MAY 2011 - Our Redeemer`s Lutheran Church
MAY 2011 - Our Redeemer`s Lutheran Church
The Voice May 2011 Inside P. 3 Come to the Ministry Fair P. 4 Blessed with Gifts to Share P. 5 Sunday Evening Campfire ‘Worship P. 5 Please Fill Me Up! P. 5 Episcopal Church Women Tea P. 6 ELCA Disaster Response to Spring Storms P. 7 Children’s Ministry P. 8 SonSurf Beach Bash - VBS P. 9 Meditations for Our Hearts and Minds P. 10 Ask the Worship Guy P. 11 Family Promise P. 12 From the Church Administrator P. 13 Life in the Congregation P. 14 WELCA P. 15 Council Highlights P. 16 Worship Assistants P. 17 Holy Commotion! P. 19 Wassup? Summer 2011 P. 21 Calendar P. 22 Birthdays & Anniversaries P. 23 Easy Giving form P. 24 The Last Word When God Created Mothers In the beginning, on the sixth day of creation, God began creating mothers. An angel appeared and said, “You are sure doing a lot of fiddling around on this one.” God said, “Have you read the specs for this design? She has to be completely washable; have 180 moveable parts; run on black coffee and leftovers; have a lap for comforting; have a kiss that can cure scratches, bruises and hurts; and have about six pair of hands.” The angel shook its head slowly and said, “Six pair of hands! No way!” “The hands aren’t the problem” God confided. “It’s the three pair of eyes that mothers require.” “That’s on the standard model?” the angel inquired. God nodded. “One pair of eyes that can see through closed doors and ask, ‘What are you kids doing in there?’ when she already knows. Another pair that sees what she shouldn’t have to see, but nevertheless needs to know. A third pair that can look at an errant child and be able to convey love without uttering a word. “Lord,” the angel gently said, “get some rest. You can work on her some more tomorrow.” “I can’t!” God said. “I’m so close to creating something really great. She can already heal herself when sick, feed a family of six on a pound of hamburger and get a nine-yearold to stand under the shower.” The angel circled the model of the mother very slowly and gave it a touch. “She’s too soft.” “But tough!” God replied excitedly. “You have no idea how much this mother can do and endure.” “Can she think?” “Not only think, but she can reason and compromise too,” the Creator replied. Finally, the angel bent over and ran its finger across the cheek. “Oh no. There’s a leak. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model.” “That’s not a leak,” God explained. “It’s a tear.” “What’s it for?” “It’s for joy, sadness, disappoint, pain, loneliness and sympathy,” God replied. “Lord, you are a genius!” the angel exclaimed. God looked at the angel for a long, sober moment. “Well, to tell you the truth,” God admitted, I didn’t put it there.” [Author unknown] Lon Bechtel, interim pastor The Voice May 2011 Page The Voice From Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church 1400 Stuart Street, Helena, MT 59601 406-442-7842 Web site: The Ministry Team of Our Redeemer’s Church: All the People of God, along with: Pastor Lon Bechtel, Interim Lead Pastor Rev. Kendra Wilde, Associate Pastor Kathy Olson, Youth & Family Ministries Dr. Rob Stuberg, Associate in Ministry, Worship & Arts Julie Peck, Christian Education & Preschool Director Wendy Vukonich, Preschool Teacher Jennifer Amos, Preschool Teacher Mary Robertson, Preschool Teacher David White, Church Administrator Stacia Denton, Administrative Assistant Linda Keim, Organist Julie Peck, Kidz Praise Dr. Rob Stuberg, Chancel Choir Joy Novota, Wedding Coordinator Our Redeemer’s Sister Parishes: Rietfontein Parish in South Africa Namaqualand Parish in South Africa Deadline for monthly Voice articles to Our Redeemer’s Office: third Monday of each month Prayer Teams Prayer Teams are available every Sunday morning at both services during Communion. At the 9:00 am Service, the Prayer Teams are available at the back of the Sanctuary. At the 10:30 am Service, there are two Prayer Teams available—one in the Prayer Corner, and one in the front of the Sanctuary. If you are interested in being on the Prayer Team, please contact Pastor Kendra Wilde Voice Articles Due Monday, May 16 The Voice Sunday Evening Campfire Worship Starting May 1 6:30 pm At the outdoor worship space on the Benton/Green Meadow land which hosts our new church site! Bring lawn chairs and marshmallows! Use the entrance on Green Meadow. Our Redeemer’s Staff Phone Number and Email Listing: Pastor Lon Bechtel Pastor Kendra Wilde Rob Stuberg Julie Peck Kathy Olson Stacia Denton David White Wendy Vukonich, Preschool (PreK) Jennifer Amos, Preschool (3’S) Mary Robertson, Preschool (4’S) May 2011 204 208 207 210 205 203 202 213 206 206 Page 2 Come to the MINISTRY FAIR Sunday, May 15th 9:30 - 12:30 Blessed with Gifts to Share S PRIZE Game s • Come for the FUN of it! • Learn about scores of exciting ministries at Our Redeemer’s • Find out how YOU can serve others • Discover ways your talents and interests can be used in Christian ministry • Hear about opportunities that fit YOUR time and schedule • See how God can use people of all ages Food Fun for t he Whole Family Contests The Voice May 2011 Page 3 Blessed with Gifts to Share Serving God by sharing your gifts isn’t a chore if you choose the things you love to do! What do you enjoy? Mark all that apply to you and add any that might have been missed. I enjoy… I have fun... I’d love to learn about... I love... I get excited about... ____ Baking ____ Carpentry ____ Electrical Wiring ____ Cooking ____ Interpreting legal documents ____ Meeting new people ____ Photography ____ Drawing or painting ____ Interior design ____ Acting ____ Graphic design ____ Telephone conversations ____ Knitting or crocheting ____ Playing games ____ Cleaning (housework, dishes, etc) ____ Sewing or quilting ____ Costume/fashion design ____ Getting to know others ____ Scrapbooking or card-making ____ Teaching - lecture-style ____ Recycling/living ‘green’ ____ Creative Writing ____ Teaching - discussion ____ Mentoring youth ____ Flower arranging ____ Babysitting ____ Gardening ____ Working with numbers/money ____ Hiking or bicycling ____ Decorating for holidays ____ Caring for those who are ill or have difficulty getting around ____ Creating visual displays (bulletin boards, art exhibits, etc) ____ Helping those less fortunate than myself (in any way) ____ Praying with or for others ____ Studying the Bible ____ Creating computer presentations ____ Singing ____ Flyer/brochure design ____ Creating a personal budget ____ Playing an instrument ____ Analyzing reports/data ____ Carving/wood-working ____ Videography ____ Set design (i.e. drama) ____ Middle-school age children ____ Web design ____ Rafting or fishing ____ Landscape design ____ Data entry ____ Elementary-age children ____ Directing drama productions ____ Inviting others to church ____ Expressing appreciation to others ____ Nursing ____ Snow-skiing or snow-shoeing ____ Plumbing ____ Yardwork (mowing, etc) ____ Discussing or critiquing books, etc ____ Giving presents to others ____ Tithing ____ Brainstorming various topics ____ Organizing space (closets, etc.) ____ Making people laugh ____ Social justice ____ Painting - indoor/outdoor ____ High school age kids ____ Planning parties ____ Working with my hands ____ Reading to others ____ Attending parties ____ Technical writing, editing _______________________________ Some assistance is needed for worship and office tasks that keep our church healthy. Direction or training will be provided for all tasks. In which ways might you be willing to occasionally serve? Please mark all that you would consider if asked: ____ Usher ____ Serve communion ____ Read scripture ____ Office assistant (weekdays) ____ Change alter banners and fill candles, etc. ____ Provide cookies for coffee hour ____ Greeter ____ Set up Communion ____ Count offering ____ Funeral Hospitality Do you have a preference for which worship service you attend and would like to serve? ____ 9 a.m. ____ 10:30 a.m. Family Promise needs volunteers for our bi-annual week of hosting families. Please check any ways you might be willing to help: ____ Prepare breakfast and sack lunches ____ Stay overnight ____ Visit with families ____ Set up sleeping quarters ____ Prepare supper ____ Help children with homework Name ______________________ Phone __________ Email _________________________ The Voice (First & Last Name) May 2011 Page 4 Please fill me up! Have you seen the little white dresser in the back entry? It is just waiting for baby clothes, blankets, disposable diapers, Onesies, and bibs to fill its drawers. When it is full, it will be donated to a needy family with a new baby. Items should be new or gently used (clean please). A special thank you to the Goosen family for donating the dresser! If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Olson at 442-7842 x205. Sunday Evening Campfire Worship If you happen to be out of town on Sunday morning this summer, or are a WOW family, or you just want to come out for an informal worship service, come on out to the land on Sunday evenings all summer. Starting the Sunday after Easter, May 1, we will be having an informal, family-friendly, evening campfire worship service at our outdoor worship space out on our land on Benton/Green Meadow. Worship will begin at 6:30 pm. There will be guitars, campfire, interactive sermons, singing, and Holy Communion. Following worship there will be toasted marshies, fun, more songs, fellowship, more toasted marshies, and even hot dogs if your are still hungry (and bring your own supplies.) Come on out to the land and worship God all summer! The Voice Episcopal Church Women Olde English Garden Tea Saturday, May 14 511 N. Park Ave. Seatings at 11:30 am & 1:00 pm Tickets $12 Reservations recommended Call 422422-8231 (Jackie) May 2011 Page 5 ELCA DISASTER RESPONSE RESPONDING TO SPRING STORMS reaching out to the survivors of these devastating storms and assessing the needs—working together for as long as it takes. Your help is needed today to bring immediate relief and ongoing support to communities affected by these disasters. Gifts designated to “U.S. Floods” or “U.S. Tornadoes” will be used in full—100 percent—to help disaster survivors clean-up, rebuild and recover. Donations given to the undesignated fund help to respond immediately and effectively where it is needed most. Because of your generous offerings of prayer and financial support, the ELCA walks alongside disaster survivors on their long road to recovery. Thank you! Severe storms have caused major damage in many parts of the United States this spring. In areas of Minnesota and North Dakota, overland flooding of farm fields and rural roads has exceeded past records. Elsewhere, particularly across the south, tornadoes and heavy rain have devastated a number of communities. But in this Easter season, we are reminded of hope and new life. It is with this hope that the ELCA leans forward in response to disaster affected places, helping our sisters and brothers in need. ELCA Disaster Response is supporting communities overwhelmed by rising waters and leveled by destructive winds. Our church is Yes, I want to help! ELCA Disaster Response: U.S. Flood Relief ELCA Disaster Response: U.S. Tornadoes ELCA Disaster Response: Where Needed Most $_______DDG0069 $_______DDG0020 $_______DDG0010 Name_________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________State________ ZIP Code_______ E-mail Address_________________________________________________________________ Give through your congregation or send your check directly to: ELCA Disaster Response, 39330 Treasury Center, Chicago, IL 60694-9300 Write, “US Floods,” “US Tornadoes”, or “Where needed most” on your check’s memo line. The Voice May 2011 Page 6 Children’s Ministry Keeping our Promise, we teach children to: Love God, Love and serve each other, Learn and share God’s story. Shaping Hearts and Minds “Create in me a pure heart, O God.” Psalm 51:10 This year, many people have accepted the call to shape the hearts and minds of young children that they might grow in their understanding of God’ love and God’s word. God’s stories are shared through friendships, drama, music, games, movies, and projects. It is truly a team effort involving the family and dozens of teachers, shepherds, and workshop leaders. Our Sunday School comes to a close on Sunday, May 22 – I’m sure you will join your heart with mine in thanking all who serve in this most important ministry! At the Sunday 9:00 hour: Diedra Murray, Jill Burger, Amber Lamping, Tami Ellis, Stacy Grimmis, Lori Chase, Linda Michaletz, and Christine Mulgrew. At the Sunday 10:30 hour: Cheyanne Hafer, Nikki Goosen, Caitlin Peaslee, Ashlee Mihelish, Jennifer Scoles, Jordan Albertson, Debbie Cotton, Valerie McNeil, Lori Walter, Russell and Duncan Ellis, Kelly Elder, Nathan Riek, Lisa Qualls, Erinne Ark, Charlotte Hafer, Annette Sharkey, Harold Bruce, Tracey Tintinger, Mike and Vonda Dyrdahl, Catherine McNeil, Liz Bacon, Marla and Kyler Maharg, and Bob Calkins. At Kidz Ed on Wednesdays: Deann Willcut, Anna Ebert, Harold Bruce, Mark Sather and Jenny Wade. Many others have helped by providing snacks, substitute teaching, or assisting with special projects and you are deeply appreciated as well. Those who regularly pray for and encourage us are invaluable. Children’s hearts and minds are growing! Thanks be to God! First Communion Received on Maundy Thursday Many students completed an important Faith Milestone in April as they received their First Communion. Congratulations! It is our prayer that each student will continue to grow in faith and regularly come to the table to be fed and forgiven. Congratulations to: Cooper Biegler, Ann Dodds, Kathryn Fowler,Chelsea Gates, Nathanael Hafer, Bryce Harrington, Rosemary Hemry, Megan Lindbo, Jamie MacDonald, Treven Maharg, Braxton McCormack, Blake McHugh, Shawn Moore, Anna Passage, Madison Robertson, Ben Rusek, Marki Jo Sharkey, Marcella Sim, Alyssa Tompkins, Joseph Wadhams, and Zachary Wadhams. ---Julie Peck The Voice May 2011 Page 7 SonSurf Beach Bash The Sea, the Sand, the Son! Vacation Bible School, June 13 – 17, 9:30 – noon Dude, It’s All About Jesus! Kids, plan now to attend SONSURF BEACH BASH and bask in the LOVE OF JESUS! As we imagine ourselves on the seashore, we will explore the wonders of the beach and also discover Big Answers to Big Questions about Jesus. Questions like, “Who is Jesus?” and “Why do we need him?” Sharon MacMillan(458-1154) and Julie Peck (442-7842 x 210), Co-Directors invite adults, college-age, high school and middle school youth who love God and enjoy working with children to jump in with both feet and join us for a wonderful week, soaking up the love of Jesus! Give us a call for more information! Enrollment is open to children who turned 4 by last September 10, 2010, and have attended a year of Sunday School, through those children who will complete 5th grade this year. Children are to enroll in the grade level that they are completing this June. Parents who are involved in teaching or working at VBS will have childcare provided for their younger children to include, music, stories, indoor & outdoor play, snack, and project time. The children will be divided into two age groups: 3 – 4 year olds, and age 2 & under. Please note that registration cards and fees must be turned in by Monday, May 16, in order to ensure placement. Registration is $20.00 per child. Extra forms are available at the church; assistance with the registration fee is available; contact Julie Peck, 442-7842 x 210. Note to Staff: Very important orientation will be held on Sunday, June 5, at 5:00 pm. Snack Donations Appreciated Your donations of snacks are greatly appreciated! Please bring items to the church by Friday, June 3. Thank You! String Cheese Sticks Wheat thin crackers 2 Dozen Cookies Red or green grapes Pretzel Sticks or Sm. Knots Plain M & M’s & Mini-Marshmallows Gold Fish or Cheez-its Rice Krispie Treats(pre-pkged) Del Monte Fruit Cups Apple or White Grape Juice Unsweetened Lemonade Kool-Aid Sugar Gallon size Ziploc Bags The Voice May 2011 Page 8 Meditations for Our Hearts and Minds By Pastor Kendra Wilde Keep the Sabbath: Go Wander! (Though not everywhere) Word of the Month Philosopher Kathleen Dean Moore in River Walking talks about the art of “poking around." Children are often best at it: discovering, wandering around looking at stuff, trying stuff. Children learn how to use new electronic devices by poking around in them while adults want instructions. Poking around is a Sabbath type of thing, like Sunday drives, when you don't know where you are going. Sabbath walks are like that – poking around to see what is under that rock or what is around the next corner. Nature is good for poking around. So are libraries and museums. Not all poking around is good for the soul. Part of the allure of the internet is that it is an endless place to poke around. Sabbath keeping is a spiritual discipline, after all, and it does take discipline, including knowing where not to go, which stone to leave unturned, which link to leave unclicked, and when to turn away and go back to work, or go to bed. Dare to Be Hopeful “The opposite of faith is not doubt but fear.” -John McMurray Expectations shape what we experience. This is how the placebo effect works, which is a substantial part of how many medications and other treatments work. For example, people who expect a pain killer to work enhance the effect of the external drug by having their brains release its own pain killer. People who expect that others will like them act more confidently with others than those who have negative expectations. επί Κοµός: Greek Translated As: afikomen, “that which comes last” Significance: The afikomen is the matzah (the unleavened bread of the Passover Seder meal) that is hidden and used for dessert. In Greek, it is translated as “that which comes last.” For Christians it is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah, and his promise that he will again return to earth on the last day. Although Jesus was crucified on the day after Passover, he rose again on Easter morning and later ascended to his Father in heaven. Jesus will one day return again in victory and we wait for his return. That day will be the true afikomen—“that which comes last.” Pearls of Wisdom “Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.” -St. Augustine But many of us are afraid of having positive expectations since we fear it will set us up for disappointment. The strategy of “expect the worst” to create emotional cushioning, has been tested for its value in helping us actually deal with disappointments. The results actually indicate that expecting the worst makes dealing with disappointment even harder. It backfires. And it handicaps us in our ability to help create a good outcome. The answer to disappointment is not expectations; it is what we have invested in the outcome, what we feel is at stake. The problem is the belief that our happiness or wellbeing depends on the outcome. That is what makes us afraid of being hopeful. So when we are too afraid to be hopeful, the answer is to question what we believe is at stake, which helps us realize we can deal with any outcome. Dare to be hopeful. The Voice May 2011 Page 9 Ask the Worship Guy ~ Dr. Rob Stuberg, AiM, Director of Worship and Arts Q: What are the biggest misconceptions people have about worship? A: I don’t know if these are the biggest misconceptions, but they seem to be two areas that are often misunderstood about Lutheran worship, probably because not all Christians agree in these areas, and there seems to be quite a bit of “cross pollination” from different denominations and traditions. While not exclusive to Lutheran theology and understanding, I believe I am reflecting both a personal and Lutheran viewpoint. One might say these are two of the pillars on which I stand. The first misunderstanding is regarding who the “audience” is in worship. I think we all know that the audience in true worship is God. And we know worship isn’t a meeting where we talk about God and about ministry and do the business of the church. And we know that just because something is about God or the ministry of the church—although good— doesn’t mean it is worship. We know this, but it is hard to live out because worship is mystery and is of things that are not fully revealed to us. And it is easier and more comfortable to talk about God than it is to worship God, so we often revert to what is comfortable and understandable. If we believe that God is truly present with us in worship through the Holy Spirit, and we believe Jesus is present in the Sacrament of Holy Communion, then we ought not talk about God like God isn’t in the room. So, you may ask, what about the announcements, mission moments and business we do at the beginning of the service? Of course those things are necessary, and that’s why we intentionally do the business before we begin worship, and you will notice an obvious difference between the congregation’s business and the assembly’s worship. You will also notice that once the “business” of the church is over and worship begins, with the exception of the Creed, there are very few words said during worship that are “people-to-people” but rather are prayer to God, or are the gospel from God to us. What? From us to God and from God to us? When and how does that happen? Yes, this is where the mystery part comes in, because God is not only the The Voice Audience of worship, but God is also the Director. Through the Spirit, God calls us from our everyday lives to worship. We pray and sing praise to God, and even anthems and special music—although they can be entertaining, especially when there are small children involved—–are praises to God on the behalf of the assembly. And God also speaks to us—in the proclamation of God’s Good News, in the hearing of scripture, in God’s message of gospel and truth through the pastor’s sermon, in the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and in God’s Spirit who calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies. The second misunderstanding is with regard to the term, “the body of Christ.” So here is my mantra: “The Body of Christ” is not a metaphor. Firstly, “the body of Christ” is not a metaphor for the bread of Holy Communion. It’s not a symbol of the suffering of Christ on the cross. For me personally, and in the Lutheran tradition (and of course several other Christian traditions,) when we receive the bread in Holy Communion we receive the body of Jesus Christ. We don’t know how. We don’t have a word for it. We don’t try to explain it. And we hang this mystery on one particular word that we take quite literally: “is.” “This IS my body, given for you.” Yes, it would be quite a bit easier to believe that the bread is simply a symbol of Jesus love for us. It is much more difficult to embrace a mystery that somehow Jesus is truly present with us. Secondly, “the body of Christ” is not a metaphor for the “members” of the church. In the Lord’s Supper, the Body of Christ physically enters us and becomes part of us, and we, the church, are Christ’s body. It would be easier to embrace the “body” as a nice illustration, but somehow in God’s mystery it is literally true. The church, you and me, are the only hands and feet and voice—the only body of Christ in the world. We are Christ to the world, which comes with great responsibility. I only hope and pray that the world sees the Christ that is in us. Do you have a question for The Worship Guy? Call, write or email your question to May 2011 Page 10 NO Meeting on May 2 We have learned that we will not be a host congregation in May, June or July and have decided to postpone our all volunteer meeting on May 2 until we know what our assigned week will be. Several Lay Leaders in Place We have engaged several people in serving in leadership roles for Family Promise: Craig Linke and Carolee Stuberg: Family Promise Volunteer Coordinators Team Captains Carl Tanberg: finances Ron and Marian Paulson: evening hosts Karie Shelton and Colleen Grass: meals Kathy Olson: donations coordinator Erich and Sandy Merdinger: set-up and take-down Jeff and Jan Martin: over-night hosts Kathy Schenck: communications ?: purchasing and inventory ?: recreation ?: janitorial Thank you to all who have offered their leadership thus far. If you feel called to fill in those “?” areas of leadership, please contact Carolee or Craig. Making ORLC More Homelike for Our Guests As we prepare to host our guests, we will need the following supplies: • Games • Paper, crayons • Children’s books • Alarm clocks • Bean bag chairs • Lunch and sandwich bags • Puzzles • Facial tissues • Twin sheets • Twin mattress pads • Crib sheets for a pack and play • Pillow cases Please contact Kathy Olson, 442-7842, X 205 if you are able to donate any of the above. Thank you! Wondering where we are going to store all of this stuff? Check out the newly renovated closet space by the east door. Thanks to the hard work of Wayne Weikart for transforming this space for us! A Family Promise Story from Bozeman I think the families we assist tell their stories the best. The following is from a letter we received from a past guest who was with our program last winter. He had lost his home, and was scared, embarrassed and had no where to go. Here is his story: “How am I going to go home and tell my wife, and even worse, tell my two boys? Then I got a phone call that truly changed my life…she wanted me to know about this program called Family Promise… After telling my wife and children the news and the new “plan” we entered the Family Promise program. This is where Family Promise changed not only my life but my entire family’s as well. I have never been happier, no it was not easy at times, but I have met people that truly are good, not just smile and act happy, but through and through good to the core people. I do not think I could possibly recount everything that family promise did for us… the countless and tireless families and volunteers for this program. They provided more than anything the unrelenting positive support that truly made me feel like a useful person… My family was treated like royalty, and we have all made friends that we will treasure always. ... So in trying to sum up how I feel about the program, I have to say, I am grateful everyday that I became homeless, because if I had not, I might never have been introduced to the Family promise program and to the family that my family has been invited into - although I have been told that becoming a volunteer is easier than becoming homeless to become part of the program. So you might want to try that route!” - Thomas (name changed) Thomas and his family successfully completed the Family Promise program in 58 days. During this time they met with a financial counselor, saved their income, and secured permanent housing. They are now renting to own a Belgrade condo. Their children are secure, and Thomas and his wife are happy. Thomas now serves on our board of directors and is “giving back” by volunteering with other homeless families. That's what I call success! The Voice May 2011 Page 11 Humbled by a Moment By: David White, Church Administrator Recently I had the pleasure of participating in a very humbling experience. Truly, I was blessed. On Monday, April 11 Senior Moments took place at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church. The event was a wonderful celebration in the life of Senior Moments founder Adeline Settle. Many were in attendance and it was quite endearing to witness the many beautiful faces. I had the pleasure of being invited to play piano and sing a few traditional hymns such as Old Rugged Cross and How Great Thou Art. In the midst of it all I was literally humbled by the love, the grace, and the embodiment of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church Seniors. Senior Moments for April, 2011 will be long remembered by many and deeply remembered by me. I am certain as long as I shall live it will remain bright in my memory. It truly was a blessing to see the faces of Doris Kranich, Gladys Pearce, Pearl Olden, Julius and Carmen Christianson and many others. As I looked around the room at all the glorious smiles, and all the tables lined with hats owned by Adeline Settle I began to wonder. I imagined the many places perhaps they had been; both the people and the hats. At first my attention was drawn to the hats. Many of the hats were slightly similar, but different nonetheless. And other hats were exceedingly different from the others. Some had feathers and designs whereas others were embraced in solid colors. I was struck by the comparison of these beautiful unique hats with the folks surrounding them. Not only was the event an honorarium to Ad Settle, but in a sense it was a moment for someone like me to witness where life can take you. Again I was humbled to witness uniqueness and diversity encircled by a shared love for Christ. You see, after I played a few songs I had a brief opportunity to visit and interact with those in attendance. The Voice Immediately as my attention was taken away from the hats, and fully invested into the people, I began to imagine some more. Oh, the stories I bet they could tell. The places they’ve been, the experiences they’ve had, and the struggles they’ve endured. These are the folks that have made Our Redeemer’s what it is today. These folks are the ones that have made our wonderful city of Helena and our treasured state of Montana what it has become. Some of them have been married longer than I’ve been alive. That alone is incredible in itself, a true inspiration. As I go through my life I am frequently reminded of how much I have yet to learn. For instance, while directly in the middle of the start of our new church, I am reminded that the backbone of the earthly soul of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church exists within the founding members. Folks like Ad Settle, of Senior Moments helped build our foundation. Gladys Pearce went door to door over 50 years ago to invite others to Christ and to this day she’s still a witness. Right now, at this very moment, we are literally building a new foundation, a physical foundation for a future home of Our Redeemer’s on N. Benton Avenue. What an opportunity this is for many of us. This is our chance to be a part of something much larger than ourselves, much more meaningful than our everyday life. We get to follow in the footsteps of those before us and we get to honor them along the way. What a blessing we have been given to be humbled by a moment analogous to Christ’s Vision and Grace on earth. May 2011 Page 12 Life in the Congregation Baptism: Elizabeth Ann Wanjiku Maina, daughter of Jenny and George Kariuki, who was baptized at the Saturday Easter Vigil, April 23, 2011. Do you Feel Called to Prayer? Please contact Roberta Carey at 443-4296 or at if you would like to participate in the phone or email prayer chain. Dayna Marie Willcut, daughter of Deann and Justin Willcut, who was baptized at the Saturday Easter Vigil, April 23, 2011. Confirmed, May 1, 2011: 9:00 am: Ashlee Hanson, Bethany Lindner, Valerie McNeil, Ravyn Frey,, Kayla Pocha, Ally Sather, Bryce Beley, Jordan Erb, Michael Olson, Lexie Reddig, Jordan Young, Perriann Bushlen 10:30 am: Jason Cummings, Cameron Dole, Cheyanne Hafer, Tanner McLaury, Skylar Rispens, Jocelyn Gates, Madeline Miller, Mariah Swenson, Irene Thamke, Casey Ebelt, Matthew Heldt, Evan Sampson, Matthew Vukonich Memorials: We have received such an outpouring of generosity, kindness, and love for the members of our congregation who have recently passed away that there is not enough room in the Voice to name each donor! Thank you for your graciousness and honor to those you held dear. Each memorial will show on your quarterly statements for recording purposes. Come to the Water Baptism Class Wednesday, May 4 at 5:30 pm Wednesday, June 15 at 5:30 pm Please join us! Current Ministry Funding Report for March - 2011 Ministry Funding Goal Total Ministry Funding Received Funds ABOVE Goal $46,665.00 48,696.83 2,031.83 Total Ministry Expenses Total Ministry Funding Received $56,465.75 48,696.83 With Thanks: IMAGINE GOAL: PLEDGES TO DATE: GIVEN TO DATE: Thanks to Terry Maier for repairing the back splash over the downstairs kitchen looks great. $1,250,000 $ 534,000 $ 134,358 FLATHEAD LUTHERAN BIBLE CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS WELCA will offer a scholarship to any student in the congregation who needs financial assistance to attend Bible Camp this summer. Applications are available at the Information Desk and should be submitted to the church office. Please send marriage, birth, death, graduations, etc. to Stacia in the church office or email The Voice May 2011 Page 13 MAY 2011 We conclude our nine-month series, “The People of God: Unity in the Midst of Diversity,” with the May study entitled, “Witnessing and Evangelism,” where we will learn that the people of God blossom in their faith journey as they realize they can make an impact on the world. Visitors and new members are always welcome! Monthly Meetings… Dorcas Circle: Tuesday, May 17 at 9:30 am Rebecca Circle: Wednesday, May 18 at 1:00 pm Evening Bible Study: Monday, May 23 at 7:00 pm at the home of Elaine Heen, 320 Graham The WELCA Board: Tuesday, May 10 at 9:30 am Quilting for Lutheran World Relief: Tuesdays at 9:00 am Sew in Love Service Group: Thursdays at 9:00 am Celebrate Springtime The Annual Spring Tea Sunday, May 15 2011 2:30 pm Bring your mom, sisters, and friends and join us for an afternoon of food and fun! There will be special music, door prizes, good conversations and great friends! Also, enjoy a variety of traditional tea party fare! Sign-up sheets are in the Lower Fellowship Hall and on the Information Desk. Hurry! Make your reservation by May 13! Lutheran World Relief We from Our Redeemer’s send: Quilts, Personal Care Kits (Health Kits) One light or medium-weight bath-size towel (size 52” x 27”) Two bath-size bars of soap (4-5 oz.), any brand, in original wrapping One adult-size toothbrush in it’s original packaging One sturdy comb, remove packaging. One metal nail clippers, remove packaging. Baby Care Kits (Layettes) (infant to 24 months) Two lightweight cotton t-shirts Two long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet) Two receiving blankets, medium-weight cotton or flannel or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn to 52” square Four cloth diapers flat fold preferred The Voice One jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with a hood, or include baby cap Two pairs of socks Two bath-size bars (4 or 5 oz.) gentle soap, in original wrapping Two diaper pins or large safety pins One hand towel, dark color recommended Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed. Gently used, clean items (not stains or tears) can be substituted for new ones. Wrap items in one of the receiving blankets and secure with diaper pins. DO NOT enclose the kit or any of contents in plastic bags. Bob & Bernice Stulc will again be picking up our kits here in Helena on May 20, 2011. Quilters need: Fabric, old blankets, drapes, filler and thread, etc. Quilt size is 60”x80” May 2011 Page 14 Highlights candidates at this time. April 19, 2011 Member Connect Presentation Stacia Denton offered training on the church council Member Connect webpage. The council page is currently set up as a private site but there was discussion to make it available to the congregation. If was felt that this may serve as a good way to communicate with the congregation if it is made public. Stacia has requested that the council study the new website and assist her by answering some written questions before the next council meeting. Clayton Schenck, Carol Will and Pastor Kendra Wilde will act as administrators of the site. Prayer Heavenly Father, help us to turn our worries and anxieties over to you. Let us put our faith and trust in you. Amen. Approve Agenda The council unanimously approved the agenda as presented. There was one correction in the Administrative Report from David White (loan approval for $2,231,000). MTIF Report Clayton Schenck is preparing to sign the loan papers for the church building, but explained that we are being required to sign for a loan of $2.2 million. $2.6 million was approved at the Annual Congregational Meeting. The MTIF committee feels we may not need more than the $1.6 million and will work with Mission Builders and volunteers to keep the costs down. Council members present unanimously approved Council Resolution # 2011-2 (Approval of Building Loan). Because of lack of a quorum, Clayton will email those council members not in attendance to get their vote. (April 22, 2011 – through email, 4 yes, 1 no votes) Financial Committee Report Mark Huber reported that offerings for the first three months (13 Sundays) totaled $132,538 compared to $133,272 for the first three months of 2010. The church’s balance sheet remains liquid as March month end with $40,073 in unreserved checking account and an additional $26,456 in the Money Market fund. Our operating expenses for the first three months of this year totaled $125,349 so after adjusting for some other small revenues, total operating income through March exceeds total operating expenses by $8,980. Operating expenses are about $9,500 below what we have budgeted, on an annualized basis and a primary reason for this has been the savings resulting from Pastor Lon working ¾ time versus full time during the first quarter of this year. The first 13 Sundays of offerings would result in annual undesignated giving of $530,152 versus a plan of $555, 252. It should be noted that giving in the first three months is usually below the overall yearly average and that a significant portion of giving comes at Easter as well as Christmas. Call Committee Report Because Dave Swenson was at an interview with a prospective candidate for lead pastor, he was unable to attend tonight’s council meeting and share a Call Committee report. Clayton did report that the call committee is excited about interviewing this candidate, but do have two other viable The Voice ORLC Family Promise Commitment Clayton Schenck reported that the Family Promise program is still looking for a facility to serve as their Day Use Center. They are interested in using Hebrews House and although the property is for sale, they would be willing to do some basic remodeling for their use. This could include adding a second bathroom and installing hookups for a washer and dryer. Clayton suggested offering the use of Hebrews House to Family Promise rent free. The council members in attendance unanimously approved that. Because of lack of a quorum, Clayton will email those council members not in attendance to get their vote. (April 22, 2011 – through email, 4 yes, 1 no vote) Ministry Fair Update Clayton Schenck reported that flyers have been sent out to church leaders advertising the May 15th Ministry Fair. Colleen Grass has taken the lead on this event. The church council would like to set up tables for several ministries and the following individuals have offered to help: Congregational Care Ministry – Darbie Hess Stewardship Ministry – Clayton Schenck People Assimilation – Mark Huber Evangelism Ministry – Kevin Matthew Clayton will find others to help with Fellowship Ministry and Community Outreach. Those working these tables will meet before the fair to discuss exactly what we want to convey to the congregation through the fair. Pastor Kendra has many resources we may use. Council/MTIF Governing Structure Clayton Schenck reported that MTIF is comprised of various teams, including a Vision Team. There is concern that MTIF will be so busy with the church building that they may need a council member on the Vision Team to help with visioning for future campaigns. Clayton volunteered to serve as the council representative on MTIF. Grant Request for Volunteer Coordinator Lorene Harris has completed a grant request to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for the start up for a Volunteer Coordinator position. This is not a long term way to open up a volunteer coordinator position and we would need to get congregational support to continue the position. We are uncertain when we will hear back from Thrivent concerning the awarding of the grant. 2011 Montana Synod Assembly Representatives The 2011 Montana Synod Assembly will be held June 3-5 in Great Falls. We still need delegates to attend the assembly. Clayton Schenck offered to serve as a delegate and he will find two others to attend. This year’s assembly will be a business meeting and will focus on service. The meeting was closed in prayer. Respectfully submitted, Darbie Hess May 2011 Page 15 May 2011 Sun 1 8 15 22 29 Mon 2 9 16 23 30 Tue 3 10 17 24 31 Wed 4 11 18 25 9:00 am Sunday, May 1 Captains Assistants Lay Reader Acolyte Usher All areas Lay Reader Acolyte Greeters Ushers All areas Lay Reader Acolyte Larry and Delores Rosin Ardell Nelson Bill and Ruth Straley Larry and Delores Rosin Will and Isabelle Mavis Don or Clayton Schenck 8th Grade Confirmands Captains Assistants Greeters Greeter/Usher Lay Reader Acolyte Erich Merdinger Charlene and Jerry Mayala Jeff and Jan Martin Ingrid Childress Ken and Sharlene Kolb Roy Hemry Bob DenHerder Glenn and Janet Erickson Lynn Voss Matthew Richards/ Claire Brosten Jim and Joan Haubein Jim and Joan Haubein Alice and Al Siewert Thea Swenson Scott and Lori Walter Linda Gaughan Pat Lumma Norm Rognlie Bob DenHerder Clayton Schenck Bruce and Judy McMaster Kate Elhart (May 15), Rick Elhart (May 29) Phoenix Mulgrew/ Nadria McCormack (May 15), McKenzie Grimmis/ Naomi Mulgrew (May 29) Lay Reader Acolyte The Voice Mark and Beth Barry Mark and Beth Barry Jodi Aschim Steve and Julie Ackerlund Marie Rauch 8th Grade Confirmands Sunday, May 8 Captains Assistants Greeters Ushers Lay Reader Acolyte _____________________ Carl Tanberg Othelia Schultz Lorene Harris Diana Koch Marie Rauch Jack and Lynette Avery Dan Rispens Madison Robertson/ Alyssa Magee Sunday, May 15 and May 29 Captains Assistants Greeters Lay Reader Acolyte Marie Rauch Ron Zellar Marie Rauch Kayme May Dave and Lori Swenson Clint and Mona Erb Verna Strand Norm Midtlyng Ron Zellar (May 15) Verna Strand (May 29) Faith Ebert/Kailey Logan (May 15), Cory Preshinger/ Brock McDaid (May 29) Sunday, May 22 Captains Assistants Sunday, May 22 Captains Communion Assistants Greeter/Usher Sat 7 14 21 28 10:30 am Sunday, May 15 and May 29 Captains Communion Assistants Fri 6 13 20 27 Sunday, May 1 Sunday, May 8 Captains Communion Assistants Greeters Thu 5 12 19 26 Ray Read Ben Spiger, Ron Paulson Gordon Blomquist Ken Neumiller John MacKinnon Ray Read Ron Paulson Ingrid Childress Zachary McHugh/ Braxton McCormack Greeters Ushers Lay Reader Acolyte May 2011 _____________________ Chris May Shannon Voss Terry Grass Mary Kay Linke Gary and Luci Pearson Chris Olson Craig, Baird, and Sawyer Linke Carl Tanberg Ed Thamke Kailey McMillan/ Alyssa Plant Page 16 Can You Help Sponsor a Mission Team Member? Our 3rd trip to Heart Butte! I am really excited to return again and see old friends and meet new ones! I remember our first trip to Heart Butte. We had 5 people. This year we have 26. Isn't that remarkable? The registration for our week-long mission trip is $288.00 per student. For several of our youth this amount presents a hardshipespecially those who have two family members participating. Would you consider helping a youth to serve on the Blackfeet Reservation this summer by providing either a full or a partial scholarship? Checks can be made to Our Redeemer’s. Please specify Blackfeet Reservation Scholarship. Thank you for helping a young person to experience a life-changing service opportunity! Senior Road Trip Blackfeet mission team meeting Sunday, June 12, in the Lower Fellowship Hall. Bring your folders and your lunch. Christian “Taran” Denning - Taran graduated as a Valedictorian of Helena High School. His parents are Chris & Melanie Denning and sister, Brianna. Taran’s achievements and activities/interests include - Best Foot Forward recipient, 2-time recipient of the American Legion award, member of National Honor Society, two time recipient of the Academic All-State Award, Academic Letter recipient (2), 2011 HEF Distinguished Achiever Award, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizen Award, member of 2010 State of MT AA Champion Soccer Team, participant in track, soccer and basketball, middle school Basketball Coach (2 yrs), Voted; HHS 2011 Class’ “Most Involved, Class Clown and Biggest Flirt,” MTAD (Mentoring Teens Against Drugs) President & member, Link Crew leader at Helena High and nominee for the Department of Justice, “Mentor of the Year” Award. Taran has been a member of Our Redeemers since birth and has served the church as a lay reader, usher, prayer team member, High School small group leader, mission team member to Vancouver, BC-Canada and Heart Butte, Montana Indian Reservation, Church Council youth representative and Thrivent Chapter Board member. Taran is a recipient of the Reagent Scholarship at Gonzaga University where he plans to study pre-medicine. June 8-10, 2011 Graduating Seniors, you are invited to make some memories, spend precious time with one another, share hopes and dreams for your future and have a BLAST . We will be staying at Lutherhaven Camp on Lake Coeur d’ Alene, spending a day at Silverwood Amusement Park and generally having an insanely good time! ! The cost of the trip is $148.00 and includes all meal’s, lodging and admission to Silverwood. (You may wish to bring along some additional spending money.) To register or to ask questions, please call Kathy Olson at 431-8686. Graduation Banquet A special banquet honoring our graduating high school seniors is being planned for Sunday, May 22 at 5:00 pm in the Lower Fellowship Hall. Graduates, family and friends are invited to an evening of great food, entertainment and a time to share memories. The cost of the dinner is $12.00 per person with the graduate’s dinner being paid for as a gift from our congregation. Reservations required. Call Kathy O. at 442-7842. MEET THE GRADUATES We would like to highlight several of our graduating seniors in each of The Voice publications through June. Could you please help by providing some information? Please include any noteworthy accomplishments, future plans, etc. The rest of the congregation would enjoy learning about you and your plans for the future. Please e-mail your information to The Voice May 2011 Katelyn Will - Katelyn is the daughter of Todd and Carol Will and is a graduate of Capital High School. Katelyn is actively involved in Safehouse and is currently serving on the student leadership team. She is a member of the National Honor Society, manager of the high school swim team, and is involved in swimming, volleyball and track. She was named Academic All-State for swimming and is Co-President of MTAD (Montana Teens Against Drugs). She plants to attend MSU in the fall and major in Human Health and Development. Connor Jacob Langel - Connor will be graduating from Capital High School. He is the son of Jan and Dawn Langel. Connor participated in football and track all 4 years of high school. In football, senior year, he received an Academic All-State award, Second Team All-Conference (Safety) and was voted Defensive Back MVP by his teammates. Connor will be attending UM Western in Dillon this fall. He will be playing football and studying Fish and Wildlife Management. Thank You! My heart is filled to overflowing with awe and thanksgiving as I look back over the past year of youth ministries here at Our Redeemer’s. Those ministries could not have happened without the dozens of volunteers who share their gifts, their time, their creativity, their wisdom and their passion every week in this place. As our year comes to an end, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all of the WOW Guides, High School Adult leaders Thank You cont. on next page) Page 17 (Thank You cont. from previous page) and student leaders who serve as mentors and guides each week at WOW and Safehouse. Thank you to Rob for his faith-filled leadership of the WOW music team. Thank you to both Pastor Lon and Pastor Kendra for their presence at WOW this year and for mentoring and guiding the students through the Confirmation process. To both Pastor Kendra and Tami Darlow for their wise, creative and insightful teachings and to Faye Ann Cummings for the many ways that she served during and after WOW. Thank you to Lori Swenson and Lynette Avery for sharing your organizational gifts, creativity and love with the WOW students as our WOW Administrators. Thank you to the families who provided meals for the WOW team and staff on Wednesday nights. And thank you to the Our Redeemer’s family for your faithful commitment to raising up faithful and faith-filled young adults. -Kathy Olson SERVANT NIGHT 4:00-8:00 PM Help build our new youth space! Meet on the church land at 4:00pm. Bring work gloves and wear close-toed shoes. We will work until 6:30pm and then have a bonfire and wiener roast. Let’s make a joyful noise! Guitars and percussion instruments welcome! This summer, there will be a new worship opportunity on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm. Casual campfire style worship on the land. There will even be marshmallows! Bring your guitar! Musicians welcome! END OF SCHOOL CELEBRATION! LADIES ONLY! Wednesday, June 1 High school students, you are invited to a party at St Paul’s Methodist Church. Enjoy a barbeque, music, door prizes, dunking booth, sumo wrestling, air jumper, human shaving cream slides and more. Meet at St. Paul’s at 6:00 pm. SUMMER IS A GREAT TIME TO INVITE A FRIEND TO SAFEHOUSE! Lock in! June 24 7:00 pm Bring your sleeping bag, a pillow, sleepwear, snacks and beverages to share, $5.00 for pizza and a friend! We’ll play Capture the Flag in the dark with Nerf Guns! How wild is that? Bring your favorite board games and church appropriate movies. Note: We can’t have a lock-in without adult volunteers who are willing to take a shift. Please recruit adult chaperones! The Voice Are you anxious for school to be out… and ready to get your summer going? Kick it off (early!) with a weekly Ladies Night! Every Thursday evening starting May 19 through August 11, anyone from the ages of 13 - 19 are invited to meet at 7 pm to share life together. From cooking a fivecourse meal (heck yeah!) to going on an adventure, we’ll have a great time-- and by the end of the summer you’ll gain friendships and memories with a community of AWESOME ladies. Make sure to show up May 19 , 7 pm at Hebrews House to pitch in ideas for our summer plans, though it’s open door policy all summer long - it’s summer, for goodness’ sakes! Questions, comments or concerns? Contact Kassi Putnam at 406-465-3490, or Kathy Olson at 406-431-8686. (Note: We are looking for anyone 19+ to serve as hosts/leaders for the summer… the only requirement is that you must be young… at heart! ☺) May 2011 Page 18 WASSUP? SUMMER 2011 SAFEHOUSE SUMMER STYLE High School Youth Sun., May 1 CONFIRMATION Wed., May 4 BOWLING [6:30 pm] Bowling at Sleeping Giant Lanes. Bring $5.00 for bowling and additional money for snacks if desired. Wed., May 11 LEADERSHIP DINNER [6:00 pm] Leadership Appreciation Dinner at Kathy’s House. Evaluation and appreciation night for student leaders and adult mentors. Regular Safehouse will not meet tonight. Sun., May 15 MISSION TEAM MEETING [12:30 pm] We will listen to a group of YouthWork alumni sharing their experience from previous mission trips. Bring your lunch! Wed., May 18 SERVANT NIGHT [4:00-8:00 pm] Help Build our new Youth Space. Meet on the land at 4:00 pm. Bring work gloves and wear closed-toed shoes. We will work until 6:00 pm and then have a bonfire and wiener roast. Let’s make a joyful noise! Guitars and percussion instruments welcome! Sun., May 22 GRADUATION BANQUET [5:00 pm] A wonderful evening to celebrate our graduates with video, pictures, music, dinner and more. Seniors and their families will be served a catered dinner. All youth are asked to attend and serve the meal as well as offer love and remembrances to our seniors. Pizza will be ordered for the servers. Cost of the catered dinner is $12.00 per person. The senior’s dinner is provided as a gift from Our Redeemer’s. Wed., May 25 MOVIE NIGHT [6:30-9:00 pm]-To Save a Life. Come and watch this really great movie. Then we will all walk over to the Dairy Queen for dessert. Bring The Voice $$ for your favorite sundae or milkshake. Wed., June 1 END OF SCHOOL CELEBRATION! [6:00 pm] You are invited to a party at St. Paul’s Methodist Church. Enjoy a barbeque, music, door prizes, dunking booth, sumo wrestling, air jumper, human shaving cream slides and more. Meet at St Paul’s at 6:00 pm. I will meet you there! Sat., June 4 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Congratulations Seniors! Wed., June 8 - Fri., June 10 SENIOR ROAD TRIP!! Graduates, We’re going to Silverwood! What to bring? Where will we stay? What will the costs be? An invitation with all of the information you need will be arriving in your mailboxes soon! Sun., June 12 MISSION TEAM MEETING [12:30 pm] Bring your lunch. June 13-17 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! Helpers Needed! Please sign up to teach, help with games, work in the kitchen or crafts or the nursery or on the music team. Be a mentor. Be a friend? Be a light in the life of a child! Contact Julie Peck to volunteer. Fri., June 24 LOCK IN! [7:00 pm Fri. to 9:00 am Sat.] At the church. Bring sleeping bag, pillow, sleep wear, snacks and beverages to share, $5.00 for pizza and a friend! Capture the flag in the dark, Nerf guns, movies, snacks. Bring your favorite board games and church appropriate movies. Note: We can’t have a lock-in without adult volunteers who are willing to take a shift. Please recruit adult chaperones! Wed., June 29 SERVANT NIGHT [4:00 - 8:00 pm] Help Build our new Youth Space. Meet on the land at 4:00 pm. Bring work gloves and wear close-toed shoes. We will work until 6:00 pm and then have a bonfire and wiener roast. Let’s make a joyful noise! Guitars and percussion instruments welcome! May 2011 Page 19 Fri., July 8 - Sat., July 9 CAMPING TRIP TO VIGILANTE CAMPGROUND [4:00 pm] Meet at HeBrews House. Remember to bring: flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow, bug spray, towel, jacket, lawn chair, cards, games, guitars, hiking shoes, swim suit. A tent, if you have one-but not necessary. Last but not least, snacks and beverages to share. We will return on Saturday afternoon before dinner. NeededAdults to help with transportation. We would love to have them stay and camp with us too! Sun., July 10 MISSION TEAM MEETING [12:30 pm] Bring your lunch. Aug. 14 -19 ORLC WEEK AT FLBC Pastor Kendra and Kathy are at camp! We’d love for you to join us! Again, if you want to plan an event at Hebrews, in a park or at your home during this week, AWESOME! Let me know, I will advertise it for you! Wed., Aug 24 PROGRESSIVE DINNERKATHY’S FAVORITE! [5:00 pm] Meet At HeBrews House. We will travel from house to house sampling delicious courses and will end up at HeBrews for dessert. Needed-Volunteers to host! Would you be willing to serve appetizers, soup and salad, main course? Please contact Kathy Olson. Wed., July 13 EVENING AT THE LAKE [4:00PM] Meet at HeBrews House to travel to Lakeside for a night on the beach. Bring swimsuits, towels, bug spray, water toys and snacks and beverages to share with the group. Needed: Adult drivers. Wish ListParents who would bring their boats out to Lakeside for the evening. Fri., July 22 - Fri., July 29 BLACKFEET MISSION TRIP July 31 - Aug. 11 KATHY ON VACATION If anyone wants to plan a game of Shoe or Ultimate Frisbee or host an event during this time, that would be awesome! Let me know before the 31st and I will get the word out for you! Fri., August 12/Sat., August 13 DOWNPOUR FESTIVAL [1:00 PM] Leaving ORLC parking lot. Returning late Saturday the 13th. If you went to Downpour last year, tell your friends how incredibly fun it is, ok? The concert is free and it takes place outdoors, so be sure to dress appropriately. That means, bring a warm jacket! You will see tons of Christian artists. There are lots of booths to buy food, music, tee shirts and souvenirs, so you will want to bring money for that. Estimated cost-1 night’s lodging=$25.00. 4 meals=$40.00. Bring your swimsuit! We will stay in a hotel with a pool. Save the dates! You won’t want to miss Downpour. It is a blast! The Voice This summer, there will be a new worship opportunity! Sunday evenings. Casual campfire style worship on the new church property. Let’s all go and sit together! An e-mail reminder and a text reminder will be sent out prior to each event. If you want to receive these notifications, please be sure that Kathy has a current e-mail address and cell phone number. May 2011 Page 20 The Voice May 2011 Page 21 Sun Mon 3 24 9:00 am Quilting for LWR 23 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study at Elaine Heen’s 30 Memorial Day 22 Last Day of Sunday School until Fall 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am Sunday School Staff Appreciation 10:30 am Worship 11:30 am Sunday School Staff Appreciation 5:00 pm Graduation Banquet 6:30 pm Sunday Evening Campfire Worship 29 9:00 am Quilting for LWR 31 9:00 am Quilting for LWR 9:30 am Dorcas Circle 6:30 pm Altar Guild 6:00 pm Council 4:30 pm Serving Dinner at God’s Love 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am Worship 6:30 pm Sunday Evening Campfire Worship 17 16 Voice Articles Due Sunday 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am Worship 12:30 pm Blackfoot Mission Team Meeting 2:30 pm WELCA Spring Tea 6:30 pm Sunday Evening Campfire Worship 9:00 am Quilting for LWR 10:00 am WELCA Board 6:00 pm Breast Cancer Support Group 4:30 pm Serving Dinner at God’s Love 5:30 pm Social Justice Discussion 6:00 pm Preschool Board 15 Ministry Fair 10 9 9:00 am Quilting for LWR 4:00 pm Christian Ed Board 6:00 pm Executive Comm Tue Sunday 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am Worship 6:30 pm Sunday Evening Campfire Worship 4:30 pm Serving Dinner at God’s Love 5:30 pm Social Justice Discussion 2 Calendar of Events Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church 6:30 pm Safehouse Movie Night 7:30 pm Rejoice! Team 25 1:00 pm Rebecca Circle 4:00 pm Youth Servant Night 7:30 pm Rejoice! Team 18 6:00 pm Safehouse Leadership Dinner 7:30 pm Rejoice! Team 11 5:30 pm Come to the Water 6:30 pm Safehouse Bowling 7:30 pm Rejoice! Team 4 Wed Preschool until Fall 9:00 am Sew in Love 26 Last day of 9:00 am Sew in Love 19 9:00 am Sew in Love 12 9:00 am Sew in Love 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 5 Thu Preschool until Fall 27 Last day of 20 13 1:00 pm Senior Singles 6 Fri EMBRACED BY GOD’S LOVE WE REACH OUT TO SERVE BECAUSE OUR REDEEMER LIVES 8 New Member 1Confirmation Sunday 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am Blood Pressure 10:00 am Confirmation Celebration 10:30 am Worship 6:30 pm Sunday Evening Campfire Worship May 2011 28 21 14 7 Sat May Birthdays! (Remember our friends in Christ with a Birthday prayer!) 1 Danny Barta Carol Calkins Tyler Martin Teresa Schulz 2 Vicki Downhour Joe Wadhams 3 Jean Norderud Pastor Ron Paulson Caitlin Peaslee Jabin Syvrud 4 Terry Grass Charlie Michaletz 5 Brianna Quist 6 Cindy DeTienne Brent Rehm Kelly Robertson Clayton Schenck 7 Debby Henderson Theresa Holm Jeff Martin 8 Alli Darlow Stan Putnam 9 Nathan Riek Inez Svalstad 10 Marilyn Barta Bryant Gauthier Colleen Grass Amber Lamping Robert Maffit Janet Olson 11 Ryder Alastra 12 Stacey Abrahamson Don Elhart Ken Hoovestol 14 Erika Ackerlund Haley Eakin Fran Fagrelius Rachel Friede Linda Lynch Dallas Miller Lenny Schweitzer Hannah Woodward 15 Gretchen Coble Dan Gaughan Kim Orthmeyer Marci Sim Tami Wadhams 16 Jenna Lauf Mark Sharkey Kim Skiftun 17 Richard Knatterud Jenni Mooney 18 Susan Ganter Karie Shelton Lisa WilliamsMathews 19 Peyton Carlson Walter Jester Carol Kimble Lexi MacMillan 20 Kirk Eakin Katie Lindner Curt Little 21 Eli Erdahl Becky Fletcher Pat Keim Kellen Murray 22 Donald Gilbertson 23 Sam Burton III Mitch Lynch Sharon MacMillan Gary Novota Austin Schweitzer 24 Carl Anfinson Amber Bay Jaden Biegler Boyd Darlow Stephen Johnson 25 Chace Bingham Chris Rusek 26 Murray Fladeland Merlyn Huso Grace Lenhardt Emilee Scott 27 Bill Goosen 28 Wendi Castle Cameron Dole Colton Dorrington Logan Fladeland Linda Robbins Mykaylee Verworn 29 Liz Bacon Dennis Peterson 30 Judy Golob Lora Johnson Dora Lindner Samie McDaniel 31 Bob Calkins Jeri Copenhaver Clair Schilling Anniversaries…. Happy Anniversary to those couples married 40 years or more this month! 45 years! Garth & Rosemary Trusler, married 5/28/1966 65 years! Al & Alice Siewert, married 5/18/1946 Many blessings for your future years together! A Unique Proposal At the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Calhoun of Tulsa told how he proposed and she accepted. They were attending a church service in Deepwater, Missouri, when Mr. Calhoun flipped through the hymnbook and pointed out the words, “Every Day I Need Thee More.” Mrs. Calhoun took the hymnal, turned a few pages and showed him her answer: “Take Me As I Am.” He did. —The SourceBook of Wit and Wisdom The Voice May 2011 Page 22 Mail completed form to: Administrative Assistant Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church 1400 Stuart St. Helena, MT 59601 Easy Giving 1400 Stuart St Helena, MT 59601 406-442-7842 Member Enrollment and Authorization Form for Direct Deposits (ACH) Complete this Section for All Enrollments (Please Print) Last Name First Name Middle Initial Mailing Address City Home Phone Number Work Phone Number Check the appropriate box: New enrollment/authorization Gifts/payments should be taken from: Checking (attach a voided check) Savings (attach a savings deposit slip) Financial Institution_________________________ REQUIRED: I (we) hereby authorize Valley Bank of Helena to automatically withdraw contributions/ donations from my account. I have attached a voided check or savings deposit slip. This authority will remain in effect until I give reasonable notification to terminate the authorization. Routing Number ___________________________ Valid routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3 Account Holder Signature _________________________________________________ State Change in Authorized amount Zip Code Change in account Account Number ___________________________ *** ATTACH EITHER A VOIDED CHECK OR A SAVINGS DEPOSIT SLIP *** Complete this Section for Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church Donations (Please Print) Frequency of Funds Transfer (Please check only one:) Weekly on Monday Weekly on Friday Semi-monthly (transferred on 1st and 15th of each month) Monthly on the 1st Monthly on the 15th Church Fund Designations: Amount: General/Operating $____________________ Building Together in Faith $____________________ Other: ___________________________ $____________________ _________________________________ $____________________ START DATE: ____________________________________ Church Envelope Number: ___________________________ Dear Faithful Stewards of Our Redeemer’s: Please prayerfully consider using our electronic funds transfer program. It may not sound like a spiritual program but we assure you that it has been a vital tool to strengthen our ministry. Simply complete this form and return it to the church office. Please call the office, if you have any questions, 442-7842. For Our Redeemer’s Office use only Envelope/Participant Number: _____________ Date entered: ______________________________ Entered by Initials: __________________________ The Voice May 2011 Page 23 U.S. Postage OUR REDEEMER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Montana Synod 1400 Stuart Street Helena, MT 59601-2330 406/442-7842 PAID Non-Profit Organization Permit No. 96 Helena, Montana ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED If you would prefer to receive this newsletter by e-mail, please contact Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church at The Last Word By Mariah Swenson, member Confirmation Essay February 2011 The story of Jesus washing his disciples' feet is my favorite part of Jesus' life. We have heard it many times. In Sunday school, youth group, and during sermons. But if you stop and think about what it actually means, it becomes more than just a story. It shows the true love of Jesus in just one act. Jesus carried out many miracles in His life. He healed leprosy, caused the blind to see, the lame to walk. He even brought a dead child back to life. Now here He was, a man who did all these incredulous acts, these miracles. Here He was cleaning the feet of His disciples, His servants. He executed such a simple act of kindness compared to the amazing things He had accomplished in His life. This is why this part of His life is my favorite. It shows a complicated God in a simpler light. It shows just how much He loves us. God would send His one and only son to show it. That he could perform miracles for us, preach His word to us. He cleansed us of our sins, just as He cleansed the feet of his servants. He performed this act right before the Passover feast. Knowing He would be betrayed, Jesus was going to show them “the full extent of His The Voice love”. The disciples were shocked when He began to wash their feet. It was the job of the slave, the servant, not the Lord their God. Even Peter refused to let Him wash his feet. But Jesus replied with the words “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me”. Just as Jesus washed their feet of their uncleanliness, Jesus washes us of our uncleanliness through sin. He became sin and died for us, so that our sin would die also. Jesus did something for us we never deserved, He died for us on the cross, so we would never have to die apart from Him. After Jesus cleansed His disciples’ feet, He said to them, “Now that I have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Now that He had spread the word to them, taken up the cross for them, they were to do the same. And we should do the same. Spread God's word so that no one shall go without. That they may know the truth. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. May 2011 Page 24