M WARWIND AG#1 3 AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 6 0 - [2] Dual Katanas •Critical Strike(2) •Decapitate 4 Special Abilities •Combat Reflexes •Commander •Furious Charge 2015 Commander*(5) DEATHSTRYKE AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 2 6 8 19 [1] God’s Fury •Point Blank [*] Hi-Ex •Proximity Strike(2) 4 [*] Incendiary •Fire [*] Armor-Piercing 16 2 [1]500 100 CRACK SHOT: This model ignores Light Cover, and treats Heavy Cover as Light Cover. FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter. Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed. A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time. “You have been weighed and found wanting” PROXIMITY STRIKE(x): When this attack is selected, place the Blast(x) Template anywhere completely in range of this attack. Make 1 separate attack roll against each enemy model under the template. Only the initial attack roll may suffer Malfunction or gain the benefits of Aiming. Special Abilities SUNDER ARMOR: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Sunder Counter. Sunder Counter: This model suffers -2 AR. A model may only have 1 Sunder Counter at any time. •Commander •Crack Shot •Quick Draw QUICK DRAW: This model may spend 1 AP to make an Aimed ranged attack, or move up to their MV value and make a ranged attack. 2015 Commander*(5) AG#1 6 30mm POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged, this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with. DISKMASTER 3 M COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords. •Sunder Armor 16 3 COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords. FURIOUS CHARGE: This model gains an additional +1 AS and +1 PW to charge attacks. 16 3 100 DECAPITATE: If this attack Critically Hits, its target loses 1 additional HP. “With divine wrath I shall strike them down!” 2 [1]500 CRITICAL STRIKE(x): This attack Critically Hits on attack rolls of (x) or less. 3 16 30mm COMBAT REFLEXES: Enemies never gain bonuses for Charging or Gang-Up against this model. This model may stand up from prone for no AP cost. AS RF� PW RN MAL 4x2 0 19 6 [2] Bladecutters AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 2 4x2 8 19 [1] Master’s Disk •Critical Strike(3) •Decapitate M 30mm [1]500 75 CRACK SHOT: This model ignores Light Cover, and treats Heavy Cover as Light Cover. CRITICAL STRIKE(x): This attack Critically Hits on attack rolls of (x) or less. DECAPITATE: If this attack Critically Hits, its target loses 1 additional HP. ORDER(x)(y): When this model squadlinks with (x), those models gain (y) this activation. 14 “Heathens deserve no mercy!” 3 14 2 Special Abilities •Crack Shot •Order(Coils)(Crack Shot) 2015 Coil (5) M DEACON AG#1 3 6 AS RF� PW RN MAL 4 0 - [1] Annointed Blade 6 •Toxic AG#2 [1] Reckoner •Blast(2) AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 18 6 * 1 [*] Purifying Flame 14 •Fire [*] Ash Vapor •Toxic 3 16 2 Special Abilities •Commander •Inspiring Commander*(4) 30mm [1]500 75 COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords. 3x2 4 FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter. Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed. A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time. INSPIRING: Other non-Character models this model Squadlinks with gain +1 AS to all attacks, and an additional +1 PW to melee attacks. TOXIC: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Toxic Counter. Toxic Counter: This model suffers penalties based on the number of Toxic Counters on it. All Toxic Counters are removed at the end of this model’s activation. All negatives are cumulative. 1+ Counters: -2 AS to all attacks 2+ Counters: -2 PW to all attacks 3+ Counters: Each time this model spends AP on attacks, it suffers 1 automatic PW: 2 hit before resolving those attacks. 2015 SISTER OF COMPASSION AG#1 3 AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 2 4 8 18 [1] Needler Gun •Point Blank [*] Adrenaline •Restoration 4 [*] Morphine •Paralysis [*] Lifebane •Toxic 12 “Have faith, and you just might survive.” 3 Special Abilities •Medic 14 2 WEAPONSMITH AG#1 3 4 14 3 AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 2 0 - [1] Rifle Bash •Stun AG#2 [1] Angelos Rifle [*] Single Shot [*] Full-Auto •Proximity Strike(2) AS RF� PW RN MAL 19 * * 6 2 12 8 8 5 M 30mm [1]500 75 MEDIC: Other friendly, Living, models reduced to 0 HP while within 8” of this model are not killed, but instead gain 1 Dying Counter. Dying Counter: This model is prone and may not activate. If this model would ever lose HP, it is killed. At the start of the Lingering Effects Phase, if a friendly, non-dying, model with Medic is not within 8”, kill this model. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed. PARALYSIS: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Paralyzed Counter. Paralyzed Counter: When this model activates, roll a d20. On a 11 or greater it loses 1 AP and must roll again, continuing until a 10 or less is rolled, or it runs out of AP. Once this is complete, remove all Paralyzed Counters. POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged, this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with. RESTORATION: This attack may target, and automatically hit, friendly models. Friendly models hit by this attack suffer no damage and instead heal 1 HP. A model may only be healed by Restoration once per game. TOXIC: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Toxic Counter. Toxic Counter: This model suffers penalties based on the number of Toxic Counters on it. All Toxic Counters are removed at the end of this model’s activation. All negatives are cumulative. 1+ Counters: -2 AS to all attacks 2+ Counters: -2 PW to all attacks 3+ Counters: Each time this model spends AP on attacks, it suffers 1 automatic PW: 2 hit before resolving those attacks. 2015 M 30mm [1]500 75 PROXIMITY STRIKE(x): When this attack is selected, place the Blast(x) Template anywhere completely in range of this attack. Make 1 separate attack roll against each enemy model under the template. Only the initial attack roll may suffer Malfunction or gain the benefits of Aiming. STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter. Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time. SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE(x): (x) times per game, when a malfunction is rolled from a non-psychogenic attack, that model may ignore the malfunction. This ability functions even if this model is killed. “Yeah, I can fix that.” Special Abilities •Superior Maintenance(3) 12 2 2015 STRIKE AG#1 3 2 12 4 12 2 AS RF� PW RN MAL [2] Spike Gauntlets 8 3 0 •Bleed AG#2 [1] Claymore •Finishing Blow AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 0 6 12 4 12 2 [3]500 75 BLEED: Living Models hit by this attack gain 1 Bleed Counter. Bleed Counter: During the Lingering Effects Phase roll a d20. On a result of 11+ this model loses 1 HP, otherwise, remove the Bleed Counter. A model may only have 1 Bleed Counter at any time. COMBAT REFLEXES: Enemies never gain bonuses for Charging or Gang-Up against this model. This model may stand up from being prone for no AP cost. EXTREME DAMAGE: Models that fail an AR Save caused by this attack lose 2 HP. FINISHING BLOW: This attack gains 1 additional power multiplier and Extreme Damage when targeting models that are prone. HIT AND RUN: When this model kills a model with an attack, it may immediately gain 1 AP to Move. This move action ignores the rules for Breaking Free and may result in a charge. Special Abilities RETALIATION: When an enemy misses this model with a melee attack, and this model has not been killed, after all attacks are resolved this model may select 1 of its attacks and perform it against that enemy. •Combat Reflexes •Hit and Run •Retaliation 2015 Strike (3) AG#1 2 30mm “There is no darkness where they can hide.” STRIKE LEADER 3 M [2] Spike Gauntlets •Bleed AG#2 [1] Claymore •Finishing Blow AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 3 0 AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 0 6 “From the shadows we shall purge them.” Special Abilities •Combat Reflexes •Survivalist •Hit and Run •Order(Strike)(Survivalist) •Retaliation Strike (4) M 30mm [1]500 75 •May only be fielded if force includes at least 1 “Strike”. BLEED: Living Models hit by this attack gain 1 Bleed Counter. Bleed Counter: During the Lingering Effects Phase roll a d20. On a result of 11+ this model loses 1 HP, otherwise, remove the Bleed Counter. A model may only have 1 Bleed Counter at any time. COMBAT REFLEXES: Enemies never gain bonuses for Charging or Gang-Up against this model. This model may stand up from being prone for no AP cost. EXTREME DAMAGE: Models that fail an AR Save caused by this attack lose 2 HP. FINISHING BLOW: This attack gains 1 additional power multiplier and Extreme Damage when targeting models that are prone. HIT AND RUN: When this model kills a model with an attack, it may immediately gain 1 AP to Move. This move action ignores the rules for Breaking Free and may result in a charge. ORDER(x)(y): When this model squadlinks with (x), those models gain (y) this activation. RETALIATION: When an enemy misses this model with a melee attack, and this model has not been killed, after all attacks are resolved this model may select 1 of its attacks and perform it against that enemy. SURVIVALIST: If this model only spends AP on Movement during its activation, it may go On Hold for free at the end of that activation. 2015 M RAVAGE AG#1 3 6 18 AS RF� PW RN MAL 7 4 0 - [2] Double Maces •Knockdown(10) AG#2 [1] Grenade •Blast(2) AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 19 6 * 1 [*] Frag 6 [*] Stun - •Knockdown(10) •Stun 3 30mm [3]500 75 KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee attacks suffer -2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to (x)for every size larger the attacking model is than the target. STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter. Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time. Special Abilities •None 14 2 2015 Ravage (3) RAVAGE LEADER AG#1 3 6 18 AS RF� PW RN MAL 7 4 0 - [2] Double Maces •Knockdown(10) AG#2 [1] Grenade •Blast(2) AS RF� PW RN MAL 8 19 6 * 1 [*] Frag 6 [*] Stun - •Knockdown(10) •Stun 3 14 2 14 1 [1] Laser Scapel •Restoration AS RF� PW RN MAL 4 2 0 - “Always protect your medic.” 14 1 ORDER(x)(y): When this model squadlinks with (x), those models gain (y) this activation. STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter. Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time. M 30mm [1]500 50 COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords. HUMAN SHIELD: When this model is hit by an enemy non-template attack, it may force 1 friendly model within 4” to be hit by the attack instead. That attack gains an additional power multiplier for this hit (Hits from Human Shield cannot trigger Human Shield). MEDIC: Other friendly, Living, models reduced to 0 HP while within 8” of this model are not killed, but instead gain 1 Dying Counter. Dying Counter: This model is prone and may not activate. If this model would ever lose HP, it is killed. At the start of the Lingering Effects Phase, if a friendly, non-dying, model with Medic is not within 8”, kill this model. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed. RESTORATION: This attack may target, and automatically hit, friendly models. Friendly models hit by this attack suffer no damage and instead heal 1 HP. A model may only be healed by Restoration once per game. •Commander •Human Shield •Medic 2015 Commander*(1) [1] Saw Strike AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 4 0 - M 30mm [1]500 50 FINAL STRIKE: When this model would be killed, it may make a PS Check. On a success it may select and perform 1 of its attacks before being removed. FURIOUS CHARGE: This model gains an additional +1 AS and +1 PW to charge attacks. HUMAN SHIELD: When this model is hit by an enemy non-template attack, it may force 1 friendly model within 4” to be hit by the attack instead. That attack gains an additional power multiplier for this hit (Hits from Human Shield cannot trigger Human Shield). 4 3 KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee attacks suffer -2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to (x)for every size larger the attacking model is than the target. Special Abilities AG#1 14 FURIOUS CHARGE: This model gains an additional +1 AS and +1 PW to charge attacks. 2015 SHEPHERD 3 75 Ravage (4) 6 3 [1]500 •Order(Ravage)(Furious Charge) •Furious Charge AG#1 12 30mm Special Abilities FIELD MEDIC 3 M •May only be fielded if force includes at least 1 “Ravage”. ORDER(x)(y): When this model squadlinks with (x), those models gain (y) this activation. “Ours is a calling most sacred! Live for battle! Battle for life!” Special Abilities •Final Strike •Furious Charge •Human Shield •Order(Flock)(Furious Charge) Flock (4) 2015 HANIEL AG#1 3 4 14 3 12 1 [1] Storm Rifle [*] Scattershot [*] Armor Piercing •Sunder Armor AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 2 * * 18 4 SP 6 8 “For faith and duty we keep safe the hidden paths.” Special Abilities 6 14 3 30mm [2]500 50 ENHANCED OPTICS: When this model Aims, it gains an additional +1 AS, ignores Light Cover, and treats Heavy Cover as Light Cover for this attack. HIT AND RUN: When this model kills a model with an attack, it may immediately gain 1 AP to Move. This move action ignores the rules for Breaking Free and may result in a charge. INFILTRATE: This model is only deployed after all non-Infiltrating models have been deployed. This model may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 12” from an enemy deployment zone. STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may stand up from prone for no AP cost. SUNDER ARMOR: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Sunder Counter. Sunder Counter: This model suffers -2 AR. A model may only have 1 Sunder Counter at any time. •Enhanced Optics •Hit and Run •Infiltrate •Strider 2015 Haniel (2) M COIL 3 M AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL 4 4 0 - AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 2 4x2 8 18 [1] Baton Strike [1] Death Disk 30mm [3]500 50 CRITICAL STRIKE(x): This attack Critically Hits on attack rolls of (x) or less. SNIPER(x): When this model Aims, its ranged attacks gain Critical Strike(x), where (x) is equal to this model’s Sniper(x) value. “Every death brings us a step closer to repentance.” Special Abilities •Sniper(3) 12 1 2015 Coil (3) COIL LEADER AG#1 3 6 14 3 12 1 [1] Baton Strike AG#2 [1] Death Disk AS RF� PW RN MAL 4 4 0 AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 2 4x2 8 18 30mm [1]500 50 ORDER(x)(y): When this model squadlinks with (x), those models gain (y) this activation. SNIPER(x): When this model Aims, its ranged attacks gain Critical Strike(x), where (x) is equal to this model’s Sniper(x) value. QUICK DRAW: This model may spend 1 AP to make an Aimed ranged attack, or move up to their MV value and make a ranged attack. “No mercy for the sinful!” Special Abilities •Sniper(3) •Order(Coils)(Quick Draw) •Quick Draw 2015 Coil (4) M BANE AG#1 3 M •May only be fielded if force includes at least 1 “Coil”. [2] Double Mace •Knockdown(10) AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 4 0 - 30mm [6]500 50 KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee attacks suffer -2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to (x)for every size larger the attacking model is than the target. 6 18 3 “The Forsaken God protects us!” Special Abilities •None 12 1 Bane (3) 2015 3 M 3 12 1 ENHANCE(x)(y): When this model is deployed, choose up to 6 (x). Those models gain (y). •Knockdown(10) AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 4 0 - 12 3 GUARD: When a friendly model within 4” and line of sight is targeted by a non-template ranged attack, this model may become the target of the attack instead (Guard may not trigger another model’s Guard ability). KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee attacks suffer -2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to (x)for every size larger the attacking model is than the target. “We are the Divine Shield!” Special Abilities •Guard •Enhance(Bane)(Guard) 2015 Bane (4) AG#1 6 50 AG#1 [2] Double Mace M FIRESTORM 3 [1]500 •May only be fielded if force includes at least 1 “Bane”. 6 18 30mm BANE LEADER [1] Flamethrower •Fire •Victimize AS RF� PW RN MAL * 4x2 * 17 6 [*] Spray 2 SP [*] Stream 1 ST •Reaction Strike “We shall clense the world of your filth!” 30mm [3]500 50 EXPLOSIVE END(x): When this model is killed, place a Blast(2) template with the center hole anywhere completely over this model’s base. Each model under the template suffers an automatic hit from (x), and then this model is removed (this is a Template Attack). FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter. Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed. A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time. REACTION STRIKE: Once per round, when an enemy comes within range of this attack, this model may perform this attack for free against that enemy. This free attack occurs before charge attacks are resolved. VICTIMIZE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Panic Counter. Special Abilities •Explosive End(PW: 4x2, Fire, Victimize) 10 1 2015 Firestorm (3) FIRESTORM LEADER AG#1 3 6 12 3 10 [1] Flamethrower •Fire •Victimize AS RF� PW RN MAL * 4x2 * 17 6 [*] Spray 2 SP [*] Stream 1 ST •Reaction Strike M 30mm [1]500 50 •May only be fielded if force includes at least 1 “Firestorm”. EXPLOSIVE END(x): When this model is killed, place a Blast(2) template with the center hole anywhere completely over this model’s base. Each model under the template suffers an automatic hit from (x), and then this model is removed (this is a Template Attack). FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter. Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed. A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time. “The heretic’s path ends in damnation and fire.” ORDER(x)(y): When this model squadlinks with (x), those models gain (y) this activation. Special Abilities REACTION STRIKE: Once per round, when an enemy comes within range of this attack, this model may perform this attack for free against that enemy. This free attack occurs before charge attacks are resolved. •Explosive End(PW: 4x2, Fire, Victimize) •Order(Firestorm)(Quick Draw) QUICK DRAW: This model may spend 1 AP to make an Aimed ranged attack, or move up to their MV value and make a ranged attack. VICTIMIZE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Panic Counter. 1 2015 Firestorm (4) MILITIA 3 6 12 3 AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL 4 4 0 - AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL 6 1 4 17 4 [1] Mace Strike [1] Scrap Bomb •Blast(1) M 30mm [3]500 25 QUICK DRAW: This model may spend 1 AP to make an Aimed ranged attack, or move up to their MV value and make a ranged attack. “We are all instruments of His will.” Special Abilities •Quick Draw 10 1 Militia (3) 2015 M FLOCK AG#1 3 [1] Saw Stick 30mm [6]500 25 FINAL STRIKE: When this model would be killed, it may make a PS Check. On a success it may select and perform 1 of its attacks before being removed. AS RF� PW RN MAL 4 4 0 - 6 14 3 “In death we shall find glory!” Special Abilities •Final Strike 12 1 Flock (3) 2015
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