Self-Propelled Windrower
Self-Propelled Windrower
Self-Propelled Windrower MacDon 9250/9350/9352/9352i/9352c Westward 9250/9350/9352/9352i/9352c Prairie Star 4940/4950/4952/4952i/4952c Premier 2940/2950/2952/2952i/2952c Harvest Pro 8140/8150/8152/8152i/8152c PARTS CATALOG April 2009 Part #46583 $15 Web File Updated January 2012 Pages 102,103 Inside Front Cover (blank) MacDon 9250, 9350, 9352, 9352i & 9352c / Westward 9250, 9350, 9352, 9352i & 9352c Prairie Star 4940, 4950, 4952, 4952i & 4952c / Premier 2940, 2950, 2952, 2952i & 2952c Harvest Pro 8140, 8150, 8152, 8152i & 8152c Self-Propelled Windrower Parts Catalog i TABLE OF CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX........................................ ii, iii CAB Cab Frame, Seals, Grommets & Mounts ................2,3 Cab Upholstery & Insulators....................................4,5 Cab Door & Cab Right Side Panel ..........................6,7 Cab Roof (& Roof Electrical) ...................................8,9 Windows...................................................................10 Footrest & Side Console Panel ................................11 Steering Column .................................................12,13 Instrument Panel ................................................. 14,15 Side Console............................................................16 Reel & Conveyor Speed Control ..............................17 Ground Speed Lever ........................................... 18,19 Throttle Control – Cummins Engine .................... 20,21 Throttle Control – Isuzu Engine........................... 22,23 Cab Electrical & Wiper ........................................ 24,25 Seat.....................................................................26,27 Cab Air Conditioning & Blower Group ................. 28,29 Air Conditioning - Engine Group.......................... 30,31 Heater – Cummins Engine .................................. 32,33 Heater – Isuzu Engine......................................... 34,35 TRACTOR Main Frame & Covers ......................................... 36,37 Lift Linkage..........................................................38,39 Walking Beam & Pivot..............................................40 Rear Weight Package ..............................................41 Tractor Electrical .................................................42-45 Engine Assembly – Cummins Engine .................46-49 Engine Assembly – Isuzu Engine ........................50-53 Alternator Mounting – Cummins Engine............. 54, 55 Engine Superstructure ....................................... 56, 57 Fuel System ....................................................... 58, 59 Engine Air Intake – Cummins except XX52c...... 60, 61 Engine Air Intake – XX52i & XX52c.................... 62, 63 Engine Cooling................................................... 64, 65 Air Intake Screen................................................ 66, 67 Header Drive ...................................................... 68, 69 Bevel Gearbox ....................................................70-73 Driveline (Engine to Bevel Gearbox) .................. 74, 75 TRACTOR (continued) Header Drive Pulley .................................................76 Driveline: Tractor to Header, S.N. -138024 ..............77 Driveline: Tractor to Header, S.N. 138025- ..............78 Neutral Interlock & Pintle Arms ................................79 Steering & Ground Speed .................................. 80, 81 Hydraulics: Header Drive ................................... 82, 83 Hydraulics: Cylinder Control ................................84-87 Hydraulics: Header Lift Cylinder Seal Kits .......... 88, 89 Hydraulics: Traction Drive .................................. 90, 91 Hydraulics: Triple Pump ..................................... 92, 93 Hydraulics: Double Gear Pump.......................... 94, 95 Hydraulics: Two Speed Wheel Motor ................. 96, 97 Two-Speed Drive: Wheel Motor Ass’y........... 98 – 99B Hydraulics: Single Speed Wheel Motor .................. 100 Single Speed Drive: Wheel Motor Ass’y................. 101 Power Wheel: Model 6 ................................... 102, 103 Power Wheel: Model 7 ................................... 104, 105 Power Wheel: Model 8B................................. 106, 107 Power Hub: Model RR.................................... 108, 109 Auburn Replacement For RR Power Hub109A, 109B Drive Wheels & Tires ..................................... 110, 111 Brake Assembly – Cummins except XX52c ... 112, 113 Brake Assembly – XX52i & XX52c ................. 114, 115 16.5 Forked Casters – XX50/XX40 Tractors .... 116, 117 9.5 Forked Casters – XX50/XX40 Tractors .... 118, 119 Formed Casters – XX50/XX40 Tractors ......... 120, 121 Forked Casters – XX52/XX52i/XX52c Tractors. 122, 123 Formed Casters – XX52/XX52i/ XX52c Tractors124, 125 Safety Decals ................................................. 126, 127 Information Decals, Reflectors & Paint........... 128, 129 Product Identification Decals.......................... 130, 131 Optional Hydraulics: Header Angle Kit ........... 132, 133 Optional Hydraulics: Fore/Aft Kit .................... 134, 135 Optional Hydraulics: Header Express Down ............. 135 Manifolds........................................................ 137, 137 NUMERICAL LIST ..........................................137-147 SUGGESTED STOCKING LIST .................... 148, 149 SERIAL NUMBER BREAKS The side of the serial number on which the dash (-) appears determines whether the part is used "up to" or "after" the serial number given. Example: -74924 Used on machines up to and including serial number 74924. 74925- Used on machines including and after serial number 74925. When ordering, be sure the complete and proper serial number is given. ABBREVIATIONS L/H - left hand R/H - right hand Left/Right Hand is determined from Operator's position, facing forward. I.D. - inside diameter O.D. - outside diameter A/R - as required (quantity varies) REF - reference, part number called up elsewhere in catalog NC - national coarse thread NF - national fine thread NA – refers to the naturally aspirated tractor Turbo – refers to the turbo diesel tractor HARDWARE Common hardware is not illustrated. Alphabetic references are used to designate position and description of these items. BOLDED PART NUMBERS INDICATE RECENT CHANGES Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 ii ALPHABETICAL INDEX A Air Cleaner & Pre-Cleaner - Cummins except XX52c ... 61 Air Cleaner & Pre-Cleaner – XX52i & XX52c ..... 63 Air Conditioning, Cab .................................... 29 Air Conditioning, Engine Group..................... 31 Air Intake Screen........................................... 67 Alternator....................................................... 55 B Belt, Fan/Alternator – Cummins Engine ........ 47 Belt, Fan/Alternator – Isuzu Engine............... 53 Belt, Header Drive ......................................... 69 Blower, Cab................................................... 29 Brake Assembly – Cummins except XX52c 113 Brake Assembly – XX53i, XX52c ................ 115 C Cab Seals, Grommets & Mounts..................... 3 Casters, Forked – 9352 etc. ........................ 117 Casters, 16.5 Forked – 9250/9350 etc. ....... 119 Casters, 9.5 Forked – 9250/9350 etc. ......... 121 Casters, Formed – 9250/9350 etc............... 123 Casters, Formed – 9352/9352i/9352c etc. .. 125 Center Link, Tractor to Header...................... 39 Compressor, A/C........................................... 31 Condenser, A/C............................................. 31 Control Knobs & Switches............................. 16 Conveyor Speed Control, Cab ...................... 17 Cooler, Hydraulic Oil ..................................... 85 Cylinder, Header Clutch ................................ 69 Cylinder, Header Lift...................................... 85 Cylinder, Header Lift: Seal Kits ............... 88, 89 D Decals, Information ..................................... 129 Decals, Product Identification............... 130,131 Decals, Safety ............................................. 127 Door, Cab ........................................................ 7 Driveline: Engine to Bevel Gearbox .............. 75 Driveline: Tractor to Header, Prior to S.N. 138024 .... 77 Driveline: Tractor to Header, S.N. 138025 and above 78 E Electrical, Cab ............................................... 25 Electrical, Ground Speed Lever .................... 19 Electrical, Roof ................................................ 9 Electrical, Tractor .......................................... 43 Engine Air Intake – Cummins except XX52c. 61 Engine Air Intake – XX52i & XX52c ................. 53 Engine Assembly – Cummins Engine ........... 45 Engine Assembly – Isuzu Engine.................. 53 Engine Cooling .............................................. 65 Engine Superstructure................................... 57 Evaporator, A/C............................................. 29 Form # 46583 F Fan, Engine – Cummins Engine ................... 47 Fan, Engine – Isuzu Engine .......................... 53 Filter, Fuel Line ............................................. 60 Filter, Hydraulic Oil.................................. 83, 84 Filters, Engine Oil & Fuel – Cummins Engine .... 47 Filters, Engine Oil & Fuel – Isuzu Engine.......... 53 Footrest, Cab ................................................ 11 Frame, Cab ..................................................... 3 Frame, Tractor .............................................. 37 Fuel System .................................................. 60 G Gauges.......................................................... 15 Gearbox, Bevel ............................................. 73 Ground Speed Lever..................................... 19 Ground Speed Linkage ................................. 80 H Header Drive ................................................. 70 Header Drive Pulley ...................................... 76 Heater – Cummins Engine ............................ 33 Heater – Isuzu Engine .................................. 35 Hydraulics: Cylinder Control.......................... 85 Hydraulics: Double Gear Pump .................... 95 Hydraulics: Header Drive .............................. 83 Hydraulics: Optional Header Angle Kit........ 133 Hydraulics: Optional Header Express Down ... 134 Hydraulics: Optional Reel Fore-Aft Kit ........ 135 Hydraulics: Traction Drive ............................. 90 Hydraulics: Triple Pump ................................ 93 Hydraulics: Two Speed Wheel Motor............ 96 Hydraulics: Single Speed Wheel Motor ........ 99 I Ignition Switch ............................................... 15 Instrument Panel ........................................... 15 L Ladder ........................................................... 37 Lift Linkage.................................................... 39 M Manifolds, Supercharge .............................. 136 Muffler – Cummins Engine............................ 47 Muffler – Isuzu Engine .................................. 53 N Neutral Interlock ............................................ 78 Numerical List ............................................. 137 O Oil Pressure Switch – Cummins Engine ....... 47 Oil Pressure Switch – Isuzu Engine.............. 54 Issue April 2009 iii ALPHABETICAL INDEX P Paint ............................................................ 129 Panel, Cab Right Side ..................................... 7 Panel, Cab Side Console .............................. 11 Panels & Supports, Engine/Rad.................... 58 Pintle Arms, Traction Drive............................ 83 Power Wheel – Auburn Gear Model 6 ............................................... 103 Model 7 ............................................... 105 Model 8B ............................................. 107 8B Replacement for RR Hub ..........109B Power Hub - Model RR ............................... 109 W Walking Beam & Pivot .................................. 40 Weight Package, Rear .................................. 41 Wheel Motor Ass'y: Single Speed Drive ..... 101 Wheel Motor Ass'y: Two Speed Drive........... 99 Wheel Motor Components ............................ 97 Wheels & Tires, Drive ................................. 111 Windows ....................................................... 10 Windshield Wiper .......................................... 25 R Radiator......................................................... 65 Radiator Supports ......................................... 57 Reel Speed Control, Cab .............................. 17 Reflectors .................................................... 129 Roof, Cab (& Roof Electrical) .......................... 9 S Seat ............................................................... 27 Side Console, Cab ........................................ 16 Starter – Cummins Engine ............................ 47 Starter – Isuzu Engine................................... 53 Steering Column............................................ 13 Steering Linkage ........................................... 81 Stocking List, Suggested..................... 147, 148 Switch, A/C Pressure .................................... 31 Switch, Engine Oil & Temperature – Cummins Engine 47 Switch, Engine Oil & Temperature – Isuzu Engine .... 53 Switch, Header and Reel Lift......................... 19 Switch, Header Drive Neutral ........................ 69 Switch, Hydraulic Oil Pressure ...................... 85 Switch, Neutral .............................................. 79 Switches, Side Console................................. 16 T Tank, Hydraulic Oil ........................................ 91 Temperature Sender & Switch – Cummins Engine.. 51 Temperature Sender & Switch – Isuzu Engine . 53 Throttle Control – Cummins Engine .............. 21 Throttle Control – Isuzu Engine..................... 23 Tires, Caster.................... 117,119,121,123,125 Tires, Drive .................................................. 111 Tool Box ........................................................ 37 Two-Speed Drive: Wheel Motor Assembly.... 99 U Upholstery ....................................................... 5 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 2 CAB FRAME, SEALS, GROMMETS & MOUNTS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 3 CAB FRAME, SEALS, GROMMETS & MOUNTS REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 45760 45755 42405 42406 42407 45944 42270 45799 42266 42042 37687 42072 25298 42046 42099 42592 CAB FRAME - with decals............................................................................ 1 INSULATOR – cab ....................................................................................... 1 SEAL - foam, top front .................................................................................. 1 SEAL - foam, top side................................................................................... 2 SEAL - foam, top rear ................................................................................... 1 SEAL - foam, window ................................................................................... 1 SEAL - foam ................................................................................................. 1 SEAL - foam, blower ports............................................................................ 1 SEAL - foam ................................................................................................. 2 SEAL - moulded, window ............................................................................. 1 MOULDING - protective ............................................................................... 2 MOULDING - protective, right side ............................................................... 1 CONDUIT - slit.............................................................................................. 1 GROMMET ................................................................................................... 6 INSULATOR - cab mount ............................................................................. 4 WASHER – flat, 1/2 inch ID.......................................................................... 4 A 21560 21760 18591 21383 18638 BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 3 inch (except front right) BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 2-1/2 inch (front right only) NUT - hex, 1/2 NC - double nutted (except front right) NUT - serrated flange, 1/2 NC - single nut (front right only) WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID (except front right) B C Form # 46583 SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 4 CAB UPHOLSTERY & INSULATORS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 5 CAB UPHOLSTERY & INSULATORS REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PART NUMBER 45745 42416 45746 42056 42057 45749 45747 45748 45802 45804 45805 45803 45681 REF 45807 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER INSULATOR – upper side, L/H & R/H, front................................................. 2 INSULATOR - upper front, L/H & R/H .......................................................... 2 INSULATOR - upper side, L/H & R/H, rear .................................................. 2 INSULATOR - upper left, rear ...................................................................... 1 INSULATOR - upper right, rear .................................................................... 1 UPHOLSTERY - above front window ........................................................... 1 UPHOLSTERY - above L/H side window ..................................................... 1 UPHOLSTERY - above R/H side window .................................................... 1 UPHOLSTERY - above rear window............................................................ 1 UPHOLSTERY - left post ............................................................................. 1 UPHOLSTERY - right post ........................................................................... 1 UPHOLSTERY - below rear window ............................................................ 1 UPHOLSTERY - door................................................................................... 1 UPHOLSTERY - cab roof, see page 9 ......................................................... 1 FLOOR MAT................................................................................................. 1 Issue April 2009 6 CAB DOOR & CAB RIGHT SIDE PANEL Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 7 CAB DOOR & CAB RIGHT SIDE PANEL REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 109211 42041 109016 109035 42643 109015 109033 42579 109018 109045 112220 112221 109076 109042 109007 109077 109059 109098 45696 109023 45682 45664 45689 A B C D 30693 21558 42292 30228 E F G H J 21561 18697 18598 21452 30260 K L M N 18589 18588 21580 30942 ~ f Form # 46583 REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER DOOR – with decals (does not include striping or model name/number decals) ............... 1 SEAL - door, moulded .................................................................................. 1 HANDLE - outer, with keys ........................................................................... 1 PANEL – handle backup .............................................................................. 1 KEY - door .................................................................................................... 1 LATCH - door................................................................................................ 1 ROD – door opener ...................................................................................... 1 STOP - door.................................................................................................. 1 PANEL - right cab side ................................................................................. 1 ANGLE – R/H panel mount .......................................................................... 1 WASHER – steel/rubber – 3/8 inch ID.......................................................... 3 WASHER – steel/rubber – 1/4 inch ID.......................................................... 2 SEAL – R/H cab front ................................................................................... 1 PANEL – front cab trim ................................................................................. 1 PANEL – L/H cab trim .................................................................................. 1 SEAL – L/H cab front .................................................................................... 1 HANDLE – inside, door opening................................................................... 1 GRIP – inside handle.................................................................................... 1 PIN - door latch............................................................................................. 1 PANEL – door storage.................................................................................. 1 PANEL – door storage back ......................................................................... 1 HANDLE – inside, door closing .................................................................... 1 INSULATOR – door ...................................................................................... 1 BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 1/2” BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 3/4” SCREW – self tapping NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2” NUT - lock, 1/2 NC distorted thread WASHER – flat, 13/32” I.D. NUT - serrated flange, 3/8 NC SCREW - self-drilling, self-tapping, #12 x 1 inch NUT - hex, 5/16 NC NUT - hex, 1/4-20 UNC BOLT - hex head, 1/4 NC x 1/2 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/4 NC x 1-1/4 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b d 18635 18690 21573 18724 21821 30631 109118 30526 19966 44543 21573 21863 30760 18596 WASHER - lock, 1/4 inch ID NUT – lock, 5/16 NC BOLT - hex head, 1/4 NC x 1 inch NUT – lock, 1/4 NC BOLT – flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4” WASHER – lock, M6 BOLT – hex head, M6 – 1.0 x 20 WASHER–flat, 1/4 inch ID BOLT – flng head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4” NUT – retaining, sm 3/8 NC SCREW – 1/4 NC x 1 inch BOLT – rd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4” NUT – hex, 1/2 NC WASHER – flat, 9/32 inch ID Indicates where hardware passes through cab or door frame. Issue April 2009 8 CAB ROOF Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 9 CAB ROOF REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 45654 45759 42212 42213 45783 45782 42592 42045 REF 109103 109112 109113 109105 109104 109109 109223 109224 109048 109106 109107 109110 109114 109123 109111 109112 109113 109114 50023 50024 45835 45669 25286 109226 109228 109227 109115 109093 109096 109092 109099 109097 45399 42543 42415 45657 A B C D E F G 30947 18697 109091 109108 109126 30492 30949 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY ROOF - cab, includes roof, headliner and items 2 - 6 inclusive ................... 1 INSULATOR - roof........................................................................................ 1 NUT - tee, #10 NC (for wiper motor and amber light mounting) ................... 6 NUT - spring, #6 NC (for field & head lamps) ............................................. 12 SPACER - roof/headliner, front .................................................................... 2 SPACER – roof/headliner, rear .................................................................... 4 WASHER - flat............................................................................................ 12 PAD .............................................................................................................. 6 GROMMET - See “Cab Frame” .................................................................... 6 LIGHT - amber, replacement bulb #1156 ..................................................... 4 OPTICAL UNIT – 3 x 5 inch ......................................................................... 4 BULB – 12V, 55W ........................................................................................ 4 LIGHT – headlight......................................................................................... 2 SOCKET – light bulb, for headlight 109105.................................................. 2 BULB – lamp, (SP 11), for headlight 109105 ............................................... 2 LIGHT – headlight......................................................................................... 2 BULB – lamp, designation: 9005, for headlight 109223 ............................... 2 GASKET – headlight, for item 12 ................................................................. 2 SUPPORT – headlight.................................................................................. 2 SPRING – compression, headlight............................................................... 6 GASKET – lamp, for item 11 ........................................................................ 4 BEZEL - lamp ............................................................................................... 4 LIGHT - interior ............................................................................................. 1 LIGHT – pedestal work ................................................................................. 2 OPTICAL UNIT – for item 20 ........................................................................ 2 BULB – 12V, 55W, for item 20 ..................................................................... 2 BEZEL – for item 20 ..................................................................................... 2 LIGHT - turn indicator ................................................................................... 2 NUT - spring ................................................................................................. 2 MIRROR ....................................................................................................... 2 MOUNT – mirror ........................................................................................... 2 CONDUIT - slit hose ..................................................................................... 1 HARNESS - electrical, roof (was 45828), incl. 109228 plus 109227 (2) ...... 1 HARNESS – electrical, roof.......................................................................... 1 HARNESS – headlight adapter, Packard to female blade............................ 2 SUPPORT - rear, radio................................................................................. 1 SPEAKER - radio ......................................................................................... 2 GRILLE - speaker ......................................................................................... 2 ANTENNA – radio, includes cable................................................................ 1 BAR – antenna backing ................................................................................ 1 GRIP – cover, antenna ................................................................................. 1 DECAL - covering, radio cut-out ................................................................... 1 SEAL - foam ................................................................................................. 2 GROMMET – harness .................................................................................. 2 PANEL – radio support ................................................................................. 1 BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 7-1/2” NUT - lock, 1/2 NC distorted thread BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 9 inch BOLT - hex head, M5 – 0.80 x 50 NUT – lock, #10 – 32 NC SCREW - self tap, #8 x 3/4 inch SCREW - machine, #6 NC x 1 inch H J K L M N P 30228 18598 42284 18647 21449 50101 30635 SERIAL NUMBER -144176 -144176 -144176 144177144177- -144176 144177-144176 NUT– lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC d.t. WASHER – flat, 13/32” ID SCREW – machine, #10 x 1/2 inch NUT – #10 NC BOLT – flange, lock NUT – flange, lock, M10 x 1.5 WASHER – flat, M10 Issue April 2009 10 WINDOWS REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A B C PART NUMBER 42048 42049 42093 42094 REF 42095 42053 45757 42421 42616 42617 42615 45720 45730 42135 45658 45659 45725 45727 21968 30260 21056 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER SEAL - top, front windows ............................................................................ 1 SEAL - bottom, front windows ...................................................................... 1 WINDOW - front ........................................................................................... 1 WINDOW - side ............................................................................................ 2 SEALANT - black, use neutral cure silicone (Silicone II or Silglaze)....... AR WINDOW - rear ............................................................................................ 1 SEAL - rear window ...................................................................................... 1 WINDOW - right, assembly (includes item 9) ............................................... 1 SUPPORT - window ..................................................................................... 1 LATCH - rear ................................................................................................ 1 LATCH - front................................................................................................ 1 FASTENER GROUP - latch (includes screw, bushing and nut)................... 2 SEAL - door window ..................................................................................... 1 WINDOW - door ........................................................................................... 1 RIVET - latch ................................................................................................ 2 RETAINER – window retaining, lower .......................................................... 1 INSULATOR – window, lower front .............................................................. 1 ANGLE – window, upper .............................................................................. 1 HANDLE – wiper .......................................................................................... 1 BOLT - flange head, 1/4 NC x 1/2 inch SCREW - self drilling, self tapping, #12 x 1 inch NUT – jam, 1/2 NC Issue April 2009 11 FOOTREST & SIDE CONSOLE PANEL REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 42536 42644 42264 42266 42272 42273 ROD - footrest............................................................................................... 2 PANEL - side console, includes items 3, 4, 5 and 6..................................... 1 SEAL - top .................................................................................................... 1 SEAL - vertical .............................................................................................. 1 SEAL - front vertical...................................................................................... 1 SEAL - A/C compartment ............................................................................. 1 A B R 21452 30228 REF NUT - serrated flange, 3/8 NC NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread Hardware passes through seat support panel. Form # 46583 SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 12 STEERING COLUMN Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 13 STEERING COLUMN REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 42458 25336 18601 42064 25326 30943 45674 109073 45744 19488 45661 16266 45662 109204 42467 42460 30061 42771 42773 42772 109133 45680 109229 109210 109041 50075 24 25 DESCRIPTION QTY SHAFT - steering, with sprocket ................................................................... 1 BUSHING - shaft .......................................................................................... 1 WASHER - flat, 13/16 inch I.D...................................................................... 5 U-JOINT........................................................................................................ 1 SHAFT - steering, upper............................................................................... 1 PIN - spring, 1/4 x 1 inch .............................................................................. 4 TUBE - steering ............................................................................................ 1 SPRING – gas, adjuster ............................................................................... 1 YOKE – for item 8......................................................................................... 1 BUSHING - lower ......................................................................................... 1 BUSHING - upper ......................................................................................... 1 PIN - spring, 1/4 x 1-1/4 inch ........................................................................ 1 SPACER - column ........................................................................................ 2 KNOB .......................................................................................................... 1 GUIDE - rubber............................................................................................. 1 INSULATOR - steering post, foam ............................................................... 1 PIN – spring, 3/8 x 2 inch (was 21095)......................................................... 1 WHEEL - steering, with cap (item 19) .......................................................... 1 CAP - steering wheel .................................................................................... 1 INSTALLATION KIT - includes hub, snap plate & bolts ............................... 1 COVER – upper steering column ................................................................. 1 GASKET ....................................................................................................... 1 SPEEDOMETER .......................................................................................... 1 SPEEDOMETER .......................................................................................... 1 COVER – lower steering column.................................................................. 1 PIN – spring, 3/8 x 1 inch ............................................................................. 1 SERIAL NUMBER -144176 144177- NOTE: For Related Parts, see "Steering & Ground Speed", page 81. A B C D E 18590 21102 109071 109072 109075 Form # 46583 NUT – hex, 3/8 NC BOLT – hex head, 3/8 NC x 2-1/2 inch BOLT – round head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch NUT – hex head, jam nut, M10 – 1 SCREW – Phillips pan head, #6 x 1/2 inch Issue April 2009 14 INSTRUMENT PANEL Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 15 INSTRUMENT PANEL REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 9 10 109202 42240 42239 42241 109272 109119 109120 109121 42067 42447 109036 109209 109271 160101 109122 109453 A B C 42292 18602 21947 5 6 7 8 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY PANEL - instrument, with decal (was 109040) ............................................. 1 GAUGE - fuel................................................................................................ 1 GAUGE - voltmeter....................................................................................... 1 GAUGE - temperature, engine coolant, all except XX52i tractors................ 1 GAUGE - temperature, engine coolant, XX52i tractors only ........................ 1 SWITCH - ignition ......................................................................................... 1 KEY - ignition, for switch 109119.................................................................. 1 KEY – spare for switch 109119 .................................................................... 1 VENTILATOR ............................................................................................... 1 LIGHTER - cigarette ..................................................................................... 1 MONITOR..................................................................................................... 1 MONITOR, all except XX52i & XX52c tractors............................................. 1 MONITOR, XX52i tractors only .................................................................... 1 MONITOR, XX52c tractor only ..................................................................... 1 HOLDER – cup ............................................................................................. 2 SWITCH – push button, cold start, XX52i & XX52c tractors only................. 1 SERIAL NUMBER -144176 144177-150558 162250- SCREW – hex washer head, #10 x 1/2 inch self tapping WASHER – flat, 7/8 inch ID SCREW – hex washer head, #10 x 5/8 inch self tapping Issue April 2009 16 SIDE CONSOLE REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 45711 42266 30312 21903 30335 42727 109078 42518 109079 42840 42841 REF 109063 45685 109080 109081 109101 45742 45741 45709 45893 109064 21931 109280 PANEL - console, with decal - includes items 2 & 15 and hardware.........................1 SEAL - right post.......................................................................................................1 FLASHER CONTROL - with knob ............................................................................1 SWITCH - light, with knob.........................................................................................1 SWITCH - wiper........................................................................................................1 KNOB - control..........................................................................................................4 SWITCH - blower......................................................................................................1 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY.....................................................................................1 ASHTRAY.................................................................................................................1 SWITCH - toggle, header drive.................................................................................1 GUARD - for toggle switch 42840.............................................................................1 SWITCH – reel & conveyor speed control, see page 17...........................................2 SWITCH - deck shift, 960 & 972 Hydraulic Deck Shift Headers ...............................1 PANEL - access........................................................................................................1 TERMINAL – power outlet, 12 volt............................................................................2 CAP – power outlet ...................................................................................................2 ARMREST ................................................................................................................1 SUPPORT – armrest ................................................................................................1 BAR – with weld nuts, for item 18 .............................................................................1 KNOB – armrest support ..........................................................................................2 SWITCH – 2 speed, c/w decal (turbo only) ...............................................................1 SWITCH – header express down, see page 135 ................................................ OPT KNOB – access panel...............................................................................................1 HOLDER – cup .........................................................................................................1 A B C D E 30696 30669 21572 111008 21947 SCREW - button head, rib neck #12 NC x 5/8 inch NUT - lock, #12 NC distorted thread BOLT – hex head, 1/4 NC x 5/8 inch SCREW – M6 x 15 mm SCREW – hex washer head, #10 x 5/8 inch, self tapping 12 14 15 16 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER 150559- Issue April 2009 17 REEL & CONVEYOR SPEED CONTROL REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 42441 42748 2146 42749 42747 REF KNOB - control ............................................................................................. 2 WASHER - non metal................................................................................... 4 PIN - roll, 1/4 x 1-3/4 inch ............................................................................. 2 SPACER....................................................................................................... 4 HOSE ........................................................................................................... 2 CONTROL BLOCK - header drive, see "Header Drive Hydraulics" ............. 1 B 21572 BOLT-hex head, 1/4 NC x 5/8 inch Form # 46583 SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 18 GROUND SPEED LEVER Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 19 GROUND SPEED LEVER REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 45814 28038 15103 109051 45865 109060 109049 42476 REF REF 42482 16652 45565 25348 11660 4761 45869 109061 A B C D E F G H 30280 18597 30872 18590 50052 18697 18591 45868 ~ f Form # 46583 REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER LEVER - ground speed................................................................................. 1 BUSHING - plastic (part consists of two halves) .......................................... 1 FLANGE - bushing mounting........................................................................ 2 HANDLE - ground speed .............................................................................. 1 HARNESS - ground speed lever, includes items 6 (qty.2), 7, 18 & decals .. 1 SWITCH – rocker, reel lift, and header lift .................................................... 2 PLATE – face, handle................................................................................... 1 BOLT - hook ................................................................................................. 1 CABLE - neutral interlock, see "Neutral Interlock & Pintle Arms"................. 1 ROD - steering, see "Steering & Ground Speed" ......................................... 1 INSULATOR - rubber ................................................................................... 1 WASHER - flat.............................................................................................. 1 PAD - friction ................................................................................................ 1 BUSHING - plastic........................................................................................ 1 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 1 WASHER - flat.............................................................................................. 1 PLUG – nylon, 0.687 diameter hole.............................................................. 1 SWITCH – 4 way, header angle/fore aft, see page 133 & 135................OPT NUT - lock, smooth flange, 5/16 NC distorted thread WASHER – flat, 11/32 inch ID SCREW – set, 5/16 NC x 1/4 inch NUT - hex, 3/8 NC BOLT - round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 5 inch NUT - lock, 1/2 NC distorted thread NUT - hex, 1/2 NC SCREW – self tapping, #8 NC x 1-1/2 inch Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. Issue April 2009 20 THROTTLE CONTROL – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTORS Models XX52c have cab end throttle components only. Engine end is electronic, with harness. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 21 THROTTLE CONTROL – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTORS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 45307 45309 45314 17546 45833 30457 42745 42218 42219 42220 44337 44490 111692 111152 44494 42102 111009 111007 24986 42523 109900 109904 109898 17546 109902 SUPPORT - throttle, in-cab .......................................................................... 1 LEVER - throttle............................................................................................ 1 PAD - friction ................................................................................................ 2 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 1 PLATE – throttle arm .................................................................................... 1 KNOB - orange ............................................................................................. 1 CABLE - throttle............................................................................................ 1 PIVOT - cable ............................................................................................... 1 HOLDER - cable ........................................................................................... 2 BAR - spacer ................................................................................................ 2 SPRING - extension, to fuel pump lever (N.A. engine) ................................ 1 SUPPORT - cable to spring (N.A. engine) ................................................... 1 SUPPORT – cable to spring (N.A engine).................................................... 1 SUPPORT - throttle cable, engine end (N.A. Engine) .................................. 1 INSULATOR - rubber, throttle cable ............................................................. 1 SPRING – extension .................................................................................... 1 CLEVIS - throttle cable ................................................................................. 1 LEVER - throttle............................................................................................ 1 GROMMET - rubber ..................................................................................... 1 CLIP – cable holder ...................................................................................... 1 LEVER - throttle............................................................................................ 1 SENSOR - rotary .......................................................................................... 1 SUPPORT - throttle ...................................................................................... 1 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 1 BRACKET - throttle spring............................................................................ 1 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S V W X Y 21264 19965 18631 18647 30228 109071 18604 20011 18577 21821 111008 30631 21561 18590 18598 21479 30280 18588 21573 21492 21487 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1 inch SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 1/2 inch NUT - hex, #10 NC NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch PIN - cotter, 3/32 x 3/4 inch NUT - hex, #10 NF SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - hex head, M6 x 15 mm WASHER - lock, M6 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch NUT - hex, 3/8 NC WASHER – flat, 13/32 inch ID BOLT - round head, square neck, 5/16 NC x 1-1/2 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 5/16 NC distorted thread NUT – hex, 1/4 NC BOLT – 1/4 NC x 1 inch NUT – flange, #10 - 0.190 in, zn pl, gr 5, serrated face BOLT – round head, square neck, #10-24 nc x1.5" long ~ f Form # 46583 REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER -162249 162250- Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. Issue April 2009 22 THROTTLE CONTROL – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTORS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 23 THROTTLE CONTROL – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTORS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 19 20 21 22 23 45307 45309 45314 17546 45833 30457 111415 42218 42219 42220 44494 42523 111437 REF REF 111582 SUPPORT - throttle, in-cab .......................................................................... 1 LEVER - throttle............................................................................................ 1 PAD - friction ................................................................................................ 2 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 1 PLATE – throttle arm .................................................................................... 1 KNOB - orange ............................................................................................. 1 CABLE - throttle............................................................................................ 1 PIVOT - cable ............................................................................................... 1 HOLDER - cable ........................................................................................... 2 BAR - spacer ................................................................................................ 2 INSULATOR - rubber, throttle cable ............................................................. 1 CLIP – cable holder ...................................................................................... 1 INSULATOR – throttle .................................................................................. 1 LEVER – fuel pump ...................................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – throttle, see “Fuel System” ...................................................... 1 YOKE – throttle............................................................................................. 1 A C D E F G H J K Q W X Y Z 21264 18631 18647 30228 109071 18604 20011 18577 21821 18598 21573 21821 18596 18724 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 1/2 inch NUT - hex, #10 NC NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch PIN - cotter, 3/32 x 3/4 inch NUT - hex, #10 NF SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch WASHER – flat, 13/32 inch ID BOLT – 1/4 NC x 1 inch BOLT – flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch WASHER – flat, 9/32 inch ID NUT – lock, 1/2 NC, distorted thread ~ f REF Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. Issue April 2009 24 CAB ELECTRICAL & WIPER Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 25 CAB ELECTRICAL & WIPER REF PART NUMBER 1 5 6 8 9 10 13 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 45826 163570 21908 21910 109083 109736 21909 109825 109086 109087 45725 30215 42678 16661 24289 21943 109088 REF 45940 30542 109212 HARNESS - cab wiring, with plug and boot (item 25) .................................. 1 HARNESS - cab wiring, with plug and boot (item 25) (was 45969/111449/112965) ........... 1 SUPPORT - circuit breakers......................................................................... 1 BREAKER - 6 amp, head lights and work lights........................................... 2 BREAKER – 10 amp, header functions........................................................ 1 BREAKER – 12 amp, header functions, XX52i/XX52c brake and header functions ..... 1 BREAKER - 25 amp, air conditioning ........................................................... 1 MOTOR – wiper (was 109085) ..................................................................... 1 ARM - wiper .................................................................................................. 1 BLADE - wiper .............................................................................................. 1 PLATE - wiper .............................................................................................. 1 RELAY - electrical ........................................................................................ 4 FASTENER - plastic tie, push mount ........................................................... 4 FASTENER - plastic tie .............................................................................. 10 CABLE - ground ........................................................................................... 1 SWITCH - park brake ................................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – wiper........................................................................................ 1 HANDLE – wiper, see “Windows”................................................................. 1 HARNESS – speedometer ........................................................................... 1 CLIP – for harness, item 23 .......................................................................... 6 BOOT – rubber ............................................................................................. 1 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T 18634 18647 21455 18598 109089 18635 18589 109116 21821 30228 109084 21573 18588 21056 109090 20011 42292 21452 WASHER - lock, #10 NUT - hex, #10-24 NC NUT - serrated flange, 1/4 NC WASHER - flat, 13/32 inch ID SCREW – hex head, 1/4-28 UNF x 3/4 inch WASHER – lock, 1/4 inch ID NUT – 5/16 NC SCREW - hex head, #12 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – round head, square neck, 1/4 NC x 1-3/4 inch SCREW – hex head, 1/4 NC x 1 inch NUT – 1/4 NC NUT – jam, 1/2 NC SCREW – hex head, #10 NC x 3/8 inch NUT – hex, #10-32 NF SCREW – self tapping, #10 x 1/2 inch NUT – serrated flange, 3/8 NC 2 3 4 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER -144176 144177- Issue April 2009 26 CAB SEATS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 27 SEAT REF PART NUMBER 1 2 7 109964 45949 109967 45950 109966 42932 109848 109849 42927 42937 45953 109813 8 45951 9 10 11 27 28 29 45952 45954 45955 109968 45956 109969 42926 42930 42931 42929 109812 42938 45853 25051 109100 45691 45687 45700 109102 39272 45973 109851 109852 109853 109965 109970 A B C D E 30228 50076 42287 30715 30716 3 4 5 6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SEAT - air suspension, complete (was 109019) .......................................... 1 SEAT CUSHION – drivers seat .................................................................... 1 SEAT CUSHION – drivers seat .................................................................... 1 BACKREST CUSHION – drivers seat .......................................................... 1 BACKREST CUSHION – drivers seat .......................................................... 1 ARMREST – left, drivers seat (for R/H armrest, see “Side Console”, p. 16) 1 ARMREST – left, drivers seat (for R/H armrest, see “Side Console”, p. 16) .............. 1 PAD – L/H armrest ....................................................................................... 1 SLIDE SERVICE KIT - includes both sides & latch wire .............................. 1 AIR CONTROL VALVE SERVICE KIT - includes valve, knob & hardware .. 1 KNOB – air valve with set screw .................................................................. 1 COMPRESSOR / WIRE HARNESS SERVICE KIT – includes: ................... 1 compressor, harness & hardware (was 42934) KNOB SERVICE KIT – includes: .........................................................................1 • back tilt knob (item 26) and recliner handle assembly • lumbar support knob • fore-aft knob KNOB – fore-aft isolator ............................................................................... 1 SEAT BELT – drivers seat............................................................................ 1 SWITCH – seat............................................................................................. 1 SWITCH – seat............................................................................................. 1 HARNESS – seat switch .............................................................................. 1 HARNESS – seat switch .............................................................................. 1 VERTICAL SUSPENSION SHOCK SERVICE KIT ...................................... 1 FORE-AFT ISOLATOR SHOCK SERVICE KIT ........................................... 1 BEARING SERVICE KIT - includes all bearings .......................................... 1 AIR LINE & FITTING SERVICE KIT............................................................. 1 AIR LINE & FITTING SERVICE KIT............................................................. 1 AIR SPRING (air bag) .................................................................................. 1 PANEL - seat, with seals .............................................................................. 1 SEAL - foam ................................................................................................. 2 CUSHION – trainers seat ............................................................................. 1 ANGLE – trainers seat mount....................................................................... 1 ROD – trainer seat........................................................................................ 1 SUPPORT – trainers seat ............................................................................ 1 SEAT BELT – trainers seat .......................................................................... 1 CLIP – for cab harness ................................................................................. 1 KNOB – seat back tilt ................................................................................... 1 RECLINER KIT – knob, brackets, springs & hardware ................................ 1 RECLINER KNOB ........................................................................................ 1 KNOB – lumbar with roll pin ......................................................................... 1 SEAT TOP – assembly................................................................................. 1 SEAT ADAPTER PLATE.............................................................................. 1 SERIAL NUMBER -174609 174610-174609 174610-174609 174610174610- -174609 -174609 174610-174609 174610- -146999 147000- -174609 174610174610174610174610174610- NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – flange, 3/8 NC x 5/8 inch BOLT – socket, button head, 3/8 NC x ½ inch BOLT - hex head, M8 x 20 mm WASHER - lock, M8 Issue April 2009 28 CAB AIR CONDITIONING & BLOWER GROUP Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 29 CAB AIR CONDITIONING & BLOWER GROUP REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 42879 42895 42893 42891 42277 42442 42878 42276 42436 42275 42523 42282 45822 42076 42067 25086 25102 21931 42445 42598 42075 42518 109078 42727 42925 42894 42896 109004 109082 A B C F 30228 21821 21863 42292 ~ f REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER VALVE - expansion ...................................................................................... 1 O-RING - evaporator to expansion valve ..................................................... 4 HOSE - air conditioning, liquid...................................................................... 1 HOSE - air conditioning, suction................................................................... 1 INSULATOR - foam ...................................................................................... 1 RETAINER - evaporator ............................................................................... 1 EVAPORATOR / HEATER CORE................................................................ 1 BAFFLE - foam ............................................................................................. 1 PAN - condensate, (includes foam pad bonded to underside of pan) .......... 1 HOSE - drain ................................................................................................ 1 CLIP - drain hose.......................................................................................... 4 PAD - rubber................................................................................................. 1 BLOWER - complete .................................................................................... 1 VENTILATOR - circular ................................................................................ 4 VENTILATOR - rectangular .......................................................................... 3 FILTER - return air, (located on cab rear wall) ............................................. 2 GRILL - return air filter .................................................................................. 2 KNOB - plastic .............................................................................................. 4 CLEANER - air intake, (located under rear overhang of cab roof) ............... 1 RETAINER - cleaner .................................................................................... 1 KNOB - plastic .............................................................................................. 1 THERMOSTAT - with capillary tube & conduit ............................................. 1 SWITCH - blower control .............................................................................. 1 KNOB - control ............................................................................................. 2 SWITCH - low pressure ................................................................................ 1 O-RING - for hose 42893.............................................................................. 2 O-RING - for hose 42891.............................................................................. 2 HOLDER – blower ........................................................................................ 2 RESISTOR – blower..................................................................................... 1 NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch SCREW – self tapping Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. NOTE: For related parts, see "Air Conditioning - Engine Group", page 31. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 30 AIR CONDITIONING - ENGINE GROUP Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 31 AIR CONDITIONING - ENGINE GROUP REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 112195 42894 112082 112081 112196 112093 42893 45820 45155 42920 21964 111013 111270 42891 44336 44485 42894 42895 42896 45819 45614 112207 A B C D E F G H L 30228 21863 21476 18591 18723 19966 19965 21264 18724 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER CONDENSER (includes item 20) ................................................................. 1 O-RING - condenser to drier (2) & switch to drier ........................................ 3 DRIER/RECEIVER ....................................................................................... 1 SWITCH - high pressure - with O-ring 42894 ............................................... 1 BAND - drier mount ...................................................................................... 1 SUPPORT - drier .......................................................................................... 1 HOSE - air conditioning, liquid...................................................................... 1 HOSE - air conditioning, discharge .............................................................. 1 GROMMET - hose protector......................................................................... 2 COMPRESSOR - see Note 2 ....................................................................... 1 BELT - compressor drive .............................................................................. 1 BAR - belt tightener, all except XX52i tractors ............................................. 1 MOUNT – engine, with alternator belt tightener, XX52i tractors only ........... 1 HOSE - air conditioning, suction................................................................... 1 STRIP - hose protector ................................................................................. 2 HOLDER - hose............................................................................................ 2 O-RING - for hose 42893.............................................................................. 2 O-RING - for hose 45820.............................................................................. 2 O-RING - for hose 42891.............................................................................. 2 HOSE - air conditioning, liquid...................................................................... 1 FITTING - adapter (brazed on to condenser) ............................................... 1 GUARD – coolers ......................................................................................... 1 NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT – round head, square neck, 1/4 NC X 3/4 inch NUT - hex, 3/8 NC BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1 inch BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch NUT – lock, 1/4 NC distorted thread ~ f REF Indicates where hardware passes through frame or support member. NOTES: 1. For related parts, see "Cab Air Conditioning & Blower Group", page 29. 2. Compressor includes total system requirement of refrigerant oil: 240 cc (8.1 US fl.oz.) SP-16 PAG. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 32 HEATER – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 33 HEATER – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30334 42658 42657 18596 42727 21349 24936 42878 42280 111784 42279 112662 50022 101904 112692 111391 111783 A B C D E F 30366 21492 42284 21863 30228 21821 ~ f Form # 46583 REF DESCRIPTION QTY VALVE - heater............................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT - heater valve ............................................................................. 1 TUBE - heater control ................................................................................... 1 WASHER – flat, sae 9/32 inch ID ................................................................. 1 KNOB - control ............................................................................................. 1 CLAMP – hose, gear type............................................................................. 4 HOSE - heater, valve to bottom of heater core ............................................ 1 HEATER CORE / EVAPORATOR................................................................ 1 HOSE - heater, engine water pump housing to top of heater core............... 1 HOSE – heater, engine shut-off valve to top of heater core ......................... 1 HOSE - heater, valve to top of engine block (fan end) ................................. 1 FITTING - heater, 1/2 NPT x 5/8 inch ID hose (was 6137), (qty = 1 up to SN 162249).. 2 CLIP - insulated ............................................................................................ 4 VALVE - shut off ........................................................................................... 1 CLAMP – hose, constant tension type, (qty = 2 up to SN 162249) .............. 4 VALVE – shut off .......................................................................................... 1 HOSE – heater, shut-off valve to engine water pump housing..................... 1 SERIAL NUMBER -162249 162250- -162249 162250162250- SCREW - self tapping, #10 x 3/8 inch NUT - serrated flange, #10 NC SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 1/2 inch BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – hex head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch Indicates where hardware passes through frame or support member. Issue April 2009 34 HEATER – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 35 HEATER – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30334 42658 42657 18596 42727 21349 24936 42878 111395 42279 111448 50022 111391 112692 24936 111402 A B C D E F 30366 21492 42284 21863 30228 21821 ~ f Form # 46583 REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER VALVE - heater............................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT - heater valve ............................................................................. 1 TUBE - heater control ................................................................................... 1 WASHER – flat, sae 9/32 inch ID ................................................................. 1 KNOB - control ............................................................................................. 1 CLAMP – hose, gear type............................................................................. 4 HOSE - heater, valve to bottom of heater core ............................................ 1 HEATER CORE / EVAPORATOR................................................................ 1 HOSE - heater, engine water pump housing to shut off valve...................... 1 HOSE - heater, valve to top of engine block (fan end) ................................. 1 FITTING – elbow, 1/2 NPT x 5/8 inch ID hose ............................................. 1 CLIP - insulated ............................................................................................ 4 VALVE - shut off ........................................................................................... 1 CLAMP – hose, constant tension type ......................................................... 4 HOSE – heater, shut off valve to engine water pump housing..................... 1 ELBOW – heater supply (Isuzu # 5-13721-034-1)........................................ 1 SCREW - self tapping, #10 x 3/8 inch NUT - serrated flange, #10 NC SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 1/2 inch BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – hex head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch Indicates where hardware passes through frame or support member. Issue April 2009 36 MAIN FRAME & COVERS REPLACEMENT TOOLBOX Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 37 MAIN FRAME & COVERS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 REF 45188 45189 110012 REF 21165 21166 45948 112437 112448 112461 42075 167019 167016 167017 167047 FRAME - main, not serviced......................................................................... 1 COVER - left inner leg .................................................................................. 1 COVER - right inner leg ................................................................................ 1 LADDER – step, left side (was 45860) ......................................................... 1 COVER - engine, see "Engine Superstructure"............................................ 1 TOOL BOX (see note 1) ............................................................................... 1 BRACKET – toolbox mounting ..................................................................... 1 HOLDER – grease gun................................................................................. 1 BRACKET – right ladder............................................................................... 1 LADDER – step, right side............................................................................ 1 ARM – right ladder........................................................................................ 1 KNOB – toolbox bracket ............................................................................... 1 PLATE – mount ............................................................................................ 1 BRACKET – toolbox holder .......................................................................... 1 BRACKET – toolbox ..................................................................................... 1 TOOLBOX .................................................................................................... 1 A B C D E F G H J K L 21975 30228 21449 32247 21383 37676 21863 21561 18590 18598 135193 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - flange head, 1/2 NC x 1 inch WASHER – flat, 1/2 inch ID NUT – flange, 1/2 NC WASHER – flat BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch NUT – hex, 3/8 NC WASHER – flat, 13/32 inch ID SCREW –hew wash hd thd rolling 3/8 NC X 1.0 ~ f REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER -174609 -174609 174610174610174610174610174610- Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. NOTE: If prior production toolbox (item 5 - 21165) is not available, kit 167027 will be substituted. This Kit includes items 11-15 and applicable hardware. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 38 LIFT LINKAGE Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 39 LIFT LINKAGE REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PART NUMBER 45858 42691 112226 112224 112225 44601 44995 44994 30441 112269 13125 45931 45961 44577 45886 42498 44575 11695 44977 21887 44590 44988 45038 42497 REF 44823 44822 44817 44784 20312 42104 42432 42433 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 42434 42431 45490 110009 110010 118283 110276 110277 110281 110282 110285 118283 B4482 47 48 49 50 51 52 36229 B2773 40766 41357 113747 113748 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R 18592 21561 21354 30228 18598 21868 21567 21389 30266 18689 21472 19966 18637 18590 30387 18723 DESCRIPTION z QTY SERIAL NUMBER SPRING - extension ...........................................................................................................4 INSERT - spring..................................................................................................................8 SUPPORT - front spring mount ..........................................................................................2 BAR - front mount ...............................................................................................................4 TUBE – front mount ............................................................................................................2 CLEVIS - rear mount ..........................................................................................................2 PIN - straight, rear spring....................................................................................................2 DRAW BOLT - spring, hex head.........................................................................................2 WASHER - flat, hardened...................................................................................................2 PIN - "L" ..............................................................................................................................2 PIN - hair.............................................................................................................................4 SUPPORT - linkage, with decals ........................................................................................2 SUPPORT – linkage, with decals .......................................................................................2 BLOCK - wear (shown positioned for 920, 930 or 940 series headers) .............................2 BAR - wear block ................................................................................................................2 PAD - rubber, lower leg.......................................................................................................2 PLATE - pad cover .............................................................................................................2 WASHER - flat ....................................................................................................................2 ARM - top link, with lube fitting (item 19) ............................................................................2 FITTING - lube....................................................................................................................2 PIN - top link (rear) .............................................................................................................2 PIN - cylinder (rear) and top link (front) ..............................................................................4 PLATE - header levelling ....................................................................................................4 PAD - rubber, top link .........................................................................................................2 CYLINDER - header lift, see "Hydraulics: Cylinder Control, page 85 PIN - cylinder (front)............................................................................................................2 BAR - cylinder mount ..........................................................................................................2 STOP - cylinder ..................................................................................................................2 HOOK - cylinder stop..........................................................................................................2 PIN - clevis, center link .......................................................................................................2 JOINT ASSEMBLY - center link, includes items 31 to 35...................................................1 JOINT - ball, R/H thread (header end)................................................................................1 COLLAR - locking ...............................................................................................................1 PIN - roll..............................................................................................................................2 TUBE - center link...............................................................................................................1 JOINT - ball, L/H thread (tractor end) .................................................................................1 BAR - header height gauge, with indicator decal................................................................1 PLATE – left, center link extension.....................................................................................1 PLATE – right, center link extension...................................................................................1 EXTENSION – wear block, 12’ 972 header only ................................................................2 PLATE – L/H, shallow angle kit ..........................................................................................1 PLATE – R/H, shallow angle kit..........................................................................................1 SPACER – lower leg, shallow angle kit ..............................................................................2 CHANNEL – retainer, shallow angle kit ..............................................................................2 TUBE – spacer, shallow angle kit .......................................................................................4 SUPPORT – shallow angle kit ............................................................................................2 KIT – shallow angle, consists of items 40-45................................................................ OPT (Kit available through WholeGoods only) WASHER – flat, cropped ....................................................................................................4 KIT – auxiliary float spring kit (includes one each of items 49–52)............................... OPT SPRING – auxiliary spring ..............................................................................................A/R INSERT – auxiliary float spring .......................................................................................A/R INSERT – auxiliary float spring .......................................................................................A/R INSERT – auxiliary float spring .......................................................................................A/R NUT - hex, 5/8 NC BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 2 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC dist. thd. WASHER - flat, 13/32 inch ID BOLT – rnd hd, sq nk, 1/2 NC x 1 inch BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, 1/2 NC nylon insert BOLT - round head, sq nk, 1/2 NC x 3 inch NUT – lock, 3/4 NC BOLT - rnd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - rnd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch WASHER - lock, 3/8 inch ID NUT - hex, 3/8 NC BOLT – hex head, 3/4 NC x 6-1/2 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch S T T U V W X Z a b d e g h ~f 18697 30011 21597 18669 19965 102495 18601 21575 102636 50186 30849 21565 18599 21578 REF NUT – lock, 1/2 NC distorted thread BOLT - hh, 1/2 NC x 3-1/4, Multi-Crop Headers BOLT – hh, 1/2 NC x 5 inch: Draper Headers NUT - lock, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - round head, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 1 inch BOLT – hex head, 3/4 NC x 1-1/2 inch WASHER - flat, 13/16 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1 inch NUT – side lock, 3/4 NC dist. thd. NUT – lock, smth flg, 1/2 NC BOLT – rnd hd, sq nk, 1/2 NC x 3-1/2 inch BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch WASHER – flat BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 2-1/4 inch Indicates hardware passes thru frame z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MD 9352/9352i/9352c, WP 9352/9352i/9352c, PS 4952/4952i/4952c, PR 2952/2952i/2952c, HP8152/8152i/8152c Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 40 REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A C D E F WALKING BEAM & PIVOT PART DESCRIPTION QTY NUMBER 44739 z BEAM - walking, with bushings, lube fitting & decals (not as illustrated)...... 1 107550 BEAM - walking, with bushings, lube fitting & decals (was 107206) ............ 1 107201 BUSHING – steel......................................................................... (see note 1) 7536 FITTING - lube.............................................................................................. 1 45872 PIVOT - walking beam.................................................................................. 1 21032 SIGN – SMV, reflector .................................................................................. 1 110583 KIT – REWORK, caster pivot, incl. 2 of items 7, 8 & 9 + instructions........... 1 110582 DISC – walking beam ................................................................................... 2 110571 BUSHING – channel weldment .................................................................... 2 18671 FITTING – lube, 1/4 NF ................................................................................ 2 19957 18640 18593 18601 21055 SERIAL NUMBER -156149 -156149 -156149 -156149 BOLT - hex head, 3/4 NC x 2-1/2 inch WASHER - lock, 3/4 inch ID NUT - hex, 3/4 NC WASHER - flat, 13/16 inch ID SCREW – self tapping, 1/4 NC x 1/2 inch NOTES: 1.) For all z tractors and tractors serial # 156149 & below qty = 2, For tractors serial # 156150 & above qty = 6. z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MD 9352/9352i/9352c, WP 9352/9352i/9352c, PS 4952/4952i/4952c, PR 2952/2952i/2952c, HP8152/8152i/8152c Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 41 REAR WEIGHT PACKAGE REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 B2266 B2980 B2981 112102 112122 112416 112126 6 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER KIT – rear weight (in frame pkg), includes 187 lbs (85KG) weight pack & hardware * KIT – standard (behind frame pkg), includes 400 lbs (181KG) weight pack & hardware KIT – Additional six plates = 300 lbs (136KG), requires item 2 for installation. SUPPORT – weight box (was 112123) ........................................................ 1 CAP – weight box, 4-bolt design (not shown)............................................... 2 -138024 CAP – weight box ......................................................................................... 2 138025PLATE – weight (qty. 12 with B2980 & B2981) ............................................ 6 * 1 or 2 kits B2266 may be installed, as required. Two of B2266 are factory installed for 9352/4952/2952/8152 Tractors Serial No. 144177 and up. (Kits are available through Wholegoods only). A B C F G 30448 21378 101898 112128 112129 Form # 46583 BOLT - hex head, 3/4 NC x 3 inch NUT - hex jam, 3/4 SCREW – self tapping, 3/8 x 5/8 inch BOLT – hex head, 3/4 NF x 2-3/4 inch NUT – lock, 3/4 NF H I J K 112130 50189 21871 18592 WASHER – flat, 3/4 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 6-1/2 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2-1/2” NUT – hex head, 5/8 NC Issue April 2009 42 Form # 46583 TRACTOR ELECTRICAL Issue April 2009 43 TRACTOR ELECTRICAL REF PART NUMBER 1 45970 112947 111367 112984 135216 135339 163556 163555 31062 112443 21763 42678 45155 135258 39272 44468 44511 111368 167049 HARNESS - wiring, tractor section, includes item 22 (was 45830) ...........................1 HARNESS - wiring, tractor section, includes item 22................................................1 HARNESS - wiring, tractor section, includes item 22................................................1 HARNESS - wiring, tractor section, includes item 22................................................1 FUSE – automatic ATO type, 7.5 amp, component of 112984 harness ...................1 CAP – fuse holder, component of 112984 harness ..................................................1 HARNESS - wiring, tractor section, includes item 22................................................1 HARNESS - wiring, engine control, Cummins tier 2 turbo ........................................1 CONNECTOR KIT – 3 way (includes male and female plugs) CONNECTOR KIT – 2 way (includes male and female plugs) FASTENER - cable tie – 7 ½ inch.............................................................. see note 1 FASTENER - cable tie, push mount .........................................................................2 GROMMET...............................................................................................................1 GROMMET (was 42415) ..........................................................................................4 CLIP – harness, 3/8 inch ID ....................................................................... see note 2 HOLDER - battery.....................................................................................................1 CABLE - starter to battery.........................................................................................1 CABLE – starter to battery........................................................................................1 S CABLE – starter to battery, includes cap nut 109950 ...............................................1 30689 44350 112410 30753 112152 109111 109112 109113 109114 21974 112156 112876 112966 21774 112140 112150 112151 112415 30215 31889 42250 42249 50022 112979 42523 135224 167053 167054 167055 167051 167050 INSULATOR - starter................................................................................................1 COVER - battery cable .............................................................................................1 CABLE - ground, battery and engine mount to frame (was 5903 & 24289) ..............1 FASTENER - cable tie – 14 inch...............................................................................1 LIGHT - red, replacement bulb #1157 ......................................................................2 LIGHT – pedestal work .............................................................................................2 OPTICAL UNIT – for item 15 ....................................................................................2 BULB – for item 109111 ...........................................................................................2 BEZEL – for item 15 .................................................................................................2 BREAKER - circuit, 50 amp ......................................................................................2 SUPPORT – relay/breaker........................................................................................1 zS SUPPORT – relay/breaker........................................................................................1 SUPPORT – relay/breaker........................................................................................1 RELAY - electrical.....................................................................................................1 HARNESS – wiring, adapter – (N.A. only) ................................................................1 SUPPORT – R/H tail light .........................................................................................1 SUPPORT – L/H tail light..........................................................................................1 TERMINAL – diode, compressor circuit....................................................................1 RELAY – electrical, (qty. = 3 for XX52i and XX52c)..................................................1 MOULDING – edge ..................................................................................................1 HOSE – slit, fuel line protector (50mm long).............................................................1 HOSE – slit, hydraulic line protector (200mm long) ..................................................1 CLIP – wiring, 15/16 inch ID .....................................................................................3 RESISTOR – control.................................................................................................1 CLIP – harness .........................................................................................................1 SCLIP – harness, 5/8 inch ID......................................................................................2 S COVER – fuse block, with foam & decal...................................................................1 FOAM – 435 x 15 x 3 mm .........................................................................................1 FOAM – 78 x 19 x 19 mm .........................................................................................1 S CABLE – ground, starter to alternator.......................................................................1 S CABLE – ground, starter to block .............................................................................1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DESCRIPTION QTY z z S S SERIAL NUMBER -162249 162250-162249 162250- -156149 156150- 162250- 138025-156149 162250162250- z - MacDon 9250/9350/9352, Westward 9250/9350/9352, Prairie Star 4940/4950/4952, Premier 2940/2950/2952, Harvest Pro 8140/8150/8152 - MacDon 9352i, Westward 9352i, Prairie Star 4952i, Premier 2952i, Harvest Pro 8152i S - MacDon 9352c, Westward 9352c, Prairie Star 4952c, Premier 2952c, Harvest Pro 8152c NOTES: 1.) Item 3, for XX40/XX50 Tier 1 tractors qty. = 14, Tier 2 = 16, XX52 tractors qty. = 12, XX52i tractors qty. = 11, XX52c tractors qty = 16 2.) Item 7, for XX40/XX50 tractors up to SN 162249 qty. = 10, SN 162250 & up = 8, XX52 tractors qty. = 11, XX52i tractors qty. = 12, XX52c tractors qty = 8 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 44 Form # 46583 TRACTOR ELECTRICAL (Continued) Issue April 2009 45 TRACTOR ELECTRICAL (Continued) REF A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a d e f PART NUMBER 21863 30228 50139 19965 18598 21821 30627 30637 30631 21470 20077 18634 50155 S 50101 21926 18664 50124 S 42284 21492 20011 18635 18795 21455 18588 21572 136005 21055 21947 S DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER BOLT - rd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4” NUT - lock, smth flg, 3/8 NC dist thd BOLT - hex head, M8 x 16 mm BOLT – rd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 1” WASHER – flat, 13/32 inch ID BOLT - flg hd, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - hex head, M10 x 25 mm NUT - hex, M6 WASHER - lock, M6 BOLT - rnd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 2” BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1 inch WASHER - lock, #10 Bolt – hex head, M12 x 25mm lg NUT – lock, flng, M10 x 1-1/2 inch BOLT – rd hd, sq nk, 1/4 NC x 1/2” NUT – jam, 3/8 NC SCREW – self tapping, 5/16 x ½ SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 1/2” NUT - serrated flange, #10 NC NUT - hex, #10 NF WASHER - lock, 1/4 inch ID WASHER – flat, #10 ID NUT - serrated flange, 1/4 NC NUT - hex, 1/4 NC BOLT – hex head, 1/4 NC x 5/8” BOLT – hex hd, M10 x 16 mm SCREW – self tap, 1/4 NC x 1/2 inch SCREW – self tapping, #10 x 5/8 z - MacDon 9250/9350/9352, Westward 9250/9350/9352, Prairie Star 4940/4950/4952, Premier 2940/2950/2952, Harvest Pro 8140/8150/8152 - MacDon 9352i, Westward 9352i, Prairie Star 4952i, Premier 2952i, Harvest Pro 8152i S - MacDon 9352c, Westward 9352c, Prairie Star 4952c, Premier 2952c, Harvest Pro 8152c NOTES: 1.) Item 3, for XX40/XX50 Tier 1 tractors qty. = 14, Tier 2 = 16, XX52 tractors qty. = 12, XX52i tractors qty. = 11, XX52c tractors qty = 16 2.) Item 7, for XX40/XX50 tractors up to SN 162249 qty. = 10, SN 162250 & up = 8, XX52 tractors qty. = 11, XX52i tractors qty. = 12, XX52c tractors qty = 8 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 46 Form # 46583 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS Issue April 2009 47 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS REF PART NUMBER 1 REF REF REF 111004 44434 44437 42008 44444 42099 4761 1045 42255 24556 21980 30241 112662 101904 112662 111136 30651 44469 111089 42469 30653 111149 30654 30655 30682 30656 111688 30937 112024 111442 30645 25849 111690 25850 111689 162034 25851 REF 45641 45427 163581 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY ENGINE – Cummins diesel, 80 hp N.A (not serviced) ................................. 1 ENGINE – Cummins diesel, 108 hp Turbo (not serviced) ............................ 1 ENGINE – Cummins diesel, 110 hp Tier II Turbo (not serviced).................. 1 SUPPORT - front right .................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT - front left, with decal .................................................................. 1 MOUNT - support ......................................................................................... 2 INSULATOR - front engine mounts .............................................................. 2 SUPPORT - rear........................................................................................... 1 INSULATOR - rear engine mounts ............................................................... 2 WASHER - flat, 17/32 ID x 1-3/8 OD x 3/16 inch thick (was 25900) ............ 1 WASHER - flat, 17/32 ID x 2-1/2 OD x 3/16 inch thick ................................. 4 SENDER - temperature ................................................................................ 1 SWITCH - temperature ................................................................................. 1 FITTING - reducer bushing, 3/8 NPT x 1/2 NPT .......................................... 1 SWITCH - oil pressure.................................................................................. 1 FITTING - heater, 1/2 NPT x 5/8 hose (was 6137)....................................... 1 VALVE – 90°................................................................................................. 1 FITTING – heater, 1/2 NPT x 5/8 hose......................................................... 1 MUFFLER – (N.A only)................................................................................. 1 CLAMP - muffler ........................................................................................... 1 TUBE - exhaust ............................................................................................ 1 MUFFLER – (Turbo only) ............................................................................. 1 CLAMP - muffler ........................................................................................... 1 FAN - engine cooling (N.A only) ................................................................... 1 FAN – engine cooling (Turbo only) ............................................................... 1 SPACER - fan............................................................................................... 1 WASHER - hardened ................................................................................... 4 BOLT - hex head, M10 x 90 mm................................................................... 4 BELT - fan / alternator .................................................................................. 1 BELT - fan / alternator .................................................................................. 1 FITTING - barbed, 1/4 NPT x 5/16 hose, fuel line (N.A only) ....................... 1 FITTING – barbed elbow, 1/4 NPT x 5/16 hose, fuel line (Turbo only)......... 1 FITTING – barbed elbow, both NA & turbo .................................................. 1 STARTER - with decal, (Cummins # 3964432NW plus MacDon decal 42130) ............ 1 FILTER ELEMENT - oil (Cummins # 3908616)............................................ 1 FILTER ELEMENT - oil (Cummins # 3934429)............................................ 1 FILTER ELEMENT - fuel, primary, with water trap (Cummins # 3903410) .. 1 FILTER ELEMENT - fuel, primary, with water trap (Cummins # 3991350) ........ 1 FILTER ELEMENT - fuel, primary, with water trap (Cummins # 3966140) turbo only ..... 1 FILTER ELEMENT - fuel, secondary (Cummins # 3903640) ....................... 1 ALTERNATOR - see "Alternator Mounting" ................................................. 1 SHIELD – starter .......................................................................................... 1 MOULDING – edge ...................................................................................... 2 SUPPORT – harness, turbo ......................................................................... 1 SERIAL NUMBER -162249 162250- -162249 162250-162249 -162249 162250-162249 162250-162249 162250174610-162249 174610- Issue April 2009 48 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 49 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS REF A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P PART NUMBER 30630 30633 30636 18638 18591 18723 21565 18599 21863 21560 30628 30632 30505 50155 30228 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER BOLT - hex head, M12 x 30 mm WASHER - lock, M12 WASHER - flat, M12 WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID NUT - hex, 1/2 NC BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch WASHER - flat, 17/32 inch ID BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 3 inch BOLT - hex head, M10 x 35 mm WASHER - lock, M10 NUT - hex, M10 BOLT – hex head, M12 x 25 mm NUT – flange, 3/8 NC Issue April 2009 50 Form # 46583 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS Issue April 2009 51 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS REF PART NUMBER 1 REF QTY 111743 111620 112979 111737 111736 111751 111738 111739 111767 111740 111766 111742 111741 111750 111757 111768 111756 111744 111746 111748 111749 111747 111745 111752 111753 111754 111755 111735 ENGINE – Isuzu diesel, 110 hp Turbo, 4.3L, 4 cylinder, 4 stroke ...................... 1 Isuzu model # 4BG1TRW02 (not serviced), service items below, see NOTE 1 SWITCH – temperature (Isuzu # 8-97125-601-1) .............................................. 1 SENDER – temperature (Isuzu # 9-83151-432-0) ............................................. 1 SWITCH – oil pressure (Isuzu # 9-82720-069-0) ............................................... 1 SOLENOID – engine stop (Isuzu # 8-97373-762-1) .......................................... 1 MANUAL – Isuzu engine owners manual (Isuzu # IDE-6081) ........................... 1 PARTS BOOK – Isuzu engine (Isuzu # 5887109601).................................... A/R MANUAL – workshop (Isuzu # IDE-2280)...................................................... A/R DECAL – emissions (Isuzu # EPA ENGINE FAMILY NO. 5SZXL04.3FTA, EC TYPE APPROVAL NO.: e9*97/68FA*00/000XX*3043*00) .................... 2 GASKET SET – engine (Isuzu # 587814-3920)............................................. A/R STUD – engine mount (Isuzu # 1-09300-055-0) ............................................ A/R RESISTOR – control (Isuzu # 9825300410) .................................................. A/R THERMOSTAT – engine (Isuzu # 113770-0700) .......................................... A/R GASKET – thermostat housing to pipe (Isuzu # 113743-0160) ..................... A/R GASKET – thermostat housing to block (Isuzu # 897235-7891).................... A/R INJECTOR – fuel (Isuzu # 115300-3940) ...................................................... A/R INJECTOR TIP – fuel (Isuzu # 115311-3000)................................................ A/R WASHER – injector (Isuzu # 515315-003)..................................................... A/R WASHER – feed pump banjo fitting (Isuzu # 115759-0010) .......................... A/R ASSEMBLY – feed pump (Isuzu # 115750-199)............................................ A/R HAND PRIMER – fuel (Isuzu # 115761-0060) ............................................... A/R O-RING – hand primer (Isuzu # 115623-0160).............................................. A/R WATER SEDIMENTER – fuel (Isuzu # 1132008410) .................................... A/R BOLT – banjo (Isuzu # 909906-3251)............................................................ A/R FILTER SCREEN – banjo bolt (Isuzu # 515759-027) .................................... A/R WASHER – fuel, banjo bolt (Isuzu # 909572-0140) ....................................... A/R WATER PUMP – engine, c/w gasket (Isuzu # 897253-028-1)....................... A/R GASKET – oil line return to turbo (Isuzu # 894369-0220).............................. A/R GASKET – oil line return, drain (Isuzu # 894370-6630) ................................. A/R TURBOCHARGER – engine (Isuzu # 897144-7060)..................................... A/R GASKET – turbo (Isuzu # 894369-0230) ....................................................... A/R GASKET – turbo to adapter (Isuzu # 894369-0210) ...................................... A/R INJECTION PUMP (Isuzu # 897357-9420).................................................... A/R WASHER – injection pipe leak off (Isuzu # 909571-4080)............................. A/R WASHER – injection pump oil supply (Isuzu # 909571-4100) ....................... A/R WASHER – oil line injection pump (Isuzu # 909572-0100) ............................ A/R WASHER – oil line pressure (Isuzu # 109630-0840) ..................................... A/R 111384 111360 44437 42008 111361 42099 111270 111273 30651 PLATE – engine mount spacer, R/H only..................................................... 1 SENDER - tachometer ................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT - mount ....................................................................................... 2 INSULATOR - front engine mounts .............................................................. 2 SUPPORT – engine, R/H rear...................................................................... 1 INSULATOR - rear engine mounts ............................................................... 2 SUPPORT – engine, R/H rear...................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – engine, L/H rear ...................................................................... 1 CLAMP - exhaust ......................................................................................... 1 111396 111397 111400 111401 111404 111759 111760 111500 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER NOTES: 1. The Isuzu engine repair parts listed under item 1 are available from your local Isuzu dealer using the Isuzu part numbers shown. If parts are not available from Isuzu, they may be ordered from MacDon using MacDon part numbers; however, Isuzu parts purchased from MacDon will cost more than if sourced from an Isuzu dealer. Warranty issues related to these parts should be submitted to your nearest Isuzu dealer. MacDon will not be responsible for the difference between Isuzu warranty coverage and the cost of the item purchased through MacDon Parts. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 52 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 53 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS REF PART NUMBER 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 112454 112487 111369 111436 111380 111379 111466 111399 112826 111621 111777 TUBE – exhaust ........................................................................................... 1 MUFFLER..................................................................................................... 1 SHIELD – starter .......................................................................................... 1 FAN............................................................................................................... 1 FILTER ELEMENT– oil (Isuzu # 1-13240-232-1) ......................................... 1 FILTER ELEMENT – fuel (Isuzu # 2-90654-910-0) ...................................... 1 STARTER with WIRING SHIELD ................................................................. 1 ALTERNATOR – Isuzu engine (Isuzu # 2-90123-900-0) ............................. 1 BELT – alternator/fan (Isuzu # 8-97232-252-0) (matched pair).................... 1 SPACER – fan mounting (Isuzu # 1-13642-045-1) ...................................... 1 GASKET – exhaust ...................................................................................... 1 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V 50186 21471 136004 21565 21491 7674 42592 21760 18591 18638 136003 30632 21880 1045 30716 103523 111405 111577 111620 136012 NUT – lock, flange, 1/2 NC distorted thread BOLT – round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 1-1/4 inch NUT – hex, M10 x 1.25 pitch BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/4 inch NUT – jam, 3/4 NC WASHER – flat BOLT – 1/2 NC x 2-1/2 inch NUT – hex, 1/2 NC WASHER – lock BOLT – hex head, M10 x 1.25 pitch, 25 mm long WASHER – lock, M10 BOLT – 1/2 NC x 2-3/4 inch WASHER – flat WASHER – lock, M8 BOLT – socket head, M8 x 1-1/4 inch BOLT – fan mounting (Isuzu # 8-94150-045-1) WASHER – flat, fan mounting (Isuzu # 1-09985-191-0) STUD – engine mount (Isuzu # 1-09300-055-0) BOLT – hex head, M10 x 1.25 x 30 mm long Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 54 ALTERNATOR MOUNTING– CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 55 ALTERNATOR MOUNTING– CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 REF REF REF 112114 112116 30660 30627 45640 112115 A 18598 10 REF Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SUPPORT - alternator, Cummins # 3923387............................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, M8 x 35 mm Cummins # 3900631 .................................. 3 SPACER - mounting, Cummins # 3910715.................................................. 1 BOLT – hex head, M10 x 95 mm.................................................................. 1 BRACE – alternator, Cummins # 3934941................................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, M8 x 45 mm..................................................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, M10 x 25 mm................................................................... 1 ALTERNATOR – Delco-Remy # 19009959.................................................. 1 PULLEY - alternator, Cummins # 3918275 .................................................. 1 SERIAL NUMBER -162249 -162249 -162249 -162249 -162249 -162249 -162249 -162249 -162249 WASHER – flat, 13/16 inch ID ALTERNATOR – Cummins # 3935528 (new) .............................................. 1 Delco-Remy # 19020380 (new)........................................ 1 Cummins # 3675228 (reconditioned) ............................... 1 Cummins # 3972733 (new) .............................................. 1 162250-171465 162250-171465 162250-e171465 171466- Issue April 2009 56 ENGINE SUPERSTRUCTURE Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 57 ENGINE SUPERSTRUCTURE REF PART NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N QTY SERIAL NUMBER 112205 SzÒ SHIELD - heat ...................................................................................................................1 111356 SHIELD – heat....................................................................................................................1 112073 SUPPORT - radiator, left - with decal .................................................................................1 112074 SUPPORT - radiator, right ..................................................................................................1 112099 z COVER - engine, turbocharged diesel ...............................................................................1 112242 S COVER - engine, naturally aspirated diesel .......................................................................1 111353 COVER – engine, turbocharged diesel...............................................................................1 162024 Ò COVER - engine, turbocharged diesel ...............................................................................1 112132 HANDLE – hood opening ...................................................................................................2 112134 ANGLE – hood rail, L/H ......................................................................................................1 112135 ANGLE – hood rail, R/H......................................................................................................1 112078 ANGLE – hood rail, L/H closing ..........................................................................................1 112077 ANGLE – hood rail, R/H closing .........................................................................................1 112180 SEAL – closing angles........................................................................................................2 112220 WASHER – steel/rubber, 3/8 ..............................................................................................2 43848 CLAMP ...............................................................................................................................2 112187 ANGLE – upper hood, closing ............................................................................................1 112188 SEAL – hood closing ..........................................................................................................1 111445 HOOD & SCREEN ASSEMBLY – includes screens (items 14 & 15), (was 111120) .........1 112053 SCREEN – R/H grill ............................................................................................................1 112054 SCREEN – L/H grill.............................................................................................................1 112219 SPRING – gas, includes items 18-20 .................................................................................2 112216 SPRING – compression......................................................................................................2 112217 BALL – stud ........................................................................................................................4 112218 CLIP – ball stud ..................................................................................................................4 112108 SUPPORT – hinge..............................................................................................................1 112110 HINGE ...............................................................................................................................2 112062 CABLE – hood release .......................................................................................................1 112063 SUPPORT – top radiator ....................................................................................................1 112147 SUPPORT – hood seal.......................................................................................................1 111378 PAN – hood bottom (was 112066)......................................................................................1 112067 SEAL – lower hood .............................................................................................................1 112068 STRAP – clamp, hood seal.................................................................................................1 112247 S SHROUD - fan, with seals, item 30, (N.A. only) .................................................................1 112246 z SHROUD - fan, with seals item 30, (Turbo only)(may be subbed to 163563) ....................1 112449 SHROUD – fan, with seals item 30, turbo ..........................................................................1 163563 Ò SHROUD – fan, with seals item 30, turbo ..........................................................................1 42269 SEAL – foam, fan shroud....................................................................................................2 42688 LATCH – hood ....................................................................................................................1 112265 SUPPORT – hinge..............................................................................................................1 112524 ROPE – nylon, XX52 & XX52i Models only ........................................................................1 112517 RETAINER – rope storage, XX52 & XX52i Models only ....................................................1 112523 HANDLE – rubber, XX52 & XX52i Models only..................................................................1 112508 INSERT – handle, XX52 & XX52i Models only...................................................................1 42266 SEAL – foam, rad support, vertical .....................................................................................2 42274 SEAL – foam, rad support, horizontal.................................................................................2 112657 SEAL – foam, rad support, corner ......................................................................................2 1 ~ DESCRIPTION f REF 21863 30228 21821 19965 21472 18589 21455 21483 105066 111088 112222 21476 21558 30821 Indicates where hardware passes through frame or support member. BOLT - round hd, sq. nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4” NUT - lock, smth flng, 3/8 NC dist. thd. BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4” BOLT – round hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 1” BOLT - round hd, sq. nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4” NUT – hex, 5/16 NC NUT – serrated flange, 1/4 NC BOLT – rnd hd, sq. nk, 1/4 NC x 1-1/2” BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT – M6 x 3/4 inch NUT – nylon insert, M6 x 1 inch BOLT – round hd, sq. nk, 1/4 NC x 3/4” BOLT – hex head, 5/16 NC x 3/4” BOLT – hex head, 5/16 NC x 3-1/2” P R S T U V W X Y Z a z 50225 18600 18636 18597 21975 18598 18596 30280 21264 21282 30280 NUT – flange lock, 5/8 – 11 NC WASHER – flat, 5/8 inch ID WASHER – lock, 5/16 inch ID WASHER – flat, 11/32 inch ID BOLT – flange head, 3/8 NC x 1” WASHER – flat, 3/8 inch ID WASHER – flat, 9/32 inch ID NUT – lock, smth flng, 5/16 NC dist thd. BOLT – hex hd, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4” BOLT – flg hd, 5/16 NC x 1 inch NUT – flange, 5/16 NC S - MacDon 9250, Westward 9250, Prairie Star 4940, Premier 2940, Harvest Pro 8140 z - MacDon 9350/9352, Westward 9350/9352, Prairie Star 4950/4952, Premier 2950/2952, Harvest Pro 8150/8152 - MacDon 9352i, Westward 9352i, Prairie Star 4952i, Premier 2952i, Harvest Pro 8152i Ò- MacDon 9352c, Westward 9352c, Prairie Star 4952c, Premier 2952c, Harvest Pro 8152c Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 58 FUEL SYSTEM Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 59 FUEL SYSTEM REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 112044 112095 112153 112154 112142 50014 112145 112092 112215 44304 30500 21052 30624 30937 111010 45651 30419 30426 21992 42014 111785 REF 135224 112206 111440 111376 30094 111442 50069 111393 111613 21844 111608 30500 30094 TANK - fuel ................................................................................................... 1 PAD – rubber, R/H bottom mount................................................................. 1 PAD – rubber, R/H top mount....................................................................... 1 PLATE – R/H mount ..................................................................................... 1 SENDER - fuel, with gasket.......................................................................... 1 GASKET - fuel sender .................................................................................. 1 CAP - fuel tank ............................................................................................. 1 FITTING – barbed......................................................................................... 1 HOSE - tank vent.......................................................................................... 1 HOSE - to filter ............................................................................................. 1 CLAMP - hose .............................................................................................. 3 FILTER - fuel vent line, incl. hose (item 9) and two clamps (item 10) .......... 1 FITTING - barbed, 1/4 NPT x 3/16 hose (N.A. only)..................................... 1 FITTING - barbed, 1/4 NPT x 5/16 hose....................................................... 1 HOSE - from engine return line .................................................................... 1 HOSE – from engine return line (N.A. only) ................................................. 1 BOWL – sediment, with screen .................................................................... 1 FITTING - barbed, 1/8 NPT x 5/16 hose....................................................... 1 FITTING – barbed, 1/8 NPT x 3/8 hose........................................................ 1 HOSE - to engine fuel pump......................................................................... 1 HOSE – to engine fuel pump ........................................................................ 1 PANEL - see "Engine Superstructure" ......................................................... 1 HOLDER – hose (was 39272) ...................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – tank breather ........................................................................... 1 VALVE – ball, fuel shut off (XX52i only) ....................................................... 1 SUPPORT – throttle (XX52i only)................................................................. 1 CLAMP – hose (XX52i only) ......................................................................... 6 FITTING – barbed, 1/4 NPT x 3/8 hose (XX52i only) ................................... 1 FITTING – barbed, 3/8 NPT x 3/8 hose (XX52i only) ................................... 1 HOSE – from engine return line (XX52i only) ............................................... 2 HOSE – suction, to engine fuel pump (XX52i only), (was 111392) .............. 1 FITTING – nipple, 3/8 NPT (XX52i only) ...................................................... 1 FILTER – fuel, in-line (install in suction line) ................................................ 1 CLAMP – hose ............................................................................................. 2 CLAMP – hose ............................................................................................. 2 21469 18577 18634 21863 30228 50186 30027 18599 18591 21821 21472 101898 BOLT – round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch SCREW - machine, #10 NC x 3/4 inch WASHER - lock, #10, 3/16 inch ID BOLT – round head, short square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT – lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread - naturally aspirated engine only NUT – lock, smooth flange, 1/2 NC distorted thread BOLT – round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 2-1/4 inch WASHER – flat, 17/32 inch ID NUT – hex, 1/2 NC BOLT – hex head, flange, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch SCREW – self tapping, 3/8 NC x 5/8 inch 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A B C D E F G H J K L M DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER -162249 see note 1 see note 1 -162249 -162249 162250-162249 162250- -162249 162250- NOTES: 1.) Item 12 & 13 – used on all XX50/XX52i tractors serial numbers. - used on XX40 tractors serial number 162250 & up. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 60 ENGINE AIR INTAKE – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS NOTE: FOR ENGINE AIR INTAKE FOR CUMMINS TURBO UNITS WITH SN 174610 AND ABOVE, SEE PAGE 62/63 SN 174609 & BELOW Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 61 ENGINE AIR INTAKE – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS REF PART NUMBER 111134 111135 111060 111061 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 111130 20424 111255 112120 30007 30426 111077 30005 112228 112131 50073 112121 112230 112231 112227 REF 111051 111052 112261 111063 A B C D E F 21452 30228 21821 18598 21282 30280 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NA / TURBO NUMBER AIR CLEANER ELEMENTS ELEMENT – filter, primary (outer), Turbo Engine .........................................1 ELEMENT – filter, safety (inner), Turbo Engine............................................1 ELEMENT - filter, primary (outer), Nat. Asp. Engine ....................................1 ELEMENT - filter, safety (inner), Nat. Asp. Engine .......................................1 CLEANER – engine air, with filter elements, includes item 2, Turbo Engine...........1 NUT - wing.................................................................................................... 2 VALVE – vacuator, Turbo Engine................................................................. 1 BAND - mounting, with hardware, Turbo Engine.......................................... 2 CONNECTOR - 1/8 NPT .............................................................................. 1 FITTING - barbed, 1/8 NPT x 5/16” ID hose................................................. 2 HOSE - to service indicator .......................................................................... 1 INDICATOR - service ................................................................................... 1 TUBE – pre-cleaner, Turbo Engine .............................................................. 1 HOSE - air intake to engine, Turbo Engine .................................................. 1 CLAMP – hose ........................................................................................ 1 / 2 PRE-CLEANER - with clamp........................................................................ 1 CLAMP - hose ......................................................................................... 3 / 4 HOSE – hump, Turbo Engine ....................................................................... 1 HOSE ELBOW - 90°, reducer, engine air intake, Turbo Engine................... 1 COVER – engine, Nat. Asp., See “Engine Superstructure”, page 57........... 1 CLEANER - engine air, with filter elements, includes item 19, Nat. Asp. Engine....1 BAND - mounting, with hardware, Nat. Asp. Engine .................................... 1 HOSE - air intake to engine, Nat. Asp. Engine............................................. 1 VALVE – vacuator, Nat. Asp. Engine ........................................................... 1 -174609 -174609 -174609 -174609 -174609 -174609 -174609 -174609 -174609 NUT - serrated flange, 3/8 NC NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch WASHER – flat, 3/8 inch ID BOLT – round head, square neck, 5/16 NC x 1 inch NUT – flange, 5/16 NC, distorted thread Issue April 2009 62 ENGINE AIR INTAKE – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS & CUMMINS TRACTOR UNITS SN 174610 and ABOVE Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 63 ENGINE AIR INTAKE – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS & CUMMINS TRACTOR UNITS SN 174610 and ABOVE REF PART 112687 112688 DESCRIPTION 16 17 18 REF 112485 162029 112121 112476 112484 162028 112486 111717 112481 111357 21913 135270 50073 112230 50070 30005 30007 111077 162030 112825 112177 135270 A B C D E F 21282 30280 21281 30228 21975 18598 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Form # 46583 SERIAL AIR CLEANER ELEMENTS: ELEMENT – filter, primary (outer).................................................................1 ELEMENT – filter, safety (inner) ...................................................................1 NUMBER 1 2 QTY TURBO NUMBER COVER – engine, see “Engine Superstructure” ................................................1 ADAPTER – straight hump, ISUZU .............................................................. 1 ADAPTER – reducer hump, CUMMINS ....................................................... 1 CLEANER - pipe........................................................................................... 1 CLEANER – engine air, includes filter elements and item 16 ...................... 1 TUBE – air intake, ISUZU............................................................................. 1 TUBE – air intake, CUMMINS ...................................................................... 1 ELBOW – air intake, ISUZU ......................................................................... 1 ELBOW – air intake, CUMMINS................................................................... 1 BAND – air intake support ............................................................................ 1 HOSE – air intake, moulded ......................................................................... 1 CLAMP - hose .............................................................................................. 1 CLAMP – hose, ISUZU................................................................................. 3 CLAMP – hose, CUMMINS .......................................................................... 3 CLAMP - hose .............................................................................................. 2 FITTING – elbow, barbed, 90°...................................................................... 2 INDICATOR - service ................................................................................... 1 FITTING – hydraulic, female union............................................................... 1 HOSE – indicator, ISUZU ............................................................................. 1 HOSE – indicator, CUMMINS....................................................................... 1 VALVE – vacuator ........................................................................................ 1 HOSE – air intake, CUMMINS...................................................................... 1 CLAMP HOSE, CUMMINS........................................................................... 1 BOLT - round head, square neck, 5/16 NC x 1 inch NUT – flange, 5/16 NC BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT – lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC, distorted thread BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 1 inch WASHER – flat, 13/32 inch ID Issue April 2009 64 ENGINE COOLING CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 65 ENGINE COOLING REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS: 1 9 112030 111350 24210 25916 163247 20023 25915 111631 17959 21995 21913 21995 42610 109871 30542 A B 21821 30228 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RADIATOR, all serial #’s for NA + serial # 174609 & below for turbo .......... 1 RADIATOR- turbo only ................................................................................. 1 CAP - radiator ............................................................................................... 1 HOSE - upper rad, all serial #’s for NA + serial # 174609 & below for turbo 1 HOSE – upper rad – turbo only .................................................................... 1 VALVE - drain ............................................................................................... 1 HOSE - lower rad ......................................................................................... 1 HOSE – lower rad......................................................................................... 1 CLAMP - hose, all serial #’s for NA + serial # 174609 & below for turbo ..... 3 CLAMP – turbo only...................................................................................... 3 CLAMP - hose .............................................................................................. 1 CLAMP – turbo only...................................................................................... 1 TANK - coolant recovery, with cap and hose ............................................... 1 CAP – vented, for coolant recovery tank ...................................................... 1 CLIP - hose................................................................................................... 2 174610174610-162249 162250174610-162249 162250- BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread ISUZU ENGINE TRACTOR UNITS: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 111350 24210 42610 109871 111365 111377 111390 20023 21995 30542 C D 21821 30228 Form # 46583 RADIATOR ................................................................................................... 1 CAP - radiator ............................................................................................... 1 TANK - coolant recovery, with cap and hose ............................................... 1 CAP – vented, for coolant recovery tank ...................................................... 1 HOSE – lower radiator.................................................................................. 1 HOSE – radiator adapter .............................................................................. 1 HOSE – top radiator ..................................................................................... 1 FITTING – drain cock ................................................................................... 1 CLAMP – hose ............................................................................................. 4 CLIP - hose................................................................................................... 1 BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread Issue April 2009 66 AIR INTAKE SCREEN CLEANER Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 67 AIR INTAKE SCREEN CLEANER REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 112254 50093 112251 45430 45436 112055 45883 45592 45439 112255 112256 112185 42369 112149 5754 45448 45427 112176 21995 42274 112177 112160 112161 45941 42415 REF 50073 112175 30753 A B C D E F G H J 30693 30228 21863 21452 50124 18709 20042 30955 18664 ~ f REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER CAP - plastic ................................................................................................. 2 PLUG - plastic (for screen holes), Standard Air Intake Screen only............. 2 PLATE – cover, see note (1) ........................................................................ 2 HOUSING - duct, includes item 5................................................................. 2 SEAL - foam, housing to screen ................................................................... 2 BAR - mounting ............................................................................................ 2 DUCT – plastic ............................................................................................. 2 PIN – duct ..................................................................................................... 2 BUSHING - plastic........................................................................................ 4 COUPLING ................................................................................................... 2 CLEANER - seal........................................................................................... 2 SEAL – cleaner............................................................................................. 2 MOTOR - electric.......................................................................................... 2 CAP – vinyl ................................................................................................... 2 O-ring............................................................................................................ 4 STOP - motor................................................................................................ 2 MOULDING - edge ....................................................................................... 2 HOSE – air, L/H ............................................................................................ 1 CLAMP - hose .............................................................................................. 4 SEAL - sponge ............................................................................................. 1 HOSE – elbow .............................................................................................. 2 SUPPORT – outer cleaner, R/H ................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – outer cleaner, L/H.................................................................... 1 HARNESS – screen cleaner......................................................................... 1 GROMMET – harness .................................................................................. 1 PAN – hood bottom, See “Engine Superstructure”, page 57........................ 1 CLAMP – hose ............................................................................................. 2 HOSE – air, R/H ........................................................................................... 1 FASTENER – plastic tie ............................................................................... 2 BOLT – flange, hex head, 3/8 NC NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - serrated flange, 3/8 NC SCREW - hex washer head, 5/16 NC x 1/2 inch, thread cutting SCREW - set, Allan socket head, 3/8 NC x 5/8 inch WASHER - lock, #8 SCREW - machine, round slotted head, #8 NC x 5/16 inch NUT – jam, 3/8 NC Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. NOTES: 1.) Used to plug hose routing holes Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 68 HEADER DRIVE Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 69 HEADER DRIVE REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O PART NUMBER 21024 21349 21425 21763 22072 45230 30938 37551 42016 111292 42086 42099 42155 42592 44231 REF REF REF 45075 45144 45081 45086 45094 45096 45097 50041 50042 50053 45040 17006 9423 50075 111281 111282 115074 17194 45534 109816 45148 45262 44354 18671 REF 45959 112274 111176 18592 50124 18666 50186 18600 18637 18638 18639 21472 20077 21383 21452 21526 21491 21868 DESCRIPTION z z z QTY SERIAL NUMBER FITTING - reducer bushing, 3/8 NPT x 1/8 NPT ................................................................1 CLAMP - hose ....................................................................................................................2 VALVE - relief .....................................................................................................................1 FASTENER - plastic tie ......................................................................................................1 WASHER - flat ....................................................................................................................2 GUIDE - belt, lower .............................................................................................................1 FITTING – elbow, 90° barbed elbow, 3/8 NPT x 5/8 I.D. hose ...........................................2 BUSHING - plastic ..............................................................................................................2 HOSE - hydraulic, bevel gear box 45877 to relief valve .....................................................1 HOSE – hydraulic, bevel gear box 45968 to relief valve ....................................................1 BELT - header drive............................................................................................................1 INSULATOR - rubber..........................................................................................................1 PULLEY - idler ....................................................................................................................2 WASHER - flat ....................................................................................................................1 GUARD - front pulley, with decals ......................................................................................1 PULLEY ASSEMBLY - see "Header Drive Pulley", page 80 ..............................................1 BEVEL GEARBOX - see page 74-77 .................................................................................1 DRIVELINE - see page 81..................................................................................................1 GUIDE - belt, upper ............................................................................................................1 RETAINER - belt.................................................................................................................1 ARM - idler..........................................................................................................................1 PIVOT - idler .......................................................................................................................1 CYLINDER - header clutch, complete ................................................................................1 SHAFT - header clutch cylinder..........................................................................................1 TUBE - header clutch cylinder ............................................................................................1 SEAL - oil, outer (for header clutch cylinder) ......................................................................1 SEAL - oil, inner (for header clutch cylinder) ......................................................................1 RING - retaining, internal (for header clutch cylinder) ........................................................1 RESTRICTOR - hydraulic...................................................................................................1 O-RING - (for header clutch cylinder) .................................................................................1 SPRING - extension ...........................................................................................................1 PIN - roll, 3/8 x 1 inch .........................................................................................................1 PULLEY - driver, Turbo Diesel (was 42153).......................................................................1 PULLEY - driver, Naturally Aspirated Diesel Engine (was 45522)......................................1 BUSHING - split taper, with outer key.................................................................................1 KEY - 5/16 square x 2 inch .................................................................................................1 SUPPORT - switch .............................................................................................................1 SWITCH - header drive belt (was 45234)...........................................................................1 SPACER .............................................................................................................................2 COVER - gearbox shaft access..........................................................................................1 SHIM - header pulley alignment......................................................................................A/R FITTING - lube....................................................................................................................1 SUPPORT - fan shield, see page 78 ..................................................................................1 BELT - header drive............................................................................................................1 GUARD – front pulley, with decals......................................................................................1 GUIDE – belt, upper ...........................................................................................................1 NUT - hex, 5/8 NC SCREW - hex washer head, 5/16 x 1/2” NUT - lock, 5/8 NC dist. thread NUT - lock, smth flange, 1/2 NC dist. Thd. WASHER - flat, 21/32 inch I.D. WASHER - lock, 3/8 inch ID WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID WASHER - lock, 5/8 inch ID BOLT - rnd hd, sq. nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4” BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1 inch NUT - serrated flange, 1/2 NC NUT - serrated flange, 3/8 NC BOLT - hex hd, 5/16 NC x 1-1/4 in. BOLT – hex hd, 1/2 NC x 1-1/4 inch BOLT - rnd hd, sq. nk, 1/2 NC x 1 in. P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a ~ f 21561 21584 21760 21863 30080 30228 21720 18590 18598 21589 21821 19965 REF (see pg. 68, 69 for box desc.) BOLT – hex hd, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT – hex hd, 5/8 NC x 2-1/2 inch BOLT - hex hd, 1/2 NC x 2 1/2 inch BOLT- rnd hd, short sq. nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4 in BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 4-1/2 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC BOLT - hex head, 5/8 NC x 4-1/2 inch NUT - hex, 3/8 NC WASHER - flat, 13/32 inch I.D. BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 4 inch BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT – round hd, sq. neck, 3/8 NC x 1” Indicates where hdw passes through frame member. z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MacDon 9352/9352i/9352c, Westward 9352/9352i/9352c, Prairie Star 4952/4952i/4952c, Premier 2952/2952i/2952c, Harvest Pro 8152/8152i/8152c Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 70 Header Drive - BEVEL GEARBOX Prior to 2002 Production * * NOTE: The change-over from this gearbox to the one shown on page 73 occurred in stages over a period extending from the end of 2001 Production through early 2002 Production. For machines built in this period, identify gearbox and order service parts for the appropriate unit. This unit has a bolt-on extension tube (item17) while the newer gearbox has a one-piece cast housing with cooling fins. The newer box (167299) plus pulley (item 27 on page 69) replaces the prior one (45877) as a complete unit only. See note regarding machining of existing pulley on next page. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 71 Header Drive - BEVEL GEARBOX Prior to 2002 Production * REF * 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PART NUMBER 45877 13626 42160 45519 42162 42159 42161 42158 45518 42166 50091 42167 42168 50154 50155 45945 42169 42775 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY DRIVE - bevel gearbox, complete - includes items 2 to 19 .......................................1 BUSHING - rubber....................................................................................................1 GEAR - set ...............................................................................................................1 SEAL - output, extension end ...................................................................................1 SCREW - special, M14 x 45 mm ..............................................................................1 SHAFT - output.........................................................................................................1 KEY ..........................................................................................................................4 SHAFT - input ...........................................................................................................1 SEAL - input .............................................................................................................1 FLANGE - bearing ....................................................................................................1 BEARING - tapered roller, cup and cone ..................................................................4 WASHER - blank ......................................................................................................1 SHIM KIT ..................................................................................................................4 SCREW - hex socket head, M12 x 30 mm................................................................4 BOLT - hex head, M12 x 25 mm...............................................................................4 TUBE - extension......................................................................................................1 HOUSING.................................................................................................................1 O-RING - gearbox to tandem pump..........................................................................1 SERIAL NUMBER see NOTE Issue April 2009 72 Header Drive - BEVEL GEARBOX: 2002 Production and up * NOTES: 1. For units with V2 gearbox, to upgrade input shaft bearing (engine end), order kit 111963. This kit consists of items marked ** on page 73. 2. Required for V2 & V3 boxes only, discard spacer if you have V4 box. 3. Version Identification: Version 2 (V2): Date code L05 or prior Version 3 (V3) :Comer Code 9.327.000.20 Date code A06 Note: Earlier boxes (Date code L05 or prior) may have been upgraded to V3 box if the end cap housing for input shaft has the new marking. See MD Service Bulletin 0701_B. Version 4 (V4): Comer Code 9.327.100.00 Date Code D 06 and higher. For more information on identifying gearbox versions up to V4 see MD Service Bulletin 0701_B. Version 5 (V5): Comer Code 9.327.102.00 4. For units with V2 gearbox. Confirm number on cover casting (item 19), if 12591305.00 order kit 111963 includes items ** on page 73. 5. Required on V2 & V3 gearboxes if kit 167014 has been installed. 6. Required on V2 & V3 gearboxes if shaft 167009 has been installed. * NOTE: The change-over to this gearbox from the one shown on page 71 occurred in stages over a period extending from the end of 2001 Production through early 2002 Production. For machines built in this period, identify gearbox and order service parts for the appropriate unit. This unit has a one-piece cast housing with cooling fins while the prior gearbox has a bolt-on extension tube for the output shaft. Form # 46583 NOTE: The newer box (167299) plus pulley (item 27 on page 69) replaces the prior one (45877) as a complete unit only. An alternative to purchasing a new pulley (item 27 on page 69) is to machine your existing pulley to a larger bore. Note that a machine lathe is required to ensure concentricity and balance. Severe vibration problems could result if pulley is machined improperly. For more information see MD Service Bulletin 0302. Issue April 2009 73 Header Drive - BEVEL GEARBOX: 2002 Production and up * REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Version 2, 3, 4, 5 Qty’s (See Note 3) V2 167299 167001 111958 45968 111284 111820 50091 167006 167302 167009 167303 111298 111299 167012 167305 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ** 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ** ** ** 111819 167010 111291 100714 111289 167015 103096 167014 167013 100709 111295 13626 111297 111961 167306 50155 111959 167310 111300 111286 111302 42775 111960 150838 111962 REF 138005 42167 42162 167008 167301 167304 167307 167308 167309 167312 167311 DRIVE - bevel gearbox, complete – see note 3 DRIVE - bevel gearbox, complete - see note 3.................................................... DRIVE - bevel gearbox, complete - see note 3........................... ........................ DRIVE - bevel gearbox, complete - see note 3........................... ........................ CAP – housing............................................................................ ........................ SHIM KIT – base size 72 mm O.D, input shaft (qty. 2 for V2 box)....................... BEARING – tapered roller, cup & cone (input shaft)............................................ BEARING – tapered roller, cup & cone (input shaft)............................................ BEARING – ball, cylindrical .............................................................................. SHAFT – input, includes item 30 ( see note 2) .................................................... SHAFT INPUT..................................................................................................... RING – retaining, external ................................................................................... RING – retaining, internal .................................................................................... GEAR – set, includes two matched bevel gears, includes shim kit 167010......... GEAR – SET , includes two matched bevel gears .......................................... NOTE: Do not mix gears from different sets SHIM KIT – base size 40 mm bore, output shaft ................................................. SHIM KIT – base size 40 mm bore, output shaft ................................................. SPACER.............................................................................................................. BEARING – tapered roller, cup & cone (output shaft) ......................................... HOUSING – gearbox, cast .................................................................................. HOUSING – gearbox, cast .................................................................................. PLUG – magnetic, 3/8 GAS................................................................................. SHAFT – output, repair kit includes shaft, gear set, shim kit & hardware ............ SHAFT – output................................................................................................... NUT – special, M40 ............................................................................................. SEAL – double lip, output shaft ........................................................................... BUSHING – rubber............................................................................................... SEAL – double lip, input shaft ............................................................................. SEAL – double lip, input shaft ............................................................................. SEAL – double lip, input shaft.......................................................................... BOLT – hex socket head, M12 x 25 mm ............................................................. COVER – input shaft bearing flange (for V2 box, order kit 111963) see note 4... COVER – inner ................................................................................................... RING – retaining, external ................................................................................... CAP – dust .......................................................................................................... RING – retaining, internal .................................................................................... O-RING - gearbox to tandem pump..................................................................... BEARING – taper roller, cup & cone (input shaft, engine end) ............................ BEARING – double row ball.............................................................................. SHIM KIT – input shaft, engine end..................................................................... ELBOW – barbed, see Header Drive, page 69.................................................... TOOL – for output shaft nut (item 14).................................................................. WASHER – blank, see note 5.............................................................................. SCREW – special, M14 x 45, see note 5............................................................. SPACER – input shaft, see note 2, 6................................................................... SHIM – cover ...................................................................................................... NUT – M35 x 1.5 ................................................................................................. BOLT – hex socket head, M8 x 20 mm............................................................. O-RING – cover .................................................................................................. COVER – outer................................................................................................... PIN – DOWEL ..................................................................................................... INPUT SHAFT ASSEMBLY – to convert V4 gearbox to V5 ............................. V3 V4 V5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/R 1 1 A/R 1 1 A/R 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 A/R 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 NOTES: See facing page. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 74 DRIVELINE (Engine to Bevel Gearbox) Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 75 DRIVELINE (Engine to Bevel Gearbox) REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 44872 44481 45594 167030 167023 167024 167025 44472 44873 45035 42172 42174 45595 167026 21301 101291 112007 47225 112012 A D E F G H J K L 30958 21567 30956 18637 21452 21863 30228 20077 19965 4 6 8 9 11 12 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER FAN - plastic ................................................................................................. 1 SHIM - locking .............................................................................................. 2 DRIVELINE - engine, complete with end yokes (see note 1) ....................... 1 DRIVELINE - engine, complete with end yokes (see note 2) ....................... 1 JOINT & SHAFT HALF, assembly (see notes 2, 3)...................................... 1 TELESCOPING JOINT, assembly (see notes 2, 3) ..................................... 1 SEAL, telescoping joint (see notes 2, 3)....................................................... 1 PLATE - adapter, diesel engine.................................................................... 1 DISC - fan mount .......................................................................................... 1 SHIELD - fan, with decal .............................................................................. 1 CROSS & BEARING KIT.............................................................................. 2 YOKE - engine end....................................................................................... 1 YOKE - gearbox end, spline bore, with fan mounting plate.......................... 1 YOKE - gearbox end, spline bore (see notes 2, 3) ....................................... 1 FITTING - lube, 45°, 1/4 NF ......................................................................... 1 SUPPORT - fan shield.................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT - driveline.................................................................................... 1 U-BOLT......................................................................................................... 1 WASHER - square........................................................................................ 2 NUT - hex, 3/8 NF (phosphate coated) BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NF x 1 inch (phosphate coated) WASHER - lock, 3/8 inch ID NUT - serrated flange lock, 3/8 NC BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1 inch BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1 inch. Notes: 1. Use driveline 45594 to service units with a bevel gearbox with bolt-on extension tube (see page 70, 71) 2. Use driveline 167030 to service units with a bevel gearbox with a one-piece cast housing with cooling fins (see page 72, 73) 3. Used on driveline 167030 only. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 76 HEADER DRIVE PULLEY z REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A C PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER 44360 PULLEY - with cups and rings (items 2 and 3)............................................. 1 7900 CUP - bearing ............................................................................................... 2 21545 RING - retaining, internal .............................................................................. 2 44240 z SUPPORT - with shaft.................................................................................. 1 7910 CONE - bearing, with seal ............................................................................ 2 21540 WASHER - flat, hardened............................................................................. 1 5512 NUT - slotted hex, 3/4 NF ............................................................................. 1 18605 PIN - cotter, 1/8 x 1 inch ............................................................................... 1 18671 FITTING - lube.............................................................................................. 1 111169 SUPPORT – with shaft ................................................................................. 1 20077 18637 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1 inch WASHER - lock, 3/8 inch ID z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MD 9352/9352i/9352c, WP 9352/9352i/9352c, PS 4952/4952i/4952c, PR 2952/2952i/2952c, HP8152/8152i/8152c Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 77 9000 Series Tractor to 900 Series Headers DRIVELINE SERIAL NUMBER 138024 and below REF 1 2 3 4 5 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER 10 11 44986 30622 NSS 43705 30623 32800 43706 21655 NSS 24779 43709 44987 43707 YOKE - flange............................................................................................... 1 CROSS & BEARING KIT.............................................................................. 2 YOKE & SHAFT (order 44987)..................................................................... 1 SHIELD - outer, with decal ........................................................................... 1 BEARING - shield, consists of two halves (Walterscheid)............................ 2 BEARING KIT - shield (Weasler).................................................................. 2 SHIELD - inner ............................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT - shield (Walterscheid) ............................................................... 1 YOKE & TUBE - (order 43707)..................................................................... 1 YOKE - spline bore, 1 3/8 x 21 teeth, with slide collar.................................. 1 YOKE - spline bore, 1 3/8 x 21 teeth, clamp type....................................OPT JOINT ASSEMBLY - male half, includes items 1,2,3,4,5 ............................. 1 JOINT ASSEMBLY - female half, includes items 2,5,6,8,9 .......................... 1 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 -138024 ·· 44985 DRIVELINE - complete, includes items 10 and 11 ....................................... 1 -138024 6 7 8 9 NSS Form # 46583 Not Serviced Separately Issue April 2009 78 9000 Series Tractor to 900 Series Headers DRIVELINE SERIAL NUMBER 138025 and above REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 111227 111228 111230 111236 111234 111237 111242 111248 111249 111246 111247 111622 111623 111624 YOKE – spline bore, header end .................................................................. 1 CROSS JOURNAL ASSEMBLY, includes cir-clips and grease fitting.......... 2 FITTING – grease, for cross, M8 x 90° GREASE SYSTEM....................................................................................... 1 COVER ......................................................................................................... 1 YOKE – flange, tractor end........................................................................... 1 CHAIN – anti-rotation ................................................................................... 2 SHIELD HALF – outer .................................................................................. 1 SHIELD HALF– inner ................................................................................... 1 HALF SHAFT – header end, includes yoke, shaft & shields ........................ 1 HALF SHAFT – tractor end, includes yoke, shaft & shields ......................... 1 SCREW – self tapping.................................................................................. 6 RETAINER – plastic ring, outer shield.......................................................... 1 RETAINER – plastic ring, inner shield.......................................................... 1 ** 111215 DRIVELINE - complete, includes all above items......................................... 1 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 79 NEUTRAL INTERLOCK & PINTLE ARMS REF 14 15 16 PART NUMBER 111022 111026 21810 REF 25348 111301 111020 111023 50040 4761 112266 109816 111763 25321 45236 REF A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T ~ 20077 18638 18723 18637 50149 18598 18591 18697 18599 19965 135542 21056 21561 18590 30228 30011 18600 REF 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 f Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY LOCK - neutral.............................................................................................. 1 ARM - pintle, with bushing (item 3)............................................................... 2 BUSHING - rubber, used with item 2............................................................ 2 PUMP - piston, see "Hydraulics: Triple Pump", page 93 .............................. 1 BUSHING - plastic........................................................................................ 2 SUPPORT – gearbox, rear (was 111018) .................................................... 1 SUPPORT – front lock.................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT – c/w bushing, item 10 ............................................................... 1 BUSHING - rubber, used with item 9............................................................ 1 WASHER – flat (was 25900) ........................................................................ 4 MOUNT - switch ........................................................................................... 1 SWITCH - neutral ......................................................................................... 1 SWITCH – neutral ........................................................................................ 1 SPRING - extension ..................................................................................... 1 CABLE ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................... 1 DRIVE - gear, see "Bevel Gearbox", page 73 .............................................. 1 SERIAL NUMBER -162249 162250- BOLT - hex head, 13/8 NC x 1 inch WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch WASHER – lock, 3/8 inch ID SETSCREW - square head, flat point, 3/8 NC x 1-3/4 inch WASHER – flat, 13/32 inch ID NUT - hex, 1/2 NC NUT - lock, 1/2 NC distorted thread WASHER - flat, 17/32 inch ID BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 3 inch, grade 8 NUT - hex jam, 1/2 NC BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch NUT - hex, 3/8 NC NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 3-1/4 inch WASHER – flat, 21/32 inch ID Indicates where hardware passes through frame member Issue April 2009 80 STEERING & GROUND SPEED Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 81 STEERING & GROUND SPEED REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 42776 50040 42781 42787 25348 4761 42793 111029 42797 21922 42482 23118 REF REF REF 45558 45565 11660 A B C D E F G H J K 18599 21469 21581 18591 18697 18638 21578 21589 18648 50052 ~ f REF DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER ARM - steering, with bushing (item 2) .......................................................... 1 BUSHING - rubber........................................................................................ 4 PIVOT - steering ........................................................................................... 1 CARRIER - steering, with bushing (item 2) .................................................. 1 BUSHING - plastic........................................................................................ 5 WASHER - flat.............................................................................................. 7 SUPPORT - steering arm ............................................................................. 1 BAR - control, left, with bushing (item 2) (to front pintle arm) ....................... 1 BAR - control, right, with bushing (item 2) (to rear pintle arm) ..................... 1 CHAIN - steering .......................................................................................... 1 INSULATOR - rubber ................................................................................... 2 WASHER - flat............................................................................. see note (1) LEVER - ground speed, see "Ground Speed Lever", page 19 ..................... 1 SHAFT - steering, see "Steering Column", page 13..................................... 1 PINTLE ARM - see "Neutral Interlock & Pintle Arms", page 79 ................... 1 BAR - control, ground speed ........................................................................ 1 PAD – friction................................................................................................ 1 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 1 WASHER - flat, 17/32 inch ID BOLT - round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 3-1/2 inch NUT - hex, 1/2 NC NUT - lock, 1/2 NC distorted thread WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 2-1/4 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 4 inch PIN - cotter, 3/16 x 1-1/4 inch BOLT - round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 5 inch Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. NOTES: (1) - Quantity of item 13 varies as required for shimming. Nominal quantity is 3 (2 @ L/H, 1 @ R/H). Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 82 HYDRAULICS: HEADER DRIVE Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 83 HYDRAULICS: HEADER DRIVE REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A B C D E PART NUMBER 111143 45101 45554 30695 50050 112263 37758 21746 45153 21857 50082 21855 32225 30611 45737 30609 45126 112264 112204 45551 30858 45205 45160 45138 21836 45161 REF 45107 45108 49725 49726 49727 49728 111458 45110 45111 111225 30753 17958 112194 111068 21747 111043 103738 21763 112811 50103 111602 110599 111605 111606 50088 21456 30228 21452 21812 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER VALVE - header drive block, includes items 27 - 32 .......................................... 1 SEAL KIT – repairs one cartridge in header drive valve block BLOCK only FITTING - adapter, 7/8 O-ring x 5/8 tube ........................................................... 2 FITTING - tee, 1-1/16 O-ring x 3/4 tube x 3/4 tube ............................................ 1 HOSE - hydraulic, pressure to female coupler ................................................... 1 HOSE - hydraulic, return from male coupler ...................................................... 1 FITTING - connector .......................................................................................... 1 WASHER - dished.............................................................................................. 2 COUPLER - quick disconnect, female, 1/2 NPT ................................................ 2 O-RING - for coupler 21857 COUPLER - quick disconnect, male, 1/2 NPT ................................................... 2 HOLDER - hose ................................................................................................. 1 FITTING - connector .......................................................................................... 1 HOSE - pressure to male coupler – (was 47009)............................................... 1 FITTING - elbow................................................................................................. 1 HOSE - hydraulic, pressure - pump to block ...................................................... 1 HOSE - hydraulic, pressure - to male coupler.................................................... 1 HOSE - hydraulic, return - coupler to filter ......................................................... 1 LINE - hydraulic, return - block to filter ............................................................... 1 FITTING - tee ..................................................................................................... 1 OIL FILTER ELEMENT – spin-on, see note 1 re: substitution ........................... 1 OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY – head & element....................................................... 1 HOSE - hydraulic, return - filter to tank .............................................................. 1 FITTING - connector .......................................................................................... 1 VALVE - check ................................................................................................... 1 PUMP - hydraulic, see page 93 ......................................................................... 1 VALVE - N.C., header drive block ...................................................................... 1 VALVE - P.D. relief, header drive block (stamped I.D. #2155)........................... 1 FLOW CONTROL, header drive block ............................................................... 2 COLLAR – flow control....................................................................................... 2 SETSCREW - for flow control 49725 ................................................................. 2 PIN – roll ............................................................................................................ 2 SEAL – crush ring .............................................................................................. 2 VALVE - shuttle, header drive block................................................................... 1 VALVE - regulator, header drive block ............................................................... 1 COIL - DS, 12VDC, header drive block (was 45104) ......................................... 1 FASTENER - plastic tie ...................................................................................... 2 CLAMP – hose ................................................................................................... 2 HOSE – hydraulic suction .................................................................................. 1 HOSE – hydraulic, case drain to tank ................................................................ 1 FITTING – connector (8-10)............................................................................... 1 FITTING – elbow, barbed insert, 90° ................................................................. 1 FASTENER – hose clamp.................................................................................. 1 FASTENER – plastic tie ..................................................................................... 4 TOOL – for disassembly of flow control, item 29................................................ 1 FITTING – hydraulic, elbow, 45° male ............................................................... 2 VALVE – reel conveyor drive block .................................................................... 1 PLATE – valve block mounting .......................................................................... 1 HOSE – hydraulic............................................................................................... 1 HOSE – hydraulic............................................................................................... 1 BOLT - rnd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 3-1/2” BOLT - flange head, 1/4 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, smth flg, 3/8 NC dist thread NUT - serrated flange, 3/8 NC NUT - hex jam, 1/2 NF F G H 21863 30035 19965 BOLT – rnd hd, sht sq nk, 3/8 NC x 3/4” BOLT – hex head, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT – rnd hd, sq nk, 3/8 NC x 1 inch NOTES:1.) Pressure rating on MacDon filter element 21808 is not adequate for this application. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 84 HYDRAULICS: CYLINDER CONTROL NOTE: For units with integral brakes which plumb into this valve block (item 1) see page 114 for details. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 85 HYDRAULICS: CYLINDER CONTROL REF PART NUMBER 1 111040 45103 111278 30695 15903 30282 111059 111081 112179 111080 45178 112197 45157 30443 21824 21843 112199 45131 32225 45129 112201 21763 100790 45884 21030 45373 45372 112419 112420 45154 111053 45134 REF 112181 112183 5079 112190 42125 44168 44217 REF REF REF 45034 112191 42126 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY VALVE - cylinder control block, with reel lift - includes items 41-47 ............. 1 SEAL KIT – repairs one cartridge in cylinder control valve block ................. 1 BLOCK only FITTING - connector..................................................................................... 2 FITTING - connector..................................................................................... 6 FITTING - elbow ........................................................................................... 1 HOSE - pressure, pump to valve .................................................................. 1 HOSE - valve to left header lift cylinder ........................................................ 1 HOSE - left header lift cylinder to right header lift cylinder ........................... 1 HOSE - valve to right header lift cylinder...................................................... 1 HOSE - valve to reel lift coupler ................................................................... 1 FITTING - connector..................................................................................... 1 WASHER - dished ........................................................................................ 1 COUPLER - quick disconnect, male (reel lift)............................................... 1 CAP - coupler ............................................................................................... 1 FITTING – connector (10-10) ....................................................................... 1 GROMMET - hose protector......................................................................... 2 HOSE - valve to tank .................................................................................... 1 HOLDER - hose............................................................................................ 1 HOSE - valve to oil cooler ............................................................................ 1 HOSE - valve to header clutch cylinder ........................................................ 1 FASTENER - cable tie.................................................................................. 7 FITTING – connector (4-6) ........................................................................... 1 GROMMET – hose holder ............................................................................ 2 FITTING - connector..................................................................................... 2 OIL FILTER ELEMENT – spin-on (1-1/2” thread)......................................... 1 OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY – head & element................................................. 1 OIL FILTER ELEMENT – spin-on (1-3/8” thread)......................................... 1 OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY – head & element................................................. 1 SWITCH - oil pressure (40 psi), single-speed units...................................... 1 SWITCH - oil pressure (150 psi), two-speed units ....................................... 1 HOSE - oil cooler to filter (150 psi) ............................................................... 1 HOSE – see Hydraulics: Header Drive, page 83.......................................... 1 HOSE - filter to tank...................................................................................... 1 HOSE - pump charge pressure .................................................................... 1 FITTING – adapter (12-12) ........................................................................... 1 CYLINDER - left, header lift - 3" bore ........................................................... 1 SEAL KIT - for cylinder 112190 - see page 88 for kit contents COOLER - oil - JIC fittings............................................................................ 1 LATCH - cooler mount .................................................................................. 1 CONDENSER - see "Air Conditioning", page 31.......................................... 1 CYLINDER - header clutch, see "Header Drive", page 69 ........................... 1 PUMP - see page 93 .................................................................................... 1 SHIELD - valve ............................................................................................. 1 CYLINDER - right, header lift, 2-1/2" bore.................................................... 1 SEAL KIT - for cylinder 112191 - see page 89 for kit contents SERIAL NUMBER -138989 -138989 138990138990- Issue April 2009 86 HYDRAULICS: CYLINDER CONTROL NOTE: For units with integral brakes which plumb into this valve block (item 1) see page 114 for details. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 87 HYDRAULICS: CYLINDER CONTROL REF PART NUMBER 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 45112 45113 45114 45115 45116 49810 111225 45099 45040 20988 51 44294 52 REF 53 108268 54 112996 55 112848 DESCRIPTION QTY VALVE - N.C. (ports S-3 & S-5).................................................................... 2 VALVE - relief ............................................................................................... 1 VALVE - 3W 2P (port S-2)............................................................................ 1 VALVE - 4W 2P (port S-4)............................................................................ 1 VALVE - N.O. (port S-1) ............................................................................... 1 VALVE – check valve ................................................................................... 1 COIL - DS, 12VDC (was 45104)................................................................... 5 NUT - special, machined .............................................................................. 2 RESTRICTOR - flow, header clutch cylinder................................................ 1 RESTRICTOR - flow, to slow rate of 960/962/972 Headers lift and drop (install in bottom port of item 31) ............................................. 1 SUPPORT – coolers..................................................................................... 1 GUARD – coolers, see “Air Conditioning – Engine Group”, page 31 ........... 1 FITTING – run tee......................................................................................... 1 CAP – 1/2 tube x 1/8 NPT ............................................................................ 1 SWITCH – header/brake .............................................................................. 1 SERIAL NUMBER 162250162250162250- - MacDon 9352i/9352c, Westward 9352i/9352ic, Prairie Star 4952i/4952c, Premier 2952i/2952c Harvest Pro 8152i/8152c A B C D E F G H 21821 21484 30228 30278 21821 21863 21812 21289 19965 Form # 46583 BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - flange head, 5/16 NC x 3/4 inch......................................................... BOLT – flange head, 3/8 NC x ¾ inch ............................................................ BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - hex jam, 1/2 NF NUT – wing, 3/8 NC BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1 inch -138989 138990- Issue April 2009 88 Header Lift Cylinder 3.0" BORE SEAL KIT REF PART NUMBER 42125 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER SEAL KIT - 3" bore, for header lift cylinder 112190 Includes the following: 3 5 8 9 10 12 Form # 46583 O-RING BN - 3" OD x 2-5/8" ID ................................................................... 1 O-RING BN - 1-1/8 OD x 7/8" ID ................................................................. 1 O-RING BN - 3" OD x 2-3/4" ID ................................................................... 1 BU WASHER - 3" OD x 2-3/4" ID ................................................................. 1 U CUP, L B - 2" OD x 1-5/8" ID x 3/8" long .................................................. 1 WIPER MT - 1-5/8" ID x 2-1/8 OD x 5/16" long ............................................ 1 Issue April 2009 89 Header Lift Cylinder 2.5" BORE SEAL KIT REF PART NUMBER 42126 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER SEAL KIT - 2.5" bore, for header lift cylinder 112191 Includes the following: 3 4 6 9 10 11 13 Form # 46583 BU WASHER - 2-1/2" OD x 2-1/8" ID........................................................... 2 O-RING BN - 2-1/2" OD x 2-1/8" ID............................................................. 1 O-RING BN - 1-1/8 OD x 7/8" ID ................................................................. 1 O-RING BN - 2-1/2" OD x 2-1/4" ID............................................................. 1 BU WASHER - 2-1/2" OD x 2-1/4" ID........................................................... 1 U CUP, L B - 2" OD x 1-5/8" ID x 3/8" long .................................................. 1 WIPER MT – 1-5/8” ID x 2-1/8 OD x 5/16” long ........................................... 1 Issue April 2009 90 HYDRAULICS: TRACTION DRIVE Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 91 HYDRAULICS: TRACTION DRIVE REF PART NUMBER 1 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 30970 30971 112250 162290 112249 162292 21076 45175 45546 162289 111044 7603 REF 18881 30927 111053 45154 45547 162288 167004 111043 112194 17958 42028 21822 24037 44207 44201 44202 44205 44203 44204 5735 44945 30670 20579 24398 21763 REF 30753 111068 21747 112233 45740 111388 111128 111071 111072 112184 100790 21830 30282 30939 A B C 30228 19965 21484 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NA / TURBO NUMBER FITTING - elbow, 3/4 tube x 1-1/16 O-ring ...............................................................3 O-RING - for 1-1/16 fitting HOSE - hydraulic - to left wheel motor, rear port (single speed units) ......................1 HOSE - hydraulic - to left wheel motor, rear port (2 speed units)..............................1 HOSE - hydraulic - to left wheel motor, front port (single speed units)......................1 HOSE - hydraulic - to left wheel motor, front port (2 speed units) .............................1 FITTING – elbow, 90° ...............................................................................................2 PAD - foam ...............................................................................................................5 HOSE - hydraulic - to right wheel motor, rear port (single speed units) ....................1 HOSE – hydraulic – to right wheel motor, rear port (2 speed units) ..........................1 HOSE - hydraulic, case drain from motors (L/H motor) ............................................2 FITTING - tee ...........................................................................................................1 FITTING – motor pressure, see Wheel Motor Assembly ..........................................4 FITTING - tee ...........................................................................................................1 FITTING – elbow, #4 JIC fitting.................................................................................2 SWITCH – supercharge oil pressure, 2 speed units .................................................1 SWITCH – supercharge oil pressure, single speed units..........................................1 HOSE - hydraulic - to right wheel motor, front port (single speed units) ...................1 HOSE – hydraulic – to right wheel motor, front port (2 speed units) .........................1 TANK – hydraulic, with decal ....................................................................................1 FITTING - barbed insert, 45°, 1-5/8 O-ring ...............................................................1 HOSE - hydraulic, suction.........................................................................................1 CLAMP - hose ..........................................................................................................2 HOSE - filler to tank ..................................................................................................1 CAP - dipstick ...........................................................................................................1 STRAINER ...............................................................................................................1 PLUG - magnetic, with O-ring (44209)......................................................................1 SUPPORT - left ........................................................................................................1 SUPPORT - right ......................................................................................................1 RETAINER - tank mount...........................................................................................2 STRIP - lower, tank mount........................................................................................2 STRIP - upper, tank mount .......................................................................................2 FITTING - elbow .......................................................................................................1 HOSE - vent .............................................................................................................1 CLAMP - hose ..........................................................................................................2 BREATHER ..............................................................................................................1 HOSE - breather intake ............................................................................................1 FASTENER - plastic tie, 7-1/2 inch...........................................................................7 PUMP - see page 92 ................................................................................................1 FASTENER - plastic tie, 14-1/2 inch.........................................................................2 HOSE – hyd, pump case drain to tank......................................................................1 FITTING – connector (8-10) .....................................................................................1 MOUNT – hose.........................................................................................................1 BAR – hose mount....................................................................................................1 MANIFOLD – supercharge, 2 speed.........................................................................1 MANIFOLD – supercharge, single speed .................................................................1 HOSE – control valve, tee (2 speed units) ................................................................2 HOSE – servometer, tee (2 speed units) ..................................................................4 FITTING – connector (2 speed units) .......................................................................1 FITTING – adapter (2 speed units) ...........................................................................1 FITTING – connector ................................................................................................1 FITTING – elbow, #6 JIC fitting.................................................................................2 FITTING – connector (8-12) .....................................................................................2 NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1 inch BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch Issue April 2009 92 HYDRAULICS: TRIPLE PUMP Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 93 HYDRAULICS: TRIPLE PUMP REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER NOTE: Piston pump component quantities are per pump assembly. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 * 111194 PUMP – triple, complete (Eaton #78364-RBU-02) ....................................... 1 (was 111014, Eaton #78364-RBH-02) 49808 HOUSING – sub assembly........................................................................... 1 PLATE – cover, sub assembly ..................................................................... 2 SCREW - cap ............................................................................................. 12 WASHER.................................................................................................... 20 CUP - bearing ............................................................................................... 2 CAMPLATE – sub assembly (front).............................................................. 1 CAMPLATE – sub assembly (rear) .............................................................. 1 KIT - shim ................................................................................................A/R PLATE – cover, sub assembly with seal .................................................. A/R SEAL – for cover plate.................................................................................. 2 SHAFT – drive, front ..................................................................................... 1 SHAFT – drive, rear (for pump 111014) ....................................................... 1 SHAFT – drive, rear (for pump 111194) ....................................................... 1 RING - retaining............................................................................................ 2 RACE - thrust ............................................................................................... 2 BEARING - thrust ......................................................................................... 1 WASHER...................................................................................................... 1 SEAL – shaft, viton ....................................................................................... 1 RING - retaining............................................................................................ 1 INSERT – cam plate ..................................................................................... 2 KIT – rotating sub assembly ......................................................................... 2 MANIFOLD – center sub assembly .............................................................. 1 VALVE – relief sub assembly ....................................................................... 4 PLATE - valve (R/H front) ............................................................................. 1 PLATE – valve (R/H rear) ............................................................................. 1 PIN - dowel ................................................................................................... 4 GASKET – housing, front & rear .................................................................. 2 O-RING......................................................................................................... 4 SCREW - cap ............................................................................................... 8 HOUSING – sub assembly, (rear) ................................................................ 1 DOUBLE GEAR PUMP SUB ASSEMBLY – see page 94 ........................... 1 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 1 LABEL – identification .................................................................................. 1 PLUG – sub assembly .................................................................................. 1 49861 SEAL KIT – incl. all items marked +, for pump 111014 & 111194 49785 49786 49787 49788 162393 162393 167346 49791 30058 49792 49793 49858 30144 30140 30141 49794 50217 18900 49795 49796 + + + + 49798 49799 49800 49801 30138 + 49802 + 49786 REF 49806 -131619** 138025-** ** For units with serial numbers in the range not specified above, ie. 131620 to 138024, identify your pump using the Eaton number listed at the top of this page and order the corresponding shaft. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 94 HYDRAULICS: DOUBLE GEAR PUMP Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 95 HYDRAULICS: DOUBLE GEAR PUMP REF * PART NUMBER 49805 49859 DESCRIPTION QTY PUMP - double gear, part of Triple Pump 111014 ....................................... 1 Eaton Production #26513-R01 / Eaton Service #26000-932 PUMP - double gear, part of Triple Pump 111194 ....................................... 1 Eaton Production #26513-R02 / Eaton Service #26000-933 SERIAL NUMBER -131619** 138025-** For other triple pump components, see page 93. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 * 49827 + 30120 + BACKPLATE ................................................................................................ 1 BODY - rear .................................................................................................. 1 BODY - front ................................................................................................. 1 DRIVE GEAR - front ..................................................................................... 1 IDLER GEAR - front ..................................................................................... 1 IDLER GEAR - rear ...................................................................................... 1 GASKET – pressure balance ....................................................................... 2 PLATE – wear .............................................................................................. 2 SEAL – pressure balance ............................................................................. 2 SCREW – cap .............................................................................................. 8 O-RING......................................................................................................... 3 ADAPTOR PLATE........................................................................................ 1 KEY .............................................................................................................. 1 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 1 DRIVE GEAR – slip fit, rear.......................................................................... 1 WASHER...................................................................................................... 8 O-RING......................................................................................................... 1 49809 SEAL KIT – incl. all items marked +, for pump 49805 & 49859 45575 + 49819 45577 + 49821 45579 + 49823 ** For units with serial numbers in the range not specified above, ie. 131620 to 138024, identify your pump using the Eaton numbers listed at the top of this page. The Eaton production number, service number, or both will be stamped into the pump housing. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 96 HYDRAULICS: TWO-SPEED WHEEL MOTOR Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 97 HYDRAULICS: TWO-SPEED WHEEL MOTOR REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 111030 MOTOR - wheel, hydraulic piston type, complete .......................................... 49729 49730 49731 VALVE PLATE – motor ................................................................................ 1 SWASHPLATE ASSEMBLY - variable......................................................... 1 BEARING - journal ....................................................................................... 2 PIN - spring................................................................................................... 1 SCREW ........................................................................................................ 1 BEARING - ball............................................................................................. 1 RING............................................................................................................. 2 RING – internal retaining .............................................................................. 2 PIN - spring................................................................................................... 2 PIN................................................................................................................ 1 BEARING - sleeve........................................................................................ 1 GASKET – front cover .................................................................................. 1 PIN - straight................................................................................................. 1 BEARING - needle ....................................................................................... 1 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 2 O-RING (was 49744) .................................................................................... 4 SPRING - servo ............................................................................................ 2 GASKET - servo ........................................................................................... 2 SCREW ........................................................................................................ 6 RING - bearing.............................................................................................. 2 PIN - slotted .................................................................................................. 1 WASHER - support....................................................................................... 1 SEAL - lip...................................................................................................... 1 SHAFT – 13 tooth, splined ........................................................................... 1 STOP ............................................................................................................ 1 PISTON ASSEMBLY - servo........................................................................ 1 COVER - servo ............................................................................................. 2 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 2 O-RING......................................................................................................... 2 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 1 O-RING......................................................................................................... 2 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 2 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 2 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 2 SPRING GUIDE ........................................................................................... 2 SHUTTLE SPOOL........................................................................................ 1 PLUG ............................................................................................................ 1 SHIM KIT ...................................................................................................... 1 O-RING......................................................................................................... 1 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 1 POPPET ....................................................................................................... 1 CYLINDER BLOCK ASSEMBLY, includes items 44-53............................... 1 CYLINDER BLOCK ...................................................................................... 1 PISTON ASSEMBLY.................................................................................... 7 SPRING – cylinder block .............................................................................. 1 WASHER...................................................................................................... 1 SLIPPER GUIDE .......................................................................................... 1 RING – retaining ........................................................................................... 1 WASHER...................................................................................................... 1 HOLD DOWN – slipper retainer ................................................................... 1 GUIDE – retainer .......................................................................................... 1 PIN – slipper hold down................................................................................ 3 PISTON RING KIT – servo........................................................................... 1 49733 49734 49735 49736 49737 49738 49739 49740 49742 49743 30971 49745 49746 49747 49748 49749 49750 49751 49752 49753 49755 49756 49757 49758 49759 49760 49761 49763 49764 49762 49765 49766 49767 49768 49769 49770 49771 49782 Form # 46583 SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 98 TWO SPEED DRIVE: WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY SEE NOTE 2, NEXT PAGE Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 99 TWO SPEED DRIVE: WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A B C D E F G J K L M N DESCRIPTION QTY REF REF 30045 REF 30970 30971 30282 50219 111042 111111 111219 45786 111057 30939 30927 50219 REF 111196 111439 111338 111438 DRIVE - power wheel, see page 105 or 107 ................................................ 2 DRIVE – power hub, see “Model RR Power Hub”, page 109 ....................... 2 O-RING - power wheel to motor seal ........................................................... 2 MOTOR - hydraulic, see page 97 ................................................................. 2 FITTING - elbow, 1-1/16 O-ring x 3/4 inch tube............................................ 4 O-RING - for item 4....................................................................................... 2 FITTING – elbow .......................................................................................... 2 O-RING – for item 5 ...................................................................................... 2 SPACER – final drive ................................................................................... 2 BRACKET – speed sensor ........................................................................... 1 45253 30664 112280 18599 21582 18666 18639 30441 18638 21755 112202 21587 101898 135025 NUT – nylon, jam, 1/2 NC BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2-1/4 inch ........................................................... BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NF x 2-1/4 inch, Grade 8 ............................................ WASHER – flat, 17/32 inch ID (see Note 1) BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 1-3/4 inch NUT – lock, 5/8 NC WASHER – lock, 5/8 inch ID .......................................................................... WASHER – hardened, 5/8 inch ID ................................................................. WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID BOLT – flange head, 5/16 NC x 1/2 inch BOLT – hex socket head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2 inch SCREW – hex head, self tapping, 3/8 NC x 5/8 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NF x 2-1/2 inch, grade 8 NOTES: SERIAL NUMBER see Note 2 KIT – speedometer sender, includes hardware A & C (see Note 1).......................... 1 MAGNET ...................................................................................................... 1 PLATE – cap ................................................................................................ 4 FITTING – adapter........................................................................................ 2 FITTING – elbow .......................................................................................... 2 O-RING – for item 12 .................................................................................... 2 SUPPORT – brake band, see “Brakes”, page 113 BRACKET – speed sensor ........................................................................... 1 GUARD – speed sensor ............................................................................... 1 SPACER – final drive ................................................................................... 2 BRACKET – speed sensor ........................................................................... 1 -134349 134350- -134349 134350- 1. For & tractors, flat washers included with speedometer sender kit are NOT used. 2. For tractors, parts orders for the Model RR Power Hub shown here may have been substituted with kit 167341 consisting of Auburn Power Wheel 60001981 and related bracketry. For repair parts specific to this kit, see pages 99A & 99B. For internal repair parts for Auburn Power Wheel 60001981 see pages 109A & 109B. - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MacDon 9352, Westward 9352, Prairie Star 4952, Premier 2952, Harvest Pro 8152 - MacDon 9352i/9352c, Westward 9352i/9352ic, Prairie Star 4952i/4952c, Premier 2952i/2952c Harvest Pro 8152i/8152c Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 99 A TWO SPEED DRIVE: WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY AUBURN REPLACEMENT WHEEL FOR RR POWER HUB Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 99 B TWO SPEED DRIVE: WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY AUBURN REPLACEMENT WHEEL FOR RR POWER HUB REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 13 KIT - AUBURN REPLACEMENT WHEEL FOR RR POWER HUB Includes all items marked S REF S DRIVE – Auburn Power Wheel, see pages 109A & 109B for repair parts ... 1 30045 O-RING - power wheel to motor seal ........................................................... 1 REF MOTOR - hydraulic, see page 97 ................................................................. 1 30970 FITTING - elbow, 1-1/16 O-ring x 1 inch tube............................................... 2 30971 O-RING - for item 4....................................................................................... 2 30282 FITTING – elbow .......................................................................................... 1 50219 O-RING – for item 5...................................................................................... 1 111338 S SPACER – final drive (qty 1 included in kit; 2 req’d per wheel – use existing).............. 2 167337 S BRACKET – speed sensor ......................................................................... 1 111219 KIT – speedometer sender, includes hardware A .....................................................1 45786 MAGNET ...................................................................................................... 1 111057 PLATE – cap ................................................................................................ 2 30939 FITTING – adapter........................................................................................ 1 30927 FITTING – elbow .......................................................................................... 1 50219 O-RING – for item 12.................................................................................... 1 167339 S GUARD – speed sensor ............................................................................. 1 A B C D E F G J M 45253 21584 18666 135376 18638 135682 30441 21755 101898 SERIAL NUMBER 167341 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Form # 46583 S S S S S S NUT – nylon, jam, 1/2 NC BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2-1/2 inch....................................................... 2 NUT – lock, 5/8 NC....................................................................................... 2 BOLT – hex socket head, 1/2 NC x 2 inch ................................................ 2 WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID ......................................................................... 2 BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 3 inch............................................................. 6 WASHER – hardened, 5/8 inch ID ............................................................... 6 BOLT – flange head, 5/16 NC x 1/2 inch SCREW – hex head, self tapping, 3/8 NC x 5/8 inch Issue April 2009 100 HYDRAULICS: SINGLE SPEED WHEEL MOTOR REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY .. 45606 45610 MOTOR – hydraulic, single speed................................................................ 2 SEAL KIT – hydraulic motor, includes items marked + 1 2 4 7 10 23 24 25 18900 50217 30144 112490 21420 30045 112491 112493 + RING – retaining ........................................................................................... 1 + SEAL – motor shaft ...................................................................................... 1 + RING – retaining ........................................................................................... 2 SHAFT – drive, 13 tooth spline, .875 inch shaft ........................................... 1 BEARING – needle....................................................................................... 1 + O-RING - motor, internal............................................................................... 1 BACKPLATE ASSEMBLY ............................................................................ 1 BEARING – needle....................................................................................... 1 Form # 46583 SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 101 SINGLE SPEED DRIVE: WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F G H J K PART NUMBER REF 30045 REF 21827 50220 21030 44209 30875 111042 111111 111219 45786 111057 21558 18636 18599 21594 21491 18666 18638 21587 30861 45253 18639 30441 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER DRIVE - power wheel, see page 103 ........................................................... 2 O-RING - power wheel to motor seal ........................................................... 2 MOTOR – hydraulic, single speed, see page 100 ........................................ 2 FITTING - elbow, 1-5/16 O-ring x 1 inch tube ................................................ 4 O-RING - for 1-5/16 fitting FITTING - adapter, 3/4 O-ring x 3/8 inch tube .............................................. 2 O-RING - for 3/4 fitting FITTING - 45° elbow, 3/8 inch tube .............................................................. 2 SPACER – final drive ................................................................................... 2 BRACKET – speed sensor ........................................................................... 1 KIT – speedometer sender (was 111211) .................................................... 1 MAGNET ...................................................................................................... 1 PLATE – cap ................................................................................................ 4 BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 3/4 inch WASHER – lock, 5/16 inch ID WASHER – flat, 17/32 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/4 inch NUT – lock, 5/8 NC WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2 inch ................................................................. BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NF x 2 inch, Grade 8 .................................................. NUT – nylon, jam, 1/2 NC WASHER - lock, 5/8 inch ID ........................................................................... WASHER – hardened, 5/8 inch ID ................................................................. -134349 134350-134349 134350Issue April 2009 102 MODEL 6 POWER WHEEL SINGLE SPEED UNITS When servicing individual components, a decal on the power wheel as shown indicates the original wheel has been replaced with Auburn Gear #60002668. If so, order the part numbers prefaced with the symbol in the parts listing next page. See Note 1, next page. Form # 46583 Web File Updated January 2012 Issue April 2009 103 MODEL 6 POWER WHEEL SINGLE SPEED UNITS REF PART NUMBER * 42001 1 2 30181 30182 163980 30183 30184 30185 30186 21357 163837 42769 163830 30189 30190 30191 30206 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 42765 30193 30194 42766 30196 163829 42767 163828 42768 30199 30200 30201 163979 21873 163970 21087 21526 30203 30204 163978 111090 30205 21588 30192 NOTE: Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY DRIVE - power wheel, complete: Single-Speed Drive.................................. 2 Quantities below are per drive assembly. COUPLING - 13 teeth ................................................................................... 1 SHAFT - input ............................................................................................... 1 SHAFT - input .............................................................................................. 1 SPINDLE - drive ........................................................................................... 1 SEAL - oil ...................................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cup ............................................................................................ 2 BOLT - wheel, 9/16 NF ................................................................................. 9 BOLT - wheel, 9/16 NF ................................................................................ 9 HUB - power wheel ....................................................................................... 1 HUB - power wheel ..................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NF x 1-7/8 inch Grade 8 ............................................ 6 WASHER - flat .............................................................................................. 6 KIT - retaining ring ........................................................................................ 1 NOTE: Select appropriate ring from kit to provide 0 to 0.006 end play. RING - retaining ............................................................................................ 2 WASHER ...................................................................................................... 2 SPRING - disengage .................................................................................... 1 GEAR - ring .................................................................................................. 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY - secondary ............................................................. 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY - secondary ........................................................... 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY - primary, power wheel 42001 only ......................... 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY – primary ............................................................... 1 GEAR - sun, primary, power wheel 42001 only ............................................ 1 WASHER - thrust .......................................................................................... 1 WASHER - thrust .......................................................................................... 1 PLUNGER - disengage ................................................................................ 1 PLUNGER - disengage ............................................................................... 1 O-RING ......................................................................................................... 1 O-RING ......................................................................................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 1 inch .............................................................. 8 BOLT – hex head, 5/16 NC x 1-1/4 inch ....................................................... 8 PLUG - pipe, magnetic ................................................................................. 1 COVER - large .............................................................................................. 1 COVER - large ............................................................................................. 1 COVER – large ............................................................................................. 1 COVER - disengage ..................................................................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 3/4 inch ........................................................... 2 RING – retaining ........................................................................................... 1 SERIAL NUMBER See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 1 -162249 162250-162249 See Note 1 162250- 1. Complete Power Wheel part number 42001 (Auburn Gear #6000509) has been discontinued by the supplier. Orders for a complete unit may be substituted with MacDon part number 163884 (Auburn Gear #60002668). Some internal service parts are different between the two power wheels. When servicing individual components, see photos on facing page to identify if the original power wheel has been replaced with Auburn Gear #60002668. If, so order the part numbers prefaced with the symbol in the above list. Web File Updated January 2012 Issue April 2009 104 MODEL 7 POWER WHEEL 9350/4950/2950/8150 TWO-SPEED UNITS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 105 MODEL 7 POWER WHEEL 9350/4950/2950/8150 TWO-SPEED UNITS REF PART NUMBER * 111113 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER DRIVE - power wheel, complete: Two-Speed Drive..................................... 2 Also includes brake components 45618, 45601 & 45619, (items 10-12 from pages 112,113) and O-ring 30045, (item 2 from page 99). NOTE: Quantities below are per drive assembly. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 30181 111101 111092 111106 111110 111109 21357 30190 30191 111098 111107 111108 111102 111091 111095 42765 30193 30194 111096 111104 111103 111094 111097 30200 111093 111105 111090 21526 30203 30205 111099 COUPLING - 13 teeth................................................................................... 1 SHAFT - input ............................................................................................... 1 SPINDLE - drive ........................................................................................... 1 SEAL - oil...................................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cup ............................................................................................ 1 BOLT - wheel, 9/16 NF ................................................................................. 9 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NF x 1-7/8 inch Grade 8 .......................................... 18 WASHER - flat............................................................................................ 18 HUB - power wheel....................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cup ............................................................................................ 1 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 1 WASHER – thrust......................................................................................... 1 WASHER – lock ........................................................................................... 1 NUT – bearing .............................................................................................. 1 RING - retaining............................................................................................ 2 WASHER...................................................................................................... 2 SPRING - disengage .................................................................................... 1 GEAR - ring .................................................................................................. 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY - secondary ............................................................. 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY - primary.................................................................. 1 RING – retaining ........................................................................................... 1 GEAR - sun, primary..................................................................................... 1 WASHER - thrust.......................................................................................... 1 PLUNGER - disengage ................................................................................ 1 O-RING......................................................................................................... 1 COVER - large.............................................................................................. 1 BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 1-1/4 inch ....................................................... 8 PLUG - pipe, magnetic ................................................................................. 1 COVER - disengage ..................................................................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 1/2 inch........................................................... 2 111457 KIT – heavy-duty service, consists of: Secondary Carrier Assembly (item 21) Primary Carrier Assembly (similar to item 22) Primary Sun Gear (similar to item 24) Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 106 MODEL 8B POWER WHEEL 9352/4952/2952/8152 TWO-SPEED UNITS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 107 MODEL 8B POWER WHEEL 9352/4952/2952/8152 TWO-SPEED UNITS REF PART NUMBER * * 111162 111253 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 30181 49865 49878 49885 49884 49883 49880 49868 49882 49881 49877 49876 49875 49872 49867 49866 49869 111258 30203 49870 111259 49871 111260 49873 111261 30200 111093 111105 49874 49879 30191 50231 30205 111099 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL 8B1 / 8B2 NUMBER DRIVE - power wheel Model 8B1, Auburn #60001339, (34.2:1 gear ratio).. 2 DRIVE – power wheel Model 8B2, Auburn #60001356, (37.89:1 gear ratio)2 NOTE: Quantities below are per drive assembly. COUPLING - 13 teeth................................................................................... 1 SHAFT - input ............................................................................................... 1 SPINDLE - drive ........................................................................................... 1 SEAL - oil...................................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cup ............................................................................................ 1 BOLT - wheel, 5/8 NF x 2-3/8 inch, Grade 8 ................................................ 8 HUB - power wheel....................................................................................... 1 BEARING - cup ............................................................................................ 1 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 1 WASHER – thrust......................................................................................... 1 WASHER – lock ........................................................................................... 1 NUT – bearing .............................................................................................. 1 RING - retaining............................................................................................ 2 WASHER - thrust.......................................................................................... 2 SPRING - disengage .................................................................................... 1 GEAR - ring ............................................................................................. 1 / 0 GEAR – ring ............................................................................................ 0 / 1 PLUG - pipe, magnetic ................................................................................. 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY - secondary ........................................................ 1 / 0 CARRIER ASSEMBLY – secondary ....................................................... 0 / 1 CARRIER ASSEMBLY - primary............................................................. 1 / 0 CARRIER ASSEMBLY – primary ............................................................ 0 / 1 GEAR - sun, primary................................................................................ 1 / 0 GEAR – sun, primary............................................................................... 0 / 1 WASHER - thrust.......................................................................................... 1 PLUNGER - disengage ................................................................................ 1 O-RING......................................................................................................... 1 COVER - large.............................................................................................. 1 BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 6-1/2 inch Grade 8 ......................................... 12 WASHER - flat............................................................................................ 12 PLUG – pipe, hex socket, 1/4 NPT............................................................... 1 COVER - disengage ..................................................................................... 1 BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 1/2 inch........................................................... 2 -138989 138990- -138989 138990-138989 138990-138989 138990-138989 138990- Issue April 2009 108 MODEL RR POWER HUB 9352i/9352c, 4952i/4952c, 2952i/2952c, 8152i/8152c TWO-SPEED UNITS NOTES: 1) When replacing complete wheel drive unit, also order 1 of item 17, magnetic plug complete with washer and replace one steel plug (item 50) with magnetic plug & washer. 2) RR Power Hub 111265 may not be available as a replacement unit. Kit 167341 with Auburn Power Wheel may be substituted. See pages 109 A and 109 B for serviced components of Auburn Power Wheel 60001981 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 109 MODEL RR POWER HUB 9352i/9352c, 4952i/4952c, 2952i/2952c, 8152i/8152c TWO-SPEED UNITS REF PART NUMBER * 111265 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ** DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER DRIVE - power hub, hydraulic brake (37.68:1 gear ratio) .................................. 2 RR Transmissions, model RMN-810D (Includes items 1-49, see note 1: re item 17) NOTE: Quantities below are per drive assembly. 111489 SCREW – M8x12 hex head ............................................................................... 2 30716 WASHER – lock, M8 .......................................................................................... 2 111488 PIN – cylindrical ................................................................................................. 1 111474 COVER – disengagement .................................................................................. 1 111473 COVER – closing ............................................................................................... 1 50140 SCREW – M8x30 hex head ............................................................................... 8 30634WASHER – flat, M8 ..................................................................................................... 8 ** O-RING – power hub ......................................................................................... 1 167028** O-RING – power hub ......................................................................................... 1 111470 ASSEMBLY – planetary ..................................................................................... 1 111472 SHAFT – pinion .................................................................................................. 1 111477 SPRING – disengagement ................................................................................. 1 111483 RING – retaining, external.................................................................................. 1 111475 GEAR – sun ....................................................................................................... 1 111468 ASSEMBLY – planetary ..................................................................................... 1 111491 SCREW – power hub ......................................................................................... 2 111618 PLUG – magnetic, with washer seal item 18 (see note 1) ................................. 1 111497 WASHER – power hub....................................................................................... 1 ** O-RING – power hub ......................................................................................... 1 111471 COUPLING – power hub.................................................................................... 1 111490 RING – retaining ................................................................................................ 1 111496 SCREW – power hub ......................................................................................... 2 111476 SPACER – power hub........................................................................................ 1 111495 NUT – ring.......................................................................................................... 1 111434 BEARING – tapered roller .................................................................................. 2 111494 STUD – wheel mount ......................................................................................... 8 111779 SEAL – shaft, combi-style .................................................................................. 1 111493 KEY – power hub ............................................................................................... 1 111485 RING – retaining, external.................................................................................. 1 111435 BEARING – ball.................................................................................................. 1 111484 RING – retaining, internal................................................................................... 1 111499 SPACER – brake disc ........................................................................................ 1 111432 DISC – steel, brake ............................................................................................ 8 111433 DISC – sintered, brake ....................................................................................... 9 111478 SHAFT – input.................................................................................................... 1 ** RING – back up.................................................................................................. 1 ** O-RING – power hub ......................................................................................... 1 ** O-RING – power hub ......................................................................................... 1 ** RING – back up.................................................................................................. 1 111480 PISTON – brake ................................................................................................. 1 111479 SPRING – brake ................................................................................................ 6 ** SEAL – oil, power hub........................................................................................ 1 ** O-RING – power hub ......................................................................................... 1 111481 FLANGE – motor................................................................................................ 1 111492 SCREW – power hub ......................................................................................... 8 111469 PLUG – steel tap ................................................................................................ 3 138002 TOOL – ring nut wrench ................................................................................. A/R 111778 KIT – seal, power hub, includes all items marked ** .......................................... 1 NOTE: Does not include item 29. NOTES: See facing page. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 109 A AUBURN REPLACEMENT WHEEL FOR RR POWER HUB 35 19 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 109 B AUBURN REPLACEMENT WHEEL FOR RR POWER HUB REF PART NUMBER 167341 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 Form # 46583 166175 162246 166285 163753 163752 163751 49880 166286 163750 163749 163747 163746 163745 49872 49867 49866 111258 30203 111259 111260 111261 30200 111093 111105 49874 49879 30191 50231 30205 111099 163755 163756 163763 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER KIT - AUBURN REPLACEMENT WHEEL FOR RR POWER HUB See pages 99 A & 99 B for kit bracketry. NOTE: Quantities below are per drive assembly COUPLER – spindle assembly........................................................... SHAFT - input ...................................................................................... SPINDLE - drive assembly, includes items 1 & items 33-35 ........... SEAL - oil ............................................................................................. BEARING - cone ................................................................................. BEARING - cup ................................................................................... BOLT - wheel, 5/8 NF x 2-3/8 inch, Grade 8 ........................................ HUB - power wheel ............................................................................. BEARING - cup ................................................................................... BEARING - cone ................................................................................. WASHER – thrust ................................................................................ WASHER – lock .................................................................................. NUT – bearing ..................................................................................... RING - retaining .................................................................................... WASHER - thrust .................................................................................. SPRING - disengage ............................................................................ GEAR - ring .......................................................................................... PLUG - pipe, magnetic ......................................................................... CARRIER ASSEMBLY - secondary ..................................................... CARRIER ASSEMBLY - primary .......................................................... GEAR - sun, primary ............................................................................. WASHER - thrust .................................................................................. PLUNGER - disengage ........................................................................ O-RING ................................................................................................. COVER - large ...................................................................................... BOLT - hex head, 3/8 NC x 6-1/2 inch Grade 8 .................................... WASHER - flat ...................................................................................... PLUG – pipe, hex socket, 1/4 NPT ....................................................... COVER - disengage ............................................................................. BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 1/2 inch ................................................... KIT – FRICTION DISC.......................................................................... KIT - SEAL............................................................................................ PLATE – end, spindle assembly ........................................................ 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 1 1 2 AR AR 1 Issue April 2009 110 DRIVE WHEELS & TIRES Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 111 DRIVE WHEELS & TIRES REF PART NUMBER 1 2 REF 111034 111207 111222 111223 111373 21153 112475 21358 135003 111179 111144 111145 112146 111203 111205 111206 111372 111251 111252 111795 111254 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION z z z z z QTY See "Power Wheel", page 103, 105 or 107 .................................................. 2 WHEEL - 16.1 x W16C................................................................................. 2 WHEEL – 16.1 x W16C, with decal and wheel nuts 135003........................ 2 WHEEL – 24 x 12, for 14.9-24 tire, with decals............................................ 2 WHEEL – 24 x 15, for 19.5L-24 and radial R24 tires, with decals................ 2 WHEEL – 24 DW-16L, for 560-65D24 and radial R24 tires, with decals...... 2 STEM – valve, used with wheels 111034, 111207 and 111222................... 2 STEM – valve, used with wheels 111223 and 111373................................. 2 NUT - wheel, 9/16 NF ................................................................................. 18 NUT – flange, 9/16 NF................................................................................ 18 NUT – flange, 5/8 NF.................................................................................. 16 TIRE – 21.5L-16.1, I-2: Goodyear 10 ply, “Sof Trac II” turf tread ................. 2 TIRE – 21.5L-16.1, R-3: Firestone 10 ply, “Turf & Field” turf tread............... 2 TIRE - 21.5L-16.1, I3: Goodyear 12 ply "Sure Grip" traction (bar) tread ...... 2 TIRE – 14.9-24, R-4: Goodyear 12 ply bar tread.......................................... 2 TIRE – 19.5L-24, R-4: Goodyear 8 ply bar tread.......................................... 2 TIRE – 19.5L-24, I-2: Goodyear 10 ply, “Sof Trac II” turf tread .................... 2 TIRE – 560-65D24, Goodyear “Sof Trac II” turf tread................................... 2 TIRE – radial 540-65R24, deep bar tread: Michelin ..................................... 2 TIRE – radial 540-65R24, deep bar tread: Firestone.................................... 2 TIRE – radial 540-65R24, deep bar tread: Goodyear................................... 2 TIRE – radial 500-70R24, bar tread: Goodyear............................................ 2 SERIAL NUMBER -134349 134350-150558 -134349 134350- -150558 -150558 z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MacDon 9352i/9352c, Westward 9352i/9352ic, Prairie Star 4952i/4952c, Premier 2952i/2952c Harvest Pro 8152i/8152c Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 112 BRAKE ASSEMBLY – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTORS (except xx52c models) Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 113 BRAKE ASSEMBLY – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTORS (except xx52c models) REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 42034 42202 21943 42496 18598 16652 44305 45630 25321 45618 45601 45964 45965 30579 44322 111186 111184 111192 111193 112281 111198 112282 111199 112283 19 20 21 A B C D E G H J K L M N P Q S T V X 30228 21470 21491 21056 21488 18597 18589 21558 18690 19966 21594 21582 18639 30441 18666 21587 30861 30664 112280 21256 18697 21821 REF ~ f REF DESCRIPTION z z z z z z QTY SERIAL NUMBER LEVER ASSEMBLY - brake, with spacers ................................................... 1 GRIP - orange............................................................................................... 1 SWITCH - electrical ...................................................................................... 1 CABLE ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................... 1 WASHER - flat.............................................................................................. 3 WASHER - flat.............................................................................................. 2 CABLE - wire ................................................................................................ 1 BAND ASSEMBLY – brake .......................................................................... 2 SPRING - extension ..................................................................................... 2 SUPPORT - brake band ............................................................................... 2 BRACKET - brake band ............................................................................... 2 LEVER – upper (was 45619) ........................................................................ 2 LEVER – lower (was 44321) ........................................................................ 2 LINK - connector........................................................................................... 2 BAR - support ............................................................................................... 2 DRUM – brake .............................................................................................. 2 BAND ASSEMBLY – brake .......................................................................... 2 SUPPORT – brake band, left ....................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – brake band, right ..................................................................... 1 LEVER – upper............................................................................................. 2 LEVER – lower, left ...................................................................................... 1 LEVER – lower, right .................................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – lever, left.................................................................................. 1 SUPPORT – lever, right ............................................................................... 1 NUT - lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 2 inch BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/4 inch NUT – hex jam, 1/2 NC BOLT - round head, square neck, 5/16 NC x 1-3/4 inch WASHER - flat, 11/32 inch I.D. NUT - hex, 5/16 NC BOLT - hex head, 5/16 NC x 3/4 inch NUT - lock, 5/16 NC distorted thread BOLT - round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 1-1/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch – Single Speed Units BOLT - hex head, 5/8 NC x 1-3/4 inch – Two Speed Units WASHER - lock, 5/8 inch ID ........................................................................... WASHER – hardened, 5/8 inch ID ................................................................. NUT - lock, 5/8 NC, distorted thread BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2 inch – Single Speed Units .............................. BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NF x 2 inch, Grade 8 – Single Speed Units................ BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2-1/4 inch – Two Speed Units ........................... BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NF x 2-1/4 inch, Grade 8 – Two Speed Units............. NUT - spring, 1/4 inch NUT - lock, 1/2 NC distorted thread BOLT - flange head, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT - welded to tractor leg -134349 134350-134349 134350-134349 134350- Indicates where hardware passes through frame member. z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MacDon 9352, Westward 9352, Prairie Star 4952, Premier 2952, Harvest Pro 8152 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 114 BRAKE ASSEMBLY – XX52i & XX52c TRACTORS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 115 BRAKE ASSEMBLY – XX52i & XX52c TRACTORS REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REF 111345 45114 111225 45103 30282 30874 111341 111342 111340 112997 30813 30286 REF 112520 111339 111265 30215 111343 111338 109253 REF FRAME – cross member (not serviced) ....................................................... 1 VALVE – brake release valve (includes block, valve, & coil)........................ 1 VALVE – 3W 2P (port S-2) ........................................................................... 1 COIL – DS, 12VDC (was 45104).................................................................. 1 KIT – SEAL – for valve ................................................................................. 1 FITTING – hydraulic, elbow .......................................................................... 2 FITTING – hydraulic, tee .............................................................................. 1 HOSE – hydraulic ......................................................................................... 1 HOSE - hydraulic .......................................................................................... 1 HOSE - hydraulic .......................................................................................... 2 FITTING – check valve ................................................................................. 1 FITTING – hydraulic, cap.............................................................................. 1 FITTING – hydraulic, tee .............................................................................. 1 VALVE – cylinder control block, with reel lift ................................................ 1 GROMMET – rubber..................................................................................... 2 HOSE – hydraulic ......................................................................................... 2 DRIVE – power hub, see “RR Power Hub” page 109 for service parts ........ 2 RELAY – electrical........................................................................................ 1 HARNESS – electrical (for brake release valve item 2) (see Note 1)........... 1 SPACER – plate, (between leg and power hub) .......................................... 2 COVER – parking brake lever mount ........................................................... 1 SWITCH – neutral, see “Neutral Interlock & Pintle Arms” ............................ 1 A B C D E F G H J K L 30638 18588 21572 135025 21587 18666 30441 21863 18590 21455 18596 BOLT – hex head, 1/4 NC x 2-1/4 inch NUT – hex, 1/4 NC BOLT – hex head, 1/4 NC x 3/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NF x 2-1/2 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/8 NC x 2 inch NUT – hex, lock, 5/8 NC WASHER – hardened, 5/8 inch ID BOLT – round head, square neck, 3/8 NC x 3/4 inch NUT – hex, lock, 3/8 NC NUT – lock, serrated flange, 1/4 NC WASHER – flat, 9/32 inch ID SERIAL NUMBER 145321-145324 NOTES: 1. Brake wiring harness has been added into main tractor wiring harness for serial numbers 145324 and newer. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 116 9250/9350, 4940/4950, 2940/2950, 8140/8150 TRACTOR 16.5 FORKED CASTERS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 117 9250/9350, 4940/4950, 2940/2950, 8140/8150 TRACTOR 16.5 FORKED CASTERS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 44748 107006 107197 45297 111216 42038 107200 21859 25575 25579 4267 21215 39273 21153 18671 112002 35298 18601 112003 112008 42592 CASTER - forked, for 16.5 tires .................................................................... 2 SHAFT – spindle (was 44760), includes nuts 21358 (8) .............................. 2 SHAFT – spindle, includes bolts “D”............................................................. 2 WHEEL - 16.1 x W11C, for 16.5 tire (with 3-1/16” offset mounting)............. 2 WHEEL – 16.1 x W11C, for 16.5 tire (with 1-1/2” offset mounting) .............. 2 BEARING ASSEMBLY - flange with bearing................................................ 4 BEARING ASSEMBLY – flange with bearing............................................... 4 BEARING - insert for assembly 42038 or 107200 ........................................ 4 PIVOT - caster, with bushings ...................................................................... 2 BUSHING ..................................................................................................... 4 SPACER....................................................................................................... 2 BEARING - thrust ......................................................................................... 2 TIRE - 16.5L-16.1, eight ply I1 Rib Implement.............................................. 2 STEM - valve ................................................................................................ 2 FITTING - lube.............................................................................................. 2 PLATE - friction ............................................................................................ 2 SPACER - tube............................................................................................. 2 WASHER - flat, 13/16 inch I.D...................................................................... 2 SPRING - compression ................................................................................ 2 CAP - plastic ................................................................................................. 2 WASHER - flat.............................................................................................. 2 B 1570 KIT - anti-shimmy, includes two each of items 13 to 18 and hardware A and C. (Kit available through WholeGoods only) 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A B C D E F H J K M 30267 21469 21358 18638 50186 21357 21565 18697 30833 21594 18639 18591 DESCRIPTION QTY BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 6 inch BOLT - round head, square neck 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch ................................... NUT – wheel, 9/16 NF .................................................................................... WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch ID NUT - lock, smooth flange, 1/2 NC distorted thread ....................................... BOLT – wheel, 9/16 NF x 1-7/8 inch .............................................................. BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch NUT – lock, 1/2 NC, distorted thread BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 2-1/4 inch BOLT - hex head, 5/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch WASHER - lock, 5/8 inch ID NUT - hex, 1/2 NC SERIAL NUMBER -138024* 138025-* -138024* 138025-* -138024 138025- -138024 138025-138024 138025- * NOTE: For units with Serial Numbers in the following ranges: 142748 – 142757 142872 – 142878 142882 142888 – 142895 142955 – 142974 When replacing items 2 or 3, order 107006 SHAFT or 45297 WHEEL respectively. Always maintain the following pairings: Shaft 107006 must be used with wheel 45297, and shaft 107197 must be used with wheel 111216. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 118 9250/9350, 4940/4950, 2940/2950, 8140/8150 TRACTOR 9.5 FORKED CASTERS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 119 9250/9350, 4940/4950, 2940/2950, 8140/8150 TRACTOR 9.5 FORKED CASTERS REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 19 20 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 47 PART NUMBER 30445 30446 18723 18638 21594 18639 6647 4267 4761 5512 18648 21395 18591 30833 25699 25565 30436 30435 30434 616 30187 21838 25560 18671 25575 25579 21215 21565 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER WHEEL - 14 X 8KB, for 9.5 tire .................................................................... 2 TIRE - 9.5L-14, six ply I1 Rib Implement ...................................................... 2 BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch ......................................................... 4 WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch.............................................................................. 6 BOLT - hex head, 5/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch ......................................................... 4 WASHER - lock, 5/8 inch.............................................................................. 4 WASHER - flat.............................................................................................. 2 SPACER....................................................................................................... 4 WASHER...................................................................................................... 2 NUT - slotted hex, 3/4 NF ............................................................................. 2 PIN - cotter, 3/16 x 1-1/4............................................................................... 2 STEM - valve ................................................................................................ 2 NUT - hex, 1/2 NC ........................................................................................ 6 BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 2-1/4 inch thread full length .............................. 2 CASTER - forked .......................................................................................... 2 SHAFT .......................................................................................................... 2 SEAL ............................................................................................................ 4 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 4 HUB - with bearing cups and studs .............................................................. 2 BEARING - cup ............................................................................................ 4 STUD - press in, 1/2 NF x 1-7/8 inch.......................................................... 10 NUT - wheel, 1/2 NF ................................................................................... 10 TUBE - mounting .......................................................................................... 2 FITTING - lube.............................................................................................. 2 PIVOT - caster, with bushings ...................................................................... 2 BUSHING - steel .......................................................................................... 4 BEARING - thrust ......................................................................................... 2 BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch ......................................................... 2 Issue April 2009 120 9250/9350, 4940/4950, 2940/2950, 8140/8150 TRACTOR FORMED CASTERS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 121 9250/9350, 4940/4950, 2940/2950, 8140/8150 TRACTOR FORMED CASTERS REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 42 45 47 PART NUMBER 30446 25575 25579 18638 18639 21594 24280 4267 4761 7910 21686 7900 7909 7920 18601 5512 18648 21687 30445 21719 21395 18591 30833 18671 21215 21565 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER TIRE - 9.5L-14, six ply I1 Rib Implement ...................................................... 2 PIVOT - caster, includes bushings, item 3 ................................................... 2 BUSHING - steel .......................................................................................... 4 WASHER - lock, 1/2 inch.............................................................................. 2 WASHER - lock, 5/8 inch.............................................................................. 4 BOLT - hex head, 5/8 NC x 1-1/2 inch ......................................................... 4 CASTER - formed......................................................................................... 2 SPACER....................................................................................................... 4 WASHER...................................................................................................... 2 BEARING - cone, with seal .......................................................................... 2 HUB - with bearing cups ............................................................................... 2 BEARING - inner cup ................................................................................... 2 BEARING - outer cup ................................................................................... 2 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 2 WASHER - flat, 13/16 inch ID....................................................................... 2 NUT - slotted hex, 3/4 NF ............................................................................. 2 PIN - cotter, 3/16 x 1-1/4 inch ....................................................................... 2 CAP - dust .................................................................................................... 2 WHEEL - 14 x 8 KB, for 9.5 tire.................................................................... 2 BOLT - wheel.............................................................................................. 10 STEM - valve ................................................................................................ 2 NUT - hex, 1/2 NC ........................................................................................ 2 BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 2-1/4 inch thread full length .............................. 2 FITTING - lube.............................................................................................. 2 BEARING - thrust ......................................................................................... 2 BOLT - hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch ......................................................... 2 Issue April 2009 122 9352/4952/2952/8152 (INCLUDING “i”& “c” MODEL) TRACTORS FORKED CASTERS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 123 9352/4952/2952/8152 (INCLUDING “i”& “c” MODEL) TRACTORS FORKED CASTERS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 107192 107197 107006 107200 21859 107208 45297 111216 111204 111224 39273 21153 107188 112003 107191 107196 13125 107194 107195 19508 18671 110584 107551 CASTER - forked .......................................................................................... 2 SHAFT – spindle, includes bolts “C”............................................................. 2 SHAFT - spindle, for wheel 45297 only, includes 21358 nuts (8)................. 2 BEARING ASSEMBLY - flange with bearing................................................ 4 BEARING - insert for assembly 107200 ....................................................... 4 WHEEL – 16 x W10L, for 11-16 tire ............................................................. 2 WHEEL - 16.1 x W11C, with 3-1/16” offset mounting, for 16.5 tire .............. 2 WHEEL – 16.1 x W11C, with 1-1/2” offset mounting, for 16.5 tire ............... 2 TIRE - 11-16, 8 ply F-2M Rib Implement, does not include inner tube......... 2 TUBE – inner, for tire 111204 ....................................................................... 2 TIRE - 16.5L-16.1, 8 ply I1 Rib Implement ................................................... 2 STEM - valve ................................................................................................ 2 PLATE – friction............................................................................................ 2 SPRING – compression, see note 2............................................................. 4 BRACKET – spring, see note 2 .................................................................... 4 PIN – L, caster lock ...................................................................................... 2 PIN – hair...................................................................................................... 2 TUBE – flared ............................................................................................... 4 DISK – cap ................................................................................................... 2 SPACER....................................................................................................... 2 FITTING - lube.............................................................................................. 4 WASHER – hardened, 3-1/4 IN. OD x 2-1/2 IN. ID ...................................... 2 SEAL – foam ................................................................................................ 2 21565 18697 21357 21469 21358 50186 136001 21575 18638 30299 18591 BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1-3/4 inch NUT – lock 1/2 NC distorted thread BOLT – wheel, 9/16 NF x 1-7/8 inch BOLT - round head, square neck 1/2 NC x 1-1/2 inch ................................... NUT – wheel, 9/16 NF NUT - lock, smooth flange, 1/2 NC distorted thread ....................................... BOLT – round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 5-1/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1 inch WASHER – lock, 1/2 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 4 inch NUT – hex, 1/2 NC 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A B C D E F G H J DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER see note 1 -138024 -138024 138025- -156149 156150156150- -138024 -138024 NOTES: 1. For item 2 – 107197 SHAFT: used for all production of 11-16 tire units, and serial number 138025 & up for 16.5 tire units. 2. When replacing parts in friction plate spring assembly, tighten nut only enough to achieve dimension shown below. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 124 9352/4952/2952/8152 (INCLUDING “i”& “c” MODEL) TRACTORS FORMED CASTERS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 125 9352/4952/2952/8152 (INCLUDING “i”& “c” MODEL) TRACTORS FORMED CASTERS REF PART NUMBER 1 22 23 24 112433 112428 41982 30516 7900 30517 21376 107188 112003 107191 107196 13125 107194 107195 19508 18671 21540 5512 18648 30520 112438 112441 112442 18916 110584 107551 CASTER – formed left .................................................................................. 1 CASTER - formed, right................................................................................ 1 HUB - with cups, items 3 and 4 .................................................................... 2 BEARING - cup, inner .................................................................................. 2 BEARING - cup, outer .................................................................................. 2 BEARING - cone, with seal .......................................................................... 2 BEARING - cone .......................................................................................... 2 PLATE – friction............................................................................................ 2 SPRING – compression, see note 1............................................................. 4 BRACKET – spring, see note 1 .................................................................... 4 PIN – L, caster lock ...................................................................................... 2 PIN – hair...................................................................................................... 2 TUBE – flared ............................................................................................... 4 DISK – cap ................................................................................................... 2 SPACER....................................................................................................... 2 FITTING - lube.............................................................................................. 4 WASHER - flat, hardened............................................................................. 2 NUT - hex slotted, 3/4 NF ............................................................................. 2 PIN - cotter.................................................................................................... 2 CAP - dust .................................................................................................... 2 WHEEL – 16 x 6LB, for 7.5 tire .................................................................... 2 TIRE – 7.5-16, six ply single rib TT, F-1, with tube....................................... 2 TUBE – inner, for tire 112441 ....................................................................... 2 BOLT - wheel, 9/16 NF ............................................................................... 12 WASHER – hardened, 3-1/4 IN. OD x 2-1/2 IN. ID ...................................... 2 SEAL – foam ................................................................................................ 2 B E F G H J 18697 136001 21575 18638 30299 18591 NUT – lock 1/2 NC distorted thread BOLT – round head, square neck, 1/2 NC x 5-1/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1 inch WASHER – lock, 1/2 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 4 inch NUT – hex, 1/2 NC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER -156149 156150156150- NOTES: 1. When replacing parts in friction plate spring assembly, tighten nut only enough to achieve dimension shown below. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 126 SAFETY DECALS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 127 SAFETY DECALS REF 1 2 3 4 4A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PART NUMBER 32743 44611 42130 30316 36651 45935 45420 42695 32738 42123 111200 32009 32744 42251 44944 109868 109208 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER DECAL - DANGER: Steering/Neutral DECAL - DANGER: Header Lift Cylinder Stops DECAL - DANGER: Starting DECAL - DANGER: Driveline DECAL – DANGER: Driveline Shield Missing DECAL - WARNING: Engine Compartment Hazards, L/H DECAL - WARNING: Engine Compartment Hazards, R/H DECAL - WARNING: Engine/Transmission Driveline Hazards DECAL - WARNING: Shields and Guards DECAL - WARNING: Starting/Driving Procedures DECAL - CAUTION: Closed Coolant System (was 24768) DECAL - CAUTION: General Safety Precautions DECAL - SAFETY: Live With It DECAL - WARNING: Engine/Transmission Driveline Hazards DECAL - WARNING: Hydraulic Oil Leaks DECAL – WARNING: Use of Training Seat DECAL – Rear Weight Issue April 2009 128 INFORMATION DECALS & REFLECTORS Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 129 INFORMATION DECALS & REFLECTORS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 45399 45752 45715 45753 45754 45776 42696 32070 23165 24777 24769 109206 109205 112980 109207 45775 44171 115147 115145 21032 45495 45492 111212 111208 167002 167022 111220 111221 111214 111848 20 21 22 23 24 25 25A 26 27 28 29 A 21055 DESCRIPTION QTY DECAL – Radio Cover DECAL – Transmission, 2 speed DECAL - Console DECAL - Header Lift DECAL - Reel Lift DECAL - Cab Circuit Breakers DECAL - Emergency Exit DECAL - Patents DECAL - 50 Hour Grease DECAL - Driveline Grease – 10 Hour............................................................. DECAL - Diesel Fuel Only DECAL - Jack Here (was 24767) DECAL – Cab Power Points DECAL – Ignition Switch (was 109201) DECAL – Tie Down Point DECAL - Relays DECAL - Anti-Sway Block Positions REFLECTOR – red REFLECTOR – Day-Glow orange REFLECTOR - Slow Moving Vehicle Sign DECAL – Gauge, Header Height / Header Angle DECAL – Mark, Header Height Gauge z DECAL – Tire Pressure/Bolt Torque .............................................................. z DECAL – Tire Pressure/Bolt Torque .............................................................. DECAL – Transmission driveline grease........................................................ DECAL – Transmission driveline grease........................................................ ▲DECAL – Bolt Torque ▲ DECAL – Tire Pressure DECAL – Drive Line Grease – 50 Hour.......................................................... ▲ DECAL – FUSE PANEL SERIAL NUMBER -138024 -134349 134350-173336 173337138025- SCREW - self tapping, hex washer head, 1/4 NC x 1/2 inch z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MacDon 9352/9352i, Westward 9352/9352i, Prairie Star 4952/4952i, Premier 2952/2952i, Harvest Pro 8152/8152i ▲ - MacDon 9352c Westward 9352c, Prairie Star 4952c, Premier 2952c, Harvest Pro 8152c PAINT 135148 25991 23950 49832 49833 49834 49835 32879 23957 PAINT - black, spray can (55 – 65 Gloss Level) (was 25990) PAINT - black, 1 litre (55 – 65 Gloss Level) PAINT - red, spray can (To be used for small touch ups only) PAINT – red, 1 US Quart. See note (1). ACTIVATOR – for paint, 1 US Pint. REDUCER – for paint, 1 US Quart. ACCELERATOR – for paint, 1 US Pint. See note (2). PAINT - white, spray can PAINT-white, 1 litre NOTES: 1. When ordering 49832 red paint, also order part numbers 49833 and 49834. These three parts (Paint, Activator and Reducer) must be premixed at a ratio of 2:1:1 respectively. This paint when mixed provides 2 sprayable quarts, which is approximately enough for one engine hood. Further instructions supplied with paint. 2. Part 49835 is a paint accelerator. Adding approximately ½ to1 oz. of accelerator per sprayable quart will speed up dry time. If paint accelerator is not added, there will be no change to paint, other than length of dry time. Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 130 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION DECALS REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 112168 112169 112257 112166 112400 112761 167031 112167 44351 112258 109047 112401 112766 167036 112165 DECAL - L/H side hood: rainbow stripe with MacDon .................................. 1 DECAL - R/H side hood: rainbow stripe with MacDon ................................. 1 DECAL - cab door, 9250 on rainbow stripe .................................................. 1 DECAL – cab door, 9350 TURBO on rainbow stripe......................................... 1 DECAL – cab door, 9352 TURBO on rainbow stripe......................................... 1 DECAL – cab door, 9352i TURBO on rainbow stripe........................................ 1 DECAL – cab door, 9352c TURBO on rainbow stripe....................................... 1 DECAL - cab front: rainbow stripe with MacDon .......................................... 1 PLAQUE - Cummins Diesel Power .............................................................. 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9250 on rainbow stripe .................................. 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9350 TURBO on rainbow stripe.......................... 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9352 TURBO on rainbow stripe.......................... 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9352i TURBO on rainbow stripe ......................... 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9352c TURBO on rainbow stripe ........................ 1 DECAL - L/H side cab front .......................................................................... 1 45897 45898 45899 45902 45903 45904 112402 112767 167037 45900 45901 112403 112763 167032 DECAL - L/H side hood: WP Westward ....................................................... 1 DECAL - R/H side hood: WP Westward....................................................... 1 DECAL – cab door: WP Westward............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab front: WP Westward............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9250............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9350............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9352............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9352i .............................................................. 1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 9352c ............................................................. 1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 9250 ............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 9350 ............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 9352 ............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 9352i............................................................... 1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 9352c.............................................................. 1 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 131 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION DECALS 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 45906 45907 45908 45911 45912 45913 112404 112768 167038 45909 45910 112405 112764 167033 DECAL -L/H side hood: Prairie Star ...........................................................................................1 DECAL - R/H side hood: Prairie Star .........................................................................................1 DECAL – cab door: Prairie Star .................................................................................................1 DECAL – cab front: Prairie Star .................................................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 4940: Prairie Star.........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 4950: Prairie Star.........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 4952: Prairie Star.........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 4952i: Prairie Star........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 4952c: Prairie Star.......................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 4940: Prairie Star ........................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 4950: Prairie Star .........................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 4952: Prairie Star .........................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 4952i: Prairie Star ........................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 4952c: Prairie Star .......................................................................1 45915 45916 45917 45920 45921 45922 112406 112769 167039 45918 45919 112407 112765 167034 DECAL -L/H side hood: Premier ................................................................................................1 DECAL - R/H side hood: Premier...............................................................................................1 DECAL – cab door: Premier.......................................................................................................1 DECAL – cab front: Premier.......................................................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 2940: Premier ..............................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 2950: Premier ..............................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 2952: Premier ..............................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 2952i: Premier .............................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front, 2952c: Premier ............................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 2940: Premier...............................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 2950: Premier...............................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 2952: Premier...............................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 2952i: Premier..............................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front, 2952c: Premier.............................................................................1 112530 112531 112532 112533 112540 112762 167035 112536 112537 112538 112541 112770 167040 112534 DECAL -L/H side hood: Harvest Pro ..........................................................................................1 DECAL - R/H side hood: Harvest Pro ........................................................................................1 DECAL – cab door: Harvest Pro 8140 .......................................................................................1 DECAL – cab door: Harvest Pro 8150 ...................................................................................... 1 DECAL – cab door: Harvest Pro 8152 .......................................................................................1 DECAL – cab door: Harvest Pro 8152i.......................................................................................1 DECAL – cab door: Harvest Pro 8152c......................................................................................1 DECAL – cab front: Harvest Pro ................................................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front: Harvest Pro 8140.........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front: Harvest Pro 8150.........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front: Harvest Pro 8152.........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front: Harvest Pro 8152i........................................................................1 DECAL – cab R/H side front: Harvest Pro 8152c.......................................................................1 DECAL – cab L/H side front: Harvest Pro ..................................................................................1 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 132 OPTIONAL HYDRAULICS – HEADER ANGLE KIT Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 133 OPTIONAL HYDRAULICS – HEADER ANGLE KIT REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 111129 30282 15903 50104 102711 112208 112209 111035 111430 112211 113532 21913 45927 18604 45888 42218 45892 21763 103738 42219 42220 109061 112143 45934 16661 24318 45947 REF A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S 20011 20077 18669 30982 18577 18647 45694 30280 21595 18597 45933 50112 18589 18796 21593 30228 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER VALVE – header angle manifold, see page 137 for repair parts .................. 1 FITTING – elbow, #6 JIC, male, 90°............................................................. 3 FITTING – connector, #6 JIC, male.............................................................. 3 FITTING – elbow, #6 JIC, male, 90°............................................................. 2 PLUG – hydraulic.......................................................................................... 2 HOSE – hydraulic, header angle valve to lift valve....................................... 2 HOSE – hydraulic, header angle valve to cylinder ....................................... 2 CYLINDER – hydraulic ................................................................................. 1 SEAL KIT – for cylinder 111035 CLAMP – header angle gauge ..................................................................... 1 CLAMP – hose, 2 inch .................................................................................. 1 CLAMP – hose, 3 inch .................................................................................. 2 CABLE – header angle ................................................................................. 1 PIN – cotter, 3/32 x 3/4 ................................................................................. 1 GAUGE – header angle................................................................................ 1 PIVOT ........................................................................................................... 1 SUPPORT – header angle, with gauge decal .............................................. 1 FASTENER – plastic tie, 7-1/2 inch.............................................................. 4 FASTENER – hose clamp ............................................................................ 1 HOLDER – cable .......................................................................................... 1 BAR – spacer ............................................................................................... 2 SWITCH – 4 way, header angle/fore aft ....................................................... 1 MODULE – header angle/fore aft ................................................................. 1 O-RING......................................................................................................... 2 FASTENER – plastic tie, 5-1/2 inch.............................................................. 1 SPRING – extension .................................................................................... 1 CLAMP – spring cylinder .............................................................................. 1 PLATE – center link extension for Model XX52 tractors, see page 38 NUT – hex, #10-32 NF BOLT – hex head, 3/8-16 NC x 1 inch NUT – hex, 3/8-16 NC, distorted thread BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1/2 inch SCREW – machine, #10-24 NC x 3/4 inch NUT – hex, #10-24 NC SCREW - #8-32 NC x 1-1/2 inch NUT – hex, 5/16 NC, distorted thread BOLT – hex head, 5/16 NC x 3 inch WASHER – flat, 5/16 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 5/16 NC x 5-1/4 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/16-18 NC NUT – hex, 5/16-18 NC NUT – hex, #8 NC BOLT – hex head, 3/8 NC x 4 inch NUT – lock, smooth flange, 3/8 NC distorted thread Model XX52/XX52i/XX52c tractors only (for extension spring) Issue April 2009 134 OPTIONAL HYDRAULICS – FORE/AFT KIT Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 135 OPTIONAL HYDRAULICS – FORE/AFT KIT REF PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 111129 30282 15903 50104 102711 112208 112209 21806 21857 50082 21855 21858 21856 45936 45153 103738 112143 109061 21763 45934 30875 A B C D E F G H J K L 30963 21452 30982 21595 30280 18597 45933 18796 45694 50112 18589 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER VALVE – fore-aft/header angle manifold, see pg. 134 for repair parts ......... 1 FITTING – elbow, #6 ORB x #6 JIC, 90°...................................................... 3 FITTING – connector, #6 ORB x #6 JIC ....................................................... 1 FITTING – elbow, #4 ORB x #6 JIC, 90°...................................................... 2 PLUG – hydraulic.......................................................................................... 2 HOSE – hydraulic, reel valve to lift valve...................................................... 2 HOSE – hydraulic, reel valve to connectors ................................................. 2 FITTING – connector, male, 1/2 inch NPT ................................................... 4 FITTING – coupler, female, 1/2 inch NPT .................................................... 2 O-RING – included with item 9 ..................................................................... 2 FITTING – coupler, male, 1/2 inch NPT ....................................................... 2 PLUG – dust, for 1/2 inch NPT female ......................................................... 1 CAP – dust, for 1/2 inch NPT male............................................................... 1 ANGLE – fore/aft coupling ............................................................................ 1 WASHER – formed....................................................................................... 2 CLAMP – hose ............................................................................................. 1 MODULE – fore/aft, header angle ................................................................ 1 SWITCH – 4 way, fore/aft, header angle ...................................................... 1 FASTENER – plastic tie, 7-1/2 inch.............................................................. 4 O-RING – for item 1...................................................................................... 2 FITTING – elbow, swivel, 45° ....................................................................... 2 BOLT – hex head, 3/8-16 NC x 3/4 inch NUT – flange, hex, 3/8-16 NC BOLT – hex head, 1/2 NC x 1/2 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/16 NC x 3 inch NUT – hex, 5/16 NC, distorted thread WASHER – flat, 5/16 inch ID BOLT – hex head, 5/16 NC x 5-1/4 inch NUT – hex, #8 NC SCREW - #8-32 NC x 1-1/2 inch BOLT – hex head, 5/16-18 NC NUT – hex, 5/16-18 NC OPTIONAL HYDRAULICS – HEADER EXPRESS DOWN REF PART NUMBER * * B2964 109064 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER KIT – header express down relay (was 112509) .......................................... 1 SWITCH – included in kit B2964 .................................................................. 1 B2964 available through Whole Goods only. Issue April 2009 136 VALVE MANIFOLDS 111388 – SUPERCHARGE MANIFOLD – 2 SPEED – TURBO 111128 – SUPERCHARGE MANIFOLD - SINGLE SPEED – NATURALLY ASPIRATED 111129 – HEADER ANGLE / FORE-AFT MANIFOLD Form # 46583 Issue April 2009 137 VALVE MANIFOLDS REF PART NUMBER * 111388 MANIFOLD – supercharge, 2 speed, see pages 90, 91 1 2 5 49842 49843 49844 111389 49846 49848 49849 100577 102711 49850 CARTRIDGE – (S6) supercharge, 2 speed.................................................. 1 COIL – supercharge, 2 speed....................................................................... 2 SEAL KIT – cartridge (item 1) & coil (item 2)................................................ 1 250 psi RELIEF VALVE – supercharge, 2 speed ......................................... 1 SEAL KIT – relief valve, for 111277 or 111389 ............................................ 1 CARTRIDGE – (S7) supercharge, 2 speed.................................................. 1 SEAL KIT – cartridge (item 4) & coil (item 2)................................................ 1 PLUG – SAE, dash 6 ORB ........................................................................... 1 PLUG – SAE, dash 4 ORB ........................................................................... 1 DISC – orifice ............................................................................................... 1 * 111128 SUPERCHARGE MANIFOLD – single speed, N.A. Only (see pages 90, 91) 11 111276 49846 49842 49843 49844 100577 102711 RELIEF VALVE – supercharge, single speed (was 49851) ......................... 1 SEAL KIT – relief valve................................................................................. 1 CARTRIDGE – supercharge, single speed .................................................. 1 COIL – supercharge, single speed ............................................................... 1 SEAL KIT – cartridge (item 12) & coil (item 13)............................................ 1 PLUG – SAE, dash 6 ORB ........................................................................... 1 PLUG – SAE, dash 4 ORB ........................................................................... 1 * 111129 HEADER ANGLE / FORE-AFT MANIFOLD – Optional Hydraulics (see pages 132 – 135) 20 21 49848 49843 49849 49853 49854 49855 49850 102711 CARTRIDGE – (S8) header angle manifold ................................................. 1 COIL – header angle manifold...................................................................... 2 SEAL KIT – cartridge (item 20) & coil (item 21)............................................ 1 CARTRIDGE – (S9) header angle manifold ................................................. 1 SEAL KIT – cartridge (item 22) & coil (item 21), check valve (item 23) ................ 2 VALVE – check, header angle manifold ....................................................... 1 DISK – orifice, header angle manifold .......................................................... 1 PLUG - SAE, dash 4 ORB............................................................................ 1 3 4 12 13 22 23 Form # 46583 DESCRIPTION QTY SERIAL NUMBER Issue April 2009 138 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 616 1045 2146 4267 4267 4267 4761 4761 4761 4761 4761 4761 5079 5512 5512 5512 5512 5735 5754 6647 7536 7603 7900 7900 7900 7909 7910 7910 7920 9423 11660 11660 11695 13125 13125 13125 13626 13626 15103 15903 15903 15903 16266 16652 16652 16661 16661 17006 17194 Form # 46583 PAGE 119 47 17 117 119 121 19 47 79 81 119 121 85 76 119 121 125 91 67 119 40 91 76 121 125 121 76 121 121 69 19 81 39 39 123 125 71 73 19 85 133 135 13 19 113 25 133 69 69 PART NO. 17546 17546 17546 17958 17958 17959 18591 18591 18591 18596 18596 18598 18599 18601 18601 18601 18604 18605 18638 18638 18638 18638 18639 18639 18639 18648 18648 18648 18666 18671 18671 18671 18671 18671 18671 18671 18671 18723 18881 18900 18900 18916 19488 19508 19508 20023 20023 20312 20424 PAGE 21 21 23 83 91 65 3 119 121 33 35 113 99 13 117 121 133 76 3 99 119 121 99 119 121 119 121 125 99 40 69 76 117 119 121 123 125 119 91 93 100 125 13 123 125 65 65 39 61 PART NO. 20579 20988 21024 21030 21030 21032 21032 21052 21055 21076 21087 21153 21153 21153 21165 21166 21215 21215 21215 21301 21349 21349 21349 21357 21357 21358 21376 21383 21395 21395 21420 21425 21526 21526 21540 21540 21545 21560 21565 21565 21582 21587 21588 21594 21594 21655 21686 21687 21719 PAGE 91 87 69 85 101 40 129 59 129 91 103 111 117 123 37 37 117 119 121 75 33 35 69 103 105 111 125 3 119 121 100 69 103 105 76 125 76 3 119 121 99 99 103 119 121 77 121 121 121 PART NO. 21746 21747 21747 21755 21760 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21774 21806 21810 21822 21824 21827 21830 21836 21838 21843 21844 21855 21855 21856 21857 21857 21858 21859 21859 21873 21887 21903 21908 21909 21910 21913 21913 21913 21922 21931 21931 21943 21943 21964 21974 21980 21992 PAGE 83 83 91 99 3 43 69 83 85 91 133 135 43 135 79 91 85 101 91 83 119 85 59 83 135 135 83 135 135 117 123 103 39 16 25 25 25 63 65 133 81 16 29 25 113 31 43 47 59 Issue April 2009 139 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 21995 21995 21995 21995 22072 23118 23165 23950 23957 24037 24210 24210 24280 24289 24318 24398 24556 24769 24777 24779 24936 24936 24936 24986 25051 25086 25102 25286 25298 25321 25321 25326 25336 25348 25348 25348 25560 25565 25575 25575 25575 25579 25579 25579 25699 25849 25850 25851 Form # 46583 PAGE 65 65 65 67 69 81 129 129 129 91 65 65 121 25 133 91 47 129 129 77 33 35 35 21 27 29 29 9 3 79 113 13 13 19 79 81 119 119 117 119 121 117 119 121 119 47 47 47 PART NO. 25915 25916 25991 28038 30005 30005 30007 30007 30045 30045 30045 30045 30058 30061 30094 30094 30120 30138 30140 30141 30144 30144 30181 30181 30181 30182 30183 30184 30185 30186 30187 30189 30190 30190 30191 30191 30191 30191 30192 30193 30193 30194 30194 30196 30199 30200 30200 30200 PAGE 65 65 129 19 61 63 61 63 99 99B 100 101 93 13 59 59 95 93 93 93 93 100 103 105 107 103 103 103 103 103 119 103 103 105 103 105 107 109B 103 103 105 103 105 103 103 103 105 107 PART NO. 30200 30201 30203 30203 30203 30203 30204 30205 30205 30205 30205 30206 30215 30215 30215 30241 30282 30282 30282 30282 30282 30282 30282 30286 30312 30316 30334 30334 30335 30419 30426 30426 30434 30435 30436 30441 30441 30443 30445 30445 30446 30446 30457 30457 30500 30500 30516 30517 PAGE 109B 103 103 105 107 109B 103 103 105 107 109B 103 25 43 115 47 85 91 99 99B 115 133 135 115 16 127 33 35 16 59 59 61 119 119 119 39 99 85 119 121 119 121 21 23 59 59 125 125 PART NO. 30520 30542 30542 30542 30579 30609 30611 30622 30623 30624 30627 30634 30645 30651 30651 30653 30654 30655 30656 30660 30664 30670 30682 30689 30695 30695 30716 30753 30753 30753 30753 30813 30833 30833 30858 30874 30875 30875 30927 30927 30927 30937 30937 30938 30939 30939 30939 30943 PAGE 125 25 65 65 113 83 83 77 77 59 55 109 47 47 51 47 47 47 47 55 99 91 47 43 83 85 109 43 67 83 91 115 119 121 83 115 101 135 91 99 99B 47 59 69 91 99 99B 13 Issue April 2009 140 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 30970 30970 30970 30971 30971 30971 30971 31062 31889 32009 32070 32225 32225 32738 32743 32744 32800 32879 35298 36229 36651 37551 37687 37758 39272 39272 39273 39273 40766 41357 41982 42001 42008 42008 42014 42016 42028 42034 42038 42041 42042 42045 42046 42048 42049 42053 42056 42057 42064 Form # 46583 PAGE 91 99 99B 91 97 99 99B 43 43 127 129 83 85 127 127 127 77 129 117 39 127 69 3 83 27 43 117 123 39 39 125 103 47 51 59 69 91 113 117 7 3 9 3 10 10 10 5 5 13 PART NO. 42067 42067 42072 42075 42075 42076 42086 42093 42094 42095 42099 42099 42099 42099 42102 42104 42123 42125 42125 42126 42126 42130 42135 42155 42158 42159 42160 42161 42162 42162 42166 42167 42167 42168 42169 42172 42174 42202 42212 42213 42218 42218 42218 42219 42219 42219 42220 42220 42220 PAGE 15 29 3 29 37 29 69 10 10 10 3 47 51 69 21 39 127 85 88 85 89 127 10 69 71 71 71 71 71 73 71 71 73 71 71 75 75 113 9 9 21 23 133 21 23 133 21 23 133 PART NO. 42239 42240 42241 42249 42250 42251 42255 42264 42266 42266 42266 42266 42269 42270 42272 42273 42274 42274 42275 42276 42277 42279 42279 42280 42282 42369 42405 42406 42407 42415 42415 42416 42421 42431 42432 42433 42434 42436 42441 42442 42445 42447 42458 42460 42467 42469 42476 42482 42482 PAGE 15 15 15 43 43 127 47 11 3 11 16 57 57 3 11 11 57 67 29 29 29 33 35 33 29 67 3 3 3 9 67 5 10 39 39 39 39 29 17 29 29 15 13 13 13 47 19 19 81 PART NO. 42496 42497 42498 42518 42518 42523 42523 42523 42523 42536 42543 42579 42592 42592 42592 42592 42598 42610 42610 42615 42616 42617 42643 42644 42657 42657 42658 42658 42678 42678 42688 42691 42695 42696 42727 42727 42727 42727 42745 42747 42748 42749 42765 42765 42766 42767 42768 42769 42771 PAGE 113 39 39 16 29 21 23 29 43 11 9 7 3 9 69 117 29 65 65 10 10 10 7 11 33 35 33 35 25 43 57 39 127 129 16 29 33 35 21 17 17 17 103 105 103 103 103 103 13 Issue April 2009 141 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 42772 42773 42775 42775 42776 42781 42787 42793 42797 42840 42841 42878 42878 42878 42879 42891 42891 42893 42893 42894 42894 42894 42895 42895 42896 42896 42920 42925 42926 42927 42929 42930 42931 42932 42937 42938 43705 43706 43707 43709 43848 44168 44171 44201 44202 44203 44204 44205 Form # 46583 PAGE 13 13 71 73 81 81 81 81 81 16 16 29 33 35 29 29 31 29 31 29 31 31 29 31 29 31 31 29 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 77 77 77 77 57 85 129 91 91 91 91 91 PART NO. 44207 44209 44217 44231 44240 44294 44304 44305 44322 44336 44337 44350 44351 44354 44360 44434 44437 44437 44444 44468 44469 44472 44481 44485 44490 44494 44494 44511 44575 44577 44590 44601 44611 44739 44748 44784 44817 44822 44823 44872 44873 44944 44945 44977 44986 44987 44988 44994 PAGE 91 101 85 69 76 87 59 113 113 31 21 43 130 69 76 47 47 51 47 43 47 75 75 31 21 21 23 43 39 39 39 39 127 40 117 39 39 39 39 75 75 127 91 39 77 77 39 39 PART NO. 44995 45034 45035 45038 45040 45040 45075 45081 45086 45094 45096 45097 45099 45101 45103 45103 45107 45108 45110 45111 45112 45113 45114 45114 45115 45116 45126 45129 45131 45134 45138 45144 45148 45153 45153 45154 45154 45155 45155 45157 45160 45161 45175 45178 45188 45189 45205 45230 PAGE 39 85 75 39 69 87 69 69 69 69 69 69 87 83 85 115 83 83 83 83 87 87 87 115 87 87 83 85 85 85 83 69 69 83 135 85 91 31 43 85 83 83 91 85 37 37 83 69 PART NO. 45236 45253 45262 45297 45297 45307 45307 45309 45309 45314 45314 45372 45373 45399 45399 45420 45427 45427 45430 45436 45439 45448 45490 45492 45495 45518 45519 45534 45546 45547 45551 45554 45558 45565 45565 45575 45577 45579 45592 45594 45595 45601 45606 45610 45614 45618 45630 45640 PAGE 79 99 69 117 123 21 23 21 23 21 23 85 85 9 129 127 47 67 67 67 67 67 39 129 129 71 71 69 91 91 83 83 81 19 81 95 95 95 67 75 75 113 100 100 31 113 113 55 Issue April 2009 142 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 45641 45651 45654 45657 45658 45659 45661 45662 45664 45669 45674 45680 45681 45682 45685 45687 45689 45691 45696 45700 45709 45711 45715 45720 45725 45725 45727 45730 45737 45740 45741 45742 45744 45745 45746 45747 45748 45749 45752 45753 45754 45755 45757 45759 45760 45775 45776 45782 45783 Form # 46583 PAGE 47 59 9 9 10 10 13 13 7 9 13 13 5 7 16 27 7 27 7 27 16 16 129 10 10 25 10 10 83 91 16 16 13 5 5 5 5 5 129 129 129 3 10 9 3 129 129 9 9 PART NO. 45786 45786 45786 45799 45802 45803 45804 45805 45807 45814 45819 45820 45822 45826 45833 45833 45835 45853 45858 45865 45869 45872 45877 45883 45884 45886 45888 45892 45893 45897 45898 45899 45900 45901 45902 45903 45904 45906 45907 45908 45909 45910 45911 45912 45913 45915 45916 45917 45918 PAGE 99 99B 101 3 5 5 5 5 5 19 31 31 29 25 21 23 9 27 39 19 19 40 71 67 85 39 133 133 16 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 PART NO. 45919 45920 45921 45922 45927 45931 45934 45934 45935 45936 45940 45941 45944 45945 45947 45948 45949 45950 45951 45952 45953 45954 45955 45956 45959 45961 45964 45965 45970 45973 47225 49725 49726 49727 49728 49729 49730 49731 49733 49734 49735 49736 49737 49738 49739 49740 49742 49743 49745 PAGE 131 131 131 131 133 39 133 135 127 135 25 67 3 71 133 37 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 69 39 113 113 43 27 75 83 83 83 83 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 PART NO. 49746 49747 49748 49749 49750 49751 49752 49753 49755 49756 49757 49758 49759 49760 49761 49762 49763 49764 49765 49766 49767 49768 49769 49770 49771 49782 49785 49786 49786 49787 49788 49791 49792 49793 49794 49795 49796 49798 49799 49800 49801 49802 49805 49806 49808 49809 49810 49819 49821 PAGE 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 95 93 93 95 87 95 95 Issue April 2009 143 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 49823 49827 49832 49833 49834 49835 49842 49842 49843 49843 49843 49844 49844 49846 49846 49848 49848 49849 49849 49850 49850 49853 49854 49855 49858 49859 49861 49865 49866 49866 49867 49867 49868 49869 49870 49871 49872 49872 49873 49874 49874 49875 49876 49877 49878 49879 49879 49880 Form # 46583 PAGE 95 95 129 129 129 129 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 93 95 93 107 107 109B 107 109B 107 107 107 107 107 109B 107 107 109B 107 107 107 107 107 109B 107 PART NO. 49880 49881 49882 49883 49884 49885 50014 50022 50022 50022 50023 50024 50040 50040 50041 50042 50050 50053 50069 50070 50073 50073 50073 50075 50075 50082 50082 50091 50091 50093 50103 50104 50104 50140 50154 50155 50155 50217 50217 50219 50219 50219 50219 50220 50231 50231 100577 100577 PAGE 109B 107 107 107 107 107 59 33 35 43 9 9 79 81 69 69 83 69 59 63 61 63 67 13 69 83 135 71 73 67 83 133 135 109 71 71 73 93 100 99 99 99B 99B 101 107 109B 137 137 PART NO. 100709 100714 100790 100790 101291 101898 101904 101904 102711 102711 102711 102711 102711 103096 103738 103738 103738 107006 107006 107188 107188 107191 107191 107192 107194 107194 107195 107195 107196 107196 107197 107197 107200 107200 107201 107208 107550 107551 107551 108268 109004 109007 109015 109016 109018 109023 109033 109035 PAGE PART NO. PAGE 73 73 85 91 75 99 33 47 133 135 137 137 137 73 83 133 135 117 123 123 125 123 125 123 123 125 123 125 123 125 117 123 117 123 40 123 40 123 125 87 29 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 109036 109041 109042 109045 109047 109048 109049 109051 109059 109060 109061 109061 109061 109063 109064 109073 109076 109077 109078 109078 109079 109080 109081 109082 109083 109086 109087 109088 109092 109093 109096 109097 109098 109099 109100 109101 109102 109103 109104 109105 109106 109107 109109 109110 109111 109111 109112 109112 15 13 7 7 130 9 19 19 7 19 19 133 135 16 16 13 7 7 16 29 16 16 16 29 25 25 25 25 9 9 9 9 7 9 27 16 27 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 43 9 9 Issue April 2009 144 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 109112 109113 109113 109113 109114 109114 109114 109115 109119 109120 109121 109122 109123 109133 109202 109204 109205 109206 109207 109208 109209 109210 109211 109212 109223 109224 109226 109227 109228 109229 109253 109271 109272 109280 109453 109736 109812 109813 109816 109816 109825 109848 109849 109851 109852 109853 109868 109871 109871 Form # 46583 PAGE 43 9 9 43 9 9 43 9 15 15 15 15 9 13 15 13 129 129 129 127 15 13 7 25 9 9 9 9 9 13 115 15 15 16 15 25 27 27 69 79 25 27 27 27 27 27 127 65 65 PART NO. 109898 109900 109902 109904 109964 109965 109966 109967 109968 109969 109970 110009 110010 110012 110276 110277 110281 110282 110285 110571 110582 110583 110584 110584 110599 111004 111007 111009 111010 111013 111020 111022 111023 111026 111029 111030 111034 111035 111040 111042 111042 111043 111043 111044 111051 111052 111053 111053 111057 PAGE 21 21 21 21 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 39 39 37 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 123 125 83 47 21 21 59 31 79 79 79 79 81 97 111 133 85 99 101 83 91 91 61 61 85 91 99 PART NO. 111057 111057 111059 111060 111061 111063 111068 111068 111071 111072 111077 111077 111080 111081 111089 111090 111090 111091 111092 111093 111093 111093 111094 111095 111096 111097 111098 111099 111099 111099 111101 111102 111103 111104 111105 111105 111105 111106 111107 111108 111109 111110 111111 111111 111113 111128 111128 111129 111129 PAGE 99B 101 85 61 61 61 83 91 91 91 61 63 85 85 47 103 105 105 105 105 107 109B 105 105 105 105 105 105 107 109B 105 105 105 105 105 107 109B 105 105 105 105 105 99 101 105 91 137 133 135 PART NO. 111129 111130 111134 111135 111136 111143 111144 111145 111149 111152 111162 111169 111176 111179 111184 111186 111192 111193 111194 111196 111198 111199 111200 111203 111204 111205 111206 111207 111208 111212 111214 111215 111216 111216 111219 111219 111219 111220 111221 111222 111223 111224 111225 111225 111225 111227 111228 111230 111234 PAGE 137 61 61 61 47 83 111 111 47 21 107 76 69 111 113 113 113 113 93 99 113 113 127 111 123 111 111 111 129 129 129 78 117 123 99 99B 101 129 129 111 111 123 83 87 115 78 78 78 78 Issue April 2009 145 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 111236 111237 111242 111246 111247 111248 111249 111251 111252 111253 111254 111255 111258 111258 111259 111259 111260 111260 111261 111261 111265 111265 111270 111270 111273 111276 111278 111281 111282 111284 111286 111289 111291 111292 111295 111298 111299 111300 111301 111302 111338 111338 111338 111339 111340 111341 111342 111343 Form # 46583 PAGE 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 111 111 107 111 61 107 109B 107 109B 107 109B 107 109B 109 115 31 51 51 137 85 69 69 73 73 73 73 69 73 73 73 73 79 73 99 99B 115 115 115 115 115 115 PART NO. 111345 111350 111350 111353 111356 111357 111360 111361 111365 111367 111368 111369 111372 111373 111376 111377 111378 111379 111380 111384 111388 111388 111389 111390 111391 111391 111393 111395 111396 111397 111399 111400 111401 111402 111404 111415 111430 111432 111433 111434 111435 111436 111437 111438 111439 111440 111442 111442 PAGE 115 65 65 57 57 63 51 51 65 43 43 53 111 111 59 65 57 53 53 51 91 137 137 65 33 35 59 35 51 51 53 51 51 35 51 23 133 109 109 109 109 53 23 99 99 59 47 59 PART NO. 111445 111448 111457 111458 111466 111468 111469 111470 111471 111472 111473 111474 111475 111476 111477 111478 111479 111480 111481 111483 111484 111485 111488 111489 111490 111491 111492 111493 111494 111495 111496 111497 111499 111500 111582 111602 111605 111606 111608 111613 111618 111620 111621 111622 111623 111624 111631 111688 PAGE PART NO. PAGE 57 35 105 83 53 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 51 23 83 83 83 59 59 109 51 53 78 78 78 65 47 111689 111690 111692 111717 111735 111736 111737 111738 111739 111740 111741 111742 111743 111744 111745 111746 111747 111748 111749 111750 111751 111752 111753 111754 111755 111756 111757 111759 111760 111763 111766 111767 111768 111777 111778 111779 111783 111784 111785 111795 111819 111820 111848 111959 111960 111961 111962 112002 47 47 21 63 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 79 51 51 51 53 109 109 33 33 59 111 73 73 129 73 73 73 73 117 Issue April 2009 146 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 112003 112003 112003 112007 112008 112012 112024 112030 112044 112053 112054 112055 112062 112063 112067 112068 112073 112074 112077 112078 112081 112082 112092 112093 112095 112099 112102 112108 112110 112114 112115 112116 112120 112121 112121 112122 112126 112131 112132 112134 112135 112140 112142 112143 112143 112145 112146 112147 112149 Form # 46583 PAGE 117 123 125 75 117 75 47 65 59 57 57 67 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 31 31 59 31 59 57 41 57 57 55 55 55 61 61 63 41 41 61 57 57 57 43 59 133 135 59 111 57 67 PART NO. 112150 112151 112152 112153 112154 112156 112160 112161 112165 112166 112167 112168 112169 112175 112176 112177 112177 112179 112180 112181 112183 112184 112185 112187 112188 112190 112191 112194 112194 112195 112196 112197 112199 112201 112202 112204 112205 112206 112207 112208 112208 112209 112209 112211 112215 112216 112217 112218 112219 PAGE 43 43 43 59 59 43 67 67 130 130 130 130 130 67 67 63 67 85 57 85 85 91 67 57 57 85 85 83 91 31 31 85 85 85 99 83 57 59 31 133 135 133 135 133 59 57 57 57 57 PART NO. 112220 112220 112221 112224 112225 112226 112227 112228 112230 112230 112231 112233 112242 112246 112247 112249 112250 112251 112254 112255 112256 112257 112258 112261 112263 112264 112265 112266 112269 112274 112280 112281 112282 112283 112400 112401 112402 112403 112404 112405 112406 112407 112410 112415 112416 112419 112420 112428 112433 PAGE 7 57 7 39 39 39 61 61 61 63 61 91 57 57 57 91 91 67 67 67 67 130 130 61 83 83 57 79 39 69 99 113 113 113 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 131 43 43 41 85 85 125 125 PART NO. 112437 112438 112441 112442 112443 112448 112449 112454 112461 112475 112476 112481 112484 112485 112486 112487 112490 112491 112493 112508 112517 112520 112523 112524 112530 112531 112532 112533 112534 112536 112537 112538 112540 112541 112657 112662 112662 112662 112692 112692 112761 112762 112763 112764 112765 112766 112767 112768 112769 PAGE 37 125 125 125 43 37 57 53 37 111 63 63 63 63 63 53 100 100 100 57 57 115 57 57 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 57 33 47 47 33 35 130 131 130 131 131 130 130 131 131 Issue April 2009 147 NUMERICAL LIST PART NO. 112770 112811 112825 112826 112848 112876 112947 112966 112979 112979 112980 112984 112996 112997 113532 113747 113748 115074 115145 115147 118283 118283 135003 135025 135148 135216 135224 135224 135258 135270 135270 135339 138002 138005 150838 160101 162024 162028 162029 162030 162034 162246 162288 162289 162290 162292 162393 162393 Form # 46583 PAGE 131 83 63 53 87 43 43 43 43 51 129 43 87 115 133 39 39 69 129 129 39 39 111 99 129 43 43 59 43 63 63 43 109 73 73 15 57 63 63 63 47 109B 91 91 91 91 93 93 PART NO. 163247 163555 163556 163563 163570 163581 163745 163746 163747 163749 163750 163751 163752 163753 163755 163756 163763 166175 166285 166286 167001 167002 167004 167006 167008 167009 167010 167012 167013 167014 167015 167016 167017 167019 167022 167030 167031 167033 167034 167035 167036 167037 167038 167039 167040 167047 167049 167050 PAGE 65 43 43 57 25 47 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 109B 73 129 91 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 37 37 37 129 75 130 131 131 131 130 130 131 131 131 37 43 43 PART NO. 167051 167053 167054 167055 167063 167028 167299 167301 167302 167303 167304 167305 167306 167307 167308 167309 167310 167311 167312 167337 167339 167341 167341 167346 B1570 B2266 B2773 B2964 B2980 B2981 PAGE PART NO. PAGE 43 43 43 43 130 109 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 99B 99B 99B 109B 93 117 41 39 135 41 41 Issue April 2009 148 Model 9250/9350/9352/9352i/9352c, 4940/4950/4952/4952i/4952c, 2940/2950/2952/2952i/2952c, 8140/8150/8152/8152i/8152c Windrower (Tractor Unit) SUGGESTED STOCKING LIST P.C. REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SUGGESTED QTY. 2 UNITS 5 UNITS LIGHTS – Parts Catalog Pg 9 13 109224 BULB – headlight, 9005 20 109113 BULB – worklight 2 5 5 10 CAB A/C & BLOWER - Parts Catalog Pg 29 2 42895 O-RING 19 42445 CLEANER - air intake 25 42925 SWITCH - low pressure 26 42894 O-RING 27 42896 O-RING 5 0 1 5 5 10 2 1 10 10 A/C - ENGINE GROUP - Parts Catalog Pg 31 3 112082 DRIER/RECEIVER 4 112081 SWITCH – high pressure 11 21964 BELT - compressor drive 1 1 1 1 1 1 ORDER QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE ENGINE ASSEMBLY – CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTORS - Parts Catalog Pg 47 25 111688 BELT - fan / alternator 0 1 28 111690 FILTER ELEMENT - oil 1 3 29 111689 FILTER ELEMENT - fuel 1 3 ENGINE ASSEMBLY – ISUZU ENGINE TRACTORS – Parts Catalog Pg 53 15 111380 FILTER ELEMENT – oil 1 3 16 111379 FILTER ELEMENT – fuel, primary 1 3 19 112826 BELT – fan/alternator 0 2 FUEL SYSTEM – Parts Catalog Pg 57 28 111608 FILTER – fuel 1 3 ENGINE AIR INTAKE - CUMMINS ENGINE TRACTORS - Parts Catalog Pg 61 111060 * FILTER - primary (outer), Nat. Asp. 1 2 111061 * FILTER - safety (inner), Nat. Asp. 1 2 111134 * FILTER - primary (outer), Turbo 1 2 111135 * FILTER - safety (inner), Turbo 1 2 * Order to suit engine type ENGINE AIR INTAKE - ISUZU ENGINE TRACTORS & CUMMINS SN 174610 and ABOVE - Parts Catalog Pg 63 112687 FILTER - primary (outer) 1 2 112688 FILTER - safety (inner) 1 2 HEADER DRIVE - Parts Catalog Pg 69 8 37551 BUSHING - plastic 10 42086 z BELT - header drive 23 50041 SEAL - oil, outer, clutch cylinder 50042 SEAL - oil, inner, clutch cylinder 38 45959 BELT – header drive 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 z - MacDon 9250/9350, Westward 9250/9350, Prairie Star 4940/4950, Premier 2940/2950, Harvest Pro 8140/8150 - MD 9352/9352i/9352c, WP 9352/9352i/9352c, PS 4952/4952i/4952c, PR 2952/2952i/2952c, HP8152/8152i/8152c DRIVELINE: ENGINE/GEARBOX - Parts Catalog Pg 75 9 42172 CROSS & BEARING KIT Form # 46583 0 1 Issue April 2009 149 Model 9250/9350/9352/9352i/9352c, 4940/4950/4952/4952i/4952c, 2940/2950/2952/2952i/2952c, 8140/8150/8152/8152i/8152c Windrower (Tractor Unit) SUGGESTED STOCKING LIST P.C. REF PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SUGGESTED QTY. 2 UNITS 5 UNITS HEADER DRIVE PULLEY - Parts Catalog Pg 76 2 7900 CUP - bearing 5 7910 CONE - bearing, with seal 0 0 2 2 DRIVELINE: TRACTOR/HEADER - Parts Catalog Pg 78 2 111228 CROSS & BEARING KIT 1 3 NEUTRAL INTERLOCK - Parts Catalog Pg 75 3 21810 BUSHING - rubber 0 2 STEERING & GROUND SPEED – Parts Catalog Pg 81 2 50040 BUSHING – rubber 1 2 HYDRAULICS: HEADER DRIVE - Parts Catalog Pg 83 21 45205 FILTER - element 29 49725 FLOW CONTROL – header drive 32 111225 COIL – header drive block 4 1 1 10 2 2 ORDER QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE HYDRAULICS: CYLINDER CONTROL - Parts Catalog Pgs 85, 88 & 89 24 112419 FILTER – element 4 10 31 42125 SEAL KIT - L/H lift cylinder 0 1 40 42126 SEAL KIT - R/H lift cylinder 0 1 HYDRAULICS: TRIPLE PUMP - Parts Catalog Pgs 93 & 94 15 50217 SHAFT SEAL - piston pump 0 * 49861 SEAL KIT – triple pump 0 * 49809 SEAL KIT – double gear pump 1 1 1 2 HYDRAULICS: WHEEL MOTOR - Parts Catalog Pg 97 24 49751 SEAL – shaft (2 Speed Units) 0 1 WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY - Parts Catalog Pg 100, 101 2 30045 O-RING - power wheel/ motor seal 0 2 50217 SEAL – shaft (Single Speed Units) 0 1 1 WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY - Parts Catalog Pg 104 5 111106 SEAL – oil (two speed units - 7) 27 111105 O-RING 0 0 1 1 WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY - Parts Catalog Pg 107 5 49885 SEAL – oil (two speed units – 8B) 25 111105 O-RING 0 0 1 1 WHEEL MOTOR ASSEMBLY - Parts Catalog Pg 109 5 111778 KIT – seal (two speed units – R&R) 0 1 PAINT - Parts Catalog Pg 129 25991 PAINT - black, 1 litre 23957 PAINT - white, 1 litre 49832 PAINT – red, 1 US Quart 49833 ACTIVATOR – for paint, 1 US Pint 49834 REDUCER – for paint, 1 US Quart 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Form # 46583 Issue April 2009
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