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Water Management in Irrigated Agriculture: A Training Manual for Technical Staff Improved Management of Agricultural Water in Eastern & Southern Africa (IMAWESA) IMAWESA TRAINING MANUAL No. 4 Compiled by: Edward M. Muya, Moses O. Jura and Bancy M. Mati September 2009 Citation Muya, E. M., Jura, M. O. and Mati, B.M. 2009. Water management in irrigated agriculture: A training manual for technical staff. IMAWESA Training Manual No.4. Improved Management of Agricultural Water in Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi. Contact us through: The Programme Manager Improved Management of Agricultural Water in Eastern & Southern Africa (IMAWESA) IFAD Complex, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P. O. Box 39063-00623, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 722 4110; Fax: +254 20 722 4001 Email:; Website: i About this Publication IMAWESA (Improved Management of Agricultural Water in Eastern and Southern Africa) is designed to improve and strengthen the sharing of knowledge, information and best practices emanating from research, field experiences and the farmers themselves, in implementing development programmes in agricultural water management (AWM). This is considered to be critical, both for enhanced programme design and implementation, and for providing the substantive basis upon which to engage in policy dialogue and influence investment support for AWM. The main elements of IMAWESA include; enhancing policy for agricultural water management, studies on key water management issues, capacity building, learning visits and workshops for programme managers and staff, as well as building a community of practice in AWM through knowledge sharing and networking. The project works directly in sample countries but its products cover 23 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region, which include Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This manual was prepared as part of the training material used during the Training of staff of the Post Conflict Transition & Reconstruction Programme (PCTRP) of Burundi, on agricultural water management (AWM), conducted in Gitega, Burundi from 7th to 11th September 2009. The training was for middle level technical staff comprising Agricultural Engineers, agriculturalists, Hydrologists and Forestry specialists. The training was based on theory and practice with field visits and exercises and was meant to build the technical capacities to plan and implement AWM projects. This Training Manual has been compiled by resource persons who organized and provided the technical training during the workshop. The information contained here is not exhaustive and thus, readers are encouraged to seek further information from references cited as footnotes in this publication and elsewhere. This particular publication targets technical staff and middle level decision makers such as extension workers, managers and implementers of programmes and projects, researchers, development partners, public and private practitioners of irrigation. It is meant to inform, educate and enhance knowledge and practice as regards irrigation in the region. This manual, alongside other reports by IMAWESA are freely available on the internet as public goods and can be downloaded from For further information and comments on this report, readers are welcome to contact Acknowledgement The publication of this booklet was supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), while Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and Ministry of Water and Irrigation provided technical experts to the manual. IMAWESA is a regional project supported by IFAD and implemented by ASARECA in collaboration with ICRISAT and national programmes on AWM. The authors wish to thank all the institutions and individuals who supported the information and publication of this manual. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of IFAD, as the content is solely the responsibility of the authors. ii Table of contents 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Main focus........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Major factors considered in planning an irrigation system ........................................................ 1 1.3 Hydrologic cycle ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Water availability for irrigation....................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Rivers as sources of irrigation water ............................................................................................. 7 1.6 Analysis of hydrological data for irrigation .................................................................................. 8 1.7 Sedimentation ................................................................................................................................... 8 1.8 Use of analogue and digital maps ................................................................................................ 11 1.9 Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater .................................................................. 11 2 CLIMATE, HYDROLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY ......................................... 12 2.1 Climatic, hydrologic and geomorphologic characteristics........................................................ 12 2.2 Hydrological processes and geomorphic characteristics .......................................................... 12 2.3 Rainfall, Runoff and Water balance............................................................................................. 13 2.4 Influence of climatic variables on crop water requirements .................................................... 14 2.5 Methods of determining reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) ........................................ 15 2.5.1 Pan Evaporation Method ...................................................................................................... 15 2.5.2 Blaney-Criddle Method ......................................................................................................... 15 2.5.3 Radiation Method ................................................................................................................... 17 3 DESIGN OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS...................................................................... 19 3.1 Data requirements and preparations ........................................................................................... 19 3.1 Procedures for calculating irrigation water requirements ........................................................ 19 3.2 Effect of growth stage on crop water needs .............................................................................. 21 3.3 Irrigation efficiencies ..................................................................................................................... 22 3.4 Assessing soil parameters .............................................................................................................. 24 3.5 Flow measurement in canals ........................................................................................................ 24 3.6 Design of canals ............................................................................................................................. 25 4 IRRIGATION METHODS AND THEIR APPLICABILITY ................................... 31 4.1 Factors considered in selection of irrigation system ................................................................. 31 4.2 Choice of irrigation method ......................................................................................................... 31 4.3 Surface irrigation systems ............................................................................................................. 32 4.4 Borderstrip irrigation ..................................................................................................................... 33 4.5 Basin irrigation................................................................................................................................ 35 4.6 Furrow irrigation ............................................................................................................................ 38 4.6 Sprinkler system ............................................................................................................................. 40 4.7 Localized Irrigation systems ......................................................................................................... 41 4.8 Drip Irrigation ................................................................................................................................ 41 4.9 Bucket irrigation ............................................................................................................................. 42 4.10 Pitcher Irrigation .......................................................................................................................... 43 5. DRAINAGE TECHNIQUES ...................................................................................... 44 iii 5.1 The need for drainage ................................................................................................................... 44 5.2 Factors that affect drainage .......................................................................................................... 44 5.3 Design of agricultural drainage systems...................................................................................... 45 5.4 Surface drainage ............................................................................................................................. 47 5.5 Subsurface drainage ....................................................................................................................... 50 5.5.1 Horizontal subsurface drainage ............................................................................................ 50 5.5.2 Vertical subsurface drainage ................................................................................................. 53 5.5.3 Salt problems in irrigated agriculture ................................................................................... 53 6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF IRRIGATION SCHEMES ................. 54 6.1 Participatory irrigation development ........................................................................................... 54 6.2 Participatory and strategic change process ................................................................................. 54 6.3 Identification of stakeholders ....................................................................................................... 55 6.4 Participation of farmers in planning and design........................................................................ 55 6.5 Farmer participation in irrigation development......................................................................... 56 6.6 Farmer participation in the implementation of an irrigation scheme..................................... 57 6.7 Operation and maintenance responsibilities .............................................................................. 57 6.8 Monitoring and evaluation of smallholder irrigation schemes ................................................ 57 6.9 Indicators of sustainability ............................................................................................................ 58 7 SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................ 59 8. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 60 iv List of Figures Figure 1: The Hydrological cycle....................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2: Examples of streamflow hydrographs ................................................................................................. 7 Figure 3: Sedimentation in a reservoir created by a dam .................................................................................... 9 Figure 4: Illustration of the partitioning of rainwater in relation to irrigation ................................................... 13 Figure 5: Water balance and irrigation water (Source: Barron et al. 1999) ..................................................... 14 Figure 6: Class A Evaporation method (circular pan) .................................................................................... 15 Figure 7: Illustration of water distribution system through irrigated fields......................................................... 20 Figure 8 Cross sectional view of a canal .......................................................................................................... 25 Figure 9: Canal parameter for different cross-sectional shapes .......................................................................... 25 Figure 10: Sample calculations of hydraulic parameters for different canal shapes ............................................. 28 Figure 11: Variety in surface and ground water abstraction ............................................................................ 31 Figure 12: Border strip irrigation layout (Source: Kay, 1986) ......................................................................... 34 Figure 13: Cross-sectional view of border strip irrigation ................................................................................. 34 Figure 14: Layout of basin irrigation system (Source: FAO, 1985) ............................................................... 36 Figure 15: Orientation of feeder canals for basin irrigation .............................................................................. 37 Figure 16: Sketch of furrow irrigation and cross-section................................................................................... 39 Figure 17: Typical soil moisture distribution in a sandy soil (left) and a clay soil (right) (Source: Kay, 1986) .. 39 Figure 18: Sprinkler irrigation method........................................................................................................... 40 Figure 19: Schematic representation of drip irrigation in the field..................................................................... 42 Figure 20: Illustration of pitcher pot irrigation ................................................................................................ 43 Figure 21: Flow chart indicating drainage design ............................................................................................ 46 Figure 22: Rainfall- Duration curve .............................................................................................................. 48 Figure 23: Subsurface drainage systems at field level ....................................................................................... 50 Figure 24: Subsurface drainage parameters ..................................................................................................... 51 Figure 25: Nomograph to determine equivalent sub-stratum depth (Source: FAO, 1985) ............................... 52 Figure 26: Salt accumulation in the root zone showing effect of capillary rise .................................................... 53 v Term Definition/Brief description Coefficient of variation (CV) A mathematical measure of the variability of runoff from year to year. It is the ratio of standard deviation of annual inflow to the mean annual inflow. Drainage The process of managing excess surface water and controlling water logging from shallow water tables. Evaporation (E) the annual net water loss from a free water surface (mm) Evapotranspiration (ET) The sum of water lost from an area through the combined effects of evaporation from the ground surface and transpiration from the vegetation. Gravity-fed Irrigation The type of irrigation in which water is available or made available at a higher level so as to enable supply to the land by gravity flow. Irrigation Any process, other than by natural precipitation, which supplies water to crops or any other cultivated plants Irrigation efficiency It is the ratio of irrigation water consumed by the irrigated plants to the water delivered from the supply source. Overhead irrigation A method of irrigation water application in which the water is ejected into the air to fall as spray on to the crops or on the ground surface. Supplementary irrigation Providing additional water to stabilise or increase yields where a rainfall is insufficient for crop growth Surface irrigation The supply of irrigation water to the ground surface for crop use. Examples are: basin, border, furrow, corrugation, wild flooding, and spate Water Application efficiency The ratio of water applied as net increase in soil moisture in the crop root zone to the total amount of water applied at the field level. Water Conveyance Efficiency The ratio of water delivered in the fields at the outlet head to that diverted into the canal or pipe system from the source. Water logging State of land in which the water table is located at or near the surface resulting in poorly drained soils, adversely affecting crops production. Drainage can be used to solve the problem vi 1. INTRODUCTION This Training Manual summarizes the major components of irrigation planning, design, development and management and the requisite factors considered. It is meant to improve the skills of engineers, technicians, managers and practitioners of irrigated agriculture, especially those working in scheme-based and smallholder irrigation in Africa. The manual is meant to enhance human capacities in; (i) estimation of water flows within a system, (ii) procedures for calculating irrigation water requirement and application in design, (iii) irrigation and drainage methods, (iv) factors affecting choice of irrigation systems, (v) irrigation design, planning and development, and (vi) improving stakeholder participation in irrigation planning, development and management and facilitating sustainability. 1.1. Main focus This training manual puts together technical notes, some sample calculations, figures, tables and examples so as to capture pertinent factors influencing the design and management of irrigation infrastructure, its applications and selection of best practice for each system. The training manual targets theory and practice, covering the following key areas: o Analysis of climatic data o Analysis of hydrological data and water requirements o Irrigation and drainage network design o Implementation of irrigation and drainage o Management and maintenance of irrigation schemes. To make more meaningful use of these notes, users are encouraged to: a) Seek and understand the long-term, medium and short term plans of the country and organization for which they are working on irrigation and drainage, b) Prepare a personal medium, short term and immediate (daily) plan of work, c) Involve farmers and other key stakeholders in the planning of activities in their respective areas of work and to subsequently ascertain farmers’ participation in the entire project cycle. d) Exploit possibilities of organizing periodic consultative fora with field staff, expose them to the strategic plan of the institution and to review and revise with them the procedures followed in project preparation, its duration and team composition; including approval of designs. In making use of this manual, some practicals, illustrations, worked calculations and case study examples are necessary as well as field visits and discussions so as to expose users to the real challenges and actual solutions. At the end of the training, the trainees should acquire skills that enable them manage agricultural water in irrigation projects. More specifically, the manual equips the reader with knowledge on how to: o Measure the discharge/ flow of water, o Improve management of irrigation schemes, o Apply knowledge and skills gathered in the respective working areas. 1.2 Major factors considered in planning an irrigation system Irrigation development should be based on convincing evidence of beneficial outcomes and sustainability of the system. Feasibility studies provide a means for assessing developmental options for investment, in this case, irrigation or controlled drainage project. A feasibility study for irrigation development assesses the physical aspects of land, water and climate, and evaluates crop production potential and cropping programmes within the context of the physical aspects. 1 The same study reviews and analyses alternative engineering options in terms of benefits and costs, operation and maintenance, compatibility with the available land and water resources, their impact on the environment, the health of the users and the social life and welfare of the irrigators. Finally, market potentials and access to markets are critically reviewed through such studies and the financial and economic aspects of the development are assessed. In summary, the feasibility study should provide options for the client with recommendations for the best option combining technical feasibility, financial and economical viability, social desirability and environmental sustainability. For irrigation projects, the feasibility study should cover the following components; (i) climate and natural resources, (ii) agriculture/agronomic issues, (iii) credit and marketing, (iv) engineering and infrastructural components, (v) social/political issues, (vi) organization and management aspects, (vii) health and environmental aspects, and (viii) economic and financial analysis of the project. These components are presented briefly as follows: Meteorological data Normally, climate and the assessment of the potential and availability of natural resources (land and water) are among the first areas to be addressed in the preparation of a feasibility study. Climate is an important factor in crop production. Different crops have different requirements in terms of temperature, humidity and light. Also, occurrence of frost and hail stones at certain times may exclude a number of crops from the cropping programme. Generally, the analysis of climatic data with respect to crop production is needed before a cropping programme can be prepared. Accurate estimates of crop water requirements also rely heavily on the availability of accurate meteorological data. Errors of only 20% in crop water requirement estimates can significantly affect the economics of the project, especially in Africa where the water development cost is high. Hence the need for long-term accurate meteorological data, especially long-term rainfall data. Topography The topography of the land when combined with the soil characteristics will provide the means of assessing the irrigability of the land and selection of the most suitable areas for irrigation. In this respect, soil and topographic surveys provide the means for this assessment. Water resources Long-term data of river flow and water quality are needed to assess the potential of the water resources. In the absence of hydrological data, rainfall records or flows of nearby streams are used for estimates. In the case of groundwater resources, hydro-geological studies are carried out and records from existing wells and test wells are used to establish long-term and short-term yields of the aquifer. Nevertheless, irrespectively of water availability, the right to using the water should be investigated. This is becoming very important with the establishment of water boards, water strategies and policies as well as water legislation in many countries in Africa. Hence, a water right should be obtained from the relevant authorities that permit the use. Since the use of transboundary water resources is bound by agreements between the states sharing the same river basin as well as international law, the feasibility study should deal with such matters as and when they arise. Wherever a new scheme is planned, existing established demands for water upstream and downstream should be investigated and taken into consideration. A formal system of water rights might be in operation, or local people may have an agreement by traditional custom over the way in which water for irrigation is allocated. Proposed changes in water demand must be fully discussed with the national authority 2 responsible for regulating abstraction (Field and Collier, 1998). Water quality and flow rates are very important for the selection of crops to be grown and the irrigation method to be adopted. As such they should be included in the water resources surveys to be undertaken. Of particular importance is the potential siltation of water reservoirs and the need to protect the catchment areas, in order to avoid the rapid decline in the yield of dams. Existing production systems As irrigation development aims at agricultural production, the engineering works should be designed for this purpose. The objective is not the conveyance of water but the irrigation of crops. Thus, the engineering approaches used should be considered as part of a broader system (irrigated crop production) for which the designed scheme will be constructed to serve. The existing agricultural practices are assessed to analyze the without-project situation. Data are gathered from baseline socio-economic surveys. The data are aggregated to reflect the average production cost and gross margins and incorporated in the financial and economic analysis. The same surveys provide information on the availability of family labour in both rainfed and irrigation farming and assess the need for hired labour. Land tenure Land tenure under smallholder agriculture varies across countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. In some countries, smallholders have communal rights to land, while in others, smallholders own the land which may have title deeds. How one or the other type of land tenure affects the various aspects of the project should be elaborated in the feasibility study. Proposed agricultural system Based on the climate and the natural resources potential, crops are selected for consideration and alternative cropping programmes and rotations are developed for discussion with the smallholders. The cultural requirements of each crop and expected yields should be elaborated and the crop water requirements estimated for alternative cropping programmes. Crop budgets for these crops will be prepared and presented later on in the feasibility study, under financial and economic analysis. The marketing potentials of these crops will also be discussed under the relevant chapter of the study. Credit and marketing In most cases, irrigated crop production is a high-input, high output system. Smallholders therefore need to procure seeds, fertilizers and chemicals in order to optimize their production system. However, the poor cash flow from conventional rainfed farming is too low for such investments. Consequently, there is need for credit and/or subsidies for farmers to cope. It is therefore necessary that the feasibility study reviews potential options and makes recommendations under the prevailing socio-economic circumstances in the scheme. The choice of crops to be grown and the cropping patterns influence the field layout and irrigation method. However, the choices of crops as well as the cropping programmes are influenced by their market potentials. Therefore, an assessment of the existing markets, transport system/road infrastructure, including their potential for development, should be made. On the output side, market prices, transport costs and farm-gate prices must be predicted, as relates to expected increased volume of production. Processing and storage facilities should be included and planned as part of the overall marketing strategy. 3 Engineering infrastructure This part of the feasibility study covers the rehabilitation and/or extension of existing irrigation schemes, as well as the development of new schemes. It deals with the water development, the distribution system, the water storage and control structures and measuring devices, on-farm irrigation works and drainage. For these and other engineering works, preliminary designs are made and cost estimates prepared. In addition, water allocation and availability should be calculated while the selection of the water application equipment e.g. sprinklers, drip lines as well as drainage facilities should be designed. Social aspects The project’s objectives and expectations can not be realized unless farmers’ considerations on benefits and costs, feasibility and desirability and their priorities in life match those of the project. At times, smallholders’ priorities differ from the project’s priorities. Hence the need to assess the acceptability and desirability of the farmers to participate in the development of the irrigation scheme. The nature of the population must be understood in order to match the rate of development with the absorptive capacity of the community. Elements such as the level of literacy, farming knowledge and skills, past experience with irrigation, gender issues and attitudes to change are among the several parameters to be considered when analyzing the social aspects of the project. Sometimes, irrigation development can bring about cultural shocks to a community. It may mean more work since compared to rainfed systems, farmers work for a few months in a year while irrigated crop production may require almost daily attention throughout the year. Thus, irrigated agriculture could mean less time for social aspects of society. The ability of a community to adjust to these and other changes are critical and should be discussed with the farmers. Planning and construction The planning and construction of a smallholder irrigation scheme involves several stakeholders. Rural authorities, traditional leaders, farmers, relevant Department or Ministry at central level, consultants and contractors are the major stakeholders. At times, sub-contractors are also involved with the construction of some parts of the project. This requires the services of professionals to coordinate and supervise the works of all involved in the planning and implementation of the project. The same professionals, through established procedures, should be responsible for the selection of the contractor and sub-contractors. Sometimes the selection of inexperienced contractors on the basis of a cheaper offer does not always cost less. Delays from one contractor can have far reaching effects on other contractors and on the project delivery as a whole. Organization and management An analysis of the structures and competences of the agencies or persons responsible for the organization and management of the project is usually done. Constraints should be expected and should be factored into the planning, construction and operation of projects. This calls for the presence or establishment of competent agencies to manage the planning and implementation of the project. The organization of operation and management Irrigation development, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, can be expensive. It is therefore necessary for investments to be utilized productively and as soon as possible. Thus, provisions should be made from the feasibility study stage onwards for the needed trained engineers, agronomists, technicians and social workers and time considerations. Equally important is the 4 assessment of the farmers’ training needs, which will enable them to make well-informed decisions and to undertake the operation, maintenance and management of the in-field part of the system, and long-term sustainability of the project. Extension services The training of farmers and the adoption of new farming practices is handled by extension workers. However, most extension agents in sub-Saharan Africa are not familiar with the intricate requirements of irrigated crop production, as it comes with new crops and handling systems. Hence the need to assess the level of extension know-how and provide for the training needs of the extension staff. While the success of achieving the desirable results will greatly depend on the adaptability of farmers, this means developing and implementing appropriate training packages for them. Establishment of on-farm research, demonstrations, farmer field schools and provision of advisory services with back up from specialists should be considered. Health and environmental impact Assessment Very often, the health and environmental aspects of irrigation development are not given the deserved attention in feasibility studies. Water-related diseases affect the health of irrigators and thus the overall performance of the scheme. Measures to reduce such problems through engineering and other solutions should be incorporated in the feasibility study. The impact of irrigation development on the environment is equally important, as it affects the quality of the water resources and thus downstream water users as well as ecosystems at large. Justification for irrigation development The financial analysis evaluates the project’s capability to repay the investment and the operation costs of the project. In other words, the economic analysis assesses the economic viability of different alternatives and assists with the selection of one. The financial analysis evaluates different financial alternatives with respect to interest rates, repayment schedules and length of the loan period. For more details the reader is referred to Module Maintenance The maintenance of the existing water control structures and protecting them against heavy water flows is very important. The strength and capacity of irrigation and drainage structures should be based on designs that have taken into consideration the magnitude of run-off flows, using peak storm/runoff rates whose return period is calculated through detailed analysis of available climate data as well as biophysical and hydrological characteristics of the catchment. As is observed by Withers and Vipond (1974), irrigation is a reliable way of achieving food security. However, it has failed in certain regions of the world either because of lack of knowledge in appropriate water management, or inability of the existing technology and know-how to handle problems resulting from erroneous irrigation practices. Draining the excess water from marshlands requires technical know-how, failure of which would lead to overall project failure in the long-run. In this context, managers and engineers concerned with design, construction and operation of the irrigation schemes should be trained in the design of irrigation as well as on drainage and the hydrological processes governing the flows of water. In addition, it is important that the techniques of matching water supply rate with crop water requirements are understood to enable the design of efficient water distribution networks. 1.3 Hydrologic cycle The hydrological cycle (Figure 1) is the global circulation of water, and it occurs above, on the surface and beneath the earth’s surface. It is influenced by the sun, wind and other global 5 climatic phenomena as well as inland topographic features such as mountains and expanse of land mass. For instance, the windward and leeward sides of the same mountain experience completely different climatic conditions. Cloud formation on the windward side is responsible for the subsequent higher rainfall, lower temperatures, humidity and hence variation in climatic conditions. Recent scientific research indicates that the hydrologic cycle can be altered by climate change caused by global warming. However, the total water in the world remains the same, only changing in form and distribution across the world. Irrigation is affected by the hydrological cycle, and can contribute to local level hydrological changes. Figure 1: The Hydrological cycle 1.4 Water availability for irrigation Although the world is three quarters covered by water, yet less than one percent of this water is available for agriculture (Table 1). There are considerable variations in water availability, both within a year and over the years. To be of any value, a constant water supply must be sustained, with a stated risk of failure. Worldwide, a risk of 20% for agricultural use is generally acceptable, implying a failure to supply the quoted yield 1 in 5 years. Lower risk factors imply lower yields, since lower yields can be supplied with less risk than higher yields. Lower yields result in lower levels of investments in irrigation infrastructure (dam construction, conveyance systems, etc.), since the area that can be irrigated is less. Higher risks translate into higher yields and this could act as an incentive in irrigation infrastructure investment, thereby transforming the socioeconomic status of most people, in particular the beneficiary rural communities. However, the risk factor should be carefully weighed against the benefits. Conservative (low) risk factors lead to a lower total utilization of the water as less base flow can be used (rivers) or a greater proportion of water held in storage to carry over with consequent higher evaporation losses from dams. It should be noted, however, that the yield at 10% risk gives greater security against short-term shortages than the yield at 20% risk. Yield versus dam capacity curves can be constructed for various risk factors. These are asymptotic and there is an optimum yield 6 obtainable for a certain dam capacity and any increase in dam capacity would not result in any significant increase in the yield. It is thus not cost effective to over-design a dam. Table 1: Estimate of the water balance of the world Source: Nace, 1971 1.5 Rivers as sources of irrigation water Rivers or streams with a regular and certain minimum flow (baseflow) are suitable for irrigation. Unfortunately, many rivers in Southern Africa have short duration flash floods during the rainy season and no or very little flow during the dry season. These rivers are not suited for year round irrigation, unless the water can be stored in a reservoir behind a dam. From Figure 2, the hydrograph of river A shows that the base flow at 10% risk is 1.0 m-3s-1. Therefore, this flow could be diverted throughout the year. River B is seasonal and irrigation can only take place during the rainy season between November and March at a safe abstraction of about 200 ls-1. However, reservation for other purposes (municipal, industrial, environmental) also has to be considered. Figure 2: Examples of streamflow hydrographs 7 1.6 Analysis of hydrological data for irrigation The feasibility of using rivers for irrigation can be determined by a statistical analysis of longterm river flows. For most major rivers, these data are available from the departments or organizations responsible for hydrological data such as the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs in South Africa or National Water Authorities in other countries. For most small rivers, flow measurements are not easily available. It is thus difficult to determine the water flow during the growing seasons. Nevertheless, a clear indication is needed, especially during the latter part of the dry season when minimum river flow normally coincides with maximum evapotranspiration. There are ways of obtaining some idea about the flow regime, such as by talking to local (preferably elder) people, visiting the area during the dry season, analyzing satellite imagery data (remote sensing) and by carrying out flow measurements with current meters or isotope and salt dilution methods. Whether data are available or not, one has to come up with a safe water yield, which in turn determines the possible irrigation area. Once this is known, one should apply for an appropriate water right or water abstraction permit from the relevant authority in the country. It is equally important to have knowledge of high floods in order to properly design diversion structures and flood protection works near the river. Again, it is useful to talk to the local people, who can often indicate flood marks, for example on trees. Many rivers carry large amounts of sediments especially during the rainy season. This has to be verified and, if so, the designs of the headworks have to cater for sediment flushing arrangements to avoid it entering the canal system. The stability of especially meandering rivers has to be considered in order to avoid placing headworks in unstable parts of the river. Hydrologic and climatic data in Irrigation water storage Where rivers do not provide sufficient baseflow for irrigation, storage structures could be built in order to balance river flows, not only throughout the year but also over sequences of several years. Dams and reservoirs are used to store such water. However, sedimentation and evaporation have direct effects on the storage capacity and should therefore be understood. This is an example where isolating climatic and hydrological data is not possible. 1.7 Sedimentation The amount of sedimentation depends on many aspects, including soil type, climate, slopes, vegetation cover, deforestation, livestock, population pressure and management practices in the catchment area of a dam. Sedimentation can cause serious problems to dams, particularly small ones, or weirs, as the reservoirs could fill up rapidly. The source of sediment is the land in the catchment area of the dam. Sediment that enters the river system is transported either as bed load or as suspended load. Bed load comprises the larger (sand) particles that are swept along or close to the riverbed. This type of load accounts for approximately 10% of the total sediment in the river. Suspended load includes all finer particles like silt and clay. These materials are carried in suspension and will only settle down when the flow is slowed down, for example in a reservoir created by a dam (Figure 3). In general, the bed load is deposited first at the tail end of the reservoir, after which respectively the heavier and lighter suspended materials settle. Sometimes fine mud settles out on top of the coarser materials at the end of the flood season since the flow, in most cases, will be very much reduced. The mud is relatively impermeable, which can cause impermeable layers with no free movement of water between the layers, thus resulting in the river completely drying up during the dry seasons. There are cases where small reservoirs behind dams and weirs are filled with sand and alluvium, which would still allow 8 abstraction of water, as approximately 30% of the reservoir volume remains filled with water. In such cases, abstraction can be done through sand abstraction. Figure 3: Sedimentation in a reservoir created by a dam A series of screens or slotted pipes are buried below the water table in the sand and attached to a pump, which pumps the water from the sand. It should be noted, however, that dams are not constructed to be used for sand abstraction. Sand abstraction schemes are mostly carried out in riverbeds with significant amounts of sand or alluvium. The reservoir trap efficiency is a measure of the proportion of the total volume of sediment that is deposited in a reservoir to that which enters the reservoir. The total volume of sediment entering a reservoir each year will be the product of the sediment concentration in the water, the mean annual runoff and the catchment area: Calculating the sedimentation of a reservoir Sediment concentration (SC): This depends on how well preserved and conserved the catchment area is. Three categories are often used, namely sediment concentrations of 3,000 mg/l (3 kg/m3), 5,000 mg/l (5 kg/m3) and 10,000 mg/l (10 kg/m3). Catchment area (CA): This is the total land area contributing runoff into the reservoir (km2). Mean annual runoff (MAR): This is the average net runoff, expressed as a depth of water over the dam’s catchment area (mm). The mean annual inflow into the reservoir (MAI) is expressed as follows: MAI = CA x MAR Where: o MAI = Mean annual inflow into the reservoir (m3) o CA = Catchment area behind the dam (m2) o MAR = Mean annual runoff (m) The trap efficiency is related to the gross storage ratio, which is expressed as follows: SRg = DC/MAI 9 Where: o SRg = Gross storage ratio o DC = Gross dam capacity (m3) o MAI = Mean annual inflow into the reservoir (m3) For large dams with a gross storage ratio of at least 0.10, the trap-efficiency is 100%, as it is assumed that all the sediment will be settled. For very small dams, there will be almost continuous spilling and only the bed load will settle, thus the trap efficiency will be 10%. The dam yield (Q) is defined as the volume of water in m3 that can be drawn from a reservoir behind a dam for use each year, at the designated risk level. The following parameters are used in the estimation of dam yield: 2 o Dam catchment area CA (km ) o Mean annual runoff MAR (mm) 3 o Gross mean annual inflow into the reservoir MAI: the product of CA and MAR (m ) Example: Calculation of Trap efficiency Given: – Catchment area (CA) = 148 km2 – Mean annual runoff (MAR) = 40 mm – Gross dam capacity (DC) = 1 700 000 m3 – Sediment concentration (SC) = 5 000 mg/l or 5 kg/m3 – Density of deposited sediments (d) = 1 550 kg/m3 What is the volume of the reservoir that is lost yearly to sedimentation? - Gross mean annual reservoir inflow (MAI) = (148 x 106) x (40 x 10-3) = 5 920 000 m3 Gross ration (SRg) = 1700,000 ÷ 5,920,000 = 0.29 Hence Trap efficiency = 100%, since the storage ratio > 0.1 The deposit of sediment in an average year in kg will be equal to the gross mean annual inflow in m3 multiplied by the sediment concentration. Thus, the mass of sediments in the inflowing river water per year is: SM = (5.92 x 106 m3) x (5 kg/m3) = 29.6 x 106 kg The volume occupied by the sediment per year is: SV = 29.6 X 106 ÷ 1550 = 19100 M3 This is the volume of reservoir or water lost to sedimentation yearly. Coefficient of variation (CV) is a mathematical measure of the variability of runoff from year to year. It is the ratio of standard deviation of annual inflow to the mean annual inflow. A low CV indicates regular inflow and high chances of meeting a particular yield and, conversely, a high CV implies that the chances of meeting a particular yield are less. CV can be expressed in % or in decimals Maximum reservoir surface area A: the surface area of reservoir when water is at full supply level (ha) Net storage ratio SRn: the ratio of live storage capacity U to gross mean annual inflow SRn = U / MAI Where: SRn = Live storage ratio U = Live storage capacity (m3) MAI = Mean annual inflow into the reservoir (m3) 10 The live storage capacity is defined as: U = DC - DS - SA Where: U = Live storage capacity (m3) DC = Gross dam capacity (m3) DS = Dead water storage below the outlet level (water which can not be abstracted) (m3) SA = Sediment allowance over a chosen period (m3) 1.8 Use of analogue and digital maps Topomaps represent the physical features of the ground on paper and are characterized by contour lines, drainage systems, highlands and lowlands. Layers of digitized maps that represents specific features and topology on the ground are used in geographic information systems (GIS) or AutoCAD programs. These provide interactive digital ground modelling soft ware for planning, design monitoring and evaluation of projects. The catchment area (watershed/basin) and the maximum reservoir surface area can usually be determined (mapped out) from maps with contour lines at a scale of 1:50,000 for example. The storage capacity of the dam could also be determined from such maps, although a reservoir survey often has to be carried out to obtain more accurate data on the storage capacity. Inflow characteristics consist of the MAR and CV of the annual runoff. In most countries, estimates of MAR and CV are given for each subcatchment area or hydrological sub-zone. The evaporation index is defined as follows: El = E x A x 104 ÷ U Where: EI = Evaporation Index E = Evaporation over the dry months (m) A = Reservoir surface area (ha) U = Live storage capacity in (m3) The method described in this example does not apply to situations where SRn is above 0.5. Lowering groundwater levels Aquifers adjoining rivers or other surface water sources or with rivers running through them can potentially be recharged from the surface water. This can be established by the use of isotopes. In such cases, a reduction in the groundwater levels induces recharge from the surface water source, if the surface water body is hydraulically linked to the aquifer. It is good management practice to draw down the groundwater table during dry periods. The reduction in the water table would be temporary and rapid recovery could be expected during normal rainy seasons. 1.9 Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater Conjunctive use involves the coordinated and planned utilization of both surface and groundwater resources to meet water requirements in a manner where water is conserved. In a conjunctive scheme, during periods of above normal rainfall, surface water is utilized to the maximum extent possible and, where feasible, artificially recharged (pumped into aquifers through wells known as injection wells) into the aquifer to augment groundwater storage and raise groundwater levels (care should be taken to not the raise the levels to the crop root zone). Conversely, during drought periods the limited surface water resources will be supplemented by pumping groundwater, thereby lowering the water levels. However, the cost of setting up such a scheme could be prohibitive for most African countries. 11 2 CLIMATE, HYDROLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY 2.1 Climatic, hydrologic and geomorphologic characteristics The most important climatic data used in irrigation planning include; rainfall, maximum and minimum temperatures, maximum and minimum relative humidity, wind and sunshine hours. Climate is an important factor in crop production. Different crops have different requirements in terms of temperature, humidity and light. Also, occurrence of frost at certain times may exclude a number of crops from the cropping programme. Analysis of climatic data with respect to crop production is needed before a cropping programme can be prepared. The reliability of estimated crop water requirements relies heavily on the availability of accurate meteorological data. Climatic data analyses are used to: o Explain the relationships between hydrological processes and geomorphic characteristics of the landscape o Show how the climatic variables influence the crop water needs o Enable practical calculations of important variables o Determine water flow measurements in the field. 2.2 Hydrological processes and geomorphic characteristics An irrigation manager or operator should appreciate the fact that an irrigation system extends from the top of the watershed to the farm and onto the drainage system. Geomorphic characteristics of the catchment are expressed in terms of landscape patterns that influence the flow of water. The watershed yielding the irrigation water, the streams conveying the water, the management and distribution of water, and the drainage problems arising from irrigation practice are concerns which can be handled by understanding hydrological characteristics of the irrigated area. Based on these characteristics, both flood flow and dry flow can be predicted. Since irrigated areas are in most cases low-lying, the flooding regimes and dry weather flow through lateral or subsurface water movement should be assessed. This assessment involves the analysis of geomorphic data such as altitude, slope, relief intensity, and vegetation. These variations can be studied using air photo interpretation or high resolution remotely sensed data. Thematic maps, e.g. digital elevation models, can be used to determine spatial distribution of landform and for deriving soil and land use patterns of the area, which are important factors influencing the water flow patterns on the landscape. Different landforms have different physical, chemical and biological characteristics that influence the flow patterns (Muya et al, 2009). For instance, volcanic footridges generate higher rate of overland flow than plains and plateaus with flat to very gently sloping topography. An understanding of irrigation water requirements starts by linking the water supply with the hydrological processes influenced by geomorphic characteristics of the landscape (Figure 4). The hydrological processes involve evaporation, transpiration and water flows taking place in the surface and sub-surface parts of the landscape. The important geomorphic characteristics of landscape that influence these flows are slope length, slope steepness, surface conditions such as sealing and crusting, subsurface soil texture, structure as well as soil water holding capacity. These factors determine the partitioning of water between infiltration and run-off. Infiltration is the movement of water into the soil surface. Run-off is the concentrated overland flow, and it is the difference between the infiltrated rain water and the total rain water falling onto the soil surface. 12 Rainwater supply (all units mm) Short-rain Evap 225 + Runoff 135 + Drainage 10 + Soil water 80 + = 450mm 450 Long-rain Yearly rain =1368 225 650 574 crop 100 200 135 (30%) + 80 10 (2%) (18%)o Figure 3: Managing rainwater Soil water Rule of balance thumb Estimated soil water storage: 1 fifth of rainfall +1 1 0350 11 Lateral flows into the bottomlands Tracing rainwater Evaporation 50% SWater 20% Run-off 30% 31 Figure 4: Illustration of the partitioning of rainwater in relation to irrigation 2.3 Rainfall, Runoff and Water balance An important component the water available for irrigation is the hydrological cycle and the consequent water balance. Evaporation, transpiration and surface run-off are the most important components of the hydrological cycle. Water quality in valley bottoms is affected by the quality of water flowing from cultivated areas. Water quality is reduced when materials from the upper parts of the landscape are transported into the bottomlands through run-off. Some of this water can be intercepted and used for crop production in rainfed agriculture. Depending on the scale, agricultural production systems and management can be defined in terms of experimental plots, farmers’ fields, watershed, river basins or the entire geographical region. In a broader geographical scale, the individual land management strategies are transformed into collective responsibility of managing land resources and protecting the watershed from land degradation. At all levels, the sustainability of the use of land resources is determined by the interactions between the biophysical, social, policy and economic factors. These interactions may result into negative or positive energy balance that degenerates or sustains human life. The soil water balance is a part of the energy balance. It is based upon the physical principle of conservation of mass, which states that any change in the amount of water stored within the soil is equal to the difference between water inputs and outputs. Inputs are generally limited to rainfall and run-on. Outputs include drainage from the root zone, evaporation from the soil surface and plant transpiration and surface run-off. The water balance in agro-ecological systems can, therefore, be defined by the following equation: S = (P+Rn)-(D+E+R+T). 13 Where: S = water stored within the soil P = Precipitation Rn = Run-on D = Depth of soil root zone E = Evaporation from soil surface R = Runoff T = Transpiration by plants Since rainfall is beyond human control, optimizing the soil water utilization requires that R, S and Rn be managed, so that there is sufficient water for the crops. Water management in irrigated systems also should be aimed at optimizing the use of rain water should appreciate the hydrological processes taking place on the soil surface (Figure 5). The run-on from the upper catchment area may be intercepted through well constructed and stable conservation structures, while the run-off, the so-called blue water can be used for irrigation in the lower catchment area. Part of the rain water used by the crop through evapotranspiration (green water) is converted into biomass. The water moving down the soil profile through deep percolation is contributing to both ground water recharge and lateral flows. Figure 5: Water balance and irrigation water (Source: Barron et al. 1999) The soil acts as a reservoir for water because it holds and stores water against the force of gravity, and the stored water can be used for irrigation. Therefore, information on the distribution of major soils in the project area and their characteristics is important, as shown by the example from Kenya, in developing the watershed management strategies for protecting the irrigated area against high volumes of run-off, which can destroy irrigation infrastructure. 2.4 Influence of climatic variables on crop water requirements An analysis of climatic data for irrigation involves the determination of reference crop water requirement, also known as reference evapotranspiration (ETo). It is defined as the sum of water loss through evaporation and through transpiration of a healthy crop, growing in a large field, where water, nutrients, pest and diseases are not limiting crop growth. The climatic data normally analyzed for this purpose includes temperature, radiation, air humidity and wind speed. The actual crop water requirement is determined by multiplying ETo with a coefficient of a given crop. It is important to note that the crop water needs change with growth stages and the designed rate of water application must meet the changing water demand in the right quantity 14 and time. Crop water requirements are calculated based on the guidelines provided by FAO (1977, 1986). In these guidelines, crop water requirement is defined as the depth of water needed to meet the water loss through evapotranspiration of (ETcrop) of a disease-free crop, growing in large fields under non-restricting soil conditions including soil water and fertility, and achieving full production potential under the given growing environment. There are three methods of estimating the ETo, namely: Blaney-Criddle, Penman and radiation methods. Each of the three methods is used where applicable. 2.5 Methods of determining reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) There are several methods to determine the ETo. They are either: experimental, using an evaporation pan, or theoretical, using measured climatic data. Many of them have been determined and tested locally. If such local formulae are not available one of the general theoretical methods has to be used. The most commonly used theoretical method is the modified Penman method which is described in detail in FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24. This method, however, is rather complicated and beyond the scope of this manual. The methods presented here include the only the Pan evaporation, Blaney-Criddle and radiation methods. 2.5.1 Pan Evaporation Method Many different types of evaporation pans are being used. The best known pans are the Class A evaporation pan (circular pan) as shown in Figure 6, or the Sunken Colorado pan (square pan). Figure 6: Class A Evaporation method (circular pan) The E pan is multiplied by a pan coefficient, K pan, to obtain the ETo. ETo = K pan × E pan Where: ETo = reference crop evapotranspiration K pan: = pan coefficient 2.5.2 Blaney-Criddle Method If no measured data on pan evaporation are available locally, a theoretical method (e.g. the Blaney-Criddle method) to calculate the reference crop evapotranspiration ETo can be used. The Blaney-Criddle method is simple, using measured data on temperature only. It should be noted, however, that this method is not very accurate; it provides a rough estimate or "order of magnitude" only. Especially under "extreme" climatic conditions the Blaney-Criddle method is 15 inaccurate: in windy, dry, sunny areas, the ETo is underestimated (up to some 60 percent), while in calm, humid, clouded areas, the ETo is overestimated (up to some 40 percent). The Blaney-Cridle method is expressed as follows: ETo = C{P(0.46T + 8)} mm/day Where: Eto= T= P= C= Reference evapotranspiration in mm/day for the month Mean daily temperature for the month considered. Mean daily percentage of total annual daytime hours Adjustment factor The adjustment factor depends on the minimum relative humidity, sunshine hours and daytime wind estimates. The climatic data required for the calculation of the ETo are obtained at the meteorological stations. Using the Blaney-Criddle formula Step 1: Determination of the mean daily temperature: T mean The Blaney-Criddle method always refers to mean monthly values, both for the temperature and the ETo. If, for example, it is found that T mean in March is 28°C, it means that during the whole month of March the mean daily temperature is 28°C. If in a local meteorological station the daily minimum and maximum temperatures are measured, the mean daily temperature is calculated as follows: Step 2: Determination of the mean daily percentage of annual daytime hours. To be able to determine the p value it is essential to know the approximate latitude of the area: the number of degrees north or south of the equator. The p value for the month of March can be determined for an area at latitude 45° South. Step 3: Calculate ETo, using the formula: ETo = p (0.46 T mean + 8) For example, when p = 0.29 and T mean = 21.5°C then ETo is calculated as follows: ETo = 0.29 (0.46 × 21.5 + 8) = 0.29 (9.89 + 8) = 0.29 × 17.89 = 5.2 mm/day 3.1.4 Calculation Example Blaney-Criddle Given Latitude - 35° North Mean T max in April = 29.5°C Mean T min in April = 19.4°C Question Determine for the month April, the mean ETo in mm/day using the Blaney-Criddle method Solution Formula: ETo = p (0.46 T mean + 8) 16 Step 1: Determine Tmean. Step 2: Determine p Given that Latitude is 35° North, Month: April; estimated value of p = 0.29 Step 3: Calculating ETo ETo = 0.29 (0.46 × 24.5 + 8) = 5.6 mm/day Thus the mean reference crop evapotranspiration, ETo =5.6 mm/day in the month of April. Exercise on the relationships between rainfall and flows 1 2 3 4 How much water would be collected on a flat slab measuring 40 by 20 metres from rainfall of 25 mm? If this water was supplied through a pipe at a flow rate of 50 litres per min for how long would the water flow? In order to supply 27 mm of irrigation water to a field measuring 40 x 40 metres within 10 hours what should be the flow rate assuming there are no losses in the system? How much water should be diverted from a river to irrigate 3000 ha of land if the irrigation requirement is 6 mm per day and if the system operates for 12 hours per day? Assume an overall efficiency of 45%. 2.5.3 Radiation Method The radiation method is used where available climatic data include measured air temperature, sunshine, cloudiness or radiation, but not measured wind and humidity, and it is expressed as follows: ETo = C(W.Rs) mm/day Where: ETo = Reference evapotranspiration Rs = Solar radiation in equivalent of evaporation in mm/day. W = Weighting factor which depend on the temperature and altitude C =Adjustment factor which depends on mean humidity and day time conditions. The effects of the crop characteristics on the crop water requirements are calculated, using crop coefficient provided by FAO (1998). These effects will determine the actual crop water requirement, determine the consumptive water use, depending on the prevailing weather conditions and soil moisture availability. For a given climate, crop growth and development stage, the maximum evapotranspiration (ETm) in mm/day of the day considered as follows: ETm = k ETo Where ETm is the maximum evapotranspiration and kc is the crop coefficient. The areas where measured data on temperature, humidity, wind and sunshine duration or radiation are available, use of Penman method is recommended. This method is expressed in the following equation: ETo = C[W.Rn+(1-W).f(u).(ea-ed)] 17 Where: ETo = Reference crop evapotranspiration C= Adjustment factor to compensate for the effect of day and night weather conditions. W = Temperature-related weighting factors. Rn = Net radiation evaporation in equivalent mm/day f(u) =Wind-related factor (ea-ed) = Difference between the saturation vapour pressure at mean air tempearture and the mean actual vapour pressure of the air, both in mmbars Evaporation rate can be measured directly using evaporation pan and the results can be used to estimate ETo. 18 3 DESIGN OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 3.1 Data requirements and preparations The design of an irrigation scheme is an engineering undertaking, requiring use of reliable and accurate data as well as other information sources. Such data are collected from direct measurements or obtained from records. Information can also be gathered from observations and interviews with important stakeholders such as farmers, extension workers, local leaders and those engaged in the value chain. The proposed design and agricultural enterprise should ensure optimum productivity of available land, water supplies, labour and capital. Generally, feasibility studies are conducted accompanied by field surveys. Several factors are considered during project identification, design, and operation with relevant information gathered at each stage (Table 2). Table 2: Information required in the design of an irrigation scheme Activity Data application Inventory of the resources Present hydrological budget Identification of irrigable area Choice of production system Method of water delivery o Project Identification o o o o o Project Design o o o o o Project size Layout of the distribution systems Cropping patterns Water supply scheduling. Capacity of the engineering o o o Irrigation interval and time Size of the stream flow Irrigation cycle o A review of irrigation efficiency and water supply rate to the field Analysis of the production of different crops per unit water applied Monitor the field water balance o o Daily water supply rate Actual consumptive water use per crop Production in kg per mm of the irrigation water. Project Operation o o Data required o o Average month and peak water supply requirements Physical, hydraulic and chemical soil quality attributes. 3.1 Procedures for calculating irrigation water requirements Irrigation water requirement is normally determined through calculation, based on climatic data. The reference evapotranspiration together with crop coefficient assist to estimate the crop water requirement. Data analyses include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Selection of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) Determining the crop water requirement. Calculate the irrigation interval and timing, and Determine the water losses in the irrigation system (seepage from canals and other losses in the field). Major variables determined o ETo selected based on the climatic characteristics Crop water needs=kc x ETo o Effective rain: dependable rain that can be expected in each month in 3 out of 4 years or 4 out of 5 years 19 o Irrigation requirement in mm/day (In) = ETcrop-Pe-Ge-Wb where, ETcrop is crop water needs, Pe is effective rain, Ge is ground water contribution, and Wb is the field water balance (Wb). o Irrigation requirement in m3/month= (A x In)/efficiency (Ea) o Irrigation interval (d) = (p.Sa.D)/(In.Ea) Ea=irrigation efficiency D=Rooting depth in m p=% of the available soil water permitting unrestricted evapotranspiration (ET) Sa=total available water in mm/m depth of soil. For the design of the canal capacity and distribution system (Figure 7), the appropriate irrigation method and design quantity of the flow should be known. The data required for this design include (i) irrigation efficiency, (ii) the available water holding capacity of the soil in mm/m, (iii) the fraction of the available water permitting unobstructed evapotranspiration, (iv) rooting depth, and (v) area to be irrigated. The stream flow into each field is given by the following equation: q=10{(p.Sa).D.A}/{(Ea.t)} Where: Q = Stream size in m3/s p = the fraction of the available water permitting unobstructed ET Sa = Available soil moisture holding capacity mm/m D = Rooting depth in m A = Area of each field Irrigation field 1 Irrigation field 2 Irrigation field 3 Irrigation field 4 Irrigation field 5 Irrigation field 6 Irrigation field 7 Irrigation field 9 Irrigation field 10 Irrigation field 11 Irrigation field 12 Irrigation field 13 Irrigation field 14 Irrigation field 15 Irrigation field 16 Irrigation field 8 Figure 7: Illustration of water distribution system through irrigated fields 20 Selection of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is based on the climatic characteristics of the project area (Table 3). Table 3: Daily evapotranspiration for different climatic zones Evapotranspiration in mm/day at various daily temperatures (oC) Climatic zone Desert/arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid Low (<15oC) 4-6 4-5 3-4 1-2 Medium (15- 25oC) 7-8 6-7 5-6 3-4 High (> 25oC) 9-1o 8-9 7.8 5-6 Source: Muchangi et al., 2005 Exercise on calculation of irrigation water requirement 1. If the coefficient a given crop is 0.3 what is the crop water needs if the reference evapotranspiration is 8.9 mm/day? 2. If effective rain is 1.0 mm in a given month of the growing season, ground water contribution is 0.1mm and the field water balance at the time of irrigation is 1.2 mm, what is the irrigation water requirement? 3. If the area of each field is 6 m2 and the quantity of water supplied is 20 litres, calculate the gross water application depth in mm. Exercise on calculation of water losses in canals and irrigated fields This section was to help the trainees to understand how to estimate the irrigation efficiency. Understanding the efficiency with which the system operates is important in irrigation water management because it provides data on the basis of which to make necessary changes. Given the following: Field efficiency: 65% Water course conveyance efficiency: 85% Irrigation interval: 14 days 94% of the losses through seepage in the canals 95% losses through deep percolation in the irrigated fields 1. Calculate the water losses in the canal and irrigated fields. 2. Calculate the rate at which the water table rises, following the seepage and percolation. 3.2 Effect of growth stage on crop water needs A fully grown maize crop will need more water than a maize crop which has just been planted. As discussed before, the crop water need or crop evapotranspiration consists of transpiration by the plant and evaporation from the soil and plant surface. When the plants are very small the evaporation will be more important than the transpiration. When the plants are fully grown the transpiration becomes more important than the evaporation. The evapotranspiration or crop water need during the initial stages can be estimated at 50 percent of the crop water requirement when the crop is fully developed. During the crop development stage, the crop water need gradually increases from 50 percent of the maximum crop water need to the maximum crop water need. The maximum crop water need is reached at the beginning of the grain filling stages during crop development. With respect 21 to the late season stage, which is the period during which the crop ripens and is harvested, a distinction can be made between two groups of crops: Fresh harvested crops: such as lettuce, cabbage, etc. With these crops the crop water need remains the same during the late season stage as it was during the mid-season stage. The crops are harvested fresh and thus need water up to the last moment. Dry harvested crops: such as cotton, maize (for grain production), sunflower, etc. During the late season stage these crops are allowed to dry out and sometimes even die. Thus, their water needs during the late season stage are minimal. If the crop is indeed allowed to die, the water needs are only some 25 percent of the crop water need during the mid-season or peak period. Generally, no irrigation is given to these crops during the late season stage. 3.3 Irrigation efficiencies There is increasing demand on water resources, which emanates from growing human population and the need for more irrigated crops. This means that there is increasing competition for the use of water for agricultural, industrial, domestic and ecosystem purposes. This calls for more efficient use of finite water resources in order to minimize conflict between users and sectors. Planners are concerned optimizing the use of water while selecting irrigation systems, based on their efficiencies. In the process of applying irrigation water to crops, water losses occur. These losses have to be taken into account when calculating the gross irrigation requirements of an irrigation project. This can be done through the use of an efficiency factor, which has to be estimated during planning. Different types of irrigation systems have different levels of efficiency. The higher the irrigation efficiency, the larger the area that can be irrigated from a given water source. This results in reduced leaching of nutrients, less damage to the soil and better environmental management. The water so saved can be used for other productive purposes. Worked example The following are some data used to design an irrigation system: Area 15 ha Soil type Clay loam Sandy mixture Available soil moisture (= FC - PWP) 130 mm/m Design root zone depth (RZD) 0.70 m for maize Allowable soil moisture depletion (P) 0.50 Assumed field application efficiency (Ea) 0.50 Assumed field canal/ efficiency (Eb) 0.9 Assumed conveyance efficiency (Ec) 0.9 Farm irrigation efficiency (Ef = Eb x Ea) 0.45 Distribution system efficiency (Ed) (= Ec x Eb) 0.8 Overall irrigation efficiency (Ep) (= Ec x Eb x Ea) 0.41 Peak ETcrop 6.0 mm/day Step 1 Calculate the net and gross depths of water application for this irrigation project dgross = dnet ÷ E dnet = (FC - PWP) x RZD x P Where: dnet = Net depth of water application per irrigation for the selected crop (mm) FC = Soil moisture at field capacity mm/m) PWP = Soil moisture at the permanent wilting point (mm/m) RZD = The depth of soil that the roots exploit effectively (m) 22 P = The allowable portion of available moisture permitted for depletion by the crop before the next irrigation dnet = 130 mm/m x 0.70 m x 0.50 = 45.5 mm The gross depths of water application at field and at overall level would be: dgross = 45.5 ÷ 50 = 91.0 mm at field level dgross = 45.5 ÷ 0.41 = 111.0 mm at overall level Step 2 Calculate the irrigation frequency/interval and determine the irrigation cycle for this scheme The irrigation frequency is equal to: IF = dnet ÷ ETcrop Where: IF = Irrigation frequency (days) Dnet = Net depth of water application (mm) ETcrop = Crop evapotranspiration (mm/day) If = 45.5 ÷ 6 = 7.5 days The system should be designed to provide 45.5 mm every 7.5 days. For practical purposes, fractions of days are not used for irrigation frequency purposes. Hence, the irrigation frequency/interval in our example should be 7 days, with a corresponding dnet of: dnet = 7 x 6.0 = 42 mm for an If of 7 days The dgross at field and overall level will be 42 ÷ 0.5 = 84.0 mm and 42 ÷0.41 = 102.4 mm respectively. Calculate the adjusted allowable depletion for the 7 days (instead of 7.5 days) from the relationship: dnet = (FC - PWP) x RZD x P Where: dnet = Net depth of water application per irrigation for the selected crop (mm) FC = Soil moisture at field capacity mm/m) PWP = Soil moisture at the permanent wilting point (mm/m) RZD = The depth of soil that the roots exploit effectively (m) P = The allowable portion of available moisture permitted for depletion by the crop before the next irrigation P = dnet ÷ (FC – PWP) X RZD = 42 ÷(130 x 0.7) = 0.46 The Irrigation Cycle (IC) is then fixed at 6 days. Calculate the system capacity (Q) Considering and irrigation duration of 10 hours per day System capacity refers to the discharge that has to be abstracted from the headwork during a given period per day and it is used for the design of the headwork and the conveyance system. It is determined by the following equation: Q = V/T Where: Q = Discharge (m3/hr or l/sec) V = Volume of water to be abstracted per day (m3 or l) T = Irrigation duration per day (hr or sec) V = 10 x A. x dgross hence A = 15 /6 = 2.5 ha The volume of water to be abstracted per day is equal to: V = 10 x 2.5 x 102.4 = 2 560 m3/day 23 The system capacity, assuming 10 hours of irrigation per day, will be equal to: Q = 2 560/10 = 256 m3/hr or 71.1 l/s. If, however, this results in large conveyance dimensions, a night storage reservoir could be introduced so that abstraction from the head works could be continuous (24 hours/day) at peak demand. In that case, the conveyance system capacity would be 71.1x(10/24)=29.6 l/s. 1. Net depth of water application dnet is 45.5 mm 2. Calculated irrigation frequency If is 7.5 days 3. Adjusted irrigation frequency If is 7 days 4. Adjusted net depth of water application dnet is 42.0 mm 5. Adjusted allowable depletion P is 46% 6. Proposed irrigation cycle IC is 6 days 7. Gross depth of water application (overall level) dgross is 102.4 mm 8. Gross depth of water application (field level) dgross is 84.0 mm 9. Area to be irrigated per day A is 2.5 ha 10. Volume of water to be abstracted daily for 10 hours (V) 2,560 m3/day 11. System capacity with irrigation duration of 10 hours day (Q) 256.0 m3/hr or 71.1 l/s 12. System capacity for 24 hrs conveyance and night storage Q 106.6 m3/hr or 29.6 l/s. 3.4 Assessing soil parameters It is necessary to identify, quantity and monitor the relevant soil quality indicators under different soil moisture regimes. The soil parameters to assess include; soil bulk density, soil pH, soil strength and aggregate stability, drainable porosity and pore size distribution, heavy metals such as boron and aluminium as well as the nutrient balances. 3.5 Flow measurement in canals The total flow in a canal can be determined using various devises such as a current meter, a float or a measuring flume. It can also be calculated from empirical equations based on measurements made at various cross-sections. The continuity equation can be applied as flows: Q=AV, where Q = the stream flow in m3/s, A = the cross-sectional area in m2 , and V = the velocity in m/s. To make a float for measuring flow in a river or canal, a plastic bottle filled with water for about a quarter way full can be used. The bottle is placed at the centre of the stream, and allowed to move with the flowing water to a distance of 10 m. The cross sectional area of the channel is calculated by multiplying the average width of the channel by the depth, assuming a rectangular channel, or more accurately using the actual shape of the canal. For trapezoidal and parabolic channels, further measurements of bottom and top width are required. The flow velocity is determined by dividing 10 m by the time taken by the float to move that distance. Important precautions to observe include: o The float must be weighted, so as to sink to some depth, so that representative currents could be captured in the flow measurement. o Several depths need to be taken for the calculation of the average depth because the velocity of the flow varies with the depth. o Measurements are made at several sections of the channel because the gradient of the channel may not be constant throughout its length. 24 3.6 Design of canals The canal dimensions and longitudinal slope, whether for irrigation or drainage, can be calculated through trial and error with the Manning formula. This formula is derived from the continuity equation and the equation for unsteady flow. These equations have been simplified by assuming steady uniform flow in the canal, assuming that the canal is long with constant crosssection and slope (Figure 8). Canal design makes use of the Continuity equation (described above) or using Mannings equation as follows: Q = Km x As x R2/3 x S1/2 or Q = 1/n x As x R2/3 x S1/2 Where: Q = Discharge (m3/sec) Km = Manning roughness coefficient (m1/3/sec) n = Roughness coefficient; Km = 1/n or n =1/Km (sec/m1/3) As = Wetted cross-sectional area (m2) P = Wetted perimeter (m) R = Hydraulic radius (m) (R=As/P) S = Canal gradient or longitudinal slope of the canal. Figure 8 Cross sectional view of a canal Figure 9: Canal parameter for different cross-sectional shapes 25 Different canal parameters. As and P, and thus R in the Manning formula, can be expressed in d, b and X (Figure 9). Where: d = Water depth (m) b = Bed width (m) X = Side slope = horizontal divided by vertical For a trapezoidal canal, As is the sum of a rectangle and two triangles. The cross-sectional area of a rectangle is: Area of rectangle = (b x d) The cross-sectional area of a Although the trapezoidal canal shape is very common, other canal shapes, including V-shaped, U-shaped, semicircular shaped and rectangular shaped canals, can also be designed. Area of triangle = 1/2(base x height) =1/2 (Xd x d) Thus, the wetted cross-sectional area As of the trapezoidal canal is: As = b x d + 2(1/2 x Xd x d ) = b x d + Xd2 = d(b + Xd) The wetted perimeter is the sum of the bed width b and the two sides from the water level to the bottom. The length of a side, considering the formula c2 = a2 + b2, is: (d2 + d2X2) Thus the wetted perimeter for the trapezoidal canal section is: P = b + {2(d2 + (dX)2}1/2 = b + 2d(1 + X2)1/2 The hydraulic radius R is: R=d(b+Xd)/(b+2d(1+X2)1/2 Factors affecting canal discharge Canal gradient or longitudinal slope of the canal. The steeper the gradient, the faster the water will flow and the greater the discharge will be. This is substantiated by the Continuity Equation. Velocity increases with an increase in gradient or longitudinal slope. It therefore follows that a canal with a steeper gradient but with the same cross-section can discharge more water than a canal with a smaller gradient. The recommended maximum slope is 1:300 (that is 1 m drop per 300 m canal length), which is equal to 0.33%. Steeper slopes could result in such high velocities that the flow would be supercritical. It would then be difficult, for example, to siphon water out of the canal, since an obstruction in a canal where super-critical flow occurs tends to cause a lot of turbulence, which could result in the overtopping of the canal. This is due to the change from the super-critical state to the sub-critical state. The state of flow could be checked using the Froude Number. The Froude Number (Fr) is given by: Fr=V/(gxI)1/2 Where: V = Water velocity (m/sec) g = Gravitational force (9.81m/sec2) I = Hydraulic depth of an open canal, defined as the wetted cross-sectional area divided by the width of the free water surface (m) Fr = 1 for critical flow Fr > 1 for super-critical flow Fr < 1 for sub-critical flow Canal roughness The canal roughness, as depicted by the Manning roughness coefficient, influences the amount of water that passes through a canal. Unlined canals with silt deposits and weed growth and lined canals with a rough finish tend to slow down the water velocity, thus reducing the discharge 26 compared to that of a clean canal with a smooth finish. Canals that slow down the movement of water have a low Km or a high n. It should be understood that the higher the roughness coefficient Km, or the lower n, the higher the ability of the canal to transport water, hence the smaller the required cross-sectional area for a given discharge. The roughness coefficient depends on: o The roughness of the canal bed and sides o The shape of the canal o Canal irregularity and alignment o Obstruction in the canal o Proposed maintenance activities Manning coefficients (Km) are often assumed relatively high during the design phase compared to what they actually will be during scheme operation due to deterioration of the canals (Table 4). The result is an increased wetted cross-sectional area of the canal during scheme operation with the danger of overtopping the canal banks. This in turn means that the canal discharge has to be reduced to below the design discharge, in order to avoid overtopping. There is therefore a need for regular and proper maintenance of canals. Table 4: Manning coefficient for different canal surfaces Range of roughness coefficient Km(=1/n) in m1/3/sec n(=1/Km) in sec/m1/3 Metal, wood, plastic, cement, precast concrete 65-100 0.010-0.015 Concrete canal and canal structures 66-85 0.012-0.016 Rough concrete lining 40-60 0.017-0.025 Masonry 30-40 0.025-0.035 Corrugated pipe structures 40-45 0.023-0.025 Clean, recently completed 50-65 0.016-0.020 Clean, after weathering 40-55 0.018-0.025 With short grass, few weeds 35-45 0.022-0.027 No vegetation 35-45 0.023-0.030 Grass, some weeds 30-40 0.025-0.033 Dense weeds or aquatic plants in deep channels 25-35 0.030-0.040 Dense weeds, as high as flow depth 8-20 0.050-0.120 Clean bottom, brush on sides 10-25 0.040-0.080 Type of surface Pipes, precast and lined canals Earthen canals, straight and uniform Earthen canals, winding and sluggish Canals, not maintained, weeds & brush Source: Euroconsult (1989) 27 Canal shape Canals with the same cross-sectional area, longitudinal slope and roughness, but with different shapes, may carry different discharges because of different wetted perimeters and hydraulic radii. The most efficient geometry is when the wetted perimeter is minimal for a given discharge. Under these circumstances, the cross-sectional area for a given discharge will also be minimal. The optimum canal shape, hydraulically, also tends to be the cheapest to construct as the amount of surface lining material required will be minimized. The semi-circle is the canal section that has the lowest wetted perimeter for a given cross sectional area, but semicircular canals are difficult to construct. The closest canal section to a semi-circle is the trapezoid (Figure 10). This is a quite common cross-section as it is relatively easy to construct. Figure 10: Sample calculations of hydraulic parameters for different canal shapes Canals with narrower beds and higher water depths have a smaller wetted perimeter, and thus a higher discharge, than canals with larger beds and lower water depths, for the same crosssectional area. This is due to the fact that the hydraulic radius R (= As/P) increases if the wetted perimeter decreases, while keeping the wetted cross-sectional area the same. Side slope The side slope (X = horizontal/vertical) should be selected depending on the type of canal, soil type and the expected vegetation cover on the slopes. Earthen canals If the side slopes are very steep (low X) there is high risk of banks collapsing, especially after heavy rainfall. Therefore, a compromise has to be reached between loss of land (due to larger width of canal surface) and bank safety. Table 5 (Withers and Vipond, 1974) gives suggested side slopes for canals in different soil types. 28 Table 5: Typical canal side slopes Side Slope X (horizontal/vertical) Soil type Stiff clay or earth with concrete lining Heavy, firm clay or earth for small ditches Earth with stone lining or earth for large canals Fine clay, clay loam Sandy clay or loose sandy earth Fine sand or sandy loam Coarse sand 1 to 2 1 to 1.5 1 1.5 to 2 2 2 to 3 1.5 to 3 Concrete-lined canals There are no strict rules for the side slopes of concrete lined canals. A major consideration is ease of construction, thus the side slope should not be too steep .side slopes of around 60º should be easy to construct. Bed width / water depth ratio for trapezoidal canals. The recommended bed width/water depth (b/d) ratios for earthen trapezoidal canals are (Withers and Vipond, 1974): Water depth Small (d<0.75 m Medium (d = 0.75-1.50 m) Large (d>1.50 m) b/d ratio 1 (clay) – 2(sand) 2(clay) – 3(sand) >3 The bed width should be wide enough to allow easy cleaning. A bed width of 0.20-0.25 m is considered to be the minimum, as this still allows the cleaning of the canal with small tools such as a shovel. Lined trapezoidal canals could have similar b/d ratios as given above. Maximum water velocities The maximum permissible non-erosive water velocity in earthen canals should be such that on the one hand the canal bed does not erode and that on the other hand the water flows at a selfcleaning velocity with minimum or no deposition. A heavy clay soil will allow higher velocities without eroding than will a light sandy soil. A guide to the permissible velocities for different soils is presented in Table 6. The maximum velocity ranges for earthen canals on different types of soil. Table 6: Typical maximum flow velocities Soil type Sand Sandy loam Clay loam Clay Gravel Rock Maximum flow velocity (m/s) 0.3 – 0.7 0.5 – 0.7 0.6 – 0.9 0.9 – 1.5 0.9 – 1.5 1.2 – 1.8 Source: Withers and Vipond, (1974) 29 Lined canals can manage a higher range of velocities, as erosion is not an issue. However, for easier management of water, the permissible velocity should be critical or sub-critical. Freeboard Freeboard (F) is the vertical distance between the top of the canal bank and the water surface at design discharge. It gives safety against canal overtopping because of waves in canals or accidental raising of the water level, which may be a result of closed gates. The freeboard can be calculated using Equation F = C x h1/2 Where: C = 0.8 for discharges of up to 0.5 m3/s up to 1.35 for discharges in excess of 80 m3/s h = Water depth (m) Fr=V/(gxI)1/2 Where: I=As/(b+2d)=0.18/(0.30+2x0.30)=0.20 m For lined canals, F ranges from 0.40 m for discharges less than 0.5 m3/s up to 1.20 m for discharges of 50 m3/s or more. For very small lined canals, with discharges of less than 0.5 m3/s, the freeboard depths could be reduced to between 0.05-0.30 m. 30 4 IRRIGATION METHODS AND THEIR APPLICABILITY There are several irrigation and drainage techniques but the design criteria has to take into consideration the soil and environmental conditions under which they function. For this, adequate data must be available and used to select the appropriate irrigation and drainage system and to ensure sustainable use of water resources. This chapter therefore: o Highlights the common irrigation techniques, their characteristics and factors that affect selection of method/system. o Illustrate the design criteria for different irrigation methods. o Discuss the irrigation practices for improved water use efficiency for application in rice production and the challenges associated with crop production, especially when new crop varieties. 4.1 Factors considered in selection of irrigation system It is important to select the appropriate irrigation system. There are many factors to consider before selecting a particular irrigation system (Figure 11). These include water resources, topography, soil type, climate, type of crops to be grown, availability and cost of capital and labour, type and appropriateness of a particular irrigation technology to farmers and its associated energy requirements, water use efficiencies, as well as socio-economic, health and environmental aspects. For irrigation schemes, it is also necessary to include the mmanagement and operation skills required, costs of land preparation, grading and leveling, the availability and quantity of water supply as well as socio-political and cultural considerations. Figure 11: Variety in surface and ground water abstraction 4.2 Choice of irrigation method There are several types of irrigation techniques which perform differently under various conditions (Table 7). The selection an irrigation system for a given area takes into consideration suitability of the land, water and socio-economic factors based on the types of irrigation systems commonly used. Based on the method of applying water to the land, there are four broad classes of irrigation systems: (1) Surface irrigation systems, 31 (2) Sprinkler irrigation systems, (3) Localized irrigation systems and (4) Sub-surface irrigation systems. Surface irrigation systems apply water to the land by an overland water flow regime. Within this group are the furrow, borderstrip and basin irrigation systems. The border irrigation method is wider than furrow and longer than the basin and its selection criteria is similar to furrow and basin. In sprinkler irrigation systems, water is conveyed and distributed through pressurized pipe networks before being sprayed onto the land to mimic natural rainfall. There are several sprinkler irrigation systems, which can broadly be divided into set systems and continuous move systems. In localized irrigation systems, a pipe distribution network is used to distribute and deliver filtered water (and fertilizer) to a predetermined point. The three main categories of localized irrigation methods are drip, spray and bubbler. More recently, drip irrigation systems have been developed whereby the laterals are buried in the root zone of the crop. Sub-surface irrigation systems rely on the raising or lowering of the water table in order to affect groundwater flow to the root zone. As such, sub-irrigation utilizes drainage flow systems. Table 7: Irrigation methods for different conditions (Withers and Vipond, 1974) Irrigation methods Suitable crops Suitable soils Slope Water availability Advantages Watering Bucket Horticulture Most soil types Relatively flat Applicable where water supply is unlimited Basin Row field crops and horticultural crops Fine textured soils Relatively flat Requires large quantities of water and size depends on water availability Furrow Row field crops and horticulture Most soil types Very gently sloping with slopes less than 2% Requires large quantity of water Permits irrigation of large fields Sprinkler Most crops except rice Light textured and highly permeable soils A wide range of slopes Applies in areas with limited water supply Highly efficient and can be used in area with limited water supply Drip Trees and low density crops A wide range of soil types A wide range of slopes Applied in areas with limited water supply Efficient water use Inexpensive, requires little land grading/ leveling Good control of large flows. Can be used to leach excess salts Disadvantages Labour intensive May require land grading and leveling, hence costly Difficult to achieve uniform water application High installation cost and requires skill in management and operation High initial cost 4.3 Surface irrigation systems Surface irrigation systems are based on the principle of moving water over the surface of the land in order to wet it, either partially or completely. They can be subdivided into furrow, border-strip and basin irrigation. The choice of which type of surface irrigation method to apply depends on various crop type, water availability, soil properties and land levelling (Table 8). In an irrigation scheme, the layout from the water source up to field level, such as canals and drains, can be similar for each system. Low irrigation efficiencies are usually associated with poor land levelling, wrong stream size and change in soil type along the irrigated area both vertically and horizontally. According to FAO (1989), 95% of the irrigated area in the world is under surface 32 irrigation. Some of the major advantages of surface irrigation systems over other systems are that they are easy to operate and maintain with skilled labour, they are not affected by windy conditions and, with the exception of furrow irrigation, they are good for the leaching of the salts from the root zone. Generally, surface irrigation is associated with low energy costs. Surface irrigation systems have several disadvantages, though. They are less efficient in water application than sprinkler or localized irrigation systems. The spatial and temporal variability of soil characteristics, such as infiltration rate and texture, make water management practices difficult to define and implement. It is also difficult to apply light, frequent irrigation required early and late in the cropping season. Another disadvantage can be the high labour demand, as compared to sprinkler and localized irrigation systems, in situations where labour is not abundant. Table 8: Selection criteria for surface irrigation methods based on soil type Soil type Sand Loam Clay Crop rooting depth Shallow Medium Net irrigation depth per application (mm) 20-30 30-40 Deep 40-50 Shallow 30-40 Medium 40-50 Deep 50-60 Shallow 40-50 Medium Deep 50-60 60-70 Surface irrigation method Short furrows Medium furrows, short borders Long furrows, medium borders, small basins Medium furrows, short borders Long furrows, medium borders, small basins Long borders, medium basins Long furrows, medium borders, small basins Long borders, medium basins Large basins Source: Jansen, 1983 4.4 Borderstrip irrigation Border irrigation involves irrigating strips of land having a small slope but which are levelled to allow uniform water distribution (Figures 12, and 13). Borderstrips can vary in size ranging from 3-30 m in width and 60-800 m in length. They are separated by parallel dykes or border ridges (levées). Normally water is let onto the borderstrip from the canal through intakes, which can be constructed with gates on the wall of the canal or, when unlined canals are used, by temporarily making an opening in the canal wall. The latter is not recommended since it weakens the walls of the canal, leading to easy breakage. Other means used for the same purpose is the insertion of short PVC pipes into the canal through the wall. The short pipes are usually equipped with an end cup, which is removed when irrigation is practiced. 33 Figure 12: Border strip irrigation layout (Source: Kay, 1986) Figure 13: Cross-sectional view of border strip irrigation To determine the borderstrip length, the following factors need to be considered (Table 9): o Soil type o Stream size o Irrigation depth o Land slope o Field size and shape o Cultivation practices. Table 9: Typical borderstrip dimensions as related to soil type, slope and irrigation depth Soil type Slope (%) 0.25 Coarse 1.00 2.00 Depth applied (mm) 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 Flow Borderstrip Borderstrip (l/s) width (m) length (m) 240 15 150 210 15 250 180 15 400 80 12 100 70 12 150 70 12 250 35 10 60 30 10 100 30 10 200 34 Soil type Slope (%) 0.25 Medium 1.00 2.00 Fine 0.25 1.00 2.00 Depth applied (mm) 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 Source: Withers and Vipond, 1974 Flow Borderstrip Borderstrip (l/s) width (m) length (m) 210 15 250 180 15 400 100 15 400 70 12 150 70 12 300 70 12 400 30 10 100 30 10 200 30 10 300 120 15 400 70 15 400 40 15 400 70 12 400 35 12 400 20 12 400 30 10 400 30 10 400 20 10 400 For the practical management purpose and for the attainment of reasonable irrigation efficiency, the borderstrip should not go above the critical. The size of border also depends on soil infiltration properties as indicated in Table 10. Table10: Critical widths and lengths of borderstrips by soil infiltration rates Soil type Sand Infiltration rate greater than 25 mm/h Loam Infiltration rate 10 to 25 mm/h Clay Infiltration rate less than 10 mm/h Border strip slope (%) 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.6 0.6-1.0 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.6 0.6-1.0 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.6 0.6-1.0 Source: Withers and Vipond, 1974 Unit flow per metre width (l/s) 10-15 8-10 5-8 5-7 4-6 2-4 3-4 2-3 1-2 Borderstrip width (m) Borderstrip length (m) 12-30 9-12 6-9 12-30 9-12 6 12-30 6-12 6 60-90 80-90 75 90-250 90-180 90 180-300 90-300 90 4.5 Basin irrigation A basin is a level cultivated piece of land surrounded by earthen bunds and totally flooded during irrigation (Figure 14). Basin irrigation is the most common type of surface irrigation in developing countries and is particularly used in rice cultivation, where the fields are submerged. However, basin irrigation is equally suitable for other crops like cereals, fruit trees and pastures – as long as water logging conditions do not last for too long. Ideally, the water logging should not last longer than 24-48 hours. Basin irrigation is practiced where land is relatively flat to very gently sloping with soils with relatively low water permeability. It needs a substantial quantity of water which can be either pumped or diverted from a river or a reservoir. It can also work with 35 borehole water. It is also used for the leaching of salts by deep percolation in the reclamation of saline soils. Figure 14: Layout of basin irrigation system (Source: FAO, 1985) Flooding should be done using a large stream size that advances quickly in order for water to spread rapidly over the basin (Figure 15). The advance time should not exceed a quarter of the contact time, so as to reduce difference in contact time on the different sections of the basin. It may be used on a wide variety of soil textures, though fine-textured soils are preferred. As the area near the water inlet is always longer in contact with the water, there will be some percolation losses, assuming the entire root zone depth is filled at the bottom of the field. Coarse sands are not generally recommended for basin irrigation as high percolation losses are expected at the areas close to water intake. 36 Figure 15: Orientation of feeder canals for basin irrigation Basin size The size of basin is critical in the design of this irrigation method and, as for furrow and borderstrip irrigation, depends on the following factors: soil type, stream size, irrigation depth, field size and shape, land slope, and farming practices. The width of the basin is determined by the dominant slope of the area being irrigated detailed surveys, soil description and analysis. There should be detailed description of different parts of the irrigated land so as to establish a range of slopes and soil types. Not only the selection of the appropriate size of the basin is important, but also application of the required design criteria and methods of operation. Failure to follow the required procedures may lead to inefficient function of the basin. Tables 11, 12 and 13 (Withers and Vipond, 1974) indicate the general criteria for selecting a basin size. Table 11: Criteria for basin size determination Criteria Soil type Stream size Irrigation depth Land slope Filed preparation Large basin size Sandy Small Small Steep Hand or animal traction Small basin size Clay Large Large Gentle or flat Mechanized 37 Table 12: Basin area for different stream sizes Stream Size (m3/s) 5 10 15 30 60 90 Basin area (m2) Sand 35 65 100 200 400 600 Sandy loam 100 200 300 600 1200 1800 Clay loam 200 400 600 1200 2400 3600 Clay 350 650 1000 2000 4000 6000 Table 13: Sample values of maximum basin widths Slope (%) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Maximum basin width (m) Average Range 45 35-55 37 30-45 32 25-40 28 20-30 25 15-30 22 15-25 20 10-20 17 5-15 13 5-10 10 3-8 7 2-6 5 1-4 4.6 Furrow irrigation Furrow irrigation is another common form of surface irrigation method. It is applicable where the soil is relatively very permeable A furrow irrigation system consists of parallel channels (furrows) separated by slightly raised beds or ridges whose shape, spacing and length depend mainly on the crops to be grown and the types of soils. Siphons are mostly used to take water from the field canal to the furrows. The functions and efficiency of furrow irrigation are also governed by the soil type. This is because the soil physical characteristics determine the shape of the wetting front within the soil profile. As shown in Figure 16, furrow widths vary from 250400 mm, depths from 150-300 mm and spacings can vary from 0.75-1.0 m, depending on soil type, crops and stream size to be applied to the furrow. Coarse soils require closely-spaced furrows in order to achieve lateral water flow in the root zone. Figure 17 show the general wetting patterns of sand and clay. There is more lateral water flow in clay than in sand. Typical furrow lengths vary from about 60 m on coarse textured soils to 500 m on fine textured soils, depending on the land slope, stream size and irrigation depth. The minimum and maximum slopes for furrows should be 0.05% and 2% respectively in areas of low rainfall intensity. In areas where there is a risk of erosion due to intensive rainfall, the maximum slope should be limited to 0.3%. Most field crops, except very closely spaced crops such as wheat, as well as 38 orchards and vineyards can be irrigated using furrows. However, with this type of irrigation there is a risk of localized salinization in the ridges. Figure 16: Sketch of furrow irrigation and cross-section Figure 17: Typical soil moisture distribution in a sandy soil (left) and a clay soil (right) (Source: Kay, 1986) Like with basin irrigation system, the dimensions of furrows can be designed using the guidelines of the factors shown in Table 14. These factors must be measured and assessed for different project sites. 39 Table 14: Furrow length as related to soil type, slope, stream size and irrigation depth Furrow slope % Max. stream size (l/s) 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.3 Average irrigation depth (mm) for various furrow lengths (m) Clay 75 m 300 340 370 400 400 280 250 220 150 m 400 440 470 500 500 400 340 270 Loam 50 m 120 120 180 220 280 280 250 220 100 m 270 340 370 400 370 300 280 280 Sand 150 m 400 440 470 500 470 370 340 300 50 m 60 90 120 150 120 90 80 60 75 m 90 120 190 220 190 150 120 90 100 m 150 190 250 280 250 220 190 180 4.6 Sprinkler system Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying irrigation water to the soil that tries to mimic natural rainfall. It is generally an overhead irrigation technique that operates under high pressure, and utilizes piped water. Sprinkler irrigation comprises a set of equipment which include sprinklers, risers, laterals, sub-mains, main pipelines, pumping plants and boosters, operational control equipment and other accessories required for efficient water application. In some cases, sprinkler systems may be pressurized by gravity and therefore pumping plants may not be required. The mainline is the pipe that delivers water from the pump to the laterals. The risers then convey the irrigation water from the laterals through a valve to the sprinkler where it is sprinkled over the crops (Figure 18). The sprinkler forms the most important component of the system. The planning and design of irrigation systems should aim at maximizing the returns and minimizing both the initial capital outlay and the costs per unit volume of water used, thus contributing both directly and indirectly to the overall reduction of the production costs and the increase of returns. In other words, planning and design is a process of optimizing resources. Sprinkler irrigation requires skill and is fairly expensive to install and operate. The laterals can be moved from one irrigated field to another depending on the planned irrigation cycle. Figure 18: Sprinkler irrigation method 40 Types of sprinkler irrigation systems 1. Semi-portable sprinkler irrigation system, suitable for an individual small farm 2. Semi-permanent sprinkler irrigation system for a smallholder scheme (system for several small fields) 3. Drag-hose sprinkler irrigation system for a smallholder scheme (system for several small fields) 4. Hose-drag travelling irrigator for individual farm 5. Hose-pull travelling irrigator for individual farm 6. Solid-set system which is permanent, mostly used in large farms. The outputs of the designs are alternative irrigation system options for possible adoption. Once the components of each system are selected, a bill of quantities will be drawn up for each case in order to estimate the cost of the project. 4.7 Localized Irrigation systems Localized irrigation is a system for supplying filtered water (and fertilizer) directly onto or into the soil. The water is distributed under low pressure through a pipe network, in a pre-determined pattern, and applied as a small discharge to each plant or adjacent to it. There are three main categories of localized irrigation: drip irrigation, where drip emitters are used to apply water slowly to the soil surface spray irrigation, where water is sprayed to the soil near individual trees bubbler irrigation, where a small stream is applied to flood small basins or the soil adjacent to individual trees A localized irrigation system consists of the head of the system that filters and controls the supply of water and fertilizers to the network, the plastic buried pipes that supply the water to the laterals, the polyethylene laterals, usually 16-20 mm in diameter, that supply the water to the emitters, and the emitters that discharge the water to the pre-determined points and at predetermined flows. Localized irrigation system is a capital-intensive system with built in management that requires very little but skilled labour. The main advantage of localized irrigation is its potential to reduce water requirements and achieve a very high efficiency, while at the same time increasing crop yield and quality. The system has been successfully used on tree and vegetable crops, and high yields attributed to it. Localized irrigation provides the means for very frequent irrigation, daily if needs be. Hence it is particularly suitable for light shallow soils, irrespective of slope, and for shallow-rooted crops. It has also proved suitable for most row crops. The main disadvantages of localized irrigation systems are their high capital cost, a susceptibility to clogging and a tendency to build up localized salinity, especially in low rainfall areas. As such, this category of system requires careful management for its maintenance. 4.8 Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation is the slow application of water to the soil through mechanical devices called emitters, located at selected points along the delivery line (Figure 19). Water is conveyed under pressure through a pipe system to the fields where it drips slowly onto the soil through emitters (drippers), which are located close to the plants. For low pressure, drip is appropriate overhead irrigation method. 41 Figure 19: Schematic representation of drip irrigation in the field 4.9 Bucket irrigation Bucket irrigation is still a popular method among small scale farmers in Africa. It is affordable and easy to apply in areas where labour is abundant and gardens are small. Though relatively inefficient, it can be organized to apply the appropriate amounts of water. Different sizes of the buckets can be used to apply different quantities of water which will penetrate to different application depths for a specified soil types. Table 15 shows rough guidelines on appropriate water application using bucket irrigation. It also requires knowing the different soil types in an irrigated area so that correct irrigation water can be applied to suit specific conditions and crops. Table 15: Water application depths for bucket irrigation using 15 and 20 litre cans Bucket size Quantity of water(litres) 15 litre-Bucket 20 litre-Bucket 15 30 45 60 20 40 60 80 Irrigated Area (m2) 3 6 5 26 10 5 15 7.5 20 10 7 3 13 7 20 10 27 13 42 4.10 Pitcher Irrigation Pitcher Irrigation or ‘Pot Irrigation’ is a traditional, low-volume irrigation technology that uses baked clay pots buried adjacent the roots of the crop to be irrigated (Mati, 2007). Such pots are made by women in the traditional way, but the clay is mixed with saw-dust to create porosity when the pot is fired during curing. The pot is filled with water and covered with a clay slab or polythene paper, to reduce evaporation losses. Water seeps slowly through the porous sides of the pot (Figure 20). The minute hairs of nearby plants pull the water out from the pots. The method encourages deeper rooting and reduced evaporation. The method is commonly used for fruit-tree crop production. Figure 20: Illustration of pitcher pot irrigation 43 5. DRAINAGE TECHNIQUES 5.1 The need for drainage The problem of drainage arises due to excess waterlogging in a spatial area, which can be surface or sub-surface. These are caused by excess rainwater and high water table or poor drainage in irrigated lands. The consequences of impeded drainage are normally poor aeration of the crop root zone and increased salinization. Identifying the site for drainage can be guided by the following: o Drainage on demand by the residents, o Surveillance/reconnaissance surveys, and o A study of existing maps, data and literature. Other factors considered include land tenure/ownership, legislation, and viability. In planning field drainage system, the following factors are considered include the causes of waterlogging, the extent of drainage required, the feasibility of the system, e.g. where to dispose drained water, and the choice of the system. Drainage is needed in order to: o Maintain the soil structure o Maintain aeration of the root-zone, since most agricultural crops require a well aerated root-zone free of saturation by water; a notable exception is rice o Assure accessibility to the fields for cultivation and harvesting purposes o Drain away accumulated salts from the root zone A drainage system can be surface, sub-surface or a combination of the two. 5.2 Factors that affect drainage Climate Irrigation schemes in an arid regions require different drainage systems compared to those in humid areas. Arid climates are characterized by high-intensity, short-duration rainfall and high evaporation losses throughout the year. The aim of drainage in this case is to dispose off excess surface runoff, emanating from the high-intensity precipitation, and to control the water table so as to prevent the accumulation of salts in the root zone, due to high evapotranspiration. Surface drainage system is most appropriate in this case. In a humid climates, the removal of excess surface and subsurface water originating from rainfall is the paramount. Both surface and subsurface drains are commonly used in humid areas. Soil type and profile The rate at which water moves through the soil determines the ease of drainage. Therefore, the physical properties of the soil have to be examined for the design of a subsurface drainage system. Sandy soils are easier to drain than heavy clay soils. Capillary rise is the upward movement of water from the water table. It is inversely proportional to the soil pore diameter. The capillary rise in a clay soil is thus higher than in a sandy soil. In soils with layered profiles, drainage problems may arise when an impermeable clay layer exists near the surface. Water quantity The quantity of water flowing through the soil can be calculated by means of Darcy’s law: Q=kxAxI Q = Flow quantity (m3/sec) k = Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec) A = Cross-sectional area of the soil through which the water moves (m2) 44 i = Hydraulic gradient The hydraulic conductivity, or the soils’ ability to transmit water, is an important factor in drainage flow. Procedures for field measurements of hydraulic conductivity are discussed below. Irrigation practice The type of irrigation practice has a bearing on the amount of water applied to the soil and the rate at which it is removed. For example, poor water management practices result in excess water being applied to the soil, just as heavy mechanical traffic results in a soil with poor drainage properties due to compaction. 5.3 Design of agricultural drainage systems Good water management of an irrigation scheme not only requires proper water application but also a proper drainage system. Agricultural drainage can be defined as the removal of excess surface water and/or the lowering of the groundwater table to below the root zone in order to improve plant growth. The common sources of the excess water that have to be drained are precipitation, over irrigation and the extra water needed for the flushing away of salts from the root zone. Furthermore, an irrigation scheme should be adequately protected from drainage water coming from adjacent areas. Information required for the drainage design includes: o Rainfall characteristics of the area (intensity and duration). o Topography o Soil properties such as depth, infiltration, permeability and hydraulic conductivity o Leaching requirements o Drainage outlets o Drainage coefficient, i.e. depth drained in area per day. o Sources of excess water – precipitation, irrigation water, overland flow, artesian aquifers. o Drainage system applicable, i.e. random, parallel or cross slope. o Whether gravity or pumped outlets. The drainage system parameters required for the design include: o The system type and layout – depth, spacing and materials. o Design capacity – channel/tile discharge. o Channel shape – side slopes. o Roughness coefficient. o Permissible flow velocity, depending on the soil type, i.e. whether clay, sandy loam, fine sand etc o Energy/slope reduction – use of checks and drops o Degree of erosion. A procedure for designing the drainage system is given in Figure 21, in which important considerations include water discharge, surface roughness, side slopes of the canal and the gradient of the flow. 45 Figure 21: Flow chart indicating drainage design Determining hydraulic conductivity Hydraulic conductivity is an important variable that depicts how well water moves in the soil. It depends on the actual soil conditions. In clear sands it can range from 1-1,000 m/day, while in clays it can range from 0.001-1 m/day. Several methods for field measurement of hydraulic conductivity have been established. One of the best-known field methods for use when a high water table is present is Hooghoudt’s single soil auger hole method. A vertical auger hole is drilled to the water table and then drilled a further 1-1.5 m depth or until an impermeable layer or a layer with a very low permeability is reached. The water level in the hole is lowered by pumping or by using buckets. The rate of recharge of the water table is then timed. For the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity the following formula has been established: k={(3600a2/(d+10a)+(2-y/d)x y)}x ΔH/Δt Where: k = Hydraulic conductivity (m/day) a = Radius of the auger hole (m) d = Depth of the auger hole below the static ground water table (m) ΔH = Rise in groundwater table over a time (t) (cm) Δt = Time of measurement of rise in groundwater table (sec) y = Average distance from the static groundwater table to the groundwater table during the measurement: y = 0.5 x (y1 + y2) (m) Worked example An auger hole with a radius of 4 cm is dug to a depth of 1.26 m below the static groundwater table. The rise of the groundwater table, measured over 50 seconds, is 5.6 cm. The distance from the static groundwater table to the 46 groundwater table is 0.312 m at the start of the measurement and 0.256 m at the end of the measurement. What is the hydraulic conductivity? a = 0.04 m d = 1.26 m ΔH = 5.6 cm Δt = 50 sec y = 0.5 x (0.312 + 0.256) = 0.284 m Substituting the above data in Equation gives: k={(3600 x 0.042)/(1.26+10x0.04) + (2-(0.0284/1.26)x0.284)}x5 .6/50 If the water table is at great depth, the inverted auger hole method can be used to determine the hydraulic conductivity. The hole is filled with water and the rate of fall of the water level is measured. Refilling has to continue until a steady rate of fall is measured. This value is used for determination of k, which can be found from graphs. 5.4 Surface drainage When irrigation or rainfall water cannot fully infiltrate into the soil over a certain period of time or cannot move freely over the soil surface to an outlet, ponding or waterlogging occurs. Grading or smoothening the land surface so as to remove low-lying areas in which water can settle can partly solve this problem. The excess water can be discharged through an open surface drain systems. Drains of less than 0.50 m deep can be V-shaped. In order to prevent erosion of the banks, field drains often have flat side slopes, which in turn allow the passage of equipment. The side slopes could be 1:3 or flatter. Larger field drains and most higher order drains usually have a trapezoidal cross-section. The water level in the drain at design capacity should ideally allow free drainage of water from the fields. The design of drain dimensions should be based on a peak discharge. It is, of course, impractical to attempt to provide drainage for the maximum rainfall that would likely occur within the lifetime of a scheme. It is also not necessary for the drains to instantly clear the peak runoff from the selected rainfall because almost all plants can tolerate some degree of waterlogging for a short period. Therefore, drains must be designed to remove the total volume of runoff within a certain period. If, for example, 12 mm of water (= 120 m3/ha) is to be drained in 24 hours, the design steady drainage flow of approximately 1.4 1/sec per ha (= (120 x 103)/(24 x 60 x 60)) should be employed in the design of the drain. If rainfall data are available, the design drainage flow, also called the drainage coefficient, can be calculated more precisely for a particular area. The following method is usually followed for flat lands. The starting point is a rainfall-duration curve, an example of which is shown in the Figure 22. 47 Figure 22: Rainfall- Duration curve This curve is made up of data that are generally available from meteorological stations. The curve connects, for a certain frequency or return period, the rainfall with the period of successive days in which that rain is falling. Often a return period of 5 years is assumed in the calculation. It describes the rainfall which falls in X successive days as being exceeded once every 5 years. For design purposes involving agricultural surface drainage systems X is often chosen to be 5 days. Thus, it follows that the rainfall falling in 5 days is 85 mm. This equals a drainage flow (coefficient) of 1.97 l/sec per ha (= (85 x 10 x 103)/(5 x 24 x 60 x 60)). The design discharge can be calculated, using the following equation: Q = (q x A)/1000 Where: Q = Design discharge (m3/sec) q = Drainage flow (coefficient) (l/sec per ha) A = Drainage area (ha) It would seem contradictory to take 5 days rainfall, when the short duration storms are usually much more intensive. However, this high intensity rainfall usually falls on a restricted area, while the 5 days rainfall is assumed to fall on the whole drainage area under consideration. It appears from practice that a drain designed for a 5 days rainfall is, in general, also suited to cope with the discharge from a short duration storm. Thus, the above scenario is not necessarily true in small irrigation schemes, especially on sloping lands (with slopes exceeding 0.5%), which may cover an area that could entirely be affected by an intense short duration rainfall. The design discharge could then be calculated with empirical formulas, two of the most common ones being: o The rational formula o The curve number method The rational formula is the easier of the two and generally gives satisfactory results. It is also widely used and will be the one explained below. The formula reads: Q = (C x I x A)/360 Where: Q = Design discharge (m3/sec) C = Runoff coefficient I = Mean rainfall intensity over a period equal to the time of concentration (mm/hr–) A = Drainage area (ha) 48 The time of concentration is defined as the time interval between the beginning of the rain and the moment when the whole area above the point of the outlet contributes to the runoff. The time of concentration can be estimated the following formula: Tc = 0.0195 x K0.77 Where: Tc = Time of concentration (minutes) K = L/√S and S = H/L L = Maximum length of drain (m) H = Difference in elevation over drain length (m) The runoff coefficient represents the ratio of runoff volume to rainfall volume. Its value is directly dependent on the infiltration characteristics of the soil and on the retention characteristics of the land. The values are presented in Table 16. Table 16: Guide values for run-off coefficients Land cover Forest Pastures Arable land Slope (%) 0-5 5-10 10-30 0-5 5-10 10-30 0-5 5-10 10-30 Sandy loam 0.10 0.25 0.30 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Silty clay loam 0.30 0.35 0.50 0.30 0.35 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.70 Clay 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.55 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.80 Worked Example An irrigation scheme of 100 ha with sandy loam soils and a general slope of less than 5% has a main drain of 2.5 km long with a difference in elevation of 10 m. What is the time of concentration? S = H/L = 10/2500 = 0.004 or 0.4% K = L/√S = 2500/√0.0004 = 39528 Substituting this value of K into Equation Tc = 0.0195 8 395280.77 = 68 minutes The rainfall intensity can be obtained from a rainfall duration curve. For short duration rainfall, it is necessary to make a detailed rainfall duration curve for the first few hours of the rainfall. In previous example, the 68 minutes rainfall with a return period of 5 years is estimated at 8.5 mm. What is the design discharge of the drain? The mean hourly rainfall intensity is (60/68) x 8.5 = 7.5 mm/hour. The runoff coefficient for sandy loam arable land with a slope of less than 5% is 0.30 (from table) Thus the design discharge for the scheme is: Q = (C x I x A)/360 = (0.30 x 7.5 x 100)/360 Q = 0.625 m3/s or 6.26 litres/sec per ha 49 Once the design discharge has been calculated, the dimensions of the drains can be determined using the Manning Formula. It should be noted that higher order canal design should not only depend on the design discharge, but also on the need to collect water from all lower order drains. Therefore, the outlets of the minor drains should preferably be above the design water level of the collecting channel. 5.5 Subsurface drainage Subsurface drainage (Figure 23) is used to control the level of groundwater so that the root zone can be aerated. The natural water table can be so high that without a drainage system it would be impossible to grow crops. After establishing the irrigation system the groundwater table might rise into the root zone because of percolation of water to the groundwater table. These situations may require a subsurface drainage system. Figure 23: Subsurface drainage systems at field level A subsurface drainage system at field level can consist of any of the systems shown above: o Horizontal drainage by open ditches (deep and narrowly-spaced open trenches) or by pipe drains o Vertical drainage by tubewells and drainage tiles. 5.5.1 Horizontal subsurface drainage Open drains can only be justified to control groundwater if the permeability of the soil is very high and the ditches can consequently be spaced widely enough. Otherwise, the loss in area is too high and proper farming is difficult because of the resulting small plots, especially where mechanized equipment has to be used. Instead of open drains, water table control is usually done using field pipe drains. The pipes are installed underground (thus there is no loss of cultivable land) to collect and carry away excess groundwater. This water could be discharged through higher order pipes to the outlet of the area but, very often, open ditches act as transport channels. The materials used for pipe drains are: 50 o Clay pipes (water enters mainly through joints) o Concrete pipes (water enters mainly through joints) o Plastic pipes (uPVC, PE, water enters through slots) Plastic pipes are the most preferred choice nowadays, because of lower transport costs and ease of installation, although this usually involves special machinery. The principal design parameters for both open trenches and pipe drains are spacing and depth, which are both shown in Figure 24 and explained below. Figure 24: Subsurface drainage parameters The most commonly used equation for the design of a subsurface drainage system is the Hooghoudt Equation, which is: S2 = (4 x k1 x h2) + (8 x k2 x d x h) h Where: S = Drain spacing (m) k1 = Hydraulic conductivity of soil above drain level (m/day) k2 = Hydraulic conductivity of soil below drain level (m/day) h = Hydraulic head of maximum groundwater table elevation above drainage level (m) q = Discharge requirement expressed in depth of water removal (m/day) d = Equivalent depth of substratum below drainage level (m). It should be noted that the Hooghoudt Equation is a steady state one, which assumes a constant groundwater table with supply equal to discharge. In reality, the head losses due to horizontal and radial flow to the pipe should be considered, which would result in complex equations. To simplify the equation, a reduced depth (d) was introduced to treat the horizontal/radial flow to drains as being equivalent to flow to a ditch with the impermeable base at a reduced depth, equivalent to d. The equivalent flow is essentially horizontal and can be described using the Hooghoudt formula. The average thickness (D) of the equivalent horizontal flow zone can be estimated as: D = d + h/2 Nomographs have been prepared to determine the equivalent depth more accurately (Figure 25). 51 Figure 25: Nomograph to determine equivalent sub-stratum depth (Source: FAO, 1985) Worked Example A drain pipe of 10 cm diameter should be placed at a depth of 1.80 m below the ground surface. Irrigation water is applied once every 7 days. The irrigation water losses, recharging the already high groundwater table, amount to 14 mm per 7 days and have to be drained away. An average water table depth, z of 1.20 m below the ground surface, has to be maintained. k1 and k2 are both 0.8 m/day (uniform soil). The depth to the impermeable layer D is 5 m. What should be the drain spacing? q = 14/7 = 2 mm/day or 0.002 m/day and h = 1.80 – 1.20 = 0.60 m The calculation of the equivalent depth of the sub-stratum d is done through trial and error. Initially the drain spacing has to be assumed using nomograph. After determining d, the assumed S should be checked with the calculated S from the Hooghoudt Equation. Lets assume S = 90 m. The wetted perimeter of the drain pipe, u, is 0.32 m (= 2 x π x r = 2 x 3.14 x 0.05). Thus D/u = 5/0.32 = 15.6. 52 From Figure 25 it follows that d = 3.65 m. This has been determined as follows: – Draw a line from D = 5 on the right y-axis to D/u = 15.6 on the left y-axis – Determine the intersection point of the above line with the S = 90 line – Draw a line from this point to the right y-axis, as shown by the dotted line – The point where it reaches the right y-axis gives the d value Substitution of all known parameters in the Hooghoudt Formula (Equation) gives: S2 = {(4x0.8x0.62) + (8x0.8x3.65x0.6)}/0.002 = 7584 m2 Thus S = 87 m, which means that the assumed drain spacing of 90 m is quite acceptable. 5.5.2 Vertical subsurface drainage Where soils are of high permeability and are underlain by highly permeable sand and gravel at shallow depth, it may be possible to control the water table by tube wells located in a broad grid, for example at one well for every 2 to 4 Tube wells minimize the cost of and disturbance caused by field ditches and pipe drains and they require a more sparse drainage disposal network. The excess water is pumped out from the tube wells and disposed safely. If the groundwater is of good quality, it could be re-used for irrigation or other purposes. 5.5.3 Salt problems in irrigated agriculture Salt problems in the crop root-zone occur mainly in arid countries. Drainage systems installed for the purpose of salinity control aim at removing salts from the soils so that a salinity level that would be harmful to plants is not exceeded. Irrigation water sometimes contains salts, but to varying degrees. When the water is applied to the soil surface, some of it evaporates or is taken up by the plants, leaving salts behind in the root zone. If the groundwater table is too high, there will be a continuous capillary rise into the root zone and if the groundwater is saline, a high concentration of salts will accumulate in the root-zone. Figure 26 demonstrates this phenomenon. Leaching is the procedure whereby salts are flushed out from the root-zone by applying excess water, sufficient in quantity to reduce the salt concentration in the soil to a desired level. Generally, about 10-30% more irrigation water than is needed by the crops should be applied to the soil for this purpose. This excess water has to be drained away by the subsurface drainage system. Figure 26: Salt accumulation in the root zone showing effect of capillary rise 53 6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF IRRIGATION SCHEMES 6.1 Participatory irrigation development The sustainability of an irrigation scheme refers to the proper functioning of the infrastructure, the people, agricultural enterprises, management and social systems in the long run. This happens if all factors are considered at planning and design of the scheme, but require regular updating with changing circumstances. Generally, the social and institutional context of irrigation development has immense bearing on the ultimate performance of irrigation schemes. Over the years, the process of implementation of irrigation projects, especially those spearheaded by governments and some donors, followed a top-down approach. However, experience has shown that if farmers are not involved in all the development stages of a project, they will lose the sense of ownership and therefore treat that project as alien to them. Consequently, the long-term performance and sustainability of the scheme is negatively affected. According to FAO (1999), projects planned with beneficiaries, rather than for them, have proved more sustainable and no more costly. Problems of farmer participation are rarely encountered in privately owned schemes or those initiated by farmers. However, for schemes initiated by donors or governments, there is a need for close consultation between farmers and implementing agencies in all stages of development. This can be achieved through participatory planning, designing, construction and management of irrigation schemes. The following factors are taken into consideration: The importance of participatory planning in management irrigation systems. Indicators of sustainability of irrigation systems, Concepts of operation, function and maintenance of an irrigation system, Principles of establishing the organization structure of an irrigation scheme and initiate preparation of an action plan from each participant, Interrelationships of the biophysical, social, economic and policy dimensions in sustaining an irrigation system. 6.2 Participatory and strategic change process To be effective, reform should be both participatory and strategic. A reform is participatory when it includes all stakeholders in the process of assessment, policy making, programme formulation and implementation (FAO, 1999). A stakeholder is any person or group which has an important interest in the prospective reforms. Reform is strategic when it deals with fundamental issues and is forward-looking, politically feasible and integrated with the external environment. Strategic change is difficult. It requires a methodology and coordination with stakeholders, in order to mobilize diverse inputs and build consensus. Participatory and strategic reform generally involves the following elements: • Representational involvement of stakeholders; • Setting objectives; • Assessing management gaps and options for change; • Developing a shared vision of the future; • Developing policies and programmes; • Facilitating teams to work on the process; • Analysis, negotiation and possibly experimentation; • Organizational restructuring; and • Performance assessment. 54 6.3 Identification of stakeholders Stakeholders are individuals, groups or organizations who have an interest in a particular project. For irrigation projects these are normally farmers, persons displaced by the project, lending institutions, government, donors, input suppliers, service suppliers and buyers. The purpose of stakeholder participation in project development is to give planners and the parties involved an overview of the persons, groups, organizations and institutions involved in or connected with the project. Participation is expected to result in the incorporation of the interests and expectations of all parties significant to the project. It will also provide room for the clearing of potential conflict areas. To encourage inclusive participation of stakeholders in irrigation involves: o Identifying the persons, groups and organizations connected with, influencing or influenced by the project o Identifying their level of influence on the project, e.g. persons who provide more labour, local leaders and displaced persons rank higher than middlemen o Sensitizing and involving them in all decision-making processes and characterize their influence on the project o Assuring them and making them feel that they have the power to influence the course of development and their own welfare. Let them take over and be the prime movers of the project. 6.4 Participation of farmers in planning and design To improve on the performance of the irrigation scheme and the productivity of water, it is important to instil best practice at planning, through detailed analysis of physical as well as social assets and limitations. This is because implementations of the identified technical solutions depend on the extent of understanding and addressing socio-economic issues first, followed by policy and biophysical constraints. Therefore, planners, engineers, technicians, managers and social workers charged with the responsibility of irrigation should initiate the process of participatory planning for harmonious working and ultimate improvement of the efficiency of the whole system. This should include the following: o The farmers should be involved in the selection of lands to be irrigated and the irrigation agency should assist farmers by assessing the suitability of those lands o The communities within the area to be developed should participate in the technical as well as the environmental impact assessment (EIA) o Where possible, farmers should provide labour for topographic, soil and socio-economic surveys. They should, through their committees, decide who should do which activity o Farmers could provide information on past experience with floods, point out areas with potential for flooding, and suggest to the planners locations for structures such as water abstraction from the river, hence preventing the pumping station from being flooded o The farmers should be fully involved in the selection of crops to be grown and the agency should guide them on the technical, environmental and socio-economic matters related to the suitability of such crops including returns on investment, storage, processing and marketing potential. o The irrigation agency should facilitate extension and training on various irrigation methods and enterprises pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of each. The farmers then should propose the irrigation methods they prefer for the design. o After completing the designs, the irrigation agency should explain the alternative designs to farmers and the implications of each vis-à-vis land redistribution, water resources potential, plot sizes and total area to be irrigated, cropping programmes, labour requirements, capital costs, operation and maintenance costs, environmental aspects, land use patterns and other considerations 55 o Finally, the farmers should decide which option to adopt, preferably one which serves the majority and has least risks. 6.5 Farmer participation in irrigation development During project identification, stakeholders of an irrigation scheme should be identified first. Irrigation projects should ideally be developed on farmers’ requests in order to ensure that development is demand-driven. However, government, donors, NGOs or other agencies may identify a need for them and sensitize them to initiate the process. In this case it is incumbent upon the institution spearheading the development to mobilize farmers and other stakeholders so that they appreciate the benefits of irrigation and will give their go-ahead for the project. Meetings and continuous dialogue throughout the development process are necessary for the stakeholders to make contributions as well as to identify and defuse potential conflicts. There should also be agreements, preferably written and signed, that each party will execute its function throughout the planning, design, implementation, operation and maintenance of the scheme. Planners should take into account the fact that new developments tend to alter traditional land use patterns and are a potential source of conflict. Potential conflict areas should be identified and addressed from the outset. Therefore, there is a need to actively involve the affected communities in the decision-making process right from the outset. Appropriate policies should guide the processes. In order to capture the determinant issues for farmer participation, planners should understand: a) The characteristics of the farmer groups they are dealing with: – Social background, religion and cultural aspects, – Status of groups in society, formal or informal, – Organizational and leadership structures, and – Current constraints and farmers’ priorities. b) Farmers’ interests, motives and attitudes: – Needs and aspirations, – Openly expressed, hidden and vested interests, – Hopes, expectations and fears related to the project, and – Attitudes, friendly or hostile, towards implementing agencies and other groups c) The farmers’ potentials: – Strengths of groups with regards to skills, resources, knowledge, rights, – Weaknesses and constraints, e.g. knowledge of benefits of project or otherwise, – What the group can contribute to or withhold from the project, and – The role of water user groups and other subsidiary actors in the project. d) The implications of farmers’ roles and responsibilities on the planning, design and construction of the project: – How the project should be designed and implemented in order to address the concerns and needs of the farmers or farmer groups. In this respect the use of the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tool can facilitate the understanding of existing opportunities and constraints as well as farmers’ perceptions of how irrigation can be used to remove some of the constraints in crop production. During the same process, and in order to avoid interference by individuals or groups that may have vested interests, farmers should identify the stakeholders that will be involved with the participatory planning. Also, right from the outset not only the advantages but also the responsibilities that come hand-in-hand with a new scheme should be made clear to all involved. 56 6.6 Farmer participation in the implementation of an irrigation scheme The implementation of an irrigation project involves preparing tender documents for construction, evaluating the tenders, selecting the contractor and supervising construction. The farmers should be involved in all these processes, especially if they are contributing part of the finance, in cash or kind, for the project (Mati, 2008). The irrigation agency should provide technical information to assist the farmers in reaching decisions. The farmers should contribute their own labour for certain construction activities, such as trenching, back-filling, pipefitting, land levelling and concrete mixing. This will also assist them gain some experience needed later in the maintenance of the project. In this respect it is advisable to use labour-intensive methods, wherever possible. The supervision of construction still remains the responsibility of the irrigation agency. Where the farmers contribute money for the project, they should also sign certificates authorizing payments to service providers. 6.7 Operation and maintenance responsibilities The responsibilities of operation and maintenance (O&M) of an irrigation scheme should be clear to all parties from the outset. To assist farmers in selecting a design alternative, planners should estimate the O&M requirements at the planning stage and discuss them with farmers. If the irrigation agency is to pay for O&M for a specified time before hand-over to farmers, the farmers should be organized and prepared for take-over well in advance. While the experience gained by the farmers during the course of planning and development is a valuable tool for the O&M of the irrigation scheme, farmers would still require assistance from the irrigation agency and the extension service in the form of training in the following areas: Crop production and protection Irrigation scheduling and in-field water management Schedule of scheme maintenance Bookkeeping and accounting Access to markets and market information Sustainability of water user groups and other management structures Such training should be practical, in order to provide the hands-on experience needed and should take into consideration that the background of most smallholders in Eastern and Southern Africa is in rainfed crop production (Mati et al, 2008). It is necessary to have appropriate guidelines, procedures and relevant material for the development of a participatory training and extension programme for technical staff, extension workers and other stakeholders. This helps farmers take charge of water management at field and scheme levels. The programme is particularly relevant to irrigation management transfer programmes, assisting water users associations in the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems, and in providing guidance on efficient water use techniques. 6.8 Monitoring and evaluation of smallholder irrigation schemes Once an irrigation scheme has been implemented, there is need to continuously monitor its performance, in order to identify constraints and opportunities for improved performance. There are a number of parameters that can be measured or assessed as performance indicators. These include; technical system performance, which looks at performance in terms of water use efficiencies and other related parameters; economic analyses, which evaluates economic and financial performance; as well as socio-economic analyses, which evaluate the impact of economic performance on the social well-being of the people. Success resulting from irrigation 57 development as associated with farmer participation, is reflected by the socio-economic benefits accrued to the beneficiaries. 6.9 Indicators of sustainability The indicators of the sustainability of an irrigation scheme should be holistic and encompassing all the important dimensions, since they will be used in monitoring and evaluating the impacts of irrigation on environment and livelihoods. In carrying out the field study for the development of the new irrigation scheme or improving the existing ones, it is important to identify these indicators, based on the observed biophysical, technical and social constraints. These include: o Biophysical/environmental indicators o Economic indicators o Social indicators o Policy indicators Most of the biophysical/environmental and economic indicators can be measured directly, while social and policy indicators are difficult to measure. The main challenge for the irrigating technicians, engineers, managers and farmers is the need to: o Identify and map out the biophysical constraints o Define the critical limits of the indicators below or above which the impacts of irrigation would be negative o Define the mechanisms for monitoring the changes in these indicators Sustainable agricultural productivity and improved water use efficiency requires integrated approaches that may include (Mati and Penning de Vries, 2005); (i) new knowledge, (ii) training, (iii) educational levels, iv) investment of financial capital, (v) cost sharing and loans, (vi) markets, (vii) facilitation, (viii) involving government institutions, (ix) infrastructure (roads, mobile phones), (x) involvement of youth, (xi) land tenure, and (xii) water availability. In addition, mapping and differentiating of the irrigated area should be based on detailed survey and laboratory analysis of soil, in addition to physical and hydraulic characterization. Full water and fertility management packages for each production system along with irrigation scheduling, based on the hydraulic conditions of the soil, can lead to sustainable irrigated agriculture. 58 7 SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Climatic data are important input-variables into the models used for estimating the capacity and strength of irrigation and drainage structures. There is also need for biophysical and hydrological characterization of catchment areas as basis of predicting run-off and water flow patterns. It is important to differentiate between the irrigation requirement and crop water use and where to apply each. It is necessary to take into account the ground water contribution, effective rain and field water balance, in determining how much water to apply per irrigation shift. This is particularly important where the ground contribution through capillary rise is significant and there are no conveyance loses to be accounted for. The design of irrigation system commences with the calculated crop water requirements over the specified cropped area, efficiencies are factored in to determine gross water requirement from the source so as to calculate the design capacity of the channels and the system capacity. Generally, the design capacity of the drainage channels is based on both the excess irrigation and both in-situ and flowing rain water (runoff). It is useful to demonstrate and practically apply measurement of flow/discharge in open channels in order to estimate flows. However, it is important that measuring gauges are installed and calibrated at appropriate points within irrigation channels for use with permanent weirs/structures. Understanding the working principles of stream gauges and how to calibrate them is important. It is necessary to learn how to identify the appropriate irrigation and drainage techniques in projects. The factors to be considered in selecting and the design of these techniques include climatic characteristics of the area, soil types, slopes, crops to be grown, labour requirements, management and operational skills required and the cost involved in land preparation, grading and levelling. At country scales, the available maps and data on characterized and classified soils and topography, provides some basis for selecting appropriate irrigation methods for specific soil types, climatic and topological conditions. Identification, planning and design of an irrigation system requires data, which are obtained through a feasibility study. The sustainability of an irrigation system depends on the extent to which the socio-economic and policy dimensions are integrated in the strategies to sustain soil quality and productivity for enhanced water use efficiency. These could include: o Water gauges should be installed and calibrated using existing control structures such as weirs and drop structures for irrigation water flows within the primary and secondary canals. o Development of the production units, based on detailed biophysical and socio-economic characterization and packaging the appropriate soil fertility management strategies and monitoring the impacts of irrigation on environmental productivity and sustainability. o Each production unit/scheme should initiate the process of participatory approaches to development strategies for improvement of water use efficiency in rice production and irrigation/drainage. o Multidisciplinary teams should be involved in evaluating the technical, environmental and socio-economic implications of introducing new crops and high-yielding varieties. 59 8. REFERENCES Barron, J., Rockstrom, J. and Gichuki, F. 1999. Rainwater management for dry spell mitigation in semi-arid Kenya. East African Forestry J. 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