Our Image brochure / About us - thyssenkrupp Materials Processing


Our Image brochure / About us - thyssenkrupp Materials Processing
Tailored to your needs
ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center
Steel Services. Tailor-made.
Measuring up. So that things fit.
Our steel services add value to your products.
Made to measure is always unique. It combines personal service with
ultimate quality. Bespoke tailoring, hand-crafted footwear – but can
you expect such attention to detail from a Steel Service Center Group
that is an international leader?
Yes, you can! Our business model is set up to treat each
customer as if they were our only customer. And there’s
a sound reason for doing so. Close customer focus and
customized steel processing lend that all-important extra
value to your products and services.
The direction is clearly laid out: we concentrate on your
supply chain and join with you in developing flexible solutions
to match your needs.
You benefit from our access to the resources of the global
technology and industrial goods group ThyssenKrupp. You
can select from a wide-ranging line-up of materials and
individual services needed for you to succeed in the marketplace. Having our steel services dovetail into your own
production processes gives you the decisive competitive
What we supply is really unique: steel services that match
your needs.
Focused on your success.
Products, processing, service.
Three components. A single strategy.
Within your business steel plays a wide variety of roles. With
custom-tailored service we can supply a product personally
suited and professionally processed for any of these roles.
Our formula to help you succeed has three key components:
high-quality steel products, custom-tailored processing and
premium services with global customer support all from a
single source.
Premium services
• Hot strip
• Slit strip
· Thicknesses: 0.3–16 mm
• Customer-specific product
development within the Group
• Cold-rolled sheet
• Coated sheet
ot-dip galvanized/
hot-dip aluminized
· electrogalvanized
· organically coated
• Stainless steel
• Blanks: panels/trapezoidals
· Thicknesses: 0.4–16.00 mm
• Thin strip center,
combined and jumbo coiling
• Flexible processing and custom
• Inventory management
• Service level agreements
• Individual logistic and
IT solutions
The whole is more than the sum of its parts and only their
interaction delivers the best possible synergies:
Steel Service for perfecting your supply chain.
Product variety is one thing,
the art of picking the right product
something else.
Quality and variety: pick
from a rich selection of highly
processable steel products
based on state-of-the-art
material and production
methods. On a storage area
of 150,000 m² we stock up to
250,000 t of quality flat steel.
In this way we successfully
safeguard against supply
shortages and can confidently
ensure material availability.
Hot strip meets stringent requirements.
Available from us in various grades and
with precisely those mechanical properties
needed for your products. For downstream
processing or for manufacturing endproducts. Naturally you can choose from
several surface treatments and finishes.
Cold-rolled sheet is available for many
different uses: tubes or sections, for the
automotive, construction and many other
industries. In precisely the thickness, the
formability and the surface quality best
suited to your needs.
Hot-dip galvanized sheet looks smart and
is, moreover, corrosion resistant. Besides
its use in the automotive industry, it is
outstandingly suited for pipes, air ducts,
doors, shelves, racking and household
Galfan® has much higher corrosion
resistance than hot-dip galvanized sheet.
On both sides it has a zinc-aluminum alloy
coating and is especially remarkable for
its good formability.
Galvalume® will undergo even extreme
forming processes with no loss of coating.
It is also highly heat resistant. First choice
wherever perfect corrosion protection is a
must such as in the chemical and mechanical
engineering industries.
Galvannealed has a zinc-iron coating
and is very well suited to spot welding. It’s
a favorite for auto parts and accessories.
Cold sheet is given its zinc coating by an
electrolytic process. Electrogalvanized
sheet offers vast potential in applications
calling for high surface requirements
such as exposed auto parts or household
appliances. It is also very compatible with
coats of film or paint.
Combining the strength of steel with the
good looks of aluminum plus outstanding
corrosion and heat resistance: hot-dip
aluminized sheet can be used on exhaust
systems, hot air ducts and household
Bondal® is a vibration-dampening composite sandwiched between two steel sheets
suitable for ship interiors or power plant
insulation. Pladur® is another composite
comprising a metallic substrate with a
colored organic coating; it is very readily
formable. It is used in building and
construction or for making household
Organic thin film coatings lend sheet
many wholly new properties such as for
exposed and unexposed auto parts. They
also ensure elasticity and sliding properties
in the forming process as well as longterm corrosion protection.
Not only its smart appearance, there are
many other arguments in favor of stainless
steel. It processes well, has outstanding
heat and corrosion resistance and, by virtue
of its durability, is highly cost-effective.
Each head is individual.
How do you want our products processed?
Our steel services are tailored to provide best-possible support
for your supply chain. The modern slitting and cutting-to-length
equipment at our many locations provide us with impressive processing
capacities. You get slit strip and blanks precisely according to your
Choose your slit strip from thicknesses of between 0.3 and
16 mm which we will then cut to widths ranging between
7 and 1,820 mm. You require certain grades of external layer
or higher-strength steels of up to 1,400 N/mm²? No problem!
Will be supplied in the best of shape in no time at all.
Our Narrow Strip Center saves you time and money thanks
to our efficient combined and jumbo coiling. And thanks to our
cutting and winding facilities you can have the strip supplied
as a jumbo coil instead of many small ones – and in lengths
of up to 25 km!
Blanks are supplied in all available grades and thicknesses
of 0.4 to 16.00 mm as well as plates and trapezoidals plus
rhomboids with widths of 35 to 2,100 mm and lengths
of up to 12,000 mm. Once again, exactly what you need.
What’s your recipe for perfect service?
Ours is individuality.
We are well aware that our success hinges on yours. And so the
advice you get from us is always and completely individual. In this
way we make sure that our Steel Service provides best possible
support for your supply chain.
Make the most of our one-stop services when looking for
top-class materials and their processing. Technical advice
sourced from within the ThyssenKrupp Group and especially
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is readily available for you locally
– whether we join you in developing a special grade of steel
or in testing the suitability of new products. Our expertise
and technology are at your service from product development
through to series production.
Our customized inventory management lets you fully concentrate on your core business. We take care of the scheduling of
upstream materials so that these dovetail perfectly with your
own production figures. In doing so, you are assisted by our
proprietary software in keeping inventories lean while nonetheless having ample upstream materials available. In fact, you’re
always in complete command of your entire supply chain.
Choose from among our individual service level agreements
to make sure you have whatever you need – just in time.
Compile your preferred mode and route of haulage and stipulate
your storage location. We assist you in your production and
logistic processes with our expertise in procurement, handling
and preproduction – all in the best interests of your sustained
market success.
Come closer.
We’re never far off because we’re
internationally present.
You’ll meet us in many markets, industries, and countries. We’re
never far off. This means that we have gained longstanding
experience and the best connections. We’ve established a global
network of expertise.
Your goal in sight.
Our locations at
a glance.
We know all about goals. Ours is for you to reach yours. With this
in mind we offer you first-class products, materials tailored to
your needs and individual services that will optimize your supply
The first step toward your goal is to contact us. Simply select the
address closest to you for personal and comprehensive advice.
We look forward to hearing from you!
ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center
Steel Services. Tailor-made.
Locations and associates in Germany
ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center GmbH
Krefeld branch
Heidbergsweg 102 · 47809 Krefeld
Phone +49 2151 6168-0 · Fax +49 2151 6168-199
ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center GmbH
Industrial Business
Stixchesstrasse 136 – 150 · 51377 Leverkusen
Phone +49 214 736-0 · Fax +49 214 736-200
ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center GmbH
Mannheim branch
Antwerpener Straße 20 · 68219 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 8032-0 · Fax +49 621 8032-375
Herzog Coilex GmbH
Am Mittelkai 50 · 70329 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 3207-0 · Fax +49 711 3207-279
A Division of ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center GmbH
An der Landwehr 2 · 45883 Gelsenkirchen
Phone +49 209 801-04 · Fax +49 209 801-422
ThyssenKrupp Metallcenter
A Division of ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center GmbH
Am Oberwald 1 · 76744 Wörth
Phone +49 7271 9796-0 · Fax +49 7271 9796-148
ThyssenKrupp Stahl-Service-Center GmbH
Radebeul branch
Kötitzer Straße 110 · 01445 Radebeul
Phone +49 351 8366-428 · Fax +49 351 8366-437
Subsidiaries and associates abroad
ThyssenKrupp Materials France S.A.S.
8, rue de la Ferme Saint Ladre
95470 Fosses · France
Phone +33 134 3198-02 · Fax +33 134 3198-18
Lamíncer S.A.
Aritz Bidea, 81 Atela Auzotegia
48100 Munguía · Spain
Phone +34 946 7438-27 · Fax +34 946 7448-82
ThyssenKrupp Stal Serwis Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Toruńska 7
41–300 Dąbrowa Górnicza · Poland
Phone +48 32 6395-900 · Fax +48 32 6395-909
Cimex-Nor S.A.
Avenida de la Libertad, 7
20004 San Sebastian · Spain
Phone +34 943 423626 · Fax +34 943 421901
Thyssen Ros Casares S.A.
Centro de Servicios El Puig
Ctra. al Mar, s/n
46540 El Puig (Valencia) · Spain
Phone +34 96 147-2062 · Fax +34 96 147-3039
PALMETAL Armazenagem e Serviços S.A.
Parque Industrial da Autoeuropa
Quinta da Marquesa
2950-659 Palmela · Portugal
Phone +351 21213-4500 · Fax +351 21213-4506
Thyssen Ros Casares S.A.
Centro de Servicios Puerto de Sagunto
C/D. Juan de Austria, s/n
46520 Puerto de Sagunto (Valencia) · Spain
Phone +34 96 268-1014 · Fax +34 96 268-2353
Our key account teams acting as your system counterparts
with a holistic overview are in close proximity. With locations
in Germany, subsidiaries and associates in Portugal, Spain,
France and Poland, our Steel Service Center Group operates
on the most important markets in Western and Central Europe.
Our international ties with other members of the ThyssenKrupp
Group will facilitate your expansion strategy accompanied by a
trusted Steel Service partner at your side – a great competitive
OEM (auto)
Manufacturers of stampings
and drawn parts
Metalworking and electrical industry
Building & construction
Downstream processing, fabrication
Auto-industry suppliers
Thanks to our close cooperation with the ThyssenKrupp R&D
departments you can capitalize on the newest production
materials technology regarding steel and steel surfaces.
ThyssenKrupp’s global ties also allow you reliable access to
your production materials – and even others like aluminum,
magnesium or plastics.
Besides being a preferred supplier to the auto and auto parts
industry we are closely involved in other sectors, too: from
construction to household appliances and furniture. With our
presence in all the important sectors of industry we are well
aware of the direction being taken by steel as a production
material – and above all the service challenges being posed
by the marketplace.
Great what you’re doing with it!
Our products turn into yours, in all
shapes and sizes.
Steel stores and moves, carries and spins. Its world is incredibly
varied and each use is unique.
Ready to drive
There’s a lot that moves on our products. We supply the auto and the auto
parts industries with slit strip and blanks for the manufacture of chassis and
transmissions. Steering gears, wheel suspensions and rims are other examples
as are windscreen wipers and seat rails.
Turning in circles: washers have long been here to stay and we customize the
steel for the key parts. For fridges and other white goods, too.
Lots on your plate? If the desk is made of steel it’ll certainly stand up to
the weight. Office furniture and shelves are typical products made from the
individually processed steel we supply.
Feeling fresh
The right climate? This might well be due to the air conditioning or ventilators
circulating fresh air in your production shops. We supply custom-tailored steel
to the manufacturers of such equipment.
Showing the way
So that car driver’s don’t go astray we have crash barriers and guard rails. And
street lamps for good night-time visibility. We supply processed steel products
for these barriers and rails as well as for lamp posts – all of which are a match
for the worst weather conditions.
Step inside, please
In and out. It’s the hinges that make a door a door. And often enough they are
made from the customized steel we supply, just as the locks, window frames,
and mounts for the blinds.
And how can we help you?
For whatever use you may need precision-processed steel, best of all see
for yourself how our tailor-made products can dovetail into your supply chain.
Wherever we are, we’re at your service.
ZB-M BR 001 E 02-13