Please find attached a submission to Plan Melbourne from Form


Please find attached a submission to Plan Melbourne from Form
Friday, 6 December 2013 2:20 PM;
Plan Melbourne Submission
Form Holdings and Caydon Properties Submission to Plan Melbourne.pdf.DRF;
Please find attached a submission to Plan Melbourne from Form Holdings and Caydon Properties. <<Form Holdings and Caydon Properties Submission to Plan Melbourne.pdf>>
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Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
This submission has been prepared by Urbis and MacroPlan Dimasi on
behalf of Form Holdings and Caydon Properties in relation to their
respective landholdings located in Cremorne Street and Harcourt
Parade, Cremorne.
These two landowners control substantial parcels and have “shovelready” projects that will make significant contributions to
transforming this important urban renewal area into a genuinely
mixed use employment and high density residential area – as
envisaged in Plan Melbourne, which identifies the site as being within
the East Richmond Station / Cremorne Urban Renewal Area.
The Form Holdings and Caydon Properties sites are adjacent to the
ERA mixed use development and the Nylex development site.
Together these parcels form a well-defined urban renewal precinct
that we refer to as ‘New Cremorne’.
This submission outlines:
The role of the subject precinct in supporting the policy
objectives of 1 million jobs for 1 million people residing in the
Central Subregion.
Identification of this key precinct within a designated urban
renewal area, and the need for a fast-tracked development
approvals process to be facilitated by the Metropolitan
Planning Authority (MPA) in order to deliver the vision for this
area outlined within Plan Melbourne.
We seek the following in relation to Plan Melbourne:
Retain the East Richmond Station / Cremorne Urban Renewal
Area as valid and viable feature of Plan Melbourne.
The redevelopment of their landholdings within the ‘New
Cremorne’ precinct will deliver a key pillar of the Plan
Melbourne strategy, at an iconic gateway location.
Advance the development of the Form Holdings and Caydon
Properties developments immediately as flagship projects to
demonstrate the high density mixed use outcomes that Plan
Melbourne is seeking in Urban Renewal Areas.
This redevelopment should be facilitated by the new
Metropolitan Planning Authority as the responsible authority by
fast-tracking a rezoning of the land, and subsequent separate
planning permit applications.
The ‘New Cremorne’
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
About Caydon Properties
Vision for Expanded Central City
In October 2013 the Victorian State Government released
the Metropolitan Planning Strategy (Plan Melbourne) for
comments due December 6th, 2013. The strategy outlines
the vision for Melbourne's growth to the year 2050 and is
the blueprint for the cities future prosperity. The strategy
encompasses an implementation plan that includes:
Caydon Properties is a private development agency with a
strong portfolio of commercial, retail and residential
focused projects around Melbourne. These include;
Plan Melbourne outlines the following vision for an
expended central Melbourne:
Integrated approach to land use and transport;
Economic needs and productivity that is central to the
strategy, such as access to employment zones,
maximising use of existing infrastructure and how
commercial and residential uses need to work
together; and
Creation of subregions to coordinate this delivery.
Caydon Properties and Form Holdings make this
submission to the State Government to outline how they
intend to work together with the new Metropolitan
Planning Strategy to bring to life policy and actions
outlined in Plan Melbourne.
About Form Holdings
Form Holdings are the owners of 167-169 Cremorne
Street and run a number of fashion businesses from the
site. Over the years these businesses have been scaled
back in response to market conditions, and Form Holdings
are now ready to transform the site into a high density
mixed use development. They have engaged architects
Fender Katsalidis and Joshua Farkash and Associates to
realise their vision for the site.
High-density apartment development in High Street
Prahran, Brunswick, North Melbourne and Footscray.;
Retail Development for IGA, Huxtaburger and Viva
Brazil sites.
All Caydon Properties developments are close to the key
city infrastructure and services – such as transport
options, employment opportunities and educational
facilities. Caydon look at the longevity of a project from
both a living and operation investment perspective which
is paramount in identifying the best locations for sites
where people will want to live.
Over the past two decades, employment has
significantly increased in the Central City, with office
floor space alone increasing by 900,000 square metres
between 2000–10. Docklands has been a major focus of
this growth.
Residential growth has also increased in the Central
City and Central Subregion, providing opportunities for
people to live close to where they work. This delivers
a range of benefits, including reduced commuting and
transport costs.
To ensure Melbourne’s expanded Central City becomes
Australia’s largest business centre, we will also need to
connect, manage and grow the existing and emerging
high-density, mixed-use neighbourhoods in the Central
Subregion. By planning for this significant employment
and population growth, we will take advantage
of the benefits of connecting people, skills, jobs
and businesses.
The ‘New Cremorne’ Precinct presents an opportunity to
deliver significant mixed use residential development in a
prime location, allowing the urban renewal taking place
to create a new gateway to Melbourne from the southeastern suburbs.
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
The following are the key Directions of Plan Melbourne
that can be addressed through the ‘New Cremorne’ urban
renewal precinct, supporting the Victorian State
Government in growing a strong and productive city.
Direction 1.4 - Plan for the Expanded Central City to
become Australia’s largest commercial and residential
centre by 2040
The Central City has some of Australia’s largest and
most globally-connected financial and professional
services businesses (particularly in the CBD, Docklands,
Southbank and St Kilda Road). It is located in the wider
Central Subregion and has a highly diverse economic
base with strengths in health, education, retail, creative
industries, tourism and port-related activities.
Residential growth has increased in the Central
City and Central Subregion, providing opportunities for
people to live close to where they work. This delivers
a range of benefits, including reduced commuting and
transport costs.
Initiatives 1.6.1
Direction 1.6 – Enable an investment pipeline of transit
orientated development and urban renewal
Identify new urban
renewal sites around
the existing train
network, based on
transit orientated
development principles
(Initiative 1.6.1, p.41)
This Direction advocates transit-oriented development
as a key way to achieve employment and population
growth, as well as achieve a broad range of economic,
social and environmental benefits from co-locating
employment, population and public transport.
The key initiatives of the policy direction will be
accommodated for through the proposal. The MPA must
support such development in order to see the key objectives
of the state strategic strategy achieved..
Initiatives 1.4.2
Prepare a plan for the
central subregion to
accommodate at least
one million jobs & one
million people
(Initiative 1.4.2, p.35)
Initiative 2.2.2 & 2.2.3
Unlock the capacity of
urban renewal precincts
for higher density, mixed
use development (Initiative
2.2.2 p. 63)
To ensure Melbourne’s expanded Central City becomes
Australia’s largest business centre, we will also need to
connect, manage and grow the existing and emerging
high-density, mixed-use neighbourhoods in the Central
Subregion. (p.33)
Deliver housing close to
jobs and transport
l(Initiative 2.2.3 p.64)
Direction 1.5 – Plan for jobs closer to where people live
The Metropolitan Melbourne Structure Plan is
designed to drive productivity and economic growth by
accommodating employment and residential growth
in designated locations across the city. In particular,
National Employment Clusters, Metropolitan Activity
Centres and Activity Centres will ensure employment
growth occurs outside of the Central City. This structure
will deliver a range of benefits, including reduced travel
demand, maximised use of existing government assets
and improved access to employment. (p.36)
Initiative 1.5.3
Support planning of
other activity
(Initiative 1.5.3 p.38)
Initiatives 7.1.1 & 7.1..2
Establish a metropolitan
planning authority
(Initiative 7.1.1, p.163)
Create five metropolitan
sub-regions to drive
delivery of the strategy
(Initiative 7.1.2, p.163)
Direction 2.2 – Reduce the cost of living by increasing
housing supply near services and public transport
The Strategy will aim to provide certainty and clarity
about where future development will occur and
which areas are best suited to medium- and higher-density
Locating medium-and higher-density development
near services, jobs and public transport supports the
objective of housing choice and affordability.
Key areas to accommodate higher-density housing are:
• Brownfield precincts (to be identified as urban renewal
• areas designated as National Employment Clusters
(existing and emerging)
• Metropolitan Activity Centres (existing and future)
and Activity Centres including land within 400
metres of the boundary of the commercial zones for
these centres. (p.63)
Direction 7.1 – Drive delivery and facilitate action
Plan Melbourne identified the need for good governance
structures and processes. With metropolitan planning and
delivery functions shared across three levels of government,
the private sector and community stakeholders, a key
challenge will be to ensure that the Strategy guides effective
delivery and decision making.
It will require new coordination structures and for the new
Metropolitan Planning Authority to coordinate all major
stakeholders, particularly for strategic locations where
additional jobs and housing are planned. (p. 163)
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
Melbourne’s Central City is set to become
Australia’s largest business centre and is projected
to grow from 450,000 jobs in 2011 to 830,000 jobs
by 2051.
Investment by successive Victorian Governments,
including at Southbank and Docklands, has
unlocked strategically located and relatively
affordable waterfront land. This has provided
private sector investment opportunities,
strengthened the productivity benefits that come
from greater knowledge-sector density, and
enabled Melbourne to compete for global capital…
Melbourne is fortuitous compared to many other
cities nationally and globally with available and
under-utilised land of a significant scale within and
around the Hoddle Grid. These urban renewal and
redevelopment precincts provide a wide range of
opportunities to support the centre of Melbourne to
grow and become Australia’s largest employment
centre within the next three decades. (Plan
Melbourne, pg. 25)
The ‘New
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
The ‘New Cremorne’ Precinct
The Caydon and Form Holdings sites are part of a cluster of former industrial properties that provide
exciting urban renewal opportunities to transform the area into the “New Cremorne”. Located near the
corner of the Monash Freeway and Punt Road, these sites enjoy excellent access via public transport,
road, and cycling and pedestrian connections (including the Capital City Trail shared path). They are also
highly visible and form a prominent gateway development site close to Melbourne’s central city.
The details of the sites are as follows (refer also to the map):
Form Holdings site
• 8,239 sqm
• Business 3 Zone
• Currently contains a factory/warehouse building and office
• Form Holdings propose a range of townhouses, apartment, office space, retail space and gallery
Caydon site
• 3,021 sqm
• Business 3 Zone
• Currently contains an industrial building
• Caydon propose an apartment building
Era site
• 6,482 sqm
• Comprehensive Development Zone
• 10 storey apartment building with offices and retail in the podium
• Terraced townhouses along Dover Street
Nylex site
• 11,107 sqm
• Comprehensive Development Zone
• Currently contains industrial buildings include the Nylex Plastics clock and silos
• The existing Development Plan contained in the planning scheme provides for restricted retail
premises, cafés, bars, offices, display/exhibition spaces and apartments, and for buildings up to 38m
in height.
These four sites form a clearly demarcated triangular precinct of former or current industrial land
bounded by Gough and Balmain Streets to the north, Dover Street to the east and the Monash Freeway
and Yarra River to the south-west. The surrounding properties contain generally 1 to 2 storey
residential, commercial and industrial uses, with some scattered taller buildings. In the wider East
Richmond Station / Cremorne Urban Renewal Area, the ‘Dimmeys’ site is currently being developed for
a large scale mixed-use development that includes an 10 storey apartment building.
The four parcels provide a total area of almost 3ha; excluding the 6,482sqm ERA site which is already
fully developed, there is 2.25ha of land available for immediate urban renewal. Assuming that a range
of townhouses, apartments and live-work units could be accommodated across the sites, this precinct is
capable of providing in the order of 1,200 dwellings housing in excess of 2,000 residents. Given that
Plan Melbourne seeks to protect large areas of Melbourne from further development (for example, at
least 50% of existing suburbs are proposed to fall within the Neighbourhood Residential Zone), urban
renewal areas such as Cremorne will have an even greater role to play in contributing to the
metropolitan area’s housing supply.
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
The draft Swan Street Structure Plan (which is being considered by City of Yarra on 17th December 2013) includes these sites in the Maltings Precinct, which is described as:
“a revitalised river-side precinct that provides a prominent visual gateway to the activity centre. This precinct will incorporate a range of building scales and supports mixed commercial, residential,
office, and arts and local creative industries. Maltings has a unique heritage character owing to its significant heritage protected buildings, which will be the focal point of an enhanced, brightened
precinct with greater street activity and a variety of residential options, whilst still retaining its distinctive historical feel”.
This “New Cremorne” precinct offers an excellent strategic opportunity to
transition to a modern, genuinely mixed use employment and high density
residential area for a wide range of reasons:
• It consists of four sizeable development sites that are some of the largest
available parcels in the East Richmond Station / Cremorne Urban Renewal
• As discussed above, the precinct is capable of housing in the order of 2,000
• The draft Swan Street Structure Plan provides a vision for the Maltings
Precinct as a mixed use area with a range of building heights.
• The ERA site provides a high quality flagship project for this precinct that
sets the scene for the emerging mixed use and mixed height character.
• The precinct has minimal constraints and a lack of sensitive interfaces.
Most of the existing smaller scale residential sites are to the north so
overshadowing will not be an issue, and the row of townhouses on the ERA
site demonstrates an appropriate treatment for the Dover Street side of
the precinct.
• The scale of the precinct and its lack of sensitive interfaces provides the
opportunity to accommodate a range of building heights that can maximise
its contribution to housing supply whilst ensuring that the development
responds to its surroundings.
• The precinct enjoys views to the Yarra River but is also separated from it by
the Monash Freeway, ensuring that the built form will not be located too
close to the riverbanks.
• The precinct currently has low employment yields and would benefit from
rejuvenation to replace the outdated industrial building stock with office,
retail and gallery/studio space that will significantly increase the number of
jobs Cremorne can support.
• The precinct is located approximately 2 kilometres south-east of the
Melbourne CBD, and has excellent access to public transport, cycling and
pedestrian connections (including the Capital City Trail).
• The precinct is a prominent gateway site, with the Monash Freeway (which
carries in excess of 160,000 vehicles per day) providing excellent exposure.
• The co-ordinated development of the precinct will result in major
enhancements to the local public open space network.
The “New Cremorne” precinct is clearly ideal and ready for development, and
should be fast tracked as one of the first urban renewal projects progressed as
part of Plan Melbourne. In this respect we note that both Form Holdings and
Caydon Properties have “shovel-ready” projects with all relevant planning
documentation completed and ready for processing by the Metropolitan
Planning Authority.
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
Cremorne - supporting Melbourne CBD growth
Expanding Cremorne into a highly competitive commercial precinct will require
complimentary residential development sites to be offered.
This can be achieved by ensuring there is sufficient residential, activity centre and
employment land releases in appropriate locations.
Over the past two decades, employment has significantly increased in the Central City, with
office floor space alone increasing by 1.2 million square metres between 2003-2013.
Docklands has been a major focus of this growth.
Land around railway stations and train corridors can provide valuable development
opportunities due to the access to public transport.
In particular relevance to Cremorne, there are also a number of former industrial and other
sites including the ‘New Cremorne’ precinct that no longer fulfil their function. By enabling
appropriate development (including housing and mixed-use development), the local
neighbourhood can be improved.
It is our view that – in line with recent development activity – this progression and infill will
see the long term growth of the precinct unfold to support people living closer to CBD jobs.
Connectivity – Rail and Road
The orange lines shown on the map to the left indicate railway line access in the surrounding region. As shown there are
numerous train lines in close proximity to the site, with strong commuter opportunities into the Melbourne CBD. It also
offers what many other suburbs do not – the opportunity to reverse commute, or travel to all parts of metropolitan
Melbourne conveniently, by train.
Further to this, as indicated by the green lines, the site is located adjacent to the Monash freeway offering strong eastwest access points to surrounding suburbs. Furthermore the location of the Monash freeway allows for quick access into
central Melbourne.
Building on the Central City strong subregion – opportunity for a new Cremorne
Being the key access route for Melbourne’s south-east into central Melbourne, as well as linking to the city’s north and
west via the Tullamarine and West Gate Freeways, is both a responsibility and opportunity for the area to make a
As is indicated on the map above, the site is extremely accessible from a regional perspective, and the area highlighted
contains a population of approximately 430,000 people, of which conservatively would see 45% travelling along this
corridor for work or leisure.
Residential development within this precinct will create the opportunity for people familiar with the Monash corridor to
move closer in to the city, and remain connected with their existing communities through the south-eastern suburbs of
Melbourne, with travel time from Cremorne to Glen Waverley being approximately 17 minutes.
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy
Development Outcomes
Form Holdings and Caydon Properties are seeking the
following development outcomes for the “New
Cremorne” precinct:
• Appropriate Zoning – Immediate fast-tracked
rezoning of their sites from Commercial 2 to the
Comprehensive Development Zone to ensure a consistent
approach across the “New Cremorne” precinct (noting
that the ERA and Nylex sites are already within the
Comprehensive Development Zone).
• A Mix of Uses – Plan Melbourne provides a vision to
“unlock the capacity of urban renewal precincts for
higher-density, mixed-use development” (Initiative 2.2.2).
The “New Cremorne” precinct should be developed for a
mix of high-density residential uses and a range of
employment-generating uses including office, retail and
gallery/studio spaces.
• A Range of Building Heights – The “New Cremorne”
precinct is well-positioned and of a large size that is
capable of incorporating a range of building heights.
On behalf of Form Holdings and Caydon Properties, it is
submitted that:
The East Richmond Station / Cremorne Urban
Renewal Area is a valid and viable feature of Plan
Melbourne and should be retained.
The redevelopment of their landholdings within the
‘New Cremorne’ precinct will deliver a key pillar of
the Plan Melbourne strategy, at an iconic gateway
Their sites have “shovel-ready” applications that
should be advanced immediately as flagship
projects to demonstrate the high density mixed use
outcomes that Plan Melbourne is seeking in Urban
Renewal Areas.
This redevelopment should be facilitated by the
new Metropolitan Planning Authority as the
responsible authority by fast-tracking a rezoning of
the land, and subsequent separate planning permit
Submission in response to the Metropolitan Planning Strategy