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Offering Process Brookfield kfi ld Financial i i l Reall Estate Group has h been b retained i d by b the h Vendor d on an exclusive l i basis b i to seekk proposals for the purchase of the T&T Portfolio (the “Portfolio”, the “Properties”). The Vendor has adopted a proposal call sale process. Interested parties are invited to submit a letter of intent on a date to be communicated by the Advisor, Advisor estimated to be the week of October 22nd, 2012. 2012 The Vendor will accept, in order of preference, offers for the entire Portfolio, offers for strategic geographic clusters of assets within the Portfolio, and offers for individual assets. Parties will be required to submit the Vendor’ss form of Confidentiality Agreement prior to receiving information on the Property. Vendor Property Exclusive Advisors Brookfield Financial Real Estate Group Limited Leonard Abramsky 416.956.5220 leonard.abramsky@brookfield.com John Cardiff 403.770.7219 john.cardiff@brookfield.com Nurit Altman 416.956.5225 nurit.altman@brookfield.com Peter Zorbas 403.770.7218 peter.zorbas@brookfield.com Alexandra Khazzam 416.956.5159 alexandra.khazzam@brookfield.com Tony Sandhu 416.956.5211 tony.sandhu@brookfield.com Disclaimer: This message, including any attachments, may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and/or confidential and is intended exclusively for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply email and permanently delete the original transmission from the sender, including any attachments, without making a copy. This message is being sent to and is directed only at persons who are reasonably believed to be investment professionals, high net worth individuals or entities, or other sophisticated investors. If you are not such a person you must not act or rely on the information in this communication. Any use, copying, retention or disclosure by any person other than the intended recipient or the intended recipient's designees is strictly prohibited and to do so could violate state and federal privacy laws. Thank you for your cooperation. Introduction Investment Highlights The T&T Portfolio presents investors the opportunity to acquire a critical mass of market‐dominant retail g q y office p properties p and development p land located in some of Western Canada’s centres,, high‐quality fastest growing markets. In total, the Portfolio comprises 2.1 million square feet, including three enclosed regional shopping centres, 13 unenclosed retail centres, one mixed‐use property, two high‐ quality office properties, and 145 acres of development land. Strong Western Canadian Markets ‐ The Portfolio is located in two of Canada’s strongest provincial economies, Alberta and Saskatchewan, experiencing GDP growth in 2011 of 4.0% and 4.8%, respectively. Portfolio Summary # of Properties 24 Locations Alberta (94%) (94%)‐ Edmonton dmonton (4), Calgary (5), Medicine Hat (6), Lethbridge ethbridge ((2), ), Fort McMurray (3), Olds (1), Lloydminster (1), AB Saskatchewan (6%)‐ Saskatoon (2), SK Area 2,083,782 sq.ft. Type Regional Malls (3) ‐ 1,188,224 sq.ft. (57%) Unenclosed Centres (13) ‐ 601,060 sq.ft. (29%) , sq.ft. q ((5%)) Mixed‐Use ((1)) ‐ 103,351 Office (2) ‐ 191,147 sq.ft. (9%) p Development Land 144.62 acres,, in five p parcels Major Tenants Rapidly Growing Populations ‐ The Properties are located in some of Canada’s fastest growing markets, including Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Fort McMurray, Medicine Hat and Lethbridge. All of these markets have experienced double‐digit population growth since 2006. Located in Affluent Trade Areas ‐ The Properties benefit from prominent locations in the heart of affluent trade areas. areas Each trade area is home to a population with an average household income of greater than $85,000, with Fort McMurray at over $190,000. Rare Opportunity to Buy A Critical Mass of Regional Malls ‐ The Portfolio offers investors a rare opportunity to acquire a critical mass of enclosed regional shopping centres in Alberta. The three enclosed malls in the Portfolio, namely Sherwood Park Mall (Edmonton, AB), Medicine Hat Mall (Medicine Hat, AB) and Peter Pond Mall (Fort McMurray, AB), represent 57% of the GLA of the P f li and Portfolio, d 59% off its i NOI. NOI Managed to Exceptionally High Standards ‐ The Portfolio has been managed to exceptional standards by the T&T Properties team. Since 2009, more than $16 million has been invested in upgrading and modernizing various properties within the Portfolio. Exceptionally Strong Sales Performance ‐ The Portfolio boasts high sales per square foot, with strong yyear‐over‐year y sales ggrowth. Rollingg 12 month sales at Peter Pond Mall were over $ $900 p psf for the period ending June, 2012. Low GROC Ratios Avail Upside in Rents ‐ The tenants within the Portfolio’s three enclosed malls have exceptionally low GROC ratios. ratios With each mall mall’ss average at less than 12%, 12% the Properties offer a definite opportunity to increase rents as tenant leases expire. Strong Occupancy ‐ The Portfolio is currently 99.2% occupied, on a long‐term basis, with an average l lease term off 5.4 years. O Occupied i d Area A 99 2% (2,067,503 99.2% (2 067 503 sq.ft.) ft ) Vacant Area 0.8% (16,279 sq.ft.) Avg. Lease Term 5.4 years Avg Rent PSF Avg. $21 24 $21.24 Year‐1 NOI Approx. $47 Million Diversified Tenant Base ‐ The Portfolio is occupied by a diversified tenant base, with no single tenant occupying more than 9% of the GLA or 6% of the base rental income, protecting potential investors from any significant tenant related downside risk. Strong Anchor Tenants ‐ The top tenants in the Portfolio include such national covenants as Target, y, Shoppers pp Drugg Mart and The Bay. y These tenants occupy py 44% of the GLA,, and represent p Safeway, 24% of its base rental income. Opportunity to Lock In Financing at Historically Low Rates ‐ As at December 31st, 2012, $37 million of debt will be outstanding on the Portfolio, Portfolio on only four properties. properties The proportionally low level of debt allows investors to take advantage of the current low interest rate environment by placing new financing on the majority of the Portfolio at today’s low rates. Introduction Investment Highlights The T&T Portfolio presents investors the opportunity to acquire a critical mass of market‐dominant retail g q y office p properties p and development p land located in some of Western Canada’s centres,, high‐quality fastest growing markets. In total, the Portfolio comprises 2.1 million square feet, including three enclosed regional shopping centres, 13 unenclosed retail centres, one mixed‐use property, two high‐ quality office properties, and 145 acres of development land. Strong Western Canadian Markets ‐ The Portfolio is located in two of Canada’s strongest provincial economies, Alberta and Saskatchewan, experiencing GDP growth in 2011 of 4.0% and 4.8%, respectively. Portfolio Summary # of Properties 24 Locations Alberta (94%) (94%)‐ Edmonton dmonton (4), Calgary (5), Medicine Hat (6), Lethbridge ethbridge ((2), ), Fort McMurray (3), Olds (1), Lloydminster (1), AB Saskatchewan (6%)‐ Saskatoon (2), SK Area 2,083,782 sq.ft. Type Regional Malls (3) ‐ 1,188,224 sq.ft. (57%) Unenclosed Centres (13) ‐ 601,060 sq.ft. (29%) , sq.ft. q ((5%)) Mixed‐Use ((1)) ‐ 103,351 Office (2) ‐ 191,147 sq.ft. (9%) p Development Land 144.62 acres,, in five p parcels Major Tenants Rapidly Growing Populations ‐ The Properties are located in some of Canada’s fastest growing markets, including Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Fort McMurray, Medicine Hat and Lethbridge. All of these markets have experienced double‐digit population growth since 2006. Located in Affluent Trade Areas ‐ The Properties benefit from prominent locations in the heart of affluent trade areas. areas Each trade area is home to a population with an average household income of greater than $85,000, with Fort McMurray at over $190,000. Rare Opportunity to Buy A Critical Mass of Regional Malls ‐ The Portfolio offers investors a rare opportunity to acquire a critical mass of enclosed regional shopping centres in Alberta. The three enclosed malls in the Portfolio, namely Sherwood Park Mall (Edmonton, AB), Medicine Hat Mall (Medicine Hat, AB) and Peter Pond Mall (Fort McMurray, AB), represent 57% of the GLA of the P f li and Portfolio, d 59% off its i NOI. NOI Managed to Exceptionally High Standards ‐ The Portfolio has been managed to exceptional standards by the T&T Properties team. Since 2009, more than $16 million has been invested in upgrading and modernizing various properties within the Portfolio. Exceptionally Strong Sales Performance ‐ The Portfolio boasts high sales per square foot, with strong yyear‐over‐year y sales ggrowth. Rollingg 12 month sales at Peter Pond Mall were over $ $900 p psf for the period ending June, 2012. Low GROC Ratios Avail Upside in Rents ‐ The tenants within the Portfolio’s three enclosed malls have exceptionally low GROC ratios. ratios With each mall mall’ss average at less than 12%, 12% the Properties offer a definite opportunity to increase rents as tenant leases expire. Strong Occupancy ‐ The Portfolio is currently 99.2% occupied, on a long‐term basis, with an average l lease term off 5.4 years. O Occupied i d Area A 99 2% (2,067,503 99.2% (2 067 503 sq.ft.) ft ) Vacant Area 0.8% (16,279 sq.ft.) Avg. Lease Term 5.4 years Avg Rent PSF Avg. $21 24 $21.24 Year‐1 NOI Approx. $47 Million Diversified Tenant Base ‐ The Portfolio is occupied by a diversified tenant base, with no single tenant occupying more than 9% of the GLA or 6% of the base rental income, protecting potential investors from any significant tenant related downside risk. Strong Anchor Tenants ‐ The top tenants in the Portfolio include such national covenants as Target, y, Shoppers pp Drugg Mart and The Bay. y These tenants occupy py 44% of the GLA,, and represent p Safeway, 24% of its base rental income. Opportunity to Lock In Financing at Historically Low Rates ‐ As at December 31st, 2012, $37 million of debt will be outstanding on the Portfolio, Portfolio on only four properties. properties The proportionally low level of debt allows investors to take advantage of the current low interest rate environment by placing new financing on the majority of the Portfolio at today’s low rates. T&T Properties Real Estate Portfolio S Sherwood Park Mall Complex Sherwood Park, Park AB 470,625 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Target (Coming 2013), Safeway, Galaxy Cinemas Sherwood Park Plaza Sherwood Park, Park AB 44,267 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Mac’s, Cooperators Group Gatewood Blvd & Georgian Way Land Sherwood Park, Park AB 4.47 acres Olds Shoppers Drug Mart Olds AB Olds, 19,777 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart T&T Lloydminster Lloydminster AB Lloydminster, 30,717 sq.ft. Major Tenants: The Brick, Premier Spas Medicine Hat Mall Medicine Hat Hat, AB 517,951 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Target (Coming 2013), Safeway, The Bay, Sears Namao Centre Edmonton, AB 33,580 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, Quizno’s, M&M Meats Braeside Shopping Centre Calgary, AB 45,653 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, Scotia Bank, Dairy Queen Parke at Fish Creek Calgary, AB 61,224 sq.ft. Major Tenants: MRKT Management, RBC Dominion Securities Trans-Canada Trans Canada Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 20,115 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Future Shop Dunmore Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 31,747 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Lammle’s, Wok Box, Easy Home Park Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 60,504 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Sport Mart, XS Cargo Parke at Fish Creek Land Calgary, AB 1 acre , Big Springs Land Cochrane, AB 123 acres , Cochrane Lakes Land Cochrane, AB 17 acres Carry Drive Plaza Medicine Hat 29,581 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Original Joe’s, BMO, Toys “R” Us Scotia Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 11,366 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Scotiabank, Pet Valu, Sally Beauty West Highland Towne Centre Lethbridge, AB 29,293 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, BMO, CIBC Peter Pond Mall Fort McMurray, AB 199,648 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Atmosphere, La Senza, Aldo, People’s Jewelers Clearwater Landing Fort McMurray, AB 143,054 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Sobeys, Mark’s, The Brick, Sport Chek River City Centre Fort McMurray, AB 103,351 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, TD Canada Trust West Lethbridge Towne Centre Lethbridge, AB 101,406 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Safeway, Home Hardware, Scotiabank, McDonalds , T&T Towers, Saskatoon, SK 129,923 sq.ft. Major Tenants: CRA (Government of Canada), City of Saskatoon , Downtown Land Saskatoon, SK 17,500 sq.ft. S Sherwood Park Mall Complex Sherwood Park, Park AB 470,625 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Target (Coming 2013), Safeway, Galaxy Cinemas Sherwood Park Plaza Sherwood Park, Park AB 44,267 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Mac’s, Cooperators Group Gatewood Blvd & Georgian Way Land Sherwood Park, Park AB 4.47 acres Olds Shoppers Drug Mart Olds AB Olds, 19,777 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart T&T Lloydminster Lloydminster AB Lloydminster, 30,717 sq.ft. Major Tenants: The Brick, Premier Spas Medicine Hat Mall Medicine Hat Hat, AB 517,951 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Target (Coming 2013), Safeway, The Bay, Sears Namao Centre Edmonton, AB 33,580 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, Quizno’s, M&M Meats Braeside Shopping Centre Calgary, AB 45,653 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, Scotia Bank, Dairy Queen Parke at Fish Creek Calgary, AB 61,224 sq.ft. Major Tenants: MRKT Management, RBC Dominion Securities Trans-Canada Trans Canada Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 20,115 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Future Shop Dunmore Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 31,747 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Lammle’s, Wok Box, Easy Home Park Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 60,504 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Sport Mart, XS Cargo Parke at Fish Creek Land Calgary, AB 1 acre , Big Springs Land Cochrane, AB 123 acres , Cochrane Lakes Land Cochrane, AB 17 acres Carry Drive Plaza Medicine Hat 29,581 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Original Joe’s, BMO, Toys “R” Us Scotia Plaza Medicine Hat, AB 11,366 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Scotiabank, Pet Valu, Sally Beauty West Highland Towne Centre Lethbridge, AB 29,293 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, BMO, CIBC Peter Pond Mall Fort McMurray, AB 199,648 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Atmosphere, La Senza, Aldo, People’s Jewelers Clearwater Landing Fort McMurray, AB 143,054 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Sobeys, Mark’s, The Brick, Sport Chek River City Centre Fort McMurray, AB 103,351 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Shoppers Drug Mart, TD Canada Trust West Lethbridge Towne Centre Lethbridge, AB 101,406 sq.ft. Major Tenants: Safeway, Home Hardware, Scotiabank, McDonalds , T&T Towers, Saskatoon, SK 129,923 sq.ft. Major Tenants: CRA (Government of Canada), City of Saskatoon , Downtown Land Saskatoon, SK 17,500 sq.ft. Fort McMurray Portfolio Medicine Hat Portfolio Property Type Area Property Type Area Peter Pond Mall Enclosed Regional Mall 199,648 sq.ft. Medicine Hat Mall Enclosed Regional Mall 517,951 sq.ft. Cl Clearwater Landing L di G Grocery Anchored, A h d New Format Centre N F C 143 054 f 143,054 sq.ft. T Trans Canada Plaza C d Pl F Freestanding Future Shop di F Sh 20 115 f 20,115 sq.ft. River City Centre Mixed‐Use Retail, Office and Medical 103,351 sq.ft. Scotia Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 11,366 sq.ft. 446,053 sq.ft. 446,053 sq.ft. Carry Drive Plaza Carry Drive Plaza Unenclosed Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 29,581 sq.ft. 29,581 sq.ft. Dunmore Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 31,747 sq.ft. Park Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 60,504 sq.ft. TOTAL FORT MCMURRAY PORTFOLIO TOTAL FORT MCMURRAY PORTFOLIO TOTAL MEDICINE HAT PORTFOLIO 671,264 sq.ft. Fort McMurray Portfolio Medicine Hat Portfolio Property Type Area Property Type Area Peter Pond Mall Enclosed Regional Mall 199,648 sq.ft. Medicine Hat Mall Enclosed Regional Mall 517,951 sq.ft. Cl Clearwater Landing L di G Grocery Anchored, A h d New Format Centre N F C 143 054 f 143,054 sq.ft. T Trans Canada Plaza C d Pl F Freestanding Future Shop di F Sh 20 115 f 20,115 sq.ft. River City Centre Mixed‐Use Retail, Office and Medical 103,351 sq.ft. Scotia Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 11,366 sq.ft. 446,053 sq.ft. 446,053 sq.ft. Carry Drive Plaza Carry Drive Plaza Unenclosed Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 29,581 sq.ft. 29,581 sq.ft. Dunmore Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 31,747 sq.ft. Park Plaza Unenclosed Plaza 60,504 sq.ft. TOTAL FORT MCMURRAY PORTFOLIO TOTAL FORT MCMURRAY PORTFOLIO TOTAL MEDICINE HAT PORTFOLIO 671,264 sq.ft. Sherwood Park (Edmonton) Portfolio Lethbridge Portfolio Property Type Area Property Type Area Sherwood Park Mall & Park Place Professional Centre Place Professional Enclosed Regional Mall & Office Building 470,625 sq.ft. West Lethbridge Towne Centre Grocery Anchored Strip Centre 101,406 sq.ft. West Highland Towne Centre Unenclosed Strip Centre 29,293 sq.ft. Sherwood Park Plaza Unenclosed Strip Plaza 44,267 sq.ft. Gatewood Boulevard & Georgian Way Land Development Land 4.47 acres TOTAL SHERWOOD PARK PORTFOLIO 514,892 sq.ft. 4.47 ac. of development land TOTAL LETHBRIDGE PORTFOLIO 130,699 sq.ft. Sherwood Park (Edmonton) Portfolio Lethbridge Portfolio Property Type Area Property Type Area Sherwood Park Mall & Park Place Professional Centre Place Professional Enclosed Regional Mall & Office Building 470,625 sq.ft. West Lethbridge Towne Centre Grocery Anchored Strip Centre 101,406 sq.ft. West Highland Towne Centre Unenclosed Strip Centre 29,293 sq.ft. Sherwood Park Plaza Unenclosed Strip Plaza 44,267 sq.ft. Gatewood Boulevard & Georgian Way Land Development Land 4.47 acres TOTAL SHERWOOD PARK PORTFOLIO 514,892 sq.ft. 4.47 ac. of development land TOTAL LETHBRIDGE PORTFOLIO 130,699 sq.ft. Offering Process Brookfield kfi ld Financial i i l Reall Estate Group has h been b retained i d by b the h Vendor d on an exclusive l i basis b i to seekk proposals for the purchase of the T&T Portfolio (the “Portfolio”, the “Properties”). The Vendor has adopted a proposal call sale process. Interested parties are invited to submit a letter of intent on a date to be communicated by the Advisor, Advisor estimated to be the week of October 22nd, 2012. 2012 The Vendor will accept, in order of preference, offers for the entire Portfolio, offers for strategic geographic clusters of assets within the Portfolio, and offers for individual assets. Parties will be required to submit the Vendor’ss form of Confidentiality Agreement prior to receiving information on the Property. Vendor Property Exclusive Advisors Brookfield Financial Real Estate Group Limited Leonard Abramsky 416.956.5220 leonard.abramsky@brookfield.com John Cardiff 403.770.7219 john.cardiff@brookfield.com Nurit Altman 416.956.5225 nurit.altman@brookfield.com Peter Zorbas 403.770.7218 peter.zorbas@brookfield.com Alexandra Khazzam 416.956.5159 alexandra.khazzam@brookfield.com Tony Sandhu 416.956.5211 tony.sandhu@brookfield.com Disclaimer: This message, including any attachments, may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and/or confidential and is intended exclusively for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply email and permanently delete the original transmission from the sender, including any attachments, without making a copy. This message is being sent to and is directed only at persons who are reasonably believed to be investment professionals, high net worth individuals or entities, or other sophisticated investors. If you are not such a person you must not act or rely on the information in this communication. Any use, copying, retention or disclosure by any person other than the intended recipient or the intended recipient's designees is strictly prohibited and to do so could violate state and federal privacy laws. Thank you for your cooperation.