Volume 32 Number 4, 2014 - Long Island Library Resources Council


Volume 32 Number 4, 2014 - Long Island Library Resources Council
LILRC Newsletter
July/August 2014
Volume 32, Number 4
ISSN: 0887-3739
News from the Long Island Library Resources Council
Upcoming Events
July 11th
Summer Vendor Demo:
The Future of OCLC FirstSearch
Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library
10:00 a.m.– 11:30 a.m.
July 17th
Measuring and Optimizing Social Media
Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library
10:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.
July 25th
Intermediate Adobe InDesign
Farmingdale Public Library
10:00 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.
July 25th
Intermediate Adobe Photoshop
Farmingdale Public Library
1:30 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.
August 8th
Introduction to Windows 8
Farmingdale Public Library
10:00 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.
August 15th
Book Repair Workshop
Farmingdale Public Library
9:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. or
1:30 p.m.– 4:30 p.m. (repeat session)
August 19th
Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010
Farmingdale Public Library
10:00 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.
August 19th
Intermediate Microsoft Access 2010
Farmingdale Public Library
1:30 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.
LILRC 23rd Annual Conference on Libraries and the Future
Carlyle on the Green, Bethpage State Park
October 23-24, 2014
This year marks the 23rd year of the LILRC Annual Conference on
Libraries and the Future, which will take place on October 23rd and 24th,
2014 at a new location: Carlyle on the Green at Bethpage State Park. This
year’s speakers will take us outside the walls of the library as we explore
the theme, Think Outside the Bricks: Embed, Engage, Expand.
The conference will kick-off on Thursday night with
dinner and our guest speaker, New York State
Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages, Assembly District
22, and Member, NYS Assembly Committee on
Libraries and Education Technology. Michaelle is no
stranger to libraries and after graduating from Hofstra,
she worked as a supervisor of access services at the
University's Axinn Library.
The conference will resume on Friday morning with a continental breakfast,
networking and full line-up of speakers who will challenge attendees to
think outside the walls of our institutions, including:
Erin Cannan, Bard College, Center for Civic Engagement
Erica Freudenberger, Red Hook Public Library
David Shumaker, Catholic University of America
Christian Zabriskie, Queens Library, Urban Librarians Unite
Please visit the LILRC website at www.lilrc.org for additional information
and refer to page 4 of this newsletter for the registration form.
We’re offering an Early Bird rate as well as a First Time Attendee
discount—be sure to take advantage today!
Page 2
LILRC Newsletter
Long Island Library Resources Council Budget for the Fiscal Year
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
State Funding
Hospital Program
Regional Bibliographical Database
Local Income
Membership Dues
Electronic Databases
Other Income
Fund Reserve
$ 1,207,578
LILRC LILCat Serial Holdings
Serial librarians and union list updaters are
reminded that LILRC is updating serial holdings
on an on-going basis. Please submit your
updates so that we can ensure accurate holdings
listed for your institution in the Long Island
Library Catalog (LILCat) and OCLC WorldCat.
The Union List of Serials Update Form can be
found online at:
Please send us news about your library such as;
new hires, programs, awards, announcements, etc.
Email: Christina Rivera at crivera@lilrc.org
LILRC Holidays
July 4th
Independence Day
Personnel Salaries
Administrative Expenditures
Member Services
Operating Expenses
$ 1,207,578
Of Note–The budget was approved by the Board
of Trustees at its meeting of June 17, 2014.
Measuring and Optimizing Social Media
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Participants will work with marketing veteran Johannes Neuer to
learn how to set goals, gather data, design reports, and develop a
dashboard that will inform library leadership and fellow
practitioners about their progress in engaging patrons with the
library on social media. Major social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, and
Foursquare will be covered in this course. Participants should have
some experience with social media and an interest in web analytics.
By the end of this program, participants will: Be able to keep
track of their social media initiatives and create reporting tools that
help optimize their campaigns and inform their content strategy.
Presenter: Johannes Neuer, Associate Director of Marketing at
The New York Public Library
Registration: http://www.lilrc.org/event/1406/.
Page 3
LILRC Newsletter
People & Places
LILRC Welcomes New Directors:
Elizabeth Olesh, Baldwin Public Library
Lisa Paulo, Garden City Public Library
LILRC Wishes a Happy Retirement to:
Gerri Flanzraich, Director of Branch Library Services at
Wisser Library of the New York Institute of Technology, who
retired on May 30, 2014 after 24 years of dedicated service.
Stephanie Stanton, Director of the Malverne Public Library
who retired in June, 2014.
Susan Murray-Simpson passed away on May 13,
2014 at the age of 50. Among Susan’s many
accomplishments, she served as Director of the
Health Sciences Library at Huntington Hospital.
She also served on the LILRC Health Sciences
Information Committee for over 5 years.
Joann Muscardin passed away on May 23, 2014
at the age of 56. For the past 14 years, she served
as the children's librarian and department head at
the Port Jefferson Free Library.
LILRC Congratulates:
Kerri Rosalia, Library Director of the Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library, who has been selected for the
second class of Digital Public Library of American (DPLA) Community Reps–volunteers who engage their local
communities by leading DPLA outreach activities.
Tanya Shkolnikov, Senior Librarian, Education/Reference of the Daniel Carroll Payson Medical Library at North
Shore University Hospital for winning the NSLIJ Department of Medicine’s award for “Outstanding Contribution
and Dedication to House Staff Education.” This is the first time an education award was presented to a librarian.
Tanya’s award was voted on by all Residents in the combined North Shore LIJ Medicine Residency program.
LILRC Snapshots: 2014 Long Island Library Conference
This year’s 2014 Long Island Library Conference marked the 39th year of bringing Nassau and Suffolk counties
together for an island-wide conference and LILRC participated by sponsoring the program, Creating Authentic Teen
Spaces in Public Libraries, which was presented by Shari Lee, Assistant Professor, St. John’s University.
In her talk, Shari spoke about the issues regarding teen spaces in public libraries and the current research on how design
elements affect human behavior and how this applies to the library setting–specifically teen spaces. She discussed how
often times, teen spaces in public libraries are “teen spaces” in name only. The end result is that many of these spaces
fail to function as spaces that accommodate teens in a meaningful way.
Shari’s presentation demonstrated the significance of space design for teens and the importance of serving this agegroup in libraries. If you missed out, take a look at the presentation,
which is available on the LILRC Continuing Education Blog at:
LILRC staff members (pictured to the right) also spend the day in
the Associations Room and raffled off a free LILRC Annual
Conference on Libraries and the Future registration. Congrats to our
winner—Jill Hollefer, Baldwin Public Library.
To view more pictures from this event, visit the LILRC Flickr
photostream online at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lilrc/.
Page 4
Thursday & Friday:
Full conference package*
Thursday night dinner only
Friday session only
LILRC Newsletter
By 9/22/14
9/23/14 & After
_____ $135
_____ $165
_____ $190
_____ $45
_____ $75
_____ $110
_____ $110
_____ $130
_____ $165
_____ I would like .6 CEU credit (Full Conference on Friday only, no charge)
conference package includes dinner on Thursday, October
23rd, 5:30 p.m. & full day conference, which includes continental
breakfast and lunch, on Friday October 24th 8:30 a.m.
Conference registration may be split between two people.
Please make checks payable to LILRC. Please mail or fax the registration form to:
Connie Litcher, L. I. Library Resources Council
627 N. Sunrise Service Rd.
Bellport NY 11713-1540
Phone: 631-675-1570 x:201 Fax: 631-675-1573 E-mail: litcher@lilrc.org
LILRC Offers Genuine 3M TattleTapes &
Highland Security Strips at 2013 Prices
Summer seems to have finally arrived and our almost weekly snow
storms are now just a memory. But the big news is still that our already
deeply discounted Genuine 3M TattleTapes and Highland Security
Strips have not increased in price for 2014.
Interested in more information? Contact Joan Seaman at 631-675-1570
x208 or view the current order form online at: http://www.lilrc.org/wpcontent/uploads/2014/02/TattleTapes.pdf.
Please remember that this offer is available to members of the NY 3Rs
Association, Inc. anywhere in New York.
Need 3D Printing Models?
Thingiverse Offer Tons for Free
MakerBot's Thingiverse is a 3D printing
and design community for discovering,
making, and sharing 3D printable things. In
the spirit of maintaining an open platform,
all designs are encouraged to be licensed
under a Creative Commons license,
meaning that anyone can use or alter any of
the over 30,000 items available. Visit:
www.thingiverse.com/ to learn more.
Page 5
LILRC Newsletter
Preserving Community Voices with
Social Media
Network Neutrality:
What You Need to Know
Friday, August 1, 2014
Farmingdale Public Library
In January 2013, the NCSU Libraries opened the James B. Hunt Jr.
Library at North Carolina State University. Filled with cutting-edge
technology and inspiring spaces, the Hunt Library aspires to serve as a
model of the library of the future. Telling the story of the new library
was crowdsourced through My #HuntLibrary, a Ruby on Rails
Instagram-based photo project that is both a user engagement and a
digital preservation effort. Photographs tagged #HuntLibrary are
included in a collection that is displayed in multiple interactive views,
ranging in size from a mobile interface to a twenty-foot-wide, curved
video wall by making extensive use of responsive web design
techniques. The entire collection of (over 3,000 and growing) digital
images will be preserved in the institutional digital archives.
This workshop will introduce the use of social media archives as a
method for both engaging users and building more representative
collections. The anticipated research value of social media is that, by
diversifying the points of view of archival creators and channels of
organizational communication, archival researchers and other users gain
a fuller understanding of events, places, and organizations represented
in the archives. While this is still a fairly new area, the presenter will
use his experience with lentil as well as other tools and services as a
starting point for a discussion of the archival potential of social media.
Presenter: Jason Casden, Lead Librarian for the Digital Services
Development, North Carolina State University Libraries.
Registration: http://www.lilrc.org/events
PLDA of Suffolk County
Golf Outing & Banquet Dinner
Save the Date!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Baiting Hollow Club
100 Club Drive
Baiting Hollow, NY 11933
For more details contact:
Mike Firestone, mike@suffolk.lib.ny.us
What’s happening?
On May 15, 2014, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC)
proposed new rules, written by FCC
chairman Tom Wheeler, which would
essentially allow Internet service providers
(ISPs) to charge websites for faster services.
What does this mean? Companies would be
able to pay money to be in a virtual "fast
lane" for sending content, leaving the rest of
us in the “slow lane.”
What is Net Neutrality?
Net neutrality is the principle that all data on
the Internet should be treated equally.
Content, sites, and platforms should not
have preferential treatment by ISPs and
governments. What does this mean for
libraries? According to ALA, the vitality of
voices on the Internet is critical to the
intellectual freedom that libraries around the
world are trying to protect and promote.
Laws that preserve Net Neutrality are the
best way to preserve a vibrant diversity of
viewpoints into the foreseeable future.
What Legislative Actions are Occurring?
The Online Competition and Consumer
Choice Act of 2014, a bill that would
prohibit paid prioritization over the Internet
was introduced by Rep. Doris Matsui (DCA) on June 17th, 2014. This legislation
would prohibit Internet service providers
from giving preferential treatment to the
traffic of online content, applications,
services, or devices.
For additional information refer to:
Long Island Library Resources Council
627 N. Sunrise Service Road
Bellport, NY 11713-1540
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit #90
Bellport, NY
LILRC Newsletter
July/August 2014
Volume 32, Number 4
For more information visit:
Book Repair Workshop
Farmingdale Public Library—Friday, August 15, 2014
Session 1: 9:30am-12:30pm or Session 2: 1:30pm-4:30pm (Repeat)
This workshop is designed to demonstrate quick and easy techniques for extending shelf life on general circulating
materials. Prevention is the key, but we will be addressing specific, common repairs: tipping in loose pages, broken
spines, torn header caps, ripped and torn pages.
Each participant is asked to bring: two paperback books, preferably new or new-like, to demonstrate covering
techniques, a hardbound book with a book jacket to demonstrate application of book jacket covers, a stapled book or
magazine, a book that needs to have a loose page tipped in and one hardbound book that needs repair. Please also bring
a pair of scissors. Each participant will be provided with a free sample packet of materials.
Presented by: Kary Barth, Regional Sales Manager, Kapco Library Products
Registration information: http://www.lilrc.org/events.
The LILRC Newsletter is the official newsletter of the LONG ISLAND LIBRARY RESOURCES COUNCIL. © 1996. It is
published six times a year and available in print and on our Web site. We encourage articles and photographs but reserve the
right to refuse any material. Editor: Christina Rivera; crivera@lilrc.org ADDRESS: 627 N. Sunrise Service Road, Bellport, NY
11713-1540 TELEPHONE: (631) 675-1570 Ext. 205 FAX: (631) 675-1573 WEB SITE: www.lilrc.org