October 2012 - River Ridge School District
October 2012 - River Ridge School District
River Ridge School District TIMBERWOLF NEWS October 2012 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Child Find ................ 3 Green Bay Packer Visits RRMS ............ 3 New Employees ....4-5 HS Guidance ........... 6 Athletics .................. 7 Homecoming .........12 Calendars...............14 Board Minutes.......17 IMPORTANT DATES October 10, 2012 Regular School Board Meeting October 12, 2012 Early Release October 18, 2012 Picture Retake Day October 20, 2012 Missoula Theatre Performances October 23, 2012 Fall Choral Concert October 26, 2012 No School Missoula Children’s Theatre Auditions and Performance by Jan Block The audition for the Missoula Children’s Theatre production of Hansel and Gretel will be held on Monday, October 15, 2012, at 3:45 p.m. at the River Ridge Elementary school gym. There are roles for those students kindergarten through high school, including students who attend St. Mary’s School. Approximately 50-60 local students will be cast to appear in the show with the MCT tour actor/director. There is no guarantee that everyone who auditions will be cast in the play. Students wishing to audition must arrive by the scheduled starting time and stay for the entire two-hour session. This is a group audition – no advance preparation is necessary. The first rehearsal begins approximately 15-30 minutes after the audition. Rehearsals will be conducted every day at the River Ridge Elementary School gym from 3:30 to 8:00 p.m. on October 15 through October 19. Although not all cast members will be needed at every session, those auditioning must have a clear schedule for the entire week and if selected, be able to attend all rehearsals required for their role. A detailed rehearsal schedule will be distributed at the conclusion of the audition. Cast members scheduled for the full 4½ hours of rehearsal will be asked to bring a sack lunch, dinner or snack. The performances will be held on Saturday, October 20, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and will be presented at the River Ridge High School gym. The students in the cast will be called for a dress rehearsal before the performance that day. All those cast must be available for all scheduled performances. For more information, call Jan Block at River Ridge Schools (608) 994-2715. Purchase Your Memories Today by Jeremy Cliff Anyone interested in purchasing a yearbook this year should contact Mr. Earle. The yearbooks remain $35.00 again this year. Checks can be written out to River Ridge Yearbook. Preserve your memories in book form so they can last a lifetime. Choral Concert by Ellen Martin The first concert of the year is the FALL CHORAL CONCERT and it will be held Tuesday, October 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the high school gym. Groups performing will be the 6th grade choir, 7th and 8th grade choir, high school concert choir, women’s choir, men’s choir and the jazz choir. Come and prepare to be entertained! Page 2 Mission Statement The River Ridge School District will strive to provide a safe, challenging environment for each Mission individual student by Statement promoting excellent staff development, encouraging meaningful parent involvement, and earnThe Ridge School ingRiver strong community District will strive to support through honesty, provide a safe, challengintegrity, and open coming environment for each munication. individual student by promoting excellent staff development, encouraging meaningful parent involvement, and earning strong community support through honesty, integrity, and open com- Visit our website at www.rrsd.k12.wi.us District Administrator Lee Pritzl 608-994-2715 or pritzlle@rrsd.k12.wi.us Editor Sue Gotto 608-994-2715 or gottosu@rrsd.k12.wi.us Question or suggestions for future articles, please call the District Administrators Office at 608-994-2715 Timberwolf News Try New Foods! Submitted by Ione Meoska and Cindy Busch, WI Nutrition Education Program, Grant County UW-Extension Do you have a hard time getting your family to eat right? Here are some tips to make it easier: • Your habits help your family make smart food choices. Show by example. If you eat vegetables and drink milk, so will they. • Have healthier foods in the house. Let others decide what to eat for a snack, for example, apples or graham crackers. You provide the healthy choices and they make the choice. • Eat meals with your family as often as you can. Meals are a nice way to be with each other, break up busy days, talk about new foods and plan ways to be physically active. • Keep trying new foods. It may take a few times before everyone likes them. Have a “new food night” and make a food you’ve never had before. • Let your kids help pick foods, plan meals and snacks and then prepare them. It takes some time and planning but families can feel good about eating the foods they know are good for them. Source: Loving Your Family, Feeding Their Future Contact the UW-Extension’s Nutrition Education Program at 723-2125 or visit http:// fyi.uwex.edu/foodsense/ for more information on keeping your family healthy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hurry-Up Baked Apples 2 medium-size tart apples (Granny Smith, Braeburn, Cortland, Jonathan, Fuji) 1 teaspoon white or brown packed sugar ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons oatmeal 2 tablespoons (total) raisins, sweetened dried cranberries, chopped walnuts or other nuts 1 (6-ounce) container low-fat vanilla yogurt 1. Cut apples in half lengthwise. Use spoon to remove cores and hollow out a space one inch or more deep. Arrange apple halves, cut sides up, in microwavable dish. Cut thin slices off bottoms to keep from tipping. 2. Combine sugar, cinnamon, oatmeal, raisins, and nuts. Fill each apple half. 3. Cover with plastic wrap. Fold back one edge ¼ inch to vent steam. 4. Microwave 3 to 3 ½ minutes or until apples can be cut easily. Take from microwave. Let sit a few minutes. 5. Spoon yogurt over the top. Serves four. Source: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Timberwolf News Page 3 Civil Rights Policy Statement of Compliance With Federal Law The River Ridge School District Board of Education complies with all Federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and with all requirements of the U.S. Department of Education. It is the policy of the River Ridge School District Board of Education that no person on the basis of citizenship, race, color, creed, political affiliation, religion or religious affiliation, national origin or ancestry, age, sex or sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, arrest or conviction record, use or nonuse of lawful products off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours, membership in the National Guard, State Defense Force or any other United States or Wisconsin reserve component of the military forces or any other reason prohibited by state or federal law shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in employment or in any educational program or activity for which it is responsible or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Adopted by the River Ridge School District Board of Education January 10, 2001. A copy of the complaint procedures is available in the high school office. Complaints are to be addressed to the District Administrator, River Ridge School District, 11165 County Highway P, Patch Grove, WI 53817. Child Find by Rachele Breuer If you have a child, age two and one-half through fouryears old, and you suspect he or she may have a delay in any developmental area or was born with a specific disability, please contact Rachele Breuer or Amy Mezera at 994-2715. Green Bay Packer Visits River Ridge Middle School by Shane Sperle Mason Crosby of the Green Bay Packers visited River Ridge Middle School on Tuesday, October 2, from 9:0010:00 a.m. Mason presented an Xbox Kinect to the school for being the national video winners last spring. Mason spent some time talking to the students, answering questions and group photos were taken with the students before he returned to Green Bay. Go Pack Go! FFA Awarded Donation from Southwest Veterinary Service and Pfizer Animal Health by Michelle Cliff Pictured is Dr. Bill Schultz presenting these FFA students with the donation. Recently the River Ridge FFA was awarded with a donation of over $1,700 from Pfizer Animal Health and Southwest Veterinary Service. River Ridge FFA was chosen for this donation by Dr. Bill Schultz from Southwest Veterinary Services. Pfizer Animal Health is a company that promotes health and wellness of animals. This year Pfizer customers have contributed $4.2 million to local FFA chapters. The River Ridge FFA would like to thank Southwest Veterinary Service for participating in the Performance Pays Spring 2012 program with Pfizer Animal Health. River Ridge FFA received 1% of the qualifying Pfizer Animal Health products that were purchased by Southwest Vet between February 1 and April 30, 2012. Thanks again to Southwest Veterinary Service, Dr. Bill Shultz and Pfizer Animal Health for providing funds needed to help cover the cost of the National FFA Convention held later this fall. Page 4 River Ridge Welcomes New Employees Pictured are new employees at River Ridge. They are Kimberly Giese, elementary teacher; Rebecca Logemann, Spanish teacher; Lynn Schreiber, elementary aide; Rita Trautsch, fourth grade teacher, and Angie Esser, middle school special ed aide. My name is Kimberly Giese and I grew up in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. For the last few years, I lived in La Crosse and attended Viterbo University for my bachelors in education. I graduated this last May and decided to move back to the area in search of a job. Most of my family is in the area, which is an extra bonus to me getting a job in the River Ridge School District. I am enjoying working with and getting to know all the second and third graders at River Ridge. The teachers, staff and students have made me feel very welcome and I only anticipate things to get even better. I am so happy to be part of the River Ridge District. Hola! Me llamo Profe Becky Logemann. I am originally from Wausau, Wisconsin, but my Spanish skills have taken me all over the world. When I studied Spanish and education at St. Olaf College, I studied a semester abroad in Valparaiso, Chile. I also recently came back from teaching abroad in the Galapagos Islands for five months. I am very excited to be working here in River Ridge. Vamos Lobos! Adios, Profe Logemann. Timberwolf News My name is Lynn Schreiber and my husband and I moved here about three years ago from Janesville. We’ve been coming to this part of the state for over 40 years. We both enjoy hunting and fishing, so this area was a perfect place to retire. Our children and grandchildren are also a very important part of our lives. They think coming to grandma and grandpa’s is like going on vacation. My name is Rita Trautsch and I enthusiastically joined the River Ridge teaching staff this year as a fourth grade teacher. I am going into my 11th year of teaching. I had been teaching for the past ten years in the Wauzeka-Steuben School as a special education teacher. I had also taught some 6th grade social studies and math, and was the Gifted and Talented coordinator. I was ready to add more experiences to my career and was fortunate enough to have River Ridge School offer me the opportunity to do just that. My family is a very important part of my life. My husband of 11 years, Adam, is a hoof trimmer. My children, Kerrigan and Landon, began this new adventure with me by coming to River Ridge School as well. Kerrigan is in fourth grade and Landon is in first grade. Thanks to the wonderful school and community, we have all felt very welcomed and it has been a very smooth and positive transition. I look forward to coming to work every day. The students and staff are wonderful! I am truly enjoying myself here and I look forward to many more years here at River Ridge. My name is Angie Esser, and I’m originally from Hazel Green, Wisconsin. I attended Southwest Technical College, and have an associates degree in Child Care and Development. I currently live in Glen Haven, Wisconsin with my husband Kevin and two daughters Kendell and Mackenzie. I enjoy spending time with family and friends. Some activities I enjoy are camping, playing volleyball and watching my daughter’s play softball. My name is Logan Prochaska and I graduated from Fennimore High School. I attended Luther College where I received my math degree and then went to UW-Platteville to get my teaching certificate. I just purchased a house in Fennimore with my wife Markie and my twoyear old daughter Rhaya. I taught in Viroqua last year and River Ridge will be my second year as a teacher. (continued on next page) Timberwolf News Page 5 years to Rich Stovey. We have two children – Patrick who is 24 and works as a cardio-rehab therapist at Memorial Hospital and Paige who is a first-year student at Western Technical College majoring in criminal justice. I have worked as a teacher for 29 years – 27 years in special education and two years as a fourth grade teacher. River Ridge has amazing students and staff! I am Lee Pritzl, the new superintendent and I have worked in various capacities and locations in preparation for this job. I have been in Stevens Point, Portage, Campbellsport, Dodgeland and Rice Lake serving as a teacher, coach and administrator. I have two awesome boys, Jason Pictured are new employees Logan Prochaska, math teacher and Jake, and a dog named Lucy. I feel very welfor high school and middle school; Tammy Stovey, elemen- comed by the River Ridge community and enjoy coming to school, interacting with the students tary special education teacher and Lee Pritzl, superintendent and working closely with the staff. Thank you and elementary principal. for the opportunity to serve with you as we work My name is Tammy Tippery-Stovey and I grew up in and together to educate our young learners and precurrently reside in Prairie du Chien. I have been married 29 pare them for the future! 2012 Badger Boys and Girls State Representatives by Caron Townsend gan Irish, son of Tom and Lori Irish of Bagley, and Cody Witzig, son of Larry and Monica Witzig of Bloomington, were named to the Badger Boys State program. Alex Gates, daughter of Larry and Shirley Gates of Bagley, and Addison Mumm, daughter of Mark and Emilie Mumm of Bloomington, were named our Badger Girls State representatives. Pictured are representatives Alex Gates, Logan Irish, Cody Witzig and Addison Mumm. Four juniors were named River Ridge’s 2012 Badger Boys and Girls State representatives last spring and attended the leadership seminar this past June. Lo- Badger State is a weeklong leadership seminar for selected juniors that focuses on the understanding of our democratic form of government. Its purpose is to prepare students in Wisconsin for citizenship in a modern world where government touches their lives in many different ways. Our River Ridge students were sponsored by the American Legion Posts of Bagley, Bloomington, Mt. Hope and Patch Grove as well as the American Legion Auxiliary Posts of Bagley and Mt. Hope and the West Grant Lions Club. Congratulations to our representatives and thank you to those who sponsored our students for this outstanding event. Page 6 Timberwolf News High School Guidance by Caron Townsend The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings. --Eric Hoffer SENIOR INTERVIEWS – Seniors have begun their one-on-one “senior interviews” with Miss Townsend. Topics discussed in an interview include career interests, college entrance requirements, choosing a college, internet resources, campus visits, college application procedures, financial aid/scholarships and a senior timetable. They will be given a variety of publications full of information to help them move along in their career planning process. “ONE-LINERS” DISTRIBUTED MONTHLY - Every month, the juniors and seniors are given a bulletin called the “One-Liner.” This publication comes from the school counseling office and includes information on financial aid and scholarships, campus preview days, ACT dates, career days, job market information and much more. This is a helpful publication for parents to read as well. It is posted on our school website under school counseling. EDUCATION FAIR - Juniors will have the opportunity to attend the Wisconsin Education Fair at UW-Platteville on October 4, 2012. This is an assembly of over 80 representatives from four-year colleges or universities, technical colleges and military personnel. It is a great opportunity for our juniors to gather information and ask questions about postsecondary options. A great deal of important, timely and updated information can be obtained at a point in time when this type of information is very valuable. ASVAB OR PSAT? - Juniors will register to take one of the two careerplanning assessments required by our school counseling department. The PSAT will be administered on October 17, 2012. This is a four-year, college-bound test that compares a student’s math and verbal ability to other college-bound juniors in the nation. This assessment also prepares students for other college entrance exams, provides them with an estimated SAT score as well as qualifies them for a national scholarship. The ASVAB will be administered on October 24, 2012. This is an instrument that measures a student’s aptitude in verbal, math, word knowledge, general science, mechanical operations, electronics, numerical operations and coding speed. With the results, the student’s will be able to cross reference their abilities and interests with careers. This instrument can also be used for military entrance requirements if wanted by the student. Informational Websites on River Ridge Schools www.greatschools.org www.dpi.wi.gov Click on Wisconsin Information Network for Successful Schools (WINNS) link located on the right side of screen. Timberwolf News River Ridge Athletics Page 7 Classes of 2026 by Jill Faurote by Wade Winkers The school year is rolling along and we are halfway through the fall sports season. If you have yet to attend an event, try and get out and see all of the great action while it is still going on. All of the coaches and athletes appreciate the encouragement they receive from the River Ridge fans. If you haven’t had the opportunity to see an event, your chances are running out to attend a home game. The volleyball team has their final home game of the regular season on October 4 versus Benton for Senior Night. The tournament series will start on October 16 against an opponent to be determined. The football team finished up its regular season home games in September, so if you missed a home game you will need to hit the road the first two Fridays of October. River Ridge School District welcomes the classes of 2026! Pictured are the 4K classes for this school year. The mandatory cocurricular meeting in August was well represented, but not all individuals were present. Please make a note that it is always the first Monday evening in August, so in future years you can attend this necessary requirement for cocurriculars. If you missed the meeting, you will need to schedule an appointment in the office. This must take place at school and both the parent and participant need to be present. There are many requirements that a student athlete must meet before they participate, so they need to be sure all items are taken care of. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to call me at school or find me at any home sporting event. Please continue to support River Ridge athletics in a positive manner throughout the school year as they continue to provide exciting competition. GO TIMBERWOLVES! Thank You to River Ridge Community by Lisa Clark The Student Council would like to thank the River Ridge community for taking part in all of the homecoming activities this year to make homecoming such a big success. Page 8 Timberwolf News *#0-17 !" # $ dŚĂŶŬƐƚŽŐĞŶĞƌŽƵƐĚŽŶĂƚŝŽŶƐĨƌŽŵZŝǀĞƌZŝĚŐĞĐƚŝǀĞWĂƌĞŶƚƐ;ZZWͿ͕^ƚƵĚĞŶƚŽƵŶĐŝůĂŶĚEĂƚŝŽŶĂů ,ŽŶŽƌ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJĂŶ&ƵŶĚ͕ƚŚĞZŝǀĞƌZŝĚŐĞůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJƉŚLJƐŝĐĂůĞĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶƉƌŽŐƌĂŵǁĂƐĂďůĞƚŽƉƵƌĐŚĂƐĞ ĂŶĚŝŶƐƚĂůůĂLJŽƵƚŚĐůŝŵďŝŶŐǁĂůůŝŶƚŚĞĞůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJŐLJŵ͘ dŚĞĐůŝŵďŝŶŐǁĂůůŚĂƐďĞĞŶĂŐƌĞĂƚĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶƚŽǁĞĞŬůLJƉŚLJƐŝĐĂůĞĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶĂĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐĂŶĚƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐŚĂǀĞ ĂůƌĞĂĚLJĞŶũŽLJĞĚƵƐŝŶŐŝƚŝŶƚŚĞďĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐĚĂLJƐŽĨƐĐŚŽŽů͘dŚĞĐůŝŵďŝŶŐǁĂůůŝƐϴĨĞĞƚŚŝŐŚĂŶĚϮϰĨĞĞƚůŽŶŐ ǁŝƚŚĂĚũƵƐƚĂďůĞĨŽŽƚͬŚĂŶĚŚŽůĚƐƚŽŵĂŬĞƚŚŽƵƐĂŶĚƐŽĨĐŽŵďŝŶĂƚŝŽŶƐŽĨĐůŝŵďŝŶŐƌŽƵƚĞƐ͘ dŚĞĂĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐĚŽŶĞŽŶƚŚĞĐůŝŵďŝŶŐǁĂůůƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĂĨƵŶǁĂLJĨŽƌƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐƚŽďƵŝůĚŵƵƐĐƵůĂƌƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚ͕ ĞŶĚƵƌĂŶĐĞ͕ďĂůĂŶĐĞ͕ƐĞůĨͲĐŽŶĨŝĚĞŶĐĞ͕ƚĞĂŵǁŽƌŬƐŬŝůůƐĂŶĚĐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞƚŚĞŵƐĞůǀĞƐ͘ dŚĂŶŬƐĂŐĂŝŶƚŽƚŚĞŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶƐƚŚĂƚƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚĚŽŶĂƚŝŽŶƐ͘tŝƚŚŽƵƚLJŽƵƌĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚŝŽŶƐ͕ƚŚŝƐĂĐƚŝǀŝƚLJ ǁŽƵůĚŶŽƚďĞƉŽƐƐŝďůĞĨŽƌŽƵƌƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ͘ůƐŽ͕ƐƉĞĐŝĂůƚŚĂŶŬƐƚŽƌƚůƵďƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ:ŽƌĚLJŶ>ĂƵĨĞŶďĞƌŐĂŶĚ ĚĚŝƐŽŶDƵŵŵĨŽƌǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌŝŶŐƚŚĞŝƌƚŝŵĞƚŽŚĞůƉƉĂŝŶƚƚŚĞĐůŝŵďŝŶŐǁĂůůŵƵƌĂůŽŶĂ,KdƵŐƵƐƚĚĂLJ͊ Timberwolf News Students Reach New Heights in Elementary Physical Education Page 9 Missoula Theatre Performance by Jan Block by Stephanie Fencl Extra! Extra! Big news from the Wildwood! The mystery is solved! Hansel and Gretel return safely from their perilous adventure deep in the woods and bring with them the age-old secret of the Wildwood Witch! Don’t miss a moment as the truth is revealed. It’s amazing. It’s shocking. And, it is very funny! The Missoula Children’s Theatre and over 50 local students will perform Hansel and Gretel on Saturday, October 20, 2012, at River Ridge High School with performances at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. This production is part of the Missoula Children’s Theatre’s unique international touring project and is presented locally by the River Ridge School District. Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students. Tickets are available at the door and doors open at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. For more information, contact Jan Block at River Ridge Schools at (608) 994-2715. Thank You River Ridge would like to thank the following organizations for their donations to the school district: Grant County Thrift Shop - $150.00 to be used for school supplies, fees, clothing, snacks, etc. for needy students. PHX - $500.00 donation toward the fitness trail project. Target Take Charge of Education - $185.40 for River Ridge High School to use for whatever the school needs. Target Take Charge of Education - $34.59 for River Ridge Elementary School to use for whatever the school needs. Target Take Charge of Education - $49.39 for River Ridge Middle School to use for whatever the school needs. RRAP - $1878.06 donation toward the fitness trail project. Wal-Mart Foundation - $3500.00 Local Giving Grant for phy ed to use to purchase snow shoes to use on and around fitness trail. Page 10 · · · · · · · · · Timberwolf News Timberwolf News Page 11 Meagan Herrick Attends Wisconsin Leadership Seminar by Caron Townsend River Ridge School District is Collecting These Items by Lisa Clark Meagan Herrick, daughter of Brendan and Elizabeth Herrick of Mt. Hope, attended the Wisconsin Leadership Conference this past summer at Carroll College. 1. WILS is a three-day leadership seminar for outstanding high school sophomores in the state of Wisconsin. Meagan was chosen last spring by the River Ridge High School staff for her demonstration of leadership potential as well as her service to our school and community. WILS is a high-energy weekend consisting of team-building activities, motivational speakers, community service, a college fair and panel discussions with leaders from various industries. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Meagan is a junior at River Ridge this year and has been actively involved in Friends Helping Friends, Student Council, basketball, track and is vice president of her class. In addition to all of her activities, she has earned high academic honors. Homecoming Grill Out by Caron Townsend 8. 9. 10. 11. Campbell’s Labels (UPC Label only) Box tops Prairie Farms milk caps Pop tabs from the tops of cans (this helps family’s stay at the Ronald McDonald House) Moolah milk labels/Donuts to Dough (Kwik Trip/Kwik Star) Capri Sun pouches - no straws please Kemps will only take until Oct. 26 - this program is ending Land O’Lakes caps Malt O’Meal Cereal bags (need the whole bag) Sunny D (UPC only) Country Hearth (UPC Label) – loaves4learning When turning the collectables in, please consider that I have to separate and count each thing. Please have them separated for me as that will help me tremendously. When Capri Sun pouches are with other items, like box tops or labels, they get wet and I have to throw them away. There are drop off bins in the office and outside Mrs. Clark’s classroom door. You may also turn them into the middle school office and I will receive them. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 9942715. The staff and students of River Ridge thank you for your support. The National Honor Society homecoming grill out was a big success. The rainy weather brought in many people for a warm brat and burger. The money earned from this fundraiser will go towards scholarships, National Education Week and other NHS activities. Thank you to the Bloomington Fire Department for the use of their building, Sloan Implement for donating plates and napkins, Joe Devlin and Joe Schulte for grilling and to all of you who stopped in and supported us. Page 12 Timberwolf News Homecoming 2012 Timberwolf News Page 13 River Ridge Homecoming Week by Michelle Quick Celebration of homecoming activities took place at River Ridge High School the week of September 17 to the 21. The theme for homecoming was “Carnival” and the football game was against Cassville. We had a great kick-off of the new fitness trail on Wednesday evening followed by powder puff football, fireworks and a bonfire. A huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Stephanie Fencl and Mr. Adam Guthrie for officiating the powder puff game. Thank you also to Langmeier Lumber for donating wood for the bonfire and the Bloomington and Patch Grove fire departments for having trucks at the school during the fireworks and bonfire. Winners of the plunger/scooter races were juniors Corey Jelinek, Cordt Esser, Meagan Herrick, Isaac Mumm and Sarah Floyd. Thursday afternoon was a fun-filled day for high school students with relay races, including a donut eating contest, plunger scooter races and other class competitions. Skit night was a big hit as usual with the homecoming court being presented. Homecoming court members were freshman Samantha Steiger, daughter of Dan and Kelly Steiger, escorted by senior Jeremy Cliff, son of Bruce and Judy Cliff; Sophomore Emma Mergen, daughter of Tim Mergen and Pam Mergen, escorted by Joel Mezera, son of Theresa Mezera and Scott Mezera; junior Lydia Baus daughter of Selina Baus and Dennis LaMere, escorted by Trevor Langmeier, son of Tom and Dianne Langmeier; senior Leah Winkers, daughter of Scott Winkers and Julie Vandeltei, escorted by Mitch Cooley, son of Jon and Betty Cooley. The homecoming king was Logan Irish, son of Tom and Lori Irish, escorting the homecoming queen, Addison Mumm, daughter of Mark and Emilie Mumm. Friday was the homecoming parade with Grand Marshalls being Jason and Jennifer Cathman and featuring the River Ridge and Cassville bands. That evening was the homecoming game which included the presentation of the Spirit Plaque to the Class of 2013, recognition of the homecoming court, performance by the dancers and the first annual mattress races hosted by River Ridge Student Council. Thank you to the following organizations that participated in these races: River Ridge High School Student Council, River Ridge School Board, FFA and Biology Club. Homecoming week was wrapped up with a dance on Saturday evening for the high school students to attend and enjoy. Thank you to all of the businesses for their support and encouragement during homecoming week. A huge thank you goes out to the River Ridge High School Student Council members as they put in a lot of work to make this week AWESOME! Also, thank you to the River Ridge student body for participating in this week of fun. Businesses that donated prizes for homecoming week included Culver’s of Prairie du Chien, Prairie Fitness, Sports World, Prairie Motor Sports, Papa Murphy’s, Star Cinema, Pizza Hut, New Horizons in Patch Grove and Prairie du Chien Country Club. Shopping cart float sponsors included Dairyland Seed, Spring Valley Meats, Roy’s Concrete, Clark View Farms, Luck O’ the Irish, Ron’s Special Deals, Jellystone, Brenda’s Beauty Bar, South Ridge Trucking, Peoples State Bank, Jim Crubel’s Small Engine Repair, Bloomington Meats, and Shelf Reliance. Page 14 Timberwolf News Timberwolf News Page 15 Page 16 Timberwolf News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imberwolf News Page 17 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING OF THE RIVER RIDGE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE RIVER RIDGE SCHOOL DISTRICT, GRANT COUNTY, WISCONSIN: September 12, 2012 The Regular Meeting of the River Ridge Board of Education was called to order by President Bill Mergen on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Karla Irish, Tish Burmeister, Kerri Schier, Lea Breuer, Chad Breuer and Bill Mergen. Also present were District Administrator Lee Pritzl, Business Manager Carol Harris, Principal Rod Lewis, several staff members and Student Council representatives. Bob Mathre was absent at roll call but arrived at 6:31 p.m. Lea Breuer presented proof of posting showing notice of the meeting posted on September 11, 2012, at 3:20 p.m. at the River Ridge High School and Middle School and the post offices in Bagley, Bloomington, Glen Haven, Mt. Hope and Patch Grove. There were no appearances before the board for agenda item IV. The motion was made by Tish Burmeister and seconded by Karla Irish to approve the August 8, 2012, Regular Meeting Minutes. On a voice vote, the motion carried. The following General Fund expenditures were reviewed: C.E.S.A #3, 8,077.00; Carol Harris, 22.48; Rodney Lewis, 220.00; Deb Martin, 63.62; Kory Stalsberg, 282.15; Ahrens Foundation Inc, 3,824.94; Alliant Energy/WPL, 20.29; B.L. Murray Inc, 158.40; C.D.W Gov- ernment Inc, 1,325.80; C.E.S.A #3, 211.59; C.E.S.A. #6, 1,675.00; Capstone Press Inc 740.58; Dependable Electric, 1,250.00; Dependable Solutions Inc, 4,969.06; Dept of Health Services, 440.00; Dyer Communication Systems,196.94; E.M.C. Insurance Companies, 10,466.25; Economy Feed Mill LLC, 194.60; G.F.C. Leasing, 40.68; Gordon Flesch Company Inc, 234.90; H&N Plumbing and Heating Inc, 5,000.00; Higley Industries Inc, 2,171.83; Infomart Inc, 8.00; Kepharts Music Center Inc, 417.60; LBS Automotive Services LLC, 18.20; Ma’s Bakery, 28.00; Office Depot, 72.53; Price Equipment Sales Inc, 110.10; Reynolds Electric, 1,460.00; River Ridge HS Pupil Act., 216.70; School Specialty Inc, 614.32; Shared Purchasing Solutions, 200.00; Shiffler Equip Sales, 85.53; T.D.S. Telecom Inc, 1,305.49; Tierney Brothers Inc, 432.51; Town & Country Sanitation, 425.00; W.A.R.C.O Transportation, 2,820.99; W.A.S.D.A., 245.00; W.H.V. Inc, 1,428.79; W.S.H.A., 95.00; WE Energies, 174.84; Wisconsin FFA Center, 350.00; Zip Print, 397.50; Dennis Baumann, 90.00; Tory Byers, 55.00; Dan Kerkenbush, 55.00; Tracy Krueger, 55.00; Lancaster School District, 100.00; Prairie Du Chien Schools, 50.00; Andy Reichers,55.00; A.F.L.A.C., 28.10; A.F.L.A.C. Group, 270.34; Capital Bank & Trust, 80.00; Citizens Bank, 6,295.18; Clare Bank, 315.00; Edward Jones Investments, 100.00; Employee Flexible Benefit Account, 67.50; Employee Insurance Fund, 16,379.21; Horace Mann Companies, 18.90; Horace Mann Life Ins Company, 365.72; Minnesota Life Ins Co, 443.43; Wisconsin Dept of Revenue, 1,231.14; Jeffery Clausen, 80.00; D.W. D-U.I, 336.00; Brian Slaght, 70.00; Diane Yager, 105.00; A.T.&T., 28.23; A.W.S.A., 750.00; Alliant Energy/ WPL, 3,962.14; Amazon/GECRB, 14.58; Bloomington Stop & Go, 208.73; Jeffery Clausen, 55.00; D.W.D.-U.I., 752.71; G.F.C. Leasing, 40.68; Gordon Flesch Company Inc, 497.32; Hermsens Home Center, 467.23; Infomart Inc, 79.00; Johnson Block & Company Inc, 3,600.00; Duane Kartman, 55.00; Gary Keeney, 45.00; Langmeier Lumber Inc, 127.04; Michael Leard, 45.00; Ellen Martin, 200.00; Monticello School District, 135.00; New Horizons Supply Co-op, 268.08; Pitney Bowes Corp, 359.10; Prairie Du Chien Schools, 50.00; Scott Ringgenberg, 55.00; River Ridge Petty Cash, 4.27; River Ridge Special Checking, 109.00; Jamie Rodenburg, 45.00; Terry Schrobilgen, 90.00; Daniel Sedgwick, 50.00; Ronald Sedgwick, 45.00; Brian Slaght, 65.00; Sloan Implement, 2.86; Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, 148.08; Brenda Timmerman, 200.00; Michael Trautsch, 45.00; U.S. Cellular, 227.09; W.A.S.D.A., 1, 366.00; Wal-Mart Community, 717.24; Kimberly White, 200.00; Darin Wilken, 55.00; Charlie Zahn, 45.00; Capital Bank & Trust, 80.00; Citizens Bank, 7,041.94; Clare Bank, 335.00; Edward Jones Investments, 100.00; Employee Flexible Benefit Account, 80.50; Employee Insur- Page 18 ance Fund, 98.46; Horace Mann Life Ins Company, 365.72; Madison National Life, 333.01; National Insurance Co of WI, 210.21; Wisconsin Dept of Revenue, 1,395.16; Wisconsin Retirement System, 6,177.26. The following General Fund revenues were reviewed: State of Wisconsin, 15,260.31; State of Wisconsin, 150.29; River Ridge Athletic Boosters, 700.00; West End Salvage, 74.64; County of Grant, 996,696.13; County of Grant, 150.00; State of Wisconsin, 10,671.58; PHX,500.00; R.R.A.P.T., 1,878.06; Wal-Mart Foundation, 3,500.00; Target, 219.99; Citizens Bank, 14.87; Citizens Bank, 20.15; Anchor Bank, 12.72; M&I Bank, .91; Peoples State Bank, 8.93. The following Insurance Fund expenditures were reviewed: Benefit Plan Administrators, 105,401.61; Benefit Plan Administrators, 1,188.67; Benefit Plan Administrators ,8,144.58; Benefit Plan Administrators, 108,132.56; Benefit Plan Administrators, 71.040.78; Benefit Plan Administrators, 3,362.26; Benefit Plan Administrators, 6,482.87. The following Insurance Fund revenues were reviewed: River Ridge School District,785.58; Lorraine Bartels, 284.00; David Breuer, 1,771.00; Judy Carlson, 3,780.00; Sandra Hagemann, 1,855.68; Linda Havemeier,868.00; Sandra Johnson, 200.00; Barbara O’Leary, 34.00; Judith Taylor,88.00; River Ridge School District, 119,802.56; Lisa Breuer, 732.31; Judith Taylor, 96.00; Joe Devlin, 463.92; River Ridge School District, 5,111.52; Benefit Plan Administrators, 138.56; Benefit Plan Administrators, 38.27; Peoples State Bank, 12.96; Clare Bank,14.78. Timberwolf News The following Debt Fund revenues plan vendor) donated $500 to be were reviewed: Peoples State used toward the fitness trail project. Bank, 4.62. 3. Target Take Charge of Education donated $185.40 to the River The following Scholarship Fund rev- Ridge High School to use for whatenues were reviewed: Peoples State ever items the school needs. 4. Target Take Charge of EducaBank, 20.21; Citizens Bank, 4.31. tion donated $34.59 to the River The motion was made by Lea Breu- Ridge Elementary School to use for er and seconded by Chad Breuer to whatever items the school needs. 5. Target Take Charge of Educaapprove Item VI - Consent Agenda, tion donated $49.39 to the River which included the following: • The Buildings and Grounds re- Ridge Middle School to use for port was presented by committee whatever items the school needs. 6. RRAP donated $1,878.06 tomember Chad Breuer. Chad Breuer stated that the committee had toured ward the fitness trail project. 7. Wal-Mart Foundation donated the elementary/high school location. They discussed the boiler project/ $3,500 from the Local Giving Grant repairs that need to be completed to be used by the physical education at the middle school, and they also department toward the purchase of snow shoes to use on and around the indicated that the bathrooms at the fitness trail. Special thanks to Stephmiddle school were complete. anie Fencl who wrote the grant. • The Finance Committee report • The employment resignations of was presented by committee memAdam Guthrie as head wrestling ber Tish Burmeister. Tish reported coach, Trinity Breuer as special that the Finance Committee had education aide and Susan Gordan as met to review the monthly budget special education aide. and cash reconciliation presented • The employment recommendaby Carol Harris. Tish also reported tions of Kimberly Giese as a ½ time that the Finance Committee was elementary teacher, Angela Esser concerned with the current balance as a special education aide, Lynn in the insurance fund. The insur- Schreiber as a ½ time regular eduance fund normally has a balance cation aide, Garth Osterday as the of between $250,000 and $300,000. National Honor Society advisor, As of 8/31/2012, the balance of the Nicole Schonhoff as the middle insurance fund was $5,487. Carol school Student Council advisor, and Harris has indicated that the amount Tammy Tippery-Stovey as a special of claims coming in during the month education teacher. of August was very high. Tish Bur- • The approval of the graduation meister also presented the List of date and time of Sunday, May 26, gifts and grants to be accepted by the 2013, at 12:00 p.m. On a voice board that included the following: vote, the motion carried. 1. The Grant County Thrift Shop donated $150 to use for school sup- The motion was made by Tish plies, fees, clothing, snacks, etc. for Burmeister and seconded by Chad needy students. Breuer to reorganize the agenda to 2. PHX (self-funded insurance move Item VIII A – Homecoming Timberwolf News Week Schedule before Item VII - There was no action taken on Item Reports. On a voice vote, the mo- VII – Reports. Mr. Pritzl informed the board that he will be asking the tion carried. staff to complete a survey regarding Mrs. Lisa Clark, Student Council their thoughts on how to pay event advisor, and Meagan Herrick and workers. Mr. Pritzl is open to the Addison Mumm, Student Coun- possibility of making this opportucil representatives, presented the nity available to all staff members, schedule for homecoming week not just the teaching staff. After Mr. events. The students will kickoff Pritzl receives the results of the surtheir homecoming week festivities vey, he hopes to have a recommenon Monday, September 17. The dation at the next regular meeting students will participate in various regarding how staff should be comtheme dress-up days, contests, pow- pensated for their time working at der puff football, and skit night fes- school district contests and events. tivities throughout the week. The homecoming parade and football Bob Mathre arrived at 6:31 p.m. game will be held on Friday. A special event on Wednesday, September The upcoming board meeting sched19, will be a “Fitness Trail Kickoff” ule is as follows: from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. The “Kick- • The Buildings and Grounds Comoff” will be followed by the powder- mittee will meet at 12:30 p.m. on puff football games, a bonfire and Monday, September 17. fireworks. The whole community • A Curriculum Committee meeting is invited to attend. The Student may be scheduled for sometime in Council is also looking for more pa- November. rade entries. The board thanked the • The Finance Committee will meet representatives and Mrs. Clark for at 5:30 on September 25 and prior to the October regular board meettheir impressive presentation. Page 19 ing on October 10, at 5:15 p.m. • A Policy Committee meeting may be scheduled for late October or early November. • A Tech Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 24, at 7:30 a.m. • The October Regular Board meeting will be Wednesday, October 10, at 6:00 p.m. • The Annual Meeting is scheduled for October 29 at 7:00 p.m. with a special meeting to follow in order to set the levy. The motion was made by Kerri Schier and seconded by Tish Burmeister to adjourn. On a voice vote, the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m. River Ridge School District 11165 County Highway P Patch Grove, WI 53817 Bulk Rate U. S. Postage Paid Patch Grove, WI Permit No. 1 River Ridge School District - Educating Tomorrow’s Future Administration Board of Education Lee Pritzl - District Administrator ......................994-2715 Ext. 100 Lee Pritzl - Elementary School Principal.............994-2715 Ext. 100 Rodney Lewis - Middle/High School Principal ...994-2715 Ext. 103 Carol Harris - Business Manager .........................994-2715 Ext. 104 Other Contacts William Mergen - President ................... 988-4580 Chad Breuer - Vice President ................. 994-2545 Lea Breuer - Clerk ................................. 994-2487 Tish Burmeister - Treasurer ................... 994-3866 Kerri Schier - Member ........................... 996-2242 Karla Irish - Member ............................. 996-2112 Robert Mathre - Member ....................... 994-2019 Amy Mezera - Psychologist .................................994-2715 Ext. 107 Wade Winkers - Athletic Director ........................994-2715 Ext. 114 Technology Coordinator ......................................994-2715 Ext. 130 Office Hours Middle School - Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Elementary/High School - Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.