St Joseph`s Catholic Primary School St Joseph`s Catholic Primary
St Joseph`s Catholic Primary School St Joseph`s Catholic Primary
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School School Prospectus 2013 ~ 2014 “Pupils make good progress in lessons and their behaviour is outstanding. They enjoy school and thrive on new experiences.” Ofsted. We welcome children of all faith & non-faith backgrounds St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Mountain View Cockermouth Cumbria CA13 0DG Telephone / Fax 01900 829859 E-mail: Website: Head Teacher: Miss T Readman Dear Parent / Carer Thank you for expressing an interest in St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. This prospectus will give you an insight into what St Joseph’s can offer you and your child. However I would be delighted to show you around our school, so you can experience at first hand the truly, friendly, caring atmosphere we have here and see and discuss the many varied opportunities we offer our children. St Joseph’s community is very much a family as embodied in our school motto ‘Truly, Friendly, Caring.’ I believe that children cannot learn, achieve and progress unless they feel happy and safe in their environment. With everyone in school living our motto, respecting each other and the environment St Joseph’s is a welcoming, happy, safe place to be. With this atmosphere of mutual respect, I believe teachers can deliver good quality teaching and provide exciting opportunities for our children. I find our children are prepared to have a go and are keen to achieve their best; for themselves, their family, their teacher and their school. This allows for an all round development of the whole child. I believe we have a duty to educate children for life, not just the rigours of a secondary school education. If you would like to come and see St Joseph’s, please contact the office to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit. I am happy to show you around our school and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime please check out our school website: which is regularly updated with photos and slideshows of children enjoying themselves at St Joseph’s, participating in a whole range of activities. If you do choose to send your child to St Joseph’s, I look forward to welcoming you to our school family, working in partnership with you to ensure your child achieves all they are capable of. With every good wish. Teresa Readman Headteacher St Joseph’s Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Cockermouth This is our School Let peace dwell here Let the room be full of contentment Let love abide here Love of one another Love of mankind Love of life itself And love of God. Let us remember that, As many hands build a house, So, many hearts make a school. Contact Information TTrruullyy ~ ~ FFrriieennddllyy ~ ~C Caarriinngg St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a mixed Voluntary Aided Catholic Primary School which takes children from 4 – 11 years of age. The address of the School is: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Mountain View Cockermouth Cumbria CA13 0DG The telephone number is: 01900 829859 The fax number is: 01900 829859 The e-mail address is: The website address is: THE SCHOOL DAY The morning session begins at 8.55 am Children can arrive at school from 8.45am. Key Stage One are supervised in class one and Key Stage Two children are supervised on the top playground. Responsibility cannot be accepted for children arriving at school before 8.45 am, so children should not be on the premises before this time. There is a Morning Break from 10.45 – 11.00 am Lunch is available from: 12.00 – 1.15 pm 12.15 – 1.15 pm Reception, Years 1 & 2 Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 The Afternoon Sessions finish at: Key Stage One (INFANTS) Key Stage Two (JUNIORS) 3.15 pm for Class 1 3.20 pm for Class 2 and 3 Excluding time allocated for Registration and a Daily Act of Worship, the time available for teaching is: KS1 22 hours 30 minutes & KS2 25 hours ONON-SITE WRAPAROUND CARE On-site Wraparound Care is provided my Mountain View Childcare from 8.00am until 5.55pm Monday to Friday please contact Mrs Susan Hully for more information on 01900 829859. Staffing At St Joseph’s School, Cockermouth Teaching Staff: Miss T Readman, Headteacher/Class 1 Mr D Newton / Class 3 Mrs J Banks / Class 2 Mrs J Fleming (Part-time 0.5) / Class 1 Specialist Senior Teaching Assistant: Learning Support Assistant: Mrs M Rooney Mrs A Stephenson Mrs A Cann Administration: Administration: Mrs P Taylor Mrs K Coulson Cook Mrs E Cleeland Dining Assistant/Mid Assistant/Mid/Mid-Day Supervisor: Mrs B Askew Governors of St Joseph’s School, Cockermouth Headt Headteacher: Miss Teresa Readman Chair of Governors Mrs Patty Williams Vice Chairperson Mrs Claire Macleod Foundation Governors And Representatives of the Diocese of Lancaster Mrs Patty Williams Mrs Ann Cummings Miss Nicola Lynch Mrs Vicki Johnston Mrs Ann Dunne Mr John Bracegirdle Parent Representative: Mrs Claire Macleod Mrs Kirsty Bailey Teacher Representative: Mrs Joanne Banks Local Authority Representative: Mrs Isabel Burns Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Katy Coulson Parish Priest: Fr Tom Singleton COMMUNICATION It is very important to us that we establish and maintain good communications between home and school. Usually staff are available both before and after school to deal with small matters, taking no more than 2 or 3 minutes. If you wish discuss anything at length it is much better for everyone if an appointment is made for a mutually convenient time. Please understand that it is impossible for a teacher to leave class whilst teaching. Parents are of course; welcome to discuss any matter concerning their child with the Headteacher. Again if possible, please could an appointment be made in advance. The most important influence on the child is the home and parents are very much partners with the teachers in the education process. Letters and texts are frequently sent home giving information on various matters. The telephone cannot be manned at all times, but a message can be left on the answer-phone. However, it may be easier to get through to speak to someone at the following times: 8.30 am – 8.50 am 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm 3.30 pm onwards The secretary will answer the telephone on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. PARENTS EVENINGS Each term there is an opportunity for parents/carers to meet with their child’s teachers, look at their child’s work and discuss their child’s progress at school. In the autumn and spring terms these are on an appointment basis while the summer term meeting is a more ‘open house’ event with parents who wish to discuss their child’s report coming along on a specified afternoon/evening. “Everyone knows everyone else’s name and each feels like a worthwhile member of the school community, from reception right through to year 6.” Parent Children are sat with their Buddies enjoying Christmas Lunch CLASSROOM ORGANISATION Organisational strategies and teaching techniques used in the classrooms include both whole class teaching and group work. A balance of these is maintained as most appropriate for the delivery of learning opportunities with the National Curriculum subject areas. The present number on roll of 61 is arranged in these classes which are mixed age, vertically grouped. These are as follows: Class 1 Reception/Year 1 } Key Stage One Miss Readman & Mrs Fleming Class 2 Year 2/3/4 } Key Stage One/Two Mrs Banks Class 3 Year 5/6 } Key Stage Two Mr Newton All children are taught in mixed ability classes. The organisation of classes will be reviewed each year by the Headteacher in consultation with teaching staff and the Governors’ Staffing & Curriculum sub-committee. We endeavour to plan well in advance to avoid as little change as possible to class arrangements. OUR CURRICULUM AIMS – ACADEMIC Reception Foundation Stage Curriculum Children in the reception follow the foundation stage curriculum which is based around seven areas of learning: Personal, Social & Emotional Development; Communication & Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World, and Expressive Art and Design. Years 1 ~ 6 National Curriculum In meeting the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum our aim is to ensure that the children receive their full curricular entitlement to the highest possible standards. Excellence is our aim. All National Curriculum subjects are taught – English, Mathematics, Science, Information and Communication Technology, Geography, History, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music, Modern Foreign Language (MFL, years 3-6 only) Personal Social Health & Citizenship Education (PSH&CE), P.E. and Religious Education, which has of course, a due prominence in our school. LITERACY AND NUMERACY i) The Literacy Hour In line with the ‘Primary National Strategy’ and the ‘Renewed Framework for Literacy’ each class in the school has a minimum of one hour devoted to literacy each day. Text types covered include Narrative: stories with familiar settings, myths & legends, adventure & mystery, authors & letters, dialogue & plays; Non-Fiction: reports, instructions, information texts; Poetry: poems to perform, shape poems & calligrams, language play This involves whole class Shared Text Work, which provides a balance of Reading and Writing, with focused word or sentence work as a whole class. Group and independent work in Reading, Writing and/or Word Work is an integral part of the Literacy Hour. Speaking and Listening skills often through drama are a feature of the renewed framework. ii) The Numeracy Hour The school delivers a minimum of 45 minutes for Numeracy in each of the classes in line with the ‘Renewed Framework in Numeracy’. An integral part of the programme is the practising and developing of Oral and Mental Skills (e.g. counting, mental strategies, rapid recall of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND COLLECTIVE WORSHIP Our Religious Education Programme is the recommended Catholic scheme “The Way, The Truth & The Life”. The Sacramental preparation programmes followed by the school for Reconciliation (First Confession) and First Holy Communion (Year 3) are part of a partnership approach uniting Home, Parish and School in planned programmes which recognise the valuable contribution each plays in helping the child through these important stages of his/her faith journey. Collective Worship is central to us as a Catholic school and takes place within our school and class assemblies each day. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from such Acts of Worship. Children who are withdrawn will be supervised separately. EDUCATIONAL VISITS AND VISITORS As a school we feel it is important for children to have the opportunity to undertake a variety of experiences. Recent visits have included: React Science Show, Life Education Bus, Multi Skills Sports Event, Glasgow Museum of Science, Derventio Roman Dig. Visitors to the school have been Hire a Chef, Kwik Cricket, NISCU Primary Puppets, Dan Maher. RESIDENTAL EXPERIENCE Children in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to have a residential Experience. This normally takes place every two years. This ensures all pupils take part before they leave St Joseph’s School. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS We are committed to providing access for pupils with any Special Educational Needs to be balanced and broadly based curriculum including the National Curriculum. Within each classroom each child’s needs will be, through a differentiated curriculum, in line with our Mission Statement. Pupils who are on the Special Needs Code of Practice, and are identified as School Action or are in receipt of statutory or non-statutory funding, may be withdrawn to work with our Special Teaching Assistant. This extra help will be according to Individual Action Plans or work from Literacy or Numeracy ‘catch-up’ programmes. Parents will be consulted at all stages and involved in setting targets in IEP’s and asked to attend regular review meetings with the class teacher and/or SENCO as appropriate. A copy of our policy for Special Educational Needs is available in the school and is displayed on the Parent’s Information Notice Board. MORE ABLE CHILDREN Individual Education Plans will be advised and enacted should this be deemed necessary by the Class Teacher in consultation with the Head Teacher for a particular child who is exceptionally able. Parents will be involved and consulted at all stages of the process of identification and provision. PERSONAL SOCIAL HEALTH HEALTH & CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION “…children and young people should be helped to develop harmoniously their physical, moral and intellectual qualities … they should receive a positive and prudent education in matters relating to sex … and young people have the right to be stimulated to make sound moral judgments based on a well-informed conscience and to put them into practice with a sense of personal commitment …” Gravissimum Educations (para. 3) Second Vatican Council This area covers: relationship, sex education, building self esteem i.e. about helping children to think well of themselves, becoming a responsible member of society We teach: how to look after themselves and others, how democracy works, the role they can play in society, matters relating to sexual roles of man and woman, the proper names for all parts of the body, how humans are conceived and how they are born (Year 6) It must be stressed that all matters relating to sex education will be taught in a sensitive way and based on love and relationships. The teaching of the Roman Catholic Church will form the basis of our moral education. The children will be taught how to care for themselves and others. Matters relating to drugs, smoking, drinking and disease will be addressed. There is a successful school council running with representatives from each KS2 class. SPORTING AIMS AND PROVISION FOR SPORT Physical Education can promote physical activity and fitness, good health, positive attitudes and behaviour, thereby helping pupils lead full and valuable lives, while at school and throughout life. At St Joseph’s School Physical Education will: Be accessible to and appropriate for all pupils irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, social background, grouping, ability or Special Educational Needs Be broad and balanced, with reference to content, activity and Teaching and Learning, meeting all the requirements of the National Curriculum Be taught in a safe environment, showing due concern for Health and Safety Create and support opportunities for Cross Curricular Development Provide opportunities for assessment which i) reports progress to parents ii) informs future learning iii) meets statutory requirements iv) supports continuity and progression Support extra-curricular activities which include teams and clubs where pupils can develop their interests and activities both in a recreational and competitive environment Invite and welcome the involvement of parents Be subject to regular review and evaluation Team sports are played at the school include: Football, Hockey, Rounders, Cricket, Tag Rugby and Netball SWIMMING • • • National Curriculum Swimming Lessons take place in the Autumn and Spring Terms. Each session is for thirty minutes per week. Years 5 & 6 have school swimming sessions during the Autumn Term and Years 2, 3 & 4 have school swimming in the Spring Term. There is a charge of £3.50 per session i.e. £35.00 per pupil per term to cover the transport costs. ACHIEVEMENTS St Joseph’s successfully competes in many sporting events and tournaments. compete well and there is always a strong team spirit. The children always Our team competes annually in the Cockermouth Rotary Club Six-a-Side Football Tournament for local schools, having twice won the competition in the last few years. Our Tag Rugby team was runner-up in the Tag Rugby Festival for Cockermouth Schools. Our Cricket team receive professional kwik cricket training each year and take part in the Inter-schools cricket festival, a very enjoyable event. Our younger children receive ‘kinder cricket training’ on an annual basis and recently got through to the area final. In the Annual Cross Country Races for Junior School children, teams compete to a very high level, we recently won second prize. Our girl’s team won first prize at St Benedict’s Annual Event for Copeland & Allerdale Schools. SCHOOL RULES FOR INDOORS: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I WILL BE FRIENDLY AND KIND TO OTHERS I WILL KEEP MY HANDS AND FEET TO MYSELF I WILL TALK QUIETLY AND SHOW SELF CONTROL I WILL TREAT OTHER PEOPLE’S PROPERTY WITH RESPECT I WILL WALK CALMLY WHEN INSIDE THE SCHOOL BUILDING I WILL TAKE CARE OF THE SCHOOL EQUIPMENT AND BUILDING SCHOOL RULES FOR OUTDOORS: ♦ TAKE CARE OF OUR ENVIRONMENT ♦ NO ROUGH CONTACT GAMES ♦ STAY IN THE SAFE AREAS The ‘Huff Puff’ playground scheme encourages appropriate play and provides a range of suitable equipment HOMEWORK Homework is a partnership between teacher, child and parent. It allows parents the opportunity to support their children in their school education. We rely upon and value the support, co-operation and encouragement given by parents. We also recognise the importance of other activities, e.g. Brownies, Cubs, Sports Clubs etc., therefore homework demands will not be excessive but appropriate to the age of the child and as recommended by the DfES. Purposes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To reinforce new concepts. To revise and give extra practice for consolidation. To develop research and investigative skills. To encourage parents to play an active part in child’s learning. To link home and school thereby extending child’s learning. To reinforce new concepts. To revise and give extra practice for consolidation. To develop research and investigative skills. To encourage parents to play an active part in child’s learning. To link home and school thereby extending child’s learning. After School Swimming Swimming is organised on a voluntary basis by parents after school on a Friday afternoon. It is the parents’ responsibility to undertake the supervision of their own children whilst at the swimming pool. Transport is on a voluntary basis and car drivers are welcome. This after school club is open to children from reception - year 6 and there are 3 ability groups, each with their own instructor and a life guard on duty. If you require further information please see Mrs Claire MacLeod or Mrs Louise Heaton who lead the organisation of the after school swimming. SCHOOL UNIFORM PLEASE CLEARLY LABEL ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING AND SHOES. There is a school uniform which is as follows: Girls: Winter Grey or navy skirts, pinafore dresses or trousers White or pale blue blouses or polo shirts Royal blue sweaters/cardigans or sweatshirts with the school logo, which can be ordered from the school. Order forms available to download from school website. Girls: Summer Blue/white checked or striped dresses. Boys: All Year Grey or charcoal trousers or shorts White, grey or blue shirts or polo shirts Royal blue sweaters or school sweatshirts with the school logo, which can be ordered from school. Order forms available to download from the school website. For P.E. and Games a T-Shirt (no vests or inappropriate slogans), shorts (not denim) and pumps (gym shoes) are needed. Tracksuit bottoms, sweatshirts and trainers may be worn during the winter months; we endeavour to do outdoor PE when ever weather conditions allow, including the winter months. These need not be of any particular colour or style. It is preferable if P.E. kit is left at school in a labelled draw string bag (not a back pack style), hung on a child’s peg. MEDICATION IN SCHOOL L.A.’s Health and Safety Unit guidelines on the administration of medication in schools recommend that Prescription Medication which is required to be taken 3 times per day only, does not need to be taken during school hours. Prescription Medication which would need to be given in school comes principally under the following categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. Medication to be given 4 times per day Medication to be given prior to or directly after a meal Medication to be given at fixed hourly intervals Medication which is required to be administered should a complaint flare up. If such situations occur, please would parents contact the Headteacher directly to make appropriate administration arrangements prior to sending in the medication and written instructions. Functional Medication (i.e. Ventolin for Asthma) which is necessary to ensure that a child can function normally (or in the event of an emergency), also needs to be accompanied by written instructions addressed to the Headteacher. ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL Permission for absence will be granted to a child who has to keep a medical appointment but a letter of explanation or a telephone call to the Headteacher is required in advance. Should a child be absent because of illness or for any other reason, the school must be notified by telephone or in person before 9.30am on the day of absence. On returning to school a letter of explanation is also required addressed to the class teacher. Current legislation means the school must clarify absences as authorised or unauthorised according to reason given for absence by the parent/carer. Parents are discouraged from taking family holidays during term time according to government guidelines. However in cases of family holidays during term time forms are available from the School Office which allows official notification of the child’s absence for a family annual holiday a minimum of two weeks notice should be given. The Headteacher can in these circumstances, authorize a term time holiday of ten school days only. Holidays over this limit will be classed as unauthorised. EDUCATION WELFARE SERVICE The school has an appointed Local Authority Educational Welfare Officer with responsibility for the pupils of the school and their families. The service is available to discuss any matters of child welfare. Contact can be made through school or Union Hall (Tel. 01946 825726). ADMISSIONS POLICY St Joseph’s welcomes applications from all families who believe their child would benefit from and contribute to the Catholic Nature of the school. Please see appendix A for full details on the Admissions Policy. INSURANCE The Governors and teachers are committed to providing the highest standards of safety for both children and visitors to the school. We are aware however that events can occur which result in injury to the child or his/her property, and a high level of liability insurance cover is maintained to protect the school against claims arising out of such accidents. This insurance would only apply where a degree of negligence on the part of the school or its officials could be proved. Pupil Accident Insurance is available on an individual basis through an established insurance company and leaflets outlining the cost and benefits are available from the school. Insurance for pupils’ personal effects (clothes, sports equipment, musical instruments etc.) is a matter for individual parents and would normally be arranged as part of a home contents insurance policy. FORMAL COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE If you become concerned in any way about your child’s education, it is important that you tell us about this. As a first step you should discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher. If you are still concerned after talking with the teacher, you should arrange to meet the Headteacher. Obviously, as a staff, we will do all we can to resolve your concerns and to ensure you are happy with your child’s education. There may be some occasions when parents wish to complain about matters relating to the curriculum and collective worship which are the responsibility of the Governing Body and/or the Local Authority. Special formal arrangements exist for dealing with complaints of this kind. Information outlining these arrangements is available through the school. Advice on how to pursue a formal complaint is also available from: Education Department, 5 Portland Square, Carlisle, CA1 1PU. DISCLAIMER Although these particulars were correct in relation to this document at the date of printing, (Sept 13) it should not be assumed that there will be no change affecting the relevant arrangements or some matters particularised: (a) before the start of, or during the school year in question, or (b) in relation to subsequent school years, or (c) charges to school milk, meals or uniform Nothing herein prejudices the right of the Governing Body or the Headteacher to make any decisions relating to the school as they see fit, without regard to whether this will affect the accuracy of any matters contained in this document. Furthermore, neither the Governing Body nor any member of staff of the school is legally responsible for any erroneous information contained herein. SCHOOL HOLIDAY AND TERM DATES 2014/2015 SPRING TERM 2014 Starts Ends Monday 6 January Wednesday 9th April th HALF TERM HOLIDAY Monday 17th February Friday 21st February SUMMER TERM 2014 Starts Ends Wednesday 23rd April Friday 18th July BANK HOLIDAY Monday 5th May HALF TERM HOLIDAY Monday 26th May Friday 30th May In the summer holidays children and parents meet up in the local park once a week for a picnic and play. This is a lovely way for our reception children and new people to the area to get together. THE FRIENDS FRIENDS OF ST JOSEPH’S SCHOOL The Friends of St Joseph’s School is made up of parents, carers and grandparents of children at the school. Over the years we have provided the school with a great deal of equipment for both inside and outside in the school grounds. At Christmas each child receives a gift from the friends’ given to them by Father Christmas. Previous events have included: Family Fun Day, Carnival Entry, Easter Fayre and Disco’s and supermarket bag packing. Not forgetting the adults we have held a race night, cheese and wine night and ladies pamper night. KEYSTAGE 1 2013 RESULTS SUMMARY ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL COCKERMOUTH This table shows a summary of the National Curriculum assessment results of pupils in the school (2013) and nationally (2012) at the end of Key Stage 1, as a percentage of those eligible for assessment. The number of eligible children is: 6 Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding. RESULTS OF TEACHER ASSESSMENT Percentage at each level Speaking & Listening Reading All All All Writing Mathematics Science 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. All All School Nation al School Nation al School Nation al School Nation al School Nation al Disapplied Absent Children Children 0 0 W 1 2C 2B 2A 3 4 0 33 - 67 - 0 0 2 10 . 66 . 22 0 0 0 0 33 0 17 0 50 0 0 0 2 11 11 23 26 27 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 50 0 0 0 0 3 14 19 29 21 14 0 0 0 0 0 17 33 50 0 0 0 0 2 8 14 27 28 22 0 0 0 0 17 - 67 - 17 0 0 - 2 9 . 68 . 21 0 0 . Includes all schools with pupils eligible for assessment at Key Stage 1. Participation by independent schools is voluntary, therefore only includes results from those independent schools which chose to make a return and which met the statutory standards for assessment and moderation. Speaking and Listening and Science subjects do not report level 2A, 2B and 2C, only level 2. These are shown in the 2B column for the purposes of this table. Absent and Disapplied are not reported in science main level but are reported as U (unable). These are shown in the disapplied column for the purposes of this table. ‘-‘ represents ‘Not Applicable’. ‘x’ indicates a figure not shown in order to protect confidentiality. KEYSTAGE 2 2013 RESULTS SUMMARY ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL COCKERMOUTH These tables show the percentage of Year 6 pupils achieving each level in 2013, compared to national end of Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment Levels and Test Results for 2012. The number of eligible children is: 7 Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding. TEACHER ASSESSMENTS Percentage at each level W 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pupils disapplied Pupils absent School 0 0 0 0 71 29 0 0 0 National 1 1 3 11 49 35 1 0 0 School 0 0 14 0 43 29 14 0 0 National 1 1 3 11 45 36 4 0 0 School 0 0 0 0 71 29 0 0 0 National 1 0 2 11 50 36 0 0 0 English Mathematics Science TEST RESULTS Percentage at each level Below Level 3** Grammar Punctuation & Spelling* School 3 4 5 6 Pupils # not entered Pupils absent 14 44 44 0 0 0 National - - - - - - - School 0 0 43 57 0 0 0 National 6 7 38 48 0 0 0 School 14 0 71 14 0 0 0 National 4 11 45 36 3 0 0 Reading Mathematics W * ** # Represents pupils who are working towards Level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for Level 1. The result awarded in this test is indicative of a pupil working at the level reported rather than a true National Curriculum level as for other tests. This result represents children who were not entered for the tests because they were working below Level 3 in English or Mathematics, children awarded a compensatory level from the tests, and children entered for but not achieving a level from the tests. Pupils working at the levels of the tests, but unable to access them. Appendix A ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, COCKERMOUTH ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 TO AUGUST 2015 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Cockermouth is a Catholic Primary School under the trusteeship of Diocese of Lancaster. It is maintained by Cumbria Local Authority. As a Voluntary Aided School, Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications admissions. The co-ordination of admissions arrangements is undertaken by the Local Authority. For school’s year commencing September 2013, the Governing Body has set its admissions number at 15. the the for the ADMISSIONS TO THE SCHOOL will be made by the Governing Body. All preferences listed on the Local Authority Preference Form will be considered on an equal basis with the following set of ADMISSIONS CRITERIA forming a priority order where there are more applications for admissions than the school has places available. 1) Baptised Catholic Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children 2) Baptised Catholic children who have a sibling in the school at the time of admission 3) Baptised Catholic children resident in the parish of St Joseph’s, Crown Street, Cockermouth 4) Baptised Catholic children from other parishes 5) Non Catholic Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children 6) Non Catholic children who have a sibling in the school at the time of admission 7) Other children. In addition all children whose Statement of Special Educational Need names St Joseph’s Catholic School will take precedence. NOTES a) All applicants will be considered at the same time and after the closing date for admissions which is 15 January 2014 b) A Looked After Child is a child who is (a) in the care of a Local Authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their Social Services functions (under section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989. A previously Looked After Child is one who immediately moved on from that status after becoming subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. c) For a child to be considered as a Catholic evidence of a Catholic Baptism will be required. d) It is the duty of governors to comply with regulations on class size limits at Key Stage One. e) If in any category there are more applications than places available, priority will be given on the basis of distance from home to school. Distance will be measured using AA route planner with the school postcode and the postcode of the child’s permanent place of residence. In the event of distances being the same for 2 or more applicants where this distance would be last place/s to be allocated, a random lottery will be carried out in a public place. All the names will be entered into a hat and the required number of names will be drawn out. f) Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, the child’s “permanent place of residence” will be determined as the address of the parent receiving Child Benefit. g) Sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. h) A waiting list for children who have not been offered a place will be kept and will be ranked according to the Admission Criteria. Parents will be informed of their child’s position on the waiting list which will not be operated for longer than the end of the Autumn Term. If any other child applies, they will be ranked according to the criteria used and added to the waiting list. Places will be offered according to their priority on the list and not on length of time they have been on the waiting list. i) For ‘In Year’ applications received outside the normal admissions round and if places are available then children qualifying under the published criteria will be admitted. If there are places available but more applicants than places then the published oversubscription criteria will be applied. j) If an application for admission has been turned down by the Governing Body, parents can appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel. Parents must be allowed at least twenty school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful to submit that appeal. Parents must give reasons for appealing in writing and the decision of the Appeals Panel is binding on the Governors. k) Parents can request that the date their child, if below compulsory school age, is admitted to school is deferred to later in the school year or until the term when they reach compulsory school age. Parents can request that their child takes up the place part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age l) The Governing Body reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a school place where false evidence is received in relation to baptism, sibling connections or place of residence. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORM : 2014 ADMISSIONS Admission to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Mountain View, Cockermouth Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS and return to School by 4pm on 15 January 2014 SURNAME OF CHILD _______________________________________________ FORENAME(S) _______________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH ______________________________ ADDRESS OF CHILD _________________________________________________________ __________________________________POSTCODE_____________ YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER ______________________________ IS YOUR CHILD BAPTISED ROMAN CATHOLIC NON CATHOLIC FOR BAPTISED ROMAN CATHOLICS MONTH OF BAPTISM _______________ ________________________ YEAR PARISH ___________________________________________________________________ PARISH LOCATION (TOWN/CITY) _________________________________________________ You are asked to enclose a copy of the baptismal certificate with this form. If this is not possible explain below SIGNED _____________________________NAME (please print) ______________________ RELATIONSHIP ___________________________DATE _________________________________