22
Cockroach: Mar. 26, - 29,
A sexy and mysterious comedy about
the battle of the sexes, acting, playwriting, and dominance.
Judy Bayley Theatre
A musical comedy about the
tension within competitive spelling
bees that offers fun for everyone.
Audience members will be invited on-stage to spell.
NOTE! this production includes adult content and is NOT
suitable for children under 13 years old.
Joining us is easy.
or order online at:
december 14
Preferred Seating
Your chosen day and seat every time.
Ticket Insurance
No need to worry about lost or stolen tickets. Your
seats are on permanent file in the box office.
On additional tickets purchased.
Free Ticket Exchange
Subscribers can exchange their tickets at no extra cost
to any other date of the same production. Exchanges
must be made 24 hours prior to the date of the tickets
currently held.
An Opportunity…
To enjoy the work of professional actors, UNLV faculty,
and the best of our graduate and undergraduate students.
Putnamers, Venus, &
44 - 60
Call th
e Box O
december 14
Stu Cooper - Travel Editor
A Bittersweet Cruise
“It was the best of times, it was the worst
of times.”
The opening line of a Tale of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens, best describes our recent
Cruise in Europe. It was overwhelmingly the
best of times, but we didn’t get off to the best
start of this adventure in a positive manner.
As I am sure you now have read in Publisher Dan’s article, Rana, Dan’s significant
other, upon embarkation for the cruise,
tripped and fell on the Lido Deck of the Serenade of the Seas and broke her shoulder
in two places. She needed immediate medical attention and literally got the first flight
home from Europe.
Rana will be fine after a number of
months of rehab - but what a huge disappointment that Dan and Rana could not go
on the cruise.
So that was the beginning of our cruise
tour. Rana and Dan did get three nights in
Rome to explore the eternal city and we did
get to do a lot of sightseeing - including the
Coliseum, Piazza Navona and the Rome
highlight, the Vatican. The Sistine Chapel is
truly an art wonder of the world.
As for the rest of the cruise, we soldiered
on (someone had to do it) sans Rana and
Danny and it really was the best of times. The
itinerary on this cruise was unique.
We started out in Rome and finished in
Barcelona; with stops in Florence, Pisa, Nice,
Corsica, Palma de Mallorca and Valencia. It
Happy Destinations
truly was a unique itinerary.
Just think about all the sights we saw. They
included the Leaning Tower in Pisa, Michelangelo’s the David, the Academy Museum,
the Flower Market in Nice, the art galleries of
St. Paul Devance, the Palace and Cathedral not to mention the Casino in Monaco.
And there was so much more. We also
visited Corsica (where Napoleon was born)
visited the famous Sagareda Familia Church
designed by Gaudi in Barcelona and even
had a great Spanish paella lunch at a seaside
I have no doubt that if you ask any of our
intrepid Voyagers about their trip they will
also tell you what a great time they had. They
might even have to tell you they need a vacation after a trip like this. Suffice it to say we
were very busy.
***Our next Vegas Voyagers Travel
Club meeting will be held Saturday
January 24th at Palace Station at 9:00
am. We will, once again, have our customary continental breakfast.
This is going to be an important
meeting outlining our 2015 programs.
We also will have a guest speaker
from Royal Caribbean Cruise Line
who will give an overview of all that is
going on with Royal Caribbean as well
as the great group cruises we have
planned for next year.
Please RSVP at 1-800-698-1101 or
by email at
Especially for
The Truth About Travel Agents
When Mark Twain wrote “reports
of my death appear to be greatly exaggerated”, he was writing about his
own survival. But he could have been
writing about today’s travel agents. In
fact, people tell me they “didn’t know
there were any of us left”. But this isn’t
surprising. Millions of advertising dollars
are spent to convince you to make your
own travel plans. It looks easy, and the
clear inference is you’ll save money. No
one tells you there are experienced travel
professionals who’ll plan your trip at
no cost to you. Why is this kept secret?
Because travel companies get to keep the
travel agent’s commission. It’s as simple
as that.
Today 75% of travel
agents, like me, work
out of our home offices.
With travel companies, especially
airlines, eliminating services to decrease
costs and increase profits, it’s amazing
travel agents have been able to survive.
Twenty years ago almost every neighborhood had its own travel agency, but
brick and mortar agencies have basically
disappeared. Today 75% of travel agents,
like me, work out of our home offices.
This doesn’t limit our ability to serve
customers, and actually I work more
hours than a 9 to 5 schedule would allow. But it does surprise customers who
want to see my office. Last year, a fellow
tried to make an unannounced visit to
my address, only
to be chased down
by a security officer when he tried
to run through
my community’s
guarded gate.
The good news is
travel agencies
december 14
Vegas Vacationers Newest Vacations!
Irish Splendor
Mar. 4 – 11, 2015
In 40 shades of green
8 days & 9 Meals: 6 Breakfasts, 3 Dinners
Dromoland Castle overnight, Guinness Storehouse, Blarney Stone, Cliffs of
Moher, Dublin, Killarney and More. Incl. roundtrip air from Las Vegas!
From $2799 pp dbl. or $3066 sgl.
Mackinac Island “Somewhere in Time”
May 3 – May 10, 2015
8 days & 10 Meals: 6 Breakfasts, 4 Dinners
You’ll never forget these fantastic events in fabulous settings featuring a
2 day stay at the famous Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.
Incl. roundtrip air from Las Vegas!
are now more casual, and the fun of
your vacation can start with the planning stage. But don’t be misled. Get
to know your agent’s location, their
legal status and their travel affiliations. In an area filled with informal
travel groups and clubs, the Vegas
Vacationers, Inc. is rather unique,
because it has been a Nevada Corporation for almost four years. It
has a Las Vegas Business License to
operate as a travel agency, is an independent affiliate of Avoya Travel /
American Express, a powerhouse in
the cruise industry; and is an active
member of, one of the
travel industry’s largest consortiums.
What this means for you are travel
bargains, amenities you wouldn’t
have access to on your own, and
individual attention to make your
dreams come true. Call me at 702419-0550 and let’s talk about your
next vacation. And next month don’t
miss my article on the difference
between ocean cruising and river
cruising. Happy Holidays!
From $2799 pp dbl. or $3549 sgl.
London & Paris
Unpack only once, in both cities
May 25 – June 1, 2015
8 days & 9 Meals: 6 Breakfasts, 3 Din
A leisurely trip includes great sightseeing, London Theatre, Dinner at the
Eiffel Tower followed by Seine River cruise, and a champagne dinner at the
Paradis Latin cabaret.
Incl. roundtrip air from Las Vegas!
From $4599 pp dbl. or $5349 sgl.
American Cowboy Country
Get Along Little Doggie as you explore the early west!
June 2 – 9, 2015 8 days, 12 Meals: 7 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch, 4 Din
Choose the Whitewater or a gentle float along the Snake River, and enjoy
Jackson Hole, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, The Badlands, and more.
Incl. roundtrip air from Las Vegas!
From $3099 pp dbl. or $3899 sgl.
Canadian Rockies By Train
Escape Vegas heat on one of our most requested trips!
August 15 – 23, 2015
9 Days & 14 Meals: 8 Breakfasts,
2 Lunches, 4 Dinners
Our luxurious trip features “The Canadian” VIA Rail w/overnight accom.
and stays at the world famous Lake Louise Fairmont, and Banff Springs Fairmont Hotel, plus some of the most incredibly beautiful settings you’ll ever
see. This is one for your bucket list!
Special price thru 2/8/15,
Incl. roundtrip air from Las Vegas!
Only $4899 pp dbl. or $5999 sgl.
From $4999 pp dbl. or $6099 sgl.
Call 702-419-0550
For more information and to make your reservations. Each of these
Collette Vacations includes roundtrip transfers from your home to McCarran Airport by private car and driver at no extra cost.
Kathy Manney
Santa Catalina Island
Around Our World
chant Marine, Coast Guard and Army personnel stationed on Catalina knew nothing of its
presence. The OSS specialized in surveillance,
sabotage and covert warfare under the direct
command of the United States Joint Chiefs of
Many Toyon Bay trainees were sent to Burma and China to conduct behind-the-lines
intelligence work for the British and Indian
armies. The OSS was the precursor to the CIA
and their Maritime Unit and its training operations on Catalina Island became the basis
for today`s Navy Seals. At the close of World War II, former residents
and tourists returned to Catalina. Some of the
men who trained here during the war made
the island their permanent home.
Today Avalon, Catalina Island’s only town,
has a year round population of barely 4,000
and golf carts are the preferred mode of island
From vantage points high above Avalon,
the view is spectacular. Adjectives come easy,
yet seem in adequate in describing the scene
By the edge of the deep blue harbor, yachts
and small boats bob up and down. Along the
sand, seabirds amuse themselves at the edge
of the waves.
Ferries and cruise ships dock in Avalon Harbor bringing a steady flow of daytime tourist.
In August 2014, Sunset magazine declared
Santa Catalina Island one of the west’s best
There has never been a better time to visit
this legendary isle and learn why it is admired
for its detached and almost European setting.
Carnival Miracle®
of men in and
around the
town of Avalon
in a strenuous
military regimen.
In 1942, the
Coast Guard
set up an installation at
the Isthmus
that helped
protect and secure the ports
of San Pedro
Beach. Like
the Maritime
Service, the
Coast Guard
had three exceptional training centers; one
of them located on Catalina Island. After
six-weeks of training, recruits were assigned
to Coast Guard and Navy ships in the Pacific
The Army Signal Corps occupied an area
christened “Camp Cactus” which played a vital role in the protection of Catalina and the
entire California Coast. Their top secret radar
and surveillance operatives made it unfeasible
for the enemy to enter the neighboring Pacific
channel. During its peak, 600-men were stationed at Camp Cactus, with up to 200 in the
Signal Corps.
The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) set-up
a training base at Toyon Bay in 1944. It was
so remote and secret, the majority of Mer-
“Bus to the Boat”
Kathy Manney enjoys visiting interesting places and being an Adventure Diva. Her
“Must See” travel journeys continue - always with enthusiasm.
As the 1950’s song says, Santa Catalina sits
“26-miles across the sea” from the southern
California coast and is referred to as “The Island of Romance.”
Prior to World War II, 75 square mile Santa
Catalina Island was a retreat for author Zane
Gray who had a cottage there and was a Hollywood getaway for celebrates. Big Bands played
at the Casino and the Chicago Cubs came annually for spring training.
With the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 this changed. Tourism and commercial passenger ferries to Santa Catalina
were halted.
There was concern the island could be captured. Its location made Catalina potentially
an ideal launching point for the Japanese to
attack Southern California. To protect oil refineries and shipping interests, the island and
channel were declared a Federal Military Zone.
Passenger ships that once fed Catalina Island’s leisure industry were requisitioned and
operated by the War Shipping Administration
for supplies and military troop passage. Year
round island residents lived in a perplexing
limbo, and many left to work in the defense
plants on the California mainland.
Between 1941 and 1945, the Maritime Service maintained three training facilities; one
of them located on Catalina Island. The United States Maritime Service, popularly known
as the “Merchant Marine” trained thousands
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Jarvis Marlow
Our Live Las Vegas
A Conversation with
Gary Easton
I met with Gary Easton, the lead performer
in Table 8 Productions’ upcoming presentation
of A Very Merry UNAUTHORIZED Children’s
Scientology Pageant. In addition to being a
very talented performer with a growing theatrical resume, a lover of cats, and a scratch fiction
writer, Gary is only in middle school.
Gary, tell The Vegas Voice readers a
little about yourself. I am thirteen years old. I
have been involved in theatre and acting classes for
almost 8 years now, and do
not plan to stop anytime
soon. I love doing it, it is my
I am also an Honor Roll
student at the Hyde Park
Math and Science Academy, where I am taking the
highest level classes, 2-4
years above grade level. Between school and theatre, I rarely have time to
do anything else, but I am happy.
You are the youngest performer we
have featured. Tell us how you prepare
for a role.
I try to relate everything to reality, and my
personal life. Sometimes it can be easier, like
when I played Michael Banks in the World Amateur Premiere of Mary Poppins: The Musical.
Finding that scared child in me is much
easier than finding the L. Ron Hubbard in me.
Especially when it is something more complicated like L. Ron Hubbard, I try even harder to
relate him to people I know very well. It can
also be very useful to do research on characters
that are real people, and learn about them that
You are playing L. Ron Hubbard.
What do you know about him?
I know that he believed what he was doing
was the true way to be happy. As he was growing
up, he often asked many questions.
He could never find the answers, and he finally gave up on trying to find them. So, he
tried to make them. He tried to spread words
through science fiction novels. When people
gained interest, he formed
the Church of Scientology. What’s in your near
performing future?
I will be performing in
the Very Merry UNAUTHORIZED Children’s Scientology Pageant through
December. I have to see
where things take me.
I can’t necessarily tell
you what show I will be doing in two or three months,
because chances are I don’t
even know what show I am doing in two or
three months. (His mother emailed me later
and said Gary will be audition for a Super
Summer Theatre production in 2015. Moms!
Got to love them.)
How far do you want to take your acting?
I want to take my acting all the way to
Broadway! That would be my dream. To have
huge shows on Broadway. I know that I want
to do theatre for the rest of my life, because it
makes me happy.
Catch Very Merry UNAUTHORIZED Children’s Scientology Pageant, running December 4-20 at Art Square; 1025 S. First Street. And
keep an eye for Gary’s performance in his first
full length feature film called Sterling Silver.
Premiering February, 2015.
Francine Fields
Keeping It Smooth
Go Ahead – Sell Your Las
Vegas Home
Now, for the first time in years, the Las
Vegas housing market is showing hints of
The first thing you should do when selling your home is to get
a market comparative
analysis from a qualified Realtor.
Second, work on the
look of your house. The
first impression of your
house is very important as it will entice more
prospective buyers to view the inside. Make
sure that your home has good curb appeal.
So how does one reduce the stress and
make their upcoming move a more carefree
experience? If you are interested in simplicity or saving time and money, then the answer is BUNDLING and that means putting
Smooth Transitions on your team.
I’ll negotiate and manage the entire process of selling your home, or buying a new
one - plus everything in between. That’s right
- you can sit back, relax, and pass your wor-
ries to me.
Smooth Transitions will:
1. Stage your house for a quicker sale at
top dollar. Yes, you can even have your house
professional cleaned;
including your refrigerator.
2. Organize home
repairs and painting of
the home.
3. De-clutter, organize and downsize your household belongings.
4. Disperse of unwanted belongings
through estate sales, auction, donations,
consignment, eBay, etc.
5. Coordinate and oversee the moving
Call 702/375-2276 or email francine@ for a free consultation and bundling discounts. Smooth Transitions is licensed and bonded.
Francine is an experienced brokersalesperson for Windermere Anthem Hills.
Sun City MacDonald Ranch Variety Players
Sun City MacDonald Ranch Variety Players
present “Holiday 2014 at the Ranch.” The December 6th, Saturday evening performance at
7 pm will include skits, your favorite holiday
songs, beautiful set decorations and a chance
to win fabulous door prizes. Admission is $8 and tickets will also be sold
december 14
in the community lobby, December 2-6. The
Sun City MacDonald Ranch is located at 2020
Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Henderson 89012. Please contact Carol Cravens for further
information: 702/260-1713. All proceeds will
benefit Robert Taylor Elementary School and
other charities.
John Rothman
Kudos to “VegaStory”
Cast and Crew
My cup, indeed, runneth over.
Standing in the meet-and-greet line
after the show and hearing so many
wonderfully positive remarks is gratifying beyond description.
It means that we got the job done
by entertaining another delighted
audience. Smiles and beaming faces,
warm handshakes and genuine appreciation are all precious gifts and
our reason for striving to deliver the
best in senior entertainment.
This is not possible without the
dedication and support of the actors,
singers and dancers who so kindly
worked like Trojans on this production of “VegaStory.” The crew was
Sound, lighting, backstage management, wardrobe, catering and PAC
management managed to streamline
the show in every respect and give it
the professionalism that we strive so
hard to obtain. I remove my hat and
bow deeply in your direction.
The show did exactly what I wanted it to do. Starting off in the dusty
earth tones of the Nevada desert, it
slowly transformed into a glittering
and quite spectacular finale - much
like Las Vegas itself.
Fairly bleak and uninspiring by
day, the magic starts happening as
the sun gently falls asleep. A sparkle
here, a glitter there, a flash of neon
and bursts of color illuminating the
dark blue of a magnificent velvet sky.
The Queen of the Night awakens and strides the avenues in all
her glory. The words are in a song:
There’s no other place on the face
of the earth that can match your
story, you grew from a trail in the
blazing sun to a place of pride and
My love affair with Vegas started in
the seventies when I started coming
here from Johannesburg in South Africa. A 23 hour flight, baby.
Arriving glassy-eyed and exhausted,
there was no time to rest as the swirl
started and made sleep redundant.
Show after show...The Lido Show at
the Stardust took my breath away.
Hallelujah Hollywood, Vive Les
Girls, Folies Bergere, Jubilee, Bare
Touch of Vegas. Streisand, Elvis,
Ann-Margaret, Sammy Davis Jr., Harry Belafonte, Tom Jones, Frank. I was
like a beggar at a banquet, gorging
myself on this incredible display of
Nowadays, with huge servings of
Cirque, I sometimes miss that single
star that could step out and mesmerize an entire audience. Mind you, we
still have the Osmonds, Garth Brooks
and Celine Dion and Elton.
I hope I transmitted some of my
love for Las Vegas in the music and
lyrics of “VegaStory.” I sometimes
still stop in wonder; marveling at the
fact that I actually live in this incredible place. OK, so sometimes the
traffic results in colorful vocabulary,
and the heat drives me nuts, but then
I remind myself that not even Paradise was perfect. Vegas comes close.
Gary Duffel’s photo perfectly captures Vegas 1905
John Rothman is a dancer/choreographer/singer/composer with a
passion for keeping seniors involved in the performing arts. You are more
than welcome to drop him a line at
Charlie Christy - Executive Director
Keeping Busy During
the Holiday Season
The Holiday season is here! Our Ms Senior
Nevada gals are working on a Holiday Variety Show that will be presented at the Starbright Theatre in
Summerlin on December 19th at 6:30.
This will be a
joint venture of
the 4th & 5th grade
choir from Lummis
Elementary school
under the direction of their music
instructor, who just
happens to be Ms
Senior Nevada 2014,
Audrey Smith. Audrey is also working
on the chorography with Mary Ann doing a number: North Pole, North Pole.
This is a great production, blending the
ages into a super show for your enjoyment.
Tickets may be purchased from the Starbright Theatre, or on line at:
How better to begin the Season than enjoying
a fun filled evening of super entertainment.
Additionally last month, we brought clothing and toys to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to
give to the residents that were so hard hit
by Hurricane Idile.
was almost incomprehensible.
We were on the
first US Airways
plane to land after the storm.
The greeting was
sprayed our plane
with water like
a celebration at sea, the airport employees lined up with balloons and flags and
saying: Welcome to Unstoppable Cabo,
we’re so glad you are here, Mariachis
playing. . .not a dry eye in our group.
These people that were so hurt, who had
lost everything, were so grateful to see us.
More information on Ms Senior Nevada
may be found:
Rana Goodman
Guardianship - A Dangerous Law UPDATE!
Since our November issue, we have
quite a bit of news to report.
I have received many emails and telephone calls from readers asking what
they can do to help with this Guardianship fight. And believe me, your help is
certainly needed.
Let me first thank everyone who took
the time to fill out the petition at The
Vegas Voice Elder Empowerment Event
last month at Palace Station. Thanks
also to former Las Vegas City Council-
On My Soap Box
Now some good news. Assemblyman handle your finances should the need any other important documents/issues
Lynn Stewart is sponsoring the bill to arise and you are incapacitated.
are up to date and current.
3. Duplicate the document and send it
amend this Guardian statute which is
Publisher Dan and I wish you all a
in its drafting stage now. We also re- to several people you trust.
joyous holiday season. Make it a safe
4. Make sure that your trust/will and one!
ceived reliable information that the
Nevada Bar Association will likewise
sponsoring legislation to revise the law Rana Goodman is The Vegas Voice political editor and a “trouble shooter, advocating
and to permit out of state next of kin for seniors.” She also maintains a community web site,; a
to select a guardian for Nevada resident forum for residents in Sun City Anthem. She can be reached at:
We will of course, keep you updated
on the progress as we get closer to the
Know your rights!
Guardianship Law
Rana Goodman at the Vegas Voice Elder Empowerment Event.
man Steve Miller who brought this matter to my attention. It was a privilege
and a pleasure to share the stage with
him at our Guardian Presentation.
With your help, we are well over a
thousand petitions to amend this law
and asking that NRS 159.059 be revised
by striking the Nevada residency requirement as a qualification for guardianship.
As good as that number is, that is nowhere near enough. What can YOU do?
First and foremost, for those that have
not yet done so, please fill out and return the attached petition. Then, spread
the word to your friends and neighbors
- have them sign the petition.
You can either fill out this petition
and fax/mail it to me or go to our website: On the bottom of our home page, click on the picture, Know your rights and complete. It
will email directly to me.
december 14
2015 Nevada legislative session.
Some bad news: After many months
of asking “main stream media” to get
involved and ask some hard questions
about the shenanigans within the Family Court system, those that want to expose this scandal are being (for now)
ignored or told that they don’t have
enough information to show wrongdoing. We can only wonder how some
of the “players” are walking around,
“laughing all the way to the bank”, at
the expense of vulnerable seniors.
In the meantime, a few reminders as
we enter the holiday season:
1. Never, never, never allow yourself
to be talked into signing anything you
are unsure of. If in doubt, don’t.
2. Be sure that you have a plan in
place with friends and family to notify
your closest relative or someone you
trust if you or your husband/wife becomes ill. Document who you want to
I (we) want to express my (our) total opposition to the existing
law NRS 159.059 which requires that a relative must be a resident of
the state of Nevada in order to qualify as a guardian of their parent
or other loved one. It should be my choice; and if I so desire, my
family member to serve as Guardian without any government or
bureaucratic interference.
Registered Voter
Voted in last election
Mail petition to: THE VEGAS VOICE
10624 S. Eastern Ave., # A-250
Henderson, NV 89052
Or fax to: 702/666-0427
Or sign the petition online at:
The Real Estate Lady
Myra Gougér
The Turkey, The Whole Turkey & Nothing but the Turkey
I called one of my sellers the other day to set an
appointment to show her home. She started crying.
She couldn’t have people over to view the home,
she explained, because she had a turkey in the
oven. Her kitchen was a mess - she was working on
stuffing and baking cookies and pies.
Actually, this was the first time in all my years of
selling real estate that a turkey was a problem. Usually, people can’t get dressed as quickly as needed
for the appointment or they have relatives over or
something like that, but a turkey!
I like to turn negatives into positives. I explained
how people viewing a home like the smell of food
cooking in the oven. Your turkey will be just fine,
I assured her. Just set the timer and then you can
leave for 20-30 minutes when people come over.
No, she insisted, she had to be there to watch the
turkey, braise it at specified times and baste it at different times. Wow! This was big stuff.
My turkey dinners consist of going to the hotel
buffets. Also, it was almost ready to add the stuffing.
What’s worse, I thought? Not showing the house
or having a messed up turkey? So, the turkey won.
But, so did the house!
I finally convinced her that the people who
didn’t get to view her home were the buyers who
bought another home. Those people could be her
So, I told her to stay at home and just continue to
work on the turkey. I came over to show her property.
As I entered, I was greeted by the enchanting
smell of this wonderful turkey. Turkey spices assailed the senses like ambrosia for the gods.
The problem was she was cooking and the
kitchen was a mess. She wasn’t making an excuse,
it really was a mess!
Like most people who cook she was multi-tasking; working on the turkey, making cookies and
getting pies ready. Within minutes of my arrival,
the doorbell rang and the clients were there.
We couldn’t very well hide the mess. It was there!!
They barely saw the family room. They made
a beeline for the kitchen. “Something sure smells
good,” they exclaimed.
And so began the tale of the turkey, the whole
turkey and nothing but the turkey. The potential
buyers starting talking to the seller about the turkey recipe.
I was cringing. I did not want to talk turkey; I
wanted to show the house.
Myra Gougér is a licensed REALTOR® with Realty ONE Group in Henderson, NV. She
has been a realtor for 10 years in NV. She specializes in helping buyers and sellers get
the best prices for homes. She can be reached at 702-858-9311 or by email: myra_ (Opinions and information expressed
herein are those of the writer and not Realty ONE Group.)
Richard Warren
Extra Cash, or Just a Headache?
After speaking last month at the Vegas Voice
Elder Empowerment Event, I was approached
by a fifty-something woman who had a question
for me. She has been seeking a new office position
after being replaced by a lower-cost worker at her
previous job.
She went on quite a few interviews without success, even being told by one company that they
wanted someone with less experience. She was
understandably frustrated.
She was running out of options and was willing
to try things she previously wouldn’t have considered. After telling me her story, she asked a question I’ve heard quite often over the last few years.
“Are any of these home-based opportunities
Are any of them? Yes. Are all of them? Absolutely
In addition to people like her looking for fulltime income, there are many more considering a
home-based business as a way of generating extra
cash to supplement their earnings. Now that the
After 20 minutes of turkey talk, I got them away
to show them the rest of the home. They were impressed, but more impressed with the turkey.
Finally, they left and the seller remarked that
they would probably never buy because the kitchen
was such a mess. As I was on my way home, my
phone rang. It was the visitors.
They wanted to put an offer in on the home. Oh,
by the way, they wanted to have the turkey recipe
too. The offer was good; the house sold and they did
exchange turkey recipes!!!
If you are ready to sell, please call me for a FREE
professional consultation. You might be amazed at
your home’s current valuation. I can be reached at
Consumer Voice
leap. There are some opportunities that are out- participate in the business opportunity.
right scams, others that are legit, but not a good
If the products seem viable, then look at the
business model.
company to learn how long they been around. Do
Some may be a good business in general - but they have a track record or is it a start-up that may
not good for you. So ask a lot of questions and in- be gone in short order?
vestigate before investing any of your hard-earned
What about the representatives? Are any really
making money? Frequently they aren’t.
What questions? Start with this: Does the comThey’ll tell you how well they’re doing, but
pany have a real product or service or are they when you ask them to prove it, there is suddenly
pushing some fad or magic potion?
a company policy against doing so. Many repreThere have been companies pushing magic sentatives are told to “fake it until they make it.”
holiday season is here, many individuals are look- juice, liquid vitamins, shark cartilage, super chocThat is, go in debt and buy a fancy car and
ing for a little extra holiday cash.
olate, and other fads. These things often take off expensive clothes to give the appearance of doing
Perhaps you or someone you know is one of on hype and crash when reality takes hold.
well so others will want to join them. Unfortunatethem. Opportunities are not hard to find with
There are companies with real products - such ly most of these people never make it.
many people pushing the latest and greatest ve- as cosmetics, vitamins and supplements, weight
So if you decide to give a home-based opportuhicle for creating wealth.
loss products, food storage and such. Quite often nity a shot, do so with realistic expectations. ReBut is it real, or just a get-rich-quick scheme? these are so overpriced, that the only people who member the old adage - if it sounds too good to be
Can you really tell the difference?
would buy them are those that have to so they can true... it probably is.
If you’ve been approached by someone pushing a home business opportunity as a way of genRichard Warren is a passionate consumer advocate. He can be reached at:
erating income, be sure to look closely before you
december 14
The Dentist
James J. White, D.D.S
Something Very Interesting
I have previously written that “one is not in
good health without good oral health.” It appears that I now have scientific proof to back
up my statement.
Fox News, on its October 31st website wrote
how UCLA researchers “have discovered
markers in saliva that could predict a host
of diseases, including cancer and type 2 diabetes.” Research and discoveries such as this
could help doctors discover and identify diseases from just a simple test of saliva.
Previously this sort of information required
a blood test, and even then, was not a total
solution. To date this is “the most comprehensive analysis ever conducted of RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules in human saliva.”
The study’s lead author, Dr. David Wong is
a professor of dentistry at UCLA. According to
Dr. Wong, “if you don’t look in saliva, you may
miss important indicators of disease. There
seems to be treasure in saliva, which will surprise people.”
RNA is essential to analyzing a patient’s potential for disease. The fact that a saliva test as the enzymes in saliva typically break down
may assist with disease diagnosis is surprising the RNA.
Of interest is that the researchers “discovered that
human saliva contains
more than 400 circular
RNAs –the first discovery
of circular RNA in saliva or
any bodily fluid - including
327 forms that were previously unknown.”
This study will be published in January 2015
in the Journal of Clinical Chemistry. As you can
imagine, I greatly look
forward to reading the full
*And just in time for the
Holidays - the Japanese blog
of the Wall Street Journal
(10/31) reported that a Japanese retailer, The Village
Vanguard Co. has come out
with toothpaste that is wasabi flavored. A fine way to wrap up an evening
out at a sushi restaurant!
**And just in time for the Holidays (Part II)
- In the September Journal of the American
Dental Association I read a very unusual article. It was entitled Noxious Family Environments in Relation to Adult and Childhood.
As hard as it is to believe, the conclusion of
the study was that: “the extent of women’s and
men’s experiences were associated positively
with their partner’s levels of overall noxious
behavior toward them. The extent of children’s experience were associated positively
with the level of their mother’s emotional aggression toward their partners.”
I hate to think that we are funding studies such as this. I cannot help but think that
everyone knows that a loving family environment is a win-win for most everything - including dental care.
If I can assist you in any manner with your
dental needs, please do not hesitate to contact
my office and schedule an appointment - with
or without your children.
Until next month, I wish everyone a very
happy and healthy Holiday and New Year and keep smiling.
Sydney-Suzann Ingram
Christmas During World War II
Most of us think of the Christmas holidays
as a time to be with friends and family in safe
surroundings in comfort and peace. Not always and certainly not for World War II Army
combat nurse Lt. Katherine Flynn Nolan as
told by her in an article in the “Journal of the
Battle of the Bulge”
Christmas 1944 - Lt. Nolan and other
nurses with the third platoon of the 52rd Field
Hospital arrived in a small village in Holland
not far from the German border in early November, 1944.
We were really a mess and would have given
almost anything for a hot shower and a hot
An old priest standing outside a church and
school offered those buildings as a place to set
up the hospital. The school was newly built
with four wings.
Women Warriors
After living and working in tents since landing on Utah Beach in Normandy, we were delighted to be moving indoors at last. Quickly
the cots were set up, I.V. paraphernalia in
place; receiving, shock wards, post-op and surgery made ready just in time to care for the
first casualties.
We cared for U.S. and German soldiers as
well as concentration camp survivors. And we
worked round the clock.
From time-to-time, we caught glimpses of
nuns peeking in the rooms as we worked. They
were surprised to see us nursing the patients.
They, like the villagers, had taken all the
nurses for prostitutes since we wore the same
uniforms as the male officers and these were
what the camp followers wore.
Once this misconception was corrected,
an invitation was soon extended through the
priest who spoke English. The nuns wanted the
nurses to move in with them in the convent.
And move in we did. Sleeping in a real bed
under a roof was a luxury we never expected.
Usually the hospital remained in place
about ten days, the patients would be evacuated to a general hospital in the rear, and we’d
pack up and move to another location. However, this didn’t happen with the 84th. As Christmas approached things quieted down.
A young English speaking Dutchman, Leo,
came to help us at the hospital. He also was an
excellent organist and, using the school organ,
played Christmas carols till the atmosphere
was quite jolly.
Small trees
were cut down,
silver stars were
made from Kration cans,
Life Savers were
strung on bandages and added to the trees.
Everyone had
the Christmas
After Christmas Eve mass
in the chapel,
we assembled
in the dining
table was set
with the nuns’
best linen, crystal and china.
At each of our
seats was a
hand painted
place setting with our names.
It was a wonderful and strange Christmas
party, with the nuns speaking no English and
us speaking no Dutch. But we communicated
with gestures, nods, smiles or frowns, so we understood one another and that too was beautiful.
We soon had to leave. The nuns waved, saying Merry Christmas in Dutch.
We thanked them and were soon rolling
along toward the border and Germany. That
was Christmas Day in 1944 - one I am not
likely to forget.
Veterans Home In Boulder City
Last month, members of Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America, Sgt.
Manny Peven Post 65, Henderson, sponsored another room at the Veterans Home
in Boulder City. This is the fifth room they
have sponsored.
Jewish War Veterans Post 65 is very active at the Veterans home. They annually
donate pizzas for the Super Bowl party,
sponsor a hole for the golf tournament, and
provide volunteers for the Special Olymdecember 14
pics. This post is very active in supporting
all veterans, regardless of religion, race or
nationality, not only at the Veterans Home,
but for the entire Las Vegas Valley. Pictured: (right to left) Post Commander Paul Schrieman, Post Senior Vice
Commander Barry Freedman, Past Post
Commander George Barnett, Post Chaplin Morris Dubin, and Post Adjutant Janet
Kanofsky. Not in picture Bob Garlow and
Richard Small.
Health Fitness
Mary Richard
Get Ready For The Holidays!
In last month’s article, I wrote about my
recovery from back surgery. Having gradually gotten back into my exercise routine, I still
have a few added pounds to lose prior to the
So here it goes! The average person gains
5-7 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Year’s!
Shocking, isn’t it?
Here are some low caloric snacks that you
can indulge without having that “guilt” feeling and, they are about 80 calories per serving.
These are for “cheese lovers” – of which I admit I am guilty! I love cheese!
Parmesan Popcorn: 1 cup air-popped popcorn, tossed with ¼ teaspoon garlic powder and
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese – 56
calories per serving! This is one of my favorite
snacks and very easy to make!
2 Figgy Blue Bites: For each bite, 1 teaspoon
blue cheese on (fresh) fig half, drizzled with ¼
teaspoon honey – 74 calories per serving.
Olive-Tomato Skewer: 1 inch Swiss cheese
½ ounce smoked salmon around 2 teaspoons handy. One stick can also help to cut down on
1/3-less-fat cream cheese and 1 watercress snacking urges.
sprig - 74 calories per serving.
When I purchase carrots or celery on a weekBrie & Roasted Pepper Toast: ½ ounce Brie ly basis, I cut them into bite size and place them
cheese melted on thin baguette slice, topped into a zip lock bag to grab whenever hunger
with 1 small strip roasted red pepper - 64 calo- strikes! So try to think “outside the box” and
ries per serving.
create some low-caloric snacks.
Cheesy Chips: 9 Archer Farms Smoky ChiI try to eat some snacks before going to holipotle Cheddar Reduced Fat Potato Chips - 72 day parties, so that I am not “famished” when
calories per serving.
I arrive! It’s tempting to try all the goodies, but
I also will microwave some Ritz crackers at least you won’t be gobbling them all up and
with some low-fat cheese for 10-15 seconds, having that guilt feeling afterwards.
then put salsa on top. This concoction is very
Enjoy the holidays – one of the pleasures of
cube skewered with 1 Mezzetta Mediterranean
filling and helps me to get rid of some hunger life!
Nicoise style olive and 1 baby spinach leaf - 65
while I’m waiting for dinner to cook.
calories per serving.
Another suggestion: keep string cheese HEALTH TO ALL!
Mini Cheese Plate: 2 Rosemary crisp bread
crackers, 1/3 ounce Gouda cheese, and 5 red
Mary Richard was crowned Ms. Senior Nevada 2006, was first runner-up for Ms.
grapes - 64 calories per serving.
Senior America 2006 and is a life-time dancer. She is one of the original columnists
Easy Hors D’oeuvre: 1 Pillsbury Savorings
Frozen Appetizer, Cheese and Spinach - 65 calfor The Vegas Voice. She is now an aerobics instructor throughout Las Vegas/
ories per serving.
Henderson. Mary can be reached at
2 Creamy Salmon Rolls: For each roll, wrap
A Healthier You
Kyo Mitchell
Why Does My Back Hurt? Part II
This is the second part in a series on chronic low back pain.
To briefly recap, two of the principle reasons for low back pain are compression or
inflammation of a nerve. This damages the
nerve and causes it to become more sensitized
over time.
To understand pain and what happens
during sensitization, it is necessary to understand how a nerve cell or neuron works.
A neuron has channels along its structure.
Think of these channels as doors.
When enough of these channel/doors open,
the nerve fires and you feel pain. In a healthy
neuron, there are a certain number of channels/doors and these only open under the
influence of a strong stimulus - usually one
strong enough to damage the body’s tissue.
Once the neuron becomes sensitized, it
changes its own structure, creating more
channels/doors. This makes it fire more readily.
Pain is no longer linked to a stimulus
strong enough to damage tissue. Now stimuli
of lesser strength, such as moving or stretching a structure in the body will cause the neu28
From the brain’s perspective, this is an unacceptable situation because it can no longer
sense when tissue damage is happening in
those tissues that the damaged neuron serves.
This decreased sensitivity could be potentially
lethal to the organism because damage to
tissue is less readily perceived by the nervous
To compensate for the decreased input
from the damaged neuron, the brain adopts
a new strategy. It “turns up the volume” on
the damaged nerve making it more sensitive
to the stimuli around it.
By this means, the brain receives more
input from the nerve; in theory helping it to
ron to fire and create the sensation of pain.
more readily determine if there is local tisOne of the approaches to treating this form tect the body.
sue damage. However, this strategy is one of
of pain is to prevent the channels/doors from
It alerts the individual when there is tis- over-compensation. Now the sensitized nerve
opening, thus preventing the neuron from sue damage as a means of preventing further overreacts to the stimuli around it, creating
firing and creating the sensation of pain. damage to the body. However, when one of the sensation of pain even when there is no
Gabapentin, one of the most commonly pre- these pain sensing neurons is damaged, it tissue damage.
scribed pharmaceutical drugs for neuropath- sends less feedback to the brain.
More next month.
ic pain works on this mechanism.
Dr. Kyo Mitchell served as faculty at Bastyr University in Seattle and Wongu
Gabapentin and similar drugs are effective
University in Las Vegas for over a decade. Dr. Mitchell practices in Summerlin and
means of helping decrease the sensation of
can be reached at 702-481-6216 or
pain in many individuals. The problem with
using gabapentin is that, while
it can help block the pain, it
does not heal the underlying
problem: the changes in the
neuron’s structure that caused
the neuron to become more
sensitized and create the increased sensation of pain.
It may seem illogical that
your body would want you to
feel more pain, but a number
of researchers have developed
an interesting hypothesis on
the body’s reasons for making
such changes. The purpose of
pain sensing neurons is to pro-
december 14
A No-Brainer Minute
Jan Fair
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december 14
What Doctors Do When They Feel Rotten
Dear Friend,
I bet you have wondered
this yourself. “What do
doctors do…” Do they just
take a ‘magic’ drug that
they never told us about?
Let’s face it, as a society
we are “hooked” on drugs
- both the illegal and the
legal ones. But, most people
don’t know that it’s actually
the legal ones that kill
many times more people
than the illegal ones.
Let me tell you a little
I cried all night
because of allergies at
age six. Mom took me to a
Chiropractor because she
didn’t like giving me drugs.
By 13, I’m telling everyone
I want to be one.
A most fascinating
discovery. As a student, I’m
smashed by a pick-up truck and had
a horribly painful neck and back. I
pull on the back of my head just to
sit up.
My neck continues to “blow out”
with exercise and a searing pain
shoots into my shoulder. I’m afraid
my lifelong dream could be over.
I don’t want to go to a regular
Chiropractor, I’m afraid to get
cracked. I mean, it already hurts!
After I consider surgery (the only
option according to the surgeon), I
decide against it.
A friend convinces me to give
their NUCCA Chiropractor a try.
He uses advanced exams I haven’t
seen before, takes low dose x-rays
and measures them with a ruler to
determine how to adjust my spine.
But, there’s more...
The adjustment doesn’t
hurt, there’s no “twisting or
cracking”, it actually feels
good. I get relief, and with
NUCCA, I don’t have to go back
as many times either. It works
so well for me, and I’m so impressed
with the other “miracles” I see in
his office, that I eventually go on to
become a NUCCA Doctor myself.
It’s strange how life is, because
now people come to see me with their
neck and back problems. Also they
come to me with their headaches,
migraines, chronic pain and
fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel,
shoulder/arm pain, whiplash from
car accidents, ear infections,
asthma, allergies, numbness in
limbs, and athletic injuries, just
to name a few. I learn that many of
these are related to a pinched nerve.
Patient’s have admitted they were
skeptical. Here’s what a few had to
“After an $85,000 lumber
surgery failed, I walked in Dr.
Devin’s office with a bottle of
Loritab in my pocket, and walked
out standing up straight.”- John D.
Vincent D.D.S., Henderson.
“As an M.D. I’ve seen Dr. Luzod
help our patients avoid surgery. It’s
very safe and it’s not a mill.” - Dr.
Bill Pierce, MD, Star Family Care,
“It helps balance, muscle
soreness, gait improvement and
sleep. NUCCA is precise and nontraumatic for our elderly patients.”
- Dr. Todd Zang.
“I was in pain 98-99% of the
day and night with fibromyalgia.
Now my physical and emotional
state is 75-80% improved!”- Pat
Patients thank me for helping them
with their health problems. But
I can’t really take the credit. My
confession is that I’ve never
healed anyone of anything.
What I do is perform a uniquely
gentle adjustment to remove nerve
pressure, and the body responds by
healing itself. We get tremendous
results. It’s as simple as that!
The “quick fix” mentality of “just
take a pill” (not a true fix at all) is
still common, but the good news is
that things are changing. People are
getting smarter.
I recently read in USA Today
that the pharmaceutical industry
is now rethinking their strategy,
because the medical profession and
prescription drugs usually only deal
with symptoms, and not the cause
of sickness. Chiropractors have dealt
with a cause for 104 years now, and
have never wavered.
And guess what! Now there are
more visits to “alternative” health
care providers than “traditional”
You Benefit from an Amazing
Offer. Look, it shouldn’t cost you
an arm and a leg to correct your
health. You are going to write a
check to someone for your health
care expenses, you may as well
write one for a lesser amount for
When you bring in this article, you
will receive a complete consultation,
examination, an x-ray of the problem
area….the whole ball of wax.
This work-up normally costs $180,
however, when you are one of the
first 20 people to call and
schedule you’ll receive the
entire work-up for $37.
The folks at Medicare
won’t let us give this
discount to those with
federal insurance, but
not to worry. I still
give our many Medicare
patients a complimentary
consultation, just to see if
I can help.
But, please call right
away because this offer
expires soon, and I don’t
want you to miss out. By
the way, further care is
very affordable. You see,
I’m not trying to seduce
you to come see me with
this great offer, then to
only make it up with high
fees after that. Great
care at a great fee.
Please, I hope that
there’s no misunderstanding about
quality of care just because I have
a big heart and want to help you get
checked out. You’ll get great care at a
great fee. I just have this offer to help
more people who need care.
My qualifications: I’m a 1999
graduate of Life University and
have been entrusted to take care
of tiny babies to pro athletes that
you may know, and have even been
interviewed on every television
news channel in the city (3, 5, 8 and
channel 13!). They loved NUCCA. A
friend helped me put the interviews
up on our website,
My assistants are Brandi and
Lynette and they are really great
ladies. Our office is both friendly
and warm and we try our best to
make you feel at home. We have a
wonderful service, at an exceptional
fee. Our phone number in Summerlin
(Dr. Luzod and Gardner) is 702.566.
HOPE (4673), Southwest (Dr. Higo)
702.944.HOPE (4673) and Henderson
(Dr. Hecker) 702.565.HOPE (4673).
Call Brandi, Lynette or me today for
an appointment.
We will find out if we can help you.
Thank you.
Devin Luzod, D.C.
P.S. When with the first, I am also
offering the 2nd family member this
same work-up for only $17!