murder mystery dinner
murder mystery dinner
What is Discovery Center? Chicago’s Lifelong Learning Center The Discovery Center is Chicago's Lifelong Learning Center. It is Chicago's largest and longest running independent adult education program, now celebrating our 35th year! The classes are stimulating and fun, presented by qualified independent instructors who enjoy introducing others to their subjects. Learn among friends. There are no exams, no grades, no degrees. The programs are for your own personal 773-348-8120 enjoyment and growth. The instructors are knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Your comments and suggestions concerning the programs are always welcome. Stop by and see for yourself what fun informal learning can be! CAREER & INCOME OPPORTUNITIES 4033 Vol: 35 No. 8 Nov/Dec Fall II, 2012 LEASING AGENT LICENSE CLASS This course will certify you to become a leasing agent. Time Out Chicago stated that a career as a Leasing Agent is a career path flush with opportunity. The mortgage mess means that the rental market is taking off. A leasing agent handles renting out residential properties. Take this class and take the first step to an affluent career as a leasing agent. Leasing Agent License Class is a 15 hour course. Mat fee: $120. Sec U Sat Nov 17 & Nov 18 9:30am-5:30pm Sec V Sat Dec 15 & Dec 16 9:30am-5:30pm Class Fee: $50 Halsted & Diversey 2 sessions 4214 TEACHING ENGLISH ABROAD DEVELOP YOUR MEMORY 3579 DEVELOP A PUSH BUTTON MEMORY MURDER MYSTERY DINNER 0020 DINNER WITH A TWIST = MURDER Do you want adventure? Do you want to share your culture and Now you can develop a photographic memory in just three hours! Join us for a dinner party with a twist...murder! Discovery Center, experiences? Do you want to travel? If you have ever thought Dave Farrow is the current Guiness world record holder for in conjunction with the Sarantos Studios Players, will present an about teaching English in a foreign country, from China to South greatest memory. He successfully recalled every card in exact AUDIENCE-PARTICIPATION America, Africa to Eastern Europe, this course is for you. And order of 59 randomly shuffled decks of cards (3,068 cards to- MURDER MYSTERY DINNERyou do not need any kind of teaching degree or certificate!!! This tal). He has been featured on the Discovery Channel, CNN, CBS, THEATRE EVENT. course will take you through: and Fox News. You & your friends are invitedto • Choosing a location and requirements to travel to that country Now you have the chance to learn from the world’s best and come to watch, observe & help • Choosing a program whether it is working through an receive the benefits of a super-charged memory. During this class unravel the mystery. You will organization or finding a job on-line you will more than triple your present memory. You will discover mingle with other guests & meet • FAQs about teaching abroad the secret to memorizing people’s names even hundreds at a new people but you must ob2431 MAKE MONEY IN VOICE OVERS • TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign time, and practice with others in the class. Memorize languages, serve the action closely for a MURDER will be committed. Language) certificate program This course is designed for anyone who would like to utilize their school work, speeches with absolute ease and confidence. As the drama progresses you will realize that certain characters voice for profit. Learn what you need to know in order to succeed • Tips to teaching English as a foreign language in this highly lucrative field. You will learn about the essential See Dave Farrow live and learn the strategies he used to rocket have something to hide. Past indiscretions are hinted at, past reelements of a successful audition tape, types of scripts, studios & • Understanding the cost and time himself into the Guiness Book of World records. Dave’s tech- lationships are alluded to, past lives are referred to. Tempers commitment agencies. Additional topics: how to present yourself for audiniques work and you’ll be the proof. Within three hours you will: begin to flare & it becomes apparent that you should believe no one. Many are suspects, but only one will be guilty! Then, when tions, where to go & whom to contact in order to obtain work, • Tips on traveling and living abroad you least expect it, someone collapses DEAD.Who did it? How? how to prepare yourself to properly read copy, pronunciation, • And much, much more! • Triple your memory power Why? That is for YOU to figure out. You will review details, examThis course will provide participants with an overview and re- • Learn how to absorb foreign languages technique & attitudes necessary for success. Angelo Bosco ine evidence, be interrogated by detectives, question the witnesses is executive producer and principal of Bosco Productions, sources of what is required to travel to and teach English in a • Learn how to memorize names & suspects. The story will reveal a number of facts but it will be up foreign country. Volunteer to seek employment, travel free and • Increase your social skills a Chicago based recording studio. Mat Fee: $15. to you to determine which are the real clues & which are the false Sec I Sun Sep 16 12:30-5:30pm see the world!The instructor for this class Helen Sharphas been • Improve your grades or work performance Sec J Sun Nov 11 12:30-5:30pm working with the TEFL Institute for the past year and a half. TEFL • Learn memory techniques to succeed in business leads. Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Institute provides the highest level TEFL certification and life-time Each event features a different script so you can attend again & job placement assistance. Helen’s experience in the ESL field dates again to solve an all new murder-mystery each time. Great for all back to 2009 when she traveled and taught throughout Argen2417 HOW TO MAKE A SIX-FIGURE INCOME ages, families, friends, and groups small or large! Space is limited tina. Recently, she has volunteered and taught English to refugees AS A PRIV PRIVAATE DETECTIVE so call (773)348-8120 and make your 3reservation now! With rampant white-collar fraud, employee theft, and corporate in the US. Nov 19 7:00-9:00pm abuse, private detectives are in demand by corporations, attor- Sec M Mon Nov 3 7:00-9:30pm Sec M Sat 1 session neys and others to investigate and assist them in their findings. Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Sec N Sat Jan 26 7:00-9:30pm Don C Haworth, LPD, CFE, CII will show you how to take advan- “The instructor was informative, enthusiastic, realistic” - Pamela Williams Class Fee: $59 1 session tage of this exciting opportunity. Learn how to get started in this Special on Detective classes: “Very entertaining and humorous. A bargain at the price!” lucrative field, including: “Audience participation as suspects made it fun for everyone - we sign up for both 2417 & 2418 • Obtaining corporate clients had a great time!” P.C.(Class #0020) for class fee of only $79 • Networking “Great atmosphere, friendly people, good food.” • Conducting online searches 2418 BECOME AN ARMCHAIR DETECTIVE • Marketing INSIDE Do you need a memory update? Take this test and find out: Find Out Practically Anything • Licensing Arts & Crafts......................................................13 1. Have you ever been embarrassed by forgetting the name of • Equipment About An ybody In Your Lif e! Anybody Life! Food & Drink....................................................13 Don C. Haworth is a licensed private investigator. agency Get the facts about anyone - your ex-spouses’s hidden assets, a new someone you’ve recently met? license #117001343, firearm instructor#102282 He has client’s credit history, your lover’s secret past or information about 2. Have you wasted time in your life looking for lost items because Business & Finance....................................3,10,12 conducted over 20,000 private investigations since 1975. any business - quickly and legally. Get the facts, learn where pro- you’ve forgotten where they are? Calendar of Clasess ........................................15 He has held operations, marketing and management posi- fessionals obtain information, discovering sources that work. Gain 3. Have you ever read a book or listened to a seminar but walked Careers...... .......................................3,10,12,14 tions for several national private investigation companies. insight on what can and can’t be done in the field of private inves- away remembering very little? Computers .........................................................7 Mat Fee: $30 (cash - no checks accepted) tigations. Learn to track, locate, pretext, target individuals. The class 4. Have you ever missed an opportunity because you forgot an Dance & Exercise............................................. 4 appointment or an important meeting? Sec O Sun Nov 11 3:30-6:30pm also covers process serving and mystery shopping. This growing Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session field has never been better. Don C. Haworth (see above) Fencing...............................................................2 Sec O Sun Nov 11 12:30-3:30pm If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then you need Home Decoration/Feng Shui............................ 12 2506 BEC OME A NO GENT BECOME NOTTAR ARYY SIGNING AAGENT Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session our program. Languages..........................................................5 Would you like the skills to work as an independent entrepre3243 BAR TENDING CER TIFIC A TION BARTENDING CERTIFIC TIFICA The greatest thing about our program is the instant gratification. Mind & Body, Massage, Yoga............... ...........8,9 neur as a Notary Signing Agent and earn $85 to $125 per assignment in this challenging economy? If this sounds like a great You want that bartending gig and all of its perks? Without expe- That’s right. You will see your results immediately and will literally Murder Mystery Dinner........................................14 opportunity then being a notary signing agent is for you. You will rience your nothing to most bar owners. We’ll give you the train- walk out of this seminar with a memory that is at least 300% more Music...............................................................13 learn how to effectively execute loan documents, how to become ing you need to get your bartending certificate. Like the fashion powerful than when you walked in. The true secret is that you Personal Growth ...........................................8, 9 a notary and to seek agencies who are seeking highly qualified industry the bar industry is always evolveing. This training will already have these incredible memory powers. Photography...................................................11 notary signing agents. At the end of the training the students will provid you with the training that works today. Our mission is to Your memory is perfect. You’ve just never been trained how to Real Estate........................................................10 know how to perform a loan closing, and be effecient in under- develop skilled, confident, service oriented, ethical bartenders standing the loan process. This course will enable the partici- who will bring proffessionalism and high performance stan- use it. Come to this seminar and experience the education that will Registration Information...................................15 pants to become a notary signing agent within the Chicago Metro- dards to the industry. This will make you highly marketable as change the way you think and remember for the rest of your life. Singles, Friends & Lovers ................................11 Register Now! This seminar is simply unforgettable. politan and suburban areas. The goal of the training is to prepare you seek a job. Skiing & Snowboarding......................................5 and motivate each participant to establish a business relationship Our interactive classroom uses up to date technology to create Dave Farrow is the current Guiness Book of World Record Sports & Recreation.........................................1,2 with mortgage companies, nationwide agencies, be their own boss a fun and interactive learning environment. We’ll also take you and earn extra income. Beverly Singleton is a Certified Signing to the bar, showing you the ins and outs of a real bar setting. We’ll holder for greatest memory. He is a nationally recognized Stage & Screen, Writing ..................................14 Agent who has been executing loan documentation for 11 years; show you how to mix, pour and shake your way to a perfect speaker and expert at developing successful memory tech- Trips & Tours ...................................................12 she has 10 years of Mortgage Banking/Commercial Lending ex- drink. Minimum age 21. Material fee $175. Classes meet Mon- niques and programs. GUARANTEE: Your satisfaction is important to us ! perience as an Asset Manager. She holds an MBA in Management, day-Friday for 2 weeks. Choose 11:30am-3:30pm or 5:30pm Oct 27 2:30-5:00pm It is our goal to provide the best independent instructors, fully member of NNA, has an entrepreneurial background and is a to 9:30pm Anthony Pizano. Sec Q Sat Sec X Mon Nov 12 to Nov 23 11:30-3:30pm Sec R Sat Feb 23 2:30-5:00pm qualified & experienced in their field. If you're not fully satisfied well rounded individual within the business industry. Nov 12 to Nov 23 5:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session with a course you've taken, we'll issue you a class credit voucher Must be 18 years of age or older without any criminal or felony Sec Y Mon good for up to 12 months toward any of our other classes or activiSec A Mon Dec 3 to Dec 14 11:30-3:30pm records.Beverly Singleton.Mat fee: $40 ties. This guarantee does not apply to trips, tours, sports & rec. Dec 3 to Dec 14 5:30-9:30pm “Absolutely wonderful.”Elizabeth Martin Sec M Sat Nov 3 11:00am-2:00pm Sec Z Mon 10 sessions activities, & 1 session classes. See Registration Info for details. “Best Speaker I’ve ever heard.” Marsha Flood (class 3579) Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Class Fee: $129 Milwaukee and Montrose To Register: (773) 348-8120 or Page 2 SPORTS & RECREATION 2220 POOL FUNdamentals 2219 2201 TABLE TENNIS If you love to play table tennis or want to improve your game to enter to play in the USA International Tournament join our ping pong club-one of the best in Chicago. We will train you like a pro using techniques such as multiple balls training, serve and killer spin shot, return serve. IN THIS CLASS YOU WILL LEARN: The basics of table tennis rules, about speed and spin, how to properly serve and how to make your own ping pong paddle. Material Fee: $25 Sec X Sun Nov 11 to Dec 9 9:00-10:00am Date Night is Pool Night. Looking for new, reasonably priced lei- Class Fee: $49 Chicago and Damen 5 weeks sure activities? Don’t burn expensive gasoline; there is a pool table within a block or two in a bar that is no longer a smoke-filled room! TOURNAMENT ST YLE TABLE TENNIS STYLE Learn the basics of bridge, stance and stroke as well as the rules of 2217 the most popular games and pool ettiquette. Pool is a year round Once you have mastered the sport of table tennis join our Tournasport that can be learned by anyone of any age, and your instructor ment play. In this advanced table tennis class you will learn: The guarantees that you will have FUN as your game improves after only ACC rules of table tennis for tournament play, warm up techniques, an hour of learning the FUNdamentals. Play pool in the room where multiple ball training, serving and killer shots, and how to enter into Tom Cruise’s “The Color of Money” was filmed. Pat Hays is presi- the USA Table Tennis International Tournament. Material fee $35 Nov 11 to Dec 9 10:00-11:00am dent of the forty year old Tuesday night Oliva League and has Sec O Sun Jan 13 to Feb 10 10:00-11:00am taught in the Latin School, the Niles Senior Center and the Uni- Sec P Sun Class Fee: $59 Chicago and Damen 5 weeks versity Club, as well as giving private lessons. Mat. fee $25 Sec H Mon Nov 12 to Dec 3 Sec I Wed Nov 14 to Dec 5 Sec J Mon Jan 14 to Feb 4 Sec K Wed Jan 16 to Feb 6 Class Fee: $79 Milwaukee & Lawrence 7:00-8:30pm 7:00-8:30pm 7:00-8:30pm 7:00-8:30pm 4 weeks 2202 2223 ST AR OMP ANY POOL LEA GUE STAR ARTT A CCOMP OMPANY LEAGUE Many companies have bowling leagues, softball leagues, and HORSEBACK RIDING golf leagues. Why not start a league that doesn’t require a change 0070 of clothes, is not seasonal, and doesn’t require you to be a jock? Here’s your chance to learn to ride or improve your riding skills. The No one has ever gotten heatstroke while playing pool! If you classes are taught in spacious indoor arenas by patient, experienced don’t want to have to sit and wait while everyone else plays just instructors. The horses have good dispositions & are experienced to get to your turn, or you aren’t a bar person anyway, you can & predictable—perfect for beginners or experienced riders. You’ll socialize with your co-workers and friends at the room where learn basic horsemanship including equipment, handling the horse “Color of Money” was filmed. Afternoons or weekends can be on the ground, tacking, mounting & the fundamentals of control while arranged. Your instructor has run the “Tuesday Night League” in the saddle. Once mounted, you’ll learn to walk, halt & turn the for over fifteen years and can help you get set up with as few as horse. Trotting, posting trot & putting the horse through a series of maneuvers at a walk & trot will also be taught. By the end of the class, six players. Why not give it a try? students should feel comfortable with a horse & know the basics of Pat Hays is President of Oliva Pool League and taught at the handling & riding. If you’ve always wanted to learn to ride a horse, but Latin School of Chicago, the Niles Senior Center and the never had the time or been close enough to a stable, this is your Union League Club, has been featured on WGN-Ch 9TV. Mat chance. The classes are small so you get individual attention. Wear loose fitting pants & hard shoes with heels. Arrive early to 1st class. fee $30 Approx. 40 minutes from City. Map & directions furnished upon Sec Q Fri Nov 16 to Nov 30 7:00-8:30pm registration. FACILITEES FEE OF $75 PAYABLE TO RIDING SCHOOL Nov 11 to Dec 9 12:15-1:15pm Sec R Fri Jan 18 to Feb 1 7:00-8:30pm Sec M Sun Nov 12 to Dec 10 8:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $79 Milwaukee & Lawrence 3 weeks Sec N Mon Class Fee: $75 Palos Hills 5 weeks BEGINNING SWIMMING 2001 It falls from the sky and it comes out of the ground. Two thirds of your body is made of it. It keeps your skin from wrinkling and flowers from wilting. You wash with it, drink it and cook with it. Kids love to play in it, wars have been fought over it. Three quarters of the earth is covered with it. Some believe it cleanses the soul & purifies the mind. What is it? It’s WATER & it’s also what makes swimming unique in the world of sports & physical fitness. Students in this class will learn the basics of swimming. Treading water, floating, and finally the complete freestyle stroke will be learned. This class is for you if you have never swam before, have tried to swim in the past, but without success, or you can swim a little but want to improve your skills. (Haven’t you said or heard, “I can swim but I can’t breathe!”) John Sencion Additional Facility Fee: $50 (for the use of pool, facilities, & locker room) payable to instructor the first day of class. Sec Y Sat Oct 27 to Nov 24 Noon-1:30p m Sec Z Sat Dec 1 to Dec 29 Noon-13:30pm Class Fee: $49 Austin/Belmont 5 weeks ADV BEGINNER SWIMMING If you feel like you’ve just gotten your feet wet from the introduction to swimming class, this class is the next good step for you. In addition to the skills you have already learned in the intro class, one more new stroke (decided on by the class) will be introduced as well as a critical analysis of your freestyle stroke including the catch, pull, kick recovery,& breathing. Be sure to bring your cap, goggles & lock. John Sencion. Material Fee: $50 (for the use of pool, facilities, & locker room) payable to instructor the first day of class. Sec D Sat Oct 27 to Nov 24 11:00am-Noon Sec E Sat Dec 1 to Dec 29 11:00am-Noon Class Fee: $49 Austin/Belmont 5 weeks Call 773 348 8120 or visit SKI AND SNOW BOARDING 2226 CROSS COUNTRY SKIING Cross-country skiing is easy, especially under the experienced guidance of top-notch instructors. Even if you’ve never been on skis, you can enjoy the experience of gliding over the snow with a speed that is both surprising & exhilarating. This type of skiing was used as far back as the Vikings in Scandinavia. It’s been used as a means of transportation in Europe during the winter & has become increasingly popular in the United States during the last ten years. Cross-country skiing is a great winter sport for city dwellers. It gets you out of your house or apartment, allows you to take advantage of the parks & forest preserves, and it’s great exercise. It is also becoming an alternative to winter runningproviding the same type of exercise with the added advantage of keeping you warm. It is a sport which exercises your whole body while keeping your heart rate at a consistent level. This class is “geared for both beginners & people who have some skiing experience”. The trip includes roundtrip transportation (with complimentary coffee and donuts before you start out) & ski fees (including lesson). The bus trip takes about an hour, so most of your day will be spent at the club. Bring lunch or purchase one at the club’s cafeteria or restaurant. Rental of equipment comes to $10, including skis, poles & shoes. Don’t get cabin fever this winter. Get out, keep in shape, meet new friends & enjoy the city. Sec W Sat Jan 19 8:30am-6:30pm Sec X Sat Feb 16 8:30am-6:30pm Class Fee: $59.95 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session In case weather conditions prohibit skiing, class will be rescheduled for the following trip. 2225 2227 DOWNHILL SKI TRIP You’d love to learn to downhill ski, but getting to the slopes is too much of a hassle? Wrong! Discovery Center has arranged & organized everything for you with this one day ski holiday amid beautiful surroundings. The trip includes roundtrip transportation (with complimentary coffee and donuts before you start out) & ski fees (including slope fee, lesson & lift ticket). The bus trip takes about an hour, so most of your day will be spent at the club. Bring lunch or purchase one at the club’s cafeteria or restaurant. If you’ve never been on skis before, or have limited experience, this trip is for you. The club has a variety of runs from beginner to advanced. The certified instructors teach with an emphasis on safety, skill and, most important, FUN. Whether relaxing in front of a blazing fire, skiing the slopes or meeting new friends, this trip will definitely keep you warm. So join in on the fun & excitement of the Discovery Center’s ski trips & learn what skiing Chicagolandstyle is all about. Equipment Fee (rental of skis, poles & boots):$23 Sec M Sat Jan 19 Feb 16 Sec N Sat Class Fee: $59.95 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 8:30am-6:30pm 8:30am-6:30pm 1 session Bus will leave 2940 N Lincoln Ave at 8:30 AM. Includes coffee and donuts. Arrive by 8:00 The program was more than I expected. This was my first time skiing at the age of 49yrs, and I will continue to ski” GH BEGINNING FENCING Fencing provides excellent mental & physical training. It helps develop coordination, dexterity & physical stamina. This course will cover basic footwork & bladework of foil fencing. Fencers will be bouting at the end of the six-week period. No athletic training is required. The program will take the student from where he/ she is and develop their strength & stamina. Alfonso Segovia Equip. fee $30 Sec W Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 Noon-1:00pm Sec X Tues Nov 13 to Dec 18 6:00-7:00pm Sec X Sun Jan 13 to Feb 17 Noon-1:00pm Sec Y Tues Jan 15 to Feb 19 6:00-7:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 2002 INTERMEDIA TE FENCING INTERMEDIATE This course will cover more complex hand footwork coordination & the introduction to a wider variety of techniques including change-beat, pressure, coupe, ballestra & flesche with continued work on stamina & physical strength at a pace that is acceptable to all. Equip fee $30 Sec P Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 11:00am-Noon Sec Q Sun Jan 13 to Feb 17 11:00am-Noon Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3911 POKER PL PLAAYING FOR FUN & PROFIT Texas Hold’em Poker Ever wish you could be part of the Texas Hold’Em poker craze sweeping the country but just have no idea how to get started? Don’t want to spend a lot of money to learn? Well now you can learn to play poker for fun or take it to the next level and hone your skills to become a big money player without risking anything! This course teaches the basic strategies and statistics that will enable anyone to sit down at their home game, online, or in a casino and enjoy the fascinating game of Texas Hold’Em poker. In this class you will learn by actually playing cash game and tournament style poker in a relaxed atmosphere for at least half of every class. Informative handouts and hands-on instruction will teach: • Basic rules, terminology, and game format • Basic starting hands and pre-flop strategy • How to play after the flop, on the turn, and the river • Drawing odds and pot odds • “Switching gears” • How to bet and check raise • The value of position • Building a table image • Basic tells We will also discuss choosing the best game for your level, as well as online play vs. live play. Join us for this entertaining class! Mat. Fee: $25 Thomas Gee has won thousands of dollars in casino and online tournaments, regularly playing for over 5 years. He writes poker articles online, and coaches and tutors players privately. Sec J Thur Nov 15 to Dec 13 7:30-9:00pm Sec K Thur Jan 17 to Feb 14 7:30-9:00pm Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 weeks SNOWBOARDING Snowboarding is becoming more and more popular each year. It is an exhilarating way to get a great workout in beautiful surroundings. If you have already mastered skateboarding (or surfing), you will find snowboarding relatively easy. Even if you have had no prior experience, the expert instruction provided in this class will help get you started. The trip includes roundtrip transportation (with complimentary coffee and donuts before you start out) & ski/snowboarding fees (including slope fee, lesson & lift ticket). The bus trip takes about an hour, so most of your day will be spent at the club. Bring lunch or purchase one at the club’s cafeteria or restaurant. Be prepared to give your height, weight, boot size, and whether you are right, or left “foot forward” when you register. The resort requires a $250 security deposit on a credit card for the rental of the Snowboard. Equipment Fee (rental of snowboard & boots): $35 Sec K Sat Jan 19 Sec L Sat Feb 16 Class Fee: $59.95 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 8:30am-6:30pm 8:30am-6:30pm 1 session In case weather conditions prohibit skiing, class will be rescheduled for the following ski-day. “I had so much fun learning a new sport. Everyone was so friendly, what a great trip!”C.D. “Thanks to the Discovery Center, I discovered a new sport I want to continue to participate in” Diane Stranc class 2225 3901 CONTRACT BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS An introduction to the game that is fun, mentally stimulating, and a great way to meet people. The first hour of this class is instruction and covers the basics of bidding, playing the hand, and scoring. The second hour will be open play where you can practice what you’ve learned, ask questions, and have fun playing the world’s greatest card game. Mat. Fee $20. Miles Roothaan. Sec 0 Thur Jan 10 to Feb 7 7:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 weeks 3921 WINNING AATT BL CK BLAACKJA CKJACK Blackjack is one of the best games in the casino because the odds between the player and the house are almost 50-50. Yet many players make mistakes that push the odds heavily in favor of the house. If you’re tired of getting beat because you don’t know whether to hit a 16 or when to double down, let an experienced Blackjack player guide you through the game. This class teaches you how to play a perfect Blackjack strategy, which gives you a fighting chance against the house. We also cover card counting, which can actually push the odds in your favor, discuss table etiquette, and even play a few hands in class. Mat fee: $15 Sec K Wed Jan 9 7:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session To Register: (773) 348-8120 or BUSINESS & FINANCE 2801 FINANCIAL FITNESS Basic Investing & More Come learn how to make your dollars go farther. This class will cover Investing Basics, including types of investments, how investments grow, risk vs. reward. Learn about Mutual Funds, Dollarcost Averaging, The Rule of 72 and how to make it work for you, tax shelters and how to use them. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to invest, we’ll show you strategies for how to save substantially in other areas by using simple tricks that salesmen, banks and insurance companies would prefer you didn’t know. We’ll show you tricks for getting out of debt quicker, for improving your tax situation, how to own a home if you don’t, as well as the real American dream of business ownership and the advantages that go with it. Bring a note pad and pens. Mat fee of $20 includes a booklet and a video tape. Students will have access to a technical support help-line too. Ed Hanna is an investment representative with 13 years experience. Mat Fee: $20 Sec K Tues Nov 6 & Nov 13 7:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 2 weeks 2506 BEC OME A NO GENT BECOME NOTTAR ARYY SIGNING AAGENT Would you like the skills to work as an independent entrepreneur as a Notary Signing Agent and earn $85 to $125 per assignment in this challenging economy? If this sounds like a great opportunity then being a notary signing agent is for you. You will learn how to effectively execute loan documents, how to become a notary and to seek agencies who are seeking highly qualified notary signing agents. At the end of the training the students will know how to perform a loan closing, and be effecient in understanding the loan process. This course will enable the participants to become a notary signing agent within the Chicago Metropolitan and suburban areas. The goal of the training is to prepare and motivate each participant to establish a business relationship with mortgage companies, nationwide agencies, be their own boss and earn extra income. Beverly Singleton is a Certified Signing Agent who has been executing loan documentation for 11 years; she has 10 years of Mortgage Banking/Commercial Lending experience as an Asset Manager. She holds an MBA in Management, member of NNA, has an entrepreneurial background and is a well rounded individual within the business industry. Must be 18 years of age or older without any criminal or felony records.Beverly Singleton.Mat fee: $40 Sec M Sat Nov 3 11:00am-2:00pm Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2558 ST AR TE YOUR OWN MOVING STAR ARTT AND OPERA OPERATE BUSINESS with Little or no Investment 2513 BASIC BOOKKEEPING 2846 This class is an introduction to the basics of bookkeeping for the small business owner or those of you who want to become familiarized with some simple bookkeeping systems. Overcome the common fear of facing your finances and record keeping. Unless you are trained to understand & handle your own business & personal records, you will continue to suffer the uncertainty of what you or your business can afford to spend, what to ask of your accountants and bookkeepers, & what you are actually earning. This course on taking charge of your own bookkeeping, will not only deal with specific bookkeeping systems, which are simple & easy to use, but will also cover journals, ledgers, and business statements. Students will leave this class knowing how to set up their own books, receipts & disbursements. Bob Wagner, MBA, is founder of the Discovery Center with over 26 years experience in the business field. Mr. Wagner is a recognized authority in business organization and financial aspects of small businesses. Mat fee $35 for textbook. Sec B Thur Nov 29 to Dec 20 8:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 4 weeks THE UL TIMA TE ST OCK TRADING ULTIMA TIMATE STOCK WORKSHOP Learn how to trade the stock market and take control of your financial well-being for the rest of your life with one of our most popular, knowledgeable and entertaining instructors. Angelo will show you his method for making money now and for life. Harness the power of “chartology” to become the savviest trader and investor you can be. Learn a unique trading system that will increase your winning percentage dramatically. This 3-day workshop covers these six areas in depth: • The Ultimate Arrow Trading System • Top Five Key Chart Patterns • “Three-Dimensional” trading • Trade Management - protecting your capital. • Low-risk/high-reward FOREX (currency) trading • Practial Psychological aspects of successful trading • 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Each topic builds on and incorporates the previous information so you apply what you’ve learned right away. You’ll find these techniques so engaging and exciting you’ll want to start using them right away just for the fun of it. Enjoy a higher rate of sucSpecial: Take both Bookkeeping and Quickbooks (see page7) and get $20 off . cess! You can, with the amazing skills you’ll have after completing this workshop. Sec B Sat Nov 3 to Nov 17 10:00am-4:00pm 2501 ST AR STAR ARTT YOUR OWN BUSINESS Sec C Sat Jan 26 to Feb 9 10:00am-4:00pm Learnhowtolaunchyourbusinessandmakeyourdreamareality!Thisall- Class Fee: $997 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3 sessions dayseminarwillexploretheessentialstepstosuccessfullystartingyourown business.Manypeoplewouldliketostarttheirownbusiness,butthemazeof 2847 UL TIMA TE ONE-ON-ONE ST OCK TRADING ULTIMA TIMATE STOCK financial,legalandothertechnicalconsiderationsisbaffling.Don’tgiveupon WORKSHOP yourbusinessidea,allyouneedisawellthoughtoutbusinessplan.Learnall In this one-on-one workshop, Angelo Petropolous provides thestart-upstepsinplanningyourbusiness,&getnewideasaboutstartinga the entire Ultimate Stock Trading Workshop, including all his businessfromsomeonewho’sbeenthroughit&knowsthetipsandpitfalls! techniques, to show you individually, how you can make money This seminar also covers resources & services available to help you. Key now and for life. Key Points: conceptswillincludethebasicsofagoodbusinessplan,understandingfinan- • Private learning environment cialstatements,organization&legalstructureofthebusiness.Emphasiswillbe • Free entrance to all Angelo’s current & future giventoexploringcapitalrequirements,financesandloans,variousinsurance seminars &legalneeds,record&bookkeepingessentials,advertising&marketingplans, • Access to monthly meetings and message board smallbusinessadministration,&assistanceavailablefromtheStateofIllinois. • Learn how to trade and make money using TurnyourDreamintoReality.Programincludesexpertguestspeakers. Bob powerful strategies Wagner, MBA, is founder of the Discovery Center with over 26 years • 100% money-back guarantee experienceinthebusinessfield.Mr.Wagnerisarecognizedauthorityin • All this for $1197 business organization and financial aspects of small businesses. At- Meeting times are arranged individually. To set up a no-obligatendees say his seminars “offer personal experience” and “are full of tion initial session with Angelo, call Discovery Center at 773immediatelyusefulinformation!”Mat.fee$30. 348-8120. Sec I Sun Mar 3 10:00am-6:00pm Sec D Thur Nov 1 to Nov 30 10:00am-4:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Sec E Sat Dec 1 to Dec 30 10:00am-4:00pm Do your realize hundreds of families move every week in your area? They pay thousands of dollars to get themselves and their belongings 2503 MARKETING BOOT CAMP from Point A to Point B. You can cash in on this phenomenom in the MARKETING THA THATT GET GETSS RESUL RESULTTS worst and best of times. Whatever the state of the economy, there are Are you happy with your marketing results? Perhaps it’s time to always professionals relocating in pursuit of better jobs. In this class revolutionize your marketing strategies. New tools that countless you’ll learn about types of moving equipment, how to get equipment business professionals are not even aware of are introduced in without your own investment, how to schedule jobs, managing clients this cutting edge class. In this class, small business owners, entreand their needs, estimating the size of the job, pricing your services preneurs, real estate agents, and other independant professionand hiring help. You’ll get tips on moving, packing, equipment, truck als will learn to leverage their marketing strategies using the latest sizes and where to find trucks, other equipment and the packing tehnologies such as video email, auto responders, search engine supplies that you will need. Also learn when to say NO to business. optimization, Google Ad Words, email newsletters, direct mail and Material fee: $15 even creative ways to make your email stand out. If you’re serious Sec B Sun Nov 11 2:00-5:00pm about your small business, then it’s time to revolutionize your Class Fee: $45 ?w?e?e?k marketing. Mat. fee $10 Lonny Hogan and Sam Valenti Sec Y Thur Dec 13 7:30-10:00pm 2504 BEC OME A SALES SUPERST AR BECOME SUPERSTAR 1 session Are you a frustrated salesperson achieving much less success Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl than you know you are capable of? Most salespeople perform PROTECT/RESTORE CREDIT well below their true capacity to produce, but it doesn’t have to be 2813 Before you can buy a decent car or even rent one, before you buy so. In this class you will learn: a home or rent an apartment in a decent neighborhood, before 1. What it means and what it takes to be a producer in sales you can buy expensive items, wine and dine clients or start a new 2. The seven steps of the sales process business, it would help to have good credit. With no credit, you 3. What determines literally 40% of the sales result 4. Where you are most likely getting stuck in the sales process may find it harder than having bad credit. Have you experienced 5. Methods that can triple your ability to get more appointments the difficulty in obtaining credit with an outstanding student, per6. Focus techniques to help you concentrate your selling efforts sonal or home loan, a judgment or bankruptcy? Increase your financial clout & make good credit an essential part of personal 7. Strategies for dealing with objections improvement strategy. This course teaches you how to: 8. How to close the sale In the second half of the class you will be introduced to the sales- • Interpret credit reports man arsenal of tools that will do the most to get the business and • Obtain and influence your credit report • Eliminate negatives from your credit report keep the business relationship strong: • Your rights under existing consumer credit laws 1. Prospecting tools to get quality leads 2. Email tools to automate communication in creative and com- • Minimize negatives • Obtain credit despite negatives • Sue the credit bureaus/creditors for violations of consumer laws pelling ways 3. Technology tools that allow you to sell more than anyone else • Acquire new credit, despite bad credit or none. Materials fee: $8 Lonny Hogan Mat. Fee $10 Nov 8 7:00-9:00pm Sec S Thur Dec 20 7:30-10:00pm Sec V Thur 1 session Class Fee: $45 1 session Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Sec F Tues Jan 1 to Jan 31 Sec G Fri Feb 1 to Feb 28 Class Fee: $1,197 10:00am-4:00pm 10:00am-4:00pm 3 sessions Page 3 Your Access to Success FREE Seminar “Chartwise Stock Trading” “Know Your Legal Rights” 2858 THE “CHAR T-WISE TRADER OCK CHART-WISE TRADER”” FREE ST STOCK MARKET WORKSHOP In this FREE, 3-hour power-packed workshop, learn how to trade the stock market in a fascinating, powerful way. No math skills are required and beginners are welcome. Through the use of charts, you’ll learn how to pinpoint clear direction and how to make money no matter what direction the markets are heading. The charts work on everything...stocks, options, ETFs, penny stocks, futures, currencies,commodities and international markets. You will be blown away and entertained. The instructor has traded for 15 years developing an original trading system using unique, powerful, strategies and tactics. Leave this workshop with your eyes open to a whole new world of possibilities while demystifying the financial markets. Its not hard, in fact its fun. Join us to learn how to: • Identify the simplest and most effective indicators • Pinpoint a stock’s direction and eliminate doubt • Find the big moves to build wealth • Make momentum and “the trend” your best friend. • Align yourself with market direction every time This workshop is FREE but seating is extremely limited and you must register to reserve a seat in advance. Its best to register as soon as possible to ensure you get a seat! If you’re looking for a way to take control of your money forever and boost your cash flow then this is a must-see class! Sec D Sat Jan 12 10:30am-1:30pm Class Fee: $0 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session For more business classes, see our 2461 KNOW YOUR LEGAL RIGHT ARALEGAL RIGHTSS & PPARALEGAL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Import/Export seminars on page 5 2460 PARALEGAL CER TIFIC OURSE CERTIFIC TIFICAATE CCOURSE This seven week intensive, noncredit Paralegal/Legal Assistant course will prepare you to begin or change careers. Also useful if you want to gain a basic understanding of the law for your own affairs. Topics covered include local court rules, drafting of documents and performing a notary, as well as... • Introduction to Law and Legal Ethics • Legal Research Book/Computer • Business Law • Civil and Criminal Law • Real Estate Law • Notary Public Law and Duties Come learn from experienced legal instructors! No prerequisites but intense reading skills are needed. Graduates will receive the Paralegal Certificate and, with the exception of those with felony convictions, will also receive the Illinois Notary Public Certificate. Partial scholarship available for qualified applicants. Whether your looking for the skills for a new career or want to gain understanding of how the law works for your own legal matters this program is perfect for you. Derek McNeal Tuition includes books and all required materials. Weeknight class meet 14 times. Saturday class meets 5 times. Payment plans and/or partial scholarships available for qualified applicants. Sec G Sat Nov 17 to Dec 15 10:00am-4:00pm Sec H Sat Jan 26 to Feb 23 10:00am-4:00pm Class Fee: $0 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 sessions Class fee $1,500.00 In this unique FREE seminar, you’ll learn how to know your legal rights in many different life circumstances that you may encounter. Learn how Paralegal education can help you, whether for your own legal matters or as a career or business opportunity. This FREE seminar is for you if you: • Would like to consider a new career in law • Are a recent high school or college graduate exploring career options • Have been laid off from a job • Are recently retired This is our orientation to our Paralegal Certificate Course. Take the first steps toward taking charge of your own legal rights and starting a new paralegal career. You won’t want to miss the invaluable information from this seminar. Sec C Sat Nov 10 Noon-2:00pm Sec D Sat Jan 19 Noon-2:00pm Class Fee: $0 1 session Page 4 To Register: (773) 348-8120 or DANCE & EXERCISE 1768 CONTEMPORARY SALSA 1739 STEPPING 2121 PIL PILAATES Take ballroom dance lessons - Latin Style. Contemporary Latin dances are the “in” dances. Learn today’s hottest dances - the Merengue,and Rhumba - in a fun and relaxed atmosphere while improving your rhythm, coordination, and developing your sense of space on the dance floor. This class is designed for beginners to learn the fundamentals. Wednesdays include Tango. Our CHicago dance instructors will have you gliding across the floor in no time. Sec Y Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 5:00-6:00pm Sec Z Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 7:00-8:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 1730 BALLROOM DANCE 1747 BELL BELLYY DANCING I How do dancers and gymnasts stay in such great shape? Pilates. Explore the sensuality and power of How do hollywood stars maintain their fantastic bodies, even Middle Eastern dance in this Belly after child birth? Pilates. What is Pilates? You’ve heard of it, but Dance class. This ancient, feminine how does it work? Pilates is a system of exercizes, involving art will teach body isolations, undustretches and breathing, that lations & grace. You will learn basic focus on strengthening the steps to create your own improviabs. This course will teach sational dance. You will always come you how to strengthen your away with something new. core muscles, build your “power house” and tone Nov 17 to Dec 22 Noon-1:00pm Sec F Sat your whole body in minutes Sec G Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 Noon-1:00pm 1740 CONTEMPORARY & SOCIAL DANCING a day. Whether you’re a be6 weeks Learn to dance. This class is designed for beginners to learn ginner or looking for a more challenging exercise routine, Pilates Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl fundamentals on leading and following. You’ll be exposed to a offers both. You will be amazed at the improvement in your overvariety of dances for social events like weddings, parties and night all body strength, coordination and flexibility. This is one exercise CARDIO BELL BELLYY DANCE club dancing. You will learn swing, disco and slow dancing and routine that really works. Bring a yoga mat to class. Mat Fee: $10 1759 Belly dancing is a great way to stay in shape, have fun, and build be able to dance to the music of 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s & 90’s, You’ll Sec Y Mon Nov 12 to Dec 17 7:00-8:00pm confidence. Increase flexiblity and strength, shimmy calories away, Love it! Come alone or with a partner. Tony Pedroza has been Sec Z Mon Jan 14 to Feb 18 7:00-8:00pm become more rhythmic. Learn/practice healthy movement withteaching at nightclubs & ballrooms for the past 12 years. Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks out stressing muscles, tendons or joints. De-stress, unwind, feel Sec S Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 8:00-9:00pm better than ever with an intense, exciting, exotic work-out! Zahra Sec T Wed Jan 16 to Feb 20 8:00-9:00pm Gamal Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Sec B Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 11:00am-Noon Sec C Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 11:00am-Noon 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Class Fee: $89 6 weeks 1708 HOOP DANCE I Remember hula hooping as a child? You can still do it and you can do it better now! Regardless of age, size, gender, or sense of 1775 INTRODUCTION TO POLE DANCE rhythm, YOU CAN HOOP! Using customized adult hoops, learn An introductory Pole Dancing class for anyone who wants to the techniques necessary to improve your dance style, coordilearn pole technique. No experience needed to join. This class nation, and just have FUN. Previous experience is not necessary; builds dance moves, floor work, and pole spins into a complete this low impact dance can have a HUGE impact on your life! Inroutine by the end of class. Pole dancing brings out your inner crease strength and shed stress all while looking and feeling fabu- 1720 HIP HOP FUNK lous. Class begins with basic waist hooping, progresses to chest Hip Hop is a mixture of street dance & classical jazz which caters diva while building strength and flexibility. It’s a fun way for women hooping, hooping tricks, and creating seamless choreography. to anyone who enjoys dance and loves a high intensity workout. to feel good and sexy. No nudity allowed. Wear comfortable workLast class includes a fire hooping demo! Dress comfortably, bring Come join this high energy class and experience the exuberance out clothes and gym shoes or sturdy heels. Mat Fee: $10 Angela Reininga-see class 1774 your enthusiasm and a hoop if you have one! Hoops and hand- of soul & rhythm. Dara Pogoff Sec N Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 2:30-3:30pm out provided. $10 material/equipment fee Sec X Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 6:00-7:00pm Sec O Sun Jan 13 to Feb 17 2:30-3:30pm Sec P Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 2:00-3:00pm Sec Y Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 1:00-2:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Sec Q Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 2:00-3:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Salsa lessons are fun and exciting. Have fun learning the most Dancing lessons can help improve your style on the dance floor. popular social dance of today. You can enjoy salsa dancing to live Slow dancing has never been better with this Stepping Style dance music in the fiery ambience of the many hot Latin nightclubs in class.. Stepping combines the grace of ballroom and the twoChicago. Students will be introduced to the popular styles. Con- step; you will learn how to lead and follow. This class will teach temporary leading and following techniques will be emphasized. you basic/intermediate steps and the turns you need to glide Sec W Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 6:00-7:00pm across a dance floor. Samuel Douglas. Nov 15 to Dec 20 8:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Sec M Thur Sec N Thur Jan 17 to Feb 21 8:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 1764 CONTEMPORAR ONTEMPORARYY LLAATIN Are you tired of standing on the sidelines because you can’t dance? This is your chance to learn ballroom dance including the Foxtrot and the Waltz in our studio. Even if you’ve never danced a step, our experienced Chicago dance instructors will have you gliding across the floor in no time. Lessons include leading and following techniques, stressed as you move & turn with your partner & really get into step with the music. Sundays and Friday classes focus on the Waltz. Sec T Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 4:00-5:00pm 1750 TAP DANCE I Sec W Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 9:00-10:00pm Tap dancing is fun. You’ve always wanted to try it. Now’s your Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks chance. In this high energy, upbeat class you’ll learn a variety of tap steps that will lead you into basic combinations as well as a beginning routine. No coordination or rhythm is required; only enthusiasm & tap shoes! Dara Pogoff 1778 WEDDING DANCING Nov 12 to Dec 17 6:00-7:00pm There’s more to the wedding couple’s “first dance” than keeping Sec E Mon Jan 14 to Feb 18 6:00-7:00pm the beat and not stepping on your partner. Prepare for your Sec F Mon 6 weeks wedding by choreographing a dance that will look great on your Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl video and impress your guests. Discuss choosing the right song and creating a memorable first dance. Learn the steps to one of ZUMBA the most popular wedding dances, the Rhumba. Finally, embel- 1780 lish your dance with fun moments like dips, the kiss and the It’s a party!!! ZUMBA is a great cardio workout that is based on easy to follow dance movements including Salsa, Merengue, grand finale! Sec Q Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 9:00-10:00pm Cumbia, Reggae, Belly Dance, and more. The dance moves are Sec R Wed Jan 16 to Feb 20 9:00-10:00pm fused with interval training for a compete body sculpting experiClass Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks ence. This class is for anyone looking for a great workout that is exhilarating, fun, and burns calories. No partner required. Angela Reininga, see class 1774 . Sec V Mon Nov 12 to Dec 17 8:00-9:00pm Sec W Mon Jan 14 to Feb 18 8:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 1722 INDIAN BOLL BOLLYY WOOD DANCE I Bollywood dance classes teach the contemporary Indian dancing known as Hindi Film dancing. This dance class combines the styles of classical Indian dance, belly dancing, and hiphop with a little bit of mystique and a lot of great music. Get a great workout while learning an Indian 1789 PRIV PRIVAATE LLAATIN AND BALLROOM DANCE cultural dance form. Learn the This class is for the person or couple looking to improve their sensual and breath-taking moves that have captured the eyes of dancing at a faster pace than a group class. Here you can learn Indian movie-goers worldwide. Come dressed in comfortable choreography, dips, flips, tricks, spins, and more. You pick the clothing that is easy to move in and be ready for an hour of fun! dance style, Ballroom or Latin. A private lesson is an individual or Amit Jain Sec A Thur Nov 15 to Dec 20 7:00-8:00pm a couple. Times arranged at mutual convenience Sec B Thur Jan 17 to Feb 21 7:00-8:00pm Class Fee: $150 2855 N Lincoln Ave 2nd Fl 3 weeks Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 1805 KARDIO-KICKBOXING This class is a fun and great workout while learning true and technical kicking and boxing techniques. Learn how to kickbox to high energy music and learn the practical application with invigorating movements from an exotic art with western principles. Join us and get a great sweat! Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or want to become more fit, you will look great - this is the first step to a better body. Guaranteed to be a blast! If you have any physical past or present injuries make sure to inform the instructor and he will make sure to give you the best workout for your form. 1774 POLE DANCE II: CARDIO Sec T Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 10:00-11:00am Pole dancing is the newest fitness trend for women. This class is Sec U Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 10:00-11:00am for anyone looking for a great workout that is fun and sexy. This Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks class has simple choreography that mixes things up with dance steps, floor work, and basic pole spins. It’s a complete workout that will build strength and will make you sweat. Wear comfortable workout clothes and gym shoes. Previous experience required; beginners should take Introduction to Pole Dance first. Mat Fee: $10 Angela Reininga, a certified pole dance instructor, Midwest Pole Dance competition 2011 finalist, has trained with some of the best pole dance instructors in the world including Fawnia Mondey-Dietrich and Katie Coates. Sec N Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 1:30-2:30pm Sec O Sun Jan 13 to Feb 17 1:30-2:30pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 days 1779 SENSUAL CHAIR DANCE FOR EVERYWOMAN Let yourself go and feel your beauty within. Learn how to walk sexy and tall in those stilettos you love and feel comfortable with Hatha Yoga is an ancient, refined system which improves physi- your body. Sensual chair dance uses similar dance moves to cal and mental health. The postures promote flexibilty, strength, pole dancing but with a chair instead of poles. Learn sensual balance and concentration. Breathing exercises and guided deep dance, lap dance moves and floor work using props such as relaxation help one in coping with daily stress. All ages benefit boas and chairs to make a sexy routine for that special someone. from Hatha Yoga, it creates an overall sense of well-being. Wear Sensual chair dance is also a great workout and fun, too! Wear comfortable clothing and bring yoga mat. Mat Fee: $10 comfortable workout gear and (optional) sturdy heels or stilettos. No nudity. Angela Reininga, see class 1774 Sec L Mon Nov 12 to Dec 17 9:00-10:00pm Sec N Sat Nov 3 3:00-4:30pm Sec M Mon Jan 14 to Feb 18 9:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3407 HA THA YOGA HATHA To Register: (773) 348-8120 or FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING 3825 BEGINNING PORTUGUESE Portuguese is the language of one of the largest countries in the world, Brazil, as well as Portugal. This course offers an introduction for tourists as well as those interested in the culture and music of Brazil. Mat Fee: $25. 7:00-8:30pm Sec E Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 Sec F Wed Jan 16 to Feb 20 7:00-8:30pm 6 weeks Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3830 BEGINNING POLISH This course offers basic Polish vocabulary and grammar as well as an introduction to the historical and cultural aspects of Poland within the family of Slavic languages. It will also enable you to function in Chicago’s large Polish community. Mat Fee: $25 Sec O Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 8:30-10:00pm Sec P Wed Jan 16 to Feb 20 8:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3803 BEGINNING FRENCH Learn the language of the world’s greatest artists & lovers, in a format that’s easy to master. If you thought French was what they taught in high school, think again. Francisco Herrera Mat fee: $25. Sec Q Tues Nov 13 to Dec 18 6:00-7:30pm Sec R Tues Jan 15 to Feb 19 6:00-7:30pm 6 weeks Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3804 INTERMEDIA TE FRENCH INTERMEDIATE 3819 ENGLISH AS A 2ND LANGUAGE BEGINNING CHINESE This introduction to Mandarin Chinese is perfect for the tourist planning a visit to the Far East or anyone curious about the culture of the people of the dragon. In this conversational course, students will start a foundation in the basics of a stimulating and vital language. Mat Fee:$25. Sec R Sun Nov 11 to Dec 16 Noon-1:30pm Sec S Sun Jan 13 to Feb 17 Noon-1:30pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3829 BEGINNING RUSSIAN This introduction to the Russian language is perfect for future tourists, students, businessmen, or just anyone who’s ever been intrigued by the culture and people of Russia. The class will stress a conversational approach. An array of new nations are emerging in the former territory of the U.S.S.R.and a knowledge of the Russian language continues to be useful in all of them. Olga Jordan is a native Russian speaker with a teacher’s degree. Mat. Fee: $25 Sec U Sat Oct 6 to Nov 10 2:30-4:00pm Sec V Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 2:30-4:00pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Increase your vocabulary & improve your conversational ability with this continuation of “Beginning French.” Francisco Herrera Mat fee: $25. PRA CTIC AL SP ANISH PRACTIC CTICAL SPANISH 3807 Sec C Tues Oct 2 to Nov 6 7:30-9:00pm Take this class if you’re planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking 7:30-9:00pm country, live in a Latino neighborhood or eat out in Mexican Sec D Tues Jan 15 to Feb 19 Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks restaurants. The course covers basic vocabulary, grammar & 3817 BEGINNING JAP ANESE JAPANESE sentence composition, Japanese is a valuable and often essential langauage in today’s and will prepare you to world. Learn the basics of grammar and vocabulary. You will be function in an Hispanic introduced to Hiragana and Katakana as well as the Japanese community or foreign culture. Japanese is actually one of the simplest and most logical country. Looking for more languages in the world. It’s possible to learn enough Japanese in Spanish language classes? six weeks to travel on your own to Japan. Mat. fee: $25. See our intermediate and advanced. Mon: Amy Puertas Sat: Nov 16 to Dec 21 8:30-10:00pm Pablo Limones Jimenez Mat. fee $25. Sec Z Fri Sec A Fri Jan 18 to Feb 22 8:30-10:00pm Sec P Mon Nov 12 to Dec 17 6:00-7:30pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Sec Q Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 10:00-11:30am Sec R Mon Jan 14 to Feb 18 6:00-7:30pm 3821 BEGINNING IT ALIAN ITALIAN Jan 19 to Feb 23 10:00-11:30am Explore the language and culture that produced Dante, Michelangelo Sec S Sat 6 weeks and Fellini. Learn basic conversational skills and grammar struc- Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl ture, as you become familiar with today’s fastest growing language. INTERMEDIA TE SP ANISH INTERMEDIATE SPANISH This class is geared to both potential travelers as well as those with 3808 an interest in the language. This is an intensive, full immersion course This class is a continuation of “Practical Spanish.” This will help which will give students a good foundation to build on for conver- you continue to learn Spanish language by providing instruction and practice in speaking, listening, reading & writing. You’ll learn sational Italian. Alexis Danis Mat. fee: $25. Sec T Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 6:00-7:30pm future verb tense, as well as past & present tense. Amy Puertas. Sec U Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 10:00-11:30am Mat. fee: $25. Nov 12 to Dec 17 7:30-9:00pm Sec V Wed Jan 16 to Feb 20 6:00-7:30pm Sec L Mon Jan 14 to Feb 18 7:30-9:00pm Sec W Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 10:00-11:30am Sec M Mon 6 weeks Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3824 CONTINUING IT ALIAN ITALIAN Continue to build your expertise in this class. Conversation, vocabulary, and grammar will be emphasized. This is for those who have had Beginning Italian or a comparable class. Dr Henri Mat.fee:$25. Sec R Wed Nov 14 to Dec 19 7:30-9:00pm Sec S Wed Jan 16 to Feb 20 7:30-9:00pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3815 BEGINNING GERMAN This introductory course is designed to provide students with basic survival German language and cultural awareness skills. It is especially useful for those traveling to a German-speaking country, those needing foundational skills in the language or just for fun. No prior knowledge of German is required. Mat fee:$25. Sec H Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 1:00-2:30pm Sec I Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 1:00-2:30pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3840 BEGINNING ARABIC Whether you have business with Arabic speaking countries, or have dreamed of travelling to the exotic land of the “Arabian Nights” this class will help you get practical experience in the language and culture of the Middle East. The emphasis of the class will be on conversation. Hicham ZerhouniMat Fee: $25. Sec K Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 11:30am-1:00pm Sec L Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 11:30am-1:00pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3812 AD ANISH ADVVANCED SP SPANISH This third level of our Spanish language classes is for students who have completed Practical Spanish and Intermediate Spanish or who are at an advanced level. Class will cover reading, writing, conversation and advanced grammar. Develop a more dynamic command of the Spanish language! Amy Puertas Mat. fee:$25. Sec I Tues Nov 13 to Dec 18 6:00-7:30pm Sec J Tues Jan 15 to Feb 19 6:00-7:30pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3801 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Learn English in a fun and relaxing environment through games, music and much more. The students in this class will learn and improve their English skills for daily survival. They will be able to understand and communicate better with others. They will also gain more knowledge of the American culture. Classes will be personalized to focus on the students’ most important needs and interests. Mat. Fee: $4. Anna Pickett Sec K Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 11:30am-1:00pm Sec L Sat Jan 19 to Feb 23 11:30am-1:00pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks SP ANISH ONE-DA OURSE SPANISH ONE-DAYY INTENSIVE CCOURSE IMPORT/EXPORT 4705 BASICS OF IMPORT/EXPORT How do you rate as a potential entrepreneur running your own Import/Export company? Learn how some basic research, planning, management & financial organization can take the mystery out of successful importing/ exporting. The step-by-step process of evaluating an individual or company’s potential for success in the dynamic and profitable import/export business is explained in practical terms and real-life examples based on the instructor’s career as an international trade consultant to businesses and governments. This seminar is a useful, practical guide for any individual or business, especially now that for the first time the U.S. has a government-wide export-promotion strategy, the National Export Initiative. Course includes: These classes are taught by Jennifer Tarle-Pakulski, MA, a • Basic factors to consider before Importing or Exporting Certified Speech Pathologist. She is the author of multiple books, • Key government offices and agencies to help you CDs and DVDs on Accent Reduction and she provides a popular and free podcast on accent improvement at her website. She • First steps in getting your new business started works with people across the globe to improve their lives • Personnel in Import/Export transactions • Establishing distribution through better communication. The valuable course workbook provides a step-by-step guide to each subject, plus important lists of local contacts & government agencies, extensive bibliography & resources to help you start 3827 FOREIGN ACCENT REDUCTION Do people misunderstand you due to your accent? Do you feel and succeed.Harvey R. Shoemack . Required workbook fee that your accent holds you back in interviews, at work, or in your $35 per person,cash only. Jan 20 10:00am-12:15pm social life? Are you judged unfairly due to the way you sound? If Sec G Sun 1 session so, this course can help you be more understandable and effec- Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Take Both #4710 & #4705 for just $99! The Advanced Workbook tive. This Course covers: covers both classes for $50. • common accent-related issues and problems that are related to each language. Discount: Take both 4705 & 4710 for just $99. • effective techniques and skills tailored to overcome these Advanced workbook for $50 covers both classes. problems • practice of your newly learned skills with a Certified Speech 4710 IMPOR T/EXPOR TEGIES IMPORT/EXPOR T/EXPORTT MARKETING STRA STRATEGIES Pathologist SEMINAR If you have a foreign accent and are frequently misunderstood or This follow-up seminar to “BASICS OF THE IMPORT/EXPORT you want to “soften” your accent, this course can help. Improve BUSINESS” enables the entrepreneur, small or medium-sized your business, professional, and social speaking skills. Get the business to pursue this exciting & profitable field or expand excompetitive advantage and the increased confidence you need to isting sales opportunities. Course includes: get ahead. Jennifer Tarle, MA is a Certified Speech Pathologist. How to evaluate your export potential, product or service suitShe is the author of multiple books, CDs and DVDs on Accent ability, a basic market research plan, advertising/sales promoReduction, has a popular and free podcast on accent imtion/pricing, physical distribution & selection/evaluation of disprovement at her website, and works tributors. with people across the globe to improve their lives through Emphasis is on the “support system” - both at home & abroad better communication. Material Fee: $20. Sec O Sat Dec 1 1:00-3:30pm to get the job done efficiently & successfully. Actual case histories Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session illustrate successful techniques and show you how to avoid “pitfalls” while maximizing current opportunities for profits. Practical course workbook provides step-by-step instructions & suggestions with working checklists & diagrams to enable you to 3826 FOREIGN ACCENT REDUCTION start an import or export operation internally or help you inter- FOCUS ON VOWELS Want to improve your foreign accent even more? Then sign up face better with trading companies, representatives or agents for one or both of the Focus classes for our accent reduction abroad or in the U S. Harvey R. Shoemack is an internationprogram - Focus on Vowels and Focus on Consonants. Each ally-known business columnist, Contributing Editor for course covers the top sound mistakes of foreign speakers. Learn COMMERCE MAGAZINE, and founder/president of The Inthe correct pronunciation of sounds, and then practice your ternational Marketing Center,Ltd with over 25 years sucnew skills. The sessions include intensive practice so that you cess in import/export as a consultant, executive and instructor. He has appeared on Oprah Winfrey as a cross culleave with clearer pronounciation and increased confidence. This class would cover common vowel mistakes of foreign speak- tural trade expert. Required workbook fee $50 per person,cash only. ers. You would learn: Sec G Sun Jan 20 1:15-3:30pm • Common accent-related isues due to vowel Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session mistakes. • How to correctly pronounce the top vowel sound mistakes of ESL Speakers. • Ways to practice your new skills on your own. FOREIGN ACCENT REDUCTION Jennifer Tarle, MA Material Fee: $20. Dec 8 Sec J Sat 1:00-3:30pm 1 session Do you want to learn Spanish but can’t make the time? Considering Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl classes in Spanish, but don’t know where to begin? Just want a good introduction or review? This six-hour intensive language course in FOREIGN ACCENT REDUCTION - FOCUS ON Spanish is fast-paced and entertaining. You’ll get a thorough over- 3828 CONSONANTS view of everything you need to know to communicate clearly and effectively in any situation - whether you’re learning for travel, plea- This class covers common consonant mistakes of foreign speaksure, or your career. Excellent for beginners or even for those who ers. You will learn: want a refresher course prior to a trip or event. Students are paired • Common accent-related isues due to consonant and given special exercises and practicing methods to help ensure mistakes. quick and easy study. This class focuses on presenting the basics • How to correctly pronounce the top consonant of Spanish grammar in way that is simple to practice and use. Class- sound mistakes of ESL Speakers. room work will also focus on developing conversational skills and • Ways to practice your new skills on your own.• Jennifer Tarle-Pakulski, MA . Material Fee: $20. listening comprehension. Francisco Herrera Material fee $25 Sec Y Sat Nov 17 1:00-5:00pm Dec 15 1:00-3:30pm Sec Z Sun Feb 24 1:00-5:00pm Sec J Sat 1 session Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3806 Page 5 CITIZENSHIP TEST PREP 2511 PASS THE U.S. IMMIGRA TION CIVICS TEST IMMIGRATION Want to become an American citizen? The U.S. Immigration Civics Test is part of the requirements to become an American citizen. This class will focus on the subjects that the immigration test will cover such as:• The Constitution • The American Flag • Famous Americans • Geography • U.S. History • Current Politicians This course will ensure that you will be able to easily pass the test and be more knowledgeable about American History and the Constitution than the average native born American! Translators are welcome. Michael Bledsoe Sec H Sun Nov 4 & Nov 11 5:00-6:30pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 2 sessions Page 6 Come for our Teaching English Abroad Intro class! Nov 19th at Discovery Center See page 14 for details 12/15/2012 To Register: (773) 348-8120 or COMPUTER CLASSES 2686 WINDOWS EXCEL Page 7 INTERNET, WEB COMMERCE, SOCIAL MEDIA 2635 Super Computer Weekend: Learn Computer Basics Now! Learn to navigate your way around Windows, the Basics before you tackle any This is the weekend course for you if you want to learn the basics program today. It’s a must for anyone quickly. Whether it’s for your personal satisfaction or business working in the computer job market use, come to this 12 hour comprehensive course for software today. You’ll be introduced to: knowledge. Over the course of two days, you will experience an • Making Shortcuts for your desktop immersion in MS Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, as well as DeskWindows Explorer top Publishing, all using MS Office. Familiarity with Windows • Dropping & Dragging • How to change to a left-handed needed. Or take course 2686 Windows before taking mouse • Using Wordpad & Notepad this class. Mat Fee: $30 Sec A Sat Jan 5 & Jan 6 10:00am-5:00pm • Paint, Calculator, plus more features • Control Panel & customize your Taskbar Class Fee: $199 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 12 hours • Start & Shut Down menus BASIC WEB PPAAGE DESIGN 2669 • Creating Directories for file storage This class fills up earlier than the others. Don’t complain if you By the end of this full-day workshop you will have created a website! can’t get in. Register early! If you are using a laptop, a por- This course teaches you how to create a website using a dragtable mouse, & an AC-DC power pack, you may bring them and-drop friendly user-interface based on easy to use web-templates. You’ll also learn some basic html to help fine-tune the to class to use. Mat Fee: $15 Sec G Sat Oct 27 10:00am-5:00pm website and make it specifically your own. You’ll also learn the Sec H Mon Dec 10 & Dec 17 6:30-9:30pm elements of good design in terms of color schemes and much Sec I Sat Feb 2 10:00am-5:00pm more. Internet familiarity needed, or take Internet Basics Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours first. Material fee:$40 Sec R Sat Dec 15 10:00am-5:00pm 2607 MS POWERPOINT Sec S Tues Feb 19 & Feb 26 6:30-9:30pm 6 hours This class is a definite resume builder. Learn how to make a small Class Fee: $110 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl slide presentation from scratch. This will give you an idea of your learning curve and what you will be up against in the job market. 2602 CONSUMERS GUIDE TO BUYING A PC, You will create custom animations and 3D shapes, insert clipart Software, Peripherals, Upgrades and text boxes, make “global changes” to every slide by using Bring your questions, comments, short stories, nightmares, & Tools, Options. Find out the inside tips & tricks about MS Clipart. your Sunday ads to this class. We will attempt to demystify the Also covered is using *.RTF (rich text format), notes pages, hand- computer world. This class will help you get those nagging quesouts, pack & go; omitting or changing a background, inserting & tions answered like what’s a good computer to buy? Do I need to linking an Excel chart & inserting a datasheet. Familiarity with buy new or should I just upgrade? What software programs come Windows recommended. Mat Fee:$20 with a computer? What are the advantages of PC versus Mac? What Sec P Sat Dec 1 10:00am-5:00pm free software is available? Why should I get a DVD burner? What’s a Sec Q Mon Feb 4 & Feb 11 6:30-9:30pm good monitor? Should I get a scanner? What are megahertz/gigaClass Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours hertz (MHz/GHz) and why do they matter? Do I need an inkjet or 2609 MS WORD laser printer? Should I get a name brand computer or a generic? Have you been out of the job market, or want to change careers? How much RAM do I really need as a beginner? We will also discuss Need to submit a resume with up-to-date computer skills to a the differences between laptops and desktops. Sign up for this class temp agency? This class will get you started. Word is currently the fast because you can’t wait for the answers you need to know now! most popular word processing program in the market. Most Sec H Mon Oct 29 6:30-9:30pm jobs require you to have basic knowledge of Word. And it’s not Sec I Sat Jan 26 10:00am-1:00pm only useful for jobs, but for school as well. You will learn how to Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session create letters, faxes, papers. Cut, Copy, Paste, Move Text, Insert Clipart, Create Templates. Learn how to share files with other 2658 HOW TO BUILD & REP AIR REPAIR applications, and identify files by their extensions. You will also PENTIUM COMPUTERS learn how to create labels and envelopes. Register early! Famil- Have you ever seen the inside of a computer case? Do you know iarity with Windows recommended. Mat Fee:$20 what a motherboard is? Are you aware of the differences between Sec W Sat Dec 8 10:00am-5:00pm a Pentium and an AMD processor? Here’s your chance to become Sec X Tues Feb 5 & Feb 12 6:30-9:30pm familiar with the different components in an IBM compatible comClass Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours puter. Learn how your computer works, how to dramatically in2610 crease your system performance and how to avoid costly comYou can’t get a job today without Excel. This class will show you puter repair with basic preventive measures. Also covered are the basics of working with spreadsheets using Excel. First we’ll the differences between DDRAM, SDRAM and Dual Channel get comfortable in the Excel workspace, then we’ll cover the ba- Memory. What does CD-RW, CD ROM, DVD ROM, and DVD-RW sics: entering numbers and text, formatting, and performing ba- mean? This class covers optical drives, network cards, video cards, sic calculations. Then we’ll look at sorting data, creating charts, audio cards, and modems (dial-up, DSL and Cable). and more advanced use of formulas. Familiarity with Win- During this course you’ll have the opportunity to observe and participate in the construction of an IBM compatible computer. dows recommended. Mat Fee: $20. 6:30-9:30pm You will leave this class with the knowledge necessary to build and Sec Y Mon Nov 26 & Dec 3 Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours configure your own PC.Kevin Drew is a computer consultant and network engineer at Northside Tech Support in Chicago. Material Fee:$15 2617 PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS Jan 7 & Jan 14 6:30-9:30pm You’ve taken the first step. You bought your digital camera. Now Sec Z Mon 12 hours learn how to remove red eye, crop your photos, add text and Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl much more.After you finish this course you will be able to resize, retouch, and adjust the color and sharpness of your photos. 2679 QUICKBOOKS Mat Fee: $30 This class is a must for any small business looking for a powerful Sec K Sat Nov 3 10:00am-5:00pm solution to computerized accounting or bookkeeping. Have vital Sec L Fri Jan 18 & Jan 25 6:30-9:30pm information at your fingertips at all times. Do your invoicing in Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours minutes, track income and expenses. Print professional looking invoices. Pay bills with the click of a mouse. Manage receivables and 2619 LEARN GIMP - FREE PHOTO EDITING SOFTWARE track payables. Do complete financial reporting instantly and foreGIMP is a free powerful image editing software that has many of cast cash flow. No need to understand debits and credits. Treat the same functions as Photoshop including Levels, Curves, Crop- expenses by job, department, location, or class. See the big picture of your business and the detail behind it. Computing Connoisping, and much more. Learn to retouch, adjust the color and sharpness of your images, seurs Mat. fee: $15 payable to instructor. Sec Z Sun Nov 18 10:30am-5:30pm resize your photos, and add text. Material Fee $40 Jan 13 10:30am-5:30pm Sec E Sun Nov 4 10:00am-2:00pm Sec A Sun Sec F Sun Jan 27 10:00am-2:00pm Class Fee: $129 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session “Very practical for entrepreneurs & small business owners” K Jean, DDS 2622 INTRODUCTION TO TWITTER 2663 INTERNET BUSINESS FUNDAMENT ALS FUNDAMENTALS Find out all about the hot microblogging platform that everyone is using - from CEOs to moms to journalists to activists! Find out Have an idea for an internet business, but not sure if it will work how easy it is to get started using Twitter. It’s free, can be a fun or don’t know how to start? This class is for you! Unlike many social outlet and can also be extremely profitable. In this class other internet classes, this one focuses on building a successful your learn: business case behind your great idea. Learn:• what makes a • How to get started from your computer to your website succeed• the best way to successfully monetize your mobile device. website, • how to go about developing your idea from concept to • How social networks have blazed the way for reality. This class is perfect for individuals who want to do someimmediate social change, for corporate thing on the internet, but are asking “where do I start ?” It will give communications, for customer service and for you a general overview of everything you need to know to build connecting ordinary people. and run a successful website.Taras HryniwInternet Entrepeneur. • How to build your personal brand and your Material Fee:$20 business - all for free! • How to use Twitter to find a job Sec E Wed Nov 7 6:30-9:30pm All the newest free tools to maximize your user experience. Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session William Potter is a Twitter Expert who has 1,000,000 followers and has been teaching for over 20 years. Mat Fee: $10 INTRODUCTION TO PPAAY PER CLICK (PPC) 2508 Sec W Tues Dec 18 6:30-9:30pm ADVERTISING FOR BUSINESS Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Use Google, Bing and Yahoo to cost-effectively reach buying customers. This course will cover ad composition, selecting tar2622 INTRO TO TWITTER ONLINE WEB SEMINAR get markets and managing advertising campaigns in a hands-on See Class 2622 Introduction to Twitter for full description. This environment. Regardless of the size of your business PPC adveronline web seminar session is taught by Sam Valenti who has been tising can channel customers to you who are currently buying a small business and internet marketing consultant for over 10 years. from your competitors on the internet. William Potter is the Sec A Wed Nov 14 6:30-8:30pm Director of, specializing in Search EnClass Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session gine Optimatization, and a certified Google Advertising Professional with experience in managing campaigns on Google for over 5 years, as well as on Bing, Yahoo, Myspace, Facebook and Linkedin. 2627 SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZ OPTIMIZAATION AND Sec P Tues Jan 8 6:30-9:30pm MARKETING Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session SEC Q (NOVEMBER 5) IS ONLINE WEB SEMINAR ONLY.(see below) Turn your business website into a source of online traffic that delivers customers by mastering Search Engine Optimiza2553 BUILD YOUR BUSINESS ON THE WORLD tion and the fundamentals of Search Engine Marketing. Covers WIDE WEB! major search engines as well as Google Analytics, Page Rank, back-linking, human-edited directories and keyword and key- Join the trend in home-based and virtual businesses! Make phrase research selection for organic search marketing as well money without a real store or office and without employees and as Adwords and Adsense program basics. Business owners and without your presence. Drive customers to your site using webprofessionals, learn how to make keyword selections to drive based marketing models and conduct business in any number site traffic and deliver customers to your pages. Discover the of channels, physical or cyber. Set up a customer service operabenefits of both on-site and off-site SEO techniques and how to tion to service your customers and manage routine functions establish relevant, high-authority links from partners, such as delivery, returns, questions and complaints. Get web bookmarking, social networking and more. Great for marketing hosting, design, email and support services at bargain rates. pros, online retailers, restaurants, bands, artists and anyone who Practice the ten ‘Web Yes’ processes, avoid the ten ‘Web Do Nots’ wants to learn the hows and whys of search engine results and get and create a growing income stream. Mat Fee: $20 Sec C Sun Dec 9 & Dec 16 10:30am-1:30pm top search rankings for their sites. Material fee $10 Feb 10 & Feb 17 10:30am-1:30pm For November 5 online web seminar you will be emailed instruc- Sec D Sun Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours tions and a link after you register for the session. Sec Q Mon Nov 5 6:30-9:00pm Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2669 2670 INTERNET BASICS BASIC WEB PPAAGE DESIGN By the end of this full-day workshop you will have created a website! This course teaches you how to create a website using a dragand-drop friendly user-interface based on easy to use web-templates. You’ll also learn some basic html to help fine-tune the website and make it specifically your own. You’ll also learn the elements of good design in terms of color schemes and much more. Internet familiarity needed, or take Internet Basics first. Material fee:$40 You know what a fire engine is, now register for this course & find out what a search engine is. Who are Yahoo, Google, and - they’re not underground or alternative musical groups! Learn to hang ten while surfing the Net. Don’t accept food from strangers, including Cookies! Know when to avoid the ‘rush hour traffic’. Discover what FTP, IP address, http, HTML, and URL’s are & how to use them. Get the most out of your e-mail! Learn how to create attachments to e-mails. Find out how to blog, what social Dec 15 networks are out there such as MySpace and Facebook, and Sec R Sat Feb 19 & Feb 26 what YouTube is. Also covered are spyware programs and how Sec S Tues Class Fee: $110 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl to avoid viruses. Mat Fee:$ 20 Sec R Fri Dec 7 & Dec 14 6:30-9:30pm Sec S Sat Feb 9 10:00am-5:00pm Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3 hours 10:00am-5:00pm 6:30-9:30pm 6 hours LEARN TO TYPE PRIVATE COMPUTER LESSONS 2421 LEARN TO TYPE What do you need to be a good computer keyboard typist? Discipline! Do you feel the need for speed? Type every day! You won’t get any good unless you practice, practice, practice every 2693 PRIV OMPUTER LESSONS PRIVAATE CCOMPUTER Private lessons are available for computer topics such as the day. And in today’s work force everyone uses a keyboard. First Microsoft Office suite, other courses offered at the Discovery class: intro to the Home Row keys in the Learning Lab, Practice Center, or other specific skills or software you want to learn. Pavilion, Skill Building and Test Center. Second class: review Upon registration we will put you in touch with a qualified teacher from last class and typing. Typing on today’s PC is not like typing for what you need. Dates and times are arranged directly between on your grandparents’ typewriter. Even with voice-activated software, you will still need to know how to type, as your voice will get you and your instructor. tired! Sign up early. This class fills up fast.Mat Fee: $7 Mat. fee: $20. Nov 12 & Nov 19 6:30-9:30pm Sec J Thur Nov 1 to Nov 30 6:30-7:30pm Sec X Mon Sec Y Mon Feb 25 & Mar 4 6:30-9:30pm Sec K Sat Dec 1 to Dec 31 6:30-7:30pm 6 hours Class Fee: $150 3 weeks Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl To Register: (773) 348-8120 Page 8 or Page 9 PERSONAL GROWTH - MIND & BODY 3563 NLP: THE NEW TECHNOLOGY OF ACHIEVEMENT Open new doors to achievement and success, put NLP in action for yourself. NLP has already helped millions of people overcome fears, increase confidence, resolve conflicts, enrich relationships and achieve greater success than they thought possible. Learn to: • Make your goals irresistible • Motivate yourself instantly • Change your feelings in seconds • Resolve inner conflicts • Eliminate fears, even if they are from years ago • Create a new self image & blueprint for success Answer these questions & find out. Do you have a clear and definite image of what you want? Are you easily distracted from your goals or dreams? Do fearful feelings sometimes get in the way of what you want? Have negative moods or emotions held you back? Have inner conflicts ever stopped you from taking action? If you answered “yes” to even one question, you owe it to yourself to learn more about NLP. NLP is the new technology of achievement that you do for yourself with immediate results. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, FEELINGS & ACTIONS. Michael Lavin, M.S.(see class #3574) Mat Fee: $10 Sec I Tues Jan 29 7:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2702 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3579 DEVELOP A PUSHBUTTON MEMORY Now you can develop a photographic memory in just three hours! Dave Farrow is the current Guiness world record holder for greatest memory. He successfully recalled every card in exact order of 59 randomly shuffled decks of cards (3,068 cards total). He has been featured on the Discovery Channel, CNN, CBS, and Fox News. Now you have the chance to learn from the world’s best and receive the benefits of a super-charged memory. During this class you will more than triple your present memory. You will discover the secret to memorizing people’s names even hundreds at a time, and practice with others in the class. Memorize languages, school work, speeches with absolute ease and confidence. See Dave Farrow live and learn the strategies he used to rocket himself into the Guiness Book of World records. Dave’s techniques work and you’ll be the proof. Within three hours you will: • Triple your memory power • Learn how to absorb foreign languages • Learn how to memorize names • Increase your social skills • Improve your grades or work performance • Learn memory techniques to succeed in business Do you need a memory update? Take this test and find out: 1. Have you ever been embarrassed by forgetting the name of someone you’ve recently met? 2. Have you wasted time in your life looking for lost items because you’ve forgotten where they are? 3. Have you ever read a book or listened to a seminar but walked away remembering very little? 4. Have you ever missed an opportunity because you forgot an appointment or an important meeting? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then you need our program.The greatest thing about our program is the instant gratification. That’s right. You will see your results immediately and will literally walk out of this seminar with a memory that is at least 300% more powerful than when you walked in. The true secret is that you already have these incredible memory powers. Your memory is perfect. You’ve just never been trained how to use it. Come to this seminar and experience the education that will change the way you think and remember for the rest of your life. Register Now! This seminar is simply unforgettable. Dave Farrow this thee current Guiness Book of World Record holder for greatest memory. He is a nationally recognized speaker and expert at developing successful memory techniques and programs. Sec Q Sat Oct 27 2:30-5:00pm Sec R Sat Feb 23 2:30-5:00pm Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Are you afraid to speak in public? You’re not alone. Don’t let public speaking be an obstacle in your personal life or professional career. You will learn techniques to increase your speaking confidence whether in the workplace or in social situations. Learn to: • Overcome your communication obstacles • Confidently communicate your message to any audience • Effectively organize and write a prepared speech • Interactive impromptu speech exercises • Strategies to reduce feelings of nervousness Sam Valenti and Sean Mason are former college speech team competitors. They competed on the national level in numerous tournaments, winning a silver medal in extemporaneous speaking and a bronze in persuavive speaking, respectively. They are members of Toastmasters International and have 20 combined DISCOVER WHO YOU WERE BORN TO BE years utilizing communication skills in the business 2428 67% of Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs - are you world. Mat Fee: $15 one of them? We are all born genetically unique. We are Sec X Sun Jan 6 2:00-5:00pm also born with special talents and abilities specific to each Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 week of us. Unfortunately, due to social and cultural pressures, most of us disconnect from those abilities at an early age. As a result, most of us end up in occupations that are not satisfying and that do not bring us happiness. If we learn to reconnect with those abilities, we will discover the occupation or career we were meant to be in. We will discover the one career that will bring us happiness and wealth beyond what we thought was possible. But how do we reconnect with those abilities we were born with? Let the author of the book, “Born to Be” show you how to: 3556 HOW TO TALK TO ANY ONE ANY TIME • Reconnect with the abilities that make you a unique ANYONE ANYTIME person Want to learn how to talk to anyone at anytime and make a good impression? Are your fears of rejection in your • Turn your abilities into your dream career or business way? Come learn how to: • Manage your dream career or • Overcome your fears business so that it is a success! • Feel good about yourself and what you have to say Stephen Bastien is a leading author• Project self-confidence ity on entrepreneurship, and has • Start and continue conversations taught on the subject for NorthwestWe will practice self-image building and power communi- ern University. His U.S. Business cation skills. Alan Salmi LCSW is an NLP Master Prac- Journal daily e-newspaper is the oldest on the internet titioner and Psychotherapist. He specializes in as- and provides businesses with the latest developments sisting people to learn new mental skills to trans- on fast-growing and distressed companies nationform their lives. Mat. Fee: $10 wide. His books include “Yes One Person Can Make Sec J Fri Oct 26 7:30-9:30pm a Difference,” and “Born to Be”. Material Fee: $10 Sec K Fri Jan 4 7:30-9:30pm Sec C Fri Dec 7 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2920 EXTREME ORGANIZING: GET ORGANIZED FOR A BETTER LIFE 3574 EMOTIONAL/PHYSICAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES Get organized so that you can focus on living the life that Energy Psychology you desire. Learn the steps to getting started on an orga- Do you suffer from any of these problems? nizing project, how to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way, and find the motivation to keep you going. Psychological Problems: Develop a plan that will direct you and keep you on track. • addictions, phobias or chronic anger No matter how overwhelming the project seems you can • anxiety, depression or traumas learn action steps that will make your organizing plan a • love pain, low self-esteem or self-sabotage reality and how to maintain your results once you’ve • public speaking difficulty completed your project. Feel good about your surround- Physical Problems: ings and your life. Be more productive every day, and • headaches, eyesight problems, back pain or create an environment that is conducive to reaching your arthritis goals. Mat. $10 • allergies or asthma or cravings Sec T Sat Jan 5 6:30-9:00pm • sexual dysfunction Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Learn a simple yet profound technique that can eliminate many emotional and physical issues, in many cases within 3 to 5 minutes! This scientific technique is based on cog3411 HOW TO BREA THE BREATHE THE,, REL RELAAX & nitive psychology, quantum physics, and clinical kinesiACHIEVE EFFORTLESS SUCCESS ology and has a phenomenal success rate of 80 to 85%. Are you tired of swimming upstream? Learn how to relax Don’t struggle with emotional problems or physical pains and achieve results the easy way. You’ve been breathing for years. Michael Lavin, M.S.. Mat Fee: $8 since the moment you were born, but have you ever con- Sec X Tues Feb 5 7:30-9:30pm sciously examined how your muscles, lungs and spine Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session move when you breathe? Improper breathing ultimately 3577 STRESS MANAGEMENT affects every cell in your body since every cell needs oxygen to function. Learn how the sound of your breath in- “Stress plays a role in every disease,” claimed Dr. Hans dicates whether or not you are breathing properly. As Selye. What are you waiting for? Learn how to manage your you improve your breathing, you automatically improve all of stress before it develops into a serious problem. Some stress your other bodily functions. As you continue to relax your comes with every job, relationship and family, and since body through deep breathing, your mind slips into an intuitive you can’t a disease? Your same mind and body that reacts alpha state. Now you can peacefully wait for inspiring ideas, to stress in a harmful way can also respond to stress in a images and insights to spontaneously appear, or you can in- relaxed way. Even more important, in this class you’ll learn duce positive thoughts and pictures by using proven visualiza- how to stave off disease through proven stress-managetion techniques. Learn how to trust your instincts and apply ment techniques. Instead of your stress managing you, your imagination to get what you want. Since you always have to you’ll manage your stress after you have completed this breathe, you’ll learn how you can change your physical, emo- course. Mat Fee: $2 Dr. Jay Stone (see class #3302) Jan 24 7:00-10:00pm tional and mental state by changing your breathing patterns. Dr. Sec X Thur 1 session Jay Stone, D.C.H., MBA (see class #3302). Mat. Fee: $1.00 Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Sec N Thur Jan 17 7:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3435 MEDIT A TION THROUGH MEDITA TRANSCENDENT AL HYPNOSIS TRANSCENDENTAL 2449 LEADERSHIP SKILLS NOW Whether you’re a seasoned leader with an MBA or just making a volunteer group work, come learn skills to help any team perform well. From grassroots social-justice groups to large corporations, leaders faces common challenges. Ad-hoc teams and nonprofits are as susceptible as any global corporation toars experience leading grassroots groups, consulting for large and small businesses and organizing events. A graduate of an intensive 3-year leadership and facilitation program, she has taught and consulted internationally for 4 years on leadership, community building, conflict resolution, event planning and more. Sec J Wed Feb 6 7:30pam-10:00pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1session 3418 PRECISION ACUPRESSURE Tired of being in pain and spending exorbitant amounts of money on vitamins, supplements, diets, doctors, and prescriptions? Learn painless, non-evasive, nontoxic techniques to restore health, and take control of your health. Regulate, balance, and normalize your body so it can function at peak performance. Slow down aging and enhance your skin, muscle tone and life by stimulating lymph drainage, blood, and energy circulation. Acupressure is acupuncture without needles. Michael Lavin, M.S.,is a psychotherapist, college instructor, and lecturer who has been practicing Vietnamese acupressure for the last several years. Michael LavinMat Fee: $8 Sec K Tues Nov 6 7:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Transcendental hypnosis is a potent form of meditation. Learn how to quiet the chatter in your mind so your body and mind peacefully unite as one. Turn your anxious, fearful thoughts into a serene meditation and take a welcomed break from your problems. After this class you will have the skills to experience the calm, relaxing benefits of meditation again and again. You already possess everything you need to meditate; discover how your hobbies, interests and memories can lead to meditation. Transcendental hypnosis is an ideal form of meditation for Western men and women who have difficulty practicing Eastern meditation. Already scientists have proven meditation helps to alleviate backaches, headaches, hypertension, mental blocks, anxiety symptoms and more! If you have been postponing learning to meditate, stop now because its never too late to exercise more control over your mind, body and life. Dr. Jay Stone, D.C.H., MBA (see class #3302). Mat. Fee: $1.00 Sec S Thur Jan 31 7:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3439 CHILDBIRTH ESSENTIALS Expectant couples face many decisions during the birth of a child. In this crash course on childbirth preparation taught by a seasoned birth doula, learn physical and emotional comfort measures for labor, how to make informed decisions during the process, and what to expect when the big day arrives. We will also cover the stages of labor, what to pack, and how to enhance the role of the birth partner. There will be a discussion about common labor techniques often used in labor. Come with your questions, concerns, and curiosity about the labor and birth process! Couples will also receive a folder of information to take home. Whether planning to have a natural birth or not, this class empowers couples to make choices that will enhance the birth experience. Valerie Wezran is a Graduate Nurse-Midwifery Student, trained Childbirth Educator, Certified Birth Doula, and mother of two. Materials Fee: $20/couple (cash only) due to the instructor on the day of class Sec B Sat Nov 17 1:00-5:00pm Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2509 HOW TO ACQUIRE POWER AND INFL UENCE AATT WORK INFLUENCE 3455 ASTRAL PROJECTION AND REMOTE VIEWING Why is it that some people possess great talent and work Many mystic practices and ethic, and achieve only mediocre success and advance- spiritual traditions have tools ment, while ohers with limited talent and effort seem to achieve and techniques for accesshigher levels of success? In todays market, organizations ing other realms and planes and people are using power and influence to propel them- of consciousness. Learn how selves forward. In this course we will examine the use of astral projection works from power and inflence in the workplace, and how both affect several different models and us on a daily basis. In this course you will learn: traditions including working • How power is established in organizations with your personal energy • Why some continue to advance and others get left body. Understand what entities you may contact and where behind you are going while doing astral projection. Explore dif• How to defend yourself against common persuasion ferent methos to get into a trance state to travel into and techniques used both inside and outside through the astral. Project your consciousness into the organizations astral to gain wisdom from allies you meet or the Akashic • How to employ power and persuasion to become records or build your own astral temple. Material fee $15 more influential and powerful in your own work Shauna Aura Precourt see class 3449. environment and personal life, improving your Jan 23 7:30-10:00pm Sec D Wed achievement and success Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session • Attitude secrets that can make you successful 3304 FOOD FOOD,, MOOD AND ENERGY Mat. Fee $10 Kevin Goldstein has spent 10 years in executive recruit- Do you feel happy and energetic one day and sad and ment & talent management. He is a frequent speaker on sub- tired the next? Do you have cravings that you can’t resist? jects ranging from the psychological aspects of workplace Do you have unstoppable chocolate, candy or ice cream binges? Do you desire balance, moderation and harinteraction, to job search strategy & networking. Sec F Sat Oct 13 11:00am-1:30pm mony? Then come to this class and learn how your feelClass Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session ings and energy fluctuate with your diet.Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the Western way to look at food. The Far East has a much different perspective. Food has a nutritional effect, but food also has an emotional, intellec3469 FUN AND EASY TARO AROTT tual and spiritual effect. Learn an ancient approach to diet, Have you ever wondered how the Tarot works or why? one that takes into account all aspects of nourishment. Or whether you could give a reading to a friend and watch Why do some people get sick when exposed to viruses it come true? The Tarot is a very old Spiritual Tool, and while others don’t? Genetics, of course, has something to since we are “Spirits Having a Human experience” we all do with it. Food, lifestyle and stress also play a role in your possess the ability to learn how to use it. body’s ability to resist disease. Dr. Stone will explain an In the course of this class, an introduction to Tarot, you ancient approach to a stronger immune system to help will find out about : you prevent or recover from disease. It’s never too late to • The origin of Tarot learn a healthy new recipe for food, mood and energy. Dr. • The Major Arcana cards and their meanings Jay Stone, D.C.H., MBA see class#3302 Mat. fee: $1 • Minor Arcana Cards and their meanings Sec H Thur Feb 21 7:00-10:00pm • Lay out techniques Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session We will then practice - each student will give and receive readings. Of course, practice makes perfect, and 3470 ATTRA CTING AN ABUNDANT LIFE TRACTING here is a good START! Have you heard of the “Law of Attraction”? What is the Prove it to yourself that you, too, can use and develop “Secret” that everyone is talking about? This life-changing your own spiritual abilities with a little help from the Tarot! seminar will provide the tools you need to attract anything It starts with you! that you want. You have the power to make any change Anna Pickett Mat fee: $10 payable to instructor. you desire in your relationships, health, finances, and Sec Z Sat Nov 17 2:00-5:00pm career! Our instructors will provide a deeper understandSec A Sat Jan 26 2:00-5:00pm ing of how you are in control of what happens or doesn’t Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session happen in your life. This course will teach you the five key choices you need to make every day that will transform your life. Regardless of what stage of life you’re in, you can 3475 ASTROLOGY FOR BEGINNERS: make the choices necessary to create your own destiny. BEYOND THE SUN SIGN Please bring a paper and pen to class. Amy O’Keeffe and So you know your sun sign, but you also know a lot of Michelle Rebek have worked together for over 15 years other people with the same sign. And you’re all different. in the field of Enneagram, The Focusing Technique Why is that? Have you ever wondered how astrology works and The Law of Attraction. Material Fee: $10 or why? Sec Y Sat Nov 10 10:00am-Noon Astrology is an ancient art, practiced as far back as time Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session itself for kings and pharaohs. What did they know that 3549 STOP SMOKING THROUGH you don’t? Astrology is the key to attaining your full potential. In this HYPNOSIS class you will learn: Turn your desire for cigarettes into ashes as you end your • The science behind astology dirty, expensive and self-destructive habit. Now you can • The characteristics of the zodiac easily quit smoking by activat• The 3 main astrological influences on your ing the most powerful aspect of personality your being - your unconscious • Basics on how to read a birth chart mind. As a non-smoker, you’ll • More about yourself then you ever knew! put an end to your smoker’s We will then practice - each student will get a chance to cough, cigarette- smoking look at a birth chart and start to read it. Of course, practice stench, shortness of breath, sinus problems and cancer makes perfect, and here is a good START! fears. This class helps you with more than quitting smokBy the end of this class you will be have the foundation ing; you will also learn how not to replace your cigarette needed to analyze your own chart, as well asthe charts of habit with some other undesirable habit, such as overeatfriends and family! You can even anyalize celebrity charts! ing. As a healthier ex-smoker, a happier former smoker It starts with you! and a calmer non-smoker, you will taste, smell and enjoy Sarah and Anna Pickett Mat fee: $10 payable to in- the world in a much better, cleaner and more natural way. structor. Dr. Jay Stone, D.C.H., MBA (see class #3302) Sec B Sat Nov 10 Noon-2:30pm Sec K Thur Oct 25 7:00-10:00pm Sec C Sat Jan 12 Noon-2:30pm Sec L Thur Feb 28 7:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2434 HOW TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL LIFE COACH Professional life coaching is one of the newest and fastest growing-professions worldwide. Coaching helps individuals connect their inner passions to their outer goals, producing extraordinary results. From entrepreneurs to mid-life seekers, from college students to retirees, people across the country are working with life coaches to identify priorities, set powerful goals, stay actively focused, and live their dreams. The explosion of this new field is creating a huge demand for professional coaches! Whether you want to start your own coaching practice part-time, make coaching a full-time career choice, or use coaching skills in your current work, this information-packed seminar will get you started. Topics include: • Skills you need to be a great coach. • Developing your personal style. • Setting fees. • Building a successful coaching practice • And MORE! SPECIAL OFFER: Every participant will receive an additional half hour private coaching session with the instructor at no additional cost. Bob Kiser, CEC, is a certified Life Coach and a member of the International Coach Federation. His practice focuses primarily on helping clients create their dream careers, so they can excel both personally and financially.Mat fee: $10 Sec C Sun Nov 4 10:00am-1:00pm Sec D Sun Jan 27 10:00am-1:00pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3608 PAIN MANA GEMENT MANAGEMENT Is pain controlling and limiting your quality of life? Learn three pain management strategies that are painless, noninvasive, and have a high rate of effectiveness in treating numerous pains. Instead of suffering or feeling helpless learn these techniques to conquer your pain and enhance the quality of your life. Learn to restore your vitality, flexibility, and eliminate acute and chronic pain. Material fee: $8 Michael Lavin. Sec P Tues Nov 13 7:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3301 HEALING THROUGH SELF-HYPNOSIS Can you imagine having a leg amputated or a tooth pulled without any drugs to numb the pain? Surgeons have performed countless operations while the patients only dulled their pain with hypnosis. You too can learn hypnoanesthesia to help you reduce or eliminate your pain from backaches, headaches or cramps. In this course, you learn how to manage your physical and emotional pain through the proven methods of hypnosis. “Hidden in the unconscious mind is the reason for and meaning of the pain,” said Dr. Stone. “If I help clients discover the reason or meaning behind their pain, often patients cure themselves.” Hypnosis can also help the immune system fight diseases such as cancer and AIDS, and, of course, hypnosis helps the nervous system offset the harmful effects of stress. You can use hypnosis to allay the fears of an impending surgery, medical test or childbirth. Discover why hypnosis is one very effective way to maintain your mental and physical health. Dr. Jay Stone, DCH, MBA has a private clinical hypnotherapy, macrobiotic and nutritional counseling office in Chicago. Dr. Stone has received two “Special Recognition” awards from the American Board of Hypnotherapy. His book “Sacred Cycles” is now in print. Sec J Thur Nov 29 7:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3407 HA THA YOGA HATHA MASTER MASSAGE SERIES Hatha Yoga is an ancient, refined system which improves Learn the gift of touch. Through demonstration, discusphysical and mental health. The postures promote sion, and lots of supervised practice, you will gain the flexibilty, strength, balance and concentration. Breathing necessary knowledge and skills to become comfortable exercises and guided deep relaxation help one in coping giving massage to your family, friends, and loved ones. with daily stress. All ages benefit from Hatha Yoga, it cre- You will learn the principles of massage, location of ates an overall sense of well-being. Wear comfortable cloth- muscles, and important hands on techniques. The classes are fun and very relaxing. Take one or more classes for ing and bring yoga mat. Mat Fee: $10 Sec L Mon Nov 12 to Dec 17 9:00-10:00pm $45 each or all three for just $99! Sec M Mon Jan 14 to Feb 18 9:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 weeks 3402 LOWER BODY Focusing on the hips, legs, and feet. After a long day of sitting in an office or standing on your feet, a leg massage 3449 SPIRIT CCOMMUNIC OMMUNIC OMMUNICAATION can relieve and revitalize at the same time. Working the WORKSHOP hips and both the front and back of the legs, this class is Have you ever wanted to talk to the dead, ghosts, departed an ideal introduction to massage. It will be practiced over loved ones, nature spirits, angels, ascended masters or the clothes. The class will also the reflexology acupressure other spirits? Working with spirits is one of the oldest points of the feet. Bring 2 towels, 2 sheets, no prerequesite. magical and shamanic practices. this class will explore Adina Rosenberg, see class 3405 Mat. fee: $10 theories and methods to practice communicationg with Sec O Tues Jan 8 7:30-10:00pm spirits as a medium or channeler, or by building up Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl shamanic and spiritual allies inhelping those grieving the 1 session recent dead, connecting to ancestors and gaining spiriUPPER BODY tual practice. The class will focus on different methods for 3403 each student to get into a trance state where one can com- Addressing the back, neck, and shoulders. Everyone municate with spirits. Participate in a group enjoys a good back massage, be it for pain relief or relaxmeditation(“trance journey’) to gain experience that you ation. This class is an introduction to massage using mostly can repeat on your own. Shauna Aura Knight,s ee class Swedish techniques. It will be practiced with oil on skin. Bring 2 sheets & 2 towels. No prerequesite Adina 3452 Mat Fee: $15.00 Sec F Wed Dec 12 7:30-10:00pm Rosenberg, see class 3405Mat. fee: $10. Oct 24 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $49 2955 Lincoln Ave 2nd Fl 1 session Sec L Wed Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3302 LOSE WEIGHT THROUGH HYPNOSIS FULL BODY MASSAGE “How did you lose all that weight” is what friends may ask 3405 after you take this course. Your unconscious mind al- This class reviews the first two classes and gives students ready knows how you will peel away those unwanted an opportunity to pounds. Dr. Stone helps you access your unconscious bring together the intelligence & wisdom to accelerate your weight loss. If separate compoyou have said “I’m too weak to lose weight,” or “I don’t nents in order to crehave enough time to eat right,” or “I can’t stop myself from ate a continuous eating” often enough, your unconscious will have accepted whole body massage, these negatives as truth. The cure for negative self-hypno- a vital part of the exsis is positive self-hypnosis. If you hypnotized yourself to perience. Bring 2 towels, & 2 sheets. Prerequesite: classes gain weight, you can hypnotize yourself to lose it. “In 1983 3402 & 3403 Adina Rosenberg is a Nationally Certified I lost 50 pounds using hypnosis,” said Dr. Stone, “and I Massage Therapist who combines her holistic experience have not gained any weight back since.” Dr. Jay Stone’ into her classes. Mat.fee: $10. Sec W Thur Nov 15 7:00-10:00pm Sec M Wed Nov 7 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3452 PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Are there times you were sure you saw the future or knew something about someone else. Perhaps you heard their thoughts or felt their emotions? In our skeptical times these skills can be hard to develop. Learn to focus your natural intuition and explore areas of affinity in psychic ability. Maybe its a strong “gut feeling” when something’s wrong or you have dreams of the future or visions of things going on in other places. Or psychic knowledge comes to you more inthe forms of words, sounds and feelings. Explore ways to increase your psychic sensitivity and how to close it down when needed and use psychic self-defense. Includes exercises to help develop empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and precognition. Mat Fee: $15 Sec B Wed Jan 9 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 week 3410 COUPLES MASSAGE Designed specifically for couples, this class teaches how to give and receive a tension easing massage and provides an opportunity to increase positive touch and healthy communication in your relationship. Focusing on the feet, head and neck, this class uses mostly Swedish techniques. It will be practiced with oil on skin. No prerequisite. Adina Rosenberg, see class 3405 Bring 2 towels & 2 sheets. Mat. fee $10. Sec S Tues Feb 12 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session $79 per couple 3388 SHIA GE SHIATTSU MASSA MASSAGE Shiatsu is Japanese for “finger pressure;” it is a type of alternative medicine consisting of finger and palm pressure, stretches, and other massage techniques. Shiatsu massage is different in that it’s performed with thumbs, elbows, and knees in addition to your hands. It also combines massage with yoga-like positions during the course of the treatment to make it more of a holistic massage. The benefit of Shiatsu is that it helps people relax and cope with issues such as stress, muscle pain, nausea, anxiety, and depression. There are two main Shiatsu schools: one incorporating elements of western anatomical and physiological theory, and the other based of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shiatsu is performed on a mat on the floor fully clothed. Class will include live demonstration, discussion, and lots of supervised practice. Please wear loose fitting clothing and bring 2 towels and 2 sheets. No prerequisite. Material fee $10 Adina Rosenberg, see class 3405 Sec O Wed Nov 14 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session To Register: (773) 348-8120 Page 10 or REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES SECURITY, DETECTIVE & FIREARMS CLASSES 2826 2418 ELIMINA TE YOUR MOR GE AND ALL OF ELIMINATE MORTTGA GAGE YOUR DEB AST DEBTT FFAST BECOME AN ARMCHAIR DETECTIVE Find Out Practically Anything About An ybody In Your Lif e! Anybody Life! 2426 UNARMED SECURITY TRAINING CER TIFIC OURSE CERTIFIC TIFICAATE CCOURSE Security is an ever growing field. Anyone interested in entering the Security Field must complete a certified 20-hour training program as the first step toward obtaing their Permanent Employment Registration Card (PERC) which is required by the State of Illinois for all persons employed as a registered employee of a private detective, private alarm company, or private security agency. This 20-Hour Certificate Training program will cover all the subject matter mandated by the State of Illinois, including: • Civil Law • Criminal Law • Illinois Private Detective, Security Contractors & Alarm Act • Fire Control • Key Code Systems • Equipment • Ethics • Fire Arm Laws • As well as employment and resume preparing Successful graduates will receive their 20-Hour Certificate. The 2417 HOW TO MAKE A SIX-FIGURE INCOME instructor, Don Haworth, will also assist them with their applicaAS A PRIV PRIVAATE DETECTIVE tion for their Permanent Employment Registration Card (PERC) With rampant white-collar fraud, employee theft, and corporate through the State of Illinois. Please bring a black ink pen. Don C. abuse, private detectives are in demand by corporations, attor- Haworth LPD, CFE, CII, (see class 2417)is a licensed private neys and others to investigate and assist them in their findings. investigator.(agency license#117001343, firearm instrucDon C Haworth, LPD, CFE, CII will show you how to take advan- tor#102282 Material Fee: $40(cash only) tage of this exciting opportunity. Learn how to get started in this Sec Q Fri Oct 26 6:00-10:00pm lucrative field, including: Oct 27, 28 10:00am-6:00pm • Obtaining corporate clients • Networking Sec R Fri Nov 9 6:00-6:00pm • Conducting online searches • Marketing Nov 10, 11 10:00am-6:00pm • Licensing • Equipment Sec S Fri Nov 16 6:00-10:00pm Don C. Haworth is a licensed private investigator. agency Nov 17,18 10:00am-6:00pm license #117001343, firearm instructor#102282 He has Sec T Mon Nov 26 11:00am-3:00pm conducted over 20,000 private investigations since 1975. Nov 27,28 10:00am-6:00pm He has held operations, marketing and management posi- Sec U Mon Jan 21 11:00am-4:00pm tions for several national private investigation companies. Jan 22,23 10:00am-6:00pm Mat Fee: $30 (cash - no checks accepted) Sec V Fri Feb 8 6:00am-10:00pm Sec O Sun Nov 11 3:30-6:30pm Feb 9,10 10:00am-6:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3 sessions Take both classes 2417 & 2418 for discount price of only $79! Without Changing Your BudgetBy rapidly eliminating your largest montly expense, your mortgage, you free yourself from being Get the facts about anyone - your ex-spouses’s hidden assets, a new a slave to that monthly payment. Imagine what you can with your client’s credit history, your lover’s secret past or information about money if you didn’t have a house payment! Learn how to rapidly any business - quickly and legally. Get the facts, learn where profeseliminate your mortgage in one-half to one-third of its remaining sionals obtain information, discovering sources that work. Gain term. The average student who follows this technique will pay off insight on what can and can’t be done in the field of private investigatheir 30 year loan in 8 to 11 years. You will do this without tions. Learn to track, locate, pretext, target individuals. The class also refinancing, without increasing your mortgage payment, and covers process serving and mystery shopping. This growing field experience very little to NO change in your spending habits Ed has never been better. Don C. Haworth LPD, CFE, CII, see class Hanna, Andria Guerra Material fee: $5 2417, agency license #117001343, firearm instructor #102282. Sec W Thur Nov 15 7:00-9:00pm Material fee $30 (cash only - no checks accepted) Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Sec O Sun Nov 11 12:30-3:30pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 4010 HOW TO BUY A CONDOMINIUM OR HOUSE “Condomania” has revolutionized the Chicago real estate market. Whether you’re in the market for a house or condo, learn how to assess its value and judge its condition. Covers financial alternatives for buyers and sellers including mortgages, (both fixed rate and variable) and “creative financing” arrangements. Also covered will be title insurance, closing costs and how to deal with brokers and attorneys. If you are in the market for a new home you want to get the best value for your investment. Learn which neighborhoods in Chicago have good housing available, to recognize the differences between architectural designs, & which features add value to a home. Mat. fee: $20. Sec R Thur Dec 6 7:00-9:30pm Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 4020 REAL EST OURSE ESTAATE LICENSING CCOURSE If you’re interested in a professional career in Real Estate, the first step is this course. Unlike some other Real Estate licensing courses (where you sit through hours & hours of video tape), we have live, knowledgeable instructors to give you the finest instruction. This 90-hour Broker’s Licensing Course is required by the State of Illinois to prepare the candidate for the Illinois 2333 UT AH CCONCEALED ONCEALED CCARR ARR UTAH ARRYY PERMIT ARMED SECURIT TIFIC SECURITYY TRAINING CER CERTIFIC TIFICAATE Brokers License Examination. Upon completion, you will receive With a UTAH concealed carry permit a citizen can legally carry a 2425 COURSE certification entitling you to move on to the examination, which is concealed firearm in 34 states. Our class will instruct and supply required by state law. There are 15 sessions of live instruction, you with the following to apply for your UTAH permit. We will This class is for those Security Officers, Private Detectives and 5 live interactive sessions and 30 hours of homework assign- provide you with your application, your fingerprint card, and the Alarm Contractors that need to be armed at the request of their ments. There are no special eligibility requirements for taking notarization of your application. You will need to bring a copy of employer. This is a state license certification class for an individual these courses, however, to be eligible for a real estate license state your driver’s license or state I.D. Material fee of $40 covers hand- to apply for their TAN card to carry a semi-automatic firearm law requires that one be at least 21 yrs of age, have a high school outs, fingerprinting and photos.(cash only) UTAH state license during their employment. This course covers: diploma or its equivalent, complete the 90 hr real estate course, & fees are not included. Don Haworth also teaches the Illinois State • Positioning, distances pass a State Examination Issued containing 150 questions. Certification Security Firearm classes. Agency license • Firearm ammunition • Basic marksmanship The course is offered by real estate professionals licensed by the #117001343, firearm instructor#102282 Illinois Office of Banks and Real Estate. Mat/Lab/School fee: $395 Sec R Wed Nov 7 6:00-10:00pm • Dry firing/live fire Sec H Mon Oct 22 to Jan 2 6:45-9:45pm Class Fee: $79 Milwaukee & Western 1 session • Firearm safety and storage Class Fee: $125 Halsted & Diversey 20 sessions Upon completion of the classroom section there will be a final Class meets TWICE a week, either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu session at the range. Approximately $50 is to be paid on the day 2335 CHICAGO RESIDENT FIREARM of the range visit, and includes targets, ammo and range fees. CER TIFIC CERTIFIC TIFICAATION TRAINING Successful graduates will receive their 20-Hour Certificate. The Take the first step to receive a certificate to register your firearm instructor will also guide on the process of applying for the TAN 4033 LEASING AGENT LICENSE CLASS in the City of Chicago. Residents of Chicago may now possess a This course will certify you to become a leasing agent. Time Out firearm in their homes, but to qualify to do so you must take a card through the State of Illinois. Please bring a black ink pen. Chicago stated that a career as a Leasing Agent is a career path certification class. In this certification class you will learn how to Minimun age 21.Don C. Haworth LPD, CFE, CII, (see class 2417) flush with opportunity. The mortgage mess means that the rental navigate the new Chicago gun laws and take the first step to being is a licensed private investigator. (agency license market is taking off. A leasing agent handles renting out residen- able to own a gun in your residence. This is a 2-part program #117001343, firearm instructor#102282) Don is a state and tial properties. Take this class and take the first step to an affluent with the second part (2nd day if 2-day class) at the range. Ap- NRA certified instructor. Material Fee: $40(cash only) Sec P Fri Nov 2 6:00-10:00pm career as a leasing agent. proximately $50 is to be paid on the day of the range visit, and Nov 3, 4 10:00am-6:00pm Leasing Agent License Class is a 15 hour course. Mat fee: $120. includes targets, ammo and range fees. Sec Q Mon Nov 12 11:00am-3:00pm Don Haworth is a state certified instructor and teaches the Nov 13,14 10:00am-6:00pm Sec U Sat Nov 17 & Nov 18 9:30am-5:30pm Security Firearm classes as well. agency license #117001343, Sec R Fri Nov 23 6:00-10:00pm Sec V Sat Dec 15 & Dec 16 9:30am-5:30pm firearm instructor #102282 Mat Fee: $40 (cash only) Nov 24,25 10:00am-6:00pm Class Fee: $50 Halsted & Diversey 2 sessions Sec U Sat Nov 3 & Nov 4 10:00am-2:00pm Sec S Fri Feb 15 6:00-10:00pm Sec V Tues Nov 6 10:00am-6:00pm Feb 16,17 10:00am-6:00pm 2807 REAL EST ESTAATE INVESTMENT INVESTMENTSS Sec W Tues Nov 13 & Nov 14 10:00am-2:00pm Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3 sessions Learn how and where to find investment properties. Learn to Sec X Tues Nov 20 10:00am-6:00pm perform an analysis of a neighborhood or block. Know your Sec Y Sat Nov 24 & Nov 25 10:00am-2:00pm 2334 NRA BASIC FIREARM COURSE lender and loan product. Receive tips on creative financing and Class Fee: $59 Milwaukee & Western 1 day or 2 half-days This firearm course instructs the individual on firearm safety, cash buying. Find out how to choose a real estate broker, lawyer, state laws, marksmanship, home safety, actual range firing as well tax advisor. 2337 NRA FIREARM INSTRUCTOR’S COURSE as firearm selection. Concealed weapon laws will be covered. • Learn essential investor contract clauses This is a 3 day program for individuals who want to become NRA This is a two part program with the second part at the range. This • Landlord rules and responsibilities Certified Firearm Instructors. This is a great program for individu- course is for women as well as men. • Receive an investment analysis checklist als that want to obtain certification! Additional $290 fee payable to • Find out the 10 rules of thumb for the real estate investor instructor on first day of class, includes program materials, lunches, Don Haworth has 30 years experience as a private investigator Derek McNeal is a licensed real estate instrucand instruction. Don Haworth, LPD, CFE, CII; agency li- and security instructor.firearm instructor#102282, agency litor and experienced investor.Materials fee: $20 cense#117001343, firearm instructor#102282 class 2417 cense#117001343 Mat Fee: $50 (cash only - no checks) Sec L Fri Oct 26 6:00-10:00pm Sec W Thur Jan 10 & Jan 17 7:00-10:00pm Oct 27,28 10:00am-6:00pm Sec L Wed Feb 20 10:00am-6:00pm Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 2 weeks Class Fee: $160 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3 sessions Class Fee: $59 Milwaukee & Western 1 session CAREER TRANSITIONS 2413 USING LINKEDIN FOR JOB SEARCHING Learn to use Linkkedin to drive your professional potential within the job market, by creating visibility and connecting with individuals from your industry. This course will cover introductory concepts of account registration, set-up, possible content, key features, and utilization. Regardless of your background the only thing separating you from your dream job is the chance to have your voice heard, social media venues such as Linkedin provide the forum to put you on the road to success. THE BUZZ ABOUT LINKEDIN FOR JOB SEARCHING Make yourself a part of th eone of the fastest growing professional networks : LInkedin. Every day millions of professionals participate in discussions, job search activities and business networking through this exiting social media. Learn how to : * Set up and account * Build your network quickly * Develop an effective profile page * Strategies to get noticed by employers & headhunters this class taught by Graham Nelson, a seasoned career coach at Harvard Oaks Enterprises, Inc. who has assisted thousands to find rewarding careers. Material fee $10 Sec B Tues Dec 4 6:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $49 1 session 2415 JOB SEARCH STRA TEGIES: STRATEGIES: ENERGIZE YOUR RESUME Today, your resume is your personal advertisement. To be successful you need to adapt methods that advertising professionals have used for years to ensure their ads are noticed and read. Though the resume is an indispensable part of the job search, it remains the least understood and misused tool in the job seeker’s arsenal. A powerful resume, used to its potential, is the ultimate marketing tool for all types of job candidates. You’ll learn about: • Why a properly written resume works so well. • Why resumes that go by the old rules do not get interviews! • How you can more than DOUBLE your chances for interviews and job offers. • Fact, myth & common sense: resume and job search tips and mistakes. • Resume secrets and tips for new graduates, career changers and older workers. • Resumes and communications technology: faxing, email, the web, etc. Eric Johnson is a Manager of Material fee: $5 Sec X Wed Nov 7 7:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2402 JOB INTERVIEWING : An (Almost) Unfair Competitive Edge Amazing training reveals interviewing secrets and tactics known to only a few. This is not stuff like press your suit, bring your resume, and show up on time. This class reveals the unwritten rules so you can beat your competition: how to control the interview, put your interviewer at ease, discover unspoken needs & convince the employer that you are the best candidate for the job, even if you don’t match the stated requirements exactly. Covers tricky situations: what to say if you have been out of work for a long time, if you were fired, if you don’t want your present employer to know you are “looking”; the exact phrases to say to boost your salary thousands of dollars! A Competitive Edge Grad writes: “When we discussed salary, I heard your voice...It worked!” William Potter has been a career coach for 20 years. Mat. fee $15 Sec N Wed Nov 14 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2416 ON-LINE JOB SEARCH: AP YOUR WAY TO A NE W CCAREER AREER NEW ZZAP Are you still using the Sunday paper classifieds to look for a new job? It’s time to enter the 21st century! Use the web to find opportunities and search for top flight employers. The secrets of, specialized job sites and on-line resume submissions are just a keystroke away. In a three hour, hands-on session, this workshop will cover the following essentials of the electronic job search: • Focusing a job search by profession, industry or company. • The best ways to use job boards (i.e., • Presentation of an on-line resume, dealing with “robotic recruiters” and scanning technologies. • On-line resources for the job seeker. Taught by Mat. fee: $10 “Very helpful instructors - fine tuned the class to my needs.” Sec K Tues Dec 11 6:30-8:30pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session To Register: (773) 348-8120 MEET FRIENDS & LOVERS 3606 COFFEEMA TING Back by PPopular opular Request OFFEEMATING Connecting Through Circulating & Percolating. This exclusive event was developed by Gail Prince, critically acclaimed author, speaker and relationship expert sharing her Ten Commandments for first coffee dates. By showing how to be approachable, use verbal and non-verbal love signals and engage in small talk, coffee daters are able to circulate and percolate with greater ease during this provocative evening. CoffeeMating is a series of on-going, fast, FIVE minute one-to-one exchanges or “mini dates.” Throughout the evening, men and women pair off, talk for a short, limited time, and then “snowball” and move on to the next potential “date.” Some call it romantic musical chairs, and others call it speed-dating. After each date, coffee daters fill in a “yes” or “no” on their date cards. If the attraction is mutual, a match is made. CoffeeMating is an organized, low pressure setting that appeals to many weary of bars and large social events. It eliminates the awkwardness of asking for a telephone number or feeling pressure to give a number, and it provides a sure-fire way to meet many people in a short period of time. CoffeeMating gives new meaning to the expression, “Let’s meet over a cup of coffee!” Facilitator: Sarah Pickett. Coffee Mating takes place at Cosi coffee house and sandwich bar. Cosi, which stands for comfortable, friendly, and of course, cozy, is the perfect sophisticated atmosphere for CoffeeMating. Located at 230 W. Washington (corner of Washington and Franklin). After 6 p.m. some street parking, self-parking garage next to Cosi. Sec H Tues Nov 13 6:30-9:00pm Sec I Tues Feb 5 6:30-9:00pm Class Fee: $39 230 W Washington 1 session 3690 FLIRTING EXCURSION: Learn how to flirt Do you want to learn the best ways to approach an attractive guy or gal at a party, bar or nightclub? Or do you want to grab a friend’s attention and possibly turn your relationship into something more romantic? Join James Amoureaux, Chicago’s premier dating coach, for an in-the-field adventure to meet other singles. Discover the secrets of flirting in this hilarious and helpful workshop where you get to practice sure-fire flirting skills, learn how to overcome your fear of saying the wrong thing and get yourself out of awkward dating situations. Material Fee $5 Sec C Fri Dec 7 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3556 HOW TO TALK TO ANY ONE ANY TIME ANYONE ANYTIME Want to learn how to talk to anyone at anytime and make a good impression? Are your fears of rejection in your way? Come learn how to: • Overcome your fears • Feel good about yourself and what you have to say • Project self-confidence • Start and continue conversations We will practice self-image building and power communication skills. Alan Salmi LCSW is an NLP Master Practitioner and Psychotherapist. He specializes in assisting people to learn new mental skills to transform their lives. Mat. Fee: $10 Sec J Fri Oct 26 7:30-9:30pm Sec K Fri Jan 4 7:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 3627 HOW TO MEET AND AATTTRA CT WOMEN TRACT Have you ever seen a beautiful woman you wanted to meet but you just didn’t know what to say or do? Ever feared that if you walk up and say “hi” she’s just blow you off? Since asking “what’s your sign?” won’t cut it, this course introduces men to the art of “social dynamics” and sexual self-confidence. You’ll learn to avoid common pitfalls and instead approach women successfully, establish rapport, spark attraction and arrange a date. Break through selflimiting beliefs, like “women don’t go for men who don’t have money” or “or older or balding men can’t get hot girls.” If you hope to overcome shyness around women, improve your dating options, and find yourself an amazing lover then sign up today.James Amoureux is a sex educator and social psychologist. He is the author of “How to Start A Kinky Relationship,” a guidebook to creating healthy alternative relationships. He has coached hundreds of men and women in an effort to free people to pursue more fulfilling love lives. James founded TantraLogic to offer workshops, coaching and education geared toward having great dates and satisfying relationships.Mat. Fee $5 Sec Y Fri Nov 30 7:30-10:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 -1/2 hour session or PHOTOGRAPHY THE PLEASURE ZONE 3687 THE ART OF POMPOIR Page 11 1306 PHO PHOTTOGRAPHY OGRAPHY:: TAKING THE FIRST STEP 1322 LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY Learn the art of pompoir:the Ultimate Sexercise Nothing compares to the thrill of taking professional looking - Intensive one-day workshop of all time. This workshop for women only will photographs. Learn photography in this comprehensive course This one-day intensive workshop will show you how your camteach you the art of training and controlling the specifically designed to have you taking incredible shots in al- era works and what you need to consider in order to take amazpelvic floor through an exercise regimen. most no time at all. Step-by-step, you’ll learn how to operate a ing photos. This class is for those who have a great desire to learn Pompoir (also knows as KABAZZAH or the camera to achieve maximum creativity. Topics will include in-depth but little time. Topics include: composition, lighting, black and Singapore Kiss) is the most acclaimed technique knowledge of shutter speeds, metering, F-stops, and composi- white photography, digital color photography, base aperture and ever invented for controlling orgasm and improving a woman’s tion. Bring a MANUAL SLR (Single Lens Reflex) 35 MM or digital shutter speed settings for a variety of shooting situations, studio sexual health. SLR camera. Students will be expected to shoot pictures for each set up. In the lighting section we’ll cover working with both natuGive yourself and your partner the ultimate pleasure by session & bring the results to class for discussion & critique. The ral and artificial light. This is an information-packed day com- Mastering pulsing, squeezing, extruding and more bottom line is that this course will give you the professional ex- bined with hands-on practice. Whether you’re a beginner or are - Controlling your pelvic muscles when your partner is inside pertise you need to go out & take your own knockout shots. looking for a refresher course this workshop is for you. Chicago you Material fee $15 Felix Rodriguez Photography Institute offers group and private classes in pho- Developing healthy pelvic muscles, the core of a woman’s joyful Sec K Sat Nov 17 to Dec 15 1:00-2:30pm tography and exhibit space to photographers. Mat fee: $45 intimacy Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 weeks Sec C Sun Oct 21 10:30am-5:00pm - Learning mind-blowing sexual skill as you work out. Sec D Sun Jan 6 10:30am-5:00pm 1318 BASIC DIGIT AL PHO T OGRAPHY DIGITAL PHOT Videos, illustrations and exercise routines are presented in a Class Fee: $45 Belmont & Western 1 session tasteful and professional manner. Leave this class with a complete Learn and Know Your Camera! Learn how your digital camera INTERMEDIA TE PHO T OGRAPHY INTERMEDIATE PHOT 1305 intimacy makeover. Denise Da Costa, a Passion Parties Consult- works from the inside out and what those buttons and icons ant, certified Sexuality Counselor/Therapist. No nudity or vul- mean. Learn to manipulate your camera’s menu options quickly Learn more photography skills in this intermediate class that garity. Must be 18 or over. Wear comfortable workout clothes. and with ease. This class is designed to take you through the step- covers studio photography and offers portrait photography tips. Mat. fee $14"Instructor was professional, organized, knowl- by-step process of making quality images with a digital camera Learn professional techniques. This class covers the golden rules of composition plus high key and low key photography. You’ll from image capture to printed photograph. Larn how to: edgeable” - R.C.(class 3687 participant) Sec L Fri Dec 14 7:00-9:30pm • Shoot the best quality photographs your camera learn how to use flash photography well and how to shoot using natural light; You’ll have opportunity to shoot and practice in the Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session can take classroom besides shooting outside. • Transfer your photo3630 HOW TO FIND THE X-T ASY SPO X-TASY SPOTT Bring a 35mm SLR or digital SLR camera. Students will be exgraphs from your by Debbie Roxs the Lady who Put the X in Sex! pected to shoot pictures for each session and bring results to camera into your class for discussion & critique. Material fee:$20 Felix Rodriguez In this dynamic workshop with sexpert Debbie Roxs you will computer Sec Z Sat Oct 6 to Nov 3 11:30am-1:00pm learn the simple techniques of extended ecstasy: • Edit your photographs Sec A Sat Jan 5 to Feb 2 11:30am-1:00pm • What the “X-tasy spot rub” is and how it for print, web, cd, or Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 weeks repeatedly leads to ecstasy. email delivery • Why men who perform the “Love Tug” and • Organize your images 1324 PHOTOWORKSHOP “Love Triangle” have the happiest lovers. in your computer Studio photography for all levels of experience. Bring your pho• What the “Horizontal Slide” technique is — • Archive your pictures online tos up a notch; have and why it always hits the spot. In this class you will also learn how to incorporate your old film- people drool over your • How to get rid of sexual inhibitions. based photographs into the digital process. Receive great tips on photos and learn how to Debbie Roxs (Debbie Tideman) is an author, consultant & composition. Join us and find out how to get the most out of your create more fine art like speaker. This class is presented in a very professional manner. digital camera. Material Fee: $20 Marcus Fizer professionals working in Debbie is explicit without being offensive. Drawings and sketches Sec O Wed Nov 28 to Dec 26 6:30-8:30pm a photo studio. are featured but not pornography, nudity or touching. Partners Sec P Wed Feb 6 to Mar 6 6:30-8:30pm • Day 1: There will be are welcome but not necessary.Mat fee: $10 Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 weeks instruction and Sec E Thur Dec 6 8:00-10:00pm demonstration of 1307 STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY ON A BUDGET Sec F Thur Feb 7 8:00-10:00pm studio equipment. Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Portrait Photography shot in the comfort of your living room by You will learn how to you. If you don’t want to pay someone else to take portraits of your get the most out of 3666 NETWORKING FOR KINKY PEOPLE baby, your family or even the dog then take this course to learn all any camera in any Want to meet kinky people just like yourself? Whether you’ve had the basics to shoot great professional portraits yourself. This class location and you will fantasies about being tied up, wearing leather, bowling in the nude, offers hands-on instruction on strobes, different lighting setups, work with models. multiple partners or other ideas, there are more like-minded reflectors & creative posing. The 2nd week of class is set for you to • Day 2: You will have a photosession with a model. Learn people out there than you think. From those who just read “50 bring in someone to practice your newfound talent. Students must posing and fashion techniques and special tips that will help Shades of Grey” to leather doms with years of experience, find bring in a 35mm SLR or digital SLR camera. Large & Medium format you create a unique portfolio every time. others who are open to thinking about alternative lifestyles. Meet cameras may also be used. Mat Fee: $30. Felix Rodriguez. Nov 3 & Nov 10 2:30-4:30pm Bring a SLR camera or digital camera. Material fee $40 other people in a low-pressure setting where you can mingle, Sec E Sat (includes model). 2 weeks meet and learn about various lifestyle activities. Hosted by James Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Alex and Manny have over 10 years of photography Amoreaux, author of “How to Start a Kinky Relationship,” this experience in glamour, fashion, portrait, wedding, and event gives women and men an opportunity to meet in groups, 1323 PINHOLE CAMERA PHOTOGRAPHY special events photography instruction. talk for a short time and then move on to meet with others through- Film and photography may seem to have gone by the wayside but Sec V Sun Nov 4 & Nov 11 2:00-4:00pm out the evening. Whether you’re wanting to meet someone special you can still shoot black and white photos with film cameras. Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 2 sessions or simply meet other people like yourself, this is the place to Build your own simple film camera. Learn to shoot unique black gather. Women and men of all lifestyles, single or partnered, are and white photographs. Pinhole photography is a fun hands-on 2617 PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS encouraged to attend. approach to learning the basic concepts of photography. This You’ve taken the first step. You bought your digital camera. Now Sec H Wed Jan 9 7:30-9:45pm workshop covers exposure, developing process, darkroom learn how to remove red eye, crop your photos, add text and Class Fee: $39 Wicker Park 1 session techniques. You will have the chance to test your camera much more. outside of class, then we will develop and print your paper After you finish this course you will be able to resize, retouch, and 3651 BONDA GE AND DOMINA TION, BONDAGE DOMINATION, negatives in class the following week. Mat fee: $35 Peter adjust the color and sharpness of your photos. Mat Fee: AN INTRODUCTION Takamori $30 Learn Bondage and Domination techniques as taught by The Dominas Sec K Sat Nov 3 10:00am-5:00pm of the Continuum, in an actual dungeon. Singles and couples will be Sec C Sun Dec 2 & Dec 9 3:00-5:00pm Sec L Fri Jan 18 & Jan 25 6:30-9:30pm introduced to the safe use of restraints, bondage implements, equip- Class Fee: $39 2 sessions Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 hours ment, whips, and crops in a fully equipped dungeon environment. Professional, blacksmith quality medieval equipment including racks, benches, stocks, and crosses will be utilized to acquaint students in how bondage and domination can be incorporated into your life in a healthy, safe manner to enhance your personal relationships, expand self-esteem and broaden your lovemaking horizons. Lecture, demonstration, and practical use of various types of equipment will be employed, as well as specific instructions in flogging techniques, use of cuffs, shackles, hoods and Asian rope bondage. This class will allow women to feel more comfortable with the dominant side of their personality, and allow men to learn to feel more comfortable with taking on a more submissive role in their relationships. Mat Fee:$20 Sec J Wed Dec 12 6:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $49 North loop 1 session Page 12 To Register: (773) 348-8120 or FENG SHUI INTERIOR DESIGN DECORATOR’S BOOT CAMP START A BED AND BREAKFAST TRIPS & TOURS 2910 2931 2551 FENG SHUI: DESIGN FOR HARMONIOUS LIVING DEC ORA ’S BOO AMP DECORA ORATTOR OR’S BOOTT CCAMP Ever wonder how the design professionals do it? How do they The ancient Eastern art of Feng Shui can dramatically improve take a bare room or one with a few pieces the client wants to keep, your happiness, health and personal prosperity by maximizing and in a short time transform it into a place of warmth, comfort positive energy and harmony in your home and office. Class cov- and style? Decorator’s Boot Camp will guide you through the design process, taking a room in your home from Drab to FAB in ers: just 5 weeks. Know where the professionals shop. Be the envy of • Using and balancing the five elements all your friends when they see your transformed interior! Mate• Application of color and materials rial fee $55. • Organization of space Sec R Fri Nov 16 to Dec 14 7:00-8:30pm • Feng shui cures Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 weeks • How to use the bagua and kua numbers. Get practical advice on making chages in your personal enviroment. With Feng Shui you can foster good health, improve relationships and welcome prosperity into your life. Jia Ju is a university professor of Chinese in China. Material fee $15 Sec Z Sat Jan 12 11:00am-2:00pm BUYING FORECLOSURES Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 2808 Foreclosures happen everywhere, just ask any lender. The rise in foreclosures can be your opportunity. Consider the followng: • Each year properties nationwide go into foreclosure. 3725 PROOFREADING A Great Second Job • Hundreds of millions of dollars in foreclosed properties are listed on the books of banks, savings & loans & finance Would you like the skills to find a job that allows you to work your companies alone. own hours, and get paid a competitive salary? If so, then proofreading is for you. At this time in Chicago, proofreading work is • Sellers need to sell their foreclosed properties but banks aren’t in the business of owning them. available on a freelance or full-time basis for publications, typographers, corporations & a variety of other organizations. Proof- • In the aftermath of the subprime mortgage crisis, buyers for foreclosed properties are still needed. reading, simply stated, is the editing of “proofs”, finished sheets of typeset copy. You need to learn a standard system of marks • Class will also cover short sales which are becoming more popular because of the huge discounts they offer. and notations, acquire the sharp eye needed to spot mistakes & know when and how to consult references such as a dictionary You can learn to profit from foreclosures. This class covers: • Dealing with & buying foreclosed properties directly from or style book. the owners. • How to buy at a sheriff’s sale. This class will give you a complete • Even after a sheriff’s sale, how to approach & buy from the primer on proofreading. You’ll learn lender proofreading symbols & gain a sense • How to pay no commissions of how to edit, with plenty of opportu• Timing your purchase for maximum appreciation. nity to practice on a variety of printed ...and all the “nuts and bolts” information you need to get started. material. At the end of the course, you’ll learn about job opportunities for proofreaders & how to find Mat Fee: $20 them. Bring a fine point red pen Sec D Thur Nov 8 7:00-9:30pm Jan 31 7:00-9:30pm Susan Figliulo is a professional editor, writer, consultant and Sec E Thur 1 session teacher who has worked as a copy editor at the Chicago Sun- Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Times. She has taught editing & writing at the Medill School of “Information was useful; hand-outs were good” (class 2808) Journalism at Northwestern University for 7 years. She has written four books, edited six, and edits the daily cartoon strip “Sylvia”. Mat Fee: $20 paid at time of registration. CO-ED Sec G Sun Oct 14 10:00am-5:00pm 2103 Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session BOXING The best defense is a good offense. Float like a butterfly & sting like a bee. Learn why this art is called the “Sweet Science.” Mat Fee. $18.43 Sec K Sat Nov 17 to Dec 22 10:00-11:00am Class Fee: $89 Lincoln & Lawrence 6 weeks BUYING FORECLOSURES PROOFREADING ST AR TING A BED & BREAKF AST OR INN STAR ARTING BREAKFAST Have you ever stayed at a bed & breakfast and thought what a wonderful experience it was? One that you’d like to replicate on your own? Have you ever thought about that extra bedroom in your home as a haven for travelers to spend a night or two? Or, maybe you’ve thought about buying country property and running a full-fledged inn. Starting your own bed & breakfast can be as easy as welcoming paying guests into that extra room or as expansive as opening an inn and restaurant in the country and there are lots of possibilities in between. This class will give you the knowledge to determine if you have what it takes to be a successful innkeeper. Whether you are rehabbing a city building or shopping for a country place, you’ll learn essential criteria for finding the right location and building structure and what you can expect to invest of your time and money. You will learn about creating your own niche and advertising to attract the right clientele, and agencies that regulate the industry. This course also features other critical aspects such as insurance needs, tax requirements, decorating, food preparation and insider tips on the day-to-day operations. If you like people, have an entrepreneurial spirit and are looking for an exciting business concept in the hospitality industry, then don’t delay. Fran Ramer has been the successful owner of “The Centennial Houses of Lincoln Park” since 1998 and will share many of her insider’s secrets and tips to start you on the path to success. Sec P Sun Dec 2 2:00-4:00pm Class Fee: $45 North & Wells 1 session THAI BOXING The ultimate offense. This is one of the world’s most devastating striking arts. Must be in great shape & have prior martial arts training. Mat Fee: $18.43 Sec U Mon Nov 12 to Dec 17 7:15-8:15pm Class Fee: $89 Lincoln & Lawrence 6 weeks JOB HUNTING? ***FREE -REPORT*** “12 Biggest Mistakes Job Hunters Make and How to Avoid Them (by Mail Only) A Must Career Changers Too! Also, our 90-minute Career Focus Sessions get to the root of any career problem and gives a step by step plan to fix it. LIMOUSINE CLUE CHASE Whirl around Chicago in luxury while searching for clues to solve an intriguing riddle! You & your teammates will be pitting your wits against other teams while at the same time visiting famous Chicago landmarks via limousines. Find titillating clues in possible places as Sears Tower, the Magnificent Mile & the University of Chicago. Imagine the surprise of pedestrian by-standers when you & your team jump out of a limo in pursuit of solving elusive riddles. Bring your own teammates or meet new friends. Either way you may discover a lot about yourself as a leader, follower & problem-solver. All teams will meet at a popular restaurant while scores are being tabulated. There you can rehash strategies with other teams & get to know them as well. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes for short sprints outside of the limo. Bring paper, pen & whatever else you think will help you in your adventure. Definitely a fun time! Sec M Sat Oct 20 Noon-5:00pm Sec N Sun Apr 21 Noon-5:00pm Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Departs from 2855 N Lincoln “This is great fun!! I recommend it to visitors and Chicagoans alike!” “Fun event...good socializing along the way.” See also page 2 for Bicycle, Segway & Kayak tours of Chicago. 4106 MARTIAL ARTS 2102 0008 FRED DEGERBERG 36 YEARS IN MARTIAL ARTS The Degerberg Academ y o f f e r s t h e b e s t i n Martial Arts instruction. Wear workout attire & Degerberg T-Shirt ($18.43 incl. tax) & bring a 2 n d p a i r o f c l e a n s o l e d s h o e s . Parents must accompany students under the age of 18 to the first class. All classes are co-ed & meet at the Degerberg Academy. Arrive 30 minutes prior to first class. “Rated # 1 in America” - U.S. Martial Arts Association “One of the outstanding martial arts facilities” - Chicago Tribune Brief Counseling Psychotherapy NLP Alan Salmi LCSW Universal Health Institute 8 W. Chestnut Ask about our special Introductory offer! 312. 266.9090 773 - 728 -5300 “SECRET CHIC CHICAAGO GO”” TOUR Take a tour of the wild and lesser known side of Chicago. You will have the opportunity to see the parts of Chicago that those in the know would prefer you not see. Visit the cheap, but unique dives and the more colorful emporiums of entertainment. See the dark and forbidden side that the City of Big Shoulders supports, hidden in the shadows and the backways, places not included in the conventional cultural tours. Each tour is different and may provide the chance to dabble with pagans and magicians, dally with fetishists and get friendly with the non-conformists who never make it into the regular tours. Your guide will open the doors normally locked to those without the right connections to get in. This is the Chicago you will have to see to believe, because unless you’re seeking out the obscure, you won’t read or hear about it without your guide to its wild side. Time does not always permit leisurely food stops, so it’s recommended that you eat beforehand. additional cover charge for tour leader: $10 Sec R Sat Jan 5 Noon-4:00pm Class Fee: $29 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Departs from 2855 N Lincoln 0023 CHICAGO SEX TOUR Take a walk on the wild side of Chicago. Host Serpent Libertine will take you to some of the sexiest spots in Chicago to explore the kinky, freaky and little known locations of Chicago’s sex industry. We will examine Chicago’s sexy past when we go to the locations of the Everleigh sister’s house of ill repute and the old Levee district where prostitution first started in the Windy City. But the highlight will be a trip to an S&M dungeon and several places to do a little sexy shopping. The tour changes from time to time so we may be going to an adult film shoot or bring you to a makeout club, you never know where we’ll go! 18 and up only - ID required. Clothing and polite attitudes required! Additional cover charge for tour leader: $20 cash Serpent Libertine is an activist, filmmaker, educator and current director of Sex Workers Outreach Project-Chicago. She regularly lectures on sex work and issues related to the sex industry at colleges throughout the Midwest including Northwestern, DePaul and Univ. of Chicago. She created the sex-workermade media site, and was the former cohost of the Chicago Pleasure Salon, a networking event for sex-positive communities. Sec A Sun Jan 20 Noon-5:00pm Class Fee: $49 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Departs from 2855 N Lincoln To Register: (773) 348-8120 MUSIC LESSONS ART AND CRAFTS 1601 1115 PIANO FOR ENJOYMENT Discover the fun of playing piano! Develop basic keyboard skills on the piano or keyboard. Receive instruction in musicianship, sightreading and fundamentals of music. Instructors can instruct all styles of music, from classical, to jazz, to pop, at all levels. Weekdays:John Cicora, Weekends:Greg Combs Times arranged at mutual convenience. Sec R Sat Oct /Nov Sec S Sun Nov /Dec Sec T Sun Jan /Feb Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 -1/2 hour sessions 1602 VOICE LESSONS Improve your natural voice by performing the music you like best. These weekly private lessons will teach you the principles of expressive singing. Weekend & evening times are available. All ages & all levels of ability welcome. Schedule will be arranged between student and teacher after you have registered. Jennifer Thompson,Greg Combs Sec B Sat Oct /Nov Sec C Sun Nov /Dec Sec D Sun Jan /Feb Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 6 -1/2 hour sessions 1613 Do you think your skills exceed the begining guitar player? Have you leared the basics and want to move on to the next step? Is there a new genre that you’d like to learn? Take one-on-one private lessons and learn advanced techniques and concepts in any genre of music. Greg Combs Oct/Nov Sec A Mon Sec B Mon Nov /Dec Sec C Mon Jan /Feb 18 Class Fee: $99 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1617 INTRO TO PPAINTING AINTING 3236 DRAWING FOR BEGINNERS Turn your stick figures & doodles into artwork. It’s not hard & in this class you’ll get plenty of attention & encouragement. We’ll introduce you to basic drawing by studying a variety of objects, styles & techniques. The skill you develop in this class will increase your ability to draw quickly, accurately & to your satisfaction. You too can develop realistic, imaginative & expressive drawing skills. Bring sketch pad, soft pencil & an eraser to 1st class. Mat. fee approx. $20 Sec F Sun Nov 11 to Dec 2 1:30-3:30pm Sec G Tues Nov 13 to Dec 4 6:00-8:00pm Class Fee: $69 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 4 weeks 1117 GUIT AR-INDIVIDU AL GUITAR-INDIVIDU AR-INDIVIDUAL LESSONS WIRE WRAPPED JEWELRY Making jewelry from gold and silver wire is a method that has been used for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used gold wire wrapping of stones in their rituals. You can create your own beautiful and attractive jewelry using this solderless method. Make pins, bracelets, rings, pendants, and necklaces out of crystals, tumbled stones, beads, coral bones, or almost anything. All you need is a pair of pliers, wire, a stone, and an imagination to make profitable jewelry. Maria Hunter Mat. Fee: $45. Sec E Sun Dec 9 Sec F Sun Jan 27 Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl Page 13 FOOD AND DRINK Explore your own expressive style through the practice and discipline of paining, and learn the fundamentals of color blending & balance. Create your own abstract, surreal, and representational paintings, as you learn the basics of painting with water based paints. Whether you prefer to paint still lifes or abstract expression, you will learn to mix and apply color through various mediums such as watercolors and acrylics. Class will include lectures, demonstrations, and indevidual instruction. Mat. Fee $30 Sec D Tues Nov 13 to Dec 4 8:00-10:00pm Sec E Tues Jan 15 to Feb 5 8:00-10:00pm Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 4 weeks 1101 or 1:30-3:30pm 1:30-3:30pm 1 session 6 weeks BLUES HARMONICA MADE EASY In this weekly private class, you will learn the FIVE BASIC SKILLS for playing goosebump-raising blues harp! If you are interested in blues harp, here is a rare chance to learn how it is done! StuJEWELRY MAKING 101 dents will need a “Special 20” or comparable harmonica in the 1119 key of A. All ages and abilities welcome. Times and days are ar- “The Creation of Love on a String” ranged after registration. “Porkchop Slim” has been playing Tap into your inner beauty and talent. Make and design your Blues harp for over 40 years and has played, recorded and own jewelry collection. Make jewelry for yourself or as gifts. Pertaken lessons with some of the best blues artists on the planet. haps you want to start your own Designer’s Collection and start a retail business. In this class you will learn how to give a profesSec Z Tues Nov 13 to Dec 11 Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 weeks sional touch on finalizing your beautiful creations. Maria Hunter has been making and selling her own jewelry for over 30 years. Mat. fee: $40. 1:00-3:00pm Sec G Sun Nov 4 & Nov 11 Sec H Sun Jan 13 & Jan 20 1:00-3:00pm Class Fee: $45 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 2 weeks WINE AND PPAINTING AINTING Have the night of your life with Discovery Center’s themed Wine and Painting evenings. You don’t need drawing or painting experience, your adventerous spirit will do. Bring your own food or drink to share while your create your own masterpiece. Material to paint and draw will be provided. Materials fee $20 B.Y.O.B. 3243 BAR TENDING CER TIFIC BARTENDING CERTIFIC TIFICAATION You want that bartending gig and all of its perks? Without experience your nothing to most bar owners. We’ll give you the training you need to get your bartending certificate. Like the fashion industry the bar industry is always evolveing. This training will provid you with the training that works today. Our mission is to develop skilled, confident, service oriented, ethical bartenders who will bring proffessionalism and high performance standards to the industry. This will make you highly marketable as you seek a job. Our interactive classroom uses up to date technology to create a fun and interactive learning environment. We’ll also take you to the bar, showing you the ins and outs of a real bar setting. We’ll show you how to mix, pour and shake your way to a perfect drink. Minimum age 21. Material fee $175. Classes meet Monday-Friday for 2 weeks. Choose 11:30am-3:30pm or 5:30pm to 9:30pm Anthony Pizano. Sec X Mon Nov 12 to Nov 23 11:30-3:30pm Sec Y Mon Nov 12 to Nov 23 5:30-9:30pm Sec A Mon Dec 3 to Dec 14 11:30-3:30pm Sec Z Mon Dec 3 to Dec 14 5:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $129 Milwaukee and Montrose 10 sessions SectionA:Island Nights.With reggae music in the background and wine or rum flowing, you will be guided to paint a piece that evokes island culture. CLASSIC FRENCH COOKING 3272 Section B: Night in Paris. Love to eat fabulous food but hate the high cost of restaurants? Experience Paris in the “Fin de Impress your friends and your loved ones (and yourself!) by Siecle” (late 1800s) while explorlearning the techniques that put the great French restaurants on ing your creative side inspired the map and in the Michelin Guide. And all on a low income by the famous art of the period. budget! Make preparing dinner a creative and low-cost date Section C: The Portrait. Get night. In this class, we will cook Carrot Vichyssoie, Cheese up close and personal with your Souffle and Queen of Sheba Torte. You will get to sample all the classmates as we paint each other. food that is prepared. James Garfield worked his way through How exciting! Section D: Childhood. What is a cherished childhood law school teaching cooking classes. He was a private chef memory. Is it a toy? A pet? A favorite vacation? You get to recreate and ran his own catering business in San Francisco and New York. Mat Fee: $30 it on canvas. Dec 12 6:30-9:30pm SSec C Fri Nov 16 6:30-9:30pm Sec T Wed 1 session Sec D Fri Dec 14 6:30-9:30pm Class Fee: $39 Sec A Fri Jan 4 6:30-9:30pm MORE FRENCH COOKING Sec B Thu Jan 31 6:30-9:30pm 3278 Class Fee: $25 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session Learn more French recipes. This class will teach you how to make cream of mushroom soup, vinaigrette salad dressing, home-made 3428 BE YOUR OWN PERFUMER: mayonnaise, Grand Marnier souffle. Impress your guests with your culinary skills. Cook fantastic dishes economically. James CREA TE A SIGNA TURE SCENT SIGNATURE CREATE This 2 hour course takes place at Chicago’s only perfumery. Cre- Garfield Material Fee: $30 Dec 19 6:30-9:30pm ate a fragrance unique to you. In this course you will be informed Sec D Wed 1 session mentally and sensually. A brief overview of perfuming technique Class Fee: $39 and vocabulary is followed by interactive sampling of fragrance 3238 BECOME A WINE CONNOISSEUR! families such as citrus, floral, fruity, and spicy. Each student is encouraged to note aromas that they find attractive. This leads to Learn the Fine Art of Wine Tasting and Wine Appreciation. Join us each person creating a unique personal scent! In this class you for an exciting evening of fine wine & good times as you learn the delicate art of wine tasting! For budding wine enthusiasts, this will: workshop is designed to help you cultivate your palate & expand • Learn the top, middle and base notes and construction of your “wine vocabulary.” Learn to swirl, sniff and sip like a pro. well-made colognes • Get a brief overview of perfuming technique and vocabluary Taste several of the “classical” grapes varietals of the world and discover their aromas and flavor profiles. Gain command of • Discuss a number of natural and essential oils used in basic wine vocabulary and tasting techniques. Bring all your aromatherapy questions about wine and food pairings, storage, or how to select • Create and name your own scent! At the end of class you will recieve a 2.25 oz cologne spray of your a wine at a restaurant or wine shop, or any other vexing dilemma. Topics include: classical varieties of wine grapes, the influnewly created signature scent. Mat Fee: $30 Tedd Neenan opened Aroma Workshop on Halsted 15 years ence of soil and climate (terroir), vinification techniques that inago with the goal of establishing a quality source of Perfume fluence aroma and taste, temperatures and recommendations Oils for aromatherapists. He has trained over 30 perfumers. for proper storage, which wines are best suited to which foods Sec E Wed Dec 5 6:00-8:00pm and occasions. Here’s your opportunity to develop your palate Sec F Fri Feb 1 6:00-8:00pm and appreciation for international and domestic wines. Joe Sikora Class Fee: $39 Halsted & Armitage 1 session Minimum age 21; proof of age required. Materials fee: $20. Sec L Fri Nov 30 7:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $29 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 1106 ST AINED GL ASS WORKSHOP STAINED GLASS “Excellent wine, fun people, friendly staff,it gave me the confidence Create your own beautiful to order wine in a restaurant & know I’m doing it properly!” stained glass art. Learn how to G.G.(class 3238) cut & break glass as you create your own project using the ESSENTIAL MIXOLOGY 3242 copper foil method. The sesWhether addressing invitations or sending a greeting card, callig- sion will deal with type & quality Whether you have no experience, have taken a bartending course, raphy script will enhance the beauty & impact of your corre- of glass, appropriate tools, cutor are experienced in bartending this class is for you. Take part spondences. This beautiful script is characterized by flowing thick ting techniques and assembling. in our highly interactive course where you will build and enjoy & thin lines that result from control of a broad edged pen. This You will leave the class with a your very own creations. This 4 hour crash course in mixology class meets in a creative & friendly environment where you will be completed project. Benjamin will have you entertaining your guests or clients in no time. We will immersed in the history and foundation of italic letters through Turcotte has displayed glass take you on a mindblowing excursion through the world of in-class practice and study. John Michael Korpal is a North- in galleries around the counmixology, from the essentials of cocktail creactions, to the subtle Side artist and member of the Chicago Calligraphy Collec- try and has experience renuances of pairing fresh fruit and herbs with unique spirits. storing a national historic monument Material fee $50: cov- Minimum age 21. Material fee $50. Anthony Pizano. tive. Mat Fee $20 Sec M Sun Nov 4 to Nov 18 3:00-5:00pm ers materials and use of tools during class. Sec I Sat Oct 27 2:00-6:00pm Feb 10 10:00am-4:00pm Sec J Sat Sec N Sun Dec 2 to Dec 16 3:00-5:00pm Sec Z Sun Dec 1 2:00-6:00pm 1 session Class Fee: $49 Milwaukee and Montrose Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 3 weeks Class Fee: $69 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session 1127 CALLIGRAPHY Page 14 To Register: (773) 348-8120 TEACHING ENGLISH 4214 TEACHING ENGLISH ABROAD Do you want adventure? Do you want to share your culture and experiences? Do you want to travel? If you have ever thought about teaching English in a foreign country, from China to South America, Africa to Eastern Europe, this course is for you. And you do not need any kind of teaching degree or certificate!!! This course will take you through: • Choosing a location and requirements to travel to that country • Choosing a program whether it is working through an organization or finding a job on-line • FAQs about teaching abroad • TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate program • Tips to teaching English as a foreign language • Understanding the cost and time commitment • Tips on traveling and living abroad This course will provide participants with an overview and resources of what is required to travel to and teach English in a foreign country. Volunteer to seek employment, travel free and see the world!The instructor for this class Helen Sharphas been working with the TEFL Institute for the past year and a half. TEFL Institute provides the highest level TEFL certification and life-time job placement assistance. Helen’s experience in the ESL field dates back to 2009 when she traveled and taught throughout Argentina. Recently, she has volunteered and taught English to refugees in the US. Sec M Mon Nov 19 7:00-9:00pm Class Fee: $39 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session WRITING 3705 INTRODUCTION TO SHORT STORY WRITING GOT A STORY TO TELL? Maybe you need help fleshing out that initial idea into a full plot. Looking for input from other writers? Or you are already writing stories and need to know how to market them. This workshop will guide you from initial idea to finished story. The class is designed so that after the four weeks, you can have a completed manuscript that is ready for submission. Topics covered include: • Generating story ideas • Outlining and outline revision • Writing a draft • Draft review and revision • Marketing a story The most destructive myth a beginning writer can believe is that writing is a solitary art. Workshops provide the feedback needed to improve one’s work. The most difficult obstacle most writers face is the initial risk of sharing their work with other people. This class is specifically designed for beginning writers so that no one has to worry about being “good enough.” We all have to start somewhere but you don’t need to start alone. Michael Penkas has been writing short stories for 20 years but only began getting published 5 years ago after he began attending workshops and reading events. Finding a writer’s community has been invaluable to improving his own work and he wants to offer new writers steps to finding and forming their own communities. Material Fee: $10. Sec C Mon Nov 12 to Dec 3 6:00-8:00pm Class Fee: $59 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 4 weeks 3715 WRITER’S GROUP Writing doesn’t need to be a solitary practice. Sharing ideas with other writers is essential to improving ones’s work. The Discovery Center hosts a weekly writers’ group where writers of all skill levels can meet and exchange ideas on the art of storytelling. Bring your own issues, concerns and ideas, each meeting’s agenda is open and determined by the group but will be facilitated and led by a published writer. Facilitator: Michael Penkas Sec D Sat Nov 3 to Nov 24 1:00-3:00pm Sec G Wed Nov 7 to Nov 28 1:00-3:00pm Class Fee: $25 or STAGE AND SCREEN 1212 IMPROVISA TION FOR BEGINNERS IMPROVISATION You play theatre games & exercises designed to develop spontaneity, communication, flexibility and awareness. Recommended for actors, comics, and non-performers interested in bringing more spontaneity and humor into their lives. A fun way to get to know others. Ted Sarantos, directs the monthly Cable TV Show, “Actors Acting” and is director/founder of Sarantos Studios, one of Chicago’s leading professional acting schools for 20 years. Sec T Wed Dec 5 to Dec 19 6:30-8:00pm Class Fee: $79 Oak Park 3 weeks 1402 THE AR AND-UP CCOMED OMED ARTT OF ST STAND-UP OMEDYY So you want to learn stand-up comedy? How many times have your friends and family said that you’re so funny that you should be sharing your sense of humor on stage? Trying to do stand-up is a scary prospect, right? Let our class take some of the fear out of doing stand-up! It takes training, practice, and a lot of preparation to be a successful stand-up comedian. This class will give you the basics for creating your own well-received stand-up comedy routines. You will learn how to take your thoughts, experiences and observations about life and blend them with your unique sense of humor to produce brilliant stand-up comedy. You can save yourself years of painful experimentation and go straight for the funny. And you’ll finish the class with a live performance. Aaron Foster is a comedian who has performed in 42 states and 4 countries. He has been booked at every club in Chicago. Mat fee $15 Sec N Wed Nov 14 to Dec 12 2:30-4:00pm Class Fee: $79 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 5 sessions 1205 HEAD SHOTS & AGENTS 3776 SCREENWRITING: HOW TO TURN YOUR MOVIE IDEA INTO A SCREENPL SCREENPLAAY If you have an idea for a movie, this introductory class will show you what you have to do to get that idea on paper in a form that is “pitchable” in Hollywood. This day-long course covers all the basic steps that you will need to take in order to bring your screenplay all the way to Hollywood. You will learn the special needs of Story and Character as they apply to movies. You will walk away from this class with a solid base of knowledge that wll help you translate your idea into a cinematic story and at least one workable storyline. Discover the secrets of writing and marketing for film and television. Turn your story ideas into successful scripts for television and movies and learn how to sell them! You can do it! Screenwriters can earn between $150,000 and $350,000 per picture for their creative contributions. You can benefit whether your interest is writing for films or television and can prepare your script to present to an agent or producer, protect your work with copyrights and understand how studios and production companies work. • Work with a professional in the field. • Expert advice and hands-on work. • The latest information on the business of screenwriting. If you have an orginal idea, this seminar will give you the information you need to turn it into a successful screenplay. Presentations such as the outline & story treatment and the method of developing an idea, stetting plot structures, and expanding to workable outline will all be covered. Dr.Douglas Bell, adjunct professor, Columbia College Film & Video Dept. and President of the Screenwriters Group, has over 8 years of screenwriting and “script doctoring” experience. Materials fee: $10 Sec F Sun Oct 14 10:00am-6:00pm Sec G Sun Feb 3 10:00am-6:00pm Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session To get ANYWHERE as an actor, whether in film, TV, commercials, theater, etc, you MUST have a professional head shot. Agents will not register you, & casting directors generally will not see you if your head shots don’t measure up. The “look “must be right for YOU. The wrong head shot can cost you hundreds of wasted dollars. In this seminar you will study hundreds of actual head shots, & learn how to get an excellent head shot for yourself. Handouts include: • Checklist of things you need to do. • Photographer list. HOW DOES THIS BUSINESS REALL REALLYY 1220 • Reproduction printers. WORK? Break into TV Commercials • 2 magazine articles written by Ted Sarantos. Have you ever looked at a TV commercial & thought, “I can do Conducted by Sarantos Studios. Sec R Tues Dec 11 6:30-8:30pm that.” Appearing in a TV commercial can be very lucrative beClass Fee: $39 Oak Park 1 session cause every time it’s aired, the actor gets a residual. The great thing about this business is that you don’t have to be young or glamorous to be in a commercial. With the right knowledge, skills & 2431 MAKE MONEY IN VOICE OVERS materials (photos & resume), you can break into the Chicago TV This course is designed for anyone who would like to utilize their commercial industry. Don’t miss this four-hour lecture and disvoice for profit. Learn what you need to know in order to succeed cussion about the acting industry in Chicago with a special focus in this highly lucrative field. You will learn about the essential on the on-camera segment of the business. In this class you’ll elements of a successful audition tape, types of scripts, studios & learn about: agencies. • What Talent Agents and Casting Directors are looking for Additional topics: how to present yourself for auditions, where to • The unspoken rules of the game go & whom to contact in order to obtain work, how to prepare • Answers to questions you don’t dare ask an yourself to properly read copy, pronunciation, technique & attiagent tudes necessary for success. • Marketing yourself, including photos and resumes that get you noticed Angelo Bosco is executive producer and principal of Bosco Productions, a Chicago based recording studio. Steve Merle is the director of Act One, one of Chicago’s leading professional acting schools for 24 years. Mat Fee: $15. Sec D Fri Nov 9 6:00-10:00pm Sec J Sun Nov 11 12:30-5:30pm Class Fee: $39 LaSalle & Ontario 1 session Class Fee: $89 2855 N Lincoln 2nd Fl 1 session INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING SPECIALSTS LARGE AND SMALL - WE SHIP IT ALL Lite Site Chicago Shipping Center At Devon and Ravenswood OVER 14 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FEDEX DHL UPS USPS and more 6415 N Ravenswood Chicago 773- 764-0700 Websites Starting at $249 773-359-1474 MURDER MYSTERY DINNER 0020 DINNER WITH A TWIST = MURDER Join us for a dinner party with a twist...murder! Discovery Center, in conjunction with the Sarantos Studios Players, will present an AUDIENCE-PARTICIPATION MURDER MYSTERY DINNERTHEATRE EVENT. You & your friends are invited to come to watch, observe & help unravel the mystery. You will mingle with other guests & meet new people but you must observe the action closely for a MURDER will be committed. As the drama progresses you will realize that certain characters have something to hide. Past indiscretions are hinted at, past relationships are alluded to, past lives are referred to. Tempers begin to flare & it becomes apparent that you should believe no one. Many are suspects, but only one will be guilty! Then, when you least expect it, someone collapses DEAD.Who did it? How? Why? That is for YOU to figure out. You will review details, examine evidence, be interrogated by detectives, question the witnesses & suspects. The story will reveal a number of facts but it will be up to you to determine which are the real clues & which are the false leads. Each event features a different script so you can attend again & again to solve an all new murder-mystery each time. Great for all ages, families, friends, and groups small or large! Space is limited so call (773)348-8120 and make your 3reservation now! Sec M Sat Nov 3 7:00-9:30pm Sec N Sat Jan 26 7:00-9:30pm Class Fee: $59 1 session “ 1201 DRAMA I: Losing Inhibitions Do you want to gain confidence, lose inhibitions, have fun & learn acting? Then this beginning acting class is for you. Experiment with improvisation, speech & personality exercises designed to bring out your special strengths & talents. Work in a relaxed atmosphere with an emphasis on positive attitudes, and acquire performance and presentation skills that you will use for life. Conducted by Sarantos Studios. Sec U Wed Oct 31 to Nov 14 6:30-8:00pm Sec V Wed Jan 9 to Jan 23 6:30-8:00pm Class Fee: $69 Oak Park 3 weeks Your Ad Here! For information on advertising in this Discovery Center catalog, or on our website or email newsletter, please contact us at 773-348-8120 To Register: (773) 348-8120 CALENDAR FALL 2 - 2012 Saturday October 20, 2012 Buying PC’S,Software & Options 9:30am 4033T Leasing Agent License Class Wed. October 31, 2012 10:00am 2335S Chicago Resident 6:30pm 1201U Drama I : Losing Inhibitions Firearm Certification Training Thu. November 1, 2012 12:00pm 0008M Limousine Clue Chase 3:00pm 0034J Architectural Kayak Tour 10:00am 2847D Ultimate One-On-One Stock Trading Workshop Sun. October 21, 2012 6:30pm 2693J Private Computer Lessons 10:00am 0034K Architectural Kayak Tour Fri. November 2, 2012 10:00am 0051I Lakefront Bike Tour 10:00am 2501H Start Your Own Business 6:00pm 2425P Armed Security Certificate Course 10:00am 4705F Import/Export, Basics Sat. November 3, 2012 10:30am 1322C Learn Photography 10:00am 2335U Chicago Resident Intensive One-Day Workshop Firearm Certification Training 1:15pm 4710F Import/Export 10:00am 2617K Photoshop 101: Elements Marketing Strategies Seminar 10:00am 2846B The Ultimate Stock 6:30pm 3278C More French Cooking Trading Workshop 7:00pm 0035U Sunset Kayaking 11:00am 2506M Become A Notary Mon. October 22, 2012 Signing Agent 10:00am 0051J Lakefront Bike Tour 1:00pm 3715D Writers’ Group 5:30pm 3243T Bartending Certification 2:30pm 1307E Studio Photography 6:45pm 4020H Real Estate Licensing 3:00pm 1779N Sensual Chair Dance Tue. October 23, 2012 7:00pm 0020M Dinner With A Twist Sun. November 4, 2012 10:00am 2335T Chicago Resident Firearm Certification Training 10:00am 2434C Professional Life Coach Wed. October 24, 2012 10:00am 2619E Learn Gimp - Free 6:00pm 2333Q Utah Concealed Carry Permit Powerful Photo Editing Software 6:30pm 2627P Search Engine 1:00pm 1119G Jewelry Making 101 Optimization And Marketing 2:00pm 1324V Photoworkshop 7:30pm 3403L Massage, Upper Body 3:00pm 1127M Calligraphy Thu. October 25, 2012 5:00pm 2511H Pass The U.S. 7:00pm 3549K Stop Smoking, Through Hypnosis Immigration Civics Test Fri. October 26, 2012 Mon. November 5, 2012 12:00pm 0034L Architectural Kayak Tour 6:00pm 2337L Nra Certified Pistol & Shotgun Instructor’s Course 6:00pm 2426Q Unarmed Security Training Certificate Course 7:30pm 3556J Talk To Anyone Anytime 8:00pm 0033N Friday Night Kayak 6:30pm 2627Q Search Engine Optimization And Marketing Sat. October 27, 2012 Tue. November 6, 2012 10:00am 2335V Chicago Resident Firearm Certification Training 7:00pm 2801K Financial Fitness 7:30pm 3418K Precision Acupressure Wed. November 7, 2012 10:00am 0051K Lakefront Bike Tour 10:00am 2686G Comp - Windows 11:00am 2202D Swim - Advanced Beginner 11:00am 3529D Instant Speed Reading 12:00pm 0034M Architectural Kayak Tour 12:00pm 2201Y Swimming - Beginning 2:00pm 3242I Essential Mixology 2:30pm 3579Q Develop A Push Button Memory or 10:00am 3470Y Attracting An Abundant Life 8:00pm 1740S Contemp & Social Dancing 8:30pm 3830O Polish, Beginning 12:00pm 3475B Astrology For 9:00pm 1730W Ballroom Dance Beginners:Beyond The Sun Sign 9:00pm 1778Q Wedding Dancing Sun. November 11, 2012 Thu. November 15, 2012 9:00am 2219X Table Tennis 10:00am 2217O Tourn Style Table Tennis 7:00pm 1722A Indian Bollywood Dance 11:00am 2002P Fencing - Intermediate 7:00pm 2826W Eliminate Your Mortgage And Consolidate Your Debt 12:00pm 2001W Fencing - Beginning 7:00pm 3302W Hypnosis, Lose Weight 12:15pm 0070M Horseback Riding 12:30pm 2418O Become An Armchair Detective 7:30pm 3911J Texas Hold’Em Poker 12:30pm 2431J Make Money In Voice-Overs 8:00pm 1739M Stepping 1:30pm 1101F Drawing For Beginners Fri. November 16, 2012 1:30pm 1774N Pole Dance II: Cardio 6:00pm 2426S Unarmed Security 2:00pm 2558B Start And Operate Your Training Certificate Course Own Moving Business 7:00pm 2223Q Start A Company Pool League 7:00pm 2931R Decorator’s Boot Camp 2:30pm 1775N Intro To Pole Dance 8:30pm 3817Z Japanese, Beginning 3:30pm 2417O Make A Six Figure Sat. November 17, 2012 Income As A Private Investigator 4:00pm 1730T Ballroom Dance 9:30am 4033U Leasing Agent License Class 5:00pm 1764Y Latin, Contemp Dance 10:00am 1805T Kardio-Kickboxing 6:00pm 1768W Salsa, Contemporary 10:00am 2103K Boxing, Co-Ed Mon. November 12, 2012 10:00am 2460G Paralegal Certificate Course 10:00am 3807Q Spanish, Practical 11:00am 2425Q Armed Security 10:00am 3821U Italian - Beginning Training Certificate Course 11:00am 1759B Cardio Belly Dance 12:00pm 3819R Chinese, Beginning 11:30am 3801K English As A Second Language 12:15pm 0070N Horseback Riding 11:30am 3840K Arabic, Beginning 5:30pm 3243U Bartending Certification 12:00pm 1747F Belly Dancing - I 6:00pm 1750E Tap Dance I - Beginning 1:00pm 1306K Photography, First Step 6:00pm 3705C Intro To Short Story Writing 1:00pm 1720Y Hip Hop Funk 6:00pm 3807P Spanish, Practical 1:00pm 3439B Childbirth Essentials 6:30pm 2421X Learn To Type 1:00pm 3806Y Spanish One-Day Intensive 7:00pm 2121Y Pilates Method 1:00pm 3815H German - Beginning 7:00pm 2220H Pool Fundamentals 2:00pm 1708P Hoop Dance I 7:15pm 2102U Thai Boxing 2:00pm 3469Z Fun And Easy Tarot 7:30pm 3808L Spanish - Intermediate Sun. November 18, 2012 8:00pm 1780V Zumba 10:30am 2679Z Comp - Quickbook 9:00pm 3407L Hatha Yoga 11:30pm 3243Z Bartending Certification Mon. November 19, 2012 Tue. November 13, 2012 7:00pm 4214M Teaching English Abroad Tue. November 20, 2012 10:00am 2335W Chicago Resident Firearm Certification Training 10:00am 2335X Chicago Resident 6:00pm 1101G Drawing For Beginners Firearm Certification Training 6:00pm 2001X Fencing - Beginning Fri. November 23, 2012 6:00pm 3803Q French - Beginning 6:00pm 2425R Armed Security Certificate Course 6:00pm 3812I Advanced Spanish Sat. November 24, 2012 6:30pm 3606H Coffeemating 7:30pm 3608P Pain Management 10:00am 2335Y Chicago Resident 8:00pm 1115D Intro To Painting Firearm Certification Training Page 15 Fri. November 30, 2012 Sat. December 15, 2012 Thu. December 6, 2012 Thu. January 10, 2013 7:00pm 4010R How To Buy A Condominium Or A House 8:00pm 3630E X-Tasy Spot, How To Find 7:00pm 2807W Real Estate Investments 10:00am 4705G Import/Export Basic 7:30pm 39010 Contract Bridge For Beginners 1:15pm 4710G Import/Export Marketing Strategies Seminar Fri. January 11, 2013 7:30pm 3824S Italian - Continuing 9:30am 4033V Leasing Agent License Class 8:00pm 1740T Contemp & Social Dancing 7:00pm 3238L Wine Tasting 7:30pm 3627Y How To Meet And Attract Women 10:00am 2669R Basic Webpage Design 8:30pm 3830P Polish, Beginning 1:00pm 3828J Foreign Accent Reduction: 9:00pm 1778R Wedding Dancing Sat. December 1, 2012 Focus On Consonants Thu. January 17, 2013 10:00am 2847E Ultimate One-On-One Tue. December 18, 2012 7:00pm 1722B Indian Bollywood Dance Stock Trading Workshop 11:00am 2202E Swim- Advanced Beginner 6:30pm 2622W Introduction To Twitter 7:00pm 3411N Breathe, Relax & Achieve Effortless Success,How To 12:00pm 2201Z Swim - Beginning Wed. December 19, 2012 7:30pm 3911K Texas Hold’Em Poker 1:00pm 3827O Foreign Accent Reduction 6:30pm 3278D More French Cooking 8:00pm 1739N Stepping 2:00pm 3242J Essential Mixology Thu. December 20, 2012 Fri. January 18, 2013 6:30pm 2607P Comp - PS Powerpoint 6:30pm 2693K Private Computer Lessons 7:30pm 2504S Become A Sales Superstar 7:00pm 2223R Start A Company Pool League Sun. December 2, 2012 Sat. January 5, 2013 8:30pm 3817A Japanese, Beginning 2:00pm 2551P Bed And Breakfast/Inn,Start A 10:00am 2635A Super Computer Weekend Sat. January 19, 2013 3:00pm 1127N Calligraphy 8:30am 2225M Downhill Ski Trip Sun. January 6, 2013 3:00pm 1323C Pinhole Camera Photography 8:30am 2226W Skiing, Cross Country 2:00pm 2702X Public Speaking Mon. December 3, 2012 8:30am 2227K Snowboarding 10:00am 1805U Kardio-Kickboxing 5:30pm 3243V Bartending Certification Tue. January 8, 2013 11:30pm 3243A Bartending Certification 6:30pm 2508P Intro To Pay Per Click (Ppc) 11:00am 1759C Cardio Belly Dance 11:30am 3801L English As A Second Language Tue. December 4, 2012 Wed. January 9, 2013 11:30am 3840L Arabic, Beginning 6:30pm 2413B Linkedin For Job Search 7:30pm 3452B Psychic Development 12:00pm 1747G Belly Dancing - I Wed. December 5, 2012 7:30pm 3666H Networking For Kinky People 1:00pm 3815I German - Beginning 7:30pm 3921K Winning At Blackjack 6:30pm 1212T Improvisation For Beginners 2:00pm 1708Q Hoop Dance I Fri. December 7, 2012 6:00pm 3685G Safe And Sane Internet Dating Comp - Internet Basic Sat. January 12, 2013 Black Women’s Dating Boot Camp Discover Who You Were 11:00am 2910Z Feng Shui: Decorating For Harmonious Living Sun. January 13, 2013 Flirting Excursion Sat. December 8, 2012 10:00am 2217P Tournament Style Table Tennis 10:00am 2609W Comp - MS Word 11:00am 2002Q Fencing - Intermediate 1:00pm 3826J Foreign Accent Reduction 12:00pm 2001X Fencing - Beginning - Focus On Vowels 1:00pm 1119H Jewelry Making 101 Sun. December 9, 2012 1:00pm 1119I Jewelry Making 101 10:30am 2553C Build Your Business On 1:30pm 1117F Wire Wrapped Jewelry The World Wide Web! 1:30pm 1774O Pole Dance II: Cardio 1:30pm 1117E Wire Wrapped Jewelry 2:30pm 1775O Intro To Pole Dance 6:30pm 2670R 7:00pm 3688G 7:30pm 2428C Born To Be 7:30pm 3690C Mon. December 10, 2012 Mon. January 14, 2013 6:30pm 2686H Comp - Windows 6:00pm 1750F Tap Dance I - Beginning 7:00pm 2121Z Pilates Method 6:30pm 1205R Head Shots & Getting Agents 7:00pm 2220J Pool Fundamentals 6:30pm 2416K On-Line Job Search: Zap 7:30pm 3808M Spanish - Intermediate Your Way To A New Career 8:00pm 1780W Zumba Wed. November 14, 2012 Mon. November 26, 2012 Wed. December 12, 2012 Thu. November 8, 2012 9:00pm 3407M Hatha Yoga 2:30pm 1402N The Art Of Stand-Up Comedy 11:00am 2426T Unarmed Security Tue. January 15, 2013 6:00pm 3651J Bondage And 7:00pm 2808D Foreclosures, Buying 6:00pm 1720X Hip Hop Funk Training Certificate Course Domination, An Introduction 7:00pm 2813V Credit, Protect Or Restore 6:00pm 3821T Italian - Beginning 6:00pm 2001Y Fencing - Beginning Sun. October 28, 2012 6:30pm 2610Y Comp - MS Excel 6:30pm 3272T Classic French Cooking 6:00pm 3803R French - Beginning Fri. November 9, 2012 6:30pm 2631A Intro To Twitter - Online Web Seminar Wed. November 28, 2012 12:00pm 0034N Architectural Kayak Tour 7:30pm 3449F Spirit Communication 7:00pm 1764Z Latin, Contemp Dance 6:00pm 3812J Advanced Spanish 6:00pm 1220D Tv Commercials:How 7:00pm 0035V Sunset Kayaking 6:30pm 1318OBasic Digital Photography Thu. December 13, 2012 7:00pm 2220I Pool Fundamentals 8:00pm 1115E Intro To Painting Does This Business Really Work? Mon. October 29, 2012 7:00pm 3825E Portuguese - Beginning Thu. November 29, 2012 7:30pm 2503Y Marketing Boot Camp Wed. January 16, 2013 6:00pm 2426R Unarmed Security 11:00am 2425O Armed Security 7:30pm 2402N Job Interviewing Training Certificate Course 7:00pm 3301J Self-Hypnosis, Healing Through Fri. December 14, 2012 7:00pm 2220K Pool Fundamentals Training Certificate Course 7:30pm 3388O Shiatsu Massage Sat. November 10, 2012 6:30pm 3236C Wine And Painting 8:00pm 2513B Bookkeeping, Basic 7:00pm 3825F Portuguese - Beginning 6:30pm 2602H Consumers Guide To 7:30pm 3824R Italian - Continuing 7:00pm 3687L The Art Of Pompoir 1:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 3715G Writers’ Group 2333RUtah Concealed Carry Permit 2663E Internet Business 2415X Resume, Energize Your 3405M Massage, Full Body REGISTRA TION INFORMA TION AT AT 1. HOW TO REGISTER: See instructions at right. 2. PAYMENT for classes may be made in cash, check, money order, Visa, MC, Amex, or Discover. Do not mail cash. Make checks payable to Discovery Center. 8. 3. REGISTRATION FEE: A NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee of $7 is charged per person each time a student registers for classes. This provides a temporary membership for those classes only. Discounts apply to class fee only. 9. 4. MEMBERSHIP:Optional Annual Membership is available for only $25 per year. Benefits include waiver of the $7 registration fee for an entire year, $7 in discounts coupons, notice of special events & free delivery of the catalog. 5. REFUND POLICY: No refunds will be given unless 10. a class is canceled due to insufficient enrollment. Refunds will not be issued under any other circumstances. Allow 4-6 weeks. 6. GUARANTEE: If you are not fully satisfied with a course you 11. have taken, we will issue you a class credit voucher (less the $7 reg. fee). The credit voucher is valid for up to 12 months 12 . towards any of our other programs and activities. You must 13. have attended the class. Just notify us in writing within 7 days of the class explaining why you were dissatisfied. This guarantee does not apply to trips, tours, sports & Rec. activities & one session classes. 7. IMPORTANT: Class credit vouchers, transfers or refunds are NOT issued for 1-session classes after the class meeting. No refunds will be issued for classes which are postponed due to inclement CLASS TRANSFERS: If you wish to transfer to another class or section within a class AFTER you have registered, you must notify Discovery Center at least 3 working days, either in person or by phone prior to the 1st class meeting. $7 transfer fee per person will be charged & must be paid prior to starting the new class. SCHEDULE CHANGES: Discovery Center reserves the right to change course locations, schedules and instructors when necessary. Rain dates will be scheduled for outdoor classes postponed due to inclement weather conditions. Prices subject to change without notice. COURSE CANCELLATIONS: Those classes with insufficient enrollment will be canceled prior to their starting date. Whenever possible, students will be notified by phone, refunds will be mailed. MATERIAL FEES: Separate material fees apply to some classes. These are not included in class fee. SENIOR CITIZENS: Receive a 20% discount. BOOKS & TAPES: To order call 773-348-8120, go to www. or mail in the the form on this page. Shipping and handling are $4.25 first item and $1 each additional item. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CLASS CREDIT VOUCHERS: If you are forced to withdraw before the You are entitled to a Discovery Center Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of your course. The fee for 1st class section, you must notify Discovery Center at least 3 working days processing, handling & shipping is $5 prior to first class meeting, either in person or by phone during (per class) if ordered at time of regisregular business hours. Vouchers are issued only for amount of tration or $7.50 if ordered separately. the class fee(less the non-refundable $7 reg. fee). The Certificate of Completion is an acVoucher is valid for 12 months & must be used by expiration date. knowledgment that you have taken After that it will no longer be valid. Voucher is not redeemable for the course but does not represent any cash or goods & original must be presented in person or by mail. kind of accreditation or certification, whatsoever. (photocopies not valid) Tue. December 11, 2012 Sun. January 20, 2013 Wed. January 23, 2013 7:30pm 3455D Astral Projection And Remote Viewing Thu. January 24, 2013 7:00pm 3304H Food, Mood And Energy 7:00pm 3577X Stress Management Tue. January 29, 2013 7:30pm 3563I NLP: The New Technology Of Achievement Thu. January 31, 2013 7:00pm 2808E Foreclosures, Buying 7:00pm 3435S Meditation Through Transcendental Hypnosis Tue. February 5, 2013 7:30pm 3574X Emotional/Physical Freedom Techniques Wed. February 6, 2013 7:30pm 2449J Leadership Skills Now Thu. February 7, 2013 8:00pm 3630F X-Tasy Spot, How To Find Fri. February 8, 2013 7:00pm 3688H Black Women’s Dating Boot Camp Sat. February 16, 2013 8:30am 2225N Downhill Ski Trip 8:30am 2226X Skiing, Cross Country 8:30am 2227L Snowboarding Sat. February 23, 2013 2:30pm 3579R Develop A Push Button Memory F O U R W AY S T O R E G I S T E R BY PHONE: Call (773) 348-8120. You ma egist er by phone with Visa, Mast erCar mayy rregist egister MasterCar erCardd, Disco Discovver or American Express. Mon-Fri, 12pm - 9pm, Sat & Sun 10am-5pm. BY MAIL: Send completed registration form to: DISCOVERY CENTER, 2855 N Lincoln Ave 2nd Fl erCar Chic ago IL 60657. We accept check, money or der MasterCar erCardd, Disco Discovver er,, AmEx. Do not mail order der,, Visa, Mast Chicago cash. IN PERSON: Come to DISCOVERY CENTER, 2855 N Lincoln Ave 2nd Fl, Chicago IL 60657. MonFri, 12pm-9pm , Sat & Sun 10am- 5pm ON-LINE: www .disco er .cc Regist er on-line with our secur www.disco .discovver eryycent center Register securee ser servver er,, 24 hours a da dayy, at disco er .cc discovver eryycent center