w w w. p o r t a d o o r s .c o m PORTA KMI Poland Sp. z o.o. Po r t a P r o d u c t s C a t a l o g u e S z k o l n a s t r. 2 6 , 8 4 - 2 3 9 B o l s z e w o , P o l a n d phone: +48/58 677 81 00, fax: +48/58 677 81 99, e-mail info@porta.com.pl P O R TA’s f a c to r i e s P O R TA d e a l e r s n e t w o r k Por ta Products CATALOGUE www.por tadoors.com www.portadoors.com Druk PORTA 299/10. Zlecenie 2010-3924-MP Data 10.02.2011 Porta veneers classification Authorised Distributors Baia Mare DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Especially for our Clients we have developed a classification of finishes based on the European standards taking into account external factors which directly affect the door surface durability. The classification includes the following factors affecting the doors and veneers in everyday use: Cleaning agents Humidity Daylight it is an inherent factor to any door usage. The doors are exposed to many knocks and scrapes associated with passage of people whose hands are often busy with documents or personal belongings and do not allow the use of the doors properly. The leaf surface must resist children games, and the pets do not spare the doors when waiting for their masters. both house and office cleaning work requires the use of cleaning agents which are not neutral for the surface durability. high air humidity affects veneer directly and the veneer resistance to this factor guarantees stability of the shape and uniformity of door surface throughout the whole door life time. this factor affects the changes of colour over a long period of use. We have tested for you all types of veneers and their reaction to daylight during many year operation and we may say with pride that our methods of door finishing give very good results throughout their whole lifetime. HHIIII STANDARD Interior acrylic paint Porta basic class – it ensures long service life for the household. HHHIII STANDARD PLUS Veneers: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt extended Standard class with improved parameters of resistance to abrasion and humidity. HHHHII PREMIUM Veneers: Portadur, natural standard, natural select, PVC, acrylic paint, water-based varnish (exterior) a class with the highest average parameters, which guarantee high functional value and are designed for use in residential buildings and offices. HHHHHI PROFESSIONAL Veneers: HQ CPL, polyester paint, PVC laminated steel sheet a class which combines functionality and elegance wherever the doors are exposed to a prolonged weather impact – they are suggested for hotels, public buildings and offices. Bistrita-Nasaud DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Braila DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Piatra Neamt IMPACT DISTRIBUTION, tel.: 0233 228 625, 0726 746 182, comercial@impact.com.ro Brasov DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Brasov RETCO, tel.: 0268 417 714, bianca.gheorghe@retco.ro, www.retco.ro Bucureşti ARABESQUE, tel.: 031 405 65 36, 0747 493 318, nicoleta.antoniu@arabesque.ro, www.arabesque.ro Bucureşti AX PERPETUUM, tel.: 0743 098 447, marian.manases@perpetuum.ro, www.perpetuum.ro Bucureşti PRO-DIAS EXPERT DESIGN, tel.: 021 311 56 58, 021 300 29 08, 0726 711 355, office@prodias.ro Sibiu FLORIDA CONSTRUCT tel.: 0788 823 333, 0788.239.224, 0269 244 711, 0761 322 897, floridasibiu@yahoo.com Bucureşti REI PRODIMEX, tel.: 021 410 87 88, 0726 388 601, office@reiambient. ro, www.reiambient.ro Suceava DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Bucureşti WOODCOTE ROMANIA, tel.: 021.369.5775, 0727.810.771, fax: 021.369.5775, bucuresti@woodcote.ro, www.woodcote.ro Targu Jiu DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Buzau DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Buzău PICO DO PRODEXIM, tel.: +40 238 723 188, picodoprodexim@yahoo.com Cluj AX PERPETUUM, tel.: 0740 018 047, marian.manases@perpetuum.ro, www.perpetuum.ro Cluj Napoca DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Cluj WOODCOTE ROMANIA, tel.: 0264 415 373, 0727 734 697, fax: 0264 415 535, cluj@woodcote.ro, www.woodcote.ro Constanta LUXOR, tel.: 0723.313.248, luxor.trading@yahoo.com Constanta DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Resistance to weather STANDARD STANDARD PLUS PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL EXTREME The diagram shows particular locations suggested by Porta for doors with different types of veneer. Timisoara, FILER IMPEX, tel.: 0722 596 030 iahim_e@yahoo.com Timisoara GESO GROUP, tel.: 0256 210 217, 0744 763 516, 0740 580 599 gesogroup@clicknet.ro, www.geso.ro Timisoara EDIL HOME, tel.: 0723 919 468, 0356 117 835 mateiu_elena@yahoo. com, elena.mateiu@usiedil.ro, www.usiedil.ro Timisoara EUROBAC, tel.: 0256 215 127, showroom.tm@eurobac.ro Tulcea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Turda AGROLIV, tel.: 0264 314 501, 0729 636 342, agroliv@yahoo.com Vaslui DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Moskwa ETALON, tel.: +8 495 95 3 17 76, radis@telecall.ru Deva SIMAL EXIM, tel.: 0254 230 630, 0723 696 696, fax 0254 224 550, simal@ smart.ro, www.simal.ro St-Petersburg SMART-COMPANY, tel.: +7 812 644 41 60 j.gruzdova@smart-company.ru, www.smart-company.ru Livezeni (jud. Mures), BTM DISTRIBUTION, tel.: 0728 606 061, 0728 606 066, office@btmdistribution.ro ECONOMIC Timisoara DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro RUSSIA Iasi DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro HHHHHH Targu Mures PLATINUM CORPORATION, tel.: 0744 796 442, 0365 816 900, prestige@amenajari-de-lux.com Deva QUASAR INDUSTRIES, tel.: 0254 206 293, 0722 228 451, dana.cazacu@ quasar.ro, www.quasar.ro Galati ROMDECOR, tel.: 0236 470 407, 0743 098 742, 0236 470 025, 0742 038 420, romdecorcosbuc@yahoo.com, romdecorgalati@yahoo.com HHHHH Targoviste DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Craiova EUROCASA, tel.: 0753 100 251, 0251 506 199, 0251 506 200, fax: 0251 506 200, eurocasa.craiova@gmail.com, www.usieurocasa.ro Focsani DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro HHHH Targu Mures DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Zalau MULTICOM, tel.: 0260 606 122, 0260 606 123, fax: 0260 615 508, office@multicomgroup.ro Drobeta Turnu Severin DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro HHH Suceava REVINE IMPEX, tel.: 0767 563 235, office@revine.ro, Craiova CASA NOASTRA, tel.: 0251 429 532, 0729330644, www.casanoastra.ro Deva R&G INDUSTRIES, tel.: 0254 236 244, 0254 231 845 HH Sebes FLORIDA CONSTRUCT, tel.: 0788 823 333, 0258 823 333, 0258 733 070, floridasebes@yahoo.com Sibiu AVI, tel.: 0269 248 080, 0727 200 101, avi1@clicknet.ro, avi2@clicknet.ro, www.avi-f.ro Constanta FIVE – HOLDING, tel.: 0241 588 899, 0241 588 933, lux@five-brick.ro, mkbrickcta1@yahoo.com H Satu-Mare BIZMANN, tel.: 0726 376 984, imago.brigitta@gmail.com Bucureşti PORTA BRAND B&M, tel.: 037 117 85 53, 0724 311 437, 0752 116 317, fax: 037 117 85 53, office@usi-porta.ro; www.usi-porta.ro Comanesti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro High traffic places Roman DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Slatina DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Cluj INDY GO, tel.: 0723 505 938, 0264 265 065, 0264 403 535, office@indygo.ro, www.indygo.ro Hotels, offices, public buildings Rm. Valcea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Bucuresti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Cluj AGROLIV, tel.: 0264 314 501, 0729 636 342, agroliv@yahoo.com Buildings, residential spaces with a wide range of uses Oradea PROGES, tel.: 0259 406 290, secretariat@proges.ro, www.proges.ro Piatra Neamt DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Veneers: HPL, acidproof stainless steel a class with parameters which guarantee protection during intensive use of the models with this type of veneer – it is designed for places where crowds of people pass every day. Oradea EUROBAC ROMANIA, tel.: 0259 415 811, 0744 778 779, office@eurobac.ro, eurobac.romania@gmail.com, www.eurobac.ro Botosani DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Craiova DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Porta classification takes onto account six groups which include all kinds of veneer used for Porta door ranges. Finishing quality, durability, aesthetics – all of them are specified for each group and we hope that our classification will help make optimum choice and allow you to take best decision. Bistriţa FRANCESCA COMSERV SRL, tel.: 0263 234 115, 0722 555 661, francescasrl_bn@yahoo.com HHHHHH EXTREME Class Abrasion With each presented product information on veneer used is provided: Oradea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Onesti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Oneşti SEPHARD CASA, tel.: 0040 34 31 01 05, catalinpuscalau@sephard.ro Moscow ELITEL, tel.: +7 495 779 12 76, dveriporta@mtu-net.ru, www.elitel.ru Moscow ROSPROOF, tel.: +7 495 933 75 63, dmitry@rosproof.ru, www.rosproof.ru Kaliningrad PARTNERS, tel.: +7 911 470 80 62, partners39@gmail.com St-Petersburg SMART-COMPANY, tel.: +7 812 644 41 60, j.gruzdova@smart-company.ru, www.smart-company.ru Smolensk VEGA AVANGARD, tel.: +7 4812 66 07 03, 38 75 24, info@vegaavangard.com, www.vegadveri.ru UKRAINE Kiev PORTA KMI UKRAINA Ltd, tel.: +38 044 566 04 24, fax +38 044 576 42 20, info@porta.com.pl, www.porta.com.pl SERBIA Novi BelgradKMI D.O.OPOLAND <<PORTA DOORS>> BEOGRAD, tel.:the +381 113 089to909, PORTA Sp. z o.o. reserve rights +381 113 089 910, porta-bg@eunet.rs, www.portadoors.rs change without previous information the technology of production and construction of their products. Any information provided in the catalogue shall not be considered an offer in the meaning of the Civil Code. Porta veneers classification Authorised Distributors Baia Mare DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Especially for our Clients we have developed a classification of finishes based on the European standards taking into account external factors which directly affect the door surface durability. The classification includes the following factors affecting the doors and veneers in everyday use: Cleaning agents Humidity Daylight it is an inherent factor to any door usage. The doors are exposed to many knocks and scrapes associated with passage of people whose hands are often busy with documents or personal belongings and do not allow the use of the doors properly. The leaf surface must resist children games, and the pets do not spare the doors when waiting for their masters. both house and office cleaning work requires the use of cleaning agents which are not neutral for the surface durability. high air humidity affects veneer directly and the veneer resistance to this factor guarantees stability of the shape and uniformity of door surface throughout the whole door life time. this factor affects the changes of colour over a long period of use. We have tested for you all types of veneers and their reaction to daylight during many year operation and we may say with pride that our methods of door finishing give very good results throughout their whole lifetime. HHIIII STANDARD Interior acrylic paint Porta basic class – it ensures long service life for the household. HHHIII STANDARD PLUS Veneers: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt extended Standard class with improved parameters of resistance to abrasion and humidity. HHHHII PREMIUM Veneers: Portadur, natural standard, natural select, PVC, acrylic paint, water-based varnish (exterior) a class with the highest average parameters, which guarantee high functional value and are designed for use in residential buildings and offices. HHHHHI PROFESSIONAL Veneers: HQ CPL, polyester paint, PVC laminated steel sheet a class which combines functionality and elegance wherever the doors are exposed to a prolonged weather impact – they are suggested for hotels, public buildings and offices. Bistrita-Nasaud DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Braila DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Piatra Neamt IMPACT DISTRIBUTION, tel.: 0233 228 625, 0726 746 182, comercial@impact.com.ro Brasov DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Brasov RETCO, tel.: 0268 417 714, bianca.gheorghe@retco.ro, www.retco.ro Bucureşti ARABESQUE, tel.: 031 405 65 36, 0747 493 318, nicoleta.antoniu@arabesque.ro, www.arabesque.ro Bucureşti AX PERPETUUM, tel.: 0743 098 447, marian.manases@perpetuum.ro, www.perpetuum.ro Bucureşti PRO-DIAS EXPERT DESIGN, tel.: 021 311 56 58, 021 300 29 08, 0726 711 355, office@prodias.ro Sibiu FLORIDA CONSTRUCT tel.: 0788 823 333, 0788.239.224, 0269 244 711, 0761 322 897, floridasibiu@yahoo.com Bucureşti REI PRODIMEX, tel.: 021 410 87 88, 0726 388 601, office@reiambient. ro, www.reiambient.ro Suceava DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Bucureşti WOODCOTE ROMANIA, tel.: 021.369.5775, 0727.810.771, fax: 021.369.5775, bucuresti@woodcote.ro, www.woodcote.ro Targu Jiu DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Buzau DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Buzău PICO DO PRODEXIM, tel.: +40 238 723 188, picodoprodexim@yahoo.com Cluj AX PERPETUUM, tel.: 0740 018 047, marian.manases@perpetuum.ro, www.perpetuum.ro Cluj Napoca DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Cluj WOODCOTE ROMANIA, tel.: 0264 415 373, 0727 734 697, fax: 0264 415 535, cluj@woodcote.ro, www.woodcote.ro Constanta LUXOR, tel.: 0723.313.248, luxor.trading@yahoo.com Constanta DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Resistance to weather STANDARD STANDARD PLUS PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL EXTREME The diagram shows particular locations suggested by Porta for doors with different types of veneer. Timisoara, FILER IMPEX, tel.: 0722 596 030 iahim_e@yahoo.com Timisoara GESO GROUP, tel.: 0256 210 217, 0744 763 516, 0740 580 599 gesogroup@clicknet.ro, www.geso.ro Timisoara EDIL HOME, tel.: 0723 919 468, 0356 117 835 mateiu_elena@yahoo. com, elena.mateiu@usiedil.ro, www.usiedil.ro Timisoara EUROBAC, tel.: 0256 215 127, showroom.tm@eurobac.ro Tulcea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Turda AGROLIV, tel.: 0264 314 501, 0729 636 342, agroliv@yahoo.com Vaslui DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Moskwa ETALON, tel.: +8 495 95 3 17 76, radis@telecall.ru Deva SIMAL EXIM, tel.: 0254 230 630, 0723 696 696, fax 0254 224 550, simal@ smart.ro, www.simal.ro St-Petersburg SMART-COMPANY, tel.: +7 812 644 41 60 j.gruzdova@smart-company.ru, www.smart-company.ru Livezeni (jud. Mures), BTM DISTRIBUTION, tel.: 0728 606 061, 0728 606 066, office@btmdistribution.ro ECONOMIC Timisoara DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro RUSSIA Iasi DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro HHHHHH Targu Mures PLATINUM CORPORATION, tel.: 0744 796 442, 0365 816 900, prestige@amenajari-de-lux.com Deva QUASAR INDUSTRIES, tel.: 0254 206 293, 0722 228 451, dana.cazacu@ quasar.ro, www.quasar.ro Galati ROMDECOR, tel.: 0236 470 407, 0743 098 742, 0236 470 025, 0742 038 420, romdecorcosbuc@yahoo.com, romdecorgalati@yahoo.com HHHHH Targoviste DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Craiova EUROCASA, tel.: 0753 100 251, 0251 506 199, 0251 506 200, fax: 0251 506 200, eurocasa.craiova@gmail.com, www.usieurocasa.ro Focsani DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro HHHH Targu Mures DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Zalau MULTICOM, tel.: 0260 606 122, 0260 606 123, fax: 0260 615 508, office@multicomgroup.ro Drobeta Turnu Severin DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro HHH Suceava REVINE IMPEX, tel.: 0767 563 235, office@revine.ro, Craiova CASA NOASTRA, tel.: 0251 429 532, 0729330644, www.casanoastra.ro Deva R&G INDUSTRIES, tel.: 0254 236 244, 0254 231 845 HH Sebes FLORIDA CONSTRUCT, tel.: 0788 823 333, 0258 823 333, 0258 733 070, floridasebes@yahoo.com Sibiu AVI, tel.: 0269 248 080, 0727 200 101, avi1@clicknet.ro, avi2@clicknet.ro, www.avi-f.ro Constanta FIVE – HOLDING, tel.: 0241 588 899, 0241 588 933, lux@five-brick.ro, mkbrickcta1@yahoo.com H Satu-Mare BIZMANN, tel.: 0726 376 984, imago.brigitta@gmail.com Bucureşti PORTA BRAND B&M, tel.: 037 117 85 53, 0724 311 437, 0752 116 317, fax: 037 117 85 53, office@usi-porta.ro; www.usi-porta.ro Comanesti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro High traffic places Roman DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Slatina DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Cluj INDY GO, tel.: 0723 505 938, 0264 265 065, 0264 403 535, office@indygo.ro, www.indygo.ro Hotels, offices, public buildings Rm. Valcea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Bucuresti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Cluj AGROLIV, tel.: 0264 314 501, 0729 636 342, agroliv@yahoo.com Buildings, residential spaces with a wide range of uses Oradea PROGES, tel.: 0259 406 290, secretariat@proges.ro, www.proges.ro Piatra Neamt DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@ dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Veneers: HPL, acidproof stainless steel a class with parameters which guarantee protection during intensive use of the models with this type of veneer – it is designed for places where crowds of people pass every day. Oradea EUROBAC ROMANIA, tel.: 0259 415 811, 0744 778 779, office@eurobac.ro, eurobac.romania@gmail.com, www.eurobac.ro Botosani DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Craiova DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Porta classification takes onto account six groups which include all kinds of veneer used for Porta door ranges. Finishing quality, durability, aesthetics – all of them are specified for each group and we hope that our classification will help make optimum choice and allow you to take best decision. Bistriţa FRANCESCA COMSERV SRL, tel.: 0263 234 115, 0722 555 661, francescasrl_bn@yahoo.com HHHHHH EXTREME Class Abrasion With each presented product information on veneer used is provided: Oradea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Onesti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman. ro, www.dedeman.ro Oneşti SEPHARD CASA, tel.: 0040 34 31 01 05, catalinpuscalau@sephard.ro Moscow ELITEL, tel.: +7 495 779 12 76, dveriporta@mtu-net.ru, www.elitel.ru Moscow ROSPROOF, tel.: +7 495 933 75 63, dmitry@rosproof.ru, www.rosproof.ru Kaliningrad PARTNERS, tel.: +7 911 470 80 62, partners39@gmail.com St-Petersburg SMART-COMPANY, tel.: +7 812 644 41 60, j.gruzdova@smart-company.ru, www.smart-company.ru Smolensk VEGA AVANGARD, tel.: +7 4812 66 07 03, 38 75 24, info@vegaavangard.com, www.vegadveri.ru UKRAINE Kiev PORTA KMI UKRAINA Ltd, tel.: +38 044 566 04 24, fax +38 044 576 42 20, info@porta.com.pl, www.porta.com.pl SERBIA Novi BelgradKMI D.O.OPOLAND <<PORTA DOORS>> BEOGRAD, tel.:the +381 113 089to909, PORTA Sp. z o.o. reserve rights +381 113 089 910, porta-bg@eunet.rs, www.portadoors.rs change without previous information the technology of production and construction of their products. Any information provided in the catalogue shall not be considered an offer in the meaning of the Civil Code. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: ¡ High quality doors ¡ Innovative design ¡ Products having certificates and technical approvaLS ¡Tested solutionS for investment ¡ Extensive distribution network in Poland and Europe ¡ Professional after-sales servicE FIND IT ALL IN THE PORTA DOORS CATALOGUE 5 year warranty on all products 36 months for the door leaves and frames purchased in period: from the 1st of july to 31st of december 2011 additional 24 months for use of the authorized assembly groups services detailed rules available at: http :// www. portadoors . com /hz /regulamin5lat _ ez . pdf S hould anyone attempt to write a history of doors based on the wealth of door descriptions, designs and styles specific for different periods of history and different places, this would be a fascinating story where social and political events affecting the fate of the world and personal meetings happened behind the doors, with doors in the background or somewhere in-between. We may say that doors represent an idea of a movable plane with the basic function intended to separate different rooms, this idea being enriched by human intervention from the very beginning. Therefore, the doors are not only a piece of an apar tment or public space – first of all, they accompany human everyday activities: at work, during rest time, in happiness, in conversation, when developing human relationships. Such an unexpected look at the doors allows us to discover their quite surprising function. Porta KMI Poland continues the best door production tradition and presents the catalogue PORTA DOORS which will reveal the most recent door industry achievements as far as styles, designs and technology are concerned. You will certainly be able to choose among so many ranges and to start telling your personal story. All models represent the highest quality of workmanship and operational reliability. We care about each detail of our products as the Clients’ satisfaction is rewarding for the whole team of Porta KMI Poland. BUILDING BRAND OF THE YEAR 2010 Porta KMI Poland S.A. S z k o l n a s t r. 2 6 , 8 4 - 2 3 9 B o l s z e wo, Po l a n d p h o n e : + 4 8 5 8 6 7 7 8 1 0 0 , Fa x : + 4 8 5 8 6 7 7 8 1 9 9 , e - m a i l : i n fo @ p o r t a . c o m . p l w w w.por tadoors.com INDEX Interior doors Flush door leaves MINIMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves With applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Embossed door leaves LONDON, VIENNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta DECOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta TWIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta GRANDDECO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta STYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta FIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta NOVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Porta LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves CPL laminated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves SLOT-MILLED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel door leaves Porta CONCEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel door leaves Porta IDEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 28 34 36 38 40 42 new colors! new colors! new collection! new colors! new colors! new models! new colors! new colors! new collection! Interior door leaves in natural veneer Flush door leaves Porta CLASSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel door leaves MALAGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel door leaves MADRID, CORDOBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel door leaves TOLEDO, SEVILLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Side panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves Nova NATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves NATURE LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves NATURE STYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves NATURE TREND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush door leaves NATURE SPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flush and panel door leaves NATURE CONCEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 48 50 52 54 56 62 64 66 68 70 new colors! new collection! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! 76 78 80 82 84 new collection! new collection! 88 90 92 94 new colors! new colors! new colors! new solutions! Sliding systems, folding doors PORTA sliding door system, ALU sliding door system (on wall) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPACT sliding door system (in to the wall) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Embossed wardrobe door leaves OXFORD, GENEVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALPHA, BETA folding doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMEGA double-leaf sliding doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interior entrance doors AGATE, OPAL reinforced doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUARTZ fire-resistant doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRANITE anti-theft „C” class doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRANITE PS anti-theft doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exterior doors ROMA metal doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WROCLAW doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GDYNIA doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transoms for exterior doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 new models! 100 102 104 Technical and metal doors 27 dB, 32 dB sound retardant doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 dB sound retardant doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EI 30, EI 60 fire resistant doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENDURO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AQUA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metal door leaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EI 30 fire resistant metal doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 new colors! 110 new colors! 112 new colors! 114 116 118 120 Door frames MINIMAX door frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porta SYSTEM door frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRESTIGE door frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porta SYSTEM door frame for Gipsy Kings door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angle-bar small, large door frame, large folding door frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjustable metal door frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AGATEE, OPAL door frame, METAL sliding door system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT door frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 126 128 new product! 130 132 new product! 134 136 138 140 142 Accessories and dimensions Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Masking architraves, additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Door assembly dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Door sizes tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Novelties! 147 149 150 Other information Samples of colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Porta CONTRACT (non-standard offer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Porta LINE flush door leaves INTERIOR doors rom the very beginning Porta KMI Poland has specialized, and still does, in internal doors intended for indoor use in apartments and offices. It should be noted that internal doors cannot be installed as apartment entrance doors or wherever temperature and humidity conditions are adverse. A wide range allows each Customer to find a leaf model of interest both in terms of design and price. F We offer flush doors finished with paint, wide colour palette of laminates, synthetic and natural veneer, as well as frame-and-panel doors finished with natural veneer. High quality is the common feature of particular models. Customers may be sure that they will purchase the highest quality product regardless the price. MINIMAX With applications Embossed LONDON, VIENNA Porta DECOR Porta TWIST Porta GRANDDECO Porta STYLE Porta FOCUS Porta FIT Porta NOVA Porta LINE HQ CPL veneer SLOT-MILLED Porta CONCEPT Porta IDEA Enjoy the quality! new colors! new colors! new collection! new colors! new colors! new models! new colors! new colors! new collection! MINIMAX NEW MODELS MINIMAX doors represent an attractive range for the Customers who do not accept a compromise between lower price and reduced product quality. We guarantee high quality of the product covered Portadecor veneer, which is characterized by a much higher functional properties than the commonly used lacquered HDF (withdrawn from the PORTA offer). We are the only company in Poland to offer popular white doors for which we use the double painted eucalyptus wood panel – the best for this purpose. full 6 small light large light small sash medium sash narrow light AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Acrylic paint (interior) The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood filled with stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge) and covered from both sides with HDF boards. LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. White (RAL9016) Portadecor veneer FINISHING The leaf is painted with new generation ecological water varnish or Portadecor veneer. The light frame (made from MDF) and the sash frame (made of PVC) are made in the color of the door leaf. NEW COLORS Beech Bavaria samples of colors MODELS Cherry tree Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS • • • • • Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) „honeycomb” stabilizing perforated chipboard PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100”, „110” 1 Double leaf*: „90“ ÷ „200“ 2 DOOR FRAME (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • patterns: small light, large light MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame Metal door frame NOTES • * Paint-it-yourself leaves at the price of the Minimax white leaf. Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Available with perforated chipboard core only. Pane’s dimensions are the same as for „100” size. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Passive leaf (side panels) with sizes „30”, „40”, „50” only in full option. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm bull’s eye made from stainless steel hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) mat hardened pane – small light mat hardened pane – large light mat hardened pane – small sash mat hardened pane – medium sash mat hardened pane – narrow light 7 With applications The basic feature of the doors with applications is their solid construction based on the MINIMAX leaf. The possibility to choose decoration elements in two colors is another distinctive feature of this model. pattern 1 8 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 5 pattern 6 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Acrylic paint (interior) The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood filled with stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge) and covered from both sides with HDF boards. LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf–colored skirting tape. White (RAL9016) Application colours – veener FINISHING The leaf is painted with new generation ecological water varnish. MODELS Blue samples of colors Single leaf: full Double leaves: full Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). Beech see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110“ Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) „honeycomb” stabilizing perforated chipboard Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110” 1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200” 2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame Metal door frame NOTES * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Available with perforated chipboard core only. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) 9 LONDON, VIENNA Classical design, elegance and high finish standard are typical features of London and Vienna doors. High durability and refined technology make the product reliable and popular. LONDON, full 10 LONDON, small light LONDON, medium sash LONDON, large sash VIENNA, full VIENNA, small light DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Acrylic paint (interior) The door leaf is filled with stabilizing inserts and covered from both sides with embossed HDF boards. LEAF EDGE PROFILE “R” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. White (RAL9016) FINISHING PVC veneer Light beech Alder samples of colors The leaf is double varnished with acrylic paint or veneered with PVC woodlike veneer (LONDON only). The light frame and sash (made of PVC) are veneered in the color of the door leaf. Apple tree Golden Oak see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS MODELS • LONDON (PVC veneer or varnished). • VIENNA (only varnished). Single door: full, small light, medium sash, large sash. Double doors: full, medium sash, large sash. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • stabilizing inserts Two standard pintle hinges* Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“ Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „180“ 1 PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Metal door frame NOTES all glazed models * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. „wood grain” surface structure ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) VIENNA, medium sash VIENNA, large sash 11 Porta DECOR The basic qualities of this product range include durable construction, attractively priced high quality veneer with improved abrasion resistance and resistance to humidity. A wide range of new and attractive color veneers provides a more attractive collection. Porta DECOR doors perfectly fit both the residential and office spaces. full 12 small light large light small sash medium sash narrow light DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood filled with stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge) and covered from both sides with HDF boards. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Grey Euroinvest Oak* Cherry tree Walnut “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White MODELS * till stock-out samples of colors FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with Portadecor veneer. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. Narrow light and sash frames (made of PVC) veneered in the colour of the door leaf. Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS • • • • • Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) „honeycomb” stabilizing perforated chipboard Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110”1 Double leaf*: „90“ ÷ „200“2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME • • • • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame Metal door frame NOTES patterns: small light, large light patterns: small sash, medium sash, narrow light • Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The perforated chipboard and solid chipboard core leaves come with preparation for shortening as standard. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Available only with the perforated chipboard core. Pane’s dimensions are the same as for „100” size. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Passive leaf (side panels) with sizes „30”, „40”, „50” only in full option. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm bull’s eye made from stainless steel hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) mat hardened pane – small light mat hardened pane – large light mat hardened pane – small sash mat hardened pane – medium sash mat hardened pane – narrow light 13 Porta TWIST Simple form and sharp outlines of the offered Porta TWIST doors have been softened by arches and curvatures which may be adjusted to the living space character. This is a series of products addressed to the customers who desire to emphasize the door and make it a distinctive feature as one of prevailing elements of the interior decoration. pattern A.0 14 pattern A.1 pattern A.3 pattern B.0 pattern B.1 pattern B.2 NEW COLLECTION pattern C.0 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest The door leaf is composed of combination of honeycomb core and stabilizing board or solid chipboard (option at an extra charge). The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. Door leaves are also equipped by either a pane or flat panel (4 mm thick HDF board veneered from both sides). Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 * till stock-out samples of colors Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. FINISHING The leaf is covered with Portadecor veneer. PVC frame is in the colour of the door leaf. MODELS Single and double leaf: in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Two pintle hinges standard* Three pintle hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern: mat) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) „honeycomb” stabilizing solid chipboard reinforced by plywood Single leaf*: „60“1, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110”2 Double leaf*: „120“1 ÷ „200“3 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame Metal door frame NOTES: • * Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The solid chipboard reinforced by plywood comes with preparation for shortening as standard. Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. all patterns 1 Not available in pattern A and D 2 Available only with solid chipboard core reinforced by plywood. 3 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: solid chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60“, „70“, „80“ or „90“ preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern C.1 pattern D.0 pattern D.1 15 Porta GRANDDECO Porta GRANDDECO is a classic design and a guarantee of an elegant interior. A simple form is a synonym for good taste. The models are addressed to the Customers who value tradition and who feel excellent in classically designed interiors. pattern 1.1 16 pattern 1.2 pattern 1.3 pattern 2.1 pattern 2.2 pattern 2.3 pattern 3.1 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer The leaf core is made of honeycomb chipboard. Optionally, perforated chipboard (models 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1) or solid chipboard (other models) reinforced of inner frame made of plywood. The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Grey Euroinvest Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with Portadecor veneer. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. MODELS * till stock-out samples of colors “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla” or hardened mat) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) solid chipboard reinforced by plywood „honeycomb” stabilizing Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110” 1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame Metal door frame perforated chipboard NOTES:. • * PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The perforated chipboard and solid chipboard core leaves come with preparation for shortening as standard. Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. • 1 Available only with the perforated chipboard core. Pane’s dimensions are the same as for „100” size. • 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. all glazed models all solid models ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: perforated or solid chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) pattern 3.2 pattern 4.1 pattern 4.2 handle with escutcheon (page 144) 17 Porta GRANDDECO Porta GRANDDECO is a classic design and a guarantee of an elegant interior. A simple form is a synonym for good taste. The models are addressed to the Customers who attach an importance to the tradition and who feel excellent in classically designed interiors. pattern 5.1 18 pattern 5.2 pattern 6.1 pattern 6.2 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer The leaf core is made of honeycomb chipboard. Optionally, perforated chipboard (models 5.1, 6.1) or solid chipboard (other models) reinforced of inner frame made of plywood. The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Grey Euroinvest Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with Portadecor veneer. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. MODELS * till stock-out samples of colors “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla” or hardened mat) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) solid chipboard reinforced by plywood „honeycomb” stabilizing Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110”1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame Metal door frame perforated chipboard NOTES: • Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The perforated chipboard and solid chipboard core leaves come with preparation for shortening as standard. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME 1 Available only with the perforated chipboard core. Pane’s dimensions are the same as for „100” size. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. all glazed models all solid models ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: perforated or solid chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) 19 Porta STYLE The distinctive features of this range include many decorative qualities while preserving individual approach to the interior. The design, which meets high requirements of the Customers, allows the creation of an interesting decor effect. NEW COLORS * The same prices apply to door leaves with panels (thickness 8 mm, veneered on both sides). pattern 1 20 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 5 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest In models (1, 2, 3 and 4) the leaf core is made of stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge). In model 5, the leaf core is made of solid chipboard. The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White * till stock-out HQ CPL veneer White Beech Porta FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with Portadecor veneer or HQ CPL veneer. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. MODELS Grey Euroinvest LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. Mahogany Walnut Glazed leaves. Leaves with panel (with 8 mm thick panel veneered from both sides). Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut samples of colors Walnut Modena 1 • • • • • Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla” or hardened mat) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Walnut Modena 1 Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110”1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 see pages 156-158 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS • • • • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame (tylko z okleiną Portadecor) Metal door frame NOTES „honeycomb” stabilizing solid chipboard reinforced by plywood perforated chipboard • Sizes „100” and „110” are not available for model 5. • Two sleeve rows are not available for model 5. • Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The perforated chipboard and solid chipboard core leaves come with preparation for shortening as standard. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Available only with the perforated chipboard core. Pane’s dimensions are the same as for „100” size. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME all models in Portadecor veneer all models in CPL HQ veneer ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) 100”, „110” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) 21 Porta FOCUS Glazed models are designed for people who value and appreciate the freedom of space, for whom natural light plays an important role in planning the interior. Porta FOCUS are directed for those who wish to make their homes standing out through modern and exceptionally attractive style of interior design. pattern 1.B 22 pattern 1.C pattern 1.D pattern 2.A pattern 2.B pattern 2.C NEW MODELS pattern 2.D DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest The door leaf is filled with stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge). Frame with filing is covered from both sides with HDF board. In glazed models is used hardened mat pane with a thickness 8 mm, which is an element of door construction. Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White * till stock-out samples of colors see pages 156-158 LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. Also part of the pane edge is covered with leaf-colored skirting tape – concerns patterns from 3 group. FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with Portadecor veneer. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf for patterns from 1 and 2 group. MDF trim is veneered in the colour of the door leaf for patterns from 3 group. MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Single-leaf sliding door are made without hinges and rebate. The lower part of the frame has a grove for the floor-mounted guide (included in the system). Door leaves from group 2 have an additional c-section metal rail on the leaf for guiding. DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE „honeycomb” stabilizing perforated chipboard • • • • • Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened mat pane (width, not dependent on leaf size) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110” 1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“ 2 DOSTUPNÉ DVEŘNÍ VÝPLNĚ RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • all glazed models from group 2 MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame Metal door frame NOTES • Ventilation undercut and grid are available only in full door leaves from group 1. • Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves from group 1. The perforated chipboard and solid chipboard core leaves come with preparation for shortening as standard. • Ventilation sleeves: – constant quantity for patterns from 1 and 2 group (4 pcs) – quantity depends on the dimension of leaf (for patterns from 3 group) * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Available only with the perforated chipboard core. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Slot-milled in pattern 1.E Pane in pattern 2.E ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern 3.A pattern 3.B pattern 3.C 23 Porta FIT Porta FIT is a „tailor made”, wide range of products adjusted to individual requirements of each and every customer. The collection was prepared in 29 colors and in 3 different qualities of finishing ranging from the economical and priceattractive version in Portadecor veneer, through an effective veneer Portadur of high utility, up to extremely resistant and giving a guarantee of multiuse CPL HQ veneer. CPL HQ laminate is a material from Long Life Product category used in the apartments of a higher standard and wherever the doors are exposed to intensive use, such as hotels, office buildings and other public utility spaces. pattern A.2 24 pattern A.6 pattern B.2 pattern B.5 pattern C.1 NEW COLORS pattern C.3 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest In patterns A, B, C and I the door leaf is filled with combination of honeycomb core and stabilizing board or fully with solid chipboard (option at an extra charge). In pattern D the standard door leaf filling is solid chipboard. The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. Door leaves are also equipped by either a pane or flat panel (8 mm thick HDF board veneered from both sides). Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White Walnut 5 Walnut 6 FINISHING The leaf is covered with Portadecor, Protadur veneer (vertical wood grains) or CPL HQ (Continuous Pressure Laminate High Quality) 0,2 mm laminate. MDF frame is available in two profiles depending on veneer type (different for CPL HQ) and is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. * till stock-out Portadur veneer Walnut 2 Walnut 3 HQ CPL veneer Walnut 4 White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 samples of colors LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leafcolored skirting tape. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same colour as the door. MODELS Single and double leaf: in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • Two pintle hinges standard* Three pintle hinges standard for a leaf of dimension „100” and in Portadur veneer Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern hardened1 mat; „chinchilla”; MasterCarre) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“ Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 Walnut Modena 1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm (only Portadecor veneer) and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame (only Portadecor and Portadur veneer) Metal door frame NOTES * „honeycomb” stabilizing Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. solid chipboard reinforced by plywood 1 Because of small size, the pane in pattern A is not hardened. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME all models in CPL HQ veneer all models in Portadecor and Portadur veneer ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size core: solid chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern D.1 pattern D.3 pattern I.1 25 Porta FIT Porta FIT is a „tailor made”, wide range of products adjusted to individual requirements of each and every customer. The collection was prepared in 29 colors and in 3 different qualities of finishing ranging from the economical and priceattractive version in Portadecor veneer, through an effective veneer Portadur of high utility, up to extremely resistant and giving a guarantee of multi-use CPL HQ veneer. CPL HQ laminate is a material from Long Life Product category used in the apartments of a higher standard and wherever the doors are exposed to intensive use, such as hotels, office buildings and other public utility spaces. pattern E.0 26 pattern E.3 pattern F.2 pattern F.6 pattern G.2 NEW COLORS pattern G.5 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest The door leaf is filled with combination of honeycomb core and stabilizing board or fully with solid chipboard (option at an extra charge). The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. Door leaves are also equipped by either a pane or flat panel (8 mm thick HDF board veneered from both sides). Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona1 * till stock-out Portadur veneer Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona3 White Walnut 5 Walnut 6 LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same colour as the door. FINISHING The leaf is covered with Portadecor, Protadur veneer (vertical-horizontal wood grains) or CPL HQ 0,2 mm laminate (Continuous Pressure Laminate High Quality). MDF frame is available in two shapes of profile depending on veneer (different for CPL HQ) and is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. MODELS Walnut 2 Walnut 3 HQ CPL veneer Walnut 4 Single and double doors: in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 samples of colors Walnut Modena 1 • • • • • Two pintle hinges standard* Three pintle hinges standard for a leaf of dimension „100” and in Portadur veneer Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern hardened mat; „chinchilla”; MasterCarre) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • see pages 156-158 MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 60 mm (only Portadecor veneer) and 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame (only Portadecor and Portadur veneer) Metal door frame DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS NOTES • Ventilation grid and sleeves with 2 rows not available in H pattern. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. „honeycomb” stabilizing solid chipboard reinforced by plywood 1 „100” size is available only with vertical wood grains. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME all models in CPL HQ veneer all models in Portadecor and Portadur veneer ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size core: solid chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern H.1 pattern H.4 27 Porta NOVA High quality materials, attractive and popular design, and various types of glazings are the main advantages of this proposal. Porta NOVA is a combination of durability and the charm of italian walnut wood. Models included in this range are used both in the residential and office spaces, and the veneer with wood grain pattern improves the aesthetics of any area. pattern 1.1 28 pattern 1.2 pattern 1.3 pattern 2.1 pattern 2.2 pattern 3.1 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadur veneer The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood filled with: for group 1 – stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge); for group 2 and 3 – solid chipboard. Frame with filling is covered from both sides with HDF board. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Walnut 2 Walnut 3 samples of colors Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 see pages 156-158 “K” type door leaf edge profile. Both sides and the top of a door leaf are veneered with skirting tape in the colour of the door leaf. FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with Portadur veneer with characteristic verticalhorizontal wood grains. The light frame is veneered. DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS MODELS Single and double doors: in all patterns of each group. Full, glazed or ready for glazing. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE „honeycomb” stabilizing solid chipboard reinforced by plywood • • • • • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Three standard pintle hinges* Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“; ”ribbed glass“1; ”mat hardened“; MasterCarre) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm (2 and 3 group only) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) perforated chipboard Single leaf*: „60”, „70“, „80“, „90”, „100” 2 Double leaf*: „90“ ÷ „200“3 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame NOTES PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME all glazed models or models with HDF board • Grid, ventilation sleeves – 2 rows available in patterns from group 1 only. • Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The perforated chipboard and solid chipboard come with preparation for shortening as standard. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Not available for pattern 2.2 2 Size „100“ available only with vertical wood grains in group 1 and 3. 3 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Passive leaf (side panels) with sizes „30”, „40”, „50” only in full option and vertical wood grains. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut preparation for shortening up to 60 mm (group 1) bull’s eye made from stainless steel (pattern 1.1 only) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern 3.2 29 Porta NOVA High quality materials, attractive and popular design, and various types of glazings are the main advantages of this proposal. Porta NOVA is a combination of durability and the charm of italian walnut wood. Models included in this range are used both in the residential and office spaces, and the veneer with wood grain pattern improves the aesthetics of any area. pattern 4.1 30 pattern 4.2 pattern 4.3 pattern 4.4 pattern 5.1 pattern 5.2 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadur veneer Walnut 2 The door leaf consists of a finger-jointed softwood or MDF frame covered from both sides with HDF boards, filled with solid chipboard. Walnut 3 LEAF EDGE PROFILE Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 “K” type door leaf edge profile. Both sides and the top of a door leaf are veneered with skirting tape in the colour of the door leaf. FINISHING samples of colors The door leaf is veneered with Portadur veneer with characteristic vertical–horizontal wood grains. The light frame is veneered. see pages 156-158 MODELS Single and double doors: in all patterns of each group. Full, glazed or ready for glazing. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • solid chipboard reinforced by plywood Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Three standard pintle hinges* Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“; ”ribbed glass“; ”mat hardened“; MasterCarre) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60”, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100”1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame NOTES * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME 1 Size „100“ available only with vertical wood grains. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. all glazed models or models with HDF board ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation undercut or ventilation sleeves (1 row) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern 5.3 pattern 5.4 pattern 5.5 31 Porta NOVA High quality materials, attractive and popular design, and various types of glazings are the main advantages of this proposal. Porta NOVA is a combination of durability and the charm of italian walnut wood. Models included in this range are used both in the residential and office spaces, and the veneer with wood grain pattern improves the aesthetics of any area. Design inspired by the application of Module RETRO - details, see page 126. pattern 6.1 32 pattern 6.2 pattern 6.3 pattern 6.4 pattern 6.5 pattern 7.1 pattern 7.2 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadur veneer The door leaf consists of a finger-jointed softwood or MDF frame covered from both sides with HDF boards, filled with solid chipboard. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Walnut 2 Walnut 3 samples of colors Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 “K” type door leaf edge profile. Both sides and the top of a door leaf are veneered with skirting tape in the colour of the door leaf. FINISHING see pages 156-158 The door leaf is veneered with Portadur veneer with characteristic verticalhorizontal wood grains. The light frame and sash (from PVC) are veneered in the colour of the door leaf. MODELS Single and double doors: in all patterns of each group. Full, glazed or ready for glazing. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • solid chipboard reinforced by plywood Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Three standard pintle hinges* Pane pattern (”chinchilla“;”mat hardened“) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60”, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100”1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“ 2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame NOTES • Grid and ventilation sleeves – 2 rows available in patterns 6.5, 7.5 only. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME 1 Size „100” is available only with vertical wood grains. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. all glazed models or models with HDF board ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern 7.3 pattern 7.4 pattern 7.5 33 Porta LINE Unique character of the Porta LINE doors is underlined by aluminum marquetry on the leaf’s surface. Models from this collection are available in a wide range of colors, with exceptionally durable HQ CPL (High Quality Continuous Pressure Laminate) and Portadur veneers, which makes the product suitable for use not only in residential applications, but also in offices and hotels. pattern A.1 34 pattern A.3 pattern B.1 pattern C.1 pattern D.1 pattern E.1 NEW COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION HQ CPL veneer White Oak Milano 1 The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood filled with stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood. The frame and the core are covered, on both sides, with an HDF board. The leaves come equipped with 6 mm thick aluminum marquetry (silver or golden). Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Portadur veneer LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. FINISHING The leaf is covered with 0.2 mm HQ CPL veneer (Continuous Pressure Laminate High Quality) with a vertical vein pattern, or with a Portadur veneer with a vertical or a vertical and horizontal vein pattern (pattern A.3). MODELS Walnut Modena 1 Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Walnut 2 samples of colors Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 see pages 156-158 • • • • Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges in the „100” width leaf and in all door sizes in Portadur veneer Lock: for a regular key, with a bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110“1 Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • • • • „honeycomb” stabilizing MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame (only in Portadur veneer) Metal door frame perforated chipboard NOTES • Ventilation sleeves not available in pattern D.1. • Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The perforated chipboard core and solid chipboard come with preparation for shortening as standard. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Available only with the perforated chipboard core. Model A.3 impossible to comply with the size of „100” and „110”. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. aluminum marquetry – silver color ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation sleeves or ventilation undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm bull’s eye made from stainless steel (not available in pattern E.1) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) aluminum marquetry – golden color handle with escutcheon (page 144) 35 HQ CPL laminated This product is applied for all types of interiors, especially in places where the doors are subject to heavy traffic with suggested usage in hotels, offices, public buildings, and - last but not least - high standard apartments. Used ABS tape provides maximum resistance for mechanical door leaf damage. The door leaf and frame are covered with HQ CPL veneer, which ensures the highest quality and guarantees many years of comfortable and reliable door use (Long Life Product). pattern 1.1 36 pattern 1.2 pattern 1.3 pattern 5.1 NEW COLORS pattern 5.2 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION HQ CPL veneer White Oak Milano 1 The door leaf consists of: a finger jointed softwood filled with stabilizing honeycomb core or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge) – group 1; group 5 – solid chipboard. The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 samples of colors LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” profile leaf edge. Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same colour as the door FINISHING The leaf is veneered with veneers: HQ CPL (Continuous Pressure Laminate High Quality) laminate 0.2 or 0.7 mm thick (group 1 only). MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. MODELS Walnut Modena 1 Single and double leaf: in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element, slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • • solid chipboard reinforced by plywood „honeycomb” stabilizing Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” and „110” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern “chinchilla”) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm (group 5 only) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“, „110” 1 Double leaf*: „90“ ÷ „200“2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Metal door frame perforated chipboard NOTES PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME • Grid, ventilation sleeves – 2 rows are available in patterns from group 1 only. • Preparation for shortening, for an additional charge, applies only to honeycomb core leaves. The perforated chipboard and solid chipboard core leaves come with preparation for shortening as standard. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Available only with the perforated chipboard core. Pane’s dimensions are the same as for „100” size. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Passive leaf (side panels) with sizes „30”, „40”, „50” only in full option. each glazed model with tempered glass (model 1.2 and 1.3 + Group 5) ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size core: perforated chipboard ventilation: grid, sleeves or undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” preparation for shortening up to 60 mm (group 1) bulaj – ze stali nierdzewnej (pattern 1.1) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) each hardened mat pane (pattern 1.2 and group 5) mat hardened pane (pattern 1.3) pattern 5.3 pattern 5.4 pattern 5.5 37 SLOT-MILLED To use this product to all types of premises, especially everywhere where the doors are exposed to intensive use. Suggested for hotels, office buildings, public places and houses with higher standard. Used ABS tape provides maximum resistance for mechanical door leaf damage. Leaf with a door frame covered with CPL HQ veneers are guarantee the highest quality and comfort of a multi-use door (Long Life Product). pattern A 38 pattern B pattern C pattern D pattern E pattern F NEW COLORS pattern G DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION HQ CPL veneer The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood frame filled with a perforated chipboard, reinforced with an internal plywood frame. The frame and the core are covered, on both sides, with an HDF board. LEAF EDGE PROFILE White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut “K” profile leaf edge. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same colour as the door. FINISHING Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 samples of colors Walnut Modena 1 see pages 156-158 Oak Milano 5 The leaf is covered with 0.2 mm HQ CPL veneer (Continuous Pressure Laminate High Quality). MODELS 8 patterns: from „A” to „H”. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system)1. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS • • • • • Two standard pintle hinges* Three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100” Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) perforated chipboard Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100“ Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“ 2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Metal door frame NOTES • Depending on the veneer color, we offer two mill colors: a) light brown (White, Grey Euroinvest, Beech Porta, Maple, Oak Milano 1) b) dark brown (Mahogany, Walnut, Oak Milano 2 – Oak Milano 5) * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 A, F and H designs in the sliding door version – for an additional charge – require to be ordered through the Contract Department. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation undercut third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern H 39 Porta CONCEPT Porta CONCEPT door range is up to date with the most recent trends in utility design. Popular models are based on a durable and fancy looking rail structure consisting of horizontal and vertical beams made of the highest quality wooden materials. This is an offer for those customers who expect doors in which wooden elements prevail in the door leaf structure. The collection is available in a wide color range of Portadecor, Portadur or Super Matt veneers which helps to match the door to the individual interior design. pattern A.0 40 pattern A.3 pattern A.9 pattern B.1 pattern C.0 pattern C.2 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest Leaf frame is made of the highest quality wooden elements manufactured using warp-resistant blockwood technology. Depending on the model, the leaf is also provided with horizontal beams and Portadecor, Portacortex, Portadur or Super Matt veneer coated panels with tempered matt glass panes. Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Super Matt veneer Walnut Verona3 White FINISHING The leaf is covered with Portadecor, Portacortex, Portadur and Super Matt veneer. MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). NEW COLORS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE White Portacortex veneer NEW COLORS Bark 1 LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” leaf edge profile. Leaf edge is covered with base material used in the coverage of the leaves. Bark 2 Portadur veneer Bark 3 • • • • • Three standard pintle hinges* Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern hardened mat) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Bark 4 Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”; „100” Double leaf*: „120” ÷ „200”1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) Walnut 2 Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 * till stock-out samples of colors • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame see pages 156-158 NOTES * DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. wooden construction - pine blockboard Structure of Portacortex veneer ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation sleeves or ventilation undercut third hinge in door frame hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern C.6 pattern K.0 pattern K.3 41 Porta IDEA Porta IDEA is a series of internal doors which combine all features of a good product, namely spectacular design, attractive colours of finishing materials, sturdy structure and, last but not least – affordable price! An innovation in this series consists in the use of a stunning Portacortex veneer which resembles tree bark and is available in four different fashionable colour shades and Super Matt veneer. Rails and jambs are made of the best quality wood which ensures many year service. pattern A.0 42 pattern A.1 pattern A.2 pattern A.3 pattern A.4 pattern B.0 NEW COLLECTION pattern B.1 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Portacortex veneer NEW COLORS Vertical beams of leaf are made of the highest quality wooden elements manufactured using warp-resistant blockwood technology. Depending on the model, the leaf is also provided with horizontal beams and Portacortex or Super Matt veneer coated panels with tempered matt glass panes. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Bark 1 Bark 2 Bark 3 Super Matt veneer Bark 4 “K” leaf edge profile. Leaf edge is covered with base material used in the coverage of the leaves. FINISHING NEW COLORS The leaf is covered with Portacortex or Super Matt veneer. MODELS White samples of colors Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system)1. see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Three standard pintle hinges* Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern hardened mat) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „70”, „80”, „90”; „100” Double leaf*: „140” ÷ „200”2 wooden construction - pine blockboard RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame NOTES * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Possible to prepare only in A patterns. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Structure of Portacortex veneer ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation sleeves or ventilation undercut third hinge in door frame hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern B.2 pattern B.3 pattern B.4 43 NATURE TREND with Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame INTERIOR doors in natural veneers Doors with natural veneer are made for large group of discerning clients, for whom natural beauty is of fundamental aesthetic value. Variety and individual character are highly sought after qualities of a product, after all, why would we want to live in homes that are all identical and replicated in millions of units? Just as every human being is different, so every tree is unique. Nature did not intend for identical live forms and shapes, and diversity in wood is testament to its natural pedigeree. D We say that wood is still ”living“and ”breathing“, adjusting to its surroundings. Keeping in mind this information when appraising the quality of doors we want to purchase, it is important to consider the compromise between perfection in structure, color, and surface quality and natural beauty and unique patterns of wood. Porta KMI Poland, eager to meet the highest expectations of its clients, works with the best suppliers around the world. They represent well known and respected companies with decades of experience in manufacturing and distribution of natural veneers, such as: Danzer, J.u.A Frischeis, AB Bohmans, Fanerfabrik, Barlinek SA, and ALPI. Přírodní dýhy, které využíváme, jsme vzhledem na estetické vlastnosti rozdělili do dvou základních skupin: Natural veneers chosen by us because of the aesthetic qualities they possess are divided into two main groups: Standard – used in Porta CLASSIC, MALAGA, MADRID, CORDOBA, TOLEDO and SEVILLA collections. This is a group of natural veneers characterised by a variety of colors, ring patterns, knots and twists in fibres etc. Their character is a product of the natural environment the trees grew in, climatic conditions and habitat occurring within the same biological species. These morphological qualities of wood, characteristic of natural materials, set it apart from artificial fibre and as such do not constitute flaws in design. Select – used in Nova NATURE, Nature STYLE, Nature SPACE, Nature LINE, Nature TREND, Nature CONCEPT, Nature TREND ELEGANCE, Nature CONCEPT ELEGANCE collections. This is a specially prepared and selected natural veneer characterised by high repetition in ring patterns and dye coloring. Products made with this type of covering meet the highest standards of quality sought by the most demanding clients. Porta CLASSIC MALAGA MADRID, CORDOBA TOLEDO, SEVILLA Nova NATURE NATURE LINE NATURE STYLE NATURE SPACE NATURE TREND NATURE CONCEPT Enjoy the quality! new colors! new collection! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! Porta CLASSIC Porta CLASSIC are plate doors veneered in natural veneer. The rich colors and interesting design makes it possible to satisfy the customer needs. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that a few discolorations of veneer and differences in wood grain are inherent in this group of products and prove their natural origin and the charm of true wood. 128 pattern 1.1 46 pattern 1.2 pattern 1.3 pattern 1.4 pattern 5.1 pattern 5.2 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Standard natural veneer Leaf frame is made from coniferous tree dressing. Leaf filling consists of perforated chipboard reinforced with an inside plywood rail. The frame, along with the filling is covered on both sides with a board plated with high quality natural veneer. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Four types of natural veneers: Oak (two different patterns of wood grain design – “flower” and “striped”), Sapelli, Limba or Maple. The door leaf is painted in one out of several colours with ecologically safe water varnish and hardened using UV (light) technology. MODELS Satin natural veneer NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco samples of colors Mocca Single and double doors: in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • Nero see pages 156-158 Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“ or ”hardened mat“) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100” Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“1 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS perforated chipboard rebated doors RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) perforated chipboard non-rebated doors • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Leaves available also in a non-painted version, at the price of the standard product. • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Passive leaf (side panel) with sizes „30”, „40”, „50” only in full option. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation undercut, ventilation sleeves (1 row), ventilation sleeves (2 rows –1.1, 1.2, 1.3 patterns) drilled hole for third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70” or „80” bull’s eye made from stainless steel (pattern 1.1 only) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) finishing with satin natural veneer – all patterns pattern 5.3 pattern 5.4 pattern 5.5 47 MALAGA MALAGA doors include classic models which perfectly fit the apartments, houses or residences with traditional interior decor. Simple design and natural veneer make the door present themselves perfectly in the indoor spaces where unadorned simplicity combines with the elegance of classic designs. Differences in colours of veneer both on the door leaves and between the leaves and frames as well as the differences in wood grain are inherent in thisgroup of products and prove their natural origin and the charm of true wood. NEW COLLECTION 128 pattern A.0 48 pattern A.1 pattern B.0 pattern B.1 pattern B.2 pattern B.3 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Standard natural veneer The door leaf consists of a frame made of high quality wood, plywood and chipboard. Door leaf panel and frame are faced with one of three high quality natural veneers. External rail finished with veneer in the door leaf colour. The technology used gives a door leaf highly resistant to deformations. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak 6 Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING The door leaf is painted with ecologically safe water varnish and hardened using UV (light) technology. MODELS Satin natural veneer NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco samples of colors Mocca Single and double doors: in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • • Nero see pages 156-158 Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“ or ”hardened mat“) Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) Pane fixing seal Preparation for shortening up to 40 mm1 LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100” Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) multilayer structure non-rebated doors multilayer structure rebated doors • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame3 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Leaves available also in a non-painted version, at the price of the standard product. • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Door leaf with ventilation slot - shortening up to 20 mm. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 3 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut or slot drilled hole for third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70” or „80” closing trim for double door hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) finishing with satin natural veneer – all patterns pattern C.0 pattern C.1 pattern C.2 49 MADRID, CORDOBA MADRID and CORDOBA models with their flush construction, natural veneer and unique technology present themselves perfectly in the indoor spaces where natural appearance combines with the elegance of classic design. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that a few discolorations of veneer and differences in wood grain are inherent in this group of products and prove their natural origin and the charm of true wood. 128 Design inspired by the application of Module RETRO - details, see page 126. MADRID full 50 MADRID small light MADRID medium sash MADRID large sash CORDOBA full CORDOBA small light AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Standard natural veneer The door leaf consists of a frame made of high quality wood, plywood and chipboard. Door leaf panel and frame are faced with one of four high quality natural veneers. External rail finished with veneer in the door leaf colour. The technology used gives a door leaf highly resistant to deformations. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Oak 6 “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING The door leaf is painted with ecologically safe water varnish and hardened using UV (light) technology. MODELS Satin natural veneer NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco samples of colors Mocca Single doors: full, glazed. Single door with side panel. Double doors: full, glazed. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Nero • • • • • see pages 156-158 Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern “chinchilla” or ”hardened mat“) Pane fixing seal Round flush handle (for sliding doors) Preparation for shortening up to 40 mm1 LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, ‘100” Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) multilayer structure non-rebated doors multilayer structure rebated doors • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame3 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Leaves available also in a non-painted version, at the lower price. • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Door leaf with ventilation slot – shortening up to 20 mm. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 3 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut or slot drilled hole for third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70” or „80” hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) closing trim for double door handle with escutcheon (page 144) finishing with satin natural veneer – all patterns CORDOBA medium sash CORDOBA large sash 51 TOLEDO, SEVILLA TOLEDO and SEVILLA models with their flush construction, natural veneer and unique technology present themselves perfectly in the indoor areas where natural appearance combines with the elegance of classic design. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that a few discolorations of veneer and differences in wood grain are inherent in this group of products and prove their natural origin and the charm of true wood. 128 TOLEDO full 52 TOLEDO pattern 1 TOLEDO pattern 2 TOLEDO pattern 3 TOLEDO pattern 4 TOLEDO pattern 5 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Standard natural veneer The door leaf consists of a frame made of high quality wood, plywood and chipboard. Door leaf panel and frame are faced with one of four high quality natural veneers. External rail finished with veneer in the door leaf colour. The technology used gives a door leaf highly resistant to deformations. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Oak 6 “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING The door leaf is painted with ecologically safe water varnish and hardened using UV (light) technology. MODELS Satin natural veneer NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco samples of colors Mocca Single doors: full, glazed. Single door with side panel. Double doors: full, glazed. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Nero • • • • • see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Pane (pattern “chinchilla” or ”hardened mat“) Pane fixing seal Round flush handle (for sliding doors) Preparation for shortening up to 40 mm1 LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“, „100” Double leaf*: „120“ ÷ „200“ 2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) multilayer structure rebated doors multilayer structure non-rebated doors • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame3 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Leaves available also in a non-painted version, at the lower price. • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Door leaf with ventilation slot – shortening up to 20 mm. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 3 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut or slot drilled for third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70” or „80” closing trim for double door hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) finishing with satin natural veneer – all patterns SEVILLA full SEVILLA glazed 53 SIDE PANELS We have prepared an additional range of attachments to complement the range of MADRID, CORDOBA, TOLEDO, SEVILLA leaves. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that a few discolorations of veneer and differences in wood grain are inherent in this group of products and prove their natural origin and the charm of true wood. 128 pattern A 54 pattern B pattern K pattern C pattern D pattern E pattern F pattern G AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Standard natural veneer The side panel consists of a frame made of high quality wood, plywood and chipboard. Door leaf panel and frame are faced with one of four high quality natural veneers. External rail finished with veneer in the door leaf colour. The technology used gives a side panel highly resistant to deformations. FINISHING Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Oak 6 The door leaf is painted with ecologically safe water varnish and hardened using UV (light) technology. MODELS Eleven patterns: „A” ÷ „K” AKCESORIA – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer • Pane (pattern ”chinchilla“or ”hardened mat“) • Pane fixing seal Sapelli 6 SIDE PANEL SIZES NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco samples of colors Mocca Nero „40” NOTES • The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with a set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with the hinge part. Side panel is not equipped with the hinge part. • Side panels available in an unpainted version as well, for self-finishing. see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS multilayer structure non-rebated doors multilayer structure rebated doors ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) drilled hole for third hinge every hardened mat pane in patterns B, C, D, E, F, G, K hardened mat pane (pattern I) finishing with satin natural veneer – all patterns pattern H pattern I pattern J 55 Nova NATURE Nova NATURE range features modern and original designs combined with natural veneers, which guarantee grainwood and colour replicability throughout the whole leaf surface. 128 Design inspired by the application of Module RETRO – details, see page 126. pattern 1.1 56 pattern 1.2 pattern 1.3 pattern 2.1 pattern 2.2 pattern 3.1 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer Leaf frame is made from coniferous tree dressing. Leaf filling consists of perforated chipboard reinforced with an inside plywood rail. The frame, along with the filling is covered on both sides with a board plated with high quality natural veneer. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut samples of colors Classic Walnut Ebony “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns of each group. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened pane patterns: “mat“; ”wave”; „squares“; MasterCarre Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) perforated chipboard rebated doors perforated chipboard non-rebated doors Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf*: „90” ÷ „200”1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. all glazed models or models with HDF board NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row or 2 rows (1 group only). * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors.Passive leaf (side panel) with sizes „30”, „40”, „50” only in full option. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut bull’s eye made from stainless steel (pattern 1.1 only) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern 3.2 57 Nova NATURE Nova NATURE range features modern and original designs combined with natural veneers, which guarantee grainwood and colour replicability throughout the whole leaf surface. 128 pattern 4.1 58 pattern 4.2 pattern 4.3 pattern 4.4 pattern 5.1 pattern 5.2 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer Leaf frame is made from coniferous tree dressing. Leaf filling consists of perforated chipboard reinforced with an inside plywood rail. The frame, along with the filling is covered on both sides with a board plated with high quality natural veneer. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut samples of colors Classic Walnut “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns of each group. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened pane patterns: “mat“; ”wave”; „squares“; MasterCarre Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) perforated chipboard rebated doors perforated chipboard non-rebated doors Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf*: „120” ÷ „180”1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – RIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME all glazed models or models with HDF board NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern 5.3 pattern 5.4 pattern 5.5 59 Nova NATURE Nova NATURE range features modern and original designs combined with natural veneers, which guarantee grainwood and colour replicability throughout the whole leaf surface. 128 pattern 6.1 60 pattern 6.2 pattern 6.3 pattern 7.1 pattern 7.2 pattern 7.3 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer Leaf frame is made from coniferous tree dressing. Leaf filling consists of perforated chipboard reinforced with an inside plywood rail. The frame, along with the filling is covered on both sides with a board plated with high quality natural veneer. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut Ebony “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns of each group. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened pane patterns: “mat“; ”wave”; ”squares“; MasterCarre Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) perforated chipboard rebated doors perforated chipboard non-rebated doors Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf*: „90” ÷ „200”1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. all glazed models or models with HDF board NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 or 2 rows. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. Passive leaf (side panel) with sizes „30”, „40”, „50” only in full option. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut bull’s eye made from stainless steel (patterns 6.1; 7.1 only) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) 61 NATURE LINE The Nature LINE design is tied to the highly popular Porta LINE range. Aluminum marquetry, combined with natural, “select” type veneer create an interesting combination corresponding to contemporary trends in interior decoration. 128 pattern A.1 62 pattern A.3 pattern B.1 pattern C.2 pattern D.2 pattern E.2 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer The leaf frame is made of coniferous timber dressing, while the perforated chipboard core is reinforced with an internal plywood frame. The frame, along with the core, is covered, on both sides, with high quality natural veneer. The leaves come equipped with 6 mm thick aluminum marquetry (silver or golden). Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Ebony LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Classic Walnut Dark Walnut Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. see pages 156-158 MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert • Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm • Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) perforated chipboard rebated doors perforated chipboard non-rebated doors Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf*: „120” ÷ „200” 1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 or 2 rows, not available in D.2. pattern. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. aluminum marquetry – silver color ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut bull’s eye made from stainless steel (not available in pattern E.2) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) aluminum marquetry – golden color handle with escutcheon (page 144) 63 NATURE STYLE This line of products draws on the highly esteemed Porta STYLE collection. The natural veneer used in combination with intriguing designs create a choice for people in search of exceptional decorating solutions where the prestige is underlined by the finishing materials they utilise. 128 pattern 1 64 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 5 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer Leaf frame is made from coniferous tree dressing. Leaf filling consists of perforated chipboard reinforced with an inside plywood rail. The frame, along with the filing is covered on both sides with a board plated with high quality natural veneer. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut Ebony “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. MDF frame is veneered in the colour of the door leaf. Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened mat pane Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) perforated chipboard rebated doors perforated chipboard non-rebated doors Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf*: „120” ÷ „200”1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) PROFILE OF GLAZING FRAME • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. all glazed models or models with HDF board NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 or 2 rows, not available in 5 pattern. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) 65 NATURE TREND Nature TREND is an effective combination of a mat glass and panels covered with the natural, “select” type veneer with aluminum inserts. It is an interesting proposal for those who value modern solutions defining the character of the interior they live and work in. 128 pattern A.0 66 pattern A.1 pattern A.2 pattern A.3 pattern A.4 pattern B.0 pattern B.1 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer The frame-structure leaves are made of vertical and horizontal elements from high quality coniferous timber, plywood and perforated chipboard. Depending on the model, the leaf frame is filled with the suitable format MDF board with a natural veneer. 6 mm aluminum marquetry (silver or golden) and a hardened, mat glass complete the product. Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut samples of colors LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS • • • • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened mat pane Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) wooden construction - pine blockboard rebated doors wooden construction - pine blockboard non-rebated doors Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf*: „120” ÷ „200”1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. aluminum marquetry – silver color aluminum marquetry – golden color ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern B.2 pattern B.3 67 NATURE SPACE Nature SPACE answers the need for designing modern interiors, where a significant role is played by light and space. We recommend these models at clients who wish to make their homes stand out with exceptionally attractive and modern styles of interior arrangement. 128 pattern 1 68 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 5 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer Leaf frame is built from vertical stiles made of high quality coniferous lumber, plywood and solid chipboard, joined with a tempered frosted glass pane 8 mm thick. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut Dark Walnut “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with c-section metal rail on the leaf for guiding (included in the system). see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert • Hardened mat pane (width is dependent on leaf size) DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” 1 Double leaf*: „120” – „200” RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) solid chipboard reinforced by plywood rebated doors solid chipboard reinforced by plywood non-rebated doors • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame2 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 2 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size handle with escutcheon (page 144) hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) 69 NATURE CONCEPT Nature CONCEPT is a door collection aimed at clients, for whom doors, beside the functionality associated with them, also constitute an important decorative element. Natural veneers applied, fit in ideally wherever aesthetics play a leading role, build the proper ambience, and exceptional climate that often determines our well being. 128 Design inspired by the application of Module RETRO – details, see page 126. pattern A.0 70 pattern A.3 pattern A.9 pattern B.1 pattern C.0 pattern C.2 pattern C.6 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer The frame-structure leaves are made of vertical and horizontal elements from high quality coniferous timber, plywood and perforated chipboard. Depending on the model, the leafs are made of HDF boards covered with a natural veneer, as well as of relief board 1 and tempered glass. Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak FINISHING American Walnut samples of colors LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. Classic Walnut Dark Walnut Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. see pages 156-158 MODELS Single-or double-leaf in all patterns. Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • wooden construction - pine blockboard rebated doors wooden construction - pine blockboard non-rebated doors Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened mat pane Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm Round flush handle (for sliding doors). LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Single leaf: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf: „120” ÷ „200” 2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame3 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 The relief board color may be chosen from the “select” veneer color sample range and has to be specified while ordering. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 3 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. structure of relief board profile of board panely ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size extra charge for relief board in patterns from A and B group (for 1 pc.) extra charge for relief board in patterns from C group (for 1 pc.) extra charge for relief board in patterns from K group (for 1 pc.) ventilation: sleeves, undercut hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 144) pattern K.0 pattern K.1 pattern K.3 71 NATURE CONCEPT Nature CONCEPT is a door collection aimed at clients, for whom doors, beside the functionality associated with them, also constitute an important decorative element. Natural veneers applied, fit in ideally wherever aesthetics play a leading role, build the proper ambience, and exceptional climate that often determines our well being. 128 pattern D.0 72 pattern D.1 pattern E.0 pattern E.1 pattern F.0 pattern F.1 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Select natural veneer The leaf frame is made of coniferous timber dressing. The core is made of perforated chipboard reinforced with an internal plywood frame. The frame, along with the core, are covered, on both sides, with a high quality natural veneer. Depending on the model, the leaves may be equipped with a relief board1 or tempered glass (glazing fixture). Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors LEAF EDGE PROFILE “K” type door leaf edge profile (rebated doors). Outside leaf rail veneered to match leaf color. FINISHING American Walnut Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 Door leaf is covered with select natural veneer, quality of which guarantees repeatability of each pattern and uniform of dyeing process. MODELS DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Door leaf is available in version for sliding door without hinges and rebate and with a groove for guiding element slot-milled in the bottom edge of the door leaf (included in the system). Patterns D1, E1, F1 have an additional c-section metal rail on the leaf for guiding. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Hardened mat pane Preparation for shortening up to 60 mm (applies to patterns D.0, E.0, F.0 only) Round flush handle (for sliding doors) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) wooden construction - pine blockboard rebated doors wooden construction - pine blockboard non-rebated doors Single leaf: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf: „120” ÷ „200” 2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES – TRIPLE-HINGED (FROM PAGE 124) • MINIMAX door frame, fixed width: 100 mm • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame • Adjustable PRESTIGE door frame • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame3 The recommended natural veneer door frames come equipped with set of three „PRIME” pintle hinges (rebated doors) or two 3D adjustable (non-rebated doors). The leaf is not equipped with hinge part. NOTES • Ventilation sleeves available in silver or golden colour – 1 row. • Ventilation undercut available in patterns D.0, E.0, F.0 only. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 The relief board color may be chosen from the “select” veneer color sample range and has to be specified while ordering. 2 Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. To double non-rebated doors must be ordered active and passive door leaf. 3 „100“ size – third 3D adjustable hinge. structure of relief board ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size ventilation: sleeves, undercut hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors) oblong handle (for sliding doors) handle with escutcheon (page 146) 73 ALPHA folding doors BETA folding doors SLIDING DOOR systems FOLDING doors, SLIDING doors ORTA doors – that does not mean traditional side-hung doors only. In their concepts the designers often seek atypical solutions matching the function and purpose of the rooms. At the same time they strive to ensure consistent selection of materials used for manufacture of particular designed interior furniture elements. P Any sliding or folding systems ideally fit where side-hung doors cannot be installed because of limited space or the interior concept plan. Wishing to meet the customers’ expectations, PORTA offers all these system solutions in a wide colour range of available coatings. PORTA sliding door system ALU sliding door system COMPACT sliding door system OXFORD, GENEVA folding doors ALPHA folding doors BETA folding doors OMEGA double-leaf sliding doors Enjoy the quality! new collection! new collection! new collection! PORTA sliding door system wall system for sliding doors (without a door leaf) There are places where the side-hung doors cannot be used because of reduced area or the concept of interior plan. In such situations we offer a system of sliding doors based on Porta SYSTEM door frame (all colors available) including the sliding system, shield and fender beam. A complete wall-mounted set should include: • wall system • ”tunnel”type door frame • sliding type door leaf ALU sliding door system wall system for sliding doors (without a door leaf) ALU SYSTEM is another offer of sliding system, characterized by high workmanship esthetics. It is a perfect solution for modern interiors. Suspension made of aluminum gives this system an impression of modernity and structure lightness. A complete wall-mounted set should include: • wall system • ”tunnel” type door frame • sliding type door leaf. 76 AVAILABLE COLORS Portadecor veneer CONSTRUCTION The system contains a rail with trolleys, shields and fender beam. The shield and fender beam are made of chipboard and MDF. All visible elements are veneered in the same colours range as Porta SYSTEM door frame. FINISHING White Grey Euroinvest Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut NEW COLORS Wenge Light Oak Portacortex veneer Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 Bark 2 Super Matt veneer Bark 3 SET SIZES (PAGE 153, TABLE 7) Bark 4 NOTES • Set should be installed only after the interior works are finished (e.g. wall paper and parquet are in place). • Set is available as universal design. The direction can be changed through the beam turn to the left or right side of the tunnel Porta SYSTEM. White • Porta SYSTEM in version ”tunnel” means door frame without hinges and lock fastening, and Portadur veneer PVC veneer Light beech without proper holes. Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 Apple tree Golden Oak Oak Alder HQ CPL veneer Walnut White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 CONSTRUCTION NEW COLORS White Walnut Rail with trolleys Striker Self-adhesive brush seal Floor-mounted component, guiding and stabilizing door leaf in vertical direction Single door. To the following leaf width: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” NEW COLORS Walnut 2 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE SET PRICE • • • • Walnut Verona3 NEW COLORS Bark 1 The following veneers are used: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, Portadur, PVC, HQ CPL and natural veneers. The veneer colors match the standard door leaf colors offered by Porta KMI Poland. Walnut Modena 1 Offered system consists of a guide and a section supporting the door leaf. Both components are made of aluminum. Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer FINISHING Porta SYSTEM door frames in ‘tunnel’ version are coated with the following veneers: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, Portadur, PVC, HQ CPL and natural veneers. The veneer colors match the standard door leaf colors offered by Porta KMI Poland. Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE SET PRICE • Rail with trolleys • Door leaf support section • Floor-mounted component, guiding and stabilizing door leaf in vertical direction SET SIZES (PAGE 153, TABLE 7) Single door. To the passage diameter with the following width: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”. Double doors. To the passage diameter with the following width: ,,130”, ,,150”, ,,170” 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Select natural veneer Sapelli 6 NOTES • Set should be installed only after the interior works are finished (e.g. wall paper and parquet are in place). Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony • Set can be used with any door leaf direction and protrusion. • Porta SYSTEM in version ”tunnel” means door frame without hinges and lock fastening, and * till stock-out White Oak samples of colors * American Walnut see pages 156-158 without proper holes. Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 In order to select system for ‘tunnel’ type door frame properly, select door leafs larger by a single size from the passage diameter, e.g.: for system and ‘tunnel’ in size „70”–> leaf set „80”, for „80”–>„90”, for „150”–>2 x „80”, for „170”–>2 x „90” etc. 77 COMPACT sliding door system system for sliding doors (without a door leaf) – for mounting in the wall (door frame+metal casing) Sliding door system designed to be installed in the wall is an elegant solution which ensures maximum floor space of the room. An invisible construction incorporated in the gypsum wall allows the doors to be installed wherever side-hung doors do not meet the interior design concept or simply cannot be fitted. A complete set includes the following: • construction casing • door frame • door leaf (in „sliding” version) 78 AVAILABLE COLORS Portadecor veneer CONSTRUCTION The system comprises a casing to be fitted in the wall complete with wheel hangers, rails and door frame made of chipboard and MDF board clad with veneers in colors offered by Porta SYSTEM. FINISHING White Grey Euroinvest Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut NEW COLORS Wenge Light Oak Portacortex veneer Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona2 • • • • • • Bark 2 Super Matt veneer ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE SET PRICE Walnut Verona3 NEW COLORS Bark 1 Porta SYSTEM door frames in ‘tunnel’ version are coated with the following veneers: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, Portadur, PVC, HQ CPL and natural veneers. The veneer colors match the standard door leaf colors offered by Porta KMI Poland. Bark 3 SET SIZES (PAGE 153, TABLE 7) Single doors*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” Double doors*: „120” ÷ „200” Bark 4 NEW COLORS NOTES • The system is designed for gypsum board walls 125 mm wide. • Door frame and leaf should be installed only after the interior works are finished (e.g. wall paper and parquet are in place). * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. White Portadur veneer Walnut 2 PVC veneer Light beech Construction casing Rail with wheel hangers Lock strike Anti-dust brush seal Floor-mounted component, guiding and stabilizing door leaf in vertical direction Door frame Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 Apple tree Golden Oak Oak Alder Walnut HQ CPL veneer NEW COLORS White Grey Grey Euroinvest Euroinvest Beech Beech Porta Porta Mahogany Mahogany Walnut Walnut Oak Oak Milano Milano 1 1 Oak Oak Milano Milano 2 2 Oak Oak Milano Milano 3 3 Oak Oak Milano 4 4 Milano Oak Oak Milano 5 5 Milano White Walnut NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Rosewood Wenge Ebony Select natural veneer Oak Teak White Oak American Walnut Cherry * till stock-out samples of colors see pages 156-158 ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) synchronization door closure (in double doors) 79 OXFORD, GENEVA The embossed design and finishes of OXFORD and GENEVA dressing room doors are inspired by LONDON and VIENNA range for which they are a perfect supplement. These models are used most often for recessed lockers. 80 OXFORD OXFORD GENEWA GENEWA (double-element) (quadruple-element) (double-element) (quadruple-element) DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Acrylic paint (interior) The door leaf is filled with stabilizing inserts and covered from both sides with embossed HDF boards. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with leaf-colored skirting tape. White (RAL9016) FINISHING The leaf is double coated with acrylic water paint or veneered with PVC woodlike venner (OXFORD only). PVC veneer MODELS Light beech samples of colors Alder Apple tree Golden Oak see pages 156-158 • OXFORD (PVC veneer or varnished) • GENEVA (only varnished) Double doors: full Quadruple doors: full ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS • Folding mechanism • Hinges • Varnished wooden handle LEAF SIZES (PAGE 152, TABLE 5) Double doors: „60“, „70“, „80“, „90“ Quadruple doors: „120“, „140“, „160“, „180“ DOOR FRAMES stabilizing inserts • MDF door frame of constant breadth 70 mm, veneered with Portadecor veneer (white color) or PVC woodlike veneer. NOTES • Possibility to short the door (in the bottom and higher part) up to 30 mm. „wood grain” surface structure ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) masking architraves (page 147) 81 ALPHA folding doors NOVELTY door leaf + door frame + leading system ALPHA – rebated two-element asymmetrical door with a typical lock in the leaf and door frame strike. Folding doors represent a structural concept which perfectly fits in the small area spaces. The folding systems allow to reduce the area needed for correct door operation to a minimum. They are widely used in all kinds of recessed wardrobes and wherever communication difficulties may arise due to limited space. A complete set includes the following: • leading system • two-element leaf • Porta SYSTEM door frame (modified) BETA folding doors door leaf + door frame + leading system BETA – traditional non-rebated two-element symmetrical lockless door. Folding doors represent a structural concept which perfectly fits in the small area spaces. The folding systems allow to reduce the area needed for correct door operation to a minimum. They are widely used in all kinds of recessed wardrobes and wherever communication difficulties may arise due to limited space. A complete set includes the following: • leading system • two-element leaf • Porta SYSTEM door frame (modified) 82 NOVELTY AVAILABLE COLORS CONSTRUCTION Acrylic paint (interior) The leaf core is made of stabilizing honeycomb or or perforated chipboard reinforced with inner frame made of plywood (option at an extra charge)1. The frame and the core are covered with HDF board on both sides. LEAF EDGE PROFILE „K“ profile. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same color as the door. White (RAL9016) Portadecor veneer White Grey Euroinvest FINISHING Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut MODELS NEW COLORS Wenge Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Walnut 2 PVC veneer Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Two-element, full. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • • Walnut Verona3 * till stock-out Portadur veneer The doors may be coated with ecologically safe new generation water-based varnish or veneers: Portadecor, Portadur (vertical design of wood grains), PVC, HQ CPL and natural veneers (vertical design of wood grains). Leading mechanism Seal Three hidden hinges* Round handle (BETA) Lock: regular key lock, bathroom lock or cylinder insert lock (ALPHA) Lock strike (ALPHA) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 153, TABLE 7) Walnut 6 Two-element leaf*: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100”2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (PAGE 126) • Modified Porta SYSTEM door frame – B to K width range. Light beech Alder HQ CPL veneer White Oak Milano 1 Apple tree Golden Oak Oak Walnut NOTES * Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 1 2 Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Perforated chipboard core is a standard in the natural veneered doors. „100” size niedostępny w systemie BETA. NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Rosewood Wenge Ebony Select natural veneer Oak Teak White Oak American Walnut samples of colors Cherry see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS „honeycomb” stabilizing perforated chipboard ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size (ALPHA only) „honeycomb” stabilizing ventilation: sleeves, undercut handle with escutcheon (page 144) 83 OMEGA double-leaf sliding doors door leaf + door frame + leading system OMEGA sliding door system is a solution for any recessed wardrobes and walk-in closets. Wide selection of veneer types and colors allows to adjust the product to any interior arrangement and to other doors offered by PORTA. A complete set includes the following: • leading system • two door leaves • Porta SYSTEM door frame (modified version of “tunnel” type) NOVELTY 84 AVAILABLE COLORS CONSTRUCTION Acrylic paint (interior) Stabilizing core with HDF panel on both sides. Leaf thickness: 30 mm. LEAF EDGE PROFILE „K” profile. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same color as the door. White (RAL9016) Portadecor veneer White FINISHING Grey Euroinvest The doors may be coated with ecologically safe new generation water-based varnish or veneers: Portadecor, Portadur (vertical or vertical-horizontal design of wood grain), PVC, HQ CPL and natural veneers (vertical design of wood grain). Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut NEW COLORS Wenge Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona3 MODELS Double leaf, symmetrical, non-rebated, full. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • Leading mechanism • Round handle LEAF SIZES (PAGE 153, TABLE 7) * till stock-out Portadur veneer Double leaf symmetrical*: „120“, „140“, „160“, „180“, „200“, „220“1 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (PAGE 126) • Modified Porta SYSTEM door frame of tunnel type – A to K width range. Walnut 2 PVC veneer Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 NOTES * Light beech Alder HQ CPL veneer Apple tree Golden Oak Oak Walnut 1 White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Size „200” and „220” in Portadur veneer available only in vertical wood grains. NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Rosewood Wenge Ebony Select natural veneer Oak Teak White Oak American Walnut samples of colors Cherry see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS stabilizing core with HDF panel on both sides ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100”, „110” size longitudinal metal side handles (pc.) 85 GRANITE door with PROJECT door frame INTERIOR ENTRANCE doors veryone needs a feeling of security – particularly at home. Solid entrance doors, which protect our apartment against unbidden guests, are an important position in the Porta KMI Poland offer. E We offer four types of entrance doors: AGATE, OPAL, QUARTZ and GRANITE. Technical parameters of each of the above mentioned door type differ, though, generally, they meet all specifi cations of the entrance doors. This has been confi rmed by the appropriate Technical Approvals as well as practical and carefree use of the hundred thousand of the fabricated doors of this type. An important feature of Porta entrance doors consists in that they are offered as a set comprising a leaf with an adjusted metal door frame complete with 2nd or 3nd European norm ENV or “C” class furniture. AGATE OPAL QUARTZ GRANITE GRANITE PS Enjoy the quality! new colors! new colors! new colors! new colors! new solutions! AGATE Plus, OPAL Plus The use of sheet aluminum for door construction has allowed an exceptional resistance of AGATE and OPAL doors for adverse impact of specific service conditions specific for the staircase such as temperature and humidity fluctuations. OPAL doors are characterized by acoustic insulation 33 dB and 2nd class burglary protection properties according to the European ENV standard – provided that they are installed in a special PORTA metal frame, with a stainless steel threshold, 2nd ENV class handle with escutcheon and a patented lock cylinder of at least 4th ENV class. (door leaf + door frame + metal threshold) flat 88 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 pattern 9 AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood frame filled with reinforced perforated chipboard, and covered from both sides with composite boards of aluminum and HDF LEAF EDGE PROFILE Light beech Alder Apple tree Oak Walnut White „wood grains” HQ CPL veneer Both side edges and higher part are covered with skirting tape in the color of the door leaf. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same color as the door. The leaf itself is made in the rebate version. Golden Oak FINISHING The leaf is veneered with HQ CPL laminate 0.2 or 0.7 mm thick, natural veneer (flush door leaves only) or PVC veneer (flush and slot-milled). MODELS White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Single leaf: flush, slot-milled or with strips. Strips may be ordered for both sides or for any side of the door leaf. Walnut ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE (AGATE PLUS) Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 • • • • Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE (OPAL PLUS) • • • • • Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer One or two locks with rectangular dead bolt for cylinder insert Three pintle hinges Eye-viewer in silver color Door frame equipped with threshold made of stainless steel (90 mm) 4-point lock for 2 cylinder insert Three pintle hinges* Three anti-lever security bolts Silver eye-viewer Door frame equipped with threshold made of stainless steel (90 mm) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 „80”, „90” „100”* RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAME Limba 1 Limba 2 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 • Angle-bar metal door frame is made of profile 100 mm wide and made of steel. Coated on both sides with 1.2 mm (AGATE) or 1.5 mm (OPAL) thick zinc layer. Is equipped with: 3 pintle hinges, circumferential rubber gasket, six assembly dowels (OPAL only). The frame is covered with powder paint in one out of standard colors: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), cream (RAL 1001), brown (RAL 8028). • Door frame is available in two versions: – for setting in the ready floor – level “0” – for cementing in the floor – level “30” • PROJECT door frame (page 142) Maple 1 Sapelli 6 NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca Nero NOTES • Preparation for shortening (by 60 mm max.) • Acoustic insulation class Rw = 32 dB (range 32 ÷ 36 dB). * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 strip profiles patterns 1 and 2 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS perforated chipboard + aluminium board strip profiles and panel patterns – strip 3 and strip 4 ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size cylinder insert handle with escutcheon, upper lock board finishing with satin natural veneer * strip 1 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 2 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 3 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 4 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) installation dowels (AGATE door frame – 6 pcs) the frame section from 80 to 100 mm – free of charge expanding the frame section from 101 to 150 mm expanding the frame section from 151 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 271 to 390 mm strip 1* strip 2* strip 3 * with panel * designs available only with standard natural oak and limba veneers strip 4 * with panel 89 QUARTZ The multi-layer construction of the QUARTZ door leaf ensures 30 minute fire resistance, smoke-tightness of Sa, Sm class and 34 dB sound insulation. The sheet aluminum inserted in the leaf construction makes the door exceptionally resistant to adverse service conditions on the staircase. (door leaf + door frame + metal threshold) flat 90 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 pattern 9 AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood frame filled with multilayer fire resistant chipboard core and covered from both sides with composite boards of aluminium and HDF. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Light beech Alder Apple tree Oak Walnut White „wood grains” HQ CPL veneer Both side edges and higher part are covered with skirting tape in the color of the door leaf. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same color as the door. The leaf itself is made in the rebate version. Golden Oak FINISHING The leaf is veneered with HQ CPL laminate 0.7 mm thick, natural veneer (flat door leaves only) or PVC veneer (flat and slot-milled). MODELS White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 Single leaf: flat, slot-milled or with strips. Three types (type I; II and III), depending on the complexity of the lock structure. Strips may be ordered for both sides or for any side of the door leaf. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • Rectangular bolt lock for a patented cylinder (QUARTZ type I) • Two mortise locks with rectangular bolts, for a patented cylinder (QUARTZ type II) • 4-point mortise lock for two patented cylinders and three anti-leverage security bolts (QUARTZ type III) • Three reinforced, silver pintle hinges* • Wide-angle, silver eye-viewer (optional) • Thermo-swelling seal in the leaf grove • Door frame with a standard, stainless steel threshold (90 mm) NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 „80”, „90”, „100”* Oak 6 DOOR FRAME Limba 1 Limba 2 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 • Angle-bar metal door frame is made of profile 100 mm wide. Is made of steel, coated on both sides with 1.5 mm thick zinc layer. The frame is covered with powder paint in one out of standard colors: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), cream (RAL 1001), brown (RAL 8028). It is equipped with: 3 pintle hinges standard, circumferential thermoswelling seal, threshold made of stainless steel (90 mm) and a bracket for the automatic closing mechanism. Moreover the frame is provided with: QUARTZ I striker for one lock; QUARTZ II striker for two locks; QUARTZ III striker for four point strip lock, 6 dowels and holes for anti-unhinging bolts. • Door frame is available in two versions: – for setting in the ready floor – level “0” – for cementing in the floor – level “-30” • PROJECT door frame (page 142) Maple 1 Sapelli 6 NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca Nero Cherry NOTES Rosewood Wenge • Preparation for shortening (by 60 mm max.). • To meet the Technical Approval requirements, QUARTZ doors need to be equipped with a self-closing device. • Acoustic insulation class Rw = 32 dB (range 32 ÷ 36 dB). * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS strip profiles patterns 1 and 2 fire-resistant perforated chipboard + aluminium board strip profiles and panel patterns – strip 3 and strip 4 ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size cylinder insert handle with escutcheon, upper lock board (page 146) finishing with satin natural veneer * strip 1 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 2 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 3 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 4 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) the frame section from 80 to 100 mm – free of charge expanding the frame section from 101 to 150 mm expanding the frame section from 151 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 271 to 390 mm strip 1* strip 2* strip 3 * with panel * designs available only with standard natural oak and limba veneers strip 4 * with panel 91 GRANITE We offer two types of Granite doors: Type I with burglary resistance of class “C” and 3 class according to ENV 1627, acoustic insulating power 36 dB and smoke-ightness – safety guarantee, protection against noise and the worst fire effect such as carbon monoxide poisoning. Type II has all features of type I plus 30 min fire resistance (EI 30) and S 60 smoke-tightness – additional full guarantee of protection against the fire effects. This is an offer addressed to the most demanding persons for whom the safety based on the highest quality materials and workmanship is the most important. Non-typical project depicted in the photo (Porta CONTRACT). (door leaf + door frame+ handle with escutcheon + cylinder insert) flat 92 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 pattern 9 AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood frame filled with special construction Porta with inner steel bars, covered from both sides with composite boards of aluminium and HDF. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Light beech Alder Apple tree Oak Walnut White „wood grains” HQ CPL veneer Both side edges and higher part are covered with skirting tape in the color of the door leaf. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same color as the door. The leaf itself is made in the rebate version. Golden Oak FINISHING The leaf is veneered with HQ CPL laminate 0.7 mm thick, natural veneer (flush door leaves only) or PVC veneer (flush and slot-milled). MODELS White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Single leaf: flat, slot-milled or with strips. Strips may be ordered for both sides or for any side of the door leaf. Walnut ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 • • • • • • • • • • Multi-bolt mortise lock Two anti-burglary „C”-class cylinders Handle with anti-burglary escutcheon Upper escutcheon Three reinforced, silver pintle hinges* Four anti-leverage security bolts Silver eye-viewer (optional) The lock, cylinder and escutcheon used are „C”-class certified The leaf may be shortened by 60 mm maximum Additionally: type II – thermo-swelling seal on side and upper edges (except for the lower edge) • Door frame is equipped with a wider type of a stainless steel threshold (120 mm). Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Oak 6 „80”, „90”, „100”* DOOR FRAME Limba 1 Limba 2 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 • Angle-bar metal door frame is made of profile 100 mm wide. Is made of steel, coated on both sides with 1.5 mm thick zinc layer and equipped with: fire-proof gasket, 8 dowels, threshold made of stainless steel (120 mm). The frame is covered with powder paint in one out of standard colors: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), cream (RAL 1001), brown (RAL 8028). • Door frame is available in two versions: – for setting in the ready floor – level “0” – for cementing in the floor – level “-30”. • PROJECT door frame (page 142) Sapelli 6 NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca Nero NOTES • To meet the Technical Approval requirements, 30-minute fire retardant doors need to be equipped with a self-closing device. • Acoustic insulation class Rw = 32 dB (range 32 ÷ 36 dB). * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 strip profiles patterns 1 and 2 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS perforated chipboard + steel bars + aluminium board strip profiles and panel patterns – strip 3 and strip 4 ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size finishing with satin natural veneer * strip 1 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 2 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 3 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 4 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) expanding the frame section from 101 to 150 mm expanding the frame section from 151 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 271 to 390 mm strip 1* strip 2* strip 3 * with panel * designs available only with standard natural oak and limba veneers strip 4 * with panel 93 GRANIT PS with adjustable door frame We offer two types of GRANITE PS doors: Type I with burglary resistance rated 3 according to ENV 1627, acoustic insulating power Rw 32 dB and smoke-tightness – safety guarantee, protection against noise and the worst fire effect such as carbon monoxide poisoning Type II has all features of type I plus 30 min fire resistance (EI 30) and S 60 smoke-tightness – additional full guarantee of protection against the fire effects. This is an offer addressed to the most demanding persons for whom the safety based on the highest quality materials and workmanship is the most important. Hinge pocket lock strike Strip profile (against extra charge) anchor bolts (door leaf + door frame+ handle with escutcheon + cylinder inserts) flat 94 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 pattern 9 AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer DOOR LEAF DESIGN The door frame is made of coniferous glulam. The leaf core is of special Porta construction based on chipboard. The sheathing is made of special two-layer board of aluminium sheet and HDF. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Light beech Alder Oak Walnut HQ CPL veneer Apple tree The door leaf is in rebated version. Both sides and the top of leaf are covered with skirting tape of the same colour. For doors veneered with HQ CPL both sides and the top of leaf are covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same colour as the door. Golden Oak FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with 0.7 mm HQ CPL (only flat door leaves) and PVC veneer (both flat and slot-milled door leaves). MODELS White Grey Euroinvest Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Beech Porta Mahogany Single leaf, flat doors – milled or with strips. Strips may be ordered for both sides or for any side of the door leaf. Walnut ACCESSORIES INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 • • • • • • • • • Multi-bolt strip lock 2 x Class 5 anti-burglary inserts Handle with anti-burglary escutcheon Upper escutcheon Two opening hinges (silver colour)* Four ant-leverage security bolts. Eye-viewer - silver colour (option) The leaf may be shortened by 50 mm maximum Additionally: type II – thermo-swelling seal on side and upper edges (except of the bottom edge) • Door frame is equipped with a stainless steel threshold 100 mm wide Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Oak 6 „80”, „90”, „100”* DOOR FRAME Limba 1 Limba 2 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 • NOTES Sapelli 6 • To meet the polish law requirements, doors with fire resistance and smoke-tightness need to be equipped with self-closing device. • Acoustic insulation class Rw=32 dB * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Adjustable reinforced Porta SYSTEM door frame Mocca Nero Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut strip profiles patterns 1 and 2 Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS 1 2 3 4 strip profiles and panel patterns – strip 3 and strip 4 5 1 – decorative veneer 2 – HDF panel 3 – Aluminium insulation plate 4- chipboards fitted in layers. 5 – coniferous glulam ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size * strip 1 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 2 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 3 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 4 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) strip 1* strip 2* strip 3 * with panel * designs available only with standard natural oak and limba veneers strip 4 * with panel 95 WROCLAW doors EXTERIOR doors he offer of internal doors and interior entrance doors is supplemente with our exterior door range. The exterior doors may be installed outside the building and are resistant to weather conditions. However, long-term and carefree operation of the external doors is strongly affected by their proper installation, i.e. in compliance with the location and assembly instruction. D The assembly method which eliminates the exposure of the doors to rainfall and sun is of extreme importance. Therefore, an appropriate protection in the form of a canopy roof over the door is important to considerably extend the carefree service of the door. We offer three groups of external doors: doors made of metal sheet drawpieces (Gdansk, Szczecin, TORUN and ROMA Premium models) and wooden frame doors (GDYNIA, WROCLAW model). It should be emphasized that we offer all types of external doors with glazing, and in the case of GDYNIA doors we offer a wide range of sidelights and toplights. ROMA WROCLAW GDYNIA Transoms for GDYNIA Enjoy the quality! new models! Thermally insulated ROMA doors Thermally insulated ROMA doors are manufactured in two versions: STANDARD version for flat entrance doors in the apartment buildings. The doors consist of a leaf filled with three-layer thermally insulating material and metal door frame made of zinc-coated steel sheet. PREMIUM version is used in particular for entrance doors in single family houses. The door leaf is filled with a five-layer thermally insulating core which provides protection against frost penetration. We are the only door Manufacturer in Poland to use metal/wooden door frame eliminating thermal bridges. In both versions the door leaf casing and the frame are made of zinc-coated steel sheet coated with decorative PVC laminate to meet the aesthetical requirements of the most demanding customers and to guarantee long-term service of the doors. NE W MODEL S NOWOŚĆ (door leaf + door frame) full pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 double doors (sample) 98 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION PVC laminated steel sheet The frame is filled with 45 mm thick thermally insulating material (STANDARD version), or with 50 mm thick thermally insulating material and additionally clad with 3 mm thick HDF board (PREMIUM version). The frame is clad with zinc-coated steel sheet 0.6 mm thick and coated with wood-like PVC laminate. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Golden Oak Walnut The door leaf is rebated and its thickness depends on the version. Mahogany FINISHING samples of colors The door leaf is veneered with wood-like PVC laminate (“wood grain”). see pages 156-158 MODELS Single and double leaves, flat, solid. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE „wood grain” surface structure • • • • • • Two independent, multipoint locks adopted for two cylinder insert Three silvery reinforced pintle hinges Four anti-leverage security bolts – PREMIUM version Three anti-leverage security bolts – STANDARD version PVC veneered folded metal door frame Glazed models come equipped with safe, tinted „reflex” glass LEAF SIZES (PAGE 152, TABLE 4) Single leaf: „80”, „90”, „100” Double leaf: „130“ ÷ „200“1 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS DOOR FRAME Three-layer thermally insulated version (STANDARD) Five-layer thermally insulated version (PREMIUM) • STANDARD version – zinc-coated steel sheet 1.5 mm thick coated with woodlike PVC laminate. Door frame profile width – 80 mm. • PREMIUM version – metal and wooden door frame composed of finger jointed softwood and zinc-coated steel sheet 1.5 mm thick coated with wood-like PVC laminate. Door frame profile width – 80 mm. The door frames are manufactured and delivered as elements packed in a carton box for assembly on do-it-yourself basis. NOTES AVAILABLE PROFILES OF DOOR FRAMES • We recommend to use a canopy roof for the exterior doors. In the case of the doors which open outwards, the canopy roof is obligatory. Assembly and operation of exterior doors – see page 149. • To doors with glazing possible selection of options toward the door opening. 1 The minimum size for active leaf is „90”. metal construction, STANDARD version metal/wooden construction, PREMIUM version ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) eye-viewer in silver colour straight handle arched handle handle with escutcheon, upper lock board (page 146) stainless steel threshold (page 148) straight handle arched handle (sample) 99 WROCLAW High quality of materials combined with tried and tested door manufacturing technology of WROCLAW doors guarantee durable construction, as well as high quality of finish. Two independent, multi-bolt „C” class locks, anti-leverage security bolts and safety glass with reflective coating ensures the feelings of security for all the family. (door leaf + door frame + metal threshold) pattern 1 100 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 5 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Exterior water-based varnish Leaf frame is made from oak tree dressing. Leaf filling consists of hollow core particle board reinforced with an inside plywood rail. A smooth or decoratively engraved thermal insulation panel is set in the leaf frame. In lower part of the leaf of an inside opening door there is a wooden eaves strip installed. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 (Golden) Oak 6 (White) Outside leaf rail is in leaf color. FINISHING samples of colors Door surface is protected with environmentally – friendly water based exterior varnish. see pages 156-158 MODELS Single leaf smooth or solid slot-milled and glass ported. DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE thermal insulation B (U = 1,7 W/m2 K) • Two independent, multi-bolt locks for two patented cylinders • Adjustable hook • Three hinges adjustable in three dimensions with the use of the included Allen key • Anti-leverage security bolts • Circumferential sponge seal around the leaf • Threshold seal • Metal or wooden threshold • Glazed models come equipped with safe, tinted „reflex” glass • Drip cap (with doors opening inwards) • Door frame LEAF SIZES (PAGE 152, TABLE 4) Single leaf: „90”, „100” DOOR FRAME • Door frame is made from triple layer pine wood. Door frame profile: (93 x 70 mm). NOTES • European norm PN-EN 14351-1:2006. • The CE marking. • Heat loss index values: for solid door leaf U = 1,7 W/m2 K, for glass ported door leaf U = 2,0 W/m2 K • For exterior doors canopy roof is recommended. In the case of the doors which open outwards, the canopy roof is obligatory. Assembly and operation of exterior doors – see page 148. Two multi-bolt locks Adjustable hook ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon, upper lock board (page 146) 101 GDYNIA Innovative construction and rich design derived from the modernistic style specific for villas, residences and tenements are characteristic for GDYNIA doors. Two independent, multi-bolt „C” class locks, anti-leverage security bolts and safety glass with reflective coating ensures the feelings of security for all the family. (door leaf + door frame + metal threshold) pattern 1 102 pattern 1MS pattern 1DS pattern 2S pattern 3 pattern 4 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Exterior water-based varnish The door leaf consist of a multi-layer finger jointed wood frame filled with slot-milled panel with thermo-insulating core. In the bottom part of doors, which are opened ”inwards”, there is installed a wooden drip. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 (Golden) Oak 6 (White) Outside leaf rail is in leaf color. FINISHING The door surface is protected with ecologically safe water-based varnish for outdoor use. Pine 1 samples of colors Pine 2 Pine 3 Pine 4 Pine 5 (Golden) see pages 156-158 MODELS Single leaf: full or glazed. Single leaf with side transom (unilateral or bipartite) and upper transom. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • • • • • • DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS thermal insulation B (U = 1,7 W/m2 K) Two independent, multi-bolt locks for two patented cylinders Adjustable hook Three hinges adjustable in three dimensions with the use of the included Allen key Anti-leverage security bolts Circumferential sponge seal around the leaf Threshold seal Metal or wooden threshold Glazed models come equipped with safe, tinted „reflex” glass Drip cap (with doors opening inwards) Door frame LEAF SIZES (PAGE 152, TABLE 4) Single leaf: „90”, „100” DOOR FRAME • Door frame is made of multi-layer Oak or Pinewood with solid wooden lining. Door frame profile: 93 x 70 mm. NOTES • European norm PN-EN 14351-1:2006. • The CE marking. • Heat loss index values: for solid door leaf U = 1,7 W/m2 K, for glass ported door leaf U = 2,0 W/m2 K • In the case of the doors which open outwards, the canopy roof is obligatory. • For exterior doors canopy roof is recommended. • Assembly and operation of exterior doors – see page 148. Two multi-bolt locks Adjustable hook ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) hinge covers (set on one pc) handle with escutcheon, upper lock board (page 146) pattern 5S pattern 6S 103 TRANSOMS for GDYNIA Door glazing and borrow light glazing perform an important function in house lighting. They supplement the GDYNIA exterior door range. Discretion and privacy are ensured by dimmed safety glass with reflective coating and the veneer with wood grain pattern improves the aesthetics of any area. Upper transom no. 1, 2, 3 pattern 1 104 pattern 1S pattern 2 pattern 2S AVAILABLE COLORS CONSTRUCTION Exterior water-based varnish The door leaf consist of a multi-layer finger jointed wood frame filled with slot-milled panel with thermo-insulating core. In the bottom part of doors, which are opened ”inwards”, there is installed a wooden drip. FINISHING Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 (Golden) Oak 6 (White) The transom surface is protected with ecologically safe water-based varnish for outdoor use. MODELS • Side transoms • Upper transoms Pine 1 samples of colors Pine 2 Pine 3 Pine 4 see pages 156-158 Pine 5 (Golden) MODELS GDYNIA: side transoms – no. 1 and no. 2, full and glazed • no. 1 – for single doors „90” and „100” • no. 2 – for doors with a single side transom „90“+„30” and „100”+„30” • no. 3 – for doors with two side transoms „30“+„90“+„30” and „30”+„100”+„30” DIMENSIONS (PAGE 152, TABLE 4) DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS • Side transoms width: ”30”. • Upper rectangular transoms – height ”30”. NOTES thermal insulation B (U = 1,7 W/m2 K) • European norm PN-EN 14351-1:2006. • The CE marking. 105 Doors made of acid-resistant steel TECHNICAL AND METAL doors T he number of buildings in which the designers use improved parameters’ doors is growing. In order to meet the demands of the investment market and Building Code requirements PORTA KMI Poland extended its range with technical doors and has become a producer of complete door sets including both the interior doors and dedicated technical doors. The parameters of the PORTA technical doors have been measured and confirmed by a number of tests carried out in dedicated laboratories. The range of technical doors includes the following: – three types of 27 dB, 32 dB and 42 dB noise reduction doors, – two types of door with 30 and 60 minutes fire resistance, – ENDURO doors with increased resistance, – AQUA doors prepared to work in areas of high humidity, – metal and acidproof sheet metal doors, – metal doors with 30 minutes fire resistant. As 42 dB doors are additionally resistant to fire for 30 minutes and smokeproof, they have been appreciated by the investors dealing with construction of high standard hotels and office buildings. Rw = 27 dB, Rw = 32 dB Rw = 42 dB EI 30, EI 60 ENDURO AQUA Metal doors EI 30 Enjoy the quality! new colors! new colors! new colors! Rw=27 dB, Rw=32 dB For public buildings we offer sets of doors (door leaf and door frame) which belong to Rw=27 dB or Rw=32 dB acoustic class. Doors with diversified noise protection performance are appropriate for hotel rooms, offices, lecture halls, hospitals and other public buildings. Non-typical project depicted in the photo (Porta CONTRACT). (door leaf + door frame) flat 108 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 pattern 9 AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer Light beech DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION RW = 27 DB The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood or exotic sawn timber frame filled with reinforced perforated chipboard and covered from both sides with HDF boards. The door construction in ROENTGEN 1 version is complemented by a coat of lead which makes an anti-radiant barrier. Alder Apple tree DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION RW = 32 DB Golden Oak The door leaf consists of exotic sawn timber frame filled with reinforced multilayer chipboard and covered from both sides with HDF boards. Oak Walnut HQ CPL veneer LEAF EDGE PROFILE White „wood grains” Both side edges and higher part are covered with skirting tape in the color of the door leaf. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same colour as the door. The leaf itself is made in the rebate version. White Grey Euroinvest Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Beech Porta Mahogany MODELS Walnut Single doors: full – flat or slot-milled. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 • • • • • Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) „60”2 (flat only), „70”, „80”, „90”, „100”* RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 • Adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame (27 dB) or adjustable reinforced Porta SYSTEM door frame (32 dB) in leaf color, in accordance with the Porta SYSTEM color range • Angle-bar metal door frame of profile 100 mm wide, made of both sides zinc-coated steel 1.5 mm thick. It is painted with power paint in one of standard colors: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), cream (RAL 1001), brown (RAL 8028). Door frame is available in two versions: level ”0” or ”-30“. • PROJECT door frame (page 142) Sapelli 6 Satin natural veneer NOTES NEW COLORS Bianco Three pintle hinges* Lock for cylinder insert Automatic threshold seal in the leaf bottom edge Seal in door frame Door frame Tabacco Mocca • Acoustic class Rw = 27 dB (range 27 ÷ 31 dB) • Acoustic class Rw = 32 dB (range 32 ÷ 36 dB) • * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Nero 1 Select natural veneer 2 Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge To meet the shield-door requirements, it is necessary to apply a layer of lead onto the door frame used for the ROENTGEN leaf. Flat leaves may be equipped with special glazing. Order execution requires individual arrangements with the PORTA Contract Department. Minimum width of the leaf: strip 1 – 444 mm, strip 2 – 644 mm, strip 3 – 468 mm, strip 4 – 744 mm. Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors AVAILABLE PROFILES OF DOOR FRAMES American Walnut Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Porta SYSTEM door frame (27 dB) perforated chipboard (27 dB) Metal door frame (27 dB, 32 dB) Reinforced Porta SYSTEM door frame (32 dB) multilayer chipboard (32 dB) ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size handle with escutcheon (page 146) finishing with satin natural veneer perforated chipboard + lead screen (ROENTGEN) * strip 1 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 2 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 3 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 4 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) leaf frame made of exotic timber (in Rw = 27 dB only) reinforcement for the Porta SYSTEM frame, size A reinforcement for the Porta SYSTEM frame, size B, C, D, E, F reinforcement for the Porta SYSTEM frame, size G, H, I, J, K expanding the frame section from 80 to 100 mm – free of charge expanding the frame section from 101 to 150 mm expanding the frame section from 151 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 271 to 390 mm strip 1* strip 2* strip 3 * with panel * designs available only with standard natural oak and limba veneers strip 4 * with panel 109 Rw=42 dB The rooms exposed to an increased noise level, which need high noise insulation, we offer interior entrance doors with Rw=42 dB insulation class. The door leaf installed complete with a metal frame has 30 minute fire resistance and is smokeproof so that it protects against fire effects, particularly against very dangerous CO effects. This model may be used in high specification public or residential buildings. Non-typical project depicted in the photo (Porta CONTRACT). (door leaf + door frame) flat 110 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 pattern 9 AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION The door leaf consists of exotic sawn timber frame filled with a special PORTA multi-layer sound insulating core and covered from both sides with HDF boards. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Light beech Alder Apple tree Both side edges and higher part are varnished with transparent lacquer. Double rebate on three edges (two vertical and one horizontal). Golden Oak FINISHING Oak Walnut HQ CPL veneer The leaf is veneered with HQ CPL laminate 0.7 mm thick, natural veneer (flat door leaves only) or PVC veneer (flat and slot-milled). White „wood grains” MODELS Single leaf: flush, slot-milled or with strips. Strips may be ordered for both sides or for any side of the door leaf. White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • • NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) „80”, „90”, „100”* Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 • Adjustable reinforced Porta SYSTEM door frame (type DT-AW/PS) for wall thickness between 120 mm and 300 mm. Frame beams are made of plywood. Door frame is covered with HQ CPL, PVC or natural veneer, in accordance with the Porta SYSTEM color range. Information about the full extent of regulation and price range for this door frame is available on our website. • Angle-bar metal door frame of profile 120 mm wide (type DT-AW/M), made of both sides zinc-coated steel 1.5 mm thick. It is painted with power paint in one of standard colors: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), cream (RAL 1001), brown (RAL 8028), prepared for installation of self-closer. Door frame is available in two versions: level “0” or level “-30”. • PROJECT door frame (page 142) Sapelli 6 Satin natural veneer NOTES NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Mocca Select natural veneer Oak Three (two in a metal frame) reinforced pintle hinges, made of steel, flush mounted* Lock for cylinder insert Two automatic threshold seals Circumferential rubber seal at the leaf and frame mating point Temperature expandable seal (fire-resistant doors) Door frame Teak • To meet the Technical Approval requirements, 30-minute fire resistant doors need to be equipped with a self-closing device. • Acoustic class Rw = 42 dB (range 42 ÷ 46 dB). * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Nero AVAILABLE PROFILES OF DOOR FRAMES Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut see pages 156-158 Classic Walnut Dark Walnut Metal door frame (42 dB) Reinforced Porta SYSTEM door frame (42 dB) DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS PORTA multilayer construction (42 dB) ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size handle with escutcheon (page 146) finishing with satin natural veneer * strip 1 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 2 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 3 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) *strip 4 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) reinforcement for the Porta SYSTEM frame expanding the frame section from 121 to 150 mm expanding the frame section from 151 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 271 to 390 mm strip 1* strip 2* strip 3 * with panel * designs available only with standard natural oak and limba veneers strip 4 * with panel 111 EI 30, EI 60 Two types of door with special fire resistance EI 30 of 30 minutes and EI 60 of 60 minutes. They perfectly work in the fire walls, where the door fire resistance class should correspond to the half of the wall fire resistance class. The EI 30 and EI 60 doors ensure protection against fire spreading and provide with 32 dB noise insulation. The doors are generally applied in all public services such as hotels, schools, hospitals, etc. We offer doors complete with the door frames. (door leaf + door frame) Full doors in PVC veneer are available in slot-milled patterns (see page 110). flat 112 pattern 2 (EI 60) pattern 3 (EI 30) strip 1* strip 2* strip 3 * with panel strip 4 * with panel * designs available only with standard natural oak and limba veneers AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION The leaf frame is made of exotic timber dressing (EI 30) or of a finger jointed softwood (EI 60). The core consists of fire resistant chipboards positioned in layers. The leaf skin is an HDF board. Glazed leaves use multi-layer, transparent, fire resistant combined EI 30 or EI 60 glass. LEAF EDGE PROFILE Light beech Alder Apple tree Oak Walnut White „wood grains” HQ CPL veneer Both side edges and higher part are covered with skirting tape in the color of the door leaf. For doors veneered with CPL HQ both side edges and the upper edge of the leaf covered with 1 mm thick ABS tape of the same colour as the door. The leaf itself is made in the rebate version. Golden Oak FINISHING The leaf is veneered with HQ CPL laminate 0.7 mm thick (flat door leaves only), natural veneer (flat door leaves only) or PVC veneer (flat and slot-milled). MDF frame is veneered using the colour of the door leaf. White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 MODELS Single doors: full – flat (full or glazed) or slot-milled. Strips may be ordered for both sides or for any side of the door leaf. Double EI 30 or EI 60. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • • • • NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Three (EI 30) or four (EI 60) hinges* Lock for cylinder insert Fire-proof pane (width is not dependent on leaf size) Thermo-swelling seal in door leaf Fire resistant seal in door frame Automatic threshold seal in the leaf bottom edge Door frame LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Single leaf*: „60”1, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100”2 Double leaf*: „120”÷„200” RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES Limba 1 Limba 2 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 6 NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Mocca Nero NOTES • To meet the Technical Approval requirements, fire resistant doors need to be equipped with a self-closing device. • Acoustic class Rw = 32 dB (range 32 ÷ 36 dB). EI 60 doors have acoustic in single full pattern. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut samples of colors • MDF door frame of profile 100 mm wide and adjustable EI30 (160 mm), equipped with adjustable hinges in leaf color, in accordance with door leaf color range. • Wooden door frame of profile 100 mm wide (EI 60) made from triple layer pine wood, equipped with adjustable hinges, veneered in leaf color. • Angle-bar metal door frame of profile 100 mm wide, made of both sides zinc-coated steel 1.5 mm thick. It is painted with power paint in one of standard colors: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), cream (RAL 1001), brown (RAL 8028). It is equipped with assembly dowels and prepared for installation of self-closer mechanism. Door frame is available in two versions: level “0” or level “-30”. • PROJECT door frame (page 142). Classic Walnut 1 2 Minimum width of the leaf: strip 1 – 444 mm, strip 2 – 644 mm, strip 3 – 468 mm, strip 4 – 744 mm. In EI 60 doors, size „100” not available in standard offer – requires individual arrangements (Porta CONTRACT). Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 AVAILABLE PROFILES OF DOOR FRAMES DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS fire-resistant perforated chipboard (EI 30) fire-resistant chipboard (EI 60) WALL THICKNESS RANGE – ADJUSTABLE MDF DOOR FRAME (EI 30) MDF door frame (EI 30) Adjustable MDF door frame (EI 30) A 160 ÷ 180 mm G 285 ÷ 305 mm B 180 ÷ 200 mm H 305 ÷ 325 mm C 205 ÷ 225 mm I 325 ÷ 345 mm D 225 ÷ 245 mm J 345 ÷ 365 mm ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) E 245 ÷ 265 mm K 365 ÷ 385 mm „100” size F 265 ÷ 285 mm Metal door frame (EI 30 / EI 60) Wooden door frame (EI 60) handle with escutcheon (page 146) finishing with satin natural veneer * strip 1 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 2 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 3 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) * strip 4 (for 1 side – price for two sides x 2) quarter round, masking architraves (from page 149) anti-smoking seals (EI 60) the metal frame section from 80 to 100 mm – free of charge expanding the metal frame section from 101 to 150 mm expanding the metal frame section from 151 to 270 mm expanding the metal frame section from 271 to 390 mm (EI 60) (EI 30) samples of glazings in contractual offer 113 ENDURO ENDURO – technical interior doors of highest quality, abrasion and external factor resistance class. ENDURO series is a new range of doors which feature mechanical strength and modern design. The highest resistance parameters has been obtained, among other things, due to the use of a profiled stainless steel strip and exceptionally resistant HPL veneer. Primarily designed for use in all structures exposed to a heavy everyday traffic such as airports, trade centers, hospitals, hotels etc. (door leaf + door frame) full 114 pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 AVAILABLE COLORS HPL veneer DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION The door leaf consists of a finger jointed softwood frame filled with reinforced solid chipboard. The leaf is also additionally reinforced with an internal sill and covered on both sides with HDF boards. LEAF EDGE PROFILE White Grey Euroinvest Light yellow “K” profile leaf edge - the side edges are reinforced with rustless steel architraves. The leaf itself is made in the rebate version (except swing-leaf version). Green FINISHING The door leaf is veneered with HPL laminate with 0.7 mm thick. Beech Apple tree Mahogany MODELS Single leaf: full, glazed. Every model can be ordered as a swing version. samples of colors see pages 156-158 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • • • • DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Three reinforced standard pintle hinges (in a swing-leaf stainless steel version)* Pane pattern (transparent or hardened mat) Lock: for regular key, bathroom lock or for cylinder insert Door frame LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Single leaf*: „60” ÷ „100” DOOR FRAME • Angle-bar metal frame of profile 100 mm. The frame is made of both sides zinc coated steel 1,2 mm thick. It is equipped with: three standard pintle hinges, circumferential rubber seal, six assembly dowels. It’s also painted with polyester powder paint: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), cream (RAL 1001), brown (RAL 8028), green (RAL 6019). • Door frame is available in two versions: – for setting on already prepared floor – level “0” – for cementing in the floor – level “-30”. perforated chipboard (ENDURO) ENDURO EQUIPMENT NOTES * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. (1) (2) (3) (4) ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size handle with escutcheon (EDEL) the frame section from 80 to 100 mm – free of charge expanding the frame section from 101 to 150 mm expanding the frame section from 151 to 270 mm (5) (6) W A R R A N T Y 10 expanding the frame section from 271 to 390 mm 1) upper panel (set on two sides) (2) bottom panel (set on two sides) (3) bottom ventilation panel (set on two sides) years for door construction (4) ventilation grid (set on two sides) (5) straight handle (set on one side) (6) swing version 115 AQUA AQUA type doors turn out to be useful in rooms with high humidity. Door structure enables use in all types of rooms exposed to direct contact with water. Applied HPL coat, resistant to mechanical damage guarantees long-term exploitation of doors in extreme conditions. Doors are especially suitable for swimming pools, car washes, bathhouses, etc. (door leaf + door frame) full 116 pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION AVAILABLE COLORS HPL veneer Blue samples of colors White Grey Euroinvest see pages 156-158 Door leaf frame is made of slow-burning, chemical resistant, water-resistant material. Core is made of hard polyurethane foam with similar properties. Door leaf components are joined using water-resistant and chemical resistant adhesive. Frame with core is coated from both sides with HPL – material resistant to mechanical damage. PROFIL Door leaf is available only in non-rebate version. FINISHING Door leaf is coated with HPL veneer (1.5 mm thick). MODELS Single leaf: full and with glazing. DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE • Two hinges made of stainless steel* • Pane pattern (transparent or hardened mat) • Lock made of stainless steel available in three versions: for regular key, with bathroom lock or cylinder insert • Door frame LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) hard polyurethane foam (AQUA) Single leaf*: „60” ÷ „100” DOOR FRAME • Large angle-bar frame of profile 100 mm. The frame is made of both sides zinc coated steel 1.2 mm thick. It is equipped with: two hinges pintle standard, circumferential rubber seal, six assembly dowels. It’s also painted with polyester powder paint: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047) or blue (RAL 5005). • Door frame is available in two versions: – for setting on already prepared floor – level “0” – for cementing in the floor – level “-30” NOTES * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size handle with escutcheon (EDEL) ventilation grid made from stainless steel the frame section from 80 to 100 mm – free of charge expanding the frame section from 105 to 150 mm expanding the frame section from 155 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 275 to 390 mm 117 Metal doors Metal doors are manufactured with two coating versions: acid proof and zinc-coated steel sheet in painted or PVC coated version. High technical parameters ensured the certificate of the National Institute of Hygiene for the metal doors and they may be used in hospitals, laboratories, restaurants, utility rooms, basements, garages etc Non-typical project depicted in the photo (Porta CONTRACT). full 118 pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 3 Acid-resistant steel – sample AVAILABLE COLORS Polyester paint White (RAL 9016) DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Closed jacket structure of brushed stainless steel (acid proof) or steel sheet zinc-coated on both sides, painted or PVC laminated (extra charged option)1. The leaf filled with foamed polystyrene, mineral wool or reinforced honeycomb core with wood inserts for hinges and lock. For acid proof version stainless steel hardware are provided. Grey (RAL 7047) Cream (RAL 1001) PVC laminated steel sheet Brown (RAL 8028) LEAF EDGE PROFILE Both sides and the upper edge of the leaf come in leaf color finish. The leaf itself is made in the rebate version. FINISHING Golden Oak Steel Walnut Zinc-coated sheet leaf finish: • powder-coated with polyester primer paints (honeycomb or mineral wool core) • not painted (filled with foamed polystyrene) • wood-like PVC laminate (for all types of cores) Brushed stainless steel finish (acid proof): • no coating for any type of core. Mahogany MODELS Acid-proof stainless steel Single and double doors (only for door leaves from zinc-coated steel): full, glazed. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE samples of colors see pages 156-158 • Two standard pintle hinges (three hinges for a leaf of dimension „100“)* • Lock for cylinder insert • Pane pattern (transparent or hardened mat) LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Single leaf*: ,,60”, ,,70”, ,,80”, ,,90”, ,,100” Double leaf*: (only for zinc-coated leaves): „120” ÷ „200” 2 RECOMMENDED DOOR FRAMES (FROM PAGE 124) foamed polystyrene (U = 0,88 W/m2 K) mineral wool (U = 0,91 W/m2 K) • Large angle-bar door frame to be assembled, made of brushed stainless steel (acid proof) • Metal door frames. NOTES „honeycomb” stabilizing • Door leaves made of acid-resistant steel or with foamed polystyrene are available in non-varnished version. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. 1 2 PCV coating may only be provided for solid or bull’s eye doors (model no 4). Arbitrary selection of door leaf sizes for double doors. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) „100” size (zinc-coated leaves) „100” size (stainless steel acid proof leaves) PCV laminate ventilation sleeves (zinc-coated leaves) ventilation grid (zinc-coated leaves) handle with escutcheon third hinge for the leaf dimensions „60”, „70”, „80” or „90” 119 Metal doors EI 30 Metal doors with special fire resistant qualities – EI 30 are a universal solution for application in any kind of building meant for public use. Doors provide excellent protection from spreading fire in our garage, basement, workshop and in large warehouses and halls. The self-closing mechanism installed allows for efficient traffic flow and increases the level of safety by separating the danger zone from the rest of the rooms. (door leaf + door frame+ handle) full 120 pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 AVAILABLE COLORS DOOR LEAF CONSTRUCTION Leaf plate, 53 mm in total thickness, is an enclosed sleeve construction made of galvanized steel metal plate 0,8 mm thick. Leaf structure is reinforced by steel flat bars. Leaf filling consists of mineral wool. Polyester paint LEAF EDGE PROFILE White (RAL 9016) Grey (RAL 7047) Cream (RAL 1001) Brown (RAL 8028) Leaf is produced with a double rebate (20 mm wide). FINISHING samples of colors see pages 156-158 Made of galvanized steel plating painted with polyester powder paint. MODELS DOOR LEAVES – CROSS-SECTIONS Single leaf: full or glazed. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE LEAF PRICE mineral wool (U = 0,91 W/m2 K) • Two triple element hinges, one of them is a load bearing one, the other, thanks to the spring enclosed in it, facilitates doors closing on their own • Insert lever lock • Anti-leverage security bolt • Set of door handles with plates • Transparent fireproof pane LEAF SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Single leaf*: ,,60”, ,,70”, ,,80”, ,,90”, ,,100” DOOR FRAME • Angle-bar metal door frame with an 84 mm wide edge. Made of double sided sherardized steel plate of 1,5 mm thickness. Varnished using powdered primer paint in white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), brown (RAL 8028), cream (RAL 1001). Fitted with cushion seal and expansion seal. • Possibility to order metal door frames in one of two versions: – for setting on the ready floor – level “0” – for cementing in the floor – level “-30”– equipped with a threshold element. NOTES • Full doors, as well as patterns 1 and 3 sold as sets with the „-30 level” frame do not have the direction of opening marked and are universal with this respect. • To meet the outside door approval requirements, glazed models must be equipped with glass characterized by special parameters – price and execution lead time to be arranged with the PORTA Contract Department. * Quantity, spacing, type of hinges and leaf size depends on the type of standard. Given characteristics relate to the Polish standards. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) fireproof eye-viewer stainless steel threshold reinforcement for the self-closing device 121 Porta SYSTEM door frame DOOR FRAMES, TRANSOMS T here are no complete doors without door frames. PORTA KMI Poland offer for each door model a door frame, which is technically and aesthetically compatible with the door. Our range includes many door frames with modern shape available with many finishes: natural, synthetic or metal veneers. In order to keep the proper parameters specific for entrance, technical and metal doors it is necessary to use our compatible door frame. At the same time we would like to assure you that all our door frames comply with the Polish Standard and may be used with the door leaves of other producers. MINIMAX new colors! Porta SYSTEM new colors! Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE new product! PRESTIGE new colors! Porta SYSTEM Gipsy Kings new product! Transoms Small ANGLE-BAR door frame Large ANGLE-BAR door frame Folding large ANGLE-BAR door frame METAL adjustable door frame AGATE-OPAL door frame METAL sliding door system PROJECT door frame Enjoy the quality! MINIMAX interior door frames, fixed width: 60 mm and 100 mm MINIMAX interior door frames with constant width of 100 mm are compatible with all Porta interior door leaves provided with Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, PVC, HQ CPL, Portadur and natural veneers. Door frames 60 mm wide are compatible only with MINIMAX doors and all interior doors with Portadecor veneer. cover plate 60 mm, synthetic veneer seal 100 mm, synthetic or natural veneer EXAMPLES OF INSTALLATION 124 Installed in brick wall using foam and anchors. Installed in brick wall using foam. Installed in plaster board wall using foam. Installed in plaster board wall using tap screws. AVAILABLE COLORS Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest CONSTRUCTION Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona3 White ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE MINIMAX 60 MM PRICE NEW COLORS Bark 1 Bark 2 Super Matt veneer Bark 3 Bark 4 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE MINIMAX 100 MM PRICE – synthetic veneers: • Two standard pintle hinges • Three hinges for the frame of size „100” and in all sizes of door frames • veneered with Portadur veneer – natural veneers: • Two sets of PRIME hinges • Three sets of PRIME hinges in frame of size „90” and „100” and in all select • natural veneers • Circumferential rubber seal around the door frame • Overlays against moisture down the door frame NEW COLORS White Portadur veneer Walnut 2 PVC veneer Light beech Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 DOOR FRAME SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Alder FINISHING The frames are veneered with: Portadecor, Portadur, Portacortex, Super Matt, PCV, HQ CPL, and natural wood veneers. (available in Portadecor veneer only) • Two standard pintle hinges • Three hinges for the frame of size „100” • Stops • Dowels, plugs • Plastic cover plates for frame bottom protection against moisture * till stock-out Portacortex veneer The frame consists of: – one horizontal and two vertical MDF beams, equipped with appropriate hardware and accessories – architraves (charged additionally) – quarter round (optionally charged additionally) The door frame is manufactured and delivered to the customer as a set of components to be assembled on site. • Width: 60 mm and 100 mm. „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” and any combination of these sizes in case of double doors. Apple tree Golden Oak NOTES Oak • The door frames must be installed in rooms with completely finished walls (wallpaper, for example) and floors (wooden flooring, for example). • Possibility to order the door frame (100 mm) in “tunnel” version (without hinges, lock and seal groove). Walnut HQ CPL veneer White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer Sapelli 6 NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca Nero Cherry Rosewood Wenge NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut see pages 156-158 Classic Walnut Dark Walnut Ebony ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) finishing with satin natural veneer (100 mm door frame only) single doors finishing with satin natural veneer (100 mm door frame only) double doors finishing with satin natural veneer – straight or rounded architraves, quarter round third hinge for the frames of size „60“ – „90” veneered with synthetic veneers third hinge for the frames of size „60“ – „80” veneered with natural veneers masking architraves, straight or rounded (from page 147) quarter round (from page 147) 125 Porta SYSTEM adjustable interior door frame An easily assembled adjustable door frame. This allows for ideal adjustment to the wall thickness and to obtain an exceptionally aesthetic finish. Reinforced hinge pockets guarantee construction stability even with very intensive use. Wide range of colours allows adjustment any Porta leaf. Porta SYSTEM constitutes a set with all types of interior door leaves. We especially recommend a very interesting solution to what is the use of overlay on the frame as a module RETRO. Easy to install overlay can be installed not only for the purchase and installation of new frames, but also in a situation where we are dealing with a previously Porta SYSTEM door frame. This procedure will allow you to obtain a completely different and new style door what can encourage You to seek new inspiration related to the housing arrangements as a consequence. panel Porta SYSTEM + with Adjustment Panel® Porta SYSTEM + Module RETRO Porta SYSTEM WALL THICKNESS RANGE - ADJUSTMENT PANEL ® WALL THICKNESS RANGE - PORTA SYSTEM 80 mm (or 160 mm) Minimum 126 Maximum 20 mm Minimum Maximum AVAILABLE COLORS Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest CONSTRUCTION Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona3 White ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE NEW COLORS Bark 1 Bark 2 Super Matt veneer Bark 3 Bark 4 NEW COLORS DOOR FRAME SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) • For eleven ranges of wall thickness, from 75 mm up to 300 mm: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100”, „110” and „120” ÷ „200”. • In case of single doors „60” ÷ „90”with side panel „40”1. White Portadur veneer FINISHING The frames are veneered with: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, Portadur, PCV, HQ CPL and natural wood veneers. Colors veneers are matched to the colors of door leaves which are in the standard PORTA KMI Poland offer. – synthetic veneers: • Two standard pintle hinges • Three hinges for the frame of size „100” and in all sizes of door frames veneered with Portadur veneer – natural veneers: • Two sets of PRIME hinges • Three sets of PRIME hinges in frame of size „90” and „100” and in all select natural veneers • Circumferential rubber seal around the door frame * till stock-out Portacortex veneer The door frame consists of: – one horizontal and two vertical made of solid chipboard, equipped with appropriate hardware and accessories. – architraves. The Porta SYSTEM door frame is manufactured and delivered to the customer as a set of components to be assembled on site. NOTES Walnut 2 PVC veneer Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Apple tree Golden Oak • The door frames must be installed in rooms with completely finished walls (wallpaper for example) and floors (wooden flooring for example). • Possibility to order the door frame in “tunnel” version (without hinges, lock and seal groove). • RETRO module not available in HQ CPL veneer. Walnut 6 1 Light beech Alder Oak Walnut HQ CPL veneer Applies only to the door frame in natural veneer. White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Satin natural veneer A B C D E F G H I J K NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca Nero Cherry Rosewood Wenge NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut see pages 156-158 Classic Walnut Dark Walnut WALL THICKNESS RANGE 75 ÷ 95 мм 95 ÷ 115 мм 120 ÷ 140 мм 140 ÷ 160 мм 160 ÷ 180 мм 180 ÷ 200 мм 200 ÷ 220 мм 220 ÷ 240 мм 240 ÷ 260 мм 260 ÷ 280 мм 280 ÷ 300 мм Ebony ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) finishing with satin natural veneer - single doors finishing with satin natural veneer - double doors third hinge for the frames of size „60“ – „90” veneered with synthetic veneers third hinge for the frames of size „60“ – „80” veneered with natural veneers reinforcement for the self-closing device 127 Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE NON-REBATED ADJUSTABLE DOOR FRAME WITH WIDE TRIMS (80 mm) NOVELTY Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame is dedicated for internal non-rebated door leaves. Easy to install adjustable door frame. Hinges adjustable in three planes allow to match ideally the leaf and frame. Frame construction wrap allows us to fit the thickness of the wall and thus allows to obtain an aesthetic finish. Reinforced hinge pockets guarantee construction stability even with very intensive use of the doors. 80 mm non-rebated door non-rebated door frame Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE broad architrave 80 mm 80 mm non-rebated door leaf with a door frame Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE broad architrave 80 mm common surface of door leaf and door frame hidden hinges 3D adjustment 80 m 128 m CONSTRUCTION AVAILABLE COLORS Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 6 The door frame consists of: – one horizontal and two vertical beams made of solid chipboard, equipped with appropriate hardware and accessories. – architraves. Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame is manufactured and delivered to the customer as a set of components to be assembled on site. Maple 1 The frames are covered with the same natural veneer select as in the case of the non-rebated door series. Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 FINISHING Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer • Two sets of 3D adjustable hinges • Circumferential rubber seal around the door frame Sapelli 6 DOOR FRAME SIZES For ten ranges of wall thickness, from 95 mm up to 300 mm: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” and „120” ÷ „200”. NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca Nero NOTES • The door frames must be installed in rooms with completely finished walls (wallpaper for example) and floors (wooden flooring for example). Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut samples of colors Classic Walnut WALL THICKNESS RANGE - PORTA SYSTEM ELEGANCE Dark Walnut 20 mm see pages 156-158 Maximum 130 Minimum 30 200 1155 * 1705 20 * – central hinge only in “100” size in the PN, CN standard. Dimension measured from the floor level is: PN – 1155 mm CN – 1110 mm DIN – not available WALL THICKNESS RANGE B 95 ÷ 115 mm C 120 ÷ 140 mm D 140 ÷ 160 mm E 160 ÷ 180 mm F 180 ÷ 200 mm G 200 ÷ 220 mm H 220 ÷ 240 mm I 240 ÷ 260 mm J 260 ÷ 280 mm K 280 ÷ 300 mm ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) finishing with satin natural veneer - single doors finishing with satin natural veneer - double doors When providing a wall opening for the Porta SYSTEM ELEGENACE door frame remember to provide cut-outs must be made at the level of door frame hinge pockets. third hinge for the frames „100” size 129 PRESTIGE adjustable interior door frame Elegant adjustable interior PRESTIGE door frame belongs to the group of the highest quality and most advanced products. The rElegant adjustable interior PRESTIGE door frame belongs to the group of the highest quality and most advanced products. The rounded beam and door trims emphasize the modern design and allow to use PRESTIGE door frame in the exclusive spaces and wherever aesthetics and quality are a priority.ounded beam and door trims emphasize the modern design and allow to use PRESTIGE door frame in the exclusive spaces and wherever aesthetics and quality are a priority. WALL THICKNESS RANGE 10 mm Minimum 130 Maximum AVAILABLE COLORS Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest CONSTRUCTION The door frame consists of: one horizontal and two vertical made of MDF, equipped with appropriate hardware and accessories: architraves. The PRESTIGE door frame is manufactured and delivered to as a set of components to be assembled on site. Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona3 White ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE – synthetic veneers: • Two pintle hinges standard • Three hinges for the frame of size „100” and in all sizes of door frames veneered with Portadur veneer – natural veneers: • Two sets of PRIME hinges • Three sets of PRIME hinges in frame of size „90” and „100” and in all select natural veneers • Circumferential rubber seal around the door frame * till stock-out Portacortex veneer NEW COLORS Bark 1 Bark 2 Super Matt veneer Bark 3 FINISHING The frames are veneered with: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, Portadur and natural wood veneers. Colors veneers are matched to the colors of door leaves which are in the standard PORTA KMI Poland offer. Bark 4 DOOR FRAME SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) NEW COLORS For nineteen ranges of wall thickness from 100 mm up to 290 mm: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” and „120” ÷ „200” In case of single doors „60” ÷ „90” with side panel „40” 1. White 1 Applies only to the door frame in natural veneer. Portadur veneer NOTES Walnut 2 Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Standard natural veneer Walnut 5 • Walnut 6 The door frames must be installed in rooms with completely finished walls (wallpaper for example) and floors (wooden flooring for example). • Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Possibility to order the door frame in “tunnel” version (without hinges, lock and seal groove) Sapelli 6 Satin natural veneer NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Mocca Select natural veneer Oak Nero Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut samples of colors Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 WALL THICKNESS RANGE A 100 ÷ 110 mm K B 110 ÷ 120 mm L 210 ÷ 220 mm C 120 ÷ 130 mm M 220 ÷ 230 mm D 130 ÷ 140 mm N 230 ÷ 240 mm E 140 ÷ 150 mm O 240 ÷ 250 mm F 150 ÷ 160 mm P 250 ÷ 260 mm ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) G 160 ÷ 170 mm R 260 ÷ 270 mm finishing with satin natural veneer - single doors H 170 ÷ 180 mm S 270 ÷ 280 mm finishing with satin natural veneer - double doors I 180 ÷ 190 mm T 280 ÷ 290 mm third hinge for the frames of size „60“ – „90” veneered with synthetic veneers J 190 ÷ 200 mm 200 ÷ 210 mm third hinge for the frames of size „60“ – „80” veneered with natural veneers 131 Porta SYSTEM for GYPSY KINGS door leaves adjustable interior door frame Adjustable professional door frame dedicated for GIPSY KINGS glass door leaf. Special hinge pockets guarantee construction stability even with very intensive use and considerable load. Adjustments to the door frame allow to ideally match it with the wall thickness and to obtain an exceptionally aesthetic finish. Please, contact the Porta Dealers to obtain advice and purchase GIPSY KINGS glass doors. See www.szklanedrzwi.pl for the detailed offer for glass doors. NOTE! The GIPSY KINGS glass door leaves designed for the presented PORTA SYSTEM door frame bear the Porta logo engraved in a visible place. Only well matched set guarantees high utility parameters and satisfaction. 132 AVAILABLE COLORS Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest CONSTRUCTION The door frame consists of the following: – main beams: one horizontal and two vertical made of wood-derived materials – trims. Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame is manufactured and delivered to the Customer in the form of a set of elements to be assembled on site. Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona3 White ACCESSORIES - INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE • Lock strike (short) • Rubber seal around the door frame • 2 hinge pockets for „60” ÷ „90” sizes; 3 pieces for „100” size NOTE! Hinges are delivered by the glass door leaf Manufacturer, i.e. Gypsy Kings Company – www.szklanedrzwi.pl * till stock-out Portacortex veneer NEW COLORS Bark 1 Bark 2 Super Matt veneer Bark 3 FINISHING The following veneers are used for the door frames: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, Portadur, PVC, HQ CPL and natural veneers. The veneer colours match the standard door leaf colours offered by Porta KMI Poland. DOOR FRAME SIZE (PAGE 150, TABLE 1) Eleven wall thickness sizes: 75 - 300 mm: „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100”. Bark 4 NOTES NEW COLORS • Door frame should be installed only after the walls (e.g. wall paper) and floor(parquet) are finished. White Portadur veneer Walnut 2 PVC veneer Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Apple tree Golden Oak Walnut 6 Light beech Alder Oak Walnut HQ CPL veneer White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer Sapelli 6 WALL THICKNESS RANGE – PORTA SYSTEM NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca 20 mm Nero Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony Minimum Maximum NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) finishing with satin natural veneer – single leaf 133 Transoms interior door frame It is worth using modern and functional transoms to glaze the partition walls and obtain more light in the rooms. They are an extension of the Porta SYSTEM door frames offer and use a similar production technology. Wide range of colors, quick and simple assembly ensure the popularity of this offer. The transoms allow to divide the rooms without loss of light. Independent transoms Dimension A: up to 1020 mm* - sizes „40” to „100” and double sizes which do not exceed „90” (e.g. „60+30”) Dimension B: up to 1021 mm* - size „110” and double sizes which sum if from „100” to „220” (e.g. „60+40”) * dimension in the clear Details – see page 152 table 6. REFERENCE DRAWING – WALL FIXING Combined transoms TRANSOM CONSTRUCTION Size in th e 134 rabb et AVAILABLE COLORS Portadecor veneer Grey Euroinvest CONSTRUCTION Transoms include main beams (two horizontal and two vertical beams made of woodderived materials), set of glazing beads, main beam connectors and trims. Transoms are manufactured and delivered to the Customer in the form of sets of elements to be assembled on the site. Beech Bavaria Oak* Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona2 Walnut Verona1 Walnut Verona3 DIMENSIONS White The range of transoms covers wall thicknesses between 75 and 300 mm. • Transoms combined with the Porta System (p. 152, Table 6); standard height at the rabbet is 270 mm. HO, HB, HZ + 302 mm – Porta SYSTEM door frame height. • Independent transom sizes and heights available „40”, „50”, „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100” and „120”-”220”. The maximum transom size is limited by the glass area which cannot exceed 3 m2. * till stock-out Portacortex veneer NEW COLORS Bark 1 Bark 2 Super Matt veneer Bark 3 FINISHING The following veneers are used for transoms: Portadecor, Portacortex, Super Matt, Portadur, PVC, HQ CPL and natural veneers. The veneer colours match the standard door leaf colours offered by Porta KMI Poland. Bark 4 NOTES • Transom is not glazed. Recommended glazing thickness - 4÷6 mm. • Transom should be installed only after the interior works are finished (e.g. wall paper and parquet are in place). NEW COLORS White Portadur veneer Walnut 2 PVC veneer Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Apple tree Golden Oak Walnut 6 Light beech Alder Oak Walnut HQ CPL veneer White Grey Euroinvest Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Satin natural veneer TRANSOM ADJUSTMENT RANGES Sapelli 6 20 mm NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Teak Mocca Nero Minimum Cherry Rosewood Wenge Maximum Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak samples of colors American Walnut see pages 156-158 Classic Walnut Dark Walnut ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) finishing with satin natural veneer – pro A x A and A x B finishing with satin natural veneer – pro B x B 135 Angle-bar small and large interior metal door frames Zinc-coated or stainless steel (acid proof) door frames are the highest quality product which may be used wherever doors with high resistance to fire, corrosion and weather are needed. With the automatic powder coating line, the sheet metal used for production is ideally smooth and protected against corrosion. Additionally, wood-like PVC laminate cover meets high aesthetic demands of the customers. Actually, theses door frames may be used in all types of rooms. large small Angle-bar large folding interior door frame made of stainless acid-resistant steel sheet or PVC laminated steel sheetPCV. 136 AVAILABLE COLORS Polyester paint White (RAL 9016) CONSTRUCTION Grey (RAL 7047) Cream (RAL 1001) PVC laminated steel sheet Golden Oak Walnut samples of colors Brown (RAL 8028) Angle-bar metal door frames (small and large) are made of zinc-coated steel sheet 1.2 mm. Door frames are available as universal design or left and right. Door frame profile width: 50 mm (small angle-bar) or 100 mm (large angle-bar). Door frames to be assembled are made of brushed stainless steel (acid-proof) (100 mm profile) or zinc-coated steel sheet laminated with wood-like PVC (80 mm profile). The door frames to be assembled are manufactured and delivered as elements packed in a carton box for assembly on do-it-yourself basis. FINISHING Small and large angle-bar door frames made of zinc-coated steel sheet are painted with powdered primer paints. Door frames to be assembled are made of stainless steel sheet (acid-proof) (100 mm profile) or zinc-coated steel sheet laminated with woodlike PVC. Mahogany ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE Large and small angle-bar as well as folding door frame for masonry walls: • Two standard pintle hinges • Three hinges for the frame of sizes „100” and „110” • Allen wrench • Circumferential rubber seal (brown, beige or grey) • Mounting anchors (angle-bar small) Angle-Bar large for gypsum-cardboard walls: • Two standard pintle hinges • Three hinges for the frame of sizes „100” • Allen wrench • Circumferential rubber seal (brown, beige or grey) • Special anchor bolts for gypsum walls to make the assembly easier see pages 156-158 DOOR FRAME SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 2) • „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100”, „110” 1 and „120” ÷ „200” 1 Door frame is the available in two versions: • for setting on ready floor – level “0”, • for cementing in the floor – level “-30”2 1 2 Dimensions not available for the folding frame made of acid-resistant steel. Not available in folding PVC laminated door frame version. EXAMPLES OF INSTALLATION Angle-bar small Assembly without additional mounting anchors ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) ANGLE-BAR LARGE third hinge for the frames „60” – „90” reinforcement for the self-closing device stainless steel threshold (page 148) installation dowels (Angle-bar large) expanding the frame section from 110 to 150 mm Angle-bar large, assembly with dowels Angle-bar large, assembly on the gypsum-cardboard walls expanding the frame section from 155 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 275 to 390 mm 137 ADJUSTABLE interior metal door frame Adjustable door frame made of zinc-coated sheet steel. Width adjustment allows easy match with the desired wall width. Actually, the adjustable door frame may be used in all types of rooms – at home, in the offices, hotels, industrial establishments and wherever excessive humidity occurs. Exterior side Interior side (round profile) 138 AVAILABLE COLORS Polyester paint White (RAL 9016) Grey (RAL 7047) samples of colors CONSTRUCTION Adjustable door frame is made of the highest quality galvanized steel sheet 1.5 mm thick. The frame consists of: • main beams: horizontal and two vertical • architraves • circumferential seal • pintle hinges Cream (RAL 1001) Brown (RAL 8028) see pages 156-158 FINISHING Polyester powder paint in standard primer version. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE • • • • • • Two standard pintle hinges Three hinges for the frame of size „100” and „110” Allen wrench Circumferential rubber seal (brown or grey) Expanding pins (for frames to be mounted in the masonry wall) Self-tapping screws (for frames to be mounted in the gypsum cardboard walls) DOOR FRAME SIZES (PAGE 150, TABLE 2) • „60”, „70”, „80”, „90”, „100”, „110” and „120” ÷ „200” Eight frame adjustment ranges. For setting on ready floor – level “0”. NOTES • The door frames must be installed in rooms with completely finished walls (wallpaper for example) and floors (wooden flooring for example). WALL THICKNESS RANGE A 95 ÷ 115 mm B 120 ÷ 145 mm C 145 ÷ 170 mm D 170 ÷ 195 mm E 195 ÷ 220 mm F 220 ÷ 245 mm G 245 ÷ 270 mm H 270 ÷ 295 mm EXAMPLES OF INSTALLATION IN DIFFERENT THICKNESS WALLS ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) wall thickness adjustment range third hinge for the frames „60” – „90” stainless steel threshold (page 148) 139 AGATE, OPAL interior entrance metal frames AGATE and OPAL door frames are intended for interior door leaves of the same name. Combination with the quality of Porta entrance doors results in the doors of the highest technical and operational parameters. METAL sliding door system METAL on-wall system (no leaf) for sliding doors Metal on-wall system (no leaf) for sliding doors is made especially for compartments with a small surface, where mounting normal door is not practical. 140 AVAILABLE COLORS Polyester paint CONSTRUCTION Metal door frame is made of both sides zinc-coated steel 1.2 mm (AGATE) or 1.5 mm thick (OPAL). FINISHING White (RAL 9016) samples of colors Grey (RAL 7047) Cream (RAL 1001) Made from galvanized sheet - door frame painted with polyester powder paint (in standard primer version). Brown (RAL 8028) ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE – (AGATE) see pages 156-158 • Three standard pintle hinges • Allen wrench • Circumferential rubber seal (brown, beige or grey color). ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE – (OPAL) • • • • • Three standard pintle hinges Allen wrench Circumferential rubber seal (brown, cream or grey) Six mounting dowels Six hole plugs DOOR FRAME SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) • „80”, „90”, „100” Door frame profile width: 100 mm. Door frame is available in two versions: • for setting on ready floor – level “0”, • for cementing in the floor – level “-30” EXAMPLES OF INSTALLATION ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) stainless steel threshold (page 148) installation dowels (AGATE) the frame section from 80 to 100 mm – free of charge expanding the frame section from 101 to 150 mm AGATE Assembly without additional mounting anchors OPAL Assembly with dowels AVAILABLE COLORS Polyester paint expanding the frame section from 151 to 270 mm expanding the frame section from 271 to 390 mm CONSTRUCTION Complete system consists of: large angle door frame installed onto a 100 mm wide wall made in “tunnel” version (without hinges, lock and seal groove); rails with carriages; rail covers and bumper beam. All elements are manufactured from galvanized steel sheets and delivered in a cardboard box to be assembled on site. FINISHING White (RAL 9016) Grey (RAL 7047) Cream (RAL 1001) Brown (RAL 8028) Door frame, rail covers and bumper beam are painted with polyester powder. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE SET PRICE samples of colors see pages 156-158 • Self-adhesive brush seal • Guiding element that stabilizes the door leaf vertically (to be mounted to the floor) SET SIZES (PAGE 153, TABLE 7) • „60”, „70”, „80”, „90” „100”. The set is manufactured in the version for setting on ready floor – level “0” and available as universal design (i.e. no left or right side) – once you decide whether the doors are to slide left or right, you install the bumper strip on the chosen side. 141 PROJECT interior entrance metal door frame fitted with veneered masking overlays Door leaves of best technical parameters guaranteeing the highest level of safety and comfort of use most often come in sets including a metal door frame. With increased interior aesthetics spaces fitted with this type of door in mind, we have added a PROJECT door frame to complement our offer. This door frame is adapted to fit with the AGATE, OPAL, QUARTZ, GRANITE, Rw=27 dB, Rw=32 dB, Rw=42 dB, EI 30, EI 60 door types. Thanks to a specially designed metal piece profile it is easy to install the Porta SYSTEM overlays ensuring smooth and aesthetic installation finish. PROJECT DOOR FRAME PROFILE ILLUSTRATION A B A B 140 ÷ 345 mm 90 mm AGATE, OPAL, QUARTZ, RW = 27 DB, RW = 32 DB 136 ÷ 341 mm 86 mm GRANITE, EI 30 adjustment + 20 mm * applies to door frame for EI 60 doors 142 30 mm 40 mm* RW = 42 DB, EI 60 161 ÷ 366 mm 111 mm AVAILABLE COLORS PVC veneer CONSTRUCTION Complete PROJECT door frame consists of: Metal angled door frame with pre-molded profile to fit the Porta SYSTEM overlays made of galvanized steel plate 1,2 mm thick (AGATE), or 1,5 mm thick (OPAL, QUARTZ, GRANITE, Rw=27 dB, Rw=32 dB, Rw=42 dB, EI 30, EI 60), Special uncut Porta SYSTEM elements including one horizontal and two vertical beams and sheathing strips made of imitation wood materials. PROJECT door frame is produced and delivered to the client as a complete set of elements for on-site assembly. Light beech Alder Oak Walnut Apple tree Golden Oak FINISHING HQ CPL veneer The metal part of the door frame is powder painted using primer paint in one of the following colors: white (RAL 9016), grey (RAL 7047), brown (RAL 8028), cream (RAL 1001). Porta SYSTEM overlays are covered using either of the following veneers: HQ CPL, PVC and natural wood veneers. ACCESSORIES – INCLUDED IN THE DOOR FRAME PRICE White Grey Euroinvest Oak Milano 1 Beech Porta Mahogany Standard for the door frame type made to fit the leaf chosen. Walnut DOOR FRAME SIZES (PAGE 151, TABLE 3) Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 • „80”, „90”, „100”. Possibility to order metal part of door frame in one of two options: • for setting on ready floor – level “0”, • for cementing in the floor – level “-30” Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Walnut Modena 1 Standard natural veneer NOTES: • Minimum wall thickness means the lower range value – dimension „A”. • The PROJECT door frame price equals the price of a standard metal frame included with the given type of technical or entrance doors, increased by the price of the Porta SYSTEM overlay. • A wall opening in the PROJECT door frame needs to be increased by S0 +25mm (+/-10) and H0 +15 (+/-5) compared to standard dimensions of metal frames (see table 3, page 151). Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Satin natural veneer NEW COLORS Bianco Mocca Tabacco Select natural veneer Oak Nero Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut samples of colors Classic Walnut Dark Walnut see pages 156-158 Wall thickness range B 140 ÷ 160 mm C 165 ÷ 185 mm D 185 ÷ 205 mm E 205 ÷ 225 mm F 225 ÷ 245 mm G 245 ÷ 265 mm H 265 ÷ 285 mm I 285 ÷ 305 mm J 305 ÷ 325 mm K 325 ÷ 345 mm NOTES! Mentioned above wall thickness ranges concers completed PROJECT door frames for GRANITE and EI 30 doors. In AGATE, OPAL, QUARTZ, Rw=27dB, Rw=32dB the wall thickness range must be minimized by 4 mm, in Rw=42dB and EI 60 must be increased by 21 mm. ADDITIONAL CHARGES (OPTION) * finishing with satin natural veneer 143 Additional equipment – handles collection Italian design LOGO Italian design Metal handle with rosette for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock golden, silver FLUO Italian design Metal handle with rosette for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock golden, silver NOVA Italian design Metal handle with rosette for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver LINK Italian design Metal handle with rosette for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver 144 Additional equipment – handles collection OFFICE NOVELTY Metal handle with rosette for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver NOVELTY CARO Metal handle with rosette for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver ARKADIA MINIMAX Metal handle (72) for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock Metal handle (72) for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock golden, silver, bronze White MINIMAX EDEL Metal handle (72) for regular key, for cylinder insert, bathroom lock Metal handle with rosette for cylinder insert made of acid-resistant steel golden, silver MINI Plastic handle (72), black, for metal doors for regular key and cylinder insert 145 Additional equipment – handles collection PORTA GRANITE (class „C”) Metal handle (72) (golden, titanic, bronze) with standard holder with „knob” holder upper lock board NOVELTY PORTA OPAL (European 2nd class) Metal handle (72) (golden, titanic, bronze) with standard holder with „knob” holder upper lock board NOVELTY PORTA AGATE (European 1st class) Metal handle (72) (silver, bronze) with standard holder with „knob” holder upper lock board 146 Additional accessories MASKING ARCHITRAVES Straight architraves Quarter round (2,15 m) Straight architraves VENTILATION Ventilation sleeves I row (different colors) Ventilation sleeves II rows (different colors) Metal ventilation sleeves. Available colors: golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver Ventilation undercut Ventilation grid to be placed (different colors) Ventilation slot BULL’S EYES MADE OF ACID-RESISTANT STEEL HINGES AND COVERS Bull’s eye is available only in door leaves with chipboard core in following types of doors: MINIMAX, Porta DECOR, HQ CPL veneered, ENDURO, Porta NOVA, Porta LINE, Porta CLASSIC, Nova NATURE, Nature LINE. Standard hinge* * Extra charge for additional hinge in wood-like door frame and door leaves. Internal diameter is 250 mm for the wings of „60” and „70”, and 300 mm for the others. There is a transparent pane or safety mat with a thickness of 6 mm to be chosen. Extra charge for bull’s eye. „PRIME” hinges, retail sale: Available colors: golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver. Extra charge for third hinge in metal zinc-coated door frame. Cover for hinges for exterior doors GDYNIA and WROCLAW (set for one hinge). Available colors: golden or silver. Covers for standard hinges for interior doors (set for one hinge): Available colors: white, mat silver, chrome, golden TRANSPARENCY OF GLASS PANES OFFERED FOR INTERIOR DOORS „Chinchilla” type pane MasterCarre type pane „Ribbed” type pane “Wave”, “square” type pane (satin effect) Mat type pane 147 Additional accessories ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Round flush handle for sliding doors – included in the door price. Available colors: silver (white doors) and golden (all others). Hook lock with side handles (for sliding doors). Available colors: golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver. Side handle for sliding doors. Available colors: golden, mat golden, silver, mat silver. Self-closing device Available colors: silver, bronze Wide-angle eye-viewer. Available colors: silver Stainless steel threshold for Porta door frames: standard (90 mm), extended (120 mm), in double doors: standard (90 mm), extended (120 mm). Two cylinder insert “B” class Available colors: silver, golden Prepartion for shortening (up to 60 mm) ASSEMBLY AND OPERATION OF EXTERIOR DOORS Reference drawing CANOPY ROOF The exterior doors need to be protected against direct sun rays and precipitations – in order to do so the doors have to be mounted in a recess or overhead canopies should be provided for the doors mounted in walls without recesses. The canopy should extend beyond the open door outline and ensure shade in the summer afternoons. HEAT SOURCES The distance between the door a heater should not be less than 150 mm We recommend a non-heated anteroom. ASSEMBLY The door should be installed in the wall opening after the flooring is finished and masonry works completed after the plaster is dry. To preserve all advantages of WROCLAW and GDYNIA wooden doors it is recommended to ensure periodical maintenance, i.e. 2 – 3 times a year. Wipe the door surface with a humid soft cloth and coat with a wood care agent (do not use alkaline solutions or solvents for this purpose). 150 cm safe distance Reference drawing 148 The dimensions of the door assembly ready floor level MINIMAX door frame ready floor level Porta SYSTEM door frame ready floor level ready floor level Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE door frame with METAL angle-bar door frame ready floor level METAL sliding door system ready floor level PRESTIGE door frame Left doors ready floor level Right doors ready floor level PORTA SLIDING DOOR SYSTEM DOOR SIDES NON-REBATED DOORS (PASSIVE AND ACTIVE DOOR LEAF) passive leaf e lea ac tiv COMPACT sliding door system EDGE OF INTERIOR DOOR LEAF f LEGEND see next page 149 Door sizes tables LEGEND SS – total leaf width, including rebates HB – height of door frame, door trims excluded HS – total leaf height, including rebate SZ – total width of door frame, including door trims DS – thickness of door leaf HZ – total width of door frame, including door trims width of wall opening ready for door frame setting MS – width of sliding door masking system MG – thickness of sliding door masking system BG – thickness of sliding door stop beam S0 – H0 – height of wall opening ready for door frame setting, measured from the finished floor level OS – clear width of the door frame (for ALPHA, BETA, OMEGA door models and for wardrobe door the thickness of door leaves suspended on the door frame is deducted from this dimension) TS/W – permissible deviation from width/height of wall opening SC – width of wall opening ready for built-in cassette OW – clear height of the door frame (for the doors with a threshold the height of threshold is deducted for this dimension) HC – height of wall opening ready for built-in cassette (measured from the finished floor level) SB – All dimensions – in millimeters [mm]. width of door frame, door trims excluded POLISH STANDARD (PN) INTERIOR DOORS WITH WOODEN DOOR FRAMES OW 602 810 SB HB 690 70 744 844 90 944 1010 902 990 1100 100 1044 1110 1002 1090 1200 60 618 680 602 646 787 70 718 780 702 746 887 40 910 802 890 1000 818 918 980 902 946 1087 100 1018 1080 1002 1046 1187 60 644 680 602 646 746 70 744 780 702 746 846 987 844 944 100 1044 1080 1002 1046 1146 110 1144 1180 1102 1146 1246 60 644 710 602 690 818 70 744 810 702 790 918 980 902 946 946 1046 844 944 1010 902 990 1118 100 1044 1110 1002 1090 1218 2075 2016 890 2038 80 40 802 2016 90 2030 910 2060 846 2039 80 40 802 2016 90 2030 880 2060 846 900 2060 80 40 802 790 2016 90 2017 880 2075 2060 1018 INTERIOR DOORS WITH METAL DOOR FRAMES TYPE OF DOOR FRAMES with door frames: SMALL ANGLE-BAR with door frames: LARGE ANGLE-BAR (for masonry walls) with door frames: LARGE ANGLE-BAR (for plasterboard walls) with door frames: ADJUSTABLE 150 SIZE SS 60 644 HZ T S/W 800 80 2030 702 SZ 2115 2110 2088 2124 +20 /+10 710 OS +20 /+10 H0 +20 /+10 S0 +20 /+10 with door frames: PRESTIGE (with adjustable) 644 DS TABLE 2 HS DS S0 H0 650 OS OW 596 750 SB HB 629 70 744 844 90 944 950 896 929 986 100 1044 1050 996 1029 1086 60 644 675 596 656 686 70 744 775 696 756 786 80 844 875 796 856 886 2030 40 40 850 2055 796 2016 829 2046 886 944 1044 1075 996 1056 1086 110 1144 1175 1096 1156 1186 60 644 680 596 680 686 70 744 780 696 780 786 80 844 880 796 880 886 2055 2016 944 1044 1080 996 1080 1086 110 1144 1180 1096 1180 1186 60 644 700 596 680 716 70 744 800 696 780 80 844 90 944 100 1044 1100 996 1080 1116 110 1144 1200 1096 1180 1216 900 1000 2070 796 896 2016 980 2046 90 40 896 986 100 2030 980 956 786 2033 90 40 896 729 2016 100 2030 975 2045 880 980 HZ T S/W 686 80 2030 696 SZ 986 2061 2061 ±10 /±5 with door frames: Porta SYSTEM (with adjustable) 60 TABLE 1 HS ±10 /±5 with door frames: Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE SS 2061 +10 /+5 with door frames: MINIMAX 60 mm MINIMAX 100 mm MDF In natural veneer SIZE 2076 –10 /–5 TYPE OF DOOR FRAMES 816 2058 916 1016 Door sizes tables INTERIOR ENTRANCE AND TECHNICAL DOORS HB SZ 90 952 100 1044 80 868 GRANITE PS 90 968 100 1068 1115 1026 1104 60 644 680 602 646 746 70 744 780 702 746 846 Rw = 32 dB with reinforced Porta SYSTEM door frame Rw = 42 dB with reinforced Porta SYSTEM door frame Rw = 42 dB with metal door frame* EI 30 with MDF door frame EI 30 Rw = 27 dB, Rw = 32 dB with metal door frame* EI 60 with wooden door frame EI 60 with metal door frame* Metal doors EI 30 ENDURO with swing version door frame for ENDURO doors AQUA 985 2055 1075 45/47 1015 2000 996 915 2030 904 826 2060 926 964 2046 1056 904 2000 1004 1014 1010 2042 1110 80 844 944 980 902 946 1046 100 1044 1080 1002 1046 1146 60 644 680 602 646 746 70 744 780 702 746 846 40/44 880 2060 802 2016 846 2038 946 80 844 90 952 988 902 954 1054 100 1044 1080 1002 1046 1146 80 868 90 968 100 1068 2030 44/48 880 2060 915 2047 69 1015 802 2016 802 2080 1115 902 846 2038 872 2020 1002 972 946 1072 988 100 1088 60 70 80 844 90 952 1060 910 1030 1132 100 1044 1150 1002 1122 1224 60 644 675 596 656 706 70 744 775 696 756 806 890 810 2055 910 870 2015 970 950 2045 1050 1090 1010 1070 1150 644 750 602 722 824 744 850 702 822 80 844 90 952 100 60 2030 44/48 44/48 2030 950 2090 904 964 1014 1044 1075 996 1056 1106 668 775 627 747 858 70 768 875 727 847 80 868 90 968 60 668 70 768 80 868 90 968 1000 921 981 1031 60 700 695 640 673 730 70 800 795 740 773 80 900 90 1000 995 940 973 1030 100 1080 1075 1020 1053 1110 60 644 675 596 656 686 70 744 775 696 756 80 844 90 952 985 904 964 994 100 1044 1075 996 1056 1086 60 618 745 632 722 722 70 718 845 732 822 80 818 90 918 1045 932 1022 1022 100 1018 1145 1032 1122 1122 60 618 675 596 656 686 70 718 775 696 756 80 818 90 918 975 896 956 986 100 1018 1075 996 1056 1086 1075 2040 2030 2017 2017 61/65 53 40 40 40 800 900 895 875 945 875 2017 927 700 2030 827 2065 2055 2085 2055 721 821 840 796 832 796 2077 1047 621 2055 947 2043 1024 875 2090 856 2037 2016 2030 2016 781 881 873 856 922 856 906 2128 2068 958 2133 1058 1158 681 2013 2085 924 2077 985 975 2013 922 40/48 61/65 796 2014 40/44 2030 2055 802 2104 1168 888 990 2088 1068 80 69 2088 968 2056 90 2047 2108 1210 90 2030 2071 1106 +20 /+10 45/47 +20 /+10 Rw = 27 dB with Porta SYSTEM door frame 44/48 T S/W ±10 /±5 AGATE, OPAL, QUARTZ, GRANITE * 2030 HZ 906 +20 /+10 SB 856 +20 /+10 OW ±10 /±5 OS 796 +10 /+5 H0 ±10 /±5 S0 875 ±10 /±5 DS 40/44 731 2043 831 931 2068 830 2053 930 2080 786 2046 886 2061 822 2075 922 2075 2061 786 2046 886 * While using the PROJECT frame, the wall opening must be larger – S 0 by 25 mm and H 0 by 15 mm (results tolerance ± 10 mm / ± 5 mm). ±10 /±5 HS ±10 /±5 844 ±10 /±5 SS 80 ±10 /±5 SIZE ±10 /±5 TYP TABLE 3 151 Door sizes tables EXTERIOR DOORS TABLE 4 SIZE SS HS DS S0 H0 OS OW SB HB SZ HZ T S/W GDANSK TYPE 80 807 2007 45 865 2070 783 2008 843 2058 893 2083 ±10 /±5 GDANSK, SZCZECIN, TORUN 90 908 2007 45 965 2070 883 2008 943 2058 993 2083 ±10 /±5 GDYNIA, WROCLAW 90 982 2049 68 1090 2120 920 2010 1060 2100 – – ±10 /±10 GDYNIA + 1 side transom „30” 90+30 982 2049 68 1435 2120 920 2010 1404 2100 – – ±10 /±10 GDYNIA + 2 side transom „30” 30+90+30 982 2049 68 1780 2120 920 2010 1746 2100 – – ±10 /±10 ±10 /±10 GDYNIA, WROCLAW 100 1082 2049 68 1190 2120 1020 2010 1160 2100 – – GDYNIA + 1 side transom „30” 100+30 1082 2049 68 1535 2120 1020 2010 1504 2100 – – ±10 /±10 GDYNIA + 2 side transom „30” 30+100+30 1082 2049 68 1880 2120 1020 2010 1846 2100 – – ±10 /±10 TYPE ROMA doors Premium single ROMA doors Premium double ROMA doors Standard single ROMA doors Standard double SIZE SS 80 868 90 968 100 1068 HS DS S0 H0 OS 940 2030 56 OW** 820 1040 2075 920 1140 SB HB 920 2000 1020 1020 SZ 2066 1120 1050 130 1427* 1500 1379 1479 1509 1527* 1600 1479 1579 1609 150 1627* 1700 1579 1679 1709 160 1727* 1800 1679 1779 1809 170 1827* 56 2075 1900 2000 1779 1879 2066 1909 180 1927* 2000 1879 1979 190 2027* 2100 1979 2079 2109 200 2127* 2200 2079 2179 2209 80 868 90 968 900 100 1068 1100 2030 45 820 1000 2055 2000 980 1030 1020 1080 1130 1489 130 1427* 1460 1379 1439 1527* 1560 1479 1539 1589 150 1627* 1660 1579 1639 1689 1727* 170 1827* 2030 1760 45 1679 2055 1860 2000 1779 1739 1839 ±10 /±5 2081 ±10 /±5 2071 ±10 /±5 2071 ±10 /±5 930 2046 140 160 2081 2009 880 920 T S/W 1150 140 2030 HZ 950 2046 1789 1889 180 1927* 1960 1879 1939 1989 190 2027* 2060 1979 2039 2089 200 2127* 2160 2079 2139 2189 * The total width of the active and passive door leaves. ** Dimension reduced by the threshold height. WARDROBE DOORS SS 60 600 675 70 700 775 560 752 862 80 800 875 660 852 962 90 900 120 1200 HS DS 2005 S0 H0 OW 460 975 30 OS HB 652 760 2090 1275 SB 2030 940 952 1260 SZ 2075 1062 1370 140 1400 1475 1140 1460 1570 160 1600 1675 1340 1660 1770 180 1800 1875 1540 1860 1970 TYPE OF TRANSOM Porta SYSTEM double 152 2130 TABLE 6 S0/H 0 O S /H W S B/H B S Z/H Z 40 480 402 446 546 50 580 502 546 646 60 680 602 646 746 70 780 702 746 846 80 880 802 846 946 1046 T S/W * the dimensions refer only to the transom height – HZ height is equal to Hz of Porta System. +20 / +20 height/weight For double sizes not included in the Table, check the dimensions sums and compare with the corresponding dimension in the Table (e.g. for 80+50 the sum is 130, the dimensions are read for 70+60, and the sum is also 130). 90 980 902 946 100 1080 1002 1046 1146 110 1180 1102 1146 1246 00* - /2022 - /1944 - /1988 - /2088 height/weight S0/H 0 O S/OW S B/H B S Z/H Z height/weight S0/H 0 O S/OW S B/H B S Z/H Z 60+30 1020 937 981 1081 80+80 1720 1637 1681 1781 60+40 1120 1037 1081 1181 90+80 1820 1737 1781 1881 60+50 1220 1137 1181 1281 90+90 1920 1837 1881 1981 60+60 1320 1237 1281 1381 100+90 2020 1937 1981 2081 70+60 1420 1337 1381 1481 100+100 2120 2037 2081 2181 70+70 1520 1437 1481 1581 110+100 2220 2137 2181 2281 80+70 1620 1537 1581 1681 110+110 2320 2237 2281 2381 T S/W +20 / +20 Porta SYSTEM single T S/W 762 TRANSOMS TYPE OF TRANSOM HZ +20 / +10 OXFORD , GENEVA TABLE 5 SIZE T S/W +20 / +20 TYPE Door sizes tables METAL sliding door system (for plasterboard walls PORTA sliding door system ALU sliding door system TYPE OMEGA system COMPACT sliding door system – double SB HB HZ 82 58 82 58 103 60 62 – MG BG T S/W – – – – SB SZ HZ T S/W 1329 1429 2088 744 90 944 970 900 100 1044 1070 1000 2110 60 644 685 600 1310 70 744 785 700 1510 2030 870 40 2030 40 885 700 2055 2055 800 1510 2018 1710 2114 1910 80 844 90 944 985 900 100 1044 1085 1000 2110 60 644 680 602 1413 780 800 2018 2114 1710 1910 70 744 80 844 90 944 980 902 100 1044 1080 1002 2193 60 744 680 602 1448 1648 2030 40 880 702 2060 802 1613 2016 2119 1813 2013 70 844 780 702 80 944 880 802 90 1044 130 2 x 744 1420 1345 150 2 x 844 1620 1545 3277 170 2 x 944 1820 1745 3677 SS 2030 40 HS 980 DS S0 2060 H0 680 902 OS 1848 2016 2114 2048 2877 OW HZ SZ 460 70 744 844 90 944 980 760 1046 100 1044 1080 860 1146 60 588 680 450 746 70 688 780 550 846 80 788 90 888 SIZE SS 2 x 60 644 780 746 80 2000 880 40 1990 40 880 HS DS S0 744 844 2 x 90 944 1970 2 x 100 1044 2170 SS 644 H0 HS 30 DS 1770 S 0* H 0* 670 650 OS 2016 946 2088 2088 946 1046 OW HB 740 2060 OS 1529 1629 1729 1829 940 1929 2029 1040 2129 2229 840 OW 609 770 846 2016 640 1570 1956 660 750 1370 2 x 70 60 2070 980 2 x 80 SIZE 560 2060 1954 SB 2038 HB 664 HZ T S/W 744 844 90 944 970 909 964 1053 100 1044 1070 1009 1064 1153 2 x 60 644 1290 1234 1278 1378 2613 2 x 70 744 1490 1434 1478 1578 3013 2030 40 870 1690 2075 2075 809 1634 764 SC 2018 2018 864 1678 853 2040 2040 953 2 x 80 844 2 x 90 944 1890 1834 1878 1978 1778 2 x 100 1044 2090 2034 2078 2178 HC 1355 70 40 709 SZ 753 80 2030 T S/W +10 / +5 770 SZ 1310 2090 +10 / +5 COMPACT sliding door system – single OW 1555 1755 2128 1955 2155 2090 +10 / +5 TYPE OS 600 844 644 TYPE H0 70 60 BETA system S0 670 80 SIZE ALPHA system DS +10 / +5 METAL sliding door system (for masonry walls) HS +20 / +10 644 +20 / +10 SS 60 +20 / +10 SIZE +20 / +10 TYPE TABLE 7 +20 / +10 SLIDING DOOR SYSTEMS, FOLDING DOORS 3413 2128 3813 4213 * For COMPACT sliding door system sizes S0, H0 mean size of wall opening without metal casing. NOTES: • Dimension tolerance in accordance with the Polish Standard (PN): up to 1 m: ± 1 mm, above 1 m: ± 2 mm. • To work out the size S0 of double-leaf doors, a) rebated doors: dimensions given in the table 1 must be added to the width of the second leaf or side panel (Ss dimension, rebated) – concerns to set with Porta SYSTEM door frame and rebated doors: to S0o size given in the table 1 (single rebated door leaf) must be added to the width of the second leaf or side panel (Ss dimension, rebated) and then obtained value reduce by 10mm – concerns option with other door frames. b) non-rebated: to S0 size given in the table 1 (single non-rebated door leaf) must be added to the width of the second leaf (non-rebated )or side panel (Ss dimension, rebated), and then increased by16 mm. • Extensions available in natural veneer finish are offered as the „40” width, where SS=444, HS=2030. • The frames are designed for installation on a finished, ready to use floor. Metal frames may be ordered 30 mm longer, to dip the ends in the floor concrete. In such a case, the H0 and HZ dimensions must be increased by 30 mm (level „-30”). • The inside door leaf dimension given in the table applies both to rebate and non-rebate leaves. • Porta SYSTEM integrated with an upper light, dimensions H0, HB i HZ +302 mm. • While using the PROJECT frame, the wall opening must be larger S0 by 25 mm and H0 by 15 mm (results tolerance ± 10 mm / ± 5 mm). 153 Door sizes tables CZECH AND SLOVAK STANDARD (ČSN+STN)*/ GERMAN STANDARD (DIN) INTERIOR DOORS TABLE 8 with door frame: Porta SYSTEM ELEGANCE (adjustable) with door frame: PRESTIGE (adjustable) with door frame: SMALL ANGLE-BAR with door frame: LARGE ANGLE-BAR (for masonry walls) with door frame: ADJUSTABLE DOOR FRAME 90 948/985 715/680 40 915/930 OW 606/568 815/805 1985 OS 1015/1055 806/818 HB 694/657 706/693 2030 SB 906/943 894/907 HZ 904/892 2015 994/1032 1004/1017 1048/ – 1115/ – 1006/– 1094/ – 1204/ – 60 648/610 685/650 606/568 650/613 750/713 70 748/735 848/860 90 948/985 785/775 1985 40 885/900 706/693 2015 985/1025 806/818 750/738 1971 906/943 850/863 850/838 1993 950/988 950/963 1048/ – 1085 / – 1006/– 1050/ – 1150/ – 60 622/584 684/640 604/ 566 650/606 791/747 70 722/709 822/834 90 922/959 784/765 1972 40 884/890 704/691 2015 984/1015 804/816 750/731 1971 904/941 850/856 891/872 1994 950/981 991/997 1022/ – 1084 / – 1004/ – 1050/ – 1191/ – 60 648/610 715/680 606/568 694/657 822/785 70 748/735 848/860 90 948/985 815/805 1985 40 915/930 706/693 2030 1015/1055 806/818 794/782 1971 906/943 894/907 922/910 2015 994/1032 1022/1035 1048/ – 1115/ – 1006/– 1094/ – 1222/ – 60 648/610 654/615 600/561 633/594 690/651 70 748/735 848/860 90 948/985 754/740 1985 40 854/865 700/686 1995 954/990 800/811 733/719 1968 900/936 833/844 790/776 1985 933/969 890/901 1048/ – 1054/ – 1000/– 1033/ – 1090/ – 60 648/610 680/640 600/561 660/621 690/651 70 748/735 848/860 90 948/985 780/765 1985 40 880/890 700/686 2010 980/1015 800/811 760/746 1968 900/936 860/871 790/776 1998 960/996 890/901 1048/ – 1080/– 1000/– 1060/ – 1090/ – 60 648/610 704/665 600/561 684/645 720/681 70 748/735 80 848/860 804/790 90 948/985 1004/1040 900/936 984/1020 1020/1056 100 1048/ – 1104/ – 1000/– 1084/- 1120/- 40 904/915 700/686 2020 800/811 784/770 1968 884/895 2013 990/1026 100 1985 2013 990/1026 100 80 2079 1122/1160 100 80 2064 1091/1122 100 80 2043 1050/1088 100 80 2070 1104/1142 100 80 T S/W 804/767 794/782 1971 SZ 820/806 2010 920/931 +20 / +10 748/735 848/860 H0 +20 / +10 with door frame: Porta SYSTEM (adjustable) 70 80 S0 +20 / +10 648/610 DS +20 / +10 with door frame: MINIMAX 60 mm MINIMAX 100 mm MDF In natural veneer 60 HS ±10 / ±5 SS ±10 / ±5 SIZE 2028 –10 / –5 TYPE HZ T S/W SS 80 848/860 90 948/985 100 1048/ – SIZE SS 60 644 HS 1985 DS S0 40/44 880/890 44/48 980/1015 45/47 1080/ – DS S0 H0 OS OW 800/811 2010 900/936 SB HB 860/871 1968 1000/– 960/996 SZ 910/921 1998 1060/– 1010/1046 2023 1110/ – ALPHA system BETA system OMEGA system TYPE COMPACT sliding system – single COMPACT sliding system – double 744 844 90 944 680 40 880 OW HZ 606/568 780 1985 OS 980 806/818 2074 906/943 1763 1044 1080 1006/- 2143 648/610 685/650 465/425 750/713 748/735 848/860 90 948/985 785/775 1952 40 885/900 565/550 2015 985/1025 665/675 2043 765/800 950/963 1048/ – 1085/ – 865/- 1150/ – 592/554 685/650 455/415 750/713 692/680 792/806 90 892/930 1945 40 785/775 885/900 2015 555/540 655/665 985/1025 755/790 1971 2043 850/838 950/963 648/610 1370/1275 644/606 1429/1337 2 x 70 748/735 1570/1525 744/731 1629/1587 2 x 80 848/860 948/985 2 x100 1048/ – SIZE SS 60 644 70 744 80 844 90 944 1911 30 1770/1775 2015 1970/2025 DS S 0** 870 OS 809 1829/1837 HZ SC 2045 1755 970 909 1955 2155 1044 1070 1009 644 1288 1234 2613 2 x 70 744 1488 1434 3013 1688 2030 1634 1973 2045 2 x 80 844 2 x 90 944 1888 1834 3813 3413 2 x100 1044 2088 2034 4213 * While using the PROJECT frame, the wall opening must be larger S0 by 25 mm and H0 by 15 mm (results tolerance ± 10 mm / ± 5 mm). ** For COMPACT sliding door system sizes S0, H0 mean size of wall opening in metal casing, ready for PVC door frame setting. 154 – – HC BG T S/W 2083 – 2083 – 1555 1973 100 40 – 1355 2 x 50 1985 – 2229/ – OW 709 2030 – 2029/2087 609 770 40 2043 1044/- H 0** 670 1985 1909 944/981 2170/ – HS 844/856 T S/W 1050/1088 2 x 90 2 x 90 – 1050/1088 60 70 60 850/838 1971 100 80 98 1963 60 70 BG 1563 1971 100 80 MG 1363 706/693 2015 MS +20 / +10 70 80 H0 +20 / +10 PORTA sliding door system TABLE 10 HS +10 / +5 TYPE +10 / +5 SLIDING DOOR SYSTEMS +20 / +10 AGATE, OPAL, QUARTZ, GRANITE* SIZE +20 / +10 TYPE ±10 / ±5 INTERIOR ENTRANCE DOORS Door sizes tables CZECH AND SLOVAK STANDARD (ČSN+STN) TRANSOM TABLE 11.1 O S /H W S B/H B 40 485 406 450 550 50 585 506 550 650 60 685 606 650 750 70 785 706 750 850 80 885 806 850 950 1050 Porta SYSTEM single TYPE OF TRANSOM S Z/H Z 90 985 906 950 100 1085 1006 1050 1150 110 1185 1106 1150 1250 00* - /1977 - /1899 - /1943 - /2043 * the dimensions refer only to the transom height – HZ height is equal to Hz of Porta System. For double sizes not included in the Table, check the dimensions sums and compare with the corresponding dimension in the Table (e.g. for 80+50 the sum is 130, the dimensions are read for 70+60, and the sum is also 130). height/weight S 0/H 0 O S/OW S B/H B S Z/H Z height/weight S0/H 0 O S/OW S B/H B S Z/H Z 60+30 1030 945 981 1081 80+80 1730 1645 1681 1781 60+40 1130 1045 1081 1181 90+80 1830 1745 1781 1881 60+50 1230 1145 1181 1281 90+90 1930 1845 1881 1981 60+60 1330 1245 1281 1381 100+90 2030 1945 1981 2081 70+60 1430 1345 1381 1481 100+100 2130 2045 2081 2181 70+70 1530 1445 1481 1581 110+100 2230 2145 2181 2281 80+70 1630 1545 1581 1681 110+110 2330 2245 2281 2381 Porta SYSTEM double T S/W T S/W T S/W +20 / +20 S 0/H 0 +20 / +20 height/weight +20 / +20 TYPE OF TRANSOM GERMAN STANDARD (DIN) TRANSOM TABLE 11.2 Porta SYSTEM single SIZE S0/H0 OS /Hw SB/HB SZ/Hz SF/HF 50 525 444 488 588 468 60 650 569 613 713 593 70 775 694 738 838 80 900 819 863 963 90 1025 944 988 1088 100 1150 1069 1113 1213 00* - /1977 - /1944 - /1943 - /2043 TS/W +20 / +20 TYPE OF TRANSOM * the dimensions refer only to the transom height – HZ height is equal to Hz of Porta System. For double sizes not included in the Table, check the dimensions sums and compare with the corresponding dimension in the Table (e.g. for 80+50 the sum is 130, the dimensions are read for 70+60, and the sum is also 130). HUNGARIAN STANDARD (HUN) TYPE with adjustable Porta SYSTEM door frame* TABLE 12 SIZE SS 70 715 80 865 90 965 HS DS S0 H0 750 2075 40 900 1000 OS OW 673 2100 823 923 SB HB 717 2061 867 967 SZ HZ T S/W 2133 +20 / +10 INTERIOR DOORS* 817 2083 967 1067 * chosen collections 155 AVAILABLE COLORS Acrylic paint (interior) Super Matt veneer NEW COLORS White (RAL 9016) Portadecor veneer White Grey Euroinvest Beech Bavaria Oak Cherry tree Walnut Wenge NEW COLORS Light Oak Walnut Verona 1 Portacortex veneer Walnut Verona 2 Walnut Verona 3 White NEW COLORS Bark 1 Bark 2 Bark 3 Bark 4 Walnut 3 Walnut 4 Walnut 5 Walnut 6 Light beech Alder Apple tree Golden Oak White „wood grains” Oak Walnut Portadur veneer Walnut 2 PVC veneer 156 AVAILABLE COLORS HQ CPL veneer White Grey Euroinvest Oak Milano 1 Oak Milano 2 Oak Milano 3 Oak Milano 4 Oak Milano 5 NEW COLORS Beech Porta Mahogany Walnut White Walnut Walnut Modena 1 Blue White Grey White Grey Euroinvest Light yellow Green Beech Apple tree Mahogany HPL veneer Walnut Modena 2 Standard natural veneer Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 Oak 6 Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 6 Maple 1 Sapelli 3 Sapelli 4 Sapelli 6 Satin natural veneer NEW COLORS Bianco Tabacco Mocca Nero 157 AVAILABLE COLORS Select natural veneer Oak Teak Cherry Rosewood Wenge Ebony NEW COLORS White Oak American Walnut Exterior water-based varnish venkovni Walnut Classic Dark Walnut Oak 1 Oak 2 Oak 3 Oak 4 Oak 5 (Golden) Limba 1 Limba 2 Limba 3 Limba 4 Limba 5 (złota) Cream (RAL 1001) Brown (RAL 8028) Blue (RAL 5005) Polyester paint White (RAL 9016) Grey (RAL 7047) Polyester paint White (RAL 9016) Oak 6 (White) Brown (RAL 8028) PVC laminated steel sheet Golden Oak Walnut Green (RAL 6019) Steel Mahogany Acid-proof stainless steel PORTA KMI POLAND S.A. reserve the rights to change without previous information the technology of production and construction of their products. Any information provided in the catalogue shall not be considered an offer in the meaning of the Civil Code. 158 REFERENCE LIST Golden Sands Resort, Mimoza Hotel Prague, Shopping Centre Nový Smíchov Katowice, „Chorzowska 50” office Sopot, Sopocki Parkur 2 residential building Warsaw, Olimpic Centre Wroclaw, Silver Forum office Warsaw, Babka Tower office Gdynia, „Komandorskie Wzgorze” residential building 159 Authorised Distributors AUSTRIA Vienna EUGEN POPA KEG, tel.: +43 1 813 09 50, office@eugen-fenster.at, www.eugen-fenster.at Vienna MINERALBAU - & DÄMMSTOFFE Handelsges.m.b.H, tel.: +43 1 258 3818 -15, office@mbd-baustoff.com, www.mbd-baustoff.com AZERBAIJAN Baku MARKHAL-97, tel./fax: +994125102898, porta_doors@box.az BELARUS Minsk BELPRAKTIKA, tel.: +375 17 297 94 30, 297 94 35, 29 797 94 30, menager@belpraktika.by, www.belpraktika.by Minsk DVERI OPTOM ZAPAD, tel.: +375 29 390 90 90, +375 29 390 90 53, +375 17 298 48 62, portadoors@mail.ru, www.portadoors.by Мinsk ERILANT, tel.: +375 17 204 04 82, +375 17 256 11 12, +375 172 04 68 12, erilant@rambler.ru, sales@erilant.by, www.erilant.by Мinsk KAPITALSPECSTROY, tel.: +375 17 289 64 06, 289 66 07, 286 56 61, porta_kss@mail.ru, www.kss-by.com Dhmos Palini, Gerakas, Melisia-Brilisia – Attiki KASIMATIS GIORGOS Co., tel.: +30 210 810 2032, fax: +30 210 609 6368, gkasim@porta.com.gr, www.portadoors.net Dhmos Anthoysas – Spata – Glyka Nera – Pallini, NTIKAS GEORGIOS Co., tel.: +30 210 663 5587, fax: +30 210 663 0445, ntikas@porta.com.gr Dhmos Chalkidas – Evia – Central Greece VIDALIS BROS O.E., tel.: +30 2221084172, +30 2221084049, mvid@porta.com.gr HUNGARY Budapest WOODCOTE HUNGARY Kft., tel.: +36 1 309 73 66, fax: +36 1 309 73 69, porta@woodcote.hu, www.woodcote.hu Budapest WOODCOTE HUNGARY Kft., tel.: +36 1 456 1010, fax: +36 1 215 5894; info@woodcote.hu, www.woodcote.hu Budapest WOODCOTE HUNGARY Kft., tel.: +36 1 257 6852, fax: +36 1 257 6852 pestiut@woodcote.hu, www.woodcote.hu Budapest ALLhouse Kft., tel.: +36 1 786 9090, allhouse@allhouse.hu, www.allhouse.hu Budapest TREND-DOOR Kft., tel.: +36 1 413 01 36, bp@ajtoszalonok.hu, www.ajtoszalonok.hu BULGARIA Budapest FAGEP Kft., tel.: +36 120 57 989, fax +36 14 64 3178, info@fagep.hu Burgas „501doors” showrooms of Ralica Furniture Houses PLC, tel.: +359 56 841870; +359 888 667 228, burgas_mebeli@isu.bg, www.501doors.com Budapest FAGEP Kft., tel.: +36 12 22 4011, fax +36 12 23 1918 Pleven Temira Ltd., tel.: +359 64 803 457, mobile: +359 888 154 562, pleven@temira.com, www.temira.com Debrecen, ALLhouse Kft., tel.: +36 20 938 4831, allhouse@allhouse.hu, www.allhouse.hu Plovdiv Archcenter-A Ltd., BAUZENTRUM, tel.: +359 32 969 594, bauzentrum@abv.bg, www.bauzentrum-a.com Sofia „501doors” showrooms of Ralica Furniture Houses PLC, tel.: +359 287 87937, +359 287 87952, +359 886 008 884, 501doorssofia@isu.bg, www.501doors.com Sofia Archcenter-A Ltd., BAUZENTRUM, tel.: +359 2 979 45 60, bausofia@bauzentrum.bg Sofia Arcoma Bulgaria Ltd., tel.: +3592 483 01 54, +359 889 982 187, +359 885 934 497, info@arcoma-bg.com, www.arcoma-bg.com, Sofia Stroitelni Sistemi Nitera Ltd., tel.: 02 925 22 75, nitera_doors@niteragroup.com, www.niteragroup.com Sofia Temira Ltd., tel.: +359 2 973 28 81, +359 2 973 26 83 +359 2 978 11 09, vrati@temira. com, supply@temira.com, www.temira.com Targovishte Temira Ltd., tel.: +359 601 622 14, +359 886 301 766, temira_targovishte@abv.bg, www.temira.com Varna „501doors” showrooms of Ralica Furniture Houses PLC, tel.: +359 52 641020, +359 52 556633; +359 888 803 533, + 359 887 763 492, 501doors@isu.bg; www.501doors.com Veliko Tarnovo „501doors” showrooms of Ralica Furniture Houses PLC, tel.: +359 626 46400, +359 62 606000, +359 888 662 885, mkr-vt@isu.bg, www.501doors.com Budapest FAGEP Kft., tel.: +36 12 53 5350, fax +36 12 53 53 49 Mosonmagyaróvár, WOODCOTE HUNGARY Kft., tel.: +36 96 555 558, fax: +36 96 555 559, mosonmagyarovar@woodcote.hu, www.woodcote.hu Mosonmagyaróvár TREND-DOOR Kft., tel.: +36 96 571 250, centrum@ajtoszalonok. hu,www.ajtoszalonok.hu Nyíregyháza, BANYCS Kft., tel./fax: +36 42/460-167, +36 42/460-167, +36 70/394-6532; +36 30/218-2837, banycs@gmail.com, www.ajtok-vilaga.hu Nyíregyháza, OPEN DOORS Kft, tel./fax: +3642 460 249, +36 20 252 4041, open-doors@open-doors.hu, www.open-doors.hu Pécs, SZINKRÓN Kft., tel.: +36 72 510 930, +36 72 512 710, szinkron@szinkron.hu, www.szinkron.hu Szeged, WOODCOTE HUNGARY Kft., tel.: +36 62 543 703, fax: +36 62 543 707, szeged@woodcote.hu, www.woodcote.hu Szeged, PERFECT HOUSE Kft., tel.: +36 62 319 504,06 30-8545833,0630-8545801, perfecthousekft@gmail.com Zalaegerszeg, WOODCOTE HUNGARY Kft., tel.: +36 92 511 984, fax:+36 92 511 985, zalaegerszeg@woodcote.hu ITALY Rome, GIANT EDILIZIA, giant.edilizia@tiscali.it CROATIA LATVIA Zadar Dom-Artis, tel.: +385 23 27 44 27, info@domartis.hr, www.domartis.hr Riga AKB BŪVE, tel.: +371 7465137, akb@akb-PROJECTs.lv, www.akb-PROJECTs.lv CZECH REBUBLIC LITHUANIA Holovousy SVARTES, s.r.o., tel.: +420 493 620 210, info@svartes.cz, www.svartes.cz Vilnius DURYS LUX Salonas, UAB MORITA, tel.: +370 52324488, info@duryslux.lt, www.duryslux.lt Mladá Boleslav MB INTERIERY s.r.o., Michal Brzobohatý, tel.: +420 326 726 333, klika@mbinteriery.cz, www.mbinteriery.cz Vilnius E-DURYS Elektroninė Durų Parduotuvė, tel.: +370 65066658, info@e-durys.com, www.e-durys.com Planá nad Lužnicí ATEX PLANÁ, s.r.o., tel.: +420 381291318, info@atex-plana.cz, www.atex-plana.cz Vilnius UAB FAUGA, tel.: +370 52721480, info@durucentras.lt, www.durucentras.lt Praha ROVEL CZ, s.r.o., tel.: +420 234 676 401, info@rovelcz.cz, www.rovelcz.cz Marijampole UAB MORITA, tel.: +370 34397516, centras@morita.lt, www.morita.lt Praha WOODCOTE CZ, a.s., tel.: +420 226 539 146/147, infoporta@woodcote.cz, www.woodcote.cz Kaunas UAB MORITA, tel.: +370 37351597, kaunosalonas@morita.lt, www.morita.lt Šumperk BROUK CENTRUM, s.r.o., tel.: + 420 583 222 444, info@podlahybrouk.cz, www.podlahybrouk.cz MACEDONIA ESTONIA Tallinn MOSTORIONA OU, tel.: +372 7122395, porta@doors.ee, www.doors.ee FRANCE Haguenau EURO-PORTES, tel.: +33 03 88 07 13 81, europortes@club-internet.fr, www.euro-portes.fr Piblange TUÉ JEAN-CLAUDE, tel.: +33 03 87 21 39 59, tue.jean-claude@wanadoo.fr, www.portes-interieures.com GERMANY Düsseldorf PR BAUELEMENTE OHG, tel.: +49 4231 94312, info@tuerenstudio.eu, www.tuerenstudio.eu 160 Dhmos N. Makrhs – Attiki CHRISTINA MOUCHTARI Co., tel.: +30 229 406 9080, fax.: +30 229 406 9082, +30 694 60 60 345, info@polydec.gr, www.polydec.gr Vilnius UAB MORITA, tel.: +370 52788680, salonas@morita.lt, www.morita.lt Skopije Duo IMPEX, tel.: +389 70 245 527, duoimpex@yahoo.com MALTA Birkirkara QUADRA, tel.: +356 25461000, info@quadra.com.mt, www.quadra.com.mt NORWAY Bergen, EIENDOM VEST AS, tel.: +47 41 15 73 57, idafuruh@online.no OMAN Muscat-South Alkhuwair, Barka-New Home For World Projects LLC, tel.: 00968 26882051, office@newhomeoman.com, www.newhomeoman.com ROMANIA Engelskirchen, AS-BAU GmbH, tel. +49 2263 968 279-0, info@as-bau-nrw.de, www.as-bau-nrw.de Alba-Iulia FLORIDA CONSTRUCT, tel.: 0258 823 333,0258 823 334, 0788 823 333, 0788 224 727, floridaconstruct@yahoo.com, florida_alba@yahoo.com, www.floridaconstruct.ro Solingen, WOHNSTYLE NOLD, tel.: +49 212 22 65 757, info@wohnstyle-nold.de www.wohnstyle-nold.de Alba -Iulia DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Verden/Aller FENSTER BÖRSE VERDEN GmbH, tel.: +49 4231 98 580, info@zimmertueren24.de, www.zimmertueren24.de Arad WOODCOTE ROMANIA, tel.: 0257 256 804, 0726.695.762, fax: 0257.256.804, arad@woodcote.ro, www.woodcote.ro GREECE Arad DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Agent of Porta DOORS MAKATSORIS Co., tel.: +30 801 11 76782, fax: +30 2106664980, info@porta.com.gr, www.porta.com.gr Arad EDIL HOME, tel.: 0357 445 435 , 0723 919 468, elena.mateiu@usiedil.ro, mateiu_elena@yahoo.com, www.usiedil.ro Dhmos Koropiou – Attiki CLASSICTHERM / Kakoulis Dimitrios, tel.: +30 22910 78930, fax.: +30 22910 78931, dkak@porta.com.gr Arad EXCLUSIVE AMBIENT, tel.: 0740 863 888, office@exclusiveambient.ro, www.exclusiveambient.ro Dhmos Moshato KASIMATIS GIORGOS Co., tel.: +30 210 9480450, fax: +30 210 9480319, gkasim@porta.com.gr, www.portadoors.net Bacău DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Authorised Distributors Baia Mare DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Slatina DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Bistriţa FRANCESCA COMSERV SRL, tel.: 0263 234 115, 0722 555 661, francescasrl_bn@yahoo.com Sibiu AVI, tel.: 0269 248 080, 0727 200 101, avi1@clicknet.ro, avi2@clicknet.ro, www.avi-f.ro Bistrita-Nasaud DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Botosani DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Braila DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Brasov DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Brasov RETCO, tel.: 0268 417 714, bianca.gheorghe@retco.ro, www.retco.ro Bucureşti ARABESQUE, tel.: 031 405 65 36, 0747 493 318, nicoleta.antoniu@arabesque.ro, www.arabesque.ro Bucureşti AX PERPETUUM, tel.: 0743 098 447, marian.manases@perpetuum.ro, www.perpetuum.ro Bucuresti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Bucureşti PORTA BRAND B&M, tel.: 037 117 85 53, 0724 311 437, 0752 116 317, fax: 037 117 85 53, office@usi-porta.ro; www.usi-porta.ro Bucureşti PRO-DIAS EXPERT DESIGN, tel.: 021 311 56 58, 021 300 29 08, 0726 711 355, office@prodias.ro Bucureşti REI PRODIMEX, tel.: 021 410 87 88, 0726 388 601, office@reiambient.ro, www.reiambient.ro Bucureşti WOODCOTE ROMANIA, tel.: 021.369.5775, 0727.810.771, fax: 021.369.5775, bucuresti@woodcote.ro, www.woodcote.ro Buzau DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Buzău PICO DO PRODEXIM, tel.: +40 238 723 188, picodoprodexim@yahoo.com Craiova DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Sibiu FLORIDA CONSTRUCT tel.: 0788 823 333, 0788.239.224, 0269 244 711, 0761 322 897, floridasibiu@yahoo.com Suceava DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Suceava REVINE IMPEX, tel.: 0767 563 235, office@revine.ro, Targu Jiu DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Targu Mures DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Targoviste DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Targu Mures PLATINUM CORPORATION, tel.: 0744 796 442, 0365 816 900, prestige@amenajari-de-lux.com Timisoara DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Timisoara, FILER IMPEX, tel.: 0722 596 030 iahim_e@yahoo.com Timisoara GESO GROUP, tel.: 0256 210 217, 0744 763 516, 0740 580 599 gesogroup@clicknet.ro, www.geso.ro Timisoara EDIL HOME, tel.: 0723 919 468, 0356 117 835 mateiu_elena@yahoo.com, elena.mateiu@usiedil.ro, www.usiedil.ro Timisoara EUROBAC, tel.: 0256 215 127, showroom.tm@eurobac.ro Tulcea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Turda AGROLIV, tel.: 0264 314 501, 0729 636 342, agroliv@yahoo.com Vaslui DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Zalau MULTICOM, tel.: 0260 606 122, 0260 606 123, fax: 0260 615 508, office@multicomgroup.ro Cluj AGROLIV, tel.: 0264 314 501, 0729 636 342, agroliv@yahoo.com RUSSIA Cluj AX PERPETUUM, tel.: 0740 018 047, marian.manases@perpetuum.ro, www.perpetuum.ro Moskwa ETALON, tel.: +8 495 95 3 17 76, radis@telecall.ru Cluj Napoca DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Moscow ROSPROOF, tel.: +7 495 933 75 63, dmitry@rosproof.ru, www.rosproof.ru Cluj WOODCOTE ROMANIA, tel.: 0264 415 373, 0727 734 697, fax: 0264 415 535, cluj@woodcote.ro, www.woodcote.ro Cluj INDY GO, tel.: 0723 505 938, 0264 265 065, 0264 403 535, office@indygo.ro, www.indygo.ro Comanesti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Constanta FIVE – HOLDING, tel.: 0241 588 899, 0241 588 933, lux@five-brick.ro, mkbrickcta1@yahoo.com Constanta LUXOR, tel.: 0723.313.248, luxor.trading@yahoo.com Constanta DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Craiova CASA NOASTRA, tel.: 0251 429 532, 0729330644, www.casanoastra.ro Craiova EUROCASA, tel.: 0753 100 251, 0251 506 199, 0251 506 200, fax: 0251 506 200, eurocasa.craiova@gmail.com, www.usieurocasa.ro Deva QUASAR INDUSTRIES, tel.: 0254 206 293, 0722 228 451, dana.cazacu@quasar.ro, www.quasar.ro Deva SIMAL EXIM, tel.: 0254 230 630, 0723 696 696, fax 0254 224 550, simal@smart.ro, www.simal.ro Deva R&G INDUSTRIES, tel.: 0254 236 244, 0254 231 845 Drobeta Turnu Severin DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Focsani DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Galati ROMDECOR, tel.: 0236 470 407, 0743 098 742, 0236 470 025, 0742 038 420, romdecorcosbuc@yahoo.com, romdecorgalati@yahoo.com Iasi DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Livezeni (jud. Mures), BTM DISTRIBUTION, tel.: 0728 606 061, 0728 606 066, office@btmdistribution.ro Onesti DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Oneşti SEPHARD CASA, tel.: 0040 34 31 01 05, catalinpuscalau@sephard.ro Oradea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Moscow ELITEL, tel.: +7 495 779 12 76, dveriporta@mtu-net.ru, www.elitel.ru St-Petersburg SMART-COMPANY, tel.: +7 812 644 41 60 j.gruzdova@smart-company.ru, www.smart-company.ru Kaliningrad PARTNERS, tel.: +7 911 470 80 62, partners39@gmail.com St-Petersburg SMART-COMPANY, tel.: +7 812 644 41 60, j.gruzdova@smart-company.ru, www.smart-company.ru Smolensk VEGA AVANGARD, tel.: +7 4812 66 07 03, 38 75 24, info@vegaavangard.com, www.vegadveri.ru UKRAINE Kiev PORTA KMI UKRAINA Ltd, tel.: +38 044 566 04 24, fax +38 044 576 42 20, info@porta.com.pl, www.porta.com.pl SERBIA Novi Belgrad D.O.O <<PORTA DOORS>> BEOGRAD, tel.: +381 113 089 909, +381 113 089 910, porta-bg@eunet.rs, www.portadoors.rs SLOVAKIA Bratislava DVERE.EU, s.r.o., tel.: +421 905 277 505, dvere@dvere.eu, www.dvere.eu Bratislava WOODCOTE Slovakia, s.r.o., tel.: +421 249 105 041, woodcote@woodcote.sk, www.woodcote.sk Galanta ROYAL ARCHITECTURE, s.r.o., tel.: 421 31 780 57 63, predajna@royaldesign.sk, www.royaldesign.sk SLOVENIA Celije, SEZAMY doo, 03 490 36 20, sezamy@siol.net, www.sezamy-sp.si SPAIN Calvia (Bugadellas) ECCOWIN SERVICIOS REUNIDOS S.L., tel.: +34 971696434, info@eccowin.com, www.eccowin.com Santa Ponica (Baleares) MARTERM MALLORCA S.L., tel.: +34 971693262, daniel@marterm.com, www.marterm.com SWITZERLAND Biasca INTONEDIL S.A., tel.: +41 918634711, intonedil@bluewin.ch Oradea EUROBAC ROMANIA, tel.: 0259 415 811, 0744 778 779, office@eurobac.ro, eurobac.romania@gmail.com, www.eurobac.ro Oradea PROGES, tel.: 0259 406 290, secretariat@proges.ro, www.proges.ro Piatra Neamt DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Piatra Neamt IMPACT DISTRIBUTION, tel.: 0233 228 625, 0726 746 182, comercial@impact.com.ro Rm. Valcea DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Roman DEDEMAN, tel.: 0234 525 525, fax: 0234 581 539, suportclienti@dedeman.ro, www.dedeman.ro Satu-Mare BIZMANN, tel.: 0726 376 984, imago.brigitta@gmail.com Sebes FLORIDA CONSTRUCT, tel.: 0788 823 333, 0258 823 333, 0258 733 070, floridasebes@yahoo.com PORTA KMI POLAND Sp. z o.o. reserve the rights to change without previous information the technology of production and construction of their products. Any information provided in the catalogue shall not be considered an offer in the meaning of the Civil Code. 161 w w w. p o r t a d o o r s .c o m PORTA KMI Poland Sp. z o.o. Po r t a P r o d u c t s C a t a l o g u e S z k o l n a s t r. 2 6 , 8 4 - 2 3 9 B o l s z e w o , P o l a n d phone: +48/58 677 81 00, fax: +48/58 677 81 99, e-mail info@porta.com.pl P O R TA’s f a c to r i e s P O R TA d e a l e r s n e t w o r k Por ta Products CATALOGUE www.por tadoors.com www.portadoors.com Druk PORTA 299/10. Zlecenie 2010-3924-MP Data 10.02.2011