Lake Roosevelt Public Guide June 2009 - PDF


Lake Roosevelt Public Guide June 2009 - PDF
Lake Roosevelt
Remedial Investigation
and Feasibility Study
A Public Guide
Lake Roosevelt RI/FS
In the spring of 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
reached an agreement with Teck Cominco (now called Teck) to conduct a
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) of the Upper Columbia
River, which includes Lake Roosevelt. EPA identified Teck’s Trail smelter,
located ten miles north of the Canadian border, as the primary source of slag
and effluent carrying metals and other contaminants into Lake Roosevelt.
EPA identified pulp operations in Canada, the LeRoi smelter (which operated
in Northport for about thirty years at the turn of the twentieth century) and
other discharges as less significant contaminant sources.
This public guide provides an
overview that will help you
The original Trail smelter processed copper and gold. Teck bought the
smelter in the early 1900s, and then processed other metals over the years.
Current operations focus on smelting of zinc and lead for use in vehicles,
batteries and numerous household products. EPA estimates that over a one
hundred year period, Teck discharged wastewater with contaminants and
up to 15 million tons of granulated fumed slag into the Columbia.
Potential pathways between
contamination and human health
and/or the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
In 1995 Teck ceased discharging slag. In 1997 Teck implemented the
Trail Modernization Program, which significantly improved the quality
of wastewater being discharged into the river and the facilities overall
environmental performance.
RI/FS Purpose
The purpose of the RI/FS is to investigate the nature and extent of
contamination in the Upper Columbia River (which includes Lake Roosevelt)
and to assess if there are unacceptable risks to human health and/or the
environment as a result of the contamination. Depending on the outcomes
of studies, the RI/FS will also evaluate potential cleanup actions and other
remedies (called remedial alternatives) to safeguard human health and the
Typically, an RI/FS is conducted after EPA designates an area a Superfund
site. Such a designation, and the actions that follow, are guided by the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability
Act (CERCLA). Created in 1980, this federal law enables EPA to clean up
hazardous waste sites and compel responsible parties to conduct or fund
EPA directed cleanups.
Lake Roosevelt, however, was not declared a Superfund site. Instead, the
2006 agreement reached with Teck allows EPA to carry out an RI/FS and
other CERCLA processes without a Superfund designation being imposed.
Time Line for Completing Lake Roosevelt’s RI/FS
The Lake Roosevelt RI/FS is expected to take another nine to twelve years
to complete. This time frame, however, could change based on the results of
studies and other factors. In the event the investigation identifies a human
health or environmental issue requiring immediate protection, EPA can order
early cleanup actions before the RI/FS is complete.
The context and history of
contamination in Lake Roosevelt. . . . . . . . 2-3
What recent studies say about
potential human health risks. . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
The conceptual site model the
RI/FS uses to evaluate possible links
between contamination and human
health and the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
2009-2010 studies being
conducted under the RI/FS . . . . . . . . . . 10-12
Legal and other actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14
Frequently asked questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Time Line
1896 – Trail, Canada facility built as a copper and gold
1906 – Trail, Canada facility converted to lead and zinc
1900-1922 – Mining, milling, and smelter activities
active in both Canada and the United States, all of
which discharge metals into the Upper Columbia and its
tributaries. Smelters permanently close at Northport, Grand
Forks, Greenwood, and Boundary Falls.
1930s – International Joint Commission holds Trail Smelter
in Canada liable for sulfur dioxide air emissions causing
property damage in Washington.
1931 – A new Canadian fertilizer plant built to reduce
sulphur dioxide emissions becomes a primary source of
phosphate discharges into the Columbia.
1942 – Grand Coulee Dam gates close, raising the waters
behind the dam 380 feet. Water flows and bank erosion
change, affecting depositional patterns of sediment
1960 – Celgar Pulp Mill begins operation.
1990-1993 – WA Department of Ecology (Ecology)
monitors dioxin, furan and trace metal concentrations in
suspended particulate matter and fish tissues. The Celgar
pulp mill is considered the primary historical source for
dioxin and furan contaminants. Celgar plant modernization
designed to end discharges of dioxins and furans into the
1992 – The USGS conducts a sediment study of Lake
Roosevelt describing the transport of metals, the presence
of trace metals in bed sediment, and the toxicity of the
sediment to benthic invertebrates.
LeRoi Smelter, Northport, WA
1998 – In Canada, wide area human and ecological risk
assessment initiated from Castlegar to the U.S. border.
1998 – USGS conducts a follow-up fish tissue study and
finds that concentration levels of metals had either not
changed or decreased. Ecology identifies temperature, total
dissolved gas, mercury, PCBs and pH as parameters for Lake
Roosevelt inclusion on the Clean Water Act 303(d) list of
impaired water bodies.
1999 – Colville Confederated Tribes petition EPA to
conduct an assessment of environmental contamination in
Lake Roosevelt under federal Superfund program.
2001-2003 – EPA collects samples of river sediments.
EPA recommends a Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study
(RI/FS) to assess environmental and human health risks.
2002 – 2006 – USGS collects data to determine
concentrations of trace metals in wind blown dust.
2003 – After negotiations between EPA and Teck Cominco
reach an impasse, EPA issues Unilateral Administrative Order
under U.S. Superfund law to fund and conduct aspects of
the RI/FS. Teck Cominco contests the order and EPA moves
forward with the RI/FS using U.S. government funding.
2004 – Canadian government issues a “Diplomatic Note”
to the U.S. State Department regarding EPA enforcement
order. United States and Canadian governments begin
discussions regarding site.
2004 – Colville Confederated Tribes and Washington State
ask U.S. District Court to force Teck Cominco to comply with
EPA order issued in 2003.
1993 – Ecology initiates studies resulting in Lake Roosevelt
being placed on the federal Clean Water Act Section 303(d)
list of impaired water bodies.
2004 – Ecology updates Clean Water Act 303(d)
impairment list for Lake Roosevelt to include temperature,
total dissolved gas, and mercury.
1994 – Canadian fertilizer plant ceases discharge of
2005 – EPA RI/FS studies begin by initiating sediment
sampling and fish tissue studies.
phosphate into the Columbia.
1994 – The USGS conducts a fish tissue study to
determine the level of mercury and other metals in walleye,
smallmouth bass, and rainbow trout. Based on findings, a
fact sheet from the Washington State Department of Health
(WDOH) advises the public to limit consumption of walleye.
2006 – EPA reaches an agreement with Teck Cominco to
conduct an RI/FS that Teck Cominco will fund. Teck required
to develop EPA approved RI/FS ecological work plan before
studies can continue.
1995 – Discharges of slag from Trail smelter cease.
2006 – Ninth circuit upholds a district court ruling that
Superfund (CERCLA) law does apply to Teck’s Trail smelter.
1997 – Teck implements Trail Modernization Program
2008 – Lake Roosevelt fish advisory updated.
to further improve quality of effluent (wastewater) being
2009 – RI/FS ecological and human health work plans
approved by EPA. Teck Cominco (now called Teck) begins
RI/FS studies.
Evaluating Exposure and Risk
Smelting operations in Trail, Canada
are the primary source of metals
contamination. Other contaminant
sources include pulp and paper
production in Canada, other
mining operations, atmospheric
deposition, the Spokane River, and
unidentified sources.
Contaminants from effluent
(wastewater) and slag can move
downstream and be trapped in
sediment on the bottom, banks
and beaches. They can also
attach to fine particles that travel
through the water column.
Sediment contaminants can
accumulate in the tissues of worms,
clams, insect larvae and other
organisms (called the benthic
community) that inhabit the
lake bottom.
Humans recreating and wildlife
foraging on beaches may be directly
exposed to contaminated sediments.
Help protect your children from any
contaminants by washing hands, face,
feet and toys before eating and/or
leaving the beach.
Organic contaminant concentrations (like PCBs)
and mercury can biomagnify (increase) in the
tissues of species as they move higher in the food
chain, e.g.– stone fly, to fish, to wildlife or humans.
For fish species that accumulate contaminants
in their tissue and organs, these toxins can
move up the food chain to humans, birds, and
other species consuming fish.
Species that can not tolerate elevated levels of
contaminants may die or suffer other adverse
effects such as loss of reproductive functions.
This can reduce the variety of species in the
Sediment movement and accumulation is a natural,
ongoing process. Flowing water, for instance, can
erode, deposit and resuspend sediments. Over time this
can change the distribution pattern of contaminated
sediments, re-exposing more biota (plant and animal
life) to potential toxins. This process can also result in
uncontaminated sediments (e.g.—from bank erosion)
covering contaminated sediments in a way that reduces
the exposure of potential toxins to biota.
Contaminated sediments can be exposed and
placed in the atmosphere via windstorms.
Human inhalation of dust during these
conditions is a potential human risk pathway.
Human Health
Fish Consumption
In 2005, EPA collected fish tissue data. A key goal was to assess human health risks from fish consumption.
Fish species sampled included walleye, rainbow trout (hatchery and wild), lake whitefish, largescale sucker
and burbot. Fish were sampled from near the Canadian border to Grand Coulee Dam, but not in the Spokane
Arm of Lake Roosevelt. Based on results and a statewide mercury advisory, the Washington Department of
Health (DOH) issued an updated Lake Roosevelt fish advisory in 2008.
Lake Roosevelt Fish Advisory and Statewide Mercury Advisory
Fish in Lake Roosevelt contain chemicals, including mercury that may be hazardous to your health. Women
who are or might become pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children may be especially at risk. These
individuals should limit the amount of fish they consume from Lake Roosevelt to:
• 2 meals per month: smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and walleye, or
• 4 meals per month: sucker or burbot, or
• 2 meals per month of any combination of species listed above.
• Do not eat northern pikeminnow.
Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and northern pikeminnow were not sampled from Lake Roosevelt, but
are listed on the Washington Department of Health’s Statewide Mercury advisory.
To reduce your exposure when eating fish:
Prepare fish the following way to reduce PCBs and other contaminants
that collect in the fatty parts of the fish by up to 50 percent:
• When cleaning fish remove the head, skin, fat, and internal organs
before cooking. Do not use for sauce or gravy.
• Grill, bake, or broil fish so that the fat drips off while cooking.
• Mercury is stored in the muscle (fillet) of fish and cannot be reduced
by cleaning this way.
Check local fish advisories:
1-877-485-7316 or
Beach Exposure
In 2005, EPA collected sediment samples from 15 beaches. One purpose of
collecting this data was to assess human health risks for people recreating on
these beaches.
When recreating, exposure to contaminants can occur by swallowing, breathing
in, or getting sediments on the skin.
The Department of Health concluded in a draft 2009 Health Consultation there
is “no apparent public health hazard.” This is based on children or adults being
exposed for two days per week for four months, or 35 days per year for area
At Black Sand Beach, Northport Boat Ramp and Dalles Orchard (where lead and
arsenic were marginally above screening levels) further testing will occur as part
of the RI/FS to refine current conclusions.
2005 beaches sampled
for potential exposure to
Black Sand Beach
Northport Boat Ramp
Dalles Orchard
North Gorge Campground
Marcus Island Campground
Kettle Falls Swim Beach
Haag Cove
French Rocks Boat Ramp
North Gifford
A A Campground
Roger’s Bar
Columbia Campground
Lincoln Mills Boat Ramp
Air monitoring station
Keller Ferry No.2
Spring Canyon Campground
Air Inhalation
From 2002 to 2006, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) conducted
air monitoring from approximately January to June of each year. This is the
time period when lower lake levels expose sediments and wind storms can
suspend dust into the atmosphere. The concern is whether inhalation from
windblown dust with possible contaminants creates a human health risk.
In collaboration with the Colville Confederated Tribes, the Bureau of
Reclamation, and the Lake Roosevelt Water Quality Council, USGS collected
air samples and analyzed them for 36 trace metals. Samples were collected at
Inchelium and Seven Bays from 2002 to 2006, Kettle Falls in 2002, and Marcus
from 2003 to 2006.
Conceptual Site Model
A Framework for Investigating Heavy Metals
and Other Chemicals in Lake Roosevelt
RI/FS work plans for human health and ecological receptors (e.g., birds, fish, and plants) serve as
the guiding documents for studies to be conducted over the next nine to twelve years. To read
workplans, see page 15 for EPA website and depository locations.
At the heart of the work plan is a conceptual site model. The model begins by identifying chemicals
of interest, e.g.—metals (including mercury) and organics (e.g.--PCBs - polychlorinated biphenyls).
The conceptual site model shows the various pathways that chemicals of interest can become
present in the ecological or human environment. Each pathway begins with a source, e.g. a smelter
operation. A pathway can then separate into more pathways as scientists consider different
mechanisms of discharge into the environment. For instance, a smelter could discharge metals in
the form of slag or wastewater, or as air particles through a smoke stack.
For each discharge mechanism, different physical and chemical interactions can occur. Called
transport and fate, scientists study how, where, and in what form chemicals of interest settle in
the environment. Granular slag, for instance, can end up buried at the bottom of the lake, or be
suspended in the water column. Particles can also change during transport as they attach to larger
particles, split into smaller particles or dissolve.
These complex transport and fate mechanisms can distribute chemicals of interest throughout the
Lake Roosevelt environment. Called exposure media, chemicals may end up in the air, surface water,
groundwater, porewater (water found between particles of sediment), sediment, soil, and biota
(plants and animals).
Based on how chemicals are dispersed, scientists must then determine if there are ecological
receptors that transfer these chemicals into the aquatic and riparian food web. Microscopic plants,
clams, worms, and insects are examples of potential ecological receptors that can be found at the
base of the food web.
For chemicals migrating into the food web, bioaccumulation becomes a critical concern. For
instance, the ecology of an area can be compromised if chemicals build up in the tissues of worms,
insect larvae, and other organisms affect reproduction or growth. And as one organism consumes
another, the concentration of organic contaminants (like PCBs) and mercury can increase (called
The conceptual site model provides the framework for assessing these very complex interactions.
Through rigorous study, both human health and ecological risks can be assessed. The difference
between the ecological and human health work plans is determining the effect and risk of chemicals
that may accumulate in our bodies vs. the environment.
Possible Migration of Contaminates Up the Food Chain
2009-2010 RI/FS Studies
The following studies are expected to begin over the next two years. Each study requires an EPA approved
sampling plan and necessary permits from the National Park Service, Washington State agencies, and area tribes.
Studies, data analysis and interpretation can take several months. Further, before data analysis and interpretation
are released to the public, EPA conducts a review and approval process that includes a tribal and inter-agency
comment period.
Surface Water
Chemicals of interest, e.g.-- metals, mercury and organic compounds, may be present in Lake Roosevelt’s water.
This study will address the following types of questions:
• At any location tested, are chemicals of interest below or above protective criteria and guidelines for ecological
and human health?
• Are chemicals of interest more concentrated in certain areas or water depths?
• Do chemicals of interest pose unacceptable risks to aquatic life, wildlife or humans by migrating up the food
The surface water study will take place at multiple locations from the Canadian border to Grand Coulee Dam (see
map page 11), and during different times of the year.
Fish Tissue
Extensive fish tissue data was gathered in 2005 and led to an updated fish advisory (see page 6) in 2008. Another
round of fish tissue collection is being done to address the following types of questions:
• What are the tissue concentrations of chemicals of interest in fish species that are eaten by birds, mammals, and
other fish? Can these concentrations affect the health of these species or other species that may prey on them?
• What are the tissue concentrations of chemicals of interest in fish species, e.g.—kokanee, that have not been
extensively tested in the past?
• Does sampling that addresses recreational and tribal human health concerns result in similar findings to 2005
Fish are expected to be collected in the September/October 2009 time frame in different locations throughout
Lake Roosevelt (see map page 11). Game fish expected to be sampled include walleye, rainbow trout, lake
whitefish, largescale sucker, burbot, smallmouth bass, and kokanee. Small body fish (e.g., yellow perch) are also
being collected to evaluate ecological concerns.
Beach Sediment Studies
Beach sediment data was collected at 15 beaches in 2005 and led to an initial finding that exposure was safely
below human health-based risk standards (see page 7) .
New sampling will be expanded to include 34 beaches from the Canadian border to Grand Coulee Dam (see map
page 11). This study will focus on the following types of questions:
• Do metals concentrations pose unacceptable risks to human health or the environment?
• What are the spatial distributions, physical properties and other characteristics of chemicals of interest? Do these
distributions, properties and characteristics provide pathways for chemicals of interest to become present in
other parts of the environment?
Sampling is expected to begin in the summer of 2009 for beaches unaffected by lake levels and during the spring
of 2010 when lake levels are low and beaches are more exposed.
Study Areas for Fish, Surface
Water, and Beach Sampling
Sediment sampling focusing areas
Fish sampling collections areas
Urban areas
Kettle Falls
2009 Fish sample collections areas
2009 Surface water transect
2009 Surface water station
Beaches sampled by EPA in 2005
Beaches proposed for sampling in 2009-2010
Spokane River
2009-2010 RI/FS Studies
Zooplankton Tissue
Zooplankton is at the base of the aquatic food chain. They include a range of organisms that can drift in
the water and individually are undetectable to the naked eye. Lake Roosevelt zooplankton, such as water
fleas, are a critical dietary source for fish in Lake Roosevelt. This study will focus on the following types of
• Do chemicals of interest pose an unacceptable risk to the health of zooplankton?
• Do concentrations of chemicals of interest in zooplankton create a health risk for fish that prey on
Resource Use and Consumption Surveys
Part of the human health risk assessment requires an understanding of how often people are being
exposed to possible risks. For the general public, the resource use survey will focus on the following types
of questions:
• What recreational areas are typically visited, how often, and at what times of the year?
• What recreational activities are taking place, e.g.—fishing or sunbathing?
• For each activity taking place, what’s the duration (e.g.—length of time on a beach), type of exposure
(e.g.—swimming), and type of consumption pattern (e.g.—number and type of fish being caught)?
A survey for the Colville Confederated Tribes will also take place. This survey will focus on exposure and
activities specific to their culture and lifestyle as year round residents.
Resource surveys will be tested during 2010, and then fully deployed.
Related Activities
Legal Actions
In 2006, the ninth circuit court upheld a district court ruling that
Superfund (CERCLA) law does apply to Teck’s Trail smelter in Trail, Canada because pollutants ended
up in the United States (Lake Roosevelt). The case began in 2004 with a suit filed by the Colville
Confederated Tribes that the State of Washington later joined.
A series of new issues continue to work their way through the federal court system. The Colville
Confederated Tribes and the State of Washington are effectively bringing three complaints against
Teck. The first relates to penalties and fees, contending that Teck should pay penalties and fees for
not complying with the original enforcement order filed (and later withdrawn) by EPA. The Eastern
Washington District Court in Yakima found against the tribe and the state, and an appeal is now being
taken to the ninth circuit court.
The second complaint contends that Teck is liable for the result of hazardous substances released
in Lake Roosevelt and the Upper Columbia River from their facility in Canada. Having determined
that Teck can be subject to Superfund laws, the courts must now determine if they are liable (legally
responsible) for any human health and environmental risks or damage caused. This case will go before
the Yakima district court in the fall of 2010.
The third complaint will not go before the courts until the liability question is settled. This suit would
determine the type and scope of natural resource damages (e.g.—Natural Resource Damage injury
costs) that Teck may be subject to.
Natural Resource Trustees
The Upper Columbia Natural Resource Trustees Council has been formed. Trustees include the Colville
Confederated Tribes, the Spokane Tribe of Indians, the State of Washington, and the U.S. Department of
the Interior.
The Trustees follow a process known as Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), which is
commonly conducted at Superfund sites with land or other natural resources managed by federal,
state or tribal governments. Trustees can conduct an assessment of natural resource injury and the
need to restore natural resources that were impacted by the release of hazardous substances.
NRDA activities are not directed by EPA. Teck has currently declined the opportunity to participate
in NRDA activities. Teck believes participation is premature for two reasons. First, RI/FS studies to
determine if ecological or human health risks are present are not complete. And second, the courts
have not determined if Teck is liable for possible damages. The Trustees believe early integration of
RI/FS and injury assessment can bring about substantial costs savings and expedite cleanup and
restoration needs at the site through coordination of studies.
Currently, trustees are conducting a Preliminary Assessment Screen (PAS). If the Trustees find that
injury to the Upper Columbia River and Lake Roosevelt natural resources has occurred, they can seek
restoration of these resources. A final draft of the PAS is expected in the fall of 2009.
Although conducted separately, coordination of RI/FS and NRDA studies and information will occur
and is encouraged at EPA Superfund sites. If the Trustees find that injury to Lake Roosevelt and the
upper Columbia River natural resources has occurred, under CERCLA they can seek restoration of
those resources. In the Coeur d’Alene watershed, for example, the Trustees are restoring wetlands for
migrating swans that are injured when foraging in contaminated areas
Related Activities
White Sturgeon Studies
Collaborative sturgeon studies are underway. The USGS and the state of Washington
are conducting studies that will further knowledge on white sturgeon movement and
potential effects of smelter slag on them in Lake Roosevelt. These studies are not part
of the RI/FS. However, results from this and other fisheries and natural resource studies
being conducted by tribes and agencies can be used to support the RI/FS and the
Natural Resource Damage Assessment.
Native white sturgeon are “bottom dwellers” and are mainly found in the area from
Marcus Flats to the Canadian border. This is the same area where stream flow has
deposited the greatest quantities of slag. To begin determining whether the presence
of slag is affecting the health or survival of sturgeon, the studies explore the following
types of questions:
• What are the movements and activity patterns of sturgeon in this area?
• To what degree is slag found in the gut of young sturgeon?
• How much does slag move
along the bottom of the riverine
• Using laboratory tests, can
sturgeon fry detect and avoid
copper (a major contaminant in
slag)? When exposed to slag, are
there toxicity effects?
Study activities began in 2009
and are expected to conclude
by 2012. Preliminary results of
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
toxicity testing indicates that
white sturgeon are sensitive to
copper concentrations similar to
those found in Lake Roosevelt.
Scientists from the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, USGS and the WA
Department of Fish and Wildlife
are participating.
Photo by David R. Gluns
White sturgeon caught on Upper Columbia River
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the fish safe to eat and beaches safe to play on?
A fish advisory for largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, sucker and burbot was
released in 2008. There is also a Statewide mercury advisory. See page 6 for details. Fifteen
beaches were sampled and found to have no apparent public health hazard. See page 7 for
details. Additional beach sampling will occur in 2009-2010.
What additional precautions should I take?
Always wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal floatation device, use proper clothing
and equipment, and know your limits when on the water. Observe National Park Service,
Spokane Tribe of Indians, and Colville Confederated Tribes warning and informational
signage. Dispose of waste properly and help keep our shorelines clean by removing litter. Leave habitat the
way you found it. Pack it in, pack it out.
When will the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) be complete?
Nine to twelve years is the current estimate. If necessary, however, EPA can order early cleanup actions
before the RI/FS is complete.
Who is participating in and funding the RI/FS?
In 2006, EPA reached an agreement with Teck Cominco (now called Teck) to conduct a Remedial
Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) of Lake Roosevelt. Teck is funding RI/FS activities that are overseen
by EPA and meet standards set by Superfund law. EPA decisions are made in consultation with what the
agreement calls “the participating parties.” These include the Colville Confederated Tribes, the Spokane
Tribe of Indians, the State of Washington (represented by the Washington Department of Ecology), and the
U.S. Department of Interior. Interior agencies include the Bureau of Reclamation, the National Park Service,
Bureau of Indian Affairs, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Although not listed
in the agreement, the Washington State Department of Health is also consulted.
Where can I get more information?
The easiest way to find more information is via the world wide web. Sites include:
• The Lake Roosevelt Forum:, click on environment icon.
• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
• Teck:
• The United States Geological Survey:
• The Washington Department of Health:
EPA also maintains a document repository at:
• Northport Town Hall, 315 Summit St.
• Colville Public Library, 195 S. Oak Street
• Inchelium Tribal Resource Center, 12 Community Loop
• Nespelem: Office of Environmental Trust, Bldg. #2,
• Grand Coulee Library, 225 Federal Street
• Wellpinit: Spokane Tribe, 6290 B Ford-Wellpinit Road
• Spokane Library, 906 W. Main
Lake Roosevelt Forum
2206 S Sherman St
Spokane, WA 99203
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US Postage
Spokane, WA
Permit #4
Lake Roosevelt
Forum Members
Area Residents and
Bonneville Power
Bureau of Reclamation
Ferry County
Lincoln County
National Park Service
Spokane Tribe of Indians
Stevens County
Washington Department
of Ecology
Committed to the
environmental and
economic well being
of our communities
509-535-7084 |
June, 2009