weekly digest - Bata World News


weekly digest - Bata World News
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
Q & A with Claudio Alessi
Claudio Alessi joined Bata in 2011, having previously been a Bata franchisee in Italy for over 10
years. He has built up a wealth of experience over his time with the company, and Bata World News
spoke to him to learn about his current role as company manager of Bata Colombia.
Bata Retail Run Is a Winning
Formula in Italy
North Star Announces Exciting New
Autumn/Winter 2016 Campaign
Bata Retail Run: Dinner for Special
Bonus Winners in Colombia
We Are Bata People: Lim Siew Choo
Sends a Selfie
Bata Club Gaining Momentum in Malawi
The Zion by Power
Given Rave Reviews by
Running Website
WEEK: Meet Diana
Catalina, Retail Race
BCP Kenya Volunteers
Plant 1,000 Trees for
World Earth Day
Bata Singapore Voted Best in Category in
Cleo Magazine Awards
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
Q & A with Claudio Alessi
Claudio Alessi joined Bata in
2011, having previously
been a Bata franchisee in
Italy for over 10 years. He
has built up a wealth of
experience over his time
with the company, and Bata
World News spoke to him to
learn about his current role
as company manager of
Bata Colombia.
You have been
company manager in
Colombia for about
three years. How have
you developed the
company over that
Bata Colombia was, and is, really
challenging. It is an integrated company
which has all the business units: factory,
retail, wholesale, industrial, export,
catalogue and, since last year, also Bata
Club and e-commerce. A good team is a
must: with the right people, clear direction
and discipline, you can reach great results.
In the beginning it was not easy. We started
competing with many local players, but
now we are the leader in the Colombian
market, and a reference store for
What do you consider
to be your most
important role as
company manager?
The company manager is like a conductor,
managing people and processes. Once you
have a clear direction, you have to make
sure that all the people in your team are
working in the same direction, with
motivation and rewards. What is really
important is that, ever since I started in
Colombia, all the possible work strategies
have been discussed with Mr. (Justo)
Fuentes, and I have received all the support
I needed to be able to apply them
In what areas does
Bata have a
competitive advantage
in Colombia?
As a multinational company we have many
advantages. Undoubtedly, one of the most
important is the collection. With exclusives
that are not available from our
competitors, thanks to support from SIC
Latam and the BBG regional team, we are
able to continue to offer exclusive designs
at an attractive retail price.
Other important advantages are having
very good stock management, and strong
brand awareness of brands such as
Bubblegummers, North Star and
Weinbrenner, as well as good execution of
our strategies in the stores.
In what ways are you
making use of these
We are making use of our advantages by
maintaining a clear focus on the plans we
have put in place.
What plans or projects
do you have for the
future in Colombia?
We plan to consolidate our
Bubblegummers brand in the market,
positioning it through our branding
department, catalogue, and by continuing
growth in our existing stores. Starting this
year, we will also be working hard to
develop our Bata Club and e-commerce
How important are
initiatives like ecommerce and the
Bata Club?
Our business is totally changing. It is a
priority to be the first in class in Colombia
for e-commerce and Bata Club. For this
reason, we have created an independent
department, and have recruited an expert
manager from an external specialized
company. At this moment, we have already
reached 200,000 members, which was our
final target for the end of 2016.
Which of the Bata Core
Values would you say
best describes your
management style?
The value that best describes my
management style is “Count on Me.”
Your company had
both the winning
district manager and
store manager in the
Bata Retail Race 2015.
what do you think was
the key to Bata
Colombia's success?
As I said, working as a team means
winning. Good results don't arrive
automatically from one day to the next. It is
a daily job, and it requires a lot of work and
dedication throughout the whole process,
paying special attention to the details.
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
How would you like to
see Bata develop and
grow in Colombia in
2016 and beyond?
We are achieving good results in terms of
number of stores, results and positioning
in the market. It is important to work more
and more without limits. By following these
steps, everything will be possible.
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
Bata Retail Run Is a Winning Formula in Italy
The first edition of the Bata
Retail Run 2016 is nearing
the halfway point, and
teams around the world are
already seeing positive
results from the contest. In
Italy, the retail and human
resources departments are
working hard behind the
scenes to support the
runners and introduce ways
of increasing...
The most significant activity they undertake
is the report of all stores' performance,
which is then sent to the sales staff, and
which records the weekly and year-to-date
sales results and contest rankings. The
report also praises the best performers,
encouraging others to work extra hard to
regain the lost ground.
In addition, all ranking charts are pinned to
staff bulletin boards in each store, and are
discussed during periodical team meetings.
Every week, the retail management team
sends a card to congratulate the weekly
winner, thus informing all other stores and
pushing them to reach and exceed their
Fabrizio Gangale, human resources retail
business partner, commented: "It's a very
exciting project to me! As a salesman, I
have been waiting a long time for a big
incentive project like this. Now we have a
key tool to focus on in order to motivate
and encourage our sales staff. The project
is highly appreciated across the territory,
also for the opportunity to display the
weekly winners pins, thus showing all
customers our service excellence."
Another element of this year's competition
that is greatly appreciated by participants is
the chance to win a weekly challenge, and
this makes all staff regularly compete and
compare themselves with others, not only
in terms of the final competition rewards,
but for the chance to win a dinner for their
whole team.
Massimiliano Chiodi, store operations
manager, stated: "An international
incentive program based on team
competition instills a great sense of
belonging to the brand, and stimulates
people to enhance individual productivity
and reach significant objectives in terms of
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
North Star Announces Exciting New
Autumn/Winter 2016 Campaign
Bata recently announced its
new Autumn Winter 2016
North Star “Rock Ready,”
campaign, featuring videos
shot in Bang Saen, Chonburi
in Thailand, as well as a
variety of material focused
on making use of the latest
social media trends.
The aim of the campaign is to reach out to
a young target audience, and to keep in
touch with the latest trends within that
group. This involved using social media, the
latest innovative filming technology and
forced perspective photography to help
young people relate to the brand.
Featuring a talented, multinational young
cast from countries including Russia, the
USA and South Korea, the campaign
documents the lives of the Rock Ready
crew, a group of young people who are on
a journey to discover the world through
their music. The campaign also features
heavily on social media, using selfies and
forced perspective shots, which are very
popular with the young target group.
The videos were filmed using Go-Pro and
drone cameras. Two different versions, one
horizontal and one vertical, were
developed to cater to all countries,
including those that use vertical video
Besides campaign deliverables, such as
advertising collaterals and in-store point-ofsale materials, the campaign includes
recommendations of gifts with purchase,
including T-shirts, sunglasses, trucker caps
and guitar pick pendants, as well as a social
media guide with ideas to run a contest on
social media platforms.
Parrish Tan, marketing manager of Bata
Singapore, commented: “One of the
biggest challenges of developing this
campaign was to pretend that we were
shooting in autumn weather when it was
40 degrees out there. We overcame all
these obstacles with a great cast of
talented people, a great film crew and the
support of the North Star product
managers in the different regions. The
end result is something we are really
proud of.”
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
Bata Retail Run: Dinner for Special Bonus
Winners in Colombia
On April 30, the store team
from Bogota 58 in Colombia
enjoyed a dinner at La
Terrazza restaurant, offered
to them by the company for
winning the special weekly
bonus in the Bata Retail
The special bonus week prize is awarded
based on a combination of the number of
pairs of shoes sold and the number of new
customers signed up to the Bata Club.
Throughout the week, staff had made a
special effort to highlight the benefits of
the Bata Club to customers, in order to
encourage them to join the scheme.
The store team members who attended the
celebratory dinner were Mabel Cuaran,
store manager, along with her store staff:
Natalia Dorado, Yaneiris Cantillo, Michel
Melo and Nestor Molina. The team enjoyed
spending time together, relaxing outside
work and reflecting on their achievement.
Cuaran commented: "I am glad that the
company has given us this recognition.
We didn't expect that inviting our
customers to sign up to the Bata Club
would make this happen. It is great
motivation for our sales team, and we
had an amazing time.”
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
The Zion by Power Given Rave Reviews by
Running Website
On April 28, the influential
Chilean running website
solorunning.cl published an
extensive review of the
Zion, the trail running shoe
by Power. The editor and
runner Juan Carlos Pasten
wore the shoes to run over
190 kilometers, and wrote
his thoughts about his
positive experience with
them in a feat...
In the article, he explains how, after
reading a book about famous runner Emil
Zatopek who had worked in the Bata
factory in the former Czechoslovakia, he
was inspired to try running shoes made by
Bata. He reveals that his eye was then
caught by the Zion trail running shoe by
Power, and he was encouraged to try it in
some of his races.
He writes that he wore the Zion for five
races, for a total of 190 kilometers. The
trails he covered included rough terrain,
mud, water and other obstacles, and he
notes that the Zion performed at a high
level at all times. He adds that, even after
immersing them in water, the shoes
showed no signs of hardening or
In the article, Pasten comments: “If you're
starting trail running, the Zion by Power is
your best quality-price option. For the most
experienced runners this shoe will be a
great surprise, as it performs really well on
the hardest terrains.”
Erin Jewell, acting product design
manager at Power, commenting on the
article, stated: “Not only is it important to
make good shoes, but also to validate
them and build brand credibility with
influencers who actively engage in the
sport. We can then take their feedback
and continue to build even better shoes.
We want to empower any level of athlete
to perform at their best, and offer a great
quality shoe to enable them to do so.”
The original article, in Spanish, is available
to read here.
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
PERSON OF THE WEEK: Meet Diana Catalina,
Retail Race Winner
Diana Catalina Sarchi Rojas
is store manager of the Bg
Ipiales 1 store in Colombia,
and she and her team
achieved first place overall
in last year's Bata Retail
Race. Bata World News
spoke to her to hear how
she achieved this, and to
learn her thoughts about
the competition.
You were the winning
store manager of the
Bata Retail Race 2015.
In your opinion, what
was the key to your
We did it thanks to the support provided by
the company, which set the great market
trend and allowed us to obtain this prize.
The key is the commitment to good
customer service, working together with
effort and passion for the same results.
How did you organize
and motivate your
team for the race?
As in most things, if you make an effort you
also want to learn from it. I have always
advised them to seek to be better every
day. In each goal they intend to be the best,
and put their heart into their work. We are
proud to work for such a prestigious
company as Bata that gives us the
opportunity to grow both in our work and
What did you enjoy
most about the
competition? What did
you learn from it?
What I enjoyed the most were the awards
that the company gave us, a motivation to
go ahead with the race. We had the
opportunity to compete with the best
stores worldwide and we won! I learned
that any goal is possible, it only depends on
the attitude.
How do initiatives like
the Bata Retail Race
and Bata Retail Run
help set Bata apart
from its competitors?
Through these initiatives, the company
gives us the opportunity to grow, and they
motivate workers to do their best for the
company, and to improve results.
Are you looking
forward to your trip to
The trip is what has motivated me to go
ahead with the race and even more
knowing that Bata shows us that our work
is valued and well-rewarded.
Do you have any tips
to share with other
store managers about
how to do well in the
new contest?
The strategy is in service and the amount of
time you devote to your customers. With
passion and effort, anything is possible.
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
BCP Kenya Volunteers Plant 1,000 Trees for
World Earth Day
Volunteers from the Bata
Children's Program (BCP)
Kenya recently took part in
a project to plant a total of
over 1,000 new trees around
the Bata compound in
Limuru, in conjunction with
World Earth Day. A group of
20 children from the St.
Anthony Children's Home,
one of the projects
supported by BCP ...
The volunteers chose the tree-planting
activity with the aim of improving the
environment, in recognition of the aims of
World Earth Day, and to take advantage of
the long and heavy rainy season currently
being experienced in the country.
BCP Kenya volunteers planted trees every
day for a week, and were full of energy and
enthusiasm, despite the considerable effort
involved. They spent their own free time,
especially in the evenings after work, to
plant trees in order to aid environmental
On the last day of the week-long project,
volunteers attended a ceremony to mark
the completion of the planting process.
Twenty children from the St. Anthony
Children’s Home were invited to the event,
which was attended by Alberto Errico,
company manager of Bata Kenya, and his
wife Sandra.
Errico, speaking at the ceremony,
commented: “This event leads to the
creation and maintenance of a clean and
green environment, conserving our
surroundings. Trees provide life, and the
more we plant, the better a place we shall
live now and in the future.”
The volunteers later converged at the Bata
social club in Limuru, for a well-deserved
lunch to celebrate the successful
completion of the project, and to spend
time together, reflecting on what they had
As well as helping the environment, the
project also served to encourage the
children present at the event to think
about their surroundings and how to
protect and sustain them. Sister Daisy
from the St. Anthony Children’s Home
commented: “The exercise helps inculcate
the culture and spirit of environmental
protection and conservation in our
children from an early age as they grow
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
We Are Bata People: Lim Siew Choo Sends a Selfie
Lim Siew Choo is the store
manager of the City Square
store in Johore Bharu,
Malaysia. During a visit
from company manager
Paolo Grassi, Choo took a
moment to snap a selfie to
mark the occasion, and
Bata World News spoke to
her to find out how it came
How do you fit into the
Bata world?
I am the store manager of the City Square
store in Johore Bharu. Having worked in
the company for 22 years, I understand the
culture and what is needed to be a good
team player.
Who is in your selfie?
Paolo Grassi, company manager of Bata
Malaysia; myself, our area manager Ong
Chin Teong and our district manager,
together with our store staff.
What does it show? What is the story?
After the routine discussion in the store
with the company manager and area
manager, we got together to take a selfie to
show the camaraderie between bosses and
What do you like most about your job?
The good working environment, with
proper management and motivation in the
store. This, combined with great customer
service, is a recipe for good results.
Want to send in your Bata selfie? Just
email a few photos you take of yourself,
alone or with colleagues, to
bwn@bata.com. Show off your creativity!
Photos must be horizontal, and be sure to
use the largest file size allowed on your
camera or phone.
Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
Bata Club Gaining Momentum in Malawi
Bata Malawi first launched
its Bata Club, Bata's global
customer loyalty scheme, in
September 2015. The
program is running in 22
stores across the country,
and this year, the company
is beginning to see a
significant increase in the
number of customers
signing up.
When it was first introduced, some
customers were hesitant about signing up
as they did not believe the rewards would
benefit them immediately, but thanks to
hard work by Bata Malawi's staff,
customers are now more aware of what
the scheme offers, and are joining at a
faster rate. The company now has a total of
3,791 members, and is currently registering
more than 50 members every week.
Bata Malawi has introduced loyalty club
cards for all its stores, and new members
fill out their details on these cards. Their
purchases are then recorded, and after the
customer's tenth purchase at the store,
they are awarded a free pair of shoes, with
the value being based on their previous
average purchase price.
The loyalty cards are currently being
updated, to give them a fresh and more
attractive design, and A4 Bata Club posters
have also been created to promote the
scheme further in stores. With these
efforts, and other marketing strategies that
Bata Malawi has planned, they are
confident that the levels of Bata Club
membership will continue to increase.
Linet Kiguru, company manager of Bata
Malawi, commented: “The loyalty
program has received a great response
from our customers, especially this year,
because it makes our customers feel
important to us as we are rewarding
them for their loyalty to us. Apart from
that, the program has played a big role in
our business because it encourages our
customers to buy more.”
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Bata World Digest May 20, 2016
Bata Singapore Voted Best in Category in Cleo
Magazine Awards
Bata Singapore recently
received the award of “Most
Professional Work Shoes,”
in the Cleo Cool Guy-Stuff
Awards 2016, for its
Premium collection. The
winners of the yearly
awards are chosen by the
magazine's female readers,
based on the products they
consider to be best in the
category in questi...
Every year, Cleo magazine readers vote for
their favorite products from a shortlist
selected by their editors, writers and
fashion stylists. The awards feature a total
of 60 product categories, such as Fashion,
Grooming, Skincare, Haircare and Watches,
with thousands of competing brands vying
for the coveted top spots in each.
The win for Bata indicates that women
consider Bata's shoes, such as the
Ambassador, to be the most appropriate
and most elegant for men to wear in a
work environment. The awards also
provide insight into what these women are
likely to purchase for men.
The monthly magazine has a readership of
69,000, most of whom are women in their
twenties, with an above-average household
income. Winners of this year's awards have
also been featured in a special editorial in
the magazine's May 2016 issue.
Pierluigi Pontecorvo, company manager
of Bata Singapore, commented: “This
award is a very special one, as the men’s
shoes are voted by the female readers. It
goes to show that it is important to wear
a good pair of shoes to impress a woman.
We are honored that Bata has been
chosen for this award, which confirms
that we are offering good style and
quality that is competitive among all the
brands in Singapore!”