pacific earthquake engineering research center


pacific earthquake engineering research center
PEER NGA-West2 Database
Timothy D. Ancheta
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Robert B. Darragh
Pacific Engineering and Analysis
Jonathan P. Stewart
Emel Seyhan
University of California, Los Angeles
Walter J. Silva
Pacific Engineering and Analysis
Brian S. J. Chiou
California Department of Transportation
Katie E. Wooddell
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Robert W. Graves
United States Geologic Survey
Albert R. Kottke
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
David M. Boore
United States Geologic Survey
Tadahiro Kishida
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
PEER 2013/03
MAY 2013
Jennifer L. Donahue
Geosyntec Consultants
The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the study sponsor(s)
or the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center.
PEER NGA-West2 Database
Timothy D. Ancheta
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Robert B. Darragh
Pacific Engineering and Analysis
Jonathan P. Stewart
Emel Seyhan
University of California, Los Angeles
Walter J. Silva
Pacific Engineering and Analysis
Brian S. J. Chiou
California Department of Transporation
Katie E. Wooddell
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Robert W. Graves
United States Geological Survey
Albert R. Kottke
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
David M. Boore
United States Geological Survey
Tadahiro Kishida
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Jennifer L. Donahue
Geosyntec Consultants
PEER Report 2013/03
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Headquarters at the University of California, Berkeley
May 2013
The NGA-West2 project database expands on the current PEER NGA ground-motion database to
include worldwide ground-motion data recorded from shallow crustal earthquakes in active
tectonic regimes post 2003. Since 2003, numerous well-recorded events have occurred
worldwide, including the 2003 M6.6 Bam (Iran), 2004 M6 Parkfield (California), 2008 M7.9
Wenchuan (China), 2009 M6.3 L’Aquila (Italy), 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucupah (California and
Mexico), 2010 M7 Darfield (New Zealand), 2011 M6.2 Christchurch (New Zealand), and
several well-recorded shallow crustal earthquakes in Japan, among other events. The expanded
database also includes 21,336 three-component records from 600 shallow crustal events with
small-to-moderate magnitude located in CA. The NGA database has been extensively expanded
to include the recorded ground-motion data and metadata, in these and other recent events. The
updated database has a magnitude range of 3 to 7.9, and a rupture distance range of 0.05 to 1533
km. The estimated or measured time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m at the
recording sites (Vs30) ranges from 94 to 2100 m/sec. The NGA-West2 database more than
doubles the size of the previous NGA database for moderate-to-large magnitude events (M > 6).
The database includes uniformly processed time series as well as response spectral ordinates for
111 periods ranging from 0.01 to 20 sec and 11 different damping ratios. Extensive metadata
have also been collected and added to the database. The expanded database is currently being
utilized by NGA researchers to update the 2008 ground-motion prediction equations.
This project was sponsored by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) and
funded by the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), California Department of Transportation,
and the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect those of the above mentioned agencies.
The authors acknowledge Yousef Bozorgnia for his leadership, guidance, and enthusiasm
of this multi-year project, and the PEER staff for their editing and project support.
We are grateful for Badie Rowshandel’s of the CEA comprehensive review that clarified
several important points in the report.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the sharing of strong-motion catalog/database and
other documentation by the NGA ground motion prediction equation developers especially Norm
Abrahamson, Gail Atkinson, Ken Campbell, Ed Idriss, and Bob Youngs. This project and PEERNGA-West2 would not have succeeded without their unselfish contributions of time, data,
informal and formal reviews, guidance, and thoughtful questions and concerns.
The authors would also like to thank Dave Wald for providing slopes for stations, Carlos
Gutierrez for providing geology and slope based Vs30 estimations, and Alan Yong for his kind
help in terrain assignments. We thank Annemarie Baltay for her review of the small-to-moderate
magnitude event catalog. Ronnie Kamai and Linda Al Atik kindly carried out QA of the smallto-moderate magnitude data.
The staff and agencies that record, process and disseminate earthquake data from
California earthquakes are acknowledged both for their long-term efforts in this field, as well as,,
response to requests for additional recordings, magnitudes, and other metadata. These are Peggy
Helweg of BDSN, Ellen Yu of CIT-SCSN, Tony Shakal, Moh Huang and Hamid Haddadi of
CGS-CSMIP, and Chris Stephens of the USGS.
In addition, many individuals and organizations also contributed data and expertise to the
database development and they have our thanks. These individuals and organizations are
Agbabian and Associates, ALYESKA, John Anderson, Jack Boatwright, Roger Borcherdt, Jon
Bray, Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan, California Department of Transportation, California
Earthquake Authority, CEORKA, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Engineering Research
Institute of Boğaçizi University, Kevin Clahan, COSMOS, CUREE, Doug Dreger, Bill
Ellsworth, ESD, Vladimir Graizer, Tom Hanks, Istanbul Technical University, Japan
Meteorological Association, Japan Railroad, Rob Kayen, Kik-Net, K-Net, LADWP, Kandilli
Observatory and Earthquake Engineering Research Institute of Boğaçizi University, William H.
K. Lee, Martin Mai, NCREE, Bob Nigbor, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Mark Petersen,
Maury Power, Ellen Rathje, Cliff Roblee, Kyle Rollins, ROSRINE, SCEC, Linda Seekins,
Seismic Networks (CIT-SCSN-SCEC, ISC, UCB-BDSN, USGS), Shannon and Wilson, Jaime
Steidl, Paul Somerville, Paul Spudich, Jon Stewart, Ken Stokoe, USC, URS Corporation, Dave
Wald, Jennie Watson-Lamprey, Donald Wells, Kuo-Liang Wen, Chris Wills, and Yuehua Zeng.
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................................v TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... xvii 1 2 OVERVIEW OF NGA-WEST2 GROUND MOTION DATABASE ............................1 1.1 Motivation of NGA-West2 Ground Motion Data Set .........................................1 1.2 World-Wide Moderate-to-Large Magnitude Crustal Earthquake Data ..........2 1.3 California Small-to-Moderate Magnitude Data..................................................5 1.4 Metadata .................................................................................................................7 EARTHQUAKE SOURCE TABLE ................................................................................9 2.1 Organization and Objectives of Earthquake Source Table ...............................9 2.2 Finite Fault Models ..............................................................................................10 2.3 Parameters from Multi-Segment Events ...........................................................10 2.4 Earthquake Source Parameters for California Small-To-Moderate
Earthquake Data ..................................................................................................12 2.5 Method of Simulating a Finite Fault Geometry ................................................13 2.6 Event Classification: Class 1 Versus Class 2 .....................................................14 2.6.1 Methodology ..............................................................................................16 2.7 Earthquake Swarms ............................................................................................21 2.8 Wenchuan, China, Aftershocks ..........................................................................21 2.8.1 Hypocenter Locations ................................................................................21 2.8.2 Focal Mechanisms .....................................................................................22 3 DEVELOPMENT OF SITE DATABASE .....................................................................25 3.1 Organization and Objectives of Work for Site Database Development .........25 3.2 Status of Previous/Current Site Database .........................................................26 3.3 Measured Velocity Profiles .................................................................................28 3.3.1 Previous and New Data Sources ................................................................28 3.3.2 Computation of Vs30 ...................................................................................31 3.4 Proxy Based Estimation of Vs30 ..........................................................................35 vii
3.4.1 Description of the Methods ........................................................................35 Methods based on Surface Geology or Geotechnical
Conditions ................................................................................35 Methods based on Ground Slope, Geomorphology, or
Elevation ..................................................................................37 3.4.2 Proxy Evaluation........................................................................................39 California .................................................................................39 Taiwan......................................................................................43 Japan ........................................................................................47 Adjustments to Recommended Vs30 values for GMX
Classes A and E .......................................................................51 3.5 Selection of Preferred Vs30 and Uncertainty ......................................................52 3.5.1 Method of Selecting Preferred Vs30 ............................................................52 3.5.2 VS30 Uncertainties .......................................................................................54 Vs30 Uncertainty in Vol. 23 Site Database ...............................55 Vs30 Uncertainty in Present Site Database...............................56 3.6 Three-Dimensional Velocity Models ..................................................................59 3.6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................59 3.6.2 Basin Models in California ........................................................................59 Southern California .................................................................59 Northern California .................................................................63 3.6.3 Basin Models in Other Regions .................................................................63 4 5 PROPAGATION PATH TABLE ...................................................................................65 4.1 Organization and Objectives of Propagation Path Table ................................65 4.2 Path Parameters ...................................................................................................65 4.3 Calculation of Distance Metrics Considering Multiple-Segment
Rupture Planes .....................................................................................................69 4.4 Calculation of New Distance Parameter, Ry ......................................................69 RECORD CATALOG AND GROUND MOTION INTENSITY MEASURES ........73 5.1 Organization and Objectives of the Record Catalog ........................................73 5.2 Overview of Record Table...................................................................................73 5.3 Overview of Intensity Measures .........................................................................74 5.4 RotDnn ..................................................................................................................75 5.4.1 Effect of Non-Equal Filter Corners on RotD50 .........................................76 5.4.2 Converting RotD50 to RotD100 ................................................................81 5.5 Alternate Ground Motion Measures ..................................................................82 5.5.1 Duration .....................................................................................................82 viii
5.5.2 As Recorded and GMRotI50 Spectra ........................................................82 6 7 STRONG-MOTION RECORD PROCESSING ...........................................................83 6.1 Peer Record Processing Methodology ................................................................83 6.2 Assessment of Usable Frequency Range ............................................................85 6.3 Pass-Through Records.........................................................................................86 6.4 Late P-wave and S-wave Triggers ......................................................................86 6.5 Reviews of Time Series and Response Spectra..................................................87 6.6 Processing Methodology for Static Displacements ...........................................89 6.7 California Small-to-Moderate Magnitude Data Selection ...............................89 6.8 Vetting of the California Small-to-Moderate Magnitude Earthquake
Data .......................................................................................................................89 FLATFILE DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................93 7.1 Overview of the NGA-West2 Flatfile .................................................................93 7.2 Metadata Documentation ....................................................................................93 7.2.1 Metadata Changes ......................................................................................94 7.2.2 Metadata Quality ........................................................................................95 8 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................97 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................99 APPENDIX A: RECTANGULAR FAULT SOURCE TABLE EXPLANATION
MECHANISM TABLE ...............................................................................107 APPENDIX B: WENCHUAN AFTERSHOCK LOCATION AND MECHANISM
TABLES ........................................................................................................111 APPENDIX C: SITE DATABASE EXPLANATION .........................................................115 APPENDIX D: FLATFILE COLUMN EXPLANATION ..................................................121 APPENDIX E: SITE CLASSIFICATION DEFINITIONS................................................131 ix
Figure 1.1 Map of the epicentral distribution of the 335 selected world-wide events
included in the NGA-West2 database. Open circles (blue) are events in the
previous NGA-West1 database and solid stars (red) are events added in
the NGA-West2 database.........................................................................................3 Figure 1.2 Magnitude-distance distribution of strong-motion records in the NGAWest2 database (magnitudes 3 to 7.9). Open blue squares are stations
included in the NGA-West1. Solid red squares are stations added from
worldwide events. Orange triangles are stations added from California
only from small-to-moderate magnitude events (magnitudes 3 to 5.5). ..................5 Figure 1.3 Map of the epicentral distribution of the 266 events added to the NGAWest2 database collected from the small-to-moderate magnitude data in
California. ................................................................................................................6
Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of strike, dip, rake, depth to top of rupture
(ZTOR), down dip width (W), and length (L). .........................................................10 Figure 2.2 Contour lines (thin green) of U for the 1971 San Fernando earthquake
calculated from the Spudich and Chiou GC2. The solid and dashed lines
represent the top of rupture and the surface projection of the finite fault
planes respectively. ................................................................................................11 Figure 2.3 Hypocenter Locations of the events selected in the SMM data set.
Boundary separates the NCSN from SCSN. Events to the north (blue) of
boundary preferred metadata from NCSN\BDSN. Events to the south of
boundary (red) preferred metadata from SCSN\CIT. ............................................13 Figure 2.4 Peak ground accelerations normalized to a reference Vs30 of 500 m/sec for
the 2011 Christchurch earthquake compared with the Abramson and Silva
2008 GMPE for mainshocks and aftershocks. .......................................................15 Figure 2.5 Peak ground accelerations normalized to a reference Vs30 of 500 m/sec
for the 1992 Big Bear earthquake compared with the Abrahamson and
Silva 2008 GMPE for both mainshocks and aftershocks.......................................16 Figure 2.6 (a) 2008 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake (yellow star) and aftershock
sequence (blue dots); and (b) 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake (yellow
star), aftershocks as defined by the Gardner-Knopoff algorithm (blue dots)
and events not associated with the event sequence (red dots). ..............................17 Figure 2.7 Definitions of the ΔRJB and CRJB distance metrics.............................................18 Figure 2.8 Example of identification of Class 1 and Class 2 earthquakes for the 2008
Wenchuan, China, Class 1 mainshock using a maximum CRJB of 5 km for
defining Class 2 earthquakes. The red stars are the Class 1 earthquakes,
and the blue circles show the centers of the Joyner-Boore rupture surfaces
for the potential Class 2 earthquakes. The yellow rectangles are the surface
projections of the rupture planes. ...........................................................................19 xi
Figure 2.9 Event terms plotted against CRJB for earthquakes in the NGA-West2
database (PGA). .....................................................................................................20
Figure 3.1 Pie charts of station numbers in 2006 and 2013 site database for five main
regions. CH: China, JP: Japan, Med: Mediterranean, TW: Taiwan, WNA:
Western North America (i.e., mostly California). .................................................27 Figure 3.2 Histograms of measured and inferred Vs30 at the recording station sites in
both the 2006 and 2013 site databases. ..................................................................29 Figure 3.3 Histograms for sites with measured Vs and profile depths > 30 m in the
2006 and 2013 site databases for five main regions and other regions. ................30 Figure 3.4 Histogram of profile depth bins by region. Profile depths for Japan extend
up to 365 m, but are concentrated at 100 m in the figure. Note that there is
one station with zp = 82 m in Japan. ......................................................................30 Figure 3.5 Histograms of log Vs10 and log Vs20 for shear-wave velocity models from
K-net, KiK-net, and California, for zp = 20 m [from Boore et al. (2011)]. ............32 Figure 3.6 Histogram of ground slopes at sites in California and Japan from which
the velocity models were obtained [from Boore et al. (2011)]. .............................33 Figure 3.7 Comparison of Vs30-Vsz relationships developed by Yu and Silva and
Boore et al. (2011) for four profile depths, zp. .......................................................34 Figure 3.8 Comparison of Vs30-Vsz relationships developed by Yu and Silva and
Boore et al. (2011) with KiK-net data for four profile depths, zp. .........................34 Figure 3.9 Variation of Vs30 with ground slope within basins [adapted from Wills and
Gutierrez (2008)]. ..................................................................................................36 Figure 3.10 Variation of slope, texture, and convexity with terrain categories of Yong
et al. (2012). ...........................................................................................................38 Figure 3.11 Mean values of Vs30 (indicated as “AVS30”) for geomorphologic categories
in JEGM [from Matsuoka et al. (2006)]. ...............................................................38 Figure 3.12 Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geology proxy using the
methods of Wills and Gutierrez (2008) for alluvium and Wills and Clahan
(2006) for all other conditions. ..............................................................................40 Figure 3.13 Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geotechnical proxy
(Geomatrix 3rd letter) using the methods of Chiou et al. (2008). Based on
Vs30 measurements and Vsz-Vs30 relations. ..............................................................41 Figure 3.14 Vs30 versus slope from California data and estimates from Wald and Allen
(2007) for active tectonic regions. Color coded polygons correspond to
slope ranges within NEHRP classes. .....................................................................41
Figure 3.15 Median and dispersion of Vs30 prediction residuals for California in natural
log units based on the analyses in this study. Results for measurements are
derived from data presented by Moss (2008) and Thompson et al. (2012),
as discussed in Section Explanation of codes: GMX: A-E, see
Table 3.2. Slope: slope categories within various NEHRP classes. Terrain:
numbered categories, see Figure 3.10. WC 2006 = Wills and Clahan
(2006), WA 2007 = Wald and Allen (2007), YEA 2012 = Yong et al.
(2012). Proxy aggregates are marked as “overall.” ...............................................43 Figure 3.16 Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geotechnical proxy
(Geomatrix 3rd letter) using the methods of Chiou et al. (2008). Based on
Vs30 measurements and Vsz-Vs30 relations. ..............................................................44 Figure 3.17 Vs30 versus slope from California data and estimates from Wald and Allen
(2007) for active tectonic regions. Color coded polygons correspond to
slope ranges within NEHRP classes. TW = Taiwan. .............................................44 Figure 3.18 Variation of Vs30 with elevation within GMX 3rd letter categories: (a) all
categories; and (b) categories C and D and elevation-based model from
Chiou (personal communication 2012). The data set used for development
of the proxy is not the same as that shown here. ...................................................45 Figure 3.19 Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on elevation-based method within
GMX 3rd letter categories using the methods of Chiou and Youngs
(2008a). Based on Vs30 measurements and Vsz-Vs30 relations for Taiwan
data. ........................................................................................................................46 Figure 3.20 Median and dispersion of Vs30 prediction residuals for Taiwan in natural
log units based on the analyses in this study. All explanations for
abbreviations are the same as in Figure 3.15, except for CY 2008a= Chiou
and Youngs (2008a). Proxy aggregates are marked as ‘overall’. ..........................46 Figure 3.21 Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geotechnical proxy
(Geomatrix 3rd letter) using the methods of Chiou et al. (2008). Based on
Vs30 measurements and Vsz-Vs30 relations. ..............................................................47 Figure 3.23 Vs30 versus slope from Japan data and estimates from Wald and Allen
(2007) for active tectonic regions. Color coded polygons correspond to
slope ranges within NEHRP classes. .....................................................................48 Figure 3.24 Median and dispersion of Vs30 prediction residuals for Japan in natural log
units based on the analyses in this study. Proxy aggregates are marked as
‘overall’. .................................................................................................................51 Figure 3.25 Histograms of Vs30 from sites in California, Japan, and Taiwan for GMX
categories A and E. Data utilized is from Vs30 measurements (for profile
depths greater than 20 m) and inferences of Vs30 from Vsz-Vs30 relations
for shallower profiles. ............................................................................................52 Figure 3.26 Uncertainty of Vs30 used in Vol. 23 site database [from Chiou et al.
(2008)]....................................................................................................................55 Figure 3.27 Dispersion of Vs30 from sites with multiple profiles obtained with surface
wave (SW) and/or borehole (BH) methods. ..........................................................56 xiii
Figure 3.28 Recommend dispersion of Vs30 in natural log units when derived from
various information sources. ..................................................................................58 Figure 3.29 Depth to 1 km/sec (Z1.0) reported by the CVM-H11.1.0 model. CVMH11.1.0 model provides Z1.0 values for 746 sites. .................................................61 Figure 3.30 Depth to 1 km/sec (Z1.0) reported by the CVM-S4 model. The CVM-S4
model provides Z1.0 values for only 242 sites. .......................................................61 Figure 3.31 Histogram of the Z1.0 values computed from the CVM-S4 and
CVMH11.1.0 models. ............................................................................................62 Figure 3.32 Histogram of the Z2.5 values computed from the CVM-S4 and
CVMH11.1.0 models. ............................................................................................62 Figure 3.33 The spatial distribution of the Z1.0 and Z2.5 basin depth parameter. .......................64
Figure 4.1 A plan view representation of areas which delineate the hanging wall
indicators. hw = for sites on the hanging wall, fw = for sites on the
footwall, nu = for neutral sites. ..............................................................................66 Figure 4.2 (a) A plan view definition of the source to site azimuth for dipping dip-slip
faults; and (b) a plan view definition of the source to site azimuth for
dipping strike-slip faults. Xcte is site's closest point on the surface
projection of top edge of fault (red dotted line). Various sites are
illustrated in black triangles. ..................................................................................66 Figure 4.3 A schematic of the closest distance to the rupture plane (RRUP) and the
hypocenter distance (RHYP) measure for example fault plane. ...............................67 Figure 4.4 A map (top) and side (bottom) view schematic of the source-to-site
distance measure RX for an example fault (thick black line) plane and
stations located on the hanging wall (RX > 0) and footwall (RX < 0) side.
Taken from Chiou and Youngs (2008). .................................................................67 Figure 4.5 A map view schematic of the source-to-site distance measure RY and RX
and the U and T parameters from the generalized coordinate system in
Spudich and Chiou (2008). Positive directions are shown. ...................................68 Figure 4.6 Plan view of scenarios #1 (top), #2 (middle) and #3 (bottom) in the
Method 2 calculation of RY. Example fault plane shown as square with the
top of rupture as the solid black line. Example stations for the three
scenarios are shown as a filled circle. ....................................................................71
Figure 5.1 Comparison of the period set used in the NGA-West1project and the
NGA-West2 project. Red triangles along the NGA-West2 line represent
new periods added. The red triangle along the NGA-West1 line represent a
period removed. .....................................................................................................75
Figure 5.2 A summary of the ratio between RotD50 using non-equal and equal filter
corners for the subset records. ...............................................................................81
Figure 6.1 PEER record processing procedure [from Boore et al. (2012)]. ............................84 xiv
Figure 6.2 Comparison of number of records with a highest useable period versus
period using records included in both NGA-West1 (dashed black) and
West-2 (solid red). The small offset at low periods is due to the removal of
stations detailed in Section 7..................................................................................86 Figure 6.3 Plot of event 10347254 median (solid line) and +/- 4s (dashed lines) based
on the Chiou et al. (2010) CA specific model and the as-recorded threecomponent (data points) PGA, PGV, and PsaT=0.3s and PsaT=1s. The red
data points are stations provided by Caltech (CIT), blue are provided by
BDSN, black are provided by CGS, and blue open circles are provided by
USGS. ....................................................................................................................90 Figure 6.4 Plot of the spectral shapes for EQID 1093. These plots were used for
additional checking of the processed data (figure from R. Kamai). Solid
black line is Chiou and Youngs (2008) prediction with +/-2 in dashed
black lines. .............................................................................................................91 xv
Table 2.1 NGA-West2: Finite fault models for earthquakes added in NGA-West2. ..............9 Table 2.2 Recommended event length incorporating segment overlap for applicable
events. ....................................................................................................................11 Table 2.3 Corrections in hypocenter locations from the ISC when results by Zhao et
al. (2011) are not available.....................................................................................22
Table 3.1 COSMOS codes for site classification and corresponding GMX 1st-letter
code. .......................................................................................................................28 Table 3.2 Geomatrix 3rd letter site categories and recommended Vs30 and uncertainty
[adapted from Chiou et al., (2008)]. ......................................................................36 Table 3.3 Coefficients for Taiwan-specific estimation of mean Vs30 within GMX
categories ...............................................................................................................39 Table 3.4 Terrain-based categories by Yong et al. (2012) and corresponding Vs30 and
uncertainty..............................................................................................................42 Table 3.5 Terrain-based categories by Yong et al. (2012) and corresponding Vs30. ..............45 Table 3.6a Terrain-based categories by Yong et al. (2012) and Vs30 bias and
dispersion. ..............................................................................................................49 Table 3.6b Geomorphology-based categories Matsuoka et al. (2006) and
corresponding Vs30 bias and dispersion. .................................................................50 Table 3.7 Recommended Vs30 for GMX 3rd Letter categories. Values for A and E are
modified from those in Chiou et al. (2008)............................................................52 Table 3.8 Relative proxy weights by region and applied weights for Vs30 estimation
when each proxy is available for a site. .................................................................54
Table 5.1 Summary of records not used for the calculation of RotDnn spectra. ...................76 Table 5.2 Set of records from the NGA-West2 database used in the comparison of
non-equal/equal filter corner derived RotD50. HP-H1 and HP-H2 are the
high-pass filter corners selected for the two horizontal components. ....................77 Table 6.1 Summary of late P-wave and S-wave trigger flags. ...............................................87
Table 7.1 Summary of the set of records removed from the NGA-West2 database..............94
Table A.1 Source table column explanation. ........................................................................107 Table A.2 Fault parameters for multiple-segment rupture events. .......................................109
Table B.1 Wenchuan aftershock hypocenter locations from the ISC and the corrected
locations adopted in the source table. ..................................................................111 Table B.2 Preferred planes from the selected focal mechanism for Wenchuan
aftershocks. When available the conjugate (preferred and auxiliary) fault
planes are listed. ...................................................................................................113 xviii
Overview of NGA-West2 Ground Motion
In 2003, the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) initiated a large research
program to develop next generation ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs or “attenuation
relationships”) for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions (now called NGAWest1). The project concluded in 2008 and provided several important products, including a
strong-motion database of recorded ground motions and a set of peer-reviewed GMPEs (Power
et al. 2008). Many researchers, practitioners, and organizations throughout the world are now
using the NGA-West1 models and the NGA-West1 database for research and engineering
The importance of a common high-quality ground-motion database was recognized early
in the NGA-West1 research program. Having project investigators use a common database
fostered collaboration between GMPE development groups and made model-to-model
comparisons more meaningful and could potentially reduce unwarranted model-to-model
variation. It had also been recognized that some of the noted differences between previous
GMPEs could be attributed to the unintentional differences in empirical databases. Such
differences also made it difficult to conduct a fair and systematic comparison of GMPEs.
As successful as the original NGA-West1 program was, there were some additional and
complementary ground motion issues and supporting research projects that could not be
addressed in NGA-West1 program due to time constraints. NGA-West2 expands the original
moderate-to-large magnitude NGA-West1 database with data from recent significant world-wide
crustal earthquakes that occurred after 2003. Additionally, small-to-moderate magnitude
California earthquakes were added to aid the “small magnitude” scaling of the NGA GMPEs, as
well as several factors that are discussed in more detail in Chiou et al. (2010). The goals included
evaluation of small-to-moderate magnitude scaling and GMPE extrapolation, possible
regionalization within California, and “Single-Station” standard deviation.
First, several researchers observed that the NGA-West1 GMPEs over-predicted the small
magnitude ground motions; therefore, by adding these extensive small-to-moderate data set, the
“small magnitude” scaling of the NGA-West1 GMPEs is being updated. An earlier analysis by
Chiou and Youngs (2006) found that their interim model on average under-predicted peak
ground acceleration (PGA) from the M ≤ 4 earthquakes and slightly over-predicted PGA from
the 4.2 ≤ M ≤ 4.8 earthquakes. Similar findings were obtained by Chiou and Youngs (2008b)
against their final NGA-West1 model. Campbell (2008, 2011) found a similar bias in the NGAWest1 GMPE of Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008). Misfits to the California M < 5 data by the
other NGA-West1 models have also been reported by Cua and Heaton (2008) and Atkinson and
Morrison (2009). All these studies point to the need to modify the NGA-West1 models’ scaling
of ground motions for small and moderate earthquakes, which were poorly sampled in the
previous NGA-West1 database; see Figure 1.2.
Second, due to the less frequent occurrence of moderate-to-large magnitude earthquakes
and/or a sparse strong-motion seismic network, a large portion of the data collected from many
active tectonic regions has been in the relatively small magnitude (M < 5) range [e.g., Bommer et
al. (2007); and Atkinson and Morrison (2009)]. As a result, quantitative comparisons of the
locally recorded ground motions with the NGA-West1 models often require extrapolating to a
lower magnitude range than what was used in their development.
Third, California’s advantage of having abundant ground motion data from well-recorded
earthquakes in both the moderate-to-large (M ≥ 5.5) and the small-to-moderate (3 ≤ M ≤ 5.5)
magnitude ranges also allows us to examine the regional variation of ground motion within
California over a wide range of magnitude. The issue of regional variability has been an
important topic for earthquake hazard analysis worldwide. Similar explorations, using different
datasets from other regions have been conducted (Douglas 2004, 2007; Bommer et al. 2010;
Atkinson and Morrison 2009).
Finally, the small magnitude database can also be used for constraining “Single-Station”
(i.e., intra-site) standard deviation (sigma) of the NGA-West2 GMPEs. A formal definition of
single-station standard deviation is defined in Al Atik et al. (2012).
The set of recordings from events included in the NGA-West1 database, the additional
world-wide events post 2003, and the small-to-moderate magnitude California events comprise
the NGA-West2 ground motion database. The project also continues to improve the metadata as
well as add new supporting information to the NGA-West2 database to aid in the update of the
NGA-West2 GMPEs.
( of ground motion recordings from
shallow crustal events in active tectonic regions that was completed in 2003 (Chiou et al. 2008).
The NGA-West2 database continues the similar methodology of data collection and record
processing as in the previous database and includes additional selected earthquake records up to
February 2011.
Since 2003, numerous well-recorded significant shallow crustal events have occurred
worldwide, including the 2003 M6.6 Bam (Iran), 2004 M6 Parkfield (California), 2008 M7.9
Wenchuan (China), 2009 M6.3 L’Aquila (Italy), 2010 M7 El Mayor-Cucupah (California and
Mexico), 2010 M7 Darfield (New Zealand), 2011 M6.3 Christchurch, and several well-recorded
shallow crustal earthquakes in Japan. The NGA-West1 database has been extensively expanded
to include the recorded ground-motion data and metadata from these and other recent events.
Figure 1.1 shows the distribution of the epicenter locations of the selected worldwide shallow
crustal events, and Figure 1.2 highlights the magnitude-closest distance distribution of the 174
NGA-West1 events and the 161 added events. These new data more than doubled the number of
recordings with M > 5.5 from the earlier database (NGA-West 1).
Figure 1.1
Map of the epicentral distribution of the 335 selected world-wide events included in
the NGA-West2 database. Open circles (blue) are events in the previous NGAWest1 database and solid stars (red) are events added in the NGA-West2 database.
New events were selected based on a similar criteria used in the NGA-West1 project to
ensure consistency within the dataset. Events are considered shallow crustal if they occur within
the continental lithosphere. The region used to collect shallow events is considered “tectonically
active” if the earthquake is not located in a stable continental region (SCR), within a subducting
slab or on the interface between the slab and the continental lithosphere; typically these events
are near a plate boundary. Additionally, events were not excluded if they occurred in close
proximity (time and space) with a previous event. For example, 64 events after the M7.9
Wenchuan and two events following the 2009 M6.3 L’Aquila, Italy events were collected. The
1999 M6.1 Joshua Tree, California, event, which was left out of the NGA-West1 dataset due to
time constraints, was populated in the new dataset.
There was considerable discussion on several of these earthquakes. For example, the
working group recommended that the Wenchuan, China, earthquake rupture be classified as
occurring in an active tectonic region. This recommendation was based on the observation that
the region is undergoing active crustal shortening similar to other active mountain belts
(Hubbard et al. 2010). However, it was noted that distance attenuation along some azimuths
(particularly to the east) may have higher Q values more appropriate for stable continental
regions (Wang and Lu 2011).
The Japanese data set was extensively expanded with the inclusion of the Tottori,
Niigata, Chuetsu-oki, and Iwate earthquakes (see Table 2.1). The total number of recordings
from Japan is now close to 2000 with the number of sites increasing from 22 to 1233 (Figure
3.1). The inclusion of these earthquakes allows for an examination of regional differences in
attenuation, shallow site, and basin effects, among other source, path, and site attributes.
Records were collected from a number of agencies managing strong-motion networks
located world-wide. Record selection followed a similar methodology used in the NGA-West1
project to ensure consistency within the dataset. Records were included for processing based on
the following criteria:
1. Free-field record
2. Adequate signal-to-noise ratio
3. Location is known
4. Not co-located with another instrument on the same small pad
A recording may still be included in the dataset if the idealized conditions are not all met due to
the importance of the recording. Cases where the criteria were relaxed include, but not limited to,
single recording for an event and records in close proximity to the rupture plane. More details on
record selection and quality are included in Sections 3.2 and 6 for the instrument siting
information and record processing used.
Figure 1.2
Magnitude-distance distribution of strong-motion records in the NGA-West2
database (magnitudes 3 to 7.9). Open blue squares are stations included in the
NGA-West1. Solid red squares are stations added from worldwide events. Orange
triangles are stations added from California only from small-to-moderate
magnitude events (magnitudes 3 to 5.5).
In addition to the world-wide moderate-to-large magnitude data, thousands of ground motions
recorded from small-to-moderate magnitude events in California were also added, with M
between 3 and 5.5. The collection of the small-to-moderate magnitude data set was motivated by
several factors that are discussed in more detail in Chiou et al. (2010).
Records from small-to-moderate crustal California earthquakes were collected from the
four major networks operating in California: Berkeley Digital Seismic Network
(BDSN)/Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC), California Institute of
Technology (CIT)/Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)/Southern California
Earthquake Center (SCEC), California Geological Survey (CGS)/California Strong Motion
Program (CSMIP), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). In collaboration with Ellen
Yu of CIT\SCSN\SCEC and Peggy Helweg of BDSN\NCEDC, three-component data from
continuously recording broadband or strong-motion channels were collected. Supplemental
strong-motion data were obtained from California Geological Survey (CGS)\California Strong
Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP), California Earthquake Strong Motion Data
(CESMD), and the U. S, Geological Survey \National Strong Motion Program) (USGS\NSMP),
which also both provided data for the moderate and large magnitude events. In total we received
in excess of 230,000 recordings.
Similar to the world-wide data, recordings were selected for inclusion in the database
based on several factors including favorable signal to noise ratio and recorder location (e.g.,
downhole, structural, and tunnel recording sites, among others, were excluded). Additional
considerations specific to this dataset included availability of instrument parameters (e.g., natural
frequency, damping, sample rate, and anti-alias filter corner) and complexity in the baseline error
(e.g., baseline errors with multiple jumps or time dependent trends were excluded). Therefore,
record selection was generally stricter than the world-wide data. In total 12,818 three-component
records were collected from 266 events. The data set has a moment magnitude (M) range of 3 to
5.5, and a rupture distance range of 2 to 1100 km. Figure 1.3 shows the distribution of the
epicenter locations, and Figure 1.2 highlights the magnitude-closest distance distribution of
records collected from California small-to-moderate magnitude events.
Figure 1.3
Map of the epicentral distribution of the 266 events added to the NGA-West2
database collected from the small-to-moderate magnitude data in California.
The metadata tables were developed under direction of different NGA-West2 working groups,
and final information in the data tables went through a significant review process. Each working
group contained a panel of experts within that field of interest. Four metadata tables created by
different working groups: the earthquake source table, site database, propagation path table, and
record catalog. The data tables used in the NGA-West1 project (Chiou et al. 2008) were used as
the start of the current tables. In addition to adding information to the NGA-West2 database from
additional station/events, there was a significant review of existing metadata. New types of
metadata were added to each data table (for example, Rx, the horizontal distance from the top of
the fault to the site along a local strike-perpendicular direction) and significant improvements
have been made toward uniformity and transparency in metadata collection and estimation. A
summary flatfile was created from the metadata tables that contain the key information used by
the individual NGA-West2 GMPE model developers.
The earthquake source table contains earthquake source information, such as moment
magnitude, hypocenter location, fault rupture dimensions, and focal mechanism. Earthquakes are
given a unique earthquake ID number (EQID) as they are added. The information contained
within the source table was collected and reviewed by the NGA-West2 Source Working Group,
as detailed in Section 2. Section 2 details the source data collection efforts and event parameter
selection methodology, and lists the finite fault inversions reviewed for the added events.
Information contained in the source table were collected from finite fault inversions, high-quality
location and moment tensor catalogs, or from a simulated fault geometry. Review of available
and selection of the preferred finite fault closely followed the methodology used in the NGAWest1 study. Additionally, all events were given a newly proposed fault classification aimed at
consistently separating what was referred to in the NGA-West1 project as mainshock and
aftershock events.
The site database is a collection of information for each recording station, such as station
coordinate, various proxies used for Vs30 estimation, and Vs30 code indicating how Vs30 was
estimated. A station is given a unique station sequence number (SSN) as it is added. The
information contained in the site database was collected and reviewed by the NGA-West2 Task 8
working group, as detailed in Section 3. Section 3 details the metadata collection and review
efforts for all station locations included in the NGA-West2 database. The information in the site
database has been extensively reviewed for correctness, and a significant effort was made to
collect measured site properties when available and inferred site properties through site
characteristics that are widely available (i.e., surficial geology or topographic slope).
The propagation path table is a set of computed site-source path parameters used by the
various directivity modelers and GMPE developers. The majority of the work required in
developing the path parameters included developing routines to generate stable and reliable path
parameters. The developed routines required the selected finite fault geometry, hypocenter
location, and the station location as input. The individual directivity modelers and Brian Chiou
calculated the majority of the path parameters. Description of path parameters and methodology
used in their estimation is included in Section 4. Each recording included has all the widely used
and newly proposed site-source distance measures estimated, and all recordings from events with
selected finite fault models have the recently developed directivity parameters estimated.
The record catalog is a list of the strong-motion recordings included in the database. The
record catalog also contains the spectral values, peak ground motion measures (PGA, PGV, and
PGD), and the filter corner frequencies. Each record is given a unique record sequence number
(RSN) as it is added. Paired with each record included are a series of uniformly formatted text
files containing the three-component as-recorded response spectra, a new intensity measure of
orientation independent horizontal spectra, called RotDnn (Boore 2010), and the Arias Intensity
for various durations. The available pseudo-spectral accelerations are now provided at 111
periods ranging from 0.01 to 20 sec and for 11 different damping ratios ranging from 0.5% to
30%. Section 5 details the time series metrics calculated for each record and the record catalog.
Subsets of the pertinent information in all the tables are summarized in the database
flatfile, which is used by the various working groups in the NGA-West2 project. The three ID
numbers (RSN, SSN, and EQID) facilitate a linkage between the tables and aided in the creation
of the final flatfile. Details of the information contained in the flatfile are included in Section 7
and Appendix C.
Earthquake Source Table
We began with the earthquake source table developed in the original NGA-West1 project
described by Chiou et al. (2008). The earthquake source table contains basic information about
the seismic source, including earthquake origin date and time, moment magnitude, hypocenter
location, focal mechanism, occurrence of primary surface rupture, and tectonic environment,
among other metadata. The NGA-West2 project added data from 161 additional moderate-tolarge world-wide earthquakes and 266 small-to-moderate magnitude California earthquakes for a
total of 266 earthquakes with M greater than about 3. In addition, finite fault models for 63
(NGA-West1) and 14 (NGA-West2, included in Table 2.1) earthquakes were collected and
systematically evaluated. The finite fault model provided additional information such as the
dimension of fault rupture and depth to the top of rupture.
Major participants in the development of the source tables included members of the
NGA-West2 Source Working Group of Jack Boatwright (USGS), Brian Chiou (CDOT), Robert
Darragh (PE&A), and Rob Graves (USGS) and the following additional project researchers:
Timothy Ancheta (PEER), Katie Wooddell (PG&E), Tadahiro Kishida (PEER), and Annemarie
Baltay (USGS). Additionally, the information contained in the tables was improved through
numerous discussions with the GMPE developers not mentioned above.
The objectives of this work were to provide the GMPE developers with consistent source
parameters and classifications for all the earthquakes in the NGA-West2 dataset. Section 2.2
details the finite fault review methodology and the selected finite fault models included in the
earthquake source table. Considerations for multi-segment ruptures are detailed in Section 2.3.
Section 2.4 details the catalogs used to extract source parameters for the California small-tomoderate magnitude events. When a finite fault geometry was not available, an updated version
of the methodology used by Chiou and Youngs (2008) for simulating unavailable source
parameters was adopted in the NGA-West2 database. A brief description of method is included
in Section 2.5. A consistent event classification (aftershock/mainshock) was developed to reduce
inconsistent event selection between the GMPE developer groups. Section 2.6 details the
classification methodology and defines the newly proposed distinction between a Class 1
(mainshock) and Class 2 (aftershock) event. Details of the event classification of the earthquake
swarms and the Wenchuan aftershock parameters are included in Section 2.7 and 2.8.
The key contents of the source table to be fed into the flatfile include the event time,
magnitude, location, mechanism, and finite fault geometry (strike, dip, length, width, top of
rupture, etc.). A link to the electronic version and explanation of the source table can be found in
Appendix A.
An earthquake’s finite fault model is a critical piece of information from which numerous other
source and path data were derived. In the NGA-West1 database the finite fault geometry was
defined by the end points of the top edge of rupture, the depth to the bottom edge of rupture, the
fault dip angle, and the strike direction (Figure 2.1). The finite fault geometry was typically
obtained, in the order of preference, from field observation of primary surface rupture, coseismic
slip distribution obtained by inversions of waveform and geodetic data, and observation of
aftershock distribution. When a slip inversion model was available, that model was also used to
extract information about the rise time, rupture velocity, and other data related to the spatial
characteristics of (coseismic) fault slip (such as existence of shallow asperity, percent of moment
release in the top 5 km of crust).
Figure 2.1
Schematic representation of strike, dip, rake, depth to top of rupture (ZTOR), down
dip width (W), and length (L).
The NGA-West1 finite fault models were built on three model collections previously
used in ground-motion studies: PEER-NEAR (Silva et al. 1999a), USGS-Yucca Mountain (YM)
(Spudich et al. 1996; Chiou et al. 2000). The PEER-NEAR is a set of finite fault models for
shallow crustal earthquakes collected by Pacific Engineering and Analysis. Developed by USGS
for the Yucca Mountain Project USGS-YM is for earthquakes in extensional regimes. These two
model collections supplement each other, with only eight earthquakes overlapping between
them. The third collection (Chiou et al. 2000] overlaps considerably with PEER-NEAR but
contains several additional models that are not in PEER-NEAR.
We also expanded the collection by adding models for other earthquakes, especially more
recent events. In total, finite fault models for 63 earthquakes were collected in NGA-West1. An
additional 14 models were added in NGA-West2 (Table 2.1). Information about each finite fault
model was obtained directly from the researchers or was extracted from their publications, some
of which were in press. Some of the older models were presented in figures, therefore
coordinates defining the fault rupture limits were manually digitized from those figures. We
converted every model to a uniform format and to a latitude/longitude coordinate system.
The areal extent of the rupture was a main issue in evaluating the finite fault model.
When a model included regions of zero or low level of slip near the edges, the model area was
reduced or trimmed back. The consensus reached among the NGA GMPE developers and other
attending seismologists at the June 2004 NGA developers meeting that regions with more than
50 cm of coseismic slip should not be trimmed off. Also, it was agreed that the final model
should maintain the primary surface rupture observed in the field. Trimming the areal extent of
the finite fault plane of newly added earthquakes is performed using the methodology used in the
NGA-West1 project. An example application of the finite fault model selection and fault
trimming is provided in Stewart et al. (2012) for one of the events in the database (L’Aquila,
If there were more than one rupture model for an earthquake, a careful evaluation of the
available models was conducted to develop a preferred model. In general, the dimension of the
preferred model is close to the average of the available models. The preferred finite fault models
went through several iterations of reviews by NGA-West1 Working Group #4 (during a meeting
in September 2003) and the NGA GMPE developers (during two ground motion prediction
equation developer meetings in May and June of 2004). Furthermore, Paul Somerville, Nancy
Collins, and their colleagues at URS Corporation (personal communication, 2004) systematically
reviewed the finite fault models and provided useful feedback and recommendations that were
incorporated into the final models for NGA-West1 (Chiou et al. 2008). For NGA-West2, the
finite fault models were reviewed by the Source Working Group of Jack Boatwright, Brian
Chiou, Robert Darragh, and Robert Graves at several working group meetings, and reported back
to a larger group of GMPE developers. The preferred finite fault model for each added event is
listed in Table 2.1 along with alternate models considered.
A number of events within the NGA-West2 database have multiple segments that were
identified to have ruptured in the event. A discussion on the methodology for assigning event
parameters is included in Section 2.3 below.
Table 2.1
Earthquake Name
NGA-West2: Finite fault models for earthquakes added in NGA-West2.
Primary Choice
Montenegro, Yugoslavia
Benetaos and Kiratzi (2006)
Joshua Tree, California
Hough and Dreger (1995)
Tottori, Japan
Piatanesi et al. (2007)
San Simeon, California
Ji et al. (2004)
Bam, Iran
Jackson et al. (2006)
Niigata, Japan
Asano and Iwata (2009)
Parkfield, California
Custudio et al. (2005)
Chuetsu-oki, Japan
Miyake et al. (2010)
Iwate, Japan
Suzuki et al. (2010)
L'Aquila, Italy
Scognamiglio et al. (2010)
Wenchuan, China
Koketsu et al. (2009)
Shao et al. (2010),
Wang et al. (2008)
Wei et al. (2011)
Ji et al. (in prep.)
Beavan et al. (2010)
Holden (2011)
El Mayor-Cucupah,
Darfield, New Zealand
Christchurch, New Zealand
Sekiguchi et al.
Hardebeck et al.
(2004), Dreger et al.
Hikima and Koketsu
Cirella et al. (2009)
Beavan et al. (2011)
Several earthquakes that have finite source models have multiple segments, e.g., Kern County,
San Fernando, Kobe, Landers, and Hector Mine, among others. A rupture (generally defined as
significant slip, greater than about 50 cm in a slip inversion) could occur on a multi-segment
fault or on multiple faults. A multi-segment rupture consists of two or more contiguous planar
quadrilaterals joined along their down-dip edges, sharing a single hypocenter. A multi-fault
rupture occurs on two or more non-contiguous surfaces (which might each be multi-segment)
and each surface having its own hypocenter. A list of the events with multi-segment ruptures
along with the event parameters for each rectangular fault segments are included in Table A.2 in
Appendix A.
The multi-segment/multi-fault nature of these events may have a significant impact on
the resulting ground motions or parameters. Parameters that are affected include some directivity
parameters, the source-to-site distance measures, and the reported event parameters. A
description of how the directivity models developed under the NGA-West2 include multisegment ruptures is included in the Task 1 Directivity summary report by PEER. For example, in
the directivity model developed by Badie Rowshandel (personal communication, 2013), multisegment rupture is directly included; that is, directivity contributions from a segment or a group
of segments each rupturing from its “hypocenter”, (that is the point of rupture initiation on each
segment, for one of the segments it is the earthquake hypocenter, for other segments it is
assumed to be the closest point to the segment that ruptured from the earthquake hypocenter or
other appropriate point) are computed and summed. The method for determining event
parameters reported in the source table and subsequently in the flatfile for multi-segment/multifault ruptures is described below. The method for determining the source-to-site distance
measures in included in Section 4.2 and 4.3.
Following the methodology used in the NGA-West1 database, Brian Chiou (personal
communication, 2012), assignment of the multi-segment/fault event parameters to be reported on
the flatfile was based on a weighting scheme or summation. Typically, the fault length and area
were based on a summation over the rectangular fault segments. Exceptions to this include
events with significantly overlapping segments either along strike or down dip as listed in Table
2.2. Due to work estimating RY using the coordinate system (GC2 or second version of a
generalized coordinate system) developed by Chiou and Spudich (personal communication,
2013) a number of fault lengths are modified to appropriately account for segment overlap. The
impact of GC2 provides a smooth transformation of coordinates, especially for multisegment/multi-fault earthquakes. After review of the new coordinate system and discussions with
Chiou and Spudich, the length of the fault used in the calculations of RY was modified for a few
events. An example is the 1971 San Fernando event.
Figure 2.2
Contour lines (thin green) of U for the 1971 San Fernando earthquake calculated
from the Spudich and Chiou GC2. The solid and dashed lines represent the top of
rupture and the surface projection of the finite fault planes respectively.
The 1971 San Fernando earthquake is composed of two rupture planes, each with a
length of about 16 km. But as seen in Figure 2.2, using a length of 16 km in the RY calculations
would not be appropriate. Rather, a length of 20 km was used for the 1971 San Fernando
earthquake in the RY calculations. Assigning new lengths to multi-segment, multi-fault
earthquakes is only appropriate for four events listed below in Table 2.2:
Table 2.2
Recommended event length incorporating segment overlap for applicable events.
San Fernando (1971)
Hector Mine (1999)
Denali (2002)
El Mayor-Cucapah (2010)
Length (km)
The fault strike and dip reported was based on a weighted sum of the segment length and
width, respectively. Additionally, most events in the dataset have consistent faulting mechanism
(rake) across the various ruptured segments. Three earthquakes (Denali, El-Mayor Cucapah, and
Darfield) have significantly variable faulting mechanisms (rake) along strike. The El-Mayor
Cucapah earthquake (similar to the Denali earthquake in the PEER-NGA West1 dataset) is a
multi-segment rupture with variable faulting mechanisms (rake) along the strike of the rupture.
The hypocenter (area of rupture initiation) occurred at depth on a blind normal fault. The finite
fault model for the El-Mayor Cucapah earthquake consists of four segments (Table A.2).
However, the long predominantly right-lateral strike slip segments with significant surface offset
dominated the seismic moment over the other shorter segments of the faulting with various other
mechanisms. Therefore, a rake was assigned consistent with a strike slip mechanism. In contrast,
the Darfield, New Zealand, earthquake ruptured multi-segments with variable faulting
mechanisms along the strike of the rupture. The hypocenter (rupture initiation) occurred at depth
on a blind thrust fault. However, strike slip rupture with significant surface offset dominated all
other segments of the faulting. The finite fault model for the Darfield earthquake has been
appropriately simplified to include only a single strike-slip segment for PEER NGA-West2 based
on the reference in Table 2.1.
Finite fault inversions are typically not available for events with moment magnitude less than
about five. Therefore, for the events added from the California small-to-moderate events the
source parameters were chosen from high-quality relocation and moment tensor catalogs, as
available. Parameters that are typically available in the catalogs included the event time,
magnitude, strike, dip, rake, hypocenter location, and hypocenter depth. The seismic network in
California is split between the Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN) and the Southern
California Seismic Network (SCSN) network. The boundary between the NCSN and SCSN
instrumentation and data processing is shown in Allen et al. (1965), as a zigzag line starting off
the central California coast at 35° N, 121° W and entering Nevada east of Mono Lake along 38°
N. The boundary is significant for the available catalogs as events occurring in the separate zones
are analyzed by the local network and collected into the local catalog (location and moment
tensor). The 266 events included in the California data set have been re-plotted in Figure 2.3
relative to the boundary line. When an event occurred near the boundary, both California
networks may give a location/moment tensor. In this case the preferred network solution used the
boundary mentioned above. It was inferred that when an event occurred within that network’s
boundaries, a larger number of stations may be utilized in the location/moment tensor solution.
Figure 2.3 also shows the small and moderate magnitude earthquakes for which either NCSN
(blue) or SCSN (red) metadata were preferred.
For northern California earthquakes, hypocenter location is taken in order of preference
from Waldhauser and Schaff (2008) and then from the NCEDC catalog. Seismic moment,
conjugate fault planes (strike and dip), and rake angle are taken from the NCEDC moment tensor
catalog. For southern California earthquakes, hypocenter location is taken in order of preference
from Hauksson, Yang, and Shearer (2012) and then from the SCSN\SCEC catalog. Seismic
moment, conjugate fault planes (strike and dip), and rake angle are taken from Yang, Hauksson,
and Shearer (2012) and from the SCSN\SCEC moment tensor catalog.
Figure 2.3
Hypocenter Locations of the events selected in the SMM data set. Boundary
separates the NCSN from SCSN. Events to the north (blue) of boundary preferred
metadata from NCSN\BDSN. Events to the south of boundary (red) preferred
metadata from SCSN\CIT.
Conjugate fault planes of the high-quality moment tensor solution were used to define the
probable rupture plane of an earthquake. To resolve the fault plane ambiguity, well-defined
aftershock distributions were used, when available, to distinguish the fault plane from the
conjugate plane. If an aftershock distribution is not available or does not favor a rupture plane,
the probable rupture plane was selected according to regional trends. Unresolved fault planes are
treated as a source of uncertainty in the calculation of distance measures (Section 2.4).
If a high-quality moment tensor solution (or fault plane solution) is not available for an
earthquake, then its strike and dip are estimated from other associated events in the same region.
For those earthquakes unassociated with other events, fault dips are assigned based on known or
inferred mechanisms following Chiou and Youngs (2008) as follows: 90° for strike-slip, 40° for
reverse, and 55° for normal. Unknown fault strike is treated in the calculation of distance
measures as a uniformly distributed random variable between -180° and 180°. The selected
unknown fault strike is based on the methodology described in Section 2.4.
In the NGA-West1 flatfile, distance metrics such as the closest distance to the surface projection
of the fault rupture plane, Joyner-Boore distance (RJB), and the closest distance to the fault
rupture plane (RRUP) were missing when the finite fault model was not available. In NGA-West2,
a decision was made by the NGA GMPE developers to adopt a method to simulate finite fault
planes for events without a finite fault model but with minimal information of hypocenter,
magnitude, and fault plane solution (or style of faulting). The goal of the simulation routine is to
obtain an approximate fault rupture geometry that may be used to compute distance metrics and
a few other path data (such as the source-site angle θSITE, the fault rupture width W, and the
depth to the top of the rupture, ZTOR) that require knowledge of finite fault geometry.
The simulation methodology is briefly described here, but a more detailed discussion is
provided in Appendix B of the Chiou and Youngs (2008) report. In this methodology, the
missing fault plane information is filled in by random sampling of pertinent probabilistic
distributions of fault ruptured area, aspect ratio of ruptured area, and hypocenter position on the
fault plane. The simulation routine generates a set of 101 random fault ruptures that are rotated
and translated in space but fixed on the given hypocenter location. The strike and dip is fixed if
During the NGA-West2 project the methodology was modified to provide a more stable
simulated finite fault. In the previous methodology, the simulation was performed independently
for each recording within an event. In the current implementation the routine computes the
median RRUP value of the 101 simulated ruptures using a grid of pseudo stations (~500 spaced
around the epicenter at epicentral distances from 0 to 300 km). Use of a grid of pseudo stations
instead of the observed recordings in the Chiou and Youngs (2008) approach ensures that adding
or subtracting observed stations from the list would not affect the simulated rupture model. The
selected fault plane is the simulated rupture that best fits the set of median RRUP .
Over the past twenty years, it has been observed that median ground motions from aftershocks
are systematically lower than median ground motions from mainshocks by about 2040% at
short spectral periods (Boore and Atkinson 1989; Boore and Atkinson 1992; Abrahamson and
Silva 2008). One explanation for this is that the mainshock rupture has reduced the stress on the
fault surface. Aftershocks then may have lower stress drops and reduced stress short-period
spectra that are controlled by stress drop. In contrast, seismic moment controls the long-period
spectral levels, and hence no difference is observed. Given these observations, the NGA-West1
GMPE developers accounted for this difference either by removing aftershocks from the dataset
(Boore and Atkinson 2008; Campbell and Bozorgnia 2008), or by including a term to account for
a constant scale factor between mainshocks and aftershocks (Abrahamson and Silva 2008; Chiou
and Youngs 2008). In the NGA-West1 project, each GMPE developer team made an
independent classification of the earthquakes in their dataset.
However, classifying an earthquake as a mainshock or aftershock is not a straightforward
problem. The term aftershock may mean different things to different people and organizations,
and each defines it to suit their own concept of what an aftershock is. At best, aftershock is a
loosely defined term, not the least because there is no clear distinction between aftershocks,
triggered events, clusters, etc., with each presumably responding to different physical processes
following the mainshock. In terms of ground motion, not all of these aftershock types
systematically produce similar median ground motions. Based on observations reported in
Wooddell and Abrahamson (2012), triggered events that occur off the mainshock rupture plane,
which are often called aftershocks, may have median ground motions that are similar to
mainshocks (presumably because the mainshock rupture did not significantly reduce the stress on
these other faults). However, events closer to the rupture plane were found to exhibit smaller
median short-period ground motions than mainshocks as had been found previously.
Figure 2.4 compares the peak accelerations from the 22 February 2011 Christchurch
earthquake, adjusted to a Vs30=500 m/sec site condition, to the Abrahamson and Silva (2008)
median PGA for mainshocks and for aftershocks. The PGA values from the Christchurch
earthquake are more typical of a mainshock type earthquake of than an aftershock type
earthquake. Similarly, the 28 June 1992, Big Bear earthquake is related to the 28 June 1992
Landers earthquake, but it ruptured a separate fault. Figure 2.5 compares the PGA values from
the Big Bear earthquake with the Abrahamson and Silva (2008) median PGAs. As with
Christchurch, the Big Bear PGAs are more consistent with the mainshock median than with the
aftershock median. There is large variability in ground motions, so the comparisons for these two
earthquakes are, by themselves, not conclusive, but they serve to demonstrate the issue.
Figure 2.4
Peak ground accelerations normalized to a reference Vs30 of 500 m/sec for the 2011
Christchurch earthquake compared with the Abramson and Silva 2008 GMPE for
mainshocks and aftershocks.
Figure 2.5
Peak ground accelerations normalized to a reference Vs30 of 500 m/sec for the
1992 Big Bear earthquake compared with the Abrahamson and Silva 2008 GMPE
for both mainshocks and aftershocks.
Given observations such as these, earthquakes in the NGA-West2 database are grouped
into two classes based on their distance to the rupture plane of the main event and their time with
respect to the main event. Following Wooddell and Abrahamson (2012), Class 1 earthquakes are
mainshocks, triggered events, or foreshocks that occur off the surface projection of the
mainshock rupture plane, and Class 2 earthquakes are the earthquakes that occur within or near
the surface projection of the mainshock rupture plane and within a time window for aftershocks.
The hypothesis is that the earthquakes occurring within the fault plane or damaged region of the
main event have a systematic bias toward lower median ground motion due to the lower stress
drops from these earthquakes that re-rupture the fault plane. This is consistent with the results of
Baltay et al. (2012), which showed that, on average, the stress drops for the mainshocks (Class 1
earthquakes) in the NGA-West2 dataset are about 1.6 times higher than the stress drops for the
aftershocks (Class 2 earthquakes).
2.6.1 Methodology
The mainshock flag in the NGA-West2 database is used to select earthquakes for use in the
attenuation model development. A MatLab script is used to distinguish Class 1 events
(mainshocks, foreshocks, triggered events, and off-plane aftershocks) from Class 2 events
(aftershocks that re-rupture the mainshock fault plane or occur within the damaged zone within a
time window for aftershocks). This procedure is based on a windowing method that designates
an event as a Class 2 event if it occurred inside the spatial and temporal windows of a larger
Class 1 earthquake. The windowing approach used for the classifications in the NGA-West2
database uses the Gardner and Knopoff (1974) time window and a distance window based on the
shortest distance between the centroid of Joyner-Boore rupture surface of the potential Class 2
earthquakes, and the closest point on the edge of the Joyner-Boore rupture surface of the Class 1
mainshock. We call this the centroid Joyner-Boore distance “CRJB.”
The CRJB distance metric was adopted as an improvement on the Gardner and Knopoff
(1974) distance metric, which is based on a radial distance from the mainshock epicenter. When
analyzing the Wenchuan, China, earthquake and aftershock sequence, Wooddell and
Abrahamson (2012) observed that the Gardner and Knopoff (1974) algorithm only identified 39
aftershocks. However in the NGA-West2 database, the Wenchuan, China, earthquake has 65
aftershock records associated with it, with dates ranging from 12 May to 5 August 2008. The
Gardner and Knopoff (1974) algorithm misclassified many of the Wenchuan, China, aftershocks
because it searches over a radial distance from the epicenter of about 90 km for a M7.9
earthquake. The rupture plane for the Wenchuan, China, earthquake spanned a length of
approximately 300 km. By using the mainshock epicenter for measuring the separation distances
between earthquakes, many of the earthquakes that are clearly related to the mainshock are not
associated with the mainshock by the Gardner and Knopoff algorithm, as shown in Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6
(a) 2008 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake (yellow star) and aftershock sequence (blue
dots); and (b) 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake (yellow star), aftershocks as
defined by the Gardner-Knopoff algorithm (blue dots) and events not associated
with the event sequence (red dots).
The Wenchuan, China, example demonstrates an obvious shortcoming of adopting the
Gardner and Knopoff (1974) distance window for classifying earthquake sequences on long
rupture planes. When the rupture plane is long, many of the dependent events located along the
rupture plane but far from the hypocenter are either misclassified as Class 1 earthquakes or
associated with the wrong sequence. Another disadvantage of defining the distance window
radially from the mainshock epicenter is that Class 1 earthquakes (off-rupture plane earthquakes)
can be misclassified as Class 2 earthquakes (along-rupture plane earthquakes). To address these
shortcomings, two new distance metrics were proposed: ΔRJB and CRJB. Ultimately, the CRJB
distance metric was used to classify the earthquakes in the NGA-West2 database.
Figure 2.7(b) shows how the CRJB distance metric is defined. For comparison, Figure
2.7(a) shows how the ΔRJB metric is defined. In each panel, the red lines are the surface
projections of the top of the rupture planes, the dashed lines are the surface projections of the
rupture planes, the yellow star is the epicenter of the Class 1 mainshock, and the orange stars are
the epicenters of the aftershocks (potential Class 2 earthquakes).
Figure 2.7
Definitions of the ΔRJB and CRJB distance metrics.
The ΔRJB is related to the well-known Joyner-Boore distance metric, Rjb, used in ground
motion models. The Joyner-Boore distance metric is defined as the shortest horizontal distance
from a site to the vertical projection of the rupture plane. In the NGA-West2 work, we extended
this concept to use the shortest separation distance between the Joyner-Boore rupture surface of
the mainshock and Joyner-Boore rupture of the potential Class 2 earthquakes, hence the term
ΔRJB. Figure 2.7(a), by definition, aftershocks inside the surface projection of the Class 1
mainshock rupture plane have a ΔRJB distance equal to zero and are Class 2 earthquakes.
One short-coming of this approach is that an earthquake may rupture a segment of the
fault adjacent to the segment that ruptured in the mainshock, leading to a small (or zero) ΔRJB,
while the majority of the rupture plane is located on a separate segment and may be much further
from the mainshock rupture. In Figure 2.7, this is demonstrated by the relationship between the
mainshock rupture plane and the rupture plane of aftershock #3. Therefore, we modified the
definition to use the shortest distance between the centroid of Joyner-Boore rupture surface of
the potential Class 2 earthquakes [shown with the open circles in Figure 2.7(b)] and the closest
point on the edge of the Joyner-Boore rupture surface of the mainshock as shown in Figure
2.7(a). We call this the centroid Joyner-Boore distance “CRJB.”
By reanalyzing the Wenchuan, China, sequence with the new CRJB distance metric and a
cutoff (or maximum allowable) CRJB separation distance of 5 km, Wooddell and Abrahamson
(2012) show that the simple modification of adding the rupture plane geometry and basing the
separation distance calculation on the surface projection of the rupture plane results in a more
appropriate classification of earthquakes for the purposes of ground motion estimation. In this
example, 53 earthquakes in the Wenchuan sequence are identified as Class 2 aftershocks, and the
rest have rupture plane centroids that are greater than 5 km from the surface projection of the
rupture plane (see Figure 2.8).
Figure 2.8
Example of identification of Class 1 and Class 2 earthquakes for the 2008
Wenchuan, China, Class 1 mainshock using a maximum CRJB of 5 km for defining
Class 2 earthquakes. The red stars are the Class 1 earthquakes, and the blue
circles show the centers of the Joyner-Boore rupture surfaces for the potential
Class 2 earthquakes. The yellow rectangles are the surface projections of the
rupture planes.
Rupture plane geometries are associated with all earthquakes in the NGA-West2
database, and the CRJB distance metric and the Gardner and Knopoff time window were used to
classify the NGA-West2 earthquakes. Currently, the database includes six sets of columns for the
results of the classification algorithm because the results can change as different values of the
cutoff CRJB are used. For example, if the algorithm is run using a cutoff CRJB of zero, then
only earthquakes that have a fault plane centroid within the surface projection of the Class 1
rupture plane are Class 2 earthquake candidates. If, however, a cutoff CRJB of 20 km is used, the
algorithm will allow earthquakes with rupture plane centroids up to 20 km from the surface
projection of the Class 1 rupture plane to be considered Class 2, as long as they are within the
time window for aftershocks. The cutoff CRJB values used are 0, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 40 km.
As the centroid of a Class 2 earthquake moves further away from the surface projection
of the Class 1 rupture plane (CRJB increases), we expect the median ground motion to increase
back to the median ground motion level characteristic of Class 1 earthquakes because the
earthquakes are no longer re-rupturing the Class 1 rupture plane or occur within a zone of less
damaged crust and the stress drops should increase accordingly. Wooddell and Abrahamson
(2012) evaluated the cutoff CRJB distance on a preliminary version of the NGA-West2 database
using the inter-event residuals from the ground motion regression conducted following the
random effects methodology described in Abrahamson and Youngs (1992). The event terms
represent the average factor between median ground motion as given by the GMPE and the
ground motion observed in individual earthquakes.
As an example, the PGA event terms for the potential Class 2 earthquakes (those that
occur within the Gardner-Knopoff time window) are plotted as a function of the CRJB for PGA
in Figure 2.9. The zero line (dashed black line) shows the median event term for Class 1
earthquakes. As with all ground motion data, there is significant variability of the event terms,
but Figure 2.9 shows that for short CRJB distances (less than about 5 km), the medians of the
event terms for Class 2 earthquakes are lower than for Class 1 mainshocks; however, at larger
CRJB distances, the medians of the event terms for the potential Class 2 earthquakes become
similar to the medians for Class 1 earthquakes.
Figure 2.9
Event terms plotted against CRJB for earthquakes in the NGA-West2 database
Based on this initial evaluation, Wooddell and Abrahamson (2012) propose to identify
Class 2 earthquakes using the Gardner and Knopoff (1974) time window and a distance window
with CRJB < 15 km. The effect on the median ground motion is tapered for CRJB at distances
from 5 to 15 km, as shown in Equation (2.1) below.
  CR  5 
T (CRJB )   c1  JB
  10 
for CRJB  5km
for 5  CRJB  15km
for CRJB  15km
This proposed functional form of the Class 2 earthquake scaling serves as an example of
a CRJB taper model that can be used by the NGA-West2 developers. Each GMPE developer
team can, however, develop an alternative functional form.
The SCSN and NCSN recorded several earthquake swarms over the last decades that have been
included in the California small-to-moderate magnitude event set. An earthquake swarm
typically includes many small-to-moderate quakes occurring in a relatively short period of time.
Earthquake swarms reported by NCSN and SCSN include the 20022003 San Ramon sequence,
the September 2005 Obsidian Butte sequence, the December 2006 Berkeley sequence, and the
February 2008 Calexico sequence. Although by definition no single event in an earthquake
swarm is considered to be a mainshock, the largest event is usually classified as a mainshock by
the windowing method. Occasionally, one or two larger events far apart in time and distance
from the largest event are also classified as mainshocks.
The sixty-four aftershocks of the 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake are a major addition
to the PEER NGA-West2 data set. A PEER working group consisting of Tadahiro Kishida, Brian
Chiou and Robert Darragh extensively reviewed the hypocenter location and fault mechanism of
these aftershocks.
2.8.1 Hypocenter Locations
Hypocenter locations for sixty-four aftershocks were compared between the International
Seismological Centre (ISC) and four other studies: Zhao et al. (2011), Hu et al. (2008), Zhen et
al. (2009), and Kishida and Darragh (2012). The ISC was used as a base case as it was the most
complete catalog. The comparisons detailed below show the locations from the four studies to be
systematically shifted by about 20 km from the ISC locations. A recommended shift in the ISC
location is given along with the location used in the earthquake source table.
In the Zhao et al. (2011) study, fifty-six out of the sixty-four aftershocks included in the
NGA-West2 data set were relocated using double difference methods. In comparison to the ISC
location, the average shift was 16.6 km at an azimuth of 283. Hu et al. (2008) relocated eight
events. The average shift between the ISC and the eight events was 20.4 km along an azimuth of
278. Zhen et al. (2009) relocated ten events. The average shift between the ISC and the ten
events was 18.4 km along an azimuth of 288. Finally, Kishida and Darragh (2012) used S-P
travel times at several stations from five of the largest aftershocks and found an average shift of
18.9 km at an azimuth of 294.
Based on the above comparisons, the source table reports the locations from Zhao et al.
(2011) when available. The Zhao et al. (2011) location was preferred as the double difference
method was judged to produce the most reliable hypocenter locations. If hypocenter locations are
not available by Zhao et al. (2011), then the hypocenter locations from the ISC are corrected by
adding an average latitude, longitude, and depth shift, as shown in Table 2.3. The average
latitude and longitude shift was based on a weighted average in the difference between the ISC
the three studies: Zhao et al. (2011), Zhen et al. (2009), and Kishida and Darragh (2012). The
average depth shift was based on the average difference in depth between Zhao et al. (2011) and
the ISC. Table B.1 in Appendix B compares the ISC location with the locations adopted. Fiftysix hypocenters are from the Zhao et al. (2011) report, and the eight use the corrections in Table
Table 2.3
Corrections in hypocenter locations from the ISC when results by Zhao et al. (2011)
are not available.
1) Values are obtained by taking the weighted
average from Zhao et al. (2011), Zhen et al. (2009)
and Kishida and Darragh (2012). The weights
depend on the number of aftershock data used in
each study.
2) Values are obtained from the average depth
change from the Zhao et al. (2011) double
difference relocations.
2.8.2 Focal Mechanisms
Focal mechanisms of Wenchuan aftershocks were compiled from the ISC, Zhen et al. (2009),
and Hu et al. (2008) studies. When multiple studies reported an earthquake mechanism, the
working group recommended a preferred focal mechanism based on the following order: Zhen et
al. 2009 (ten aftershocks); Hu et al. 2008 (twenty-one aftershocks); and ISC (one aftershock).
When none is available from the listed studies (thirty-two aftershocks), the focal mechanism for
the aftershock is taken to be the same as mechanism as the closer of the two Wenchuan
mainshock finite fault segments. The recommended strike, dip, and rake angles are 228, 35,
and 110 if aftershock hypocenter latitude is less than 31.81N, and 232, 65, and 165 if
hypocenter is greater than 31.81N based of the two segments of the finite fault model. A
comparison of mechanisms from Zhen et al. (2009) study of ten aftershocks with MS > 5.6 and
the NGA flatfile finds that they are similar. These fault mechanisms are based on P-wave
polarity analysis. A second comparison between the fault mechanisms in the NGA-West2 flatfile
and Hu et al. (2008) was also made. Hu et al. (2008) include mechanisms for thirty-one
aftershocks and show that fault mechanisms are again similar. Table B.2 in Appendix B lists
conjugate planes (preferred and auxiliary) from the selected study for each of the included
Development of Site Database
We began the site database development using Version 23 of the site database (last edited in
2006), which was developed in the original NGA project and is described by Chiou et al. (2008).
The original PEER NGA site database attempted to collect all readily available public
information on site conditions at strong-motion stations in the database. Appendix B of Chiou et
al. (2008) provides definitions for the site classifications collected. These include the Geomatrix
3-letter site classification (D. Wells, personal communication, 2005), NEHRP site classification
(BSSC 1994), and several others. The project also supported various investigations to
systematically fill in missing site information with emphasis on Vs30. The current database
project continues these efforts.
Major participants in the site database development for NGA-West 2 included certain
members of the Task 8 working group (Emel Seyhan, Robert W. Graves, and Jonathan P.
Stewart) and the following additional project researchers: Timothy D. Ancheta (PEER), Walter J.
Silva and Robert Darragh (Pacific Engineering and Analysis, PEA), and Brian Chiou (Caltrans).
The objectives of the work described in this chapter were as follows: (1) provide site
classifications for new sites added to the main flatfile in the NGA-West 2 project; (2) update the
site database to include Vs30 values based on newly available measurements; (3) improve the
documentation and consistency of site descriptors used as proxies for the estimation of Vs30, both
for sites in the previous site database and newly added sites; (4) develop evidence-based
protocols for Vs30 estimation from available proxies; and (5) update and augment estimates of
basin depth parameters Z1.0 and Z2.5 for both existing and new sites (primarily California and
With respect to objectives (1), (2), (3), and (5) new information was compiled for
addition to the site database. This information was provided/developed by a number of sources.
Relative to the Version 23 database, substantial amounts of new Vs30 data are available for Japan,
Taiwan, California, Turkey, New Zealand, and Italy, most of which is from web sites or archival
literature. Pacific Engineering and Analysis provided proxies for a number of sites that recorded
new earthquakes. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers gathered most of
the new information on proxies, with assistance from Chris Wills and Carlos Gutierrez
(California Geological Survey), and Dave Wald, Vince Quitoriano, and Alan Yong (USGS).
Robert Graves, Albert Kottke, and Paul Spudich worked with the database team to compile
updated basin depth parameters for southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area, and to
obtain basin depth parameters for sites in Japan. The newly added information includes: Vs30
values from measurements (see Section 3.3); velocity profile numbers and depths (principally in
California, from PEA); various proxies including ground slopes, surface geology, Geomatrix 3rd
letter classifications, and geomorphologic site classifications (see Section 3.4); and basin depths
(see Section 3.6). Site parameters have been subject to peer reviews with extensive discussion to
resolve technical issues and establish consensus-based protocols.
Key contents of the site database merged into the flatfile include Vs30, Vs30 uncertainty,
and shear-wave isosurface depths Z1.0 and Z2.5. A link to the electronic version of the site
database and explanation of column names can be found in Appendix C.
In general, the site database contains metadata on conditions at the sites of strong-motion stations
that have contributed data to the flatfile. The Version 23 site database from 2006 has 1611
world-wide stations that have recorded ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes. The
updated version of the site database for NGA-West2 has been expanded in two principal
respects: (1) addition of new stations that had not produced usable recordings prior to the NGAWest2 project; and (2) incorporation of new site data for existing and new stations to provide
more robust estimates of the site parameters used in GMPEs. Beyond the addition of these new
data, the updated site database incorporates the results of a large amount of logistical bookkeeping in regards to reconciling variations in stations names, station numbers, station locations,
and other issues related to the 2006 site database, the current flatfile, and the current site
The total number of stations in the 2013 site database is 4149. We have estimated or
measured Vs30 for all sites but Robic (Italy) and Rimforest, Lake Arrowhead (California), but
only 1144 of those values (28%) are based on geophysical measurements. The most common site
information for stations is GMX 3rd letter classifications, which are available for 3180 stations
(77%) via assignments by Geomatrix, PEA, and UCLA. Only 484 (12%) have surface geology
information (principally from California), mostly because geology look-ups are labor intensive in
most regions world-wide because it is performed using paper-based maps. The number of
stations in the 2006 and current versions of the site database for the five most populated regions
are shown in Figure 3.1. The 2013 site database has a large increase in the number of stations
from Japan. Other geographic regions contributing significant numbers of stations include
western North America (mostly California), Taiwan, China, and Mediterranean regions.
As shown in Figure 3.1, there are a substantial number of new sites added in WNA,
which are mostly from southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area. Among those new
California sites, most of the Vs30 values from measurements (164 sites) are based on data
provided by Yong et al. (2013). The surface geologic information was provided by Carlos
Gutierrez (personal communication, 2012) and includes geologic unit and ground slope at 10arc-sec resolution. Ground slope was also provided by David Wald and Vince Quitoriano of
USGS (personal communication, 2012) at 30-arc-sec resolution for use with the slope proxy of
Wald and Allen (2007). Geomatrix 3rd letter site classifications were also developed for nearly
all of the new California stations by PEA.
Figure 3.1
Pie charts of station numbers in 2006 and 2013 site database for five main regions.
CH: China, JP: Japan, Med: Mediterranean, TW: Taiwan, WNA: Western North
America (i.e., mostly California).
A substantial effort was made to assign Geomatrix 1st letter classifications, which are
related to the structure type housing the instrument. Several additional 1st letter codes were added
in this project to deal with unique structural types located in Italy. For example, 1st letter “P” is
used for a massive 13 story castle.
For the newly added California sites, we looked up COSMOS site classification codes
used by the four data providers SCSN\CIT, NCEDC\BDSN, CGS\CSMIP, and USGS\NSMP.
These codes were correlated to GMX 1st letter by PE&A as shown in the table below. In
addition, GMX 3rd letter was developed from BDSN descriptions of surface geology. For
example, for Black Diamond Mines Park near Antioch, California, the BDSN description is
“Sand, the instruments are sited about 150 m into an old mine tunnel, there is about 100 m of
over-burden composed on sandstone, shale and coal.” Station descriptions give useful site and
embedment information that allows GMPE developers to choose appropriate site conditions.
COSMOS codes for site classification and corresponding GMX 1st-letter code.
Table 3.1
GMX 1stletter
Sensors buried/set in ground (shallow,
near surface). Also used by BDSN for
US Array vault design described as:
shallow burial at 2-5 ft, locations on
rock are preferred.
All 4
Reference station (1-2 story, small, light
All 4
Base of building, larger than code 4.
All 4
Building Instrumentation
All 4
Data providers include: CGS, USGS, BDSN, CIT 3.3
3.3.1 Previous and New Data Sources
The Vs profiles used for the calculation of Vs30 are derived from a variety of sources including:
(1) for WNA, profiles are obtained from the PE&A profile database (664 profiles) and Yong et
al. (2013) (191 profiles), which are a combination of surface wave, downhole, suspension
logging, and other methods; (2) for Japan, profiles are obtained from, mostly from downhole methods;
(3) for Taiwan, profiles are obtained from which are mostly suspension
logging profiles; (4) for China, values of Vs30 are tabulated in an unpublished document referred
to as the “Yu and Silva report” and provided by Robert Darragh (personal communication,
2011), which are based mostly on downhole methods; (5) for Turkey, values of Vs30 are tabulated
by Sandikkaya et al. (2010) which are mostly derived from surface wave methods; and (6) for
Italy, values of Vs30 are tabulated by Scasserra et al. (2009) and,
which are mostly derived from downhole, crosshole, and surface wave methods. All of the Vs
profiles are available for independent review except for those in the PEA profile database, which
is proprietary. As described in Chiou et al. (2008), the original sources for the PEA profiles are
USGS, ROSRINE, CUREE, NCREE, Agbabian and Associates, Shannon and Wilson, Caltrans,
and other organizations that have measured Vs profiles. While the Vs profiles from the PE&A
profile database were not available for the present work, Vs30 values were provided by PE&A
staff along with PE&A profile ID number and total profile depth. Many of these values were also
used in Version 23 of the site database (Chiou et al. 2008).
Of the 1611 stations in the 2006 site database, 1604 had Vs30 information (either
measured or inferred) and 380 had Vs30 values based on measurements from profiles at least 30 m
in depth (23.5%). In the 2013 site database, the number of Vs30 values based on measurements
with profile depths greater than 30 m has increased to 552 stations out of 4149 (13%). The
distributions of measured and inferred Vs30 values for the 2006 and 2013 site databases are shown
in Figure 3.2. Note that most of the sites, and most of the measurements, are at soil sites.
However, there are substantially more firm ground sites with Vs30 values based on measurements
in the 2013 version of the database (e.g., sites with Vs30 > 750 m/sec number 46 in the 2006
database and 186 in 2013).
Figure 3.2
Histograms of measured and inferred Vs30 at the recording station sites in both the
2006 and 2013 site databases.
Figure 3.3 shows the distribution of all sites and sites with Vs30 values based on
measurements by region in the 2006 and 2013 versions of the site database. Comparing the 2006
and 2013 numbers, the number of sites has increased modestly in WNA (mostly California),
Taiwan, and the Mediterranean regions, but has increased substantially in Japan and China. In
the 2013 site database, the regions with the highest percentages of Vs30 values based on
measurements are Taiwan (53%) and Japan (34%). Note that this figure only includes sites as
“measured” when the profile depth is 30 m or greater.
The data in Figure 3.3 are misleading in the sense that many strong-motion stations have
available profiles with depths (zp) less than 30 m, which are not included in those histograms.
The distribution of zp by region is shown in Figure 3.4. Most of the profiles shallower than 30 m
are from Japan in the K-net array (Kinoshita 1998). It should be noted that not all profiles have
known profile depths. For Japan, 96% of the 1085 sites with measurements have known profile
depths, and most of those depths are 10-21 m. For Taiwan, 89% of the 300 sites with
measurements have assigned profile depths, and most of those depths (231) are > 30 m (77%). In
California there are 442 sites with Vs30 from measurements, 97% of which (430) have known
profile depths, and 350 of those depths have zp > 30 m. The following section describes the
estimation of Vs30 from profiles with zp < 30 m.
Figure 3.3
Histograms for sites with measured Vs and profile depths > 30 m in the 2006 and
2013 site databases for five main regions and other regions.
Figure 3.4
Histogram of profile depth bins by region. Profile depths for Japan extend up to
365 m, but are concentrated at 100 m in the figure. Note that there is one station
with zp = 82 m in Japan.
3.3.2 Computation of Vs30
When profile depths (zp) are 30 m or more in depth, Vs30 is computed as the ratio of 30 m to the
shear-wave travel time through the upper 30 m of the site as follows:
Vs30 
V z
where the integral is evaluated in practice through summation across velocities taken as constant
within depth intervals.
It is not unusual for shear-wave velocity measurements to extend to depths shallower
than 30 m. In such cases, Vs30 cannot be calculated directly, but the available geophysical data to
profile depth zp can be used to estimate Vs30. The average velocity to depth zp, termed Vsz, is
calculated similarly to Vs30:
Vsz 
t z
where zp = profile depth and Δtz = travel time for shear-waves from depth zp to the ground
surface, calculated as:
t z 
 V (z)
Using these variables, the procedures discussed in this section estimate Vs30 from Vsz conditional
on zp.
The simplest method to estimate Vs30 from Vsz for zp < 30 m is to extend the lowermost
velocity in the profile to 30 m (Boore 2004). This method was used in Version 23 of the site
database (Chiou et al. 2008). More generally, correlation relationships are used based on
borehole measurements. Boore (2004) used profile data from 135 boreholes in California to
develop Vs30-Vsz correlations. Kanno et al. (2006), Cauzzi and Faccioli (2008), Cadet and Duval
(2009), and Boore et al. (2011) similarly utilized velocity profiles based on borehole
measurements at 691 vertical array sites in Japan that are within the KiK-net network (Kinoshita
1998; Okada et al. 2004). The unpublished Yu and Silva report (R. Darragh, personal
communication, 2011) derived a Vs30-Vsz correlation using 73 KiK-net stations with both
measured Vs30 and assigned Geomatrix 3rd letter. As described by Boore et al. (2011), the KiKnet sites are preferentially located on relatively hard rock geologic conditions, so Vs30-Vsz
correlation relationships will reflect that type of geology.
An expression for relating Vsz to Vs30 is:
 
 
log Vs30  c0  c1 log Vsz  c2 log Vsz 
where c0, c1, and c2 are regression coefficients that depend on profile depth zp. Boore (2004) used
a linear model (i.e., c2=0) and provided coefficients for zp from 10 to 29 m. Boore et al. (2011)
find that the Boore (2004) model is appropriate for alluvial and soft rock sites outside of
California, including the K-net sites in Japan (typically located on sediments in urban areas),
Turkey, and sites in Europe. This is illustrated in Figure 3.5(b), which shows Vs20 values for Knet sites that are similar to those for California sites. However, Boore et al. (2011) find the 2004
model biased for regions with stiffer rock site classifications and develop an alternative
relationship using the second order polynomial form in Equation (3.4) for depths ranging from 5
to 29 m using the KiK-net data. Figure 3.5(a) illustrates this bias, by the shift towards faster VS20
values for KiK-net sites relative to K-net sites.
These differences in velocities are consistent with a statement by Okada et al. (2004) that
K-net and KiK-net stations are predominantly located on soil and rock sites, respectively. The
KiK-net stations in Japan are located on a nominally uniform grid, which means that a number of
stations are in valleys in hilly terrain with shallow sediments over rock. California stations are
predominately in urban areas, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, which are located within
broad areas of low topographic relief, underlain by sedimentary basins. Figure 3.6 shows
histograms of topographic slopes for California strong-motion sites and Japan KiK-net sites. The
slopes at the California borehole sites are systematically lower than those at the KiK-net sites in
Japan, indicating the tendency for KiK-net stations to be preferentially sited on stiffer soils or
Figure 3.5
Histograms of log Vs10 and log Vs20 for shear-wave velocity models from K-net, KiKnet, and California, for zp = 20 m [from Boore et al. (2011)].
Figure 3.6
Histogram of ground slopes at sites in California and Japan from which the
velocity models were obtained [from Boore et al. (2011)].
Yu and Silva (R. Darragh, personal communication, 2011) identified bias in the Boore
(2004) Vs30-Vsz correlations during a PEER study of Vs data from 147 sites in southwest China
(SWC sites) that recorded the Wenchuan, China, earthquake. The bias (or regional dependence)
was identified by calculating Vs30 at the SWC sites by extending the lowermost velocity in the
profile to 30 m (simple extrapolation) and then comparing those results to estimates from Boore
(2004), from which an under-prediction bias of 0.139(ln) was found for 32 sites with zp = 1020
m. Elevation and terrain proxies for Vs30 also had significant bias for those sites.
Yu and Silva then developed Vs30-Vsz correlation, intended for application at SWC sites
that are generally stiffer than California, using data from seventy-three selected Kik-net sites
having GMX 3rd letter classifications. They developed both linear (c2=0) and parabolic
equations. It was not possible for this relationship to be based on SWC data because very few of
those boreholes extend beyond 30 m. A linear relationship was recommended that is not
conditioned on additional parameters such as GMX site codes. The aforementioned Boore et al.
(2011) study includes many more KiK-net sites and does not use GMX 3rd letter classifications.
Figure 3.7 compares the Vs30-Vsz correlations from Boore et al. (2011) and Yu and Silva.
The differences between the curves increase as zp decreases, with the Yu and Silva model having
a flatter gradient for zp = 5 and 10 m (leading to higher Vs30 estimates for lower Vsz; lower Vs30 for
high Vsz).The differences between the two curves are minor for Vsz > 250 m/sec, which is a
common condition for SWC sites (the application region for Yu and Silva). Figure 3.8 compares
the two correlations to KiK-net data for four values of zp. As expected, the Boore et al. (2011)
parabolic model generally provides a better fit, although the difference is most significant for Vsz
< 200 m/sec.
Figure 3.7
Comparison of Vs30-Vsz relationships developed by Yu and Silva and Boore et al.
(2011) for four profile depths, zp.
Figure 3.8
Comparison of Vs30-Vsz relationships developed by Yu and Silva and Boore et al.
(2011) with KiK-net data for four profile depths, zp.
3.4.1 Description of the Methods Methods based on Surface Geology or Geotechnical Conditions
Correlations have been developed to relate Vs30 to surface geologic units and geotechnical site
categories (the most widely used of which is the GMX 3rd letter). The California correlations
described in this section both used Vs30 values from the PE&A profile database in their original
development. Although the underlying databases were similar, the level of documentation of the
correlations varies from well-documented in archival literature (these tend to be based on surface
geology) to relatively sparsely documented in principally grey literature (GMX, although a brief
summary is provided in Chiou et al. (2008).
Correlations utilizing surface geology are available for California and Italy. For such
correlations to be useful, variations of velocities within the broad geological categories typically
shown in geological maps (e.g., Quaternary alluvium, Qa) need to be captured. This can be
accomplished by either using relatively detailed categories, (e.g., separating thin and deep Qa),
region-specific categories (e.g., for alluvium in the Imperial Valley and Los Angeles basin), or
geologic information coupled with geomorphologic data (e.g., slope or other terrain descriptors).
For California, Vs30 statistics (medians and standard deviations) were compiled for
nineteen relatively detailed geological categories (including region-specific categories) by Wills
and Clahan (2006), which were used in the 2006 site database. Current recommendations are to
use the Wills and Clahan (2006) values for rock sites (i.e., Tertiary or older), and to use relations
based on ground slope at 3 arc sec resolution for Quaternary sediments (Wills and Gutierrez
2008), as shown in Figure 3.9. The slope based values in Figure 3.9 are modified from those
published in Wills and Gutierrez (2008) by converting arithmetic means and standard deviations
to the median and standard deviation of a log-normal distribution [using Ang and Tang (1975)].
The alluvial ground slope correlation shows an increase of velocity with slope, which follows
expected trends, because flatter slopes tend to be in mid-basin areas having relatively finegrained alluvium with slower velocities. Figure 3.9 also shows that the standard deviation of
velocities decreases as Vs30 decreases.
The applicability of the Wills and Clahan (2006) correlations to Italy was investigated by
Scasserra et al. (2009), who found that the median velocities for Quaternary categories are
unbiased relative to Italian data. For rock sites, the California categories were not descriptive of
Italian geology, and distinct correlations therefore were developed for appropriate geologic rock
The principal geotechnical site categorization scheme that has been used in previous
ground motion studies [e.g., Chiou et al. (2008)] and correlated to Vs30 was proposed by the
consulting firm Geomatrix (GMX) (D. Wells. personal communication, 2005). The GMX
scheme has three letters, the last of which represents site condition. The GMX 3rd letter
categories and the corresponding site conditions are shown in Table 3.2. The values of Vs30 in
Table 3.2 are based on the PE&A profile database and were used in the 2006 site database as the
basis for Vs30 estimation when surface geological information was not available but Geomatrix
3rd letter classifications were available (Chiou et al 2008).
Figure 3.9
Variation of Vs30 with ground slope within basins [adapted from Wills and Gutierrez
(2008)]. Slopes are based on digital ground elevation models at 3 arc sec
Table 3.2
Geomatrix 3rd letter site categories and recommended Vs30 and uncertainty
[adapted from Chiou et al., (2008)].
Geomatrix Third Letter
Median V s30 (m/s) Rock. Instrument on rock (V s > 600 mps) or <5m 659.6
of soil over rock.
Shallow (stiff) soil. Instrument on/in soil profile 424.8
up to 20m thick overlying rock.
Deep narrow soil. Instrument on/in soil profile at least 20m thick overlying rock, in a narrow 338.6
canyon or valley no more than several km wide.
Deep broad soil. Instrument on/in soil profile at least 20m thick overlying rock, in a broad valley. 274.5
Soft deep soil. Instrument on/in deep soil profile with average V s < 150 mps.
 ln
Mean V s30 (m/s) 
61.4 Methods based on Ground Slope, Geomorphology, or Elevation
Correlations have been developed to link surface topographic features to Vs30. The most wellknown of these correlations relate topographic slope to Vs30 (Wald and Allen 2007; Allen and
Wald 2009) for applications in active tectonic regions with shallow crustal earthquakes and
stable continental regions. Techniques in which Vs30 is estimated based on geomorphology-based
categories have been presented by Yong et al. (2013) for California and Matsuoka et al. (2006)
for Japan. Another technique that has been used locally for Taiwan stations correlates Vs30 to
elevation within Geomatrix categories (Chiou and Youngs, 2008a; updated in the present work).
Slope Model: The motivation behind development of the Vs30-slope correlation is that
topographic data are globally available, and slope may be an indicator of near-surface
morphology and lithology ( Steep
terrain is expected in mountains, indicating rock, whereas nearly flat slopes occur in basins,
indicating soil. Transition zones would be expected to have moderate slopes involving weathered
rock and potentially older sediments near basin boundaries. Wald and Allen (2007) developed a
correlation between ground slope and measured Vs30 using available regional data sets, including
the PE&A profile database for sites in California. Separate slope-Vs30 correlations were
developed for active and stable continental regions that indicate increasing Vs30 with increasing
topographic slope. Data exists for gradients < 7%, corresponding to a 4 slope. Equations
relating Vs30 to slope were not provided; rather, stepped relationships of slope tied to discrete
velocity bands were provided. Elevation did not provide additional predictive power for Vs30
beyond ground slope.
Terrain Model (California): The Yong et al. (2012) procedure for Vs30 considers slope
along with geomorphologic factors including convexity and texture. This technique utilizes the
same globally available SRTM 30-arc-sec surface models employed by Wald and Allen (2007).
Hence, for a given location (latitude, longitude), the slope parameters used in the two models
should be identical. The convexity element of the classification scheme is intended to distinguish
convex-upward topography (characteristic of lowland terraces and alluvial fans) from concavedownward topography (broad valleys and foothills). The texture elements distinguish relatively
smooth terrain from terrain having pits and peaks. These textural descriptions should not be
confused with soil texture (e.g., fine, course) used in some sediment classification schemes (e.g.,
Fumal and Tinsley, 1985).
Ground slope, convexity, and texture are jointly analyzed using an automated topography
classification scheme by Iwahashi and Pike (2007) to segregate terrain types into sixteen
categories, which are depicted in Figure 3.10. As one moves to the right in the matrix, ground
slope is decreasing, whereas moving down in the matrix produces less convexity and smoother
texture. We note that the classification scheme has relatively fine discretization of rock
conditions (rock categories include 17, 9, 11, and 13) but limited discretization of soil (e.g.,
there is no category that would seem to encompass lacustrine or marine clays, which produce the
largest site amplification).
Statistics on Vs30 (median and standard deviation) are provided by Yong et al. (2012) for
each of the categories using a California data set derived largely from values in the PE&A profile
Terrain Model (Japan): Matsuoka et al. (2006) provide Vs30 values for categories within
the “Japan Engineering Geomorphologic Classification Map (JEGM),” which was released by
Wakamatsu et al. (2005). The JEGM actually utilizes geomorphology, surface geology, slope
angle, and relative relief to classify locations into geomorphologic units. The empirical
correlations are based on shear-wave velocity profiles from 1937 sites. The categories and their
median values of Vs30 are indicated in Figure 3.11 (indicated as “AVS30” in the figure). Categories
14 correspond approximately to rock conditions, 57 are transitional categories, and categories
of 8 and above represent variable soil conditions. Matsuoka et al. (2006) provide intra-category
regressions against elevation for categories 813, against slope for categories 3, 5, and 811, and
against distance from hill for categories 8, 10, 13, 15, and 1819. Maps of JEGM and associated
values of Vs30 have been prepared at 250-m grid-size resolution by Wakamatsu and Matsuoka
(2006) and at 1-km grid resolution by Matsuoka et al. (2006). This classification scheme was not
included in the 2013 version of the site database, but is noted here for completeness.
Figure 3.10
Variation of slope, texture, and convexity with terrain categories of Yong et al.
Figure 3.11
Mean values of Vs30 (indicated as “AVS30”) for geomorphologic categories in JEGM
[from Matsuoka et al. (2006)].
Elevation Model (Taiwan): Chiou and Youngs (2008a) present a model for Vs30
estimation based on both Geomatrix (GMX) 3rd letter categories (Table 3.2) and elevation that is
locally applicable in Taiwan. The model has been updated as part of the NGA-West 2 project by
B. Chiou (personal communication, 2012) using the Taiwan sites in the site database. The model
is based on the observation that elevation and geology are correlated in Taiwan due to the
tectonic setting (Lee et al. 2001), with higher elevations having stiffer materials in GMX soil
categories C and D. The analysis used 165 Vs30 data points to estimate median values of Vs30 for
GMX categories A, B, and E (for which no trends of Vs30 with elevation were observed) and to
establish the following regression relation for GMX categories C and D:
ln(VS 30 )  ln(1 ) 
ln( 2 )  ln(1 )
1 e 
ln(  3 )ln( Elv ) / 4
The estimated coefficients are given in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3
Coefficients for Taiwan-specific estimation of mean Vs30 within GMX categories
3.4.2 Proxy Evaluation California
It is clear that Vs30 is most reliably obtained with high-quality geophysical measurements;
however, no consensus exists regarding how it should be estimated in the absence of such
measurements. In many cases, practical considerations dictate the choice of method to be applied
in a given area; for example, in the absence of geological maps, topography or terrain-based
methods are the only viable option. However, when the available information does provide
options (e.g., when both high-quality geological and topographic information are available),
which method should be selected? Ideally this decision would be made on the basis of local or
regional studies of the efficacy of these techniques to the region. We investigate the relative
reliability of the techniques described above through comparative analysis against a California
data set consisting of 475 Vs30 values based on measurements. An earlier version of these
analyses were presented by Stewart et al. (2012). The following section presents a similar
analysis using data from Taiwan.
We utilize the California sites in the site database having Vs30 from measurements and zp
> 20 m. For sites with I = 2029 m, we compute time-averaged velocity to the profile depth (Vsz)
and then use the Boore (2004) Vsz to Vs30 extrapolation technique as described in Section 3.3.2.
We calculate Vs30 residuals as follows:
R  ln Vs30
 ln Vs30
where (Vs30)meas is a measured value and (Vs30)proxy is estimated based on a correlation
relationship. Note that by taking the natural log of the data, we assume the velocities to be lognormally distributed. Model bias can be estimated from the median of the residuals (μlnV). The
standard deviation of residuals (lnV) can be calculated for the entire set of residuals or sub-sets
having certain conditions (e.g., sites within a particular category). The standard deviation term
lnV represents epistemic uncertainty on velocity, which should be considered in ground motion
estimation. Boore et al. (2011) describe procedures by which this uncertainty can be considered
in ground motion evaluation from GMPEs.
Figure 3.12 presents histograms of residuals from the geology proxy of Wills and Clahan
(2006) and Wills and Gutierrez (2008) (the latter of which uses geology in combination with
ground slope for post-Tertiary sediments). We note that the standard deviation increases with age
from approximately 0.28 for Quaternary to about 0.43 for Mesozoic bedrock units. When all data
are combined together, the median is -0.06 and the standard deviation is 0.33.
Figure 3.13 presents histograms based on the Geomatrix 3rd letter (Chiou et al. 2008).
The bias is modest (generally < 0.1) except for category A and E (rock and soft, deep soil in
Table 3.2). Standard deviations range from approximately 0.20 3 for soils to about 0.40.5 for
rock. When all data are combined together, the median is -0.08 and the standard deviation is
Figure 3.14 presents Vs30 data plotted versus slope along with the recommended ranges
from Wald and Allen (2007). The proxy estimates reasonably well the data median for slopes
under about 0.07 m/m and over-predicts approximately from 0.070.15 m/m. There are
practically no data for steeper slopes. The overall median of residuals is -0.01 and the standard
deviation is 0.45.
Figure 3.12
Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geology proxy using the methods of
Wills and Gutierrez (2008) for alluvium and Wills and Clahan (2006) for all other
Figure 3.13
Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geotechnical proxy (Geomatrix 3rd
letter) using the methods of Chiou et al. (2008). Based on Vs30 measurements and
Vsz-Vs30 relations.
Figure 3.14
Vs30 versus slope from California data and estimates from Wald and Allen (2007) for
active tectonic regions. Color coded polygons correspond to slope ranges within
NEHRP classes.
Residuals for the terrain-based method were evaluated by using an updated terrain map
relative to that used by Yong et al. (2012), although the data are not adequate to constrain
statistically significant medians or standard deviations for most categories. Categories with
results considered to be reliable are indicated in Table 3.4. There is relatively little bias except
for category 1, and standard deviations range from about 0.2 for softer geology to 0.40.6 for
rock categories. Looking across all categories, the median of residuals is -0.11 and the standard
deviation is 0.42.
Table 3.4
Terrain-based categories by Yong et al. (2012) and corresponding Vs30 and
Well dissected mountains, summits, etc.
Well dissected, low mountains, etc.
Volcanic fan, foot slope of high block plateau, etc.
Moderately eroded mountains, lava flow, etc.
Desert alluvial slope, volcanic fan, etc.
Desert plain, delta plain, etc.
Fluvial plain, alluvial fan, low lying flat plains, etc.
# V s30 meas.
 lnV
 lnV
The relative efficacy of the different proxy-based estimation techniques can be judged on
the basis of bias and standard deviation of residuals, as shown in Figure 3.15. Bias is generally
small for the proxies investigated with the aforementioned exceptions. The standard deviation
results were separated by categories when practical as indicated in Figure 3.15. For comparison,
Figure 3.15 also shows an approximate standard deviation for measurements of Vs30 at single
sites with multiple Vs measurements (justification for the plotted value is given in Section This value of lnV reflects spatial variations in seismic velocities for modest separation
distances between profiles (on the order of 10 m to several hundred meters) but similar geologic
conditions. Significantly higher dispersion occurs when the site geology is heterogeneous and Vs
measurements reflect significantly variable geologic conditions (e.g., both deep and shallow
As expected, none of the estimation techniques are able to reproduce the low dispersions
from measurement. We generally see lower dispersion for softer sites, represented by Quaternary
geology, Geomatrix soil categories C-E, and terrain categories 12 and 16. Average dispersion
levels (marked as the “overall” sigma in Figure 3.15) from the geology and geotechnical
schemes are similar, and are somewhat lower than those from geomorphic schemes.
Figure 3.15
Median and dispersion of Vs30 prediction residuals for California in natural log units
based on the analyses in this study. Results for measurements are derived from
data presented by Moss (2008) and Thompson et al. (2012), as discussed in
Section Explanation of codes: GMX: A-E, see Table 3.2. Slope: slope
categories within various NEHRP classes. Terrain: numbered categories, see
Figure 3.10. WC 2006 = Wills and Clahan (2006), WA 2007 = Wald and Allen (2007),
YEA 2012 = Yong et al. (2012). Proxy aggregates are marked as “overall.” Taiwan
This section presents proxy analysis for Taiwan using a database of 301 Vs30 values based on
profiles 20 m or greater in depth from the site database. The same procedures are used as in the
previous section for California. Ongoing work performed in collaboration with Dr. Annie Kwok
from National Taiwan University is developing geology-based proxy estimation procedures for
Taiwan, but these are not available at present. The proxies evaluated in this section are GMX 3rd
letter, slope, terrain, and GMX 3rd letter combined with elevation. Note that the first and third of
these proxy relationships were derived based on data from California, so some misfit for Taiwan
is to be expected. The slope proxy is based on international data, whereas the GMX/elevation
model is based on Taiwan data, and hence would be expected a priori to have the least bias.
Figure 3.16 presents histograms based on the Geomatrix 3rd letter for Taiwan where the
bias is negligible except for category E. Standard deviations range from 0.2 for soft soils to about
0.4 for rock. When all data are combined together, the median is 0.15 and the standard deviation
is 0.37.
Figure 3.17 presents Vs30 data plotted versus slope along with the recommended ranges
from Wald and Allen (2007). The proxy estimates reasonably well the data median for slopes
under about 0.1 m/m, with over-prediction misfits for steeper slopes. There are practically no
data for slopes steeper than approximately 0.3 m/m. The overall median of residuals is 0.07 and
the standard deviation is 0.34.
Figure 3.16
Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geotechnical proxy (Geomatrix 3rd
letter) using the methods of Chiou et al. (2008). Based on Vs30 measurements and
Vsz-Vs30 relations.
Figure 3.17
Vs30 versus slope from California data and estimates from Wald and Allen (2007) for
active tectonic regions. Color coded polygons correspond to slope ranges within
NEHRP classes. TW = Taiwan.
Residuals for the terrain-based method were evaluated in categories for which
statistically significant medians or standard deviations could be constrained (as was done for the
California data). Categories with results considered to be reliable are indicated in Table 3.5.
There is relatively little bias except for category 15, and standard deviations range from about
0.2 for softer geology to 0.40.5 for harder rock categories. Looking across all categories, the
median bias is -0.13 and the standard deviation is 0.42.
Table 3.5
Terrain-based categories by Yong et al. (2012) and corresponding Vs30.
Well dissected mountains, summits, etc.
Well dissected, low mountains, etc.
Moderately eroded mountains, lava flow, etc.
Desert alluvial slope, volcanic fan, etc.
Eroded plain of weak rocks, etc.
Dune, incised terrace, etc.
Fluvial plain, alluvial fan, low lying flat plains, etc.
# V s30 meas.
 lnV
 lnV
Figure 3.18a shows relationships between Vs30 and elevation for GMX 3rd letter
categories. Figure 3.18b shows results for categories C and D only along with the recommended
relationship (updated from Chiou and Youngs, 2008a). The fitted line in red is computed using
Equation (3.5). The fit matches the data well at low elevations (< 20 m) but underestimates the
increase in Vs30 as elevation increases, causing bias for high elevations. Corresponding
histograms of residuals within GMX categories are shown in Figure 3.19. Looking across all
categories, the median bias is 0.02 and the standard deviation is 0.32.
Figure 3.18
Variation of Vs30 with elevation within GMX 3rd letter categories: (a) all categories;
and (b) categories C and D and elevation-based model from Chiou (personal
communication, 2012). The data set used for development of the proxy is not the
same as that shown here.
Figure 3.19
Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on elevation-based method within GMX 3rd
letter categories using the methods of Chiou and Youngs (2008a). Based on Vs30
measurements and Vsz-Vs30 relations for Taiwan data.
The relative efficacy of the different proxy-based estimation techniques can be judged on
the basis of bias and standard deviation of residuals, as shown in Figure 3.20. Bias is not
negligible, generally ranging from -0.2 to +0.2 without systematic trends for rock or soil sites.
The standard deviation results were separated by categories when practical as indicated in Figure
3.20. We generally see lower dispersion for softer sites, such as Geomatrix category E and flat
slopes. General dispersion levels provided by the four considered proxies are generally similar.
Figure 3.20
Median and dispersion of Vs30 prediction residuals for Taiwan in natural log units
based on the analyses in this study. All explanations for abbreviations are the
same as in Figure 3.15, except for CY 2008a= Chiou and Youngs (2008a). Proxy
aggregates are marked as ‘overall’.
46 Japan
In this section we present proxy analysis for Japan using a database of 751 Vs30 values based on
profiles 20 m or greater in depth from the site database. The proxies evaluated in this section are
GMX 3rd letter, slope, terrain, and geomorphology-based categories. Note that the first and third
of these proxy relationships were derived based on data from California, so some misfit for Japan
is to be expected, as occurred for Taiwan. The slope proxy is based on international data,
whereas the geomorphology-based analysis is Japan-specific.
Figure 3.21 presents histograms based on the Geomatrix 3rd letter for Japan. The bias is
negligible for categories B, C, and D, but significant for A and E. Similar biases were observed
for California data. Standard deviations range from 0.200.30 for soft soils to about 0.4 for rock.
When all data are combined together, the median is -0.14 and the standard deviation is 0.38.
The Japanese data set is different from other regions in that a relatively high percentage
of Vs30 values are derived from rock sites (GMX Category A). This occurs because the NIED
ground motion network emphasized locating ground motion stations at rock sites. Figure 3.22
shows the mapped distribution of Vs30 in Japan. The bias at rock sites that was observed in
California and Japan motivated a suggested modification to the GMX A mean Vs30 value, as
described further in Section
Figure 3.21
Residuals of Vs30 from estimates based on the geotechnical proxy (Geomatrix 3rd
letter) using the methods of Chiou et al. (2008). Based on Vs30 measurements and
Vsz-Vs30 relations.
Figure 3.22
Distribution of Vs30 in Japan (source:
Figure 3.23
Vs30 versus slope from Japan data and estimates from Wald and Allen (2007) for
active tectonic regions. Color coded polygons correspond to slope ranges within
NEHRP classes.
Figure 3.23 presents Vs30 data plotted versus slope along with the recommended ranges
from Wald and Allen (2007). The proxy performance is generally good for slopes between
0.0040.04 m/m, with some under-prediction for slopes flatter that 0.004 m/m and overprediction for slopes steeper than 0.04 m/m. The overall median of residuals is -0.12 and the
standard deviation is 0.42.
Residuals for the terrain- and geomorphology based methods were evaluated in
categories for which statistically significant medians or standard deviations could be constrained
(as was done for the California data). Categories with results considered to be reliable are
indicated in Table 3.6a and 3.6b. The terrain-based proxy has significant negative bias for five of
the eight categories. Looking across all categories, the median bias is -0.14 and the standard
deviation is 0.43. The most populated Japan-specific geomorphic categories are shown in Table
3.6b. There are modest negative biases in categories 1 and 8, i.e, rock sites, whereas positive
biases are found for categories 5, 13, 15 and 17, i.e., soft soils. Considering all categories, the
median bias is -0.04 and the standard deviation is 0.42.
The relative efficacy of the different proxy-based estimation techniques can be judged on
the basis of bias and standard deviation of residuals, as shown in Figure 3.24. Biases are
generally negative for the GMX, slope, and terrain proxies, whereas geomorphology biases are
positive. The standard deviation results were separated by categories when practical as indicated
in Figure 3.24. As in other regions, we generally see lower dispersion for softer sites, such as
Geomatrix category E and flat slopes. General dispersion levels provided by the four considered
proxies are generally similar. Average dispersion levels (marked as the ‘overall’ sigma in Figure
3.24) are generally similar, although the Japan-specific geomorphology-based scheme is lowest.
Table 3.6a
Terrain-based categories by Yong et al. (2012) and Vs30 bias and dispersion.
Well dissected mountains, summits, etc.
Well dissected, low mountains, etc.
Dissected plateaus, etc. Moderately eroded mountains, lava flow, etc.
Well eroded plain of weak rocks, etc.
Eroded plain of weak rocks, etc.
Dune, incised terrace, etc.
Fluvial plain, alluvial fan, low lying flat plains, etc.
# V s30 meas.
 lnV
 lnV
Table 3.6b
Geomorphology-based categories Matsuoka et al. (2006) and corresponding Vs30
bias and dispersion.
# V s30 meas.
 lnV
 lnV
Delta and coastal lowland
Delta: flat lowland formed at the river mouth by fluvial accumulation. Coastal lowland: flat lowland formed along shoreline by emergence of shallow submarine deposits, including discontinuous lowlands along sea‐ or lake‐ shore.
Slightly elevated topography formed along Marine sand and gravel shoreline, comprised of sand and gravel, which bars
was washed ashore by ocean wave and/or current action.
Sand dune
Wavy topography usually formed along shoreline or river, comprised of fine to moderately aeolian sand, generally overlies sandy lowland.
Filled land
Former water body such as sea, lake, lagoon, and river reclaimed as land by filling.
Geomorphologic map unit
Mountain (Tertiary)
Volcanic footslope
Moderately eroded mountains, lava flow, etc.
Terrace covered
with volcanic ash
Valley bottom plain
Alluvial fan
Natural levee
Back marsh
Steeply to very steeply sloping topography with highest elevation and relative relief within a grid cell of approximately more than 200 m. Moderately to severely dissected.
Steeply to moderately sloping topography with higher elevation and relative relief within a grid cell of approximately 200 m or less. Moderately dissected.
Gently sloping topography located around skirt of volcano including pyroclastic‐, mud‐ and lava‐flow fields, and volcanic fan produced by dissection of volcanic body. Slightly dissected.
Fluvial or marine terrace with flat surface and step‐
like form. Covered with subsurface deposits (gravel or sandy soils) of more than 5 m in thickness.
Fluvial or marine terrace with flat surface and step‐
like form. Covered with cohesive volcanic ash soil of more than 5 m in thickness.
Long and narrow lowland formed by river or stream between steep to extremely steep slopes of mountain, hill, volcano and terrace.
Semi‐cone‐like form comprised of coarse materials, which is formed at boundary between mountains and lowland. Slope gradient is more than 1/1000.
Slightly elevated area formed along the riverbank by fluvial deposition during floods.
Swampy lowland formed behind natural levees and lowlands surrounded by mountains, hills and terraces.
Figure 3.24
Median and dispersion of Vs30 prediction residuals for Japan in natural log units
based on the analyses in this study. Proxy aggregates are marked as ‘overall’. Adjustments to Recommended Vs30 values for GMX Classes A and E
As described in Section, the GMX 3rd letter proxy was originally derived from California
data. The proxy analyses presented above have used a much larger California database as well as
substantial additional data for other regions. In this subsection, we address bias in the values for
Classes A and E that justify modification of the recommended values. Negative bias for
Category A was observed in all three regions investigated (California, Taiwan, and Japan) by
amounts ranging from -0.13 to -0.29. In Figure 3.25, we show a joint histogram across all three
regions, which indicates a mean and median of 516 and 507 m/sec, respectively. For Class E, the
results are more mixed, with California and Japan showing relatively consistent biases of -0.17
and -0.23, whereas Taiwan is positively biased (0.17). We recommend the use of the combined
data shown in Figure 3.25 with a mean and median 185 and 182 m/sec, respectively. We
recommend updating the general GMX proxy-based estimation with these new values. Table 3.7
presents our recommended values for each GMX category.
Figure 3.25
Histograms of Vs30 from sites in California, Japan, and Taiwan for GMX categories
A and E. Data utilized is from Vs30 measurements (for profile depths greater than 20
m) and inferences of Vs30 from Vsz-Vs30 relations for shallower profiles.
Table 3.7
Recommended Vs30 for GMX 3rd Letter categories. Values for A and E are modified
from those in Chiou et al. (2008).
rd GMX 3
Median Mean V s30 V s30 (m/s)
 lnV
3.5.1 Method of Selecting Preferred Vs30
For purposes of comparison, the process by which “preferred” Vs30 values were assigned from
available data in the 2006 site database are given below (Chiou et al. 2008).
1. Assigned from measured velocity profile generally from PE&A profile database.
Only profiles with depths zp > 20 m are considered with constant velocity
extrapolation of the deepest Vs measurement to 30 m. A velocity profile is
assigned to a strong-motion site if the separation distance is 300 m or less
(Borcherdt 2002).
2. Inferred for California sites that recorded the Northridge earthquake from
Borcherdt and Fumal (2002) or from other California stations from Wills and
Clahan (2006) based on surface geology correlations.
3. Inferred from GMX 3rd letter correlations (Section except for Taiwan
sites, where the GMX/elevation procedure of Chiou and Youngs (2008a) was
used (similar to that described in
4. Inferred from Vs profiles with depth zp < 20 m using constant velocity
extrapolation of the deepest Vs measurement to 30 m.
5. Inferred from site categories by Spudich et al. (1997, 1999) and correlations to
Vs30. This code is specific to stations in extensional regions.
6. Taken directly or inferred from maps of Vs30 for Alaska based on VIC (Vibration
Instrument Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) high-frequency Rayleigh wave data (Martirosyan
et al. 2002). This code is specific to Alaska.
The numbers in the list above (05) correspond to codes in the 2006 site database used to
identify the source of Vs30 information. The lowest value of the code have the highest preference
for the assignment of Vs30 (0 is most preferred; 5 is least preferred). The manner by which the
codes were sequenced was expert judgment. There are prescribed levels of uncertainty associated
with each code, as explained further in the next section.
In the current (2013) site database, the protocols have been updated as a result of the
availability of additional proxies and the analysis of proxy performance presented in Section
3.4.2. The following codes are applied to Vs30 measurements and estimates in the 2013 site
1. Assign from measured velocity profile, zp ≥ 30 m using the data sources given in
Section 3.3.1.
2. Estimated from Vs profiles with depths 10 < zp < 30 m using region-dependent
correlations with depth in Boore (2004) and Boore et al. (2011).
(a) Infer from geology-based correlations calibrated for the region where the site
is located and using detailed descriptions of geological categories (e.g.,
distinguishing Quaternary alluvium based on texture and/or age). These maps are
typically digital maps or paper maps 1:50,000 scale or smaller.
(b) Infer from geology-based correlations that do not meet the criteria of 2a (e.g.,
lack of local calibration, relatively coarse geological mapping).
3. (a) Infer from geotechnical correlations (GMX 3rd letter, etc.) within its
calibration region (e.g., California).
(b) Inferred from generalized geotechnical correlations outside the calibration
4. Infer from geomorphologic proxies described in Section, including models
based on:
5. (a) GMX+Elevation [i.e., Taiwan only, Chiou, personal communication (2012)].
(b) Ground slope [i.e., Wald and Allen (2007)].
(c) Terrain-based categories [i.e., Yong et al. (2012) ].
6. Infer from local Vs mapping (e.g., microzonation maps).
As before, the low codes corresponding to measurements (0 or 1) receive the highest
priority for Vs30 assignment. The proxy analysis from Section 3.4.2 does not clearly reject any
particular proxy-based method for estimating Vs30, but does provide a basis for assigning relative
weights to proxies based on the regional proxy aggregated mean and standard deviation of
residuals (lnV and lnV, respectively). The relative weight is taken from the inverse of the
residual sum of squares of the aggregated mean and standard deviation:
Relative weight for selected proxy and region 
ln V
  ln2 V
The actual weight is computed from the relative weights through adjustment to ensure they sum
to one. Table 3.8 shows the relative weights and computed proxy weights using this procedure.
The computed weights apply only when all proxies are available. If only a subset of proxies is
available, the weights are adjusted to sum to one for those proxies. For example, in California, if
a site has geology (2a) and ground slope (4b), the weights are 0.67 and 0.33 for the geology- and
slope-based estimates of Vs30, respectively. The proxies listed in Table 3.8 are those that are
available for the respective regions.
Table 3.8
Relative proxy weights by region and applied weights for Vs30 estimation when
each proxy is available for a site.
Rel. Wt. 1
 lnV
 lnV
(Eq. 3.7) Weight
Weights in this column apply when all proxies available for a given site
3.5.2 VS30 Uncertainties
The preferred VS30 value for the site is taken to represent the median estimate of VS30 or the mean
estimate ln(VS30). The assignment of epistemic uncertainty to VS30 is dependent on the estimation
method and is expressed as a log standard deviation, lnV. The manner by which this uncertainty
was assigned in the 2006 database (for comparison purposes) and for the present database is
described in the following sub-sections.
54 Vs30 Uncertainty in Vol. 23 Site Database
In the Vol. 23 site database (Chiou et al. 2008), Vs30 uncertainty was assigned for sites with and
without measurements, based principally on the judgment of PE&A and cluster analyses at a
limited number of sites with multiple and closely-spaced Vs measurements at the time.
The estimate of VS30 uncertainty for sites with measured shear-wave velocities was based
in part on the outcome of an analysis of variance of closely spaced VS30 measurements in the
PE&A profile database. The assigned uncertainty is a function of profile stiffness which was
represented by NEHRP classification, as shown in Figure 3.26. As described in Chiou et al.
(2008), data from a site in Gilroy, California (NEHRP D site) having sixteen nearby
measurements of VS30 yielded a standard deviation of lnV = 0.08, so a value of 0.10 was used for
D sites generally. Uncertainty values for other site classes were set based on similar cluster
analyses and judgment of PE&A, with the results given in Figure 3.26. The observations of
increased uncertainty in Vs for rock sites as compared to soil sites noted by Schneider and Silva
(1994) influenced this judgment, resulting in increased lnV values of up to 0.3 for Class A sites.
The observed Vs30 aleatory variability (within category randomness) within surface
geological units [Table 2 of Chiou et al. (2008)] formed the basis for the assigned epistemic
variability in the VS30 values inferred from site geology (Figure 3.26). Similarly, Geomatrix or
Spudich within category randomness [Table 3 of Chiou et al. (2008)], along with judgment
formed the basis of assigned epistemic variability for other cases shown in Figure 3.26.
NGA Dataset: 1/11/05
Sigma (Ln Units)
Measured/Inferred Class
Figure 3.26
Site Class
profile with
depth<20 m
Inferred from
VIC data
VIC data
Uncertainty of Vs30 used in Vol. 23 site database [from Chiou et al. (2008)].
55 Vs30 Uncertainty in Present Site Database
For the current site database, we have re-visited the assignment of lnV and attempted to increase
the transparency by which the values are assigned, although some judgment is still applied.
Vs30 uncertainty for Code 0 sites
In the case of code 0 sites, we have re-examined the dispersion of Vs30 measurements from single
sites with multiple profiles. The profile data analyzed include six sites in California from Boore
and Asten (2005), two sites in California from Brown et al. (2000), three sites explored with
surface wave method by various researchers and reported by Moss (2008), and the DCPP site
owned by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E, 2011). The profiles from this data set were in some
cases derived from combinations of surface wave (SW) and downhole (DH) methods, while in
other cases only one measurement type was used. In Figure 3.27, we show lnV for the clusters of
profiles at these sites against the median Vs30. Different colors are used for sites from single and
multiple measurement types. Note that we have not included data from Remi-based profiles for
this compilation. We also show in the figure values of lnV from the proprietary PE&A profile
data base for eight sites in California and South Carolina; in those cases, the cluster statics were
provided by PE&A (R. Darragh personal communication, 2012) and were in some cases
obtained from several different measurement methods at each site (e.g., Treasure Island
Geotechnical Array and Gilroy #2).
Figure 3.27
Dispersion of Vs30 from sites with multiple profiles obtained with surface wave (SW)
and/or borehole (BH) methods.
The velocity dispersions (lnV) in Figure 3.27 reflect spatial variations in seismic
velocities at modest separation distances between profiles (ranging from 10 sec to 100 sec of
meters; above references and R. Moss and R. Kayen, personal communication, 2012). For
example, Vs30 uncertainties at the Coyote Creek and William Street Park sites described by Boore
and Asten (2005) are derived from profiles at various locations separated by as much as
approximately 200 m [see Figure 4 of Boore and Asten (2005)]. In the case of the Thompson et
al. (2012), the maximum lateral separation distances of profiles are approximately 4501400 m.
As shown in Figure 3.27, the results have no clear sensitivity to test type (i.e., SW versus BH)
nor to whether SW and BH methods were combined at a given site. This suggests that methodto-method variability is modest when the Vs profiles are from sources known to produce reliable
results, which is the case for the data utilized here. [We note parenthetically that more methodto-method variability was observed by Moss (2008), which included Remi data from several
sites.] Such inter-method variability can arise due to varying levels of quality in the underlying
measurements, which can be minimized by only using data from sources known to produce
reliable results (which is generally the case for the profiles used in the NGA-West2 project).
Inter-method variability can also arise from the different volumes of soils tested in surface wave
techniques versus borehole techniques, in which case it largely reflects spatial variability in the
velocity structure.
An outlier in Figure 3.27 is Kiknet site TKCH08 (lnV =0.23, median Vs30=380 m/sec)
from Thompson et al. (2012), which is one of four sites investigated with multiple Vs profiles in
that study. Values of lnV for the other sites range from 0.050.07. Google Earth imagery shows
the terrain for the sites with modest values of lnV to be fairly consistent; whereas site TKCH05
is located in a narrow valley in which some of the profiles are within the valley, and others are
near the edge where rock is likely to occur at relatively shallow depths. This example shows that
separation distance between profiles is less important than consistency in the terrain, which
presumably correlates in most cases to consistent geology. The high value of lnV for TKCH08
appears to result from inconsistencies in the underlying geology.
Examining all the available COV and lnV values in Figure 3.27, we see the dispersion is
not particularly sensitive to site stiffness, as reflected by mean Vs30. However, the figure shows a
slight trend for increasing dispersion with increasing velocity, clearly additional measurements
are required. Based on the available data, our judgment is that when the geology of the profile
and strong-motion sites match, and they are separated by distances of several 100 m or less, a
reasonable value of the dispersion regardless of mean Vs30 is approximately lnV=0.06. As
shown by the TKCH05 site, this dispersion is much higher when the site geology is
heterogeneous relative to the separation distance between the profile and strong-motion site.
Considering all of the above, we consider a value of lnV=0.1 to be reasonable for use with code
0, which is similar to the single data point reported for the assignment of lnV in the Vol. 23 site
database. This constant value replaces the strong increase of lnV with site stiffness in the Vol. 23
site database (shown in Figure 3.27). Note that rock dispersion in an absolute sense is still higher
than that for soil, since lnV is a normalized quantity. We recognize that this value is likely on the
high side for a large number of the code 0 sites where the profile and strong-motion station are
located at relatively close distances (<  100 m) on similar geology. Conversely, this value is on
the low side for sites where the profile and strong-motion stations are on different geologic
conditions, although this is expected to be relatively rare.
As shown in Figure 3.27, the database from which lnV can be evaluated is limited,
especially for firm sites with Vs30 >  400 m/sec and soft sites with Vs30 <  200 m/sec. As
additional data are added, the recommendations provided here may change.
Vs30 uncertainty for Code > 0 sites
For Code 1 sites, uncertainty arises from intra-site variability (as in Code 0) and uncertainty
associated with the Vsz to Vs30 extrapolation described in Section 3.3.2. These two sources of
uncertainty are assumed to be statistically independent, and thus are combined by summing the
associated variances. The Vsz to Vs30 extrapolation uncertainties are dominant, and are based on
the standard deviation of residuals as provided in Boore (2004) and Boore et al. (2011). The
resulting σlnV values are shown in Figure 3.28 and decrease with increasing total depth of the
Figure 3.28
Recommend dispersion of Vs30 in natural log units when derived from various
information sources.
For the proxy methods (Code > 1), we assign uncertainties on the basis of the proxy data
analysis from Section 3.4.2. We assign weighted standard deviations (lnV) for various
combinations of proxies using weights computed as described in Section 3.5.1 (Table 3.8).
Values of lnV for specific codes are discussed in the following and shown in Figure 3.28:
2. (a) Values of lnV are provided for three broad geologic categories, based on
averaging applicable sub-category lnV values provided in Wills and Clahan
(2006). The values apply to California and Italian sites.
(b) We recommend lnV = 0.45 based on judgment.
3. (a) Geometric means of σlnV values from proxy analysis are assigned for each
GMX 3rd letter category. The assigned values are: σlnV = 0.4 for Class A, 0.3 for
Classes B-D and 0.20 for Class E.
(b) We sum the variances Code 3a and 0.2 (from cluster measurements reported in
Section 3.4.2), giving σlnV values of 0.45 (A), 0.36 (B-D) and 0.28 (E).
4. (a) Based on the Taiwan proxy analysis, we assign σlnV = 0.37 (A), 0.33 (B-D),
and 0.20 (E).
(b) Geometric means of σlnV values from proxy analysis are assigned for various
bins of slopes; we use σlnV = 0.2 for slopes flatter than 0.0022 and σlnV = 0.43
(c) Geometric means of σlnV values from proxy analysis are assigned for terrain
categories. We assign 0.37 for all categories except category 16, for which we
assign 0.18.
5. Values unchanged from 2006 database [Figure 5 of Chiou et al. (2008)].
3.6.1 Introduction
The basin depth parameter Zx is the depth to a shear-wave isosurface having Vs = x km/sec,
which is utilized for site parameterization in three of the NGA GMPEs. Abrahamson and Silva
(2008) and Chiou and Youngs (2008b) take x = 1.0 km/sec while Campbell and Bozorgnia
(2008) take x = 2.5 km/sec.
The 2006 site database characterizes basin depth with parameters Z1.0, Z1.5, and Z2.5 which
define the depth in meters to shear-wave velocities of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.5 km/sec. Depths to 1.0,
1.5, and 2.5 km/sec shear-wave velocity horizons for stations in southern California were
contributed by Robert Graves and Jonathan Stewart based on the SCEC-three-dimensional (3D)
model (Version 2.2b, Magistrale et al. 2000), by Boatwright et al. (2004) for stations in the San
Francisco Bay area, and by Graves (1994) for stations in the Eel River basin in northern
California. Depth data (Zx) at a station were superseded by values obtained from borehole data,
provided a borehole exists and penetrates the velocity horizon. Many of these values were
provided from the PE&A database. Additional information about sedimentary basins and depth
to basement rock were contributed by Somerville et al. (2002) and Campbell (personal
communication, 2003,), respectively. The basin depths derived from those sources have now
been replaced by more recent information, mainly Yong et al. (2013).
In the following sections, we describe updates to seismic velocity models from which Zx
can be evaluated for portions of California. We then describe a newly implemented seismic
velocity model for Japan from which Zx values were evaluated. We also briefly list basin depth
models for other regions (outside of California and Japan) and describe why they were not
suitable for defining Zx values for use in the NGA-West2 project.
3.6.2 Basin Models in California Southern California
The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) currently has two comprehensive 3D
seismic velocity models for the greater southern California region: CVM-S4 and CVM-H11.1.0.
While the SCEC community acknowledges differences between the two velocity models, there is
no consensus as to what is the preferred model.
The CVM-S4 model is the fourth version of a model developed by Harold Magistrale and
others ( The model is largely based on geological
structure models. For the deeper sediments, velocities are estimated using empirical relationships
between age of the formation and depth of burial that have been calibrated from regional data
(Kohler et al. 2003). For the shallower sediments, velocities are taken from geotechnical
borehole measurements. The non-basin velocities in the model are based on a tomographic study
by Hauksson (2000). Based on the modeling work of Graves and Pitarka (2010), we have
replaced the CVM-S4 shear-wave velocities within Imperial Valley sediments using the mudline
relation of Brocher (2005). This change reduced the minimum shear-wave velocity in the
Imperial Valley from 818 m/sec to 379 m/sec.
The CVM-H11.1.0 model is the Version 11.1.0 Harvard model that has been developed
by John Shaw and others ( The model consists of basin
structures defined using high-quality industry seismic reflection profiles and tens of thousands of
direct P-wave velocity measurements from boreholes (Süss and Shaw 2003; Plesch et al. 2009),
as well as refinements to the background velocity structure using waveform tomography
(Hauksson 2000; Tape et al. 2009). The shear-wave velocities and densities are calculated, in
general, from P-wave velocities using empirical rules [e.g., Zhu (2003)].
The basin depth parameters (Zx) were found by querying the velocity models at 20-m
depth increments and tabulating the minimum (shallowest) and maximum (deepest) encounter of
Vs=x. In most cases, the minimum and maximum depths are the same; however when velocity
inversions are present in the depth profile the minimum and maximum depths differ. When the
minimum and maximum depths differ, the maximum depth is used. The rationale is that the
maximum depth provides a better characterization of large-scale basin structure.
All Southern California sites are within the region covered by CVM-H11.1.0 model, and
most are also within the tomography and basin regions covered by CVM-S4. Both models start
with the Hauksson (2000) tomography results to specify the velocity structure in the non-basin
regions. The tomography results have poor resolution in the shallow crust and therefore the
shear-wave velocity at the surface is generally greater than 3 km/sec. Consequently, for sites
outside the basin regions, but within the tomography region in CVM-S4, the Z1.0 value is zero
and the Z2.5 value is usually zero for this model. Outside of basin regions, The CVM-H11.1.0
model also includes tomography from the Tape et al. (2009) 3D waveform inversion study,
which provides improved resolution (and generally lower shear-wave velocities) in the shallow
crust. In addition, CVM-H11.1.0 also applies a transition to a generic Boore and Joyner (1997)
rock profile in the near surface (upper 300 m). In application, the Boore and Joyner (1997) rock
profile is modified so that a gradual transition to the underlying hard-rock velocities is achieved.
Consequently, CVM-H11.1.0 has lower shear-wave velocities than CVMS4 in the near surface
of the non-basin regions, and in many cases approaches values of around 1 km/sec at the ground
surface. Because the Boore and Joyner (1997) rock profile is modified, there is no clear metric to
distinguish which sites use the generic velocity model. If model reports both Z1.0 = 0 and Z2.5 = 0,
then both values are set to -999 to reflect that the model has no information regarding the site. If
the model reports Z1.0 = 0 and Z2.5 > 0, then Z1.0 is set as -999 and the Z2.5 is retained because the
tomography model may have some resolution on this part of the velocity structure.
Figures 3.29 and 3.30 present the spatial variation of Z1.0 for the CVM-H11.1.0 and
CVM-S4 models, respectively.
Figure 3.29
Depth to 1 km/sec (Z1.0) reported by the CVM-H11.1.0 model. CVM-H11.1.0 model
provides Z1.0 values for 746 sites.
Figure 3.30
Depth to 1 km/sec (Z1.0) reported by the CVM-S4 model. The CVM-S4 model
provides Z1.0 values for only 242 sites.
The histogram of Z1.0 values from CVM-S4 and CVM-H11.1.0 is shown in Figure 3.31.
There are significant differences between the Z1.0 values provided by the two models. The CVMS4 model generally provides shallower Z1.0 with a mean of 446 m, whereas the CVM-H11.1.0
models have a mean Z1.0 of 705 m.
The histograms of Z2.5 values from CVM-S4 and CVM-H11.1.0 are shown in Figure
3.32. The mean Z2.5 values computed from CVM-S4 and CVM-H11.1.0 are 2551 m and 2610 m,
respectively. The similarities in these values indicate that the Z2.5 parameter is relatively stable
between the two models.
Figure 3.31
Histogram of the Z1.0 values computed from the CVM-S4 and CVMH11.1.0 models.
Figure 3.32
Histogram of the Z2.5 values computed from the CVM-S4 and CVMH11.1.0 models.
A number of the sites for which Z1.0 and Z2.5 have been tabulated in the southern
California region for the NGA-West2 project were also included in the original NGA (2008) site
database. The 2008 values were obtained only from a single 3D model: CVM-S2.2b. The
primary changes from V2.2b to V4.0 of CVM-S are:
A new San Bernardino Valley basement is based on recent USGS inversion of
gravity data confirmed by comparison to a seismic reflection line. The new model
features a deep trough in the central valley, in contrast to the previous flatbottomed valley model. The new basement joins smoothly to the relatively
shallow Chino basin to the west.
A new model for the Salton Trough is motivated by the needs of TeraShake
simulations of southern San Andreas fault events. Depth to basement is defined
by a combination of seismic refraction surveys, inversion of gravity observations,
surface geology, and boreholes. Sediment velocity-depth gradients depend on the
nature of the basement, smoothly merging into deep meta-sedimentary basement,
and having a discontinuity above shallow crystalline basement. The model
includes the portion of the Trough south of the international border with Mexico.
A new Vp-density relation is used that is based on density measurements from oil
well samples in the Los Angeles basin and the San Gabriel Valley, geotechnical
boreholes throughout southern California, and 12 oil wells along the LARSE
lines. The newly determined Vp-density ratio is constant, in contrast to the old
relation. This is true even for low Vp, as defined by the geotechnical data. The
new densities are higher, for a given Vp, than from the old model. Because density
is correlated to Poisson’s ratio [using the relation of Ludwig et al. (1970)], the
density increase will tend to lower the Poisson’s ratio. The reduction of Poisson’s
ratio, in turn, will lower Vp / Vs. In summary, changing the Vp -density relation
produces a new Vs model.
As part of SCEC's work in producing a comprehensive platform for maintaining
and distributing the Community Velocity Models (CVM-H and CVM-S), the
CVM-S4 software was analyzed, and a "bug-fix" version was developed by Geoff
Ely at the University of Southern California. The patches to the code primarily
involved the explicit initialization of variables to zero values (initialization was
implicit in older versions, the behavior of which is compiler and platform
dependent). The effect of the initialization change does not have any systematic
effect on the velocity values produced by the code. The non-initialized values
tend to scatter about the initialized values within a range of a few percent in most
cases. The overall impact of the changes was determined to be of minor
significance on the resulting values produced by the code. Northern California
The 2006 site database (Chiou et al 2008) includes basin depth parameters derived from Model
05.0.0 of a 3D Bay Area velocity model described in Boatwright et al. (2004), Brocher (2005)
and Hardebeck et al. (2007). Similar to the SCEC model, this 3D velocity model is based on a
structural and geological model of the region, which is converted to Vp and then to Vp. This
model has been updated and Version 08.3.0 was used to select basin parameters for the present
work (available from
The model updates are described in Aagaard et al. (2008, 2010). The new models provide
improved predictions of surface wave arrivals from small San Francisco Bay Area seismic
3.6.3 Basin Models in Other Regions
Basin depth models for particular regions have been developed from various geophysical data
sources including gravity surveys, reflection/refraction surveys, and deep boreholes. Basin
models outside of southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area that have been used in
ground motion simulations, but not necessarily to extract depth parameters for empirical ground
motion studies, include:
Statewide California models based on tomography (Lin et al. 2010)
Eel River basin in northern California (Graves 1994)
Puget Sound and Seattle areas [e.g., Symons and Crosson (1997); Brocher et al.
Tokyo Bay region, Japan (Sato et al 1999)
Osaka and Kobe regions, Japan (Kagawa et al. 2004)
Adapazari basin, Turkey (Goto et al. 2005)
It is important to distinguish between basin and velocity models. These basin models
describe only the basin depths. To evaluate depth parameters defined from a shear-wave
isosurface such as Z1.0, Z1.5, and Z2.5, a 3D model of seismic velocities is required. Such models
are only available for California and Japan. Hence, the references given above were not used in
the NGA-West 2 project.
For Japan, we utilize the NIED (National Research Institute for Earth Science and
Disaster Prevention) seismic velocity model. The basin model was developed through a
combination of deep boreholes, reflection and refraction surveys, micro-tremor surveys, and
gravity surveys (Fujiwara et al. 2006; Earthquake Research Committee 2008). Additionally,
tomography was used to verify and refine the basin structure. The velocity profiles found within
the model are monotonically increasing, thus eliminating the need for both the minimum and
maximum depth. The data for the basin depths was downloaded from (last accessed on 11/2/2011). The report (in Japanese) that
from: (last accessed on
A map of basin depth values for Z1.0 and Z 2.5 are shown in Figure 3.33. The Tokyo basin
is evident in the maps from large Z 1.0 and Z 2.5 values. The Niigata basin is evident only in the
Z2.5 map.
Figure 3.33
The spatial distribution of the Z1.0 and Z2.5 basin depth parameter.
Propagation Path Table
Unlike the source table and site database, the propagation path metadata parameters are not
collected but calculated based on the geometry of the finite fault rupture plane and the location of
the station. The main objective of the propagation path table is to develop stable estimates of
parameters that describe the path effects. The key metadata parameters include various distance
measures, a hanging wall indicator, radiation pattern coefficients, and directivity parameters.
Section 4.2 details the path parameters. Section the 4.3 is a brief note on the consideration for
alternative distance estimates for multiple fault/rupture events. Section 4.4 details the methods
used to estimate the new distance measure proposed during the NGA-West2 project.
Major participants in the propagation path table development for NGA-West 2 included
members of the Task 1 working group (Brian Chiou, Paul Spudich, Badie Rowshandel, Jenny
Watson-Lamprey, Jack Baker, and Shrey Shahi) and the following additional project researchers:
Timothy D. Ancheta (PEER), Tadahiro Kishida (PEER), Jennifer Donahue (Geosyntec), Katie
Wooddell (PG&E), and Robert Youngs (AMEC). Nancy Collins and her colleagues at the URS
Corporation reviewed and checked the path metadata of an early version of the NGA-West1
database. Paul Spudich of USGS checked the distance measures RRUP and RJB for the NGAWest2 database.
Data in the propagation path table include six source-to-site distance measures (epicentral
distance, REPI, hypocentral distance, RHYP, shortest distance to rupture plane, RRUP, Joyner-Boore
distance, RJB, distance measured perpendicular to the fault strike from the surface projection of
the up-dip edge of the fault plane, RX, distance measured parallel to the fault strike from the
midpoint of the surface projection of the fault plane, RY), a hanging wall indicator, radiation
pattern coefficients, source-to-site azimuth, and directivity parameters. Schematics showing the
definitions of the hanging wall indicator, source-to-site azimuth, and the five source-to-site
distance measures are provided in Figures 4.1 through 4.5. New parameters developed during the
NGA-West2 project include the local strike parallel direction, various local distance metrics and
corresponding event segment parameters, and the distance measured parallel from the midpoint
of the fault, RY. Many of the new parameters were developed to test the effect of multiple
segment ruptures on the source-to-site distance measures. Furthermore, directivity parameters
have been expanded to include multiple models of directivity that are being developed within the
NGA-West2 project. The set of directivity models considered is intended to aid the direct
inclusion of directivity effects into the updated GMPEs for the NGA-West2 project.
Figure 4.1
A plan view representation of areas which delineate the hanging wall indicators.
hw = for sites on the hanging wall, fw = for sites on the footwall, nu = for neutral
Figure 4.2
(a) A plan view definition of the source to site azimuth for dipping dip-slip faults;
and (b) a plan view definition of the source to site azimuth for dipping strike-slip
faults. Xcte is site's closest point on the surface projection of top edge of fault (red
dotted line). Various sites are illustrated in black triangles.
Figure 4.3
A schematic of the closest distance to the rupture plane (RRUP) and the hypocenter
distance (RHYP) measure for example fault plane.
Figure 4.4
A map (top) and side (bottom) view schematic of the source-to-site distance
measure RX for an example fault (thick black line) plane and stations located on the
hanging wall (RX > 0) and footwall (RX < 0) side. Taken from Chiou and Youngs
Figure 4.5
A map view schematic of the source-to-site distance measure RY and RX and the U
and T parameters from the generalized coordinate system in Spudich and Chiou
(2008). Positive directions are shown.
Computation of the above metadata requires a 3D representation of finite fault rupture
plane (the finite fault model) and station coordinates as inputs. For the case of single-segment
finite-fault model, the ruptured area is simply represented by a rectangle. For the case of
multiple-segment non-vertical finite fault, representing the 3D ruptured area is not as
straightforward as the above because gap or intersection exists between two successive
rectangles. To remedy this problem, a simplified version of the method developed by Robert
Youngs (personal communication) was used to construct the down-dip portion of a multisegment fault. First, create dipping rectangles by projecting (perpendicular to the strike of each
rectangle) the top of fault down-dip to a common depth; bottom edges of the resulting rectangles
are disconnected. Then, the bottom edges are connected by moving the pertinent vertices to the
intersecting point of the two bordering edges. This method transforms disconnected rectangles to
connected trapezoids. It is important to note that RX and RY were calculated differently than all
other distance metrics in the case of a multiple-segment/rupture finite fault. As stated above, RX
and RY were estimated using the GC2 methodology, which provides a smooth transition in the
distances around bends in the fault segments (i.e., changes in strike). All other distances were
based on the closest segment or minimum distance when estimated for each segment.
The definition of each directivity parameter and the method to calculate directivity
parameter for multiple-segment fault is described in the report by each of the members of
Directivity Working Group and have been summarized in the working group report (Spudich et
al. 2012).
The strike-parallel direction at a recording site is ambiguous when the finite fault model
has multiple segments. The consensus definition reached by the NGA developers is that the local
strike-parallel direction is the fault strike direction averaged over a 20 km (or less) stretch of
fault segment beginning at the closest point on the fault and extending towards the epicenter.
In addition to the consideration of the down dip projection of planes from multiple-segment
ruptures, distance metrics calculated relative to the closest or to the dominant (in relative
ruptured area) fault segments may produce less scatter in residuals. To investigate this effect,
alternative distance parameters are estimated for both conditions however; the distances reported
in the flatfile correspond to the closest fault segment.
The RX distance parameter alone will not give the true distance from the fault. For this reason, an
RY term is required to compliment the RX term when calculating the distance to the fault. The RY
distance term is measured parallel to the strike of the fault measured from the midpoint of the
fault. RY is zero at the midpoint of the fault and positive and increasing in the direction of the
strike. RY is negative and decreasing in the opposite direction of the strike (see Figure 4.5). The
RY parameter (similarly for RX) is estimated differently for events with and without a finite fault
model, described below as Method 1 and Method 2.
For events with a finite fault model, the generalized coordinate system “GC2” developed
by Spudich and Chiou (personal communication, 2013) uses T and U in a similar fashion to RX
and RY. In the GC2 coordinate system, which has been adopted by the NGA-West2 database, the
distance parameter T is analogous with RX and is measured in the strike normal direction. The
distance parameter U is measured along strike, but begins at the end of the fault (see Figure 4.5).
The first method for the calculation of RY may use the following equation:
RY = U – L/2
where U is from GC2 and L is the rupture length. In the NGA-West2 flat file, if a finite rupture
model (single and multiple-segment) is available for an event, Method 1 was used to calculate
RY. If a finite rupture model was not available, RY was calculated using Method 2. Method 2 uses
the simulated fault geometries described in Section 2.5, most of which are single segment, single
rupture models. For Method 2, three possible source-to-site scenarios exist:
1. The source-to site-azimuth is either 90º or -90º.
5. The source-to-site azimuth neither 90º nor -90º, the distance (J, in km) and the
bearing from the fault to the site are calculated using the latitude and longitude of
the northern edge of the fault and the site.
6. The source-to-site azimuth is neither 90º nor -90º, and the true bearing1 from the
northern end of the fault to the site is greater than 90º or less than 270º.
The three scenarios are represented in Figure 4.6. For Scenario #1 the distance J and the bearing
from the south end of the fault to the site are calculated using the latitude and longitude of the
site and latitude and longitude of the southern end of the fault. Using the distances J and RX, the
distance D can then be calculated. Next compare the strike of the fault to the bearing from the
southern end of the fault to the northern end (SNbearing) of the fault. If the strike and the
SNbearing are the same, so for instance if in Scenario #1, the strike and the SNbearing are both
0º, the distance RY is then calculated as follows:
RY = D – L/2
If the strike and the SNbearing are not the same, i.e., in Scenario #1, the SNbearing is 0º and the
strike is 180º, the distance RY is then calculated as follows:
RY = -1 * (D – L/2)
For Scenario #2, the distance J and the bearing from the fault to the site are calculated using the
latitude and longitude of the northern edge of the fault and the site. In this case, J and the
distance RX can be used to calculate the distance off the end of the fault, D. Similar to Scenario
#1, if the strike of the fault and the SNbearing are the same, the distance RY is then calculated as
RY = L/2 + D
If the strike and the SNbearing are not the same, the distance RY is then calculated as follows:
RY = -1 * (D + L/2)
For Scenario #3, the distance, J, is calculated from the southern end of the fault. Using the
distance Rx with J, the distance off the end of the fault, D is calculated. Comparing the strike and
the SNbearing, if the strike of the fault and the SNbearing are the same, the distance RY is then
calculated as follows:
RX = -1 * (D + L/2)
If the strike and the SNbearing are not the same, the distance RY is then calculated as follows:
RY = L/2 + D
Figure 4.6
Plan view of scenarios #1 (top), #2 (middle) and #3 (bottom) in the Method 2
calculation of RY. Example fault plane shown as square with the top of rupture as
the solid black line. Example stations for the three scenarios are shown as a filled
Record Catalog and Ground Motion Intensity
We began with the record catalog developed in the original NGA-West1 project described by
Chiou et al. (2008). The record catalog consists of a summary table containing a list of the
records and processing information and the time series, spectra, and duration text files. The
summary table is the master file that contains a list of all the selected and processed strongmotion records, and the directory and file names for the times series, spectra, and duration files.
When a recording was added to the catalog it was assigned a unique record sequence number
(RSN). The acceleration, velocity, and displacement time series are provided for each available
component of each recording. Additionally, for each component there are eleven spectra files
corresponding to the eleven damping levels and one duration file containing the as-recorded
response spectra and durations measured using Arias Intensity. The as-recorded acceleration time
series served as input in the calculation of the rotated spectra used in NGA-West1 project and
new rotated spectra that is used in the NGA-West2 project.
Major participants in the development of the source tables included Brian Chiou
(CDOT), Robert Darragh (PE&A), and Walt Silva (PE&A), Timothy Ancheta (PEER), Albert
Kottke (PEER), Tadahiro Kishida (PEER), Rob Graves (USGS), Jack Boatwright (USGS), and
David Boore (USGS). Additionally, the information contained in the table and files was
improved through numerous discussions with the GMPE developers not mentioned above.
The objectives of this work were to provide the time series, spectra, and duration files for
the use of the GMPE developers. Additionally, the record catalog will serve to update the PEER
online ground motion database. Section 5.2 details the information contained in the record
catalog table. Section 5.3 details the intensity measures calculated for each component and
Section 5.4 details the text file generation and formatting.
The key contents of the record table to be fed into the flatfile include the list of records,
text file path and filter corners selected/used. Key parameters estimated from the record catalog
include peak time series metrics (PGA, PGV, PGD) and RotDnn spectra.
The record table started from a catalog file developed by PE&A during the NGA-West1 project.
The current record table is a list of the available records in the database along with two unique
identifiers (RNS and EQID) and a path to provide a link from the record sequence number to the
directory and files of the time series, spectra and duration text files. Additionally, the processing
flag (e.g., pass-through or processed with PEER methodology) and the high-pass and low-pass
filter corners (see Section 6.1) selected for each component of each record is listed. The record
table is used as input into the rotated spectra calculation routine, which uses the as-recorded time
series as described below. Original record names collected from world-wide strong-motion
networks use inconsistent naming conventions. Original names of the record are preserved in the
site database. A uniform text file naming convention each component was assigned a unique
character string with a maximum of eight characters. The first fivesix characters was reserved
for either the station ID provided by the network or an abbreviation of the station name. The final
twothree characters was reserved for the station azimuth (e.g., up, 090, 180). The extension of
the text file describes the information contained within. For example the acceleration, velocity,
and displacement text files have the extensions AT2, VT2, and DT2. An electronic version of the
record table is not provided herein as the all information contained within can be found in the
The NGA-West1 project used a ground motion intensity measure introduced by Boore et al.
(2006) called GMRotI50. The measure is obtained by computing the geometric means of
response spectra for all non-redundant rotations of a given pair of orthogonal, horizontal
component recorded motions, and then by finding the geometric mean corresponding to the 50th
percentile of the resulting set of geometric means. Motivation for its use included a reduction of
the aleatory uncertainty in the ground motion prediction equations and the independence of
period and senor orientation.
The NGA-West2 project has selected a new rotated measure called RotDnn described by
Boore (2010). RotD50, or 50th percentile or median amplitude of response spectra over all nonredundant rotations, will be used in the development of the updated ground motion prediction
equations. The minimum and maximum rotated response spectra, RotD00 and RotD100, will be
used to relate RotD50 to the maximum rotated component and investigation of directivity in the
ground motion recordings. The motivation for its use comes from the simplicity in the definition,
calculation, and a move to a maximum rotated component in the building code. A brief definition
is provided in Section 5.4 along with a discussion on the effect of different filter corners on the
rotated spectra. Also included in Section 5.4 is a summary of the method for translating RotD50
into the maximum component by the NGA-West2 Directionality Working Group.
Other ground motion intensity measures provided include the as-recorded threecomponent spectra, durations relative to the normalized Arias intensity, and GMRotI50. The
period set in the NGA-West2 database is compared to the NGA-West1 database in Figure 5.1.
The spectra for 11 different damping ratios are also provided (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25,
Figure 5.1
Comparison of the period set used in the NGA-West1project and the NGA-West2
project. Red triangles along the NGA-West2 line represent new periods added. The
red triangle along the NGA-West1 line represent a period removed.
As described in Boore (2010), the RotDnn spectra are a set of spectra over all non-redundant
rotation angles where ‘nn’ represents the fractile of the spectra sorted by amplitude. The ‘D’
indicates that rotation angle will be specific to the period of the oscillator. The RotDnn can be
computed from the rotation of the two as-recorded orthogonal horizontal ground motions. For
any rotation angle, θ, the rotated time series, aROT, can be computed from the orthogonal
horizontal-component time series, a1(t) and a2(t), using Equation 5.1:
a ROT t ;    a 1 t  cos    a 2 t  sin  
The response spectra for the rotated time series are calculated for the non-redundant rotation
angles 0180°. Three fractiles, the minimum (nn = 00), mean (nn = 50), and the maximum (nn =
100) spectral amplitude are considered in the NGA-West2 project. Further discussion and
examples can be found in Boore (2010).
For the NGA-West 2 database, the computation of the RotDnn spectra was performed by
a program written by Dave Boore. The RotDnn spectra may be estimated without the knowledge
of the recorded azimuth. However, the corresponding rotation angles will be unknown. A
summary of the recordings in the NGA-West2 database that correspond to these cases are listed
in Table 5.1. When the starting time between the two horizontal components is not aligned or
one of the two horizontal components (H1 and H2) is missing, any rotational spectra cannot be
computed. Therefore, Table 5.1 also lists the records that will not have a rotational spectra.
Since the three-component time series were processed independently, the time series used
in Equation 5.1 may have different lengths (but same start time) and different selected filter
corners. Time series with different lengths had the longer of the two truncated to an equal length
by removing time samples at the end. The effect of different selected high pass filter corners is
discussed in Section 5.4.1 below.
Table 5.1
Summary of records not used for the calculation of RotDnn spectra.
Reason to not rotate
Record Sequence Number (RSN)
H1,H2 start time not
189, 586, 588, 829, 831, 6880, 6883, 6897, 6918
H1 and or H2
azimuth unknown
(i.e., uncertain
components are
H1 and or H2 not
5.4.1 Effect of Non-Equal Filter Corners on RotD50
The effect of non-equal filter corners on the RotD50 spectra is important as the PEER processing
methodology recommends each component to be processed independently. To investigate the
effect on the NGA-West2 database, a subset of records were selected to compare the RotD50
spectra from the as filtered (non-equal) and re-filtered with equal high-pass filter corner. The
selection of the subset records was based on two factors: (1) largest percent difference in the
high-pass filter corners; and (2) if the components contain a long-period pulse. It was assumed
that time series that are polarized (i.e., a large pulse only in one of the horizontal components)
might lead to the most difference in RotD50 during this comparison. The subset of records is
shown in Table 5.2. Table 5.2 also lists the selected high-pass filter corner and the pulse ID given
by Baker and Shahi (2011). Since the newly added records in the NGA-West2 database have not
been given a pulse ID, only records originally included in the NGA-West1 database were
Table 5.2
Set of records from the NGA-West2 database used in the comparison of nonequal/equal filter corner derived RotD50. HP-H1 and HP-H2 are the high-pass filter
corners selected for the two horizontal components.
Kobe, Japan
Newhall - W Pico
Canyon Rd.
El Centro - Meloland
Geot. Array
Is Pulse
Is Pulse
Oil City
LB - Orange Ave
El Centro Array #8
Sylmar - Converter
Sta East
El Centro Array #7
El Centro Differential
EC County Center FF
Jensen Filter Plant
Station Name
El Centro Array #6
Rinaldi Receiving
El Centro Array #11
Aeropuerto Mexicali
Parachute Test Site
El Centro Array #5
Parachute Test Site
Loma Prieta
Saratoga - Aloha Ave
Loma Prieta
Saratoga - W Valley
N. Palm
Coalinga-14th & Elm
(Old CHP)
North Palm Springs
Post Office
El Centro Array #10
Loma Prieta
Gilroy - Historic
Coyote Lake
Gilroy Array #6
Brawley Airport
Duzce, Turkey
Transmitter Hill
Loma Prieta
Gilroy Array #3
Westmorland Fire
Kornbloom Road
Irpinia, Italy-01
Jensen Filter Plant
Long Valley Dam
(Upper Left Abut.)
El Centro Array #3
Holtville Post Office
LA Dam
El Centro Array #4
Site 2
Sylmar - Converter
Sturno (STN)
The effect of the non-equal filter corners is represented in the ratio between RotD50
computed from time series using non-equal and equal high-pass filter corners. In order to
calculate the ratio, the subset of time series in Table 5.2 were re-filtered to the case of equal
high-pass filter corners. The re-filtering was performed only for the horizontal component with
the lowest high-pass filter corner. For example, the first record listed (RSN 1119) had the H1
component re-filtered using a high pass filter corner of 0.13 Hz. A summary of the ratio between
RotD50 using non-equal and equal filter corners for the subset records is shown in Figure 5.2. In
Figure 5.2 the period is normalized by the lowest useable period and therefore, unity corresponds
to the lowest useable period. The ratio at frequencies less than the lowest usable frequency
appears unbiased (close to unity) while become biased at frequencies greater. Based on Figure
5.2, the effect of non-equal filter corners is insignificant within the recommended usable
bandwidth. A discussion on the recommend usable bandwidth is found in Section 6.2.
Figure 5.2
A summary of the ratio between RotD50 using non-equal and equal filter corners
for the subset records.
5.4.2 Converting RotD50 to RotD100
Shahi and Baker (2012) as part of PEER NGA-West2 examined different methods of
representing the intensity of ground motion in the horizontal plane using a response spectrum
which is a one-dimensional representation of ground-motion intensity. The study focused on two
orientation-independent representations of the response spectrum: RotD50 and RotD100. The
new ground-motion models will predict the RotD50 spectrum at a site due to a future earthquake,
while the NEHRP (2009) provisions recommend using RotD100 for seismic design.
Shahi and Baker (2012) proposed a model to predict the ratio of RotD100 to RotD50,
which can be used as a multiplicative factor with the RotD50 predictions from the new NGAWest2 ground-motion models to predict the RotD100 ground-motion intensity. The proposed
model was compared and found to be consistent with similar models built in the past [e.g.,
Watson-Lamprey and Boore (2007)]. The proposed model advances that earlier work by using a
larger data set, utilizing the recently adopted RotD50 definition instead of GMRotI50 and using
mixed effects regression to account for inter-event terms. The differences between the proposed
model and corresponding NEHRP (2009) ratios were also explained.
Along with modeling the ratio of RotD100 to RotD50, they also modeled the probability
distribution of orientations in which the RotD100 intensity is observed relative to the strike of
the fault. The orientations of RotD100 were observed to be uniformly distributed when the
closest distance between the fault and the site was greater than 5 km or if the period under
consideration was less than 1 sec. Only for the cases when the site was within 5 km of the fault
and at periods greater than 1 sec, the orientation of RotD100 was more likely to be closer to the
strike-normal than strike-parallel direction. Relationship between the orientations of RotD100 at
different periods was also studied, and the difference between the orientations was modeled
using truncated exponential distribution. Together these models can help solve a practical
problem of converting between two important intensity measures while helping deepen the
understanding of the directionality of ground-motion by studying the distribution of orientations
in which RotD100 occurs and dependence of RotD100 to RotD50 ratio on different
seismological parameters. Conditional mean spectra conditioned on an orientation and on
RotD100 observation at a particular period were also discussed [see Shahi and Baker (2012)].
It is anticipated that these results will help bridge the gap between the work of seismic
hazard analysts, who typically use a geometric mean or RotD50 values, and some engineers, who
prefer to work with RotD100 response spectra.
Other measures included in the NGA-West2 database are various durations estimated from Arias
intensity, the three-component as-recorded spectra, and GMRotI50 for all records included in the
database. The spectra used the same period and damping ratio set as the RotDnn spectra. As
mentioned before, RotD50 is used as the intensity measure that is used to develop the new NGAWest2 GMPEs.
5.5.1 Duration
Duration of ground shaking can be defined as the time difference between two levels of a
normalized plot of cumulative squared acceleration. For the NGW-West2 project, nineteen
durations were selected based on the difference in time between a lower bound (always 5%) and
upper bound normalized Arias intensity. The nineteen different upper bound values ranged from
10 to 100% stepping by 5% increments. A text file reporting the nineteen selected durations and
their corresponding normalized Arias intensity was created for all available components for the
records included in the database.
5.5.2 As Recorded and GMRotI50 Spectra
The as-recorded spectra and GMRotI50 were computed even though RotDnn is the new primary
ground motion measure in the NGA-West2 project. The as-recorded spectra were computed
using a FORTRAN code called SPCTLR.FOR created by PE&A. The GMRotI50 spectra were
computed using a FORTRAN code developed by Dave Boore. The methods for calculating the
as-recorded and GMRotI50 remained unchanged from the NGA-West1 program and is detailed
in Section 6.1 and Boore et al. (2006).
Strong-Motion Record Processing
In coordination with PEER, PE&A in general, collected digitized but otherwise unprocessed
accelerograms from various agencies around the world and uniformly processed the raw
accelerograms. The processing methodology remains generally unchanged except in the filter
type preferred. The processing in the NGA-West2 project used an acausal Butterworth filter,
whereas for the NGA-West1 project a causal Butterworth filtered records were preferred, when
available. The change from causal to acausal filters was to reduce phase distortions as discussed
in Boore and Akkar (2003), Boore and Bommer (2005), and Boore (2005). Strong-motion record
processing has two major objectives to make the data useful for engineering analysis: (1)
correction for the response of the strong-motion instrument itself; and (2) reduction of random
noise in the recorded time series. A large portion of the NGA recordings were processed using
the PEER processing procedure discussed in Section 6.1 (Figure 6.1); the remaining recordings
were entered into the database without additional processing (pass-through records).
Considerations in adding pass-through records are discussed in Section 6.3. The PEER
processing methodology was applied to most raw accelerograms. One exception was for records
from stations that experienced permanent displacement where the methodology described in
Section 6.6 was also used.
Time series were also carefully re-evaluated to extend their usable frequency, late P- and
S-wave triggers were identified and flagged, checked for alignment in absolute time between
components, and remove duplicate recordings from co-located instruments.
The PEER processing concentrated on extending both the high- and low-frequency ranges of the
useable signal in the recordings (spectral accelerations) on an individual component basis. This
processing scheme (Figure 6.1) consists generally of low- and high-pass acausal Butterworth
filters applied in the frequency domain. Corner frequencies were selected by visual examination
of the Fourier amplitude spectra and integrated displacements. If necessary, a simple baseline
correction was applied for cases where filtering did not remove non-physical trends in the
displacement time series. The baseline correction consisted of fitting a polynomial to the
displacement time series and subtraction of the corresponding acceleration from the filtered
acceleration time series. This step also ensures compatibility between the processed acceleration
and the velocity/displacement time series as discussed in Boore et al. (2012). PEER and other
organizations (e.g., ITACA, ITalian ACcelerometric Archive) post-process the pad-striped
accelerations; PEER uses a baseline correction procedure (Figure 6.1). An alternate solution
would be to provide the velocity and displacement values at the first time point of the padstripped data for both the ground motions and the oscillator responses at all periods and
dampings [e.g., Boore (2010b)].
Examples of PEER processing results at both high- and low-frequencies can be found in
Silva and Darragh (1985) and Darragh et al. (2004) and is discussed in Abrahamson and Silva
(1997) and Chiou et al. (2008). PEER and other processing methodologies are compared in
Douglas and Boore (2011) and Boore et al. (2012).
Figure 6.1
PEER record processing procedure [from Boore et al. (2012)].
Response spectral values were provided to a highest frequency of 100 Hz in the NGA database
even if the low-pass filter applied had a much lower corner frequency. As noted by Douglas and
Boore (2011): “There is no inconsistency here, for the PSAs (response spectral values) at
oscillator frequencies near 100 Hz are being determined by lower frequencies in the input
record…” For NGA-West2, PGA is taken equivalent to the 100 Hz spectral value (5% damped
PSA) even at hard rock locations.
In contrast, at low frequencies, the minimum useable frequency is a critical issue. For
example, the causal 5-pole Butterworth filters commonly used in PEER processing in NGAWest1 has a significant reduction (0.707, or -3 db) in response at the filter corner frequency.
Hence it was recommended that the usable bandwidth of these records for the purpose of
engineering analysis extend from 100 Hz to the high-pass corner frequency multiplied by a factor
of 1.25 (Abrahamson and Silva 1997). With the 1.25 factor, the lowest usable spectral frequency
is the Fourier frequency at which the filter response is about -1/2 db down from the maximum
response. Using the same -1/2 db criterion, the recommended low-frequency limit for each passthrough record was selected according to the Butterworth filter order and the number of filter
passes (e.g., 1.5 for time domain filtering with two passes) used in the record processing, as
recommended by Boore (2004, written communication). For pass-through records filtered with
an Ormbsy filter, the useable bandwidth extends from 100 Hz to the filter corner (e.g., 0.20 Hz,
for a record filtered with an Ormsby between 0.20 and 0.10 Hz).
Uniformity in the processing of the record catalog has been significantly improved over
the NGA-West1 database. Although it was concluded in various studies discussed in Section 6.5
that the causality had an insignificant effect on the statistics of the record parameters (e.g., PGA
and Sa) an acausal filter was preferred in the NGA-West2 record processing. Since a filter type
was now preferred, all previously included records in the NGA-West1 database were reviewed to
expand their useable bandwidth and re-processed with the preferred filter type. The result of the
re-processing has more than doubled the records with a useable bandwidth up to a period of 10
second (maximum period provided in the NGA-West1 project) as shown in Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2
Comparison of number of records with a highest useable period versus period
using records included in both NGA-West1 (dashed black) and West-2 (solid red).
The small offset at low periods is due to the removal of stations detailed in Section
There are two main reasons why many records were entered into the NGA-West1 database
without additional processing (Darragh et al. 2004). First, more recent digitally–recorded data
generally do not benefit from additional processing and were entered into the database after
review of the Fourier amplitude spectra and time series (for example, for glitches). Second, some
acceleration data (for example, CSMIP data starting with the 1992 Cape Mendocino earthquake)
were available only in Volume II format (filtered and base-line corrected). These data were
simply entered into the database in standard format after a similar review. A pass-through record
was identified as ‘#’ in the column ‘PE&A Processing Flag’ of NGA-West2 flatfile. Filter type
and filter corner frequency used in the processing of a pass-through record were also entered into
the database, if they were available. During the NGA-West2 project, more than 1600 recordings
that were originally passed-through in NGA-West1 had their raw (e.g., Volume 1) accelerograms
collected and were processed using the standard PEER record processing methodology.
The unprocessed three-component acceleration histories were evaluated for late triggers either on
the vertical or horizontal components. The evaluation concentrated on time series made on
triggered analog recorders (e.g., SMA) since these time series do not, in general, record the first
onset of motion. In addition, time series from early digital recorders with limited pre-event
memory (e.g., 5 sec or less) were evaluated. Recordings that potentially did not record the
large\peak amplitude portion of the P-wave (vertical components) or S-wave (horizontal
components) due to a late trigger (or insufficient pre-event memory) were flagged in the NGA
flatfile. Explanations of the flags are included in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1
Summary of late P-wave and S-wave trigger flags.
Digital with pre-event memory, did not record the first P-wave onset. In the
digital case we are confident that we recorded the largest amplitude
(provided, later peaks are > the nominal trigger level of 0.005 g, which
depends on instrument, array, etc.)
Analog recording that probably recorded largest amplitudes on the vertical
component but the P-wave onset not recorded, OR probably recorded
largest amplitudes on the horizontal component(s) for the S-wave.
Late trigger, probably did not record the largest vertical amplitude, The
characteristic diagnostic is that the largest amplitude is at start of recording
on the vertical component.
Did not process the vertical component (e.g., late trigger)
Did not record the vertical component.
The processing was in general different than the processing done by the agency that collected the
data. This was necessarily the case as record processing largely relies on judgment as to where
(in frequency) noise has significantly contaminated a recording at both high- and low-frequency
ranges. More importantly, record processing (filtering) must, by definition, distort a record (side
effects) and different processing procedures result in different side effects or distortions. Record
processors are faced with the dilemma as to which set of side effects are the most or least
desirable. The use of causal versus acausal filters discussed later is an example of such a
During the NGA-West1 program, strong-motion time series and (5%-damped) pseudo
spectral accelerations were extensively reviewed at the NGA-COSMOS Joint Working Group
Meeting on Data Processing on March 17th, 2004, and several summaries were presented at the
International Workshop on Strong-Motion Record Processing sponsored by Consortium of
Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS; At the NGA-COSMOS joint meeting the
results of a large number of time domain and spectral domain (5%-damped pseudo spectral
acceleration) comparisons were presented and discussed. Two hundred and seventy-one time
domain and spectral domain comparisons were made between the NGA and the California
Geological Survey (CGS) Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) Volume II and III
data sets. The comparison included all records common to both data sets. The processed records
are from thirty-four California earthquakes ranging from the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake to
the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Similar comparisons were made on strong-motion data from a
smaller set of sixteen earthquakes processed by the USGS. These data started with the 1974
Hollister earthquake and ended with the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Forty-eight time domain
and 108 spectral domain comparisons were presented.
The differences in response spectra between NGA-West1 records and those processed by
either CGS or USGS were mainly associated with: (1) selection of the high-pass and low-pass
filter corner frequencies that define the effective passband; and (2) the type of filter used (causal
or acausal). The presented comparisons showed that the different processing procedures
produced zero difference, on average, in elastic response spectra across the useable (common)
frequency band. Outside of the common useable bandwidth, large spectra differences may be
observed due to differences in the filter corner frequencies. Incidentally, on a number of records
the PEER processing resulted in an expanded bandwidth due to the selection of filters
independently on each component rather than an entire record (three components) or on a policy
basis [see Douglas and Boore (2011), page 399 for more discussion].
Acausal filtering results in fewer phase distortions as discussed in Boore and Akkar
(2003), Boore and Bommer (2005), and Boore (2005). The greater distortion present with causal
filtering may affect spectral values, especially inelastic spectra, at frequencies much higher than
the high-pass filter corner frequency. This occurs because the response spectrum measures a
peak value in the time domain, and this measurement is affected by the phasing of the ground
motion over a wide frequency range. The Boore and Akkar (2003) work presented the analysis
from two recordings from the Hector Mine earthquake and a limited number of other recordings.
They state “the question on whether to use causal or acausal filters depends on the intended use
of the data, desirability for compatible processed acceleration, velocity and displacement time
series and considerations of computer storage space.” An advantage of causally filtered time
series is compatibility; that is, velocity, displacement and acceleration response spectra
computed from the acceleration time series will match the data provided. In contrast, acausal
filters require that the padded portions of the processed time series also be distributed to maintain
compatibility between time series and spectra [see Boore and Bommer (2005) for more
discussion] or provide the velocity and displacement values at the first point of the pad-stripped
data, for both the time histories and the oscillator response at all periods and dampings (Boore et
al. 2012). The phase distortion, however, can distort the displacement time series, particularly at
periods near the filter corner period. On the other hand, acausal filters generally result in an
artificial and significant ramp in displacement, preceding the arrival of long period energy from
the source. For analyses of spatial arrays, where relative timing is important, causal filtering is
preferred, as is done in seismological observatories for earthquake locations.
The sensitivity to filtering method presented by PE&A at the NGA-COSMOS joint
working group meeting showed that for most of the nearly 1000 components studied, the elastic
response spectra differences associated with the different filtering methods are small, and they do
not appear to result in systematic high or low bias of spectra within the common pass band.
Bazzurro et al. (2004), in another large spectral domain study, support the above observation.
They found that elastic and inelastic spectra from causal and acausal filtered records are
statistically indistinguishable from each other provided the same filter order and corner
frequencies have been used. The causally filtered records, however, result in a slightly larger
variability in both elastic and inelastic response. It was concluded that the effects of filter
causality on NGA regression results are considered to be insignificant. Boore et al. (2012) came
to a similar conclusion that data from “PEER NGA can be used with confidence that the post
processing has not affected the bulk of the results.”
An exception to the above conclusion is for a small group of near-source records having large
static displacements (i.e., tectonic displacements or “fling step”). Standard PEER processing of
the time series does not allow for the displacements to have a static offset or residual
displacement (i.e., frequency = 0 Hz). To preserve the static displacement, a static baseline
correction method such as those described in Iwan et al. (1985), Graizer (1979), and Darragh et
al. (2004) could be used in lieu of a high-pass filtering. The peak ground displacement and, to a
lesser extent, peak ground velocity values for PEER processed records are typically lower than
for static baseline corrected cases. Interestingly, a comparison of the peak-to-peak displacement
shows that the value from the standard PEER processed time history is approximately the same
as the value from the static baseline corrected time history (Darragh et al 2004). This suggests
that the standard processing, which does not preserve static fields, may result in similar dynamic
loads to structures. As noted by Boore (2001), the difference in the acceleration response spectra
between time series which have been processed using a standard approach and those using a
static baseline correction approach are relatively small for periods less than about 20 sec, which
is greater than the maximum 10-sec period used in the PEER-NGA data set.
The main data selection goal was to expand the Chiou et al. (2010) data set to include uniformly
processed waveforms and spectra at the standard PEER spectral periods and damping ratios.
Also, aftershock sequence data were included, as well as data from earthquakes that occurred
after September 2008, the date of the most recent event in Chiou et al. (2010) data set. Following
Chiou et al. (2010), we retain only data obtained from the high-sampling-rate (80 to 100 points
per sec) broadband instruments and strong-motion accelerographs. Broadband instruments with
lower sampling rate (20 points per sec) are deemed less reliable for high-frequency ground
motion parameters and are therefore not included in the database. We prefer data from the
accelerograph (the HL_ or HN_ channels), when available, to data from the broadband
instrument. Also, the selected stations were carefully reviewed for Geomatrix 1st letter, several of
the BDSN stations are in deeply embedded adits and are not considered free-field for GMPE
During the development of the California small-to-moderate magnitude database a vetting
process was performed on the recording, event, and site information. As mentioned in Section
1.3, time series were delivered by request from the various data providers on an event basis
(usually requested by event start time). An effort was made to check the following:
Association of the data to the event requested.
Station gain, instrument natural frequency, and instrument damping.
Site information as discussed in Section 3.2
Review of selected record processing filter corners
A check on the event and station information (especially gain) used a comparison of the
distance attenuation predicted from the GMPE in Chiou et al. (2010). The selected event
information included in the flatfile and an average Vs30 based on the event set of stations was
used. As shown in Figure 7.1, plots of the prediction are compared to the individual station asrecorded three-component PGA, PGV, and pseudo spectra acceleration at periods 0.3 and 1 sec.
Due to slight mismatch in the prediction and the event mean, a station component was flagged if
it occurred outside the +/-4  limit. In Figure 6.3, a single station at a distance of 200 km would
be flagged for review.
Figure 6.3
Plot of event 10347254 median (solid line) and +/- 4s (dashed lines) based on the
Chiou et al. (2010) CA specific model and the as-recorded three-component (data
points) PGA, PGV, and PsaT=0.3s and PsaT=1s. The red data points are stations
provided by Caltech (CIT), blue are provided by BDSN, black are provided by CGS,
and blue open circles are provided by USGS.
Initially, these comparisons led to an update of the station gain, natural frequency and
damping for selected sites. In a second phase, the comparisons were used to correct event IDs
assigned to the data (e.g., event ID was incorrectly associated to a set of records or a record was
incorrectly associated with an event). When the initial vetting process was complete the
comparison was used to flag individual stations that may have incorrect gains or poorly selected
filter corners. For example, recordings with spectral values a factor of 9.8 (10), or a power of 10
were flagged to check unit conversion to g or gain.
An additional check on the computed response spectral shape was used to flag individual
components that may have poorly selected filter corners or incorrect time steps (dt). An example,
of spectral shape checking is given in the Figure 6.4. Records were flagged by comparing the
spectral shape of an individual record to the Chiou and Youngs (2008) prediction. If the spectra
fell outside a +/-2 band, the record was flagged for review. Additionally, it was noted if the flag
was based on a short or long period as records from flagged at short periods may be located on
rock sites (i.e., low kappa sites). An effort was made to delineate such sites during the review.
For example in Figure 6.4, the record RSN 105982 may be flagged based on the short-period
deviation, while record RSN 106005 may be flagged based on the long-period deviation.
Figure 6.4
Plot of the spectral shapes for EQID 1093. These plots were used for additional
checking of the processed data (figure from R. Kamai). Solid black line is Chiou
and Youngs (2008) prediction with +/-2 in dashed black lines.
Flatfile Documentation
Eleven flatfiles were created by merging ground-motion parameters and key metadata on the
four tables: record catalog, earthquake source, site database, and path table. The flatfiles were
used as input data in the NGA-West2 GMPE regression analyses and to disseminate the core
NGA-West2 data to the research and engineering communities. The NGA-West2 flatfiles include
PGA, PGV, PGD and 11 dampings (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30%) pseudo spectral
acceleration at 111 periods, for the RotD50 fractile. The flatfile also includes 270 columns of
metadata. The flatfiles used to develop NGA-West2 GMPEs will be available at:
once the project is finalized. The flatfile has been and will continue to be the basic
documentation of the PEER-NGA data sets. A discussion on metadata documentation, updates,
and quality are included below in Section 7.2.
Participants included in the creation of the NGA-West2 flatfiles were Timothy Ancheta
(PEER), Sanaz Rezaeian (PEER), Tadahiro Kishida (PEER), Brian Chiou (CDOT), and Robert
Darragh (PE&A). Additionally, the information contained in the flatfiles was improved through
numerous discussions with the GMPE developers not mentioned above.
Documentation of the NGA-West1 flatfile metadata was initially prepared in April of 2005 by
Brian Chiou to provide basic definitions and some explanations of each column in the flatfile.
The explanations were given in the form of an excel spreadsheet for the NGA-West1 project
( was also included as Appendix A of
Chiou et al. (2008). Appendix D included herein is an updated table to reflect extensive additions
to the flatfile metadata and any changes made to the previously included information. A
summary of the updated, added, and removed metadata is included in Section 7.2.1. A significant
effort was made toward uniformity in the metadata reported and metadata quality. The numerous
metadata quality flags are briefly reviewed in Section 7.2.2. Appendix E provides definitions for
several of the site classifications collected during the project. These are the Geomatrix 3-letter
site classification (D. Wells, personal communication, 2005,), NEHRP site classification (BSSC,
1994), Spudich et al. (1999) site classification for extensional regimes, extended NEHRP (Wills
et al. 2000), and Campbell and Bozorgnia GEOCODE (2003).
7.2.1 Metadata Changes
As discussed in the above section, additional metadata has been added and existing metadata
updated during the course of the project (e.g., additional stations and earthquakes). Significant
changes were made to metadata that served as input parameters to the NGA-West 2 GMPEs. All
event parameters (e.g., M, ZTOR), station information (e.g., location, and Vs30), and path metrics
(e.g., site-source distances) were systematically reviewed and updated if necessary. When
updated, quality was improved. Updates included, additional Vs30 measurements, updated station
coordinates, new filter corners selected. The reported response spectra has now been updated
from GMRotI50 to RotDnn and reported for ten damping levels other than 5%. Added metadata
include new directivity parameters, earthquake classification, additional distance metrics (U, RX,
RY), and time series and spectra quality flags (e.g., late S- and P-wave trigger flags), among
others. A complete list and description of the metadata is included in Appendix D.
Due to limited resources and time constraints a subset of metadata included in the NGAWest1 project was updated. Additionally, metadata that was collected in the NGA-West1 project
was not further populated/updated in the NGA-West2 flatfile and some cases removed. Metadata
columns remove however were outdated or redundant metrics. When a column is removed it is
noted with a header as not used. A complete list of removed columns is included in Appendix D.
Records that were initially included but during the metadata review have been removed are
shown Table 7.1.
Table 7.1
Summary of the set of records removed from the NGA-West2 database.
Reason to remove
Record Sequence Number (RSN)
dt warning
994, 1009, 1010, 1068, 3549, 3550, 3551
late S‐wave trigger
1625, 1778, 1796, 1798, 1815, 1839, 2010
co‐located stations
1081, 1178, 1179, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1306, 1400,
1401, 1403, 1405, 1407, 1408, 1461, 1462, 1556, 1595, 1596,
2262, 2556, 2802, 3041, 3364
4405,9471, 11293, 11322, 11711, 11743,12025, 12029, 12823,
13058, 13087, 13097, 14007, 14164, 1558, 14748, 15005,
15513, 15972, 16684,17008, 17036, 17469, 17605, 17628,
7.2.2 Metadata Quality
Although the NGA-West2 flatfile working group aimed at uniformity in the metadata,
incomplete information was common for the entire set of recordings. To aid the user in
understanding the varying quality of metadata a summary of the available metadata quality flags
is provided. The metadata described in this section include, the basin depths (Z1.0, Z1.5, and
Z2.5), station locations, rupture geometry, distance metrics, and time series and spectra flags. A
discussion on the Vs30 uncertainty in included in Section 3.5.2.
Basin depths as described in Section 3.6 consist of a depth to a shear-wave velocity
horizon. Columns CU though CZ contains a summary of basin depths compiled from multiple
sources also described in Section 3.6. The value reported is based on a similar hierarchy to the
Vs30 column where depths from measured velocity profiles are preferred over depths extracted
from 3-D basin models. However, unlike Vs30, we have not provided a basin depth code to
indicate the preferred source on the flatfile. The basin code is however provided in the site
Station locations were extracted from local network station lists and reported as latitude
and longitude. The accuracy and geographic reference system used by the network providers is
not uniform. Due to time constrains the geographic reference system used by each network was
not collected nor have all the station locations been visited. However, effort was made to use
NAD83 for station in the United States and WGS84 where possible.
Event rupture geometry (strike, dip, length, width, and ZTOR) was either based on a finite
fault inversion or simulated rupture geometry as detailed in Section 2.5. To indicate the source of
the rupture geometry the ‘Finite Rupture Model’ flag in column AE may be used. If the flag is
‘1,’ the event information was extracted from the published finite fault model. If the flag is ‘0,’
some or all of the rupture geometry was based on the simulated fault plane. The accuracy of the
distance metrics will vary predominantly based on the accuracy of the rupture geometry.
The time series included in the flatfile may also have varying quality according to
recording date. Due to the evolution in instrumentation and triggering procedures, records may
be an analog/digital recording or may have little to no pre-event samples. A consistent evaluation
of the all the time series components were performed and quality was listed in late P- and Swave trigger flags.
The response spectra quality is determined by two metrics: the processing flag and the
useable bandwidth. It is important to review this information when using the flatfile as the entire
period set is provided even outside the useable bandwidth. Although extensive effort was made
toward uniformity in the processing methodology records, there were many records that were
pass-through or had static displacements. The pass-through records can be found using the
processing flag. Additional spectral quality flags discussed in Section 6.8 should also be
This report serves as a documentation of the data included in the NGA-West2 ground motion
database. The ground motion database includes the revised NGA-West1 database and additional
three-component ground motion recordings from numerous selected large magnitude events (M
> 6) that occurred throughout the world since 2003, the date when the NGA-West1 database was
frozen. Additionally, the NGA-West2 database includes a set of three-component ground motion
recordings from small-to-moderate events (3 < M < 5.5) that occurred in California between
1998 and 2011. The total number of three-component recordings in the NGA-West2 database is
21336 records from 600 shallow crustal events. This is an extremely rich database of recorded
ground motions that can be used for a wide range of applications in earthquake engineering and
The included time series were uniformly processed using the PEER methodology.
Records in the NGA-West1 database were re-filtered, when possible, to expand the usable period
range and the raw time series was processed using an acuasal filter. In addition to providing
selected filter corners used in the processing, the time series were assessed for effects of data
clipping (i.e., missing p-wave) due to recordings that were from triggered rather than
continuously recorded instrumentation.
Spectral accelerations at eleven different damping levels (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20,
25, and 30 %) were computed. The preferred intensity measure to be used in the NGA-West2
GMPE development is RotD50 at periods ranging from 0.01 to 20 sec.
Metadata that were collected were used to define important event and station information
used in the development of GMPEs and also by the engineering community. Throughout the
process of adding data, a systematic check and review was performed by experts and the NGAWest2 GMPE developers. New types of metadata include a new event classification, additional
directivity parameters, late-trigger flags, and a new distance parameter, RY. Additionally, updates
to the various site metadata have included information that were not available during the NGAWest1 project (e.g., Vs30 estimated from new boring data and new Vs30 proxy methods), and
revisions based on new findings in the literature.
As in the NGA-West1 project, summary flatfiles and time series data files have been
created to facilitate an efficient dissemination of the core NGA data to the research and
engineering communities.
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Appendix A: Rectangular Fault Source Table
Explanation Multiple-Segment
Event Location and Mechanism
The link to the Source Table is here:
Table A.1
Column A B C D E F G H I J Source table column explanation.
Column Name (units) Description EQID An arbitrary unique ID assigned to each earthquake for identification. The common name of earthquake. The earthquake name may include the general area or country where earthquake occurred. In the case of multiple Earthquake Name earthquakes in the same general area/country (for example there are eight earthquakes in the source table that are located in Imperial Valley, CA), a number was used to distinguish between these events. Earthquake Moment magnitude. When the moment magnitude was not available the Magnitude surface wave, local or duration magnitude was used. If the listed earthquake magnitude is NOT a moment magnitude, this column identifies the type of magnitude ML = local magnitude Magnitude Type MS = surface‐wave magnitude Mb = body wave magnitude U = unknown magnitude type (‐999) = unknown If 1, a geometric representation of the ruptured area was developed using Finite Fault Flag observed surface rupture, published slip model(s), aftershock distribution (and time after mainshock), etc. Hypocenter Hypocenter latitude adopted by NGA‐West2 project Latitude (deg) Hypocenter Hypocenter longitude adopted by NGA‐West2 project Longitude (deg) Hypocenter Hypocenter depth (km) adopted by NGA‐West2 project Depth (km) Total Fault Length The total length of the rectangular fault (including all fault segments for (km) multiple‐segment (complex) ruptures Total Fault Width The maximum width of the rectangular fault (including all fault segments for 107
(km) K L M N O P Q R S T U Total Rectangular Fault Area (km*km) Number of fault segments Fault Segment Number Strike of fault segment (deg) Dip of fault segment (deg) Segment Fault Length (km) Segment Fault Width (km) Rake Angle (deg) Latitude Fault Segment Upper Left Corner (deg) Longitude Fault Segment Upper Left Corner (deg) Depth of Fault Segment Upper Left Corner (km) V to AD Fault Segment 2 AE to AM Fault Segment 3 AN to AV Fault Segment 4 AW to BE Fault Segment 5 BF to BN Fault Segment 6 BO to BW Fault Segment 7 BX to CF Fault Segment 8 CG to CO Fault Segment 9 CP to CX Fault Segment 10 CY to DG Fault Segment 11 DH to DP Fault Segment 12 multiple‐segment (complex) ruptures
The total area of the rectangular fault (including all fault segments for multiple‐segment (complex) ruptures Number of segments. Nearly all faults have a single rectangular fault. The maximum is 12. Segment number. Nearly all faults only have a single segment number (1). Strike angle of the fault plane used to approximate the causative fault surface. 0o <= Strike <= 360o. Convention of fault strike, dip, and rake follows that described in Aki and Richards (1980, p106) (see Figure 2.1) Dip angle of the fault plane. 0o <= Dip <= 90o. (see note above) Length of the rectangular fault segment. (see Figure 2.1) Down‐dip width of the rectangular fault segment. (see Figure 2.1) Rake is the angle measured on the fault plane counterclockwise from the reference strike direction to the average slip direction (see Figure 2.1). ‐180o <= Rake <= 180o Convention of fault upper left corner (ULC) follows that described in Aki and Richards (1980, p106) Convention of fault upper left corner (ULC) follows that described in Aki and Richards (1980, p106) Convention of fault upper left corner (ULC) follows that described in Aki and Richards (1980, p106) Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 Information for this fault segment following the order of information given for fault segment 1 108
Table A.2
Fault parameters for multiple-segment rupture events.
Segment Length (km) Width (km) Rake (deg.) Dip (deg.) Strike (deg.) Ztor (km) Bottom
D (km) HypLat (dec.) HypLon (dec.) HypD (km) 0012a 29.7 21.7 61 75 51 6 27 34.99 ‐119.02 15.6 0012b 35 12.9 61 75 51 0 12.5 35.11 ‐118.82 12.5 0025a‐1 0025a‐2 15.9 9.1 12 12 180 180 90 90 137.1 145.8 0 0 12 12 35.96 ‐ ‐120.50 ‐ 10 ‐ 0030a 0030b 16 16 16.1 11.3 83 83 54 45 290 285 3 0 16.03 8 34.44 34.39 ‐118.41 ‐118.41 13 8 0125a‐1 0125a‐2 0125a‐3 0125a‐4 0125a‐5 0125a‐6 0125a‐7 15.7 3.4 17.7 3.3 11.1 4.7 15.9 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 356.1 8.6 338.5 358.8 325 295.7 319.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 34.20 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐116.44 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 7 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0129a 0129b 40 20 20 20 180 180 85 80 230 45 0.2 0.2 20.12 19.9 34.60 34.59 135.01 135.02 17.9 17.9 0136a‐1 0136a‐2 0136a‐3 0136a‐4 0136a‐5 0136a‐6 0136a‐7 0136a‐8 0136a‐9 0136a‐10 0136a‐11 0136a‐12 4 1.3 28 4.2 28 1 28 0.5 9 20 5.5 8 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 270 272.3 245.2 329.9 275.4 319.9 269.8 327.4 270.8 262.5 303.2 262.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 40.75 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 29.99 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 16 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0137a‐1 0137a‐2 0137a‐3 0137a‐4 0137a‐5 0137a‐6 0137a‐7 0137a‐8 0137a‐9 11.7 23.9 4 11.6 3.8 16.8 5.8 6.7 3.7 20 35.8 28.3 37.7 40 40 42.6 28.3 40 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 30 34 45 32 30 30 28 45 30 34.6 0.7 330.2 7.1 50.5 0.7 30.2 81.9 19.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ‐ 23.85 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 120.82 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 8 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0138a‐1 0138a‐2 0138a‐3 16.5 8.9 9.5 20 20 20 182 182 182 65 65 65 278.6 271.1 254.2 0 0 0 18.126 18.126 18.126 ‐ ‐ 40.83 ‐ ‐ 31.13 ‐ ‐ 14 109
0138a‐4 11.9 20 182 65 269.7 0 18.126 ‐ ‐ ‐ 0144a‐1 0144a‐2 0144a‐3 0144a‐4 0144a‐5 0144a‐6 0144a‐7 9 6.8 10.2 10.1 4.7 16.6 14.3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 298.4 279.2 304.5 277.5 310.1 276.6 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 36.84 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 49.39 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 16 ‐ 0158a 0158b 0158c 30 21 18 16.2 16.2 16.2 179 179 179 85 75 85 346 322 322 0 0 0 16.14 15.65 16.14 34.60 34.61 34.47 ‐116.26 ‐116.25 ‐116.23 14.8 14.8 14.8 0169a‐1 0169a‐2 0169a‐3 0169b‐1 0169b‐2 0169b‐3 0169b‐4 0169b‐5 0169b‐6 0169b‐7 0169b‐8 0169c‐1 0169c‐2 0169c‐3 0169c‐4 0169c‐5 5.2 15.2 24.7 10.4 24.6 56.4 34.2 22.7 16 39.5 9.9 11.6 4.1 23.7 14.7 13.7 24 24 24 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 90 90 90 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 32 32 32 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 214.8 238.3 268 302.3 297.1 295.8 289.2 298.1 286 279.9 271.5 318.9 2 315.7 310.1 329.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.72 12.72 12.72 14.78 14.78 14.78 14.78 14.78 14.78 14.78 14.78 15.01 15.01 15.01 15.01 15.01 ‐ ‐ 63.54 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 63.54 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 62.79 ‐ ‐ ‐147.44 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐146.96 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐143.30 ‐ ‐ 8.9027 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 9.7 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 9.7 0277a 0277b 150 150 45 40 110 165 35 65 228 232 0 0 25.81 36.25 30.99 31.84 103.36 104.35 10 10 0280a 0280b 0280c 0280d 18 51 66 9 12 12 18 6 ‐90 ‐180 ‐170 ‐180 45 75 60 50 355 312 311 335.2 0.5 0.57 0.51 0.61 8.99 12.16 16.1 5.21 32.30 32.28 32.27 32.58 ‐115.27 ‐115.32 ‐115.33 ‐115.71 5.45 2.02 1.81 1.76 110
Appendix B: Wenchuan Aftershock Location
and Mechanism Tables
Table B.1
Wenchuan aftershock hypocenter locations from the ISC and the corrected
locations adopted in the source table.
Hypocenter Locations by ISC Earthquake Name Wenchuan, China‐01 Wenchuan, China‐02 Wenchuan, China‐03 Wenchuan, China‐04 Wenchuan, China‐05 Wenchuan, China‐06 Wenchuan, China‐07 Wenchuan, China‐08 Wenchuan, China‐09 Wenchuan, China‐10 Wenchuan, China‐11 Wenchuan, China‐12 Wenchuan, China‐13 Wenchuan, China‐14 Wenchuan, China‐15 Wenchuan, China‐16 Wenchuan, China‐17 Wenchuan, China‐18 Wenchuan, China‐19 Wenchuan, China‐20 Wenchuan, China‐21 Wenchuan, China‐22 Wenchuan, China‐23 Wenchuan, China‐24 Wenchuan, China‐25 Wenchuan, China‐26 Lat (deg) Lon (deg) Depth (km) 32.549 31.26 31.27 31.43 30.95 31.53 31.45 31.729 31.309 32.2 31.27 31.34 32.779 32.759 32.02 32.72 31.28 32.72 31.02 31.479 32.72 31.34 31.26 31.29 31.409 31.389 105.48 103.669 103.819 104.059 103.419 104.279 104.489 104.55 103.449 105.08 103.58 103.629 105.699 105.61 104.849 105.61 103.629 105.629 103.65 104.129 105.639 103.58 103.589 103.769 104.12 103.73 14 14 14 21 14 11 13 20 14 13 10 16 15 10 14 13 10 10 9 14 10 13 13 13 10 10 111
Hypocenter Locations after Corrections Lat Depth Lon (deg) (deg) (km) 32.609 31.296 31.311 31.443 31.019 31.611 31.487 31.781 31.353 32.244 31.286 31.345 32.816 32.824 32.095 32.797 31.314 32.757 31.065 31.554 32.767 31.307 31.269 31.272 31.426 31.148 105.372 103.448 103.689 103.843 103.176 104.027 104.316 104.26 103.192 104.89 103.595 103.379 105.526 105.474 104.628 105.455 103.389 105.456 103.407 103.96 105.514 103.373 103.484 103.552 103.908 103.631 20.1 10.0 17.9 13.3 17.5 13.1 11.8 8.2 13.6 17.1 5.4 12.4 13.8 11.4 14.8 11.8 12.1 8.8 14.9 15.5 8.7 13.8 8.9 10.0 7.7 5.0 Correction Method Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table 2.3 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table 2.3 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table 2.3 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Wenchuan, China‐27 Wenchuan, China‐28 Wenchuan, China‐29 Wenchuan, China‐30 Wenchuan, China‐31 Wenchuan, China‐32 Wenchuan, China‐33 Wenchuan, China‐34 Wenchuan, China‐35 Wenchuan, China‐36 Wenchuan, China‐37 Wenchuan, China‐38 Wenchuan, China‐39 Wenchuan, China‐40 Wenchuan, China‐41 Wenchuan, China‐42 Wenchuan, China‐43 Wenchuan, China‐44 Wenchuan, China‐45 Wenchuan, China‐46 Wenchuan, China‐47 Wenchuan, China‐48 Wenchuan, China‐49 Wenchuan, China‐50 Wenchuan, China‐51 Wenchuan, China‐52 Wenchuan, China‐53 Wenchuan, China‐54 Wenchuan, China‐55 Wenchuan, China‐56 Wenchuan, China‐57 Wenchuan, China‐58 Wenchuan, China‐59 Wenchuan, China‐60 Wenchuan, China‐61 Wenchuan, China‐62 Wenchuan, China‐63 Wenchuan, China‐64 31.1 30.899 31.139 31.159 30.969 31.209 32.099 31.36 31.1 31.26 31.069 31.159 31.05 31.2 31.25 31.149 32.349 32.24 31.399 31.049 31.95 31.87 31.579 31.43 31.389 31.389 32.33 31.1 31.27 32.22 31.639 31.319 32.15 32.759 31.829 31.03 32.24 31.19 103.589 103.54 103.599 103.69 103.48 103.68 104.65 104.05 103.65 103.62 103.339 103.559 103.42 103.79 103.879 103.449 105.239 105.099 104.12 104.58 104.239 104.569 104.11 103.98 103.629 104.16 105.169 103.48 103.809 105.089 104.339 104.239 105.059 105.65 104.379 103.4 105.19 103.8 10 11 10 10 9 24 10 17 20 17 14 10 14 17 20 17 18 23 12 15 15 9 15 16 20 11 22 18 14 9 10 15 15 15 9 25 21 13 112
31.061 30.933 31.165 31.252 30.97 31.298 32.136 31.393 31.184 31.288 30.97 31.296 31.325 31.248 31.281 31.091 32.361 32.33 31.481 31.242 31.987 31.842 31.598 31.467 31.367 31.451 32.545 31.194 31.271 32.379 31.719 31.386 32.187 32.796 31.276 30.887 32.381 31.212 103.378 103.406 103.475 103.599 103.305 103.424 104.477 103.882 103.442 103.457 103.232 103.465 103.488 103.681 103.669 103.257 105.046 104.913 103.894 104.468 104.066 104.315 103.994 103.807 103.495 103.955 105.271 103.528 103.597 104.987 104.14 103.772 104.886 105.477 103.938 103.289 105.131 103.539 13.0 13.0 12.4 2.1 15.6 12.3 8.8 17.1 13.2 16.0 11.7 19.1 16.9 21.2 13.6 6.1 18.9 14.9 17.3 19.0 13.8 1.8 16.7 14.8 6.9 8.3 9.2 11.0 13.9 19.7 14.6 17.3 13.8 13.8 9.7 15.5 8.4 22.0 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table 2.3 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table 2.3 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table 2.3 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table 2.3 Table 2.3 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Zhao et al. Table B.2
Preferred planes from the selected focal mechanism for Wenchuan aftershocks.
When available the conjugate (preferred and auxiliary) fault planes are listed.
Preferred Fault Plane Earthquake Name Wenchuan, China‐01 Wenchuan, China‐02 Wenchuan, China‐03 Wenchuan, China‐04 Wenchuan, China‐05 Wenchuan, China‐06 Wenchuan, China‐07 Wenchuan, China‐08 Wenchuan, China‐09 Wenchuan, China‐10 Wenchuan, China‐11 Wenchuan, China‐12 Wenchuan, China‐13 Wenchuan, China‐14 Wenchuan, China‐15 Wenchuan, China‐16 Wenchuan, China‐17 Wenchuan, China‐18 Wenchuan, China‐19 Wenchuan, China‐20 Wenchuan, China‐21 Wenchuan, China‐22 Wenchuan, China‐23 Wenchuan, China‐24 Wenchuan, China‐25 Wenchuan, China‐26 Wenchuan, China‐27 Wenchuan, China‐28 Wenchuan, China‐29 Wenchuan, China‐30 Wenchuan, China‐31 Wenchuan, China‐32 Wenchuan, China‐33 Wenchuan, China‐34 Wenchuan, China‐35 Wenchuan, China‐36 Wenchuan, China‐37 Wenchuan, China‐38 Strike (deg) Dip (deg) Rake Angle (deg) 59 220 228 210 231 244 228 220 241 239 228 290 86 196 220 123 279 170 263 221 65 209 228 228 187 228 7 228 228 228 202 261 232 243 193 44 228 228 81 73 35 24 54 75 35 55 61 48 35 60 62 87 71 66 83 65 12 61 84 85 35 35 55 35 24 35 35 35 42 76 65 88 48 79 35 35 ‐180 ‐166 110 116 121 176 110 90 ‐173 8 110 ‐39 ‐170 ‐157 111 39 ‐11 110 120 128 ‐148 ‐162 110 110 89 110 148 110 110 110 97 26 165 ‐155 63 ‐176 110 110 113
Auxiliary Fault Plane Strike (deg) Dip (deg) Rake Angle (deg) Data Source 329 126 90 77 ‐9 ‐17 2 6 335 69 46 86 79 55 15 40 148 62 35 84 42 90 ‐29 92 42 351 105 350 15 10 309 52 342 331 117 57 81 67 28 55 80 32 80 46 58 72 ‐143 ‐28 ‐3 44 150 ‐173 54 84 42 ‐7 ‐5 8 35 91 127 78 69 14 164 48 65 84 164 153 50 313 65 48 86 ‐2 117 ‐11 Zhen et al. Zhen et al. Working Group Zhen et al. Zhen et al. Hu et al. Working Group Hu et al. Zhen et al. Zhen et al. Working Group Zhen et al. Zhen et al. Zhen et al. Hu et al. ISC Hu et al. Zhen et al. Hu et al. Hu et al. Hu et al. Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Working Group Hu et al. Hu et al. Working Group Hu et al. Hu et al. Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Wenchuan, China‐39 Wenchuan, China‐40 Wenchuan, China‐41 Wenchuan, China‐42 Wenchuan, China‐43 Wenchuan, China‐44 Wenchuan, China‐45 Wenchuan, China‐46 Wenchuan, China‐47 Wenchuan, China‐48 Wenchuan, China‐49 Wenchuan, China‐50 Wenchuan, China‐51 Wenchuan, China‐52 Wenchuan, China‐53 Wenchuan, China‐54 Wenchuan, China‐55 Wenchuan, China‐56 Wenchuan, China‐57 Wenchuan, China‐58 Wenchuan, China‐59 Wenchuan, China‐60 Wenchuan, China‐61 Wenchuan, China‐62 Wenchuan, China‐63 Wenchuan, China‐64 228 281 228 228 232 232 228 228 193 232 200 228 228 213 232 232 228 232 209 228 232 250 228 228 232 228 35 51 35 35 65 65 35 35 86 65 38 35 35 23 65 65 35 65 44 35 65 87 35 35 65 35 110 152 110 110 165 165 110 110 ‐124 165 160 110 110 76 165 165 110 165 111 110 165 172 110 110 165 110 114
30 69 42 98 34 ‐7 306 78 54 48 68 96 1 50 71 341 82 3 Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Working Group Working Group Working Group Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Working Group Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Hu et al. Working Group Working Group Working Group Working Group Appendix C: Site Database Explanation
The link to the Site Database is here:
Abbreviations used in this document (in alphabetical order) Active crustal regions: ACRs; Ancheta et al., (2013): AEA13; Boatwright et al. (2004): BEA04; Boore (2004): B04; Boore et al., (2011): CA; California; BEA11; Chiou and Youngs (2008a): CY08a; Chiou et at., (2008): CEA08; Digital Elevation Maps: DEMs; Geomatrix; GMX; Iwahashi and Pike (2007): IP07; Magistrale et al., (2000): MEA00; National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention: NIED; Pacific Engineering and Analysis: PEA; San Francisco Bay Area: SFBA; Shuttle Radar Topography Mission: SRTM; Site Database: SDB; Southern California; SoCal; Wald and Allen (2007): WA07; Wills and Clahan (2006): WC06; Wills and Gutierrez (2008): WG08; Yong et al., (2012): YEA12. PART I: Basic station information Column identifier Column name A Source of Data B Region C SSN D Station Name E Station ID F Alternate Station ID G Latitude H Longitude Description Defines the source of the information used to populate the site database. When the source is given as a file name, the file was provided by PEA. Otherwise, the source is listed as a conventional reference. Defines the country/region of each strong‐motion station based on the latitude/longitude information of the station. A unique sequence number assigned to each strong‐motion station for identification purpose. SSN = "Station Sequence Number" Strong motion station name (when multiple names exist from prior databases, the most descriptive name is adopted) Station ID assigned by data provider (USGS, CGS/CSMIP, etc). When it is not available, Station ID is given a "‐999". It is listed in Flatfile as Column "Station ID No.". When data providers have used more than one station ID, the alternate is given here. Uses NAD83. Data from data provider. Listed in Flatfile as “Station Latitude." Uses NAD83. Data from data provider. Listed in Flatfile as “Station Longitude." 115
I Code for station housing, adapted from Geomatrix 1st letter. See Table 3.1 in AEA13 for description. Station housing PART II: Recommended Vs30 values J Vs30 for Analysis (m/s) K lnV L Preferred NEHRP Based on Vs30 M Vs30 Code Preferred Vs30 value in m/s, from measurements or proxy analysis. See Section 3.5.1 in AEA13 for details. Log standard deviation (ln units). For Vs30 code 0, based on data (see AEA13 Section For Vs30 code > 0, lnV taken as the weighted uncertainties of Vs30 assigned to each station by proxy methods (see AEA13 Section The preferred NEHRP site class was determined based on the Vs30
for analysis values. The following Vs30 table was used: A ≥ 1500 m/s 760 ≤ B < 1500 m/s 360 < C < 760 m/s 180 < D ≤ 360 m/s E ≤ 180 m/s The following hierarchy was used to assign a Vs30 to each recording station. See Section 3.5.1 in AEA13 0 Measured velocity profile, zp ≥ 30m, where zp is the profile depth (defined in column O) 1 Inferred from Vs profile, 10 < zp < 30m 2 a) Inferred from geology‐based correlations calibrated for the region where the station is located and using geological map with relatively detailed descriptions of geological categories (e.g., distinguishing Quaternary alluvium based on texture and/or age). These maps are typically 1:500,000 scale or smaller. 2 b) Inferred from geology‐based correlations that do not meet the criteria of 2a (e.g., lack of local calibration, relatively coarse geological mapping). 3 a) Inferred from geotechnical correlations (GMX, etc.) within its calibration region (i.e. CA). 3 b) Inferred from generalized geotechnical correlations (GMX, etc.) outside the calibration region. 4 Inferred from geomorphological proxies, including models based on: a) GMX+Elevation (Taiwan only, CEA08) b) Ground slope (i.e. WA07) c) Terrain‐based categories (i.e. YEA12) 5 Inferred from local Vs mapping (e.g., microzonation maps). PART III: Measured Vs (m/s) N Vsz (m/s) O Profile depth, zp (m) Measured Vs30 (m/s) when zp > 30 m; inferred from Vsz otherwise PEA Profile No (Update Jan2012) P Q R Source of Vs profile Time‐averaged shear wave velocity to profile depth zp, for zp ≤ 30 m Maximum depth of Vs profile in m.
Measured Vs30 values if zp ≥ 30m and extrapolated values if zp <
30m. See Section 3.3.2 in AEA13 for description of extrapolation procedures. Vs profile numbers from PEA profile database. Defines the source of the Vs profile.
S Vs30 by Boore 2004 (m/s) T Vs30 by Boore et al. 2011 (m/s) U Extrapolated Vs30 (m/s) V Vs30 by Yu&Silva 2011 (m/s) Estimations of Vs30 when zp < 30 from shallow velocity models using extrapolation procedure of B04. See Section 3.3.2 in AEA13 for applicability. Estimations of Vs30 when zp < 30 from shallow velocity models using extrapolation procedure of BEA11. See Section 3.3.2 in AEA13 for applicability. Extrapolations from Vsz to Vs30 values based on profile depths
Boore's methods. Estimations of Vs30 when zp < 30 from shallow velocity models using extrapolation procedure developed for SW China in unpublished report by Yu and Silva (2011). PART IV: Geotechnical proxy W Geomatrix Site Code X Geomatrix Site Code: 3rd Letter Y Inferred Vs30 from Geomatrix Site Code Z Sigma 3a AA Sigma 3b AB C3 AC Elevation (m) AD Vs30 Inferred (m/s) Geomatrix three letter site classifications. Combination of GMX 1st, 2nd and 3rd letters. When any letter is not available, it is replaced by a "‐". Geotechnical Subsurface Characteristics: A = Rock. Instrument on rock (Vs > 600 mps) or < 5m of soil over rock. B = Shallow (stiff) soil. Instrument on/in soil profile up to 20m thick overlying rock. C = Deep narrow soil. Instrument on/in soil profile at least 20m thick overlying rock, in a narrow canyon or valley no more than several km wide. D = Deep broad soil. Instrument on/in soil profile at least 20m thick overlying rock, in a broad valley. E = Soft deep soil. Instrument on/in deep soil profile with average Vs<150 mps CD = Deep soil site, valley dimensions not known. ‐999 = When it is not available. Inferred Vs30 from GMX 3rd letter based on proxy analyses (CEA08). A regional fix is done for Class A for Japan only and an overall fix is done for Class E. For originally used inferred Vs30 from GMX 3rd letter from PEA profile database: GMX 3rd letter A ‐‐ 659.6 m/s B ‐‐ 424.8 m/s C ‐‐ 338.6 m/s D ‐‐ 274.5 m/s E ‐‐ 191.3 m/s Uncertainties from proxy analysis for Vs30 code 3a. See 'Vs30 Code' for definition of 3a. See AEA13 Section for further information on how the sigma was assigned. Uncertainties from proxy analysis for Vs30 code 3b. Category assigned by Brian Chiou in lieu of GMX 3rd letter. Same as GMX 3rd letter, except a single category is used for C and D. See Appendix C in CY08a and for update see Section in AEA13. Elevation of strong motion station (Taiwan only). From and Brian Chiou personal communication, 2012). Inferred Vs30 from Geotechnical proxy supplemented with elevation, Taiwan only. 117
AE Vs30 Model for elevation, Taiwan (m/s) AF Sigma 4a Model for Vs30 estimation based on both Geomatrix (GMX) 3rd letter categories and elevation. Applicable in Taiwan only. Uncertainties from proxy analysis for Vs30 code 4a. See 'Vs30 Code' for definition of 4a. See AEA13 Section for further information on how the sigma was assigned. PART V: Ground slopes and related proxies AG 30 arc sec slope AH 3 arc sec slope AI Wald's estimate of Vs30 (m/s) AJ Inferred Vs30 from slope proxy (m/s) AK Sigma 4b Ground slope from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (i.e. SRTM) 30 arcsec Digital Elevation Maps (i.e. DEMs). Provided by Wald and Quitoriano, personal communication 2012 Ground slope from SRTM 3 arcsec Digital Elevation Maps (i.e. DEMs). Provided by Wills and Guttierez, personal communication 2012, for CA sites Inferred Vs30 from slope proxy for ACRs by WA07, using 30 arc sec slope. Inferred Vs30 from slope proxy for ACRs. PEER (Stewart and Seyhan) estimate using 30 arcsec slope and recommendations in WA07. Difference from Column AI is that the estimate is made by PEER instead of Wald group. Uncertainties from proxy analysis for Vs30 code 4b. See 'Vs30 Code' for definition of 4b. See AEA13 Section for further information on how the sigma was assigned. PART VI: Surface geology proxy AL Preferred Geology proxy Vs30 (m/s) AM Sigma 2a AN Sigma 2b AO Geologic Description AP Alternate geologic description AQ Geology unit mean Vs30 (m/s)
Geology median Vs30 (m/s) AR AS Assigned Vs30 values from Column "Slope Category Mean Vs30", if available, if not available then assigned from Column "Geology unit mean Vs30". Uncertainties from proxy analysis for Vs30 code 2a. See 'Vs30 Code' for definition of 2a. See AEA13 Section for further information on how the sigma was assigned. Uncertainties from proxy analysis for Vs30 code 2b. Description of the geologic unit based on geologic maps that can be distinguished by their shear‐wave velocity. For alluvium, a geographical description is used, e.g., alluvium is thin in narrow valleys and small basins. See Table 1 in WC06. Brief description of profile characteristics from various sources, including Boore (2003: USGS OFR 03‐191) for CA sites, Abrahamson et al. (1987: Earthquake Spectra, Vol 3, Issue 2) for SMART I sites, and Papaioannou (ITSAK, personal communication, 2003) for Greek sites. Not updated in NGA‐West2 project. Mean Vs30 from profiles within each geologic unit. From WC06
Median Vs30 from profiles within each geologic unit. From WC06 Slope Category Mean Vs30 (m/s) Mean Vs30 based on the slope category with 3 arc sec resolution DEMs. From WG08. See also AEA13 Section PART VII: Terrain proxy AT Terrain category per IP07, from ArcGIS AU Model Vs30 for terrain categories (m/s) Geomorphology‐based terrain categories from SRTM 30 arc sec DEMs based on a terrain‐based site conditions map using ArcGIS. Estimated Vs30 in terrain categories. From YEA12. See also AEA13 Section 118
AV Uncertainties from proxy analysis for Vs30 code 4c. See 'Vs30 Code' for definition of 4c. See AEA13 Section for further information on how the sigma was assigned. Sigma 4c PART VIII: California/Japan 3D velocity and basin models AW AX AY AZ BA BB BC BD BE BF BH BI Defines depth to Vs = 1.0 km/sec from 3‐D velocity models or site profile. Sources used are ‐‐ SoCal: Harvard Model (3D SCEC Northern CA/Southern CA ‐ Community Velocity Model,‐
H11 Z1.0 (m) H; SFBA: Aagard et al. (2010) ; Eel River basin: Graves (1994); Any location: depth from the PE&A Profile Data Base when a velocity of 1.0 km/sec (or similar) is encountered. Northern CA/Southern CA ‐ Depth to Vs = 1.5 km/sec [See note for Northern CA/Southern CA ‐
H11 Z1.5 (m) H11 Z1 (m)]. Depth to Vs = 2.5 km/sec [See note for Northern CA/Southern CA ‐
Northern CA/Southern CA ‐ H11 Z2.5 (m) H11 Z1 (m)]. Defines depth to Vs = 1.0 km/sec from 3‐D velocity models or site profile. Sources used are ‐‐ SoCal: 3D SCEC Community Velocity Model, MEA00, Version 2.2b, Northern CA/Southern CA ‐ S4‐S); SFBA: Aagard et al. Z1.0 (m) (2010); Eel River basin: Graves (1994); Any location: depth from the PE&A Profile Data Base when a velocity of 1.0 km/s (or similar) is encountered. Depth to Vs = 1.5 km/sec [See note for Northern CA/Southern CA ‐
Northern CA/Southern CA ‐ S4 Z1.5 (m) S4 Z1 (m)]. Depth to Vs = 2.5 km/sec [See note for Northern CA/Southern CA ‐
Northern CA/Southern CA ‐ S4 Z2.5 (m) S4 Z1 (m)]. NIED seismic velocity models for minimum Z1.0. Data from NIED‐VS Minimum depth (m) to http://www.j‐ (last accessed on Vs=1000m/s 11/2/2011 by Rob Graves and Albert Kottke). For maximum Z1.0 (See NIED‐VS Minimum depth (m) to Vs = NIED‐VS Maximum depth (m) to Vs=1000m/s 1000m/s). NIED‐VS Minimum depth (m) to NIED seismic velocity models for minimum Z1.5. Vs=1500m/s For maximum Z1.0 (See NIED‐VS Minimum depth (m) to Vs = NIED‐VS Maximum depth (m) to Vs=1500m/s 1500m/s). NIED‐VS Minimum depth (m) to NIED seismic velocity models for minimum Z2.5. Vs=2500m/s For maximum Z1.0 (See NIED‐VS Minimum depth (m) to Vs = NIED‐VS Maximum depth (m) to Vs=2500m/s 2500m/s). PART IX: Basin depth codes for SFBA, SoCal and Japan BJ BK BL Basin depth code for Z1.0 (0: Profile, 1: Aagard, 2: NIED, 3: SCEC CVM‐S, 4: SCEC CVM‐H) Basin depth code for Z1.5 (0: Profile, 1: Aagard, 2: NIED, 3: SCEC CVM‐S, 4: SCEC CVM‐H) Basin depth code for Z2.5 (0: Profile, 1: Aagard, 2: NIED, 3: SCEC CVM‐S, 4: SCEC CVM‐H) Identifier to indicate source of the preferred basin depth Z1.0. We use profile‐based depth where available (code 0), otherwise a local 3‐D velocity model is used. Identifier to indicate source of basin depth Z1.5. Identifier to indicate source of basin depth Z2.5. 119
Appendix D: Flatfile Column Explanation
Column Column Name (units) Description B Record Sequence Number EQID C Earthquake Name D E F YEAR MODY HRMN G Station Name H Station Sequence Number I Station ID No. J Earthquake Magnitude K Magnitude Type L Magnitude Uncertainty: Kagan Model Magnitude uncertainty assigned using Kagan's model (Kagan, 2002). M Magnitude Uncertainty: Statistical Magnitude uncertainty is taken as the standard deviation of the reliable magnitude estimates. A An arbitrary unique number assigned to each strong‐motion record in the flatfile for identification. An arbitrary unique ID assigned to each earthquake for identification. The common name of earthquake. The naming usually includes the name of the general area or country where earthquake occurred. In case of multiple earthquakes in the same general area/country (for example there are 8 earthquakes in the flatfile that are from Imperial Valley, CA), we used a number to distinguish between these events. Events with a numerical ID are from the NCSN or SCSN earthquake ID. Year of earthquake.
Month and Day (UTC) of earthquake.
Origin time (UTC) of earthquake (Hour and Minute) The unique name of strong‐motion station, which may differ slightly from data provider station name. When it is part of an array, a short phrase is sometimes added to indicate the location of the instrument (for example, "Rio Del Overpass E Ground" and "Rio Del Overpass W Ground"). An arbitrary unique sequence number assigned to each strong‐motion station for identification. Station ID assigned by data provider (USGS, CGS/CSMIP, etc.). When it is not available, Station ID is assigned a value of "‐999". Moment magnitude of earthquake. When there are multiple reliable estimates of earthquake magnitude, the average value of the reliable estimates is used. If the listed earthquake magnitude is NOT a moment magnitude, this column identifies the type of magnitude ML = local magnitude MS = surface‐wave magnitude Mb = body wave magnitude U = unknown magnitude type (‐999) = unknown 121
N Magnitude Sample Size O Magnitude Uncertainty: Study Class P Mo ( Q Strike (deg) R Dip (deg) S Rake Angle (deg) T Mechanism Based on Rake Angle U P‐plunge (deg) V W X P‐trend (deg) T‐plunge (deg) T‐trend (deg) Hypocenter Latitude (deg) Hypocenter Longitude (deg) Hypocenter Depth (km) Coseismic Surface Rupture: 1=Yes; 0=No; 99=Unknown Coseismic Surface Rupture (Including Y Z AA AB AC Number of magnitude estimates used to compute the standard deviation. Magnitude uncertainty is assigned by PE&A based on the quality of special studies that yielded the magnitude estimates and is defined as: 0.3 ‐‐> Older events not well studied 0.2 ‐‐> Older events well studied or recent events not well studied 0.1 ‐‐> Recent events well studied Seismic moment calculated from earthquake magnitude, treating it as a moment magnitude (Mw) regardless of magnitude type; Log10(Mo) = 3/2 * Mw + 16.05 Strike angle of the fault plane used to approximate the causative fault surface. 0o <= Strike <= 360o. Convention of fault strike, dip, and rake follows that described in Aki and Richards (1980, p106). (see Figure 2.1) Dip angle of the fault plane. 0o <= Dip <= 90o. (see note above) Rake is the angle measured on the fault plane counterclockwise from the reference strike direction to the average slip direction (see figure 2.1). ‐180o <= Rake <= 180o Mechanism Class Rake Angles
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Strike ‐ Slip 00 ‐180 < Rake < ‐150 ‐30 < Rake < 30 150 < Rake < 180 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Normal 01 ‐120 < Rake < ‐60 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Reverse 02 60 < Rake < 120 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Reverse ‐ Oblique 03 30 < Rake < 60 120 < Rake < 150 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Normal ‐ Oblique 04 ‐150 < Rake < ‐120 ‐60 < Rake < ‐30 This and the next 3 columns list the plunge and trend of the P‐ and T‐axes. P‐
and T‐axes are the maximum (P) and minimum (T) compressive principal stresses given by the fault plane solution. It is suggested that the plunge of the axes may be used to classify fault type, the advantage being that the classification may be more physically based than a simple classification based on rake angle (as the previous column), and furthermore the classification is not dependent on the choice of fault plane. (see note above)
(see note above)
(see note above)
See NGA data report for hypocenter references. See NGA data report for hypocenter references. See NGA data report for hypocenter references.
Presence or absence of primary surface rupture. This column is mainly an effort to fill the 'Unknown' in the previous column with a value inferred from indirect evidence of surface rupture. 122
Inferred) AD Basis for Inference of Surface Rupture AE Finite Rupture Model: 1=Yes; 0=No AF AG AH AI Depth to Top Of Fault Rupture Model Fault Rupture Length (km) Fault Rupture Width (km) Fault Rupture Area (km^2) AJ Avg Fault Disp (cm) AK Rise Time (s) AL AM Avg Slip Velocity (cm/sec) Static Stress Drop (bars) AN Preferred Rupture Velocity (km/sec) AO Average Vr/Vs AP AQ Percent of Moment Release in the Top 5 Km of Crust Existence of Shallow Asperity: 0=No; 1=Yes AR Depth to Top of Shallowest Asperity (km) AS Earthquake in Extensional Regime: 1=Yes; 0=No AT Fault Name sfdoc = the reference documents the presence or absence of surface faulting
sfdis = surface faulting discussed in references locdis = location of earthquake discussed in references M<6 = Magnitude < 6.0, likelihood of existence of surface rupture is small M>7 = Magnitude > 7.0, likelihood of existence of surface rupture is large If 1, a geometric representation of the ruptured area was developed using observed surface rupture, published slip model(s), aftershock distribution (and time after mainshock), etc. Depth to the top of the finite rupture model (km). Datum is may be ground surface or sea level depending on source. Total length ("L") of the finite rupture model Width ("W") of the finite rupture model ( = A / L) Total area ("A") of the finite rupture model The average amount of slip over the ruptured area. It's computed as Mo/(Mu*A*1.0E+10) where Mu=3.58e11. The time required for the completion of slip at a point on the fault plane. When there are multiple estimates of rise time, the average value is used. Avg Slip Velocity = (Avg Fault Displacement) / (Rise time) Static stress drop is calculated as 7/16*Mo/(A*1.0E+10/pi)^1.5/1.0E+06. Rupture velocity (Vr) is the speed at which a rupture front moves along the fault during an earthquake. When there are multiple estimates of rupture velocity, the average value is used. Ratio of rupture velocity (Vr) to shear‐wave velocity (Vs) in the source region. When there are multiple estimates, the average value is used. This column is calculated from an appropriate slip model. See NGA data report for the slip model used for each earthquake. (see note below) An asperity is defined by Somerville et al. (1999) as a rectangular region in which the slip exceeds, in a specified way, the slip averaged over the entire fault rupture. If the depth of the top of the shallowest asperity was less than 5 km, the earthquake is classified as a shallow asperity event, and the "Existence of Shallow Asperity" column has a value of 1. If the depth of the top of the shallowest asperity was greater than 5 km, the earthquake is classified as a deep asperity event, and the "Existence of Shallow Asperity" column has a value of 0. Extensional regions are regions in which the lithosphere is expanding. Aside from obvious evidence of areal expansion, such as contemporary geodetic measurements and in situ stress measurement, extensional regimes usually present some or all of the following features: a mixture of normal faulting and strike slip earthquakes, recent volcanism, aligned volcanic features, lithospheric thinning, and high heat flow. (Text is excerpted from Spudich et al. (1997).) Name of the causative fault. It is taken from the fault database of the 123
AU Slip Rate (mm/Yr) AV AW EpiD (km) HypD (km) AX Joyner‐Boore Dist. (km) AY Campbell R Dist. (km) AZ BA RmsD (km) ClstD (km) BB Rx (km) BC FW/HW Indicators BD Source to Site Azimuth (deg) BE X BF Theta.D (deg) BG SSGA (Strike Slip only) BH Y BI Phi.D (deg) BJ SSGA (Dip Slip) BK s (km) BL d (km) BM National Seismic Hazard Maps (Frankel et al., 2002) Slip rate on the causative fault. It is taken from the fault database of the National Seismic Hazard Maps (Frankel et al., 2002). Distance from the recording site to the epicenter.
Distance from the recording site to the hypocenter. Shortest horizontal distance from the recording site to the vertical projection of the rupture on the surface Shortest distance from the recording site to the seismogenic portion of the ruptured area (Campbell, 1997). This distance measure assumes that rupture within the near‐surface sediment or the shallow portion of fault gouge is non‐seismogenic. The depth below which rupture is seismogenic was estimated using updated guidelines from Campbell (personal communication). Root‐mean‐squared distance
Closest distance from the recording site to the ruptured fault area
Horizontal distance (km) from top edge of rupture. Measured perpendicular to the fault strike. This column mimics the FW/HW indicator defined in Abrahamson and Somerville (1996). hw: site is within hanging wall region fw: site is within the footwall region nu: site is in the neutral region na: not applicable as fault dip is greater than 70 The (finite) source to site direction: It is the angle measured clockwise from the fault strike direction to the direction connecting the site and the site's closest point on the surface projection of top edge of fault. This column can be used an alternative to the FW/HW indicator given previously. Somerville et al. (1997) X parameter (nondimensional units). For multiple‐
segment faults calculated following a method of Boatwright (2007). Somerville et al. (1997)  parameter (degrees). For multiple‐ segment faults calculated following a method of Boatwright (2007). Somerville et al. (1997) X cos() parameter. For multiple‐segment faults calculated following a method of Boatwright (2007) Calculated for sites within 50km (ClstD) of a strike‐slip fault (mechanism = 0). Somerville et al. (1997) Y parameter (nondimensional units). For multiple‐
segment faults calculated following a method of Boatwright (2007). Somerville et al. (1997)  parameter (degrees). For multiple‐ segment faults calculated following a method of Boatwright (2007). Somerville et al. (1997) Y cos() parameter (degrees). For multiple‐segment faults calculated following a method of Boatwright (2007). Calculated for sites within 50km (ClstD) on the footwall (FW) or hanging wall (HW) of a dip‐
slip fault (mechanism not equat to 0). s parameter in Spudich and Chiou (2008). s is the length of fault that ruptures toward site. d parameter in Spudich and Chiou (2008). d is the width of fault that ruptures toward site. ̃ parameter in Spudich et al. (2004). The approximate isochrone velocity ratio, has an angular behavior similar to cos(Theta.D) and cos(Phi.D). To calculate, Vr/beta (Vs) is assumed to be 0.8 for all earthquakes. 124
0 0 m5 Obsolete, no longer used
D parameter in Spudich and Chiou (2008). Distance between hypocenter and D (km) Xc, the point on the fault plane closest to the site Amplitude at the site of a fault normal component of a point earthquake Rfn.Hyp source at the event hypocenter. Amplitude at the site of a fault parallel component of a point earthquake Rfp.Hyp source at the event hypocenter. Amplitude at the site of a fault normal component of a point earthquake Rfn.Clst source at the closest point on the fault, computed using the Spudich and Chiou (2008) Appendix A formalism. Amplitude at the site of a fault parallel component of a point earthquake Rfp.Clst source at the closest point on the fault, computed using the Spudich and Chiou (2008) Appendix A formalism. Rfn.Imd Obsolete, no longer used
Rfp.Imd Obsolete, no longer used
First Letter of Geomatrix's Site Classification: Instrument Housing ‐‐ Structure GMX's C1 Type and Instrument Location. Descriptions included in Appendix D. Second Letter of Geomatrix's Site Classification: Mapped Local Geology. GMX's C2 Descriptions included in Appendix D. Third Letter of Geomatrix's Site Classification: Geotechnical Subsurface GMX's C3 Characteristics. Descriptions included in Appendix D. Site Classification defined by Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003), with suggested Campbell's GEOCODE Vs30 from Wills and Silva (1998) and extended NEHRP site classes as defined by Wills et al., (2000). Descriptions included in Appendix D. Bray and Rodriguez‐
Site Classification defined by Bray and Rodriguez‐Marek (1997; personal Marek SGS communication, 2003). Descriptions included in Appendix D. An assessment of 'soil depth' used in Bray and Rodriguez‐Marek SGS. Depth S = alluvium is shallower than 60 m D = alluvium is greater than 60 m Preferred NEHRP Based The preferred NEHRP site class was determined based on the preferred Vs 30 on Vs30 values. Descriptions included in Appendix D. Preferred Vs30 (m/sec) Vs30 assignment hierarchy discussed in Section 3.5.1. not used This column identifies the source of the preferred Vs30. The numeric value is Measured/Inferred related to assignment hierarchy discussed in Section 3.5.1. If assignment is Class based on a numeric and character (e.g., 2a), it is translated into a numeric value 2.1. Sigma of Vs30 (in Uncertainty of Vs30. Sigma (standard deviation) values are estimated based natural log units) on the source of the preferred Vs30 value and site category. NEHRP Classification Extended NEHRP – UBC Site Classification for CA (Wills et al., 2000; Wills, from CGS's Site personal communication (2003)). Descriptions included in Appendix D. Condition Map Currently this column is populated only for CA sites with information from Geological Unit California Geological Survey (CGS). For non‐CA sites, this column is blank. Geology A short description of geology from various sources. Owner of strong‐motion instrument/record. It is not necessarily the most Owner recent owner. 125
CK CL CM CN Station Latitude Station Longitude STORIES INSTLOC CO Depth to Basement Rock CP Site Visited CQ NGA Type From data provider, when available.
From data provider, when available.
Number of stories above ground.
Location of instrument in structure. Campbell‐Bozorgnia definition of sediment depth (text is excerpted from an e‐mail written by Ken Campbell to Maury Power, dated 5/19/03). The general criteria used to estimate sediment depth can be described by the following: 1. Set D = 0 for a site categorized as Firm Rock (Hard Rock of Campbell, 1997). Firm Rock has a Vs30 of around 817 + 365 m/sec for those sites for which a measured value of Vs30 is available. These sites are located primarily in California. This Vs30 corresponds approximately to NEHRP site class BC and stiffer according to the classification proposed by CGS (Wills et al., 2000). Geologically, Firm Rock can be defined as pre‐Tertiary sedimentary rock and “hard” volcanic deposits, high‐grade metamorphic rock, crystalline rock, and the “harder” units of the Franciscan Complex generally described as sandstone, greywacke, shale, chert, and greenstone. 2. Where the depth to Firm Rock is known, set D to that depth (e.g., in the LA Basin where a map showing the depth to basement complex (crystalline rock) is available or in the San Francisco Bay Area where depth to Franciscan or crystalline rock is available). 3. Where the depth to Firm Rock is not known but where basin depth can be inferred from gravity and/or density data, set D to that depth. 4. Where no other information is available, but a local or regional velocity model is available, set D to the depth corresponding to seismic basement (defined as Vp approximately equal to 5.0 km/sec or greater and/or Vs approximately equal to 2.9 km/sec or greater). 5. Where multiple types of information are available, judgment must be applied to determine the best estimate of D, roughly using the order of items 1‐4 above as the priority assigned to each type of data. Site visited by geologist or engineer. This is a sparsely populated column; currently only sites in Southern California are populated. Categories for Vs30 estimation as defined in Borcherdt (personal communication, 2003; 1994, 2002) and Borcherdt and Fumal (2002) 1. Measured value at the station <300 m (a) USGS OFR, ROSRINE, Agbabian; (b) NUREG; (c) SASW; (d) Data gaps in Vs30 record 2. Estimate based on velocities measured at nearby sites (< 1500 m distance) in same geologic unit; site visited by geologist 3. Estimate based on velocities measured at site in same geologic unit and judged to have similar materials; site visited by geologist 4. Estimate based on average velocity for the geologic unit; site visited by geologist 5. Estimate based on average velocity for the geologic unit where geologic unit is defined based on large‐scale geologic/physical properties map (1:24,000 to 1:100,000 scale) 6. Estimate based on average velocity for the geologic unit where geologic 126
CR CS CT Age Grain Size Depositional History CU Z1 (m) CV CW Z1.5 (m) Z2.5 (m) CX Z1 (m) CY CZ Z1.5 (m) Z2.5 (m) Depth to Franciscan Rock (km) DA DB Basin DC DD DE DF h (m) hnorm (m) Rsbe (m) Rcebe (m) DG Rebe (m) DH Rsbe1 (m) DI File Name (Horizontal 1) DJ DK DL DM DN File Name (Horizontal 2) File Name (Vertical) H1 component azimuth (degrees) H2 component azimuth (degrees) Type of Recording unit is defined based on small‐scale geologic map (1:250,000 to 1:750,000 scale) This is a sparsely populated column; currently only sites in Southern California are populated. Geological age of surface material.
Grain size of surface material: Aggregate, Coarse, or Fine. Depth to Vs=1.0 km/sec. This column is populated with stations within the 3‐
D velocity models of Southern California named CVM‐‐S4 is the version 4 model developed by Harold Magistrale and others (‐‐S), N. Cal (Aagaard), and the Eel River basin (Graves, 1994), with the addition of information from the PE&A Profile Data Base of depths to 1 km/sec, 1.5 km/sec and 2.5 km/sec when these velocities were measured at the site. Depth to Vs = 1.5 km/sec (see note for CU)
Depth to Vs = 2.5 km/sec (see note for CU)
Depth to Vs=1.0 km/sec. This column is populated with stations within the 3‐
D velocity models of S. Cal using CVM‐‐H11.1.0 is the version 11.1.0 Harvard model developed by John Shaw and others (‐‐H), N. Cal (Aagaard), and the Eel River basin (Graves, 1994), with the addition of information from the PE&A Profile Data Base of depths to 1 km/sec, 1.5 km/sec and 2.5 km/sec when these velocities were measured at the site. Depth to Vs = 1.5 km/sec (see note for CX)
Depth to Vs = 2.5 km/sec (see note for CX)
This column is populated only for stations in the Bay Area. Name of the sedimentary basin. This column and the next 6 columns contain basin parameters defined and used in Joyner (2000) and Somerville et al. (2002). These columns are sparsely populated. Depth to basement.
= h / Rsbe.
Closest distance from the station to the basin edge. Perpendicular distance from the station to the basin edge. Distance from the epicenter to the basin edge along a line between the epicenter and the station. Distance from the station to the basin edge along a line between the epicenter and the station. Directory name and file name of time history data files. Note that file name is made up of station abbreviation and instrument orientation. If the orientation is XXX then that component did not record the event. (Same as above) (Same as above)
Azimuth (deg) Azimuth (deg) A ‐ Analog
D ‐ Digital A large portion of this column is not populated. 127
DO Instrument Model A large portion of this column is not populated.
PEA: Acceleration time history record was processed using PE&A's standard processing procedure starting with the Volume 1 (uncorrected) time history ; #: Acceleration time history record is directly from the Volume 2 (corrected) accelerogram as received from the data provider (pass‐through records), except for the ChiChi aftershocks records. In the case of ChiChi aftershocks, equivalents to the Volume 2 records were created by the NGA‐West1 project. This column lists the type of filter used by PE&A or data providers (mainly USGS and CSMIP) to remove noise at long and short periods. O ‐ Ormsby A ‐ Acausal Butterworth C ‐ Causal Butterworth Number of passes of filter.
This column lists the 'nroll' parameter of the Butterworth filter. ‐999 when not applicable (Ormsby filter). Corner frequency of the high‐pass filter of component H1. 1. When this component is unavailable, corner frequency is ‐999. 2. If filter was not applied, corner frequency is 0 3. The definition of corner frequency varies with the filter type. In the case of a Butterworth filter, the corner frequency is the frequency at which the filter response is at ‐3db of the maximum response. In the case of an Ormsby filter, the corner frequency is the beginning point of the transition frequency band. Corner frequency of the high‐pass filter of component H2. (see note for HP‐
H1) Corner frequency of the low‐pass filter of component H1. (see note for HP‐
H1) Corner frequency of the low‐pass filter of component H2. (see note for HP‐
H1) This column ("Factor") gives the ratio of the lowest usable frequency ("LUF") to the corner frequency ("HP") of the high‐pass filter. The recommended lowest usable frequency is the frequency above which spectra from high‐
pass filtered data are relatively unaffected by the filter. For convenience, "LUF" is evaluated in terms of "Factor". "Factor" is determined according to the filter type and order of the filter. 1. When a Butterworth filter is used, "LUF" is taken as the frequency at which filter response is ‐0.5db down from the maximum response (or 94% of the maximum). "Factor" is then determined from the number of passes ("npass") and "nroll" of the Butterworth filter. 2. For Ormsby filter, "Factor" is 1. 3. When filter is not applied (blank "HP"), empirical relationship is used to determine "LUF" and the value for "Factor" becomes irrelevant. This column ("LUF") is the product of "HP‐H1" and "Factor", except when "HP‐H1" is ‐999 or 0. When "HP‐H1" is ‐999, "LUF" is again ‐999. When "HP‐
H1" is 0, "LUF" is determined from an empirical relationship between "LUF" and earthquake magnitude and type of recording. DP PEA Processing Flag DQ Type of Filter DR npass DS nroll DT HP‐H1 (Hz) DU HP‐H2 (Hz) DV LP‐H1 (Hz) DW LP‐H2 (Hz) DX Factor DY Lowest Usable Freq ‐ H1 (Hz) DZ Lowest Usable Freq ‐ H2 (Hz) (see note above) EA Lowest Usable Freq ‐ Ave. Component (Hz) This column is the recommended lowest usable frequency for the average horizontal component. It is taken as the larger of the two previous columns. If any of the two previous columns is ‐999 (i.e., one or both of the two 128
EB EC ED EE …….. PGA (g) PGV (cm/sec) PGD (cm) T0.010S …….. IK T20.000S IL Ave Strike (deg) IM TYPE(CRjb = 0) IN CRjb IO TYPE (Rjb = 2) IP CRjb IQ TYPE (Rjb = 5) IR CRjb IS TYPE (Rjb = 10) IT CRjb IU TYPE (Rjb = 20) IV CRjb IW TYPE (Rjb = 40) IX CRjb IY U IZ IDP JA XCI ( ) JB XCI1 (1) JC JD JF JG JH JI JJ Damping (%) RotD fractile Instrument Natural Frequency (Hz) Instrument Damping Instrument Type Quality Flag Spectral Quality Flag Late S‐trigger JK Late P‐trigger JE horizontal components did not record the event), this column is left blank.
This and the next 114 columns list the peak acceleration (PGA), peak velocity (PGV), peak displacement (PGD), and pseudo spectral accelerations (5%‐
damped) at 111 periods. 1. Listed ground‐motion value may be the as recorded motions, RotDnn from Boore (2010), or GMRotI50 from Boore (2005). 2. Pseudo spectral acceleration and absolute acceleration are in units of g. 3. Ground‐motion data for the CEOR records of the Kobe earthquake were left out of the flatfile. Interested users may acquire the ground‐motion data directly from CEOR. Fault classification using a CRjb distance = 0. C1 are class 1 events and C2 are class 2 events. See Section 2.6 for more details. CRjb for the class 2 events in column IM (km)
Fault classification using a CRjb distance = 2 km. C1 are class 1 events and C2 are class 2 events. CRjb for the class 2 events in column IO (km)
Fault classification using a CRjb distance = 5 km. C1 are class 1 events and C2 are class 2 events. CRjb for the class 2 events in column IQ (km)
Fault classification using a CRjb distance = 10 km. C1 are class 1 events and C2 are class 2 events. CRjb for the class 2 events in column IS (km)
Fault classification using a CRjb distance = 20 km. C1 are class 1 events and C2 are class 2 events. CRjb for the class 2 events in column IU (km)
Fault classification using a CRjb distance = 40 km. C1 are class 1 events and C2 are class 2 events. CRjb for the class 2 events in column IW (km)
Generalized U Coordinate at the site, produced using the algorithm in Appendix A of Spudich and Chiou (2008) Isochrone Directivity Parameter, produced using the algorithm in Appendix A of Spudich and Chiou (2008). Directivity Parameter, B. Rowshandel (using the methodology presented in the NGA‐W2 Task‐1 Report on Directivity) Directivity Parameter, B. Rowshandel (using the methodology presented in the NGA‐W2 Task‐1 Report on Directivity) Damping values used are 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Fractiles used are 00, 50, 100. This and the following two columns (JG‐JI) are instrument information for stations used in the California small‐to‐moderate magnitude data processing. As decimal.
‘A’ for acceleration time history. ‘V’ for a velocity time history. Judgment on the quality of the time history recording Judgment on the quality of the spectra
See Table 6.1 for flag explanation.
See Table 6.1 for flag explanation.
JL Idirectivity JM Tp JN Ry Pulse‐like (1) or non‐pulse‐like (0) indicator determined using the method presented in Shahi and Baker (in preparation) The pseudo‐period of the extracted pulse using the method presented in Shahi and Baker (in preparation.) Horizontal distance (km) from the top edge of the rupture, measure along fault strike. 130
Appendix E: Site Classification Definitions
GMX First Letter I A B A,B C D E F I,F G H J Instrument Structure Type Free‐field instrument or instrument shelter. Instrument is located at or within several feet of the ground surface, and not adjacent to any structure. One‐story structure of lightweight construction. Instrument is located at the lowest level and within several feet of the ground surface. Two‐ to four‐story structure of lightweight construction, or very large tall) one‐
story warehouse‐type building. Instrument is located at the lowest level and within several feet of the ground surface. Also, Haviland Hall and Mt. Hamilton Lick Observatory are two‐story buildings founded on rock. The instrumentation is in a vault with the instrument founded on rock at these two BDSN stations. Used for small generally lightweight structures for which we cannot determine the number of stories from the available information. These sites generally have COSMOS site code 4 which defines a reference station described as either a 1‐ or 2‐
story, small, light building. This classification is mainly used in the small‐moderate magnitude data set. One‐ to four‐story structure of lightweight construction. Instrument is located at the lowest level in a basement and below the ground surface. Five or more story structure of heavy construction. Instrument is located at the lowest level and within several feet of the ground surface. Five or more story structure of heavy construction. Instrument is located at the lowest level in a basement and below the ground surface. Structure housing instrument is buried below the ground surface about 1‐2 m, at a shallow depth. e.g., tunnel or seismic vault (e.g., U. S. Array design) but shallow embedment (use 'T' for deeper embedments or 'V' for deeply embedded vaults, both not considered "free‐field") These sites generally have COSMOS site code 3 for which the sensors have been buried/set in ground at shallow or near surface depths (e.g., the U. S. Array station design). This classification is mainly used in the small‐moderate magnitude western and EUS data sets. Structure of light or heavyweight construction, instrument not at lowest level. Dam either earth or concrete (station at toe of embankment or on abutment). Concrete Dam structural instrumentation (none in data base). 131
Near a one‐story structure of lightweight construction. Instrument is located outside on the ground surface, within approximately 3 m from the structure. Near a two‐ to four‐story structure. Instrument is located outside on the ground surface, within approximately 6 m of the structure. Near a two‐ to four‐story structure with basement. Instrument is located outside on the ground surface, within approximately 6 m of the structure. Near a five‐ to eight‐story structure. Instrument is located outside on the ground surface, within approximately 10 m of the structure. Near a five‐ to eight‐story structure with basement. Instrument is located outside on the ground surface, within approximately 10 m of the structure. Castle of masonry construction, massive 1‐3 stories Associated with a structure, size of structure is not known Associated with a structure and in the basement, size of structure is not known. Associated with a deep tunnel, e.g., a) L'Aquila ‐ Parking: Pleistocene terrace above a pedestrian tunnel on the edge's slope of the terrace, nearby structure to the station is a car park. b) Various BDSN stations (e.g., WDC, WENL, YBH). Il Moro is on an embankment between two roads and retaining walls. Deeply embedded seismic vault Structural response e.g., roof, penstock, etc. (e.g., CSMIP 23732, San Bernardino ‐ Devil's Canyon Penstock) At depth in borehole or missile silo K L M N O P Q S T U V W Z GMX Second Letter H Q P M O E L K F J T Z V N G Mapped local geology sedimentary or metasedimentary Holocene (Recent) Quaternary (< 11,000 ybp). Pleistocene Quaternary (< 1.8my bp). Pliocene Tertiary (< 5my bp). Miocene Tertiary (< 24my bp). Oligocene Tertiary (< 34my bp). Eocene Tertiary (< 55my bp). Paleocene Tertiary (< 65my bp). Cretaceous (< 144my bp). Franciscan Formation (Cretaceous/Late Jurassic). Jurassic (< 206my bp). Triassic (<248my bp). Permian or older (> 248my bp). Igneous or meta‐igneous: Volcanic (extrusive). Intrusive. Granitic. 132
GMX Third Letter Geotechnical subsurface characteristics A Rock. Instrument on rock (Vs > 600 mps) or < 5m of soil over rock. B Shallow (stiff) soil. Instrument on/in soil profile up to 20m thick overlying rock. C Deep narrow soil. Instrument on/in soil profile at least 20m thick overlying rock, in a narrow canyon or valley no more than several km wide. D Deep broad soil. Instrument on/in soil profile at least 20m thick overlying rock, in a broad valley. Soft deep soil. Instrument on/in deep soil profile with average Vs < 150 mps. CD Deep soil site, valley dimensions not known. For many Italian events, the third letter is followed by a "*". This denotes classifications inferred from local geology information provided with the unprocessed data GMX Third Letter Central Weather Bureau (CWB) of Taiwan Site Categories (number) E 1 2 3 Hard site. Medium site. Soft soil site. Campbell's GEOCODE Description A Firm Soil: Holocene; recent alluvium, alluvial fans, undifferentiated Quaternary deposits., Vs30 298±92 m/sec; NEHRP D B Very Firm Soil: Pleistocene; older alluvium or terrace deposits. Vs30 368±80 m/sec; NEHRP CD C Soft Rock: Sedimentary rock, soft volcanic deposits of Tertiary age, “softer” Franciscan, low grade metamorphic rocks such as mélange, serpentine, schist. Vs30 421±109 m/sec; NEHRP CD D E F Firm Rock: Older sedimentary rock and hard volcanic deposits, high grade metamorphic rock, crystalline rock, “harder” Franciscan Vs30 830±339 m/sec; NEHRP BC Shallow Soils (10 m deep) Extremely soft or loose Holocene age soils such as beach sand or recent floodplain, lake, swamp estuarine, and delta deposits. 133
Bray and Rodriguez‐
Marek SGS Description Comments A HARD ROCK Hard, strong, intact rock; Vs30 1500 m/sec B ROCK Most “unweathered” California rock cases (Vs30 760 m/sec or < 6 m of weathered rock or soil). C WEATHERED SOFT ROCK/ SHALLOW STIFF SOIL Weathered rock zone > 6 m and < 60 m (Vs30 > 360 m/s increasing to > 700 m/sec); Soil depth < 60 m D DEEP STIFF SOIL E SOFT CLAY Thickness of soft clay > 3 m F SPECIAL Potentially Liquefiable Sand or peat: Holocene loose sand with high water table (zw £ 6 m) or organic peat. U Unknown Conditions Soil depth > 60 m and < 3 m of soft soils Unknown Conditions NEHRP site classification A B C D E Average shear‐wave velocity to a depth of 30 m > 1500 m/sec 760 m/sec‐ 1500 m/sec 360 m/sec– 760 m/sec 180 m/sec – 360 m/sec < 180 m/sec 134
PEER reports are available as a free PDF download from Printed
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Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 325 Davis Hall mail code 1792, Berkeley, CA 94720. Tel.: (510) 642-3437; Fax:
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PEER 2013/03
PEER NGA-West2 Database. Timothy D. Ancheta, Robert B. Darragh, Jonathan P. Stewart, Emel Seyhan, Walter
J. Silva, Brian S.J. Chiou, Katie E. Wooddell, Robert W. Graves, Albert R. Kottke, David M. Boore, Tadahiro
Kishida, and Jennifer L. Donahue. May 2013.
PEER 2013/02
Hybrid Simulation of the Seismic Response of Squat Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls. Catherine A. Whyte and
Bozidar Stojadinovic. May 2013.
PEER 2013/01
Housing Recovery in Chile: A Qualitative Mid-program Review. Mary C. Comerio. February 2013.
PEER 2012/08
Guidelines for Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity. Bernard R. Wair, Jason T. DeJong, and Thomas Shantz.
December 2012.
PEER 2012/07
Earthquake Engineering for Resilient Communities: 2012 PEER Internship Program Research Report Collection.
Heidi Tremayne (Editor), Stephen A. Mahin (Editor), Collin Anderson, Dustin Cook, Michael Erceg, Carlos
Esparza, Jose Jimenez, Dorian Krausz, Andrew Lo, Stephanie Lopez, Nicole McCurdy, Paul Shipman, Alexander
Strum, Eduardo Vega. December 2012.
PEER 2012/06
Fragilities for Precarious Rocks at Yucca Mountain. Matthew D. Purvance, Rasool Anooshehpoor, and James N.
Brune. December 2012.
PEER 2012/05
Development of Simplified Analysis Procedure for Piles in Laterally Spreading Layered Soils. Christopher R.
McGann, Pedro Arduino, and Peter Mackenzie–Helnwein. December 2012.
PEER 2012/04
Unbonded Pre-Tensioned Columns for Bridges in Seismic Regions. Phillip M. Davis, Todd M. Janes, Marc O.
Eberhard, and John F. Stanton. December 2012.
PEER 2012/03
Experimental and Analytical Studies on Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Seismically Vulnerable Beam-Column
Joints. Sangjoon Park and Khalid M. Mosalam. October 2012.
PEER 2012/02
Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridges Allowed to Uplift during Multi-Directional Excitation. Andres
Oscar Espinoza and Stephen A. Mahin. July 2012.
PEER 2012/01
Spectral Damping Scaling Factors for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Active Tectonic Regions. Sanaz Rezaeian,
Yousef Bozorgnia, I. M. Idriss, Kenneth Campbell, Norman Abrahamson, and Walter Silva. July 2012.
PEER 2011/10
Earthquake Engineering for Resilient Communities: 2011 PEER Internship Program Research Report Collection.
Eds. Heidi Faison and Stephen A. Mahin. December 2011.
PEER 2011/09
Calibration of Semi-Stochastic Procedure for Simulating High-Frequency Ground Motions. Jonathan P. Stewart,
Emel Seyhan, and Robert W. Graves. December 2011.
PEER 2011/08
Water Supply in regard to Fire Following Earthquake. Charles Scawthorn. November 2011.
PEER 2011/07
Seismic Risk Management in Urban Areas. Proceedings of a U.S.-Iran-Turkey Seismic Workshop. September
PEER 2011/06
The Use of Base Isolation Systems to Achieve Complex Seismic Performance Objectives. Troy A. Morgan and
Stephen A. Mahin. July 2011.
PEER 2011/05
Case Studies of the Seismic Performance of Tall Buildings Designed by Alternative Means. Task 12 Report for
the Tall Buildings Initiative. Jack Moehle, Yousef Bozorgnia, Nirmal Jayaram, Pierson Jones, Mohsen Rahnama,
Nilesh Shome, Zeynep Tuna, John Wallace, Tony Yang, and Farzin Zareian. July 2011.
PEER 2011/04
Recommended Design Practice for Pile Foundations in Laterally Spreading Ground. Scott A. Ashford, Ross W.
Boulanger, and Scott J. Brandenberg. June 2011.
PEER 2011/03
New Ground Motion Selection Procedures and Selected Motions for the PEER Transportation Research Program.
Jack W. Baker, Ting Lin, Shrey K. Shahi, and Nirmal Jayaram. March 2011.
PEER 2011/02
A Bayesian Network Methodology for Infrastructure Seismic Risk Assessment and Decision Support. Michelle T.
Bensi, Armen Der Kiureghian, and Daniel Straub. March 2011.
PEER 2011/01
Demand Fragility Surfaces for Bridges in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground. Scott J. Brandenberg, Jian
Zhang, Pirooz Kashighandi, Yili Huo, and Minxing Zhao. March 2011.
PEER 2010/05
Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Tall Buildings. Developed by the Tall Buildings Initiative.
November 2010.
PEER 2010/04
Application Guide for the Design of Flexible and Rigid Bus Connections between Substation Equipment Subjected
to Earthquakes. Jean-Bernard Dastous and Armen Der Kiureghian. September 2010.
PEER 2010/03
Shear Wave Velocity as a Statistical Function of Standard Penetration Test Resistance and Vertical Effective
Stress at Caltrans Bridge Sites. Scott J. Brandenberg, Naresh Bellana, and Thomas Shantz. June 2010.
PEER 2010/02
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of Ground Motions for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Sanaz
Rezaeian and Armen Der Kiureghian. June 2010.
PEER 2010/01
Structural Response and Cost Characterization of Bridge Construction Using Seismic Performance Enhancement
Strategies. Ady Aviram, Božidar Stojadinović, Gustavo J. Parra-Montesinos, and Kevin R. Mackie. March 2010.
PEER 2009/03
The Integration of Experimental and Simulation Data in the Study of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Systems
Including Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction. Matthew Dryden and Gregory L. Fenves. November 2009.
PEER 2009/02
Improving Earthquake Mitigation through Innovations and Applications in Seismic Science, Engineering,
Communication, and Response. Proceedings of a U.S.-Iran Seismic Workshop. October 2009.
PEER 2009/01
Evaluation of Ground Motion Selection and Modification Methods: Predicting Median Interstory Drift Response of
Buildings. Curt B. Haselton, Ed. June 2009.
PEER 2008/10
Technical Manual for Strata. Albert R. Kottke and Ellen M. Rathje. February 2009.
PEER 2008/09
NGA Model for Average Horizontal Component of Peak Ground Motion and Response Spectra. Brian S.-J. Chiou
and Robert R. Youngs. November 2008.
PEER 2008/08
Toward Earthquake-Resistant Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Structures. Patxi Uriz and Stephen A. Mahin.
November 2008.
PEER 2008/07
Using OpenSees for Performance-Based Evaluation of Bridges on Liquefiable Soils. Stephen L. Kramer, Pedro
Arduino, and HyungSuk Shin. November 2008.
PEER 2008/06
Shaking Table Tests and Numerical Investigation of Self-Centering Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Hyung
IL Jeong, Junichi Sakai, and Stephen A. Mahin. September 2008.
PEER 2008/05
Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Design Evaluation Procedure for Bridge Foundations Undergoing
Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Ground Displacement. Christian A. Ledezma and Jonathan D. Bray. August 2008.
PEER 2008/04
Benchmarking of Nonlinear Geotechnical Ground Response Analysis Procedures. Jonathan P. Stewart, Annie
On-Lei Kwok, Yousseff M. A. Hashash, Neven Matasovic, Robert Pyke, Zhiliang Wang, and Zhaohui Yang.
August 2008.
PEER 2008/03
Guidelines for Nonlinear Analysis of Bridge Structures in California. Ady Aviram, Kevin R. Mackie, and Božidar
Stojadinović. August 2008.
PEER 2008/02
Treatment of Uncertainties in Seismic-Risk Analysis of Transportation Systems. Evangelos Stergiou and Anne S.
Kiremidjian. July 2008.
PEER 2008/01
Seismic Performance Objectives for Tall Buildings. William T. Holmes, Charles Kircher, William Petak, and Nabih
Youssef. August 2008.
PEER 2007/12
An Assessment to Benchmark the Seismic Performance of a Code-Conforming Reinforced Concrete MomentFrame Building. Curt Haselton, Christine A. Goulet, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, James L. Beck, Gregory G. Deierlein,
Keith A. Porter, Jonathan P. Stewart, and Ertugrul Taciroglu. August 2008.
PEER 2007/11
Bar Buckling in Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Wayne A. Brown, Dawn E. Lehman, and John F. Stanton.
February 2008.
PEER 2007/10
Computational Modeling of Progressive Collapse in Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures. Mohamed M. Talaat
and Khalid M. Mosalam. May 2008.
PEER 2007/09
Integrated Probabilistic Performance-Based Evaluation of Benchmark Reinforced Concrete Bridges. Kevin R.
Mackie, John-Michael Wong, and Božidar Stojadinović. January 2008.
PEER 2007/08
Assessing Seismic Collapse Safety of Modern Reinforced Concrete Moment-Frame Buildings. Curt B. Haselton
and Gregory G. Deierlein. February 2008.
PEER 2007/07
Performance Modeling Strategies for Modern Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Michael P. Berry and Marc
O. Eberhard. April 2008.
PEER 2007/06
Development of Improved Procedures for Seismic Design of Buried and Partially Buried Structures. Linda Al Atik
and Nicholas Sitar. June 2007.
PEER 2007/05
Uncertainty and Correlation in Seismic Risk Assessment of Transportation Systems. Renee G. Lee and Anne S.
Kiremidjian. July 2007.
PEER 2007/04
Numerical Models for Analysis and Performance-Based Design of Shallow Foundations Subjected to Seismic
Loading. Sivapalan Gajan, Tara C. Hutchinson, Bruce L. Kutter, Prishati Raychowdhury, José A. Ugalde, and
Jonathan P. Stewart. May 2008.
PEER 2007/03
Beam-Column Element Model Calibrated for Predicting Flexural Response Leading to Global Collapse of RC
Frame Buildings. Curt B. Haselton, Abbie B. Liel, Sarah Taylor Lange, and Gregory G. Deierlein. May 2008.
PEER 2007/02
Campbell-Bozorgnia NGA Ground Motion Relations for the Geometric Mean Horizontal Component of Peak and
Spectral Ground Motion Parameters. Kenneth W. Campbell and Yousef Bozorgnia. May 2007.
PEER 2007/01
Boore-Atkinson NGA Ground Motion Relations for the Geometric Mean Horizontal Component of Peak and
Spectral Ground Motion Parameters. David M. Boore and Gail M. Atkinson. May. May 2007.
PEER 2006/12
Societal Implications of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Peter J. May. May 2007.
PEER 2006/11
Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis Using Advanced Ground Motion Intensity Measures, Attenuation
Relationships, and Near-Fault Effects. Polsak Tothong and C. Allin Cornell. March 2007.
PEER 2006/10
Application of the PEER PBEE Methodology to the I-880 Viaduct. Sashi Kunnath. February 2007.
PEER 2006/09
Quantifying Economic Losses from Travel Forgone Following a Large Metropolitan Earthquake. James Moore,
Sungbin Cho, Yue Yue Fan, and Stuart Werner. November 2006.
PEER 2006/08
Vector-Valued Ground Motion Intensity Measures for Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis. Jack W. Baker and
C. Allin Cornell. October 2006.
PEER 2006/07
Analytical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Walls for Predicting Flexural and Coupled–ShearFlexural Responses. Kutay Orakcal, Leonardo M. Massone, and John W. Wallace. October 2006.
PEER 2006/06
Nonlinear Analysis of a Soil-Drilled Pier System under Static and Dynamic Axial Loading. Gang Wang and
Nicholas Sitar. November 2006.
PEER 2006/05
Advanced Seismic Assessment Guidelines. Paolo Bazzurro, C. Allin Cornell, Charles Menun, Maziar Motahari,
and Nicolas Luco. September 2006.
PEER 2006/04
Probabilistic Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structural Components and Systems. Tae Hyung Lee
and Khalid M. Mosalam. August 2006.
PEER 2006/03
Performance of Lifelines Subjected to Lateral Spreading. Scott A. Ashford and Teerawut Juirnarongrit. July 2006.
PEER 2006/02
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Highway Demonstration Project. Anne Kiremidjian, James
Moore, Yue Yue Fan, Nesrin Basoz, Ozgur Yazali, and Meredith Williams. April 2006.
PEER 2006/01
Bracing Berkeley. A Guide to Seismic Safety on the UC Berkeley Campus. Mary C. Comerio, Stephen Tobriner,
and Ariane Fehrenkamp. January 2006.
PEER 2005/16
Seismic Response and Reliability of Electrical Substation Equipment and Systems. Junho Song, Armen Der
Kiureghian, and Jerome L. Sackman. April 2006.
PEER 2005/15
CPT-Based Probabilistic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Initiation. R. E. S. Moss, R. B. Seed, R. E.
Kayen, J. P. Stewart, and A. Der Kiureghian. April 2006.
PEER 2005/14
Workshop on Modeling of Nonlinear Cyclic Load-Deformation Behavior of Shallow Foundations. Bruce L. Kutter,
Geoffrey Martin, Tara Hutchinson, Chad Harden, Sivapalan Gajan, and Justin Phalen. March 2006.
PEER 2005/13
Stochastic Characterization and Decision Bases under Time-Dependent Aftershock Risk in Performance-Based
Earthquake Engineering. Gee Liek Yeo and C. Allin Cornell. July 2005.
PEER 2005/12
PEER Testbed Study on a Laboratory Building: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment. Mary C. Comerio,
editor. November 2005.
PEER 2005/11
Van Nuys Hotel Building Testbed Report: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment. Helmut Krawinkler,
editor. October 2005.
PEER 2005/10
First NEES/E-Defense Workshop on Collapse Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures. September
PEER 2005/09
Test Applications of Advanced Seismic Assessment Guidelines. Joe Maffei, Karl Telleen, Danya Mohr, William
Holmes, and Yuki Nakayama. August 2006.
PEER 2005/08
Damage Accumulation in Lightly Confined Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. R. Tyler Ranf, Jared M. Nelson,
Zach Price, Marc O. Eberhard, and John F. Stanton. April 2006.
PEER 2005/07
Experimental and Analytical Studies on the Seismic Response of Freestanding and Anchored Laboratory
Equipment. Dimitrios Konstantinidis and Nicos Makris. January 2005.
PEER 2005/06
Global Collapse of Frame Structures under Seismic Excitations. Luis F. Ibarra and Helmut Krawinkler. September
PEER 2005//05
Performance Characterization of Bench- and Shelf-Mounted Equipment. Samit Ray Chaudhuri and Tara C.
Hutchinson. May 2006.
PEER 2005/04
Numerical Modeling of the Nonlinear Cyclic Response of Shallow Foundations. Chad Harden, Tara Hutchinson,
Geoffrey R. Martin, and Bruce L. Kutter. August 2005.
PEER 2005/03
A Taxonomy of Building Components for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering.
September 2005.
PEER 2005/02
Fragility Basis for California Highway Overpass Bridge Seismic Decision Making. Kevin R. Mackie and Božidar
Stojadinović. June 2005.
PEER 2005/01
Empirical Characterization of Site Conditions on Strong Ground Motion. Jonathan P. Stewart, Yoojoong Choi,
and Robert W. Graves. June 2005.
PEER 2004/09
Electrical Substation Equipment Interaction: Experimental Rigid Conductor Studies. Christopher Stearns and
André Filiatrault. February 2005.
PEER 2004/08
Seismic Qualification and Fragility Testing of Line Break 550-kV Disconnect Switches. Shakhzod M. Takhirov,
Gregory L. Fenves, and Eric Fujisaki. January 2005.
PEER 2004/07
Ground Motions for Earthquake Simulator Qualification of Electrical Substation Equipment. Shakhzod M.
Takhirov, Gregory L. Fenves, Eric Fujisaki, and Don Clyde. January 2005.
PEER 2004/06
Performance-Based Regulation and Regulatory Regimes. Peter J. May and Chris Koski. September 2004.
PEER 2004/05
Performance-Based Seismic Design Concepts and Implementation: Proceedings of an International Workshop.
Peter Fajfar and Helmut Krawinkler, editors. September 2004.
PEER 2004/04
Seismic Performance of an Instrumented Tilt-up Wall Building. James C. Anderson and Vitelmo V. Bertero. July
PEER 2004/03
Evaluation and Application of Concrete Tilt-up Assessment Methodologies. Timothy Graf and James O. Malley.
October 2004.
PEER 2004/02
Analytical Investigations of New Methods for Reducing Residual Displacements of Reinforced Concrete Bridge
Columns. Junichi Sakai and Stephen A. Mahin. August 2004.
PEER 2004/01
Seismic Performance of Masonry Buildings and Design Implications. Kerri Anne Taeko Tokoro, James C.
Anderson, and Vitelmo V. Bertero. February 2004.
PEER 2003/18
Performance Models for Flexural Damage in Reinforced Concrete Columns. Michael Berry and Marc Eberhard.
August 2003.
PEER 2003/17
Predicting Earthquake Damage in Older Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints. Catherine Pagni and Laura
Lowes. October 2004.
PEER 2003/16
Seismic Demands for Performance-Based Design of Bridges. Kevin Mackie and Božidar Stojadinović. August
PEER 2003/15
Seismic Demands for Nondeteriorating Frame Structures and Their Dependence on Ground Motions. Ricardo
Antonio Medina and Helmut Krawinkler. May 2004.
PEER 2003/14
Finite Element Reliability and Sensitivity Methods for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Terje
Haukaas and Armen Der Kiureghian. April 2004.
PEER 2003/13
Effects of Connection Hysteretic Degradation on the Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames. Janise
E. Rodgers and Stephen A. Mahin. March 2004.
PEER 2003/12
Implementation Manual for the Seismic Protection of Laboratory Contents: Format and Case Studies. William T.
Holmes and Mary C. Comerio. October 2003.
PEER 2003/11
Fifth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. February 2004.
PEER 2003/10
A Beam-Column Joint Model for Simulating the Earthquake Response of Reinforced Concrete Frames. Laura N.
Lowes, Nilanjan Mitra, and Arash Altoontash. February 2004.
Keith A. Porter.
PEER 2003/09
Sequencing Repairs after an Earthquake: An Economic Approach. Marco Casari and Simon J. Wilkie. April 2004.
PEER 2003/08
A Technical Framework for Probability-Based Demand and Capacity Factor Design (DCFD) Seismic Formats.
Fatemeh Jalayer and C. Allin Cornell. November 2003.
PEER 2003/07
Uncertainty Specification and Propagation for Loss Estimation Using FOSM Methods. Jack W. Baker and C. Allin
Cornell. September 2003.
PEER 2003/06
Performance of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns under Bidirectional Earthquake Loading. Mahmoud
M. Hachem, Stephen A. Mahin, and Jack P. Moehle. February 2003.
PEER 2003/05
Response Assessment for Building-Specific Loss Estimation. Eduardo Miranda and Shahram Taghavi.
September 2003.
PEER 2003/04
Experimental Assessment of Columns with Short Lap Splices Subjected to Cyclic Loads. Murat Melek, John W.
Wallace, and Joel Conte. April 2003.
PEER 2003/03
Probabilistic Response Assessment for Building-Specific Loss Estimation. Eduardo Miranda and Hesameddin
Aslani. September 2003.
PEER 2003/02
Software Framework for Collaborative Development of Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Program. Jun Peng and
Kincho H. Law. September 2003.
PEER 2003/01
Shake Table Tests and Analytical Studies on the Gravity Load Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Frames. Kenneth
John Elwood and Jack P. Moehle. November 2003.
PEER 2002/24
Performance of Beam to Column Bridge Joints Subjected to a Large Velocity Pulse. Natalie Gibson, André
Filiatrault, and Scott A. Ashford. April 2002.
PEER 2002/23
Effects of Large Velocity Pulses on Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Greg L. Orozco and Scott A. Ashford.
April 2002.
PEER 2002/22
Characterization of Large Velocity Pulses for Laboratory Testing. Kenneth E. Cox and Scott A. Ashford. April
PEER 2002/21
Fourth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. December 2002.
PEER 2002/20
Barriers to Adoption and Implementation of PBEE Innovations. Peter J. May. August 2002.
PEER 2002/19
Economic-Engineered Integrated Models for Earthquakes: Socioeconomic Impacts. Peter Gordon, James E.
Moore II, and Harry W. Richardson. July 2002.
PEER 2002/18
Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Building Exterior Joints with Substandard Details. Chris P. Pantelides, Jon
Hansen, Justin Nadauld, and Lawrence D. Reaveley. May 2002.
PEER 2002/17
Structural Characterization and Seismic Response Analysis of a Highway Overcrossing Equipped with
Elastomeric Bearings and Fluid Dampers: A Case Study. Nicos Makris and Jian Zhang. November 2002.
PEER 2002/16
Estimation of Uncertainty in Geotechnical Properties for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Allen L.
Jones, Steven L. Kramer, and Pedro Arduino. December 2002.
PEER 2002/15
Seismic Behavior of Bridge Columns Subjected to Various Loading Patterns. Asadollah Esmaeily-Gh. and Yan
Xiao. December 2002.
PEER 2002/14
Inelastic Seismic Response of Extended Pile Shaft Supported Bridge Structures. T.C. Hutchinson, R.W.
Boulanger, Y.H. Chai, and I.M. Idriss. December 2002.
PEER 2002/13
Probabilistic Models and Fragility Estimates for Bridge Components and Systems. Paolo Gardoni, Armen Der
Kiureghian, and Khalid M. Mosalam. June 2002.
PEER 2002/12
Effects of Fault Dip and Slip Rake on Near-Source Ground Motions: Why Chi-Chi Was a Relatively Mild M7.6
Earthquake. Brad T. Aagaard, John F. Hall, and Thomas H. Heaton. December 2002.
PEER 2002/11
Analytical and Experimental Study of Fiber-Reinforced Strip Isolators. James M. Kelly and Shakhzod M. Takhirov.
September 2002.
PEER 2002/10
Centrifuge Modeling of Settlement and Lateral Spreading with Comparisons to Numerical Analyses. Sivapalan
Gajan and Bruce L. Kutter. January 2003.
PEER 2002/09
Documentation and Analysis of Field Case Histories of Seismic Compression during the 1994 Northridge,
California, Earthquake. Jonathan P. Stewart, Patrick M. Smith, Daniel H. Whang, and Jonathan D. Bray. October
PEER 2002/08
Component Testing, Stability Analysis and Characterization of Buckling-Restrained Unbonded Braces .
Cameron Black, Nicos Makris, and Ian Aiken. September 2002.
PEER 2002/07
Seismic Performance of Pile-Wharf Connections. Charles W. Roeder, Robert Graff, Jennifer Soderstrom, and Jun
Han Yoo. December 2001.
PEER 2002/06
The Use of Benefit-Cost Analysis for Evaluation of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Decisions.
Richard O. Zerbe and Anthony Falit-Baiamonte. September 2001.
PEER 2002/05
Guidelines, Specifications, and Seismic Performance Characterization of Nonstructural Building Components and
Equipment. André Filiatrault, Constantin Christopoulos, and Christopher Stearns. September 2001.
PEER 2002/04
Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems and the Pacific Earthquake Engineering
Research Center Lifelines Program: Invited Workshop on Archiving and Web Dissemination of Geotechnical
Data, 4–5 October 2001. September 2002.
PEER 2002/03
Investigation of Sensitivity of Building Loss Estimates to Major Uncertain Variables for the Van Nuys Testbed.
Keith A. Porter, James L. Beck, and Rustem V. Shaikhutdinov. August 2002.
PEER 2002/02
The Third U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. July 2002.
PEER 2002/01
Nonstructural Loss Estimation: The UC Berkeley Case Study. Mary C. Comerio and John C. Stallmeyer.
December 2001.
PEER 2001/16
Statistics of SDF-System Estimate of Roof Displacement for Pushover Analysis of Buildings. Anil K. Chopra,
Rakesh K. Goel, and Chatpan Chintanapakdee. December 2001.
PEER 2001/15
Damage to Bridges during the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake. R. Tyler Ranf, Marc O. Eberhard, and Michael P.
Berry. November 2001.
PEER 2001/14
Rocking Response of Equipment Anchored to a Base Foundation. Nicos Makris and Cameron J. Black.
September 2001.
PEER 2001/13
Modeling Soil Liquefaction Hazards for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Steven L. Kramer and
Ahmed-W. Elgamal. February 2001.
PEER 2001/12
Development of Geotechnical Capabilities in OpenSees. Boris Jeremić. September 2001.
PEER 2001/11
Analytical and Experimental Study of Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. James M. Kelly and Shakhzod M.
Takhirov. September 2001.
PEER 2001/10
Amplification Factors for Spectral Acceleration in Active Regions. Jonathan P. Stewart, Andrew H. Liu, Yoojoong
Choi, and Mehmet B. Baturay. December 2001.
PEER 2001/09
Ground Motion Evaluation Procedures for Performance-Based Design. Jonathan P. Stewart, Shyh-Jeng Chiou,
Jonathan D. Bray, Robert W. Graves, Paul G. Somerville, and Norman A. Abrahamson. September 2001.
PEER 2001/08
Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Beam-Column Connections for
Seismic Performance. Clay J. Naito, Jack P. Moehle, and Khalid M. Mosalam. November 2001.
PEER 2001/07
The Rocking Spectrum and the Shortcomings of Design Guidelines. Nicos Makris and Dimitrios Konstantinidis.
August 2001.
PEER 2001/06
Development of an Electrical Substation Equipment Performance Database for Evaluation of Equipment
Fragilities. Thalia Agnanos. April 1999.
PEER 2001/05
Stiffness Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. Hsiang-Chuan Tsai and James M. Kelly. May 2001.
PEER 2001/04
Organizational and Societal Considerations for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Peter J. May. April
PEER 2001/03
A Modal Pushover Analysis Procedure to Estimate Seismic Demands for Buildings: Theory and Preliminary
Evaluation. Anil K. Chopra and Rakesh K. Goel. January 2001.
PEER 2001/02
Seismic Response Analysis of Highway Overcrossings Including Soil-Structure Interaction. Jian Zhang and Nicos
Makris. March 2001.
PEER 2001/01
Experimental Study of Large Seismic Steel Beam-to-Column Connections. Egor P. Popov and Shakhzod M.
Takhirov. November 2000.
PEER 2000/10
The Second U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. March 2000.
PEER 2000/09
Structural Engineering Reconnaissance of the August 17, 1999 Earthquake: Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey. Halil Sezen,
Kenneth J. Elwood, Andrew S. Whittaker, Khalid Mosalam, John J. Wallace, and John F. Stanton. December
PEER 2000/08
Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Having Varying Aspect Ratios and Varying Lengths of
Confinement. Anthony J. Calderone, Dawn E. Lehman, and Jack P. Moehle. January 2001.
PEER 2000/07
Cover-Plate and Flange-Plate Reinforced Steel Moment-Resisting Connections. Taejin Kim, Andrew S. Whittaker,
Amir S. Gilani, Vitelmo V. Bertero, and Shakhzod M. Takhirov. September 2000.
PEER 2000/06
Seismic Evaluation and Analysis of 230-kV Disconnect Switches. Amir S. J. Gilani, Andrew S. Whittaker, Gregory
L. Fenves, Chun-Hao Chen, Henry Ho, and Eric Fujisaki. July 2000.
PEER 2000/05
Performance-Based Evaluation of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Building Joints for Seismic Excitation. Chandra
Clyde, Chris P. Pantelides, and Lawrence D. Reaveley. July 2000.
PEER 2000/04
An Evaluation of Seismic Energy Demand: An Attenuation Approach. Chung-Che Chou and Chia-Ming Uang. July
PEER 2000/03
Framing Earthquake Retrofitting Decisions: The Case of Hillside Homes in Los Angeles. Detlof von Winterfeldt,
Nels Roselund, and Alicia Kitsuse. March 2000.
PEER 2000/02
U.S.-Japan Workshop on the Effects of Near-Field Earthquake Shaking. Andrew Whittaker, ed. July 2000.
PEER 2000/01
Further Studies on Seismic Interaction in Interconnected Electrical Substation Equipment. Armen Der Kiureghian,
Kee-Jeung Hong, and Jerome L. Sackman. November 1999.
PEER 1999/14
Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of 230-kV Porcelain Transformer Bushings. Amir S. Gilani, Andrew S. Whittaker,
Gregory L. Fenves, and Eric Fujisaki. December 1999.
PEER 1999/13
Building Vulnerability Studies: Modeling and Evaluation of Tilt-up and Steel Reinforced Concrete Buildings. John
W. Wallace, Jonathan P. Stewart, and Andrew S. Whittaker, editors. December 1999.
PEER 1999/12
Rehabilitation of Nonductile RC Frame Building Using Encasement Plates and Energy-Dissipating Devices.
Mehrdad Sasani, Vitelmo V. Bertero, James C. Anderson. December 1999.
PEER 1999/11
Performance Evaluation Database for Concrete Bridge Components and Systems under Simulated Seismic
Loads. Yael D. Hose and Frieder Seible. November 1999.
PEER 1999/10
U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete
Building Structures. December 1999.
PEER 1999/09
Performance Improvement of Long Period Building Structures Subjected to Severe Pulse-Type Ground Motions.
James C. Anderson, Vitelmo V. Bertero, and Raul Bertero. October 1999.
PEER 1999/08
Envelopes for Seismic Response Vectors. Charles Menun and Armen Der Kiureghian. July 1999.
PEER 1999/07
Documentation of Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Computer Analysis Methods for Seismic Performance of
Reinforced Concrete Members. William F. Cofer. November 1999.
PEER 1999/06
Rocking Response and Overturning of Anchored Equipment under Seismic Excitations. Nicos Makris and Jian
Zhang. November 1999.
PEER 1999/05
Seismic Evaluation of 550 kV Porcelain Transformer Bushings. Amir S. Gilani, Andrew S. Whittaker, Gregory L.
Fenves, and Eric Fujisaki. October 1999.
PEER 1999/04
Adoption and Enforcement of Earthquake Risk-Reduction Measures. Peter J. May, Raymond J. Burby, T. Jens
Feeley, and Robert Wood.
PEER 1999/03
Task 3 Characterization of Site Response General Site Categories. Adrian Rodriguez-Marek, Jonathan D. Bray,
and Norman Abrahamson. February 1999.
PEER 1999/02
Capacity-Demand-Diagram Methods for Estimating Seismic Deformation of Inelastic Structures: SDF Systems.
Anil K. Chopra and Rakesh Goel. April 1999.
PEER 1999/01
Interaction in Interconnected Electrical Substation Equipment Subjected to Earthquake Ground Motions. Armen
Der Kiureghian, Jerome L. Sackman, and Kee-Jeung Hong. February 1999.
PEER 1998/08
Behavior and Failure Analysis of a Multiple-Frame Highway Bridge in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Gregory L.
Fenves and Michael Ellery. December 1998.
PEER 1998/07
Empirical Evaluation of Inertial Soil-Structure Interaction Effects. Jonathan P. Stewart, Raymond B. Seed, and
Gregory L. Fenves. November 1998.
PEER 1998/06
Effect of Damping Mechanisms on the Response of Seismic Isolated Structures. Nicos Makris and Shih-Po
Chang. November 1998.
PEER 1998/05
Rocking Response and Overturning of Equipment under Horizontal Pulse-Type Motions. Nicos Makris and
Yiannis Roussos. October 1998.
PEER 1998/04
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Invitational Workshop Proceedings, May 14–15, 1998: Defining the
Links between Planning, Policy Analysis, Economics and Earthquake Engineering. Mary Comerio and Peter
Gordon. September 1998.
PEER 1998/03
Repair/Upgrade Procedures for Welded Beam to Column Connections. James C. Anderson and Xiaojing Duan.
May 1998.
PEER 1998/02
Seismic Evaluation of 196 kV Porcelain Transformer Bushings. Amir S. Gilani, Juan W. Chavez, Gregory L.
Fenves, and Andrew S. Whittaker. May 1998.
PEER 1998/01
Seismic Performance of Well-Confined Concrete Bridge Columns. Dawn E. Lehman and Jack P. Moehle.
December 2000.
The following PEER reports are available by Internet only at
PEER 2012/103 Performance-Based Seismic Demand Assessment of Concentrically Braced Steel Frame Buildings. Chui-Hsin
Chen and Stephen A. Mahin. December 2012.
PEER 2012/102 Procedure to Restart an Interrupted Hybrid Simulation: Addendum to PEER Report 2010/103. Vesna Terzic and
Bozidar Stojadinovic. October 2012.
PEER 2012/101 Mechanics of Fiber Reinforced Bearings. James M. Kelly and Andrea Calabrese. February 2012.
PEER 2011/107 Nonlinear Site Response and Seismic Compression at Vertical Array Strongly Shaken by 2007 Niigata-ken
Chuetsu-oki Earthquake. Eric Yee, Jonathan P. Stewart, and Kohji Tokimatsu. December 2011.
PEER 2011/106 Self Compacting Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composites for Bridge Columns. Pardeep Kumar, Gabriel Jen,
William Trono, Marios Panagiotou, and Claudia Ostertag. September 2011.
PEER 2011/105 Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Bridges Subjected to Spacially Varying Ground Motions. Katerina Konakli and
Armen Der Kiureghian. August 2011.
PEER 2011/104 Design and Instrumentation of the 2010 E-Defense Four-Story Reinforced Concrete and Post-Tensioned
Concrete Buildings. Takuya Nagae, Kenichi Tahara, Taizo Matsumori, Hitoshi Shiohara, Toshimi Kabeyasawa,
Susumu Kono, Minehiro Nishiyama (Japanese Research Team) and John Wallace, Wassim Ghannoum, Jack
Moehle, Richard Sause, Wesley Keller, Zeynep Tuna (U.S. Research Team). June 2011.
PEER 2011/103 In-Situ Monitoring of the Force Output of Fluid Dampers: Experimental Investigation. Dimitrios Konstantinidis,
James M. Kelly, and Nicos Makris. April 2011.
PEER 2011/102 Ground-motion prediction equations 1964 - 2010. John Douglas. April 2011.
PEER 2011/101 Report of the Eighth Planning Meeting of NEES/E-Defense Collaborative Research on Earthquake Engineering.
Convened by the Hyogo Earthquake Engineering Research Center (NIED), NEES Consortium, Inc. February
PEER 2010/111 Modeling and Acceptance Criteria for Seismic Design and Analysis of Tall Buildings. Task 7 Report for the Tall
Buildings Initiative - Published jointly by the Applied Technology Council. October 2010.
PEER 2010/110 Seismic Performance Assessment and Probabilistic Repair Cost Analysis of Precast Concrete Cladding Systems
for Multistory Buildlings. Jeffrey P. Hunt and Božidar Stojadinovic. November 2010.
PEER 2010/109 Report of the Seventh Joint Planning Meeting of NEES/E-Defense Collaboration on Earthquake Engineering.
Held at the E-Defense, Miki, and Shin-Kobe, Japan, September 18–19, 2009. August 2010.
PEER 2010/108 Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard in California. Hong Kie Thio, Paul Somerville, and Jascha Polet, preparers. October
PEER 2010/107 Performance and Reliability of Exposed Column Base Plate Connections for Steel Moment-Resisting Frames.
Ady Aviram, Božidar Stojadinovic, and Armen Der Kiureghian. August 2010.
PEER 2010/106 Verification of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Computer Programs. Patricia Thomas, Ivan Wong, and
Norman Abrahamson. May 2010.
PEER 2010/105 Structural Engineering Reconnaissance of the April 6, 2009, Abruzzo, Italy, Earthquake, and Lessons Learned. M.
Selim Günay and Khalid M. Mosalam. April 2010.
PEER 2010/104 Simulating the Inelastic Seismic Behavior of Steel Braced Frames, Including the Effects of Low-Cycle Fatigue.
Yuli Huang and Stephen A. Mahin. April 2010.
PEER 2010/103 Post-Earthquake Traffic Capacity of Modern Bridges in California. Vesna Terzic and Božidar Stojadinović. March
PEER 2010/102 Analysis of Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) and JMA Instrumental Seismic Intensity (IJMA) Using the PEER–
NGA Strong Motion Database. Kenneth W. Campbell and Yousef Bozorgnia. February 2010.
PEER 2010/101 Rocking Response of Bridges on Shallow Foundations. Jose A. Ugalde, Bruce L. Kutter, and Boris Jeremic. April
PEER 2009/109 Simulation and Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Assessment of Self-Centering Post-Tensioned
Concrete Bridge Systems. Won K. Lee and Sarah L. Billington. December 2009.
PEER 2009/108 PEER Lifelines Geotechnical Virtual Data Center. J. Carl Stepp, Daniel J. Ponti, Loren L. Turner, Jennifer N. Swift,
Sean Devlin, Yang Zhu, Jean Benoit, and John Bobbitt. September 2009.
PEER 2009/107 Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Current and Innovative In-Span Hinge Details in Reinforced
Concrete Box-Girder Bridges: Part 2: Post-Test Analysis and Design Recommendations. Matias A. Hube and
Khalid M. Mosalam. December 2009.
PEER 2009/106 Shear Strength Models of Exterior Beam-Column Joints without Transverse Reinforcement. Sangjoon Park and
Khalid M. Mosalam. November 2009.
PEER 2009/105 Reduced Uncertainty of Ground Motion Prediction Equations through Bayesian Variance Analysis. Robb Eric S.
Moss. November 2009.
PEER 2009/104 Advanced Implementation of Hybrid Simulation. Andreas H. Schellenberg, Stephen A. Mahin, Gregory L. Fenves.
November 2009.
PEER 2009/103 Performance Evaluation of Innovative Steel Braced Frames. T. Y. Yang, Jack P. Moehle, and Božidar
Stojadinovic. August 2009.
PEER 2009/102 Reinvestigation of Liquefaction and Nonliquefaction Case Histories from the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake. Robb
Eric Moss, Robert E. Kayen, Liyuan Tong, Songyu Liu, Guojun Cai, and Jiaer Wu. August 2009.
PEER 2009/101 Report of the First Joint Planning Meeting for the Second Phase of NEES/E-Defense Collaborative Research on
Earthquake Engineering. Stephen A. Mahin et al. July 2009.
PEER 2008/104 Experimental and Analytical Study of the Seismic Performance of Retaining Structures. Linda Al Atik and Nicholas
Sitar. January 2009.
PEER 2008/103 Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Current and Innovative In-Span Hinge Details in Reinforced
Concrete Box-Girder Bridges. Part 1: Experimental Findings and Pre-Test Analysis. Matias A. Hube and Khalid M.
Mosalam. January 2009.
PEER 2008/102 Modeling of Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls Considering In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Interaction. Stephen
Kadysiewski and Khalid M. Mosalam. January 2009.
PEER 2008/101 Seismic Performance Objectives for Tall Buildings. William T. Holmes, Charles Kircher, William Petak, and Nabih
Youssef. August 2008.
PEER 2007/101 Generalized Hybrid Simulation Framework for Structural Systems Subjected to Seismic Loading. Tarek Elkhoraibi
and Khalid M. Mosalam. July 2007.
PEER 2007/100 Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Including Effects of Masonry Infill Walls. Alidad Hashemi
and Khalid M. Mosalam. July 2007.
The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) is a multi-institutional research and
education center with headquarters at the University of California, Berkeley. Investigators from over 20
universities, several consulting companies, and researchers at various state and federal government
agencies contribute to research programs focused on performance-based earthquake engineering.
These research programs aim to identify and reduce the risks from major earthquakes to life safety and
to the economy by including research in a wide variety of disciplines including structural and geotechnical
engineering, geology/seismology, lifelines, transportation, architecture, economics, risk management, and
public policy.
PEER is supported by federal, state, local, and regional agencies, together with industry partners.
PEER Core Institutions:
University of California, Berkeley (Lead Institution)
California Institute of Technology
Oregon State University
Stanford University
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Diego
University of Southern California
University of Washington
PEER reports can be ordered at or by contacting
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
University of California, Berkeley
325 Davis Hall, mail code 1792
Berkeley, CA 94720-1792
Tel: 510-642-3437
Fax: 510-642-1655
ISSN 1547-0587X