Brochure - Salem County Vocational Technical School


Brochure - Salem County Vocational Technical School
Salem County ETTC, Regna Services, LLC and
Salem Community College
Bridging the Achievement Gap
and Restoring Balance
Conference Series
August 30, 2016
Key Note Speaker: Jonice Arthur of Regna Services, LLC
Salem County ETTC, Regna Services, LLC and
Registration Information
Salem Community College
Salem County Educational Technology Training Center
Present (ETTC Tab)
Bridging the Achievement Gap and Restoring Balance
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Bates, 856-769-0101 x 5346 or
Conference Series
This full day conference will include topics to restore the balance is our classrooms, school building, and school community seeking to engage our students and address their most unique needs.
Key Note Speaker: Jonice Arthur of Regna Services, LLC
Breakout sessions include:
Student Engagement, School Culture and Climate, classroom management, leading with a purpose, instructional strategies and skills, assessment, working with parents and guardians, engaging the early childhood student, making the K12 and college connection, and technology integration.
Full Day Conference:
August 30, 2016
Single Day Conference (August 30, 2016 only)
Single Day Conference plus two teacher lounges
Single Day Conference plus one administrator lounge
Single Half Day Lounge (each)
Salem Community College, 460 Hollywood Ave, Carney’s Point, NJ 08069
Event Schedule: August 30, 2016
Welcome and State Director GEAR UP
9:35-10:20 Panel Discussion
10:30-11:55 Breakout One
12:00-12:45 Lunch and Learn
(presentation on balancing the stress of family and school)
12:50-2:15 Breakout Two
Closing Remarks/Giveaways/
Presentation/Complete Evaluations
This conference series will also include half day professional development sessions during the
school year as follows:
Teacher Lounge Follow Up Sessions:
December 9, 2016 8:30-12:30
March 17, 2017 8:30-12:30
Administrator/Supervisor Follow Up Session:
November 4, 2016 8:30-12:30
Salem Community College
460 Hollywood Avenue
Carney’s Point, NJ 08069
The student-teacher relationship is one of the most powerful elements within the learning environment. It forms the basis of the social context in which learning takes place.
This student-teacher connection is a major factor that affects student development,
school engagement, and academic motivation. In essence, supportive and positive student-teacher relationships promote a sense of belonging and inclusion which, in turn,
encourages the student to cooperatively participate in school and classroom activities.Churchill et al., 2011
Together We Stand, Divided We Fall: Creating a Positive Culture for Learning is a whole school
reform initiative. This workshop will allow participants to take an honest temperature of their schools’
climate and culture and to brainstorm steps that can be taken to improve those temperatures towards the “ideal.” Presenter- Jonice Arthur
Educating Our Children: The Parent-Teacher Connection: Teachers and Administrators often
lack training on how to engage parents, specifically those with classified children. This workshop
seeks to emphasize just how valuable the parent-teacher relationship is and what parents need in
order to better connect with their child’s school. Presenter- Monica Rickson-Kemp
Inspiring Enthusiasm and Motivation in the Classroom Through Engagement: Why is it so difficult to connect with 21st century middle and high school students? Here’s a workshop that will explore that “great divide” and equip educators with the tools to bridge the gap by sharing and practicing positive methods for discourse and inter-action with this unique population.
Presenter- Dorian Mond-Arthur
Love Teaching, Hate Assessing: Do You Suffer From PASD? (Post Assessment Stress Disorder).
This workshop will introduce assessment ideas and provide help in creating rubrics, to get workshop
participants thinking and talking about the many ways student learning can be assessed. PresenterDr. Joy Barnes-Johnson
Making the Connection from K12 to College: Participants will address common barriers to college access and success and how to connect the dots from education to career
making college relevant to our students. Presenter- Ariel Matos
Teaching with Trauma Lenses: Participants will obtain a holistic view and understanding about trauma amongst children and youth. Trauma informed educators inspire, encourage, and empower youth to learn as they heal and restore balance in their lives.
Presenter- Angel SaySay
Organizing Your Classroom to Optimize Learning: The physical layout reflects your
teaching style. Warm, well-run classrooms begin with the room's physical layout.
Presenter-Nikki Hornyak
Leading with Purpose: How motivated are you when you have to do something without
meaning, without purpose? Effective leaders know that a keen sense of purpose is very
empowering. It elicits passion and passion becomes infectious.
Presenter: Darrell "Coach D" Andrews America's Passion Coach
Raising the Bar: Using Technology to Improve Teaching and Learning: Learn meaningful
ways to integrate technology as an integral component in student engagement and motivation, and
instructional strategies to support student learning. Presenter-Debra Lawrey
GEAR UP for Success (for Salem and Cumberland County Staff ONLY): GEAR UP (Gaining
Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) is a discretionary grant program
funded by the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the Office of the Secretary of
Higher Education. Its goal is to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. Presenters- Wayne Murray and Winona Wigfall
Early Childhood Part 1: Curriculum and the Learning Environment: How Does Your Environment Support Your Philosophy and Curriculum? Since most early childhood philosophies stress the
importance of play, hands-on-learning, and whole child development, a good early childhood environment supports these activities. This workshop will emphasize the child’s need to explore, experiment, and learn basic knowledge through direct experience. Dr. Ingrid Campbell
Early Childhood Part 2: Family and Community Engagement: As research suggests, parents
and family members are more likely to become engaged in their young child's development and
learning when they have positive and trusting relationships with those who support them. This workshop will focus on three key areas: 1) building relationships with families that support family wellbeing, 2) supporting strong relationships between parents and their children and 3) nurturing ongoing learning and development for both parents and children. Dr. Cheryl Chavis