USAA 2010 Report to Members
USAA 2010 Report to Members
USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS SERVING YOU THROUGH LIFE USAA IS MY USAA’s Car Buying Service, part of Auto Circle ™ No-Haggle Pricing with Lowest Price Guarantee EVERY STEP AND STAGE OF LIFE HAS ITS CHALLENGES. USAA’s financial strength enables us to provide a broad range of financial products and services to help you navigate life’s uncertainties and take advantage of its opportunities. And while USAA means a lot of different things to every one of our 8 million members, one thing remains constant — we know what it means to serve. EXPLORE THE INTERACTIVE VERSION OF THIS REPORT, VIA PC OR MOBILE DEVICE, AT USAAREPORTTOMEMBERS.COM. Brandon Morrison USAA MEMBER SINCE 2005 Brandon Morrison knows a good deal when he sees one. After all, he buys equipment and materials every day in his active-duty role. And he does a lot of research to find the best bargains. When he and his wife, Martha, decided to buy a new truck, he knew what he wanted: a great price and no haggling. So Brandon and Martha went online to USAA Auto Circle,™ where members can find, finance and insure new or used vehicles. They found pickups that cost $2,000 to $6,000 less than MSRP at nearby USAA-certified dealers. After a few months of shopping with the Lowest Price Guarantee in their hands, the Morrisons — including daughter, Jade — became the proud owners of their dream truck. And they saved thousands of dollars on the deal to boot. See legal information on Page 21. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 1 Pat & Manuel Escobar USAA MEMBERS SINCE 1993 Pat and Manuel Escobar realized that they were cutting it close. The couple had made some mistakes handling their investments over the years, and they came to USAA to help them get back on track. With retirement nearing for both of them, the second-generation USAA members feared they had waited too late to get assistance. USAA helped them consolidate their scattered investments and plan for their retirement income needs. And, despite the turbulent economy, USAA aided the couple in reaching their goal of enjoying their golden years in sunny Arizona, right back where they started out as college sweethearts. USAA IS OUR Guaranteed Income Annuity Individual Retirement Accounts Investments/Insurance: Not FDIC Insured · Not Bank Issued, Guaranteed or Underwritten · May Lose Value 2 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS The Escobars’ experience may not be representative of other clients and is no guarantee of future performance or success. The fixed annuity guarantee against principal loss depends on the claims paying ability of the insurance company. An annuity is a contract sold by an insurance company to provide income, usually after retirement, that cannot be outlived. See legal information on Page 21. USAA IS MY Four-Star Checking USAA App for Android ™ and Deposit@Mobile ® Rebecca Vogler USAA MEMBER SINCE 2008 Rebecca Vogler doesn’t know the meaning of “slow down.” As the mother of an 8-year-old, she’s constantly on the go taking care of her son, tutoring kids at a nearby military installation and pursuing a career in clinical psychology. Not surprisingly, Rebecca takes care of as many of life’s details as she can via her mobile phone. And, after switching to USAA Bank, that includes managing her money. Thanks to the USAA Mobile App for Android, she monitors her accounts daily and uses the Deposit@Mobile feature to take pictures of checks and deposit them in her account wirelessly. A USAA member thanks to her father, who served as a Marine, Rebecca wishes she had switched sooner. But she’s happy that USAA helps make her life a little less hectic now. See legal information on Page 21. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 3 USAA IS MY Term Life Insurance Home and Auto Insurance 4 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS Je≠rey Fason, USAF (Ret.) USAA MEMBER SINCE 1987 Jeff Fason is a father, a husband and a protector. The retired Air Force lieutenant colonel knows that life doesn’t always follow the best-laid plans. He has seen how the deaths of those serving our country can leave their families unprepared. And he’s committed to making sure that his wife, Ingrid, and children are well-cared for, no matter what. That’s why Jeff has stayed with USAA for his life, auto and home insurance, even though competitors have tried to lure him away. He knows how important it is to work with a provider that understands the military and their families, as well as one that’s solid and financially strong. Last summer, Jeff and Ingrid were blessed with something new to protect: a baby daughter, Jenesis. She’s truly a new beginning for the Fasons; her sister Keoni and brother Jalen are both more than a decade older. Jeff is at ease knowing that USAA will be there for his entire family. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 5 John D. Monahan, USA (Ret.) USAA MEMBER SINCE 1977 Jack Monahan didn’t need a lot of convincing. Among the first to hear The American Legion was considering an alliance with USAA, he knew it was a perfect match. For more than three decades, Jack has turned to USAA to insure his home and at least a dozen cars over the years. He has USAA life insurance, a USAA credit card, and he’s even used USAA to buy jewelry for his wife and daughters. USAA IS OUR Serving the Needs of Veterans Who Have Honorably Served His biggest hope is that the relationship will bring more USAA members to The American Legion, too. Jack believes both organizations do good work, and they’ve inspired him to do the same in his professional role as Administrator of the State of Connecticut Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Marines’ Fund. Daniel S. Wheeler, USN NATIONAL ADJUTANT, THE AMERICAN LEGION USAA MEMBER SINCE 2010 Dan Wheeler seriously believes in doing his homework. Preferred Source for Financial Products and Services When The American Legion first looked at exploring an affinity relationship with USAA, he went undercover to look at what membership could offer him. The former Navy sonarman called USAA to get a quote on auto insurance and made no mention of who he was or where he was from. After learning he could save hundreds of dollars a year on his family’s policies, Dan switched to USAA from an insurance company he’d been with for 31 years. He has since added a USAA credit card and has been impressed with the service. Dan believes that USAA treats members more like brothers-in-arms than just customers. 6 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS USAA IS YOUR ALLY IN SUPPORTING THE MILITARY In 2010, USAA deepened its ties with the military community by forging affinity relationships with a diverse range of military associations and organizations. As the financial services provider of choice for many of these groups, USAA can now deliver best-in-class products and services to their members. USAA also supports the organizations and their efforts to serve veterans who have honorably served, active-duty military and their families. So far, USAA has formed alliances with these military-related groups: Air Force Association • Air Force Sergeants Association • Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy • Association of the United States Navy • The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States • Marine Corps Association • Military Officers Association of America • Naval Aviation Museum Foundation • Non Commissioned Officers Association • Naval Enlisted Reserve Association • Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets Association • The American Legion • U.S. Naval Institute • Wounded Warrior Project LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN USAA demonstrated in 2010 that putting members first can lead to outstanding financial performance — despite a shaky economy that is slowly emerging from the worst recession in recent decades. While other companies struggled against economic headwinds, USAA maintained its reputation for the best customer service, added members, strengthened its financial foundation and offered new products and services to help members work toward their financial security. How did USAA accomplish this? For starters, President and CEO Joe Robles and his management team have pursued a clear mission to make USAA the financial services provider of choice for the military community and their families. To that end, in 2009, USAA extended membership to all those who have honorably served in the U.S. military. Meanwhile, we’ve continued deepening our relationships with existing members by rolling out innovative new products and service channels, and investing in people and technology to provide even better member service. NET NEW INVESTMENTS BY MEMBERS (in billions) $7.1 2010 $6.9 2009 2008 You have responded by trusting USAA with your hard-earned money, bringing nearly $7.1 billion in net new assets to USAA in 2010. We now have more than $147 billion in owned and managed assets. Thank you for the nearly 800,000 PHONE CALLS, E-MAILS AND LETTERS TO SENATORS — HELPING PRESERVE THE WAY USAA DOES BUSINESS. Our financial strength has contributed to our position as a corporate leader. USAA now ranks 132nd on the FORTUNE 500® annual ranking of America’s largest corporations, and USAA is the only property and casualty insurance group left standing that retains the highest ratings for financial strength from A.M. Best, Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s. And this was never more evident than in 2010, when a late change to federal financial-reform legislation threatened to change the way USAA does business. Members mobilized by sending nearly 800,000 phone calls, e-mails and letters to their senators. We can’t thank you enough for an amazing response that favorably changed the outcome of potentially restrictive legislation for USAA. We’ll continue to be vigilant for other regulatory threats that might impact our members. This report — like USAA itself — is less about USAA than it is about the members we serve. We will endeavor to continue to deliver the service that you, our members — including the fine men and women who put their lives on the line for our country — deserve. John H. Moellering Lt. General, USA (Ret.) Chairman of the Board USAA’s strength is manifest not only in our financial capacity but also in the way our members look out for one another. $3.6 See legal information on Page 21. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 7 USAA’S MISSION The mission of the association is to facilitate the financial security of its members, associates and their families through provision of a full range of highly competitive financial products and services; in so doing, USAA seeks to be the provider of choice for the military community. LETTER FROM THE CEO DEAR FELLOW USAA MEMBERS, Every year, we report to members about how USAA performed during the past year. You report back to me, too. Every day, I get e-mails, letters and phone calls from members, telling me about their experiences with USAA. Just a few months ago, an officer on active duty in Iraq left an emotional voice mail thanking one of our member service representatives. Another lender was about to foreclose on the officer’s home in the states, and we were able to save her home from foreclosure. When we say that USAA serves you through every stage of life, we’re talking about people like that service member and moments like these: A sudden deployment. Managing debt. The birth of a baby. Buying a home. Planning for retirement. The life of military-service members and their families is one we understand, because many of us have been in those shoes and boots. USAA was created nearly 89 years ago for and by members of the military. Today, about one in five USAA employees is actively serving, has served or is a military spouse. Many more are the sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers of those who have served. 8 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS In 2010, USAA was able to serve more members and meet more needs than ever before. Our members benefited in several tangible ways. USAA invested in new technology capabilities and introduced new services to simplify your life. A great example in the past year was the introduction of the Auto Circle™ and Home Circle™ solutions, which have saved thousands of members time, money and hassle. From one simpleto-navigate website — or using a smart phone — members can now find, finance and insure a car or home. Members also have more and enhanced choices in how to do business with USAA — whether by phone, online, mobile (try our new app for the iPad®) or at one of our new faceto-face financial centers opened in select locations in 2010. GIVING BACK TO OUR MEMBERS 857M $ 2010 2009 2008 $ 1.2B 1.3B $ In 2010, USAA returned $1.3 billion to our members, associates and customers in dividends, distributions, and bank rebates and rewards — 12 percent more than the year before. See legal information on Page 21. 2010 IN NUMBERS Number of USAA employees who are actively serving, have served or are military spouses. Increase in number of USAA members. Amount paid out in home and auto claims by USAA. Reinforcing our commitment to understanding military families better than any financial services provider Growing in strength, thanks to expanding eligibility to those who have honorably served Being there for our policyholders when they most need it # 1 1 in 5 18.7B $ MORE THAN $ 165M 617,000 $ 7.4B Where USAA ranked in numerous financial industry surveys and studies. USAA’s net worth, an increase of $1.7 billion from 2009. How much USAA members saved through refinanced mortgages and car-buying services. Excelling in customer service and innovation Maintaining our ability to help keep our commitment to members Saving our members money on a diverse range of innovative products We were also able to return more money back to you in 2010. Once we met our current and projected financial needs, USAA gave back $1.3 billion to our members and customers in dividends, distributions, and bank rebates and rewards — 12 percent more than the year before. Additionally, we helped members and customers save more than $165 million last year through refinanced mortgages and car-buying services. And we carefully managed reserves to be there for our insured members in their times of loss. Last year, USAA paid out $7.4 billion in auto and home claims, despite a year with no major hurricanes along U.S. coasts. More members of the military community are now eligible to join USAA. After expanding membership in 2009 to all who have honorably served in the U.S. military, USAA now has more than 8 million members. We also forged new relationships with a number of militaryrelated organizations in 2010, including See legal information on Page 21. The American Legion and the Military Officers Association of America. These relationships are a logical extension of our mission to facilitate the financial security of our military members and their families. Our members continued to enjoy awardwinning service levels and reported 97 percent customer satisfaction. In fact, USAA again garnered numerous top scores for customer service from leading research firms such as J.D. Power, Forrester Research, Inc. and others. Of course, the ability to serve more members and meet more needs rests on a foundation of financial strength. You will see in the pages ahead that USAA grew stronger in 2010. Thanks in part to more efficient operations and prudent financial management, our net worth — the best measure of our ability to keep our commitment to our members today and in the future — increased $1.7 billion, to a record $18.7 billion. One valuable asset that doesn’t appear on our balance sheet is the bond of trust between USAA and our members. The core values that guide the military also inspire USAA to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. As we move into another year of business and regulatory challenges, we intend to continue earning your trust by knowing you and serving you better through every stage of life. Sincerely, Josue (Joe) Robles Jr. Maj. General, USA (Ret.) President and Chief Executive Officer USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 9 HOW WE SERVE YOU Serving our members means more than just o≠ering a full range of financial products and services. It means helping you meet your financial needs for every facet and stage of your life. Insurance Banking Investments Retirement Advice Comprehensive protection backed by competitive rates and exceptional service on auto, home and life insurance, and more. Members who switch save an average of $450 a year on auto insurance. Savings and service you expect from USAA Bank, with the 24/7 convenience of online and mobile banking. USAA refunds up to $15 per month in ATM fees charged by other banks nationwide. USAA offers a full range of investment solutions, including mutual funds, IRAs, brokerage services, college savings choices and more. A complete suite of products designed to help you manage your wealth and deliver retirement income, backed by professional help from our retirement advisors. Guidance to help you achieve your financial goals, including personalized fee-based planning and free advice for every stage of your life from licensed, salaried financial professionals. I N V E S T M E N T S SPECIAL MILITARY PRODUCTS & SERVICES MILITARY PROTECTION PLUS LIFE INSURANCE MILITARY CHECKING FOR RECRUITS DEPLOYED-MEMBER BENEFITS MILITARY PCS BENEFITS SURVIVORSHIP SERVICES PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE AUTO INSURANCE MOTORCYCLE, BOAT, ANTIQUE AUTO & RV INSURANCE UMBRELLA INSURANCE HOME INSURANCE RENTERS & RENTAL PROPERTY INSURANCE VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE FLOOD & WIND INSURANCE SPECIALTY PROPERTY INSURANCE MEMBER-OWNER BUSINESS INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE TERM LIFE INSURANCE PERMANENT LIFE INSURANCE SAVINGS & INCOME ANNUITIES MEDICARE SOLUTIONS INVESTMENTS MUTUAL FUNDS INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS BROKERAGE SERVICES COLLEGE SAVINGS RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS PERSONAL ASSET MANAGEMENT BANKING CHECKING SAVINGS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT CREDIT CARDS HOME MORTGAGE LOANS HOME EQUITY LOANS AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS ADVICE & ADVISORY SERVICES FREE FINANCIAL ADVICE PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING RETIREMENT PLANNING WEALTH MANAGEMENT TRUST SERVICES MARKET NEWS & RESEARCH ADVICE ARTICLES & CALCULATORS SERVICES & INNOVATIONS AUTO CIRCLE™ CAR BUYING SERVICE HOME CIRCLE™ MOVERSADVANTAGE ® LEARN MORE AT USAA.COM DEPOSIT@HOME® MOBILE APPS FOR IPHONE®, ANDROID™ & BLACKBERRY™ DEPOSIT@MOBILE® EASY DEPOSIT WEB BILLPAY® CREDIT CHECK MONITORING USAA® MONEY MANAGER BUDGETING TOOL Investing in securities products involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Investments/Insurance: Not FDIC Insured · Not Bank Issued, Guaranteed or Underwritten · May Lose Value 10 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS Products and services listed are offered through USAA and its affiliates. Data collected from publicly available sources. See more legal information on Page 21. USAA IS YOUR ANYTIME, ANYWHERE BANKER Find out about USAA Mobile banking and more at Banking can be convenient — even enjoyable — if you do business with a bank that puts its membership first. At USAA Bank, we believe that: Your financial needs are our top priority. Banking is something you should be able to do anywhere, anytime. That’s why we offer checking with no monthly service fees, ATM fee refunds, and credit cards with rich rewards and no annual fee.1 To make your life easier, we offer free account alerts, Web BillPay® and automatic budgeting help with the USAA® Money Manager personal budgeting tool2 — all available on or USAA’s mobile apps. Making a deposit shouldn’t mean making a trip. We were the first to provide Deposit@Home,® Deposit@Mobile® and, most recently, USAA Easy Deposit for qualifying members. Military life is special, so we provide special benefits. For our active military members who are called to serve our country, we reimburse foreign transaction fees and lower credit card interest rates to 4 percent — even lower than the 6 percent the government requires.3 USAA BANK RETURNED $424 MILLION TO MEMBERS IN THE FORM OF BANK REBATES (INCLUDING ATM FEES) AND REWARDS IN 2010.4 USAA CREDIT CARDS OFFER AN AVERAGE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE THAT IS 43% LOWER THAN THE NATIONAL AVERAGE APR.* USAA IS YOUR ONE-STOP SHOPPER, LENDER AND INSURER USAA IS YOUR RETIREMENT ADVISOR By choosing USAA to assist in your retirement plan, you selected the services of licensed advisors who see the big picture and work together toward a common goal: turning your hard-earned savings into a retirement plan. At USAA Retirement Solutions, we believe that: USAA Auto Circle™ Find, finance and insure your new vehicle at or on your USAA Mobile App for iPhone® or Android.™ Your life is built on a strong set of values. Your retirement plan should be, too. If service, loyalty, honesty and integrity are the keys to developing a retirement plan, we can help you. Plus, no other financial services organization knows the military like USAA. USAA MEMBERS SAVE AN AVERAGE OF $4,573 OFF MSRP WHEN BUYING A NEW CAR OR TRUCK THROUGH AUTO CIRCLE. 5 You shouldn’t feel pressured. We understand that making informed choices takes time — and consideration. Our retirement advisors work on salary, so we’re committed to serving your interests. A multilayered retirement plan with plenty of choices is a must. USAA Home Circle™ USAA offers a full range of retirement services, including income and asset management strategies, legacy planning and health care solutions. Buy, sell, finance, insure and even rent your home at HAVING ENOUGH MONEY SAVED FOR RETIREMENT IS THE NO. 1 FINANCIAL CONCERN OF OUR MEMBERS. GET UP TO A IN 2010, USAA HELPED MEMBERS NEARLY 500,000 TIMES IN PREPARING FOR THEIR RETIREMENT. $3,100 CASH BONUS WHEN YOU BUY AND SELL YOUR HOME VIA USAA MOVERSADVANTAGE,® A PART OF HOME CIRCLE.6 USAA IS YOUR MAKE-LIFE-EASY INNOVATOR USAA App for iPad ® USAA Easy Deposit USAA Financial Centers Built from the ground up to fully leverage the interactivity of the iPad,® the app delivers many of the transactional features already found on USAA’s App for iPhone,® but also adds world-class content, news and advice. Our newest way for you to instantly transfer checks for deposit in your USAA checking or savings account.7 At select locations in the U.S., you can now stop in and meet face to face with service representatives to open a bank account or auto insurance policy, or get help on more complex financial decisions by videoconferencing with a USAA financial planner. On-site USAA ATMs also make bank transactions easy. GO TO THE APPLE® IPAD® APP STORE® TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE USAA APP FOR IPAD. USAA EASY DEPOSIT WILL BE AVAILABLE AT 1,900 LOCATIONS OF THE UPS STORE THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY BY APRIL. FIND A USAA FINANCIAL CENTER LOCATION NEAR YOU AT USAA.COM/FINANCIALCENTER. *Argus Information and Advisory Services: 3Q 2010 Key Performance Indicator Study. You must qualify for USAA’s Deposit@Home® and Deposit@Mobile;® eligibility for USAA property and casualty insurance and credit qualification required. See more legal information on Page 21. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 11 USAA IS OUR Imparting the Core Values of Service, Loyalty, Honesty and Integrity Highly Ranked in FORTUNE’s 100 Best Companies to Work For ® Norma Renteria Christopher Wahl EMPLOYEE SINCE 2001 EMPLOYEE SINCE 2010 You want Norma Renteria on your side. Christopher Wahl walks the walk while he talks the talk. She took the call from a deployed military officer who was already fighting one battle overseas. The member had just found out her home was hours from entering foreclosure, and she frantically called USAA for help. Norma quickly leapt into the fray, using some quick thinking and more than a little determination to solve the problem and save the member’s house. The thankful officer was then able to return her focus to where it belonged: on her troops in the field. Norma and USAA had her back, even from several thousand miles away. 12 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS Only days after joining USAA as an investment services representative, Chris started getting the idea in his head that a second career might be perfect for him. Inspired by the active-duty and veteran military members he spoke with every day, Chris decided to enlist in the Army Reserves and apply to Officer Candidate School. He will start basic training in May and attend OCS in August. But his job will be waiting for him at USAA when his service is complete, and then he’ll number among the 20 percent of USAA employees who are actively serving, have served or are military spouses. OUR MEMBERSHIP Nearly 89 years ago, a group of 25 Army officers formed USAA when they banded together to insure each other’s automobiles. Today, USAA is open to all those who have served their country honorably. In turn, we are proud to serve more than 8 million active-duty service members and veterans of all ranks and grades, as well as their families. 2010 AT A GLANCE MEMBERSHIP INCREASED BY: MEMBERSHIP GROWTH: 617,000 MEMBER RETENTION: 98% 1980 1990 2000 2009 2010 1922 25 1.2M 2.0M 4.4M 7.4M 8.0M MEMBER SATISFACTION: 97% OUR MOBILE MEMBERSHIP Nearly More than 175% 15,000 $ $ growth in use of USAA Mobile logins to USAA Mobile every hour deposited via Deposit@Mobile® every minute deposited safely and securely via smart phones since Deposit@Mobile launched in 2009 6,000 2 Billion OUR AWARDS & ACCOLADES #1 “Best in Class” COMPUTERWORLD’S IN JAVELIN STRATEGY & RESEARCH’S 2010 MOBILE BANKING SCORECARD #1 Best Place to Work in Information Technology August 19, 2010 June 21, 2010 Top-Ranked Named Company BY CONSUMERS FOR CUSTOMER ADVOCACY IN BANKING AND INSURANCE 2010 J.D. Power U.S. Auto Insurance Study: USAA HIGHEST RATED INSURER August 3, 2010 2010 J.D. Power U.S. Homeowners Insurance Study: Forrester Research, Inc., an independent research firm “Customer Advocacy 2010: How Customers Rate U.S. Banks, Investment Firms, and Insurers,” January 29, 2010 USAA HIGHEST RATED INSURER October 5, 2010 529 COLLEGE SAVINGS PLAN Ranked #1 For 3-year and 5-year performance* by, December 31, 2010 Ranked #2 InformationWeek’s 2010 TOP 10 MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANIES (#7 Overall, #1 in Insurance) September 15, 2010 CUSTOMER SERVICE CHAMPS Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine, February 2010 Only company ranked in top two every year since list inception *Ranking based on the plan’s relevant portfolio performance in seven unique asset allocation categories. USAA’s College Savings Plan ranked No. 7 out of 49 for the 1-year period, ranked No. 1 out of 47 for the 3-year period and ranked No. 1 out of 37 for the 5-year period, all as of December 31, 2010. Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the USAA College Savings Plan (Plan) carefully before investing. Call 1-800-292-8825 to request a Plan Description and Participation Agreement containing this and other information about the Plan. Read it carefully before investing. If you or the beneficiary are not residents of the State of Nevada, consider before investing whether your or the beneficiary’s home state offers a 529 plan that provides its taxpayers with state tax and other benefits not available through this Plan. Please consult your tax advisor. Investing in securities products involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment and insurance products are not deposits, not insured by FDIC or any government agency, not guaranteed by the Bank. Investment and certain insurance products may lose value. Investments provided by USAA Investment Management Company and USAA Financial Advisors Inc., both registered broker dealers. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 13 OUR FINANCIAL STRENGTH MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR FINANCIAL REPORTING The management of USAA is responsible for the integrity and objectivity of the financial information presented in this annual report. Due to the volume of financial information contained in the audited consolidated financial statements, which includes the financial statements as well as the accompanying footnotes, we have chosen not to include the full audited consolidated financial statements in this Report to Members. The financial statements that appear in this document have been selected from the audited consolidated financial statements to give basic and necessary financial information about USAA. Certain prior year amounts were reclassified to conform to the current year presentation. The selected financial information was prepared by USAA in accordance with Accounting Principles Generally Accepted in the United States of America (GAAP), except for the key statutory data, which was prepared in accordance with Statutory Accounting Principles (SAP). Management believes the financial information contained in the audited consolidated financial statements fairly presents USAA’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows. A copy of the complete audited consolidated financial statements of USAA, including Ernst & Young LLP’s unqualified independent auditors’ report thereon, is available upon request to USAA headquarters in San Antonio, Texas. USAA’s internal controls are designed to reasonably ensure that USAA’s assets are safeguarded from unauthorized use or disposition and that USAA’s transactions are authorized, executed and recorded properly. In addition, USAA has a professional staff of internal auditors who monitor these controls on an independent basis. The Finance and Audit Committee of USAA’s Board of Directors engaged Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors to audit USAA’s financial statements and express an opinion thereon. Ernst & Young LLP’s audit included consideration of USAA’s internal controls over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that support their financial statement audit opinion, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of USAA’s internal controls over financial reporting. USAA HIGHLIGHTS The Finance and Audit Committee of USAA’s Board of Directors consists of five members, who are not officers or employees of USAA. This committee meets periodically with management, internal auditors and Ernst & Young LLP to ensure that management fulfills its responsibility for accounting controls and preparation of the consolidated financial statements and related data. Josue (Joe) Robles Jr. Maj. General, USA (Ret.) President and Chief Executive Officer Kristi A A. Matus Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer Years Ended December 31 2010 2009 2008 TOTAL MEMBERS (in millions) 8.0 7.4 7.0 TOTAL PRODUCTS (in millions) 33.5 30.8 29.1 TOTAL EMPLOYEES (in thousands) 22.6 21.5 21.9 2010 2009 2008 Revenue Expenses Net income $17,946 15,309 2,637 $17,558 14,538 3,020 $12,912 12,489 423 Assets owned Assets owned and managed Total liabilities Net worth 94,262 147,858 75,551 18,711 79,905 137,288 62,888 17,017 68,296 119,550 53,716 14,580 USAA CONSOLIDATED (Dollars in millions) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF NET WORTH Standing strong for tomorrow Years Ended December 31 (Dollars in millions) A solid financial position enables USAA to be there for our members year after year. In 2010, USAA’s net worth increased by 10 percent to $18.7 billion. NET WORTH Net worth ensures the stability of USAA by providing that future potential losses can be covered, regulatory and rating agency requirements can be met, and funding is available for current and future operations. Because of our financial strength, you can count on USAA to be here for you through every stage of life. $17.0 $13.1 2006 14 $14.4 $14.6 2007 2008 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 2009 $18.7 2010 2009 2008 $17,017 $14,580 $14,377 Beginning of year Net income 2,637 3,020 423 Distributions to subscribers (687) (597) (376) Unrealized losses on securities during year, net of income taxes and — — (36) reclassification adjustments Other (includes change in accounting principles) (256) 14 192 TOTAL NET WORTH NET WORTH (in billions) 2010 $18,711 $17,017 $14,580 MEMBER DISTRIBUTIONS Sharing our success Years Ended December 31 (Dollars in millions) We honored our commitment to provide exceptional member experience and returned a record $1.3 billion to members through distributions, dividends, and bank rebates and rewards. This 12 percent increase in distributions was achieved by USAA running an increasingly efficient operation and delivering the highest levels of service to our members. In addition to the member distributions, USAA helped members with some of the big decisions in life — refinancing mortgages and buying vehicles — saving them more than $165 million. We were also there to help members as they searched for solutions to work their way back to solid financial ground. Subscriber’s Account distributions Automobile policyholder dividends 2010 2009 2008 $416 $339 $170 178 151 69 Total automobile policyholder dividends and Subscriber’s Account distributions Subscriber’s Account Senior Bonus* Subscriber’s Account terminations 594 149 122 490 132 126 239 121 85 Total property and casualty distributions Life insurance policyholder dividends Bank rebates and rewards 865 44 424 748 44 396 445 44 368 $1,333 $1,188 $857 TOTAL DISTRIBUTIONS TO MEMBERS** DISTRIBUTIONS TO MEMBERS (in millions) Past dividends or distributions are not a guarantee or promise of future dividends or distributions. $1,333 $1,188 $795 2006 *Members of the association with more than 40 years of membership may be eligible for the Senior Bonus, which is an additional distribution from the member’s Subscriber’s Account. **Includes amounts returned to members, associates and other customers. $910 $857 2007 2008 2009 2010 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS Thriving through it all Years Ended December 31 (Dollars in millions) USAA saw assets grow by 18 percent to $94 billion, which was largely fueled by strong product volumes. Also contributing to this growth were previously securitized bank loans, which came back onto the balance sheet in 2010 in accordance with new accounting standards. ASSETS As each business segment of USAA continues to grow, we will remain focused on being highly competitive and an industry leader in financial strength and member service. ASSETS (in billions) $79.9 2006 2009 2008 $8,786 $7,435 $6,277 35,033 1,956 37,548 2,124 1,343 473 6,999 31,633 1,587 28,739 1,977 1,380 459 6,695 23,634 1,284 26,532 1,812 1,469 754 6,534 $94,262 $79,905 $68,296 Insurance reserves Life insurance — funds on deposit Bank deposits Borrowings*** Securities lending payable Other liabilities $14,062 $13,061 $12,158 13,626 39,775 3,441 477 4,170 11,544 33,467 534 478 3,804 8,423 28,954 610 754 2,817 TOTAL LIABILITIES $75,551 $62,888 $53,716 18,711 17,017 14,580 $94,262 $79,905 $68,296 Cash and cash equivalents Investments Real estate investments, net Bank loans, net*** Premiums due from policyholders Property and equipment, net Securities lending collateral Other assets TOTAL ASSETS $94.3 $60.3 2010 $67.2 $68.3 2007 2008 2009 2010 LIABILITIES NET WORTH Total net worth TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH ***In accordance with new accounting standards, certain off balance sheet securitized bank loans and related borrowings are now included in our 2010 results. RATINGS OF FINANCIAL STRENGTH Fulfilling our commitment Contributing to our position as an industry leader, USAA Property and Casualty Insurance Group was the only property and casualty insurer to maintain the highest possible financial strength ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies. These independent assessments of USAA’s financial strength acknowledge our ability to fulfill our commitment to members. USAA PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE GROUP A++ A.M. Best Company USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK AAA Moody’s Investors Service Standard & Poor’s USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES A++ TOP 15% OF PEER GROUP SUPERIOR Highline Banking Data Services IDC Financial Publishing Inc. See legal information on Page 21. Aaa (Superior, highest (Exceptional, highest (Extremely Strong, highest of 16 possible ratings) of 21 possible ratings) of 21 possible ratings) Aa1 AAA (Superior, highest (Excellent, second highest (Extremely Strong, highest of 16 possible ratings) of 21 possible ratings) of 21 possible ratings) A.M. Best Company Moody’s Investors Service Standard & Poor’s USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 15 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME Committing to quality Years Ended December 31 (Dollars in millions) A continued focus on member experience, proactive expense control and rigorous management of risk contributed to a highly successful year financially, with a net income of $2.6 billion. REVENUE Revenue of $18 billion came mostly from strong product sales and retention. In addition to members turning to us as a provider for their financial assets, more new members looked to USAA to help meet their financial needs. A record 617,000 net new members joined USAA in 2010. Never forgetting that we are stewards of the membership’s assets, USAA continued to practice exceptional expense control, evident in our property and casualty insurance operation delivering an industry-leading operating expense ratio of 23.6 percent, our lowest in more than 50 years. $653 $2,917 $2,928 $2,221 Net losses, benefits and settlement expenses Deferred policy acquisition costs Real estate investment expenses Interest expense Dividends to policyholders Other operating expenses Total losses, benefits and expenses Pre-tax income Income tax expense (benefit) 2006 2007 ALL OTHER INCOME UNREALIZED GAINS (LOSSES) ON SECURITIES UNSOLD, NET* 2008 2009 2009 2008 $11,205 $10,363 $9,641 1,715 346 1,667 183 1,517 584 653 2,090 (1,847) 2,714 3,422 190 3,940 2,408 146 254 2,008 171 — 415 385 316 368 470 17,946 17,558 12,912 9,160 556 153 604 223 3,669 8,340 495 116 516 196 3,584 8,353 471 110 688 114 2,785 14,365 13,247 12,521 3,581 944 4,311 1,291 $2,637 $3,020 LOSSES, BENEFITS AND EXPENSES $2,090 $2,238 Total investment return Fees, sales and loan income, net Real estate investment income Servicing and contractual income on securitizations Other revenue Total revenue PRE-TAX INCOME (in millions) $2,388 Insurance premiums Investment returns: Interest and dividends earned, net Realized gains on securities sold, net Unrealized gains (losses) on securities unsold, net 2010 2010 NET INCOME 391 (32) $423 ($1,847) *In 2008, USAA modified the presentation of unrealized gains (losses) from net worth to income. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Maintaining our focus Years Ended December 31 (Dollars in millions) USAA produced positive operating cash flows of $4.9 billion due to strong operational performance, prudent expense management and continued growth in product volumes. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Every month in 2010, USAA saw positive net cash flows coming from our member investment activities, evidence of members’ trust in the financial stability of USAA. As we continue to build our member insight and understanding, USAA will remain steadfast in our commitment to quality and member satisfaction. This level of member trust is not something we take lightly, and USAA will continue to be here for our members in their search for financial solutions and stability. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (in billions) $4.9 $3.3 $2.8 2007 2008 $2,637 Net income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Increase in insurance reserves 645 Interest credited on policyholder deposits 574 Net realized gains (346) Unrealized (gains) losses on securities unsold, net (648) Increase in premiums due from policyholders (147) Depreciation and amortization 173 Equity loss (earnings) in real estate partnerships 5 Decrease (increase) in loans held for sale 1,137 Change in other assets/liabilities 835 Net cash provided by operating activities 2009 2008 $3,020 $423 581 524 (183) 508 427 (584) (1,920) (164) 143 1,710 (120) 189 7 (351) 1,337 (3) 1,387 (655) 2,994 3,282 4,283 (7,381) (1,010) (421) 4,360 (8,399) (2,568) (407) 14,244 (16,894) (2,367) (421) (4,529) (7,014) (5,438) (687) (5,527) 6,309 920 (595) (76) 4,513 1,336 (373) 161 2,068 997 1,015 5,178 2,853 1,351 1,158 697 7,435 6,277 5,580 $8,786 $7,435 $6,277 4,865 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES $3.0 $2.3 2006 2010 2009 2010 Proceeds from investments sold or matured Cost of investments acquired Net increase in bank loans Other uses Net cash used in investing activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Subscriber’s Account distributions Net (repayment) borrowing of debt Net increase in bank deposits Other Net cash provided by financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS — BEGINNING OF YEAR CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS — END OF YEAR 16 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS OUR RESPONSIBILITY SERVING OUR MEMBERS MEANS SERVING OUR COMMUNITIES Giving back to the places where they live and to the causes in which they believe remains a vital mission to USAA and its employees and retirees. Through significant gifts of time and money, we’ve made a difference both locally and nationwide. United Way More than 98 percent of USAA employees pledged to give a record $6.7 million to the United Way in 2010. With additional funds from USAA retirees and The USAA Foundation, a total of more than $10.3 million will enable United Way to support services for organizations nationwide. MORE THAN $10.3 MILLION GENERATED IN SUPPORT OF UNITED WAY Volunteering In 2010, more than 7,800 employee and retiree volunteers reported more than 368,000 hours given. This is equivalent to nearly 7.7 MILLION IN VALUE GIVEN BACK TO THEIR COMMUNITIES $ Educating consumers The USAA Educational Foundation ® provides consumers with good information to make informed decisions on important personal and financial issues. The Foundation, a nonprofit organization, offers a series of free guides available online or by mail at 5.2 MILLION PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTED BY THE USAA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION The 2010 San Antonio United ited Way campaign artwork was created eated by Bill Kleinedler. After being g struck by an IED while serving in n Iraq in 2006, Bill spent three years in surgery and rehabilitation ation before he could again hold d and use a pencil. He finally was able to return to his passion ion of painting and creation, and strives to show others there ere is help, healing and hope e even in their darkest hours. rs. Charitable contributions USAA, the USAA Federal Savings Bank and The USAA Foundation contributed more than 13 MILLION TO NONPROFITS $ SERVING OUR MEMBERS MEANS SERVING OUR ENVIRONMENT Through our enterprise sustainability program, USAA is committed to conducting business as a responsible steward of our natural resources. We are focused on taking better care of the environment through sound, sustainable business practices that help save money for the membership. In 2010, our continued efforts to be green were recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency with EnergyStar™ awards for our San Antonio, Phoenix, Colorado Springs and Tampa campuses. Fuel and emissions Our Commuter Carpool Program saved more than 3.6 million miles of driving and reduced carbon emissions by more than 1,800 tons. Also, USAA saved 125,000 gallons of vehicle fuel in 2010 by using more fuel-efficient vehicles, including seven electric and 11 hybrid cars and trucks, in our corporate fleet. 125,000 GALLONS OF VEHICLE FUEL SAVED IN 2010 Energy Recycling In 2010, USAA agreed to purchase 25 percent of its electrical power from renewable energy sources — including wind power — in its San Antonio and Phoenix offices. This made USAA one of the top FORTUNE 500® purchasers of renewable energy in the country, per the EPA’s Green Power Partnership Program. These alternative energy initiatives saved the equivalent of enough power to supply more than 2,300 homes for a year. USAA RECYCLED 67% OF ITS WASTE USAA’S OVERALL ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION DECREASED BY 13% This included nearly 4,700 tons of paper, glass, electronics and other materials. We also removed all plastic foam products from our workplace cafeterias and replaced them with recyclable, compostable or reusable service ware. Water In 2010, USAA reduced fresh water consumption by 29 MILLION GALLONS Paper More than 3.9 million members chose to have their USAA documents delivered electronically in 2010. MORE THAN 943 MILLION PAGES WERE SAVED FROM BEING PRINTED AND MAILED This is equal to approximately 122,000 trees and helped USAA save more than $73 million. See legal information on Page 21. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 17 OUR 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sixteen accomplished individuals who have distinguished themselves through their military and civilian careers comprise the USAA Board of Directors. Board members conduct regular, formal evaluations of the CEO and corporate performance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Lt. General John H. Moellering, USA (Ret.) Member since 1959. Elected 1996. The former president and chief executive officer of Lear Siegler Services Inc., Moellering is the founder of management consultancy JM Associates, the board vice chairman for Village Gardens Realty and Village Gardens LLC, and is a member of the adjunct faculty of the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina. He also serves on the boards of the Research Triangle Institute International and the National Defense Industrial Association. Moellering retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant general following 28 years of distinguished service. After early formative assignments in combat and engineering units, which included combat in Vietnam, his key command assignments included command of an engineer district in Vicksburg, Mississippi; assistant division commander of the 9th Infantry Division and High Tech Test Bed in Ft. Lewis, Washington; commandant of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point; and commanding general of the U.S. Army Engineer Training Center at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri. Key staff assignments included service as a White House Fellow on the White House staff; teaching on the engineering and history department faculties at West Point; executive to the Army Chief of Staff in the Pentagon; and finally, assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, Moellering holds a master’s degree in engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and is a graduate of the Stanford Business School Marketing Management Course for Senior Executives. Since joining the USAA board in 1996, Moellering has served on various committees and chaired the Finance and Audit Committee for six years before becoming the Chairman in late 2007. Chairman of the Board; Chair, Governance and Executive committees; ex officio member, Finance and Audit, Compensation and Workforce, and Marketing and Programs committees 2. Maj. General Josue Robles Jr., USA (Ret.) Member since 1967. Elected 2007. Robles is president and chief executive officer of USAA. He also served as the executive vice president, chief fi nancial officer and corporate treasurer. From 1990 to 1994, Robles was a member of the USAA Board of Directors. He joined USAA in 1994 as an employee after 28 years of distinguished military service, which included serving in Korea, Vietnam, Germany and the Middle East. He was the director of the Army Budget 18 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS and was the commanding general, 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One). During his military career, Robles was recognized numerous times for service and honor. He received the Distinguished Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Legion of Merit with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster. Robles holds a bachelor of business administration degree in accounting from Kent State University and a master’s degree in business administration from Indiana State University. In addition, Robles also serves on the Boards of DTE Energy and several nonprofit organizations. Member, Governance and Executive committees 3. General John P. Abizaid, USA (Ret.) Member since 1973. Elected 2007. Abizaid is an independent consultant on international and strategic issues, a director of RPM International Inc. and Defense Venture Group, and an advisory board member of several corporations. He also serves as the Distinguished Chair of West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center. Abizaid’s 34-year Army career included serving as the Commander of the United States Central Command, overseeing American military operations in a 27-country region, from the Horn of Africa to the Arabian Peninsula and South and Central Asia, covering much of the Middle East while supervising 250,000 U.S. troops. He commanded troops during the invasion of Grenada, the Gulf War and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Abizaid was also the executive assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, director of strategic plans and policy on the Joint Staff and director of Joint Staff. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Abizaid holds a master’s degree in area studies from Harvard University, and was an Olmsted scholar at the University of Jordan. As a member of the USAA board, Abizaid served on the Finance and Audit Committee before becoming a member and then vice chair of the Marketing and Programs Committee. Vice Chair, Marketing and Programs Committee 4. Patricia C. Barron Member since 1972. Elected 2000. Barron is the lead director of Quaker Chemical Corp. and a director of Ultralife Corporation and Teleflex Inc. She is a former professor at the Stern School of Business, New York University. She serves as a trustee of several nonprofits that focus on her interests in education and health. She also served as president of two Xerox divisions and as vice president, Business Operations Support. Barron graduated from Bedford College of Physical Education in the United Kingdom and holds a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard Business School. As a member of the USAA board, Barron served as vice chair of the Finance and Audit Committee, and chair of the Compensation and Workforce Committee. Chair, Compensation and Workforce Committee; member, Governance and Executive committees 5. Colonel Herman E. Bulls, USAR (Ret.) Member since 1977. Elected 2010. Bulls is the founder and chief executive officer of Jones Lang LaSalle’s Public Institutions division, specializing in delivering real estate solutions to government entities, nonprofit organizations, transportation facilities and higher education institutions. He is also president and chief executive officer of Bulls Advisory Group LLC. He co-founded and served as CEO of Bulls Capital Partners LLC, a commercial mortgage company which included SunTrust and Goldman Sachs as successive partners. The company was sold to a Wall Street entity in 2010. He is on the boards of directors of Comfort Systems, USA and Rasmussen Inc. and is vice chair of the West Point Association of Graduates Board of Directors. Bulls completed almost 12 years of active duty service with the United States Army. His last active duty assignments were working in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management at the Pentagon and as an assistant professor of economics and finance at West Point. He has completed the Army’s Airborne, Ranger and Command and General Staff College courses and served overseas in the Republic of Korea. He retired as a colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves in 2008. He is a member of the Executive Leadership Council, an organization of senior African American business executives from FORTUNE 500® companies, and former chairman of the board of directors of the Executive Leadership Foundation. Bulls received a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a master’s of business administration degree in fi nance from Harvard Business School. Member, Finance and Audit Committee 6. Lt. General Thomas P. Carney, USA (Ret.) Member since 1963. Elected 1997. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, Carney is an independent consultant to the defense industry and chairman of CALIBRE Systems Inc. He held a variety of key command and staff positions, including director, program analysis and evaluation, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army; commanding general, 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Polk, Louisiana; commanding general, U.S. Army Recruiting Command; assistant division commander, 82nd Airborne Division; executive to the vice chief of staff, Army; commander, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, Korea; and commander, 2nd Battalion (Mechanized), 87th Infantry, Mainz, Germany. Carney also served two infantry tours in Vietnam. After a 31-year military career, he served as Deputy Librarian of Congress, where he was chief executive officer. Carney earned a master’s degree in operations research and systems analysis from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. As a member of the USAA board, Carney served on the Finance and Audit Committee, as vice chair of the Personnel and Membership Committee, and chair of the Marketing and Programs Committee. Chair, Marketing and Programs Committee; member, Governance and Executive committees 7. Colonel Eileen M. Collins, USAF (Ret.) Member since 1978. Elected 2007. A former military instructor and test pilot, Collins was the first female pilot and first female commander of a space shuttle. She has logged more than 6,700 hours in 30 different types of aircraft and more than 850 hours in space as a veteran of four space fl ights. She currently serves as chair of the Space Operations Committee on the NASA Advisory Council and is a consultant in the aerospace industry. Collins earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and economics from Syracuse University, a master’s degree in operations research from Stanford University, and a master’s degree in space systems management from Webster University. As a member of the USAA board, Collins has served on the Finance and Audit Committee and the Marketing and Programs Committee. Member, Marketing and Programs Committee; Chair, USAA Advisory Panel 8. Lt. General Stephen B. Croker, USAF (Ret.) Member since 1963. Elected 1996. Following retirement from active duty, Croker trained officers and their staffs from the 26 nations of NATO, as well as all U.S. military services, in joint warfare. Currently, Croker assists the local school superintendent and area small businesses with strategic planning and assessment, and is an apprentice furniture maker. During his Air Force career, Croker served with the Air Combat Command and the Strategic Air Command, and commanded the 8th Air Force at 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. He served in the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was the military assistant to the president’s special emissary on POW and MIA affairs. He was a senior mentor at U.S. Joint Forces Command, responsible for developing Joint Task Force commanders and staffs. For the U.S. Air Force’s Operational Command Training Program, he mentored Joint Force Air Component commanders and senior officers assigned to air operations centers. Croker headed NATO’s senior mentor program and has also mentored with the U.S. Army Battle Command Training Program, as well as with officers at Air Mobility Command’s Warfare Center, Joint Forces Staff College, Air University and the Marine Corps University. A U.S. Air Force Academy graduate, Croker earned a master’s degree in international relations from Georgetown University and a master’s degree in business administration from Golden Gate University. As a member of the USAA board, Croker served on the Personnel and Membership Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee. Member, Finance and Audit Committee 9. Admiral Thomas B. Fargo, USN (Ret.) Member since 1970. Elected 2006. Fargo, former commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, joined the private sector in 2005. He currently serves on the boards of directors of Northrop Grumman and Hawaiian Electric Industries, among other companies and nonprofits. His 35-year Naval career included six assignments in Washington, D.C., and five commands in the Pacific, Indian Ocean and Middle East. He was the 20th officer to hold the position of Commander, U.S. Pacific Command, and also served as the 29th Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. His service as a leader in the Pacific was preceded by his command of the U.S. Fifth Fleet and Naval Forces of the Central Command during two years of Iraqi contingency operations. As the senior U.S. military commander in East Asia and the Pacific, he led the largest unified command while directing the joint operations of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. He was responsible to the Secretary of Defense, and was the U.S. military representative for collective defense arrangements in the Pacific. Fargo earned a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Naval Academy and has additional business and related training from Harvard University and Stanford University. As a member of the USAA board, Fargo served on the Finance and Audit Committee, and as a member and vice chair of the Compensation and Workforce Committee. Vice Chair, Compensation and Workforce Committee; Executive Committee 10. Maj. General Tracy L. Garrett, USMCR Member since 1987. Elected 2010. Garrett is currently commanding general of the 4th Marine Logistics Group, Marine Forces Reserve, United States Marine Corps. During her distinguished career she has served as commander of both Marine Forces Europe and Marine Forces Africa and as Inspector General of the Marine Corps, the first woman to hold that top post. She has served on the Secretary of the Navy’s Marine Corps Reserve Policy Board. Garrett is a graduate of the Reserve Amphibious Warfare Course, Reserve Command and Staff Course, Reserve Intelligence Officers Course and the Advanced Logistics Officers Course. She received her bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Washington and attended the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, receiving her master’s degree in national security and strategic studies. Member, Marketing and Programs Committee 11. Captain Frederick M. Hamilton, USCG (Ret.) Member since 1965. Elected 1998. Hamilton was a recognized leader in the telecommunications infrastructure industry and played a major role in shaping that industry’s new competitive market. He was formerly a vice president of network construction and maintenance for Tyco Telecommunications in Morristown, New Jersey. The company designed, manufactured and installed, as well as owned and operated, fiber optic telecommunications submarine cable systems. Hamilton has more than 30 years’ experience as an executive, manager and technical professional. He serves on the board of Forward Industries. During almost 27 years of military service, Hamilton held key command and staff positions in the U.S. Coast Guard. An honors graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Hamilton holds a master’s degree in naval architecture and marine engineering and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He also earned a master’s degree in management from the MIT Sloan School of Management. As a member of the USAA board, Hamilton has at various times served on the Personnel and Membership Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee. Member, Finance and Audit Committee; Vice Chair, USAA Advisory Panel 12. General Lester L. Lyles, USAF (Ret.) Member since 1968. Elected 2004. Lyles is a director of General Dynamics Corp., KBR Corp., Dayton Power and Light and Precision Castparts Corp. He is a member of the NASA Advisory Council and the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board. During his 35-year military career, this distinguished graduate of the Air Force ROTC program served as commander of the Air Force Materiel Command, Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, director of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center. His awards include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal and Legion of Merit. Lyles received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Howard University. He received a master’s degree in mechanical/nuclear engineering, as well as an honorary doctor of laws, from New Mexico State University. As a member of the USAA board, Lyles served on the Finance and Audit Committee, as vice chair of the Marketing and Programs Committee, as a member of the Compensation and Workforce Committee, and as vice chairman of the board. Vice Chairman of the Board; Vice Chair, Governance and Executive committees; member, Compensation and Workforce Committee 13. General Michael E. Ryan, USAF (Ret.) Member since 1964. Elected 2002. Ryan was the 16th Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, responsible for organizing, training and equipping a force of more than 700,000 active duty, reserve and civilian members. He is now the president of the consulting fi rm Ryan Associates, focused on national defense. He is chairman of the boards of CAE USA and SELEX Galileo Inc. and is a director on several other boards. During his Air Force career, he flew more than 150 combat missions and commanded at all levels, from squadron through major command. As commander of the 16th Air Force and Allied Air Forces Southern Europe in Italy, he directed NATO air combat operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which directly contributed to the Dayton Peace Accords. He also served in staff assignments at the major command level, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and the Joint Staff. Before assuming his position as chief of staff, Ryan was commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe and commander, Allied Air Forces Central Europe. A graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Ryan earned a master’s degree in business administration from Auburn University and completed the National Security Program at Harvard University. As a member of the USAA board, Ryan has at various times served on the Finance and Audit Committee, the Personnel and Membership Committee, the Compensation and Benefits Committee, and as the vice chair of the Finance and Audit Committee. Vice chair, Finance and Audit Committee 14. Rear Admiral Joseph C. Strasser Sr., USN (Ret.) Member since 1964. Elected 1998. Strasser is the former executive director of the Naval War College Foundation in Newport, Rhode Island, and currently serves as a trustee. He is the former dean of Pennsylvania State University’s Commonwealth College. Strasser had a long and successful 32-year career in the U.S. Navy, culminating in his selection for rear admiral. He commanded the U.S.S. O’Callahan, Destroyer Squadron 35, Cruiser-Destroyer Group 3 and the U.S.S. Enterprise Carrier Battle Group. He also served as executive assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and as president of the Naval War College. A U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Strasser earned master’s degrees in international relations and international law and diplomacy and a doctorate in political science, all from Tufts University. As a member of the USAA board, Strasser served as a member of the Personnel and Membership Committee and has at various times served on the Finance and Audit Committee as a member, vice chair and chair. Chair, Finance and Audit Committee; member, Governance and Executive committees 15. Lt. General Daniel W. Christman, USA (Ret.) Member since 1965. Elected 1995. Retired 2010. Christman served as the senior vice president, international affairs, for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and is currently a senior counselor to the Chamber’s president and CEO. He is on the board of Entegris Corp, Teradyne Inc., and several nonprofits. During his 36-year military career, Christman served as assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Military Committee and member of the National Security Council staff in the Office of the President. As a combat veteran of Southeast Asia, he commanded a company of the 101st Airborne Division. During the Gulf War in 1991, Christman headed a strategic planning group that advised the Army’s Chief of Staff on war prosecution policies. He also served as Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. During his stewardship, Christman launched the first-ever capital campaign for West Point — a $150 million initiative that was key to rebuilding the infrastructure and leadership development programs. He graduated first in his class from the U.S. Military Academy, and holds master’s degrees in public affairs and civil engineering from Princeton University and a juris doctorate degree from George Washington University. During his tenure as a USAA director, Christman served as a member of the Marketing and Programs committee and as vice chair of the Finance and Audit and the Personnel and Membership committees. His leadership and experience have directly contributed to the success of USAA. 16. Colonel Leslie G. Denend, USAF (Ret.) Member since 1962. Elected 1996. Retired 2010. A director of Exponent Corp., McAfee Inc. and VeriFone Corporation, Denend is the former president and chief executive officer of Network General Corporation. During his 20-year Air Force career, he served on President Reagan’s economic policy staff, and flew more than 190 combat missions in Southeast Asia. Denend had responsibilities for the defense budget, space, the Middle East and intelligence matters for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the Air Force member of the Chairman’s Staff Group. In the Carter administration, Denend shared responsibility for nuclear nonproliferation policy, human rights and refugee matters, and the issues associated with conventional arms transfers as a member of the National Security Council staff. In 1979, he became the special assistant to the President’s National Security Advisor. In the Ford administration, Denend received a White House Fellowship, serving as executive assistant to the director of the Council on International Economic Policy. A distinguished graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, he holds a master’s degree in business administration and a doctorate in economics, public policy and business from Stanford University. He was a Fulbright scholar in economics at the University of Bonn. During his tenure as a USAA director, Denend served as chair of the Finance and Audit Committee and vice chairman of the Board of Directors. He also served on the Personnel and Membership and Marketing and Programs committees. Throughout his tenure Denend demonstrated excellent leadership during a period of great change and growth for USAA. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 19 OUR 2010 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The day-to-day operations of USAA’s companies and staff agencies are managed by USAA’s Executive Council. (LEFT TO RIGHT, TOP TO BOTTOM) Josue Robles Jr. Steven Bennett Kevin Bergner David Bohne Christopher Claus Elizabeth Conklyn President and Chief Executive Officer Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer President, USAA Federal Savings Bank President, USAA Financial Advice & Solutions Group Executive Vice President, Special Projects Shon Manasco Kristi Matus Stuart Parker Wayne Peacock Stephen Speakes Wendi Strong Executive Vice President, People Services Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer President, USAA Property & Casualty Insurance Group Executive Vice President, Member Experience Executive Vice President, Enterprise Strategy & Planning Group Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications OUR 2010 ADVISORY PANEL USAA’s Advisory Panel includes members of all ages from all walks of life. Panel members provide candid and valuable feedback about USAA’s products, services, marketing campaigns and delivery methods. (LEFT TO RIGHT, TOP TO BOTTOM) Eileen Collins Fred Hamilton Deborah Binder Christina Brims Joey DuPuis Paul Grady Chair, USAA Advisory Panel Col., USAF (Ret.) San Antonio, Texas Member since 1978 Vice Chair, USAA Advisory Panel Capt., USCG (Ret.) Lewisberry, Pa. Member since 1965 Daughter of an Army officer Edmonds, Wash. Member since 1984 Widow of an Air Force officer Colorado Springs, Colo. Member since 1970 Chief Master Sgt., USAFR (Ret.) San Antonio, Texas Member since 1998 Chief Master Sgt., USAF Schertz, Texas Member since 1998 Nicole Hart April Holmes Ed Kringer Jeff Shumate Cynthia Obenland Martin Wells Widow of an Army sergeant Santa Barbara, Calif. Member since 2006 Daughter of a Navy officer Lakeway, Texas Member since 1984 Col., USAF (Ret.) Burke, Va. Member since 1974 Command Master Chief, USCG Key West, Fla. Member since 2000 Daughter of an Air Force officer Annapolis, Md. Member since 1988 Sgt. Maj., USA (Ret.) Fort Jackson, S.C. Member since 1982 Malcolm Wilkerson Amy Vigeant Capt., USA Colorado Springs, Colo. Member since 2000 Lt., USNR (Separated) Coronado, Calif. Member since 1993 22 USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS HELP USAA GO GREEN This report is environmentally friendly (thanks to recycled paper and soy-based inks) and cost-effective because of the easy-to-manufacture and easy-to-mail tabloid format. In addition, in 2011 we have begun printing all USAA marketing materials on paper containing a minimum of 10% post-consumer recycled fiber. But if you’d like to help USAA go green, join the more than 500,000 members who have opted out of receiving a printed report and instead receive it electronically. TO DO SO, LOG ON TO USAA.COM AND GO TO “My Documents,” then select “Preferences.” Scroll down to “General Documents” and select “Annual Report to Members” to receive this report electronically. You can also choose “Deliver all online” to receive all of your USAA documents electronically. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION USAA Headquarters USAA 9800 Fredericksburg Rd. San Antonio, TX 78288 (800) 531-8646 (annual report inquiries only) Independent Public Accountants Ernst & Young LLP San Antonio, Texas USAA is not a publicly held company and does not file an SEC form 10-K. Annual Meeting of USAA Members Saturday, November 19, 2011 9 a.m. (Central Standard Time) Four Seasons Resort and Club, Dallas at Las Colinas 4150 N. MacArthur Blvd. Irving, TX 75038 The USAA Educational Foundation USAA 9800 Fredericksburg Rd. San Antonio, TX 78288 INFORMATION ON USAA What does USAA mean? USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its family of other companies that provide insurance, banking and investment products. Who is a USAA member? The term “member” generally refers to current USAA customers who are eligible for property and casualty insurance, and their spouses and children who are current USAA customers. Use of the term “member” does not convey any eligibility rights for auto and property insurance products, or legal or ownership rights to USAA. Who is eligible for USAA auto and property insurance products? These products are available to current and former military members and their former dependents who meet certain membership eligibility criteria. Membership eligibility is subject to change. Adult children of USAA members are eligible to purchase USAA property and casualty insurance if their eligible parent purchased USAA property and casualty insurance. Eligible members with auto and property policies issued by United Services Automobile Association have ownership rights in USAA. Ownership rights, including Subscriber’s Accounts, do not apply to policies issued by other insurers within the USAA family of companies or to business assigned/accepted because of state insurance plans. Refer to your insurance policy to determine which company you are insured with. Contact us to find out about the benefits of your membership. OTHER Investments/Insurance: Not FDIC Insured • Not Bank Issued, Guaranteed or Underwritten • May Lose Value Printing: Nahan Design: VSA Partners Inc. Principal Photography: Ben Baker REGULATORY DISCLOSURES “USAA” and “association” mean United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. Property and casualty insurance provided by United Services Automobile Association, USAA Casualty Insurance Company, USAA General Indemnity Company, Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company, USAA County Mutual Insurance Company, USAA Texas Lloyds Company, San Antonio, TX, and is available only to persons eligible for P&C group membership. To find out if you are eligible, contact USAA. Underwriting restrictions apply. Investments provided by USAA Investment Management Company and USAA Financial Advisors Inc., both registered broker dealers. USAA Brokerage Services is a division of USAA Financial Advisors Inc., a registered broker dealer. Financial planning services and financial advice provided by USAA Financial Planning Services Insurance Agency, Inc. USAA Financial Planning Services Insurance Agency, Inc. (known as USAA Financial Insurance Company in California, Lic. #0E36312), a registered investment adviser and insurance agency and its wholly owned subsidiary, USAA Financial Advisors, Inc., a registered broker dealer. USAA Wealth Management is a service of USAA. Life insurance and annuities provided by USAA Life Insurance Company, San Antonio, TX and in New York by USAA Life Insurance Company of New York, Highland Falls, NY. Managed Accounts is a service of USAA Investment Management Company (USAA), a registered investment adviser and broker dealer. USAA Brokerage Services is a division of USAA Financial Advisors, Inc., a registered broker dealer. USAA Wealth Management is a service of USAA. USAA Strategic Fund Adviser® and USAA Global Opportunities Portfolio is a service of and USAA Private Investment Management® is a division of USAA Investment Management Company, a registered investment adviser and broker dealer. USAA Life General Agency, Inc. (LGA) (known in CA and NY as USAA Health and Life Insurance Agency) acts as an agent for select insurance companies to provide additional products to USAA members. LGA representatives are salaried and receive no commissions. Trust Services offered by USAA Federal Savings Bank. Credit Cards provided by USAA Savings Bank, other bank products by USAA Federal Savings Bank, both Member FDIC. Each company has sole financial responsibility for its own products. ©2011 USAA. All rights reserved. The content is not affiliated with or endorsed, implied or otherwise, by the United States Department of Defense or any government agency. USAA and other names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases in this publication may constitute trademarks, service marks, or trade names of USAA or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Use of any such other names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases does not imply affiliation, endorsement, or approval. PAGE 1: Auto Circle ™ is a program provided by United Services Automobile Association. Availability, eligibility restrictions, and fees may apply to certain banking, insurance or ancillary products. USAA Car Buying Service and Lowest Price Guarantee provided and operated by TrueCar, Inc. on behalf of USAA. Each company has sole liability for its own products. USAA does not broker, sell, or lease motor vehicles. To get the Lowest Price Guarantee, you must choose a dealer with a Lowest Price Guarantee icon. If you see a lower advertised price up to three days after you buy, you’ll be covered. Applies to new vehicles purchased directly from a Low Price Certified Dealer or any USAA Certified Dealer on the USAA Car Buying Service. Visit for complete guarantee terms and conditions. Guarantee is not available in Texas. PAGE 2: Investing in securities products involves risk, including possible loss of principal. There may be tax consequences associated with the transfer of assets. Indirect transfers may be subject to taxation and penalties. Consult with your own advisors regarding your particular situation. PAGE 3: You must qualify for USAA’s Deposit@Home ® and Deposit@Mobile ®; eligibility for USAA property and casualty insurance and credit qualification required. PAGE 7: A++ (Superior) from A.M. Best Co., highest of 16 possible ratings; Aaa (Exceptional) from Moody’s Investors Service, highest of 21 possible ratings; AAA (Extremely Strong) from Standard & Poor’s, highest of 21 possible ratings. PAGE 8: There is no guarantee or promise of future Subscriber’s Account allocations or distributions, auto insurance dividends, bank rebates or rewards. PAGE 9: As USAA is an insurance provider open only to U.S. military personnel and their families, it is not included in J.D. Power and Associates rankings. PAGE 10: Average auto insurance premiums/savings based on countrywide survey of new customers from 10/1/09 through 9/30/10, who reported their prior insurers’ premiums when they switched to USAA. Savings do not apply in MA. USAA does not charge a fee for the first 10 ATM withdrawals and refunds up to $15 in other banks’ ATM usage fees each month. A 1% foreign transaction fee applies to withdrawals outside the U.S. PAGE 11: 1 USAA does not charge a fee for the first 10 ATM withdrawals and refunds up to $15 in other banks’ ATM usage fees each month. A 1% foreign transaction fee applies to withdrawals outside the U.S. 2 USAA Money Manager is not an investment advisory service of USAA. 3 To receive the special active-duty credit card benefits, you must tell us when you enter active duty, start a deployment/PCS, or complete service in a qualified military campaign. SCRA benefits will begin upon our receipt of notice of your active duty and will apply only to balances made before commencement of active duty. For other benefits, we must receive notice within 90 days after the start of deployment or PCS, or within six months after completion of a military campaign. We reserve the right to require documentation. A qualified military campaign is any war or military conflict in which the President of the United States of America issues an Executive Order establishing a campaign medal. 4 There is no guarantee or promise of future bank rebates or rewards. 5 MSRP savings based on the monthly average of actual new vehicle member prices compared to MSRP for the time period 06/01/2010 to 11/30/2010. The savings calculation does not include the savings from the USAA exclusive manufacturer incentives. 6 MoversAdvantage® offered by USAA Relocation Services, Inc., a licensed real estate broker and subsidiary of USAA Federal Savings Bank. Not available for employer-sponsored relocations, or for transactions in Iowa or outside the U.S. This is not a solicitation if you are already represented by a real estate broker. Cash bonus limited in some states. Bonus ranges from $350-$1,550 based on sale price of home sold/purchased. You must enroll in program before contacting participating real estate firm and be represented by that firm at closing to qualify for bonus. Obtaining a mortgage from USAA Federal Savings Bank is optional, not required to utilize the MoversAdvantage® Program, and can be acquired from other sources. 7 Easy Deposit Service is offered only for single-party, personal checks. Cash, cashier’s checks, money orders, foreign checks, savings bonds, business checks, traveler’s checks, and multiple party checks are not eligible for Easy Deposit. High dollar deposits may not be available for immediate withdrawal. Restrictions, fees and costs apply to certain Auto Circle and Home Circle™ products. Third parties are solely responsible for their performance. Visit for complete terms and conditions. PAGE 15: Highline Banking Data Services Top 15 percent of peer group as of 3rd quarter 2010. IDC Financial Publishing, Inc. 105 consecutive Superior ratings as of 3rd quarter 2010. PAGE 17: The USAA Foundation and The USAA Educational Foundation (the “Foundations”) are nonprofit organizations sponsored by USAA. The Foundations do not endorse or promote any commercial supplier, product or service. Volunteer value to the community calculated using most recent data from Independent Sector, a leadership forum for charities, foundations and corporate giving programs. USAA 2010 REPORT TO MEMBERS 21 THANK YOU We are honored to serve active-duty military members, veterans who have honorably served and their families through every stage of their lives. USAA invites you to take advantage of these exclusive online offers on some of our most innovative products and services. Get an Apple iPad ® ® WHEN YOU CLOSE ON THE SALE OF YOUR HOME WITH MOVERSADVANTAGE,® A PART OF USAA’S HOME CIRCLE.™ for your membership and loyalty in 2010. Hurry, these exclusive online offers end June 20, 2011. Take advantage of them today. Log on to and search keyword: ThankYou2010 100 $ 50 $ BONUS BONUS when you start using USAA WEB BILLPAY® and make five payments. when you open a new USAA Checking Account with Direct Deposit and debit card use. 250 CREDIT $ with a new Get an additional 0.25 % on top of our best 2- or 3-year CD rates with a new USAA Bank CD. Investments/Insurance: Not FDIC Insured • Not Bank Issued, Guaranteed or Underwritten • May Lose Value USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its insurance, banking, investment and other companies. Banks Member FDIC. Investments provided by USAA Investment Management Company and USAA Financial Advisors Inc., both registered broker dealers. USAA Brokerage Services is a division of USAA Financial Advisors, Inc., a registered broker dealer. USAA Strategic Fund Adviser® and USAA Global Opportunities Portfolio is a service of and USAA Private Investment Management® is a division of USAA Investment Management Company, a registered investment adviser and broker dealer. Bank products by USAA Federal Savings Bank, Member FDIC. You must be eligible for USAA property and casualty insurance to qualify for these offers except the USAA Strategic Fund Adviser® (SFA) and USAA Global Opportunities Portfolio (GOP) $250 Credit offer. Offers are good from March 21, 2011, through June 20, 2011 (the “Offer Period”). To access and accept offer, you must obtain products through the USAA Thank You page at Not all offers may be presented to all members based on products member currently has with USAA. Purchase of a non property and casualty insurance product does not establish eligibility for, or membership in, USAA property and casualty insurance companies. For additional terms, restrictions and legal information, go to Receipt of offers may constitute a taxable event. Valid for U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Offers void where prohibited by law and may be modified or terminated without notice. Checking/Direct Deposit Offer: When you open a new USAA Checking Account with Direct Deposit and debit card use. Available only during the Offer Period. Offer good for new USAA Free Checking accounts only. A minimum $25 opening deposit is required. The Annual Percentage Yield as of February 15, 2011, on balances of $1,000 or more is 0.05% and may change daily. To be eligible for offer, you cannot have an existing USAA checking account prior to March 21, 2011. Access and accept offer at To receive the $100 bonus, you must: 1) open a new USAA free checking account; and 2) enroll in direct deposit with USAA Bank; and 3) make three USAA debit card transactions each month from account open date by September 20, 2011. Account holder must meet requirements by September 20, 2011, to be eligible for the bonus. Limit one $100 payment per household during the Offer Period. Checking accounts open prior to and after Offer Period are not eligible for the bonus. The $100 bonus will be deposited into the account no later than September 30, 2011. No other forms of distribution of the bonus will be allowed. Receipt of this Copyright ©2011 USAA. All rights reserved. offer may constitute a taxable event. Additional restrictions and conditions may apply. Valid for U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Void where prohibited. Offer may be modified or terminated without notice. CD Offer: Limited time offer. Minimum initial deposit and minimum balance is $1,000 for Standard CD, $95,000 for Jumbo CD and $175,000 for Super Jumbo CD through USAA Bank. Penalty for early withdrawal may reduce earnings. To be eligible for bonus rate, account holder must open a new 2- or 3-year CD through USAA Bank during the Offer Period. Bank CDs purchased prior to or after the Offer Period will not be eligible for bonus rate. Offer not valid on IRA CDs. Access and accept offer at Web BillPay Offer: Available only during Offer Period. Offer good only for existing USAA Free Checking accounts for account holders who have not used Web BillPay within 120 days prior to March 21, 2011. To receive $50, account holder must start using USAA Web BillPay during the Offer Period and make five or more payments to non-USAA payees within the Offer Period, with payment processing no later than July 20, 2011. To be eligible for the bonus, you must access, accept offer, and obtain products through the USAA Thank You page at Web BillPay transactions made before or after Offer Period are not eligible for $50 bonus. Limit one $50 payment per household, during the Offer Period. Checking account must remain open and the $50 bonus will be deposited no later than July 30, 2011. Receipt of this offer may constitute a taxable event. Additional restrictions and conditions may apply. Valid for U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Void where prohibited. Offer may be modified or terminated without notice. Strategic Fund Adviser/Global Opportunities Portfolio Offer: Offer good for a new USAA Strategic Fund Adviser® (SFA) or USAA Global Opportunities Portfolio (GOP) account opened during the Offer Period with a minimum Market Value initial deposit of $50,000 and must be funded within 75 days of account open date. To access and accept offer, you must obtain products through the USAA Thank You page at To qualify for the $250 fee credit, account must remain open and funded above the initial deposit amount (excluding market fluctuation) until December 20, 2011. Account will be credited the week of December 20, 2011. Any account closing before December 20, 2011, will forfeit the credit. The credit will be deposited to account for fees assessed and should not be considered a contribution. Accounts open prior to or after the Offer Period are not eligible to receive credit. No other forms of distribution of the $250 will be allowed. STRATEGIC FUND ADVISER® - or GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES PORTFOLIO ACCOUNT. Investing in securities products involves risk, including possible loss of principal. An investor will indirectly bear fees and expenses charged by the underlying funds in addition to direct fees and expenses charged by the portfolio as applicable. iPad/MoversAdvantage Offer: Limited time offer. Offer excluded for members selling property located in any of the eleven excluded states due to state laws. The excluded states are as follows: Alabama, Alaska, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Tennessee. You must: 1) be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; 2) enroll in the MoversAdvantage ® “selling” service during the Offer Period through the USAA Thank You page at; and 3) complete the closing on the sale of your home through the MoversAdvantage “selling” service, on or by December 31, 2011. LIMIT ONE iPad per household during Offer Period. Additional property sales during the Offer Period are not eligible for this Offer. Registration for the MoversAdvantage “selling” service prior to or after Offer Period is not eligible for this Offer. Registration for the MoversAdvantage “buying” service is not eligible for this Offer. Within four to six weeks after you fulfill all Offer Terms and confirmation of the sale by USAA Relocation Services, Inc., USAA Relocation Services, Inc. will send you a 16GB iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G, with a value not to exceed $650. MoversAdvantage® offered by USAA Relocation Services, Inc., a licensed real estate broker and subsidiary of USAA Federal Savings Bank. Not available for employersponsored relocations, or for transactions in Iowa or outside the U.S. This is not a solicitation if you are already represented by a real estate broker. Obtaining a mortgage from USAA Bank is optional, not required to utilize the MoversAdvantage® Program, and can be acquired from other sources. Subject to credit and property approval. Availability restrictions apply. Credit cards provided by USAA Savings Bank, other bank products by USAA Federal Savings Bank, Member FDIC. iPad is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. This Offer is by USAA and is not affiliated with Apple, Inc. See details at 124786-0311
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