The New Swapper
The New Swapper
Vol. XXX No. 20 May 25, 2016 The Lord Provides 428 N. Broad Albertville - 256-878-0211 *Absolutely Free Advertising for Individuals, Churches & Schools. FREE AD LINE: 256-546-4664 OFFICE: 256-613-5390 For Business Advertising and more please see inside the cover. Visit for FREE! See page 19 for more details. ClASSIfIEd AdvERTISINg MAgAzINE B&C Tire and Battery 501 E. Broad St. Gadsden - 256-546-6393 WRANGLER RADIAL Starfire P235/75R15 Regular $109.95 215/60R16 Regular $79.95 $79.99 $69.99 TIRE SPECIALS 175/70R13 Accelera $39.95 195/65R15 Starfire $49.99 215/70R15 Goodyear Integrity $59.99 BRAKES STARTING AT $79.95 Ω© THE SWAPPER, INC. 1986-2015 All Ads Accepted At publisher’s discretion the swApper is A free service & mAkes no clAim As to the vAlidity or AccurAcy of Any Advertisement in this publicAtion n n Father’s Day Gifts The Swapper - May 25 2016 2 OFFICE NUMBER FOR PAID BUSINESS OR DISPLAY AD’s PLEASE CONTACT OUR SALES REPS! 256-613-5390 Betty LaCorte - 256-572-3045 Jean Miller - 256-226-8508 Mr. C - 256-558-4458 Terry Smith - 256-390-3752 Debbie Hiltz - 256-393-2100 10 am - 5 pm / Mon. - Fri. No Ad’s Please The Swapper, Inc.PAGe CATeGOrY ANNOUNCeMeNTS~ . . .3 ANTIqUeS/COLLeCTIBLeS~20 APPLIANCeS~ . . . . . . . .26 AUTO PArTS~ . . . . . . . .54 BABY ITeMS~ . . . . . . . .16 BLDG. SUPPLIeS~ . . . .31 BUSINeSS/OffICe~ . . .34 CArS/VANS~ . . . . . . . . .59 CLOTHING~ . . . . . . . . . .17 COMPUTerS~ . . . . . . . .~ CYCLeS/ATVS~ . . . . . . .37 eLeCTrONICS~ . . . . . .30 eXerCISe eqUIP~ . . . .39 fArM eqUIP~ . . . . . . . .33 fOr reNT~ . . . . . . . . . .39 fUrNITUre~ . . . . . . . . .18 GUNS~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 HOUSeHOLD ITeMS~ . .29 JeWeLrY~ . . . . . . . . . . .16 LAWN/GArDeN~ . . . . . .32 MeDICAL eqUIP~ . . . . .16 MISCeLLANeOUS~ . . . .5 MOBILe HOMeS~ . . . . .39 MUSICAL INSTrUMeNTS~ .34 OPINIONS~ . . . . . . . . . . .61 PerSONALS~ . . . . . . . .62 PeTS/LIVeSTOCK~ . . . .35 reAL eSTATe~ . . . . . . .40 reC VeHICLeS/eq~ . . .38 SerVICeS~ . . . . . . . . . .53 SPOrTING GOODS~ . . .38 TrUCKS/SUV’S . . . . . . .61 TOOLS/eqUIP~ . . . . . . .32 TOYS~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 WANTeD~ . . . . . . . . . . . .41 YArD SALeS~ . . . . . . . .4 DEBBIEHILTZ@GMAIL.COM To get your free ad in The Swapper: 1. Call the free ad line number.. Albertville/Boaz Area 256-891-0088 or Gadsden Area 256-546-4664 2. At the TONe... A. State the Category B. State your advertisement, and spell out all unusual words. C. Leave your Phone #/Contact Info. (repeat number for clarity) D. To ensure up to date info, please call your ad in each week. We DO NOT rePeAT free AD’s 3. You may also fAX, MAIL, or eMAIL your ad to us.. A. Send fax to: 256-413-3393 B. MAIL by U.S. Post to.. P.O. Box 489 Attalla, AL 35954 C. e-MAIL The Swapper - May 25 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS PLAY OUR GAME! SEARCH THE LINE AD’S FOR A CLUE ON HOW TO WIN $25 IN THIS WEEK’S SWAPPER! CONGrATULATIONS TO KeNNeTH COOPer frOM BOAz, ALABAMA, THIS PAST WeeK’S WINNer Of $25. IT HAS ALWAYS BeeN “THe SWAPPer’S” POLICY fOr BUSINeSSeS TO PUrCHASe COMMerCIAL Or POWer ADS reSerVING free LINe ADS fOr INDIVIDUALS. IT HAS COMe TO OUr ATTeNTION THAT MANY Of THe free LINe ADS IN OUr BOOK Are ACTUALLY BeING PLACeD BY BUSINeSSeS. THIS IS UNfAIr TO BUSINeSSeS PUrCHASING ADS AND TO INDIVIDUALS PLACING LINe ADS. If YOU AS A BUSINeSS WISH TO PLACe A LINe AD, YOU MUST CONTACT OUr OffICe AT 256-400-2343 AND PAY $4.00 Per LINe AD. If YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL CALL AN AD AND IT IS A BUSINeSS AND IS NOT INDICATeD ON THe AD, PLeASe CALL THe SAMe OffICe NUMBer AND rePOrT THIS TO “THe SWAPPer.” We APPreCIATe eVerYONe’S COOPerATION IN THIS MATTer. 7811 HWY 68 COLLINSVILLe, AL estate sale ofc furniture, furniture, gun cabinet tools hutches ceramics glassware etc may 27th and 28th COMe JOIN US fOr LINe DANCe frI NITeS 7pm till 10pm north of Geraldine hwy 75 beside propane company good music see you there DANCe AT MIDWAY COMMUNITY CeNTer every thurs and sat nite between arab and mor- 3 Spring has Sprung (At long last) Now is the time to buy that New Home you have been wanting or refinance your First Mortgage with some of the lowest rates in years! Ask about our NO DOWN PAYMENT LOANS! Call today and we’ll Spring for some great advice from the Mortgage Experts, or Hop on over and we’ll greet you with a smile. Or apply online at Southern Home Mortgage Corp. 888 US Hwy 431, Boaz, AL 35957 Call Jason Knott - 256.840.9525 apply for free online @ gan city 7pm till 9:30 admission $5 and refreshments DANCe CLASSeS OffereD one mile off Hwy 431 between Boaz and Albertville 256-302-9089 eAGLe rOCK DANCe & KArOKe hwy 168 boaz/Kilpatrick huge dance floor wkly door prizes fOrreST AVe BAPTIST CHUrCH welcomes you to join their Sunday morning services at 10am If THere Are any ministries out there who can donate hygienes to our chapel for indigent people please contact Chaplain Smallwood, calal 334-567-4369.These are needed in mass quantities such as-toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, deodorant, etc, thank you & God bless LOCAL NeW AUTHOr LOOKING TO GeT new published book out in local market in her hometown boaz/sardis she needs your full support the book is Ghost of Whispering Pines by author Becky Sterling Collier can be ordered at NMLS#232649 barnes and and books a million very good read watch for her upcoming novel Keeper of Cemetary, please contact for book signing MUSIC lESSONS: CEllO, vIOlIN, vIOlA, flUTE, SINgINg, PIANO/KEYBOARd, MUSIC CONdUCTINg, $10 PER 30 OR 45 MIN/PERSON, W/ fREE CROCHET, ELLIS MOBILE HOME MOVERS Certified & Licensed •Take Down •Transport •Relevels 205-353-4241 4 The Swapper - May 25 2016 lARRY’S lARRY’S HEATINg & COOlINg LARRY SHEATINg HEATING & & COOlINg COOLING 87 Co. rd 53 Crossville 256-572-8465 fax: 256-659-1065 n n n license/bonded/insured fREE ESTIMATES sales & service on All makes & models Residential & Mobile Home Mobile Home Special: 3-Ton Heat-Pump Split Unit Installation We ACCePT ALL MAJOr CreDIT CArDS $1975 SPECIAlIzINg in MH Installation 3-Ton A/C &Residential Split Unit Change-Outs $1575 includes complete installation BEST PRICES IN TOWN! 17 YEARS ExPERIENCE SPANISH, ENglISH OR MATH TUTORINg, ACCEPT AgES 5 & UP, dISCOUNTS AvAIlABlE TO fAMIlIES, WWW.KIMBRIlMUSICSTUdIO.WEEBlY.COM PlEASE CAll/TExT 256-590-6690, lOCATEd NEAR SNEAd Al PASTOr AVAILABLe fOr PULPIT supply Sunday mornings weds nite only 27 yrs experience 256-659-4662 PASTOr AVAILABLe TO TeACH reVeLATIONS on Sunday and Wednesday nights have ba, ab, and ma degree 256-6594662 PIANIST AVAILABLe fOr WeDDINGS etc 256-4421048 PLACe fOr BArN WeDDINGS or party in boaz/a’ville w/rustic country setting call 256302-9089 PLeASe JOIN US AT 12TH ST BAPTIST CHUrCH rAINBOW CITY two Sunday morn services 8:30 am and 11:00 am everyone welcome SONGS reCOrDeD in Nashville 256-731-9064 SOUTH rIDGe BAND now booking for events have numerous ref’s call Larry 256-504-9129 THANK YOU fOr SeLLING PrOWLer CAMPer AND hay rake we really appreciate your magazine VALLEY VIEW HOME MAINTENANCE VeNDOrS WeLCOMe frI AND SAT at 7811 ala HANDYMAN SERVICE SMALL CARPENTARY WORK hwy 68 collinsville, if inDECK REPAIR terested call 815-530256-677-1544 5848 GRANT, AL. We Offer 30lb bundles of firewood to store owners for $4 per bundle, retail $8 bundle, we’re located near Lake G’ville 256-641-4470 YARD SALES 16+ BOXeS of very good resale items, everything from A-z, very few clothes, lots items, too much to list, all for $40 located in Albertville 256673-7145 3-fAMILY YArD SALe May 27/28 fri/Sat starting at 8am located @ 305 e Alabama Ave Albertville, 1 block from foodland across street from Albertville football stadium, lots jewelry, furniture, e one SEWER SYSTEMS Grinder Pumps Sales/Service (205) 616-3894 nic-nacs, glassware, clothes w/tags, lots new shoes, tools, etc 7811 HWY 68 COLLINSVILLe, AL estate sale ofc furniture, furniture, gun cabinet tools hutches ceramics glassware etc may 27th and 28th BUNCH Of YArD SALe ITeMS games etc $25 for all 205-359-0518 all in good cond frI AND SAT 27TH AND 28TH SUSAN MOOre AreA HWY 75 south of school women’s clothing shoes etc MArSHALL CNTY YArD SALe behind boaz hi school community sale 8am till 12 noon everyone welcome PLeASANT GrOVe COMMUNITY yard sale fri/Sat June 3rd &4th, anyone participating must put out their own signs The Swapper - May 25 2016 Attorneys at Law 5 & Associates 799 Starting At $ 00 +Cost INSURANCE DISPUTES • FIRE CLAIMS • AUTO ACCIDENTS • PERSONAL INJURY • CRIMINAL • DUI — After Hours Appointments Available Upon Request — WILL PICK UP free YArD SALe ITeMS 256894-9929 STePS, wedding cake 470-2194 dens 256-390-8962 $5 style w/hand rail, clean, BOAz STONe running a BOX fULL Of qUILT great cond $160obo 256- special on 100 tons of TOPS 256-845-7727 892-0657 mountain stone, also BOYS BIKe $30 256-891MISCELLANEOUS AMVeT NeW IN BOX have screw on stone 9896 AMerICAN fLAG $20 available 256-840-4936 BUrLAP COffee bean (2) SS SINKS good shape 256-593-3800 BOOKS/KITCHeN GAr- sacks, lots to choose $30 ea 256-312-2554 BANANNA TreeS 1’ TO DeN PLANTer circular from 256-613-8216 10 X 6 CONCeSSION 10’ TALL $5 and up 256- sq and layouts of garBUSH HOGGING for pubTrAILer $5300 ft payne 256-997-7409 16’ HVY DUTY TrAILer 15,000 LB new floor in it 1904 Gunter Ave. Guntersville 256-505-0076 205-274-8515 200 GAL PrOPANe GAS TANK 256-878-7391 4 X 10 SINGLe AXLe UTILITY TrAILer $300 obo 256-673-0159 4-fOrD 17” 6 HOLe rIMS AND TIreS 256n 498-0729 6500 WATT DIeSeL generator $1600 256-878n 4576 8X12 UTILITY BeD on 1 ½ n ton truck frame $1800 James Elrod - President 256-593-9955 Apply Online: ABOVe-GrOUND POOL PEOPLE’S CREDIT INC. PAY Off TITlE lOANS Locally Owned and Operated AUTO LOANS rePO’S fOr SALe I BUY LATe MODeL CArS The Swapper - May 25 2016 BeD 28-bulbs slightly used runs on 220, digital bed, need to sell asap 256-609-4876 COMPLeTe SAfeBD fOr SeLL or accessories REMODELING • DECKS • VINYL SIDING 256-601-1293 COMPLeTe SeT Of METAL ROOFING • ELECTRICAL CIVIL WAr TIMe LIfe MAG eNCYCLOPeDIA POLE BARNS • BATHROOMS 256-390-9529 CONCOrD GrAPe vines, shipping is available $5 No Job Too Large•No Job Too Small•We Do It All ea 256-451-6021 CONCreTe TILe fOr DrIVeWAY 18” dia 4’ lic 256-561-3269 CHAIN SAW SHArPCABIN MeMBerSHIP at eNer/eLeC 256-744-3876 long $100 for all six 256561-3269 $25 Mountain Lake 21-day COOKer/rOTISSerIe stay or 7 days, other lo- CHICKeN PeNS AND cations available, trans- MeTAL TIe COrD BAr- SMOKer w/burner for boiling or frying and fer fee $249, dock fee reLS 256-318-7381 $375, 1st yr maintenance CHILD BOOSTer seat $5 huge grille for b-bque holds up to 40 10-lb butts fee $520 for total of $3644 256-660-1446 bought 3 yrs ago has not 256-878-6341 CHIMNeY CAP outside been used in a yr pd CAMP fIreWOOD 256measurement 38 ½”x48 $7000 custom made 572-3874 ½” $175 256-490-9658 $4500 cash 256-393-5625 CANNON CAMerA 35mm CHINeSe LArINCO 7.62 COUPLe HAND w/zoom lens $175 256x39 sks 30rd mag blk WINCHeS TO GO on util295-2929 poly w/side folding stock ity trailer $7.50 ea 256CANON reBeL 2000 under folding bayonet 738-7840 35MM CAMerA $80 256- shoulder sling new never 295-2929 fired $499 obo 256-0914- COUPLe PU LOADS Of CUT OAK fIreWOOD 9322 Huntsville CASH fOr X-TrA DIA$50 256-470-0922 BeTIC TeST STrIPS all CHrISTMAS DISHeS COWGIrL BOOTS frOM brand considered must w/Christmas trees on TeXAS sz 8-1/2 exc cond be unopened have non them, 7-8ft Christmas pd $110 asking $40 256expired 256-251-2146 tree 256-298-3541 561-3278 CASS JUKe BOX that COACH PUrSeS 205CrAfTSMAN UPrIGHT works 4 port pressure 274-8515 AIr COMPreSSOr cooker/new cass/cd COCKATIeL AND BIrD 150psi 1.5 hp 26 gal $90 player radio works in CAGe $30 256-561-3278 256-744-3876 a’ville good shape/ear phones after 10am jukebox alarm clock new COKe CrATe CD TAPeS CrYSTAL $400 fOr ALL 2 pad internet tablet pen- $1 eA Or $100 ALL 256- 256-507-1887 cil sharpener tote bag 5 – 295-2929 CUISINArT fOOD pc hair products many PrOCeSSOr 8 cup new more items available 256- COKe CrATe HVS in box $90 256-546-4997 MOVIeS $1 e AOr $188 506-1262 CUrreNT ISSUe US ma256-295-2929 CAST IrON from Selma rine 2-man combat tent, COLLeCTION NON Al 1930s public swimwaterproof w/floor, camo SPOrTS CArDS all in al- removable fly w/waterming pool whites only bums $2000 256-458sign 256-593-3800 proof carrying bag, no 1787 light penetration in or out CAST IrON POWer GLIDe $500 256-744-1507 COMfOrTer SeT fULL $250 obo 256-914-9322 Sz skirt and pillow Huntsville Largest selection of GUNS shams 2 sets shts still in CUSTOM MeTAL bag decorative pillows to TrAILer 205-625-9043 in Central AL. $60 for lal 256-538B&B Pawn, Gadsden match CUT fIreWOOD fOr 8251 256-546-4892 SALe 256-892-5122 COMMerCIAL TANNING Check us our page 5 DeCK/8’ X 24’ ALL PreS6 RICK HALL CONSTRUCTION Free Estimates CELL 205-505-9355 SUre TreATeD WOOD cut up into four section w/three sets steps $500 256-302-3749 DeCOrATION fLOWerS 256-593-3325 DeLL 16’ DBL AXLe COW TrAILer W/DIVIDer panel $2000 256-505-7817 DIAMOND PLATeD DOG BOX $500 678-232-2789 DISABLeD LADY WOULD like to thank the person who donated reclining chairs to me DISHeS $75 256-328-4430 DOG KeNNeL & lg sheet metal doghouse 256-5933800 Dr SCHOLLS foot machine, never used 256390-9529 DrAWING TABLe THAT TILTS brand Alvin 24 x 36 adj brand new in box pd $120 asking $85 256-6595167 eKeC SMOKer $30 256295-2929 eLeC LAWNMOWer CHAIN SAW SHArPeNer never used $25 a’ville area 256-744-3876 eLeCTrIC HeATerScouple 220 wall heaters-2 110 like old-timey radiator, couple more 256-7387840 eLeCTrIC SMOKer $30 256-295-2929 eNTerTAINMeNT 6ft tall $50 256-657-7517 eVerLAST YOUTH BOXING set w/speedbag, heavy bag, 2 headgear, 2pr boxing gloves, very sturdy unit $200 obo 256572-3493 EzYlEgAl dIvORCE PAPERS dRAWN UP IN 24-48 HOURS COMPlETE dIvORCE PAPERS NOT JUST fORMS THAT YOU HAvE TO PUT TOgETHER, AS lOW AS $75 UNCONTESTEd ANd NO CHIldREN, EzYlEgAl@gMAIl.CO M, 256-506-7366 The Swapper - May 25 2016 fABrIC POCKeT BOOKMAN BIBLe in perfect cond $60 obo 256-4380820 fACTOrY ALL MeTAL UTILITY TrAILer hvy duty exp metal floor 14” metal tubing sides tilt w/drive on tailgate 13” car tires/radials w/spare wheel 2” ball inside dim 4’2” x 8’4” will carry 48” riding mower golf cart etc lights fender and springs $425 like new 205-4774817 consider trade on lg poulan pro chain saw and climbing equip fACTOrY SeAT off 2002 Honda 1800vtx exc cond 256-252-0991 fIBerGLASS TrUCK BeD topper (or cap) fits ford f150 crew cab 02 & similar models, new lock/hydraulics, tan color, ver good cond $400 obo 2256-899-3650 fIre PIT fOr OUTSIDe in box brand new $40 256-599-3394 fIreWOOD $30 up 256282-5815 fIreWOOD $55 TrKLOAD 256-458-5366 fIreWOOD 256-506-3158 fIrST ALerT WeATHer rADIO $25 IN BOX 256295-2929 fIVe CeDAr BeAMS 12 x 12 x 10’ seasoned for sell 256-673-7474 fIVe CeMeTArY LOTS WALNUT GrOVe ALTOONA 205-359-0613 fIVe COUrSe Medical Transcription set, includes books & 36 cds $500 256-202-0170 lv msg fLAG POLeS $30 256498-0669 fLAT BeD W/LIfT GATe GOOSeNeCK HOOK-UP $1500 obo 256-557-4584 fOLDING WALKer AND KNee WALKer w/seat 256-738-4937 fOOS BALL TABLe used once $75 256-504-9968 fOUNTAIN W/LeD LIGHT for yard garden etc red in color used but in good cond in original box $40 256-546-4997 fOUr MAN HOT TUB prox 9 yrs old $950 256506-6540 fOUr PerSON HOT TUB $950 256-506-6540 fOUr VArIeTIeS of tame blackberry bushes $5 ea shipping is available 256451-6021 free 2 older model 25” tvs located in Geraldine 256-557-8197 Need a small loan for a vacation, work on the car or free BAMBOO 256-251work around the house or for any reason. Or you want to 0643 start building your credit file free CHILDS SWING or to strengthen your credit file; we can help. Call us at SeT 11 yrs old Geraldine 256-557-8197 256-840-0608 7 free DOG HOUSe accommodates sm to med sz dog 256-593-6682 free eLeC OrGAN 256673-7570 free OUTDOOr furniture 256-557-8197 freSH BrOWN eGGS $2 DOz 256-960-2399 freSH fArM eGGS $2 per doz 256-660-1922 fULL BOX of air/oil filters $50 per box 256-660-1446 GADSDeN HIGH YeArBOOKS wanted 1971, 1974, 1946 only 256-2939551 Boaz GASOLINe POWereD irrigation pump w/B&S engine good shape used very little $100 256-4516021 GeNerAC 5500 generaNeW ANGLe IrON TrUSSeS 20'-$218 30'-$240 40'-$295 OTHer SIzeS AVAILABLe. BUILDING PACKAGeS ALL SIzeS. NeW #2 GALVANIzeD TIN 26 GA. $2.45 Per fOOT 205-369-0560 NeXTeL 154*26*28337 n n 8 The Swapper - May 25 2016 The Swapper - May 25 2016 9 Snead Wholesale and Surplus We are your dOOR HEAdQUARTERS! • DOOrS • VANITIeS • TUB & SHOWer • HArDWOOD & LINOLeUM • SWING SeTS • PLAYHOUSeS • TrUSSeS • fUrNITUre & MOre 87500 Hwy 278 Snead, Al (205) 359-2829 Prices good while supplies last. Pictures are used for representation only. tor pd $1000 3mths ago take $500 w/paperwork 256-558-5950 GeNerATOr BY GeNrAC 5550 WATTS easy to move big wheels a’ville 256-744-3876 GeT CASH fOr your unopenend unexpired diabetic test strips, I pay cash, all brands considered, call or text 205-5864844 GIrLS BIKe $50 256-6601446 GIrLS Sz 5 PeTITe NOrTHfACe JACKeT light pink grt cond $25 256-599-3394 GLASS CUTTeer model fletcher 3000 multi-material cutter, new price is $3000 will sell for $300 obo 256-572-3452 GO GO THree WHeeL SCOOTer easy to load carry in trunk new batteries $400 256-613-2009 GOLDeN BUff HeNS fOr Sell $10 ea golden buff chickens 2 wks old $3 ea 256-498-5207 GOOSeNeCK UTILITY TrAILer 7 X 16 fOLD UP rAMP good cond $1650 possible trades 205-2588437 GrANDfATHer CLOCK needs a little work $700 256-452-6811 GrAVeL AND CHIrT fOr SeLL will deliver 256-6737474 GreAT SeLeCTION of vhs tapes $1 ea 256-2284772 GUTTer CLeANer hooks to water hose, new I box $10 256-504-9968 HALf ACre to acre of timber to sell to somebody to cut it 256-6601922 HAND MADe child rockers 1 red 1 blue $50 ea 256-498-0669 HAYWArD SWIMMING POOL PUMP for 4’ x 24’ above ground pool used less than two mos $200 256-224-8885 HeArING AIDe 256-6601446 HOMe SCHOOL BOOKS assorted grades 256-3122552 HOMeDICS rOCK MASSAGING $25 ea 256-5539290 HONeYBeeS $150 256558-7229 HOOSIer reNeGADe 3- horse slant load w/full living quarters 2015 model, rear tack, electric awning, electric jack, 2 propane bottles, very nice only used 4 times $28,000 256310-2798 HOUSe PLANT LG rD POT 2 decorative pcs in pot $40 256-593-6677 HUNTING CABIN ON WHeeLS 10 X 20 furnished $2450 256-5584667 BONDS ROOFING COMPANY NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED ROOFERS AND HELPERS Monday - Friday “Serving Marshall County and Surrounding Areas” Please Call Now: (256) 728-7420 or (256) 572-4596 The Swapper - May 25 2016 10 KINGS KINGS DISCOUNT DISCOUNT HOMe HOMe CeNTer CeNTer 1075 1075 Hwy. Hwy. 68 68Albertville, Albertville,AL AL Just off off Hwy. Hwy. 75 75 N. N. Just Building Materials, Materials, flooring, flooring, Building Heaters, Household Household Items, Items, Heaters, and aa variety variety of of merchandise. merchandise. and Mo. & Tu. & Tu. 88 am am -- 44 pm pm Mo. Th. and and fr. fr. 88 am am -- 44 pm pm Th. Sa. 99 am am -- 12 12 pm pm •• Closed Closed Wed. Wed. & Su. & Su. Sa. HUNTINGTON 52” HAMPTON BAG fAN AND LIGHT $80 256-295-2929 HUSqVArNA SAW 445 18” bar will run 20” exc cond like new yr old $250 205-446-2562 I AM AVAILABLe fOr SITTING w/elderly and desparately looking for place to live 256-553-6051 I BAKe CAKeS for any occasion 256-542-0925 I BUY WASHerS/DrYerS and other appliances also wrecked autos 256-660-0422 I DO PAINTING, carpentry, sheetrock, tile, concrete & wash vinyl siding 256-200-2561 I HAVe MANY DIffereNT items for sale from cars to truck lawn and garden to tools building supplies to auto parts call me you want it I bet I got it 256-794-1700 I HAVe STANLeY DeGreASer 256-744-0485 I MAKe fLOWer ArrANGeMeNTS by order only in my home also do holiday arrangements and saddles for hdstones 256-403-2598 I PICK UP old scrap, stoves, fridges, anything metal 256-660-0422 I PICK UP SCrAP MeTAL old cars appliances etc 256-506-4667 I SeLL STANLeY PrODUCTS 256-744-0485 I WILL PICK UP ANY SCrAP MeTAL YOU HAVe $3 per 100 lbs 256561-3269 I WOULD LIKe TO eXCHANGe MCDONALDS game pcs on the contest 256-368-7528 ICe CreAM MAKer $15 256-660-1446 If YOU LIKe to bow hunt, I have a lot on side of Lookout Mt looking to trade for a diesel tractor equip, maybe even, or might consider selling for cash 256-996-6745 If YOU’re INTereSTeD in Stanley degreaser or kitchen cleaners please call 256-744-0485 IN HOMe CAre fOr eLDerLY or run errands 256-845-7727 OLD GOLD??? Turn it into Cash Today!!! INTeK ABOVe GrOUND POOL 16 X 48 w/pump See B & B Pawn TOP $$$$$$ good cond $175 256-570256-546-4892 0355 see our ad page 13 SON boots worn twice size 8, also XL HD jacket also worn twice 256-5467890 LADIeS SCrUBS diff szs and colors $5 ea 256-6601446 LADY NeeDS SOMeONe TO DONATe little bird cage w/canary finch or parakeet in it 256-5613278 after 10am LANDSCAPING MOSS rOCK and blk slate rock Gadsden area possibly deliver 256-553-2546 LArGe eNTerTAINMeNT center w/roll back doors w/hidden tv inside, 2 lighted curio cabinets on ea side, light oak in color $400 firm 256-7380220 LArGe SeLeCTION yard sale items, new/used, store open all day on fri 9am-5pm 256-840-5488 LATe 80S PACe ArrOW motorhome 34ft needs work make offer 256-6730159 LeATHer MASSAGe TABLe w/case $125 256504-9968 LefT OVe moving sale items $400 obo for all, cash only 205-625-7959 LefT OVer moving sale items $100 obo for all, cash only 205-625-7959 for appt to see, no calls after 9pm LefT-OVer MOVING SALe items $400 for all obo 205-625-7959 before 9pm LG DOG PeN $100 256572-4783 LG eNTerTAINMeNT CeNTer solid wood pd $1500 asking $400 comes w/tv in it has connection for phone dvd stereo etc two curio cabinets beside INVerSION TABLe exc cond $85 256-298-0029 JAzzY eLeC WHeeLCHAIr batteries yr old new joy stick 256-7388834 KArAOKe MACHINe w/amp and 1300 cd’s $800 256-507-1887 KeeN STeeL TOeD tennis shoes very good cond size 6 very nice $40 obo 205-732-5065 Lincoln AL KerOSeNe HeATer w/thermostat, very good cond $150 or trade on guns 678-232-2789 KING SIze mattress topper $50 256-470-0922 KING Sz BeD $125 256364-9191 KING Sz eLeC BLANKeT $40 full sz elec blanket $35 like new 256-4595040 KING WOOD BUrNING HTr W/BLOWer 256706-0920 KNIfe long flat blade w/camo handle, taking offers 256-399-8758 KODAK DISC 6000 CAMerA (2) $15 eA 256-2952929 KODAK eASY SHAre SEWER SYSTEMS DIGITAL CAMerA $40 Grinder Pumps Sales/Service 256-295-2929 (205) 616-3894 LADIeS HArLeY DAVID- e one it 256-738-0220 LG KING UPrIGHT BASS exc cond $600 firm cash 256-498-5207 LG rD GLASSTOP TABLe $35 205-363-1128 LG STACK HOMe SCHOOL BOOKS 256486-3119 LG TV STAND W/TV INSIDe CHINA cabinet on each side $275 like new 256-738-0220 LOOKING fOr free LUMBer 205-359-0518 LOOKING fOr NON rUNNING LAWNMOWerS 256-996-6745 LOOKING fOr scrap iron, tin, appliances, clean barn, shed, house, next day service 256-5613269 LOOKING fOr SOMeONe WHO MIGHT have a diving suit who will do some diving in pond 256572-2066 marshall cnty area LOOKING fOr UNWANTeD 2 x 4’s etc 205359-0518 LOOKING TO BUY rIDING MOWer reasonably priced 256-931-0547 LOT ON SIDe Of LKOUT MTN hot spot for hunting deer would consider diesel tractor or pu trk for trade 256-996-6745 LOTS Of BAMBOO free 256-251-0643 LOTS Of BeADS 50 cents per bag 256-5715801 LOTS Of CHrISTMAS DeCOrATIONS 256-3284430 LOTS Of LADIeS DreSSeS formal/short shirts blue jeans some have tags in exc cond $5 to $16 256-673-7145 LOTS Of THINGS, everything good shape, clothing, purses, shoes, Christmas decorations, dishes, figurines, golf clubs, toys, sheet sets, The Swapper - May 25 2016 11 20 Cu/Yd. roll Off Box rental We Haul Construction and Demolition Debris. Also, Attic, Basement & Garage Debris removal! Glencoe - 256-492-3704 bed spreads, etc some of clothing are new w/tags, be ideal for thrift store or resale 256-586-6915 M24 BINOCULArS 7x38 military issue, water-fireshock proof, gathering light $200 256-914-9322 Huntsville MAGAzINeS PLATeS OTHer ITeMS 256-7442279 MeMOrIAL bench (homemade) $100 256295-2929 MeMOrY HILL CeMeTArY hwy 431 a’ville four burial plots good location $1600 for all 256-840-8047 MeTAL CAST BULL AND MATADOr 256-281-6897 MeTAL frAMeD GAzeBO w/top $300 256293-3592 MeTAL OUTDOOr SWING $40 205-681-7662 MeTAL SWING fOr SeLL good cond 205-681-7662 MICHAeL KOrS PUrSe tan color med lg sz tags on pd $425 asking $65 cash 256-840-8000 MIDLAND WeATHer rADIO $10 IN BOX 256295-2929 MILITArY BALASTIC HeLMeT size L w/chin strap & add on camo cover $150 256-914-9322 Huntsville MISC BASeBALL CArDS and comic books/cards 256-281-6897 MISC CrAfTING MATerIAL $100 for all 256-3284430 MISC fIreWOOD 256960-6809 MISCeLLANeOUS ITeMS-queen mattress/box spring w/frame, stereos, boom boxes, speakers, home stereos, nice loveseat $150 for all 256-295-7976 Gadsden NASCAr rACING album 256-281-6897 NATIVe AMerICAN prints 256-390-4417 NeW & USeD clothing, furniture, golf clubs, what nots, clothing, toys, tools, dishes, clocks, lamps, etc would like to sell all to one person, have enough for a thrift store 256-586-6915 NeW 10X16 STOrAGe bldg beige vinyl siding blk metal roof 6’ alum doors, can pick up or we will deliver free within 50 miles of Boaz 256-5048297 NeW IN BOX 3 X 5 USA AMerICAN fLAG $30 256-593-3800 NeW IN BOX 6’ TALL CHrISTMAS tree $50 256-657-6517 NeW INT’L VerSION AND KING JAMeS VerSION BIBLe side x side by Dr Charles and Andy Stanley $40 very nice 256-593-6677 NeW INT’L VerSION BIBLe and king jame version side x side $37 256593-6677 NeW KOHLer 15” TOILeT in box $100 256-5580981 NeW LOUIS VITTON bag, burnt orange/brown, beautiful deco $50 obo 256-738-8649 NeW MArTHA WASHINGTON California king bedspread, exc cond $150 256-660-0538 NeW NeT CHrISTMAS tree, never used, still in box 6ft tall $50 256-6577517 NeW PAIr COSTA Delmar sun glasses $150 256-390-9529 NeW PIreLLI SCOrPION ATr raised white letter BArNS, CABINS, GArAGeS & SHeDS Rocket City call or text: 256-221-7062 The Swapper - May 25 2016 OLDer GAS PUMP $200 obo 256-636-0653 OLDer MODeL AIr OVer eLeC TIre CHANGer $300 256-7441507 OLYMPUS 21 DIGITAL CAMerA $80 256-2952929 ONe BICrOMeTer SPeCIAL 6” 256-717-7072 ONe VANGUArD HTr w/thermostat used one winter $75 also one 3 brick martin industrial P255-65r17 $135 256tra battery travel car 1 yr propane htr $50 one 3 490-8887 5 mo warranty $1900 256- brick vanguard propane htr $50 256-561-3153 NeW SeT of buggy har- 546-4997 ness never used $400 OLD ANTIqUe BIKe good ONe-HOrSe SHOW 256-451-6021 cond w/basket $25 256- BUGGY like new, all running gear is chrome NeW SHOP DOOrS $115 673-8196 plated $800 256-451-6021 ea two 8’ wide x 7’ high OLD BLUe BACK OUTDOOr AND INDOOr w/hdwe 256-492-0050 SPeLLer hard cover CHrISTMAN DeCOrA1887 copyright $100 firm NeW SWIMMING POOL TIONS for sell 256-393256-891-0230 PUMP 256-224-8885 OLD GAS PUMP 30’S Or 6859 NICe SM MICrOWAVe OVer 160 COMIC good cond $25 256-599- 40’S 878-6299 BOOKS all bought new in 3394 OLD GrINDSTONe $50 80s all in plastic containNINe PAIr size 14 capris vanguard one brick ers, Spider Man, Swamp like new $10 for all 256- propane htr $50 mack Thing, Bat Man, etc sell force generator $1875 738-0220 all together $1 ea, must NOrINCO MAC 90 7.62 X 256-498-0290 take all 256-609-3024 OLD PCS TO MAKe 89 $550 256-914-93322 qUILT TOPS out of 256- OVer THe CAB UTILITY Huntsville rACK $200 fits swb pu 845-7727 NOW IS TIMe TO SeT 256-601-9562 OLD PHONe BOOKS 256BLUeBerrY plum blkPACe ArrOW 32ft motor berry grape bushes out 891-0230 $25 home, mid 80s, needs 256-451-6021 for more OLD SNAP ON TACK work $1800 obo or possiinfo MeTer perfect for older ble trade for guns, 4x4 OCTAGON CONCeNTrA- autos good cond $50 truck, etc make offer 256256-224-8885 TOr AC/DC BATTerY 673-0159 OPerATION 3-ltm conti- OLD SONG BOOKS saPAIr Of COSTA sunnous flow or 192ml pump cred music rds etc 1928 glasses very good shape pwr car cords chargers x- $50 firm 256-891-0230 $60 256-558-8620 PAIr Of OSTrICH SKIN boots, size 8D mens $75 256-302-6007 PALLeTS like new $3 ea 10 or more $2.50 ea At the Gathering Place Revival Center Church or rainbow City area 256490-9663 11984 Hwy 67 South/Joppa, AL 35087 PAPerBACK BOOKS Different Prophets Apostles & Other Ministers norah roberts robin cook etc 256-878-5733 PeCAN Everyone Welcome Come Expecting CrACKer/SHeLLer pd over $9k asking $5995 Contacts: 256-673-0090 / 256-640-9856 obo 256-659-8983 PIANO WINNer BrAND 12 Prophetic Gathering lots of learners books good cond price reduced to $200 256-458-1062 PICKUP LOAD yard sale items $50 256-878-4564 PLASTIC 55 GAL DrUMS W/reMOVABLe LIDS $10 ea 256-587-0224 PLASTIC 55GAL drums w/removable lids $10 ea 256-587-0224 PLASTIC TUBS holds prox 25 gals water 256878-3163 PLeNTY BAMBOO free 256-251-0243 PLUM BUSHeS IMPOrTeD frOM HOLLAND $5 ea 3 varieties purple orange and red now is perfect time to set out 256-451-6021 POWer POLe, box 200amp for mobile home 256-794-1700 Pr DOG SHOCK COLLArS has control/battery charger good cond $125 firm 256-593-3948 Pr Of OLD PABST BLUe rIBBON bar lights can text pics 205-629-7268 Pr PLUGS BY HOMeDIC ht therapy wax for hands new in box 256-599-3394 Pr TONY LLAMA OSTrICH COWBOY BOOTS sz 8 men’s women’s 10 $75 256-302-6007 PreSSUre WASHer 2yo 7hp Honda engine very powerful used very little $200 or trade for self-propelled mower or chainsaw 205-477-4817 PrO ICe PACK fOr SHOULDer and arm brand new 256-298-2802 $20 PrOPANe fIrePLACe insert, was asking $150 will take $125 obo 256295-6781 PrOPANe GAS TANK & propane gas heater that sits on floor, real pretty $700 for both 256-4865672 PrOPANe heater & out- The Swapper - May 25 2016 side propane gas tank 256-486-5672 PrOPANe TANK 250 GAL older tank $200 256-5729979 PrOX 100 OLD THeATre SeATS came out of martin theatre in a’ville 256572-1246 will sell part or all qN Sz ALA COMfOrTer SeT curtains etc 256-5993394 $25 rADIATOr GAS TANK has thermostat on it $150 678-232-2789 rADIO SHACK WIreLeSS HD PHONe fOr TV $35 256-295-2929 rC HOBBY STUff, mattress, trucks, rock crawlers, parts, batteries 256-553-2042 rCA SM PreVIeW CAMCOrDer W/CASe $40 256-295-2929 reAL NICe WOOD rINGS made out of burl, cedar wood rings, vari- ous sizes $10 ea 256-7060426 reD/WHITe fresh tea maker $10 256-390-9529 reDDI HTr rUNS Off KerOSeNe has thermostat w/it $150 678-2322789 reTrO SerIeS CHOC fOUNTAIN $10 IN BOX 256-295-2929 reVIVAL TeNT 25x50 w/all accessories $4000 205-937-5426 rICKS & bundles of firewood to the public 256641-4470 rOLL ArOUND SerVICe toolbox w/1 locking drawer, new in box $882.50 256-878-4576 rOOM A/C UNIT 5000btu 110volt plug $100 like new used 1 summer 205359-1475 rUBBer TIre push type fertilize spreader holds about 50lbs good shape $25 256-744-3876 Al- bertville SALON SINGLe SHAMPOO BOWL perfect shape $50 firm 256-4581062 SAND fILTer w/pressure gage built in it for 4’x24’ above ground pool, good cond $75 obo 256-2248885 SANTA SLeIGH W/3 Or 4 reINDeer $200 for all 256-295-2929 SAW MILL LUMBer can kiln dry lumber plane lmbr and make flooring 256-557-4584 in desparate need poplar logs maple walnut cypress sweet gum etc SCrUBS all sizes $3 ea or 2 for $5 256-571-5801 SCULPTUreS & frAMeD PrINTS, Wildlife/outdoor themes, letters of authenticity, great investment, prints $100-$250ea, sculptures $50-$3000, call for details, pics can be emailed 13 or text 256-660-0176 lv msg SeASONeD fIreWOOD fOr SeLL also camp firewood 256-673-7474 SeASONeD HICKOrY WHITe OAK PeCAN for sell 256-673-7474 SeT Of CArBS to fit 8285 model Honda Cf1100 V65 magnum in good shape 256-252-0991 SeT Of TAILPIPeS to fit fXST 2000 model HD Softtail, very good cond 256-252-0991 SeV WOODWOrKING TOOLS fOr SeLL 256660-1520 SHArK GArMeNT/fABrIC STAND steamer like new cond $35 call or text 256-504-8683 SHArP UPrIGHT VACUUM CLeANer 12 amp motor works $10 metal shoe rack white four shelves like new $5 factory made wood cd/dvd The Swapper - May 25 2016 TOP SHrINK WrAP SYSTeM w/new ht gun uses up to 24” wide single good cond $200 256-5464997 SWIMMING POOL steps, WE WILL BEAT YOUR BEST ESTIMATE brand new, $50 205-5592246 Property Clearing • Small Excavation Sz 13-14 LONG PrOM DreSS strapless/pink Lawn Service • Sawmilling $80 256-931-0547 Etowah Co.:256-613-4007 Sz 8 MeN’S OSTrICH Insurance Available Calhoun Co.:256-458-5526 SKIN BOOTS $75 rust on Request Earl Martin:256-689-9587 color 256-302-6007 TAMe BLACKBerrIeS make very lg sweet juicy storage rack five shelves 1986 $10 like new 256-546SPOrTS ILLUSTrATeD berry, 4 varieties $5 ea, if 4997 35MM CAMerA $15 256- you take 25 or more $4 ea 256-451-6021 SHAVeD ICe MACHINe 295-2929 TAMe CONCOrD GrAPe use anywhere w/case of Sq MeTAL GrID ON $5 ea, if take 25 or more cups, lemon squeezer, 8ft rOLLerS for potted ss cabinet $2495 cash plants etc 256-561-1121 $4 ea 256-451-6021 256-295-2038 TANNING BeD $300 256$40 878-5509 SHeLLeD PeCANS 256- SS SINK w/faucet good 659-4360 TANNING BeD 110 w/new cond 256-459-5040 $30 bulbs, has tiny crack SHOOTING GALLerY STeeL DrUMS/BUrN $300 256-298-2802 w/guns, game prizes for BArreLS 55gal $20 ea any special event, money 256-558-1342 G’ville TANNING BeD 256-505maker 256-390-4417 1747 STeeL fLAT BeD SHOW BUGGY like new, W/MeTAL sides $350 256- TANNING BeD w/supexc shape, beautiful $800 744-1507 plies, cleaner, etc $650 256-451-6021 STeeL fOLDING CHAIrS 470-249-7266 SINK fOr OUTSIDe Or exc cond $45 for all 256- TArPAULIN 30’ WIDe 52’ GArAGe $20 256-470LONG hvy duty 205-353546-4997 1441 7312 STOrAGe BLDG fULL SLATe TOP BAr TABLe Of fUrNITUre swimTHe TWILIGHT SeGA 256-706-0920 NeW MOON the movie ming pool etc 256-224board game includes colSMALL CHrOMe tool 8885 lectible pieces $10 never box $50 256-506-8826 STOrAGe fULL Of SMALL STOrAGe YArD SALe ITeMS want played 205-732-5065 LinTrAILer, contents into sell for one price 256- coln AL THIrTeeN PAIr size 16 cluded $2000 256-586281-5016 3764 STOrM WINDOWS alum capris name brand $15 for all 256-738-0220 SMALL TrAMPOLINe wht in color total of 4 $10 256-543-1470 54”x36” like new in Grant THIS IS TIMe of year to set out your bushes if SONY HANDCAM VISION area 256-572-3475 you want them to do NeeD CHArGer $20 SUNBeAM 2 BUrNer good 256-295-2929 PrOPANe B-BqUe SONY MVC 854-100 DIGI- GrILLe $35 205-466-7844 THOMAS KINCAID 3 MATTeD frAMeS $35 for TAL MOVIe CAMerA $30 SUNBeAM CAMPer eA 256-295-2929 STOVe $25 256-738-7840 ea or $90 for all three 256-744-8578 SOUND eqUIP AND MI- SUNqUeST TANNING CrOPHONeS 256-744BeD 24 bulb w/new bulbs THree BrICK TUrCO HOrIzONTAL no 3 $800 256-293-7051 propane htr $40 one five M&J Automotive SUNqUeST TANNING 612 gilberts ferr y Rd. brick vanguard propane BeD w/lotion, pillow, Attalla, Al htr $50 one elec stove BUY HERE • PAY HERE cleaner, new bulbs, exc cond $650 470-249-7266 top drop in w/four eyes (256) 344-2184 $10 256-561-3153 family Owned: Mike Richards SUPer SeALer TABLe 14 Etowah-Calhoun Tree Service THree CASSeTTe SeT“Our Country, Our Songs; a tribute to the American Dream, includes “God Bless America, Maximum Living on a Minimum wage, Somebody’s Tearin the flay, Where hve all our heroes gone, This Land is your land, This IS my Country, God Bless the USA, Grandpa, tell me about the good old days, Daddy’s Oldsmobile, brand new $9.00 256-2020170 lv msg THree CHUrCH PeWS exc cond 13 ½ ft padded in gold call for price 256744-1986 THree eLeCTrIC shavers $10 ea 256-6601446 THree PreSTO food canners like new $30 ob 256-840-9114 8am-5pm THree STAINLeSS steel sinks, good shape $30 ea 256-312-2554 THree VArIeTIeS of blue berry bushes $5 ea, if you buy 25 or more will be $4 ea 256-451-6021 THree VArIeTIeS of plum bushes, different sizes, imported from Holland $5 ea shipping available 256-451-6021 THree VerY OLD kerosene lamps w/designs on glove $35 ea or 3 for $100 256-593-3948 THree WHeeL SCOOTer easy to load carry in trunk new batteries $400 256-613-2009 TOILeT SeAT THAT GOeS above toilet two szs lg $40 smaller sz $35 205-681-7662 TOP POST CAr BATTerY/refurbished $35 256-931-0547 TrACfONe CeLL fLIP PHONe $60 256-295-2929 Tree to be cut down for free firewood 256-8784564 TreK 700 MULTI TrACK 21spd bicycle w/new tires & tubes $250 obo 256914-9322 Huntsville TUBS Of yard sale items out of storage bldg, never been in any yard sale, all for one money 256-572-8779 TUrKeY frYer $50 256393-6859 TWIN WINDOW fAN $15 256-295-2929 TWO 16” 6-LUG trailer whls w/tires in good cond $100 for both 256-5938720 TWO BUrNer GAS GrILLe still in box $120 256-202-0861 TWO CASSeTTe setCountry Memories, includes Satin Sheets, Daddy Sang Bass, Coal Miner’s Daughter, rhinestone Cowboy, Stand By Your Man, brand new $6.00 25-202-0170 lv msg TWO DrAWer fILe CABINeT $80 256-3284430 TWO DrAWer SAfe w/key & digital pad, gave $80, take $30 256-2029525 TWO GAS HeATerS hooked up on lp gas, 1 4burner, like new, also blue flame burner brand new $100 ea 256-4516021 TWO LG SIerrA ASHTrAYS one is amber one is emerald grn 256-8783367 TWO PrOPANe heaters that hang on wall in chicken house $75 ea 256-660-1922 TWO SLATe POOL TABLeS by fat cat 256-6735656 TWO TKTS TO See JOUrNeY AND DOOBIe BrOS concert at oak mtn ampitheatre thurs june 2nd I pd $95 for both will take $65 for the pr 256572-4783 TWO WIGS both brown $30 ea 256-593-6677 The Swapper - May 25 2016 US MArINe combat tent, TUB list for $8k asking 2-man, fully waterproof $5000 brand new still in w/floor, stakes, pole, box 205-529-2174 camo carrying bag, light WALL KITCHeN CABIdoes not penetrate in or NeTS came out of govt out $250 obo 256-914apt $5 ea 404-398-2881 9322 Huntsville WALL TeXTUre mixes US MILITArY BALISTIC w/water 16lb bags 54 bullet proof helmet sz bags $3 per bag 256-490large, adj chin strap, re- 9658 movable camo cover WANT 2 Or 3” WIDe $199 obo 256-914-9322 fIeLD or concrete pipe to Huntsville fit 8 or 10’ ditch reasonUSeD 6fT T-posts $1 ea ably priced 256-660-0422 256-557-0080 WANT TO BUY 24’ Or USeD INT DrS VArIOUS LArGer SWIMMING SzS $15 eA used carpet POOL 256-605-7029 $25 commode $15 2-elec WANT TO BUY 68 wall htrs $20 ea batheTOWAH HI SCHOOL ANroom sink 24” $25 256NUAL 205-359-1036 390-8941 WANT TO BUY BOAT USeD rAINBOW vacuum TrAILer reasonable great cond $300 256-557- price 256-660-0422 0382 WANT TO BUY CANOe USeD WOODeN pallets 256-660-0422 $2 ea 256-878-4576 WANT TO BUY HUSqUTILITY BeD $500 256VArNA eCHO or steel 302-4149 lv msg or text chain saw 460 rancher UTILITY TrAILer 256256-660-0422 794-1700 WANT TO BUY OLD UTILITY TrAILer 6 ½ x Beer SIGNS for man 10 drop gate, oak floor, cave 256-660-0422 new, $900 256-878-4576 WANT TO BUY UTILITY TrAILer 6 ½ x POrTABLe CArPOrT 24 12 w/drop gate, oak floor, x 24 at reasonable price $925 256-878-4576 256-660-0422 UTILITY TrAILer 6 ½ x 8 WANT TO BUY SOMe w/oak floor & mesh tail- TUBS TO garden in 256gate, new, $875 256-878- 673-8899 4576 WANT TO PICK UP ANY UTILITY TrAILer like MeTAL appliances etc new $450 2526-878-5428 256-660-0422 VAN HANDICAP rAMP WANT to pick up any old 256-558-3224 appliances, scrap iron, VArIeTIeS of blueberry metal, chicken house tin, bushes, 2yo & older $5 old cars, etc 256-561ea if buy 25 or more $4 ea 3269 need to be in ground WANT TO TrADe LOT on asap, shipping available lookout mtn will sell or 256-451-6021 trade for good tractor VerIzON CeLL PHONe and equip 256-996-6745 fLAT SCreeN $95 256- WANTeD MUSCADINe 295-2929 JeLLY reasonable price VHS MOVIeS, variety of 256-840-2050 titles, very good cond $1 WAr MeMOrIAL BeNCH ea 256-660-0176 lv msg $100 AND SeVerAL VINTAGe COIN & curwood grandmas and rency 256-288-2054 grandpas $20 ea 256-2952929 WALK IN WHIrLPOOL 15 HIre A VeTerAN Pressure Washing Lawn Service Licenced text or call John: 256-226-6265 WATerfALL w/parts, runs $75 256-660-1446 We Offer 30lb bundles of firewood to store owners for $4 per bundle, retail $8 bundle, we’re located near Lake G’ville 256-641-4470 WeATHer rADIO IN BOX can go camping w/it has home code $25 another weather radio one in box one not in box $10 ea 256-295-2929 WHIPPLe WILL super charger complete setup fits 5.3 or 6.0 LS motor $1000 205-274-7854 WHIrLPOOL BATHTUB 5’x7’ w/pump $500 256490-9658 WHISKeY BArreL IN GOOD COND $100 256393-8036 WHITe COMMODe very nice $40 256-506-4667 plastic toolbox air tank odd and end items WHITe OAK/reD OAK HICKOrY SMOKe wood 256-673-7474 WIG/GrAY SHOULDer LeNGTH $50 256-3284430 WILL CLeAN AND HAUL Off trash/etc from your yard/barn/garage and other bldgs 256-561-3269 I am bonded and will come the next day after you call WILL PICK UP SCrAP MeTAL 205-359-0371 WILL TeAr DOWN ANY OLD feNCING for wire and t-posts 256-660-0422 WINTer COAT BLK/HVY good for cold winter worn only twice 18-20 sz $25 256-561-3278 WOff TANNING BeD 24bulb 256-659-2101 WOMAN WHO HAS fI- The Swapper - May 25 2016 up to 5t summer or winter good cond 256-7444898 LOTS BABY clothes 256543-1470 16 TOYS NANCIAL PrOBLeMS seeking ladies dress pants sz 18 to 20 pleae donate to me 256-5613278 WOMeN’S PLUS Sz clothing 256-281-6897 WOOD BUrNING HeATer for central unit, used less than 50hrs $1500 256-490-9658 WOOD SPLITTer exc cond $500 205-446-2562 WOODeN qUILT rACK $20 256-659-4360 WOOLf TANNING bed 24-bulb 256-601-6167 WOrM BeD w/over 500 big red worms in it $45 256-438-8588 WrOUGHT IrON glass top table & 6 chairs for patio very nice cond $150 obo 256-878-9585 JEWELRY LOTS Of BeADS 50 cents per bag 256-5715801 grant/g’ville/Scottsboro area have ref’s 256-5574922 HeArING AID $50 256660-1446 needs battery I SIT W/eLDerLY AND SICK $5 hr 256-744-6293 JAzzY eLITe eS power scooter less than 1yr old comes w/owners manualpaper work-battery charger, very good working order $900 256-4544125 call or text 12pm-9pm LIfT CHAIr if interested call 256-281-5030 LOOKING fOr JOB as caregiver I am Christian lady w/15 yrs exp and exc ref’s C & A license this is my ministry 256-894-3897 MeDICAL HOYer LIfT w/2 slings, 2 rechargeable batteries like new $550 256-622-4555 BABY ITEMS BLUe BABY MOBIL animals hand on it plays $15 good cond MEDICAL EqUIP. music 256-891-1992 BOUNCY SeAT that eLDerLY LADY LOOKING fOr reCLINer that bounces & plays music for infant exc cond $15 rocks 256-202-2373 256-891-1992 eXP DePeNDABLe fISHer PrICe activity HOUSe KeePer availhouse w/door you can able in open/close, mail box, A Link to the Past light, and activity table Video Game Store $20 for both exc cond 802 Hwy 431, Boaz 256-891-1992 LOOKING fOr NeWNear H&R Block BOrN BABY CLOTHeS 256-960-6779 1 LG WOODeN TOY BOX needs stain or painting good cond 256-390-9529 26” BOYS BIKe W/80CC GASOLINe engine on it runs 33mph 256-677-8827 3-CABBAGe PATCH DOLLS MADe IN 80’S one has blonde yarn hair one brunette yarn hair one red hair $65 ea 256390-9529 3-OrIGINAL CABBAGe PATCH DOGS w/yarn hair call for details $65 ea 256-390-9529 AIr HOCKeY GAMe $75 205-359-4456 BATTerY POWereD PINK 4-wheeler w/charger $25 256-5932235 BIG MOTOrCYCLe TOY $60 256BOYS BIKe $30 256-8919896 CHILDreN’S outside toys 205-559-2205 CHILDreNS BILLIArD table w/many games $75 obo 256-686-8983 CHILDS WOODeN DOLL HOUSe brand new pd $80 asking $40 256-8785733 DS LITe W/fIVe GAMeS IN CASe $35 256-8919896 free CHILDS SWING SeT 11 yrs old Geraldine 256-557-8197 free KIDS SWING SeT really old Geraldine area 256-557-8197 GIrLS BIKe $50 256-660- ELLIS MOBILE HOME MOVERS Certified & Licensed •Take Down •Transport •Relevels 205-353-4241 1446 GIrLS TrAIL BIKe 3spd 26” $50 256-399-7067 HAND MADe child rockers 1 red 1 blue $50 ea 256-498-0669 KIDS KeYBD still in box used once $20 256-5049968 LITTLe TYKeS PLASTIC TOY BOX needs cleaning $15 256-504-9968 LOOKING fOr small little tyke slide cheap 256-8911992 NINTeNDO 64 W/GAMeS $50 256-891-9896 POrCeLAIN DOLL 256660-1446 PSIV W/2 GAMeS 256458-5188 $300 rOCKING HOrSe $20 256-504-9968 SAfArI PLAY SeT like new $20 256-673-1133 STUffeD ANIMALS 256281-6897 TODDLerS ACTIVITY TABLe and house they can call thru $20 very good cond 256-891-1992 VIDeO NOW SYSTeMS fOr KIDS w/tapes $25 ea 256-295-2929 VINTAGe J/D TOY TrACTOr 52 series model $400 256-287-0375 WANTeD CHILDS BATTerY OPerATeD tractor or car rechargeable 256506-3361 WANTeD CHILDS PLAYHOUSe/plastic need asap 256-593-4208 WANTeD medium size toy box for little boy, preferably wood 256-8784968 lv msg X-BOX DrUM SeT no stick $20 256-891-9896 .111fISHer PrICe toddler activity table, plays music, one pc fisher Price house w/door, ringing doorbell, light that switches on, exc cond $20 for both 256-891-1992 CLOTHING (15) MeN’S SUITS exc cond various colors $35 ea size 52 reg & 52 long 256-506-9618 10 Pr Sz 20 JUST MY SIze JeANS blk 2-pr sz 24 jms jeans blk $5 ea 256-557-5421 38-GIrL BABY DreSSeS 6 MOS TO 12 MOS $590 for all price firm 256-8911992 4 Pr MeNS BLUe JeANS 36-30 36-32 $5 Pr Or $25 for all 256-660-1446 5-Pr Sz 12 CAPrIS $5 12 pr sz 14 capris $15 16 pr capris sz 16 $20 256-7380220 9-1/2 ArIAT BrOWN TOOTH PD $179 worn once take $75 256-3395058 AMerICAN eAGLe, Aeropostale, Polo, ralph Lauren, Wrangler, Monster, redemption, roar Gap, Nike clothing for guys, sizes 14-16 boys but most is men’s small & like new, everything $5 ea 256-506-9646 BABY CLOTHeS mostly little girls 0 to 9 mos 2 car seats play yard also 256-660-0806 BLUe JeANS 3 TO 5 IN Sz $3 pr 256-298-2802 CLOTHeS size 3X 256659-1070 Geraldine Al DIAMOND PLATe genuine leather blk leather vest w/patches on front/back exc cond size small $50 obo 205-7325065 Lincoln AL GA fOOTBALL PUrSe $20 GA BULLDOG made out of wood $15 and $25 256-295-2929 GIrLS 6 THrU 10 SOMe W/TAGS never worn boots bathing suit etc too much to list $100 firm for all Gadsden area 256390-3768 GIrLS SOfTBALL The Swapper - May 25 2016 PANTS, gray med & black SUMMer CLOTHeS 2T large (only worn 2xs) and up in good cond 256gray $8, the black $10, 2 744-4858 pr under sliding shorts LOOKING fOr Pr Sz 18 about the same size: $8 JeANS blk or denim reaea, all in really good sonable price 256-557shape, beautiful gold 8 to 5421 10 party dress: $35, 8 to LOT Of VerY nice/clean 10 hot pink party dress clothing, some new $20, white size 2 $5, hone w/tags, some name 256-840-5337 brands, varies sizing, H/D LeATHer JACKeT pants, shoes, shirts, jackSz 2X $300 256-673-5219 ets, dresses, childrens, JUSTIN BrAND NeW ladies & men, would like BOOTS, girls 8.5B & guys to sell to one person for a 10.5D, girls never out of thrift store 256-586-6915 box, guys hardly if ever LOTS Of LADIeS worn, sold horses, $35 DreSSeS formal/short each, phone 256-840shirts blue jeans some 5337 have tags in exc cond $5 KeeN STeeL TOeD ten- to $16 256-673-7145 nis shoes very good MeN’S BLUe JeANS 4 pr cond size 6 very nice $40 36-30 $5 ea 256-660-1446 obo 205-732-5065 Lincoln MeN’S HArLeY JeANS 2 AL pair 42x32 $15ea pair exc LADIeS CLOTHING very cond 256-506-9618 good cond, City Girl, Mul- MY WIfe PASSeD AWAY I tiples, Alfred Dunner, var- have many purses some ious sizes, most priced very nice 256-505-7225 from $10-$20 256-572NeW CLOTHeS 6 to 12 3452 mos name brand 256LADIeS HArLeY BOOTS 599-3394 Sz 8 harley jacket x-tra lg NeW DIAMOND PLATe 256-546-7890 buffalo blk leather jacket LADIeS SCrUBS diff szs size med w/patches and colors sm med lg front/back & pair of HD and x-lg $5 ea or $35 for boots size 8 exc cond all whole box 256-660-1446 for $200 obo 205-732LeATHer MOTOrCYCLe 5065 Lincoln AL chaps w/fringe, ladies NeW LOUIS VIITTON bag, $50 256-557-0382 burnt orange/brown, LeLA STONe BOOTS beautiful deco $50 obo OVer KNee sky high 256-738-8649 wedge $50 obo text 205- NeW PAIr of ladies red 359-1231 cowboy boots size 7 ½ LITTLe BOY’S CLOTHeS never worn $75 256-660sz 4-5 $45 for all 256-538- 0538 6555 NeW rOCKY WOrK LONG COBALT BLUe BOOTS 9wide $75 256fOrMAL beaded top & 470-1441 straps sz 18-20 shoes to NINe PAIr size 14 capris match sz 8-1/2 256-593- like new $10 for all 2565579 $275 738-0220 LOOKING fOr GIrLS NUrSeS SCrUBS $5 ea or $8 a set 256-295-2929 ONe PAIr pink New York SEWER SYSTEMS city flairs size XL sweat Grinder Pumps Sales/Service pants $20 obo 256-3024371 (205) 616-3894 ONe Pr PINK NY CITY e one 17 Sq AIr APOSTLe sweat pants sz 2x brand new $20 256-302-4371 PAIr SIze 10 petite jeans, exc cond $1 per pair 256-660-0538 aft 6pm PANTS size 2, 3, & 5 good cond $3 ea 256-2982802 Pr GeOrGIA BrAND BOOTS new $100 never worn 256-572-4783 SCrUBS all sizes $3 ea or 2 for $5 256-571-5801 SHArP GArMeNT fABrIC stand steamer like new cond $35 call or text 256-504-8683 SHINY LeATHer MArINe Bomber jacket, nearly mint cond $100 (worth $400) 256-470-0186 SKATe SHOeS blk/blue exc cond size 7 ½ $420 obo 205-732-5065 Lincoln AL Sz 10-1/2 rOCKY WOrK BOOTS $25 256-470-1441 Sz 8 MeN’S OSTrICH SKIN BOOTS $75 rust color 256-302-6007 THIrTeeN PAIr size 16 capris name brand $15 for all 256-738-0220 VerA BrADLeY PUrSeS (2) new cond spring/summer colors $30 ea Michael kors purse never used tan color med lg sz tag still on can send pics $65 cash pd $425 new 256-840-8000 WANT TO TrADe lots of kids clothes for adult clothes or will sell them for whatever you will pay 706-671-4664 WHITe WeDDING DreSS Sz 12 short sleeves sweetheart neckline $100 256-470-0922 WOLVerINe BOOTS brand new $60 worn once 18 256-647-8932 WOMeNS CLOTHING, sleeveless satin ivory white wedding gown size 10, never worn $150 256390-9529 YArD SALe clothing, very good clothes, over 100 pcs, all for 1 price 256-657-7415 Henagar AL FURNITURE $49 dOWN - NO CREdIT CHECK TAKE IT HOME TOdAY - HOMEROOM fURNITURE - 115 S. NOBlE STREET, ANNISTON (256) 236-6162 fACEBOOK.COM/HOM EROOMfURNITURE WWW.HOMEROOMfURNITUREAl.COM (4) WOOD DINING room chairs $100 256-659-6666 2 BOOKCASeS good cond 4 and 6 shelf 256505-3918 2 GOOD BOOKSHeLVeS six and four shelf $40 and $60 256-251-0643 2-CHINA CABINeTS HArDWOOD cherry/maple 256-2261944 3PC CLOTH LIVING rM set (couch, loveseat, ottoman) 256-891-0780 7 PC WICKer SeT LIKe NeW $400 love seat 2 chairs end table coffee table magazine holder mirror 256-452-6811 83 Yr OLD LIVING ON SS I need wheelchair that works at reasonable price 256-605-0775 ANTIqUe BeDrM suite $625 256-281-6423 ANTIqUe STeIfeL LAMPS $200 firm no shades 256-891-0230 lv msg if no answer ASHLeY BAKer’S rack $75 256-738-0046 BeD rAILS AND BLANKeT 256-660-1446 Br SUITe W/.MATTreSS COUCH love seat 256- The Swapper - May 25 2016 582-4238 need to sell Ter AND HUTCH also asap other odd/end items 256251-0243 BrOWN MICrOfIBer GOOD COND clean $100 eNTerTAINMeNT CeN256-878-4564 Ter by Hooker, holds 32” tv, drawers for BrOWN MICrOSUeDe Lr SUITe love seat and cds/games, dk cherry fisish, wood dowell pin two recliners $300 256style, beautiful $350 obo 452-6811 CHerrY 2-DrAWer lat- 256-572-3493 eNTerTAINMeNT CeNeral filing cabinet, new, Ter by Hooker, holds 32” $75 256-293-7973 tv, drawers for CHerrY HUTCH $100 mail bin $50 antique cabi- cds/games, dk cherry fisish, wood dowell pin net very old/white 259style, beautiful $350 obo 251-0643 256-572-3493 CHerrY TWO DrAWer LATerAL fILe CABINeT free OUTDOOr furniture 256-557-8197 new $75 256-293-7973 fULL Sz MATTreSS AND CHIfferOBe in exc cond $295 256-293-7973 BOX SPrINGS $50 firm 256-281-6785 CHINA CABINeT med oak color needs one handle fULL Sz WHITe BeD grt good cond $100 256-572- for girls room no mattress Gadsden area $100 7912 been in family for 256-390-3768 yrs GrANDfATHer CLOCK CLeAN reCLINer $65 needs a little work $700 256-659-6666 256-452-6811 COrNer BOOKCASe ITALIAN LeATHer SOfA 256-505-3918 exc cond $600 256-840COUCH & loveseat 256- 5921 794-1700 KING BeDrM SUITe COUCH AND LOVe SeAT headboard, chest of W/reCLINING seat exc drawers, 3-drawer bedcond $200 256-281-6785 side table $300 call 205COUCH/LOVe SeAT AND 625-7959 OTTOMAN cloth 256-891- KING SIze box 0780 springs/mattress in exDINING rM ALL WOOD tremely good cond, no set, 4 chairs, 2 leafs, 1 stains $75 256-486-3994 arm chair $300 256-586- LANe MID CeNTUrY 6915 COffee TABLe $75 256DINING rM TABLe w/4 561-1121 ladder back chairs, all LANe rOCKer rewood, 1 leaf $200 256CLINer tan fabric $100 586-6915 256-878-4564 DINING rOOM china cab- LAzY BOY reCLINer inet wht w/interior lights, blue fabric $125 256-878marble table wht w/4 4564 chair $500 obo 256-878LAzY BOY reCLINer 0116 blue, swivels/rocks/reDINING TABLe OVAL in clines, clean $60 obo shape four chairs $75 256-622-2314 Gadsden, 256-506-6540 Bob DOUBLe BOOKCASe LeATHer reCLINer bed $100 256-659-6666 SOfA brown, 1 recliner in eNTerTAINMeNT center each end good cond $300 256-794-1700 256-572-3493 eNTerTAINMeNT CeN- LeATHer reCLINer SOfA brown, 1 recliner in each end good cond $300 256-572-3493 LeATHer SOfA exc cond $200 256-558-2989 LeATHer SWIVeL rOCKer w/footstool tan in color one yr old 256281-6785 LG LeATHer CHAIr W/MATCHING OTTOMAN also beige recliner 205274-8515 LIfT CHAIr IN GOOD COND burgundy $200 256-582-3374 LIKe NeW OAK TV STAND W/3 SHeLVeS $75 256-878-4564 LOOKING fOr somebody that has 2 of the old handmade wicker willow chain chairs 256-5069641 LOVeSeAT & COUCH red in color very pretty 256744-9060 LOVeSeAT, recliner, chair, 3 end tables 256485-5719 Lr SUITe $175 256-5386174 MAHOGANY CONfereNCe TABLe TOP 8’ long x 4-1/2’ wide $200 256458-3474 MATCHNG COffee TABLe, 2 end tables $125 cash only 205-625-7959 for appt to see, no calls aft 9pm NICe BrOWN eLeC reCLINer good cond 256878-2877 NICe BrOWN eLeC reCLINer good cond 256878-2877 g’ville NICe MATCHING LOVe SeAT W/foot stool/storage space in it beige in color $75 obo 256-2248885 NICe WOOD 8 PC Dr SUITe $800 256-572-4180 OAK eNTerTAINMeNT CeNTer 55” WIDe 5’ HIGH very nice $50 256251-0643 OAK KING BeDrM suite The Swapper - May 25 2016 256-891-0780 ODDS/eNDS furniture 256-794-1700 OffICe fUrNITUre shelf, desk, chairs 256840-5488 PICNIC TABLe $25 256251-0643 qN Sz BeD W/NICe HDBD frame mattress and box springs $150 for all also reg sz bed hdbd ftbd $100 404-398-2881 qN Sz MATTreSS & BOX SPrINGS $125 for both or would exchange for full sz 256-486-3453 qUeeN BeDrM SUITe w/head board, dble dresser (needs some work on drawers), large chest of drawers, 2drawer bedside table $200 cash only call 205625-7959 for appt to see no calls aft 9pm qUeeN SIze SPANISH BeDrOOM SUIT with memory foam mattress & boxsprings, 2 end tables, 9 drawer dresser, 5 drawer chest: $500, phone 256-840-5337 rATTAN SOfA/LOVe SeAT glass top coffee table good cond $175 256-492-1211 reCLINer brown microfiber $100 256-8784564 reCLINer Lazy Boy, gold or burnt orange, re- 19 clines, clean $40 obo 256-622-2314 Gadsden, Bob rOCKer reCLINer tan fabric w/small stripe $80 256-878-4564 SINGLe BeD $75 256659-6666 SLATe TOP BAr TABLe 256-706-0920 SMALL rOUND wicker table $15 256-543-1470 SOfA BeD AND fUrNITUre STeeL frAMe The Swapper Online is now FREE! Just visit our website and read The Swapper completely Free of Charge. • All those who are signed up currently will no longer be charged. • The online version will be released Tuesday night. • Hassle Free - A Subscription is no longer required to submit ads or read online. 20 $200 256-840-9114 SOfA BeD clean, no tears $200 256-659-6666 SOLID OAK Dr SUITe W/SIX CHAIrS Sq TABLe $425 205-477-4817 TABLe W/6 CHAIrS made in 50s, old, good shape 256-744-9060 TAN reCLINer GOOD COND $80 256-878-4564 TV ON WALL CABINeT CHerrY IN COLOr 256572-7912 $100 WANT TO BUY a nice king or queen water bed w/all working accessories, must be nice, clean, smoke free, wlll pay cash, really want a canopy type 256-6736892 WANT TO BUY NICe qN Sz WATer BeD prefer canopy consider other no junk please will pay cash and pick up must be clean 256-673-6892 possibly buy entire br suite WANT TO BUY nice recliner 256-593-0071 WANT TO BUY WATer BeD or water bed frame 256-660-1437 WHITE dRESSER $100, 5-dRAWER CHEST, $75, OPEN HUTCH (CHERRY) GOOD HOUSeS fOr SALe Below Market Value -All Rented w/ 8-9% Return Albertville & Guntersville CALL 256 673 4922 The Swapper - May 25 2016 sofa is quite heavy, it was made when furniture was meant to last, $350, from Albertville pix on Google Images it 104 West Al Ave. appears to be actually Suite F from the 1920’s, but I'm Albertville, AL 35950 calling it a 1940’s to be 256-878-1300 on the safe side, 256-8785148 Arab 1970’S COMPLeTe SeT 116 Cullman Rd. Of MeGO WIzArD Of Albertville, AL 35950 Oz ACTION 256-931-2000 fIGUreS/DOLLS, Dorothy, complete, w/ basket & Toto, Scarecrow, complete, w/ his $100, glASS TOP degree, Tin Man, comSOfA TABlE, $50, plete, w/ ax & heart CAll 256-442-1059 sticker, Cowardly Lion, complete, still in original WICKer INDOOr/OUTbox, w/ his medal, Glenda DOOr patio furniture, the Good Witch, comnice, lg heavy duty, loveseat, table & cushion plete, w/ crown & wand, Wicked Witch, complete $150 256-312-2552 in original box, w/ broom, WICKer INDOOr/OUTWizard of Oz, complete, DOOr patio furniture, & have the original plasnice, lg heavy duty, loveseat, table & cushion tic, green & yellow throne chair he sits in, all are in $150 256-312-2552 WOULD THe LADY who great condition, also there is an extra Cowhad the wooden water ardly Lion, not complete, bed that lived behind $225 for the set, will not Charcoal Burger on separate, 256-878-5148 Georgia Mt please call 2-ITeMS frOM TUrKS me, I want to buy that, I qUeING boaz, al 256-281lost your number 2566897 660-1437 2-OLD 5 GAL MILK CANS inside $15 ea 256-744ANTIqUES/COLLECTIBLES ss 3876 2-OLD BrASS HANGING 18 ANTIqUe GLASS LIGHTS 256-845-7727 MILK BOTTLeS all in good cond diff szs bot2-OLD WOOD AND IrON tled from Gadsden boaz eWe COLLArS 256-845b’ham and other places 7727 $100 for all 256-546-4997 2-SeTON VASeS STILL IN 1927 COLLeCTOrS BOX signed and numSTOVe NeeDS rewiring bered 256-845-7727 good cond $200 205-353- 3-ANTIqUe MULe COL7219 LArS stuffed w/straw 1940 eLeC STOVe 256-845-7727 W/WOOD COOK stove 3-VerY OLD STrAW built in $200 205-353STUffeD ewe collars 7219 256-845-7727 1940’S DUNCAN PHYfe 6 SHeLVeS DIff fIGSOfA, great condition w/ UrINeS teapot precious original tapestry uphol- moments items bears etc stery, 76" long, w/ three also antique cabinet style cushions & all metal claw radio 256-224-5695 feet are present, the 64 T-BIrD 2Dr 390 V8 wood is walnut & the auto 95% complete sit- ting for several yrs brakes do not work good restoration project $2500 256-505-8285 70 fOrD PU 302 V8 eNGINe straight shift sport trk $1500 256-526-4262 has a little rust on inside 92 NAT’L CHAMPIONSHIP CASe KNIfe 256-659-4360 ABOUT $700 WOrTH Of OLD antique dishes for sell cheap clean/no chips can no longer lift arab area 256-506-1160 would trade for old car or truck as long as it runs ANTIqUe 10" r S GerMANY HANDLeD CAKe PLATe, or possibly dinner plate, soft colors with white tulips & leaves & gold trim, it is marked with the green r S Germany mark & has reinhold Schlegelmilch's signature & Tillowitz Germany in red, a beautiful plate, $35, call 256-8784852 ANTIqUe 8 TrACK PLAYer needs repairs 256-328-4430 ANTIqUe AAK WeSTerN style belt buckle 256-9602771 brass w/horses on front ANTIqUe AVON CAr/BOTTLeS 256-2816897 ANTIqUe BIrDCAGe & MATCHING STAND, the cage is 12" diameter x 14" tall & is the traditional "beehive" shape, it has clear glass food/water holders, the stand is 64 1/2" tall, w a 10 1/2" diameter cast iron base, with a maple leaf design, the set is an old, patinated, burnt orange color, $225 fIrM, 256878-5148 ANTIqUe BOTTLeS AND JUGS 256-281-6897 ANTIqUe BOTTLeS W/COrK TOPS 256-2816897 ANTIqUe Br SUITe solid oak bed comes w/slats and rails no mattress or box springs 256-960-2771 ANTIqUe BreAK DOWN SHeLf 256-878-2633 ANTIqUe CHeST Of DrAWerS $100 256-5071887 ANTIqUe CHILDreNS BIBLe and books 256281-6897 ANTIqUe COUCH/CHAIr AND COffee TABLe $250 256-281-6423 ANTIqUe DeSK W/CHAIr $150 256-507-1887 ANTIqUe DOOrS 256738-0557 ANTIqUe eNAMeL rOAD SIGN no riding or driving over 7 mph $250 256-6591056 I pd $350 for it yrs ago ANTIqUe GerMANY BerrY SeT, with yellow roses, it is a six-piece set, w/ a master & five individual serving bowls, the master & two individual bowls are marked with the red Germany mark & three individual bowls are marked with the green Germany mark, the pattern on all the bowls is the same, $50 for the set, 256-878-4852 ANTIqUe HANDPAINTeD NIPPON CHOCOLATe SeT, 14piece set: pot, lid, six cups & six saucers, w/ pink roses & apple blossoms, with gold edge trim & handles, some of the gold has worn away from years of use, the pot & cups are marked with the green hand-painted Nippon mark, the saucers are not marked, $150 for this beautiful set, call 256-878-4852 ANTIqUe KerOSeNe LAMPS 256-845-7727 ANTIqUe OAK DINING SUITe, from the 1920’s or 1930’s, table is 45" x 54", w/ beveled edge, there The Swapper - May 25 2016 21 are three 6" wide leaves 12 - Step Addiction Outreach Ministry that are walnut, they do not match the table, but fit it, six chairs, one is an The Jesus Addiction Ministry arm chair & all still have Turning Addictions Around the original leather seats, in great condition, the Mon. 6:00 P.M. china cabinet is 63" tall x At The Boaz Church of God 39" wide x 14 3/4" deep, with glass front & sides & Contact #’s has three shelves, $500 Jeff & Tammy Cooper Church Office 245-593-3689 for all, call 256-878-4852 256-572-5423 Sheila Whitten 256-738-3754 ANTIqUe PeNCIL 256-572-7258 SHArPeNer 256-2816897 Zech 4:6 “Not by might nor by power, but by spirit, said the Lord of hosts.” ANTIqUe SeWING MACHINe in wooden cabinet chair tapestry cover oak BUDWeISer TABLe works grt all attachments ice box cathedral radios LAMP, w/red stained oak washstand oak crank glass shade, 25" tall 205-466-5572 telephones 256-659-2235 w/bronze-colored very orANTIqUe STeIfeL AVON fIGUrINeS 72 to nate base, shade is a 17 LAMPS $200 firm no 1/2" octagon & has "Bud06 $50 ea 256-507-1887 shades 256-891-0230 lv weiser" in the glass-enmsg if no answer AVON MOTHerS DAY casing metalwork on the ANTIqUe STONeWAre PLATeS and figurines top of each of the eight PITCHer $275 firm 256- $100 for all 256-507-1887 panels, on the skirt of the 891-0230 BeAUTIfUL ANTIqUe shade is the Anheuser ANTIqUe SUGAr BOWL LAMPS resales for $500 Busch "A" & eagle in the silver on top red on bot- asking $200 firm no metalwork, there is also a tom 256-281-6897 comes shades 256-891-0230 if ribbon & leaf design in no answer please lv msg the metalwork, it is a w/spoon BeAUTIfUL ANTIqUe heavy lamp, holds one ANTIqUe TOYS also WASH BASIN & bulb & is in fantastic conlunch boxes from lone ranger etc 256-960-2771 PITCHer, the pattern is a dition/working order, really pretty monochro- $450 fIrM, call 256-878ANTIqUe TrUNK $25 obo 256-486-6797 needs matic greyish blue-green 5148 floral & the pitcher has a BUNCH Of OLD PLOWS some refinishing prominent bird among ANTIqUe UNDerWOOD the flowers, the pitcher is 256-738-7840 TYPeWrITer cast iron 11" at the highest point, 9 CHILDS ANTIqUe MeTAL casing over 100 yrs old 1/2" from tip of spout to DeSK 256-281-6897 256-281-6897 top of handle, 8" across COBALT BLUe BOTTLeS 256-281-6897 ANTIqUe VALOr 4 X 15 the side, it is a slightly rIfLe SCOPe exc cond oblong-shaped pitcher & COCA-COLA & ATLANTA used for military training has "DUCHeSS" emBrAVeS, 6 Bear Bryant $50 256-593-8750 bossed on the bottom, 10oz Coca-Cola bottles, ANTIqUe VICTrOLA 256- the bowl is 14 3/4" diame- still full, $25 all six, one ter & 5" deep, w/the floral 8oz, still full, "from 878-2633 ANTIqUe WHISKeY bot- pattern on the inside, The Athens to Atlanta" Cocapitcher has a chip on the Cola bottle, $3, one 8oz, tles & jugs for sell 256bottom rim & the bowl Atlanta 1996, still full 281-6897 has a chip & hairline Coca-Cola bottle, $4, ANTIqUe WINDSOr crack down one side. The TWO ATLANTA BrAVeS, CHAIr 256-845-7727 grt set makes a very pretty Texaco-issued glasses, cond display, $35.00 OBO 256- w/ the tomahawk/Braves ANTIqUeS fOr SeLL 878-5148 logo on one side & the 256-251-0643 BIG OLD HOMeMADe ANTIqUeS fOr SeLL WOOD CABINeT needs B&B PAWN furniture signs cans too refurbished $100 256- BUY IT- SELL IT much to mention 256891-9963 - PAWN IT - TRADE IT659-1056 BOX fULL/OLD qUILT WE DO IT ALL ANY VerY NICe ANTOPS 256-845-7727 256-546-4892 TIqUeS such as sofa Two s tS amp The J.A.M. Two Sta m ps The Swapper - May 25 2016 22 OPeN 7 DAYS A WeeK! We CASH INCOMe TAX CHeCKS! We BUY GOLD AND JeWeLrY! PAYDAY ADVANCe: We HOLD YOUr PerSONAL CHeCK UNTIL PAYDAY! PAWN YOUr TITLe... DrIVe YOUr CAr!!! OPEN: M-F 7am - 6pm Sat & Sun 8am - 6pm "A" logo on the other, $12/pair, 256-878-5148 COLLeCTIBLe BArBIeS from 60’s serious inquiries only 256-328-5678 COLLeCTION Of OLD AVON BOTTLeS $35 256507-0368 COLOreD eNGrAVING of souix Indian prints by artist George Chapman circa 1820 to $1830 unframed 14” x 50” $50 per print 256-878-1661 COMMerCIAL Sz COffee GrINDer exc cond $150 256-538-2939 red in color CONSOLe MAGNAVOX STereO very old good shape 505-3918 CrAM'S IMPerIAL 12 INCH WOrLD GLOBe, made in Indianapolis Indiana USA, the legend has "C73" in red above the copyright, it is a detailed globe, 34" tall, on an oil-rubbed bronze fin- ish metal base w/ a 10 3/4" base, it has the USSr on it, so it has a little age to it, $35, call 256878-5148 CrOCK CerAMIC BOWL full of wood spoons etc 256-845-7727 DINeTTe SeT SIX CHAIrS w/china cabinet and buffet exc cond 1925 to 1932 $2000 obo dp sign from 67 good cond $75 blk stallion lamp 75 yrs old $225 brass chan- delier $350 256-515-2640 DOLLS, interesting variety of vintage & collectible dolls, Gone With the Wind, Wizard of Oz, Asian, Princess Diana & Prince Charles, high-end porcelain collectible, too many to list, prices will vary accordingly, 256878-5148 fINe CHINA DISHeS royal swirl made in japan 8 pc setting $35 538-3783 GOLD BrUSHeD ANTIqUe rOCKING CHAIr $35 OBO 256-486-6797 I BUY GOOD USeD ANTIqUeS good cond reasonable 256-264-4945 I LOVe LUCY DOLL $250 256-507-0368 LG BLK WASH POT W/STAND $100 Or TrADe 205-274-2486 LG BOWL GrAVY Or SOUP bowl yellow/white fruit on lid lg platter $40 256-538-3783 LG COLLeCTION HOT WHeeLS and die cast cars must sell 205-3680034 LG CUrIO CABINeT $200 256-507-0368 LG PICTUre VICTOrIAN lady w/dog 2’ x 3’ gold frame $65 256-593-8085 boaz LOTS Of ANTIqUeS 256281-6897 LOTS Of ANTIqUeS fOr SeLL different pcs 256962-0893 MCCOY DUTCHMAN and American Bisque Churn cookie jars $25 each 256570-2533 MCCOY POTTerY 3pc Mushroom Canister set 256-485-5442 MeTAL COCA COLA SIGN $20 256-570-2533 MILK GLASS HOBNAIL LAMP $30 256-485-5442 MILK GLASS vases candy dishes tumblers and various other pieces at various prices 256-4855442 MODeL T fOrD 1926 convertible coupe mint cond looks brand new sell or trade $20,000 256587-3018 OATH Of THe HIPPOCrATS in 47 some of the 1st codasills on abortion in good cond 256673-5746 OLD 1800 STYLe MIDeVIAL LOCK AND KeY works grt $40 256-605- The Swapper - May 25 2016 0207 OLD ANTIqUe fULL Sz BeD 4 poster cherry mattress and box springs $1000 256-507-1887 OLD ANTIqUe fULL Sz BeD four poster hdbd solid cherry wood w/box springs and mattress $1000 256-507-0368 OLD ANTIqUe LIP TeNT $30 ea 256-470-1441 OLD ANTIqUe MILK CHUrNS $15 to $30 256470-1441 OLD ANTIqUe MULe DrAWN PLOW $300 256- 593-4807 OLD ANTIqUe WALT DISNeY wind up toys 256281-6897 OLD BLK WrOUGHT IrON hanging light fixtures six globes 256-8457727 OLD CHeST TrUNK solid cedar wood 256-845-7727 OLD CIVIL WAr BOX BLADe $300 678-2322789 OLD COffee TABLe $100 256-507-1887 OLD DreSSer MIrrOr in good cond 100 or more 23 yrs old 256-845-7727 OLD INDIAN AX HeAD $300 678-232-2789 OLD KerOSeNe LAMPS for sell 256-281-6897 OLD MeTAL WAGON WHeeLS $100 eA 205212-8676 OLD MILITArY SABre made in 1890 $75 also old civil war box blade $300 has us on it/old Indian ax hd $300 678-2322789 OLD MILITArY SWOrD AND SCABBArD $75 678-232-2789 24 OLD rAILrOAD LANTerNS $75 eA 205212-8676 OLD YO YO’S 256-2816897 PeNNSYLVANIA rr bell used by conductors to call customers wooden handle brass bell exc cond $300 256-891-0230 lv msg reTrO 50’S STYLe CHOC fOUNTAIN $20 256-553-9290 reTrO SerIeS CHOC fOUNTAIN $10 IN BOX 256-295-2929 rUSTIC TABLe pedestal type 2 ladderback chairs straw bottoms solid wood 256-845-7727 VerY OLD KerOSeNe LAMP 256-845-7727 VerY OLD rUSTIC TrUNK over 100 yrs old 256-845-7727 VINTAGe BeNSON GLASS emerald grn diamond cut $25 256-5040724 VINTAGe J/D PeDAL TOY TrACTOr 52 series model $400 256-287-0375 WHITe OAK 135 Yr OLD BeD claw ft dresser and mirror $300 256-753-0370 WHITe OAK WASH STAND w/sq mirror $100 MCCOrMICK SerVICeS roadside Tire & repair Service HANDYMAN SerVICe WeLDING, rOOf rePAIr, PAINTING, AIr-CONDITIONING CLeANING, LAWN MAINTeNANCe, eTC. BeST PrICeS WITH free eSTIMATeS 256-390-1171 The Swapper - May 25 2016 one is tile 256-673-5746 2-LIfe MAGAzINeS W/JOHNNY CASH and the beatles 64 – 69 256281-6897 2ND eDITION GI JOe not in box but in exc cond kept in plastic bag has gun and sword 256-9602771 2-OLD 5 GAL MILK CANS ss inside $15 ea 256-7443876 2-POrCeLAIN fLASKS still in box made in germany very pretty 256claw ft 256-753-0370 960-2771 WILL BUY ANTIqUeS 4-PLACe SeTTING impe256-506-4912 WINDSOr PHONe CHAIr rial bohemian chezkloslomint cond 2 drawers 256- vokian $400 firm exc cond 256-891-0230 845-7727 WINDSOr rOCKer mint 4-STILL IN BOX OSBOrNe family bobble hd cond 256-845-7727 dolls 256-960-2771 WOrLD WAr I ANTIqUe 533 DC COMIC BOOKS pencil sharpener in bronze very rare 256-504- $250 fOr ALL 256-5432825 6629 533 DC COMIC BOOKS .179 ANTIqUe BeDrM suite $625 256-281-6423 (2) reAr BLK STeeL wheels for John Deere G tractor $1000 256-7536904 ”ALL GOD’S CHILDreN” COLLeCTION figurines 256-878-2633 01 CerAMIC TOOTHBrUSH HOLDer white w/flowers top is 24 ct gold 256-960-2771 exc cond 07 MAG W/PAMeLA ANDerSON holiday anniversary 256-281-6897 07 TrIBUTe TO ANNA NICOLe SMITH 256-2816897 19 ALBUMS SIX reCOrDS $100 firm 256891-0230 1918 MODeL T fOrD rOADSTer 256-878-2877 2-BrOWN ONe GAL JUGS 256-281-6897 2-DP CrATeS ONe frOM 50’S one from 60’s exc cond 256-960-2771 2-LANTerNS good cond e one SEWER SYSTEMS Grinder Pumps Sales/Service (205) 616-3894 $250 for all 26-328-2944 533 DC COMIC BOOKS fOr SeLL $250 for all 256-533-0788 533 DC COMICS in mint cond $350 for all, you will be getting 183 free 256543-2825 70’S AUBUrN TIGerS COOKIe JAr in exc cond sell for reasonable price 256-960-2771 70’S COCA COLA LAMP 256-960-2771 exc cond 70’S TILL PreSeNT COMIC BOOKS $1 ea 256-490-4449 91 SM S10 KING CAB W/SM SeATS five spd 6 cyl has new bumpers chromed $1850 or trade 256-538-9259 92 ALABAMA NATIONAL Championship Case knife 256-659-4360 ALA SIGNeD fOOTBALL comes w/coa $125 256659-5167 ALABAMA fOOTBALL history books 256-6907392 ALABAMA SIGNeD fOOTBALL omari cooper a j mccarron $200 obo 256-657-5167 ALBe AVON fIGUrINe yrs 90 thru 02 $40 ea or two for $70 256-352-5970 ALBUM COLLeCTION/rOCK and country 256-486-1423 ANIqUe COUCH & chair $250 256-281-6423 ANNIVerSArY COCA COLA BOTTLe 256-9602771 ANTIqUe AM/fM old timey floor model, radio on top, record player under radio $75 256-7387840 ANTIqUe AVON BULLDOG PIPe 256-281-6897 ANTIqUe DrOP frONT secretary, vintage 1960s, bubble glass top, 3 drawers, good cond $450 256572-3493 ANTIqUe DrOP frONT secretary, vintage 1960s, bubble glass top, 3 drawers, good cond $450 256572-3493 ANTIqUe DrOP frONT secretary, vintage 1960s, bubble glass top, 3 drawers, good cond $450 256572-3493 ANTIqUe LANe COffee TABLe, very good shape all wood 256-561-1121 ANTIqUe OAK vintage wash stand w/towel bar & mirror, exc cond $350, antique oak vintage small chest of drawers exc cond $350, matching pcs will sell both for $600 256-572-3452 ANTIqUe OAK vintage wash stand w/towel bar & mirror, exc cond $350, antique oak vintage small chest of drawers exc cond $350, matching pcs will sell both for $600 256-572-3452 ANTIqUe OAK vintage wash stand w/towel bar & mirror, exc cond $350, antique oak vintage small chest of drawers exc cond $350, matching pcs will sell both for $600 256-572-3452 ANTIqUe OAK vintage wash stand w/towel bar & mirror, exc cond $350, antique oak vintage small chest of drawers exc cond $350, matching pcs will sell both for $600 256-572-3452 ANTIqUe reCOrDS 256283-1574 ArOUND 160 COMIC BOOKS from mid 80s all in plastic like new, Bat Man, Dimati, Thor, TSI force, Moon Night, Spider Man, Green Lantern, Superman, etc, much more $1ea 256-609-3024 Grant Mt area ASSOrTMeNT AVON COLLeCTIBLe BOTTLeS 256-486-1423 AUBUrN/ALA CHAMPIONSHIP coke bottles 256960-2771 AVON ANTIqUe BOTTLeS 256-281-6897 AVON BOTTLeS some colored glass 256-4861423 AVON PLATe COLLeCTION along w/cabinet dating from ’71 to ’06 Christmas plates $1500 256-507-0368 BArLeY TWIST coat rack, brass trim, exc cond $325 256-572-3493 BArLeY TWIST coat rack, brass trim, exc cond $325 256-572-3493 BASeBALL CArD COLLeCTION newer rookie cards all in folder w/sleeve some autographed 256-960-2771 BAVArIA PerL PLATeS trimmed in 24k gold 256485-5442 CHrISTMAS CArOL The Swapper - May 25 2016 25 BOAZ FARM AND GARDEN DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON LAST YEAR’S SNAPPER PRO AND FERRIS MOWER MODELS 2697 US HWY 431 - BOAZ 256-840-9090 Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm Saturday 8am - 3pm Closed Sunday ECHO AND SHINDAIWA CHAINSAWS WEED EATERS, EDGERS, AND TRIMMING ACCESSORIES • In House Servicing, Parts & Repairs on Variety of Small Machines • Tucker Milling and Faithway Feeds Available • Fruit Trees, Organic & Natural Fertilizer • Variety of Bedding Plants, Shrubs, Ferns and Planters • New Shipment of Bonnie Plants, Vegetable Seeds, Organic Soil and Compost BOOK $25 over 100 yrs old 256-891-0230 CLINTON/GOre KNIfe 92 $15 256-509-1731 COCA COLA STreeT SIGN red w/white lettering says coca cola avenue $20 256-744-2576 COLLeCTIBLe BY reADerS DIGeST Norman rockwell pics $150 obo there are 20 prints prox 11 x 14 256-442-1048 COLLeCTIBLe DOLLS some by lee middleton some by Pauline ashton drake 41 barbies etc 205446-8118 COLLeCTION BArBIe DOLLS 256-570-0443 COMIC BOOKS AND CArDS 256-281-6897 CrOWN rOYAL BAGS larger sz new 256-6773421 DALe eArNHArT Jr audio tape set and new 03 jr #8 phone $20 256328-4430 DALe eArNHArT SUNDrOP 6pack sig series 256-328-4430 DOLL CABINeT W/DOLLS madam Alexander Shirley temple some porcelain $800 for all 256507-1887 DUNCAN fYfe SOfA beautiful dk mahogany wood trim, upholstery in exc cond vintage 1960s $400 256-572-3452 DUNCAN fYfe VINTAGe end tables & coffee table, dk mahogany wood in good cond $350 for all 3 256-572-3452 fIrST ISSUe COMIC BOOKS 256-281-6897 fIVe Lee AND LLOYD MIDDLeTON dolls $600 256-659-6569 LArGe WOODeN INDIAN made out of cedar $200 256-390-5997 LeNOX MONTCLAIr CHINA (white w/silver rim) 1960s vintage, 8pc place setting of dinner plate, cup/saucer, platter, vegetable bowl $600 obo 256-572-3452 LG VArIeTY Of SWITCHBLADe AND pocket knives prox 165 total 256505-3872 g’ville LIBBeY GLASSWAre tumblers, juice glasses and custard dishes $50 for set 256-485-5442 LIfe SIze CUT OUT STAND UP of Auburn coach Gus Malzone by coca cola company $175 205-466-7921 LMTD eDITION LITHOGrAPH of pink panther playing pool w/c of a grt for pool room etc 256344-2255 numbered MAN CAVe or rec room artwork, hunting, wilderness, Indian, mountain men & western themes, professionally framed prints & sculptures, letters of authenticity, prices vary, please call 256-660-0176 lv msg, will email or text pictures & prices, real nice stuff, must sell due to illness MArLBOrO BASKeT w/two holders to carry items in 256-960-2771 McCOY POTTerY 3px Mushroom Canister set 256-485-5442 MeTAL DIe CAST BeAr BrYANT shug Jordan commerative serving trays $25 ea 205-466-7921 MILK GLASS HOBNAIL LAMP $30 256-485-5442 MILK GLASS vases candy dishes tumblers and various other pieces M&J Automotive 612 gilberts gilber ts ferr y Rd. Attalla, Al BUY HERE • PAY HERE (256) 344-2184 family Owned: Mike Richards 26 r&J T.V. repair Arcade Games for Sale and repair! 256-782-0066 at various prices 256-4855442 NASCAr COLLeCTIBLe CArS one ’96 dale earnhardt ac delco snap on action lmtd edition still in box one ’96 dale earnhardt red/white/blue Atlanta 100th anniversary, terry lebonte action car kellogs no 5 exc cond call for other items 8910028 NAT KING COLe ALBUM 6 records 60 songs title unforgettable $100 firm 256-891-0230 NAVAJO WeAVING 27 x 40” birds of paradise original handmade circa 190 $200 256-878-1661 NOVeLTY CUTTLerY COOLLeCTOrS western set knives $50 256-4674609 OLD ANTIqUe PLOWS good shape 256-251-0643 OLD CHrISTMAS CArOL BOOK W/fAMILIAr songs 1925 well used $50 firm 256-891-0230 OLD CHUrN 256-2816897 OLD fOOTBALL PrOGrAMS 256-613-5554 OLD MArLBOrO COLLeCTIBLeS 256-960-2771 OLD MILK CHUrNS $15$30 256-470-1441 OLD TIMeY kitchen cabinets w/sifter, bread box, good shape $325 256738-7840 ONe rC CrATe in fair cond 256-960-2771 OVer 100 Yr CHrISTMAS CArOL SONG BOOK 256-891-0230 POrCeLAIN 4’ TALL beautiful doll never played with showcase new pd $300 asking $45 256-738-0220 The Swapper - May 25 2016 POrCeLAIN DOLL $50 $250 256-572-3493 256-660-1446 VICTOrIAN UPHOLPOrCeLAIN DOLLS vari- STereD CHAIr cross ous szs $3 to $10 boaz stitch pattern $150 256256-840-9362 572-3493 PrOX 30 COLLeCTOr VINTAGe 1960 MIrrOr POrCeLAIN DOLLS like 40”w x 26”h, gold trim, new exc cond sell one or beautiful $400 256-572make good deal on all 3452 256-505-3872 VINTAGe ALL CHerrY PrOX 50 POCKeT AND wood sleigh bed, full SWITCHBLADe knives size, good cond $125 obo $175 for all 256-505-3872 256-399-1908 all new in boxes VINTAGe GLASSWAre, reGAL USA CerAMIC various manufacturers & GrN/WHITe candy dish prices some Americana fine cond very collectible fostoria ppcs-compote, $12 mike 256-506-7206 sq cake plate, relish dish, rOSS PerOT KNIfe 92 & others 256-572-3452 $15 256-509-1731 VINTAGe GLASSWAre, various manufacturers & SeV NASCAr COLLeCTIBLe ITeMS for sell prices, some American 256-690-7392 call for de- fostoria pcs-compote, aq cake plate, relish dish, tails etc 256-572-3452 SeVerAL BUTANe LIGHTer collections 256- WALT DISNeY ITeMS for 960-2771 sell together or sell 256-281-6897 separate APPLIANCES SeVerAL CHrISTMAS collections 256-960-2771 SeVerAL DeCANTerS (2) eLeCTrIC STOVeS $150 ea, 1 like new $250 frOM CHUrCHILL 256-437-5821 DOWNS 256-960-2771 (2) NATUrAL GAS stoves SeVerAL SerVICe pieces of fostoria Ameri- $100 ea 256-437-5821 (2) reGULAr frIDGeS cana crystal 256-572$150 ea 256-437-5821 3452 SMALL ANTIqUe rocking 15CU fT UPrIGHT chair exc cond light pink freezer like new 256-8789670 upholstery $150ea or both for $250 256-57218 CU fT WHITe ON 3493 WHITe frIDGe like new 256-878-9670 STAr TreK TOY BOX $40 256-641-0080 1800BTU A/C $150 good THree CHAIrS in living cond 256-470-1441 rm setting, 1 upholstered 18CU fT frOST free resmall floral print w/pink frigerator real nice 256to match Duncan fyffe 878-9670 sofa, 1 is upholstered in 19 CU fT UPrIGHT green, 1 upholstered freezer 256-640-7428 brown/white all exc cond 24,000 BTU A/C and $250 ea or all 3 for $700 10,000 btu a/c 256-744256-572-3452 2844 THree VerY OLD 25fT Ge SXS ice/water in kerosene lalmps w/dedoor, wht on wht 256-571signs on glove $35 ea or 1670 3 for $100 256-593-3948 2-SeWING MACHINeS VICTOrIAN ANTIqUe one is brother $35 other CHAIrS (2) velvet uphol- Kenmore $35 256-486stery $150 ea or both for 4605 3-DrYerS $100 eA one side x side fridge ice/water in dr $175 riding mowers pushmowers 2-elec stoves $150 ea 256-473-5821 5000 BTU A/C $60 256470-1441 5000BTU A/C $60 good cond 256-470-1441 ADMIrAL eLeC DrYer BY WHIrLPOOL white hvy duty w/pwr cord works grt $150 cash 205602-6960 AMANA A/C LArGeST 110 very cool air $100 256-660-0303 AMANA WASHING MACHINe white multi cycle exc cond $100 256-2816785 BLK BUILT IN DISHWASHer 10,000 btu a/c and six cap washer 256744-2844 BUILT IN gas oven $100 256-490-9658 DBL Dr frIGIDAIre w/ice/water in door $650 glass top frigidaire stove $500 washer/dryer $265 obo 256-499-2164 eLeC STOVe WHITe IN COLOr works perfect $145 256-470-1590 eLeCTrIC DrOP-IN stove 256-794-1700 eLeCTrIC refrigerator $225 256-490-9658 frONT LOAD GAS DrYer LIKe NeW $250 firm 256-295-4441 GAS COOK STOVe PrOPANe ONe IS nat gas $75 ea 256-587-3018 GAS DrYer $75 256-2953354 GAS Ge rANGe, new natural orfices or still have propane orfices, eyes work great, needs oven regulator $60 obo 256-622-2314 Gadsden , Bob GAS STOVe $150 256490-9658 GAS WATer heater 256- 794-1700 Ge A/C WINDOW unit 110volt 5050btu 2yo exc shape $100 cash 205-6026960 Ge A/C WINDOW UNIT 5050 BTU’S USeD ONe SeASON works grt $100 cash 205-602-6960 Ge DrYer ONe Yr OLD sell or would consider trades 205-405-2044 $150 Ge DrYer works good, new heating element in it $75 256-224-8885 Ge eLeC DrYer x-lg cap works exc w/pwr cord $150 205-602-6960 Ge HOTPOINT washer, wht, hd, lg capacity, works great, makes slight bearing noise when spinning, does not affect wash cycle $60 cash guaranteed 205-602-6960 GLASS TOP STOVe, sxs refrigerator/freezer, washer & dryer $300 for all 4 pcs 256-960-2778 GOLD STAr microwave $30 works great 256-7388834 GOOD USeD DrYer works good $75 256-2248885 HONeYWeLL eLeCTrIC heater used once $50 256-504-9968 HTG/A/C UNIT rHeeM 21/2 TON for sell 256-5938386 I BUY WASHerS DrYerS stoves refrigerators also pick up any old appliances and get out of your way 256-660-0422 I NeeD freezer cannot pay a lot 256-660-5181 I PICK UP OLD WASHerS/DrYerS anything metal 256-660-0422 I PICK UP SCrAP MeTAL old cars appliances etc 256-506-4667 KeNMOre DBL DOOr wht refrigerator works good $165 firm 256-2954441 KeNMOre DrYer 2yo The Swapper - May 25 2016 $75 256-453-0997 2844 KeNMOre frIDGe SIDe MATCHING SeT wht on X SIDe ice/water in door wht heavy duty exc cond $350 256-570- washer/dryer 256-8780558 9670 KeNMOre SXS frIDGe MAYTAG SMOOTH TOP w/ice & water in door wht WHITe exc cond $175 in color real nice $200 256-593-5157 256-470-1590 MAYTAG KeNMOre WASHer/DrYer WASHer/DrYer set not matched set exc cond matching hvy duty x-tra very clean $225 256-634lg cap both white has 4141 Mentone AL been serviced w/new MAYTAG parts exc cond comes WASHer/DrYer set w/all hook-ups needed looks nice 256-295-4441 $275 cash 256-602-6960 lv msg KeNMOre NATUrAL gas stove 256WASHer/DrYer white 794-1700 $235 firm 256-390-3220 NeW KeNMOre eLeC KeNMOre WASHING DrYer $200 256-504MACHINe lg cap 2136 whirlpool elec dryer $150 NeW WHT ON WHT 256-337-2062 both work Whirlpool 30” stove 256perfectly 571-1670 KerOSeNe HeATer NICe LITTLe frIDGe large round, battery igni- works well $30 256-458tion, never used “new” 4580 $45 obo 256-622-2314 OreC VACUUM Gadsden, Bob CLeANer $25 256-630KIrBY VACUUM 3624 CLeANer W/ALL ATTACHMeNTS one yr old PAIr Of PeDeSTALS for good cond $400 obo 256- front load washer & dryer $30 ea or $50 for pair 960-6012 256-505-1632 LIKe NeW 30” stove 256POrTABLe DISH878-9670 WASHer $20 good cond LOOKING fOr appli256-558-8620 ances working or not POrTABLe DISH256-593-2835 WASHer wht in color LOOKING fOr freezer frigidaire brand $50 256256-660-5181 459-5040 LOOKING fOr freezer refrIGerATOr & 256-891-0088 STOVe almond in color MAGIC CHef frIDGe good cond $275 256-744works grt $175 205-359- 2844 0373 refrIGerATOr 256-794MANUAL frOST 1700 frigidaire chest freezer refrIGerATOr HOT4yo 256-840-9114 8amPOINT $100 256-453-0997 5pm refrIGerATOr MANUAL STYLe CHeST w/freezer top/fridge at freezer $100 256-840- bottom $150 256-4739114 like new 5821 MATCHeD SeT super ca- refrIGerATOr wht pacity hd washer/dryer Whirlpool w/ice maker, 256-571-1670 like new cond $100 256MATCHeD SeT 878-8361 washer/dryer 256-744refrIGerATOrS & com- 27 Justice Masonry repair foundation Cracks, rock Water falls, Brick Mailboxes, Sea Walls and Block Buildings 256-295-0963 mercial ice maker, all need freon 256-878-4576 refrIGerATOrS all need freon 256-878-4576 reGULAr refrIGerATOr $150 256-473-5821 reLIANCe eLeC WATer HTr 30 gal $30 chest freezer manual frost $55 new 256-840-9114 SAMSUNG WASHer/DrYer like new 2015 models $1000 for pr 205-446-2021 SeVerAL COMMerCIAL ice makers, need freon, several to choose from 256-878-4576 SeWING MACHINe AND ANTIqUe WASH PAN 256-251-0643 SHArK GArMeNT/fABrIC STAND steamer like new cond $35 call or text 256-504-8683 SHOWTIMe rOTISSerIe LIKe NeW $40 256-6594360 SIDe BY SIDe refrigerator w/ice in door $175 256-473-5821 SIDe X SIDe BLK MAYTAG frIDGe $225 firm works exc 256-295-4441 SIDe X SIDe frIDGe $175 2 other refrigerators $150 2 elec stoves $150 ea 2 flat top stoves $200 256-473-5821 SIDe X SIDe frIDGe freezer water/ice in door white in color whirlpool brand works good $125 firm 256-6737145 SIDe X SIDe frIDGe W/ICe/WATer in door RICK’S ATv 3811 US HWY 431 ANNISTON, Al 36201 256-365-5434 BEST PRICES IN TOWN! CAll NOW! 28 The Swapper - May 25 2016 & ice in door $175 256on bottom $100 brand 473-5821 new gas stove $150 205UPrIGHT freezer $150 359-1427 white stove elec KenWASHer/DrYer $150 more $125 226-660-0422 runs good 256-438-8837 UPrIGHT freezer $75 WASHer/DrYer 256works good 256-470-1441 582-4238 UPrIGHT freezer WASHer/DrYer both white in color 14 cu ft work fine, not same also washer/dryer 256brand name 205-359-1427 744-2844 WASHer/DrYer COMBO USeD rAINBOW VACmaytag brand prox 2 yrs UUM $300 256-557-0382 old $250 for both or $150 ea 256-505-7129 WALK IN WHIrLPOOL TUB WHITe still on pal- WASHer/DrYer fridge lets $5000 consider of256-582-4238 need to sell fers free delivery asap 205-215-9896 WASHer/DrYer SeT WANT TO BUY APT Sz $225 elec stove $150 flat eLeC stove short water top elec stove $200 side htr and shower stall/fiber- x side refrigerator $175 glass 256-453-2070 reg fridge $150 256-4735821 WANT TO BUY good used washer, standard WASHer/DrYer very size 256-673-8899 good cond, matching set large size $200 need to WANT TO BUY GOOD sell 256-558-6466 USeD WASHING MACHINe reasonably priced WASHer/DrYer w/cart 256-673-8899 that matches lg front loader dryer on pedestal WANT TO BUY Lazer good cond $450 for all Newell glass w/top 256-538-9897 freezer or sxs 256-4521754 WASHer/DrYer WANT TO BUY WASHer Whirlpool brand works IN GOOD COND reason- exc, big tubs $275 for ably priced 256-673-8899 pair 256-558-6466 WASHerS, DrYerS, reWANTeD ANY free SCrAP MeTAL 205-359- frigerators, freezers name brand 256-660-0422 0371 WASHING MACHINe 256WANTeD eLeC STOVe 794-1700 205-363-4145 WANTeD old appliances, We BUY OLD WASHworking or not, 256-593- erS/DrYerS refrigerators a/c’s etc 2835 WANTeD SCrAP MeTAL 256-572-2066 pay $5 ea lawnmowers appliances We PICK UP SCrAP IrON junk appliances etc etc 256-441-1993 WANTeD someone to fix boaz a’ville area 256-5722066 a microwave oven 256WHIrLPOOL BATHTUB 557-5421 WANTeD upright fridge 5x7 w/pump $500 256490-9658 that does no work 256WHIrLPOOL DBL OVeN 399-6859 HOMES ON lARgE lOTS fOR SAlE IN HORTON OWNER fINANCINg AvAIlABlE CAll 256-781-4537 WASHer AND DrYer $275 eA also have lawnmowers/pushmowers etc Ohatchee 256-473-5821 WASHer/DrYer $100 for both refrigerator/freezer white Kenmore $300 256470-1590 grt cond SIDe X SIDe frIDGe W/WATer/ICe in dr also washer/dryer 256-7442844 SIDe X SIDe frIDGe whirlpool white w/ice and water in dr works perfect $300 guaranteed to work 256-470-1590 SIDe X SIDe refrIGerATOr $175 256-473-5821 SM frIDGe THAT SeTS ON CABINeT 205-6815464 SMALL UPrIGHT freezer 256-878-967 SS KITCHeN sink & faucet $25 256-390-8942 SS SIDe X SIDe 30” stove also ss 256-7442844 STAINLeSS & BLK refrigerator $425 firm 256-3903220 STOVe TOP $10 256-3908942 SXS frIDGe $175 water/ice in door 256-4375821 SXS refrIGerATOr ice/water in door, 25cu ft 256-744-2844 SXS refrIGerATOr/freeze r 5yo very good cond would like to trade for large chainsaw, riding mower or high powered rifle 205-477-4817 TeN Yr OLD DrYer Kenmore good working cond $100 256-558-1193 TOLeDO CUTTING commercial saw, great for deer processing, etc $300 obo 256-390-3886 TWO eLeCTrIC dryers $99 ea 256-473-58212 TWO MATCHING GAS stoves, 2 electric stoves, 1 dbl wide fridge w/water RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSULATION SERVICES 256-440-9773 fOr SeLL $500 obo 205234-5195 WHIrLPOOL DISHWASHer $75 256-3024539 WHIrLPOOL eLeC DrYer hvy duty x-tra lg cap serviced w/pwr cord exc cond $160 cash 205602-6960 WHIrLPOOL frONT LOAD WASHer looks like new $200 obo Kenmore older dryer works grt $150 256-441-0135 WHIrLPOOL GOLD MATCH SeT washer/dryer series also white on white 30” elec stove 25 cu ft Kenmore white on white side x side ice/water in door 256-571-1670 WHIrLPOOL KITCHeN AIDe elec dryer white lg cap pwr cord and vent pipe $130 205-602-6960 WHIrLPOOL matched set washer/dryer super capacity 256-878-9670 WHIrLPOOL SS BLK SIDe X SIDe frIDGe 68” tall $425 firm looks nice works grt 256-390-3220 lv msg WHIrLPOOL WASHer hvy duty super cap white prox 3 yrs old $200 cash 205-602-6960 works grt WHIrLPOOL WASHer/DrYer $300 cash firm 256-390-3220 WHIrLPOOL WASHer/DrYer SeT $300 firm 256-390-3220 lv msg WHIrLPOOL WHITe freezer on top w/ice maker works perfect exc cond $200 256-486-3994 WHITe eLeC STOVe exc cond $175 256-738-1751 WHITe ON WHITe 30” Whirlpool electric stove like new 256-878-9670 WHITe ON WHITe PrOfILe frIDGe W/ICe maker also white on white hvy duty washer/dryer and blk The Swapper - May 25 2016 Jerrie Johnston’s 29 We’ll Beat Any Price! Diamond Shine Cleaning Services • Home & Office Cleaning Bushhogging • Move In & Move Out • Partys • Post Construction • References Furnished Licenced & Bonded 256-599-3899 • 256-451-1135 Find me on glass top 30” ss fridge elec stove 256-878-9670 WHITe refrIGerATOr works great $100 256744-1986 WILL BUY JUNK WINDOW A/C UNITS 256-5722066 WILL HAUL SCrAP MeTAL clean up yards and storage bldgs 256538-3740 WILL HAUL UNWANTeD APPLIANCeS Off 256499-2164 WILL PICK UP ANY MeTAL 256-506-4667 WILL PICK UP JUNK APPLIANCeS/SCrAP IrON pick up around body/machine shops 256-5722066 WILL TAKe YOUr UNWANTeD APPLIANCeS will pay small price 256454-8762 WOOD BUrNING HeATer for central unit, used less than 50 hrs $1500 256-490-9658 saucers, a creamer & sugar set, [1] 14 1/4" x 10 1/2" platter, [1] 10 1/2" x 7 3/4" open vegetable bowl & [1] gravy boat, all pieces are in fantastic condition, $150 for the set, 256-878-4852 2-SeWING MACHINeS one is brother $35 other Kenmore $35 256-4864605 32” ALUM STOrM Dr W/frAMe LATCH SCreeN w/catproof screen $40 256-840-9114 8 PC WOOD Dr SUITe $800 256-572-4180 8000 BTU rOOM A/C LIKe NeW $90 256-6019562 ADMIrAL eLeC DrYer BY WHIrLPOOL white hvy duty w/pwr cord works grt $150 cash 205602-6960 AMANA A/C LArGeST 110 very cool air $100 256-660-0303 AMVeT NeW IN BOX AMerICAN fLAG $20 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 256-593-3800 CHefS MArK deep fryer pd $149 never used ask12 PLACe SeTTING Of ing $75 256-558-4420 fINe CHINA, made by Harmony House, the pat- DINING TABLe OVAL in tern is "Vintage", the col- shape four chairs $75 ors are "HH DAWN 256-506-6540 GrAY" & "HH HOrIzON eLeC STOVe WHITe IN BLUe", made in Japan, COLOr works perfect there are [12] 10 3/8" din- $145 256-470-1590 ner plates, [12] 7 5/8" eNTerTAINMeNT CeNbread & butter plates, Ter AND HUTCH also [12] 7 1/2" salad/cereal other odd/end items 256bowls, [12] cups & 251-0243 frONT LOAD GAS DrYer LIKe NeW $250 firm 256-295-4441 Ge A/C WINDOW UNIT 5050 BTU’S USeD ONe SeASON works grt $100 cash 205-602-6960 Ge DrYer ONe Yr OLD sell or would consider trades 205-405-2044 $150 HANDYMAN 30 YrS eXP 256-706-4290 HOMe SCHOOL BOOKS assorted grades 256-3122552 HOUSe-fULL Of ITeMS, some antiques, furniture, smalls, kitchen items, dolls, really eclectic assortment of items, call for a time to come browse, you'll likely find something interesting, 256878-4852 HOUSeKeePING LAKe reNTALS etc grant g’ville Scottsboro area ref’s available 56-557- 4922 ITALIAN LeATHer SOfA exc cond $600 256-8405921 KeNMOre WASHer/DrYer white $235 firm 256-390-3220 KING WOOD BUrNING HTr W/BLOWer 256706-0920 LG LeATHer CHAIr W/MATCHING OTTOMAN also beige recliner 205274-8515 LG STACK HOMe SCHOOL BOOKS 256486-3119 Lr SUITe $175 256-5386174 MAGAzINe rACK/HOLDer, wood w/12 dowels to hold magazines/newspapers, 33" tall x 13 1/2" wide x 13 1/4" deep at the bottom & tapers to narrower at the top, w/ heart cutouts, $15, call 256-878-4852 MICrOWAVe CArT, 28" x 25 Yrs. The Swapper - May 25 2016 (2) rOCKfOrD fOSuncle $30 charlies angels GATe r1 in box $250 $30 csi $30 beverly hill256-677-3638 billies $20 grt American westerns $20 films disas19 ALBUMS SIX reCOrDS $100 firm 256- ter collectors $20 256553-9290 891-0230 eKeLC SMOKer $30 19" SYMPHONIC COLOUr TV, w/ remote, 256-295-2929 not flat screen & has no eLeC SCOOTer BLUe hookups for DVD or brand new used very litgames, works great just tle $60 256-298-2802 as a TV, just needs cable eMerSON 20” TV $75 box, $10, call 256-878256-293-6661 5148 eSCOrT SUPer fOX 32” PANASONIC flat radar detectors $20 ea screen hd tv $75 firm 256-572-2984 256-558-4420 fIreSTICK II CB ANTeNCOLOr 13” TV $15 256- NAS $5 ea 256-531-3723 660-1446 fIrST ALerT WeATHer COLOreD TV $10 256rADIO $25 IN BOX 256605-7029 295-2929 COLOreD TV 21” $40 en- fISHer SPKrS A-1 tertainment center $15 COND 100 watt $80 256bed $40 256-486-3727 660-1922 COMPUTer PArTS 256- fLAT SCreeN TrAC 454-8762 fONe $60 256-295-2929 COrDLeSS PHONe fLAT SCreeN VerIzON needs battery $30 w/an- CeLL PHONe $95 256swering machine 256295-2929 328-4430 Ge 8 TrACK TAPe COUNTrY 8-TrACKS PLAYer W/LOTS Of 256-538-6555 TAPeS arab 256-506-1160 DBL DeCK TAPe Ge STereO w/2 30” PLAYer use w/receiver speakers, real nice 256256-328-4430 $100 593-5868 DBL TeCHNICS cass I-PAD GeNIe PerfeCT player 256-328-4430 COND 16 GIG W/BOX DeLL LAPTOP 256-794- AND CHArGer $150 1700 might trade for 22 pistol or rifle 256-572-7912 DIreCT TV reCeIVer/ANTeNNA $30 I-PAD MINI 16 GIG WHITe 256-659-4360 IN COLOr w/box charger $135 256-572-7912 DOLPH AND Beer CLOCK $25 ea 256-295- I-PAD MINI 16k gig 2929 screen in perfect cond DS LITe W/fIVe GAMeS have original box and charger for home $150 IN CASe $35 256-891256-572-7912 9896 DVD MOVIeS $1 ea 256- I-PHONe V AT&T CArrIer glass protected 572-2984 MOVIeS $5 ea 256- screen case charger new battery $170 256-572ELECTRONICS DVD 891-9137 7912 DVD MOVIeS IN CrATeS BUCKeT OLD KABOTA $3 ea or 80 for $240 256- JABrA BLUeTOOTH Or Allis Chalmer $200 w/home charger $35 256553-9290 256-572-7313 657-1485 (2) free 25” older model DVD PLAYer $25 256JAVrA BLUe TOOTH tvs located in Geraldine 891-9137 AND HOMe CHArGer DVD SeTS man from 256-557-8197 fOr smart phone like 30 16" x 27" tall, beige color, with shelf & two doors at the bottom for storage, $30, call 256-878-4852 NICe BrOWN eLeC reCLINer good cond 256878-2877 g’ville NICe MATCHING LOVe SeAT W/foot stool/storage space in it beige in color $75 obo 256-2248885 NICe WOOD 8 PC Dr SUITe $800 256-572-4180 PICNIC TABLe $25 256251-0643 SANTA SLeIGH W/3 Or 4 reINDeer $200 for all 256-295-2929 SIDe X SIDe BLK MAYTAG frIDGe $225 firm works exc 256-295-4441 SOLID OAK Dr SUITe W/SIX CHAIrS Sq TABLe $425 205-477-4817 SPOTLeSS HOUSe KeePING $40 and up 562-895-1184 STANDArD WHITe COMMODe fLUSH VALVe $10 256-840-9114 SUNBeAM TWO BUrNer PrOPANe B-BqUe grille $35 205-466-7844 USeD rAINBOW vacuum great cond $300 256-5570382 WHIrLPOOL SS BLK SIDe X SIDe frIDGe 68” tall $425 firm looks nice works grt 256-390-3220 lv msg WHIrLPOOL WASHer/DrYer SeT $300 firm 256-390-3220 lv msg WOOD BUrNING HeATer for central unit used less than 6 hrs $1500 256-490-9658 new $30 256-657-1485 KODAK DISC 6000 CAMerA (2) $15 eA 256-2952929 KODAK eASY DIGITAL CAMerA $60 256-2952929 KODAK eASY SHAre 5300 PrINTer $60 256295-2929 KODAK eASY SHAre DIGITAL CAMerA $40 256-295-2929 LAPTOP 256-794-1700 LG WIreLeSS STereO BLUeTOOTH hd set 256504-6607 LOGITeCH rACING STeerING WHeeL gear shifter gas clutch and brakes compatible w/play station II or III new in box pd $500 asking $300 256657-7415 MAGNAVOX STereO W/4 SPKrS $300 256507-1887 MAGNeTIC CD ANTeNNA mount good cond 256531-3723 MeTrO PCS SAMSUNG GALAXY COre new in box $30 256-486-8004 MIDLAND WeATHer rADIO $10 IN BOX 256295-2929 MITSUBISHI BIG SCreeN television 65” 256-572-5617 NeW 3D NeCK BAND blue tooth, pd $80 take half 256-339-5058 NeW BLUeTOOTH fOr CeLL PHONe $35 256339-5058 NeW IN BOX STrAIGHT TALK LG sunset $65 firm 256-673-1133 NeW LG BLUe TOOTH IN BOX from Verizon half price 256-339-5058 $35 NICe 12” WOOfer 4” MID rANGe 3” TWeeTer $80 256-660-1922 NICe CeILING fAN 42” 256-224-8885 NINTeNDO 64 $50 256891-9896 NINTeNDO 64 W/GAMeS $50 256-891-9896 NOKIA MICrOSOfT LUMINA 640 5” screen 2 mos old $30 256-4868004 NOrTH STAr OfC PHONe SYSTeM six phone $1510 256-5570382 OLD rADIO/reCOrD PLAYer floor model by silvertone good cond 256-738-7840 $75 OLDer TV $5 glass tv stand $15 256-264-4662 OLYMPUS 21 DIGITAL CAMerA $80 256-2952929 OrIGINAL NINTeNDO W/14 games $100 256659-4360 PANASONIC 46” flat screen tv $250 256-5932835 PIONeer STereO W/SPKrS 256-281-9154 PLAINTrONICS VOYAGer PrOHT Bluetooth w/home charger $50 256657-1485 PLAY STATION 4 still like new w/2 games $280 256458-5188 PSIV W/2 GAMeS 256458-5188 $300 rADIO SHACK WIreLeSS HD PHONe fOr TV $35 256-295-2929 rCA 37” COLOr TV $60 obo 256-605-7029 rCA SM PreVIeW CAMCOrDer W/CASe $40 256-295-2929 rCA SM WONDer CAMCOrDer $30 256-2952929 SAMSUNG CeLL PHONe new charger for house and car $30 for all 256996-6745 SANYO TV W/reMOTe $20 256-572-2984 SeVerAL SeTS Of MOVIeS 256-878-9507 call for details SLIDe PrOJeCTOr $60 256-467-4609 The Swapper - May 25 2016 SONY HANDCAM VISION 256-454-4125 call or text NeeD CHArGer $20 12pm-9pm 256-295-2929 TWO COLOr TVS 13” & SONY MVC 854-100 DIGI- dvd player $30 obo for all TAL MOVIe CAMerA $30 256-454-4125 call or text eA 256-295-2929 12pm-9pm SONY PLAYSTATION USeD 21” TV W/reMOTe GAMe $25 256-295-2929 205-456-1468 SOUND eqUIPMeNT sev- VerIzON CeLL PHONe eral mikes & sound sys- fLAT SCreeN $95 256tem call for price 295-2929 256-744-1986 VerIzON PHONe SPKr BOX fOr 2-12” W/KeYBD $40 obo 256GOOD COND $40 obo 605-7029 256-677-2417 VerIzON SAMSUNG SPOrTS ILLUSTrATeD CeLL PHONe flip w/cam35MM CAMerA $15 256- era 256-891-9137 $50 295-2929 VerIzON SLIDe PHONe STereO eqUIP 212 AND W/CAMerA and keypad 2-400 WATT amps $60 verizon lg cell face is w/wiring for auto $200 cracked $30 256-660-1446 firm 256-744-5442 VIDeO CAMerA $50 256STrAIGHT TALK fLIP 660-1446 PHONe $35 256-891-9137 SUB BASS BOX eNCLO- BUILDING SUPPLIES SUre for 215 woofers $120 obo 256-706-7739 WE BUY fENCE, WIll Bill TAKE dOWN 256-3020099 SYLVANIA 32” color tv, regular cabinet, w/oak 12X24fT INSULATeD table cabinet to set on metal bldg, can be moved $50 256-657-1485 without taking apart TABLeT fOr SeLL never $2700 256-717-9917 taken out of box $75 obo 18X20 1-CAr GArAGe 205-359-1211 storage bldg w/1 roll up THree CeLL PHONeS 2 door, 1 side door 7ft flip, 1 smart $35 for all 3 sides $2895 256-390-0512 256-660-0022 2 POWer POLe 14-1/2’ LONG $15 ea 205-466TOM TOM XL CANADA 310 GPS SYSTeM w/case 7844 lg display screen $100 24X24 2-CAr GArAGe 256-593-5579 w/2 rollup doors, 1 side door, 8ft sides $4980 205TOSHIBA CD PLAYer w/battery pack compact 466-3030 type good cond 256-960- 28’ WArNer eXT LAD2771 Der w/detachable standoff bought new 2 yrs ago TrACfONe $20 COrr WIreLeSS $25 256-891- used very little grt cond $200 256-960-7558 9137 32’ ALUM LADDer TrACfONe CeLL fLIP PHONe $60 256-295-2929 WOULD LIKe TO trade for 24’ 256-302-3453 TrACfONe CeLL 400 Or MOre Sq fT PHONe flat screen pd $150 asking $60 verizon WHITe CerAMIC floor cell phone pd $400 take tile w/wood backing $50 256-878-5478 $95 256-295-2929 40X20 MeTAL BArN 10ft TV $25 256-593-6945 TWO COLOr TVS 13” & tall w/2 lean-to $3890 205dvd player $30 obo for all 466-3030 31 4-4’ CHAIN LINK GATeS W/HDWe 50’ 4’ chain link fencing $160 cash 256738-2004 no chks 8X14 STOrAGe BLDG wired for lights & fan $1000 256-280-7179 9 PCS DrAINAGe PIPe 12” x 20’ long $75 256280-7179 ALUMINUM 2”x” various lengths up to 20’ 256-4908887 BOAz STONe running a special on 100 tons of mountain stone, also have screw on stone available 256-840-4936 CANNISTer SeT INCLUDING cookie jar mushroom design looks new exc cond $25 256490-5848 COUPLe HAND WINCHeS TO GO on utility trailer $7.50 ea 256738-7840 HAVe ABOUT 150ft of schedule 40 water pipe, left over from job 256558-6466 LOOKING fOr POrTABLe BLDG 205477-4817 LOOKING fOr SM rD KITCHeN SINK will take countertop also do not need the bottom part do not want porcelain or ss grant mtn area 256-6093024 NeW CHAIN LINK feNCe W/GATe and new privacy fence 256-706-0920 NeW TrANe 3-PHASe heat pump 2 ½ ton $500 256-490-9658 PrOX 600’ CeDAr 1” THICK $1000 205-4460448 SeVerAL TeLePHONe POLeS 256-572-8779 STOrAGe BLD 10’x20’ on a trailer both for $3500 256-490-9658 T-POSTS 256-878-7303 WALL TeXTUre mixes w/water 16lb bags 54 bags $3 per bag 256-490- 32 BOAZ FARM AND GARDEN 2697 US HWY 431 - BOAZ SMALL ENGINE REPAIR 256-840-9090 9658 WANT LefTOVer LMBr fence/chicken wire will take down 256-244-6803 WOULD LIKe TO TrADe 32’ ALUM LADDer for 24’ 256-302-3453 TOOLS & EqUIP. 200AMP BOX for mobile home 256-794-1700 23 DrAWer MAC LMTD eDITION GATOr nat’l toolbox in good working cond w/side box 7 drawers $1200 blk in color 256-390-1041 AIr COMPreSSOr/CrAfTSMAN 150psi 1.5 hp 26 gal upright on wheels $90 256-744-3876 a’ville COMPLeTe AUTOMOTIVe MACHINe SHOP for sale, will sell as a whole or will split up, call for list, 256-506-4092 CONCreTe SAW W/3-DIAMOND BLADeS 14” Honda motor $600 256447-0204 DeWALT IMPACT WreNCH 18V CHArGer carrying case and battery $100 also redi htr w/thermostat $125 678-2322789 DUrAMAX HYBrID GeNerATOr 4850 WATTS 2120 outlets 30amp 120 camper outlet 240 outlet runs grt gas or propane new in box pd $750 asking $500 256-506-3361 GeNerATOr 65/5000 eVerYTHING works perfect $650 256-458-9590 OWN YOUR OWN FRANCHISE Commercial Cleaning Opportunity 256-519-9330 The Swapper - May 25 2016 guaranteed to run OVer CAB full sz pu like HITACHI AIr compressor new cond ladder rack electrical etc 256-601very good cond works great $100 678-232-2789 9562 HUSKY 5000 WATT GeN- WOrK TABLe eCONO LIfT 2 screw jack, 2000lb erATOr good cond capacity, $400 256-312works grt $350 obo or would trade for gun 678- 2554 232-2789 LAWN & GARDEN HUSKY GeNerATOr 5000 watts very good cond runs great $400 obo 2-rIDING MOWerS ONe L120 J/D good cond or will trade on guns of equal value 678-232-2789 other is 2012 craftsman MArK fIVe home work- riding mower exc cond shop like new many ac- brand new garage kept will sell both reasonable cessories $1500 256-200-7713 256-546-2047 38” LAWN SWeePer rADIAL ArM SAW/SeArS $300 goose- $400 256-593-3800 4 X 10 SINGLe AXLe neck cattle trailer 16’ UTILITY TrAILer 2” ball $2500 divider/canvass CrAfTSMAN LAWN TrACTOr oversize wheels front/rear hi/low trans 18hp b/s motor 44” mowing deck consider trades $500 cash as is 256-894-6229 CrAfTSMAN LT2000 rIDING MOWer 42” DeCK 19-1/2 cu in motor looks/runs good 256-894-6229 CrAfTSMAN UPrIGHT AIr COMPreSSOr 150psi 1.5 hp 26 gal $90 256-744-3876 a’ville CUB CADeT rIDING MOWer 42” CUT 16-1/2 B/S MOTOr looks/runs/mows good 256-894-6229 DAY LILLIeS grt garden plants 256-593-3574 boaz fLOWer PLANTS ƌŽƐƐďŽǁϮ͘ϱŐĂůůŽŶ hens/chickens monkey Ψϭϭϵ͘ϵϱ faces 256-593-3948 HUSqVArNA 445 CHAIN SAW 18” BAr never used $290 firm attalla area 256><<Kt ϱŐĂů,LJĚƌĂƵůŝĐKŝů 557-2019 dKW^K/> ^ĂůĞΨϮϯ͘ϵϱ Ψϯ͘ϱϬ HUSqVArNA LAWNZĞŐƵůĂƌΨϮϰ͘ϵϱ MOWer 48” CUT 256878-6299 HUSqVArNA rIDING MOWer 16 MODeL yga 24v48 hydrastatic 24 vtwin 48” cut brand new ^ĂůĞϱͬϮϱ-ϯϭͬϭϲ never used pd $1999 asking $1750 256-506-3361 256-673-0159 $300 top, four wheeler $4000 I MOW YArDS great bought new used on 450 LANDSCAPING prices, senior & disability farm, lg oak curio cabinet BrICK 12” X 6” three discounts, if you call lv a $400 256-891-4214 hole brown $50 for all ƌŽƐƐďŽǁ Ϯ͘ϱ ŐĂůůŽŶ msg, I may be mowing 256-293-8754 rOLL ArOUNDΨϭϭSerVICe ϵ͘ϵϱ toolbox w/1 locking 99 62” CUT zerO TUrN 256-622-2314 Gadsden Bob drawer, new in box fOr SALe serviced $82.50 256-878-4576 every season does need JOHN Deere riding mower model LT180 hyhydraulic ϱpump > < < K ŐĂů ,LJĚƌ256-200ĂƵůŝĐ Kŝů rOTArY PHASe CONdrostatic Kawasaki motor 8243 d K W ^ K / > VerTer, 15 hp, will run ^ĂůĞ ΨϮϯ͘ϵϱ Ψϯ͘ϱϬ 256- BAD BOY CDT 23 Pro se- 48” cut good cond $1000 complete shop, call ZĞŐƵůĂƌ ΨϮϰ͘ϵϱ 256-717-9605 506-4092 ries 60” cut 23hp B&S, LAWN SerVICe/PreSnew blades/batteries SMALL CHrOMe tool SUre WASHING 256-226125hrs great cond no isbox $50 256-506-8826 6265 sues 256-630-2313 TOOL BOX LG eXC COND for half ton pu trk BANANNA TreeS 1’ TO LOOKING fOr older type Murray mower 42” cut for ^ĂůĞ ϱͬϮϱ-ϯ10’ ϭͬϭϲ TALL $5 and up 256alum 256-505-7225 around $75-$100, must 470-2194 TrANSMISSION fLUSH have good motor, needs BLOWer BACKPACK MACHINe, Trans Tech III, McCullough, runs good some work 256-609-3024 call 256-506-4092 Grant Mt area UTILITY rACK 800 LB ? $100 obo 256-622-2314 LOOKING fOr SOMeGadsden, Bob ONe WHO HAS POND in Kilpatrick area that would not mind me and my son fishing in 256-572-2066 LOOKING fOr TeNNeSSee hay or other grass hay to feed a rabbit, contact Christtina @ 256-593-4050 MUrrAY rIDING MOWer 7-1/2 hp motor runs good $250 obo 256894-6229 consider trades MUrrAY rIDING MOWer wide body 42” cut 17hp Briggs auto looks/runs good $300 256-498-1076 NeeD SOMeONe TO GIVe Me AN eSTIMATe on laying some asphalt down I am bldg go cart track in marshall cnty 256-572-2066 NICe J/D rIDING MOWer L120 good cond 48” deck will make good deal also 12 craftsman riding mower exc cond garage kept 256-200-7713 PICNIC TABLe $25 256251-0643 PLeNTY BAMBOO free 256-251-0243 PUSHMOWerS $60-$70, some big wheel, one like new 256-498-1076 rIDING LAWNMOWer 16HP 6 spd runs good 256-878-7303 SNAPPer LAWNMOWer runs good 205-353-4882 SNAPPer rIDING MOWer eLeC STArT runs good but needs carb work 205-353-4882 SqUAre BALeS hay $2 per bale rainsville area 256-601-2547 TrOYBILT CUB 42” cut 18-1/2 b/s motor runs/looks good turn key mows good 256-894-6229 UTILITY TrAILer 6 ½ x 10 drop gate, oak floor, new, $900 256-878-4576 UTILITY TrAILer 6 ½ x 12 w/drop gate, oak floor, $925 256-878-4576 The Swapper - May 25 2016 33 grass-masters lawn and Shrub llC “Dependable, Affordable, Trustworthy” residential and Commercial 220 Mary Lou Circle • Gadsden, AL 35904 Owner & Operator Colton Clifton 256-438-3113 • 256-458-2631 Visit Us on facebook UTILITY TrAILer 6 ½ x 8 w/oak floor & mesh tailgate, new, $875 256-8784576 WANT TO BUY a bucket for a 210 lawn & garden tractor 256-572-7313 WICKer SeTTee nice but no cushions $25 obo 256-622-23214 Gadsden, Bob YArD IMPrOVeMeNTS GrASS CUTTING weed eating etc 205-237-0990 YArD MACHINe riding mower 16 1/2hp B&S, not running, electrical problems $150 cash 256-6591014 FARM EqUIP. WE dO fARM fENCINg Of All TYPES 256-302-0099 05 MASSeY ferGUSON 4x4 tractor w/front-end loader 40hp $14,250 256878-4576 08 BX2660 KUBOTA 3cyl diesel compact utility tractor 25hp hydrostatic drive trans 508pwr disc brakes, 4wd turf tires, hydraulic lift, 5ft belly mower, 3-point hitch, 540rpm pto, ropes w/like new 4ft bush hog w/60hp gear box $7200 256-2367376 14 MO OLD ANGUS BULL exc cond $1700 256-5584519 16’ HVY DUTY TrAILer 15,000 LB new floor in it 205-274-8515 200 GAL PrOPANe GAS TANK 256-878-7391 2-TrACTOrS 35 ferGUSON AND 30 ferGUSON needs some work done to them $1500 for both 256-878-7303 3 PT HITCH 2 rOW CULTIVATOr 6 SPD w/sweep on them $200 obo 205559-4497 30” SCOOP goes behind tractor & 3-point hitch $200 cash 256-659-1014 4 X 10 SINGLe AXLe UTILITY TrAILer $300 obo 256-673-0159 49 CUB TrACTOr W/LIfT on if 256-273-4200 4X4 rOLLS HAY THIS YrS sprayed and fertilized $20 rl 256-572-3601 5’ KING CUTTer BUSHHOG $800 205-363-4355 5fT BUSH HOG $475 256878-4576 5fT MASSeY ferGUSON bush hog $525 256-8784576 65 fOrD 4000 GAS BUrNer w/bushhog and scraper blades $3500 obo good cond 205-353-7219 6500 WATT DIeSeL generator $1600 256-8784576 6fT BUSH HOG brand finish mower $1000 256878-4576 72 POWer TeAM GArDeN TrACTOr KOHLer 1825 hp engine runs good comes w/plow disc and mower 256-753-0370 801 fOrD TrACTOr BOX BLADe DISC AND BUSHHOG $3400 256623-1156 A-fENCINg BY MARSHAll fENCINg, fARM, CATTlE, HORSE fENCINg. fREE ESTIMATES256-606-0831 ANTIqUe SALT CUTTer 3 PT HITCH $120 256-7177072 BUSHHOG 256-706-0920 BUSHHOG USeD VerY LITTLe always kept in shed good cond $525 obo 256-498-0541 fArMALL SUPer A tractor w/cultivator $2250 256-878-4576 feeDerS for SWeeT feeD $5.65 256-840-1046 34 The Swapper - May 25 2016 100% lEgIT, fOR MORE INfO gO TO gOldENfREEdOM4U. COM, THIS IS fOR SERIOUS BUSINESS MINdEd PEOPlE WITH dREAMS, dESIRE & dETERMINATION gOld, gOld, gOld IS THE NEW INTERNAMatthew TIONAl MONEY! ARE YOU PREPAREd fOR 256-436-2688 AN ECONOMIC COlea 256-587-0224 lAPSE? WEll YOU NEEd TO BE PRESM TrAILer BUILT frOM ranger trk bed has PAREd fOR ONE CAUSE IT'S ON THE metal ladder rack on it WAY, SOON! dISgood for use in garden COvER A glOBAl hauling compost $200 BUSINESS THAT'S 256-891-9963 SqUAre BALeS hay $2 CHANgINg THE fUper bale rainsville area TURE Of MAKINg MONEY & BRINgINg 256-601-2547 gOld TO THE T-POSTS fOr SeLL 256MASSES. YOU COUld 878-7303 BE EARNINg A PASWANT TO PUrCHASe SIvE RESIdUAl INsome hay rings 256-601- COME Of $4,500 AT 6771 lEAST IN 12 WEEKS. WANTeD 200 TO 500 NO SEllINg, NO PrOPANe GAS TANK PROdUCTS & NO gIM205-589-2652 MICKS! JUST BE WIllINg TO WORK 10 WANTeD fArM eqUIP HAY BOY MACHINe good HRS A WEEK & HAvE dETERMINATION TO cond 256-717-7072 YANMAr 2000 TrACTOr CHANgE YOUR lIfESTYlE ANd looks/runs good, 2cyl BANK ACCOUNT fOR diesel $2500 256-498THE BETTER, gO TO: 1076 WWW.gOldENfREEYANMAr TILLer 50” dOM4U.COM & REwide used this year in MEMBER "IN ORdER garden, works good $500 TO gET SOMETHINg 256-498-1076 THAT YOU'vE NEvER LEE EqUIPMENT SERVICE On site repair: Tractors, Bobcats, Trucks, A/C, Construction, Farm Equipment, Welding, 24 Years Experience Lee 205-288-5623 goats/sheep, hay manger on top, feeder in bottom $25 ea 256-601-6771 Scottsboro area fOrD TrACTOr 1700 diesel, bad motor, good trans, good rear tires, radiator, alternator & starter $700 205-493-0873 HAY ferTILIzeD 5X5 rLS $25 per rl Blountsville, al 205-3631075 HOOSIer reNeGADe 3horse slant load w/full living quarters 2015 model, rear tack, electric awning, electric jack, 2 propane bottles, very nice only used 4 times $28,000 256310-2798 J/D 820 TrACTOr W/5’BUSHHOG 72 MODeL runs grt w/new oil change filters and injectors $6800 256-8911363 LIKe TO BUY feW BAGS STeer feeD that is home mixed 12% protein 256-593-3776 LOOKING fOr PrOPANe TANK 200 to 1000 gal 205-589-2652 LOOKING fOr TeNNeSSee hay or other grass hay to feed a rabbit, contact Christtina @ 256-593-4050 MASSeY ferGUSON sq hay baler bales good $1000 256-717-9605 OLD SeT HVY DISC 3 PT HITCH good cond $200 256-486-9394 PLASTIC 55 GAL DrUMS W/reMOVABLe LIDS $10 HAd, YOU HAvE TO BE WIllINg TO dO SOMETHINg THAT 10 X 6 CONCeSSION YOU’vE NEvER TrAILer $5300 ft payne dONE" 256-997-7409 LG STACK HOMe AMAzINg RECESSION SCHOOL BOOKS 256& INflATION BUSI486-3119 NESS, YOU COUld BE OffICe fUrNITUre EARNINg OvER $4000 shelf, desk, chairs 256WEEKlY RESIdUAl 840-5488 INCOME IN 12 WKS, QUIT YOUR JOB IN 6 VeNDOrS WeLCOMe MONTHS & BE dEBT frI AND SAT at 7811 ala hwy 68 collinsville, if infREE IN 12-24 terested call 815-530MONTHS, NO SEllINg, NO PROdUCTS, 5848 WE CAN’T OUTWORK NO gIMMICKS & BUSINESS/OFFICE WEAK NUTRITION & gET RESUlTS WWW.BETTERNUTRITION.INfO WeLL eSTABLISHeD BUSINeSS been operating for 14yrs (under current ownership 6yrs) has been voted Best of the Best Mattress Dealer for 5yrs running , lg inventory including top line mattresses & bedding, home décor, gifts, jewelry, decorative stylish iron bed frames, support frames & rails, many other items, retiring due to age & health issuesmust sell 256-572-3493 HAVe MANY GUITArS martin/fenders/Gibson etc 256-547-2600 would like to sell MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IBANez 1977 ArTIST BANJO w/cse $600 256557-0292 MArTIN 2007 D35 guitar $1600 256-557-0292 rOLAND BASS AMP DB500 like new $350 256587-0224 rOLAND DB500 BASS AMP LIKe NeW $700 new asking $350 256-587-0224 STAND UP STYLe piano in good cond, over 100yo needs minor cleaning & turning 256-298-2163 Michael GUNS 1950 Oe MOSSBerG military trainer 22 t-bolt action w/20 round magazine, extremely good cond 256-593-8750 2000 rDS CTI STINGer 22 LONG rIfLe ammo 32 grain 1640 spd per second factory fresh $400 205-456-0773 or $12 per box of 50 2-22 rIfLeS IN eXC COND sell or trade will sell individually one 22 semi auto colt other Mossberg military trainer 95% cond 256-593-8750 45ATC W/AMMO 256-5933800 5fT BUSH HOG brand bush hog, cuts good needs work on deck $200 firm 205-258-8437 700 CDL BOLT ACTION 7MM MAG HI POWereD Deer rIfLe new in box never fired bushnell dusk to dawn 6 x 24 variable scope $750 205-456-0773 Ar15 GUN CMMG 300 AAC BLKOUT W/S & W AIrBOrN BLOWer and weaver 3 x 9 x 40 scope good cond also has carbine fiber stock $600 consider partial trade of other gun 256-593-8750 looking for 22 pistol in particular BrAND NeW AMBer BALLISTIC SHOOTING GLASSeS $10 256-5933800 never worn 256-5933800 BrOWNING 20GA (BeLGIUM) SHOTGUN, manufactured in 62, 28" modified barrel, exc cond, ask for Joseph 256-506-4092 BrOWNING 20GA (BeLGIUM) SHOTGUN, manufactured in 72, 28" modified barrel, exc cond, ask for Joseph 256-506-4092 COLT 22 SeMI-AUTO rifle $250 exc cond 256-5938750 feDerAL 325 rD BOXeS AUTO MAX TArGeT LOAD 22 rifle ammo $28 per box 205-456-0773 HArD PLASTIC GUN CASe fOr rIfLe 256470-1441 LASer SITer fOr rIfLe SCOPeS $20 ea 205-4560773 MOSSBerG 715T Ar TACTICAL STYLe 22 SeMI AUTO or trade for goats boar cross or other breed 256-601-2055 MOSSBerG INTerNA- The Swapper - May 25 2016 35 Alabama’s lowest Priced gun dealer Mon - fri 9 am - 5 pm Sat 9 am - 4 pm financing Available buy • sell • trAde Exile Armory 1109 Alexandria rd • Weaver • 256- 613-8042 Like us on facebook • TIONAL 715T 22 semiauto rifle, qrip handle, adj rear stock & front handle 256-601-2055 NeW TASCO SCOPe $25 256-470-1441 ONe UNITeD WeLD BOX BLK POWDer COATeD new fits mid size trk gables included 256-2644640 reMINGTON 700 BDL W/fANCY WOOD grain stock and forearm 7mm mag in cal w/bushnell 6 x 24 variable pwr scope 5mm lens $750 205-4560773 reMINGTON MODeL 700 CDL 7mm mag bolt action deer rifle w/fancy grain wood vdl blued barrel bushnell dusk to dawn 6 x 24 variable w/50mm lens brand new never fired $750 205-4560773 rUGer 22 SINGLe SIX eArLY MODeL 6-1/2” barrel hard to find good cond $425 256-589-2210 rUGer 357 single action Blackhawk 6 ½” barrel, nickel plated, nice holster $465 like new 205-5892210 rUGer SINGLe SIX NeW MODeL BLK HAWK SHOOTS 367 or 38 long nickel plated nice holster $525 205-589-2210 SeArS BUTTONHeAD button-hammer single shot 22 bolt action rifle exc cond $125 256-5938750 SeVerAL LONG GUNS rifles, several 22s, also Ar15 in exc shape 9598% 256-393-8750 SMITH & WeSSON 500 MAG 7-1/2” BArreL new in box box of 8sm 440 grade shells and galco leather shoulder holster $1500 or $1300 w/out holster 256-393-5625 SMITH & WeSSON Ar15 very good shape $600 256-593-8750 would consider partial trade SMITH& WeSSON MODeL SD9 9MM, new pistol with 2 double stacked clips, $350, call 256-677-7036 STeVeNS OVer/UNDer 22 410 rIfLe SHOTGUN combo plastic stock forearm good cond $450 remington bolt action 22 rifle good cond $175 remington 22 rifle has clip hd mag synthetic w/scope good cond $175 12 ga gun 36” barrel good cond $160 678-232-2789 WANT TO BUY OLD SPrINGfIeLD ArMY 1903 rIfLe AT reason- able price 205-589-2210 WINCHeSTer 555 rD BrICK 36 string copper plated hollow pt ammo $50 box 205-456-0773 PETS/LIVESTOCK WE dO fENCINg Of All TYPES 256-3020099 1-1/2 Yr OLD MALe CHIHUAHUA prox 5 lbs blk/white w/a little brown also female horse 6 yrs old 256-660-2329 14 MO OLD ANGUS BULL exc bloodline $1700 256558-4519 2 rHODe ISLAND reD rOOSTerS $20 pr 256587-0224 2-eNGLISH LOP rABBITS male/female both reg 3 yrs old $50 ea 256640-6723 2-eNGLISH LOP rABBITS male/female reg $50 ea 256-640-6723 2-eNGLISH LOP reG rABBITS male/female $50 ea arab area 256-6406723 2-PArAKeeTS W/NO CAGe $20 for both 256486-3119 2-SHOCKING DOG COLLArS good cond used only a short while 256- 36 The Swapper - May 25 2016 MAC’S KeNNeL LAB PUPPY needs loving home had shots house Specialize only in Dachshunds broken 256-894-7294 free GrT PYreNeeS 2414 County rd. 19, Dutton, AL PUPPIeS 6 WKS OLD 256-399-8250 free KITTeNS 6wks old to good home 256-557CKC Call Any Time! 8197 ALL COLOrS! Preferred free KITTeNS TO GOOD HOMe 6 wks old 256-659Breeder fawn Piebald Black/Tan 4360 GArMON PrO 550 shocking system for red Chocolate Issabella dogs, new in box, 3-dog Great system, 1 collar, cost Dapple Blue Loveable over $400 take $300 for it Gifts! 678-232-2789 LONG, SHOrT, AND WIre HAIr GrOWN BeAGLeS for AVAILABLe! sell 256-505-1747 593-3948 call for appointment to dispositions, great milk- GrOWN BeAGLeS, 3’ X 4’ DOG KeNNeL $100 see, located in Marshall ing stock, all records & ready to hunt, $200, also County Guntersville Ala- vacs, Limousin dbl blk 256-571-6311 Beagle puppies, 6 weeks, bama, call 256-251-0206 dbl polled 205-456-0468 $100, 256-572-4507, 2563-MINIATUre MAreS BLK/WHITe PIT $50 256- 486-3504 W/COLTS BY THeIr SIDe APHA reGISTereD PAINT MAre HOrSe for 485-5649 and a bay rum male HALf AUSTrALIAN $700, 10 yo, has not been w/them 256-273-4200 BLUe HeeLer MALe 2 SHePHArD half blue broke, call for appointYrS OLD $200 205-405- heeler male pup 7 mos 3-STeerS BLK $2500 ment to see, located in 6935 old $100 205-405-6935 256-447-0204 Marshall County GunBULLS Limousin dbl blk LAB AND GrT PYre4-BANTAM HeNS AND tersville Alabama, call dbl polled breeding age NeeS PUPS two left choc ONe rOOSTer $50 for 256-251-0206 bulls, top bloodlines, all free to good home 256all 256-587-0224 APPALOOSA MAre vacs & records, low birth 677-3494 4-feMALe HOGS 150 TO HOrSe for $800, 14 yo, weight, very gentle, all LOOKING fOr 45 LB fe200 LBS 256-538-5026 for trail riding, call for ap- bulls are homozygous MALe AMerICAN PIT 5 WK OLD CKC reG pointment to see, located blk, guar blk calves, BULL TerrIer top SHIH TzU PUPPY 256in Marshall County Gun- some are homozygous weight full grown to 200-8243 $300 and up tersville Alabama, call polled, guar polled breed w/my 49 lb red had shots/wormed 256-251-0206 calves, guar delivery to nose pit bull terrier 25655 GAL GLASS AqUAr- APPALOOSA PASO fINA your farm 205-456-0468 640-6030 IUM 4’ matching stand MAre $300 205-589-6471 DACHSHUND PUPPIeS LOOKING fOr TeNtop cover w/lights 2 filAqHA reGISTereD blk/tan dabble male, feNeSSee hay or other ters artificial plants and MAre HOrSe for $500, male wht/brwn dapple grass hay to feed a rabrock blue gravel silver 19 yo, great trail riding $350 ea 205-466-7454 bit, contact Christtina @ dollar and goldfish $200 horse, call for appointDBL BLK DBL POLLeD 256-593-4050 256-593-5287 ment to see, located in LIMOUSIN young bred MINIATUre zeBU COW 8 WK OLD rABBIT 256- Marshall County Guncows x-tremely docile BULL AND STeer $1250 490-3203 tersville Alabama, call cows bred to top limou- attalla area 256-557-2019 A-fENCINg BY MAR- 256-251-0206 sine bulls guarantee blk ONe LAYING HeN, red SHAll fENCINg, ArABIAN MAre HOrSe & polled calves out of sex link hen, 1 1/2yo fARM, CATTlE, for $400, 18 yo, for trail cows all vac’s and great layer $10 256-504HORSE fENCINg. riding, call for appointrecords raised on farm 7759 fREE ESTIMATESment to see, located in free delibery 205-456ONe Yr OLD LaMacha 256-606-0831 Marshall County Gun0468 billy goat $100 205-466tersville Alabama, call AKC reG SIBerIAN fOr STUD SerVICe 7872 256-251-0206 HUSKY MALe 2 yrs old TINY MALe YOrKIe sil$300 205-405-6935 BeAGLe PUPPIeS 256ver/blonde weighs 3 lbs POMerANIAN PUPPIeS & young adults, fluffy, 505-1747 tri colored mom and dad parties APHA reGISTereD 15 beautiful, jet blks, & $300 256-605-0669 YO PAINT MAre HOrSe BLK HeIferS top bloodteddy bear looks $275for $400, for breeding, lines, extremely docile free 6 MO OLD BLK $550 cash only 256-796- Call Gail McBride 256-228-7052 or 256-599-0548 2641 reG PALAMINO PAINT MAre 14.3 HANDS easy kept works grt single or dbl $1000 obo 256-5066338 SeAL PT HIMALAYAN KITTeNS $400 ea parents reg on site 205-359-0518 SHeeP grown yews, catob ram 256-599-3300 SIBerIAN HUSKY GrAY/WHITe BLUe eYeS 9 WKS OLD parents on site $650 male/female ready to go 706-847-0657 SILKY CHICKeNS in S’boro area 256-599-3300 STANDArD POODLe MALe fOr STUD not for sale lg blk akc royal proven sire fee neg 256960-9919 STANDArD POODLe PUPPIeS 8wks old ckc current shots/worming hlth guar, cream color & wht color $600 ea 256546-6648 STUD fOr SeLL ridden by children $350 205-5896471 TAN PIT MIX free TO GOOD HOMe 256-4855649 TeN GALLON fISH tank & one gallon tank w/zir filter and fish light $30 obo call or text 256-4544125 12pm-8pm TrAINeD BeAGLe rABBIT DOGS 205-966-5517 UKC reG PLOTT HOUND PUP male 3 mos old $200 205-405-6935 WANT TO BUY GOATS 256-601-6771 WANT TO BUY some cows or bred heifers 256601-6771 WANT TO BUY WHOLe LITTer of small breed inside puppies for cash 256-673-6892 WANT TO PUrCHASe A HerD Of YOUNG COWS 30 – 40 256-601-6771 WANT TO PUrCHASe around 30 brood cows, The Swapper - May 25 2016 young blk cows preferred to go, front/rear rack, 256-601-6771 electric start $1550 256WANTeD land around Al- 295-1743 bertville/Boaz area that I 06 KAWASAKI VULCAN could put a horse on 256- 900 30k miles $3100 256202-7369 656-2578 We HAVe 3 BeAUTIfUL, 06 YAMAHA 1100 CLAShealthy, 5 month old billy SIC exc cond lots of xgoats for sale, 3/4 boer, tras backrest sissy bar call 256-418-2502, asking luggage rack wide wind$150 each shield flor bds etc $6000 256-593-0643 YOrKIe POO PUPPIeS toy size all shots/wormed 06 YAMAHA BrUIN 350 $200 up 256-304-4638 ULTrA MATIC like new $3000 256-723-2564 YOrKIe PUPPIeS tiny tee’s will fit in your purse, 07 H/D SOfTTAIL beautiful, utd DeLUXe WINDSHIeLD shots/worming 256-796- custom seats engine pro2641 tection bar less than 9k miles $9000 cash 256YOUNG CHICKS fOr SeLL $4 eA DePeNDING 640-7428 on size rhode island red 08 150CC SCOOTer fOr cross 256-587-0224 SeLL 256-878-8467 08 fOrreST rANGer 500 full size fully auto CYCLES/ATVS fuel injected motor, se07 YAMAHA v-STAR lectable 4x4, manual 110 SIlvERAdO, dump bed, needs servBlUE/gRAY, lOAdEd, iced, looks & rides like lOW MIlES, ONlY new $6150 obo 256-441$5300 – 256-891-1133 0757 01 HArLeY DAVIDSON 09 HD rOAD KING 27,100 Dyna Low rider, 25k miles recently serviced, Miles, recently fully serv- clean, A-1 cond ready to iced, great bike, $6,200 ride $12,500 256-997-7467 firm, contact Andy @ 09 YAMAHA GrIzzLY 700 256-641-4408 fuel injected, fully auto, 02 HONDA fOreMAN, selectable 4x4, whls/tires, 4x4, yellow in color, with lock, wench, good cond, low hours, asking $1500, just serviced $4600 obo call 256-706-4487 256-295-1743 03 KAWASAKI VULCAN 10 650 4X4 BrUTe 800 BLK/GOLD TrIM 6k fOrCe KAWASAKI 4miles exc cond garage WHeeLer $5800 256kept sissy bar windshield 558-2722 etc new front tire battery 12 KAWASAKI 750 fully one yr old $3000 256-593- auto fuel injected, winch, 5287 selectable 4x4 w/lock still 04 YAMAHA V-STAr 1100 has warranty left $6250 28K MILeS ready to ride 256-295-1743 new battery cd player 12 YAMAHA TTr50 dirt $3000 worth x-tras asking bike $750 256-677-3638 $3500 256-438-9896 13 DIrT BIKe sell or 04 YAMAHA V-STArT trade $2000 256-587-3018 3700 ACTUAL MILeS this is a racing bike $3700 has windshield rd 13 HONDA rANCHer 420 pegs saddle bags lugelec shift ps only 350 gage rack 256-601-9548 miles good cond 4x4 05 K&M 200 rALLY 2wd ready to ride $3950 256fully auto exc cond ready 441-0757 37 14 ArTICAT WILDCAT SIDe X SIDe two seater 700cc fuel injected 4wd windshield top new cond 30 miles $8250 256-5063361 14 ArTICAT WILDCAT SIDe X SIDe two seater 700cc fuel injected 4wd windshield top new cond 30 miles $8250 256-5063361 14 HONDA fOreMAN 500 4WD W/DIff LOCK fUeL INJeCTeD rear box for psngr or storage 400 miles only recently serviced $5400 obo 256-4410757 15 reD TAOTAO fOUr WHeeLer 250cc 4 spd w/reverse holds 354 lbs brand new 205-559-7426 250 YAMAHA AND fOUr WHeeL Yamaha both $500 for both 256-5873018 4 WHeeLer 86 MODeL $1200 obo 205-359-0518 63 H/D TrIKe fOr SeLL Or TrADe $15,500 256587-3018 runs/looks good 82 HONDA SILVerWING 500 $4000 256-485-5649 H/D GOLf CArT for sell or will trade for zero turn or riding mower 256-2261944 HONDA DIrT BIKe Crf 150f NICe two nice helmets w/it $1400 256-4842506 JOHN Deere front end for tricycle, good cond, completely rebuilt, does not shimmy, fits 59 John Deere 256-558-6466 $150 MINI BIKe two good tires 5 hp Tecumseh engine $150 256-605-7312 MINI-BIKe that has a Tucumsi engine on it, built by Sears, good tires, good cond $200 256-6057312 rM 65 parts bike $300 256-582-0659 SeArCH THe SWAPPer fOr a picture of “flip- 38 flops” and be caller #9 to call 256-328-0919 with the correct location to win $25. We will start the contest at 1:00 P.M. Yerf DOG SPIDer BOX TWO SeATer go cart grt cond $$750 256-558-2455 REC. VEHICLES 05 DAMON CHALLeNGer motor home 37’ 2 slides work horse chassis, 28k, xtra clean, no pets/smoke $37,750 256878-4576 no texts please, selling due to ill health, reasonable offers will be considered 05 DAMON CHALLeNGer motor home 37’ 2 slides work horse chassis, 28k, xtra clean, no pets/smoke $39,750 256878-4576 no texts please, selling due to ill health, reasonable offers will be considered 05 KeYSTONe rAPTOr 38’ 5TH WHeeL (w/ goose-neck adaptor) triaxle toyhauler w/ fuel station & 12’ cargo. 2 slides, outdoor entertainment center/wash station/shower, (2) 19” flat TVs with surround sound, queen bed, sleeper sofa & 2-man upper bunk, sleeps 6, new battery & tires, very well kept under shelter, many extras included, asking $26,000, serious inquiries only, 256-4904590 Attalla AL 06 CAMPer TrAILer in good shape $3500 205446-7166 08 SPrINTer BY KeYSTONe, 2 doors, 2 slides, good tires, sleeps 8 to 10, double awning, includes hitch & sway bars, good BlACK ANgUS BUllS, BUll CAlvES, ANd HEffERS. SOME REgISTEREd 205-907-1749 The Swapper - May 25 2016 condition, call 256-878offer, Cleveland AL, 5387 or 256-738-7327 phone # 205-876-0805 18’ HVY DUTY BOAT 85 14’ CHALLeNGer TrAILer $300 256-587- BASS BOAT NeWLY re3018 BUILT 70hp Johnson motor pwr trim ss prop 1990 SWeeTWATer good cond $1400 205PONTOON with trailer, 353-7219 good condition, no motor, $3,000, call 25685HP SeA KING outboard 486-3504, 256-572-4507 motor electric start long 20’ BASS BUGGY PON- shaft tiller handle can hear run $300 256-498TOON BOAT w/trailer 70hp evinrude motor new 1076 trolling motor depth 88 16fT ALUM bass boat finder good tires on w/40hp Johnson, am/fm trailer $3750 256-561radio, 2 aerated live 1043 wells, 2 fishing decks, 2 swivel seats, needs 20fT SILVAN 99 PONTOON boat w/trailer, 75hp trolling motor, new battery, new fish finder, pull Mercury motor, good or electric start $1500 or cond, trolling motor & good tires $5800 256-796- swap for good runner 4wd 4-wheeler that runs 5159 256-202-3617 36’ CAMPer CeNTrAL 88 BANDIT HT/AIr less than 30k ALUMACrAfT bass boat miles class A exc cond never smoked in no pets 13 ½ ft good cond $2500 firm 256-390-3886 $12,900 256-400-8084 88 PACeSeTTer MO36’ TrAVeL SUPreMe TOrHOMe ford 460 5TH WHeeL CAMPer motor, needs work, make super slide nice cond offer, cheap 256-673-0159 lots of storage space washer/dryer has flat 89 SOUTHWIND CLASS A screen tv two recliners 33ft motor home 68k couch makes bed mi454ci Chevy auto trans, crowave stove stand new tires wspare, 6.5 KV along table w/chairs 205- generator, dual a/c units, 353-5821 80gal fresh water tank, HYD leveling jacks, 36fT MOTOrHOMe 2 central h/a units, 3 color sleeps 6 queen bed, gas range woven, microwave, tvs, 30k xtra clean/nice new sound system, color $12,900 256-400-8084 tv, solid wood rosewood 6.2 ACreS up on Little flooring, gas & electric river Canyon $16,000 water heater 257-738256-393-4551 6045 73 CD 750 HONDA CUSTOM BUILT in rigid frame 91 DAIHATSU rOCKY too many x-tras to men- 4wd $3250 256-312-2558 tion been sitting $1400 or 91 DAIHATSU rOCKY trade for 4-wheeler equal 4wd $3250 256-312-2558 value 256-891-9963 92 24’ PONTOON BOAT 85HP eVINrUDe $3900 79 DYNA MArK BASS 256-663-0262 BOAT, 16 foot with 85 mercury engine & 12 volt 93 fOrD rV, stove, foot controlled trolling fridge, sleeps 3, 1 bath, tv motor, bottom carburetor $7500 205-359-1665 beneeds to be cleaned, it fore has a piece of trash be- 94 GeOrGIA BOY tween the needle & seat SWINGer rV fully self causing it to flood, can contained never smoked hear it run $650 or best in no pets $12,900 exc cond low miles 256-4008084 96 5TH WHeeL CAMPer $1500 765-418-1665 99 BAYLINer CAPrICe 1850 SS 18’ V6 inbd/outbd marine spkrs stereo system amp $5000 obo 256-312-0406 ATWOOD SIX GAL POrTABLe GAS TANK and tempo 6-1/2 gal marine portable gas tank both $65 cash like new 205-602-6960 CAMPer LOT for rent at Weiss Lake on mud creek side $800 per yr, water furnished, private, behind locked gate, has private boat launch 256-601-6771 ez GO GOLf CArT gas powered, new engine, big tires $1400 256-632-6123 NeW STILL IN BOX alum inboard/outboard boat propeller, a Hustler, 14 ¼ w/19” pitch bought for $150 will sell for $75 256298-1209 NON- DeTACHABLe fIfTH WHeeL that bolts in bed of truck, $150, call or text 256-572-7776 PONTOON, 28 foot, 115 Yamaha, hard tap, with trailer, $7,000, 256-4863504, 256-572-4507 PrOWLer 5TH WHee camper 1992-98 $2500 256-558-8170 located in Walnut Grove SKYLINe LAYTON rV 96 MODeL nice $6000 256723-2564 STrYKer BOAT W/TrAILer 90HP MOTOr 256-298-0098 SUNBeAM CAMPer STOVe $25 256-738-7840 YAMAHA JeT SKI WAVe rUNNer, $500, 256-5724507, 256-486-3504 SPORTING GOODS (2) MATCHING MUrrAY BICYCLeS one mans, one ladies, 26” full size 256-673-6320 (3) SeTS GOLf CLUBS in bags, lot of xtra golf clubs & bags, sell all to one person $500 for all 256-586-6915 2 BIKeS MeN AND feMALe 27” AND 26” ABOVe avg bikes needs a little work w/cables new tires on one 256-505-7225 4 PerSON HOT TUB $900 256-506-6540 4 PerSON HOT TUB $900 you must move 256506-6540 600 ACre HUNTING CLUB SHerWOOD, TN has two cabins deer and turkey $1200 membership fee 256-605-4901 ADULT MALe ALUM MONGOOSe BIKe 256561-1121 AIr HOCKeY GAMe $75 205-359-4456 BrAND NeW NeVer USeD BerKLeY CHerrY WOOD GrAPHITe fishing rods from 5’6” to 6’6” four styles to choose from $15 ea 205-456-0773 BrUNSWICK POOL TABLe W/SLATe TOP $400 256-673-5656 CrOSS BOW $300 shot twice w/case & scope 256-744-9060 eVerLAST YOUTH BOXING set w/speedbag, heavy bag, 2 headgear, 2pr boxing gloves, very sturdy unit $200 obo 256572-3493 ez GO GOLf CArT gas powered, new engine, big tires $1400 256-632-6123 fOUr PerSON HOT TUB $950 256-506-6540 H/D GOLf CArT sell or trade for zero turn or riding mower 256-226-1944 KYAK $300 WHITe WATer decent cond 256640-7137 price firm SMALL TrAMPOLINe $10 256-543-1470 SUNBeAM CAMPING The Swapper - May 25 2016 STOVe used very little Bluff close to Beans & $15 256-738-7840 Greens, nice private yard $475 mo $475 dep, refs EXERCISE EqUIP. required 256-390-3886 3Br 1BA HOMe in reese 300LBS WeIGHTS & City/Attalla area, nice priworkout bench $250 256- vate lot $450 mo $450 281-6423 dep 256-390-3886 INVerSION TABLe $400 3Br fArMHOUSe AL256-593-3800 TOONA 256-470-0922 LOVeSeAT & SOfA red delete in color 256-744-9060 CAMPer LOT for rent at Weiss Lake on mud creek PROfORM EllIPTICAl MACHINE, ORIgI- side $800 per yr, water furnished, private, behind NAllY SOld fOR $750, NOW SEllINg locked gate, has private fOR $350, USEd lESS boat launch 256-601-6771 THAN 2 HOURS, fOr reNT Or SALe out BRANd NEW, IN PER- of state owner 3br 2ba fECT CONdITION, OR dbl wide trailer, Douglas WOUld TRAdE fOR Al owner financing NICE TREAdMIll, w/down payment 678CAll lISA 256-677477-3126 1416 HOMe IN reeSe CITY Attalla 3br 1ba $500 mo 256-390-3886 FOR RENT HOUSe IN SOUTHSIDe "fIRE YOUR lANd3br 1ba $550 mo, security lORd" WE WIll PAY deposit 941-484-8484 UP TO $2500 TO BUY MOBILe HOMe 2Br/1BA OUT YOUR CURRENT ArONeY COMMUNITY lEASE, HURRY, lIM- $300 mo $300 dep NO ITEd TIME OffER, PeTS 256-561-3508 256-820-8000 MOBILe HOMe fOr 1Br 1BA APT large reNT in the Albertville kitchen & living area, lots city limit 2 bedrooms & 1 cabinets, can be furbathroom, $200 deposit & nished or unfurnished, $425 for rent, water is inwater/garbage pu furcluded, HUD is accepted, nished, power negofor more information tiable, small pets are please call 256-505-1715 welcome w/$100 pet dep, or 256-558-7878 $200 dep, $400 mo rent MOBILe HOMe/A’VILLe on hwy 79 near Brooksville, JV Penning- all utilities on 251-597ton school district ref & 0267 OffICe SPACe hwy 431 background check reBoaz 256-840-5488 quired 256-727-0250 1Br MOBILe HOMe BY ONe BeDrOOM fUrWK Or MONTH includes NISHeD DUPLeX APArTutilities may be hud ap- MeNT in Albertville, living proved NO PeTS A’VILLe room, kitchen, 1 bedroom & bath, utilities, furniture $140 wk 256-506-4567 1Br MOBILe home by wk & appliances furnished, or mth includes utilities no pets, $145 per week may be Hud approved, no single, $165 per week couple, $205 security depets 256-506-4567 posit, call between 9am 1Br STUDIO APT eAST until 9pm, 256-744-5320 GADSDeN for info 256or 256-302-2532 547-1122 SM CAUCASIAN fAMILY 2Br 1BA HOMe in Hokes 39 DeSPArATeLY NeeDS TO rent/lease 3 or 4br home have exc ref’s good income non drinking smoking/drug free 256-673-6892 MOBILE HOMES 1978 14 BY 70 2 BeDrOOM 2 BATH, partially remodeled fixer upper, must be moved, $3,500, call 256-530-5990 2015 4.2 28x76 ONlY $58,500 256-734-7577 2Br TrAILer AND ACre LAND 256-878-7863 3Br 2BA 1999 CAVALIer dbl wide on 6.29 acres w/metal roof/underpinning in Joppa area $75,000 256-200-2561 3Br 2BA DBL WIDe trailer, 1+acre in Douglas Al owner financing w/down payment, has new fridge/dishwasher 256-660-0806 97 DBL WIDe NICe 3br/2ba porch 27 wide 60’ long x-tra clean must be moved $29,900 256-8408047 99 SUNSHINE 16x80, REAl NICE! 3 BEdROOM, 2 BATH, C/H! APPlIANCES, NICE OAK CABINET, fIREPlACE, WAlK IN SHOWER, WIll MOvE & SET UP fOR $17,500, CAll 256572-3417 BRANd NEW 4BR/2BA dOUBlEWIdE, $59,500, dElIvEREd/SETUP, CENTRAl HEAT/AC, SKIRTINg & STEPS INClUdEd CAll TOdAY! 256-820-8000 DBL WIDe 2br 2ba in Arab area & land $28,000 256-224-9119 dISPlAY MOdEl INvENTORY ClEARANCE NEW MOdEl HOMES AT dISCOUNTEd PRICES! BUY TOdAY 40 The Swapper - May 25 2016 mobile home Tyson conREAL ESTATE tract $410,000 256-8912751 "fREE lANd" WITH BrICK HOMe @2544 SElECT HOMES, Buffington rd Boaz Al, HURRY, lIMITEd 3br 1ba, kitchen/den, AvAIlABIlITY, CAll storage bldg, 1 acre lot NOW! ClAYTON w/2 pecan trees 256-659HOMES, 256-820-8000 5277 16 X 80 MOBILe HOMe COMMerCIAL PrOP3Br/2BA HALf ACre erTY in Austell about LAND $30,000 256-48520miles out of Atlanta 5649 bout 4-5miles on I20 2Br 1BA HOUSe to be West, owner financing moved off lot in Gadsden 404-398-2881 $5000 256-490-9658 DBL WIDe 2br 2ba in 3 ACreS IN NOrTHArab area & land $28,000 WeST CULLMAN CNTY 256-224-9119 w/bldgs and plenty of fArM LAND fOr SALe trees 256-318-7381 IN SOUTH SAUTY AreA 30ACre fArM near Boaz Lake Guntersville, 5 in Sardis area at corner horse stall barn w/ apartof Chumley & Horton Gap ment w/ full bath & 22 rd, most land is open, all acres of land w/ no res, in fenced, good location the view of the lake, the 205-456-0468 farm land may be sold 3Br 2BA 1999 CAVALIer with some bonus, please call for info, also 1 acre dbl wide on 6.29 acres lot for sale (lot has res) w/metal roof/underpin256-505-8613 or 256-878ning in Joppa area 4143 $75,000 256-200-2561 fOr SALe Or reNT out 3Br 2BA DBL WIDe trailer, 1+acre in Douglas of state owner 3br 2ba dbl wide trailer, Douglas Al owner financing Al owner financing w/down payment, has w/down payment 678new fridge/dishwasher 477-3126 256-660-0806 3Br 2BA HOUSe needs fOr SALe: Lake Gunwork or rent for option to tersville Lake Access 1 acre Lot, with private 70 x buy & fix it up 404-39822 Boathouse, the prop28881 erty is located on Arielle 3Br 3BA BrICK home, new 30x30 garage work Circle, about 1.5 miles off Highway 69 on Warrenton shop, hwy 179 Altoona AL 96,000 205-359-1663 road, the property has been surveyed & all surbefore 8pm vey markers are clearly 3Br/1BA HOUSe A’VILLe identified on the prop$10,000 needs work 256- erty, the boathouse is 744-6293 complete with a nice 6 fT 3Br/1BA HOUSe CITY walkway to the boatOf A’VILLe $10,000 house area & will handle needs some work 256up to a 26 ft boat inside, 744-6293 the boat house has a (3) 50 ACre POULTrY fArM tier roof system, steps off the dock to enter lake, MArTLING/ASBUrY ELLIS MOBILE AreA 2-40 x 400’ broiler exterior ceiling fans, seHOME MOVERS houses recent updates 2- curity lights, all aluCertified & Licensed 40 x 400’ pads back up minum construction, •Take Down •Transport dock system built on 6 x generators compost shed •Relevels 2 tractors 2900 sf 4br/2ba 6 posts, electricity & ANd gET A fREE 8 x 12 STORAgE BUIldINg WITH SElECT MOdElS 256-7347577 EllIS MOBIlE HOME MOvERS, CERTIfIEd & lICENSEd, 18 YEARS ExPERIENCE, fREE ESTIMATES, WE dO TAKE dOWNS, TRANSPORT & RElEvElS, CAll 205353-4241 fOr reNT Or SALe out of state owner 3br 2ba dbl wide trailer, Douglas Al owner financing w/down payment 678477-3126 MAY MAdNESS! UP TO $3000 IN YOUR POCKET WITH NEW HOME PURCHASE! HURRY! ENdS MAY 31! CAll TOdAY 256820-8000 MOBIlE HOME, 14x70, 2 BEdROOM, 2BATH, C/H, APPlIANCES, WAlK IN SHOWER, UNdERPINNINg & BOx, MOvEd & SET UP, $7,500, CAll 256-572-3417 NEW HOME, MUST SEll 3/2 ONlY ONE! $29,900, ClAYTON HOMES, 256-820-8000 SINGLe WIDe MOBILe HOMe 12 X 50 good cond $2500 obo 256-557-4360 must be moved WE BUY USEd HOMES 256-734-7577 We DO UNDerPINNING eTC 205-359-1004 YEAR ENd ClEARANCE, BRANd NEW HOMES, ExTREMElY dISCOUNTEd PRICES, CAll TOdAY! 256820-8000 205-353-4241 lighting in place & contains the several boat and jet ski dock systems: 1 Doozie boat lift (up to a 6000 lb lift capacity located inside boat House), 1 Jet Dock drive on dock: 18 fT x 10 ft, 2 Jet Ski drive on floating docks: 14 fT x 5.5 fT, serious inquiries only please, no agents, the property & boathouse are being listed for $132,950 or best offer, if interested, please call 256-505-9154 or 256-302-0821 & ask for Mike fSBO 34.7 ACreS feSCUe GrASS feNCeD w/water well view at listing no 20428626 $2950 per acre Pisgah, al 256-7179937 HALf TO ONe ACre TIMBer 256-660-1922 HOUSe AT 501 Scott Ln Oxford AL in Trinity sub division by owner, 3br 2ba, gas fire place, central h/a, ceiling fans, storm doors, all appliances stay, level corner lot, nice quiet neighborhood, fenced bach yard, minutes from schools, churches, downtown, shopping, Oxford Mall, parks, I20 & much more, no owner financing, below appraised value, asking $80,000, can also be seen on Craigs list 256-403-5695 LOT on hwy 431 in Boaz 256-546-8369 NICe HOMe fOr SALe in Boaz city limits on the corner of Martin Ave & Darnell St, good home for a couple to retire in or a small family just getting started, it’s a 2 bedroom 1 bath, large living room CArPOrTS & STOrAGe BUILDINGS Call Jim 256-659-5946 & kitchen, utility room & a roomy carport, has a small storage building out back for all your tools & yard work items, houses like this are going for $70,000 or more, asking $58,000, call only between 2pm & 7:30pm Mon-Sat or anytime on Sun, leave a message & I will return your call, for sale only, not a rental, 256-738-1282 PrOPerTY IN AUSTeLL GeOrGIA needs work done on it 4br/2ba could be fixed up nice will let you have free rent to fix up also have several commercial bldgs for sell they also need renovation one is a two story bldg built in early 1900’s 404-398-2881 this property is downtown SIX ACreS IN STeeLe W/BArN AND GArAGe has septic tank and water meter pwr ready 256-4389896 WANTED $200 reWArD leading to the info & whereabouts of Mike Helms driving a 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee belonging to Maise Auto Sales 256-506-5842 30 YrS eXP HANDYMAN decks porches general carpentry 256-706-4290 41 Yr OLD MOM Of TWO WOULD LIKe TO BABYSIT one or two children under school age price neg 256-660-0897 A & S TRUCKINg, dRIvERS NEEdEd fOR SOUTHEAST TO MIdWEST RUN, 2 YEARS OTR ExPERIENCE, HOME WEEKlY, 256-558-4364 RICK’S ATv 3811 US HWY 431 ANNISTON, Al 36201 256-365-5434 BEST PRICES IN TOWN! CAll NOW! 41 The Swapper - May 25 2016 Campers Unlimited 15475 US Hwy 278 W - Attalla, AL BUY Here PAY Here! (Corner of Hwy 278 & Hwy 77 - Just minutes from I-59) HOURS: M-F 8:30-5:00; SAT. 9-1 NEW AND USED CAMPERS! Call Steve Today! 256-344-2084 WE fINANCE IN HOUSE We Buy Campers NO CREdIT CHECK! & Take Consignments AffORdABlE HOME REPAIRS & REMOdElINg 256-706-7169 ATTeNTION If YOU KNOW of a swarm of honey bees, call me to come catch them & if the swarm is inside a structure call me for removal 256-390-3752 BrOWNING SHOTGUNS & rIfLeS, I will buy them, call me before you sell, ask for Joseph, call 256-506-4092 CAreGIVer SeeKING POSITION 256-744-8578 CDL DrIVerS CLASS A needed for regional hauls, reefer experience a plus, must have 2+yrs verifiable exp, must be able to pass drug test, call 256-593-8253 or apply in person at Cotton’s Shop & Transport Boaz AL CLeANING SerVICe (detail, new construction, commercial, residential, etc) & carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, stain removing, etc 256470-1199 CUT & TOP trees & take off debris 256-582-2125 CUT AND TOP TreeS also haul away debris 256-582-2125 dRIvER NEEdEd, 3YRS OTR ExP, REfRIgERATION ExP A PlUS, REgUlAR WORK 256-558-4364 eLDerLY COUPLe wants to buy good car preferably older Buick Lasabre in good cond w/fairly low mileage 256-466-7454 eLDerLY LADY LOOKING fOr reCLINer that rocks 256-202-2373 EllIS MOBIlE HOME MOvERS, CERTIfIEd & lICENSEd, 18 YEARS ExPERIENCE, fREE ESTIMATES, WE dO TAKE dOWNS, TRANSPORT & RElEvElS, CAll 205353-4241 ENglISH MAId/CAREgIvER, house cleaning, quality house work, work done right! References provided, call 256-3934189 anytime eXP DePeNDABLe HOUSe KeePer available in grant/g’ville/Scottsboro area have ref’s 256-5574922 eXPerIeNCeD AUTO TeCHNICIAN needed, not a parts changer, must have own tools, weekly salary guaranteed, apply in person @ Verlon Painter Motors, service dept, Monday-friday from 8am-5pm, serious technicians only611.fAMILY WANTS to rent a house, would consider rent to own, 3 or 4br 2ba in nice cond, must be quiet area, prefer Albertville/Boaz area 256388-9085 HANDYMAN 30 YrS eXP 256-706-4290 HANDYMAN SerVICe all types remodeling etc 256-630-9875 HANDYMAN SerVICeS $15 to $18 per hr 256-2932365 HANDYMAN WILL DO SM JOBS mature honest reliable 256-724-0893 reasonable HANDYMAN WOrK grass cutting etc 205-353-3987 HANDYMAN/ALL TYPeS WOrK 30 YrS eXP 256706-4290 HANDYMAN/HOUSeCLeANING lawn service reasonable rates 256-7382319 HArDWOOD/LAMINATe fLOOrING 205-353-1399 HAVe ABOUT 15 large M&J Automotive 612 gilberts gilber ts ferr y Rd. Attalla, Al BUY HERE • PAY HERE (256) 344-2184 family Owned: Mike Richards 42 The Swapper - May 25 2016 APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 BEDROOMS NOW AVAILABLE FOR RENT Call 256-505-9164 trees, want to sell for the wood 256-609-3024 Grant Mt area HAVe PrOX DOz LG TreeS THAT I WOULD like to have take down for the wood grant mtn area 256-609-3024 HAVe TreeS THAT NeeD CUTTING believe they are walnut or white oak please give estimate 256609-3024 grant mtn area HeLLO AMerICA, I am a female veteran marine, been fighting for my benefits since 2004, I can’t even pay my electric bill every month without asking for help, the mobile home I live in is in need of repair such as drywall, linoleum, etc, I have proof of being a veteran, if you can be of help in any way cal 256-744-5218 HeLP WANTeD in a busy body shop, must be able to stand firm, paint, tear vehicle apart, put back together, located in Albertville, must have exp, pay based on exp, if you have not worked in a body shop in the last 5yrs please do not call 256-572-7878 HOMe CAre fOr eLDerLY disabled or anyone in need affordable rates can work any shift light housekeeping cooking personal care and more ft payne and surrounding areas 423-255-0524 HOME IMPROvEMENT SPECIAlIzINg IN METAl ROOfS, vINYl SIdINg, dECKS, ElECTRICAl, PlUMBINg & RENOvATIONS, CAll 256-302-6638 HOMe IMPrOVeMeNTS 205-353-1399 HONeST CHrISTIAN LADY would like to clean your home or run errands 205-317-8507 HOUSe CLeANING have good ref’s 256-264-4930 HOUSe CLeANING let us do your jobs for you, call 205-363-0107 HOUSe CLeANING SerVICe $40 and up please call for quote 256895-1184 HOUSe CLeANING work Houses & Apartments done to your satisfaction fOr reNT have ref’s and 7 yrs exp Weather’s Properties 256-738-3002 Marshall, Dekalb, etowah HOUSe WOrK fOr PUBCounties LIC boaz g’ville kilpatric (256) 593-4218 and surround areas $18 (256) 878-4311 per hr 256-572-2066 HOUSeCLeANING JOB in Oneonta & surrounding areas, exp, honest, dependable 205-353-9868 Wanda HOUSeKeePING LAKe reNTALS etc grant g’ville Scottsboro area ref’s available 56-5574922 HOUSeKeePING/CHILD CAre elderly care any honest work needed have medical exp very dependable single parent and desparately need income for my daughter Christmas 256-295-6774 I AM AVAILABLe fOr SITTING w/elderly and desparately looking for place to live 256-553-6051 I AM IN DeSPArATe NeeD Of full time work in mechanic shop must be pd cash 256-744-5473 I AM IN NeeD Of A HANDICAPPeD VAN, please one that is in good cond with low miles on it cannot afford new one 256-442-1048 I AM STILL IN NeeD Of SOMe THINGS but I would like to say thank you to the people who have already reached out to me 256-744-5218 I BAKe CAKeS for any occasion 256-542-0925 call or text I BUILD CUSTOM DeCKS 205-353-1399 I BUY BOATS, campers, 4-wheelers, cars, trucks, w/wo title, running or not 256-505-7129 I BUY GOATS & chickens @ reasonable price 256657-4626 I BUY JUNK CArS AND TrUCKS 256-744-1507 I BUY LefT OVer YArD SALe ITeMS no clothing no junk please 256-4863287 I BUY rIDING mowers that need repair work 256-484-2506 I BUY STANDING TIMBer pine hardwood sm or lg tracts 256-281-6897 I BUY USeD CAMPerS four wheelers etc 256505-7129 I BUY USeD CArS trks campers and boats w/or w/out title 256-960-9601 I BUY USeD CArS/TrKS BOATS campers 256-5057129 I BUY USeD CHAIN SAWS running or not 256-640-1271 I BUY WASHerS/DrYerS and other appliances also wrecked autos 256-660-0422 I CLeAN & repair guns call Gary 256-293-8389 I CLeAN HOUSeS 205359-4025 I CLeAN HOUSeS exp trustworthy 256-557-4922 I CLeAN HOUSeS IN A’VILLe boaz and g’ville area reasonable rates and ref’s 256-878-4564 I CLeAN OffICeS & houses, home repairs, etc in Blountsville, Cullman, Arab, Oneonta 205353-1399 I CUT AND TOP TreeS haul off debris 256-5822125 I CUT GrASS, trim shrubbery, take down & trim trees 205-477-4817 I CUT TreeS AND HAUL AWAY debris 256-4770867 I CUT/TOP TreeS & haul away debris 256-582-2125 I DO any kind of yard work $7-$8 per hr, charge mowing yard by the yard 256-660-1446 I DO CABINeT WOrK 205-625-9043 I DO CArPeNTrY, tile, sheetrock, concrete work, looking for work 256-200-2561 I DO COMPLeTe HOMe INSPeCTIONS 205-6259043 I DO CONCreTe WOrK driveways/sidewalks 205625-9043 I DO CUSTOM STOrM rePLACeMeNT windows 205-625-9043 I DO DeTAIL cleaning, or hot water extraction carpet cleaning, pressure washing, window cleaning, property cleaning, upholstery, etc 256-891081 or text 256-470-1199 I DO fArM WOrK/YArD WOrK mech work a’ville douglas only 256-2022763 256-744-6229 I DO feNCe rePAIr, clearing, cleaning, guaranteed professional work 205-353-9750 I DO HOUSe CLeANING 25+yrs exp, refs, do offices/homes 256-7383002 I DO MASONrY WOrK 205-625-9043 I DO MeCH WOrK have 46 yrs a’ville boaz surrounding areas 256-7446229 I DO MeCHANIC WOrK at home on the side, many yrs exp, $35 per hr, flat rate labor guide book 558-7675 I DO MeTAL rOOfING 205-353-1399 I DO PAINTING, carpentry, sheetrock, tile, concrete & wash vinyl siding The Swapper - May 25 2016 256-200-2561 I DO refrIGerATION A/C HTG 205-625-9043 I DO reMODeLING decks additions painting sheetrock specialize in metal and shingle roofs 256-505-7129 I DO SHINGLe rOOfING 205-353-1399 I DO TILe, concrete, carpentry work, remodeling, painting 256-200-2561 I DO YArD WOrK small yard $35 lg yard $50-$80, other odd jobs, any kind odd job 256-660-1446 I HAVe TreeS I WOULD LIKe TO SeLL for the wood 256-609-3024 grant mtn area I MOW LAWNS 256-6771263 I MOW YArDS AND CLeAN OUT fLOWer BeDS 256-202-7318 I MOW YArDS fOr THe PUBLIC $35 to $80 depending on sz of yard 256-572-5573 also will haul off scrap etc I MOW YArDS free eSTIMATeS 256-660-1446 will clean out flower beds and gutters out wash windows etc I MOW YArDS in Marshall Co area, free estimates 256-302-5841 Mike I NeeD A LIfT CHAIr for an elderly man, needs to be in exc cond, very reasonably priced, on fixed income 256-673-6238 I NeeD A rOOM/CAN stay w/nice lady or gentleman 256-485-5719 I NeeD ASAP GOOD AqUArIUM PUMP filter system and other accessories will pay cash 256673-6892 I NeeD fULL time job around Gadsden, Albertville, G’ville, Geraldine, pay under the table, any type work 256-2022763 I NeeD SOMeONe TO MOW VerY SMALL YArD in boaz hwy 168 only needs mowing once per month can only pay $20 256-744-1986 I PAY CASH fOr UNOPeNeD UNeXPIreD DIABeTIC test strips 205-586-4844 call or text I PICK UP old scrap, stoves, fridges, anything metal 256-660-0422 I PICK UP OLD WASHerS/DrYerS anything metal 256-660-0422 I POUr CONCreTe SLABS 205-625-9043 I PreSSUre wash houses, cars, concrete driveways, etc for the 43 public at reasonable price 256-505-1461 I SIT W/eLDerLY AND SICK $5 hr 256-744-6293 I STAY W/SICK AND eLDerLY $5 hr 256-744-6293 I TOP/CUT TreeS haul away debris 256-582-2125 I WILL CLeAN OUT HOMeS/STOrAGe bldg garages, free for all material and items left inside, small fee chargeed 256467-4609 I WILL HAUL Off OLD CArS out of your yard 205-353-1399 I WILL MOVe PeOPLeS fUrNITUre mech work yard work paint houses anything that needs to be done, need work 256-3340095 I WILL PICK UP ANY SCrAP MeTAL YOU HAVe $3 per 100 lbs 256561-3269 I WILL PICK UP LefTOVer YArD SALe items 256-608-5803 I WILL reMOVe COYOTeS frOM YOUr PrOPerTY free of frOM reNT TO OWN Call 256-878-4157 fOr IMPOrTANT INfOrMATION 44 HOMES l l S The Swapper - May 25 2016 ON ARgE OTS fOR In Horton AlE Owner Financing Available Call 256-781-4537 charge 205-215-1190 I WILL SIT W/SICK AND SHUT IN 256-744-6293 I WOrK ON LAWNMOWerS snead area specialize on j/d mowers 256-470-0988 I WOULD LIKe TO eXCHANGe MCDONALDS game pcs on the contest 256-368-7528 If ANYONe ArOUND fT PAYNe AreA is having problems w/wild hogs I would like to do some hunting 256-572-2066 If YOU NeeD HeLP ArOUND THe HOUSe call Michelle reasonable rates have ref’s 256-6600155 If YOU NeeD HOUSe Or OffICe cleaned give Susan a call at 205-5944857 IN SeArCH Of 1958 COrVeTTe W/NO motor or trans 256-599-5940 IN SeArCH Of 5’ BOX BLADe reasonably priced 256-744-8643 IN SeArCH of 70-86 model Chevy Suburban preferably w/a hatch type doors, running or not, pretty good cond 256599-5940 IN SeArCH Of ANY UNWANTeD block or lumber 205-359-0371 INDIVIDUAL would like to buy 5V tin, rust doesn’t matter 256-593-2697 INDIVIDUAL WOULD like to buy 6ft t-posts 256593-2657 INT AND eXT PAINTING 256-390-9415 INTerIOr/eXT painting & pressure washing 256390-9415 INTerIOr/eXTerIOr PAINTING sht rock repair pressure washing vinyl siding roof repair decks etc 256-660-0634 LABOrer NeeDeD starting pay $7.25 per hr, raise after 30days 256-3902253 LANDSCAPING AND ODD JOBS free estimates 256960-4632 LANDSCAPING WOrK 205-353-1399 LArGe AqUArIUM WANTeD 40-100gal must be in exc cond 256-5478680 LAWN MOWING & yard care 256-279-3815 LAY BrICK AND BLOCK 205-359-1004 LeSS THAN 1 acre pine trees, want someone to cut them down, haul off, we’ll divide the money, 256-996-6745 near Gilberts crossroads LIVe-IN CAre GIVer, non-smoker 256-295-0019 LONeLY LADY looking for someone to donate a bird cage w/a canary, finch, etc in it 256-5613278 will give it a good home LOOKING fOr 1-pc blue vanity top 36-48” wide 256-506-9633 LOOKING fOr 2 Or 3 BALeS of alfalfa hay 256595-0019 LOOKING fOr 2 TO 3 Yr reNTAL Or LeASe needed yesterday clean/small family good income 256-673-6892 LOOKING fOr 215/70/15” TIreS 256609-3024 grant mtn area LOOKING for 2br 1ba trailer for rent to own, must stay on lot or land until I can get it paid for 256-347-2228 LOOKING fOr 45 LB feMALe AMerICAN PIT BULL TerrIer top weight full grown to breed w/my 49 lb red nose pit bull terrier 256640-6030 LOOKING fOr 4X8 used plywood ¼ up to 1” etc 256-996-6745 LOOKING fOr 98 SUPer CHArGeD 3.8 that was in riveara 256-294-3971 LOOKING fOr a box truck that can haul food or other things on, must be at least 14-20ft long, gas burner, no cdl required 1990 early 2000 770-687-3009 LOOKING fOr a cash register reasonably priced in good working condition 256-744-4858 LOOKING fOr a closed in deck w/a roof on it 8x20, if open must be able to close in 256-6093024 Grant Mt area LOOKING fOr A good medium size vehicle in good cond that runs good looks nice around $1000 cash, no junk 256609-3024 Grant Mt area LOOKING fOr a park model trailer or small mobile home 256-599-0887 LOOKING fOr a place to park a camper, need electricity/water hook-up 256251-0822 LOOKING fOr a real dependable vehicle for about $1500 cash, can pay half down, & half next month 256-347-2228 LOOKING fOr A reasonable priced small table of some kind preferably square table w/3 or 4 chairs reasonable priced 256-609-3024 Grant Mt area LOOKING fOr a ricky Garner who used to live in Ider, was married to Kathy rogers, please call Patricia 256-418-5021 LOOKING for a single or available lady to move in with me to help w/utilities etc 256-398-3626 LOOKING for an old Jeep camper around $300$400 w/good floor in it 256-572-2066 LOOKING fOr APPLIANCeS working or not 256-593-2835 LOOKING fOr arcade games like pin ball machine, pac man, etc, also jukebox w/records in it reasonably priced 256609-3024 Grant Mt area LOOKING fOr BASS GUITAr player 205-4461059 LOOKING fOr box blade 256-673-6512 LOOKING fOr CAMPer TrAILer LOT for rent marshall cnty 256-5010743 LOOKING fOr CArS AND TrKS that have blown hd gaskets 256609-3024 grant mtn area LOOKING fOr CHeAP CLeAN TWIN BeD 205359-0371 LOOKING fOr DACHSHUND free must be good w/children 256-891-1992 LOOKING fOr DBL AXLe HYDrAULIC dump trailer 205-477-4817 LOOKING fOr donation of a small dining rm set, 2 end tables, clothes size 18-20 256-561-3278 LOOKING fOr fILING CABINeT for folders 256302-0253 4 or 5 drawer wanted LOOKING fOr fOrD COUrIer PU TrK 74 – 80 model good running cond 256-252-4431 LOOKING fOr free GUINeA PIGS also german shepard puppies 256-485-8778 LOOKING fOr freezer 256-660-5181 LOOKING fOr GIrLS SUMMer CLOTHeS 2T and up in good cond 256744-4858 LOOKING fOr GOOD DePeNDABLe vehicle need asap 256-840-2050 LOOKING fOr GOOD frONT BUMPer for 01 chevy Silverado 256-9977623 LOOKING fOr GOOD rD HD HeNS 256-744-1190 LOOKING fOr GOOD USeD VeHICLe must be dependable and reasonably priced 256-840-2050 would need owner fi- The Swapper - May 25 2016 45 nancing LOOKING for good used vehicle someone on fixed income can afford to buy 256-840-2050 LOOKING fOr HOrSe fOr KID TO rIDe 256507-8021 linda Rosson LOOKING fOr HOUSe Owner TO reNT 2 to 3 br w/fenced in backyard in 6373 County road 26 Office: 256-561-6763 Oneonta preferably rem1-888-561-6763 Boaz, AL 35957 lap area 205-514-7130 fax: 256-561-6764 Aroney LOOKING fOr JOB as caregiver I am Christian lady w/15 yrs exp and exc LOOKING fOr PACK & shape or couple good ref’s C & A license this is PLAY 256-891-1992 sleeping bags 256-609my ministry 256-894-3897 3024 Grant Mt area LOOKING fOr PArTS LOOKING fOr JOB for a 78 or 79 ford f150 LOOKING fOr reADY DOING YArD WOrK pu 256-550-2112 TO MOVe IN small home painting minor const 256-744-8578 LOOKING fOr PerKeD work can do lean-tos can LAND for mobile home LOOKING fOr scrap drive tractor etc 256-224can pay cash or owner fiiron, tin, appliances, 8885 nancing w/down payment clean barn, shed, house, LOOKING fOr LADY to serious callers only next day service 256-561move in very reasonable please 256-744-8578 3269 price in return for light LOOKING fOr PLYLOOKING fOr SeT Of cooking and cleaning WOOD 4x8 thickness ¾ DOGGY STePS 256-891256-298-3626 to inch might need pcs 1992 LOOKING fOr NeWalso reasonably priced LOOKING fOr SINGLe BOrN BABY CLOTHeS 256-996-6745 AXLe 5 X 8 Or LArGer up to 5t summer or winLOOKING fOr trailer 205-477-4817 ter good cond 256-744POrTABLe BLDG 205LOOKING fOr SMALL 4898 477-4817 KITTeN prefer blk/white LOOKING fOr nice 2br LOOKING fOr POSI256-593-6977 1ba trailer that I can rent TrACTION rear end for LOOKING fOr small little or rent to own 256-347rear tine tiller 256-6092228 also need lot for it 79 C10 Chevy pu 256599-5699 3024 Grant Mt area to set on LOOKING fOr PrOPANe LOOKING fOr small little LOOKING fOr non-worktyke slide cheap 256-891ing appliances 256-593- TANK 200 to 1000 gal 205-589-2652 1992 2835 LOOKING fOr queen LOOKING fOr some LOOKING fOr odd/end size foam mattress, kind of antique ford car jobs around Blount Co/Blountsville area, can about 4” thick, clean, rea- body to put a motor in 256-572-2066 do construction, yd work, sonably priced in good etc 256-347-9097 LOOKING fOr OLDer type Murray lawn mower 42” cut, w/round front end on it for around $75$100 that needs some repair, must have good motor 256-609-3024 Grant Mt area LOOKING fOr older type Murray mower 42” cut for around $75-$100, must have good motor, needs some work 256-609-3024 Grant Mt area R.J.’s flooring, Inc. NEED SOMETHING FIXED? We repair all types of: Farm Equipment - Fork Lifts Gas Engines - Diesel Engines Welding - Cylinder Repair All for $20 per hour Call: 256-390-8077 The Swapper - May 25 2016 46 The Swapper Online is now FREE! Just visit our website and read The Swapper completely Free of Charge. • All those who are signed up currently will no longer be charged. • The online version will now be released Monday Night. • Hassle Free - A Subscription is no longer required! All previous complaints have been fixed! LOOKING fOr somebody that has 2 of the old handmade wicker willow chain chairs 256-5069641 LOOKING fOr someone around the Boaz area that runs errands, must be reasonable 256-8402050 LOOKING fOr SOMeONe that needs a rental room 256-398-3626 in Douglas area LOOKING fOr SOMeONe TO CUT AND BALe hay 256-593-8187 LOOKING fOr someone to do bull dozing work, need a bull dozer to build a dam for a pond, about 10-20 hrs worth at reasonable rate 256-5613269 LOOKING fOr SOMeONe TO TAKe me on errands in boaz area 256-840-2050 LOOKING fOr SOMeONe WHO CAN dig stumps out of ground not very big 256-609-3024 must be reasonably priced LOOKING fOr SOMeONe who can dig stumps out of ground, not very big, 6”-7” round, must be reasonably priced 256609-3024 Grant Mt area LOOKING fOr SOMeONe WHO HAS A TrACTOr w/tiller behind it to break up ground also need some bushhogging done 256-572-2066 LOOKING fOr SOMeONe WHO HAS POND in Kilpatrick area that would SELL YOUR RUN DOWN not mind me and my son PROPERTY fishing in 256-572-2066 Fast Cash - I Do Your Repairs LOOKING fOr SOMeNo Real Estate Agent ONe WHO MIGHT be inDekalb Co. terested in tearing part of 256-440-9773 Call Now a house down for the material 256-899-3638 LOOKING fOr SOMeONe WHO MIGHT have a diving suit who will do some diving in pond 256572-2066 marshall cnty area LOOKING fOr SOMeONe WHO WOULD give away a young male red merle Australian shepherd 256-561-1121 LOOKING fOr SOMONe who wants a room to rent 256-691-5827 must like animals LOOKING fOr SWf fOr frIeNDSHIP like dining out movies etc 205-3531399 LOOKING fOr TOY BOX out of hard plastic 256891-1992 LOOKING fOr TrK reASONABLY priced 256298-3626 LOOKING fOr UNWANTeD free lumber etowah/marshall coun- ties 205-359-0518 LOOKING fOr used tin, need about 10-15 sheets about 8ft long 256-5722066 LOOKING for vehicle that I can pay for on payments 256-840-2050 LOOKING fOr WHeeLS for riding mower 256-9966745 LOOKING fOr WOrK IN eTOWAH dekalb marshall cnty 256-557-9530 LOOKING fOr WOrK Of ANY KIND babysitting caring for elderly house cleaning etc 205-3591047 LOOKING fOr WOrK on farm yard work mech work or plbg etowah cnty a’ville etc 256-202-2763 APARTMENT fOR RENT - 2 BR, 1 BA great Neighborhood! $450/MO Call: 256-738-6788 The Swapper - May 25 2016 M. Homes as low as $6k Make a Bid! COME SEE US FIRST! LOOKING fOr WOrK/MOWING WeeD eATING farm work can do chicken houses cattle 256-706-9531 LOOKING TO BUY a ladies white gold diamond ring for $100 205477-4817 call Sunday evenings 6pm-8pm ask for Jason LOOKING TO BUY MALe WeINMArer AKC reG puppy good quality 423244-6676 LOOKING TO BUY SILKY BANTY CHICKeNS 256451-6021 LOOKING TO PAY CASH for whole litters of unwanted puppies, small inside type, mix okay 256-673-6892 must be healthy MALe Or feMALe CAreGIVerS available marshall etowah and dekalb counties light housekeeping cook meals laundry and medication assistance 8 12 and 16 hrs shifts daily 850-238-6945 MAN IN NeeD Of CArPeNTrY MeCH farm work etc 256-224-8885 MANUAL STYLe CHeST freezer $100 256-8409114 like new MeTAL SIDING & UNDerPINNING on mobile homes 205-625-9043 MeTAL/SHINGLe rOOfING 205-625-9043 MOBILe HOMe rePAIr 47 205-353-1399 MOTHer/DAUGHTer CLeANING CreW house/office or even your semi trk cleaned 256-8680103 MOTHer/DAUGHTer cleans homes offices etc Becky 256-868-0225 NeeD $1260 VerY BAD if you can help please call 256-516-3686 NeeD ADULT PerSON TO WOrK ON some cars for me, must really know about mechanics 256202-3774 NeeD ANY LUMBer eTC to repair home for mom w/infant children 256-4548762 NeeD COUPLe 15” tires 205/70r/15 need at least 2 at reasonable price 256996-6745 NeeD HONeST PerSON to work on my mazda auto 256-202-3774 NeeD LIVe IN SITTer 256-295-0019 NeeD PerSON TO SIT W/eLDerLY 256-6735519 NeeD SM DINING rOOM TABLe w/chairs also love seat 256-561-3278 any donations appreciated NeeD SMALL LOAD Of GrAVeL or chirt 256-5934208 NeeD SOMe WHeeLS that fits on back of riding mower, 2 or 3 old free mowers 256-996-6745 NeeD SOMeONe TO CArrY Me to ft payne to take drivers license test must have car that can pass inspection live in Geraldine, will pay $100 to the person who will take me 256-601-3226 NeeD SOMeONe TO CLeAN UP around the business 256-251-0643 NeeD SOMeONe TO GIVe eSTIMATe on fixing roof on trailer 256-2023791 NeeD SOMeONe TO GIVe Me AN eSTIMATe on laying some asphalt down I am bldg go cart track in marshall cnty 256-572-2066 NeeD SOMeONe TO MOVe 14 X 72 TrAILer 256-840-4936 NeeD SOMeONe TO MOVe IN and help w/cooking cleaning etc $185 mo plus room and bd 256-572-2066 NeeD SOMeONe TO MOVe IN W/Me and help pay bills Horton, al 256298-3626 Gary NeeD SOMeONe to put ELLIS MOBILE up window frames must HOME MOVERS Certified & Licensed be reasonable 256-840•Take Down •Transport 2050 NeeD SOMeONe to run •Relevels our Karaoke 205-359205-353-4241 2550 Terry NeeD SOMeONe to shoe my horses 205-353-7312 rainbow City NeeD SOMeONe TO WOrK ON 89 TOYOTA CAMrY le trans 256-6057312 NeeD SOMeONe WHO CAN rePAIr COKe machine 256-225-3920 NeeD SOMeONe WHO NeeDS A LITTLe MONeY to do some work for me, got some shrubbery that needs to be hauled off, must have a lg trailer or tree grinder reasonable price please 256-6093024 NeeD SOMeONe WHO WOrKS ON CAMPerS 256-399-5668 NeeD TO BUY AqUArIUM W/ACCeSSOrIeS in good cond will pay cash 256-673-6892 NeeD TO BUY BATTerIeS TO GO IN eLeC golf cart 205-681-7662 NeeD TrANS fOr 95 fOrD rANGer fwd 3.0 auto 256-553-4216 NeeD TrK LOAD Of TOP SOIL Horton/douglas area 256-295-1881 NeeD WOMeN’S BLUe JeANS 20 Or 22 SHOrT cheap or free 256-840- Rowan Property Preservation Lawn Care •Mowing •Shrubs •Weed Eating 256-572-4394 or 256-558-1874 The Swapper - May 25 2016 48 R&B dOzER SERvICE Albertville, Al 35951 NO JOB TOO BIg OR TOO SMAll We do all types of... Track Hoe & Back Hoe Work n dozer Work n demolition n driveways n Clearing n Pads n Ponds n licensed & Insured Call david or Jimmy for fREE Estimate 256-486-4176 9362 NeeD WOrK DO ANYTHING 256-477-3989 ODD JOBS home repairs and yard work 256-2245759 PAINTING/INT AND eXT also pressure washing 256-390-9415 PASTOr AVAILABLe TO TeACH reVeLATIONS on Sunday and Wednesday nights have ba, ab, and ma degree 256-6594662 PAY CASH fOr DIABeTIC TeST STrIPS unused and unopened 205-586-4844 call or text n 256-960-9687 PHOTOGrAPHerS/WILL SHOOT your weddings 256-393-5516 PICK UP AND HAUL Off APPLIANCeS 256-3934806 PICK UP ANY USeD fUrNITUre or yard sale items 878-1562 PLACe fOr BArN WeDDINGS or party in boaz/a’ville w/rustic country setting call 256302-9089 PLBG/eLeCTrICAL WOrK 205-353-1399 PreSSUre WASH houses 256-202-7369 PreSSUre WASHING 256-505-1461 reasonably priced PreSSUre WASHING a’ville text or call John 256-226-6265 PreSSUre WASHING fOr PUBLIC 256-2983569 PreSSUre WASHING for the public, mow grass 256-298-3569 PreSSUre WASHING no job too big or small, responsible 17yo needing to work thru summer months accompanied by responsible mother & father 256-727-0250 PrIVATe DUTY caregiver & sitter, have licenses & JP’s Roofing 256-673-8082 256-673-8082 Commercial & Residential Specialize in Metal Roofing Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed Licenced, Licenced, Bonded, Bonded, and and Insured Insured 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE refs, for more info call 256-293-8057 PrIVATe DUTY CAreGIVer 256-293-8057 PrOfeSSIONAL PAINTer reasonable prices 256-673-8899 rUNNING SPeCIAL on pressure washing houses, 10 cents sq ft 256-744-9060 SAW MILL LUMBer fOr SeLL/ALSO we buy maple walnut oak cedar and poplar 256-557-4584 SAW MILL WOrK cut lumber for public 256557-4584 SHeeTrOCK WOrK 205353-1399 SINGLe MOM w/2 kids cleans houses 256-4865672 also clean offices SITTer/LIGHT HOUSe KeePING 18 yrs medical exp reasonable rates, ref’s 256-558-1209 SM eNGINe rePAIr 205359-1004 SM fAMILY NeeDING 4-5 Br HOMe before end of march prefer sardis mtnboro attalla 256-6736892 SMALL CLeAN fAMILY want to rent/lease nice house between Sardis & Attalla, prefer etowah Co need asap 256-673-6892 SMALL fAMILY of 3 looking for a 3/4br house to rent/lease any area close back, have exc refs, secure income, non-smoking & drug free 256-673-6892 SPeCIALTY WeLDING 205-353-1399 SPOTLeSS HOUSe cleaning service, wkly, bimthly, mthly starting at $40 call for quotes 562895-1184 SPOTLeSS HOUSe KeePING $40 and up 562-895-1184 SPrING CLeANING – YeS DONATIONS ACCePTeD AT rOCK HOUSe on hwy 168 kil- The Swapper - May 25 2016 e one SEWER SYSTEMS Grinder Pumps Sales/Service (205) 616-3894 patrick all greatly appreciated SPrING CLeANING PreSSUre WASHING etc 10% discount 256470-1199 will also steam clean carpet SWf 45yo would like to meet older gentlemen to do house cleaning, cooking, etc, no drugs or alcohol 256-528-7701 TANNING BeD w/new bulbs $150 256-298-2802 TeAr DOWN OLD BLDGS 205-353-1399 THree DIffereNT KINDS of guns, m1 grand good cond, 30cal carbine Springfield or Winchester, dbl barrel 410 made by Winchester, Stevens, any good make, will pay good price 256-593-3948 TILe PAINTING CArPeNTer WOrK AND reMODeLING 256-200-2561 TIMeSHAre AT MNT LAKe resort/g;ville 256492-6397 TrYING TO LOCATe ALABAMA NO 1 POLe BeAN 256-593-8720 TUrNING CLUNCKerS into cash 256-465-1681 TWO GIrL TeAM WILL MOW YArDS and clean out sheds and storage units 256-775-8083 WANT 3 Or 4Br HOUSe 2baths rent or rent to own must be in nice cond prefer a’ville or boaz area 256-388-9085 have good ref’s WANT BOBTAIL CAT Of KITTeN 256-561-3296 WANT CArS TrKS VANS running or not 256-6471278 WANT CHrISTIAN PerSON TO HeLP me need transportation 3 to 4 times per wk a’ville must 49 Barns, Cabins, Garages & Sheds no credit check! lowest prices! $ more warranty! 0rent down to own* • fast & free delivery to most locations • sizes 8x12 - 14x40 • payments starting as low as $66.46 plus tax Rocket City *$0 down requires auto payments from checking account. don’t like that? no problem - only a 5% refundable deposit. cAll or teXt 7 days 256-221-7062 call for temporary hours be reasonable 256-3889085 WANT COrrAL PANeLS rd panels gates etc any amt 256-731-0687 WANT free SCrAP MeTAL 205-359-0371 WANT free SCrAP MeTAL 256-794-8677 WANT GOOD qUALITY PIANO DONATeD for gospel singing 256-7942952 2 convenient locations now Guntersville/claysville hirinG! and huntsville WANT JOB SITTING W/eLDerLY have 15 yrs exp 256-558-8348 WANT LADY WHO CALLeD me who used to have thrift store, she had area rugs etc I lost your number please call me back 256-388-9085 WANT LAND fOr Deer HUNTING SeASON 20132014 256-960-9601 WANT LefTOVer LUMBer fence/chicken wire I will take down 256-244ELLIS MOBILE 6803 HOME MOVERS Certified & Licensed WANT NeW HOLLAND •Take Down •Transport HAY rAKe fOr PArTS •Relevels any cond 256-731-0687 205-353-4241 WANT ODD AND eND JOBS blount cnty area min wage will do house cleaning etc 27 plus yrs exp and general labor painting and const work 256-507-9097 WANT ONe Br HOUSeS/trailer apt must be hud approved in a’ville area 205-359-1047 WANT reD DWArf CALLA BULBS 256-8785621 SELL YOUR RUN DOWN PROPERTY Fast Cash - I Do Your Repairs No Real Estate Agent Dekalb Co. 256-440-9773 Call Now The Swapper - May 25 2016 50 HHIC White Roof Coatings Go Green, Stay Cool and Save $ with our affordable White Roof Coatings! Specializing in restoring flat roofs with energy saving White Roof Coatings! Perfect for Campers, RV’s, 5th Wheels, Trailers, any metal roof or flat commercial roof. Advantages of of White Roof Coatings: Stops leaks, Reduces inside temps by reflecting heat rays off your roof, Provides less wear and tear for your A/C unit, Reduces energy costs by up to 40%! Fast Installation and affordable. Call or E-Mail us today for your free estimate (901) 233-2214 - Learn more about roof coatings at Other Services We Offer: Pressure Washing - Campers, Buildings, Homes, Parking Lots, Etc. Professional Paint Services - Commercial Buildings Commercial Roof Repairs Serving Tennesee and East Alabama WANT SCrAP MeTAL tin cans old batteries etc 256-794-1700 WANT SOMeONe that has a thrift store or would like to open a thrift store, I have a lot of new & used items for sale, furniture, what-nots, golf clubs, clothes, tools, dishes, little bit of everything 256-586-6915, all for one price WANT SOMeONe to call me that can build a small storm shelter for 2 elderly people in Snead 205363-1011 WANT SOMeONe TO CLeAN OUT SHeD for scrap metal 256-673-5956 WANT SOMeONe to give me an estimate on roofing my house 678-2322789 WANT SOMeONe TO PUT items on e-bay for me split profit 50/50 256281-6897 WANT SOMeONe TO TeAr DOWN BLDG 40 x 465 almost new metal $5000 256-660-1922 WANT SOMeONe WHO NeeDS full time worker/mechanic etc must pay under the table will work 7 days per wk 256-202-2763 WANT STArTer fOr 4010 Or 4020 J/D TrACTOr for parts 256-7310687 WANT TO BACK a lawn vacuum 256-593-3800 WANT TO BOrrOW $1100 have clear title on dodge trk 256-499-2164 WANT TO BUY 1 & 5gal buckets 256-399-8250 Edmondson & Sons MOBIlE HOME SUPPlY Hwy 168 EAst OF BOAz (On tHE RigHt) KilpAtRicK 256-561-3002 XTrA-WIDe WIDTHS AVAILABLe NeW CArPeT $5 Per YArD VINYL, WINDOWS, & MATCHING TrIM rV PArTS, *WIDe WIDTH VINYL fLOOrING n n n n hours: mon–sat, 7am-4:30pm serving Marshall • Dekalb • Etowah & surrounding counties new shipment of decorative sheetrock WANT TO BUY 1 acre land, no restrictions, Marshall Co or surrounding areas, will consider 1-3 acres 256-298-2213 WANT TO BUY 10 Or 15 BOB WHITe qUAIL reasonably priced 256-4516021 WANT TO BUY 18 TO 24’ ALL WeLDeD fLAT bottom alum boat and trailer 678-232-2789 WANT TO BUY 18-20ft all welded alum boat/trailer must be all welded 678232-2789 WANT TO BUY 2 army duffle bags or parachute bags in good cond 256202-9525 WANT TO BUY 2 old cast iron bath tubs to water & feed cattle 256-706-5086 WANT TO BUY 2 or 3 pullets or hens 256-504-6607 WANT TO BUY 2001 PONTIAC GrAND am se model silver in color for parts 256-587-3060 need front end parts WANT TO BUY 22 CAL MArLIN rIfLe in ss 256706-5086 WANT TO BUY 32 & 36 storm doors 256-5461959 WANT TO BUY 55 PONTIAC Or CHeVY body 4 dr will be ok something that is rebuildable/complete car 205-763-1122 WANT TO BUY 68 eTOWAH HI SCHOOL ANNUAL 205-359-1036 WANT TO BUY 700r4 transmission rebuilt in perfect cond 205-5892559 WANT TO BUY 95 SUBUrU LeGACY reAr eND 205-274-2228 WANT TO BUY 96 97 Or 98 MODeL JeeP CHerOKee sport that is wrecked but has good motor in it 256-673-0998 WANT TO BUY a 3-wheel bike 256-609-3068 WANT TO BUY a bucket for a 210 lawn & garden tractor 256-572-7313 WANT TO BUY a carport reasonably priced 256523-4130 WANT TO BUY A feW BOB WHITe qUAIL 256451-6021 WANT TO BUY a hood for a 2000 I30 Infiniti car 256506-2735 WANT TO BUY a microwave stand in the Geraldine/Crossville, or fyffe area 256-659-1070 WANT TO BUY a nice king or queen water bed w/all working accessories, must be nice, clean, smoke free, wlll pay cash, really want a canopy type 256-6736892 WANT TO BUY A P255/70r/16 GDYr MUD AND SNOW WrANGLer white letter tire or maybe two must be in good cond no worn out tires please 256-878-2585 WANT TO BUY a truck bed for a ford Dually 1999 model 256-451-6021 WANT TO BUY APT Sz eLeC stove short water htr and shower stall/fiberglass 256-453-2070 WANT TO BUY AqUArIUM accessories pump light etc pay cash 256- 673-6892 WANT TO BUY BOX CAr CHILDreNS BOOKS 256962-3235 WANT TO BUY BreAKer BOX for out bldg must be 60amp 256-470-0922 WANT TO BUY CANOe reasonably priced 256506-4667 WANT TO BUY cars & trucks for scrap 256-4771507 WANT TO BUY CArS/TrKS 30’s up to 80’s running or not also old tractors or diesel lawnmowers 256-8786299 WANT TO BUY Chevy 88 engines & transmissions complete w/brackets, vans, carbs,distributors, cores, will come & pull engines & trans out of your vehicles 256-5873060 WANT TO BUY CHILDS PLAYHOUSe/PLASTIC need asap 256-593-4208 WANT TO BUY DIAMOND PLATe ALUM TOOL BOX for Nissan pu good cond 256-302-0253 WANT TO BUY eLeC STOVe reasonably priced 256-470-0922 WANT TO BUY GOOD BOBCAT 205-353-9141 WANT TO BUY good horse hay that’s been in the barn at reasonable price lg rolls in Henagar/Pisgah area 256451-6021 WANT TO BUY good running good cond chain saw Husquevarna, fields, etc 256-673-1501 WANT TO BUY GOOD USeD rOLL SAW reasonably priced 256-706-9061 WANT TO BUY GOOD USeD toddler bed 256593-0071 WANT TO BUY good used washer, standard size 256-673-8899 WANT TO BUY GOOD USeD WHITe wicker fur- The Swapper - May 25 2016 niture preferably love LAzY BOY reCLINer seat/chair 256-878-4968 fOr big man cloth print 256-659-170 prefer centre WANT TO BUY JUKe BOX at reasonable price or piedmont area 205-681-7662 WANT TO BUY NICe qN WANT TO BUY JUNK Ve- Sz WATer BeD prefer canopy consider other no HICLeS must have title junk please will pay cash 256-506-3088 and pick up must be WANT TO BUY LAB PUPS prefer choc but ac- clean 256-673-6892 poscept other kinds 8 to 10 sibly buy entire br suite WANT TO BUY OLD 60 wks old 423-244-6676 AMP BreAKer BOX WANT TO BUY LArGe good cond 256-470-0922 AreA rUG prefer solid WANT TO BUY old applicolor good clean cond ances working or not 256-388-9089 256-673-2095 WANT TO BUY Lazer WANT TO BUY OLD Newell glass w/top CAST IrON BATHTUB to freezer or sxs 256-452feed cattle 256-659-2235 1754 WANT TO BUY OLD PIN WANT TO BUY lead weights, any kind of lead BALL MACHINeS and arcade games 256-435-4148 256-550-0362 WANT TO BUY LeATHer WANT TO BUY old solar SOfA LOVe SeAT and ot- powered fence chargers or 12.0 solar panel 256toman in exc cond 256599-5940 572-8779 WANT TO BUY MeMBer- WANT TO BUY one SHIP IN LITTLe MTN MA- 31/1050/15 buckshot tire 678-232-2789 rINA campground 256-673-6206 WANT TO BUY ONe AND fIVe GAL BUCKeTS 256WANT TO BUY MeTAL CArPOrT that is move- 399-8250 able 256-660-0422 WANT TO BUY or trade WANT TO BUY metal car- for Chevy pu lwb ext cab, half or ¾ ton made in 90port, can take down, or 99 256-505-1488 even just a frame 256339-5058 WANT TO BUY PHeASANTS and pheasant eggs WANT TO BUY NICe 256-451-6021 KING SIze (prefer canopy) waterbed in WANT TO BUY regood like new condition CeIVer HITCH 1-1/2” to with all working accesfit dodge caliber suv 256sories, will pay cash & 298-3077 p/u, any area, 256-673WANT TO BUY rUNNING 6892 or non running lawnmowWANT TO BUY NICe ers 256-589-9485 KITCHeN dining table WANT TO BUY rUSTY w/four chairs must have TIN 256-302-7866 bench will pay cash all WANT TO BUY SeVerAL wood preferred 256-673- CAST IrON tubs 256-7066892 do not want w/out 5086 bench WANT TO BUY SILVer WANT TO BUY NICe COINS dimes quarters etc at a reasonable price KB Remodeling 205-681-7662 Metal Roofing, Siding, WANT TO BUY SM Replacement Windows Written Contract Bids/Insurance Claims HOUSe Or CABIN that I Renovations and New Construction can buy and move to my Alabama State licenced Owner Ken Bryant: 256-744-4095 lot 256-453-2070 51 0% OWNer fINANCING for first 2 Years Or Up To $5,000 Off Purchase Price On Select Properties. Call for Details TWO REAL DEALS - 65 Acres +\- Sand Rock/Big Rock area, Lookout Mtn, beautiful property with views of Weiss Lake, wooded and open pasture, paved road, public water, lots of deer and turkey, $139,900, financing available. OR 17 ½ Acres – $49,900 financing available. REDUCED - 14 Acres – A REAL STEAL!!! Near Geraldine and Guntersville State Park, Ten Broeck area, nice open fields and woods, small branch, deer and turkey, county road, public water, $34,900, OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. PAY ATTENTION!!! - WEISS LAKE – excellent waterfront lot with covered boat slip included, mostly open, level, water, power and sewer, ONLY $59,900, financing available. HERE IT IS!!! - 40 Acres – just north of Jacksonville, large hardwoods and scattered pines, level, lots of deer and turkey, paved road, public water, $79,900, Possible Owner Financing. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!!! - Mobile Home and ½ Acre Lot – Coates Bend area near Gadsden, Anita Drive, 2 bedroom 1 bath, needs work, great lot with septic tank, water meter and driveway, $29,900, possible owner financing available. RARE FIND!!! – 5 Acres – with actual frontage on the gorge of Little River Canyon, excellent property, level, breathtaking views into the gorge, adjoins Little River Canyon Wildlife Preserve, $155,000, better hurry before it’s gone. DON’T SEE THIS OFTEN!!! - REDUCED - 15 Acres – Little River Canyon National Preserve, Lookout Mountain, beautiful wooded tract with lots of frontage on Bear Creek, priced reduced to $59,900. Financing available. BETTER HURRY!!! - 3 Acres – north of Jacksonville, wooded, lots of road frontage, public water, $18,900, OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE with $1,890 Down, $253/month. GREAT DEAL!!! - 10 Acres- Lookout Mtn, near the Canyon, wooded and open, creek, level, paved road, public water, OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE with $1,495 Down, $358/month. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! - 17 Acres +\- Duck Springs/Sand Valley, home sites already cleared, driveway, wooded, level to rolling, paved road, public water, OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE with $2,995 Down. HARD TO FIND!!! - 8 ACRES – Glencoe, Kaying Avenue, wooded, level, paved road, public water, $39,900.00, financing avail. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? - 16 ACRES – Hokes Bluff, McClain and Tewanna Streets, level, open, fenced pasture, barn, paved road, public water, $64,000, financing avail. HERE IS YOUR SLEEPER!!! - Tennessee River – Scottsboro – Promenade Subdivision, excellent building lot with great view of the river, includes covered boat slip, gated community, underground utilities, $79,900, financing available. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS ONE!!! - 46 Acres – Rainbow City, open pasture and woods, nice creek, level, utilities available, $162,500, financing available. Kessler LAND AgENcY 1-800-547-3883 For Additional listings, check out 52 LAWN SerVICeS Albertville - Affordable Call John 256-226-6265 Licensed WANT TO BUY SM POrTABLe STUMP GrINDer pay cash 256393-0961 WANT TO BUY small park model trailer home in Scottsboro for reasonable price 256-599-0887 WANT TO BUY small wrought bench, no wood in it 256-558-5554 WANT TO BUY some 15” tires to fit Toyota 4wd truck 678-232-2789 WANT TO BUY SOMe CAr PArTS Off 93 camry need right side dr and fender 256-891-0386 WANT TO BUY some cows or bred heifers 256601-6771 WANT TO BUY some honeybees 256-451-6021 WANT TO BUY STANDING TIMBer 256-6737474 WANT TO BUY stone off your property 256-8404936 WANT TO BUY TIMe CLOCK w/time cards douglas area 256-5937441 WANT TO BUY tiny tiny male Yorkie less than 1yo 256-605-0669 WANT TO BUY WATer BeD or water bed frame 256-660-1437 WANT TO BUY WHOLe LITTer of small breed inside puppies for cash 256-673-6892 WANT TO fIND ALABAMA NO 1 BLUe BeANS need cutting 256593-8720 WANT TO PUrCHASe e one SEWER SYSTEMS Grinder Pumps Sales/Service (205) 616-3894 The Swapper - May 25 2016 around 30 brood cows, WANTeD cars, trucks, young blk cows preferred that have strictly blown 256-601-6771 head gaskets, must be reasonable, must run, we WANT TO PUrCHASe older ton truck, flatbed, fix them up, proceeds go 4dr Chevy or Dodge 256- to St Judes Hospital 256609-3024 Grant Mt area 601-6771 WANTeD CHAIr fOr Lr WANT TO PUrCHASe some hay rings 256-601- IN GOOD COND 256-3889085 6771 WANTeD CHILDS BATWANT TO TrADe king size bed for a queen 706- TerY OPerATeD tractor or car rechargeable 256671-4664 WANT TO TrADe lots of 506-3361 WANTeD CHrISTIAN kids clothes for adult clothes or will sell them BOOKS free or reasonfor whatever you will pay ably priced 256-388-0895 706-671-4664 WANTeD DeWALT elecWANTeD 14ft steel cattle tric one w/cord 256-8786299 gate $50 1yo 256-5613269 WANTeD DODGe rAM V6 KING cab only 256WANTeD 1Br APArT454-8762 MeNT in the Albertville city limits that will allow WANTeD DOG PeN & pets, I have 2 Chihouse preferably free huahuas 256-878-7171 256-657-7415 Henagar Al Tanya or 256-571-6691 lv WANTeD eLeC STOVe msg 205-363-4145 WANTeD 2 DrS fOr 99 WANTeD fArM eqUIP JeeP WrANGLe CJ must HAY BOY MACHINe good be reasonable 256-794cond 256-717-7072 2286 WANTeD farm help in AlWANTeD 2 nice clean re- toona/Walnut Grove area cliners smoke free 256256-504-4329 506-1160 Arab WANTeD feed trough $40 WANTeD 200 TO 500 256-561-3269 PrOPANe GAS TANK WANTeD feMALe BOB 205-589-2652 TAIL kitten 205-466 WANTeD 2-3 ACreS in WANTeD feW BALeS Asbury/Martlin area, ALfALfA HAY 256-595owner financed 256-516- 0019 3378 WANTeD free GrN WANTeD 2Br HOMe POSTS Or HOG WIre PreferABLY 2 baths on 205-359-0371 small acreage 256-561WANTeD free or very 1121 cheap dog pen 256-657WANTeD 4.3 CHeVY 7415 VOrTeC call or text 256WANTeD free PeTS and 608-1279 free scrap 256-485-8778 WANTeD 96 Lincoln Town car, need parts for WANTeD free Winnie dog, will give good home 256-660-0022 256-891-1992 WANTeD any free scrap WANTeD freSH BrOWN metal 256-794-1700 eGGS 256-840-2050 WANTeD boat seat for a Bayliner classic boat 256- WANTeD fULL BAr fOr 90’S MODeL chevy or 878-7391 gmc full sz pu 256-601WANTeD box blade pull 9562 behind tractor 3-point WANTeD full time job hitch 256-561-3269 working 6-7 days per wk in Gadsden, A’’ville, Boaz, Geraldine area, do all kinds handyman jobs, farm work, etc, pays under table 256-202-2763 WANTeD good healthy quail that’s been raised, pheasant hens, 4-5 males 256-593-3948 WANTeD GOOD SILVer BArreL in 410 20 ga 16 ga good cond 256-5933948 WANTeD GOOD USeD VeHICLe on payments sm or mid sz preferred must be auto 256-8402050 WANTeD GOOD USeD VeHICLe w/some financing 256-840-2050 WANTeD good used vehicle, must be auto, dependable, reasonably priced 256-840-2050 WANTeD HONDA CIVIC and accords reasonably priced 256-794-8677 WANTeD HONeY BeeS I will catch them and get them out of your way 256-451-6021 WANTeD housekeeper 2 days per week 256-3997131 call for interview, background check required, very interested callers only WANTeD JOB ArOUND BLOUNT cnty area phillip can do odds and end jobs const etc 205-4294127 WANTeD JOB DOING yard work painting etc 878-1562 WANTeD JOB TeArING DOWN bldgs for scrap 256-388-9450 WANTeD job working in chicken house, several yrs exp 256-660-1446 WANTeD job working weekends operating heavy equipment, driving dump trucks 256-5933800 WANTeD JUNK BICYCLeS wagons that kids can use, please call 256- 878-1332 or bring by 201 no willow street, a’ville I fix them up to give kids for Christmas WANTeD JUNK VeHICLeS 256-506-3088 WANTeD land around Albertville/Boaz area that I could put a horse on 256202-7369 WANTeD LefTOVer yard sale items 256-3934806 WANTeD LIGHT WeIGHT SHOrT NICe travel trailer self contained bargain priced non smoke/clean 256-794-2952 WANTeD LINCOLN POrTABLe WeLDer 225 AC 190 DC 79 or 80’s model for parts 256-2952105 WANTeD LIVe IN CAreGIVer 256-840-1900 WANTeD MALe Or feMALe rOOMMATe I live in Scottsboro 256-3482239 WANTeD MANUAL TIre CHANGer in good cond 256-482-2501 WANTeD medium size toy box for little boy, preferably wood 256-8784968 lv msg WANTeD MeTAL BArreLS CHeAP 256-5312241 WANTeD mobile home frame, 12-14ft wide, ibeam frame 256-558-4667 WANTeD MOBILe HOMe TO PUT on my lot dbl wide 3br/2ba have down payment 256-499-2164 WANTeD MODeL CAr DISPLY HOLDer or hot wheel holder that hangs on door 256-605-2412 WANTeD motor & trans for 67 Plymouth Bevedere 256-878-3776 WANTeD MOTOr fOr 03 fOrD fOCUS 2.0 4 cyl 256-738-3671 after 6pm WANTeD MOWING DeCK fOr J/D riding mower L110 42” cut 256-8940077 The Swapper - May 25 2016 53 WANTeD MOWING MACHINe 205 Or 206 for parts 256-717-7072 WANTeD MUSCADINe JeLLY reasonable price 256-840-2050 WANTeD NeeD SOMe1134 US Hwy. 431 • Boaz, AL 35957 ONe TO LOAN Me $600 for about three mos need 256-593-4253 or 800-531-4253 to pay taxes on my home if I lose my home I have nowhere to live 256-553(with approved credit) 9290 • LARGE SELECTION of NEW & USED CARS, WANTeD NeW Or USeD LMBr 2 x 4 4 x 4 1 x 6’s TRUCKS & SUVs to choose from etc 256-226-1944 WANTeD NICe LG fILTer AND PUMP for aquarium in good working cond will pay cash 256-673-6892 WANTeD NON rUNNING MOWerS also can repair lawnmowers 256-5899485 WANTeD ODD JOBS and landscaping grt prices/free estimates 256960-4632 WANTeD old appliances, working or not, 256-593- grass, weed-eating, cost per mo $275 2562835 painting, etc 2256-224878-7600 WANTeD old go-cart 8885 WANTeD rOOMMATe frames must be in good WANTeD PASTUre Scottsboro area $200 mo cond 256-399-6378 LAND IN BOAz AreA 256-348-2239 WANTeD old posts & hog rent or lease 256-659WANTeD rOOMMATe wire 256-572-2066 8362 SINGLe PerSON ONLY WANTeD OLD rIDING WANTeD PIANO if you to share 3 br house must MOWer 256-996-6745 have one to give away be working drug free and WANTeD old water bed 256-659-4370 have own transp $275 mo heating pad 256-593-3800 WANTeD PINBALL/Ar256-878-7600 WANTeD one large hosta CADe MACHINeS 256WANTeD rOOMMATe plant 256-506-7990, will 609-3024 GrANT mtn single person only to pick up area share large 3br completely furnished house, WANTeD PANAMA JACK WANTeD rACING GO must be working, have 26” BIKe good cond 256- KArTS running or not 390-3768 also need parts for racing own transportation, drug free, honest, your cost WANTeD PArT TIMe job go karts 205-368-0978 for child/elderly also light WANTeD rD GLASS fOr per mo $275 256-878housekeeping 256-293OUTSIDe TABLe will pay 7600 for interview 9244 reasonable price 256-605- WANTeD rOOMMATe single person only to 7029 WANTeD part time job picking up eggs in WANTeD rIDe TO DOC- share lg 3br house completely furnished must chicken houses, mowing TOr on may 23rd 256840-2050 M&J Automotive WANTeD rOOM MATe to 612 gilberts gilber ts ferr y Rd. share large completely Attalla, Al furnished house, must be BUY HERE • PAY HERE working, drug free, have (256) 344-2184 own transportation, your family Owned: Mike Richards •Flexible Financing Terms & Down Payments Available Problems with your past credit? CALL “GregO” “GregO” Knows Credit! Let me help you get past your old credit problems and buy a vehicle. Call me at 256-593-4253 or stop in at Chevrolet of Boaz and ask for “GregO”. GREAT USED CARS AFFORDABLE PRICE 256-572-6666 The Swapper - May 25 2016 54 WArrANTIeS ON ALL CArS fA AU fAU UC Ce eT TT TA UTO TO S SA AL Le eS S Visit Faucett Auto and see Luis and Jeff for your next Vehicle Purchase S E H A B L A S E W H E A B F L I ‘09 Dodge Charger SXT - 109k Miles A ‘09 Nissan Altima SL - Loaded E E N S S A P P A A N N N O O C L E ‘08 Toyota 4-Runner SR5 - LoadedL ‘11 Dodge Avenger - 80k Miles 11968 HWY 431 - Boaz - 256-593-7212 or 256-840-9975 have own trans working and drug free $275 per mo 256-878-7600 WANTeD rOOMMATe TO SHAre LG 3Br HOUSe must be honest drug free have own transportation and employed $250 mo 256-878-7600 single person only WANTeD rOOMMATe TO SHAre LG 3Br HOUSe must be working have own transportation drug free $275 per mo 256-8787600 WANTeD rooms to paint, int/ext call for free quote 256-390-9415 WANTeD round bales hay $15 per bale this yrs cut 256-561-3269 WANTeD SCrAP MeTAL lawnmowers appliances etc 256-441-1993 WANTeD SCrAP MeTAL/IrON 205-5896285 WANTeD SeWING MACHINe in good cond w/manual and serger 205629-6154 WANTeD slide in truck camper for short bed 01 Chevy truck 256-878-3776 WANTeD SM PULL BeHIND fOOD TrAILer to use for selling snow cones, etc 256-609-3024 grant mtn area must be reasonably priced WANTeD small puppy miniature doberman pinscher or small dachshund, or male chihahua, will give good home 256609-3024 Grant Mt area WANTeD SOLAr feNCe CHArGer 256-731-0687 WANTeD some flower plants, 2’ high x 3’ long, at reasonable price 256557-5421 WANTeD some honey bees 256-451-6021 WANTeD SOMeONe IN BOAz A’VILLe area who can run errands for people 256-840-2050 WANTeD someone near Arab to cook meals & give medicine to an elderly person, call 205-3538766 WANTeD someone that finances vehicles, must be reasonable & dependable 256-840-2050 WANTeD SOMeONe that knows how to work on cars 256-202-3774 SEWER SYSTEMS WANTeD SOMeONe to Grinder Pumps Sales/Service donate a small dinette set (205) 616-3894 256-561-3278 Lisa e one WANTeD someone to fix a microwave oven 256557-5421 WANTeD SOMeONe TO rUN errANDS fOr Me 256-840-2050 if you are not going to come, please don’t call WANTeD TANDeM Or TrIAXLe 6 x 16 or longer open trailer bumper hitch reasonably priced 256684-7819 WANTeD TArrUP fArM MOWING MACHINe MODeL 205 Or 206 for parts 256-717-7072 WANTeD TATOOING 256281-6897 WANTeD Tenn red cobb corn seed 256-453-1697 WANTeD unwanted horses, donkeys, mules, can pick up 256-557-5421 WANTeD USeD 25’ rD Or LArGer ABOVe GrOUND pool 256-6057029 WANTeD yardman to do weed eating, flower beds, etc, pay $8 per hr Albertville area 256-6737145 WANTeD yards to mow 256-506-1145 WANTeD: to buy citizen or liberty bank stock, call 256-506-1096 We CLeAN OUT barns/sheds for material, scrap iron 256-561-3269 We DO BUSH HOGGING, yard work, lawn cleaning, etc 256-878-7391 We DO UNDerPINNING eTC 205-359-1004 WILL CLeAN HOUSeS, churches reasonable rates free estimates in Cullman Hanceville & Blounsville AL 256-7758083 lv msg WILL CLeAN OffICeS/HOUSeS 615739-3673 WILL CLeAN OUT GArAGeS STOrAGe BLDGS etc for mterial 256-295-2929 WILL CUT TreeS AND HAUL AWAY 256-5822125 WILL DeTAIL & wash cars, trucks, etc 256-7449060 WILL HAUL UNWANTeD APPLIANCeS Off 256499-2164 WILL PICK up free yard sale items 256-894-9929 WILL PICK UP unwanted yard sale items in Cullman, Hanceville & Blountsville AL 256-7758083 lv msg WILL TeAr DOWN ANY OLD feNCING for wire and t-posts 256-660-0422 WOULD LIKe TO TrADe 32’ ALUM LADDer for 24’ 256-302-3453 WOULD LIKe TO WOrK running errands etc 256506-5916 boaz a’ville attalla and surrounding areas reasonable prices YArD IMPrOVeMeNTS GrASS CUTTING weed eating etc 205-237-0990 YArD MOWING & mower repair, Crossville, Geraldine, roden town area 256-256-9131 AUTO PARTS (2) 12 VOLT Chevy truck rear ends fit 74-49 $150 ea both have hd springs, 5-lugs, hd big John The Swapper - May 25 2016 55 QUALITY AUTO SALES Guntersville, AL - 11480 HWY 431 - 256-891-7155 Se Habla Espanol Se Habla Espanol BUY HERE & PAY HERE! LOW DOWN PAYmENT! ‘12 Dodge ram 4x4 20k Miles ‘08 Chevy Silverado ‘12 Dodge Charger ‘12 Honda Accord ‘14 VW Passat ‘04 Infiniti qX56 Loaded One Owner 4x4 60k Miles, Leather, Sunroof ‘08 Chevy Silverado ‘11 Nissan Murano ‘08 Chevy Tahoe ‘03 Hummer H2 ‘09 Acura MDX 4x4 ‘08 ford Mustang GT Leather, 5-Speed ‘02 Chevy Duramax Diesel, Loaded Navigation, DVD DVD, Navigation Loaded Navigation, Leather ‘08 Chevy Silverado ‘08 Lincoln Mark LT Like New fully Loaded 56 brakes $150 ea or trade 256-295-2108 Attalla 00 VW 5SPD trans $375 256-558-6187 Boaz Al 01 JeeP GrAND CHerOKee LMTD 4.7 auto part out or sell whole wrecked in front 256-996-4830 01 MerCUrY SABLe BAD eNGINe nice leather int stereo cd changer 16” alloy wheels parts or whole car $400 205-6256713 04 KIA SPeCTrA part of body w/auto trans still there $400 205-456-0129 15” fACTOrY ALUM WHeeLS fOr 97 LINCOLN SM BOLT pattern $100 205-625-6713 2 USeD TrK TIreS mopro 22/5 $250 firm good cond 205-613-4165 22” CHrOMe WHeeLS eXC COND w/tires 305 low profile fits ford and others $800 for full set 256-558-4519 22” I-rOC WHeeLS AND TIreS $1000 for set 256393-0863 like new 275/55r/20 TIreS HALf The Swapper - May 25 2016 TreAD $200 256-9966745 2-eNGINeS HAVe BeeN THrU machine shop and one ton rear end for chevy still has tires etc motors $200 - $350 have diff size radia tires 256458-9590 3/4 TON AND 4WD AXLe frONT/reAr 410 gear ratio locker diff and 400 trans w/transfer case $800 2 barrel carb like new $25 256-572-5423 4 TIreS W/LOTS Of TreAD $75 for all 256996-6745 4-15” rIMS 256-498-0729 4-17” CAr TIreS $40 256-601-9562 4-17” rIMS/TIreS 256498-0729 4-fOrD 17” 6 HOLe rIMS AND TIreS 256498-0729 4-fOrD rIMS AND TIreS 17” 256-498-0729 6 CYL DIeSeL J/D TrACTOr eNGINe 110hp $1000 ford dist to fit 370 ford engine/new $75 256293-7973 63 fAIrLANe 500 4Dr Need a small loan for a rUNNING WHeN vacation, work on the car or work around the house or for PArKeD v8 3 spd on colany reason. Or you want to umn lots of good chrome start building your credit file and parts as is $1000 or to strengthen your credit 256-283-7771 file; we can help. Call us at 71 VW SUPer BeeTLe 256-840-0608 project in progress, not running $2500 obo 256490-4447 74 & 79 CHeVY pu truck parts 256-295-2108 Attalla area, odd/end body parts, rear ends, etc 74 CHeVY 3spd fully synchronized manual transmission, good cond $50 256-295-2108 Attalla 89 CAMArO rOLLer fUeL CeLL sm back 21/2” cowl hood $1200 obo Mike 256-558-7930 8X12 UTILITY BeD on 1 ½ ton truck frame $1800 256-572-7313 93 TO 03 eNGINeS AND TrANSMISSIONS fOr NISSAN Toyota Mitsubishi cars 205-4667844 94 fOrD rANGer 4WD 4.0 eNGINe front/rear diff other misc parts 205-6256713 94 OLDS CUTLASS SUPreMe has good motor $400 205-960-5754 95 NISSAN HArDBODY PU TrK 2400 eNGINe HI mileage runs good timing chain replaced $350 256362-0834 5 spd trans for Nissan pu trk $250 97 fOrD f150 PU PArTS ONLY 205-359-9666 AfTer MKT WHeeLS Off 97 TAHOe wind- shield side fender wheel base bed for 75 chevy pu and auto on column for it 256-599-5699 ALL SzS GOOD USeD TIreS 256-595-7884 AUTO TrANS for 02 ford ranger pu, other misc parts for rangers 205456-0129 AUTO TrANS fOr 02 JeeP WrANGLer $350 205-466-7844 BeD COVer TO fIT TOYOTA TUNDrA $100 256293-8826 BeDLINer fOr SHOrT BeD CHeVY PU TrK $75 has tailgate pad 256-8919963 BUMPer THAT fITS 90 TO 93 VAN/ford $50 256528-2440 CHeVY HeAD 2.2 reworked by Abbie Autos $75 cash 256-558-6466 CHeVY TAG-A-LONG 4 SPD TrANS new bearings and seal exc cond removed from 70’s camaro trans only $500 256-794-2286 CHeVY TrK 4 SPD TrANS W/GrANNY GeAr 256-295-2038 DBL HDS DBL HUMP 2.02 VALVeS w/hd type holes for mounting fresh valve job matching pr make offer 256-506-3473 DISTrIBUTOr TO fIT 370 fOrD eNGINe new $75 256-293-7973 eNGINe OUT Of 95 NISSAN HArDBODY trk $350 trans for same $250 256362-0834 parts only eXHAUST SYSTeM for 1994 7.3 diesel $100 256312-2554 fIBerGLASS TrUCK BeD topper (or cap) fits ford f150 crew cab 02 & similar models, new lock/hydraulics, tan color, ver good cond $400 obo 2256-899-3650 fIVe NeW CAr rADIATOrS still in box $100 ea 256-587-3018 57 The Swapper - May 25 2016 Personal Injury • Social s Compensation Car Wrecks • JobSecurity Injury• Workman’ • Wrongful Death NO FEE Unless We Collect Free Consultation Call For a Free Copy of Our Injury Book (256) LAWYERS 205-545-8557 Toll Free 1-888-540-4121 300 Cahaba Park Circle, Suite 200 •529-9377 Birmingham, Alabama No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. fULL Of 4 Scorpion AdId: SeT E 9700002868272 - 01LOOKING fOr GOOD STr tires size frONT BUMPer for 01 CustId: 9247362463 275/55r/20, have half Dir/Iss: BIYAL CV 10/2013 chevy Silverado 256-997tread, great UDAC:look FCB4 - CIP$50 ea 7623 256-996-6745 ATTUID: aw7866 LOOKING fOr GOOD Date: 09/10/2013 06:36:AM USeD VeHICLe must be GOOD frONT BUMPer for 2001 Chevy Silverado dependable and reason256-997-7623 ably priced 256-840-2050 GOOD TIreS 6 different would need owner financing sizes 650-670-600 fOr Chevy Cavalier, good MANUAL SPD TrANS to tread, reasonably priced fit ford 67 thru 72 256256-558-6466 505-1747 $75 GOODYeAr WrANGLer MICHeLIN P22560r/17 30 set truck tires 265/18 de- TO 35% rUBBer $100 cent tread $80 for set per set 256-717-7072 256-295-2108 Attalla MISC TIreS SeT Of HUBS off 1931 model A THree 245/70/16’s mud ford car, good shape and snow right front tires 256-572-3281 $45 for all 256-506-3361 LeATHer BeD COVer to MOTOr/BODY PArTS fit Toyota Tundra, good fOr 47 THrU 53 CHeVY shape $150 256-506-8826 trk 256-558-0012 NeeD SOMeONe TO WOrK ON 89 TOYOTA 2013 fIAT 500C GUCCI eDITION CAMrY le trans 256-605Convertible, 24k Miles, 7312 Super Nice Car NeW eDDIe BAUer eX$14,990 Call Bill 256-390-2875 PeDITION TIre AND WHeeL $100 256-470CAN ArrANGe fINANCING! 2194 sz 17”ww NUMerOUS parts for VW Jetta, Caprico, not Beetle, some cars that will run with just a little work 256-558-8170 etowah Co part of Boaz AL OLDS 350 eNGINe $350 256-295-2038 PArTING OUT 93 fOrD rANGer 5SPD has bad motor but front end parts and others left 256-2933159 PArTING OUT 95 fOrD YPH: 100263 rANGer 4.0 AUTO Attorneys runs/drives YPSH: parts only 205-625-6713 Rep:AND 350385 - hw0772 PArTS COUPLe Of HEATHER OLDWEIK TrUCKS 256-5588170 PerrILI SCOrPION ATr 275/55/r20 eXC COND $100 only have one tire 256-794-2286 PULL Off TIreS came off kia sorento 65r/17’s good cond $100 for set 256-960-2551 NEED INTERNET? WANT INTERNET? UNLIMITED INTERNET USE (CALL FOR DETAILS) HIGH SPEED WORKS ANYWHERE 1-800-591-8318 The Swapper - May 25 2016 58 BUY HERE PAY HERE! OLYmPIA mOTORS Se Habla espanol! Albertville, AL - Hwy 75 N - 256.660.0502 - Old Billy Thrash Location Open: Mon. - Sat. 9:00am - 6:00pm - Sun. Call Sterling 256-202-2917 ‘10 Jeep Wrangler Sahara $23,495 ‘06 Chevy Silverado z-71 $3,500 Down - $100/wk ‘02 ford f-150 fX4 $1,500 Down - $75/wk ‘01 Chevy Silverado z-71 $1,500 Down - $75/wk ‘02 Chevy Avalanche z-71 $2,000 Down - $100/wk ‘03 Chevy Tahoe $1,500 Down - $80/wk ‘04 Nissan Armada $2,000 Down - $85/wk ‘06 Chevy Silverado z-71 $3,000 Down - $100/wk $2,000 Down - $100/wk ‘07 Nissan Pathfinder $2,000 Down - $80/wk ‘06 Jeep Wrangler $16,900 ‘03 Chevy Tahoe z-71 $1,800 Down - $75/wk ‘05 Chevy Tahoe ‘06 Chevy Silverado Max ‘09 Chevy Silverado z-71 ‘12 Chevy Silverado z-71 $25,900 $3,000 Down - $100/wk $21,900 If WE dON’T HAvE WHAT YOU WANT, WE CAN gET IT! rADIATOr OUT Of 93 PONTIAC GrAND PrIX also bumper for 01 dodge Dakota parts for 93 ford ranger pu have 5 spd trans 256-293-3159 reAr eND 2spd for bobtail dump truck, air brakes $250 256-312-2554 reCeIVer HITCH fOr CAr almost new pd $345 256-738-7840 asking $125 rIGHT reAr Dr AND TAILGATe fOr 02 sport trac also misc parts for ford ranger 205-466-7844 SeT 14” ALUM BULLeT HOLe WHeeLS off Toyota pu $100 256-659-4360 SeT 17” CHrOMe WHeeLS fOr GMC CHeVY TrK $150 256659-4360 SeT Of HDS fOr CHeVY 350 eNGINe 256-5057225 SeT SIGNATUre VALVe COVerS for 283 in exc cond brand new 256-5057225 SM eNGINe rePAIr 205359-1004 SMALL CHrOMe tool box $50 256-506-8826 WANTeD MOTOr fOr 03 fOrD fOCUS 2.0 4 cyl 256-738-3671 after 6pm CARS/VANS IT HAS AlWAYS BEEN “THE SWAPPER’S” POlICY fOR BUSINESSES TO PURCHASE COMMERCIAl OR POWER AdS RESERvINg fREE lINE AdS fOR INdIvIdUAlS. IT HAS COME TO OUR ATTENTION THAT MANY Of THE fREE lINE AdS IN OUR BOOK ARE ACTUAllY BEINg PlACEd BY BUSINESSES. THIS IS UNfAIR TO BUSINESSES PURCHASINg AdS ANd TO INdIvIdUAlS PlACINg lINE AdS. If YOU AS A BUSI- The Swapper - May 25 2016 BOAz AUTO REPAIR 59 Back Back In In Business Business Same location - 616 N. Main • Boaz lATEST dIAgNOSTIC EQUIPMENT AvAIlABlE Call 256-281-9670 or 256-202-7168 victor Herring 40+ Blake Herring Yrs. experienCe NESS WISH TO PlACE A lINE Ad, YOU MUST CONTACT OUR OffICE AT 256-613-5390 00 ALerO OLDS 4Dr 4 CYL AUTO NICe 256-7440390 01 SATUrN WAGON AUTO W/fACTOrY rh drive 124k miles cheap on gas $1800 256-2982802 has shelf for carrying mail 02 CHEvY vENTURE vAN, WARNER BROS EdITION, dvd, lEATHER, POWER SlIdINg dOORS, NEW TIRES, REAR SENSORS, SIlvER, lIKE NEW, $6,000, CAll 256-996-0907 03 ACCUrA 3.2 TL 1ownr xtra clean 75k 3.2 6cyl 27mpg 5spd auto trans pwr sunroof & rear spoiler, leather int, pw, pdl pw nice cold a/c nice tires w/alloy whls drives like new exc cond $6500 256-236-7376 03 MINI-COOPer $7000 obo 256-601-6796 03 TOYOTA HIGHLANDer SUV reD IN COLOr v6 3.0 litre all pwr sunroof everything works maintenance kept up good Michelin tires matching spare tire and wheel one owner no pets/smoking/children 196k miles cd player 256601-4351 04 lINCON lS, lEATHER, NICE CAR, v6, $5,000 256-9960907 05 CHeVY IMPALA SILVer one owner non smoker good tires good trans drive train etc good body $7200 205-477-4817 06 NISSAN AlTIMA 2.5S, BURgUNdY, 101K MIlES, NICE CAR, 4CYl, AUTO, $7,500 256-996-0907 06 PONTIAC g6, 4CYl, 84K MIlES, NEW TIRES, 4dOOR, AUTO, REd, gOOd CAR, $6,800, CAll WELL ESTABLISHED AUTO PARTS RETAILER IS LOOKING FOR AN AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SPECIALIST. VALID DRIVERS LICENSE IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO PICK UP AND DELIVER PARTS AS NEEDED. PLEASE SEND RESUME TO P.O. BOX 43 GUNTERSVILLE, AL 35976 The Swapper - May 25 2016 60 dEAlERSHIP Office: AlABAMA TIRE SAlES ANd SERvICE dEAlERSHIP (205)466-5300 - 88125 HWY 278 Snead, Al - (256)962-0162 cell SERvICES SERvICES 24/7 Roadside Assist. Auto Repair Rotation Balancing Brakes Star ting @ $59 WE SERvICE All YOUR TRUCK & TRACTOR TIRE NEEdS lARgEST INvENTORY Of lIKE NEW TRUCK & PASSENgER TIRE PUll-OffS IN BlOUNT COUNTY! (Also Used Wheels) MICHElIN - gOOdYEAR - BRIdgESTONE - Bfg & MORE AvAIlABlE! lAWN & & gARdEN, gARdEN, Rv, Rv, CAR, CAR, TRUCK, TRUCK, TRACTOR TRACTOR TIRES TIRES -- NEW, NEW, USEd, USEd, RECAPS RECAPS 256-996-0907 07 HANDICAPPeD VAN fOr SeLL 105k miles xtra clean wheelchair ramp $16,500 256-5063904 07 SUzUKI reNO 4Dr 4CYL 5 SPD new tires/nice 256-744-0390 10 MAzDA 5 w/91k+ miles, auto, 5spd/6 $15,000 obo 256-558-4420 1918 MODeL T rOADSTer 256-878-2877 1966 El CAMINO, REd, v8, A/T, PS, RUNS/dRIvES gREAT $7500 CAll BIll 256543-3111 OR 256-5045111 58 CHeVY 283 v8 4dr Biscane $3500 205-359-1663 before 8pm 64 VW BAJA, Duck Dynasty theme, sun roof, 1775 eng, good cond $2750 obo 256-312-2558 69 MGB CONVerTIBLe WIre WHeeLS needs restoring partially disassembled 256-794-2286 74 MGB GOOD fOr reSTOrING 205-3599666 $600 82 OLDS CUTLASS SIerrA Le right hand drive for mail delivery 39k miles well maintained grt motor $2600 256-2982802 89 CAvAlIER 14x80 3BR /2BATH, APPlIANCES, lOTS Of CABINETS, WAlK IN ClOSETS, MOvE & SET UP, $6000, CAll 256-572-3417 92 BUICK CeNTUrY LOW BOAZ FARM MILeS runs grt $1500 AND GARDEN cash 256-345-6675 2697 US HWY 431 - BOAZ 92 MACH VII V6 AUTO SMALL ENGINE REPAIR needs fuel pump $450 256-840-9090 256-625-6713 92 PONTIAC BONNeVILLe 170K MILeS new brakes batteries cold air $1400 obo 205-3592313 93 CAMArO 3.4 V6 AUTO new hdliner new exhaust/carpet/dash pad tires blk paint chrome wheels new ires $4800 205-960-5754 96 CADILLAC eL DOrADO 2dr cream wht, all leather int, north star v8 eng good cond body looks good, all pwr windows work, nice ride, good looking Cadillac tires, wheels, rides nice, looks sharp, auto on floor, good trans/eng 140k asking $2750 serious calls only 256-6093024 Grant Mt area The Cobbler Shoppe 1411 W Meighan Blvd, Gadsden, AL Phone: (256) 546-7000 Missionary Don Berkey is home and open for business! Get your favorite shoe, purse, or boot fixed now. Stop by today and check us out. Reasonable prices. 97 CHEvY MAlIBU RUNS gREAT, gOOd CONd. $2500 256-8451115 97 fOrD eSCOrT AUTO 4Dr runs/looks good $1250 205-625-6713 97 PONTIAC gRANd PRIx 4 dOOR, SUNROOf, gREAT CONd., 104K MIlES, EvERYTHINg WORKS, RUNS gREAT $3000 205217-0318 98 NISSAN qUeST VAN clean dependable cold air 256-601-9562 99 OldSMOBIlE AlERO 2 dOOR, vERY ClEAN, $2500 256845-1115 eLDerLY COUPLe wants to buy good car preferably older Buick Lasabre in good cond w/fairly low mileage 256-466-7454 HANDICAP VAN Buick Terazzo 07 model 100k+ miles $16,500 256-5065690 The Swapper - May 25 2016 61 -- 9167 U.S. Hwy. 431 Albertville, AL IF WE CAN’T GET YOU APPROVED WE WILL GIVE YOU $100 FOR YOUR TIME! 2007 CHRYSlER 300 Black 80k Miles $11,590 2014 HYUNdAI ACCENT 2011 fORd MUSTANg Brown, Nice Car, Convertible 43k Miles Red, Sharp $11,399 $11,997 CALL: (256) 557-2958 MAN IN NeeD Of CArPeNTrY MeCH farm work etc 256-224-8885 motor/trans good, rough body, asking $2500 negotiable 256-546-9040 9am6pm M08 TOYOTA HIGHLANDer 6 CYL AUTO blue in color 3rd row seating 4-dr 117k miles $8300 256-586-3738 79 GMC long bed 454 new motor, 4 posi-traction rear end, 400 auto trans 750 demon carb real nice truck $6000 205577-7960 82 CHEv SIlvERAdO, MIdNIgHT BlUE, 3 SPEEd W/ gRANNY, 350 CHEv MOTOR, 4 IN. lIfT, ClOTH, 256689-2024 & 256-3107365 83 CHeVY SCOTTSDALe C10 short bed, 305 auto 2006 fORd 500 4-Door, Great 2nd Car! $4,497 Contact Bill Brewer or Tammy Allen new tires-interior-heater works, long bed with cord nice truck $4000 can newer tires & recent text pics 256-845-5481 brake job, new aluminum tool box, well cared for old truck, two tone gold & TRUCKS/SUV’S cream paint, no rust through, asking $2,300, 01 DODGe rAM 1500 SEWER SYSTEMS Albertville AL, 256-302MAG 4dr blue silver trim Grinder Pumps Sales/Service 5558 new tires cold air exc (205) 616-3894 cond all elec $3500 89 CHeVY SILVerADO 2wd 4 wheel base red in 553-2710 83 GMC PU red in color ¾ color w/dark red int 28k 01 S10 CHeVY 4cyl 5spd ton hd 2 trailer hitch balls miles on trans has 350 $2500 256-506-8826 on back, tailgate works $2850 obo 256-298-2812 02 DODGe TrK 4Dr 4WD good, large v6 engine, 89 TOYOTA 4WD TrK W/COVer ON BeD also new clutch, pressure rATTLe IN MOTOr nice 02 jeep wrangler both in plate, throw-off bearing, wheels/tires $1500 205exc cond 205-274-8515 good work truck, reason- 359-9666 03 fOrD eSCAPe $3500 able price or partial trade 93 CHeVY SILVerADO 256-673-5656 for $300 lawn mower 256- 127k runs very good, 03 fOrD f150 w/towing 609-3024 Grant Mt area good cond $4000 firm pkg, 4dr 4.6 sell or trade 86 CHeVY SILVerADO 256-659-4448 Ken, fyffe in on a ton truck 256-601rear 4 barrel lots of new AL 6771 Scottsboro area parts $3500 obo comes 93 fOrD f150 4WD SWB 06 MAzDA TrIBUTe gray w/diamond plated saddle suv blk leather int runs bag toolbox 256-996-5886 Reverse Mortgages NEED INTERNET? perfect sunroof cold air 88 GMC S-15 PICKUP No Obligation. Just Information. grt tires $3500 256-470WANT INTERNET? Contact me today! TrUCK, ONLY 115,000 acMiranda Jenkins 2194 UNLIMITED INTERNET USE tual miles, strong V-6 Reverse Mortgage Specialist 07 MerCUrY MArINer with automatic, heat & 12844 US Hwy 431 Ste. G HIGH SPEED WORKS ANYWHERE Guntersville, AL 35976 v6 200k silver in color cold air, everything 256-506-1060 (CALL FOR DETAILS) 1-800-591-8318 e one Good Credit, No Credit, Bad Credit The Swapper - May 25 2016 62 Good Credit Rates As Low As 1.9% YOUR CREDIT 75 Month Terms Available for Low, REPAIRED HERE lock in lock out 5 spd w/straight six Scottsboro area $2500 consider trade on flat bed trk 256-6016771 95 ¾ TON 4WD CHeVY TrK W/SerVICe BeD has stahf service body 2500 series has new set tires that cost $1k new muffler system 178k miles 350 w/5 spd everything works grt no rust white w/blue int exc cond ps pb above avg vehicle $3300 obo 205-504-4810 96 INTerNATIONAL 24ft box truck, rear lift gate low mileage motor $7000 205-359-1663 before 8pm 97 4Dr DUALLY NeW TIreS too many new parts to mention body in grt cond $3500 will not crank 205-353-7219 BURIAl INSURANCE 256-239-7042 0 CALL TODAY 256-593-4204 or 800-742-8512 DO WN PAYMENT ON NEW VEHICLES U SE T HE REBATE Alexander Ford, Inc. 685 US Hwy. 431 Boaz, AL 35957 Open 6 Days a Week 8 AM to 6 PM M-F 8 AM to 6 PM Sat Hw y . 43 1 S . 97 5500 GMC TOOL BeD TrK 149k miles 366 gas engine auto runs good $6000 256-558-8170 98 ISUzU rODeO $1500 256-572-6858 99 DODGe DAKOTA SLT ext cab v6 magnum new brakes tires water pump 159k miles nice trk ext and int tool box and bed liner included $3800 256601-7793 99 f250 GAS BUrNer GOOSeNeCK BALL 126k miles $4900 256-706-5222 ADJ LADDer rACK 800 lb casting like new $200 256-601-9562 dRIvER NEEdEd, 3YRS OTR ExP, REfRIgERATION ExP A PlUS, REgUlAR WORK 256-558-4364 Ask for John Strawn or apply on our secure online website *All credit terms subject to lender conditions and approval. Boaz, AL Mi l l S t. Low Payments No Wreck Damage or Salvage Vehicles Sold Here We Pay Off Your Trade-in Car Fax Available on All Used Vehicles We Trade for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Tractors, Four Wheelers, Lawn Mowers We Service What We Sell First Time Buyers Program No Application Refused Our Cars Outrun the Payments Don’t Buy a High Mileage Vehicle When You Can Get a Low Mileage Vehicle for Less College or Trade School Program Available Fast Over Phone Approvals! eXTreMeLY DePeNDABLe 4x4 ¾ ton pick up 84 model, extremely good shape $1250, all it needs is transmission 256-4588563 OVer THe CAB UTILITY rACK $200 fits swb pu 256-601-9562 reG SIze SCHOOL BUS has only six seats in it 84 model good cond 49 cub tractor w/lift on it 256273-4200 WANT TO PUrCHASe older ton truck, flatbed, 4dr Chevy or Dodge 256601-6771 WE WANT TO APPROVE YOUR CREDIT TODAY! contact Mary Somers #292473 Dorm-O 8966 US Hwy 231N Wetumpka AL 36092 25YO SWf “Butterfly Kisses, looking for a friend, if interested in me calling you, send me a letter w/your number and you can add money on your phone at 18663451884 of just write Kimberleigh Mitchell ais#287084 C2-2A JTP 8966 Hwy 231 Wetumpka AL 36092 27YO BLONDe female seeking companionship, write Amy PO Box PERSONALS PikeAIS#235405 75 Mt Meigs AL 36057 27YO CrAzY BeAUTIfUL 21YO WHITe feMALe Wf from Huntsvile AL, seeks companionship looking for a pen pal, my w/male or female 21-50, photos can be viewed on facebook under Cynthia Painting by Phillip ELLIS MOBILE Ann farmer, write Cynthia HOME MOVERS Call for free Estimate Certified & Licensed Interior & Exterior Painting farmer ATef 610C 301055 PO Box 1970 •Take Down •Transport Pressure Washing Columbiana AL 35051 •Relevels 25 Yrs. Experience 64YO SWM looking for a 205-353-4241 256-390-9415 swf 25-40yo for relationship, if interested call 256-558-4420 ATTN THe PHONe NUMBerS DeLeTe 205-4294217 256-347-6579 CATfISH SWM 26yo heavy set, but not too heavy set, love outdoors, hunting, camping, etc respond 256-960-4576 I PUT AD IN SWAPPer AND GOT PrANK PHONe CALL please do not do this to people, it is very disrespectful I WISH THe news media would leave Trump alone, everybody done things in their younger days, but Hillary was much to blame for what she did, she sold the Lincoln bedrm for $50,000 for somebody just to sleep overnight, how low is that, and the chandelier she took when she left the White House should be returned, so get on Hillary’s case, there’s nobody lower in life than her LIKe TO LOCATe STeVeN DABBS call Hall 256-477-8563 LOCAL NeW AUTHOr LOOKING TO GeT new published book out in local market in her hometown boaz/sardis she needs your full support the book is Ghost of Whispering Pines by author Becky Sterling Collier can be ordered at barnes and The Swapper - May 25 2016 63 612 gilberts ferry Rd. • HWY 77 (I-59 Exit 181) We take (Across from Morgan funeral Home & Thrift & More) H&R Block debit Cards Attalla, Alabama • (256) 344-2184 2009 Nissan Cube White, Automatic, Air, All Power, Alloy Wheels, Clean Carfax, Local Car Only $80/Week With Down Payment 2009 Hyundai Sonata GLS Grey, Automatic, All Power, 117k Miles Only $70/Week With Down Payment BUY HERE PAY HERE family Owned: Mike Richards and books a million very good read watch for her upcoming novel Keeper of Cemetary, please contact for book signing LOOKING fOr 40 TO 50 Yr OLD lady who is interested in having a good life w/someone 256-5611093 SBf 37yo green eyes, ISO companionship, lease write Coutney Dixon 700 10th St Columbus GA 31901 SWf 37YO seeking a male pen pal, write Terrie Wells #153880 Dorm G 8966 US Hwy 231N Wetumpka AL 36092 SWf 63 YrS OLD WOULD LIKe TO MeeT someone who does not drink or do 2003 Chevy Suburban LT 2500 White, 8.1L V8, 4x4, Lift Kit, New Tires $90/Week With Down Payment 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe 2-Door, Grey, fully Loaded, Sunroof $80/Week With Down Payment lIKE US ON fACEBOOK! drugs who enjoys dining out etc please respond in swapper w/way of contacting you SWf looking for a pen pal, maybe more, contact Mary ray #295585 Dorm B-9A 1216 25th Street N Birmingham AL 35234 SWM 64yo looking for swf 25-40yo for a very special relationship 256-558-4420 SWM LOOKING fOr SWf I’m 5’11” brown hair/eyes, attractive, like dining out, movies, looking for a relationship, serious inquirers only 256-557-6626 SWM w/biker complection seeking swf w/same complection 256-673-5219 texting only THANK YOU fOr SeLLING PrOWLer CAMPer & hay rake we really appreciate your magazine THIS IS reD BeArD I love anything to do with outdoors, hunting, fishing, cmping, yard sales, etc, text or call 256-9604576 CAN ANYONe HeLP THIS Need a small loan for a vacation, work on the car or work around the house or for any reason. Or you want to start building your credit file or to strengthen your credit file; we can help. Call us at 256-840-0608 fAMILY Of 3 find a house locally to rent/lease, they have refs, income & nice clean ppl, if you can help them call 256-673-6892, she is even willing to give a finder’s fee for help fINANCINg AvAIlABlE! 256-891-1133 ATV’S - CYCLeS - SCOOTerS BEST PRICES IN TOWN! - SHOP ANd COMPARE! CHeCK OUr PrICeS fIrST! 12542 US HWY 431 gUNTERSvIllE, Al 35976 (ACROSS fROM WAvEHO fOOd MART) GO CArTS STArTING AT $1,250! 64 3 BR / 2 B A The Swapper - May 25 2016 $ 39,900 318 Lincoln Ave SW Cullman AL 35057 (256) 734-7577 Timberline Homes of Cullman can help with all your housing needs by offering quality construction at affordable prices. We proudly offer Southern Energy, Southern Estates, Southern Homes, Buccaneer, and TRU Homes. Come See Us Today! WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR YOUR TRADE • FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR ALL CREDIT TYPES w w w. c o t t o n s t a t e b a r n s . c o m