Purpose of United Methodist Women
Purpose of United Methodist Women
July, 2016 Volume 3, Issue 2 Big Horn District Special points of interest: Officer Reports Unit Reports Mission u Registration Form September 24 Registration Form Purpose of United Methodist Women The organized Unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission though participation in the global ministries of the church. Greetings: What an education I've experienced this year! In October some of the UMW officers went to St. Louis for officer training. Needless to say I didn't learn everything I needed to know. I attended Mission U at Shiloh United Methodist Church in February. They did each study on separate days. I felt this was easier to concentrate more on each study, If you have never attended a Mission U, I encourage you to try one. Our Spring District meeting was held at Hope United Methodist in Billings. However Huntley United Methodist Church hosted the meeting.. Rev. Kathleen Stone from our National UMW office presented the program. It was on Climate Justice. I think she was surprised to learn of the problems we experience in this area. After the meeting on Saturday Kathleen traveled to Wyoming with Diane Martin to visit churches in that area. Then on Tuesday they returned to Montana and the Bridger United Methodist Women for lunch at Fort Rockvale. Several ladies from Roberts joined us also. We enjoyed the time spent together. Kathleen was by the fact that the majority of the women still lived in the area where they. were born and raised. Also, she was surprised that there was so much open space and why Montana was called the Big Sky State. After leaving here, she headed North to the Great Falls area and on to Polson for the Western Mountains Spring District Meeting. I made two LUV visits. The first one to Roberts UMW. We live so close to them but don't actually get to know them very well so I really enjoyed this visit. Then in May I went to Cody for their annual May women's tea. I plan to attend more Unit meetings when everyone resumes meeting in the fall. Our Fall District Meeting will be in Cody, Wyoming on September 24th. They are very excited to host us and I hope we will have a good turnout. The District team met on July 16th to make plans for the meeting and plan the program. If anyone has an idea they would particularly like us to consider for future meetings, let me know. As usual, we need several new members for the District Mission Team. If you have any questions about the benefits of being on the Team talk to one of the Nominating Committee Team members or anyone else on the team. Thanks for your consideration on this subject. Until September Ellen Hill, President 1 ANSWERED PRAYERS FOR ALL OF MONTANA! In April, Susan Beley (Harlowton Federated Church) traveled with the UMW to the Jurisdiction Meeting in Salt Lake City. While there, part of the meeting included a mission experience at the UMCOR Depot. The group began the day with an introduction and explanation of service by the manager. While sitting there, he explained that he had a vision. In his words, “I have a volunteer that has access to a truck that will come around and pick up supplies for the depot so you all can save some money and avoid shipping and won’t have to worry about long term storage. Now I am looking for churches that are located centrally in each state in the jurisdiction that have those empty Sunday School rooms in the basement that have become all too familiar to us Methodists. If your church will store supplies for layette kits or flood buckets or health kits, etc., I can get them picked up on a regular basis.” Well, you can imagine Susan’s jubilation upon hearing this. If you don’t know where Harlowton is, well – it’s pretty much the center of Montana. It sits at the crossroads of Highway 12 and 191 and just 40 miles from Interstate 90. It is the home of a huge church built in the 50’s to accommodate a large railroad community. It now has several empty Sunday School rooms looking for a purpose. Susan met with Rev. Brian Diggs during lunch at the UMCOR depot and signed up to be a drop off location known as the UMCOR PONY EXPRESS. Please use this site to drop off supplies when traveling from Great Falls to Billings or from Helena to Lewistown or maybe Bozeman to Sidney or wherever your travels take you in Big Sky County. You can arrange to drop off items as you pass through by calling Susan at work at 406-632-4816 or Sharelle at 406-860-9285 or the church at 406-632-4228. Please be part of this answered prayer for this small community that can provide this mission outreach to SLC and a convenience to all the churches in Montana. God does work it out if we are ready to respond! SOCIAL ACTION FROM SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA, WESTERN JURISDICTION MEETING: These quotations are taken from Margaret Hotze's report to the body on United Methodist Women. President Hotze reported "United Methodist Women offers financial support to 97 National Mission institutions in the United States including the 12 in Western Jurisdiction as well as programs in over 110 countries. Each local unit offer support to agencies in their own area including entities such as homeless shelters, day cares, reading programs, prison ministries, food pantries, immigration assistance and many more. United Methodist Women works with 4 Social Action emphasis each quadrennial. For 2016 - 2020 topics are: # 1 Criminalization of people of color, #2 Climate Justice, # 3 Maternal and Child Health, #4 economic inequality. Mission u (formally schools of Christian Mission): Each conference supports at least one education event per year including for 2016 spiritual growth, the Bible and Human Sexuality; social issue, Climate Justice; and Geographic study, Latin America. Western Jurisdiction UMW meet once every 4 years to elect directors to UMW National and the jurisdiction leadership team. It was held April 22nd - 24th in Salt Lake City Utah The theme, A Fresh Wind Blowing (John 3:8) considering new ways that God is calling us to be in mission. Special speakers included General Secretary, Harriet Oleson; National president Yvette Richards; photographer missionary Rev. Paul Jeffrey; and Bishop Elaine Stanovsky. 336 attended including 4 Bishops. Judi Nibbelink was elected 2016-2020 president of the Western Jurisdiction leadership team. Estelle Wallace from Pacific Northwest and Susan Adams Williams from Alaska were elected as directors for the next quadrennium." Diane Martin The events of the past weeks and months sadly remind us that racial justice is a priority of United Methodist Women. To quote the Book of Discipline” We recognize racism as sin and affirm the ultimate and temporal worth of all persons. We rejoice in the gifts that particular ethnic histories and cultures bring to our total life. We commend and encourage the selfawareness of all racial and ethnic groups and oppressed people that leads them to demand their just and equal rights as members of society.” (Social Principles, 162 B) The United Methodists Charter for Racial Justice was created and adopted by the Women’s Division in 1978 and adopted by the whole denomination in 1980. It has been readopted by General Conference every eight years since. Recent events underline the need for response to this issue although the solutions are complicated and sensitive. The Racial Justice Office offers racial justice workshops, and collaborates with civil rights groups to track hate crimes and to promote racial justice in our country and the world. Contact information is available on the United Methodist Women home page. Gloria Janskovitch Slate of Officers 2 President Ellen Hill (2016-17) Vice President Susan Beley (2016-17) Secretary Connie Lavoy (2016-17) Treasurer Karen Hawkinson (2017-18) Spiritual Growth Tomi Alger (2017-18) Social Action Gloria Janskovitch (2016-17) Membership Nurture and Outreach Vicki Weiper (2016-17) Secretary of Program Resources Jan Lambert (2016-17) Chairperson of Nominations Lenore Kipp (2016-17) Needed: Members to serve on Nominations Committee PAG is my Bag! Four years ago in July I was appointed as the first woman in our conference to be a member of a brand new national UMW group, PAG (Program Advisory Group.) This group was created so very single conference would have a representative on the national level. Since then, PAG has been my BAG! I have filled it to overflowing with traveling and training, learning and leading, meetings and writings, creating and blessings. Soon another woman from our conference will be appointed for the next four year term, will be heading to Nashville for training, and will begin filling her own PAG BAG. Let us welcome her with open arms! As your PAG member I was asked by former conference president Gloria Zimmer to chair the 150 legacy campaign. I will remain on that committee, and am so excited to announce that current president Stacey King has appointed Diane Martin of Powell WY as our newest member of the team, representing the Big Horn District. Watch for new and exciting things from Diane! We are delighted to have her, welcoming her also with open arms! A final thanks for all your support and your love these past four years, with a request for prayers for all those in leadership positions throughout our conference. May grace and peace be with you, Tish Herries LUCCOCK PARK RETREAT The Big Horn District UMW ladies joined in their 2nd Annual Retreat weekend at Luccock Park Camp the last weekend in June. This two day event started last year because Bertha Roylance and Susan Beley “wanted a friend” to go camping with them. They found several friends and it was a great time. Last year the event included a hike to the falls but this year was just as fun as Saturday included participation in the musical festival at the Pine Creek Church. They heard some great old tunes from the 50’s and 60’s, some new tunes written by the performers and not to be outdone were some local Christian bands that shared a great message. It was a sunny day with perfect weather. Upon return to the camp, the ladies visited around the cabin. They enjoyed three luscious meals by the camp personnel and enjoyed the atmosphere for the camping cabins just like junior high! On Sunday morning following breakfast they departed and attended church at Pine Creek and were on their way home by 11:00 am. The ladies are looking forward to next year and want others to join them. A date will be announced by e-mail “blast” to the list serve. The ladies that have participated want you to know that the campground is open for rental for family reunions, crafting parties or church and youth retreats. This camp south of Livingston is very accessible by car, truck or motorhome with a paved road to the entrance. The large center field would make a great family game center for “Capture the Flag”, football, Frisbee toss or croquet. Your youngsters could play in the toddler playground or shoot hoops on the basketball court. The outdoor chapel would make a great wedding site or a place to renew your vows with hiker or camper theme. Like them on Facebook and learn more about this great United Methodist Camp in your own backyard! We encourage you to bring products not available for purchase with food stamps to the Fall Event on September 24th in Cody, WY: dish soap, laundry soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, baby diapers and feminine products. These will be donated to the Cody Food Pantry. 3 Big Horn District United Methodist Women, Spring Gathering 2016 April 9, 2016 The Spring Gathering was held at Billings Hope, hosted by Huntley United Methodist Women. The theme for the meeting was “Building Bridges to a Renewed Climate”. Registration, breakfast and fellowship began at 8:30 in the fellowship hall. We then moved into the sanctuary for the business meeting and program. Each seat had some handouts on bees and native plants to attract pollinators and a packet of seeds of wildflowers. President Ellen Hill called us to order with the recitation of our Purpose. Jan Lambert, Huntley unit president, welcomed us. Tomi Alger, District Spiritual Growth Coordinator, had prepared a devotion and in her absence it was presented by Norma Smith. The devotion was based on Psalm 8, and we sang “All Things Bright and Beautiful”. Connie Lavoy, District Secretary, called the roll which showed 58 members and guests present. Ellen moved the acceptance of the minutes of the Fall Gathering which had been printed in the latest issue of “The Spark”. Minutes were accepted without change. District Treasurer Karen Hawkinson presented her report. The 3rd and 4th quarters were printed in “The Spark”, showing us ending the year with a balance of $1,942.63. After 1st quarter gifts and remittances we have a balance of $3,374.34. The treasurer’s report was accepted. Karen then presented the 5-Star Awards to: Ft. Benton, Livingston Holbrook, Miles City, Hobson, Bridger, Riverton, Sheridan, Billings Grace, Huntley, Billings Hope, and Cody. Ellen presented the Honor Unit awards to Hobson, Billings Hope, Powell, Billings Grace, Huntley, Cody, Sheridan, Bridger, and Ft. Benton. Mission Today awards went to Cody, Billings Grace, Roundup, Huntley, Sheridan, Ft. Benton, Bridger, Billings Hope, and Harlowton. Reading Program awards were presented by Jan Lambert, District Secretary of Program Resources. They went to Barbara Shaw, Lois LeFugey, Misty LeFugey, Marlene Dahl and Ruth Sykes, all from Ft. Benton, (all Plan 1), to Frances Newkirk and Leda Lester (Plan 2) and Andrea Richardson (Plan 1) from Riverton, to Margaret Roark and Vick Weiper (Plan 1) and Ellen Hill (Plan 4) from Bridger, to Carol Linde and Joyce Brown (Plan 3) and Marty Voight (Plan 2) from Billings First, Susan Beley (Plan 1) from Harlowton Federated, and Jan Lambert (Plan 1) from Huntley. Vicki Weiper, Membership, Nurture and Outreach Coordinator, presented the Participation Awards to the following: Ellen Hill, Jan Lambert, Diane Martin, Becky Messman, Susan Appell, Joyce Brown, Marty Voight, Dorothy Evans, Sheron Porter, Helen Fryer, Tomi Alger, Connie Lavoy, Norma Smith, Bertha Roylance and Vicki Weiper. Gloria Janskovitch, Social Action Coordinator, gave us a report on economic justice. Comparing the minimum wage and a living wage from the 1950s to 2015 shows an increasing gap due to income inequality, wage inequality between the sexes, and racial inequality. She urged us to pay attention to what political candidates are saying in addressing these issues. Ellen reported that the Nominations Committee has added Bertha Roylance, but we still need people to volunteer for district offices. Diane Martin, assistant dean of Mission u, told us that the study on the Bible and human sexuality will be led by Stacy King and the one on climate justice will be led by Waveland King. She urged attendance at either the summer school at Helena Covenant in July or the winter school at Billings Shiloh in February 2017. She also reminded us to keep collecting items for the UMCOR Layette Kits for Annual Conference. Norma Smith, Jurisdictional secretary, reported that 25 women from our conference have registered for the Jurisdictional Meeting in Salt Lake City. And Ellen put in a reminder of the Legacy Fund for the 150th anniversary of UMW. She also said we are in need of a place to hold our fall district event. Becky Messman expressed her thanks for all the prayers, calls and cards she received on the passing of her husband, Ron. Following a short break Ellen introduced our presenter for the day. Rev. Kathleen Stone is in the national UMW Office of Environmental and Economic Justice. She focused her work with us on the Greek word ΦIKOS which encompasses community, family, household, and environment. We broke into small groups to discuss the area of ecology [ΦIKOS + LOGY or the logic of the ΦIKOS]. She talked about the problems with bees and other pollinators and the tremendous role they play in the development of food crops. There is still no definitive answer to what causes colony collapse disorder, but pesticides certainly play a part. Before we broke for lunch Gloria Zimmer, Conference president spoke about an initiative being proposed for presentation to the next Montana legislative session (Initiative I-180). This would provide for a planned, gradual 4 transition to 80% renewable energy in the state by 2050. The initiative would provide for training and job transition for displaced workers and protect consumers from excessive rate increases. 25,000 signatures are needed by June 17 to have I-180 placed on the November 2016 ballot. Copies of both the full initiative and a summary are available in the narthex. She also mentioned that instead of the traditional luncheon at Annual Conference there will be a UMW dinner. Vicki Weiper pointed out that each of us had received a packet of flower seeds in our registration packets. At lunch we are to sit the table showing our “flower”. Also in our packets was a strip of colored paper. We are asked to write a short prayer or a name of someone we would like prayers for on those slips. They will then be joined into a “prayer chain”. A delicious lunch was provided by the women from Huntley. Back in the sanctuary we reported on our lunch conversations. Some of the topics included GMOs, pollinators, and monoculture. Kathleen said that the earth is hurting, but like a friend in need we can still pray with and try to heal it. She suggested we consider the full cost of convenience and consider permanence. In the second part of the program we focused on ΦIKOS + NOMY [ the law of the household]. The Bible contains 500 verses mentioning prayer, fewer than 500 verses on faith, and more than 2,000 on money. Many of our laws actually work against economic justice. She urged us to be aware of and work toward the “13 Core Values of United Methodist Women”: Accessibility, Affordability, Carbon Footprint, Healthy food & beverages, Just Economic Opportunities, Local Solidarity, Multigenerational Inclusion, Paper Use, Racial Justice, Toxin Reduction, Waste Reduction, Water Use, and the Well-being of Participants. The areas of focus for United Methodist Women over the next few years will be climate justice, mass incarceration, and maternal & child health. Our closing worship and communion were led by Rev. Gary Geiman, pastor at Hope and Huntley. The meeting adjourned at 3:20. Respectfully submitted, Connie Lavoy, Secretary Western Jurisdiction Meeting Recap By Norma Smith I have enjoyed the last 4 years of service on the Jurisdiction Team. As you know the major task of that team is to put on the Quadrennial UMW Meeting. This happened in April in Salt Lake City at “A Fresh Wind Blowing.” During the day Friday, there were tours of UMCOR-West and Crossroads Urban Center (talk to Pattie Bonnes, Claudia Davis, Kay Duffield, and Shirley Warehime) and a workday at UMCOR West (Susan Beley). Friday evening, we marched in celebration of our organization, shared in worship, listened to Harriett Olson, and then heard the 2-minute speeches by each of the Director nominees. Our own nominees, Peg Plimpton and Jeanne Hall, represented us well! The next morning after a praise service, elections (our voting delegates were Stacey King, Mary Bick, Kay Duffield, Tish Herries, and myself) took place while those watching shared a Bible Study on scripture that contained the word “wind”. The five groups of scripture were read by five different women (Diane Martin) and were displayed on the screen against pictures from around the jurisdiction (most of which I took). Estella Wallace (PNW) and Susan Williams (AK) were elected to represent the Western Jurisdiction on the UMW Board of Directors. Yellowstone will have a new representative on the Program Advisory Group soon. (Thank you Tish for your service.) Saturday afternoon was a choice of workshops (Tish Herries, Calvin Hill, Sheri Hill). Saturday evening found us enthralled by Paul Jeffrey, Response photographer, who celebrated the “brand” of UMW and by Yellowstone’s Pastor Dave Merkel who entertained us with a mini-concert where he raised money for the children helped through the Crossroads Urban Center! Sunday morning, we gathered one last time in worship, installing the next Jurisdiction team (congrats Anita Turner!) and said our farewells before noon. On a personal level, I came away enriched: a. As Registrar, the local women from Rocky who worked behind the registration desk were a godsend. They allowed me to deal with the issues that arose (e.g., 2 women thought they were registered and were not, a handful of cancellations filled with local women, and last minute attendees) while taking care of the details of nametags and program books. I will always be grateful. b. As a member of Yellowstone, I realized how strongly represented we are in the Jurisdiction. We may be small but we count. If we merge into Mountain Sky, UMW will miss our valuable input as a conference on our own. b. As a Member of UMW, I realized once again what we can do if we work together and how much fun it is celebrating what God can do! Thank you all who attended (there were 26 of us!) from Yellowstone with me. This event will be one that I will remember as a major highlight in my “career” with UMW. I thank you for affording me this opportunity and for your support these last twenty years. God Bless you all! 5 BILLINGS HOPE UMW BILLINGS GRACE UMW As many of you know we are sharing a pastor, Gary Geiman, with Huntley UMC. We are thrilled for the opportunities we have had for fellowship and the chance to get to know more members of their UMW group. In May we enjoyed a great luncheon at their church. We reached out to the T-Ball players and their families by selling hot dogs and hamburgers at a couple of their games. They play on the field behind HUMC. It was well received and a great experience. We found reaching out to families that are not members of our church is a wonderful way to connect with those in our community. We will continue the program in May of 2017. Our Unit Meeting, in May, was well attended. We had great ice breakers, fellowship and food. The program was “A Call to Prayer and Self Denial.” We are looking forward to our bi-annual potluck picnic on August 17. Zoo Montana will provide the program. Come join us and see how we can be better stewards of our planet which includes all species of animals. Now as summer slips by we will be busy planning our Fall Bazaar/Luncheon. It will be held November 5 at HUMC. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Big Horn District Fall Event at Cody in September. Well, here we are again. Spring has come and gone and fall looms on the horizon. Our spring rummage sale was quit successful . We use the proceeds of our sales to support Conference and Community programs as well as completing projects in the church. We recently purchased a new computer for the church secretary and converted the ladies rest room by the Fellowship Hall to one with handicapped access. The quilters have continued activity during the summer. The latest recipient of quilts was the Memory Care Unit of one of the local nursing homes. They have agreed to undertake the fashioning of “sensory pillows” for the residents of that unit. As individuals following their particular passions we have a member who visits a prisoner at Passages and spearheads the monthly card ministry for those incarcerated. Others volunteer at the Rainbow Café, which offers the opportunity for LGBT youth to meet weekly for support and refreshments. Gloria Janskovitch ROUNDUP UMW NEWS Roundup UMW had a busy spring as we held a very successful bake sale and white elephant sale to help with the expense of bringing the African Children’s Choir to town as a mission outreach to our community. We also provided a meal for the choir prior to their performance. Before the meal one of the chaperons asked the kids for a volunteer to pray. They were jumping up and down in their eagerness to be chosen. It made me wonder just how often that would happen with a group of American 9 and 10 year olds. In spite of threatening skies and even a few raindrops the concert was a great success with over 300 people in attendance. The singing, dancing and drumming, the vibrant costumes, and the enthusiasm of the children were a wonderful way to inaugurate the new community stage in the park. In addition to a generous free-will offering for the choir, six of the children left town with sponsors who will make a monthly donation to help pay for their education. God is good! LANDER WYOMING UMW The Lander UMW has operated a Thrift store since 1957. It has moved to several different locations until a new building was constructed in 2007. There are 50 to 60 volunteers who keep things going. We are always alert to maintenance needs and improvements. This year the floor needed attention and a new floor was installed and some new racks were purchased. This will allow for easier display and accessibility The proceeds from the store go to support our mission work. We give to local, district and global agencies throughout the year. Sometimes we give to emergencies as needed. We have a presence on Facebook with the tag "Methodist Thrift Store" Folks could follow us and see our specials. Mary Wendel 6 CODY UMW MISSION TRIP TO UMCOR—SLC About 40 women shared in fun and food at the UMW Women’s Tea on May 11. Table decorations were given to the oldest and youngest members which were flowers in tea cups arranged by Marion Smith. Entertainment was provided by Eastside School’s fifth grade and kindergarten students, directed by Emily Andrew. Their song “Amazing Grace” brought a few tears to the ladies in attendance. Ellen Hill, Big Horn District President was a special guest. A special thanks to Jenny Zink and Linda Bell for sharing their tea cups and tea pots for the event. We will have a summer picnic and next meeting won’t be until September. Cody UMW will be hosting the Fall Big Horn District Event on September 24th. We hope to see you all here!! Susan Beley is seeking interested women to go on a mission trip to work the UMCOR Depot in Salt Lake City. We need drivers and interested persons. You would have to do your own fundraising but we could stay at the Episcopal House in SLC and cook there so meals would be "cheap". They like you to stay for one week and they have a couple different tasks you can do. You might sew or sort, pack health kits or clean. E-mail Susan, sbeley@hotmail.com or call 406-632-4205 if you are interested. This would likely happen in 2018. (Most spots are taken for 2017 but it could be an option.) Let's be in mission for Christ. Pics from Jurisdiction spring 2016 7 New this Mission u! We have Reading Program: 2017 three, yes three! Registration options Extended Reading List! While supplies last, 2011 books can be used to fill requirements for the Reading Program. PLUS - 2011 titles are on sale for $2.00 - $5.00. (Originally up to $35.00) http://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram July 29 & 30th Helena Covenant United Methodist Church 2330 E Broadway, Helena MT 59601 Option #1 Friday ONLY The Reading Program encourages members to think critically about current issues through an annual selection of member-reviewed books. It offers an excellent opportunity to deepen your spirituality and to broaden your understanding of our mission work. Climate Justice: Call to hope and action Led by Reverend Waveland King Registration is 9am to 10am Sessions and breaks 10am to 12pm Lunch 12pm to 12:45pm Sessions and breaks 12:45pm to 5:30pm Bible and sexuality plenary 5:30pm to 6:00pm Finished by 6:00 pm, dinner on your own The Reading Program Leads to Action! Option #2 Saturday ONLY For 140 years, United Methodist Women have been involved in mission that includes prayer, study and action. The Reading Program is a study opportunity, but it should also lead to action. The purpose of the program is to encourage United Methodist Women members to: Spiritual growth study: Bible and Human Sexuality Led by Stacey King Registration and communion 8am to 8:45am Sessions and breaks 8:45am to 12:30pm Lunch 12:30pm to 1:15pm Sessions and breaks 1:15pm to 4:30pm Finished by 4:30pm, dinner on your own Expand understanding of and participation in God’s mission. Increase sensitivity to all human beings—their needs, interests and concerns. Encourage critical thinking about issues facing humanity today. Grow in understanding of Scripture as it relates to Christian faith in contemporary life. Option #3 Friday and Saturday Both studies* as scheduled as above *THIS IS THE ONLY OPTION FOR CEU/SERVANT LEADER CERTIFICATION Everyone: Please purchase and read study book/s prior to attending class. NO BOOKS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR SALE at Mission u. Books are available in print through Mission Resources or through Amazon for kindle. Send Registration Form and payment to: Roxanne Roehl, 8205 Double Tree Lane, Missoula, MT 59804 406-2391452 or 406-542-8713 roxroeste@gmail.com Enhance self-knowledge and act from that knowledge. Strengthen involvement in local and global Christian mission. Name: _______________________________________ http://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram/2017 Address: _____________________________________ Phone #:______________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Dietary restrictions/allergies: _______________________ Registration options: o Option # 1 Friday Only $30.00 o Option # 2 Saturday Only $30.00 o Option # 3 Friday and Saturday $55 Suggested reading to tie in with our Fall Event entitled “Blessed are the Poor” which will be in Cody, Wyoming on September 24, 2016 Option # chosen:_____________ Amount included:___________ 8 Blessed are the Poor Big Horn District UMW Fall Gathering September 24, 2016 Held at: Cody UMC 1405 Beck Ave, Cody, WY 82414 - (307) 587-4430 Hosted by Cody United Methodist Women 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. 8:30 9:00 9:10 9:20 10:05 10:30 12:00 12:45 2:15 2:30 3:00 3:30 Agenda Coffee and Conversation Opening and Welcome Devotion Business Meeting and Election of Officers BREAK Program LUNCH Program (Cont.) BREAK Installation of Officer by Conference President, Stacey King Message and Communion Depart We encourage you to bring products not available for purchase with food stamps: dish soap, laundry soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, baby diapers and feminine products. These will be donated to the Cody Food Pantry. Please mail your registration forms to: Sheron Porter — 1416 Alger Ave, Cody, WY 82414 — 307-587-5645 — s.porter@bresnan.net Please register by September 12, 2016. Registration fee is $10.00 per person. PLEASE REGISTER BY DEADLINE TO ALLOW UNIT AND TEAM TO PREPARE FOR YOU. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Motels: Buffalo Bill's Antler Inn 307 587-2084 1213 17th St. Call between 7:00 am & 3:00 pm Ask for Carlene for UMW rate of $90 + tax for 2 Queen Beds Super 8 Motel 307 527-6214 730 Yellowstone Ave. 2 Queen Beds $152.99 + tax per night REGISTRATION FORM Name:_______________________________________________________________Unit:______________________________________ (one person per registration, copy as needed) Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (include area code) ________________________________Email_____________________________________________________ Special Needs:_______________________________________________________________________________(wheelchair, dietary, etc.) Child Care:____________________________________________ Child care will be provided for those registering by due date. Please list names and ages. The children will eat with adults. Cost: $10.00 Make checks payable to: Cody UMW Registration Deadline: September 12, 2016 PLEASE REGISTER BY DEADLINE TO ALLOW UNIT AND TEAM TO PREPARE FOR YOU. Big Horn District United Methodist Women Grace Matthaes 1833 Clark Avenue Billings, MT 59102-4042 406-656-1042 graceawm@aol.com Fall Gathering September 24, 2016 Cody UMC, Cody, Wyoming UMW Calendar of Events 2016 July 29-30, 2016 Summer Mission u at Helena Covenant September 17, 2016 Western Mountains District Meeting in Salmon, ID September 24, 2016 Big Horn District Event in Cody, Wyoming October 8, 2016 Annual UMW Meeting at Missoula Grace UMC (watch the yaumc.org website for registration form) UMW Calendar of Events 2017 February 3-4, 2017 Winter Mission u at Billings Shiloh UMC March 3-4, 2017 Fairmont Women's Event April 22, 2017 Big Horn District Event in Roundup, Montana September 2017 Big Horn District Event in Fort Benton, Montana 10
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